releases: 0.0.1: release_date: "2021-04-20" changes: release_summary: This is the initial beta release of the collection. 0.0.2: release_date: "2021-05-25" changes: release_summary: Added all idempotent modules. Most modules are still untested against a live ISE. minor_changes: - device_administration_authorization_exception_rules - new module. - device_administration_authorization_exception_rules_info - new module. - device_administration_authorization_global_exception_rules - new module. - device_administration_authorization_global_exception_rules_info - new module. - import_trust_cert - new module. - network_access_authorization_exception_rules - new module. - network_access_authorization_exception_rules_info - new module. - network_access_authorization_global_exception_rules - new module. - network_access_authorization_global_exception_rules_info - new module. - active_directory_info - new module. - allowed_protocols - new module. - allowed_protocols_info - new module. - anc_policy - new module. - anc_policy_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - anc_policy_info - new module. - authorization_profile - new module. - authorization_profile_info - new module. - backup_last_status_info - new module. - csr_export_info - new module. - csr_info - new module. - device_administration_authentication_rules - new module. - device_administration_authentication_rules_info - new module. - device_administration_authorization_rules - new module. - device_administration_authorization_rules_info - new module. - device_administration_command_set_info - new module. - device_administration_conditions - new module. - device_administration_conditions_for_authentication_rule_info - new module. - device_administration_conditions_for_authorization_rule_info - new module. - device_administration_conditions_for_policy_set_info - new module. - device_administration_conditions_info - new module. - device_administration_dictionary_attributes_authentication_info - new module. - device_administration_dictionary_attributes_authorization_info - new module. - device_administration_dictionary_attributes_policy_set_info - new module. - device_administration_identity_stores_info - new module. - device_administration_network_conditions - new module. - device_administration_network_conditions_info - new module. - device_administration_policy_set - new module. - device_administration_policy_set_info - new module. - device_administration_profiles_info - new module. - device_administration_service_names_info - new module. - device_administration_time_date_conditions - new module. - device_administration_time_date_conditions_info - new module. - downloadable_acl - new module. - downloadable_acl_info - new module. - egress_matrix_cell - new module. - egress_matrix_cell_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - egress_matrix_cell_info - new module. - endpoint - new module. - endpoint_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - endpoint_get_rejected_endpoints_info - new module. - endpoint_group - new module. - endpoint_group_info - new module. - endpoint_info - new module. - external_radius_server - new module. - external_radius_server_info - new module. - filter_policy - new module. - filter_policy_info - new module. - guest_location_info - new module. - guest_smtp_notification_settings_info - new module. - guest_ssid - new module. - guest_ssid_info - new module. - guest_type - new module. - guest_type_info - new module. - guest_user - new module. - guest_user_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - guest_user_info - new module. - hotspot_portal - new module. - hotspot_portal_info - new module. - id_store_sequence - new module. - id_store_sequence_info - new module. - identity_group - new module. - identity_group_info - new module. - internal_user - new module. - internal_user_info - new module. - network_access_authentication_rules - new module. - network_access_authentication_rules_info - new module. - network_access_authorization_rules - new module. - network_access_authorization_rules_info - new module. - network_access_conditions_for_authentication_rule_info - new module. - network_access_conditions_for_authorization_rule_info - new module. - network_access_conditions_for_policy_set_info - new module. - network_access_conditions_info - new module. - network_access_dictionary - new module. - network_access_dictionary_attribute - new module. - network_access_dictionary_attribute_info - new module. - network_access_dictionary_attributes_authentication_info - new module. - network_access_dictionary_attributes_authorization_info - new module. - network_access_dictionary_attributes_policy_set_info - new module. - network_access_dictionary_info - new module. - network_access_identity_stores_info - new module. - network_access_network_condition - new module. - network_access_network_condition_info - new module. - network_access_policy_set - new module. - network_access_policy_set_info - new module. - network_access_profiles_info - new module. - network_access_security_groups_info - new module. - network_access_service_name_info - new module. - network_access_time_date_conditions - new module. - network_access_time_date_conditions_info - new module. - network_device - new module. - network_device_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - network_device_group - new module. - network_device_group_info - new module. - network_device_info - new module. - node_deployment - new module. - node_deployment_info - new module. - node_group - new module. - node_group_info - new module. - node_replication_status_info - new module. - pan_ha_info - new module. - portal_global_setting_info - new module. - portal_info - new module. - portal_theme - new module. - portal_theme_info - new module. - radius_server_sequence - new module. - radius_server_sequence_info - new module. - rest_id_store - new module. - rest_id_store_info - new module. - self_registered_portal - new module. - self_registered_portal_info - new module. - sg_acl - new module. - sg_acl_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - sg_acl_info - new module. - sgt - new module. - sgt_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - sgt_info - new module. - sms_provider_info - new module. - sponsor_group - new module. - sponsor_group_info - new module. - sponsor_group_member_info - new module. - sponsor_portal - new module. - sponsor_portal_info - new module. - sponsored_guest_portal - new module. - sponsored_guest_portal_info - new module. - system_certificate_info - new module. - tacacs_command_sets - new module. - tacacs_command_sets_info - new module. - tacacs_external_servers - new module. - tacacs_external_servers_info - new module. - tacacs_profile - new module. - tacacs_profile_info - new module. - tacacs_server_sequence - new module. - tacacs_server_sequence_info - new module. - trusted_certificate_export_info - new module. - trusted_certificate_info - new module. 0.0.3: release_date: "2021-06-04" changes: release_summary: Added other modules and playbooks. Most modules are still untested against a live ISE. bugfixes: - Improve the documentation of the modules. major_changes: - import_trust_cert - removed module. minor_changes: - guest_user_reinstante - new module. - system_certificate_export - new module. - active_directory - new module. - active_directory_add_groups - new module. - active_directory_groups_by_domain_info - new module. - active_directory_is_user_member_of_group_info - new module. - active_directory_join_domain - new module. - active_directory_join_domain_with_all_nodes - new module. - active_directory_leave_domain - new module. - active_directory_leave_domain_with_all_nodes - new module. - active_directory_trusted_domains_info - new module. - active_directory_user_groups_info - new module. - anc_policy_bulk_request - new module. - backup_cancel - new module. - backup_config - new module. - backup_restore - new module. - backup_schedule_config - new module. - bind_signed_certificate - new module. - csr_delete - new module. - csr_generate - new module. - csr_generate_intermediate_ca - new module. - egress_matrix_cell_bulk_request - new module. - egress_matrix_cell_clear_all - new module. - egress_matrix_cell_clone - new module. - egress_matrix_cell_set_all_status - new module. - endpoint_bulk_request - new module. - endpoint_deregister - new module. - endpoint_register - new module. - endpoint_release_rejected_endpoint - new module. - guest_smtp_notification_settings - new module. - guest_type_email - new module. - guest_type_sms - new module. - guest_user_approve - new module. - guest_user_bulk_request - new module. - guest_user_change_sponsor_password - new module. - guest_user_deny - new module. - guest_user_email - new module. - guest_user_reset_password - new module. - guest_user_sms - new module. - guest_user_suspend - new module. - ise_root_ca_regenerate - new module. - network_device_bulk_request - new module. - node_promotion - new module. - node_sync - new module. - pan_ha - new module. - portal_global_setting - new module. - renew_certificate - new module. - repository - new module. - repository_files_info - new module. - repository_info - new module. - sg_acl_bulk_request - new module. - sgt_bulk_request - new module. - system_certificate - new module. - system_certificate_import - new module. - trusted_certificate - new module. - trusted_certificate_import - new module. 0.0.4: release_date: "2021-06-08" changes: release_summary: Added network_access_conditions module. Most modules are still untested against a live ISE. minor_changes: - network_access_conditions - new module. 0.0.5: release_date: "2021-06-11" changes: release_summary: Update sorting params for info_ modules. bugfixes: - Changes sortdec to sortdsc query param for _info modules. 0.0.6: release_date: "2021-06-18" changes: release_summary: Fix README playbook example. 0.0.7: release_date: "2021-07-01" changes: release_summary: > Adds more playbooks. Changes credentials.yml to group_vars. Adds ISE ER S modules. Compares requested object to found object before updating to only update if necessary. bugfixes: - Removes unneeded imports. - Updates the `params` dictionary values on sdk call execution. - Introduces comparison to see if it requires an update. minor_changes: - service_info - new module. - telemetry_info_info - new module. - aci_bindings_info - new module. - aci_settings - new module. - aci_settings_info - new module. - aci_test_connectivity - new module. - admin_user_info - new module. - anc_endpoint_apply - new module. - anc_endpoint_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - anc_endpoint_bulk_request - new module. - anc_endpoint_clear - new module. - anc_endpoint_info - new module. - byod_portal - new module. - byod_portal_info - new module. - certificate_profile - new module. - certificate_profile_info - new module. - certificate_template_info - new module. - deployment_info - new module. - endpoint_certificate - new module. - my_device_portal - new module. - my_device_portal_info - new module. - native_supplicant_profile - new module. - native_supplicant_profile_info - new module. - node_info - new module. - profiler_profile_info - new module. - px_grid_node_approve - new module. - px_grid_node_info - new module. - px_grid_settings_auto_approve - new module. - session_service_node_info - new module. - sg_mapping - new module. - sg_mapping_deploy - new module. - sg_mapping_deploy_all - new module. - sg_mapping_deploy_status_info - new module. - sg_mapping_group - new module. - sg_mapping_group_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - sg_mapping_group_bulk_request - new module. - sg_mapping_group_deploy - new module. - sg_mapping_group_deploy_all - new module. - sg_mapping_group_deploy_status_info - new module. - sg_mapping_group_info - new module. - sg_mapping_info - new module. - sg_to_vn_to_vlan - new module. - sg_to_vn_to_vlan_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - sg_to_vn_to_vlan_bulk_request - new module. - sg_to_vn_to_vlan_info - new module. - support_bundle - new module. - support_bundle_download - new module. - support_bundle_status_info - new module. - sxp_connections - new module. - sxp_connections_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - sxp_connections_bulk_request - new module. - sxp_connections_info - new module. - sxp_local_bindings - new module. - sxp_local_bindings_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - sxp_local_bindings_bulk_request - new module. - sxp_local_bindings_info - new module. - sxp_vpns - new module. - sxp_vpns_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - sxp_vpns_bulk_request - new module. - sxp_vpns_info - new module. - system_certificate_create - new module. - system_config_version_info - new module. - threat_vulnerabilities_clear - new module. 0.0.8: release_date: "2021-07-09" changes: release_summary: Fix Indentity Group modules. bugfixes: - Fixes Identity Group parameters. - Fixes Identity Group response recollection. 0.0.9: release_date: "2021-07-12" changes: release_summary: Adds an Ansible role for the deployment of ISE to AWS as well as four modules for the deployment of personas to the ISE nodes. major_changes: - Adds a 'aws_deployment' role that allows the deployment of an arbitrary large ISE cluster to AWS. - personas_check_standalone - Adds module for the deployment of personas to existing nodes in an ISE cluster. - personas_export_certs - Adds module for the deployment of personas to existing nodes in an ISE cluster. - personas_promote_primary - Adds module for the deployment of personas to existing nodes in an ISE cluster. - personas_update_roles - Adds module for the deployment of personas to existing nodes in an ISE cluster. 1.0.0: release_date: "2021-07-21" changes: release_summary: Update to use ciscoisesdk v1.0.0 or newer minor_changes: - Added ise_debug parameter - device_administration_authentication_reset_hitcount - new module. - device_administration_authorization_reset_hitcount - new module. - device_administration_global_exception_rules - new module. - device_administration_global_exception_rules_info - new module. - device_administration_global_exception_rules_reset_hitcount - new module. - device_administration_local_exception_rules - new module. - device_administration_local_exception_rules_info - new module. - device_administration_local_exception_rules_reset_hitcount - new module. - device_administration_policy_set_reset_hitcount - new module. - guest_user_reinstate - new module. - mnt_account_status_info - new module. - mnt_athentication_status_info - new module. - mnt_failure_reasons_info - new module. - mnt_session_active_count_info - new module. - mnt_session_active_list_info - new module. - mnt_session_auth_list_info - new module. - mnt_session_by_ip_info - new module. - mnt_session_by_mac_info - new module. - mnt_session_by_nas_ip_info - new module. - mnt_session_by_username_info - new module. - mnt_session_delete_all - new module. - mnt_session_disconnect_info - new module. - mnt_session_posture_count_info - new module. - mnt_session_profiler_count_info - new module. - mnt_session_reauthentication_info - new module. - mnt_sessions_by_session_id_info - new module. - mnt_version_info - new module. - network_access_authentication_rules_reset_hitcount - new module. - network_access_authorization_rules_reset_hitcount - new module. - network_access_global_exception_rules - new module. - network_access_global_exception_rules_info - new module. - network_access_global_exception_rules_reset_hitcount - new module. - network_access_local_exception_rules - new module. - network_access_local_exception_rules_info - new module. - network_access_local_exception_rules_reset_hitcounts - new module. - network_access_policy_set_reset_hitcount - new module. - px_grid_node_delete - new module. - pxgrid_access_secret - new module. - pxgrid_account_activate - new module. - pxgrid_account_create - new module. - pxgrid_authorization - new module. - pxgrid_bindings_info - new module. - pxgrid_egress_matrices_info - new module. - pxgrid_egress_policies_info - new module. - pxgrid_endpoint_by_mac_info - new module. - pxgrid_endpoints_by_os_type_info - new module. - pxgrid_endpoints_by_type_info - new module. - pxgrid_endpoints_info - new module. - pxgrid_failures_info - new module. - pxgrid_healths_info - new module. - pxgrid_performances_info - new module. - pxgrid_profiles_info - new module. - pxgrid_security_group_acls_info - new module. - pxgrid_security_groups_info - new module. - pxgrid_service_lookup - new module. - pxgrid_service_register - new module. - pxgrid_service_reregister - new module. - pxgrid_service_unregister - new module. - pxgrid_session_by_ip_info - new module. - pxgrid_session_by_mac_info - new module. - pxgrid_session_for_recovery_info - new module. - pxgrid_sessions_info - new module. - pxgrid_user_group_by_username_info - new module. - pxgrid_user_groups_info - new module. - resource_version_info - new module. - sg_mapping_bulk_monitor_status_info - new module. - sg_mapping_bulk_request - new module. - system_certificate_export_info - new module. - tasks_info - new module. - telemetry_info - new module. major_changes: - Updates sdk parameters for previous modules - device_administration_authorization_exception_rules - removed module. - device_administration_authorization_exception_rules_info - removed module. - device_administration_authorization_global_exception_rules - removed module. - device_administration_authorization_global_exception_rules_info - removed module. - guest_user_reinstante - removed module. - network_access_authorization_exception_rules - removed module. - network_access_authorization_exception_rules_info - removed module. - network_access_authorization_global_exception_rules - removed module. - network_access_authorization_global_exception_rules_info - removed module. - service_info - removed module. - system_certificate_export - removed module. - telemetry_info_info - removed module. - Updates options required for modules. - Renamed module device_administration_authorization_exception_rules to device_administration_local_exception_rules. - Renamed module network_access_authorization_exception_rules to network_access_local_exception_rules. - Renamed module network_access_authorization_global_exception_rules to network_access_global_exception_rules. - Renamed module device_administration_authorization_global_exception_rules to device_administration_global_exception_rules. - Fixes inner logic of modules that have no get by name and have not working filter. 1.0.1: release_date: "2021-07-25" changes: release_summary: Migrated the Personas Deployment playbooks to a role minor_changes: - Migrated the Personas Deployment playbooks to a role. - telemetry_info - fixes EXAMPLES documentation. 1.0.2: release_date: "2021-08-13" changes: release_summary: Fix response of csr_info, system_certificate_info and trusted_certificate_info by accessing each page `response` property. bugfixes: - Updates exception handling. - csr_info - fixes response recollection. - system_certificate_info - fixes response recollection. - trusted_certificate_info - fixes response recollection. 1.0.3: release_date: "2021-08-17" changes: release_summary: Added backup & restore and certificate management sample playbooks minor_changes: - Improve the documentation for MacOS users. - Added backup_create sample playbook. - Added backup_restore sample playbook. - Added backup_schedule sample playbook. - Added certificate_management sample playbook. 1.1.0: release_date: "2021-10-22" changes: release_summary: Adds mnt_authentication_status_info module bugfixes: - Improves the changelog. - Improves the documentation of modules. - Fixes check_mode behavior for non-info modules. minor_changes: - mnt_authentication_status_info - new module. 1.2.0: release_date: "2021-10-22" changes: release_summary: Adds ise_responses, ise_update_response values major_changes: - Adds ise_responses to return values of info modules. - Adds ise_update_response to return values of non-info modules. - Adds ``ise_uses_api_gateway`` to module options. minor_changes: - Update requirements. 1.2.1: release_date: "2021-10-25" changes: release_summary: Fixes check_mode behavior bugfixes: - On regular modules additional comparison of check_mode was removed as Ansible already handles it. - On info modules comparison was removed, because info modules should always run. 2.0.0: release_date: "2021-11-24" changes: release_summary: Updates ISE responses and adds Trust_Sec modules minor_changes: - trustsec_nbarapp - new playbook. - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping - new playbook. - trustsec_vn - new playbook. - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping - new playbook. - backup_schedule_config_update - new module. - trustsec_nbar_app - new module. - trustsec_nbar_app_info - new module. - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping - new module. - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_create - new module. - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_delete - new module. - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_update - new module. - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_info - new module. - trustsec_vn - new module. - trustsec_vn_bulk_create - new module. - trustsec_vn_bulk_delete - new module. - trustsec_vn_bulk_update - new module. - trustsec_vn_info - new module. - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping - new module. - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_create - new module. - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_delete - new module. - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_update - new module. - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_info - new module. - aci_bindings_info - change default response to []. - active_directory_info - change default response to []. - admin_user_info - change default response to []. - allowed_protocols_info - change default response to []. - anc_endpoint_info - change default response to []. - anc_policy_info - change default response to []. - authorization_profile_info - change default response to []. - byod_portal_info - change default response to []. - certificate_profile_info - change default response to []. - certificate_template_info - change default response to []. - csr_info - change default response to []. - downloadable_acl_info - change default response to []. - egress_matrix_cell_info - change default response to []. - endpoint_bulk_monitor_status_info - change default response to []. - radius_server_sequence_info - change default response to []. - rest_id_store_info - change default response to []. - self_registered_portal_info - change default response to []. - sg_acl_info - change default response to []. - sg_to_vn_to_vlan_info - change default response to []. - sgt_info - change default response to []. - sponsor_group_info - change default response to []. - sponsor_portal_info - change default response to []. - sponsored_guest_portal_info - change default response to []. - support_bundle_status_info - change default response to []. - sxp_connections_info - change default response to []. - sxp_local_bindings_info - change default response to []. - sxp_vpns_info - change default response to []. - tacacs_command_sets_info - change default response to []. - tacacs_external_servers_info - change default response to []. - tacacs_profile_info - change default response to []. - tacacs_server_sequence_info - change default response to []. - telemetry_info - change default response to []. - trusted_certificate - change default response to []. major_changes: - Update ciscoisesdk requirement to 1.2.0 - anc_endpoint_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content. - anc_policy_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content. - egress_matrix_cell_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content. - sg_acl_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content. - sg_mapping_group_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content. - sg_mapping_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content. - sg_mapping_group_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content. - sg_to_vn_to_vlan_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content. - sgt_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content. - sxp_connections_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content. - sxp_local_bindings_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content. - sxp_vpns_bulk_monitor_status_info - change return value, it returns BulkStatus content. - sgt - change generationId type from int to str. - system_certificate - new parameters portalTagTransferForSameSubject and roleTransferForSameSubject. - system_certificate_import - new parameters portalTagTransferForSameSubject and roleTransferForSameSubject. - backup_last_status_info - change return value, it returns response content. - device_administration_authentication_rules_info - change return value, it returns response content. - device_administration_authorization_rules_info - change return value, it returns response content. - device_administration_conditions_for_authentication_rule_info - change return value, it returns response content. - device_administration_conditions_for_authorization_rule_info - change return value, it returns response content. - device_administration_conditions_for_policy_set_info - change return value, it returns response content. - device_administration_conditions_info - change return value, it returns response content. - device_administration_dictionary_attributes_authentication_info - change return value, it returns response content. - device_administration_dictionary_attributes_authorization_info - change return value, it returns response content. - device_administration_dictionary_attributes_policy_set_info - change return value, it returns response content. - device_administration_global_exception_rules_info - change return value, it returns response content. - device_administration_network_conditions_info - change return value, it returns response content. - device_administration_time_date_conditions_info - change return value, it returns response content. - repository_files_info - change return value, it returns response content. - repository_info - change return value, it returns response content. - device_administration_authentication_rules - deletes parameter identitySourceId. - network_access_authentication_rules - deletes parameter identitySourceId. - device_administration_conditions - deletes parameter attributeId. - device_administration_time_date_conditions - deletes parameter attributeId. - network_access_conditions - deletes parameter attributeId. - network_access_time_date_conditions - deletes parameter attributeId. bugfixes: - Update documentation of the modules. - Update ISE version to 3.1.0 on vars example 2.1.0: release_date: "2021-12-13" changes: release_summary: Update to use ciscoisesdk v1.3.0 or newer minor_changes: - hotpatch_info - new module. - hotpatch_install - new module. - hotpatch_rollback - new module. - licensing_connection_type_info - new module. - licensing_eval_license_info - new module. - licensing_feature_to_tier_mapping_info - new module. - licensing_registration_create - new module. - licensing_registration_info - new module. - licensing_smart_state_create - new module. - licensing_smart_state_info - new module. - licensing_tier_state_create - new module. - licensing_tier_state_info - new module. - node_deployment_sync - new module. - node_group_node_create - new module. - node_group_node_delete - new module. - node_group_node_info - new module. - node_primary_to_standalone - new