- name: create our unarchive destination file: path: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/test-unarchive-nonascii-くらとみ-tar-gz" state: directory - name: test that unarchive works with an archive that contains non-ascii filenames unarchive: # Both the filename of the tarball and the filename inside the tarball have # nonascii chars src: "test-unarchive-nonascii-くらとみ.tar.gz" dest: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/test-unarchive-nonascii-くらとみ-tar-gz" mode: "u+rwX,go+rX" remote_src: no register: nonascii_result0 - name: Check that file is really there stat: path: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/test-unarchive-nonascii-くらとみ-tar-gz/storage/àâæçéèïîôœ(copy)!@#$%^&-().jpg" register: nonascii_stat0 - name: Assert that nonascii tests succeeded assert: that: - "nonascii_result0.changed == true" - "nonascii_stat0.stat.exists == true" - name: remove nonascii test file: path: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/test-unarchive-nonascii-くらとみ-tar-gz" state: absent - name: test non-ascii with different LC_ALL block: - name: create our unarchive destination file: path: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/test-unarchive-nonascii-くらとみ-tar-gz" state: directory - name: test that unarchive works with an archive that contains non-ascii filenames unarchive: # Both the filename of the tarball and the filename inside the tarball have # nonascii chars src: "test-unarchive-nonascii-くらとみ.tar.gz" dest: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/test-unarchive-nonascii-くらとみ-tar-gz" mode: "u+rwX,go+rX" remote_src: no register: nonascii_result0 - name: Check that file is really there stat: path: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/test-unarchive-nonascii-くらとみ-tar-gz/storage/àâæçéèïîôœ(copy)!@#$%^&-().jpg" register: nonascii_stat0 - name: Assert that nonascii tests succeeded assert: that: - "nonascii_result0.changed == true" - "nonascii_stat0.stat.exists == true" - name: remove nonascii test file: path: "{{ remote_tmp_dir }}/test-unarchive-nonascii-くらとみ-tar-gz" state: absent environment: LC_ALL: C