# Only do this whole file when the "zstd" executable is present - when: - zstd_available.rc == 0 - gnu_tar.stdout != "" block: - name: create our tar.zst unarchive destination file: path: '{{remote_tmp_dir}}/test-unarchive-tar-zst' state: directory - name: unarchive a tar.zst file unarchive: src: '{{remote_tmp_dir}}/test-unarchive.tar.zst' dest: '{{remote_tmp_dir}}/test-unarchive-tar-zst' remote_src: yes register: unarchive02 - name: verify that the file was marked as changed assert: that: - "unarchive02.changed == true" # Verify that no file list is generated - "'files' not in unarchive02" - name: verify that the file was unarchived file: path: '{{remote_tmp_dir}}/test-unarchive-tar-zst/foo-unarchive.txt' state: file - name: remove our tar.zst unarchive destination file: path: '{{remote_tmp_dir}}/test-unarchive-tar-zst' state: absent - name: test owner/group perms include_tasks: test_owner_group.yml vars: ext: tar.zst archive: test-unarchive.tar.zst testfile: foo-unarchive.txt