module. - node_secondary_to_primary - new module. - node_services_interfaces_info - new module. - node_services_profiler_probe_config_info - new module. - node_services_profiler_probe_config - new module. - node_services_sxp_interfaces_info - new module. - node_services_sxp_interfaces - new module. - node_standalone_to_primary - new module. - pan_ha_update - new module. - patch_info - new module. - patch_install - new module. - patch_rollback - new module. - proxy_connection_settings_info - new module. - proxy_connection_settings - new module. - selfsigned_certificate_generate - new module. - transport_gateway_settings_info - new module. - transport_gateway_settings - new module. major_changes: - node_deployment - update parameters. - node_deployment_info - add filter and filterType parameters. - node_group - fixes response recollection. - node_group_info - fixes response recollection. - system_certificate - portalTagTransferForSameSubject parameter renamed to allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject. - system_certificate - roleTransferForSameSubject parameter renamed to allowRoleTransferForSameSubject. - system_certificate_import - portalTagTransferForSameSubject parameter renamed to allowPortalTagTransferForSameSubject. - system_certificate_import - roleTransferForSameSubject parameter renamed to allowRoleTransferForSameSubject. - trustsec_nbar_app_info - change type from str to list. - trustsec_vn_info - change type from str to list. 2.1.1: release_date: "2021-12-16" changes: release_summary: Fixes on trustsec and node_group modules bugfixes: - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping - fix version_added to 2.0.0 - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_create - fix version_added to 2.0.0 - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_delete - fix version_added to 2.0.0 - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_update - fix version_added to 2.0.0 - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_info - fix version_added to 2.0.0 - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping - fix version_added to 2.0.0 - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_create - fix version_added to 2.0.0 - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_delete - fix version_added to 2.0.0 - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_update - fix version_added to 2.0.0 - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_info - fix version_added to 2.0.0 - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_info - change filter param type from str to list - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_info - change filter param type from str to list - node_group_node_create - fix family execution call from Node Deployment to Node Group. - node_group_node_delete - fix family execution call from Node Deployment to Node Group. - node_group_node_info - fix family execution call from Node Deployment to Node Group. 2.1.2: release_date: "2021-12-22" changes: release_summary: Fixes params used for modules bugfixes: - node_services_profiler_probe_config - fixes params used for module. - node_services_sxp_interfaces - fixes params used for module. - repository - fixes params used for modules. Fix for issue 19. - repository_files_info - fixes params used for module. 2.2.0: release_date: "2022-01-18" changes: release_summary: Update module doc & fix licensing_tier_state_create minor_changes: - licensing_tier_state_create - fix function call. - Update requirements to use ciscoisesdk >= 1.4.0. bugfixes: - plugin/modules - update documentation block. - update README. 2.2.1: release_date: "2022-02-09" changes: release_summary: Update README links in galaxy bugfixes: - update README links in galaxy from relative to absolute links. 2.2.2: release_date: "2022-02-18" changes: release_summary: Update README recommended SDK version and module documentation bugfixes: - Update README recommended SDK version in compatibility matrix - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_create - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_delete - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation - trustsec_sg_vn_mapping_bulk_update - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation - trustsec_vn_bulk_create - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation - trustsec_vn_bulk_delete - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation - trustsec_vn_bulk_update - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_create - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_delete - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation - trustsec_vn_vlan_mapping_bulk_update - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation 2.2.3: release_date: "2022-03-15" changes: release_summary: Update README, add ISE API Versioning and ISE 3.1 + Patch 1 notes bugfixes: - Update README, add ISE 3.1 + Patch 1 and ISE API Versioning notes - Update README, update Compatibility matrix. 