# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 Red Hat # GNU General Public License v3.0+ # (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) """ The vyos firewall_rules fact class It is in this file the configuration is collected from the device for a given resource, parsed, and the facts tree is populated based on the configuration. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type from re import findall, search, M from copy import deepcopy from ansible_collections.ansible.netcommon.plugins.module_utils.network.common import ( utils, ) from ansible_collections.vyos.vyos.plugins.module_utils.network.vyos.argspec.firewall_rules.firewall_rules import ( Firewall_rulesArgs, ) class Firewall_rulesFacts(object): """ The vyos firewall_rules fact class """ def __init__(self, module, subspec="config", options="options"): self._module = module self.argument_spec = Firewall_rulesArgs.argument_spec spec = deepcopy(self.argument_spec) if subspec: if options: facts_argument_spec = spec[subspec][options] else: facts_argument_spec = spec[subspec] else: facts_argument_spec = spec self.generated_spec = utils.generate_dict(facts_argument_spec) def get_device_data(self, connection): return connection.get_config() def populate_facts(self, connection, ansible_facts, data=None): """ Populate the facts for firewall_rules :param connection: the device connection :param ansible_facts: Facts dictionary :param data: previously collected conf :rtype: dictionary :returns: facts """ if not data: # typically data is populated from the current device configuration # data = connection.get('show running-config | section ^interface') # using mock data instead data = self.get_device_data(connection) # split the config into instances of the resource objs = [] v6_rules = findall( r"^set firewall ipv6-name (?:\'*)(\S+)(?:\'*)", data, M ) v4_rules = findall(r"^set firewall name (?:\'*)(\S+)(?:\'*)", data, M) if v6_rules: config = self.get_rules(data, v6_rules, type="ipv6") if config: config = utils.remove_empties(config) objs.append(config) if v4_rules: config = self.get_rules(data, v4_rules, type="ipv4") if config: config = utils.remove_empties(config) objs.append(config) ansible_facts["ansible_network_resources"].pop("firewall_rules", None) facts = {} if objs: facts["firewall_rules"] = [] params = utils.validate_config( self.argument_spec, {"config": objs} ) for cfg in params["config"]: facts["firewall_rules"].append(utils.remove_empties(cfg)) ansible_facts["ansible_network_resources"].update(facts) return ansible_facts def get_rules(self, data, rules, type): """ This function performs following: - Form regex to fetch 'rule-sets' specific config from data. - Form the rule-set list based on ip address. :param data: configuration. :param rules: list of rule-sets. :param type: ip address type. :return: generated rule-sets configuration. """ r_v4 = [] r_v6 = [] for r in set(rules): rule_regex = r" %s .+$" % r.strip("'") cfg = findall(rule_regex, data, M) fr = self.render_config(cfg, r.strip("'")) fr["name"] = r.strip("'") if type == "ipv6": r_v6.append(fr) else: r_v4.append(fr) if r_v4: config = {"afi": "ipv4", "rule_sets": r_v4} if r_v6: config = {"afi": "ipv6", "rule_sets": r_v6} return config def render_config(self, conf, match): """ Render config as dictionary structure and delete keys from spec for null values :param spec: The facts tree, generated from the argspec :param conf: The configuration :rtype: dictionary :returns: The generated config """ conf = "\n".join(filter(lambda x: x, conf)) a_lst = ["description", "default_action", "enable_default_log"] config = self.parse_attr(conf, a_lst, match) if not config: config = {} config["rules"] = self.parse_rules_lst(conf) return config def parse_rules_lst(self, conf): """ This function forms the regex to fetch the 'rules' with in 'rule-sets' :param conf: configuration data. :return: generated rule list configuration. """ r_lst = [] rules = findall(r"rule (?:\'*)(\d+)(?:\'*)", conf, M) if rules: rules_lst = [] for r in set(rules): r_regex = r" %s .+$" % r cfg = "\n".join(findall(r_regex, conf, M)) obj = self.parse_rules(cfg) obj["number"] = int(r) if obj: rules_lst.append(obj) r_lst = sorted(rules_lst, key=lambda i: i["number"]) return r_lst def parse_rules(self, conf): """ This function triggers the parsing of 'rule' attributes. a_lst is a list having rule attributes which doesn't have further sub attributes. :param conf: configuration :return: generated rule configuration dictionary. """ a_lst = [ "ipsec", "action", "protocol", "fragment", "disabled", "description", ] rule = self.parse_attr(conf, a_lst) r_sub = { "p2p": self.parse_p2p(conf), "tcp": self.parse_tcp(conf, "tcp"), "icmp": self.parse_icmp(conf, "icmp"), "time": self.parse_time(conf, "time"), "limit": self.parse_limit(conf, "limit"), "state": self.parse_state(conf, "state"), "recent": self.parse_recent(conf, "recent"), "source": self.parse_src_or_dest(conf, "source"), "destination": self.parse_src_or_dest(conf, "destination"), } rule.update(r_sub) return