#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2021, Cisco Systems # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see LICENSE or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) DOCUMENTATION = r""" --- module: native_supplicant_profile short_description: Resource module for Native Supplicant Profile description: - Manage operations update and delete of the resource Native Supplicant Profile. - This API deletes a native supplicant profile. - This API allows the client to update a native supplicant profile. version_added: '1.0.0' extends_documentation_fragment: - cisco.ise.module author: Rafael Campos (@racampos) options: description: description: Native Supplicant Profile's description. type: str id: description: Native Supplicant Profile's id. type: str name: description: Native Supplicant Profile's name. type: str wirelessProfiles: description: Native Supplicant Profile's wirelessProfiles. elements: dict suboptions: actionType: description: Action type for WifiProfile. Allowed values - ADD, - UPDATE, - DELETE (required for updating existing WirelessProfile). type: str allowedProtocol: description: Native Supplicant Profile's allowedProtocol. type: str certificateTemplateId: description: Native Supplicant Profile's certificateTemplateId. type: str previousSSID: description: Previous ssid for WifiProfile (required for updating existing WirelessProfile). type: str ssid: description: Native Supplicant Profile's ssid. type: str type: list requirements: - ciscoisesdk >= 2.0.8 - python >= 3.5 seealso: - name: Cisco ISE documentation for NativeSupplicantProfile description: Complete reference of the NativeSupplicantProfile API. link: https://developer.cisco.com/docs/identity-services-engine/v1/#!nspprofile notes: - SDK Method used are native_supplicant_profile.NativeSupplicantProfile.delete_native_supplicant_profile_by_id, native_supplicant_profile.NativeSupplicantProfile.update_native_supplicant_profile_by_id, - Paths used are delete /ers/config/nspprofile/{id}, put /ers/config/nspprofile/{id}, """ EXAMPLES = r""" - name: Update by id cisco.ise.native_supplicant_profile: ise_hostname: "{{ise_hostname}}" ise_username: "{{ise_username}}" ise_password: "{{ise_password}}" ise_verify: "{{ise_verify}}" state: present description: string id: string name: string wirelessProfiles: - actionType: string allowedProtocol: string certificateTemplateId: string previousSsid: string ssid: string - name: Delete by id cisco.ise.native_supplicant_profile: ise_hostname: "{{ise_hostname}}" ise_username: "{{ise_username}}" ise_password: "{{ise_password}}" ise_verify: "{{ise_verify}}" state: absent id: string """ RETURN = r""" ise_response: description: A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco ISE Python SDK returned: always type: dict sample: > { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "wirelessProfiles": [ { "ssid": "string", "allowedProtocol": "string", "certificateTemplateId": "string", "actionType": "string", "previousSsid": "string" } ], "link": { "rel": "string", "href": "string", "type": "string" } } ise_update_response: description: A dictionary or list with the response returned by the Cisco ISE Python SDK returned: always version_added: '1.1.0' type: dict sample: > { "UpdatedFieldsList": { "updatedField": [ { "field": "string", "oldValue": "string", "newValue": "string" } ], "field": "string", "oldValue": "string", "newValue": "string" } } """