- name: call old WANTS_JSON module legacy_only_old_way: register: old_way - assert: that: - old_way.data == 'success' - name: call module with only legacy requires legacy_only_new_way: register: new_way - assert: that: - new_way.data == 'success' - name: call old WANTS_JSON module with windows line endings legacy_only_old_way_win_line_ending: register: old_way_win - assert: that: - old_way_win.data == 'success' - name: call module with only legacy requires and windows line endings legacy_only_new_way_win_line_ending: register: new_way_win - assert: that: - new_way_win.data == 'success' - name: call module with local module_utils uses_local_utils: register: local_utils - assert: that: - local_utils.data == "ValueFromCustomFunction" - name: call module that imports bogus Ansible-named module_utils uses_bogus_utils: ignore_errors: true register: bogus_utils - assert: that: - bogus_utils is failed - bogus_utils.msg is search("Could not find") - name: call module that imports module_utils with further imports recursive_requires: register: recursive_requires vars: # Our coverage runner does not work with recursive required. This is a limitation on PowerShell so we need to # disable coverage for this task _ansible_coverage_remote_output: '' - assert: that: - 'recursive_requires.value == "Get-Test3: 2: Get-Test2, 1: Get-Test1, 3: Get-NewTest3"' - name: call module with C# reference csharp_util: register: csharp_res - name: assert call module with C# reference assert: that: - not csharp_res is failed - csharp_res.res == '{"a":"a","b":1}'