# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 Red Hat # GNU General Public License v3.0+ # (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) ############################################# # WARNING # ############################################# # # This file is auto generated by the resource # module builder playbook. # # Do not edit this file manually. # # Changes to this file will be over written # by the resource module builder. # # Changes should be made in the model used to # generate this file or in the resource module # builder template. # ############################################# """ The arg spec for the vyos_firewall_rules module """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type class Firewall_rulesArgs(object): # pylint: disable=R0903 """The arg spec for the vyos_firewall_rules module """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): pass argument_spec = { "config": { "elements": "dict", "options": { "afi": { "choices": ["ipv4", "ipv6"], "required": True, "type": "str", }, "rule_sets": { "elements": "dict", "options": { "default_action": { "choices": ["drop", "reject", "accept"], "type": "str", }, "description": {"type": "str"}, "enable_default_log": {"type": "bool"}, "name": {"type": "str"}, "rules": { "elements": "dict", "options": { "action": { "choices": [ "drop", "reject", "accept", "inspect", ], "type": "str", }, "description": {"type": "str"}, "destination": { "options": { "address": {"type": "str"}, "group": { "options": { "address_group": { "type": "str" }, "network_group": { "type": "str" }, "port_group": {"type": "str"}, }, "type": "dict", }, "port": {"type": "str"}, }, "type": "dict", }, "disabled": {"type": "bool"}, "fragment": { "choices": [ "match-frag", "match-non-frag", ], "type": "str", }, "icmp": { "options": { "code": {"type": "int"}, "type": {"type": "int"}, "type_name": { "choices": [ "any", "echo-reply", "destination-unreachable", "network-unreachable", "host-unreachable", "protocol-unreachable", "port-unreachable", "fragmentation-needed", "source-route-failed", "network-unknown", "host-unknown", "network-prohibited", "host-prohibited", "TOS-network-unreachable", "TOS-host-unreachable", "communication-prohibited", "host-precedence-violation", "precedence-cutoff", "source-quench", "redirect", "network-redirect", "host-redirect", "TOS-network-redirect", "TOS-host-redirect", "echo-request", "router-advertisement", "router-solicitation", "time-exceeded", "ttl-zero-during-transit", "ttl-zero-during-reassembly", "parameter-problem", "ip-header-bad", "required-option-missing", "timestamp-request", "timestamp-reply", "address-mask-request", "address-mask-reply", "ping", "pong", "ttl-exceeded", ], "type": "str", }, }, "type": "dict", }, "ipsec": { "choices": ["match-ipsec", "match-none"], "type": "str", }, "limit": { "options": { "burst": {"type": "int"}, "rate": { "options": { "number": {"type": "int"}, "unit": {"type": "str"}, }, "type": "dict", }, }, "type": "dict", }, "number": {"required": True, "type": "int"}, "p2p": { "elements": "dict", "options": { "application": { "choices": [ "all", "applejuice", "bittorrent", "directconnect", "edonkey", "gnutella", "kazaa", ], "type": "str", } }, "type": "list", }, "protocol": {"type": "str"}, "recent": { "options": { "count": {"type": "int"}, "time": {"type": "int"}, }, "type": "dict", }, "source": { "options": { "address": {"type": "str"}, "group": { "options": { "address_group": { "type": "str" }, "network_group": { "type": "str" }, "port_group": {"type": "str"}, }, "type": "dict", }, "mac_address": {"type": "str"}, "port": {"type": "str"}, }, "type": "dict", }, "state": { "options": { "established": {"type": "bool"}, "invalid": {"type": "bool"}, "new": {"type": "bool"}, "related": {"type": "bool"}, }, "type": "dict", }, "tcp": { "options": {"flags": {"type": "str"}}, "type": "dict", }, "time": { "options": { "monthdays": {"type": "str"}, "startdate": {"type": "str"}, "starttime": {"type": "str"}, "stopdate": {"type": "str"}, "stoptime": {"type": "str"}, "utc": {"type": "bool"}, "weekdays": {"type": "str"}, }, "type": "dict", }, }, "type": "list", }, }, "type": "list", }, }, "type": "list", }, "running_config": {"type": "str"}, "state": { "choices": [ "merged", "replaced", "overridden", "deleted", "gathered", "rendered", "parsed", ], "default": "merged", "type": "str", }, } # pylint: disable=C0301