path: root/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/')
1 files changed, 491 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b427fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+"""Tests for file utility functions."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+import time
+from argparse import Namespace
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any
+import pytest
+from _pytest.capture import CaptureFixture
+from _pytest.logging import LogCaptureFixture
+from _pytest.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch
+from ansiblelint import cli, file_utils
+from ansiblelint.__main__ import initialize_logger
+from ansiblelint.constants import FileType
+from ansiblelint.file_utils import (
+ Lintable,
+ expand_path_vars,
+ expand_paths_vars,
+ guess_project_dir,
+ normpath,
+ normpath_path,
+from ansiblelint.rules import RulesCollection
+from ansiblelint.runner import Runner
+from .conftest import cwd
+ ("path", "expected"),
+ (
+ pytest.param(Path("a/b/../"), "a", id="pathlib.Path"),
+ pytest.param("a/b/../", "a", id="str"),
+ pytest.param("", ".", id="empty"),
+ pytest.param(".", ".", id="empty"),
+ ),
+def test_normpath(path: str, expected: str) -> None:
+ """Ensure that relative parent dirs are normalized in paths."""
+ assert normpath(path) == expected
+def test_expand_path_vars(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+ """Ensure that tilde and env vars are expanded in paths."""
+ test_path = "/test/path"
+ monkeypatch.setenv("TEST_PATH", test_path)
+ assert expand_path_vars("~") == os.path.expanduser("~")
+ assert expand_path_vars("$TEST_PATH") == test_path
+ ("test_path", "expected"),
+ (
+ pytest.param(Path("$TEST_PATH"), "/test/path", id="pathlib.Path"),
+ pytest.param("$TEST_PATH", "/test/path", id="str"),
+ pytest.param(" $TEST_PATH ", "/test/path", id="stripped-str"),
+ pytest.param("~", os.path.expanduser("~"), id="home"),
+ ),
+def test_expand_paths_vars(
+ test_path: str | Path, expected: str, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch
+) -> None:
+ """Ensure that tilde and env vars are expanded in paths lists."""
+ monkeypatch.setenv("TEST_PATH", "/test/path")
+ assert expand_paths_vars([test_path]) == [expected] # type: ignore
+ ("reset_env_var", "message_prefix"),
+ (
+ # simulate absence of git command
+ ("PATH", "Failed to locate command: "),
+ # simulate a missing git repo
+ ("GIT_DIR", "Looking up for files"),
+ ),
+ ids=("no-git-cli", "outside-git-repo"),
+def test_discover_lintables_git_verbose(
+ reset_env_var: str,
+ message_prefix: str,
+ monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch,
+ caplog: LogCaptureFixture,
+) -> None:
+ """Ensure that autodiscovery lookup failures are logged."""
+ options = cli.get_config(["-v"])
+ initialize_logger(options.verbosity)
+ monkeypatch.setenv(reset_env_var, "")
+ file_utils.discover_lintables(options)
+ assert any(m[2].startswith("Looking up for files") for m in caplog.record_tuples)
+ assert any(m.startswith(message_prefix) for m in caplog.messages)
+ "is_in_git",
+ (True, False),
+ ids=("in Git", "outside Git"),
+def test_discover_lintables_silent(
+ is_in_git: bool, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, capsys: CaptureFixture[str]
+) -> None:
+ """Verify that no stderr output is displayed while discovering yaml files.
+ (when the verbosity is off, regardless of the Git or Git-repo presence)
+ Also checks expected number of files are detected.
+ """
+ options = cli.get_config([])
+ test_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
+ lint_path = test_dir / ".." / "examples" / "roles" / "test-role"
+ if not is_in_git:
+ monkeypatch.setenv("GIT_DIR", "")
+ yaml_count = len(list(lint_path.glob("**/*.yml"))) + len(
+ list(lint_path.glob("**/*.yaml"))
+ )
+ monkeypatch.chdir(str(lint_path))
+ files = file_utils.discover_lintables(options)
+ stderr = capsys.readouterr().err
+ assert not stderr, "No stderr output is expected when the verbosity is off"
+ assert (
+ len(files) == yaml_count
+ ), "Expected to find {yaml_count} yaml files in {lint_path}".format_map(
+ locals(),
+ )
+def test_discover_lintables_umlaut(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+ """Verify that filenames containing German umlauts are not garbled by the discover_lintables."""
