# spell-checker:ignore testmon tmontmp [flake8] # Don't even try to analyze these: extend-exclude = # No need to traverse egg info dir *.egg-info, # GitHub configs .github, # Cache files of MyPy .mypy_cache, # Cache files of pytest .pytest_cache, # Temp dir of pytest-testmon .tmontmp, # Occasional virtualenv dir .venv # VS Code .vscode, # Temporary build dir build, # This contains sdists and wheels of ansible-lint that we don't want to check dist, # Occasional virtualenv dir env, # Metadata of `pip wheel` cmd is autogenerated pip-wheel-metadata, # vendored code src/ansiblelint/_vendor/*, # Let's not over-complicate the code: max-complexity = 10 # Accessibility/large fonts and PEP8 friendly: #max-line-length = 79 # Accessibility/large fonts and PEP8 unfriendly: max-line-length = 100 # The only allowed ignores are related to black and isort # https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/the_black_code_style.html#line-length # "H" are generated by hacking plugin, which is not black compatible extend-ignore = E203, E501, # complexity is also measured by pylint: too-many-branches C901, # We use type annotations instead DAR101, DAR104, # https://github.com/terrencepreilly/darglint/issues/165 DAR301, # duplicate of pylint W0611 (unused-import) F401, # duplicate of pylint E0602 (undefined-variable) F821, # duplicate of pylint W0612 (unused-variable) F841, H, # Allow certain violations in certain files: per-file-ignores = # FIXME: D102 Missing docstring in public method src/ansiblelint/cli.py: D102 src/ansiblelint/formatters/__init__.py: D102 src/ansiblelint/rules/*.py: D102 src/ansiblelint/rules/__init__.py: D102 # FIXME: C901 Function is too complex # FIXME: refactor _defaults_from_yamllint_config using match case # once python 3.10 is mandatory # Ref: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/pull/2077 src/ansiblelint/yaml_utils.py: C901 # FIXME: drop these once they're fixed # Ref: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/issues/725 test/*: D102 # flake8-pytest-style # PT001: pytest-fixture-no-parentheses = true # PT006: pytest-parametrize-names-type = tuple # PT007: pytest-parametrize-values-type = tuple pytest-parametrize-values-row-type = tuple