path: root/src/ansiblelint/rules/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ansiblelint/rules/ b/src/ansiblelint/rules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ff532e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ansiblelint/rules/
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+"""Rule definition to validate task options."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import contextlib
+import importlib.util
+import io
+import json
+import logging
+import re
+import sys
+from functools import lru_cache
+from typing import Any
+# pylint: disable=preferred-module
+from unittest import mock
+from unittest.mock import patch
+# pylint: disable=reimported
+import ansible.module_utils.basic as mock_ansible_module
+from ansible.module_utils import basic
+from ansible.plugins import loader
+from ansiblelint.constants import LINE_NUMBER_KEY
+from ansiblelint.errors import MatchError
+from ansiblelint.file_utils import Lintable
+from ansiblelint.rules import AnsibleLintRule, RulesCollection
+from ansiblelint.text import has_jinja
+from ansiblelint.yaml_utils import clean_json
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def load_module(module_name: str) -> loader.PluginLoadContext:
+ """Load plugin from module name and cache it."""
+ return loader.module_loader.find_plugin_with_context(module_name)
+class ValidationPassed(Exception):
+ """Exception to be raised when validation passes."""
+class CustomAnsibleModule(basic.AnsibleModule): # type: ignore
+ """Mock AnsibleModule class."""
+ def __init__(self, *args: str, **kwargs: str) -> None:
+ """Initialize AnsibleModule mock."""
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ raise ValidationPassed
+class ArgsRule(AnsibleLintRule):
+ """Validating module arguments."""
+ id = "args"
+ severity = "HIGH"
+ description = "Check whether tasks are using correct module options."
+ tags = ["syntax", "experimental"]
+ version_added = "v6.10.0"
+ module_aliases: dict[str, str] = {"block/always/rescue": "block/always/rescue"}
+ def matchtask(
+ self, task: dict[str, Any], file: Lintable | None = None
+ ) -> list[MatchError]:
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals
+ results: list[MatchError] = []
+ module_name = task["action"]["__ansible_module_original__"]
+ failed_msg = None
+ if module_name in self.module_aliases:
+ return []
+ loaded_module = load_module(module_name)
+ module_args = {
+ key: value
+ for key, value in task["action"].items()
+ if not key.startswith("__")
+ }
+ #
+ if loaded_module.resolved_fqcn == "ansible.builtin.async_status":
+ module_args["_async_dir"] = "/tmp/ansible-async"
+ if loaded_module.resolved_fqcn == "ansible.builtin.service":
+ _logger.debug(
+ "Skipped service module validation as not being supported yet."
+ )
+ return []
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ mock_ansible_module, "AnsibleModule", CustomAnsibleModule
+ ):
+ spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
+ name=loaded_module.resolved_fqcn,
+ location=loaded_module.plugin_resolved_path,
+ )
+ if spec:
+ assert spec.loader is not None
+ module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
+ spec.loader.exec_module(module)
+ else:
+ assert file is not None
+ _logger.warning(
+ "Unable to load module %s at %s:%s for options validation",
+ module_name,
+ file.filename,
+ )
+ return []
+ try:
+ if not hasattr(module, "main"):
+ # skip validation for module options that are implemented as action plugin
+ # as the option values can be changed in action plugin and are not passed
+ # through `ArgumentSpecValidator` class as in case of modules.
+ return []
+ with patch.object(
+ sys,
+ "argv",
+ ["", json.dumps({"ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS": clean_json(module_args)})],
+ ):
+ fio = io.StringIO()
+ failed_msg = ""
+ # Warning: avoid running anything while stdout is redirected
+ # as what happens may be very hard to debug.
+ with contextlib.redirect_stdout(fio):
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS = None
+ try:
+ module.main()
+ except SystemExit:
+ failed_msg = fio.getvalue()
+ if failed_msg:
+ results.extend(
+ self._parse_failed_msg(failed_msg, task, module_name, file)
+ )
+ sanitized_results = self._sanitize_results(results, module_name)
+ return sanitized_results
+ except ValidationPassed:
+ return []
+ def _sanitize_results(
+ self, results: list[MatchError], module_name: str
+ ) -> list[MatchError]:
+ """Remove results that are false positive."""
