path: root/include/private/apr_crypto_internal.h
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1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/private/apr_crypto_internal.h b/include/private/apr_crypto_internal.h
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+++ b/include/private/apr_crypto_internal.h
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+/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "apr_crypto.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+struct apr_crypto_driver_t {
+ /** name */
+ const char *name;
+ /**
+ * @brief: allow driver to perform once-only initialisation.
+ * Called once only.
+ * @param pool The pool to register the cleanup in.
+ * @param params Optional init parameter string.
+ * @param rc Driver-specific additional error code
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*init)(apr_pool_t *pool, const char *params,
+ const apu_err_t **result);
+ /**
+ * @brief Create a context for supporting encryption. Keys, certificates,
+ * algorithms and other parameters will be set per context. More than
+ * one context can be created at one time. A cleanup will be automatically
+ * registered with the given pool to guarantee a graceful shutdown.
+ * @param f - context pointer will be written here
+ * @param provider - provider to use
+ * @param params - array of key parameters
+ * @param pool - process pool
+ * @return APR_ENOENGINE when the engine specified does not exist. APR_EINITENGINE
+ * if the engine cannot be initialised.
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*make)(apr_crypto_t **f, const apr_crypto_driver_t *provider,
+ const char *params, apr_pool_t *pool);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get a hash table of key types, keyed by the name of the type against
+ * a pointer to apr_crypto_block_key_type_t.
+ *
+ * @param types - hashtable of key types keyed to constants.
+ * @param f - encryption context
+ * @return APR_SUCCESS for success
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*get_block_key_types)(apr_hash_t **types,
+ const apr_crypto_t *f);
+ /**
+ * @brief Get a hash table of key modes, keyed by the name of the mode against
+ * a pointer to apr_crypto_block_key_mode_t.
+ *
+ * @param modes - hashtable of key modes keyed to constants.
+ * @param f - encryption context
+ * @return APR_SUCCESS for success
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*get_block_key_modes)(apr_hash_t **modes,
+ const apr_crypto_t *f);
+ /**
+ * @brief Create a key from the given passphrase. By default, the PBKDF2
+ * algorithm is used to generate the key from the passphrase. It is expected
+ * that the same pass phrase will generate the same key, regardless of the
+ * backend crypto platform used. The key is cleaned up when the context
+ * is cleaned, and may be reused with multiple encryption or decryption
+ * operations.
+ * @note If *key is NULL, a apr_crypto_key_t will be created from a pool. If
+ * *key is not NULL, *key must point at a previously created structure.
+ * @param key The key returned, see note.
+ * @param ivSize The size of the initialisation vector will be returned, based
+ * on whether an IV is relevant for this type of crypto.
+ * @param pass The passphrase to use.
+ * @param passLen The passphrase length in bytes
+ * @param salt The salt to use.
+ * @param saltLen The salt length in bytes
+ * @param type 3DES_192, AES_128, AES_192, AES_256.
+ * @param mode Electronic Code Book / Cipher Block Chaining.
+ * @param doPad Pad if necessary.
+ * @param iterations Iteration count
+ * @param f The context to use.
+ * @param p The pool to use.
+ * @return Returns APR_ENOKEY if the pass phrase is missing or empty, or if a backend
+ * error occurred while generating the key. APR_ENOCIPHER if the type or mode
+ * is not supported by the particular backend. APR_EKEYTYPE if the key type is
+ * not known. APR_EPADDING if padding was requested but is not supported.
+ * APR_ENOTIMPL if not implemented.
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*passphrase)(apr_crypto_key_t **key, apr_size_t *ivSize,
+ const char *pass, apr_size_t passLen, const unsigned char * salt,
+ apr_size_t saltLen, const apr_crypto_block_key_type_e type,
+ const apr_crypto_block_key_mode_e mode, const int doPad,
+ const int iterations, const apr_crypto_t *f, apr_pool_t *p);
+ /**
+ * @brief Initialise a context for encrypting arbitrary data using the given key.
