Instructions for Apache-Test Release Manager 0. Ask the PMC to verify that you have the appropriate CPAN permissions on test-dev@. 1. 'make dist' - to make sure nothing is missing from the manifest, etc. Now test this generated package (not svn) with as many configurations as possible on as many platforms as possible. a. edit ./Changes: - change -dev to -rc\d+ starting with -rc1 - note that you *do not* want to change the version in Apache/, this is a significant difference than other Apache::* modules. this means that development proceeds with non '-dev' or '-rc1' version tags, so keep that in mind. b. commit Changes % svn ci -m "1.44 rc1" Changes c. nuke any preinstalled Apache-Test libs and run 'make test' d. test that you can 'make install' and then run 'make test' again e. test whether we are still 100% OK on systems with no LWP: % APACHE_TEST_PRETEND_NO_LWP=1 make test 2. once confident that the package is good, commit the release candidate to and post 24 hour-ish candidate alert to the various lists. note that you will need to be subscribed to all of the following lists. o test-dev/ o dev/ o modperl/ o dev/ (or maybe longer to give most people a chance to catch up). no need to tag this package Subject: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-Test-1.44 RC\d+ a. if problems are detected during stage 2, repeat stages 1 and 2. 3. when the package has been reported to be good, prepare a new package to be released a. edit ./Changes: - remove -rc\d+ - add release date b. rerun: % perl Makefile.PL make sure tag looks right % make -n tag c. commit Changes % svn ci -m "1.44 release" Changes d. tag % make tag e. create the final package % make dist f. test the final package again at least once 4. Upload the package to CPAN 5. Announce the package a. post to the following lists: o test-dev/ o dev/ o modperl/ Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache-Test-1.44 include: - MD5 sig (as it comes from CPAN upload announce). - the latest Changes 6. Prepare for the next cycle a. increment version in lib/Apache/ b. edit ./Changes: - start a new item with incremented version + '-dev' =item 1.45-dev c. bump up version numbers in this file to make it easier to do the next release. % perl -pi.bak -e 's/(\d+)\.(\d+)/join(".", $1, $2+1)/eg' RELEASE d. commit Changes % svn ci -m "start 1.44-dev cycle" Changes RELEASE lib/Apache/