diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-27 21:06:40 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-27 21:06:40 +0000
commitd827c6cf1631209f5042a9d1d8a7ecc24223c8a0 (patch)
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 13.11.4.upstream/13.11.4upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
260 files changed, 107403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.dir-locals.el b/.dir-locals.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50364f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.dir-locals.el
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ (tab-width . 4)
+ (indent-tabs-mode . t))
+ (cperl-mode
+ (cperl-indent-level . 4)
+ (tab-width . 4)
+ (indent-tabs-mode . t)))
diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cca0bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+root = true
+end_of_line = lf
+insert_final_newline = true
+indent_style = space
+indent_style = tab
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..713ae1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ stage: test
+ image: debian:stable-backports
+ script:
+ - apt-get update
+ - apt-get build-dep -y .
+ - dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -tc
+ stage: test
+ image: debian:testing
+ script:
+ - apt-get update
+ - apt-get build-dep -y .
+ - dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -tc
+ stage: test
+ image: debian:unstable
+ script:
+ - apt-get update
+ - apt-get build-dep -y .
+ - dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -tc
+ stage: test
+ image: debian:unstable
+ script:
+ - apt-get update
+ - apt-get build-dep -y .
+ - dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -tc
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..791c2ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Contributing to debhelper
+Thanks for your interest in improving debhelper.
+No matter how you identify yourself or how others perceive you: we
+welcome you. We welcome contributions from you as long as they
+interact constructively with our community. See also [Code of
+Conduct, Social rules and conflict
+This document will cover what you need to get started on working with
+debhelper, where to submit patches or contributions and what we expect
+from contributors.
+## Getting started
+<a id="getting-starting"></a>
+This section helps you get started with working on debhelper. It
+assumes you are comfortable with `git`.
+First clone the debhelper git repository and install build-dependencies:
+ git clone
+ cd debhelper
+ apt-get build-dep ./
+ # Used for running the test suite
+ apt-get install perl
+Running the test suite:
+ # Available from the perl package.
+ prove -lr -j`nproc` t
+Doing a test build / release build of debhelper:
+ # Consider doing it in a chroot to verify that the Build-Depends are correct.
+ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc
+ # installing it for further testing
+ apt-get install ../debhelper_<version>_all.deb
+Please have a look at `doc/PROGRAMMING`, which have guidelines for
+debhelper code.
+## Balancing simplicity, ease-of-use, performance, etc.
+At times, there are conflicting wishes for debhelper. We cannot
+satisfy all requirements and we sometimes have to say no thanks to a
+particular change because it conflicts with design goal, or if it is
+better suited in a different project, etc.
+Here are some guidelines that may be useful:
+ * New build systems or helpers that are language/framework specific
+ or have a narrow scope are generally better shipped in a separate
+ package. If the scope becomes more general, the tooling can be
+ merged in to debhelper at a later stage.
+ * Examples: Most `dh-*` packages in Debian are examples of this.
+ * Changes that affect performance considerably generally must only
+ affect packages that need them and only affect a limited subset of
+ packages and a limited subset of `dh_*`-tools. Particularly, be
+ careful of `Dpkg::*`-modules, which tend to have very high load
+ costs.
+ * Helpers / tools should generally *do the right thing* by default
+ (subject to backwards compatibility). If most people need some
+ particular option to make the tool work for them, then the default
+ should be changed (again, subject to backwards compatibility).
+## Handling backwards compatibility for consumers
+While changes in debhelper should avoid breaking consumers, some times
+we need to implement a backwards incompatible change (e.g. to improve
+defaults to match the current packaging norms or fix a bug).
+ * For non-trivial breakage, we use compat bumps and migrate to the new
+ functionality by default in the new major version of debhelper.
+ (see the `compat` function)
+ * For trivial issues or (mostly) unused functionality/bugs, then we
+ can make exceptions. Preferably, have all consumers migrate away
+ from the feature being changed (in Debian `unstable`) before
+ applying it.
+Note that we tend to support compat levels for a long time (10+
+years). When changing behaviour via a compat bump, please take an
+extra look to ensure the change is sufficient (this is easier said
+than done). See `doc/SUPPORT-POLICY` for more information.
+## Debian support baseline for debhelper
+The debhelper project aims to support the Debian `unstable`,
+`testing`, and `stable-backports` suites by default. For this to work,
+we work based on the following guidelines:
+ 1) it should be trivial to use/Build-Depend on debhelper in
+ `stable-backports`, and
+ 2) the debhelper in `stable-backports` should behave the same as
+ in `testing` when backporting a package from `testing`.
+ * Note that we do not require feature/bug compatibility with
+ debhelper in `stable` (as most packages will still use
+ debhelper from `stable`).
+In some cases, we can disable some *minor* functionality in
+`stable-backports` (previous cases being `dbgsym` and `R³`).
+Where possible, use versioned `Breaks` against other packages to
+make it easier to support packages in `stable-backports`
+(e.g. debhelper had a `Breaks` against `meson` to ensure packages
+used a recent enough version of `meson` when using the debhelper
+from `stretch-backports`).
+## Submitting your contribution
+We accept merge requests on [] and in general prefer
+these to bug reports with patches. This is because the merge requests
+will run our CI to ensure the tests still pass. When opening a merge
+request, please consider allowing committers to edit the branch as
+this enables us to rebase it for you.
+However, we fully respect that not everyone may want to sign up on a
+Debian service (e.g. it might be a steep overhead for a one-time
+contribution). Therefore, we also accepts bug reports against the
+debhelper package in Debian with either patches (`git format-patch`
+format preferred) or links to public git repositories with reference
+to branches. Please see [Submitting a bug
+report](#submitting-a-bug-report) for the guide on how to do that.
+Please see [getting started](#getting-started) for how to obtain the
+source code and run the test suite.
+## Submitting a bug report
+If you want to submit a bug report against debhelper, please see
+[]() for how to report the bug in the
+Debian bug tracker (please file it against the `debhelper` package).
+Users of Debian can use `reportbug debhelper` if they have the
+reportbug tool installed.
+You can find the list of open bugs against debhelper at:
+## Code of Conduct, Social rules and conflict resolution
+The debhelper suite is a part of Debian. Accordingly, the Code of
+Conduct, Social rules and conflict resolution from Debian applies to
+debhelper and all of its contributors.
+As a guiding principle, we strive to have an open welcoming community
+working on making Debian packaging easier. Hopefully, this will be
+sufficient for most contributors. For more details, please consider
+reading (some) of the documents below.
+ * [Debian's Code of Conduct](
+ * If you feel a contributor is violating the code of contact, please
+ contact the [Debian anti-harassment team](
+ if you are uncomfortable with engaging with them directly.
+ * [Debian's Diversity Statement](
+ * Note that `interact constructively with our community` has the
+ implication that contributors extend the same acceptance and
+ welcome to others as they can expect from others based on the
+ diversity statement.
+ * The rationale for this implication is based on the
+ [Paradoc of tolerance](
+ * [Debian's Social Contract and Free Software Guidelines](
+ * (very optional read) [Debian's Constitution](
+ * The primary point of importance from this document is the
+ debhelper project is subject the Debian's technical committee and
+ the Debian General Resolution (GR) process. These
+ bodies/processes can make decisions that the debhelper project
+ must follow. Notably, the GR process is used for updating the
+ Debian documents above.
diff --git a/GPL b/GPL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60c31a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GPL
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76036b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+PERL ?= perl
+PO4A ?= po4a
+POD2MAN ?= pod2man
+# List of files of dh_* commands. Sorted for debhelper man page.
+COMMANDS=$(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -perm /100 -name "dh_*" -printf "%f\n" | grep -v '~$$' | LC_ALL=C sort)
+# Find deprecated commands by looking at their synopsis.
+DEPRECATED=$(shell egrep -l '^dh_.* - .*deprecated' $(COMMANDS))
+ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+ TEST_JOBS = $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+# Figure out the `current debhelper version.
+VERSION=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -SVersion)
+# This generates a list of synopses of debhelper commands, and substitutes
+# it in to the #LIST# line on the man page fed to it on stdin. Must be passed
+# parameters of all the executables or pod files to get the synopses from.
+# For correct conversion of pod tags (like S< >) #LIST# must be substituted in
+# the pod file and not in the troff file.
+ undef $$/; \
+ foreach (@ARGV) { \
+ open (IN, $$_) or die "$$_: $$!"; \
+ $$file=<IN>; \
+ close IN; \
+ if ($$file=~m/=head1 .*?\n\n(.*?) - (.*?)\n\n/s) { \
+ my $$item="=item $$1(1)\n\n$$2\n\n"; \
+ if (" $(DEPRECATED) " !~ / $$1 /) { \
+ $$list.=$$item; \
+ } \
+ else { \
+ $$list_deprecated.=$$item; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+ END { \
+ my $$recommended_compat = q{$(VERSION)}; \
+ $$recommended_compat =~ s{^\d+\K(?:\D.*|\..*)?}{}; \
+ while (<STDIN>) { \
+ s/\#LIST\#/$$list/g; \
+ s/\#LIST_DEPRECATED\#/$$list_deprecated/g; \
+ s/\#RECOMMENDED_COMPAT\#/$$recommended_compat/g; \
+ print; \
+ }; \
+ }'
+PERLLIBDIR=$(shell $(PERL) -MConfig -e 'print $$Config{vendorlib}')/Debian/Debhelper
+POD2MAN_FLAGS=--utf8 -c Debhelper -r "$(VERSION)"
+ifneq ($(USE_NLS),no)
+# l10n to be built is determined from .po files
+LANGS?=$(notdir $(basename $(wildcard man/po4a/po/*.po)))
+LANG_TARGETS = $(foreach L,$(LANGS),translated-$(L)-stamp)
+build: $(LANG_TARGETS) version debhelper.7 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.7 debhelper-obsolete-compat.7 $(MANPAGES)
+ $(PO4A) --previous -L UTF-8 man/po4a/po4a.cfg
+ touch $@
+translated-%-stamp: po4a-stamp
+ set -e; \
+ lang=$* ; \
+ dir=man/$$lang; \
+ for file in $$dir/dh*.pod; do \
+ prog=`basename $$file | sed 's/.pod//'`; \
+ $(POD2MAN) $(POD2MAN_FLAGS) $$file $$prog.$$lang.1; \
+ done; \
+ if [ -e $$dir/debhelper.pod ]; then \
+ cat $$dir/debhelper.pod | \
+ $(MAKEMANLIST) `find $$dir -type f -maxdepth 1 -name "dh_*.pod" | LC_ALL=C sort` | \
+ $(POD2MAN) $(POD2MAN_FLAGS) --name="debhelper" --section=7 > debhelper.$$lang.7; \
+ fi; \
+ if [ -e $$dir/debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod ]; then \
+ $(POD2MAN) $(POD2MAN_FLAGS) --name="debhelper" --section=7 $$dir/debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod > debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.$$lang.7; \
+ fi ; \
+ if [ -e $$dir/debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod ]; then \
+ $(POD2MAN) $(POD2MAN_FLAGS) --name="debhelper" --section=7 $$dir/debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod > debhelper-obsolete-compat.$$lang.7; \
+ fi
+ touch $@
+ printf "package Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Version;\n\$$version='$(VERSION)';\n1" > \
+ lib/Debian/Debhelper/
+dh_%.1: dh_%
+ $(POD2MAN) $(POD2MAN_FLAGS) $^ $@
+dh.1: dh
+ $(POD2MAN) $(POD2MAN_FLAGS) $^ $@
+debhelper.7: debhelper.pod
+ cat debhelper.pod | \
+ $(POD2MAN) $(POD2MAN_FLAGS) --name="debhelper" --section=7 > $@
+%.7: %.pod
+ $(POD2MAN) $(POD2MAN_FLAGS) --name="debhelper" --section=7 $^ > $@
+ rm -f *-stamp *.1 *.7 lib/Debian/Debhelper/
+ifneq ($(USE_NLS),no)
+ $(PO4A) --previous --rm-translations --rm-backups man/po4a/po4a.cfg
+ for lang in $(LANGS); do \
+ if [ -e man/$$lang ]; then rmdir man/$$lang; fi; \
+ done;
+ install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/debhelper/autoscripts \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIBDIR)/Sequence \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIBDIR)/Buildsystem \
+ install dh $(COMMANDS) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
+ install -m 0644 autoscripts/* $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/debhelper/autoscripts
+ install -m 0644 lib/Debian/Debhelper/*.pm $(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIBDIR)
+ [ "$(PREFIX)" = /usr ] || \
+ sed -i '/$$prefix=/s@/usr@$(PREFIX)@g' $(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIBDIR)/
+ if [ "$(VERSION)" ]; then \
+ MV=$$(echo "$(VERSION)" | $(PERL) -ne 'print $$1 if /^(\d+)[~.]/;') ; \
+ sed -i "/constant HIGHEST_STABLE_COMPAT_LEVEL =>/s@=>.*;@=> $${MV};@g" $(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIBDIR)/ ; \
+ fi
+ install -m 0644 lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/*.pm $(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIBDIR)/Sequence
+ install -m 0644 lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/*.pm $(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIBDIR)/Buildsystem
+ install -m 0644 lib/Debian/Debhelper/DH/*.pm $(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIBDIR)/DH
+test: version
+ MAKEFLAGS= prove -lrj$(TEST_JOBS) --timer t
diff --git a/autoscripts/maintscript-helper b/autoscripts/maintscript-helper
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7e06c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/maintscript-helper
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+dpkg-maintscript-helper #PARAMS# -- "$@"
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-alternatives b/autoscripts/postinst-alternatives
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb59f69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-alternatives
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ]; then
+ update-alternatives #INSTALL_OPTIONS#
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-emacsen b/autoscripts/postinst-emacsen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d3fd13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-emacsen
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if [ -e /var/lib/emacsen-common/state/package/installed/emacsen-common -a -x /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-package-install ] ; then
+ /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-package-install --postinst #PACKAGE#
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-icons b/autoscripts/postinst-icons
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..802134b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-icons
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if command -v update-icon-caches >/dev/null; then
+ update-icon-caches #DIRLIST#
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-init b/autoscripts/postinst-init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8da1a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-init
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ -x "/etc/init.d/#SCRIPT#" ]; then
+ update-rc.d #SCRIPT# #INITPARMS# >/dev/null
+ invoke-rc.d #INVOKE_RCD_PARAMS##SCRIPT# start || #ERROR_HANDLER#
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-init-nostart b/autoscripts/postinst-init-nostart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..820a106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-init-nostart
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if [ -x "/etc/init.d/#SCRIPT#" ]; then
+ update-rc.d #SCRIPT# #INITPARMS# >/dev/null || #ERROR_HANDLER#
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-init-restart b/autoscripts/postinst-init-restart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52182b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-init-restart
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ -x "/etc/init.d/#SCRIPT#" ]; then
+ update-rc.d #SCRIPT# #INITPARMS# >/dev/null
+ if [ -n "$2" ]; then
+ _dh_action=restart
+ else
+ _dh_action=start
+ fi
+ invoke-rc.d #INVOKE_RCD_PARAMS##SCRIPT# $_dh_action || #ERROR_HANDLER#
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-init-tmpfiles b/autoscripts/postinst-init-tmpfiles
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9f7191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-init-tmpfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if [ -x "$(command -v systemd-tmpfiles)" ]; then
+ systemd-tmpfiles ${DPKG_ROOT:+--root="$DPKG_ROOT"} --create #TMPFILES# >/dev/null || true
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-menu b/autoscripts/postinst-menu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08c14ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-menu
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && [ -x "`command -v update-menus`" ] && [ -x "$DPKG_ROOT`command -v update-menus`" ]; then
+ update-menus
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-menu-method b/autoscripts/postinst-menu-method
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deec034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-menu-method
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+if [ -f $inst ]; then
+ chmod a+x $inst
+ if [ -x "`command -v update-menus`" ] && [ -x "$DPKG_ROOT`command -v update-menus`" ]; then
+ update-menus
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-modules b/autoscripts/postinst-modules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f8d205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-modules
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if [ -e /boot/ ]; then
+ depmod -a -F /boot/ #KVERS# || true
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-dont-enable b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-dont-enable
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cd2bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-dont-enable
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if deb-systemd-helper debian-installed #UNITFILE#; then
+ # The following line should be removed in trixie or trixie+1
+ deb-systemd-helper unmask #UNITFILE# >/dev/null || true
+ if deb-systemd-helper --quiet was-enabled #UNITFILE#; then
+ # Create new symlinks, if any.
+ deb-systemd-helper enable #UNITFILE# >/dev/null || true
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Update the statefile to add new symlinks (if any), which need to be cleaned
+ # up on purge. Also remove old symlinks.
+ deb-systemd-helper update-state #UNITFILE# >/dev/null || true
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-enable b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-enable
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d06c2fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-enable
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ # The following line should be removed in trixie or trixie+1
+ deb-systemd-helper unmask #UNITFILE# >/dev/null || true
+ # was-enabled defaults to true, so new installations run enable.
+ if deb-systemd-helper --quiet was-enabled #UNITFILE#; then
+ # Enables the unit on first installation, creates new
+ # symlinks on upgrades if the unit file has changed.
+ deb-systemd-helper enable #UNITFILE# >/dev/null || true
+ else
+ # Update the statefile to add new symlinks (if any), which need to be
+ # cleaned up on purge. Also remove old symlinks.
+ deb-systemd-helper update-state #UNITFILE# >/dev/null || true
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-restart b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-restart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8155bc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-restart
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
+ systemctl --system daemon-reload >/dev/null || true
+ if [ -n "$2" ]; then
+ _dh_action=#RESTART_ACTION#
+ else
+ _dh_action=start
+ fi
+ deb-systemd-invoke $_dh_action #UNITFILES# >/dev/null || true
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-restartnostart b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-restartnostart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebba20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-restartnostart
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
+ systemctl --system daemon-reload >/dev/null || true
+ if [ -n "$2" ]; then
+ deb-systemd-invoke #RESTART_ACTION# #UNITFILES# >/dev/null || true
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-start b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-start
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9072c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-start
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
+ systemctl --system daemon-reload >/dev/null || true
+ deb-systemd-invoke start #UNITFILES# >/dev/null || true
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-user-dont-enable b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-user-dont-enable
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a916f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-user-dont-enable
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ]; then
+ if deb-systemd-helper --user debian-installed #UNITFILE# ; then
+ # The following line should be removed in trixie or trixie+1
+ deb-systemd-helper --user unmask #UNITFILE# >/dev/null || true
+ if deb-systemd-helper --quiet --user was-enabled #UNITFILE# ; then
+ # Create new symlinks, if any.
+ deb-systemd-helper --user enable #UNITFILE# >/dev/null || true
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Update the statefile to add new symlinks (if any), which need to be cleaned
+ # up on purge. Also remove old symlinks.
+ deb-systemd-helper --user update-state #UNITFILE# >/dev/null || true
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-user-enable b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-user-enable
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b400c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-user-enable
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] ; then
+ # The following line should be removed in trixie or trixie+1
+ deb-systemd-helper --user unmask #UNITFILE# >/dev/null || true
+ # was-enabled defaults to true, so new installations run enable.
+ if deb-systemd-helper --quiet --user was-enabled #UNITFILE# ; then
+ # Enables the unit on first installation, creates new
+ # symlinks on upgrades if the unit file has changed.
+ deb-systemd-helper --user enable #UNITFILE# >/dev/null || true
+ else
+ # Update the statefile to add new symlinks (if any), which need to be
+ # cleaned up on purge. Also remove old symlinks.
+ deb-systemd-helper --user update-state #UNITFILE# >/dev/null || true
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-user-restart b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-user-restart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b84939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-user-restart
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
+ systemctl --global daemon-reload >/dev/null || true
+ deb-systemd-invoke --user restart #UNITFILES# >/dev/null || true
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-sysusers b/autoscripts/postinst-sysusers
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdd27d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-sysusers
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ systemd-sysusers ${DPKG_ROOT:+--root="$DPKG_ROOT"} #CONFILE_BASENAME#
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-ucf b/autoscripts/postinst-ucf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7445e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-ucf
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ]; then
+ ucf "#UCFSRC#" "#UCFDEST#"
+ ucfr #PACKAGE# "#UCFDEST#"
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-usrlocal b/autoscripts/postinst-usrlocal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e856e0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-usrlocal
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ]; then
+ default_mode=0755
+ default_user=root
+ default_group=root
+ if [ -e /etc/staff-group-for-usr-local ]; then
+ default_mode=02775
+ default_group=staff
+ fi
+ while read line; do
+ set -- $line
+ dir="$1"; mode="$2"; user="$3"; group="$4"
+ if [ "$mode" = "default" ]; then
+ mode="$default_mode"
+ user="$default_user"
+ group="$default_group"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "$dir" ]; then
+ if mkdir "$dir" 2>/dev/null; then
+ if chown "$user":"$group" "$dir" ; then
+ chmod "$mode" "$dir" || true
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+) << DATA
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-wm b/autoscripts/postinst-wm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be00872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-wm
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ]; then
+ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-window-manager \
+ x-window-manager #WM# #PRIORITY# \
+ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/x-window-manager.1.gz \
+ x-window-manager.1.gz #WMMAN#
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-wm-noman b/autoscripts/postinst-wm-noman
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07e8d9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-wm-noman
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-deconfigure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-remove" ] ; then
+ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-window-manager \
+ x-window-manager #WM# #PRIORITY#
diff --git a/autoscripts/postinst-xfonts b/autoscripts/postinst-xfonts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93ca535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postinst-xfonts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if command -v update-fonts-dir >/dev/null; then
+ #CMDS#
diff --git a/autoscripts/postrm-debconf b/autoscripts/postrm-debconf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a61724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postrm-debconf
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+if [ "$1" = purge ] && [ -e /usr/share/debconf/confmodule ]; then
+ . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
+ db_purge
diff --git a/autoscripts/postrm-icons b/autoscripts/postrm-icons
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c77c52a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postrm-icons
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if command -v update-icon-caches >/dev/null; then
+ update-icon-caches #DIRLIST#
diff --git a/autoscripts/postrm-init b/autoscripts/postrm-init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b81341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postrm-init
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+if [ "$1" = "remove" ] && [ -x "/etc/init.d/#SCRIPT#" ] ; then
+ chmod -x "/etc/init.d/#SCRIPT#" >/dev/null || true
+if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ "$1" = "purge" ] ; then
+ update-rc.d #SCRIPT# remove >/dev/null
diff --git a/autoscripts/postrm-menu b/autoscripts/postrm-menu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c4b00c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postrm-menu
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+if [ -x "`command -v update-menus`" ] && [ -x "$DPKG_ROOT`command -v update-menus`" ]; then update-menus ; fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postrm-menu-method b/autoscripts/postrm-menu-method
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcbdf47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postrm-menu-method
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ "$1" = "remove" ] && [ -f "$inst" ]; then chmod a-x $inst ; fi
+if [ -x "`command -v update-menus`" ] && [ -x "$DPKG_ROOT`command -v update-menus`" ]; then update-menus ; fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postrm-modules b/autoscripts/postrm-modules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2577dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postrm-modules
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ -e /boot/ ]; then
+ depmod -a -F /boot/ #KVERS# || true
diff --git a/autoscripts/postrm-sgmlcatalog b/autoscripts/postrm-sgmlcatalog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8278e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postrm-sgmlcatalog
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ "$1" = "purge" ]; then
+ rm -f #CENTRALCAT#.old
diff --git a/autoscripts/postrm-systemd b/autoscripts/postrm-systemd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a782f3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postrm-systemd
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+if [ "$1" = "purge" ]; then
+ if [ -x "/usr/bin/deb-systemd-helper" ]; then
+ deb-systemd-helper purge #UNITFILES# >/dev/null || true
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postrm-systemd-reload-only b/autoscripts/postrm-systemd-reload-only
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dac15c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postrm-systemd-reload-only
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ "$1" = remove ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ] ; then
+ systemctl --system daemon-reload >/dev/null || true
diff --git a/autoscripts/postrm-systemd-user b/autoscripts/postrm-systemd-user
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0745d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postrm-systemd-user
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+if [ "$1" = "purge" ]; then
+ if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ -x "/usr/bin/deb-systemd-helper" ] ; then
+ deb-systemd-helper --user purge #UNITFILES# >/dev/null || true
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postrm-systemd-user-reload-only b/autoscripts/postrm-systemd-user-reload-only
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f41121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postrm-systemd-user-reload-only
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ "$1" = remove ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ] ; then
+ systemctl --global daemon-reload >/dev/null || true
diff --git a/autoscripts/postrm-ucf b/autoscripts/postrm-ucf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff2f32c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postrm-ucf
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+if [ "$1" = "purge" ]; then
+ for ext in .ucf-new .ucf-old .ucf-dist ""; do
+ rm -f "#UCFDEST#$ext"
+ done
+ if [ -x "`command -v ucf`" ]; then
+ ucf --purge "#UCFDEST#"
+ fi
+ if [ -x "`command -v ucfr`" ]; then
+ ucfr --purge #PACKAGE# "#UCFDEST#"
+ fi
diff --git a/autoscripts/postrm-xfonts b/autoscripts/postrm-xfonts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57610dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/postrm-xfonts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ -x "`command -v update-fonts-dir`" ]; then
+ #CMDS#
diff --git a/autoscripts/preinst-emacsen b/autoscripts/preinst-emacsen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4285d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/preinst-emacsen
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+if ( [ "$1" = "install" ] || [ "$1" = "upgrade" ] ) \
+ && [ -e /var/lib/emacsen-common/state/package/installed/emacsen-common -a -x /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-package-install ]
+ /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-package-install --preinst #PACKAGE#
diff --git a/autoscripts/preinst-init-chmod b/autoscripts/preinst-init-chmod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4001b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/preinst-init-chmod
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ "$1" = "install" ] && [ -n "$2" ] && [ -e "/etc/init.d/#SCRIPT#" ] ; then
+ chmod +x "/etc/init.d/#SCRIPT#" >/dev/null || true
diff --git a/autoscripts/preinst-init-stop b/autoscripts/preinst-init-stop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cb0175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/preinst-init-stop
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ "$1" = upgrade ] && [ -x "/etc/init.d/#SCRIPT#" ] ; then
diff --git a/autoscripts/preinst-systemd-stop b/autoscripts/preinst-systemd-stop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f425510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/preinst-systemd-stop
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ "$1" = upgrade ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ] ; then
+ deb-systemd-invoke stop #UNITFILES# >/dev/null || true
diff --git a/autoscripts/prerm-alternatives b/autoscripts/prerm-alternatives
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72eb2cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/prerm-alternatives
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ "$1" = "remove" ]; then
+ update-alternatives #RM_OPTIONS#
diff --git a/autoscripts/prerm-emacsen b/autoscripts/prerm-emacsen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c7c2b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/prerm-emacsen
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ -e /var/lib/emacsen-common/state/package/installed/emacsen-common -a -x /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-package-remove ] ; then
+ /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-package-remove --prerm #PACKAGE#
diff --git a/autoscripts/prerm-init b/autoscripts/prerm-init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94fbcf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/prerm-init
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ -x "/etc/init.d/#SCRIPT#" ]; then
diff --git a/autoscripts/prerm-init-norestart b/autoscripts/prerm-init-norestart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9408eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/prerm-init-norestart
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ "$1" = remove ] && [ -x "/etc/init.d/#SCRIPT#" ] ; then
diff --git a/autoscripts/prerm-systemd b/autoscripts/prerm-systemd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2810349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/prerm-systemd
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
+ deb-systemd-invoke stop #UNITFILES# >/dev/null || true
diff --git a/autoscripts/prerm-systemd-restart b/autoscripts/prerm-systemd-restart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17ee105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/prerm-systemd-restart
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ "$1" = remove ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ] ; then
+ deb-systemd-invoke stop #UNITFILES# >/dev/null || true
diff --git a/autoscripts/prerm-systemd-user-stop b/autoscripts/prerm-systemd-user-stop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beab394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/prerm-systemd-user-stop
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ -z "${DPKG_ROOT:-}" ] && [ "$1" = remove ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ] ; then
+ deb-systemd-invoke --user stop #UNITFILES# >/dev/null || true
diff --git a/autoscripts/prerm-usrlocal b/autoscripts/prerm-usrlocal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baafc23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/prerm-usrlocal
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ while read dir; do
+ rmdir "$dir" 2>/dev/null || true
+ done
+) << DATA
diff --git a/autoscripts/prerm-wm b/autoscripts/prerm-wm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b97d627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoscripts/prerm-wm
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [ "$1" = "remove" ]; then
+ update-alternatives --remove x-window-manager #WM#
diff --git a/debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod b/debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c55b1bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist - Upgrade checklist for supported debhelper compat levels
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This document is an upgrade checklist of all the supported debhelper compat levels. It also
+lists all the support debhelper compat levels.
+Information about how to declare the compat level is in L<debhelper(7)/COMPATIBILITY LEVELS>.
+If you are upgrading from a (now) obsolete compat level, then please refer to
+=head2 Upgrade checklist for supported compatibility levels
+These are the available compatibility levels:
+=over 4
+=item v15
+This compatibility level is still open for development; use with caution.
+Changes from v14 are:
+=over 8
+=item -
+The B<dh_auto_install> tool no longer defaults to B<< --destdir=debian/I<package> >>
+for source packages only producing a single binary. If this behaviour is wanted,
+the package should explicitly activate the B<single-binary> dh addon (e.g., by adding
+B<dh-sequence-single-binary> to B<Build-Depends>) or pass B<--destdir> to
+The rationale for this change to avoid "surprises" when adding a second binary package
+later. Previously, debhelper would silently change behaviour often resulting in empty
+binary packages being uploaded to the archive by mistake. With the new behaviour,
+the B<single-binary> addon will detect the mismatch and warn the maintainer of what is
+about to happen.
+=item v14
+This compatibility level is still open for development; use with caution.
+Changes from v13 are:
+=over 8
+=item -
+The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes
+B<-DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON> to L<cmake(1)> to avoid some
+reproducibility issues.
+=item -
+The tool B<dh_installsysusers> is now included in the default sequence. This
+helper tool will process systemd sysusers files.
+=item -
+Use of the B<dh_gconf> command in override and hook targets now causes
+an error. The B<dh_gconf> command has been a no-op for years and was
+removed in debhelper 13.4.
+=item -
+The B<dh> sequencer will warn if the B<single-binary> addon is implicitly activated to
+warn maintainers of the pending compat 15 change in B<dh_auto_install>.
+Maintainers are urged to either explicitly activate the B<single-binary> addon to
+preserve the existing behaviour (e.g., by adding B<dh-sequence-single-binary> to
+Build-Depends), or explicitly passing B<--destdir> to B<dh_auto_install> if used and
+then passing B<--without single-binary> to B<dh> (the latter to silence the warning).
+The rationale for this change to avoid "surprises" when adding a second binary package
+later. Previously, debhelper would silently change behaviour often resulting in empty
+binary packages being uploaded to the archive by mistake. With the new behaviour,
+the B<single-binary> addon will detect the mismatch and warn the maintainer of what is
+about to happen.
+=item -
+The B<dh_installalternatives> tool will now be run after B<dh_link> rather than after
+B<dh_installinitramfs> in the default B<dh> sequence.
+=item -
+The B<dh_installpam> tool will now install PAM configuration files under
+F<< /usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> >> instead of F<< /etc/pam.d/I<package> >>.
+Please consider using the "rm_conffile" feature from
+L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files.
+=item -
+The B<meson+ninja> and B<cmake> build systems now use B<meson install> and
+B<cmake --install>, respectively, instead of B<ninja install> and B<make install>
+in the L<dh_auto_install(1)> call. Any override of B<dh_auto_install> that
+passes extra parameters to the upstream build system should be reviewed.
+=item v13
+This is the recommended mode of operation.
+Changes from v12 are:
+=over 8
+=item -
+The B<meson+ninja> build system now uses B<meson test> instead of
+B<ninja test> when running the test suite. Any override of
+B<dh_auto_test> that passes extra parameters to upstream test runner
+should be reviewed as B<meson test> is not command line compatible
+with B<ninja test>.
+=item -
+All debhelper like tools based on the official debhelper library
+(including B<dh> and the official B<dh_*> tools) no longer accepts
+abbreviated command parameters. At the same time, B<dh> now
+optimizes out calls to redundant B<dh_*> helpers even when passed
+long command line options.
+=item -
+The ELF related debhelper tools (B<dh_dwz>, B<dh_strip>,
+B<dh_makeshlibs>, B<dh_shlibdeps>) are now only run for arch dependent
+packages by default (i.e. they are excluded from B<*-indep> targets
+and are passed B<-a> by default). If you need them for B<*-indep>
+targets, you can add an explicit Build-Depends on
+=item -
+The third-party B<gradle> build system (from B<gradle-debian-helper>
+package) now runs the upstream-provided test suite automatically. To
+suppress such behavior, override B<dh_auto_test>.
+=item -
+The B<dh_installman> tool now aborts if it sees conflicting
+definitions of a manpage. This typically happens if the upstream
+build system is installing a compressed version and the package lists
+an uncompressed version of the manpage in F<<
+debian/I<package>.manpages >>. Often the easiest fix is to remove the
+manpage from F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >> (assuming both versions
+are identical).
+=item -
+The B<dh_auto_*> helpers now reset the environment variables B<HOME>
+and common B<XDG_*> variable. Please see description of the
+environment variables in L</ENVIRONMENT> for how this is handled.
+I<This feature changed between debhelper 13 and debhelper 13.2.>
+=item -
+The B<dh> command will now error if an override or hook target for an
+obsolete command are present in F<debian/rules>
+(e.g. B<override_dh_systemd_enable:>).
+=item -
+The B<dh_missing> command will now default to B<--fail-missing>. This
+can be reverted to a non-fatal warning by explicitly passing
+B<--list-missing> like it was in compat 12.
+If you do not want the warning either, please omit the call to
+B<dh_missing>. If you use the B<dh> command sequencer, then you can
+do this by inserting an empty override target in the
+F<debian/rules> file of the relevant package. As an example:
+ # Disable dh_missing
+ override_dh_missing:
+=item -
+The B<dh> command sequencer now runs B<dh_installtmpfiles> in the
+default sequence. The B<dh_installtmpfiles> takes over handling of
+tmpfiles.d configuration files. Related functionality in
+B<dh_installsystemd> is now disabled.
+Note that B<dh_installtmpfiles> responds to
+F<< debian/I<package>.tmpfiles >> where B<dh_installsystemd> used
+a name without the trailing "s".
+=item -
+Many B<dh_*> tools now support limited variable expansion via the
+B<${foo}> syntax. In many cases, this can be used to reference paths
+that contain either spaces or L<dpkg-architecture(1)> values. While
+this can reduce the need for L<dh-exec(1)> in some cases, it is B<not>
+a replacement L<dh-exec(1)> in general. If you need filtering,
+renaming, etc., the package will still need L<dh-exec(1)>.
+Please see L</Substitutions in debhelper config files> for syntax and
+available substitution variables. To B<dh_*> tool writers, substitution
+expansion occurs as a part of the B<filearray> and B<filedoublearray>
+=item -
+The B<dh> command sequencer will now skip all hook and override targets
+for B<dh_auto_test>, B<dh_dwz> and B<dh_strip> when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>
+lists the relevant B<nocheck> / B<nostrip> options.
+Any package relying on these targets to always be run should instead
+move relevant logic out of those targets. E.g. non-test related
+packaging code from B<override_dh_auto_test> would have to be moved to
+B<execute_after_dh_auto_build> or B<execute_before_dh_auto_install>.
+=item -
+The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=ON>
+to L<cmake(1)> to speed up automatic installation process. If for some reason
+you need previous behavior, override the flag:
+ dh_auto_configure -- -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=OFF ...
+=item v12
+Changes from v11 are:
+=over 8
+=item -
+The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool now generates shlibs files with versioned
+dependency by default. This means that B<-VUpstream-Version>
+(a.k.a. B<-V>) is now the default.
+If an unversioned dependency in the shlibs file is wanted, this can be
+obtained by passing B<-VNone> instead. However, please see
+L<dh_makeshlibs(1)> for the caveat of unversioned dependencies.
+=item -
+The B<-s> (B<--same-arch>) option is removed. Please use B<-a> (B<--arch>) instead.
+=item -
+Invoking B<dh_clean -k> now causes an error instead of a deprecation
+=item -
+The B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> option in B<dh_installinit> has been removed.
+Please use the new name B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>
+=item -
+There was a bug in the B<doit> (and similar) functions from
+L<Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib> that made them spawn a shell in one
+particular circumstance. This bug is now removed and will cause
+helpers that rely on the bug to fail with a "command not found"-error.
+=item -
+The B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> in B<dh_install> has been
+removed. Please use B<dh_missing> and its corresponding options,
+which can also see the files installed by other helpers.
+=item -
+The B<dh_installinit> helper no longer installs configuration for
+the upstart init system. Instead, it will abort the build if it
+finds an old upstart configuration file. The error is there to
+remind the package maintainer to ensure the proper removal of the
+conffiles shipped in previous versions of the package (if any).
+=item -
+The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do basic validation of some
+L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)> commands and will error out if the
+commands appear to be invalid.
+=item -
+The B<dh_missing> tool will now default to B<--list-missing>.
+=item -
+The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool will now only pass libraries to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>
+if the ELF binary has a SONAME (containing ".so").
+=item -
+The B<dh_compress> tool no longer compresses examples (i.e. anything installed
+in F<</usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples>>.)
+=item -
+The standard sequence in B<dh> now includes B<dh_dwz> and
+B<dh_installinitramfs> by default. This makes the B<dwz> and
+B<installinitramfs> sequences obsolete and they will now fail with an
+error. If you want to skip these commands, then please insert an
+empty override target for them in F<debian/rules>
+(e.g. I<override_dh_dwz:>)
+=item -
+The build systems B<meson> and B<autoconf> no longer explicitly set
+the B<--libexecdir> variable and thus relies on the build system
+default - which should be B</usr/libexec> (per FHS 3.0, adopted in
+Debian Policy 4.1.5).
+If a particular upstream package does not use the correct default, the
+parameter can often be passed manually via L<dh_auto_configure(1)>. E.g.
+via the following example:
+ override_dh_auto_configure:
+ dh_auto_configure -- --libexecdir=/usr/libexec
+Note the B<--> before the B<--libexecdir> parameter.
+=item -
+B<Retroactively removed in debhelper/13.5>:
+The B<dh_installdeb> tool would no longer installs the maintainer provided
+F<conffiles> file as it was deemed unnecessary. However, the
+B<remove-on-upgrade> from dpkg/1.20 made the file relevant again and
+B<dh_installdeb> now installs it again in compat levels 12+.
+=item -
+The B<dh_installsystemd> tool no longer relies on B<dh_installinit> for
+handling systemd services that have a sysvinit alternative. Both tools
+must now be used in such a case to ensure the service is properly started
+under both sysvinit and systemd.
+If you have an override for B<dh_installinit> (e.g. to call it with
+B<--no-start>) then you will probably need one for
+B<dh_installsystemd> as well now.
+This change makes B<dh_installinit> inject a I<misc:Pre-Depends> for
+B<< init-system-helpers (>= 1.54~) >>. Please ensure that the package
+lists B<${misc:Pre-Depends}> in its B<Pre-Depends> field before
+upgrading to compat 12.
+=item -
+The third-party B<dh_golang> tool (from B<dh-golang> package) now defaults on
+honoring B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES> variable for source installation in -dev
+packages and not only during the building process. Please set
+B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES_ALL> to false to revert to the previous behaviour. See
+B<Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::golang(3pm)> for details and examples.
+=item -
+B<dh_installsystemduser> is now included in the B<dh> standard
+sequence by default.
+=item -
+The B<python-distutils> buildsystem is now removed. Please use the
+third-party build system B<pybuild> instead.
+=item v11
+This mode is discouraged.
+The compat 11 is discouraged for new packages as it suffers from
+feature interaction between L<dh_installinit> and L<dh_installsystemd>
+causing services to not run correctly in some cases. Please consider
+using compatibility mode 10 or 12 instead. More details about the
+issue are available in Debian#887904 and
+Changes from v10 are:
+=over 8
+=item -
+B<dh_installinit> no longer installs F<service> or F<tmpfile> files,
+nor generates maintainer scripts for those files. Please use the new
+B<dh_installsystemd> helper.
+=item -
+The B<dh_systemd_enable> and B<dh_systemd_start> helpers have been
+replaced by the new B<dh_installsystemd> helper. For the same reason,
+the B<systemd> sequence for B<dh> has also been removed. If you need
+to disable the B<dh_installsystemd> helper tool, please use an empty
+override target.
+Please note that the B<dh_installsystemd> tool has a slightly
+different behaviour in some cases (e.g. when using the B<--name>
+=item -
+B<dh_installdirs> no longer creates debian/I<package> directories
+unless explicitly requested (or it has to create a subdirectory in
+The vast majority of all packages will be unaffected by this change.
+=item -
+The B<makefile> buildsystem now passes B<INSTALL="install
+--strip-program=true"> to L<make(1)>. Derivative buildsystems
+(e.g. B<configure> or B<cmake>) are unaffected by this change.
+=item -
+The B<autoconf> buildsystem now passes B<--runstatedir=/run> to
+=item -
+The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes
+B<-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR=/run> to L<cmake(1)>.
+=item -
+B<dh_installman> will now prefer detecting the language from the
+path name rather than the extension.
+=item -
+B<dh_auto_install> will now only create the destination
+directory it needs. Previously, it would create the package build
+directory for all packages. This will not affect packages that only
+build with debhelper commands, but it may expose bugs in commands not
+included in debhelper.
+=item -
+The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>,
+and B<dh_installman> now error out if their config has a pattern that
+does not match anything or reference a path that does not exist.
+Known exceptions include building with the B<nodoc> profile, where the
+above tools will silently permit failed matches where the patterns
+are used to specify documentation.
+=item -
+The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>,
+and B<dh_installman> now accept the parameter B<--sourcedir> with same
+meaning as B<dh_install>. Furthermore, they now also fall back to
+F<debian/tmp> like B<dh_install>.
+Migration note: A bug in debhelper 11 up to 11.1.5 made
+B<dh_installinfo> incorrectly ignore B<--sourcedir>.
+=item -
+The B<perl-makemaker> and B<perl-build> build systems no longer pass
+B<-I.> to perl. Packages that still need this behaviour can emulate
+it by using the B<PERL5LIB> environment variable. E.g. by adding
+B<export PERL5LIB=.> in their debian/rules file (or similar).
+=item -
+The B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable is no longer set by
+B<dh> or any of the B<dh_auto_*> tools. It was added as a temporary
+work around to avoid a lot of packages failing to build at the same
+Note this item will eventually become obsolete as upstream intends
+to drop support for the B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable.
+When perl drops support for it, then this variable will be removed
+retroactively from existing compat levels as well.
+=item -
+The B<dh_makeshlibs> helper will now exit with an error if objdump
+returns a non-zero exit from analysing a given file.
+=item -
+The B<dh_installdocs> and B<dh_installexamples> tools may now install
+I<most> of the documentation in a different path to comply with the
+recommendation from Debian policy §12.3 (since version 3.9.7).
+Note that if a given source package only contains a single binary
+package in F<debian/control> or none of the packages are I<-doc>
+packages, then this change is not relevant for that source package and
+you can skip to the next change.
+By default, these tools will now attempt to determine a "main package
+for the documentation" (called a I<doc-main-package> from here on) for
+every I<-doc> package. If they find such a I<doc-main-package>, they
+will now install the documentation into the path F<<
+/usr/share/doc/I<doc-main-package> >> in the given doc package.
+I.e. the path can change but the documentation is still shipped in the
+I<-doc> package.
+The B<--doc-main-package> option can be used when the auto-detection
+is insufficient or to reset the path to its previous value if there is
+a reason to diverge from Debian policy recommendation.
+Some documentation will not be affected by this change. These
+exceptions include the copyright file, changelog files, README.Debian,
+etc. These files will still be installed in the path F<<
+/usr/share/doc/I<package> >>.
+=item -
+The B<dh_strip> and B<dh_shlibdeps> tools no longer uses filename
+patterns to determine which files to process. Instead, they open the
+file and look for an ELF header to determine if a given file is an
+shared object or an ELF executable.
+This change may cause the tools to process more files than previously.
+=item v10
+Changes from v9 are:
+=over 8
+=item -
+B<dh_installinit> will no longer install a file named debian/I<package>
+as an init script.
+=item -
+B<dh_installdocs> will error out if it detects links created with
+--link-doc between packages of architecture "all" and non-"all" as it
+breaks binNMUs.
+=item -
+B<dh_installdeb> no longer installs a maintainer-provided
+debian/I<package>.shlibs file. This is now done by B<dh_makeshlibs>
+=item -
+B<dh_installwm> refuses to create a broken package if no man page
+can be found (required to register for the x-window-manager alternative).
+=item -
+Debhelper will default to B<--parallel> for all buildsystems that
+support parallel building. This can be disabled by using either
+B<--no-parallel> or passing B<--max-parallel> with a value of 1.
+=item -
+The B<dh> command will not accept any of the deprecated "manual
+sequence control" parameters (B<--before>, B<--after>, etc.). Please
+use override targets instead.
+B<Retroactively applied to earlier compat levels>: B<dh> no longer
+accepts any of these since debhelper/12.4.
+=item -
+The B<dh> command will no longer use log files to track which commands
+have been run. The B<dh> command I<still> keeps track of whether it
+already ran the "build" sequence and skip it if it did.
+The main effects of this are:
+=over 4
+=item -
+With this, it is now easier to debug the I<install> or/and I<binary>
+sequences because they can now trivially be re-run (without having to
+do a full "clean and rebuild" cycle)
+=item -
+The main caveat is that B<dh_*> now only keeps track of what happened
+in a single override target. When all the calls to a given B<dh_cmd>
+command happens in the same override target everything will work as
+Example of where it can go wrong:
+ override_dh_foo:
+ dh_foo -pmy-pkg
+ override_dh_bar:
+ dh_bar
+ dh_foo --remaining
+In this case, the call to B<dh_foo --remaining> will I<also> include
+I<my-pkg>, since B<dh_foo -pmy-pkg> was run in a separate override
+target. This issue is not limited to B<--remaining>, but also includes
+B<-a>, B<-i>, etc.
+=item -
+The B<dh_installdeb> command now shell-escapes the lines in the
+F<maintscript> config file. This was the original intent but it did
+not work properly and packages have begun to rely on the incomplete
+shell escaping (e.g. quoting file names).
+=item -
+The B<dh_installinit> command now defaults to
+B<--restart-after-upgrade>. For packages needing the previous
+behaviour, please use B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>.
+=item -
+The B<autoreconf> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass
+B<--without autoreconf> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given
+=item -
+The B<systemd> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass
+B<--without systemd> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given
+=item -
+B<Retroactively removed>: B<dh> no longer creates the package build
+directory when skipping running debhelper commands. This will not
+affect packages that only build with debhelper commands, but it may
+expose bugs in commands not included in debhelper.
+This compatibility feature had a bug since its inception in
+debhelper/9.20130516 that made it fail to apply in compat 9 and
+earlier. As there has been no reports of issues caused by this bug in
+those ~5 years, this item have been removed rather than fixed.
+=item v9
+Changes from v8 are:
+=over 8
+=item -
+Multiarch support. In particular, B<dh_auto_configure> passes
+multiarch directories to autoconf in --libdir and --libexecdir.
+=item -
+dh is aware of the usual dependencies between targets in debian/rules.
+So, "dh binary" will run any build, build-arch, build-indep, install,
+etc targets that exist in the rules file. There's no need to define an
+explicit binary target with explicit dependencies on the other targets.
+=item -
+B<dh_strip> compresses debugging symbol files to reduce the installed
+size of -dbg packages.
+=item -
+B<dh_auto_configure> does not include the source package name
+in --libexecdir when using autoconf.
+=item -
+B<dh> does not default to enabling --with=python-support
+(Obsolete: As the B<dh_pysupport> tool was removed from Debian
+stretch. Since debhelper/10.3, B<dh> no longer enables this sequence
+add-on regardless of compat level)
+=item -
+All of the B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs and B<dh> set
+environment variables listed by B<dpkg-buildflags>, unless
+they are already set.
+=item -
+B<dh_auto_configure> passes B<dpkg-buildflags> CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and
+LDFLAGS to perl F<Makefile.PL> and F<Build.PL>
+=item -
+B<dh_strip> puts separated debug symbols in a location based on their
+=item -
+Executable debhelper config files are run and their output used as the
+This mode is deprecated.
+=item v8
+Changes from v7 are:
+=over 8
+=item -
+Commands will fail rather than warning when they are passed unknown options.
+=item -
+B<dh_makeshlibs> will run B<dpkg-gensymbols> on all shared libraries that it
+generates shlibs files for. So B<-X> can be used to exclude libraries.
+Also, libraries in unusual locations that B<dpkg-gensymbols> would not
+have processed before will be passed to it, a behavior change that
+can cause some packages to fail to build.
+=item -
+B<dh> requires the sequence to run be specified as the first parameter, and
+any switches come after it. Ie, use "B<dh $@ --foo>", not "B<dh --foo $@>".
+=item -
+B<dh_auto_>I<*> prefer to use Perl's B<Module::Build> in preference to F<Makefile.PL>.
+This mode is deprecated.
+=item v7
+This mode is deprecated.
+This is the lowest supported compatibility level.
+If you are upgrading from an earlier compatibility level, please
+review L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=over 4
+=item L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>
+Upgrading from a (now) obsolete compatibility level? This document covers the
+upgrade checklist up to the earliest supported level.
+=item L<debhelper(7)>
+General information about the debhelper framework. This document also covers
+how to declare your chosen debhelper compat level.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Niels Thykier <>
+Joey Hess
diff --git a/debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod b/debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..965c894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+=head1 NAME
+debhelper-obsolete-compat - List of no longer supported compat levels
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This document contains the upgrade guidelines from all compat levels
+which are no longer supported. Accordingly it is mostly for
+historical purposes and to assist people upgrading from a
+non-supported compat level to a supported level.
+For upgrades from supported compat levels, please see L<debhelper(7)>.
+The following is the list of now obsolete compat levels and their
+=over 4
+=item v7
+This is the lowest supported compatibility level.
+Changes from v6 are:
+=over 8
+=item -
+B<dh_install>, will fall back to looking for files in F<debian/tmp> if it doesn't
+find them in the current directory (or wherever you tell it look using
+B<--sourcedir>). This allows B<dh_install> to interoperate with B<dh_auto_install>,
+which installs to F<debian/tmp>, without needing any special parameters.
+=item -
+B<dh_clean> will read F<debian/clean> and delete files listed there.
+=item -
+B<dh_clean> will delete toplevel F<*-stamp> files.
+=item -
+B<dh_installchangelogs> will guess at what file is the upstream changelog if
+none is specified.
+=item v6
+Changes from v5 are:
+=over 8
+=item -
+Commands that generate maintainer script fragments will order the
+fragments in reverse order for the F<prerm> and F<postrm> scripts.
+=item -
+B<dh_installwm> will install a slave manpage link for F<x-window-manager.1.gz>,
+if it sees the man page in F<usr/share/man/man1> in the package build
+=item -
+B<dh_builddeb> did not previously delete everything matching
+B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE>, if it was set to a list of things to exclude, such as
+B<CVS:.svn:.git>. Now it does.
+=item -
+B<dh_installman> allows overwriting existing man pages in the package build
+directory. In previous compatibility levels it silently refuses to do this.
+This mode is deprecated.
+=item v5
+Changes from v4 are:
+=over 8
+=item -
+Comments are ignored in debhelper config files.
+=item -
+B<dh_strip --dbg-package> now specifies the name of a package to put debugging
+symbols in, not the packages to take the symbols from.
+=item -
+B<dh_installdocs> skips installing empty files.
+=item -
+B<dh_install> errors out if wildcards expand to nothing.
+=item v4
+Changes from v3 are:
+=over 8
+=item -
+B<dh_makeshlibs -V> will not include the Debian part of the version number in
+the generated dependency line in the shlibs file.
+=item -
+You are encouraged to put the new B<${misc:Depends}> into F<debian/control> to
+supplement the B<${shlibs:Depends}> field.
+=item -
+B<dh_fixperms> will make all files in F<bin/> directories and in F<etc/init.d>
+=item -
+B<dh_link> will correct existing links to conform with policy.
+This mode is deprecated.
+=item v3
+This mode works like v2, with the following additions:
+=over 8
+=item -
+Debhelper config files support globbing via B<*> and B<?>, when appropriate. To
+turn this off and use those characters raw, just prefix with a backslash.
+=item -
+B<dh_makeshlibs> makes the F<postinst> and F<postrm> scripts call B<ldconfig>.
+=item -
+Every file in F<etc/> is automatically flagged as a conffile by B<dh_installdeb>.
+This mode is deprecated.
+=item v2
+In this mode, debhelper will consistently use debian/I<package>
+as the package tree directory for every package that is built.
+This mode is deprecated.
+=item v1
+This is the original debhelper compatibility level, and so it is the default
+one. In this mode, debhelper will use F<debian/tmp> as the package tree
+directory for the first binary package listed in the control file, while using
+debian/I<package> for all other packages listed in the F<control> file.
+This mode is deprecated.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Niels Thykier <>
+Joey Hess
diff --git a/debhelper.pod b/debhelper.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29a37f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debhelper.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+debhelper - the debhelper tool suite
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_>I<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-p>I<package>] [B<-N>I<package>] [B<-P>I<tmpdir>]
+Debhelper is used to help you build a Debian package. The philosophy behind
+debhelper is to provide a collection of small, simple, and easily
+understood tools that are used in F<debian/rules> to automate various common
+aspects of building a package. This means less work for you, the packager.
+It also, to some degree means that these tools can be changed if Debian
+policy changes, and packages that use them will require only a rebuild to
+comply with the new policy.
+A typical F<debian/rules> file that uses debhelper will call several debhelper
+commands in sequence, or use L<dh(1)> to automate this process. Examples of
+rules files that use debhelper are in F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>
+To create a new Debian package using debhelper, you can just copy one of
+the sample rules files and edit it by hand. Or you can try the B<dh-make>
+package, which contains a L<dh_make|dh_make(1)> command that partially
+automates the process. For a more gentle introduction, the B<maint-guide> Debian
+package contains a tutorial about making your first package using debhelper.
+Except where the tool explicitly denotes otherwise, all of the debhelper
+tools assume that they run from the root directory of an unpacked source
+package. This is so they can locate find files like F<debian/control>
+when needed.
+Here is the list of debhelper commands you can use. See their man
+pages for additional documentation.
+=over 4
+=head2 Deprecated Commands
+A few debhelper commands are deprecated and should not be used.
+=over 4
+=head2 Other Commands
+If a program's name starts with B<dh_>, and the program is not on the above
+lists, then it is not part of the debhelper package, but it should still
+work like the other programs described on this page.
+Many debhelper commands make use of files in F<debian/> to control what they
+do. Besides the common F<debian/changelog> and F<debian/control>, which are
+in all packages, not just those using debhelper, some additional files can
+be used to configure the behavior of specific debhelper commands. These
+files are typically named debian/I<package>.foo (where I<package> of course,
+is replaced with the package that is being acted on).
+For example, B<dh_installdocs> uses files named F<debian/> to list
+the documentation files it will install. See the man pages of individual
+commands for details about the names and formats of the files they use.
+Generally, these files will list files to act on, one file per line. Some
+programs in debhelper use pairs of files and destinations or slightly more
+complicated formats.
+Note for the first (or only) binary package listed in
+F<debian/control>, debhelper will use F<debian/foo> when there's no
+F<debian/I<package>.foo> file. However, it is often a good idea to keep
+the F<I<package>.> prefix as it is more explicit. The primary exception
+to this are files that debhelper by default installs in every binary
+package when it does not have a package prefix (such as
+F<debian/copyright> or F<debian/changelog>).
+In some rare cases, you may want to have different versions of these files
+for different architectures or OSes. If files named debian/I<package>.foo.I<ARCH>
+or debian/I<package>.foo.I<OS> exist, where I<ARCH> and I<OS> are the same as the
+output of "B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH>" /
+"B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS>",
+then they will be used in preference to other, more general files.
+Mostly, these config files are used to specify lists of various types of
+files. Documentation or example files to install, files to move, and so on.
+When appropriate, in cases like these, you can use standard shell wildcard
+characters (B<?> and B<*> and B<[>I<..>B<]> character classes) in the files.
+You can also put comments in these files; lines beginning with B<#> are
+The syntax of these files is intentionally kept very simple to make them
+easy to read, understand, and modify.
+=head2 Substitutions in debhelper config files
+In compatibility level 13 and later, it is possible to use simple
+substitutions in debhelper config files for the following tools:
+=over 4
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+All substitution variables are of the form I<${foo}> and the braces
+are mandatory. Variable names are case-sensitive and consist of
+alphanumerics (a-zA-Z0-9), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and colons (:).
+The first character must be an alphanumeric.
+If you need a literal dollar sign that cannot trigger a substitution,
+you can either use the B<${Dollar}> substitution or the sequence B<${}>.
+The following expansions are available:
+=over 4
+Expands to the relevant L<dpkg-architecture(1)> value (similar to
+I<dpkg-architecture -qVARIABLE_HERE>).
+When in doubt, the B<DEB_HOST_*> variant is the one that will work both
+for native and cross builds.
+For performance reasons, debhelper will attempt to resolve these
+names from the environment first before consulting
+L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. This is mostly mentioned for completeness
+as it will not matter for most cases.
+=item B<Dollar>
+Expands to a single literal B<$>-symbol. This symbol will I<never>
+be considered part of a substitution variable. That is:
+ # Triggers an error
+ # Expands to the literal value "${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}"
+ ${Dollar}{NO_SUCH_TOKEN}
+This variable equivalent to the sequence B<${}> and the two can be
+used interchangeably.
+=item B<Newline>, B<Space>, B<Tab>
+Expands to a single ASCII newline, space and tab respectively.
+This can be useful if you need to include a literal whitespace
+character (e.g. space) where it would otherwise be stripped or
+used as a separator.
+=item B<< env:I<NAME> >>
+Expands to the environment variable I<NAME>. The environment
+variable must be set (but can be set to the empty string).
+Note that all variables must expand to a defined value. As an example,
+if debhelper sees I<${env:FOO}>, then it will insist that the environment
+variable I<FOO> is set (it can be set to the empty string).
+=head3 Substitution limits
+To avoid infinite loops and resource exhaustion, debhelper will stop
+with an error if the text contains many substitution variables (50) or
+they expand beyond a certain size (4096 characters or 3x length of
+the original input - whichever is bigger).
+=head2 Executable debhelper config files
+If you need additional flexibility, many of the debhelper tools
+(e.g. L<dh_install(1)>) support executing a config file as a script.
+To use this feature, simply mark the config file as executable
+(e.g. B<< chmod +x debian/I<package>.install >>) and the tool will
+attempt to execute it and use the output of the script. In many
+cases, you can use L<dh-exec(1)> as interpreter of the config file to
+retain most of the original syntax while getting the additional
+flexibility you need.
+When using executable debhelper config files, please be aware of the
+=over 4
+=item *
+The executable config file B<must> exit with success (i.e. its return
+code should indicate success).
+=item *
+In compatibility level 13+, the output will be subject to substitutions
+(see L</Substitutions in debhelper config files>) where the tool
+support these. Remember to be careful if your generator I<also> provides
+substitutions as this can cause unnecessary confusion.
+Otherwise, the output will be used exactly as-is. Notably, debhelper
+will I<not> expand wildcards or strip comments or strip whitespace
+in the output.
+If you need the package to build on a file system where you cannot
+disable the executable bit, then you can use L<dh-exec(1)> and its
+B<strip-output> script.
+The following command line options are supported by all debhelper programs.
+=over 4
+=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
+Verbose mode: show commands that modify the package build directory.
+Note that verbose mode may also output other "internal" commands that do not
+directly affect the package build directory.
+=item B<--no-act>
+Do not really do anything. If used with -v, the result is that the command
+will output what it would have done.
+=item B<-a>, B<--arch>
+Act on architecture dependent packages that should be built for the
+B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture.
+=item B<-i>, B<--indep>
+Act on all architecture independent packages.
+=item B<-p>I<package>, B<--package=>I<package>
+Act on the package named I<package>. This option may be specified multiple
+times to make debhelper operate on a given set of packages.
+=item B<-s>, B<--same-arch>
+Deprecated alias of B<-a>.
+This option is removed in compat 12.
+=item B<-N>I<package>, B<--no-package=>I<package>
+Do not act on the specified package even if an B<-a>, B<-i>, or B<-p> option lists
+the package as one that should be acted on.
+=item B<--remaining-packages>
+Do not act on the packages which have already been acted on by this debhelper
+command earlier (i.e. if the command is present in the package debhelper log).
+For example, if you need to call the command with special options only for a
+couple of binary packages, pass this option to the last call of the command to
+process the rest of packages with default settings.
+=item B<-P>I<tmpdir>, B<--tmpdir=>I<tmpdir>
+Use I<tmpdir> for package build directory. The default is debian/I<package>
+=item B<--mainpackage=>I<package>
+This little-used option changes the package which debhelper considers the
+"main package", that is, the first one listed in F<debian/control>, and the
+one for which F<debian/foo> files can be used instead of the usual
+F<debian/> files.
+=item B<-O=>I<option>|I<bundle>
+This is used by L<dh(1)> when passing user-specified options to all the
+commands it runs. If the command supports the specified option or option
+bundle, it will take effect. If the command does not support the option (or
+any part of an option bundle), it will be ignored.
+The following command line options are supported by some debhelper programs.
+See the man page of each program for a complete explanation of what each
+option does.
+=over 4
+=item B<-n>
+Do not modify F<postinst>, F<postrm>, etc. scripts.
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude an item from processing. This option may be used multiple times,
+to exclude more than one thing. The I<item> is typically part of a
+filename, and any file containing the specified text will be excluded.
+=item B<-A>, B<--all>
+Makes files or other items that are specified on the command line take effect
+in ALL packages acted on, not just the first.
+The following command line options are supported by all of the B<dh_auto_>I<*>
+debhelper programs. These programs support a variety of build systems,
+and normally heuristically determine which to use, and how to use them.
+You can use these command line options to override the default behavior.
+Typically these are passed to L<dh(1)>, which then passes them to all the
+B<dh_auto_>I<*> programs.
+=over 4
+=item B<-S>I<buildsystem>, B<--buildsystem=>I<buildsystem>
+Force use of the specified I<buildsystem>, instead of trying to auto-select
+one which might be applicable for the package.
+Pass B<none> as I<buildsystem> to disable auto-selection.
+=item B<-D>I<directory>, B<--sourcedir=>I<directory>, B<--sourcedirectory=>I<directory>
+Assume that the original package source tree is at the specified
+I<directory> rather than the top level directory of the Debian
+source package tree.
+B<Warning>: The B<--sourcedir> variant matches a similar named option in
+B<dh_install> and B<dh_missing> (etc.) for historical reasons. While they
+have a similar name, they have very distinct purposes and in some cases
+it can cause errors when this variant is passed to B<dh> (when then passes
+it on to all tools).
+=item B<-B>[I<directory>], B<--builddir>[I<=directory>], B<--builddirectory>[I<=directory>]
+Enable out of source building and use the specified I<directory> as the build
+directory. If I<directory> parameter is omitted, a default build directory
+will be chosen.
+If this option is not specified, building will be done in source by default
+unless the build system requires or prefers out of source tree building.
+In such a case, the default build directory will be used even if
+B<--builddirectory> is not specified.
+If the build system prefers out of source tree building but still
+allows in source building, the latter can be re-enabled by passing a build
+directory path that is the same as the source directory path.
+=item B<--parallel>, B<--no-parallel>
+Control whether parallel builds should be used if underlying build
+system supports them. The number of parallel jobs is controlled by
+the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable (L<Debian Policy,
+section 4.9.1>) at build time. It might also be subject to a build
+system specific limit.
+If neither option is specified, debhelper currently defaults to
+B<--parallel> in compat 10 (or later) and B<--no-parallel> otherwise.
+As an optimization, B<dh> will try to avoid passing these options to
+subprocesses, if they are unnecessary and the only options passed.
+Notably this happens when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> does not have a
+I<parallel> parameter (or its value is 1).
+=item B<--max-parallel=>I<maximum>
+This option implies B<--parallel> and allows further limiting the number of
+jobs that can be used in a parallel build. If the package build is known to
+only work with certain levels of concurrency, you can set this to the maximum
+level that is known to work, or that you wish to support.
+Notably, setting the maximum to 1 is effectively the same as using
+=item B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables>
+By default, L<dh(1)> will compute several environment variables (e.g. by
+using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>) and cache them to avoid having all B<dh_auto_*>
+tool recompute them.
+When passing this option, the concrete B<dh_auto_*> tool will ignore
+the cache from L<dh(1)> and retrigger a rebuild of these variables.
+This is useful in the very rare case where the package need to do
+multiple builds but with different B<...FLAGS> options. A concrete
+example would be needing to change the B<-O> parameter in B<CFLAGS> in
+the second build:
+ %:
+ dh $@
+ override_dh_auto_configure:
+ dh_auto_configure -Bbuild-deb ...
+ DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-Os dh_auto_configure \
+ --reload-all-buildenv-variables -Bbuild-udeb ...
+Without B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables> in the second call to
+L<dh_auto_configure(1)>, the change in B<DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND>
+would be ignored as L<dh_auto_configure(1)> would use the cached value
+of B<CFLAGS> set by L<dh(1)>.
+This option is only available with B<< debhelper (>= 12.7~) >> when
+the package uses compatibility level 9 or later.
+=item B<--list>, B<-l>
+List all build systems supported by debhelper on this system. The list
+includes both default and third party build systems (marked as such). Also
+shows which build system would be automatically selected, or which one
+is manually specified with the B<--buildsystem> option.
+From time to time, major non-backwards-compatible changes need to be made
+to debhelper, to keep it clean and well-designed as needs change and its
+author gains more experience. To prevent such major changes from breaking
+existing packages, the concept of debhelper compatibility levels was
+introduced. You must tell debhelper which compatibility level it should use, and
+it modifies its behavior in various ways.
+In current debhelper, you can specify the compatibility level in
+F<debian/control> by adding a Build-Depends on the debhelper-compat package.
+For example, to use v#RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# mode, ensure F<debian/control> has:
+ Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)
+This also serves as an appropriate versioned build dependency on a sufficient
+version of the debhelper package, so you do not need to specify a separate
+versioned build dependency on the debhelper package unless you need a specific
+point release of debhelper (such as for the introduction of a new feature or
+bugfix within a compatibility level).
+Note that debhelper does not provide debhelper-compat for experimental or beta
+compatibility levels; packages experimenting with those compatibility levels
+should use F<debian/compat> (or, if only for selected commands, B<DH_COMPAT>).
+Prior versions of debhelper required specifying the compatibility level in the
+file F<debian/compat>, and current debhelper still supports this for backward
+compatibility. To use this method, the F<debian/compat> file should contain
+the compatibility level as a single number, and no other content. If you
+specify the compatibility level by this method, your package will also need a
+versioned build dependency on a version of the debhelper package equal to (or
+greater than) the compatibility level your package uses. So, if you specify
+compatibility level #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# in F<debian/compat>, ensure
+F<debian/control> has:
+ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#~)
+Note that you must use either the build-dependency on debhelper-compat or
+the F<debian/compat> file. Whenever possible, the debhelper-compat
+build-dependency is recommended.
+If needed be, the B<DH_COMPAT> environment variable can be used to override
+the compat level for a given command. The feature is mostly useful for
+either temporarily upgrading a few commands to a new compat level or
+keeping a few commands on a lower compat level. The feature is best used
+sparingly as it effectively introduces special-cases into the
+F<debian/rules> file that may be surprising to maintainers or reviewers
+(or, in the long term, to yourself).
+Unless otherwise indicated, all debhelper documentation assumes that you
+are using the most recent compatibility level, and in most cases does not
+indicate if the behavior is different in an earlier compatibility level, so
+if you are not using the most recent compatibility level, you're advised to
+read below for notes about what is different in earlier compatibility
+=head2 Supported compatibility levels
+The list of supported compatibility levels and the related upgrade check
+list has moved to L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>.
+=head1 NOTES
+=head2 Multiple binary package support
+If your source package generates more than one binary package, debhelper
+programs will default to acting on all binary packages when run. If your
+source package happens to generate one architecture dependent package, and
+another architecture independent package, this is not the correct behavior,
+because you need to generate the architecture dependent packages in the
+binary-arch F<debian/rules> target, and the architecture independent packages
+in the binary-indep F<debian/rules> target.
+To facilitate this, as well as give you more control over which packages
+are acted on by debhelper programs, all debhelper programs accept the
+B<-a>, B<-i>, B<-p>, and B<-s> parameters. These parameters are cumulative.
+If none are given, debhelper programs default to acting on all packages listed
+in the control file, with the exceptions below.
+First, any package whose B<Architecture> field in B<debian/control> does not
+match the B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture will be excluded
+(L<Debian Policy, section 5.6.8>).
+Also, some additional packages may be excluded based on the contents of the
+B<DEB_BUILD_PROFILES> environment variable and B<Build-Profiles> fields in
+binary package stanzas in B<debian/control>, according to the draft policy at
+=head3 Interaction between package selections and Build-Profiles
+Build-Profiles affect which packages are included in the package
+selections mechanisms in debhelper. Generally, the package selections
+are described from the assumption that all packages are enabled. This
+section describes how the selections react when a package is disabled
+due to the active Build-Profiles (or lack of active Build-Profiles).
+=over 4
+=item -a/--arch, -i/--indep OR no selection options (a raw "dh_X" call)
+The package disabled by Build-Profiles is silently excluded from the
+Note you will receive a warning if I<all> packages related to these
+selections are disabled. In that case, it generally does not make
+sense to do the build in the first place.
+=item -N I<package> / --no-package I<package>
+The option is accepted and effectively does nothing.
+=item -p I<package> / --package I<package>
+The option is accepted, but debhelper will not act on the package.
+Note that it does not matter whether a package is enabled or disabled
+by default.
+=head2 Automatic generation of Debian install scripts
+Some debhelper commands will automatically generate parts of Debian
+maintainer scripts. If you want these automatically generated things
+included in your existing Debian maintainer scripts, then you need to add
+B<#DEBHELPER#> to your scripts, in the place the code should be added.
+B<#DEBHELPER#> will be replaced by any auto-generated code when you run
+If a script does not exist at all and debhelper needs to add something to
+it, then debhelper will create the complete script.
+All debhelper commands that automatically generate code in this way let it
+be disabled by the -n parameter (see above).
+Note that the inserted code will be shell code, so you cannot directly use
+it in a Perl script. If you would like to embed it into a Perl script, here
+is one way to do that (note that I made sure that $1, $2, etc are set with
+the set command):
+ my $temp="set -e\nset -- @ARGV\n" . << 'EOF';
+ if (system($temp)) {
+ my $exit_code = ($? >> 8) & 0xff;
+ my $signal = $? & 0x7f;
+ if ($exit_code) {
+ die("The debhelper script failed with error code: ${exit_code}");
+ } else {
+ die("The debhelper script was killed by signal: ${signal}");
+ }
+ }
+=head2 Automatic generation of miscellaneous dependencies.
+Some debhelper commands may make the generated package need to depend on
+some other packages. For example, if you use L<dh_installdebconf(1)>, your
+package will generally need to depend on debconf. Or if you use
+L<dh_installxfonts(1)>, your package will generally need to depend on a
+particular version of xutils. Keeping track of these miscellaneous
+dependencies can be annoying since they are dependent on how debhelper does
+things, so debhelper offers a way to automate it.
+All commands of this type, besides documenting what dependencies may be
+needed on their man pages, will automatically generate a substvar called
+B<${misc:Depends}>. If you put that token into your F<debian/control> file, it
+will be expanded to the dependencies debhelper figures you need.
+This is entirely independent of the standard B<${shlibs:Depends}> generated by
+L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>, and the B<${perl:Depends}> generated by L<dh_perl(1)>.
+You can choose not to use any of these, if debhelper's guesses don't match
+=head2 Package build directories
+By default, all debhelper programs assume that the temporary directory used
+for assembling the tree of files in a package is debian/I<package>.
+Sometimes, you might want to use some other temporary directory. This is
+supported by the B<-P> flag. For example, "B<dh_installdocs -Pdebian/tmp>", will
+use B<debian/tmp> as the temporary directory. Note that if you use B<-P>, the
+debhelper programs can only be acting on a single package at a time. So if
+you have a package that builds many binary packages, you will need to also
+use the B<-p> flag to specify which binary package the debhelper program will
+act on.
+=head2 udebs
+Debhelper includes support for udebs. To create a udeb with debhelper,
+add "B<Package-Type: udeb>" to the package's stanza in F<debian/control>.
+Debhelper will try to create udebs that comply with debian-installer
+policy, by making the generated package files end in F<.udeb>, not
+installing any documentation into a udeb, skipping over
+F<preinst>, F<postrm>, F<prerm>, and F<config> scripts, etc.
+This section describes some of the environment variables that influences
+the behaviour of debhelper or which debhelper interacts with.
+It is important to note that these must be actual environment variables in
+order to affect the behaviour of debhelper (not simply F<Makefile> variables).
+To specify them properly in F<debian/rules>, be sure to "B<export>" them. For
+example, "B<export DH_VERBOSE>".
+=over 4
+=item B<DH_VERBOSE>
+Set to a non-empty value to enable verbose mode. Please see the B<-v> / B<--verbose>
+option for details.
+=item B<DH_QUIET>
+Set to a non-empty value to enable quiet mode. Debhelper will not output commands calling
+the upstream build system nor will dh print which subcommands are called
+and depending on the upstream build system might make that more quiet, too.
+This makes it easier to spot important messages but makes the output quite
+useless as buildd log.
+Ignored if DH_VERBOSE is also set or B<-v> / B<--verbose> is passed.
+=item B<DH_COMPAT>
+Temporarily specifies what compatibility level debhelper should run at,
+overriding any value specified via Build-Depends on debhelper-compat or via the
+F<debian/compat> file.
+=item B<DH_NO_ACT>
+Set to B<1> to enable no-act mode.
+=item B<DH_OPTIONS>
+All debhelper tools will parse command line arguments listed in this variable
+before any command option (as if they had been prepended to the command
+line arguments). Unfortunately, some third-party provided tools may not
+support this variable and will ignore these command line arguments.
+When using L<dh(1)>, it can be passed options that will be passed on to each
+debhelper command, which is generally better than using DH_OPTIONS.
+If set, this adds the value the variable is set to to the B<-X> options of all
+commands that support the B<-X> option. Moreover, B<dh_builddeb> will B<rm -rf>
+anything that matches the value in your package build tree.
+This can be useful if you are doing a build from a CVS source tree, in
+which case setting B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> will prevent any CVS directories
+from sneaking into the package you build. Or, if a package has a source
+tarball that (unwisely) includes CVS directories, you might want to export
+B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> in F<debian/rules>, to make it take effect wherever
+your package is built.
+Multiple things to exclude can be separated with colons, as in
+If set, this adds the specified dh addons to be run in the appropriate places
+in the sequence of commands. This is equivalent to specifying the addon to run
+with the --with flag in the debian/rules file. Any --without calls specifying
+an addon in this environment variable will not be run.
+This is intended to be used by downstreams or specific local configurations
+that require a debhelper addon to be run during multiple builds without
+having to patch a large number of rules file. If at all possible, this should
+be avoided in favor of a --with flag in the rules file.
+These variables can be used to control whether debhelper commands should use
+colors in their textual output. Can be set to "always", "auto" (the default),
+or "never".
+Note that B<DPKG_COLOR> also affects a number of dpkg related tools and
+debhelper uses it on the assumption that you want the same color setting for
+dpkg and debhelper. In the off-hand chance you want different color setting
+for debhelper, you can use B<DH_COLORS> instead or in addition to
+=item B<NO_COLOR>
+If no explicit request for color has been given (e.g. B<DH_COLORS> and
+B<DPKG_COLORS> are both unset), the presence of this environment variable
+cause the default color setting to be "never".
+The variable is defined according to L<>. In this
+project, the environment variables (such as B<DH_COLORS>) are considered
+an explicit request for color.
+By default (in any non-deprecated compat level), debhelper will automatically
+set these flags by using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>, when they are unset. If you
+need to change the default flags, please use the features from
+L<dpkg-buildflags(1)> to do this (e.g. B<DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=all>
+or B<DEB_CPPFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-DCUSTOM_MACRO=true>) rather than setting the
+concrete variable directly.
+=item B<HOME>, B<XDG_*>
+In compat 13 and later, these environment variables are reset before invoking
+the upstream build system via the B<dh_auto_*> helpers. The variables B<HOME>
+(all B<dh_auto_*> helpers) and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> (B<dh_auto_test> only) will
+be set to a writable directory. All remaining variables and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR>
+(except for during B<dh_auto_test>) will be cleared.
+The B<HOME> directory will be created as an empty directory but it will be
+reused between calls to B<dh_auto_*>. Any content will persist until
+explicitly deleted or B<dh_clean>.
+Please see L</Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> for this environment
+Please note that this variable should I<not> be altered by package maintainers
+inside F<debian/rules> to change the behaviour of debhelper. Instead, where
+the package maintainer need these features, they should look disabling the
+relevant feature directly (e.g. by overriding the concrete tools).
+This is a dpkg specific environment variable (see e.g. L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>).
+The debhelper tool suite silently ignores it.
+It is documented here because it has a similar name to B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>,
+which make some people mistakenly assume that debhelper will also react to this
+=head2 Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
+The debhelper tool suite reacts to the following flags in B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>.
+=over 4
+=item B<dherroron=obsolete-compat-levels>
+I<This is a debhelper specific value.>
+When B<dherroron> is present and set to B<obsolete-compat-levels>, then
+debhelper tools will promote deprecation warnings for usage of old soon
+to be removed compat levels into errors.
+This is useful for automated checking for code relying on deprecated
+compat levels that is scheduled for removal.
+This option is intended for testing purposes; not production builds.
+=item B<nostrip>
+I<This value will change the content of the debs being built. The .deb
+packages built when this is set is therefore not bit-for-bit reproducible
+with a regular build in the general case.>
+This value will cause the official debhelper tools will skip actions and
+helpers that either remove, detach or deduplicate debugging symbols in
+ELF binaries.
+This value affects L<dh_dwz(1)> and L<dh_strip(1)>.
+=item B<nocheck>
+This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to skip runs
+of upstream test suites.
+Package maintainers looking to avoid running the upstream tests should
+B<not> rely on this. Instead, they can add an empty override target
+to skip B<dh_auto_test>.
+This value affects L<dh_auto_test(1)>.
+=item B<nodoc>
+I<This value will change the content of the debs being built. The .deb
+packages built when this is set is therefore not bit-for-bit reproducible
+with a regular build in the general case.>
+This value will cause several debhelper tools to skip installation of
+documentation such as manpages or upstream provided documentation.
+Additionally, the tools will also ignore if declared documentation is
+"missing" on the assumption that the documentation has not been built.
+This value effects tools I<like> L<dh_installdocs(1)>, which I<knows>
+it is working with documentation.
+=item B<notrimdch>
+I<This value will change the content of the debs being built. The .deb
+packages built when this is set is therefore not bit-for-bit reproducible
+with a regular build in the general case.>
+This value will cause L<dh_installchangelogs(1)> to act as if it
+had been passed the B<--no-trim> option, forcing it to forgo removing
+older entries from changelogs.
+=item B<noautodbgsym>, B<noddebs>
+I<The official name is noautodbgsym. The noddebs variant is accepted
+for historical reasons.>
+This value causes debhelper to skip the generation of automatically
+generated debug symbol packages.
+This value affects L<dh_strip(1)>.
+=item B<parallel=N>
+This value enables debhelper to use up to B<N> threads or processes
+(subject to parameters like B<--no-parallel> and B<--max-parallel=M>).
+Not all debhelper tools work with parallel tasks and may silently
+ignore the request.
+This value affects many debhelper tools. Most notably B<dh_auto_*>,
+which will attempt to run the underlying upstream build system with
+that number of threads.
+=item B<terse>
+This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to configure
+upstream builds to be terse (i.e. reduce verbosity in their output).
+This is subject to the upstream and the debhelper build system
+supporting such features.
+This value affects most B<dh_auto_*> tools directly. For commands
+provided by the debhelper package, it also causes the tools to act like
+the B<DH_QUIET> environment variable was non-empty.
+Unknown flags are silently ignored.
+Note third-party debhelper-like tools or third-party provided build systems
+may or may not react to the above flags. This tends to depend on
+implementation details of the tool.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=over 4
+=item L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>
+List of supported compat levels and an upgrade checklist for each of them.
+=item F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>
+A set of example F<debian/rules> files that use debhelper.
+=item L<>
+Debhelper web site.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh b/dh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c1c511b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh
@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh - debhelper command sequencer
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use constant {
+ 'UNSKIPPABLE_CLI_OPTIONS_BUILD_SYSTEM' => q(-S|--buildsystem|-D|--sourcedir(?:ectory)?|-B|--builddir(?:ectory)?),
+ 'BUILD_STAMP_FILE' => 'debian/debhelper-build-stamp',
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Sequence;
+use Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil;
+use Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState ();
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh> I<sequence> [B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]] [B<--list>] [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh> runs a sequence of debhelper commands. The supported I<sequence>s
+correspond to the targets of a F<debian/rules> file: B<build-arch>,
+B<build-indep>, B<build>, B<clean>, B<install-indep>, B<install-arch>,
+B<install>, B<binary-arch>, B<binary-indep>, and B<binary>.
+A F<debian/rules> file using B<dh> can override the command that is run
+at any step in a sequence, by defining an override target. It is also
+possible to inject a command before or after any step without affecting
+the step itself.
+=head2 Injecting commands before or after a step
+I<Note>: This feature requires debhelper 12.8 or later plus the package must
+use compatibility mode 10 or later.
+To inject commands before I<dh_command>, add a target named
+B<execute_before_>I<dh_command> to the rules files. Similarly, if you
+want to inject commands after I<dh_command>, add the target
+B<execute_after_>I<dh_command>. Both targets can be used for the same
+I<dh_command> and also even if the command is overridden (as described in
+L</Overriding a command> below).
+When these targets are defined, B<dh> will call the targets respectively
+before or after it would invoke I<dh_command> (or its override target).
+=head2 Overriding a command
+To override I<dh_command>, add a target named B<override_>I<dh_command> to
+the rules file. When it would normally run I<dh_command>, B<dh> will
+instead call that target. The override target can then run the command with
+additional options, or run entirely different commands instead. See
+examples below.
+=head2 Architecture dependent/independent override and hook targets
+The override and hook targets can also be defined to run only
+when building architecture dependent or architecture independent
+packages. Use targets with names like B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch>
+and B<execute_after_>I<dh_command>B<-indep>.
+This feature is available since debhelper 8.9.7 (for override targets)
+and 12.8 (for hook targets).
+=head2 Completely empty targets
+As a special optimization, B<dh> will skip a target if it is
+completely empty and does not depend on any other target. This is
+mostly useful for override targets, where the command will simply be
+skipped without the overhead of invoking a dummy target.
+Note that the target has to be completely empty for this to work:
+ # Skip dh_bar - the good and optimized way
+ # Some rationale for skipping dh_bar goes here
+ override_dh_bar:
+ # Skip dh_foo - the slow way
+ override_dh_foo:
+ # Some rationale for skipping dh_foo goes here
+ # (these comments causes a dummy target to be run)
+=head2 Verifying targets are picked up by dh
+As of debhelper 13.10, you can use L<dh_assistant(1)> to see which override
+and hook targets will be seen by B<dh>. Here is an example run of L<dh_assistant(1)>
+along with its output:
+ $ dh_assistant detect-hook-targets
+ {
+ "commands-not-in-path": [
+ "dh_foo"
+ ],
+ "hook-targets": [
+ {
+ "command": "dh_strip_nondeterminism",
+ "is-empty": true,
+ "package-section-param": null,
+ "target-name": "override_dh_strip_nondeterminism"
+ },
+ {
+ "command": "dh_foo",
+ "is-empty": false,
+ "package-section-param": "-a",
+ "target-name": "override_dh_foo-arch"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+The B<commands-not-in-path> is useful for spotting mistakes in the hook target
+names. A non-empty value implies one of more hook targets are related to a command
+that is either not installed or no command with that name exists at all. It is
+generally worth double checking these.
+Additionally, the B<is-empty> attribute for each hook target can be used for seeing
+whether a hook target triggers the L</Completely empty targets> optimization.
+If you are interested in the other attributes, please read the L<dh_assistant(1)>
+for the details.
+=head3 Verifying targets are picked up by dh (when debhelper is older than 13.10)
+On older versions of debhelper, you have to use B<dh> with B<--no-act>.
+You can use the following command as an example:
+ $ dh binary --no-act | grep dh_install | head -n5
+ dh_installdirs
+ dh_install
+ debian/rules execute_after_dh_install
+ dh_installdocs
+ dh_installchangelogs
+The B<debian/rules execute_after_dh_install> in the output, which signals
+that B<dh> registered a B<execute_after_dh_install> target and would
+run it directly after L<dh_install(1)>.
+Note that L</Completely empty targets> will be omitted in the listing above.
+This makes it a bit harder to spot as you are looking for the omission of
+a command name. But otherwise, the principle remains the same.
+=head2 Caveats with hook targets and makefile conditionals
+If you choose to wrap a hook target in makefile conditionals, please
+be aware that B<dh> computes all the hook targets a head of time and
+caches the result for that run. Furthermore, the conditionals will be
+invoked again when B<dh> calls the hook target later and will assume
+the answer did not change.
+The parsing and caching I<often> happens before B<dh> knows whether it
+will build arch:any (-a) or/and arch:all (-i) packages, which can
+produce confusing results - especially when L<dh_listpackages(1)> is
+part of the conditional.
+Most of the problems can be avoided by making the hook target
+unconditional and then have the "body" be partially or completely
+conditional. As an example:
+ # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. The hook target
+ # is always considered. The "maybe run this" bit is
+ # conditional but dh_foo is definitely skipped.
+ #
+ # Note: The conditional is evaluated "twice" where its
+ # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook
+ # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target
+ # is run. If *either* times return false, "maybe run this"
+ # is skipped.
+ override_dh_foo:
+ ifneq (...)
+ maybe run this
+ endif
+ # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always
+ # run and dh_bar is skipped. The "maybe run this" bit is
+ # conditional as one might expect.
+ #
+ # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in
+ # different process each time). However, only the evaluation
+ # that happens when the hook target is run influences what
+ # happens.
+ override_dh_bar:
+ : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run
+ ifneq (...)
+ maybe run this
+ endif
+ # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.
+ # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.
+ #
+ # Here, either dh_baz is run normally OR "maybe run this" is run
+ # instead.
+ #
+ # And it gets even more complicated to reason about if dh needs to
+ # recurse into debian/rules because you have an "explicit"
+ # standard target (e.g. a "build-arch:" target separate from "%:").
+ ifneq (...)
+ override_dh_baz:
+ maybe run this
+ endif
+These recipes are also relevant for conditional dependency targets,
+which are often seen in a variant of the following example:
+ ifneq (...)
+ COND_TASKS += maybe-run-this
+ endif
+ ...
+ maybe-run-this:
+ ...
+ # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. Either the
+ # $(COND_TASKS) are skipped or run.
+ #
+ # Note: The conditional is evaluated "twice" where its
+ # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook
+ # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target
+ # is run. If *either* times return false, $(COND_TASKS)
+ # is skipped.
+ override_dh_foo: $(COND_TASKS)
+ # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always
+ # run and dh_bar is skipped. The $(COND_TASKS) bit is
+ # conditional as one might expect.
+ #
+ # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in
+ # different process each time). However, only the evaluation
+ # that happens when the hook target is run influences what
+ # happens.
+ override_dh_bar: $(COND_TASKS)
+ : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run
+ # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.
+ # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.
+ #
+ ifneq (...)
+ override_dh_baz: $(COND_TASKS)
+ endif
+When in doubt, pick the relevant B<SIMPLE> case in the examples above
+that match your need.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]
+Add the debhelper commands specified by the given addon to appropriate places
+in the sequence of commands that is run. This option can be repeated more
+than once, or multiple addons can be listed, separated by commas.
+This is used when there is a third-party package that provides
+debhelper commands. See the F<PROGRAMMING> file for documentation about
+the sequence addon interface.
+A B<Build-Depends> relation on the package B<dh-sequence->I<addon>
+implies a B<--with> I<addon>. This avoids the need for an explicit
+B<--with> in F<debian/rules> that only duplicates what is already
+declared via the build dependencies in F<debian/control>. The
+relation can (since 12.5) be made optional via e.g.
+build-profiles. This enables you to easily disable an addon that
+is only useful with certain profiles (e.g. to facilitate
+Since debhelper 12.5, addons can also be activated in B<indep>-only
+mode (via B<Build-Depends-Indep>) or B<arch>-only mode (via
+B<Build-Depends-Arch>). Such addons are only active in the particular
+sequence (e.g. B<binary-indep>) which simplifies dependency
+management for cross-builds.
+Please note that addons activated via B<Build-Depends-Indep> or
+B<Build-Depends-Arch> are subject to additional limitations to
+ensure the result is deterministic even when the addon is
+unavailable (e.g. during clean). This implies that some addons
+are incompatible with these restrictions and can only be used via
+B<Build-Depends> (or manually via F<debian/rules>). Currently,
+such addons can only add commands to sequences.
+=item B<--without> I<addon>
+The inverse of B<--with>, disables using the given addon. This option
+can be repeated more than once, or multiple addons to disable can be
+listed, separated by commas.
+=item B<--list>, B<-l>
+List all available addons.
+When called only with this option, B<dh> can be called from any
+directory (i.e. it does not need access to files from a source
+=item B<--no-act>
+Prints commands that would run for a given sequence, but does not run them.
+Note that dh normally skips running commands that it knows will do nothing.
+With --no-act, the full list of commands in a sequence is printed.
+Other options passed to B<dh> are passed on to each command it runs. This
+can be used to set an option like B<-v> or B<-X> or B<-N>, as well as for more
+specialised options.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+To see what commands are included in a sequence, without actually doing
+ dh binary-arch --no-act
+This is a very simple rules file, for packages where the default sequences of
+commands work with no additional options.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+Often you'll want to pass an option to a specific debhelper command. The
+easy way to do with is by adding an override target for that command.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+ override_dh_strip:
+ dh_strip -Xfoo
+ override_dh_auto_configure:
+ dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar
+Sometimes the automated L<dh_auto_configure(1)> and L<dh_auto_build(1)>
+can't guess what to do for a strange package. Here's how to avoid running
+either and instead run your own commands.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+ override_dh_auto_configure:
+ ./mondoconfig
+ override_dh_auto_build:
+ make universe-explode-in-delight
+Another common case is wanting to do something manually before or
+after a particular debhelper command is run.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+ # Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+
+ execute_after_dh_fixperms:
+ chmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo
+If you are on an older debhelper or compatibility level, the above
+example would have to be written as.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+ # Older debhelper versions or using compat 9 or lower.
+ override_dh_fixperms:
+ dh_fixperms
+ chmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo
+Python tools are not run by dh by default, due to the continual change
+in that area. Here is how to use B<dh_python2>.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@ --with python2
+Here is how to force use of Perl's B<Module::Build> build system,
+which can be necessary if debhelper wrongly detects that the package
+uses MakeMaker.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@ --buildsystem=perl_build
+Here is an example of overriding where the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands find
+the package's source, for a package where the source is located in a
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@ --sourcedirectory=src
+And here is an example of how to tell the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands to build
+in a subdirectory, which will be removed on B<clean>.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@ --builddirectory=build
+If your package can be built in parallel, please either use compat 10 or
+pass B<--parallel> to dh. Then B<dpkg-buildpackage -j> will work.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@ --parallel
+If your package cannot be built reliably while using multiple threads,
+please pass B<--no-parallel> to dh (or the relevant B<dh_auto_>I<*>
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@ --no-parallel
+Here is a way to prevent B<dh> from running several commands that you don't
+want it to run, by defining empty override targets for each command.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+ # Commands not to run:
+ override_dh_auto_test override_dh_compress override_dh_fixperms:
+A long build process for a separate documentation package can
+be separated out using architecture independent overrides.
+These will be skipped when running build-arch and binary-arch sequences.
+ #!/usr/bin/make -f
+ %:
+ dh $@
+ override_dh_auto_build-indep:
+ $(MAKE) -C docs
+ # No tests needed for docs
+ override_dh_auto_test-indep:
+ override_dh_auto_install-indep:
+ $(MAKE) -C docs install
+Adding to the example above, suppose you need to chmod a file, but only
+when building the architecture dependent package, as it's not present
+when building only documentation.
+ # Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+
+ execute_after_dh_fixperms-arch:
+ chmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo
+The primary purpose of B<dh> addons is to provide easy integration with
+third-party provided features for debhelper. However, debhelper itself
+also provide a few sequences that can be useful in some cases. These
+are documented in this list:
+=over 4
+=item build-stamp
+A special addon for controlling whether B<dh> (in compat 10 or later)
+will create stamp files to tell whether the build target has been run
+successfully. See L</INTERNALS> for more details.
+This addon is active by default but can disabled by using
+B<dh $@ --without build-stamp>
+=item dwz (obsolete)
+Adds L<dh_dwz(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below. Obsolete
+in compat 12 or later.
+=item elf-tools
+This addon adds tools related to ELF files to the sequence such as
+L<dh_strip(1)> and L<dh_shlibdeps(1)>
+This addon is I<conditionally> active by default for architecture
+specific packages - that is, it is skipped for arch:all packages.
+In the special case where you need these tools to work on arch:all
+packages, you can use B<--with elf-tools> to activate it
+=item installinitramfs (obsolete)
+Adds L<dh_installinitramfs(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below.
+Obsolete in compat 12 or later.
+=item root-sequence (internal)
+This is reserved for internal usage.
+=item single-binary
+A special-purpose addon that makes debhelper run in "single binary" mode.
+When active, it will pass B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to
+L<dh_auto_install(1)>. This makes every file "installed" by the upstream
+build system part of the (only) binary package by default without having
+to use other helpers such as L<dh_install(1)>.
+The addon will refuse to activate when the source package lists 2 or more
+binary packages in F<debian/control> as a precaution.
+Before compat 15. this behaviour was the default when there was only a single
+binary package listed in F<debian/control>. In compat 15 and later, this
+addon must explicitly be activated for this feature to work.
+The rationale for requiring this as an explicit choice is that if it is
+implicit then debhelper will silently change behaviour on adding a new
+binary package. This has caused many RC bugs when maintainers renamed
+a binary and added transitional packages with the intention of supporting
+seamless upgrades. The result would often be two empty binary packages that
+were uploaded to archive with users frustrated as their "upgrade" removed
+their programs.
+=item systemd (obsolete)
+Adds L<dh_systemd_enable(1)> and L<dh_systemd_start(1)> to the sequence in
+compat level 10 or below. Obsolete in compat 11 or later.
+If you're curious about B<dh>'s internals, here's how it works under the hood.
+In compat 10 (or later), B<dh> creates a stamp file
+F<debian/debhelper-build-stamp> after the build step(s) are complete
+to avoid re-running them. It is possible to avoid the stamp file by
+passing B<--without=build-stamp> to B<dh>. This makes "no clean"
+builds behave more like what some people expect at the expense of
+possibly running the build and test twice (the second time as root or
+under L<fakeroot(1)>).
+Inside an override target, B<dh_*> commands will create a log file
+F<debian/package.debhelper.log> to keep track of which packages the
+command(s) have been run for. These log files are then removed once
+the override target is complete.
+In compat 9 or earlier, each debhelper command will record
+when it's successfully run in F<debian/package.debhelper.log>. (Which
+B<dh_clean> deletes.) So B<dh> can tell which commands have already
+been run, for which packages, and skip running those commands again.
+Each time B<dh> is run (in compat 9 or earlier), it examines the log,
+and finds the last logged command that is in the specified
+sequence. It then continues with the next command in the sequence.
+A sequence can also run dependent targets in debian/rules. For
+example, the "binary" sequence runs the "install" target.
+B<dh> uses the B<DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS> environment variable to pass information
+through to debhelper commands that are run inside override targets. The
+contents (and indeed, existence) of this environment variable, as the name
+might suggest, is subject to change at any time.
+Commands in the B<build-indep>, B<install-indep> and B<binary-indep>
+sequences are passed the B<-i> option to ensure they only work on
+architecture independent packages, and commands in the B<build-arch>,
+B<install-arch> and B<binary-arch> sequences are passed the B<-a>
+option to ensure they only work on architecture dependent packages.
+# Stash this away before init modifies it.
+my @ARGV_orig=@ARGV;
+my (@addons, @addon_requests);
+# Reset umask to 0022 per #944691
+init(options => {
+ "until=s" => \$dh{UNTIL},
+ "after=s" => \$dh{AFTER},
+ "before=s" => \$dh{BEFORE},
+ "remaining" => \$dh{REMAINING},
+ "with=s" => sub {
+ my ($option, $value) = @_;
+ push(@addon_requests, map { "+${_}" } split(",", $value));
+ },
+ "without=s" => sub {
+ my ($option, $value) = @_;
+ push(@addon_requests, map { "-${_}" } split(",", $value));
+ },
+ "l" => \&list_addons,
+ "list" => \&list_addons,
+ },
+ # Disable complaints about unknown options; they are passed on to
+ # the debhelper commands.
+ ignore_unknown_options => 1,
+ # Bundling does not work well since there are unknown options.
+ bundling => 0,
+ internal_parse_dh_sequence_info => 1,
+ inhibit_log => 1,
+# If make is using a jobserver, but it is not available
+# to this process, clean out MAKEFLAGS. This avoids
+# ugly warnings when calling make.
+if (is_make_jobserver_unavailable()) {
+ clean_jobserver_makeflags();
+# Process the sequence parameter.
+my $sequence;
+if (! compat(7)) {
+ # From v8, the sequence is the very first parameter.
+ $sequence=shift @ARGV_orig;
+ if (defined $sequence && $sequence=~/^-/) {
+ error "Unknown sequence $sequence (options should not come before the sequence)";
+ }
+else {
+ # Before v8, the sequence could be at any position in the parameters,
+ # so was what was left after parsing.
+ $sequence=shift;
+ if (defined $sequence) {
+ @ARGV_orig=grep { $_ ne $sequence } @ARGV_orig;
+ }
+if (! defined $sequence) {
+ error "specify a sequence to run";
+# make -B causes the rules file to be run as a target.
+# Also support completely empty override targets.
+# Note: it's not safe to use rules_explicit_target before this check,
+# since it causes dh to be run.
+if ($sequence eq 'debian/rules' ||
+ $sequence =~ /^override_dh_/ ||
+ $sequence =~ /^execute_(?:after|before)_dh_/ ||
+ $sequence eq DUMMY_TARGET) {
+ exit 0;
+load_sequence_addon('root-sequence', SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH);
+sub list_addons {
+ my %addons;
+ for my $inc (@INC) {
+ require File::Spec;
+ my $path = File::Spec->catdir($inc, "Debian/Debhelper/Sequence");
+ if (-d $path) {
+ for my $module_path (glob "$path/*.pm") {
+ my $name = basename($module_path);
+ $name =~ s/\.pm$//;
+ $name =~ s/_/-/g;
+ next if $name eq 'root-sequence';
+ $addons{$name} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for my $name (sort keys %addons) {
+ print "$name\n";
+ }
+ exit 0;
+# The list of all packages that can be acted on.
+my @packages=@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}};
+my @arch_packages = getpackages("arch");
+my @indep_packages = getpackages("indep");
+my %sequence2packages = (
+ 'build-arch' => \@arch_packages,
+ 'install-arch' => \@arch_packages,
+ 'binary-arch' => \@arch_packages,
+ 'build-indep' => \@indep_packages,
+ 'install-indep' => \@indep_packages,
+ 'binary-indep' => \@indep_packages,
+ 'clean' => \@packages,
+ 'build' => \@packages,
+ 'install' => \@packages,
+ 'binary' => \@packages,
+my $sequence_unpack_flags = 0;
+if ($sequence eq 'build-arch' ||
+ $sequence eq 'install-arch' ||
+ $sequence eq 'binary-arch') {
+ push(@Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::options, "-a");
+ # as an optimisation, remove from the list any packages
+ # that are not arch dependent
+ @packages = @{$sequence2packages{$sequence}};
+elsif ($sequence eq 'build-indep' ||
+ $sequence eq 'install-indep' ||
+ $sequence eq 'binary-indep') {
+ push(@Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::options, "-i");
+ # ditto optimisation for arch indep
+ @packages = @{$sequence2packages{$sequence}};
+if (not @arch_packages) {
+ $sequence_unpack_flags = FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_ARCH_PACKAGES;
+} elsif (not @indep_packages) {
+ $sequence_unpack_flags = FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_INDEP_PACKAGES;
+@addons = compute_selected_addons($sequence, @addon_requests);
+# Load addons, which can modify sequences.
+foreach my $addon (@addons) {
+ my $addon_name = $addon->{'name'};
+ my $addon_type = $addon->{'addon-type'};
+ load_sequence_addon($addon_name, $addon_type);
+if (%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::commands_added_by_addon) {
+ while (my ($cmd, $addon) = each(%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::commands_added_by_addon)) {
+ my $addon_type = $addon->{'addon-type'};
+ if ($addon_type eq 'indep') {
+ unshift(@{$Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$cmd}}, '-i');
+ } elsif ($addon_type eq 'arch') {
+ unshift(@{$Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$cmd}}, '-a');
+ }
+ }
+if (! exists($Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences{$sequence})) {
+ error("Unknown sequence $sequence (choose from: ".
+ join(" ", sort(keys(%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences))).")");
+if (is_cross_compiling() && !get_buildoption('nocheck') && !get_buildoption('crossbuildcanrunhostbinaries')) {
+ warning('Running tests during cross-builds is not supported in the general case (except for special cases or by');
+ warning('using emulation)');
+ warning('If the build fails, please consider rebuilding with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck.');
+ if (!is_build_profile_active('cross')) {
+ warning('Additionally, you might have to set the "cross" profile. For dpkg-buildpackage, you do this by');
+ warning('passing the -Pcross option. Check the documentation of your build tool for how to set');
+ warning('DEB_BUILD_PROFILES if you use another build tool that does not auto-configure cross-building for you');
+ }
+ warning('If you have setup the relevant support for running cross-compiled binaries and want to silence this');
+ warning('warning, please use DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=crossbuildcanrunhostbinaries')
+# Figure out at what point in the sequence to start for each package.
+my (%logged, %startpoint, $completed_sequences);
+$completed_sequences = _check_for_completed_sequences(\%sequence2packages);
+# In compat <= 8, the sequences are always inlined (those versions do not
+# recurse into debian/rules anyway). In compat 9+, we never inline an
+# existing rules target.
+my ($rules_targets, $full_sequence) = unpack_sequence(\%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences,
+ $sequence,
+ (!compat(8) ? 0 : 1),
+ $completed_sequences,
+ $sequence_unpack_flags,
+ );
+%startpoint = compute_starting_point_in_sequences(\@packages, $full_sequence, \%logged);
+for my $rules_command (@{$rules_targets}) {
+ my $rules_target = extract_rules_target_name($rules_command)
+ // error("Internal error: $rules_command was not a rules target!?");
+ # Don't pass DH_ environment variables, since this is
+ # a fresh invocation of debian/rules and any sub-dh commands.
+ run_sequence_command_and_exit_on_failure("debian/rules", $rules_target);
+ my $override_packages = $sequence2packages{$rules_target} // \@packages;
+ for my $package (@{$override_packages}) {
+ my (undef, $seq) = unpack_sequence(\%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences, $rules_target, 1);
+ COMMAND: for my $c (reverse(@{$seq})) {
+ for my $j (0 .. $#{$full_sequence}) {
+ if ($c eq $full_sequence->[$j]) {
+ # Unfortunately, we do not guarantee any order
+ # between the run targets. Assuming e.g.
+ # "install-arch" and "build" are opaque targets
+ # then we could process "install-arch" first and
+ # then "build". In this case, it is important
+ # that we do not "reset" the starting point for
+ # "arch" packages. Otherwise, we might repeat
+ # part of the "install-arch" sequence when we
+ # should not.
+ $startpoint{$package} = $j + 1 if $j + 1 > $startpoint{$package};
+ last COMMAND;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+run_through_command_sequence($full_sequence, \%startpoint, \%logged,
+ \@Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::options,
+ \@packages, \@arch_packages, \@indep_packages);
+sub _check_for_completed_sequences {
+ my ($sequence2packages) = @_;
+ my (%completed, %stamp_file_content);
+ if ( -f BUILD_STAMP_FILE and not compat(9)) {
+ open(my $fd, '<', BUILD_STAMP_FILE) or error("open(${\BUILD_STAMP_FILE}, ro) failed: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ $stamp_file_content{$line} = 1;
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ my $build_indep_target_done = 1;
+ my $build_arch_target_done = 1;
+ for my $pkg (@{$sequence2packages->{'build-arch'}}) {
+ if (not $stamp_file_content{$pkg}) {
+ $build_arch_target_done = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $pkg (@{$sequence2packages->{'build-indep'}}) {
+ if (not $stamp_file_content{$pkg}) {
+ $build_indep_target_done = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $completed{'build-arch'} = 1 if $build_arch_target_done;
+ $completed{'build-indep'} = 1 if $build_indep_target_done;
+ $completed{'build'} = 1 if $build_indep_target_done and $build_arch_target_done;
+ }
+ return \%completed;
+sub reject_obsolete_params {
+ foreach my $deprecated ('until', 'after', 'before', 'remaining') {
+ if (defined $dh{uc $deprecated}) {
+ error("The --$deprecated option is not supported any longer (#932537). Use override targets instead.");
+ }
+ }
+sub _hoist_profile_into_dbo {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ if (is_build_profile_active($name) && !get_buildoption($name)) {
+ $ENV{'DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS'} .= ' ' . $name;
+ warning("Copying ${name} into DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS: It was in DEB_BUILD_PROFILES and but not in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_assistant b/dh_assistant
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..27b8703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_assistant
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_assistant - tool for supporting debhelper tools and provide introspection
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use JSON::PP ();
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_assistant> B<I<command>> [S<I<additional options>>]
+B<dh_assistant> is a debhelper program that provides introspection into the
+debhelper stack to assist third-party tools (e.g. linters) or third-party
+debhelper implementations not using the debhelper script API (e.g., because
+they are not written in Perl).
+=head1 COMMANDS
+The B<dh_assistant> supports the following commands:
+=head2 active-compat-level (JSON)
+B<Synopsis>: B<dh_assistant> B<active-compat-level>
+Outputs information about which compat level the package is using.
+For packages without valid debhelper compatibility information (whether missing, ambiguous,
+not supported or simply invalid), this command operates on a "best effort" basis and may abort
+when error instead of providing data.
+The returned JSON dictionary contains the following key-value pairs:
+=over 4
+=item active-compat-level
+The compat level that debhelper will be using. This is the same as B<DH_COMPAT> when present
+or else B<declared-compat-level>. This can be B<null> when no compat level can be detected.
+=item declared-compat-level
+The compat level that the package declared as its default compat level. This can be B<null>
+if the package does not declare any compat level at all.
+=item declared-compat-level-source
+Defines how the compat level was declared. This is null (for the same reason as
+B<declared-compat-level>) or one of:
+=over 4
+=item debian/compat
+The compatibility level was declared in the first line F<debian/compat> file.
+=item Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= <C>)
+The compatibility was declared in the F<debian/control> via a build dependency on the
+B<< debhelper-compat (= <C>) >> package in the B<Build-Depends> field. In the output,
+the B<C> is replaced by the actual compatibility level. A full example value would be:
+ Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13)
+=head2 supported-compat-levels (JSON, CRFA)
+B<Synopsis>: B<dh_assistant> B<supported-compat-levels>
+Outputs information about which compat levels, this build of debhelper knows
+This command accepts no options or arguments.
+=head2 which-build-system (JSON)
+B<Synopsis>: B<dh_assistant> B<which-build-system> [S<I<build step>>] [S<I<build system options>>]
+Output information about which build system would be used for a particular build step. The build step
+must be one of B<configure>, B<build>, B<test>, B<install> or B<clean> and must be the first argument
+after B<which-build-system> when provided. If omitted, it defaults to B<configure> as it is the
+most reliable step to use auto-detection on in a clean source directory. Note that build steps do not
+always agree when using auto-detection - particularly if the B<configure> step has not been run.
+Additionally, the B<clean> step can also provide "surprising" results for builds that rely on
+a separate build directory. In such cases, debhelper will return the first build system that
+uses a separate build directory rather than the one build system that B<configure> would detect.
+This is generally a cosmetic issue as both build systems are all basically a glorified
+B<rm -fr builddir> and more precise detection is functionally irrelevant as far as debhelper is
+The option accepts all debhelper build system arguments - i.e., options you can pass to all of
+the B<dh_auto_*> commands plus (for the B<install> step) the B<--destdir> option. These options
+affect the output and auto-detection in various ways. Passing B<-S> or B<--buildsystem>
+overrides the auto-detection (as it does for B<dh_auto_*>) but it still provides introspection
+into the chosen build system.
+Things that are useful to know about the output:
+=over 4
+=item *
+The key B<build-system> is the build system that would be used by debhelper for the given
+step (with the given options, debhelper compat level, environment variables and the given
+working directory). When B<-S> and B<--buildsystem> are omitted, this is the result of
+debhelper's auto-detection logic.
+The value is valid as a parameter for the B<--buildsystem> option.
+The special value B<none> is used to denote that no build system would be used. This value
+is not present in B<--list> parameter for the B<dh_auto_*> commands, but since debhelper/12.9
+the value is accepted for the B<--buildsystem> option.
+Note that auto-detection is subject to limitations in regards to third-party build systems.
+While debhelper I<does> support auto-detecting some third-party build systems, they must be
+installed for the detection to work. If they are not installed, the detection logic silently
+skips that build system (often resulting in B<build-system> being B<none> in the output).
+=item *
+The B<build-directory> and B<buildpath> values serve different but related purposes. The
+B<build-directory> generally mirrors the B<--builddirectory> option where as B<buildpath>
+is the output directory that debhelper will use. Therefore the former will often be null
+when B<--builddirectory> has not been passed while the latter will generally not be null
+(except when B<build-system> is B<none>).
+=item *
+The B<dest-directory> (B<--destdir>) is undefined for all build steps except the B<install> build
+step (will be output as null or absent). For the same reason, B<--destdir> should only be
+passed for B<install> build step.
+Note that if not specified, this value is currently null by default.
+=item *
+The B<parallel> value is subject to B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>. Notably, if that does not include
+the B<parallel> keyword, then B<parallel> field in the output will always be 1.
+=item *
+Most fields in the output I<can> be null. Particular if there is no build system is detected
+(or when B<--buildsystem=none>). Additionally, many of the fields can be null even if there
+is a build system if the build system does not use/set/define that variable.
+=head2 detect-hook-targets (JSON)
+B<Synopsis>: B<dh_assistant> B<detect-hook-targets>
+Detects possible override targets and hook targets that L<dh(1)> might use (provided that the
+relevant command is in the sequence).
+The detection is based on scanning the rules file for any target that I<might look> like a hook
+target and can therefore list targets that are in fact not hook targets (or are but will never
+be triggered for other reasons).
+The detection uses a similar logic for scanning the rules file and is therefore subject to
+makefile conditionals (i.e., the truth value of makefile conditionals can change whether a hook
+target is visible in the output of this command). In theory, you would have to setup up the
+environment to look like it would during a build for getting the most accurate output. Though,
+a lot of packages will not have conditional hook targets, so the "out of the box" behaviour
+will work well in most cases.
+The output looks something like this:
+ {
+ "commands-not-in-path": [
+ "dh_foo"
+ ],
+ "hook-targets": [
+ {
+ "command": "dh_strip_nondeterminism",
+ "is-empty": true,
+ "package-section-param": null,
+ "target-name": "override_dh_strip_nondeterminism"
+ },
+ {
+ "command": "dh_foo",
+ "is-empty": false,
+ "package-section-param": "-a",
+ "target-name": "override_dh_foo-arch"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+In more details:
+=over 4
+=item commands-not-in-path
+This attribute lists all the commands related to hook targets, which B<dh_assistant> could B<not>
+find in PATH. These are usually caused by either the command not being installed on the system
+where B<dh_assistant> is run or by the command not existing at all.
+If you are using this command to verify an hook target is present, please double check that the
+command is spelled correctly.
+=item hook-targets
+List over hook targets found along with additional information about them.
+=over 4
+=item command
+Attribute that lists which command this hook target is related too.
+=item target-name
+The actual target name detected in the F<debian/rules> file.
+=item is-empty
+A boolean that determines whether L<dh(1)> will optimize the hook out at runtime (see "Completely empty targets" in
+L<dh(1)>). Note that empty override targets will still cause L<dh(1)> to skip the original command.
+=item package-section-param
+This attribute defines what package selection parameter should be passed to B<dh_*> commands used
+in the hook target. It can either be B<-a>, B<-i> or (if no parameter should be used) C<null>.
+This command accepts no options or arguments.
+=head2 log-installed-files
+B<Synopsis>: B<dh_assistant> B<< -pI<pkg> >> I<[--on-behalf-of-cmd=dh_foo]> B<path ...>
+Mark one or more paths as installed for a given package. This is useful for telling L<dh_missing(1)> that the
+paths have been installed manually.
+The B<--on-behalf-of-cmd> option can be used by third-party tools to have B<dh_assistant> list them as the
+installer of the provided paths. The convention is to use the basename of the tool itself as its name
+(e.g. B<dh_install>).
+Please keep in mind that:
+=over 4
+=item *
+B<No> glob or substitution expansion is done by B<dh_assistant> on the provided paths. If you want to use globs,
+have the shell perform the expansion first.
+=item *
+Paths must be given as relative to the source root directory (e.g., F<debian/tmp/...>)
+=item *
+You I<can> provide a directory. If you do, the directory and anything recursively below it will be considered
+as installed. Note that it is fine to provide the directory even if paths inside of it has been excluded as long
+as the directory is fully "covered".
+=item *
+Do not worry about providing the same filename twice in different invocations to B<dh_assistant> due to B<-arch> /
+B<-indep> overrides. While it will be recorded multiple internally, L<dh_missing(1)> will deduplicate when it
+parses the records.
+Note this command only I<marks> paths as installed. It does not actually install them - the caller should ensure
+that the paths are in fact handled (or installed).
+Most commands have one or more of the following "tags" associated with them. Their
+meaning is defined here.
+=over 4
+=item JSON
+The command provides JSON output. See L</JSON OUTPUT> for details.
+=item CRFA
+I<Mnemonic "Can be Run From Anywhere">
+Most commands must be run inside a source package root directory (a directory
+containing F<debian/control>) because debhelper will need the package metadata
+to lookup the information. Any command with this tag are exempt from this
+requirement and is expected to work regardless of where they are run.
+Most commands uses JSON format as output. Consumers need to be aware that:
+=over 4
+=item *
+Additional keys may be added at any time. For backwards compatibility, the absence
+of a key should in general be interpreted as null unless another default is documented
+or would be "obvious" for that case.
+=item *
+Many keys can be null/undefined in special cases. As an example, some information may
+be unavailable when this command is run directly from the debhelper source (git repository).
+The output will be prettified when stdout is detected as a terminal. If
+you need to pipe the output to a pager/file (etc.) and still want it
+prettified, please use an external JSON formatter. An example of this:
+ dh_assistant supported-compat-levels | json_pp | less
+my $JSON_ENCODER = JSON::PP->new->utf8;
+# Prettify if we think the user is reading this.
+$JSON_ENCODER = $JSON_ENCODER->pretty->space_before(0)->canonical if -t STDOUT;
+# We never use the log file for this tool
+my %COMMANDS = (
+ 'help' => \&_do_help,
+ '-h' => \&_do_help,
+ '--help' => \&_do_help,
+ 'active-compat-level' => \&active_compat_level,
+ 'supported-compat-levels' => \&supported_compat_levels,
+ 'which-build-system' => \&which_build_system,
+ 'detect-hook-targets' => \&detect_hook_targets,
+ 'log-installed-files' => \&log_installed_files_cmd,
+my ($COMMAND) = shift(@ARGV);
+for my $arg (@ARGV) {
+ if ($arg eq '--help' or $arg eq '-h') {
+ $COMMAND = 'help';
+ last;
+ }
+sub _do_help {
+ my $me = basename($0);
+ print <<"EOF";
+${me}: Tool for supporting debhelper tools and provide introspection
+Usage: ${me} <command> [... addition arguments or options ...]
+The following commands are available:
+ help Show this help
+ active-compat-level Output information about which compat level is declared/active (JSON)
+ supported-compat-levels Output information about supported compat levels (JSON, CRFA)
+ which-build-system Determine which build system will be used (JSON)
+ detect-hook-targets Detect and output possible override and hook targets (JSON)
+ log-installed-files Mark one or more paths as "installed" so dh_missing is aware (BLD)
+Command tags:
+ * JSON The command provides JSON output.
+ * CRFA Command does not need to be run from a package source directory
+ (Mnemonic "Can be Run From Anywhere")
+ * BLD The command is intended to be used as a part of a package build.
+ It may leave artifacts behind that will need a dh_clean invocation to remove.
+Its primary purpose is to provide support for third-party debhelper implementations
+not using the debhelper script API or provide introspection for third-party tools
+(e.g., linters). Unless stated otherwise, commands must be run inside a source
+package root directory - that is, the directory containing "debian/control".
+Most commands use JSON output. When stdout is a TTY, the JSON will be prettified.
+See the manpage if you want formatting in other cases.
+ return;
+sub _assert_debian_control_exists {
+ return if -f 'debian/control';
+ require Cwd;
+ my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
+ warning("$cwd does not look like a package source directory (expected $cwd/debian/control to exist and be a file)");
+ error("$COMMAND must be run inside a package source directory");
+ return;
+sub _output {
+ my ($kvpairs) = @_;
+ print $JSON_ENCODER->encode($kvpairs);
+ return;
+sub active_compat_level {
+ if (@ARGV) {
+ error("$COMMAND: No arguments supported (please remove everything after the command)");
+ }
+ _assert_debian_control_exists();
+ my ($active_compat, $declared_compat, $declared_compat_source) = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::get_compat_info();
+ if (not defined($declared_compat_source)) {
+ $declared_compat = undef;
+ $active_compat = undef if not exists($ENV{DH_COMPAT});
+ }
+ my %compat_info = (
+ 'active-compat-level' => $active_compat,
+ 'declared-compat-level' => $declared_compat,
+ 'declared-compat-level-source' => $declared_compat_source,
+ );
+ _output(\%compat_info);
+ return;
+sub supported_compat_levels {
+ if (@ARGV) {
+ error("$COMMAND: No arguments supported (please remove everything after the command)");
+ }
+ my %compat_levels = (
+ 'MIN_COMPAT_LEVEL' => Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::MIN_COMPAT_LEVEL,
+ 'MAX_COMPAT_LEVEL' => Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::MAX_COMPAT_LEVEL,
+ );
+ _output(\%compat_levels);
+ return;
+sub which_build_system {
+ my ($opt_buildsys, $destdir);
+ my $first_argv = @ARGV ? $ARGV[0] : '';
+ my %options = (
+ # Emulate dh_auto_install's --destdir
+ "destdir=s" => \$destdir,
+ );
+ _assert_debian_control_exists();
+ # We never want the build system initialization to modify anything (e.g. create "HOME")
+ $dh{NO_ACT} = 1;
+ require Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems;
+ Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems::buildsystems_init(options => \%options);
+ my @non_options = grep { !m/^-/ } @ARGV;
+ my $step = @non_options ? $non_options[0] : 'configure';
+ if (@non_options && $first_argv =~ m/^-/) {
+ error("$COMMAND: If the build step is provided, it must be before any options");
+ }
+ if (@non_options > 1) {
+ error("$COMMAND: At most one positional argument is supported");
+ }
+ if (defined($destdir) and $step ne 'install') {
+ warning("$COMMAND: --destdir is not defined for build step \"$step\". Ignoring option")
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings qw(once);
+ $opt_buildsys = $Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems::opt_buildsys;
+ }
+ my $build_system = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems::load_buildsystem($opt_buildsys, $step);
+ my %result = (
+ 'build-system' => defined($build_system) ? $build_system->NAME : 'none',
+ 'for-build-step' => $step,
+ 'source-directory' => defined($build_system) ? $build_system->get_sourcedir : undef,
+ 'build-directory' => defined($build_system) ? $build_system->get_builddir : undef,
+ 'dest-directory' => defined($build_system) ? $destdir : undef,
+ 'buildpath' => defined($build_system) ? $build_system->get_buildpath : undef,
+ 'parallel' => defined($build_system) ? $build_system->get_parallel : undef,
+ 'upstream-arguments' => $dh{U_PARAMS},
+ );
+ _output(\%result);
+ return;
+sub _in_path {
+ my ($cmd) = @_;
+ for my $dir (split(':', $ENV{PATH})) {
+ return 1 if -x "${dir}/${cmd}";
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub detect_hook_targets {
+ if (@ARGV) {
+ error("$COMMAND: No arguments supported (please remove everything after the command)");
+ }
+ _assert_debian_control_exists();
+ require Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil;
+ Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil::rules_explicit_target('does-not-matter');
+ my ($explicit_targets, %result, @targets, @unverifiable_commands, %seen_cmds);
+ {
+ no warnings qw(once);
+ $explicit_targets = \%Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil::EXPLICIT_TARGETS;
+ }
+ while (my ($target, $non_empty) = each(%{$explicit_targets})) {
+ next if $target !~ m{^(?:execute_before_|execute_after_|override_)(\S+?)(-indep|-arch)?$};
+ my ($command, $archness) = ($1, $2);
+ my $param;
+ if ($archness) {
+ $param = ($archness eq '-arch') ? '-a' : '-i' ;
+ }
+ my $target_info = {
+ 'target-name' => $target,
+ 'command' => $command,
+ 'package-section-param' => $param,
+ 'is-empty' => $non_empty ? JSON::PP::false : JSON::PP::true,
+ };
+ push(@targets, $target_info);
+ push(@unverifiable_commands, $command) if not exists($seen_cmds{$command}) and not _in_path($command);
+ $seen_cmds{$command} = 1;
+ }
+ $result{'hook-targets'} = \@targets;
+ $result{'commands-not-in-path'} = \@unverifiable_commands;
+ _output(\%result);
+sub log_installed_files_cmd {
+ my $on_behalf_of = 'manually-via-dh_assistant';
+ init(
+ options => {
+ 'on-behalf-of-cmd=s' => \$on_behalf_of,
+ },
+ inhibit_log => 1,
+ );
+ if (index($on_behalf_of, '/') >= 0) {
+ error('The value for --on-behalf-of-cmd must not contain slashes');
+ }
+ if (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}} != 1) {
+ error('The log-installed-files command must act on exactly one package (use -p<pkg> to define which)');
+ }
+ my $package = $dh{DOPACKAGES}[0];
+ for my $arg (@ARGV) {
+ $arg =~ tr:/:/:s;
+ if (! -e $arg) {
+ warning("The path ${arg} does not exist - double check it is correct. Note: it will recorded anyway.");
+ }
+ }
+ log_installed_files({
+ 'package' => $package,
+ 'tool_name' => $on_behalf_of,
+ }, @ARGV);
+if (not defined($COMMAND)) {
+ error('Usage: ' . basename($0) . ' <command>');
+my $handler = $COMMANDS{$COMMAND};
+if (not defined($handler)) {
+ warning("Arguments/options must not be the first argument (except for --help)")
+ if $COMMAND =~ m/^-/;
+ error("Unknown command: $COMMAND");
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
diff --git a/dh_auto_build b/dh_auto_build
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6321e19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_auto_build
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_auto_build - automatically builds a package
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_auto_build> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_auto_build> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically build a
+package. It does so by running the appropriate command for the build system
+it detects the package uses. For example, if a F<Makefile> is found, this is
+done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If
+there's a F<>, or F<Build.PL>, it is run to build the package.
+This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work,
+you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_build> at all, and just run the
+build process manually.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+See L<debhelper(7)/B<BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS>> for a list of common build
+system selection and control options.
+=over 4
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that
+B<dh_auto_build> usually passes.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT cli-options(BUILDSYSTEM) buildsystem(build)
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_auto_clean b/dh_auto_clean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..828f2ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_auto_clean
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_auto_clean - automatically cleans up after a build
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_auto_clean> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_auto_clean> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically clean up
+after a package build. It does so by running the appropriate command for
+the build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a
+F<Makefile> and it contains a B<distclean>, B<realclean>, or B<clean> target,
+then this is done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is
+set). If there is a F<> or F<Build.PL>, it is run to clean the package.
+This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or
+tries to use the wrong clean target, you're encouraged to skip using
+B<dh_auto_clean> at all, and just run B<make clean> manually.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+See L<debhelper(7)/B<BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS>> for a list of common build
+system selection and control options.
+=over 4
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that
+B<dh_auto_clean> usually passes.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT cli-options(BUILDSYSTEM) buildsystem(clean)
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_auto_configure b/dh_auto_configure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5cdcfa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_auto_configure
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_auto_configure - automatically configure a package prior to building
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_auto_configure> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_auto_configure> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically
+configure a package prior to building. It does so by running the
+appropriate command for the build system it detects the package uses.
+For example, it looks for and runs a F<./configure> script, F<Makefile.PL>,
+F<Build.PL>, or F<cmake>. A standard set of parameters is determined and passed
+to the program that is run. Some build systems, such as make, do not
+need a configure step; for these B<dh_auto_configure> will exit without
+doing anything.
+This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work,
+you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_configure> at all, and just run
+F<./configure> or its equivalent manually.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+See L<debhelper(7)/B<BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS>> for a list of common build
+system selection and control options.
+=over 4
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that
+B<dh_auto_configure> usually passes. For example:
+ dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --enable-bar
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT cli-options(BUILDSYSTEM) buildsystem(configure)
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_auto_install b/dh_auto_install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..420fdfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_auto_install
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_auto_install - automatically runs make install or similar
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems;
+use File::Spec;
+use Cwd;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_auto_install> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_auto_install> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically install
+built files. It does so by running the appropriate command for the build
+system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a F<Makefile> and
+it contains a B<install> target, then this is done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>,
+if the environment variable is set). If there is a F<> or F<Build.PL>,
+it is used. Note that the Ant build system does not support installation,
+so B<dh_auto_install> will not install files built using Ant.
+In compat 15 or later, B<dh_auto_install> will use F<debian/tmp> as the default
+B<--destdir> and should be moved from there to the appropriate package build
+directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools. Though if the B<single-binary>
+addon for L<dh(1)> is activated, then it will pass an explicit
+B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to B<dh_auto_install>.
+For earlier compat levels then unless B<--destdir> option is
+specified, the files are installed into debian/I<package>/ if there is only one
+binary package. In the multiple binary package case, the files are instead
+installed into F<debian/tmp/>, and should be moved from there to the
+appropriate package build directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools.
+B<DESTDIR> is used to tell make where to install the files.
+If the Makefile was generated by MakeMaker from a F<Makefile.PL>, it will
+automatically set B<PREFIX=/usr> too, since such Makefiles need that.
+This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or
+tries to use the wrong install target, you're encouraged to skip using
+B<dh_auto_install> at all, and just run make install manually.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+See L<debhelper(7)/B<BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS>> for a list of common build
+system selection and control options.
+=over 4
+=item B<--destdir=>I<directory>
+Install files into the specified I<directory>. If this option is not specified,
+destination directory is determined automatically as described in the
+L</B<DESCRIPTION>> section.
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that
+B<dh_auto_install> usually passes.
+my $destdir;
+buildsystems_init(options => {
+ "destdir=s" => \$destdir,
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT cli-options(BUILDSYSTEM) buildsystem(install)
+# If destdir is not specified, determine it automatically
+if (!$destdir) {
+ my @allpackages=getpackages();
+ if (@allpackages > 1 or not compat(14)) {
+ $destdir="debian/tmp";
+ }
+ else {
+ $destdir=tmpdir($dh{MAINPACKAGE});
+ }
+$destdir = File::Spec->rel2abs($destdir, getcwd());
+if (compat(10)) {
+ # Ensure that all debian/<pkg> directories exist
+ install_dir(map { tmpdir($_) } @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}});
+} else {
+ install_dir($destdir);
+buildsystems_do("install", $destdir);
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_auto_test b/dh_auto_test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..05acea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_auto_test
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_auto_test - automatically runs a package's test suites
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_auto_test> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_auto_test> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically run a
+package's test suite. It does so by running the appropriate command for the
+build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a
+Makefile and it contains a B<test> or B<check> target, then this is done by
+running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If the test
+suite fails, the command will exit nonzero. If there's no test suite, it
+will exit zero without doing anything.
+This is intended to work for about 90% of packages with a test suite. If it
+doesn't work, you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_test> at all, and
+just run the test suite manually.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+See L<debhelper(7)/B<BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS>> for a list of common build
+system selection and control options.
+=over 4
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that
+B<dh_auto_test> usually passes.
+=head1 NOTES
+If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nocheck>, no
+tests will be performed.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT cli-options(BUILDSYSTEM) buildsystem(test)
+if (get_buildoption("nocheck")) {
+ exit 0;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_bugfiles b/dh_bugfiles
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6222922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_bugfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_bugfiles - install bug reporting customization files into package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_bugfiles> [B<-A>] [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_bugfiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+bug reporting customization files (bug scripts and/or bug control files
+and/or presubj files) into package build directories.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.bug-script
+This is the script to be run by the bug reporting program for generating a bug
+report template. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package> in the
+package build directory if no other types of bug reporting customization
+files are going to be installed for the package in question. Otherwise,
+this file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/script>. Finally, the
+installed script is given execute permissions.
+=item debian/I<package>.bug-control
+It is the bug control file containing some directions for the bug reporting
+tool. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/control> in the
+package build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.bug-presubj
+The contents of this file are displayed to the user by the bug reporting
+tool before allowing the user to write a bug report on the package to the
+Debian Bug Tracking System. This file is installed as
+F<usr/share/bug/package/presubj> in the package build directory.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-A>, B<--all>
+Install F<debian/bug-*> files to ALL packages acted on when respective
+F<debian/package.bug-*> files do not exist. Normally, F<debian/bug-*> will
+be installed to the first package only.
+# Types of bug files this debhelper program handles.
+# Hash value is the name of the pkgfile of the respective
+# type.
+my %bugfile_types = (
+ "script" => "bug-script",
+ "control" => "bug-control",
+ "presubj" => "bug-presubj",
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT bug-script bug-control bug-presubj cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ next if is_udeb($package);
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $p_dir="${tmp}/usr/share/bug";
+ my $dir="${p_dir}/$package";
+ # Gather information which bug files are available for the
+ # package in question
+ my %bugfiles=();
+ while (my ($type, $pkgfilename) = each(%bugfile_types)) {
+ my $file=pkgfile($package,$pkgfilename);
+ if ($file) {
+ $bugfiles{$type}=$file;
+ }
+ elsif (-f "debian/$pkgfilename" && $dh{PARAMS_ALL}) {
+ $bugfiles{$type}="debian/$pkgfilename";
+ }
+ }
+ # If there is only a bug script to install, install it as
+ # usr/share/bug/$package (unless this path is a directory)
+ if (! -d $dir && scalar(keys(%bugfiles)) == 1 && exists $bugfiles{script}) {
+ install_dir($p_dir);
+ install_prog($bugfiles{script}, $dir);
+ }
+ elsif (scalar(keys(%bugfiles)) > 0) {
+ if (-f $dir) {
+ # Move usr/share/bug/$package to usr/share/bug/$package/script
+ rename_path($dir, "${dir}.tmp");
+ install_dir($dir);
+ rename_path("${dir}.tmp", "$dir/script");
+ }
+ else {
+ install_dir($dir);
+ }
+ while (my ($type, $srcfile) = each(%bugfiles)) {
+ if ($type eq 'script') {
+ install_prog($srcfile, "$dir/$type");
+ } else {
+ install_file($srcfile, "$dir/$type");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Ensure that the bug script is executable
+ if (-f $dir) {
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0755, $dir);
+ }
+ elsif (-f "$dir/script") {
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0755, "$dir/script");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Modestas Vainius <>
diff --git a/dh_builddeb b/dh_builddeb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aca17f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_builddeb
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+dh_builddeb - build Debian binary packages
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_builddeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--destdir=>I<directory>] [B<--filename=>I<name>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_builddeb> simply calls L<dpkg-deb(1)> to build a Debian package
+or packages. It will also build dbgsym packages when L<dh_strip(1)>
+and L<dh_gencontrol(1)> have prepared them.
+It supports building multiple binary packages in parallel, when enabled by
+When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field is not (effectively)
+I<binary-targets>, B<dh_builddeb> will pass B<--root-owner-group> to
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--destdir=>I<directory>
+Use this if you want the generated F<.deb> files to be put in a directory
+other than the default of "F<..>".
+=item B<--filename=>I<name>
+Use this if you want to force the generated .deb file to have a particular
+file name. Does not work well if more than one .deb is generated!
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)> when it is used to build the
+=item B<-u>I<params>
+This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)>.
+It is deprecated; use B<--> instead.
+init(options => {
+ "filename=s" => \$dh{FILENAME},
+ "destdir=s" => \$dh{DESTDIR},
+# Set the default destination directory.
+if (! defined $dh{DESTDIR}) {
+ $dh{DESTDIR}='..';
+if (! defined $dh{FILENAME}) {
+ $dh{FILENAME}='';
+else {
+ $dh{FILENAME}="/$dh{FILENAME}";
+sub build_and_rename_deb {
+ my ($package, $destdir, $cmd, $rename_sub) = @_;
+ my $build_dir = "debian/.debhelper/scratch-space/build-${package}";
+ my ($dpkg_filename, $desired_filename);
+ mkdirs($build_dir);
+ doit(@${cmd}, $build_dir);
+ opendir(my $fd, $build_dir) or error("opendir($build_dir) failed: $!");
+ for my $name (readdir($fd)) {
+ next if $name eq '.' or $name eq '..';
+ if ($dpkg_filename) {
+ error("\"@{$cmd} ${build_dir}\" produced two debs: $dpkg_filename and $name");
+ }
+ $dpkg_filename = $name;
+ }
+ closedir($fd);
+ if (not defined($dpkg_filename)) {
+ error("\"@{$cmd} ${build_dir}\" did not produce *any* file but was successful!?");
+ }
+ local $_ = $dpkg_filename;
+ $rename_sub->();
+ $desired_filename = $_;
+ if ($desired_filename ne $dpkg_filename) {
+ print "\tRenaming $dpkg_filename to $desired_filename\n";
+ }
+ rename_path("${build_dir}/${dpkg_filename}",
+ "${destdir}/${desired_filename}");
+my @items;
+my @dpkg_options;
+push(@dpkg_options, '--root-owner-group') if not should_use_root();
+my @dbgsym_dpkg_options = ('--root-owner-group');
+for my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ push(@items, [$package, 0]);
+ if (not is_udeb($package)) {
+ my $dbgsym_tmpdir = dbgsym_tmpdir($package);
+ my $dbgsym_control = "${dbgsym_tmpdir}/DEBIAN/control";
+ if ( -f $dbgsym_control) {
+ # Only build the dbgsym package if it has a control file.
+ # People might have skipped dh_gencontrol.
+ push(@items, [$package, 1]);
+ } elsif (-d $dbgsym_tmpdir) {
+ warning("Not building dbgsym package for ${package} as it has no control file");
+ warning("Please use dh_gencontrol to avoid this issue");
+ }
+ }
+on_items_in_parallel(\@items, sub {
+ foreach my $item (@_) {
+ my ($package, $dbgsym) = @{$item};
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ if ($dbgsym) {
+ my $dbgsym_tmpdir = dbgsym_tmpdir($package);
+ my @cmd = ("dpkg-deb", @dbgsym_dpkg_options, @{$dh{U_PARAMS}},
+ "--build", $dbgsym_tmpdir);
+ doit(@cmd, $dh{DESTDIR});
+ } else {
+ build_and_rename_deb($package, $dh{DESTDIR}, \@cmd,
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ if (exists $ENV{DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE} && length $ENV{DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE}) {
+ complex_doit("find $tmp $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} | xargs rm -rf");
+ }
+ if (! is_udeb($package)) {
+ doit("dpkg-deb", @dpkg_options, @{$dh{U_PARAMS}}, "--build", $tmp, $dh{DESTDIR}.$dh{FILENAME});
+ }
+ else {
+ my $filename=$dh{FILENAME};
+ my @cmd = qw(dpkg-deb -z6 -Zxz -Sextreme);
+ push(@cmd, @dpkg_options);
+ push(@cmd, @{$dh{U_PARAMS}}) if $dh{U_PARAMS};
+ push(@cmd, '--build', $tmp);
+ if (! $filename) {
+ # dpkg-gencontrol does not include "Package-Type" in the
+ # control file (see #575059, #452273) for political
+ # reasons.
+ #
+ # dh_builddeb used to guess the "correct" filename, but it
+ # fell short when dpkg-gencontrol -V was used. The best
+ # solution so far: Let dpkg-deb build the deb and
+ # have dh_builddeb fix the extension.
+ build_and_rename_deb($package, $dh{DESTDIR}, \@cmd,
+ sub { s/\.deb$/\.udeb/g });
+ } else {
+ doit(@cmd, $dh{DESTDIR}.$filename);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_clean b/dh_clean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..beb67c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_clean
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_clean - clean up package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_clean> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-d>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<path> ...>]
+B<dh_clean> is a debhelper program that is responsible for cleaning up. It should
+be the last step of the B<clean> target and other debhelper commands generally
+assume that B<dh_clean> will clean up after them.
+It removes the package build directories, and removes some other files including
+F<debian/files>, and any detritus left behind by other debhelper commands. It
+also removes common files that should not appear in a Debian diff:
+ #*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp
+It does not run "make clean" to clean up after the build process. Use
+L<dh_auto_clean(1)> to do things like that.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item F<debian/clean>
+Can list other paths to be removed.
+Note that directories listed in this file B<must> end with a trailing
+slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well.
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-k>, B<--keep>
+This is deprecated, use L<dh_prep(1)> instead.
+The option is removed in compat 12.
+=item B<-d>, B<--dirs-only>
+Only clean the package build directories, do not clean up any other files
+at all.
+=item B<-X>I<item> B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being
+deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option
+multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude.
+=item I<path> ...
+Delete these I<path>s too.
+Note that directories passed as arguments B<must> end with a trailing
+slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well.
+init(options => {
+ 'dirs-only' => \$dh{D_FLAG},
+ 'keep|k' => \$dh{K_FLAG},
+ },
+ inhibit_log => 1,
+if ($dh{K_FLAG}) {
+ deprecated_functionality('dh_clean -k is deprecated; use dh_prep instead',
+ 12,
+ 'The -k option is not supported in compat 12; use dh_prep instead');
+# Remove the debhelper stamp file
+rm_files('debian/debhelper-build-stamp') if not $dh{D_FLAG};
+my (@clean_files, @clean_dirs, %seen);
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $ext=pkgext($package);
+ my $source_dir = default_sourcedir($package);
+ if (! $dh{D_FLAG}) {
+ push(@clean_files, "debian/${ext}substvars")
+ unless excludefile("debian/${ext}substvars");
+ # These are all debhelper temp files, and so it is safe to
+ # wildcard them.
+ my @temp = glob("debian/$ext*.debhelper");
+ push(@clean_files, @temp);
+ }
+ push(@clean_dirs , "${tmp}/")
+ unless excludefile($tmp);
+ push(@clean_dirs, "${source_dir}/")
+ if (not $seen{$source_dir}++ and not excludefile($source_dir));
+if (not $dh{D_FLAG}) {
+ # Restore all files in our bucket (before we delete said bucket)
+ restore_all_files(1);
+ # Remove internal state data
+ doit('rm', '-rf', 'debian/.debhelper/');
+# Remove all debhelper logs.
+if (! $dh{D_FLAG} && ! $dh{K_FLAG}) {
+ my @logs = glob('debian/*.debhelper.log');
+ rm_files(@logs) if @logs;
+if (! $dh{D_FLAG}) {
+ if (@ARGV) {
+ push(@clean_files, grep { !m@/$@ } @ARGV);
+ push(@clean_dirs, grep { m@/$@ } @ARGV);
+ }
+ if (! $dh{K_FLAG}) {
+ if (!compat(6) && -e "debian/clean") {
+ my @clean=grep {
+ ! excludefile($_)
+ # Silently ignore missing files - for all we know, dh_clean is run before
+ # they have been created.
+ } filearray('debian/clean', ["."], \&glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore);
+ push(@clean_files, grep { !m@/$@ } @clean);
+ push(@clean_dirs, grep { m@/$@ } @clean);
+ }
+ push(@clean_files, 'debian/files')
+ unless excludefile("debian/files");
+ }
+xargs(\@clean_files, 'rm', '-f', '--') if @clean_files;
+xargs(\@clean_dirs, 'rm', '-fr', '--') if @clean_dirs;
+if (! $dh{D_FLAG}) {
+ # See if some files that would normally be deleted are excluded.
+ my $find_options='';
+ if (defined($dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}) && $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} ne '') {
+ $find_options="! \\( $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} \\) -a";
+ }
+ # vcs directories that should not have their contents cleaned
+ # (plus the internal "quilt" directory)
+ my $vcs_dirs=join " -o ", map { "-path .\\*/" . $_ }
+ (".git", ".svn", ".bzr", ".hg", "CVS", '.pc', '_darcs');
+ # Remove other temp files.
+ complex_doit("find . $find_options \\( \\( \\
+ \\( $vcs_dirs \\) -prune -o -type f -a \\
+ \\( -name '#*#' -o -name '.*~' -o -name '*~' -o -name DEADJOE \\
+ -o -name '*.orig' -o -name '*.rej' -o -name '*.bak' \\
+ -o -name '.*.orig' -o -name .*.rej -o -name '.SUMS' \\
+ -o -name TAGS -o \\( -path '*/.deps/*' -a -name '*.P' \\) \\
+ \\) -exec rm -f {} + \\) -o \\
+ \\( -type d -a -name autom4te.cache -prune -exec rm -rf {} + \\) \\)");
+if (!compat(6) && !$dh{K_FLAG}) {
+ my @stamp_files = glob('*-stamp');
+ rm_files(@stamp_files) if @stamp_files;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_compress b/dh_compress
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ac72687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_compress
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_compress - compress files and fix symlinks in package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd qw(getcwd abs_path);
+use File::Spec::Functions qw(abs2rel);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_compress> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<-A>] [S<I<file> ...>]
+B<dh_compress> is a debhelper program that is responsible for compressing
+the files in package build directories, and makes sure that any symlinks
+that pointed to the files before they were compressed are updated to point
+to the new files.
+By default, B<dh_compress> compresses files that Debian policy mandates should
+be compressed, namely all files in F<usr/share/info>, F<usr/share/man>,
+files in F<usr/share/doc> that are larger than 4k in size,
+(except the F<copyright> file, F<.html> and other web files, image files, and files
+that appear to be already compressed based on their extensions), and all
+F<changelog> files. Plus PCF fonts underneath F<usr/share/fonts/X11/>
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.compress
+These files are deprecated.
+If this file exists, the default files are not compressed. Instead, the
+file is ran as a shell script, and all filenames that the shell script
+outputs will be compressed. The shell script will be run from inside the
+package build directory. Note though that using B<-X> is a much better idea in
+general; you should only use a F<debian/package.compress> file if you really
+need to.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being
+compressed. For example, B<-X.tiff> will exclude TIFF files from compression.
+You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of things to
+=item B<-A>, B<--all>
+Compress all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages
+acted on.
+=item I<file> ...
+Add these files to the list of files to compress.
+Debian policy, version 3.0
+on_pkgs_in_parallel {
+ my $olddir;
+ foreach my $package (@_) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $compress=pkgfile($package,"compress");
+ # Run the file name gathering commands from within the directory
+ # structure that will be effected.
+ next unless -d $tmp;
+ my $ignore_doc_dirs = '-name _sources';
+ if (not compat(11)) {
+ my $target_package = compute_doc_main_package($package);
+ $ignore_doc_dirs .= qq{ -o -path "usr/share/doc/${package}/examples"};
+ $ignore_doc_dirs .= qq{ -o -path "usr/share/doc/${target_package}/examples"}
+ if $target_package and $target_package ne $package;
+ }
+ $olddir = getcwd() if not defined $olddir;
+ verbose_print("cd $tmp");
+ chdir($tmp) || error("Can't cd to $tmp: $!");
+ # Figure out what files to compress.
+ my @files;
+ # First of all, deal with any files specified right on the command line.
+ if (($package eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || $dh{PARAMS_ALL}) && @ARGV) {
+ push @files, map { s{^/+}{}; $_ } @ARGV;
+ }
+ if ($compress) {
+ # The compress file is a sh script that outputs the files to be compressed
+ # (typically using find).
+ warning("$compress is deprecated; use -X or avoid calling dh_compress instead");
+ push @files, split(/\n/,`sh $olddir/$compress 2>/dev/null`);
+ } else {
+ # Note that all the excludes of odd things like _z
+ # are because gzip refuses to compress such files, assuming
+ # they are zip files. I looked at the gzip source to get the
+ # complete list of such extensions: ".gz", ".z", ".taz",
+ # ".tgz", "-gz", "-z", "_z"
+ push @files, split(/\n/,`
+ find usr/share/info usr/share/man -type f ! -iname "*.gz" \\
+ ! -iname "*.gif" ! -iname "*.png" ! -iname "*.jpg" \\
+ ! -iname "*.jpeg" \\
+ 2>/dev/null || true;
+ find usr/share/doc \\
+ \\( -type d \\( $ignore_doc_dirs \\) -prune -false \\) -o \\
+ -type f \\( -size +4k -o -name "changelog*" -o -name "NEWS*" \\) \\
+ \\( -name changelog.html -o ! -iname "*.htm*" \\) \\
+ ! -iname "*.xhtml" \\
+ ! -iname "*.gif" ! -iname "*.png" ! -iname "*.jpg" \\
+ ! -iname "*.jpeg" ! -iname "*.gz" ! -iname "*.taz" \\
+ ! -iname "*.tgz" ! -iname "*.z" ! -iname "*.bz2" \\
+ ! -iname "*-gz" ! -iname "*-z" ! -iname "*_z" \\
+ ! -iname "*.epub" ! -iname "*.jar" ! -iname "*.zip" \\
+ ! -iname "*.odg" ! -iname "*.odp" ! -iname "*.odt" \\
+ ! -iname ".htaccess" ! -iname "*.css" \\
+ ! -iname "*.xz" ! -iname "*.lz" ! -iname "*.lzma" \\
+ ! -iname "*.haddock" ! -iname "*.hs" \\
+ ! -iname "*.woff" ! -iname "*.woff2" \\
+ ! -iname "*.svg" ! -iname "*.svgz" ! -iname "*.js" \\
+ ! -name "index.sgml" ! -name "objects.inv" ! -name "*.map" \\
+ ! -name "*.devhelp2" ! -name "search_index.json" \\
+ ! -name "copyright" 2>/dev/null || true;
+ find usr/share/fonts/X11 -type f -name "*.pcf" 2>/dev/null || true;
+ `);
+ }
+ # Exclude files from compression.
+ if (@files && defined($dh{EXCLUDE}) && $dh{EXCLUDE}) {
+ my @new = grep { not excludefile($_) } @files;
+ @files=@new;
+ }
+ # Look for files with hard links. If we are going to compress both,
+ # we can preserve the hard link across the compression and save
+ # space in the end.
+ my ($unique_files, $hardlinks) = find_hardlinks(@files);
+ my @f = @{$unique_files};
+ # normalize file names and remove duplicates
+ my $norm_from_dir = $tmp;
+ if ($norm_from_dir !~ m{^/}) {
+ $norm_from_dir = "${olddir}/${tmp}";
+ }
+ my $resolved = abs_path($norm_from_dir)
+ or error("Cannot resolve $norm_from_dir: $!");
+ my @normalized = normalize_paths($norm_from_dir, $resolved, $tmp, @f);
+ my %uniq_f; @uniq_f{@normalized} = ();
+ @f = sort keys %uniq_f;
+ # do it
+ if (@f) {
+ # Make executables not be anymore.
+ xargs(\@f,"chmod","a-x");
+ xargs(\@f,"gzip","-9nf");
+ }
+ # Now change over any files we can that used to be hard links so
+ # they are again.
+ foreach (keys %{$hardlinks}) {
+ # Remove old file.
+ rm_files($_);
+ # Make new hardlink.
+ doit("ln", "-f", "$hardlinks->{$_}.gz", "$_.gz");
+ }
+ verbose_print("cd '$olddir'");
+ chdir($olddir);
+ # Fix up symlinks that were pointing to the uncompressed files.
+ my %links = map { chomp; $_ => 1 } qx_cmd('find', $tmp, '-type', 'l');
+ my $changed;
+ # Keep looping through looking for broken links until no more
+ # changes are made. This is done in case there are links pointing
+ # to links, pointing to compressed files.
+ do {
+ $changed = 0;
+ foreach my $link (keys %links) {
+ my ($directory) = $link =~ m:(.*)/:;
+ my $linkval = readlink($link);
+ if (! -e "$directory/$linkval" && -e "$directory/$linkval.gz") {
+ # Avoid duplicate ".gz.gz" if the link already has
+ # the .gz extension. This can happen via
+ # dh_installman when the .so is already compressed
+ # and then dh_installman reencodes the target
+ # manpage.
+ my $link_name = $link;
+ $link_name .= '.gz' if $link_name !~ m/[.]gz$/;
+ rm_files($link, "$link.gz");
+ make_symlink_raw_target("$linkval.gz", $link_name);
+ delete $links{$link};
+ $changed++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while $changed;
+ }
+sub normalize_paths {
+ my ($cwd, $cwd_resolved, $tmp, @paths) = @_;
+ my @normalized;
+ my $prefix = qr{\Q${tmp}/};
+ for my $path (@paths) {
+ my $abs = abs_path($path);
+ if (not defined($abs)) {
+ my $err = $!;
+ my $alt = $path;
+ if ($alt =~ s/^$prefix//) {
+ $abs = abs_path($alt);
+ }
+ error(qq{Cannot resolve "$path": $err (relative to "${cwd}")})
+ if (not defined($abs));
+ warning(qq{Interpreted "$path" as "$alt"});
+ }
+ error("${abs} does not exist") if not -e $abs;
+ push(@normalized, abs2rel($abs, $cwd_resolved));
+ }
+ return @normalized;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_dwz b/dh_dwz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1334ee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_dwz
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_dwz - optimize DWARF debug information in ELF binaries via dwz
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Find;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_dwz> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_dwz> is a debhelper program that will optimize the (uncompressed)
+size of the DWARF debug information in ELF binaries. It does so by
+running L<dwz(1)> on all the ELF binaries in the package.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--dwz-multifile>, B<--no-dwz-multifile>
+Whether L<dwz(1)> should generate a I<multifile> from the ELF binaries
+in the same package. When enabled, if a package ships at least 2 ELF
+binaries, B<dh_dwz> will instruct L<dwz(1)> to generate a multifile
+for the package.
+By default, B<dh_dwz> will attempt to create a multifile but will
+continue without if L<dwz(1)> does not create one (but succeeds anyway).
+This commonly happens when the debug files do not contain debug
+symbols (e.g. a missing -g to the compiler) or when the debug
+symbols are compressed (see Debian bug #931891). If B<--dwz-multifile>
+is passed, then B<dh_dwz> will abort with an error if L<dwz(1)> does
+not create a multifile.
+Note this options may not work if a package contains more ELF binaries
+than can fit on a single command line. If this becomes a problem,
+please pass B<--no-dwz-multifile> to work around the issue.
+The generated multifile will be compressed with B<objcopy
+Note for B<udeb> packages: B<dh_dwz> will never generate multifiles
+for B<udeb> packages. It will still use B<dwz> to reduce the
+file size of debug files if it finds any.
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being
+stripped. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of
+things to exclude.
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to L<dwz(1)> when it processes ELF binaries. This is
+mostly useful for setting memory related parameters (e.g. -l and -L).
+=head1 NOTES
+If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>,
+nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section
+10.1 "Binaries").
+While this tool technically does not remove debug information from
+binaries, it is still skipped when the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>
+environment variable contains B<nostrip>. This is because B<nostrip>
+is often used to optimize build times (e.g. for "build and
+test"-cycles) rather than optimizing for size.
+my $create_multifile = 'auto';
+init(options => {
+ 'dwz-multifile!' => \$create_multifile,
+# This variable can be used to turn off stripping (see Policy).
+exit 0 if get_buildoption('nostrip');
+my @elf_files;
+sub testfile {
+ my $fn = $_;
+ return if -l $fn; # Always skip symlinks.
+ # See if we were asked to exclude this file.
+ # Note that we have to test on the full filename, including directory.
+ if (excludefile($fn)) {
+ $File::Find::prune = 1 if -d _;
+ return;
+ }
+ return if -d _;
+ # Do not process output files from dwz
+ return if index($fn, '/debug/.dwz/') > -1;
+ if (is_so_or_exec_elf_file($fn)) {
+ push(@elf_files, $fn);
+ }
+ return;
+on_items_in_parallel(\@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}, sub {
+foreach my $package (@_) {
+ my $tmp = tmpdir($package);
+ next if not -d $tmp;
+ @elf_files = ();
+ find({
+ wanted => \&testfile,
+ no_chdir => 1,
+ }, $tmp);
+ next if not @elf_files;
+ # Consistent order;
+ @elf_files = sort(@elf_files);
+ my ($unique_files, $hardlinks) = find_hardlinks(@elf_files);
+ if ($create_multifile and @{$unique_files} > 1 and not is_udeb($package)) {
+ my $objcopy = cross_command($package, 'objcopy');
+ my $ma_dir = dpkg_architecture_value('DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH');
+ my $dwz_dir = "usr/lib/debug/.dwz/${ma_dir}";
+ my $m = "${dwz_dir}/${package}.debug";
+ my @dwz_options = ("-m${tmp}/${m}", "-M/${m}");
+ install_dir("${tmp}/${dwz_dir}");
+ doit('dwz', @dwz_options, @{$dh{U_PARAMS}}, '--', @{$unique_files});
+ if ( -f "${tmp}/${m}") {
+ doit($objcopy, '--compress-debug-sections', "${tmp}/${m}");
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0644, "${tmp}/${m}");
+ } else {
+ error("dwz failed to create a multifile as requested") if $create_multifile ne 'auto';
+ warning("No dwz multifile created, but not explicitly requested either so ignoring it.");
+ warning("Common issues include no debug information at all (missing -g) and");
+ warning("compressed debug information (#931891).");
+ # Clean up after ourselves to avoid leaving empty directories in packages
+ doit('rmdir', '-p', '--ignore-fail-on-non-empty', "${tmp}/${dwz_dir}");
+ }
+ } else {
+ xargs($unique_files, 'dwz', @{$dh{U_PARAMS}}, '--');
+ }
+ # Now change over any files we can that used to be hard links so
+ # they are again.
+ for my $hardlink (keys %{$hardlinks}) {
+ my $target = $hardlinks->{$hardlink};
+ # Remove old file.
+ rm_files($hardlink);
+ # Make new hardlink.
+ doit('ln', '-f', $target, $hardlink);
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Niels Thykier <>
diff --git a/dh_fixperms b/dh_fixperms
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8c491bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_fixperms
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_fixperms - fix permissions of files in package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Config;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_fixperms> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]
+B<dh_fixperms> is a debhelper program that is responsible for setting the
+permissions of files and directories in package build directories to a
+sane state -- a state that complies with Debian policy.
+B<dh_fixperms> makes all files in F<usr/share/doc> in the package
+build directory (excluding files in the F<examples/> directory) be
+mode 644. It also changes the permissions of all man pages to mode
+644. It removes group and other write permission from all files. It
+removes execute permissions from any libraries, headers, Perl modules,
+or desktop files that have it set. It makes all files in the standard
+F<bin> and F<sbin> directories, F<usr/games/> and F<etc/init.d>
+executable (since v4). Finally, it removes the setuid and setgid bits
+from all files in the package.
+When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field has the (effective) value of
+I<binary-targets>, B<dh_fixperms> will also reset the ownership of
+all paths to "root:root".
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude> I<item>
+Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from having
+their permissions changed. You may use this option multiple times to build
+up a list of things to exclude.
+sub patterns2find_expr {
+ return sprintf('\\( -name %s \\)', join(' -o -name ', map { "'$_'" } @_));
+my $vendorlib = substr $Config{vendorlib}, 1;
+my $vendorarch = substr $Config{vendorarch}, 1;
+my @executable_files_dirs = (
+ qw{usr/bin bin usr/sbin sbin usr/games usr/libexec etc/init.d},
+my @mode_0644_patterns = (
+ # Libraries and related files
+ '*.so.*', '*.so', '*.la', '*.a',
+ # Web application related files
+ '*.js', '*.css', '*.scss', '*.sass',
+ # Images
+ '*.jpeg', '*.jpg', '*.png', '*.gif',
+ # OCaml native-code shared objects
+ '*.cmxs',
+ # Node bindings
+ '*.node',
+my @mode_0755_patterns = (
+ # None for Debian
+my $find_exclude_options='-true';
+if (defined($dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}) && $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} ne '') {
+ $find_exclude_options="! \\( $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} \\)";
+sub find_and_reset_perm {
+ my ($in_dirs, $mode, $raw_find_expr, $raw_find_expr_late) = @_;
+ my (@dirs, $dir_string);
+ if (ref ($in_dirs) ) {
+ @dirs = grep { -d } @{$in_dirs};
+ return if not @dirs;
+ } else {
+ return if not -d $in_dirs;
+ @dirs = ($in_dirs);
+ }
+ $dir_string = escape_shell(@dirs);
+ $raw_find_expr //= '';
+ $raw_find_expr_late //= '-true';
+ complex_doit("find ${dir_string} ${raw_find_expr} -a ${find_exclude_options} -a ${raw_find_expr_late} -print0",
+ "2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod ${mode}");
+on_pkgs_in_parallel {
+ foreach my $package (@_) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ next if not -d $tmp;
+ # General permissions fixing.
+ complex_doit("find $tmp ${find_exclude_options} -print0",
+ "2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chown --no-dereference 0:0") if should_use_root();
+ find_and_reset_perm($tmp, 'go=rX,u+rw,a-s', '! -type l');
+ # Fix up permissions in usr/share/doc, setting everything to not
+ # executable by default, but leave examples directories alone.
+ find_and_reset_perm("${tmp}/usr/share/doc", '0644', '-type f', "! -regex '$tmp/usr/share/doc/[^/]*/examples/.*'");
+ find_and_reset_perm("${tmp}/usr/share/doc", '0755', '-type d');
+ # Manpages, include file, desktop files, etc., shouldn't be executable
+ find_and_reset_perm([
+ "${tmp}/usr/share/man",
+ "${tmp}/usr/include",
+ "${tmp}/usr/share/applications",
+ "${tmp}/usr/share/lintian/overrides",
+ ], '0644', '-type f');
+ # nor should perl modules.
+ find_and_reset_perm(["${tmp}/${vendorarch}", "${tmp}/${vendorlib}"],
+ 'a-X', "-type f -perm -5 -name '*.pm'");
+ find_and_reset_perm($tmp, '0644', '-type f ' . patterns2find_expr(@mode_0644_patterns)) if @mode_0644_patterns;
+ find_and_reset_perm($tmp, '0755', '-type f ' . patterns2find_expr(@mode_0755_patterns)) if @mode_0755_patterns;
+ # Programs in the bin and init.d dirs should be executable..
+ find_and_reset_perm([map { "${tmp}/$_"} @executable_files_dirs], 'a+x', '-type f');
+ # ADA ali files should be mode 444 to avoid recompilation
+ find_and_reset_perm("${tmp}/usr/lib", 'uga-w', "-type f -name '*.ali'");
+ if ( -d "$tmp/usr/lib/nodejs/") {
+ my @nodejs_exec_patterns = qw(*/cli.js */bin.js);
+ my @exec_files = grep {
+ not excludefile($_) and -f $_;
+ } glob_expand(["$tmp/usr/lib/nodejs"], \&glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore, @nodejs_exec_patterns);
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0755, @exec_files)
+ }
+ if ( -d "$tmp/usr/share/bug/$package") {
+ complex_doit("find $tmp/usr/share/bug/$package -type f",
+ "! -name 'script' ${find_exclude_options} -print0",
+ "2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod 644");
+ if ( -f "$tmp/usr/share/bug/$package/script" ) {
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0755, "$tmp/usr/share/bug/$package/script");
+ }
+ } elsif ( -f "$tmp/usr/share/bug/$package" ) {
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0755, "$tmp/usr/share/bug/$package");
+ }
+ # Files in $tmp/etc/sudoers.d/ must be mode 0440.
+ find_and_reset_perm("${tmp}/etc/sudoers.d", '0440', "-type f ! -perm 440");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_gencontrol b/dh_gencontrol
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..18275b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_gencontrol
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_gencontrol - generate and install control file
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Errno qw(ENOENT);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_gencontrol> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_gencontrol> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating
+control files, and installing them into the I<DEBIAN> directory with the
+proper permissions.
+This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>, which
+calls it once for each package being acted on (plus related dbgsym
+packages), and passes in some additional useful flags.
+B<Note> that if you use B<dh_gencontrol>, you must also use
+L<dh_builddeb(1)> to build the packages. Otherwise, your build may
+fail to build as B<dh_gencontrol> (via L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>) declares
+which packages are built. As debhelper automatically generates dbgsym
+packages, it some times adds additional packages, which will be built
+by L<dh_builddeb(1)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>.
+=item B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-gencontrol-params=>I<params>
+This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>.
+It is deprecated; use B<--> instead.
+init(options => {
+ "dpkg-gencontrol-params=s", => \$dh{U_PARAMS},
+sub ensure_substvars_are_present {
+ my ($file, @substvars) = @_;
+ my (%vars, $fd);
+ return 1 if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ if (open($fd, '+<', $file)) {
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ my $k;
+ ($k, undef) = split(m/=/, $line, 2);
+ $vars{$k} = 1 if $k;
+ }
+ # Fall-through and append the missing vars if any.
+ } else {
+ error("open(${file}) failed: $!") if $! != ENOENT;
+ open($fd, '>', $file) or error("open(${file}) failed: $!");
+ }
+ for my $var (@substvars) {
+ if (not exists($vars{$var})) {
+ verbose_print("echo ${var}= >> ${file}");
+ print ${fd} "${var}=\n";
+ $vars{$var} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close($fd) or error("close(${file}) failed: $!");
+ return 1;
+on_pkgs_in_parallel {
+ foreach my $package (@_) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $ext=pkgext($package);
+ my $dbgsym_info_dir = "debian/.debhelper/${package}";
+ my $dbgsym_tmp = dbgsym_tmpdir($package);
+ my $substvars="debian/${ext}substvars";
+ my $changelog=pkgfile($package,'changelog');
+ if (! $changelog) {
+ $changelog='debian/changelog';
+ }
+ install_dir("$tmp/DEBIAN");
+ # avoid gratuitous warnings
+ ensure_substvars_are_present($substvars, 'misc:Depends', 'misc:Pre-Depends');
+ my (@debug_info_params, $build_ids, @multiarch_params);
+ if ( -d $dbgsym_info_dir ) {
+ $build_ids = read_dbgsym_build_ids($dbgsym_info_dir);
+ }
+ if ( -d $dbgsym_tmp) {
+ my $multiarch = package_multiarch($package);
+ my $section = package_section($package);
+ my $replaces = read_dbgsym_migration($dbgsym_info_dir);
+ my $component = '';
+ if ($section =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]+$}) {
+ $component = "${1}/";
+ # This should not happen, but lets not propagate the error
+ # if does.
+ $component = '' if $component eq 'main/';
+ }
+ # Remove and override more or less every standard field.
+ my @dbgsym_options = (qw(
+ -UPre-Depends -URecommends -USuggests -UEnhances -UProvides -UEssential
+ -UConflicts -DPriority=optional -UHomepage -UImportant
+ -UBuilt-Using -DAuto-Built-Package=debug-symbols
+ -UProtected
+ ),
+ "-DPackage=${package}-dbgsym",
+ "-DDepends=${package} (= \${binary:Version})",
+ "-DDescription=debug symbols for ${package}",
+ "-DBuild-Ids=${build_ids}",
+ "-DSection=${component}debug",
+ );
+ push(@dbgsym_options, "-DPackage-Type=${\DBGSYM_PACKAGE_TYPE}")
+ # Disable multi-arch unless the original package is an
+ # multi-arch: same package. In all other cases, we do not
+ # need a multi-arch value.
+ if ($multiarch ne 'same') {
+ push(@dbgsym_options, '-UMulti-Arch');
+ }
+ # If the dbgsym package is replacing an existing -dbg package,
+ # then declare the necessary Breaks + Replaces. Otherwise,
+ # clear the fields.
+ if ($replaces) {
+ push(@dbgsym_options, "-DReplaces=${replaces}",
+ "-DBreaks=${replaces}");
+ } else {
+ push(@dbgsym_options, '-UReplaces', '-UBreaks');
+ }
+ install_dir("${dbgsym_tmp}/DEBIAN");
+ doit("dpkg-gencontrol", "-p${package}", "-l$changelog", "-T$substvars",
+ "-P${dbgsym_tmp}",@{$dh{U_PARAMS}}, @dbgsym_options);
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0644, "${dbgsym_tmp}/DEBIAN/control");
+ } elsif ($build_ids) {
+ # Only include the build-id if there is no dbgsym package (if
+ # there is a dbgsym package, the build-ids into the control
+ # file of the dbgsym package)
+ push(@debug_info_params, "-DBuild-Ids=${build_ids}");
+ }
+ # Remove explicit "Multi-Arch: no" headers to avoid autorejects by dak.
+ push (@multiarch_params, '-UMulti-Arch')
+ if (package_multiarch($package) eq 'no');
+ # Generate and install control file.
+ doit("dpkg-gencontrol", "-p$package", "-l$changelog", "-T$substvars",
+ "-P$tmp", @debug_info_params, @multiarch_params,
+ @{$dh{U_PARAMS}});
+ # This chmod is only necessary if the user sets the umask to
+ # something odd.
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0644, "${tmp}/DEBIAN/control");
+ }
+sub read_dbgsym_file {
+ my ($dbgsym_info_file, $dbgsym_info_dir) = @_;
+ my $dbgsym_path = "${dbgsym_info_dir}/${dbgsym_info_file}";
+ my $result;
+ if (-f $dbgsym_path) {
+ open(my $fd, '<', $dbgsym_path)
+ or error("open $dbgsym_path failed: $!");
+ chomp($result = <$fd>);
+ $result =~ s/\s++$//;
+ close($fd);
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub read_dbgsym_migration {
+ return read_dbgsym_file('dbgsym-migration', @_);
+sub read_dbgsym_build_ids {
+ my $res = read_dbgsym_file('dbgsym-build-ids', @_);
+ my (%seen, @unique);
+ return '' if not defined($res);
+ for my $id (split(' ', $res)) {
+ next if $seen{$id}++;
+ push(@unique, $id);
+ }
+ return join(' ', @unique);
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_icons b/dh_icons
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2af6856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_icons
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_icons - Update caches of Freedesktop icons
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Find;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_icons> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]
+B<dh_icons> is a debhelper program that updates caches of Freedesktop icons
+when needed, using the B<update-icon-caches> program provided by GTK+2.12.
+Currently this program does not handle installation of the files, though it
+may do so at a later date, so should be run after icons are installed in
+the package build directories.
+It takes care of adding maintainer script fragments to call
+B<update-icon-caches> for icon directories. (This is not done for gnome and
+hicolor icons, as those are handled by triggers.)
+These commands are inserted into the maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not modify maintainer scripts.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT tmp(usr/share/icons) cli-options()
+my $baseicondir="/usr/share/icons";
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $icondir="$tmp$baseicondir";
+ if (-d $icondir) {
+ my @dirlist;
+ opendir(my $dirfd, $icondir) or error("Cannot opendir($icondir): $!");
+ while (my $subdir = readdir($dirfd)) {
+ next if $subdir =~ /^\./;
+ next if $subdir eq "gnome";
+ next if $subdir eq "hicolor";
+ my $needs_cache = 0;
+ find sub {
+ $needs_cache = 1 if -f and (/\.png$/ or /\.svg$/ or /\.xpm$/ or /\.icon$/);
+ }, "$icondir/$subdir" ;
+ push @dirlist, "$baseicondir/$subdir" if $needs_cache;
+ }
+ closedir($dirfd);
+ if (@dirlist and ! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+ my $list=join(" ", sort @dirlist);
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-icons', { 'DIRLIST' => $list });
+ autoscript($package, 'postrm', 'postrm-icons', { 'DIRLIST' => $list });
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ross Burton <>
+Jordi Mallach <>
+Josselin Mouette <>
diff --git a/dh_install b/dh_install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..da92715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_install
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_install - install files into package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_install> [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--autodest>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>>]
+B<dh_install> is a debhelper program that handles installing files into package
+build directories. There are many B<dh_install>I<*> commands that handle installing
+specific types of files such as documentation, examples, man pages, and so on,
+and they should be used when possible as they often have extra intelligence for
+those particular tasks. B<dh_install>, then, is useful for installing everything
+else, for which no particular intelligence is needed. It is a replacement for
+the old B<dh_movefiles> command.
+This program may be used in one of two ways. If you just have a file or two
+that the upstream Makefile does not install for you, you can run B<dh_install>
+on them to move them into place. On the other hand, maybe you have a large
+package that builds multiple binary packages. You can use the upstream
+F<Makefile> to install it all into F<debian/tmp>, and then use B<dh_install> to copy
+directories and files from there into the proper package build directories.
+From debhelper compatibility level 7 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to
+looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current
+directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>).
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.install
+List the files to install into each package and the directory they should be
+installed to. The format is a set of lines, where each line lists a file or
+files to install, and at the end of the line tells the directory it should be
+installed in. The name of the files (or directories) to install should be given
+relative to the current directory, while the installation directory is given
+relative to the package build directory. You may use wildcards in the names of
+the files to install.
+Note that if you list exactly one filename or wildcard-pattern on a line by
+itself, with no explicit destination, then B<dh_install>
+will automatically guess the destination to use, the same as if the
+--autodest option were used.
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=item debian/not-installed
+Used with the deprecated B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> options.
+Please refer to L<dh_missing(1)> for the documentation of this file.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--list-missing>
+B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --list-missing> instead. If you use
+this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it has
+processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the documentation of
+this option.
+This option is removed in compat 12.
+=item B<--fail-missing>
+B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --fail-missing> instead. If you use
+this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it has
+processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the documentation of
+this option.
+This option is removed in compat 12.
+=item B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>
+Look in the specified directory for files to be installed.
+Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used
+by the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since
+B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper
+compatibility level 7 and above.
+=item B<--autodest>
+Guess as the destination directory to install things to. If this is
+specified, you should not list destination directories in
+F<debian/package.install> files or on the command line. Instead, B<dh_install>
+will guess as follows:
+Strip off F<debian/tmp> (or the sourcedir if one is given) from the front of
+the filename, if it is present, and install into the dirname of the
+filename. So if the filename is F<debian/tmp/usr/bin>, then that directory
+will be copied to F<debian/package/usr/>. If the filename is
+F<debian/tmp/etc/passwd>, it will be copied to F<debian/package/etc/>.
+=item I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>
+Lists files (or directories) to install and where to install them to.
+The files will be installed into the first package F<dh_install> acts on.
+init(options => {
+ "autodest" => \$dh{AUTODEST},
+ "list-missing" => \$dh{LIST_MISSING},
+ "fail-missing" => \$dh{FAIL_MISSING},
+ "sourcedir=s" => \$dh{SOURCEDIR},
+my $srcdir = '.';
+if (defined($dh{SOURCEDIR})) {
+ $srcdir = $dh{SOURCEDIR};
+ $srcdir =~ s{/+$}{};
+ error("Invalid --sourcedir - must not be empty nor /") if not $srcdir;
+my $missing_files = 0;
+if ($dh{LIST_MISSING} || $dh{FAIL_MISSING}) {
+ deprecated_functionality('Please use dh_missing --list-missing/--fail-missing instead', 12);
+# Support for -X flag.
+my $exclude = '';
+if ($dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}) {
+ $exclude = '! \( '.$dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}.' \)';
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT pkgfile-logged(install) cli-options()
+foreach my $package (getpackages()) {
+ my (@installed, %dest2sources);
+ my $default_source_dir = default_sourcedir($package);
+ my @search_dirs = ($srcdir);
+ push(@search_dirs, $default_source_dir) if not compat(6);
+ # Look at the install files for all packages to handle
+ # list-missing/fail-missing, but skip really installing for
+ # packages that are not being acted on.
+ my $skip_install = process_pkg($package) ? 0 : 1;
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $file=pkgfile($package,"install");
+ my @install;
+ if ($file) {
+ @install=filedoublearray($file); # no globbing here; done below
+ }
+ # With autodest, we can just pretend every pattern was on its own line
+ @install = map { [$_] } map { @$_ } @install if $dh{AUTODEST};
+ if (($package eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || $dh{PARAMS_ALL}) && @ARGV) {
+ if ($dh{AUTODEST}) {
+ # Same as above, with autodest, we can just isolate each entry
+ # - the split is for bug-backwards compatibility (#867866).
+ push(@install, map { [$_] } map { split } @ARGV);
+ } else {
+ # Bug backwards compatibility (#867866). The new "glob_expand"
+ # interface is smart enough to not split on spaces, but dh_install
+ # used to do that... *except* for the "DEST" since it was never
+ # passed to the glob function.
+ my @a = @ARGV;
+ my $dest = pop(@a) if @a > 1;
+ my @srcs = map { split } @a;
+ push(@srcs, $dest) if defined($dest);
+ push(@install, \@srcs);
+ }
+ }
+ my $glob_error_handler = sub {
+ # Do not require a match for packages that not acted on
+ # (directly). After all, the files might not have been
+ # generated/compiled.
+ return if $skip_install;
+ ++$missing_files;
+ goto \&glob_expand_error_handler_warn_and_discard;
+ };
+ foreach my $set (@install) {
+ my ($dest, @filelist, @patterns);
+ if (@$set > 1) {
+ $dest=pop @$set;
+ }
+ # Skip excluded patterns. We will need two exclude checks per pattern;
+ # 1) exclude the entire pattern as people expect this to work (#814856)
+ # 2) exclude files matched by the pattern as people could have just
+ # excluded a single file of a "dir/*"-pattern.
+ # This line below filters entire patterns
+ @patterns = grep { not excludefile($_) } @{$set};
+ next if not @patterns;
+ foreach my $glob (@patterns) {
+ my @found = glob_expand(\@search_dirs, $glob_error_handler, $glob);
+ push(@filelist, map { tr{/}{/}s; $_ } @found);
+ }
+ if (! @filelist && ! $skip_install) {
+ warning("$package missing files: @$set");
+ ++$missing_files;
+ next;
+ }
+ # Do a quick bulk handling of excluded files and update @installed.
+ # - this is for filtering files matched by the pattern
+ @filelist = grep { not excludefile($_) } @filelist if $exclude;
+ push(@installed, @filelist);
+ # ... because then we can short-curcit here.
+ next if $skip_install or $missing_files;
+ if (not $exclude) {
+ my @unoptimized;
+ for my $src (@filelist) {
+ my $d = $dest // compute_dest($default_source_dir, $src);
+ my $basename = basename($src);
+ if (exists($dest2sources{$d}{$basename})) {
+ # If there is a clash, silently undo the optimizations.
+ # See #866405 and #868169.
+ my $replaced = delete($dest2sources{$d}{$basename});
+ # Associate the $replaced the destination
+ # directory. We cannot be sure that compute_dest will
+ # get it right nor can we blindly set $dest.
+ #
+ # It is technically unnecessary for $src, but we
+ # might as well do it to possibly save a
+ # compute_dest call.
+ push(@unoptimized, [$replaced, $d], [$src, $d]);
+ next;
+ }
+ $dest2sources{$d}{$basename} = $src;
+ }
+ next if not @unoptimized;
+ @filelist = @unoptimized;
+ }
+ foreach my $src (@filelist) {
+ my $target_dest;
+ if (ref($src)) {
+ # On a failed optimization, we will have the
+ # destination directory.
+ ($src, $target_dest) = @{$src};
+ } else {
+ $target_dest = $dest;
+ if (! defined $target_dest) {
+ # Guess at destination directory.
+ $target_dest = compute_dest($default_source_dir, $src);
+ }
+ }
+ # Make sure the destination directory exists.
+ install_dir("$tmp/$target_dest");
+ if (-d $src && $exclude) {
+ my $basename = basename($src);
+ my $dir = ($basename eq '.') ? $src : "$src/..";
+ my $pwd=`pwd`;
+ chomp $pwd;
+ complex_doit("cd '$dir' && " .
+ "find '$basename' $exclude \\( -type f -or -type l \\) -print0 | LC_ALL=C sort -z | " .
+ "xargs -0 -I {} cp --reflink=auto --parents -dp {} $pwd/$tmp/$target_dest/");
+ # cp is annoying so I need a separate pass
+ # just for empty directories
+ complex_doit("cd '$dir' && " .
+ "find '$basename' $exclude \\( -type d -and -empty \\) -print0 | LC_ALL=C sort -z | " .
+ "xargs -0 -I {} cp --reflink=auto --parents -a {} $pwd/$tmp/$target_dest/");
+ }
+ else {
+ doit("cp", '--reflink=auto', "-a", $src, "$tmp/$target_dest/");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for my $dest (sort(keys(%dest2sources))) {
+ my @srcs = sort(values(%{$dest2sources{$dest}}));
+ # Make sure the destination directory exists.
+ install_dir("$tmp/$dest");
+ xargs(\@srcs, "cp", '--reflink=auto', "-a", XARGS_INSERT_PARAMS_HERE, "$tmp/$dest/");
+ }
+ log_installed_files($package, @installed);
+if ($missing_files) {
+ # There were files we could not install (e.g. patterns that matched nothing)
+ error("missing files, aborting");
+if ($dh{LIST_MISSING} || $dh{FAIL_MISSING}) {
+ my @options;
+ foreach (@{$dh{EXCLUDE}}) {
+ push(@options, '--exclude', $_);
+ }
+ push(@options, '--sourcedir', $dh{SOURCEDIR}) if defined($dh{SOURCEDIR});
+ push @options, "--list-missing" if $dh{LIST_MISSING};
+ push @options, "--fail-missing" if $dh{FAIL_MISSING};
+ doit("dh_missing", @options);
+sub compute_dest {
+ my ($source_dir, $dest) = @_;
+ $dest =~ s/^(.*\/)?\Q$srcdir\E\///;
+ $dest =~ s/^(.*\/)?\Q$source_dir\E\///;
+ $dest = dirname("/".$dest);
+ return $dest;
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+Here are some small examples of configuration files for dh_install.
+ # Install my-prog into usr/bin (as "usr/bin/my-prog")
+ my-prog usr/bin
+ # Install a plugins directory into usr/share/my-prog
+ # (as "usr/share/my-prog/plugins/")
+ plugins usr/share/my-prog
+ # Install a file with spaces in into usr/share/my-prog/data
+ # (as "usr/share/my-prog/data/my datafile with spaces.txt")
+ # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available
+ my${Space}datafile${Space}with${Space}spaces.txt usr/share/my-prog/data
+ # Install a library into the multi-arch lib directory
+ # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available
+ build/output/libfrop*.so.* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}
+B<dh_install> cannot rename files or directories, it can only install them
+with the names they already have into wherever you want in the package
+build tree.
+However, renaming can be achieved by using B<dh-exec> with compatibility level 9 or
+later. An example debian/I<package>.install file using B<dh-exec>
+could look like:
+ #!/usr/bin/dh-exec
+ debian/default.conf => /etc/my-package/start.conf
+Please remember the following three things:
+=over 4
+=item * The package must be using compatibility level 9 or later (see L<debhelper(7)>)
+=item * The package will need a build-dependency on dh-exec.
+=item * The install file must be marked as executable.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installalternatives b/dh_installalternatives
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7bfbae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installalternatives
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installalternatives - install declarative alternative rules
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use constant LINE_PREFIX => ' ' . q{\\} . "\n ";
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installalternatives> [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_installalternatives> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+parsing the declarative alternatives format and insert the relevant
+maintscripts snippets to interface with L<update-alternatives(1)>
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.alternatives
+An example of the format:
+ Name: editor
+ Link: /usr/bin/editor
+ Alternative: /usr/bin/vim.basic
+ Dependents:
+ /usr/share/man/man1/editor.1.gz editor.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/vim.1.gz
+ /usr/share/man/fr/man1/editor.1.gz /usr/share/man/fr/man1/vim.1.gz
+ /usr/share/man/it/man1/editor.1.gz /usr/share/man/it/man1/vim.1.gz
+ /usr/share/man/pl/man1/editor.1.gz /usr/share/man/pl/man1/vim.1.gz
+ /usr/share/man/ru/man1/editor.1.gz /usr/share/man/ru/man1/vim.1.gz
+ Priority: 50
+The fields B<Link>, B<Name>, B<Alternative>, and B<Priority> are mandatory and correspond
+to the L<update-alternatives(1)> B<--install> parameters B<link>, B<name>, B<path>, and
+B<priority> respectively.
+The B<Dependents> field is optional and consists of one or more lines. Each non-empty
+line must contain exactly 3 space separated values that match (in order) the values passed
+to the B<--slave> parameter for L<update-alternatives(1)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts.
+# Explicitly discard attempts to use --name; it does not make sense for
+# this helper.
+if ($dh{NAME}) {
+ warning('Ignoring unsupported --name option');
+$dh{NAME} = undef;
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT alternatives cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp = tmpdir($package);
+ my $alternatives = pkgfile($package, 'alternatives');
+ if (-f $alternatives) {
+ _parse_alternatives_file_and_generate_maintscripts($package, $tmp, $alternatives);
+ }
+sub _parse_alternative_and_generate_maintscript {
+ my ($package, $tmpdir, $alternatives_file, $ctrl) = @_;
+ my $link_name = $ctrl->{'Name'} // error("Missing mandatory \"Name\" field in ${alternatives_file}");
+ my $link_path = $ctrl->{'Link'}
+ // error("Missing mandatory \"Link\" field for \"${link_name}\" in ${alternatives_file}");
+ my $impl_path = $ctrl->{'Alternative'}
+ // error("Missing mandatory \"Alternative\" field for \"${link_name}\" in ${alternatives_file}");
+ my $priority = $ctrl->{'Priority'}
+ // error("Missing mandatory \"Priority\" field for \"${link_name}\" in ${alternatives_file}");
+ my %maintscript_options;
+ if (index($link_name, '/') > -1) {
+ error(qq{Invalid link name "${link_name}" in "${alternatives_file}": Must not contain slash});
+ }
+ my $actual_impl_path = "${tmpdir}/${impl_path}";
+ if ( ! -l $actual_impl_path && ! -e _) {
+ error(qq{Alternative "${impl_path}" for "${link_name}" in ${alternatives_file} does not exist in ${tmpdir}});
+ }
+ if ( -d $actual_impl_path) {
+ error(qq{Alternative "${impl_path}" for "${link_name}" in ${alternatives_file} is a directory});
+ }
+ if ($link_name eq $impl_path) {
+ error(qq{The link name cannot be the same as the implementation path "${link_name}" (in "${alternatives_file}")});
+ }
+ $maintscript_options{'RM_OPTIONS'} = "--remove ${link_name} ${impl_path}";
+ $maintscript_options{'INSTALL_OPTIONS'} = "--install ${link_path} ${link_name} ${impl_path} ${priority}";
+ if (defined(my $slave_link_text = $ctrl->{'Dependents'})) {
+ my (%dlink_dup, @dependent_links);
+ for my $line (split(/\n/, $slave_link_text)) {
+ my ($dlink_name, $dlink_path, $dimpl_path, $trailing);
+ my $error_with_def = 0;
+ $line =~ s/^\s++//;
+ $line =~ s/\s++$//;
+ next if $line eq ''; # Ignore empty lines
+ ($dlink_path, $dlink_name, $dimpl_path, $trailing) = split(' ', $line, 4);
+ if (not $dlink_name) {
+ warning(qq{Missing link name value (2nd item) for dependent link "${dlink_name}" for "${link_name}"}
+ . qq{ in "${alternatives_file}"});
+ $error_with_def = 1;
+ } elsif (index($dlink_name, '/') > -1) {
+ warning(qq{Invalid dependent link name "${dlink_name}" for "${link_name}"}
+ . qq{ in "${alternatives_file}": Must not contain slash});
+ $error_with_def = 1;
+ } elsif ($dlink_dup{$dlink_name}) {
+ warning(qq{Dependent link "${dlink_name}" is seen more than once for "${link_name}"}
+ . qq{ in ${alternatives_file}});
+ $error_with_def = 1;
+ }
+ if (not $dimpl_path) {
+ warning(qq{Missing path (alternative) value (3rd item) for dependent link "${dlink_name}"}
+ . qq{ for "${link_name}" in "${alternatives_file}"});
+ $error_with_def = 1;
+ }
+ if ($dlink_name eq $dimpl_path) {
+ warning(qq{The link name cannot be the same as the implementation path for "${dlink_name}"}
+ . qq{ in "${alternatives_file}"});
+ $error_with_def = 1;
+ }
+ if ($trailing) {
+ warning(qq{Trailing information for dependent link "${dlink_name}" for "${link_name}"}
+ . qq{ in "${alternatives_file}"});
+ warning("Dependent links must consist of exactly 3 space-separated values");
+ $error_with_def = 1;
+ }
+ if ($error_with_def) {
+ my $link_id = $dlink_name // ('no ' . (scalar(@dependent_links) + 1));
+ error("Error parsing dependent link ${link_id} for \"${link_name}\" in ${alternatives_file}.");
+ }
+ push(@dependent_links, "--slave $dlink_path $dlink_name $dimpl_path");
+ }
+ error("Empty \"Dependents\" field for \"${link_name}\" in ${alternatives_file} (please remove it or add an entry)")
+ if not @dependent_links;
+ $maintscript_options{'INSTALL_OPTIONS'} .= LINE_PREFIX . join(LINE_PREFIX, @dependent_links);
+ }
+ for my $wrong_name (qw(Slave Slaves Slave-Links)) {
+ if ($ctrl->{$wrong_name}) {
+ error("Please use Dependents instead of ${wrong_name}");
+ }
+ }
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-alternatives', \%maintscript_options);
+ autoscript($package, 'prerm', 'prerm-alternatives', \%maintscript_options);
+ return;
+sub _parse_alternatives_file_and_generate_maintscripts {
+ my ($package, $tmpdir, $alternatives_file) = @_;
+ my ($ctrl, $fd);
+ require Dpkg::Control::HashCore;
+ open($fd, '<', $alternatives_file) or error("open $alternatives_file failed: $!");
+ while (defined($ctrl = Dpkg::Control::HashCore->new) and ($ctrl->parse($fd, $alternatives_file))) {
+ _parse_alternative_and_generate_maintscript($package, $tmpdir, $alternatives_file, $ctrl);
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ return;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
diff --git a/dh_installcatalogs b/dh_installcatalogs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa5f45d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installcatalogs
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installcatalogs - install and register SGML Catalogs
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+my $sgmlbasever = "1.28";
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installcatalogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]
+B<dh_installcatalogs> is a debhelper program that installs and
+registers SGML catalogs. It complies with the Debian XML/SGML policy.
