"""Sanity test for ansible-doc.""" from __future__ import annotations import collections import os import re from . import ( DOCUMENTABLE_PLUGINS, SanitySingleVersion, SanityFailure, SanitySuccess, SanityTargets, SanityMessage, ) from ...test import ( TestResult, ) from ...target import ( TestTarget, ) from ...util import ( SubprocessError, display, is_subdir, ) from ...ansible_util import ( ansible_environment, intercept_python, ) from ...config import ( SanityConfig, ) from ...data import ( data_context, ) from ...host_configs import ( PythonConfig, ) class AnsibleDocTest(SanitySingleVersion): """Sanity test for ansible-doc.""" def filter_targets(self, targets: list[TestTarget]) -> list[TestTarget]: """Return the given list of test targets, filtered to include only those relevant for the test.""" plugin_paths = [plugin_path for plugin_type, plugin_path in data_context().content.plugin_paths.items() if plugin_type in DOCUMENTABLE_PLUGINS] return [target for target in targets if os.path.splitext(target.path)[1] == '.py' and os.path.basename(target.path) != '__init__.py' and any(is_subdir(target.path, path) for path in plugin_paths) ] def test(self, args: SanityConfig, targets: SanityTargets, python: PythonConfig) -> TestResult: settings = self.load_processor(args) paths = [target.path for target in targets.include] doc_targets: dict[str, list[str]] = collections.defaultdict(list) remap_types = dict( modules='module', ) for plugin_type, plugin_path in data_context().content.plugin_paths.items(): plugin_type = remap_types.get(plugin_type, plugin_type) for plugin_file_path in [target.name for target in targets.include if is_subdir(target.path, plugin_path)]: plugin_parts = os.path.relpath(plugin_file_path, plugin_path).split(os.path.sep) plugin_name = os.path.splitext(plugin_parts[-1])[0] if plugin_name.startswith('_'): plugin_name = plugin_name[1:] plugin_fqcn = data_context().content.prefix + '.'.join(plugin_parts[:-1] + [plugin_name]) doc_targets[plugin_type].append(plugin_fqcn) env = ansible_environment(args, color=False) error_messages: list[SanityMessage] = [] for doc_type in sorted(doc_targets): for format_option in [None, '--json']: cmd = ['ansible-doc', '-t', doc_type] if format_option is not None: cmd.append(format_option) cmd.extend(sorted(doc_targets[doc_type])) try: stdout, stderr = intercept_python(args, python, cmd, env, capture=True) status = 0 except SubprocessError as ex: stdout = ex.stdout stderr = ex.stderr status = ex.status if status: summary = '%s' % SubprocessError(cmd=cmd, status=status, stderr=stderr) return SanityFailure(self.name, summary=summary) if stdout: display.info(stdout.strip(), verbosity=3) if stderr: # ignore removed module/plugin warnings stderr = re.sub(r'\[WARNING]: [^ ]+ [^ ]+ has been removed\n', '', stderr).strip() if stderr: summary = 'Output on stderr from ansible-doc is considered an error.\n\n%s' % SubprocessError(cmd, stderr=stderr) return SanityFailure(self.name, summary=summary) if args.explain: return SanitySuccess(self.name) error_messages = settings.process_errors(error_messages, paths) if error_messages: return SanityFailure(self.name, messages=error_messages) return SanitySuccess(self.name)