# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2015, Matt Martz # Copyright: (c) 2015, Rackspace US, Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import annotations import re from ansible.module_utils.compat.version import StrictVersion from functools import partial from urllib.parse import urlparse from voluptuous import ALLOW_EXTRA, PREVENT_EXTRA, All, Any, Invalid, Length, Required, Schema, Self, ValueInvalid, Exclusive from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import is_iterable from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import boolean from ansible.parsing.quoting import unquote from ansible.utils.version import SemanticVersion from ansible.release import __version__ from .utils import parse_isodate list_string_types = list(string_types) tuple_string_types = tuple(string_types) any_string_types = Any(*string_types) # Valid DOCUMENTATION.author lines # Based on Ansibulbot's extract_github_id() # author: First Last (@name) [optional anything] # "Ansible Core Team" - Used by the Bot # "Michael DeHaan" - nop # "OpenStack Ansible SIG" - OpenStack does not use GitHub # "Name (!UNKNOWN)" - For the few untraceable authors author_line = re.compile(r'^\w.*(\(@([\w-]+)\)|!UNKNOWN)(?![\w.])|^Ansible Core Team$|^Michael DeHaan$|^OpenStack Ansible SIG$') def _add_ansible_error_code(exception, error_code): setattr(exception, 'ansible_error_code', error_code) return exception def isodate(v, error_code=None): try: parse_isodate(v, allow_date=True) except ValueError as e: raise _add_ansible_error_code(Invalid(str(e)), error_code or 'ansible-invalid-date') return v COLLECTION_NAME_RE = re.compile(r'^\w+(?:\.\w+)+$') FULLY_QUALIFIED_COLLECTION_RESOURCE_RE = re.compile(r'^\w+(?:\.\w+){2,}$') def collection_name(v, error_code=None): if not isinstance(v, string_types): raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('Collection name must be a string'), error_code or 'collection-invalid-name') m = COLLECTION_NAME_RE.match(v) if not m: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('Collection name must be of format `.`'), error_code or 'collection-invalid-name') return v def deprecation_versions(): """Create a list of valid version for deprecation entries, current+4""" major, minor = [int(version) for version in __version__.split('.')[0:2]] return Any(*['{0}.{1}'.format(major, minor + increment) for increment in range(0, 5)]) def version(for_collection=False): if for_collection: # We do not accept floats for versions in collections return Any(*string_types) return Any(float, *string_types) def date(error_code=None): return Any(isodate, error_code=error_code) _MODULE = re.compile(r"\bM\(([^)]+)\)") _LINK = re.compile(r"\bL\(([^)]+)\)") _URL = re.compile(r"\bU\(([^)]+)\)") _REF = re.compile(r"\bR\(([^)]+)\)") def _check_module_link(directive, content): if not FULLY_QUALIFIED_COLLECTION_RESOURCE_RE.match(content): raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('Directive "%s" must contain a FQCN' % directive), 'invalid-documentation-markup') def _check_link(directive, content): if ',' not in content: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('Directive "%s" must contain a comma' % directive), 'invalid-documentation-markup') idx = content.rindex(',') title = content[:idx] url = content[idx + 1:].lstrip(' ') _check_url(directive, url) def _check_url(directive, content): try: parsed_url = urlparse(content) if parsed_url.scheme not in ('', 'http', 'https'): raise ValueError('Schema must be HTTP, HTTPS, or not specified') except ValueError as exc: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('Directive "%s" must contain an URL' % directive), 'invalid-documentation-markup') def _check_ref(directive, content): if ',' not in content: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('Directive "%s" must contain a comma' % directive), 'invalid-documentation-markup') def doc_string(v): """Match a documentation string.""" if not isinstance(v, string_types): raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('Must be a string'), 'invalid-documentation') for m in _MODULE.finditer(v): _check_module_link(m.group(0), m.group(1)) for m in _LINK.finditer(v): _check_link(m.group(0), m.group(1)) for m in _URL.finditer(v): _check_url(m.group(0), m.group(1)) for m in _REF.finditer(v): _check_ref(m.group(0), m.group(1)) return v def doc_string_or_strings(v): """Match a documentation string, or list of strings.""" if isinstance(v, string_types): return doc_string(v) if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): return [doc_string(vv) for vv in v] raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('Must