import difflib import os import re import shlex import subprocess import time from typing import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple import pexpect import pytest PS1 = "/@" MAGIC_MARK = "__MaGiC-maRKz!__" def find_unique_completion_pair( items: Iterable[str], ) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]: result = None bestscore = 0 sitems = sorted(set(items)) for i in range(len(sitems)): cur = sitems[i] curlen = len(cur) prv = sitems[i - 1] if i != 0 else "" prvlen = len(prv) nxt = sitems[i + 1] if i < len(sitems) - 1 else "" nxtlen = len(nxt) diffprv = prv == "" diffnxt = nxt == "" # Analyse each item of the list and look for the minimum length of the # partial prefix which is distinct from both nxt and prv. The list # is sorted so the prefix will be unique in the entire list. for j in range(curlen): curchar = cur[j] if not diffprv and (j >= prvlen or prv[j] != curchar): diffprv = True if not diffnxt and (j >= nxtlen or nxt[j] != curchar): diffnxt = True if diffprv and diffnxt: break # At the end of the loop, j is the index of last character of # the unique partial prefix. The length is one plus that. parlen = j + 1 if parlen >= curlen: continue # Try to find the most "readable pair"; look for a long pair where # part is about half of full. if parlen < curlen / 2: parlen = int(curlen / 2) score = curlen - parlen if score > bestscore: bestscore = score result = (cur[:parlen], cur) return result @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def output_sort_uniq(bash: pexpect.spawn) -> Callable[[str], List[str]]: def _output_sort_uniq(command: str) -> List[str]: return sorted( set( # weed out possible duplicates assert_bash_exec(bash, command, want_output=True).split() ) ) return _output_sort_uniq @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def part_full_user( bash: pexpect.spawn, output_sort_uniq: Callable[[str], List[str]] ) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]: res = output_sort_uniq("compgen -u") pair = find_unique_completion_pair(res) if not pair: pytest.skip("No suitable test user found") return pair @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def part_full_group( bash: pexpect.spawn, output_sort_uniq: Callable[[str], List[str]] ) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]: res = output_sort_uniq("compgen -g") pair = find_unique_completion_pair(res) if not pair: pytest.skip("No suitable test user found") return pair @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def hosts(bash: pexpect.spawn) -> List[str]: output = assert_bash_exec(bash, "compgen -A hostname", want_output=True) return sorted(set(output.split() + _avahi_hosts(bash))) @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def avahi_hosts(bash: pexpect.spawn) -> List[str]: return _avahi_hosts(bash) def _avahi_hosts(bash: pexpect.spawn) -> List[str]: output = assert_bash_exec( bash, "! type avahi-browse &>/dev/null || " "avahi-browse -cpr _workstation._tcp 2>/dev/null " "| command grep ^= | cut -d';' -f7", want_output=None, ) return sorted(set(output.split())) @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def known_hosts(bash: pexpect.spawn) -> List[str]: output = assert_bash_exec( bash, '_known_hosts_real ""; ' r'printf "%s\n" "${COMPREPLY[@]}"; unset COMPREPLY', want_output=True, ) return sorted(set(output.split())) @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def user_home(bash: pexpect.spawn) -> Tuple[str, str]: user = assert_bash_exec( bash, 'id -un 2>/dev/null || echo "$USER"', want_output=True ).strip() home = assert_bash_exec(bash, 'echo "$HOME"', want_output=True).strip() return (user, home) def partialize( bash: pexpect.spawn, items: Iterable[str] ) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]: """ Get list of items starting with the first char of first of items. Disregard items starting with a COMP_WORDBREAKS character (e.g. a colon ~ IPv6 address), they are special cases requiring special tests. """ first_char = None comp_wordbreaks = assert_bash_exec( bash, 'printf "%s" "$COMP_WORDBREAKS"', want_output=True, want_newline=False, ) partial_items = [] for item in sorted(items): if first_char is None: if item[0] not in comp_wordbreaks: first_char = item[0] partial_items.append(item) elif item.startswith(first_char): partial_items.append(item) else: break if first_char is None: pytest.skip("Could not generate partial items list from %s" % items) # superfluous/dead code to assist mypy; pytest.skip always raises assert first_char is not None return first_char, partial_items @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def bash(request) -> pexpect.spawn: logfile = None if os.environ.get("BASHCOMP_TEST_LOGFILE"): logfile = open(os.environ["BASHCOMP_TEST_LOGFILE"], "w") testdir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir) ) env = os.environ.copy() env.update( dict( SRCDIR=testdir, # TODO needed at least by bashrc SRCDIRABS=testdir, # TODO needed? PS1=PS1, INPUTRC="%s/config/inputrc" % testdir, TERM="dumb", LC_COLLATE="C", # to match Python's default locale unaware sort ) ) fixturesdir = os.path.join(testdir, "fixtures") os.chdir(fixturesdir) # Start bash bash = pexpect.spawn( "%s --norc" % os.environ.get("BASHCOMP_TEST_BASH", "bash"), maxread=os.environ.get("BASHCOMP_TEST_PEXPECT_MAXREAD", 20000), logfile=logfile, cwd=fixturesdir, env=env, encoding="utf-8", # TODO? or native or...? # FIXME: Tests shouldn't depend on dimensions, but it's difficult to # expect robustly enough for Bash to wrap lines anywhere (e.g. inside # MAGIC_MARK). Increase window width to reduce wrapping. dimensions=(24, 160), # TODO? codec_errors="replace", ) bash.expect_exact(PS1) # Load bashrc and bash_completion assert_bash_exec(bash, "source '%s/config/bashrc'" % testdir) assert_bash_exec(bash, "source '%s/../bash_completion'" % testdir) # Use command name from marker if set, or grab from test filename cmd = None # type: Optional[str] cmd_found = False marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("bashcomp") if marker: cmd = marker.kwargs.get("cmd") cmd_found = "cmd" in marker.kwargs # Run pre-test commands, early so they're usable in skipif for pre_cmd in marker.kwargs.get("pre_cmds", []): assert_bash_exec(bash, pre_cmd) # Process skip and xfail conditions skipif = marker.kwargs.get("skipif") if skipif: try: assert_bash_exec(bash, skipif, want_output=None) except AssertionError: pass else: bash.close() pytest.skip(skipif) xfail = marker.kwargs.get("xfail") if xfail: try: assert_bash_exec(bash, xfail, want_output=None) except AssertionError: pass else: pytest.xfail(xfail) if not cmd_found: match = r"^test_(.+)\.py$", os.path.basename(str(request.fspath)) ) if match: cmd = request.cls.cmd = cmd if (cmd_found and cmd is None) or is_testable(bash, cmd): before_env = get_env(bash) yield bash # Not exactly sure why, but some errors leave bash in state where # getting the env here would fail and trash our test output. So # reset to a good state first (Ctrl+C, expect prompt). bash.sendintr() bash.expect_exact(PS1) diff_env( before_env, get_env(bash), marker.kwargs.get("ignore_env") if marker else "", ) if marker: for post_cmd in marker.kwargs.get("post_cmds", []): assert_bash_exec(bash, post_cmd) # Clean up bash.close() if logfile: logfile.close() def is_testable(bash: pexpect.spawn, cmd: Optional[str]) -> bool: if not cmd:"Could not resolve name of command to test") return False if not load_completion_for(bash, cmd): pytest.skip("No completion for command %s" % cmd) return True def is_bash_type(bash: pexpect.spawn, cmd: Optional[str]) -> bool: if not cmd: return False typecmd = "type %s &>/dev/null && echo -n 0 || echo -n 1" % cmd bash.sendline(typecmd) bash.expect_exact(typecmd + "\r\n") result = bash.expect_exact(["0", "1"]) == 0 bash.expect_exact(PS1) return result def load_completion_for(bash: pexpect.spawn, cmd: str) -> bool: try: # Allow __load_completion to fail so we can test completions # that are directly loaded in bash_completion without a separate file. assert_bash_exec(bash, "__load_completion %s || :" % cmd) assert_bash_exec(bash, "complete -p %s &>/dev/null" % cmd) except AssertionError: return False return True def assert_bash_exec( bash: pexpect.spawn, cmd: str, want_output: Optional[bool] = False, want_newline=True, ) -> str: """ :param want_output: if None, don't care if got output or not """ # Send command bash.sendline(cmd) bash.expect_exact(cmd) # Find prompt, output is before it bash.expect_exact("%s%s" % ("\r\n" if want_newline else "", PS1)) output = bash.before # Retrieve exit status echo = "echo $?" bash.sendline(echo) got = bash.expect( [ r"^%s\r\n(\d+)\r\n%s" % (re.escape(echo), re.escape(PS1)), PS1, pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT, ] ) status = if got == 0 else "unknown" assert status == "0", 'Error running "%s": exit status=%s, output="%s"' % ( cmd, status, output, ) if want_output is not None: if output: assert want_output, ( 'Unexpected output from "%s": exit status=%s, output="%s"' % (cmd, status, output) ) else: assert not want_output, ( 'Expected output from "%s": exit status=%s, output="%s"' % (cmd, status, output) ) return output def get_env(bash: pexpect.spawn) -> List[str]: return ( assert_bash_exec( bash, "{ (set -o posix ; set); declare -F; shopt -p; set -o; }", want_output=True, ) .strip() .splitlines() ) def diff_env(before: List[str], after: List[str], ignore: str): diff = [ x for x in difflib.unified_diff(before, after, n=0, lineterm="") # Remove unified diff markers: if not"^(---|\+\+\+|@@ )", x) # Ignore variables expected to change: and not"^[-+](_|PPID|BASH_REMATCH|OLDPWD)=", x) # Ignore likely completion functions added by us: and not"^\+declare -f _.+", x) # ...and additional specified things: and not or "^$", x) ] # For some reason, COMP_WORDBREAKS gets added to the list after # saving. Remove its changes, and note that it may take two lines. for i in range(0, len(diff)): if re.match("^[-+]COMP_WORDBREAKS=", diff[i]): if i < len(diff) and not re.match(r"^\+[\w]+=", diff[i + 1]): del diff[i + 1] del diff[i] break assert not diff, "Environment should not be modified" class CompletionResult(Iterable[str]): """ Class to hold completion results. """ def __init__(self, output: Optional[str] = None): """ :param output: All completion output as-is. """ self.output = output or "" def endswith(self, suffix: str) -> bool: return self.output.endswith(suffix) def startswith(self, prefix: str) -> bool: return self.output.startswith(prefix) def _items(self) -> List[str]: return [x.strip() for x in self.output.strip().splitlines()] def __eq__(self, expected: object) -> bool: """ Returns True if completion contains expected items, and no others. Defining __eq__ this way is quite ugly, but facilitates concise testing code. """ if isinstance(expected, str): expiter = [expected] # type: Iterable elif not isinstance(expected, Iterable): return False else: expiter = expected return self._items() == expiter def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool: return item in self._items() def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(self._items()) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._items()) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "" % self._items() def assert_complete( bash: pexpect.spawn, cmd: str, **kwargs ) -> CompletionResult: skipif = kwargs.get("skipif") if skipif: try: assert_bash_exec(bash, skipif, want_output=None) except AssertionError: pass else: pytest.skip(skipif) xfail = kwargs.get("xfail") if xfail: try: assert_bash_exec(bash, xfail, want_output=None) except AssertionError: pass else: pytest.xfail(xfail) cwd = kwargs.get("cwd") if cwd: assert_bash_exec(bash, "cd '%s'" % cwd) env_prefix = "_BASHCOMP_TEST_" env = kwargs.get("env", {}) if env: # Back up environment and apply new one assert_bash_exec( bash, " ".join('%s%s="${%s-}"' % (env_prefix, k, k) for k in env.keys()), ) assert_bash_exec( bash, "export %s" % " ".join("%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in env.items()), ) try: bash.send(cmd + "\t") # Sleep a bit if requested, to avoid `.*` matching too early time.sleep(kwargs.get("sleep_after_tab", 0)) bash.expect_exact(cmd) bash.send(MAGIC_MARK) got = bash.expect( [ # 0: multiple lines, result in .before r"\r\n" + re.escape(PS1 + cmd) + ".