#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ux # # Check that with no filters set, all of these modules run as expected # ANSIBLE_CONFIG=no_filters.ini ansible-playbook copy.yml -i ../../inventory -vvv "$@" if test $? != 0 ; then echo "### Failed to run copy with no filters applied" exit 1 fi ANSIBLE_CONFIG=no_filters.ini ansible-playbook pause.yml -i ../../inventory -vvv "$@" if test $? != 0 ; then echo "### Failed to run pause with no filters applied" exit 1 fi ANSIBLE_CONFIG=no_filters.ini ansible-playbook tempfile.yml -i ../../inventory -vvv "$@" if test $? != 0 ; then echo "### Failed to run tempfile with no filters applied" exit 1 fi # # Check that if no modules are blacklisted then Ansible should not through traceback # ANSIBLE_CONFIG=no_blacklist_module.ini ansible-playbook tempfile.yml -i ../../inventory -vvv "$@" if test $? != 0 ; then echo "### Failed to run tempfile with no modules blacklisted" exit 1 fi # # Check that with these modules filtered out, all of these modules fail to be found # ANSIBLE_CONFIG=filter_modules.ini ansible-playbook copy.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" if test $? = 0 ; then echo "### Failed to prevent copy from running" exit 1 else echo "### Copy was prevented from running as expected" fi ANSIBLE_CONFIG=filter_modules.ini ansible-playbook pause.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" if test $? = 0 ; then echo "### Failed to prevent pause from running" exit 1 else echo "### pause was prevented from running as expected" fi ANSIBLE_CONFIG=filter_modules.ini ansible-playbook tempfile.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" if test $? = 0 ; then echo "### Failed to prevent tempfile from running" exit 1 else echo "### tempfile was prevented from running as expected" fi # # ping is a special module as we test for its existence. Check it specially # # Check that ping runs with no filter ANSIBLE_CONFIG=no_filters.ini ansible-playbook ping.yml -i ../../inventory -vvv "$@" if test $? != 0 ; then echo "### Failed to run ping with no filters applied" exit 1 fi # Check that other modules run with ping filtered ANSIBLE_CONFIG=filter_ping.ini ansible-playbook copy.yml -i ../../inventory -vvv "$@" if test $? != 0 ; then echo "### Failed to run copy when a filter was applied to ping" exit 1 fi # Check that ping fails to run when it is filtered ANSIBLE_CONFIG=filter_ping.ini ansible-playbook ping.yml -i ../../inventory -v "$@" if test $? = 0 ; then echo "### Failed to prevent ping from running" exit 1 else echo "### Ping was prevented from running as expected" fi # # Check that specifying a lookup plugin in the filter has no effect # ANSIBLE_CONFIG=filter_lookup.ini ansible-playbook lookup.yml -i ../../inventory -vvv "$@" if test $? != 0 ; then echo "### Failed to use a lookup plugin when it is incorrectly specified in the *module* blacklist" exit 1 fi # # stat is a special module as we use it to run nearly every other module. Check it specially # # Check that stat runs with no filter ANSIBLE_CONFIG=no_filters.ini ansible-playbook stat.yml -i ../../inventory -vvv "$@" if test $? != 0 ; then echo "### Failed to run stat with no filters applied" exit 1 fi # Check that running another module when stat is filtered gives us our custom error message ANSIBLE_CONFIG=filter_stat.ini export ANSIBLE_CONFIG CAPTURE=$(ansible-playbook copy.yml -i ../../inventory -vvv "$@" 2>&1) if test $? = 0 ; then echo "### Copy ran even though stat is in the module blacklist" exit 1 else echo "$CAPTURE" | grep 'The stat module was specified in the module blacklist file,.*, but Ansible will not function without the stat module. Please remove stat from the blacklist.' if test $? != 0 ; then echo "### Stat did not give us our custom error message" exit 1 fi echo "### Filtering stat failed with our custom error message as expected" fi unset ANSIBLE_CONFIG # Check that running stat when stat is filtered gives our custom error message ANSIBLE_CONFIG=filter_stat.ini export ANSIBLE_CONFIG CAPTURE=$(ansible-playbook stat.yml -i ../../inventory -vvv "$@" 2>&1) if test $? = 0 ; then echo "### Stat ran even though it is in the module blacklist" exit 1 else echo "$CAPTURE" | grep 'The stat module was specified in the module blacklist file,.*, but Ansible will not function without the stat module. Please remove stat from the blacklist.' if test $? != 0 ; then echo "### Stat did not give us our custom error message" exit 1 fi echo "### Filtering stat failed with our custom error message as expected" fi unset ANSIBLE_CONFIG