2.3.0: release_date: "2022-03-24" changes: release_summary: Add ISE CSRF Check support & change download modules response to include file details bugfixes: - Update recommended SDK version in modules from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0 - Update README recommended SDK version in compatibility matrix - Update README, update Compatibility matrix. minor_changes: - Add ise_uses_csrf_token parameter to modules - csr_export_info - Instead of returning the data string, it now returns a dictionary. The dictionary has property data with the previous string value. - csr_export_info - add parameter filename. - endpoint_certificate - Instead of returning the data string, it now returns a dictionary. The dictionary has property data with the previous string value. - endpoint_certificate - add parameter filename. - support_bundle_download - Instead of returning the data string, it now returns a dictionary. The dictionary has property data with the previous string value. - support_bundle_download - add parameter filename. - system_certificate_export_info - Instead of returning the data string, it now returns a dictionary. The dictionary has property data with the previous string value. - system_certificate_export_info - add parameter filename. - trusted_certificate_export_info - Instead of returning the data string, it now returns a dictionary. The dictionary has property data with the previous string value. - trusted_certificate_export_info - add parameter filename. 2.3.1: release_date: "2022-04-19" changes: release_summary: Added a validation bugfixes: - network_access_authorization_rules - added a validation when reading the data 2.3.2: release_date: "2022-04-29" changes: release_summary: Added a validation bugfixes: - device_administration_authentication_rules - added a validation reading the data - device_administration_authorization_rules - added a validation reading the data - device_administration_global_exception_rules - added a validation reading the data - device_administration_local_exception_rules - added a validation reading the data - network_access_authentication_rules - added a validation reading the data - network_access_authorization_rules - added a validation reading the data - network_access_global_exception_rules - added a validation reading the data - network_access_local_exception_rules - added a validation reading the data 2.4.0: release_date: "2022-05-10" changes: release_summary: Add pxGrid modules & changes some module descriptions. minor_changes: - pxGrid_node_approve - new module - pxGrid_node_delete - new module - pxGrid_node_info - new module - pxGrid_settings_auto_approve - new module bugfixes: - node_services_interfaces_info - change the validation. - Change description from Aci to ACI - Change description from Anc to ANC - Change description from Csr to CSR - Change description from Byod to BYOD - Change description from Ca to CA - Change description from Acl to ACL - Change description from Radius to RADIUS - Change description from Smtp to SMTP - Change description from Ssid to SSID - Change description from Mnt to MNT - Change description from Rest to REST - Change description from Sg to SG - Change description from Sgt to SGT - Change description from Sg Acl to SGACL - Change description from Sms to SMS - Change description from Vn to VN - Change description from Vlan to VLAN - Change description from Sxp to SXP - Change description from Vpns to VPNs - Change description from Tacacs to TACACS - Change description from Nbar to NBAR - Change description from Pxgrid to pxGrid 2.4.1: release_date: "2022-05-24" changes: release_summary: Change path parameter. bugfixes: - repository_files_info - change path parameter from name to repositoryName - repository_info - change path parameter from name to repositoryName - repository - change path parameter from name to repositoryName 2.5.0: release_date: "2022-06-08" changes: release_summary: Update Cisco ISE requirementes and fix some repository issues. minor_changes: - Update requirements to use ciscoisesdk >= 2.0.3. bugfixes: - repository_files_info - Fixed a bug that did not make the get call. - repository - Fixed a bug, now repositoryName and name are used to perform the search. - Fixed ISE version 3.1.1 to 3.1_Patch_1 which is the correct version name. 2.5.1: release_date: "2022-08-29" changes: release_summary: Update example of module documentation and added a new validation. bugfixes: - downloadable_acl - update EXAMPLES block of module documentation. - sgt - added new validation when updating a stg auto generated. 2.5.2: release_date: "2022-08-29" changes: release_summary: Fixed galaxy publication bugfixes: - An error was corrected in galaxy publication 2.5.3: release_date: "2022-08-31" changes: release_summary: Fixed ansible status msg and unnecessary parameter was removed. bugfixes: - personas_update_roles_services - fixed ansible status msg. - endpoint - an unnecessary parameter name has been removed because it is automatically generated by the api. 2.5.4: release_date: "2022-10-04" changes: release_summary: A validation has been added to the update method and warning message removed. bugfixes: - aci_settings - A validation has been added to the update method. - allowed_protocols - A validation has been added to the update method. - anc_policy - A validation has been added to the update method. - authorization_profile - A validation has been added to the update method. - byod_portal - A validation has been added to the update method. - certificate_profile - A validation has been added to the update method. - downloadable_acl - A validation has been added to the update method. - egress_matrix_cell - A validation has been added to the update method. - endpoint_group - A validation has been added to the update method. - endpoint - A validation has been added to the update method. - external_radius_server - A validation has been added to the update method. - filter_policy - A validation has been added to the update method. - guest_smtp_notification_settings - A validation has been added to the update method. - guest_ssid - A validation has been added to the update