# Server 2008 R2 uses a 3rd party program to foward the ports and it may # not be ready straight away, we give it at least 5 minutes before # conceding defeat - name: Windows - make sure the port forwarder is active win_wait_for: host: ansible.http.tests port: 80 state: started timeout: 300 - name: Windows - Get client cert/key win_get_url: url: http://ansible.http.tests/{{ item }} dest: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\{{ item }}' register: win_download # Server 2008 R2 is slightly slower, we attempt 5 retries retries: 5 until: win_download is successful with_items: - client.pem - client.key - name: Windows - Retrieve test cacert win_get_url: url: http://ansible.http.tests/cacert.pem dest: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\cacert.pem' - name: Windows - Update ca trust win_certificate_store: path: '{{ remote_tmp_dir }}\cacert.pem' state: present store_location: LocalMachine store_name: Root