be a string or list of strings'), 'invalid-documentation') def is_callable(v): if not callable(v): raise ValueInvalid('not a valid value') return v def sequence_of_sequences(min=None, max=None): return All( Any( None, [Any(list, tuple)], tuple([Any(list, tuple)]), ), Any( None, [Length(min=min, max=max)], tuple([Length(min=min, max=max)]), ), ) seealso_schema = Schema( [ Any( { Required('module'): Any(*string_types), 'description': doc_string, }, { Required('ref'): Any(*string_types), Required('description'): doc_string, }, { Required('name'): Any(*string_types), Required('link'): Any(*string_types), Required('description'): doc_string, }, ), ] ) argument_spec_types = ['bits', 'bool', 'bytes', 'dict', 'float', 'int', 'json', 'jsonarg', 'list', 'path', 'raw', 'sid', 'str'] argument_spec_modifiers = { 'mutually_exclusive': sequence_of_sequences(min=2), 'required_together': sequence_of_sequences(min=2), 'required_one_of': sequence_of_sequences(min=2), 'required_if': sequence_of_sequences(min=3, max=4), 'required_by': Schema({str: Any(list_string_types, tuple_string_types, *string_types)}), } def no_required_with_default(v): if v.get('default') and v.get('required'): raise Invalid('required=True cannot be supplied with a default') return v def elements_with_list(v): if v.get('elements') and v.get('type') != 'list': raise Invalid('type must be list to use elements') return v def options_with_apply_defaults(v): if v.get('apply_defaults') and not v.get('options'): raise Invalid('apply_defaults=True requires options to be set') return v def check_removal_version(v, version_field, collection_name_field, error_code='invalid-removal-version'): version = v.get(version_field) collection_name = v.get(collection_name_field) if not isinstance(version, string_types) or not isinstance(collection_name, string_types): # If they are not strings, schema validation will have already complained. return v if collection_name == 'ansible.builtin': try: parsed_version = StrictVersion() parsed_version.parse(version) except ValueError as exc: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('%s (%r) is not a valid ansible-core version: %s' % (version_field, version, exc)), error_code=error_code) return v try: parsed_version = SemanticVersion() parsed_version.parse(version) if parsed_version.major != 0 and (parsed_version.minor != 0 or parsed_version.patch != 0): raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('%s (%r) must be a major release, not a minor or patch release (see specification at ' 'https://semver.org/)' % (version_field, version)), error_code='removal-version-must-be-major') except ValueError as exc: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('%s (%r) is not a valid collection version (see specification at https://semver.org/): ' '%s' % (version_field, version, exc)), error_code=error_code) return v def option_deprecation(v): if v.get('removed_in_version') or v.get('removed_at_date'): if v.get('removed_in_version') and v.get('removed_at_date'): raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('Only one of removed_in_version and removed_at_date must be specified'), error_code='deprecation-either-date-or-version') if not v.get('removed_from_collection'): raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('If removed_in_version or removed_at_date is specified, ' 'removed_from_collection must be specified as well'), error_code='deprecation-collection-missing') check_removal_version(v, version_field='removed_in_version', collection_name_field='removed_from_collection', error_code='invalid-removal-version') return if v.get('removed_from_collection'): raise Invalid('removed_from_collection cannot be specified without either ' 'removed_in_version or removed_at_date') def argument_spec_schema(for_collection): any_string_types = Any(*string_types) schema = { any_string_types: { 'type': Any(is_callable, *argument_spec_types), 'elements': Any(*argument_spec_types), 'default': object, 'fallback': Any( (is_callable, list_string_types), [is_callable, list_string_types], ), 'choices': Any([object], (object,)), 'required': bool, 'no_log': bool, 'aliases': Any(list_string_types, tuple(list_string_types)), 'apply_defaults': bool, 'removed_in_version': version(for_collection), 'removed_at_date': date(), 'removed_from_collection': collection_name, 'options': Self, 'deprecated_aliases': Any([All( Any( { Required('name'): Any(*string_types), Required('date'): date(), Required('collection_name'): collection_name, }, { Required('name'): Any(*string_types), Required('version'): version(for_collection), Required('collection_name'): collection_name, }, ), partial(check_removal_version, version_field='version', collection_name_field='collection_name', error_code='invalid-removal-version') )]), } } schema[any_string_types].update(argument_spec_modifiers) schemas = All( schema, Schema({any_string_types: no_required_with_default}), Schema({any_string_types: elements_with_list}), Schema({any_string_types: options_with_apply_defaults}), Schema({any_string_types: option_deprecation}), ) return Schema(schemas) def ansible_module_kwargs_schema(module_name, for_collection): schema = { 'argument_spec': argument_spec_schema(for_collection), 'bypass_checks': bool, 'no_log': bool, 'check_invalid_arguments': Any(None, bool), 'add_file_common_args': bool, 'supports_check_mode': bool, } if module_name.endswith(('_info', '_facts')): del schema['supports_check_mode'] schema[Required('supports_check_mode')] = True schema.update(argument_spec_modifiers) return Schema(schema) json_value = Schema(Any( None, int, float, [Self], *(list({str_type: Self} for str_type in string_types) + list(string_types)) )) def version_added(v, error_code='version-added-invalid', accept_historical=False): if 'version_added' in v: version_added = v.get('version_added') if isinstance(version_added, string_types): # If it is not a string, schema validation will have already complained # - or we have a float and we are in ansible/ansible, in which case we're # also happy. if v.get('version_added_collection') == 'ansible.builtin': if version_added == 'historical' and accept_historical: return v try: version = StrictVersion() version.parse(version_added) except ValueError as exc: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('version_added (%r) is not a valid ansible-core version: ' '%s' % (version_added, exc)), error_code=error_code) else: try: version = SemanticVersion() version.parse(version_added) if version.major != 0 and version.patch != 0: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('version_added (%r) must be a major or minor release, ' 'not a patch release (see specification at ' 'https://semver.org/)' % (version_added, )), error_code='version-added-must-be-major-or-minor') except ValueError as exc: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('version_added (%r) is not a valid collection version ' '(see specification at https://semver.org/): ' '%s' % (version_added, exc)), error_code=error_code) elif 'version_added_collection' in v: # Must have been manual intervention, since version_added_collection is only # added automatically when version_added is present raise Invalid('version_added_collection cannot be specified without version_added') return v def check_option_elements(v): # Check whether elements is there iff type == 'list' v_type = v.get('type') v_elements = v.get('elements') if v_type == 'list' and v_elements is None: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('Argument defines type as list but elements is not defined'), error_code='parameter-list-no-elements') # FIXME: adjust error code? if v_type != 'list' and v_elements is not None: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid('Argument defines parameter elements as %s but it is valid only when value of parameter type is list' % (v_elements, )), error_code='doc-elements-invalid') return v def get_type_checker(v): v_type = v.get('type') if v_type == 'list': elt_checker, elt_name = get_type_checker({'type': v.get('elements')}) def list_checker(value): if isinstance(value, string_types): value = [unquote(x.strip()) for x in value.split(',')] if not isinstance(value, list): raise ValueError('Value must be a list') if elt_checker: for elt in value: try: elt_checker(elt) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError('Entry %r is not of type %s: %s' % (elt, elt_name, exc)) return list_checker, ('list of %s' % elt_name) if elt_checker else 'list' if v_type in ('boolean', 'bool'): return partial(boolean, strict=False), v_type if v_type in ('integer', 'int'): return int, v_type if v_type == 'float': return float, v_type if v_type == 'none': def none_checker(value): if value not in ('None', None): raise ValueError('Value must be "None" or none') return none_checker, v_type if v_type in ('str', 'string', 'path', 'tmp', 'temppath', 'tmppath'): def str_checker(value): if not isinstance(value, string_types): raise ValueError('Value must be string') return str_checker, v_type if v_type in ('pathspec', 'pathlist'): def path_list_checker(value): if not isinstance(value, string_types) and not is_iterable(value): raise ValueError('Value must be string or list of strings') return path_list_checker, v_type