#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2022, John McCall (@lowlydba) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: database short_description: Creates and configures a database description: - Adds a new database to an existing SQL Server instance. version_added: 0.1.0 options: database: description: - Name of the target database. type: str required: true recovery_model: description: - Choose the recovery model for the database. type: str required: false choices: ['Full', 'Simple', 'BulkLogged'] data_file_path: description: - Directory where the data files should be placed. Uses SQL Server's default if not supplied. - Only used if database is being created. type: str required: false log_file_path: description: - Directory where the log files should be placed. Uses SQL Server's default if not supplied. - Only used if database is being created. type: str required: false owner: description: - Database owner login. type: str required: false maxdop: description: - MAXDOP value for the database. required: false type: int secondary_maxdop: description: - MAXDOP value for the database when it is a non-primary replica in an availability group. required: false type: int compatibility: description: - Compatibility mode for the database. Follows the format of C(Version90), C(Version100), and so on. - String is validated by C(Set-DbaDbCompatibility). required: false type: str rcsi: description: - Whether or not to enable Read Committed Snapshot Isolation. required: false type: bool author: "John McCall (@lowlydba)" requirements: - L(dbatools,https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/dbatools/) PowerShell module extends_documentation_fragment: - lowlydba.sqlserver.sql_credentials - lowlydba.sqlserver.attributes.check_mode - lowlydba.sqlserver.attributes.platform_all - lowlydba.sqlserver.state ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Create database lowlydba.sqlserver.database: sql_instance: sql-01.myco.io database: LowlyDB - name: Create database with customizations lowlydba.sqlserver.database: sql_instance: sql-01.myco.io database: LowlyDB owner: sa maxdop: 2 recovery_model: Simple ''' RETURN = r''' data: description: Modified output from the C(New-DbaDatabase), C(Set-DbaDatabase), or C(Remove-DbaDatabase) function. returned: success, but not in check_mode. type: dict '''