+ * @note If *ctx is NULL, a apr_crypto_block_t will be created from a pool. If
+ * *ctx is not NULL, *ctx must point at a previously created structure.
+ * @param ctx The block context returned, see note.
+ * @param iv Optional initialisation vector. If the buffer pointed to is NULL,
+ * an IV will be created at random, in space allocated from the pool.
+ * If the buffer pointed to is not NULL, the IV in the buffer will be
+ * used.
+ * @param key The key structure.
+ * @param blockSize The block size of the cipher.
+ * @param p The pool to use.
+ * @return Returns APR_ENOIV if an initialisation vector is required but not specified.
+ * Returns APR_EINIT if the backend failed to initialise the context. Returns
+ * APR_ENOTIMPL if not implemented.
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*block_encrypt_init)(apr_crypto_block_t **ctx,
+ const unsigned char **iv, const apr_crypto_key_t *key,
+ apr_size_t *blockSize, apr_pool_t *p);
+ /**
+ * @brief Encrypt data provided by in, write it to out.
+ * @note The number of bytes written will be written to outlen. If
+ * out is NULL, outlen will contain the maximum size of the
+ * buffer needed to hold the data, including any data
+ * generated by apr_crypto_block_encrypt_finish below. If *out points
+ * to NULL, a buffer sufficiently large will be created from
+ * the pool provided. If *out points to a not-NULL value, this
+ * value will be used as a buffer instead.
+ * @param out Address of a buffer to which data will be written,
+ * see note.
+ * @param outlen Length of the output will be written here.
+ * @param in Address of the buffer to read.
+ * @param inlen Length of the buffer to read.
+ * @param ctx The block context to use.
+ * @return APR_ECRYPT if an error occurred. Returns APR_ENOTIMPL if
+ * not implemented.
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*block_encrypt)(unsigned char **out, apr_size_t *outlen,
+ const unsigned char *in, apr_size_t inlen, apr_crypto_block_t *ctx);
+ /**
+ * @brief Encrypt final data block, write it to out.
+ * @note If necessary the final block will be written out after being
+ * padded. Typically the final block will be written to the
+ * same buffer used by apr_crypto_block_encrypt, offset by the
+ * number of bytes returned as actually written by the
+ * apr_crypto_block_encrypt() call. After this call, the context
+ * is cleaned and can be reused by apr_crypto_block_encrypt_init().
+ * @param out Address of a buffer to which data will be written. This
+ * buffer must already exist, and is usually the same
+ * buffer used by apr_evp_crypt(). See note.
+ * @param outlen Length of the output will be written here.
+ * @param ctx The block context to use.
+ * @return APR_ECRYPT if an error occurred.
+ * @return APR_EPADDING if padding was enabled and the block was incorrectly
+ * formatted.
+ * @return APR_ENOTIMPL if not implemented.
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*block_encrypt_finish)(unsigned char *out,
+ apr_size_t *outlen, apr_crypto_block_t *ctx);
+ /**
+ * @brief Initialise a context for decrypting arbitrary data using the given key.
+ * @note If *ctx is NULL, a apr_crypto_block_t will be created from a pool. If
+ * *ctx is not NULL, *ctx must point at a previously created structure.
+ * @param ctx The block context returned, see note.
+ * @param blockSize The block size of the cipher.
+ * @param iv Optional initialisation vector. If the buffer pointed to is NULL,
+ * an IV will be created at random, in space allocated from the pool.
+ * If the buffer is not NULL, the IV in the buffer will be used.
+ * @param key The key structure.
+ * @param p The pool to use.
+ * @return Returns APR_ENOIV if an initialisation vector is required but not specified.
+ * Returns APR_EINIT if the backend failed to initialise the context. Returns
+ * APR_ENOTIMPL if not implemented.
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*block_decrypt_init)(apr_crypto_block_t **ctx,
+ apr_size_t *blockSize, const unsigned char *iv,
+ const apr_crypto_key_t *key, apr_pool_t *p);
+ /**
+ * @brief Decrypt data provided by in, write it to out.