if v_type in ('dict', 'dictionary'): def dict_checker(value): if not isinstance(value, dict): raise ValueError('Value must be dictionary') return dict_checker, v_type return None, 'unknown' def check_option_choices(v): # Check whether choices have the correct type v_choices = v.get('choices') if not is_iterable(v_choices): return v if v.get('type') == 'list': # choices for a list type means that every list element must be one of these choices type_checker, type_name = get_type_checker({'type': v.get('elements')}) else: type_checker, type_name = get_type_checker(v) if type_checker is None: return v for value in v_choices: try: type_checker(value) except Exception as exc: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid( 'Argument defines choices as (%r) but this is incompatible with argument type %s: %s' % (value, type_name, exc)), error_code='doc-choices-incompatible-type') return v def check_option_default(v): # Check whether default is only present if required=False, and whether default has correct type v_default = v.get('default') if v.get('required') and v_default is not None: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid( 'Argument is marked as required but specifies a default.' ' Arguments with a default should not be marked as required'), error_code='no-default-for-required-parameter') # FIXME: adjust error code? if v_default is None: return v type_checker, type_name = get_type_checker(v) if type_checker is None: return v try: type_checker(v_default) except Exception as exc: raise _add_ansible_error_code( Invalid( 'Argument defines default as (%r) but this is incompatible with parameter type %s: %s' % (v_default, type_name, exc)), error_code='incompatible-default-type') return v def list_dict_option_schema(for_collection, plugin_type): if plugin_type == 'module': option_types = Any(None, 'bits', 'bool', 'bytes', 'dict', 'float', 'int', 'json', 'jsonarg', 'list', 'path', 'raw', 'sid', 'str') element_types = option_types else: option_types = Any(None, 'boolean', 'bool', 'integer', 'int', 'float', 'list', 'dict', 'dictionary', 'none', 'path', 'tmp', 'temppath', 'tmppath', 'pathspec', 'pathlist', 'str', 'string', 'raw') element_types = Any(None, 'boolean', 'bool', 'integer', 'int', 'float', 'list', 'dict', 'dictionary', 'path', 'str', 'string', 'raw') basic_option_schema = { Required('description'): doc_string_or_strings, 'required': bool, 'choices': list, 'aliases': Any(list_string_types), 'version_added': version(for_collection), 'version_added_collection': collection_name, 'default': json_value, # Note: Types are strings, not literal bools, such as True or False 'type': option_types, # in case of type='list' elements define type of individual item in list 'elements': element_types, } if plugin_type != 'module': basic_option_schema['name'] = Any(*string_types) deprecated_schema = All( Schema( All( { # This definition makes sure everything has the correct types/values 'why': doc_string, 'alternatives': doc_string, # vod stands for 'version or date'; this is the name of the exclusive group Exclusive('removed_at_date', 'vod'): date(), Exclusive('version', 'vod'): version(for_collection), 'collection_name': collection_name, }, { # This definition makes sure that everything we require is there Required('why'): Any(*string_types), 'alternatives': Any(*string_types), Required(Any('removed_at_date', 'version')): Any(*string_types), Required('collection_name'): Any(*string_types), }, ), extra=PREVENT_EXTRA ), partial(check_removal_version, version_field='version', collection_name_field='collection_name', error_code='invalid-removal-version'), ) env_schema = All( Schema({ Required('name'): Any(*string_types), 'deprecated': deprecated_schema, 'version_added': version(for_collection), 'version_added_collection': collection_name, }, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA), partial(version_added, error_code='option-invalid-version-added') ) ini_schema = All( Schema({ Required('key'): Any(*string_types), Required('section'): Any(*string_types), 'deprecated': deprecated_schema, 'version_added': version(for_collection), 'version_added_collection': collection_name, }, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA), partial(version_added, error_code='option-invalid-version-added') ) vars_schema = All( Schema({ Required('name'): Any(*string_types), 'deprecated': deprecated_schema, 'version_added': version(for_collection), 'version_added_collection': collection_name, }, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA), partial(version_added, error_code='option-invalid-version-added') ) cli_schema = All( Schema({ Required('name'): Any(*string_types), 'option': Any(*string_types), 'deprecated': deprecated_schema, 'version_added': version(for_collection), 'version_added_collection': collection_name, }, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA), partial(version_added, error_code='option-invalid-version-added') ) keyword_schema = All( Schema({ Required('name'): Any(*string_types), 'deprecated': deprecated_schema, 'version_added': version(for_collection), 'version_added_collection': collection_name, }, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA), partial(version_added, error_code='option-invalid-version-added') ) basic_option_schema.update({ 'env': [env_schema], 'ini': [ini_schema], 'vars': [vars_schema], 'cli': [cli_schema], 'keyword': [keyword_schema], 'deprecated': deprecated_schema, }) suboption_schema = dict(basic_option_schema) suboption_schema.update({ # Recursive suboptions 'suboptions': Any(None, *list({str_type: Self} for str_type in string_types)), }) suboption_schema = Schema(All( suboption_schema, check_option_elements, check_option_choices, check_option_default, ), extra=PREVENT_EXTRA) # This generates list of dicts with keys from string_types and suboption_schema value # for example in Python 3: {str: suboption_schema} list_dict_suboption_schema = [{str_type: suboption_schema} for str_type in string_types] option_schema = dict(basic_option_schema) option_schema.update({ 'suboptions': Any(None, *list_dict_suboption_schema), }) option_schema = Schema(All( option_schema, check_option_elements, check_option_choices, check_option_default, ), extra=PREVENT_EXTRA) option_version_added = Schema( All({ 'suboptions': Any(None, *[{str_type: Self} for str_type in string_types]), }, partial(version_added, error_code='option-invalid-version-added')), extra=ALLOW_EXTRA ) # This generates list of dicts with keys from string_types and option_schema value # for example in Python 3: {str: option_schema} return [{str_type: All(option_schema, option_version_added)} for str_type in string_types] def return_contains(v): schema = Schema( { Required('contains'): Any(dict, list, *string_types) }, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA ) if v.get('type') == 'complex': return schema(v) return v def return_schema(for_collection, plugin_type='module'): if plugin_type == 'module': return_types = Any('bool', 'complex', 'dict', 'float', 'int', 'list', 'raw', 'str') element_types = Any(None, 'bits', 'bool', 'bytes', 'dict', 'float', 'int', 'json', 'jsonarg', 'list', 'path', 'raw', 'sid', 'str') else: return_types = Any(None, 'boolean', 'bool', 'integer', 'int', 'float', 'list', 'dict', 'dictionary', 'path', 'str', 'string', 'raw') element_types = return_types basic_return_option_schema = { Required('description'): doc_string_or_strings, 'returned': doc_string, 'version_added': version(for_collection), 'version_added_collection': collection_name, 'sample': json_value, 'example': json_value, # in case of type='list' elements define type of individual item in list 'elements': element_types, 'choices': Any([object], (object,)), } if plugin_type == 'module': # type is only required for modules right now basic_return_option_schema[Required('type')] = return_types else: basic_return_option_schema['type'] = return_types inner_return_option_schema = dict(basic_return_option_schema) inner_return_option_schema.update({ 'contains': Any(None, *list({str_type: Self} for str_type in string_types)), }) return_contains_schema = Any( All( Schema(inner_return_option_schema), Schema(return_contains), Schema(partial(version_added, error_code='option-invalid-version-added')), ), Schema(type(None)), ) # This generates list of dicts with keys from string_types and return_contains_schema value # for example in Python 3: {str: return_contains_schema} list_dict_return_contains_schema = [{str_type: return_contains_schema} for str_type in string_types] return_option_schema = dict(basic_return_option_schema) return_option_schema.update({ 'contains': Any(None, *list_dict_return_contains_schema), }) if plugin_type == 'module': # 'returned' is required on top-level del return_option_schema['returned'] return_option_schema[Required('returned')] = Any(*string_types) return Any( All( Schema( { any_string_types: return_option_schema } ), Schema({any_string_types: return_contains}), Schema({any_string_types: partial(version_added, error_code='option-invalid-version-added')}), ), Schema(type(None)), ) def deprecation_schema(for_collection): main_fields = { Required('why'): doc_string, Required('alternative'): doc_string, Required('removed_from_collection'): collection_name, 