=========================== Community SAP Release Notes =========================== .. contents:: Topics v1.4.0 ====== Release Summary --------------- This is the 1.3.0 minor release of the ``community.sap_libs`` collection. This changelog contains all changes to the modules and plugins in this collection that have been made after the previous release. Bugfixes -------- - fix a bug where some commands produces no output which cause to crash the module. - modules - fix a "variable used before assignment" that cannot be reached but causes sanity test failures. v1.3.0 ====== Release Summary --------------- This is the 1.3.0 minor release of the ``community.sap_libs`` collection. This changelog contains all changes to the modules and plugins in this collection that have been made after the previous release. Minor Changes ------------- - License requirements are updated. - The modules purposes are described clearer. - The namespaces of the modules are removed to provide a flatter design. - hana_query - module is moved to sap_hdbsql. - sapcontrol - module is moved to sap_control_exec to have a clearer separation to other roles and references. v1.2.0 ====== Release Summary --------------- This is the minor release of the ``community.sap_libs`` collection. This changelog contains all changes to the modules and plugins in this collection that have been made after the previous release. Bugfixes -------- - syp_system_facts - fix a typo in the usage example which lead to an error if it used as supposed. New Modules ----------- - sap_pyrfc - Ansible Module for use of SAP PyRFC to execute SAP RFCs (Remote Function Calls) to SAP remote-enabled function modules v1.1.0 ====== Release Summary --------------- This is the minor release of the ``community.sap_libs`` collection. This changelog contains all changes to the modules and plugins in this collection that have been made after the previous release. New Modules ----------- System ~~~~~~ - sapcontrol - Ansible Module to execute SAPCONTROL v1.0.0 ====== Release Summary --------------- This is the minor release of the ``community.sap`` collection. It is the initial relase for the ``community.sap`` collection New Modules ----------- Database ~~~~~~~~ saphana ^^^^^^^ - hana_query - Ansible Module to execute SQL on SAP HANA Files ~~~~~ - sapcar_extract - Manages SAP SAPCAR archives Identity ~~~~~~~~ - sap_company - This module will manage a company entities in a SAP S4HANA environment - sap_user - This module will manage a user entities in a SAP S4/HANA environment System ~~~~~~ - sap_snote - This module will upload and (de)implements C(SNOTES) in a SAP S4HANA environment. - sap_system_facts - Gathers SAP facts in a host - sap_task_list_execute - Perform SAP Task list execution