+Catalogs will be registered in a supercatalog, in
+This command automatically adds maintainer script snippets for
+registering and unregistering the catalogs and supercatalogs (unless
+B<-n> is used). These snippets are inserted into the maintainer
+scripts and the B<triggers> file by B<dh_installdeb>; see
+L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of Debhelper maintainer script
+A dependency on B<sgml-base> will be added to B<${misc:Depends}>, so be
+sure your package uses that variable in F<debian/control>.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.sgmlcatalogs
+Lists the catalogs to be installed per package. Each line in that file
+should be of the form C<I<source> I<dest>>, where I<source> indicates where the
+catalog resides in the source tree, and I<dest> indicates the destination
+location for the catalog under the package build area. I<dest> should
+start with F</usr/share/sgml/>.
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts nor add an
+activation trigger.
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be
+called between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause
+multiple instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT sgmlcatalogs cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package);
+ my $sgmlcatlistfile = pkgfile($package, "sgmlcatalogs");
+ my @sgmlinstalled; # catalogs we've installed
+ if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
+ error("extra command-line arguments");
+ }
+ if ($sgmlcatlistfile) {
+ foreach my $line (filedoublearray($sgmlcatlistfile)) {
+ my $source = $line->[0];
+ my $dest = $line->[1];
+ my $fulldest = "$tmpdir/$dest";
+ $fulldest =~ s|//|/|g; # beautification
+ if (! -d dirname($fulldest)) {
+ # Ensure the parent exist
+ install_dir($tmpdir."/".dirname($dest));
+ }
+ install_file($source,$fulldest);
+ push(@sgmlinstalled,$dest);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@sgmlinstalled) {
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Depends", "sgml-base", ">= $sgmlbasever");
+ install_dir("$tmpdir/etc/sgml");
+ my $centralcat = "/etc/sgml/$";
+ open(my $fd, ">", "$tmpdir$centralcat") || error("failed to write to $tmpdir$centralcat");
+ foreach my $sgmldest (@sgmlinstalled) {
+ print {$fd} "CATALOG " . $sgmldest . "\n";
+ }
+ close($fd) or error("close $tmpdir$centralcat: $!");
+ if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+ autotrigger($package, "activate-await", "update-sgmlcatalog");
+ autoscript($package, "postrm", "postrm-sgmlcatalog",
+ { 'CENTRALCAT' => $centralcat });
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # remove the dependency
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Depends", "sgml-base", ">= $sgmlbasever", 1);
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Adam Di Carlo <>
diff --git a/dh_installchangelogs b/dh_installchangelogs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..49c3821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installchangelogs
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installchangelogs - install changelogs into package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use Time::Piece;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--no-trim>] [I<upstream>]
+B<dh_installchangelogs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+installing changelogs into package build directories.
+An upstream F<changelog> file may be specified as an option. If none
+is specified, B<dh_installchangelogs> may look for files with names
+that seem likely to be changelogs as described in the next paragraphs.
+In non-native packages, B<dh_installchangelogs> will first look for
+changelog files installed by the upstream build system into F<<
+usr/share/doc/I<package> >> (of the package build directory) and
+rename the most likely candidate (if any) to F<<
+usr/share/doc/I<package>/changelog >>. Note that
+B<dh_installchangelogs> does I<not> look into any source directory
+(such as F<debian/tmp>). Otherwise, B<dh_installchangelogs> (at
+compatibility level 7 or any later) will look for changelog files in
+the source directory (e.g. the root or the F<docs> subdirectory). It
+will look for F<changelog>, F<changes> and F<history> optionally with
+common extensions (such as F<.txt>, F<.md> and F<.rst>).
+If a changelog file is specified and is an F<html> file (determined by file
+extension), it will be installed as F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog.html>
+instead. If the html changelog is converted to plain text, that variant
+can be specified as a second parameter. When no plain text variant is
+specified, a short F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog> is generated,
+pointing readers at the html changelog file.
+The B<debchange>-style Debian changelogs are trimmed to include only
+entries more recent than the release date of I<oldstable>.
+No trimming will be performed if the B<--no-trim> option is passed or
+if the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<notrimdch>.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item F<debian/changelog>
+=item F<debian/NEWS>
+=item debian/I<package>.changelog
+=item debian/I<package>.NEWS
+Automatically installed into usr/share/doc/I<package>/
+in the package build directory.
+Use the package specific name if I<package> needs a different
+F<NEWS> or F<changelog> file.
+The F<changelog> file is installed with a name of changelog
+for native packages, and F<changelog.Debian> for non-native packages.
+The F<NEWS> file is always installed with a name of F<NEWS.Debian>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-k>, B<--keep>
+Keep the original name of the upstream changelog. This will be accomplished
+by installing the upstream changelog as F<changelog>, and making a symlink from
+that to the original name of the F<changelog> file. This can be useful if the
+upstream changelog has an unusual name, or if other documentation in the
+package refers to the F<changelog> file.
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude upstream F<changelog> files that contain I<item> anywhere in their
+filename from being installed.
+Note that directory name of the changelog is also part of the match.
+=item B<--no-trim>
+Install the full changelog, not its trimmed version that includes only
+recent entries.
+=item I<upstream>
+Install this file as the upstream changelog.
+init(options => {
+ 'keep|k' => \$dh{K_FLAG},
+ 'no-trim' => \$dh{NO_TRIM},
+my $news_name="NEWS.Debian";
+my $changelog_name="changelog.Debian";
+use constant CUTOFF_DATE_STR => "2019-07-06"; # oldstable = Debian 10 Buster
+use constant CUTOFF_DATE => Time::Piece->strptime(CUTOFF_DATE_STR, "%Y-%m-%d");
+use constant MIN_NUM_ENTRIES => 4;
+my $explicit_changelog = @ARGV ? 1 : 0;
+my $default_upstream = $ARGV[0];
+my $default_upstream_text=$default_upstream;
+my $default_upstream_html;
+if (! defined($default_upstream)) {
+ if (! isnative($dh{MAINPACKAGE}) && !compat(6)) {
+ foreach my $dir (qw{. doc docs}) {
+ my $changelog = find_changelog($dir);
+ if ($changelog) {
+ $default_upstream = $changelog;
+ $default_upstream_text = $default_upstream;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isnative($dh{MAINPACKAGE})) {
+ $changelog_name='changelog';
+ }
+elsif ($default_upstream=~m/\.html?$/i) {
+ $default_upstream_html=$default_upstream;
+ $default_upstream_text=$ARGV[1];
+sub find_changelog {
+ my ($dir) = @_;
+ my @files=sort glob("$dir/*");
+ foreach my $suffix ('', qw(.txt .md .rst)) {
+ foreach my $name (qw{changelog changes history}) {
+ my @matches=grep {
+ lc basename($_) eq "$name$suffix" && -f $_ && -s _ && ! excludefile($_)
+ } @files;
+ if (@matches) {
+ return shift(@matches);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub install_debian_changelog {
+ my ($changelog, $package, $arch, $tmp) = @_;
+ if ($dh{NO_TRIM} || get_buildoption("notrimdch")) {
+ # Install the whole changelog.
+ install_file($changelog, "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package/$changelog_name");
+ return;
+ }
+ local $ENV{LC_ALL} = "C.UTF-8";
+ my $changelog_trimmed = generated_file($package, "dh_installchangelogs.dch.trimmed");
+ my $changelog_binnmu = generated_file($package, "dh_installchangelogs.dch.binnmu");
+ open(my $log1, "<", $changelog) or error("Cannot open($changelog): $!");
+ open(my $log2, ">", $changelog_trimmed) or error("Cannot open($changelog_trimmed): $!");
+ my $error_in_changelog = 0;
+ my $is_binnmu = 0;
+ my $entry = "";
+ my $entry_num = 0;
+ while (my $line=<$log1>) {
+ $entry .= $line;
+ # Identify binNUM packages by binary-only=yes in the first line of the changelog.
+ if (($. == 1) && ($line =~ /\A\S.*;.*\bbinary-only=yes/)) {
+ $is_binnmu = 1;
+ }
+ # Get out of binNMU mode once we are in the second entry (and throw away one empty line).
+ if ($is_binnmu && ($entry_num eq 1)) {
+ $is_binnmu = 0;
+ $entry_num = 0;
+ $entry = "";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*--\s+.*?\s+<[^>]*>\s+(?<timestamp>.*)$/) {
+ if ($is_binnmu && ($entry_num eq 0)) {
+ # For binNMUs the first changelog entry is written into an extra file to
+ # keep the packages coinstallable.
+ open(my $log_binnum, ">", $changelog_binnmu) or error("Cannot open($changelog_binnmu): $!");
+ print($log_binnum $entry) or error("Cannot write($changelog_binnmu): $!");
+ close($log_binnum) or error("Cannot close($changelog_binnmu): $!");
+ # Continue processing the rest of the changelog.
+ $entry = "";
+ $entry_num++;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $timestamp = $+{timestamp};
+ $timestamp =~ s/^[A-Za-z]+, +//;
+ my $entry_time;
+ eval { $entry_time = Time::Piece->strptime($timestamp, '%d %b %Y %T %z') };
+ if (! defined $entry_time) {
+ $error_in_changelog = 1;
+ warning("Could not parse timestamp '$timestamp'. $changelog will not be trimmed.");
+ truncate($log2, 0) or error("Cannot truncate($changelog_trimmed): $!");
+ last;
+ }
+ # Stop processing the changelog if we reached the cut-off date and
+ # at least MIN_NUM_ENTRIES entries have been added.
+ if (($entry_time < CUTOFF_DATE) && ($entry_num >= MIN_NUM_ENTRIES)) {
+ last;
+ }
+ # Append entry to trimmed changelog.
+ print($log2 $entry) or error("Cannot write($changelog_trimmed): $!");
+ $entry = "";
+ $entry_num++;
+ }
+ }
+ # If the whole changelog has not been read, then it has been trimmed.
+ my $has_been_trimmed = !eof($log1);
+ close($log1) or error("Cannot close($changelog): $!");
+ close($log2) or error("Cannot close($changelog_trimmed): $!");
+ if ($error_in_changelog) {
+ # If the changelog could not be trimmed, fall back to the full changelog.
+ warning("$changelog could not be trimmed. The full changelog will be installed.");
+ $changelog_trimmed = $changelog;
+ } elsif ($has_been_trimmed) {
+ # Otherwise add a comment stating that this changelog has been trimmed.
+ my $note = "\n";
+ $note .= "# Older entries have been removed from this changelog.\n";
+ $note .= "# To read the complete changelog use `apt changelog $package`.\n";
+ open(my $log2, ">>", $changelog_trimmed) or error("Cannot open($changelog_trimmed): $!");
+ print($log2 $note) or error("Cannot write($changelog_trimmed): $!");
+ close($log2) or error("Cannot close($changelog_trimmed): $!");
+ }
+ install_file($changelog_trimmed, "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package/$changelog_name");
+ if (-s $changelog_binnmu) {
+ install_file($changelog_binnmu, "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package/$changelog_name.$arch");
+ }
+on_pkgs_in_parallel {
+ foreach my $package (@_) {
+ next if is_udeb($package);
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $changelog=pkgfile($package,"changelog");
+ my $news=pkgfile($package,"NEWS");
+ my $upstream_changelog;
+ my ($upstream_changelog_text, $upstream_changelog_html);
+ my $changelog_from_tmp_dir = 0;
+ if ($explicit_changelog) {
+ $upstream_changelog = $default_upstream;
+ $upstream_changelog_text = $default_upstream_text;
+ $upstream_changelog_html = $default_upstream_html;
+ } else {
+ # Check if the upstream build system provided a
+ # changelog
+ $upstream_changelog = find_changelog("${tmp}/usr/share/doc/${package}");
+ if ($upstream_changelog) {
+ $upstream_changelog_text = $upstream_changelog;
+ $changelog_from_tmp_dir = 1;
+ } else {
+ $upstream_changelog = $default_upstream;
+ $upstream_changelog_text = $upstream_changelog;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$changelog) {
+ $changelog="debian/changelog";
+ }
+ if (!$news) {
+ $news="debian/NEWS";
+ }
+ if (! -e $changelog) {
+ error("could not find changelog $changelog");
+ }
+ # If it is a symlink to a documentation directory from the same
+ # source package, then don't do anything. Think multi-binary
+ # packages that depend on each other and want to link doc dirs.
+ if (-l "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package") {
+ my $linkval=readlink("$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package");
+ my %allpackages=map { $_ => 1 } getpackages();
+ if ($allpackages{basename($linkval)}) {
+ next;
+ }
+ # Even if the target doesn't seem to be a doc dir from the
+ # same source package, don't do anything if it's a dangling
+ # symlink.
+ next unless -d "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package";
+ }
+ install_dir("$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package");
+ if (! $dh{NO_ACT}) {
+ my $arch = package_binary_arch($package);
+ install_debian_changelog($changelog, $package, $arch, $tmp);
+ }
+ if (-e $news) {
+ install_file($news, "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package/$news_name");
+ }
+ if (defined($upstream_changelog)) {
+ my $link_to;
+ my $base="$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package";
+ if (defined($upstream_changelog_text)) {
+ if ($changelog_from_tmp_dir and not $dh{K_FLAG}) {
+ # mv (unless if it is the same file)
+ rename_path($upstream_changelog_text, "$base/changelog")
+ if basename($upstream_changelog_text) ne 'changelog';
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0644, "$base/changelog");
+ } else {
+ install_file($upstream_changelog_text, "$base/changelog");
+ }
+ $link_to='changelog';
+ }
+ if (defined($upstream_changelog_html)) {
+ if ($changelog_from_tmp_dir and not $dh{K_FLAG}) {
+ # mv (unless if it is the same file)
+ rename_path($upstream_changelog_html, "$base/changelog.html")
+ if basename($upstream_changelog_text) ne 'changelog.html';
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0644, "$base/changelog.html");
+ } else {
+ install_file($upstream_changelog_html,"$base/changelog.html");
+ }
+ $link_to='changelog.html';
+ if (! defined($upstream_changelog_text)) {
+ complex_doit("echo 'See changelog.html.gz' > $base/changelog");
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0644,"$base/changelog");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($dh{K_FLAG}) {
+ # Install symlink to original name of the upstream changelog file.
+ # Use basename in case original file was in a subdirectory or something.
+ doit('ln', '-sf', $link_to, "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package/".basename($upstream_changelog));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installcron b/dh_installcron
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9325b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installcron
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installcron - install cron scripts into etc/cron.*
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installcron> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]
+B<dh_installcron> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+cron scripts.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.cron.daily
+=item debian/I<package>.cron.weekly
+=item debian/I<package>.cron.monthly
+=item debian/I<package>.cron.yearly
+=item debian/I<package>.cron.hourly
+=item debian/I<package>.cron.d
+Installed into the appropriate F<etc/cron.*/> directory in the package
+build directory.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as
+F<etc/cron.*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them
+as the package name.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT cron.hourly cron.daily cron.weekly cron.monthly cron.yearly cron.d cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ foreach my $type (qw{hourly daily weekly monthly yearly}) {
+ my $cron=pkgfile($package,"cron.$type");
+ if ($cron) {
+ install_dir("$tmp/etc/cron.$type");
+ install_prog($cron,"$tmp/etc/cron.$type/".pkgfilename($package));
+ }
+ }
+ # Separate because this needs to be mode 644.
+ my $cron=pkgfile($package,"cron.d");
+ if ($cron) {
+ install_dir("$tmp/etc/cron.d");
+ install_file($cron,"$tmp/etc/cron.d/".pkgfilename($package));
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installdeb b/dh_installdeb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b9fd72b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installdeb
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installdeb - install files into the DEBIAN directory
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_installdeb> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+files into the F<DEBIAN> directories in package build directories with the
+correct permissions.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item I<package>.postinst
+=item I<package>.preinst
+=item I<package>.postrm
+=item I<package>.prerm
+These maintainer scripts are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory.
+B<dh_installdeb> will perform substitution of known tokens of
+the pattern B<#TOKEN#>. In generally, scripts will want to
+include the B<#DEBHELPER#> to benefit from the shell scripts
+generated by debhelper commands (including those from
+B<dh_installdeb> when it processes I<package>.maintscript files).
+The B<#DEBHELPER#> token should be placed on its own line as it is
+often replaced by a multi-line shell script.
+=item I<package>.triggers
+=item I<package>.shlibs
+These control files are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory.
+Note that I<package>.shlibs is only installed in compat level 9 and
+earlier. In compat 10, please use L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>.
+=item I<package>.conffiles
+This file will be installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory. The
+provided file will be enriched by debhelper to include all the
+B<conffiles> auto-detected by debhelper (the maintainer should
+not list there as debhelper assumes it should handle that part).
+This file is primarily useful for using "special" entries such as
+the B<< remove-on-upgrade >> feature from dpkg.
+=item I<package>.maintscript
+Lines in this file correspond to L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)>
+commands and parameters. However, the "maint-script-parameters"
+should I<not> be included as debhelper will add those automatically.
+ # Correct
+ rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo
+ rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo -- "$@"
+In compat 10 or later, any shell metacharacters will be escaped, so
+arbitrary shell code cannot be inserted here. For example, a line
+such as C<mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/newconffile> will insert
+maintainer script snippets into all maintainer scripts sufficient to
+move that conffile.
+It was also the intention to escape shell metacharacters in previous
+compat levels. However, it did not work properly and as such it was
+possible to embed arbitrary shell code in earlier compat levels.
+The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do some basic validation of some of
+the commands listed in this file to catch common mistakes. The
+validation is enabled as a warning since compat 10 and as a hard
+error in compat 12.
+Where possible, B<dh_installdeb> may choose to rewrite some or all
+of the entries into equivalent features supported in dpkg without
+relying on maintainer scripts at its sole discretion (examples
+include rewriting B<rm_conffile> into dpkg's B<remove-on-upgrade>).
+The minimum requirement for activating this feature is that debhelper
+runs in compat 10 or later.
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-D>I<TOKEN=VALUE>, B<--define> I<TOKEN=VALUE>
+Define tokens to be replaced inside the maintainer scripts when
+it is generated. Please note that the limitations described in
+L</Limitations in token names> also applies to tokens defined
+on the command line. Invalid token names will trigger an error.
+In the simple case, this parameter will cause B<< #I<TOKEN># >>
+to be replaced by I<VALUE>. If I<VALUE> starts with a literal
+I<@>-sign, then I<VALUE> is expected to point to a file
+containing the actual value to insert.
+An explicit declared token with this parameter will replace built-in
+Test examples to aid with the understanding:
+ cat >> debian/postinst <<EOF
+ echo -n "Complex value" > some-file
+ dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file
+In this example, B<#SIMPLE#> will expand to B<direct> and B<#FILEBASED#>
+will expand to B<Complex value>.
+It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given
+token. This is useful when B<dh_installdeb> is acting on multiple
+packages that need different values for the same token. This is
+done by prefixing the token name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>.
+This can be used as in the following example:
+ cat >> debian/foo.postinst <<EOF
+ # Script for #PACKAGE#
+ cat >> debian/bar.postinst <<EOF
+ # Script for #PACKAGE#
+ cat >> debian/baz.postinst <<EOF
+ # Script for #PACKAGE#
+ dh_installdeb -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \
+ --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value
+In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo.postinst>,
+to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.postinst> and to B<unique-baz-value>
+in F<debian/baz.postinst>.
+Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. E.g.
+you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.postinst> and it will
+be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>.
+The B<dh_installdeb> will automatically replace the following tokens
+inside a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):
+=over 4
+=item #DEBHELPER#
+This token is by default replaced with generated shell snippets debhelper
+commands. This includes the snippets generated by
+B<dh_installdeb> from I<package>.maintscript file (if present).
+These tokens are replaced with the respective variable from
+L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. In almost all cases, you will want
+use the B<< #DEB_HOST_I<NAME> >> variant in a script to ensure
+you get the right value when cross-building.
+On a best effort, tokens of this pattern that do not match
+a variable in L<dpkg-architecture(1)> will be left as-is.
+=item #ENV.I<NAME>#
+These tokens of this form will be replaced with value of the
+corresponding environment variable. If the environment
+variable is unset, the token is replaced with the empty
+Note that there are limits on which names can be used (see
+L</Limitations in token names>).
+=item #PACKAGE#
+This token is by default replaced by the package name, which will contain
+the concrete script.
+=head2 Limitations in token names
+All tokens intended to be substituted must match the regex: #[A-Za-z0-9_.+]+#
+Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the
+script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will
+cause B<dh_installdeb> to reject the command with an error in most cases.
+init(options => {
+ 'define|D=s%' => \%PROVIDED_SUBST,
+# dpkg-maintscript-helper commands with their associated dpkg pre-dependency
+# versions.
+my %maintscript_predeps = (
+ "rm_conffile" => "",
+ "mv_conffile" => "",
+ "symlink_to_dir" => "",
+ "dir_to_symlink" => "",
+my %maintscript_validator = (
+ "rm_conffile" => \&_validate_conffile_args,
+ "mv_conffile" => \&_validate_conffile_args,
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ install_dir("$tmp/DEBIAN");
+ if (is_udeb($package)) {
+ # For udebs, only do the postinst, and no #DEBHELPER#.
+ # Udebs also support menutest and isinstallable scripts.
+ foreach my $script (qw{postinst menutest isinstallable}) {
+ my $f=pkgfile($package,$script);
+ if ($f) {
+ install_prog($f, "$tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
+ }
+ }
+ # stop here for udebs
+ next;
+ }
+ my $maintscriptfile=pkgfile($package, "maintscript");
+ my @special_conffiles_entries;
+ if ($maintscriptfile) {
+ if (compat(9)) {
+ foreach my $line (filedoublearray($maintscriptfile)) {
+ my $cmd=$line->[0];
+ error("unknown dpkg-maintscript-helper command: $cmd")
+ unless exists $maintscript_predeps{$cmd};
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Pre-Depends", "dpkg",
+ ">= $maintscript_predeps{$cmd}")
+ if length $maintscript_predeps{$cmd};
+ my $params=escape_shell(@$line);
+ foreach my $script (qw{postinst preinst prerm postrm}) {
+ autoscript($package, $script, "maintscript-helper",
+ "s!#PARAMS#!$params!g");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ my @maintscripts = filedoublearray($maintscriptfile);
+ my @params;
+ foreach my $line (@maintscripts) {
+ my $cmd=$line->[0];
+ error("unknown dpkg-maintscript-helper command: $cmd")
+ unless exists $maintscript_predeps{$cmd};
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Pre-Depends", "dpkg",
+ ">= $maintscript_predeps{$cmd}")
+ if length $maintscript_predeps{$cmd};
+ if (my $validator = $maintscript_validator{$cmd}) {
+ $validator->($package, @{$line});
+ }
+ if (0) { # Disabled for now: #994919 + #994903
+ my $current_conffile = $line->[1];
+ push(@special_conffiles_entries, "remove-on-upgrade ${current_conffile}");
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Pre-Depends", "dpkg (>= 1.20.6~)");
+ next;
+ }
+ push(@params, escape_shell(@{$line}) );
+ }
+ if (@params) {
+ foreach my $script (qw{postinst preinst prerm postrm}) {
+ my $subst = sub {
+ my @res;
+ chomp;
+ for my $param (@params) {
+ my $line = $_;
+ $line =~ s{#PARAMS#}{$param}g;
+ push(@res, $line);
+ }
+ $_ = join("\n", @res) . "\n";
+ };
+ autoscript($package, $script, "maintscript-helper", $subst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Install debian scripts.
+ my $package_subst = debhelper_script_per_package_subst($package, \%PROVIDED_SUBST);
+ foreach my $script (qw{postinst preinst prerm postrm}) {
+ debhelper_script_subst($package, $script, $package_subst);
+ }
+ # Install non-executable files
+ my @non_exec_files;
+ # Removed in compat 12.
+ push(@non_exec_files, 'conffiles');
+ # In compat 10, we let dh_makeshlibs handle "shlibs".
+ push(@non_exec_files, 'shlibs') if compat(9);
+ foreach my $file (@non_exec_files) {
+ my $f=pkgfile($package,$file);
+ if ($f) {
+ install_file($f, "$tmp/DEBIAN/$file");
+ }
+ }
+ install_triggers($package, $tmp);
+ if (@special_conffiles_entries) {
+ open(my $fd, '>>', "$tmp/DEBIAN/conffiles");
+ for my $line (@special_conffiles_entries) {
+ print {$fd} "${line}\n";
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ }
+ # Automatic conffiles registration: If it is in /etc, it is a
+ # conffile.
+ if ( -d "$tmp/etc") {
+ complex_doit("find $tmp/etc -type f -printf '/etc/%P\n' | LC_ALL=C sort >> $tmp/DEBIAN/conffiles");
+ # Anything found?
+ if (-z "$tmp/DEBIAN/conffiles") {
+ rm_files("$tmp/DEBIAN/conffiles");
+ }
+ }
+ if ( -f "$tmp/DEBIAN/conffiles") {
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0644, "$tmp/DEBIAN/conffiles");
+ }
+sub install_triggers {
+ my ($package, $tmp) = @_;
+ my $generated = generated_file($package, 'triggers', 0);
+ my @sources = grep { -f $_ } (
+ pkgfile($package, 'triggers'),
+ $generated,
+ );
+ my $target = "$tmp/DEBIAN/triggers";
+ return if not @sources;
+ if (@sources > 1) {
+ my $merged = "${generated}.merged";
+ open(my $ofd, '>', $merged)
+ or error("open ${target} failed: $!");
+ for my $src (@sources) {
+ open(my $ifd, '<', $src)
+ or error("open ${src} failed: $!");
+ print {$ofd} $_ while <$ifd>;
+ close($ifd);
+ }
+ close($ofd) or error("close ${merged} failed: $!");
+ @sources = ($merged);
+ }
+ install_file($sources[0], $target);
+sub _validate_conffile_args {
+ my ($package, $cmd, @args) = @_;
+ my ($current_conffile, $new_conffile, $prior_version, $owning_package, $other);
+ for my $arg (@args) {
+ if ($arg eq '--') {
+ _maybe_error("The maintscripts file for $package includes a \"--\" for one of the ${cmd} commands, but it should not");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($cmd eq 'rm_conffile') {
+ ($current_conffile, $prior_version, $owning_package, $other) = @args;
+ } else {
+ ($current_conffile, $new_conffile, $prior_version, $owning_package, $other) = @args;
+ }
+ $current_conffile //= '';
+ _maybe_error("The current conffile path for ${cmd} must be present and absolute, got ${current_conffile}")
+ if not $current_conffile or substr($current_conffile, 0, 1) ne '/';
+ _maybe_error("The new conffile path for ${cmd} must be present and absolute, got ${new_conffile}")
+ if $cmd eq 'mv_conffile' and (not $new_conffile or substr($new_conffile, 0, 1) ne '/');
+ _maybe_error("The version for ${cmd} ${current_conffile} is not valid, got ${prior_version}")
+ if $prior_version and $prior_version !~ m{^${Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::PKGVERSION_REGEX}$}o;
+ _maybe_error("The owning package for ${cmd} ${current_conffile} is not valid, got ${owning_package}")
+ if $owning_package and $owning_package !~ m{^${Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::PKGNAME_REGEX}$}o;
+ if (defined($other)) {
+ warning("Too many arguments for ${cmd} ${current_conffile}");
+ }
+sub _maybe_error {
+ my ($msg) = @_;
+ if (compat(11)) {
+ warning($msg);
+ } else {
+ error($msg);
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installdebconf b/dh_installdebconf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..79d50d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installdebconf
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installdebconf - install files used by debconf in package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_installdebconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+files used by debconf into package build directories.
+It also automatically generates the F<postrm> commands needed to interface
+with debconf. The commands are added to the maintainer scripts by
+B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how that
+Note that if you use debconf, your package probably needs to depend on it
+(it will be added to B<${misc:Depends}> by this program).
+Note that for your config script to be called by B<dpkg>, your F<postinst>
+needs to source debconf's confmodule. B<dh_installdebconf> does not
+install this statement into the F<postinst> automatically as it is too
+hard to do it right.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.config
+This is the debconf F<config> script, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN>
+directory in the package build directory.
+Inside the script, the token B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with
+shell script snippets generated by other debhelper commands.
+=item debian/I<package>.templates
+This is the debconf F<templates> file, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN>
+directory in the package build directory.
+=item F<debian/po/>
+If this directory is present, this program will automatically use
+L<po2debconf(1)> to generate merged templates
+files that include the translations from there.
+For this to work, your package should build-depend on F<po-debconf>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not modify F<postrm> script.
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass the params to B<po2debconf>.
+=item B<-D>I<TOKEN=VALUE>, B<--define> I<TOKEN=VALUE>
+Define tokens to be replaced inside the maintainer scripts when
+it is generated. Please note that the limitations described in
+L</Limitations in token names> also applies to tokens defined
+on the command line. Invalid token names will trigger an error.
+In the simple case, this parameter will cause B<< #I<TOKEN># >>
+to be replaced by I<VALUE>. If I<VALUE> starts with a literal
+I<@>-sign, then I<VALUE> is expected to point to a file
+containing the actual value to insert.
+An explicit declared token with this parameter will replace built-in
+Test examples to aid with the understanding:
+ cat >> debian/config <<EOF
+ echo -n "Complex value" > some-file
+ dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file
+In this example, B<#SIMPLE#> will expand to B<direct> and B<#FILEBASED#>
+will expand to B<Complex value>.
+It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given
+token. This is useful when B<dh_installdebconf> is acting on multiple
+packages that need different values for the same token. This is
+done by prefixing the token name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>.
+This can be used as in the following example:
+ cat >> debian/foo.config <<EOF
+ # Script for #PACKAGE#
+ cat >> debian/bar.config <<EOF
+ # Script for #PACKAGE#
+ cat >> debian/baz.config <<EOF
+ # Script for #PACKAGE#
+ dh_installdebconf -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \
+ --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value
+In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo.config>,
+to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.config> and to B<unique-baz-value>
+in F<debian/baz.config>.
+Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. E.g.
+you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.config> and it will
+be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>.
+The B<dh_installdebconf> will automatically replace the following tokens
+inside a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):
+=over 4
+These tokens are replaced with the respective variable from
+L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. In almost all cases, you will want
+use the B<< #DEB_HOST_I<NAME> >> variant in a script to ensure
+you get the right value when cross-building.
+On a best effort, tokens of this pattern that do not match
+a variable in L<dpkg-architecture(1)> will be left as-is.
+=item #ENV.I<NAME>#
+These tokens of this form will be replaced with value of the
+corresponding environment variable. If the environment
+variable is unset, the token is replaced with the empty
+Note that there are limits on which names can be used (see
+L</Limitations in token names>).
+=item #PACKAGE#
+This token is by default replaced by the package name, which will contain
+the concrete script.
+=head2 Limitations in token names
+All tokens intended to be substituted must match the regex: #[A-Za-z0-9_.+]+#
+Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the
+script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will
+cause B<dh_installdebconf> to reject the command with an error in most cases.
+init(options => {
+ 'define|D=s%' => \%PROVIDED_SUBST,
+my @extraparams;
+if (defined($dh{U_PARAMS})) {
+ @extraparams=@{$dh{U_PARAMS}};
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT config templates cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $config=pkgfile($package,"config");
+ my $templates=pkgfile($package,"templates");
+ install_dir("$tmp/DEBIAN");
+ if (! is_udeb($package)) {
+ # Install debian scripts.
+ my $package_subst = debhelper_script_per_package_subst($package, \%PROVIDED_SUBST);
+ debhelper_script_subst($package, "config", $package_subst);
+ }
+ if ($templates ne '') {
+ # Are there old-style translated templates?
+ if (glob("$templates.??"), glob("$templates.??_??")) {
+ warning "Ignoring debian/templates.ll files. Switch to po-debconf!";
+ }
+ umask(0022); # since I do a redirect below
+ if (-d "debian/po") {
+ complex_doit("po2debconf @extraparams $templates > $tmp/DEBIAN/templates");
+ }
+ else {
+ install_file($templates,"$tmp/DEBIAN/templates");
+ }
+ }
+ # I'm going with debconf 0.5 because it was the first
+ # "modern" one. udebs just need cdebconf.
+ my $debconfdep=is_udeb($package) ? "cdebconf-udeb" : "debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0";
+ if ($config ne '' || $templates ne '') {
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Depends", $debconfdep);
+ }
+ if (($config ne '' || $templates ne '') && ! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+ autoscript($package,"postrm","postrm-debconf");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installdirs b/dh_installdirs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8d33b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installdirs
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installdirs - create subdirectories in package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [B<--create-in-sourcedir>] [S<I<dir> ...>]
+B<dh_installdirs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for creating
+subdirectories in package build directories.
+Many packages can get away with omitting the call to B<dh_installdirs>
+completely. Notably, other B<dh_*> commands are expected to create
+directories as needed.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.dirs
+Lists directories to be created in I<package>.
+Generally, there is no need to list directories created by the
+upstream build system or directories needed by other B<debhelper>
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-A>, B<--all>
+Create any directories specified by command line parameters in ALL packages
+acted on, not just the first.
+=item B<--create-in-sourcedir>, B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>
+Whether to create the specified directories in the source directory
+(usually F<debian/tmp>) I<in addition to> in the package build directory
+(usually F<< debian/I<package> >>).
+The default is B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>.
+=item B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>
+Consider I<dir> the source directory for the packages acted on instead
+of the default (which is usually F<debian/tmp>).
+Please note that this option is dependent on the
+B<--create-in-sourcedir> option (when B<--no-create-in-sourcedir> is
+in effect, this option does nothing in B<dh_installdirs>).
+=item I<dir> ...
+Create these directories in the package build directory of the first
+package acted on. (Or in all packages if B<-A> is specified.)
+my $create_in_sourcedir = 0;
+init(options => {
+ 'sourcedir=s' => \$dh{SOURCEDIR},
+ 'create-in-sourcedir!' => \$create_in_sourcedir,
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT dirs cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $file=pkgfile($package,"dirs");
+ my $srcdir = $dh{SOURCEDIR} // default_sourcedir($package);
+ install_dir($tmp) if compat(10);
+ my @dirs;
+ if ($file) {
+ @dirs=filearray($file)
+ }
+ if (($package eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || $dh{PARAMS_ALL}) && @ARGV) {
+ push @dirs, @ARGV;
+ }
+ if (@dirs) {
+ # Stick the $tmp onto the front of all the dirs.
+ # This is necessary, for 2 reasons, one to make them
+ # be in the right directory, but more importantly, it
+ # protects against the danger of absolute dirs being
+ # specified.
+ my @make_dirs;
+ push(@make_dirs, map {
+ my $dir = "$tmp/$_";
+ $dir =~ tr:/:/:s; # just beautification.
+ $dir;
+ } @dirs);
+ if ($create_in_sourcedir) {
+ push(@make_dirs, map {
+ my $dir = "${srcdir}/$_";
+ $dir =~ tr:/:/:s; # just beautification.
+ $dir;
+ } @dirs);
+ }
+ # Create dirs.
+ install_dir(@make_dirs);
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installdocs b/dh_installdocs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2e4529d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installdocs
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installdocs - install documentation into package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<file> ...>]
+B<dh_installdocs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+documentation into F<usr/share/doc/package> in package build directories.
+In compat 10 and earlier, L<dh_install(1)> may be a better tool for handling
+the upstream documentation, when upstream's own build system installs all the desired documentation
+correctly. In this case, B<dh_installdocs> is still useful for installing
+packaging related documentation (e.g. the F<debian/copyright> file).
+From debhelper compatibility level 11 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to
+looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current
+directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>).
+In compat 11 and later, B<dh_installdocs> offers many of the features that
+L<dh_install(1)> also has. Furthermore, B<dh_installdocs> also supports
+the B<nodoc> build profile to exclude documentation (regardless of compat
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.docs
+List documentation files to be installed into I<package>.
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=item F<debian/copyright>
+The copyright file is installed into all packages, unless a more
+specific copyright file is available.
+=item debian/I<package>.copyright
+=item debian/I<package>.README.Debian
+=item debian/I<package>.TODO
+Each of these files is automatically installed if present for a
+=item F<debian/README.Debian>
+=item F<debian/TODO>
+These files are installed into the first binary package listed in
+Note that F<README.debian> files are also installed as F<README.Debian>,
+and F<TODO> files will be installed as F<TODO.Debian> in non-native packages.
+=item debian/I<package>.doc-base
+Installed as doc-base control files. Note that the doc-id will be
+determined from the B<Document:> entry in the doc-base control file in
+question. In the event that multiple doc-base files in a single source
+package share the same doc-id, they will be installed to
+usr/share/doc-base/package instead of usr/share/doc-base/doc-id.
+=item debian/I<package>.doc-base.*
+If your package needs to register more than one document, you need
+multiple doc-base files, and can name them like this. In the event
+that multiple doc-base files of this style in a single source package
+share the same doc-id, they will be installed to
+usr/share/doc-base/package-* instead of usr/share/doc-base/doc-id.
+Please be aware that this deduplication is currently done in memory
+only, so for now it requires B<dh_installdocs> to be called no more
+than once during the package build. Calling B<dh_installdocs
+-p>I<package> in combination with using
+F<debian/>I<package>F<.doc-base.*> files can lead to uninstallable
+packages. See L<> for details.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-A>, B<--all>
+Install all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages
+acted on.
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from
+being installed. Note that this includes doc-base files.
+=item B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>
+Look in the specified directory for files to be installed. This option
+requires compat 11 or later (it is silently ignored in compat 10 or earlier).
+Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used
+by the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since
+B<dh_installman> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper
+compatibility level 11 and above.
+=item B<--doc-main-package=>I<main-package>
+Set the main package for a documentation package. This is used to
+install the documentation of the documentation package in F<<
+/usr/share/doc/I<main-package> >> as recommended by the Debian policy
+manual 3.9.7 in §12.3.
+In compat 11 (or later), this option is only useful if debhelper's
+auto-detection of the main package is wrong. The option can also be
+used to silence a warning from debhelper when the auto-detection fails
+but the default happens to be correct.
+This option cannot be used when B<dh_installdocs> is instructed to act
+on multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally
+need to combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted
+Please keep in mind that some documentation (the copyright file,
+README.Debian, etc.) will be unaffected by this option.
+=item B<--link-doc=>I<package>
+Make the documentation directory of all packages acted on be a symlink to
+the documentation directory of I<package>. This has no effect when acting on
+I<package> itself, or if the documentation directory to be created already
+exists when B<dh_installdocs> is run. To comply with policy, I<package> must
+be a binary package that comes from the same source package.
+debhelper will try to avoid installing files into linked documentation
+directories that would cause conflicts with the linked package. The B<-A>
+option will have no effect on packages with linked documentation
+directories, and F<copyright>, F<changelog>, F<README.Debian>, and F<TODO> files will
+not be installed.
+(An older method to accomplish the same thing, which is still supported,
+is to make the documentation directory of a package be a dangling symlink,
+before calling B<dh_installdocs>.)
+Please note that this option only applies to the documentation
+directory for the package itself. When the package ships
+documentation for another package (e.g. see B<--doc-main-package>), it
+will not use a symlink for the documentation of the other package.
+B<CAVEAT 1>: If a previous version of the package was built without this
+option and is now built with it (or vice-versa), it requires a "dir to
+symlink" (or "symlink to dir") migration. Since debhelper has no
+knowledge of previous versions, you have to enable this migration
+This can be done by providing a "debian/I<package>.maintscript" file
+and using L<dh_installdeb(1)> to provide the relevant maintainer
+script snippets.
+B<CAVEAT 2>: The use of B<--link-doc> should only be done when the
+packages have same "architecture" type. A link from an architecture
+independent package to an architecture dependent package (or vice
+versa) will not work. Since compat 10, debhelper will actively reject
+unsupported combinations.
+=item I<file> ...
+Install these files as documentation into the first package acted on. (Or
+in all packages if B<-A> is specified).
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+This is an example of a F<debian/> file:
+ debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt
+ docs/manual.txt
+ docs/manual.pdf
+ docs/manual-html/
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that B<dh_installdocs> will happily copy entire directory hierarchies if
+you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to install a
+directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory.
+my %docdir_created;
+# Create documentation directories on demand. This allows us to use dangling
+# symlinks for linked documentation directories unless additional files need
+# to be installed.
+sub ensure_docdir {
+ my $package=shift;
+ return if $docdir_created{$package};
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $target;
+ if ($dh{LINK_DOC} && $dh{LINK_DOC} ne $package) {
+ $target="$tmp/usr/share/doc/$dh{LINK_DOC}";
+ }
+ else {
+ $target="$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package";
+ }
+ # If this is a symlink, leave it alone.
+ if (! -d $target && ! -l $target) {
+ install_dir($target);
+ }
+ $docdir_created{$package}=1;
+init(options => {
+ "link-doc=s" => \$dh{LINK_DOC},
+ "sourcedir=s" => \$dh{SOURCEDIR},
+ 'doc-main-package=s' => \$dh{DOC_MAIN_PACKAGE},
+my $called_getpackages = 0;
+my $default_error_handler = compat(10) ? \&glob_expand_error_handler_reject_nomagic_warn_discard : \&glob_expand_error_handler_reject;
+my $nodocs = is_build_profile_active('nodoc') || get_buildoption('nodoc') ? 1 : 0;
+# We cannot assume documentation is built under nodoc, but if it is we must flag it as handled
+# or dh_missing might make noise.
+$default_error_handler = \&glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore if $nodocs;
+if (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}} > 1 and $dh{DOC_MAIN_PACKAGE}) {
+ error('--doc-main-package should be used with -p<doc-pkg>');
+if ($dh{DOC_MAIN_PACKAGE}) {
+ assert_opt_is_known_package($dh{DOC_MAIN_PACKAGE}, '--doc-main-package');
+foreach my $package (getpackages()) {
+ next if is_udeb($package);
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $file=pkgfile($package,"docs");
+ my $link_doc=($dh{LINK_DOC} && $dh{LINK_DOC} ne $package);
+ my $skip_install = process_pkg($package) ? 0 : 1;
+ my @search_dirs = ('.');
+ my $error_handler = $skip_install ? \&glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore : $default_error_handler;
+ @search_dirs = ($dh{SOURCEDIR} // '.', default_sourcedir($package)) if not compat(10);
+ if (not $skip_install) {
+ if ($link_doc) {
+ getpackages('both') unless $called_getpackages++;
+ if (package_binary_arch($package) ne package_binary_arch($dh{LINK_DOC})) {
+ if (compat(9)) {
+ warning("WARNING: --link-doc between architecture all and not all packages breaks binNMUs");
+ } else {
+ error("--link-doc not allowed between ${package} and $dh{LINK_DOC} (one is arch:all and the other not)");
+ }
+ }
+ # Make sure that the parent directory exists.
+ if (!-d "$tmp/usr/share/doc" && !-l "$tmp/usr/share/doc") {
+ install_dir("$tmp/usr/share/doc");
+ }
+ # Create symlink to another documentation directory if
+ # necessary.
+ if (!-d "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package" &&
+ !-l "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package") {
+ make_symlink_raw_target($dh{LINK_DOC}, "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package");
+ # Policy says that if you make your documentation
+ # directory a symlink, then you have to depend on
+ # the target.
+ addsubstvar($package, 'misc:Depends', "$dh{LINK_DOC} (= \${binary:Version})");
+ }
+ } else {
+ ensure_docdir($package);
+ }
+ }
+ my @docs;
+ if ($file) {
+ @docs = filearray($file, \@search_dirs, $error_handler);
+ }
+ if (($package eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || ($dh{PARAMS_ALL} && !$link_doc)) && @ARGV) {
+ push @docs, @ARGV;
+ }
+ log_installed_files($package, @docs);
+ next if $skip_install;
+ if (not $nodocs and @docs) {
+ my $exclude = ' -and ! -empty';
+ my $target_package = compute_doc_main_package($package);
+ if (not defined($target_package)) {
+ warning("Cannot auto-detect main package for ${package}. If the default is wrong, please use --doc-main-package");
+ $target_package = $package;
+ } elsif ($dh{PARAMS_ALL} and $package ne $target_package and not $dh{DOC_MAIN_PACKAGE}) {
+ warning("Not using auto-detected $target_package as main doc package for $package: With -A/--all, this would cause file-conflicts.");
+ $target_package = $package;
+ }
+ if ($dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}) {
+ $exclude .= ' -and ! \( '.$dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}.' \)';
+ }
+ my $target_dir = "${tmp}/usr/share/doc/${target_package}";
+ install_dir($target_dir) unless -l $target_dir;
+ foreach my $doc (@docs) {
+ next if excludefile($doc);
+ next if -f $doc && ! -s _; # ignore empty files
+ ensure_docdir($package);
+ if (-d $doc && length $exclude) {
+ my $basename = basename($doc);
+ my $dir = ($basename eq '.') ? $doc : "$doc/..";
+ my $pwd=`pwd`;
+ chomp $pwd;
+ # Gracefully handling tmpdir being absolute (-P/...)
+ my $docdir = $target_dir =~ m{^/} ? $target_dir : "${pwd}/${target_dir}";
+ complex_doit("cd '$dir' && " .
+ "find '$basename' \\( -type f -or -type l \\)$exclude -print0 | LC_ALL=C sort -z | " .
+ "xargs -0 -I {} cp --reflink=auto --parents -dp {} $docdir");
+ }
+ else {
+ doit("cp", '--reflink=auto', "-a", $doc, $target_dir);
+ }
+ }
+ doit("chown","-R","0:0","$tmp/usr/share/doc") if should_use_root();
+ doit("chmod","-R","u+rw,go=rX","$tmp/usr/share/doc");
+ }
+ # .Debian is correct, according to policy, but I'm easy.
+ my $readme_debian=pkgfile($package,'README.Debian');
+ if (! $readme_debian) {
+ $readme_debian=pkgfile($package,'README.debian');
+ }
+ if (! $link_doc && $readme_debian && ! excludefile($readme_debian)) {
+ ensure_docdir($package);
+ install_file($readme_debian,
+ "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package/README.Debian");
+ }
+ my $todo=pkgfile($package,'TODO');
+ if (! $link_doc && $todo && ! excludefile($todo)) {
+ ensure_docdir($package);
+ if (isnative($package)) {
+ install_file($todo, "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package/TODO");
+ }
+ else {
+ install_file($todo,
+ "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package/TODO.Debian");
+ }
+ }
+ # If the "directory" is a dangling symlink, then don't install
+ # the copyright file. This is useful for multibinary packages
+ # that share a doc directory.
+ if (! $link_doc && (! -l "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package" || -d "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package")) {
+ # Support debian/package.copyright, but if not present, fall
+ # back on debian/copyright for all packages, not just the
+ # main binary package.
+ my $copyright=pkgfile($package,'copyright');
+ if (! $copyright && -e "debian/copyright") {
+ $copyright="debian/copyright";
+ }
+ if ($copyright && ! excludefile($copyright)) {
+ ensure_docdir($package);
+ install_file($copyright,
+ "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package/copyright");
+ }
+ }
+ next if $nodocs;
+ # Handle doc-base files. There are two filename formats, the usual
+ # plus an extended format (debian/package.*).
+ my %doc_ids;
+ opendir(DEB,"debian/") || error("can't read debian directory: $!");
+ # If this is the main package, we need to handle unprefixed filenames.
+ # For all packages, we must support both the usual filename format plus
+ # that format with a period an something appended.
+ my $regexp="\Q$package\E\.";
+ if ($package eq $dh{MAINPACKAGE}) {
+ $regexp="(|$regexp)";
+ }
+ foreach my $fn (grep {/^${regexp}doc-base(\..*)?$/} readdir(DEB)) {
+ # .EX are example files, generated by eg, dh-make
+ next if $fn=~/\.EX$/;
+ next if excludefile($fn);
+ # Parse the file to get the doc id.
+ open(my $fd, '<', "debian/$fn") || die "Cannot read debian/$fn.";
+ while (<$fd>) {
+ s/\s*$//;
+ if (/^Document\s*:\s*(.*)/) {
+ $doc_ids{$fn}=$1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! exists $doc_ids{$fn}) {
+ warning("Could not parse $fn for doc-base Document id; skipping");
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ }
+ closedir(DEB);
+ if (%doc_ids) {
+ install_dir("$tmp/usr/share/doc-base/");
+ }
+ foreach my $fn (keys %doc_ids) {
+ # To avoid issues with duplicated document IDs, we will always
+ # install to usr/share/doc-base/<packagename>.<doc_id> instead
+ # of just usr/share/doc-base/<packagename> or just
+ # usr/share/doc-base/<doc_id>. See #525821 and #980903.
+ install_file("debian/$fn",
+ "$tmp/usr/share/doc-base/$package.$doc_ids{$fn}");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installemacsen b/dh_installemacsen
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bae900a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installemacsen
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installemacsen - register an Emacs add on package
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installemacsen> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] [B<--flavor=>I<foo>]
+B<dh_installemacsen> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+files used by the Debian B<emacsen-common> package into package build
+It also automatically generates the F<preinst> F<postinst> and F<prerm>
+commands needed to register a package as an Emacs add on package. The commands
+are added to the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See
+L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how this works.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.emacsen-compat
+Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/compat/package> in the
+package build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.emacsen-install
+Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/package> in the
+package build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.emacsen-remove
+Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/package> in the
+package build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.emacsen-startup
+Installed into etc/emacs/site-start.d/50I<package>.el in the package
+build directory. Use B<--priority> to use a different priority than 50.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts.
+=item B<--priority=>I<n>
+Sets the priority number of a F<site-start.d> file. Default is 50.
+=item B<--flavor=>I<foo>
+Sets the flavor a F<site-start.d> file will be installed in. Default is
+B<emacs>, alternatives include B<xemacs> and B<emacs20>.
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called
+between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple
+instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts.
+init(options => {
+ "flavor=s" => \$dh{FLAVOR},
+ "priority=s" => \$dh{PRIORITY},
+if (! defined $dh{PRIORITY}) {
+ $dh{PRIORITY}=50;
+if (! defined $dh{FLAVOR}) {
+ $dh{FLAVOR}='emacs';
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT emacsen-common emacsen-install emacsen-remove emacsen-startup cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $emacsen_compat=pkgfile($package,"emacsen-compat");
+ my $emacsen_install=pkgfile($package,"emacsen-install");
+ my $emacsen_remove=pkgfile($package,"emacsen-remove");
+ my $emacsen_startup=pkgfile($package,"emacsen-startup");
+ if ($emacsen_compat ne '') {
+ install_dir("$tmp/usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/compat");
+ install_file($emacsen_compat,
+ "$tmp/usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/compat/$package");
+ }
+ if ($emacsen_install ne '') {
+ install_dir("$tmp/usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install");
+ install_prog($emacsen_install,"$tmp/usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/$package");
+ }
+ if ($emacsen_remove ne '') {
+ install_dir("$tmp/usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove");
+ install_prog("$emacsen_remove","$tmp/usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/$package");
+ }
+ if ($emacsen_startup ne '') {
+ install_dir("$tmp/etc/$dh{FLAVOR}/site-start.d/");
+ install_file($emacsen_startup,"$tmp/etc/$dh{FLAVOR}/site-start.d/$dh{PRIORITY}$package.el");
+ }
+ if ($emacsen_install ne '' || $emacsen_remove ne '') {
+ if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+ autoscript($package,"preinst","preinst-emacsen",
+ { 'PACKAGE' => $package });
+ autoscript($package,"postinst","postinst-emacsen",
+ { 'PACKAGE' => $package });
+ autoscript($package,"prerm","prerm-emacsen",
+ { 'PACKAGE' => $package });
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installexamples b/dh_installexamples
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ce970ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installexamples
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installexamples - install example files into package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<file> ...>]
+B<dh_installexamples> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+installing examples into F<usr/share/doc/package/examples> in package
+build directories.
+From debhelper compatibility level 11 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to
+looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current
+directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>).
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.examples
+Lists example files or directories to be installed.
+If upstream provides an F<examples> directory, you will often want to use B<examples/*> rather
+than B<examples> in this file. The latter would create
+F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples/examples >>, which is rarely what you want.
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-A>, B<--all>
+Install any files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages
+acted on.
+=item B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>
+Look in the specified directory for files to be installed. This option
+requires compat 11 or later (it is silently ignored in compat 10 or earlier).
+Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used
+by the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since
+B<dh_installexamples> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper
+compatibility level 11 and above.
+=item B<--doc-main-package=>I<main-package>
+Set the main package for a documentation package. This is used to
+install the documentation of the documentation package in F<<
+/usr/share/doc/I<main-package> >> as recommended by the Debian policy
+manual 3.9.7 in §12.3.
+In compat 11 (or later), this option is only useful if debhelper's
+auto-detection of the main package is wrong. The option can also be
+used to silence a warning from debhelper when the auto-detection fails
+but the default happens to be correct.
+This option cannot be used when B<dh_installexamples> is instructed to act
+on multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally
+need to combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from
+being installed.
+=item I<file> ...
+Install these files (or directories) as examples into the first package
+acted on. (Or into all packages if B<-A> is specified.)
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that B<dh_installexamples> will happily copy entire directory hierarchies
+if you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to install a
+directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory.
+init(options => {
+ "sourcedir=s" => \$dh{SOURCEDIR},
+ 'doc-main-package=s' => \$dh{DOC_MAIN_PACKAGE},
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT pkgfile-logged(examples) cli-options()
+my $pwd;
+my $default_error_handler = compat(10) ? \&glob_expand_error_handler_reject_nomagic_warn_discard : \&glob_expand_error_handler_reject;
+my $nodocs = is_build_profile_active('nodoc') || get_buildoption('nodoc') ? 1 : 0;
+# We cannot assume documentation is built under nodoc, but if it is we must flag it as handled
+# or dh_missing might make noise.
+$default_error_handler = \&glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore if $nodocs;
+if (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}} > 1 and $dh{DOC_MAIN_PACKAGE}) {
+ error('--doc-main-package should be used with -p<doc-pkg>');
+if ($dh{DOC_MAIN_PACKAGE}) {
+ assert_opt_is_known_package($dh{DOC_MAIN_PACKAGE}, '--doc-main-package');
+foreach my $package (getpackages()) {
+ next if is_udeb($package);
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $file=pkgfile($package,"examples");
+ my @search_dirs = ('.');
+ my $skip_install = process_pkg($package) ? 0 : 1;
+ my $error_handler = $skip_install ? \&glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore : $default_error_handler;
+ @search_dirs = ($dh{SOURCEDIR} // '.', default_sourcedir($package)) if not compat(10);
+ my @examples;
+ if ($file) {
+ @examples = filearray($file, \@search_dirs, $error_handler) if $file;
+ }
+ if (($package eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || $dh{PARAMS_ALL}) && @ARGV) {
+ push @examples, @ARGV;
+ }
+ log_installed_files($package, @examples);
+ next if $skip_install or $nodocs;
+ if (@examples) {
+ my $target_package = compute_doc_main_package($package);
+ if (not defined($target_package)) {
+ warning("Cannot auto-detect main package for ${package}. If the default is wrong, please use --doc-main-package");
+ $target_package = $package;
+ }
+ my $target_dir = "${tmp}/usr/share/doc/${target_package}/examples";
+ install_dir($target_dir);
+ my $exclude = '';
+ if ($dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}) {
+ $exclude .= ' -and ! \( '.$dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}.' \)';
+ }
+ foreach my $example (@examples) {
+ next if excludefile($example);
+ if (-d $example && $exclude) {
+ my $basename = basename($example);
+ my $dir = ($basename eq '.') ? $example : "$example/..";
+ chomp($pwd=`pwd`) if not defined($pwd);
+ # Gracefully handling tmpdir being absolute (-P/...)
+ my $destdir = $target_dir =~ m{^/} ? $target_dir : "${pwd}/${target_dir}";
+ complex_doit("cd '$dir' && " .
+ "find '$basename' -type f$exclude -print0 | LC_ALL=C sort -z | " .
+ "xargs -0 -I {} cp --reflink=auto --parents -dp {} ${destdir}");
+ }
+ else {
+ doit("cp", '--reflink=auto', "-a", $example, $target_dir);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installgsettings b/dh_installgsettings
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..45b228e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installgsettings
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installgsettings - install GSettings overrides and set dependencies
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installgsettings> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--priority=<number>>]
+B<dh_installgsettings> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+GSettings override files and generating appropriate dependencies on the
+GSettings backend.
+The dependency on the backend will be generated in B<${misc:Depends}>.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.gsettings-override
+Installed into usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/10_I<package>.gschema.override in
+the package build directory, with "I<package>" replaced by the package name.
+The format of the file is the following:
+ [org.gnome.mypackage]
+ boolean-setting=true
+ string-setting='string'
+ ...
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--priority> I<priority>
+Use I<priority> (which should be a 2-digit number) as the override
+priority instead of 10. Higher values than ten can be used by
+derived distributions (20), blend distributions (50), or site-specific
+packages (90).
+init(options => {
+ "priority=s" => \$dh{PRIORITY},
+my $priority=10;
+if (defined $dh{PRIORITY}) {
+ $priority=$dh{PRIORITY};
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT gsettings-override tmp(usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas) cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $gsettings_schemas_dir = "$tmp/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/";
+ my $override = pkgfile($package,"gsettings-override");
+ if ($override ne '') {
+ install_dir($gsettings_schemas_dir);
+ install_file($override,
+ "$gsettings_schemas_dir/${priority}_$package.gschema.override");
+ }
+ if (-d "$gsettings_schemas_dir") {
+ # Get a list of the schemas
+ my $schemas = qx_cmd('find', $gsettings_schemas_dir, '-type', 'f',
+ '(', '-name', '*.xml', '-o', '-name', '*.override',
+ ')', '-printf', '%P');
+ if ($schemas ne '') {
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Depends", "dconf-gsettings-backend | gsettings-backend");
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Laurent Bigonville <>,
+Josselin Mouette <>
diff --git a/dh_installifupdown b/dh_installifupdown
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d4cd93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installifupdown
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installifupdown - install if-up and if-down hooks
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installifupdown> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]
+B<dh_installifupdown> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+F<if-up>, F<if-down>, F<if-pre-up>, and F<if-post-down> hook scripts into package build
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.if-up
+=item debian/I<package>.if-down
+=item debian/I<package>.if-pre-up
+=item debian/I<package>.if-post-down
+These files are installed into etc/network/if-*.d/I<package> in
+the package build directory.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as
+F<etc/network/if-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them
+as the package name.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT if-pre-up if-up if-down if-post-down cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ foreach my $script (qw(pre-up up down post-down)) {
+ my $file=pkgfile($package, "if-$script");
+ if ($file ne '') {
+ install_dir("$tmp/etc/network/if-$script.d");
+ install_prog($file,"$tmp/etc/network/if-$script.d/".pkgfilename($package));
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installinfo b/dh_installinfo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3a25542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installinfo - install info files
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installinfo> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<file> ...>]
+B<dh_installinfo> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+info files into F<usr/share/info> in the package build directory.
+From debhelper compatibility level 11 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to
+looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current
+directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>).
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.info
+List info files to be installed.
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-A>, B<--all>
+Install all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages
+acted on.
+=item B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>
+Look in the specified directory for files to be installed. This option
+requires compat 11 or later (it is silently ignored in compat 10 or earlier).
+Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used
+by the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since
+B<dh_installinfo> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper
+compatibility level 11 and above.
+=item I<file> ...
+Install these info files into the first package acted on. (Or in
+all packages if B<-A> is specified).
+init(options => {
+ "sourcedir=s" => \$dh{SOURCEDIR},
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT pkgfile-logged(info) cli-options() tmp(usr/share/info/dir)
+my $default_error_handler = compat(10) ? \&glob_expand_error_handler_reject_nomagic_warn_discard : \&glob_expand_error_handler_reject;
+my $nodocs = is_build_profile_active('nodoc') || get_buildoption('nodoc') ? 1 : 0;
+# We cannot assume documentation is built under nodoc, but if it is we must flag it as handled
+# or dh_missing might make noise.
+$default_error_handler = \&glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore if $nodocs;
+foreach my $package (getpackages()) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $file=pkgfile($package,"info");
+ my @search_dirs = ('.');
+ my @ignored_files;
+ my $skip_install = process_pkg($package) ? 0 : 1;
+ my $error_handler = $skip_install ? \&glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore : $default_error_handler;
+ @search_dirs = ($dh{SOURCEDIR} // '.', default_sourcedir($package)) if not compat(10);
+ my @info;
+ if ($file) {
+ @info = filearray($file, \@search_dirs, $error_handler) if $file;
+ }
+ if (($package eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || $dh{PARAMS_ALL}) && @ARGV) {
+ push @info, @ARGV;
+ }
+ # Pretend that we handled usr/share/info/dir. We do not want to install it as it causes
+ # file conflicts between packages and we also do not want dh_missing to drop a bomb on
+ # the user for it.
+ #
+ # See #971036
+ for my $path (@search_dirs) {
+ if ( -e "${path}/usr/share/info/dir" ) {
+ push(@ignored_files, 'usr/share/info/dir');
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ log_installed_files($package, @info, @ignored_files);
+ next if $skip_install or $nodocs;
+ if (@info) {
+ install_dir("$tmp/usr/share/info");
+ xargs(\@info, "cp", '--reflink=auto', XARGS_INSERT_PARAMS_HERE, "$tmp/usr/share/info");
+ doit("chmod","-R", "u+rw,go=rX","$tmp/usr/share/info/");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installinit b/dh_installinit
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..13df432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installinit
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installinit - install service init files into package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use File::Find;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installinit> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<-n>] [B<-R>] [B<-r>] [B<-d>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_installinit> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+installing init scripts with associated defaults files. In
+compatibility levels up to and including 10, B<dh_installinit> will
+also install some systemd related files provided by the debian
+packaging (see the L</FILES> section below). In compatibility levels
+up to and including 11, B<dh_installinit> will also handle upstart
+jobs provided in the debian packaging (see the L</FILES> for more
+information on this as well).
+It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> and F<prerm>
+commands needed to set up the symlinks in F</etc/rc*.d/> to start and stop
+the init scripts.
+In compat 10 or earlier: If a package only ships a systemd service
+file and no sysvinit script is provided, you may want to exclude the
+call to dh_installinit for that package (e.g. via B<-N>). Otherwise,
+you may get warnings from lintian about init.d scripts not being
+included in the package.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.init
+If this exists, it is installed into etc/init.d/I<package> in the package
+build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.default
+If this exists, it is installed into etc/default/I<package> in the package
+build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.upstart
+In compatibility level 11, this file will trigger an error with a reminder
+about ensuring the proper removal of the upstart file in the previous package
+version. Please consider using the "rm_conffile" feature from
+L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous upstart files.
+In compatibility level 10, if this file exists, it is installed into
+etc/init/I<package>.conf in the package build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.service
+If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.service >> in
+the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and below.
+=item debian/I<package>.tmpfile
+If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in the
+package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and below.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts.
+=item B<-o>, B<--only-scripts>
+Only modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts, do not actually install
+any init script, default files, upstart job or systemd service file. May be
+useful if the file is shipped and/or installed by upstream in a way that
+doesn't make it easy to let B<dh_installinit> find it.
+B<Caveat>: This will bypass all the regular checks and
+I<unconditionally> modify the scripts. You will almost certainly want
+to use this with B<-p> to limit, which packages are affected by the
+call. Example:
+ override_dh_installinit:
+ dh_installinit -pfoo --only-scripts
+ dh_installinit --remaining
+=item B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>
+Do not stop the init script until after the package upgrade has been
+completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10.
+In early compat levels, the default was to stop the script in the
+F<prerm>, and starts it again in the F<postinst>.
+This can be useful for daemons that should not have a possibly long
+downtime during upgrade. But you should make sure that the daemon will not
+get confused by the package being upgraded while it's running before using
+this option.
+=item B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>
+Undo a previous B<--restart-after-upgrade> (or the default of compat
+10). If no other options are given, this will cause the service to be
+stopped in the F<prerm> script and started again in the F<postinst>
+=item B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>
+Do not stop init script on upgrade. This has the side-effect of not
+restarting the service as a part of the upgrade.
+If you want to restart the service with minimal downtime, please use
+B<--restart-after-upgrade> (default in compat 10 or later). If you want
+the service to be restarted but be stopped during the upgrade, then please
+use B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> (note the "after-upgrade").
+Note that the B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> alias is deprecated and will
+be removed in compat 12. This is to avoid confusion with the
+B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> option. The B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>
+variant was introduced in debhelper 10.2 (included in Debian stretch).
+=item B<--no-start>
+Do not start the init script on install or upgrade, or stop it on removal.
+Only call B<update-rc.d>. Useful for rcS scripts.
+=item B<--no-enable>
+Disable the init script on purge, but do not enable them on install.
+This implies a versioned dependency on B<< init-system-helpers (E<gt>=
+1.51) >> as it is the first (functional) version that supports
+B<< update-rc.d E<lt>scriptE<gt> defaults-disabled >>.
+B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are
+started. Please remember to also use B<--no-start> if the service
+should not be started.
+Cannot be combined with B<-u>I<params>,
+B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>, or B<--> I<params>.
+=item B<-d>, B<--remove-d>
+Remove trailing B<d> from the name of the package, and use the result for the
+filename the upstart job file is installed as in F<etc/init/> , and for the
+filename the init script is installed as in etc/init.d and the default file
+is installed as in F<etc/default/>. This may be useful for daemons with names
+ending in B<d>. (Note: this takes precedence over the B<--init-script> parameter
+described below.)
+=item B<-u>I<params> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to L<update-rc.d(8)>. If not specified, B<defaults> (or
+B<defaults-disabled> with B<--no-enable>) will be passed to
+Cannot be combined with B<--no-enable>.
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+Install the init script (and default file) as well as upstart job file
+using the filename I<name> instead of the default filename, which is
+the package name. When this parameter is used, B<dh_installinit> looks
+for and installs files named F<debian/>,
+F<debian/> and F<debian/>
+instead of the usual F<debian/package.init>, F<debian/package.default> and
+=item B<--init-script=>I<scriptname>
+Use I<scriptname> as the filename the init script is installed as in
+F<etc/init.d/> (and also use it as the filename for the defaults file, if it
+is installed). If you use this parameter, B<dh_installinit> will look to see
+if a file in the F<debian/> directory exists that looks like
+F<package.scriptname> and if so will install it as the init script in
+preference to the files it normally installs.
+This parameter is deprecated, use the B<--name> parameter instead. This
+parameter is incompatible with the use of upstart jobs.
+=item B<--error-handler=>I<function>
+Call the named shell I<function> if running the init script fails. The
+function should be provided in the F<prerm> and F<postinst> scripts, before the
+B<#DEBHELPER#> token.
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called
+between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple
+instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts.
+$dh{NO_START} = '';
+init(options => {
+ "r" => \$dh{R_FLAG},
+ 'no-stop-on-upgrade' => \$dh{R_FLAG},
+ "no-restart-on-upgrade" => sub {
+ $dh{R_FLAG} = 1;
+ deprecated_functionality("--no-restart-on-upgrade has been renamed to --no-stop-on-upgrade",
+ 12);
+ },
+ "no-start" => \$dh{NO_START},
+ "R|restart-after-upgrade!" => \$dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE},
+ "init-script=s" => \$dh{INIT_SCRIPT},
+ "update-rcd-params=s", => \$dh{U_PARAMS},
+ "remove-d" => \$dh{D_FLAG},
+ "no-enable" => \$dh{NO_ENABLE},
+if ($dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE} eq '') {
+ $dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE} = 1 if not defined($dh{R_FLAG}) and $dh{NO_START} eq '';
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT service tmpfile default upstart init init.d tmp(usr/lib/tmpfiles.d) tmp(etc/tmpfiles.d) cli-options(--init-script|-d|--remove-d|-o|--only-scripts)
+my %snippet_options = ('snippet-order' => 'service');
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ # Figure out what filename to install it as.
+ my $script;
+ my $scriptsrc;
+ my $jobfile=$package;
+ if (defined $dh{NAME}) {
+ $jobfile=$script=$scriptsrc=$dh{NAME};
+ }
+ elsif ($dh{D_FLAG}) {
+ # -d on the command line sets D_FLAG. We will
+ # remove a trailing 'd' from the package name and
+ # use that as the name.
+ $script=$package;
+ if ($script=~m/(.*)d$/) {
+ $jobfile=$script=$1;
+ }
+ else {
+ warning("\"$package\" has no final d' in its name, but -d was specified.");
+ }
+ $scriptsrc=$script;
+ }
+ elsif ($dh{INIT_SCRIPT}) {
+ $script=$dh{INIT_SCRIPT};
+ $scriptsrc=$script;
+ }
+ else {
+ $script=$package;
+ if (compat(9)) {
+ $scriptsrc=$script;
+ }
+ else {
+ $scriptsrc="init";
+ }
+ }
+ my $service='';
+ $service=pkgfile($package,"service") if compat(10);
+ if ($service ne '' && ! $dh{ONLYSCRIPTS}) {
+ my $path="$tmp/lib/systemd/system";
+ install_dir($path);
+ install_file($service, "$path/$script.service");
+ }
+ my $tmpfile='';
+ $tmpfile=pkgfile($package,"tmpfile") if compat(10);
+ if ($tmpfile ne '' && ! $dh{ONLYSCRIPTS}) {
+ my $path="$tmp/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d";
+ install_dir($path);
+ install_file($tmpfile, "$path/$script.conf");
+ }
+ my $job=pkgfile($package,"upstart");
+ if ($job ne '' and not compat(11)) {
+ isnative($package); # For the side-effect of setting $dh{VERSION}
+ warning("Detected an upstart file; these are no longer supported by dh_installinit in compat 11");
+ warning("Please ensure a proper removal by adding a \"rm_conffile\" line in debian/<pkg>.maintscript");
+ warning("Example maintscript line:");
+ warning(" rm_conffile /etc/init/${jobfile}.conf $dh{VERSION}");
+ warning("(Note: the example is a best-effort guess and it is not always correct! Please verify before use)");
+ warning("see \"man dh_installdeb\" for more information about the maintscript file");
+ warning("");
+ error("upstart jobs are no longer supported! Please remove $job and check if you need to add a conffile removal");
+ }
+ if ($job ne '' && ! $dh{ONLYSCRIPTS}) {
+ install_dir("$tmp/etc/init");
+ install_file($job, "$tmp/etc/init/$jobfile.conf");
+ }
+ my $default=pkgfile($package,'default');
+ if ($default ne '' && ! $dh{ONLYSCRIPTS}) {
+ install_dir("$tmp/etc/default");
+ install_file($default, "$tmp/etc/default/$script");
+ }
+ my $init=pkgfile($package,$scriptsrc) || pkgfile($package,"init") ||
+ pkgfile($package,"init.d");
+ if ($init ne '' && ! $dh{ONLYSCRIPTS}) {
+ install_dir("$tmp/etc/init.d");
+ install_prog($init,"$tmp/etc/init.d/$script");
+ }
+ if ($dh{INIT_SCRIPT} && $job ne '' && $init ne '') {
+ error("Can't use --init-script with an upstart job");
+ }
+ if (compat(10) && !$dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+ # Include postinst-init-tmpfiles if the package ships any files
+ # in /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d or /etc/tmpfiles.d
+ my @tmpfiles;
+ find({
+ wanted => sub {
+ my $name = $File::Find::name;
+ return unless -f $name;
+ $name =~ s/^\Q$tmp\E//g;
+ if ($name =~ m,^/usr/lib/tmpfiles\.d/, ||
+ $name =~ m,^/etc/tmpfiles\.d/,) {
+ push(@tmpfiles, basename($name));
+ }
+ },
+ no_chdir => 1,
+ }, $tmp);
+ if (@tmpfiles > 0) {
+ # Not migrated to hashref based autoscripts. This will
+ # happen as people migrate to dh_installsystemd.
+ autoscript($package,"postinst", "postinst-init-tmpfiles",
+ "s,#TMPFILES#," . join(" ", sort @tmpfiles).",g");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($service ne '' || $job ne '' || $init ne '' || $dh{ONLYSCRIPTS}) {
+ # This is set by the -u "foo" command line switch, it's
+ # the parameters to pass to update-rc.d. If not set,
+ # we have to say "defaults".
+ my $params = 'defaults';
+ my $update_rcd_params = compat(11) ? '' : '--skip-systemd-native ';
+ if ($dh{NO_ENABLE}) {
+ $params = 'defaults-disabled';
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Depends", "init-system-helpers (>= 1.51)");
+ }
+ if (defined($dh{U_PARAMS}) and @{$dh{U_PARAMS}}) {
+ error("--no-enable and -- params/-u/--update-rcd-params/ are mutually exclusive") if $dh{NO_ENABLE};
+ $params=join(' ',@{$dh{U_PARAMS}});
+ }
+ if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+ my $replace = {
+ 'SCRIPT' => $script,
+ 'INITPARMS' => $params,
+ 'INVOKE_RCD_PARAMS' => $update_rcd_params,
+ };
+ autoscript($package, 'preinst', 'preinst-init-chmod', $replace, \%snippet_options);
+ if (! $dh{NO_START}) {
+ # update-rc.d, and restart (or
+ # start if new install) script
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-init-restart', $replace, \%snippet_options);
+ }
+ else {
+ # update-rc.d, and start script
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-init', $replace, \%snippet_options);
+ }
+ autoscript($package, 'preinst', 'preinst-init-stop', $replace, \%snippet_options)
+ unless ($dh{R_FLAG} || $dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE});
+ # stops script only on remove
+ autoscript($package, 'prerm', 'prerm-init-norestart', $replace, \%snippet_options);
+ # The --skip-systemd-native option requires
+ # init-system-helpers (>= 1.54) and since we need it
+ # from prerm we need init-system-helpers to have been
+ # unpacked before the package is being unpacked.
+ addsubstvar($package, 'misc:Pre-Depends', 'init-system-helpers (>= 1.54~)')
+ if $update_rcd_params !~ m/^\s*$/;
+ }
+ else {
+ # just update-rc.d
+ autoscript($package,"postinst", "postinst-init-nostart", $replace, \%snippet_options);
+ }
+ # removes rc.d links
+ autoscript($package,"postrm","postrm-init",
+ { 'SCRIPT' => $script, 'ERROR_HANDLER' => $dh{ERROR_HANDLER} },
+ \%snippet_options);
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<debhelper(7)>, L<dh_installsystemd(1)>
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Joey Hess <>
+Steve Langasek <>
+Michael Stapelberg <>
diff --git a/dh_installinitramfs b/dh_installinitramfs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..37fb27f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installinitramfs
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installinitramfs - install initramfs hooks and setup maintscripts
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installinitramfs> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]
+B<dh_installinitramfs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+installing Debian package provided initramfs hooks.
+If B<dh_installinitramfs> installs or detects one or more initramfs
+hooks in the package, then it also automatically generates the noawait
+trigger B<update-initframfs> command needed to interface with the
+Debian initramfs system. This trigger is inserted into the
+packaging by L<dh_installdeb(1)>.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.initramfs-hook
+Assumed to be an initramfs hook that will be installed into F<<
+usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/I<package> >> in the package build
+directory. See B<HOOK SCRIPTS> in L<initramfs-tools(8)> for more
+information about initramfs hooks.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not add the B<update-initramfs> trigger even if it seems like the package
+might need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical
+reasons as B<dh_installinitramfs> would previously generate maintainer
+scripts that called B<update-initramfs -u>.
+Use this option, if you need to interface with the B<update-initramfs>
+system that is not satisfied by the noawait trigger (e.g. because you need
+the extra guarantees and head-aches of a await trigger).
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called
+between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple
+instances of the same text to be added to triggers file.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT initramfs-hook tmp(usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks) cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp = tmpdir($package);
+ my $hook_script = pkgfile($package, 'initramfs-hook');
+ my $has_hooks;
+ my $hook_dir = "${tmp}/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks";
+ if ($hook_script ne '') {
+ install_dir($hook_dir);
+ install_prog($hook_script, "${hook_dir}/${package}");
+ $has_hooks = 1;
+ } elsif (-d $hook_dir and not is_empty_dir($hook_dir)) {
+ $has_hooks = 1;
+ }
+ if ($has_hooks && ! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+ autotrigger($package, 'activate-noawait', 'update-initramfs');
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Niels Thykier <>
diff --git a/dh_installlogcheck b/dh_installlogcheck
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf1f779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installlogcheck
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installlogcheck - install logcheck rulefiles into etc/logcheck/
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installlogcheck> [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_installlogcheck> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+installing logcheck rule files.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.logcheck.cracking
+=item debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations
+=item debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations.ignore
+=item debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.workstation
+=item debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.server
+=item debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.paranoid
+Each of these files, if present, are installed into corresponding
+subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/> in package build directories.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+Look for files named F<debian/*> and install
+them into the corresponding subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/>, but
+use the specified name instead of that of the package.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT logcheck.cracking logcheck.violations logcheck.violations.ignore logcheck.ignore.workstation logcheck.ignore.server logcheck.ignore.paranoid cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ foreach my $type (qw{ignore.d.workstation ignore.d.server
+ ignore.d.paranoid cracking.d
+ violations.d violations.ignore.d}) {
+ my $typenod=$type;
+ $typenod=~s/\.d//;
+ my $logcheck=pkgfile($package,"logcheck.$typenod");
+ if ($logcheck) {
+ my $packagenodot=pkgfilename($package); # run-parts..
+ $packagenodot=~s/\./_/g;
+ install_dir("$tmp/etc/logcheck/$type");
+ install_file($logcheck, "$tmp/etc/logcheck/$type/$packagenodot");
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Jon Middleton <>
diff --git a/dh_installlogrotate b/dh_installlogrotate
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fc3d60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installlogrotate
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installlogrotate - install logrotate config files
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installlogrotate> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]
+B<dh_installlogrotate> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+logrotate config files into F<etc/logrotate.d> in package build directories.
+Files named F<debian/package.logrotate> are installed.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+Look for files named F<debian/> and install them as
+F<etc/logrotate.d/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them
+as the package name.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT logrotate cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $file=pkgfile($package,"logrotate");
+ if ($file) {
+ install_dir("$tmp/etc/logrotate.d");
+ install_file($file,"$tmp/etc/logrotate.d/".pkgfilename($package));
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installman b/dh_installman
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..015d439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installman
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installman - install man pages into package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Find;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installman> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<manpage> ...>]
+B<dh_installman> is a debhelper program that handles installing man
+pages into the correct locations in package build directories.
+In compat 10 and earlier, this program was primarily for when
+upstream's build system does not properly install them as a part of
+its install step (or it does not have an install step). In compat 11
+and later, it also supports the default searchdir plus --sourcedir
+like dh_install(1) and has the advantage that it respects the nodoc
+build profile (unlike dh_install(1)).
+Even if you prefer to use L<dh_install(1)> for installing the manpages,
+B<dh_installman> can still be useful for converting the manpage encoding
+to UTF-8 and for converting F<.so> links (as described below). However,
+that part happens automatically without any explicit configuration.
+You tell B<dh_installman> what man pages go in your packages, and it figures out
+where to install them based on the section field in their B<.TH> or
+B<.Dt> line. If you have a properly formatted B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line,
+your man page will be installed into the right directory, with the
+right name (this includes proper handling of pages with a subsection,
+like B<3perl>, which are placed in F<man3>, and given an extension of
+F<.3perl>). If your B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line is incorrect or missing, the
+program may guess wrong based on the file extension.
+It also supports translated man pages, by looking for extensions
+like F<.ll.8> and F<.ll_LL.8>, or by use of the B<--language> switch.
+If B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into the wrong section or with
+the wrong extension, this is because the man page has the wrong section
+listed in its B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line. Edit the man page and correct the
+section, and B<dh_installman> will follow suit. See L<man(7)> for details
+about the B<.TH> section, and L<mdoc(7)> for the B<.Dt> section. If
+B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into a directory
+like F</usr/share/man/pl/man1/>, that is because your program has a
+name like F<>, and B<dh_installman> assumes that means it is translated
+into Polish. Use B<--language=C> to avoid this.
+After the man page installation step, B<dh_installman> will check to see if
+any of the man pages in the temporary directories of any of the packages it
+is acting on contain F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to symlinks.
+Also, B<dh_installman> will use man to guess the character encoding of each
+manual page and convert it to UTF-8. If the guesswork fails for some
+reason, you can override it using an encoding declaration. See
+L<manconv(1)> for details.
+From debhelper compatibility level 11 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to
+looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current
+directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>).
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.manpages
+Lists man pages to be installed.
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-A>, B<--all>
+Install all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages
+acted on.
+=item B<--language=>I<ll>
+Use this to specify that the man pages being acted on are written in the
+specified language.
+=item B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>
+Look in the specified directory for files to be installed. This option
+requires compat 11 or later (it is silently ignored in compat 10 or earlier).
+Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used
+by the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since
+B<dh_installman> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper
+compatibility level 11 and above.
+=item I<manpage> ...
+Install these man pages into the first package acted on. (Or in all
+packages if B<-A> is specified).
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+An example F<debian/manpages> file could look like this:
+ doc/man/foo.1
+ # Translations
+ doc/man/foo.da.1
+ doc/man/
+ doc/man/
+ # NB: The following line is considered a polish translation
+ # of "foo.1" (and not a manpage written in perl called "")
+ doc/man/
+ # ...
+=head1 NOTES
+An older version of this program, L<dh_installmanpages(1)>, is still used
+by some packages, and so is still included in debhelper.
+It is, however, deprecated, due to its counterintuitive and inconsistent
+interface. Use this program instead.
+init(options => {
+ "language=s" => \$dh{LANGUAGE},
+ "sourcedir=s" => \$dh{SOURCEDIR},
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT pkgfile-logged(manpages) tmp(usr/share/man) cli-options()
+my (@sofiles, @sodests);
+my @all_packages = getpackages();
+my $default_error_handler = compat(10) ? \&glob_expand_error_handler_reject_nomagic_warn_discard : \&glob_expand_error_handler_reject;
+my $nodocs = is_build_profile_active('nodoc') || get_buildoption('nodoc') ? 1 : 0;
+# We cannot assume documentation is built under nodoc, but if it is we must flag it as handled
+# or dh_missing might make noise.
+$default_error_handler = \&glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore if $nodocs;
+on_items_in_parallel(\@all_packages, sub {
+ foreach my $package (@_) {
+ next if is_udeb($package);
+ my $tmp = tmpdir($package);
+ my $file = pkgfile($package, "manpages");
+ my @manpages;
+ my @search_dirs = ('.');
+ my $skip_install = process_pkg($package) ? 0 : 1;
+ my $error_handler = $skip_install ? \&glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore : $default_error_handler;
+ @search_dirs = ($dh{SOURCEDIR} // '.', default_sourcedir($package)) if not compat(10);
+ @manpages = filearray($file, \@search_dirs, $error_handler) if $file;
+ if (($package eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || $dh{PARAMS_ALL}) && @ARGV) {
+ push @manpages, @ARGV;
+ }
+ log_installed_files($package, @manpages);
+ next if $skip_install or $nodocs;
+ foreach my $page (@manpages) {
+ my $basename = basename($page);
+ # Support compressed pages.
+ my $gz = '';
+ if ($basename =~ m/(.*)(\.gz)/) {
+ $basename = $1;
+ $gz = $2;
+ }
+ my ($fd, $section);
+ # See if there is a .TH or .Dt entry in the man page. If so,
+ # we'll pull the section field from that.
+ if ($gz) {
+ $fd = open_gz($page) or error("open $page failed: $!");
+ }
+ else {
+ open($fd, '<', $page) or error("open $page failed: $!");
+ }
+ while (<$fd>) {
+ if (/^\.TH\s+\S+\s+"?(\d+[^"\s]*)"?/ ||
+ /^\.Dt\s+\S+\s+(\d+[^\s]*)/) {
+ $section = $1;
+ if ($section =~ m/^\d+[.]\d+/) {
+ warning("Ignoring section defined in TH/Dt for ${page} as it looks like a version number: ${section}");
+ $section = undef;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ # Failing that, we can try to get it from the filename.
+ if (!$section) {
+ ($section) = $basename =~ m/\.([1-9]\w*)$/;
+ }
+ # Now get the numeric component of the section.
+ my ($realsection) = $section =~ m/^(\d+)/ if defined $section;
+ if (!$realsection or ($realsection < 0 or $realsection > 9)) {
+ warning("Section for ${page} is computed as \"${section}\", which is not a valid section")
+ if defined($section);
+ error("Could not determine section for $page");
+ }
+ # Get the man page's name -- everything up to the last dot.
+ my ($instname) = $basename =~ m/^(.*)\./;
+ my $destdir = "$tmp/usr/share/man/man$realsection/";
+ my $langcode;
+ if (!defined $dh{LANGUAGE} || !exists $dh{LANGUAGE}) {
+ if (not compat(10) and $page =~ m{/man/(?:([a-z][a-z](?:_[A-Z][A-Z])?)(?:\.[^/]+)?)?/man[1-9]/}) {
+ # If it looks like it was installed in a proper man dir, assume the language
+ # from that is correct.
+ $langcode = $1;
+ } else {
+ # Translated man pages are typically specified by adding the
+ # language code to the filename, so detect that and
+ # redirect to appropriate directory, stripping the code.
+ ($langcode) = $basename =~ m/\.([a-z][a-z](?:_[A-Z][A-Z])?)\.(?:[1-9]|man)/;
+ # Avoid false positives such as /usr/share/man/man8/
+ if (defined $langcode && $langcode eq 'so' && $basename =~ /^lib.*\.so(\.[0-9]+)*$/) {
+ $langcode = '';
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($dh{LANGUAGE} ne 'C') {
+ $langcode = $dh{LANGUAGE};
+ }
+ if (defined $langcode && $langcode ne '') {
+ # Strip the language code from the instname.
+ $instname =~ s/\.$langcode$//;
+ }
+ if (defined $langcode && $langcode ne '') {
+ $destdir = "$tmp/usr/share/man/$langcode/man$realsection/";
+ }
+ $destdir =~ tr:/:/:s; # just for looks
+ my $instpage = "$destdir$instname.$section";
+ next if -l $instpage;
+ install_dir($destdir);
+ if ($gz) {
+ doit({ stdout => $instpage }, 'zcat', $page);
+ }
+ else {
+ install_file($page, $instpage);
+ }
+ }
+ # Now the .so conversion.
+ @sofiles = @sodests = ();
+ foreach my $dir (qw{usr/share/man}) {
+ if (-e "$tmp/$dir") {
+ find(\&find_so_man, "$tmp/$dir");
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $sofile (@sofiles) {
+ my $sodest = shift(@sodests);
+ rm_files($sofile);
+ make_symlink_raw_target($sodest, $sofile);
+ }
+ }
+# Now utf-8 conversion.
+my $has_man_recode = 0;
+$has_man_recode = 1 if has_man_db_tool('man-recode');
+if ($has_man_recode || has_man_db_tool('man')) {
+ my (@manpages_to_reencode, @issues);
+ for my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ next if is_udeb($package);
+ my $tmp = tmpdir($package);
+ foreach my $dir (qw{usr/share/man}) {
+ next unless -e "$tmp/$dir";
+ my %seen;
+ my $wanted = sub {
+ my $path = $File::Find::name;
+ return if -l $path || !-f _;
+ if ($path =~ m/\.dh-new$/) {
+ push(@issues, $path);
+ return;
+ }
+ my $uncompressed_name = $path;
+ $uncompressed_name =~ s/\.(?:gz|Z)$//;
+ if (exists($seen{$uncompressed_name})) {
+ my $msg = "Multiple definitions for manpage ${uncompressed_name} via different compressions.";
+ my @values = sort ($path, $seen{$uncompressed_name});
+ my $warn_msg = $msg . ' Picking ' . $values[0] . ' as the canonical definition.';
+ my $error_msg = $msg . ' Please ensure there is at most one definition.';
+ deprecated_functionality($warn_msg, 13, $error_msg);
+ $path = $values[0];
+ warn("Removing conflicting definition of ${uncompressed_name} (" . $values[1]
+ . ') to ensure deterministic behaviour.');
+ rm_files($values[1]);
+ }
+ $seen{$uncompressed_name} = $path;
+ };
+ find({
+ no_chdir => 1,
+ wanted => $wanted,
+ }, "$tmp/$dir");
+ push(@manpages_to_reencode, sort(values(%seen)));
+ }
+ if (@issues) {
+ warning("Removing temporary manpages from another dh_installman instance");
+ rm_files(@issues);
+ warning("Possibly race-condition detected or left-overs from an interrupted dh_installman (e.g. with ^C)");
+ error("Please ensure there are no parallel dh_installman's running (for this pkg) and then re-run dh_installman");
+ }
+ }
+ if (@manpages_to_reencode) {
+ on_items_in_parallel(\@manpages_to_reencode, \&reencode_manpages);
+ }
+} else {
+ # Should only occur during debhelper building itself (to avoid a B-D on man-db).
+ warning("man is not available. Skipping re-encode of UTF-8 manpages")
+# Check if a file is a .so man page, for use by File::Find.
+sub find_so_man {
+ # The -s test is because a .so file tends to be small. We don't want
+ # to open every man page. 1024 is arbitrary.
+ if (! -f $_ || -s _ > 1024 || -s _ == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ # Test first line of file for the .so thing.
+ my $fd;
+ if (/\.gz$/) {
+ $fd = open_gz($_) or error("open $_ failed: $!");
+ }
+ else {
+ open($fd, '<', $_) || error("open $_ failed: $!");
+ }
+ my $l = <$fd>;
+ close($fd);
+ if (! defined $l) {
+ error("failed to read $_");
+ }
+ if ($l=~m/\.so\s+(.*)\s*/) {
+ my $solink=$1;
+ # This test is here to prevent links like ... man8/../man8/foo.8
+ if (basename($File::Find::dir) eq
+ dirname($solink)) {
+ $solink=basename($solink);
+ }
+ # A so link with a path is relative to the base of the man
+ # page hierarchy, but without a path, is relative to the
+ # current section.
+ elsif ($solink =~ m!/!) {
+ $solink="../$solink";
+ }
+ if (-e $solink || -e "$solink.gz") {
+ push @sofiles,"$File::Find::dir/$_";
+ push @sodests,$solink;
+ }
+ }
+sub has_man_db_tool {
+ my ($tool) = @_;
+ open(my $old_stderr, '>&', *STDERR) or error("dup(STDERR, tmp_fd): $!");
+ # Ignore the error; it is intended as noise-reduction. As long as we can restore
+ # the stderr later, the log will just be slightly more noisy than planned.
+ open(*STDERR, '>', '/dev/null') or warn("redirect stderr to /dev/null failed: $!");
+ my $res = defined(`$tool --version`);
+ open(*STDERR, '>&', $old_stderr) or error("dup(tmp_fd, STDERR): $!");
+ close($old_stderr);
+ return $res;
+sub reencode_manpages {
+ my (@manpages) = @_;
+ if ($has_man_recode) {
+ xargs(\@manpages, 'man-recode', '--to-code', 'UTF-8', '--suffix', '.dh-new');
+ }
+ for my $manpage (@manpages) {
+ my $manpage_tmp = "${manpage}.dh-new";
+ $manpage_tmp =~ s/\.(?:gz|Z)\.dh-new$/.dh-new/;
+ if (not $has_man_recode) {
+ my $manpage_cmd = ($manpage =~ m{^/}) ? $manpage : "./${manpage}";
+ doit({ stdout => $manpage_tmp }, 'man', '-l', '--recode', 'UTF-8', $manpage_cmd);
+ }
+ # recode uncompresses compressed pages
+ my $orig = $manpage;
+ rm_files($orig) if $manpage =~ s/\.(gz|Z)$//;
+ rename_path($manpage_tmp, $manpage);
+ }
+ # Bulk reset permissions of all re-encoded files
+ xargs(\@manpages, 'chmod', '0644', '--');
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installmanpages b/dh_installmanpages
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..22c669e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installmanpages
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installmanpages - old-style man page installer (deprecated)
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Find;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installmanpages> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]
+B<dh_installmanpages> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+automatically installing man pages into F<usr/share/man/>
+in package build directories.
+This is a DWIM-style program, with an interface unlike the rest of
+debhelper. It is deprecated, and you are encouraged to use
+L<dh_installman(1)> instead.
+B<dh_installmanpages> scans the current directory and all subdirectories for
+filenames that look like man pages. (Note that only real files are looked
+at; symlinks are ignored.) It uses L<file(1)> to verify that the files are
+in the correct format. Then, based on the files' extensions, it installs
+them into the correct man directory.
+All filenames specified as parameters will be skipped by B<dh_installmanpages>.
+This is useful if by default it installs some man pages that you do not
+want to be installed.
+After the man page installation step, B<dh_installmanpages> will check to see
+if any of the man pages are F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to symlinks.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item I<file> ...
+Do not install these files as man pages, even if they look like valid man
+=head1 BUGS
+B<dh_installmanpages> will install the man pages it finds into B<all> packages
+you tell it to act on, since it can't tell what package the man
+pages belong in. This is almost never what you really want (use B<-p> to work
+around this, or use the much better L<dh_installman(1)> program instead).
+Files ending in F<.man> will be ignored.
+Files specified as parameters that contain spaces in their filenames will
+not be processed properly.
+warning("This program is deprecated, switch to dh_installman.");
+# Check if a file is a man page, for use by File::Find.
+my @manpages;
+my @allpackages;
+sub find_man {
+ # Does its filename look like a man page?
+ # .ex files are examples installed by deb-make,
+ # we don't want those, or .in files, which are
+ # from configure, nor do we want CVS .#* files.
+ if (! (-f $_ && /^.*\.[1-9].*$/ && ! /\.(ex|in)$/ && ! /^\.#/)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ # It's not in a tmp directory is it?
+ if ($File::Find::dir=~m:debian/.*tmp.*:) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach my $dir (@allpackages) {
+ if ($File::Find::dir=~m:debian/\Q$dir\E:) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # And file does think it's a real man page?
+ my $type=`file -z $_`;
+ if ($type !~ m/:.*roff/) {
+ return;
+ }
+ # Good enough.
+ push @manpages,"$File::Find::dir/$_";
+# Check if a file is a .so man page, for use by File::Find.
+my @sofiles;
+my @sodests;
+sub find_so_man {
+ # The -s test is because a .so file tends to be small. We don't want
+ # to open every man page. 1024 is arbitrary.
+ if (! -f $_ || -s $_ > 1024) {
+ return;
+ }
+ # Test first line of file for the .so thing.
+ open(my $fd, '<', $_);
+ my $l = <$fd>;
+ close($fd);
+ if ($l=~m/\.so\s+(.*)/) {
+ my $solink=$1;
+ # This test is here to prevent links like ... man8/../man8/foo.8
+ if (basename($File::Find::dir) eq
+ dirname($solink)) {
+ $solink=basename($solink);
+ }
+ else {
+ $solink="../$solink";
+ }
+ push @sofiles,"$File::Find::dir/$_";
+ push @sodests,$solink;
+ }
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ next if is_udeb($package);
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ # Find all filenames that look like man pages.
+ @manpages=();
+ @allpackages=getpackages() if not @allpackages;
+ find(\&find_man,'.'); # populates @manpages
+ foreach my $page (@manpages) {
+ $page=~s:^\./::; # just for looks
+ my $basename=basename($page);
+ # Skip all files listed on command line.
+ my $install=1;
+ foreach my $skip (@ARGV) {
+ # Look at basename of what's on connect line
+ # for backwards compatibility.
+ if ($basename eq basename($skip)) {
+ $install=undef;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($install) {
+ my $extdir="share";
+ my ($section)=$basename=~m/\.([1-9])/;
+ my $destdir="$tmp/usr/$extdir/man/man$section/";
+ # Handle translated man pages.
+ my $instname=$basename;
+ my ($langcode)=$basename=~m/\.([a-z][a-z])\.([1-9])/;
+ if (defined $langcode && $langcode ne '') {
+ $destdir="$tmp/usr/$extdir/man/$langcode/man$section/";
+ $instname=~s/\.$langcode\./\./;
+ }
+ $destdir=~tr:/:/:s; # just for looks
+ if (! -e "$destdir/$basename" && !-l "$destdir/$basename") {
+ install_dir($destdir);
+ install_file($page,$destdir.$instname);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Now the .so conversion.
+ @sofiles=@sodests=();
+ foreach my $dir (qw{usr/share/man}) {
+ if (-e "$tmp/$dir") {
+ find(\&find_so_man, "$tmp/$dir");
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $sofile (@sofiles) {
+ my $sodest=shift(@sodests);
+ doit "rm","-f",$sofile;
+ doit "ln","-sf",$sodest,$sofile;
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installmenu b/dh_installmenu
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c30e90f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installmenu
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installmenu - install Debian menu files into package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]
+B<dh_installmenu> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+files used by the Debian B<menu> package into package build directories.
+It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands needed to
+interface with the Debian B<menu> package. These commands are inserted into
+the maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.menu
+Debian menu files, installed into usr/share/menu/I<package> in the package
+build directory. See L<menufile(5)> for its format.
+=item debian/I<package>.menu-method
+Debian menu method files, installed into etc/menu-methods/I<package>
+in the package build directory.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT menu menu-method cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $menu=pkgfile($package,"menu");
+ my $menu_method=pkgfile($package,"menu-method");
+ if ($menu ne '') {
+ install_dir("$tmp/usr/share/menu");
+ install_file($menu,"$tmp/usr/share/menu/$package");
+ # Add the scripts if a menu-method file doesn't exist.
+ # The scripts for menu-method handle everything these do, too.
+ if ($menu_method eq "" && ! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+ autoscript($package,"postinst","postinst-menu");
+ autoscript($package,"postrm","postrm-menu")
+ }
+ }
+ if ($menu_method ne '') {
+ install_dir("$tmp/etc/menu-methods");
+ install_file($menu_method,"$tmp/etc/menu-methods/$package");
+ if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-menu-method', { 'PACKAGE' => $package });
+ autoscript($package, 'postrm', 'postrm-menu-method', { 'PACKAGE' => $package });
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installmime b/dh_installmime
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5ad6190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installmime
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installmime - install mime files into package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installmime> [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_installmime> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+mime files into package build directories.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.mime
+Installed into usr/lib/mime/packages/I<package> in the package build
+=item debian/I<package>.sharedmimeinfo
+Installed into /usr/share/mime/packages/I<package>.xml in the package build
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT mime sharedmimeinfo cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $mime=pkgfile($package,"mime");
+ if ($mime ne '') {
+ install_dir("$tmp/usr/lib/mime/packages");
+ install_file($mime, "$tmp/usr/lib/mime/packages/$package");
+ }
+ my $sharedmimeinfo=pkgfile($package,"sharedmimeinfo");
+ if ($sharedmimeinfo ne '') {
+ install_dir("$tmp/usr/share/mime/packages");
+ install_file($sharedmimeinfo,
+ "$tmp/usr/share/mime/packages/$package.xml");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installmodules b/dh_installmodules
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..924a338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installmodules - register kernel modules
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use File::Find;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installmodules> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>]
+B<dh_installmodules> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+registering kernel modules.
+Kernel modules are searched for in the package build directory and if
+found, F<preinst>, F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands are automatically generated to
+run B<depmod> and register the modules when the package is installed.
+These commands are inserted into the maintainer scripts by
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.modprobe
+Installed to etc/modprobe.d/I<package>.conf in the package build directory.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not modify F<preinst>/F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts.
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+When this parameter is used, B<dh_installmodules> looks for and
+installs files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.modprobe instead
+of the usual debian/I<package>.modprobe
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called
+between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple
+instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts.
+# Looks for kernel modules in the passed directory. If any are found,
+# returns the kernel version (or versions) that the modules seem to be for.
+sub find_kernel_modules {
+ my $searchdir=shift;
+ my %versions;
+ return unless -d $searchdir;
+ find(sub {
+ if (m/ [.]k?o (?:[.](?:[gx]z|bz2))? $/x) {
+ my ($kvers)=$File::Find::dir=~m!lib/modules/([^/]+)/!;
+ if (! defined $kvers || ! length $kvers) {
+ warning("Cannot determine kernel version for module $File::Find::name");
+ }
+ else {
+ $versions{$kvers}=1;
+ }
+ }
+ }, $searchdir);
+ return sort(keys(%versions));
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT modprobe tmp(lib/modules) cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $modprobe_file=pkgfile($package,"modprobe");
+ if ($modprobe_file) {
+ my $path = '/etc/modprobe.d/' . pkgfilename($package) . '.conf';
+ install_dir("$tmp/etc/modprobe.d");
+ install_file($modprobe_file, "$tmp/$path");
+ }
+ if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+ foreach my $kvers (find_kernel_modules("$tmp/lib/modules")) {
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-modules', { 'KVERS' => $kvers });
+ autoscript($package, 'postrm', 'postrm-modules', { 'KVERS' => $kvers });
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installpam b/dh_installpam
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..193e334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installpam
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installpam - install pam support files
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installpam> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]
+B<dh_installpam> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+files used by PAM into package build directories.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.pam
+Installed into usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> in the package build directory.
+Until compatibility level 14 this file was installed under
+etc/pam.d/I<package>. Please consider using the "rm_conffile" feature from
+L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+Look for files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.pam and install them as
+usr/lib/pam.d/I<name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them
+using the package name.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT pam cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $pam=pkgfile($package,"pam");
+ my $pamd_dir="/usr/lib/pam.d";
+ if (compat(13)) {
+ $pamd_dir="/etc/pam.d";
+ }
+ if ($pam ne '') {
+ install_dir("$tmp/$pamd_dir");
+ install_file($pam,"$tmp/$pamd_dir/".pkgfilename($package));
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installppp b/dh_installppp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..68784a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installppp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installppp - install ppp ip-up and ip-down files
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installppp> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]
+B<dh_installppp> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+ppp ip-up and ip-down scripts into package build directories.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-up
+Installed into etc/ppp/ip-up.d/I<package> in the package build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-down
+Installed into etc/ppp/ip-down.d/I<package> in the package build directory.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as
+F<etc/ppp/ip-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them
+as the package name.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT ppp.ip-up ppp.ip-down cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ foreach my $script (qw(up down)) {
+ my $file=pkgfile($package, "ppp.ip-$script");
+ if ($file ne '') {
+ install_dir("$tmp/etc/ppp/ip-$script.d");
+ install_prog($file,"$tmp/etc/ppp/ip-$script.d/".pkgfilename($package));
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installsystemd b/dh_installsystemd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aba9d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installsystemd
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installsystemd - install systemd unit files
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use File::Find;
+use Cwd qw(getcwd abs_path);
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installsystemd> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--restart-after-upgrade>] [B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>] [B<--no-enable>] [B<--no-start>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]
+B<dh_installsystemd> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+installing package maintainer supplied systemd unit files.
+It also finds the service files installed by a package and generates
+F<preinst>, F<postinst>, and F<prerm> code blocks for enabling,
+disabling, starting, stopping, and restarting the corresponding
+systemd services, when the package is installed, updated, or
+removed. These snippets are added to the maintainer scripts by
+L<deb-systemd-helper(1)> is used to enable and disable systemd units,
+thus it is not necessary that the machine actually runs systemd during
+package installation time, enabling happens on all machines in order
+to be able to switch from sysvinit to systemd and back.
+B<dh_installsystemd> operates on all unit files installed by a
+package. For only generating blocks for specific unit files, pass them
+as arguments, C<dh_installsystemd quota.service>. Specific unit files
+can be excluded from processing using the B<-X> common L<debhelper(1)>
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.mount,
+ debian/I<package>.path,
+ debian/I<package>@.path,
+ debian/I<package>.service,
+ debian/I<package>@.service,
+ debian/I<package>.socket,
+ debian/I<package>@.socket,
+ debian/I<package>.target,
+ debian/I<package>,
+ debian/I<package>.timer,
+ debian/I<package>@.timer
+If any of those files exists, they are installed into
+F<lib/systemd/system/> in the package build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.tmpfile
+Only used in compat 12 or earlier. In compat 13+, this file is
+handled by L<dh_installtmpfiles(1)> instead.
+If this exists, it is installed into F<usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/> in the
+package build directory. Note that the C<tmpfiles.d> mechanism is
+currently only used by systemd.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--no-enable>
+Disable the service(s) on purge, but do not enable them on install.
+B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are
+started. Please remember to also use B<--no-start> if the service
+should not be started.
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+This option controls several things.
+It changes the name that B<dh_installsystemd> uses when it looks for
+maintainer provided systemd unit files as listed in the L</FILES>
+section. As an example, B<dh_installsystemd --name foo> will look for
+F<<< I<debian/package.>B<< I<foo> >>I<.service> >>> instead of
+F<< I<debian/package.service> >>). These unit files are installed as F<<
+I<name.unit-extension> >> (in the example, it would be installed as
+F<<< B<< I<foo> >>I<.service> >>>).
+Furthermore, if no unit files are passed explicitly as command line
+arguments, B<dh_installsystemd> will only act on unit files called
+I<name> (rather than all unit files found in the package).
+=item B<--restart-after-upgrade>
+Do not stop the unit file until after the package upgrade has been completed.
+This is the default behaviour in compat 10.
+In earlier compat levels the default was to stop the unit file in the
+F<prerm>, and start it again in the F<postinst>.
+This can be useful for daemons that should not have a possibly long
+downtime during upgrade. But you should make sure that the daemon will not
+get confused by the package being upgraded while it's running before using
+this option.
+=item B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>
+Undo a previous B<--restart-after-upgrade> (or the default of compat
+10). If no other options are given, this will cause the service to be
+stopped in the F<prerm> script and started again in the F<postinst>
+=item B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>
+Do not stop service on upgrade. This has the side-effect of not
+restarting the service as a part of the upgrade.
+If you want to restart the service with minimal downtime, please use
+B<--restart-after-upgrade> (default in compat 10 or later). If you want
+the service to be restarted but be stopped during the upgrade, then please
+use B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> (note the "after-upgrade").
+Note that the B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> alias is deprecated and will
+be removed in compat 14. This is to avoid confusion with the
+B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> option.
+=item B<--no-start>
+Do not start the unit file after upgrades and after initial installation (the
+latter is only relevant for services without a corresponding init script).
+B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are
+enabled. Please remember to also use B<--no-enable> if the services
+should not be enabled.
+=item S<B<unit file> ...>
+Only process and generate maintscripts for the installed unit files
+with the (base)name I<unit file>.
+Note: B<dh_installsystemd> will still install unit files from
+F<debian/> but it will not generate any maintscripts for them unless
+they are explicitly listed in S<B<unit file> ...>
+=head1 NOTES
+This command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called between
+invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it
+may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to
+maintainer scripts.
+$dh{NO_START} = '';
+init(options => {
+ "no-enable" => \$dh{NO_ENABLE},
+ "r" => \$dh{R_FLAG},
+ 'no-stop-on-upgrade' => \$dh{R_FLAG},
+ "no-restart-on-upgrade" => \$dh{R_FLAG},
+ "no-start" => \$dh{NO_START},
+ "R|restart-after-upgrade!" => \$dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE},
+ "no-also" => \$dh{NO_ALSO}, # undocumented option
+if ($dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE} eq '') {
+ $dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE} = 1 if not defined($dh{R_FLAG}) and $dh{NO_START} eq '';
+sub quote {
+ # Add single quotes around the argument.
+ return '\'' . $_[0] . '\'';
+sub uniq {
+ my %seen;
+ return grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_;
+sub contains_install_section {
+ my ($unit_path) = @_;
+ open(my $fh, '<', $unit_path) or error("Cannot open($unit_path): $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ return 1 if $line =~ /^\s*\[Install\]$/i;
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ return 0;
+sub has_sysv_equivalent {
+ my ($tmpdir, $unit) = @_;
+ $unit =~ s/\.(?:mount|service|socket|target|path)$//g;
+ return -f "$tmpdir/etc/init.d/$unit";
+sub install_unit {
+ my ($package, $script, $pkgsuffix, $path, $installsuffix) = @_;
+ $installsuffix = $installsuffix || $pkgsuffix;
+ my $unit = pkgfile($package, $pkgsuffix);
+ return if $unit eq '';
+ install_dir($path);
+ install_file($unit, "${path}/${script}.${installsuffix}");
+# Extracts the directive values from a unit file. Handles repeated
+# directives in the same unit file. Assumes values can only be
+# composed of lists of unit names. This is good enough for the 'Also='
+# and 'Alias=' directives handled here.
+sub extract_key {
+ my ($unit_path, $key) = @_;
+ my @values;
+ open(my $fh, '<', $unit_path) or error("Cannot open($unit_path): $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ # Since unit names can't have whitespace in systemd, simply
+ # use split and strip any leading/trailing quotes. See
+ # systemd-escape(1) for examples of valid unit names.
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*$key=(.+)$/i) {
+ for my $value (split(/\s+/, $1)) {
+ $value =~ s/^(["'])(.*)\g1$/$2/;
+ push @values, $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ return @values;
+sub list_installed_units {
+ my ($tmpdir, $aliases) = @_;
+ my $lib_systemd_system = "$tmpdir/lib/systemd/system";
+ my @installed;
+ return unless -d $lib_systemd_system;
+ opendir(my $dh, "$lib_systemd_system") or error("Cannot opendir($lib_systemd_system): $!");
+ foreach my $name (readdir($dh)) {
+ my $path = "$lib_systemd_system/$name";
+ next unless -f $path;
+ if (-l "$path") {
+ my $dest = basename(readlink($path));
+ $aliases->{$dest} //= [ ];
+ push @{$aliases->{$dest}}, $name;
+ } else {
+ push @installed, $name;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ return @installed;
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT internal(bug#950723) tmp(lib/systemd/system) tmp(usr/lib/tmpfiles.d) tmp(etc/tmpfiles.d) mount path service socket target tmpfile timer cli-options()
+# Install package maintainer supplied unit files
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package);
+ # Intall all unit files in the debian/ directory with names in the
+ # form $package.(service|target|socket|path|timer|mount|tmpfile)
+ # and their templated version when relevant.
+ # This can be modified with the --name option to look for unit
+ # files with names in the form $package.$name.(service|...) and
+ # $name.(service|target|socket|path|timer|mount|tmpfile) and their
+ # templated version when relevant.
+ my $name = $dh{NAME} // $package;
+ for my $type (qw(service target socket path timer)) {
+ install_unit($package, $name, $type, "$tmpdir/lib/systemd/system");
+ install_unit("${package}@", "${name}@", $type, "$tmpdir/lib/systemd/system");
+ }
+ install_unit($package, $name, 'mount', "$tmpdir/lib/systemd/system");
+ # In compat 13+, this is handled by dh_installtmpfiles
+ install_unit($package, $name, 'tmpfile', "$tmpdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d", 'conf') if compat(12);
+if (compat(12)) {
+ # In compat 13+, this is handled by dh_installtmpfiles
+ # Add postinst code blocks to handle tmpfiles
+ foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package);
+ my @tmpfiles;
+ my @dirs = grep { -d } map { "${tmpdir}/$_" } qw(usr/lib/tmpfiles.d etc/tmpfiles.d);
+ find({
+ wanted => sub {
+ my $name = $File::Find::name;
+ return if not -f $name or not $name =~ m{[.]conf$};
+ push(@tmpfiles, basename($name)); },
+ no_chdir => 1,
+ }, @dirs) if @dirs;
+ if (@tmpfiles) {
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-init-tmpfiles', { 'TMPFILES' => join(' ', sort @tmpfiles) });
+ }
+ }
+# Add postinst, prerm, and postrm code blocks to handle activation,
+# deactivation, start and stopping of services when the package is
+# installed, upgraded or removed.
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package);
+ my (@args, @start_units, @enable_units, %aliases);
+ my @installed_units = list_installed_units($tmpdir, \%aliases);
+ # Handle either only the unit files which were passed as arguments
+ # or all unit files that are installed in this package.
+ if (@ARGV) {
+ @args = @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif ($dh{NAME}) {
+ # Treat --name option as if the corresponding unit names were
+ # passed in the command line.
+ @args = grep /(^|\/)$dh{NAME}\.(mount|path|service|socket|target|timer)$/, @installed_units;
+ }
+ else {
+ @args = @installed_units;
+ }
+ # Support excluding units via the -X debhelper common option.
+ foreach my $x (@{$dh{EXCLUDE}}) {
+ @args = grep !/(^|\/)$x$/, @args;
+ }
+ # This hash prevents us from looping forever in the following
+ # while loop. An actual real-world example of such a loop is
+ # systemd's systemd-readahead-drop.service, which contains
+ # Also=systemd-readahead-collect.service, and that file in turn
+ # contains Also=systemd-readahead-drop.service, thus forming an
+ # endless loop.
+ my %seen;
+ # Must use while and shift because the loop alters the list.
+ while (@args) {
+ my $unit = shift @args;
+ my $path = "${tmpdir}/lib/systemd/system/${unit}";
+ error("Package '$package' does not install unit '$unit'.") unless (-f $path);
+ # Skip template service files. Enabling, disabling, starting
+ # or stopping those services without specifying the instance
+ # is not useful.
+ next if ($unit =~ /\@/);
+ # Handle all unit files specified via Also= explicitly. This
+ # is not necessary for enabling, but for disabling, as we
+ # cannot read the unit file when disabling as it has already
+ # been deleted. The undocumented --no-also option disables
+ # handling of units linked via Also=. This option is provided
+ # only to suport a very specific use case in network-manager.
+ unless ($dh{NO_ALSO}) {
+ push @args, $_ for grep { !$seen{$_}++ } extract_key($path, 'Also');
+ }
+ # Extract unit aliases.
+ push @{$aliases{$unit}}, $_ for extract_key($path, 'Alias');
+ # In compat 11 (and earlier), dh_installinit will handle services with
+ # a sysv-equivalent service. In compat 12, dh_installsystemd will
+ # take care of it.
+ if (not compat(11) or not grep { has_sysv_equivalent($tmpdir, $_) } ($unit, @{$aliases{$unit}})) {
+ push @start_units, $unit;
+ }
+ if (contains_install_section($path)) {
+ push @enable_units, $unit;
+ }
+ }
+ @enable_units = map { quote($_) } uniq sort @enable_units;
+ @start_units = map { quote($_) } uniq sort @start_units;
+ my %options = ('snippet-order' => 'service');
+ if (@enable_units) {
+ for my $unit (@enable_units) {
+ my $snippet = $dh{NO_ENABLE} ? 'postinst-systemd-dont-enable' : 'postinst-systemd-enable';
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', $snippet, { 'UNITFILE' => $unit }, \%options);
+ }
+ autoscript($package, 'postrm', 'postrm-systemd', {'UNITFILES' => join(' ', @enable_units) });
+ }
+ if (@start_units) {
+ my $replace = { 'UNITFILES' => join(' ', @start_units) };
+ my $snippet;
+ if ($dh{NO_START}) {
+ $snippet = 'postinst-systemd-restartnostart';
+ $replace->{RESTART_ACTION} = 'try-restart';
+ } else {
+ $snippet = 'postinst-systemd-restart';
+ $replace->{RESTART_ACTION} = 'restart';
+ }
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', $snippet, $replace, \%options);
+ } elsif (!$dh{NO_START}) {
+ # (stop|start) service (before|after) upgrade
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-systemd-start', $replace, \%options);
+ }
+ # stop service before upgrade, if requested
+ autoscript($package, 'preinst', 'preinst-systemd-stop', $replace, \%options)
+ unless ($dh{R_FLAG} || $dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE});
+ # stop service only on remove
+ autoscript($package, 'prerm', 'prerm-systemd-restart', $replace, \%options)
+ unless ($dh{NO_START});
+ # Run this with "default" order so it is always after other
+ # service related autosnippets.
+ autoscript($package, 'postrm', 'postrm-systemd-reload-only', $replace);
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<debhelper(7)>, L<dh_installinit(1)>, L<deb-systemd-helper(1)>
+=head1 AUTHORS
diff --git a/dh_installsystemduser b/dh_installsystemduser
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7ab7933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installsystemduser
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installsystemduser - install systemd unit files
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installsystemduser> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--no-enable>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]
+B<dh_installsystemduser> finds the systemd user instance service files
+installed by a package and generates F<preinst>, F<postinst>, and F<prerm>
+code blocks for enabling, disabling, starting, stopping, and restarting the
+corresponding systemd user instance services, when the package is installed,
+updated, or removed. These snippets are added to the maintainer scripts by
+L<deb-systemd-helper(1)> is used to enable and disable the systemd
+units, thus it is not necessary that the machine actually runs systemd
+during package installation time, enabling happens on all machines.
+B<dh_installsystemduser> operates on all user instance unit files
+installed by a package. For only generating blocks for specific unit
+files, pass them as arguments. Specific unit files can be excluded
+from processing using the B<-X> common L<debhelper(1)> option.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.user.path,
+ debian/I<package>@.user.path,
+ debian/I<package>.user.service,
+ debian/I<package>@.user.service,
+ debian/I<package>.user.socket,
+ debian/I<package>@.user.socket,
+ debian/I<package>,
+ debian/I<package>,
+ debian/I<package>.user.timer,
+ debian/I<package>@.user.timer
+If any of those files exists, they are installed into
+F<usr/lib/systemd/user/> in the package build directory removing the
+F<.user> file name part.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+Install the service file as I<name.service> instead of the default
+filename I<package.service>. When this parameter is used,
+B<dh_installsystemd> looks for and installs files named
+F<debian/> instead of the usual
+F<debian/package.user.service>. Moreover, maintainer scripts are only
+generated for units that match the given I<name>.
+=item B<--no-enable>
+Disable the service(s) on purge, but do not enable them on install.
+=head1 NOTES
+This command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called between
+invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it
+may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to
+maintainer scripts.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT internal(bug#950723) tmp(usr/lib/systemd/user) user.service
+init(options => {
+ "no-enable" => \$dh{NO_ENABLE},
+sub quote {
+ # Add single quotes around the argument.
+ return '\'' . $_[0] . '\'';
+sub uniq {
+ my %seen;
+ return grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_;
+sub contains_install_section {
+ my ($unit_path) = @_;
+ open(my $fh, '<', $unit_path) or error("Cannot open($unit_path) to check for [Install]: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ return 1 if $line =~ /^\s*\[Install\]$/i;
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ return 0;
+sub install_user_unit {
+ my ($package, $name, $suffix, $path) = @_;
+ my $unit = pkgfile($package, "user.$suffix");
+ return if $unit eq '';
+ install_dir($path);
+ install_file($unit, "$path/$name.$suffix");
+# Extracts the directive values from a unit file. Handles repeated
+# directives in the same unit file. Assumes values can only be
+# composed of lists of unit names. This is good enough for the 'Also='
+# and 'Alias=' directives handled here.
+sub extract_key {
+ my ($unit_path, $key) = @_;
+ my @values;
+ open(my $fh, '<', $unit_path) or error("Cannot open($unit_path): $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ # Since unit names can't have whitespace in systemd, simply
+ # use split and strip any leading/trailing quotes. See
+ # systemd-escape(1) for examples of valid unit names.
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*$key=(.+)$/i) {
+ for my $value (split(/\s+/, $1)) {
+ $value =~ s/^(["'])(.*)\g1$/$2/;
+ push @values, $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ return @values;
+sub list_installed_user_units {
+ my ($tmpdir, $aliases) = @_;
+ my $lib_systemd_user = "$tmpdir/usr/lib/systemd/user";
+ my @installed;
+ return unless -d $lib_systemd_user;
+ opendir(my $dh, $lib_systemd_user) or error("Cannot opendir($lib_systemd_user): $!");
+ foreach my $name (readdir($dh)) {
+ my $path = "$lib_systemd_user/$name";
+ next unless -f $path;
+ if (-l $path) {
+ my $dest = basename(readlink($path));
+ $aliases->{$dest} //= [ ];
+ push @{$aliases->{$dest}}, $name;
+ } else {
+ push @installed, $name;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ return @installed;
+# Install package maintainer provided unit files.
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package);
+ # unit file name
+ my $name = $dh{NAME} // $package;
+ my $path = "$tmpdir/usr/lib/systemd/user";
+ for my $type (qw(service target socket path timer)) {
+ install_user_unit($package, $name, $type, $path);
+ install_user_unit("${package}@", "${name}@", $type, $path);
+ }
+# Generate postinst and prerm code blocks to enable and disable units
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my (@args, @start_units, @enable_units, %aliases);
+ my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package);
+ my @units = list_installed_user_units($tmpdir, \%aliases);
+ # Handle either only the unit files which were passed as arguments
+ # or all unit files that are installed in this package.
+ if (@ARGV) {
+ @args = @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif ($dh{NAME}) {
+ # Treat --name flag as if the corresponding units were passed
+ # in the command line.
+ @args = grep /(^|\/)$dh{NAME}\.(service|target|socket|path|timer)$/, @units;
+ }
+ else {
+ @args = @units;
+ }
+ # Support excluding units via the -X debhelper common option.
+ foreach my $x (@{$dh{EXCLUDE}}) {
+ @args = grep !/(^|\/)$x$/, @args;
+ }
+ # This hash prevents us from looping forever in the following
+ # while loop. An actual real-world example of such a loop is
+ # systemd's systemd-readahead-drop.service, which contains
+ # Also=systemd-readahead-collect.service, and that file in turn
+ # contains Also=systemd-readahead-drop.service, thus forming an
+ # endless loop.
+ my %seen;
+ # Must use while and shift because the loop alters the list.
+ while (@args) {
+ my $name = shift @args;
+ my $path = "${tmpdir}/usr/lib/systemd/user/${name}";
+ error("User unit file \"$name\" not found in package \"$package\".") if ! -f $path;
+ # Skip template service files. Enabling or disabling those
+ # services without specifying the instance is not useful.
+ next if ($name =~ /\@/);
+ # Handle all unit files specified via Also= explicitly. This
+ # is not necessary for enabling, but for disabling, as we
+ # cannot read the unit file when disabling as it has already
+ # been deleted.
+ push @args, $_ for grep { !$seen{$_}++ } extract_key($path, 'Also');
+ push @enable_units, $name if contains_install_section($path);
+ push @start_units, $name;
+ }
+ @enable_units = map { quote($_) } sort(uniq(@enable_units));
+ @start_units = map { quote($_) } sort(uniq(@start_units));
+ if (@enable_units) {
+ # The generated maintainer script code blocks use the --user
+ # option that was added to deb-systemd-helper in version 1.52.
+ addsubstvar($package, 'misc:Depends', 'init-system-helpers', ">= 1.52");
+ my $postinst = $dh{NO_ENABLE} ? 'postinst-systemd-user-dont-enable' : 'postinst-systemd-user-enable';
+ foreach my $unit (@enable_units) {
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', $postinst, { 'UNITFILE' => $unit });
+ }
+ autoscript($package, 'postrm', 'postrm-systemd-user', { 'UNITFILES' => join(' ', @enable_units) });
+ }
+ if (@start_units and not compat(13)) {
+ # The generated maintainer script code blocks use the --user
+ # option that was added to deb-systemd-invoke in version 1.61.
+ addsubstvar($package, 'misc:Depends', 'init-system-helpers', ">= 1.61~");
+ my %options = ('snippet-order' => 'service');
+ # restart service after install/upgrade
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-systemd-user-restart', { 'UNITFILES' => join(' ', @start_units) }, \%options);
+ # stop service after removal
+ autoscript($package, 'prerm', 'prerm-systemd-user-stop', { 'UNITFILES' => join(' ', @start_units) }, \%options);
+ # Run this with "default" order so it is always after other
+ # service related autosnippets.
+ autoscript($package, 'postrm', 'postrm-systemd-user-reload-only', { 'UNITFILES' => join(' ', @start_units) });
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<debhelper(7)>, L<dh_installsystemd(1)>, L<deb-systemd-helper(1)>
+=head1 AUTHORS
diff --git a/dh_installsysusers b/dh_installsysusers
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..faa4b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installsysusers
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installsysusers - install and integrates systemd sysusers files
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installsysusers> [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_installsysusers> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+installing package maintainer supplied systemd sysusers files.
+It also finds the systemd sysusers files installed in a package and
+generates relevant integration snippets for enabling the users on
+installation. These snippets are added to the package by
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.sysusers
+If the file exist, it will be installed as
+F<< /usr/lib/sysusers.d/I<package>.conf >>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+When this parameter is used, B<dh_installsysusers> looks for and
+installs files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.sysusers instead
+of the usual debian/I<package>.sysusers.
+Furthermore, the file is installed as F<< /usr/lib/sysusers.d/I<name>.conf >>
+rather than F<< /usr/lib/sysusers.d/I<package>.conf >>.
+=head1 NOTES
+This command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called between
+invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it
+may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to
+maintainer scripts.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT pkgfile(sysusers) tmp(usr/lib/sysusers.d) cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package);
+ my $sysusers = pkgfile($package,"sysusers");
+ my $sysusers_targetdir = "${tmpdir}/usr/lib/sysusers.d";
+ my $target = $dh{NAME} // $package;
+ my $typoed_name = pkgfile($package, "sysuser");
+ if ($sysusers eq '' and $typoed_name ne '') {
+ # Warn people in case they typo this as much as I did.
+ my $correct_name = $typoed_name;
+ $correct_name =~ s{^(?:.*[./])\Ksysuser}{sysusers};
+ warning("Possible typo in ${typoed_name} (expected ${correct_name}): File has been ignored");
+ }
+ if ($sysusers ne '') {
+ install_dir($sysusers_targetdir);
+ install_file($sysusers, "${sysusers_targetdir}/${target}.conf");
+ }
+ if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS} && ($sysusers ne '' || -d $sysusers_targetdir)) {
+ my @sysusers_files;
+ opendir(my $dir_fd, $sysusers_targetdir) or error("opendir(${sysusers_targetdir}) failed: $!");
+ while (defined(my $entry = readdir($dir_fd))) {
+ next if $entry eq '.' or $entry eq '..' or $entry !~ m{[.]conf$};
+ push @sysusers_files, $entry;
+ }
+ closedir($dir_fd);
+ next if @sysusers_files == 0;
+ # Sort list of files so postinst content doesn't change if readdir's output is not stable
+ @sysusers_files = sort @sysusers_files;
+ # Generate a single systemd-sysusers invocation and just pass all detected files together
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-sysusers', { 'CONFILE_BASENAME' => "@sysusers_files" });
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Depends", "systemd | systemd-standalone-sysusers | systemd-sysusers");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/dh_installtmpfiles b/dh_installtmpfiles
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa5ab72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installtmpfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installtmpfiles - install tmpfiles.d configuration files
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use File::Find;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installtmpfiles> [S<I<debhelper options>>][B<--name=>I<name>]
+B<dh_installtmpfiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+installing package maintainer supplied tmpfiles.d configuration files
+(e.g. for systemd-tmpfiles).
+It also finds the tmpfiles.d configuration files installed by a package
+and generates F<postinst> code blocks for activating the tmpfiles.d
+configuration when the package is installed. These snippets are added
+to the maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+This option controls both a prefix used for lookng up maintainer provided
+tmpfiles.d configuration files (those mentioned in the L</FILES> section)
+and also the base name used for the installed version of the file.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.tmpfiles
+If this exists, it is installed into F<usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/> in the
+package build directory. Note that the C<tmpfiles.d> mechanism is
+currently only used by systemd.
+=item debian/I<package>.tmpfile
+Deprecated name for debian/I<package>.tmpfiles.
+=head1 NOTES
+This command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called between
+invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it
+may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to
+maintainer scripts.
+sub uniq {
+ my %seen;
+ return grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_;
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT tmp(usr/lib/tmpfiles.d) tmp(etc/tmpfiles.d) pkgfile(tmpfiles) pkgfile(tmpfile) cli-options()
+# Install package maintainer supplied tmpfiles files
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package);
+ my $tmpfile = pkgfile($package, 'tmpfiles');
+ my $name = $dh{NAME} // $package;
+ my $old_tmpfile = pkgfile($package, 'tmpfile');
+ my $dir;
+ if (not $tmpfile) {
+ my $new_name;
+ next if not $old_tmpfile;
+ $tmpfile = $old_tmpfile;
+ $new_name = $old_tmpfile;
+ $new_name =~ s{^(.+[./])tmpfile(\..+|)$}{$1tmpfiles$2};
+ warning("The name $tmpfile is deprecated; please use $new_name instead");
+ warning(qq{Possible fix: mv -f "${tmpfile}" "${new_name}"});
+ } elsif ($old_tmpfile) {
+ warning("There is both a $tmpfile and a $old_tmpfile that is relevant for this package!?");
+ warning(qq{Possible fix: rm -f "${old_tmpfile}"});
+ error("Aborting; Please resolve the ambiguity between ${tmpfile} and ${old_tmpfile}.");
+ }
+ $dir = "$tmpdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d";
+ install_dir($dir);
+ install_file($tmpfile, "${dir}/${name}.conf");
+# Add postinst code blocks to handle tmpfiles
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package);
+ my @tmpfiles;
+ my @dirs = grep { -d } map { "${tmpdir}/$_" } qw(usr/lib/tmpfiles.d etc/tmpfiles.d);
+ find({
+ wanted => sub {
+ my $name = $File::Find::name;
+ return if not -f $name or not $name =~ m{[.]conf$};
+ push(@tmpfiles, basename($name)); },
+ no_chdir => 1,
+ }, @dirs) if @dirs;
+ if (@tmpfiles) {
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-init-tmpfiles', { 'TMPFILES' => join(' ', uniq(sort(@tmpfiles))) });
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/dh_installudev b/dh_installudev
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8e491d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installudev
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installudev - install udev rules files
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installudev> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<--priority=>I<priority>]
+B<dh_installudev> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+installing B<udev> rules files.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.udev
+Installed into F<lib/udev/rules.d/> in the package build directory.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+When this parameter is used, B<dh_installudev> looks for and
+installs files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.udev instead of the usual
+=item B<--priority=>I<priority>
+Sets the priority the file. Default is 60.
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called
+between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple
+instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts.
+init(options => {
+ "priority=s" => \$dh{PRIORITY},
+# The priority used to look like z60_;
+# we need to calculate that old value to handle
+# conffile moves correctly.
+my $old_priority=$dh{PRIORITY};
+# In case a caller still uses the `z` prefix, remove it.
+if (defined $dh{PRIORITY}) {
+ $dh{PRIORITY}=~s/^z//;
+if (! defined $dh{PRIORITY}) {
+ $dh{PRIORITY}="60";
+ $old_priority="z60";
+if ($dh{PRIORITY}) {
+ $dh{PRIORITY}.="-";
+ $old_priority.="_";
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT udev cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $rules_file=pkgfile($package,"udev");
+ my $filename=basename($rules_file);
+ if ($filename eq 'udev') {
+ $filename = "$package.udev";
+ }
+ $filename=~s/\.udev$/.rules/;
+ if (defined $dh{NAME}) {
+ $filename="$dh{NAME}.rules";
+ }
+ if ($rules_file) {
+ my $rule="/lib/udev/rules.d/$dh{PRIORITY}$filename";
+ install_dir("$tmp/lib/udev/rules.d");
+ install_file($rules_file, "${tmp}${rule}");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installwm b/dh_installwm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d5e0599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installwm
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installwm - register a window manager
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installwm> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] [S<I<wm> ...>]
+B<dh_installwm> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+generating the F<postinst> and F<prerm> commands that register a window manager
+with L<update-alternatives(8)>. The window manager's man page is also
+registered as a slave symlink (in v6 mode and up). It must be installed in
+F<usr/share/man/man1/> in the package build directory prior to calling
+B<dh_installwm>. In compat 9 and earlier, the manpage was optional.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.wm
+List window manager programs to register.
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--priority=>I<n>
+Set the priority of the window manager. Default is 20, which is too low for
+most window managers; see the Debian Policy document for instructions on
+calculating the correct value.
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts. Turns this command into a no-op.
+=item B<-A>, B<--all>
+Modify scripts for window managers specified by command line
+parameters in ALL packages acted on, not just the first.
+=item I<wm> ...
+Window manager programs to register.
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called
+between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple
+instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts.
+init(options => {
+ "priority=s" => \$dh{PRIORITY},
+if (! defined $dh{PRIORITY}) {
+ $dh{PRIORITY}=20;
+if (@ARGV) {
+ # This is here for backwards compatibility. If the filename doesn't
+ # include a path, assume it's in /usr/bin.
+ if ($ARGV[0] !~ m:/:) {
+ $ARGV[0]="/usr/bin/$ARGV[0]";
+ }
+my $nodocs = is_build_profile_active('nodoc') || get_buildoption('nodoc') ? 1 : 0;
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT wm cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $file=pkgfile($package,"wm");
+ my @wm;
+ if ($file) {
+ @wm=filearray($file, '.');
+ }
+ if (($package eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || $dh{PARAMS_ALL}) && @ARGV) {
+ push @wm, @ARGV;
+ }
+ if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+WM: foreach my $wm (@wm) {
+ autoscript($package,"prerm","prerm-wm", { 'WM' => $wm });
+ my $wmman;
+ foreach my $ext (".1", ".1x") {
+ $wmman="/usr/share/man/man1/".basename($wm).$ext;
+ if (-e "$tmp$wmman" || -e "$tmp$wmman.gz") {
+ autoscript($package,"postinst","postinst-wm", { 'WM' => $wm, 'WMMAN' => "${wmman}.gz" , 'PRIORITY' => $dh{PRIORITY} });
+ next WM;
+ }
+ }
+ if (not compat(9) and not $nodocs) {
+ error("no manpage found (creating an x-window-manager alternative requires a slave symlink for the manpage)");
+ } else {
+ warning("no manpage found (creating an x-window-manager alternative requires a slave symlink for the manpage)");
+ }
+ # Reaching this code means a broken package will be produced.
+ autoscript($package,"postinst","postinst-wm-noman", { 'WM' => $wm, 'PRIORITY' => $dh{PRIORITY} });
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_installxfonts b/dh_installxfonts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c16659f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installxfonts
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installxfonts - register X fonts
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installxfonts> [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_installxfonts> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+registering X fonts, so their corresponding F<fonts.dir>, F<fonts.alias>,
+and F<fonts.scale> be rebuilt properly at install time.
+Before calling this program, you should have installed any X fonts provided
+by your package into the appropriate location in the package build
+directory, and if you have F<fonts.alias> or F<fonts.scale> files, you should
+install them into the correct location under F<etc/X11/fonts> in your
+package build directory.
+Your package should depend on B<xfonts-utils> so that the
+B<update-fonts->I<*> commands are available. (This program adds that dependency to
+This program automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands needed
+to register X fonts. These commands are inserted into the maintainer
+scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how
+this works.
+=head1 NOTES
+See L<update-fonts-alias(8)>, L<update-fonts-scale(8)>, and
+L<update-fonts-dir(8)> for more information about X font installation.
+See Debian policy, section 11.8.5. for details about doing fonts the Debian
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT tmp(usr/share/fonts/X11) cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ # Find all font directories in the package build directory.
+ my @fontdirs;
+ foreach my $parentdir ("$tmp/usr/share/fonts/X11/") {
+ opendir(DIR, $parentdir) || next;
+ @fontdirs = grep { -d "$parentdir/$_" && !/^\./ } (readdir DIR);
+ closedir DIR;
+ }
+ if (@fontdirs) {
+ # Figure out what commands the postinst and postrm will need
+ # to call.
+ my (@cmds, @cmds_postinst, @cmds_postrm);
+ # Sort items for reproducible binary package contents.
+ foreach my $f (sort @fontdirs) {
+ # This must come before update-fonts-dir.
+ push @cmds, "update-fonts-scale $f"
+ if -f "$tmp/etc/X11/fonts/$f/$package.scale";
+ push @cmds, "update-fonts-dir --x11r7-layout $f";
+ if (-f "$tmp/etc/X11/fonts/$f/$package.alias") {
+ push @cmds_postinst, "update-fonts-alias --include /etc/X11/fonts/$f/$package.alias $f";
+ push @cmds_postrm, "update-fonts-alias --exclude /etc/X11/fonts/$f/$package.alias $f";
+ }
+ }
+ autoscript($package, "postinst", "postinst-xfonts",
+ { 'CMDS' => join(";", @cmds, @cmds_postinst) });
+ autoscript($package, "postrm", "postrm-xfonts",
+ { 'CMDS' => join(";", @cmds, @cmds_postrm) });
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Depends", "xfonts-utils");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_link b/dh_link
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..28eaed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_link
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_link - create symlinks in package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Find;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_link> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<source destination> ...>]
+B<dh_link> is a debhelper program that creates symlinks in package build
+B<dh_link> accepts a list of pairs of source and destination
+files. The source files are the already existing files that will be
+symlinked from (called B<target> by L<ln(1)>). The destination files
+are the symlinks that will be created (called B<link name> by
+L<ln(1)>). There B<must> be an equal number of source and destination
+files specified.
+Be sure you B<do> specify the absolute path to both the source and
+destination files (unlike you would do if you were using something
+like L<ln(1)>). Please note that the leading slash is optional.
+B<dh_link> will generate symlinks that comply with Debian policy - absolute
+when policy says they should be absolute, and relative links with as short
+a path as possible. It will also create any subdirectories it needs to put
+the symlinks in.
+Any pre-existing destination files will be replaced with symlinks.
+B<dh_link> also scans the package build tree for existing symlinks which do not
+conform to Debian policy, and corrects them (v4 or later).
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.links
+Lists pairs of source and destination files to be symlinked. Each pair
+should be put on its own line, with the source and destination separated by
+In each pair the source file (called B<target> by L<ln(1)>) comes
+first and is followed by the destination file (called B<link name> by
+L<ln(1)>). Thus the pairs of source and destination files in each line
+are given in the same order as they would be given to L<ln(1)>.
+In contrast to L<ln(1)>, source and destination paths must be absolute
+(the leading slash is optional).
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-A>, B<--all>
+Create any links specified by command line parameters in ALL packages
+acted on, not just the first.
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude symlinks that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from
+being corrected to comply with Debian policy.
+=item I<source destination> ...
+Create a file named I<destination> as a link to a file named I<source>. Do
+this in the package build directory of the first package acted on.
+(Or in all packages if B<-A> is specified.)
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+ dh_link usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1
+Make F<bar.1> be a symlink to F<foo.1>
+ dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \
+ usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1
+Make F</usr/lib/foo/> be a link to F</var/lib/foo/>, and F<bar.1> be a symlink to
+the F<foo.1>
+ var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo
+ usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1
+Same as above but as content for a debian/I<package>.links file.
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $file=pkgfile($package,"links");
+ my @links;
+ if ($file) {
+ @links=filearray($file);
+ }
+ # Make sure it has pairs of symlinks and destinations. If it
+ # doesn't, $#links will be _odd_ (not even, -- it's zero-based).
+ if (int($#links/2) eq $#links/2) {
+ error("$file lists a link without a destination.");
+ }
+ if (($package eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || $dh{PARAMS_ALL}) && @ARGV) {
+ push @links, @ARGV;
+ }
+ # Same test as above, including arguments this time.
+ if (int($#links/2) eq $#links/2) {
+ error("parameters list a link without a destination.");
+ }
+ # If there is a temp dir already
+ if (-e $tmp) {
+ # Scan for existing links and add them to @links, so they
+ # are recreated policy conformant.
+ find(
+ sub {
+ return unless -l;
+ return if excludefile($_);
+ my $dir=$File::Find::dir;
+ $dir=~s/^\Q$tmp\E//;
+ my $target = readlink($_);
+ if ($target=~/^\//) {
+ push @links, $target;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @links, "$dir/$target";
+ }
+ push @links, "$dir/$_";
+ },
+ $tmp);
+ }
+ while (@links) {
+ my $dest=pop @links;
+ my $src=pop @links;
+ make_symlink($dest, $src, $tmp);
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_lintian b/dh_lintian
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9fb2ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_lintian
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_lintian - install lintian override files into package build directories
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_lintian> [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_lintian> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+override files used by lintian into package build directories.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.lintian-overrides
+Installed into usr/share/lintian/overrides/I<package> in the package
+build directory. This file is used to suppress erroneous lintian
+=item F<debian/source/lintian-overrides>
+These files are not installed, but will be scanned by lintian to provide
+overrides for the source package.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT lintian-overrides cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ next if is_udeb($package);
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $or_dir = "$tmp/usr/share/lintian/overrides";
+ my $overrides=pkgfile($package,"lintian-overrides");
+ if ($overrides ne '') {
+ install_dir($or_dir);
+ install_dh_config_file($overrides, "$or_dir/$package");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Steve Robbins <>
diff --git a/dh_listpackages b/dh_listpackages
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e43e2cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_listpackages
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_listpackages - list binary packages debhelper will act on
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_listpackages> [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_listpackages> is a debhelper program that outputs a list of all binary
+packages debhelper commands will act on. If you pass it some options, it
+will change the list to match the packages other debhelper commands would
+act on if passed the same options.
+Packages are listed in the order they appear in F<debian/control>.
+init(inhibit_log => 1);
+print join("\n",@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}})."\n";
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_makeshlibs b/dh_makeshlibs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c928cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_makeshlibs
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_makeshlibs - automatically create shlibs file and call dpkg-gensymbols
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_makeshlibs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-m>I<major>] [B<-V>I<[dependencies]>] [B<-n>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_makeshlibs> is a debhelper program that automatically scans for shared
+libraries, and generates a shlibs file for the libraries it finds.
+It will also ensure that ldconfig is invoked during install and removal when
+it finds shared libraries. Since debhelper 9.20151004, this is done via a
+dpkg trigger. In older versions of debhelper, B<dh_makeshlibs> would
+generate a maintainer script for this purpose.
+Since debhelper 12.3, B<dh_makeshlibs> will by default add an additional
+I<udeb> line for udebs in the shlibs file, when the udeb has the same
+name as the deb followed by a "-udeb" suffix (e.g. if the deb is called
+"libfoo1", then debhelper will auto-detect the udeb if it is named
+"libfoo1-udeb"). Please use the B<--add-udeb> and B<--no-add-udeb> options
+below when this auto-detection is insufficient.
+If you previously used B<--add-udeb> and are considering to migrate to
+using the new auto-detection feature in 12.3, then
+please remember to test that the resulting F<DEBIAN/shlibs> files are
+as expected. There are some known corner cases, where the
+auto-detection is insufficient. These include when the udeb contains
+library files from multiple regular deb packages or when the packages
+do not follow the expected naming convention.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.shlibs
+Installs this file, if present, into the package as DEBIAN/shlibs. If
+omitted, debhelper will generate a shlibs file automatically if it
+detects any libraries.
+Note in compat levels 9 and earlier, this file was installed by
+L<dh_installdeb(1)> rather than B<dh_makeshlibs>.
+=item debian/I<package>.symbols
+=item debian/I<package>.symbols.I<arch>
+These symbols files, if present, are passed to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> to
+be processed and installed. Use the I<arch> specific names if you need
+to provide different symbols files for different architectures.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-m>I<major>, B<--major=>I<major>
+Instead of trying to guess the major number of the library with objdump,
+use the major number specified after the -m parameter. This is much less
+useful than it used to be, back in the bad old days when this program
+looked at library filenames rather than using objdump.
+=item B<-V>, B<-V>I<dependencies>
+=item B<--version-info>, B<--version-info=>I<dependencies>
+If a shlibs file is generated by this program, this option controls
+what version will be used in the dependency relation.
+In compat 12 and later, B<dh_makeshlibs> defaults to B<-VUpstream-Version>.
+In compat 11 and earlier the default behaved like B<-VNone>.
+The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool can generate dependencies in three variants:
+=over 4
+=item B<-VUpstream-Version>
+The dependency will be "I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= I<packageversion>B<)>".
+Note that I<Upstream-Version> is case-sensitive and must be written
+exactly as shown here.
+This is a conservative setting that always ensures that other packages'
+shared library dependencies are at least as tight as they need to be
+(unless the library is prone to changing ABI without updating the
+upstream version number).
+The flip side is that packages might end up with dependencies that are
+too tight in some cases (note a symbols file can mitigate this issue).
+This is often of minor temporary inconvenience and usually a lot
+better than the fall out caused by forgetting to bump the dependency
+This explicit form was added in debhelper/11.3. In previous versions,
+a B<-V> without any dependency information was used instead (and that
+form still works)
+=item B<-VNone>
+The dependency will be "I<packagename>". Note that I<None> is
+case-sensitive and must be written exactly as shown here.
+This form is generally unsafe with the only exception being if upstream
+does not extend the ABI in any way. However, most upstreams improve their
+interfaces over time and packagers are recommended to use
+B<-VUpstream-Version> (or one of the other forms of B<-V>I<dependencies>).
+Alternatively, this may be sufficient if (and only if) the package uses
+symbol versioning (see L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>) and does I<not> build any
+udeb packages. Note that symbols are not supported for udeb packages,
+which solely relies on shlibs for dependency handling.
+=item B<-V>I<package-relation>
+In this case, the value passed to B<-V> will be used as a dependency
+relation. The I<package-relation> should generally be of the form
+"I<some-package-name> B<(E<gt>>= I<some-package-version>B<)>". Remember
+to include the package name.
+Note that debhelper will use the value I<as it is> with no sanity
+checking or modification. In I<rare special> cases, this is needed to
+generate a dependency on a different package than the one containing
+the library.
+When choosing a value for this option, please keep mind that if the
+package provides a symbols file, then that this is generally preferred over
+the shlibs file for regular .deb packages. See L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>
+for more information on this topic.
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not add the "ldconfig" trigger even if it seems like the package
+might need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical
+reasons as B<dh_makeshlibs> would previously generate maintainer
+scripts that called B<ldconfig>.
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename or directory
+from being treated as shared libraries.
+=item B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>
+Create an additional line for udebs in the shlibs file and use I<udeb> as the
+package name for udebs to depend on instead of the regular library package.
+This option is only useful for special cases such as when debhelper
+cannot auto-detect package name of the udeb package, when the udeb
+will contain libraries from multiple deb packages, or when the udeb
+contains libraries B<not> present in the deb package.
+=item B<--no-add-udeb>
+Do not add any udeb lines to the shlibs file. This can be used to disable the
+default auto-detection of udebs.
+This may be useful in case you do not want a shlibs file at all for the udeb
+because no package will depend on it. E.g. because adding a udeb package
+for the library was "overkill" and the library is embedded in a different
+udeb package.
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=over 4
+=item B<dh_makeshlibs -VNone>
+Assuming this is a package named F<libfoobar1>, generates a shlibs file that
+looks something like:
+ libfoobar 1 libfoobar1
+=item B<dh_makeshlibs -VUpstream-Version>
+Assuming the current version of the package is 1.1-3, generates a shlibs
+file that looks something like:
+ libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.1)
+=item B<dh_makeshlibs -V 'libfoobar1 (E<gt>= 1.0)'>
+Generates a shlibs file that looks something like:
+ libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0)
+my ($shlibs_udeb, %known_udeb_solibs);
+init(options => {
+ "m=s", => \$dh{M_PARAMS},
+ "major=s" => \$dh{M_PARAMS},
+ "version-info:s" => \$dh{V_FLAG},
+ "add-udeb=s" => \$shlibs_udeb,
+ "no-add-udeb" => sub { $shlibs_udeb = ''; },
+my $ok=1;
+sub _all_so_files {
+ my ($package, $root_dir) = @_;
+ return if not -d $root_dir;
+ my (@all_so_files, @so_file_data);
+ my $objdump = cross_command($package, "objdump");
+ require File::Find;
+ File::Find::find(sub {
+ # Lazy loading of File::Find makes perl think that File::Find::dir is only used once
+ # and we might have typo'ed something
+ no warnings qw(once);
+ # Only real/regular files
+ -l && return;
+ -f _ || return;
+ my $path = "$File::Find::dir/$_";
+ return if excludefile($path);
+ return if not is_so_or_exec_elf_file($_);
+ push(@all_so_files, $path);
+ }, $root_dir);
+ @all_so_files = sort(@all_so_files);
+ for my $lib_file (@all_so_files) {
+ my ($library, $major, $ret);
+ if (compat(10)) {
+ # In compat 10, we silently ignored failing exit codes
+ # from objdump. Its horrible, but such was compat 10.
+ $ret = `$objdump -p "$lib_file"`;
+ chomp($ret);
+ } else {
+ $ret = qx_cmd($objdump, '-p', $lib_file);
+ }
+ if ($ret=~m/\s+SONAME\s+(.*)\.so\.(.*)/) {
+ # proper soname format
+ $library=$1;
+ $major=$2;
+ } elsif ($ret=~m/\s+SONAME\s+(.*)-(\d.*)\.so/) {
+ # idiotic crap soname format
+ $library=$1;
+ $major=$2;
+ } elsif ($ret !~ m/\s+SONAME\s+(?:\S)/) {
+ next;
+ }
+ push(@so_file_data, [$lib_file, $library, $major,]);
+ };
+ return @so_file_data;
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ next if is_udeb($package);
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my (%seen, $unversioned_so);
+ my $need_ldconfig = 0;
+ # Note that since each package can have a shlibs file independently of
+ # each other, we need to make these local.
+ my $v_flag_set = $dh{V_FLAG_SET};
+ my $v_flag = $dh{V_FLAG} // '';
+ my $shlibs_file = pkgfile($package, 'shlibs');
+ rm_files("$tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs");
+ # So, we look for files or links to existing files with names that
+ # match "*.so.*". And we only look at real files not
+ # symlinks, so we don't accidentally add shlibs data to -dev
+ # packages. This may have a few false positives, which is ok,
+ # because only if we can get a library name and a major number from
+ # objdump is anything actually added.
+ my (@udeb_lines, @deb_lines, @lib_files, $udeb_name);
+ if (defined($shlibs_udeb)) {
+ $udeb_name = $shlibs_udeb if $shlibs_udeb ne '';
+ } else {
+ my $guessed_udeb = "${package}-udeb";
+ $udeb_name = $guessed_udeb if is_known_package($guessed_udeb) and is_udeb($guessed_udeb);
+ }
+ # If there is a udeb (which we assume there never is under the "noudeb" build-profile)
+ # then check it for libraries.
+ if (defined($udeb_name) and not is_build_profile_active('noudeb')) {
+ for my $so_data (_all_so_files($udeb_name, tmpdir($udeb_name))) {
+ my (undef, $library, $major) = @{$so_data};
+ $major = $dh{M_PARAMS} if defined($dh{M_PARAMS}) and $dh{M_PARAMS} ne '';
+ next if not defined($library) or not defined($major);
+ $known_udeb_solibs{$udeb_name}{"${library}\x1f${major}"} = 1;
+ }
+ # If the udeb contains no SO files but there was an explicit --add-udeb, then
+ # something is wrong.
+ error("The udeb $shlibs_udeb does not contain any shared libraries but --add-udeb=$shlibs_udeb was passed!?")
+ if defined($shlibs_udeb) and not exists($known_udeb_solibs{$udeb_name});
+ }
+ for my $so_data (_all_so_files($package, $tmp)) {
+ my ($lib_file, $library, $major) = @{$so_data};
+ push(@lib_files, $lib_file) if compat(11);
+ if (not defined($library)) {
+ $unversioned_so = 1;
+ push(@lib_files, $lib_file) if not compat(11);
+ }
+ if (defined($dh{M_PARAMS}) && $dh{M_PARAMS} ne '') {
+ $major=$dh{M_PARAMS};
+ }
+ my $deps=$package;
+ if ($v_flag_set) {
+ if ($shlibs_file) {
+ warning("The provided ${shlibs_file} file overwrites -V");
+ # Clear the flag to avoid duplicate warnings.
+ $v_flag_set = 0;
+ $v_flag = '';
+ } else {
+ # Set the default "-V" (with no value) is passed.
+ $v_flag = 'Upstream-Version' if $v_flag eq '';
+ }
+ } elsif ($v_flag eq '') {
+ # Set the default if "-V" is omitted.
+ $v_flag = compat(11) ? 'None' : 'Upstream-Version';
+ }
+ if ($v_flag ne '') {
+ if ($v_flag eq 'Upstream-Version') {
+ # Call isnative because it sets $dh{VERSION}
+ # as a side effect.
+ isnative($package);
+ my $version = $dh{VERSION};
+ # Old compatibility levels include the
+ # debian revision, while new do not.
+ # Remove debian version, if any.
+ $version =~ s/-[^-]+$//;
+ $deps = "$package (>= $version)";
+ } elsif ($v_flag ne 'None') {
+ $deps = $v_flag;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($library) && defined($major) && defined($deps) &&
+ $library ne '' && $major ne '' && $deps ne '') {
+ $need_ldconfig=1;
+ push(@lib_files, $lib_file) if not compat(11);
+ # Prevent duplicate lines from entering the file.
+ my $line="$library $major $deps";
+ if (! $seen{$line}) {
+ $seen{$line}=1;
+ push(@deb_lines, $line);
+ if (defined($udeb_name)) {
+ my $udeb_deps = $deps;
+ $udeb_deps =~ s/\Q$package\E/$udeb_name/e;
+ $line="udeb: $library $major $udeb_deps";
+ push @udeb_lines, $line;
+ # Track which libraries have been used in the udeb to ensure
+ # we spot missing libraries.
+ delete($known_udeb_solibs{$udeb_name}{"${library}\x1f${major}"})
+ if defined($udeb_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($udeb_name) and not $shlibs_udeb) {
+ my $issues = 0;
+ for my $lib_key (sort(keys(%{$known_udeb_solibs{$udeb_name}}))) {
+ my ($library, $major) = split(qr/\x1f/, $lib_key);
+ warning("$udeb_name contains SO library $library (version $major) but $package does not contain a similar library!?");
+ $issues = 1;
+ }
+ if ($issues) {
+ $ok = 0;
+ warning("Rejecting the generated shlibs file for $udeb_name!");
+ warning("Hint: Either add the missing libraries to $package, remove them from $udeb_name, or");
+ warning("Hint: (if this difference is expected) pass \"--add-udeb=$udeb_name\" to dh_makeshlibs.");
+ warning("Hint: In the latter case, you *may* also need to combine it with \"-p$package\"");
+ warning("Hint: Alternatively, if you have merged the shared lib package into $udeb_name and it has no");
+ warning("Hint: other packages need to know of this library, then use \"--no-add-udeb\"");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($shlibs_file) {
+ install_dir("$tmp/DEBIAN");
+ install_file($shlibs_file, "$tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs");
+ } elsif (@deb_lines or @udeb_lines) {
+ install_dir("$tmp/DEBIAN");
+ if ($dh{VERBOSE}) {
+ verbose_print('echo ' . escape_shell($_) . ' >> ' . escape_shell("$tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs"))
+ for @deb_lines, @udeb_lines;
+ }
+ if (not $dh{NO_ACT}) {
+ open(my $shlibs_fd, '>', "$tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs") or error("open($tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs): $!");
+ # Write the shlibs file with the udeb: lines last.
+ print {$shlibs_fd} "$_\n" for @deb_lines, @udeb_lines;
+ close($shlibs_fd) or error("close($tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs");
+ }
+ }
+ if (-e "$tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs") {
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0644, "$tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs");
+ }
+ # dpkg-gensymbols files
+ my $symbols=pkgfile($package, "symbols");
+ if (-e $symbols) {
+ my @liblist;
+ if (! compat(7)) {
+ @liblist=map { "-e$_" } @lib_files;
+ }
+ # -I is used rather than using dpkg-gensymbols
+ # own search for symbols files, since that search
+ # is not 100% compatible with debhelper. (For example,
+ # this supports --ignore being used.)
+ $ok = doit_noerror(
+ "dpkg-gensymbols",
+ "-p$package",
+ "-I$symbols",
+ "-P$tmp",
+ @liblist,
+ @{$dh{U_PARAMS}}
+ ) && $ok;
+ if (-f "$tmp/DEBIAN/symbols" and -s _ == 0) {
+ rm_files("$tmp/DEBIAN/symbols");
+ } elsif ($unversioned_so) {
+ # There are a few "special" libraries (e.g. nss/nspr)
+ # which do not have versioned SONAMES. However the
+ # maintainer provides a symbols file for them and we can
+ # then use that to add an ldconfig trigger.
+ $need_ldconfig = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # Historically, --no-scripts would disable the creation of
+ # maintscripts for calling ldconfig.
+ if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS} && $need_ldconfig) {
+ autotrigger($package, 'activate-noawait', 'ldconfig');
+ }
+unless ($ok) {
+ error "failing due to earlier errors";
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_md5sums b/dh_md5sums
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8f92843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_md5sums
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_md5sums - generate DEBIAN/md5sums file
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_md5sums> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-x>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--include-conffiles>]
+B<dh_md5sums> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating
+a F<DEBIAN/md5sums> file, which lists the md5sums of each file in the package.
+These files are used by B<dpkg --verify> or the L<debsums(1)> program.
+All files in F<DEBIAN/> are omitted from the F<md5sums> file, as are all
+conffiles (unless you use the B<--include-conffiles> switch).
+The md5sums file is installed with proper permissions and ownerships.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-x>, B<--include-conffiles>
+Include conffiles in the md5sums list. Note that this information is
+redundant since it is included in F</var/lib/dpkg/status> in Debian packages.
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from
+being listed in the md5sums file.
+init(options => {
+ "x" => \$dh{INCLUDE_CONFFILES}, # is -x for some unknown historical reason..
+ "include-conffiles" => \$dh{INCLUDE_CONFFILES},
+on_pkgs_in_parallel {
+ foreach my $package (@_) {
+ next if is_udeb($package);
+ my $dbgsym_tmp = dbgsym_tmpdir($package);
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ install_dir("$tmp/DEBIAN");
+ # Check if we should exclude conffiles.
+ my %conffiles;
+ if (! $dh{INCLUDE_CONFFILES} && -r "$tmp/DEBIAN/conffiles") {
+ # Generate exclude regexp.
+ open(my $fd, '<', "$tmp/DEBIAN/conffiles")
+ or error("open $tmp/DEBIAN/conffiles failed: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ next if $line !~ s{^/+}{};
+ next if $line eq '';
+ $conffiles{$line} = 1;
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ }
+ generate_md5sums_file($tmp, \%conffiles);
+ if ( -d $dbgsym_tmp) {
+ install_dir("${dbgsym_tmp}/DEBIAN");
+ generate_md5sums_file($dbgsym_tmp);
+ }
+ }
+sub generate_md5sums_file {
+ my ($tmpdir, $conffiles) = @_;
+ my $find_pid = open(my $find_fd, '-|') // error("fork failed: $!");
+ my (@files, $pipeline_pid);
+ if (not $find_pid) {
+ # Child
+ chdir($tmpdir) or error("chdir($tmpdir) failed: $!");
+ exec { 'find' } 'find', '-type', 'f', '!', '-regex', './DEBIAN/.*', '-printf', "%P\\0";
+ }
+ local $/ = "\0"; # NUL-terminated input/"lines"
+ while (my $line = <$find_fd>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ next if excludefile($line);
+ next if $conffiles and %{$conffiles} and exists($conffiles->{$line});
+ push(@files, $line);
+ }
+ close($find_fd) or error_exitcode("find -type f ! -regex './DEBIAN/.*' -printf '%P\\0'");
+ @files = sort(@files);
+ verbose_print("cd $tmpdir >/dev/null && " . q{xargs -r0 md5sum | perl -pe 'if (s@^\\\\@@) { s/\\\\\\\\/\\\\/g; }' > DEBIAN/md5sums});
+ $pipeline_pid = open(my $pipeline_fd, '|-') // error("fork failed: $!");
+ if (not $pipeline_pid) {
+ # Child
+ chdir($tmpdir) or error("chdir($tmpdir) failed: $!");
+ exec { 'sh' } '/bin/sh', '-c', q{xargs -r0 md5sum | perl -pe 'if (s@^\\\\@@) { s/\\\\\\\\/\\\\/g; }' > DEBIAN/md5sums};
+ }
+ printf {$pipeline_fd} "%s\0", $_ for @files; # @files include NUL-terminator
+ close($pipeline_fd) or error_exitcode("cd $tmpdir >/dev/null && xargs -r0 md5sum | perl -pe 'if (s@^\\\\@@) { s/\\\\\\\\/\\\\/g; }' > DEBIAN/md5sums");
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0644, "${tmpdir}/DEBIAN/md5sums");
+ return;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_missing b/dh_missing
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6524d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_missing
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_missing - check for missing files
+use v5.28;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_missing> [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_missing> compares the list of installed files with the files in
+the source directory. If any of the files (and symlinks) in the source
+directory were not installed to somewhere, it will warn on stderr
+about that (B<--list-missing>) or fail (B<--fail-missing>).
+Please note that in compat 11 and earlier without either of these
+options, B<dh_missing> will silently do nothing. In compat 12,
+B<--list-missing> is the default In compat 13 and later,
+B<--fail-missing> is the default.
+This may be useful if you have a large package and want to make sure that
+you don't miss installing newly added files in new upstream releases.
+Remember to test different kinds of builds (dpkg-buildpackage -A/-B/...) as
+you may experience varying results when only a subset of the packages are
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/not-installed
+List the files that are deliberately not installed in I<any> binary
+package. Paths listed in this file are ignored by B<dh_missing>.
+However, it is B<not> a method to exclude files from being installed
+by any of the debhelper tool. If you want a tool to not install a
+given file, please use its B<--exclude> option (where available).
+B<dh_missing> will expand wildcards in this file (since debhelper 11.1).
+Wildcards without matches will be ignored.
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--list-missing>
+Warn on stderr about source files not installed to somewhere.
+Note that many dh-tools acting on a path will mark the path as
+installed even if it has been excluded via B<-X> or B<--exclude>.
+This is also seen when a dh-tool is acting on a directory and
+exclusion is used to ignore some files in the directory. In either
+case, this will make B<dh_missing> silently assume the excluded files
+have been handled.
+This is the default in compat 12.
+=item B<--fail-missing>
+This option is like B<--list-missing>, except if a file was missed, it will
+not only list the missing files, but also fail with a nonzero exit code.
+This is the default in compat 13 and later.
+init(options => {
+ "list-missing" => \$dh{LIST_MISSING},
+ "fail-missing" => \$dh{FAIL_MISSING},
+ "sourcedir=s" => \$dh{SOURCEDIR},
+my (@installed, %helpers, %helpers_basename);
+my $srcdir = '.';
+if (defined($dh{SOURCEDIR})) {
+ $srcdir = $dh{SOURCEDIR};
+ $srcdir =~ s{/+$}{};
+ error("Invalid --sourcedir - must not be empty nor /") if not $srcdir;
+if (!$dh{LIST_MISSING} && !$dh{FAIL_MISSING}) {
+ exit 0 if compat(11);
+ # --list-missing is the default in compat 12 and --fail-missing in compat 13+
+ my $option = compat(12) ? 'LIST_MISSING' : 'FAIL_MISSING';
+ $dh{$option} = 1;
+# . as srcdir makes no sense, so this is a special case.
+if ($srcdir eq '.') {
+ $srcdir='debian/tmp';
+if (! -d $srcdir) {
+ # If there was no explicit source directory, then we do not care
+ # if it is missing.
+ exit(0) if not defined $dh{SOURCEDIR};
+ if (scalar(getpackages()) == 1 && defined($dh{SOURCEDIR})) {
+ warning("$srcdir does not exist and there is only binary package.");
+ warning("Assuming everything is installed directly into the package directory.");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ if (compat(10)) {
+ # Prevent "dh $@ --list-missing --destdir=... ..." from failing in compat 10.
+ warning("Cannot check if installation is missing files: $srcdir does not exist");
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ error("Cannot check if installation is missing files: $srcdir does not exist");
+ }
+for my $file (glob('debian/.debhelper/generated/*/installed-by-*')) {
+ my ($target_pkg, $helper) = ('unknown', 'unknown');
+ my $had_files = 0;
+ my %seen;
+ if ($file =~ m@.*/([^/]+)/installed-by-(.*)@) {
+ ($target_pkg, $helper) = ($1, $2);
+ }
+ open(my $fh, '<', $file) or error("could not open $file: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ next if $line =~ m/^\s*$/;
+ next if $seen{$line}++; # Ignore duplicates
+ $had_files++;
+ push(@installed, $line);
+ }
+ $helpers{$helper}{$target_pkg} = $had_files;
+ close($fh);
+my @missing;
+if ( -f 'debian/not-installed') {
+ my @not_installed = filearray('debian/not-installed');
+ for my $pattern (@not_installed) {
+ my @matches;
+ # Add an explicit d/tmp if absent as there is no point in
+ # looking outside the debian staging directory
+ $pattern =~ s:^\s*:debian/tmp/: unless $pattern =~ m:^\s*debian/tmp/:;
+ @matches = glob_expand(['.'], \&glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore, $pattern);
+ if (@matches) {
+ # Assume classify them as installed
+ push(@installed, @matches);
+ } else {
+ # Assume it is not a pattern and classify it as installed
+ push(@installed, $pattern);
+ }
+ }
+ push(@installed, @not_installed);
+my $installed=join("|", map {
+ # Kill any extra slashes, for robustness.
+ y:/:/:s;
+ s:/+$::;
+ s:^(\./)*::;
+ "\Q$_\E\/.*|\Q$_\E";
+} @installed);
+# Lazy load File::Find
+require File::Find;
+File::Find::find(sub {
+ # Lazy loading of File::Find makes perl think that File::Find::dir is only used once
+ # and we might have typo'ed something
+ no warnings qw(once);
+ -f || -l || return;
+ $_="$File::Find::dir/$_";
+ if (! /$installed/ && ! excludefile($_)) {
+ my $file=$_;
+ $file=~s/^\Q$srcdir\E\///;
+ push @missing, $file;
+ }
+}, $srcdir);
+if (@missing) {
+ my $had_related_files;
+ my %seen_basename = map { basename($_) => $_ } @installed;
+ my $multiarch = dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH");
+ my $seen_ma_value = 0;
+ for my $file (sort(@missing)) {
+ my $basename = basename($file);
+ if (exists($seen_basename{$basename})) {
+ my $alt_source = $seen_basename{$basename};
+ $had_related_files //= [$file, $alt_source];
+ warning("$file exists in $srcdir but is not installed to anywhere (related file: \"$alt_source\")");
+ } else {
+ warning("$file exists in $srcdir but is not installed to anywhere ");
+ }
+ $seen_ma_value = 1 if index($file, $multiarch) > -1;
+ }
+ if ($had_related_files) {
+ my ($missing, $alt_source) = $had_related_files->@*;
+ my $error = $dh{FAIL_MISSING} ? 'error' : 'warning';
+ nonquiet_print();
+ nonquiet_print('While detecting missing files, dh_missing noted some files with a similar name to those');
+ nonquiet_print("that were missing. This ${error} /might/ be resolved by replacing references to the");
+ nonquiet_print('missing files with the similarly named ones that dh_missing found - assuming the content');
+ nonquiet_print('is identical.');
+ nonquiet_print();
+ nonquiet_print('As an example, you might want to replace:');
+ nonquiet_print(" * ${alt_source}");
+ nonquiet_print('with:');
+ nonquiet_print(" * ${missing}");
+ nonquiet_print('in a file in debian/ or as argument to one of the dh_* tools called from debian/rules.');
+ nonquiet_print('(Note it is possible the paths are not used verbatim but instead directories ');
+ nonquiet_print('containing or globs matching them are used instead)');
+ nonquiet_print();
+ nonquiet_print('Alternatively, add the missing file to debian/not-installed if it cannot and should not');
+ nonquiet_print('be used.');
+ nonquiet_print();
+ }
+ nonquiet_print("The following debhelper tools have reported what they installed (with files per package)");
+ for my $helper (sort(keys(%helpers))) {
+ my $pkg_info = $helpers{$helper};
+ my @results;
+ for my $pkg (sort(keys(%{$pkg_info}))) {
+ my $no = $pkg_info->{$pkg};
+ push(@results, "${pkg} (${no})")
+ }
+ nonquiet_print(" * ${helper}: " . join(', ', @results));
+ }
+ nonquiet_print('If the missing files are installed by another tool, please file a bug against it.');
+ nonquiet_print('When filing the report, if the tool is not part of debhelper itself, please reference the');
+ nonquiet_print('"Logging helpers and dh_missing" section from the "PROGRAMMING" guide for debhelper (10.6.3+).');
+ nonquiet_print(' (in the debhelper package: /usr/share/doc/debhelper/PROGRAMMING.gz)');
+ nonquiet_print("Be sure to test with dpkg-buildpackage -A/-B as the results may vary when only a subset is built");
+ nonquiet_print("If the omission is intentional or no other helper can take care of this consider adding the");
+ nonquiet_print("paths to debian/not-installed.");
+ if ($seen_ma_value) {
+ nonquiet_print();
+ nonquiet_print("Remember to be careful with paths containing \"${multiarch}\", where you might need to");
+ nonquiet_print("use a wildcard or (assuming compat 13+) e.g. \${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} in debian/not-installed");
+ nonquiet_print("to ensure it works on all architectures (see #961104).");
+ }
+ if ($dh{FAIL_MISSING}) {
+ error("missing files, aborting");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Michael Stapelberg <>
diff --git a/dh_movefiles b/dh_movefiles
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7c5c8ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_movefiles
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_movefiles - move files out of debian/tmp into subpackages
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<file> ...>]
+B<dh_movefiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for moving files
+out of F<debian/tmp> or some other directory and into other package build
+directories. This may be useful if your package has a F<Makefile> that installs
+everything into F<debian/tmp>, and you need to break that up into subpackages.
+Note: B<dh_install> is a much better program, and you are recommended to use
+it instead of B<dh_movefiles>.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.files
+Lists the files to be moved into a package, separated by whitespace. The
+filenames listed should be relative to F<debian/tmp/>. You can also list
+directory names, and the whole directory will be moved.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>
+Instead of moving files out of F<debian/tmp> (the default), this option makes
+it move files out of some other directory. Since the entire contents of
+the sourcedir is moved, specifying something like B<--sourcedir=/> is very
+unsafe, so to prevent mistakes, the sourcedir must be a relative filename;
+it cannot begin with a `B</>'.
+=item B<-Xitem>, B<--exclude=item>
+Exclude files that contain B<item> anywhere in their filename from
+being installed.
+=item I<file> ...
+Lists files to move. The filenames listed should be relative to
+F<debian/tmp/>. You can also list directory names, and the whole directory will
+be moved. It is an error to list files here unless you use B<-p>, B<-i>, or B<-a> to
+tell B<dh_movefiles> which subpackage to put them in.
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that files are always moved out of F<debian/tmp> by default (even if you
+have instructed debhelper to use a compatibility level higher than one,
+which does not otherwise use debian/tmp for anything at all). The idea
+behind this is that the package that is being built can be told to install
+into F<debian/tmp>, and then files can be moved by B<dh_movefiles> from that
+directory. Any files or directories that remain are ignored, and get
+deleted by B<dh_clean> later.
+init(options => {
+ "sourcedir=s" => \$dh{SOURCEDIR},
+my $ret=0;
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $files=pkgfile($package,"files");
+ my $sourcedir="debian/tmp";
+ if ($dh{SOURCEDIR}) {
+ if ($dh{SOURCEDIR}=~m:^/:) {
+ error("The sourcedir must be a relative filename, not starting with `/'.");
+ }
+ $sourcedir=$dh{SOURCEDIR};
+ }
+ if (! -d $sourcedir) {
+ error("$sourcedir does not exist.");
+ }
+ my (@tomove, @tomove_expanded);
+ # debian/files has a different purpose, so ignore it.
+ if ($files && $files ne "debian/files" ) {
+ @tomove=filearray($files, $sourcedir);
+ }
+ if (($package eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || $dh{PARAMS_ALL}) && @ARGV) {
+ # Expand these manually similar to filearray
+ push(@tomove_expanded, map { glob("$sourcedir/$_") } @ARGV);
+ }
+ if ((@tomove || @tomove_expanded) && $tmp eq $sourcedir) {
+ error("I was asked to move files from $sourcedir to $sourcedir.");
+ }
+ # filearray() does not add the sourcedir, which we need.
+ @tomove = map { "$sourcedir/$_" } @tomove;
+ push(@tomove, @tomove_expanded);
+ if (@tomove) {
+ install_dir($tmp);
+ doit("rm","-f","debian/movelist");
+ foreach (@tomove) {
+ my $file=$_;
+ if (! -e $file && ! -l $file && ! $dh{NO_ACT}) {
+ $ret=1;
+ warning("$file not found (supposed to put it in $package)");
+ }
+ else {
+ $file=~s:^\Q$sourcedir\E/+::;
+ my $cmd="(cd $sourcedir >/dev/null ; find $file ! -type d ";
+ if ($dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}) {
+ $cmd.="-a ! \\( $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} \\) ";
+ }
+ $cmd.="-print || true) >> debian/movelist";
+ complex_doit($cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ my $pwd=`pwd`;
+ chomp $pwd;
+ complex_doit("(cd $sourcedir >/dev/null ; tar --create --files-from=$pwd/debian/movelist --file -) | (cd $tmp >/dev/null ;tar xpf -)");
+ # --remove-files is not used above because tar then doesn't
+ # preserve hard links
+ complex_doit("(cd $sourcedir >/dev/null ; tr '\\n' '\\0' < $pwd/debian/movelist | xargs -0 rm -f)");
+ doit("rm","-f","debian/movelist");
+ }
+# If $ret is set, we weren't actually able to find some
+# files that were specified to be moved, and we should
+# exit with the code in $ret. This program puts off
+# exiting with an error until all files have been tried
+# to be moved, because this makes it easier for some
+# packages that aren't always sure exactly which files need
+# to be moved.
+exit $ret;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_perl b/dh_perl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..62ffcaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_perl
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_perl - calculates Perl dependencies and cleans up after MakeMaker
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Config;
+use File::Find;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use constant DISTRO_PERL => $^X;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_perl> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-d>] [S<I<library dirs> ...>]
+B<dh_perl> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating
+the B<${perl:Depends}> substitutions and adding them to substvars files.
+The program will look at Perl scripts and modules in your package,
+and will use this information to generate a dependency on B<perl> or
+B<perlapi>. The dependency will be substituted into your package's F<control>
+file wherever you place the token B<${perl:Depends}>.
+B<dh_perl> also cleans up empty directories that MakeMaker can generate when
+installing Perl modules.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-d>
+In some specific cases you may want to depend on B<perl-base> rather than the
+full B<perl> package. If so, you can pass the -d option to make B<dh_perl> generate
+a dependency on the correct base package. This is only necessary for some
+packages that are included in the base system.
+Note that this flag may cause no dependency on B<perl-base> to be generated at
+all. B<perl-base> is Essential, so its dependency can be left out, unless a
+versioned dependency is needed.
+=item B<-V>
+By default, scripts and architecture independent modules don't depend
+on any specific version of B<perl>. The B<-V> option causes the current
+version of the B<perl> (or B<perl-base> with B<-d>) package to be specified.
+=item I<library dirs>
+If your package installs Perl modules in non-standard
+directories, you can make B<dh_perl> check those directories by passing their
+names on the command line. It will only check the F<vendorlib> and F<vendorarch>
+directories by default.
+Debian policy, version 3.8.3
+Perl policy, version 1.20
+my $vendorlib = substr $Config{vendorlib}, 1;
+my $vendorarch = substr $Config{vendorarch}, 1;
+if (is_cross_compiling()) {
+ my $incdir = perl_cross_incdir();
+ $vendorarch = substr qx/perl -I$incdir -MConfig -e 'print \$Config{vendorarch}'/, 1
+ if defined $incdir;
+# Cleaning the paths given on the command line
+foreach (@ARGV) {
+ s#/$##;
+ s#^/##;
+my $perl = 'perl';
+# If -d is given, then the dependency is on perl-base rather than perl.
+$perl .= '-base' if $dh{D_FLAG};
+# dependency types
+use constant PROGRAM => 1;
+use constant PM_MODULE => 2;
+use constant XS_MODULE => 4;
+use constant ARCHDEP_MODULE => 8;
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ next unless -d $tmp;
+ # Check also for alternate locations given on the command line
+ my @dirs = grep -d, map "$tmp/$_", $vendorlib, $vendorarch, @ARGV;
+ # Look for perl modules and check where they are installed
+ my $deps = 0;
+ find sub {
+ return unless -f;
+ $deps |= PM_MODULE if /\.pm$/;
+ $deps |= XS_MODULE if /\.so$/;
+ if $File::Find::dir =~ /\Q$vendorarch\E/;
+ }, @dirs if @dirs;
+ # find scripts
+ $tmp =~ tr:/:/:s;
+ $tmp =~ s{[^/]\K/$}{};
+ my $usd_dir = "$tmp/usr/share/doc";
+ my $check_script = sub {
+ if ($_ eq $usd_dir) {
+ $File::Find::prune = 1 if -d $_;
+ return;
+ }
+ return unless -f and (-x _ or /\.pl$/);
+ return unless open(my $fd, '<', $_);
+ my $path = $_;
+ my $rewrite_shebang = 0;
+ if (read($fd, local $_, 32) and m%^#!\s*(/usr/bin/perl|${\DISTRO_PERL}|/usr/bin/env\s+perl)\s%) {
+ my $actual_perl = $1;
+ $deps |= PROGRAM;
+ $rewrite_shebang = 1 if ($actual_perl ne DISTRO_PERL);
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ rewrite_shebang($path) if $rewrite_shebang;
+ };
+ find({
+ wanted => $check_script,
+ no_chdir => 1,
+ }, $tmp);
+ if ($deps) {
+ my $version="";
+ if ($deps & XS_MODULE or $dh{V_FLAG_SET}) {
+ ($version) = qx_cmd('dpkg', '-s', $perl) =~ /^Version:\s*(\S+)/m
+ unless $version;
+ $version = ">= $version";
+ }
+ my $perlarch = $perl;
+ $perlarch .= ':any' if (($deps & MA_ANY_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES) == 0) and not $dh{V_FLAG_SET};
+ # no need to depend on an un-versioned perl-base -- it's
+ # essential
+ addsubstvar($package, "perl:Depends", $perlarch, $version)
+ if $perl ne 'perl-base' || length($version);
+ # add perlapi-<ver> for XS modules and other modules
+ # installed into vendorarch
+ addsubstvar($package, "perl:Depends",
+ "perlapi-" . ($Config{debian_abi} || $Config{version}))
+ if $deps & ( XS_MODULE | ARCHDEP_MODULE );
+ }
+ # MakeMaker always makes lib and share dirs, but typically
+ # only one directory is installed into.
+ foreach my $dir ("$tmp/$vendorlib", "$tmp/$vendorarch") {
+ if (-d $dir) {
+ doit("rmdir", "--ignore-fail-on-non-empty", "--parents",
+ "$dir");
+ }
+ }
+sub rewrite_shebang {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ doit($^X, '-p', '-i', '-e',
+ 's{#!\s*(/usr/bin/perl|' . quotemeta(DISTRO_PERL) . '|/usr/bin/env\s+perl)}{#! ' . DISTRO_PERL . '} if ($. == 1);',
+ $file);
+ return;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Brendan O'Dea <>
diff --git a/dh_prep b/dh_prep
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..718d8d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_prep
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_prep - perform cleanups in preparation for building a binary package
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_prep> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]
+B<dh_prep> is a debhelper program that performs some file cleanups in
+preparation for building a binary package. (This is what B<dh_clean -k>
+used to do.) It removes the package build directories, F<debian/tmp>,
+and some temp files that are generated when building a binary package.
+It is typically run at the top of the B<binary-arch> and B<binary-indep> targets,
+or at the top of a target such as install that they depend on.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-X>I<item> B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being
+deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option
+multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude.
+my (@clean_files, @clean_dirs, %seen);
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $ext=pkgext($package);
+ my $source_dir = default_sourcedir($package);
+ push(@clean_files, "debian/${ext}substvars")
+ unless excludefile("debian/${ext}substvars");
+ # These are all debhelper temp files, and so it is safe to
+ # wildcard them.
+ my @temp = glob("debian/$ext*.debhelper");
+ push(@clean_files, @temp);
+ push(@clean_dirs, "debian/.debhelper/generated/${package}/");
+ push(@clean_dirs , "${tmp}/")
+ unless excludefile($tmp);
+ push(@clean_dirs, "${source_dir}/")
+ if (not $seen{$source_dir}++ and not excludefile($source_dir));
+xargs(\@clean_files, 'rm', '-f', '--') if @clean_files;
+xargs(\@clean_dirs, 'rm', '-fr', '--') if @clean_dirs;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_shlibdeps b/dh_shlibdeps
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e455c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_shlibdeps
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_shlibdeps - calculate shared library dependencies
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd;
+use File::Find;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_shlibdeps> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-L>I<package>] [B<-l>I<directory>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_shlibdeps> is a debhelper program that is responsible for calculating
+shared library dependencies for packages.
+This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> that calls it
+once for each package listed in the F<control> file, passing it
+a list of ELF executables and shared libraries it has found.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being
+passed to B<dpkg-shlibdeps>. This will make their dependencies be ignored.
+This may be useful in some situations, but use it with caution. This option
+may be used more than once to exclude more than one thing.
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>.
+=item B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<params>
+This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>.
+It is deprecated; use B<--> instead.
+=item B<-l>I<directory>[B<:>I<directory> ...]
+With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not
+It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-l> parameter), to look for private
+package libraries in the specified directory (or directories -- separate
+with colons). With recent
+versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this is mostly only useful for packages that
+build multiple flavors of the same library, or other situations where
+the library is installed into a directory not on the regular library search
+=item B<-L>I<package>, B<--libpackage=>I<package>
+With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not
+needed, unless your package builds multiple flavors of the same library
+or is relying on F<debian/shlibs.local> for an internal library.
+It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-S> parameter) to look first in the package
+build directory for the specified package, when searching for libraries,
+symbol files, and shlibs files.
+If needed, this can be passed multiple times with different package
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+Suppose that your source package produces libfoo1, libfoo-dev, and
+libfoo-bin binary packages. libfoo-bin links against libfoo1, and should
+depend on it. In your rules file, first run B<dh_makeshlibs>, then B<dh_shlibdeps>:
+ dh_makeshlibs
+ dh_shlibdeps
+This will have the effect of generating automatically a shlibs file for
+libfoo1, and using that file and the libfoo1 library in the
+F<debian/libfoo1/usr/lib> directory to calculate shared library dependency
+If a libbar1 package is also produced, that is an alternate build of
+libfoo, and is installed into F</usr/lib/bar/>, you can make libfoo-bin depend
+on libbar1 as follows:
+ dh_shlibdeps -Llibbar1 -l/usr/lib/bar
+init(options => {
+ "L|libpackage=s@" => \$dh{LIBPACKAGE},
+ "dpkg-shlibdeps-params=s" => \$dh{U_PARAMS},
+ "l=s" => \$dh{L_PARAMS},
+if (defined $dh{V_FLAG}) {
+ warning("You probably wanted to pass -V to dh_makeshlibs, it has no effect on dh_shlibdeps");
+on_pkgs_in_parallel {
+ my $is_non_statically_linked_elf_file = sub {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my @file_args = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::_internal_optional_file_args();
+ my $ff = qx_cmd('file', @file_args, '--brief', '-e', 'apptype', '-e', 'ascii',
+ '-e', 'encoding', '-e', 'cdf', '-e', 'compress', '-e', 'tar', '--', $file);
+ return 1 if $ff =~ m/ELF/ && $ff !~ /statically linked/;
+ return 0;
+ };
+ foreach my $package (@_) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $ext=pkgext($package);
+ my (@filelist);
+ # Generate a list of ELF binaries in the package, ignoring any
+ # we were told to exclude.
+ my $find_options='';
+ if (defined($dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}) && $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} ne '') {
+ $find_options="! \\( $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} \\)";
+ }
+ next if not -d $tmp;
+ if (compat(10)) {
+ foreach my $file (split(/\n/, `find $tmp -type f \\( -perm /111 -or -name "*.so*" -or -name "*.cmxs" -or -name "*.node" \\) $find_options -print`)) {
+ # Prune directories that contain separated debug symbols.
+ # CAVEAT: There are files in /usr/lib/debug that are not detached debug symbols,
+ # which should be processed. (see #865982)
+ next if $file =~ m!^\Q$tmp\E/usr/lib/debug/(lib|lib64|usr|bin|sbin|opt|dev|emul|\.build-id)/!;
+ # TODO this is slow, optimize. Ie, file can run once on
+ # multiple files..
+ if ($is_non_statically_linked_elf_file->($file)) {
+ push @filelist, $file;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $find_elf_files = sub {
+ my $fn = $_;
+ return if -l $fn; # Ignore symlinks
+ # See if we were asked to exclude this file.
+ # Note that we have to test on the full filename, including directory.
+ if (excludefile($fn)) {
+ $File::Find::prune = 1 if -d _;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (-d _) {
+ # Prune directories that contain separated debug symbols.
+ # CAVEAT: There are files in /usr/lib/debug that are not detached debug symbols,
+ # which should be processed. (see #865982)
+ if ($fn =~ m!^\Q$tmp\E/usr/lib/debug/(lib|lib64|usr|bin|sbin|opt|dev|emul|\.build-id)/!) {
+ $File::Find::prune = 1;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ return if not -f _;
+ return if not is_so_or_exec_elf_file($fn);
+ # TODO this is slow, optimize. Ie, file can run once on
+ # multiple files..
+ if ($is_non_statically_linked_elf_file->($fn)) {
+ push(@filelist, $fn);
+ }
+ };
+ find({
+ wanted => $find_elf_files,
+ no_chdir => 1,
+ }, $tmp);
+ }
+ if (@filelist) {
+ my @opts;
+ # dpkg-shlibdeps expects this directory to exist
+ install_dir("$tmp/DEBIAN");
+ if (defined($dh{LIBPACKAGE})) {
+ @opts = map { '-S' . tmpdir($_) } @{$dh{LIBPACKAGE}};
+ }
+ push @opts, "-tudeb" if is_udeb($package);
+ if ($dh{L_PARAMS}) {
+ foreach (split(/:/, $dh{L_PARAMS})) {
+ # Force the path absolute.
+ my $libdir = m:^/: ? $_ : "/$_";
+ push @opts, "-l$libdir";
+ }
+ }
+ doit("dpkg-shlibdeps","-Tdebian/${ext}substvars",
+ @opts,@{$dh{U_PARAMS}},@filelist);
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_strip b/dh_strip
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5cd32c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_strip
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_strip - strip executables, shared libraries, and some static libraries
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Find;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_strip> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--dbg-package=>I<package>] [B<--keep-debug>]
+B<dh_strip> is a debhelper program that is responsible for stripping
+out debug symbols in executables, shared libraries, and static
+libraries that are not needed during execution.
+This program examines your package build directories and works out what
+to strip on its own. It uses L<file(1)> and file permissions and filenames
+to figure out what files are shared libraries (F<*.so>), executable binaries,
+and static (F<lib*.a>) and debugging libraries (F<lib*_g.a>, F<debug/*.so>), and
+strips each as much as is possible. (Which is not at all for debugging
+libraries.) In general it seems to make very good guesses, and will do the
+right thing in almost all cases.
+Since it is very hard to automatically guess if a file is a
+module, and hard to determine how to strip a module, B<dh_strip> does not
+currently deal with stripping binary modules such as F<.o> files.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being
+stripped. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of
+things to exclude.
+=item B<--dbg-package=>I<package>
+B<This option is a now special purpose option that you normally do not
+need>. In most cases, there should be little reason to use this
+option for new source packages as debhelper automatically generates
+debug packages ("dbgsym packages"). B<If you have a manual
+--dbg-package> that you want to replace with an automatically
+generated debug symbol package, please see the B<--dbgsym-migration>
+Causes B<dh_strip> to save debug symbols stripped from the packages it acts on
+as independent files in the package build directory of the specified debugging
+For example, if your packages are libfoo and foo and you want to include a
+I<foo-dbg> package with debugging symbols, use B<dh_strip --dbg-package=>I<foo-dbg>.