method. - guest_type - A validation has been added to the update method. - guest_user - A validation has been added to the update method. - hotspot_portal - A validation has been added to the update method. - id_store_sequence - A validation has been added to the update method. - identity_group - A validation has been added to the update method. - my_device_portal - A validation has been added to the update method. - native_supplicant_profile - A validation has been added to the update method. - network_device_group - A validation has been added to the update method. - portal_global_setting - A validation has been added to the update method. - portal_theme - A validation has been added to the update method. - radius_server_sequence - A validation has been added to the update method. - rest_id_store - A validation has been added to the update method. - self_registered_portal - A validation has been added to the update method. - sg_acl - A validation has been added to the update method. - sg_mapping_group - A validation has been added to the update method. - sg_mapping - A validation has been added to the update method. - sg_to_vn_to_vlan - A validation has been added to the update method. - sgt - A validation has been added to the update method. - sponsor_group - A validation has been added to the update method. - sponsor_portal - A validation has been added to the update method. - sponsored_guest_portal - A validation has been added to the update method. - sxp_connections - A validation has been added to the update method. - sxp_local_bindings - A validation has been added to the update method. - tacacs_command_sets - A validation has been added to the update method. - tacacs_external_servers - A validation has been added to the update method. - tacacs_profile - A validation has been added to the update method. - tacacs_server_sequence - A validation has been added to the update method. - network_device - A validation has been added to the update method. - personas_utils - Warning message removed. 2.5.5: release_date: "2022-10-07" changes: release_summary: A check has been added to identify if there really are any changes bugfixes: personas_update_roles_services - is now idempotent. 2.5.6: release_date: "2022-10-13" changes: release_summary: Update to use ciscoisesdk v2.0.5 or newer, fixed a request body bugfixes: - network_access_network_condition - fixed a request body of the post and put method. - filter_policy - removed the required id when it is a post method. - guest_smtp_notification_settings - removed the required id when it is a post method. - sxp_connections - removed the required id when it is a post method. - sxp_vpns - removed the required id when it is a post method. 2.5.7: release_date: "2022-10-25" changes: release_summary: New method to compare changes bugfixes: - A new method to compare changes for specific cases has been added. - node_services_profiler_probe_config - Used a new method to compare changes. - sgt - Updated the fields required for creation. - network_access_network_condition - Updated description of deviceGroupList. 2.5.8: release_date: "2022-10-27" changes: release_summary: Added the ability to export Cisco ISE credentials as environment variables and rennamed some vars. bugfixes: - Cisco ISE credentials can now be exported and used as env vars. - mnt_athentication_status_info - the following variable was renamed from rec_ord_s to records. - mnt_athentication_status_info - the following variable was renamed from sec_ond_s to seconds. - mnt_authentication_status_info - the following variable was renamed from rec_ord_s to records. - mnt_authentication_status_info - the following variable was renamed from sec_ond_s to seconds. - mnt_session_disconnect_info - the following variable was renamed from end_poi_nti_p to endpoint_ip. - mnt_session_disconnect_info - the following variable was renamed from psn_nam_e to psn_name. - mnt_session_disconnect_info - the following variable was renamed from dis_con_nec_tty_pe to disconnect_type. - mnt_session_reauthentication_info - the following variable was renamed from end_poi_ntm_ac to endpoint_mac. - mnt_session_reauthentication_info - the following variable was renamed from rea_uth_typ_e to reauth_type. - mnt_session_reauthentication_info - the following variable was renamed from psn_nam_e to psn_name. 2.5.9: release_date: "2022-11-07" changes: release_summary: Fixed some ansible statuses, added a missing parameter and corrected a response. bugfixes: - licensing_eval_license_info - corrected the response - system_certificate - a missing parameter was added allowWildcardDelete - node_standalone_to_primary - fixed ansible changed response - node_primary_to_standalone - fixed ansible changed response - node_secondary_to_primary - fixed ansible changed response 2.5.10: release_date: "2022-12-09" changes: release_summary: A check has been added to identify if there really are any changes bugfixes: - network_access_authorization_rules - is now idempotent. 2.5.11: release_date: "2023-01-05" changes: release_summary: Some errors have been corrected when reading the playbook and a validation was removed. bugfixes: - network_access_authentication_rules - now read the ID correctly. - network_access_authorization_rules - now read the ID correctly. - node_group_node_info - removed a validation that caused a failure. - node_group - search was repaired. 2.5.12: release_date: "2023-01-09" changes: release_date: Change is detected in a better way. bugfixes: - network_access_authorization_rules - recognizes when there are changes.