'removed': Any(True), } date_schema = { Required('removed_at_date'): date(), } date_schema.update(main_fields) if for_collection: version_schema = { Required('removed_in'): version(for_collection), } else: version_schema = { Required('removed_in'): deprecation_versions(), } version_schema.update(main_fields) result = Any( Schema(version_schema, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA), Schema(date_schema, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA), ) if for_collection: result = All( result, partial(check_removal_version, version_field='removed_in', collection_name_field='removed_from_collection', error_code='invalid-removal-version')) return result def author(value): if value is None: return value # let schema checks handle if not is_iterable(value): value = [value] for line in value: if not isinstance(line, string_types): continue # let schema checks handle m = author_line.search(line) if not m: raise Invalid("Invalid author") return value def doc_schema(module_name, for_collection=False, deprecated_module=False, plugin_type='module'): if module_name.startswith('_'): module_name = module_name[1:] deprecated_module = True if for_collection is False and plugin_type == 'connection' and module_name == 'paramiko_ssh': # The plugin loader has a hard-coded exception: when the builtin connection 'paramiko' is # referenced, it loads 'paramiko_ssh' instead. That's why in this plugin, the name must be # 'paramiko' and not 'paramiko_ssh'. module_name = 'paramiko' doc_schema_dict = { Required('module' if plugin_type == 'module' else 'name'): module_name, Required('short_description'): doc_string, Required('description'): doc_string_or_strings, 'notes': Any(None, [doc_string]), 'seealso': Any(None, seealso_schema), 'requirements': [doc_string], 'todo': Any(None, doc_string_or_strings), 'options': Any(None, *list_dict_option_schema(for_collection, plugin_type)), 'extends_documentation_fragment': Any(list_string_types, *string_types), 'version_added_collection': collection_name, } if plugin_type == 'module': doc_schema_dict[Required('author')] = All(Any(None, list_string_types, *string_types), author) else: # author is optional for plugins (for now) doc_schema_dict['author'] = All(Any(None, list_string_types, *string_types), author) if plugin_type == 'callback': doc_schema_dict[Required('type')] = Any('aggregate', 'notification', 'stdout') if for_collection: # Optional doc_schema_dict['version_added'] = version(for_collection=True) else: doc_schema_dict[Required('version_added')] = version(for_collection=False) if deprecated_module: deprecation_required_scheme = { Required('deprecated'): Any(deprecation_schema(for_collection=for_collection)), } doc_schema_dict.update(deprecation_required_scheme) def add_default_attributes(more=None): schema = { 'description': doc_string_or_strings, 'details': doc_string_or_strings, 'support': any_string_types, 'version_added_collection': any_string_types, 'version_added': any_string_types, } if more: schema.update(more) return schema doc_schema_dict['attributes'] = Schema( All( Schema({ any_string_types: { Required('description'): doc_string_or_strings, Required('support'): Any('full', 'partial', 'none', 'N/A'), 'details': doc_string_or_strings, 'version_added_collection': collection_name, 'version_added': version(for_collection=for_collection), }, }, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA), partial(version_added, error_code='attribute-invalid-version-added', accept_historical=False), Schema({ any_string_types: add_default_attributes(), 'action_group': add_default_attributes({ Required('membership'): list_string_types, }), 'forced_action_plugin': add_default_attributes({ Required('action_plugin'): any_string_types, }), 'platform': add_default_attributes({ Required('platforms'): Any(list_string_types, *string_types) }), }, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA), ) ) return Schema( All( Schema( doc_schema_dict, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA ), partial(version_added, error_code='module-invalid-version-added', accept_historical=not for_collection), ) ) # Things to add soon #################### # 1) Recursively validate `type: complex` fields # This will improve documentation, though require fair amount of module tidyup # Possible Future Enhancements ############################## # 1) Don't allow empty options for choices, aliases, etc # 2) If type: bool ensure choices isn't set - perhaps use Exclusive # 3) both version_added should be quoted floats # Tool that takes JSON and generates RETURN skeleton (needs to support complex structures)