+ sanitized_results = []
+ for result in results:
+ result_msg = result.message
+ if result_msg.startswith("Unsupported parameters"):
+ # cmd option is a special case in command module and after option validation is done.
+ if (
+ "Unsupported parameters for ( module" in result_msg
+ and module_name
+ in ["command", "ansible.builtin.command", "ansible.legacy.command"]
+ ):
+ continue
+ result.message = result_msg.replace("(", f"{module_name}")
+ elif result_msg.startswith("missing required arguments"):
+ if (
+ "missing required arguments: free_form" in result_msg
+ and module_name
+ in [
+ "raw",
+ "ansible.builtin.raw",
+ "ansible.legacy.raw",
+ "meta",
+ "ansible.builtin.meta",
+ "ansible.legacy.meta",
+ ]
+ ):
+ # free_form option is a special case in raw module hence ignore this error.
+ continue
+ if (
+ "missing required arguments: key_value" in result_msg
+ and module_name
+ in [
+ "set_fact",
+ "ansible.builtin.set_fact",
+ "ansible.legacy.set_fact",
+ ]
+ ):
+ # handle special case for set_fact module with key and value
+ continue
+ if "Supported parameters include" in result_msg and module_name in [
+ "set_fact",
+ "ansible.builtin.set_fact",
+ "ansible.legacy.set_fact",
+ ]:
+ continue
+ sanitized_results.append(result)
+ return sanitized_results
+ def _parse_failed_msg(
+ self,
+ failed_msg: str,
+ task: dict[str, Any],
+ module_name: str,
+ file: Lintable | None = None,
+ ) -> list[MatchError]:
+ """Parse failed message and return list of MatchError."""
+ results: list[MatchError] = []
+ try:
+ failed_obj = json.loads(failed_msg)
+ error_message = failed_obj["msg"]
+ except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
+ error_message = failed_msg
+ option_type_check_error =
+ r"argument '(?P<name>.*)' is of type", error_message
+ )
+ if option_type_check_error:
+ # ignore options with templated variable value with type check errors
+ option_key ="name")
+ option_value = task["action"][option_key]
+ if has_jinja(option_value):
+ _logger.debug(
+ "Type checking ignored for '%s' option in task '%s' at line %s.",
+ option_key,
+ module_name,
+ )
+ return results
+ value_not_in_choices_error =
+ r"value of (?P<name>.*) must be one of:", error_message
+ )
+ if value_not_in_choices_error:
+ # ignore templated value not in allowed choices
+ choice_key ="name")
+ choice_value = task["action"][choice_key]
+ if has_jinja(choice_value):
+ _logger.debug(
+ "Value checking ignored for '%s' option in task '%s' at line %s.",
+ choice_key,
+ module_name,
+ )
+ return results
+ results.append(
+ self.create_matcherror(
+ message=error_message,
+ linenumber=task[LINE_NUMBER_KEY],
+ tag="args[module]",
+ filename=file,
+ )
+ )
+ return results
+# testing code to be loaded only with pytest or when executed the rule file
+if "pytest" in sys.modules:
+ from ansiblelint.runner import Runner # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
+ def test_args_module_fail() -> None:
+ """Test rule invalid module options."""
+ collection = RulesCollection()
+ collection.register(ArgsRule())
+ success = "examples/playbooks/rule-args-module-fail-1.yml"
+ results = Runner(success, rules=collection).run()
+ assert len(results) == 5
+ assert results[0].tag == "args[module]"
+ assert "missing required arguments" in results[0].message
+ assert results[1].tag == "args[module]"
+ assert "missing parameter(s) required by " in results[1].message
+ assert results[2].tag == "args[module]"
+ assert "Unsupported parameters for" in results[2].message
+ assert results[3].tag == "args[module]"
+ assert "Unsupported parameters for" in results[2].message
+ assert results[4].tag == "args[module]"
+ assert "value of state must be one of" in results[4].message
+ def test_args_module_pass() -> None:
+ """Test rule valid module options."""
+ collection = RulesCollection()
+ collection.register(ArgsRule())
+ success = "examples/playbooks/rule-args-module-pass-1.yml"
+ results = Runner(success, rules=collection).run()
+ assert len(results) == 0, results