#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSE or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {"metadata_version": "1.1", "status": ["preview"], "supported_by": "certified"} DOCUMENTATION = r""" --- module: aci_vrf short_description: Manage contexts or VRFs (fv:Ctx) description: - Manage contexts or VRFs on Cisco ACI fabrics. - Each context is a private network associated to a tenant, i.e. VRF. - Enable Preferred Groups for VRF options: tenant: description: - The name of the Tenant the VRF should belong to. type: str aliases: [ tenant_name ] vrf: description: - The name of the VRF. type: str aliases: [ context, name, vrf_name ] policy_control_direction: description: - Determines if the policy should be enforced by the fabric on ingress or egress. type: str choices: [ egress, ingress ] policy_control_preference: description: - Determines if the fabric should enforce contract policies to allow routing and packet forwarding. type: str choices: [ enforced, unenforced ] description: description: - The description for the VRF. type: str aliases: [ descr ] state: description: - Use C(present) or C(absent) for adding or removing. - Use C(query) for listing an object or multiple objects. type: str choices: [ absent, present, query ] default: present name_alias: description: - The alias for the current object. This relates to the nameAlias field in ACI. type: str preferred_group: description: - Enables preferred groups for the VRF under vzAny type: str choices: [enabled, disabled] match_type: description: - Configures match type for contracts under vzAny type: str choices: [ all, at_least_one, at_most_one, none] extends_documentation_fragment: - cisco.aci.aci - cisco.aci.annotation - cisco.aci.owner notes: - The C(tenant) used must exist before using this module in your playbook. The M(cisco.aci.aci_tenant) module can be used for this. seealso: - module: cisco.aci.aci_tenant - name: APIC Management Information Model reference description: More information about the internal APIC class B(fv:Ctx). link: https://developer.cisco.com/docs/apic-mim-ref/ author: - Jacob McGill (@jmcgill298) """ EXAMPLES = r""" - name: Add a new VRF to a tenant cisco.aci.aci_vrf: host: apic username: admin password: SomeSecretPassword vrf: vrf_lab tenant: lab_tenant descr: Lab VRF policy_control_preference: enforced policy_control_direction: ingress state: present delegate_to: localhost - name: Remove a VRF for a tenant cisco.aci.aci_vrf: host: apic username: admin password: SomeSecretPassword vrf: vrf_lab tenant: lab_tenant state: absent delegate_to: localhost - name: Query a VRF of a tenant cisco.aci.aci_vrf: host: apic username: admin password: SomeSecretPassword vrf: vrf_lab tenant: lab_tenant state: query delegate_to: localhost register: query_result - name: Query all VRFs cisco.aci.aci_vrf: host: apic username: admin password: SomeSecretPassword state: query delegate_to: localhost register: query_result """ RETURN = r""" current: description: The existing configuration from the APIC after the module has finished returned: success type: list sample: [ { "fvTenant": { "attributes": { "descr": "Production environment", "dn": "uni/tn-production", "name": "production", "nameAlias": "", "ownerKey": "", "ownerTag": "" } } } ] error: description: The error information as returned from the APIC returned: failure type: dict sample: { "code": "122", "text": "unknown managed object class foo" } raw: description: The raw output returned by the APIC REST API (xml or json) returned: parse error type: str sample: '' sent: description: The actual/minimal configuration pushed to the APIC returned: info type: list sample: { "fvTenant": { "attributes": { "descr": "Production environment" } } } previous: description: The original configuration from the APIC before the module has started returned: info type: list sample: [ { "fvTenant": { "attributes": { "descr": "Production", "dn": "uni/tn-production", "name": "production", "nameAlias": "", "ownerKey": "", "ownerTag": "" } } } ] proposed: description: The assembled configuration from the user-provided parameters returned: info type: dict sample: { "fvTenant": { "attributes": { "descr": "Production environment", "name": "production" } } } filter_string: description: The filter string used for the request returned: failure or debug type: str sample: ?rsp-prop-include=config-only method: description: The HTTP method used for the request to the APIC returned: failure or debug type: str sample: POST response: description: The HTTP response from the APIC returned: failure or debug type: str sample: OK (30 bytes) status: description: The HTTP status from the APIC returned: failure or debug type: int sample: 200 url: description: The HTTP url used for the request to the APIC returned: failure or debug type: str sample: """ from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.cisco.aci.plugins.module_utils.aci import ACIModule, aci_argument_spec, aci_annotation_spec, aci_owner_spec MATCH_TYPE_MAPPING = dict( all="All", at_least_one="AtleastOne", at_most_one="AtmostOne", none="None", ) def main(): argument_spec = aci_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(aci_annotation_spec()) argument_spec.update(aci_owner_spec()) argument_spec.update( tenant=dict(type="str", aliases=["tenant_name"]), # Not required for querying all objects vrf=dict(type="str", aliases=["context", "name", "vrf_name"]), # Not required for querying all objects description=dict(type="str", aliases=["descr"]), policy_control_direction=dict(type="str", choices=["egress", "ingress"]), policy_control_preference=dict(type="str", choices=["enforced", "unenforced"]), state=dict(type="str", default="present", choices=["absent", "present", "query"]), preferred_group=dict(type="str", choices=["enabled", "disabled"]), match_type=dict(type="str", choices=["all", "at_least_one", "at_most_one", "none"]), name_alias=dict(type="str"), ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, required_if=[ ["state", "absent", ["tenant", "vrf"]], ["state", "present", ["tenant", "vrf"]], ], ) description = module.params.get("description") policy_control_direction = module.params.get("policy_control_direction") policy_control_preference = module.params.get("policy_control_preference") state = module.params.get("state") tenant = module.params.get("tenant") vrf = module.params.get("vrf") name_alias = module.params.get("name_alias") preferred_group = module.params.get("preferred_group") match_type = module.params.get("match_type") if match_type is not None: match_type = MATCH_TYPE_MAPPING[match_type] aci = ACIModule(module) aci.construct_url( root_class=dict( aci_class="fvTenant", aci_rn="tn-{0}".format(tenant), module_object=tenant, target_filter={"name": tenant}, ), subclass_1=dict( aci_class="fvCtx", aci_rn="ctx-{0}".format(vrf), module_object=vrf, target_filter={"name": vrf}, ), child_classes=["vzAny"], ) aci.get_existing() if state == "present": aci.payload( aci_class="fvCtx", class_config=dict( descr=description, pcEnfDir=policy_control_direction, pcEnfPref=policy_control_preference, name=vrf, nameAlias=name_alias, ), child_configs=[ dict(vzAny=dict(attributes=dict(prefGrMemb=preferred_group, matchT=match_type))), ], ) aci.get_diff(aci_class="fvCtx") aci.post_config() elif state == "absent": aci.delete_config() aci.exit_json() if __name__ == "__main__": main()