+This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used
+with B<--automatic-dbgsym> or B<--dbgsym-migration>.
+=item B<-k>, B<--keep-debug>
+B<This option is a now special purpose option that you normally do not
+need>. In most cases, there should be little reason to use this
+option for new source packages as debhelper automatically generates
+debug packages ("dbgsym packages"). B<If you have a manual
+--dbg-package> that you want to replace with an automatically
+generated debug symbol package, please see the B<--dbgsym-migration>
+Debug symbols will be retained, but split into an independent
+file in F<usr/lib/debug/> in the package build directory. B<--dbg-package>
+is easier to use than this option, but this option is more flexible.
+This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used
+with B<--automatic-dbgsym>.
+=item B<--dbgsym-migration=>I<package-relation>
+This option is used to migrate from a manual "-dbg" package (created
+with B<--dbg-package>) to an automatic generated debug symbol
+package. This option should describe a valid B<Replaces>- and
+B<Breaks>-relation, which will be added to the debug symbol package to
+avoid file conflicts with the (now obsolete) -dbg package.
+This option implies B<--automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with
+B<--keep-debug>, B<--dbg-package> or B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>.
+ dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'
+ dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-tools-dbg (<< 2.1-3~), libfoo2-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'
+=item B<--automatic-dbgsym>, B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>
+Control whether B<dh_strip> should be creating debug symbol packages
+when possible.
+The default is to create debug symbol packages.
+=item B<--ddebs>, B<--no-ddebs>
+Historical name for B<--automatic-dbgsym> and B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>.
+=item B<--ddeb-migration=>I<package-relation>
+Historical name for B<--dbgsym-migration>.
+=head1 NOTES
+If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>,
+nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section
+10.1 "Binaries"). This will also inhibit the automatic creation of
+debug symbol packages.
+The automatic creation of debug symbol packages can also be prevented
+by adding B<noautodbgsym> to the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment
+variable. However, B<dh_strip> will still add debuglinks to ELF
+binaries when this flag is set. This is to ensure that the regular
+deb package will be identical with and without this flag (assuming it
+is otherwise "bit-for-bit" reproducible).
+Debian policy, version 3.0.1
+init(options => {
+ 'keep-debug|keep|k' => \$dh{K_FLAG},
+ 'dbgsym-migration=s' => \$dh{MIGRATE_DBGSYM},
+ 'automatic-dbgsym!' => \$dh{ENABLE_DBGSYM},
+ # Deprecated variants
+ 'ddeb-migration=s' => \$dh{MIGRATE_DBGSYM},
+ 'ddebs!' => \$dh{ENABLE_DBGSYM},
+if ($dh{MIGRATE_DBGSYM}) {
+ error("--keep-debug and --dbgsym-migration are mutually exclusive") if ($dh{K_FLAG});
+ error("--dbg-package and --dbgsym-migration are mutually exclusive") if ($dh{DEBUGPACKAGE});
+if ($dh{ENABLE_DBGSYM}) {
+ error("--keep-debug and explicit --automatic-dbgsym are mutually exclusive") if ($dh{K_FLAG});
+ error("--dbg-package and explicit --automatic-dbgsym are mutually exclusive") if ($dh{DEBUGPACKAGE});
+$dh{ENABLE_DBGSYM} = 1 if not defined($dh{ENABLE_DBGSYM});
+if ($dh{MIGRATE_DBGSYM} and not $dh{ENABLE_DBGSYM}) {
+ error("--dbgsym-migration and --no-automatic-dbgsym are mutually exclusive");
+# This variable can be used to turn off stripping (see Policy).
+exit 0 if (get_buildoption('nostrip'));
+my $no_auto_dbgsym = 0;
+$no_auto_dbgsym = 1 if get_buildoption('noautodbgsym') or get_buildoption('noddebs');
+# Check if a file is an elf binary, shared library, or static library,
+# for use by File::Find. It'll fill the 3 first arrays with anything
+# it finds. The @build_ids will be the collected build-ids (if any)
+my (@shared_libs, @executables, @static_libs, @build_ids, %file_output);
+sub testfile {
+ my $fn = $_;
+ return if -l $fn; # Always skip symlinks.
+ # See if we were asked to exclude this file.
+ # Note that we have to test on the full filename, including directory.
+ if (excludefile($fn)) {
+ $File::Find::prune = 1 if -d _;
+ return;
+ }
+ # Ignore the .../debug/.build-id/ directory. It is not really helpful
+ # to strip debug symbols.
+ $File::Find::prune = 1 if -d _ && index($fn, '/debug/.build-id/') > -1;
+ return if -d _;
+ # Is it a debug library in a debug subdir?
+ return if $fn=~m{debug/.*\.so};
+ return if $fn=~m{/guile/.*\.go$};
+ # Exploit the previous stat call to get the $mode, so we can check
+ # later if it is executable or not.
+ #
+ # NB: compat() can issue a stat, so we /should/ do this now
+ my (undef, undef, $mode, undef) = stat(_);
+ if (compat(10)) {
+ # In compat 10 and earlier, we used filenames and file(1)
+ # Does its filename look like a shared library?
+ # - *.cmxs are OCaml native code shared libraries
+ # - *.node are also native ELF binaries (for node-js)
+ if ($fn =~ m/\.(?:so.*?|cmxs|node)$/) {
+ # Ok, do the expensive test.
+ my $type = get_file_type($fn, 1);
+ if ($type =~ m/ELF.*shared/) {
+ push @shared_libs, $fn;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # -x is not good enough for this test
+ if ($mode & 0111) {
+ # Ok, expensive test.
+ my $type = get_file_type($fn, 1);
+ if ($type =~ m/ELF.*(executable|shared)/) {
+ push(@executables, $fn);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # In compat 11, we check the ELF header manually (because bulking file(1) is a pain and
+ # it is too slow otherwise)
+ if (is_so_or_exec_elf_file($fn)) {
+ # -x is not good enough for this test
+ if ($mode & 0111) {
+ push(@executables, $fn);
+ } else {
+ push(@shared_libs, $fn);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # Is it a static library, and not a debug library?
+ if ($fn =~ m/\/lib[^\/]*\.a$/ && $fn !~ m/.*_g\.a$/) {
+ # Is it a binary file, or something else (maybe a linker
+ # script on Hurd, for example? I don't use file, because
+ # file returns a variety of things on static libraries.
+ if (-B $fn) {
+ push @static_libs, $fn;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+sub write_buildid_file {
+ my ($package, $build_ids) = @_;
+ my $dir = "debian/.debhelper/${package}";
+ my $path = "${dir}/dbgsym-build-ids";
+ install_dir($dir);
+ open(my $fd, '>>', $path) or error("open $path failed: $!");
+ print {$fd} join(q{ }, sort(@{$build_ids})) . ' ';
+ close($fd) or error("close $path failed: $!");
+# I could just use `file $_[0]`, but this is safer
+sub get_file_type {
+ my ($file, $cache_ok) = @_;
+ return $file_output{$file} if $cache_ok && $file_output{$file};
+ my @file_args = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::_internal_optional_file_args();
+ my @cmdline = ('file', @file_args, '--brief', '-e', 'apptype', '-e', 'ascii', '-e', 'encoding', '-e', 'cdf',
+ '-e', 'compress', '-e', 'tar', '--', $file);
+ open(my $fd, '-|', @cmdline) // error("cannot fork+exec file: $!");
+ my $type = <$fd>;
+ close($fd) || error_exitcode(escape_shell(@cmdline));
+ error("file(1) gave no result for $file!?") if (not $type) ;
+ return $file_output{$file} = $type;
+sub make_debug {
+ my ($objcopy, $file, $tmp, $desttmp, $use_build_id) = @_;
+ my ($debug_path, $debug_build_id);
+ # Don't try to copy debug symbols out if the file is already
+ # stripped.
+ #
+ # Disable caching for non-build-id based extractions.
+ # Unfortunately, it breaks when there are hardlinks to the same
+ # ELF files.
+ my $file_info = get_file_type($file, $use_build_id ? 1 : 0);
+ return unless $file_info =~ /not stripped/;
+ if ($use_build_id) {
+ if ($file_info =~ m/BuildID\[sha1]\s*=\s*([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]+)/ or
+ `LC_ALL=C readelf -n $file`=~ /^\s+Build ID: ([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]+)$/m) {
+ $debug_path=$desttmp."/usr/lib/debug/.build-id/$1/$2.debug";
+ $debug_build_id="${1}${2}";
+ push(@build_ids, $debug_build_id);
+ } else {
+ # For dbgsyms, we need build-id (else it will not be
+ # co-installable).
+ warning("Could not find the BuildID in $file");
+ return if $use_build_id > 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (not $debug_path) {
+ # Either not using build_id OR no build-id available
+ my ($base_file)=$file=~/^\Q$tmp\E(.*)/;
+ $debug_path=$desttmp."/usr/lib/debug/".$base_file;
+ }
+ install_dir(dirname($debug_path));
+ if (compat(8) && $use_build_id < 2) {
+ doit($objcopy, "--only-keep-debug", $file, $debug_path);
+ }
+ else {
+ # Compat 9 OR a dbgsym package.
+ doit($objcopy, "--only-keep-debug", "--compress-debug-sections", $file, $debug_path) unless -e $debug_path;
+ }
+ # No reason for this to be executable.
+ reset_perm_and_owner(0644, $debug_path);
+ return $debug_path;
+sub attach_debug {
+ my ($objcopy, $file, $debug_path) = @_;
+ doit($objcopy, "--add-gnu-debuglink", $debug_path, $file);
+my %all_packages = map { $_ => 1 } getpackages();
+sub process_packages {
+ foreach my $package (@_) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $objcopy = cross_command($package, "objcopy");
+ my $strip = cross_command($package, "strip");
+ # Support for keeping the debugging symbols in a detached file.
+ my $keep_debug=$dh{K_FLAG};
+ my $debugtmp=$tmp;
+ my $use_build_id = compat(8) ? 0 : 1;
+ if ($dh{DEBUGPACKAGE}) {
+ $keep_debug=1;
+ my $debugpackage=$dh{DEBUGPACKAGE};
+ error("debug package $debugpackage is not listed in the control file") if (!$all_packages{$debugpackage});
+ $debugtmp=tmpdir($debugpackage);
+ }
+ # Temporary workaround: Do not build dbgsym packages for udebs as
+ # dpkg-gencontrol and dpkg-deb does not agree on the file
+ # extension.
+ if ($dh{ENABLE_DBGSYM} and not $keep_debug and not package_is_arch_all($package) and not is_udeb($package)) {
+ # Avoid creating a dbgsym that would clash with a registered
+ # package or looks like a manual -dbg package.
+ if (not $all_packages{"${package}-dbgsym"} and $package !~ m/-dbg(?:sym)?$/) {
+ $debugtmp = dbgsym_tmpdir($package);
+ $keep_debug = 1;
+ $use_build_id = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ %file_output=@shared_libs=@executables=@static_libs=();
+ find({
+ wanted => \&testfile,
+ no_chdir => 1,
+ }, $tmp);
+ foreach (@shared_libs) {
+ my $debug_path = make_debug($objcopy, $_, $tmp, $debugtmp, $use_build_id) if $keep_debug;
+ # Note that all calls to strip on shared libs
+ # *must* include the --strip-unneeded.
+ doit($strip, "--remove-section=.comment", "--remove-section=.note", "--strip-unneeded", $_);
+ attach_debug($objcopy, $_, $debug_path) if defined $debug_path;
+ }
+ foreach (@executables) {
+ my $debug_path = make_debug($objcopy, $_, $tmp, $debugtmp, $use_build_id) if $keep_debug;
+ doit($strip, "--remove-section=.comment", "--remove-section=.note", $_);
+ attach_debug($objcopy, $_, $debug_path) if defined $debug_path;
+ }
+ foreach (@static_libs) {
+ # NB: The short variant (-D) is broken in Jessie
+ # (binutils/2.25-3)
+ doit($strip, '--strip-debug', '--remove-section=.comment',
+ '--remove-section=.note', '--enable-deterministic-archives',
+ '-R', '.gnu.lto_*', '-R', '.gnu.debuglto_*',
+ '-N', '__gnu_lto_slim', '-N', '__gnu_lto_v1',
+ $_);
+ }
+ if (-d "$tmp/usr/lib/debug/.dwz" and ($use_build_id > 1 or ($dh{DEBUGPACKAGE} and $dh{DEBUGPACKAGE} ne $package))) {
+ my @files = glob_expand(["$tmp/usr/lib/debug/.dwz"], \&glob_expand_error_handler_reject, '*');
+ install_dir("$debugtmp/usr/lib/debug/.dwz");
+ xargs(\@files, 'cp', '--reflink=auto', "-a", XARGS_INSERT_PARAMS_HERE, "$debugtmp/usr/lib/debug/.dwz");
+ doit('rm', '-fr', "$tmp/usr/lib/debug/.dwz");
+ doit('rmdir', '-p', '--ignore-fail-on-non-empty', "$tmp/usr/lib/debug");
+ }
+ if ($no_auto_dbgsym and $use_build_id > 1) {
+ # When DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS contains noautodbgsym, remove the
+ # dbgsym dir and clear the build-ids.
+ #
+ # Note we have to extract the dbg symbols as usual, since
+ # attach_debug (objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink) requires the dbg
+ # file to exist.
+ doit('rm', '-fr', $debugtmp);
+ @build_ids = ();
+ }
+ if ($use_build_id > 1 and -d $debugtmp) {
+ my $dbgsym_docdir = "${debugtmp}/usr/share/doc";
+ my $doc_symlink = "${dbgsym_docdir}/${package}-dbgsym";
+ if ( not -l $doc_symlink and not -e _ ) {
+ install_dir($dbgsym_docdir);
+ make_symlink_raw_target($package, $doc_symlink);
+ }
+ if ($dh{MIGRATE_DBGSYM}) {
+ my $path = "debian/.debhelper/${package}/dbgsym-migration";
+ open(my $fd, '>', $path) or error("open $path failed: $!");
+ print {$fd} "$dh{MIGRATE_DBGSYM}\n";
+ close($fd) or error("close $path failed: $!");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($use_build_id > 1 and @build_ids) {
+ write_buildid_file($package, \@build_ids);
+ @build_ids = ();
+ }
+ }
+ if (@build_ids and $dh{DEBUGPACKAGE}) {
+ write_buildid_file($dh{DEBUGPACKAGE}, \@build_ids);
+ }
+if ($dh{DEBUGPACKAGE}) {
+ # Non-deterministic issues with --dbg-package and parallelism (see
+ # #872007). Analysis and patches welcome for this case.
+ process_packages(@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}});
+} else {
+ on_pkgs_in_parallel(\&process_packages);
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_systemd_enable b/dh_systemd_enable
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b5eaf4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_systemd_enable
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+dh_systemd_enable - enable/disable systemd unit files
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use File::Find;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_systemd_enable> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--no-enable>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]
+B<dh_systemd_enable> is a debhelper program that is responsible for enabling
+and disabling systemd unit files.
+In the simple case, it finds all unit files installed by a package (e.g.
+bacula-fd.service) and enables them. It is not necessary that the machine
+actually runs systemd during package installation time, enabling happens on all
+machines in order to be able to switch from sysvinit to systemd and back.
+In the complex case, you can call B<dh_systemd_enable> and B<dh_systemd_start>
+manually (by overwriting the debian/rules targets) and specify flags per unit
+file. An example is colord, which ships colord.service, a dbus-activated
+service without an [Install] section. This service file cannot be enabled or
+disabled (a state called "static" by systemd) because it has no
+[Install] section. Therefore, running dh_systemd_enable does not make sense.
+For only generating blocks for specific service files, you need to pass them as
+arguments, e.g. B<dh_systemd_enable quota.service> and B<dh_systemd_enable
+--name=quotarpc quotarpc.service>.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.service, debian/I<package>@.service
+If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.service >> (or
+F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.service >>) in the package build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.tmpfile
+If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in the
+package build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.target, debian/I<package>
+If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.target >> (or
+F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package> >>) in the package build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.socket, debian/I<package>@.socket
+If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.socket >> (or
+F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.socket >>) in the package build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.mount
+If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.mount >>
+in the package build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.path, debian/I<package>@.path
+If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.path >> (or
+F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.path >>) in the package build directory.
+=item debian/I<package>.timer, debian/I<package>@.timer
+If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.timer >> (or
+F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.timer >>) in the package build directory.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--no-enable>
+Disable the service(s) on purge, but do not enable them on install.
+B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are
+started. That is controlled by L<dh_systemd_start(1)> (using e.g. its
+B<--no-start> option).
+=item B<--name=>I<name>
+Install the service file as I<name.service> instead of the default filename,
+which is the I<package.service>. When this parameter is used,
+B<dh_systemd_enable> looks for and installs files named
+F<debian/> instead of the usual F<debian/package.service>.
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called
+between invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it
+may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to maintainer
+Note that B<dh_systemd_enable> should be run before B<dh_installinit>.
+The default sequence in B<dh> does the right thing, this note is only relevant
+when you are calling B<dh_systemd_enable> manually.
+if (not compat(10)) {
+ error("dh_systemd_enable is no longer used in compat >= 11, please use dh_installsystemd instead");
+init(options => {
+ "no-enable" => \$dh{NO_ENABLE},
+sub contains_install_section {
+ my ($unit_path) = @_;
+ open(my $fh, '<', $unit_path) or error("Cannot open($unit_path) to check for [Install]: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ return 1 if $line =~ /^\s*\[Install\]$/i;
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ return 0;
+sub install_unit {
+ my ($package, $script, $pkgsuffix, $path, $installsuffix) = @_;
+ $installsuffix = $installsuffix || $pkgsuffix;
+ my $unit = pkgfile($package, $pkgsuffix);
+ return if $unit eq '';
+ install_dir($path);
+ install_file($unit, "${path}/${script}.${installsuffix}");
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT tmp(lib/systemd/system) mount path service socket target tmpfile timer
+my %requested_files = map { basename($_) => 1 } @ARGV;
+my %installed_files;
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package);
+ my @installed_units;
+ my @units;
+ # XXX: This is duplicated in dh_installinit, which is unfortunate.
+ # We do need the service files before running dh_installinit though,
+ # every other solution makes things much worse for all the maintainers.
+ # Figure out what filename to install it as.
+ my $script;
+ my $jobfile=$package;
+ if (defined $dh{NAME}) {
+ $jobfile=$script=$dh{NAME};
+ }
+ elsif ($dh{D_FLAG}) {
+ # -d on the command line sets D_FLAG. We will
+ # remove a trailing 'd' from the package name and
+ # use that as the name.
+ $script=$package;
+ if ($script=~m/(.*)d$/) {
+ $jobfile=$script=$1;
+ }
+ else {
+ warning("\"$package\" has no final d' in its name, but -d was specified.");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($dh{INIT_SCRIPT}) {
+ $script=$dh{INIT_SCRIPT};
+ }
+ else {
+ $script=$package;
+ }
+ for my $service_type (qw(service target socket path timer)) {
+ install_unit($package, $script, $service_type, "$tmpdir/lib/systemd/system");
+ install_unit("${package}@", "${script}@", $service_type, "$tmpdir/lib/systemd/system");
+ }
+ install_unit($package, $script, 'mount', "$tmpdir/lib/systemd/system");
+ install_unit($package, $script, 'tmpfile', "$tmpdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d", 'conf');
+ find({
+ wanted => sub {
+ my $name = $File::Find::name;
+ return unless -f $name;
+ # Skip symbolic links, their only legitimate use is for
+ # adding an alias, e.g. linking smartmontools.service
+ # -> smartd.service.
+ return if -l $name;
+ return unless $name =~ m,^$tmpdir/lib/systemd/system/[^/]+$,;
+ push @installed_units, $name;
+ },
+ no_chdir => 1,
+ }, "${tmpdir}/lib/systemd/system") if -d "${tmpdir}/lib/systemd/system";
+ # Handle either only the unit files which were passed as arguments or
+ # all unit files that are installed in this package.
+ my @args = @ARGV > 0 ? @ARGV : @installed_units;
+ # support excluding units via -X
+ foreach my $x (@{$dh{EXCLUDE}}) {
+ @args = grep !/(^|\/)$x$/, @args;
+ }
+ for my $name (@args) {
+ my $base = basename($name);
+ # Try to make the path absolute, so that the user can call
+ # dh_installsystemd bacula-fd.service
+ if ($base eq $name) {
+ # NB: This works because @installed_units contains
+ # files from precisely one directory.
+ my ($full) = grep { basename($_) eq $base } @installed_units;
+ if (defined($full)) {
+ $name = $full;
+ } elsif (not exists($requested_files{$base})) {
+ warning(qq|Could not find "$name" in the /lib/systemd/system directory of $package. | .
+ qq|This could be a typo, or using Also= with a service file from another package. | .
+ qq|Please check carefully that this message is harmless.|);
+ } else {
+ # Ignore an explicitly requested file that is missing; happens when we are acting on
+ # multiple packages and only a subset of them have the unit file.
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ $installed_files{$base} = 1 if exists($requested_files{$base});
+ # Skip template service files like e.g. getty@.service.
+ # Enabling, disabling, starting or stopping those services
+ # without specifying the instance (e.g. getty@ttyS0.service) is
+ # not useful.
+ if ($name =~ /\@/) {
+ next;
+ }
+ # Skip unit files that don’t have an [Install] section.
+ next unless contains_install_section($name);
+ push @units, $name;
+ }
+ next if @units == 0;
+ # Wrap the basenames in '' to preserve \x2d when the shell parses the
+ # name. (#764730)
+ my $unitargs = join(' ', sort map { q{'} . basename($_) . q{'} } @units);
+ for my $unit (sort @units) {
+ # Wrap the basenames in '' to preserve \x2d when the shell parses the
+ # name. (#764730)
+ my $base = q{'} . basename($unit) . q{'};
+ if ($dh{NO_ENABLE}) {
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-systemd-dont-enable', { 'UNITFILE' => $base });
+ } else {
+ autoscript($package, 'postinst', 'postinst-systemd-enable', { 'UNITFILE' => $base });
+ }
+ }
+ autoscript($package, 'postrm', 'postrm-systemd', {'UNITFILES' => $unitargs });
+if (%requested_files) {
+ my $any_missing = 0;
+ for my $name (sort(keys(%requested_files))) {
+ if (not exists($installed_files{$name})) {
+ warning(qq{Requested unit "$name" but it was not found in any package acted on.});
+ $any_missing = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ error("Could not handle all of the requested services") if $any_missing;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<dh_systemd_start(1)>, L<debhelper(7)>
+=head1 AUTHORS
diff --git a/dh_systemd_start b/dh_systemd_start
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..af98809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_systemd_start
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+dh_systemd_start - start/stop/restart systemd unit files
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use File::Find;
+use Cwd qw(getcwd abs_path);
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_systemd_start> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--restart-after-upgrade>] [B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]
+B<dh_systemd_start> is a debhelper program that is responsible for
+starting/stopping or restarting systemd unit files in case no corresponding
+sysv init script is available.
+As with B<dh_installinit>, the unit file is stopped before
+upgrades and started afterwards (unless B<--restart-after-upgrade> is
+specified, in which case it will only be restarted after the upgrade).
+This logic is not used when there is a corresponding SysV init script
+because invoke-rc.d performs the stop/start/restart in that case.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--restart-after-upgrade>
+Do not stop the unit file until after the package upgrade has been completed.
+This is the default behaviour in compat 10.
+In earlier compat levels the default was to stop the unit file in the
+F<prerm>, and start it again in the F<postinst>.
+This can be useful for daemons that should not have a possibly long
+downtime during upgrade. But you should make sure that the daemon will not
+get confused by the package being upgraded while it's running before using
+this option.
+=item B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>
+Undo a previous B<--restart-after-upgrade> (or the default of compat
+10). If no other options are given, this will cause the service to be
+stopped in the F<prerm> script and started again in the F<postinst>
+=item B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>
+Do not stop service on upgrade.
+=item B<--no-start>
+Do not start the unit file after upgrades and after initial installation (the
+latter is only relevant for services without a corresponding init script).
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called
+between invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it
+may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to maintainer
+Note that B<dh_systemd_start> should be run after B<dh_installinit> so that it
+can detect corresponding SysV init scripts. The default sequence in B<dh> does
+the right thing, this note is only relevant when you are calling
+B<dh_systemd_start> manually.
+if (not compat(10)) {
+ error("dh_systemd_start is no longer used in compat >= 11, please use dh_installsystemd instead");
+$dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE} = 1 if not compat(9);
+init(options => {
+ "r" => \$dh{R_FLAG},
+ 'no-stop-on-upgrade' => \$dh{R_FLAG},
+ "no-restart-on-upgrade" => \$dh{R_FLAG},
+ "no-start" => \$dh{NO_START},
+ "R|restart-after-upgrade!" => \$dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE},
+ "no-also" => \$dh{NO_ALSO},
+# Extracts the Also= or Alias= line(s) from a unit file.
+# In case this produces horribly wrong results, you can pass --no-also, but
+# that should really not be necessary. Please report bugs to
+# pkg-systemd-maintainers.
+sub extract_key {
+ my ($unit_path, $key) = @_;
+ my @values;
+ return if $dh{NO_ALSO};
+ open(my $fh, '<', $unit_path) or error("Cannot open($unit_path) for extracting the Also= line(s): $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ # The keys parsed from the unit file below can only have
+ # unit names as values. Since unit names can't have
+ # whitespace in systemd, simply use split and strip any
+ # leading/trailing quotes. See systemd-escape(1) for
+ # examples of valid unit names.
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*$key=(.+)$/i) {
+ for my $value (split(/\s+/, $1)) {
+ $value =~ s/^(["'])(.*)\g1$/$2/;
+ push @values, $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ return @values;
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT tmp(lib/systemd/system)
+my %requested_files = map { basename($_) => 1 } @ARGV;
+my %installed_files;
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmpdir = tmpdir($package);
+ my @installed_units;
+ my @units;
+ my %aliases;
+ my $oldcwd = getcwd();
+ find({
+ wanted => sub {
+ my $name = $File::Find::name;
+ return unless -f;
+ return unless $name =~ m,^\Q${tmpdir}\E/lib/systemd/system/[^/]+$,;
+ if (-l) {
+ my $target = abs_path(readlink());
+ $target =~ s,^\Q${oldcwd}\E/,,g;
+ $aliases{$target} = [ $_ ];
+ } else {
+ push @installed_units, $name;
+ }
+ },
+ }, "${tmpdir}/lib/systemd/system") if -d "${tmpdir}/lib/systemd/system";
+ chdir($oldcwd);
+ # Handle either only the unit files which were passed as arguments or
+ # all unit files that are installed in this package.
+ my @args = @ARGV > 0 ? @ARGV : @installed_units;
+ # support excluding units via -X
+ foreach my $x (@{$dh{EXCLUDE}}) {
+ @args = grep !/(^|\/)$x$/, @args;
+ }
+ # This hash prevents us from looping forever in the following while loop.
+ # An actual real-world example of such a loop is systemd’s
+ # systemd-readahead-drop.service, which contains
+ # Also=systemd-readahead-collect.service, and that file in turn
+ # contains Also=systemd-readahead-drop.service, thus forming an endless
+ # loop.
+ my %seen;
+ # We use while/shift because we push to the list in the body.
+ while (@args) {
+ my $name = shift @args;
+ my $base = basename($name);
+ # Try to make the path absolute, so that the user can call
+ # dh_installsystemd bacula-fd.service
+ if ($base eq $name) {
+ # NB: This works because @installed_units contains
+ # files from precisely one directory.
+ my ($full) = grep { basename($_) eq $base } @installed_units;
+ if (defined($full)) {
+ $name = $full;
+ } elsif (not exists($requested_files{$base})) {
+ warning(qq|Could not find "$name" in the /lib/systemd/system directory of $package. | .
+ qq|This could be a typo, or using Also= with a service file from another package. | .
+ qq|Please check carefully that this message is harmless.|);
+ } else {
+ # Ignore an explicitly requested file that is missing; happens when we are acting on
+ # multiple packages and only a subset of them have the unit file.
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ $installed_files{$base} = 1 if exists($requested_files{$base});
+ # Skip template service files like e.g. getty@.service.
+ # Enabling, disabling, starting or stopping those services
+ # without specifying the instance (e.g. getty@ttyS0.service) is
+ # not useful.
+ if ($name =~ /\@/) {
+ next;
+ }
+ # Handle all unit files specified via Also= explicitly.
+ # This is not necessary for enabling, but for disabling, as we
+ # cannot read the unit file when disabling (it was already
+ # deleted).
+ my @also = grep { !exists($seen{$_}) } extract_key($name, 'Also');
+ $seen{$_} = 1 for @also;
+ @args = (@args, @also);
+ push @{$aliases{$name}}, $_ for extract_key($name, 'Alias');
+ my @sysv = grep {
+ my $base = $_;
+ $base =~ s/\.(?:mount|service|socket|target|path)$//g;
+ -f "$tmpdir/etc/init.d/$base"
+ } ($base, @{$aliases{$name}});
+ if (@sysv == 0 && !grep { $_ eq $name } @units) {
+ push @units, $name;
+ }
+ }
+ next if @units == 0;
+ # Wrap the basenames in '' to preserve \x2d when the shell parses the
+ # name. (#764730)
+ my $unitargs = join(' ', sort map { q{'} . basename($_) . q{'} } @units);
+ # The $package and $sed parameters are always the same.
+ # This wrapper function makes the following logic easier to read.
+ my $sd_autoscript = sub {
+ my ($script, $filename, $restart_action) = @_;
+ my $replace = {
+ 'UNITFILES' => $unitargs,
+ 'RESTART_ACTION' => $restart_action // '',
+ };
+ autoscript($package, $script, $filename, $replace);
+ };
+ my ($snippet, $restart_action);
+ if ($dh{NO_START}) {
+ $snippet = 'postinst-systemd-restartnostart';
+ $restart_action = 'try-restart';
+ } else {
+ $snippet = 'postinst-systemd-restart';
+ $restart_action = 'restart';
+ }
+ $sd_autoscript->("postinst", $snippet, $restart_action);
+ } elsif (!$dh{NO_START}) {
+ # We need to stop/start before/after the upgrade.
+ $sd_autoscript->("postinst", "postinst-systemd-start");
+ }
+ $sd_autoscript->("postrm", "postrm-systemd-reload-only");
+ if ($dh{R_FLAG} || $dh{RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE}) {
+ # stop service only on remove
+ $sd_autoscript->("prerm", "prerm-systemd-restart");
+ } elsif (!$dh{NO_START}) {
+ # always stop service
+ $sd_autoscript->("prerm", "prerm-systemd");
+ }
+if (%requested_files) {
+ my $any_missing = 0;
+ for my $name (sort(keys(%requested_files))) {
+ if (not exists($installed_files{$name})) {
+ warning(qq{Requested unit "$name" but it was not found in any package acted on.});
+ $any_missing = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ error("Could not handle all of the requested services") if $any_missing;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
diff --git a/dh_testdir b/dh_testdir
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..db7f7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_testdir
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_testdir - test directory before building Debian package
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_testdir> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]
+B<dh_testdir> tries to make sure that you are in the correct directory when
+building a Debian package. It makes sure that the file F<debian/control>
+exists, as well as any other files you specify. If not,
+it exits with an error.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item I<file> ...
+Test for the existence of these files too.
+# This command is completely useless when called from dh(1) as dh will
+# have attempted to read d/control before it even constructs the
+# command sequences. Accordingly, there is no doubt that the
+# following is unconditionally true:
+# Run before init because init will try to read debian/control and
+# we want a nicer error message.
+init(inhibit_log => 1);
+foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
+ checkfile($file);
+sub checkfile {
+ my $file=shift;
+ if (! -e $file) {
+ error("\"$file\" not found. Are you sure you are in the correct directory?");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_testroot b/dh_testroot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5dcadc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_testroot
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+dh_testroot - ensure that a package is built with necessary level of root permissions
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_testroot> [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_testroot> is used to determine if the target is being run with
+suffient access to root(-like) features.
+The definition of sufficient access depends on whether the builder
+(the tool invoking the F<debian/rules> target) supports the
+I<Rules-Requires-Root> (R³) field. If the builder supports R³, then
+it will set the environment variable I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> and
+B<dh_testroot> will validate that the builder followed the minimum
+requirements for the given value of I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT>.
+If the builder does not support I<Rules-Requires-Root>, then it will
+not set the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable. This
+will in turn make B<dh_testroot> (and the rest of debhelper) fall back
+to assuming that (fake)root is implied.
+The following is a summary of how B<dh_testroot> behaves based on the
+I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable (leading and trailing
+whitespace in the variable is ignored).
+=over 4
+=item -
+If unset, or set to C<binary-targets>, then B<dh_testroot> asserts
+that it is run as root or under L<fakeroot(1)>.
+=item -
+If set to C<no>, then B<dh_testroot> returns successfully (without
+performing any additional checks).
+=item -
+If set to any other value than the above, then B<dh_testroot> asserts
+that it is either run as root (or under L<fakeroot(1)>) or the builder
+has provided the B<DEB_GAIN_ROOT_CMD> environment variable (e.g. via
+dpkg-buildpackage -r).
+Please note that B<dh_testroot> does I<not> read the
+I<Rules-Requires-Root> field. Which implies that B<dh_testroot> may
+produce incorrect result if the builder lies in
+I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT>. On the flip side, it also enables things
+like testing for what will happen when I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> is
+set to a given value.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+my $requirements = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::root_requirements();
+if (! -f 'debian/control') {
+ warning('dh_testroot must be called from the source root');
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT internal(rrr)
+# By declaration; nothing requires root and this command must be a no-op in that case.
+exit 0 if $requirements eq 'none';
+# The builder /can/ choose to ignore the requirements and just call us as root.
+# If so, we do not bother checking the requirements any further.
+exit 0 if $< == 0;
+if ($requirements eq 'legacy-root') {
+ error("You must run this as root (or use fakeroot).");
+} else {
+ my $env = $ENV{DEB_GAIN_ROOT_CMD};
+ error("Package needs targeted root but builder has not provided a gain-root command via \${DEB_GAIN_ROOT_CMD}")
+ if not $env;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/dh_ucf b/dh_ucf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..99d5b87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_ucf
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_ucf - register configuration files with ucf
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_ucf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-n>] [S<I<file> ...>]
+B<dh_ucf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating the
+F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands that register files with ucf(1) and ucfr(1).
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.ucf
+List pairs of source and destination files to register with ucf. Each pair
+should be put on its own line, with the source and destination separated by
+whitespace. Both source and destination must be absolute paths. The source
+should be a file that is provided by your package, typically in /usr/share/,
+while the destination is typically a file in /etc/.
+A dependency on ucf will be generated in B<${misc:Depends}>.
+Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as
+documented in L<debhelper(7)>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-A>, B<--all>
+Install all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages
+acted on.
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts. Turns this command into a no-op.
+=item I<file> ...
+Install these info files into the first package acted on. (Or in
+all packages if B<-A> is specified).
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called
+between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple
+instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts.
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT ucf cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $file=pkgfile($package,"ucf");
+ my @ucf;
+ if ($file) {
+ @ucf=filedoublearray($file);
+ }
+ if (($package eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || $dh{PARAMS_ALL}) && @ARGV) {
+ push @ucf, [@ARGV];
+ }
+ if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+ if (@ucf) {
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Depends", "ucf");
+ }
+ foreach my $set (@ucf) {
+ my $src = $set->[0];
+ my $dest = $set->[1];
+ autoscript($package,"postinst","postinst-ucf","s:#UCFSRC#:$src:g;s:#UCFDEST#:$dest:g;s/#PACKAGE#/$package/g",);
+ autoscript($package,"postrm","postrm-ucf","s:#UCFDEST#:$dest:g;s/#PACKAGE#/$package/g");
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>
+Jeroen Schot <>
diff --git a/dh_update_autotools_config b/dh_update_autotools_config
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7c28bce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_update_autotools_config
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+=head1 NAME
+dh_update_autotools_config - Update autotools config files
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_update_autotools_config> [S<I<debhelper options>>]
+B<dh_update_autotools_config> replaces all occurrences of B<config.sub>
+and B<config.guess> in the source tree by the up-to-date versions
+found in the autotools-dev package. The original files are backed up
+and restored by B<dh_clean>.
+for my $basename (qw(config.guess config.sub)) {
+ my $new_version = "/usr/share/misc/$basename";
+ open(my $fd, '-|', 'find', '-mindepth', '1',
+ '(', '-type', 'd', '-name', '.*', '-prune', ')',
+ '-o', '-type', 'f', '-name', $basename, '-print')
+ or error("Cannot run find -type f -name $basename: $!");
+ while (my $filename = <$fd>) {
+ chomp($filename);
+ next if not is_autotools_config_file($filename);
+ restore_file_on_clean($filename);
+ doit('cp', '-f', $new_version, $filename);
+ }
+ close($fd);
+sub is_autotools_config_file {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my ($is_autoconf_file);
+ open(my $fd, '<', $file) or error("open $file for reading failed: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ # This is the test lintian uses.
+ if ($line =~ m{^timestamp=['"]\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}['"]\s*$}) {
+ $is_autoconf_file = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ $line =~ s/\s++$//;
+ if ($line eq q{# Attempt to guess a canonical system name.}
+ or $line =~ q{^# Configuration validation subroutine script}) {
+ # Very old scripts do not have that timestamp line, but
+ # they do have these headers (which even new files also
+ # have).
+ $is_autoconf_file = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ last if $. >= 10;
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ return $is_autoconf_file;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Niels Thykier <>
diff --git a/dh_usrlocal b/dh_usrlocal
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..34be494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_usrlocal
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+dh_usrlocal - migrate usr/local directories to maintainer scripts
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use File::Find;
+use File::stat;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_usrlocal> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]
+B<dh_usrlocal> is a debhelper program that can be used for building packages
+that will provide a subdirectory in F</usr/local> when installed.
+It finds subdirectories of F<usr/local> in the package build directory, and
+removes them, replacing them with maintainer script snippets (unless B<-n>
+is used) to create the directories at install time, and remove them when
+the package is removed, in a manner compliant with Debian policy. These
+snippets are inserted into the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See
+L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of debhelper maintainer script
+When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable is not (effectively)
+I<binary-targets>, the directories in F</usr/local> will be handled as if
+they were owned by root:root (see below).
+When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable has an effective value of
+I<binary-targets>, the owners, groups and permissions will be
+preserved with the sole exception where the directory is owned by root:root.
+If a directory is owned by root:root, then ownership will be determined
+at install time. The ownership and permission bits will either be root:root
+mode 0755 or root:staff mode 02775. The actual choice depends on whether
+the system has F</etc/staff-group-for-usr-local> (as documented in the Debian
+Policy Manual §9.1.2 since version 4.1.4)
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>
+Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts.
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called
+between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple
+instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts.
+Debian policy, version 2.2
+# PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT tmp(usr/local) cli-options()
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp = tmpdir($package);
+ if (-d "$tmp/usr/local") {
+ my (@dirs, @justdirs);
+ find({no_chdir => 1,
+ preprocess => sub {
+ # Ensure a reproducible traversal.
+ return sort @_;
+ },
+ postprocess => sub {
+ # Uninstall, unless a direct child of /usr/local.
+ $_ = $File::Find::dir;
+ s!^\Q$tmp\E!!;
+ push @justdirs, $_ if m!/usr/local/.*/!;
+ # Remove a directory after its childs.
+ doit('rmdir', $File::Find::dir);
+ },
+ wanted => sub {
+ # rmdir would fail later anyways.
+ error("${File::Find::name} is not a directory")
+ if not -d $File::Find::name;
+ # Install directory before its childs.
+ my $fn = $File::Find::name;
+ $fn =~ s!^\Q$tmp\E!!;
+ return if $fn eq '/usr/local';
+ # Detect some obvious cases of "this will not end
+ # well". We rely on what "while read dir ... ; do"
+ # can handle for correctness.
+ if ($fn =~ m{[\s!'"\$()*#;<>?@\[\]\\`|]}) {
+ error("Cannot generate a correct shell script for $fn due to shell metacharacters");
+ }
+ if (should_use_root()) {
+ my $stat = stat $File::Find::dir;
+ if ($stat->uid == 0 && $stat->gid == 0) {
+ # Figure out the ownership and permission at runtime
+ # (required by Policy 9.1.2)
+ push(@dirs, "$fn default");
+ } else {
+ my $user = getpwuid $stat->uid;
+ my $group = getgrgid $stat->gid;
+ my $mode = sprintf "%04lo", ($stat->mode & 07777);
+ push @dirs, "$fn $mode $user $group";
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Figure out the ownership and permission at runtime
+ # (required by Policy 9.1.2)
+ push(@dirs, "$fn default");
+ }
+ }}, "$tmp/usr/local");
+ if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
+ autoscript($package,"postinst", "postinst-usrlocal",
+ { 'DIRS' => join ("\n", @dirs)}) if @dirs;
+ autoscript($package,"prerm", "prerm-usrlocal",
+ { 'JUSTDIRS' => join ("\n", @justdirs)}) if @justdirs;
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Andrew Stribblehill <>
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd28b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
+This file documents things you should know to write a new debhelper program.
+Any program with a name that begins with `dh_` should conform to these
+guidelines (with the historical exception of `dh_make`).
+## Standardization
+There are lots of debhelper commands. To make the learning curve shallower,
+I want them all to behave in a standard manner:
+All debhelper programs have names beginning with `dh_`. This is so we don't
+pollute the name space too much.
+Debhelper programs should never output anything to standard output except
+error messages, important warnings, and the actual commands they run that
+modify files under `debian/` (this last only if they are passed `-v`, and if you
+output the commands, you should indent them with 1 tab). This is so we don't
+have a lot of noise output when all the debhelper commands in a `debian/rules`
+are run, so the important stuff is clearly visible.
+An exception to above rule are `dh_auto_*` commands and `dh` itself. They will
+also print the commands interacting with the upstream build system and which
+of the simple debhelper programs are called. (i.e. print what a traditional
+non-[dh(1)] using `debian/rules` would print but nothing else).
+Debhelper programs should accept all options listed in the "SHARED
+DEBHELPER OPTIONS" section of [debhelper(7)], including any long forms of
+these options, like `--verbose`. If necessary, the options may be ignored.
+If debhelper commands need config files, they should use
+`debian/package.filename` as the name of the config file (replace filename
+with whatever your command wants), and `debian/filename` should also be
+checked for config information for the first binary package in
+`debian/control`. Also, debhelper commands should accept the same sort of
+information that appears in the config files, on their command lines, if
+possible, and apply that information to the first package they act on.
+The config file format should be as simple as possible, generally just a
+list of files to act on.
+Debhelper programs should never modify the `debian/postinst`, `debian/prerm`,
+etc scripts. Instead, they can add lines to `debian/postinst.debhelper`, etc.
+The `autoscript()` function (see below) is one easy way to do this.
+`dh_installdeb` is an exception, it will run after the other commands and
+merge these modifications into the actual postinst scripts.
+In general, files named `debian/*.debhelper` and all content in
+`debian/.debhelper` are internal to debhelper, and their existence or
+use should not be relied on by external programs such as the build
+process of a package. These files will be deleted by `dh_clean`.
+Debhelper programs should default to doing exactly what policy says to do.
+There are always exceptions. Just ask me.
+## Introducing Dh_Lib
+`Dh_Lib` is the library used by all debhelper programs to parse their
+arguments and set some useful variables. It's not mandatory that your
+program use ``, but it will make it a lot easier to keep it in sync
+with the rest of debhelper if it does, so this is highly encouraged.
+Use `Dh_Lib` like this:
+ use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+ our $VERSION = '1.0';
+ init();
+The `init()` function causes `Dh_lib` to parse the command line and do
+some other initialization tasks. If present, `$main::VERSION` will be
+used to determine the version of the tool (e.g. embedded into
+autoscript snippets).
+## Argument processing
+All debhelper programs should respond to certain arguments, such as `-v`, `-i`,
+`-a`, and `-p`. To help you make this work right, `` handles argument
+processing. Just call `init()`.
+You can add support for additional options to your command by passing an
+options hash to `init()`. The hash is then passed on the `Getopt::Long` to
+parse the command line options. For example, to add a `--foo` option, which
+sets `$dh{FOO}`:
+ init(options => { foo => \$dh{FOO} });
+After argument processing, some global variables are used to hold the
+results; programs can use them later. These variables are elements of the
+`%dh` hash.
+| switch | variable | description |
+| `-v` | `VERBOSE` | should the program verbosely output what it is doing? |
+| `--no-act` | `NO_ACT` | should the program not actually do anything? |
+| `-i`,`-a`,`-p`,`-N` | `DOPACKAGES` | a space delimited list of the binary packages to act on (in ``, this is an array) |
+| `-i` | `DOINDEP` | set if we're acting on binary independent packages |
+| `-a` | `DOARCH` | set if we're acting on binary dependent packages |
+| `-n` | `NOSCRIPTS` | if set, do not make any modifications to the package's postinst, postrm, etc scripts. |
+| `-o` | `ONLYSCRIPTS` | if set, only make modifications to the package's scripts, but don't look for or install associated files. |
+| `-X` | `EXCLUDE` | exclude something from processing (you decide what this means for your program) (This is an array) |
+| `-X` | `EXCLUDE_FIND` | same as `EXCLUDE`, except all items are put into a string in a way that they will make find find them. (Use `!` in front to negate that, of course) Note that this should only be used inside `complex_doit()`, not in `doit()`. |
+| `-d` | `D_FLAG` | you decide what this means to your program |
+| `-P` | `TMPDIR` | package build directory (implies only one package is being acted on) |
+| `-u` | `U_PARAMS` | will be set to a string, that is typically parameters your program passes on to some other program. (This is an array) |
+| `-V` | `V_FLAG` | will be set to a string, you decide what it means to your program |
+| `-V` | `V_FLAG_SET` | will be 1 if `-V` was specified, even if no parameters were passed along with the `-V` |
+| `-A` | `PARAMS_ALL` | generally means that additional command line parameters passed to the program (other than those processed here), will apply to all binary packages the program acts on, not just the first |
+| `--mainpackage` | `MAINPACKAGE` | controls which package is treated as the main package to act on |
+| `--name` | `NAME` | a name to use for installed files, instead of the package name |
+| `--error-handler` | `ERROR_HANDLER` | a function to call on error |
+Any additional command line parameters that do not start with "`-`" will be
+ignored, and you can access them later just as you normally would.
+## Global variables
+The following keys are also set in the `%dh` hash when you call `init()`:
+ the name of the first binary package listed in `debian/control`
+ the first package we were instructed to act on. This package
+ typically gets special treatment; additional arguments
+ specified on the command line may effect it.
+## Functions
+`` also contains a number of functions you may find useful.
+- `doit([$options, ]@command)`
+ Pass this function an array that is a command with arguments.
+ It will run the command (unless `$dh{NO_ACT}` is set), and
+ if `$dh{VERBOSE}` is set, it will also output the command to stdout. You
+ should use this function for almost all commands your program performs
+ that manipulate files in the package build directories.
+ The `$options` argument (if passed) must be a hashref (added in debhelper 10.7).
+ The following key-value pairs can be used:
+ - `stdout` => A file name. The child process will have its STDOUT redirected
+ to that file. [debhelper (>= 10.7)]
+ - `chdir` => A directory. The child process will do a chdir into that
+ directory before executing the command. [debhelper (>= 10.9)]
+ - `update_env` => A hashref. Each key in it represents an environment variable
+ that should be set in the child (possibly replacing the existing value)
+ prior to the exec. If the value is undef, the environment variable will
+ be unset. Environment variables in `%ENV` but not listed in the `update_env`
+ hashref will be preserved as-is. [debhelper (>= 11.1)]
+ This will *not* invoke a shell, so meta characters will not have any special
+ meaning. Use `complex_doit` for that (or emulate via `bash -c`).
+ NB: In compat 11 and below, there was a bug that would make `doit` fork a shell
+ in one special case. This is deprecated and will be removed in compat 12.
+ The detection code for this can be disabled by passing an empty hashref for
+ as `$options`. This will make doit unconditionally avoid forking a shell.
+- `print_and_doit([$options, ]@command)`
+ Like `doit` but will print unless `$dh{QUIET}` is set. See "Standardization"
+ above for when this is allowed to be called.
+- `complex_doit($command)`
+ Pass this function a string that is a shell command, it will run it
+ similarly to how `doit()` does. You can pass more complicated commands
+ to this (i.e. commands involving piping redirection), however, you
+ have to worry about things like escaping shell metacharacters.
+- `verbose_print($message)`
+ Pass this command a string, and it will echo it if `$dh{VERBOSE}` is set.
+- `nonquiet_print($message)`
+ Pass this command a string, and it will echo it unless `$dh{QUIET}` is set.
+ See "Standardization" above for when this is allowed to be called.
+- `error($errormsg)`
+ Pass this command a string, it will output it to standard error and
+ exit.
+- `error_exitcode($cmd)`
+ Pass this subroutine a string (representing a command line), it will
+ output a message describing that the command failed to standard error
+ and exit. Note that this relies on the value of `$?` to produce a
+ meaningful error message. Even if `$?` is `0`, this *will* still terminate
+ the program (although with a rather unhelpful message).
+- `warning($message)`
+ Pass this command a string, and it will output it to standard error
+ as a warning message.
+- `tmpdir($dir)`
+ Pass this command the name of a binary package, it will return the
+ name of the tmp directory that will be used as this package's
+ package build directory. Typically, this will be `debian/package`.
+- `compat($num)`
+ Pass this command a number, and if the current compatibility level
+ is less than or equal to that number, it will return true.
+ Looks at `DH_COMPAT` to get the compatibility level.
+- `pkgfile($package, $basename)`
+ Pass this command the name of a binary package, and the base name of a
+ file, and it will return the actual filename to use. This is used
+ for allowing debhelper programs to have configuration files in the
+ `debian/` directory, so there can be one config file per binary
+ package. The convention is that the files are named
+ `debian/package.filename`, and `debian/filename` is also allowable for
+ the `$dh{MAINPACKAGE}`. If the file does not exist, nothing is returned.
+ If the *entire* behavior of a command, when run without any special
+ options, is determined by the existence of 1 or more pkgfiles,
+ or by the existence of a file or directory in a location in the
+ tmpdir, it can be marked as such, which allows dh to automatically
+ skip running it. Please see "Optimization techniques" below.
+- `pkgext($package)`
+ Pass this command the name of a binary package, and it will return
+ the name to prefix to files in `debian/` for this package. For the
+ `$dh{MAINPACKAGE}`, it returns nothing (there is no prefix), for the other
+ packages, it returns `package.`.
+- `isnative($package)`
+ Pass this command the name of a package, it returns 1 if the package
+ is a native debian package.
+ As a side effect, `$dh{VERSION}` is set to the version number of the
+ package.
+- `autoscript($package, $scriptname, $snippetname, $substparam)`
+ Pass parameters:
+ - binary package to be affected
+ - script to add to
+ - filename of snippet. For testing purposes, you can set the
+ environment variable `DH_DATAFILES` containing a autoscripts
+ directory, which can be used to shadow the snippets provided
+ in `/usr/share/debhelper/autoscripts` (or to test newly added
+ snippets).
+ Older versions of debhelper (<< 13.1~) do not support
+ `DH_DATAFILES`. If you need to support debhelper (<< 13.1~)
+ then you can set `DH_AUTOSCRIPTDIR` to a directory containing
+ the snippets instead (note it should point to the autoscripts
+ directory unlike `DH_DATAFILES`).
+ - (optional) A substitution parameter, which is one of 3 types:
+ - sed commands to run on the snippet, e.g. `s/#PACKAGE#/$PACKAGE/`.
+ Note: Passed to the shell inside double quotes.
+ - a perl sub to invoke with `$_` set to each line of the snippet
+ in turn.
+ - a hashref, where each key will substitute `#${key}#` with the
+ value that `$key` points to. [debhelper (>= 10.7)]
+ This command automatically adds shell script snippets to a debian
+ maintainer script (like the postinst or prerm).
+ Note that in v6 mode and up, the snippets are added in reverse
+ order for the removal scripts.
+- `autotrigger($package, $trigger_type, $trigger_target)`
+ This command automatically adds a trigger to the package. The
+ parameters:
+ - binary package to be affected
+ - the type of trigger (e.g. "activate-noawait")
+ - the target (e.g. `ldconfig` or `/usr/share/foo`)
+- `dirname($pathname)`
+ Return directory part of pathname.
+- `basename($pathname)`
+ Return base of pathname,
+- `addsubstvar($package, $substvar, $deppackage, $verinfo, $remove)`
+ This function adds a dependency on some package to the specified
+ substvar in a package's substvar's file. It needs all these
+ parameters:
+ - binary package that gets the item
+ - name of the substvar to add the item to
+ - the package that will be depended on
+ - version info for the package (optional) (i.e. ">= 1.1")
+ - if this last parameter is passed, the thing that would be added
+ is removed instead. This can be useful to ensure that a debhelper
+ command is idempotent. (However, we generally don't bother,
+ and rely on the user calling `dh_prep`.) Note that without this
+ parameter, if you call the function twice with the same values it
+ will only add one item to the substvars file.
+- `delsubstvar($package, $substvar)`
+ This function removes the entire line for the substvar from the
+ package's shlibs file.
+- `excludefile($filename)`
+ This function returns true if `-X` has been used to ask for the file
+ to be excluded.
+- `is_udeb($package)`
+ Returns true if the package is marked as a udeb in the control
+ file.
+- `getpackages($type)`
+ Returns a list of packages in the control file.
+ Pass "arch" or "indep" to specify arch-dependent or
+ -independent. If `$type` is omitted, returns all
+ packages (including packages that are not built
+ for this architecture). Pass "both" to get the union
+ of "arch" and "indep" packages.
+ Note that "both" is *not* the same omitting the `$type` parameter.
+ As a side effect, populates `%package_arches` and `%package_types` with
+ the types of all packages (not only those returned).
+- `get_source_date_epoch()`
+ Return the value of `$ENV{SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}` if exists.
+ Otherwise compute the value from the first changelog entry,
+ use it to set the ENV variable and return it.
+- `inhibit_log()`
+ Prevent logging the program's successful finish to
+ `debian/*debhelper.log`
+ Since debhelper 12.9, this can be done by passing the `inhibit_log`
+ option with a value of 1 to `init()` instead. E.g.
+ init('inhibit_log' => 1);
+- `load_log($package, $hashref)`
+ Loads the log file for the given package and returns a list of
+ logged commands.
+ (Passing a hashref also causes it to populate the hash.)
+- `write_log($cmd, $package ...)`
+ Writes the log files for the specified package(s), adding
+ the cmd to the end.
+- `restore_file_on_clean($file)`
+ Store a copy of `$file`, which will be restored by `dh_clean`.
+ The `$file` *must* be a relative path to the package root and
+ *must* be a real regular file. Dirs, devices and symlinks
+ (and everything else) *cannot* be restored by this.
+ If `$file` is passed multiple times (e.g. from different programs)
+ only the first version is stored.
+ CAVEAT: This *cannot* undo arbitrary "rm -fr"'ing. The dir,
+ which the `$file` is/was in, must be present when `dh_clean` is
+ called.
+- `make_symlink($src, $dest, $tmp)`
+ Creates a Policy compliant system link called `$dest` pointing to
+ `$src`. If `$tmp` is given, then `$tmp` will be prefixed to `$dest`
+ when creating the actual symlink.
+- `install_dh_config_file($src, $dest)`
+ Installs `$src` into `$dest` using mode 0644.
+ If compat is 9 (or later) and `$src` is executable, `$src` will
+ be executed instead and its output will be used to generate the
+ `$dest` file.
+- `install_dir(@dirs)` / `mkdirs(@dirs)`
+ Create the directories denoted by the paths in `@dirs` and all
+ parent entries as well (as needed). It uses mode 0755.
+ If a directory listed in `@dirs` already exists, the function
+ silently skips that directory (similar to `mkdir -p`).
+ The `install_dir` function should be used for directories
+ installed in a final package while `mkdirs` should be used
+ for other directories. The difference is related to whether
+ the change will be shown via -v/--verbose or not. The
+ `mkdirs` function requires `debhelper (>= 13.11~)`.
+- `install_file($src, $dest)`
+ Installs `$src` into `$dest` with mode 0644. The parent dir of
+ `$dest` must exist (can be created with `install_dir`).
+ This is intended for installing regular non-executable files.
+- `install_prog($src, $dest)`
+ Installs `$src` into `$dest` with mode 0755. The parent dir of
+ `$dest` must exist (can be created with `install_dir`).
+ This is intended for installing scripts or binaries.
+- `install_lib($src, $dest)`
+ Installs a library at the path `$src` into `$dest`. The parent
+ dir of `$dest` must exist (can be created with `install_dir`).
+ This is intended for installing libraries.
+- `reset_perm_and_owner($mode, $path...)`
+ Resets the ownership and mode (POSIX permissions) of `$path`
+ This is useful for files created directly by the script, but
+ it not necessary for files installed via the `install_*`
+ functions.
+ The file owner and group is set to "root:root". The change
+ is only done on the exact paths listed (i.e. it is *not*
+ recursive).
+ Mode should be passed as an integer (not a string).
+- `open_gz($file)`
+ Open `$file`, read from it as a gzip-compressed file and return
+ the file handle.
+ Depending on runtime features, it might be a pipe from an
+ external process (which will die with a "SIGPIPE" if you
+ do not consume all the input)
+- `deprecated_functionality($warn_msg[, $rm_compat[, $rm_msg]])`
+ Emit `$warn_msg` as a deprecation warning, or error out if `$rm_compat`
+ is provided and equal to (or greater than) the active compat level.
+ The `$rm_msg` parameter can be used to provide a custom error message
+ in the latter case (if omitted, `$warn_msg` will be used in both cases).
+ The function will provide a separate diagnostic about which compat
+ level that will remove/removed the functionality if `$rm_compat` is
+ given.
+- `log_installed_files($package, @paths)`
+ Creates a logfile (in `debian/.debhelper/generated`) for the helper's
+ processing of `$package`, which installed the files listed in
+ `@paths`. This logfile will later be used by the `dh_missing` helper.
+ Paths should be relative to the package root (i.e. the directory
+ containing `debian/`) and should not have superfluous segments
+ (e.g. avoid `foo/../bar` or `foo/./bar`).
+ If a directory is listed, it and all paths recursively beneath is
+ also considered installed.
+- `on_pkgs_in_parallel($code)` - prototype: (&)
+ Short hand for `on_items_in_parallel` with `$dh{DOPACKAGES}` as
+ as list of packages.
+- `on_items_in_parallel($item_list_ref, $code)`
+ Splits all the items in `$item_list_ref` into a number of groups
+ based on the max parallel (as decided by `DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS`)
+ A subprocess is forked for each group (minimum 1 process will be
+ forked) and each subprocess will be given a group of items
+ to process. Each group is passed to the `$code` sub, which will
+ then process it and return normally on success.
+ Example:
+ my @all_packages = getpackages();
+ on_items_in_parallel(\@all_packages, sub {
+ for my $package (@_) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $pkgfile = pkgfile($package, 'foo');
+ ...;
+ }
+ });
+ my @work_list = compute_work_list();
+ on_items_in_parallel(\@work_list, sub {
+ for my $item (@_) {
+ ...;
+ }
+ });
+ If there is an error, which should stop the build, please invoke
+ either `error()` or `error_exitcode`. Alternatively, a trappable
+ error (e.g. `die($msg)`) can also be used.
+ Keep in mind that the sub will always be run in a subprocess,
+ so it cannot update global state.
+## Sequence Addons
+The [dh(1)] command has a `--with <addon>` parameter that can be used to load
+a sequence addon module named `Debian::Debhelper::Sequence::<addon>`.
+These modules can add/remove commands to the dh command sequences, by
+calling some functions from `Dh_Lib`:
+- `insert_before($existing_command, $new_command)`
+ Insert `$new_command` in sequences before `$existing_command`
+ Compatible with "arch-only"/"indep-only" modes if the command
+ appears only in a compatible sequence.
+- `insert_after($existing_command, $new_command)`
+ Insert `$new_command` in sequences after `$existing_command`
+ Compatible with "arch-only"/"indep-only" modes if the command
+ appears only in a compatible sequence.
+- `remove_command($existing_command)`
+ Remove `$existing_command` from the list of commands to run
+ in all sequences.
+ Cannot be used in "arch-only"/"indep-only" mode.
+- `add_command($new_command, $sequence)`
+ Add `$new_command` to the beginning of the specified sequence.
+ If the sequence does not exist, it will be created.
+ Compatible with "arch-only"/"indep-only" modes if `$sequence`
+ is an "-arch" or "-indep" sequence (respectively).
+- `add_command_options($command, $opt1, $opt2, ...)`
+ Append `$opt1`, `$opt2` etc. to the list of additional options which
+ dh passes when running the specified `$command`. These options are
+ not relayed to debhelper commands called via `$command` override.
+ Cannot be used in "arch-only"/"indep-only" mode.
+- `remove_command_options($command)`
+ Clear all additional `$command` options previously added with
+ `add_command_options()`.
+ Cannot be used in "arch-only"/"indep-only" mode.
+- `remove_command_options($command, $opt1, $opt2, ...)`
+ Remove `$opt1`, `$opt2` etc. from the list of additional options which
+ dh passes when running the specified `$command`.
+ Cannot be used in "arch-only"/"indep-only" mode.
+- `declare_command_obsolete([$error_compat, ]$command)`
+ Declare `$command` as obsolete, which make dh warn about leftover
+ override / hook targets. Note that `$command` *MUST NOT* be present
+ in the sequence!
+ The `$error_compat` parameter defines the compat level where
+ referencing this command via a hook target will become an error.
+ This must be at least 13 (which is the default if omitted).
+ Be careful with using already closed compat levels as error compat
+ for new commands as it will cause FTBFS.
+ Cannot be used in "arch-only"/"indep-only" mode.
+## Optimization techniques
+Most debhelper tools will have situations where they are not useful and can
+be skipped. To support this, dh will look for a "NOOP PROMISE" as a part of
+a comment in the command before running it. These promises have the form:
+ # PROMISE: DH NOOP WITHOUT pkgfile-logged(pkgfileA) pkgfile-logged(pkgfileB) tmp(need/this) cli-options()
+The following keywords are defined:
+- `pkgfile(X)`: The command might do something if `debian/X` (or `debian/<package>.X`)
+ exist for any of the packages it will be run for. If the debhelper tool
+ interacts with `dh_missing`, you always want to use `pkgfile-logged(X)` instead.
+- `pkgfile-logged(X)`: Same as `pkgfile(X)` but it will also register which files
+ it handles so `dh_missing` can see it.
+- `tmp(X)`: The command might do something if `debian/<package>/X` exists.
+- `cli-options(--foo|--bar)`: The command might do something if *either* `--foo`
+ OR `--bar` are passed to the command.
+- `cli-options(BUILDSYSTEM)`: The command is a build system command (`dh_auto_*`)
+ and will react to standard build system command line options.
+- `cli-options()`: Special variant of `cli-options()` to declare that command
+ line options will not affect whether the tool will do something. This enables
+ dh to skip commands even when passed custom options. Without an explicit
+ `cli-option(...)` hint, dh will assume the command might react to it.
+If the hint is present and ALL of the keywords imply that the command can be
+skipped, dh will skip the command.
+## Logging helpers and dh_missing
+Since debhelper 10.3, debhelper has had a helper called `dh_missing`. It
+takes over the `--list-missing` and `--fail-missing` options from `dh_install`
+and as the advantage that it can "see" what other helpers have installed.
+Under the hood, this works by the helpers logging the source files
+they (would) install to a hidden log file. When `dh_missing` is called,
+it reads all these log files to determine which files have would been
+installed and compare them to what is present.
+If you are writing a helper that need to integrate with `dh_missing`,
+here is what you do:
+### Dh_Lib-based helpers
+- Replace `@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}` with `getpackages()` and use
+ `process_pkg($package)` to determine if the helper should actually
+ install anything.
+- Call `log_installed_files` at least once per package (even on the ones
+ that are not to be acted on) with a list of source files that would be
+ installed.
+ - You can list entire directories even if there are files under
+ it that are ignored.
+ - Please call `log_installed_files` *even if* the list is empty for that
+ packages. This enables `dh_missing` to see that the helper has been run
+ and nothing should be installed for that package.
+ - Prefer calling `log_installed_files` *exactly once* per package as
+ this is what it is optimized for.
+- If your helper has a `PROMISE`, it must use `pkgfile-logged(<file>)`
+ for its config files. (See [#867246])
+ - CAVEAT: This requires a dependency on "debhelper (>= 10.2.5)". Prior
+ to that version, debhelper will wrongly optimize your helper out.
+- Consider using `dh_installman` or `dh_installexamples` as examples.
+### Other helpers - via dh_assistant log-installed-files
+This process requires debhelper/13.10 or later.
+- The helper must compile a list of files it would have installed for
+ each package (even packages that are not acted on). The file list
+ should be relative to the source package root (e.g.
+ `debian/tmp/usr/bin/bar`).
+ - This list can also contain directories. They will be flagged as
+ installed along with their content (recursively).
+- Invoke `dh_assistant log-installed-files --on-behalf-of-cmd=${HELPER_NAME} -p${package} ${PATHS}`
+ - Invoking `dh_assistant` when your tool has no paths to log is
+ still recommended to let dh_missing that your tool had nothing
+ to record.
+ - Prefer calling `dh_assistant log-installed-files` *exactly once*
+ per package per invocation of your tool as this is what it is
+ optimized for.
+- If your helper has a PROMISE, it must use `pkgfile-logged(<file>)`
+ for its config files (see [#867246]).
+### Other helpers - manually
+- The helper must compile a list of files it would have installed for
+ each package (even packages that are not acted on). The file list
+ should be relative to the source package root (e.g.
+ `debian/tmp/usr/bin/bar`).
+ - This list can also contain directories. They will be flagged as
+ installed along with their content (recursively).
+- The helper must append to the file (create it if missing):
+ `debian/.debhelper/generated/${package}/installed-by-${HELPER_NAME}`
+ - Example: `debian/.debhelper/generated/lintian/installed-by-dh_install`
+ - The file should be created even if it is empty. This enables `dh_missing`
+ to see that the helper has been run and nothing would be installed for
+ that package.
+- Please append to the file if it exists as the helper may be called multiple
+ times (once with `-a` and once with `-i`). It is completely fine if this
+ leaves duplicate entries as dh_missing will deduplicate these.
+- If your helper has a PROMISE, it must use `pkgfile-logged(<file>)`
+ for its config files (see [#867246]).
+ CAVEAT: This requires a dependency on "debhelper (>= 10.2.5)". Prior
+ to that version, debhelper will wrongly optimize your helper out.
+## Buildsystem Classes
+The `dh_auto_*` commands are frontends that use debhelper buildsystem
+classes. These classes have names like `Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::foo`,
+and are derived from `Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem`, or other, related
+A buildsystem class needs to inherit or define these methods: `DESCRIPTION`,
+`check_auto_buildable`, `configure`, `build`, `test`, `install`, `clean`. See
+the comments inside `Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem` for details. Note that
+this interface is still subject to change.
+Note that third-party buildsystems will not automatically be used by
+default. The package maintainer will either have to explicitly enable
+it via the `--buildsystem` parameter OR the build system should be
+registered in debhelper. The latter is currently needed to ensure a
+stable and well-defined ordering of the build systems.
+[dh(1)]: "dh - debhelper command sequencer"
+[debhelper(7)]: "debhelper - the debhelper tool suite"
+[#867246]: "dh_installman incorrectly optimized away when using --fail-missing and building arch-any packages only"
+-- Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/doc/README b/doc/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cffbea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Please see the debhelper(7) man page for documentation.
diff --git a/doc/SUPPORT-POLICY b/doc/SUPPORT-POLICY
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9463e49
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+The current policy for supporting compat levels is:
+ * A compat level may be deprecated once the latest oldoldstable release
+ supports a /newer/ compat level. (E.g. compat 9 can be deprecated once
+ jessie becomes oldoldstable).
+ * Alternatively, a compat level may be deprecated if a debhelper version
+ supporting a newer compat level is backported to oldoldstable-backports/
+ oldoldstable-backports-sloppy and the oldest supported Ubuntu LTS release.
+ * These rules are independent of whether Debian oldoldstable is still
+ supported.
+ * Deprecated compat levels may be removed in unstable once it as been released
+ in Debian stable as deprecated (provided that the deprecation has been
+ announced at least one year prior to the freeze of said stable release).
diff --git a/doc/TODO b/doc/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6da26db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+* escaping in config files (for whitespace)?
+* dh_installmanpages.
+* dh_movefiles. I won't hold my breath. Have not added deprecation
+ docs or message yet.
+* dh_installinit --init-script (make it warn)
+* dh_clean -k
+* -s flag, not formally deprecated yet; remove eventually
+* -u flag; add a warning on use and remove eventually
+* delsubstvar() and the last parameter to addsubstvar that makes it remove
+ a string are not used in debhelper itself, but have been left in the
+ library in case other things use them. Deprecate and remove.
+* debian/compress files
+Also, grep the entire archive for all dh_* command lines,
+and check to see what other switches are not being used, and maybe remove
+some of them.
diff --git a/examples/rules.tiny b/examples/rules.tiny
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cbe925d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/rules.tiny
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+ dh $@
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..795f3d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+# Defines debhelper build system class interface and implementation
+# of common functionality.
+# Copyright: © 2008-2009 Modestas Vainius
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd ();
+use File::Spec;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+# Build system name. Defaults to the last component of the class
+# name. Do not override this method unless you know what you are
+# doing.
+sub NAME {
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ my $class = ref($this);
+ my $target_name;
+ if ($class) {
+ # Do not assume that the target buildsystem has been provided.
+ # NAME could be called during an error in the constructor.
+ if ($this->IS_GENERATOR_BUILD_SYSTEM and $this->get_targetbuildsystem) {
+ $target_name = $this->get_targetbuildsystem->NAME;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $class = $this;
+ }
+ if ($class =~ m/^.+::([^:]+)$/) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ return "${name}+${target_name}" if defined($target_name);
+ return $name;
+ }
+ else {
+ error("Invalid build system class name: $class");
+ }
+# Description of the build system to be shown to the users.
+ error("class lacking a DESCRIPTION");
+# Default build directory. Can be overridden in the derived
+# class if really needed.
+ "obj-" . dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE");
+# Return 1 if the build system generator
+ return 0;
+# Generator build-systems only
+# The name of the supported target systems. The first one is
+# assumed to be the default if DEFAULT_TARGET_BUILD_SYSTEM is
+# not overridden.
+ error("class lacking SUPPORTED_TARGET_BUILD_SYSTEMS");
+# Generator build-systems only
+# Name of default target build system if target is unspecified
+# (e.g. --buildsystem=cmake instead of cmake+makefile).
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ my @targets = $this->SUPPORTED_TARGET_BUILD_SYSTEMS;
+ # Assume they are listed in order.
+ return $targets[0];
+# For regular build systems, the same as DESCRIPTION
+# For generator based build systems, the DESCRIPTION of the generator build
+# system + the target build system. Do not override this method unless you
+# know what you are doing.
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ my $description = $this->DESCRIPTION;
+ return $description if not exists($this->{'targetbuildsystem'});
+ my $target_build_system = $this->{'targetbuildsystem'};
+ return $description if not defined($target_build_system);
+ my $target_desc = $target_build_system->FULL_DESCRIPTION;
+ return "${description} combined with ${target_desc}";
+# Constructs a new build system object. Named parameters:
+# - sourcedir- specifies source directory (relative to the current (top)
+# directory) where the sources to be built live. If not
+# specified or empty, defaults to the current directory.
+# - builddir - specifies build directory to use. Path is relative to the
+# current (top) directory. If undef or empty,
+# DEFAULT_BUILD_DIRECTORY directory will be used.
+# - parallel - max number of parallel processes to be spawned for building
+# sources (-1 = unlimited; 1 = no parallel)
+# - targetbuildsystem - The target build system for generator based build
+# systems. Only set for generator build systems.
+# Derived class can override the constructor to initialize common object
+# parameters. Do NOT use constructor to execute commands or otherwise
+# configure/setup build environment. There is absolutely no guarantee the
+# constructed object will be used to build something. Use pre_building_step(),
+# $build_step() or post_building_step() methods for this.
+sub new {
+ my ($class, %opts)=@_;
+ my $this = bless({ sourcedir => '.',
+ builddir => undef,
+ parallel => undef,
+ cwd => Cwd::getcwd() }, $class);
+ # Setup the target buildsystem early, so e.g. _set_builddir also
+ # applies to the target build system. Useful if the generator
+ # and target does not agree on (e.g.) the default build dir.
+ my $target_bs_name;
+ if (exists $opts{targetbuildsystem}) {
+ $target_bs_name = $opts{targetbuildsystem};
+ }
+ $target_bs_name //= $this->DEFAULT_TARGET_BUILD_SYSTEM if $this->IS_GENERATOR_BUILD_SYSTEM;
+ if (defined($target_bs_name)) {
+ my %target_opts = %opts;
+ # Let the target know it is used as a target build system.
+ # E.g. the makefile has special cases based on whether it is
+ # the main or a target build system.
+ delete($target_opts{'targetbuildsystem'});
+ $target_opts{'_is_targetbuildsystem'} = 1;
+ my $target_system =_create_buildsystem_instance($target_bs_name, 1, %target_opts);
+ $this->set_targetbuildsystem($target_system);
+ }
+ $this->{'_is_targetbuildsystem'} = $opts{'_is_targetbuildsystem'}
+ if exists($opts{'_is_targetbuildsystem'});
+ if (exists $opts{sourcedir}) {
+ # Get relative sourcedir abs_path (without symlinks)
+ my $abspath = Cwd::abs_path($opts{sourcedir});
+ if (! -d $abspath || $abspath !~ /^\Q$this->{cwd}\E/) {
+ error("invalid or non-existing path to the source directory: ".$opts{sourcedir});
+ }
+ $this->{sourcedir} = File::Spec->abs2rel($abspath, $this->{cwd});
+ }
+ if (exists $opts{builddir}) {
+ $this->_set_builddir($opts{builddir});
+ }
+ if (defined $opts{parallel}) {
+ $this->{parallel} = $opts{parallel};
+ }
+ return $this;
+# Private method to set a build directory. If undef, use default.
+# Do $this->{builddir} = undef or pass $this->get_sourcedir() to
+# unset the build directory.
+sub _set_builddir {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $builddir=shift || $this->DEFAULT_BUILD_DIRECTORY;
+ if (defined $builddir) {
+ $builddir = $this->canonpath($builddir); # Canonicalize
+ # Sanitize $builddir
+ if ($builddir =~ m#^\.\./#) {
+ # We can't handle those as relative. Make them absolute
+ $builddir = File::Spec->catdir($this->{cwd}, $builddir);
+ }
+ elsif ($builddir =~ /\Q$this->{cwd}\E/) {
+ $builddir = File::Spec->abs2rel($builddir, $this->{cwd});
+ }
+ # If build directory ends up the same as source directory, drop it
+ if ($builddir eq $this->get_sourcedir()) {
+ $builddir = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->{builddir} = $builddir;
+ # Use get as guard because this method is (also) called from the
+ # constructor before the target build system is setup.
+ if ($this->get_targetbuildsystem) {
+ $this->get_targetbuildsystem->{builddir} = $builddir;
+ };
+ return $builddir;
+sub set_targetbuildsystem {
+ my ($this, $target_system) = @_;
+ my $ok = 0;
+ my $target_bs_name = $target_system->NAME;
+ if (not $this->IS_GENERATOR_BUILD_SYSTEM) {
+ my $name = $this->NAME;
+ error("Cannot set a target build system: Buildsystem ${name} is not a generator build system");
+ }
+ for my $supported_bs_name ($this->SUPPORTED_TARGET_BUILD_SYSTEMS) {
+ if ($supported_bs_name eq $target_bs_name) {
+ $ok = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (not $ok) {
+ my $name = $this->NAME;
+ error("Buildsystem ${name} does not support ${target_bs_name} as target build system.");
+ }
+ $this->{'targetbuildsystem'} = $target_system
+sub _is_targetbuildsystem {
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ return 0 if not exists($this->{'_is_targetbuildsystem'});
+ return $this->{'_is_targetbuildsystem'};
+# Returns the target build system if it is provided
+sub get_targetbuildsystem {
+ my $this = shift;
+ return if not exists($this->{'targetbuildsystem'});
+ return $this->{'targetbuildsystem'};
+# This instance method is called to check if the build system is able
+# to build a source package. It will be called during the build
+# system auto-selection process, inside the root directory of the debian
+# source package. The current build step is passed as an argument.
+# Return 0 if the source is not buildable, or a positive integer
+# otherwise.
+# Generally, it is enough to look for invariant unique build system
+# files shipped with clean source to determine if the source might
+# be buildable or not. However, if the build system is derived from
+# another other auto-buildable build system, this method
+# may also check if the source has already been built with this build
+# system partially by looking for temporary files or other common
+# results the build system produces during the build process. The
+# latter checks must be unique to the current build system and must
+# be very unlikely to be true for either its parent or other build
+# systems. If it is determined that the source has already built
+# partially with this build system, the value returned must be
+# greater than the one of the SUPER call.
+sub check_auto_buildable {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my ($step)=@_;
+ return 0;
+# Derived class can call this method in its constructor
+# to enforce in source building even if the user requested otherwise.
+sub enforce_in_source_building {
+ my $this=shift;
+ if ($this->get_builddir()) {
+ $this->{warn_insource} = 1;
+ $this->{builddir} = undef;
+ }
+ $this->get_targetbuildsystem->enforce_in_source_building(@_);
+ # Only warn in one build system.
+ delete($this->{warn_insource});
+ }
+# Derived class can call this method in its constructor to *prefer*
+# out of source building. Unless build directory has already been
+# specified building will proceed in the DEFAULT_BUILD_DIRECTORY or
+# the one specified in the 'builddir' named parameter (which may
+# match the source directory). Typically you should pass @_ from
+# the constructor to this call.
+sub prefer_out_of_source_building {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my %args=@_;
+ if (!defined $this->get_builddir()) {
+ if (!$this->_set_builddir($args{builddir}) && !$args{builddir}) {
+ # If we are here, DEFAULT_BUILD_DIRECTORY matches
+ # the source directory, building might fail.
+ error("default build directory is the same as the source directory." .
+ " Please specify a custom build directory");
+ }
+ $this->get_targetbuildsystem->prefer_out_of_source_building(@_);
+ }
+ }
+# Enhanced version of File::Spec::canonpath. It collapses ..
+# too so it may return invalid path if symlinks are involved.
+# On the other hand, it does not need for the path to exist.
+sub canonpath {
+ my ($this, $path)=@_;
+ my @canon;
+ my $back=0;
+ foreach my $comp (split(m%/+%, $path)) {
+ if ($comp eq '.') {
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($comp eq '..') {
+ if (@canon > 0) { pop @canon; } else { $back++; }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @canon, $comp;
+ }
+ }
+ return (@canon + $back > 0) ? join('/', ('..')x$back, @canon) : '.';
+# Given both $path and $base are relative to the $root, converts and
+# returns path of $path being relative to the $base. If either $path or
+# $base is absolute, returns another $path (converted to) absolute.
+sub _rel2rel {
+ my ($this, $path, $base, $root)=@_;
+ $root = $this->{cwd} unless defined $root;
+ if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($path)) {
+ return $path;
+ }
+ elsif (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($base)) {
+ return File::Spec->rel2abs($path, $root);
+ }
+ else {
+ return File::Spec->abs2rel(
+ File::Spec->rel2abs($path, $root),
+ File::Spec->rel2abs($base, $root)
+ );
+ }
+# Get path to the source directory
+# (relative to the current (top) directory)
+sub get_sourcedir {
+ my $this=shift;
+ return $this->{sourcedir};
+# Convert path relative to the source directory to the path relative
+# to the current (top) directory.
+sub get_sourcepath {
+ my ($this, $path)=@_;
+ return File::Spec->catfile($this->get_sourcedir(), $path);
+# Get path to the build directory if it was specified
+# (relative to the current (top) directory). undef if the same
+# as the source directory.
+sub get_builddir {
+ my $this=shift;
+ return $this->{builddir};
+# Convert path that is relative to the build directory to the path
+# that is relative to the current (top) directory.
+# If $path is not specified, always returns build directory path
+# relative to the current (top) directory regardless if builddir was
+# specified or not.
+sub get_buildpath {
+ my ($this, $path)=@_;
+ my $builddir = $this->get_builddir() || $this->get_sourcedir();
+ if (defined $path) {
+ return File::Spec->catfile($builddir, $path);
+ }
+ return $builddir;
+# When given a relative path to the source directory, converts it
+# to the path that is relative to the build directory. If $path is
+# not given, returns a path to the source directory that is relative
+# to the build directory.
+sub get_source_rel2builddir {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $path=shift;
+ my $dir = '.';
+ if ($this->get_builddir()) {
+ $dir = $this->_rel2rel($this->get_sourcedir(), $this->get_builddir());
+ }
+ if (defined $path) {
+ return File::Spec->catfile($dir, $path);
+ }
+ return $dir;
+sub get_parallel {
+ my $this=shift;
+ return $this->{parallel};
+# This parallel support for the given step
+sub disable_parallel {
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ $this->{parallel} = 1;
+ $this->get_targetbuildsystem->disable_parallel;
+ }
+# When given a relative path to the build directory, converts it
+# to the path that is relative to the source directory. If $path is
+# not given, returns a path to the build directory that is relative
+# to the source directory.
+sub get_build_rel2sourcedir {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $path=shift;
+ my $dir = '.';
+ if ($this->get_builddir()) {
+ $dir = $this->_rel2rel($this->get_builddir(), $this->get_sourcedir());
+ }
+ if (defined $path) {
+ return File::Spec->catfile($dir, $path);
+ }
+ return $dir;
+# Creates a build directory.
+sub mkdir_builddir {
+ my $this=shift;
+ if ($this->get_builddir()) {
+ mkdirs($this->get_builddir());
+ }
+sub check_auto_buildable_clean_oos_buildir {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my ($step) = @_;
+ # This only applies to clean
+ return 0 if $step ne 'clean';
+ my $builddir = $this->get_builddir;
+ # If there is no builddir, then this rule does not apply.
+ return 0 if not defined($builddir) or not -d $builddir;
+ return 1;
+sub _generic_doit_in_dir {
+ my ($this, $dir, $sub, @args) = @_;
+ my %args;
+ if (ref($args[0])) {
+ %args = %{shift(@args)};
+ }
+ $args{chdir} = $dir;
+ return $sub->(\%args, @args);
+# Changes working directory to the source directory (if needed),
+# calls print_and_doit(@_) and changes working directory back to the
+# top directory.
+sub doit_in_sourcedir {
+ my ($this, @args) = @_;
+ $this->_generic_doit_in_dir($this->get_sourcedir, \&print_and_doit, @args);
+ return 1;
+# Changes working directory to the source directory (if needed),
+# calls print_and_doit(@_) and changes working directory back to the
+# top directory. Errors are ignored.
+sub doit_in_sourcedir_noerror {
+ my ($this, @args) = @_;
+ return $this->_generic_doit_in_dir($this->get_sourcedir, \&print_and_doit_noerror, @args);
+# Changes working directory to the build directory (if needed),
+# calls print_and_doit(@_) and changes working directory back to the
+# top directory.
+sub doit_in_builddir {
+ my ($this, @args) = @_;
+ $this->_generic_doit_in_dir($this->get_buildpath, \&print_and_doit, @args);
+ return 1;
+# Changes working directory to the build directory (if needed),
+# calls print_and_doit(@_) and changes working directory back to the
+# top directory. Errors are ignored.
+sub doit_in_builddir_noerror {
+ my ($this, @args) = @_;
+ return $this->_generic_doit_in_dir($this->get_buildpath, \&print_and_doit_noerror, @args);
+# In case of out of source tree building, whole build directory
+# gets wiped (if it exists) and 1 is returned. If build directory
+# had 2 or more levels, empty parent directories are also deleted.
+# If build directory does not exist, nothing is done and 0 is returned.
+sub rmdir_builddir {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $only_empty=shift;
+ if ($this->get_builddir()) {
+ my $buildpath = $this->get_buildpath();
+ if (-d $buildpath) {
+ my @dir = File::Spec->splitdir($this->get_build_rel2sourcedir());
+ my $peek;
+ if (not $only_empty) {
+ doit("rm", "-rf", $buildpath);
+ pop @dir;
+ }
+ # If build directory is relative and had 2 or more levels, delete
+ # empty parent directories until the source or top directory level.
+ if (not File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($buildpath)) {
+ while (($peek=pop @dir) && $peek ne '.' && $peek ne '..') {
+ my $dir = $this->get_sourcepath(File::Spec->catdir(@dir, $peek));
+ doit("rmdir", "--ignore-fail-on-non-empty", $dir);
+ last if -d $dir;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+# Instance method that is called before performing any step (see below).
+# Action name is passed as an argument. Derived classes overriding this
+# method should also call SUPER implementation of it.
+sub pre_building_step {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my ($step)=@_;
+ # Warn if in source building was enforced but build directory was
+ # specified. See enforce_in_source_building().
+ if ($this->{warn_insource}) {
+ warning("warning: " . $this->NAME() .
+ " does not support building out of source tree. In source building enforced.");
+ delete $this->{warn_insource};
+ }
+ $this->get_targetbuildsystem->pre_building_step(@_);
+ }
+# Instance method that is called after performing any step (see below).
+# Action name is passed as an argument. Derived classes overriding this
+# method should also call SUPER implementation of it.
+sub post_building_step {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my ($step)=@_;
+ $this->get_targetbuildsystem->post_building_step(@_);
+ }
+# The instance methods below provide support for configuring,
+# building, testing, install and cleaning source packages.
+# In case of failure, the method may just error() out.
+# These methods should be overridden by derived classes to
+# implement build system specific steps needed to build the
+# source. Arbitrary number of custom step arguments might be
+# passed. Default implementations do nothing.
+# Note: For generator build systems, the default is to
+# delegate the step to the target build system for all
+# steps except configure.
+sub configure {
+ my $this=shift;
+sub build {
+ my $this=shift;
+ $this->get_targetbuildsystem->build(@_);
+ }
+sub test {
+ my $this=shift;
+ $this->get_targetbuildsystem->test(@_);
+ }
+# destdir parameter specifies where to install files.
+sub install {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my ($destdir) = @_;
+ $this->get_targetbuildsystem->install(@_);
+ }
+sub clean {
+ my $this=shift;
+ $this->get_targetbuildsystem->clean(@_);
+ }
+sub _create_buildsystem_instance {
+ my ($full_name, $required, %bsopts) = @_;
+ my @parts = split(m{[+]}, $full_name, 2);
+ my $name = $parts[0];
+ my $module = "Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::$name";
+ if (@parts > 1) {
+ if (exists($bsopts{'targetbuildsystem'})) {
+ error("Conflicting target buildsystem for ${name} (load as ${full_name}, but target configured in bsopts)");
+ }
+ $bsopts{'targetbuildsystem'} = $parts[1];
+ }
+ eval "use $module";
+ if ($@) {
+ return if not $required;
+ error("unable to load build system class '$name': $@");
+ }
+ return $module->new(%bsopts);
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49aaf1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# A debhelper build system class for handling Ant based projects.
+# Copyright: © 2009 Joey Hess
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::ant;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem);
+ "Ant (build.xml)"
+sub check_auto_buildable {
+ my $this=shift;
+ return (-e $this->get_sourcepath("build.xml")) ? 1 : 0;
+sub new {
+ my $class=shift;
+ my $this=$class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ $this->enforce_in_source_building();
+ return $this;
+sub build {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $d_ant_prop = $this->get_sourcepath('debian/');
+ my @args;
+ if ( -f $d_ant_prop ) {
+ push(@args, '-propertyfile', $d_ant_prop);
+ }
+ # Set the username to improve the reproducibility
+ push(@args, "", "debian");
+ $this->doit_in_sourcedir("ant", @args, @_);
+sub clean {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $d_ant_prop = $this->get_sourcepath('debian/');
+ my @args;
+ if ( -f $d_ant_prop ) {
+ push(@args, '-propertyfile', $d_ant_prop);
+ }
+ $this->doit_in_sourcedir("ant", @args, "clean", @_);
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8752ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# A debhelper build system class for handling Autoconf based projects
+# Copyright: © 2008 Joey Hess
+# © 2008-2009 Modestas Vainius
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::autoconf;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(%dh dpkg_architecture_value get_buildoption sourcepackage compat);
+use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::makefile);
+ "GNU Autoconf (configure)"
+sub check_auto_buildable {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my ($step)=@_;
+ return 0 unless -f $this->get_sourcepath("configure") &&
+ -x _;
+ # Handle configure explicitly; inherit the rest
+ return 1 if $step eq "configure";
+ return $this->SUPER::check_auto_buildable(@_);
+sub configure {
+ my $this=shift;
+ # Standard set of options for configure.
+ my @opts;
+ push @opts, "--build=" . dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE");
+ push @opts, "--prefix=/usr";
+ push @opts, "--includedir=\${prefix}/include";
+ push @opts, "--mandir=\${prefix}/share/man";
+ push @opts, "--infodir=\${prefix}/share/info";
+ push @opts, "--sysconfdir=/etc";
+ push @opts, "--localstatedir=/var";
+ # We pass --disable/enable-* options that might be unknown, so we
+ # should not emit warnings.
+ push @opts, "--disable-option-checking";
+ if ($dh{QUIET}) {
+ push @opts, "--enable-silent-rules";
+ } else {
+ push @opts, "--disable-silent-rules";
+ }
+ my $multiarch=dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH");
+ if (! compat(8)) {
+ if (defined $multiarch) {
+ push @opts, "--libdir=\${prefix}/lib/$multiarch";
+ push(@opts, "--libexecdir=\${prefix}/lib/$multiarch") if compat(11);
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@opts, "--libexecdir=\${prefix}/lib") if compat(11);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @opts, "--libexecdir=\${prefix}/lib/" . sourcepackage();
+ }
+ push @opts, "--runstatedir=/run" if not compat(10);
+ push @opts, "--disable-maintainer-mode";
+ push @opts, "--disable-dependency-tracking";
+ # Provide --host only if different from --build, as recommended in
+ # autotools-dev README.Debian: When provided (even if equal)
+ # autoconf 2.52+ switches to cross-compiling mode.
+ if (dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE")
+ ne dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE")) {
+ push @opts, "--host=" . dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE");
+ }
+ $this->mkdir_builddir();
+ eval {
+ $this->doit_in_builddir($this->get_source_rel2builddir("configure"), @opts, @_);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ if (-e $this->get_buildpath("config.log")) {
+ $this->doit_in_builddir('tail', '-v', '-n', '+0', 'config.log');
+ }
+ die $@;
+ }
+sub test {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $parallel = $this->get_parallel();
+ my @autotest;
+ push @autotest, "-j$parallel";
+ push @autotest, "--verbose" if not get_buildoption("terse");
+ $this->make_first_existing_target(['test', 'check'],
+ "TESTSUITEFLAGS=@autotest",
+ "VERBOSE=1", @_);
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4a2ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# A debhelper build system class for handling CMake based projects.
+# It prefers out of source tree building.
+# Copyright: © 2008-2009 Modestas Vainius
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::cmake;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(%dh compat dpkg_architecture_value error is_cross_compiling get_buildoption print_and_doit);
+use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem);
+ 'linux' => 'Linux',
+ 'kfreebsd' => 'kFreeBSD',
+ 'hurd' => 'GNU',
+ 'arm' => 'armv7l',
+ 'mips64el' => 'mips64',
+ 'powerpc64le' => 'ppc64le',
+ 'makefile' => 'Unix Makefiles',
+ 'ninja' => 'Ninja',
+ "CMake (CMakeLists.txt)"
+ return 1;
+ return qw(makefile ninja);
+sub check_auto_buildable {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my ($step)=@_;
+ if (-e $this->get_sourcepath("CMakeLists.txt")) {
+ my $ret = ($step eq "configure" && 1) ||
+ $this->get_targetbuildsystem->check_auto_buildable(@_);
+ if ($this->check_auto_buildable_clean_oos_buildir(@_)) {
+ # Assume that the package can be cleaned (i.e. the build directory can
+ # be removed) as long as it is built out-of-source tree and can be
+ # configured.
+ $ret++ if not $ret;
+ }
+ # Existence of CMakeCache.txt indicates cmake has already
+ # been used by a prior build step, so should be used
+ # instead of the parent makefile class.
+ $ret++ if ($ret && -e $this->get_buildpath("CMakeCache.txt"));
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub new {
+ my $class=shift;
+ my $this=$class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ $this->prefer_out_of_source_building(@_);
+ return $this;
+sub configure {
+ my $this=shift;
+ # Standard set of cmake flags
+ my @flags = @STANDARD_CMAKE_FLAGS;
+ my $backend = $this->get_targetbuildsystem->NAME;
+ push(@flags, '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR=/run') if not compat(10);
+ # Speed up installation phase a bit.
+ push(@flags, "-DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=ON") if not compat(12);
+ # Reproducibility #962474 / #1004939
+ push(@flags, '-DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON') if not compat(13);
+ if (exists($TARGET_BUILD_SYSTEM2CMAKE_GENERATOR{$backend})) {
+ my $generator = $TARGET_BUILD_SYSTEM2CMAKE_GENERATOR{$backend};
+ push(@flags, "-G${generator}");
+ }
+ if (not $dh{QUIET}) {
+ push(@flags, "-DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON");
+ }
+ if ($ENV{CC}) {
+ push @flags, "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=" . $ENV{CC};
+ }
+ if ($ENV{CXX}) {
+ push @flags, "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=" . $ENV{CXX};
+ }
+ if (is_cross_compiling()) {
+ my $deb_host = dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS");
+ if (my $cmake_system = $DEB_HOST2CMAKE_SYSTEM{$deb_host}) {
+ push(@flags, "-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=${cmake_system}");
+ } else {
+ error("Cannot cross-compile - CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME not known for ${deb_host}");
+ }
+ my $gnu_cpu = dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_CPU");
+ if (exists($GNU_CPU2SYSTEM_PROCESSOR{$gnu_cpu})) {
+ } else {
+ push @flags, "-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=${gnu_cpu}";
+ }
+ if (not $ENV{CC}) {
+ push @flags, "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=" . dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE") . "-gcc";
+ }
+ if (not $ENV{CXX}) {
+ push @flags, "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=" . dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE") . "-g++";
+ }
+ push(@flags, "-DPKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/" . dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE") . "-pkg-config");
+ push(@flags, "-DPKGCONFIG_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/" . dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE") . "-pkg-config");
+ push(@flags, "-DQMAKE_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/" . dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE") . "-qmake");
+ }
+ push(@flags, "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib/" . dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH"));
+ # CMake doesn't respect CPPFLAGS, see #653916.
+ if ($ENV{CPPFLAGS} && ! compat(8)) {
+ }
+ $this->mkdir_builddir();
+ eval {
+ $this->doit_in_builddir("cmake", @flags, @_, $this->get_source_rel2builddir());
+ };
+ if (my $err = $@) {
+ if (-e $this->get_buildpath("CMakeCache.txt")) {
+ $this->doit_in_builddir('tail', '-v', '-n', '+0', 'CMakeCache.txt');
+ }
+ if (-e $this->get_buildpath('CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log')) {
+ $this->doit_in_builddir('tail', '-v', '-n', '+0', 'CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log');
+ }
+ if (-e $this->get_buildpath('CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log')) {
+ $this->doit_in_builddir('tail', '-v', '-n', '+0', 'CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log');
+ }
+ die $err;
+ }
+sub build {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $target = $this->get_targetbuildsystem;
+ if ($target->NAME eq 'makefile') {
+ # Add VERBOSE=1 for #973029 when not asked to be quiet/terse.
+ push(@_, "VERBOSE=1") if not $dh{QUIET};
+ }
+ return $this->SUPER::build(@_);
+sub test {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $target = $this->get_targetbuildsystem;
+ if ($target->NAME eq 'makefile') {
+ # Unlike make, CTest does not have "unlimited parallel" setting (-j implies
+ # -j1). So in order to simulate unlimited parallel, allow to fork a huge
+ # number of threads instead.
+ my $parallel = ($this->get_parallel() > 0) ? $this->get_parallel() : 999;
+ unshift(@_, "ARGS+=-j$parallel");
+ unshift(@_, "ARGS+=--verbose") if not get_buildoption("terse");
+ }
+ return $this->SUPER::test(@_);
+sub install {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $target = $this->get_targetbuildsystem;
+ if (compat(13)) {
+ $target->install(@_);
+ } else {
+ # In compat 14 `cmake --install` is preferred to `make install`,
+ # see
+ my $destdir = shift;
+ my %options = (
+ update_env => {
+ 'LC_ALL' => 'C.UTF-8',
+ 'DESTDIR' => $destdir,
+ }
+ );
+ print_and_doit(\%options, 'cmake', '--install', $this->get_buildpath, @_);
+ }
+ return 1;
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..856a6dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# A debhelper build system class for handling simple Makefile based projects.
+# Copyright: © 2008 Joey Hess
+# © 2008-2009 Modestas Vainius
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::makefile;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(dpkg_architecture_value escape_shell clean_jobserver_makeflags is_cross_compiling compat
+ should_use_root gain_root_cmd error);
+use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem);
+ 'CC' => 'gcc',
+ 'CXX' => 'g++',
+ 'PKG_CONFIG' => 'pkg-config',
+# make makes things difficult by not providing a simple way to test
+# whether a Makefile target exists. Using -n and checking for a nonzero
+# exit status is not good enough, because even with -n, make will
+# run commands needed to eg, generate include files -- and those commands
+# could fail even though the target exists -- and we should let the target
+# run and propagate any failure.
+# Using -n and checking for at least one line of output is better.
+# That will indicate make either wants to run one command, or
+# has output a "nothing to be done" message if the target exists but is a
+# noop.
+# However, that heuristic is also not good enough, because a Makefile
+# could run code that outputs something, even though the -n is asking
+# it not to run anything. (Again, done for includes.) To detect this false
+# positive, there is unfortunately only one approach left: To
+# look for the error message printed by make when a target does not exist.
+# This could break if make's output changes. It would only break a minority
+# of packages where this latter test is needed. The best way to avoid that
+# problem would be to fix make to have this simple and highly useful
+# missing feature.
+# A final option would be to use -p and parse the output data base.
+# It's more practical for dh to use that method, since it operates on
+# only special debian/rules files, and not arbitrary Makefiles which
+# can be arbitrarily complicated, use implicit targets, and so on.
+sub exists_make_target {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $target=shift;
+ my @opts=("-s", "-n", "--no-print-directory");
+ my $buildpath = $this->get_buildpath();
+ unshift @opts, "-C", $buildpath if $buildpath ne ".";
+ my $pid = open(MAKE, "-|");
+ defined($pid) || error("fork failed: $!");
+ if (! $pid) {
+ open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
+ $ENV{LC_ALL}='C';
+ exec($this->{makecmd}, @opts, $target, @_);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ local $/=undef;
+ my $output=<MAKE>;
+ chomp $output;
+ close MAKE;
+ return defined $output
+ && length $output
+ && $output !~ /\*\*\* No rule to make target (`|')\Q$target\E'/;
+sub do_make {
+ my $this=shift;
+ # Avoid possible warnings about unavailable jobserver,
+ # and force make to start a new jobserver.
+ clean_jobserver_makeflags();
+ # Note that this will override any -j settings in MAKEFLAGS.
+ my $parallel = $this->get_parallel();
+ if ($parallel == 0 or $parallel > 1) {
+ # We have to use the empty string for "unlimited"
+ $parallel = '' if $parallel == 0;
+ unshift(@_, "-j${parallel}");
+ } else {
+ unshift(@_, '-j1');
+ }
+ my @root_cmd;
+ if (exists($this->{_run_make_as_root}) and $this->{_run_make_as_root}) {
+ @root_cmd = gain_root_cmd();
+ }
+ $this->doit_in_builddir(@root_cmd, $this->{makecmd}, @_);
+sub make_first_existing_target {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $targets=shift;
+ foreach my $target (@$targets) {
+ if ($this->exists_make_target($target, @_)) {
+ $this->do_make($target, @_);
+ return $target;
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+ "simple Makefile"
+sub new {
+ my $class=shift;
+ my $this=$class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ $this->{makecmd} = (exists $ENV{MAKE}) ? $ENV{MAKE} : "make";
+ return $this;
+sub check_auto_buildable {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my ($step) = @_;
+ if (-e $this->get_buildpath("Makefile") ||
+ -e $this->get_buildpath("makefile") ||
+ -e $this->get_buildpath("GNUmakefile"))
+ {
+ # This is always called in the source directory, but generally
+ # Makefiles are created (or live) in the build directory.
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ($this->check_auto_buildable_clean_oos_buildir(@_)
+ and $this->check_auto_buildable('configure')) {
+ # Assume that the package can be cleaned (i.e. the build directory can
+ # be removed) as long as it is built out-of-source tree and can be
+ # configured. This is useful for derivative buildsystems which
+ # generate Makefiles.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub _should_inject_cross_build_tools {
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ return ref($this) eq 'Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::makefile';
+sub build {
+ my $this=shift;
+ if (not $this->_is_targetbuildsystem
+ and is_cross_compiling()
+ and $this->_should_inject_cross_build_tools) {
+ # Only inject build tools variables during cross-compile when
+ # makefile is the explicit *main* build system.
+ for my $var (sort(keys(%DEB_DEFAULT_TOOLS))) {
+ my $tool = $DEB_DEFAULT_TOOLS{$var};
+ if ($ENV{$var}) {
+ unshift @_, $var . "=" . $ENV{$var};
+ } else {
+ unshift @_, $var . "=" . dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE") . "-" . $tool;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref($this) eq 'Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::makefile' and not compat(10)) {
+ unshift @_, "INSTALL=install --strip-program=true";
+ }
+ $this->do_make(@_);
+sub test {
+ my $this=shift;
+ $this->make_first_existing_target(['test', 'check'], @_);
+sub install {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $destdir=shift;
+ if (ref($this) eq 'Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::makefile' and not compat(10)) {
+ unshift @_, "INSTALL=install --strip-program=true";
+ }
+ if ( -f $this->get_buildpath('libtool')) {
+ $this->disable_parallel();
+ }
+ if (should_use_root('debhelper/upstream-make-install') and $< != 0) {
+ $this->{_run_make_as_root} = 1;
+ }
+ $this->make_first_existing_target(['install'],
+ "DESTDIR=$destdir",
+ "AM_UPDATE_INFO_DIR=no", @_);
+sub clean {
+ my $this=shift;
+ if (!$this->rmdir_builddir()) {
+ $this->make_first_existing_target(['distclean', 'realclean', 'clean'], @_);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cd447d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# A debhelper build system class for handling Meson based projects.
+# Copyright: © 2017 Michael Biebl
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::meson;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(compat dpkg_architecture_value is_cross_compiling doit warning error generated_file);
+use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem);
+ "Meson ("
+ return 1;
+ return qw(ninja);
+sub check_auto_buildable {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my ($step)=@_;
+ return 0 unless -e $this->get_sourcepath("");
+ # Handle configure explicitly; inherit the rest
+ return 1 if $step eq "configure";
+ my $ret = $this->get_targetbuildsystem->check_auto_buildable(@_);
+ if ($ret == 0 and $this->check_auto_buildable_clean_oos_buildir(@_)) {
+ # Assume that the package can be cleaned (i.e. the build directory can
+ # be removed) as long as it is built out-of-source tree and can be
+ # configured.
+ $ret++;
+ }
+ return $ret;
+sub new {
+ my $class=shift;
+ my $this=$class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ $this->prefer_out_of_source_building(@_);
+ return $this;
+sub configure {
+ my $this=shift;
+ # Standard set of options for meson.
+ my @opts = (
+ '--wrap-mode=nodownload',
+ );
+ push @opts, "--buildtype=plain";
+ push @opts, "--prefix=/usr";
+ push @opts, "--sysconfdir=/etc";
+ push @opts, "--localstatedir=/var";
+ my $multiarch=dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH");
+ push @opts, "--libdir=lib/$multiarch";
+ push(@opts, "--libexecdir=lib/$multiarch") if compat(11);
+ if (is_cross_compiling()) {
+ #
+ my $cross_file = $ENV{'DH_MESON_CROSS_FILE'};
+ if (not $cross_file) {
+ my $debcrossgen = '/usr/share/meson/debcrossgen';
+ if (not -x $debcrossgen) {
+ warning("Missing debcrossgen (${debcrossgen}) cannot generate a meson cross file and non was provided");
+ error("Cannot cross-compile: Please use meson (>= 0.42.1) or provide a cross file via DH_MESON_CROSS_FILE");
+ }
+ my $filename = generated_file('_source', 'meson-cross-file.conf');
+ my %options = (
+ stdout => '/dev/null',
+ update_env => { LC_ALL => 'C.UTF-8'},
+ );
+ doit(\%options, $debcrossgen, "-o${filename}");
+ $cross_file = $filename;
+ }
+ if ($cross_file !~ m{^/}) {
+ # Make the file name absolute as meson will be called from the build dir.
+ require Cwd;
+ $cross_file =~ s{^\./}{};
+ $cross_file = Cwd::getcwd() . "/${cross_file}";
+ }
+ push(@opts, '--cross-file', $cross_file);
+ }
+ $this->mkdir_builddir();
+ eval {
+ my %options = (
+ update_env => { LC_ALL => 'C.UTF-8'},
+ );
+ $this->doit_in_builddir(\%options, "meson", "setup", $this->get_source_rel2builddir(), @opts, @_);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ if (-e $this->get_buildpath("meson-logs/meson-log.txt")) {
+ $this->doit_in_builddir('tail', '-v', '-n', '+0', 'meson-logs/meson-log.txt');
+ }
+ die $@;
+ }
+sub test {
+ my $this = shift;
+ my $target = $this->get_targetbuildsystem;
+ eval {
+ if (compat(12) or $target->NAME ne 'ninja') {
+ $target->test(@_);
+ } else {
+ # In compat 13 with meson+ninja, we prefer using "meson test"
+ # over "ninja test"
+ my %options = (
+ update_env => {
+ 'LC_ALL' => 'C.UTF-8',
+ }
+ );
+ if ($this->get_parallel() > 0) {
+ $options{update_env}{MESON_TESTTHREADS} = $this->get_parallel();
+ }
+ $this->doit_in_builddir(\%options, 'meson', 'test', @_);
+ }
+ };
+ if (my $err = $@) {
+ if (-e $this->get_buildpath("meson-logs/testlog.txt")) {
+ $this->doit_in_builddir('tail', '-v', '-n', '+0', 'meson-logs/testlog.txt');
+ }
+ die $err;
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub install {
+ my ($this, $destdir, @args) = @_;
+ my $target = $this->get_targetbuildsystem;
+ if (compat(13) or $target->NAME ne 'ninja') {
+ $target->install($destdir, @args);
+ } else {
+ # In compat 14 with meson+ninja, we prefer using "meson install"
+ # over "ninja install"
+ my %options = (
+ update_env => {
+ 'LC_ALL' => 'C.UTF-8',
+ }
+ );
+ $this->doit_in_builddir(\%options, 'meson', 'install', '--destdir', $destdir, @args);
+ }
+ return 1;
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08ff16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# A debhelper build system class for handling ninja based projects.
+# Copyright: © 2017 Michael Biebl
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::ninja;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(%dh dpkg_architecture_value);
+use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem);
+ "Ninja ("
+sub new {
+ my $class=shift;
+ my $this=$class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ $this->{buildcmd} = "ninja";
+ return $this;
+sub check_auto_buildable {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my ($step) = @_;
+ if (-e $this->get_buildpath(""))
+ {
+ # This is always called in the source directory, but generally
+ # Ninja files are created (or live) in the build directory.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub build {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my %options = (
+ update_env => {
+ 'LC_ALL' => 'C.UTF-8',
+ }
+ );
+ if (!$dh{QUIET}) {
+ unshift @_, "-v";
+ }
+ if ($this->get_parallel() > 0) {
+ unshift @_, "-j" . $this->get_parallel();
+ }
+ $this->doit_in_builddir(\%options, $this->{buildcmd}, @_);
+sub test {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my %options = (
+ update_env => {
+ 'LC_ALL' => 'C.UTF-8',
+ }
+ );
+ if ($this->get_parallel() > 0) {
+ $options{update_env}{MESON_TESTTHREADS} = $this->get_parallel();
+ }
+ $this->doit_in_builddir(\%options, $this->{buildcmd}, "test", @_);
+sub install {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $destdir=shift;
+ my %options = (
+ update_env => {
+ 'LC_ALL' => 'C.UTF-8',
+ 'DESTDIR' => $destdir,
+ }
+ );
+ $this->doit_in_builddir(\%options, $this->{buildcmd}, "install", @_);
+sub clean {
+ my $this=shift;
+ if (!$this->rmdir_builddir()) {
+ my %options = (
+ update_env => {
+ 'LC_ALL' => 'C.UTF-8',
+ }
+ );
+ $this->doit_in_builddir(\%options, $this->{buildcmd}, "clean", @_);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8752905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# A build system class for handling Perl Build based projects.
+# Copyright: © 2008-2009 Joey Hess
+# © 2008-2009 Modestas Vainius
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::perl_build;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(compat is_cross_compiling perl_cross_incdir warning);
+use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem);
+use Config;
+ "Perl Module::Build (Build.PL)"
+sub check_auto_buildable {
+ my ($this, $step) = @_;
+ # Handles everything
+ my $ret = -e $this->get_sourcepath("Build.PL");
+ if ($step ne "configure") {
+ $ret &&= -e $this->get_sourcepath("Build");
+ }
+ return $ret ? 1 : 0;
+sub do_perl {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my %options;
+ if (is_cross_compiling()) {
+ my $cross_incdir = perl_cross_incdir();
+ if (defined $cross_incdir) {
+ my $perl5lib = $cross_incdir;
+ $perl5lib .= $Config{path_sep} . $ENV{PERL5LIB}
+ if defined $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ $options{update_env} = { PERL5LIB => $perl5lib };
+ } else {
+ warning("cross does not exist (missing build dependency on perl-xs-dev?)");
+ }
+ }
+ $this->doit_in_sourcedir(\%options, $^X, @_);
+sub new {
+ my $class=shift;
+ my $this= $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ $this->enforce_in_source_building();
+ return $this;
+sub configure {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my (@flags, @perl_flags);
+ if ($ENV{CFLAGS} && ! compat(8)) {
+ push @flags, "--config", "optimize=$ENV{CFLAGS} $ENV{CPPFLAGS}";
+ }
+ if ($ENV{LDFLAGS} && ! compat(8)) {
+ my $ld = $Config{ld};
+ if (is_cross_compiling()) {
+ my $incdir = perl_cross_incdir();
+ $ld = qx/perl -I$incdir -MConfig -e 'print \$Config{ld}'/
+ if defined $incdir;
+ }
+ push @flags, "--config", "ld=$ld $ENV{CFLAGS} $ENV{LDFLAGS}";
+ }
+ push(@perl_flags, '-I.') if compat(10);
+ $this->do_perl(@perl_flags, "Build.PL", "--installdirs", "vendor", @flags, @_);
+sub build {
+ my $this=shift;
+ $this->do_perl("Build", @_);
+sub test {
+ my $this=shift;
+ $this->do_perl("Build", "test", "--verbose", 1, @_);
+sub install {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $destdir=shift;
+ $this->do_perl("Build", "install", "--destdir", "$destdir", "--create_packlist", 0, @_);
+sub clean {
+ my $this=shift;
+ if (-e $this->get_sourcepath("Build")) {
+ $this->do_perl("Build", "realclean", "--allow_mb_mismatch", 1, @_);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..881f1ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# A debhelper build system class for handling Perl MakeMaker based projects.
+# Copyright: © 2008-2009 Joey Hess
+# © 2008-2009 Modestas Vainius
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::perl_makemaker;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(compat is_cross_compiling perl_cross_incdir warning);
+use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::makefile);
+use Config;
+ "Perl ExtUtils::MakeMaker (Makefile.PL)"
+sub check_auto_buildable {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my ($step)=@_;
+ # Handles everything if Makefile.PL exists. Otherwise - next class.
+ if (-e $this->get_sourcepath("Makefile.PL")) {
+ if ($step eq "configure") {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return $this->SUPER::check_auto_buildable(@_);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub new {
+ my $class=shift;
+ my $this=$class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ $this->enforce_in_source_building();
+ return $this;
+sub configure {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my (@flags, @perl_flags);
+ # If set to a true value then MakeMaker's prompt function will
+ # # always return the default without waiting for user input.
+ # This prevents Module::Install from interactive behavior.
+ $ENV{PERL_AUTOINSTALL}="--skipdeps";
+ if ($ENV{CFLAGS} && ! compat(8)) {
+ }
+ my $cross_flag;
+ if (is_cross_compiling()) {
+ my $incdir = perl_cross_incdir();
+ if (defined $incdir) {
+ $cross_flag = "-I$incdir";
+ } else {
+ warning("cross does not exist (missing build dependency on perl-xs-dev?)");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ENV{LDFLAGS} && ! compat(8)) {
+ my $ld = $Config{ld};
+ $ld = qx/perl $cross_flag -MConfig -e 'print \$Config{ld}'/
+ if is_cross_compiling() and defined $cross_flag;
+ push @flags, "LD=$ld $ENV{CFLAGS} $ENV{LDFLAGS}";
+ }
+ push(@perl_flags, '-I.') if compat(10);
+ push @perl_flags, $cross_flag
+ if is_cross_compiling() and defined $cross_flag;
+ $this->doit_in_sourcedir($^X, @perl_flags, "Makefile.PL", "INSTALLDIRS=vendor",
+ # if perl_build is not tested first, need to pass packlist
+ # option to handle fallthrough case
+ (compat(7) ? "create_packlist=0" : ()),
+ @flags, @_);
+sub test {
+ my $this=shift;
+ # Make tests verbose
+ $this->SUPER::test("TEST_VERBOSE=1", @_);
+sub install {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $destdir=shift;
+ # Special case for Makefile.PL that uses
+ # Module::Build::Compat. PREFIX should not be passed
+ # for those; it already installs into /usr by default.
+ my $makefile=$this->get_sourcepath("Makefile");
+ if (system(qq{grep -q "generated automatically by MakeMaker" $makefile}) != 0) {
+ $this->SUPER::install($destdir, @_);
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->SUPER::install($destdir, "PREFIX=/usr", @_);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5fe7ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+# A debhelper build system class for building Python Distutils based
+# projects. It prefers out of source tree building.
+# Copyright: © 2008 Joey Hess
+# © 2008-2009 Modestas Vainius
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::python_distutils;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd ();
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(error deprecated_functionality);
+use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem);
+ "Python Distutils ( [DEPRECATED]"
+ my $this=shift;
+ return $this->canonpath($this->get_sourcepath("build"));
+sub new {
+ my $class=shift;
+ my $this=$class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ # Out of source tree building is preferred.
+ $this->prefer_out_of_source_building(@_);
+ return $this;
+sub check_auto_buildable {
+ my $this=shift;
+ return -e $this->get_sourcepath("") ? 1 : 0;
+sub not_our_cfg {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $ret;
+ if (open(my $cfg, '<', $this->get_buildpath(".pydistutils.cfg"))) {
+ $ret = not "# Created by dh_auto\n" eq <$cfg>;
+ close $cfg;
+ }
+ return $ret;
+sub create_cfg {
+ my $this=shift;
+ if (open(my $cfg, ">", $this->get_buildpath(".pydistutils.cfg"))) {
+ print $cfg "# Created by dh_auto", "\n";
+ print $cfg "[build]\nbuild-base=", $this->get_build_rel2sourcedir(), "\n";
+ close $cfg;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub pre_building_step {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $step=shift;
+ deprecated_functionality('Please use the third-party "pybuild" build system instead of python-distutils',
+ 12);
+ return unless grep /$step/, qw(build install clean);
+ if ($this->get_buildpath() ne $this->DEFAULT_BUILD_DIRECTORY()) {
+ # --build-base can only be passed to the build command. However,
+ # it is always read from the config file (really weird design).
+ # Therefore create such a cfg config file.
+ # See
+ #
+ not $this->not_our_cfg() or
+ error("cannot set custom build directory: .pydistutils.cfg is in use");
+ $this->mkdir_builddir();
+ $this->create_cfg() or
+ error("cannot set custom build directory: unwritable .pydistutils.cfg");
+ # Distutils reads $HOME/.pydistutils.cfg
+ $ENV{HOME} = Cwd::abs_path($this->get_buildpath());
+ }
+ $this->SUPER::pre_building_step($step);
+sub dbg_build_needed {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $act=shift;
+ # Return a list of python-dbg package which are listed
+ # in the build-dependencies. This is kinda ugly, but building
+ # dbg extensions without checking if they're supposed to be
+ # built may result in various FTBFS if the package is not
+ # built in a clean chroot.
+ my @dbg;
+ open (my $fd, '<', 'debian/control') ||
+ error("cannot read debian/control: $!\n");
+ foreach my $builddeps (join('', <$fd>) =~
+ /^Build-Depends[^:]*:.*\n(?:^[^\w\n].*\n)*/gmi) {
+ while ($builddeps =~ /(python[^, ]*-dbg)/g) {
+ push @dbg, $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ return @dbg;
+sub setup_py {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $act=shift;
+ # We need to run with the default python last
+ # as distutils/setuptools modifies the shebang lines of scripts.
+ # This ensures that #!/usr/bin/python is installed last and
+ # not pythonX.Y
+ # Take into account that the default Python must not be in
+ # the requested Python versions.
+ # Then, run with each available python, to build
+ # extensions for each.
+ my $python_default = `pyversions -d`;
+ if ($? == -1) {
+ error("failed to run pyversions")
+ }
+ my $ecode = $? >> 8;
+ if ($ecode != 0) {
+ error("pyversions -d failed [$ecode]")
+ }
+ $python_default =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $python_default =~ s/\s+$//;
+ my @python_requested = split ' ', `pyversions -r`;
+ if ($? == -1) {
+ error("failed to run pyversions")
+ }
+ $ecode = $? >> 8;
+ if ($ecode != 0) {
+ error("pyversions -r failed [$ecode]")
+ }
+ if (grep /^\Q$python_default\E/, @python_requested) {
+ @python_requested = (
+ grep(!/^\Q$python_default\E/, @python_requested),
+ "python",
+ );
+ }
+ my @python_dbg;
+ my @dbg_build_needed = $this->dbg_build_needed();
+ foreach my $python (map { $_."-dbg" } @python_requested) {
+ if (grep /^(python-all-dbg|\Q$python\E)/, @dbg_build_needed) {
+ push @python_dbg, $python;
+ }
+ elsif (($python eq "python-dbg")
+ and (grep /^\Q$python_default\E/, @dbg_build_needed)) {
+ push @python_dbg, $python_default."-dbg";
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $python (@python_dbg, @python_requested) {
+ if (-x "/usr/bin/".$python) {
+ # To allow backports of debhelper we don't pass
+ # --install-layout=deb to ' install` for
+ # those Python versions where the option is
+ # ignored by distutils/setuptools.
+ if ( $act eq "install" and not
+ ( ($python =~ /^python(?:-dbg)?$/
+ and $python_default =~ /^python2\.[2345]$/)
+ or $python =~ /^python2\.[2345](?:-dbg)?$/ )) {
+ $this->doit_in_sourcedir($python, "",
+ $act, @_, "--install-layout=deb");
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->doit_in_sourcedir($python, "",
+ $act, @_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub build {
+ my $this=shift;
+ $this->setup_py("build",
+ "--force",
+ @_);
+sub install {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $destdir=shift;
+ $this->setup_py("install",
+ "--force",
+ "--root=$destdir",
+ "--no-compile",
+ "-O0",
+ @_);
+sub clean {
+ my $this=shift;
+ $this->setup_py("clean", "-a", @_);
+ # Config file will remain if it was created by us
+ if (!$this->not_our_cfg()) {
+ unlink($this->get_buildpath(".pydistutils.cfg"));
+ $this->rmdir_builddir(1); # only if empty
+ }
+ # The might import files, leading to python creating pyc
+ # files.
+ $this->doit_in_sourcedir('find', '.', '-name', '*.pyc', '-exec', 'rm', '{}', '+');
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18b896d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# A debhelper build system class for Qt projects
+# (based on the makefile class).
+# Copyright: © 2010 Kelvin Modderman
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::qmake;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(dpkg_architecture_value error is_cross_compiling);
+use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::makefile);
+ 'linux' => 'linux-g++',
+ 'kfreebsd' => 'gnukfreebsd-g++',
+ 'hurd' => 'hurd-g++',
+ "qmake (*.pro)";
+sub check_auto_buildable {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my @projects=glob($this->get_sourcepath('*.pro'));
+ my $ret=0;
+ if (@projects > 0) {
+ $ret=1;
+ # Existence of a Makefile generated by qmake indicates qmake
+ # class has already been used by a prior build step, so should
+ # be used instead of the parent makefile class.
+ my $mf=$this->get_buildpath("Makefile");
+ if (-e $mf) {
+ $ret = $this->SUPER::check_auto_buildable(@_);
+ open(my $fh, '<', $mf)
+ or error("unable to open Makefile: $mf");
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ if (m/^# Generated by qmake/i) {
+ $ret++;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+sub configure {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my @options;
+ my @flags;
+ push @options, '-makefile';
+ if (is_cross_compiling()) {
+ my $host_os = dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS");
+ if (defined(my $spec = $OS_MKSPEC_MAPPING{$host_os})) {
+ push(@options, "-spec", $spec);
+ } else {
+ error("Cannot cross-compile: Missing entry for HOST OS ${host_os} for qmake's -spec option");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ENV{CFLAGS}) {
+ }
+ if ($ENV{CXXFLAGS}) {
+ }
+ if ($ENV{LDFLAGS}) {
+ }
+ push @flags, "QMAKE_STRIP=:";
+ push @flags, "PREFIX=/usr";
+ $this->mkdir_builddir();
+ $this->doit_in_builddir($this->_qmake(), @options, @flags, @_);
+sub install {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $destdir=shift;
+ # qmake generated Makefiles use INSTALL_ROOT in install target
+ # where one would expect DESTDIR to be used.
+ $this->SUPER::install($destdir, "INSTALL_ROOT=$destdir", @_);
+sub _qmake {
+ if (is_cross_compiling()) {
+ return dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE") . "-qmake";
+ }
+ return 'qmake';
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60d9084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::qmake_qt4;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::qmake);
+ "qmake for QT 4 (*.pro)";
+sub _qmake {
+ return 'qmake-qt4';
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/DH/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/DH/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44082a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/DH/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+# Defines dh sequence state variables
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::DH::AddonAPI;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(warning error);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Sequence;
+use Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil;
+use Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState;
+sub _add_sequence {
+ my @args = @_;
+ my $seq = Debian::Debhelper::Sequence->new(@args);
+ my $name = $seq->name;
+ $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences{$name} = $seq;
+ if ($seq->allowed_subsequences eq SEQUENCE_ARCH_INDEP_SUBSEQUENCES) {
+ my $subname = "${name}-${subseq}";
+ $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences{$subname} = $seq;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub _skip_cmd_if_deb_build_options_contains {
+ my ($command, $flag) = @_;
+ push(@{$Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::commands_skippable_via_deb_build_options{$command}}, $flag);
+ return;
+sub _assert_not_conditional_sequence_addon {
+ my ($feature) = @_;
+ return if $DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_TYPE eq 'both';
+ warning("The add-on ${DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_NAME} relies on a feature (${feature}) (possibly indirectly), which is "
+ . 'not supported for conditional debhelper sequence add-ons.');
+ warning("Hint: You may have to move the build-dependency for dh-sequence-${DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_NAME} to "
+ . 'Build-Depends to avoid this error assuming it is possible to use the sequence unconditionally.');
+ error("${feature} is not supported for conditional dh sequence add-ons.\n");
+sub _filter_sequences_for_conditional_add_ons {
+ my @sequences = @_;
+ # If it is unconditional, then there is no issues.
+ return @sequences if $DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_TYPE eq 'both' or not @sequences;
+ for my $seq (@sequences) {
+ # Typically, if you add a command to a sequence, then you will in fact add it to two. E.g.
+ # Adding dh_foo after dh_installdocs will affect both install-arch AND install-indep. We want
+ # this to "just work(tm)" with a conditional add-on to avoid too much hassle (i.e. only affect
+ # the relevant sequence). At the same time, we must abort if a sequence like "clean" is
+ # affected.
+ #
+ # We solve the above by checking if the sequence has an -arch + an -indep variant and then
+ # insert the command only for that sequence variant.
+ if ($seq->allowed_subsequences ne SEQUENCE_ARCH_INDEP_SUBSEQUENCES) {
+ my $sequence_name = $seq->name;
+ warning("The add-on ${DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_NAME} attempted to modify the sequence ${sequence_name} (possibly "
+ . "indirectly) but the add-on is conditional for \"*-${DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_TYPE}\" targets");
+ warning("Hint: You may have to move the build-dependency for dh-sequence-${DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_NAME} to "
+ . 'Build-Depends to avoid this error assuming it is possible to use the sequence unconditionally.');
+ error("The add-on ${DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_NAME} cannot be use conditionally for \"*-${DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_TYPE}\""
+ . " targets\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return @sequences;
+sub _register_cmd_added_by_addon {
+ my ($cmd) = @_;
+ my $existing = $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::commands_added_by_addon{$cmd};
+ if ($existing) {
+ if ($existing->{'addon-type'} ne $DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_TYPE) {
+ my $old_addon_name = $existing->{'addon-name'};
+ my $old_addon_type = $existing->{'addon-type'};
+ # Technically, "both" could be made compatible with "indep" OR "arch" (but not both at the same time).
+ # Implement if it turns out to be relevant.
+ warning("Both dh sequence add-ons ${DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_NAME} and ${old_addon_name} have attempted to add "
+ . "the command $cmd (possibly indirectly).");
+ warning("However, the two add-ons do not have compatible constraints (${DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_TYPE} vs. "
+ . "${old_addon_type}).");
+ warning("Hint: You may have to move the build-dependency for dh-sequence-<X> to "
+ . ' the same build-dependency field to avoid this error assuming it is possible.');
+ error("Multiple sequences have conflicting requests for $cmd.\n");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::commands_added_by_addon{$cmd} = {
+ 'addon-name' => $DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_NAME,
+ 'addon-type' => $DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_TYPE,
+ };
+ return;
+sub _sequences_containing_cmd {
+ my ($cmd) = @_;
+ my @sequences;
+ foreach my $sequence_name (keys(%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences)) {
+ my $seq = $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences{$sequence_name};
+ for my $scmd (@{$seq->{'_cmds'}}) {
+ if ($scmd->{'command'} eq $cmd) {
+ push(@sequences, $seq);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @sequences;
+sub _seq_cmd {
+ my ($cmd_name) = @_;
+ return {
+ 'command' => $cmd_name,
+ 'command-options' => [],
+ 'sequence-limitation' => $DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_TYPE,
+ };
+# sequence addon interface
+sub _insert {
+ my ($offset, $existing, $new) = @_;
+ my @affected_sequences = _sequences_containing_cmd($existing);
+ @affected_sequences = _filter_sequences_for_conditional_add_ons(@affected_sequences);
+ return if not @affected_sequences;
+ _register_cmd_added_by_addon($new);
+ for my $seq (@affected_sequences) {
+ $seq->_insert($offset, $existing, _seq_cmd($new));
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub insert_before {
+ return _insert(-1, @_);
+sub insert_after {
+ return _insert(1, @_);
+sub remove_command {
+ my ($command) = @_;
+ # Implement if actually needed (I *think* it basically means to transform dh_foo to dh_foo -a/-i)
+ _assert_not_conditional_sequence_addon('remove_command');
+ my @affected_sequences = _sequences_containing_cmd($command);
+ @affected_sequences = _filter_sequences_for_conditional_add_ons(@affected_sequences);
+ return 1 if not @affected_sequences;
+ for my $seq (@affected_sequences) {
+ $seq->remove_command($command);
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub add_command {
+ my ($command, $sequence) = @_;
+ _assert_not_conditional_sequence_addon('add_command');
+ _register_cmd_added_by_addon($command);
+ if (not exists($Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences{$sequence})) {
+ _add_sequence($sequence, SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES, _seq_cmd($command));
+ } else {
+ my $seq = $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences{$sequence};
+ _filter_sequences_for_conditional_add_ons($seq);
+ $seq->add_command_at_start(_seq_cmd($command))
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub add_command_at_end {
+ my ($command, $sequence) = @_;
+ _assert_not_conditional_sequence_addon('add_command');
+ _register_cmd_added_by_addon($command);
+ if (not exists($Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences{$sequence})) {
+ _add_sequence($sequence, SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES, _seq_cmd($command));
+ } else {
+ my $seq = $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::sequences{$sequence};
+ _filter_sequences_for_conditional_add_ons($seq);
+ $seq->add_command_at_end(_seq_cmd($command))
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub add_command_options {
+ my $command=shift;
+ # Implement if actually needed (Complicated as dh_foo becomes dh_foo -a && dh_foo -i <extra_options>
+ # and that implies smarter deduplication logic)
+ _assert_not_conditional_sequence_addon('add_command_options');
+ push(@{$Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$command}}, @_);
+ return 1;
+sub remove_command_options {
+ my ($command, @cmd_options) = @_;
+ # Implement if actually needed (Complicated as dh_foo <extra_options> becomes
+ # dh_foo -a <extra_options> && dh_foo -i and that implies smarter deduplication logic)
+ _assert_not_conditional_sequence_addon('remove_command_options');
+ if (@cmd_options) {
+ # Remove only specified options
+ if (my $opts = $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$command}) {
+ foreach my $opt (@cmd_options) {
+ $opts = [ grep { $_ ne $opt } @$opts ];
+ }
+ $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$command} = $opts;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # Clear all additional options
+ delete($Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$command});
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub declare_command_obsolete {
+ my ($error_compat, $command) = @_;
+ if (not defined($command) and defined($error_compat)) {
+ # Backwards compat - originally this only accepted one command.
+ $command = $error_compat;
+ $error_compat = 13;
+ }
+ if ($error_compat < 13) {
+ error("Minimum error compat is 13 (got ${error_compat} for command: ${command})");
+ }
+ _assert_not_conditional_sequence_addon('declare_command_obsolete');
+ $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::obsolete_command{$command} = [$DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_NAME, $error_compat];
+ return 1;
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/DH/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/DH/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b029e01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/DH/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Defines dh sequence state variables
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our (
+ # Definitions of sequences.
+ %sequences,
+ # Additional command options
+ %command_opts,
+ # Track commands added by (which) addons
+ %commands_added_by_addon,
+ # Removed commands
+ %obsolete_command,
+ # Commands that can be skipped due to DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=X flags
+ %commands_skippable_via_deb_build_options,
+ # Options passed that should be passed on to underlying helpers (in order)
+ @options,
+ # Options passed by name (to assist can_skip with which options are used)
+ %seen_options,
+ # Whether there were sequences of options that inhibit certain optimizations
+ # * $unoptimizable_option_bundle => can skip iff cli-options hint is present and empty
+ # * $unoptimizable_user_option => We can never skip anything (non-option seen)
+ $unoptimizable_option_bundle,
+ $unoptimizable_user_option,
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9918969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+# A module for loading and managing debhelper build system classes.
+# This module is intended to be used by all dh_auto_* programs.
+# Copyright: © 2009 Modestas Vainius
+# License: GPL-2+
+package Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use File::Spec;
+use Exporter qw(import);
+our @EXPORT=qw(&buildsystems_init &buildsystems_do &load_buildsystem &load_all_buildsystems);
+use constant BUILD_STEPS => qw(configure build test install clean);
+# Historical order must be kept for backwards compatibility. New
+# build systems MUST be added to the END of the list.
+ "autoconf",
+ (! compat(7) ? "perl_build" : ()),
+ "perl_makemaker",
+ "makefile",
+ "python_distutils",
+ (compat(7) ? "perl_build" : ()),
+ "cmake+makefile",
+ "cmake+ninja",
+ "ant",
+ "qmake",
+ "qmake_qt4",
+ "meson+ninja",
+ "ninja",
+ 'maven',
+ 'gradle',
+ 'mkcmake',
+ 'bmake',
+ 'golang',
+# Visible for dh_assistant's sake; not API for external tools!
+our $opt_buildsys;
+my $opt_sourcedir;
+my $opt_builddir;
+my $opt_list;
+my $opt_parallel;
+*create_buildsystem_instance = \&Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::_create_buildsystem_instance;
+sub _insert_cmd_opts {
+ my (%bsopts) = @_;
+ if (!exists $bsopts{builddir} && defined $opt_builddir) {
+ $bsopts{builddir} = ($opt_builddir eq "") ? undef : $opt_builddir;
+ }
+ if (!exists $bsopts{sourcedir} && defined $opt_sourcedir) {
+ $bsopts{sourcedir} = ($opt_sourcedir eq "") ? undef : $opt_sourcedir;
+ }
+ if (!exists $bsopts{parallel}) {
+ $bsopts{parallel} = $opt_parallel;
+ }
+ return %bsopts;
+# Autoselect a build system from the list of instances
+sub autoselect_buildsystem {
+ my $step=shift;
+ my $selected;
+ my $selected_level = 0;
+ foreach my $inst (@_) {
+ # Only more specific build system can be considered beyond
+ # the currently selected one.
+ if (defined($selected)) {
+ my $ok = $inst->isa(ref($selected)) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (not $ok and $inst->IS_GENERATOR_BUILD_SYSTEM) {
+ $ok = 1 if $inst->get_targetbuildsystem->NAME eq $selected->NAME;
+ }
+ next if not $ok;
+ }
+ # If the build system says it is auto-buildable at the current
+ # step and it can provide more specific information about its
+ # status than its parent (if any), auto-select it.
+ my $level = $inst->check_auto_buildable($step);
+ if ($level > $selected_level) {
+ $selected = $inst;
+ $selected_level = $level;
+ }
+ }
+ return $selected;
+# Similar to create_buildsystem_instance(), but it attempts to autoselect
+# a build system if none was specified. In case autoselection fails or an
+# explicit “none†is requested, undef is returned.
+sub load_buildsystem {
+ my $system=shift;
+ my $step=shift;
+ my %opts = _insert_cmd_opts(@_);
+ my $system_options;
+ if (defined($system) && ref($system) eq 'HASH') {
+ $system_options = $system;
+ $system = $system_options->{'system'};
+ }
+ if (defined $system) {
+ return undef if $system eq 'none';
+ my $inst = create_buildsystem_instance($system, 1, %opts);
+ return $inst;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Try to determine build system automatically
+ my @buildsystems;
+ foreach $system (@BUILDSYSTEMS) {
+ push @buildsystems, create_buildsystem_instance($system, 1, %opts);
+ }
+ if (!$system_options || $system_options->{'enable-thirdparty'}) {
+ foreach $system (@THIRD_PARTY_BUILDSYSTEMS) {
+ push @buildsystems, create_buildsystem_instance($system, 0, %opts);
+ }
+ }
+ return autoselect_buildsystem($step, @buildsystems);
+ }
+sub load_all_buildsystems {
+ my $incs=shift || \@INC;
+ my %opts = _insert_cmd_opts(@_);
+ my (%buildsystems, %genbuildsystems, @buildsystems);
+ foreach my $inc (@$incs) {
+ my $path = File::Spec->catdir($inc, "Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem");
+ if (-d $path) {
+ foreach my $module_path (glob "$path/*.pm") {
+ my $name = basename($module_path);
+ $name =~ s/\.pm$//;
+ next if exists $buildsystems{$name} or exists $genbuildsystems{$name};
+ my $system = create_buildsystem_instance($name, 1, %opts);
+ $genbuildsystems{$name} = 1;
+ for my $target_name ($system->SUPPORTED_TARGET_BUILD_SYSTEMS) {
+ my $full_name = "${name}+${target_name}";
+ my $full_system = create_buildsystem_instance($name, 1, %opts,
+ 'targetbuildsystem' => $target_name);
+ $buildsystems{$full_name} = $full_system;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $buildsystems{$name} = $system;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Standard debhelper build systems first
+ foreach my $name (@BUILDSYSTEMS) {
+ error("standard debhelper build system '$name' could not be found/loaded")
+ if not exists $buildsystems{$name};
+ push @buildsystems, $buildsystems{$name};
+ delete $buildsystems{$name};
+ }
+ foreach my $name (@THIRD_PARTY_BUILDSYSTEMS) {
+ next if not exists $buildsystems{$name};
+ my $inst = $buildsystems{$name};
+ $inst->{thirdparty} = 1;
+ push(@buildsystems, $inst);
+ delete($buildsystems{$name});
+ }
+ # The rest are 3rd party build systems
+ foreach my $name (sort(keys(%buildsystems))) {
+ my $inst = $buildsystems{$name};
+ $inst->{thirdparty} = 1;
+ push @buildsystems, $inst;
+ }
+ return @buildsystems;
+sub buildsystems_init {
+ my %args=@_;
+ # Compat 10 defaults to --parallel by default
+ my $max_parallel = compat(9) ? 1 : -1;
+ # Available command line options
+ my %options = (
+ "D=s" => \$opt_sourcedir,
+ "sourcedir=s" => \$opt_sourcedir,
+ "sourcedirectory=s" => \$opt_sourcedir,
+ "B:s" => \$opt_builddir,
+ "builddir:s" => \$opt_builddir,
+ "builddirectory:s" => \$opt_builddir,
+ "S=s" => \$opt_buildsys,
+ "buildsystem=s" => \$opt_buildsys,
+ "l" => \$opt_list,
+ "list" => \$opt_list,
+ "parallel" => sub { $max_parallel = -1 },
+ 'no-parallel' => sub { $max_parallel = 1 },
+ "max-parallel=i" => \$max_parallel,
+ 'reload-all-buildenv-variables' => sub {
+ Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::reset_buildflags();
+ },
+ );
+ if (compat(8)) {
+ # This option only works in compat 9+ where we actually set buildflags
+ $options{'reload-all-buildenv-variables'} = sub {
+ die("--reload-all-buildenv-variables only work reliably in compat 9+.\n");
+ };
+ }
+ $args{options}{$_} = $options{$_} foreach keys(%options);
+ Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::init(%args);
+ Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::setup_buildenv();
+ set_parallel($max_parallel);
+sub set_parallel {
+ my $max=shift;
+ # Get number of processes from parallel=n option, limiting it
+ # with $max if needed
+ $opt_parallel=get_buildoption("parallel") || 1;
+ if ($max > 0 && $opt_parallel > $max) {
+ $opt_parallel = $max;
+ }
+sub buildsystems_list {
+ my $step=shift;
+ my @buildsystems = load_all_buildsystems();
+ my %auto_selectable = map { $_ => 1 } @THIRD_PARTY_BUILDSYSTEMS;
+ my $auto = autoselect_buildsystem($step, grep { ! $_->{thirdparty} || $auto_selectable{$_->NAME} } @buildsystems);
+ my $specified_text;
+ if ($opt_buildsys) {
+ for my $inst (@buildsystems) {
+ my $full_name = $inst->NAME;
+ if ($full_name eq $opt_buildsys) {
+ $specified_text = $full_name;
+ } elsif ($inst->IS_GENERATOR_BUILD_SYSTEM and ref($inst)->NAME eq $opt_buildsys) {
+ my $default = $inst->DEFAULT_TARGET_BUILD_SYSTEM;
+ $specified_text = "${opt_buildsys}+${default} (default for ${opt_buildsys})";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # List build systems (including auto and specified status)
+ foreach my $inst (@buildsystems) {
+ printf("%-20s %s", $inst->NAME(), $inst->FULL_DESCRIPTION());
+ print " [3rd party]" if $inst->{thirdparty};
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ print "Auto-selected: ", $auto->NAME(), "\n" if defined $auto;
+ print "Specified: ", $specified_text, "\n" if defined $specified_text;
+ print "No system auto-selected or specified\n"
+ if ! defined $auto && ! defined $specified_text;
+sub buildsystems_do {
+ my $step=shift;
+ if (!defined $step) {
+ $step = basename($0);
+ $step =~ s/^dh_auto_//;
+ }
+ if (grep(/^\Q$step\E$/, BUILD_STEPS) == 0) {
+ error("unrecognized build step: " . $step);
+ }
+ if ($opt_list) {
+ buildsystems_list($step);
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ my $buildsystem = load_buildsystem($opt_buildsys, $step);
+ if (defined $buildsystem) {
+ my ($xdg_runtime_dir, $err, $ref);
+ local $SIG{'INT'} = sub { $ref = 'INT'; die(\$ref); };
+ local $SIG{'TERM'} = sub { $ref = 'TERM'; die(\$ref); };
+ if ($step eq 'test' and not compat(12)) {
+ require File::Temp;
+ $xdg_runtime_dir = File::Temp->newdir('dh-xdg-rundir-XXXXXXXX',
+ TMPDIR => 1,
+ CLEANUP => 1,
+ );
+ $ENV{'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'} = $xdg_runtime_dir->dirname;
+ }
+ eval {
+ $buildsystem->pre_building_step($step);
+ $buildsystem->$step(@_, @{$dh{U_PARAMS}});
+ $buildsystem->post_building_step($step);
+ };
+ $err = $@;
+ doit('rm', '-fr', '--', $xdg_runtime_dir) if $xdg_runtime_dir;
+ if ($err) {
+ my $sig;
+ die($err) if $err ne \$ref;
+ $sig = $ref;
+ delete($SIG{$sig});
+ kill($sig => $$);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5486c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+# Debhelper option processing library.
+# Joey Hess GPL copyright 1998-2002
+package Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Getopt;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my (%exclude_package, %internal_excluded_package, %explicitly_requested_packages, %profile_enabled_packages,
+ $profile_excluded_pkg);
+sub showhelp {
+ my $prog=basename($0);
+ print "Usage: $prog [options]\n\n";
+ print " $prog is a part of debhelper. See debhelper(7)\n";
+ print " and $prog(1) for complete usage instructions.\n";
+ exit(1);
+# Passed an option name and an option value, adds packages to the list
+# of packages. We need this so the list will be built up in the right
+# order.
+sub AddPackage { my($option,$value)=@_;
+ if ($option eq 'i' or $option eq 'indep') {
+ push @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}, getpackages('indep');
+ $dh{DOINDEP}=1;
+ }
+ elsif ($option eq 'a' or $option eq 'arch' or
+ $option eq 's' or $option eq 'same-arch') {
+ push @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}, getpackages('arch');
+ $dh{DOARCH}=1;
+ if ($option eq 's' or $option eq 'same-arch') {
+ deprecated_functionality('-s/--same-arch is deprecated; please use -a/--arch instead',
+ 12,
+ '-s/--same-arch has been removed; please use -a/--arch instead'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($option eq 'p' or $option eq 'package') {
+ assert_opt_is_known_package($value, '-p/--package');
+ %profile_enabled_packages = map { $_ => 1 } getpackages('both') if not %profile_enabled_packages;
+ $explicitly_requested_packages{$value} = 1;
+ # Silently ignore packages that are not enabled by the
+ # profile.
+ if (exists($profile_enabled_packages{$value})) {
+ push @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}, $value;
+ } else {
+ $profile_excluded_pkg = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error("bad option $option - should never happen!\n");
+ }
+# Sets a package as the debug package.
+sub SetDebugPackage { my($option,$value)=@_;
+ $dh{DEBUGPACKAGE} = $value;
+ # For backwards compatibility
+ $dh{DEBUGPACKAGES} = [$value];
+# Add a package to a list of packages that should not be acted on.
+sub ExcludePackage {
+ my($option, $value)=@_;
+ assert_opt_is_known_package($value, '-N/--no-package');
+ $exclude_package{$value}=1;
+# Add another item to the exclude list.
+sub AddExclude {
+ my($option,$value)=@_;
+ push @{$dh{EXCLUDE}},$value;
+# This collects non-options values.
+sub NonOption {
+ push @{$dh{ARGV}}, @_;
+sub getoptions {
+ my $array=shift;
+ my %params=@_;
+ if (! exists $params{bundling} || $params{bundling}) {
+ Getopt::Long::config("bundling");
+ }
+ Getopt::Long::config('no_ignore_case');
+ if ( ! -f 'debian/control' or ! compat(12, 1)) {
+ Getopt::Long::config('no_auto_abbrev');
+ }
+ my @test;
+ my %options=(
+ "v" => \$dh{VERBOSE},
+ "verbose" => \$dh{VERBOSE},
+ "no-act" => \$dh{NO_ACT},
+ "i" => \&AddPackage,
+ "indep" => \&AddPackage,
+ "a" => \&AddPackage,
+ "arch" => \&AddPackage,
+ "p=s" => \&AddPackage,
+ "package=s" => \&AddPackage,
+ "N=s" => \&ExcludePackage,
+ "no-package=s" => \&ExcludePackage,
+ "remaining-packages" => \$dh{EXCLUDE_LOGGED},
+ "dbg-package=s" => \&SetDebugPackage,
+ "s" => \&AddPackage,
+ "same-arch" => \&AddPackage,
+ "n" => \$dh{NOSCRIPTS},
+ "noscripts" => \$dh{NOSCRIPTS},
+ "no-scripts" => \$dh{NOSCRIPTS},
+ "o" => \$dh{ONLYSCRIPTS},
+ "onlyscripts" => \$dh{ONLYSCRIPTS},
+ "only-scripts" => \$dh{ONLYSCRIPTS},
+ "X=s" => \&AddExclude,
+ "exclude=s" => \&AddExclude,
+ "d" => \$dh{D_FLAG},
+ "P=s" => \$dh{TMPDIR},
+ "tmpdir=s" => \$dh{TMPDIR},
+ "u=s", => \$dh{U_PARAMS},
+ "V:s", => \$dh{V_FLAG},
+ "A" => \$dh{PARAMS_ALL},
+ "all" => \$dh{PARAMS_ALL},
+ "h|help" => \&showhelp,
+ "mainpackage=s" => \$dh{MAINPACKAGE},
+ "name=s" => \$dh{NAME},
+ "error-handler=s" => \$dh{ERROR_HANDLER},
+ "O=s" => sub { push @test, $_[1] },
+ (ref $params{options} ? %{$params{options}} : ()) ,
+ "<>" => \&NonOption,
+ );
+ if ($params{test}) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %options) {
+ $options{$key}=sub {};
+ }
+ }
+ my $oldwarn;
+ if ($params{test} || $params{ignore_unknown_options}) {
+ $oldwarn=$SIG{__WARN__};
+ $SIG{__WARN__}=sub {};
+ }
+ my $ret=Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray($array, %options);
+ if ($params{test} || $params{ignore_unknown_options}) {
+ $SIG{__WARN__}=$oldwarn;
+ }
+ foreach my $opt (@test) {
+ # Try to parse an option, and skip it
+ # if it is not known.
+ if (getoptions([$opt], %params,
+ ignore_unknown_options => 0,
+ test => 1)) {
+ getoptions([$opt], %params);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1 if $params{ignore_unknown_options};
+ return $ret;
+sub split_options_string {
+ my $str=shift;
+ $str=~s/^\s+//;
+ return split(/\s+/,$str);
+# Parse options and set %dh values.
+sub parseopts {
+ my %params=@_;
+ my @ARGV_extra;
+ # DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS is used to pass additional options from
+ # dh through an override target to a command.
+ if (defined $ENV{DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS}) {
+ @ARGV_extra=split(/\x1e/, $ENV{DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS});
+ getoptions(\@ARGV_extra, %params);
+ # Avoid forcing acting on packages specified in
+ # DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS. This way, -p can be specified
+ # at the command line to act on a specific package, but when
+ # nothing is specified, the excludes will cause the set of
+ # packages DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS specifies to be acted on.
+ if (defined $dh{DOPACKAGES}) {
+ foreach my $package (getpackages()) {
+ if (! grep { $_ eq $package } @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ $exclude_package{$package} = 1;
+ $internal_excluded_package{$package} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete $dh{DOPACKAGES};
+ delete $dh{DOINDEP};
+ delete $dh{DOARCH};
+ }
+ # DH_OPTIONS can contain additional options to be parsed like @ARGV
+ if (defined $ENV{DH_OPTIONS}) {
+ @ARGV_extra=split_options_string($ENV{DH_OPTIONS});
+ my $ret=getoptions(\@ARGV_extra, %params);
+ if (!$ret) {
+ warning("ignored unknown options in DH_OPTIONS");
+ }
+ }
+ my $ret=getoptions(\@ARGV, %params);
+ if (!$ret) {
+ if (! compat(7)) {
+ error("unknown option or error during option parsing; aborting");
+ }
+ }
+ # Check to see if -V was specified. If so, but no parameters were
+ # passed, the variable will be defined but empty.
+ if (defined($dh{V_FLAG})) {
+ $dh{V_FLAG_SET}=1;
+ }
+ # If we have not been given any packages to act on, assume they
+ # want us to act on them all. Note we have to do this before excluding
+ # packages out, below.
+ if (! defined $dh{DOPACKAGES} || ! @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $do_exit = 0;
+ if ($profile_excluded_pkg) {
+ if (! $dh{BLOCK_NOOP_WARNINGS}) {
+ warning('All requested packages have been excluded'
+ . ' (e.g. via a Build-Profile or due to architecture restrictions).');
+ }
+ $do_exit = 1;
+ }
+ if ($dh{DOINDEP} || $dh{DOARCH}) {
+ # User specified that all arch (in)dep package be
+ # built, and there are none of that type.
+ if (! $dh{BLOCK_NOOP_WARNINGS}) {
+ warning("You asked that all arch in(dep) packages be built, but there are none of that type.");
+ }
+ $do_exit = 1;
+ }
+ exit(0) if $do_exit;
+ push @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}},getpackages("both");
+ }
+ # Remove excluded packages from the list of packages to act on.
+ # Also unique the list, in case some options were specified that
+ # added a package to it twice.
+ my (@package_list, $package, %packages_seen);
+ foreach $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ if (defined($dh{EXCLUDE_LOGGED}) &&
+ grep { $_ eq $Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::TOOL_NAME } load_log($package)) {
+ $exclude_package{$package}=1;
+ }
+ if (! $exclude_package{$package}) {
+ if (! exists $packages_seen{$package}) {
+ $packages_seen{$package}=1;
+ push @package_list, $package;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}=@package_list;
+ if (! defined $dh{DOPACKAGES} || ! @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ if (! $dh{BLOCK_NOOP_WARNINGS}) {
+ my %archs;
+ if (%explicitly_requested_packages) {
+ # Avoid sending a confusing error message when debhelper must exclude a package given via -p.
+ # This commonly happens due to Build-Profiles or/and when build only a subset of the packages
+ # (e.g. dpkg-buildpackage -A vs. -B vs. none of the options)
+ for my $pkg (sort(keys(%explicitly_requested_packages))) {
+ if (exists($internal_excluded_package{$pkg}) or not exists($profile_enabled_packages{$pkg})) {
+ delete($explicitly_requested_packages{$pkg});
+ }
+ }
+ if (not %explicitly_requested_packages) {
+ warning('All requested packages have been excluded'
+ . ' (e.g. via a Build-Profile or due to architecture restrictions).');
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ for my $pkg (getpackages()) {
+ $archs{package_declared_arch($pkg)} = 1;
+ }
+ warning("No packages to build. Possible architecture mismatch: " . hostarch() .
+ ", want: " . join(" ", sort keys %archs));
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ if (defined $dh{U_PARAMS}) {
+ # Split the U_PARAMS up into an array.
+ my $u=$dh{U_PARAMS};
+ undef $dh{U_PARAMS};
+ push @{$dh{U_PARAMS}}, split(/\s+/,$u);
+ }
+ # Anything left in @ARGV is options that appeared after a --
+ # These options are added to the U_PARAMS array, while the
+ # non-option values we collected replace them in @ARGV;
+ push @{$dh{U_PARAMS}}, @ARGV, @ARGV_extra;
+ @ARGV=@{$dh{ARGV}} if exists $dh{ARGV};
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cf59e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/
@@ -0,0 +1,3111 @@
+# Library functions for debhelper programs, perl version.
+# Joey Hess, GPL copyright 1997-2008.
+package Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+use v5.24;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+# Disable unicode_strings for now until a better solution for
+# Debian#971362 comes around.
+no feature 'unicode_strings';
+use constant {
+ # Lowest compat level supported
+ # Lowest compat level that does *not* cause deprecation
+ # warnings
+ # Lowest compat level to generate "debhelper-compat (= X)"
+ # relations for.
+ # Highest compat level permitted
+ # Magic value for xargs
+ # Magic value for debhelper tools to request "current version"
+ 'DH_BUILTIN_VERSION' => \'<DH_LIB_VERSION>', #'# Hi emacs.
+ # Default Package-Type / extension (must be aligned with dpkg)
+# The Makefile changes this if debhelper is installed in a PREFIX.
+my $prefix="/usr";
+# The Makefile changes this during install to match the actual version.
+use constant HIGHEST_STABLE_COMPAT_LEVEL => undef;
+# Locations we search for data files by default
+my @DATA_INC_PATH = (
+ "${prefix}/share/debhelper",
+# Enable the use of DH_DATAFILES for testing purposes.
+unshift(@DATA_INC_PATH, split(':', $ENV{'DH_DATAFILES'})) if exists($ENV{'DH_DATAFILES'});
+use constant {
+ # Package-Type / extension for dbgsym packages
+ # TODO: Find a way to determine this automatically from the vendor
+ # - blocked by Dpkg::Vendor having a rather high load time (for debhelper)
+ # Lowest compat level supported that is not scheduled for removal.
+ # - Set to MIN_COMPAT_LEVEL when there are no pending compat removals.
+# Internal constants used to define limits in variable expansions.
+use constant {
+ # How many expansions are permitted in total.
+ # When recursion is enabled, how many times will we expand a pattern
+ # on the same position in the string.
+ # Expansions are always allowed to grow up to this length regardless
+ # of original input size (provided it does not trip another limit)
+ # Factor input is allowed to grow before it triggers an error
+ # given input if the max size limit computed with this factor is less
+use Errno qw(ENOENT EXDEV);
+use Exporter qw(import);
+use File::Glob qw(bsd_glob GLOB_CSH GLOB_NOMAGIC GLOB_TILDE);
+our (@EXPORT, %dh);
+@EXPORT = (
+ # debhelper basis functionality
+ init
+ %dh
+ compat
+ # External command tooling API
+ doit
+ doit_noerror
+ qx_cmd
+ xargs
+ print_and_doit
+ print_and_doit_noerror
+ complex_doit
+ escape_shell
+ # Logging/messaging/error handling
+ error
+ error_exitcode
+ warning
+ verbose_print
+ nonquiet_print
+ # Package related actions
+ getpackages
+ sourcepackage
+ tmpdir
+ dbgsym_tmpdir
+ default_sourcedir
+ pkgfile
+ pkgext
+ pkgfilename
+ package_is_arch_all
+ package_binary_arch
+ package_declared_arch
+ package_multiarch
+ package_section
+ package_arch
+ package_type
+ process_pkg
+ compute_doc_main_package
+ isnative
+ is_udeb
+ # File/path related actions
+ basename
+ dirname
+ mkdirs
+ install_file
+ install_prog
+ install_lib
+ install_dir
+ install_dh_config_file
+ make_symlink
+ make_symlink_raw_target
+ rename_path
+ find_hardlinks
+ rm_files
+ excludefile
+ is_so_or_exec_elf_file
+ is_empty_dir
+ reset_perm_and_owner
+ log_installed_files
+ filearray
+ filedoublearray
+ glob_expand
+ glob_expand_error_handler_reject
+ glob_expand_error_handler_warn_and_discard
+ glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore
+ glob_expand_error_handler_reject_nomagic_warn_discard
+ # Generate triggers, substvars, maintscripts, build-time temporary files
+ autoscript
+ autotrigger
+ addsubstvar
+ delsubstvar
+ generated_file
+ restore_file_on_clean
+ # Split tasks among different cores
+ on_pkgs_in_parallel
+ on_items_in_parallel
+ on_selected_pkgs_in_parallel
+ # R³ framework
+ should_use_root
+ gain_root_cmd
+ # Architecture, cross-tooling, build options and profiles
+ dpkg_architecture_value
+ hostarch
+ cross_command
+ is_cross_compiling
+ is_build_profile_active
+ get_buildoption
+ perl_cross_incdir
+ # Other
+ open_gz
+ get_source_date_epoch
+ get_non_binnmu_date_epoch
+ deprecated_functionality
+ # Special-case functionality (e.g. tool specific), debhelper(-core) functionality and deprecated functions
+ inhibit_log
+ load_log
+ write_log
+ commit_override_log
+ debhelper_script_subst
+ debhelper_script_per_package_subst
+ is_make_jobserver_unavailable
+ clean_jobserver_makeflags
+ set_buildflags
+ is_known_package
+ assert_opt_is_known_package
+ restore_all_files
+ buildarch
+my $MAX_PROCS = get_buildoption("parallel") || 1;
+our $PKGNAME_REGEX = qr/[a-z0-9][-+\.a-z0-9]+/o;
+ (?: \d+ : )? # Optional epoch
+ [0-9][0-9A-Za-z.+:~]* # Upstream version (with no hyphens)
+ (?: - [0-9A-Za-z.+:~]+ )* # Optional debian revision (+ upstreams versions with hyphens)
+ /xoa;
+our $MAINTSCRIPT_TOKEN_REGEX = qr/[A-Za-z0-9_.+]+/o;
+our $TOOL_NAME = basename($0);
+# From Policy 5.1:
+# The field name is composed of US-ASCII characters excluding control
+# characters, space, and colon (i.e., characters in the ranges U+0021
+# (!) through U+0039 (9), and U+003B (;) through U+007E (~),
+# inclusive). Field names must not begin with the comment character
+# (U+0023 #), nor with the hyphen character (U+002D -).
+our $DEB822_FIELD_REGEX = qr/
+ [\x21\x22\x24-\x2C\x2F-\x39\x3B-\x7F] # First character
+ [\x21-\x39\x3B-\x7F]* # Subsequent characters (if any)
+ /xoa;
+# We need logging in compat 9 or in override/hook targets (for --remaining-packages to work)
+# - This option is a global toggle to disable logs for special commands (e.g. dh or dh_clean)
+# It is initialized during "init". This implies that commands that never calls init are
+# not dh_* commands or do not need the log
+my $write_log = undef;
+sub init {
+ my %params=@_;
+ if ($params{internal_parse_dh_sequence_info}) {
+ }
+ # Check if we can by-pass the expensive Getopt::Long by optimising for the
+ # common case of "-a" or "-i"
+ if (scalar(@ARGV) == 1 && ($ARGV[0] eq '-a' || $ARGV[0] eq '-i') &&
+ ! (defined $ENV{DH_OPTIONS} && length $ENV{DH_OPTIONS}) &&
+ # Single -i or -a as dh does it.
+ if ($ARGV[0] eq '-i') {
+ push(@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}, getpackages('indep'));
+ $dh{DOINDEP} = 1;
+ } else {
+ push(@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}, getpackages('arch'));
+ $dh{DOARCH} = 1;
+ }
+ if (! @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ if (! $dh{BLOCK_NOOP_WARNINGS}) {
+ warning("You asked that all arch in(dep) packages be built, but there are none of that type.");
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ # Clear @ARGV so we do not hit the expensive case below
+ @ARGV = ();
+ }
+ # Check to see if an option line starts with a dash,
+ # or DH_OPTIONS is set.
+ # If so, we need to pass this off to the resource intensive
+ # Getopt::Long, which I'd prefer to avoid loading at all if possible.
+ if ((defined $ENV{DH_OPTIONS} && length $ENV{DH_OPTIONS}) ||
+ grep /^-/, @ARGV) {
+ eval { require Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Getopt; };
+ error($@) if $@;
+ Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Getopt::parseopts(%params);
+ }
+ # Another way to set excludes.
+ if (exists $ENV{DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE} && length $ENV{DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE}) {
+ push @{$dh{EXCLUDE}}, split(":", $ENV{DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE});
+ }
+ # Generate EXCLUDE_FIND.
+ if ($dh{EXCLUDE}) {
+ $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}='';
+ foreach (@{$dh{EXCLUDE}}) {
+ my $x=$_;
+ $x=escape_shell($x);
+ $x=~s/\./\\\\./g;
+ $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}.="-regex .\\*$x.\\* -or ";
+ }
+ $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}=~s/ -or $//;
+ }
+ # Check to see if DH_VERBOSE environment variable was set, if so,
+ # make sure verbose is on. Otherwise, check DH_QUIET.
+ if (defined $ENV{DH_VERBOSE} && $ENV{DH_VERBOSE} ne "") {
+ $dh{VERBOSE}=1;
+ } elsif (defined $ENV{DH_QUIET} && $ENV{DH_QUIET} ne "" || get_buildoption("terse")) {
+ $dh{QUIET}=1;
+ }
+ # Check to see if DH_NO_ACT environment variable was set, if so,
+ # make sure no act mode is on.
+ if (defined $ENV{DH_NO_ACT} && $ENV{DH_NO_ACT} ne "") {
+ $dh{NO_ACT}=1;
+ }
+ # Get the name of the main binary package (first one listed in
+ # debian/control). Only if the main package was not set on the
+ # command line.
+ if (! exists $dh{MAINPACKAGE} || ! defined $dh{MAINPACKAGE}) {
+ my @allpackages=getpackages();
+ $dh{MAINPACKAGE}=$allpackages[0];
+ }
+ # Check if packages to build have been specified, if not, fall back to
+ # the default, building all relevant packages.
+ if (! defined $dh{DOPACKAGES} || ! @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ push @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}, getpackages('both');
+ }
+ # Check to see if -P was specified. If so, we can only act on a single
+ # package.
+ if ($dh{TMPDIR} && $#{$dh{DOPACKAGES}} > 0) {
+ error("-P was specified, but multiple packages would be acted on (".join(",",@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}).").");
+ }
+ # Figure out which package is the first one we were instructed to build.
+ # This package gets special treatement: files and directories specified on
+ # the command line may affect it.
+ # If no error handling function was specified, just propagate
+ # errors out.
+ if (! exists $dh{ERROR_HANDLER} || ! defined $dh{ERROR_HANDLER}) {
+ $dh{ERROR_HANDLER}='exit 1';
+ }
+ $dh{U_PARAMS} //= [];
+ if ($params{'inhibit_log'}) {
+ $write_log = 0;
+ } else {
+ # Only initialize if unset (i.e. avoid overriding an early call
+ # to inhibit_log()
+ $write_log //= 1;
+ }
+# Ensure the log is written if requested but only if the command was
+# successful.
+sub END {
+ return if $? != 0 or not $write_log;
+ # If there is no 'debian/control', then we are not being run from
+ # a package directory and then the write_log will not do what we
+ # expect.
+ return if not -f 'debian/control';
+ if (compat(9, 1) || $ENV{DH_INTERNAL_OVERRIDE}) {
+ write_log($TOOL_NAME, @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}});
+ }
+sub logfile {
+ my $package=shift;
+ my $ext=pkgext($package);
+ return "debian/${ext}debhelper.log"
+sub load_log {
+ my ($package, $db)=@_;
+ my @log;
+ open(LOG, "<", logfile($package)) || return;
+ while (<LOG>) {
+ chomp;
+ my $command = $_;
+ push @log, $command;
+ $db->{$package}{$command}=1 if defined $db;
+ }
+ close LOG;
+ return @log;
+sub write_log {
+ my $cmd=shift;
+ my @packages=@_;
+ return if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ foreach my $package (@packages) {
+ my $log = logfile($package);
+ open(LOG, ">>", $log) || error("failed to write to ${log}: $!");
+ print LOG $cmd."\n";
+ close LOG;
+ }
+sub commit_override_log {
+ my @packages=@_;
+ return if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ foreach my $package (@packages) {
+ my @log = load_log($package);
+ my $log = logfile($package);
+ open(LOG, ">", $log) || error("failed to write to ${log}: $!");
+ print LOG $_."\n" foreach @log;
+ close LOG;
+ }
+sub inhibit_log {
+ $write_log=0;
+# Pass it an array containing the arguments of a shell command like would
+# be run by exec(). It turns that into a line like you might enter at the
+# shell, escaping metacharacters and quoting arguments that contain spaces.
+sub escape_shell {
+ my @args=@_;
+ my @ret;
+ foreach my $word (@args) {
+ if ($word=~/\s/) {
+ # Escape only a few things since it will be quoted.
+ # Note we use double quotes because you cannot
+ # escape ' in single quotes, while " can be escaped
+ # in double.
+ # This does make -V"foo bar" turn into "-Vfoo bar",
+ # but that will be parsed identically by the shell
+ # anyway..
+ $word=~s/([\n`\$"\\])/\\$1/g;
+ push @ret, "\"$word\"";
+ }
+ else {
+ # This list is from _Unix in a Nutshell_. (except '#')
+ $word=~s/([\s!"\$()*+#;<>?@\[\]\\`|~])/\\$1/g;
+ push @ret,$word;
+ }
+ }
+ return join(' ', @ret);
+# Run a command, and display the command to stdout if verbose mode is on.
+# Throws error if command exits nonzero.
+# All commands that modify files in $TMP should be run via this
+# function.
+# Note that this cannot handle complex commands, especially anything
+# involving redirection. Use complex_doit instead.
+sub doit {
+ doit_noerror(@_) || error_exitcode(_format_cmdline(@_));
+sub doit_noerror {
+ verbose_print(_format_cmdline(@_)) if $dh{VERBOSE};
+ goto \&_doit;
+sub print_and_doit {
+ print_and_doit_noerror(@_) || error_exitcode(_format_cmdline(@_));
+sub print_and_doit_noerror {
+ nonquiet_print(_format_cmdline(@_));
+ goto \&_doit;
+sub _post_fork_setup_and_exec {
+ my ($close_stdin, $options, @cmd) = @_;
+ if (defined($options)) {
+ if (defined(my $dir = $options->{chdir})) {
+ if ($dir ne '.') {
+ chdir($dir) or error("chdir(\"${dir}\") failed: $!");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($close_stdin) {
+ open(STDIN, '<', '/dev/null') or error("redirect STDIN failed: $!");
+ }
+ if (defined(my $output = $options->{stdout})) {
+ open(STDOUT, '>', $output) or error("redirect STDOUT failed: $!");
+ }
+ if (defined(my $update_env = $options->{update_env})) {
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each(%{$update_env})) {
+ if (defined($v)) {
+ $ENV{$k} = $v;
+ } else {
+ delete($ENV{$k});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Force execvp call to avoid shell. Apparently, even exec can
+ # involve a shell if you don't do this.
+ exec { $cmd[0] } @cmd or error('exec (for cmd: ' . escape_shell(@cmd) . ") failed: $!");
+sub _doit {
+ my (@cmd) = @_;
+ my $options = ref($cmd[0]) ? shift(@cmd) : undef;
+ # In compat <= 11, we warn, in compat 12 we assume people know what they are doing.
+ if (not defined($options) and @cmd == 1 and compat(12) and $cmd[0] =~ m/[\s<&>|;]/) {
+ deprecated_functionality('doit() + doit_*() calls will no longer spawn a shell in compat 12 for single string arguments (please use complex_doit instead)',
+ 12);
+ return 1 if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ return system(@cmd) == 0;
+ }
+ return 1 if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ my $pid = fork() // error("fork(): $!");
+ if (not $pid) {
+ _post_fork_setup_and_exec(1, $options, @cmd) // error("Assertion error: sub should not return!");
+ }
+ return waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid && $? == 0;
+sub _format_cmdline {
+ my (@cmd) = @_;
+ my $options = ref($cmd[0]) ? shift(@cmd) : {};
+ my $cmd_line = escape_shell(@cmd);
+ if (defined(my $update_env = $options->{update_env})) {
+ my $need_env = 0;
+ my @params;
+ for my $key (sort(keys(%{$update_env}))) {
+ my $value = $update_env->{$key};
+ if (defined($value)) {
+ my $quoted_key = escape_shell($key);
+ push(@params, join('=', $quoted_key, escape_shell($value)));
+ # shell does not like: "FU BAR"=1 cmd
+ # if the ENV key has weird symbols, the best bet is to use env
+ $need_env = 1 if $quoted_key ne $key;
+ } else {
+ $need_env = 1;
+ push(@params, escape_shell("--unset=${key}"));
+ }
+ }
+ unshift(@params, 'env', '--') if $need_env;
+ $cmd_line = join(' ', @params, $cmd_line);
+ }
+ if (defined(my $dir = $options->{chdir})) {
+ $cmd_line = join(' ', 'cd', escape_shell($dir), '&&', $cmd_line) if $dir ne '.';
+ }
+ if (defined(my $output = $options->{stdout})) {
+ $cmd_line .= ' > ' . escape_shell($output);
+ }
+ return $cmd_line;
+sub qx_cmd {
+ my (@cmd) = @_;
+ my $options = ref($cmd[0]) ? shift(@cmd) : undef;
+ my ($output, @output);
+ my $pid = open(my $fd, '-|') // error('fork (for cmd: ' . escape_shell(@cmd) . ") failed: $!");
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ _post_fork_setup_and_exec(0, $options, @cmd) // error("Assertion error: sub should not return!");
+ }
+ if (wantarray) {
+ @output = <$fd>;
+ } else {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ $output = <$fd>;
+ }
+ if (not close($fd)) {
+ error("close pipe failed: $!") if $!;
+ error_exitcode(escape_shell(@cmd));
+ }
+ return @output if wantarray;
+ return $output;
+# Run a command and display the command to stdout if verbose mode is on.
+# Use doit() if you can, instead of this function, because this function
+# forks a shell. However, this function can handle more complicated stuff
+# like redirection.
+sub complex_doit {
+ verbose_print(join(" ",@_));
+ if (! $dh{NO_ACT}) {
+ # The join makes system get a scalar so it forks off a shell.
+ system(join(" ", @_)) == 0 || error_exitcode(join(" ", @_))
+ }
+sub error_exitcode {
+ my $command=shift;
+ if ($? == -1) {
+ error("$command failed to execute: $!");
+ }
+ elsif ($? & 127) {
+ error("$command died with signal ".($? & 127));
+ }
+ elsif ($?) {
+ error("$command returned exit code ".($? >> 8));
+ }
+ else {
+ warning("This tool claimed that $command have failed, but it");
+ warning("appears to have returned 0.");
+ error("Probably a bug in this tool is hiding the actual problem.");
+ }
+# Some shortcut functions for installing files and dirs to always
+# have the same owner and mode
+# install_file - installs a non-executable
+# install_prog - installs an executable
+# install_lib - installs a shared library (some systems may need x-bit, others don't)
+# install_dir - installs a directory
+ my $_loaded = 0;
+ sub install_file {
+ unshift(@_, 0644);
+ goto \&_install_file_to_path;
+ }
+ sub install_prog {
+ unshift(@_, 0755);
+ goto \&_install_file_to_path;
+ }
+ sub install_lib {
+ unshift(@_, 0644);
+ goto \&_install_file_to_path;
+ }
+ sub _install_file_to_path {
+ my ($mode, $source, $dest) = @_;
+ if (not $_loaded) {
+ $_loaded++;
+ require File::Copy;
+ }
+ verbose_print(sprintf('install -p -m%04o %s', $mode, escape_shell($source, $dest)))
+ if $dh{VERBOSE};
+ return 1 if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ # "install -p -mXXXX foo bar" silently discards broken
+ # symlinks to install the file in place. File::Copy does not,
+ # so emulate it manually. (#868204)
+ if ( -l $dest and not -e $dest and not unlink($dest) and $! != ENOENT) {
+ error("unlink $dest failed: $!");
+ }
+ File::Copy::copy($source, $dest) or error("copy($source, $dest): $!");
+ chmod($mode, $dest) or error("chmod($mode, $dest): $!");
+ my (@stat) = stat($source);
+ error("stat($source): $!") if not @stat;
+ utime($stat[8], $stat[9], $dest)
+ or error(sprintf("utime(%d, %d, %s): $!", $stat[8] , $stat[9], $dest));
+ return 1;
+ }
+sub _mkdirs {
+ my ($log, @dirs) = @_;
+ return if not @dirs;
+ if ($log && $dh{VERBOSE}) {
+ verbose_print(sprintf('install -m0755 -d %s', escape_shell(@dirs)));
+ }
+ return 1 if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ state $_loaded;
+ if (not $_loaded) {
+ $_loaded++;
+ require File::Path;
+ }
+ my %opts = (
+ # install -d uses 0755 (no umask), make_path uses 0777 (& umask) by default.
+ # Since we claim to run install -d, then ensure the mode is correct.
+ 'chmod' => 0755,
+ );
+ eval {
+ File::Path::make_path(@dirs, \%opts);
+ };
+ if (my $err = "$@") {
+ $err =~ s/\s+at\s+\S+\s+line\s+\d+\.?\n//;
+ error($err);
+ }
+ return;
+sub mkdirs {
+ my @to_create = grep { not -d $_ } @_;
+ return _mkdirs(0, @to_create);
+sub install_dir {
+ my @dirs = @_;
+ return _mkdirs(1, @dirs);
+sub rename_path {
+ my ($source, $dest) = @_;
+ if ($dh{VERBOSE}) {
+ my $files = escape_shell($source, $dest);
+ verbose_print("mv $files");
+ }
+ return 1 if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ if (not rename($source, $dest)) {
+ my $ok = 0;
+ if ($! == EXDEV) {
+ # Replay with a fork+exec to handle crossing two mount
+ # points (See #897569)
+ $ok = _doit('mv', $source, $dest);
+ }
+ if (not $ok) {
+ my $files = escape_shell($source, $dest);
+ error("mv $files: $!");
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub reset_perm_and_owner {
+ my ($mode, @paths) = @_;
+ my $_mode;
+ my $use_root = should_use_root();
+ # Dark goat blood to tell 0755 from "0755"
+ if (length( do { no warnings "numeric"; $mode & "" } ) ) {
+ # 0755, leave it alone.
+ $_mode = $mode;
+ } else {
+ # "0755" -> convert to 0755
+ $_mode = oct($mode);
+ }
+ if ($dh{VERBOSE}) {
+ verbose_print(sprintf('chmod %#o -- %s', $_mode, escape_shell(@paths)));
+ verbose_print(sprintf('chown 0:0 -- %s', escape_shell(@paths))) if $use_root;
+ }
+ return if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ for my $path (@paths) {
+ chmod($_mode, $path) or error(sprintf('chmod(%#o, %s): %s', $mode, $path, $!));
+ if ($use_root) {
+ chown(0, 0, $path) or error("chown(0, 0, $path): $!");
+ }
+ }
+# Run a command that may have a huge number of arguments, like xargs does.
+# Pass in a reference to an array containing the arguments, and then other
+# parameters that are the command and any parameters that should be passed to
+# it each time.
+sub xargs {
+ my ($args, @static_args) = @_;
+ # The kernel can accept command lines up to 20k worth of characters.
+ my $command_max=20000; # LINUX SPECIFIC!!
+ # (And obsolete; it's bigger now.)
+ # I could use POSIX::ARG_MAX, but that would be slow.
+ # Figure out length of static portion of command.
+ my $static_length=0;
+ my $subst_index = -1;
+ for my $i (0..$#static_args) {
+ my $arg = $static_args[$i];
+ error("Only one insertion place supported in xargs, got command: @static_args") if $subst_index > -1;
+ $subst_index = $i;
+ next;
+ }
+ $static_length+=length($arg)+1;
+ }
+ my @collect=();
+ my $length=$static_length;
+ foreach (@$args) {
+ if (length($_) + 1 + $static_length > $command_max) {
+ error("This command is greater than the maximum command size allowed by the kernel, and cannot be split up further. What on earth are you doing? \"@_ $_\"");
+ }
+ $length+=length($_) + 1;
+ if ($length < $command_max) {
+ push @collect, $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($#collect > -1) {
+ if ($subst_index < 0) {
+ doit(@static_args, @collect);
+ } else {
+ my @cmd = @static_args;
+ splice(@cmd, $subst_index, 1, @collect);
+ doit(@cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ @collect=($_);
+ $length=$static_length + length($_) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($#collect > -1) {
+ if ($subst_index < 0) {
+ doit(@static_args, @collect);
+ } else {
+ my @cmd = @static_args;
+ splice(@cmd, $subst_index, 1, @collect);
+ doit(@cmd);
+ }
+ }
+# Print something if the verbose flag is on.
+sub verbose_print {
+ my $message=shift;
+ if ($dh{VERBOSE}) {
+ print "\t$message\n";
+ }
+# Print something unless the quiet flag is on
+sub nonquiet_print {
+ my $message=shift;
+ if (!$dh{QUIET}) {
+ if (defined($message)) {
+ print "\t$message\n";
+ } else {
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub _color {
+ my ($msg, $color) = @_;
+ state $_use_color;
+ if (not defined($_use_color)) {
+ # This part is basically Dpkg::ErrorHandling::setup_color over again
+ # with some tweaks.
+ # (but the module uses Dpkg + Dpkg::Gettext, so it is very expensive
+ # to load)
+ my $mode = $ENV{'DH_COLORS'} // $ENV{'DPKG_COLORS'};
+ # Support NO_COLOR (
+ $mode //= exists($ENV{'NO_COLOR'}) ? 'never' : 'auto';
+ if ($mode eq 'auto') {
+ $_use_color = 1 if -t *STDOUT or -t *STDERR;
+ } elsif ($mode eq 'always') {
+ $_use_color = 1;
+ } else {
+ $_use_color = 0;
+ }
+ eval {
+ require Term::ANSIColor if $_use_color;
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ # In case of errors, skip colors.
+ $_use_color = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($_use_color) {
+ local $ENV{'NO_COLOR'} = undef;
+ $msg = Term::ANSIColor::colored($msg, $color);
+ }
+ return $msg;
+# Output an error message and die (can be caught).
+sub error {
+ my ($message) = @_;
+ # ensure the error code is well defined.
+ $! = 255;
+ die(_color($TOOL_NAME, 'bold') . ': ' . _color('error', 'bold red') . ": $message\n");
+# Output a warning.
+sub warning {
+ my ($message) = @_;
+ $message //= '';
+ print STDERR _color($TOOL_NAME, 'bold') . ': ' . _color('warning', 'bold yellow') . ": $message\n";
+# Returns the basename of the argument passed to it.
+sub basename {
+ my $fn=shift;
+ $fn=~s/\/$//g; # ignore trailing slashes
+ $fn=~s:^.*/(.*?)$:$1:;
+ return $fn;
+# Returns the directory name of the argument passed to it.
+sub dirname {
+ my $fn=shift;
+ $fn=~s/\/$//g; # ignore trailing slashes
+ $fn=~s:^(.*)/.*?$:$1:;
+ return $fn;
+# Pass in a number, will return true iff the current compatibility level
+# is less than or equal to that number.
+my $compat_from_bd;
+ my $check_pending_removals = get_buildoption('dherroron', '') eq 'obsolete-compat-levels' ? 1 : 0;
+ my $warned_compat = $ENV{DH_INTERNAL_TESTSUITE_SILENT_WARNINGS} ? 1 : 0;
+ my $declared_compat;
+ my $delared_compat_source;
+ my $c;
+ # Used mainly for testing
+ sub resetcompat {
+ undef $c;
+ undef $compat_from_bd;
+ }
+ sub _load_compat_info {
+ my ($nowarn) = @_;
+ getpackages() if not defined($compat_from_bd);
+ $c=1;
+ if (-e 'debian/compat') {
+ open(my $compat_in, '<', "debian/compat") || error "debian/compat: $!";
+ my $l=<$compat_in>;
+ close($compat_in);
+ if (! defined $l || ! length $l) {
+ error("debian/compat must contain a positive number (found an empty first line)");
+ }
+ else {
+ chomp $l;
+ my $new_compat = $l;
+ $new_compat =~ s/^\s*+//;
+ $new_compat =~ s/\s*+$//;
+ if ($new_compat !~ m/^\d+$/) {
+ error("debian/compat must contain a positive number (found: \"${new_compat}\")");
+ }
+ if (defined($compat_from_bd) and $compat_from_bd != -1) {
+ warning("Please specify the debhelper compat level exactly once.");
+ warning(" * debian/compat requests compat ${new_compat}.");
+ warning(" * debian/control requests compat ${compat_from_bd} via \"debhelper-compat (= ${compat_from_bd})\"");
+ warning();
+ warning("Hint: If you just added a build-dependency on debhelper-compat, then please remember to remove debian/compat");
+ warning();
+ error("debhelper compat level specified both in debian/compat and via build-dependency on debhelper-compat");
+ }
+ $c = $new_compat;
+ }
+ $delared_compat_source = 'debian/compat';
+ } elsif ($compat_from_bd != -1) {
+ $c = $compat_from_bd;
+ $delared_compat_source = "Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= $c)";
+ } elsif (not $nowarn) {
+ error("Please specify the compatibility level in debian/compat or via Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= X)");
+ }
+ $declared_compat = int($c);
+ if (defined $ENV{DH_COMPAT}) {
+ my $override = $ENV{DH_COMPAT};
+ error("The environment variable DH_COMPAT must be a positive integer")
+ if $override ne q{} and $override !~ m/^\d+$/;
+ $c=int($ENV{DH_COMPAT}) if $override ne q{};
+ }
+ }
+ sub get_compat_info {
+ if (not $c) {
+ _load_compat_info(1);
+ }
+ return ($c, $declared_compat, $delared_compat_source);
+ }
+ sub compat {
+ my ($num, $nowarn) = @_;
+ if (not $c) {
+ _load_compat_info($nowarn);
+ }
+ if (not $nowarn) {
+ if ($c < MIN_COMPAT_LEVEL) {
+ error("Compatibility levels before ${\MIN_COMPAT_LEVEL} are no longer supported (level $c requested)");
+ }
+ if ($check_pending_removals and $c < MIN_COMPAT_LEVEL_NOT_SCHEDULED_FOR_REMOVAL) {
+ error("Compatibility levels before ${v} are scheduled for removal and DH_COMPAT_ERROR_ON_PENDING_REMOVAL was set (level $c requested)");
+ }
+ if ($c < LOWEST_NON_DEPRECATED_COMPAT_LEVEL && ! $warned_compat) {
+ warning("Compatibility levels before ${\LOWEST_NON_DEPRECATED_COMPAT_LEVEL} are deprecated (level $c in use)");
+ $warned_compat=1;
+ }
+ if ($c > MAX_COMPAT_LEVEL) {
+ error("Sorry, but ${\MAX_COMPAT_LEVEL} is the highest compatibility level supported by this debhelper.");
+ }
+ }
+ return ($c <= $num);
+ }
+# Pass it a name of a binary package, it returns the name of the tmp dir to
+# use, for that package.
+sub tmpdir {
+ my $package=shift;
+ if ($dh{TMPDIR}) {
+ return $dh{TMPDIR};
+ }
+ else {
+ return "debian/$package";
+ }
+# Pass it a name of a binary package, it returns the name of the staging dir to
+# use, for that package. (Usually debian/tmp)
+sub default_sourcedir {
+ my ($package) = @_;
+ return 'debian/tmp';
+# Pass this the name of a binary package, and the name of the file wanted
+# for the package, and it will return the actual existing filename to use.
+# It tries several filenames:
+# * debian/package.filename.hostarch
+# * debian/package.filename.hostos
+# * debian/package.filename
+# * debian/filename (if the package is the main package)
+# If --name was specified then the files
+# must have the name after the package name:
+# * debian/
+# * debian/
+# * debian/
+# * debian/name.filename (if the package is the main package)
+ my %_check_expensive;
+ sub pkgfile {
+ my ($package, $filename) = @_;
+ my (@try, $check_expensive);
+ if (not exists($_check_expensive{$filename})) {
+ my @f = grep {
+ !/\.debhelper$/
+ } bsd_glob("debian/*.$filename.*", GLOB_CSH & ~(GLOB_NOMAGIC|GLOB_TILDE));
+ if (not @f) {
+ $check_expensive = 0;
+ } else {
+ $check_expensive = 1;
+ }
+ $_check_expensive{$filename} = $check_expensive;
+ } else {
+ $check_expensive = $_check_expensive{$filename};
+ }
+ # Rewrite $filename after the check_expensive globbing above
+ # as $dh{NAME} is used as a prefix (so the glob above will
+ # cover it).
+ #
+ # In practise, it should not matter as NAME is ether set
+ # globally or not. But if someone is being "clever" then the
+ # cache is reusable and for the general/normal case, it has no
+ # adverse effects.
+ if (defined $dh{NAME}) {
+ $filename="$dh{NAME}.$filename";
+ }
+ if (ref($package) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ # Bulk test used by dh to speed up the can_skip check. It
+ # is NOT useful for finding the most precise pkgfile.
+ push(@try, "debian/$filename");
+ for my $pkg (@{$package}) {
+ push(@try, "debian/${pkg}.${filename}");
+ if ($check_expensive) {
+ my $cross_type = uc(package_cross_type($pkg));
+ push(@try,
+ "debian/${pkg}.${filename}.".dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_${cross_type}_ARCH"),
+ "debian/${pkg}.${filename}.".dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_${cross_type}_ARCH_OS"),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Avoid checking for hostarch+hostos unless we have reason
+ # to believe that they exist.
+ if ($check_expensive) {
+ my $cross_type = uc(package_cross_type($package));
+ push(@try,
+ "debian/${package}.${filename}.".dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_${cross_type}_ARCH"),
+ "debian/${package}.${filename}.".dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_${cross_type}_ARCH_OS"),
+ );
+ }
+ push(@try, "debian/$package.$filename");
+ if ($package eq $dh{MAINPACKAGE}) {
+ push @try, "debian/$filename";
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $file (@try) {
+ return $file if -f $file;
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ # Used by dh to ditch some caches that makes assumptions about
+ # dh_-tools can do, which does not hold for override targets.
+ sub dh_clear_unsafe_cache {
+ %_check_expensive = ();
+ }
+# Pass it a name of a binary package, it returns the name to prefix to files
+# in debian/ for this package.
+sub pkgext {
+ my ($package) = @_;
+ return "$package.";
+# Pass it the name of a binary package, it returns the name to install
+# files by in eg, etc. Normally this is the same, but --name can override
+# it.
+sub pkgfilename {
+ my $package=shift;
+ if (defined $dh{NAME}) {
+ return $dh{NAME};
+ }
+ return $package;
+# Returns 1 if the package is a native debian package, null otherwise.
+# As a side effect, sets $dh{VERSION} to the version of this package.
+sub isnative {
+ my ($package) = @_;
+ my $cache_key = $package;
+ state (%isnative_cache, %pkg_version);
+ if (exists($isnative_cache{$cache_key})) {
+ $dh{VERSION} = $pkg_version{$cache_key};
+ return $isnative_cache{$cache_key};
+ }
+ # Make sure we look at the correct changelog.
+ my $isnative_changelog = pkgfile($package,"changelog");
+ if (! $isnative_changelog) {
+ $isnative_changelog = "debian/changelog";
+ $cache_key = '_source';
+ # check if we looked up the default changelog
+ if (exists($isnative_cache{$cache_key})) {
+ $dh{VERSION} = $pkg_version{$cache_key};
+ return $isnative_cache{$cache_key};
+ }
+ }
+ if (not %isnative_cache) {
+ require Dpkg::Changelog::Parse;
+ }
+ my $res = Dpkg::Changelog::Parse::changelog_parse(
+ file => $isnative_changelog,
+ compression => 0,
+ );
+ if (not defined($res)) {
+ error("No changelog entries for $package!? (changelog file: ${isnative_changelog})");
+ }
+ my $version = $res->{'Version'};
+ # Do we have a valid version?