*" + re.escape(MAGIC_MARK), # 1: no completion r"^" + re.escape(MAGIC_MARK), # 2: on same line, result in .match r"^([^\r]+)%s$" % re.escape(MAGIC_MARK), pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT, ] ) if got == 0: output = bash.before if output.endswith(MAGIC_MARK): output = bash.before[: -len(MAGIC_MARK)] result = CompletionResult(output) elif got == 2: output = result = CompletionResult(output) else: # TODO: warn about EOF/TIMEOUT? result = CompletionResult() finally: bash.sendintr() bash.expect_exact(PS1) if env: # Restore environment, and clean up backup # TODO: Test with declare -p if a var was set, backup only if yes, and # similarly restore only backed up vars. Should remove some need # for ignore_env. assert_bash_exec( bash, "export %s" % " ".join( '%s="$%s%s"' % (k, env_prefix, k) for k in env.keys() ), ) assert_bash_exec( bash, "unset -v %s" % " ".join("%s%s" % (env_prefix, k) for k in env.keys()), ) if cwd: assert_bash_exec(bash, "cd - >/dev/null") return result @pytest.fixture def completion(request, bash: pexpect.spawn) -> CompletionResult: marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("complete") if not marker: return CompletionResult() for pre_cmd in marker.kwargs.get("pre_cmds", []): assert_bash_exec(bash, pre_cmd) cmd = getattr(request.cls, "cmd", None) if marker.kwargs.get("require_longopt"): # longopt completions require both command presence and that it # responds something useful to --help if "require_cmd" not in marker.kwargs: marker.kwargs["require_cmd"] = True if "xfail" not in marker.kwargs: marker.kwargs["xfail"] = ( "! %s --help &>/dev/null || " "! %s --help 2>&1 | command grep -qF -- --help" ) % ((cmd,) * 2) if marker.kwargs.get("require_cmd") and not is_bash_type(bash, cmd): pytest.skip("Command not found") if "trail" in marker.kwargs: return assert_complete_at_point( bash, cmd=marker.args[0], trail=marker.kwargs["trail"] ) return assert_complete(bash, marker.args[0], **marker.kwargs) def assert_complete_at_point( bash: pexpect.spawn, cmd: str, trail: str ) -> CompletionResult: # TODO: merge to assert_complete fullcmd = "%s%s%s" % ( cmd, trail, "\002" * len(trail), ) # \002 = ^B = cursor left bash.send(fullcmd + "\t") bash.send(MAGIC_MARK) bash.expect_exact(fullcmd.replace("\002", "\b")) got = bash.expect_exact( [ # 0: multiple lines, result in .before PS1 + fullcmd.replace("\002", "\b"), # 1: no completion MAGIC_MARK, pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT, ] ) if got == 0: output = bash.before result = CompletionResult(output) # At this point, something weird happens. For most test setups, as # expected (pun intended!), MAGIC_MARK follows as is. But for some # others (e.g. CentOS 6, Ubuntu 14 test containers), we get MAGIC_MARK # one character a time, followed each time by trail and the corresponding # number of \b's. Don't know why, but accept it until/if someone finds out. # Or just be fine with it indefinitely, the visible and practical end # result on a terminal is the same anyway. repeat = "(%s%s)?" % (re.escape(trail), "\b" * len(trail)) fullexpected = "".join( "%s%s" % (re.escape(x), repeat) for x in MAGIC_MARK ) bash.expect(fullexpected) else: # TODO: warn about EOF/TIMEOUT? result = CompletionResult() return result def in_container() -> bool: try: container = subprocess.check_output( "virt-what || systemd-detect-virt --container", stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, shell=True, ).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: container = b"" if container and container != b"none": return True if os.path.exists("/.dockerenv"): return True try: with open("/proc/1/environ", "rb") as f: # LXC, others? if any( x.startswith(b"container=") for x in f.readline().split(b"\0") ): return True except OSError: pass return False class TestUnitBase: def _test_unit( self, func, bash, comp_words, comp_cword, comp_line, comp_point, arg="" ): assert_bash_exec( bash, "COMP_WORDS=%s COMP_CWORD=%d COMP_LINE=%s COMP_POINT=%d" % (comp_words, comp_cword, shlex.quote(comp_line), comp_point), ) output = assert_bash_exec(bash, func % arg, want_output=True) return output.strip()