rule def parse_p2p(self, conf): """ This function forms the regex to fetch the 'p2p' with in 'rules' :param conf: configuration data. :return: generated rule list configuration. """ a_lst = [] applications = findall(r"p2p (?:\'*)(\d+)(?:\'*)", conf, M) if applications: app_lst = [] for r in set(applications): obj = {"application": r.strip("'")} app_lst.append(obj) a_lst = sorted(app_lst, key=lambda i: i["application"]) return a_lst def parse_src_or_dest(self, conf, attrib=None): """ This function triggers the parsing of 'source or destination' attributes. :param conf: configuration. :param attrib:'source/destination'. :return:generated source/destination configuration dictionary. """ a_lst = ["port", "address", "mac_address"] cfg_dict = self.parse_attr(conf, a_lst, match=attrib) cfg_dict["group"] = self.parse_group(conf, attrib + " group") return cfg_dict def parse_recent(self, conf, attrib=None): """ This function triggers the parsing of 'recent' attributes :param conf: configuration. :param attrib: 'recent'. :return: generated config dictionary. """ a_lst = ["time", "count"] cfg_dict = self.parse_attr(conf, a_lst, match=attrib) return cfg_dict def parse_tcp(self, conf, attrib=None): """ This function triggers the parsing of 'tcp' attributes. :param conf: configuration. :param attrib: 'tcp'. :return: generated config dictionary. """ cfg_dict = self.parse_attr(conf, ["flags"], match=attrib) return cfg_dict def parse_time(self, conf, attrib=None): """ This function triggers the parsing of 'time' attributes. :param conf: configuration. :param attrib: 'time'. :return: generated config dictionary. """ a_lst = [ "stopdate", "stoptime", "weekdays", "monthdays", "startdate", "starttime", ] cfg_dict = self.parse_attr(conf, a_lst, match=attrib) return cfg_dict def parse_state(self, conf, attrib=None): """ This function triggers the parsing of 'state' attributes. :param conf: configuration :param attrib: 'state'. :return: generated config dictionary. """ a_lst = ["new", "invalid", "related", "established"] cfg_dict = self.parse_attr(conf, a_lst, match=attrib) return cfg_dict def parse_group(self, conf, attrib=None): """ This function triggers the parsing of 'group' attributes. :param conf: configuration. :param attrib: 'group'. :return: generated config dictionary. """ a_lst = ["port_group", "address_group", "network_group"] cfg_dict = self.parse_attr(conf, a_lst, match=attrib) return cfg_dict def parse_icmp(self, conf, attrib=None): """ This function triggers the parsing of 'icmp' attributes. :param conf: configuration to be parsed. :param attrib: 'icmp'. :return: generated config dictionary. """ a_lst = ["code", "type", "type_name"] cfg_dict = self.parse_attr(conf, a_lst, match=attrib) return cfg_dict def parse_limit(self, conf, attrib=None): """ This function triggers the parsing of 'limit' attributes. :param conf: configuration to be parsed. :param attrib: 'limit' :return: generated config dictionary. """ cfg_dict = self.parse_attr(conf, ["burst"], match=attrib) cfg_dict["rate"] = self.parse_rate(conf, "rate") return cfg_dict def parse_rate(self, conf, attrib=None): """ This function triggers the parsing of 'rate' attributes. :param conf: configuration. :param attrib: 'rate' :return: generated config dictionary. """ a_lst = ["unit", "number"] cfg_dict = self.parse_attr(conf, a_lst, match=attrib) return cfg_dict def parse_attr(self, conf, attr_list, match=None): """ This function peforms the following: - Form the regex to fetch the required attribute config. - Type cast the output in desired format. :param conf: configuration. :param attr_list: list of attributes. :param match: parent node/attribute name. :return: generated config dictionary. """ config = {} for attrib in attr_list: regex = self.map_regex(attrib) if match: regex = match + " " + regex if conf: if self.is_bool(attrib): out = conf.find(attrib.replace("_", "-")) dis = conf.find(attrib.replace("_", "-") + " 'disable'") if out >= 1: if dis >= 1: config[attrib] = False else: config[attrib] = True else: out = search(r"^.*" + regex + " (.+)", conf, M) if out: val = out.group(1).strip("'") if self.is_num(attrib): val = int(val) config[attrib] = val return config def map_regex(self, attrib): """ - This function construct the regex string. - replace the underscore with hyphen. :param attrib: attribute :return: regex string """ regex = attrib.replace("_", "-") if attrib == "disabled": regex = "disable" return regex def is_bool(self, attrib): """ This function looks for the attribute in predefined bool type set. :param attrib: attribute. :return: True/False """ bool_set = ( "new", "invalid", "related", "disabled", "established", "enable_default_log", ) return True if attrib in bool_set else False def is_num(self, attrib): """ This function looks for the attribute in predefined integer type set. :param attrib: attribute. :return: True/false. """ num_set = ("time", "code", "type", "count", "burst", "number") return True if attrib in num_set else False