+ if (not defined($version) or not $version->is_valid) {
+ error("changelog parse failure; invalid or missing version");
+ }
+ # Get and cache the package version.
+ $dh{VERSION} = $pkg_version{$cache_key} = $version->as_string;
+ # Is this a native Debian package?
+ if (index($dh{VERSION}, '-') > -1) {
+ return $isnative_cache{$cache_key} = 0;
+ } else {
+ return $isnative_cache{$cache_key} = 1;
+ }
+sub _tool_version {
+ return $DH_TOOL_VERSION if defined($DH_TOOL_VERSION);
+ if (defined($main::VERSION)) {
+ }
+ my $version = "UNRELEASED-${\MAX_COMPAT_LEVEL}";
+ eval {
+ require Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Version;
+ $version = $Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Version::version;
+ };
+ $DH_TOOL_VERSION = $version;
+ } else {
+ }
+ return $DH_TOOL_VERSION;
+# Automatically add a shell script snippet to a debian script.
+# Only works if the script has #DEBHELPER# in it.
+# Parameters:
+# 1: package
+# 2: script to add to
+# 3: filename of snippet
+# 4: either text: shell-quoted sed to run on the snippet. Ie, 's/#PACKAGE#/$PACKAGE/'
+# or a sub to run on each line of the snippet. Ie sub { s/#PACKAGE#/$PACKAGE/ }
+# or a hashref with keys being variables and values being their replacement. Ie. { PACKAGE => $PACKAGE }
+# 5: Internal usage only
+sub autoscript {
+ my ($package, $script, $filename, $sed, $extra_options) = @_;
+ my $tool_version = _tool_version();
+ # This is the file we will modify.
+ my $outfile="debian/".pkgext($package)."$script.debhelper";
+ if ($extra_options && exists($extra_options->{'snippet-order'})) {
+ my $order = $extra_options->{'snippet-order'};
+ error("Internal error - snippet order set to unknown value: \"${order}\"")
+ if $order ne 'service';
+ $outfile = generated_file($package, "${script}.${order}");
+ }
+ # Figure out what shell script snippet to use.
+ my $infile;
+ if (defined($ENV{DH_AUTOSCRIPTDIR}) &&
+ -e "$ENV{DH_AUTOSCRIPTDIR}/$filename") {
+ $infile="$ENV{DH_AUTOSCRIPTDIR}/$filename";
+ }
+ else {
+ for my $dir (@DATA_INC_PATH) {
+ my $path = "${dir}/autoscripts/${filename}";
+ if (-e $path) {
+ $infile = $path;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (not defined($infile)) {
+ my @dirs = map { "$_/autoscripts" } @DATA_INC_PATH;
+ unshift(@dirs, $ENV{DH_AUTOSCRIPTDIR}) if exists($ENV{DH_AUTOSCRIPTDIR});
+ error("Could not find autoscript $filename (search path: " . join(':', @dirs) . ')');
+ }
+ }
+ if (-e $outfile && ($script eq 'postrm' || $script eq 'prerm')) {
+ # Add fragments to top so they run in reverse order when removing.
+ if (not defined($sed) or ref($sed)) {
+ verbose_print("[META] Prepend autosnippet \"$filename\" to $script [${outfile}.new]");
+ if (not $dh{NO_ACT}) {
+ open(my $out_fd, '>', "${outfile}.new") or error("open(${outfile}.new): $!");
+ print {$out_fd} '# Automatically added by ' . $TOOL_NAME . "/${tool_version}\n";
+ autoscript_sed($sed, $infile, undef, $out_fd);
+ print {$out_fd} "# End automatically added section\n";
+ open(my $in_fd, '<', $outfile) or error("open($outfile): $!");
+ while (my $line = <$in_fd>) {
+ print {$out_fd} $line;
+ }
+ close($in_fd);
+ close($out_fd) or error("close(${outfile}.new): $!");
+ }
+ } else {
+ complex_doit("echo \"# Automatically added by ".$TOOL_NAME."/${tool_version}\"> $");
+ autoscript_sed($sed, $infile, "$");
+ complex_doit("echo '# End automatically added section' >> $");
+ complex_doit("cat $outfile >> $");
+ }
+ rename_path("${outfile}.new", $outfile);
+ } elsif (not defined($sed) or ref($sed)) {
+ verbose_print("[META] Append autosnippet \"$filename\" to $script [${outfile}]");
+ if (not $dh{NO_ACT}) {
+ open(my $out_fd, '>>', $outfile) or error("open(${outfile}): $!");
+ print {$out_fd} '# Automatically added by ' . $TOOL_NAME . "/${tool_version}\n";
+ autoscript_sed($sed, $infile, undef, $out_fd);
+ print {$out_fd} "# End automatically added section\n";
+ close($out_fd) or error("close(${outfile}): $!");
+ }
+ } else {
+ complex_doit("echo \"# Automatically added by ".$TOOL_NAME."/${tool_version}\">> $outfile");
+ autoscript_sed($sed, $infile, $outfile);
+ complex_doit("echo '# End automatically added section' >> $outfile");
+ }
+sub autoscript_sed {
+ my ($sed, $infile, $outfile, $out_fd) = @_;
+ if (not defined($sed) or ref($sed)) {
+ my $out = $out_fd;
+ open(my $in, '<', $infile) or error("open $infile failed: $!");
+ if (not defined($out_fd)) {
+ open($out, '>>', $outfile) or error("open($outfile): $!");
+ }
+ if (not defined($sed) or ref($sed) eq 'CODE') {
+ while (<$in>) { $sed->() if $sed; print {$out} $_; }
+ } else {
+ my $rstr = sprintf('#(%s)#', join('|', reverse(sort(keys(%$sed)))));
+ my $regex = qr/$rstr/;
+ while (my $line = <$in>) {
+ $line =~ s/$regex/$sed->{$1}/eg;
+ print {$out} $line;
+ }
+ }
+ if (not defined($out_fd)) {
+ close($out) or error("close $outfile failed: $!");
+ }
+ close($in) or error("close $infile failed: $!");
+ }
+ else {
+ error("Internal error - passed open handle for legacy method") if defined($out_fd);
+ complex_doit("sed \"$sed\" $infile >> $outfile");
+ }
+# Adds a trigger to the package
+ my %VALID_TRIGGER_TYPES = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
+ interest interest-await interest-noawait
+ activate activate-await activate-noawait
+ );
+ sub autotrigger {
+ my ($package, $trigger_type, $trigger_target) = @_;
+ my ($triggers_file, $ifd, $tool_version);
+ if (not exists($VALID_TRIGGER_TYPES{$trigger_type})) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::confess("Invalid/unknown trigger ${trigger_type}");
+ }
+ return if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ $tool_version = _tool_version();
+ $triggers_file = generated_file($package, 'triggers');
+ if ( -f $triggers_file ) {
+ open($ifd, '<', $triggers_file)
+ or error("open $triggers_file failed $!");
+ } else {
+ open($ifd, '<', '/dev/null')
+ or error("open /dev/null failed $!");
+ }
+ open(my $ofd, '>', "${triggers_file}.new")
+ or error("open ${triggers_file}.new failed: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$ifd>) {
+ next if $line =~ m{\A \Q${trigger_type}\E \s+
+ \Q${trigger_target}\E (?:\s|\Z)
+ }x;
+ print {$ofd} $line;
+ }
+ print {$ofd} '# Triggers added by ' . $TOOL_NAME . "/${tool_version}\n";
+ print {$ofd} "${trigger_type} ${trigger_target}\n";
+ close($ofd) or error("closing ${triggers_file}.new failed: $!");
+ close($ifd);
+ rename_path("${triggers_file}.new", $triggers_file);
+ }
+# Generated files are cleaned by dh_clean AND dh_prep
+# - Package can be set to "_source" to generate a file relevant
+# for the source package (the meson build does this atm.).
+# Files for "_source" are only cleaned by dh_clean.
+sub generated_file {
+ my ($package, $filename, $mkdirs) = @_;
+ my $dir = "debian/.debhelper/generated/${package}";
+ my $path = "${dir}/${filename}";
+ $mkdirs //= 1;
+ mkdirs($dir) if $mkdirs;
+ return $path;
+sub _update_substvar {
+ my ($substvar_file, $update_logic, $insert_logic) = @_;
+ my @lines;
+ my $changed = 0;
+ if ( -f $substvar_file) {
+ open(my $in, '<', $substvar_file) // error("open($substvar_file): $!");
+ while (my $line = <$in>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ my $orig_value = $line;
+ my $updated_value = $update_logic->($line);
+ $changed ||= !defined($updated_value) || $orig_value ne $updated_value;
+ push(@lines, $updated_value) if defined($updated_value);
+ }
+ close($in);
+ }
+ my $len = scalar(@lines);
+ push(@lines, $insert_logic->()) if $insert_logic;
+ $changed ||= $len != scalar(@lines);
+ if ($changed && !$dh{NO_ACT}) {
+ open(my $out, '>', "${substvar_file}.new") // error("open(${substvar_file}.new, \"w\"): $!");
+ for my $line (@lines) {
+ print {$out} "$line\n";
+ }
+ close($out) // error("close(${substvar_file}.new): $!");
+ rename_path("${substvar_file}.new", $substvar_file);
+ }
+ return;
+# Removes a whole substvar line.
+sub delsubstvar {
+ my ($package, $substvar) = @_;
+ my $ext = pkgext($package);
+ my $substvarfile = "debian/${ext}substvars";
+ return _update_substvar($substvarfile, sub {
+ my ($line) = @_;
+ return $line if $line !~ m/^\Q${substvar}\E[?]?=/;
+ return;
+ });
+# Adds a dependency on some package to the specified
+# substvar in a package's substvar's file.
+sub addsubstvar {
+ my ($package, $substvar, $deppackage, $verinfo, $remove) = @_;
+ my ($present);
+ my $ext = pkgext($package);
+ my $substvarfile = "debian/${ext}substvars";
+ my $str = $deppackage;
+ $str .= " ($verinfo)" if defined $verinfo && length $verinfo;
+ if (not defined($deppackage) and not $remove) {
+ error("Bug in helper: Must provide a value for addsubstvar (or set the remove flag, but then use delsubstvar instead)")
+ }
+ if (defined($str) and $str =~ m/[\n]/) {
+ $str =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ # Per #1026014
+ warning('Unescaped newlines in the value of a substvars can cause broken substvars files (see #1025714).');
+ warning("Hint: If you really need a newline character, provide it as \"\${Newline}\".");
+ error("Bug in helper: The substvar must not contain a raw newline character (${substvar}=${str})");
+ }
+ my $update_logic = sub {
+ my ($line) = @_;
+ return $line if $line !~ m/^\Q${substvar}\E([?]?=)(.*)/;
+ my $assignment_type = $1;
+ my %items = map { $_ => 1 } split(", ", $2);
+ $present = 1;
+ if ($remove) {
+ # Unchanged; we can avoid rewriting the file.
+ return $line if not exists($items{$str});
+ delete($items{$str});
+ my $replacement = join(", ", sort(keys(%items)));
+ return "${substvar}${assignment_type}${replacement}" if $replacement ne '';
+ return;
+ }
+ # Unchanged; we can avoid rewriting the file.
+ return $line if %items and exists($items{$str});
+ $items{$str} = 1;
+ return "${substvar}${assignment_type}" . join(", ", sort(keys(%items)));
+ };
+ my $insert_logic = sub {
+ return ("${substvar}=${str}") if not $present and not $remove;
+ return;
+ };
+ return _update_substvar($substvarfile, $update_logic, $insert_logic);
+sub _glob_expand_error_default_msg {
+ my ($pattern, $dir_ref) = @_;
+ my $dir_list = join(', ', map { escape_shell($_) } @{$dir_ref});
+ return "Cannot find (any matches for) \"${pattern}\" (tried in $dir_list)";
+sub glob_expand_error_handler_reject {
+ my $msg = _glob_expand_error_default_msg(@_);
+ error("$msg\n");
+ return;
+sub glob_expand_error_handler_warn_and_discard {
+ my $msg = _glob_expand_error_default_msg(@_);
+ warning("$msg\n");
+ return;
+# Emulates the "old" glob mechanism; not recommended for new code as
+# it permits some globs expand to nothing with only a warning.
+sub glob_expand_error_handler_reject_nomagic_warn_discard {
+ my ($pattern, $dir_ref) = @_;
+ for my $dir (@{$dir_ref}) {
+ my $full_pattern = "$dir/$pattern";
+ my @matches = bsd_glob($full_pattern, GLOB_CSH & ~(GLOB_TILDE));
+ if (@matches) {
+ goto \&glob_expand_error_handler_reject;
+ }
+ }
+ goto \&glob_expand_error_handler_warn_and_discard;
+sub glob_expand_error_handler_silently_ignore {
+ return;
+sub glob_expand {
+ my ($dir_ref, $error_handler, @patterns) = @_;
+ my @dirs = @{$dir_ref};
+ my @result;
+ for my $pattern (@patterns) {
+ my @m;
+ for my $dir (@dirs) {
+ my $full_pattern = "$dir/$pattern";
+ @m = bsd_glob($full_pattern, GLOB_CSH & ~(GLOB_NOMAGIC|GLOB_TILDE));
+ last if @m;
+ # Handle "foo{bar}" pattern (#888251)
+ if (-l $full_pattern or -e _) {
+ push(@m, $full_pattern);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (not @m) {
+ $error_handler //= \&glob_expand_error_handler_reject;
+ $error_handler->($pattern, $dir_ref);
+ }
+ push(@result, @m);
+ }
+ return @result;
+ 'Space' => ' ',
+ 'Dollar' => '$',
+ 'Newline' => "\n",
+ 'Tab' => "\t",
+sub _variable_substitution {
+ my ($text, $loc) = @_;
+ return $text if index($text, '$') < 0;
+ my $pos = -1;
+ my $subst_count = 0;
+ my $expansion_count = 0;
+ my $current_size = length($text);
+ my $expansion_size_limit = _VAR_SUBST_EXPANSION_DYNAMIC_EXPANSION_FACTOR_LIMIT * $current_size;
+ 1 while ($text =~ s<
+ \$\{([A-Za-z0-9][-_:0-9A-Za-z]*)\} # Match ${something} and replace it
+ >[
+ my $match = $1;
+ my $new_pos = pos()//-1;
+ my $value;
+ if ($pos == $new_pos) {
+ # Safe-guard in case we ever implement recursive expansion
+ error("Error substituting in ${loc} (at position $pos); recursion limit while expanding \${${match}}")
+ } else {
+ $subst_count = 0;
+ $pos = $new_pos;
+ if (++$expansion_count >= _VAR_SUBST_EXPANSION_COUNT_LIMIT) {
+ error("Error substituting in ${loc}; substitution limit of ${expansion_count} reached");
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists($BUILT_IN_SUBST{$match})) {
+ $value = $BUILT_IN_SUBST{$match};
+ } elsif ($match =~ m/^DEB_(?:BUILD|HOST|TARGET)_/) {
+ $value = dpkg_architecture_value($match) //
+ error(qq{Cannot expand "\${${match}}" in ${loc} as it is not a known dpkg-architecture value});
+ } elsif ($match =~ m/^env:(.+)/) {
+ my $env_var = $1;
+ $value = $ENV{$env_var} //
+ error(qq{Cannot expand "\${${match}}" in ${loc} as the ENV variable "${env_var}" is unset});
+ }
+ error(qq{Cannot resolve variable "\${$match}" in ${loc}})
+ if not defined($value);
+ # We do not support recursive expansion.
+ $value =~ s/\$/\$\{\}/;
+ $current_size += length($value) - length($match) - 3;
+ if ($current_size > $expansion_size_limit) {
+ error("Refusing to expand \${${match}} in ${loc} - the original input seems to grow beyond reasonable'
+ . ' limits!");
+ }
+ $value;
+ ]gex);
+ $text =~ s/\$\{\}/\$/g;
+ return $text;
+# Reads in the specified file, one line at a time. splits on words,
+# and returns an array of arrays of the contents.
+# If a value is passed in as the second parameter, then glob
+# expansion is done in the directory specified by the parameter ("." is
+# frequently a good choice).
+# In compat 13+, it will do variable expansion (after splitting the lines
+# into words)
+sub filedoublearray {
+ my ($file, $globdir, $error_handler) = @_;
+ # executable config files are a v9 thing.
+ my $x=! compat(8) && -x $file;
+ my $expand_patterns = compat(12) ? 0 : 1;
+ my $source;
+ if ($x) {
+ require Cwd;
+ my $cmd=Cwd::abs_path($file);
+ $ENV{"DH_CONFIG_ACT_ON_PACKAGES"} = join(",", @{$dh{"DOPACKAGES"}});
+ open(DH_FARRAY_IN, '-|', $cmd) || error("cannot run $file: $!");
+ $source = "output of ./${file}";
+ }
+ else {
+ open (DH_FARRAY_IN, '<', $file) || error("cannot read $file: $!");
+ $source = $file;
+ }
+ my @ret;
+ while (<DH_FARRAY_IN>) {
+ chomp;
+ if ($x) {
+ if (m/^\s++$/) {
+ error("Executable config file $file produced a non-empty whitespace-only line");
+ }
+ } else {
+ s/^\s++//;
+ next if /^#/;
+ s/\s++$//;
+ }
+ # We always ignore/permit empty lines
+ next if $_ eq '';
+ my @line;
+ my $source_ref = "${source} (line $.)";
+ if (defined($globdir) && ! $x) {
+ if (ref($globdir)) {
+ my @patterns = split;
+ if ($expand_patterns) {
+ @patterns = map {_variable_substitution($_, $source_ref)} @patterns;
+ }
+ push(@line, glob_expand($globdir, $error_handler, @patterns));
+ } else {
+ # Legacy call - Silently discards globs that match nothing.
+ #
+ # The tricky bit is that the glob expansion is done
+ # as if we were in the specified directory, so the
+ # filenames that come out are relative to it.
+ foreach (map { glob "$globdir/$_" } split) {
+ s#^$globdir/##;
+ if ($expand_patterns) {
+ $_ = _variable_substitution($_, $source_ref);
+ }
+ push @line, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ @line = split;
+ if ($expand_patterns) {
+ @line = map {_variable_substitution($_, $source_ref)} @line;
+ }
+ }
+ push @ret, [@line];
+ }
+ if (!close(DH_FARRAY_IN)) {
+ if ($x) {
+ _executable_dh_config_file_failed($file, $!, $?);
+ } else {
+ error("problem reading $file: $!");
+ }
+ }
+ return @ret;
+# Reads in the specified file, one word at a time, and returns an array of
+# the result. Can do globbing as does filedoublearray.
+sub filearray {
+ return map { @$_ } filedoublearray(@_);
+# Passed a filename, returns true if -X says that file should be excluded.
+sub excludefile {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ foreach my $f (@{$dh{EXCLUDE}}) {
+ return 1 if $filename =~ /\Q$f\E/;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub dpkg_architecture_value {
+ my $var = shift;
+ state %dpkg_arch_output;
+ if (exists($ENV{$var})) {
+ my $value = $ENV{$var};
+ return $value if $value ne q{};
+ warning("ENV[$var] is set to the empty string. It has been ignored to avoid bugs like #862842");
+ delete($ENV{$var});
+ }
+ if (! exists($dpkg_arch_output{$var})) {
+ # Return here if we already consulted dpkg-architecture
+ # (saves a fork+exec on unknown variables)
+ return if %dpkg_arch_output;
+ open(my $fd, '-|', 'dpkg-architecture')
+ or error("dpkg-architecture failed");
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ my ($k, $v) = split(/=/, $line, 2);
+ $dpkg_arch_output{$k} = $v;
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ }
+ return $dpkg_arch_output{$var};
+# Confusing name for hostarch
+sub buildarch {
+ deprecated_functionality('buildarch() is deprecated and replaced by hostarch()', 12);
+ goto \&hostarch;
+# Returns the architecture that will run binaries produced (DEB_HOST_ARCH)
+sub hostarch {
+ dpkg_architecture_value('DEB_HOST_ARCH');
+# Returns a truth value if this seems to be a cross-compile
+sub is_cross_compiling {
+ return dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE")
+ ne dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE");
+# Passed an arch and a space-separated list of arches to match against, returns true if matched
+sub samearch {
+ my $arch=shift;
+ my @archlist=split(/\s+/,shift);
+ state %knownsame;
+ foreach my $a (@archlist) {
+ if (exists $knownsame{$arch}{$a}) {
+ return 1 if $knownsame{$arch}{$a};
+ next;
+ }
+ require Dpkg::Arch;
+ if (Dpkg::Arch::debarch_is($arch, $a)) {
+ return $knownsame{$arch}{$a}=1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $knownsame{$arch}{$a}=0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+# Returns a list of packages in the control file.
+# Pass "arch" or "indep" to specify arch-dependent (that will be built
+# for the system's arch) or independent. If nothing is specified,
+# returns all packages. Also, "both" returns the union of "arch" and "indep"
+# packages.
+# As a side effect, populates %package_arches and %package_types
+# with the types of all packages (not only those returned).
+my (%package_types, %package_arches, %package_multiarches, %packages_by_type,
+ %package_sections, $sourcepackage, %package_cross_type, %dh_bd_sequences);
+# Resets the arrays; used mostly for testing
+sub resetpackages {
+ undef $sourcepackage;
+ %package_types = %package_arches = %package_multiarches =
+ %packages_by_type = %package_sections = %package_cross_type = ();
+ %dh_bd_sequences = ();
+# Returns source package name
+sub sourcepackage {
+ getpackages() if not defined($sourcepackage);
+ return $sourcepackage;
+sub getpackages {
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ error("getpackages: First argument must be one of \"arch\", \"indep\", or \"both\"")
+ if defined($type) and $type ne 'both' and $type ne 'indep' and $type ne 'arch';
+ $type //= 'all-listed-in-control-file';
+ if (not %packages_by_type) {
+ _parse_debian_control();
+ }
+ return @{$packages_by_type{$type}};
+sub _strip_spaces {
+ my ($v) = @_;
+ return if not defined($v);
+ $v =~ s/^\s++//;
+ $v =~ s/\s++$//;
+ return $v;
+sub _parse_debian_control {
+ my $valid_pkg_re = qr{^${PKGNAME_REGEX}$}o;
+ my (%seen, @profiles, $source_section, $cross_target_arch, %field_values,
+ $field_name, %bd_fields, $bd_field_value, %seen_fields, $fd);
+ if (exists $ENV{'DEB_BUILD_PROFILES'}) {
+ @profiles=split /\s+/, $ENV{'DEB_BUILD_PROFILES'};
+ }
+ if (not open($fd, '<', 'debian/control')) {
+ error("\"debian/control\" not found. Are you sure you are in the correct directory?")
+ if $! == ENOENT;
+ error("cannot read debian/control: $!\n");
+ };
+ $packages_by_type{$_} = [] for qw(both indep arch all-listed-in-control-file);
+ while (<$fd>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ next if m/^\s*+\#/;
+ if (/^\s/) {
+ if (not %seen_fields) {
+ error("Continuation line seen before first stanza in debian/control (line $.)");
+ }
+ # Continuation line
+ s/^\s[.]?//;
+ push(@{$bd_field_value}, $_) if $bd_field_value;
+ # Ensure it is not completely empty or the code below will assume the paragraph ended
+ $_ = '.' if not $_;
+ } elsif (not $_ and not %seen_fields) {
+ # Ignore empty lines before first stanza
+ next;
+ } elsif ($_) {
+ my ($value);
+ if (m/^($DEB822_FIELD_REGEX):\s*(.*)/o) {
+ ($field_name, $value) = (lc($1), $2);
+ if (exists($seen_fields{$field_name})) {
+ my $first_time = $seen_fields{$field_name};
+ error("${field_name}-field appears twice in the same stanza of debian/control. " .
+ "First time on line $first_time, second time: $.");
+ }
+ $seen_fields{$field_name} = $.;
+ $bd_field_value = undef;
+ } else {
+ # Invalid file
+ error("Parse error in debian/control, line $., read: $_");
+ }
+ if ($field_name eq 'source') {
+ $sourcepackage = $value;
+ if ($sourcepackage !~ $valid_pkg_re) {
+ error('Source-field must be a valid package name, ' .
+ "got: \"${sourcepackage}\", should match \"${valid_pkg_re}\"");
+ }
+ next;
+ } elsif ($field_name eq 'section') {
+ $source_section = $value;
+ next;
+ } elsif ($field_name =~ /^(?:build-depends(?:-arch|-indep)?)$/) {
+ $bd_field_value = [$value];
+ $bd_fields{$field_name} = $bd_field_value;
+ }
+ }
+ last if not $_ or eof;
+ }
+ error("could not find Source: line in control file.") if not defined($sourcepackage);
+ if (%bd_fields) {
+ my ($dh_compat_bd, $final_level);
+ my %field2addon_type = (
+ 'build-depends' => 'both',
+ 'build-depends-arch' => 'arch',
+ 'build-depends-indep' => 'indep',
+ );
+ for my $field (sort(keys(%bd_fields))) {
+ my $value = join(' ', @{$bd_fields{$field}});
+ $value =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $value =~ s/\s*(?:,\s*)?$//;
+ for my $dep (split(/\s*,\s*/, $value)) {
+ if ($dep =~ m/^debhelper-compat\s*[(]\s*=\s*(${PKGVERSION_REGEX})\s*[)]$/) {
+ my $version = $1;
+ if ($version =~m/^(\d+)\D.*$/) {
+ my $guessed_compat = $1;
+ warning("Please use the compat level as the exact version rather than the full version.");
+ warning(" Perhaps you meant: debhelper-compat (= ${guessed_compat})");
+ if ($field ne 'build-depends') {
+ warning(" * Also, please move the declaration to Build-Depends (it was found in ${field})");
+ }
+ error("Invalid compat level ${version}, derived from relation: ${dep}");
+ }
+ $final_level = $version;
+ error("Duplicate debhelper-compat build-dependency: ${dh_compat_bd} vs. ${dep}") if $dh_compat_bd;
+ error("The debhelper-compat build-dependency must be in the Build-Depends field (not $field)")
+ if $field ne 'build-depends';
+ $dh_compat_bd = $dep;
+ } elsif ($dep =~ m/^debhelper-compat\s*(?:\S.*)?$/) {
+ my $clevel = "${\MAX_COMPAT_LEVEL}";
+ eval {
+ require Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Version;
+ $clevel = $Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Version::version;
+ };
+ $clevel =~ s/^\d+\K\D.*$//;
+ warning("Found invalid debhelper-compat relation: ${dep}");
+ warning(" * Please format the relation as (example): debhelper-compat (= ${clevel})");
+ warning(" * Note that alternatives, architecture restrictions, build-profiles etc. are not supported.");
+ if ($field ne 'build-depends') {
+ warning(" * Also, please move the declaration to Build-Depends (it was found in ${field})");
+ }
+ warning(" * If this is not possible, then please remove the debhelper-compat relation and insert the");
+ warning(" compat level into the file debian/compat. (E.g. \"echo ${clevel} > debian/compat\")");
+ error("Could not parse desired debhelper compat level from relation: $dep");
+ }
+ # Build-Depends on dh-sequence-<foo> OR dh-sequence-<foo> (<op> <version>)
+ if ($PARSE_DH_SEQUENCE_INFO and $dep =~ m/^dh-sequence-(${PKGNAME_REGEX})\s*(?:[(]\s*(?:[<>]?=|<<|>>)\s*(?:${PKGVERSION_REGEX})\s*[)])?(\s*[^\|]+[]>]\s*)?$/) {
+ my $sequence = $1;
+ my $has_profile_or_arch_restriction = $2 ? 1 : 0;
+ my $addon_type = $field2addon_type{$field};
+ if (not defined($field)) {
+ warning("Cannot map ${field} to an add-on type (like \"both\", \"indep\" or \"arch\")");
+ error("Internal error: Cannot satisfy dh sequence add-on request for sequence ${sequence} via ${field}.");
+ }
+ if (defined($dh_bd_sequences{$sequence})) {
+ error("Saw $dep multiple times (last time in $field). However dh only support that build-"
+ . 'dependency at most once across all Build-Depends(-Arch|-Indep) fields');
+ }
+ if ($has_profile_or_arch_restriction) {
+ require Dpkg::Deps;
+ my $dpkg_dep = Dpkg::Deps::deps_parse($dep, build_profiles => \@profiles, build_dep => 1,
+ reduce_restrictions => 1);
+ # If dpkg reduces it to nothing, then it was not relevant for us after all
+ next if not $dpkg_dep;
+ }
+ $dh_bd_sequences{$sequence} = $addon_type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $compat_from_bd = $final_level // -1;
+ } else {
+ $compat_from_bd = -1;
+ }
+ %seen_fields = ();
+ $field_name = undef;
+ while (<$fd>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ if (m/^\#/) {
+ # Skip unless EOF for the special case where the last line
+ # is a comment line directly after the last stanza. In
+ # that case we need to "commit" the last stanza as well or
+ # we end up omitting the last package.
+ next if not eof;
+ $_ = '';
+ }
+ if (/^\s/) {
+ # Continuation line
+ if (not %seen_fields) {
+ error("Continuation line seen outside stanza in debian/control (line $.)");
+ }
+ s/^\s[.]?//;
+ $field_values{$field_name} .= ' ' . $_;
+ # Ensure it is not completely empty or the code below will assume the paragraph ended
+ $_ = '.' if not $_;
+ } elsif (not $_ and not %seen_fields) {
+ # Ignore empty lines before first stanza
+ next;
+ } elsif ($_) {
+ my ($value);
+ if (m/^($DEB822_FIELD_REGEX):\s*(.*)/o) {
+ ($field_name, $value) = (lc($1), $2);
+ if (exists($seen_fields{$field_name})) {
+ my $first_time = $seen_fields{$field_name};
+ error("${field_name}-field appears twice in the same stanza of debian/control. " .
+ "First time on line $first_time, second time: $.");
+ }
+ if ($field_name =~ m/^(?:x[bc]*-)?package-type$/) {
+ # Normalize variants into the main "Package-Type" field
+ $field_name = 'package-type';
+ if (exists($seen_fields{$field_name})) {
+ my $package = _strip_spaces($field_values{'package'} // '');
+ my $help = "(issue seen prior \"Package\"-field)";
+ $help = "for package ${package}" if $package;
+ error("Multiple definitions of (X-)Package-Type in line $. ${help}");
+ }
+ }
+ $seen_fields{$field_name} = $.;
+ $field_values{$field_name} = $value;
+ $bd_field_value = undef;
+ } else {
+ # Invalid file
+ error("Parse error in debian/control, line $., read: $_");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$_ or eof) { # end of stanza.
+ if (%field_values) {
+ my $package = _strip_spaces($field_values{'package'} // '');
+ my $build_profiles = $field_values{'build-profiles'};
+ my $included_in_build_profile = 1;
+ my $arch = _strip_spaces($field_values{'architecture'} // '');
+ my $cross_type = _strip_spaces($field_values{'x-dh-build-for-type'} // 'host');
+ # Detect duplicate package names in the same control file.
+ if ($package eq '') {
+ error("Binary paragraph ending on line $. is missing mandatory \"Package\"-field");
+ }
+ if (! $seen{$package}) {
+ $seen{$package}=1;
+ } else {
+ error("debian/control has a duplicate entry for $package");
+ }
+ if ($package !~ $valid_pkg_re) {
+ error('Package-field must be a valid package name, ' .
+ "got: \"${package}\", should match \"${valid_pkg_re}\"");
+ }
+ if ($cross_type ne 'host' and $cross_type ne 'target') {
+ error("Unknown value of X-DH-Build-For-Type \"$cross_type\" for package $package");
+ }
+ $package_types{$package} = _strip_spaces($field_values{'package-type'} // 'deb');
+ $package_arches{$package} = $arch;
+ $package_multiarches{$package} = _strip_spaces($field_values{'multi-arch'} // '');
+ $package_sections{$package} = _strip_spaces($field_values{'section'} // $source_section);
+ $package_cross_type{$package} = $cross_type;
+ push(@{$packages_by_type{'all-listed-in-control-file'}}, $package);
+ if (defined($build_profiles)) {
+ eval {
+ # rely on libdpkg-perl providing the parsing functions
+ # because if we work on a package with a Build-Profiles
+ # field, then a high enough version of dpkg-dev is needed
+ # anyways
+ require Dpkg::BuildProfiles;
+ my @restrictions = Dpkg::BuildProfiles::parse_build_profiles($build_profiles);
+ if (@restrictions) {
+ $included_in_build_profile = Dpkg::BuildProfiles::evaluate_restriction_formula(
+ \@restrictions,
+ \@profiles);
+ }
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ error("The control file has a Build-Profiles field. Requires libdpkg-perl >= 1.17.14");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($included_in_build_profile) {
+ if ($arch eq 'all') {
+ push(@{$packages_by_type{'indep'}}, $package);
+ push(@{$packages_by_type{'both'}}, $package);
+ } else {
+ my $included = 0;
+ $included = 1 if $arch eq 'any';
+ if (not $included) {
+ my $desired_arch = hostarch();
+ if ($cross_type eq 'target') {
+ $cross_target_arch //= dpkg_architecture_value('DEB_TARGET_ARCH');
+ $desired_arch = $cross_target_arch;
+ }
+ $included = 1 if samearch($desired_arch, $arch);
+ }
+ if ($included) {
+ push(@{$packages_by_type{'arch'}}, $package);
+ push(@{$packages_by_type{'both'}}, $package);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ %field_values = ();
+ %seen_fields = ();
+ }
+ }
+ close($fd);
+# Return true if we should use root.
+# - Takes an optional keyword; if passed, this will return true if the keyword is listed in R^3 (Rules-Requires-Root)
+# - If the optional keyword is omitted or not present in R^3 and R^3 is not 'binary-targets', then returns false
+# - Returns true otherwise (i.e. keyword is in R^3 or R^3 is 'binary-targets')
+sub should_use_root {
+ my ($keyword) = @_;
+ my $rrr_env = $ENV{'DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT'} // 'binary-targets';
+ $rrr_env =~ s/^\s++//;
+ $rrr_env =~ s/\s++$//;
+ return 0 if $rrr_env eq 'no';
+ return 1 if $rrr_env eq 'binary-targets';
+ return 0 if not defined($keyword);
+ state %rrr = map { $_ => 1 } split(' ', $rrr_env);
+ return 1 if exists($rrr{$keyword});
+ return 0;
+# Returns the "gain root command" as a list suitable for passing as a part of the command to "doit()"
+sub gain_root_cmd {
+ my $raw_cmd = $ENV{DEB_GAIN_ROOT_CMD};
+ return if not defined($raw_cmd) or $raw_cmd =~ m/^\s*+$/;
+ return split(' ', $raw_cmd);
+sub root_requirements {
+ my $rrr_env = $ENV{'DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT'} // 'binary-targets';
+ $rrr_env =~ s/^\s++//;
+ $rrr_env =~ s/\s++$//;
+ return 'none' if $rrr_env eq 'no';
+ return 'legacy-root' if $rrr_env eq 'binary-targets';
+ return 'targeted-promotion';
+# Returns the arch a package will build for.
+# Deprecated: please switch to the more descriptive
+# package_binary_arch function instead.
+sub package_arch {
+ my $package=shift;
+ return package_binary_arch($package);
+# Returns the architecture going into the resulting .deb, i.e. the
+# host architecture or "all".
+sub package_binary_arch {
+ my $package=shift;
+ if (! exists $package_arches{$package}) {
+ warning "package $package is not in control info";
+ return hostarch();
+ }
+ return 'all' if $package_arches{$package} eq 'all';
+ return dpkg_architecture_value('DEB_TARGET_ARCH') if package_cross_type($package) eq 'target';
+ return hostarch();
+# Returns the Architecture: value which the package declared.
+sub package_declared_arch {
+ my $package=shift;
+ if (! exists $package_arches{$package}) {
+ warning "package $package is not in control info";
+ return hostarch();
+ }
+ return $package_arches{$package};
+# Returns whether the package specified Architecture: all
+sub package_is_arch_all {
+ my $package=shift;
+ if (! exists $package_arches{$package}) {
+ warning "package $package is not in control info";
+ return hostarch();
+ }
+ return $package_arches{$package} eq 'all';
+# Returns the multiarch value of a package.
+sub package_multiarch {
+ my $package=shift;
+ # Test the architecture field instead, as it is common for a
+ # package to not have a multi-arch value.
+ if (! exists $package_arches{$package}) {
+ warning "package $package is not in control info";
+ # The only sane default
+ return 'no';
+ }
+ return $package_multiarches{$package} // 'no';
+# Returns the (raw) section value of a package (possibly including component).
+sub package_section {
+ my ($package) = @_;
+ # Test the architecture field instead, as it is common for a
+ # package to not have a multi-arch value.
+ if (! exists $package_sections{$package}) {
+ warning "package $package is not in control info";
+ return 'unknown';
+ }
+ return $package_sections{$package} // 'unknown';
+sub package_cross_type {
+ my ($package) = @_;
+ # Test the architecture field instead, as it is common for a
+ # package to not have a multi-arch value.
+ if (! exists $package_cross_type{$package}) {
+ warning "package $package is not in control info";
+ return 'host';
+ }
+ return $package_cross_type{$package} // 'host';
+sub package_type {
+ my ($package) = @_;
+ if (! exists $package_types{$package}) {
+ warning "package $package is not in control info";
+ }
+ return $package_types{$package};
+# Return true if a given package is really a udeb.
+sub is_udeb {
+ my $package=shift;
+ return package_type($package) eq 'udeb';
+sub process_pkg {
+ my ($package) = @_;
+ state %packages_to_process = map { $_ => 1 } @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}};
+ return $packages_to_process{$package} // 0;
+# Only useful for dh(1)
+sub bd_dh_sequences {
+ # Use $sourcepackage as check because %dh_bd_sequence can be empty
+ # after running getpackages().
+ getpackages() if not defined($sourcepackage);
+ return \%dh_bd_sequences;
+sub _concat_slurp_script_files {
+ my (@files) = @_;
+ my $res = '';
+ for my $file (@files) {
+ open(my $fd, '<', $file) or error("open($file) failed: $!");
+ my $f = join('', <$fd>);
+ close($fd);
+ $res .= $f;
+ }
+ return $res;
+sub _substitution_generator {
+ my ($input) = @_;
+ my $cache = {};
+ return sub {
+ my ($orig_key) = @_;
+ return $cache->{$orig_key} if exists($cache->{$orig_key});
+ my $value = exists($input->{$orig_key}) ? $input->{$orig_key} : undef;
+ if (not defined($value)) {
+ if ($orig_key =~ m/^DEB_(?:BUILD|HOST|TARGET)_/) {
+ $value = dpkg_architecture_value($orig_key);
+ } elsif ($orig_key =~ m{^ENV[.](\S+)$}) {
+ $value = $ENV{$1} // '';
+ }
+ } elsif (ref($value) eq 'CODE') {
+ $value = $value->($orig_key);
+ } elsif ($value =~ s/^@//) {
+ $value = _concat_slurp_script_files($value);
+ }
+ $cache->{$orig_key} = $value;
+ return $value;
+ };
+sub debhelper_script_per_package_subst {
+ my ($package, $provided_subst) = @_;
+ my %vars = %{$provided_subst};
+ $vars{'PACKAGE'} = $package if not exists($vars{'PACKAGE'});
+ for my $var (keys(%{$provided_subst})) {
+ if ($var !~ $Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::MAINTSCRIPT_TOKEN_REGEX) {
+ warning("User defined token ${var} does not match ${Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::MAINTSCRIPT_TOKEN_REGEX}");
+ error("Invalid provided token ${var}: It cannot be substituted as it does not follow the token name rules");
+ }
+ if ($var =~ m/^pkg[.]\Q${package}\E[.](.+)$/) {
+ my $new_key = $1;
+ $vars{$new_key} = $provided_subst->{$var};
+ }
+ }
+ return \%vars;
+# Handles #DEBHELPER# substitution in a script; also can generate a new
+# script from scratch if none exists but there is a .debhelper file for it.
+sub debhelper_script_subst {
+ my ($package, $script, $extra_vars) = @_;
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $ext=pkgext($package);
+ my $file=pkgfile($package,$script);
+ my %variables = defined($extra_vars) ? %{$extra_vars} : ();
+ my $service_script = generated_file($package, "${script}.service", 0);
+ my @generated_scripts = ("debian/$ext$script.debhelper", $service_script);
+ my $subst;
+ @generated_scripts = grep { -f } @generated_scripts;
+ if ($script eq 'prerm' or $script eq 'postrm') {
+ @generated_scripts = reverse(@generated_scripts);
+ }
+ if (not exists($variables{'DEBHELPER'})) {
+ $variables{'DEBHELPER'} = sub {
+ return _concat_slurp_script_files(@generated_scripts);
+ };
+ }
+ $subst = _substitution_generator(\%variables);
+ if ($file ne '') {
+ if ($dh{VERBOSE}) {
+ verbose_print('cp -f ' . escape_shell($file) . " $tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
+ verbose_print("[META] Replace #TOKEN#s in \"$tmp/DEBIAN/$script\"");
+ }
+ if (not $dh{NO_ACT}) {
+ my $regex = qr{#(${MAINTSCRIPT_TOKEN_REGEX})#}o;
+ open(my $out_fd, '>', "$tmp/DEBIAN/$script") or error("open($tmp/DEBIAN/$script) failed: $!");
+ open(my $in_fd, '<', $file) or error("open($file) failed: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$in_fd>) {
+ $line =~ s{$regex}{$subst->($1) // "#${1}#"}ge;
+ print {$out_fd} $line;
+ }
+ close($in_fd);
+ close($out_fd) or error("close($tmp/DEBIAN/$script) failed: $!");
+ }
+ reset_perm_and_owner('0755', "$tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
+ }
+ elsif (@generated_scripts) {
+ if ($dh{VERBOSE}) {
+ verbose_print(q{printf '#!/bin/sh\nset -e\n' > } . "$tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
+ verbose_print("cat @generated_scripts >> $tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
+ }
+ if (not $dh{NO_ACT}) {
+ open(my $out_fd, '>', "$tmp/DEBIAN/$script") or error("open($tmp/DEBIAN/$script): $!");
+ print {$out_fd} "#!/bin/sh\n";
+ print {$out_fd} "set -e\n";
+ for my $generated_script (@generated_scripts) {
+ open(my $in_fd, '<', $generated_script)
+ or error("open($generated_script) failed: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$in_fd>) {
+ print {$out_fd} $line;
+ }
+ close($in_fd);
+ }
+ close($out_fd) or error("close($tmp/DEBIAN/$script) failed: $!");
+ }
+ reset_perm_and_owner('0755', "$tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
+ }
+sub rm_files {
+ my @files = @_;
+ verbose_print('rm -f ' . escape_shell(@files))
+ if $dh{VERBOSE};
+ return 1 if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ for my $file (@files) {
+ if (not unlink($file) and $! != ENOENT) {
+ error("unlink $file failed: $!");
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub make_symlink_raw_target {
+ my ($src, $dest) = @_;
+ verbose_print('ln -s ' . escape_shell($src, $dest))
+ if $dh{VERBOSE};
+ return 1 if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ if (not symlink($src, $dest)) {
+ error("symlink($src, $dest) failed: $!");
+ }
+ return 1;
+# make_symlink($dest, $src[, $tmp]) creates a symlink from $dest -> $src.
+# if $tmp is given, $dest will be created within it.
+# Usually $tmp should be the value of tmpdir($package);
+sub make_symlink{
+ my $dest = shift;
+ my $src = _expand_path(shift);
+ my $tmp = shift;
+ $tmp = '' if not defined($tmp);
+ if ($dest =~ m{(?:^|/)*[.]{2}(?:/|$)}) {
+ error("Invalid destination/link name (contains \"..\"-segments): $dest");
+ }
+ $src =~ s{^(?:[.]/+)++}{};
+ $dest =~ s{^(?:[.]/+)++}{};
+ $src=~s:^/++::;
+ $dest=~s:^/++::;
+ if ($src eq $dest) {
+ warning("skipping link from $src to self");
+ return;
+ }
+ # Policy says that if the link is all within one toplevel
+ # directory, it should be relative. If it's between
+ # top level directories, leave it absolute.
+ my @src_dirs = grep { $_ ne '.' } split(m:/+:,$src);
+ my @dest_dirs = grep { $_ ne '.' } split(m:/+:,$dest);
+ if (@src_dirs > 0 && $src_dirs[0] eq $dest_dirs[0]) {
+ # Figure out how much of a path $src and $dest
+ # share in common.
+ my $x;
+ for ($x=0; $x < @src_dirs && $src_dirs[$x] eq $dest_dirs[$x]; $x++) {}
+ # Build up the new src.
+ $src="";
+ for (1..$#dest_dirs - $x) {
+ $src.="../";
+ }
+ for ($x .. $#src_dirs) {
+ $src.=$src_dirs[$_]."/";
+ }
+ if ($x > $#src_dirs && ! length $src) {
+ $src="."; # special case
+ }
+ $src=~s:/$::;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Make sure it's properly absolute.
+ $src="/$src";
+ }
+ my $full_dest = "$tmp/$dest";
+ if ( -l $full_dest ) {
+ # All ok - we can always replace a link, and target directory must exists
+ } elsif (-d _) {
+ # We cannot replace a directory though
+ error("link destination $full_dest is a directory");
+ } else {
+ # Make sure the directory the link will be in exists.
+ my $basedir=dirname($full_dest);
+ install_dir($basedir);
+ }
+ rm_files($full_dest);
+ make_symlink_raw_target($src, $full_dest);
+# _expand_path expands all path "." and ".." components, but doesn't
+# resolve symbolic links.
+sub _expand_path {
+ my $start = @_ ? shift : '.';
+ my @pathname = split(m:/+:,$start);
+ my @respath;
+ for my $entry (@pathname) {
+ if ($entry eq '.' || $entry eq '') {
+ # Do nothing
+ }
+ elsif ($entry eq '..') {
+ if ($#respath == -1) {
+ # Do nothing
+ }
+ else {
+ pop @respath;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @respath, $entry;
+ }
+ }
+ my $result;
+ for my $entry (@respath) {
+ $result .= '/' . $entry;
+ }
+ if (! defined $result) {
+ $result="/"; # special case
+ }
+ return $result;
+# Checks if make's jobserver is enabled via MAKEFLAGS, but
+# the FD used to communicate with it is actually not available.
+sub is_make_jobserver_unavailable {
+ if (exists $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} &&
+ $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ /(?:^|\s)--jobserver-(?:fds|auth)=(\d+)/) {
+ if (!open(my $in, "<&$1")) {
+ return 1; # unavailable
+ }
+ else {
+ close $in;
+ return 0; # available
+ }
+ }
+ return; # no jobserver specified
+# Cleans out jobserver options from MAKEFLAGS.
+sub clean_jobserver_makeflags {
+ if (exists $ENV{MAKEFLAGS}) {
+ if ($ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ /(?:^|\s)--jobserver-(?:fds|auth)=\d+/) {
+ $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ s/(?:^|\s)--jobserver-(?:fds|auth)=\S+//g;
+ $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ s/(?:^|\s)-j\b//g;
+ }
+ delete $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} if $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ /^\s*$/;
+ }
+# If cross-compiling, returns appropriate cross version of command.
+sub cross_command {
+ my ($package, $command) = @_;
+ if (package_cross_type($package) eq 'target') {
+ if (dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE") ne dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE")) {
+ return dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE") . "-$command";
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_cross_compiling()) {
+ return dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE")."-$command";
+ }
+ else {
+ return $command;
+ }
+# Returns the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH ENV variable if set OR computes it
+# from the latest changelog entry, sets the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH ENV
+# variable and returns the computed value.
+sub get_source_date_epoch {
+ _parse_non_binnmu_date_epoch();
+ my $_non_binnmu_date_epoch;
+ # Needed for dh_strip_nondeterminism - not exported by default because it is not likely
+ # to be useful beyond that one helper.
+ sub get_non_binnmu_date_epoch {
+ return $_non_binnmu_date_epoch if defined($_non_binnmu_date_epoch);
+ _parse_non_binnmu_date_epoch();
+ return $_non_binnmu_date_epoch;
+ }
+ sub _parse_non_binnmu_date_epoch {
+ eval { require Dpkg::Changelog::Debian };
+ if ($@) {
+ warning "unable to set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH: $@";
+ return;
+ }
+ eval { require Time::Piece };
+ if ($@) {
+ warning "unable to set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH: $@";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $changelog = Dpkg::Changelog::Debian->new(range => {"count" => 2});
+ $changelog->load("debian/changelog");
+ my $first_entry = $changelog->[0];
+ my $non_binnmu_entry = $first_entry;
+ my $optional_fields = $first_entry->get_optional_fields();
+ my $first_tt = $first_entry->get_timestamp();
+ $first_tt =~ s/\s*\([^\)]+\)\s*$//; # Remove the optional timezone codename
+ my $first_timestamp = Time::Piece->strptime($first_tt, "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z")->epoch;
+ my $non_binnmu_timestamp = $first_timestamp;
+ if (exists($optional_fields->{'Binary-Only'}) and lc($optional_fields->{'Binary-Only'}) eq 'yes') {
+ $non_binnmu_entry = $changelog->[1];
+ my $non_binnmu_options = $non_binnmu_entry->get_optional_fields();
+ if (exists($non_binnmu_options->{'Binary-Only'}) and lc($non_binnmu_options->{'Binary-Only'}) eq 'yes') {
+ error("internal error: Could not locate the first non-binnmu entry in the change (assumed it would be the second entry)");
+ }
+ my $non_binnmu_tt = $non_binnmu_entry->get_timestamp();
+ $non_binnmu_tt =~ s/\s*\([^\)]+\)\s*$//; # Remove the optional timezone codename
+ $non_binnmu_timestamp = Time::Piece->strptime($non_binnmu_tt, "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z")->epoch();
+ }
+ $ENV{SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} = $first_timestamp if not exists($ENV{SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH});
+ $_non_binnmu_date_epoch = $non_binnmu_timestamp;
+ return;
+ }
+# Setup the build ENV by setting dpkg-buildflags (via set_buildflags()) plus
+# cleaning up HOME (etc) in compat 13+
+sub setup_buildenv {
+ set_buildflags();
+ if (not compat(12)) {
+ setup_home_and_xdg_dirs();
+ }
+sub setup_home_and_xdg_dirs {
+ require Cwd;
+ my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
+ my $home_dir = join('/', $cwd, generated_file('_source', 'home', 0));
+ my @paths = (
+ $home_dir,
+ );
+ my @clear_env = qw(
+ );
+ mkdirs(@paths);
+ for my $envname (@clear_env) {
+ delete($ENV{$envname});
+ }
+ $ENV{'HOME'} = $home_dir;
+ return;
+sub reset_buildflags {
+ eval { require Dpkg::BuildFlags };
+ if ($@) {
+ warning "unable to load build flags: $@";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $buildflags = Dpkg::BuildFlags->new();
+ foreach my $flag ($buildflags->list()) {
+ next unless $flag =~ /^[A-Z]/; # Skip flags starting with lowercase
+ delete($ENV{$flag});
+ }
+# Sets environment variables from dpkg-buildflags. Avoids changing
+# any existing environment variables.
+sub set_buildflags {
+ # For the side effect of computing the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH variable.
+ get_source_date_epoch();
+ return if compat(8);
+ # Export PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC as a transitional step to allow us
+ # to remove . from @INC by default without breaking packages which
+ # rely on this [CVE-2016-1238]
+ $ENV{PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC} = 1 if compat(10);
+ eval { require Dpkg::BuildFlags };
+ if ($@) {
+ warning "unable to load build flags: $@";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $buildflags = Dpkg::BuildFlags->new();
+ $buildflags->load_config();
+ foreach my $flag ($buildflags->list()) {
+ next unless $flag =~ /^[A-Z]/; # Skip flags starting with lowercase
+ if (! exists $ENV{$flag}) {
+ $ENV{$flag} = $buildflags->get($flag);
+ }
+ }
+# Gets a DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS option, if set.
+sub get_buildoption {
+ my ($wanted, $default) = @_;
+ return $default if not exists($ENV{DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS});
+ foreach my $opt (split(/\s+/, $ENV{DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS})) {
+ # currently parallel= is the only one with a parameter
+ if ($opt =~ /^parallel=(-?\d+)$/ && $wanted eq 'parallel') {
+ return $1;
+ } elsif ($opt =~ m/^dherroron=(\S*)$/ && $wanted eq 'dherroron') {
+ my $value = $1;
+ if ($value ne 'obsolete-compat-levels') {
+ warning("Unknown value \"${value}\" as parameter for \"dherroron\" seen in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS");
+ }
+ return $value;
+ } elsif ($opt eq $wanted) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return $default;
+# Returns true if DEB_BUILD_PROFILES lists the given profile.
+sub is_build_profile_active {
+ my ($wanted) = @_;
+ return 0 if not exists($ENV{DEB_BUILD_PROFILES});
+ for my $prof (split(m/\s+/, $ENV{DEB_BUILD_PROFILES})) {
+ return 1 if $prof eq $wanted;
+ }
+ return 0;
+# Called when an executable config file failed. It provides a more helpful error message in
+# some cases (especially when the file was not intended to be executable).
+sub _executable_dh_config_file_failed {
+ my ($source, $err, $proc_err) = @_;
+ error("Error closing fd/process for ${source}: $err") if $err;
+ # The interpreter did not like the file for some reason.
+ # Lets check if the maintainer intended it to be
+ # executable.
+ if (not is_so_or_exec_elf_file($source) and not _has_shebang_line($source)) {
+ warning("${source} is marked executable but does not appear to an executable config.");
+ warning();
+ warning("If ${source} is intended to be an executable config file, please ensure it can");
+ warning("be run as a stand-alone script/program (e.g. \"./${source}\")");
+ warning("Otherwise, please remove the executable bit from the file (e.g. chmod -x \"${source}\")");
+ warning();
+ warning('Please see "Executable debhelper config files" in debhelper(7) for more information.');
+ warning();
+ }
+ $? = $proc_err;
+ error_exitcode("${source} (executable config)");
+ return;
+# install a dh config file (e.g. debian/<pkg>.lintian-overrides) into
+# the package. Under compat 9+ it may execute the file and use its
+# output instead.
+# install_dh_config_file(SOURCE, TARGET)
+sub install_dh_config_file {
+ my ($source, $target) = @_;
+ if (!compat(8) and -x $source) {
+ my @sstat = stat(_) || error("cannot stat $source: $!");
+ open(my $tfd, '>', $target) || error("cannot open $target: $!");
+ chmod(0644, $tfd) || error("cannot chmod $target: $!");
+ open(my $sfd, '-|', $source) || error("cannot run $source: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$sfd>) {
+ print ${tfd} $line;
+ }
+ if (!close($sfd)) {
+ _executable_dh_config_file_failed($source, $!, $?);
+ }
+ close($tfd) || error("cannot close $target: $!");
+ # Set the mtime (and atime) to ensure reproducibility.
+ utime($sstat[9], $sstat[9], $target);
+ } else {
+ install_file($source, $target);
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub restore_file_on_clean {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my $bucket_index = 'debian/.debhelper/bucket/index';
+ my $bucket_dir = 'debian/.debhelper/bucket/files';
+ my $checksum;
+ mkdirs($bucket_dir);
+ if ($file =~ m{^/}) {
+ error("restore_file_on_clean requires a path relative to the package dir");
+ }
+ $file =~ s{^\./}{}g;
+ $file =~ s{//++}{}g;
+ if ($file =~ m{^\.} or $file =~ m{/CVS/} or $file =~ m{/\.svn/}) {
+ # We do not want to smash a Vcs repository by accident.
+ warning("Attempt to store $file, which looks like a VCS file or");
+ warning("a hidden package file (like quilt's \".pc\" directory)");
+ error("This tool probably contains a bug.");
+ }
+ if (-l $file or not -f _) {
+ error("Cannot store $file: Can only store regular files (no symlinks, etc.)");
+ }
+ require Digest::SHA;
+ $checksum = Digest::SHA->new('256')->addfile($file, 'b')->hexdigest;
+ if (not $dh{NO_ACT}) {
+ my ($in_index);
+ open(my $fd, '+>>', $bucket_index)
+ or error("open($bucket_index, a+) failed: $!");
+ seek($fd, 0, 0);
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ my ($cs, $stored_file);
+ chomp($line);
+ ($cs, $stored_file) = split(m/ /, $line, 2);
+ next if ($stored_file ne $file);
+ $in_index = 1;
+ }
+ if (not $in_index) {
+ # Copy and then rename so we always have the full copy of
+ # the file in the correct place (if any at all).
+ doit('cp', '-an', '--reflink=auto', $file, "${bucket_dir}/${checksum}.tmp");
+ rename_path("${bucket_dir}/${checksum}.tmp", "${bucket_dir}/${checksum}");
+ print {$fd} "${checksum} ${file}\n";
+ }
+ close($fd) or error("close($bucket_index) failed: $!");
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub restore_all_files {
+ my ($clear_index) = @_;
+ my $bucket_index = 'debian/.debhelper/bucket/index';
+ my $bucket_dir = 'debian/.debhelper/bucket/files';
+ return if not -f $bucket_index;
+ open(my $fd, '<', $bucket_index)
+ or error("open($bucket_index) failed: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ my ($cs, $stored_file, $bucket_file);
+ chomp($line);
+ ($cs, $stored_file) = split(m/ /, $line, 2);
+ $bucket_file = "${bucket_dir}/${cs}";
+ # Restore by copy and then rename. This ensures that:
+ # 1) If dh_clean is interrupted, we can always do a full restore again
+ # (otherwise, we would be missing some of the files and have to handle
+ # that with scary warnings)
+ # 2) The file is always fully restored or in its "pre-restore" state.
+ doit('cp', '-an', '--reflink=auto', $bucket_file, "${bucket_file}.tmp");
+ rename_path("${bucket_file}.tmp", $stored_file);
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ rm_files($bucket_index) if $clear_index;
+ return;
+sub open_gz {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my $fd;
+ eval {
+ require PerlIO::gzip;
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ open($fd, '-|', 'gzip', '-dc', $file)
+ or error("gzip -dc $file failed: $!");
+ } else {
+ # Pass ":unix" as well due to
+ # Alternatively, we could ensure we always use "POSIX::_exit". Unfortunately,
+ # loading POSIX is insanely slow.
+ open($fd, '<:unix:gzip', $file)
+ or error("open $file [<:unix:gzip] failed: $!");
+ }
+ return $fd;
+sub deprecated_functionality {
+ my ($warning_msg, $compat_removal, $removal_msg) = @_;
+ if (defined($compat_removal) and not compat($compat_removal - 1)) {
+ my $msg = $removal_msg // $warning_msg;
+ warning($msg);
+ error("This feature was removed in compat ${compat_removal}.");
+ } else {
+ warning($warning_msg);
+ warning("This feature will be removed in compat ${compat_removal}.")
+ if defined($compat_removal);
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub log_installed_files {
+ my ($package, @patterns) = @_;
+ return if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ my $tool = $TOOL_NAME;
+ if (ref($package) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $options = $package;
+ $tool = $options->{'tool_name'} // error('Missing mandatory "tool_name" option for log_installed_files');
+ $package = $options->{'package'} // error('Missing mandatory "package" option for log_installed_files');
+ }
+ my $log = generated_file($package, 'installed-by-' . $tool);
+ open(my $fh, '>>', $log) or error("open $log: $!");
+ for my $src (@patterns) {
+ print $fh "$src\n";
+ }
+ close($fh) or error("close $log: $!");
+ return 1;
+use constant {
+ # The ELF header is at least 0x32 bytes (32bit); any filer shorter than that is not an ELF file
+ ELF_MIN_LENGTH => 0x32,
+ ELF_MAGIC => "\x7FELF",
+ ELF_ENDIAN_LE => 0x01,
+ ELF_ENDIAN_BE => 0x02,
+sub is_so_or_exec_elf_file {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ open(my $fd, '<:raw', $file) or error("open $file: $!");
+ my $buflen = 0;
+ my ($buf, $endian);
+ while ($buflen < ELF_MIN_LENGTH) {
+ my $r = read($fd, $buf, ELF_MIN_LENGTH - $buflen, $buflen) // error("read ($file): $!");
+ last if $r == 0; # EOF
+ $buflen += $r
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ return 0 if $buflen < ELF_MIN_LENGTH;
+ return 0 if substr($buf, 0x00, 4) ne ELF_MAGIC;
+ $endian = unpack('c', substr($buf, 0x05, 1));
+ my ($long_format, $short_format);
+ if ($endian == ELF_ENDIAN_BE) {
+ $long_format = 'N';
+ $short_format = 'n';
+ } elsif ($endian == ELF_ENDIAN_LE) {
+ $long_format = 'V';
+ $short_format = 'v';
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $elf_version = substr($buf, 0x14, 4);
+ my $elf_type = substr($buf, 0x10, 2);
+ return 0 if unpack($long_format, $elf_version) != 0x00000001;
+ my $elf_type_unpacked = unpack($short_format, $elf_type);
+ return 0 if $elf_type_unpacked != ELF_TYPE_EXECUTABLE and $elf_type_unpacked != ELF_TYPE_SHARED_OBJECT;
+ return 1;
+sub _has_shebang_line {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ open(my $fd, '<', $file) or error("open $file: $!");
+ my $line = <$fd>;
+ close($fd);
+ return 1 if (defined($line) and substr($line, 0, 2) eq '#!');
+ return 0;
+# Returns true iff the given argument is an empty directory.
+# Corner-cases:
+# - false if not a directory
+sub is_empty_dir {
+ my ($dir) = @_;
+ return 0 if not -d $dir;
+ my $ret = 1;
+ opendir(my $dir_fd, $dir) or error("opendir($dir) failed: $!");
+ while (defined(my $entry = readdir($dir_fd))) {
+ next if $entry eq '.' or $entry eq '..';
+ $ret = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ closedir($dir_fd);
+ return $ret;
+sub on_pkgs_in_parallel(&) {
+ unshift(@_, $dh{DOPACKAGES});
+ goto \&on_items_in_parallel;
+# Given a list of files, find all hardlinked files and return:
+# 1: a list of unique files (all files in the list are not hardlinked with any other file in that list)
+# 2: a map where the keys are names of hardlinks and the value points to the name selected as the file put in the
+# list of unique files.
+# This is can be used to relink hard links after modifying one of them.
+sub find_hardlinks {
+ my (@all_files) = @_;
+ my (%seen, %hardlinks, @unique_files);
+ for my $file (@all_files) {
+ my ($dev, $inode, undef, $nlink)=stat($file);
+ if (defined $nlink && $nlink > 1) {
+ if (! $seen{"$inode.$dev"}) {
+ $seen{"$inode.$dev"}=$file;
+ push(@unique_files, $file);
+ } else {
+ # This is a hardlink.
+ $hardlinks{$file}=$seen{"$inode.$dev"};
+ }
+ } else {
+ push(@unique_files, $file);
+ }
+ }
+ return (\@unique_files, \%hardlinks);
+sub on_items_in_parallel {
+ my ($pkgs_ref, $code) = @_;
+ my @pkgs = @{$pkgs_ref};
+ my %pids;
+ my $parallel = $MAX_PROCS;
+ my $count_per_proc = int( (scalar(@pkgs) + $parallel - 1)/ $parallel);
+ my $exit = 0;
+ if ($count_per_proc < 1) {
+ $count_per_proc = 1;
+ if (@pkgs > 3) {
+ # Forking has a considerable overhead, so bulk the number
+ # a bit. We do not do this unconditionally, because we
+ # want parallel issues (if any) to appear already with 2
+ # packages and two procs (because people are lazy when
+ # testing).
+ #
+ # Same reason for also unconditionally forking with 1 pkg
+ # in 1 proc.
+ $count_per_proc = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ # Assertion, $count_per_proc * $parallel >= scalar(@pkgs)
+ while (@pkgs) {
+ my @batch = splice(@pkgs, 0, $count_per_proc);
+ my $pid = fork() // error("fork: $!");
+ if (not $pid) {
+ # Child processes should not write to the log file
+ inhibit_log();
+ eval {
+ $code->(@batch);
+ };
+ if (my $err = $@) {
+ $err =~ s/\n$//;
+ print STDERR "$err\n";
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ $pids{$pid} = 1;
+ }
+ while (%pids) {
+ my $pid = wait;
+ error("wait() failed: $!") if $pid == -1;
+ delete($pids{$pid});
+ if ($? != 0) {
+ $exit = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($exit) {
+ error("Aborting due to earlier error");
+ }
+ return;
+*on_selected_pkgs_in_parallel = \&on_items_in_parallel;
+sub compute_doc_main_package {
+ my ($doc_package) = @_;
+ # if explicitly set, then choose that.
+ return $dh{DOC_MAIN_PACKAGE} if $dh{DOC_MAIN_PACKAGE};
+ # In compat 10 (and earlier), there is no auto-detection
+ return $doc_package if compat(10);
+ my $target_package = $doc_package;
+ # If it is not a -doc package, then docs should be installed
+ # under its own package name.
+ return $doc_package if $target_package !~ s/-doc$//;
+ # FOO-doc hosts the docs for FOO; seems reasonable
+ return $target_package if exists($package_types{$target_package});
+ if ($doc_package =~ m/^lib./) {
+ # Special case, "libFOO-doc" can host docs for "libFOO-dev"
+ my $lib_dev = "${target_package}-dev";
+ return $lib_dev if exists($package_types{$lib_dev});
+ # Technically, we could go look for a libFOO<something>-dev,
+ # but atm. it is presumed to be that much of a corner case
+ # that it warrents an override.
+ }
+ # We do not know; make that clear to the caller
+ return;
+sub dbgsym_tmpdir {
+ my ($package) = @_;
+ return "debian/.debhelper/${package}/dbgsym-root";
+sub perl_cross_incdir {
+ return if !is_cross_compiling();
+ # native builds don't currently need this so only load it on demand
+ require Config; Config->import();
+ my $triplet = dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH");
+ my $perl_version = $Config::Config{version};
+ my $incdir = "/usr/lib/$triplet/perl/cross-config-${perl_version}";
+ return undef if !-e "$incdir/";
+ return $incdir;
+sub is_known_package {
+ my ($package) = @_;
+ state %known_packages = map { $_ => 1 } getpackages();
+ return 1 if exists($known_packages{$package});
+ return 0
+sub assert_opt_is_known_package {
+ my ($package, $method) = @_;
+ if (not is_known_package($package)) {
+ error("Requested unknown package $package via $method, expected one of: " . join(' ', getpackages()));
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub _internal_optional_file_args {
+ state $_disable_file_seccomp;
+ if (not defined($_disable_file_seccomp)) {
+ my $consider_disabling_seccomp = 0;
+ if ($ENV{'FAKEROOTKEY'} or ($ENV{'LD_PRELOAD'} // '') =~ m/fakeroot/) {
+ $consider_disabling_seccomp = 1;
+ }
+ if ($consider_disabling_seccomp) {
+ my $has_no_sandbox = (qx_cmd('file', '--help') // '') =~ m/--no-sandbox/;
+ $consider_disabling_seccomp = 0 if not $has_no_sandbox;
+ }
+ $_disable_file_seccomp = $consider_disabling_seccomp;
+ }
+ return('--no-sandbox') if $_disable_file_seccomp;
+ return;
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba627f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Internal library functions for the dh(1) command
+package Debian::Debhelper::Sequence;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Exporter qw(import);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(error);
+use Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil qw(extract_rules_target_name sequence_type SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES
+sub _as_command {
+ my ($input) = @_;
+ if (ref($input) eq 'HASH') {
+ return $input;
+ }
+ my $rules_target = extract_rules_target_name($input);
+ if (defined($rules_target)) {
+ my $sequence_type = sequence_type($rules_target);
+ return {
+ 'command' => $input,
+ 'command-options' => [],
+ 'sequence-limitation' => $sequence_type,
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ 'command' => $input,
+ 'command-options' => [],
+ 'sequence-limitation' => SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH,
+ }
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $name, $sequence_type, @cmds) = @_;
+ return bless({
+ '_name' => $name,
+ '_subsequences' => $sequence_type,
+ '_cmds' => [map {_as_command($_)} @cmds],
+ }, $class);
+sub name {
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ return $this->{'_name'};
+sub allowed_subsequences {
+ my ($this) = @_;
+ return $this->{'_subsequences'};
+sub _insert {
+ my ($this, $offset, $existing, $new) = @_;
+ my @list = @{$this->{'_cmds'}};
+ my @new;
+ my $new_cmd = _as_command($new);
+ foreach my $command (@list) {
+ if ($command->{'command'} eq $existing) {
+ push(@new, $new_cmd) if $offset < 0;
+ push(@new, $command);
+ push(@new, $new_cmd) if $offset > 0;
+ } else {
+ push(@new, $command);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->{'_cmds'} = \@new;
+ return;
+sub remove_command {
+ my ($this, $command) = @_;
+ $this->{'_cmds'} = [grep { $_->{'command'} ne $command } @{$this->{'_cmds'}}];
+ return;
+sub add_command_at_start {
+ my ($this, $command) = @_;
+ unshift(@{$this->{'_cmds'}}, _as_command($command));
+ return;
+sub add_command_at_end {
+ my ($this, $command) = @_;
+ push(@{$this->{'_cmds'}}, _as_command($command));
+ return;
+sub rules_target_name {
+ my ($this, $sequence_type) = @_;
+ error("Internal error: Invalid sequence type $sequence_type") if $sequence_type eq SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES;
+ my $name = $this->{'_name'};
+ my $allowed_sequence_type = $this->{'_subsequences'};
+ if ($sequence_type ne SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH and $allowed_sequence_type eq SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES) {
+ error("Internal error: Requested subsequence ${sequence_type} of sequence ${name}, but it has no subsequences");
+ }
+ if ($sequence_type ne SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH) {
+ return "${name}-${sequence_type}";
+ }
+ return $name;
+sub as_rules_target_command {
+ my ($this) = shift;
+ my $rules_name = $this->rules_target_name(@_);
+ return "debian/rules ${rules_name}";
+sub flatten_sequence {
+ my ($this, $sequence_type, $flags) = @_;
+ error("Invalid sequence type $sequence_type") if $sequence_type eq SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES;
+ my @cmds;
+ for my $cmd_desc (@{$this->{'_cmds'}}) {
+ my $seq_limitation = $cmd_desc->{'sequence-limitation'};
+ next if ($seq_limitation eq SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY and ($flags & FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_ARCH_PACKAGES));
+ next if ($seq_limitation eq SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY and ($flags & FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_INDEP_PACKAGES));
+ if ($seq_limitation eq $sequence_type or $sequence_type eq SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH or $seq_limitation eq SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH) {
+ my $cmd = $cmd_desc->{'command'};
+ my @cmd_options = $cmd_desc->{'command-options'};
+ push(@cmds, [$cmd, @cmd_options]);
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ return @cmds;
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c05975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+add_command_at_end('create-stamp debian/debhelper-build-stamp', 'build');
+add_command_at_end('create-stamp debian/debhelper-build-stamp', 'build-arch');
+add_command_at_end('create-stamp debian/debhelper-build-stamp', 'build-indep');
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e89ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Enable dh_dwz
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(compat error);
+if (not compat(11)) {
+ error("In compat 12, dh_dwz is run by default and the dwz-sequence is no longer required.");
+insert_before('dh_strip', 'dh_dwz');
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56bb07c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(compat);
+insert_after('dh_missing', 'dh_strip');
+if (not compat(11)) {
+ insert_before('dh_strip', 'dh_dwz');
+insert_after('dh_strip', 'dh_makeshlibs');
+insert_after('dh_makeshlibs', 'dh_shlibdeps');
+1; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..365f283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Enable dh_installinitramfs
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(compat error);
+if (not compat(11)) {
+ error("In compat 12, dh_installinitramfs is run by default and the installinitramfs-sequence is no longer required.");
+insert_after('dh_installgsettings', 'dh_installinitramfs');
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47c38e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Enable dh_installsysusers
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+insert_after('dh_install', 'dh_installsysusers');
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45d908c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(compat);
+use Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil;
+my $include_if_compat_X_or_newer = sub {
+ my ($compat, @commands) = @_;
+ return if compat($compat - 1, 1);
+ return @commands;
+my @obsolete_command = (
+ [13, $include_if_compat_X_or_newer->(11, 'dh_systemd_enable', 'dh_systemd_start')],
+ [14, 'dh_gconf'],
+my @commands_controlled_by_deb_build_options = (
+ $include_if_compat_X_or_newer->(13, ['dh_auto_test', 'nocheck'], ['dh_dwz', 'nostrip'], ['dh_strip', 'nostrip']),
+my @bd_minimal = qw{
+ dh_testdir
+my @bd = (@bd_minimal, qw{
+ dh_update_autotools_config
+ dh_auto_configure
+ dh_auto_build
+ dh_auto_test
+my @i = (qw{
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_prep
+ dh_installdirs
+ dh_auto_install
+ dh_install
+ dh_installdocs
+ dh_installchangelogs
+ dh_installexamples
+ dh_installman
+ dh_installcatalogs
+ dh_installcron
+ dh_installdebconf
+ dh_installemacsen
+ dh_installifupdown
+ dh_installinfo
+ dh_installinit
+ $include_if_compat_X_or_newer->(14, 'dh_installsysusers'),
+ $include_if_compat_X_or_newer->(13, 'dh_installtmpfiles'),
+ $include_if_compat_X_or_newer->(11, 'dh_installsystemd'),
+ $include_if_compat_X_or_newer->(12, 'dh_installsystemduser'),
+ dh_installmenu
+ dh_installmime
+ dh_installmodules
+ dh_installlogcheck
+ dh_installlogrotate
+ dh_installpam
+ dh_installppp
+ dh_installudev
+ dh_installgsettings
+ (!compat(11) ? qw(dh_installinitramfs) : qw()),
+ (compat(13) ? qw(dh_installalternatives) : qw()),
+ dh_bugfiles
+ dh_ucf
+ dh_lintian
+ dh_icons
+ dh_perl
+ dh_usrlocal
+ dh_link
+ (!compat(13) ? qw(dh_installalternatives) : qw()),
+ dh_installwm
+ dh_installxfonts
+ dh_strip_nondeterminism
+ dh_compress
+ dh_fixperms
+ dh_missing
+# Looking for dh_dwz, dh_strip, dh_makeshlibs, dh_shlibdeps (et al)? They are
+# in the elf-tools addon.
+my @b=qw{
+ dh_installdeb
+ dh_gencontrol
+ dh_md5sums
+ dh_builddeb
+_add_sequence('build', SEQUENCE_ARCH_INDEP_SUBSEQUENCES, @bd);
+_add_sequence('install', SEQUENCE_ARCH_INDEP_SUBSEQUENCES, to_rules_target("build"), @i);
+_add_sequence('binary', SEQUENCE_ARCH_INDEP_SUBSEQUENCES, to_rules_target("install"), @b);
+_add_sequence('clean', SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES, @bd_minimal, qw{
+ dh_auto_clean
+ dh_clean
+for my $obsolete_command_spec (@obsolete_command) {
+ my ($error_compat, @cmds) = @{$obsolete_command_spec};
+ for my $command (@cmds) {
+ declare_command_obsolete($error_compat, $command);
+ }
+for my $entry (@commands_controlled_by_deb_build_options) {
+ my ($command, $dbo_flag) = @{$entry};
+ # Dear reader; Should you be in doubt, then this is internal API that is
+ # subject to change without notice. If you need this feature, please
+ # make an explicit feature request, so we can implement a better solution.
+ _skip_cmd_if_deb_build_options_contains($command, $dbo_flag);
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68d8db1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(getpackages error warning tmpdir);
+use Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil;
+my @packages = getpackages();
+my $pkg = $packages[0];
+my $tmp = tmpdir($pkg);
+if (@packages != 1) {
+ warning('Detected multiple binary packages (Package paragraphs) in debian/control, which is incompatible');
+ warning('with the single-binary dh add-on.');
+ warning();
+ warning('Please:');
+ warning(' 1) Remove the single-binary add-on ("dh-sequence-single-binary" in Build-Depends)');
+ warning(' 2) Update the packaging to cope with dh_auto_install using \"debian/tmp\" as default dest dir');
+ warning(" (Previously, it would probably have used \"${tmp}\")");
+ warning(' 3) Add Breaks/Replaces if you are moving existing files into a new package.');
+ warning(' 4) Double check that the resulting binaries have content.');
+ warning();
+ warning("IF YOU ARE ADDING A TRANSITIONAL PACKAGE: Then you probably want to pass --destdir=${tmp} to");
+ warning(' dh_auto_install. Most likely you will need Breaks + Replaces as renaming a package counts as');
+ warning(' moving files between two packages.');
+ warning();
+ warning('IF YOU ARE "SPLITTING" THE CONTENT INTO MULTIPLE PACKAGES: Then remember to install the content');
+ warning(" into them (by creating debian/${pkg}.install, etc.). Also remember to add Breaks + Replaces if");
+ warning(' you are moving files from one package into another.');
+ warning();
+ error("The single-binary add-on cannot be used for source packages that build multiple binary packages.");
+add_command_options('dh_auto_install', "--destdir=${tmp}/");
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..484e764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(compat error);
+if (not compat(10)) {
+ error("The systemd-sequence is no longer provided in compat >= 11, please rely on dh_installsystemd instead");
+# dh_systemd_enable runs unconditionally, and before dh_installinit, so that
+# the latter can use invoke-rc.d and all symlinks are already in place.
+insert_before("dh_installinit", "dh_systemd_enable");
+# dh_systemd_start handles the case where there is no corresponding init
+# script, so it runs after dh_installinit.
+insert_after("dh_installinit", "dh_systemd_start");
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Debhelper/ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dc3f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Debian/Debhelper/
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+# Internal library functions for the dh(1) command
+package Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use constant {
+ 'DUMMY_TARGET' => 'debhelper-fail-me',
+ 'SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH' => 'both',
+ 'UNSKIPPABLE_CLI_OPTIONS_BUILD_SYSTEM' => q(-S|--buildsystem|-D|--sourcedir|--sourcedirectory|-B|--builddir|--builddirectory),
+use Exporter qw(import);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(
+ %dh
+ basename
+ commit_override_log
+ compat error
+ escape_shell
+ get_buildoption
+ getpackages
+ load_log
+ package_is_arch_all
+ pkgfile
+ rm_files
+ tmpdir
+ warning
+ write_log
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+ extract_rules_target_name
+ to_rules_target
+ sequence_type
+ unpack_sequence
+ rules_explicit_target
+ extract_skipinfo
+ compute_selected_addons
+ load_sequence_addon
+ run_sequence_command_and_exit_on_failure
+ should_skip_due_to_dpo
+ check_for_obsolete_commands
+ compute_starting_point_in_sequences
+ parse_dh_cmd_options
+ run_hook_target
+ run_through_command_sequence
+sub extract_rules_target_name {
+ my ($command) = @_;
+ if ($command =~ m{^debian/rules\s++(.++)}) {
+ return $1
+ }
+ return;
+sub to_rules_target {
+ return 'debian/rules '.join(' ', @_);
+sub sequence_type {
+ my ($sequence_name) = @_;
+ if ($sequence_name =~ m/-indep$/) {
+ return 'indep';
+ } elsif ($sequence_name =~ m/-arch$/) {
+ return 'arch';
+ }
+ return 'both';
+sub _agg_subseq {
+ my ($current_subseq, $outer_subseq) = @_;
+ if ($current_subseq eq $outer_subseq) {
+ return $current_subseq;
+ }
+ if ($current_subseq eq 'both') {
+ return $outer_subseq;
+ }
+ return $current_subseq;
+sub unpack_sequence {
+ my ($sequences, $sequence_name, $always_inline, $completed_sequences, $flags) = @_;
+ my (@sequence, @targets, %seen, %non_inlineable_targets, @stack);
+ my $sequence_type = sequence_type($sequence_name);
+ # Walk through the sequence effectively doing a DFS of the rules targets
+ # (when we are allowed to inline them).
+ my $seq = $sequences->{$sequence_name};
+ $flags //= 0;
+ push(@stack, [$seq->flatten_sequence($sequence_type, $flags)]);
+ while (@stack) {
+ my $current_sequence = pop(@stack);
+ while (@{$current_sequence}) {
+ my $command = shift(@{$current_sequence});
+ if (ref($command) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $command = $command->[0];
+ }
+ my $rules_target=extract_rules_target_name($command);
+ next if (defined($rules_target) and exists($completed_sequences->{$rules_target}));
+ if (defined($rules_target) and $always_inline) {
+ my $subsequence = $sequences->{$rules_target};
+ my $subseq_type = _agg_subseq(sequence_type($rules_target), $sequence_type);
+ push(@stack, $current_sequence);
+ $current_sequence = [$subsequence->flatten_sequence($subseq_type, $flags)];
+ } elsif (defined($rules_target)) {
+ my $subsequence = $sequences->{$rules_target};
+ my $subseq_type = _agg_subseq(sequence_type($rules_target), $sequence_type);
+ my @subseq_types = ($subseq_type);
+ my %subtarget_status;
+ my ($transparent_subseq, $opaque_subseq, $subtarget_decided_both);
+ if ($subseq_type eq SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH) {
+ }
+ for my $ss_type (@subseq_types) {
+ my $full_rule_target = ($ss_type eq SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH) ? $rules_target : "${rules_target}-${ss_type}";
+ if (exists($completed_sequences->{$full_rule_target})) {
+ $subtarget_status{$ss_type} = 'complete';
+ last if $ss_type eq $subseq_type;
+ }
+ elsif (defined(rules_explicit_target($full_rule_target))) {
+ $subtarget_status{$ss_type} = 'opaque';
+ last if $ss_type eq $subseq_type;
+ }
+ else {
+ $subtarget_status{$ss_type} = 'transparent';
+ }
+ }
+ # At this point, %subtarget_status has 1 or 3 kv-pairs.
+ # - If it has 1, then just check that and be done
+ # - If it has 3, then "both" must be "transparent".
+ if (scalar(keys(%subtarget_status)) == 3) {
+ if ($subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY}} eq $subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY}}) {
+ # The "both" target is transparent and the subtargets agree. This is the common case
+ # of "everything is transparent" (or both subtargets are opaque) and we reduce that by
+ # reducing it to only have one key.
+ %subtarget_status = ( $subseq_type => $subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY}} );
+ # There is one special-case for this flow if both targets are opaque.
+ $subtarget_decided_both = 1;
+ } else {
+ # The subtargets have different status but we know that the "both" key must be irrelevant
+ # then. Remove it to simplify matters below.
+ delete($subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH}});
+ }
+ }
+ if (scalar(keys(%subtarget_status)) == 1) {
+ # "Simple" case where we only have to check exactly one result
+ if ($subtarget_status{$subseq_type} eq 'opaque') {
+ $opaque_subseq = $subseq_type;
+ }
+ elsif ($subtarget_status{$subseq_type} eq 'transparent') {
+ $transparent_subseq = $subseq_type;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Either can be transparent, opaque or complete at this point.
+ if ($subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY}} eq 'transparent') {
+ $transparent_subseq = SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY
+ } elsif ($subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY}} eq 'transparent') {
+ $transparent_subseq = SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY
+ }
+ if ($subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY}} eq 'opaque') {
+ $opaque_subseq = SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY
+ } elsif ($subtarget_status{${\SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY}} eq 'opaque') {
+ $opaque_subseq = SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY
+ }
+ }
+ if ($opaque_subseq) {
+ if ($subtarget_decided_both) {
+ # Final special-case - we are here because the rules file define X-arch AND X-indep but
+ # not X. In this case, we want two d/rules X-{arch,indep} calls rather than a single
+ # d/rules X call.
+ my $rules_target_cmd = $subsequence->as_rules_target_command($ss_type);
+ push(@targets, $rules_target_cmd) if not $seen{$rules_target_cmd}++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $rules_target_cmd = $subsequence->as_rules_target_command($opaque_subseq);
+ push(@targets, $rules_target_cmd) if not $seen{$rules_target_cmd}++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($transparent_subseq) {
+ push(@stack, $current_sequence);
+ $current_sequence = [$subsequence->flatten_sequence($transparent_subseq, $flags)];
+ }
+ next COMMAND;
+ } else {
+ if (defined($rules_target) and not $always_inline) {
+ next COMMAND if exists($non_inlineable_targets{$rules_target});
+ push(@targets, $command) if not $seen{$command}++;
+ } elsif (! $seen{$command}) {
+ $seen{$command} = 1;
+ push(@sequence, $command);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (\@targets, \@sequence);
+sub rules_explicit_target {
+ # Checks if a specified target exists as an explicit target
+ # in debian/rules.
+ # undef is returned if target does not exist, 0 if target is noop
+ # and 1 if target has dependencies or executes commands.
+ my ($target) = @_;
+ if (! $RULES_PARSED) {
+ my $processing_targets = 0;
+ my $not_a_target = 0;
+ my $current_target;
+ open(MAKE, "LC_ALL=C make -Rrnpsf debian/rules ${\DUMMY_TARGET} 2>/dev/null |");
+ while (<MAKE>) {
+ if ($processing_targets) {
+ if (/^# Not a target:/) {
+ $not_a_target = 1;
+ } else {
+ if (!$not_a_target && m/^([^#:]+)::?\s*(.*)$/) {
+ # Target is defined. NOTE: if it is a dependency of
+ # .PHONY it will be defined too but that's ok.
+ # $2 contains target dependencies if any.
+ $current_target = $1;
+ $EXPLICIT_TARGETS{$current_target} = ($2) ? 1 : 0;
+ } else {
+ if (defined($current_target)) {
+ if (m/^#/) {
+ # Check if target has commands to execute
+ if (m/^#\s*(commands|recipe) to execute/) {
+ $EXPLICIT_TARGETS{$current_target} = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Target parsed.
+ $current_target = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # "Not a target:" is always followed by
+ # a target name, so resetting this one
+ # here is safe.
+ $not_a_target = 0;
+ }
+ } elsif (m/^# Files$/) {
+ $processing_targets = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close MAKE;
+ }
+ return $EXPLICIT_TARGETS{$target};
+sub extract_skipinfo {
+ my ($command) = @_;
+ foreach my $dir (split(':', $ENV{PATH})) {
+ if (open (my $h, "<", "$dir/$command")) {
+ while (<$h>) {
+ if (m/PROMISE: DH NOOP( WITHOUT\s+(.*))?\s*$/) {
+ close $h;
+ return split(' ', $2) if defined($2);
+ return ('always-skip');
+ }
+ }
+ close $h;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub _skipped_call_due_dpo {
+ my ($command, $dbo_flag) = @_;
+ my $me = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::_color(basename($0), 'bold');
+ my $skipped = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::_color('command-omitted', 'yellow');
+ print "${me}: ${skipped}: The call to \"${command}\" was omitted due to \"DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=${dbo_flag}\"\n";
+ return;
+sub should_skip_due_to_dpo {
+ my ($command, $to_be_invoked) = @_;
+ # Indirection/reference for readability
+ my $commands_ref = \%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::commands_skippable_via_deb_build_options;
+ if (not $dh{'NO_ACT'} and exists($commands_ref->{$command})) {
+ my $flags_ref = $commands_ref->{$command};
+ for my $flag (@{$flags_ref}) {
+ if (get_buildoption($flag)) {
+ _skipped_call_due_dpo($to_be_invoked, $flag) if defined($to_be_invoked);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub compute_starting_point_in_sequences {
+ my ($packages_ref, $full_sequence, $logged) = @_;
+ my %startpoint;
+ if (compat(9)) {
+ foreach my $package (@{$packages_ref}) {
+ my @log = load_log($package, $logged);
+ # Find the last logged command that is in the sequence, and
+ # continue with the next command after it. If no logged
+ # command is in the sequence, we're starting at the beginning..
+ $startpoint{$package} = 0;
+ foreach my $command (reverse(@log)) {
+ foreach my $i (0 .. $#{$full_sequence}) {
+ if ($command eq $full_sequence->[$i]) {
+ $startpoint{$package} = $i + 1;
+ last COMMAND;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach my $package (@{$packages_ref}) {
+ $startpoint{$package} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return %startpoint;
+sub compute_selected_addons {
+ my ($sequence_name, @addon_requests_from_args) = @_;
+ my (@enabled_addons, %disabled_addons, %enabled);
+ my @addon_requests;
+ my $sequence_type = sequence_type($sequence_name);
+ my %addon_constraints = %{ Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::bd_dh_sequences() };
+ my %explicitly_managed;
+ # Inject elf-tools early as other addons rely on their presence and it historically
+ # has been considered a part of the "core" sequence.
+ if (exists($addon_constraints{'elf-tools'})) {
+ # Explicitly requested; respect that
+ push(@addon_requests, '+elf-tools');
+ } elsif (compat(12, 1)) {
+ # In compat 12 and earlier, we only inject the sequence if there are arch
+ # packages present and the sequence requires it.
+ if (getpackages('arch') and $sequence_type ne SEQUENCE_TYPE_INDEP_ONLY) {
+ push(@addon_requests, '+elf-tools');
+ }
+ } else {
+ # In compat 13, we always inject the addon if not explicitly requested and
+ # then flag it as arch_only
+ push(@addon_requests, '+elf-tools');
+ $addon_constraints{'elf-tools'} = SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY if not exists($addon_constraints{'elf-tools'});
+ }
+ # Order is important; DH_EXTRA_ADDONS must come before everything
+ # else; then comes built-in and finally argument provided add-ons
+ # requests.
+ push(@addon_requests, map { "+${_}" } split(",", $ENV{DH_EXTRA_ADDONS}))
+ if (not compat(9, 1)) {
+ # Enable autoreconf'ing by default in compat 10 or later.
+ push(@addon_requests, '+autoreconf');
+ # Enable systemd support by default in compat 10 or later.
+ # - compat 11 injects the dh_installsystemd tool directly in the
+ # sequence instead of using a --with sequence.
+ push(@addon_requests, '+systemd') if compat(10, 1);
+ push(@addon_requests, '+build-stamp');
+ }
+ for my $addon_name (sort(keys(%addon_constraints))) {
+ my $addon_type = $addon_constraints{$addon_name};
+ # Special-case for the "clean" target to avoid B-D-I dependencies in that for conditional add-ons
+ next if $sequence_name eq 'clean' and $addon_type ne SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH;
+ if ($addon_type eq 'both' or $sequence_type eq 'both' or $addon_type eq $sequence_type) {
+ push(@addon_requests, "+${addon_name}");
+ }
+ }
+ push(@addon_requests, @addon_requests_from_args);
+ # Removing disabled add-ons are expensive (O(N) per time), so we
+ # attempt to make removals in bulk. Note that we have to be order
+ # preserving (due to #885580), so there is a limit to how "smart"
+ # we can be.
+ my $flush_disable_cache = sub {
+ @enabled_addons = grep { not exists($disabled_addons{$_}) } @enabled_addons;
+ for my $addon (keys(%disabled_addons)) {
+ delete($enabled{$addon});
+ }
+ %disabled_addons = ();
+ };
+ for my $request (@addon_requests) {
+ if ($request =~ m/^[+-]root[-_]sequence$/) {
+ error("Invalid request to skip the sequence \"root-sequence\": It cannot be disabled")
+ if $request =~ m/^-/;
+ error("Invalid request to load the sequence \"root-sequence\": Do not reference it directly");
+ }
+ if ($request =~ s/^[+]//) {
+ # Normalize "_" to "-" in the name.
+ $request =~ tr/_/-/;
+ $flush_disable_cache->() if %disabled_addons;
+ $explicitly_managed{$request} = 1;
+ push(@enabled_addons, $request) if not $enabled{$request}++;
+ } elsif ($request =~ s/^-//) {
+ # Normalize "_" to "-" in the name.
+ $request =~ tr/_/-/;
+ $explicitly_managed{$request} = 1;
+ $disabled_addons{$request} = 1;
+ } else {
+ error("Internal error: Invalid add-on request: $request (Missing +/- prefix)");
+ }
+ }
+ if (compat(14, 1) && getpackages() == 1 && !exists($explicitly_managed{'single-binary'})) {
+ if (not compat(13, 1)) {
+ warning("Implicitly activating single-binary dh addon for backwards compatibility. In compat 14+,");
+ warning("this fallback will *not* happen automatically and dh_auto_install will instead use a");
+ warning("different default for --destdir, which can cause the source to produce an empty binary package");
+ warning();
+ warning('To keep the existing behaviour, please activate the single-binary addon explicitly.');
+ warning('This can be done by adding "dh-sequence-single-binary" to Build-Depends or passing');
+ warning('--with=single-binary to dh.');
+ warning();
+ warning('If you have solved this issue differently (e.g., by passing --destdir explicitly to');
+ warning('dh_auto_install or not using dh_auto_install at all) and want to silence this warning');
+ warning('without activating the addon, you can do that by passing --without=single-binary to dh');
+ warning('to explicitly acknowledge the change.');
+ warning();
+ warning('Please see the description of the "single-binary" in "man dh" for more details of what');
+ warning('it does and why this is changing from implicit behaviour to explicitly opt-in.');
+ }
+ push(@enabled_addons, 'single-binary');
+ }
+ $flush_disable_cache->() if %disabled_addons;
+ return map {
+ {
+ 'name' => $_,
+ 'addon-type' => $addon_constraints{$_} // SEQUENCE_TYPE_BOTH,
+ }
+ } @enabled_addons;
+sub load_sequence_addon {
+ my ($addon_name, $addon_type) = @_;
+ require Debian::Debhelper::DH::AddonAPI;
+ my $mod="Debian::Debhelper::Sequence::${addon_name}";
+ $mod=~s/-/_/g;
+ local $Debian::Debhelper::DH::AddonAPI::DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_NAME = $addon_name;
+ local $Debian::Debhelper::DH::AddonAPI::DH_INTERNAL_ADDON_TYPE = $addon_type;
+ eval "package Debian::Debhelper::DH::AddonAPI; use $mod";
+ if ($@) {
+ error("unable to load addon ${addon_name}: $@");
+ }
+sub check_for_obsolete_commands {
+ my ($full_sequence) = @_;
+ my ($found_obsolete_targets, $min_compat);
+ for my $command (@{$full_sequence}) {
+ if (exists($Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::obsolete_command{$command})) {
+ my $addon_name = $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::obsolete_command{$command}[1];
+ error("The addon ${addon_name} claimed that $command was obsolete, but it is not!?");
+ }
+ }
+ for my $command (sort(keys(%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::obsolete_command))) {
+ my ($addon_name, $error_compat) = @{$Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::obsolete_command{$command}};
+ $addon_name = 'debhelper' if $addon_name eq 'root-sequence';
+ for my $prefix (qw(execute_before_ execute_after_ override_)) {
+ for my $suffix ('', '-arch', '-indep') {
+ my $target = "${prefix}${command}${suffix}";
+ if (defined(rules_explicit_target($target))) {
+ $found_obsolete_targets = 1;
+ $min_compat //= $error_compat;
+ $min_compat = $error_compat if $error_compat < $min_compat;
+ warning("The target ${target} references a now obsolete command and will not be run!"
+ . " (Marked by ${addon_name}, will be an error in compat $error_compat)");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($found_obsolete_targets and not compat($min_compat - 1)) {
+ error("Aborting due to left over override/hook targets for now removed commands.");
+ }
+ return;
+sub run_sequence_command_and_exit_on_failure {
+ my ($command, @options) = @_;
+ # 3 space indent lines the command being run up under the
+ # sequence name after "dh ".
+ if (!$dh{QUIET}) {
+ print " ".escape_shell($command, @options)."\n";
+ }
+ return if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ my $ret=system { $command } $command, @options;
+ if ($ret >> 8 != 0) {
+ exit $ret >> 8;
+ }
+ if ($ret) {
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ return;
+sub run_hook_target {
+ my ($target_stem, $min_compat_level, $command, $packages, @opts) = @_;
+ my @todo = @{$packages};
+ foreach my $override_type (undef, "arch", "indep") {
+ @todo = _run_injected_rules_target($target_stem, $override_type, $min_compat_level, $command, \@todo, @opts);
+ }
+ return @todo;
+# Tries to run an override / hook target for a command. Returns the list of
+# packages that it was unable to run the target for.
+sub _run_injected_rules_target {
+ my ($target_stem, $override_type, $min_compat_level, $command, $packages, @options) = @_;
+ my $rules_target = $target_stem .
+ (defined $override_type ? "-".$override_type : "");
+ $command //= $rules_target; # Ensure it is defined
+ # Check which packages are of the right architecture for the
+ # override_type.
+ my (@todo, @rest);
+ my $has_explicit_target = rules_explicit_target($rules_target);
+ if ($has_explicit_target and defined($min_compat_level) and compat($min_compat_level - 1)) {
+ error("Hook target ${rules_target} is only supported in compat ${min_compat_level} or later");
+ }
+ if (defined $override_type) {
+ foreach my $package (@{$packages}) {
+ my $isall=package_is_arch_all($package);
+ if (($override_type eq 'indep' && $isall) ||
+ ($override_type eq 'arch' && !$isall)) {
+ push @todo, $package;
+ } else {
+ push @rest, $package;
+ push @options, "-N$package";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ @todo=@{$packages};
+ }
+ return @{$packages} unless defined $has_explicit_target; # no such override
+ return @rest if ! $has_explicit_target; # has empty override
+ return @rest unless @todo; # has override, but no packages to act on
+ return @rest if should_skip_due_to_dpo($command, "debian/rules $rules_target");
+ if (defined $override_type) {
+ # Ensure appropriate -a or -i option is passed when running
+ # an arch-specific override target.
+ my $opt=$override_type eq "arch" ? "-a" : "-i";
+ push @options, $opt unless grep { $_ eq $opt } @options;
+ }
+ # Discard any override log files before calling the override
+ # target
+ if (not compat(9)) {
+ my @files = glob('debian/*.debhelper.log');
+ rm_files(@files) if @files;
+ }
+ # This passes the options through to commands called
+ # inside the target.
+ $ENV{DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS}=join("\x1e", @options);
+ run_sequence_command_and_exit_on_failure("debian/rules", $rules_target);
+ # Update log for overridden command now that it has
+ # finished successfully.
+ # (But avoid logging for dh_clean since it removes
+ # the log earlier.)
+ if (! $dh{NO_ACT} && $command ne 'dh_clean' && compat(9)) {
+ write_log($command, @todo);
+ commit_override_log(@todo);
+ }
+ # Override targets may introduce new helper files. Strictly
+ # speaking this *shouldn't* be necessary, but lets make no
+ # assumptions.
+ Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::dh_clear_unsafe_cache();
+ return @rest;
+# Options parsed to dh that may need to be passed on to helpers
+sub parse_dh_cmd_options {
+ my (@argv) = @_;
+ # Ref for readability
+ my $options_ref = \@Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::options;
+ while (@argv) {
+ my $opt = shift(@argv);
+ if ($opt =~ /^--?(after|until|before|with|without)$/) {
+ shift(@argv);
+ next;
+ } elsif ($opt =~ /^--?(no-act|remaining|(after|until|before|with|without)=)/) {
+ next;
+ } elsif ($opt =~ /^-/) {
+ if (not @{$options_ref} and $opt eq '--parallel' or $opt eq '--no-parallel') {
+ my $max_parallel;
+ # Ignore the option if it is the default for the given
+ # compat level.
+ next if compat(9) and $opt eq '--no-parallel';
+ next if not compat(9) and $opt eq '--parallel';
+ # Having an non-empty "@options" hurts performance quite a
+ # bit. At the same time, we want to promote the use of
+ # --(no-)parallel, so "tweak" the options a bit if there
+ # is no reason to include this option.
+ $max_parallel = get_buildoption('parallel') // 1;
+ next if $max_parallel == 1;
+ }
+ if ($opt =~ m/^(--[^=]++)(?:=.*)?$/ or $opt =~ m/^(-[^-])(?:=.*)?$/) {
+ my $optname = $1;
+ if (length($optname) > 2 and (compat(12, 1) or $optname =~ m/^-[^-][^=]/)) {
+ # We cannot optimize bundled options but we can optimize a single
+ # short option with an explicit parameter (-B=F is ok, -BF is not)
+ # In compat 12 or earlier, we also punt on long options due to
+ # auto-abbreviation.
+ $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::unoptimizable_option_bundle = 1
+ }
+ $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::seen_options{$optname} = 1;
+ } elsif ($opt =~ m/^-[^-][^-]/) {
+ # We cannot optimize bundled options but we can optimize a single
+ # short option with an explicit parameter (-B=F is ok, -BF is not)
+ $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::unoptimizable_option_bundle = 1
+ } else {
+ # Special case that disables NOOP cli-options() as well
+ $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::unoptimizable_user_option = 1;
+ }
+ push(@{$options_ref}, "-O" . $opt);
+ } elsif (@{$options_ref}) {
+ if ($options_ref->[$#{$options_ref}] =~ /^-O--/) {
+ $options_ref->[$#{$options_ref}] .= '=' . $opt;
+ } else {
+ # Special case that disables NOOP cli-options() as well
+ $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::unoptimizable_user_option = 1;
+ $options_ref->[$#{$options_ref}] .= $opt;
+ }
+ } else {
+ error("Unknown parameter: $opt");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub run_through_command_sequence {
+ my ($full_sequence, $startpoint, $logged, $options, $all_packages, $arch_packages, $indep_packages) = @_;
+ my $command_opts = \%Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts;
+ my $stoppoint = $#{$full_sequence};
+ # Now run the commands in the sequence.
+ foreach my $i (0 .. $stoppoint) {
+ my $command = $full_sequence->[$i];
+ # Figure out which packages need to run this command.
+ my (@todo, @opts);
+ my @filtered_packages = _active_packages_for_command($command, $all_packages, $arch_packages, $indep_packages);
+ foreach my $package (@filtered_packages) {
+ if (($startpoint->{$package}//0) > $i ||
+ $logged->{$package}{$full_sequence->[$i]}) {
+ push(@opts, "-N$package");
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@todo, $package);
+ }
+ }
+ next unless @todo;
+ push(@opts, @{$options});
+ my $rules_target = extract_rules_target_name($command);
+ error("Internal error: $command is a rules target, but it is not supported to be!?") if defined($rules_target);
+ if (my $stamp_file = _stamp_target($command)) {
+ my %seen;
+ print " create-stamp " . escape_shell($stamp_file) . "\n";
+ next if $dh{NO_ACT};
+ open(my $fd, '+>>', $stamp_file) or error("open($stamp_file, rw) failed: $!");
+ # Seek to the beginning
+ seek($fd, 0, 0) or error("seek($stamp_file) failed: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ $seen{$line} = 1;
+ }
+ for my $pkg (grep {not exists($seen{$_})} @todo) {
+ print {$fd} "$pkg\n";
+ }
+ close($fd) or error("close($stamp_file) failed: $!");
+ next;
+ }
+ my @full_todo = @todo;
+ run_hook_target("execute_before_${command}", 10, $command, \@full_todo, @opts);
+ # Check for override targets in debian/rules, and run instead of
+ # the usual command. (The non-arch-specific override is tried first,
+ # for simplest semantics; mixing it with arch-specific overrides
+ # makes little sense.)
+ @todo = run_hook_target("override_${command}", undef, $command, \@full_todo, @opts);
+ if (@todo and not _can_skip_command($command, @todo)) {
+ # No need to run the command for any packages handled by the
+ # override targets.
+ my %todo = map {$_ => 1} @todo;
+ foreach my $package (@full_todo) {
+ if (!$todo{$package}) {
+ push @opts, "-N$package";
+ }
+ }
+ if (not should_skip_due_to_dpo($command, Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::_format_cmdline($command, @opts))) {
+ my @cmd_options;
+ # Include additional command options if any
+ push(@cmd_options, @{$command_opts->{$command}})
+ if exists($command_opts->{$command});
+ push(@cmd_options, @opts);
+ run_sequence_command_and_exit_on_failure($command, _remove_dup_pkg_options(@cmd_options));
+ }
+ }
+ run_hook_target("execute_after_${command}", 10, $command, \@full_todo, @opts);
+ }
+sub _remove_dup_pkg_options {
+ my (@options) = @_;
+ my @filtered_options;
+ my $arch = 0;
+ my $indep = 0;
+ for my $option (@options) {
+ if ($option eq '-a' or $option eq '--arch') {
+ next if $arch;
+ $arch = 1;
+ }
+ if ($option eq '-i' or $option eq '--indep') {
+ next if $indep;
+ $indep = 1;
+ }
+ push(@filtered_options, $option);
+ }
+ return @filtered_options;
+sub _stamp_target {
+ my ($command) = @_;
+ if ($command =~ s/^create-stamp\s+//) {
+ return $command;
+ }
+ return;
+ my %skipinfo;
+ sub _can_skip_command {
+ my ($command, @packages) = @_;
+ return 0 if $dh{NO_ACT} and not $ENV{DH_INTERNAL_TEST_CAN_SKIP};
+ return 0 if $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::unoptimizable_user_option ||
+ (exists $ENV{DH_OPTIONS} && length $ENV{DH_OPTIONS});
+ return 0 if exists($Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$command})
+ and @{$Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$command}};
+ if (! defined $skipinfo{$command}) {
+ $skipinfo{$command}=[extract_skipinfo($command)];
+ }
+ my @skipinfo=@{$skipinfo{$command}};
+ return 0 unless @skipinfo;
+ return 1 if scalar(@skipinfo) == 1 and $skipinfo[0] eq 'always-skip';
+ my ($all_pkgs, $had_cli_options);
+ foreach my $skipinfo (@skipinfo) {
+ my $type = 'pkgfile';
+ my $need = $skipinfo;
+ if ($skipinfo=~/^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\((.*)\)$/) {
+ ($type, $need) = ($1, $2);
+ }
+ if ($type eq 'tmp') {
+ foreach my $package (@packages) {
+ my $tmp = tmpdir($package);
+ return 0 if -e "$tmp/$need";
+ }
+ } elsif ($type eq 'pkgfile' or $type eq 'pkgfile-logged') {
+ my $pkgs;
+ if ($type eq 'pkgfile') {
+ $pkgs = \@packages;
+ } else {
+ $all_pkgs //= [ getpackages() ];
+ $pkgs = $all_pkgs;
+ }
+ # Use the secret bulk check call
+ return 0 if pkgfile($pkgs, $need) ne '';
+ } elsif ($type eq 'cli-options') {
+ $had_cli_options = 1;
+ # If cli-options is empty, we know the helper does not
+ # react to any thing and can always be skipped.
+ next if $need =~ m/^\s*$/;
+ # Long options are subject to abbreviations so it is
+ # very difficult to implement this optimization with
+ # long options.
+ return 0 if $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::unoptimizable_option_bundle;
+ my @behavior_options = split(qr/\Q|\E/, $need);
+ for my $opt (@behavior_options) {
+ return 0 if exists($Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::seen_options{$opt});
+ }
+ } elsif ($type eq 'buildsystem') {
+ require Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems;
+ my $system = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems::load_buildsystem(undef, $need);
+ return 0 if defined($system);
+ } elsif ($type eq 'internal') {
+ if ($need eq 'bug#950723') {
+ $all_pkgs //= [ getpackages() ];
+ push(@{$all_pkgs}, map { "${_}@"} getpackages());
+ push(@packages, map { "${_}@"} @packages);
+ } elsif ($need eq 'rrr') {
+ my $req = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::root_requirements();
+ return 0 if $req ne 'none';
+ } else {
+ warning('Broken internal NOOP hint; should not happen unless someone is using implementation details');
+ error("Unknown internal NOOP type hint in ${command}: ${need}");
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Unknown hint - make no assumptions
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0 if not $had_cli_options and %Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::seen_options;
+ return 1;
+ }
+sub _active_packages_for_command {
+ my ($command, $all_packages, $arch_packages, $indep_packages) = @_;
+ my $command_opts_ref = $Debian::Debhelper::DH::SequenceState::command_opts{$command};
+ my $selection = $all_packages;
+ if (grep { $_ eq '-i'} @{$command_opts_ref}) {
+ if (grep { $_ ne '-a'} @{$command_opts_ref}) {
+ $selection = $indep_packages;
+ }
+ } elsif (grep { $_ eq '-a'} @{$command_opts_ref}) {
+ $selection = $arch_packages;
+ }
+ return @{$selection};
diff --git a/man/po4a/ b/man/po4a/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a780c33
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+++ b/man/po4a/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+PO4A-HEADER:mode=after;position=SIEHE\ AUCH;beginboundary=\=head1
+Diese Ãœbersetzung wurde mit dem Werkzeug
+durch Chris Leick
+und das deutsche Debian-Ãœbersetzer-Team im
+Dezember 2011 erstellt.
+Bitte melden Sie alle Fehler in der Ãœbersetzung an
+oder als Fehlerbericht an das Paket
+Sie können mit dem folgenden Befehl das englische
+Original anzeigen
+S<man -L en Abschnitt Handbuchseite>
diff --git a/man/po4a/ b/man/po4a/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..534e908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/po4a/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Cette traduction est maintenue à l'aide de l'outil po4a
+<URL:> par l'équipe francophone de traduction
+de Debian.
+Veuillez signaler toute erreur de traduction en écrivant à
+<> ou par un rapport de bogue sur le paquet
+Vous pouvez toujours avoir accès à la version anglaise de ce document en
+utilisant la commande « man -L C <section> <page_de_man> ».
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07e8505
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+++ b/man/po4a/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+=head1 TRADUÇÃO
+Américo Monteiro
+Se encontrar algum erro na tradução deste documento, por favor comunique para
+Américo Monteiro I<>
+Equipa Debian de Tradução Portuguesa I<>.
diff --git a/man/po4a/ b/man/po4a/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53e2c06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/po4a/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Traducción de Rubén Porras Campo <>
+Actualización de Omar Campagne Polaino
diff --git a/man/po4a/ b/man/po4a/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25317e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/po4a/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Traducción de Rudy Godoy <>
+Actualización de Omar Campagne Polaino
diff --git a/man/po4a/ b/man/po4a/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eae2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/po4a/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Traducción de Omar Campagne Polaino
diff --git a/man/po4a/po/de.po b/man/po4a/po/de.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ff12d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/po4a/po/de.po
@@ -0,0 +1,13312 @@
+# Translation of the debhelper documentation to German.
+# Copyright (C) 1997-2011 Joey Hess.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the debhelper package.
+# Copyright (C) of this file 2011-2017, 2019, 2020 Chris Leick and 2020 Erik Pfannenstein
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: debhelper 12.9\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-20 19:46+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-07 19:21+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Erik Pfannenstein <>\n"
+"Language-Team: German <>\n"
+"Language: de\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:3 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:3
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:1 dh:3 dh_auto_build:3 dh_auto_clean:3
+#: dh_auto_configure:3 dh_auto_install:3 dh_auto_test:3 dh_bugfiles:3
+#: dh_builddeb:5 dh_clean:3 dh_compress:3 dh_dwz:3 dh_fixperms:3
+#: dh_gencontrol:3 dh_icons:3 dh_install:3 dh_installcatalogs:3
+#: dh_installchangelogs:3 dh_installcron:3 dh_installdeb:3 dh_installdebconf:3
+#: dh_installdirs:3 dh_installdocs:5 dh_installemacsen:3 dh_installexamples:5
+#: dh_installifupdown:3 dh_installinfo:3 dh_installinit:3 dh_installinitramfs:3
+#: dh_installlogcheck:3 dh_installlogrotate:3 dh_installman:3
+#: dh_installmanpages:3 dh_installmenu:3 dh_installmime:3 dh_installmodules:3
+#: dh_installpam:3 dh_installppp:3 dh_installudev:3 dh_installwm:3
+#: dh_installxfonts:3 dh_link:3 dh_lintian:3 dh_listpackages:3 dh_makeshlibs:3
+#: dh_md5sums:3 dh_movefiles:3 dh_perl:3 dh_prep:3 dh_shlibdeps:3 dh_strip:3
+#: dh_testdir:3 dh_testroot:5 dh_usrlocal:5 dh_systemd_enable:3
+#: dh_systemd_start:3
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr "NAME"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:5
+msgid "debhelper - the debhelper tool suite"
+msgstr "debhelper - die Debhelper-Werkzeugsammlung"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:7 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:7
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:5 dh:22 dh_auto_build:16 dh_auto_clean:16
+#: dh_auto_configure:16 dh_auto_install:18 dh_auto_test:16 dh_bugfiles:15
+#: dh_builddeb:17 dh_clean:15 dh_compress:17 dh_dwz:16 dh_fixperms:16
+#: dh_gencontrol:16 dh_icons:16 dh_install:15 dh_installcatalogs:17
+#: dh_installchangelogs:16 dh_installcron:15 dh_installdeb:15
+#: dh_installdebconf:15 dh_installdirs:15 dh_installdocs:17
+#: dh_installemacsen:15 dh_installexamples:17 dh_installifupdown:15
+#: dh_installinfo:15 dh_installinit:16 dh_installinitramfs:15
+#: dh_installlogcheck:15 dh_installlogrotate:15 dh_installman:16
+#: dh_installmanpages:16 dh_installmenu:15 dh_installmime:15
+#: dh_installmodules:16 dh_installpam:15 dh_installppp:15 dh_installudev:15
+#: dh_installwm:15 dh_installxfonts:15 dh_link:16 dh_lintian:15
+#: dh_listpackages:15 dh_makeshlibs:15 dh_md5sums:16 dh_movefiles:15 dh_perl:18
+#: dh_prep:15 dh_shlibdeps:17 dh_strip:16 dh_testdir:15 dh_testroot:9
+#: dh_usrlocal:19 dh_systemd_enable:16 dh_systemd_start:17
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr "ÃœBERSICHT"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_>I<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-p>I<package>] [B<-"
+"N>I<package>] [B<-P>I<tmpdir>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_>I<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-p>I<Paket>] [B<-"
+"N>I<Paket>] [B<-P>I<temporäres_Verzeichnis>]"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:11 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:17 dh:26
+#: dh_auto_build:20 dh_auto_clean:20 dh_auto_configure:20 dh_auto_install:22
+#: dh_auto_test:20 dh_bugfiles:19 dh_builddeb:21 dh_clean:19 dh_compress:21
+#: dh_dwz:20 dh_fixperms:20 dh_gencontrol:20 dh_icons:20 dh_install:19
+#: dh_installcatalogs:21 dh_installchangelogs:20 dh_installcron:19
+#: dh_installdeb:19 dh_installdebconf:19 dh_installdirs:19 dh_installdocs:21
+#: dh_installemacsen:19 dh_installexamples:21 dh_installifupdown:19
+#: dh_installinfo:19 dh_installinit:20 dh_installinitramfs:19
+#: dh_installlogcheck:19 dh_installlogrotate:19 dh_installman:20
+#: dh_installmanpages:20 dh_installmenu:19 dh_installmime:19
+#: dh_installmodules:20 dh_installpam:19 dh_installppp:19 dh_installudev:19
+#: dh_installwm:19 dh_installxfonts:19 dh_link:20 dh_lintian:19
+#: dh_listpackages:19 dh_makeshlibs:19 dh_md5sums:20 dh_movefiles:19 dh_perl:22
+#: dh_prep:19 dh_shlibdeps:21 dh_strip:20 dh_testdir:19 dh_testroot:13
+#: dh_usrlocal:23 dh_systemd_enable:20 dh_systemd_start:21
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:13
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper is used to help you build a Debian package. The philosophy behind "
+"debhelper is to provide a collection of small, simple, and easily understood "
+"tools that are used in F<debian/rules> to automate various common aspects of "
+"building a package. This means less work for you, the packager. It also, to "
+"some degree means that these tools can be changed if Debian policy changes, "
+"and packages that use them will require only a rebuild to comply with the "
+"new policy."
+msgstr ""
+"Debhelper ist dafür da, Ihnen beim Bau eines Debian-Pakets zu helfen. Die "
+"Philosophie hinter Debhelper ist, eine kleine, einfach und leicht "
+"verständliche Werkzeugsammlung bereitzustellen, die in F<debian/rules> "
+"verwandt wird, um verschiedene geläufige Aspekte der Paketerstellung zu "
+"automatisieren und Ihnen auf diese Weise Arbeit abzunehmen. Darüber hinaus "
+"können diese Werkzeuge bis zu einem gewissen Grad an etwaige Änderungen an "
+"der Debian-Richtlinie angepasst werden, sodass die Pakete, welche die "
+"Werkzeuge verwenden, lediglich neu erzeugt werden müssen, um der geänderten "
+"Richtlinie zu entsprechen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:21
+msgid ""
+"A typical F<debian/rules> file that uses debhelper will call several "
+"debhelper commands in sequence, or use L<dh(1)> to automate this process. "
+"Examples of rules files that use debhelper are in F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/"
+msgstr ""
+"Eine typische F<debian/rules>-Datei, die Debhelper benutzt, ruft mehrere "
+"Debhelper-Befehle hintereinander auf oder verwendet L<dh(1)>, um diesen "
+"Prozess zu automatisieren. Beispiele für Regeldateien, die Debhelper "
+"einsetzen, liegen in F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:25
+msgid ""
+"To create a new Debian package using debhelper, you can just copy one of the "
+"sample rules files and edit it by hand. Or you can try the B<dh-make> "
+"package, which contains a L<dh_make|dh_make(1)> command that partially "
+"automates the process. For a more gentle introduction, the B<maint-guide> "
+"Debian package contains a tutorial about making your first package using "
+msgstr ""
+"Um ein neues Debian-Paket unter Benutzung von Debhelper zu erstellen, können "
+"Sie einfach eine Beispielregeldatei kopieren und manuell bearbeiten. Oder "
+"Sie probieren das Paket B<dh-make> aus; dieses enthält einenL<dh_make|"
+"dh_make(1)>-Befehl, welcher den Prozess teilweise automatisiert. Für eine "
+"behutsamere Einführung enthält das Paket ucB<maint-guide> ein Lernprogramm, "
+"mit dem Sie Ihr erstes Paket unter mit Hilfe von Debhelper erstellen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:31
+msgid ""
+"Except where the tool explicitly denotes otherwise, all of the debhelper "
+"tools assume that they run from the root directory of an unpacked source "
+"package. This is so they can locate find files like F<debian/control> when "
+msgstr ""
+"Solange nichts anderes angegeben wird, gehen alle Debhelper-Werkzeuge davon "
+"aus, dass sie aus dem Wurzelverzeichnis eines entpackten Quellpakets "
+"ausgeführt werden. Dadurch können sie, wenn notwendig, Dateien wie F<debian/"
+"control> finden."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:36
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:38
+msgid ""
+"Here is the list of debhelper commands you can use. See their man pages for "
+"additional documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"Hier ist die Liste der Debhelper-Befehle, die Sie benutzen können. "
+"Zusätzliche Dokumentation finden Sie in deren Handbuchseiten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:43
+msgid "#LIST#"
+msgstr "#LIST#"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:47
+msgid "Deprecated Commands"
+msgstr "Missbilligte Befehle"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:49
+msgid "A few debhelper commands are deprecated and should not be used."
+msgstr ""
+"Ein paar Debhelper-Befehle sind veraltet und sollten nicht benutzt werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:53
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:57
+msgid "Other Commands"
+msgstr "Weitere Befehle"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"If a program's name starts with B<dh_>, and the program is not on the above "
+"lists, then it is not part of the debhelper package, but it should still "
+"work like the other programs described on this page."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls ein Programmname mit B<dh_> beginnt und das Programm nicht auf obiger "
+"Liste steht, dann ist es nicht Teil des Debhelper-Pakets, sollte aber "
+"trotzdem wie die anderen auf dieser Seite beschriebenen Programme "
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:63
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"Many debhelper commands make use of files in F<debian/> to control what they "
+"do. Besides the common F<debian/changelog> and F<debian/control>, which are "
+"in all packages, not just those using debhelper, some additional files can "
+"be used to configure the behavior of specific debhelper commands. These "
+"files are typically named debian/I<package>.foo (where I<package> of course, "
+"is replaced with the package that is being acted on)."
+msgstr ""
+"Viele Debhelper-Befehle machen von den Dateien in F<debian/> Gebrauch, um zu "
+"steuern, was sie tun. Neben den üblichen F<debian/changelog> und F<debian/"
+"control>, die in allen Paketen enthalten sind (nicht nur in denen, die "
+"Debhelper benutzen), können einige zusätzliche Dateien verwandt werden, um "
+"das Verhalten bestimmter Debhelper-Befehle zu konfigurieren. Diese Dateien "
+"heißen üblicherweise debian/I<Paket>.foo (wobei I<Paket> natürlich durch das "
+"Paket ersetzt wird, auf das es sich auswirkt)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:72
+msgid ""
+"For example, B<dh_installdocs> uses files named F<debian/> to "
+"list the documentation files it will install. See the man pages of "
+"individual commands for details about the names and formats of the files "
+"they use. Generally, these files will list files to act on, one file per "
+"line. Some programs in debhelper use pairs of files and destinations or "
+"slightly more complicated formats."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> benutzt beispielsweise Dateien mit dem Namen F<debian/"
+">, um die Dokumentationsdateien aufzulisten, die es installieren "
+"wird. Welche Dateien die einzelnen Befehle heranziehen, ihre Namen und "
+"Formate, entnehmen Sie den entsprechenden Handbuchseiten. Im Allgemeinen "
+"sind diese Dateien Listen von Dateien, die bearbeitet werden, eine Datei pro "
+"Zeile. Einige Programme in Debhelper bedienen sich Paaren von Dateien und "
+"Zielen oder etwas kompiziertere Formate."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:79
+msgid ""
+"Note for the first (or only) binary package listed in F<debian/control>, "
+"debhelper will use F<debian/foo> when there's no F<debian/I<package>.foo> "
+"file. However, it is often a good idea to keep the F<I<package>.> prefix as "
+"it is more explicit. The primary exception to this are files that debhelper "
+"by default installs in every binary package when it does not have a package "
+"prefix (such as F<debian/copyright> or F<debian/changelog>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass Debhelper für das erste (oder einzige) in F<debian/"
+"control> aufgeführte Binärpaket F<debian/foo> benutzen wird, wenn es keine "
+"F<debian/I<Paket>.foo>-Datei gibt. Oft ist es jedoch eine gute Idee, das "
+"Präfix F<I<Paket>.> zu behalten, da es eindeutiger ist. Die Hauptausnahme "
+"davon bilden Dateien, die Debhelper standardmäßig in jedem Binärpaket "
+"installiert, wenn es kein Paketpräfix besitzt (wie F<debian/copyright> oder "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:87
+msgid ""
+"In some rare cases, you may want to have different versions of these files "
+"for different architectures or OSes. If files named debian/I<package>.foo."
+"I<ARCH> or debian/I<package>.foo.I<OS> exist, where I<ARCH> and I<OS> are "
+"the same as the output of \"B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH>\" / "
+"\"B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS>\", then they will be used in "
+"preference to other, more general files."
+msgstr ""
+"In einigen seltenen Fällen möchten Sie möglicherweise unterschiedliche "
+"Versionen dieser Dateien für unterschiedliche Architekturen oder "
+"Betriebssysteme haben. Falls Dateien mit den Namen debian/I<Paket>.foo."
+"I<ARCHITEKTUR> oder debian/I<Paket>.foo.I<BETRIEBSSYSTEM> existieren, wobei "
+"I<ARCHITEKTUR> und I<BETRIEBSSYSTEM> der Ausgabe von »B<dpkg-architecture -"
+"qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS>« entsprechen, dann werden sie gegenüber anderen, "
+"allgemeineren Dateien, bevorzugt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:94
+msgid ""
+"Mostly, these config files are used to specify lists of various types of "
+"files. Documentation or example files to install, files to move, and so on. "
+"When appropriate, in cases like these, you can use standard shell wildcard "
+"characters (B<?> and B<*> and B<[>I<..>B<]> character classes) in the "
+"files. You can also put comments in these files; lines beginning with B<#> "
+"are ignored."
+msgstr ""
+"Meist werden diese Konfigurationsdateien benutzt, um verschiedene Typen von "
+"Dateien anzugeben – zu installierende Dokumentations- oder Beispieldateien, "
+"Dateien zum Verschieben und so weiter. Wenn es in Fällen wie diesem "
+"zweckmäßig ist, können Sie die Standardplatzhalterzeichen der Shell in den "
+"Dateien verwenden (B<?>, B<*> und B<[>I<..>B<]>-Zeichenklassen). Sie können "
+"außerdem Kommentare in diese Dateien einfügen; Zeilen, die mit B<#> "
+"beginnen, werden ignoriert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:101
+msgid ""
+"The syntax of these files is intentionally kept very simple to make them "
+"easy to read, understand, and modify."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Syntax dieser Dateien ist absichtlich sehr einfach gehalten, um sie "
+"leicht lesbar, verständlich und änderbar zu machen."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:104
+msgid "Substitutions in debhelper config files"
+msgstr "Ersetzungen in Debhelper-Konfigurationsdateien"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:106
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 13 and later, it is possible to use simple "
+"substitutions in debhelper config files for the following tools:"
+msgstr ""
+"In Kompatibilitätsstufe 13 und neuer ist es möglich, in den debhelper-"
+"Konfigurationsdateien einfache Ersetzungen für die folgenden Werkzeuge zu "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:111 debhelper.pod:115 debhelper.pod:119 debhelper.pod:123
+#: debhelper.pod:127 debhelper.pod:131 debhelper.pod:135 debhelper.pod:139
+#: debhelper.pod:143 debhelper.pod:147 debhelper.pod:151 debhelper.pod:155
+#: debhelper.pod:159 debhelper.pod:247 debhelper.pod:252
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:113
+msgid "dh_clean"
+msgstr "dh_clean"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:117
+msgid "dh_install"
+msgstr "dh_install"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:121
+msgid "dh_installcatalogs"
+msgstr "dh_installcatalogs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:125
+msgid "dh_installdeb"
+msgstr "dh_installdeb"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:129
+msgid "dh_installdirs"
+msgstr "dh_installdirs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:133
+msgid "dh_installdocs"
+msgstr "dh_installdocs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:137
+msgid "dh_installexamples"
+msgstr "dh_installexamples"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:141
+msgid "dh_installinfo"
+msgstr "dh_installinfo"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:145
+msgid "dh_installman"
+msgstr "dh_installman"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:149
+msgid "dh_installwm"
+msgstr "dh_installvm"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:153
+msgid "dh_link"
+msgstr "dh_link"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:157
+msgid "dh_missing"
+msgstr "dh_missing"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:161
+msgid "dh_ucf"
+msgstr "dh_ucf"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:165
+msgid ""
+"All substitution variables are of the form I<${foo}> and the braces are "
+"mandatory. Variable names are case-sensitive and consist of alphanumerics "
+"(a-zA-Z0-9), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and colons (:). The first "
+"character must be an alphanumeric."
+msgstr ""
+"Alle Ersetzungsvariablen haben die Form I<${foo}> und die Klammern sind "
+"Pflicht. Variablennamen berücksichtigen Groß- und Kleinschreibung und "
+"bestehen aus alphanumerischen Zeichen (a-zA-Z0-9), Bindestrichen (-), "
+"Unterstrichen (_) sowie Doppelpunkten (:). Das erst Zeichen muss "
+"alphanumerisch sein."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:170
+msgid ""
+"If you need a literal dollar sign that cannot trigger a substitution, you "
+"can either use the B<${Dollar}> substitution or the sequence B<${}>."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie ein Dollarzeichen benötigen, das kein Ersetzen auslösen kann, "
+"können Sie entweder die B<${Dollar}>-Ersetzung oder die Sequenz B<${}> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:173
+msgid "The following expansions are available:"
+msgstr "Die folgenden Expandierungen sind verfügbar:"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:177
+msgid "B<DEB_HOST_*>, B<DEB_BUILD_*>, B<DEB_TARGET_*>"
+msgstr "B<DEB_HOST_*>, B<DEB_BUILD_*>, B<DEB_TARGET_*>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:179
+msgid ""
+"Expands to the relevant L<dpkg-architecture(1)> value (similar to I<dpkg-"
+"architecture -qVARIABLE_HERE>)."
+msgstr ""
+"expandiert auf den passenden L<dpkg-architecture(1)>-Wert (ähnlich I<dpkg-"
+"architecture -qVARIABLE_HIER>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:182
+msgid ""
+"When in doubt, the B<DEB_HOST_*> variant is the one that will work both for "
+"native and cross builds."
+msgstr ""
+"Im Zweifelsfall ist die Variante B<DEB_HOST_*> diejenige, die sowohl für "
+"natives Bauen als auch für andere Architekturen funktioniert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:185
+msgid ""
+"For performance reasons, debhelper will attempt to resolve these names from "
+"the environment first before consulting L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. This is "
+"mostly mentioned for completeness as it will not matter for most cases."
+msgstr ""
+"Aus Leistungsgründen versucht Debhelper, diese Namen aus der Umgebung "
+"aufzulösen, bevor es Rat bei L<dpkg-architecture(1)> sucht. Dies sei "
+"hauptsächlich der Vollständigkeit halber erwähnt und hat in den meisten "
+"Fällen keine Bedeutung."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:190
+msgid "B<Dollar>"
+msgstr "B<Dollar>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:192
+msgid ""
+"Expands to a single literal B<$>-symbol. This symbol will I<never> be "
+"considered part of a substitution variable. That is:"
+msgstr ""
+"expandiert auf ein einzelnes B<$>-Symbol. Dieses Symbol wird I<niemals> als "
+"Teil der Ersetzungsvariable angesehen. Dies bedeutet:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:195
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Triggers an error\n"
+" ${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+" # Expands to the literal value \"${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\"\n"
+" ${Dollar}{NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # löst einen Fehler aus\n"
+" # expandiert auf den genauen Wert »${KEINE_DERARTIGE_MARKIERUNG}«\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:200
+msgid ""
+"This variable equivalent to the sequence B<${}> and the two can be used "
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Variable entspricht der Sequenz B<${}> und beides kann synonym benutzt "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:203
+msgid "B<Newline>, B<Space>, B<Tab>"
+msgstr "B<Newline>, B<Space>, B<Tab>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:205
+msgid "Expands to a single ASCII newline, space and tab respectively."
+msgstr ""
+"expandiert auf einen einzelnen ASCII-Zeilenumbruch, Leerzeichen "
+"beziehungsweise Tabulator."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:207
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful if you need to include a literal whitespace character (e."
+"g. space) where it would otherwise be stripped or used as a separator."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies kann nützlich sein, wenn Sie ein Leerraumzeichen (z.B. Leerzeichen) "
+"einfügen möchten, wo es andernfalls entfernt oder als Trennzeichen benutzt "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:211
+msgid "B<< env:I<NAME> >>"
+msgstr "B<< env:I<NAME> >>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:213
+msgid ""
+"Expands to the environment variable I<NAME>. The environment variable must "
+"be set (but can be set to the empty string)."
+msgstr ""
+"expandiert zur Umgebungsvariable I<NAME>. Die Umgebungsvariable muss gesetzt "
+"sein (eine leere Zeichenkette reicht)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:218
+msgid ""
+"Note that all variables must expand to a defined value. As an example, if "
+"debhelper sees I<${env:FOO}>, then it will insist that the environment "
+"variable I<FOO> is set (it can be set to the empty string)."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass alle Variablen auf einen definierten Wert expandiert "
+"werden müssen. Wenn Debhelper beispielsweise I<${env:FOO}> sieht, wird es "
+"darauf bestehen, dass die Umgebungsvariable I<FOO> gesetzt ist (eine leere "
+"Zeichenkette reicht)."
+#. type: =head3
+#: debhelper.pod:222
+msgid "Substitution limits"
+msgstr "Ersetzungsbeschränkungen"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:224
+msgid ""
+"To avoid infinite loops and resource exhaustion, debhelper will stop with an "
+"error if the text contains many substitution variables (50) or they expand "
+"beyond a certain size (4096 characters or 3x length of the original input - "
+"whichever is bigger)."
+msgstr ""
+"Um Endlosschleifen und Ressourcenverschwendung zu vermeiden, bricht "
+"Debhelper mit einer Fehlermeldung ab, falls der Text viele "
+"Ersetzungsvariablen (50) enthält oder sie über eine bestimmte Größe "
+"expandieren (4096 Zeichen oder die dreifache Länge des Originaleingabe - je "
+"nachdem, was größer ist)."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:229
+msgid "Executable debhelper config files"
+msgstr "Ausführbare Debhelper-Konfigurationsdateien"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:231
+msgid ""
+"If you need additional flexibility, many of the debhelper tools (e.g. "
+"L<dh_install(1)>) support executing a config file as a script."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie zusätzliche Flexibilität benötigen, unterstützen viele Debhelper-"
+"Werkzeuge (z.B. L<dh_install(1)>) die Ausführung einer Konfigurationsdatei "
+"als Skript."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:234
+msgid ""
+"To use this feature, simply mark the config file as executable (e.g. B<< "
+"chmod +x debian/I<package>.install >>) and the tool will attempt to execute "
+"it and use the output of the script. In many cases, you can use L<dh-"
+"exec(1)> as interpreter of the config file to retain most of the original "
+"syntax while getting the additional flexibility you need."
+msgstr ""
+"Um diese Funktionalität zu nutzen, markieren Sie die Konfigurationsdatei "
+"einfach als ausführbar (z.B. B<< chmod +x debian/I<Paket>.install >>) und "
+"das Werkzeug wird versuchen, es auszuführen und die Ausgabe des Skripts zu "
+"verwenden. In vielen Fällen können Sie auch L<dh-exec(1)> als Interpreter "
+"der Konfigurationsdatei verwenden, um das Meiste der Originalsyntax "
+"beizubehalten, obwohl Sie die zusätzliche Flexibilität wie gewünscht "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:242
+msgid ""
+"When using executable debhelper config files, please be aware of the "
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn Sie ausführbare Debhelper-Konfigurationsdateien verwenden, sollten Sie "
+"Folgendes wissen:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:249
+msgid ""
+"The executable config file B<must> exit with success (i.e. its return code "
+"should indicate success)."
+msgstr ""
+"Die ausführbare Konfigurationsdatei B<muss> erfolgreich enden (d.h. der "
+"Rückgabewert sollte einen Erfolg anzeigen)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:254
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 13+, the output will be subject to substitutions (see "
+"L</Substitutions in debhelper config files>) where the tool support these. "
+"Remember to be careful if your generator I<also> provides substitutions as "
+"this can cause unnecessary confusion."
+msgstr ""
+"Auf Kompatibilitätsstufen oberhalb von 13 unterliegt die Ausgabe Ersetzungen "
+"(siehe L</Ersetzungen in Debhelper-Konfigurationsdateien>), soweit das "
+"Werkzeug diese unterstützt. Denken Sie daran, Vorsicht walten zu lassen, "
+"falls Ihr Generator I<auch> Ersetzungen bereitstellt, da dies zu unnötiger "
+"Verwirrung führen kann."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:259
+msgid ""
+"Otherwise, the output will be used exactly as-is. Notably, debhelper will "
+"I<not> expand wildcards or strip comments or strip whitespace in the output."
+msgstr ""
+"Andernfalls wird die Ausgabe exakt so benutzt, wie sie ist. Insbesondere "
+"wird Debhelper Platzhalter I<nicht> expandieren oder Kommentare und "
+"Leerzeichen aus der Ausgabe entfernen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:265
+msgid ""
+"If you need the package to build on a file system where you cannot disable "
+"the executable bit, then you can use L<dh-exec(1)> and its B<strip-output> "
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie das Paket auf einem Dateisystem bauen, auf dem Sie das "
+"Ausführungsbit nicht deaktivieren können, können Sie L<dh-exec(1)> und sein "
+"Skript B<strip-output> verwenden."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:269
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:271
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by all debhelper programs."
+msgstr ""
+"Die folgenden Befehlszeilenoptionen werden von allen Debhelper-Programmen "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:275
+msgid "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+msgstr "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:277
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Verbose mode: show all commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgid "Verbose mode: show commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Detailreicher Modus: zeigt alle Befehle, die das Paketbauverzeichnis ändern"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:279
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Verbose mode: show all commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"Note that verbose mode may also output other \"internal\" commands that do "
+"not directly affect the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Detailreicher Modus: zeigt alle Befehle, die das Paketbauverzeichnis ändern"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:282 dh:307
+msgid "B<--no-act>"
+msgstr "B<--no-act>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:284
+msgid ""
+"Do not really do anything. If used with -v, the result is that the command "
+"will output what it would have done."
+msgstr ""
+"tut nicht wirklich etwas. Falls es zusammen mit -v benutzt wird, wird als "
+"Ergebnis ausgegeben, was der Befehl getan hätte."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:287
+msgid "B<-a>, B<--arch>"
+msgstr "B<-a>, B<--arch>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:289
+msgid ""
+"Act on architecture dependent packages that should be built for the "
+"B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture."
+msgstr ""
+"wirkt sich auf architekturabhängige Pakete aus, die für die Architektur "
+"B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> gebaut werden sollen."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:292
+msgid "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+msgstr "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:294
+msgid "Act on all architecture independent packages."
+msgstr "wirkt sich auf alle architektur-unabhängigen Pakete aus."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:296
+msgid "B<-p>I<package>, B<--package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-p>I<Paket>, B<--package=>I<Paket>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:298
+msgid ""
+"Act on the package named I<package>. This option may be specified multiple "
+"times to make debhelper operate on a given set of packages."
+msgstr ""
+"wirkt sich auf das Paket mit Namen I<Paket> aus. Diese Option kann mehrfach "
+"angegeben werden, damit Debhelper mit einer Zusammenstellung von Paketen "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:301
+msgid "B<-s>, B<--same-arch>"
+msgstr "B<-s>, B<--same-arch>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:303
+msgid "Deprecated alias of B<-a>."
+msgstr "missbilligter Alias von B<-a>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:305 dh_install:80 dh_install:89
+msgid "This option is removed in compat 12."
+msgstr "Die Option wurde in Kompatibilitätsstufe 12 entfernt."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:307
+msgid "B<-N>I<package>, B<--no-package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-N>I<Paket>, B<--no-package=>I<Paket>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:309
+msgid ""
+"Do not act on the specified package even if an B<-a>, B<-i>, or B<-p> option "
+"lists the package as one that should be acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"verhindert Auswirkungen auf das angegebene Paket, sogar wenn die Optionen B<-"
+"a>, B<-i> oder B<-p> das Paket als ein zu verarbeitendes auflisten."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:312
+msgid "B<--remaining-packages>"
+msgstr "B<--remaining-packages>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:314
+msgid ""
+"Do not act on the packages which have already been acted on by this "
+"debhelper command earlier (i.e. if the command is present in the package "
+"debhelper log). For example, if you need to call the command with special "
+"options only for a couple of binary packages, pass this option to the last "
+"call of the command to process the rest of packages with default settings."
+msgstr ""
+"wirkt sich nicht auf die Pakete aus, die dieser Debhelper-Befehl bereits "
+"durchlaufen hat (d.h. falls der Befehl im Debhelper-Protokoll des Pakets "
+"auftaucht). Falls Sie zum Beispiel den Befehl nur bei einigen Binäraketen "
+"mit speziellen Optionen aufrufen müssen, geben Sie diese Option beim letzten "
+"Aufruf des Befehls an, um die restlichen Pakete mit Standardeinstellungen zu "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:320
+msgid "B<-P>I<tmpdir>, B<--tmpdir=>I<tmpdir>"
+msgstr "B<-P>I<temporäres_Verzeichnis>, B<--tmpdir=>I<temporäres_Verzeichnis>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:322
+msgid ""
+"Use I<tmpdir> for package build directory. The default is debian/I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+"benutzt I<temporäres_Verzeichnis> als Bauverzeichnis des Pakets. "
+"Voreinstellung ist debian/I<Paket>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:324
+msgid "B<--mainpackage=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--mainpackage=>I<Paket>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:326
+msgid ""
+"This little-used option changes the package which debhelper considers the "
+"\"main package\", that is, the first one listed in F<debian/control>, and "
+"the one for which F<debian/foo> files can be used instead of the usual "
+"F<debian/> files."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese selten benutzte Option ändert das Paket, welches Paket Debhelper als "
+"»Hauptpaket« ansieht, sprich als das Paket, welches zuerst in F<debian/"
+"control> aufgeführt wird und für das die F<debian/foo>-Dateien anstelle der "
+"üblichen F<debian/>-Dateien verwandt werden können."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:331
+msgid "B<-O=>I<option>|I<bundle>"
+msgstr "B<-O=>I<Option>|I<Bündel>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:333
+msgid ""
+"This is used by L<dh(1)> when passing user-specified options to all the "
+"commands it runs. If the command supports the specified option or option "
+"bundle, it will take effect. If the command does not support the option (or "
+"any part of an option bundle), it will be ignored."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies wird von L<dh(1)> verwandt, wenn benutzerdefinierte Optionen an alle "
+"von ihm ausgeführten Befehle weitergereicht werden. Falls der Befehl die "
+"angegebene Option oder das ganze Bündel von Optionen unterstützt,kommt er "
+"zum Tragen. Falls nicht, wird er ignoriert."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:340
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:342
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by some debhelper "
+"programs. See the man page of each program for a complete explanation of "
+"what each option does."
+msgstr ""
+"Die folgende Befehlszeile wird von einigen Debhelper-Programmen unterstützt. "
+"Eine vollständige Erklärung, was jede Option tut, finden Sie in den "
+"Handbuchseiten jedes einzelnen Programms."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:348
+msgid "B<-n>"
+msgstr "B<-n>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:350
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>, F<postrm>, etc. scripts."
+msgstr "verändert keine F<postinst>-, F<postrm>- etc. Skripte"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:352 dh_compress:56 dh_dwz:56 dh_installchangelogs:89
+#: dh_installdocs:109 dh_installexamples:84 dh_link:78 dh_makeshlibs:154
+#: dh_md5sums:40 dh_shlibdeps:34 dh_strip:42
+msgid "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<Element>, B<--exclude=>I<Element>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:354
+msgid ""
+"Exclude an item from processing. This option may be used multiple times, to "
+"exclude more than one thing. The I<item> is typically part of a filename, "
+"and any file containing the specified text will be excluded."
+msgstr ""
+"schließt ein Element von der Verarbeitung aus. Diese Option kann mehrfach "
+"benutzt werden, um mehr als nur eins auszuschließen. Das <Element> ist "
+"üblicherweise Teil eines Dateinamens und jede Datei, die den angegebenen "
+"Text enthält, wird ausgeschlossen."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:358 dh_bugfiles:57 dh_compress:63 dh_installdirs:49
+#: dh_installdocs:104 dh_installexamples:52 dh_installinfo:45 dh_installman:90
+#: dh_installwm:55 dh_link:73
+msgid "B<-A>, B<--all>"
+msgstr "B<-A>, B<--all>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:360
+msgid ""
+"Makes files or other items that are specified on the command line take "
+"effect in ALL packages acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"bewirkt, dass Dateien oder andere Elemente, die auf der Befehlszeile "
+"angegeben wurden, sich in ALLEN entsprechenden Paketen auswirken, nicht nur "
+"im ersten."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:365
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:367
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by all of the "
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs. These programs support a variety of "
+"build systems, and normally heuristically determine which to use, and how to "
+"use them. You can use these command line options to override the default "
+"behavior. Typically these are passed to L<dh(1)>, which then passes them to "
+"all the B<dh_auto_>I<*> programs."
+msgstr ""
+"Die folgenden Befehlszeilenoptionen werden von allen B<dh_auto_>I<*>-"
+"Debhelper-Programmen unterstützt. Diese Programme unterstützen eine Vielzahl "
+"von Bausystemen und bestimmen normalerweise heuristisch, welches benutzt "
+"werden soll und wie es verwendet wird. Sie können diese "
+"Befehlszeilenoptionen nutzen, um das Standardverhalten zu ändern. "
+"Typischerweise werden sie an L<dh(1)> übergeben, das sie dann an alle "
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*>-Programme übergibt."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:376
+msgid "B<-S>I<buildsystem>, B<--buildsystem=>I<buildsystem>"
+msgstr "B<-S>I<Bausystem>, B<--buildsystem=>I<Bausystem>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:378
+msgid ""
+"Force use of the specified I<buildsystem>, instead of trying to auto-select "
+"one which might be applicable for the package."
+msgstr ""
+"erzwingt die Benutzung des angegebenen I<Bausystem>s, anstatt zu versuchen, "
+"automatisch eins auszuwählen, das für das Paket geeignet sein könnte."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:381
+msgid "Pass B<none> as I<buildsystem> to disable auto-selection."
+msgstr ""
+"übergibt B<none> als I<Bausystem>, um automatisches Auswählen zu "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:383
+msgid ""
+"B<-D>I<directory>, B<--sourcedir=>I<directory>, B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"B<-D>I<Verzeichnis>, B<--sourcedir=>I<Verzeichnis>, B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:385
+msgid ""
+"Assume that the original package source tree is at the specified "
+"I<directory> rather than the top level directory of the Debian source "
+"package tree."
+msgstr ""
+"geht davon aus, dass der Quellverzeichnisbaum des Originalpakets im "
+"angegebenen I<Verzeichnis> statt auf der obersten Verzeichnisebene des "
+"Debian-Quellpaketverzeichnisbaums liegt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:389
+msgid ""
+"B<Warning>: The B<--sourcedir> variant matches a similar named option in "
+"B<dh_install> and B<dh_missing> (etc.) for historical reasons. While they "
+"have a similar name, they have very distinct purposes and in some cases it "
+"can cause errors when this variant is passed to B<dh> (when then passes it "
+"on to all tools)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Warnung>: Für die B<--sourcedir>-Variante gibt es aus historischen Gründen "
+"eine ähnlich benannte Option in B<dh_install> und B<dh_missing> (etc.). "
+"Obwohl ihre Namen identisch sind, dienen sie völlig unterschiedlichen "
+"Zwecken, somit können in einigen Fällen Fehler auftreten, wenn diese "
+"Variante an B<dh> übergeben wird (und dieses sie seinerseits an alle anderen "
+"Werkzeuge weitergibt)."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:395
+msgid ""
+"B<-B>[I<directory>], B<--builddir>[I<=directory>], B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"B<-B>[I<Verzeichnis>], B<--builddir>[I<=Verzeichnis>], B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:397
+msgid ""
+"Enable out of source building and use the specified I<directory> as the "
+"build directory. If I<directory> parameter is omitted, a default build "
+"directory will be chosen."
+msgstr ""
+"aktiviert das Bauen aus dem Quelltext und benutzt das angegebene "
+"I<Verzeichnis>] als Bauverzeichnis. Falls der Parameter I<Verzeichnis>] "
+"weggelassen wurde, wird ein Vorgabebauverzeichnis ausgewählt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:401
+msgid ""
+"If this option is not specified, building will be done in source by default "
+"unless the build system requires or prefers out of source tree building. In "
+"such a case, the default build directory will be used even if B<--"
+"builddirectory> is not specified."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls diese Option nicht angegeben ist, wird standardmäßig in der Quelle "
+"gebaut, falls das Bausystem nicht das Bauen außerhalb des "
+"Quellverzeichnisbaums erfordert oder bevorzugt. In einem solchen Fall wird "
+"das Standardbauverzeichnis benutzt, selbst wenn B<--builddirectory> "
+"angegeben wurde."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:406
+msgid ""
+"If the build system prefers out of source tree building but still allows in "
+"source building, the latter can be re-enabled by passing a build directory "
+"path that is the same as the source directory path."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls das Bausystem das Bauen außerhalb des Quellverzeichnisbaums bevorzugt, "
+"aber das Bauen innerhalb der Quelle immer noch erlaubt, kann Letzteres "
+"wieder aktiviert werden, indem ein Bauverzeichnispfad übergeben wird, der "
+"dem Quellverzeichnispfad entspricht."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:410
+msgid "B<--parallel>, B<--no-parallel>"
+msgstr "B<--parallel>, B<--no-parallel>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:412
+msgid ""
+"Control whether parallel builds should be used if underlying build system "
+"supports them. The number of parallel jobs is controlled by the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable (L<Debian Policy, section 4.9.1>) "
+"at build time. It might also be subject to a build system specific limit."
+msgstr ""
+"prüft, ob parallel gebaut werden soll, falls das zugrundeliegende Bausystem "
+"dies unterstützt. Die Anzahl paralleler Aufgaben wird zur Bauzeit durch die "
+"Umgebungsvariable B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> (L<Debian-Richtlinie, Abschnitt "
+"4.9.1>) gesteuert, Sie könnte außerdem Gegenstand einer "
+"bausystemspezifischen Begrenzung sein."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:418
+msgid ""
+"If neither option is specified, debhelper currently defaults to B<--"
+"parallel> in compat 10 (or later) and B<--no-parallel> otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls keine der Optionen angegeben wurde, ist die Voreinstellung von "
+"Debhelper derzeit B<--parallel> in Kompatibilitätsversion 10 (oder höher) "
+"und andernfalls B<--no-parallel>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:421
+msgid ""
+"As an optimization, B<dh> will try to avoid passing these options to "
+"subprocesses, if they are unnecessary and the only options passed. Notably "
+"this happens when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> does not have a I<parallel> parameter "
+"(or its value is 1)."
+msgstr ""
+"Zwecks Optimierung wird B<dh> versuchen, die Ãœbergabe dieser Optionen an "
+"Unterprozesse zu vermeiden, falls sie unnötig sind und als einzige Optionen "
+"übergeben werden. Dies geschieht insbesondere dann, wenn "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> keinen I<parallel>-Parameter hat (oder dessen Wert 1 "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:426
+msgid "B<--max-parallel=>I<maximum>"
+msgstr "B<--max-parallel=>I<Maximum>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:428
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--parallel> and allows further limiting the number of "
+"jobs that can be used in a parallel build. If the package build is known to "
+"only work with certain levels of concurrency, you can set this to the "
+"maximum level that is known to work, or that you wish to support."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Option impliziert B<--parallel> und erlaubt die weitere Begrenzung der "
+"Anzahl von Aufgaben, die bei einem parallelen Bau benutzt werden können. "
+"Falls bekannt ist, dass das Bauen des Pakets nur mit einer bestimmten Stufe "
+"der Gleichzeitigkeit funktioniert, können Sie diese auf die höchste Stufe "
+"setzen, von der bekannt ist, dass sie funktioniert oder auf die, von der Sie "
+"wünschen, dass sie unterstützt wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:433
+msgid ""
+"Notably, setting the maximum to 1 is effectively the same as using B<--no-"
+msgstr ""
+"Ãœbrigens bewirkt das Setzen des Maximums auf 1 dasselbe wie die Verwendung "
+"von B<--no-parallel>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:436
+msgid "B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables>"
+msgstr "B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:438
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "By default, L<dh(1)> will compute several environment (e.g. by using "
+#| "L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>) and cache them to avoid having all B<dh_auto_*> "
+#| "tool recompute them."
+msgid ""
+"By default, L<dh(1)> will compute several environment variables (e.g. by "
+"using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>) and cache them to avoid having all B<dh_auto_*> "
+"tool recompute them."
+msgstr ""
+"Standardmäßig wird L<dh(1)> mehrere Umgebungen berechnen (z.B. mittels "
+"L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>) und sie zwischenspeichern, um zu verhindern, dass "
+"alle B<dh_auto_*>-Werkzeuge sie erneut berechnen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:442
+msgid ""
+"When passing this option, the concrete B<dh_auto_*> tool will ignore the "
+"cache from L<dh(1)> and retrigger a rebuild of these variables. This is "
+"useful in the very rare case where the package need to do multiple builds "
+"but with different B<...FLAGS> options. A concrete example would be needing "
+"to change the B<-O> parameter in B<CFLAGS> in the second build:"
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn diese Option übergeben wird, wird das konkrete B<dh_auto_*>-Werkzeug "
+"den Zwischenspeicher von L<dh(1)> ignorieren und das neue Erzeugen dieser "
+"Variablen auslösen. Dies hilft in den sehr seltenen Fällen, in denen das "
+"Paket mehrere Bauvorgänge mit unterschiedlichen B<…FLAGS>-Optionen benötigt. "
+"Ein konkretes Beispiel wäre die Notwendigkeit, den Parameter B<-O> in "
+"B<CFLAGS> beim zweiten Bauen abzuändern:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:449
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:451
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" %:\n"
+" dh $@\n"
+msgstr ""
+" %:\n"
+" dh $@\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" dh_auto_configure -Bbuild-deb ...\n"
+" DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-Os dh_auto_configure \\\n"
+" --reload-all-buildenv-variables -Bbuild-udeb ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" dh_auto_configure -Bbuild-deb ...\n"
+" DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-Os dh_auto_configure \\\n"
+" --reload-all-buildenv-variables -Bbuild-udeb ...\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:459
+msgid ""
+"Without B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables> in the second call to "
+"L<dh_auto_configure(1)>, the change in B<DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND> would be "
+"ignored as L<dh_auto_configure(1)> would use the cached value of B<CFLAGS> "
+"set by L<dh(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Ohne B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables> im zweiten Aufruf von "
+"L<dh_auto_configure(1)> würde die Änderung in B<DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND> "
+"ignoriert werden, da L<dh_auto_configure(1)> den von durch L<dh(1)> "
+"zwischengespeicherten B<CFLAGS>-Wert benutzen würde."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:464
+msgid ""
+"This option is only available with B<< debhelper (>= 12.7~) >> when the "
+"package uses compatibility level 9 or later."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Option ist mit B<< debhelper (>= 12.7~) >> nur verfügbar, wenn das "
+"Paket Kompatibilitätsstufe 9 oder neuer verwendet."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:467 dh:299
+msgid "B<--list>, B<-l>"
+msgstr "B<--list>, B<-l>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:469
+msgid ""
+"List all build systems supported by debhelper on this system. The list "
+"includes both default and third party build systems (marked as such). Also "
+"shows which build system would be automatically selected, or which one is "
+"manually specified with the B<--buildsystem> option."
+msgstr ""
+"listet alle Bausysteme auf, die auf diesem System von Debhelper unterstützt "
+"werden. Diese Liste enthält sowohl Standardbausysteme als auch Bausysteme "
+"Dritter (als solche gekennzeichnet). Außerdem zeigt es, welches Bausystem "
+"automatisch ausgewählt werden würde oder welches durch die Option B<--"
+"buildsystem> manuell angegeben wird."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:476
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:478
+msgid ""
+"From time to time, major non-backwards-compatible changes need to be made to "
+"debhelper, to keep it clean and well-designed as needs change and its author "
+"gains more experience. To prevent such major changes from breaking existing "
+"packages, the concept of debhelper compatibility levels was introduced. You "
+"must tell debhelper which compatibility level it should use, and it modifies "
+"its behavior in various ways."
+msgstr ""
+"Von Zeit zu Zeit müssen wesentliche, nicht rückwärtskompatible Änderungen an "
+"Debhelper vorgenommen werden, um es so sauber und übersichtlich wie möglich "
+"zu halten, denn die Bedürfnisse ändern sich bzw. sein Autor sammelt mehr "
+"Erfahrung. Um zu verhindern, dass solche wesentlichen Änderungen "
+"existierende Pakete beschädigen, ist das Konzept der Debhelper-"
+"Kompatibilitätsstufen eingeführt worden. Sie müssen Debhelper mitteilen, "
+"welche Kompatibilitätsstufe es nutzen soll und sie ändert sein Verhalten auf "
+"verschiedene Arten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:485
+msgid ""
+"In current debhelper, you can specify the compatibility level in F<debian/"
+"control> by adding a Build-Depends on the debhelper-compat package. For "
+"example, to use v#RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# mode, ensure F<debian/control> has:"
+msgstr ""
+"Im aktuellen Debhelper können Sie die Kompatibilitätsstufe in F<debian/"
+"control> angeben, indem Sie ein Build-Depends für das Paket Debhelper-Compat "
+"hinzufügen. Um beispielsweise den Modus v#RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# zu benutzen, "
+"stellen Sie sicher, dass F<debian/control> Folgendes enthält:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:489
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:491
+msgid ""
+"This also serves as an appropriate versioned build dependency on a "
+"sufficient version of the debhelper package, so you do not need to specify a "
+"separate versioned build dependency on the debhelper package unless you need "
+"a specific point release of debhelper (such as for the introduction of a new "
+"feature or bugfix within a compatibility level)."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies dient auch als eine geeignete versionierte Bauabhängigkeit zu einer "
+"ausreichenden Version des Debhelper-Pakets, so dass Sie keine separate "
+"versionierte Bauabhängigkeit zum Debhelper-Paket angeben müssen, es sei "
+"denn, Sie benötigen eine besondere Zwischenveröffentlichung von Debhelper "
+"(wie für die Veröffentlichung einer neuen Funktionalität oder einer "
+"Fehlerbehebung innerhalb einer Kompatibilitätsstufe)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:497
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that debhelper does not provide debhelper-compat for experimental or "
+#| "beta compatibility levels; packages experimenting with those "
+#| "compatibility levels should use F<debian/compat> or B<DH_COMPAT>."
+msgid ""
+"Note that debhelper does not provide debhelper-compat for experimental or "
+"beta compatibility levels; packages experimenting with those compatibility "
+"levels should use F<debian/compat> (or, if only for selected commands, "
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass Debhelper Debhelper-Compat nicht für experimentelle oder "
+"Beta-Kompatibilitätsstufen bereitstellt. Pakete, die mit diesen "
+"Kompatibilitätsstufen experimentieren, sollten F<debian/compat> oder "
+"B<DH_COMPAT> verwenden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:501
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Prior versions of debhelper required specifying the compatibility level "
+#| "in the file F<debian/compat>, and current debhelper still supports this "
+#| "for backward compatibility, though a package may not specify a "
+#| "compatibility level via multiple methods at once. To use this method, "
+#| "F<debian/compat> should contain the compatibility level as a single "
+#| "number, and no other content. If you specify the compatibility level by "
+#| "this method, your package will also need a versioned build dependency on "
+#| "a version of the debhelper package equal to (or greater than) the "
+#| "compatibility level your package uses. So, if you specify compatibility "
+#| "level #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# in F<debian/compat>, ensure F<debian/control> "
+#| "has:"
+msgid ""
+"Prior versions of debhelper required specifying the compatibility level in "
+"the file F<debian/compat>, and current debhelper still supports this for "
+"backward compatibility. To use this method, the F<debian/compat> file should "
+"contain the compatibility level as a single number, and no other content. If "
+"you specify the compatibility level by this method, your package will also "
+"need a versioned build dependency on a version of the debhelper package "
+"equal to (or greater than) the compatibility level your package uses. So, if "
+"you specify compatibility level #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# in F<debian/compat>, "
+"ensure F<debian/control> has:"
+msgstr ""
+"Frühere Versionen von Debhelper benötigten die Angabe der "
+"Kompatibilitätsstufe in der Datei F<debian/compat>. Das aktuelle Debhelper "
+"unterstützt dies zum Zweck der Rückwärtskompatibilität weiterhin, allerdings "
+"darf ein Paket eine Kompatibilitätsstufe nicht über mehrere Methoden "
+"gleichzeitig angeben. Um diese Methode zu verwenden, sollte F<debian/compat> "
+"die Kompatibilitätsstufe als einzelne Zahl enthalten und keinen weiteren "
+"Inhalt. Falls Sie die Kompatibilitätsstufe mit dieser Methode angeben, wird "
+"Ihr Paket auch eine passende versionierte Bauabhängigkeit mit der gleichen "
+"(oder einer höheren) Kompatibiltätsstufe benötigen. Daher sollten Sie, falls "
+"Sie die Kompatibilitätsstufe #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# in F<debian/compat> "
+"angeben, sicherstellen, dass F<debian/control> Folgendes enthält:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:511
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#~)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#~)\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:513
+msgid ""
+"Note that you must use either the build-dependency on debhelper-compat or "
+"the F<debian/compat> file. Whenever possible, the debhelper-compat build-"
+"dependency is recommended."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:517
+msgid ""
+"If needed be, the B<DH_COMPAT> environment variable can be used to override "
+"the compat level for a given command. The feature is mostly useful for "
+"either temporarily upgrading a few commands to a new compat level or keeping "
+"a few commands on a lower compat level. The feature is best used sparingly "
+"as it effectively introduces special-cases into the F<debian/rules> file "
+"that may be surprising to maintainers or reviewers (or, in the long term, to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:525
+msgid ""
+"Unless otherwise indicated, all debhelper documentation assumes that you are "
+"using the most recent compatibility level, and in most cases does not "
+"indicate if the behavior is different in an earlier compatibility level, so "
+"if you are not using the most recent compatibility level, you're advised to "
+"read below for notes about what is different in earlier compatibility levels."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn nicht anders angegeben, geht sämtliche Debhelper-Dokumentation davon "
+"aus, dass Sie die aktuellste Kompatibilitätsstufe nutzen, und weist in den "
+"meisten Fällen nicht darauf hin, wenn sich dieses Verhalten von einer "
+"älteren Kompatibilitätsstufe unterscheidet. Sollten Sie also nicht die "
+"aktuellste Kompatibilitätsstufe benutzen, ist es eine gute Idee, folgende "
+"Hinweise zu den Unterschieden gegenüber älteren Kompatibilitätsstufen zu "
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:532
+msgid "Supported compatibility levels"
+msgstr "Unterstützte Kompatibilitätsstufen"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:534
+msgid ""
+"The list of supported compatibility levels and the related upgrade check "
+"list has moved to L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:537 dh_auto_test:48 dh_dwz:69 dh_installcatalogs:67
+#: dh_installdocs:202 dh_installemacsen:75 dh_installexamples:96
+#: dh_installinit:204 dh_installinitramfs:60 dh_installman:131
+#: dh_installmodules:57 dh_installudev:50 dh_installwm:66 dh_installxfonts:40
+#: dh_movefiles:67 dh_strip:119 dh_usrlocal:60 dh_systemd_enable:103
+#: dh_systemd_start:68
+msgid "NOTES"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:539
+msgid "Multiple binary package support"
+msgstr "Unterstützung mehrerer Binärpakete"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:541
+msgid ""
+"If your source package generates more than one binary package, debhelper "
+"programs will default to acting on all binary packages when run. If your "
+"source package happens to generate one architecture dependent package, and "
+"another architecture independent package, this is not the correct behavior, "
+"because you need to generate the architecture dependent packages in the "
+"binary-arch F<debian/rules> target, and the architecture independent "
+"packages in the binary-indep F<debian/rules> target."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Ihr Quellpaket mehr als ein Binärpaket erzeugt, werden die Debhelper-"
+"Programme standardmäßig auf alle Paketen einwirken. Falls es vorkommt, dass "
+"Ihr Quellpaket ein architekturabhängiges Paket und ein anderes "
+"architekturunabhängiges Paket erzeugt, ist dies nicht das korrekte "
+"Verhalten, da Sie die architekturabhängigen Pakete im F<debian/rules>-Ziel "
+"»binary-arch« erzeugen müssen und die unabhängigen Pakete im F<debian/rules>-"
+"Ziel »binary-indep«."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:549
+msgid ""
+"To facilitate this, as well as give you more control over which packages are "
+"acted on by debhelper programs, all debhelper programs accept the B<-a>, B<-"
+"i>, B<-p>, and B<-s> parameters. These parameters are cumulative. If none "
+"are given, debhelper programs default to acting on all packages listed in "
+"the control file, with the exceptions below."
+msgstr ""
+"Um dies zu erleichtern sowie Ihnen mehr Kontrolle darüber zu geben, auf "
+"welche Pakete Debhelper-Programme einwirken, akzeptieren alle Debhelper-"
+"Programme die Parameter B<-a>, B<-i>, B<-p> und B<-s>. Diese Parameter sind "
+"kumulativ. Falls keiner angegeben wurde, wirken Debhelper-Programme "
+"standardmäßig auf alle Paketen ein, die in der Datei »control« aufgeführt "
+"sind, mit nachfolgenden Ausnahmen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:555
+msgid ""
+"First, any package whose B<Architecture> field in B<debian/control> does not "
+"match the B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture will be excluded (L<Debian Policy, "
+"section 5.6.8>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Zuerst werden alle Pakete, deren B<Architecture>-Feld in B<debian/control> "
+"nicht mit der B<DEB_HOST_ARCH>-Architektur übereinstimmt, ausgeschlossen "
+"(L<Debian Policy, Abschnitt 5.6.8>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:559
+msgid ""
+"Also, some additional packages may be excluded based on the contents of the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_PROFILES> environment variable and B<Build-Profiles> fields in "
+"binary package stanzas in B<debian/control>, according to the draft policy "
+"at L<>."
+msgstr ""
+"Außerdem können einige zusätzliche Paket basierend auf dem Inhalt der "
+"Umgebungsvariable B<DEB_BUILD_PROFILES> und den Feldern B<Build-Profiles> in "
+"den Absätzen für binäre Pakete in B<debian/control> ausgeschlossen werden. "
+"Dies geschieht gemäß der Entwurfrichtlinie unter L<"
+#. type: =head3
+#: debhelper.pod:564
+msgid "Interaction between package selections and Build-Profiles"
+msgstr "Zusammenspiel zwischen Paketauswahl und Bauprofilen"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:566
+msgid ""
+"Build-Profiles affect which packages are included in the package selections "
+"mechanisms in debhelper. Generally, the package selections are described "
+"from the assumption that all packages are enabled. This section describes "
+"how the selections react when a package is disabled due to the active Build-"
+"Profiles (or lack of active Build-Profiles)."
+msgstr ""
+"Bauprofile beeinflussen, welche Pakete im Paketauswahlmechanismus von "
+"Debhelper enthalten sind. Im Allgemeinen wird die Paketauswahl unter der "
+"Annahme beschrieben, dass alle Pakete aktiviert sind. Dieser Abschnitt "
+"beschreibt, wie die Auswahl reagiert, wenn ein Paket aufgrund des aktiven "
+"Bauprofils (oder das Fehlen des aktiven Bauprofils) deaktiviert wird."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:574
+msgid "-a/--arch, -i/--indep OR no selection options (a raw \"dh_X\" call)"
+msgstr ""
+"-a/--arch, -i/--indep ODER keine Auswahloptionen (ein roher »dh_X«-Aufruf)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:576
+msgid ""
+"The package disabled by Build-Profiles is silently excluded from the "
+msgstr ""
+"Das durch Bauprofile deaktivierte Paket wird stillschweigend aus der Auswahl "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:579
+msgid ""
+"Note you will receive a warning if I<all> packages related to these "
+"selections are disabled. In that case, it generally does not make sense to "
+"do the build in the first place."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass Sie eine Warnung bekommen, falls I<alle> zu dieser "
+"Auswahl gehörenden Pakete deaktiviert werden. In diesem Fall ist der Bau im "
+"Allgemeinen überhaupt sinnlos."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:583
+msgid "-N I<package> / --no-package I<package>"
+msgstr "-N I<Paket> / --no-package I<Paket>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:585
+msgid "The option is accepted and effectively does nothing."
+msgstr "Die Option wird akzeptiert und hat keine Wirkung."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:587
+msgid "-p I<package> / --package I<package>"
+msgstr "-p I<Paket> / --package I<Paket>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:589
+msgid "The option is accepted, but debhelper will not act on the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Option wird akzeptiert, aber Debhelper wird nichts an dem Paket ändern."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:593
+msgid ""
+"Note that it does not matter whether a package is enabled or disabled by "
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass es keine Rolle spielt, ob das Paket standardmäßig "
+"aktiviert oder deaktiviert ist."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:596
+msgid "Automatic generation of Debian install scripts"
+msgstr "Automatisches Erzeugen von Debian-Installationsskripten"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:598
+msgid ""
+"Some debhelper commands will automatically generate parts of Debian "
+"maintainer scripts. If you want these automatically generated things "
+"included in your existing Debian maintainer scripts, then you need to add "
+"B<#DEBHELPER#> to your scripts, in the place the code should be added. "
+"B<#DEBHELPER#> will be replaced by any auto-generated code when you run "
+msgstr ""
+"Einige Debhelper-Befehle werden automatisch Teile der Debian-Betreuerskripte "
+"erzeugen. Falls Sie diese automatisch erzeugten Dinge in Ihre existierenden "
+"Debian-Betreuerskripte einfügen möchten, dann müssen Sie Ihren Skripten "
+"B<#DEBHELPER#> an der Stelle platzieren, an die der Kode hinzugefügt werden "
+"soll. B<#DEBHELPER#> wird bei der Ausführung durch beliebigen automatisch "
+"erzeugten Kode ersetzt, wenn Sie B<dh_installdeb> ausführen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:605
+msgid ""
+"If a script does not exist at all and debhelper needs to add something to "
+"it, then debhelper will create the complete script."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls ein Skript noch gar nicht existiert und Debhelper etwas darin "
+"hinzufügen muss, dann wird Debhelper das komplette Skript erstellen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:608
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper commands that automatically generate code in this way let it "
+"be disabled by the -n parameter (see above)."
+msgstr ""
+"Alle Debhelper-Befehle, die auf diese Art automatisch Kode erzeugen, lassen "
+"ihn durch den Parameter -n deaktiviert (siehe oben)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:611
+msgid ""
+"Note that the inserted code will be shell code, so you cannot directly use "
+"it in a Perl script. If you would like to embed it into a Perl script, here "
+"is one way to do that (note that I made sure that $1, $2, etc are set with "
+"the set command):"
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass der eingefügte Kode Shell-Kode sein wird. Sie können ihn "
+"daher nicht direkt in einem Perl-Skript verwenden. Falls Sie ihn in ein Perl-"
+"Skript einbetten wollen, wird hier eine Möglichkeit dafür beschrieben "
+"(beachten Sie, dass über den Befehl »set« sichergestellt wird, dass $1, $2, "
+"etc. gesetzt sind):"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:616
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+" EOF\n"
+" if (system($temp)) {\n"
+" my $exit_code = ($? >> 8) & 0xff;\n"
+" my $signal = $? & 0x7f;\n"
+" if ($exit_code) {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script failed with error code: ${exit_code}\");\n"
+" } else {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script was killed by signal: ${signal}\");\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+msgstr ""
+" my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+" EOF\n"
+" if (system($temp)) {\n"
+" my $exit_code = ($? >> 8) & 0xff;\n"
+" my $signal = $? & 0x7f;\n"
+" if ($exit_code) {\n"
+" die(\"Das Debhelper-Skript scheiterte mit folgendem Fehlercode: ${exit_code}\");\n"
+" } else {\n"
+" die(\"Das Debhelper-Skript wurde per Signal abgebrochen: ${signal}\");\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:629
+msgid "Automatic generation of miscellaneous dependencies."
+msgstr "Automatisches Erzeugen verschiedener Abhängigkeiten"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:631
+msgid ""
+"Some debhelper commands may make the generated package need to depend on "
+"some other packages. For example, if you use L<dh_installdebconf(1)>, your "
+"package will generally need to depend on debconf. Or if you use "
+"L<dh_installxfonts(1)>, your package will generally need to depend on a "
+"particular version of xutils. Keeping track of these miscellaneous "
+"dependencies can be annoying since they are dependent on how debhelper does "
+"things, so debhelper offers a way to automate it."
+msgstr ""
+"Einige Debhelper-Befehle könnten dazu führen, dass das erzeugte Paket von "
+"einigen anderen Paketen abhängt. Falls Sie beispielsweise "
+"L<dh_installdebconf(1)> benutzen, wird Ihr Paket von Debconf abhängen "
+"müssen. Oder, falls Sie L<dh_installxfonts(1)> verwenden, wird ihr Paket "
+"generell von einer bestimmten Version der Xutils abhängen. Den Überblick "
+"über diese verschiedenen Abhängigkeiten zu behalten kann lästig sein, da sie "
+"von Debhelpers Arbeitsweise abhängen, weswegen Debhelper eine Möglichkeit "
+"bietet, sie zu automatisieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:639
+msgid ""
+"All commands of this type, besides documenting what dependencies may be "
+"needed on their man pages, will automatically generate a substvar called "
+"B<${misc:Depends}>. If you put that token into your F<debian/control> file, "
+"it will be expanded to the dependencies debhelper figures you need."
+msgstr ""
+"Für jeden Befehl werden die benötigten Abhängigkeiten in den Handbuchseiten "
+"dokumentiert. Daneben wird automatisch eine »substvar« erzeugt, die B<${misc:"
+"Depends}> genannt wird. Falls Sie eine Markierung in Ihre F<debian/control>-"
+"Datei schreiben, wird es sie zu den Abhängigkeiten expandieren, von denen "
+"Debhelper findet, dass Sie sie benötigen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:644
+msgid ""
+"This is entirely independent of the standard B<${shlibs:Depends}> generated "
+"by L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>, and the B<${perl:Depends}> generated by "
+"L<dh_perl(1)>. You can choose not to use any of these, if debhelper's "
+"guesses don't match reality."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist gänzlich unabhängig von dem vorgegebenen B<${shlibs:Depends}>, das "
+"durch L<dh_makeshlibs(1)> erzeugt wurde, und den durch L<dh_perl(1)> "
+"erzeugten B<${perl:Depends}>. Sie können sich entscheiden, keines davon "
+"benutzen, falls die Einschätzung von Debhelper nicht der Wirklichkeit "
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:649
+msgid "Package build directories"
+msgstr "Paketbauverzeichnisse"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:651
+msgid ""
+"By default, all debhelper programs assume that the temporary directory used "
+"for assembling the tree of files in a package is debian/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Standardmäßig gehen alle Debhelper-Programme davon aus, dass das temporäre "
+"Verzeichnis, das zum Zusammenbau des Dateibaums in einem Paket benutzt wird, "
+"debian/I<Paket> ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:654
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes, you might want to use some other temporary directory. This is "
+"supported by the B<-P> flag. For example, \"B<dh_installdocs -Pdebian/"
+"tmp>\", will use B<debian/tmp> as the temporary directory. Note that if you "
+"use B<-P>, the debhelper programs can only be acting on a single package at "
+"a time. So if you have a package that builds many binary packages, you will "
+"need to also use the B<-p> flag to specify which binary package the "
+"debhelper program will act on."
+msgstr ""
+"Manchmal wollen Sie möglicherweise ein anderes temporäres Vezeichnis "
+"benutzen. Dies wird durch den Schalters B<-P> unterstützt. »B<dh_installdocs "
+"-Pdebian/tmp>« wird zum Beispiel B<debian/tmp> als temporäres Verzeichnis "
+"nutzen. Beachten Sie, dass die Debhelper-Programme nur auf ein einzelnes "
+"Paket auf einmal einwirken können, wenn Sie B<-P> verwenden. Falls Sie ein "
+"Paket haben, das mehrere Binärpakete baut, müssen Sie zusätzlich den "
+"Schalter B<-p> einsetzen, um anzugeben, auf welches Binärpaket sich das "
+"Debhelper-Programm auswirkt."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:662
+msgid "udebs"
+msgstr "Udebs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:664
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper includes support for udebs. To create a udeb with debhelper, add "
+"\"B<Package-Type: udeb>\" to the package's stanza in F<debian/control>. "
+"Debhelper will try to create udebs that comply with debian-installer policy, "
+"by making the generated package files end in F<.udeb>, not installing any "
+"documentation into a udeb, skipping over F<preinst>, F<postrm>, F<prerm>, "
+"and F<config> scripts, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"Debhelper beinhaltet Unterstützung für Udebs. Um ein Udeb mit Debhelper zu "
+"erstellen, fügen Sie dem Absatz des Pakets in F<debian/control> »B<Package-"
+"Type: udeb>« hinzu. Debhelper wird versuchen, Udebs zu erstellen, die der "
+"Debian-Installer-Richtlinie entsprechen, indem die erzeugten Paketdateien "
+"mit F<.udeb> enden, keine Dokumentation in ein Udeb installiert wird und "
+"F<preinst>-, F<postrm>-, F<prerm>- sowie F<config>-Skripte etc. übersprungen "
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:671
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:673
+msgid ""
+"This section describes some of the environment variables that influences the "
+"behaviour of debhelper or which debhelper interacts with."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt einige der Umgebungsvariablen, die das Verhalten "
+"von Debhelper beeinflussen oder mit denen Debhelper interagiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:676
+msgid ""
+"It is important to note that these must be actual environment variables in "
+"order to affect the behaviour of debhelper (not simply F<Makefile> "
+"variables). To specify them properly in F<debian/rules>, be sure to "
+"\"B<export>\" them. For example, \"B<export DH_VERBOSE>\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Es ist wichtig, darauf hinzuweisen, dass es echte Umgebungsvariablen (nicht "
+"nur einfache F<Makefile>-Variablen) sein müssen, damit dies korrekt "
+"funktioniert. Um sie ordnungsgemäß in F<debian/rules> anzugeben, müssen Sie "
+"sicherstellen, dass sie »B<export>«iert werden, zum Beispiel »B<export "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:683
+msgid "B<DH_VERBOSE>"
+msgstr "B<DH_VERBOSE>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:685
+msgid ""
+"Set to a non-empty value to enable verbose mode. Please see the B<-v> / B<--"
+"verbose> option for details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:688
+msgid "B<DH_QUIET>"
+msgstr "B<DH_QUIET>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:690
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Set to B<1> to enable quiet mode. Debhelper will not output commands "
+#| "calling the upstream build system nor will dh print which subcommands are "
+#| "called and depending on the upstream build system might make that more "
+#| "quiet, too. This makes it easier to spot important messages but makes "
+#| "the output quite useless as buildd log. Ignored if DH_VERBOSE is also "
+#| "set."
+msgid ""
+"Set to a non-empty value to enable quiet mode. Debhelper will not output "
+"commands calling the upstream build system nor will dh print which "
+"subcommands are called and depending on the upstream build system might make "
+"that more quiet, too. This makes it easier to spot important messages but "
+"makes the output quite useless as buildd log."
+msgstr ""
+"auf B<1> gesetzt, um den detailarmen Modus zu aktivieren. Debhelper wird "
+"weder Befehle ausgeben, die das Bausystem der Ursprungsautoren aufrufen, "
+"noch wird Dh ausgeben, welche Unterbefehle aufgerufen werden. Abhängig vom "
+"benutzten Bausystem wird auch dieses weniger Details ausgeben. Dadurch wird "
+"es einfacher, wichtige Nachrichten zu erkennen, die Ausgabe wird jedoch als "
+"Buildd-Protokoll ziemlich nutzlos. Falls DH_VERBOSE ebenfalls gesetzt ist, "
+"wird diese Einstellung ignoriert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:696
+msgid "Ignored if DH_VERBOSE is also set or B<-v> / B<--verbose> is passed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:698
+msgid "B<DH_COMPAT>"
+msgstr "B<DH_COMPAT>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:700
+msgid ""
+"Temporarily specifies what compatibility level debhelper should run at, "
+"overriding any value specified via Build-Depends on debhelper-compat or via "
+"the F<debian/compat> file."
+msgstr ""
+"gibt vorübergehend an, auf welcher Kompatibilitätsstufe Debhelper ausgeführt "
+"werden soll und setzt dabei jeden Wert außer Kraft, der über Build-Depends "
+"in Debhelper-compat oder über die Datei F<debian/compat> angegeben wurde."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:704
+msgid "B<DH_NO_ACT>"
+msgstr "B<DH_NO_ACT>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:706
+msgid "Set to B<1> to enable no-act mode."
+msgstr "auf B<1> gesetzt, um Modus ohne Aktion zu aktivieren."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:708
+msgid "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+msgstr "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:710
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper tools will parse command line arguments listed in this "
+"variable before any command option (as if they had been prepended to the "
+"command line arguments). Unfortunately, some third-party provided tools may "
+"not support this variable and will ignore these command line arguments."
+msgstr ""
+"Alle Debhelper-Werkzeuge werden die in dieser Variable aufgeführten "
+"Argumente vor ihren eigenen Befehlszeilenargumenten auswerten (als ob sie "
+"den Befehlszeilenargumenten vorangestellt worden wären). Leider unterstützen "
+"einige von Dritten bereitgestellte Werkzeuge diese Variable möglicherweise "
+"nicht und werden diese Befehlszeilenargumente ignorieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:715
+msgid ""
+"When using L<dh(1)>, it can be passed options that will be passed on to each "
+"debhelper command, which is generally better than using DH_OPTIONS."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn L<dh(1)> benutzt wird, können ihm Optionen übergeben werden, die es an "
+"jeden Debhelper-Befehl weitergibt, was im Allgemeinen besser ist, als "
+"DH_OPTIONS zu verwenden."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:718
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:720
+msgid ""
+"If set, this adds the value the variable is set to to the B<-X> options of "
+"all commands that support the B<-X> option. Moreover, B<dh_builddeb> will "
+"B<rm -rf> anything that matches the value in your package build tree."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls gesetzt, fügt dies den Wert der Variablen den B<-X>-Optionen aller "
+"Befehle hinzu, welche die Option B<-X> unterstützen. Außerdem wird "
+"B<dh_builddeb> für alles in Ihrem Paketbaubaum, das dem Wert entspricht, "
+"B<rm -rf> ausführen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:724
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful if you are doing a build from a CVS source tree, in which "
+"case setting B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> will prevent any CVS directories from "
+"sneaking into the package you build. Or, if a package has a source tarball "
+"that (unwisely) includes CVS directories, you might want to export "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> in F<debian/rules>, to make it take effect wherever "
+"your package is built."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies kann nützlich sein, wenn Sie aus einem CVS-Quellverzeichnisbaum bauen. "
+"In diesem Fall verhindert das Setzen von B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS>, dass sich "
+"irgendwelche CVS-Verzeichnisse in das Paket einschleichen, das Sie bauen. "
+"Oder, falls ein Paket einen Quell-Tarball hat, der (unklugerweise) CVS-"
+"Verzeichnisse enthält, möchten Sie möglicherweise B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> "
+"in F<debian/rules> exportieren, damit es wirksam ist, wo auch immer Ihr "
+"Paket gebaut wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:731
+msgid ""
+"Multiple things to exclude can be separated with colons, as in "
+msgstr ""
+"Mehrere Dinge, die ausgeschlossen werden sollen, können mit Doppelpunkten "
+"getrennt werden, wie in B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS:.svn>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:734
+msgstr "B<DH_EXTRA_ADDONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:736
+msgid ""
+"If set, this adds the specified dh addons to be run in the appropriate "
+"places in the sequence of commands. This is equivalent to specifying the "
+"addon to run with the --with flag in the debian/rules file. Any --without "
+"calls specifying an addon in this environment variable will not be run."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls gesetzt, fügt dies die angegebenen Dh-Erweiterungen hinzu, die an den "
+"entsprechenden Stellen in den Befehlssequenzen ausgeführt werden. Dies "
+"entspricht der Angabe der auszuführenden Erweiterung mit dem Schalter --with "
+"in der Datei »debian/rules«. Alle --without-Aufrufe, die in dieser "
+"Umgebungsvariable eine Erweiterung festlegen, werden nicht ausgeführt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:741
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to be used by downstreams or specific local configurations "
+"that require a debhelper addon to be run during multiple builds without "
+"having to patch a large number of rules file. If at all possible, this "
+"should be avoided in favor of a --with flag in the rules file."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist für die Benutzung durch nachgeschaltete Distributionen oder "
+"spezielle lokale Konfigurationen gedacht, die während mehrerer Bauvorgänge "
+"eine Debhelper-Erweiterung ausführen müssen, ohne dass eine große Anzahl von "
+"Regeldateien bearbeitet werden muss. Falls überhaupt möglich, sollte dies "
+"zugunsten eines --with-Schalters in der Datei »rules« vermieden werden."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:746
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:748
+msgid ""
+"These variables can be used to control whether debhelper commands should use "
+"colors in their textual output. Can be set to \"always\", \"auto\" (the "
+"default), or \"never\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Variablen können benutzt werden, um zu steuern, ob Debhelper-Befehle "
+"in ihrer Textausgabe Farben benutzen sollen. Sie können auf »always«, "
+"»auto« (die Voreinstellung) oder »never« gesetzt werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:752
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<DPKG_COLOR> also affects a number of dpkg related tools and "
+"debhelper uses it on the assumption that you want the same color setting for "
+"dpkg and debhelper. In the off-hand chance you want different color setting "
+"for debhelper, you can use B<DH_COLORS> instead or in addition to "
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass B<DPKG_COLOR> auch mehrere mit Dpkg verbunden Werkzeuge "
+"beeinflusst und Debhelper es unter der Annahme benutzt, dass Sie dieselbe "
+"Farbeinstellung für Dpkg und Debhelper benutzen wollen. In dem "
+"unwahrscheinlichen Fall, dass Sie für Debhelper eine andere Farbeinstellung "
+"möchten, können Sie B<DH_COLORS> statt oder zusätzlich zu B<DPKG_COLORS> "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:758
+msgid "B<NO_COLOR>"
+msgstr "B<NO_COLOR>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:760
+msgid ""
+"If no explicit request for color has been given (e.g. B<DH_COLORS> and "
+"B<DPKG_COLORS> are both unset), the presence of this environment variable "
+"cause the default color setting to be \"never\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls nicht explizit um Farbe gebeten wurde (sowohl B<DH_COLORS> als auch "
+"B<DPKG_COLORS> sind nicht gesetzt), führt die Anwesenheit dieser "
+"Umgebungsvariablen dazu, dass die Standardfarbeinstellung auf »never« "
+"gesetzt wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:764
+msgid ""
+"The variable is defined according to L<>. In this "
+"project, the environment variables (such as B<DH_COLORS>) are considered an "
+"explicit request for color."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Variable ist gemäß L<> definiert. In diesem Projekt "
+"werden die Umgebungsvariablen (wie B<DH_COLORS>) als explizite Farbanfrage "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:768
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:770
+msgid ""
+"By default (in any non-deprecated compat level), debhelper will "
+"automatically set these flags by using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>, when they are "
+"unset. If you need to change the default flags, please use the features "
+"from L<dpkg-buildflags(1)> to do this (e.g. "
+"DCUSTOM_MACRO=true>) rather than setting the concrete variable directly."
+msgstr ""
+"Standardmäßig (in jeder nicht missbilligten Kompatibilitätsstufe) wird "
+"Debhelper diese Schalter automatisch mittels L<dpkg-buildflags(1)> setzen, "
+"wenn sie nicht gesetzt sind. Falls Sie die voreingestellten Schalter ändern "
+"wollen, benutzen Sie dazu die Funktionalität von L<dpkg-buildflags(1)> (z.B. "
+"DCUSTOM_MACRO=true>) statt die konkrete Variable direkt zu setzen."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:777
+msgid "B<HOME>, B<XDG_*>"
+msgstr "B<HOME>, B<XDG_*>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:779
+msgid ""
+"In compat 13 and later, these environment variables are reset before "
+"invoking the upstream build system via the B<dh_auto_*> helpers. The "
+"variables B<HOME> (all B<dh_auto_*> helpers) and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> "
+"(B<dh_auto_test> only) will be set to a writable directory. All remaining "
+"variables and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> (except for during B<dh_auto_test>) will be "
+msgstr ""
+"In Kompatibilitätsstufe 13 und später werden diese Umgebungsvariablen "
+"zurückgesetzt, bevor das Originalautoren-Bausystem via B<dh_auto_*> "
+"angeworfen wird. Die B<HOME>- (B<dh_auto_*>-Hilfsprogramme) und die "
+"B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR>-Variable (nur B<dh_auto_test>) werden auf ein "
+"beschreibbares Verzeichnis gesetzt. Alle anderen Variablen und "
+"B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> (außer während des B<dh_auto_test>) werden geleert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:785
+msgid ""
+"The B<HOME> directory will be created as an empty directory but it will be "
+"reused between calls to B<dh_auto_*>. Any content will persist until "
+"explicitly deleted or B<dh_clean>."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Verzeichnisse werden leer erzeugt und zwischen den B<dh_auto_*>-Aufrufen "
+"wiederverwendet. Jeglicher Inhalt wird weiter bestehen, bis er explizit "
+"gelöscht oder B<dh_clean> aufgerufen wird."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:789
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:791
+msgid ""
+"Please see L</Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> for this environment "
+msgstr ""
+"Die Beschreibung dieser Umgebungsvariable entnehmen Sie bitte L</"
+"Unterstützte Optionen in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:794
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this variable should I<not> be altered by package "
+"maintainers inside F<debian/rules> to change the behaviour of debhelper. "
+"Instead, where the package maintainer need these features, they should look "
+"disabling the relevant feature directly (e.g. by overriding the concrete "
+msgstr ""
+"Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Variable von Paketbetreuern in ihren F<debian/"
+"rules> I<nicht> geändert werden sollte, um das Verhalten von Debhelper zu "
+"beeinflussen. Stattdessen sollen die fraglichen Funktionsmerkmale direkt "
+"abgeschaltet werden (etwa durch Außerkraftsetzen der betreffenden Werkzeuge)."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:799
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:801
+msgid ""
+"This is a dpkg specific environment variable (see e.g. L<dpkg-"
+"buildflags(1)>). The debhelper tool suite silently ignores it."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist eine Dpkg-spezifische Umgebungsvariable (siehe L<dpkg-"
+"buildflags(1)>). Die Debhelper-Suite ignoriert sie kommentarlos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:804
+msgid ""
+"It is documented here because it has a similar name to B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>, "
+"which make some people mistakenly assume that debhelper will also react to "
+"this variable."
