"""Tests related to role paths.""" from __future__ import annotations import os from pathlib import Path import pytest from ansiblelint.testing import run_ansible_lint from ansiblelint.text import strip_ansi_escape @pytest.fixture(name="local_test_dir") def fixture_local_test_dir() -> str: """Fixture to return local test directory.""" return os.path.realpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..", "examples") ) def test_run_single_role_path_no_trailing_slash_module(local_test_dir: str) -> None: """Test that a role path without a trailing slash is accepted.""" cwd = local_test_dir role_path = "roles/test-role" result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) assert "Use shell only when shell functionality is required" in result.stdout def test_run_single_role_path_no_trailing_slash_script(local_test_dir: str) -> None: """Test that a role path without a trailing slash is accepted.""" cwd = local_test_dir role_path = "roles/test-role" result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd, executable="ansible-lint") assert "Use shell only when shell functionality is required" in result.stdout def test_run_single_role_path_with_trailing_slash(local_test_dir: str) -> None: """Test that a role path with a trailing slash is accepted.""" cwd = local_test_dir role_path = "roles/test-role/" result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) assert "Use shell only when shell functionality is required" in result.stdout def test_run_multiple_role_path_no_trailing_slash(local_test_dir: str) -> None: """Test that multiple roles paths without a trailing slash are accepted.""" cwd = local_test_dir role_path = "roles/test-role" result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) assert "Use shell only when shell functionality is required" in result.stdout def test_run_multiple_role_path_with_trailing_slash(local_test_dir: str) -> None: """Test that multiple roles paths without a trailing slash are accepted.""" cwd = local_test_dir role_path = "roles/test-role/" result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) assert "Use shell only when shell functionality is required" in result.stdout def test_run_inside_role_dir(local_test_dir: str) -> None: """Tests execution from inside a role.""" cwd = os.path.join(local_test_dir, "roles/test-role/") role_path = "." result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) assert "Use shell only when shell functionality is required" in result.stdout def test_run_role_three_dir_deep(local_test_dir: str) -> None: """Tests execution from deep inside a role.""" cwd = local_test_dir role_path = "testproject/roles/test-role" result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) assert "Use shell only when shell functionality is required" in result.stdout def test_run_playbook(local_test_dir: str) -> None: """Call ansible-lint the way molecule does.""" cwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local_test_dir, "roles/test-role")) lintable = "molecule/default/include-import-role.yml" role_path = str(Path(cwd).parent.resolve()) env = os.environ.copy() env["ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH"] = role_path result = run_ansible_lint(lintable, cwd=cwd, env=env) assert "Use shell only when shell functionality is required" in result.stdout @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("args", "expected_msg"), ( pytest.param( [], "role-name: Role name invalid-name does not match", id="normal" ), pytest.param(["--skip-list", "role-name"], "", id="skipped"), ), ) def test_run_role_name_invalid( local_test_dir: str, args: list[str], expected_msg: str ) -> None: """Test run with a role with invalid name.""" cwd = local_test_dir role_path = "roles/invalid-name" result = run_ansible_lint(*args, role_path, cwd=cwd) assert result.returncode == (2 if expected_msg else 0), result if expected_msg: assert expected_msg in strip_ansi_escape(result.stdout) def test_run_role_name_with_prefix(local_test_dir: str) -> None: """Test run where role path has a prefix.""" cwd = local_test_dir role_path = "roles/ansible-role-foo" result = run_ansible_lint("-v", role_path, cwd=cwd) assert len(result.stdout) == 0 assert result.returncode == 0 def test_run_role_name_from_meta(local_test_dir: str) -> None: """Test running from inside meta folder.""" cwd = local_test_dir role_path = "roles/valid-due-to-meta" result = run_ansible_lint("-v", role_path, cwd=cwd) assert len(result.stdout) == 0 assert result.returncode == 0 def test_run_invalid_role_name_from_meta(local_test_dir: str) -> None: """Test invalid role from inside meta folder.""" cwd = local_test_dir role_path = "roles/invalid_due_to_meta" result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd) assert ( "role-name: Role name invalid-due-to-meta does not match" in strip_ansi_escape(result.stdout) ) def test_run_single_role_path_with_roles_path_env(local_test_dir: str) -> None: """Test for role name collision with ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH. Test if ansible-lint chooses the role in the current directory when the role specified as parameter exists in the current directory and the ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH. """ cwd = local_test_dir role_path = "roles/test-role" env = os.environ.copy() env["ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH"] = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(cwd, "../examples/roles")) result = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd, env=env) assert "Use shell only when shell functionality is required" in result.stdout @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("result", "env"), ((True, {"GITHUB_ACTIONS": "true", "GITHUB_WORKFLOW": "foo"}), (False, None)), ids=("on", "off"), ) def test_run_playbook_github(result: bool, env: dict[str, str]) -> None: """Call ansible-lint simulating GitHub Actions environment.""" cwd = str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve()) role_path = "examples/playbooks/example.yml" if env is None: env = {} env["PATH"] = os.environ["PATH"] result_gh = run_ansible_lint(role_path, cwd=cwd, env=env) expected = ( "::error file=examples/playbooks/example.yml,line=44,severity=VERY_LOW,title=package-latest::" "Package installs should not use latest" ) assert (expected in result_gh.stdout) is result