--- - hosts: localhost collections: - cyberark.pas tasks: - name: Logon to CyberArk Vault using PAS Web Services SDK cyberark_authentication: api_base_url: "http://components.cyberark.local" validate_certs: no username: "bizdev" password: "Cyberark1" - name: Rotate credential via reconcile and providing the password to be changed to cyberark_account: identified_by: "address,username" safe: "Test" address: "prod.cyberark.local" username: "admin" platform_id: WinDomain platform_account_properties: ReconcileAccount: "Operating System-WinServerLocal-cyberark.local-administrator-x" LogonDomain: "PROD" secret_management: # new_secret: "Ama123ah12@#!Xaamdjbdkl@#112" # management_action: "reconcile" automatic_management_enabled: true state: present cyberark_session: "{{ cyberark_session }}" register: reconcileaccount - name: Logoff from CyberArk Vault cyberark_authentication: state: absent cyberark_session: "{{ cyberark_session }}"