+msgstr ""
+"Sie ist hier dokumentiert, weil ihr Name B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> ähnelt, was zu "
+"der falschen Annahme verleiten kann, dass Debhelper die Variable genauso auf "
+"die Variable reagiert."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:810
+msgid "Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"
+msgstr "Unterstützte Optionen in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:812
+msgid ""
+"The debhelper tool suite reacts to the following flags in "
+msgstr ""
+"Die Debhelper-Suite reagiert auf die folgenden Optionen in "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:816
+msgid "B<dherroron=obsolete-compat-levels>"
+msgstr "dherroron=obsolete-compat-levels>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:818
+msgid "I<This is a debhelper specific value.>"
+msgstr "I<Dieser Wert ist Debhelper-spezfisch.>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:820
+msgid ""
+"When B<dherroron> is present and set to B<obsolete-compat-levels>, then "
+"debhelper tools will promote deprecation warnings for usage of old soon to "
+"be removed compat levels into errors."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn B<dherroron> vorhanden und auf B<obsolete-compat-levels> gesetzt ist, "
+"werden die Debhelper-Werkzeuge die Missbilligungswarnungen für auf der "
+"Abschussliste stehenden Kompaitiblitätsstufen zu Fehlern erheben."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:824
+msgid ""
+"This is useful for automated checking for code relying on deprecated compat "
+"levels that is scheduled for removal."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies hilft bei automatischen Überprüfungen, ob Kode auf veralteten "
+"Kompatibilitätsstufen basiert, die bald entfernt werden sollen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:827
+msgid "This option is intended for testing purposes; not production builds."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Option ist für Testzwecke gedacht, aber nicht für Produktiveinsatz."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:829
+msgid "B<nostrip>"
+msgstr "B<nostrip>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:831 debhelper.pod:854 debhelper.pod:868
+msgid ""
+"I<This value will change the content of the debs being built. The .deb "
+"packages built when this is set is therefore not bit-for-bit reproducible "
+"with a regular build in the general case.>"
+msgstr ""
+"I<Dieser Wert ändert den Inhalt der Debs, die gebaut werden. Die .deb-"
+"Pakete, die unter Anwesenheit dieses Werts gebaut werden, werden nicht Bit "
+"für Bit reproduzierbar sein, was bei einem gewöhnlichen Paket der Regelfall "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:835
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper tools will skip actions and "
+"helpers that either remove, detach or deduplicate debugging symbols in ELF "
+msgstr ""
+"Durch diesen Wert werden die offiziellen Debhelper-Werkzeuge dazu gebracht, "
+"Aktionen und Hilfsprogramme zum Entfernen, Abkoppeln oder Deduplizieren von "
+"Fehlersuchsymbolen in ELF-Binärdateien zu überspringen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:839
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_dwz(1)> and L<dh_strip(1)>."
+msgstr "Dieser Wert betrifft L<dh_dwz(1)> und L<dh_strip(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:841
+msgid "B<nocheck>"
+msgstr "B<nocheck>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:843
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to skip runs of "
+"upstream test suites."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieser Wert führt dazu, dass die offiziellen Debhelper-Bausysteme die "
+"Ausführung von Test-Suiten der Originalautoren überspringen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:846
+msgid ""
+"Package maintainers looking to avoid running the upstream tests should "
+"B<not> rely on this. Instead, they can add an empty override target to skip "
+msgstr ""
+"Paketbetreuer, die versuchen, diese Tests zu umgehen, sollten sich hierauf "
+"B<nicht> verlassen. Stattdessen können sie ein leeres Override-Ziel angeben, "
+"um B<dh_auto_test> zu überspringen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:850
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_auto_test(1)>."
+msgstr "Dieser Wert betrifft L<dh_auto_test(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:852
+msgid "B<nodoc>"
+msgstr "B<nodoc>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:858
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause several debhelper tools to skip installation of "
+"documentation such as manpages or upstream provided documentation. "
+"Additionally, the tools will also ignore if declared documentation is "
+"\"missing\" on the assumption that the documentation has not been built."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieser Wert wird mehrere Debhelper-Tools anweisen, die Installation von "
+"Dokumentation wie Handbuchseiten oder von den Originalautoren "
+"bereitgestellte Dokumentation auszulassen. Außerdem werden die Werkzeuge es "
+"ignorieren, wenndie deklarierte Dokumentation fehlt, unter der Annahme, dass "
+"sie nicht gebaut wurde."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:863
+msgid ""
+"This value effects tools I<like> L<dh_installdocs(1)>, which I<knows> it is "
+"working with documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieser Wert betrifft Werkzeuge I<wie> L<dh_installdocs(1)>, welches I<weiß>, "
+"dass es mit Dokumentation arbeitet."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:866
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<nostrip>"
+msgid "B<notrimdch>"
+msgstr "B<nostrip>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:872
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause L<dh_installchangelogs(1)> to act as if it had been "
+"passed the B<--no-trim> option, forcing it to forgo removing older entries "
+"from changelogs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:876
+msgid "B<noautodbgsym>, B<noddebs>"
+msgstr "B<noautodbgsym>, B<noddebs>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:878
+msgid ""
+"I<The official name is noautodbgsym. The noddebs variant is accepted for "
+"historical reasons.>"
+msgstr ""
+"I<Der offizielle Name ist noautodbgsym. Die noddebs-Variante wird aus "
+"historischen Gründen akzeptiert.>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:881
+msgid ""
+"This value causes debhelper to skip the generation of automatically "
+"generated debug symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieser Wert veranlasst Debhelper, die automatische Erzeugung der "
+"Fehlersuchsymbol-Pakete zu unterlassen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:884
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_strip(1)>."
+msgstr "Dieser Wert beeinflusst L<dh_strip(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:886
+msgid "B<parallel=N>"
+msgstr "B<parallel=N>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:888
+msgid ""
+"This value enables debhelper to use up to B<N> threads or processes (subject "
+"to parameters like B<--no-parallel> and B<--max-parallel=M>). Not all "
+"debhelper tools work with parallel tasks and may silently ignore the request."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieser Wert erlaubt es Debhelper, bis zu B<N> Threads oder Prozesse "
+"(eingeschränkt durch Parameter wie B<--no-parallel> und B<--max-parallel=M>) "
+"zu verwenden. Nicht alle Debhelper-Werkzeuge arbeiten parallel und können "
+"die Anfrage daher kommentarlos ignorieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:893
+msgid ""
+"This value affects many debhelper tools. Most notably B<dh_auto_*>, which "
+"will attempt to run the underlying upstream build system with that number of "
+msgstr ""
+"Dieser Wert betrifft viele Debhelper-Werkzeuge. Vor allem B<dh_auto_*> wird "
+"versuchen, das zugrundeliegende Bausystem der Originalautoren mit dieser "
+"Anzahl an Threads auszuführen."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:897
+msgid "B<terse>"
+msgstr "B<terse>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:899
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to configure "
+"upstream builds to be terse (i.e. reduce verbosity in their output). This "
+"is subject to the upstream and the debhelper build system supporting such "
+msgstr ""
+"Dieser Wert wird die offiziellen Debhelper-Bausysteme zu einer knappen, "
+"weniger ausführlichen (daher »terse«) Ausgabe animieren. Seine Wirkung hängt "
+"davon ab, inwieweit das Bausystem der Originalautoren und das von Debhelper "
+"solche Funktionsmerkmale unterstützen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:904
+msgid ""
+"This value affects most B<dh_auto_*> tools directly. For commands provided "
+"by the debhelper package, it also causes the tools to act like the "
+"B<DH_QUIET> environment variable was non-empty."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:910
+msgid "Unknown flags are silently ignored."
+msgstr "Unbekannte Schalter werden stillschweigend ignoriert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:912
+msgid ""
+"Note third-party debhelper-like tools or third-party provided build systems "
+"may or may not react to the above flags. This tends to depend on "
+"implementation details of the tool."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass Debhelper-ähnliche Werkzeuge oder Bausysteme von "
+"Drittherstellern unterschiedlich auf die oben genannten Schalter reagieren. "
+"Das hängt davon ab, wie die Werkzeuge im Detail implementiert sind."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:916 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:753
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:178 dh:872 dh_auto_build:53 dh_auto_clean:55
+#: dh_auto_configure:58 dh_auto_install:103 dh_auto_test:64 dh_bugfiles:133
+#: dh_builddeb:176 dh_clean:189 dh_compress:243 dh_dwz:163 dh_fixperms:164
+#: dh_gencontrol:208 dh_icons:75 dh_install:377 dh_installcatalogs:128
+#: dh_installchangelogs:365 dh_installcron:80 dh_installdeb:419
+#: dh_installdebconf:233 dh_installdirs:131 dh_installdocs:437
+#: dh_installemacsen:138 dh_installexamples:182 dh_installifupdown:72
+#: dh_installinfo:123 dh_installinit:413 dh_installinitramfs:91
+#: dh_installlogcheck:81 dh_installlogrotate:53 dh_installman:420
+#: dh_installmanpages:198 dh_installmenu:88 dh_installmime:63
+#: dh_installmodules:109 dh_installpam:71 dh_installppp:68 dh_installudev:102
+#: dh_installwm:130 dh_installxfonts:90 dh_link:166 dh_lintian:60
+#: dh_listpackages:34 dh_makeshlibs:456 dh_md5sums:118 dh_movefiles:161
+#: dh_perl:188 dh_prep:70 dh_shlibdeps:204 dh_strip:435 dh_testdir:62
+#: dh_testroot:93 dh_usrlocal:136 dh_systemd_enable:280 dh_systemd_start:280
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+msgstr "SIEHE AUCH"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:920
+msgid "L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:922
+msgid ""
+"List of supported compat levels and an upgrade checklist for each of them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:924
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:926
+msgid "A set of example F<debian/rules> files that use debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+"eine Zusammenstellung von F<debian/rules>-Beispieldateien, die Debhelper "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:928
+msgid "L<>"
+msgstr "L<>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:930
+msgid "Debhelper web site."
+msgstr "Debhelper-Website"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:934 dh:878 dh_auto_build:59 dh_auto_clean:61
+#: dh_auto_configure:64 dh_auto_install:109 dh_auto_test:70 dh_bugfiles:141
+#: dh_builddeb:182 dh_clean:195 dh_compress:249 dh_dwz:169 dh_fixperms:170
+#: dh_gencontrol:214 dh_icons:81 dh_install:383 dh_installcatalogs:134
+#: dh_installchangelogs:371 dh_installcron:86 dh_installdeb:425
+#: dh_installdebconf:239 dh_installdirs:137 dh_installdocs:443
+#: dh_installemacsen:145 dh_installexamples:188 dh_installifupdown:78
+#: dh_installinfo:129 dh_installinitramfs:99 dh_installlogcheck:87
+#: dh_installlogrotate:59 dh_installman:426 dh_installmanpages:204
+#: dh_installmenu:96 dh_installmime:69 dh_installmodules:115 dh_installpam:77
+#: dh_installppp:74 dh_installudev:108 dh_installwm:136 dh_installxfonts:96
+#: dh_link:172 dh_lintian:68 dh_listpackages:40 dh_makeshlibs:462
+#: dh_md5sums:124 dh_movefiles:167 dh_perl:194 dh_prep:76 dh_shlibdeps:210
+#: dh_strip:441 dh_testdir:68 dh_testroot:99 dh_usrlocal:142
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr "AUTOR"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:936 dh:880 dh_auto_build:61 dh_auto_clean:63
+#: dh_auto_configure:66 dh_auto_install:111 dh_auto_test:72 dh_builddeb:184
+#: dh_clean:197 dh_compress:251 dh_fixperms:172 dh_gencontrol:216
+#: dh_install:385 dh_installchangelogs:373 dh_installcron:88 dh_installdeb:427
+#: dh_installdebconf:241 dh_installdirs:139 dh_installdocs:445
+#: dh_installemacsen:147 dh_installexamples:190 dh_installifupdown:80
+#: dh_installinfo:131 dh_installinit:421 dh_installlogrotate:61
+#: dh_installman:428 dh_installmanpages:206 dh_installmenu:98 dh_installmime:71
+#: dh_installmodules:117 dh_installpam:79 dh_installppp:76 dh_installudev:110
+#: dh_installwm:138 dh_installxfonts:98 dh_link:174 dh_listpackages:42
+#: dh_makeshlibs:464 dh_md5sums:126 dh_movefiles:169 dh_prep:78
+#: dh_shlibdeps:212 dh_strip:443 dh_testdir:70 dh_testroot:101
+msgid "Joey Hess <>"
+msgstr "Joey Hess <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:5
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "debhelper-obsolete-compat - List of no longer supported compat levels"
+msgid ""
+"debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist - Upgrade checklist for supported "
+"debhelper compat levels"
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper-obsolete-compat - Liste nicht mehr unterstützter "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"This document is an upgrade checklist of all the supported debhelper compat "
+"levels. It also lists all the support debhelper compat levels."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:12
+msgid ""
+"Information about how to declare the compat level is in L<debhelper(7)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:14
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If you are upgrading from an earlier compatibility level, please review "
+#| "L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+msgid ""
+"If you are upgrading from a (now) obsolete compat level, then please refer "
+"to L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie ein Upgrade von einer vorhergehenden Kompatibilitätsstufe "
+"durchführen, überprüfen Sie bitte L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:19
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This is the lowest supported compatibility level."
+msgid "Upgrade checklist for supported compatibility levels"
+msgstr "Dies ist die unterste unterstützte Kompatibilitätsstufe."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:21
+msgid "These are the available compatibility levels:"
+msgstr "Folgende Kompatibilitätsstufen sind verfügbar:"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:25
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "v5"
+msgid "v15"
+msgstr "v5"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:27
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:51 strings-kept-translations.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"This compatibility level is still open for development; use with caution."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Kompatibilitätsstufe ist immer noch für die Entwicklung offen. "
+"Verwenden Sie sie mit Vorsicht."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:29
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Changes from v4 are:"
+msgid "Changes from v14 are:"
+msgstr "Änderungen gegenüber v4 sind:"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:33
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:57
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:63
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:68
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:74
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:90
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:95
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:103
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:120
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:128
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:136
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:145
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:151
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:161
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:169
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:175
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:189
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:200
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:214
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:225
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:241
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:251
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:255
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:260
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:265
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:272
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:278
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:286
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:292
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:296
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:301
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:306
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:315
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:331
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:340
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:356
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:364
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:369
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:391
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:397
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:409
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:417
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:423
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:428
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:433
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:438
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:446
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:456
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:466
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:473
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:485
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:490
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:518
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:535
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:540
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:546
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:552
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:557
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:563
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:572
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:582
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:588
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:611
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:618
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:624
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:630
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:636
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:656
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:661
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:668
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:673
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:678
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:686
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:692
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:697
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:702
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:717
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:721
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:729
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:734 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:29
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:36 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:40
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:44 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:57
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:62 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:68
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:74 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:89
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:93 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:98
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:102 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:114
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:119 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:124
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:129 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:143
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:148 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:152
+#: dh_testroot:36 dh_testroot:41 dh_testroot:46
+msgid "-"
+msgstr "-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:35
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_auto_install> tool no longer defaults to B<< --destdir=debian/"
+"I<package> >> for source packages only producing a single binary. If this "
+"behaviour is wanted, the package should explicitly activate the B<single-"
+"binary> dh addon (e.g., by adding B<dh-sequence-single-binary> to B<Build-"
+"Depends>) or pass B<--destdir> to B<dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:41
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:84
+msgid ""
+"The rationale for this change to avoid \"surprises\" when adding a second "
+"binary package later. Previously, debhelper would silently change behaviour "
+"often resulting in empty binary packages being uploaded to the archive by "
+"mistake. With the new behaviour, the B<single-binary> addon will detect the "
+"mismatch and warn the maintainer of what is about to happen."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:49
+msgid "v14"
+msgstr "v14"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:53
+msgid "Changes from v13 are:"
+msgstr "Änderungen gegenüber v13 sind:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:59
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON> and B<-"
+#| "DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON> to L<cmake(1)> to avoid some "
+#| "reproducibility issues."
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON> to "
+"L<cmake(1)> to avoid some reproducibility issues."
+msgstr ""
+"Das B<cmake>-Bausystem übergibt nun B<-DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON> und B<-"
+"DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON> an L<cmake(1)>, um einige Probleme mit der "
+"Reproduzierbarkeit zu beheben."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:65
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installsystemduser> is now included in the B<dh> standard sequence "
+#| "by default."
+msgid ""
+"The tool B<dh_installsysusers> is now included in the default sequence. This "
+"helper tool will process systemd sysusers files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installsystemduser> ist nun per Voreinstellung in der Standard-B<dh>-"
+"Sequenz enthalten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:70
+msgid ""
+"Use of the B<dh_gconf> command in override and hook targets now causes an "
+"error. The B<dh_gconf> command has been a no-op for years and was removed "
+"in debhelper 13.4."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:76
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> sequencer will warn if the B<single-binary> addon is implicitly "
+"activated to warn maintainers of the pending compat 15 change in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:79
+msgid ""
+"Maintainers are urged to either explicitly activate the B<single-binary> "
+"addon to preserve the existing behaviour (e.g., by adding B<dh-sequence-"
+"single-binary> to Build-Depends), or explicitly passing B<--destdir> to "
+"B<dh_auto_install> if used and then passing B<--without single-binary> to "
+"B<dh> (the latter to silence the warning)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:92
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installalternatives> tool will now be run after B<dh_link> rather "
+"than after B<dh_installinitramfs> in the default B<dh> sequence."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:97
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installpam> tool will now install PAM configuration files under "
+"F<< /usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> >> instead of F<< /etc/pam.d/I<package> >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:100
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "In compatibility level 11, this file will trigger an error with a "
+#| "reminder about ensuring the proper removal of the upstart file in the "
+#| "previous package version. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" "
+#| "feature from L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous "
+#| "upstart files."
+msgid ""
+"Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from L<dh_installdeb(1)> "
+"to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files."
+msgstr ""
+"In Kompatibilitätsstufe 11 wird diese Datei einen Fehler auslösen, der daran "
+"erinnert, dass das ordentliche Entfernen der Upstart-Datei in der vorherigen "
+"Paketversion sichergestellt werden soll. Bitte ziehen Sie die Verwendung der "
+"Funktionalität »rm_conffile« von L<dh_installdeb(1)> in Betracht, um das "
+"ordentliche Entfernen früherer Upstart-Dateien sicherzustellen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:105
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The B<meson+ninja> build system now uses B<meson test> instead of B<ninja "
+#| "test> when running the test suite. Any override of B<dh_auto_test> that "
+#| "passes extra parameters to upstream test runner should be reviewed as "
+#| "B<meson test> is not command line compatible with B<ninja test>."
+msgid ""
+"The B<meson+ninja> and B<cmake> build systems now use B<meson install> and "
+"B<cmake --install>, respectively, instead of B<ninja install> and B<make "
+"install> in the L<dh_auto_install(1)> call. Any override of "
+"B<dh_auto_install> that passes extra parameters to the upstream build system "
+"should be reviewed."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Bausystem B<meson+ninja> benutzt anstelle von B<ninja test> nun B<meson "
+"test>, wenn die Testsuite ausgeführt wird. Alles, was B<dh_auto_test> außer "
+"Kraft setzt und zusätzliche Parameter an das Testausführungsprogramm der "
+"Ursprungsautoren übergibt, sollte überprüft werden, da B<meson test> auf der "
+"Befehlszeile nicht mit B<ninja test> kompatibel ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:112
+msgid "v13"
+msgstr "v13"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:114
+msgid "This is the recommended mode of operation."
+msgstr "Dies ist der empfohlene Betriebsmodus."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:116
+msgid "Changes from v12 are:"
+msgstr "Die Änderungen gegenüber v12 sind:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:122
+msgid ""
+"The B<meson+ninja> build system now uses B<meson test> instead of B<ninja "
+"test> when running the test suite. Any override of B<dh_auto_test> that "
+"passes extra parameters to upstream test runner should be reviewed as "
+"B<meson test> is not command line compatible with B<ninja test>."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Bausystem B<meson+ninja> benutzt anstelle von B<ninja test> nun B<meson "
+"test>, wenn die Testsuite ausgeführt wird. Alles, was B<dh_auto_test> außer "
+"Kraft setzt und zusätzliche Parameter an das Testausführungsprogramm der "
+"Ursprungsautoren übergibt, sollte überprüft werden, da B<meson test> auf der "
+"Befehlszeile nicht mit B<ninja test> kompatibel ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:130
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper like tools based on the official debhelper library (including "
+"B<dh> and the official B<dh_*> tools) no longer accepts abbreviated command "
+"parameters. At the same time, B<dh> now optimizes out calls to redundant "
+"B<dh_*> helpers even when passed long command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Alle Debhelper-ähnlichen Werkzeuge, die auf der offiziellen Debhelper-"
+"Bibliothek basieren (einschließlich B<dh> und den offiziellen B<dh_*>-"
+"Werkzeugen) akzeptieren keine abgekürzten Befehlsparameter mehr. "
+"Gleichzeitig sortiert B<dh> nun Aufrufe zu überflüssigen B<dh_*>-"
+"Hilfsprogrammen sogar dann aus, wenn lange Befehlszeilenoptionen angegeben "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:138
+msgid ""
+"The ELF related debhelper tools (B<dh_dwz>, B<dh_strip>, B<dh_makeshlibs>, "
+"B<dh_shlibdeps>) are now only run for arch dependent packages by default (i."
+"e. they are excluded from B<*-indep> targets and are passed B<-a> by "
+"default). If you need them for B<*-indep> targets, you can add an explicit "
+"Build-Depends on B<dh-sequence-elf-tools>."
+msgstr ""
+"Die ELF-bezogenen Debhelper-Werkzeuge (B<dh_dwz>, B<dh_strip>, "
+"B<dh_makeshlibs>, B<dh_shlibdeps>) werden nun standardmäßig nur noch für "
+"architekturabhängige Pakete ausgeführt (d. h. sie werden von B<*-indep>-"
+"Zielen ausgeschlossen und standardmäßig mit B<-a> übergeben). Falls Sie sie "
+"für B<*-indep>-Ziele benötigen, können Sie eine explizite Build-Depends in "
+"B<dh-sequence-elf-tools> hinzufügen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:147
+msgid ""
+"The third-party B<gradle> build system (from B<gradle-debian-helper> "
+"package) now runs the upstream-provided test suite automatically. To "
+"suppress such behavior, override B<dh_auto_test>."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Drittanbieterbausystem B<gradle> (aus dem Paket B<gradle-debian-helper>) "
+"führt nun automatisch eine von den Ursprungsautoren bereitgestellte "
+"Testsuite aus. Setzen Sie B<dh_auto_test> außer Kraft, um dieses Verhalten "
+"zu unterbinden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:153
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installman> tool now aborts if it sees conflicting definitions of a "
+"manpage. This typically happens if the upstream build system is installing "
+"a compressed version and the package lists an uncompressed version of the "
+"manpage in F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >>. Often the easiest fix is to "
+"remove the manpage from F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >> (assuming both "
+"versions are identical)."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Werkzeug B<dh_installman> beendet sich vorzeitig, falls es "
+"widersprüchliche Definitionen einer Handbuchseite entdeckt. Dies kommt "
+"üblicherweise vor, wenn das Bausystem der Ursprungsautoren eine komprimierte "
+"Version installiert und das Paket eine nicht komprimierte Version der "
+"Handbuchseite in F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >> auflistet. Meist ist die "
+"einfachste Lösung, die Handbuchseite aus F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >> "
+"zu entfernen (davon ausgehend, dass beide Versionen identisch sind)."
+# FIXME: s/resets/reset
+# FIXME: last line: missing "is"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:163
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_auto_*> helpers now reset the environment variables B<HOME> and "
+"common B<XDG_*> variable. Please see description of the environment "
+"variables in L</ENVIRONMENT> for how this is handled."
+msgstr ""
+"Die B<dh_auto_*>-Hilfsprogramme setzen nun die Umgebungsvariablen B<HOME> "
+"und gebräuchliche B<XDG_*>-Variablen zurück. Wie damit umgegangen wird, "
+"können Sie Sie der Beschreibung für die Umgebungsvariablen in L</"
+"ENVIRONMENT> entnehmen."
+# FIXME: Double "between"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:167
+msgid "I<This feature changed between debhelper 13 and debhelper 13.2.>"
+msgstr ""
+"I<Dieses Funktionsmerkmal hat sich zwischen Debhelper 13 und Debhelper 13.2 "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:171
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will now error if an override or hook target for an "
+"obsolete command are present in F<debian/rules> (e.g. "
+msgstr ""
+"Der Befehl B<dh> wird nun einen Fehler ausgeben, falls ein Override- oder "
+"Hook-Ziel für einen veralteten Befehl in F<debian/rules> (z.B. "
+"B<override_dh_systemd_enable:>) vorhanden ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:177
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_missing> command will now default to B<--fail-missing>. This can "
+"be reverted to a non-fatal warning by explicitly passing B<--list-missing> "
+"like it was in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Befehl B<dh_missing> wird nun auf B<--fail-missing> voreingestellt. Dies "
+"lässt sich zu einer nicht-fatalen Warnung zurückändern, indem explizit B<--"
+"list-missing> übergeben wird, wie es in Kompatibilitätsstufe 12 war."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:181
+msgid ""
+"If you do not want the warning either, please omit the call to "
+"B<dh_missing>. If you use the B<dh> command sequencer, then you can do this "
+"by inserting an empty override target in the F<debian/rules> file of the "
+"relevant package. As an example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie die Warnung gar nicht wollen, lassen Sie bitte den Aufruf von "
+"B<dh_missing> weg. Falls Sie den Befehlssequenzer B<dh> benutzen, dann "
+"können Sie dies mit einem leeren Override-Ziel in der Datei F<debian/rules> "
+"oder dem passenden Paket erledigen. Zum Beispiel:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:186
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Disable dh_missing\n"
+" override_dh_missing:\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Disable dh_missing\n"
+" override_dh_missing:\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:191
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command sequencer now runs B<dh_installtmpfiles> in the default "
+"sequence. The B<dh_installtmpfiles> takes over handling of tmpfiles.d "
+"configuration files. Related functionality in B<dh_installsystemd> is now "
+msgstr ""
+"Der Befehlssequenzer B<dh> führt nun in der Standardsequenz "
+"B<dh_installtmpfiles> aus. B<dh_installtmpfiles> übernimmt die Handhabung "
+"von tmpfiles.d-Konfigurationsdateien. Diesbezügliche Funktionalität in "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> ist nun deaktiviert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:196
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installtmpfiles> responds to F<< debian/I<package>.tmpfiles "
+">> where B<dh_installsystemd> used a name without the trailing \"s\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass B<dh_installtmpfiles> auf F<< debian/I<Paket>.tmpfiles >> "
+"reagiert, wo B<dh_installsystemd> einen Nahmen ohne das nachfolgende »s« "
+"benutzt hat."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:202
+msgid ""
+"Many B<dh_*> tools now support limited variable expansion via the B<${foo}> "
+"syntax. In many cases, this can be used to reference paths that contain "
+"either spaces or L<dpkg-architecture(1)> values. While this can reduce the "
+"need for L<dh-exec(1)> in some cases, it is B<not> a replacement L<dh-"
+"exec(1)> in general. If you need filtering, renaming, etc., the package "
+"will still need L<dh-exec(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Viele B<dh_*>-Werkzeuge unterstützen nun eine eingeschränkte "
+"Variablenexpandierung per B<${foo}>-Syntax. In vielen Fällen kann dies "
+"benutzt werden, um Pfade zu referenzieren, die entweder Leerzeichen oder "
+"L<dpkg-architecture(1)>-Werte enthalten. Obwohl es den Bedarf an L<dh-"
+"exec(1)> in einigen Fällen vermindern kann, ist es im Allgemeinen B<kein> "
+"Ersatz für L<dh-exec(1)>. Falls Sie filtern, umbenennen usw. möchten, wird "
+"das Paket weiterhin L<dh-exec(1)> benötigt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:209
+msgid ""
+"Please see L</Substitutions in debhelper config files> for syntax and "
+"available substitution variables. To B<dh_*> tool writers, substitution "
+"expansion occurs as a part of the B<filearray> and B<filedoublearray> "
+msgstr ""
+"Bitte lesen Sie L</Ersetzungen in Debhelper-Konfigurationsdateien>, um mehr "
+"über die Syntax und verfügbare Ersetzungsvariablen zu erfahren. An Verfasser "
+"von B<dh_*>-Werkzeugen: Die Ersetzung und Expandierung ist Teil der "
+"Funktionen B<filearray> und B<filedoublearray>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:216
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command sequencer will now skip all hook and override targets for "
+"B<dh_auto_test>, B<dh_dwz> and B<dh_strip> when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> lists "
+"the relevant B<nocheck> / B<nostrip> options."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Befehlssequenzer B<dh> wird jetzt alle Hooks und Override-Ziele für "
+"B<dh_auto_test>, B<dh_dwz> und B<dh_strip> überspringen, wenn "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> die maßgeblichen B<nocheck>-/B<nostrip>-Optionen "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:220
+msgid ""
+"Any package relying on these targets to always be run should instead move "
+"relevant logic out of those targets. E.g. non-test related packaging code "
+"from B<override_dh_auto_test> would have to be moved to "
+"B<execute_after_dh_auto_build> or B<execute_before_dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+"Alle Pakete, die sich darauf verlassen, dass diese Ziele immer ausgeführt "
+"werden, sollten die betroffene Logik aus diesen Zielen heraus verschieben. "
+"Z. B. müsste nicht-testbezogener Paketierungscode von "
+"B<override_dh_auto_test> nach B<execute_after_dh_auto_build> oder "
+"B<execute_before_dh_auto_install> verschoben werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:227
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-"
+"DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=ON> to L<cmake(1)> to speed up automatic "
+"installation process. If for some reason you need previous behavior, "
+"override the flag:"
+msgstr ""
+"Das B<cmake>-Bausystem übergibt nun B<-"
+"DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=ON> an L<cmake(1)>, um den automatischen "
+"Installationsprozess zu beschleunigen. Falls Sie aus irgendeinem Grund beim "
+"alten Verhalten bleiben möchten, übersteuern Sie den Schalter:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:231
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=OFF ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=OFF ...\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:235
+msgid "v12"
+msgstr "v12"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:237
+msgid "Changes from v11 are:"
+msgstr "Änderungen gegenüber v11 sind:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:243
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool now generates shlibs files with versioned "
+"dependency by default. This means that B<-VUpstream-Version> (a.k.a. B<-V>) "
+"is now the default."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Werkzeug B<dh_makeshlibs> erzeugt nun standardmäßig Shlibs-Dateien mit "
+"versionierter Abhängigkeit. Das bedeutet, dass B<-VUpstream-Version> (alias "
+"B<-V>) nun die Voreinstellung ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:247
+msgid ""
+"If an unversioned dependency in the shlibs file is wanted, this can be "
+"obtained by passing B<-VNone> instead. However, please see "
+"L<dh_makeshlibs(1)> for the caveat of unversioned dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls eine nicht versionierte Abhängigkeit in der Shlibs-Datei gewünscht "
+"wird, kann dies stattdessen durch Ãœbergabe von B<-VNone> erreicht werden. "
+"Siehe aber auch L<dh_makeshlibs(1)> für die Vorbehalte gegen nicht "
+"versionierte Abhängigkeiten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:253
+msgid ""
+"The B<-s> (B<--same-arch>) option is removed. Please use B<-a> (B<--arch>) "
+msgstr ""
+"Die Option B<-s> (B<--same-arch>) wurde entfernt. Bitte verwenden Sie "
+"stattdessen B<-a> (B<--arch>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:257
+msgid ""
+"Invoking B<dh_clean -k> now causes an error instead of a deprecation warning."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Aufruf von B<dh_clean -k> verursacht jetzt einen Fehler statt einer "
+"Warnung, es sei missbilligt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:262
+msgid ""
+"The B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> option in B<dh_installinit> has been "
+"removed. Please use the new name B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>"
+msgstr ""
+"Die Option B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> in B<dh_installinit> wurde entfernt. "
+"Bitte verwenden Sie den neuen Namen B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:267
+msgid ""
+"There was a bug in the B<doit> (and similar) functions from L<Debian::"
+"Debhelper::Dh_Lib> that made them spawn a shell in one particular "
+"circumstance. This bug is now removed and will cause helpers that rely on "
+"the bug to fail with a \"command not found\"-error."
+msgstr ""
+"Es gab einen Fehler in den B<doit>- und ähnlichen Funktionen von L<Debian::"
+"Debhelper::Dh_Lib>, der unter einem bestimmten Umstand zum Öffnen einer "
+"Shell führte. Dieser Fehler wurde nun entfernt, wodurch Hilfsprogramme, die "
+"auf den Fehler setzen, mit der Meldung »command not found« fehlschlagen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:274
+msgid ""
+"The B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> in B<dh_install> has been "
+"removed. Please use B<dh_missing> and its corresponding options, which can "
+"also see the files installed by other helpers."
+msgstr ""
+"B<--list-missing> und B<--fail-missing> in B<dh_install> wurden entfernt. "
+"Bitte verwenden Sie B<dh_missing> und die zugehörigen Optionen, die die "
+"durch andere Hilfsprogramme installierten Dateien ebenfalls sehen können."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:280
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installinit> helper no longer installs configuration for the "
+"upstart init system. Instead, it will abort the build if it finds an old "
+"upstart configuration file. The error is there to remind the package "
+"maintainer to ensure the proper removal of the conffiles shipped in previous "
+"versions of the package (if any)."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Hilfsprogramm B<dh_installinit> installiert die Konfiguration für das "
+"Init-System Upstart nicht mehr. Stattdessen bricht es das Bauen ab, wenn es "
+"eine alte Upstart-Konfigurationsdatei findet. Der Fehler soll den "
+"Paketbetreuer daran erinnern, sicherzugehen, dass die mit vorherigen "
+"Versionen des Pakets mitgelieferten Konfigdateien (falls vorhanden) sauber "
+"entfernt werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:288
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do basic validation of some L<dpkg-"
+"maintscript-helper(1)> commands and will error out if the commands appear to "
+"be invalid."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Werkzeug B<dh_installdeb> wird die Grundprüfung einiger L<dpkg-"
+"maintscript-helper(1)>-Befehle durchführen und sich mit einer Fehlermeldung "
+"beenden, falls die Befehle ungültig zu sein scheinen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:294
+msgid "The B<dh_missing> tool will now default to B<--list-missing>."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Werkzeug B<dh_missing> wird nun auf B<--list-missing> voreingestellt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:298
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool will now only pass libraries to L<dpkg-"
+"gensymbols(1)> if the ELF binary has a SONAME (containing \".so\")."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Werkzeug B<dh_makeshlibs> wird jetzt nur Bibliotheken an L<dpkg-"
+"gensymbols(1)> übergeben, falls die ELF-Binärdatei einen SONAME hat (enthält "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:303
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_compress> tool no longer compresses examples (i.e. anything "
+"installed in F<</usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples>>.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Das Werkzeug B<dh_compress> komprimiert keine Beispiele mehr (d. h. alles, "
+"was in F<</usr/share/doc/I<Paket>/examples>> installiert ist)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:308
+msgid ""
+"The standard sequence in B<dh> now includes B<dh_dwz> and "
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> by default. This makes the B<dwz> and "
+"B<installinitramfs> sequences obsolete and they will now fail with an "
+"error. If you want to skip these commands, then please insert an empty "
+"override target for them in F<debian/rules> (e.g. I<override_dh_dwz:>)"
+msgstr ""
+"Die Standardsequenz in B<dh> enthält nun standardmäßig B<dh_dwz> und "
+"B<dh_installinitramfs>. Dies macht die Sequenzen B<dwz> und "
+"B<installinitramfs> überflüssig und sie werden mit einem Fehler scheitern. "
+"Falls Sie diese Befehle überspringen wollen, fügen Sie bitte ein leeres "
+"Override-Ziel in F<debian/rules> ein (z.B. I<override_dh_dwz:>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:317
+msgid ""
+"The build systems B<meson> and B<autoconf> no longer explicitly set the B<--"
+"libexecdir> variable and thus relies on the build system default - which "
+"should be B</usr/libexec> (per FHS 3.0, adopted in Debian Policy 4.1.5)."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Bausysteme B<Meson> und B<Autoconf> setzen die Variable B<--libexecdir> "
+"nicht mehr explizit und verlassen sich auf die Voreinstellung des Bausystems "
+"– diese sollte B</usr/libexec> sein (per FHS 3.0, angenommen in der Debian-"
+"Richtlinie 4.1.5)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:322
+msgid ""
+"If a particular upstream package does not use the correct default, the "
+"parameter can often be passed manually via L<dh_auto_configure(1)>. E.g. "
+"via the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Falls ein spezielles Paket der Ursprungsautoren nicht die korrekte "
+"Voreinstellung benutzt, kann der Parameter oft manuell per "
+"L<dh_auto_configure(1)> übergeben werden, etwa wie im folgenden Beispiel:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:326
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" \tdh_auto_configure -- --libexecdir=/usr/libexec\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" \tdh_auto_configure -- --libexecdir=/usr/libexec\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:329
+msgid "Note the B<--> before the B<--libexecdir> parameter."
+msgstr "Beachten Sie das B<--> vor dem Parameter B<--libexecdir>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:333
+msgid "B<Retroactively removed in debhelper/13.5>:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:335
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The B<dh_installdeb> tool no longer installs the maintainer provided "
+#| "F<conffiles> file. The file has mostly been obsolete since compatibility "
+#| "level 3, where B<dh_installdeb> began to automatically compute the "
+#| "resulting F<conffiles> control file."
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool would no longer installs the maintainer provided "
+"F<conffiles> file as it was deemed unnecessary. However, the B<remove-on-"
+"upgrade> from dpkg/1.20 made the file relevant again and B<dh_installdeb> "
+"now installs it again in compat levels 12+."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Werkzeug B<dh_installdeb> installiert die vom Paketbetreuer "
+"bereitgestellte F<conffiles>-Datei nicht mehr. Die Datei war seit "
+"Kompatibilitätsstufe 3 meistens überflüssig, als B<dh_installdeb> anfing, "
+"die resultierende F<conffiles>-Steuerdatei automatisch selbst zu berechnen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:342
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installsystemd> tool no longer relies on B<dh_installinit> for "
+"handling systemd services that have a sysvinit alternative. Both tools must "
+"now be used in such a case to ensure the service is properly started under "
+"both sysvinit and systemd."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Werkzeug B<dh_installsystemd> beruht nicht mehr auf B<dh_installinit>, "
+"um Systemd-Dienste zu handhaben, die über eine SysVinit-Alternative "
+"verfügen. In einem solchen Fall müssen jetzt beide Werkzeuge benutzt werden, "
+"um sicherzustellen, dass der Dienst sowohl unter SysVinit als auch unter "
+"Systemd sauber gestartet wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:347
+msgid ""
+"If you have an override for B<dh_installinit> (e.g. to call it with B<--no-"
+"start>) then you will probably need one for B<dh_installsystemd> as well now."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie eine Methode haben, B<dh_installinit> außer Kraft zu setzen (z. B. "
+"indem Sie es mit B<--no-start> aufrufen), dann werden Sie jetzt "
+"wahrscheinlich auch eine für B<dh_installsystemd> benötigen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:351
+msgid ""
+"This change makes B<dh_installinit> inject a I<misc:Pre-Depends> for B<< "
+"init-system-helpers (>= 1.54~) >>. Please ensure that the package lists "
+"B<${misc:Pre-Depends}> in its B<Pre-Depends> field before upgrading to "
+"compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Änderung lässt B<dh_installinit> ein I<misc:Pre-Depends> für B<< init-"
+"system-helpers (>= 1.54~) >> einspeisen. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass das "
+"Paket B<${misc:Pre-Depends}> in seinem Feld B<Pre-Depends> aufführt, bevor "
+"Sie ein Upgrade auf Kompatibilitätsstufe 12 durchführen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:358
+msgid ""
+"The third-party B<dh_golang> tool (from B<dh-golang> package) now defaults "
+"on honoring B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES> variable for source installation in -dev "
+"packages and not only during the building process. Please set "
+"B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES_ALL> to false to revert to the previous behaviour. See "
+"B<Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::golang(3pm)> for details and examples."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Drittherstellerwerkzeug B<dh_golang> (aus dem Paket B<dh-golang>) "
+"akzeptiert jetzt standardmäßig die Variable B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES> für die "
+"Quelleninstallation in -dev-Paketen und das nicht nur während des "
+"Bauprozesses. Bitte setzen Sie B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES_ALL> auf »false«, um zum "
+"vorherigen Verhalten zurückzukehren. Einzelheiten und Beispiele finden Sie "
+"unter B<Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::golang(3pm)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:366
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installsystemduser> is now included in the B<dh> standard sequence by "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installsystemduser> ist nun per Voreinstellung in der Standard-B<dh>-"
+"Sequenz enthalten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:371
+msgid ""
+"The B<python-distutils> buildsystem is now removed. Please use the third-"
+"party build system B<pybuild> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Bausystem B<python-distutils> ist jetzt entfernt worden. Bitte verwenden "
+"Sie stattdessen das Drittanbieterbausystem B<pybuild>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:376
+msgid "v11"
+msgstr "v11"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:378
+msgid "This mode is discouraged."
+msgstr "Von diesem Modus wird abgeraten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:380
+msgid ""
+"The compat 11 is discouraged for new packages as it suffers from feature "
+"interaction between L<dh_installinit> and L<dh_installsystemd> causing "
+"services to not run correctly in some cases. Please consider using "
+"compatibility mode 10 or 12 instead. More details about the issue are "
+"available in Debian#887904 and L<"
+msgstr ""
+"Von der Kompatibilitätsstufe 11 wird für neue Pakete abgeraten, da sie vvon "
+"Funktionalitätswechselwirkungen zwischen L<dh_installinit> und "
+"L<dh_installsystemd> betroffen ist, die dazu führen, dass in manchen Fällen "
+"Dienste nicht korrekt laufen. Bitte erwägen Sie, stattdessen die "
+"Kompatibilitätsstufen 10 oder 12 zu benutzen. Weitere Einzelheiten über das "
+"Thema sind in Debian#887904 und L<"
+"release/2019/04/msg01442.html> verfügbar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:387
+msgid "Changes from v10 are:"
+msgstr "Änderungen gegenüber v10 sind:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:393
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> no longer installs F<service> or F<tmpfile> files, nor "
+"generates maintainer scripts for those files. Please use the new "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> helper."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> installiert keine F<service>- oder F<tmpfile>-Dateien "
+"mehr. Es erstellt auch keine Betreuerskripte dafür. Bitte verwenden Sie das "
+"neue Hilfsprogramm B<dh_installsystemd>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:399
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_systemd_enable> and B<dh_systemd_start> helpers have been replaced "
+"by the new B<dh_installsystemd> helper. For the same reason, the B<systemd> "
+"sequence for B<dh> has also been removed. If you need to disable the "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> helper tool, please use an empty override target."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Hilfsprogramme B<dh_systemd_enable> und B<dh_systemd_start> wurden durch "
+"das neue Hilfsprogramm B<dh_installsystemd> ersetzt. Aus demselben Grund "
+"wurde auch die B<systemd>-Sequenz für B<dh> entfernt. Wenn Sie das "
+"Hilfswerkzeug B<dh_installsystemd> deaktivieren möchten, verwenden Sie bitte "
+"ein leeres Override-Ziel."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:405
+msgid ""
+"Please note that the B<dh_installsystemd> tool has a slightly different "
+"behaviour in some cases (e.g. when using the B<--name> parameter)."
+msgstr ""
+"Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich das Werkzeug B<dh_installsystemd> in manchen "
+"Fällen (z.B. bei der Verwendung des Parameters B<--name>) geringfügig anders "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:411
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> no longer creates debian/I<package> directories unless "
+"explicitly requested (or it has to create a subdirectory in it)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> erstellt keine debian/I<Paket>-Verzeichnisse mehr, es sei "
+"denn, dies wird ausdrücklich verlangt (oder es muss ein Unterverzeichnis "
+"darin erstellt werden)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:415
+msgid "The vast majority of all packages will be unaffected by this change."
+msgstr ""
+"Die große Mehrheit aller Pakete wird von dieser Änderung nicht betroffen "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:419
+msgid ""
+"The B<makefile> buildsystem now passes B<INSTALL=\"install --strip-"
+"program=true\"> to L<make(1)>. Derivative buildsystems (e.g. B<configure> "
+"or B<cmake>) are unaffected by this change."
+msgstr ""
+"Das B<makefile>-Bausystem übergibt nun B<INSTALL=\"install --strip-"
+"program=true\"> an L<make(1)>. Davon abgeleitete Bausysteme (z. B. "
+"B<configure> oder B<cmake>) sind von dieser Änderung nicht betroffen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:425
+msgid ""
+"The B<autoconf> buildsystem now passes B<--runstatedir=/run> to F<./"
+msgstr ""
+"Das B<autoconf>-Bausystem übergibt nun B<--runstatedir=/run> an F<./"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:430
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR=/run> to "
+msgstr ""
+"Das B<cmake>-Bausystem übergibt nun B<-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR=/run> an "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:435
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> will now prefer detecting the language from the path name "
+"rather than the extension."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> wird nun vorzugsweise die Sprache anhand des Pfadnamens "
+"statt der Erweiterung bestimmen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:440
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> will now only create the destination directory it needs. "
+"Previously, it would create the package build directory for all packages. "
+"This will not affect packages that only build with debhelper commands, but "
+"it may expose bugs in commands not included in debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> wird jetzt nur das Zielverzeichnis erstellen, das es "
+"benötigt. Vorher hätte es die Bauverzeichnisse für alle Pakete erstellt. "
+"Dies hat keine Auswirkungen auf Pakete, die nur mit Debhelper-Befehlen "
+"bauen, es könnte aber Programmfehler in Befehlen offenlegen, die nicht in "
+"Debhelper enthalten sind."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:448
+msgid ""
+"The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, and "
+"B<dh_installman> now error out if their config has a pattern that does not "
+"match anything or reference a path that does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Hilfsprogramme B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, "
+"B<dh_installinfo> und B<dh_installman> beenden sich jetzt mit Fehlermeldung, "
+"falls ihre Konfiguration ein Muster aufweist, das zu nichts passt oder sich "
+"auf einen Pfad bezieht, den es nicht gibt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:452
+msgid ""
+"Known exceptions include building with the B<nodoc> profile, where the above "
+"tools will silently permit failed matches where the patterns are used to "
+"specify documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"Bekannte Ausnahmen umfassen das Bauen mit dem Profil B<nodoc>, bei dem die "
+"obigen Werkzeuge stillschweigend fehlschlagende Suchen mit Mustern erlauben,"
+"welche zur Angabe von Dokumentation verwendet werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:458
+msgid ""
+"The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, and "
+"B<dh_installman> now accept the parameter B<--sourcedir> with same meaning "
+"as B<dh_install>. Furthermore, they now also fall back to F<debian/tmp> like "
+msgstr ""
+"Die Hilfsprogramme B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, "
+"B<dh_installinfo> und B<dh_installman> akzeptieren nun den Parameter B<--"
+"sourcedir> mit derselben Bedeutung wie B<dh_install>. Ãœberdies fallen sie "
+"jetzt, so wie B<dh_install>, auf F<debian/tmp> zurück."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:463
+msgid ""
+"Migration note: A bug in debhelper 11 up to 11.1.5 made B<dh_installinfo> "
+"incorrectly ignore B<--sourcedir>."
+msgstr ""
+"Migrationshinweis: Ein Fehler in Debhelper 11 bis 11.1.5 führte "
+"fälschlicherweise dazu, dass B<dh_installinfo> B<--sourcedir> ignoriert hat."
+# FIXME s/can emulate it/can get an emulation of it/ (or emulate it)
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:468
+msgid ""
+"The B<perl-makemaker> and B<perl-build> build systems no longer pass B<-I.> "
+"to perl. Packages that still need this behaviour can emulate it by using "
+"the B<PERL5LIB> environment variable. E.g. by adding B<export PERL5LIB=.> "
+"in their debian/rules file (or similar)."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Bausysteme B<perl-makemaker> und B<perl-build> übergeben B<-I.> nicht "
+"mehr an Perl. Pakete, die dieses Verhalten immer noch benötigen, können es "
+"durch Verwendung der Umgebungsvariable B<PERL5LIB> emulieren, z. B. durch "
+"Eintragen von B<export PERL5LIB=.> in ihre »debian/rules«-Datei (oder "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:475
+msgid ""
+"The B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable is no longer set by B<dh> or "
+"any of the B<dh_auto_*> tools. It was added as a temporary work around to "
+"avoid a lot of packages failing to build at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+"B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> wird jetzt von B<dh> oder den B<dh_auto_*>-Werkzeugen "
+"nicht mehr gesetzt. Sie diente als Übergangslösung, um zu verhindern, dass "
+"das gleichzeitige Bauen vieler Pakete scheitert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:480
+msgid ""
+"Note this item will eventually become obsolete as upstream intends to drop "
+"support for the B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable. When perl "
+"drops support for it, then this variable will be removed retroactively from "
+"existing compat levels as well."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass sie irgendwann komplett hinfällig wird, da die "
+"Ursprungsautoren beabsichtigen, die Unterstützung für die Umgebungsvariable "
+"B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> einzustellen. Wenn es so weit ist, wird diese "
+"Variable nachträglich auch aus bestehenden Kompatibilitätsstufen entfernt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:487
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> helper will now exit with an error if objdump returns a "
+"non-zero exit from analysing a given file."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Hilfsprogramm B<dh_makeshlibs> wird nun mit einer Fehlermeldung beendet, "
+"falls Objdump nach der Auswertung einer gegebenen Datei einen Rückgabewert "
+"ungleich null zurückliefert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:492
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdocs> and B<dh_installexamples> tools may now install "
+"I<most> of the documentation in a different path to comply with the "
+"recommendation from Debian policy §12.3 (since version 3.9.7)."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Werkzeuge B<dh_installdocs> und B<dh_installexamples> können jezt die "
+"I<meiste> Dokumentation in einem anderen Pfad installieren, um die "
+"Empfehlung der Debian-Richtlinien §12.3 (seit Version 3.9.7) zu erfüllen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:496
+msgid ""
+"Note that if a given source package only contains a single binary package in "
+"F<debian/control> or none of the packages are I<-doc> packages, then this "
+"change is not relevant for that source package and you can skip to the next "
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass diese Änderung nicht für dieses Quellpaket relevant ist "
+"und Sie zur nächsten Änderung springen können, falls ein angegebenes "
+"Quellpaket nur ein einziges Binärpaket in F<debian/control> enthält oder "
+"keine I<-doc>-Pakete dabei sind."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:501
+msgid ""
+"By default, these tools will now attempt to determine a \"main package for "
+"the documentation\" (called a I<doc-main-package> from here on) for every I<-"
+"doc> package. If they find such a I<doc-main-package>, they will now "
+"install the documentation into the path F<< /usr/share/doc/I<doc-main-"
+"package> >> in the given doc package. I.e. the path can change but the "
+"documentation is still shipped in the I<-doc> package."
+msgstr ""
+"Standardmäßig werden diese Werkzeuge nun versuchen, ein »Hauptpaket für die "
+"Dokumentation« (ab hier I<Hauptdokumentationspaket> genannt) für jedes I<-"
+"doc>-Paket zu bestimmen. Falls sie ein derartiges "
+"I<Hauptdokumentationspaket> finden, werden sie nun die Dokumentation in den "
+"Pfad F<< /usr/share/doc/I<Hauptdokumentationspaket> >> im angegebenen "
+"Dokumentationspaket installieren. Das heißt, der Pfad kann sich ändern, aber "
+"die Dokumentation wird immer noch im I<-doc>-Paket mitgeliefert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:509
+msgid ""
+"The B<--doc-main-package> option can be used when the auto-detection is "
+"insufficient or to reset the path to its previous value if there is a reason "
+"to diverge from Debian policy recommendation."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Option B<--doc-main-package> kann benutzt werden, wenn die automatische "
+"Erkennung unzureichend ist oder um den Pfad auf seinen vorherigen Wert "
+"zurückzusetzen, falls es einen Grund gibt, von der Empfehlung der Debian-"
+"Richlinien abzuweichen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:513
+msgid ""
+"Some documentation will not be affected by this change. These exceptions "
+"include the copyright file, changelog files, README.Debian, etc. These "
+"files will still be installed in the path F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package> >>."
+msgstr ""
+"Manche Dokumentation wird von dieser Änderung nicht beeinflusst. Diese "
+"Ausnahmen umfassen die Copyright-Dateien, README.Debian usw. Diese Dateien "
+"werden weiterhin im Pfad F<< /usr/share/doc/I<Paket> >> installiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:520
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_strip> and B<dh_shlibdeps> tools no longer uses filename patterns "
+"to determine which files to process. Instead, they open the file and look "
+"for an ELF header to determine if a given file is an shared object or an ELF "
+msgstr ""
+"Die Werkzeuge B<dh_strip> und B<dh_shlibdeps> verwenden keine "
+"Dateinamenmuster mehr, um zu bestimmen, welche Dateien verarbeitet werden. "
+"Stattdessen öffnen sie die Datei und suchen nach einem ELF-Header, um zu "
+"bestimmen, ob eine übergebene Datei ein gemeinsam benutztes Objekt oder ein "
+"ausführbares binäres Programm ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:525
+msgid "This change may cause the tools to process more files than previously."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Änderung kann dazu führen, dass mehr Dateien als vorher verarbeitet "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:529
+msgid "v10"
+msgstr "v10"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:531
+msgid "Changes from v9 are:"
+msgstr "Änderungen gegenüber v9 sind:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:537
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> will no longer install a file named debian/I<package> as "
+"an init script."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> wird keine Datei namens debian/I<Paket> mehr als Init-"
+"Skript installieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:542
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> will error out if it detects links created with --link-doc "
+"between packages of architecture \"all\" and non-\"all\" as it breaks "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> wird mit einem Fehler fehlschlagen, falls es Links "
+"entdeckt, die mit --link-doc zwischen Paketen der Architektur »all« und "
+"nicht-»all« erzeugt wurden, da d binNMUs beschädigt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:548
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> no longer installs a maintainer-provided debian/I<package>."
+"shlibs file. This is now done by B<dh_makeshlibs> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> installiert keine vom Paketbetreuer bereitgestellte debian/"
+"I<Paket>.shlibs-Datei mehr. Dies wird stattdessen von B<dh_makeshlibs> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:554
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> refuses to create a broken package if no man page can be "
+"found (required to register for the x-window-manager alternative)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> weigert sich, ein beschädigtes Paket zu erstellen, falls "
+"keine Handbuchseite gefunden wird (erforderlich, um die Alternative zum X-"
+"Window-Manager zu registrieren)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:559
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper will default to B<--parallel> for all buildsystems that support "
+"parallel building. This can be disabled by using either B<--no-parallel> or "
+"passing B<--max-parallel> with a value of 1."
+msgstr ""
+"B<--parallel> ist Debhelpers Voreinstellung für alle Bausysteme, die "
+"paralleles Bauen unterstützen. Dies kann entweder durch Verwendung von B<--"
+"no-parallel> oder durch Ãœbergabe von B<--max-parallel> mit einem Wert von 1 "
+"deaktiviert werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:565
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will not accept any of the deprecated \"manual sequence "
+"control\" parameters (B<--before>, B<--after>, etc.). Please use override "
+"targets instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Befehl B<dh> wird keinen der veralteten Parameter zur »manuellen "
+"Sequenzsteuerung« (B<--before>, B<--after>, etc.) akzeptieren. Bitte "
+"verwenden Sie stattdessen Aufhebungsziele (override targts)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:569
+msgid ""
+"B<Retroactively applied to earlier compat levels>: B<dh> no longer accepts "
+"any of these since debhelper/12.4."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Nachträglich auf frühere Kompatibilitätsstufen angewandt>: B<dh> "
+"akzeptiert seit Debhelper/12.4 nichts davon mehr."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:574
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will no longer use log files to track which commands have "
+"been run. The B<dh> command I<still> keeps track of whether it already ran "
+"the \"build\" sequence and skip it if it did."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Befehl B<dh> wird keine Logdateien mehr benutzen, um zu protokollieren, "
+"welche Befehle ausgeführt worden sind. Er wird aber I<trotzdem> "
+"nachverfolgen, ob er selbst schon einmal in der Bausequenz gelaufen ist und "
+"sie ggf. überspringen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:578
+msgid "The main effects of this are:"
+msgstr "Die wichtigsten Auswirkungen davon sind:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:584
+msgid ""
+"With this, it is now easier to debug the I<install> or/and I<binary> "
+"sequences because they can now trivially be re-run (without having to do a "
+"full \"clean and rebuild\" cycle)"
+msgstr ""
+"Hierdurch wird die Fehlersuche bei den Sequenzen I<install> und/oder "
+"I<binary> einfacher, da sie nun einfach erneut ausgeführt werden können "
+"(ohne, dass ein vollständiger »Aufräum- und Neubau«-Durchgang erforderlich "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:590
+msgid ""
+"The main caveat is that B<dh_*> now only keeps track of what happened in a "
+"single override target. When all the calls to a given B<dh_cmd> command "
+"happens in the same override target everything will work as before."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Pferdefuß hier liegt darin, dass B<dh_*> nun nur noch nachverfolgt, was "
+"in einem einzelnen Override-Ziel geschieht. Wenn alle Aufrufe eines "
+"angegebenen B<dh_cmd>-Befehls im selben Override-Ziel stattfinden, wird "
+"alles wie zuvor funktionieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:595
+msgid "Example of where it can go wrong:"
+msgstr "Beispiel, bei dem es schiefgehen kann:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:597
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" dh_foo -pmy-pkg\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" dh_foo -pmein-Paket\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:600
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" dh_bar\n"
+" dh_foo --remaining\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" dh_bar\n"
+" dh_foo --remaining\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:604
+msgid ""
+"In this case, the call to B<dh_foo --remaining> will I<also> include I<my-"
+"pkg>, since B<dh_foo -pmy-pkg> was run in a separate override target. This "
+"issue is not limited to B<--remaining>, but also includes B<-a>, B<-i>, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"In diesem Fall wird der Aufruf von B<dh_foo --remaining> I<außerdem> I<mein-"
+"Paket> enthalten, da B<dh_foo -pmein-Paket> in einem separaten Override-Ziel "
+"ausgeführt wird. Dieses Problem ist nicht auf B<--remaining> begrenzt, es "
+"umfasst außerdem B<-a>, B<-i>, etc."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:613
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> command now shell-escapes the lines in the "
+"F<maintscript> config file. This was the original intent but it did not "
+"work properly and packages have begun to rely on the incomplete shell "
+"escaping (e.g. quoting file names)."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Befehl B<dh_installdeb> maskiert nun die Zeilen in der "
+"Konfigurationsdatei F<maintscript> für die Shell. Dies war der ursprüngliche "
+"Gedanke, aber es funktionierte nicht, wie es sollte und die Pakete begannen, "
+"sich auf die unvollständige Shell-Maskierung zu verlassen (z.B. das Setzen "
+"von Dateinamen in Anführungszeichen)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:620
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installinit> command now defaults to B<--restart-after-upgrade>. "
+"For packages needing the previous behaviour, please use B<--no-restart-after-"
+msgstr ""
+"Voreinstellung für den Befehl B<dh_installinit> ist nun B<--restart-after-"
+"upgrade>. Für Pakete, die das vorhergehende Verhalten erfordern, verwenden "
+"Sie bitte B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:626
+msgid ""
+"The B<autoreconf> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass B<--"
+"without autoreconf> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given package"
+msgstr ""
+"Die B<autoreconf>-Sequenz ist nun standardmäßig aktiviert. Bitte übergeben "
+"Sie B<--without autoreconf> an B<dh>, falls dies für ein angegebenes Paket "
+"nicht erwünscht ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:632
+msgid ""
+"The B<systemd> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass B<--without "
+"systemd> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given package."
+msgstr ""
+"Die B<systemd>-Sequenz ist nun standardmäßig aktiviert. Bitte übergeben Sie "
+"B<--without systemd> an B<dh>, falls dies für ein angegebenes Paket nicht "
+"erwünscht ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:638
+msgid ""
+"B<Retroactively removed>: B<dh> no longer creates the package build "
+"directory when skipping running debhelper commands. This will not affect "
+"packages that only build with debhelper commands, but it may expose bugs in "
+"commands not included in debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Nachträglich entfernt>: B<dh> erstellt das Bauverzeichnis des Pakets nicht "
+"mehr, wenn die Ausführung von Debhelper-Befehlen übersprungen wird. Dies hat "
+"keine Auswirkungen auf Pakete, die nur mit Debhelper-Befehlen bauen, es "
+"könnte aber Fehler in Befehlen offenlegen, die nicht in Debhelper enthalten "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:643
+msgid ""
+"This compatibility feature had a bug since its inception in "
+"debhelper/9.20130516 that made it fail to apply in compat 9 and earlier. As "
+"there has been no reports of issues caused by this bug in those ~5 years, "
+"this item have been removed rather than fixed."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Kompatibilitätsfunktionalität hatte einen Fehler seit ihrer Aufnahme "
+"in Debhelper/9.20130516, der sie im Kompatibilitätsmodus 9 und älter zum "
+"Scheitern brachte. Da es in den fünf Jahren ihres Bestehens keine Berichte "
+"zu Problemen gab, die von diesem Fehler verursacht wurden, wurde sie nicht "
+"überarbeitet, sondern entfernt."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:650
+msgid "v9"
+msgstr "v9"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:652
+msgid "Changes from v8 are:"
+msgstr "Änderungen gegenüber v8 sind:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:658
+msgid ""
+"Multiarch support. In particular, B<dh_auto_configure> passes multiarch "
+"directories to autoconf in --libdir and --libexecdir."
+msgstr ""
+"Multiarch-Unterstützung. Insbesondere gibt B<dh_auto_configure> Multiarch-"
+"Verzeichnisse an Autoconf in --libdir and --libexecdir weiter."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:663
+msgid ""
+"dh is aware of the usual dependencies between targets in debian/rules. So, "
+"\"dh binary\" will run any build, build-arch, build-indep, install, etc "
+"targets that exist in the rules file. There's no need to define an explicit "
+"binary target with explicit dependencies on the other targets."
+msgstr ""
+"dh kennt die üblichen Abhängigkeiten zwischen den Zielen in debian/rules. "
+"Daher wird »dh binary« alle »build«-, »build-arch«-, »build-indep«-, "
+"»install«-Ziele etc. ausführen, die in der Regeldatei stehen. Es ist nicht "
+"nötig, explizit ein binäres Ziel mit expliziten Abhängigkeiten zu den "
+"anderen Zielen zu definieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:670
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> compresses debugging symbol files to reduce the installed size "
+"of -dbg packages."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> komprimiert Debug-Symboldateien, um die Größe der installierten "
+"»-dbg«-Paketen zu verringern."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:675
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> does not include the source package name in --"
+"libexecdir when using autoconf."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> enthält keinen Quellpaketnamen in --libexecdir, wenn "
+"Autoconf benutzt wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:680
+msgid "B<dh> does not default to enabling --with=python-support"
+msgstr "Standardmäßig aktiviert B<dh> nicht --with=python-support."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:682
+msgid ""
+"(Obsolete: As the B<dh_pysupport> tool was removed from Debian stretch. "
+"Since debhelper/10.3, B<dh> no longer enables this sequence add-on "
+"regardless of compat level)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Hinfällig, da das Werkzeug B<dh_pysupport> aus Debian Stretch entfernt "
+"wurde. Seit Debhelper/10.3 aktiviert B<dh> diese Sequenzerweiterung "
+"unabhängig von der Kompatibilitätsstufe nicht mehr.)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:688
+msgid ""
+"All of the B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs and B<dh> set environment "
+"variables listed by B<dpkg-buildflags>, unless they are already set."
+msgstr ""
+"Alle B<dh_auto_>I<*>-Debhelper-Programme und B<dh> setzen "
+"Umgebungsvariablen, die durch B<dpkg-buildflags> aufgelistet werden, sofern "
+"sie nicht bereits gesetzt sind."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:694
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> passes B<dpkg-buildflags> CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and LDFLAGS "
+"to perl F<Makefile.PL> and F<Build.PL>"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> übergibt CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS und LDFLAGS von B<dpkg-"
+"buildflags> an Perls F<Makefile.PL> und F<Build.PL.>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:699
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> puts separated debug symbols in a location based on their build-"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> legt getrennte Fehlersuchsymbole an einer Stelle ab, die auf "
+"ihrer Baukennzahl basiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:704
+msgid ""
+"Executable debhelper config files are run and their output used as the "
+msgstr ""
+"Ausführbare Debhelper-Konfigurationsdateien werden ausgeführt und ihre "
+"Ausgabe wird als Konfiguration benutzt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:709
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:740
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:744 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:81
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:135 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:158
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:165 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:174
+msgid "This mode is deprecated."
+msgstr "Dieser Modus ist missbilligt."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:711
+msgid "v8"
+msgstr "v8"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:713
+msgid "Changes from v7 are:"
+msgstr "Änderungen gegenüber v7 sind:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:719
+msgid ""
+"Commands will fail rather than warning when they are passed unknown options."
+msgstr ""
+"Befehle werden fehlschlagen anstatt zu warnen, wenn ihnen unbekannte "
+"Optionen übergeben werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:723
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> will run B<dpkg-gensymbols> on all shared libraries that it "
+"generates shlibs files for. So B<-X> can be used to exclude libraries. "
+"Also, libraries in unusual locations that B<dpkg-gensymbols> would not have "
+"processed before will be passed to it, a behavior change that can cause some "
+"packages to fail to build."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> führt B<dpkg-gensymbols> auf allen gemeinsamen Bibliotheken "
+"aus, für die es Shlib-Dateien generiert, wobei Bibliotheken mit B<-X> "
+"ausgeschlossen werden können. Außerdem werden B<dpkg-gensymbols> "
+"Bibliotheken an unüblichen Orten übergeben, ohne dass es diese vorher "
+"verarbeitet haben wird, was dazu führen kann, dass sich einige Pakete nicht "
+"bauen lassen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:731
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> requires the sequence to run be specified as the first parameter, and "
+"any switches come after it. Ie, use \"B<dh $@ --foo>\", not \"B<dh --foo "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> erfordert, dass die auszuführende Sequenz als erster Parameter "
+"angegeben wird und sämtliche Schalter danach kommen. Das heißt, Sie "
+"schreiben nicht »B<dh --foo $@>«, sondern »B<dh $@ --foo>«."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:736
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> prefer to use Perl's B<Module::Build> in preference to "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> bevorzugt Perls B<Module::Build> gegenüber F<Makefile.PL>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:742 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:21
+msgid "v7"
+msgstr "v7"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:746 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:23
+msgid "This is the lowest supported compatibility level."
+msgstr "Dies ist die unterste unterstützte Kompatibilitätsstufe."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:748
+msgid ""
+"If you are upgrading from an earlier compatibility level, please review "
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie ein Upgrade von einer vorhergehenden Kompatibilitätsstufe "
+"durchführen, überprüfen Sie bitte L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:757
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgid "L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:759
+msgid ""
+"Upgrading from a (now) obsolete compatibility level? This document covers "
+"the upgrade checklist up to the earliest supported level."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:762 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:180
+#: dh:874 dh_auto_build:55 dh_auto_clean:57 dh_auto_configure:60
+#: dh_auto_install:105 dh_auto_test:66 dh_builddeb:178 dh_clean:191
+#: dh_compress:245 dh_dwz:165 dh_fixperms:166 dh_gencontrol:210 dh_install:379
+#: dh_installcatalogs:130 dh_installchangelogs:367 dh_installcron:82
+#: dh_installdeb:421 dh_installdebconf:235 dh_installdirs:133
+#: dh_installdocs:439 dh_installexamples:184 dh_installifupdown:74
+#: dh_installinfo:125 dh_installlogcheck:83 dh_installlogrotate:55
+#: dh_installman:422 dh_installmanpages:200 dh_installmime:65
+#: dh_installmodules:111 dh_installpam:73 dh_installppp:70 dh_installudev:104
+#: dh_installwm:132 dh_installxfonts:92 dh_link:168 dh_listpackages:36
+#: dh_makeshlibs:458 dh_md5sums:120 dh_movefiles:163 dh_perl:190 dh_prep:72
+#: dh_strip:437 dh_testdir:64 dh_testroot:95 dh_usrlocal:138
+#: dh_systemd_start:282
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:764
+msgid ""
+"General information about the debhelper framework. This document also covers "
+"how to declare your chosen debhelper compat level."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:769 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:182
+#: dh_installinit:419 dh_systemd_enable:284 dh_systemd_start:284
+msgid "AUTHORS"
+msgstr "AUTOREN"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:771 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:184
+#: dh_dwz:171 dh_installinitramfs:101
+msgid "Niels Thykier <>"
+msgstr "Niels Thykier <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:773 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:186
+msgid "Joey Hess"
+msgstr "Joey Hess"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:3
+msgid "debhelper-obsolete-compat - List of no longer supported compat levels"
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper-obsolete-compat - Liste nicht mehr unterstützter "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:7
+msgid ""
+"This document contains the upgrade guidelines from all compat levels which "
+"are no longer supported. Accordingly it is mostly for historical purposes "
+"and to assist people upgrading from a non-supported compat level to a "
+"supported level."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieses Dokument enthält die Upgrade-Richtlinien aller Kompatibilitätsstufen, "
+"die nicht mehr unterstützt werden. Dementsprechend dient es vor allem "
+"historischen Zwecken und hilft beim Upgrade von einer nicht unterstützten "
+"Kompatibilitätsstufe auf eine unterstützte Stufe."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:12
+msgid "For upgrades from supported compat levels, please see L<debhelper(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Für Upgrades von unterstützten Kompatibilitätsstufen lesen Sie bitte "
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:14
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:16
+msgid ""
+"The following is the list of now obsolete compat levels and their changes."
+msgstr ""
+"Es folgt die Liste der nun überflüssigen Kompatibilitätsstufen und ihrer "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:25
+msgid "Changes from v6 are:"
+msgstr "Änderungen gegenüber v6 sind:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:31
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install>, will fall back to looking for files in F<debian/tmp> if it "
+"doesn't find them in the current directory (or wherever you tell it look "
+"using B<--sourcedir>). This allows B<dh_install> to interoperate with "
+"B<dh_auto_install>, which installs to F<debian/tmp>, without needing any "
+"special parameters."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls B<dh_install> keine Dateien im derzeitigen (oder dem via B<--"
+"sourcedir> mitgegebenen) Verzeichnis findet, sucht es sie ersatzweise in "
+"F<debian/tmp>. Das ermöglicht es ihm, ohne dass es bsondere Parameter "
+"benötigt, mit B<dh_auto_install> zusammenzuarbeiten, welches nach F<debian/"
+"tmp> installiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:38
+msgid "B<dh_clean> will read F<debian/clean> and delete files listed there."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> wird F<debian/clean> lesen und die dort aufgeführten Dateien "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:42
+msgid "B<dh_clean> will delete toplevel F<*-stamp> files."
+msgstr "<dh_clean> wird die F<*-stamp>-Dateien der obersten Ebene löschen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:46
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> will guess at what file is the upstream changelog if "
+"none is specified."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> wird abschätzen, in welcher Datei das Changelog der "
+"Originalautoren liegt, falls keines angegeben wurde."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:51
+msgid "v6"
+msgstr "v6"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:53
+msgid "Changes from v5 are:"
+msgstr "Änderungen gegenüber v5 sind:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"Commands that generate maintainer script fragments will order the fragments "
+"in reverse order for the F<prerm> and F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Befehle, die Fragmente von Betreuerskripten erzeugen, werden die Fragmente "
+"für die F<prerm>- und F<postrm>-Skripte in umgekehrter Reiherfolge anordnen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:64
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> will install a slave manpage link for F<x-window-manager.1."
+"gz>, if it sees the man page in F<usr/share/man/man1> in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> wird einen untergeordneten Handbuchseiten-Link für F<x-"
+"window-manager.1.gz> installieren. falls es die Handbuchseite in F<usr/share/"
+"man/man1> im Bauverzeichnis des Pakets entdeckt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:70
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> did not previously delete everything matching "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE>, if it was set to a list of things to exclude, such as "
+"B<CVS:.svn:.git>. Now it does."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn ihm eine Liste mit Dingen zum Ausschließen, so wie B<CVS:.svn:.git>, "
+"mitgegeben wurde, hat B<dh_builddeb> nicht alles gelöscht, was auf "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE> passte. Jetzt schon."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:76
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> allows overwriting existing man pages in the package build "
+"directory. In previous compatibility levels it silently refuses to do this."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> erlaubt das Ãœberschreiben existierender Handbuchseiten im "
+"Bauverzeichnis des Pakets. In vorhergehenden Kompatibilitätsstufen weigert "
+"es sich kommentarlos."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:83
+msgid "v5"
+msgstr "v5"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:85
+msgid "Changes from v4 are:"
+msgstr "Änderungen gegenüber v4 sind:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:91
+msgid "Comments are ignored in debhelper config files."
+msgstr "Kommentare in Debhelper-Konfigurationsdateien werden ignoriert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:95
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip --dbg-package> now specifies the name of a package to put "
+"debugging symbols in, not the packages to take the symbols from."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip --dbg-package> gibt nun den Namen des Pakets an, in das "
+"Fehlersuchsymbole getan werden, nicht die Pakete, aus denen die Symbole "
+"genommen werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:100
+msgid "B<dh_installdocs> skips installing empty files."
+msgstr "B<dh_installdocs> überspringt die Installation leerer Dateien."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:104
+msgid "B<dh_install> errors out if wildcards expand to nothing."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> gibt Fehlermeldungen aus, wenn Platzhalter zu nichts "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:108
+msgid "v4"
+msgstr "v4"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:110
+msgid "Changes from v3 are:"
+msgstr "Änderungen gegenüber v3 sind:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:116
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs -V> will not include the Debian part of the version number "
+"in the generated dependency line in the shlibs file."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs -V> wird nicht den Debian-Teil der Versionsnummer in der "
+"erzeugten Abhängigkeitslinie in der Shlibs-Datei enthalten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:121
+msgid ""
+"You are encouraged to put the new B<${misc:Depends}> into F<debian/control> "
+"to supplement the B<${shlibs:Depends}> field."
+msgstr ""
+"Sie werden ermuntert, das neue B<${misc:Depends}> in F<debian/control> "
+"abzulegen, um das Feld B<${shlibs:Depends}> zu ergänzen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:126
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> will make all files in F<bin/> directories and in F<etc/init."
+"d> executable."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> wird alle Dateien in F<bin/>-Verzeichnissen und in F<etc/init."
+"d> ausführbar machen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:131
+msgid "B<dh_link> will correct existing links to conform with policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> wird bestehende Links korrigieren, damit sie konform mit der "
+"Richtlinie sind."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:137
+msgid "v3"
+msgstr "v3"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:139
+msgid "This mode works like v2, with the following additions:"
+msgstr "Dieser Modus funktioniert wie v2 mit den folgenden Zusätzen:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:145
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper config files support globbing via B<*> and B<?>, when appropriate. "
+"To turn this off and use those characters raw, just prefix with a backslash."
+msgstr ""
+"Debhelper-Konfigurationsdateien unterstützen Platzhalter mittels B<*> und B<?"
+">, wenn angemessen. Um dies auszuschalten und diese Zeichen im Rohzustand zu "
+"verwenden, stellen Sie ihnen einen Rückwärtsschragstrich voran."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:150
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> makes the F<postinst> and F<postrm> scripts call "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> lässt F<postinst>- und F<postrm>-Skripte B<ldconfig> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:154
+msgid ""
+"Every file in F<etc/> is automatically flagged as a conffile by "
+msgstr ""
+"Jede Datei in F<etc/> wird automatisch durch B<dh_installdeb> als Conffile "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:160
+msgid "v2"
+msgstr "v2"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:162
+msgid ""
+"In this mode, debhelper will consistently use debian/I<package> as the "
+"package tree directory for every package that is built."
+msgstr ""
+"In diesem Modus wird Debhelper durchweg debian/I<Paket> als "
+"Paketverzeichnisbaum für jedes Paket nehmen, das gebaut wird."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:167
+msgid "v1"
+msgstr "v1"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:169
+msgid ""
+"This is the original debhelper compatibility level, and so it is the default "
+"one. In this mode, debhelper will use F<debian/tmp> as the package tree "
+"directory for the first binary package listed in the control file, while "
+"using debian/I<package> for all other packages listed in the F<control> file."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist die Original-Debhelper-Kompatibilitätsstufe und daher ist sie die "
+"Vorgabe. In diesem Modus wird Debhelper F<debian/tmp> als "
+"Paketverzeichnisbaum des ersten in der Datei »control« aufgeführten Pakets "
+"nehmen, während für alle anderen in der Datei F<control> aufgeführten Pakete "
+"debian/I<Paket> genommen wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:5
+msgid "dh - debhelper command sequencer"
+msgstr "dh - Debhelper-Befehls-Sequenzer"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> I<sequence> [B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]] [B<--list>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> I<Sequenz> [B<--with> I<Add-on>[B<,>I<Add-on> …]] [B<--list>] "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:28
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> runs a sequence of debhelper commands. The supported I<sequence>s "
+"correspond to the targets of a F<debian/rules> file: B<build-arch>, B<build-"
+"indep>, B<build>, B<clean>, B<install-indep>, B<install-arch>, B<install>, "
+"B<binary-arch>, B<binary-indep>, and B<binary>."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> führt eine Sequenz von Debhelper-Befehlen aus. Die unterstützten "
+"I<Sequenz>en entsprechen den Zielen einer F<debian/rules>-Datei: B<build-"
+"arch>, B<build-indep>, B<build>, B<clean>, B<install-indep>, B<install-"
+"arch>, B<install>, B<binary-arch>, B<binary-indep> und B<binary>."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:33
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:35
+msgid ""
+"A F<debian/rules> file using B<dh> can override the command that is run at "
+"any step in a sequence, by defining an override target. It is also possible "
+"to inject a command before or after any step without affecting the step "
+msgstr ""
+"Eine F<debian/rules>-Datei, die B<dh> benutzt, kann einen Befehl in jedem "
+"Schritt einer Sequenz außer Kraft setzen, indem sie ein Override-Ziel "
+"(Override target) definiert. Es ist auch möglich, Befehle vor oder nach "
+"jedem Schritt einzuspeisen, ohne den Schritt selbst zu beeinflussen."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:40
+msgid "Injecting commands before or after a step"
+msgstr "Befehle vor oder nach einem Schritt einspeisen"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:42
+msgid ""
+"I<Note>: This feature requires debhelper 12.8 or later plus the package must "
+"use compatibility mode 10 or later."
+msgstr ""
+"I<Hinweis>: Diese Funktionalität erfordert Debhelper 12.8 oder neuer, zudem "
+"muss das Paket Kompatibilitätsmodus 10 oder neuer nutzen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:45
+msgid ""
+"To inject commands before I<dh_command>, add a target named "
+"B<execute_before_>I<dh_command> to the rules files. Similarly, if you want "
+"to inject commands after I<dh_command>, add the target "
+"B<execute_after_>I<dh_command>. Both targets can be used for the same "
+"I<dh_command> and also even if the command is overridden (as described in L</"
+"Overriding a command> below)."
+msgstr ""
+"Um Befehle vor I<dh_Befehl> einzuspeisen, fügen Sie den Rules-Dateien ein "
+"Ziel namens B<execute_before_>I<dh_Befehl> hinzu. Genauso fügen Sie, wenn "
+"Sie nach I<dh_Befehl> Befehle einspeisen wollen, "
+"B<execute_after_>I<dh_Befehl> hinzu. Beide Ziele können für denselben "
+"I<dh_Befehl> benutzt werden und das sogar dann, wenn der Befehl außer Kraft "
+"gesetzt wurde (wie nachfolgend in L</Einen Befehl außer Kraft setzen> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:52
+msgid ""
+"When these targets are defined, B<dh> will call the targets respectively "
+"before or after it would invoke I<dh_command> (or its override target)."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn diese Ziele definiert sind, wird B<dh> die Ziele vor beziehungsweise "
+"nach dem Aufruf von I<dh_Befehl> (oder dessen Override-Ziel) aufrufen."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:55
+msgid "Overriding a command"
+msgstr "Einen Befehl außer Kraft setzen"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:57
+msgid ""
+"To override I<dh_command>, add a target named B<override_>I<dh_command> to "
+"the rules file. When it would normally run I<dh_command>, B<dh> will instead "
+"call that target. The override target can then run the command with "
+"additional options, or run entirely different commands instead. See examples "
+msgstr ""
+"Um I<dh_Befehl> außer Kraft zu setzen, fügen Sie der Datei »rules« ein Ziel "
+"mit Namen B<override_>I<dh_Befehl> hinzu. Sobald es normalerweise "
+"I<dh_Befehl> ausführen würde, wird B<dh> stattdessen dieses Ziel aufrufen. "
+"Das Override-Ziel kann dann den Befehl mit zusätzlichen Optionen oder "
+"stattdessen ganz andere Befehle ausführen. Siehe die folgenden Beispiele."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:63
+msgid "Architecture dependent/independent override and hook targets"
+msgstr "Architekturabhängige/-unabhängige Override- und Hook-Ziele"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:65
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The override and hook targets can also be defined to run only when "
+#| "building architecture dependent or architecture independent packages. Use "
+#| "targets with names like B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch> and "
+#| "B<execute_after>I<dh_command>B<-indep>."
+msgid ""
+"The override and hook targets can also be defined to run only when building "
+"architecture dependent or architecture independent packages. Use targets "
+"with names like B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch> and "
+msgstr ""
+"Die Override- und Hook-Ziele können so definiert werden, dass sie nur "
+"ausgeführt werden, wenn architekturabhängige bzw. -unabhängige Pakete gebaut "
+"werden. Benutzen Sie dazu Ziele mit Namen wie B<override_>I<dh_Befehl>B<-"
+"arch> und B<override_>I<dh_Befehl>B<-indep>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:70
+msgid ""
+"This feature is available since debhelper 8.9.7 (for override targets) and "
+"12.8 (for hook targets)."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Funktionalität ist seit Debhelper 8.9.7 (für Override-Ziele) und 12.8 "
+"(für Hook-Ziele) verfügbar."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:73
+msgid "Completely empty targets"
+msgstr "Komplett leere Ziele"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:75
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "As a special optimization, B<dh> will skip a target if it is completely "
+#| "empty. This is mostly useful for override targets, where the command "
+#| "will simply be skipped without the overhead of invoking a dummy target."
+msgid ""
+"As a special optimization, B<dh> will skip a target if it is completely "
+"empty and does not depend on any other target. This is mostly useful for "
+"override targets, where the command will simply be skipped without the "
+"overhead of invoking a dummy target."
+msgstr ""
+"Als besondere Optimierung wird B<dh> ein Ziel überspringen, falls es "
+"komplett leer ist. Dies eignet sich für Override-Ziele, bei denen der Befehl "
+"einfach nur übersprungen und so der Mehraufwand beim Aufruf eines "
+"Scheinziels eingespart wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:80
+msgid "Note that the target has to be completely empty for this to work:"
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, das das Ziel komplett leer sein muss, damit dies funktioniert."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:82
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Skip dh_bar - the good and optimized way\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_bar goes here\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # überspringt dh_bar auf die gute und optimierte Art\n"
+" # hier wird eine Begründung zum Überspringen von dh_bar eingefügt\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:87
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Skip dh_foo - the slow way\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_foo goes here\n"
+" # (these comments causes a dummy target to be run)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # überspringt dh_foo auf die langsame Art\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" # hier wird eine Begründung des Überspringens von dh_foo eingefügt\n"
+" # (diese Kommentare verursachen die Ausführung eines Scheinziels)\n"
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:92
+msgid "Verifying targets are picked up by dh"
+msgstr "Überprüfung, dass Ziele von dh aufgenommen werden"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:94
+msgid ""
+"As of debhelper 13.10, you can use L<dh_assistant(1)> to see which override "
+"and hook targets will be seen by B<dh>. Here is an example run of "
+"L<dh_assistant(1)> along with its output:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:98
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ dh_assistant detect-hook-targets\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"commands-not-in-path\": [\n"
+" \"dh_foo\"\n"
+" ],\n"
+" \"hook-targets\": [\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"command\": \"dh_strip_nondeterminism\",\n"
+" \"is-empty\": true,\n"
+" \"package-section-param\": null,\n"
+" \"target-name\": \"override_dh_strip_nondeterminism\"\n"
+" },\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"command\": \"dh_foo\",\n"
+" \"is-empty\": false,\n"
+" \"package-section-param\": \"-a\",\n"
+" \"target-name\": \"override_dh_foo-arch\"\n"
+" }\n"
+" ]\n"
+" }\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:119
+msgid ""
+"The B<commands-not-in-path> is useful for spotting mistakes in the hook "
+"target names. A non-empty value implies one of more hook targets are "
+"related to a command that is either not installed or no command with that "
+"name exists at all. It is generally worth double checking these."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:124
+msgid ""
+"Additionally, the B<is-empty> attribute for each hook target can be used for "
+"seeing whether a hook target triggers the L</Completely empty targets> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:127
+msgid ""
+"If you are interested in the other attributes, please read the "
+"L<dh_assistant(1)> for the details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head3
+#: dh:130
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Verifying targets are picked up by dh"
+msgid ""
+"Verifying targets are picked up by dh (when debhelper is older than 13.10)"
+msgstr "Überprüfung, dass Ziele von dh aufgenommen werden"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:134
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If you want to confirm that B<dh> has seen an override or a hook target, "
+#| "you can use the following command as an example:"
+msgid ""
+"On older versions of debhelper, you have to use B<dh> with B<--no-act>. You "
+"can use the following command as an example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Um zu bestätigen, dass B<dh> ein Override- oder Hook-Ziel gefunden hat, "
+"können Sie beispielsweise folgenden Befehl verwenden:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:137
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ dh binary --no-act | grep dh_install | head -n5\n"
+" dh_installdirs\n"
+" dh_install\n"
+" debian/rules execute_after_dh_install\n"
+" dh_installdocs\n"
+" dh_installchangelogs\n"
+msgstr ""
+" $ dh binary --no-act | grep dh_install | head -n5\n"
+" dh_installdirs\n"
+" dh_install\n"
+" debian/rules execute_after_dh_install\n"
+" dh_installdocs\n"
+" dh_installchangelogs\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:144
+msgid ""
+"The B<debian/rules execute_after_dh_install> in the output, which signals "
+"that B<dh> registered a B<execute_after_dh_install> target and would run it "
+"directly after L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Das B<debian/rules execute_after_dh_install> in der Ausgabe zeigt an, dass "
+"B<dh> ein B<execute_after_dh_install>-Ziel registriert hat und es direkt "
+"nach L<dh_install(1)> ausführen würde."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:148
+msgid ""
+"Note that L</Completely empty targets> will be omitted in the listing "
+"above. This makes it a bit harder to spot as you are looking for the "
+"omission of a command name. But otherwise, the principle remains the same."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass L</Komplett leere Ziele> im oberen Listing weggelassen "
+"wurde. Damit wird es etwas schwieriger zu finden, weil Sie nach der "
+"Weglassung eines Befehlsnamens suchen. Aber andererseits bleibt das Prinzip "
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:152
+msgid "Caveats with hook targets and makefile conditionals"
+msgstr "Vorbehalte bei Hook-Zielen und Makefile-Bedingungen (conditionals)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:154
+msgid ""
+"If you choose to wrap a hook target in makefile conditionals, please be "
+"aware that B<dh> computes all the hook targets a head of time and caches the "
+"result for that run. Furthermore, the conditionals will be invoked again "
+"when B<dh> calls the hook target later and will assume the answer did not "
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, ein Hook-Target in Makefile-Bedingungen "
+"einzubetten, seien Sie sich bitte bewusst, dass B<dh> alle Hook-Targets im "
+"Voraus berechnet und die Rechenergebnisse zwischenspeichert. Darüber hinaus "
+"werden die Bedingungen später wieder ausgelöst, wenn B<dh> das Hook-Target "
+"aufruft, und es wird dabei davon ausgehen, dass sich die Ergebnisse nicht "
+"geändert haben."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:160
+msgid ""
+"The parsing and caching I<often> happens before B<dh> knows whether it will "
+"build arch:any (-a) or/and arch:all (-i) packages, which can produce "
+"confusing results - especially when L<dh_listpackages(1)> is part of the "
+msgstr ""
+"Die Auswertung und das Zwischenspeichern passieren I<oft> schon, bevor B<dh> "
+"weiß, ob es Pakete für arch:any (-a) und/oder arch:all (-i) bauen wird, und "
+"kann deswegen verwirrende Resultate erzielen – vor allem, wenn "
+"L<dh_listpackages(1)> Teil der Bedingung ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:165
+msgid ""
+"Most of the problems can be avoided by making the hook target unconditional "
+"and then have the \"body\" be partially or completely conditional. As an "
+msgstr ""
+"Die meisten Probleme lassen sich vermeiden, indem das Hook-Ziel von "
+"Bedingungen befreit wird und danach der »body«-Teil teilweise oder komplett "
+"konditional gemacht wird. Beispielsweise:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:169
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. The hook target\n"
+" # is always considered. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional but dh_foo is definitely skipped.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, \"maybe run this\"\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # EINFACH: Es ist durchdefiniert, was passieren wird. Das Hook-Ziel \n"
+" # wird immer berücksichtigt. Der »vielleicht ausführen«-Teil hat eine \n"
+" # Bedingung, aber dh_foo wird mit Sicherheit übersprungen.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Hinweis: Der Bedingungsteil wird »zweimal« untersucht, bevor er \n"
+" # beeinflusst, was passiert. Einmal, wenn dh nachsieht, welche \n"
+" # Hook-Ziele vorkommen und das zweite Mal, wenn das Hook-Ziel override_dh_foo \n"
+" # ausgeführt wird. Falls *eines* davon FALSE zurückliefert, wird »vielleicht \n"
+" # ausführen« übersprungen.\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" vielleicht ausführen\n"
+" endif\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:183
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # EINFACH: Dies hier ist genaus durchdefiniert. Das Hook-Ziel wird immer \n"
+" # ausgeführt und dh_bar wird übersprungen. Der »vielleicht ausführen«-Teil ist \n"
+" # bedingt, so wie man es erwarten würde.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Hinweis: Die Bedingung wird trotzdem mehrmals überprüft (jedes \n"
+" # Mal in einem anderen Prozess). Nur die Untersuchung während des \n"
+" # Laufs des Hook-Ziels beeinflusst, was passiert.\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" : # Scheinbefehl, der erzwingt, dass das Ziel immer ausgeführt wird\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" vielleicht ausführen\n"
+" endif\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:198
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Here, either dh_baz is run normally OR \"maybe run this\" is run\n"
+" # instead.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # And it gets even more complicated to reason about if dh needs to\n"
+" # recurse into debian/rules because you have an \"explicit\"\n"
+" # standard target (e.g. a \"build-arch:\" target separate from \"%:\").\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz:\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # KOMPLIZIERT: Dieser Fall ist ggf. nicht trivial und hat seine Haken.\n"
+" # Benutzen Sie es auf eigene Verantwortung, wenn dh_listpackages in der Bedingung steckt.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Hier wird entweder dh_baz normal ODER stattdessen »vielleicht ausführen« ausgeführt.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Es wird noch komplizierter, wenn die Frage aufkommt, ob dh in \n"
+" # debian/rules rekursiv arbeiten muss, weil Sie ein »explicit« Standardziel \n"
+" # (z. B. ein »build-arch:«-Ziel, das von »%:« getrennt ist) haben.\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz:\n"
+" vielleicht ausführen\n"
+" endif\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:212
+msgid ""
+"These recipes are also relevant for conditional dependency targets, which "
+"are often seen in a variant of the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Rezepte funktionieren auch bei bedingten Abhängigkeitszielen, die oft "
+"in einer Abwandlung des folgenden Beispiels anzutreffen sind:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:215
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" COND_TASKS =\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" COND_TASKS += maybe-run-this\n"
+" endif\n"
+" ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" COND_TASKS =\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" COND_TASKS += vielleicht-ausführen\n"
+" endif\n"
+" ...\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:221
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" maybe-run-this:\n"
+" ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" vielleicht-ausführen:\n"
+" ...\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:224
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. Either the\n"
+" # $(COND_TASKS) are skipped or run.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # EINFACH: Es ist durchdefiniert, was passiert. Die \n"
+" # $(COND_TASKS) werden entweder übersprungen oder nicht.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Hinweis: Die Bedingung wird »zweimal« überprüft und beeinflusst immer, \n"
+" # was passiert. Einmal, wenn dh nachsieht, welche Hook-Ziele \n"
+" # vorhanden sind, und einmal, wenn das Hook-Ziel override_dh_foo \n"
+" # ausgeführt wird. Wenn bei *einem* der beiden Male ein FALSE # zurückgeliefert wird, wird $(COND_TASKS) übersprungen\n"
+" override_dh_foo: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:235
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The $(COND_TASKS) bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # EINFACH: Dieses hier ist genauso durchdefiniert. Das Hook-Ziel \n"
+" # wird ausgeführt und dh_bar wird übersprungen. Der $(COND_TASKS)-Teil \n"
+" # ist so bedingt wie man erwarten würde.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Hinweis: Die Bedingung wird trotzdem mehrmals überprüft (jedes # Mal in einem anderen Prozess. Nur die Überprüfung während des Laufs des \n"
+" # Hook-Ziels beeinflusst, was passiert.\n"
+" override_dh_bar: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" : # Scheinbefehl, der das Ziel zwingt, immer ausgeführt zu werden\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:246
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # KOMPLIZIERT: Dieser Fall kann kompliziert sein und seine Haken haben.\n"
+" # Verwenden Sie es auf Ihre eigene Verantwortung, wenn dh_listpackages in der Bedingung vorkommt.\n"
+" #\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" endif\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:254
+msgid ""
+"When in doubt, pick the relevant B<SIMPLE> case in the examples above that "
+"match your need."
+msgstr ""
+"Im Zweifelsfall suchen Sie sich eins der B<EINFACHEN> Fallbeispiele aus, "
+"welches zu Ihrem Bedarf passt."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:257 dh_auto_build:32 dh_auto_clean:33 dh_auto_configure:35
+#: dh_auto_install:52 dh_auto_test:34 dh_bugfiles:53 dh_builddeb:34 dh_clean:49
+#: dh_compress:52 dh_dwz:26 dh_fixperms:40 dh_gencontrol:38 dh_icons:33
+#: dh_install:69 dh_installcatalogs:56 dh_installchangelogs:77
+#: dh_installcron:45 dh_installdeb:107 dh_installdebconf:64 dh_installdirs:45
+#: dh_installdocs:100 dh_installemacsen:56 dh_installexamples:48
+#: dh_installifupdown:42 dh_installinfo:41 dh_installinit:77
+#: dh_installinitramfs:43 dh_installlogcheck:45 dh_installlogrotate:25
+#: dh_installman:86 dh_installmanpages:43 dh_installmenu:44
+#: dh_installmodules:41 dh_installpam:38 dh_installppp:38 dh_installudev:34
+#: dh_installwm:41 dh_link:69 dh_makeshlibs:67 dh_md5sums:31 dh_movefiles:41
+#: dh_perl:35 dh_prep:29 dh_shlibdeps:30 dh_strip:38 dh_testdir:26
+#: dh_usrlocal:50 dh_systemd_enable:82 dh_systemd_start:33
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr "OPTIONEN"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:261
+msgid "B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]"
+msgstr "B<--with> I<Erweiterung>[B<,>I<Add-on> …]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:263
+msgid ""
+"Add the debhelper commands specified by the given addon to appropriate "
+"places in the sequence of commands that is run. This option can be repeated "
+"more than once, or multiple addons can be listed, separated by commas. This "
+"is used when there is a third-party package that provides debhelper "
+"commands. See the F<PROGRAMMING> file for documentation about the sequence "
+"addon interface."
+msgstr ""
+"fügt die Debhelper-Befehle, die durch die genannte Erweiterung angegeben "
+"wurden an geeigneten Stellen der ausgeführten Befehlssequenz hinzu. Diese "
+"Option kann mehr als einmal wiederholt werden oder es können mehrere Add-ons "
+"durch Kommas getrennt aufgeführt werden. Dies wird benutzt, wenn es ein "
+"Fremdpaket gibt, das Debhelper-Befehle bereitstellt. Dokumentation über die "
+"Sequenz-Erweiterungsschnittstelle finden Sie in der Datei F<PROGRAMMING>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:270
+msgid ""
+"A B<Build-Depends> relation on the package B<dh-sequence->I<addon> implies a "
+"B<--with> I<addon>. This avoids the need for an explicit B<--with> in "
+"F<debian/rules> that only duplicates what is already declared via the build "
+"dependencies in F<debian/control>. The relation can (since 12.5) be made "
+"optional via e.g. build-profiles. This enables you to easily disable an "
+"addon that is only useful with certain profiles (e.g. to facilitate "
+msgstr ""
+"Eine B<Build-Depends>-Beziehung zum Paket B<dh-sequence->I<Erweiterung> "
+"setzt eine B<--with>-I<Erweiterung> voraus. Das vermeidet, dass ein "
+"explizites B<--with> in F<debian/rules> benötigt wird, das nur dupliziert, "
+"was bereits über die Bauabhängigkeiten in F<debian/control> erklärt wurde. "
+"Die Beziehung kann (seit 12.5) optional gemacht werden, z. B. über "
+"Bauprofile. Dies versetzt Sie in die Lage, einfach eine Erweiterung zu "
+"deaktivieren, die nur zu einem bestimmten Profil passt (z. B. um "
+"Bootstrapping zu erleichtern)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:279
+msgid ""
+"Since debhelper 12.5, addons can also be activated in B<indep>-only mode "
+"(via B<Build-Depends-Indep>) or B<arch>-only mode (via B<Build-Depends-"
+"Arch>). Such addons are only active in the particular sequence (e.g. "
+"B<binary-indep>) which simplifies dependency management for cross-builds."
+msgstr ""
+"Ab Debhelper 12.5 können Erweiterungen auch im reinen B<indep>-Modus (über "
+"B<Build-Depends-Indep>) oder reinen B<arch>-Modus (über B<Build-Depends-"
+"Arch>) aktiviert werden. Derartige Erweiterungen sind nur in der bestimmten "
+"Sequenz aktiv (z. B. B<binary-indep>), die Abhängigkeitsverwaltung für Cross-"
+"Bauen vereinfachen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:285
+msgid ""
+"Please note that addons activated via B<Build-Depends-Indep> or B<Build-"
+"Depends-Arch> are subject to additional limitations to ensure the result is "
+"deterministic even when the addon is unavailable (e.g. during clean). This "
+"implies that some addons are incompatible with these restrictions and can "
+"only be used via B<Build-Depends> (or manually via F<debian/rules>). "
+"Currently, such addons can only add commands to sequences."
+msgstr ""
+"Bitte beachten Sie, dass Erweiterungen, die über B<Build-Depends-Indep> oder "
+"B<Build-Depends-Arch> aktiviert wurden, zusätzlichen Beschränkungen "
+"unterliegen, die sicherzustellen, dass das Ergebnis sogar dann "
+"deterministisch ist, wenn die Erweiterung nicht verfügbar ist (z. B. während "
+"des Aufräumens). Dies impliziert, dass einige Erweiterungen mit diesen "
+"Beschränkungen inkompatibel sind und nur über B<Build-Depends> (oder manuell "
+"ber F<debian/rules>) benutzt werden können. Derzeit können derartige "
+"Erweiterungen nur Befehle zu Sequenzen hinzufügen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:293
+msgid "B<--without> I<addon>"
+msgstr "B<--without> I<Erweiterung>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:295
+msgid ""
+"The inverse of B<--with>, disables using the given addon. This option can be "
+"repeated more than once, or multiple addons to disable can be listed, "
+"separated by commas."
+msgstr ""
+"das Gegenteil von B<--with>, deaktiviert die Benutzung der angegebenen "
+"Erweiterung. Diese Option kann mehrfach wiederholt werden oder es können "
+"mehrere Erweiterungen zum Deaktivieren durch Kommas getrennt aufgelistet "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:301
+msgid "List all available addons."
+msgstr "listet alle verfügbaren Erweiterungen auf."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:303
+msgid ""
+"When called only with this option, B<dh> can be called from any directory (i."
+"e. it does not need access to files from a source package)."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn es nur mit dieser Option aufgerufen wird, kann B<dh> aus jedem "
+"Verzeichnis aufgerufen werden (d.h. es benötigt keinen Zugriff auf Dateien "
+"aus einem Quellpaket)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:309
+msgid ""
+"Prints commands that would run for a given sequence, but does not run them."
+msgstr ""
+"gibt Befehle aus, die für eine angegebene Sequenz ausgeführt würden, führt "
+"sie aber nicht aus"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:311
+msgid ""
+"Note that dh normally skips running commands that it knows will do nothing. "
+"With --no-act, the full list of commands in a sequence is printed."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass dh normalerweise die Ausführung von Befehlen, von denen "
+"es weiß, dass sie nichts tun, überspringt. Mit »--no-act« wird die "
+"vollständige Liste der Befehle der Reihe nach ausgegeben."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:316
+msgid ""
+"Other options passed to B<dh> are passed on to each command it runs. This "
+"can be used to set an option like B<-v> or B<-X> or B<-N>, as well as for "
+"more specialised options."
+msgstr ""
+"Andere an B<dh> übergebene Optionen werden an jeden Befehl, den es ausführt, "
+"weitergereicht. Damit kann eine Option wie B<-v>, B<-X> oder B<-N> sowie "
+"spezialisiertere Optionen gesetzt werden."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:320 dh_install:332 dh_installdocs:191 dh_installman:117 dh_link:91
+#: dh_makeshlibs:185 dh_shlibdeps:78
+msgid "EXAMPLES"
+msgstr "BEISPIELE"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:322
+msgid ""
+"To see what commands are included in a sequence, without actually doing "
+msgstr ""
+"Um zu sehen, welche Befehle in einer Sequenz enthalten sind, ohne "
+"tatsächlich etwas zu tun, geben Sie Folgendes ein:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:325
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tdh binary-arch --no-act\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tdh binary-arch --no-act\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:327
+msgid ""
+"This is a very simple rules file, for packages where the default sequences "
+"of commands work with no additional options."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist eine sehr einfache »rules«-Datei für Pakete, bei denen die "
+"vorgegebenen Befehlssequenzen ohne zusätzliche Optionen arbeiten."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:330 dh:337 dh:351 dh:364 dh:375 dh:433 dh:444
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:334
+msgid ""
+"Often you'll want to pass an option to a specific debhelper command. The "
+"easy way to do with is by adding an override target for that command."
+msgstr ""
+"Oft möchten Sie eine Option an einen speziellen Debhelper-Befehl übergeben. "
+"Der einfachste Weg, dies zu tun, besteht darin, ein Override-Ziel für diesen "
+"Befehl hinzuzufügen."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:341
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tdh_strip -Xfoo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tdh_strip -Xfoo\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:344
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:347
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes the automated L<dh_auto_configure(1)> and L<dh_auto_build(1)> "
+"can't guess what to do for a strange package. Here's how to avoid running "
+"either and instead run your own commands."
+msgstr ""
+"Manchmal ist ein Paket den L<dh_auto_configure(1)> und L<dh_auto_build(1)> "
+"so fremd, dass sie nicht automaitsch einschätzen können, was daran zu machen "
+"ist. Um ihre Ausführung zu verhindern und stattdessen Ihre eigenen Befehle "
+"einzusetzen, schreiben Sie Folgendes: "
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:355
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:358
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tmake universe-explode-in-delight\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:361
+msgid ""
+"Another common case is wanting to do something manually before or after a "
+"particular debhelper command is run."
+msgstr ""
+"Ein weiterer häufiger Fall ist, dass Sie vor oder nach der Ausführung eines "
+"besonderen Debhelper-Befehls manuell etwas tun möchten."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:368
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# Beispiel geht von Debhelper/12.8 und Kompatibilitätsstufe 10+ aus\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:372
+msgid ""
+"If you are on an older debhelper or compatibility level, the above example "
+"would have to be written as."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie auf einer älteren Debhelper-Kompatibilitätsstufe sind, würde das "
+"Beispiel wie folgt aussehen:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:379
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Older debhelper versions or using compat 9 or lower.\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# ältere Debhelper-Versionen oder Verwendung von Kompatibilitätsstufe 9\n"
+"\t#und niedriger\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:384
+msgid ""
+"Python tools are not run by dh by default, due to the continual change in "
+"that area. Here is how to use B<dh_python2>."
+msgstr ""
+"Python-Werkzeuge werden aufgrund ständiger Änderungen in diesem Bereich "
+"nicht standardmäßig von dh ausgeführt. Sie können B<dh_python2> "
+"folgendermaßen benutzen."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:387
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --with python2\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --with python2\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:391
+msgid ""
+"Here is how to force use of Perl's B<Module::Build> build system, which can "
+"be necessary if debhelper wrongly detects that the package uses MakeMaker."
+msgstr ""
+"So wird die Benutzung von Perls Bausystem B<Module::Build> erzwungen wird, "
+"was nötig sein kann, falls Debhelper fälschlicherweise feststellt, dass das "
+"Programm MakeMaker verwendet."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:395
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --buildsystem=perl_build\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --buildsystem=perl_build\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:399
+msgid ""
+"Here is an example of overriding where the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands find the "
+"package's source, for a package where the source is located in a "
+msgstr ""
+"Hier ein Beispiel für das außer Kraft setzen, wobei die B<dh_auto_>I<*>-"
+"Befehle den Paketquelltext für ein Paket finden, bei dem der Quelltext in "
+"einem Unterverzeichnis liegt."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:403
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --sourcedirectory=src\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --sourcedirectory=src\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:407
+msgid ""
+"And here is an example of how to tell the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands to build "
+"in a subdirectory, which will be removed on B<clean>."
+msgstr ""
+"Und hier ist ein Beispiel, wie B<dh_auto_>I<*>-Befehlen mitgeteilt wird, "
+"dass in einem Unterverzeichnis gebaut wird, das beim B<Aufräumen> entfernt "
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:410
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --builddirectory=build\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --builddirectory=build\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:414
+msgid ""
+"If your package can be built in parallel, please either use compat 10 or "
+"pass B<--parallel> to dh. Then B<dpkg-buildpackage -j> will work."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Ihr Paket parallel gebaut werden kann, benutzen Sie bitte entweder "
+"Kompatibilitätsmodus 10 oder übergeben Sie B<--parallel> an Dh. Dann wird "
+"B<dpkg-buildpackage -j> funktionieren."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:417
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --parallel\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --parallel\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:421
+msgid ""
+"If your package cannot be built reliably while using multiple threads, "
+"please pass B<--no-parallel> to dh (or the relevant B<dh_auto_>I<*> command):"
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Ihr Paket nicht verlässlich unter Verwendung mehrerer Threads gebaut "
+"werden kann, übergeben Sie bitte B<--no-parallel> an Dh (oder den "
+"zuständigen B<dh_auto_>I<*>-Befehl):"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:426
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --no-parallel\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --no-parallel\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:430
+msgid ""
+"Here is a way to prevent B<dh> from running several commands that you don't "
+"want it to run, by defining empty override targets for each command."
+msgstr ""
+"Es folgt eine Möglichkeit, die Ausführung mehrerer Befehle, die Sie nicht "
+"ausführen möchten, durch B<dh> zu verhindern, indem Sie leere Override-Ziele "
+"für jeden Befehl definieren."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:437
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Commands not to run:\n"
+"\toverride_dh_auto_test override_dh_compress override_dh_fixperms:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# nicht auszuführende Befehle:\n"
+"\toverride_dh_auto_test override_dh_compress override_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:440
+msgid ""
+"A long build process for a separate documentation package can be separated "
+"out using architecture independent overrides. These will be skipped when "
+"running build-arch and binary-arch sequences."
+msgstr ""
+"Ein langer Bauprozess für ein separates Dokumentationspaket kann durch "
+"Benutzung von architekturabhängigen Außerkraftsetzungen (Overrides) "
+"abgetrennt werden. Diese Ziele werden übersprungen, wenn »build-arch«- und "
+"»binary-arch«-Sequenzen ausgeführt werden."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:448
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:451
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# No tests needed for docs\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# Keine Tests für Dokumente nötig\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs install\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs install\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:457
+msgid ""
+"Adding to the example above, suppose you need to chmod a file, but only when "
+"building the architecture dependent package, as it's not present when "
+"building only documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"Angenommen, Sie möchten zusätzlich zum vorhergehenden Beispiel die "
+"Dateimodusbits einer Datei ändern, aber nur, wenn Sie ein "
+"architekturabhängiges Paket bauen, da sie beim Bauen der Dokumentation nicht "
+"vorhanden ist."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:461
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# Beispiel geht von Debhelper/12.8 und Kompatibilitätsstufe 10+ aus\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:465
+#, fuzzy
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:467
+msgid ""
+"The primary purpose of B<dh> addons is to provide easy integration with "
+"third-party provided features for debhelper. However, debhelper itself also "
+"provide a few sequences that can be useful in some cases. These are "
+"documented in this list:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:474
+msgid "build-stamp"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:476
+msgid ""
+"A special addon for controlling whether B<dh> (in compat 10 or later) will "
+"create stamp files to tell whether the build target has been run "
+"successfully. See L</INTERNALS> for more details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:480
+msgid ""
+"This addon is active by default but can disabled by using B<dh $@ --without "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:483
+msgid "dwz (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:485
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_dwz(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below. Obsolete in "
+"compat 12 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:488
+msgid "elf-tools"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:490
+msgid ""
+"This addon adds tools related to ELF files to the sequence such as "
+"L<dh_strip(1)> and L<dh_shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:493
+msgid ""
+"This addon is I<conditionally> active by default for architecture specific "
+"packages - that is, it is skipped for arch:all packages. In the special "
+"case where you need these tools to work on arch:all packages, you can use "
+"B<--with elf-tools> to activate it unconditionally."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:499
+msgid "installinitramfs (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:501
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_installinitramfs(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below. "
+"Obsolete in compat 12 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:504
+msgid "root-sequence (internal)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:506
+msgid "This is reserved for internal usage."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:508
+msgid "single-binary"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:510
+msgid ""
+"A special-purpose addon that makes debhelper run in \"single binary\" mode."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:512
+msgid ""
+"When active, it will pass B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to "
+"L<dh_auto_install(1)>. This makes every file \"installed\" by the upstream "
+"build system part of the (only) binary package by default without having to "
+"use other helpers such as L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:517
+msgid ""
+"The addon will refuse to activate when the source package lists 2 or more "
+"binary packages in F<debian/control> as a precaution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:520
+msgid ""
+"Before compat 15. this behaviour was the default when there was only a "
+"single binary package listed in F<debian/control>. In compat 15 and later, "
+"this addon must explicitly be activated for this feature to work."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:524
+msgid ""
+"The rationale for requiring this as an explicit choice is that if it is "
+"implicit then debhelper will silently change behaviour on adding a new "
+"binary package. This has caused many RC bugs when maintainers renamed a "
+"binary and added transitional packages with the intention of supporting "
+"seamless upgrades. The result would often be two empty binary packages that "
+"were uploaded to archive with users frustrated as their \"upgrade\" removed "
+"their programs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:532
+msgid "systemd (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:534
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_systemd_enable(1)> and L<dh_systemd_start(1)> to the sequence in "
+"compat level 10 or below. Obsolete in compat 11 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:539
+msgid "INTERNALS"
+msgstr "INTERNA"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:541
+msgid ""
+"If you're curious about B<dh>'s internals, here's how it works under the "
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie neugierig auf die Interna von B<dh> sind, ist hier beschrieben, "
+"wie es unter der Haube arbeitet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:543
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 (or later), B<dh> creates a stamp file F<debian/debhelper-build-"
+"stamp> after the build step(s) are complete to avoid re-running them. It is "
+"possible to avoid the stamp file by passing B<--without=build-stamp> to "
+"B<dh>. This makes \"no clean\" builds behave more like what some people "
+"expect at the expense of possibly running the build and test twice (the "
+"second time as root or under L<fakeroot(1)>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Im Kompatibilitätsmodus 10 (oder höher) erzeugt B<dh> eine Stempeldatei "
+"F<debian/debhelper-build-stamp>, nachdem die Bauschritte abgeschlossen sind, "
+"um ein erneutes Ausführen zu vermeiden. Es ist möglich, die Stempeldatei zu "
+"verhindern, indem B<--without=build-stamp> an B<dh> übergeben wird. Dies "
+"sorgt dafür, dass »unsauber« gebaute Pakete sich eher so verhalten, wie es "
+"manche Leute erwarten. Allerdings wird der Bau und das Testen möglicherweise "
+"zweimal ausgeführt (das zweite Mal als root oder unter L<fakeroot(1)>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:551
+msgid ""
+"Inside an override target, B<dh_*> commands will create a log file F<debian/"
+"package.debhelper.log> to keep track of which packages the command(s) have "
+"been run for. These log files are then removed once the override target is "
+msgstr ""
+"Innerhalb eines Override-Ziels werden B<dh_*>-Befehle eine F<debian/package."
+"debhelper.log>-Protokolldatei erzeugen, um den Überblick zu behalten, für "
+"welche Pakete die Befehle ausgeführt wurden. Diese Protokolldateien werden "
+"entfernt, sobald die Override-Ziele erledigt sind."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:556
+msgid ""
+"In compat 9 or earlier, each debhelper command will record when it's "
+"successfully run in F<debian/package.debhelper.log>. (Which B<dh_clean> "
+"deletes.) So B<dh> can tell which commands have already been run, for which "
+"packages, and skip running those commands again."
+msgstr ""
+"Im Kompatibilitätsmodus 9 oder älter wird jeder Debhelper-Befehl in F<debian/"
+"package.debhelper.log> aufgezeichnet, wenn er erfolgreich ausgeführt wurde. "
+"(Was durch B<dh_clean> gelöscht wird.) Daher kann B<dh> sagen, welche "
+"Befehle bereits für welche Pakete ausgeführt wurden und die erneute "
+"Ausführung dieser Befehle überspringen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:561
+msgid ""
+"Each time B<dh> is run (in compat 9 or earlier), it examines the log, and "
+"finds the last logged command that is in the specified sequence. It then "
+"continues with the next command in the sequence."
+msgstr ""
+"Jedes Mal, wenn B<dh> (im Kompatibilitätsmodus 9 oder älter) ausgeführt "
+"wird, geht es das Protokoll durch, um festzustellen, welcher Befehl in der "
+"angegebenen Sequenz zuletzt ausgeführt wurde. Es fährt dann mit dem nächsten "
+"Befehl fort."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:565
+msgid ""
+"A sequence can also run dependent targets in debian/rules. For example, the "
+"\"binary\" sequence runs the \"install\" target."
+msgstr ""
+"Eine Sequenz kann außerdem abhänge Ziele in debian/rules ausführen. Die "
+"Sequenz »binary« führt zum Beispiel das Ziel »install« aus."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:568
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> uses the B<DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS> environment variable to pass "
+"information through to debhelper commands that are run inside override "
+"targets. The contents (and indeed, existence) of this environment variable, "
+"as the name might suggest, is subject to change at any time."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> benutzt die Umgebungsvariable B<DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS>, um Informationen "
+"an die Debhelper-Befehle durchzureichen, die innerhalb der Ziele ausgeführt "
+"werden. Der Inhalt (und die tatsächliche Existenz) dieser Umgebungsvariable "
+"ist, wie der Name schon andeutet, Gegenstand dauernder Änderungen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:573
+msgid ""
+"Commands in the B<build-indep>, B<install-indep> and B<binary-indep> "
+"sequences are passed the B<-i> option to ensure they only work on "
+"architecture independent packages, and commands in the B<build-arch>, "
+"B<install-arch> and B<binary-arch> sequences are passed the B<-a> option to "
+"ensure they only work on architecture dependent packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Befehle in den Sequenzen B<build-indep>, B<install-indep> und B<binary-"
+"indep> werden an die Option B<-i> übergeben, um sicherzustellen, dass sie "
+"nur auf architekturunabhängigen Paketen funktionieren. Befehle in den "
+"Sequenzen B<build-arch>, B<install-arch> und B<binary-arch> werden an die "
+"Option B<-a> übergeben, um sicherzustellen, dass sie nur auf "
+"architekturabhängigen Paketen funktionieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:876 dh_auto_build:57 dh_auto_clean:59 dh_auto_configure:62
+#: dh_auto_install:107 dh_auto_test:68 dh_bugfiles:139 dh_builddeb:180
+#: dh_clean:193 dh_compress:247 dh_dwz:167 dh_fixperms:168 dh_gencontrol:212
+#: dh_icons:79 dh_install:381 dh_installchangelogs:369 dh_installcron:84
+#: dh_installdeb:423 dh_installdebconf:237 dh_installdirs:135
+#: dh_installdocs:441 dh_installemacsen:143 dh_installexamples:186
+#: dh_installifupdown:76 dh_installinfo:127 dh_installinit:417
+#: dh_installinitramfs:97 dh_installlogrotate:57 dh_installman:424
+#: dh_installmanpages:202 dh_installmenu:94 dh_installmime:67
+#: dh_installmodules:113 dh_installpam:75 dh_installppp:72 dh_installudev:106
+#: dh_installwm:134 dh_installxfonts:94 dh_link:170 dh_lintian:64
+#: dh_listpackages:38 dh_makeshlibs:460 dh_md5sums:122 dh_movefiles:165
+#: dh_perl:192 dh_prep:74 dh_shlibdeps:208 dh_strip:439 dh_testdir:66
+#: dh_testroot:97 dh_usrlocal:140
+msgid "This program is a part of debhelper."
+msgstr "Dieses Programm ist Teil von Debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:5
+msgid "dh_auto_build - automatically builds a package"
+msgstr "dh_auto_build - baut ein Paket automatisch"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> [S<I<Bausystemoptionen>>] [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [S<B<--"
+"> I<Parameter>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically build a "
+"package. It does so by running the appropriate command for the build system "
+"it detects the package uses. For example, if a F<Makefile> is found, this is "
+"done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If "
+"there's a F<>, or F<Build.PL>, it is run to build the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das versucht, ein Paket "
+"automatisch zu bauen. Dazu führt es einen geeigneten Befehl für dasjenige "
+"Bausystem aus, für das es ermittelt hat, dass es vom Paket benutzt wird. "
+"Falls zum Beispiel ein F<Makefile> gefunden wird, wird B<make> (oder "
+"B<MAKE>, falls die Umgebungsvariable gesetzt ist) verwendet. Falls es ein "
+"F<> oder F<Build.PL> gibt, wird dieses zum Bau des Pakets ausgeführt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:28
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, "
+"you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_build> at all, and just run the "
+"build process manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Es ist beabsichtigt, dass diese Vorgehensweise für 90% der Pakete "
+"funktioniert.Falls sie das nicht tut, möchten Sie bitte jegliche Benutzung "
+"von B<dh_auto_build> überspringen und den Bauprozess nur manuell ausführen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:34 dh_auto_clean:35 dh_auto_configure:37 dh_auto_install:54
+#: dh_auto_test:36
+msgid ""
+"See L<debhelper(7)/B<BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS>> for a list of common build "
+"system selection and control options."
+msgstr ""
+"Eine Liste der üblichen Bausystemauswahl- und Steueroptionen finden Sie in "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_auto_build:39 dh_auto_clean:40 dh_auto_configure:42 dh_auto_install:65
+#: dh_auto_test:41 dh_builddeb:48 dh_dwz:62 dh_gencontrol:42
+#: dh_installdebconf:72 dh_installinit:166 dh_makeshlibs:179 dh_shlibdeps:41
+msgid "B<--> I<params>"
+msgstr "B<--> I<Parameter>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:41
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_build> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Dem ausgeführten Programm I<Parameter> übergeben, und zwar nach den "
+"Parametern, die B<dh_auto_build> üblicherweise übergibt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:5
+msgid "dh_auto_clean - automatically cleans up after a build"
+msgstr "dh_auto_clean - räumt nach dem Bauen automatisch auf"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> [S<I<Bausystemoptionen>>] [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [S<B<--"
+"> I<Parameter>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically clean up "
+"after a package build. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a "
+"F<Makefile> and it contains a B<distclean>, B<realclean>, or B<clean> "
+"target, then this is done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment "
+"variable is set). If there is a F<> or F<Build.PL>, it is run to "
+"clean the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das versucht, nach dem Bau "
+"eines Pakets automatisch aufzuräumen. Dazu führt es einen entsprechenden "
+"Befehl für dasjenige Bausystem aus, von dem es ermittelt hat, dass es vom "
+"Paket benutzt wird. Falls es dort zum Beispiel ein F<Makefile> gibt und es "
+"ein B<distclean>-, B<realclean>- oder B<clean>-Ziel enthält, dann wird dies "
+"durch Ausführung von B<make> (oder B<MAKE>, falls die Umgebungsvariable "
+"gesetzt ist) erledigt. Falls es dort ein F<> oder F<Build.PL> gibt, "
+"wird dieses ausgeführt, um das Paket zu bereinigen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:29
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or "
+"tries to use the wrong clean target, you're encouraged to skip using "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> at all, and just run B<make clean> manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Vorgehensweise sollte für über 90% der Pakete funktionieren. Sollte "
+"sie es nicht tun oder versuchen, ein falsches Aufräum-Ziel zu benutzen, "
+"möchten Sie bitte B<dh_auto_clean> vollständig ignorieren und B<make clean> "
+"einfach per Hand ausführen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:42
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Dem ausgeführten Programm I<Parameter> übergeben, und zwar nach den "
+"Parametern, die B<dh_auto_clean> üblicherweise übergibt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:5
+msgid "dh_auto_configure - automatically configure a package prior to building"
+msgstr "dh_auto_configure - konfiguriert das Paket automatisch vor dem Bauen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> [S<I<Bausystemoptionen>>] [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<Parameter>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically "
+"configure a package prior to building. It does so by running the appropriate "
+"command for the build system it detects the package uses. For example, it "
+"looks for and runs a F<./configure> script, F<Makefile.PL>, F<Build.PL>, or "
+"F<cmake>. A standard set of parameters is determined and passed to the "
+"program that is run. Some build systems, such as make, do not need a "
+"configure step; for these B<dh_auto_configure> will exit without doing "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das versucht, ein Paket vor "
+"dem Bauen automatisch zu konfigurieren. Dazu führt es einen passenden Befehl "
+"desjenigen Bausystems aus, von dem es ermittelt hat, dass es vom Paket "
+"benutzt wird. Es sieht zum Beispiel nach, ob es ein F<./configure>-Skript, "
+"F<Makefile.PL>, F<Build.PL> oder F<cmake> gibt und führt es aus. Ein "
+"Standardsatz von Parametern wird festgelegt und an das Programm übergeben. "
+"Einige Bausysteme wie »make« benötigen keinen Konfigurationsschritt; für "
+"diese wird B<dh_auto_configure> beendet, ohne etwas zu tun."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:31
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, "
+"you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_configure> at all, and just run "
+"F<./configure> or its equivalent manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Es ist beabsichtigt, dass diese Vorgehensweise für über 90% der Pakete "
+"funktioniert. Falls sie das nicht tut, möchten Sie bitte "
+"B<dh_auto_configure> komplett ignorieren und nur F<./configure> oder etwas "
+"Vergleichbares per Hand ausführen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:44
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_configure> usually passes. For example:"
+msgstr ""
+"übergibt I<Parameter> nach den Parametern, die B<dh_auto_configure> "
+"normalerweise übergibt, an das laufende Programm. Zum Beispiel:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_auto_configure:47
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --enable-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --enable-bar\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:5
+msgid "dh_auto_install - automatically runs make install or similar"
+msgstr "dh_auto_install - führt »make install« oder Ähnliches aus"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:20
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> [S<I<Bausystemoptionen>>] [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<Parameter>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically "
+"install built files. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a "
+"F<Makefile> and it contains a B<install> target, then this is done by "
+"running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If there "
+"is a F<> or F<Build.PL>, it is used. Note that the Ant build system "
+"does not support installation, so B<dh_auto_install> will not install files "
+"built using Ant."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das versucht gebaute Dateien "
+"automatisch zu installieren. Dazu führt es einen geeigneten Befehl für "
+"dasjenige Bausystem aus, von dem es ermittelt hat, dass es vom Paket benutzt "
+"wird. Wenn es dort zum Beispiel ein F<Makefile> gibt und es ein B<install>-"
+"Ziel enthält, dann wird dies durch Ausführung von B<make> (oder B<MAKE>, "
+"falls die Umgebungsvariable gesetzt ist) erledigt. Falls es dort ein F<setup."
+"py> oder F<Build.PL> gibt, wird dieses verwandt. Beachten Sie, dass das "
+"Bausystem Ant keine Installation unterstützt. B<dh_auto_install> wird daher "
+"keine mit Ant gebauten Dateien installieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:32
+msgid ""
+"In compat 15 or later, B<dh_auto_install> will use F<debian/tmp> as the "
+"default B<--destdir> and should be moved from there to the appropriate "
+"package build directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools. Though if "
+"the B<single-binary> addon for L<dh(1)> is activated, then it will pass an "
+"explicit B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to B<dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:38
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Unless B<--destdir> option is specified, the files are installed into "
+#| "debian/I<package>/ if there is only one binary package. In the multiple "
+#| "binary package case, the files are instead installed into F<debian/tmp/>, "
+#| "and should be moved from there to the appropriate package build directory "
+#| "using L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgid ""
+"For earlier compat levels then unless B<--destdir> option is specified, the "
+"files are installed into debian/I<package>/ if there is only one binary "
+"package. In the multiple binary package case, the files are instead "
+"installed into F<debian/tmp/>, and should be moved from there to the "
+"appropriate package build directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools."
+msgstr ""
+"Sofern die Option B<--destdir> nicht angegeben ist und es nur ein binäres "
+"Paket gibt, werden die Dateien in debian/I<Paket>/ installiert. Im Fall "
+"mehrerer binärer Pakete werden die Dateien stattdessen in F<debian/tmp/> "
+"installiert und sollten von dort unter Benutzung von L<dh_install(1)> in das "
+"dazugehörige Bauverzeichnis des Pakets verschoben werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:44
+msgid ""
+"B<DESTDIR> is used to tell make where to install the files. If the Makefile "
+"was generated by MakeMaker from a F<Makefile.PL>, it will automatically set "
+"B<PREFIX=/usr> too, since such Makefiles need that."
+msgstr ""
+"B<DESTDIR> wird benutzt, um mitzuteilen, wo die Dateien installiert werden "
+"sollen. Falls das Makefile durch MakeMaker von einem F<Makefile.PL> erzeugt "
+"wurde, wird es automatisch auch B<PREFIX=/usr> setzen, da solche Makefiles "
+"dies erfordern."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:48
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or "
+"tries to use the wrong install target, you're encouraged to skip using "
+"B<dh_auto_install> at all, and just run make install manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Vorgehensweise sollte für über 90% der Pakete funktionieren. Falls sie "
+"das nicht tut oder versucht, das falsche Installationsziel zu verwenden, "
+"möchten Sie bitte B<dh_auto_install> komplett ignorieren und nur make "
+"install per Hand ausführen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_auto_install:59 dh_builddeb:38
+msgid "B<--destdir=>I<directory>"
+msgstr "B<--destdir=>I<Verzeichnis>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:61
+msgid ""
+"Install files into the specified I<directory>. If this option is not "
+"specified, destination directory is determined automatically as described in "
+"the L</B<DESCRIPTION>> section."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert Dateien in das angegebene I<Verzeichnis>. Falls diese Option "
+"nicht angegeben wurde, wird das Zielverzeichnis automatisch, wie im "
+"Abschnitt L</B<BESCHREIBUNG>> beschrieben, festgelegt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:67
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_install> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"übergibt I<Parameter> nach den Parametern, die B<dh_auto_install> "
+"normalerweise übergibt, an das laufende Programm."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:5
+msgid "dh_auto_test - automatically runs a package's test suites"
+msgstr "dh_auto_test - führt automatisch die Test-Suites eines Pakets aus"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> [S<I<Bausystemoptionen>>] [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [S<B<--"
+"> I<Parameter>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically run a "
+"package's test suite. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a Makefile "
+"and it contains a B<test> or B<check> target, then this is done by running "
+"B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If the test suite "
+"fails, the command will exit nonzero. If there's no test suite, it will exit "
+"zero without doing anything."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das versucht, automatisch eine "
+"Test-Suite eines Programms auszuführen. Dazu führt es einen geeigneten "
+"Befehl für dasjenige Bausystem aus, von dem es ermittelt hat, dass es vom "
+"Paket benutzt wird. Wenn es dort zum Beispiel ein Makefile gibt und dieses "
+"ein B<test>- oder B<check>-Ziel enthält, dann wird dies durch Ausführung von "
+"B<make> (oder B<MAKE>, falls die Umgebungsvariable gesetzt ist) erledigt. "
+"Falls die Test-Suite fehlschlägt, wird der Befehl mit einem Rückgabewert "
+"ungleich null beendet. Falls es dort keine Test-Suite gibt, wird er mit dem "
+"Rückgabewert null beendet, ohne etwas zu tun."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:30
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages with a test suite. If it "
+"doesn't work, you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_test> at all, and "
+"just run the test suite manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Es ist beabsichtigt, dass diese Vorgehensweise für über 90% der Pakete "
+"funktioniert. Falls sie das nicht tut, möchten Sie bitte B<dh_auto_test> "
+"komplett ignorieren und die Test-Suite per Hand ausführen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:43
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_test> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Ãœbergibt I<Parameter> nach den Parametern, die B<dh_auto_test> normalerweise "
+"übergibt, an das laufende Programm."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:50
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nocheck>, no "
+"tests will be performed."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls die Umgebungsvariable B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> B<nocheck> enthält, werden "
+"keine Tests durchgeführt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_bugfiles - install bug reporting customization files into package build "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_bugfiles - installiert Dateien zur Anpassung von Fehlerberichten in "
+"Bauverzeichnisse von Paketen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:17
+msgid "B<dh_bugfiles> [B<-A>] [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_bugfiles> [B<-A>] [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_bugfiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing bug "
+"reporting customization files (bug scripts and/or bug control files and/or "
+"presubj files) into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_bugfiles> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation von "
+"Dateien zur Anpassung von Fehlerberichten in Bauverzeichnissen von Paketen "
+"verantwortlich ist (Fehler-Skripte und/oder Fehler-Steuerdateien und/oder "
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_bugfiles:25 dh_clean:33 dh_compress:35 dh_install:40
+#: dh_installcatalogs:39 dh_installchangelogs:53 dh_installcron:24
+#: dh_installdeb:25 dh_installdebconf:37 dh_installdirs:28 dh_installdocs:40
+#: dh_installemacsen:30 dh_installexamples:31 dh_installifupdown:25
+#: dh_installinfo:28 dh_installinit:41 dh_installinitramfs:30
+#: dh_installlogcheck:24 dh_installman:73 dh_installmenu:28 dh_installmime:24
+#: dh_installmodules:31 dh_installpam:24 dh_installppp:24 dh_installudev:24
+#: dh_installwm:28 dh_link:46 dh_lintian:24 dh_makeshlibs:44 dh_movefiles:29
+#: dh_systemd_enable:41
+msgid "FILES"
+msgstr "DATEIEN"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:29
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-script"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.bug-script"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:31
+msgid ""
+"This is the script to be run by the bug reporting program for generating a "
+"bug report template. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package> in "
+"the package build directory if no other types of bug reporting customization "
+"files are going to be installed for the package in question. Otherwise, this "
+"file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/script>. Finally, the installed "
+"script is given execute permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist das Skript, das durch das Programm zum Berichten von Fehlern "
+"verwendet wird, um eine Fehlerberichtschablone zu erzeugen. Falls keine "
+"anderen Arten von Fehlerbericht-Anpassungsdateien für die in Frage kommenden "
+"Pakete installiert werden, ist diese Datei als F<usr/share/bug/package> im "
+"Paketbauverzeichnis installiert. Andernfalls wird sie als F<usr/share/bug/"
+"package/script> installiert. Am Ende werden dem installierten Skript "
+"Ausführrechte gegeben."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-control"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.bug-control"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:40
+msgid ""
+"It is the bug control file containing some directions for the bug reporting "
+"tool. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/control> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Es ist die Fehlersteuerdatei, die einige Anweisungen für das Werkzeug zum "
+"Erstellen von Fehlerberichten enthält. Diese Datei ist als F<usr/share/bug/"
+"package/control> im Bauverzeichnis des Pakets installiert."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-presubj"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.bug-presubj"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:46
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this file are displayed to the user by the bug reporting "
+"tool before allowing the user to write a bug report on the package to the "
+"Debian Bug Tracking System. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/"
+"package/presubj> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Inhalt dieser Datei wird dem Benutzer durch das Werkzeug zum Erstellen "
+"von Fehlerberichten angezeigt, bevor es dem Benutzer ermöglicht, einen "
+"Fehlerbericht für das Paket an die Debian-Fehlerdatenbank zu verfassen. "
+"Diese Datei wird als F<usr/share/bug/package/presubj> in das Bauverzeichnis "
+"des Pakets installiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:59
+msgid ""
+"Install F<debian/bug-*> files to ALL packages acted on when respective "
+"F<debian/package.bug-*> files do not exist. Normally, F<debian/bug-*> will "
+"be installed to the first package only."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert F<debian/bug-*>-Dateien für ALLE Pakete auf die es sich "
+"auswirken wird, wenn keine jeweiligen F<debian/package.bug-*>-Dateien "
+"existieren. Normalerweise wird F<debian/bug-*> nur für das erste Paket "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:135
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.developers.gz>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.developers.gz>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:137 dh_lintian:62
+msgid "L<debhelper(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:143
+msgid "Modestas Vainius <>"
+msgstr "Modestas Vainius <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:7
+msgid "dh_builddeb - build Debian binary packages"
+msgstr "dh_builddeb - baut binäre Debian-Pakete"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--destdir=>I<directory>] [B<--"
+"filename=>I<name>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<--destdir=>I<Verzeichnis>] [B<--"
+"filename=>I<Name>] [S<B<--> I<Parameter>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> simply calls L<dpkg-deb(1)> to build a Debian package or "
+"packages. It will also build dbgsym packages when L<dh_strip(1)> and "
+"L<dh_gencontrol(1)> have prepared them."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> ruft einfach L<dpkg-deb(1)> auf, um ein oder mehrere Debian-"
+"Pakete zu bauen. Es wird außerdem Dbgsym-Pakete bauen, wenn sie von "
+"L<dh_strip(1)> und L<dh_gencontrol(1)> vorbereitet wurden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:27
+msgid ""
+"It supports building multiple binary packages in parallel, when enabled by "
+msgstr ""
+"Es unterstützt das parallele Bauen mehrerer Pakete, wenn dies durch "
+"DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS aktiviert wurde."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:30
+msgid ""
+"When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field is not (effectively) I<binary-"
+"targets>, B<dh_builddeb> will pass B<--root-owner-group> to L<dpkg-deb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn das Feld I<Rules-Requires-Root> nicht (tatsächlich) I<binary-targets> "
+"ist, wird B<dh_builddeb> B<--root-owner-group> an L<dpkg-deb(1)> übergeben."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:40
+msgid ""
+"Use this if you want the generated F<.deb> files to be put in a directory "
+"other than the default of \"F<..>\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Benutzen Sie dies, falls Sie die erzeugten F<.deb>-Dateien in einem anderen "
+"Verzeichnis als dem vorgegebenen »F<..>« ablegen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_builddeb:43
+msgid "B<--filename=>I<name>"
+msgstr "B<--filename=>I<Name>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:45
+msgid ""
+"Use this if you want to force the generated .deb file to have a particular "
+"file name. Does not work well if more than one .deb is generated!"
+msgstr ""
+"Benutzen Sie dies, falls Sie einen bestimmten Dateinamen für die erzeugte ."
+"deb-Datei erzwingen wollen. Dies funktioniert nicht gut, wenn mehr als ein ."
+"deb erzeugt wird!"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:50
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)> when it is used to build the package."
+msgstr ""
+"I<Parameter> wird an L<dpkg-deb(1)> übergeben, wenn es zum Bauen des Pakets "
+"benutzt wird."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_builddeb:53
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<Parameter>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:55
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)>. It is deprecated; "
+"use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist eine weitere Möglichkeit, I<Parameter> an L<dpkg-deb(1)> zu "
+"übergeben. Sie ist veraltet; benutzen Sie stattdessen B<-->."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:5
+msgid "dh_clean - clean up package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_clean - räumt die Bauverzeichnisse des Pakets auf"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_clean> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-d>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<path> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-k>] [B<-d>] [B<-X>I<Element>] "
+"[S<I<Pfad> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_clean> is a debhelper program that is responsible for cleaning up. It "
+"should be the last step of the B<clean> target and other debhelper commands "
+"generally assume that B<dh_clean> will clean up after them."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, welches für das Aufräumen "
+"verantwortlich ist. Es sollte an letzter Stelle des B<clean>-Ziels stehen "
+"und die anderen Debhelper-Programme gehen im Allgemeinen davon aus, dass "
+"B<dh_clean> hinter ihnen aufräumt."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_clean:25
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"It removes the package build directories, and removes some other files including\n"
+"F<debian/files>, and any detritus left behind by other debhelper commands. It\n"
+"also removes common files that should not appear in a Debian diff:\n"
+" #*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Es entfernt die Paketbauverzeichnisse und einige andere Dateien wie \n"
+"F<debian/files>, außerdem sämtlichen Müll, den andere Debhelper-Programme \n"
+"hinterlassen haben. Es löscht auch verschiedene Dateien, die nicht in \n"
+"einem Debian-Diff auftauchen sollten:\n"
+" #*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:30
+msgid ""
+"It does not run \"make clean\" to clean up after the build process. Use "
+"L<dh_auto_clean(1)> to do things like that."
+msgstr ""
+"Es führt jedoch nicht »make clean« aus, um nach dem Bauprozess aufzuräumen. "
+"Benutzen Sie für solche Zwecke L<dh_auto_clean(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:37
+msgid "F<debian/clean>"
+msgstr "F<debian/clean>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:39
+msgid "Can list other paths to be removed."
+msgstr "kann weitere Pfade auflisten, die zu entfernen sind."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:41
+msgid ""
+"Note that directories listed in this file B<must> end with a trailing "
+"slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass Verzeichnisse, die in dieser Datei aufgeführt sind, mit "
+"einem Schrägstrich enden B<müssen>. Der Inhalt dieser Verzeichnisse wird "
+"ebenfalls entfernt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:44 dh_install:59 dh_installcatalogs:51 dh_installdeb:102
+#: dh_installdirs:40 dh_installdocs:48 dh_installexamples:43 dh_installinfo:36
+#: dh_installman:81 dh_installwm:36 dh_link:64
+msgid ""
+"Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as documented in "
+msgstr ""
+"unterstützt Ersetzungsvariablen in Kompatibilitätsstufe 13 oder neuer, wie "
+"in L<debhelper(7)> beschrieben."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:53 dh_installchangelogs:81
+msgid "B<-k>, B<--keep>"
+msgstr "B<-k>, B<--keep>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:55
+msgid "This is deprecated, use L<dh_prep(1)> instead."
+msgstr "Dies ist veraltet, benutzen Sie stattdessen L<dh_prep(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:57
+msgid "The option is removed in compat 12."
+msgstr "Die Option wurde in Kompatibilitätsstufe 12 entfernt."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:59
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--dirs-only>"
+msgstr "B<-d>, B<--dirs-only>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:61
+msgid ""
+"Only clean the package build directories, do not clean up any other files at "
+msgstr "räumt nur die Bauverzeichnisse auf, keine weiteren Dateien."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:64 dh_prep:33
+msgid "B<-X>I<item> B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<Element> B<--exclude=>I<Element>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:66
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option "
+"multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"schließt Dateien, die irgendwo im Dateinamen I<Element> enthalten, vom "
+"Löschen aus, auch dann, wenn sie normalerweise gelöscht würden. Sie können "
+"diese Option mehrfach benutzen, um eine Liste von Dingen zu erstellen, die "
+"ausgeschlossen werden sollen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:70
+msgid "I<path> ..."
+msgstr "I<Pfad> …>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:72
+msgid "Delete these I<path>s too."
+msgstr "löscht diese <I<Pfad>e ebenfalls."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:74
+msgid ""
+"Note that directories passed as arguments B<must> end with a trailing "
+"slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass Verzeichnisse, die als Argumente übergeben werden, mit "
+"einem Schrägstrich enden B<müssen>. Der Inhalt dieser Verzeichnisse wird "
+"ebenfalls entfernt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_compress - compress files and fix symlinks in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_compress - komprimiert Dateien und korrigiert symbolische Links in "
+"Bauverzeichnissen von Paketen"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_compress> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<-A>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_compress> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-X>I<Element>] [B<-A>] "
+"[S<I<Datei> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_compress> is a debhelper program that is responsible for compressing "
+"the files in package build directories, and makes sure that any symlinks "
+"that pointed to the files before they were compressed are updated to point "
+"to the new files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_compress> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für das Komprimieren von "
+"Dateien in Bauverzeichnissen von Paketen zuständig ist und sicherstellt, "
+"dass jegliche symbolischen Links, die vor dem Komprimieren zu den Dateien "
+"führten, aktualisiert werden, damit sie danach auf die neue Dateien zeigen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:28
+msgid ""
+"By default, B<dh_compress> compresses files that Debian policy mandates "
+"should be compressed, namely all files in F<usr/share/info>, F<usr/share/"
+"man>, files in F<usr/share/doc> that are larger than 4k in size, (except the "
+"F<copyright> file, F<.html> and other web files, image files, and files that "
+"appear to be already compressed based on their extensions), and all "
+"F<changelog> files. Plus PCF fonts underneath F<usr/share/fonts/X11/>"
+msgstr ""
+"Standardmäßig komprimiert B<dh_compress> diejenigen Dateien, bei denen dies "
+"die Debian-Richtlinie anordnet, nämlich alle Dateien in F<usr/share/info>, "
+"F<usr/share/man>, Dateien in F<usr/share/doc>, die größer als 4k sind (außer "
+"der F<copyright>-Datei, F<.html> und andere Web-Dateien, Bilddateien und "
+"Dateien, die ihren Endungen nach bereits komprimiert sind) und alle "
+"F<changelog>-Dateien, zusätzlich PCF-Schriften unterhalb F<usr/share/fonts/"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_compress:39
+msgid "debian/I<package>.compress"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.compress"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:41
+msgid "These files are deprecated."
+msgstr "Diese Dateien sind veraltet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:43
+msgid ""
+"If this file exists, the default files are not compressed. Instead, the file "
+"is ran as a shell script, and all filenames that the shell script outputs "
+"will be compressed. The shell script will be run from inside the package "
+"build directory. Note though that using B<-X> is a much better idea in "
+"general; you should only use a F<debian/package.compress> file if you really "
+"need to."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls diese Datei existiert, werden die Standarddateien nicht komprimiert. "
+"Stattdessen wird die Datei als Shell-Skript ausgeführt und alle Dateien, die "
+"das Shell-Skript ausgibt werden komprimiert. Das Shell-Skript wird aus dem "
+"Bauverzeichnis des Pakets ausgeführt. Beachten Sie jedoch, dass es im "
+"Allgemeinen eine wesentlich bessere Idee ist, B<-X> zu benutzen; Sie sollten "
+"nur dann eine F<debian/Paket.compress>-Datei verwenden, wenn Sie es wirklich "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:58
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"compressed. For example, B<-X.tiff> will exclude TIFF files from "
+"compression. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of "
+"things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"schließt Dateien von der Komprimierung aus, die irgendwo im Dateinamen "
+"I<Element> enthalten. B<-X.tiff> wird beispielsweise TIFF-Dateien vom "
+"Komprimieren ausschließen. Sie können diese Option mehrfach benutzen, um "
+"eine Liste von Dingen zu erstellen, die ausgeschlossen werden sollen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:65
+msgid ""
+"Compress all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+"acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"komprimiert alle durch Befehlszeilenparameter angegebenen Dateien in ALLEN "
+"Paketen, auf die es sich auswirken wird."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_compress:68 dh_installdocs:184 dh_installexamples:89 dh_installinfo:60
+#: dh_installmanpages:47 dh_movefiles:58 dh_testdir:30
+msgid "I<file> ..."
+msgstr "<I<Datei> …"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:70
+msgid "Add these files to the list of files to compress."
+msgstr ""
+"fügt diese Dateien zu der Liste der Dateien hinzu, die komprimiert werden."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_compress:74 dh_perl:65 dh_strip:133 dh_usrlocal:66
+msgid "CONFORMS TO"
+msgstr "KONFORM ZU"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:76
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.0"
+msgstr "Debian-Richtlinie, Version 3.0"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:5
+msgid "dh_dwz - optimize DWARF debug information in ELF binaries via dwz"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_dwz - optimiert DWARF-Fehlersuchinformationen in ELF-Binärdateien über dwz"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:18
+msgid "B<dh_dwz> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_dwz> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-X>I<Element>] [S<B<--> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_dwz> is a debhelper program that will optimize the (uncompressed) size "
+"of the DWARF debug information in ELF binaries. It does so by running "
+"L<dwz(1)> on all the ELF binaries in the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_dwz> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das die (unkomprimierte) Größe von "
+"DWARF-Fehlersuchinformationen in ELF-Binärdateien optimiert. Dazu lässt es "
+"L<dwz(1)> über alle ELF-Binärdateien im Paket laufen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_dwz:30
+msgid "B<--dwz-multifile>, B<--no-dwz-multifile>"
+msgstr "B<--dwz-multifile>, B<--no-dwz-multifile>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:32
+msgid ""
+"Whether L<dwz(1)> should generate a I<multifile> from the ELF binaries in "
+"the same package. When enabled, if a package ships at least 2 ELF binaries, "
+"B<dh_dwz> will instruct L<dwz(1)> to generate a multifile for the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Gibt an, ob L<dwz(1)> eine I<Mehrfachdatei> aus den ELF-Binärdateien im "
+"selben Paket erstellen soll. Falls aktiviert, wird B<dh_dwz>, falls ein "
+"Paket mindestens zwei ELF-Binärdateien ausliefert, L<dwz(1)> anweisen, eine "
+"Mehrfachdatei für das Paket zu erstellen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:37
+msgid ""
+"By default, B<dh_dwz> will attempt to create a multifile but will continue "
+"without if L<dwz(1)> does not create one (but succeeds anyway). This "
+"commonly happens when the debug files do not contain debug symbols (e.g. a "
+"missing -g to the compiler) or when the debug symbols are compressed (see "
+"Debian bug #931891). If B<--dwz-multifile> is passed, then B<dh_dwz> will "
+"abort with an error if L<dwz(1)> does not create a multifile."
+msgstr ""
+"Standardmäßig wird B<dh_dwz> versuchen, eine Mehrfachdatei zu erstellen, es "
+"wird jedoch ohne sie fortfahren, falls L<dwz(1)> keine erstellt (aber "
+"dennoch erfolgreich ist). Dies kommt üblicherweise vor, wenn die "
+"Fehlersuchdateien keine Fehlersuchsymbole enthalten (z. B. ein fehlendes -g "
+"für den Compiler) oder wenn die Fehlersuchsymbole komprimiert sind (siehe "
+"Debian-Fehlerbericht #931891). Falls B<--dwz-multifile> übergeben wurde, "
+"wird B<dh_dwz> mit einem Fehler abbrechen, falls L<dwz(1)> keine "
+"Mehrfachdatei erstellt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:45
+msgid ""
+"Note this options may not work if a package contains more ELF binaries than "
+"can fit on a single command line. If this becomes a problem, please pass "
+"B<--no-dwz-multifile> to work around the issue."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass diese Optionen möglicherweise nicht funktionieren wird, "
+"falls ein Paket mehr ELF-Binärdateien enthält als auf eine einzige "
+"Befehlszeile passen. Falls dies zum Problem wird, geben Sie bitte B<--no-dwz-"
+"multifile> an, um diese Angelegenheit zu umgehen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:49
+msgid ""
+"The generated multifile will be compressed with B<objcopy --compress-debug-"
+msgstr ""
+"Die erstellte Mehrfachdatei wird mit B<objcopy --compress-debug-sections> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:52
+msgid ""
+"Note for B<udeb> packages: B<dh_dwz> will never generate multifiles for "
+"B<udeb> packages. It will still use B<dwz> to reduce the file size of debug "
+"files if it finds any."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie bei B<udeb>-Paketen: B<dh_dwz> wird niemals Mehrfachdateien für "
+"B<udeb>-Pakete erzeugen. Es wird weiterhin B<dwz> benutzen, um die Größe der "
+"Fehlersuchdateien zu verringern, falls es welche findet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:58 dh_strip:44
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"stripped. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of "
+"things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"schließt Dateien, die irgendwo in ihrem Dateinamen genanntes I<Element> "
+"enthalten, vom Entfernen der Symbole aus. Sie können diese Option mehrfach "
+"benutzen, um eine Liste auszuschließender Dinge zu erstellen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:64
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to L<dwz(1)> when it processes ELF binaries. This is mostly "
+"useful for setting memory related parameters (e.g. -l and -L)."
+msgstr ""
+"übergibt I<Parameter> an L<dwz(1)>, wenn es ELF-Binärdateien verarbeitet. "
+"Dies ist meist nützlich, um speicherbezogene Parameter zu setzen (z.B. -l "
+"und -L)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:71
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+"nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+msgstr ""
+"Falls die Umgebungsvariable B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> B<nostrip> enthält, werden "
+"getreu der Debian-Richlinie (Abschnitt 10.1. »Binaries«) keine Symbole "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:75
+msgid ""
+"While this tool technically does not remove debug information from binaries, "
+"it is still skipped when the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable "
+"contains B<nostrip>. This is because B<nostrip> is often used to optimize "
+"build times (e.g. for \"build and test\"-cycles) rather than optimizing for "
+msgstr ""
+"Obwohl dieses Werkzeug aus technischer Sicht keine Fehlersuchinformationen "
+"aus Binärdateien entfernt, wird es dennoch übersprungen, wenn die "
+"Umgebungsvariable B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> B<nostrip> enthält. Dies rührt daher, "
+"dass B<nostrip> oft zum Optimieren der Bauzeit benutzt wird (z. B. für »Bau- "
+"und Test«-Zyklen), anstatt sie größenmäßig zu optimieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:5
+msgid "dh_fixperms - fix permissions of files in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_fixperms - korrigiert Zugriffsrechte von Dateien in Bauverzeichnissen"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:18
+msgid "B<dh_fixperms> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_fixperms> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-X>I<Element>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> is a debhelper program that is responsible for setting the "
+"permissions of files and directories in package build directories to a sane "
+"state -- a state that complies with Debian policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für das Setzen der Rechte von "
+"Dateien und Verzeichnissen in den Bauverzeichnissen der Pakete auf einen "
+"vernünftigen Status zuständig ist – einem Status, der die Debian-Richtlinie "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:26
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> makes all files in F<usr/share/doc> in the package build "
+"directory (excluding files in the F<examples/> directory) be mode 644. It "
+"also changes the permissions of all man pages to mode 644. It removes group "
+"and other write permission from all files. It removes execute permissions "
+"from any libraries, headers, Perl modules, or desktop files that have it "
+"set. It makes all files in the standard F<bin> and F<sbin> directories, "
+"F<usr/games/> and F<etc/init.d> executable (since v4). Finally, it removes "
+"the setuid and setgid bits from all files in the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> gibt allen Dateien in F<usr/share/doc> im Bauverzeichnis des "
+"Pakets (ausgenommen Dateien im Verzeichnis F<examples/>) die Rechte-Bits "
+"644. Es ändert außerdem die Rechte-Bits aller Handbuchseiten auf 644. Es "
+"entfernt Schreibrechte von Gruppen und Anderen von allen Dateien. Es "
+"entfernt Ausführungsrechte von jeglichen Bibliotheken, Headern, Perl-Modulen "
+"oder Desktop-Dateien, bei denen sie gesetzt sind. Es macht alle Dateien in "
+"den Verzeichnissen F<bin>, F<sbin>, <usr/games/> und F<etc/init.d> "
+"ausführbar (seit v4). Am Ende entfernt es die Setuid- und Setgid-Bits von "
+"allen Dateien im Paket."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:36
+msgid ""
+"When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field has the (effective) value of I<binary-"
+"targets>, B<dh_fixperms> will also reset the ownership of all paths to "
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn das Feld I<Rules-Requires-Root> den (tatsächlichen) Wert von I<binary-"
+"targets> hat, wird B<dh_fixperms> auch den Eigentümer an allen Pfaden auf "
+"»root:root« zurücksetzen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_fixperms:44
+msgid "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude> I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<Element>, B<--exclude> I<Element>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:46
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from having "
+"their permissions changed. You may use this option multiple times to build "
+"up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"schließt Dateien von der Änderung der Zugriffsrechte aus, die irgendwo in "
+"ihrem Dateinamen I<Element> enthalten. Sie können diese Option mehrfach "
+"benutzen, um eine Liste von Dingen zu erstellen, die ausgeschlossen werden "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:5
+msgid "dh_gencontrol - generate and install control file"
+msgstr "dh_gencontrol - erzeugt und installiert die Steuerdatei »control«"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:18
+msgid "B<dh_gencontrol> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_gencontrol> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [S<B<--> I<Parameter>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_gencontrol> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+"control files, and installing them into the I<DEBIAN> directory with the "
+"proper permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_gencontrol> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für das Erzeugen von "
+"Steuerdateien zuständig ist und sie mit den angemessenen Zugriffsrechten in "
+"das Verzeichnis I<DEBIAN> installiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:26
+msgid ""
+"This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>, which calls "
+"it once for each package being acted on (plus related dbgsym packages), and "
+"passes in some additional useful flags."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieses Programm ist bloß ein Wrapper um L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>, der es einmal "
+"für jedes Paket, auf das es sich auswirkt (plus nötige Dbgsym-Pakete), "
+"aufruft und einige zusätzliche nützliche Schalter übergibt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:30
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that if you use B<dh_gencontrol>, you must also use "
+"L<dh_builddeb(1)> to build the packages. Otherwise, your build may fail to "
+"build as B<dh_gencontrol> (via L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>) declares which "
+"packages are built. As debhelper automatically generates dbgsym packages, "
+"it some times adds additional packages, which will be built by "
+msgstr ""
+"B<Beachten Sie>, dass Sie, falls Sie B<dh_gencontrol> verwenden, zum Bauen "
+"der Pakete auch L<dh_builddeb(1)> verwenden müssen. Andernfalls könnte Ihr "
+"Bauen fehlschlagen, da B<dh_gencontrol> (über L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>) "
+"deklariert, welche Pakete gebaut werden. Da Debhelper Dbgsym-Pakete "
+"automatisch erzeugt, fügt es manchmal zusätzliche Pakete hinzu, die durch "
+"L<dh_builddeb(1)> gebaut werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:44
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>."
+msgstr "übergibt I<Parameter> an L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_gencontrol:46
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-gencontrol-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<Parameter>, B<--dpkg-gencontrol-params=>I<Parameter>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:48
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>. It is "
+"deprecated; use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist eine weitere Möglichkeit, I<Parameter> an L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)> zu "
+"übergeben. Sie ist veraltet; nutzen Sie stattdessen B<-->."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:5
+msgid "dh_icons - Update caches of Freedesktop icons"
+msgstr "dh_icons - aktualisiert die Zwischenspeicher von Freedesktop-Symbolen"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:18
+msgid "B<dh_icons> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_icons> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_icons> is a debhelper program that updates caches of Freedesktop icons "
+"when needed, using the B<update-icon-caches> program provided by GTK+2.12. "
+"Currently this program does not handle installation of the files, though it "
+"may do so at a later date, so should be run after icons are installed in the "
+"package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_icons> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das die Zwischenspeicher von "
+"Freedesktop-Symbolen aktualisiert, wenn dies nötig ist. Es benutzt das durch "
+"GTK+2.12 bereitgestellte Programm B<update-icon-caches>. Derzeit kümmert "
+"sich das Programm nicht um die Installation der Dateien, obwohl es dies "
+"später vielleicht einmal tun könnte; daher sollte es ausgeführt werden, "
+"nachdem die Symbole in den Paketbauverzeichnissen installiert wurden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:28
+msgid ""
+"It takes care of adding maintainer script fragments to call B<update-icon-"
+"caches> for icon directories. (This is not done for gnome and hicolor icons, "
+"as those are handled by triggers.) These commands are inserted into the "
+"maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Worum es sich kümmert ist das Hinzufügen von Beteruerskriptfragmenten, um "
+"B<update-icon-caches> für Symbolverzeichnisse aufzurufen. (Dies gilt nicht "
+"für GNOME- und Hicolor-Symbole, da diese von Auslösern gehandhabt werden.) "
+"Diese Befehle werden durch L<dh_installdeb(1)> in die Betreuerskripte "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_icons:37 dh_installcatalogs:60 dh_installdebconf:68 dh_installemacsen:60
+#: dh_installinit:81 dh_installinitramfs:47 dh_installmenu:48
+#: dh_installmodules:45 dh_installwm:51 dh_makeshlibs:147 dh_usrlocal:54
+msgid "B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>"
+msgstr "B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:39
+msgid "Do not modify maintainer scripts."
+msgstr "Es werden keine Betreuerskripte geändert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:77
+msgid "L<debhelper>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:83
+msgid ""
+"Ross Burton <> Jordi Mallach <> Josselin "
+"Mouette <>"
+msgstr ""
+"Ross Burton <>, Jordi Mallach <>, Josselin "
+"Mouette <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:5
+msgid "dh_install - install files into package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_install - installiert Dateien in Bauverzeichnisse von Paketen"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--autodest>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> [B<-X>I<Element>] [B<--autodest>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<Verz>] "
+"[S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [S<I<Datei|Verz> … I<Ziel>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> is a debhelper program that handles installing files into "
+"package build directories. There are many B<dh_install>I<*> commands that "
+"handle installing specific types of files such as documentation, examples, "
+"man pages, and so on, and they should be used when possible as they often "
+"have extra intelligence for those particular tasks. B<dh_install>, then, is "
+"useful for installing everything else, for which no particular intelligence "
+"is needed. It is a replacement for the old B<dh_movefiles> command."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das die Installation von Paketen "
+"in Bauverzeichnisse handhabt. Es gibt viele B<dh_install>I<*>-Befehle für "
+"die die Installation spezieller Dateitypen, wie Dokumentation, Beispiele, "
+"Handbuchseiten und so weiter und sie sollten nach Möglichkeit benutzt "
+"werden, da sie oft zusätzliche Programmlogik für diese besonderen Aufgaben "
+"mitbringen. Ergänzend eignet sich B<dh_install>, um alles andere zu "
+"installieren, für das keine zusätzliche Logik benötigt wird. Es ist ein "
+"Ersatz für den alten Befehl B<dh_movefiles>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:29
+msgid ""
+"This program may be used in one of two ways. If you just have a file or two "
+"that the upstream Makefile does not install for you, you can run "
+"B<dh_install> on them to move them into place. On the other hand, maybe you "
+"have a large package that builds multiple binary packages. You can use the "
+"upstream F<Makefile> to install it all into F<debian/tmp>, and then use "
+"B<dh_install> to copy directories and files from there into the proper "
+"package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieses Programm kann auf eine von zwei Arten benutzt werden. Falls Sie nur "
+"eine oder zwei Dateien haben, die das Makefile der Originalautoren nicht für "
+"Sie installiert, können Sie B<dh_install> darüberlaufen lassen, um diese an "
+"Ort und Stelle zu verschieben. Vielleicht haben Sie auch ein großes Paket, "
+"das mehrere Binärpakete baut. Sie können dann das F<Makefile> der "
+"Originalautoren nehmen, um alles in F<debian/tmp> zu installieren und dann "
+"B<dh_install> verwenden, um dann Dateien und Verzeichnisse in ihre passenden "
+"Paketbauverzeichnisse zu kopieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:36
+msgid ""
+"From debhelper compatibility level 7 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+"looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current "
+"directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Ab Debhelper-Kompatibilitätsstufe 7 wird B<dh_install> in F<debian/tmp> nach "
+"Dateien suchen, wenn es sie nicht im aktuellen Verzeichnis findet (oder wo "
+"auch immer Sie ihm mit B<--sourcedir> aufgetragen haben, zu suchen)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.install"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.install"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:46
+msgid ""
+"List the files to install into each package and the directory they should be "
+"installed to. The format is a set of lines, where each line lists a file or "
+"files to install, and at the end of the line tells the directory it should "
+"be installed in. The name of the files (or directories) to install should be "
+"given relative to the current directory, while the installation directory is "
+"given relative to the package build directory. You may use wildcards in the "
+"names of the files to install."
+msgstr ""
+"Listet die Dateien auf, die in jedes Paket installiert werden und das "
+"Verzeichnis, in das sie installiert werden sollen. Das Format ist ein Satz "
+"von Zeilen, bei der jede Zeile eine oder mehrere zu installierende Dateien "
+"aufführt und am Zeilenende mitteilt, in welches Verzeichnis sie installiert "
+"werden sollen. Die Namen der Dateien (oder Verzeichnisse) sollten relativ "
+"zum aktuellen Verzeichnis angegeben werden, während das "
+"Installationsverzeichnis relativ zum Bauverzeichnis des Pakets angegeben "
+"wird. Sie können Platzhalter in den Namen der zu installierenden Dateien "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:54
+msgid ""
+"Note that if you list exactly one filename or wildcard-pattern on a line by "
+"itself, with no explicit destination, then B<dh_install> will automatically "
+"guess the destination to use, the same as if the --autodest option were used."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, falls Sie genau einen Dateinamen oder ein Platzhaltermuster "
+"allein auf einer Zeile ohne ein ausdrückliches Ziel aufführen, wird "
+"B<dh_install> automatisch das Ziel abschätzen, sogar wenn dieser Schalter "
+"nicht gesetzt ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:62
+msgid "debian/not-installed"
+msgstr "debian/not-installed"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:64
+msgid ""
+"Used with the deprecated B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> options. "
+"Please refer to L<dh_missing(1)> for the documentation of this file."
+msgstr ""
+"wird zusammen mit den missbilligten Optionen B<--list-missing> und B<--fail-"
+"missing> benutzt. Die Dokumentation dieser Datei finden Sie unter "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:73
+msgid "B<--list-missing>"
+msgstr "B<--list-missing>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:75
+msgid ""
+"B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --list-missing> instead. If you use "
+"this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it "
+"has processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the "
+"documentation of this option."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Missbilligt>: Bitte verwenden Sie stattdessen B<dh_missing --list-"
+"missing>. Falls Sie diese Option verwenden, wird B<dh_install> B<dh_missing> "
+"mit dieser Option aufrufen, nachdem es alle Dateien verarbeitet hat. Die "
+"Dokumentation dieser Option finden Sie unter L<dh_missing(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:82
+msgid "B<--fail-missing>"
+msgstr "B<--fail-missing>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:84
+msgid ""
+"B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --fail-missing> instead. If you use "
+"this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it "
+"has processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the "
+"documentation of this option."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Missbilligt>: Bitte verwenden Sie stattdessen B<dh_missing --fail-"
+"missing>. Falls Sie diese Option verwenden, wird B<dh_install> B<dh_missing> "
+"mit dieser Option aufrufen, nachdem es alle Dateien verarbeitet hat. Die "
+"Dokumentation dieser Option finden Sie unter L<dh_missing(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:91 dh_installdirs:62 dh_installdocs:114 dh_installexamples:57
+#: dh_installinfo:50 dh_installman:100 dh_movefiles:45
+msgid "B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>"
+msgstr "B<--sourcedir=>I<Verz>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:93
+msgid "Look in the specified directory for files to be installed."
+msgstr ""
+"sucht im angegebenen Verzeichnis nach Dateien, die installiert werden sollen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:95
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+"compatibility level 7 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass dies nicht das Gleiche wie die Option B<--"
+"sourcedirectory> ist, die von B<dh_auto_>I<*>-Befehlen benutzt wird. Sie "
+"benötigen diese Option selten, da B<dh_install> in Debhelper-"
+"Kompatibilitätsstufe 7 und darüber automatisch in F<debian/tmp> nach Dateien "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:100
+msgid "B<--autodest>"
+msgstr "B<--autodest>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:102
+msgid ""
+"Guess as the destination directory to install things to. If this is "
+"specified, you should not list destination directories in F<debian/package."
+"install> files or on the command line. Instead, B<dh_install> will guess as "
+msgstr ""
+"wird als Zielverzeichnis angenommen, um Dinge darin zu installieren. Falls "
+"dies angegeben wurde, sollten Sie keine Zielverzeichnisse in F<debian/Paket."
+"install>-Dateien oder auf der Befehlszeile festlegen. Stattdessen wird "
+"B<dh_install> wie folgt raten:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:107
+msgid ""
+"Strip off F<debian/tmp> (or the sourcedir if one is given) from the front of "
+"the filename, if it is present, and install into the dirname of the "
+"filename. So if the filename is F<debian/tmp/usr/bin>, then that directory "
+"will be copied to F<debian/package/usr/>. If the filename is F<debian/tmp/"
+"etc/passwd>, it will be copied to F<debian/package/etc/>."
+msgstr ""
+"F<debian/tmp> (oder das Quellverzeichnis, wenn eines angegeben ist) wird vom "
+"Anfang des Dateinamens entfernt, falls sie vorhanden ist, und wird in den "
+"Verzeichnisanteil des Dateinamens übernommen. Wenn also der Dateiname "
+"F<debian/tmp/usr/bin> ist, dann wird dieses Verzeichnis nach F<debian/Paket/"
+"usr/> kopiert. Falls der Dateiname F<debian/tmp/etc/passwd> ist, wird es "
+"nach F<debian/Paket/etc/> kopiert."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:113
+msgid "I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>"
+msgstr "<I<Datei|Verz> … I<Zielverz>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:115
+msgid ""
+"Lists files (or directories) to install and where to install them to. The "
+"files will be installed into the first package F<dh_install> acts on."
+msgstr ""
+"listet zu installierende Dateien (oder Verzeichnisse) auf und wohin sie "
+"installiert werden sollen. Die Dateien werden in das erste Paket "
+"installiert, auf das sich F<dh_install> auswirkt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:334
+msgid "Here are some small examples of configuration files for dh_install."
+msgstr ""
+"Hier folgen einige kleine Beispiele für Konfigurationsdateien von dh_install."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:336
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install my-prog into usr/bin (as \"usr/bin/my-prog\")\n"
+" my-prog usr/bin\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # installiert my-prog in usr/bin (als »usr/bin/mein_Programm«)\n"
+" my-prog usr/bin\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:339
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a plugins directory into usr/share/my-prog\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/plugins/\")\n"
+" plugins usr/share/my-prog\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # installiert ein Erweiterungsverzeichnis in usr/share/mein_Programm\n"
+" # (als »usr/share/mein_Programm/plugins/«)\n"
+" plugins usr/share/mein_Programm\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:343
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a file with spaces in into usr/share/my-prog/data\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/data/my datafile with spaces.txt\")\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" my${Space}datafile${Space}with${Space}spaces.txt usr/share/my-prog/data\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # installiert eine Datei mit Leerzeichen in usr/share/mein_Programm/data\n"
+" # (als »usr/share/mein_Programm/data/meine_Daten mit spaces.txt«)\n"
+" # SETZT KOMPATIBILITÄTSSTUFE 13 VORAUS, in der Ersetzungsmuster\n"
+" # verfügbar sind\n"
+" my${Space}datafile${Space}with${Space}spaces.txt usr/share/mein_Programm/data\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:348
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a library into the multi-arch lib directory\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" build/output/libfrop*.so.* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # installiert eine Bibliothek in das Multiarch-Bibliotheksverzeichnis\n"
+" # SETZT KOMPATIBILITÄTSSTUFE 13 VORAUS, in der Ersetzungsmuster\n"
+" # verfügbar sind\n"
+" build/output/libfrop*.so.* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}\n"
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_install:352
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:354
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> cannot rename files or directories, it can only install them "
+"with the names they already have into wherever you want in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> kann keine Dateien oder Verzeichnisse umbenennen, es kann sie "
+"nur mit den Namen, die sie bereits haben, im Paketbauverzeichnisbaum an die "
+"gewünschte Stelle installieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:358
+msgid ""
+"However, renaming can be achieved by using B<dh-exec> with compatibility "
+"level 9 or later. An example debian/I<package>.install file using B<dh-"
+"exec> could look like:"
+msgstr ""
+"Umbenennen kann jedoch durch Verwenden von B<dh-exec> mit der "
+"Kompatibilitätsstufe 9 oder höher erreicht werden. Eine debian/I<package>."
+"install-Beispieldatei, die B<dh-exec> verwendet, könnte wie folgt aussehen:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:362
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" #!/usr/bin/dh-exec\n"
+" debian/default.conf => /etc/my-package/start.conf\n"
+msgstr ""
+" #!/usr/bin/dh-exec\n"
+" debian/default.conf => /etc/my-package/start.conf\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:365
+msgid "Please remember the following three things:"
+msgstr "Bitte vergessen Sie nicht die folgenden drei Dinge:"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:369
+msgid ""
+"* The package must be using compatibility level 9 or later (see "
+msgstr ""
+"* Das Paket muss Kompatibilitätsstufe 9 oder höher verwenden (siehe "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:371
+msgid "* The package will need a build-dependency on dh-exec."
+msgstr "* Das Paket muss eine Bauabhängigkeit zu Dh-exec haben."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:373
+msgid "* The install file must be marked as executable."
+msgstr "* Die Installationsdatei muss als ausführbar markiert sein."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:5
+msgid "dh_installcatalogs - install and register SGML Catalogs"
+msgstr "dh_installcatalogs - installiert und registriert SGML-Kataloge"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:19
+msgid "B<dh_installcatalogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installcatalogs> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installcatalogs> is a debhelper program that installs and registers "
+"SGML catalogs. It complies with the Debian XML/SGML policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installcatalogs> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das SGML-Kataloge "
+"installiert und registriert. Es erfüllt die Debian-XML/SGML-Richtlinie."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:26
+msgid ""
+"Catalogs will be registered in a supercatalog, in F</etc/sgml/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Kataloge werden in einem Superkatalog registriert, in F</etc/sgml/I<Paket>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:29
+msgid ""
+"This command automatically adds maintainer script snippets for registering "
+"and unregistering the catalogs and supercatalogs (unless B<-n> is used). "
+"These snippets are inserted into the maintainer scripts and the B<triggers> "
+"file by B<dh_installdeb>; see L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of "
+"Debhelper maintainer script snippets."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieser Befehl fügt Schnipsel von Betreuerskripten zur Ein- und Austragung "
+"der Kataloge und Superkataloge hinzu (außer wenn B<-n> benutzt wird). Diese "
+"Schnipsel werden durch B<dh_installdeb> in die Betreuerskripte und die Datei "
+"B<triggers> eingefügt; eine Erläuterung der Debhelper-"
+"Betreuerskriptschnipsel finden Sie in L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:36
+msgid ""
+"A dependency on B<sgml-base> will be added to B<${misc:Depends}>, so be sure "
+"your package uses that variable in F<debian/control>."
+msgstr ""
+"Eine Abhängigkeit von B<sgml-base> wird B<${misc:Depends}> hinzugefügt; "
+"stellen Sie also sicher, dass Ihr Paket diese Variable in F<debian/control> "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcatalogs:43
+msgid "debian/I<package>.sgmlcatalogs"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.sgmlcatalogs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:45
+msgid ""
+"Lists the catalogs to be installed per package. Each line in that file "
+"should be of the form C<I<source> I<dest>>, where I<source> indicates where "
+"the catalog resides in the source tree, and I<dest> indicates the "
+"destination location for the catalog under the package build area. I<dest> "
+"should start with F</usr/share/sgml/>."
+msgstr ""
+"listet die Kataloge auf, die je Paket installiert werden. Jede Zeile in "
+"dieser Datei sollte die Form C<I<Quelle> I<Ziel>> haben, wobei I<Quelle> "
+"anzeigt, wo die Kataloge im Quellverzeichnisbaum liegen und I<Ziel> den "
+"Zielspeicherort für den Katalog unterhalb des Baubereichs des Pakets nennt. "
+"I<Ziel> sollte mit F</usr/share/sgml/> beginnen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:62
+msgid ""
+"Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts nor add an activation "
+msgstr ""
+"ändert weder F<postinst>-/F<postrm>/F<prerm>-Skripte, noch wird ein "
+"Aktivierungsauslöser hinzugefügt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:69 dh_installemacsen:77 dh_installinit:206
+#: dh_installmodules:59 dh_installudev:52 dh_installwm:68 dh_usrlocal:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+"instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass dieser Befehl nicht idempotent ist. Zwischen mehreren "
+"Aufrufen dieses Befehls sollte L<dh_prep(1)> aufgerufen werden. Ansonsten "
+"könnte er zur Folge haben, dass den Betreuerskripten mehrere Instanzen des "
+"gleichen Textes hinzugefügt werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:132
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/sgml-base-doc/>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/sgml-base-doc/>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:136
+msgid "Adam Di Carlo <>"
+msgstr "Adam Di Carlo <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installchangelogs - install changelogs into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installchangelogs - installiert Changelogs in die Paketbauverzeichnisse"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:18
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+#| "[I<upstream>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[B<--no-trim>] [I<upstream>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<Element>] "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing changelogs into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation "
+"von Changelogs in Paketbauverzeichnisse zuständig ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:25
+msgid ""
+"An upstream F<changelog> file may be specified as an option. If none is "
+"specified, B<dh_installchangelogs> may look for files with names that seem "
+"likely to be changelogs as described in the next paragraphs."
+msgstr ""
+"Optional könnte eine F<changelog>-Datei der Originalautoren angegeben "
+"werden. Falls keine angegeben wurde, könnte B<dh_installchangelogs> nach "
+"Dateien mit Namen suchen, die wahrscheinlich Changelogs, wie in den nächsten "
+"Abschnitten beschrieben, sein könnten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:29
+msgid ""
+"In non-native packages, B<dh_installchangelogs> will first look for "
+"changelog files installed by the upstream build system into F<< usr/share/"
+"doc/I<package> >> (of the package build directory) and rename the most "
+"likely candidate (if any) to F<< usr/share/doc/I<package>/changelog >>. "
+"Note that B<dh_installchangelogs> does I<not> look into any source directory "
+"(such as F<debian/tmp>). Otherwise, B<dh_installchangelogs> (at "
+"compatibility level 7 or any later) will look for changelog files in the "
+"source directory (e.g. the root or the F<docs> subdirectory). It will look "
+"for F<changelog>, F<changes> and F<history> optionally with common "
+"extensions (such as F<.txt>, F<.md> and F<.rst>)."
+msgstr ""
+"In nicht nativen Paketen wird B<dh_installchangelogs> zuerst nach Changelog-"
+"Dateien suchen, die vom Bausystem der Ursprungsautoren in F<< usr/share/doc/"
+"I<package> >> (des Paketbauverzeichnisses) installiert wurden und den "
+"ähnlichsten Kandidaten (falls vorhanden) in F<< usr/share/doc/I<package>/"
+"changelog >> umbenennen. Beachten Sie, dass B<dh_installchangelogs> in "
+"I<kein> Quellverzeichnis (wie F<debian/tmp>) schaut. Ansonsten wird "
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> (auf Kompatibilitätsstufe 7 oder neuer) nach "
+"Changelog-Dateien im Quellverzeichnis (z.B. der Wurzel des F<docs>-"
+"Unterverzeichnisses) suchen. Dabei konzentriert es sich auf F<changelog>, "
+"F<changes> und F<history> die auch die gängigen Dateiendungen aufweisen "
+"können (etwa F<.txt>, F<.md> und F<.rst>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:41
+msgid ""
+"If a changelog file is specified and is an F<html> file (determined by file "
+"extension), it will be installed as F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog.html> "
+"instead. If the html changelog is converted to plain text, that variant can "
+"be specified as a second parameter. When no plain text variant is specified, "
+"a short F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog> is generated, pointing readers at "
+"the html changelog file."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls das angegebene Changelog eine F<html>-Datei ist (durch die Dateiendung "
+"festgelegt), wird es stattdessen als F<usr/share/doc/Paket/changelog.html> "
+"installiert. Falls das HTML-Changelog in eine reine Textdatei umgewandelt "
+"wird, kann diese als eine zweite Variante der Changelog-Datei der "
+"Ursprungsautoren angegeben werden. Wenn keine Variante als reine Textdatei "
+"angegeben wurde, wird ein kurzes F<usr/share/doc/Paket/changelog> erzeugt, "
+"das Leser auf die HTML-Changelog-Datei verweist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:48
+msgid ""
+"The B<debchange>-style Debian changelogs are trimmed to include only entries "
+"more recent than the release date of I<oldstable>. No trimming will be "
+"performed if the B<--no-trim> option is passed or if the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<notrimdch>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:57
+msgid "F<debian/changelog>"
+msgstr "F<debian/changelog>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:59
+msgid "F<debian/NEWS>"
+msgstr "F<debian/NEWS>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:61
+msgid "debian/I<package>.changelog"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.changelog"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:63
+msgid "debian/I<package>.NEWS"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.NEWS"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:65
+msgid ""
+"Automatically installed into usr/share/doc/I<package>/ in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"werden automatisch im Paketbauverzeichnis in usr/share/doc/I<Paket>/ "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:68
+msgid ""
+"Use the package specific name if I<package> needs a different F<NEWS> or "
+"F<changelog> file."
+msgstr ""
+"benutzt den paketspezifischen Namen, falls I<Paket> eine andere F<NEWS>- "
+"oder F<changelog>-Datei benötigt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:71
+msgid ""
+"The F<changelog> file is installed with a name of changelog for native "
+"packages, and F<changelog.Debian> for non-native packages. The F<NEWS> file "
+"is always installed with a name of F<NEWS.Debian>."
+msgstr ""
+"Die F<changelog>-Datei wird mit dem Namen des Changelogs für native Pakete "
+"installiert und F<changelog.Debian> für nicht native Pakete. Die Datei "
+"F<NEWS> wird immer mit dem Namen F<NEWS.Debian> installiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:83
+msgid ""
+"Keep the original name of the upstream changelog. This will be accomplished "
+"by installing the upstream changelog as F<changelog>, and making a symlink "
+"from that to the original name of the F<changelog> file. This can be useful "
+"if the upstream changelog has an unusual name, or if other documentation in "
+"the package refers to the F<changelog> file."
+msgstr ""
+"behält den Originalnamen des Changelogs der Originalautoren. Dies wird durch "
+"Installieren des Changelogs der Originalautoren als F<changelog> und "
+"Erstellen eines symbolischen Links davon zum Originalnamen der F<changelog>-"
+"Datei bewerkstelligt. Dies kann nützlich sein, falls das Changelog der "
+"Originalautoren einen unüblichen Dateinamen hat oder falls andere "
+"Dokumentation im Paket sich auf die Datei F<changelog> bezieht."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:91
+msgid ""
+"Exclude upstream F<changelog> files that contain I<item> anywhere in their "
+"filename from being installed."
+msgstr ""
+"schließt F<changelog>-Dateien der Originalautoren von der Installation aus, "
+"die irgendwo in ihrem Dateinamen I<Element> enthalten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:94
+msgid "Note that directory name of the changelog is also part of the match."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass der Verzeichnisname des Changelogs auch Teil des Treffers "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:96
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--no-start>"
+msgid "B<--no-trim>"
+msgstr "B<--no-start>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:98
+msgid ""
+"Install the full changelog, not its trimmed version that includes only "
+"recent entries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:101
+msgid "I<upstream>"
+msgstr "I<Originalautoren>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:103
+msgid "Install this file as the upstream changelog."
+msgstr "installiert diese Datei als Changelog der Originalautoren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:5
+msgid "dh_installcron - install cron scripts into etc/cron.*"
+msgstr "dh_installcron - installiert Cron-Skripte in etc/cron.*"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:17
+msgid "B<dh_installcron> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installcron> [S<B<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<--name=>I<Name>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installcron> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"cron scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installcron> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation von "
+"Cron-Skripten zuständig ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.daily"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.cron.daily"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:30
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.weekly"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.cron.weekly"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.monthly"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.cron.monthly"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:34
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.daily"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.yearly"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.cron.daily"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:36
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.hourly"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.cron.hourly"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.d"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.cron.d"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:40
+msgid ""
+"Installed into the appropriate F<etc/cron.*/> directory in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"installiert im passenden F<etc/cron.*/>-Verzeichnis im Paketbauverzeichnis"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:49 dh_installifupdown:46 dh_installinit:174
+#: dh_installlogcheck:49 dh_installlogrotate:29 dh_installmodules:49
+#: dh_installpam:42 dh_installppp:42 dh_installudev:38 dh_systemd_enable:94
+msgid "B<--name=>I<name>"
+msgstr "B<--name=>I<Name>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:51
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as F<etc/"
+"cron.*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them as the "
+"package name."
+msgstr ""
+"sucht nach Dateien mit Namen F<debian/Paket.Name.cron.*> und installiert sie "
+"als F<etc/cron.*/Name>, statt die üblichen Dateien zu benutzen und sie als "
+"Paketname zu installieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:5
+msgid "dh_installdeb - install files into the DEBIAN directory"
+msgstr "dh_installdeb - installiert Dateien in das Verzeichnis DEBIAN."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:17
+msgid "B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files into the F<DEBIAN> directories in package build directories with the "
+"correct permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation von "
+"Dateien in die F<DEBIAN>-Verzeichnisse in den Paketbauverzeichnissen mit den "
+"korrekten Berechtigungen zuständig ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:29
+msgid "I<package>.postinst"
+msgstr "I<Paket>.postinst"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:31
+msgid "I<package>.preinst"
+msgstr "I<Paket>.preinst"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:33
+msgid "I<package>.postrm"
+msgstr "I<Paket>.postrm"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:35
+msgid "I<package>.prerm"
+msgstr "I<Paket>.prerm"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:37
+msgid "These maintainer scripts are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+msgstr "Diese Betreuerskripte werden in das Verzeichnis F<DEBIAN> installiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:39
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> will perform substitution of known tokens of the pattern "
+"B<#TOKEN#>. In generally, scripts will want to include the B<#DEBHELPER#> "
+"to benefit from the shell scripts generated by debhelper commands (including "
+"those from B<dh_installdeb> when it processes I<package>.maintscript files)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> wird eine Ersetzung bekannter MARKIERUNGEN des Musters "
+"B<#MARKIERUNG#> durchführen. Im Allgemeinen werden Skripte B<#DEBHELPER#> "
+"einbinden wollen, um von den durch Debhelper-Befehle erzeugten Shell-"
+"Skripten zu profitieren (einschließlich derer von B<dh_installdeb>, wenn es "
+"I<Paket>.maintscript-Dateien verarbeitet)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:45
+msgid ""
+"The B<#DEBHELPER#> token should be placed on its own line as it is often "
+"replaced by a multi-line shell script."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Markierung B<#DEBHELPER#> sollte in eine eigene Zeile platziert werden, "
+"da sie oft durch ein mehrzeiliges Shellskript ersetzt wird."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:48
+msgid "I<package>.triggers"
+msgstr "I<Paket>.triggers"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:50
+msgid "I<package>.shlibs"
+msgstr "I<Paket>.shlibs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:52
+msgid "These control files are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+msgstr "Diese Steuerdateien sind im Verzeichnis F<DEBIAN> installiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:54
+msgid ""
+"Note that I<package>.shlibs is only installed in compat level 9 and "
+"earlier. In compat 10, please use L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass I<Paket>.shlibs nur auf Kompatibilitätsstufe 9 und älter "
+"installiert wird. Verwenden Sie im Kompatibilitätsmodus 10 bitte "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:57
+msgid "I<package>.conffiles"
+msgstr "I<Paket>.conffiles"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:59
+msgid ""
+"This file will be installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory. The provided file "
+"will be enriched by debhelper to include all the B<conffiles> auto-detected "
+"by debhelper (the maintainer should not list there as debhelper assumes it "
+"should handle that part)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:64
+msgid ""
+"This file is primarily useful for using \"special\" entries such as the B<< "
+"remove-on-upgrade >> feature from dpkg."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:67
+msgid "I<package>.maintscript"
+msgstr "I<Paket>.maintscript"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:69
+msgid ""
+"Lines in this file correspond to L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)> commands and "
+"parameters. However, the \"maint-script-parameters\" should I<not> be "
+"included as debhelper will add those automatically."
+msgstr ""
+"Zeilen in dieser Datei entsprechen L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)>-Befehlen "
+"und -Parametern. Die »maint-script-parameters« sollten jedoch I<nicht> "
+"eingefügt werden, da Debhelper sie automatisch hinzufügen wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:73
+msgid "Example:"
+msgstr "Beispiel:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:75
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Correct\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo -- \"$@\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Richtig\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo\n"
+" # FALSCH\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo -- \"$@\"\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:80
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 or later, any shell metacharacters will be escaped, so "
+"arbitrary shell code cannot be inserted here. For example, a line such as "
+"C<mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/newconffile> will insert maintainer "
+"script snippets into all maintainer scripts sufficient to move that conffile."
+msgstr ""
+"Im Kompatibilitätsmodus 10 oder höher werden alle Shell-Metazeichen "
+"maskiert, daher kann hier kein beliebiger Shell-Code eingefügt werden. Eine "
+"Zeile wie C<mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/newconffile> wird zum Beispiel "
+"Schnipsel von Betreuerskripten in alle Betreuerskripte einfügen, die sich "
+"eignen, um diese Konfigdatei zu verschieben."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:86
+msgid ""
+"It was also the intention to escape shell metacharacters in previous compat "
+"levels. However, it did not work properly and as such it was possible to "
+"embed arbitrary shell code in earlier compat levels."
