#!/usr/bin/env bash . ./test.common test_start "PTP port" # Block communication between 3 and 1 base_delay="(+ 1e-4 (* -1 (equal 0.1 from 3) (equal 0.1 to 1)))" cat > tmp/peer.keys <<-EOF 1 MD5 1234567890 EOF clients=2 peers=2 max_sync_time=420 server_conf=" ptpport 319" client_conf=" ptpport 319 authselectmode ignore keyfile tmp/peer.keys" client_server_options="minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 port 319" client_peer_options="minpoll 6 maxpoll 6 port 319 key 1" run_test || test_fail check_chronyd_exit || test_fail check_source_selection || test_fail check_sync || test_fail check_file_messages " 2 1 .* 319 319 1 96 " 150 160 \ log.packets || test_fail check_file_messages " 1 2 .* 319 319 1 96 " 150 160 \ log.packets || test_fail check_file_messages " 2 3 .* 319 319 1 116 " 150 160 \ log.packets || test_fail check_file_messages " 3 2 .* 319 319 1 116 " 150 160 \ log.packets || test_fail test_pass