+ options = cli.get_config([])
+ test_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
+ lint_path = test_dir / ".." / "examples" / "playbooks"
+ monkeypatch.chdir(str(lint_path))
+ files = file_utils.discover_lintables(options)
+ assert '"with-umlaut-\\303\\244.yml"' not in files
+ assert "with-umlaut-รค.yml" in files
+ ("path", "kind"),
+ (
+ pytest.param("tasks/run_test_playbook.yml", "tasks", id="0"),
+ pytest.param("foo/playbook.yml", "playbook", id="1"),
+ pytest.param("playbooks/foo.yml", "playbook", id="2"),
+ pytest.param("examples/roles/foo.yml", "yaml", id="3"),
+ # the only yml file that is not a playbook inside molecule/ folders
+ pytest.param(
+ "examples/.config/molecule/config.yml", "yaml", id="4"
+ ), # molecule shared config
+ pytest.param(
+ "test/schemas/test/molecule/cluster/base.yml", "yaml", id="5"
+ ), # molecule scenario base config
+ pytest.param(
+ "test/schemas/test/molecule/cluster/molecule.yml", "yaml", id="6"
+ ), # molecule scenario config
+ pytest.param(
+ "test/schemas/test/molecule/cluster/foobar.yml", "playbook", id="7"
+ ), # custom playbook name
+ pytest.param(
+ "test/schemas/test/molecule/cluster/converge.yml", "playbook", id="8"
+ ), # common playbook name
+ pytest.param(
+ "roles/foo/molecule/scenario3/requirements.yml", "requirements", id="9"
+ ), # requirements
+ pytest.param(
+ "roles/foo/molecule/scenario3/collections.yml", "requirements", id="10"
+ ), # requirements
+ pytest.param(
+ "roles/foo/meta/argument_specs.yml", "arg_specs", id="11"
+ ), # role argument specs
+ # tasks files:
+ pytest.param("tasks/directory with spaces/main.yml", "tasks", id="12"), # tasks
+ pytest.param("tasks/requirements.yml", "tasks", id="13"), # tasks
+ # requirements (we do not support includes yet)
+ pytest.param(
+ "requirements.yml", "requirements", id="14"
+ ), # collection requirements
+ pytest.param(
+ "roles/foo/meta/requirements.yml", "requirements", id="15"
+ ), # inside role requirements
+ # Undeterminable files:
+ pytest.param("test/fixtures/unknown-type.yml", "yaml", id="16"),
+ pytest.param(
+ "releasenotes/notes/run-playbooks-refactor.yaml", "reno", id="17"
+ ), # reno
+ pytest.param("examples/host_vars/localhost.yml", "vars", id="18"),
+ pytest.param("examples/group_vars/all.yml", "vars", id="19"),
+ pytest.param("examples/playbooks/vars/other.yml", "vars", id="20"),
+ pytest.param(
+ "examples/playbooks/vars/subfolder/settings.yml", "vars", id="21"
+ ), # deep vars
+ pytest.param(
+ "molecule/scenario/collections.yml", "requirements", id="22"
+ ), # deprecated 2.8 format
+ pytest.param(
+ "../roles/geerlingguy.mysql/tasks/configure.yml", "tasks", id="23"
+ ), # relative path involved
+ pytest.param("galaxy.yml", "galaxy", id="24"),
+ pytest.param("foo.j2.yml", "jinja2", id="25"),
+ pytest.param("foo.yml.j2", "jinja2", id="26"),
+ pytest.param("foo.j2.yaml", "jinja2", id="27"),
+ pytest.param("foo.yaml.j2", "jinja2", id="28"),
+ pytest.param(
+ "examples/playbooks/rulebook.yml", "playbook", id="29"
+ ), # playbooks folder should determine kind
+ pytest.param(
+ "examples/rulebooks/rulebook.yml", "rulebook", id="30"
+ ), # content should determine it as a rulebook
+ pytest.param(
+ "examples/yamllint/valid.yml", "yaml", id="31"
+ ), # empty yaml is valid yaml, not assuming anything else
+ pytest.param(
+ "examples/other/guess-1.yml", "playbook", id="32"
+ ), # content should determine is as a play
+ pytest.param(
+ "examples/playbooks/tasks/passing_task.yml", "tasks", id="33"