+msgstr ""
+"Es war außerdem beabsichtigt, die Shell-Metazeichen in allen vorherigen "
+"Kompatibilitätsstufen zu maskieren. Dies funktionierte jedoch nicht "
+"ordentlich und von daher war es möglich, beliebigen Shell-Code in "
+"vorhergehenden Kompatibilitätsstufen einzubetten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:90
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do some basic validation of some of the "
+"commands listed in this file to catch common mistakes. The validation is "
+"enabled as a warning since compat 10 and as a hard error in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Werkzeug B<dh_installdeb> wird einige grundlegende Prüfungen einiger der "
+"in dieser Datei aufgeführten Befehle durchführen, um häufige Fehler "
+"abzufangen. Die Überprüfung wird seit Kompatibilitätsstufe 10 als Warnung "
+"aktiviert und in Kompatibilitätsstufe 12 als harter Fehler."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:95
+msgid ""
+"Where possible, B<dh_installdeb> may choose to rewrite some or all of the "
+"entries into equivalent features supported in dpkg without relying on "
+"maintainer scripts at its sole discretion (examples include rewriting "
+"B<rm_conffile> into dpkg's B<remove-on-upgrade>). The minimum requirement "
+"for activating this feature is that debhelper runs in compat 10 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:111 dh_installdebconf:76
+msgid "B<-D>I<TOKEN=VALUE>, B<--define> I<TOKEN=VALUE>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:113 dh_installdebconf:78
+msgid ""
+"Define tokens to be replaced inside the maintainer scripts when it is "
+"generated. Please note that the limitations described in L</Limitations in "
+"token names> also applies to tokens defined on the command line. Invalid "
+"token names will trigger an error."
+msgstr ""
+"definiert Markierungen, die innerhalb von Betreuerskripten bei ihrer "
+"Erzeugung ersetzt werden. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die in L</Beschränkungen "
+"in Markierungsnamen> beschriebenen Beschränkungen auch für Markierungen "
+"gelten, die auf der Befehlszeile definiert werden. Ungültige "
+"Markierungsnamen werden einen Fehler auslösen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:118 dh_installdebconf:83
+msgid ""
+"In the simple case, this parameter will cause B<< #I<TOKEN># >> to be "
+"replaced by I<VALUE>. If I<VALUE> starts with a literal I<@>-sign, then "
+"I<VALUE> is expected to point to a file containing the actual value to "
+msgstr ""
+"In einfachen Fall wird dieser Parameter veranlassen, dass B<< "
+"#I<MARKIERUNG># >> durch I<WERT> ersetzt wird. Falls I<WERT> mit einem I<@>-"
+"Zeichen beginnt, wird von I<WERT> erwartet, dass er auf eine Datei zeigt, "
+"die den tatsächlich einzufügenden Wert enthält."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:123 dh_installdebconf:88
+msgid ""
+"An explicit declared token with this parameter will replace built-in tokens."
+msgstr ""
+"Eine explizit mit diesem Parameter deklarierte Markierung wird die "
+"eingebauten Markierungen ersetzen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:126 dh_installdebconf:91
+msgid "Test examples to aid with the understanding:"
+msgstr "Testbeispiele zum besseren Verständnis:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:128
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tcat >> debian/postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Komplexer Wert\" > irgendeine-Datei\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define EINFACH=direkt --define DATEIBASIERT=@irgendeine-Datei\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:135 dh_installdebconf:100
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#SIMPLE#> will expand to B<direct> and B<#FILEBASED#> "
+"will expand to B<Complex value>."
+msgstr ""
+"In diesem Beispiel wird B<#EINFACH#> zu B<direkt> und B<#DATEIBASIERT#> zu "
+"B<Komplexer Wert> expandiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:138
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. This "
+"is useful when B<dh_installdeb> is acting on multiple packages that need "
+"different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the token "
+"name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgstr ""
+"Es ist auch möglich, paketspezifische Werte für eine angegebene Markierung "
+"zu setzen, was hilfreich ist, wenn B<dh_installdeb> mit mehreren Paketen "
+"agiert, die unterschiedliche Werte für dieselbe Markierung benötigen. Dazu "
+"wird B<< pkg.I<Paketname>. >> vor die Markierung gestellt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:143 dh_installdebconf:108
+msgid "This can be used as in the following example:"
+msgstr "Es kann wie im folgenden Beispiel benutzt werden:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:145
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdeb -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Skript für #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Skript für #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Skript für #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdeb -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define MARKIERUNG=Vorgabe --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.MARKIERUNG=eindeutiger-baz-wert\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:160
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo."
+"postinst>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.postinst> and to B<unique-"
+"baz-value> in F<debian/baz.postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+"In diesem Beispiel wird B<#MARKIERUNG#> in F<debian/foo.postinst> zu "
+"B<Vorgabe>, in F<debian/bar.postinst> zu B<eindeutiger-bar-wert> und in "
+"F<debian/baz.postinst> zu B<eindeutiger-baz-wert> expandiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:164
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. E."
+"g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.postinst> and it "
+"will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass die B<#pkg.*#>-Markierungen in allen Skripten, mit denen "
+"gearbeitet wird, sichtbar sind. Sie können sich z. B. auf B<"
+"MARKIERUNG#> innerhalb von F<debian/foo.postinst> beziehen und es wird durch "
+"B<eindeutiger-bar-wert> ersetzt."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_installdeb:170 dh_installdebconf:135
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:172
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> will automatically replace the following tokens inside "
+"a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> wird automatisch die folgenden Markierungen innerhalb eines "
+"bereitgestellten Betreuerskripts ersetzen (falls sie nicht über B<-D>/B<--"
+"define> ersetzt werden):"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:177
+msgid "#DEBHELPER#"
+msgstr "#DEBHELPER#"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:179
+msgid ""
+"This token is by default replaced with generated shell snippets debhelper "
+"commands. This includes the snippets generated by B<dh_installdeb> from "
+"I<package>.maintscript file (if present)."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Markierung wird standardmäßig durch in Shell-Schnipseln erzeugten "
+"Debhelper-Befehlen ersetzt. Dies umfasst die durch B<dh_installdeb> aus der "
+"Datei I<Paket>.maintscript erzeugten Schnipsel (falls vorhanden)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:183 dh_installdebconf:142
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:185 dh_installdebconf:144
+msgid ""
+"These tokens are replaced with the respective variable from L<dpkg-"
+"architecture(1)>. In almost all cases, you will want use the B<< "
+"#DEB_HOST_I<NAME> >> variant in a script to ensure you get the right value "
+"when cross-building."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Markierungen werden durch die entsprechende Variable aus L<dpkg-"
+"architecture(1)> ersetzt. In fast allen Fällen werden Sie die Variante B<< "
+"#DEB_HOST_I<NAME> >> in einem Skript benutzen wollen, um sicherzustellen, "
+"dass Sie beim Cross-Bauen den richtigen Wert haben."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:190 dh_installdebconf:149
+msgid ""
+"On a best effort, tokens of this pattern that do not match a variable in "
+"L<dpkg-architecture(1)> will be left as-is."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn Markierungen dieses Musters auch unter größten Anstrengungen nicht zu "
+"einer Variable in L<dpkg-architecture(1)> passen, werden sie so belassen, "
+"wie sie sind."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:193 dh_installdebconf:152
+msgid "#ENV.I<NAME>#"
+msgstr "#ENV.I<NAME>#"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:195 dh_installdebconf:154
+msgid ""
+"These tokens of this form will be replaced with value of the corresponding "
+"environment variable. If the environment variable is unset, the token is "
+"replaced with the empty string."
+msgstr ""
+"Markierungen dieser Form werden durch den Wert der entsprechenden "
+"Umgebungsvariable ersetzt. Falls eine Umgebungsvariable nicht gesetzt ist, "
+"wird die Markierung durch die leere Zeichenkette ersetzt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:200 dh_installdebconf:159
+msgid ""
+"Note that there are limits on which names can be used (see L</Limitations in "
+"token names>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass es Einschränkungen gibt, welche Namen verwendet werden "
+"können (siehe L</Einschränkungen in Markierungsnamen>)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:203 dh_installdebconf:162
+msgid "#PACKAGE#"
+msgstr "#PACKAGE#"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:205 dh_installdebconf:164
+msgid ""
+"This token is by default replaced by the package name, which will contain "
+"the concrete script."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Markierung wird standardmäßig durch den Namen des Paketes ersetzt, "
+"welches das wirkliche Skript enthält."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh_installdeb:210 dh_installdebconf:169
+msgid "Limitations in token names"
+msgstr "Einschränkungen in Markierungsnamen"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:212 dh_installdebconf:171
+msgid ""
+"All tokens intended to be substituted must match the regex: #[A-Za-z0-9_.+]+#"
+msgstr ""
+"Alle Markierungen, die zur Ersetzung vorgesehen sind, müssen zum regulären "
+"Ausdruck #[A-Za-z0-9_.+]+# passen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:214
+msgid ""
+"Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the "
+"script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will "
+"cause B<dh_installdeb> to reject the command with an error in most cases."
+msgstr ""
+"Markierungen, die nicht auf diesen Ausdruck passen, werden stillschweigend "
+"ignoriert, falls sie in der Skriptschablone gefunden werden. Ungültige "
+"Markierungsnamen, die per B<-D> oder B<--define> übergeben wurden, führen in "
+"den meisten Fällen dazu, dass B<dh_installdeb> den Befehl mit einem Fehler "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installdebconf - install files used by debconf in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdebconf - installiert Dateien, die von Debconf im "
+"Paketbauverzeichnis benutzt werden"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing files used by debconf into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das dafür zuständig ist, "
+"die Dateien, die von Debconf verwendet werden, in die Paketbauverzeichnisse "
+"zu installieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:24
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postrm> commands needed to interface "
+"with debconf. The commands are added to the maintainer scripts by "
+"B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how that "
+msgstr ""
+"Es erzeugt außerdem automatisch die für die Verbindung mit Debconf nötigen "
+"F<postrm>-Befehle. B<dh_installdeb> trägt die Befehle in die Betreuerskripte "
+"ein. Eine Erklärung, wie das funktioniert, finden Sie in L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:29
+msgid ""
+"Note that if you use debconf, your package probably needs to depend on it "
+"(it will be added to B<${misc:Depends}> by this program)."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass, falls Sie Debconf benutzen, Ihr Paket wahrscheinlich "
+"davon abhängen muss (es wird durch dieses Programm zu B<${misc:Depends}> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:32
+msgid ""
+"Note that for your config script to be called by B<dpkg>, your F<postinst> "
+"needs to source debconf's confmodule. B<dh_installdebconf> does not install "
+"this statement into the F<postinst> automatically as it is too hard to do it "
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie für Ihr durch B<dpkg> aufgerufenes Konfigurationsskript, dass "
+"Ihr F<postinst> das Confmodul von Debconf einbinden muss. "
+"B<dh_installdebconf> installiert die benötigten Befehle nicht automatisch in "
+"F<postinst>, da es zu schwierig ist, dies richtig zu machen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:41
+msgid "debian/I<package>.config"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.config"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:43
+msgid ""
+"This is the debconf F<config> script, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN> "
+"directory in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist das Debconf-F<config>-Skript. Es ist im Verzeichnis F<DEBIAN> im "
+"Paketbauverzeichnis installiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:46
+msgid ""
+"Inside the script, the token B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell script "
+"snippets generated by other debhelper commands."
+msgstr ""
+"Innerhalb des Skripts wird die Markierung B<#DEBHELPER#> durch Shell-"
+"Skriptschnipsel ersetzt, die durch andere Debhelper-Befehle erzeugt wurden."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:49
+msgid "debian/I<package>.templates"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.template"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:51
+msgid ""
+"This is the debconf F<templates> file, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN> "
+"directory in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist die Debconf-F<templates>-Datei. Sie ist im Verzeichnis F<DEBIAN> im "
+"Paketbauverzeichnis installiert."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:54
+msgid "F<debian/po/>"
+msgstr "F<debian/po/>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:56
+msgid ""
+"If this directory is present, this program will automatically use "
+"L<po2debconf(1)> to generate merged templates files that include the "
+"translations from there."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls dieses Verzeichnis vorhanden ist, wird dieses Programm automatisch "
+"L<po2debconf(1)> benutzen, um zusammengefügte Schablonendateien zu erzeugen, "
+"die Ãœbersetzungen aus dem Verzeichnis enthalten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:60
+msgid "For this to work, your package should build-depend on F<po-debconf>."
+msgstr ""
+"Für diese Aufgabe sollte Ihr Paket über eine Bauabhängigkeit auf F<po-"
+"debconf> verfügen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:70
+msgid "Do not modify F<postrm> script."
+msgstr "Ncht das F<postrm>-Skript ändern."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:74
+msgid "Pass the params to B<po2debconf>."
+msgstr "Ãœbergeben der Parameter an B<po2debconf>."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdebconf:93
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\tcat >> debian/postinst <<EOF\n"
+#| "\t#SIMPLE#\n"
+#| "\t#FILEBASED#\n"
+#| "\tEOF\n"
+#| "\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+#| " dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/config <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tcat >> debian/postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Komplexer Wert\" > irgendeine-Datei\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define EINFACH=direkt --define DATEIBASIERT=@irgendeine-Datei\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:103
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. "
+#| "This is useful when B<dh_installdeb> is acting on multiple packages that "
+#| "need different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the "
+#| "token name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. This "
+"is useful when B<dh_installdebconf> is acting on multiple packages that need "
+"different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the token "
+"name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgstr ""
+"Es ist auch möglich, paketspezifische Werte für eine angegebene Markierung "
+"zu setzen, was hilfreich ist, wenn B<dh_installdeb> mit mehreren Paketen "
+"agiert, die unterschiedliche Werte für dieselbe Markierung benötigen. Dazu "
+"wird B<< pkg.I<Paketname>. >> vor die Markierung gestellt."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdebconf:110
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\tcat >> debian/foo.postinst <<EOF\n"
+#| "\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+#| "\t#TOKEN#\n"
+#| "\tEOF\n"
+#| "\tcat >> debian/bar.postinst <<EOF\n"
+#| "\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+#| "\t#TOKEN#\n"
+#| "\tEOF\n"
+#| "\tcat >> debian/baz.postinst <<EOF\n"
+#| "\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+#| "\t#TOKEN#\n"
+#| "\tEOF\n"
+#| " dh_installdeb -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+#| " --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdebconf -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Skript für #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Skript für #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Skript für #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdeb -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define MARKIERUNG=Vorgabe --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.MARKIERUNG=eindeutiger-baz-wert\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:125
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo."
+#| "postinst>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.postinst> and to "
+#| "B<unique-baz-value> in F<debian/baz.postinst>."
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo."
+"config>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.config> and to B<unique-baz-"
+"value> in F<debian/baz.config>."
+msgstr ""
+"In diesem Beispiel wird B<#MARKIERUNG#> in F<debian/foo.postinst> zu "
+"B<Vorgabe>, in F<debian/bar.postinst> zu B<eindeutiger-bar-wert> und in "
+"F<debian/baz.postinst> zu B<eindeutiger-baz-wert> expandiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:129
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. "
+#| "E.g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.postinst> "
+#| "and it will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. E."
+"g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.config> and it "
+"will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass die B<#pkg.*#>-Markierungen in allen Skripten, mit denen "
+"gearbeitet wird, sichtbar sind. Sie können sich z. B. auf B<"
+"MARKIERUNG#> innerhalb von F<debian/foo.postinst> beziehen und es wird durch "
+"B<eindeutiger-bar-wert> ersetzt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:137
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The B<dh_installdeb> will automatically replace the following tokens "
+#| "inside a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--"
+#| "define>):"
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdebconf> will automatically replace the following tokens "
+"inside a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> wird automatisch die folgenden Markierungen innerhalb eines "
+"bereitgestellten Betreuerskripts ersetzen (falls sie nicht über B<-D>/B<--"
+"define> ersetzt werden):"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:173
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in "
+#| "the script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> "
+#| "will cause B<dh_installdeb> to reject the command with an error in most "
+#| "cases."
+msgid ""
+"Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the "
+"script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will "
+"cause B<dh_installdebconf> to reject the command with an error in most cases."
+msgstr ""
+"Markierungen, die nicht auf diesen Ausdruck passen, werden stillschweigend "
+"ignoriert, falls sie in der Skriptschablone gefunden werden. Ungültige "
+"Markierungsnamen, die per B<-D> oder B<--define> übergeben wurden, führen in "
+"den meisten Fällen dazu, dass B<dh_installdeb> den Befehl mit einem Fehler "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:5
+msgid "dh_installdirs - create subdirectories in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdirs - erstellt Unterverzeichnisse in den Paketbauverzeichnissen"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[B<--create-in-sourcedir>] [S<I<dir> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-A>] [B<--"
+"sourcedir=>I<Verz>] [B<--create-in-sourcedir>] [S<I<Verz> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for creating "
+"subdirectories in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für das Erstellen von "
+"Unterverzeichnissen in den Paketbauverzeichnisse zuständig ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:24
+msgid ""
+"Many packages can get away with omitting the call to B<dh_installdirs> "
+"completely. Notably, other B<dh_*> commands are expected to create "
+"directories as needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Viele Pakete kommen um den Aufruf von B<dh_installdirs> komplett herum. "
+"Insbesondere ist von anderen B<dh_*>-Befehlen zu erwarten, dass sie "
+"Verzeichnisse bei Bedarf selbst erstellen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.dirs"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.dirs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:34
+msgid "Lists directories to be created in I<package>."
+msgstr "Listet Verzeichnisse auf, die in I<Paket> erstellt werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:36
+msgid ""
+"Generally, there is no need to list directories created by the upstream "
+"build system or directories needed by other B<debhelper> commands."
+msgstr ""
+"Meist ist es nicht erforderlich, Verzeichnisse aufzuführen, die vom "
+"Bausystem der Ursprungsautoren erstellt worden sind oder die von anderen "
+"B<Debhelper>-Befehlen benötigt werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:51
+msgid ""
+"Create any directories specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+"acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"erstellt jegliche Verzeichnisse, die durch Befehlszeilenparameter angegeben "
+"wurden, in ALLEN Paketen, auf die es sich auswirkt, nicht nur im ersten."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:54
+msgid "B<--create-in-sourcedir>, B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>"
+msgstr "B<--create-in-sourcedir>, B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:56
+msgid ""
+"Whether to create the specified directories in the source directory (usually "
+"F<debian/tmp>) I<in addition to> in the package build directory (usually F<< "
+"debian/I<package> >>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Werden die angegebenen Verzeichnisse im Quellverzeichnis (üblicherweise "
+"F<debian/tmp>) I<zusätzlich> zum Paketbauverzeichnis (üblicherweise F<< "
+"debian/I<Paket> >>) erzeugt?"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:60
+msgid "The default is B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>."
+msgstr "Die Voreinstellung ist B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:64
+msgid ""
+"Consider I<dir> the source directory for the packages acted on instead of "
+"the default (which is usually F<debian/tmp>)."
+msgstr ""
+"I<Verz> soll anstatt der Vorgabe (normalerweise F<debian/tmp>) als "
+"Quellverzeichnis, auf dem gearbeitet wird, betrachtet werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:67
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this option is dependent on the B<--create-in-sourcedir> "
+"option (when B<--no-create-in-sourcedir> is in effect, this option does "
+"nothing in B<dh_installdirs>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Option von der Option B<--create-in-"
+"sourcedir> abhängt (wenn B<--no-create-in-sourcedir> in Kraft ist, tut diese "
+"Option in B<dh_installdirs> nichts)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:71
+msgid "I<dir> ..."
+msgstr "I<Verz> …"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:73
+msgid ""
+"Create these directories in the package build directory of the first package "
+"acted on. (Or in all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"erstellt diese Verzeichnisse im Paketbauverzeichnis des ersten Pakets, auf "
+"die es sich auswirkt (oder in allen Paketen, falls B<-A> angegeben wurde)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:7
+msgid "dh_installdocs - install documentation into package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_installdocs - installiert Dokumentation in Paketbauverzeichnisse"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<Element>] "
+"[S<I<Datei> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"documentation into F<usr/share/doc/package> in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation von "
+"Dokumentation in F<usr/share/doc/Paket> im Paketbauverzeichnis zuständig ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:26
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 and earlier, L<dh_install(1)> may be a better tool for handling "
+"the upstream documentation, when upstream's own build system installs all "
+"the desired documentation correctly. In this case, B<dh_installdocs> is "
+"still useful for installing packaging related documentation (e.g. the "
+"F<debian/copyright> file)."
+msgstr ""
+"In Kompatibilitätsstufe 10 und älter war L<dh_install(1)> möglicherweise ein "
+"besseres Werkzeug zur Handhabung von Dokumentation der Ursprungsautoren, "
+"wenn das eigene Bausystem der Ursprungsautoren sämtliche gewünschte "
+"Dokumentation korrekt installierte. In diesem Fall kann B<dh_installdocs> "
+"immer noch paketierungsbezogene Dokumentation (z.B. die Datei F<debian/"
+"copyright>) installieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:31 dh_installexamples:27 dh_installinfo:24 dh_installman:69
+msgid ""
+"From debhelper compatibility level 11 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+"looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current "
+"directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Ab Debhelper-Kompatibilitätsstufe 11 wird B<dh_install> in F<debian/tmp> "
+"nach Dateien suchen, wenn es sie nicht im aktuellen Verzeichnis findet (oder "
+"wo auch immer Sie ihm mit B<--sourcedir> aufgetragen haben zu suchen)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:35
+msgid ""
+"In compat 11 and later, B<dh_installdocs> offers many of the features that "
+"L<dh_install(1)> also has. Furthermore, B<dh_installdocs> also supports the "
+"B<nodoc> build profile to exclude documentation (regardless of compat level)."
+msgstr ""
+"In Kompatibilitätsstufe 11 und neuer bietet B<dh_installdocs> viele der "
+"Funktionalitäten, die auch L<dh_install(1)> hat. Desweiteren unterstützt "
+"B<dh_installdocs> außerdem das Bauprofil B<nodoc>, um Dokumentation "
+"(unabhängig von der Kompatibilitätsstufe) auszuschließen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.docs"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.docs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:46
+msgid "List documentation files to be installed into I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"listet Dokumentationsdateien auf, die in I<Paket> installiert werden sollen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:51
+msgid "F<debian/copyright>"
+msgstr "F<debian/copyright>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:53
+msgid ""
+"The copyright file is installed into all packages, unless a more specific "
+"copyright file is available."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Copyright-Datei ist in allen Paketen installiert, außer wenn eine "
+"speziellere Copyright-Datei verfügbar ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:56
+msgid "debian/I<package>.copyright"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.copyright"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:58
+msgid "debian/I<package>.README.Debian"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.README.Debian"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:60
+msgid "debian/I<package>.TODO"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.TODO"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:62
+msgid ""
+"Each of these files is automatically installed if present for a I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Jede dieser Dateien wird automatisch installiert, falls sie für ein I<Paket> "
+"vorhanden ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:65
+msgid "F<debian/README.Debian>"
+msgstr "F<debian/README.Debian>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:67
+msgid "F<debian/TODO>"
+msgstr "F<debian/TODO>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:69
+msgid ""
+"These files are installed into the first binary package listed in debian/"
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Dateien werden in das erste Binärpaket installiert, das in »debian/"
+"control« aufgeführt ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:72
+msgid ""
+"Note that F<README.debian> files are also installed as F<README.Debian>, and "
+"F<TODO> files will be installed as F<TODO.Debian> in non-native packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass F<README.debian>-Dateien auch als F<README.Debian> und "
+"F<TODO>-Dateien in nicht-nativen Paketen auch als F<TODO.Debian> installiert "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:75
+msgid "debian/I<package>.doc-base"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.doc-base"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:77
+msgid ""
+"Installed as doc-base control files. Note that the doc-id will be determined "
+"from the B<Document:> entry in the doc-base control file in question. In the "
+"event that multiple doc-base files in a single source package share the same "
+"doc-id, they will be installed to usr/share/doc-base/package instead of usr/"
+msgstr ""
+"sind als doc-base-Steuerdateien installiert. Beachten Sie, dass die Doc-ID "
+"vom Eintrag B<Document:> in der bestreffenden Doc-base-Steuerdatei bestimmt "
+"wird. In dem Fall, dass mehrere Doc-base-Dateien in einem einzelnen "
+"Quellpaket die gleiche Doc-ID gemeinsam benutzen, werden sie nach usr/share/"
+"doc-base/package statt nach usr/share/doc-base/doc-id installiert."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:83
+msgid "debian/I<package>.doc-base.*"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.doc-base.*"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:85
+msgid ""
+"If your package needs to register more than one document, you need multiple "
+"doc-base files, and can name them like this. In the event that multiple doc-"
+"base files of this style in a single source package share the same doc-id, "
+"they will be installed to usr/share/doc-base/package-* instead of usr/share/"
+msgstr ""
+"Falls es nötig ist, dass Ihr Paket mehr als ein Dokument registriert, "
+"benötigen Sie mehrere Doc-base-Dateien und können sie auf diese Weise "
+"benennen. In dem Fall, dass mehrere solche Doc-base-Dateien in einem "
+"einzelnen Quellpaket die gleiche Doc-ID gemeinsam benutzen, werden sie nach "
+"usr/share/doc-base/package-* statt nach usr/share/doc-base/doc-id "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:91
+msgid ""
+"Please be aware that this deduplication is currently done in memory only, so "
+"for now it requires B<dh_installdocs> to be called no more than once during "
+"the package build. Calling B<dh_installdocs -p>I<package> in combination "
+"with using F<debian/>I<package>F<.doc-base.*> files can lead to "
+"uninstallable packages. See L<> for details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:106 dh_installinfo:47 dh_installman:92
+msgid ""
+"Install all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+msgstr ""
+"installiert alle durch Befehlszeilenparameter angegebenen Dateien in ALLEN "
+"Paketen, auf die es sich auswirkt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:111
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"installed. Note that this includes doc-base files."
+msgstr ""
+"schließt Dateien von der Installation aus, die I<Element> in ihrem "
+"Dateinamen enthalten. Beachten Sie, dass dies doc-base-Dateien einschließt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:116 dh_installexamples:59 dh_installinfo:52 dh_installman:102
+msgid ""
+"Look in the specified directory for files to be installed. This option "
+"requires compat 11 or later (it is silently ignored in compat 10 or earlier)."
+msgstr ""
+"schaut im angegebenen Verzeichnis nach Dateien, die installiert werden "
+"sollen. Diese Option erfordert Kompatibilitätsstufe 11 oder höher (sie wird "
+"in Kompatibilitätsstufe 10 und darunter stillschweigend ignoriert)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:119 dh_installman:105
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installman> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+"compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass dies nicht das Gleiche wie die Option B<--"
+"sourcedirectory> ist, die von B<dh_auto_>I<*>-Befehlen benutzt wird. Sie "
+"benötigen diese Option selten, da B<dh_installman> in Debhelper-"
+"Kompatibilitätsstufe 11 und darüber automatisch in F<debian/tmp> nach "
+"Dateien sucht."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:124 dh_installexamples:67
+msgid "B<--doc-main-package=>I<main-package>"
+msgstr "B<--doc-main-package=>I<Hauptpaket>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:126 dh_installexamples:69
+msgid ""
+"Set the main package for a documentation package. This is used to install "
+"the documentation of the documentation package in F<< /usr/share/doc/I<main-"
+"package> >> as recommended by the Debian policy manual 3.9.7 in §12.3."
+msgstr ""
+"setzt das Hauptpaket für ein Dokumentationspaket. Dies wird zur Installation "
+"der Dokumentation des Dokumentationspakets in F<< /usr/share/doc/"
+"I<Hauptpaket> >> benutzt, wie es das Debian-Richlinienhandbuch 3.9.7 in "
+"§12.3 empfiehlt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:131 dh_installexamples:74
+msgid ""
+"In compat 11 (or later), this option is only useful if debhelper's auto-"
+"detection of the main package is wrong. The option can also be used to "
+"silence a warning from debhelper when the auto-detection fails but the "
+"default happens to be correct."
+msgstr ""
+"In Kompatibilitätsstufe 11 (oder höher) ist diese Option nur dann nützlich, "
+"wenn Debhelpers automatische Erkennung des Hauptpakets falsch ist. Die "
+"Option kann außerdem benutzt werden, um eine Warnung von Debhelper zu "
+"unterdrücken, wenn die automatische Erkennung fehlschlägt, die "
+"Voreinstellung aber korrekt funktioniert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:136
+msgid ""
+"This option cannot be used when B<dh_installdocs> is instructed to act on "
+"multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally need to "
+"combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Option kann nicht verwendet werden, wenn B<dh_installdocs> angewiesen "
+"wurde, auf mehrere Pakete einzuwirken. Falls Sie diese Option benötigen, "
+"werden Sie sie üblicherweise mit B<-p> kombinieren müssen, um "
+"sicherzustellen, dass nur auf exakt ein Paket eingewirkt wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:141
+msgid ""
+"Please keep in mind that some documentation (the copyright file, README."
+"Debian, etc.) will be unaffected by this option."
+msgstr ""
+"Bitte denken Sie daran, dass manche Dokumentation (die Copyright-Datei, "
+"README.Debian, etc.) nicht von dieser Option beeinflusst wird."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:144
+msgid "B<--link-doc=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--link-doc=>I<Paket>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:146
+msgid ""
+"Make the documentation directory of all packages acted on be a symlink to "
+"the documentation directory of I<package>. This has no effect when acting on "
+"I<package> itself, or if the documentation directory to be created already "
+"exists when B<dh_installdocs> is run. To comply with policy, I<package> must "
+"be a binary package that comes from the same source package."
+msgstr ""
+"veranlasst, dass das Dokumentationsverzeichnis aller Pakete, auf die es sich "
+"auswirkt, ein symbolischer Link auf das Dokumentationsverzeichnis von "
+"I<Paket> ist. Dies hat keine Auswirkungen, wenn auf das I<Paket> selbst "
+"eingewirkt wird oder falls das Dokumentationsverzeichnis, das erstellt "
+"werden soll, bereits bei der Ausführung von B<dh_installdocs> existiert. Um "
+"der Richtlinie zu entsprechen, muss I<Paket> ein Binärpaket sein, das vom "
+"selben Quellpaket stammt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:152
+msgid ""
+"debhelper will try to avoid installing files into linked documentation "
+"directories that would cause conflicts with the linked package. The B<-A> "
+"option will have no effect on packages with linked documentation "
+"directories, and F<copyright>, F<changelog>, F<README.Debian>, and F<TODO> "
+"files will not be installed."
+msgstr ""
+"Debhelper wird versuchen, die Installation von Dateien in verlinkte "
+"Dokumentationsverzeichnisse zu verhindern, die Konflikte mit dem verlinkten "
+"Paket verursachen würden. Die Option B<-A> wird keine Auswirkungen auf "
+"Pakete mit verlinkten Dokumentationsverzeichnissen haben und die Dateien "
+"F<copyright>, F<changelog>, F<README.Debian> und F<TODO> werden nicht "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:158
+msgid ""
+"(An older method to accomplish the same thing, which is still supported, is "
+"to make the documentation directory of a package be a dangling symlink, "
+"before calling B<dh_installdocs>.)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Eine ältere Methode, die dasselbe errecht und die immer noch unterstützt "
+"wird, besteht darin, das Dokumentationsverzeichnis eines Pakets als defekten "
+"symbolischen Link zu erstellen, bevor B<dh_installdocs> aufgerufen wird.)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:162
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this option only applies to the documentation directory for "
+"the package itself. When the package ships documentation for another "
+"package (e.g. see B<--doc-main-package>), it will not use a symlink for the "
+"documentation of the other package."
+msgstr ""
+"Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Option nur für das Dokumentationsverzeichnis "
+"des Pakets selbst gilt. Wenn das Paket Dokumentation für ein anderes Paket "
+"mitbringt (siehe z. B. B<--doc-main-package>), wird kein symbolischer Link "
+"für die Dokumentation des anderen Pakets verwendet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:168
+msgid ""
+"B<CAVEAT 1>: If a previous version of the package was built without this "
+"option and is now built with it (or vice-versa), it requires a \"dir to "
+"symlink\" (or \"symlink to dir\") migration. Since debhelper has no "
+"knowledge of previous versions, you have to enable this migration itself."
+msgstr ""
+"B<WARNUNG 1>: Falls eine vorhergehende Version des Pakets ohne diese Option "
+"gebaut wurde und nun mit ihr gebaut wird (oder umgekehrt), erfordert es eine "
+"»Verzeichnis-zu-Symlink«- (oder »Symlink-zu-Verzeichnis«)-Migration. Da "
+"Debhelper nichts über die vorhergehenden Versionen weiß, müssen Sie diese "
+"Migration selbst anstoßen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:174
+msgid ""
+"This can be done by providing a \"debian/I<package>.maintscript\" file and "
+"using L<dh_installdeb(1)> to provide the relevant maintainer script snippets."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies kann durch Bereitstellen einer »debian/I<Paket>.maintscript«-Datei und "
+"mittels L<dh_installdeb(1)> erledigt werden. Dadurch werden die passenden "
+"Betreuerskriptschnipsel zur Verfügung gestellt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:178
+msgid ""
+"B<CAVEAT 2>: The use of B<--link-doc> should only be done when the packages "
+"have same \"architecture\" type. A link from an architecture independent "
+"package to an architecture dependent package (or vice versa) will not work. "
+"Since compat 10, debhelper will actively reject unsupported combinations."
+msgstr ""
+"B<WARNUNG 2>: B<--link-doc> sollte nur benutzt werden, wenn die Pakete "
+"denselben »architecture«-Typ haben. Ein Link von einem "
+"architekturunabhängigen zu einem architekturabhängigen Paket (oder "
+"umgekehrt) wird nicht funktionieren. Seit Kompatibilitätsstufe 10 wird "
+"Debhelper nicht unterstützte Kombinationen aktiv zurückweisen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:186
+msgid ""
+"Install these files as documentation into the first package acted on. (Or in "
+"all packages if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert diese Dateien als Dokumentation in das erste Paket, auf die es "
+"sich auswirkt (oder in allen Paketen, falls B<-A> angegeben wurde)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:193
+msgid "This is an example of a F<debian/> file:"
+msgstr "Dies ist ein Beispiel einer F<debian/>-Datei:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdocs:195
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" README\n"
+" TODO\n"
+" debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.pdf\n"
+" docs/manual-html/\n"
+msgstr ""
+" README\n"
+" TODO\n"
+" debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.pdf\n"
+" docs/manual-html/\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:204
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installdocs> will happily copy entire directory hierarchies "
+"if you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to install a "
+"directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass B<dh_installdocs> klaglos ganze Verzeichnishierarchien "
+"kopiert, wenn Sie es verlangen (ähnlich B<cp -a>). Wenn ein Verzeichnis "
+"installieren soll, übernimmt es den kompletten Verzeichnisinhalt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:5
+msgid "dh_installemacsen - register an Emacs add on package"
+msgstr "dh_installemacsen - registriert ein Emacs-Add-on-Paket"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing files used by the Debian B<emacsen-common> package into package "
+"build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation "
+"von Dateien in Paketbauverzeichnissen zuständig ist, die vom Debian-Paket "
+"B<emacsen-common> benutzt werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:25
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<preinst> F<postinst> and F<prerm> "
+"commands needed to register a package as an Emacs add on package. The "
+"commands are added to the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how this works."
+msgstr ""
+"Es erzeugt außerdem automatisch die F<preinst>, F<postinst>- und F<prerm>-"
+"Befehle, die benötigt sind, um ein Paket als ein Emacs-Add-on-Paket zu "
+"registrieren. Die Befehle werden den Betreuerskripten durch B<dh_installdeb> "
+"hinzugefügt. Eine Erklärung, wie das funktioniert, finden Sie in "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-compat"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.emacsen-compat"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:36
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/compat/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert in F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/compat/Paket> im "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:39
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-install"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.emacsen-install"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:41
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert in F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/Paket> im "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-remove"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.emacsen-remove"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:46
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert in F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/Paket> im "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:49
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-startup"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.emacsen-startup"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:51
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/emacs/site-start.d/50I<package>.el in the package build "
+"directory. Use B<--priority> to use a different priority than 50."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert in etc/emacs/site-start.d/50I<Paket>.el im Paketbauverzeichnis. "
+"Benutzen Sie B<--priority>, um eine andere Priorität als 50 zu verwenden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:62 dh_usrlocal:56
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts."
+msgstr "ändert keine F<postinst>-/F<prerm>-Skripte."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:64 dh_installwm:45
+msgid "B<--priority=>I<n>"
+msgstr "B<--priority=>I<n>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:66
+msgid "Sets the priority number of a F<site-start.d> file. Default is 50."
+msgstr ""
+"setzt die Prioritätsnummer einer F<site-start.d>-Datei. Vorgabe ist 50."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:68
+msgid "B<--flavor=>I<foo>"
+msgstr "B<--flavor=>I<foo>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:70
+msgid ""
+"Sets the flavor a F<site-start.d> file will be installed in. Default is "
+"B<emacs>, alternatives include B<xemacs> and B<emacs20>."
+msgstr ""
+"setzt die Variante, in der eine F<site-start.d>-Datei installiert wird. "
+"Vorgabe ist B<emacs>, zu den Alternativen gehören B<xemacs> und B<emacs20>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:140
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L</usr/share/doc/emacsen-common/debian-emacs-policy.gz>"
+msgstr ""
+"L<debhelper(7)> L</usr/share/doc/emacsen-common/debian-emacs-policy.gz>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:7
+msgid ""
+"dh_installexamples - install example files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installexamples - installiert Beispieldateien in die "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<Element>] "
+"[S<I<Datei> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing examples into F<usr/share/doc/package/examples> in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation "
+"von Beispielen in F<usr/share/doc/Paket/examples> in die "
+"Paketbauverzeichnissen zuständig ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installexamples:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.examples"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.examples"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:37
+msgid "Lists example files or directories to be installed."
+msgstr "listet zu installierende Beispieldateien oder -verzeichnisse auf"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:39
+msgid ""
+"If upstream provides an F<examples> directory, you will often want to use "
+"B<examples/*> rather than B<examples> in this file. The latter would create "
+"F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples/examples >>, which is rarely what you "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:54
+msgid ""
+"Install any files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+msgstr ""
+"installiert jegliche durch Befehlszeilenparameter angegebenen Dateien in "
+"ALLEN Paketen, auf die es sich auswirkt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installexamples> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in "
+"debhelper compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass dies nicht das Gleiche wie die Option B<--"
+"sourcedirectory> ist, die von B<dh_auto_>I<*>-Befehlen benutzt wird. Sie "
+"benötigen diese Option selten, da B<dh_installexamples> in Debhelper-"
+"Kompatibilitätsstufe 11 und darüber automatisch in F<debian/tmp> nach "
+"Dateien sucht."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:79
+msgid ""
+"This option cannot be used when B<dh_installexamples> is instructed to act "
+"on multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally need to "
+"combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Option kann nicht benutzt werden, wenn B<dh_installexamples> "
+"angewiesen wurde, auf mehrere Pakete einzuwirken. Falls Sie diese Option "
+"benötigen, werden Sie sie üblicherweise mit B<-p> kombinieren müssen, um "
+"sicherzustellen, dass auf genau ein Paket eingewirkt wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:86
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+msgstr ""
+"schließt Dateien von der Installation aus, die irgendwo in ihrem Dateinamen "
+"I<Element> enthalten"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:91
+msgid ""
+"Install these files (or directories) as examples into the first package "
+"acted on. (Or into all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"installiert diese Dateien (oder Verzeichnisse) als Beispiele in das erste "
+"Paket, auf das es sich auswirkt (oder in alle Pakete, falls B<-A> angegeben "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:98
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installexamples> will happily copy entire directory "
+"hierarchies if you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to "
+"install a directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass B<dh_installexamples> klaglos ganze "
+"Verzeichnishierarchien kopiert, falls Sie es verlangen (ähnlich B<cp -a>). "
+"Wenn es ein Verzeichnis installieren soll, übernimmt es auch den kompletten "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:5
+msgid "dh_installifupdown - install if-up and if-down hooks"
+msgstr "dh_installifupdown - installiert »if-up«- und »if-down«-Hooks."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:17
+msgid "B<dh_installifupdown> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installifupdown> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<--name=>I<Name>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installifupdown> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing F<if-up>, F<if-down>, F<if-pre-up>, and F<if-post-down> hook "
+"scripts into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installifupdown> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation "
+"von F<if-up>-, F<if-down>-, F<if-pre-up>- und F<if-post-down>-Hook-Skripten "
+"in den Paketbauverzeichnissen zuständig ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:29
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.if-up"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:31
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.if-down"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-pre-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.if-pre-up"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-post-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.if-post-down"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:37
+msgid ""
+"These files are installed into etc/network/if-*.d/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Dateien werden in etc/network/if-*.d/I<Paket> im Paketbauverzeichnis "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:48
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as F<etc/"
+"network/if-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them as "
+"the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"sucht nach Dateien mit Namen F<debian/Paket.Name.if-*> und installiert sie "
+"als F<etc/network/if-*/Name>, statt die üblichen Dateien zu benutzen und sie "
+"als den Paketnamen zu installieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:5
+msgid "dh_installinfo - install info files"
+msgstr "dh_installinfo - installiert Info-Dateien"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:17
+msgid "B<dh_installinfo> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installinfo> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<Datei> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"info files into F<usr/share/info> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation von "
+"Dateien in F<usr/share/info> im Paketbauverzeichnis zuständig ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinfo:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.info"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.info"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:34
+msgid "List info files to be installed."
+msgstr "listet zu installierende Info-Dateien auf."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:55
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installinfo> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in "
+"debhelper compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass dies nicht das Gleiche ist wie die Option B<--"
+"sourcedirectory>, die von B<dh_auto_>I<*>-Befehlen benutzt wird. Sie "
+"benötigen diese Option selten, da B<dh_installinfo> in Debhelper-"
+"Kompatibilitätsstufe 11 und darüber automatisch in F<debian/tmp> nach "
+"Dateien sucht."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:62
+msgid ""
+"Install these info files into the first package acted on. (Or in all "
+"packages if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert diese Info-Dateien in das erste Paket, auf das es sich auswirkt "
+"(oder in allen Paketen, falls B<-A> angegeben wurde)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installinit - install service init files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installinit - installiert Dienstinitialisierungsdateien in "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<-n>] [B<-"
+"R>] [B<-r>] [B<-d>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<--name=>I<Name>] [B<-n>] [B<-"
+"R>] [B<-r>] [B<-d>] [S<B<--> I<Parameter>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"init scripts with associated defaults files. In compatibility levels up to "
+"and including 10, B<dh_installinit> will also install some systemd related "
+"files provided by the debian packaging (see the L</FILES> section below). "
+"In compatibility levels up to and including 11, B<dh_installinit> will also "
+"handle upstart jobs provided in the debian packaging (see the L</FILES> for "
+"more information on this as well)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation von "
+"Init-Skripten mit den zugehörigen Standarddateien verantwortlich ist. In "
+"Kompatibilitätsstufen bis einschließlich 10 wird B<dh_installinit> auch "
+"einige Systemd-bezogenen Dateien installieren, die von Debian-Paketen "
+"bereitgestellt werden (siehe den nachfolgenden Abschnitt L</DATEIEN>). In "
+"Kompatibilitätsstufen bis einschließlich 11 wird B<dh_installinit> auch die "
+"in der Debian-Paketierung bereitgestellten Upstart-Jobs handhaben (weitere "
+"Informationen darüber finden Sie auch unter L</DATEIEN>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:31
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> and F<prerm> "
+"commands needed to set up the symlinks in F</etc/rc*.d/> to start and stop "
+"the init scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Es erzeugt außerdem automatisch die F<postinst>-, F<postrm>- und F<prerm>-"
+"Skripte, die nötig sind, um die symbolischen Links in F</etc/rc*.d/> "
+"einzurichten und die Init-Skripte zu starten und zu stoppen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:35
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 or earlier: If a package only ships a systemd service file and "
+"no sysvinit script is provided, you may want to exclude the call to "
+"dh_installinit for that package (e.g. via B<-N>). Otherwise, you may get "
+"warnings from lintian about init.d scripts not being included in the package."
+msgstr ""
+"In Kompatibilitätsstufe 10 oder älter: Falls ein Paket nur eine Systemd-"
+"Dienstdatei mitbringt und kein Sysvinit-Skript bereitgestellt wird, möchten "
+"Sie möglicherweise den Aufruf von »dh_installinit« für dieses Paket "
+"ausschließen (z. B. per B<-N>). Andernfalls könnten Sie von Lintian "
+"Warnungen vor »init.d«-Skripte bekommen, die nicht im Paket enthalten sind."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:45
+msgid "debian/I<package>.init"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.init"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:47
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into etc/init.d/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls vorhanden, wird es in etc/init.d/I<Paket> im Paketbauverzeichnis "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.default"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.default"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:52
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into etc/default/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls vorhanden, wird es in etc/default/I<Paket> im Paketbauverzeichnis "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:55
+msgid "debian/I<package>.upstart"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.upstart"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:57
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 11, this file will trigger an error with a reminder "
+"about ensuring the proper removal of the upstart file in the previous "
+"package version. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous upstart files."
+msgstr ""
+"In Kompatibilitätsstufe 11 wird diese Datei einen Fehler auslösen, der daran "
+"erinnert, dass das ordentliche Entfernen der Upstart-Datei in der vorherigen "
+"Paketversion sichergestellt werden soll. Bitte ziehen Sie die Verwendung der "
+"Funktionalität »rm_conffile« von L<dh_installdeb(1)> in Betracht, um das "
+"ordentliche Entfernen früherer Upstart-Dateien sicherzustellen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:62
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 10, if this file exists, it is installed into etc/"
+"init/I<package>.conf in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls diese Datei in Kompatibilitätsstufe 10 existiert, wird sie in etc/init/"
+"I<Paket>.conf im Paketbauverzeichnis installiert."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:65
+msgid "debian/I<package>.service"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.service"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:67
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+#| "service in the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and "
+#| "below."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"service >> in the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and "
+msgstr ""
+"Falls vorhanden, wird es in lib/systemd/system/I<Paket>.service im "
+"Paketbauverzeichnis installiert. Wird nur in Kompatibilitätsstufen 10 und "
+"darunter benutzt."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:70 dh_systemd_enable:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.tmpfile"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.tmpfile"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:72
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+#| "service in the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and "
+#| "below."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in "
+"the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and below."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls vorhanden, wird es in lib/systemd/system/I<Paket>.service im "
+"Paketbauverzeichnis installiert. Wird nur in Kompatibilitätsstufen 10 und "
+"darunter benutzt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:83
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts."
+msgstr "ändert keine F<postinst>-/F<postrm>/F<prerm>-Skripte."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:85
+msgid "B<-o>, B<--only-scripts>"
+msgstr "B<-o>, B<--only-scripts>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:87
+msgid ""
+"Only modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts, do not actually install "
+"any init script, default files, upstart job or systemd service file. May be "
+"useful if the file is shipped and/or installed by upstream in a way that "
+"doesn't make it easy to let B<dh_installinit> find it."
+msgstr ""
+"verändert nur die F<postinst>-/F<postrm>-/F<prerm>-Skripte und installiert "
+"kein Init-Skript, keine Vorgabedateien, keinen Upstart-Job und keine Systemd-"
+"Dienstdatei; kann nützlich sein, falls die Datei von den Originalautoren auf "
+"eine Art mitgeliefert/installiert wird, die es B<dh_installinit> erschwert, "
+"sie zu finden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:92
+msgid ""
+"B<Caveat>: This will bypass all the regular checks and I<unconditionally> "
+"modify the scripts. You will almost certainly want to use this with B<-p> "
+"to limit, which packages are affected by the call. Example:"
+msgstr ""
+"B<Warnung>: Dies wird alle normalen Prüfungen umgehen und die Skripte "
+"I<bedingungslos> verändern. Sie werden es mit Sicherheit mit B<-p> verwenden "
+"wollen, um einzugrenzen, welche Pakete von dem Aufruf betroffen sind. "
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installinit:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_installinit:\n"
+"\tdh_installinit -pfoo --only-scripts\n"
+"\tdh_installinit --remaining\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_installinit:\n"
+"\tdh_installinit -pfoo --only-scripts\n"
+"\tdh_installinit --remaining\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:101
+msgid "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:103
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop the init script until after the package upgrade has been "
+"completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10."
+msgstr ""
+"stoppt das Init-Skript nicht, bis das Paket-Upgrade komplett durchgeführt "
+"wurde. Dies ist das Standardverhalten für Kompatibilitätsmodus 10."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:106
+msgid ""
+"In early compat levels, the default was to stop the script in the F<prerm>, "
+"and starts it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+"In älteren Kompatibilitätsmodi war es Standardverhalten, dass das Skript in "
+"F<prerm> stoppt und es in F<postinst> wieder startet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:109 dh_systemd_start:45
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful for daemons that should not have a possibly long downtime "
+"during upgrade. But you should make sure that the daemon will not get "
+"confused by the package being upgraded while it's running before using this "
+msgstr ""
+"Dies kann nützlich für Daemons sein, die während des Upgrades nicht allzu "
+"lange ausfallen sollen. Sie sollten aber, bevor Sie diese Option verwenden, "
+"sicherstellen, dass der Daemon damit zurechtkommt, dass im laufenden Betrieb "
+"sein Paket ausgetauscht wird."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:114 dh_systemd_start:50
+msgid "B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:116 dh_systemd_start:52
+msgid ""
+"Undo a previous B<--restart-after-upgrade> (or the default of compat 10). "
+"If no other options are given, this will cause the service to be stopped in "
+"the F<prerm> script and started again in the F<postinst> script."
+msgstr ""
+"macht ein vorhergehendes B<--restart-after-upgrade> (oder die Voreinstellung "
+"des Kompatibilitätsmodus 10) rückgängig. Falls keine weiteren Optionen "
+"angegeben wurden, wird dies dafür sorgen, dass der Dienst im F<prerm>-Skript "
+"gestoppt und im F<postinst>-Skript wieder gestartet wird."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:121 dh_systemd_start:57
+msgid "B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:123
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop init script on upgrade. This has the side-effect of not "
+"restarting the service as a part of the upgrade."
+msgstr ""
+"lässt das Init-Skript beim Upgrade weiterlaufen. Dies hat den Nebeneffekt, "
+"dass der Dienst nicht als Teil des Upgrades neu gestartet wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:126
+msgid ""
+"If you want to restart the service with minimal downtime, please use B<--"
+"restart-after-upgrade> (default in compat 10 or later). If you want the "
+"service to be restarted but be stopped during the upgrade, then please use "
+"B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> (note the \"after-upgrade\")."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie den Dienst mit minimaler Stillstandzeit neu starten möchten, "
+"benutzen Sie bitte B<--restart-after-upgrade> (Voreinstellung in "
+"Kompatibilitätsstufe 10 oder höher). Falls Sie wollen, dass der Dienst neu "
+"gestartet, jedoch während des Upgrades gestoppt wird, benutzen Sie bitte B<--"
+"no-restart-after-upgrade> (beachten Sie das »after-upgrade«)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:131
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> alias is deprecated and will be "
+"removed in compat 12. This is to avoid confusion with the B<--no-restart-"
+"after-upgrade> option. The B<--no-stop-on-upgrade> variant was introduced "
+"in debhelper 10.2 (included in Debian stretch)."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass der Alias B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> missbilligt ist und "
+"in Kompatibilitätsstufe 12 entfernt wird, um Verwirrung mit der Option B<--"
+"no-restart-after-upgrade> zu vermeiden. Die Variante B<--no-stop-on-upgrade> "
+"wurde in Debhelper 10.2 (enthalten in Debian Stretch) eingeführt."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:136 dh_systemd_start:61
+msgid "B<--no-start>"
+msgstr "B<--no-start>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:138
+msgid ""
+"Do not start the init script on install or upgrade, or stop it on removal. "
+"Only call B<update-rc.d>. Useful for rcS scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"startet das Init-Skript bei der Installation oder dem Upgrade nicht und "
+"stoppt es nicht beim Entfernen. Rufen Sie nur B<update-rc.d> auf. Nützlich "
+"für rcS-Skripte."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:141 dh_systemd_enable:86
+msgid "B<--no-enable>"
+msgstr "B<--no-enable>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:143
+msgid ""
+"Disable the init script on purge, but do not enable them on install. This "
+"implies a versioned dependency on B<< init-system-helpers (E<gt>= 1.51) >> "
+"as it is the first (functional) version that supports B<< update-rc.d "
+"E<lt>scriptE<gt> defaults-disabled >>."
+msgstr ""
+"deaktiviert das Startskript beim vollständigen Entfernen, aktiviert es aber "
+"nicht bei der Installation. Dies impliziert eine versionierte Abhängigkeit "
+"von B<< init-system-helpers (E<gt>= 1.51) >>, da dies die erste "
+"(funktionsfähige) Version ist, die B<< update-rc.d E<lt>scriptE<gt> defaults-"
+"disabled >> unterstützt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:148
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are started. "
+"Please remember to also use B<--no-start> if the service should not be "
+msgstr ""
+"B<Beachten Sie>, dass diese Option nicht beeinflusst, ob die Dienste "
+"gestartet werden. Bitte denken Sie daran, auch B<--no-start> zuverwenden, "
+"falls der Dienst nicht gestartet werden soll."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:152
+msgid ""
+"Cannot be combined with B<-u>I<params>, B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>, or "
+"B<--> I<params>."
+msgstr ""
+"kann nicht mit B<-u>I<Parameter>, B<--update-rcd-params=>I<Parameter> oder "
+"B<--> I<Parameter> kombiniert werden."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:155
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--remove-d>"
+msgstr "B<-d>, B<--remove-d>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:157
+msgid ""
+"Remove trailing B<d> from the name of the package, and use the result for "
+"the filename the upstart job file is installed as in F<etc/init/> , and for "
+"the filename the init script is installed as in etc/init.d and the default "
+"file is installed as in F<etc/default/>. This may be useful for daemons with "
+"names ending in B<d>. (Note: this takes precedence over the B<--init-script> "
+"parameter described below.)"
+msgstr ""
+"entfernt abschließende B<d> vom Namen des Pakets und benutzt das Ergebnis "
+"als Dateiname, unter dem die Upstart-Job-Datei in F<etc/init/> installiert "
+"wird, sowie als Dateiname für das Init-Skript in etc/init.d und die "
+"Standarddatei in F<etc/default/>. Dies kann nützlich für Daemons sein, deren "
+"Namen mit B<d> enden. (Anmerkung: Hat Vorrang gegenüber dem im Folgenden "
+"beschriebenen Parameter B<--init-script>.)"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:164
+msgid "B<-u>I<params> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<Parameter> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<Parameter>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:168
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to L<update-rc.d(8)>. If not specified, B<defaults> (or "
+"B<defaults-disabled> with B<--no-enable>) will be passed to L<update-rc."
+msgstr ""
+"übergibt I<Parameter> an L<update-rc.d(8)>. Falls nicht angegeben, wird "
+"B<defaults> (oder bei B<--no-enable> B<defaults-disabled>) an L<update-rc."
+"d(8)> übergeben."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:172
+msgid "Cannot be combined with B<--no-enable>."
+msgstr "kann nicht mit B<--no-enable> kombiniert werden"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:176
+msgid ""
+"Install the init script (and default file) as well as upstart job file using "
+"the filename I<name> instead of the default filename, which is the package "
+"name. When this parameter is used, B<dh_installinit> looks for and installs "
+"files named F<debian/>, F<debian/> and "
+"F<debian/> instead of the usual F<debian/package.init>, "
+"F<debian/package.default> and F<debian/package.upstart>."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert das Init-Skript (und die Standarddatei) ebenso wie den Upstart-"
+"Job unter Benutzung des Dateinamens I<Name> an Stelle des "
+"Standarddateinamens, der dem Paketnamen entspricht. Wenn dieser Parameter "
+"verwendet wird, sucht und installiert B<dh_installinit> Dateien mit dem "
+"Namen F<debian/>, F<debian/> und "
+"F<debian/> an Stelle der üblichen F<debian/package."
+"init>, F<debian/package.default> and F<debian/package.upstart>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:184
+msgid "B<--init-script=>I<scriptname>"
+msgstr "B<--init-script=>I<Skriptname>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:186
+msgid ""
+"Use I<scriptname> as the filename the init script is installed as in F<etc/"
+"init.d/> (and also use it as the filename for the defaults file, if it is "
+"installed). If you use this parameter, B<dh_installinit> will look to see if "
+"a file in the F<debian/> directory exists that looks like F<package."
+"scriptname> and if so will install it as the init script in preference to "
+"the files it normally installs."
+msgstr ""
+"benutzt I<Skriptname> als Dateiname, unter dem das Init-Skript in F<etc/init."
+"d/> installiert wird (und verwendet ihn außerdem als Dateinamen der "
+"Standarddatei, falls sie installiert wird). Sollten Sie diesen Parameter "
+"einsetzen, wird B<dh_installinit> nachsehen, ob im Verzeichnis F<debian/> "
+"nach einer Datei namens F<Paket.Skriptname> suchen und, falls gefunden, bei "
+"der Installation als Init-Skript den üblicherweise installierten Dateien "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:193
+msgid ""
+"This parameter is deprecated, use the B<--name> parameter instead. This "
+"parameter is incompatible with the use of upstart jobs."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieser Parameter ist veraltet, benutzen Sie stattdessen B<--name>. "
+"Desweiteren ist er für die Benutzung mit Upstart-Jobs inkompatibel."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:196
+msgid "B<--error-handler=>I<function>"
+msgstr "B<--error-handler=>I<Funktion>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:198
+msgid ""
+"Call the named shell I<function> if running the init script fails. The "
+"function should be provided in the F<prerm> and F<postinst> scripts, before "
+"the B<#DEBHELPER#> token."
+msgstr ""
+"ruft die Shell-I<Funktion> mit diesem Namen auf, falls die Ausführung des "
+"Init-Skripts fehlschlägt. Die Funktion sollte in den F<prerm>- und "
+"F<postinst>-Skripten vor der Markierung B<#DEBHELPER#> bereitgestellt werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:415
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dh_installsystemd(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dh_installsystemd(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:423
+msgid "Steve Langasek <>"
+msgstr "Steve Langasek <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:425
+msgid "Michael Stapelberg <>"
+msgstr "Michael Stapelberg <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:5
+msgid "dh_installinitramfs - install initramfs hooks and setup maintscripts"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installinitramfs - installiert Initramfs-Hooks und richtet Maintscripts "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:17
+msgid "B<dh_installinitramfs> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installinitramfs> [S<B<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing Debian package provided initramfs hooks."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation "
+"von Initramfs-Hooks zuständig ist, die von Debian-Pakete bereitgestellt "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:24
+msgid ""
+"If B<dh_installinitramfs> installs or detects one or more initramfs hooks in "
+"the package, then it also automatically generates the noawait trigger "
+"B<update-initframfs> command needed to interface with the Debian initramfs "
+"system. This trigger is inserted into the packaging by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls B<dh_installinitramfs> einen oder mehreren Initramfs-Hooks im Paket "
+"installiert oder feststellt, erzeugt es automatisch den nötigen B<update-"
+"initframfs> mit noawait-Auslöser, um ihn oder sie mit Debians Initramfs-"
+"System zu verbinden. Der Auslöser wird dann von L<dh_installdeb(1)> in die "
+"Paketierung übernommen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinitramfs:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.initramfs-hook"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.initramfs-hook"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:36
+msgid ""
+"Assumed to be an initramfs hook that will be installed into F<< usr/share/"
+"initramfs-tools/hooks/I<package> >> in the package build directory. See "
+"B<HOOK SCRIPTS> in L<initramfs-tools(8)> for more information about "
+"initramfs hooks."
+msgstr ""
+"Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass der Initramfs-Hook in F<< usr/share/"
+"initramfs-tools/hooks/I<Paket> >> im Bauverzeichnis installiert wird. "
+"Weitere Informationen über Initramfs-Hooks finden Sie unter B<HOOK SCRIPTS> "
+"in L<initramfs-tools(8)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:49
+msgid ""
+"Do not add the B<update-initramfs> trigger even if it seems like the package "
+"might need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical reasons "
+"as B<dh_installinitramfs> would previously generate maintainer scripts that "
+"called B<update-initramfs -u>."
+msgstr ""
+"Fügen Sie den B<update-initramfs>-Auslöser auch dann nicht hinzu, wenn es so "
+"scheint, als würde das Paket ihn benötigen. Die Option ist aus historischen "
+"Gründen als B<--no-scripts> benannt, weil B<dh_installinitramfs> früher "
+"Betreuerskripte erzeugt hätte, die B<update-initramfs -u> aufgerufen hätten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:54
+msgid ""
+"Use this option, if you need to interface with the B<update-initramfs> "
+"system that is not satisfied by the noawait trigger (e.g. because you need "
+"the extra guarantees and head-aches of a await trigger)."
+msgstr ""
+"Verwenden Sie diese Option, wenn Sie sich mit dem B<update-initramfs>-System "
+"verbinden wollen und der noawait-Auslöser dafür nicht ausreicht (z. B. weil "
+"Sie die Extra-Garantien des await-Auslösers benötigen und die Kopfschmerzen "
+"in Kauf nehmen)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+"instances of the same text to be added to triggers file."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass dieser Befehl nicht idempotent ist. Zwischen mehreren "
+"Aufrufen dieses Befehls sollte L<dh_prep(1)> aufgerufen werden, weil sonst "
+"mehrere Exemplare des selben Texts in der Auslöserdatei vorkommen können."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:93
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-initramfs(8)> L<initramfs-tools(8)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-initramfs(8)> L<initramfs-tools(8)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:5
+msgid "dh_installlogcheck - install logcheck rulefiles into etc/logcheck/"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installlogcheck - installiert Regeldateien zur Protokollprüfung in etc/"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:17
+msgid "B<dh_installlogcheck> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installlogcheck> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installlogcheck> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing logcheck rule files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installlogcheck> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation "
+"von Regeldateien zur Protokollprüfung zuständig ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.cracking"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.logcheck.cracking"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:30
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.logcheck.violations"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations.ignore"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.logcheck.violations.ignore"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.workstation"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.logcheck.ignore.workstation"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:36
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.paranoid"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.logcheck.ignore.paranoid"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:40
+msgid ""
+"Each of these files, if present, are installed into corresponding "
+"subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/> in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"Jede dieser Dateien wird, falls sie vorhanden ist, in entsprechende "
+"Unterverzeichnisse von F<etc/logcheck/> im Paketbauverzeichnisse installiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:51
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them into "
+"the corresponding subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/>, but use the specified "
+"name instead of that of the package."
+msgstr ""
+"sucht nach Dateien mit Namen F<debian/Paket.Name.logcheck.*> und installiert "
+"sie in den entsprechenden Unterverzeichnissen von F<etc/logcheck/>, benutzt "
+"aber den angegebenen Namen an Stelle des Paketnamens."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installlogcheck:85
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"This program is a part of debhelper.\n"
+" \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Dieses Programm ist ein Teil von Debhelper.\n"
+" \n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:89
+msgid "Jon Middleton <>"
+msgstr "Jon Middleton <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:5
+msgid "dh_installlogrotate - install logrotate config files"
+msgstr "dh_installlogrotate - installiert Konfigurationsdateien von Logrotate"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:17
+msgid "B<dh_installlogrotate> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installlogrotate> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<--name=>I<Name>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installlogrotate> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing logrotate config files into F<etc/logrotate.d> in package build "
+"directories. Files named F<debian/package.logrotate> are installed."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installlogrotate> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation "
+"von Logrotate-Konfigurationsdateien in F<etc/logrotate.d> im "
+"Paketbauverzeichnis zuständig ist. Dateien mit Namen F<debian/Paket."
+"logrotate> werden installiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:31
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/> and install them as "
+"F<etc/logrotate.d/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing "
+"them as the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"sucht nach Dateien mit Namen F<debian/Paket.Name.logrotate> und installiert "
+"sie als F<etc/logrotate.d/name>, anstatt die üblichen Dateien zu benutzen "
+"und sie als Paketnamen zu installieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:5
+msgid "dh_installman - install man pages into package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_installman - installiert Handbuchseiten in Paketbauverzeichnisse"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:18
+msgid "B<dh_installman> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<manpage> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installman> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [S<I<Handbuchseite> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> is a debhelper program that handles installing man pages "
+"into the correct locations in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das die Installation von "
+"Handbuchseiten an den richtigen Stellen in Paketbauverzeichnissen vornimmt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:25
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 and earlier, this program was primarily for when upstream's "
+"build system does not properly install them as a part of its install step "
+"(or it does not have an install step). In compat 11 and later, it also "
+"supports the default searchdir plus --sourcedir like dh_install(1) and has "
+"the advantage that it respects the nodoc build profile (unlike "
+msgstr ""
+"In Kompatibilitätsstufe 10 und älter war dieses Programm in erster Linie zur "
+"Korrektur da, wenn das Bausystem der Ursprungsautoren sie nicht ordentlich "
+"als Teil ihres Installationsschritts installierte (oder keinen "
+"Installationsschritt hatte). In Kompatibilitätsstufe 11 und höher "
+"unterstützt es wie dh_install(1) auch das Standardsuchverzeichnis plus --"
+"sourcedir und hat dabei den Vorteil, dass es das Bauprofil nodoc beachtet "
+"(im Gegensatz zu dh_install(1))."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:32
+msgid ""
+"Even if you prefer to use L<dh_install(1)> for installing the manpages, "
+"B<dh_installman> can still be useful for converting the manpage encoding to "
+"UTF-8 and for converting F<.so> links (as described below). However, that "
+"part happens automatically without any explicit configuration."
+msgstr ""
+"Sogar wenn Sie die Verwendung von L<dh_install(1)> für das Installieren der "
+"Handbuchseiten vorziehen, kann sich B<dh_installman> immer noch nützlich für "
+"die Umwandlung der Handbuchseitenkodierung in UTF-8 und die Umwandlung von "
+"F<.so>-Links (wie unten beschreiben) erweisen. Dieser Teil geschieht jedoch "
+"ohne ausdrückliche Konfiguration automatisch."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:38
+msgid ""
+"You tell B<dh_installman> what man pages go in your packages, and it figures "
+"out where to install them based on the section field in their B<.TH> or B<."
+"Dt> line. If you have a properly formatted B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line, your man "
+"page will be installed into the right directory, with the right name (this "
+"includes proper handling of pages with a subsection, like B<3perl>, which "
+"are placed in F<man3>, and given an extension of F<.3perl>). If your B<.TH> "
+"or B<.Dt> line is incorrect or missing, the program may guess wrong based on "
+"the file extension."
+msgstr ""
+"Sie teilen B<dh_installman> mit, welche Handbuchseiten in Ihr Paket kommen "
+"und es stellt anhand des Abschnittsfelds in ihrer B<.TH>- oder B<.Dt>-Zeile "
+"fest, wohin sie zu installieren sind. Falls Sie eine ordentlich formatierte "
+"B<.TH>- oder B<.Dt>-Zeile haben (dies umfasst eine ordentliche Handhabung "
+"von Seiten mit einem Unterabschnitt wie B<3perl>, die in F<man3> platziert "
+"werden und Angabe einer Erweiterung von F<.3perl>), wird Ihre Handbuchseite "
+"in das richtige Verzeichnis mit dem richtigen Namen installiert. Ist Ihre B<."
+"TH>- oder B<.Dt>-Zeile nicht korrekt oder fehlt sie, wird das Programm "
+"möglicherweise aufgrund der Dateiendung falsch raten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:47
+msgid ""
+"It also supports translated man pages, by looking for extensions like F<."
+"ll.8> and F<.ll_LL.8>, or by use of the B<--language> switch."
+msgstr ""
+"Es unterstützt außerdem übersetzte Handbuchseiten, indem es Endungen wie F<."
+"ll.8> und F<.ll_LL.8> auswertet oder indem der Schalter B<--language> "
+"benutzt wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:50
+msgid ""
+"If B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into the wrong section or "
+"with the wrong extension, this is because the man page has the wrong section "
+"listed in its B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line. Edit the man page and correct the "
+"section, and B<dh_installman> will follow suit. See L<man(7)> for details "
+"about the B<.TH> section, and L<mdoc(7)> for the B<.Dt> section. If "
+"B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into a directory like F</usr/"
+"share/man/pl/man1/>, that is because your program has a name like F<>, "
+"and B<dh_installman> assumes that means it is translated into Polish. Use "
+"B<--language=C> to avoid this."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls B<dh_installman> eine Handbuchseite in den falschen Abschnitt oder mit "
+"der falschen Endung zu installieren scheint, liegt es daran, dass die "
+"Handbuchseite in ihrer B<.TH>- oder B<.Dt>-Zeile im falschen Abschnitt "
+"eingetragen ist. Bearbeiten Sie die Handbuchseite, korrigieren Sie den "
+"Abschnitt und B<dh_installman> wird mitziehen. Einzelheiten über die B<.TH>-"
+"Zeile finden Sie in L<man(7)> und über die B<.Dt>-Zeile in L<mdoc(7)>. Falls "
+"B<dh_installman> eine Handbuchseite in ein Verzeichnis wie F</usr/share/man/"
+"pl/man1/> zu installieren scheint, liegt es daran, dass Ihr Programm einen "
+"Namen wie F<> hat und B<dh_installman> ihn so interpretiert als sei "
+"sie ins Polnische übersetzt. Benutzen Sie B<--language=C>, um das zu "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:60
+msgid ""
+"After the man page installation step, B<dh_installman> will check to see if "
+"any of the man pages in the temporary directories of any of the packages it "
+"is acting on contain F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to symlinks."
+msgstr ""
+"Nach dem Installationsschritt für Handbuchseiten wird B<dh_installman> "
+"prüfen, ob einige der Handbuchseiten in den temporären Verzeichnissen in "
+"irgendwelchen Paketen, auf die es sich auswirkt, F<.so>-Links enthalten. "
+"Falls ja, ändert es sie in symbolische Links."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:64
+msgid ""
+"Also, B<dh_installman> will use man to guess the character encoding of each "
+"manual page and convert it to UTF-8. If the guesswork fails for some reason, "
+"you can override it using an encoding declaration. See L<manconv(1)> for "
+msgstr ""
+"Außerdem wird <dh_installman> mit Hilfe von man die Zeichenkodierung jeder "
+"Handbuchseite erraten und sie in UTF-8 umwandeln. Falls die Mutmaßung aus "
+"irgend einem Grund fehlschlägt, können Sie sie außer Kraft setzen und eine "
+"Kodierungsangabe benutzen. Einzelheiten finden Sie unter L<manconv(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:77
+msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.manpages"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:79
+msgid "Lists man pages to be installed."
+msgstr "listet zu installierende Handbuchseiten auf."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:95
+msgid "B<--language=>I<ll>"
+msgstr "B<--language=>I<ll>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:97
+msgid ""
+"Use this to specify that the man pages being acted on are written in the "
+"specified language."
+msgstr ""
+"Benutzen Sie dies, um anzugeben, dass die Handbuchseiten, auf die es sich "
+"auswirkt, in der angegebenen Sprache geschrieben sind."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:110
+msgid "I<manpage> ..."
+msgstr "I<Handbuchseite> …>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:112
+msgid ""
+"Install these man pages into the first package acted on. (Or in all packages "
+"if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert diese Handbuchseiten in das erste Paket, auf das es sich "
+"auswirkt (oder in allen Paketen, falls B<-A> angegeben wurde)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:119
+msgid "An example F<debian/manpages> file could look like this:"
+msgstr "Eine F<debian/manpages>-Datei könnte wie folgt aussehen:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installman:121
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" doc/man/foo.1\n"
+" # Translations\n"
+" doc/man/foo.da.1\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # NB: The following line is considered a polish translation\n"
+" # of \"foo.1\" (and not a manpage written in perl called \"\")\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" doc/man/foo.1\n"
+" # Ãœbersetzungen\n"
+" doc/man/foo.da.1\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # NB: Die folgende Zeile wird als polnische Übersetzung von »foo.1« (und\n"
+" # nicht als in Perl geschriebene Handbuchseite namens »«) betrachtet\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # …\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:133
+msgid ""
+"An older version of this program, L<dh_installmanpages(1)>, is still used by "
+"some packages, and so is still included in debhelper. It is, however, "
+"deprecated, due to its counterintuitive and inconsistent interface. Use this "
+"program instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Eine ältere Version dieses Programms, L<dh_installmanpages(1)>, wird immer "
+"noch von einigen Paketen benutzt. Daher ist es immer noch in Debhelper "
+"enthalten. Es is jedoch wegen seiner der Intuition widersprechenden und "
+"uneinheitlichen Schnittstelle veraltet. Verwenden Sie stattdessen dieses "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:5
+msgid "dh_installmanpages - old-style man page installer (deprecated)"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmanpages - Handbuchseiteninstallationsprogramm im alten Stil "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:18
+msgid "B<dh_installmanpages> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmanpages> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [S<I<Datei> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"automatically installing man pages into F<usr/share/man/> in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die automatische "
+"Installation von Handbuchseiten in F<usr/share/man/> in "
+"Paketbauverzeichnissen zuständig ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:26
+msgid ""
+"This is a DWIM-style program, with an interface unlike the rest of "
+"debhelper. It is deprecated, and you are encouraged to use "
+"L<dh_installman(1)> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist ein Programm im DWIM-Stil mit einer Schnittstelle, die sich vom "
+"Rest von Debhelper unterscheidet. Es ist veraltet und es wird Ihnen "
+"empfohlen, stattdessen L<dh_installman(1)> zu benutzen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:30
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> scans the current directory and all subdirectories for "
+"filenames that look like man pages. (Note that only real files are looked "
+"at; symlinks are ignored.) It uses L<file(1)> to verify that the files are "
+"in the correct format. Then, based on the files' extensions, it installs "
+"them into the correct man directory."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> durchsucht das aktuelle Verzeichnis und alle "
+"Unterverzeichnisse nach Dateinamen, die wie Handbuchseiten aussehen. "
+"(Beachten Sie, dass nur echte Dateien berücksichtigt werden; symbolische "
+"Links werden ignoriert.) Es benutzt L<file(1)>, um zu überprüfen, ob die "
+"Dateien das korrekte Format haben. Dann installiert es sie, basierend auf "
+"den Endungen der Dateien, in das korrekte Handbuchseitenverzeichnis."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:36
+msgid ""
+"All filenames specified as parameters will be skipped by "
+"B<dh_installmanpages>. This is useful if by default it installs some man "
+"pages that you do not want to be installed."
+msgstr ""
+"Alle als Parameter angegebenen Dateinamen werden durch B<dh_installmanpages> "
+"übersprungen. Dies ist nützlich, falls standardmäßig einige Handbuchseiten "
+"installiert werden, die Sie nicht installieren möchten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:40
+msgid ""
+"After the man page installation step, B<dh_installmanpages> will check to "
+"see if any of the man pages are F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to "
+msgstr ""
+"Nach dem Handbuchseiten-Installationsschritt wird B<dh_installmanpages> "
+"prüfen, ob einige der Handbuchseiten F<.so>-Links sind. Falls dies der Fall "
+"ist, ändert es sie in symbolische Links."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:49
+msgid ""
+"Do not install these files as man pages, even if they look like valid man "
+msgstr ""
+"installiert diese Dateien nicht als Handbuchseiten, auch nicht, wenn sie wie "
+"gültige Handbuchseiten aussehen."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_installmanpages:54
+msgid "BUGS"
+msgstr "FEHLER"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:56
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> will install the man pages it finds into B<all> "
+"packages you tell it to act on, since it can't tell what package the man "
+"pages belong in. This is almost never what you really want (use B<-p> to "
+"work around this, or use the much better L<dh_installman(1)> program "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> wird die Handbuchseiten, die es findet, in B<alle> "
+"Pakete installieren, von denen Sie ihm mitgeteilt haben, dass es darauf "
+"einwirken soll, da es nicht entscheiden kann, zu welchem Paket die "
+"Handbuchseite gehört. Dies ist meist nicht das, was Sie wirklich möchten "
+"(benutzen Sie B<-p>, um dies zu umgehen oder verwenden Sie stattdessen das "
+"viel bessere Programm L<dh_installman(1)>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:61
+msgid "Files ending in F<.man> will be ignored."
+msgstr "Dateien, die auf F<.man> enden, werden ignoriert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:63
+msgid ""
+"Files specified as parameters that contain spaces in their filenames will "
+"not be processed properly."
+msgstr ""
+"Als Parameter angegebenen Dateien, die Leerzeichen in ihren Dateinamen "
+"enthalten, werden nicht ordnungsgemäß verarbeitet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installmenu - install Debian menu files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmenu - installiert Debian-Menü-Dateien in Paketbauverzeichnisse"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:17
+msgid "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmenu> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files used by the Debian B<menu> package into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmenu> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation von "
+"Dateien für das Debian-Paket B<menu> in Paketbauverzeichnisse zuständig ist"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:24
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+"needed to interface with the Debian B<menu> package. These commands are "
+"inserted into the maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Außerdem erzeugt es die F<postinst>- und F<postrm>-Befehl, die zum Verbinden "
+"mit dem Debian-Paket B<menu> benötigt werden. Diese Befehle werden durch "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> in die Betreuerskripte eingefügt."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmenu:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.menu"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.menu"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:34
+msgid ""
+"Debian menu files, installed into usr/share/menu/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory. See L<menufile(5)> for its format."
+msgstr ""
+"Debian-Menüdateien, installiert in usr/share/menu/I<Paket> im "
+"Paketbauverzeichnis. Die Beschreibung ihres Formats finden Sie in "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmenu:37
+msgid "debian/I<package>.menu-method"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.menu-method"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:39
+msgid ""
+"Debian menu method files, installed into etc/menu-methods/I<package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Debian-Menümethodendateien, installiert in etc/menu-methods/I<Paket> im "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:50
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr "ändert keine F<postinst>-/F<postrm>-Skripte."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:90
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+msgstr "L<update-menus(1)>, L<menufile(5)>, L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:5
+msgid "dh_installmime - install mime files into package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_installmime - installiert MIME-Dateien in Paketbauverzeichnisse"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:17
+msgid "B<dh_installmime> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmime> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmime> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"mime files into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmime> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation von "
+"MIME-Dateien in Paketbauverzeichnisse zuständig ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmime:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.mime"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.mime"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into usr/lib/mime/packages/I<package> in the package build "
+msgstr "installiert in usr/lib/mime/packages/I<Paket> im Paketbauverzeichnis"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmime:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.sharedmimeinfo"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.sharedmimeinfo"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:35
+msgid ""
+"Installed into /usr/share/mime/packages/I<package>.xml in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"installiert in /usr/share/mime/packages/I<Paket>.xml im Paketbauverzeichnis"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:5
+msgid "dh_installmodules - register kernel modules"
+msgstr "dh_installmodules - registriert Kernel-Module"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<Name>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"registering kernel modules."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Registrierung "
+"von Kernel-Modulen zuständig ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:25
+msgid ""
+"Kernel modules are searched for in the package build directory and if found, "
+"F<preinst>, F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands are automatically generated "
+"to run B<depmod> and register the modules when the package is installed. "
+"These commands are inserted into the maintainer scripts by "
+msgstr ""
+"Das Paketbauverzeichnis wird nach Kernel-Modulen abgesucht und falls welche "
+"gefunden werden, werden automatisch F<preinst>-, F<postinst>- und F<postrm>-"
+"Befehle erzeugt, um B<depmod> auszuführen und die Module im Zuge der "
+"Paketinstallation zu registrieren. Diese Befehle werden durch "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> in die Betreuerskripte eingefügt."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmodules:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.modprobe"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.modprobe"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:37
+msgid ""
+"Installed to etc/modprobe.d/I<package>.conf in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert nach etc/modprobe.d/I<Paket>.conf in das Paketbauverzeichnis"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:47
+msgid "Do not modify F<preinst>/F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr "ändert keine F<preinst>-/F<postinst>-/F<postrm>-Skripte."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:51
+msgid ""
+"When this parameter is used, B<dh_installmodules> looks for and installs "
+"files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.modprobe instead of the usual debian/"
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn dieser Parameter benutzt wird, sucht und installiert "
+"B<dh_installmodules> Dateien mit Namen debian/I<Paket>.I<Name>.modprobe "
+"anstelle des üblichen debian/I<Paket>.modprobe."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:5
+msgid "dh_installpam - install pam support files"
+msgstr "dh_installpam - installiert PAM-Unterstützungsdateien"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:17
+msgid "B<dh_installpam> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installpam> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<--name=>I<Name>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installpam> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files used by PAM into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installpam> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation von "
+"Dateien, die von PAM benutzt werden, in Paketbauverzeichnisse zuständig ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installpam:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.pam"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.pam"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:30
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Installed into etc/pam.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgid "Installed into usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr "installiert in etc/pam.d/I<Paket> im Paketbauverzeichnis"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:32
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "In compatibility level 11, this file will trigger an error with a "
+#| "reminder about ensuring the proper removal of the upstart file in the "
+#| "previous package version. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" "
+#| "feature from L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous "
+#| "upstart files."
+msgid ""
+"Until compatibility level 14 this file was installed under etc/pam.d/"
+"I<package>. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files."
+msgstr ""
+"In Kompatibilitätsstufe 11 wird diese Datei einen Fehler auslösen, der daran "
+"erinnert, dass das ordentliche Entfernen der Upstart-Datei in der vorherigen "
+"Paketversion sichergestellt werden soll. Bitte ziehen Sie die Verwendung der "
+"Funktionalität »rm_conffile« von L<dh_installdeb(1)> in Betracht, um das "
+"ordentliche Entfernen früherer Upstart-Dateien sicherzustellen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:44
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Look for files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.pam and install them as "
+#| "etc/pam.d/I<name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+#| "using the package name."
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.pam and install them as usr/"
+"lib/pam.d/I<name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+"using the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"sucht nach Dateien mit Namen debian/I<Paket>.I<Name>.pam und installiert sie "
+"als etc/pam.d/I<Name>, anstatt die üblichen Dateien zu verwenden und sie "
+"unter Benutzung des Paketnamens zu installieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:5
+msgid "dh_installppp - install ppp ip-up and ip-down files"
+msgstr "dh_installppp - installiert PPP-ip-up- und -ip-down-Dateien"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:17
+msgid "B<dh_installppp> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installppp> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<--name=>I<Name>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installppp> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"ppp ip-up and ip-down scripts into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installppp> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation von "
+"PPP-ip-up- und -ip-down-Skripten in Paketbauverzeichnisse zuständig ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installppp:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.ppp.ip-up"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/ppp/ip-up.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr "installiert in etc/ppp/ip-up.d/I<Paket> im Paketbauverzeichnis"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installppp:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.ppp.ip-down"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:34
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/ppp/ip-down.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr "installiert in etc/ppp/ip-down.d/I<Paket> im Paketbauverzeichnis"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:44
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as "
+"F<etc/ppp/ip-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+"as the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"sucht nach Dateien mit Namen F<debian/Paket.Name.ppp.ip-*> und installiert "
+"sie als F<etc/ppp/ip-*/Name>, anstatt die üblichen Dateien zu verwenden und "
+"sie unter Benutzung des Paketnamens zu installieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:5
+msgid "dh_installudev - install udev rules files"
+msgstr "dh_installudev - installiert udev-Regeldateien"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installudev> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installudev> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<Name>] "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installudev> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"B<udev> rules files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installudev> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation von "
+"udev-Regeldateien zuständig ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installudev:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.udev"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.udev"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:30
+msgid "Installed into F<lib/udev/rules.d/> in the package build directory."
+msgstr "installiert in F<lib/udev/rules.d/> im Paketbauverzeichnis"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:40
+msgid ""
+"When this parameter is used, B<dh_installudev> looks for and installs files "
+"named debian/I<package>.I<name>.udev instead of the usual debian/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"wenn dieser Parameter benutzt wird, sucht und installiert B<dh_installudev> "
+"Dateien mit Namen debian/I<Paket>.I<Name>.udev an Stelle des üblichen debian/"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installudev:44
+msgid "B<--priority=>I<priority>"
+msgstr "B<--priority=>I<Priorität>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:46
+msgid "Sets the priority the file. Default is 60."
+msgstr "setzt die Priorität der Datei. Vorgabe ist 60."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:5
+msgid "dh_installwm - register a window manager"
+msgstr "dh_installwm - registriert einen Fenstermanager"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+"[S<I<wm> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+"[S<I<Fenstermanager> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+"the F<postinst> and F<prerm> commands that register a window manager with "
+"L<update-alternatives(8)>. The window manager's man page is also registered "
+"as a slave symlink (in v6 mode and up). It must be installed in F<usr/share/"
+"man/man1/> in the package build directory prior to calling B<dh_installwm>. "
+"In compat 9 and earlier, the manpage was optional."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für das Erzeugen der "
+"F<postinst>- und F<prerm>-Befehle zuständig ist, die einen Fenstermanager "
+"mit L<update-alternatives(8)> registrieren. Außerdem wird die Handbuchseite "
+"des Fenstermanagers als symbolischer Slave-Link (im v6-Modus und höher) "
+"registriert. Sie muss vor dem Aufruf von B<dh_installwm> in F<usr/share/man/"
+"man1/> im Paketbauverzeichnis installiert sein. Im Kompatibilitätsmodus 9 "
+"und älter war die Handbuchseite optional."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installwm:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.wm"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.wm"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:34
+msgid "List window manager programs to register."
+msgstr "listet zu registrierende Fenstermanager-Programme auf."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:47
+msgid ""
+"Set the priority of the window manager. Default is 20, which is too low for "
+"most window managers; see the Debian Policy document for instructions on "
+"calculating the correct value."
+msgstr ""
+"setzt die Priorität des Fenstermanagers. Vorgabe ist 20, was für die meisten "
+"Fenstermanager zu niedrig ist; Anleitungen zur Berechnung des korrekten "
+"Wertes finden Sie in der Debian-Richtlinie."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:53
+msgid ""
+"Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts. Turns this command into a no-op."
+msgstr ""
+"ändert keine F<postinst>-/F<prerm>-Skripte; verwandelt diesen Befehl in "
+"einen Leerbefehl."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:57
+msgid ""
+"Modify scripts for window managers specified by command line parameters in "
+"ALL packages acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"verändert Skripte für Fenstermanager, die durch Befehlszeilenparameter "
+"angegeben sind, in ALLEN Paketen, auf die es sich auswirkt, nicht nur im "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installwm:60
+msgid "I<wm> ..."
+msgstr "I<Fenstermanager> …"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:62
+msgid "Window manager programs to register."
+msgstr "zu registrierende Fenstermanager-Programme"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:5
+msgid "dh_installxfonts - register X fonts"
+msgstr "dh_installxfonts - registriert X-Schriften"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:17
+msgid "B<dh_installxfonts> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installxfonts> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installxfonts> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"registering X fonts, so their corresponding F<fonts.dir>, F<fonts.alias>, "
+"and F<fonts.scale> be rebuilt properly at install time."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installxfonts> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für das Registrieren der "
+"X-Schriften zuständig ist, damit ihre entsprechenden F<fonts.dir>, F<fonts."
+"alias> und F<fonts.scale> zur Installationszeit neu gebaut werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:25
+msgid ""
+"Before calling this program, you should have installed any X fonts provided "
+"by your package into the appropriate location in the package build "
+"directory, and if you have F<fonts.alias> or F<fonts.scale> files, you "
+"should install them into the correct location under F<etc/X11/fonts> in your "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Bevor dieses Programm aufgerufen wird, sollten Sie jegliche X-Schriften, die "
+"von Ihrem Paket bereitgestellt werden, an die geeignete Stelle im "
+"Paketbauverzeichnis installiert haben. Falls Sie F<fonts.alias>- oder "
+"F<fonts.scale>-Dateien haben, sollten Sie sie an die korrekte Stelle unter "
+"F<etc/X11/fonts> in Ihrem Paketbauverzeichnis installieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:31
+msgid ""
+"Your package should depend on B<xfonts-utils> so that the B<update-fonts-"
+">I<*> commands are available. (This program adds that dependency to B<${misc:"
+msgstr ""
+"Ihr Paket sollte von B<xfonts-utils> abhängen, so dass die B<update-fonts-"
+">I<*>-Befehle verfügbar sind. (Dieses Programm fügt diese Abhängigkeit "
+"B<${misc:Depends}> hinzu.)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:35
+msgid ""
+"This program automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+"needed to register X fonts. These commands are inserted into the maintainer "
+"scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of "
+"how this works."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieses Programm erzeugt automatisch die F<postinst>- und F<postrm>-Befehle, "
+"die zum Registrieren von X-Schriften benötigt werden. Diese Befehle werden "
+"durch B<dh_installdeb> in die Betreuerskripte eingefügt. Eine Erklärung, wie "
+"das funktioniert, finden Sie in L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:42
+msgid ""
+"See L<update-fonts-alias(8)>, L<update-fonts-scale(8)>, and L<update-fonts-"
+"dir(8)> for more information about X font installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Weitere Informationen über die Installation der X-Schriften finden Sie unter "
+"L<update-fonts-alias(8)>, L<update-fonts-scale(8)> und L<update-fonts-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:45
+msgid ""
+"See Debian policy, section 11.8.5. for details about doing fonts the Debian "
+msgstr ""
+"Einzelheiten über die Debian-Art, mit Schriften umzugehen, finden Sie in der "
+"Debian-Richtlinie im Abschnitt 11.8.5."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:5
+msgid "dh_link - create symlinks in package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_link - erzeugt symbolische Links in Paketbauverzeichnisse"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<source "
+"destination> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<Element>] [S<I<Quelle "
+"Ziel> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> is a debhelper program that creates symlinks in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das symbolische Links in "
+"Paketbauverzeichnissen erstellt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:25
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> accepts a list of pairs of source and destination files. The "
+"source files are the already existing files that will be symlinked from "
+"(called B<target> by L<ln(1)>). The destination files are the symlinks that "
+"will be created (called B<link name> by L<ln(1)>). There B<must> be an equal "
+"number of source and destination files specified."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> akzeptiert eine Liste von Paaren aus Quell- und Zieldateien. Die "
+"Quelldateien sind bereits existierende Dateien, auf die dann symbolisch "
+"verwiesen wird (von L<ln(1)> B<target> genannt). Die Zieldateien sind die "
+"symbolischen Links, die erstellt werden (von L<ln(1)> B<link name> genannt). "
+"Es B<muss> eine gleiche Anzahl von Quell- und Zieldateien angegeben werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:32
+msgid ""
+"Be sure you B<do> specify the absolute path to both the source and "
+"destination files (unlike you would do if you were using something like "
+"L<ln(1)>). Please note that the leading slash is optional."
+msgstr ""
+"Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den B<absoluten Pfad> sowohl für die Quell- als "
+"auch für die Zieldateien angeben (anderes Vorgehen als bei der Verwendung "
+"von L<ln(1)> oder ähnlichem). Bitte beachten Sie, dass der führende "
+"Schrägstrich optional ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:36
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> will generate symlinks that comply with Debian policy - absolute "
+"when policy says they should be absolute, and relative links with as short a "
+"path as possible. It will also create any subdirectories it needs to put the "
+"symlinks in."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> wird symbolische Links erzeugen, welche die Debian-Richtlinie "
+"erfüllen – absolute, wenn die Debian-Richtlinie sagt, sie sollten absolut "
+"sein und relative Links bei einem so kurzen Pfad wie möglich. Es wird "
+"außerdem jegliche Unterverzeichnisse erzeugen, die es benötigt, um die "
+"symbolischen Links darin abzulegen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:41
+msgid "Any pre-existing destination files will be replaced with symlinks."
+msgstr ""
+"Alle vorher existierenden Zieldateien werden durch symbolische Links ersetzt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:43
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> also scans the package build tree for existing symlinks which do "
+"not conform to Debian policy, and corrects them (v4 or later)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> durchsucht außerdem den Bauverzeichnisbaum des Pakets nach "
+"existierenden symbolischen Links, die nicht der Debian-Richtlinie "
+"entsprechen und korrigiert sie (v4 und neuer)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_link:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.links"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.links"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:52
+msgid ""
+"Lists pairs of source and destination files to be symlinked. Each pair "
+"should be put on its own line, with the source and destination separated by "
+msgstr ""
+"listet Paare von Quell- und Zieldateien auf, von denen symbolische Links "
+"erstellt werden sollen. Jedes Paar sollte in einer eigenen Zeile stehen, in "
+"der Quell- und Zieldatei durch Leerzeichen getrennt sind."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:56
+msgid ""
+"In each pair the source file (called B<target> by L<ln(1)>) comes first and "
+"is followed by the destination file (called B<link name> by L<ln(1)>). Thus "
+"the pairs of source and destination files in each line are given in the same "
+"order as they would be given to L<ln(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"In jedem Paar kommt die Quelldatei (durch L<ln(1)> B<Ziel> genannt) zuerst. "
+"Ihr folgt die Zieldatei (durch L<ln(1)> B<Linkname> genannt). Daher werden "
+"die Paare von Quell- und Zieldatei in jeder Zeile in derselben Reihenfolge "
+"angegeben, in der sie an L<ln(1)> übergeben würden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:61
+msgid ""
+"In contrast to L<ln(1)>, source and destination paths must be absolute (the "
+"leading slash is optional)."
+msgstr ""
+"Im Gegensatz zu L<ln(1)> müssen Quell- und Zielpfade absolut sein (der "
+"führende Schrägstrich ist optional)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:75
+msgid ""
+"Create any links specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+"on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"erstellt jegliche durch Befehlszeilenparameter angegebenen Links in ALLEN "
+"Paketen, auf die es sich auswirkt, nicht nur im ersten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:80
+msgid ""
+"Exclude symlinks that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"corrected to comply with Debian policy."
+msgstr ""
+"schließt symbolische Links, die irgendwo in ihrem Dateinamen I<Element> "
+"enthalten, von der Korrektur zur Einhaltung der Debian-Richtlinie aus."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_link:83
+msgid "I<source destination> ..."
+msgstr "I<Quelle Ziel> …"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:85
+msgid ""
+"Create a file named I<destination> as a link to a file named I<source>. Do "
+"this in the package build directory of the first package acted on. (Or in "
+"all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"erstellt eine Datei mit Namen I<Ziel> als Link auf eine Datei mit Namen "
+"I<Quelle>. Machen Sie das im Paketbauverzeichnis des ersten Pakets, auf das "
+"es sich auswirkt (oder in allen Paketen, falls B<-A> angegeben wurde)."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:93
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_link usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_link usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:95
+msgid "Make F<bar.1> be a symlink to F<foo.1>"
+msgstr "sorgt dafür, dass F<bar.1> ein symbolischer Link auf F<foo.1> ist."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:100
+msgid ""
+"Make F</usr/lib/foo/> be a link to F</var/lib/foo/>, and F<bar.1> be a "
+"symlink to the F<foo.1>"
+msgstr ""
+"sorgt dafür, dass F</usr/lib/foo/> ein symbolischer Link auf F</var/lib/foo/"
+"> und F<bar.1> ein symbolischer Link auf F<foo.1> ist."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:103
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:106
+msgid "Same as above but as content for a debian/I<package>.links file."
+msgstr ""
+"genau wie oben, jedoch als Inhalt für eine debian/I<Paket>.links-Datei."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_lintian - install lintian override files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_lintian - installiert Override-Dateien für Lintian in "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:17
+msgid "B<dh_lintian> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_lintian> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_lintian> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"override files used by lintian into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_lintian> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation von "
+"Override-Dateien, die von Lintian benutzt werden, in Paketbauverzeichnisse "
+"zuständig ist, ."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_lintian:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.lintian-overrides"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.lintian-overrides"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into usr/share/lintian/overrides/I<package> in the package build "
+"directory. This file is used to suppress erroneous lintian diagnostics."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert in usr/share/lintian/overrides/I<Paket> im Paketbauverzeichnis. "
+"Diese Datei wird benutzt, um fehlerhafte Lintian-Diagnosen zu unterdrücken."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_lintian:34
+msgid "F<debian/source/lintian-overrides>"
+msgstr "F<debian/source/lintian-overrides>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:36
+msgid ""
+"These files are not installed, but will be scanned by lintian to provide "
+"overrides for the source package."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Dateien werden nicht installiert, werden aber von Lintian durchsucht, "
+"um Außerkraftsetzungen in das Quellpaket bereitzustellen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:66
+msgid "L<lintian(1)>"
+msgstr "L<lintian(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:70
+msgid "Steve Robbins <>"
+msgstr "Steve Robbins <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:5
+msgid "dh_listpackages - list binary packages debhelper will act on"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_listpackages - listet Binärpakete auf, auf die Dephelper einwirken wird "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:17
+msgid "B<dh_listpackages> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_listpackages> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_listpackages> is a debhelper program that outputs a list of all binary "
+"packages debhelper commands will act on. If you pass it some options, it "
+"will change the list to match the packages other debhelper commands would "
+"act on if passed the same options."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_listpackages> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das eine Liste aller "
+"Binärpakete ausgibt, auf welche die Debhelper-Befehle einwirken werden. "
+"Falls Sie ihm irgendwelche Optionen übergeben, wird es die Liste so ändern, "
+"dass sie die Pakete enthält, auf die andere Debhelper-Befehle einwirken "
+"würden, wenn sie die gleichen Optionen übergeben bekämen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:26
+msgid "Packages are listed in the order they appear in F<debian/control>."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Pakete werden in der Reihenfolge aufgeführt, in der sie in F<debian/"
+"control> erscheinen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_makeshlibs - automatically create shlibs file and call dpkg-gensymbols"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_makeshlibs - erstellt automatisch die Shlibs-Datei und ruft dpkg-"
+"gensymbols auf"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-m>I<major>] [B<-"
+"V>I<[dependencies]>] [B<-n>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-m>I<Major>] [B<-"
+"V>I<[Abhängigkeiten]>] [B<-n>] [B<-X>I<Element>] [S<B<--> I<Parameter>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> is a debhelper program that automatically scans for shared "
+"libraries, and generates a shlibs file for the libraries it finds."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das automatisch nach gemeinsam "
+"benutzten Bibliotheken sucht und für die gefundenen Bibliotheken eine Shlibs-"
+"Datei erzeugt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:24
+msgid ""
+"It will also ensure that ldconfig is invoked during install and removal when "
+"it finds shared libraries. Since debhelper 9.20151004, this is done via a "
+"dpkg trigger. In older versions of debhelper, B<dh_makeshlibs> would "
+"generate a maintainer script for this purpose."
+msgstr ""
+"Es stellt außerdem sicher, dass Ldconfig während der Installation und "
+"Entfernung aufgerufen wird, wenn es gemeinsam benutzte Bibliotheken findet. "
+"Seit Debhelper 9.20151004 wird dafür ein Dpkg-Auslösers eingesetzt. In "
+"älteren Versionen von Debhelper würde B<dh_makeshlibs> zu diesem Zweck ein "
+"Betreuerskript erzeugen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:29
+msgid ""
+"Since debhelper 12.3, B<dh_makeshlibs> will by default add an additional "
+"I<udeb> line for udebs in the shlibs file, when the udeb has the same name "
+"as the deb followed by a \"-udeb\" suffix (e.g. if the deb is called "
+"\"libfoo1\", then debhelper will auto-detect the udeb if it is named "
+"\"libfoo1-udeb\"). Please use the B<--add-udeb> and B<--no-add-udeb> options "
+"below when this auto-detection is insufficient."
+msgstr ""
+"Seit Debhelper 12.3 wird B<dh_makeshlibs> standardmäßig in der Datei shlibs "
+"eine zusätzliche I<udeb>-Zeile eintragen, wenn das Udeb denselben Namen wie "
+"das Deb hat, gefolgt von einer »-udeb«-Endung (wenn z. B. das Deb »libfoo1« "
+"heißt, dann wird Debhelper ein Udeb namens »libfoo1-udeb« automatisch "
+"erkennen. Bitte benutzen Sie die nachfolgenden Optionen B<--add-udeb> und "
+"B<--no-add-udeb>, wenn diese automatische Erkennung nicht ausreicht."
+# FIXME s/and is/and are/
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:36
+msgid ""
+"If you previously used B<--add-udeb> and are considering to migrate to using "
+"the new auto-detection feature in 12.3, then please remember to test that "
+"the resulting F<DEBIAN/shlibs> files are as expected. There are some known "
+"corner cases, where the auto-detection is insufficient. These include when "
+"the udeb contains library files from multiple regular deb packages or when "
+"the packages do not follow the expected naming convention."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Sie vorher B<--add-udeb> benutzt haben und mit dem Gedanken spielen, "
+"auf die neue automatische Erkennungsfunktionalität in 12.3 zu migrieren, "
+"dann denken Sie bitte daran zu testen, ob die resultierenden F<DEBIAN/"
+"shlibs>-Dateien wie erwartet ausfallen. Es gibt einige bekannte "
+"Ausnahmefälle, in denen die automatische Erkennung nicht ausreicht. Dazu "
+"zählt u. a., dass das Udeb Bibliotheksdateien aus mehreren normalen Deb-"
+"Paketen enthält oder dass die Pakete nicht der erwarteten Namensübereinkunft "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:48
+msgid "debian/I<package>.shlibs"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.shlibs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:50
+msgid ""
+"Installs this file, if present, into the package as DEBIAN/shlibs. If "
+"omitted, debhelper will generate a shlibs file automatically if it detects "
+"any libraries."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert, falls vorhanden, diese Datei in das Paket als DEBIAN/shlibs. "
+"Falls es weggelassen wird, erzeugt Debhelper automatisch eine Shlibs-Datei "
+"wenn es irgendwelche Bibliotheken entdeckt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:54
+msgid ""
+"Note in compat levels 9 and earlier, this file was installed by "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> rather than B<dh_makeshlibs>."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass diese Datei in Kompatibilitätsmodi 9 und älter durch "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> anstatt durch B<dh_makeshlibs> installiert wurde."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:57
+msgid "debian/I<package>.symbols"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.symbols"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:59
+msgid "debian/I<package>.symbols.I<arch>"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.symbols.I<Architektur>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:61
+msgid ""
+"These symbols files, if present, are passed to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> to be "
+"processed and installed. Use the I<arch> specific names if you need to "
+"provide different symbols files for different architectures."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Symboldateien werden, falls sie vorhanden sind, zur Verarbeitung und "
+"Installation an L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> übergeben. Benutzen Sie die für die "
+"I<Architektur> spezifischen Dateinamen, falls Sie mehrere unterschiedliche "
+"Symbole für unterschiedliche Architekturen bereitstellen müssen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:71
+msgid "B<-m>I<major>, B<--major=>I<major>"
+msgstr "B<-m>I<Hauptnummer>, B<--major=>I<Hauptnummer>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:73
+msgid ""
+"Instead of trying to guess the major number of the library with objdump, use "
+"the major number specified after the -m parameter. This is much less useful "
+"than it used to be, back in the bad old days when this program looked at "
+"library filenames rather than using objdump."
+msgstr ""
+"benutzt die nach dem Parameter -m angegebene Hauptnummer, anstatt zu "
+"versuchen, die Hauptnummer der Bibliothek mit Objdump zu erraten. Dies ist "
+"weit weniger nützlich als früher zu den schlechten alten Zeiten, als dieses "
+"Programm nach Bibliotheksdateinamen suchte, anstatt Objdump zu verwenden."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:78
+msgid "B<-V>, B<-V>I<dependencies>"
+msgstr "B<-V>, B<-V>I<Abhängigkeiten>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:80
+msgid "B<--version-info>, B<--version-info=>I<dependencies>"
+msgstr "B<--version-info>, B<--version-info=>I<Abhängigkeiten>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:82
+msgid ""
+"If a shlibs file is generated by this program, this option controls what "
+"version will be used in the dependency relation."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls durch dieses Programm eine Shlibs-Datei erzeugt wurde, steuert diese "
+"Option, welche Version in der Abhängigkeitsbeziehung benutzt werden soll."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:85
+msgid ""
+"In compat 12 and later, B<dh_makeshlibs> defaults to B<-VUpstream-Version>. "
+"In compat 11 and earlier the default behaved like B<-VNone>."
+msgstr ""
+"Auf Kompatibilitätsstufe 12 und höher ist die Voreinstellung von "
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> B<-VUpstream-Version>. Auf Kompatibilitätsstufe 11 und "
+"niedriger verhält sich die Voreinstellung wie B<-VNone>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:88
+msgid "The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool can generate dependencies in three variants:"
+msgstr ""
+"Das Werkzeug B<dh_makeshlibs> kann Abhängigkeiten in drei Varianten erzeugen:"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:92
+msgid "B<-VUpstream-Version>"
+msgstr "B<-VUpstream-Version>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:94
+msgid ""
+"The dependency will be \"I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= I<packageversion>B<)>\". "
+"Note that I<Upstream-Version> is case-sensitive and must be written exactly "
+"as shown here."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Abhängigkeit wird »I<Paketname> B<(E<gt>>= I<Paketversion>B<)>« lauten. "
+"Beachten Sie, dass I<VUpstream-Version> Groß- und Kleinschreibung "
+"berücksichtigt und genau wie hier gezeigt geschrieben werden muss."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:98
+msgid ""
+"This is a conservative setting that always ensures that other packages' "
+"shared library dependencies are at least as tight as they need to be (unless "
+"the library is prone to changing ABI without updating the upstream version "
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist eine zurückhaltende Einstellung, die immer sicherstellt, dass die "
+"Abhängigkeiten von gemeinsam benutzten Bibliotheken anderer Pakete "
+"mindestens so eng sind wie erforderlich (es sei denn, in Ihrer Bibliothek "
+"wird gern das ABI geändert, ohne die Versionsnummer der Ursprungsautoren zu "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:103
+msgid ""
+"The flip side is that packages might end up with dependencies that are too "
+"tight in some cases (note a symbols file can mitigate this issue). This is "
+"often of minor temporary inconvenience and usually a lot better than the "
+"fall out caused by forgetting to bump the dependency information."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Kehrseite ist, dass Pakete mit Abhängigkeiten enden können, die in "
+"einigen Fällen zu eng sind (beachten Sie, dass eine Symboldatei dieses "
+"Problem entschärfen kann). Dies ist aber oft eine kleine, vorübergehende "
+"Unannehmlichkeit und normalerweise viel besser als der Rattenschwanz an "
+"Problemen, der entsteht, wenn vergessen wird, die Abhängigkeitsinfos "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:109
+msgid ""
+"This explicit form was added in debhelper/11.3. In previous versions, a B<-"
+"V> without any dependency information was used instead (and that form still "
+msgstr ""
+"Diese eindeutige Form wurde in Debhelper/11.3 hinzugefügt. In früheren "
+"Versionen wurde stattdessen ein B<-V> ohne irgendwelche "
+"Abhängigkeitsinformationen benutzt (und diese Form funktioniert immer noch)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:113
+msgid "B<-VNone>"
+msgstr "B<-VNone>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:115
+msgid ""
+"The dependency will be \"I<packagename>\". Note that I<None> is case-"
+"sensitive and must be written exactly as shown here."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Abhängigkeit wird »I<Paketname>« lauten. Beachten Sie, dass I<None> die "
+"Groß- und Kleinschreibung berücksichtigt und daher genau wie hier gezeigt "
+"geschrieben werden muss."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:118
+msgid ""
+"This form is generally unsafe with the only exception being if upstream does "
+"not extend the ABI in any way. However, most upstreams improve their "
+"interfaces over time and packagers are recommended to use B<-VUpstream-"
+"Version> (or one of the other forms of B<-V>I<dependencies>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Form ist im Allgemeinen unsicher, es sei denn, die Ursprungsautoren "
+"erweitern das ABI in keiner Weise. Die meisten Ursprungsautoren verbessern "
+"jedoch ihre Schnittstellen mit der Zeit und es wird Paketierern empfohlen, "
+"B<-VUpstream-Version> (oder eine der anderen Formen von B<-"
+"V>I<Abhängigkeiten>) zu verwenden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:123
+msgid ""
+"Alternatively, this may be sufficient if (and only if) the package uses "
+"symbol versioning (see L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>) and does I<not> build any udeb "
+"packages. Note that symbols are not supported for udeb packages, which "
+"solely relies on shlibs for dependency handling."
+msgstr ""
+"Alterantiv kann dies ausreichen, falls (und nur falls) das Paket "
+"Symbolversionierung verwendet (siehe L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>) und I<keine> "
+"Udeb-Pakete baut. Beachten Sie, dass Symbole nicht von Udeb-Paketen "
+"unterstützt werden, die sich bei der Behandlung von Abhängigkeiten "
+"ausschließlich auf Shlibs verlassen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:128
+msgid "B<-V>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<-V>I<Paketbeziehung>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:130
+msgid ""
+"In this case, the value passed to B<-V> will be used as a dependency "
+"relation. The I<package-relation> should generally be of the form \"I<some-"
+"package-name> B<(E<gt>>= I<some-package-version>B<)>\". Remember to include "
+"the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"In diesem Fall wird der an B<-V> übergebene Wert als Abhängigkeitsbeziehung "
+"benutzt. Die I<Paketbeziehung> sollte generell die Form »I<irgendein-"
+"Paketname> B<(E<gt>>= I<irgendeine-Paketversion)> haben. Denken Sie daran, "
+"den Paketnamen beizufügen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:135
+msgid ""
+"Note that debhelper will use the value I<as it is> with no sanity checking "
+"or modification. In I<rare special> cases, this is needed to generate a "
+"dependency on a different package than the one containing the library."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass Debhelper diesen Wert so benutzen wird, I<wie er ist>, "
+"ohne zu prüfen, ob er vernünftig und ohne Änderung ist. In I<seltenen "
+"Sonderfällen> ist das erforderlich, um eine Abhängigkeit zu einem anderen "
+"Paket zu erzeugen als dem, das die Bibliothek enthält."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:142
+msgid ""
+"When choosing a value for this option, please keep mind that if the package "
+"provides a symbols file, then that this is generally preferred over the "
+"shlibs file for regular .deb packages. See L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> for more "
+"information on this topic."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn ein Wert für diese Option gewählt wird, denken Sie bitte daran, dass "
+"eine Symboldatei generell den Vorzug gegenüber der Shlibs-Datei für normale ."
+"deb-Pakete erhält, falls das Paket eine solche bereitstellt. Weitere "
+"Informationen über dieses Thema finden Sie unter L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:149
+msgid ""
+"Do not add the \"ldconfig\" trigger even if it seems like the package might "
+"need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical reasons as "
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> would previously generate maintainer scripts that called "
+msgstr ""
+"Fügen Sie den Auslöser »ldconfig« selbst dann nicht hinzu, wenn das Paket "
+"ihn scheinbar benötigt. Diese Option wird aus historischen Gründen B<--"
+"noscripts> genannt, da B<dh_makeshlibs> früher Betreuerskripte erzeugt "
+"hatte, die B<ldconfig> aufriefen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:156
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename or directory "
+"from being treated as shared libraries."
+msgstr ""
+"schließt Dateien aus, die irgendwo in ihrem Datei- oder Verzeichnisnamen "
+"I<Element> enthalten, als gemeinsam benutzte Bibliotheken betrachtet zu "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:159
+msgid "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+msgstr "B<--add-udeb=>I<Udeb>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:161
+msgid ""
+"Create an additional line for udebs in the shlibs file and use I<udeb> as "
+"the package name for udebs to depend on instead of the regular library "
+msgstr ""
+"erstellt eine zusätzliche Zeile für Udebs in der Shlibs-Datei und benutzt "
+"I<Udeb> als Paketnamen für Udebs als Abhängigkeit, anstelle des regulären "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:164
+msgid ""
+"This option is only useful for special cases such as when debhelper cannot "
+"auto-detect package name of the udeb package, when the udeb will contain "
+"libraries from multiple deb packages, or when the udeb contains libraries "
+"B<not> present in the deb package."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Option eignet sich nur für Sonderfälle, beispielsweise wenn Debhelper "
+"den Paketnamen des Udeb-Pakets nicht automatisch ermitteln kann, das Udeb "
+"Bibliotheken aus mehreren Deb-Paketen enthalten wird oder das Udeb "
+"Bibliotheken enthält, die B<nicht> im Deb-Paket enthalten sind."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:169
+msgid "B<--no-add-udeb>"
+msgstr "B<--no-add-udeb>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:171
+msgid ""
+"Do not add any udeb lines to the shlibs file. This can be used to disable "
+"the default auto-detection of udebs."
+msgstr ""
+"fügt der Shlibs-Datei keine Udeb-Zeilen hinzu. Damit kann die "
+"voreingestellte automatische Erkennung von Udebs deaktiviert werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:174
+msgid ""
+"This may be useful in case you do not want a shlibs file at all for the udeb "
+"because no package will depend on it. E.g. because adding a udeb package "
+"for the library was \"overkill\" and the library is embedded in a different "
+"udeb package."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies kann nützlich sein, wenn Sie gar keine Shlibs-Datei für das Udeb "
+"wollen, weil kein Paket davon abhängt; bspw. weil das Hinzufügen eines Udeb-"
+"Pakets für die Bibliothek übertrieben wäre und die Bibliothek in ein anderes "
+"Udeb-Paket eingebettet ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:181
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>."
+msgstr "übergibt I<Parameter> an L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:189
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -VNone>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -VNone>"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:191
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Assuming this is a package named F<libfoobar1>, generates a shlibs file that\n"
+"looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Angenommen, dies sei ein Paket mit Namen F<libfoobar1>, wird eine Shlibs-Datei\n"
+"erzeugt, die ungefähr so aussieht:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:195
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -VUpstream-Version>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -VUpstream-Version>"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:197
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Assuming the current version of the package is 1.1-3, generates a shlibs\n"
+"file that looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.1)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Angenommen, dies sei die aktuelle Version des Pakets 1.1-3, wird eine\n"
+"Shlibs-Datei erzeugt, die in etwa wie folgt aussieht:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.1)\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:201
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -V 'libfoobar1 (E<gt>= 1.0)'>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -V 'libfoobar1 (E<gt>= 1.0)'>"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:203
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Generates a shlibs file that looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"erzeugt eine Shlibs-Datei, die in etwa so aussieht:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0)\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:5
+msgid "dh_md5sums - generate DEBIAN/md5sums file"
+msgstr "dh_md5sums - erzeugt die Datei DEBIAN/md5sums"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-x>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--include-"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-x>] [B<-X>I<Element>] [B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating a "
+"F<DEBIAN/md5sums> file, which lists the md5sums of each file in the "
+"package. These files are used by B<dpkg --verify> or the L<debsums(1)> "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für das Erzeugen einer "
+"F<DEBIAN/md5sums>-Datei zuständig ist, die die Md5-Prüfsummen jeder Datei im "
+"Paket auflistet. Diese Dateien werden von B<dpkg --verify> oder dem Programm "
+"L<debsums(1)> benutzt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:26
+msgid ""
+"All files in F<DEBIAN/> are omitted from the F<md5sums> file, as are all "
+"conffiles (unless you use the B<--include-conffiles> switch)."
+msgstr ""
+"Alle Dateien in F<DEBIAN/> werden aus der F<md5sums>-Datei weggelassen, da "
+"sie alle Konfigdateien sind (außer, Sie benutzen den Schalter B<--include-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:29
+msgid "The md5sums file is installed with proper permissions and ownerships."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Datei »md5sums« wird mit ordnungsgemäßen Zugriffs- und Besitzrechten "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_md5sums:35
+msgid "B<-x>, B<--include-conffiles>"
+msgstr "B<-x>, B<--include-conffiles>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:37
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Include conffiles in the md5sums list. Note that this information is "
+#| "redundant since it is included elsewhere in Debian packages."
+msgid ""
+"Include conffiles in the md5sums list. Note that this information is "
+"redundant since it is included in F</var/lib/dpkg/status> in Debian packages."
+msgstr ""
+"fügt Conffiles in die Md5sums-Liste ein. Beachten Sie, dass diese "
+"Information überflüssig ist, da sie anderswo in Debian-Paketen enthalten ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:42
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"listed in the md5sums file."
+msgstr ""
+"schließt Dateien von der Auflistung in der Datei »md5sums« aus, die irgendwo "
+"in ihrem Dateinamen I<Element> enthalten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:5
+msgid "dh_movefiles - move files out of debian/tmp into subpackages"
+msgstr "dh_movefiles - verschiebt Dateien aus debian/tmp in Unterpakete"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [B<-"
+"X>I<item>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<Verz>] [B<-"
+"X>I<Element>] S<I<Datei> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for moving files "
+"out of F<debian/tmp> or some other directory and into other package build "
+"directories. This may be useful if your package has a F<Makefile> that "
+"installs everything into F<debian/tmp>, and you need to break that up into "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für das Verschieben von "
+"Dateien aus F<debian/tmp> oder irgendeinem anderen Verzeichnis in andere "
+"Paketbauverzeichnisse zuständig ist. Dies könnte nützlich sein, falls Ihr "
+"Paket ein Makefile hat, das alles in F<debian/tmp> installiert und Sie es in "
+"Unterpakete zerteilen möchten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:26
+msgid ""
+"Note: B<dh_install> is a much better program, and you are recommended to use "
+"it instead of B<dh_movefiles>."
+msgstr ""
+"Anmerkung: B<dh_install> ist ein wesentlich besseres Programm und es wird "
+"empfohlen, dieses an Stelle von B<dh_movefiles> zu benutzen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_movefiles:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.files"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.files"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:35
+msgid ""
+"Lists the files to be moved into a package, separated by whitespace. The "
+"filenames listed should be relative to F<debian/tmp/>. You can also list "
+"directory names, and the whole directory will be moved."
+msgstr ""
+"Listet die Dateien, die in ein Paket verschoben werden, durch Leerzeichen "
+"getrennt auf. Die aufgelisteten Dateinamen sollten relativ zu F<debian/tmp/> "
+"sein. Sie können außerdem Verzeichnisnamen auflisten und das ganze "
+"Verzeichnis wird verschoben."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:47
+msgid ""
+"Instead of moving files out of F<debian/tmp> (the default), this option "
+"makes it move files out of some other directory. Since the entire contents "
+"of the sourcedir is moved, specifying something like B<--sourcedir=/> is "
+"very unsafe, so to prevent mistakes, the sourcedir must be a relative "
+"filename; it cannot begin with a `B</>'."
+msgstr ""
+"Anstatt Dateien aus F<debian/tmp> zu verschieben (die Vorgabe), lässt diese "
+"Option die Dateien aus irgendwelchen anderen Verzeichnissen verschieben. Da "
+"der ganze Inhalt des Quellverzeichnisses verschoben wird, ist die Angabe von "
+"B<--sourcedir=/> o. ä. sehr unsicher, daher muss das Quellverzeichnis, um "
+"Missverständnisse zu vermeiden, ein relativer Pfadname sein; er kann nicht "
+"mit einem »B</>« beginnen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_movefiles:53
+msgid "B<-Xitem>, B<--exclude=item>"
+msgstr "B<-Xitem>, B<--exclude=Element>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:55
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain B<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+msgstr ""
+"schließt Dateien von der Installation aus, die irgendwo in ihrem Dateinamen "
+"I<Element> enthalten."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:60
+msgid ""
+"Lists files to move. The filenames listed should be relative to F<debian/tmp/"
+">. You can also list directory names, and the whole directory will be moved. "
+"It is an error to list files here unless you use B<-p>, B<-i>, or B<-a> to "
+"tell B<dh_movefiles> which subpackage to put them in."
+msgstr ""
+"listet Dateien auf, die verschoben werden sollen. Die aufgelisteten "
+"Dateinamen sollten relativ zu F<debian/tmp/> sein. Sie können auch "
+"Verzeichnisnamen auflisten und das ganze Verzeichnis wird verschoben. Es ist "
+"ein Fehler, Dateien hier aufzulisten, es sei denn, Sie benutzen B<-p>, B<-i> "
+"oder B<-a>, um B<dh_movefiles> mitzuteilen, in welche Unterpakete es sie "
+"ablegen soll."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:69
+msgid ""
+"Note that files are always moved out of F<debian/tmp> by default (even if "
+"you have instructed debhelper to use a compatibility level higher than one, "
+"which does not otherwise use debian/tmp for anything at all). The idea "
+"behind this is that the package that is being built can be told to install "
+"into F<debian/tmp>, and then files can be moved by B<dh_movefiles> from that "
+"directory. Any files or directories that remain are ignored, and get deleted "
+"by B<dh_clean> later."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass Dateien standardmäßig immer aus F<debian/tmp> verschoben "
+"werden (sogar, wenn Sie Debhelper angewiesen haben, eine "
+"Kompatibilitätsstufe oberhalb von eins zu benutzen, welche debian/tmp "
+"ansonsten überhaupt nicht verwendet). Die zugrundeliegende Idee besteht "
+"darin, dass dem zu bauenden Paket mitgeteilt wird, dass es in F<debian/tmp> "
+"installiert wird und Dateien dann durch B<dh_movefiles> von diesem "
+"Verzeichnis verschoben werden können. Jegliche Dateien oder Verzeichnisse, "
+"die verbleiben, werden ignoriert und später durch B<dh_clean> gelöscht."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:5
+msgid "dh_perl - calculates Perl dependencies and cleans up after MakeMaker"
+msgstr "dh_perl - berechnet Perl-Abhängigkeiten und räumt nach MakeMaker auf"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:20
+msgid "B<dh_perl> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-d>] [S<I<library dirs> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-d>] "
+"[S<I<Bibliothekenverzeichnisse> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_perl> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating the "
+"B<${perl:Depends}> substitutions and adding them to substvars files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für das Erzeugen der B<${perl:"
+"Depends}>-Ersetzung zuständig ist und um diese dann den Substvars-Dateien "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:27
+msgid ""
+"The program will look at Perl scripts and modules in your package, and will "
+"use this information to generate a dependency on B<perl> or B<perlapi>. The "
+"dependency will be substituted into your package's F<control> file wherever "
+"you place the token B<${perl:Depends}>."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Programm wird in Ihrem Paket nach Perl-Skripten und -Modulen suchen und "
+"diese Informationen nutzen, um eine Abhängigkeit zu B<perl> oder B<perlapi> "
+"zu erzeugen. Die Abhängigkeit wird in der Datei F<control> überall dort "
+"eingesetzt, wo Sie die Markierung B<${perl:Depends}> platzieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:32
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_perl> also cleans up empty directories that MakeMaker can generate when "
+"installing Perl modules."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> räumt außerdem leere Verzeichnisse auf, die MakeMaker erzeugen "
+"kann, wenn es Perl-Module installiert."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:39
+msgid "B<-d>"
+msgstr "B<-d>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:41
+msgid ""
+"In some specific cases you may want to depend on B<perl-base> rather than "
+"the full B<perl> package. If so, you can pass the -d option to make "
+"B<dh_perl> generate a dependency on the correct base package. This is only "
+"necessary for some packages that are included in the base system."
+msgstr ""
+"In einigen besonderen Fällen möchten Sie vielleicht eher eine Abhängigkeit "
+"von B<perl-base> statt vom ganzen Paket B<perl>. In diesem Fall können Sie "
+"die Option -d übergeben, um B<dh_perl> anzuweisen, eine Abhängigkeit vom "
+"korrekten Basispaket zu erzeugen. Dies ist nur für einige Pakete nötig, die "
+"im Basissystem enthalten sind."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:46
+msgid ""
+"Note that this flag may cause no dependency on B<perl-base> to be generated "
+"at all. B<perl-base> is Essential, so its dependency can be left out, unless "
+"a versioned dependency is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass wegen dieses Schalters möglicherweise gar keine "
+"Abhängigkeit zu B<perl-base> erzeugt wird. B<perl-base> ist "
+"»Essential« (erforderlich), daher kann seine Abhängigkeit weggelassen "
+"werden, außer wenn eine versionsbasierte Abhängigkeit nötig ist."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:50
+msgid "B<-V>"
+msgstr "B<-V>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:52
+msgid ""
+"By default, scripts and architecture independent modules don't depend on any "
+"specific version of B<perl>. The B<-V> option causes the current version of "
+"the B<perl> (or B<perl-base> with B<-d>) package to be specified."
+msgstr ""
+"Standardmäßig hängen Skripte und architekturunabhängige Module nicht von "
+"einer bestimmten Version von B<perl> ab. Die Option B<-V> veranlasst, dass "
+"die aktuelle Version vom Paket B<perl> (oder B<perl-base> mit B<-d>) "
+"angegeben wird."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:56
+msgid "I<library dirs>"
+msgstr "<I<Bibliothekenverzeichnisse>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:58
+msgid ""
+"If your package installs Perl modules in non-standard directories, you can "
+"make B<dh_perl> check those directories by passing their names on the "
+"command line. It will only check the F<vendorlib> and F<vendorarch> "
+"directories by default."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls Ihr Paket Perl-Module in Nicht-Standardverzeichnisse installiert, "
+"können Sie B<dh_perl> diese Verzeichnisse prüfen lassen, indem Sie ihre "
+"Namen auf der Befehlszeile übergeben. Es wird standardmäßig nur die "
+"Verzeichnisse F<vendorlib> und F<vendorarch> prüfen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:67
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.8.3"
+msgstr "Debian-Richtlinie, Version 3.8.3"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:69
+msgid "Perl policy, version 1.20"
+msgstr "Perl-Richtlinie, Version 1.20"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:196
+msgid "Brendan O'Dea <>"
+msgstr "Brendan O'Dea <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:5
+msgid "dh_prep - perform cleanups in preparation for building a binary package"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_prep - führt Säuberungsaktionen als Vorbereitung des Baus von "
+"Binärpaketen durch"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:17
+msgid "B<dh_prep> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_prep> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-X>I<Element>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_prep> is a debhelper program that performs some file cleanups in "
+"preparation for building a binary package. (This is what B<dh_clean -k> used "
+"to do.) It removes the package build directories, F<debian/tmp>, and some "
+"temp files that are generated when building a binary package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_prep> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das einige Dateisäuberungsaktionen "
+"als Vorbereitung des Baus von Binärpaketen durchführt. (Dies führte früher "
+"B<dh_clean -k> durch.) Es entfernt die Paketbauverzeichnisse, F<debian/tmp> "
+"und einige temporäre Dateien, die erzeugt werden, wenn ein Binärpaket "
+"erstellt wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:26
+msgid ""
+"It is typically run at the top of the B<binary-arch> and B<binary-indep> "
+"targets, or at the top of a target such as install that they depend on."
+msgstr ""
+"Es wird üblicherweise oben in den Zielen B<binary-arch> und B<binary-indep> "
+"ausgeführt oder an Anfang eines Ziels wie dem »install«, von dem sie "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:35
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option "
+"multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"schließt Dateien vom Löschen aus, die irgendwo in ihrem Dateinamen "
+"I<Element> enthalten, sogar wenn diese normalerweise gelöscht erden würden. "
+"Sie können diese Option mehrfach benutzen, um eine Liste auszuschließender "
+"Dinge zu erstellen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:5
+msgid "dh_shlibdeps - calculate shared library dependencies"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_shlibdeps - berechnet Abhängigkeiten gemeinsam benutzter Bibliotheken"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-L>I<package>] [B<-"
+"l>I<directory>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-L>I<Paket>] [B<-"
+"l>I<Verzeichnis>] [B<-X>I<Element>] [S<B<--> I<Parameter>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> is a debhelper program that is responsible for calculating "
+"shared library dependencies for packages."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Berechnung von "
+"Paketabhängigkeiten von gemeinsam benutzten Bibliotheken zuständig ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:26
+msgid ""
+"This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> that calls it "
+"once for each package listed in the F<control> file, passing it a list of "
+"ELF executables and shared libraries it has found."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieses Programm ist lediglich ein Wrapper um L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>, der es "
+"einmal für jedes in der Datei F<control> aufgelistete Paket aufruft und ihm "
+"eine Liste aller ELF-Programme und gemeinsam benutzten Bibliotheken "
+"übergibt, die es gefunden hat."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:36
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"passed to B<dpkg-shlibdeps>. This will make their dependencies be ignored. "
+"This may be useful in some situations, but use it with caution. This option "
+"may be used more than once to exclude more than one thing."
+msgstr ""
+"schließt Dateien von der Übergabe an B<dpkg-shlibdeps> aus, die irgendwo in "
+"ihrem Dateinamen I<Element> enthalten. Dies führt dazu, dass ihre "
+"Abhängigkeiten ignoriert werden. Dies kann in einigen Situationen nützlich "
+"sein, benutzen Sie es aber mit Vorsicht. Sie können diese Option mehrfach "
+"verwenden, um eine Liste auszuschließender Dinge zu erstellen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:43
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>."
+msgstr "übergibt I<Parameter> an L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:45
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<Parameter>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<Parameter>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:47
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>. It is "
+"deprecated; use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist eine weitere Möglichkeit I<Parameter> an L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> zu "
+"übergeben. Sie ist veraltet; benutzen Sie stattdessen B<-->."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:50
+msgid "B<-l>I<directory>[B<:>I<directory> ...]"
+msgstr "B<-l>I<Verzeichnis>[B<:>I<Verzeichnis> …]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:52
+msgid ""
+"With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not "
+msgstr ""
+"Bei aktuellen Versionen von B<dpkg-shlibdeps> wird diese Option im "
+"Allgemeinen nicht mehr benötigt."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:55
+msgid ""
+"It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-l> parameter), to look for private "
+"package libraries in the specified directory (or directories -- separate "
+"with colons). With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this is mostly only "
+"useful for packages that build multiple flavors of the same library, or "
+"other situations where the library is installed into a directory not on the "
+"regular library search path."
+msgstr ""
+"Sie teilt B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (über seinen Parameter B<-l>) mit, dass es im "
+"angegebenen Verzeichnis (oder in durch Doppelpunkte getrennten "
+"Verzeichnissen) nach privaten Paketbibliotheken Ausschau halten soll. Mit "
+"aktuellen Versionen von B<dpkg-shlibdeps> eignet sich dies meist nur für "
+"Pakete, die mehrere Varianten der gleichen Bibliothek bauen, oder in "
+"Situationen, in denen die Bibliothek in einem Verzeichnis installiert wird, "
+"das nicht im regulären Bibliothekssuchpfad liegt."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:63
+msgid "B<-L>I<package>, B<--libpackage=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-L>I<Paket>, B<--libpackage=>I<Paket>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:65
+msgid ""
+"With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not "
+"needed, unless your package builds multiple flavors of the same library or "
+"is relying on F<debian/shlibs.local> for an internal library."
+msgstr ""
+"Mit aktuellen Versionen von B<dpkg-shlibdeps> ist diese Option im "
+"Allgemeinen nicht nötig, es sei denn, Ihr Paket baut mehrere Varianten der "
+"gleichen Bibliothek oder vertraut auf F<debian/shlibs.local> für eine "
+"interne Bibliothek."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:69
+msgid ""
+"It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-S> parameter) to look first in the "
+"package build directory for the specified package, when searching for "
+"libraries, symbol files, and shlibs files."
+msgstr ""
+"Es sagt B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (mittels seines Parameters B<-S>), dass es zuerst "
+"im Paketbauverzeichnis nach dem angegebenen Paket suchen soll, wenn nach "
+"Bibliotheken, Symbol- und Shlibs-Dateien gesucht wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:73
+msgid ""
+"If needed, this can be passed multiple times with different package names."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls nötig, kann dies mehrfach mit unterschiedlichen Paketnamen übergeben "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:80
+msgid ""
+"Suppose that your source package produces libfoo1, libfoo-dev, and libfoo-"
+"bin binary packages. libfoo-bin links against libfoo1, and should depend on "
+"it. In your rules file, first run B<dh_makeshlibs>, then B<dh_shlibdeps>:"
+msgstr ""
+"Angenommen, Ihr Quellpaket erstellt die Binärpakete libfoo1, libfoo-dev und "
+"libfoo-bin. libfoo-bin wird gegen libfoo1 gelinkt und sollte von ihm "
+"abhängen. Führen Sie in Ihren Dateien zuerst B<dh_makeshlibs> und dann "
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> aus:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_shlibdeps:84
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:87
+msgid ""
+"This will have the effect of generating automatically a shlibs file for "
+"libfoo1, and using that file and the libfoo1 library in the F<debian/libfoo1/"
+"usr/lib> directory to calculate shared library dependency information."
+msgstr ""
+"Dies hat den Effekt, dass für libfoo1 automatisch eine Shilbs-Datei erstellt "
+"wird und dann diese Datei sowie die libfoo1-Bibliothek im Verzeichnis "
+"F<debian/libfoo1/usr/lib> benutzt werden, um die Abhängigkeitsinformation "
+"der gemeinsam benutzten Bibliothek zu berechnen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:92
+msgid ""
+"If a libbar1 package is also produced, that is an alternate build of libfoo, "
+"and is installed into F</usr/lib/bar/>, you can make libfoo-bin depend on "
+"libbar1 as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+"Falls außerdem ein libbar1-Paket als ein alternativ gebautes libfoo erstellt "
+"und in F</usr/lib/bar/> installiert wird, können Sie für libfoo-bin wie "
+"folgt eine Abhängigkeit von libbar1 erreichen:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_shlibdeps:96
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tdh_shlibdeps -Llibbar1 -l/usr/lib/bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tdh_shlibdeps -Llibbar1 -l/usr/lib/bar\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:206
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_strip - strip executables, shared libraries, and some static libraries"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_strip - entfernt Symbole aus Programmen, gemeinsam benutzten Bibliotheken "
+"und einigen statischen Bibliotheken"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--dbg-"
+"package=>I<package>] [B<--keep-debug>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-X>I<Element>] [B<--dbg-"
+"package=>I<Paket>] [B<--keep-debug>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:22
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_strip> is a debhelper program that is responsible for stripping "
+#| "executables, shared libraries, and static libraries that are not used for "
+#| "debugging."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> is a debhelper program that is responsible for stripping out "
+"debug symbols in executables, shared libraries, and static libraries that "
+"are not needed during execution."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für das Entfernen von Symbolen "
+"aus von Programmen, gemeinsam benutzten Bibliotheken und einigen statischen "
+"Bibliotheken, die nicht zur Fehlersuche verwendet werden, zuständig ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:26
+msgid ""
+"This program examines your package build directories and works out what to "
+"strip on its own. It uses L<file(1)> and file permissions and filenames to "
+"figure out what files are shared libraries (F<*.so>), executable binaries, "
+"and static (F<lib*.a>) and debugging libraries (F<lib*_g.a>, F<debug/*.so>), "
+"and strips each as much as is possible. (Which is not at all for debugging "
+"libraries.) In general it seems to make very good guesses, and will do the "
+"right thing in almost all cases."
+msgstr ""
+"Dieses Programm untersucht Ihre Paketbauverzeichnisse und ermittelt "
+"selbsttätig, wo Symbole entfernt werden müssen. Es verwendet L<file(1)>, "
+"Dateizugriffsrechte und Dateinamen, um herauszufinden, welche Dateien "
+"gemeinsam benutzte Bibliotheken (F<*.so>), Programme, statische Bibliotheken "
+"(F<lib*.a>) und solche zur Fehlersuche (F<lib*_g.a>, F<debug/*.so>) "
+"enthalten und entfernt so viele Symbole wie möglich (bei Fehlersuch-"
+"Bibliotheken werden keine Symbole entfernt). Im Allgemeinen scheint es sehr "
+"gute Annahmen zu treffen und wird in fast allen Fällen das Richtige tun."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:34
+msgid ""
+"Since it is very hard to automatically guess if a file is a module, and hard "
+"to determine how to strip a module, B<dh_strip> does not currently deal with "
+"stripping binary modules such as F<.o> files."
+msgstr ""
+"Da es sehr schwierig ist, automatisch festzustellen, ob eine Datei ein Modul "
+"enthält und wie die Symbole eines Moduls entfernt werden, bearbeitet "
+"B<dh_strip> derzeit binären Module wie etwa F<.o>-Dateien."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:48
+msgid "B<--dbg-package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--dbg-package=>I<Paket>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:50 dh_strip:70
+msgid ""
+"B<This option is a now special purpose option that you normally do not "
+"need>. In most cases, there should be little reason to use this option for "
+"new source packages as debhelper automatically generates debug packages "
+"(\"dbgsym packages\"). B<If you have a manual --dbg-package> that you want "
+"to replace with an automatically generated debug symbol package, please see "
+"the B<--dbgsym-migration> option."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Diese Option ist nun eine Option für besondere Zwecke und Sie benötigensie "
+"normalerweise nicht>. In den meisten Fällen sollte es nur wenige Gründe "
+"geben, diese Option für neue Quellpakete zu benutzen, da Debhelper "
+"automatisch Pakete zur Fehlersuche (»Dbgsym-Pakete«) erzeugt. B<Falls Sie "
+"ein manuelles --dbg-package haben,> das Sie durch ein automatisch erzeugtes "
+"Fehlersuch-Symbolpaket ersetzen möchten, sehen Sie sich bitte die Option B<--"
+"dbgsym-migration> an."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:58
+msgid ""
+"Causes B<dh_strip> to save debug symbols stripped from the packages it acts "
+"on as independent files in the package build directory of the specified "
+"debugging package."
+msgstr ""
+"veranlasst B<dh_strip> die Debug-Symbole, die es aus den bearbeiteten "
+"Paketen entfernt hat, als einzelne Dateien im Paketbauverzeichnis des "
+"angegebenen Fehlersuchpakets zu sichern."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:62
+msgid ""
+"For example, if your packages are libfoo and foo and you want to include a "
+"I<foo-dbg> package with debugging symbols, use B<dh_strip --dbg-"
+msgstr ""
+"Falls zum Beispiel Ihre Pakete libfoo und foo sind und Sie ein I<foo-dbg>-"
+"Paket mit Debug-Symbolen mitliefern möchten, benutzen Sie B<dh_strip --dbg-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:65
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+"automatic-dbgsym> or B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Option impliziert B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> und I<kann nicht> zusammen "
+"mit B<--automatic-dbgsym> oder B<--dbgsym-migration> verwendet werden."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:68
+msgid "B<-k>, B<--keep-debug>"
+msgstr "B<-k>, B<--keep-debug>"
+# FIXME: First sentence does not make sense
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:78
+msgid ""
+"Debug symbols will be retained, but split into an independent file in F<usr/"
+"lib/debug/> in the package build directory. B<--dbg-package> is easier to "
+"use than this option, but this option is more flexible."
+msgstr ""
+"Debug-Symbole werden beibehalten, aber in unabhängige Dateien in F<usr/lib/"
+"debug/> im Paketbauverzeichnis aufgeteilt. B<--dbg-package> ist einfacher zu "
+"benutzen als diese Option, aber diese Option ist flexibler."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:82
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Option impliziert B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> und I<kann nicht> zusammen "
+"mit B<--ddeb> verwendet werden."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:85
+msgid "B<--dbgsym-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<--dbgsym-migration=>I<Paketbeziehung>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:87
+msgid ""
+"This option is used to migrate from a manual \"-dbg\" package (created with "
+"B<--dbg-package>) to an automatic generated debug symbol package. This "
+"option should describe a valid B<Replaces>- and B<Breaks>-relation, which "
+"will be added to the debug symbol package to avoid file conflicts with the "
+"(now obsolete) -dbg package."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Option wird benutzt, um von einem manuellen »-dbg«-Paket (das mit B<--"
+"dbg-package> erstellt wurde) zu einem automatisch erzeugten Fehlersuch-"
+"Symbolpaket zu migrieren. Der Wert dieser Option sollte eine gültige "
+"B<Replaces>- und B<Breaks>-Beziehung beschreiben; diese wird dem Fehlersuch-"
+"Symbolpaket hinzugefügt werden, um Dateikonflikte mit dem (nun veralteten) -"
+"dbg-Paket zu vermeiden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:93
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+"keep-debug>, B<--dbg-package> or B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Option impliziert B<--automatic-dbgsym> und I<kann nicht> zusammen mit "
+"B<--keep-debug>, B<--dbg-package> oder B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> verwendet "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:96
+msgid "Examples:"
+msgstr "Beispiele:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_strip:98
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_strip:100
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-tools-dbg (<< 2.1-3~), libfoo2-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-tools-dbg (<< 2.1-3~), libfoo2-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:102
+msgid "B<--automatic-dbgsym>, B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>"
+msgstr "B<--automatic-dbgsym>, B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:104
+msgid ""
+"Control whether B<dh_strip> should be creating debug symbol packages when "
+msgstr ""
+"steuert, ob B<dh_strip> Fehlersuch-Symbolpakete erstellen soll, wenn möglich."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:107
+msgid "The default is to create debug symbol packages."
+msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist, Fehlersuch-Symbolpakete zu erstellen."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:109
+msgid "B<--ddebs>, B<--no-ddebs>"
+msgstr "B<--ddebs>, B<--no-ddebs>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:111
+msgid "Historical name for B<--automatic-dbgsym> and B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+msgstr ""
+"historischer Name für B<--automatic-dbgsym> und B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:113
+msgid "B<--ddeb-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<--ddeb-migration=>I<Paketbeziehung>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:115
+msgid "Historical name for B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+msgstr "historischer Name für B<--dbgsym-migration>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:121
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+"nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+"\"Binaries\"). This will also inhibit the automatic creation of debug "
+"symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls die Umgebungsvariable B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> B<nostrip> enthält, werden "
+"getreu der Debian-Richlinie (Abschnitt 10.1. »Binaries«) keine Symbole "
+"entfernt. Dies wird auch das Erstellen automatischer Fehlersuch-Symbolpakete "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:126
+msgid ""
+"The automatic creation of debug symbol packages can also be prevented by "
+"adding B<noautodbgsym> to the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable. "
+"However, B<dh_strip> will still add debuglinks to ELF binaries when this "
+"flag is set. This is to ensure that the regular deb package will be "
+"identical with and without this flag (assuming it is otherwise \"bit-for-"
+"bit\" reproducible)."
+msgstr ""
+"Das automatische Erzeugen von Symbolpaketen zur Fehlersuche kann außerdem "
+"durch Hinzufügen von B<noautodbgsym> zur Umgebungsvariablen "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> verhindert werden. B<dh_strip> wird jedoch auch "
+"weiterhin Fehlersuch-Links auf ELF-Binärdateien hinzufügen, wenn dieser "
+"Schalter gesetzt ist. Dies stellt sicher, dass das normale Deb-Paket mit "
+"oder ohne diesen Schalter identisch ist (unter der Annahme, dass es "
+"ansonsten »Bit-für-Bit« reproduzierbar ist)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:135
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.0.1"
+msgstr "Debian-Richlinie, Version 3.0.1"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:5
+msgid "dh_testdir - test directory before building Debian package"
+msgstr "dh_testdir - Verzeichnis vor dem Bauen des Debian-Pakets testen"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:17
+msgid "B<dh_testdir> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_testdir> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [S<I<Datei> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_testdir> tries to make sure that you are in the correct directory when "
+"building a Debian package. It makes sure that the file F<debian/control> "
+"exists, as well as any other files you specify. If not, it exits with an "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_testdir> versucht sicherzustellen, dass Sie sich im korrekten "
+"Verzeichnis befinden, wenn Sie ein Debian-Paket bauen. Es stellt sicher, "
+"dass sowohl die Datei F<debian/control> existiert als auch andere Dateien, "
+"die Sie angeben. Falls nicht, beendet es sich mit einem Fehler."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:32
+msgid "Test for the existence of these files too."
+msgstr "testet auch, ob diese Dateien existieren."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:7
+msgid ""
+"dh_testroot - ensure that a package is built with necessary level of root "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_testroot - stellt sicher, dass ein Paket mit dem notwendigen Umfang an "
+"Root-Rechten gebaut wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:11
+msgid "B<dh_testroot> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_testroot> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:15
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_testroot> is used to determine if the target is being run with suffient "
+"access to root(-like) features."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_testroot> wird benutzt, um zu bestimmen, ob ein Ziel mit ausreichenden "
+"Zugriffsrechten für root(-ähnliche) Funktionalitäten ausgeführt wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:18
+msgid ""
+"The definition of sufficient access depends on whether the builder (the tool "
+"invoking the F<debian/rules> target) supports the I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"(R³) field. If the builder supports R³, then it will set the environment "
+"variable I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> and B<dh_testroot> will validate that "
+"the builder followed the minimum requirements for the given value of "
+msgstr ""
+"Die Definition ausreichender Zugriffsrechte hängt davon ab, ob das "
+"Bauprogramm (das Werkzeug, das das Ziel F<debian/rules> aufruft) das Feld "
+"I<Rules-Requires-Root> (R³) unterstützt. Falls das Bauprogramm R³ "
+"unterstützt, wird es die Umgebungsvariable I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> setzen "
+"und B<dh_testroot> wird überprüfen, ob dieses Bauprogramm die minimalen "
+"Anforderungen für den angegebenen Wert von I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:25
+msgid ""
+"If the builder does not support I<Rules-Requires-Root>, then it will not set "
+"the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable. This will in turn make "
+"B<dh_testroot> (and the rest of debhelper) fall back to assuming that "
+"(fake)root is implied."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls das Bauprogramm I<Rules-Requires-Root> nicht unterstützt, wird es die "
+"Umgebungsvariable I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> nicht setzen. Dies wird "
+"wiederum dazu führen, dass B<dh_testroot> (und der Rest von Debhelper) "
+"ersatzweise davon ausgeht, dass (fake)root impliziert wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:30
+msgid ""
+"The following is a summary of how B<dh_testroot> behaves based on the "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable (leading and trailing "
+"whitespace in the variable is ignored)."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Folgende ist eine Zusammenfassung, wie sich B<dh_testroot> basierend auf "
+"der Umgebungsvariable I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> verhält (führende und "
+"abschließende Leerräume in der Variable werden ignoriert)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:38
+msgid ""
+"If unset, or set to C<binary-targets>, then B<dh_testroot> asserts that it "
+"is run as root or under L<fakeroot(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls es nicht oder auf C<binary-targets> gesetzt ist, behauptet "
+"B<dh_testroot>, dass es als Root oder unter L<fakeroot(1)> läuft."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:43
+msgid ""
+"If set to C<no>, then B<dh_testroot> returns successfully (without "
+"performing any additional checks)."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls es auf C<no> gesetzt ist, endet B<dh_testroot> erfolgreich (ohne "
+"zusätzliche Prüfungen durchzuführen)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:48
+msgid ""
+"If set to any other value than the above, then B<dh_testroot> asserts that "
+"it is either run as root (or under L<fakeroot(1)>) or the builder has "
+"provided the B<DEB_GAIN_ROOT_CMD> environment variable (e.g. via dpkg-"
+"buildpackage -r)."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls es auf einen anderen als die oben aufgeführten Werte gesetzt ist, dann "
+"behauptet B<dh_testroot>, dass es entweder als Root (oder unter "
+"L<fakeroot(1)>) läuft oder dass das Bauprogramm die Umgebungsvariable "
+"B<DPKG_GAIN_ROOT_CMD> (z. B. per dpkg-buildpackage -r) bereitgestellt hat."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:55
+msgid ""
+"Please note that B<dh_testroot> does I<not> read the I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"field. Which implies that B<dh_testroot> may produce incorrect result if "
+"the builder lies in I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT>. On the flip side, it also "
+"enables things like testing for what will happen when "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> is set to a given value."
+msgstr ""
+"Bitte beachten Sie, dass B<dh_testroot> das Feld I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"I<nicht> liest, was impliziert, dass B<dh_testroot> ein falsches Ergebnis "
+"liefern kann, wenn das Bauprogramm in I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> lügt. "
+"Andererseits ermöglicht es so etwas wie Tests, was geschieht, wenn "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> auf einen angegebenen Wert gesetzt wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:7
+msgid "dh_usrlocal - migrate usr/local directories to maintainer scripts"
+msgstr "dh_usrlocal - migriert usr/local-Verzeichnisse zu Betreuerskripten"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:21
+msgid "B<dh_usrlocal> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_usrlocal> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:25
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_usrlocal> is a debhelper program that can be used for building packages "
+"that will provide a subdirectory in F</usr/local> when installed."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_usrlocal> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für den Bau von Paketen "
+"benutzt werden kann, die, wenn sie installiert sind, ein Unterverzeichnis "
+"von F</usr/local> bereitstellen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:28
+msgid ""
+"It finds subdirectories of F<usr/local> in the package build directory, and "
+"removes them, replacing them with maintainer script snippets (unless B<-n> "
+"is used) to create the directories at install time, and remove them when the "
+"package is removed, in a manner compliant with Debian policy. These snippets "
+"are inserted into the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of debhelper maintainer script "
+msgstr ""
+"Es findet Unterverzeichnisse von F<usr/local> im Paketbauverzeichnis und "
+"entfernt sie, wobei es sie durch Schnipsel von Betreuerskripten ersetzt (es "
+"sei denn, B<-n> wird benutzt), um die Verzeichnisse zu Installationszeit zu "
+"erstellen und beim Entfernen des Pakets auf eine mit den Debian-Richtlinien "
+"konforme Weise zu löschen. Diese Schnipsel werden durch B<dh_installdeb> in "
+"die Betreuerskripte eingefügt. Eine Erläuterung der "
+"Betreuerskriptausschnitte finden Sie in L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:36
+msgid ""
+"When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable is not "
+"(effectively) I<binary-targets>, the directories in F</usr/local> will be "
+"handled as if they were owned by root:root (see below)."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn die Umgebungsvariable I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> nicht (effektiv) "
+"I<binary-targets> ist, werden die Verzeichnisse in F</usr/local> so "
+"gehandhabt, als würden sie root:root gehören (siehe unten)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:40
+msgid ""
+"When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable has an effective "
+"value of I<binary-targets>, the owners, groups and permissions will be "
+"preserved with the sole exception where the directory is owned by root:root."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn die Umgebungsvariable I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> einen effektiven Wert "
+"von I<binary-targets> hat, werden die Eigentümer, Gruppen und Rechte "
+"beibehalten. Die einzige Ausnahme ist, wenn das Verzeichnis root:root gehört."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:44
+msgid ""
+"If a directory is owned by root:root, then ownership will be determined at "
+"install time. The ownership and permission bits will either be root:root "
+"mode 0755 or root:staff mode 02775. The actual choice depends on whether "
+"the system has F</etc/staff-group-for-usr-local> (as documented in the "
+"Debian Policy Manual §9.1.2 since version 4.1.4)"
+msgstr ""
+"Falls ein Verzeichnis root:root gehört, werden die Besitzrechte zur "
+"Installationszeit festgelegt. Die Eigentums- und Zugriffs-Bits werden "
+"entweder root:root mit Modus 0755 oder root:staff mit Modus 02775 sein. Die "
+"tatsächliche Auswahl hängt davon ab, ob das System über F</etc/staff-group-"
+"for-usr-local> verfügt (wie es im Debian-Richtlinienhandbuch §9.1.2 seit "
+"Version 4.1.4 dokumentiert ist)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:68
+msgid "Debian policy, version 2.2"
+msgstr "Debian-Richtlinie, Version 2.2"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:144
+msgid "Andrew Stribblehill <>"
+msgstr "Andrew Stribblehill <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:5
+msgid "dh_systemd_enable - enable/disable systemd unit files"
+msgstr "dh_systemd_enable - aktiviert/deaktiviert Systemd-Unit-Dateien"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--no-enable>] [B<--"
+"name=>I<name>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<--no-enable>] [B<--"
+"name=>I<Name>] [S<I<Unit-Datei> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> is a debhelper program that is responsible for enabling "
+"and disabling systemd unit files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für das Aktivieren und "
+"Deaktivieren von Systemd-Unit-Dateien zuständig ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:25
+msgid ""
+"In the simple case, it finds all unit files installed by a package (e.g. "
+"bacula-fd.service) and enables them. It is not necessary that the machine "
+"actually runs systemd during package installation time, enabling happens on "
+"all machines in order to be able to switch from sysvinit to systemd and back."
+msgstr ""
+"Im einfachen Fall findet es alle durch ein Paket installierten Unit-Dateien "
+"(z.B. bacula-fd.service) und aktiviert sie. Es ist nicht nötig, dass auf dem "
+"Rechner während der Installation tatsächlich Systemd läuft. Die Aktivierung "
+"findet auf allen Rechnern statt, damit von SysVinit auf Systemd und zurück "
+"gewechselt werden kann."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:30
+msgid ""
+"In the complex case, you can call B<dh_systemd_enable> and "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manually (by overwriting the debian/rules targets) and "
+"specify flags per unit file. An example is colord, which ships colord."
+"service, a dbus-activated service without an [Install] section. This service "
+"file cannot be enabled or disabled (a state called \"static\" by systemd) "
+"because it has no [Install] section. Therefore, running dh_systemd_enable "
+"does not make sense."
+msgstr ""
+"Bei Komplikationen können Sie B<dh_systemd_enable> und B<dh_systemd_start> "
+"manuell aufrufen (indem Sie die Ziele in debian/rules überschreiben) und die "
+"Schalter per Unit-Datei angeben. Ein Beispiel ist »colord«, das »colord."
+"service« mitbringt, einen von Dbus aktivierten Dienst ohne einen [Install]-"
+"Abschnitt. Diese Dienstdatei kann nicht aktiviert oder deaktiviert werden "
+"(ein Status den Systemd »static« nennt), da er keinen [Install]-Abschnitt "
+"hat. Daher ist es nicht sinnvoll, dh_systemd_enable auszuführen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:37
+msgid ""
+"For only generating blocks for specific service files, you need to pass them "
+"as arguments, e.g. B<dh_systemd_enable quota.service> and "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable --name=quotarpc quotarpc.service>."
+msgstr ""
+"Um nur Blöcke für spezielle Dienstedateien zu erzeugen, müssen Sie sie als "
+"Argumente übergeben, z. B. B<dh_systemd_enable quota.service> und "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable --name=quotarpc quotarpc.service>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:45
+msgid "debian/I<package>.service, debian/I<package>@.service"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.service, debian/I<Paket>@.service"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:47
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+#| "service (or lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.service) in the package build "
+#| "directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"service >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.service >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls vorhanden, wird es in lib/systemd/system/I<Paket>.service (oder lib/"
+"systemd/system/I<Paket>@.service) im Paketbauverzeichnis installiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:52
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init.d/I<package> in the package "
+#| "build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in "
+"the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls vorhanden, wird es in etc/init.d/I<Paket> im Paketbauverzeichnis "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:55
+msgid "debian/I<package>.target, debian/I<package>"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.target, debian/I<Paket>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:57
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into lib/systemd/system/I<package>.target "
+#| "(or lib/systemd/system/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"target >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package> >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls vorhanden, wird es in lib/systemd/system/I<Paket>.target (oder lib/"
+"systemd/system/I<Paket> im Paketbauverzeichnis installiert."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:60
+msgid "debian/I<package>.socket, debian/I<package>@.socket"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.socket, debian/I<Paket>@.socket"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:62
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into lib/systemd/system/I<package>.socket "
+#| "(or lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.socket) in the package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"socket >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.socket >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls vorhanden, wird es in lib/systemd/system/I<Paket>.socket (oder lib/"
+"systemd/system/I<Paket>@.socket) im Paketbauverzeichnis installiert."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:65
+msgid "debian/I<package>.mount"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.mount"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:67
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into lib/systemd/system/I<package>.mount "
+#| "in the package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.mount "
+">> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Falls vorhanden, wird es in lib/systemd/system/I<Paket>.mount im "
+"Paketbauverzeichnis installiert."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:70
+msgid "debian/I<package>.path, debian/I<package>@.path"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.path, debian/I<Paket>@.path"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:72
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into lib/systemd/system/I<package>.path "
+#| "(or lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.path) in the package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.path "
+">> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.path >>) in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Falls vorhanden, wird es in lib/systemd/system/I<Paket>.path (oder lib/"
+"systemd/system/I<Paket>@.path) im Paketbauverzeichnis installiert."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:75
+msgid "debian/I<package>.timer, debian/I<package>@.timer"
+msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.timer, debian/I<Paket>@.timer"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:77
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into lib/systemd/system/I<package>.timer "
+#| "(or lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.timer) in the package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.timer "
+">> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.timer >>) in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Falls vorhanden, wird es in lib/systemd/system/I<Paket>.timer (oder lib/"
+"systemd/system/I<Paket>@.timer) im Paketbauverzeichnis installiert."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:88
+msgid "Disable the service(s) on purge, but do not enable them on install."
+msgstr ""
+"deaktiviert nur den Dienst oder die Dienste beim vollständigen Löschen, "
+"aktiviert sie aber nicht bei der Installation."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:90
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are started. "
+"That is controlled by L<dh_systemd_start(1)> (using e.g. its B<--no-start> "
+msgstr ""
+"B<Beachten Sie>, dass diese Option nicht beeinflusst, ob die Dienste "
+"gestartet werden. Dies wird durch L<dh_systemd_start(1)> gesteuert (z. B. "
+"durch seine B<--no-start>-Option)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:96
+msgid ""
+"Install the service file as I<name.service> instead of the default filename, "
+"which is the I<package.service>. When this parameter is used, "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> looks for and installs files named F<debian/package."
+"name.service> instead of the usual F<debian/package.service>."
+msgstr ""
+"installiert die Dienstdatei als I<Name.service> statt mit dem "
+"Standarddateinamen I<Paket.service>. Wenn dieser Parameter verwendet wird, "
+"sucht und installiert B<dh_installinit> Dateien mit dem Namen F<debian/Paket."
+"Name.service> anstelle der üblichen F<debian/Paket.service>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:105 dh_systemd_start:70
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it "
+"may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to maintainer "
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass dieser Befehl nicht idempotent ist. Zwischen mehreren "
+"Aufrufen dieses Befehls sollte L<dh_prep(1)> (mit den selben Argumenten) "
+"ausgefürt werden. Ansonsten könnte er zur Folge haben, dass den "
+"Betreuerskripten mehrere Instanzen des gleichen Textes hinzugefügt werden."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:110
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_systemd_enable> should be run before B<dh_installinit>. The "
+"default sequence in B<dh> does the right thing, this note is only relevant "
+"when you are calling B<dh_systemd_enable> manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass B<dh_systemd_enable> vor B<dh_installinit> ausgeführt "
+"werden sollte. Die Standardsequenz in B<dh> tut bereits das Richtige; dieser "
+"Hinweis ist nur relevant, wenn Sie B<dh_systemd_enable> manuell aufrufen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:282
+msgid "L<dh_systemd_start(1)>, L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgstr "L<dh_systemd_start(1)>, L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:286 dh_systemd_start:286
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:5
+msgid "dh_systemd_start - start/stop/restart systemd unit files"
+msgstr "dh_systemd_start - Start/Stopp/Neustart von Systemd-Unit-Dateien"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--restart-after-upgrade>] "
+"[B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<--restart-after-upgrade>] "
+"[B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>] [S<I<Unit-Datei> …>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> is a debhelper program that is responsible for starting/"
+"stopping or restarting systemd unit files in case no corresponding sysv init "
+"script is available."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für das Starten/Stoppen "
+"oder den Neustart von Systemd-Unit-Dateien zuständig ist, falls kein "
+"passendes SysVinit-Skript verfügbar ist."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:27
+msgid ""
+"As with B<dh_installinit>, the unit file is stopped before upgrades and "
+"started afterwards (unless B<--restart-after-upgrade> is specified, in which "
+"case it will only be restarted after the upgrade). This logic is not used "
+"when there is a corresponding SysV init script because invoke-rc.d performs "
+"the stop/start/restart in that case."
+msgstr ""
+"Wie bei B<dh_installinit> wird die Unit-Datei vor Upgrades gestoppt und "
+"hinterher wieder gestartet (es sei denn, es wurde B<--restart-after-upgrade> "
+"angegeben, dann wird es nur nach dem Upgrade gestartet). Diese Logik wird "
+"nicht verwendet, wenn es ein passendes SysVinit-Skript gibt, da in diesem "
+"Fall invoke-rc.d das Stoppen/Starten/Neustarten übernimmt."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_start:37
+msgid "B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:39
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop the unit file until after the package upgrade has been "
+"completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10."
+msgstr ""
+"stoppt die Unit-Datei nicht, bis das Paket-Upgrade komplett durchgeführt "
+"wurde. Dies ist das Standardverhalten in Kompatibilitätsmodus 10."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:42
+msgid ""
+"In earlier compat levels the default was to stop the unit file in the "
+"F<prerm>, and start it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+"In älteren Kompatibilitätsmodi war es Standardverhalten, dass die Unit-Datei "
+"in F<prerm> gestoppt und in F<postinst> wieder gestartet wird."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:59
+msgid "Do not stop service on upgrade."
+msgstr "stoppt den Dienst nicht beim Upgrade."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:63
+msgid ""
+"Do not start the unit file after upgrades and after initial installation "
+"(the latter is only relevant for services without a corresponding init "
+msgstr ""
+"die Unit-Datei nach Upgrades oder nach anfänglicher Installation nicht "
+"starten (Letzteres ist nur für Dienste ohne zugehöriges Init-Skript "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:75
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_systemd_start> should be run after B<dh_installinit> so that "
+"it can detect corresponding SysV init scripts. The default sequence in B<dh> "
+"does the right thing, this note is only relevant when you are calling "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Beachten Sie, dass B<dh_systemd_start> nach B<dh_installinit> ausgeführt "
+"werden sollte, sodass es die zugehörigen SysVinit-Skripte aufspüren kann. "
+"Die Standardsequenz in B<dh> tut bereits das Richtige, dieser Hinweis ist "
+"nur relevant, wenn Sie B<dh_systemd_start> manuell aufrufen."
+#. type: textblock
+#: strings-kept-translations.pod:7
+msgid "This compatibility level is open for beta testing; changes may occur."
+msgstr "Diese Kompatibilitätsstufe ist im Beta-Test; Änderungen sind möglich."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Set to B<1> to enable verbose mode. Debhelper will output every command "
+#~ "it runs. Also enables verbose build logs for some build systems like "
+#~ "autoconf."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "auf B<1> gesetzt, um den Modus mit detailreicher Ausgabe zu aktivieren. "
+#~ "Debhelper wird jeden von ihm ausgeführten Befehl ausgeben. Außerdem wird "
+#~ "die detailreiche Ausgabe von Bauprotokollen für einige Bausysteme wie "
+#~ "Autoconf aktiviert."
+#~ msgid "This value affects most B<dh_auto_*> tools."
+#~ msgstr "Dieser Wert betrifft die meisten B<dh_auto_*>-Werkzeuge."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf "
+#~ "in the package build directory. (The tmpfiles.d mechanism is currently "
+#~ "only used by systemd.) Only used in compat levels 10 and below."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Falls vorhanden, wird es in usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<Paket>.conf im "
+#~ "Paketbauverzeichnis installiert. (Der »tmpfiles.d«-Mechanismus wird "
+#~ "derzeit nur von Systemd benutzt.) Wird nur in Kompatibilitätsstufe 10 und "
+#~ "darunter eingesetzt."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf "
+#~ "in the package build directory. (The tmpfiles.d mechanism is currently "
+#~ "only used by systemd.)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Falls vorhanden, wird es in usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<Paket>.conf im "
+#~ "Paketbauverzeichnis installiert. (Der »tmpfiles.d«-Mechanismus wird "
+#~ "derzeit nur von Systemd benutzt.)"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "This can cause issues with running binaries directly from the build "
+#~| "directories as they might now require a manually set "
+#~| "B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH>. If you need to override this change, we recommend "
+#~| "that you try to pass the B<-DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=OFF> option first to see "
+#~| "if that fixes the problem (leaving B<BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN> at its new "
+#~| "default). This should undo the need for B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> and avoid "
+#~| "the reproducibility issues on Linux, where B<$ORIGIN> is supported by "
+#~| "the runtime linkers."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This can cause issues with running binaries directly from the build "
+#~ "directories as they might now require a manually set B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH>. "
+#~ "If you need to override this change, we recommend that you try to pass "
+#~ "the B<-DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=OFF> option first to see if that fixes the "
+#~ "problem (leaving B<CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN> at its new default). "
+#~ "This should undo the need for B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> and avoid the "
+#~ "reproducibility issues on Linux, where B<$ORIGIN> is supported by the "
+#~ "runtime linkers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Daraus können sich Probleme mit Binärdateien ergeben, welche direkt aus "
+#~ "dem Bauverzeichnis heraus aufgeführt werden, weil dafür jetzt ein per "
+#~ "Hand gesetztes B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> erforderlich sein kann. Wenn Sie diese "
+#~ "Änderung außer Kraft setzen müssen, empfehlen wir, dass Sie zuerst "
+#~ "versuchsweise die B<-DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=OFF>-Option übergeben, um zu "
+#~ "sehen, ob sie ausreicht, um das Problem zu lösen (sodass "
+#~ "B<BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN> seinen neuen Standardwert behalten kann). Auf "
+#~ "diese Weise sollten sich der Bedarf für B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> erübrigen und "
+#~ "die Reproduzierbarkeitsprobleme unter Linux, woB<$ORIGIN> von den "
+#~ "Laufzeit-Linkern unterstützt wird, vermieden werden."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Historically, this file was needed to manually mark files files as "
+#~ "conffiles. However, it has become de facto obsolete since debhelper "
+#~ "automatically computed which files should be marked as conffiles."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Früher wurde diese Datei benötigt, um Dateien manuell als Conffiles zu "
+#~ "markieren. Allerdings wurde es faktisch überflüssig, seit Debhelper "
+#~ "automatisch berechnet, welche Dateien als Conffiles markiert werden "
+#~ "sollen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In compatibility level up and including 11, this control file will be "
+#~ "installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory. In compatibility level 12 and "
+#~ "later, the file is silently ignored."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Auf Kompatibilitätsstufen 11 und darunter wird diese Steuerdatei im "
+#~ "Verzeichnis F<DEBIAN> installiert. Auf Kompatibilitätsstufe 12 und neuer "
+#~ "wird diese Datei stillschweigend ignoriert."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh_gconf - install GConf defaults files and register schemas (deprecated)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_gconf - installiert Standard-GConf-Dateien und registriert Schemata "
+#~ "(missbilligt)"
+#~ msgid "B<dh_gconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--priority=>I<priority>]"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_gconf> [S<I<Debhelper-Optionen>>] [B<--priority=>I<Priorität>]"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_gconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+#~ "GConf defaults files and registering GConf schemas."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_gconf> ist ein Debhelper-Programm, das für die Installation der "
+#~ "Standard-GConf-Dateien und das Registrieren der GConf-Schemata zuständig "
+#~ "ist."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An appropriate dependency on gconf2 will be generated in B<${misc:Depends}"
+#~ ">."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Eine geeignete Abhängigkeit zu gconf2 wird in B<${misc:Depends}> erzeugt."
+#~ msgid "debian/I<package>.gconf-defaults"
+#~ msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.gconf-defaults"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Installed into F<usr/share/gconf/defaults/10_package> in the package "
+#~ "build directory, with I<package> replaced by the package name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "installiert in F<usr/share/gconf/defaults/10_package> im Bauverzeichnis "
+#~ "des Pakets, wobei I<Paket> durch den Namen des Pakets ersetzt wird."
+#~ msgid "debian/I<package>.gconf-mandatory"
+#~ msgstr "debian/I<Paket>.gconf-mandatory"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Installed into F<usr/share/gconf/mandatory/10_package> in the package "
+#~ "build directory, with I<package> replaced by the package name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "installiert in F<usr/share/gconf/mandatory/10_package> im Bauverzeichnis "
+#~ "des Pakets, wobei I<Paket> durch den Namen des Pakets ersetzt wird."
+#~ msgid "B<--priority> I<priority>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--priority> I<Priorität>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Use I<priority> (which should be a 2-digit number) as the defaults "
+#~ "priority instead of B<10>. Higher values than ten can be used by derived "
+#~ "distributions (B<20>), CDD distributions (B<50>), or site-specific "
+#~ "packages (B<90>)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "benutzt I<Priorität> (welche eine zweistellige Zahl sein sollte) als "
+#~ "Standardpriorität an Stelle von B<10>. Höhere Werte als zehn können durch "
+#~ "abgeleitete Distributionen (B<20>), CDD-Distributionen (B<50>) oder Site-"
+#~ "spezifische Pakete (B<90>) verwendet werden."