+ * @note The number of bytes written will be written to outlen. If
+ * out is NULL, outlen will contain the maximum size of the
+ * buffer needed to hold the data, including any data
+ * generated by apr_crypto_block_decrypt_finish below. If *out points
+ * to NULL, a buffer sufficiently large will be created from
+ * the pool provided. If *out points to a not-NULL value, this
+ * value will be used as a buffer instead.
+ * @param out Address of a buffer to which data will be written,
+ * see note.
+ * @param outlen Length of the output will be written here.
+ * @param in Address of the buffer to read.
+ * @param inlen Length of the buffer to read.
+ * @param ctx The block context to use.
+ * @return APR_ECRYPT if an error occurred. Returns APR_ENOTIMPL if
+ * not implemented.
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*block_decrypt)(unsigned char **out, apr_size_t *outlen,
+ const unsigned char *in, apr_size_t inlen, apr_crypto_block_t *ctx);
+ /**
+ * @brief Decrypt final data block, write it to out.
+ * @note If necessary the final block will be written out after being
+ * padded. Typically the final block will be written to the
+ * same buffer used by apr_crypto_block_decrypt, offset by the
+ * number of bytes returned as actually written by the
+ * apr_crypto_block_decrypt() call. After this call, the context
+ * is cleaned and can be reused by apr_crypto_block_decrypt_init().
+ * @param out Address of a buffer to which data will be written. This
+ * buffer must already exist, and is usually the same
+ * buffer used by apr_evp_crypt(). See note.
+ * @param outlen Length of the output will be written here.
+ * @param ctx The block context to use.
+ * @return APR_ECRYPT if an error occurred.
+ * @return APR_EPADDING if padding was enabled and the block was incorrectly
+ * formatted.
+ * @return APR_ENOTIMPL if not implemented.
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*block_decrypt_finish)(unsigned char *out,
+ apr_size_t *outlen, apr_crypto_block_t *ctx);
+ /**
+ * @brief Clean encryption / decryption context.
+ * @note After cleanup, a context is free to be reused if necessary.
+ * @param ctx The block context to use.
+ * @return Returns APR_ENOTIMPL if not supported.
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*block_cleanup)(apr_crypto_block_t *ctx);
+ /**
+ * @brief Clean encryption / decryption context.
+ * @note After cleanup, a context is free to be reused if necessary.
+ * @param f The context to use.
+ * @return Returns APR_ENOTIMPL if not supported.
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*cleanup)(apr_crypto_t *f);
+ /**
+ * @brief Clean encryption / decryption context.
+ * @note After cleanup, a context is free to be reused if necessary.
+ * @return Returns APR_ENOTIMPL if not supported.
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*shutdown)(void);
+ /**
+ * @brief: fetch the most recent error from this driver.
+ * @param result - the result structure
+ * @param f - context pointer
+ * @return APR_SUCCESS for success.
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*error)(const apu_err_t **result, const apr_crypto_t *f);
+ /**
+ * @brief Create a key from the provided secret or passphrase. The key is cleaned
+ * up when the context is cleaned, and may be reused with multiple encryption
+ * or decryption operations.
+ * @note If *key is NULL, a apr_crypto_key_t will be created from a pool. If
+ * *key is not NULL, *key must point at a previously created structure.
+ * @param key The key returned, see note.
+ * @param rec The key record, from which the key will be derived.
+ * @param f The context to use.
+ * @param p The pool to use.
+ * @return Returns APR_ENOKEY if the pass phrase is missing or empty, or if a backend
+ * error occurred while generating the key. APR_ENOCIPHER if the type or mode
+ * is not supported by the particular backend. APR_EKEYTYPE if the key type is
+ * not known. APR_EPADDING if padding was requested but is not supported.
+ * APR_ENOTIMPL if not implemented.
+ */
+ apr_status_t (*key)(apr_crypto_key_t **key, const apr_crypto_key_rec_t *rec,
+ const apr_crypto_t *f, apr_pool_t *p);
+#ifdef __cplusplus