+ ), # content should determine is tasks
+ pytest.param("examples/collection/galaxy.yml", "galaxy", id="34"),
+ pytest.param("examples/meta/runtime.yml", "meta-runtime", id="35"),
+ pytest.param("examples/meta/changelogs/changelog.yaml", "changelog", id="36"),
+ pytest.param("examples/inventory/inventory.yml", "inventory", id="37"),
+ pytest.param("examples/inventory/production.yml", "inventory", id="38"),
+ pytest.param("examples/playbooks/vars/empty_vars.yml", "vars", id="39"),
+ pytest.param(
+ "examples/playbooks/vars/subfolder/settings.yaml", "vars", id="40"
+ ),
+ ),
+def test_kinds(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, path: str, kind: FileType) -> None:
+ """Verify auto-detection logic based on DEFAULT_KINDS."""
+ options = cli.get_config([])
+ # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ def mockreturn(options: Namespace) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ return {normpath(path): kind}
+ # assert Lintable is able to determine file type
+ lintable_detected = Lintable(path)
+ lintable_expected = Lintable(path, kind=kind)
+ assert lintable_detected == lintable_expected
+ monkeypatch.setattr(file_utils, "discover_lintables", mockreturn)
+ result = file_utils.discover_lintables(options)
+ assert lintable_detected.kind == result[]
+def test_guess_project_dir_tmp_path(tmp_path: Path) -> None:
+ """Verify guess_project_dir()."""
+ with cwd(str(tmp_path)):
+ result = guess_project_dir(None)
+ assert result == str(tmp_path)
+def test_guess_project_dir_dotconfig() -> None:
+ """Verify guess_project_dir()."""
+ with cwd("examples"):
+ assert os.path.exists(
+ ".config/ansible-lint.yml"
+ ), "Test requires config file inside .config folder."
+ result = guess_project_dir(".config/ansible-lint.yml")
+ assert result == str(os.getcwd())
+- name: "playbook"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Hello
+ debug:
+ msg: 'world'
+def fixture_tmp_updated_lintable(
+ tmp_path: Path, path: str, content: str, updated_content: str
+) -> Lintable:
+ """Create a temp file Lintable with a content update that is not on disk."""
+ lintable = Lintable(tmp_path / path, content)
+ with"w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ f.write(content)
+ # move mtime to a time in the past to avoid race conditions in the test
+ mtime = time.time() - 60 * 60 # 1hr ago
+ os.utime(str(lintable.path), (mtime, mtime))
+ lintable.content = updated_content
+ return lintable
+ ("path", "content", "updated_content", "updated"),
+ (
+ pytest.param(
+ "no_change.yaml", BASIC_PLAYBOOK, BASIC_PLAYBOOK, False, id="no_change"
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "quotes.yaml",
+ BASIC_PLAYBOOK.replace('"', "'"),
+ True,
+ id="updated_quotes",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "shorten.yaml", BASIC_PLAYBOOK, "# short file\n", True, id="shorten_file"
+ ),
+ ),
+def test_lintable_updated(
+ path: str, content: str, updated_content: str, updated: bool
+) -> None:
+ """Validate ``Lintable.updated`` when setting ``Lintable.content``."""
+ lintable = Lintable(path, content)
+ assert lintable.content == content
+ lintable.content = updated_content
+ assert lintable.content == updated_content
+ assert lintable.updated is updated
+ "updated_content", ((None,), (b"bytes",)), ids=("none", "bytes")
+def test_lintable_content_setter_with_bad_types(updated_content: Any) -> None:
+ """Validate ``Lintable.updated`` when setting ``Lintable.content``."""