+#~ msgid "Ross Burton <> Josselin Mouette <>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ross Burton <>, Josselin Mouette <>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_clean> should be the last debhelper command run in the B<clean> "
+#~ "target in F<debian/rules>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_clean> sollte der zuletzt ausgeführte Debhelper-Befehl im B<clean>-"
+#~ "Ziel in F<debian/rules> sein."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If there is an upstream F<changelog> file, it will be installed as F<usr/"
+#~ "share/doc/package/changelog> in the package build directory."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Falls es eine F<changelog>-Datei der Ursprungsautoren gibt, wird sie im "
+#~ "Paketbauverzeichnis als F<usr/share/doc/Paket/changelog> installiert."
diff --git a/man/po4a/po/debhelper.pot b/man/po4a/po/debhelper.pot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f00746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/po4a/po/debhelper.pot
@@ -0,0 +1,9935 @@
+# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-20 19:46+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:3 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:3
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:1 dh:3 dh_auto_build:3 dh_auto_clean:3
+#: dh_auto_configure:3 dh_auto_install:3 dh_auto_test:3 dh_bugfiles:3
+#: dh_builddeb:5 dh_clean:3 dh_compress:3 dh_dwz:3 dh_fixperms:3
+#: dh_gencontrol:3 dh_icons:3 dh_install:3 dh_installcatalogs:3
+#: dh_installchangelogs:3 dh_installcron:3 dh_installdeb:3 dh_installdebconf:3
+#: dh_installdirs:3 dh_installdocs:5 dh_installemacsen:3 dh_installexamples:5
+#: dh_installifupdown:3 dh_installinfo:3 dh_installinit:3 dh_installinitramfs:3
+#: dh_installlogcheck:3 dh_installlogrotate:3 dh_installman:3
+#: dh_installmanpages:3 dh_installmenu:3 dh_installmime:3 dh_installmodules:3
+#: dh_installpam:3 dh_installppp:3 dh_installudev:3 dh_installwm:3
+#: dh_installxfonts:3 dh_link:3 dh_lintian:3 dh_listpackages:3 dh_makeshlibs:3
+#: dh_md5sums:3 dh_movefiles:3 dh_perl:3 dh_prep:3 dh_shlibdeps:3 dh_strip:3
+#: dh_testdir:3 dh_testroot:5 dh_usrlocal:5 dh_systemd_enable:3
+#: dh_systemd_start:3
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:5
+msgid "debhelper - the debhelper tool suite"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:7 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:7
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:5 dh:22 dh_auto_build:16 dh_auto_clean:16
+#: dh_auto_configure:16 dh_auto_install:18 dh_auto_test:16 dh_bugfiles:15
+#: dh_builddeb:17 dh_clean:15 dh_compress:17 dh_dwz:16 dh_fixperms:16
+#: dh_gencontrol:16 dh_icons:16 dh_install:15 dh_installcatalogs:17
+#: dh_installchangelogs:16 dh_installcron:15 dh_installdeb:15
+#: dh_installdebconf:15 dh_installdirs:15 dh_installdocs:17
+#: dh_installemacsen:15 dh_installexamples:17 dh_installifupdown:15
+#: dh_installinfo:15 dh_installinit:16 dh_installinitramfs:15
+#: dh_installlogcheck:15 dh_installlogrotate:15 dh_installman:16
+#: dh_installmanpages:16 dh_installmenu:15 dh_installmime:15
+#: dh_installmodules:16 dh_installpam:15 dh_installppp:15 dh_installudev:15
+#: dh_installwm:15 dh_installxfonts:15 dh_link:16 dh_lintian:15
+#: dh_listpackages:15 dh_makeshlibs:15 dh_md5sums:16 dh_movefiles:15 dh_perl:18
+#: dh_prep:15 dh_shlibdeps:17 dh_strip:16 dh_testdir:15 dh_testroot:9
+#: dh_usrlocal:19 dh_systemd_enable:16 dh_systemd_start:17
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_>I<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-p>I<package>] "
+"[B<-N>I<package>] [B<-P>I<tmpdir>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:11 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:17 dh:26
+#: dh_auto_build:20 dh_auto_clean:20 dh_auto_configure:20 dh_auto_install:22
+#: dh_auto_test:20 dh_bugfiles:19 dh_builddeb:21 dh_clean:19 dh_compress:21
+#: dh_dwz:20 dh_fixperms:20 dh_gencontrol:20 dh_icons:20 dh_install:19
+#: dh_installcatalogs:21 dh_installchangelogs:20 dh_installcron:19
+#: dh_installdeb:19 dh_installdebconf:19 dh_installdirs:19 dh_installdocs:21
+#: dh_installemacsen:19 dh_installexamples:21 dh_installifupdown:19
+#: dh_installinfo:19 dh_installinit:20 dh_installinitramfs:19
+#: dh_installlogcheck:19 dh_installlogrotate:19 dh_installman:20
+#: dh_installmanpages:20 dh_installmenu:19 dh_installmime:19
+#: dh_installmodules:20 dh_installpam:19 dh_installppp:19 dh_installudev:19
+#: dh_installwm:19 dh_installxfonts:19 dh_link:20 dh_lintian:19
+#: dh_listpackages:19 dh_makeshlibs:19 dh_md5sums:20 dh_movefiles:19 dh_perl:22
+#: dh_prep:19 dh_shlibdeps:21 dh_strip:20 dh_testdir:19 dh_testroot:13
+#: dh_usrlocal:23 dh_systemd_enable:20 dh_systemd_start:21
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:13
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper is used to help you build a Debian package. The philosophy behind "
+"debhelper is to provide a collection of small, simple, and easily understood "
+"tools that are used in F<debian/rules> to automate various common aspects of "
+"building a package. This means less work for you, the packager. It also, to "
+"some degree means that these tools can be changed if Debian policy changes, "
+"and packages that use them will require only a rebuild to comply with the "
+"new policy."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:21
+msgid ""
+"A typical F<debian/rules> file that uses debhelper will call several "
+"debhelper commands in sequence, or use L<dh(1)> to automate this "
+"process. Examples of rules files that use debhelper are in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:25
+msgid ""
+"To create a new Debian package using debhelper, you can just copy one of the "
+"sample rules files and edit it by hand. Or you can try the B<dh-make> "
+"package, which contains a L<dh_make|dh_make(1)> command that partially "
+"automates the process. For a more gentle introduction, the B<maint-guide> "
+"Debian package contains a tutorial about making your first package using "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:31
+msgid ""
+"Except where the tool explicitly denotes otherwise, all of the debhelper "
+"tools assume that they run from the root directory of an unpacked source "
+"package. This is so they can locate find files like F<debian/control> when "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:36
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:38
+msgid ""
+"Here is the list of debhelper commands you can use. See their man pages for "
+"additional documentation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:43
+msgid "#LIST#"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:47
+msgid "Deprecated Commands"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:49
+msgid "A few debhelper commands are deprecated and should not be used."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:53
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:57
+msgid "Other Commands"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"If a program's name starts with B<dh_>, and the program is not on the above "
+"lists, then it is not part of the debhelper package, but it should still "
+"work like the other programs described on this page."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:63
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"Many debhelper commands make use of files in F<debian/> to control what they "
+"do. Besides the common F<debian/changelog> and F<debian/control>, which are "
+"in all packages, not just those using debhelper, some additional files can "
+"be used to configure the behavior of specific debhelper commands. These "
+"files are typically named debian/I<package>.foo (where I<package> of course, "
+"is replaced with the package that is being acted on)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:72
+msgid ""
+"For example, B<dh_installdocs> uses files named F<debian/> to "
+"list the documentation files it will install. See the man pages of "
+"individual commands for details about the names and formats of the files "
+"they use. Generally, these files will list files to act on, one file per "
+"line. Some programs in debhelper use pairs of files and destinations or "
+"slightly more complicated formats."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:79
+msgid ""
+"Note for the first (or only) binary package listed in F<debian/control>, "
+"debhelper will use F<debian/foo> when there's no F<debian/I<package>.foo> "
+"file. However, it is often a good idea to keep the F<I<package>.> prefix as "
+"it is more explicit. The primary exception to this are files that debhelper "
+"by default installs in every binary package when it does not have a package "
+"prefix (such as F<debian/copyright> or F<debian/changelog>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:87
+msgid ""
+"In some rare cases, you may want to have different versions of these files "
+"for different architectures or OSes. If files named "
+"debian/I<package>.foo.I<ARCH> or debian/I<package>.foo.I<OS> exist, where "
+"I<ARCH> and I<OS> are the same as the output of \"B<dpkg-architecture "
+"-qDEB_HOST_ARCH>\" / \"B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS>\", then they "
+"will be used in preference to other, more general files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:94
+msgid ""
+"Mostly, these config files are used to specify lists of various types of "
+"files. Documentation or example files to install, files to move, and so on. "
+"When appropriate, in cases like these, you can use standard shell wildcard "
+"characters (B<?> and B<*> and B<[>I<..>B<]> character classes) in the "
+"files. You can also put comments in these files; lines beginning with B<#> "
+"are ignored."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:101
+msgid ""
+"The syntax of these files is intentionally kept very simple to make them "
+"easy to read, understand, and modify."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:104
+msgid "Substitutions in debhelper config files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:106
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 13 and later, it is possible to use simple "
+"substitutions in debhelper config files for the following tools:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:111 debhelper.pod:115 debhelper.pod:119 debhelper.pod:123
+#: debhelper.pod:127 debhelper.pod:131 debhelper.pod:135 debhelper.pod:139
+#: debhelper.pod:143 debhelper.pod:147 debhelper.pod:151 debhelper.pod:155
+#: debhelper.pod:159 debhelper.pod:247 debhelper.pod:252
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:113
+msgid "dh_clean"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:117
+msgid "dh_install"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:121
+msgid "dh_installcatalogs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:125
+msgid "dh_installdeb"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:129
+msgid "dh_installdirs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:133
+msgid "dh_installdocs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:137
+msgid "dh_installexamples"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:141
+msgid "dh_installinfo"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:145
+msgid "dh_installman"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:149
+msgid "dh_installwm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:153
+msgid "dh_link"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:157
+msgid "dh_missing"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:161
+msgid "dh_ucf"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:165
+msgid ""
+"All substitution variables are of the form I<${foo}> and the braces are "
+"mandatory. Variable names are case-sensitive and consist of alphanumerics "
+"(a-zA-Z0-9), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and colons (:). The first "
+"character must be an alphanumeric."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:170
+msgid ""
+"If you need a literal dollar sign that cannot trigger a substitution, you "
+"can either use the B<${Dollar}> substitution or the sequence B<${}>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:173
+msgid "The following expansions are available:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:177
+msgid "B<DEB_HOST_*>, B<DEB_BUILD_*>, B<DEB_TARGET_*>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:179
+msgid ""
+"Expands to the relevant L<dpkg-architecture(1)> value (similar to "
+"I<dpkg-architecture -qVARIABLE_HERE>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:182
+msgid ""
+"When in doubt, the B<DEB_HOST_*> variant is the one that will work both for "
+"native and cross builds."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:185
+msgid ""
+"For performance reasons, debhelper will attempt to resolve these names from "
+"the environment first before consulting L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. This is "
+"mostly mentioned for completeness as it will not matter for most cases."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:190
+msgid "B<Dollar>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:192
+msgid ""
+"Expands to a single literal B<$>-symbol. This symbol will I<never> be "
+"considered part of a substitution variable. That is:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:195
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Triggers an error\n"
+" ${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+" # Expands to the literal value \"${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\"\n"
+" ${Dollar}{NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:200
+msgid ""
+"This variable equivalent to the sequence B<${}> and the two can be used "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:203
+msgid "B<Newline>, B<Space>, B<Tab>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:205
+msgid "Expands to a single ASCII newline, space and tab respectively."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:207
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful if you need to include a literal whitespace character "
+"(e.g. space) where it would otherwise be stripped or used as a separator."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:211
+msgid "B<< env:I<NAME> >>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:213
+msgid ""
+"Expands to the environment variable I<NAME>. The environment variable must "
+"be set (but can be set to the empty string)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:218
+msgid ""
+"Note that all variables must expand to a defined value. As an example, if "
+"debhelper sees I<${env:FOO}>, then it will insist that the environment "
+"variable I<FOO> is set (it can be set to the empty string)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head3
+#: debhelper.pod:222
+msgid "Substitution limits"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:224
+msgid ""
+"To avoid infinite loops and resource exhaustion, debhelper will stop with an "
+"error if the text contains many substitution variables (50) or they expand "
+"beyond a certain size (4096 characters or 3x length of the original input - "
+"whichever is bigger)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:229
+msgid "Executable debhelper config files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:231
+msgid ""
+"If you need additional flexibility, many of the debhelper tools "
+"(e.g. L<dh_install(1)>) support executing a config file as a script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:234
+msgid ""
+"To use this feature, simply mark the config file as executable (e.g. B<< "
+"chmod +x debian/I<package>.install >>) and the tool will attempt to execute "
+"it and use the output of the script. In many cases, you can use "
+"L<dh-exec(1)> as interpreter of the config file to retain most of the "
+"original syntax while getting the additional flexibility you need."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:242
+msgid ""
+"When using executable debhelper config files, please be aware of the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:249
+msgid ""
+"The executable config file B<must> exit with success (i.e. its return code "
+"should indicate success)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:254
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 13+, the output will be subject to substitutions (see "
+"L</Substitutions in debhelper config files>) where the tool support these. "
+"Remember to be careful if your generator I<also> provides substitutions as "
+"this can cause unnecessary confusion."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:259
+msgid ""
+"Otherwise, the output will be used exactly as-is. Notably, debhelper will "
+"I<not> expand wildcards or strip comments or strip whitespace in the output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:265
+msgid ""
+"If you need the package to build on a file system where you cannot disable "
+"the executable bit, then you can use L<dh-exec(1)> and its B<strip-output> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:269
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:271
+msgid "The following command line options are supported by all debhelper programs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:275
+msgid "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:277
+msgid "Verbose mode: show commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:279
+msgid ""
+"Note that verbose mode may also output other \"internal\" commands that do "
+"not directly affect the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:282 dh:307
+msgid "B<--no-act>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:284
+msgid ""
+"Do not really do anything. If used with -v, the result is that the command "
+"will output what it would have done."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:287
+msgid "B<-a>, B<--arch>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:289
+msgid ""
+"Act on architecture dependent packages that should be built for the "
+"B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:292
+msgid "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:294
+msgid "Act on all architecture independent packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:296
+msgid "B<-p>I<package>, B<--package=>I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:298
+msgid ""
+"Act on the package named I<package>. This option may be specified multiple "
+"times to make debhelper operate on a given set of packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:301
+msgid "B<-s>, B<--same-arch>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:303
+msgid "Deprecated alias of B<-a>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:305 dh_install:80 dh_install:89
+msgid "This option is removed in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:307
+msgid "B<-N>I<package>, B<--no-package=>I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:309
+msgid ""
+"Do not act on the specified package even if an B<-a>, B<-i>, or B<-p> option "
+"lists the package as one that should be acted on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:312
+msgid "B<--remaining-packages>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:314
+msgid ""
+"Do not act on the packages which have already been acted on by this "
+"debhelper command earlier (i.e. if the command is present in the package "
+"debhelper log). For example, if you need to call the command with special "
+"options only for a couple of binary packages, pass this option to the last "
+"call of the command to process the rest of packages with default settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:320
+msgid "B<-P>I<tmpdir>, B<--tmpdir=>I<tmpdir>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:322
+msgid "Use I<tmpdir> for package build directory. The default is debian/I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:324
+msgid "B<--mainpackage=>I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:326
+msgid ""
+"This little-used option changes the package which debhelper considers the "
+"\"main package\", that is, the first one listed in F<debian/control>, and "
+"the one for which F<debian/foo> files can be used instead of the usual "
+"F<debian/> files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:331
+msgid "B<-O=>I<option>|I<bundle>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:333
+msgid ""
+"This is used by L<dh(1)> when passing user-specified options to all the "
+"commands it runs. If the command supports the specified option or option "
+"bundle, it will take effect. If the command does not support the option (or "
+"any part of an option bundle), it will be ignored."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:340
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:342
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by some debhelper "
+"programs. See the man page of each program for a complete explanation of "
+"what each option does."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:348
+msgid "B<-n>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:350
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>, F<postrm>, etc. scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:352 dh_compress:56 dh_dwz:56 dh_installchangelogs:89
+#: dh_installdocs:109 dh_installexamples:84 dh_link:78 dh_makeshlibs:154
+#: dh_md5sums:40 dh_shlibdeps:34 dh_strip:42
+msgid "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:354
+msgid ""
+"Exclude an item from processing. This option may be used multiple times, to "
+"exclude more than one thing. The I<item> is typically part of a filename, "
+"and any file containing the specified text will be excluded."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:358 dh_bugfiles:57 dh_compress:63 dh_installdirs:49
+#: dh_installdocs:104 dh_installexamples:52 dh_installinfo:45 dh_installman:90
+#: dh_installwm:55 dh_link:73
+msgid "B<-A>, B<--all>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:360
+msgid ""
+"Makes files or other items that are specified on the command line take "
+"effect in ALL packages acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:365
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:367
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by all of the "
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs. These programs support a variety of "
+"build systems, and normally heuristically determine which to use, and how to "
+"use them. You can use these command line options to override the default "
+"behavior. Typically these are passed to L<dh(1)>, which then passes them to "
+"all the B<dh_auto_>I<*> programs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:376
+msgid "B<-S>I<buildsystem>, B<--buildsystem=>I<buildsystem>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:378
+msgid ""
+"Force use of the specified I<buildsystem>, instead of trying to auto-select "
+"one which might be applicable for the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:381
+msgid "Pass B<none> as I<buildsystem> to disable auto-selection."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:383
+msgid ""
+"B<-D>I<directory>, B<--sourcedir=>I<directory>, "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:385
+msgid ""
+"Assume that the original package source tree is at the specified "
+"I<directory> rather than the top level directory of the Debian source "
+"package tree."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:389
+msgid ""
+"B<Warning>: The B<--sourcedir> variant matches a similar named option in "
+"B<dh_install> and B<dh_missing> (etc.) for historical reasons. While they "
+"have a similar name, they have very distinct purposes and in some cases it "
+"can cause errors when this variant is passed to B<dh> (when then passes it "
+"on to all tools)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:395
+msgid ""
+"B<-B>[I<directory>], B<--builddir>[I<=directory>], "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:397
+msgid ""
+"Enable out of source building and use the specified I<directory> as the "
+"build directory. If I<directory> parameter is omitted, a default build "
+"directory will be chosen."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:401
+msgid ""
+"If this option is not specified, building will be done in source by default "
+"unless the build system requires or prefers out of source tree building. In "
+"such a case, the default build directory will be used even if "
+"B<--builddirectory> is not specified."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:406
+msgid ""
+"If the build system prefers out of source tree building but still allows in "
+"source building, the latter can be re-enabled by passing a build directory "
+"path that is the same as the source directory path."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:410
+msgid "B<--parallel>, B<--no-parallel>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:412
+msgid ""
+"Control whether parallel builds should be used if underlying build system "
+"supports them. The number of parallel jobs is controlled by the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable (L<Debian Policy, section 4.9.1>) "
+"at build time. It might also be subject to a build system specific limit."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:418
+msgid ""
+"If neither option is specified, debhelper currently defaults to "
+"B<--parallel> in compat 10 (or later) and B<--no-parallel> otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:421
+msgid ""
+"As an optimization, B<dh> will try to avoid passing these options to "
+"subprocesses, if they are unnecessary and the only options passed. Notably "
+"this happens when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> does not have a I<parallel> parameter "
+"(or its value is 1)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:426
+msgid "B<--max-parallel=>I<maximum>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:428
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--parallel> and allows further limiting the number of "
+"jobs that can be used in a parallel build. If the package build is known to "
+"only work with certain levels of concurrency, you can set this to the "
+"maximum level that is known to work, or that you wish to support."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:433
+msgid ""
+"Notably, setting the maximum to 1 is effectively the same as using "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:436
+msgid "B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:438
+msgid ""
+"By default, L<dh(1)> will compute several environment variables (e.g. by "
+"using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>) and cache them to avoid having all B<dh_auto_*> "
+"tool recompute them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:442
+msgid ""
+"When passing this option, the concrete B<dh_auto_*> tool will ignore the "
+"cache from L<dh(1)> and retrigger a rebuild of these variables. This is "
+"useful in the very rare case where the package need to do multiple builds "
+"but with different B<...FLAGS> options. A concrete example would be needing "
+"to change the B<-O> parameter in B<CFLAGS> in the second build:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:449
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:451
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" %:\n"
+" dh $@\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" dh_auto_configure -Bbuild-deb ...\n"
+" DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-Os dh_auto_configure \\\n"
+" --reload-all-buildenv-variables -Bbuild-udeb ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:459
+msgid ""
+"Without B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables> in the second call to "
+"L<dh_auto_configure(1)>, the change in B<DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND> would be "
+"ignored as L<dh_auto_configure(1)> would use the cached value of B<CFLAGS> "
+"set by L<dh(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:464
+msgid ""
+"This option is only available with B<< debhelper (>= 12.7~) >> when the "
+"package uses compatibility level 9 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:467 dh:299
+msgid "B<--list>, B<-l>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:469
+msgid ""
+"List all build systems supported by debhelper on this system. The list "
+"includes both default and third party build systems (marked as such). Also "
+"shows which build system would be automatically selected, or which one is "
+"manually specified with the B<--buildsystem> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:476
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:478
+msgid ""
+"From time to time, major non-backwards-compatible changes need to be made to "
+"debhelper, to keep it clean and well-designed as needs change and its author "
+"gains more experience. To prevent such major changes from breaking existing "
+"packages, the concept of debhelper compatibility levels was introduced. You "
+"must tell debhelper which compatibility level it should use, and it modifies "
+"its behavior in various ways."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:485
+msgid ""
+"In current debhelper, you can specify the compatibility level in "
+"F<debian/control> by adding a Build-Depends on the debhelper-compat "
+"package. For example, to use v#RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# mode, ensure "
+"F<debian/control> has:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:489
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:491
+msgid ""
+"This also serves as an appropriate versioned build dependency on a "
+"sufficient version of the debhelper package, so you do not need to specify a "
+"separate versioned build dependency on the debhelper package unless you need "
+"a specific point release of debhelper (such as for the introduction of a new "
+"feature or bugfix within a compatibility level)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:497
+msgid ""
+"Note that debhelper does not provide debhelper-compat for experimental or "
+"beta compatibility levels; packages experimenting with those compatibility "
+"levels should use F<debian/compat> (or, if only for selected commands, "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:501
+msgid ""
+"Prior versions of debhelper required specifying the compatibility level in "
+"the file F<debian/compat>, and current debhelper still supports this for "
+"backward compatibility. To use this method, the F<debian/compat> file should "
+"contain the compatibility level as a single number, and no other content. If "
+"you specify the compatibility level by this method, your package will also "
+"need a versioned build dependency on a version of the debhelper package "
+"equal to (or greater than) the compatibility level your package uses. So, if "
+"you specify compatibility level #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# in F<debian/compat>, "
+"ensure F<debian/control> has:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:511
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#~)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:513
+msgid ""
+"Note that you must use either the build-dependency on debhelper-compat or "
+"the F<debian/compat> file. Whenever possible, the debhelper-compat "
+"build-dependency is recommended."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:517
+msgid ""
+"If needed be, the B<DH_COMPAT> environment variable can be used to override "
+"the compat level for a given command. The feature is mostly useful for "
+"either temporarily upgrading a few commands to a new compat level or keeping "
+"a few commands on a lower compat level. The feature is best used sparingly "
+"as it effectively introduces special-cases into the F<debian/rules> file "
+"that may be surprising to maintainers or reviewers (or, in the long term, to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:525
+msgid ""
+"Unless otherwise indicated, all debhelper documentation assumes that you are "
+"using the most recent compatibility level, and in most cases does not "
+"indicate if the behavior is different in an earlier compatibility level, so "
+"if you are not using the most recent compatibility level, you're advised to "
+"read below for notes about what is different in earlier compatibility "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:532
+msgid "Supported compatibility levels"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:534
+msgid ""
+"The list of supported compatibility levels and the related upgrade check "
+"list has moved to L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:537 dh_auto_test:48 dh_dwz:69 dh_installcatalogs:67
+#: dh_installdocs:202 dh_installemacsen:75 dh_installexamples:96
+#: dh_installinit:204 dh_installinitramfs:60 dh_installman:131
+#: dh_installmodules:57 dh_installudev:50 dh_installwm:66 dh_installxfonts:40
+#: dh_movefiles:67 dh_strip:119 dh_usrlocal:60 dh_systemd_enable:103
+#: dh_systemd_start:68
+msgid "NOTES"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:539
+msgid "Multiple binary package support"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:541
+msgid ""
+"If your source package generates more than one binary package, debhelper "
+"programs will default to acting on all binary packages when run. If your "
+"source package happens to generate one architecture dependent package, and "
+"another architecture independent package, this is not the correct behavior, "
+"because you need to generate the architecture dependent packages in the "
+"binary-arch F<debian/rules> target, and the architecture independent "
+"packages in the binary-indep F<debian/rules> target."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:549
+msgid ""
+"To facilitate this, as well as give you more control over which packages are "
+"acted on by debhelper programs, all debhelper programs accept the B<-a>, "
+"B<-i>, B<-p>, and B<-s> parameters. These parameters are cumulative. If "
+"none are given, debhelper programs default to acting on all packages listed "
+"in the control file, with the exceptions below."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:555
+msgid ""
+"First, any package whose B<Architecture> field in B<debian/control> does not "
+"match the B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture will be excluded (L<Debian Policy, "
+"section 5.6.8>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:559
+msgid ""
+"Also, some additional packages may be excluded based on the contents of the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_PROFILES> environment variable and B<Build-Profiles> fields in "
+"binary package stanzas in B<debian/control>, according to the draft policy "
+"at L<>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head3
+#: debhelper.pod:564
+msgid "Interaction between package selections and Build-Profiles"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:566
+msgid ""
+"Build-Profiles affect which packages are included in the package selections "
+"mechanisms in debhelper. Generally, the package selections are described "
+"from the assumption that all packages are enabled. This section describes "
+"how the selections react when a package is disabled due to the active "
+"Build-Profiles (or lack of active Build-Profiles)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:574
+msgid "-a/--arch, -i/--indep OR no selection options (a raw \"dh_X\" call)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:576
+msgid ""
+"The package disabled by Build-Profiles is silently excluded from the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:579
+msgid ""
+"Note you will receive a warning if I<all> packages related to these "
+"selections are disabled. In that case, it generally does not make sense to "
+"do the build in the first place."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:583
+msgid "-N I<package> / --no-package I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:585
+msgid "The option is accepted and effectively does nothing."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:587
+msgid "-p I<package> / --package I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:589
+msgid "The option is accepted, but debhelper will not act on the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:593
+msgid ""
+"Note that it does not matter whether a package is enabled or disabled by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:596
+msgid "Automatic generation of Debian install scripts"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:598
+msgid ""
+"Some debhelper commands will automatically generate parts of Debian "
+"maintainer scripts. If you want these automatically generated things "
+"included in your existing Debian maintainer scripts, then you need to add "
+"B<#DEBHELPER#> to your scripts, in the place the code should be added. "
+"B<#DEBHELPER#> will be replaced by any auto-generated code when you run "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:605
+msgid ""
+"If a script does not exist at all and debhelper needs to add something to "
+"it, then debhelper will create the complete script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:608
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper commands that automatically generate code in this way let it "
+"be disabled by the -n parameter (see above)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:611
+msgid ""
+"Note that the inserted code will be shell code, so you cannot directly use "
+"it in a Perl script. If you would like to embed it into a Perl script, here "
+"is one way to do that (note that I made sure that $1, $2, etc are set with "
+"the set command):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:616
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+" EOF\n"
+" if (system($temp)) {\n"
+" my $exit_code = ($? >> 8) & 0xff;\n"
+" my $signal = $? & 0x7f;\n"
+" if ($exit_code) {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script failed with error code: "
+" } else {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script was killed by signal: ${signal}\");\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:629
+msgid "Automatic generation of miscellaneous dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:631
+msgid ""
+"Some debhelper commands may make the generated package need to depend on "
+"some other packages. For example, if you use L<dh_installdebconf(1)>, your "
+"package will generally need to depend on debconf. Or if you use "
+"L<dh_installxfonts(1)>, your package will generally need to depend on a "
+"particular version of xutils. Keeping track of these miscellaneous "
+"dependencies can be annoying since they are dependent on how debhelper does "
+"things, so debhelper offers a way to automate it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:639
+msgid ""
+"All commands of this type, besides documenting what dependencies may be "
+"needed on their man pages, will automatically generate a substvar called "
+"B<${misc:Depends}>. If you put that token into your F<debian/control> file, "
+"it will be expanded to the dependencies debhelper figures you need."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:644
+msgid ""
+"This is entirely independent of the standard B<${shlibs:Depends}> generated "
+"by L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>, and the B<${perl:Depends}> generated by "
+"L<dh_perl(1)>. You can choose not to use any of these, if debhelper's "
+"guesses don't match reality."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:649
+msgid "Package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:651
+msgid ""
+"By default, all debhelper programs assume that the temporary directory used "
+"for assembling the tree of files in a package is debian/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:654
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes, you might want to use some other temporary directory. This is "
+"supported by the B<-P> flag. For example, \"B<dh_installdocs "
+"-Pdebian/tmp>\", will use B<debian/tmp> as the temporary directory. Note "
+"that if you use B<-P>, the debhelper programs can only be acting on a single "
+"package at a time. So if you have a package that builds many binary "
+"packages, you will need to also use the B<-p> flag to specify which binary "
+"package the debhelper program will act on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:662
+msgid "udebs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:664
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper includes support for udebs. To create a udeb with debhelper, add "
+"\"B<Package-Type: udeb>\" to the package's stanza in F<debian/control>. "
+"Debhelper will try to create udebs that comply with debian-installer policy, "
+"by making the generated package files end in F<.udeb>, not installing any "
+"documentation into a udeb, skipping over F<preinst>, F<postrm>, F<prerm>, "
+"and F<config> scripts, etc."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:671
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:673
+msgid ""
+"This section describes some of the environment variables that influences the "
+"behaviour of debhelper or which debhelper interacts with."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:676
+msgid ""
+"It is important to note that these must be actual environment variables in "
+"order to affect the behaviour of debhelper (not simply F<Makefile> "
+"variables). To specify them properly in F<debian/rules>, be sure to "
+"\"B<export>\" them. For example, \"B<export DH_VERBOSE>\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:683
+msgid "B<DH_VERBOSE>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:685
+msgid ""
+"Set to a non-empty value to enable verbose mode. Please see the B<-v> / "
+"B<--verbose> option for details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:688
+msgid "B<DH_QUIET>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:690
+msgid ""
+"Set to a non-empty value to enable quiet mode. Debhelper will not output "
+"commands calling the upstream build system nor will dh print which "
+"subcommands are called and depending on the upstream build system might make "
+"that more quiet, too. This makes it easier to spot important messages but "
+"makes the output quite useless as buildd log."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:696
+msgid "Ignored if DH_VERBOSE is also set or B<-v> / B<--verbose> is passed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:698
+msgid "B<DH_COMPAT>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:700
+msgid ""
+"Temporarily specifies what compatibility level debhelper should run at, "
+"overriding any value specified via Build-Depends on debhelper-compat or via "
+"the F<debian/compat> file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:704
+msgid "B<DH_NO_ACT>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:706
+msgid "Set to B<1> to enable no-act mode."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:708
+msgid "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:710
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper tools will parse command line arguments listed in this "
+"variable before any command option (as if they had been prepended to the "
+"command line arguments). Unfortunately, some third-party provided tools may "
+"not support this variable and will ignore these command line arguments."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:715
+msgid ""
+"When using L<dh(1)>, it can be passed options that will be passed on to each "
+"debhelper command, which is generally better than using DH_OPTIONS."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:718
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:720
+msgid ""
+"If set, this adds the value the variable is set to to the B<-X> options of "
+"all commands that support the B<-X> option. Moreover, B<dh_builddeb> will "
+"B<rm -rf> anything that matches the value in your package build tree."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:724
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful if you are doing a build from a CVS source tree, in which "
+"case setting B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> will prevent any CVS directories from "
+"sneaking into the package you build. Or, if a package has a source tarball "
+"that (unwisely) includes CVS directories, you might want to export "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> in F<debian/rules>, to make it take effect wherever "
+"your package is built."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:731
+msgid ""
+"Multiple things to exclude can be separated with colons, as in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:734
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:736
+msgid ""
+"If set, this adds the specified dh addons to be run in the appropriate "
+"places in the sequence of commands. This is equivalent to specifying the "
+"addon to run with the --with flag in the debian/rules file. Any --without "
+"calls specifying an addon in this environment variable will not be run."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:741
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to be used by downstreams or specific local configurations "
+"that require a debhelper addon to be run during multiple builds without "
+"having to patch a large number of rules file. If at all possible, this "
+"should be avoided in favor of a --with flag in the rules file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:746
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:748
+msgid ""
+"These variables can be used to control whether debhelper commands should use "
+"colors in their textual output. Can be set to \"always\", \"auto\" (the "
+"default), or \"never\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:752
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<DPKG_COLOR> also affects a number of dpkg related tools and "
+"debhelper uses it on the assumption that you want the same color setting for "
+"dpkg and debhelper. In the off-hand chance you want different color setting "
+"for debhelper, you can use B<DH_COLORS> instead or in addition to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:758
+msgid "B<NO_COLOR>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:760
+msgid ""
+"If no explicit request for color has been given (e.g. B<DH_COLORS> and "
+"B<DPKG_COLORS> are both unset), the presence of this environment variable "
+"cause the default color setting to be \"never\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:764
+msgid ""
+"The variable is defined according to L<>. In this "
+"project, the environment variables (such as B<DH_COLORS>) are considered an "
+"explicit request for color."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:768
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:770
+msgid ""
+"By default (in any non-deprecated compat level), debhelper will "
+"automatically set these flags by using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>, when they are "
+"unset. If you need to change the default flags, please use the features "
+"from L<dpkg-buildflags(1)> to do this "
+"(e.g. B<DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=all> or "
+"B<DEB_CPPFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-DCUSTOM_MACRO=true>) rather than setting the "
+"concrete variable directly."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:777
+msgid "B<HOME>, B<XDG_*>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:779
+msgid ""
+"In compat 13 and later, these environment variables are reset before "
+"invoking the upstream build system via the B<dh_auto_*> helpers. The "
+"variables B<HOME> (all B<dh_auto_*> helpers) and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> "
+"(B<dh_auto_test> only) will be set to a writable directory. All remaining "
+"variables and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> (except for during B<dh_auto_test>) will be "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:785
+msgid ""
+"The B<HOME> directory will be created as an empty directory but it will be "
+"reused between calls to B<dh_auto_*>. Any content will persist until "
+"explicitly deleted or B<dh_clean>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:789
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:791
+msgid ""
+"Please see L</Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> for this environment "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:794
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this variable should I<not> be altered by package "
+"maintainers inside F<debian/rules> to change the behaviour of debhelper. "
+"Instead, where the package maintainer need these features, they should look "
+"disabling the relevant feature directly (e.g. by overriding the concrete "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:799
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:801
+msgid ""
+"This is a dpkg specific environment variable (see "
+"e.g. L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>). The debhelper tool suite silently ignores it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:804
+msgid ""
+"It is documented here because it has a similar name to B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>, "
+"which make some people mistakenly assume that debhelper will also react to "
+"this variable."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:810
+msgid "Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:812
+msgid ""
+"The debhelper tool suite reacts to the following flags in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:816
+msgid "B<dherroron=obsolete-compat-levels>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:818
+msgid "I<This is a debhelper specific value.>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:820
+msgid ""
+"When B<dherroron> is present and set to B<obsolete-compat-levels>, then "
+"debhelper tools will promote deprecation warnings for usage of old soon to "
+"be removed compat levels into errors."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:824
+msgid ""
+"This is useful for automated checking for code relying on deprecated compat "
+"levels that is scheduled for removal."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:827
+msgid "This option is intended for testing purposes; not production builds."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:829
+msgid "B<nostrip>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:831 debhelper.pod:854 debhelper.pod:868
+msgid ""
+"I<This value will change the content of the debs being built. The .deb "
+"packages built when this is set is therefore not bit-for-bit reproducible "
+"with a regular build in the general case.>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:835
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper tools will skip actions and "
+"helpers that either remove, detach or deduplicate debugging symbols in ELF "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:839
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_dwz(1)> and L<dh_strip(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:841
+msgid "B<nocheck>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:843
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to skip runs of "
+"upstream test suites."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:846
+msgid ""
+"Package maintainers looking to avoid running the upstream tests should "
+"B<not> rely on this. Instead, they can add an empty override target to skip "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:850
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_auto_test(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:852
+msgid "B<nodoc>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:858
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause several debhelper tools to skip installation of "
+"documentation such as manpages or upstream provided documentation. "
+"Additionally, the tools will also ignore if declared documentation is "
+"\"missing\" on the assumption that the documentation has not been built."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:863
+msgid ""
+"This value effects tools I<like> L<dh_installdocs(1)>, which I<knows> it is "
+"working with documentation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:866
+msgid "B<notrimdch>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:872
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause L<dh_installchangelogs(1)> to act as if it had been "
+"passed the B<--no-trim> option, forcing it to forgo removing older entries "
+"from changelogs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:876
+msgid "B<noautodbgsym>, B<noddebs>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:878
+msgid ""
+"I<The official name is noautodbgsym. The noddebs variant is accepted for "
+"historical reasons.>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:881
+msgid ""
+"This value causes debhelper to skip the generation of automatically "
+"generated debug symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:884
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_strip(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:886
+msgid "B<parallel=N>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:888
+msgid ""
+"This value enables debhelper to use up to B<N> threads or processes (subject "
+"to parameters like B<--no-parallel> and B<--max-parallel=M>). Not all "
+"debhelper tools work with parallel tasks and may silently ignore the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:893
+msgid ""
+"This value affects many debhelper tools. Most notably B<dh_auto_*>, which "
+"will attempt to run the underlying upstream build system with that number of "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:897
+msgid "B<terse>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:899
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to configure "
+"upstream builds to be terse (i.e. reduce verbosity in their output). This "
+"is subject to the upstream and the debhelper build system supporting such "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:904
+msgid ""
+"This value affects most B<dh_auto_*> tools directly. For commands provided "
+"by the debhelper package, it also causes the tools to act like the "
+"B<DH_QUIET> environment variable was non-empty."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:910
+msgid "Unknown flags are silently ignored."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:912
+msgid ""
+"Note third-party debhelper-like tools or third-party provided build systems "
+"may or may not react to the above flags. This tends to depend on "
+"implementation details of the tool."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:916 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:753
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:178 dh:872 dh_auto_build:53 dh_auto_clean:55
+#: dh_auto_configure:58 dh_auto_install:103 dh_auto_test:64 dh_bugfiles:133
+#: dh_builddeb:176 dh_clean:189 dh_compress:243 dh_dwz:163 dh_fixperms:164
+#: dh_gencontrol:208 dh_icons:75 dh_install:377 dh_installcatalogs:128
+#: dh_installchangelogs:365 dh_installcron:80 dh_installdeb:419
+#: dh_installdebconf:233 dh_installdirs:131 dh_installdocs:437
+#: dh_installemacsen:138 dh_installexamples:182 dh_installifupdown:72
+#: dh_installinfo:123 dh_installinit:413 dh_installinitramfs:91
+#: dh_installlogcheck:81 dh_installlogrotate:53 dh_installman:420
+#: dh_installmanpages:198 dh_installmenu:88 dh_installmime:63
+#: dh_installmodules:109 dh_installpam:71 dh_installppp:68 dh_installudev:102
+#: dh_installwm:130 dh_installxfonts:90 dh_link:166 dh_lintian:60
+#: dh_listpackages:34 dh_makeshlibs:456 dh_md5sums:118 dh_movefiles:161
+#: dh_perl:188 dh_prep:70 dh_shlibdeps:204 dh_strip:435 dh_testdir:62
+#: dh_testroot:93 dh_usrlocal:136 dh_systemd_enable:280 dh_systemd_start:280
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:920
+msgid "L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:922
+msgid "List of supported compat levels and an upgrade checklist for each of them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:924
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:926
+msgid "A set of example F<debian/rules> files that use debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:928
+msgid "L<>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:930
+msgid "Debhelper web site."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:934 dh:878 dh_auto_build:59 dh_auto_clean:61
+#: dh_auto_configure:64 dh_auto_install:109 dh_auto_test:70 dh_bugfiles:141
+#: dh_builddeb:182 dh_clean:195 dh_compress:249 dh_dwz:169 dh_fixperms:170
+#: dh_gencontrol:214 dh_icons:81 dh_install:383 dh_installcatalogs:134
+#: dh_installchangelogs:371 dh_installcron:86 dh_installdeb:425
+#: dh_installdebconf:239 dh_installdirs:137 dh_installdocs:443
+#: dh_installemacsen:145 dh_installexamples:188 dh_installifupdown:78
+#: dh_installinfo:129 dh_installinitramfs:99 dh_installlogcheck:87
+#: dh_installlogrotate:59 dh_installman:426 dh_installmanpages:204
+#: dh_installmenu:96 dh_installmime:69 dh_installmodules:115 dh_installpam:77
+#: dh_installppp:74 dh_installudev:108 dh_installwm:136 dh_installxfonts:96
+#: dh_link:172 dh_lintian:68 dh_listpackages:40 dh_makeshlibs:462
+#: dh_md5sums:124 dh_movefiles:167 dh_perl:194 dh_prep:76 dh_shlibdeps:210
+#: dh_strip:441 dh_testdir:68 dh_testroot:99 dh_usrlocal:142
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:936 dh:880 dh_auto_build:61 dh_auto_clean:63
+#: dh_auto_configure:66 dh_auto_install:111 dh_auto_test:72 dh_builddeb:184
+#: dh_clean:197 dh_compress:251 dh_fixperms:172 dh_gencontrol:216
+#: dh_install:385 dh_installchangelogs:373 dh_installcron:88 dh_installdeb:427
+#: dh_installdebconf:241 dh_installdirs:139 dh_installdocs:445
+#: dh_installemacsen:147 dh_installexamples:190 dh_installifupdown:80
+#: dh_installinfo:131 dh_installinit:421 dh_installlogrotate:61
+#: dh_installman:428 dh_installmanpages:206 dh_installmenu:98 dh_installmime:71
+#: dh_installmodules:117 dh_installpam:79 dh_installppp:76 dh_installudev:110
+#: dh_installwm:138 dh_installxfonts:98 dh_link:174 dh_listpackages:42
+#: dh_makeshlibs:464 dh_md5sums:126 dh_movefiles:169 dh_prep:78
+#: dh_shlibdeps:212 dh_strip:443 dh_testdir:70 dh_testroot:101
+msgid "Joey Hess <>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:5
+msgid ""
+"debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist - Upgrade checklist for supported "
+"debhelper compat levels"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"This document is an upgrade checklist of all the supported debhelper compat "
+"levels. It also lists all the support debhelper compat levels."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:12
+msgid ""
+"Information about how to declare the compat level is in "
+"L<debhelper(7)/COMPATIBILITY LEVELS>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:14
+msgid ""
+"If you are upgrading from a (now) obsolete compat level, then please refer "
+"to L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:19
+msgid "Upgrade checklist for supported compatibility levels"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:21
+msgid "These are the available compatibility levels:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:25
+msgid "v15"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:27
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:51 strings-kept-translations.pod:9
+msgid "This compatibility level is still open for development; use with caution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:29
+msgid "Changes from v14 are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:33
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:57
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:63
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:68
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:74
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:90
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:95
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:103
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:120
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:128
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:136
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:145
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:151
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:161
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:169
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:175
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:189
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:200
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:214
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:225
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:241
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:251
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:255
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:260
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:265
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:272
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:278
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:286
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:292
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:296
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:301
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:306
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:315
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:331
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:340
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:356
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:364
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:369
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:391
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:397
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:409
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:417
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:423
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:428
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:433
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:438
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:446
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:456
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:466
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:473
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:485
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:490
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:518
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:535
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:540
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:546
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:552
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:557
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:563
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:572
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:582
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:588
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:611
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:618
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:624
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:630
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:636
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:656
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:661
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:668
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:673
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:678
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:686
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:692
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:697
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:702
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:717
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:721
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:729
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:734 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:29
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:36 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:40
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:44 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:57
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:62 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:68
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:74 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:89
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:93 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:98
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:102 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:114
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:119 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:124
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:129 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:143
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:148 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:152
+#: dh_testroot:36 dh_testroot:41 dh_testroot:46
+msgid "-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:35
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_auto_install> tool no longer defaults to B<< "
+"--destdir=debian/I<package> >> for source packages only producing a single "
+"binary. If this behaviour is wanted, the package should explicitly activate "
+"the B<single-binary> dh addon (e.g., by adding B<dh-sequence-single-binary> "
+"to B<Build-Depends>) or pass B<--destdir> to B<dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:41
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:84
+msgid ""
+"The rationale for this change to avoid \"surprises\" when adding a second "
+"binary package later. Previously, debhelper would silently change behaviour "
+"often resulting in empty binary packages being uploaded to the archive by "
+"mistake. With the new behaviour, the B<single-binary> addon will detect the "
+"mismatch and warn the maintainer of what is about to happen."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:49
+msgid "v14"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:53
+msgid "Changes from v13 are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON> to "
+"L<cmake(1)> to avoid some reproducibility issues."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"The tool B<dh_installsysusers> is now included in the default sequence. This "
+"helper tool will process systemd sysusers files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:70
+msgid ""
+"Use of the B<dh_gconf> command in override and hook targets now causes an "
+"error. The B<dh_gconf> command has been a no-op for years and was removed "
+"in debhelper 13.4."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:76
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> sequencer will warn if the B<single-binary> addon is implicitly "
+"activated to warn maintainers of the pending compat 15 change in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:79
+msgid ""
+"Maintainers are urged to either explicitly activate the B<single-binary> "
+"addon to preserve the existing behaviour (e.g., by adding "
+"B<dh-sequence-single-binary> to Build-Depends), or explicitly passing "
+"B<--destdir> to B<dh_auto_install> if used and then passing B<--without "
+"single-binary> to B<dh> (the latter to silence the warning)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:92
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installalternatives> tool will now be run after B<dh_link> rather "
+"than after B<dh_installinitramfs> in the default B<dh> sequence."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:97
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installpam> tool will now install PAM configuration files under F<< "
+"/usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> >> instead of F<< /etc/pam.d/I<package> >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:100
+msgid ""
+"Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from L<dh_installdeb(1)> "
+"to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:105
+msgid ""
+"The B<meson+ninja> and B<cmake> build systems now use B<meson install> and "
+"B<cmake --install>, respectively, instead of B<ninja install> and B<make "
+"install> in the L<dh_auto_install(1)> call. Any override of "
+"B<dh_auto_install> that passes extra parameters to the upstream build system "
+"should be reviewed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:112
+msgid "v13"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:114
+msgid "This is the recommended mode of operation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:116
+msgid "Changes from v12 are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:122
+msgid ""
+"The B<meson+ninja> build system now uses B<meson test> instead of B<ninja "
+"test> when running the test suite. Any override of B<dh_auto_test> that "
+"passes extra parameters to upstream test runner should be reviewed as "
+"B<meson test> is not command line compatible with B<ninja test>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:130
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper like tools based on the official debhelper library (including "
+"B<dh> and the official B<dh_*> tools) no longer accepts abbreviated command "
+"parameters. At the same time, B<dh> now optimizes out calls to redundant "
+"B<dh_*> helpers even when passed long command line options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:138
+msgid ""
+"The ELF related debhelper tools (B<dh_dwz>, B<dh_strip>, B<dh_makeshlibs>, "
+"B<dh_shlibdeps>) are now only run for arch dependent packages by default "
+"(i.e. they are excluded from B<*-indep> targets and are passed B<-a> by "
+"default). If you need them for B<*-indep> targets, you can add an explicit "
+"Build-Depends on B<dh-sequence-elf-tools>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:147
+msgid ""
+"The third-party B<gradle> build system (from B<gradle-debian-helper> "
+"package) now runs the upstream-provided test suite automatically. To "
+"suppress such behavior, override B<dh_auto_test>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:153
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installman> tool now aborts if it sees conflicting definitions of a "
+"manpage. This typically happens if the upstream build system is installing "
+"a compressed version and the package lists an uncompressed version of the "
+"manpage in F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >>. Often the easiest fix is to "
+"remove the manpage from F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >> (assuming both "
+"versions are identical)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:163
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_auto_*> helpers now reset the environment variables B<HOME> and "
+"common B<XDG_*> variable. Please see description of the environment "
+"variables in L</ENVIRONMENT> for how this is handled."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:167
+msgid "I<This feature changed between debhelper 13 and debhelper 13.2.>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:171
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will now error if an override or hook target for an "
+"obsolete command are present in F<debian/rules> "
+"(e.g. B<override_dh_systemd_enable:>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:177
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_missing> command will now default to B<--fail-missing>. This can "
+"be reverted to a non-fatal warning by explicitly passing B<--list-missing> "
+"like it was in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:181
+msgid ""
+"If you do not want the warning either, please omit the call to "
+"B<dh_missing>. If you use the B<dh> command sequencer, then you can do this "
+"by inserting an empty override target in the F<debian/rules> file of the "
+"relevant package. As an example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:186
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Disable dh_missing\n"
+" override_dh_missing:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:191
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command sequencer now runs B<dh_installtmpfiles> in the default "
+"sequence. The B<dh_installtmpfiles> takes over handling of tmpfiles.d "
+"configuration files. Related functionality in B<dh_installsystemd> is now "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:196
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installtmpfiles> responds to F<< debian/I<package>.tmpfiles "
+">> where B<dh_installsystemd> used a name without the trailing \"s\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:202
+msgid ""
+"Many B<dh_*> tools now support limited variable expansion via the B<${foo}> "
+"syntax. In many cases, this can be used to reference paths that contain "
+"either spaces or L<dpkg-architecture(1)> values. While this can reduce the "
+"need for L<dh-exec(1)> in some cases, it is B<not> a replacement "
+"L<dh-exec(1)> in general. If you need filtering, renaming, etc., the "
+"package will still need L<dh-exec(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:209
+msgid ""
+"Please see L</Substitutions in debhelper config files> for syntax and "
+"available substitution variables. To B<dh_*> tool writers, substitution "
+"expansion occurs as a part of the B<filearray> and B<filedoublearray> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:216
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command sequencer will now skip all hook and override targets for "
+"B<dh_auto_test>, B<dh_dwz> and B<dh_strip> when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> lists "
+"the relevant B<nocheck> / B<nostrip> options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:220
+msgid ""
+"Any package relying on these targets to always be run should instead move "
+"relevant logic out of those targets. E.g. non-test related packaging code "
+"from B<override_dh_auto_test> would have to be moved to "
+"B<execute_after_dh_auto_build> or B<execute_before_dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:227
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes "
+"B<-DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=ON> to L<cmake(1)> to speed up "
+"automatic installation process. If for some reason you need previous "
+"behavior, override the flag:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:231
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=OFF ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:235
+msgid "v12"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:237
+msgid "Changes from v11 are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:243
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool now generates shlibs files with versioned "
+"dependency by default. This means that B<-VUpstream-Version> (a.k.a. B<-V>) "
+"is now the default."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:247
+msgid ""
+"If an unversioned dependency in the shlibs file is wanted, this can be "
+"obtained by passing B<-VNone> instead. However, please see "
+"L<dh_makeshlibs(1)> for the caveat of unversioned dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:253
+msgid ""
+"The B<-s> (B<--same-arch>) option is removed. Please use B<-a> (B<--arch>) "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:257
+msgid ""
+"Invoking B<dh_clean -k> now causes an error instead of a deprecation "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:262
+msgid ""
+"The B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> option in B<dh_installinit> has been "
+"removed. Please use the new name B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:267
+msgid ""
+"There was a bug in the B<doit> (and similar) functions from "
+"L<Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib> that made them spawn a shell in one particular "
+"circumstance. This bug is now removed and will cause helpers that rely on "
+"the bug to fail with a \"command not found\"-error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:274
+msgid ""
+"The B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> in B<dh_install> has been "
+"removed. Please use B<dh_missing> and its corresponding options, which can "
+"also see the files installed by other helpers."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:280
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installinit> helper no longer installs configuration for the "
+"upstart init system. Instead, it will abort the build if it finds an old "
+"upstart configuration file. The error is there to remind the package "
+"maintainer to ensure the proper removal of the conffiles shipped in previous "
+"versions of the package (if any)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:288
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do basic validation of some "
+"L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)> commands and will error out if the commands "
+"appear to be invalid."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:294
+msgid "The B<dh_missing> tool will now default to B<--list-missing>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:298
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool will now only pass libraries to "
+"L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> if the ELF binary has a SONAME (containing \".so\")."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:303
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_compress> tool no longer compresses examples (i.e. anything "
+"installed in F<</usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples>>.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:308
+msgid ""
+"The standard sequence in B<dh> now includes B<dh_dwz> and "
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> by default. This makes the B<dwz> and "
+"B<installinitramfs> sequences obsolete and they will now fail with an "
+"error. If you want to skip these commands, then please insert an empty "
+"override target for them in F<debian/rules> (e.g. I<override_dh_dwz:>)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:317
+msgid ""
+"The build systems B<meson> and B<autoconf> no longer explicitly set the "
+"B<--libexecdir> variable and thus relies on the build system default - which "
+"should be B</usr/libexec> (per FHS 3.0, adopted in Debian Policy 4.1.5)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:322
+msgid ""
+"If a particular upstream package does not use the correct default, the "
+"parameter can often be passed manually via L<dh_auto_configure(1)>. E.g. "
+"via the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:326
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" \tdh_auto_configure -- --libexecdir=/usr/libexec\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:329
+msgid "Note the B<--> before the B<--libexecdir> parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:333
+msgid "B<Retroactively removed in debhelper/13.5>:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:335
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool would no longer installs the maintainer provided "
+"F<conffiles> file as it was deemed unnecessary. However, the "
+"B<remove-on-upgrade> from dpkg/1.20 made the file relevant again and "
+"B<dh_installdeb> now installs it again in compat levels 12+."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:342
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installsystemd> tool no longer relies on B<dh_installinit> for "
+"handling systemd services that have a sysvinit alternative. Both tools must "
+"now be used in such a case to ensure the service is properly started under "
+"both sysvinit and systemd."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:347
+msgid ""
+"If you have an override for B<dh_installinit> (e.g. to call it with "
+"B<--no-start>) then you will probably need one for B<dh_installsystemd> as "
+"well now."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:351
+msgid ""
+"This change makes B<dh_installinit> inject a I<misc:Pre-Depends> for B<< "
+"init-system-helpers (>= 1.54~) >>. Please ensure that the package lists "
+"B<${misc:Pre-Depends}> in its B<Pre-Depends> field before upgrading to "
+"compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:358
+msgid ""
+"The third-party B<dh_golang> tool (from B<dh-golang> package) now defaults "
+"on honoring B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES> variable for source installation in -dev "
+"packages and not only during the building process. Please set "
+"B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES_ALL> to false to revert to the previous behaviour. See "
+"B<Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::golang(3pm)> for details and examples."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:366
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installsystemduser> is now included in the B<dh> standard sequence by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:371
+msgid ""
+"The B<python-distutils> buildsystem is now removed. Please use the "
+"third-party build system B<pybuild> instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:376
+msgid "v11"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:378
+msgid "This mode is discouraged."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:380
+msgid ""
+"The compat 11 is discouraged for new packages as it suffers from feature "
+"interaction between L<dh_installinit> and L<dh_installsystemd> causing "
+"services to not run correctly in some cases. Please consider using "
+"compatibility mode 10 or 12 instead. More details about the issue are "
+"available in Debian#887904 and "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:387
+msgid "Changes from v10 are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:393
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> no longer installs F<service> or F<tmpfile> files, nor "
+"generates maintainer scripts for those files. Please use the new "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> helper."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:399
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_systemd_enable> and B<dh_systemd_start> helpers have been replaced "
+"by the new B<dh_installsystemd> helper. For the same reason, the B<systemd> "
+"sequence for B<dh> has also been removed. If you need to disable the "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> helper tool, please use an empty override target."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:405
+msgid ""
+"Please note that the B<dh_installsystemd> tool has a slightly different "
+"behaviour in some cases (e.g. when using the B<--name> parameter)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:411
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> no longer creates debian/I<package> directories unless "
+"explicitly requested (or it has to create a subdirectory in it)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:415
+msgid "The vast majority of all packages will be unaffected by this change."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:419
+msgid ""
+"The B<makefile> buildsystem now passes B<INSTALL=\"install "
+"--strip-program=true\"> to L<make(1)>. Derivative buildsystems "
+"(e.g. B<configure> or B<cmake>) are unaffected by this change."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:425
+msgid ""
+"The B<autoconf> buildsystem now passes B<--runstatedir=/run> to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:430
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR=/run> to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:435
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> will now prefer detecting the language from the path name "
+"rather than the extension."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:440
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> will now only create the destination directory it needs. "
+"Previously, it would create the package build directory for all packages. "
+"This will not affect packages that only build with debhelper commands, but "
+"it may expose bugs in commands not included in debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:448
+msgid ""
+"The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, and "
+"B<dh_installman> now error out if their config has a pattern that does not "
+"match anything or reference a path that does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:452
+msgid ""
+"Known exceptions include building with the B<nodoc> profile, where the above "
+"tools will silently permit failed matches where the patterns are used to "
+"specify documentation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:458
+msgid ""
+"The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, and "
+"B<dh_installman> now accept the parameter B<--sourcedir> with same meaning "
+"as B<dh_install>. Furthermore, they now also fall back to F<debian/tmp> like "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:463
+msgid ""
+"Migration note: A bug in debhelper 11 up to 11.1.5 made B<dh_installinfo> "
+"incorrectly ignore B<--sourcedir>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:468
+msgid ""
+"The B<perl-makemaker> and B<perl-build> build systems no longer pass B<-I.> "
+"to perl. Packages that still need this behaviour can emulate it by using "
+"the B<PERL5LIB> environment variable. E.g. by adding B<export PERL5LIB=.> "
+"in their debian/rules file (or similar)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:475
+msgid ""
+"The B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable is no longer set by B<dh> or "
+"any of the B<dh_auto_*> tools. It was added as a temporary work around to "
+"avoid a lot of packages failing to build at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:480
+msgid ""
+"Note this item will eventually become obsolete as upstream intends to drop "
+"support for the B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable. When perl "
+"drops support for it, then this variable will be removed retroactively from "
+"existing compat levels as well."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:487
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> helper will now exit with an error if objdump returns a "
+"non-zero exit from analysing a given file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:492
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdocs> and B<dh_installexamples> tools may now install "
+"I<most> of the documentation in a different path to comply with the "
+"recommendation from Debian policy §12.3 (since version 3.9.7)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:496
+msgid ""
+"Note that if a given source package only contains a single binary package in "
+"F<debian/control> or none of the packages are I<-doc> packages, then this "
+"change is not relevant for that source package and you can skip to the next "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:501
+msgid ""
+"By default, these tools will now attempt to determine a \"main package for "
+"the documentation\" (called a I<doc-main-package> from here on) for every "
+"I<-doc> package. If they find such a I<doc-main-package>, they will now "
+"install the documentation into the path F<< "
+"/usr/share/doc/I<doc-main-package> >> in the given doc package. I.e. the "
+"path can change but the documentation is still shipped in the I<-doc> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:509
+msgid ""
+"The B<--doc-main-package> option can be used when the auto-detection is "
+"insufficient or to reset the path to its previous value if there is a reason "
+"to diverge from Debian policy recommendation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:513
+msgid ""
+"Some documentation will not be affected by this change. These exceptions "
+"include the copyright file, changelog files, README.Debian, etc. These "
+"files will still be installed in the path F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package> >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:520
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_strip> and B<dh_shlibdeps> tools no longer uses filename patterns "
+"to determine which files to process. Instead, they open the file and look "
+"for an ELF header to determine if a given file is an shared object or an ELF "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:525
+msgid "This change may cause the tools to process more files than previously."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:529
+msgid "v10"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:531
+msgid "Changes from v9 are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:537
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> will no longer install a file named debian/I<package> as "
+"an init script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:542
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> will error out if it detects links created with --link-doc "
+"between packages of architecture \"all\" and non-\"all\" as it breaks "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:548
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> no longer installs a maintainer-provided "
+"debian/I<package>.shlibs file. This is now done by B<dh_makeshlibs> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:554
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> refuses to create a broken package if no man page can be "
+"found (required to register for the x-window-manager alternative)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:559
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper will default to B<--parallel> for all buildsystems that support "
+"parallel building. This can be disabled by using either B<--no-parallel> or "
+"passing B<--max-parallel> with a value of 1."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:565
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will not accept any of the deprecated \"manual sequence "
+"control\" parameters (B<--before>, B<--after>, etc.). Please use override "
+"targets instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:569
+msgid ""
+"B<Retroactively applied to earlier compat levels>: B<dh> no longer accepts "
+"any of these since debhelper/12.4."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:574
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will no longer use log files to track which commands have "
+"been run. The B<dh> command I<still> keeps track of whether it already ran "
+"the \"build\" sequence and skip it if it did."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:578
+msgid "The main effects of this are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:584
+msgid ""
+"With this, it is now easier to debug the I<install> or/and I<binary> "
+"sequences because they can now trivially be re-run (without having to do a "
+"full \"clean and rebuild\" cycle)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:590
+msgid ""
+"The main caveat is that B<dh_*> now only keeps track of what happened in a "
+"single override target. When all the calls to a given B<dh_cmd> command "
+"happens in the same override target everything will work as before."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:595
+msgid "Example of where it can go wrong:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:597
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" dh_foo -pmy-pkg\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:600
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" dh_bar\n"
+" dh_foo --remaining\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:604
+msgid ""
+"In this case, the call to B<dh_foo --remaining> will I<also> include "
+"I<my-pkg>, since B<dh_foo -pmy-pkg> was run in a separate override target. "
+"This issue is not limited to B<--remaining>, but also includes B<-a>, B<-i>, "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:613
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> command now shell-escapes the lines in the "
+"F<maintscript> config file. This was the original intent but it did not "
+"work properly and packages have begun to rely on the incomplete shell "
+"escaping (e.g. quoting file names)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:620
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installinit> command now defaults to B<--restart-after-upgrade>. "
+"For packages needing the previous behaviour, please use "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:626
+msgid ""
+"The B<autoreconf> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass "
+"B<--without autoreconf> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:632
+msgid ""
+"The B<systemd> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass B<--without "
+"systemd> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:638
+msgid ""
+"B<Retroactively removed>: B<dh> no longer creates the package build "
+"directory when skipping running debhelper commands. This will not affect "
+"packages that only build with debhelper commands, but it may expose bugs in "
+"commands not included in debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:643
+msgid ""
+"This compatibility feature had a bug since its inception in "
+"debhelper/9.20130516 that made it fail to apply in compat 9 and earlier. As "
+"there has been no reports of issues caused by this bug in those ~5 years, "
+"this item have been removed rather than fixed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:650
+msgid "v9"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:652
+msgid "Changes from v8 are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:658
+msgid ""
+"Multiarch support. In particular, B<dh_auto_configure> passes multiarch "
+"directories to autoconf in --libdir and --libexecdir."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:663
+msgid ""
+"dh is aware of the usual dependencies between targets in debian/rules. So, "
+"\"dh binary\" will run any build, build-arch, build-indep, install, etc "
+"targets that exist in the rules file. There's no need to define an explicit "
+"binary target with explicit dependencies on the other targets."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:670
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> compresses debugging symbol files to reduce the installed size "
+"of -dbg packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:675
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> does not include the source package name in "
+"--libexecdir when using autoconf."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:680
+msgid "B<dh> does not default to enabling --with=python-support"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:682
+msgid ""
+"(Obsolete: As the B<dh_pysupport> tool was removed from Debian stretch. "
+"Since debhelper/10.3, B<dh> no longer enables this sequence add-on "
+"regardless of compat level)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:688
+msgid ""
+"All of the B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs and B<dh> set environment "
+"variables listed by B<dpkg-buildflags>, unless they are already set."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:694
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> passes B<dpkg-buildflags> CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and LDFLAGS "
+"to perl F<Makefile.PL> and F<Build.PL>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:699
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> puts separated debug symbols in a location based on their "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:704
+msgid ""
+"Executable debhelper config files are run and their output used as the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:709
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:740
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:744 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:81
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:135 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:158
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:165 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:174
+msgid "This mode is deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:711
+msgid "v8"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:713
+msgid "Changes from v7 are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:719
+msgid "Commands will fail rather than warning when they are passed unknown options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:723
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> will run B<dpkg-gensymbols> on all shared libraries that it "
+"generates shlibs files for. So B<-X> can be used to exclude libraries. "
+"Also, libraries in unusual locations that B<dpkg-gensymbols> would not have "
+"processed before will be passed to it, a behavior change that can cause some "
+"packages to fail to build."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:731
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> requires the sequence to run be specified as the first parameter, and "
+"any switches come after it. Ie, use \"B<dh $@ --foo>\", not \"B<dh --foo "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:736
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> prefer to use Perl's B<Module::Build> in preference to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:742 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:21
+msgid "v7"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:746 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:23
+msgid "This is the lowest supported compatibility level."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:748
+msgid ""
+"If you are upgrading from an earlier compatibility level, please review "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:757
+msgid "L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:759
+msgid ""
+"Upgrading from a (now) obsolete compatibility level? This document covers "
+"the upgrade checklist up to the earliest supported level."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:762 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:180
+#: dh:874 dh_auto_build:55 dh_auto_clean:57 dh_auto_configure:60
+#: dh_auto_install:105 dh_auto_test:66 dh_builddeb:178 dh_clean:191
+#: dh_compress:245 dh_dwz:165 dh_fixperms:166 dh_gencontrol:210 dh_install:379
+#: dh_installcatalogs:130 dh_installchangelogs:367 dh_installcron:82
+#: dh_installdeb:421 dh_installdebconf:235 dh_installdirs:133
+#: dh_installdocs:439 dh_installexamples:184 dh_installifupdown:74
+#: dh_installinfo:125 dh_installlogcheck:83 dh_installlogrotate:55
+#: dh_installman:422 dh_installmanpages:200 dh_installmime:65
+#: dh_installmodules:111 dh_installpam:73 dh_installppp:70 dh_installudev:104
+#: dh_installwm:132 dh_installxfonts:92 dh_link:168 dh_listpackages:36
+#: dh_makeshlibs:458 dh_md5sums:120 dh_movefiles:163 dh_perl:190 dh_prep:72
+#: dh_strip:437 dh_testdir:64 dh_testroot:95 dh_usrlocal:138
+#: dh_systemd_start:282
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:764
+msgid ""
+"General information about the debhelper framework. This document also covers "
+"how to declare your chosen debhelper compat level."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:769 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:182
+#: dh_installinit:419 dh_systemd_enable:284 dh_systemd_start:284
+msgid "AUTHORS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:771 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:184
+#: dh_dwz:171 dh_installinitramfs:101
+msgid "Niels Thykier <>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:773 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:186
+msgid "Joey Hess"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:3
+msgid "debhelper-obsolete-compat - List of no longer supported compat levels"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:7
+msgid ""
+"This document contains the upgrade guidelines from all compat levels which "
+"are no longer supported. Accordingly it is mostly for historical purposes "
+"and to assist people upgrading from a non-supported compat level to a "
+"supported level."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:12
+msgid "For upgrades from supported compat levels, please see L<debhelper(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:14
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:16
+msgid "The following is the list of now obsolete compat levels and their changes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:25
+msgid "Changes from v6 are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:31
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install>, will fall back to looking for files in F<debian/tmp> if it "
+"doesn't find them in the current directory (or wherever you tell it look "
+"using B<--sourcedir>). This allows B<dh_install> to interoperate with "
+"B<dh_auto_install>, which installs to F<debian/tmp>, without needing any "
+"special parameters."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:38
+msgid "B<dh_clean> will read F<debian/clean> and delete files listed there."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:42
+msgid "B<dh_clean> will delete toplevel F<*-stamp> files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:46
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> will guess at what file is the upstream changelog if "
+"none is specified."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:51
+msgid "v6"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:53
+msgid "Changes from v5 are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"Commands that generate maintainer script fragments will order the fragments "
+"in reverse order for the F<prerm> and F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:64
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> will install a slave manpage link for "
+"F<x-window-manager.1.gz>, if it sees the man page in F<usr/share/man/man1> "
+"in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:70
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> did not previously delete everything matching "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE>, if it was set to a list of things to exclude, such as "
+"B<CVS:.svn:.git>. Now it does."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:76
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> allows overwriting existing man pages in the package build "
+"directory. In previous compatibility levels it silently refuses to do this."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:83
+msgid "v5"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:85
+msgid "Changes from v4 are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:91
+msgid "Comments are ignored in debhelper config files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:95
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip --dbg-package> now specifies the name of a package to put "
+"debugging symbols in, not the packages to take the symbols from."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:100
+msgid "B<dh_installdocs> skips installing empty files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:104
+msgid "B<dh_install> errors out if wildcards expand to nothing."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:108
+msgid "v4"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:110
+msgid "Changes from v3 are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:116
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs -V> will not include the Debian part of the version number "
+"in the generated dependency line in the shlibs file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:121
+msgid ""
+"You are encouraged to put the new B<${misc:Depends}> into F<debian/control> "
+"to supplement the B<${shlibs:Depends}> field."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:126
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> will make all files in F<bin/> directories and in "
+"F<etc/init.d> executable."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:131
+msgid "B<dh_link> will correct existing links to conform with policy."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:137
+msgid "v3"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:139
+msgid "This mode works like v2, with the following additions:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:145
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper config files support globbing via B<*> and B<?>, when "
+"appropriate. To turn this off and use those characters raw, just prefix with "
+"a backslash."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:150
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> makes the F<postinst> and F<postrm> scripts call "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:154
+msgid ""
+"Every file in F<etc/> is automatically flagged as a conffile by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:160
+msgid "v2"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:162
+msgid ""
+"In this mode, debhelper will consistently use debian/I<package> as the "
+"package tree directory for every package that is built."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:167
+msgid "v1"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:169
+msgid ""
+"This is the original debhelper compatibility level, and so it is the default "
+"one. In this mode, debhelper will use F<debian/tmp> as the package tree "
+"directory for the first binary package listed in the control file, while "
+"using debian/I<package> for all other packages listed in the F<control> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:5
+msgid "dh - debhelper command sequencer"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> I<sequence> [B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]] [B<--list>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:28
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> runs a sequence of debhelper commands. The supported I<sequence>s "
+"correspond to the targets of a F<debian/rules> file: B<build-arch>, "
+"B<build-indep>, B<build>, B<clean>, B<install-indep>, B<install-arch>, "
+"B<install>, B<binary-arch>, B<binary-indep>, and B<binary>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:33
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:35
+msgid ""
+"A F<debian/rules> file using B<dh> can override the command that is run at "
+"any step in a sequence, by defining an override target. It is also possible "
+"to inject a command before or after any step without affecting the step "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:40
+msgid "Injecting commands before or after a step"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:42
+msgid ""
+"I<Note>: This feature requires debhelper 12.8 or later plus the package must "
+"use compatibility mode 10 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:45
+msgid ""
+"To inject commands before I<dh_command>, add a target named "
+"B<execute_before_>I<dh_command> to the rules files. Similarly, if you want "
+"to inject commands after I<dh_command>, add the target "
+"B<execute_after_>I<dh_command>. Both targets can be used for the same "
+"I<dh_command> and also even if the command is overridden (as described in "
+"L</Overriding a command> below)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:52
+msgid ""
+"When these targets are defined, B<dh> will call the targets respectively "
+"before or after it would invoke I<dh_command> (or its override target)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:55
+msgid "Overriding a command"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:57
+msgid ""
+"To override I<dh_command>, add a target named B<override_>I<dh_command> to "
+"the rules file. When it would normally run I<dh_command>, B<dh> will instead "
+"call that target. The override target can then run the command with "
+"additional options, or run entirely different commands instead. See examples "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:63
+msgid "Architecture dependent/independent override and hook targets"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:65
+msgid ""
+"The override and hook targets can also be defined to run only when building "
+"architecture dependent or architecture independent packages. Use targets "
+"with names like B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch> and "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:70
+msgid ""
+"This feature is available since debhelper 8.9.7 (for override targets) and "
+"12.8 (for hook targets)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:73
+msgid "Completely empty targets"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:75
+msgid ""
+"As a special optimization, B<dh> will skip a target if it is completely "
+"empty and does not depend on any other target. This is mostly useful for "
+"override targets, where the command will simply be skipped without the "
+"overhead of invoking a dummy target."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:80
+msgid "Note that the target has to be completely empty for this to work:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:82
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Skip dh_bar - the good and optimized way\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_bar goes here\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:87
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Skip dh_foo - the slow way\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_foo goes here\n"
+" # (these comments causes a dummy target to be run)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:92
+msgid "Verifying targets are picked up by dh"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:94
+msgid ""
+"As of debhelper 13.10, you can use L<dh_assistant(1)> to see which override "
+"and hook targets will be seen by B<dh>. Here is an example run of "
+"L<dh_assistant(1)> along with its output:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:98
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ dh_assistant detect-hook-targets\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"commands-not-in-path\": [\n"
+" \"dh_foo\"\n"
+" ],\n"
+" \"hook-targets\": [\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"command\": \"dh_strip_nondeterminism\",\n"
+" \"is-empty\": true,\n"
+" \"package-section-param\": null,\n"
+" \"target-name\": \"override_dh_strip_nondeterminism\"\n"
+" },\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"command\": \"dh_foo\",\n"
+" \"is-empty\": false,\n"
+" \"package-section-param\": \"-a\",\n"
+" \"target-name\": \"override_dh_foo-arch\"\n"
+" }\n"
+" ]\n"
+" }\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:119
+msgid ""
+"The B<commands-not-in-path> is useful for spotting mistakes in the hook "
+"target names. A non-empty value implies one of more hook targets are "
+"related to a command that is either not installed or no command with that "
+"name exists at all. It is generally worth double checking these."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:124
+msgid ""
+"Additionally, the B<is-empty> attribute for each hook target can be used for "
+"seeing whether a hook target triggers the L</Completely empty targets> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:127
+msgid ""
+"If you are interested in the other attributes, please read the "
+"L<dh_assistant(1)> for the details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head3
+#: dh:130
+msgid "Verifying targets are picked up by dh (when debhelper is older than 13.10)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:134
+msgid ""
+"On older versions of debhelper, you have to use B<dh> with B<--no-act>. You "
+"can use the following command as an example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:137
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ dh binary --no-act | grep dh_install | head -n5\n"
+" dh_installdirs\n"
+" dh_install\n"
+" debian/rules execute_after_dh_install\n"
+" dh_installdocs\n"
+" dh_installchangelogs\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:144
+msgid ""
+"The B<debian/rules execute_after_dh_install> in the output, which signals "
+"that B<dh> registered a B<execute_after_dh_install> target and would run it "
+"directly after L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:148
+msgid ""
+"Note that L</Completely empty targets> will be omitted in the listing "
+"above. This makes it a bit harder to spot as you are looking for the "
+"omission of a command name. But otherwise, the principle remains the same."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:152
+msgid "Caveats with hook targets and makefile conditionals"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:154
+msgid ""
+"If you choose to wrap a hook target in makefile conditionals, please be "
+"aware that B<dh> computes all the hook targets a head of time and caches the "
+"result for that run. Furthermore, the conditionals will be invoked again "
+"when B<dh> calls the hook target later and will assume the answer did not "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:160
+msgid ""
+"The parsing and caching I<often> happens before B<dh> knows whether it will "
+"build arch:any (-a) or/and arch:all (-i) packages, which can produce "
+"confusing results - especially when L<dh_listpackages(1)> is part of the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:165
+msgid ""
+"Most of the problems can be avoided by making the hook target unconditional "
+"and then have the \"body\" be partially or completely conditional. As an "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:169
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. The hook target\n"
+" # is always considered. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional but dh_foo is definitely skipped.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, \"maybe run this\"\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:183
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:198
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Here, either dh_baz is run normally OR \"maybe run this\" is run\n"
+" # instead.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # And it gets even more complicated to reason about if dh needs to\n"
+" # recurse into debian/rules because you have an \"explicit\"\n"
+" # standard target (e.g. a \"build-arch:\" target separate from "
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz:\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:212
+msgid ""
+"These recipes are also relevant for conditional dependency targets, which "
+"are often seen in a variant of the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:215
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" COND_TASKS =\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" COND_TASKS += maybe-run-this\n"
+" endif\n"
+" ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:221
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" maybe-run-this:\n"
+" ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:224
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. Either the\n"
+" # $(COND_TASKS) are skipped or run.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:235
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The $(COND_TASKS) bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:246
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:254
+msgid ""
+"When in doubt, pick the relevant B<SIMPLE> case in the examples above that "
+"match your need."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:257 dh_auto_build:32 dh_auto_clean:33 dh_auto_configure:35
+#: dh_auto_install:52 dh_auto_test:34 dh_bugfiles:53 dh_builddeb:34 dh_clean:49
+#: dh_compress:52 dh_dwz:26 dh_fixperms:40 dh_gencontrol:38 dh_icons:33
+#: dh_install:69 dh_installcatalogs:56 dh_installchangelogs:77
+#: dh_installcron:45 dh_installdeb:107 dh_installdebconf:64 dh_installdirs:45
+#: dh_installdocs:100 dh_installemacsen:56 dh_installexamples:48
+#: dh_installifupdown:42 dh_installinfo:41 dh_installinit:77
+#: dh_installinitramfs:43 dh_installlogcheck:45 dh_installlogrotate:25
+#: dh_installman:86 dh_installmanpages:43 dh_installmenu:44
+#: dh_installmodules:41 dh_installpam:38 dh_installppp:38 dh_installudev:34
+#: dh_installwm:41 dh_link:69 dh_makeshlibs:67 dh_md5sums:31 dh_movefiles:41
+#: dh_perl:35 dh_prep:29 dh_shlibdeps:30 dh_strip:38 dh_testdir:26
+#: dh_usrlocal:50 dh_systemd_enable:82 dh_systemd_start:33
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:261
+msgid "B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:263
+msgid ""
+"Add the debhelper commands specified by the given addon to appropriate "
+"places in the sequence of commands that is run. This option can be repeated "
+"more than once, or multiple addons can be listed, separated by commas. This "
+"is used when there is a third-party package that provides debhelper "
+"commands. See the F<PROGRAMMING> file for documentation about the sequence "
+"addon interface."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:270
+msgid ""
+"A B<Build-Depends> relation on the package B<dh-sequence->I<addon> implies a "
+"B<--with> I<addon>. This avoids the need for an explicit B<--with> in "
+"F<debian/rules> that only duplicates what is already declared via the build "
+"dependencies in F<debian/control>. The relation can (since 12.5) be made "
+"optional via e.g. build-profiles. This enables you to easily disable an "
+"addon that is only useful with certain profiles (e.g. to facilitate "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:279
+msgid ""
+"Since debhelper 12.5, addons can also be activated in B<indep>-only mode "
+"(via B<Build-Depends-Indep>) or B<arch>-only mode (via "
+"B<Build-Depends-Arch>). Such addons are only active in the particular "
+"sequence (e.g. B<binary-indep>) which simplifies dependency management for "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:285
+msgid ""
+"Please note that addons activated via B<Build-Depends-Indep> or "
+"B<Build-Depends-Arch> are subject to additional limitations to ensure the "
+"result is deterministic even when the addon is unavailable (e.g. during "
+"clean). This implies that some addons are incompatible with these "
+"restrictions and can only be used via B<Build-Depends> (or manually via "
+"F<debian/rules>). Currently, such addons can only add commands to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:293
+msgid "B<--without> I<addon>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:295
+msgid ""
+"The inverse of B<--with>, disables using the given addon. This option can be "
+"repeated more than once, or multiple addons to disable can be listed, "
+"separated by commas."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:301
+msgid "List all available addons."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:303
+msgid ""
+"When called only with this option, B<dh> can be called from any directory "
+"(i.e. it does not need access to files from a source package)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:309
+msgid "Prints commands that would run for a given sequence, but does not run them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:311
+msgid ""
+"Note that dh normally skips running commands that it knows will do nothing. "
+"With --no-act, the full list of commands in a sequence is printed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:316
+msgid ""
+"Other options passed to B<dh> are passed on to each command it runs. This "
+"can be used to set an option like B<-v> or B<-X> or B<-N>, as well as for "
+"more specialised options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:320 dh_install:332 dh_installdocs:191 dh_installman:117 dh_link:91
+#: dh_makeshlibs:185 dh_shlibdeps:78
+msgid "EXAMPLES"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:322
+msgid ""
+"To see what commands are included in a sequence, without actually doing "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:325
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tdh binary-arch --no-act\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:327
+msgid ""
+"This is a very simple rules file, for packages where the default sequences "
+"of commands work with no additional options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:330 dh:337 dh:351 dh:364 dh:375 dh:433 dh:444
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:334
+msgid ""
+"Often you'll want to pass an option to a specific debhelper command. The "
+"easy way to do with is by adding an override target for that command."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:341
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tdh_strip -Xfoo\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:344
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:347
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes the automated L<dh_auto_configure(1)> and L<dh_auto_build(1)> "
+"can't guess what to do for a strange package. Here's how to avoid running "
+"either and instead run your own commands."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:355
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:358
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tmake universe-explode-in-delight\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:361
+msgid ""
+"Another common case is wanting to do something manually before or after a "
+"particular debhelper command is run."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:368
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:372
+msgid ""
+"If you are on an older debhelper or compatibility level, the above example "
+"would have to be written as."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:379
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Older debhelper versions or using compat 9 or lower.\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:384
+msgid ""
+"Python tools are not run by dh by default, due to the continual change in "
+"that area. Here is how to use B<dh_python2>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:387
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --with python2\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:391
+msgid ""
+"Here is how to force use of Perl's B<Module::Build> build system, which can "
+"be necessary if debhelper wrongly detects that the package uses MakeMaker."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:395
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --buildsystem=perl_build\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:399
+msgid ""
+"Here is an example of overriding where the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands find the "
+"package's source, for a package where the source is located in a "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:403
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --sourcedirectory=src\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:407
+msgid ""
+"And here is an example of how to tell the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands to build "
+"in a subdirectory, which will be removed on B<clean>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:410
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --builddirectory=build\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:414
+msgid ""
+"If your package can be built in parallel, please either use compat 10 or "
+"pass B<--parallel> to dh. Then B<dpkg-buildpackage -j> will work."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:417
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --parallel\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:421
+msgid ""
+"If your package cannot be built reliably while using multiple threads, "
+"please pass B<--no-parallel> to dh (or the relevant B<dh_auto_>I<*> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:426
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --no-parallel\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:430
+msgid ""
+"Here is a way to prevent B<dh> from running several commands that you don't "
+"want it to run, by defining empty override targets for each command."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:437
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Commands not to run:\n"
+"\toverride_dh_auto_test override_dh_compress override_dh_fixperms:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:440
+msgid ""
+"A long build process for a separate documentation package can be separated "
+"out using architecture independent overrides. These will be skipped when "
+"running build-arch and binary-arch sequences."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:448
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:451
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# No tests needed for docs\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs install\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:457
+msgid ""
+"Adding to the example above, suppose you need to chmod a file, but only when "
+"building the architecture dependent package, as it's not present when "
+"building only documentation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:461
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:465
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:467
+msgid ""
+"The primary purpose of B<dh> addons is to provide easy integration with "
+"third-party provided features for debhelper. However, debhelper itself also "
+"provide a few sequences that can be useful in some cases. These are "
+"documented in this list:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:474
+msgid "build-stamp"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:476
+msgid ""
+"A special addon for controlling whether B<dh> (in compat 10 or later) will "
+"create stamp files to tell whether the build target has been run "
+"successfully. See L</INTERNALS> for more details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:480
+msgid ""
+"This addon is active by default but can disabled by using B<dh $@ --without "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:483
+msgid "dwz (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:485
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_dwz(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below. Obsolete in "
+"compat 12 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:488
+msgid "elf-tools"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:490
+msgid ""
+"This addon adds tools related to ELF files to the sequence such as "
+"L<dh_strip(1)> and L<dh_shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:493
+msgid ""
+"This addon is I<conditionally> active by default for architecture specific "
+"packages - that is, it is skipped for arch:all packages. In the special "
+"case where you need these tools to work on arch:all packages, you can use "
+"B<--with elf-tools> to activate it unconditionally."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:499
+msgid "installinitramfs (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:501
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_installinitramfs(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below. "
+"Obsolete in compat 12 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:504
+msgid "root-sequence (internal)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:506
+msgid "This is reserved for internal usage."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:508
+msgid "single-binary"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:510
+msgid "A special-purpose addon that makes debhelper run in \"single binary\" mode."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:512
+msgid ""
+"When active, it will pass B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to "
+"L<dh_auto_install(1)>. This makes every file \"installed\" by the upstream "
+"build system part of the (only) binary package by default without having to "
+"use other helpers such as L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:517
+msgid ""
+"The addon will refuse to activate when the source package lists 2 or more "
+"binary packages in F<debian/control> as a precaution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:520
+msgid ""
+"Before compat 15. this behaviour was the default when there was only a "
+"single binary package listed in F<debian/control>. In compat 15 and later, "
+"this addon must explicitly be activated for this feature to work."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:524
+msgid ""
+"The rationale for requiring this as an explicit choice is that if it is "
+"implicit then debhelper will silently change behaviour on adding a new "
+"binary package. This has caused many RC bugs when maintainers renamed a "
+"binary and added transitional packages with the intention of supporting "
+"seamless upgrades. The result would often be two empty binary packages that "
+"were uploaded to archive with users frustrated as their \"upgrade\" removed "
+"their programs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:532
+msgid "systemd (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:534
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_systemd_enable(1)> and L<dh_systemd_start(1)> to the sequence in "
+"compat level 10 or below. Obsolete in compat 11 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:539
+msgid "INTERNALS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:541
+msgid ""
+"If you're curious about B<dh>'s internals, here's how it works under the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:543
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 (or later), B<dh> creates a stamp file "
+"F<debian/debhelper-build-stamp> after the build step(s) are complete to "
+"avoid re-running them. It is possible to avoid the stamp file by passing "
+"B<--without=build-stamp> to B<dh>. This makes \"no clean\" builds behave "
+"more like what some people expect at the expense of possibly running the "
+"build and test twice (the second time as root or under L<fakeroot(1)>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:551
+msgid ""
+"Inside an override target, B<dh_*> commands will create a log file "
+"F<debian/package.debhelper.log> to keep track of which packages the "
+"command(s) have been run for. These log files are then removed once the "
+"override target is complete."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:556
+msgid ""
+"In compat 9 or earlier, each debhelper command will record when it's "
+"successfully run in F<debian/package.debhelper.log>. (Which B<dh_clean> "
+"deletes.) So B<dh> can tell which commands have already been run, for which "
+"packages, and skip running those commands again."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:561
+msgid ""
+"Each time B<dh> is run (in compat 9 or earlier), it examines the log, and "
+"finds the last logged command that is in the specified sequence. It then "
+"continues with the next command in the sequence."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:565
+msgid ""
+"A sequence can also run dependent targets in debian/rules. For example, the "
+"\"binary\" sequence runs the \"install\" target."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:568
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> uses the B<DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS> environment variable to pass "
+"information through to debhelper commands that are run inside override "
+"targets. The contents (and indeed, existence) of this environment variable, "
+"as the name might suggest, is subject to change at any time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:573
+msgid ""
+"Commands in the B<build-indep>, B<install-indep> and B<binary-indep> "
+"sequences are passed the B<-i> option to ensure they only work on "
+"architecture independent packages, and commands in the B<build-arch>, "
+"B<install-arch> and B<binary-arch> sequences are passed the B<-a> option to "
+"ensure they only work on architecture dependent packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:876 dh_auto_build:57 dh_auto_clean:59 dh_auto_configure:62
+#: dh_auto_install:107 dh_auto_test:68 dh_bugfiles:139 dh_builddeb:180
+#: dh_clean:193 dh_compress:247 dh_dwz:167 dh_fixperms:168 dh_gencontrol:212
+#: dh_icons:79 dh_install:381 dh_installchangelogs:369 dh_installcron:84
+#: dh_installdeb:423 dh_installdebconf:237 dh_installdirs:135
+#: dh_installdocs:441 dh_installemacsen:143 dh_installexamples:186
+#: dh_installifupdown:76 dh_installinfo:127 dh_installinit:417
+#: dh_installinitramfs:97 dh_installlogrotate:57 dh_installman:424
+#: dh_installmanpages:202 dh_installmenu:94 dh_installmime:67
+#: dh_installmodules:113 dh_installpam:75 dh_installppp:72 dh_installudev:106
+#: dh_installwm:134 dh_installxfonts:94 dh_link:170 dh_lintian:64
+#: dh_listpackages:38 dh_makeshlibs:460 dh_md5sums:122 dh_movefiles:165
+#: dh_perl:192 dh_prep:74 dh_shlibdeps:208 dh_strip:439 dh_testdir:66
+#: dh_testroot:97 dh_usrlocal:140
+msgid "This program is a part of debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:5
+msgid "dh_auto_build - automatically builds a package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically build a "
+"package. It does so by running the appropriate command for the build system "
+"it detects the package uses. For example, if a F<Makefile> is found, this is "
+"done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If "
+"there's a F<>, or F<Build.PL>, it is run to build the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:28
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, "
+"you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_build> at all, and just run the "
+"build process manually."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:34 dh_auto_clean:35 dh_auto_configure:37 dh_auto_install:54
+#: dh_auto_test:36
+msgid ""
+"See L<debhelper(7)/B<BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS>> for a list of common build "
+"system selection and control options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_auto_build:39 dh_auto_clean:40 dh_auto_configure:42 dh_auto_install:65
+#: dh_auto_test:41 dh_builddeb:48 dh_dwz:62 dh_gencontrol:42
+#: dh_installdebconf:72 dh_installinit:166 dh_makeshlibs:179 dh_shlibdeps:41
+msgid "B<--> I<params>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:41
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_build> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:5
+msgid "dh_auto_clean - automatically cleans up after a build"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically clean up "
+"after a package build. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a "
+"F<Makefile> and it contains a B<distclean>, B<realclean>, or B<clean> "
+"target, then this is done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment "
+"variable is set). If there is a F<> or F<Build.PL>, it is run to "
+"clean the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:29
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or "
+"tries to use the wrong clean target, you're encouraged to skip using "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> at all, and just run B<make clean> manually."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:42
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:5
+msgid "dh_auto_configure - automatically configure a package prior to building"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically "
+"configure a package prior to building. It does so by running the appropriate "
+"command for the build system it detects the package uses. For example, it "
+"looks for and runs a F<./configure> script, F<Makefile.PL>, F<Build.PL>, or "
+"F<cmake>. A standard set of parameters is determined and passed to the "
+"program that is run. Some build systems, such as make, do not need a "
+"configure step; for these B<dh_auto_configure> will exit without doing "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:31
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, "
+"you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_configure> at all, and just run "
+"F<./configure> or its equivalent manually."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:44
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_configure> usually passes. For example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_auto_configure:47
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --enable-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:5
+msgid "dh_auto_install - automatically runs make install or similar"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:20
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically "
+"install built files. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a "
+"F<Makefile> and it contains a B<install> target, then this is done by "
+"running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If there "
+"is a F<> or F<Build.PL>, it is used. Note that the Ant build system "
+"does not support installation, so B<dh_auto_install> will not install files "
+"built using Ant."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:32
+msgid ""
+"In compat 15 or later, B<dh_auto_install> will use F<debian/tmp> as the "
+"default B<--destdir> and should be moved from there to the appropriate "
+"package build directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools. Though if "
+"the B<single-binary> addon for L<dh(1)> is activated, then it will pass an "
+"explicit B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to B<dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:38
+msgid ""
+"For earlier compat levels then unless B<--destdir> option is specified, the "
+"files are installed into debian/I<package>/ if there is only one binary "
+"package. In the multiple binary package case, the files are instead "
+"installed into F<debian/tmp/>, and should be moved from there to the "
+"appropriate package build directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:44
+msgid ""
+"B<DESTDIR> is used to tell make where to install the files. If the Makefile "
+"was generated by MakeMaker from a F<Makefile.PL>, it will automatically set "
+"B<PREFIX=/usr> too, since such Makefiles need that."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:48
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or "
+"tries to use the wrong install target, you're encouraged to skip using "
+"B<dh_auto_install> at all, and just run make install manually."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_auto_install:59 dh_builddeb:38
+msgid "B<--destdir=>I<directory>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:61
+msgid ""
+"Install files into the specified I<directory>. If this option is not "
+"specified, destination directory is determined automatically as described in "
+"the L</B<DESCRIPTION>> section."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:67
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_install> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:5
+msgid "dh_auto_test - automatically runs a package's test suites"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically run a "
+"package's test suite. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a Makefile "
+"and it contains a B<test> or B<check> target, then this is done by running "
+"B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If the test suite "
+"fails, the command will exit nonzero. If there's no test suite, it will exit "
+"zero without doing anything."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:30
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages with a test suite. If it "
+"doesn't work, you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_test> at all, and "
+"just run the test suite manually."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:43
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_test> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:50
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nocheck>, no "
+"tests will be performed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_bugfiles - install bug reporting customization files into package build "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:17
+msgid "B<dh_bugfiles> [B<-A>] [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_bugfiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing bug "
+"reporting customization files (bug scripts and/or bug control files and/or "
+"presubj files) into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_bugfiles:25 dh_clean:33 dh_compress:35 dh_install:40
+#: dh_installcatalogs:39 dh_installchangelogs:53 dh_installcron:24
+#: dh_installdeb:25 dh_installdebconf:37 dh_installdirs:28 dh_installdocs:40
+#: dh_installemacsen:30 dh_installexamples:31 dh_installifupdown:25
+#: dh_installinfo:28 dh_installinit:41 dh_installinitramfs:30
+#: dh_installlogcheck:24 dh_installman:73 dh_installmenu:28 dh_installmime:24
+#: dh_installmodules:31 dh_installpam:24 dh_installppp:24 dh_installudev:24
+#: dh_installwm:28 dh_link:46 dh_lintian:24 dh_makeshlibs:44 dh_movefiles:29
+#: dh_systemd_enable:41
+msgid "FILES"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:29
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-script"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:31
+msgid ""
+"This is the script to be run by the bug reporting program for generating a "
+"bug report template. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package> in "
+"the package build directory if no other types of bug reporting customization "
+"files are going to be installed for the package in question. Otherwise, this "
+"file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/script>. Finally, the installed "
+"script is given execute permissions."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-control"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:40
+msgid ""
+"It is the bug control file containing some directions for the bug reporting "
+"tool. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/control> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-presubj"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:46
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this file are displayed to the user by the bug reporting "
+"tool before allowing the user to write a bug report on the package to the "
+"Debian Bug Tracking System. This file is installed as "
+"F<usr/share/bug/package/presubj> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:59
+msgid ""
+"Install F<debian/bug-*> files to ALL packages acted on when respective "
+"F<debian/package.bug-*> files do not exist. Normally, F<debian/bug-*> will "
+"be installed to the first package only."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:135
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.developers.gz>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:137 dh_lintian:62
+msgid "L<debhelper(1)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:143
+msgid "Modestas Vainius <>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:7
+msgid "dh_builddeb - build Debian binary packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--destdir=>I<directory>] "
+"[B<--filename=>I<name>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> simply calls L<dpkg-deb(1)> to build a Debian package or "
+"packages. It will also build dbgsym packages when L<dh_strip(1)> and "
+"L<dh_gencontrol(1)> have prepared them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:27
+msgid ""
+"It supports building multiple binary packages in parallel, when enabled by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:30
+msgid ""
+"When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field is not (effectively) "
+"I<binary-targets>, B<dh_builddeb> will pass B<--root-owner-group> to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:40
+msgid ""
+"Use this if you want the generated F<.deb> files to be put in a directory "
+"other than the default of \"F<..>\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_builddeb:43
+msgid "B<--filename=>I<name>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:45
+msgid ""
+"Use this if you want to force the generated .deb file to have a particular "
+"file name. Does not work well if more than one .deb is generated!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:50
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)> when it is used to build the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_builddeb:53
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:55
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)>. It is deprecated; "
+"use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:5
+msgid "dh_clean - clean up package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_clean> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-d>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<path> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_clean> is a debhelper program that is responsible for cleaning up. It "
+"should be the last step of the B<clean> target and other debhelper commands "
+"generally assume that B<dh_clean> will clean up after them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_clean:25
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"It removes the package build directories, and removes some other files "
+"F<debian/files>, and any detritus left behind by other debhelper "
+"commands. It\n"
+"also removes common files that should not appear in a Debian diff:\n"
+" #*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:30
+msgid ""
+"It does not run \"make clean\" to clean up after the build process. Use "
+"L<dh_auto_clean(1)> to do things like that."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:37
+msgid "F<debian/clean>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:39
+msgid "Can list other paths to be removed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:41
+msgid ""
+"Note that directories listed in this file B<must> end with a trailing "
+"slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:44 dh_install:59 dh_installcatalogs:51 dh_installdeb:102
+#: dh_installdirs:40 dh_installdocs:48 dh_installexamples:43 dh_installinfo:36
+#: dh_installman:81 dh_installwm:36 dh_link:64
+msgid ""
+"Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as documented in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:53 dh_installchangelogs:81
+msgid "B<-k>, B<--keep>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:55
+msgid "This is deprecated, use L<dh_prep(1)> instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:57
+msgid "The option is removed in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:59
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--dirs-only>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:61
+msgid ""
+"Only clean the package build directories, do not clean up any other files at "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:64 dh_prep:33
+msgid "B<-X>I<item> B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:66
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option "
+"multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:70
+msgid "I<path> ..."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:72
+msgid "Delete these I<path>s too."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:74
+msgid ""
+"Note that directories passed as arguments B<must> end with a trailing "
+"slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:5
+msgid "dh_compress - compress files and fix symlinks in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_compress> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<-A>] [S<I<file> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_compress> is a debhelper program that is responsible for compressing "
+"the files in package build directories, and makes sure that any symlinks "
+"that pointed to the files before they were compressed are updated to point "
+"to the new files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:28
+msgid ""
+"By default, B<dh_compress> compresses files that Debian policy mandates "
+"should be compressed, namely all files in F<usr/share/info>, "
+"F<usr/share/man>, files in F<usr/share/doc> that are larger than 4k in size, "
+"(except the F<copyright> file, F<.html> and other web files, image files, "
+"and files that appear to be already compressed based on their extensions), "
+"and all F<changelog> files. Plus PCF fonts underneath "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_compress:39
+msgid "debian/I<package>.compress"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:41
+msgid "These files are deprecated."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:43
+msgid ""
+"If this file exists, the default files are not compressed. Instead, the file "
+"is ran as a shell script, and all filenames that the shell script outputs "
+"will be compressed. The shell script will be run from inside the package "
+"build directory. Note though that using B<-X> is a much better idea in "
+"general; you should only use a F<debian/package.compress> file if you really "
+"need to."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:58
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"compressed. For example, B<-X.tiff> will exclude TIFF files from "
+"compression. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of "
+"things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:65
+msgid ""
+"Compress all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+"acted on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_compress:68 dh_installdocs:184 dh_installexamples:89 dh_installinfo:60
+#: dh_installmanpages:47 dh_movefiles:58 dh_testdir:30
+msgid "I<file> ..."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:70
+msgid "Add these files to the list of files to compress."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_compress:74 dh_perl:65 dh_strip:133 dh_usrlocal:66
+msgid "CONFORMS TO"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:76
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.0"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:5
+msgid "dh_dwz - optimize DWARF debug information in ELF binaries via dwz"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:18
+msgid "B<dh_dwz> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_dwz> is a debhelper program that will optimize the (uncompressed) size "
+"of the DWARF debug information in ELF binaries. It does so by running "
+"L<dwz(1)> on all the ELF binaries in the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_dwz:30
+msgid "B<--dwz-multifile>, B<--no-dwz-multifile>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:32
+msgid ""
+"Whether L<dwz(1)> should generate a I<multifile> from the ELF binaries in "
+"the same package. When enabled, if a package ships at least 2 ELF binaries, "
+"B<dh_dwz> will instruct L<dwz(1)> to generate a multifile for the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:37
+msgid ""
+"By default, B<dh_dwz> will attempt to create a multifile but will continue "
+"without if L<dwz(1)> does not create one (but succeeds anyway). This "
+"commonly happens when the debug files do not contain debug symbols (e.g. a "
+"missing -g to the compiler) or when the debug symbols are compressed (see "
+"Debian bug #931891). If B<--dwz-multifile> is passed, then B<dh_dwz> will "
+"abort with an error if L<dwz(1)> does not create a multifile."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:45
+msgid ""
+"Note this options may not work if a package contains more ELF binaries than "
+"can fit on a single command line. If this becomes a problem, please pass "
+"B<--no-dwz-multifile> to work around the issue."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:49
+msgid ""
+"The generated multifile will be compressed with B<objcopy "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:52
+msgid ""
+"Note for B<udeb> packages: B<dh_dwz> will never generate multifiles for "
+"B<udeb> packages. It will still use B<dwz> to reduce the file size of debug "
+"files if it finds any."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:58 dh_strip:44
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"stripped. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of "
+"things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:64
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to L<dwz(1)> when it processes ELF binaries. This is mostly "
+"useful for setting memory related parameters (e.g. -l and -L)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:71
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+"nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:75
+msgid ""
+"While this tool technically does not remove debug information from binaries, "
+"it is still skipped when the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable "
+"contains B<nostrip>. This is because B<nostrip> is often used to optimize "
+"build times (e.g. for \"build and test\"-cycles) rather than optimizing for "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:5
+msgid "dh_fixperms - fix permissions of files in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:18
+msgid "B<dh_fixperms> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> is a debhelper program that is responsible for setting the "
+"permissions of files and directories in package build directories to a sane "
+"state -- a state that complies with Debian policy."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:26
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> makes all files in F<usr/share/doc> in the package build "
+"directory (excluding files in the F<examples/> directory) be mode 644. It "
+"also changes the permissions of all man pages to mode 644. It removes group "
+"and other write permission from all files. It removes execute permissions "
+"from any libraries, headers, Perl modules, or desktop files that have it "
+"set. It makes all files in the standard F<bin> and F<sbin> directories, "
+"F<usr/games/> and F<etc/init.d> executable (since v4). Finally, it removes "
+"the setuid and setgid bits from all files in the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:36
+msgid ""
+"When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field has the (effective) value of "
+"I<binary-targets>, B<dh_fixperms> will also reset the ownership of all paths "
+"to \"root:root\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_fixperms:44
+msgid "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude> I<item>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:46
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from having "
+"their permissions changed. You may use this option multiple times to build "
+"up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:5
+msgid "dh_gencontrol - generate and install control file"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:18
+msgid "B<dh_gencontrol> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_gencontrol> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+"control files, and installing them into the I<DEBIAN> directory with the "
+"proper permissions."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:26
+msgid ""
+"This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>, which calls "
+"it once for each package being acted on (plus related dbgsym packages), and "
+"passes in some additional useful flags."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:30
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that if you use B<dh_gencontrol>, you must also use "
+"L<dh_builddeb(1)> to build the packages. Otherwise, your build may fail to "
+"build as B<dh_gencontrol> (via L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>) declares which "
+"packages are built. As debhelper automatically generates dbgsym packages, "
+"it some times adds additional packages, which will be built by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:44
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_gencontrol:46
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-gencontrol-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:48
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>. It is "
+"deprecated; use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:5
+msgid "dh_icons - Update caches of Freedesktop icons"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:18
+msgid "B<dh_icons> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_icons> is a debhelper program that updates caches of Freedesktop icons "
+"when needed, using the B<update-icon-caches> program provided by GTK+2.12. "
+"Currently this program does not handle installation of the files, though it "
+"may do so at a later date, so should be run after icons are installed in the "
+"package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:28
+msgid ""
+"It takes care of adding maintainer script fragments to call "
+"B<update-icon-caches> for icon directories. (This is not done for gnome and "
+"hicolor icons, as those are handled by triggers.) These commands are "
+"inserted into the maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_icons:37 dh_installcatalogs:60 dh_installdebconf:68 dh_installemacsen:60
+#: dh_installinit:81 dh_installinitramfs:47 dh_installmenu:48
+#: dh_installmodules:45 dh_installwm:51 dh_makeshlibs:147 dh_usrlocal:54
+msgid "B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:39
+msgid "Do not modify maintainer scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:77
+msgid "L<debhelper>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:83
+msgid ""
+"Ross Burton <> Jordi Mallach <> Josselin "
+"Mouette <>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:5
+msgid "dh_install - install files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--autodest>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> is a debhelper program that handles installing files into "
+"package build directories. There are many B<dh_install>I<*> commands that "
+"handle installing specific types of files such as documentation, examples, "
+"man pages, and so on, and they should be used when possible as they often "
+"have extra intelligence for those particular tasks. B<dh_install>, then, is "
+"useful for installing everything else, for which no particular intelligence "
+"is needed. It is a replacement for the old B<dh_movefiles> command."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:29
+msgid ""
+"This program may be used in one of two ways. If you just have a file or two "
+"that the upstream Makefile does not install for you, you can run "
+"B<dh_install> on them to move them into place. On the other hand, maybe you "
+"have a large package that builds multiple binary packages. You can use the "
+"upstream F<Makefile> to install it all into F<debian/tmp>, and then use "
+"B<dh_install> to copy directories and files from there into the proper "
+"package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:36
+msgid ""
+"From debhelper compatibility level 7 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+"looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current "
+"directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.install"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:46
+msgid ""
+"List the files to install into each package and the directory they should be "
+"installed to. The format is a set of lines, where each line lists a file or "
+"files to install, and at the end of the line tells the directory it should "
+"be installed in. The name of the files (or directories) to install should be "
+"given relative to the current directory, while the installation directory is "
+"given relative to the package build directory. You may use wildcards in the "
+"names of the files to install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:54
+msgid ""
+"Note that if you list exactly one filename or wildcard-pattern on a line by "
+"itself, with no explicit destination, then B<dh_install> will automatically "
+"guess the destination to use, the same as if the --autodest option were "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:62
+msgid "debian/not-installed"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:64
+msgid ""
+"Used with the deprecated B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> options. "
+"Please refer to L<dh_missing(1)> for the documentation of this file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:73
+msgid "B<--list-missing>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:75
+msgid ""
+"B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --list-missing> instead. If you use "
+"this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it "
+"has processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the "
+"documentation of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:82
+msgid "B<--fail-missing>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:84
+msgid ""
+"B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --fail-missing> instead. If you use "
+"this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it "
+"has processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the "
+"documentation of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:91 dh_installdirs:62 dh_installdocs:114 dh_installexamples:57
+#: dh_installinfo:50 dh_installman:100 dh_movefiles:45
+msgid "B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:93
+msgid "Look in the specified directory for files to be installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:95
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+"compatibility level 7 and above."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:100
+msgid "B<--autodest>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:102
+msgid ""
+"Guess as the destination directory to install things to. If this is "
+"specified, you should not list destination directories in "
+"F<debian/package.install> files or on the command line. Instead, "
+"B<dh_install> will guess as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:107
+msgid ""
+"Strip off F<debian/tmp> (or the sourcedir if one is given) from the front of "
+"the filename, if it is present, and install into the dirname of the "
+"filename. So if the filename is F<debian/tmp/usr/bin>, then that directory "
+"will be copied to F<debian/package/usr/>. If the filename is "
+"F<debian/tmp/etc/passwd>, it will be copied to F<debian/package/etc/>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:113
+msgid "I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:115
+msgid ""
+"Lists files (or directories) to install and where to install them to. The "
+"files will be installed into the first package F<dh_install> acts on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:334
+msgid "Here are some small examples of configuration files for dh_install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:336
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install my-prog into usr/bin (as \"usr/bin/my-prog\")\n"
+" my-prog usr/bin\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:339
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a plugins directory into usr/share/my-prog\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/plugins/\")\n"
+" plugins usr/share/my-prog\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:343
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a file with spaces in into usr/share/my-prog/data\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/data/my datafile with spaces.txt\")\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" my${Space}datafile${Space}with${Space}spaces.txt "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:348
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a library into the multi-arch lib directory\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" build/output/libfrop*.so.* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_install:352
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:354
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> cannot rename files or directories, it can only install them "
+"with the names they already have into wherever you want in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:358
+msgid ""
+"However, renaming can be achieved by using B<dh-exec> with compatibility "
+"level 9 or later. An example debian/I<package>.install file using "
+"B<dh-exec> could look like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:362
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" #!/usr/bin/dh-exec\n"
+" debian/default.conf => /etc/my-package/start.conf\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:365
+msgid "Please remember the following three things:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:369
+msgid ""
+"* The package must be using compatibility level 9 or later (see "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:371
+msgid "* The package will need a build-dependency on dh-exec."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:373
+msgid "* The install file must be marked as executable."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:5
+msgid "dh_installcatalogs - install and register SGML Catalogs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:19
+msgid "B<dh_installcatalogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installcatalogs> is a debhelper program that installs and registers "
+"SGML catalogs. It complies with the Debian XML/SGML policy."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:26
+msgid ""
+"Catalogs will be registered in a supercatalog, in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:29
+msgid ""
+"This command automatically adds maintainer script snippets for registering "
+"and unregistering the catalogs and supercatalogs (unless B<-n> is "
+"used). These snippets are inserted into the maintainer scripts and the "
+"B<triggers> file by B<dh_installdeb>; see L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an "
+"explanation of Debhelper maintainer script snippets."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:36
+msgid ""
+"A dependency on B<sgml-base> will be added to B<${misc:Depends}>, so be sure "
+"your package uses that variable in F<debian/control>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcatalogs:43
+msgid "debian/I<package>.sgmlcatalogs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:45
+msgid ""
+"Lists the catalogs to be installed per package. Each line in that file "
+"should be of the form C<I<source> I<dest>>, where I<source> indicates where "
+"the catalog resides in the source tree, and I<dest> indicates the "
+"destination location for the catalog under the package build area. I<dest> "
+"should start with F</usr/share/sgml/>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:62
+msgid ""
+"Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts nor add an activation "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:69 dh_installemacsen:77 dh_installinit:206
+#: dh_installmodules:59 dh_installudev:52 dh_installwm:68 dh_usrlocal:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+"instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:132
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/sgml-base-doc/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:136
+msgid "Adam Di Carlo <>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:5
+msgid "dh_installchangelogs - install changelogs into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[B<--no-trim>] [I<upstream>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing changelogs into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:25
+msgid ""
+"An upstream F<changelog> file may be specified as an option. If none is "
+"specified, B<dh_installchangelogs> may look for files with names that seem "
+"likely to be changelogs as described in the next paragraphs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:29
+msgid ""
+"In non-native packages, B<dh_installchangelogs> will first look for "
+"changelog files installed by the upstream build system into F<< "
+"usr/share/doc/I<package> >> (of the package build directory) and rename the "
+"most likely candidate (if any) to F<< usr/share/doc/I<package>/changelog "
+">>. Note that B<dh_installchangelogs> does I<not> look into any source "
+"directory (such as F<debian/tmp>). Otherwise, B<dh_installchangelogs> (at "
+"compatibility level 7 or any later) will look for changelog files in the "
+"source directory (e.g. the root or the F<docs> subdirectory). It will look "
+"for F<changelog>, F<changes> and F<history> optionally with common "
+"extensions (such as F<.txt>, F<.md> and F<.rst>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:41
+msgid ""
+"If a changelog file is specified and is an F<html> file (determined by file "
+"extension), it will be installed as F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog.html> "
+"instead. If the html changelog is converted to plain text, that variant can "
+"be specified as a second parameter. When no plain text variant is specified, "
+"a short F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog> is generated, pointing readers at "
+"the html changelog file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:48
+msgid ""
+"The B<debchange>-style Debian changelogs are trimmed to include only entries "
+"more recent than the release date of I<oldstable>. No trimming will be "
+"performed if the B<--no-trim> option is passed or if the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<notrimdch>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:57
+msgid "F<debian/changelog>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:59
+msgid "F<debian/NEWS>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:61
+msgid "debian/I<package>.changelog"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:63
+msgid "debian/I<package>.NEWS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:65
+msgid ""
+"Automatically installed into usr/share/doc/I<package>/ in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:68
+msgid ""
+"Use the package specific name if I<package> needs a different F<NEWS> or "
+"F<changelog> file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:71
+msgid ""
+"The F<changelog> file is installed with a name of changelog for native "
+"packages, and F<changelog.Debian> for non-native packages. The F<NEWS> file "
+"is always installed with a name of F<NEWS.Debian>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:83
+msgid ""
+"Keep the original name of the upstream changelog. This will be accomplished "
+"by installing the upstream changelog as F<changelog>, and making a symlink "
+"from that to the original name of the F<changelog> file. This can be useful "
+"if the upstream changelog has an unusual name, or if other documentation in "
+"the package refers to the F<changelog> file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:91
+msgid ""
+"Exclude upstream F<changelog> files that contain I<item> anywhere in their "
+"filename from being installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:94
+msgid "Note that directory name of the changelog is also part of the match."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:96
+msgid "B<--no-trim>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:98
+msgid ""
+"Install the full changelog, not its trimmed version that includes only "
+"recent entries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:101
+msgid "I<upstream>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:103
+msgid "Install this file as the upstream changelog."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:5
+msgid "dh_installcron - install cron scripts into etc/cron.*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:17
+msgid "B<dh_installcron> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installcron> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"cron scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.daily"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:30
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.weekly"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.monthly"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.yearly"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:36
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.hourly"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.d"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:40
+msgid ""
+"Installed into the appropriate F<etc/cron.*/> directory in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:49 dh_installifupdown:46 dh_installinit:174
+#: dh_installlogcheck:49 dh_installlogrotate:29 dh_installmodules:49
+#: dh_installpam:42 dh_installppp:42 dh_installudev:38 dh_systemd_enable:94
+msgid "B<--name=>I<name>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:51
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as "
+"F<etc/cron.*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them as "
+"the package name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:5
+msgid "dh_installdeb - install files into the DEBIAN directory"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:17
+msgid "B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files into the F<DEBIAN> directories in package build directories with the "
+"correct permissions."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:29
+msgid "I<package>.postinst"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:31
+msgid "I<package>.preinst"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:33
+msgid "I<package>.postrm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:35
+msgid "I<package>.prerm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:37
+msgid "These maintainer scripts are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:39
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> will perform substitution of known tokens of the pattern "
+"B<#TOKEN#>. In generally, scripts will want to include the B<#DEBHELPER#> "
+"to benefit from the shell scripts generated by debhelper commands (including "
+"those from B<dh_installdeb> when it processes I<package>.maintscript files)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:45
+msgid ""
+"The B<#DEBHELPER#> token should be placed on its own line as it is often "
+"replaced by a multi-line shell script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:48
+msgid "I<package>.triggers"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:50
+msgid "I<package>.shlibs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:52
+msgid "These control files are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:54
+msgid ""
+"Note that I<package>.shlibs is only installed in compat level 9 and "
+"earlier. In compat 10, please use L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:57
+msgid "I<package>.conffiles"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:59
+msgid ""
+"This file will be installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory. The provided file "
+"will be enriched by debhelper to include all the B<conffiles> auto-detected "
+"by debhelper (the maintainer should not list there as debhelper assumes it "
+"should handle that part)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:64
+msgid ""
+"This file is primarily useful for using \"special\" entries such as the B<< "
+"remove-on-upgrade >> feature from dpkg."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:67
+msgid "I<package>.maintscript"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:69
+msgid ""
+"Lines in this file correspond to L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)> commands and "
+"parameters. However, the \"maint-script-parameters\" should I<not> be "
+"included as debhelper will add those automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:73
+msgid "Example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:75
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Correct\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo -- \"$@\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:80
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 or later, any shell metacharacters will be escaped, so "
+"arbitrary shell code cannot be inserted here. For example, a line such as "
+"C<mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/newconffile> will insert maintainer "
+"script snippets into all maintainer scripts sufficient to move that "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:86
+msgid ""
+"It was also the intention to escape shell metacharacters in previous compat "
+"levels. However, it did not work properly and as such it was possible to "
+"embed arbitrary shell code in earlier compat levels."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:90
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do some basic validation of some of the "
+"commands listed in this file to catch common mistakes. The validation is "
+"enabled as a warning since compat 10 and as a hard error in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:95
+msgid ""
+"Where possible, B<dh_installdeb> may choose to rewrite some or all of the "
+"entries into equivalent features supported in dpkg without relying on "
+"maintainer scripts at its sole discretion (examples include rewriting "
+"B<rm_conffile> into dpkg's B<remove-on-upgrade>). The minimum requirement "
+"for activating this feature is that debhelper runs in compat 10 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:111 dh_installdebconf:76
+msgid "B<-D>I<TOKEN=VALUE>, B<--define> I<TOKEN=VALUE>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:113 dh_installdebconf:78
+msgid ""
+"Define tokens to be replaced inside the maintainer scripts when it is "
+"generated. Please note that the limitations described in L</Limitations in "
+"token names> also applies to tokens defined on the command line. Invalid "
+"token names will trigger an error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:118 dh_installdebconf:83
+msgid ""
+"In the simple case, this parameter will cause B<< #I<TOKEN># >> to be "
+"replaced by I<VALUE>. If I<VALUE> starts with a literal I<@>-sign, then "
+"I<VALUE> is expected to point to a file containing the actual value to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:123 dh_installdebconf:88
+msgid "An explicit declared token with this parameter will replace built-in tokens."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:126 dh_installdebconf:91
+msgid "Test examples to aid with the understanding:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:128
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:135 dh_installdebconf:100
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#SIMPLE#> will expand to B<direct> and B<#FILEBASED#> "
+"will expand to B<Complex value>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:138
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. This "
+"is useful when B<dh_installdeb> is acting on multiple packages that need "
+"different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the token "
+"name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:143 dh_installdebconf:108
+msgid "This can be used as in the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:145
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdeb -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define "
+" \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:160
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in "
+"F<debian/foo.postinst>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.postinst> and "
+"to B<unique-baz-value> in F<debian/baz.postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:164
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. "
+"E.g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.postinst> and "
+"it will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_installdeb:170 dh_installdebconf:135
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:172
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> will automatically replace the following tokens inside "
+"a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:177
+msgid "#DEBHELPER#"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:179
+msgid ""
+"This token is by default replaced with generated shell snippets debhelper "
+"commands. This includes the snippets generated by B<dh_installdeb> from "
+"I<package>.maintscript file (if present)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:183 dh_installdebconf:142
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:185 dh_installdebconf:144
+msgid ""
+"These tokens are replaced with the respective variable from "
+"L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. In almost all cases, you will want use the B<< "
+"#DEB_HOST_I<NAME> >> variant in a script to ensure you get the right value "
+"when cross-building."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:190 dh_installdebconf:149
+msgid ""
+"On a best effort, tokens of this pattern that do not match a variable in "
+"L<dpkg-architecture(1)> will be left as-is."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:193 dh_installdebconf:152
+msgid "#ENV.I<NAME>#"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:195 dh_installdebconf:154
+msgid ""
+"These tokens of this form will be replaced with value of the corresponding "
+"environment variable. If the environment variable is unset, the token is "
+"replaced with the empty string."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:200 dh_installdebconf:159
+msgid ""
+"Note that there are limits on which names can be used (see L</Limitations in "
+"token names>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:203 dh_installdebconf:162
+msgid "#PACKAGE#"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:205 dh_installdebconf:164
+msgid ""
+"This token is by default replaced by the package name, which will contain "
+"the concrete script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh_installdeb:210 dh_installdebconf:169
+msgid "Limitations in token names"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:212 dh_installdebconf:171
+msgid ""
+"All tokens intended to be substituted must match the regex: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:214
+msgid ""
+"Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the "
+"script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will "
+"cause B<dh_installdeb> to reject the command with an error in most cases."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installdebconf - install files used by debconf in package build "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:17
+msgid "B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing files used by debconf into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:24
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postrm> commands needed to interface "
+"with debconf. The commands are added to the maintainer scripts by "
+"B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how that "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:29
+msgid ""
+"Note that if you use debconf, your package probably needs to depend on it "
+"(it will be added to B<${misc:Depends}> by this program)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:32
+msgid ""
+"Note that for your config script to be called by B<dpkg>, your F<postinst> "
+"needs to source debconf's confmodule. B<dh_installdebconf> does not install "
+"this statement into the F<postinst> automatically as it is too hard to do it "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:41
+msgid "debian/I<package>.config"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:43
+msgid ""
+"This is the debconf F<config> script, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN> "
+"directory in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:46
+msgid ""
+"Inside the script, the token B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell script "
+"snippets generated by other debhelper commands."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:49
+msgid "debian/I<package>.templates"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:51
+msgid ""
+"This is the debconf F<templates> file, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN> "
+"directory in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:54
+msgid "F<debian/po/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:56
+msgid ""
+"If this directory is present, this program will automatically use "
+"L<po2debconf(1)> to generate merged templates files that include the "
+"translations from there."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:60
+msgid "For this to work, your package should build-depend on F<po-debconf>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:70
+msgid "Do not modify F<postrm> script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:74
+msgid "Pass the params to B<po2debconf>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdebconf:93
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/config <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:103
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. This "
+"is useful when B<dh_installdebconf> is acting on multiple packages that need "
+"different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the token "
+"name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdebconf:110
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdebconf -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define "
+" \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:125
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in "
+"F<debian/foo.config>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.config> and to "
+"B<unique-baz-value> in F<debian/baz.config>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:129
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. "
+"E.g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.config> and it "
+"will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:137
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdebconf> will automatically replace the following tokens "
+"inside a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:173
+msgid ""
+"Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the "
+"script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will "
+"cause B<dh_installdebconf> to reject the command with an error in most "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:5
+msgid "dh_installdirs - create subdirectories in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[B<--create-in-sourcedir>] [S<I<dir> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for creating "
+"subdirectories in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:24
+msgid ""
+"Many packages can get away with omitting the call to B<dh_installdirs> "
+"completely. Notably, other B<dh_*> commands are expected to create "
+"directories as needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.dirs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:34
+msgid "Lists directories to be created in I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:36
+msgid ""
+"Generally, there is no need to list directories created by the upstream "
+"build system or directories needed by other B<debhelper> commands."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:51
+msgid ""
+"Create any directories specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+"acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:54
+msgid "B<--create-in-sourcedir>, B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:56
+msgid ""
+"Whether to create the specified directories in the source directory (usually "
+"F<debian/tmp>) I<in addition to> in the package build directory (usually F<< "
+"debian/I<package> >>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:60
+msgid "The default is B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:64
+msgid ""
+"Consider I<dir> the source directory for the packages acted on instead of "
+"the default (which is usually F<debian/tmp>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:67
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this option is dependent on the B<--create-in-sourcedir> "
+"option (when B<--no-create-in-sourcedir> is in effect, this option does "
+"nothing in B<dh_installdirs>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:71
+msgid "I<dir> ..."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:73
+msgid ""
+"Create these directories in the package build directory of the first package "
+"acted on. (Or in all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:7
+msgid "dh_installdocs - install documentation into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"documentation into F<usr/share/doc/package> in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:26
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 and earlier, L<dh_install(1)> may be a better tool for handling "
+"the upstream documentation, when upstream's own build system installs all "
+"the desired documentation correctly. In this case, B<dh_installdocs> is "
+"still useful for installing packaging related documentation (e.g. the "
+"F<debian/copyright> file)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:31 dh_installexamples:27 dh_installinfo:24 dh_installman:69
+msgid ""
+"From debhelper compatibility level 11 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+"looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current "
+"directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:35
+msgid ""
+"In compat 11 and later, B<dh_installdocs> offers many of the features that "
+"L<dh_install(1)> also has. Furthermore, B<dh_installdocs> also supports the "
+"B<nodoc> build profile to exclude documentation (regardless of compat "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.docs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:46
+msgid "List documentation files to be installed into I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:51
+msgid "F<debian/copyright>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:53
+msgid ""
+"The copyright file is installed into all packages, unless a more specific "
+"copyright file is available."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:56
+msgid "debian/I<package>.copyright"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:58
+msgid "debian/I<package>.README.Debian"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:60
+msgid "debian/I<package>.TODO"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:62
+msgid "Each of these files is automatically installed if present for a I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:65
+msgid "F<debian/README.Debian>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:67
+msgid "F<debian/TODO>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:69
+msgid ""
+"These files are installed into the first binary package listed in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:72
+msgid ""
+"Note that F<README.debian> files are also installed as F<README.Debian>, and "
+"F<TODO> files will be installed as F<TODO.Debian> in non-native packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:75
+msgid "debian/I<package>.doc-base"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:77
+msgid ""
+"Installed as doc-base control files. Note that the doc-id will be determined "
+"from the B<Document:> entry in the doc-base control file in question. In the "
+"event that multiple doc-base files in a single source package share the same "
+"doc-id, they will be installed to usr/share/doc-base/package instead of "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:83
+msgid "debian/I<package>.doc-base.*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:85
+msgid ""
+"If your package needs to register more than one document, you need multiple "
+"doc-base files, and can name them like this. In the event that multiple "
+"doc-base files of this style in a single source package share the same "
+"doc-id, they will be installed to usr/share/doc-base/package-* instead of "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:91
+msgid ""
+"Please be aware that this deduplication is currently done in memory only, so "
+"for now it requires B<dh_installdocs> to be called no more than once during "
+"the package build. Calling B<dh_installdocs -p>I<package> in combination "
+"with using F<debian/>I<package>F<.doc-base.*> files can lead to "
+"uninstallable packages. See L<> for details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:106 dh_installinfo:47 dh_installman:92
+msgid ""
+"Install all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:111
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"installed. Note that this includes doc-base files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:116 dh_installexamples:59 dh_installinfo:52 dh_installman:102
+msgid ""
+"Look in the specified directory for files to be installed. This option "
+"requires compat 11 or later (it is silently ignored in compat 10 or "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:119 dh_installman:105
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installman> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+"compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:124 dh_installexamples:67
+msgid "B<--doc-main-package=>I<main-package>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:126 dh_installexamples:69
+msgid ""
+"Set the main package for a documentation package. This is used to install "
+"the documentation of the documentation package in F<< "
+"/usr/share/doc/I<main-package> >> as recommended by the Debian policy manual "
+"3.9.7 in §12.3."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:131 dh_installexamples:74
+msgid ""
+"In compat 11 (or later), this option is only useful if debhelper's "
+"auto-detection of the main package is wrong. The option can also be used to "
+"silence a warning from debhelper when the auto-detection fails but the "
+"default happens to be correct."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:136
+msgid ""
+"This option cannot be used when B<dh_installdocs> is instructed to act on "
+"multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally need to "
+"combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:141
+msgid ""
+"Please keep in mind that some documentation (the copyright file, "
+"README.Debian, etc.) will be unaffected by this option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:144
+msgid "B<--link-doc=>I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:146
+msgid ""
+"Make the documentation directory of all packages acted on be a symlink to "
+"the documentation directory of I<package>. This has no effect when acting on "
+"I<package> itself, or if the documentation directory to be created already "
+"exists when B<dh_installdocs> is run. To comply with policy, I<package> must "
+"be a binary package that comes from the same source package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:152
+msgid ""
+"debhelper will try to avoid installing files into linked documentation "
+"directories that would cause conflicts with the linked package. The B<-A> "
+"option will have no effect on packages with linked documentation "
+"directories, and F<copyright>, F<changelog>, F<README.Debian>, and F<TODO> "
+"files will not be installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:158
+msgid ""
+"(An older method to accomplish the same thing, which is still supported, is "
+"to make the documentation directory of a package be a dangling symlink, "
+"before calling B<dh_installdocs>.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:162
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this option only applies to the documentation directory for "
+"the package itself. When the package ships documentation for another "
+"package (e.g. see B<--doc-main-package>), it will not use a symlink for the "
+"documentation of the other package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:168
+msgid ""
+"B<CAVEAT 1>: If a previous version of the package was built without this "
+"option and is now built with it (or vice-versa), it requires a \"dir to "
+"symlink\" (or \"symlink to dir\") migration. Since debhelper has no "
+"knowledge of previous versions, you have to enable this migration itself."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:174
+msgid ""
+"This can be done by providing a \"debian/I<package>.maintscript\" file and "
+"using L<dh_installdeb(1)> to provide the relevant maintainer script "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:178
+msgid ""
+"B<CAVEAT 2>: The use of B<--link-doc> should only be done when the packages "
+"have same \"architecture\" type. A link from an architecture independent "
+"package to an architecture dependent package (or vice versa) will not work. "
+"Since compat 10, debhelper will actively reject unsupported combinations."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:186
+msgid ""
+"Install these files as documentation into the first package acted on. (Or in "
+"all packages if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:193
+msgid "This is an example of a F<debian/> file:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdocs:195
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" README\n"
+" TODO\n"
+" debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.pdf\n"
+" docs/manual-html/\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:204
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installdocs> will happily copy entire directory hierarchies "
+"if you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to install a "
+"directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:5
+msgid "dh_installemacsen - register an Emacs add on package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing files used by the Debian B<emacsen-common> package into package "
+"build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:25
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<preinst> F<postinst> and F<prerm> "
+"commands needed to register a package as an Emacs add on package. The "
+"commands are added to the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how this works."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-compat"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:36
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/compat/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:39
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-install"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:41
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-remove"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:46
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:49
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-startup"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:51
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/emacs/site-start.d/50I<package>.el in the package build "
+"directory. Use B<--priority> to use a different priority than 50."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:62 dh_usrlocal:56
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:64 dh_installwm:45
+msgid "B<--priority=>I<n>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:66
+msgid "Sets the priority number of a F<site-start.d> file. Default is 50."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:68
+msgid "B<--flavor=>I<foo>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:70
+msgid ""
+"Sets the flavor a F<site-start.d> file will be installed in. Default is "
+"B<emacs>, alternatives include B<xemacs> and B<emacs20>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:140
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L</usr/share/doc/emacsen-common/debian-emacs-policy.gz>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:7
+msgid "dh_installexamples - install example files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing examples into F<usr/share/doc/package/examples> in package build "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installexamples:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.examples"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:37
+msgid "Lists example files or directories to be installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:39
+msgid ""
+"If upstream provides an F<examples> directory, you will often want to use "
+"B<examples/*> rather than B<examples> in this file. The latter would create "
+"F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples/examples >>, which is rarely what you "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:54
+msgid ""
+"Install any files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installexamples> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in "
+"debhelper compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:79
+msgid ""
+"This option cannot be used when B<dh_installexamples> is instructed to act "
+"on multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally need to "
+"combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:86
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:91
+msgid ""
+"Install these files (or directories) as examples into the first package "
+"acted on. (Or into all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:98
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installexamples> will happily copy entire directory "
+"hierarchies if you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to "
+"install a directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:5
+msgid "dh_installifupdown - install if-up and if-down hooks"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:17
+msgid "B<dh_installifupdown> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installifupdown> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing F<if-up>, F<if-down>, F<if-pre-up>, and F<if-post-down> hook "
+"scripts into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:29
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-up"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:31
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-down"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-pre-up"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-post-down"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:37
+msgid ""
+"These files are installed into etc/network/if-*.d/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:48
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as "
+"F<etc/network/if-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing "
+"them as the package name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:5
+msgid "dh_installinfo - install info files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:17
+msgid "B<dh_installinfo> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"info files into F<usr/share/info> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinfo:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.info"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:34
+msgid "List info files to be installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:55
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installinfo> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in "
+"debhelper compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:62
+msgid ""
+"Install these info files into the first package acted on. (Or in all "
+"packages if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:5
+msgid "dh_installinit - install service init files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<-n>] "
+"[B<-R>] [B<-r>] [B<-d>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"init scripts with associated defaults files. In compatibility levels up to "
+"and including 10, B<dh_installinit> will also install some systemd related "
+"files provided by the debian packaging (see the L</FILES> section below). "
+"In compatibility levels up to and including 11, B<dh_installinit> will also "
+"handle upstart jobs provided in the debian packaging (see the L</FILES> for "
+"more information on this as well)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:31
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> and F<prerm> "
+"commands needed to set up the symlinks in F</etc/rc*.d/> to start and stop "
+"the init scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:35
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 or earlier: If a package only ships a systemd service file and "
+"no sysvinit script is provided, you may want to exclude the call to "
+"dh_installinit for that package (e.g. via B<-N>). Otherwise, you may get "
+"warnings from lintian about init.d scripts not being included in the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:45
+msgid "debian/I<package>.init"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:47
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into etc/init.d/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.default"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:52
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into etc/default/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:55
+msgid "debian/I<package>.upstart"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:57
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 11, this file will trigger an error with a reminder "
+"about ensuring the proper removal of the upstart file in the previous "
+"package version. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous upstart files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:62
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 10, if this file exists, it is installed into "
+"etc/init/I<package>.conf in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:65
+msgid "debian/I<package>.service"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:67
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< "
+"lib/systemd/system/I<package>.service >> in the package build "
+"directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and below."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:70 dh_systemd_enable:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.tmpfile"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:72
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in "
+"the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and below."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:83
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:85
+msgid "B<-o>, B<--only-scripts>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:87
+msgid ""
+"Only modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts, do not actually install "
+"any init script, default files, upstart job or systemd service file. May be "
+"useful if the file is shipped and/or installed by upstream in a way that "
+"doesn't make it easy to let B<dh_installinit> find it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:92
+msgid ""
+"B<Caveat>: This will bypass all the regular checks and I<unconditionally> "
+"modify the scripts. You will almost certainly want to use this with B<-p> "
+"to limit, which packages are affected by the call. Example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installinit:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_installinit:\n"
+"\tdh_installinit -pfoo --only-scripts\n"
+"\tdh_installinit --remaining\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:101
+msgid "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:103
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop the init script until after the package upgrade has been "
+"completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:106
+msgid ""
+"In early compat levels, the default was to stop the script in the F<prerm>, "
+"and starts it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:109 dh_systemd_start:45
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful for daemons that should not have a possibly long downtime "
+"during upgrade. But you should make sure that the daemon will not get "
+"confused by the package being upgraded while it's running before using this "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:114 dh_systemd_start:50
+msgid "B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:116 dh_systemd_start:52
+msgid ""
+"Undo a previous B<--restart-after-upgrade> (or the default of compat 10). "
+"If no other options are given, this will cause the service to be stopped in "
+"the F<prerm> script and started again in the F<postinst> script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:121 dh_systemd_start:57
+msgid "B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:123
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop init script on upgrade. This has the side-effect of not "
+"restarting the service as a part of the upgrade."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:126
+msgid ""
+"If you want to restart the service with minimal downtime, please use "
+"B<--restart-after-upgrade> (default in compat 10 or later). If you want the "
+"service to be restarted but be stopped during the upgrade, then please use "
+"B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> (note the \"after-upgrade\")."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:131
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> alias is deprecated and will be "
+"removed in compat 12. This is to avoid confusion with the "
+"B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> option. The B<--no-stop-on-upgrade> variant "
+"was introduced in debhelper 10.2 (included in Debian stretch)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:136 dh_systemd_start:61
+msgid "B<--no-start>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:138
+msgid ""
+"Do not start the init script on install or upgrade, or stop it on removal. "
+"Only call B<update-rc.d>. Useful for rcS scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:141 dh_systemd_enable:86
+msgid "B<--no-enable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:143
+msgid ""
+"Disable the init script on purge, but do not enable them on install. This "
+"implies a versioned dependency on B<< init-system-helpers (E<gt>= 1.51) >> "
+"as it is the first (functional) version that supports B<< update-rc.d "
+"E<lt>scriptE<gt> defaults-disabled >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:148
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are started. "
+"Please remember to also use B<--no-start> if the service should not be "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:152
+msgid ""
+"Cannot be combined with B<-u>I<params>, B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>, or "
+"B<--> I<params>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:155
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--remove-d>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:157
+msgid ""
+"Remove trailing B<d> from the name of the package, and use the result for "
+"the filename the upstart job file is installed as in F<etc/init/> , and for "
+"the filename the init script is installed as in etc/init.d and the default "
+"file is installed as in F<etc/default/>. This may be useful for daemons with "
+"names ending in B<d>. (Note: this takes precedence over the B<--init-script> "
+"parameter described below.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:164
+msgid "B<-u>I<params> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:168
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to L<update-rc.d(8)>. If not specified, B<defaults> (or "
+"B<defaults-disabled> with B<--no-enable>) will be passed to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:172
+msgid "Cannot be combined with B<--no-enable>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:176
+msgid ""
+"Install the init script (and default file) as well as upstart job file using "
+"the filename I<name> instead of the default filename, which is the package "
+"name. When this parameter is used, B<dh_installinit> looks for and installs "
+"files named F<debian/>, F<debian/> and "
+"F<debian/> instead of the usual F<debian/package.init>, "
+"F<debian/package.default> and F<debian/package.upstart>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:184
+msgid "B<--init-script=>I<scriptname>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:186
+msgid ""
+"Use I<scriptname> as the filename the init script is installed as in "
+"F<etc/init.d/> (and also use it as the filename for the defaults file, if it "
+"is installed). If you use this parameter, B<dh_installinit> will look to see "
+"if a file in the F<debian/> directory exists that looks like "
+"F<package.scriptname> and if so will install it as the init script in "
+"preference to the files it normally installs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:193
+msgid ""
+"This parameter is deprecated, use the B<--name> parameter instead. This "
+"parameter is incompatible with the use of upstart jobs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:196
+msgid "B<--error-handler=>I<function>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:198
+msgid ""
+"Call the named shell I<function> if running the init script fails. The "
+"function should be provided in the F<prerm> and F<postinst> scripts, before "
+"the B<#DEBHELPER#> token."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:415
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dh_installsystemd(1)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:423
+msgid "Steve Langasek <>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:425
+msgid "Michael Stapelberg <>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:5
+msgid "dh_installinitramfs - install initramfs hooks and setup maintscripts"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:17
+msgid "B<dh_installinitramfs> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing Debian package provided initramfs hooks."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:24
+msgid ""
+"If B<dh_installinitramfs> installs or detects one or more initramfs hooks in "
+"the package, then it also automatically generates the noawait trigger "
+"B<update-initframfs> command needed to interface with the Debian initramfs "
+"system. This trigger is inserted into the packaging by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinitramfs:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.initramfs-hook"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:36
+msgid ""
+"Assumed to be an initramfs hook that will be installed into F<< "
+"usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/I<package> >> in the package build "
+"directory. See B<HOOK SCRIPTS> in L<initramfs-tools(8)> for more information "
+"about initramfs hooks."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:49
+msgid ""
+"Do not add the B<update-initramfs> trigger even if it seems like the package "
+"might need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical reasons "
+"as B<dh_installinitramfs> would previously generate maintainer scripts that "
+"called B<update-initramfs -u>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:54
+msgid ""
+"Use this option, if you need to interface with the B<update-initramfs> "
+"system that is not satisfied by the noawait trigger (e.g. because you need "
+"the extra guarantees and head-aches of a await trigger)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+"instances of the same text to be added to triggers file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:93
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-initramfs(8)> L<initramfs-tools(8)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:5
+msgid "dh_installlogcheck - install logcheck rulefiles into etc/logcheck/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:17
+msgid "B<dh_installlogcheck> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installlogcheck> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing logcheck rule files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.cracking"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:30
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations.ignore"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.workstation"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:36
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.paranoid"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:40
+msgid ""
+"Each of these files, if present, are installed into corresponding "
+"subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/> in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:51
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them into "
+"the corresponding subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/>, but use the specified "
+"name instead of that of the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installlogcheck:85
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"This program is a part of debhelper.\n"
+" \n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:89
+msgid "Jon Middleton <>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:5
+msgid "dh_installlogrotate - install logrotate config files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:17
+msgid "B<dh_installlogrotate> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installlogrotate> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing logrotate config files into F<etc/logrotate.d> in package build "
+"directories. Files named F<debian/package.logrotate> are installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:31
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/> and install them as "
+"F<etc/logrotate.d/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing "
+"them as the package name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:5
+msgid "dh_installman - install man pages into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:18
+msgid "B<dh_installman> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<manpage> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> is a debhelper program that handles installing man pages "
+"into the correct locations in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:25
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 and earlier, this program was primarily for when upstream's "
+"build system does not properly install them as a part of its install step "
+"(or it does not have an install step). In compat 11 and later, it also "
+"supports the default searchdir plus --sourcedir like dh_install(1) and has "
+"the advantage that it respects the nodoc build profile (unlike "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:32
+msgid ""
+"Even if you prefer to use L<dh_install(1)> for installing the manpages, "
+"B<dh_installman> can still be useful for converting the manpage encoding to "
+"UTF-8 and for converting F<.so> links (as described below). However, that "
+"part happens automatically without any explicit configuration."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:38
+msgid ""
+"You tell B<dh_installman> what man pages go in your packages, and it figures "
+"out where to install them based on the section field in their B<.TH> or "
+"B<.Dt> line. If you have a properly formatted B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line, your "
+"man page will be installed into the right directory, with the right name "
+"(this includes proper handling of pages with a subsection, like B<3perl>, "
+"which are placed in F<man3>, and given an extension of F<.3perl>). If your "
+"B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line is incorrect or missing, the program may guess wrong "
+"based on the file extension."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:47
+msgid ""
+"It also supports translated man pages, by looking for extensions like "
+"F<.ll.8> and F<.ll_LL.8>, or by use of the B<--language> switch."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:50
+msgid ""
+"If B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into the wrong section or "
+"with the wrong extension, this is because the man page has the wrong section "
+"listed in its B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line. Edit the man page and correct the "
+"section, and B<dh_installman> will follow suit. See L<man(7)> for details "
+"about the B<.TH> section, and L<mdoc(7)> for the B<.Dt> section. If "
+"B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into a directory like "
+"F</usr/share/man/pl/man1/>, that is because your program has a name like "
+"F<>, and B<dh_installman> assumes that means it is translated into "
+"Polish. Use B<--language=C> to avoid this."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:60
+msgid ""
+"After the man page installation step, B<dh_installman> will check to see if "
+"any of the man pages in the temporary directories of any of the packages it "
+"is acting on contain F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to symlinks."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:64
+msgid ""
+"Also, B<dh_installman> will use man to guess the character encoding of each "
+"manual page and convert it to UTF-8. If the guesswork fails for some reason, "
+"you can override it using an encoding declaration. See L<manconv(1)> for "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:77
+msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:79
+msgid "Lists man pages to be installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:95
+msgid "B<--language=>I<ll>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:97
+msgid ""
+"Use this to specify that the man pages being acted on are written in the "
+"specified language."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:110
+msgid "I<manpage> ..."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:112
+msgid ""
+"Install these man pages into the first package acted on. (Or in all packages "
+"if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:119
+msgid "An example F<debian/manpages> file could look like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installman:121
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" doc/man/foo.1\n"
+" # Translations\n"
+" doc/man/foo.da.1\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # NB: The following line is considered a polish translation\n"
+" # of \"foo.1\" (and not a manpage written in perl called \"\")\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:133
+msgid ""
+"An older version of this program, L<dh_installmanpages(1)>, is still used by "
+"some packages, and so is still included in debhelper. It is, however, "
+"deprecated, due to its counterintuitive and inconsistent interface. Use this "
+"program instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:5
+msgid "dh_installmanpages - old-style man page installer (deprecated)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:18
+msgid "B<dh_installmanpages> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"automatically installing man pages into F<usr/share/man/> in package build "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:26
+msgid ""
+"This is a DWIM-style program, with an interface unlike the rest of "
+"debhelper. It is deprecated, and you are encouraged to use "
+"L<dh_installman(1)> instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:30
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> scans the current directory and all subdirectories for "
+"filenames that look like man pages. (Note that only real files are looked "
+"at; symlinks are ignored.) It uses L<file(1)> to verify that the files are "
+"in the correct format. Then, based on the files' extensions, it installs "
+"them into the correct man directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:36
+msgid ""
+"All filenames specified as parameters will be skipped by "
+"B<dh_installmanpages>. This is useful if by default it installs some man "
+"pages that you do not want to be installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:40
+msgid ""
+"After the man page installation step, B<dh_installmanpages> will check to "
+"see if any of the man pages are F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:49
+msgid ""
+"Do not install these files as man pages, even if they look like valid man "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_installmanpages:54
+msgid "BUGS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:56
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> will install the man pages it finds into B<all> "
+"packages you tell it to act on, since it can't tell what package the man "
+"pages belong in. This is almost never what you really want (use B<-p> to "
+"work around this, or use the much better L<dh_installman(1)> program "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:61
+msgid "Files ending in F<.man> will be ignored."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:63
+msgid ""
+"Files specified as parameters that contain spaces in their filenames will "
+"not be processed properly."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:5
+msgid "dh_installmenu - install Debian menu files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:17
+msgid "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmenu> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files used by the Debian B<menu> package into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:24
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+"needed to interface with the Debian B<menu> package. These commands are "
+"inserted into the maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmenu:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.menu"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:34
+msgid ""
+"Debian menu files, installed into usr/share/menu/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory. See L<menufile(5)> for its format."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmenu:37
+msgid "debian/I<package>.menu-method"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:39
+msgid ""
+"Debian menu method files, installed into etc/menu-methods/I<package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:50
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:90
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:5
+msgid "dh_installmime - install mime files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:17
+msgid "B<dh_installmime> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmime> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"mime files into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmime:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.mime"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into usr/lib/mime/packages/I<package> in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmime:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.sharedmimeinfo"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:35
+msgid ""
+"Installed into /usr/share/mime/packages/I<package>.xml in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:5
+msgid "dh_installmodules - register kernel modules"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:18
+msgid "B<dh_installmodules> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"registering kernel modules."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:25
+msgid ""
+"Kernel modules are searched for in the package build directory and if found, "
+"F<preinst>, F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands are automatically generated "
+"to run B<depmod> and register the modules when the package is installed. "
+"These commands are inserted into the maintainer scripts by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmodules:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.modprobe"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:37
+msgid "Installed to etc/modprobe.d/I<package>.conf in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:47
+msgid "Do not modify F<preinst>/F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:51
+msgid ""
+"When this parameter is used, B<dh_installmodules> looks for and installs "
+"files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.modprobe instead of the usual "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:5
+msgid "dh_installpam - install pam support files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:17
+msgid "B<dh_installpam> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installpam> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files used by PAM into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installpam:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.pam"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:30
+msgid "Installed into usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:32
+msgid ""
+"Until compatibility level 14 this file was installed under "
+"etc/pam.d/I<package>. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:44
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.pam and install them as "
+"usr/lib/pam.d/I<name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+"using the package name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:5
+msgid "dh_installppp - install ppp ip-up and ip-down files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:17
+msgid "B<dh_installppp> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installppp> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"ppp ip-up and ip-down scripts into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installppp:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-up"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:30
+msgid "Installed into etc/ppp/ip-up.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installppp:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-down"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:34
+msgid "Installed into etc/ppp/ip-down.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:44
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as "
+"F<etc/ppp/ip-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+"as the package name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:5
+msgid "dh_installudev - install udev rules files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installudev> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>] "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installudev> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"B<udev> rules files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installudev:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.udev"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:30
+msgid "Installed into F<lib/udev/rules.d/> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:40
+msgid ""
+"When this parameter is used, B<dh_installudev> looks for and installs files "
+"named debian/I<package>.I<name>.udev instead of the usual "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installudev:44
+msgid "B<--priority=>I<priority>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:46
+msgid "Sets the priority the file. Default is 60."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:5
+msgid "dh_installwm - register a window manager"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+"[S<I<wm> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+"the F<postinst> and F<prerm> commands that register a window manager with "
+"L<update-alternatives(8)>. The window manager's man page is also registered "
+"as a slave symlink (in v6 mode and up). It must be installed in "
+"F<usr/share/man/man1/> in the package build directory prior to calling "
+"B<dh_installwm>. In compat 9 and earlier, the manpage was optional."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installwm:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.wm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:34
+msgid "List window manager programs to register."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:47
+msgid ""
+"Set the priority of the window manager. Default is 20, which is too low for "
+"most window managers; see the Debian Policy document for instructions on "
+"calculating the correct value."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:53
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts. Turns this command into a no-op."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:57
+msgid ""
+"Modify scripts for window managers specified by command line parameters in "
+"ALL packages acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installwm:60
+msgid "I<wm> ..."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:62
+msgid "Window manager programs to register."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:5
+msgid "dh_installxfonts - register X fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:17
+msgid "B<dh_installxfonts> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installxfonts> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"registering X fonts, so their corresponding F<fonts.dir>, F<fonts.alias>, "
+"and F<fonts.scale> be rebuilt properly at install time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:25
+msgid ""
+"Before calling this program, you should have installed any X fonts provided "
+"by your package into the appropriate location in the package build "
+"directory, and if you have F<fonts.alias> or F<fonts.scale> files, you "
+"should install them into the correct location under F<etc/X11/fonts> in your "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:31
+msgid ""
+"Your package should depend on B<xfonts-utils> so that the "
+"B<update-fonts->I<*> commands are available. (This program adds that "
+"dependency to B<${misc:Depends}>.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:35
+msgid ""
+"This program automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+"needed to register X fonts. These commands are inserted into the maintainer "
+"scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of "
+"how this works."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:42
+msgid ""
+"See L<update-fonts-alias(8)>, L<update-fonts-scale(8)>, and "
+"L<update-fonts-dir(8)> for more information about X font installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:45
+msgid ""
+"See Debian policy, section 11.8.5. for details about doing fonts the Debian "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:5
+msgid "dh_link - create symlinks in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<source "
+"destination> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> is a debhelper program that creates symlinks in package build "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:25
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> accepts a list of pairs of source and destination files. The "
+"source files are the already existing files that will be symlinked from "
+"(called B<target> by L<ln(1)>). The destination files are the symlinks that "
+"will be created (called B<link name> by L<ln(1)>). There B<must> be an equal "
+"number of source and destination files specified."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:32
+msgid ""
+"Be sure you B<do> specify the absolute path to both the source and "
+"destination files (unlike you would do if you were using something like "
+"L<ln(1)>). Please note that the leading slash is optional."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:36
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> will generate symlinks that comply with Debian policy - absolute "
+"when policy says they should be absolute, and relative links with as short a "
+"path as possible. It will also create any subdirectories it needs to put the "
+"symlinks in."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:41
+msgid "Any pre-existing destination files will be replaced with symlinks."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:43
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> also scans the package build tree for existing symlinks which do "
+"not conform to Debian policy, and corrects them (v4 or later)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_link:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.links"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:52
+msgid ""
+"Lists pairs of source and destination files to be symlinked. Each pair "
+"should be put on its own line, with the source and destination separated by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:56
+msgid ""
+"In each pair the source file (called B<target> by L<ln(1)>) comes first and "
+"is followed by the destination file (called B<link name> by L<ln(1)>). Thus "
+"the pairs of source and destination files in each line are given in the same "
+"order as they would be given to L<ln(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:61
+msgid ""
+"In contrast to L<ln(1)>, source and destination paths must be absolute (the "
+"leading slash is optional)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:75
+msgid ""
+"Create any links specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+"on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:80
+msgid ""
+"Exclude symlinks that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"corrected to comply with Debian policy."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_link:83
+msgid "I<source destination> ..."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:85
+msgid ""
+"Create a file named I<destination> as a link to a file named I<source>. Do "
+"this in the package build directory of the first package acted on. (Or in "
+"all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:93
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_link usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:95
+msgid "Make F<bar.1> be a symlink to F<foo.1>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:100
+msgid ""
+"Make F</usr/lib/foo/> be a link to F</var/lib/foo/>, and F<bar.1> be a "
+"symlink to the F<foo.1>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:103
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:106
+msgid "Same as above but as content for a debian/I<package>.links file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:5
+msgid "dh_lintian - install lintian override files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:17
+msgid "B<dh_lintian> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_lintian> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"override files used by lintian into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_lintian:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.lintian-overrides"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into usr/share/lintian/overrides/I<package> in the package build "
+"directory. This file is used to suppress erroneous lintian diagnostics."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_lintian:34
+msgid "F<debian/source/lintian-overrides>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:36
+msgid ""
+"These files are not installed, but will be scanned by lintian to provide "
+"overrides for the source package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:66
+msgid "L<lintian(1)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:70
+msgid "Steve Robbins <>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:5
+msgid "dh_listpackages - list binary packages debhelper will act on"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:17
+msgid "B<dh_listpackages> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_listpackages> is a debhelper program that outputs a list of all binary "
+"packages debhelper commands will act on. If you pass it some options, it "
+"will change the list to match the packages other debhelper commands would "
+"act on if passed the same options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:26
+msgid "Packages are listed in the order they appear in F<debian/control>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:5
+msgid "dh_makeshlibs - automatically create shlibs file and call dpkg-gensymbols"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-m>I<major>] "
+"[B<-V>I<[dependencies]>] [B<-n>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> is a debhelper program that automatically scans for shared "
+"libraries, and generates a shlibs file for the libraries it finds."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:24
+msgid ""
+"It will also ensure that ldconfig is invoked during install and removal when "
+"it finds shared libraries. Since debhelper 9.20151004, this is done via a "
+"dpkg trigger. In older versions of debhelper, B<dh_makeshlibs> would "
+"generate a maintainer script for this purpose."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:29
+msgid ""
+"Since debhelper 12.3, B<dh_makeshlibs> will by default add an additional "
+"I<udeb> line for udebs in the shlibs file, when the udeb has the same name "
+"as the deb followed by a \"-udeb\" suffix (e.g. if the deb is called "
+"\"libfoo1\", then debhelper will auto-detect the udeb if it is named "
+"\"libfoo1-udeb\"). Please use the B<--add-udeb> and B<--no-add-udeb> options "
+"below when this auto-detection is insufficient."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:36
+msgid ""
+"If you previously used B<--add-udeb> and are considering to migrate to using "
+"the new auto-detection feature in 12.3, then please remember to test that "
+"the resulting F<DEBIAN/shlibs> files are as expected. There are some known "
+"corner cases, where the auto-detection is insufficient. These include when "
+"the udeb contains library files from multiple regular deb packages or when "
+"the packages do not follow the expected naming convention."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:48
+msgid "debian/I<package>.shlibs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:50
+msgid ""
+"Installs this file, if present, into the package as DEBIAN/shlibs. If "
+"omitted, debhelper will generate a shlibs file automatically if it detects "
+"any libraries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:54
+msgid ""
+"Note in compat levels 9 and earlier, this file was installed by "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> rather than B<dh_makeshlibs>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:57
+msgid "debian/I<package>.symbols"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:59
+msgid "debian/I<package>.symbols.I<arch>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:61
+msgid ""
+"These symbols files, if present, are passed to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> to be "
+"processed and installed. Use the I<arch> specific names if you need to "
+"provide different symbols files for different architectures."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:71
+msgid "B<-m>I<major>, B<--major=>I<major>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:73
+msgid ""
+"Instead of trying to guess the major number of the library with objdump, use "
+"the major number specified after the -m parameter. This is much less useful "
+"than it used to be, back in the bad old days when this program looked at "
+"library filenames rather than using objdump."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:78
+msgid "B<-V>, B<-V>I<dependencies>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:80
+msgid "B<--version-info>, B<--version-info=>I<dependencies>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:82
+msgid ""
+"If a shlibs file is generated by this program, this option controls what "
+"version will be used in the dependency relation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:85
+msgid ""
+"In compat 12 and later, B<dh_makeshlibs> defaults to B<-VUpstream-Version>. "
+"In compat 11 and earlier the default behaved like B<-VNone>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:88
+msgid "The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool can generate dependencies in three variants:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:92
+msgid "B<-VUpstream-Version>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:94
+msgid ""
+"The dependency will be \"I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= I<packageversion>B<)>\". "
+"Note that I<Upstream-Version> is case-sensitive and must be written exactly "
+"as shown here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:98
+msgid ""
+"This is a conservative setting that always ensures that other packages' "
+"shared library dependencies are at least as tight as they need to be (unless "
+"the library is prone to changing ABI without updating the upstream version "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:103
+msgid ""
+"The flip side is that packages might end up with dependencies that are too "
+"tight in some cases (note a symbols file can mitigate this issue). This is "
+"often of minor temporary inconvenience and usually a lot better than the "
+"fall out caused by forgetting to bump the dependency information."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:109
+msgid ""
+"This explicit form was added in debhelper/11.3. In previous versions, a "
+"B<-V> without any dependency information was used instead (and that form "
+"still works)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:113
+msgid "B<-VNone>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:115
+msgid ""
+"The dependency will be \"I<packagename>\". Note that I<None> is "
+"case-sensitive and must be written exactly as shown here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:118
+msgid ""
+"This form is generally unsafe with the only exception being if upstream does "
+"not extend the ABI in any way. However, most upstreams improve their "
+"interfaces over time and packagers are recommended to use "
+"B<-VUpstream-Version> (or one of the other forms of B<-V>I<dependencies>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:123
+msgid ""
+"Alternatively, this may be sufficient if (and only if) the package uses "
+"symbol versioning (see L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>) and does I<not> build any udeb "
+"packages. Note that symbols are not supported for udeb packages, which "
+"solely relies on shlibs for dependency handling."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:128
+msgid "B<-V>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:130
+msgid ""
+"In this case, the value passed to B<-V> will be used as a dependency "
+"relation. The I<package-relation> should generally be of the form "
+"\"I<some-package-name> B<(E<gt>>= I<some-package-version>B<)>\". Remember "
+"to include the package name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:135
+msgid ""
+"Note that debhelper will use the value I<as it is> with no sanity checking "
+"or modification. In I<rare special> cases, this is needed to generate a "
+"dependency on a different package than the one containing the library."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:142
+msgid ""
+"When choosing a value for this option, please keep mind that if the package "
+"provides a symbols file, then that this is generally preferred over the "
+"shlibs file for regular .deb packages. See L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> for more "
+"information on this topic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:149
+msgid ""
+"Do not add the \"ldconfig\" trigger even if it seems like the package might "
+"need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical reasons as "
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> would previously generate maintainer scripts that called "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:156
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename or directory "
+"from being treated as shared libraries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:159
+msgid "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:161
+msgid ""
+"Create an additional line for udebs in the shlibs file and use I<udeb> as "
+"the package name for udebs to depend on instead of the regular library "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:164
+msgid ""
+"This option is only useful for special cases such as when debhelper cannot "
+"auto-detect package name of the udeb package, when the udeb will contain "
+"libraries from multiple deb packages, or when the udeb contains libraries "
+"B<not> present in the deb package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:169
+msgid "B<--no-add-udeb>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:171
+msgid ""
+"Do not add any udeb lines to the shlibs file. This can be used to disable "
+"the default auto-detection of udebs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:174
+msgid ""
+"This may be useful in case you do not want a shlibs file at all for the udeb "
+"because no package will depend on it. E.g. because adding a udeb package "
+"for the library was \"overkill\" and the library is embedded in a different "
+"udeb package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:181
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:189
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -VNone>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:191
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Assuming this is a package named F<libfoobar1>, generates a shlibs file "
+"looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:195
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -VUpstream-Version>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:197
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Assuming the current version of the package is 1.1-3, generates a shlibs\n"
+"file that looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.1)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:201
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -V 'libfoobar1 (E<gt>= 1.0)'>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:203
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Generates a shlibs file that looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:5
+msgid "dh_md5sums - generate DEBIAN/md5sums file"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-x>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating a "
+"F<DEBIAN/md5sums> file, which lists the md5sums of each file in the "
+"package. These files are used by B<dpkg --verify> or the L<debsums(1)> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:26
+msgid ""
+"All files in F<DEBIAN/> are omitted from the F<md5sums> file, as are all "
+"conffiles (unless you use the B<--include-conffiles> switch)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:29
+msgid "The md5sums file is installed with proper permissions and ownerships."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_md5sums:35
+msgid "B<-x>, B<--include-conffiles>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:37
+msgid ""
+"Include conffiles in the md5sums list. Note that this information is "
+"redundant since it is included in F</var/lib/dpkg/status> in Debian "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:42
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"listed in the md5sums file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:5
+msgid "dh_movefiles - move files out of debian/tmp into subpackages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for moving files "
+"out of F<debian/tmp> or some other directory and into other package build "
+"directories. This may be useful if your package has a F<Makefile> that "
+"installs everything into F<debian/tmp>, and you need to break that up into "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:26
+msgid ""
+"Note: B<dh_install> is a much better program, and you are recommended to use "
+"it instead of B<dh_movefiles>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_movefiles:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:35
+msgid ""
+"Lists the files to be moved into a package, separated by whitespace. The "
+"filenames listed should be relative to F<debian/tmp/>. You can also list "
+"directory names, and the whole directory will be moved."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:47
+msgid ""
+"Instead of moving files out of F<debian/tmp> (the default), this option "
+"makes it move files out of some other directory. Since the entire contents "
+"of the sourcedir is moved, specifying something like B<--sourcedir=/> is "
+"very unsafe, so to prevent mistakes, the sourcedir must be a relative "
+"filename; it cannot begin with a `B</>'."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_movefiles:53
+msgid "B<-Xitem>, B<--exclude=item>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:55
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain B<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:60
+msgid ""
+"Lists files to move. The filenames listed should be relative to "
+"F<debian/tmp/>. You can also list directory names, and the whole directory "
+"will be moved. It is an error to list files here unless you use B<-p>, "
+"B<-i>, or B<-a> to tell B<dh_movefiles> which subpackage to put them in."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:69
+msgid ""
+"Note that files are always moved out of F<debian/tmp> by default (even if "
+"you have instructed debhelper to use a compatibility level higher than one, "
+"which does not otherwise use debian/tmp for anything at all). The idea "
+"behind this is that the package that is being built can be told to install "
+"into F<debian/tmp>, and then files can be moved by B<dh_movefiles> from that "
+"directory. Any files or directories that remain are ignored, and get deleted "
+"by B<dh_clean> later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:5
+msgid "dh_perl - calculates Perl dependencies and cleans up after MakeMaker"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:20
+msgid "B<dh_perl> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-d>] [S<I<library dirs> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_perl> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating the "
+"B<${perl:Depends}> substitutions and adding them to substvars files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:27
+msgid ""
+"The program will look at Perl scripts and modules in your package, and will "
+"use this information to generate a dependency on B<perl> or B<perlapi>. The "
+"dependency will be substituted into your package's F<control> file wherever "
+"you place the token B<${perl:Depends}>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:32
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_perl> also cleans up empty directories that MakeMaker can generate when "
+"installing Perl modules."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:39
+msgid "B<-d>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:41
+msgid ""
+"In some specific cases you may want to depend on B<perl-base> rather than "
+"the full B<perl> package. If so, you can pass the -d option to make "
+"B<dh_perl> generate a dependency on the correct base package. This is only "
+"necessary for some packages that are included in the base system."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:46
+msgid ""
+"Note that this flag may cause no dependency on B<perl-base> to be generated "
+"at all. B<perl-base> is Essential, so its dependency can be left out, unless "
+"a versioned dependency is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:50
+msgid "B<-V>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:52
+msgid ""
+"By default, scripts and architecture independent modules don't depend on any "
+"specific version of B<perl>. The B<-V> option causes the current version of "
+"the B<perl> (or B<perl-base> with B<-d>) package to be specified."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:56
+msgid "I<library dirs>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:58
+msgid ""
+"If your package installs Perl modules in non-standard directories, you can "
+"make B<dh_perl> check those directories by passing their names on the "
+"command line. It will only check the F<vendorlib> and F<vendorarch> "
+"directories by default."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:67
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.8.3"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:69
+msgid "Perl policy, version 1.20"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:196
+msgid "Brendan O'Dea <>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:5
+msgid "dh_prep - perform cleanups in preparation for building a binary package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:17
+msgid "B<dh_prep> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_prep> is a debhelper program that performs some file cleanups in "
+"preparation for building a binary package. (This is what B<dh_clean -k> used "
+"to do.) It removes the package build directories, F<debian/tmp>, and some "
+"temp files that are generated when building a binary package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:26
+msgid ""
+"It is typically run at the top of the B<binary-arch> and B<binary-indep> "
+"targets, or at the top of a target such as install that they depend on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:35
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option "
+"multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:5
+msgid "dh_shlibdeps - calculate shared library dependencies"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-L>I<package>] "
+"[B<-l>I<directory>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> is a debhelper program that is responsible for calculating "
+"shared library dependencies for packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:26
+msgid ""
+"This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> that calls it "
+"once for each package listed in the F<control> file, passing it a list of "
+"ELF executables and shared libraries it has found."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:36
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"passed to B<dpkg-shlibdeps>. This will make their dependencies be ignored. "
+"This may be useful in some situations, but use it with caution. This option "
+"may be used more than once to exclude more than one thing."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:43
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:45
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:47
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>. It is "
+"deprecated; use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:50
+msgid "B<-l>I<directory>[B<:>I<directory> ...]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:52
+msgid ""
+"With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:55
+msgid ""
+"It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-l> parameter), to look for private "
+"package libraries in the specified directory (or directories -- separate "
+"with colons). With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this is mostly only "
+"useful for packages that build multiple flavors of the same library, or "
+"other situations where the library is installed into a directory not on the "
+"regular library search path."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:63
+msgid "B<-L>I<package>, B<--libpackage=>I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:65
+msgid ""
+"With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not "
+"needed, unless your package builds multiple flavors of the same library or "
+"is relying on F<debian/shlibs.local> for an internal library."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:69
+msgid ""
+"It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-S> parameter) to look first in the "
+"package build directory for the specified package, when searching for "
+"libraries, symbol files, and shlibs files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:73
+msgid "If needed, this can be passed multiple times with different package names."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:80
+msgid ""
+"Suppose that your source package produces libfoo1, libfoo-dev, and "
+"libfoo-bin binary packages. libfoo-bin links against libfoo1, and should "
+"depend on it. In your rules file, first run B<dh_makeshlibs>, then "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_shlibdeps:84
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:87
+msgid ""
+"This will have the effect of generating automatically a shlibs file for "
+"libfoo1, and using that file and the libfoo1 library in the "
+"F<debian/libfoo1/usr/lib> directory to calculate shared library dependency "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:92
+msgid ""
+"If a libbar1 package is also produced, that is an alternate build of libfoo, "
+"and is installed into F</usr/lib/bar/>, you can make libfoo-bin depend on "
+"libbar1 as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_shlibdeps:96
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tdh_shlibdeps -Llibbar1 -l/usr/lib/bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:206
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:5
+msgid "dh_strip - strip executables, shared libraries, and some static libraries"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[B<--dbg-package=>I<package>] [B<--keep-debug>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> is a debhelper program that is responsible for stripping out "
+"debug symbols in executables, shared libraries, and static libraries that "
+"are not needed during execution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:26
+msgid ""
+"This program examines your package build directories and works out what to "
+"strip on its own. It uses L<file(1)> and file permissions and filenames to "
+"figure out what files are shared libraries (F<*.so>), executable binaries, "
+"and static (F<lib*.a>) and debugging libraries (F<lib*_g.a>, F<debug/*.so>), "
+"and strips each as much as is possible. (Which is not at all for debugging "
+"libraries.) In general it seems to make very good guesses, and will do the "
+"right thing in almost all cases."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:34
+msgid ""
+"Since it is very hard to automatically guess if a file is a module, and hard "
+"to determine how to strip a module, B<dh_strip> does not currently deal with "
+"stripping binary modules such as F<.o> files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:48
+msgid "B<--dbg-package=>I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:50 dh_strip:70
+msgid ""
+"B<This option is a now special purpose option that you normally do not "
+"need>. In most cases, there should be little reason to use this option for "
+"new source packages as debhelper automatically generates debug packages "
+"(\"dbgsym packages\"). B<If you have a manual --dbg-package> that you want "
+"to replace with an automatically generated debug symbol package, please see "
+"the B<--dbgsym-migration> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:58
+msgid ""
+"Causes B<dh_strip> to save debug symbols stripped from the packages it acts "
+"on as independent files in the package build directory of the specified "
+"debugging package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:62
+msgid ""
+"For example, if your packages are libfoo and foo and you want to include a "
+"I<foo-dbg> package with debugging symbols, use B<dh_strip "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:65
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with "
+"B<--automatic-dbgsym> or B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:68
+msgid "B<-k>, B<--keep-debug>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:78
+msgid ""
+"Debug symbols will be retained, but split into an independent file in "
+"F<usr/lib/debug/> in the package build directory. B<--dbg-package> is easier "
+"to use than this option, but this option is more flexible."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:82
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:85
+msgid "B<--dbgsym-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:87
+msgid ""
+"This option is used to migrate from a manual \"-dbg\" package (created with "
+"B<--dbg-package>) to an automatic generated debug symbol package. This "
+"option should describe a valid B<Replaces>- and B<Breaks>-relation, which "
+"will be added to the debug symbol package to avoid file conflicts with the "
+"(now obsolete) -dbg package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:93
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with "
+"B<--keep-debug>, B<--dbg-package> or B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:96
+msgid "Examples:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_strip:98
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_strip:100
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-tools-dbg (<< 2.1-3~), libfoo2-dbg (<< "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:102
+msgid "B<--automatic-dbgsym>, B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:104
+msgid ""
+"Control whether B<dh_strip> should be creating debug symbol packages when "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:107
+msgid "The default is to create debug symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:109
+msgid "B<--ddebs>, B<--no-ddebs>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:111
+msgid "Historical name for B<--automatic-dbgsym> and B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:113
+msgid "B<--ddeb-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:115
+msgid "Historical name for B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:121
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+"nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+"\"Binaries\"). This will also inhibit the automatic creation of debug "
+"symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:126
+msgid ""
+"The automatic creation of debug symbol packages can also be prevented by "
+"adding B<noautodbgsym> to the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable. "
+"However, B<dh_strip> will still add debuglinks to ELF binaries when this "
+"flag is set. This is to ensure that the regular deb package will be "
+"identical with and without this flag (assuming it is otherwise "
+"\"bit-for-bit\" reproducible)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:135
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.0.1"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:5
+msgid "dh_testdir - test directory before building Debian package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:17
+msgid "B<dh_testdir> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_testdir> tries to make sure that you are in the correct directory when "
+"building a Debian package. It makes sure that the file F<debian/control> "
+"exists, as well as any other files you specify. If not, it exits with an "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:32
+msgid "Test for the existence of these files too."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:7
+msgid ""
+"dh_testroot - ensure that a package is built with necessary level of root "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:11
+msgid "B<dh_testroot> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:15
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_testroot> is used to determine if the target is being run with suffient "
+"access to root(-like) features."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:18
+msgid ""
+"The definition of sufficient access depends on whether the builder (the tool "
+"invoking the F<debian/rules> target) supports the I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"(R³) field. If the builder supports R³, then it will set the environment "
+"variable I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> and B<dh_testroot> will validate that "
+"the builder followed the minimum requirements for the given value of "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:25
+msgid ""
+"If the builder does not support I<Rules-Requires-Root>, then it will not set "
+"the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable. This will in turn make "
+"B<dh_testroot> (and the rest of debhelper) fall back to assuming that "
+"(fake)root is implied."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:30
+msgid ""
+"The following is a summary of how B<dh_testroot> behaves based on the "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable (leading and trailing "
+"whitespace in the variable is ignored)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:38
+msgid ""
+"If unset, or set to C<binary-targets>, then B<dh_testroot> asserts that it "
+"is run as root or under L<fakeroot(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:43
+msgid ""
+"If set to C<no>, then B<dh_testroot> returns successfully (without "
+"performing any additional checks)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:48
+msgid ""
+"If set to any other value than the above, then B<dh_testroot> asserts that "
+"it is either run as root (or under L<fakeroot(1)>) or the builder has "
+"provided the B<DEB_GAIN_ROOT_CMD> environment variable (e.g. via "
+"dpkg-buildpackage -r)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:55
+msgid ""
+"Please note that B<dh_testroot> does I<not> read the I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"field. Which implies that B<dh_testroot> may produce incorrect result if "
+"the builder lies in I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT>. On the flip side, it also "
+"enables things like testing for what will happen when "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> is set to a given value."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:7
+msgid "dh_usrlocal - migrate usr/local directories to maintainer scripts"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:21
+msgid "B<dh_usrlocal> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:25
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_usrlocal> is a debhelper program that can be used for building packages "
+"that will provide a subdirectory in F</usr/local> when installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:28
+msgid ""
+"It finds subdirectories of F<usr/local> in the package build directory, and "
+"removes them, replacing them with maintainer script snippets (unless B<-n> "
+"is used) to create the directories at install time, and remove them when the "
+"package is removed, in a manner compliant with Debian policy. These snippets "
+"are inserted into the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of debhelper maintainer script "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:36
+msgid ""
+"When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable is not "
+"(effectively) I<binary-targets>, the directories in F</usr/local> will be "
+"handled as if they were owned by root:root (see below)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:40
+msgid ""
+"When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable has an effective "
+"value of I<binary-targets>, the owners, groups and permissions will be "
+"preserved with the sole exception where the directory is owned by root:root."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:44
+msgid ""
+"If a directory is owned by root:root, then ownership will be determined at "
+"install time. The ownership and permission bits will either be root:root "
+"mode 0755 or root:staff mode 02775. The actual choice depends on whether "
+"the system has F</etc/staff-group-for-usr-local> (as documented in the "
+"Debian Policy Manual §9.1.2 since version 4.1.4)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:68
+msgid "Debian policy, version 2.2"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:144
+msgid "Andrew Stribblehill <>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:5
+msgid "dh_systemd_enable - enable/disable systemd unit files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--no-enable>] "
+"[B<--name=>I<name>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> is a debhelper program that is responsible for enabling "
+"and disabling systemd unit files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:25
+msgid ""
+"In the simple case, it finds all unit files installed by a package (e.g. "
+"bacula-fd.service) and enables them. It is not necessary that the machine "
+"actually runs systemd during package installation time, enabling happens on "
+"all machines in order to be able to switch from sysvinit to systemd and "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:30
+msgid ""
+"In the complex case, you can call B<dh_systemd_enable> and "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manually (by overwriting the debian/rules targets) and "
+"specify flags per unit file. An example is colord, which ships "
+"colord.service, a dbus-activated service without an [Install] section. This "
+"service file cannot be enabled or disabled (a state called \"static\" by "
+"systemd) because it has no [Install] section. Therefore, running "
+"dh_systemd_enable does not make sense."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:37
+msgid ""
+"For only generating blocks for specific service files, you need to pass them "
+"as arguments, e.g. B<dh_systemd_enable quota.service> and "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable --name=quotarpc quotarpc.service>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:45
+msgid "debian/I<package>.service, debian/I<package>@.service"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:47
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< "
+"lib/systemd/system/I<package>.service >> (or F<< "
+"lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.service >>) in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:52
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in "
+"the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:55
+msgid "debian/I<package>.target, debian/I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:57
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< "
+"lib/systemd/system/I<package>.target >> (or F<< "
+"lib/systemd/system/I<package> >>) in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:60
+msgid "debian/I<package>.socket, debian/I<package>@.socket"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:62
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< "
+"lib/systemd/system/I<package>.socket >> (or F<< "
+"lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.socket >>) in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:65
+msgid "debian/I<package>.mount"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:67
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.mount "
+">> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:70
+msgid "debian/I<package>.path, debian/I<package>@.path"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:72
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.path "
+">> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.path >>) in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:75
+msgid "debian/I<package>.timer, debian/I<package>@.timer"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:77
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.timer "
+">> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.timer >>) in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:88
+msgid "Disable the service(s) on purge, but do not enable them on install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:90
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are started. "
+"That is controlled by L<dh_systemd_start(1)> (using e.g. its B<--no-start> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:96
+msgid ""
+"Install the service file as I<name.service> instead of the default filename, "
+"which is the I<package.service>. When this parameter is used, "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> looks for and installs files named "
+"F<debian/> instead of the usual "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:105 dh_systemd_start:70
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it "
+"may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to maintainer "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:110
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_systemd_enable> should be run before B<dh_installinit>. The "
+"default sequence in B<dh> does the right thing, this note is only relevant "
+"when you are calling B<dh_systemd_enable> manually."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:282
+msgid "L<dh_systemd_start(1)>, L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:286 dh_systemd_start:286
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:5
+msgid "dh_systemd_start - start/stop/restart systemd unit files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--restart-after-upgrade>] "
+"[B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"starting/stopping or restarting systemd unit files in case no corresponding "
+"sysv init script is available."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:27
+msgid ""
+"As with B<dh_installinit>, the unit file is stopped before upgrades and "
+"started afterwards (unless B<--restart-after-upgrade> is specified, in which "
+"case it will only be restarted after the upgrade). This logic is not used "
+"when there is a corresponding SysV init script because invoke-rc.d performs "
+"the stop/start/restart in that case."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_start:37
+msgid "B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:39
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop the unit file until after the package upgrade has been "
+"completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:42
+msgid ""
+"In earlier compat levels the default was to stop the unit file in the "
+"F<prerm>, and start it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:59
+msgid "Do not stop service on upgrade."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:63
+msgid ""
+"Do not start the unit file after upgrades and after initial installation "
+"(the latter is only relevant for services without a corresponding init "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:75
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_systemd_start> should be run after B<dh_installinit> so that "
+"it can detect corresponding SysV init scripts. The default sequence in B<dh> "
+"does the right thing, this note is only relevant when you are calling "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manually."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: strings-kept-translations.pod:7
+msgid "This compatibility level is open for beta testing; changes may occur."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/man/po4a/po/es.po b/man/po4a/po/es.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01b4fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/po4a/po/es.po
@@ -0,0 +1,14059 @@
+# debhelper man/po translation to Spanish
+# Copyright (C) 2005 - 2012 Software in the Public Interest
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the deborphan package.
+# Changes:
+# - Initial translation
+# Rubén Porras Campo, 2005
+# Rudy Godoy, 2005
+# - Updates
+# Omar Campagne, 2010 - 2012
+# Traductores, si no conocen el formato PO, merece la pena leer la
+# documentación de gettext, especialmente las secciones dedicadas a este
+# formato, por ejemplo ejecutando:
+# info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
+# info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
+# Equipo de traducción al español, por favor lean antes de traducir
+# los siguientes documentos:
+# - El proyecto de traducción de Debian al español
+# especialmente las notas y normas de traducción en
+# - La guía de traducción de po's de debconf:
+# /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
+# o
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: debhelper 9.20120609\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-20 19:46+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-20 11:17+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Omar Campagne <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Debian l10n Spanish <>\n"
+"Language: es\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n"
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:3 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:3
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:1 dh:3 dh_auto_build:3 dh_auto_clean:3
+#: dh_auto_configure:3 dh_auto_install:3 dh_auto_test:3 dh_bugfiles:3
+#: dh_builddeb:5 dh_clean:3 dh_compress:3 dh_dwz:3 dh_fixperms:3
+#: dh_gencontrol:3 dh_icons:3 dh_install:3 dh_installcatalogs:3
+#: dh_installchangelogs:3 dh_installcron:3 dh_installdeb:3 dh_installdebconf:3
+#: dh_installdirs:3 dh_installdocs:5 dh_installemacsen:3 dh_installexamples:5
+#: dh_installifupdown:3 dh_installinfo:3 dh_installinit:3 dh_installinitramfs:3
+#: dh_installlogcheck:3 dh_installlogrotate:3 dh_installman:3
+#: dh_installmanpages:3 dh_installmenu:3 dh_installmime:3 dh_installmodules:3
+#: dh_installpam:3 dh_installppp:3 dh_installudev:3 dh_installwm:3
+#: dh_installxfonts:3 dh_link:3 dh_lintian:3 dh_listpackages:3 dh_makeshlibs:3
+#: dh_md5sums:3 dh_movefiles:3 dh_perl:3 dh_prep:3 dh_shlibdeps:3 dh_strip:3
+#: dh_testdir:3 dh_testroot:5 dh_usrlocal:5 dh_systemd_enable:3
+#: dh_systemd_start:3
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr "NOMBRE"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:5
+msgid "debhelper - the debhelper tool suite"
+msgstr "debhelper - El conjunto de herramientas debhelper"
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:7 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:7
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:5 dh:22 dh_auto_build:16 dh_auto_clean:16
+#: dh_auto_configure:16 dh_auto_install:18 dh_auto_test:16 dh_bugfiles:15
+#: dh_builddeb:17 dh_clean:15 dh_compress:17 dh_dwz:16 dh_fixperms:16
+#: dh_gencontrol:16 dh_icons:16 dh_install:15 dh_installcatalogs:17
+#: dh_installchangelogs:16 dh_installcron:15 dh_installdeb:15
+#: dh_installdebconf:15 dh_installdirs:15 dh_installdocs:17
+#: dh_installemacsen:15 dh_installexamples:17 dh_installifupdown:15
+#: dh_installinfo:15 dh_installinit:16 dh_installinitramfs:15
+#: dh_installlogcheck:15 dh_installlogrotate:15 dh_installman:16
+#: dh_installmanpages:16 dh_installmenu:15 dh_installmime:15
+#: dh_installmodules:16 dh_installpam:15 dh_installppp:15 dh_installudev:15
+#: dh_installwm:15 dh_installxfonts:15 dh_link:16 dh_lintian:15
+#: dh_listpackages:15 dh_makeshlibs:15 dh_md5sums:16 dh_movefiles:15 dh_perl:18
+#: dh_prep:15 dh_shlibdeps:17 dh_strip:16 dh_testdir:15 dh_testroot:9
+#: dh_usrlocal:19 dh_systemd_enable:16 dh_systemd_start:17
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr "SINOPSIS"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:9
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_>I<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<-s>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-"
+#| "p>I<package>] [B<-N>I<package>] [B<-P>I<tmpdir>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_>I<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-p>I<package>] [B<-"
+"N>I<package>] [B<-P>I<tmpdir>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_>I<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<-s>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-p>I<paquete>] "
+"[B<-N>I<paquete>] [B<-P>I<directorio-temporal>]"
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:11 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:17 dh:26
+#: dh_auto_build:20 dh_auto_clean:20 dh_auto_configure:20 dh_auto_install:22
+#: dh_auto_test:20 dh_bugfiles:19 dh_builddeb:21 dh_clean:19 dh_compress:21
+#: dh_dwz:20 dh_fixperms:20 dh_gencontrol:20 dh_icons:20 dh_install:19
+#: dh_installcatalogs:21 dh_installchangelogs:20 dh_installcron:19
+#: dh_installdeb:19 dh_installdebconf:19 dh_installdirs:19 dh_installdocs:21
+#: dh_installemacsen:19 dh_installexamples:21 dh_installifupdown:19
+#: dh_installinfo:19 dh_installinit:20 dh_installinitramfs:19
+#: dh_installlogcheck:19 dh_installlogrotate:19 dh_installman:20
+#: dh_installmanpages:20 dh_installmenu:19 dh_installmime:19
+#: dh_installmodules:20 dh_installpam:19 dh_installppp:19 dh_installudev:19
+#: dh_installwm:19 dh_installxfonts:19 dh_link:20 dh_lintian:19
+#: dh_listpackages:19 dh_makeshlibs:19 dh_md5sums:20 dh_movefiles:19 dh_perl:22
+#: dh_prep:19 dh_shlibdeps:21 dh_strip:20 dh_testdir:19 dh_testroot:13
+#: dh_usrlocal:23 dh_systemd_enable:20 dh_systemd_start:21
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:13
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper is used to help you build a Debian package. The philosophy behind "
+"debhelper is to provide a collection of small, simple, and easily understood "
+"tools that are used in F<debian/rules> to automate various common aspects of "
+"building a package. This means less work for you, the packager. It also, to "
+"some degree means that these tools can be changed if Debian policy changes, "
+"and packages that use them will require only a rebuild to comply with the "
+"new policy."
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper ayuda a construir un paquete de Debian. La filosofía que se "
+"esconde detrás de debhelper es ofrecer una colección de herramientas "
+"pequeñas, simples y fáciles de entender que se utilizan en F<debian/rules> "
+"para automatizar varios aspectos comunes a la hora de construir un paquete. "
+"Esto hace que usted, el empaquetador, tenga menos trabajo. Además, si "
+"cambian las directrices de Debian, los paquetes que precisan cambios sólo "
+"necesitan ser reconstruidos para que se ajusten a las nuevas directrices."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:21
+msgid ""
+"A typical F<debian/rules> file that uses debhelper will call several "
+"debhelper commands in sequence, or use L<dh(1)> to automate this process. "
+"Examples of rules files that use debhelper are in F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/"
+msgstr ""
+"Un fichero F<debian/rules> típico que utiliza debhelper invoca órdenes de "
+"debhelper en cadena, o utiliza L<dh(1)> para automatizar el proceso. Puede "
+"encontrar ejemplos de ficheros «rules» que usan debhelper en F</usr/share/"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:25
+msgid ""
+"To create a new Debian package using debhelper, you can just copy one of the "
+"sample rules files and edit it by hand. Or you can try the B<dh-make> "
+"package, which contains a L<dh_make|dh_make(1)> command that partially "
+"automates the process. For a more gentle introduction, the B<maint-guide> "
+"Debian package contains a tutorial about making your first package using "
+msgstr ""
+"Para crear un nuevo paquete de Debian utilizando debhelper, simplemente "
+"puede copiar uno de los ficheros «rules» de ejemplo y editarlo a mano, o "
+"utilizar el paquete B<dh-make>, que contiene la orden L<dh_make|dh_make(1)>, "
+"que automatiza parcialmente el proceso. Para una introducción más apropiada, "
+"el paquete B<maint-guide> contiene una guía que muestra cómo hacer su primer "
+"paquete que utiliza debhelper (N. del T. existe una versión traducida al "
+"castellano en el paquete B<maint-guide-es>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:31
+msgid ""
+"Except where the tool explicitly denotes otherwise, all of the debhelper "
+"tools assume that they run from the root directory of an unpacked source "
+"package. This is so they can locate find files like F<debian/control> when "
+msgstr ""
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:36
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:38
+msgid ""
+"Here is the list of debhelper commands you can use. See their man pages for "
+"additional documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"A continuación se muestra una lista de las órdenes de debhelper que puede "
+"usar. Para más información consulte sus respectivas páginas de manual."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:43
+msgid "#LIST#"
+msgstr "#LIST#"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:47
+msgid "Deprecated Commands"
+msgstr "Órdenes obsoletas"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:49
+msgid "A few debhelper commands are deprecated and should not be used."
+msgstr ""
+"Existe un conjunto de órdenes de debhelper que han quedado obsoletas y que "
+"no se deberían utilizar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:53
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:57
+msgid "Other Commands"
+msgstr "Otras órdenes"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"If a program's name starts with B<dh_>, and the program is not on the above "
+"lists, then it is not part of the debhelper package, but it should still "
+"work like the other programs described on this page."
+msgstr ""
+"Si el nombre de un programa empieza con B<dh_>, y no está en las listas "
+"anteriores, no es parte del paquete debhelper, pero aún así debería "
+"funcionar como los programas descritos en está página."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:63
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"Many debhelper commands make use of files in F<debian/> to control what they "
+"do. Besides the common F<debian/changelog> and F<debian/control>, which are "
+"in all packages, not just those using debhelper, some additional files can "
+"be used to configure the behavior of specific debhelper commands. These "
+"files are typically named debian/I<package>.foo (where I<package> of course, "
+"is replaced with the package that is being acted on)."
+msgstr ""
+"Muchas de las órdenes de debhelper hacen uso de ficheros en F<debian/> para "
+"controlar lo que hacen. Además de los ficheros comunes F<debian/changelog> y "
+"F<debian/control>, que están en todos los paquetes, no sólo aquellos que "
+"utilizan debhelper, se pueden utilizar ficheros adicionales para configurar "
+"el comportamiento de una orden específica de debhelper. Estos ficheros se "
+"suelen llamar «debian/I<paquete>.tal» (donde I<paquete> es reemplazado por "
+"el paquete sobre el que se está actuando)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:72
+msgid ""
+"For example, B<dh_installdocs> uses files named F<debian/> to "
+"list the documentation files it will install. See the man pages of "
+"individual commands for details about the names and formats of the files "
+"they use. Generally, these files will list files to act on, one file per "
+"line. Some programs in debhelper use pairs of files and destinations or "
+"slightly more complicated formats."
+msgstr ""
+"Por ejemplo, B<dh_installdocs> utiliza ficheros llamados F<debian/paquete."
+"docs> para listar los ficheros de documentación que instalará. Consulte las "
+"páginas de manual de cada orden para conocer más detalles acerca de los "
+"nombres y formatos de los ficheros que utilizan. Habitualmente, estos "
+"ficheros listan los ficheros sobre los que se actúa, uno por línea. Algunos "
+"programas de debhelper utilizan parejas de ficheros y destinos o algún "
+"formato un poco más complicado."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:79
+msgid ""
+"Note for the first (or only) binary package listed in F<debian/control>, "
+"debhelper will use F<debian/foo> when there's no F<debian/I<package>.foo> "
+"file. However, it is often a good idea to keep the F<I<package>.> prefix as "
+"it is more explicit. The primary exception to this are files that debhelper "
+"by default installs in every binary package when it does not have a package "
+"prefix (such as F<debian/copyright> or F<debian/changelog>)."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:87
+msgid ""
+"In some rare cases, you may want to have different versions of these files "
+"for different architectures or OSes. If files named debian/I<package>.foo."
+"I<ARCH> or debian/I<package>.foo.I<OS> exist, where I<ARCH> and I<OS> are "
+"the same as the output of \"B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH>\" / "
+"\"B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS>\", then they will be used in "
+"preference to other, more general files."
+msgstr ""
+"En algunos casos especiales, puede querer tener diferentes versiones de "
+"estos ficheros para diferentes arquitecturas o sistemas operativos. Si los "
+"ficheros «debian/I<paquete>.tal.I<ARCH>» y «debian/I<paquete>.tal.I<OS>» "
+"existen, donde I<ARCH> y I<OS> son igual a las salidas de «B<dpkg-"
+"architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH>» / «B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS>», "
+"se utilizarán preferentemente a otros ficheros generales."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:94
+msgid ""
+"Mostly, these config files are used to specify lists of various types of "
+"files. Documentation or example files to install, files to move, and so on. "
+"When appropriate, in cases like these, you can use standard shell wildcard "
+"characters (B<?> and B<*> and B<[>I<..>B<]> character classes) in the "
+"files. You can also put comments in these files; lines beginning with B<#> "
+"are ignored."
+msgstr ""
+"Generalmente, estos ficheros de configuración se utilizan para definir "
+"varios tipos de ficheros. Documentación o ficheros de ejemplo a instalar, "
+"ficheros a mover, y demás. Cuando sea apropiado, en casos como estos, puede "
+"utilizar comodines del intérprete de órdenes como (B<?>, B<*> y clases de "
+"carácter B<[>I<..>B<]>) en estos ficheros. También puede incluir comentarios "
+"en estos ficheros; se ignoran las líneas que empiezan con B<#>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:101
+msgid ""
+"The syntax of these files is intentionally kept very simple to make them "
+"easy to read, understand, and modify."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:104
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Comments are ignored in debhelper config files."
+msgid "Substitutions in debhelper config files"
+msgstr ""
+"Se ignoran los comentarios en los ficheros de configuración de debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:106
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 13 and later, it is possible to use simple "
+"substitutions in debhelper config files for the following tools:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:111 debhelper.pod:115 debhelper.pod:119 debhelper.pod:123
+#: debhelper.pod:127 debhelper.pod:131 debhelper.pod:135 debhelper.pod:139
+#: debhelper.pod:143 debhelper.pod:147 debhelper.pod:151 debhelper.pod:155
+#: debhelper.pod:159 debhelper.pod:247 debhelper.pod:252
+msgid "*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:113
+msgid "dh_clean"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:117
+msgid "dh_install"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:121
+msgid "dh_installcatalogs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:125
+msgid "dh_installdeb"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:129
+msgid "dh_installdirs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:133
+msgid "dh_installdocs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:137
+msgid "dh_installexamples"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:141
+msgid "dh_installinfo"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:145
+msgid "dh_installman"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:149
+msgid "dh_installwm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:153
+msgid "dh_link"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:157
+msgid "dh_missing"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:161
+msgid "dh_ucf"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:165
+msgid ""
+"All substitution variables are of the form I<${foo}> and the braces are "
+"mandatory. Variable names are case-sensitive and consist of alphanumerics "
+"(a-zA-Z0-9), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and colons (:). The first "
+"character must be an alphanumeric."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:170
+msgid ""
+"If you need a literal dollar sign that cannot trigger a substitution, you "
+"can either use the B<${Dollar}> substitution or the sequence B<${}>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:173
+msgid "The following expansions are available:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:177
+msgid "B<DEB_HOST_*>, B<DEB_BUILD_*>, B<DEB_TARGET_*>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:179
+msgid ""
+"Expands to the relevant L<dpkg-architecture(1)> value (similar to I<dpkg-"
+"architecture -qVARIABLE_HERE>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:182
+msgid ""
+"When in doubt, the B<DEB_HOST_*> variant is the one that will work both for "
+"native and cross builds."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:185
+msgid ""
+"For performance reasons, debhelper will attempt to resolve these names from "
+"the environment first before consulting L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. This is "
+"mostly mentioned for completeness as it will not matter for most cases."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:190
+msgid "B<Dollar>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:192
+msgid ""
+"Expands to a single literal B<$>-symbol. This symbol will I<never> be "
+"considered part of a substitution variable. That is:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:195
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Triggers an error\n"
+" ${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+" # Expands to the literal value \"${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\"\n"
+" ${Dollar}{NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:200
+msgid ""
+"This variable equivalent to the sequence B<${}> and the two can be used "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:203
+msgid "B<Newline>, B<Space>, B<Tab>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:205
+msgid "Expands to a single ASCII newline, space and tab respectively."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:207
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful if you need to include a literal whitespace character (e."
+"g. space) where it would otherwise be stripped or used as a separator."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:211
+msgid "B<< env:I<NAME> >>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:213
+msgid ""
+"Expands to the environment variable I<NAME>. The environment variable must "
+"be set (but can be set to the empty string)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:218
+msgid ""
+"Note that all variables must expand to a defined value. As an example, if "
+"debhelper sees I<${env:FOO}>, then it will insist that the environment "
+"variable I<FOO> is set (it can be set to the empty string)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head3
+#: debhelper.pod:222
+msgid "Substitution limits"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:224
+msgid ""
+"To avoid infinite loops and resource exhaustion, debhelper will stop with an "
+"error if the text contains many substitution variables (50) or they expand "
+"beyond a certain size (4096 characters or 3x length of the original input - "
+"whichever is bigger)."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:229
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Comments are ignored in debhelper config files."
+msgid "Executable debhelper config files"
+msgstr ""
+"Se ignoran los comentarios en los ficheros de configuración de debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:231
+msgid ""
+"If you need additional flexibility, many of the debhelper tools (e.g. "
+"L<dh_install(1)>) support executing a config file as a script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:234
+msgid ""
+"To use this feature, simply mark the config file as executable (e.g. B<< "
+"chmod +x debian/I<package>.install >>) and the tool will attempt to execute "
+"it and use the output of the script. In many cases, you can use L<dh-"
+"exec(1)> as interpreter of the config file to retain most of the original "
+"syntax while getting the additional flexibility you need."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:242
+msgid ""
+"When using executable debhelper config files, please be aware of the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:249
+msgid ""
+"The executable config file B<must> exit with success (i.e. its return code "
+"should indicate success)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:254
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 13+, the output will be subject to substitutions (see "
+"L</Substitutions in debhelper config files>) where the tool support these. "
+"Remember to be careful if your generator I<also> provides substitutions as "
+"this can cause unnecessary confusion."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:259
+msgid ""
+"Otherwise, the output will be used exactly as-is. Notably, debhelper will "
+"I<not> expand wildcards or strip comments or strip whitespace in the output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:265
+msgid ""
+"If you need the package to build on a file system where you cannot disable "
+"the executable bit, then you can use L<dh-exec(1)> and its B<strip-output> "
+msgstr ""
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:269
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:271
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by all debhelper programs."
+msgstr ""
+"Las siguientes opciones de línea de órdenes son aceptadas por todos los "
+"programas de debhelper."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:275
+msgid "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+msgstr "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:277
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Verbose mode: show all commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgid "Verbose mode: show commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Modo explicativo: muestra todas las órdenes que modifican el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:279
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Verbose mode: show all commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"Note that verbose mode may also output other \"internal\" commands that do "
+"not directly affect the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Modo explicativo: muestra todas las órdenes que modifican el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:282 dh:307
+msgid "B<--no-act>"
+msgstr "B<--no-act>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:284
+msgid ""
+"Do not really do anything. If used with -v, the result is that the command "
+"will output what it would have done."
+msgstr ""
+"No hace nada realmente. Si se utiliza con «-v», mostrará todo lo que hubiera "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:287
+msgid "B<-a>, B<--arch>"
+msgstr "B<-a>, B<--arch>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:289
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Act on architecture dependent packages that should be built for the build "
+#| "architecture."
+msgid ""
+"Act on architecture dependent packages that should be built for the "
+"B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture."
+msgstr ""
+"Actúa sobre todos los paquetes dependientes de la arquitectura que se "
+"deberían construir para la arquitectura de construcción."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:292
+msgid "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+msgstr "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:294
+msgid "Act on all architecture independent packages."
+msgstr "Actúa en todos los paquetes independientes de la arquitectura."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:296
+msgid "B<-p>I<package>, B<--package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-p>I<paquete>, B<--package=>I<paquete>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:298
+msgid ""
+"Act on the package named I<package>. This option may be specified multiple "
+"times to make debhelper operate on a given set of packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Actúa sobre el paquete nombrado I<paquete>. Esta opción se puede definir "
+"varias veces para hacer que debhelper opere sobre un conjunto dado de "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:301
+msgid "B<-s>, B<--same-arch>"
+msgstr "B<-s>, B<--same-arch>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:303
+msgid "Deprecated alias of B<-a>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:305 dh_install:80 dh_install:89
+msgid "This option is removed in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:307
+msgid "B<-N>I<package>, B<--no-package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-N>I<paquete>, B<--no-package=>I<paquete>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:309
+msgid ""
+"Do not act on the specified package even if an B<-a>, B<-i>, or B<-p> option "
+"lists the package as one that should be acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"No actúa sobre un paquete especificado incluso si las opciones B<-a>, B<-i>, "
+"o B<-p> listan este paquete como uno sobre los que se debería actuar."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:312
+msgid "B<--remaining-packages>"
+msgstr "B<--remaining-packages>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:314
+msgid ""
+"Do not act on the packages which have already been acted on by this "
+"debhelper command earlier (i.e. if the command is present in the package "
+"debhelper log). For example, if you need to call the command with special "
+"options only for a couple of binary packages, pass this option to the last "
+"call of the command to process the rest of packages with default settings."
+msgstr ""
+"No actúa sobre los paquetes sobre los que ya se actuó anteriormente con esta "
+"orden de debhelper (esto es, si la orden está presente en el registro de "
+"debhelper). Por ejemplo, si necesita invocar la orden con opciones "
+"particulares para una pareja de paquetes binarios, introduzca esta opción a "
+"la última invocación de la orden para procesar el resto de paquetes con la "
+"configuración predeterminada."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:320
+msgid "B<-P>I<tmpdir>, B<--tmpdir=>I<tmpdir>"
+msgstr "B<-P>I<directorio_temporal>, B<--tmpdir=>I<directorio_temporal>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:322
+msgid ""
+"Use I<tmpdir> for package build directory. The default is debian/I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+"Utiliza I<directorio_temporal> como el directorio de construcción del "
+"paquete. Por omisión es «debian/I<paquete>»."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:324
+msgid "B<--mainpackage=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--mainpackage=>I<paquete>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:326
+msgid ""
+"This little-used option changes the package which debhelper considers the "
+"\"main package\", that is, the first one listed in F<debian/control>, and "
+"the one for which F<debian/foo> files can be used instead of the usual "
+"F<debian/> files."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opción poco utilizada cambia el paquete que debhelper considera el "
+"«paquete principal», esto es, el primero listado en F<debian/control>, y "
+"sobre el cual se pueden utilizar los ficheros F<debian/tal> en vez de los "
+"usuales F<debian/package.tal>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:331
+msgid "B<-O=>I<option>|I<bundle>"
+msgstr "B<-O=>I<opción>|I<fichero>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:333
+msgid ""
+"This is used by L<dh(1)> when passing user-specified options to all the "
+"commands it runs. If the command supports the specified option or option "
+"bundle, it will take effect. If the command does not support the option (or "
+"any part of an option bundle), it will be ignored."
+msgstr ""
+"L<dh(1)> utiliza está orden al orden al introducir opciones definidas por el "
+"usuario a todas las órdenes que ejecuta. Si la orden acepta la opción "
+"definida o conjunto de opciones, tendrá efecto. Si la orden no acepta la "
+"opción (o alguna sección del conjunto de opciones), se ignorará."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:340
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:342
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by some debhelper "
+"programs. See the man page of each program for a complete explanation of "
+"what each option does."
+msgstr ""
+"Las siguientes opciones son válidas para algunos programas de debhelper. "
+"Consulte la página de manual de cada programa para una explicación detallada "
+"de lo que hace cada una."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:348
+msgid "B<-n>"
+msgstr "B<-n>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:350
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>, F<postrm>, etc. scripts."
+msgstr "No modifica los scripts F<postinst>, F<postrm>, etc."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:352 dh_compress:56 dh_dwz:56 dh_installchangelogs:89
+#: dh_installdocs:109 dh_installexamples:84 dh_link:78 dh_makeshlibs:154
+#: dh_md5sums:40 dh_shlibdeps:34 dh_strip:42
+msgid "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<elemento>, B<--exclude=>I<elemento>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:354
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Exclude an item from processing. This option may be used multiple times, "
+#| "to exclude more than one thing."
+msgid ""
+"Exclude an item from processing. This option may be used multiple times, to "
+"exclude more than one thing. The I<item> is typically part of a filename, "
+"and any file containing the specified text will be excluded."
+msgstr ""
+"No procesa un elemento. Esta opción se puede utilizar varias veces para "
+"excluir distintos elementos."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:358 dh_bugfiles:57 dh_compress:63 dh_installdirs:49
+#: dh_installdocs:104 dh_installexamples:52 dh_installinfo:45 dh_installman:90
+#: dh_installwm:55 dh_link:73
+msgid "B<-A>, B<--all>"
+msgstr "B<-A>, B<--all>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:360
+msgid ""
+"Makes files or other items that are specified on the command line take "
+"effect in ALL packages acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"Hace que los ficheros o elementos especificados en la línea de órdenes "
+"tengan efecto en TODOS los paquetes sobre los que actúa, no sólo el primero."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:365
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:367
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by all of the "
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs. These programs support a variety of "
+"build systems, and normally heuristically determine which to use, and how to "
+"use them. You can use these command line options to override the default "
+"behavior. Typically these are passed to L<dh(1)>, which then passes them to "
+"all the B<dh_auto_>I<*> programs."
+msgstr ""
+"Las siguientes opciones de línea de órdenes son compatibles con todos los "
+"programas B<dh_auto_>I<*> de debhelper. Estos programas permiten utilizar "
+"varios sistemas de construcción, y habitualmente realizan una estimación de "
+"cuál utilizar, y cómo. Puede utilizar estas opciones de línea de órdenes "
+"para anular el comportamiento predeterminado. Habitualmente, se introducen a "
+"L<dh(1)>, que a su vez los introduce en todos los programas B<dh_auto_>I<*>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:376
+msgid "B<-S>I<buildsystem>, B<--buildsystem=>I<buildsystem>"
+msgstr ""
+"B<-S>I<sistema-de-construcción>, B<--buildsystem=>I<sistema-de-construcción>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:378
+msgid ""
+"Force use of the specified I<buildsystem>, instead of trying to auto-select "
+"one which might be applicable for the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Fuerza el uso del I<sistema-de-construcción> definido, en lugar de intentar "
+"seleccionar uno de forma automática que podría ser adecuado para el paquete."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:381
+msgid "Pass B<none> as I<buildsystem> to disable auto-selection."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:383
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-D>I<directory>, B<--sourcedirectory=>I<directory>"
+msgid ""
+"B<-D>I<directory>, B<--sourcedir=>I<directory>, B<--"
+msgstr "B<-D>I<directorio>, B<--sourcedirectory=>I<directorio>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:385
+msgid ""
+"Assume that the original package source tree is at the specified "
+"I<directory> rather than the top level directory of the Debian source "
+"package tree."
+msgstr ""
+"Supone que el árbol de código fuente original del paquete está en el "
+"I<directorio> definido, en lugar del directorio de nivel superior del árbol "
+"del paquete fuente de Debian."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:389
+msgid ""
+"B<Warning>: The B<--sourcedir> variant matches a similar named option in "
+"B<dh_install> and B<dh_missing> (etc.) for historical reasons. While they "
+"have a similar name, they have very distinct purposes and in some cases it "
+"can cause errors when this variant is passed to B<dh> (when then passes it "
+"on to all tools)."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:395
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-B>[I<directory>], B<--builddirectory=>[I<directory>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<-B>[I<directory>], B<--builddir>[I<=directory>], B<--"
+msgstr "B<-B>[I<directorio>], B<--builddirectory=>[I<directorio>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:397
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Enable out of source building and use the specified I<directory> as the "
+#| "build directory. If I<directory> parameter is omitted, a default build "
+#| "directory will chosen."
+msgid ""
+"Enable out of source building and use the specified I<directory> as the "
+"build directory. If I<directory> parameter is omitted, a default build "
+"directory will be chosen."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa la construcción fuera de las fuentes y utiliza el I<directorio> "
+"especificado como directorio de construcción. Se seleccionará un directorio "
+"de construcción predeterminado si se omite el parámetro I<directorio>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:401
+msgid ""
+"If this option is not specified, building will be done in source by default "
+"unless the build system requires or prefers out of source tree building. In "
+"such a case, the default build directory will be used even if B<--"
+"builddirectory> is not specified."
+msgstr ""
+"Si no se define esta opción, la construcción tendrá lugar en las fuentes de "
+"forma predeterminada a menos que el sistema de construcción requiera o "
+"prefiera la construcción fuera del árbol de fuentes. En ese caso, se "
+"utilizará el directorio de construcción predeterminado incluso si no se "
+"define B<--builddirectory>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:406
+msgid ""
+"If the build system prefers out of source tree building but still allows in "
+"source building, the latter can be re-enabled by passing a build directory "
+"path that is the same as the source directory path."
+msgstr ""
+"Si el sistema de construcción prefiere realizar la construcción fuera del "
+"árbol de fuentes, pero permite la construcción en las fuentes, puede "
+"reactivar lo último introduciendo una ruta al directorio de construcción "
+"igual a la ruta del directorio de fuentes."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:410
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-A>, B<--all>"
+msgid "B<--parallel>, B<--no-parallel>"
+msgstr "B<-A>, B<--all>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:412
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Enable parallel builds if underlying build system supports them. The "
+#| "number of parallel jobs is controlled by the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> "
+#| "environment variable (L<Debian Policy, section 4.9.1>) at build time. It "
+#| "might also be subject to a build system specific limit."
