use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache::Test; use Apache::TestRequest; use Apache::TestUtil; use Misc; my $have_fcgisetenvif = have_min_apache_version('2.4.26'); my $have_fcgibackendtype = have_min_apache_version('2.4.26'); # NOTE: This will fail if php-fpm is installed but not in $PATH my $have_php_fpm = `php-fpm -v` =~ /fpm-fcgi/; plan tests => (7 * $have_fcgisetenvif) + (2 * $have_fcgibackendtype) + (2 * $have_fcgibackendtype * have_module('rewrite')) + (7 * have_module('rewrite')) + (7 * have_module('actions')) + (15 * $have_php_fpm * have_module('actions')) + 2, need ( 'mod_proxy_fcgi', 'FCGI', 'IO::Select' ); require FCGI; require IO::Select; Apache::TestRequest::module("proxy_fcgi"); # Launches a short-lived FCGI daemon that will handle exactly one request with # the given handler function. Returns the child PID; exits on failure. sub run_fcgi_handler($$) { my $fcgi_port = shift; my $handler_func = shift; # Use a pipe for ready-signalling between the child and parent. Much faster # (and more reliable) than just sleeping for a few seconds. pipe(READ_END, WRITE_END); my $pid = fork(); unless (defined $pid) { t_debug "couldn't fork FCGI process"; ok 0; exit; } if ($pid == 0) { # Child process. Open up a listening socket. my $sock = FCGI::OpenSocket(":$fcgi_port", 10); # Signal the parent process that we're ready. print WRITE_END 'x'; close WRITE_END; # Listen for and respond to exactly one request from the client. my $request = FCGI::Request(\*STDIN, \*STDOUT, \*STDERR, \%ENV, $sock, &FCGI::FAIL_ACCEPT_ON_INTR); if ($request->Accept() == 0) { # Run the handler. $handler_func->(); $request->Finish(); } # Clean up and exit. FCGI::CloseSocket($sock); exit; } # Parent process. Wait for the daemon to launch. unless (IO::Select->new((\*READ_END,))->can_read(2)) { t_debug "timed out waiting for FCGI process to start"; ok 0; kill 'TERM', $pid; # Note that we don't waitpid() here because Perl's fork() implementation # on some platforms (Windows) doesn't guarantee that the pseudo-TERM # signal will be delivered. Just wait for the child to be cleaned up # when we exit. exit; } return $pid; } # Convenience wrapper for run_fcgi_handler() that will echo back the envvars in # the response. Returns the child PID; exits on failure. sub launch_envvar_echo_daemon($) { my $fcgi_port = shift; return run_fcgi_handler($fcgi_port, sub { # Echo all the envvars back to the client. print("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); foreach my $key (sort(keys %ENV)) { print($key, "=", $ENV{$key}, "\n"); } }); } # Runs a single request using launch_envvar_echo_daemon(), then returns a # hashref containing the environment variables that were echoed by the FCGI # backend. # # Calling this function will run one test that must be accounted for in the test # plan. sub run_fcgi_envvar_request { my $fcgi_port = shift; my $uri = shift; my $backend = shift || "FCGI"; # Launch the FCGI process. my $child = launch_envvar_echo_daemon($fcgi_port) unless ($fcgi_port <= 0) ; # Hit the backend. my $r = GET($uri); ok t_cmp($r->code, 200, "proxy to $backend backend works (" . $uri . ")"); # Split the returned envvars into a dictionary. my %envs = (); foreach my $line (split /\n/, $r->content) { t_debug("> $line"); # log the response lines for debugging my @components = split /=/, $line, 2; $envs{$components[0]} = $components[1]; } if ($fcgi_port > 0) { if ($r->code eq '500') { # Unknown failure, probably the request didn't hit the FCGI child # process, so it will hang waiting for our request kill 'TERM', $child; } else { # Rejoin the child FCGI process. waitpid($child, 0); } } return \%envs; } # # MAIN # # XXX There appears to be no way to get the value of a dynamically-reserved # @NextAvailablePort@ from Apache::Test. We assume here that the port reserved # for the proxy_fcgi vhost is one greater than the reserved FCGI_PORT, but # depending on the test conditions, that may not always be the case... my $fcgi_port = Apache::Test::vars('proxy_fcgi_port') - 1; my $envs; my $docroot = Apache::Test::vars('documentroot'); my $servroot = Apache::Test::vars('serverroot'); if ($have_fcgisetenvif) { # ProxyFCGISetEnvIf tests. Query the backend. $envs = run_fcgi_envvar_request($fcgi_port, "/fcgisetenv?query"); # Check the response values. ok t_cmp($envs->{'QUERY_STRING'}, 'test_value', "ProxyFCGISetEnvIf can override an existing variable"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'TEST_NOT_SET'}, undef, "ProxyFCGISetEnvIf does not set variables if condition is false"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'TEST_EMPTY'}, '', "ProxyFCGISetEnvIf can set empty values"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'TEST_DOCROOT'}, $docroot, "ProxyFCGISetEnvIf can replace with request variables"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'TEST_CGI_VERSION'}, 'v1.1', "ProxyFCGISetEnvIf can replace with backreferences"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'REMOTE_ADDR'}, undef, "ProxyFCGISetEnvIf can unset var"); } # Tests for GENERIC backend type behavior. if ($have_fcgibackendtype) { # Regression test for PR59618. $envs = run_fcgi_envvar_request($fcgi_port, "/modules/proxy/fcgi-generic/index.php?query"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}, $docroot . '/modules/proxy/fcgi-generic/index.php', "GENERIC SCRIPT_FILENAME should have neither query string nor proxy: prefix"); } if ($have_fcgibackendtype && have_module('rewrite')) { # Regression test for PR59815. $envs = run_fcgi_envvar_request($fcgi_port, "/modules/proxy/fcgi-generic-rewrite/index.php?query"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}, $docroot . '/modules/proxy/fcgi-generic-rewrite/index.php', "GENERIC SCRIPT_FILENAME should have neither query string nor proxy: prefix"); } if (have_module('rewrite')) { # Regression test for general FPM breakage when using mod_rewrite for # nice-looking URIs; see # $envs = run_fcgi_envvar_request($fcgi_port, "/modules/proxy/fcgi-rewrite-path-info/path/info?query"); # Not all of these values make sense, but unfortunately FPM expects some # breakage and doesn't function properly without it, so we can't fully fix # the problem by default. These tests verify that we follow the 2.4.20 way # of doing things for the "rewrite-redirect PATH_INFO to script" case. ok t_cmp($envs->{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}, "proxy:fcgi://" . $fcgi_port . $docroot . '/modules/proxy/fcgi-rewrite-path-info/index.php', "Default SCRIPT_FILENAME has proxy:fcgi prefix for compatibility"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, '/modules/proxy/fcgi-rewrite-path-info/index.php', "Default SCRIPT_NAME uses actual path to script"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'PATH_INFO'}, '/path/info', "Default PATH_INFO is correct"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}, $docroot . '/path/info', "Default PATH_TRANSLATED is correct"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'QUERY_STRING'}, 'query', "Default QUERY_STRING is correct"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'REDIRECT_URL'}, '/modules/proxy/fcgi-rewrite-path-info/path/info', "Default REDIRECT_URL uses original client URL"); } if (have_module('actions')) { # Regression test to ensure that the bizarre Action invocation for FCGI # still works as it did in 2.4.20. Almost none of this follows any spec at # all. As far as I can tell, this method does not work with FPM. $envs = run_fcgi_envvar_request($fcgi_port, "/modules/proxy/fcgi-action/index.php/path/info?query"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}, "proxy:fcgi://" . $fcgi_port . $docroot . '/fcgi-action-virtual', "Action SCRIPT_FILENAME has proxy:fcgi prefix and uses virtual action Location"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, '/fcgi-action-virtual', "Action SCRIPT_NAME is the virtual action Location"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'PATH_INFO'}, '/modules/proxy/fcgi-action/index.php/path/info', "Action PATH_INFO contains full URI path"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}, $docroot . '/modules/proxy/fcgi-action/index.php/path/info', "Action PATH_TRANSLATED contains full URI path"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'QUERY_STRING'}, 'query', "Action QUERY_STRING is correct"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'REDIRECT_URL'}, '/modules/proxy/fcgi-action/index.php/path/info', "Action REDIRECT_URL uses original client URL"); # Testing using php-fpm directly if ($have_php_fpm) { my $pid_file = "/tmp/php-fpm-" . $$ . "-" . time . ".pid"; my $pid = fork(); unless (defined $pid) { t_debug "couldn't start PHP-FPM"; ok 0; exit; } if ($pid == 0) { system "php-fpm -n -D -g $pid_file -p $servroot/php-fpm"; exit; } # Wait for php-fpm to start-up unless ( Misc::cwait('-e "'.$pid_file.'"', 10, 50) ) { ok 0; exit; } sleep(1); $envs = run_fcgi_envvar_request(0, "/php/fpm/action/sub2/test.php/foo/bar?query", "PHP-FPM"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, '/php/fpm/action/sub2/test.php', "Handler PHP-FPM sets correct SCRIPT_NAME"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'PATH_INFO'}, '/foo/bar', "Handler PHP-FPM sets correct PATH_INFO"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'QUERY_STRING'}, 'query', "Handler PHP-FPM sets correct QUERY_STRING"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}, $docroot . '/foo/bar', "Handler PHP-FPM sets correct PATH_TRANSLATED"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'FCGI_ROLE'}, 'RESPONDER', "Handler PHP-FPM sets correct FCGI_ROLE"); $envs = run_fcgi_envvar_request(0, "/php-fpm-pp/php/fpm/pp/sub1/test.php/foo/bar?query", "PHP-FPM"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, '/php-fpm-pp/php/fpm/pp/sub1/test.php', "ProxyPass PHP-FPM sets correct SCRIPT_NAME"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'PATH_INFO'}, '/foo/bar', "ProxyPass PHP-FPM sets correct PATH_INFO"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'QUERY_STRING'}, 'query', "ProxyPass PHP-FPM sets correct QUERY_STRING"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}, $docroot . '/foo/bar', "ProxyPass PHP-FPM sets correct PATH_TRANSLATED"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'FCGI_ROLE'}, 'RESPONDER', "ProxyPass PHP-FPM sets correct FCGI_ROLE"); $envs = run_fcgi_envvar_request(0, "/php-fpm-pp/php/fpm/pp/sub1/test.php", "PHP-FPM"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'PATH_INFO'}, undef, "ProxyPass PHP-FPM sets correct empty PATH_INFO"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}, undef, "ProxyPass PHP-FPM does not set PATH_TRANSLATED w/ empty PATH_INFO"); # TODO: Add more tests here # Clean up php-fpm process(es) kill 'TERM', $pid; # Kill child process kill 'TERM', `cat $pid_file`; # Kill php-fpm daemon waitpid($pid, 0); } } # Regression test for PR61202. $envs = run_fcgi_envvar_request($fcgi_port, "/modules/proxy/fcgi/index.php"); ok t_cmp($envs->{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, '/modules/proxy/fcgi/index.php', "Server sets correct SCRIPT_NAME by default");