+ lintable = Lintable("bad_type.yaml", BASIC_PLAYBOOK)
+ assert lintable.content == BASIC_PLAYBOOK
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ lintable.content = updated_content
+ assert not lintable.updated
+def test_lintable_with_new_file(tmp_path: Path) -> None:
+ """Validate ``Lintable.updated`` for a new file."""
+ lintable = Lintable(tmp_path / "new.yaml")
+ lintable.content = BASIC_PLAYBOOK
+ lintable.content = BASIC_PLAYBOOK
+ assert lintable.content == BASIC_PLAYBOOK
+ assert lintable.updated
+ assert not lintable.path.exists()
+ lintable.write()
+ assert lintable.path.exists()
+ assert lintable.path.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == BASIC_PLAYBOOK
+ ("path", "force", "content", "updated_content", "updated"),
+ (
+ pytest.param(
+ "no_change.yaml",
+ False,
+ False,
+ id="no_change",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "forced.yaml",
+ True,
+ False,
+ id="forced_rewrite",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "quotes.yaml",
+ False,
+ BASIC_PLAYBOOK.replace('"', "'"),
+ True,
+ id="updated_quotes",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "shorten.yaml",
+ False,
+ "# short file\n",
+ True,
+ id="shorten_file",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "forced.yaml",
+ True,
+ BASIC_PLAYBOOK.replace('"', "'"),
+ True,
+ id="forced_and_updated",
+ ),
+ ),
+def test_lintable_write(
+ tmp_updated_lintable: Lintable,
+ force: bool,
+ content: str,
+ updated_content: str,
+ updated: bool,
+) -> None:
+ """Validate ``Lintable.write`` writes when it should."""
+ pre_updated = tmp_updated_lintable.updated
+ pre_stat = tmp_updated_lintable.path.stat()
+ tmp_updated_lintable.write(force=force)
+ post_stat = tmp_updated_lintable.path.stat()
+ post_updated = tmp_updated_lintable.updated
+ # write() should not hide that an update happened
+ assert pre_updated == post_updated == updated
+ if force or updated:
+ assert pre_stat.st_mtime < post_stat.st_mtime
+ else:
+ assert pre_stat.st_mtime == post_stat.st_mtime
+ with"r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ post_content =
+ if updated:
+ assert content != post_content
+ else:
+ assert content == post_content
+ assert post_content == updated_content
+ ("path", "content", "updated_content"),
+ (
+ pytest.param(
+ "quotes.yaml",
+ BASIC_PLAYBOOK.replace('"', "'"),
+ id="updated_quotes",
+ ),
+ ),
+def test_lintable_content_deleter(
+ tmp_updated_lintable: Lintable,
+ content: str,
+ updated_content: str,
+) -> None:
+ """Ensure that resetting content cache triggers re-reading file."""
+ assert content != updated_content
+ assert tmp_updated_lintable.content == updated_content
+ del tmp_updated_lintable.content
+ assert tmp_updated_lintable.content == content
+ ("path", "result"),
+ (
+ pytest.param("foo", "foo", id="rel"),
+ pytest.param(os.path.expanduser("~/xxx"), "~/xxx", id="rel-to-home"),
+ pytest.param("/a/b/c", "/a/b/c", id="absolute"),
+ pytest.param(
+ "examples/playbooks/roles", "examples/roles", id="resolve-symlink"
+ ),
+ ),
+def test_normpath_path(path: str, result: str) -> None:
+ """Tests behavior of normpath."""
+ assert normpath_path(path) == Path(result)
+def test_bug_2513(
+ tmp_path: Path,
+ default_rules_collection: RulesCollection,
+) -> None:
+ """Regression test for bug 2513.
+ Test that when CWD is outside ~, and argument is like ~/playbook.yml
+ we will still be able to process the files.
+ See:
+ """
+ filename = "~/.cache/ansible-lint/playbook.yml"
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.expanduser(filename)), exist_ok=True)
+ lintable = Lintable(filename, content="---\n- hosts: all\n")
+ lintable.write(force=True)
+ with cwd(str(tmp_path)):
+ results = Runner(filename, rules=default_rules_collection).run()
+ assert len(results) == 1
+ assert results[0] == "name"