+msgid ""
+"Control whether parallel builds should be used if underlying build system "
+"supports them. The number of parallel jobs is controlled by the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable (L<Debian Policy, section 4.9.1>) "
+"at build time. It might also be subject to a build system specific limit."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa construcciones paralelas si el sistema de construcción subyacente lo "
+"permite. El número de tareas paralelas se controla mediante la variable de "
+"entorno B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> (L<Normas de Debian, sección 4.9.1>) en tiempo "
+"de construcción. También puede estar sujeto a un límite específico del "
+"sistema de construcción."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:418
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this option is not specified, debhelper currently defaults to not "
+#| "allowing parallel package builds."
+msgid ""
+"If neither option is specified, debhelper currently defaults to B<--"
+"parallel> in compat 10 (or later) and B<--no-parallel> otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+"Si no se define esta opción, debhelper no permitirá la construcción en "
+"paralelo de paquetes de forma predeterminada."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:421
+msgid ""
+"As an optimization, B<dh> will try to avoid passing these options to "
+"subprocesses, if they are unnecessary and the only options passed. Notably "
+"this happens when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> does not have a I<parallel> parameter "
+"(or its value is 1)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:426
+msgid "B<--max-parallel=>I<maximum>"
+msgstr "B<--max-parallel=>I<máximo>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:428
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--parallel> and allows further limiting the number of "
+"jobs that can be used in a parallel build. If the package build is known to "
+"only work with certain levels of concurrency, you can set this to the "
+"maximum level that is known to work, or that you wish to support."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opción implica B<--parallel>, y permite limitar el número de tareas que "
+"se pueden utilizar en una construcción en paralelo. Si se sabe que la "
+"construcción del paquete sólo funciona con ciertos niveles de concurrencia, "
+"puede definir esto con el nivel máximo conocido con el que funciona, o que "
+"desea permitir."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:433
+msgid ""
+"Notably, setting the maximum to 1 is effectively the same as using B<--no-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:436
+msgid "B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:438
+msgid ""
+"By default, L<dh(1)> will compute several environment variables (e.g. by "
+"using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>) and cache them to avoid having all B<dh_auto_*> "
+"tool recompute them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:442
+msgid ""
+"When passing this option, the concrete B<dh_auto_*> tool will ignore the "
+"cache from L<dh(1)> and retrigger a rebuild of these variables. This is "
+"useful in the very rare case where the package need to do multiple builds "
+"but with different B<...FLAGS> options. A concrete example would be needing "
+"to change the B<-O> parameter in B<CFLAGS> in the second build:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:449
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:451
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" %:\n"
+" dh $@\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" dh_auto_configure -Bbuild-deb ...\n"
+" DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-Os dh_auto_configure \\\n"
+" --reload-all-buildenv-variables -Bbuild-udeb ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:459
+msgid ""
+"Without B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables> in the second call to "
+"L<dh_auto_configure(1)>, the change in B<DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND> would be "
+"ignored as L<dh_auto_configure(1)> would use the cached value of B<CFLAGS> "
+"set by L<dh(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:464
+msgid ""
+"This option is only available with B<< debhelper (>= 12.7~) >> when the "
+"package uses compatibility level 9 or later."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:467 dh:299
+msgid "B<--list>, B<-l>"
+msgstr "B<--list>, B<-l>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:469
+msgid ""
+"List all build systems supported by debhelper on this system. The list "
+"includes both default and third party build systems (marked as such). Also "
+"shows which build system would be automatically selected, or which one is "
+"manually specified with the B<--buildsystem> option."
+msgstr ""
+"Lista todos los sistemas construcción en el sistema que debhelper acepta. La "
+"lista incluye sistemas de construcción de terceras fuentes (marcadas como "
+"tal) y la predeterminada. También muestra el sistema de construcción que se "
+"seleccionará automáticamente, o cuál está definido mediante la opción B<--"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:476
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:478
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "From time to time, major non-backwards-compatible changes need to be made "
+#| "to debhelper, to keep it clean and well-designed as needs change and its "
+#| "author gains more experience. To prevent such major changes from breaking "
+#| "existing packages, the concept of debhelper compatibility levels was "
+#| "introduced. You tell debhelper which compatibility level it should use, "
+#| "and it modifies its behavior in various ways."
+msgid ""
+"From time to time, major non-backwards-compatible changes need to be made to "
+"debhelper, to keep it clean and well-designed as needs change and its author "
+"gains more experience. To prevent such major changes from breaking existing "
+"packages, the concept of debhelper compatibility levels was introduced. You "
+"must tell debhelper which compatibility level it should use, and it modifies "
+"its behavior in various ways."
+msgstr ""
+"Cada cierto tiempo, debhelper necesita cambios que lo pueden hacer "
+"incompatible con versiones anteriores para así continuar con un buen y "
+"limpio diseño a medida que las necesidades cambian y que su autor gana más "
+"experiencia. Los niveles de compatibilidad de debhelper se crearon para "
+"impedir que estos cambios estropeen algún paquete. Según el nivel de "
+"compatibilidad que se especifique debhelper se comporta de diferentes "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:485
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Tell debhelper what compatibility level to use by writing a number to "
+#| "F<debian/compat>. For example, to turn on v9 mode:"
+msgid ""
+"In current debhelper, you can specify the compatibility level in F<debian/"
+"control> by adding a Build-Depends on the debhelper-compat package. For "
+"example, to use v#RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# mode, ensure F<debian/control> has:"
+msgstr ""
+"Para especificar a debhelper qué nivel de compatibilidad debe utilizar, "
+"escriba un número en F<debian/compat>. Por ejemplo, para activar el modo "
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:489
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| " Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:491
+msgid ""
+"This also serves as an appropriate versioned build dependency on a "
+"sufficient version of the debhelper package, so you do not need to specify a "
+"separate versioned build dependency on the debhelper package unless you need "
+"a specific point release of debhelper (such as for the introduction of a new "
+"feature or bugfix within a compatibility level)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:497
+msgid ""
+"Note that debhelper does not provide debhelper-compat for experimental or "
+"beta compatibility levels; packages experimenting with those compatibility "
+"levels should use F<debian/compat> (or, if only for selected commands, "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:501
+msgid ""
+"Prior versions of debhelper required specifying the compatibility level in "
+"the file F<debian/compat>, and current debhelper still supports this for "
+"backward compatibility. To use this method, the F<debian/compat> file should "
+"contain the compatibility level as a single number, and no other content. If "
+"you specify the compatibility level by this method, your package will also "
+"need a versioned build dependency on a version of the debhelper package "
+"equal to (or greater than) the compatibility level your package uses. So, if "
+"you specify compatibility level #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# in F<debian/compat>, "
+"ensure F<debian/control> has:"
+msgstr ""
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:511
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| " Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#~)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:513
+msgid ""
+"Note that you must use either the build-dependency on debhelper-compat or "
+"the F<debian/compat> file. Whenever possible, the debhelper-compat build-"
+"dependency is recommended."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:517
+msgid ""
+"If needed be, the B<DH_COMPAT> environment variable can be used to override "
+"the compat level for a given command. The feature is mostly useful for "
+"either temporarily upgrading a few commands to a new compat level or keeping "
+"a few commands on a lower compat level. The feature is best used sparingly "
+"as it effectively introduces special-cases into the F<debian/rules> file "
+"that may be surprising to maintainers or reviewers (or, in the long term, to "
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:525
+msgid ""
+"Unless otherwise indicated, all debhelper documentation assumes that you are "
+"using the most recent compatibility level, and in most cases does not "
+"indicate if the behavior is different in an earlier compatibility level, so "
+"if you are not using the most recent compatibility level, you're advised to "
+"read below for notes about what is different in earlier compatibility levels."
+msgstr ""
+"A menos que se indique lo contrario, toda la documentación de debhelper "
+"supone que utiliza el nivel de compatibilidad más reciente, y en la mayoría "
+"de los casos no indica si el comportamiento de debhelper es distinto bajo "
+"otro nivel de compatibilidad. Por ello, si no está utilizando el nivel de "
+"compatibilidad más reciente, recomendamos que lea a continuación las notas "
+"acerca de las diferencias con anteriores niveles de compatibilidad."
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:532
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Debhelper compatibility levels"
+msgid "Supported compatibility levels"
+msgstr "Niveles de compatibilidad de debhelper"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:534
+msgid ""
+"The list of supported compatibility levels and the related upgrade check "
+"list has moved to L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:537 dh_auto_test:48 dh_dwz:69 dh_installcatalogs:67
+#: dh_installdocs:202 dh_installemacsen:75 dh_installexamples:96
+#: dh_installinit:204 dh_installinitramfs:60 dh_installman:131
+#: dh_installmodules:57 dh_installudev:50 dh_installwm:66 dh_installxfonts:40
+#: dh_movefiles:67 dh_strip:119 dh_usrlocal:60 dh_systemd_enable:103
+#: dh_systemd_start:68
+msgid "NOTES"
+msgstr "NOTAS"
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:539
+msgid "Multiple binary package support"
+msgstr "Compatibilidad con varios paquetes binarios"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:541
+msgid ""
+"If your source package generates more than one binary package, debhelper "
+"programs will default to acting on all binary packages when run. If your "
+"source package happens to generate one architecture dependent package, and "
+"another architecture independent package, this is not the correct behavior, "
+"because you need to generate the architecture dependent packages in the "
+"binary-arch F<debian/rules> target, and the architecture independent "
+"packages in the binary-indep F<debian/rules> target."
+msgstr ""
+"Si su paquete fuente genera más de un paquete binario, los programas de "
+"debhelper actuarán sobre todos los paquetes binarios de forma "
+"predeterminada. Si se diera el caso de que su paquete fuente genera un "
+"paquete dependiente de la arquitectura, y otro independiente, éste no sería "
+"un comportamiento correcto porque necesitará generar los paquetes "
+"dependientes de la arquitectura en el objetivo binary-arch de F<debian/"
+"rules>, y los paquetes independientes de la arquitectura en el objetivo "
+"binary-indep de F<debian/rules>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:549
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "To facilitate this, as well as give you more control over which packages "
+#| "are acted on by debhelper programs, all debhelper programs accept the B<-"
+#| "a>, B<-i>, B<-p>, and B<-s> parameters. These parameters are cumulative. "
+#| "If none are given, debhelper programs default to acting on all packages "
+#| "listed in the control file."
+msgid ""
+"To facilitate this, as well as give you more control over which packages are "
+"acted on by debhelper programs, all debhelper programs accept the B<-a>, B<-"
+"i>, B<-p>, and B<-s> parameters. These parameters are cumulative. If none "
+"are given, debhelper programs default to acting on all packages listed in "
+"the control file, with the exceptions below."
+msgstr ""
+"Para facilitar esto, así como para dar mayor control sobre qué paquetes "
+"actúan los programas de debhelper, todos estos aceptan los parámetros B<-a>, "
+"B<-i>, B<-p>, y B<-s>. Estos parámetros son acumulativos. Si no se "
+"especifica ninguno, los programas de debhelper actúan por omisión en todos "
+"los paquetes listados en el fichero de control."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:555
+msgid ""
+"First, any package whose B<Architecture> field in B<debian/control> does not "
+"match the B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture will be excluded (L<Debian Policy, "
+"section 5.6.8>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:559
+msgid ""
+"Also, some additional packages may be excluded based on the contents of the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_PROFILES> environment variable and B<Build-Profiles> fields in "
+"binary package stanzas in B<debian/control>, according to the draft policy "
+"at L<>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head3
+#: debhelper.pod:564
+msgid "Interaction between package selections and Build-Profiles"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:566
+msgid ""
+"Build-Profiles affect which packages are included in the package selections "
+"mechanisms in debhelper. Generally, the package selections are described "
+"from the assumption that all packages are enabled. This section describes "
+"how the selections react when a package is disabled due to the active Build-"
+"Profiles (or lack of active Build-Profiles)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:574
+msgid "-a/--arch, -i/--indep OR no selection options (a raw \"dh_X\" call)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:576
+msgid ""
+"The package disabled by Build-Profiles is silently excluded from the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:579
+msgid ""
+"Note you will receive a warning if I<all> packages related to these "
+"selections are disabled. In that case, it generally does not make sense to "
+"do the build in the first place."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:583
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-N>I<package>, B<--no-package=>I<package>"
+msgid "-N I<package> / --no-package I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-N>I<paquete>, B<--no-package=>I<paquete>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:585
+msgid "The option is accepted and effectively does nothing."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:587
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-p>I<package>, B<--package=>I<package>"
+msgid "-p I<package> / --package I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-p>I<paquete>, B<--package=>I<paquete>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:589
+msgid "The option is accepted, but debhelper will not act on the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:593
+msgid ""
+"Note that it does not matter whether a package is enabled or disabled by "
+msgstr ""
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:596
+msgid "Automatic generation of Debian install scripts"
+msgstr "Generación automática de los scripts de instalación de Debian"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:598
+msgid ""
+"Some debhelper commands will automatically generate parts of Debian "
+"maintainer scripts. If you want these automatically generated things "
+"included in your existing Debian maintainer scripts, then you need to add "
+"B<#DEBHELPER#> to your scripts, in the place the code should be added. "
+"B<#DEBHELPER#> will be replaced by any auto-generated code when you run "
+msgstr ""
+"Algunas órdenes de debhelper generarán automáticamente parte de los scripts "
+"de instalación de Debian. Si quiere que estas órdenes generen "
+"automáticamente lo que esté incluido en sus scripts de instalación de "
+"Debian, necesitará añadir B<#DEBHELPER#> a sus scripts, en el lugar donde el "
+"código se deba añadir. B<#DEBHELPER#> será remplazado por cualquier código "
+"auto-generado cuando ejecute B<dh_installdeb>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:605
+msgid ""
+"If a script does not exist at all and debhelper needs to add something to "
+"it, then debhelper will create the complete script."
+msgstr ""
+"Si el script no existe y debhelper necesita añadir algo en particular, "
+"creará el script por completo."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:608
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper commands that automatically generate code in this way let it "
+"be disabled by the -n parameter (see above)."
+msgstr ""
+"Todas las órdenes de debhelper que generan código automáticamente de esta "
+"manera se pueden deshabilitar con el parámetro «-n» (ver arriba)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:611
+msgid ""
+"Note that the inserted code will be shell code, so you cannot directly use "
+"it in a Perl script. If you would like to embed it into a Perl script, here "
+"is one way to do that (note that I made sure that $1, $2, etc are set with "
+"the set command):"
+msgstr ""
+"Observe que el código insertado sera código de consola, y por ello no puede "
+"utilizarlo directamente en un script de Perl. Si desea introducirlo en un "
+"script de Perl, hágalo de la siguiente forma (tenga en cuenta que en este "
+"caso comprobé que $1, $2, etc se definen con la orden «set»):"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:616
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+" EOF\n"
+" if (system($temp)) {\n"
+" my $exit_code = ($? >> 8) & 0xff;\n"
+" my $signal = $? & 0x7f;\n"
+" if ($exit_code) {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script failed with error code: ${exit_code}\");\n"
+" } else {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script was killed by signal: ${signal}\");\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+msgstr ""
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:629
+msgid "Automatic generation of miscellaneous dependencies."
+msgstr "Generación automática de diversas dependencias."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:631
+msgid ""
+"Some debhelper commands may make the generated package need to depend on "
+"some other packages. For example, if you use L<dh_installdebconf(1)>, your "
+"package will generally need to depend on debconf. Or if you use "
+"L<dh_installxfonts(1)>, your package will generally need to depend on a "
+"particular version of xutils. Keeping track of these miscellaneous "
+"dependencies can be annoying since they are dependent on how debhelper does "
+"things, so debhelper offers a way to automate it."
+msgstr ""
+"Es posible que algunas órdenes de debhelper hagan que los paquetes generados "
+"dependan de otros paquetes. Por ejemplo, si utiliza L<dh_installdebconf(1)>, "
+"el paquete generado dependerá de debconf. Si utiliza L<dh_installxfonts(1)>, "
+"el paquete dependerá de una determinada versión de xutils. Llevar la cuenta "
+"de todas estas dependencias puede ser tedioso porque dependen de cómo "
+"debhelper haga las cosas, y por ello debhelper ofrece una manera de "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:639
+msgid ""
+"All commands of this type, besides documenting what dependencies may be "
+"needed on their man pages, will automatically generate a substvar called "
+"B<${misc:Depends}>. If you put that token into your F<debian/control> file, "
+"it will be expanded to the dependencies debhelper figures you need."
+msgstr ""
+"Todas las órdenes de este tipo, además de documentar qué dependencias pueden "
+"ser necesarias en sus páginas de manual, generarán automáticamente una "
+"variable de sustitución llamada B<${misc:Depends}>. Si introduce esta "
+"variable en el fichero F<debian/control>, se expandirá a las dependencias "
+"que debhelper crea oportunas."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:644
+msgid ""
+"This is entirely independent of the standard B<${shlibs:Depends}> generated "
+"by L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>, and the B<${perl:Depends}> generated by "
+"L<dh_perl(1)>. You can choose not to use any of these, if debhelper's "
+"guesses don't match reality."
+msgstr ""
+"Esto es totalmente independiente del campo estándar B<${shlibs:Depends}> "
+"generado por L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>, y del B<${perl:Depends}> generada por "
+"L<dh_perl(1)>. Puede preferir no utilizar ninguno de estos si la expansión "
+"de debhelper de estas variables no es correcta."
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:649
+msgid "Package build directories"
+msgstr "Directorios de construcción del paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:651
+msgid ""
+"By default, all debhelper programs assume that the temporary directory used "
+"for assembling the tree of files in a package is debian/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Por omisión, todos los programas de debhelper asumen que el directorio "
+"temporal utilizado para ensamblar el árbol de ficheros en un paquete es "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:654
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes, you might want to use some other temporary directory. This is "
+"supported by the B<-P> flag. For example, \"B<dh_installdocs -Pdebian/"
+"tmp>\", will use B<debian/tmp> as the temporary directory. Note that if you "
+"use B<-P>, the debhelper programs can only be acting on a single package at "
+"a time. So if you have a package that builds many binary packages, you will "
+"need to also use the B<-p> flag to specify which binary package the "
+"debhelper program will act on."
+msgstr ""
+"Algunas veces, puede que desee utilizar otro directorio temporal. Esto se "
+"puede conseguir con la opción B<-P>. Por ejemplo, B<dh_installdocs -Pdebian/"
+"tmp>, utilizará el directorio B<debian/tmp> como directorio temporal. Tenga "
+"en cuenta que si utiliza la opción B<-P>, los programas de debhelper sólo "
+"podrán actuar sobre un paquete a la vez. Por eso, si tiene un paquete que "
+"construye muchos paquetes binarios, tendrá que hacer uso de la opción B<-p> "
+"para especificar el paquete binario sobre el que debhelper actuará."
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:662
+msgid "udebs"
+msgstr "udebs"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:664
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper includes support for udebs. To create a udeb with debhelper, add "
+"\"B<Package-Type: udeb>\" to the package's stanza in F<debian/control>. "
+"Debhelper will try to create udebs that comply with debian-installer policy, "
+"by making the generated package files end in F<.udeb>, not installing any "
+"documentation into a udeb, skipping over F<preinst>, F<postrm>, F<prerm>, "
+"and F<config> scripts, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"Debhelper incluye la compatibilidad con paquetes udeb. Para crear un udeb "
+"con debhelper, añada B<Package-Type: udeb> al párrafo del paquete binario en "
+"F<debian/control>. Debhelper tratará de crear udebs que cumplan con las "
+"normas de debian-installer, haciendo que los ficheros de los paquetes "
+"terminen en F<.udeb>, no instalando ninguna documentación en un udeb, y "
+"omitiendo los scripts F<preinst>, F<postrm>, F<prerm>, scripts F<config>, "
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:671
+msgstr "ENTORNO"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:673
+msgid ""
+"This section describes some of the environment variables that influences the "
+"behaviour of debhelper or which debhelper interacts with."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:676
+msgid ""
+"It is important to note that these must be actual environment variables in "
+"order to affect the behaviour of debhelper (not simply F<Makefile> "
+"variables). To specify them properly in F<debian/rules>, be sure to "
+"\"B<export>\" them. For example, \"B<export DH_VERBOSE>\"."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:683
+msgid "B<DH_VERBOSE>"
+msgstr "B<DH_VERBOSE>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:685
+msgid ""
+"Set to a non-empty value to enable verbose mode. Please see the B<-v> / B<--"
+"verbose> option for details."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:688
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<DH_COMPAT>"
+msgid "B<DH_QUIET>"
+msgstr "B<DH_COMPAT>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:690
+msgid ""
+"Set to a non-empty value to enable quiet mode. Debhelper will not output "
+"commands calling the upstream build system nor will dh print which "
+"subcommands are called and depending on the upstream build system might make "
+"that more quiet, too. This makes it easier to spot important messages but "
+"makes the output quite useless as buildd log."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:696
+msgid "Ignored if DH_VERBOSE is also set or B<-v> / B<--verbose> is passed."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:698
+msgid "B<DH_COMPAT>"
+msgstr "B<DH_COMPAT>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:700
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Temporarily specifies what compatibility level debhelper should run at, "
+#| "overriding any value in F<debian/compat>."
+msgid ""
+"Temporarily specifies what compatibility level debhelper should run at, "
+"overriding any value specified via Build-Depends on debhelper-compat or via "
+"the F<debian/compat> file."
+msgstr ""
+"Especifica temporalmente bajo qué nivel de compatibilidad debe actuar "
+"debhelper, ignorando cualquier valor en F<debian/compat>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:704
+msgid "B<DH_NO_ACT>"
+msgstr "B<DH_NO_ACT>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:706
+msgid "Set to B<1> to enable no-act mode."
+msgstr "Defina como B<1> para habilitar el modo no-act."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:708
+msgid "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+msgstr "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:710
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper tools will parse command line arguments listed in this "
+"variable before any command option (as if they had been prepended to the "
+"command line arguments). Unfortunately, some third-party provided tools may "
+"not support this variable and will ignore these command line arguments."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:715
+msgid ""
+"When using L<dh(1)>, it can be passed options that will be passed on to each "
+"debhelper command, which is generally better than using DH_OPTIONS."
+msgstr ""
+"Al utilizar L<dh(1)>, puede aceptar opciones que se introducen a cada orden "
+"de debhelper, lo que habitualmente es mejor que utilizar «DH_OPTIONS»."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:718
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:720
+msgid ""
+"If set, this adds the value the variable is set to to the B<-X> options of "
+"all commands that support the B<-X> option. Moreover, B<dh_builddeb> will "
+"B<rm -rf> anything that matches the value in your package build tree."
+msgstr ""
+"Si se define, añade su valor a la opción B<-X> de todas las órdenes que "
+"permiten dicha opción. Es más, B<dh_builddeb> ejecutará B<rm -rf> con todo "
+"lo que coincida con el valor dentro del árbol de construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:724
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful if you are doing a build from a CVS source tree, in which "
+"case setting B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> will prevent any CVS directories from "
+"sneaking into the package you build. Or, if a package has a source tarball "
+"that (unwisely) includes CVS directories, you might want to export "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> in F<debian/rules>, to make it take effect wherever "
+"your package is built."
+msgstr ""
+"Puede ser útil si está compilando desde un árbol de CVS, en cuyo caso "
+"estableciendo B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> evitará que los directorios CVS se "
+"introduzcan en el paquete construido. O, si su paquete original "
+"(imprudentemente) incluye directorios CVS, puede ser útil exportar "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> en F<debian/rules>, para que esto tenga efecto en "
+"cualquier sitio donde se construya el paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:731
+msgid ""
+"Multiple things to exclude can be separated with colons, as in "
+msgstr ""
+"Puede separar varias cosas a excluir mediante dos puntos, por ejemplo: "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:734
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+msgstr "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:736
+msgid ""
+"If set, this adds the specified dh addons to be run in the appropriate "
+"places in the sequence of commands. This is equivalent to specifying the "
+"addon to run with the --with flag in the debian/rules file. Any --without "
+"calls specifying an addon in this environment variable will not be run."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:741
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to be used by downstreams or specific local configurations "
+"that require a debhelper addon to be run during multiple builds without "
+"having to patch a large number of rules file. If at all possible, this "
+"should be avoided in favor of a --with flag in the rules file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:746
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:748
+msgid ""
+"These variables can be used to control whether debhelper commands should use "
+"colors in their textual output. Can be set to \"always\", \"auto\" (the "
+"default), or \"never\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:752
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<DPKG_COLOR> also affects a number of dpkg related tools and "
+"debhelper uses it on the assumption that you want the same color setting for "
+"dpkg and debhelper. In the off-hand chance you want different color setting "
+"for debhelper, you can use B<DH_COLORS> instead or in addition to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:758
+msgid "B<NO_COLOR>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:760
+msgid ""
+"If no explicit request for color has been given (e.g. B<DH_COLORS> and "
+"B<DPKG_COLORS> are both unset), the presence of this environment variable "
+"cause the default color setting to be \"never\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:764
+msgid ""
+"The variable is defined according to L<>. In this "
+"project, the environment variables (such as B<DH_COLORS>) are considered an "
+"explicit request for color."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:768
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:770
+msgid ""
+"By default (in any non-deprecated compat level), debhelper will "
+"automatically set these flags by using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>, when they are "
+"unset. If you need to change the default flags, please use the features "
+"from L<dpkg-buildflags(1)> to do this (e.g. "
+"DCUSTOM_MACRO=true>) rather than setting the concrete variable directly."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:777
+msgid "B<HOME>, B<XDG_*>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:779
+msgid ""
+"In compat 13 and later, these environment variables are reset before "
+"invoking the upstream build system via the B<dh_auto_*> helpers. The "
+"variables B<HOME> (all B<dh_auto_*> helpers) and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> "
+"(B<dh_auto_test> only) will be set to a writable directory. All remaining "
+"variables and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> (except for during B<dh_auto_test>) will be "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:785
+msgid ""
+"The B<HOME> directory will be created as an empty directory but it will be "
+"reused between calls to B<dh_auto_*>. Any content will persist until "
+"explicitly deleted or B<dh_clean>."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:789
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+msgstr "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:791
+msgid ""
+"Please see L</Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> for this environment "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:794
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this variable should I<not> be altered by package "
+"maintainers inside F<debian/rules> to change the behaviour of debhelper. "
+"Instead, where the package maintainer need these features, they should look "
+"disabling the relevant feature directly (e.g. by overriding the concrete "
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:799
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+msgstr "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:801
+msgid ""
+"This is a dpkg specific environment variable (see e.g. L<dpkg-"
+"buildflags(1)>). The debhelper tool suite silently ignores it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:804
+msgid ""
+"It is documented here because it has a similar name to B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>, "
+"which make some people mistakenly assume that debhelper will also react to "
+"this variable."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:810
+msgid "Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:812
+msgid ""
+"The debhelper tool suite reacts to the following flags in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:816
+msgid "B<dherroron=obsolete-compat-levels>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:818
+msgid "I<This is a debhelper specific value.>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:820
+msgid ""
+"When B<dherroron> is present and set to B<obsolete-compat-levels>, then "
+"debhelper tools will promote deprecation warnings for usage of old soon to "
+"be removed compat levels into errors."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:824
+msgid ""
+"This is useful for automated checking for code relying on deprecated compat "
+"levels that is scheduled for removal."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:827
+msgid "This option is intended for testing purposes; not production builds."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:829
+msgid "B<nostrip>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:831 debhelper.pod:854 debhelper.pod:868
+msgid ""
+"I<This value will change the content of the debs being built. The .deb "
+"packages built when this is set is therefore not bit-for-bit reproducible "
+"with a regular build in the general case.>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:835
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper tools will skip actions and "
+"helpers that either remove, detach or deduplicate debugging symbols in ELF "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:839
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_dwz(1)> and L<dh_strip(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:841
+msgid "B<nocheck>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:843
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to skip runs of "
+"upstream test suites."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:846
+msgid ""
+"Package maintainers looking to avoid running the upstream tests should "
+"B<not> rely on this. Instead, they can add an empty override target to skip "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:850
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_auto_test(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:852
+msgid "B<nodoc>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:858
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause several debhelper tools to skip installation of "
+"documentation such as manpages or upstream provided documentation. "
+"Additionally, the tools will also ignore if declared documentation is "
+"\"missing\" on the assumption that the documentation has not been built."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:863
+msgid ""
+"This value effects tools I<like> L<dh_installdocs(1)>, which I<knows> it is "
+"working with documentation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:866
+msgid "B<notrimdch>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:872
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause L<dh_installchangelogs(1)> to act as if it had been "
+"passed the B<--no-trim> option, forcing it to forgo removing older entries "
+"from changelogs."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:876
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+msgid "B<noautodbgsym>, B<noddebs>"
+msgstr "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:878
+msgid ""
+"I<The official name is noautodbgsym. The noddebs variant is accepted for "
+"historical reasons.>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:881
+msgid ""
+"This value causes debhelper to skip the generation of automatically "
+"generated debug symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:884
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_strip(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:886
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--parallel>"
+msgid "B<parallel=N>"
+msgstr "B<--parallel>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:888
+msgid ""
+"This value enables debhelper to use up to B<N> threads or processes (subject "
+"to parameters like B<--no-parallel> and B<--max-parallel=M>). Not all "
+"debhelper tools work with parallel tasks and may silently ignore the request."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:893
+msgid ""
+"This value affects many debhelper tools. Most notably B<dh_auto_*>, which "
+"will attempt to run the underlying upstream build system with that number of "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:897
+msgid "B<terse>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:899
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to configure "
+"upstream builds to be terse (i.e. reduce verbosity in their output). This "
+"is subject to the upstream and the debhelper build system supporting such "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:904
+msgid ""
+"This value affects most B<dh_auto_*> tools directly. For commands provided "
+"by the debhelper package, it also causes the tools to act like the "
+"B<DH_QUIET> environment variable was non-empty."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:910
+msgid "Unknown flags are silently ignored."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:912
+msgid ""
+"Note third-party debhelper-like tools or third-party provided build systems "
+"may or may not react to the above flags. This tends to depend on "
+"implementation details of the tool."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:916 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:753
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:178 dh:872 dh_auto_build:53 dh_auto_clean:55
+#: dh_auto_configure:58 dh_auto_install:103 dh_auto_test:64 dh_bugfiles:133
+#: dh_builddeb:176 dh_clean:189 dh_compress:243 dh_dwz:163 dh_fixperms:164
+#: dh_gencontrol:208 dh_icons:75 dh_install:377 dh_installcatalogs:128
+#: dh_installchangelogs:365 dh_installcron:80 dh_installdeb:419
+#: dh_installdebconf:233 dh_installdirs:131 dh_installdocs:437
+#: dh_installemacsen:138 dh_installexamples:182 dh_installifupdown:72
+#: dh_installinfo:123 dh_installinit:413 dh_installinitramfs:91
+#: dh_installlogcheck:81 dh_installlogrotate:53 dh_installman:420
+#: dh_installmanpages:198 dh_installmenu:88 dh_installmime:63
+#: dh_installmodules:109 dh_installpam:71 dh_installppp:68 dh_installudev:102
+#: dh_installwm:130 dh_installxfonts:90 dh_link:166 dh_lintian:60
+#: dh_listpackages:34 dh_makeshlibs:456 dh_md5sums:118 dh_movefiles:161
+#: dh_perl:188 dh_prep:70 dh_shlibdeps:204 dh_strip:435 dh_testdir:62
+#: dh_testroot:93 dh_usrlocal:136 dh_systemd_enable:280 dh_systemd_start:280
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:920
+msgid "L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:922
+msgid ""
+"List of supported compat levels and an upgrade checklist for each of them."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:924
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:926
+msgid "A set of example F<debian/rules> files that use debhelper."
+msgstr "Varios ficheros de ejemplo F<debian/rules> que utilizan debhelper."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:928
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "L<>"
+msgid "L<>"
+msgstr "L<>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:930
+msgid "Debhelper web site."
+msgstr "Sitio web de Debhelper."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:934 dh:878 dh_auto_build:59 dh_auto_clean:61
+#: dh_auto_configure:64 dh_auto_install:109 dh_auto_test:70 dh_bugfiles:141
+#: dh_builddeb:182 dh_clean:195 dh_compress:249 dh_dwz:169 dh_fixperms:170
+#: dh_gencontrol:214 dh_icons:81 dh_install:383 dh_installcatalogs:134
+#: dh_installchangelogs:371 dh_installcron:86 dh_installdeb:425
+#: dh_installdebconf:239 dh_installdirs:137 dh_installdocs:443
+#: dh_installemacsen:145 dh_installexamples:188 dh_installifupdown:78
+#: dh_installinfo:129 dh_installinitramfs:99 dh_installlogcheck:87
+#: dh_installlogrotate:59 dh_installman:426 dh_installmanpages:204
+#: dh_installmenu:96 dh_installmime:69 dh_installmodules:115 dh_installpam:77
+#: dh_installppp:74 dh_installudev:108 dh_installwm:136 dh_installxfonts:96
+#: dh_link:172 dh_lintian:68 dh_listpackages:40 dh_makeshlibs:462
+#: dh_md5sums:124 dh_movefiles:167 dh_perl:194 dh_prep:76 dh_shlibdeps:210
+#: dh_strip:441 dh_testdir:68 dh_testroot:99 dh_usrlocal:142
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr "AUTOR"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:936 dh:880 dh_auto_build:61 dh_auto_clean:63
+#: dh_auto_configure:66 dh_auto_install:111 dh_auto_test:72 dh_builddeb:184
+#: dh_clean:197 dh_compress:251 dh_fixperms:172 dh_gencontrol:216
+#: dh_install:385 dh_installchangelogs:373 dh_installcron:88 dh_installdeb:427
+#: dh_installdebconf:241 dh_installdirs:139 dh_installdocs:445
+#: dh_installemacsen:147 dh_installexamples:190 dh_installifupdown:80
+#: dh_installinfo:131 dh_installinit:421 dh_installlogrotate:61
+#: dh_installman:428 dh_installmanpages:206 dh_installmenu:98 dh_installmime:71
+#: dh_installmodules:117 dh_installpam:79 dh_installppp:76 dh_installudev:110
+#: dh_installwm:138 dh_installxfonts:98 dh_link:174 dh_listpackages:42
+#: dh_makeshlibs:464 dh_md5sums:126 dh_movefiles:169 dh_prep:78
+#: dh_shlibdeps:212 dh_strip:443 dh_testdir:70 dh_testroot:101
+msgid "Joey Hess <>"
+msgstr "Joey Hess <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:5
+msgid ""
+"debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist - Upgrade checklist for supported "
+"debhelper compat levels"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"This document is an upgrade checklist of all the supported debhelper compat "
+"levels. It also lists all the support debhelper compat levels."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:12
+msgid ""
+"Information about how to declare the compat level is in L<debhelper(7)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:14
+msgid ""
+"If you are upgrading from a (now) obsolete compat level, then please refer "
+"to L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:19
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "These are the available compatibility levels:"
+msgid "Upgrade checklist for supported compatibility levels"
+msgstr "Los niveles de compatibilidad disponibles son:"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:21
+msgid "These are the available compatibility levels:"
+msgstr "Los niveles de compatibilidad disponibles son:"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:25
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "v5"
+msgid "v15"
+msgstr "v5"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:27
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:51 strings-kept-translations.pod:9
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "This compatibility level is still open for development; use with caution."
+msgid ""
+"This compatibility level is still open for development; use with caution."
+msgstr ""
+"Este nivel de compatibilidad aún está en desarrollo, utilícelo con "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:29
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Changes from v4 are:"
+msgid "Changes from v14 are:"
+msgstr "Los cambios desde el nivel v4 son:"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:33
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:57
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:63
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:68
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:74
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:90
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:95
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:103
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:120
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:128
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:136
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:145
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:151
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:161
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:169
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:175
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:189
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:200
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:214
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:225
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:241
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:251
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:255
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:260
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:265
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:272
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:278
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:286
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:292
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:296
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:301
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:306
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:315
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:331
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:340
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:356
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:364
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:369
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:391
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:397
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:409
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:417
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:423
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:428
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:433
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:438
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:446
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:456
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:466
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:473
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:485
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:490
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:518
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:535
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:540
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:546
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:552
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:557
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:563
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:572
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:582
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:588
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:611
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:618
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:624
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:630
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:636
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:656
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:661
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:668
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:673
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:678
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:686
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:692
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:697
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:702
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:717
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:721
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:729
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:734 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:29
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:36 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:40
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:44 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:57
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:62 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:68
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:74 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:89
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:93 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:98
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:102 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:114
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:119 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:124
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:129 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:143
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:148 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:152
+#: dh_testroot:36 dh_testroot:41 dh_testroot:46
+msgid "-"
+msgstr "-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:35
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_auto_install> tool no longer defaults to B<< --destdir=debian/"
+"I<package> >> for source packages only producing a single binary. If this "
+"behaviour is wanted, the package should explicitly activate the B<single-"
+"binary> dh addon (e.g., by adding B<dh-sequence-single-binary> to B<Build-"
+"Depends>) or pass B<--destdir> to B<dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:41
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:84
+msgid ""
+"The rationale for this change to avoid \"surprises\" when adding a second "
+"binary package later. Previously, debhelper would silently change behaviour "
+"often resulting in empty binary packages being uploaded to the archive by "
+"mistake. With the new behaviour, the B<single-binary> addon will detect the "
+"mismatch and warn the maintainer of what is about to happen."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:49
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "v10"
+msgid "v14"
+msgstr "v10"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:53
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Changes from v5 are:"
+msgid "Changes from v13 are:"
+msgstr "Los cambios desde el nivel v5 son:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON> to "
+"L<cmake(1)> to avoid some reproducibility issues."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"The tool B<dh_installsysusers> is now included in the default sequence. This "
+"helper tool will process systemd sysusers files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:70
+msgid ""
+"Use of the B<dh_gconf> command in override and hook targets now causes an "
+"error. The B<dh_gconf> command has been a no-op for years and was removed "
+"in debhelper 13.4."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:76
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> sequencer will warn if the B<single-binary> addon is implicitly "
+"activated to warn maintainers of the pending compat 15 change in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:79
+msgid ""
+"Maintainers are urged to either explicitly activate the B<single-binary> "
+"addon to preserve the existing behaviour (e.g., by adding B<dh-sequence-"
+"single-binary> to Build-Depends), or explicitly passing B<--destdir> to "
+"B<dh_auto_install> if used and then passing B<--without single-binary> to "
+"B<dh> (the latter to silence the warning)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:92
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installalternatives> tool will now be run after B<dh_link> rather "
+"than after B<dh_installinitramfs> in the default B<dh> sequence."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:97
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installpam> tool will now install PAM configuration files under "
+"F<< /usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> >> instead of F<< /etc/pam.d/I<package> >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:100
+msgid ""
+"Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from L<dh_installdeb(1)> "
+"to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:105
+msgid ""
+"The B<meson+ninja> and B<cmake> build systems now use B<meson install> and "
+"B<cmake --install>, respectively, instead of B<ninja install> and B<make "
+"install> in the L<dh_auto_install(1)> call. Any override of "
+"B<dh_auto_install> that passes extra parameters to the upstream build system "
+"should be reviewed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:112
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "v10"
+msgid "v13"
+msgstr "v10"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:114
+msgid "This is the recommended mode of operation."
+msgstr "Este es el modo de operación aconsejado."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Changes from v3 are:"
+msgid "Changes from v12 are:"
+msgstr "Los cambios desde el nivel v3 son:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:122
+msgid ""
+"The B<meson+ninja> build system now uses B<meson test> instead of B<ninja "
+"test> when running the test suite. Any override of B<dh_auto_test> that "
+"passes extra parameters to upstream test runner should be reviewed as "
+"B<meson test> is not command line compatible with B<ninja test>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:130
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper like tools based on the official debhelper library (including "
+"B<dh> and the official B<dh_*> tools) no longer accepts abbreviated command "
+"parameters. At the same time, B<dh> now optimizes out calls to redundant "
+"B<dh_*> helpers even when passed long command line options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:138
+msgid ""
+"The ELF related debhelper tools (B<dh_dwz>, B<dh_strip>, B<dh_makeshlibs>, "
+"B<dh_shlibdeps>) are now only run for arch dependent packages by default (i."
+"e. they are excluded from B<*-indep> targets and are passed B<-a> by "
+"default). If you need them for B<*-indep> targets, you can add an explicit "
+"Build-Depends on B<dh-sequence-elf-tools>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:147
+msgid ""
+"The third-party B<gradle> build system (from B<gradle-debian-helper> "
+"package) now runs the upstream-provided test suite automatically. To "
+"suppress such behavior, override B<dh_auto_test>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:153
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installman> tool now aborts if it sees conflicting definitions of a "
+"manpage. This typically happens if the upstream build system is installing "
+"a compressed version and the package lists an uncompressed version of the "
+"manpage in F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >>. Often the easiest fix is to "
+"remove the manpage from F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >> (assuming both "
+"versions are identical)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:163
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_auto_*> helpers now reset the environment variables B<HOME> and "
+"common B<XDG_*> variable. Please see description of the environment "
+"variables in L</ENVIRONMENT> for how this is handled."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:167
+msgid "I<This feature changed between debhelper 13 and debhelper 13.2.>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:171
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will now error if an override or hook target for an "
+"obsolete command are present in F<debian/rules> (e.g. "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:177
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_missing> command will now default to B<--fail-missing>. This can "
+"be reverted to a non-fatal warning by explicitly passing B<--list-missing> "
+"like it was in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:181
+msgid ""
+"If you do not want the warning either, please omit the call to "
+"B<dh_missing>. If you use the B<dh> command sequencer, then you can do this "
+"by inserting an empty override target in the F<debian/rules> file of the "
+"relevant package. As an example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:186
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Disable dh_missing\n"
+" override_dh_missing:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:191
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command sequencer now runs B<dh_installtmpfiles> in the default "
+"sequence. The B<dh_installtmpfiles> takes over handling of tmpfiles.d "
+"configuration files. Related functionality in B<dh_installsystemd> is now "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:196
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installtmpfiles> responds to F<< debian/I<package>.tmpfiles "
+">> where B<dh_installsystemd> used a name without the trailing \"s\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:202
+msgid ""
+"Many B<dh_*> tools now support limited variable expansion via the B<${foo}> "
+"syntax. In many cases, this can be used to reference paths that contain "
+"either spaces or L<dpkg-architecture(1)> values. While this can reduce the "
+"need for L<dh-exec(1)> in some cases, it is B<not> a replacement L<dh-"
+"exec(1)> in general. If you need filtering, renaming, etc., the package "
+"will still need L<dh-exec(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:209
+msgid ""
+"Please see L</Substitutions in debhelper config files> for syntax and "
+"available substitution variables. To B<dh_*> tool writers, substitution "
+"expansion occurs as a part of the B<filearray> and B<filedoublearray> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:216
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command sequencer will now skip all hook and override targets for "
+"B<dh_auto_test>, B<dh_dwz> and B<dh_strip> when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> lists "
+"the relevant B<nocheck> / B<nostrip> options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:220
+msgid ""
+"Any package relying on these targets to always be run should instead move "
+"relevant logic out of those targets. E.g. non-test related packaging code "
+"from B<override_dh_auto_test> would have to be moved to "
+"B<execute_after_dh_auto_build> or B<execute_before_dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:227
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-"
+"DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=ON> to L<cmake(1)> to speed up automatic "
+"installation process. If for some reason you need previous behavior, "
+"override the flag:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:231
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=OFF ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:235
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "v10"
+msgid "v12"
+msgstr "v10"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:237
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Changes from v3 are:"
+msgid "Changes from v11 are:"
+msgstr "Los cambios desde el nivel v3 son:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:243
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool now generates shlibs files with versioned "
+"dependency by default. This means that B<-VUpstream-Version> (a.k.a. B<-V>) "
+"is now the default."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:247
+msgid ""
+"If an unversioned dependency in the shlibs file is wanted, this can be "
+"obtained by passing B<-VNone> instead. However, please see "
+"L<dh_makeshlibs(1)> for the caveat of unversioned dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:253
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-s>, B<--same-arch>"
+msgid ""
+"The B<-s> (B<--same-arch>) option is removed. Please use B<-a> (B<--arch>) "
+msgstr "B<-s>, B<--same-arch>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:257
+msgid ""
+"Invoking B<dh_clean -k> now causes an error instead of a deprecation warning."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:262
+msgid ""
+"The B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> option in B<dh_installinit> has been "
+"removed. Please use the new name B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:267
+msgid ""
+"There was a bug in the B<doit> (and similar) functions from L<Debian::"
+"Debhelper::Dh_Lib> that made them spawn a shell in one particular "
+"circumstance. This bug is now removed and will cause helpers that rely on "
+"the bug to fail with a \"command not found\"-error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:274
+msgid ""
+"The B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> in B<dh_install> has been "
+"removed. Please use B<dh_missing> and its corresponding options, which can "
+"also see the files installed by other helpers."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:280
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installinit> helper no longer installs configuration for the "
+"upstart init system. Instead, it will abort the build if it finds an old "
+"upstart configuration file. The error is there to remind the package "
+"maintainer to ensure the proper removal of the conffiles shipped in previous "
+"versions of the package (if any)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:288
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do basic validation of some L<dpkg-"
+"maintscript-helper(1)> commands and will error out if the commands appear to "
+"be invalid."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:294
+msgid "The B<dh_missing> tool will now default to B<--list-missing>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:298
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool will now only pass libraries to L<dpkg-"
+"gensymbols(1)> if the ELF binary has a SONAME (containing \".so\")."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:303
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_compress> tool no longer compresses examples (i.e. anything "
+"installed in F<</usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples>>.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:308
+msgid ""
+"The standard sequence in B<dh> now includes B<dh_dwz> and "
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> by default. This makes the B<dwz> and "
+"B<installinitramfs> sequences obsolete and they will now fail with an "
+"error. If you want to skip these commands, then please insert an empty "
+"override target for them in F<debian/rules> (e.g. I<override_dh_dwz:>)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:317
+msgid ""
+"The build systems B<meson> and B<autoconf> no longer explicitly set the B<--"
+"libexecdir> variable and thus relies on the build system default - which "
+"should be B</usr/libexec> (per FHS 3.0, adopted in Debian Policy 4.1.5)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:322
+msgid ""
+"If a particular upstream package does not use the correct default, the "
+"parameter can often be passed manually via L<dh_auto_configure(1)>. E.g. "
+"via the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:326
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\toverride_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+#| "\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" \tdh_auto_configure -- --libexecdir=/usr/libexec\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:329
+msgid "Note the B<--> before the B<--libexecdir> parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:333
+msgid "B<Retroactively removed in debhelper/13.5>:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:335
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool would no longer installs the maintainer provided "
+"F<conffiles> file as it was deemed unnecessary. However, the B<remove-on-"
+"upgrade> from dpkg/1.20 made the file relevant again and B<dh_installdeb> "
+"now installs it again in compat levels 12+."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:342
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installsystemd> tool no longer relies on B<dh_installinit> for "
+"handling systemd services that have a sysvinit alternative. Both tools must "
+"now be used in such a case to ensure the service is properly started under "
+"both sysvinit and systemd."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:347
+msgid ""
+"If you have an override for B<dh_installinit> (e.g. to call it with B<--no-"
+"start>) then you will probably need one for B<dh_installsystemd> as well now."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:351
+msgid ""
+"This change makes B<dh_installinit> inject a I<misc:Pre-Depends> for B<< "
+"init-system-helpers (>= 1.54~) >>. Please ensure that the package lists "
+"B<${misc:Pre-Depends}> in its B<Pre-Depends> field before upgrading to "
+"compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:358
+msgid ""
+"The third-party B<dh_golang> tool (from B<dh-golang> package) now defaults "
+"on honoring B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES> variable for source installation in -dev "
+"packages and not only during the building process. Please set "
+"B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES_ALL> to false to revert to the previous behaviour. See "
+"B<Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::golang(3pm)> for details and examples."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:366
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installsystemduser> is now included in the B<dh> standard sequence by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:371
+msgid ""
+"The B<python-distutils> buildsystem is now removed. Please use the third-"
+"party build system B<pybuild> instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:376
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "v1"
+msgid "v11"
+msgstr "v1"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:378
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This mode is deprecated."
+msgid "This mode is discouraged."
+msgstr "Este modo está obsoleto."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:380
+msgid ""
+"The compat 11 is discouraged for new packages as it suffers from feature "
+"interaction between L<dh_installinit> and L<dh_installsystemd> causing "
+"services to not run correctly in some cases. Please consider using "
+"compatibility mode 10 or 12 instead. More details about the issue are "
+"available in Debian#887904 and L<"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:387
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Changes from v3 are:"
+msgid "Changes from v10 are:"
+msgstr "Los cambios desde el nivel v3 son:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:393
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> no longer installs F<service> or F<tmpfile> files, nor "
+"generates maintainer scripts for those files. Please use the new "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> helper."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:399
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_systemd_enable> and B<dh_systemd_start> helpers have been replaced "
+"by the new B<dh_installsystemd> helper. For the same reason, the B<systemd> "
+"sequence for B<dh> has also been removed. If you need to disable the "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> helper tool, please use an empty override target."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:405
+msgid ""
+"Please note that the B<dh_installsystemd> tool has a slightly different "
+"behaviour in some cases (e.g. when using the B<--name> parameter)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:411
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> no longer creates debian/I<package> directories unless "
+"explicitly requested (or it has to create a subdirectory in it)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:415
+msgid "The vast majority of all packages will be unaffected by this change."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:419
+msgid ""
+"The B<makefile> buildsystem now passes B<INSTALL=\"install --strip-"
+"program=true\"> to L<make(1)>. Derivative buildsystems (e.g. B<configure> "
+"or B<cmake>) are unaffected by this change."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:425
+msgid ""
+"The B<autoconf> buildsystem now passes B<--runstatedir=/run> to F<./"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:430
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR=/run> to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:435
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> will now prefer detecting the language from the path name "
+"rather than the extension."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:440
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> will now only create the destination directory it needs. "
+"Previously, it would create the package build directory for all packages. "
+"This will not affect packages that only build with debhelper commands, but "
+"it may expose bugs in commands not included in debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:448
+msgid ""
+"The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, and "
+"B<dh_installman> now error out if their config has a pattern that does not "
+"match anything or reference a path that does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:452
+msgid ""
+"Known exceptions include building with the B<nodoc> profile, where the above "
+"tools will silently permit failed matches where the patterns are used to "
+"specify documentation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:458
+msgid ""
+"The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, and "
+"B<dh_installman> now accept the parameter B<--sourcedir> with same meaning "
+"as B<dh_install>. Furthermore, they now also fall back to F<debian/tmp> like "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:463
+msgid ""
+"Migration note: A bug in debhelper 11 up to 11.1.5 made B<dh_installinfo> "
+"incorrectly ignore B<--sourcedir>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:468
+msgid ""
+"The B<perl-makemaker> and B<perl-build> build systems no longer pass B<-I.> "
+"to perl. Packages that still need this behaviour can emulate it by using "
+"the B<PERL5LIB> environment variable. E.g. by adding B<export PERL5LIB=.> "
+"in their debian/rules file (or similar)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:475
+msgid ""
+"The B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable is no longer set by B<dh> or "
+"any of the B<dh_auto_*> tools. It was added as a temporary work around to "
+"avoid a lot of packages failing to build at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:480
+msgid ""
+"Note this item will eventually become obsolete as upstream intends to drop "
+"support for the B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable. When perl "
+"drops support for it, then this variable will be removed retroactively from "
+"existing compat levels as well."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:487
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> helper will now exit with an error if objdump returns a "
+"non-zero exit from analysing a given file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:492
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdocs> and B<dh_installexamples> tools may now install "
+"I<most> of the documentation in a different path to comply with the "
+"recommendation from Debian policy §12.3 (since version 3.9.7)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:496
+msgid ""
+"Note that if a given source package only contains a single binary package in "
+"F<debian/control> or none of the packages are I<-doc> packages, then this "
+"change is not relevant for that source package and you can skip to the next "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:501
+msgid ""
+"By default, these tools will now attempt to determine a \"main package for "
+"the documentation\" (called a I<doc-main-package> from here on) for every I<-"
+"doc> package. If they find such a I<doc-main-package>, they will now "
+"install the documentation into the path F<< /usr/share/doc/I<doc-main-"
+"package> >> in the given doc package. I.e. the path can change but the "
+"documentation is still shipped in the I<-doc> package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:509
+msgid ""
+"The B<--doc-main-package> option can be used when the auto-detection is "
+"insufficient or to reset the path to its previous value if there is a reason "
+"to diverge from Debian policy recommendation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:513
+msgid ""
+"Some documentation will not be affected by this change. These exceptions "
+"include the copyright file, changelog files, README.Debian, etc. These "
+"files will still be installed in the path F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package> >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:520
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_strip> and B<dh_shlibdeps> tools no longer uses filename patterns "
+"to determine which files to process. Instead, they open the file and look "
+"for an ELF header to determine if a given file is an shared object or an ELF "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:525
+msgid "This change may cause the tools to process more files than previously."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:529
+msgid "v10"
+msgstr "v10"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:531
+msgid "Changes from v9 are:"
+msgstr "Los cambios desde el nivel v9 son:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:537
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> will no longer install a file named debian/I<package> as "
+"an init script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:542
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> will error out if it detects links created with --link-doc "
+"between packages of architecture \"all\" and non-\"all\" as it breaks "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:548
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> no longer installs a maintainer-provided debian/I<package>."
+"shlibs file. This is now done by B<dh_makeshlibs> instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:554
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> refuses to create a broken package if no man page can be "
+"found (required to register for the x-window-manager alternative)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:559
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper will default to B<--parallel> for all buildsystems that support "
+"parallel building. This can be disabled by using either B<--no-parallel> or "
+"passing B<--max-parallel> with a value of 1."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:565
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will not accept any of the deprecated \"manual sequence "
+"control\" parameters (B<--before>, B<--after>, etc.). Please use override "
+"targets instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:569
+msgid ""
+"B<Retroactively applied to earlier compat levels>: B<dh> no longer accepts "
+"any of these since debhelper/12.4."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:574
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will no longer use log files to track which commands have "
+"been run. The B<dh> command I<still> keeps track of whether it already ran "
+"the \"build\" sequence and skip it if it did."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:578
+msgid "The main effects of this are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:584
+msgid ""
+"With this, it is now easier to debug the I<install> or/and I<binary> "
+"sequences because they can now trivially be re-run (without having to do a "
+"full \"clean and rebuild\" cycle)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:590
+msgid ""
+"The main caveat is that B<dh_*> now only keeps track of what happened in a "
+"single override target. When all the calls to a given B<dh_cmd> command "
+"happens in the same override target everything will work as before."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:595
+msgid "Example of where it can go wrong:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:597
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" dh_foo -pmy-pkg\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:600
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" dh_bar\n"
+" dh_foo --remaining\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:604
+msgid ""
+"In this case, the call to B<dh_foo --remaining> will I<also> include I<my-"
+"pkg>, since B<dh_foo -pmy-pkg> was run in a separate override target. This "
+"issue is not limited to B<--remaining>, but also includes B<-a>, B<-i>, etc."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:613
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> command now shell-escapes the lines in the "
+"F<maintscript> config file. This was the original intent but it did not "
+"work properly and packages have begun to rely on the incomplete shell "
+"escaping (e.g. quoting file names)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:620
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installinit> command now defaults to B<--restart-after-upgrade>. "
+"For packages needing the previous behaviour, please use B<--no-restart-after-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:626
+msgid ""
+"The B<autoreconf> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass B<--"
+"without autoreconf> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:632
+msgid ""
+"The B<systemd> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass B<--without "
+"systemd> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:638
+msgid ""
+"B<Retroactively removed>: B<dh> no longer creates the package build "
+"directory when skipping running debhelper commands. This will not affect "
+"packages that only build with debhelper commands, but it may expose bugs in "
+"commands not included in debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:643
+msgid ""
+"This compatibility feature had a bug since its inception in "
+"debhelper/9.20130516 that made it fail to apply in compat 9 and earlier. As "
+"there has been no reports of issues caused by this bug in those ~5 years, "
+"this item have been removed rather than fixed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:650
+msgid "v9"
+msgstr "v9"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:652
+msgid "Changes from v8 are:"
+msgstr "Los cambios desde el nivel v8 son:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:658
+msgid ""
+"Multiarch support. In particular, B<dh_auto_configure> passes multiarch "
+"directories to autoconf in --libdir and --libexecdir."
+msgstr ""
+"Compatibilidad multiarquitectura, B<dh_auto_configure> introduce directorios "
+"multiarquitectura a autoconf en «--libdir» y «--libexecdir»."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:663
+msgid ""
+"dh is aware of the usual dependencies between targets in debian/rules. So, "
+"\"dh binary\" will run any build, build-arch, build-indep, install, etc "
+"targets that exist in the rules file. There's no need to define an explicit "
+"binary target with explicit dependencies on the other targets."
+msgstr ""
+"dh es consciente de las dependencias habituales entre objetivos en «debian/"
+"rules». Por ello, «dh binary» ejecuta cualquier objetivo build, build-arch, "
+"build-indep e install que se encuentre en el fichero «rules». No es "
+"necesario definir un objetivo binario explícito con dependencias explícitas "
+"sobre otros objetivos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:670
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> compresses debugging symbol files to reduce the installed size "
+"of -dbg packages."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> comprime ficheros de símbolos de depuración de fallos para "
+"reducir el tamaño de los paquetes -dbg."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:675
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> does not include the source package name in --"
+"libexecdir when using autoconf."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> no incluye el nombre de paquete fuente en «--"
+"libexecdir» al utilizar autoconf."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:680
+msgid "B<dh> does not default to enabling --with=python-support"
+msgstr "B<dh> no activa «--with=python-support» de forma predeterminada."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:682
+msgid ""
+"(Obsolete: As the B<dh_pysupport> tool was removed from Debian stretch. "
+"Since debhelper/10.3, B<dh> no longer enables this sequence add-on "
+"regardless of compat level)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:688
+msgid ""
+"All of the B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs and B<dh> set environment "
+"variables listed by B<dpkg-buildflags>, unless they are already set."
+msgstr ""
+"Todos los programas de debhelper B<dh_auto_>I<*> definen variables de "
+"entorno listados en B<dpkg-buildflags>, a menos que ya estén definidas."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:694
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> passes B<dpkg-buildflags> CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and LDFLAGS "
+"to perl F<Makefile.PL> and F<Build.PL>"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> introduce B<dpkg-buildflags> CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, y "
+"LDFLAGS a ficheros de Perl F<Makefile.PL> y F<Build.PL>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:699
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> puts separated debug symbols in a location based on their build-"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> ubica símbolos de depuración separados en una ubicación según su "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:704
+msgid ""
+"Executable debhelper config files are run and their output used as the "
+msgstr ""
+"Se utilizan como configuración los ficheros de configuración ejecutables de "
+"debhelper y su salida."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:709
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:740
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:744 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:81
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:135 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:158
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:165 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:174
+msgid "This mode is deprecated."
+msgstr "Este modo está obsoleto."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:711
+msgid "v8"
+msgstr "v8"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:713
+msgid "Changes from v7 are:"
+msgstr "Los cambios desde el nivel v7 son:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:719
+msgid ""
+"Commands will fail rather than warning when they are passed unknown options."
+msgstr ""
+"Las órdenes fallarán, en lugar de emitir un aviso, cuando se les introduzcan "
+"opciones desconocidas."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:723
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> will run B<dpkg-gensymbols> on all shared libraries that it "
+"generates shlibs files for. So B<-X> can be used to exclude libraries. "
+"Also, libraries in unusual locations that B<dpkg-gensymbols> would not have "
+"processed before will be passed to it, a behavior change that can cause some "
+"packages to fail to build."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> ejecutará B<dpkg-gensymbols> sobre todas las bibliotecas "
+"compartidas para las que genera ficheros «shlibs». Por ello, puede utilizar "
+"B<-X> para excluir bibliotecas. Así mismo, se introducirán a B<dpkg-"
+"gensymbols> bibliotecas en ubicaciones inusuales que antes no procesaba, un "
+"cambio de comportamiento que puede impedir la construcción de algunos "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:731
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> requires the sequence to run be specified as the first parameter, and "
+"any switches come after it. Ie, use \"B<dh $@ --foo>\", not \"B<dh --foo "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> requiere que la secuencia a ejecutar se defina como el primer "
+"parámetro, y que las opciones aparezcan a continuación. Por ejemplo, use "
+"B<dh $@ --foo>, no B<dh --foo $@>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:736
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> prefer to use Perl's B<Module::Build> in preference to "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> prefiere utilizar el módulo de Perl B<Module::Build> con "
+"preferencia a un fichero F<Makefile.PL>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:742 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:21
+msgid "v7"
+msgstr "v7"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:746 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:23
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "These are the available compatibility levels:"
+msgid "This is the lowest supported compatibility level."
+msgstr "Los niveles de compatibilidad disponibles son:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:748
+msgid ""
+"If you are upgrading from an earlier compatibility level, please review "
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:757
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgid "L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:759
+msgid ""
+"Upgrading from a (now) obsolete compatibility level? This document covers "
+"the upgrade checklist up to the earliest supported level."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:762 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:180
+#: dh:874 dh_auto_build:55 dh_auto_clean:57 dh_auto_configure:60
+#: dh_auto_install:105 dh_auto_test:66 dh_builddeb:178 dh_clean:191
+#: dh_compress:245 dh_dwz:165 dh_fixperms:166 dh_gencontrol:210 dh_install:379
+#: dh_installcatalogs:130 dh_installchangelogs:367 dh_installcron:82
+#: dh_installdeb:421 dh_installdebconf:235 dh_installdirs:133
+#: dh_installdocs:439 dh_installexamples:184 dh_installifupdown:74
+#: dh_installinfo:125 dh_installlogcheck:83 dh_installlogrotate:55
+#: dh_installman:422 dh_installmanpages:200 dh_installmime:65
+#: dh_installmodules:111 dh_installpam:73 dh_installppp:70 dh_installudev:104
+#: dh_installwm:132 dh_installxfonts:92 dh_link:168 dh_listpackages:36
+#: dh_makeshlibs:458 dh_md5sums:120 dh_movefiles:163 dh_perl:190 dh_prep:72
+#: dh_strip:437 dh_testdir:64 dh_testroot:95 dh_usrlocal:138
+#: dh_systemd_start:282
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:764
+msgid ""
+"General information about the debhelper framework. This document also covers "
+"how to declare your chosen debhelper compat level."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:769 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:182
+#: dh_installinit:419 dh_systemd_enable:284 dh_systemd_start:284
+msgid "AUTHORS"
+msgstr "AUTORES"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:771 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:184
+#: dh_dwz:171 dh_installinitramfs:101
+msgid "Niels Thykier <>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:773 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:186
+msgid "Joey Hess"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:3
+msgid "debhelper-obsolete-compat - List of no longer supported compat levels"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:7
+msgid ""
+"This document contains the upgrade guidelines from all compat levels which "
+"are no longer supported. Accordingly it is mostly for historical purposes "
+"and to assist people upgrading from a non-supported compat level to a "
+"supported level."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:12
+msgid "For upgrades from supported compat levels, please see L<debhelper(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:14
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:16
+msgid ""
+"The following is the list of now obsolete compat levels and their changes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:25
+msgid "Changes from v6 are:"
+msgstr "Los cambios desde el nivel v6 son:"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:31
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install>, will fall back to looking for files in F<debian/tmp> if it "
+"doesn't find them in the current directory (or wherever you tell it look "
+"using B<--sourcedir>). This allows B<dh_install> to interoperate with "
+"B<dh_auto_install>, which installs to F<debian/tmp>, without needing any "
+"special parameters."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> buscará ficheros en F<debian/tmp> de forma predeterminada si "
+"no los encuentra en el directorio actual (o dónde indicó hacerlo mediante "
+"B<--sourcedir>). Esto permite la interoperabilidad entre B<dh_install> y "
+"B<dh_auto_install>, que instala en F<debian/tmp>, sin necesidad de "
+"parámetros especiales."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:38
+msgid "B<dh_clean> will read F<debian/clean> and delete files listed there."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> leerá F<debian/clean> y eliminará los ficheros ahí listados."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:42
+msgid "B<dh_clean> will delete toplevel F<*-stamp> files."
+msgstr "B<dh_clean> eliminará ficheros F<*-stamp> del nivel superior."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:46
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> will guess at what file is the upstream changelog if "
+"none is specified."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> intentará averiguar el fichero de registro de "
+"cambios de la fuente original si no se especifica ninguno."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:51
+msgid "v6"
+msgstr "v6"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:53
+msgid "Changes from v5 are:"
+msgstr "Los cambios desde el nivel v5 son:"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"Commands that generate maintainer script fragments will order the fragments "
+"in reverse order for the F<prerm> and F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Las órdenes que generan segmentos de scripts de desarrollador ordenarán "
+"estos segmentos en orden inverso para los scripts F<prerm> y F<postrm>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:64
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> will install a slave manpage link for F<x-window-manager.1."
+"gz>, if it sees the man page in F<usr/share/man/man1> in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> instalará un enlace esclavo a la página de manual F<x-window-"
+"manager.1.gz> en caso de encontrar la página de manual en F<usr/share/man/"
+"man1> dentro del directorio de construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:70
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> did not previously delete everything matching "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE>, if it was set to a list of things to exclude, such as "
+"B<CVS:.svn:.git>. Now it does."
+msgstr ""
+"Anteriormente, B<dh_builddeb> no eliminaba todo aquello que coincidiese con "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE>, si es que se definía con una lista de elementos a "
+"excluir, como por ejemplo B<CVS:.svn:.git>. Ahora sí lo hace."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:76
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> allows overwriting existing man pages in the package build "
+"directory. In previous compatibility levels it silently refuses to do this."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> permite sobreescribir páginas de manual existentes en el "
+"directorio de construcción del paquete. Bajo los niveles de compatibilidad "
+"anteriores simplemente rechazaba hacerlo, de forma silenciosa."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:83
+msgid "v5"
+msgstr "v5"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:85
+msgid "Changes from v4 are:"
+msgstr "Los cambios desde el nivel v4 son:"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:91
+msgid "Comments are ignored in debhelper config files."
+msgstr ""
+"Se ignoran los comentarios en los ficheros de configuración de debhelper."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:95
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip --dbg-package> now specifies the name of a package to put "
+"debugging symbols in, not the packages to take the symbols from."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip --dbg-package> ahora especifica el nombre del paquete en el que "
+"se colocan los símbolos de depuración, no los paquetes desde los que obtener "
+"los símbolos."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:100
+msgid "B<dh_installdocs> skips installing empty files."
+msgstr "B<dh_installdocs> omite la instalación de ficheros vacíos."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:104
+msgid "B<dh_install> errors out if wildcards expand to nothing."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> devuelve un error si los comodines se expanden a un valor "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:108
+msgid "v4"
+msgstr "v4"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:110
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Changes from v5 are:"
+msgid "Changes from v3 are:"
+msgstr "Los cambios desde el nivel v5 son:"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:116
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs -V> will not include the Debian part of the version number "
+"in the generated dependency line in the shlibs file."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs -V> no incluirá la parte de Debian en el numero de versión "
+"generado en la línea de dependencias del fichero «shlibs»."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:121
+msgid ""
+"You are encouraged to put the new B<${misc:Depends}> into F<debian/control> "
+"to supplement the B<${shlibs:Depends}> field."
+msgstr ""
+"Se aconseja que use el nuevo B<${misc:Depends}> en F<debian/control> para "
+"reemplazar el campo B<${shlibs:Depends}>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:126
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> will make all files in F<bin/> directories and in F<etc/init."
+"d> executable."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> hará ejecutables todos los ficheros en los directorios F<bin/"
+"> y F<etc/init.d>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:131
+msgid "B<dh_link> will correct existing links to conform with policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> corregirá los enlaces existentes para ajustarse a las normas de "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:137
+msgid "v3"
+msgstr "v3"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:139
+msgid "This mode works like v2, with the following additions:"
+msgstr "Este modo funciona como v2, con los siguientes añadidos:"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:145
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper config files support globbing via B<*> and B<?>, when appropriate. "
+"To turn this off and use those characters raw, just prefix with a backslash."
+msgstr ""
+"Los ficheros de configuración de Debhelper aceptan comodines globales "
+"mediante B<*> y B<?> cuando sea apropiado. Para utilizar «*» y «?» como "
+"caracteres simplemente debe insertar como prefijo una barra invertida."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:150
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> makes the F<postinst> and F<postrm> scripts call "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> hace que los scripts F<postinst> y F<postrm> ejecuten "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:154
+msgid ""
+"Every file in F<etc/> is automatically flagged as a conffile by "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> marca automáticamente todos los ficheros en F<etc/> como "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:160
+msgid "v2"
+msgstr "v2"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:162
+msgid ""
+"In this mode, debhelper will consistently use debian/I<package> as the "
+"package tree directory for every package that is built."
+msgstr ""
+"En este modo, debhelper utilizará «debian/I<paquete>» de forma consistente "
+"como el árbol de directorios para cada paquete que se construya."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:167
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "v10"
+msgid "v1"
+msgstr "v10"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:169
+msgid ""
+"This is the original debhelper compatibility level, and so it is the default "
+"one. In this mode, debhelper will use F<debian/tmp> as the package tree "
+"directory for the first binary package listed in the control file, while "
+"using debian/I<package> for all other packages listed in the F<control> file."
+msgstr ""
+"Este es el nivel de compatibilidad original de debhelper, y por tanto es el "
+"nivel predeterminado. En este modo, debhelper utiliza F<debian/tmp> como el "
+"árbol de directorios del paquete, y «debian/I<paquete>» para el resto de "
+"paquetes listados en el fichero F<control>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:5
+msgid "dh - debhelper command sequencer"
+msgstr "dh - Secuenciador de órdenes de debhelper"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> I<sequence> [B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]] [B<--list>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> I<sequence> [B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]] [B<--list>] "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:28
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> runs a sequence of debhelper commands. The supported I<sequence>s "
+"correspond to the targets of a F<debian/rules> file: B<build-arch>, B<build-"
+"indep>, B<build>, B<clean>, B<install-indep>, B<install-arch>, B<install>, "
+"B<binary-arch>, B<binary-indep>, and B<binary>."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> ejecuta una secuencia de órdenes de debhelper. Las I<secuencias> "
+"aceptadas se corresponden con los objetivos de un fichero F<debian/rules>: "
+"B<build-arch>, B<build-indep>, B<build>, B<clean>, B<install-indep>, "
+"B<install-arch>, B<install>, B<binary-arch>, B<binary-indep>, y B<binary>."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:33
+#, fuzzy
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:35
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "A F<debian/rules> file using B<dh> can override the command that is run "
+#| "at any step in a sequence, by defining an override target."
+msgid ""
+"A F<debian/rules> file using B<dh> can override the command that is run at "
+"any step in a sequence, by defining an override target. It is also possible "
+"to inject a command before or after any step without affecting the step "
+msgstr ""
+"Un fichero F<debian/rules> que utiliza B<dh> puede sustituir la orden que se "
+"ejecuta en cualquier punto de una secuencia, definiendo un objetivo "
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:40
+msgid "Injecting commands before or after a step"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:42
+msgid ""
+"I<Note>: This feature requires debhelper 12.8 or later plus the package must "
+"use compatibility mode 10 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:45
+msgid ""
+"To inject commands before I<dh_command>, add a target named "
+"B<execute_before_>I<dh_command> to the rules files. Similarly, if you want "
+"to inject commands after I<dh_command>, add the target "
+"B<execute_after_>I<dh_command>. Both targets can be used for the same "
+"I<dh_command> and also even if the command is overridden (as described in L</"
+"Overriding a command> below)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:52
+msgid ""
+"When these targets are defined, B<dh> will call the targets respectively "
+"before or after it would invoke I<dh_command> (or its override target)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:55
+msgid "Overriding a command"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:57
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "To override I<dh_command>, add a target named B<override_>I<dh_command> "
+#| "to the rules file. When it would normally run I<dh_command>, B<dh> will "
+#| "instead call that target. The override target can then run the command "
+#| "with additional options, or run entirely different commands instead. See "
+#| "examples below. (Note that to use this feature, you should Build-Depend "
+#| "on debhelper 7.0.50 or above.)"
+msgid ""
+"To override I<dh_command>, add a target named B<override_>I<dh_command> to "
+"the rules file. When it would normally run I<dh_command>, B<dh> will instead "
+"call that target. The override target can then run the command with "
+"additional options, or run entirely different commands instead. See examples "
+msgstr ""
+"Para sustituir I<dh_orden>, añada un objetivo con un B<override_>I<dh_orden> "
+"en el fichero «rules». B<dh> invocará este objetivo en lugar de ejecutar "
+"I<dh_orden>. El objetivo «override» puede después ejecutar la orden con "
+"opciones adicionales, o ejecutar otras órdenes totalmente diferentes. "
+"Consulte los ejemplos a continuación. Tenga en cuenta que para utilizar esta "
+"funcionalidad, el paquete debe tener una dependencia de construcción sobre "
+"la versión 7.0.50 o superior de debhelper."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:63
+msgid "Architecture dependent/independent override and hook targets"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:65
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Override targets can also be defined to run only when building "
+#| "architecture dependent or architecture independent packages. Use targets "
+#| "with names like B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch> and "
+#| "B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-indep>. (Note that to use this feature, you "
+#| "should Build-Depend on debhelper 8.9.7 or above.)"
+msgid ""
+"The override and hook targets can also be defined to run only when building "
+"architecture dependent or architecture independent packages. Use targets "
+"with names like B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch> and "
+msgstr ""
+"Los objetivos «override» también se pueden definir para que se ejecuten solo "
+"al consuitr paquetes dependientes o independientes de la arquitectura. "
+"Utilice objetivos con nombres como B<override_>I<dh_orden>B<-arch> y "
+"B<override_>I<dh_orden>B<-indep>. Tenga en cuenta que para utilizar esta "
+"funcionalidad, el paquete debe tener una dependencia de construcción sobre "
+"la versión 7.0.50 o superior de debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:70
+msgid ""
+"This feature is available since debhelper 8.9.7 (for override targets) and "
+"12.8 (for hook targets)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:73
+msgid "Completely empty targets"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:75
+msgid ""
+"As a special optimization, B<dh> will skip a target if it is completely "
+"empty and does not depend on any other target. This is mostly useful for "
+"override targets, where the command will simply be skipped without the "
+"overhead of invoking a dummy target."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:80
+msgid "Note that the target has to be completely empty for this to work:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:82
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Skip dh_bar - the good and optimized way\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_bar goes here\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:87
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Skip dh_foo - the slow way\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_foo goes here\n"
+" # (these comments causes a dummy target to be run)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:92
+msgid "Verifying targets are picked up by dh"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:94
+msgid ""
+"As of debhelper 13.10, you can use L<dh_assistant(1)> to see which override "
+"and hook targets will be seen by B<dh>. Here is an example run of "
+"L<dh_assistant(1)> along with its output:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:98
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ dh_assistant detect-hook-targets\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"commands-not-in-path\": [\n"
+" \"dh_foo\"\n"
+" ],\n"
+" \"hook-targets\": [\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"command\": \"dh_strip_nondeterminism\",\n"
+" \"is-empty\": true,\n"
+" \"package-section-param\": null,\n"
+" \"target-name\": \"override_dh_strip_nondeterminism\"\n"
+" },\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"command\": \"dh_foo\",\n"
+" \"is-empty\": false,\n"
+" \"package-section-param\": \"-a\",\n"
+" \"target-name\": \"override_dh_foo-arch\"\n"
+" }\n"
+" ]\n"
+" }\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:119
+msgid ""
+"The B<commands-not-in-path> is useful for spotting mistakes in the hook "
+"target names. A non-empty value implies one of more hook targets are "
+"related to a command that is either not installed or no command with that "
+"name exists at all. It is generally worth double checking these."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:124
+msgid ""
+"Additionally, the B<is-empty> attribute for each hook target can be used for "
+"seeing whether a hook target triggers the L</Completely empty targets> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:127
+msgid ""
+"If you are interested in the other attributes, please read the "
+"L<dh_assistant(1)> for the details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head3
+#: dh:130
+msgid ""
+"Verifying targets are picked up by dh (when debhelper is older than 13.10)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:134
+msgid ""
+"On older versions of debhelper, you have to use B<dh> with B<--no-act>. You "
+"can use the following command as an example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:137
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ dh binary --no-act | grep dh_install | head -n5\n"
+" dh_installdirs\n"
+" dh_install\n"
+" debian/rules execute_after_dh_install\n"
+" dh_installdocs\n"
+" dh_installchangelogs\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:144
+msgid ""
+"The B<debian/rules execute_after_dh_install> in the output, which signals "
+"that B<dh> registered a B<execute_after_dh_install> target and would run it "
+"directly after L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:148
+msgid ""
+"Note that L</Completely empty targets> will be omitted in the listing "
+"above. This makes it a bit harder to spot as you are looking for the "
+"omission of a command name. But otherwise, the principle remains the same."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:152
+msgid "Caveats with hook targets and makefile conditionals"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:154
+msgid ""
+"If you choose to wrap a hook target in makefile conditionals, please be "
+"aware that B<dh> computes all the hook targets a head of time and caches the "
+"result for that run. Furthermore, the conditionals will be invoked again "
+"when B<dh> calls the hook target later and will assume the answer did not "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:160
+msgid ""
+"The parsing and caching I<often> happens before B<dh> knows whether it will "
+"build arch:any (-a) or/and arch:all (-i) packages, which can produce "
+"confusing results - especially when L<dh_listpackages(1)> is part of the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:165
+msgid ""
+"Most of the problems can be avoided by making the hook target unconditional "
+"and then have the \"body\" be partially or completely conditional. As an "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:169
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. The hook target\n"
+" # is always considered. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional but dh_foo is definitely skipped.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, \"maybe run this\"\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:183
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:198
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Here, either dh_baz is run normally OR \"maybe run this\" is run\n"
+" # instead.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # And it gets even more complicated to reason about if dh needs to\n"
+" # recurse into debian/rules because you have an \"explicit\"\n"
+" # standard target (e.g. a \"build-arch:\" target separate from \"%:\").\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz:\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:212
+msgid ""
+"These recipes are also relevant for conditional dependency targets, which "
+"are often seen in a variant of the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:215
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" COND_TASKS =\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" COND_TASKS += maybe-run-this\n"
+" endif\n"
+" ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:221
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" maybe-run-this:\n"
+" ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:224
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. Either the\n"
+" # $(COND_TASKS) are skipped or run.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:235
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The $(COND_TASKS) bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:246
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:254
+msgid ""
+"When in doubt, pick the relevant B<SIMPLE> case in the examples above that "
+"match your need."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:257 dh_auto_build:32 dh_auto_clean:33 dh_auto_configure:35
+#: dh_auto_install:52 dh_auto_test:34 dh_bugfiles:53 dh_builddeb:34 dh_clean:49
+#: dh_compress:52 dh_dwz:26 dh_fixperms:40 dh_gencontrol:38 dh_icons:33
+#: dh_install:69 dh_installcatalogs:56 dh_installchangelogs:77
+#: dh_installcron:45 dh_installdeb:107 dh_installdebconf:64 dh_installdirs:45
+#: dh_installdocs:100 dh_installemacsen:56 dh_installexamples:48
+#: dh_installifupdown:42 dh_installinfo:41 dh_installinit:77
+#: dh_installinitramfs:43 dh_installlogcheck:45 dh_installlogrotate:25
+#: dh_installman:86 dh_installmanpages:43 dh_installmenu:44
+#: dh_installmodules:41 dh_installpam:38 dh_installppp:38 dh_installudev:34
+#: dh_installwm:41 dh_link:69 dh_makeshlibs:67 dh_md5sums:31 dh_movefiles:41
+#: dh_perl:35 dh_prep:29 dh_shlibdeps:30 dh_strip:38 dh_testdir:26
+#: dh_usrlocal:50 dh_systemd_enable:82 dh_systemd_start:33
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr "OPCIONES"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:261
+msgid "B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]"
+msgstr "B<--with> I<extensión>[B<,>I<extensión>,...]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:263
+msgid ""
+"Add the debhelper commands specified by the given addon to appropriate "
+"places in the sequence of commands that is run. This option can be repeated "
+"more than once, or multiple addons can be listed, separated by commas. This "
+"is used when there is a third-party package that provides debhelper "
+"commands. See the F<PROGRAMMING> file for documentation about the sequence "
+"addon interface."
+msgstr ""
+"Añade las órdenes de debhelper definidas por la extensión dada a los lugares "
+"apropiados de la secuencia de órdenes que se va a ejecutar. Esta opción se "
+"puede repetir varias veces, o puede listar varias extensiones separadas por "
+"comas. Se utiliza cuando hay un paquete de terceras fuentes que proporciona "
+"órdenes de debhelper. Para más documentación sobre la interfaz de extensión "
+"de secuencia consulte el fichero F<PROGRAMMING>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:270
+msgid ""
+"A B<Build-Depends> relation on the package B<dh-sequence->I<addon> implies a "
+"B<--with> I<addon>. This avoids the need for an explicit B<--with> in "
+"F<debian/rules> that only duplicates what is already declared via the build "
+"dependencies in F<debian/control>. The relation can (since 12.5) be made "
+"optional via e.g. build-profiles. This enables you to easily disable an "
+"addon that is only useful with certain profiles (e.g. to facilitate "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:279
+msgid ""
+"Since debhelper 12.5, addons can also be activated in B<indep>-only mode "
+"(via B<Build-Depends-Indep>) or B<arch>-only mode (via B<Build-Depends-"
+"Arch>). Such addons are only active in the particular sequence (e.g. "
+"B<binary-indep>) which simplifies dependency management for cross-builds."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:285
+msgid ""
+"Please note that addons activated via B<Build-Depends-Indep> or B<Build-"
+"Depends-Arch> are subject to additional limitations to ensure the result is "
+"deterministic even when the addon is unavailable (e.g. during clean). This "
+"implies that some addons are incompatible with these restrictions and can "
+"only be used via B<Build-Depends> (or manually via F<debian/rules>). "
+"Currently, such addons can only add commands to sequences."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:293
+msgid "B<--without> I<addon>"
+msgstr "B<--without> I<extensión>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:295
+msgid ""
+"The inverse of B<--with>, disables using the given addon. This option can be "
+"repeated more than once, or multiple addons to disable can be listed, "
+"separated by commas."
+msgstr ""
+"Lo contrario de B<--with>, desactiva la extensión dada. Esta opción puede "
+"aparecer más de una vez, o puede enumerar, separadas por comas, varias "
+"extensiones que desactivar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:301
+msgid "List all available addons."
+msgstr "Lista todas las extensiones disponibles."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:303
+msgid ""
+"When called only with this option, B<dh> can be called from any directory (i."
+"e. it does not need access to files from a source package)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:309
+msgid ""
+"Prints commands that would run for a given sequence, but does not run them."
+msgstr ""
+"Muestra las órdenes que se ejecutarían para una secuencia dada, pero no las "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:311
+msgid ""
+"Note that dh normally skips running commands that it knows will do nothing. "
+"With --no-act, the full list of commands in a sequence is printed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:316
+msgid ""
+"Other options passed to B<dh> are passed on to each command it runs. This "
+"can be used to set an option like B<-v> or B<-X> or B<-N>, as well as for "
+"more specialised options."
+msgstr ""
+"Las otras opciones introducidas a B<dh> se introducen a cada orden que "
+"ejecuta. Puede utilizar esto para definir una opción como B<-v>, B<-X> o B<-"
+"N>, así como opciones más especializadas."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:320 dh_install:332 dh_installdocs:191 dh_installman:117 dh_link:91
+#: dh_makeshlibs:185 dh_shlibdeps:78
+msgid "EXAMPLES"
+msgstr "EJEMPLOS"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:322
+msgid ""
+"To see what commands are included in a sequence, without actually doing "
+msgstr ""
+"Para ver qué órdenes se incluyen en una secuencia, sin hacer nada en "
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:325
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tdh binary-arch --no-act\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tdh binary-arch --no-act\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:327
+msgid ""
+"This is a very simple rules file, for packages where the default sequences "
+"of commands work with no additional options."
+msgstr ""
+"Este es un fichero «rules» muy sencillo para paquetes donde las secuencias "
+"predeterminadas de órdenes funcionan sin opciones adicionales."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:330 dh:337 dh:351 dh:364 dh:375 dh:433 dh:444
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:334
+msgid ""
+"Often you'll want to pass an option to a specific debhelper command. The "
+"easy way to do with is by adding an override target for that command."
+msgstr ""
+"A menudo, querrá introducir una opción a una orden de debhelper en "
+"particular. La forma sencilla de hacerlo es añadir un objetivo «overrride» "
+"para esa orden."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:341
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\toverride_dh_strip:\n"
+#| "\t\tdh_strip -Xfoo\n"
+#| "\t\n"
+msgid ""
+"\t\tdh_strip -Xfoo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tdh_strip -Xfoo\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:344
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:347
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes the automated L<dh_auto_configure(1)> and L<dh_auto_build(1)> "
+"can't guess what to do for a strange package. Here's how to avoid running "
+"either and instead run your own commands."
+msgstr ""
+"En ocasiones, las órdenes automatizadas L<dh_auto_configure(1)> y "
+"L<dh_auto_build(1)> no pueden averiguar qué hacer con un paquete extraño. A "
+"continuación puede ver cómo evitar que se ejecuten para que así pueda "
+"ejecutar sus propias órdenes."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:355
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:358
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tmake universe-explode-in-delight\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tmake universe-explode-in-delight\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:361
+msgid ""
+"Another common case is wanting to do something manually before or after a "
+"particular debhelper command is run."
+msgstr ""
+"Otra caso común es que desee hacer algo manualmente antes o después de que "
+"se ejecute una orden en particular de debhelper."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:368
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\toverride_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#| "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#| "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:372
+msgid ""
+"If you are on an older debhelper or compatibility level, the above example "
+"would have to be written as."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:379
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\toverride_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#| "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#| "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"\t# Older debhelper versions or using compat 9 or lower.\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:384
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Python tools are not run by dh by default, due to the continual change in "
+#| "that area. (Before compatibility level v9, dh does run B<dh_pysupport>.) "
+#| "Here is how to use B<dh_python2>."
+msgid ""
+"Python tools are not run by dh by default, due to the continual change in "
+"that area. Here is how to use B<dh_python2>."
+msgstr ""
+"dh no ejecuta las herramientas de Python de forma predeterminada debido al "
+"cambio continuo de ese campo. (dh ejecuta B<dh_pysupport> en un nivel de "
+"compatibilidad anterior a v9). A continuación puede ver cómo se utiliza "
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:387
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --with python2\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --with python2\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:391
+msgid ""
+"Here is how to force use of Perl's B<Module::Build> build system, which can "
+"be necessary if debhelper wrongly detects that the package uses MakeMaker."
+msgstr ""
+"A continuación puede ver como forzar el uso del sistema de construcción del "
+"módulo Perl B<Module::Build>, lo cual puede ser necesario si debhelper "
+"detecta erróneamente que el paquete utiliza MakeMaker."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:395
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --buildsystem=perl_build\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --buildsystem=perl_build\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:399
+msgid ""
+"Here is an example of overriding where the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands find the "
+"package's source, for a package where the source is located in a "
+msgstr ""
+"Aquí tiene un ejemplo de cómo sobreescribir la ubicación dónde las órdenes "
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> encuentran el código fuente de un paquete, para un paquete "
+"en el que las fuentes se ubican en un subdirectorio."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:403
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --sourcedirectory=src\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --sourcedirectory=src\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:407
+msgid ""
+"And here is an example of how to tell the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands to build "
+"in a subdirectory, which will be removed on B<clean>."
+msgstr ""
+"Y aquí tiene un ejemplo de cómo indicar a las órdenes B<dh_auto_>I<*> que "
+"realicen la construcción en un subdirectorio, que se eliminará mediante "
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:410
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --builddirectory=build\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --builddirectory=build\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:414
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If your package can be built in parallel, you can support parallel "
+#| "building as follows. Then B<dpkg-buildpackage -j> will work."
+msgid ""
+"If your package can be built in parallel, please either use compat 10 or "
+"pass B<--parallel> to dh. Then B<dpkg-buildpackage -j> will work."
+msgstr ""
+"Si su paquete se puede construir en paralelo, puede permitir la construcción "
+"en paralelo de la siguiente manera. Por ello, la orden B<dpkg-buildpackage -"
+"j> funcionará."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:417
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --parallel\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --parallel\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:421
+msgid ""
+"If your package cannot be built reliably while using multiple threads, "
+"please pass B<--no-parallel> to dh (or the relevant B<dh_auto_>I<*> command):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:426
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#| "\t%:\n"
+#| "\t\tdh $@ --parallel\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --no-parallel\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --parallel\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:430
+msgid ""
+"Here is a way to prevent B<dh> from running several commands that you don't "
+"want it to run, by defining empty override targets for each command."
+msgstr ""
+"A continuación puede ver cómo evitar que B<dh> ejecute varias órdenes que no "
+"desea que se ejecuten. Para ello, defina objetivos «override» vacíos para "
+"cada orden."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:437
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Commands not to run:\n"
+"\toverride_dh_auto_test override_dh_compress override_dh_fixperms:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# Órdenes que no se ejecutan:\n"
+"\toverride_dh_auto_test override_dh_compress override_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:440
+msgid ""
+"A long build process for a separate documentation package can be separated "
+"out using architecture independent overrides. These will be skipped when "
+"running build-arch and binary-arch sequences."
+msgstr ""
+"Puede utilizar «overrides» independientes de la arquitectura para separar un "
+"proceso de construcción largo de un paquete de documentación. Éstos se "
+"omiten al ejecutar las secuencias build-arch y binary-arch."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:448
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:451
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# No tests needed for docs\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# No se requieren comprobaciones para los documentos\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs install\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs install\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:457
+msgid ""
+"Adding to the example above, suppose you need to chmod a file, but only when "
+"building the architecture dependent package, as it's not present when "
+"building only documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"Continuando con el ejemplo anterior, suponga que necesita ejecutar «chmod» "
+"sobre un fichero, pero solo al construir el paquete dependiente de la "
+"arquitectura, ya que no está presente cuando solo se construye documentación."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:461
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\toverride_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#| "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#| "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:465
+#, fuzzy
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:467
+msgid ""
+"The primary purpose of B<dh> addons is to provide easy integration with "
+"third-party provided features for debhelper. However, debhelper itself also "
+"provide a few sequences that can be useful in some cases. These are "
+"documented in this list:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:474
+msgid "build-stamp"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:476
+msgid ""
+"A special addon for controlling whether B<dh> (in compat 10 or later) will "
+"create stamp files to tell whether the build target has been run "
+"successfully. See L</INTERNALS> for more details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:480
+msgid ""
+"This addon is active by default but can disabled by using B<dh $@ --without "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:483
+msgid "dwz (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:485
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_dwz(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below. Obsolete in "
+"compat 12 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:488
+msgid "elf-tools"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:490
+msgid ""
+"This addon adds tools related to ELF files to the sequence such as "
+"L<dh_strip(1)> and L<dh_shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:493
+msgid ""
+"This addon is I<conditionally> active by default for architecture specific "
+"packages - that is, it is skipped for arch:all packages. In the special "
+"case where you need these tools to work on arch:all packages, you can use "
+"B<--with elf-tools> to activate it unconditionally."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:499
+msgid "installinitramfs (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:501
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_installinitramfs(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below. "
+"Obsolete in compat 12 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:504
+msgid "root-sequence (internal)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:506
+msgid "This is reserved for internal usage."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:508
+msgid "single-binary"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:510
+msgid ""
+"A special-purpose addon that makes debhelper run in \"single binary\" mode."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:512
+msgid ""
+"When active, it will pass B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to "
+"L<dh_auto_install(1)>. This makes every file \"installed\" by the upstream "
+"build system part of the (only) binary package by default without having to "
+"use other helpers such as L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:517
+msgid ""
+"The addon will refuse to activate when the source package lists 2 or more "
+"binary packages in F<debian/control> as a precaution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:520
+msgid ""
+"Before compat 15. this behaviour was the default when there was only a "
+"single binary package listed in F<debian/control>. In compat 15 and later, "
+"this addon must explicitly be activated for this feature to work."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:524
+msgid ""
+"The rationale for requiring this as an explicit choice is that if it is "
+"implicit then debhelper will silently change behaviour on adding a new "
+"binary package. This has caused many RC bugs when maintainers renamed a "
+"binary and added transitional packages with the intention of supporting "
+"seamless upgrades. The result would often be two empty binary packages that "
+"were uploaded to archive with users frustrated as their \"upgrade\" removed "
+"their programs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:532
+msgid "systemd (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:534
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_systemd_enable(1)> and L<dh_systemd_start(1)> to the sequence in "
+"compat level 10 or below. Obsolete in compat 11 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:539
+msgid "INTERNALS"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:541
+msgid ""
+"If you're curious about B<dh>'s internals, here's how it works under the "
+msgstr ""
+"Si siente curiosidad por el funcionamiento interno de B<dh>, a continuación "
+"puede ver como funciona por dentro."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:543
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 (or later), B<dh> creates a stamp file F<debian/debhelper-build-"
+"stamp> after the build step(s) are complete to avoid re-running them. It is "
+"possible to avoid the stamp file by passing B<--without=build-stamp> to "
+"B<dh>. This makes \"no clean\" builds behave more like what some people "
+"expect at the expense of possibly running the build and test twice (the "
+"second time as root or under L<fakeroot(1)>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:551
+msgid ""
+"Inside an override target, B<dh_*> commands will create a log file F<debian/"
+"package.debhelper.log> to keep track of which packages the command(s) have "
+"been run for. These log files are then removed once the override target is "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:556
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Each debhelper command will record when it's successfully run in F<debian/"
+#| "package.debhelper.log>. (Which B<dh_clean> deletes.) So B<dh> can tell "
+#| "which commands have already been run, for which packages, and skip "
+#| "running those commands again."
+msgid ""
+"In compat 9 or earlier, each debhelper command will record when it's "
+"successfully run in F<debian/package.debhelper.log>. (Which B<dh_clean> "
+"deletes.) So B<dh> can tell which commands have already been run, for which "
+"packages, and skip running those commands again."
+msgstr ""
+"Cada orden de debhelper registra una ejecución exitosa en F<debian/package."
+"debhelper.log>. (que B<dh_clean> elimina). Gracias a ello, B<dh> puede "
+"conocer qué órdenes se han ejecutado, para qué paquetes, y omitir ejecutar "
+"esas órdenes otra vez."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:561
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Each time B<dh> is run, it examines the log, and finds the last logged "
+#| "command that is in the specified sequence. It then continues with the "
+#| "next command in the sequence. The B<--until>, B<--before>, B<--after>, "
+#| "and B<--remaining> options can override this behavior."
+msgid ""
+"Each time B<dh> is run (in compat 9 or earlier), it examines the log, and "
+"finds the last logged command that is in the specified sequence. It then "
+"continues with the next command in the sequence."
+msgstr ""
+"Cada vez que se ejecuta B<dh>, comprueba el registro y encuentra la última "
+"orden registrada contenida en la secuencia especificada. Después, continua "
+"con la siguiente orden en la secuencia. Las opciones B<--until>, B<--"
+"before>, B<--after> y B<--remaining> pueden anular este comportamiento."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:565
+msgid ""
+"A sequence can also run dependent targets in debian/rules. For example, the "
+"\"binary\" sequence runs the \"install\" target."
+msgstr ""
+"Una secuencia también puede ejecutar objetivos dependientes de la "
+"arquitectura en «debian/rules». Por ejemplo, la secuencia «binary» también "
+"ejecuta el objeto «install»."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:568
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> uses the B<DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS> environment variable to pass "
+"information through to debhelper commands that are run inside override "
+"targets. The contents (and indeed, existence) of this environment variable, "
+"as the name might suggest, is subject to change at any time."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> utiliza la variable de entorno B<DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS> para introducir "
+"información a las órdenes de debhelper que se ejecutan dentro de objetivos "
+"«override». El contenido (e incluso, la existencia) de esta variable de "
+"entorno, como el nombre sugiere, está sujeto a cambios en cualquier momento."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:573
+msgid ""
+"Commands in the B<build-indep>, B<install-indep> and B<binary-indep> "
+"sequences are passed the B<-i> option to ensure they only work on "
+"architecture independent packages, and commands in the B<build-arch>, "
+"B<install-arch> and B<binary-arch> sequences are passed the B<-a> option to "
+"ensure they only work on architecture dependent packages."
+msgstr ""
+"La opción B<-i> se introduce a las órdenes en las secuencias B<binary-"
+"indep>, B<install-indep> y B<binary-indep> para asegurar que sólo actúan "
+"sobre paquetes independientes de la arquitectura, y la opción B<-a> se "
+"introduce a órdenes en las secuencias B<build-arch>, B<install-arch> y "
+"B<binary-arch> para asegurar que sólo actúan sobre paquetes dependientes de "
+"la arquitectura."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:876 dh_auto_build:57 dh_auto_clean:59 dh_auto_configure:62
+#: dh_auto_install:107 dh_auto_test:68 dh_bugfiles:139 dh_builddeb:180
+#: dh_clean:193 dh_compress:247 dh_dwz:167 dh_fixperms:168 dh_gencontrol:212
+#: dh_icons:79 dh_install:381 dh_installchangelogs:369 dh_installcron:84
+#: dh_installdeb:423 dh_installdebconf:237 dh_installdirs:135
+#: dh_installdocs:441 dh_installemacsen:143 dh_installexamples:186
+#: dh_installifupdown:76 dh_installinfo:127 dh_installinit:417
+#: dh_installinitramfs:97 dh_installlogrotate:57 dh_installman:424
+#: dh_installmanpages:202 dh_installmenu:94 dh_installmime:67
+#: dh_installmodules:113 dh_installpam:75 dh_installppp:72 dh_installudev:106
+#: dh_installwm:134 dh_installxfonts:94 dh_link:170 dh_lintian:64
+#: dh_listpackages:38 dh_makeshlibs:460 dh_md5sums:122 dh_movefiles:165
+#: dh_perl:192 dh_prep:74 dh_shlibdeps:208 dh_strip:439 dh_testdir:66
+#: dh_testroot:97 dh_usrlocal:140
+msgid "This program is a part of debhelper."
+msgstr "Este programa es parte de debhelper."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:5
+msgid "dh_auto_build - automatically builds a package"
+msgstr "dh_auto_build - Construye un paquete de forma automática"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> [S<I<opciones-sistema-de-construcción>>] [S<I<opciones-de-"
+"debhelper>>] [S<B<--> I<parámetros>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically build a "
+"package. It does so by running the appropriate command for the build system "
+"it detects the package uses. For example, if a F<Makefile> is found, this is "
+"done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If "
+"there's a F<>, or F<Build.PL>, it is run to build the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> es un programa de debhelper que intenta generar un paquete "
+"automáticamente. Para ello, ejecuta la orden adecuada para el sistema de "
+"construcción que detecta que utiliza el paquete. Por ejemplo, si encuentra "
+"un fichero F<Makefile>, ejecuta B<make> (o B<MAKE>, si se define la variable "
+"de entorno). Si existe un fichero F<> o F<Build.PL>, se utilizará "
+"para construir el paquete."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:28
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, "
+"you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_build> at all, and just run the "
+"build process manually."
+msgstr ""
+"La meta es que funcione con el 90% de los paquetes. Si no funciona, le "
+"animamos a que no use B<dh_auto_build>, y simplemente ejecute el proceso de "
+"construcción manualmente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:34 dh_auto_clean:35 dh_auto_configure:37 dh_auto_install:54
+#: dh_auto_test:36
+msgid ""
+"See L<debhelper(7)/B<BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS>> for a list of common build "
+"system selection and control options."
+msgstr ""
+"Para una lista de selección de sistemas de construcción comunes y opciones "
+"de control consulte L<debhelper(7)/B<Opciones de sistema de construcción>>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_auto_build:39 dh_auto_clean:40 dh_auto_configure:42 dh_auto_install:65
+#: dh_auto_test:41 dh_builddeb:48 dh_dwz:62 dh_gencontrol:42
+#: dh_installdebconf:72 dh_installinit:166 dh_makeshlibs:179 dh_shlibdeps:41
+msgid "B<--> I<params>"
+msgstr "B<--> I<parámetros>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:41
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_build> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Introduce los I<parámetros> al programa que ejecuta, después de los "
+"parámetros que habitualmente introduce B<dh_auto_build>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:5
+msgid "dh_auto_clean - automatically cleans up after a build"
+msgstr "dh_auto_clean - Limpia automáticamente después de una construcción"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> [S<I<opciones-sistema-de-construcción>>] [S<I<opciones-de-"
+"debhelper>>] [S<B<--> I<parámetros>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically clean up "
+"after a package build. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a "
+"F<Makefile> and it contains a B<distclean>, B<realclean>, or B<clean> "
+"target, then this is done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment "
+"variable is set). If there is a F<> or F<Build.PL>, it is run to "
+"clean the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> es un programa de debhelper que intenta limpiar "
+"automáticamente después de la construcción de un paquete. Para ello, ejecuta "
+"la orden adecuada para el sistema de construcción que detecta que utiliza el "
+"paquete. Por ejemplo, si hay un fichero F<Makefile> que contiene un objetivo "
+"B<distclean>, B<realclean> o B<clean>, ejecutará B<make> (o B<MAKE>, si se "
+"define la variable de entorno). Si existe un fichero F<> o F<Build."
+"PL>, se ejecuta para limpiar el paquete."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:29
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or "
+"tries to use the wrong clean target, you're encouraged to skip using "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> at all, and just run B<make clean> manually."
+msgstr ""
+"La meta es que funcione con el 90% de los paquetes. Si no funciona, o lo "
+"intenta utilizando el objetivo «clean» equivocado, le animamos a que no use "
+"B<dh_auto_clean>, y que simplemente ejecute B<make clean> manualmente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:42
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Introduce los I<parámetros> al programa que ejecuta, después de los "
+"parámetros que habitualmente introduce B<dh_auto_clean>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:5
+msgid "dh_auto_configure - automatically configure a package prior to building"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_auto_configure - Configura un paquete automáticamente antes de la "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> [S<I<opciones-sistema-de-construcción>>] [S<I<opciones-"
+"de-debhelper>>] [S<B<--> I<parámetros>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically "
+"configure a package prior to building. It does so by running the appropriate "
+"command for the build system it detects the package uses. For example, it "
+"looks for and runs a F<./configure> script, F<Makefile.PL>, F<Build.PL>, or "
+"F<cmake>. A standard set of parameters is determined and passed to the "
+"program that is run. Some build systems, such as make, do not need a "
+"configure step; for these B<dh_auto_configure> will exit without doing "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> es un programa de debhelper que intenta configurar "
+"automáticamente un paquete antes de su construcción. Para ello, ejecuta la "
+"orden adecuada para el sistema de construcción que detecta que utiliza el "
+"paquete. Por ejemplo, busca y ejecuta un script F<./configure>, F<Makefile."
+"PL>, F<Build.PL> o F<cmake>. Determina un conjunto estándar de parámetros y "
+"los introduce al programa a ejecutar. Algunos sistemas de construcción, como "
+"make, no necesitan un paso «configure»; para ellos, B<dh_auto_configure> "
+"cerrará sin hacer nada."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:31
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, "
+"you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_configure> at all, and just run "
+"F<./configure> or its equivalent manually."
+msgstr ""
+"La meta es que funcione con el 90% de los paquetes. Si no funciona, le "
+"animamos a no utilizar B<dh_auto_configure>, y que simplemente ejecute F<./"
+"configure>, o su equivalente, manualmente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:44
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_configure> usually passes. For example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Introduce los I<parámetros> al programa que ejecuta, después de los "
+"parámetros que habitualmente introduce B<dh_auto_configure> Por ejemplo:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_auto_configure:47
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --enable-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --enable-bar\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:5
+msgid "dh_auto_install - automatically runs make install or similar"
+msgstr "dh_auto_install - Ejecuta «make install» o similar automáticamente"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:20
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> [S<I<opciones-sistema-de-construcción>>] [S<I<opciones-de-"
+"debhelper>>] [S<B<--> I<parámetros>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically "
+"install built files. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a "
+"F<Makefile> and it contains a B<install> target, then this is done by "
+"running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If there "
+"is a F<> or F<Build.PL>, it is used. Note that the Ant build system "
+"does not support installation, so B<dh_auto_install> will not install files "
+"built using Ant."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> es un programa de debhelper que intenta instalar "
+"automáticamente ficheros construidos. Para ello, ejecuta la orden adecuada "
+"para el sistema de construcción que detecta que utiliza su paquete. Por "
+"ejemplo, si hay un fichero F<Makefile> y contiene un objetivo B<install>, "
+"ejecutará B<make> (o B<MAKE>, si se define la variable de entorno). Si "
+"existe un fichero F<> o F<Build.PL>, se utilizará. Tenga en cuenta "
+"que el sistema de construcción Ant no permite la instalación, y por ello "
+"B<dh_auto_install> no instalará ficheros construidos mediante Ant."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:32
+msgid ""
+"In compat 15 or later, B<dh_auto_install> will use F<debian/tmp> as the "
+"default B<--destdir> and should be moved from there to the appropriate "
+"package build directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools. Though if "
+"the B<single-binary> addon for L<dh(1)> is activated, then it will pass an "
+"explicit B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to B<dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:38
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Unless B<--destdir> option is specified, the files are installed into "
+#| "debian/I<package>/ if there is only one binary package. In the multiple "
+#| "binary package case, the files are instead installed into F<debian/tmp/>, "
+#| "and should be moved from there to the appropriate package build directory "
+#| "using L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgid ""
+"For earlier compat levels then unless B<--destdir> option is specified, the "
+"files are installed into debian/I<package>/ if there is only one binary "
+"package. In the multiple binary package case, the files are instead "
+"installed into F<debian/tmp/>, and should be moved from there to the "
+"appropriate package build directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools."
+msgstr ""
+"A menos que se defina la opción B<--destdir>, los ficheros se instalan en "
+"«debian/I<paquete>/» si sólo hay un paquete binario. En el caso de varios "
+"paquetes binarios, los ficheros se instalan en F<debian/tmp/>, y se deberían "
+"mover desde ahí al directorio de construcción del paquete utilizando "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:44
+msgid ""
+"B<DESTDIR> is used to tell make where to install the files. If the Makefile "
+"was generated by MakeMaker from a F<Makefile.PL>, it will automatically set "
+"B<PREFIX=/usr> too, since such Makefiles need that."
+msgstr ""
+"B<DESTDIR> se utiliza para indicar a make dónde instalar los ficheros. Si el "
+"fichero F<Makefile> se generó mediante MakeMaker a partir de un fichero "
+"F<Makefile.PL>, definirá también B<PREFIX=/usr>, ya que lo requieren los "
+"ficheros F<Makefile>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:48
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or "
+"tries to use the wrong install target, you're encouraged to skip using "
+"B<dh_auto_install> at all, and just run make install manually."
+msgstr ""
+"La meta es que funcione con el 90% de los paquetes. Si no funciona, o lo "
+"intenta utilizando el objetivo «install» equivocado, le animamos a que no "
+"use B<dh_auto_install>, y que simplemente ejecute B<make install> "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_auto_install:59 dh_builddeb:38
+msgid "B<--destdir=>I<directory>"
+msgstr "B<--destdir=>I<directorio>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:61
+msgid ""
+"Install files into the specified I<directory>. If this option is not "
+"specified, destination directory is determined automatically as described in "
+"the L</B<DESCRIPTION>> section."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala ficheros en el I<directorio> especificado. Si esta opción no se "
+"define, el directorio de destino se determina automáticamente como se "
+"describe en la sección L</B<DESCRIPCIÓN>>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:67
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_install> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Introduce los I<parámetros> al programa que ejecuta, después de los "
+"parámetros que habitualmente introduce B<dh_auto_install>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:5
+msgid "dh_auto_test - automatically runs a package's test suites"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_auto_test - Ejecuta automáticamente un conjunto de pruebas de un paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> [S<I<opciones-sistema-de-construcción>>] [S<I<opciones-de-"
+"debhelper>>] [S<B<--> I<parámetros>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically run a "
+"package's test suite. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a Makefile "
+"and it contains a B<test> or B<check> target, then this is done by running "
+"B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If the test suite "
+"fails, the command will exit nonzero. If there's no test suite, it will exit "
+"zero without doing anything."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> es un programa de debhelper que intenta ejecutar "
+"automáticamente el conjunto de pruebas de un paquete. Para ello, ejecuta la "
+"orden adecuada para el sistema de construcción que detecta que utiliza el "
+"paquete. Por ejemplo, si hay un fichero F<Makefile> y contiene un objetivo "
+"B<test> o B<check>, ejecutará B<make> (o B<MAKE>, si se define la variable "
+"de entorno). Si el conjunto de pruebas falla, la orden cerrará con un valor "
+"distinto de cero. Si no hay un conjunto de pruebas, cerrará con un valor de "
+"cero sin hacer nada."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:30
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages with a test suite. If it "
+"doesn't work, you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_test> at all, and "
+"just run the test suite manually."
+msgstr ""
+"La meta es que funcione con el 90% de los paquetes con un conjunto de "
+"pruebas. Si no funciona, le animamos a que no use B<dh_auto_test>, y que "
+"simplemente ejecute el conjunto de pruebas manualmente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:43
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_test> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Introduce los I<parámetros> al programa que ejecuta, después de los "
+"parámetros que habitualmente introduce B<dh_auto_test>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:50
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nocheck>, no "
+"tests will be performed."
+msgstr ""
+"No se realizará ninguna prueba si la variable de entorno "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> contiene B<nocheck>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_bugfiles - install bug reporting customization files into package build "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_bugfiles - Instala ficheros personalizados para el informe de fallos en "
+"los directorios de construcción del paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:17
+msgid "B<dh_bugfiles> [B<-A>] [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_bugfiles> [B<-A>] [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_bugfiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing bug "
+"reporting customization files (bug scripts and/or bug control files and/or "
+"presubj files) into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_bugfiles> es un programa de debhelper responsable de la instalación de "
+"ficheros personalizados para el informe de fallos (scripts de fallos y/o "
+"ficheros de control de fallos y/o ficheros F<presubj>) en los directorios de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_bugfiles:25 dh_clean:33 dh_compress:35 dh_install:40
+#: dh_installcatalogs:39 dh_installchangelogs:53 dh_installcron:24
+#: dh_installdeb:25 dh_installdebconf:37 dh_installdirs:28 dh_installdocs:40
+#: dh_installemacsen:30 dh_installexamples:31 dh_installifupdown:25
+#: dh_installinfo:28 dh_installinit:41 dh_installinitramfs:30
+#: dh_installlogcheck:24 dh_installman:73 dh_installmenu:28 dh_installmime:24
+#: dh_installmodules:31 dh_installpam:24 dh_installppp:24 dh_installudev:24
+#: dh_installwm:28 dh_link:46 dh_lintian:24 dh_makeshlibs:44 dh_movefiles:29
+#: dh_systemd_enable:41
+msgid "FILES"
+msgstr "FICHEROS"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:29
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-script"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.bug-script"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:31
+msgid ""
+"This is the script to be run by the bug reporting program for generating a "
+"bug report template. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package> in "
+"the package build directory if no other types of bug reporting customization "
+"files are going to be installed for the package in question. Otherwise, this "
+"file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/script>. Finally, the installed "
+"script is given execute permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"Este es el script a ejecutar por el programa de informe de fallos para "
+"generar una plantilla de informe de fallo. El fichero se instala como F<usr/"
+"share/bug/package> en el directorio de construcción del paquete, si no se "
+"van a instalar en tal paquete otros ficheros personalizados de informe de "
+"fallos. En caso contrario, el fichero se instala como F<usr/share/bug/"
+"package/script>. Por último, se dan permisos de ejecución al script "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-control"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.bug-control"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:40
+msgid ""
+"It is the bug control file containing some directions for the bug reporting "
+"tool. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/control> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"El fichero de control de fallos, que contiene algunas indicaciones para la "
+"herramienta de informe de fallos. Este fichero se instala como F<usr/share/"
+"bug/package/control> en el directorio de construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-presubj"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.bug-presubj"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:46
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this file are displayed to the user by the bug reporting "
+"tool before allowing the user to write a bug report on the package to the "
+"Debian Bug Tracking System. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/"
+"package/presubj> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"La herramienta de informe de fallos muestra el contenido de este fichero al "
+"usuario antes de permitir a éste escribir un informe de fallo del paquete en "
+"el sistema de seguimiento de fallos de Debian. El fichero se instala como "
+"F<usr/share/bug/package/presubj> en el directorio de construcción del "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:59
+msgid ""
+"Install F<debian/bug-*> files to ALL packages acted on when respective "
+"F<debian/package.bug-*> files do not exist. Normally, F<debian/bug-*> will "
+"be installed to the first package only."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala ficheros F<debian/bug-*> en todos los paquetes afectados cuando los "
+"ficheros F<debian/package.bug-*> no existen. Habitualmente, F<debian/bug-*> "
+"sólo se instala en el primer paquete."
+# type: =item
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:135
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.developers.gz>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.developers.gz>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:137 dh_lintian:62
+msgid "L<debhelper(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:143
+msgid "Modestas Vainius <>"
+msgstr "Modestas Vainius <>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:7
+msgid "dh_builddeb - build Debian binary packages"
+msgstr "dh_builddeb - Construye paquetes binarios de Debian"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:19
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_builddeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--destdir=>I<directory>] [B<--"
+#| "filename=>I<name>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--destdir=>I<directory>] [B<--"
+"filename=>I<name>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> [S<I<debhelper opciones>>] [B<--destdir=>I<directorio>] [B<--"
+"filename=>I<nombre>] [S<B<--> I<parámetros>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:23
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_builddeb> simply calls L<dpkg-deb(1)> to build a Debian package or "
+#| "packages."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> simply calls L<dpkg-deb(1)> to build a Debian package or "
+"packages. It will also build dbgsym packages when L<dh_strip(1)> and "
+"L<dh_gencontrol(1)> have prepared them."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> simplemente invoca L<dpkg-deb(1)> para construir uno o varios "
+"paquetes de Debian."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:27
+msgid ""
+"It supports building multiple binary packages in parallel, when enabled by "
+msgstr ""
+"Permite la construcción simultánea de varios paquetes binarios, cuando se "
+"activa mediante «DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS»."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:30
+msgid ""
+"When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field is not (effectively) I<binary-"
+"targets>, B<dh_builddeb> will pass B<--root-owner-group> to L<dpkg-deb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:40
+msgid ""
+"Use this if you want the generated F<.deb> files to be put in a directory "
+"other than the default of \"F<..>\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Use esta opción si quiere que los ficheros F<.deb> generados se dejen en un "
+"directorio distinto de F<..>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_builddeb:43
+msgid "B<--filename=>I<name>"
+msgstr "B<--filename=>I<nombre>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:45
+msgid ""
+"Use this if you want to force the generated .deb file to have a particular "
+"file name. Does not work well if more than one .deb is generated!"
+msgstr ""
+"Use esta opción si quiere forzar un nombre para el fichero «.deb» generado. "
+"¡No funciona bien si se genera más de un «.deb»!"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:50
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)> when it is used to build the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Introduce los I<parámetros> a L<dpkg-deb(1)> cuando se construye el paquete."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_builddeb:53
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<parámetros>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:55
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)>. It is deprecated; "
+"use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta es otra manera de introducir I<parámetros> a L<dpkg-deb(1)>. Está "
+"obsoleta, use B<--> en su lugar."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:5
+msgid "dh_clean - clean up package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_clean - Limpia los directorios de construcción de paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:17
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_clean> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-d>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+#| "[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_clean> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-d>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<path> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> [S<I<debhelper opciones>>] [B<-k>] [B<-d>] [B<-X>I<elemento>] "
+"[S<I<fichero> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_clean> is a debhelper program that is responsible for cleaning up. It "
+"should be the last step of the B<clean> target and other debhelper commands "
+"generally assume that B<dh_clean> will clean up after them."
+msgstr ""
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_clean:25
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_clean> is a debhelper program that is responsible for cleaning up after a\n"
+#| "package is built. It removes the package build directories, and removes some\n"
+#| "other files including F<debian/files>, and any detritus left behind by other\n"
+#| "debhelper commands. It also removes common files that should not appear in a\n"
+#| "Debian diff:\n"
+#| " #*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"It removes the package build directories, and removes some other files including\n"
+"F<debian/files>, and any detritus left behind by other debhelper commands. It\n"
+"also removes common files that should not appear in a Debian diff:\n"
+" #*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp\n"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> es un programa de debhelper responsable de limpiar ficheros y\n"
+"directorios temporales después de construir el paquete. Elimina los\n"
+"directorios de construcción de paquete, otros ficheros incluyendo\n"
+"F<debian/files> y todos los ficheros auxiliares que han ido dejando otras\n"
+"órdenes de debhelper. También elimina ficheros comunes que no deberían\n"
+"aparecer en un diff de Debian:\n"
+" #*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:30
+msgid ""
+"It does not run \"make clean\" to clean up after the build process. Use "
+"L<dh_auto_clean(1)> to do things like that."
+msgstr ""
+"No ejecuta «make clean» para limpiar después del proceso de construcción. "
+"Para ello use L<dh_auto_clean(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:37
+msgid "F<debian/clean>"
+msgstr "F<debian/clean>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:39
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Can list other files to be removed."
+msgid "Can list other paths to be removed."
+msgstr "Puede listar otros ficheros que desea eliminar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:41
+msgid ""
+"Note that directories listed in this file B<must> end with a trailing "
+"slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:44 dh_install:59 dh_installcatalogs:51 dh_installdeb:102
+#: dh_installdirs:40 dh_installdocs:48 dh_installexamples:43 dh_installinfo:36
+#: dh_installman:81 dh_installwm:36 dh_link:64
+msgid ""
+"Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as documented in "
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:53 dh_installchangelogs:81
+msgid "B<-k>, B<--keep>"
+msgstr "B<-k>, B<--keep>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:55
+msgid "This is deprecated, use L<dh_prep(1)> instead."
+msgstr "Está obsoleta, use L<dh_prep(1)> en su lugar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:57
+msgid "The option is removed in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:59
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--dirs-only>"
+msgstr "B<-d>, B<--dirs-only>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:61
+msgid ""
+"Only clean the package build directories, do not clean up any other files at "
+msgstr ""
+"Sólo limpia los directorios de construcción del paquete, no limpia ningún "
+"otro tipo de fichero."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:64 dh_prep:33
+msgid "B<-X>I<item> B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<elemento> B<--exclude=>I<elemento>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:66
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option "
+"multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"No borra los ficheros que contengan I<elemento> en cualquier parte del "
+"nombre, incluso si se habrían borrado en condiciones normales. Puede "
+"utilizar esta opción varias veces para crear una lista de ficheros a excluir."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:70
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "I<manpage> ..."
+msgid "I<path> ..."
+msgstr "I<página-de-manual> ..."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:72
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Delete these I<file>s too."
+msgid "Delete these I<path>s too."
+msgstr "Borra también estos I<ficheros>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:74
+msgid ""
+"Note that directories passed as arguments B<must> end with a trailing "
+"slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_compress - compress files and fix symlinks in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_compress - Comprime ficheros y arregla enlaces simbólicos en los "
+"directorios de construcción del paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_compress> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<-A>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_compress> [S<I<debhelper opciones>>] [B<-X>I<elemento>] [B<-A>] "
+"[S<I<fichero> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_compress> is a debhelper program that is responsible for compressing "
+"the files in package build directories, and makes sure that any symlinks "
+"that pointed to the files before they were compressed are updated to point "
+"to the new files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_compress> es un programa de debhelper responsable de comprimir los "
+"ficheros en los directorios de construcción del paquete, y se asegura de que "
+"cualquier enlace simbólico que apuntaba a los ficheros antes de la "
+"compresión se actualicen para apuntar a los nuevos ficheros."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:28
+msgid ""
+"By default, B<dh_compress> compresses files that Debian policy mandates "
+"should be compressed, namely all files in F<usr/share/info>, F<usr/share/"
+"man>, files in F<usr/share/doc> that are larger than 4k in size, (except the "
+"F<copyright> file, F<.html> and other web files, image files, and files that "
+"appear to be already compressed based on their extensions), and all "
+"F<changelog> files. Plus PCF fonts underneath F<usr/share/fonts/X11/>"
+msgstr ""
+"Por omisión, B<dh_compress> comprime los ficheros que las normas de Debian "
+"obligan a comprimir, es decir, todos los ficheros en F<usr/share/info>, "
+"F<usr/share/man>, ficheros en F<usr/share/doc> mayores de 4k, (excepto el "
+"fichero F<copyright>, ficheros F<.html>, ficheros de imagen, y ficheros que "
+"ya parezcan estar comprimidos basándose en sus extensiones), y todos los "
+"ficheros F<changelog>. Además de los tipos de letra PCF debajo de F<usr/"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_compress:39
+msgid "debian/I<package>.compress"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.compress"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:41
+msgid "These files are deprecated."
+msgstr "Estos ficheros están obsoletos."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:43
+msgid ""
+"If this file exists, the default files are not compressed. Instead, the file "
+"is ran as a shell script, and all filenames that the shell script outputs "
+"will be compressed. The shell script will be run from inside the package "
+"build directory. Note though that using B<-X> is a much better idea in "
+"general; you should only use a F<debian/package.compress> file if you really "
+"need to."
+msgstr ""
+"No se comprimirán los ficheros predeterminados si existe este fichero. Sin "
+"embargo, se ejecutará como un script de consola, y se comprimirán todos los "
+"ficheros que devuelva en vez de los ficheros predeterminados. El script de "
+"consola se ejecutará desde el interior del directorio de construcción del "
+"paquete. Tenga en cuenta que habitualmente utilizar la opción B<-X> es una "
+"mejor idea, sólo debe utilizar el fichero F<debian/paquete.compress> cuando "
+"sea realmente necesario."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:58
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"compressed. For example, B<-X.tiff> will exclude TIFF files from "
+"compression. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of "
+"things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"No comprime ficheros que contienen I<elemento> en cualquier parte de su "
+"nombre. Por ejemplo, B<-X.tiff> excluirá los ficheros TIFF. Puede utilizar "
+"esta opción varias veces para excluir una lista de elementos."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:65
+msgid ""
+"Compress all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+"acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"Comprime todos los ficheros especificados en los parámetros de la línea de "
+"órdenes en TODOS los paquetes sobre los que se actúa."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_compress:68 dh_installdocs:184 dh_installexamples:89 dh_installinfo:60
+#: dh_installmanpages:47 dh_movefiles:58 dh_testdir:30
+msgid "I<file> ..."
+msgstr "I<fichero> ..."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:70
+msgid "Add these files to the list of files to compress."
+msgstr "Añade estos ficheros a la lista de ficheros a comprimir."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_compress:74 dh_perl:65 dh_strip:133 dh_usrlocal:66
+msgid "CONFORMS TO"
+msgstr "CONFORME A"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:76
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.0"
+msgstr "Normas de Debian, versión 3.0"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:5
+msgid "dh_dwz - optimize DWARF debug information in ELF binaries via dwz"
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:18
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> "
+#| "I<params>>]"
+msgid "B<dh_dwz> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_dwz> is a debhelper program that will optimize the (uncompressed) size "
+"of the DWARF debug information in ELF binaries. It does so by running "
+"L<dwz(1)> on all the ELF binaries in the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_dwz:30
+msgid "B<--dwz-multifile>, B<--no-dwz-multifile>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:32
+msgid ""
+"Whether L<dwz(1)> should generate a I<multifile> from the ELF binaries in "
+"the same package. When enabled, if a package ships at least 2 ELF binaries, "
+"B<dh_dwz> will instruct L<dwz(1)> to generate a multifile for the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:37
+msgid ""
+"By default, B<dh_dwz> will attempt to create a multifile but will continue "
+"without if L<dwz(1)> does not create one (but succeeds anyway). This "
+"commonly happens when the debug files do not contain debug symbols (e.g. a "
+"missing -g to the compiler) or when the debug symbols are compressed (see "
+"Debian bug #931891). If B<--dwz-multifile> is passed, then B<dh_dwz> will "
+"abort with an error if L<dwz(1)> does not create a multifile."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:45
+msgid ""
+"Note this options may not work if a package contains more ELF binaries than "
+"can fit on a single command line. If this becomes a problem, please pass "
+"B<--no-dwz-multifile> to work around the issue."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:49
+msgid ""
+"The generated multifile will be compressed with B<objcopy --compress-debug-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:52
+msgid ""
+"Note for B<udeb> packages: B<dh_dwz> will never generate multifiles for "
+"B<udeb> packages. It will still use B<dwz> to reduce the file size of debug "
+"files if it finds any."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:58 dh_strip:44
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"stripped. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of "
+"things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"No elimina los ficheros que contienen I<elemento> en cualquier lugar de su "
+"nombres. Puede utilizar esta opción muchas veces para construir una lista de "
+"cosas a excluir."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:64
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to L<dwz(1)> when it processes ELF binaries. This is mostly "
+"useful for setting memory related parameters (e.g. -l and -L)."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:71
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+#| "nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+#| "\"Binaries\")."
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+"nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+msgstr ""
+"Si la variable de entorno B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> contiene B<nostrip>, no se "
+"eliminará nada, conforme a las normas de Debian (sección 10.1 «Binarios»)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:75
+msgid ""
+"While this tool technically does not remove debug information from binaries, "
+"it is still skipped when the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable "
+"contains B<nostrip>. This is because B<nostrip> is often used to optimize "
+"build times (e.g. for \"build and test\"-cycles) rather than optimizing for "
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:5
+msgid "dh_fixperms - fix permissions of files in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_fixperms - Arregla los permisos de los ficheros en los directorios de "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:18
+msgid "B<dh_fixperms> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_fixperms> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-X>I<elemento>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> is a debhelper program that is responsible for setting the "
+"permissions of files and directories in package build directories to a sane "
+"state -- a state that complies with Debian policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> en un programa de debhelper responsable de dejar en buen "
+"estado (es decir, que se ajusten a las normas de Debian) los permisos de los "
+"ficheros y directorios de los directorios de construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:26
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_fixperms> makes all files in F<usr/share/doc> in the package build "
+#| "directory (excluding files in the F<examples/> directory) be mode 644. It "
+#| "also changes the permissions of all man pages to mode 644. It makes all "
+#| "files be owned by root, and it removes group and other write permission "
+#| "from all files. It removes execute permissions from any libraries, "
+#| "headers, Perl modules, or desktop files that have it set. It makes all "
+#| "files in the standard F<bin> and F<sbin> directories, F<usr/games/> and "
+#| "F<etc/init.d> executable (since v4). Finally, it removes the setuid and "
+#| "setgid bits from all files in the package."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> makes all files in F<usr/share/doc> in the package build "
+"directory (excluding files in the F<examples/> directory) be mode 644. It "
+"also changes the permissions of all man pages to mode 644. It removes group "
+"and other write permission from all files. It removes execute permissions "
+"from any libraries, headers, Perl modules, or desktop files that have it "
+"set. It makes all files in the standard F<bin> and F<sbin> directories, "
+"F<usr/games/> and F<etc/init.d> executable (since v4). Finally, it removes "
+"the setuid and setgid bits from all files in the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> hace que el modo de todos los ficheros en F<usr/share/doc> en "
+"el directorio de construcción del paquete (excluyendo los ficheros en el "
+"directorio F<examples/>) tengan el modo 644. También cambia el modo de las "
+"páginas de manual a 644. Hace que todos los ficheros pertenezcan al "
+"administrador y elimina los permisos de escritura de grupo y de otros. "
+"Elimina los permisos de ejecución de cualquier biblioteca, paquetes para el "
+"desarrollo («headers»), módulos de Perl o ficheros F<desktop> que lo puedan "
+"tener. Hace ejecutables todos los ficheros en los directorios F<bin/> y "
+"F<sbin/>, F</usr/games/> y F<etc/init.d> (a partir de v4). Finalmente, "
+"elimina los bit setuid y setgid de todos los ficheros en el paquete."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:36
+msgid ""
+"When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field has the (effective) value of I<binary-"
+"targets>, B<dh_fixperms> will also reset the ownership of all paths to "
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_fixperms:44
+msgid "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude> I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<elemento>, B<--exclude> I<elemento>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:46
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from having "
+"their permissions changed. You may use this option multiple times to build "
+"up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"No se cambian los permisos de los ficheros que contengan I<elemento> en su "
+"nombre. Puede utilizar la opción varias veces para construir una lista de "
+"ficheros a excluir."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:5
+msgid "dh_gencontrol - generate and install control file"
+msgstr "dh_gencontrol - Genera e instala el fichero de control"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:18
+msgid "B<dh_gencontrol> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_gencontrol> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [S<B<--> I<parámetros>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_gencontrol> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+"control files, and installing them into the I<DEBIAN> directory with the "
+"proper permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_gencontrol> es un programa de debhelper que genera ficheros de control, "
+"e instala en el directorio I<DEBIAN> con los permisos correctos."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:26
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>, which "
+#| "calls it once for each package being acted on, and passes in some "
+#| "additional useful flags."
+msgid ""
+"This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>, which calls "
+"it once for each package being acted on (plus related dbgsym packages), and "
+"passes in some additional useful flags."
+msgstr ""
+"El programa es simplemente una interfaz para L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>, al que "
+"invoca una vez por cada paquete sobre el que actúa, introduciendo algunas "
+"opciones adicionales útiles."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:30
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that if you use B<dh_gencontrol>, you must also use "
+"L<dh_builddeb(1)> to build the packages. Otherwise, your build may fail to "
+"build as B<dh_gencontrol> (via L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>) declares which "
+"packages are built. As debhelper automatically generates dbgsym packages, "
+"it some times adds additional packages, which will be built by "
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:44
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>."
+msgstr "Introduce los I<parámetros> a L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_gencontrol:46
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-gencontrol-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<parámetros>, B<--dpkg-gencontrol-params=>I<parámetros>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:48
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>. It is "
+"deprecated; use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta es otra manera de introducir I<parámetros> a L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>. "
+"Está obsoleta, use B<--> en su lugar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:5
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "dh_icons - Update Freedesktop icon caches"
+msgid "dh_icons - Update caches of Freedesktop icons"
+msgstr "dh_icons - Actualiza el almacén de iconos de Freedesktop"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:18
+msgid "B<dh_icons> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_icons> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:22
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_icons> is a debhelper program that updates Freedesktop icon caches "
+#| "when needed, using the B<update-icon-caches> program provided by "
+#| "GTK+2.12. Currently this program does not handle installation of the "
+#| "files, though it may do so at a later date. It takes care of adding "
+#| "maintainer script fragments to call B<update-icon-caches>."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_icons> is a debhelper program that updates caches of Freedesktop icons "
+"when needed, using the B<update-icon-caches> program provided by GTK+2.12. "
+"Currently this program does not handle installation of the files, though it "
+"may do so at a later date, so should be run after icons are installed in the "
+"package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_desktop> es un programa de debhelper que actualiza los almacenes "
+"(«cache») de iconos de Freedesktop cuando es necesario, utilizando el "
+"programa B<update-icon-caches> proporcionado por GTK+2.12. En el momento "
+"presente, el programa no gestiona la instalación de los ficheros, aunque "
+"puede que lo haga en el futuro. Se encarga de añadir fragmentos a los "
+"scripts del desarrollador para invocar F<update-icon-caches>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:28
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+#| "needed to interface with the Debian B<menu> package. These commands are "
+#| "inserted into the maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgid ""
+"It takes care of adding maintainer script fragments to call B<update-icon-"
+"caches> for icon directories. (This is not done for gnome and hicolor icons, "
+"as those are handled by triggers.) These commands are inserted into the "
+"maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Además, genera automáticamente las órdenes de F<postinst> y F<postrm> "
+"necesarias para interactuar con el paquete del B<menú> de Debian. Estas "
+"órdenes se insertan en los scripts del desarrollador mediante "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_icons:37 dh_installcatalogs:60 dh_installdebconf:68 dh_installemacsen:60
+#: dh_installinit:81 dh_installinitramfs:47 dh_installmenu:48
+#: dh_installmodules:45 dh_installwm:51 dh_makeshlibs:147 dh_usrlocal:54
+msgid "B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>"
+msgstr "B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:39
+msgid "Do not modify maintainer scripts."
+msgstr "No modifica los scripts del desarrollador."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:77
+msgid "L<debhelper>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:83
+msgid ""
+"Ross Burton <> Jordi Mallach <> Josselin "
+"Mouette <>"
+msgstr ""
+"Ross Burton <> Jordi Mallach <> Josselin "
+"Mouette <>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:5
+msgid "dh_install - install files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_install - Instala ficheros en los directorios de construcción del paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--autodest>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> [B<-X>I<elemento>] [B<--autodest>] [B<--"
+"sourcedir=>I<directorio>] [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [S<I<fichero|"
+"directorio> [...] I<directorio-de-destino>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> is a debhelper program that handles installing files into "
+"package build directories. There are many B<dh_install>I<*> commands that "
+"handle installing specific types of files such as documentation, examples, "
+"man pages, and so on, and they should be used when possible as they often "
+"have extra intelligence for those particular tasks. B<dh_install>, then, is "
+"useful for installing everything else, for which no particular intelligence "
+"is needed. It is a replacement for the old B<dh_movefiles> command."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> es un programa de debhelper que instala ficheros en los "
+"directorios de construcción del paquete. Hay muchas órdenes "
+"B<dh_install>I<*> que se encargan de instalar tipos de ficheros específicos, "
+"como documentación, ejemplos, páginas de manual y más, se deben utilizar "
+"siempre que sea posible, pues a menudo son más hábiles en estas tareas "
+"particulares. Así, B<dh_install> es útil para instalar el resto de las cosas "
+"para las cuales no se necesite ninguna habilidad especial. Es un reemplazo "
+"de la antigua orden B<dh_movefiles>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:29
+msgid ""
+"This program may be used in one of two ways. If you just have a file or two "
+"that the upstream Makefile does not install for you, you can run "
+"B<dh_install> on them to move them into place. On the other hand, maybe you "
+"have a large package that builds multiple binary packages. You can use the "
+"upstream F<Makefile> to install it all into F<debian/tmp>, and then use "
+"B<dh_install> to copy directories and files from there into the proper "
+"package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa se puede utilizar de dos modos. Si sólo tiene uno o dos "
+"ficheros que el «Makefile» del desarrollador principal no instala, puede "
+"utilizar B<dh_install> para moverlos a su lugar. Por otro lado, quizá tenga "
+"un gran paquete que construye múltiples paquetes binarios. Puede utilizar el "
+"F<Makefile> del desarrollador original para instalar todo en F<debian/tmp>, "
+"y después utilizar B<dh_install> para copiar los directorios y ficheros "
+"desde ahí a los directorios de construcción del paquete adecuados."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:36
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "From debhelper compatibility level 7 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+#| "looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it doesn't find them in the "
+#| "current directory (or whereever you've told it to look using B<--"
+#| "sourcedir>)."
+msgid ""
+"From debhelper compatibility level 7 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+"looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current "
+"directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>)."
+msgstr ""
+"A partir del nivel 7 de compatibilidad de debhelper en adelante, "
+"B<dh_install> buscará por omisión ficheros en F<debian/tmp>, si no los "
+"encuentra en el directorio actual (o en la ubicación donde indicó que mirase "
+"utilizando B<--sourcedir>)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.install"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.install"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:46
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "List the files to install into each package and the directory they should "
+#| "be installed to. The format is a set of lines, where each line lists a "
+#| "file or files to install, and at the end of the line tells the directory "
+#| "it should be installed in. The name of the files (or directories) to "
+#| "install should be given relative to the current directory, while the "
+#| "installation directory is given relative to the package build directory. "
+#| "You may use wildcards in the names of the files to install (in v3 mode "
+#| "and above)."
+msgid ""
+"List the files to install into each package and the directory they should be "
+"installed to. The format is a set of lines, where each line lists a file or "
+"files to install, and at the end of the line tells the directory it should "
+"be installed in. The name of the files (or directories) to install should be "
+"given relative to the current directory, while the installation directory is "
+"given relative to the package build directory. You may use wildcards in the "
+"names of the files to install."
+msgstr ""
+"Los ficheros «debian/paquete.install» listan los ficheros a instalar en cada "
+"paquete y el directorio donde se deben instalar. El formato es un conjunto "
+"de líneas, cada línea lista un fichero o ficheros a instalar, y al final de "
+"ésta se encuentra el directorio donde se deben instalar. El nombre de los "
+"ficheros (o directorios) a instalar debe ser relativo al directorio actual, "
+"mientras que el directorio de instalación es relativo al directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete. Se pueden utilizar comodines en los nombres de los "
+"ficheros a instalar (en modo v3 o superior)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:54
+msgid ""
+"Note that if you list exactly one filename or wildcard-pattern on a line by "
+"itself, with no explicit destination, then B<dh_install> will automatically "
+"guess the destination to use, the same as if the --autodest option were used."
+msgstr ""
+"Tenga en cuenta que si lista exactamente un nombre de fichero o patrón de "
+"comodines en una sola línea, sin ningún destino explícito, B<dh_install> "
+"averiguará automáticamente el destino, al igual que si se utiliza la opción "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:62
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.install"
+msgid "debian/not-installed"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.install"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:64
+msgid ""
+"Used with the deprecated B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> options. "
+"Please refer to L<dh_missing(1)> for the documentation of this file."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:73
+msgid "B<--list-missing>"
+msgstr "B<--list-missing>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:75
+msgid ""
+"B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --list-missing> instead. If you use "
+"this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it "
+"has processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the "
+"documentation of this option."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:82
+msgid "B<--fail-missing>"
+msgstr "B<--fail-missing>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:84
+msgid ""
+"B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --fail-missing> instead. If you use "
+"this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it "
+"has processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the "
+"documentation of this option."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:91 dh_installdirs:62 dh_installdocs:114 dh_installexamples:57
+#: dh_installinfo:50 dh_installman:100 dh_movefiles:45
+msgid "B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>"
+msgstr "B<--sourcedir=>I<directorio>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:93
+msgid "Look in the specified directory for files to be installed."
+msgstr "Busca en el directorio especificado los ficheros a instalar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:95
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+"compatibility level 7 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Tenga en cuenta que no es igual que la opción B<--sourcedirectory> utilizada "
+"por las órdenes B<dh_auto_>I<*>. Rara vez utilizará esta opción, ya que "
+"B<dh_install> busca ficheros de forma automática en F<debian/tmp> con el "
+"nivel de compatibilidad 7 y posterior."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:100
+msgid "B<--autodest>"
+msgstr "B<--autodest>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:102
+msgid ""
+"Guess as the destination directory to install things to. If this is "
+"specified, you should not list destination directories in F<debian/package."
+"install> files or on the command line. Instead, B<dh_install> will guess as "
+msgstr ""
+"Averigua el directorio dónde instalar las cosas. Si se define, no debería "
+"listar los directorios de destino en los ficheros F<debian/paquete.install> "
+"o en la línea de órdenes. En vez de esto, B<dh_install> lo averiguará del "
+"siguiente modo:"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:107
+msgid ""
+"Strip off F<debian/tmp> (or the sourcedir if one is given) from the front of "
+"the filename, if it is present, and install into the dirname of the "
+"filename. So if the filename is F<debian/tmp/usr/bin>, then that directory "
+"will be copied to F<debian/package/usr/>. If the filename is F<debian/tmp/"
+"etc/passwd>, it will be copied to F<debian/package/etc/>."
+msgstr ""
+"Si está presente, elimina F<debian/tmp> (o el «sourcedir», si se "
+"proporciona) del principio del nombre del fichero, y lo instala en el "
+"directorio que forma parte del nombre del fichero. Esto es, si el nombre del "
+"fichero es F<debian/tmp/usr/bin>, el directorio se copiará a F<debian/"
+"paquete/usr/>. Si el nombre del fichero es F<debian/tmp/etc/passwd>, se "
+"copiará a F<debian/paquete/etc/>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:113
+msgid "I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>"
+msgstr "I<fichero|destino> ... I<directorio-de-destino>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:115
+msgid ""
+"Lists files (or directories) to install and where to install them to. The "
+"files will be installed into the first package F<dh_install> acts on."
+msgstr ""
+"Lista los ficheros (o directorios) a instalar y el lugar dónde se "
+"instalarán. Los ficheros se instalarán en el primer paquete sobre el que "
+"actúe B<dh_install>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:334
+msgid "Here are some small examples of configuration files for dh_install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:336
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install my-prog into usr/bin (as \"usr/bin/my-prog\")\n"
+" my-prog usr/bin\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:339
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a plugins directory into usr/share/my-prog\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/plugins/\")\n"
+" plugins usr/share/my-prog\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:343
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a file with spaces in into usr/share/my-prog/data\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/data/my datafile with spaces.txt\")\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" my${Space}datafile${Space}with${Space}spaces.txt usr/share/my-prog/data\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:348
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a library into the multi-arch lib directory\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" build/output/libfrop*.so.* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}\n"
+msgstr ""
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_install:352
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:354
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_install> cannot rename files or directories, it can only install "
+#| "them\n"
+#| "with the names they already have into wherever you want in the package\n"
+#| "build tree.\n"
+#| " \n"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> cannot rename files or directories, it can only install them "
+"with the names they already have into wherever you want in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> no puede renombrar ficheros o directorios, sólo puede\n"
+"instalarlos con los nombres que ya tengan en el lugar que desee en el árbol\n"
+"de construcción del paquete.\n"
+" \n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:358
+msgid ""
+"However, renaming can be achieved by using B<dh-exec> with compatibility "
+"level 9 or later. An example debian/I<package>.install file using B<dh-"
+"exec> could look like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:362
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" #!/usr/bin/dh-exec\n"
+" debian/default.conf => /etc/my-package/start.conf\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:365
+msgid "Please remember the following three things:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:369
+msgid ""
+"* The package must be using compatibility level 9 or later (see "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:371
+msgid "* The package will need a build-dependency on dh-exec."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:373
+msgid "* The install file must be marked as executable."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:5
+msgid "dh_installcatalogs - install and register SGML Catalogs"
+msgstr "dh_installcatalogs - Instala y registra catálogos SGML"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:19
+msgid "B<dh_installcatalogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installcatalogs> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installcatalogs> is a debhelper program that installs and registers "
+"SGML catalogs. It complies with the Debian XML/SGML policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installcatalogs> es un programa de debhelper que instala y registra "
+"catálogos SGML. El programa respeta las normas de Debian referentes a XML/"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:26
+msgid ""
+"Catalogs will be registered in a supercatalog, in F</etc/sgml/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Los catálogos se registran en un catálogo principal, F</etc/sgml/I<paquete>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:29
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "This command automatically adds maintainer script snippets for "
+#| "registering and unregistering the catalogs and supercatalogs (unless B<-"
+#| "n> is used). These snippets are inserted into the maintainer scripts by "
+#| "B<dh_installdeb>; see L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of Debhelper "
+#| "maintainer script snippets."
+msgid ""
+"This command automatically adds maintainer script snippets for registering "
+"and unregistering the catalogs and supercatalogs (unless B<-n> is used). "
+"These snippets are inserted into the maintainer scripts and the B<triggers> "
+"file by B<dh_installdeb>; see L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of "
+"Debhelper maintainer script snippets."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta orden añade automáticamente la parte necesaria a los scripts del "
+"desarrollador para registrar y borrar del registro los catálogos y los "
+"catálogos principales (a menos que se use B<-n>). Estas porciones se "
+"insertan en los scripts del desarrollador mediante B<dh_installdeb>; "
+"consulte L<dh_installdeb(1)> para una explicación acerca de la porción de "
+"código que se añade a los scripts del desarrollador."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:36
+msgid ""
+"A dependency on B<sgml-base> will be added to B<${misc:Depends}>, so be sure "
+"your package uses that variable in F<debian/control>."
+msgstr ""
+"Se añadirá una dependencia sobre B<sgml-base> a B<${misc:Depends}>, "
+"compruebe que el paquete utiliza tal variable en F<debian/control>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcatalogs:43
+msgid "debian/I<package>.sgmlcatalogs"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.sgmlcatalogs"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:45
+msgid ""
+"Lists the catalogs to be installed per package. Each line in that file "
+"should be of the form C<I<source> I<dest>>, where I<source> indicates where "
+"the catalog resides in the source tree, and I<dest> indicates the "
+"destination location for the catalog under the package build area. I<dest> "
+"should start with F</usr/share/sgml/>."
+msgstr ""
+"Lista los catálogos a instalar por cada paquete. Cada línea en ese fichero "
+"debe tener la forma C<I<origen> I<destino>>, donde I<origen> indica dónde "
+"reside el catálogo dentro del árbol de las fuentes, y I<destino> indica el "
+"lugar del catálogo dentro del área de construcción del paquete. El "
+"I<destino> debería empezar con F</usr/share/sgml/>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:62
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts."
+msgid ""
+"Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts nor add an activation "
+msgstr "No modifica los scripts F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:69 dh_installemacsen:77 dh_installinit:206
+#: dh_installmodules:59 dh_installudev:52 dh_installwm:68 dh_usrlocal:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+"instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta orden no es idempotente. Debería invocar L<dh_prep(1)> entre cada "
+"invocación de esta orden. De otro modo, puede causar que los scripts del "
+"desarrollador contengan partes duplicadas."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:132
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/sgml-base-doc/>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/sgml-base-doc/>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:136
+msgid "Adam Di Carlo <>"
+msgstr "Adam Di Carlo <>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installchangelogs - install changelogs into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installchangelogs - Instala los ficheros de cambios en los directorios de "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:18
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+#| "[I<upstream>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[B<--no-trim>] [I<upstream>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-k>] [B<-"
+"X>I<elemento>] [I<fuente-original-de-software>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing changelogs into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> es un programa de debhelper responsable de la "
+"instalación de los ficheros de registro de cambios en los directorios de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:25
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "An upstream F<changelog> file may be specified as an option. If none is "
+#| "specified, it looks for files with names that seem likely to be "
+#| "changelogs. (In compatibility level 7 and above.)"
+msgid ""
+"An upstream F<changelog> file may be specified as an option. If none is "
+"specified, B<dh_installchangelogs> may look for files with names that seem "
+"likely to be changelogs as described in the next paragraphs."
+msgstr ""
+"De forma opcional, puede definir un fichero F<changelog> de la fuente de "
+"software original. Si no se define, busca ficheros con nombres que indican "
+"la posibilidad de que sean ficheros de cambios (a partir del nivel 7 de "
+"compatibilidad y superior)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:29
+msgid ""
+"In non-native packages, B<dh_installchangelogs> will first look for "
+"changelog files installed by the upstream build system into F<< usr/share/"
+"doc/I<package> >> (of the package build directory) and rename the most "
+"likely candidate (if any) to F<< usr/share/doc/I<package>/changelog >>. "
+"Note that B<dh_installchangelogs> does I<not> look into any source directory "
+"(such as F<debian/tmp>). Otherwise, B<dh_installchangelogs> (at "
+"compatibility level 7 or any later) will look for changelog files in the "
+"source directory (e.g. the root or the F<docs> subdirectory). It will look "
+"for F<changelog>, F<changes> and F<history> optionally with common "
+"extensions (such as F<.txt>, F<.md> and F<.rst>)."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:41
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If there is an upstream F<changelog> file, it will be be installed as "
+#| "F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog> in the package build directory. If the "
+#| "changelog is a F<html> file (determined by file extension), it will be "
+#| "installed as F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog.html> instead, and will be "
+#| "converted to plain text with B<html2text> to generate F<usr/share/doc/"
+#| "package/changelog>."
+msgid ""
+"If a changelog file is specified and is an F<html> file (determined by file "
+"extension), it will be installed as F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog.html> "
+"instead. If the html changelog is converted to plain text, that variant can "
+"be specified as a second parameter. When no plain text variant is specified, "
+"a short F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog> is generated, pointing readers at "
+"the html changelog file."
+msgstr ""
+"Si existe, el fichero F<changelog> del desarrollador original se instalará "
+"en F<usr/share/doc/paquete/changelog> en el directorio de construcción del "
+"paquete. Si el fichero de cambios es un fichero F<HTML> (determinado por la "
+"extensión), se instalará en F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog.html>, y será "
+"convertido a texto simple utilizando B<html2text> para generar F<usr/share/"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:48
+msgid ""
+"The B<debchange>-style Debian changelogs are trimmed to include only entries "
+"more recent than the release date of I<oldstable>. No trimming will be "
+"performed if the B<--no-trim> option is passed or if the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<notrimdch>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:57
+msgid "F<debian/changelog>"
+msgstr "F<debian/changelog>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:59
+msgid "F<debian/NEWS>"
+msgstr "F<debian/NEWS>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:61
+msgid "debian/I<package>.changelog"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.changelog"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:63
+msgid "debian/I<package>.NEWS"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.NEWS"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:65
+msgid ""
+"Automatically installed into usr/share/doc/I<package>/ in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Automáticamente instalado en «usr/share/doc/I<package>/» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:68
+msgid ""
+"Use the package specific name if I<package> needs a different F<NEWS> or "
+"F<changelog> file."
+msgstr ""
+"Use el nombre específico del paquete si el I<paquete> necesita un fichero de "
+"F<changelog> o F<NEWS> diferente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:71
+msgid ""
+"The F<changelog> file is installed with a name of changelog for native "
+"packages, and F<changelog.Debian> for non-native packages. The F<NEWS> file "
+"is always installed with a name of F<NEWS.Debian>."
+msgstr ""
+"El fichero F<changelog> se instala con el nombre «changelog» para los "
+"paquetes nativos, y F<changelog.Debian> para paquetes no nativos. El fichero "
+"F<NEWS> siempre se instala con el nombre F<NEWS.Debian>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:83
+msgid ""
+"Keep the original name of the upstream changelog. This will be accomplished "
+"by installing the upstream changelog as F<changelog>, and making a symlink "
+"from that to the original name of the F<changelog> file. This can be useful "
+"if the upstream changelog has an unusual name, or if other documentation in "
+"the package refers to the F<changelog> file."
+msgstr ""
+"Conserva el nombre original del fichero de cambios del desarrollador "
+"principal. Esto se realiza instalando el fichero de cambios del "
+"desarrollador principal como F<changelog>, y haciendo un enlace simbólico de "
+"éste al nombre original del fichero. Puede ser útil si el fichero de cambios "
+"del desarrollador principal tiene un nombre poco usual, o si alguna otra "
+"documentación en el paquete hace referencia al fichero F<changelog>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:91
+msgid ""
+"Exclude upstream F<changelog> files that contain I<item> anywhere in their "
+"filename from being installed."
+msgstr ""
+"No se instalarán los ficheros de registro de cambios del desarrollador "
+"principal que contengan I<elemento> en alguna parte de su nombre."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:94
+msgid "Note that directory name of the changelog is also part of the match."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:96
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--no-start>"
+msgid "B<--no-trim>"
+msgstr "B<--no-start>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:98
+msgid ""
+"Install the full changelog, not its trimmed version that includes only "
+"recent entries."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:101
+msgid "I<upstream>"
+msgstr "I<upstream>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:103
+msgid "Install this file as the upstream changelog."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala este fichero como el fichero de cambios del desarrollador principal."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:5
+msgid "dh_installcron - install cron scripts into etc/cron.*"
+msgstr "dh_installcron - Instala scripts para cron en etc/cron.*"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:17
+msgid "B<dh_installcron> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installcron> [S<B<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<--name=>I<nombre>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installcron> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"cron scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installcron> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"scripts para cron."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.daily"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.cron.daily"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:30
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.weekly"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.cron.weekly"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.monthly"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.cron.monthly"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:34
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.daily"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.yearly"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.cron.daily"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:36
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.hourly"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.cron.hourly"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.d"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.cron.d"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:40
+msgid ""
+"Installed into the appropriate F<etc/cron.*/> directory in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Se instalan en el directorio F<etc/cron.*/> adecuado en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:49 dh_installifupdown:46 dh_installinit:174
+#: dh_installlogcheck:49 dh_installlogrotate:29 dh_installmodules:49
+#: dh_installpam:42 dh_installppp:42 dh_installudev:38 dh_systemd_enable:94
+msgid "B<--name=>I<name>"
+msgstr "B<--name=>I<nombre>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:51
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as F<etc/"
+"cron.*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them as the "
+"package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Busca ficheros con el nombre F<debian/paquete.nombre.cron.*> y los instala "
+"como F<etc/cron.*/nombre>, en vez de utilizar los ficheros usuales e "
+"instalarlos con el nombre del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:5
+msgid "dh_installdeb - install files into the DEBIAN directory"
+msgstr "dh_installdeb - Instala ficheros en el directorio DEBIAN"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:17
+msgid "B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files into the F<DEBIAN> directories in package build directories with the "
+"correct permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"ficheros en el directorio DEBIAN con los permisos correctos en los "
+"directorios de construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:29
+msgid "I<package>.postinst"
+msgstr "I<paquete>.postinst"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:31
+msgid "I<package>.preinst"
+msgstr "I<paquete>.preinst"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:33
+msgid "I<package>.postrm"
+msgstr "I<paquete>.postrm"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:35
+msgid "I<package>.prerm"
+msgstr "I<paquete>.prerm"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:37
+msgid "These maintainer scripts are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+msgstr "Estos scripts de desarrollador se instalan en el directorio F<DEBIAN>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:39
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> will perform substitution of known tokens of the pattern "
+"B<#TOKEN#>. In generally, scripts will want to include the B<#DEBHELPER#> "
+"to benefit from the shell scripts generated by debhelper commands (including "
+"those from B<dh_installdeb> when it processes I<package>.maintscript files)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:45
+msgid ""
+"The B<#DEBHELPER#> token should be placed on its own line as it is often "
+"replaced by a multi-line shell script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:48
+msgid "I<package>.triggers"
+msgstr "I<paquete>.triggers"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:50
+msgid "I<package>.shlibs"
+msgstr "I<paquete>.shlibs"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:52
+msgid "These control files are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+msgstr "Estos ficheros de control se instalan en el directorio F<DEBIAN>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:54
+msgid ""
+"Note that I<package>.shlibs is only installed in compat level 9 and "
+"earlier. In compat 10, please use L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:57
+msgid "I<package>.conffiles"
+msgstr "I<paquete>.conffiles"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:59
+msgid ""
+"This file will be installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory. The provided file "
+"will be enriched by debhelper to include all the B<conffiles> auto-detected "
+"by debhelper (the maintainer should not list there as debhelper assumes it "
+"should handle that part)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:64
+msgid ""
+"This file is primarily useful for using \"special\" entries such as the B<< "
+"remove-on-upgrade >> feature from dpkg."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:67
+msgid "I<package>.maintscript"
+msgstr "I<paquete>.maintscript"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:69
+msgid ""
+"Lines in this file correspond to L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)> commands and "
+"parameters. However, the \"maint-script-parameters\" should I<not> be "
+"included as debhelper will add those automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:73
+msgid "Example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:75
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Correct\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo -- \"$@\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:80
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Lines in this file correspond to L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)> commands "
+#| "and parameters. Any shell metacharacters will be escaped, so arbitrary "
+#| "shell code cannot be inserted here. For example, a line such as "
+#| "C<mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/newconffile> will insert maintainer "
+#| "script snippets into all maintainer scripts sufficient to move that "
+#| "conffile."
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 or later, any shell metacharacters will be escaped, so "
+"arbitrary shell code cannot be inserted here. For example, a line such as "
+"C<mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/newconffile> will insert maintainer "
+"script snippets into all maintainer scripts sufficient to move that conffile."
+msgstr ""
+"Las líneas en este fichero se corresponden con órdenes y parámetros de "
+"L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)>. Se escapará cualquier metacarácter de "
+"intérprete de órdenes, impidiendo insertar código arbitrario de intérprete "
+"de órdenes. Por ejemplo, una línea como C<mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/"
+"newconffile> insertará secciones de script de mantenedor en todos los "
+"scripts de mantenedor necesario, para así poder mover ese «conffile»."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:86
+msgid ""
+"It was also the intention to escape shell metacharacters in previous compat "
+"levels. However, it did not work properly and as such it was possible to "
+"embed arbitrary shell code in earlier compat levels."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:90
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do some basic validation of some of the "
+"commands listed in this file to catch common mistakes. The validation is "
+"enabled as a warning since compat 10 and as a hard error in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:95
+msgid ""
+"Where possible, B<dh_installdeb> may choose to rewrite some or all of the "
+"entries into equivalent features supported in dpkg without relying on "
+"maintainer scripts at its sole discretion (examples include rewriting "
+"B<rm_conffile> into dpkg's B<remove-on-upgrade>). The minimum requirement "
+"for activating this feature is that debhelper runs in compat 10 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:111 dh_installdebconf:76
+msgid "B<-D>I<TOKEN=VALUE>, B<--define> I<TOKEN=VALUE>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:113 dh_installdebconf:78
+msgid ""
+"Define tokens to be replaced inside the maintainer scripts when it is "
+"generated. Please note that the limitations described in L</Limitations in "
+"token names> also applies to tokens defined on the command line. Invalid "
+"token names will trigger an error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:118 dh_installdebconf:83
+msgid ""
+"In the simple case, this parameter will cause B<< #I<TOKEN># >> to be "
+"replaced by I<VALUE>. If I<VALUE> starts with a literal I<@>-sign, then "
+"I<VALUE> is expected to point to a file containing the actual value to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:123 dh_installdebconf:88
+msgid ""
+"An explicit declared token with this parameter will replace built-in tokens."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:126 dh_installdebconf:91
+msgid "Test examples to aid with the understanding:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:128
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:135 dh_installdebconf:100
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#SIMPLE#> will expand to B<direct> and B<#FILEBASED#> "
+"will expand to B<Complex value>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:138
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. This "
+"is useful when B<dh_installdeb> is acting on multiple packages that need "
+"different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the token "
+"name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:143 dh_installdebconf:108
+msgid "This can be used as in the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:145
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdeb -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:160
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo."
+"postinst>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.postinst> and to B<unique-"
+"baz-value> in F<debian/baz.postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:164
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. E."
+"g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.postinst> and it "
+"will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_installdeb:170 dh_installdebconf:135
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:172
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> will automatically replace the following tokens inside "
+"a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):"
+msgstr ""
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:177
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "#DEBHELPER#"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:179
+msgid ""
+"This token is by default replaced with generated shell snippets debhelper "
+"commands. This includes the snippets generated by B<dh_installdeb> from "
+"I<package>.maintscript file (if present)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:183 dh_installdebconf:142
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:185 dh_installdebconf:144
+msgid ""
+"These tokens are replaced with the respective variable from L<dpkg-"
+"architecture(1)>. In almost all cases, you will want use the B<< "
+"#DEB_HOST_I<NAME> >> variant in a script to ensure you get the right value "
+"when cross-building."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:190 dh_installdebconf:149
+msgid ""
+"On a best effort, tokens of this pattern that do not match a variable in "
+"L<dpkg-architecture(1)> will be left as-is."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:193 dh_installdebconf:152
+msgid "#ENV.I<NAME>#"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:195 dh_installdebconf:154
+msgid ""
+"These tokens of this form will be replaced with value of the corresponding "
+"environment variable. If the environment variable is unset, the token is "
+"replaced with the empty string."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:200 dh_installdebconf:159
+msgid ""
+"Note that there are limits on which names can be used (see L</Limitations in "
+"token names>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:203 dh_installdebconf:162
+msgid "#PACKAGE#"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:205 dh_installdebconf:164
+msgid ""
+"This token is by default replaced by the package name, which will contain "
+"the concrete script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh_installdeb:210 dh_installdebconf:169
+msgid "Limitations in token names"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:212 dh_installdebconf:171
+msgid ""
+"All tokens intended to be substituted must match the regex: #[A-Za-z0-9_.+]+#"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:214
+msgid ""
+"Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the "
+"script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will "
+"cause B<dh_installdeb> to reject the command with an error in most cases."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installdebconf - install files used by debconf in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdebconf - Instala ficheros utilizados por debconf en los "
+"directorios de construcción"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing files used by debconf into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar los "
+"ficheros utilizados por debconf en los directorios de construcción del "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:24
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postrm> commands needed to interface "
+"with debconf. The commands are added to the maintainer scripts by "
+"B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how that "
+msgstr ""
+"Además, genera automáticamente las órdenes del F<postrm> necesarias para "
+"interactuar con debconf. Las órdenes se añaden a los scripts del "
+"desarrollador mediante B<dh_installdeb>. Consulte L<dh_installdeb(1)> para "
+"una explicación acerca de su funcionamiento."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:29
+msgid ""
+"Note that if you use debconf, your package probably needs to depend on it "
+"(it will be added to B<${misc:Depends}> by this program)."
+msgstr ""
+"Tenga en cuenta que si utiliza debconf, probablemente su paquete necesita "
+"depender de él (este programa lo añadirá a B<${misc:Depends}>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:32
+msgid ""
+"Note that for your config script to be called by B<dpkg>, your F<postinst> "
+"needs to source debconf's confmodule. B<dh_installdebconf> does not install "
+"this statement into the F<postinst> automatically as it is too hard to do it "
+msgstr ""
+"Tenga en cuenta que para que B<dpkg> invoque su script «config», su "
+"F<postinst> necesita cargar el fichero «confmodule» de debconf. "
+"B<dh_installdebconf> no introduce esta orden automáticamente en el script de "
+"F<postinst> porque es demasiado difícil hacerlo bien."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:41
+msgid "debian/I<package>.config"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.config"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:43
+msgid ""
+"This is the debconf F<config> script, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN> "
+"directory in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Este es el script de F<config> de debconf, que se instala en el directorio "
+"F<DEBIAN> en el directorio de construcción del paquete."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:46
+msgid ""
+"Inside the script, the token B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell script "
+"snippets generated by other debhelper commands."
+msgstr ""
+"Dentro del script, el comodín B<#DEBHELPER#> es reemplazado con fragmentos "
+"de scripts de consola generados por otras órdenes de debhelper."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:49
+msgid "debian/I<package>.templates"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.templates"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:51
+msgid ""
+"This is the debconf F<templates> file, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN> "
+"directory in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Este es el fichero de plantillas de debconf, que se instala en el directorio "
+"F<DEBIAN> en el directorio de construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:54
+msgid "F<debian/po/>"
+msgstr "F<debian/po/>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:56
+msgid ""
+"If this directory is present, this program will automatically use "
+"L<po2debconf(1)> to generate merged templates files that include the "
+"translations from there."
+msgstr ""
+"Si este directorio está presente, el programa utilizará automáticamente "
+"L<po2debconf(1)> para generar ficheros de plantilla fusionados que incluyen "
+"las traducciones ahí contenidas."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:60
+msgid "For this to work, your package should build-depend on F<po-debconf>."
+msgstr ""
+"Para que esto funcione, su paquete debe tener una dependencia de "
+"construcción sobre F<po-debconf> ."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:70
+msgid "Do not modify F<postrm> script."
+msgstr "No modifica el script F<postrm>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:74
+msgid "Pass the params to B<po2debconf>."
+msgstr "Introduce los «parámetros» a B<po2debconf>."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdebconf:93
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/config <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:103
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. This "
+"is useful when B<dh_installdebconf> is acting on multiple packages that need "
+"different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the token "
+"name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdebconf:110
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdebconf -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:125
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo."
+"config>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.config> and to B<unique-baz-"
+"value> in F<debian/baz.config>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:129
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. E."
+"g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.config> and it "
+"will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:137
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdebconf> will automatically replace the following tokens "
+"inside a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:173
+msgid ""
+"Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the "
+"script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will "
+"cause B<dh_installdebconf> to reject the command with an error in most cases."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:5
+msgid "dh_installdirs - create subdirectories in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdirs - Crea subdirectorios en los directorios de construcción del "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:17
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [B<-"
+#| "X>I<item>] S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[B<--create-in-sourcedir>] [S<I<dir> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [B<-"
+"X>I<elemento>] S<I<fichero> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for creating "
+"subdirectories in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> es un programa de debhelper responsable de crear "
+"subdirectorios en los directorios de construcción del paquete."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:24
+msgid ""
+"Many packages can get away with omitting the call to B<dh_installdirs> "
+"completely. Notably, other B<dh_*> commands are expected to create "
+"directories as needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.dirs"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.dirs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:34
+msgid "Lists directories to be created in I<package>."
+msgstr "Lista los directorios a crear en I<paquete>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:36
+msgid ""
+"Generally, there is no need to list directories created by the upstream "
+"build system or directories needed by other B<debhelper> commands."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:51
+msgid ""
+"Create any directories specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+"acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"Crea cualquier directorio especificado mediante los parámetros de la línea "
+"de órdenes en TODOS los paquetes sobre los que actúa, no sólo en el primero."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:54
+msgid "B<--create-in-sourcedir>, B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:56
+msgid ""
+"Whether to create the specified directories in the source directory (usually "
+"F<debian/tmp>) I<in addition to> in the package build directory (usually F<< "
+"debian/I<package> >>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:60
+msgid "The default is B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:64
+msgid ""
+"Consider I<dir> the source directory for the packages acted on instead of "
+"the default (which is usually F<debian/tmp>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:67
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this option is dependent on the B<--create-in-sourcedir> "
+"option (when B<--no-create-in-sourcedir> is in effect, this option does "
+"nothing in B<dh_installdirs>)."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:71
+msgid "I<dir> ..."
+msgstr "I<directorio> ..."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:73
+msgid ""
+"Create these directories in the package build directory of the first package "
+"acted on. (Or in all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Crea estos directorios en el directorio de construcción del primer paquete "
+"sobre el que actúa (o en todos los paquetes si se especifica B<-A>)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:7
+msgid "dh_installdocs - install documentation into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdocs - Instala documentación en los directorios de construcción "
+"del paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<elemento>] "
+"[S<I<fichero> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"documentation into F<usr/share/doc/package> in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"documentación en F<usr/share/doc/paquete> en los directorios de construcción "
+"del paquete."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:26
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 and earlier, L<dh_install(1)> may be a better tool for handling "
+"the upstream documentation, when upstream's own build system installs all "
+"the desired documentation correctly. In this case, B<dh_installdocs> is "
+"still useful for installing packaging related documentation (e.g. the "
+"F<debian/copyright> file)."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:31 dh_installexamples:27 dh_installinfo:24 dh_installman:69
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "From debhelper compatibility level 7 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+#| "looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it doesn't find them in the "
+#| "current directory (or whereever you've told it to look using B<--"
+#| "sourcedir>)."
+msgid ""
+"From debhelper compatibility level 11 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+"looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current "
+"directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>)."
+msgstr ""
+"A partir del nivel 7 de compatibilidad de debhelper en adelante, "
+"B<dh_install> buscará por omisión ficheros en F<debian/tmp>, si no los "
+"encuentra en el directorio actual (o en la ubicación donde indicó que mirase "
+"utilizando B<--sourcedir>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:35
+msgid ""
+"In compat 11 and later, B<dh_installdocs> offers many of the features that "
+"L<dh_install(1)> also has. Furthermore, B<dh_installdocs> also supports the "
+"B<nodoc> build profile to exclude documentation (regardless of compat level)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.docs"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.docs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:46
+msgid "List documentation files to be installed into I<package>."
+msgstr "Lista los ficheros de documentación a instalar en el I<package>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:51
+msgid "F<debian/copyright>"
+msgstr "F<debian/copyright>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:53
+msgid ""
+"The copyright file is installed into all packages, unless a more specific "
+"copyright file is available."
+msgstr ""
+"El fichero «copyright» se instala en todos los paquetes, a menos que se "
+"disponga de un fichero «copyright» más específico."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:56
+msgid "debian/I<package>.copyright"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.copyright"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:58
+msgid "debian/I<package>.README.Debian"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.README.Debian"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:60
+msgid "debian/I<package>.TODO"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.TODO"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:62
+msgid ""
+"Each of these files is automatically installed if present for a I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Se instalará automáticamente cada uno de estos ficheros si están presentes "
+"para el I<paquete>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:65
+msgid "F<debian/README.Debian>"
+msgstr "F<debian/README.Debian>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:67
+msgid "F<debian/TODO>"
+msgstr "F<debian/TODO>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:69
+msgid ""
+"These files are installed into the first binary package listed in debian/"
+msgstr ""
+"Estos ficheros se instalan en el primer paquete binario listado en «debian/"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:72
+msgid ""
+"Note that F<README.debian> files are also installed as F<README.Debian>, and "
+"F<TODO> files will be installed as F<TODO.Debian> in non-native packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Tenga en cuenta que F<README.debian> también se instala como F<README."
+"Debian>, y que F<TODO> se instalará como F<TODO.Debian> en paquetes no "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:75
+msgid "debian/I<package>.doc-base"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.doc-base"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:77
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Installed as doc-base control files. Note that the doc-id will be "
+#| "determined from the B<Document:> entry in the doc-base control file in "
+#| "question."
+msgid ""
+"Installed as doc-base control files. Note that the doc-id will be determined "
+"from the B<Document:> entry in the doc-base control file in question. In the "
+"event that multiple doc-base files in a single source package share the same "
+"doc-id, they will be installed to usr/share/doc-base/package instead of usr/"
+msgstr ""
+"Se instala como un fichero de control de doc-base. Tenga en cuenta que el "
+"identificador del documento, doc-id, se determinará de la entrada B<Document:"
+"> en el fichero de control de doc-base en cuestión."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:83
+msgid "debian/I<package>.doc-base.*"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.doc-base.*"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:85
+msgid ""
+"If your package needs to register more than one document, you need multiple "
+"doc-base files, and can name them like this. In the event that multiple doc-"
+"base files of this style in a single source package share the same doc-id, "
+"they will be installed to usr/share/doc-base/package-* instead of usr/share/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:91
+msgid ""
+"Please be aware that this deduplication is currently done in memory only, so "
+"for now it requires B<dh_installdocs> to be called no more than once during "
+"the package build. Calling B<dh_installdocs -p>I<package> in combination "
+"with using F<debian/>I<package>F<.doc-base.*> files can lead to "
+"uninstallable packages. See L<> for details."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:106 dh_installinfo:47 dh_installman:92
+msgid ""
+"Install all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+msgstr ""
+"Instala todos los ficheros especificados en los parámetros de la línea de "
+"órdenes en TODOS los paquetes sobre los que actúa."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:111
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"installed. Note that this includes doc-base files."
+msgstr ""
+"No instala ficheros que contienen I<elemento> en cualquier lugar de su "
+"nombre. Tenga en cuenta que esto incluye ficheros de doc-base."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:116 dh_installexamples:59 dh_installinfo:52 dh_installman:102
+msgid ""
+"Look in the specified directory for files to be installed. This option "
+"requires compat 11 or later (it is silently ignored in compat 10 or earlier)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:119 dh_installman:105
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+#| "the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+#| "B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+#| "compatibility level 7 and above."
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installman> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+"compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Tenga en cuenta que no es igual que la opción B<--sourcedirectory> utilizada "
+"por las órdenes B<dh_auto_>I<*>. Rara vez utilizará esta opción, ya que "
+"B<dh_install> busca ficheros de forma automática en F<debian/tmp> con el "
+"nivel de compatibilidad 7 y posterior."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:124 dh_installexamples:67
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--mainpackage=>I<package>"
+msgid "B<--doc-main-package=>I<main-package>"
+msgstr "B<--mainpackage=>I<paquete>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:126 dh_installexamples:69
+msgid ""
+"Set the main package for a documentation package. This is used to install "
+"the documentation of the documentation package in F<< /usr/share/doc/I<main-"
+"package> >> as recommended by the Debian policy manual 3.9.7 in §12.3."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:131 dh_installexamples:74
+msgid ""
+"In compat 11 (or later), this option is only useful if debhelper's auto-"
+"detection of the main package is wrong. The option can also be used to "
+"silence a warning from debhelper when the auto-detection fails but the "
+"default happens to be correct."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:136
+msgid ""
+"This option cannot be used when B<dh_installdocs> is instructed to act on "
+"multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally need to "
+"combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:141
+msgid ""
+"Please keep in mind that some documentation (the copyright file, README."
+"Debian, etc.) will be unaffected by this option."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:144
+msgid "B<--link-doc=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--link-doc=>I<paquete>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:146
+msgid ""
+"Make the documentation directory of all packages acted on be a symlink to "
+"the documentation directory of I<package>. This has no effect when acting on "
+"I<package> itself, or if the documentation directory to be created already "
+"exists when B<dh_installdocs> is run. To comply with policy, I<package> must "
+"be a binary package that comes from the same source package."
+msgstr ""
+"Hace que el directorio de documentación de todos los paquetes sobre los que "
+"se actúa sea un enlace simbólico al directorio de documentación del "
+"I<paquete>. No tiene efecto cuando se actúa sobre el mismo I<paquete>, o si "
+"el directorio de documentación a crear ya existe al ejecutar "
+"B<dh_installdocs>. Para cumplir las normas, el I<paquete> debe ser un "
+"paquete binario que se origina del mismo paquete fuente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:152
+msgid ""
+"debhelper will try to avoid installing files into linked documentation "
+"directories that would cause conflicts with the linked package. The B<-A> "
+"option will have no effect on packages with linked documentation "
+"directories, and F<copyright>, F<changelog>, F<README.Debian>, and F<TODO> "
+"files will not be installed."
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper intentará evitar instalar ficheros en directorios de documentación "
+"enlazados que podrían causar un conflicto con el paquete enlazado. La opción "
+"B<-A> no tendrá efecto sobre los paquetes con directorios de documentación "
+"enlazados, y no se instalarán los ficheros F<copyright>, F<changelog>, "
+"F<README.Debian> y F<TODO>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:158
+msgid ""
+"(An older method to accomplish the same thing, which is still supported, is "
+"to make the documentation directory of a package be a dangling symlink, "
+"before calling B<dh_installdocs>.)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Otro método, aún permitido, es hacer del directorio de documentación un "
+"enlace simbólico colgante, «dangling», antes de invocar B<dh_installdocs>.)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:162
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this option only applies to the documentation directory for "
+"the package itself. When the package ships documentation for another "
+"package (e.g. see B<--doc-main-package>), it will not use a symlink for the "
+"documentation of the other package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:168
+msgid ""
+"B<CAVEAT 1>: If a previous version of the package was built without this "
+"option and is now built with it (or vice-versa), it requires a \"dir to "
+"symlink\" (or \"symlink to dir\") migration. Since debhelper has no "
+"knowledge of previous versions, you have to enable this migration itself."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:174
+msgid ""
+"This can be done by providing a \"debian/I<package>.maintscript\" file and "
+"using L<dh_installdeb(1)> to provide the relevant maintainer script snippets."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:178
+msgid ""
+"B<CAVEAT 2>: The use of B<--link-doc> should only be done when the packages "
+"have same \"architecture\" type. A link from an architecture independent "
+"package to an architecture dependent package (or vice versa) will not work. "
+"Since compat 10, debhelper will actively reject unsupported combinations."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:186
+msgid ""
+"Install these files as documentation into the first package acted on. (Or in "
+"all packages if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala esos ficheros como documentación en el primer paquete sobre el que "
+"actúa (o en todos si se especifica B<-A>)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:193
+msgid "This is an example of a F<debian/> file:"
+msgstr ""
+"A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de un fichero F<debian/>:"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdocs:195
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" README\n"
+" TODO\n"
+" debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.pdf\n"
+" docs/manual-html/\n"
+msgstr ""
+" README\n"
+" TODO\n"
+" debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.pdf\n"
+" docs/manual-html/\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:204
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installdocs> will happily copy entire directory hierarchies "
+"if you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to install a "
+"directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Tenga en cuenta que B<dh_installdocs> copiará sin problemas jerarquías de "
+"directorio enteras si se le indica (similar a B<cp -a>). Si le indica "
+"instalar un directorio instalará todos los contenidos de éste."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:5
+msgid "dh_installemacsen - register an Emacs add on package"
+msgstr "dh_installemacsen - Registra un paquete de extensión de Emacs"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>] [B<--"
+"priority=>I<n>] [B<--flavor=>I<foo>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing files used by the Debian B<emacsen-common> package into package "
+"build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"ficheros utilizados por el paquete de Debian B<emacsen-common> en los "
+"directorios de construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:25
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<prerm> commands "
+#| "needed to register a package as an Emacs add on package. The commands are "
+#| "added to the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See "
+#| "L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how this works."
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<preinst> F<postinst> and F<prerm> "
+"commands needed to register a package as an Emacs add on package. The "
+"commands are added to the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how this works."
+msgstr ""
+"Además, genera automáticamente las órdenes de F<postinst> y F<prerm> "
+"necesarias para registrar el paquete como paquete de extensión («add on») "
+"para emacs. Las órdenes se añaden a los scripts del desarrollador mediante "
+"B<dh_installdeb>. Consulte L<dh_installdeb(1)> para una explicación acerca "
+"de su funcionamiento."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:34
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-startup"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-compat"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.emacsen-startup"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:36
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/package> in the "
+#| "package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/compat/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se instala en F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/package> en el "
+"directorio de construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:39
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-install"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.emacsen-install"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:41
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se instala en F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/package> en el "
+"directorio de construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-remove"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.emacsen-remove"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:46
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se instala en F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/package> en el "
+"directorio de construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:49
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-startup"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.emacsen-startup"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:51
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/emacs/site-start.d/50I<package>.el in the package build "
+"directory. Use B<--priority> to use a different priority than 50."
+msgstr ""
+"Se instala en «etc/emacs/site-start.d/50I<paquete>.el» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete. Use B<--priority> para definir una prioridad "
+"distinta de 50."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:62 dh_usrlocal:56
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts."
+msgstr "No modifica los scripts F<postinst>/F<prerm>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:64 dh_installwm:45
+msgid "B<--priority=>I<n>"
+msgstr "B<--priority=>I<n>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:66
+msgid "Sets the priority number of a F<site-start.d> file. Default is 50."
+msgstr ""
+"Define el número de prioridad de un fichero F<site-start.d>. El número "
+"predeterminado es 50."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:68
+msgid "B<--flavor=>I<foo>"
+msgstr "B<--flavor=>I<foo>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:70
+msgid ""
+"Sets the flavor a F<site-start.d> file will be installed in. Default is "
+"B<emacs>, alternatives include B<xemacs> and B<emacs20>."
+msgstr ""
+"Define la variante para la cual se instalará el fichero F<site-start.d>. Por "
+"omisión es B<emacs>, las alternativas son B<xemacs> y B<emacs20>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:140
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L</usr/share/doc/emacsen-common/debian-emacs-policy.gz>"
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:7
+msgid ""
+"dh_installexamples - install example files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installexamples - Instala ficheros de ejemplo en los directorios de "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-A>] [B<-"
+"X>I<elemento>] [S<I<fichero> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing examples into F<usr/share/doc/package/examples> in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"ejemplos en F<usr/share/doc/package/examples> en los directorios de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installexamples:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.examples"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.examples"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:37
+msgid "Lists example files or directories to be installed."
+msgstr "Lista ficheros de ejemplo o directorios a instalar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:39
+msgid ""
+"If upstream provides an F<examples> directory, you will often want to use "
+"B<examples/*> rather than B<examples> in this file. The latter would create "
+"F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples/examples >>, which is rarely what you "
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:54
+msgid ""
+"Install any files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+msgstr ""
+"Instala todos los ficheros especificados en los parámetros de la línea de "
+"órdenes en TODOS los paquetes sobre los que actúa."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:62
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+#| "the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+#| "B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+#| "compatibility level 7 and above."
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installexamples> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in "
+"debhelper compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Tenga en cuenta que no es igual que la opción B<--sourcedirectory> utilizada "
+"por las órdenes B<dh_auto_>I<*>. Rara vez utilizará esta opción, ya que "
+"B<dh_install> busca ficheros de forma automática en F<debian/tmp> con el "
+"nivel de compatibilidad 7 y posterior."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:79
+msgid ""
+"This option cannot be used when B<dh_installexamples> is instructed to act "
+"on multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally need to "
+"combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted on."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:86
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+msgstr ""
+"No instala ficheros que contienen I<elemento> en cualquier parte de su "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:91
+msgid ""
+"Install these files (or directories) as examples into the first package "
+"acted on. (Or into all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Instala esos ficheros (o directorios) como ejemplos en el primer paquete "
+"sobre el que actúe (o en todos si se define B<-A>)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:98
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installexamples> will happily copy entire directory "
+"hierarchies if you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to "
+"install a directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Tenga en cuenta que B<dh_installexamples> copiará directamente jerarquías "
+"de directorio enteras si se le indica (similar a B<cp -a>). Si le indica "
+"instalar un directorio instalará todos sus contenidos."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:5
+msgid "dh_installifupdown - install if-up and if-down hooks"
+msgstr "dh_installifupdown - Instala «hooks» para if-up e if-down"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:17
+msgid "B<dh_installifupdown> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installifupdown> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<--name=>I<nombre>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installifupdown> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing F<if-up>, F<if-down>, F<if-pre-up>, and F<if-post-down> hook "
+"scripts into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installifupdown> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"scripts «hook» para F<if-up>, F<if-down>, F<if-pre-up>, y F<if-post-down> en "
+"los directorios de construcción de paquete."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:29
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.if-up"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:31
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.if-down"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-pre-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.if-pre-up"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-post-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.if-post-down"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:37
+msgid ""
+"These files are installed into etc/network/if-*.d/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Estos ficheros se instalan en «etc/network/if-*.d/I<paquete>» en el "
+"directorio de construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:48
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as F<etc/"
+"network/if-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them as "
+"the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Busca ficheros llamados F<debian/*> y los instala como F<etc/"
+"network/if-*/name>, en vez de utilizar los ficheros usuales e instalarlos "
+"con el nombre del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:5
+msgid "dh_installinfo - install info files"
+msgstr "dh_installinfo - Instala ficheros info"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:17
+msgid "B<dh_installinfo> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<fichero> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"info files into F<usr/share/info> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"ficheros info en «usr/share/info» en el directorio de construcción del "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinfo:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.info"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.info"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:34
+msgid "List info files to be installed."
+msgstr "Lista los ficheros info a instalar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:55
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+#| "the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+#| "B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+#| "compatibility level 7 and above."
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installinfo> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in "
+"debhelper compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Tenga en cuenta que no es igual que la opción B<--sourcedirectory> utilizada "
+"por las órdenes B<dh_auto_>I<*>. Rara vez utilizará esta opción, ya que "
+"B<dh_install> busca ficheros de forma automática en F<debian/tmp> con el "
+"nivel de compatibilidad 7 y posterior."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:62
+msgid ""
+"Install these info files into the first package acted on. (Or in all "
+"packages if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala estos ficheros info en el primer paquete sobre el que actúa (o en "
+"todos los paquete si se define B<-A>)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:5
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "dh_installmime - install mime files into package build directories"
+msgid ""
+"dh_installinit - install service init files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmime - Instala ficheros mime en los directorios de construcción "
+"del paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<-n>] [B<-"
+"R>] [B<-r>] [B<-d>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<--name=>I<nombre>] [B<-"
+"n>] [B<-R>] [B<-r>] [B<-d>] [S<B<--> I<parámetros>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:22
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installinit> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+#| "installing init scripts with associated defaults files, as well as "
+#| "upstart job files into package build directories."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"init scripts with associated defaults files. In compatibility levels up to "
+"and including 10, B<dh_installinit> will also install some systemd related "
+"files provided by the debian packaging (see the L</FILES> section below). "
+"In compatibility levels up to and including 11, B<dh_installinit> will also "
+"handle upstart jobs provided in the debian packaging (see the L</FILES> for "
+"more information on this as well)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmime> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"scripts de init, y sus ficheros «default» correspondientes, así como "
+"ficheros de tareas upstart en los directorios de construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:31
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> and F<prerm> "
+"commands needed to set up the symlinks in F</etc/rc*.d/> to start and stop "
+"the init scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Además, genera automáticamente las órdenes de F<postinst> and F<postrm> y "
+"F<prerm> necesarias para crear los enlaces simbólicos en F</etc/rc*.d/> para "
+"iniciar y detener los scripts de init."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:35
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 or earlier: If a package only ships a systemd service file and "
+"no sysvinit script is provided, you may want to exclude the call to "
+"dh_installinit for that package (e.g. via B<-N>). Otherwise, you may get "
+"warnings from lintian about init.d scripts not being included in the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:45
+msgid "debian/I<package>.init"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.init"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:47
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into etc/init.d/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Si existe, se instala en «etc/init/I<paquete>» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.default"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.default"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:52
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into etc/default/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Si existe, se instala en «etc/default/I<paquete>» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:55
+msgid "debian/I<package>.upstart"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.upstart"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:57
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 11, this file will trigger an error with a reminder "
+"about ensuring the proper removal of the upstart file in the previous "
+"package version. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous upstart files."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:62
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/I<package>.conf in the "
+#| "package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 10, if this file exists, it is installed into etc/"
+"init/I<package>.conf in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Si existe, se instala en «etc/init/I<paquete>.conf» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:65
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.mime"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.service"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.mime"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:67
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/I<package>.conf in the "
+#| "package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"service >> in the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and "
+msgstr ""
+"Si existe, se instala en «etc/init/I<paquete>.conf» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:70 dh_systemd_enable:50
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.files"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.tmpfile"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.files"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:72
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/I<package>.conf in the "
+#| "package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in "
+"the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and below."
+msgstr ""
+"Si existe, se instala en «etc/init/I<paquete>.conf» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:83
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts."
+msgstr "No modifica los scripts F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:85
+msgid "B<-o>, B<--only-scripts>"
+msgstr "B<-o>, B<--only-scripts>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:87
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Only modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts, do not actually "
+#| "install any init script, default files, or upstart job. May be useful if "
+#| "the init script or upstart job is shipped and/or installed by upstream in "
+#| "a way that doesn't make it easy to let B<dh_installinit> find it."
+msgid ""
+"Only modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts, do not actually install "
+"any init script, default files, upstart job or systemd service file. May be "
+"useful if the file is shipped and/or installed by upstream in a way that "
+"doesn't make it easy to let B<dh_installinit> find it."
+msgstr ""
+"Sólo modifica scripts F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm>, no instala ningún "
+"script de init, ficheros predeterminados o tarea de upstart. Puede ser útil "
+"si el script de init o tarea upstart se proporciona o instala por la fuente "
+"original de software de una manera que dificulta que B<dh_installinit> lo "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:92
+msgid ""
+"B<Caveat>: This will bypass all the regular checks and I<unconditionally> "
+"modify the scripts. You will almost certainly want to use this with B<-p> "
+"to limit, which packages are affected by the call. Example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installinit:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_installinit:\n"
+"\tdh_installinit -pfoo --only-scripts\n"
+"\tdh_installinit --remaining\n"
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:101
+msgid "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:103
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Do not stop the init script until after the package upgrade has been "
+#| "completed. This is different than the default behavior, which stops the "
+#| "script in the F<prerm>, and starts it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop the init script until after the package upgrade has been "
+"completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10."
+msgstr ""
+"No detiene el script de init hasta que se complete la actualización del "
+"paquete. Es diferente del comportamiento predeterminado, que detiene el "
+"script mediante, F<prerm> y lo reinicia mediante F<postinst>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:106
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Do not stop the init script until after the package upgrade has been "
+#| "completed. This is different than the default behavior, which stops the "
+#| "script in the F<prerm>, and starts it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgid ""
+"In early compat levels, the default was to stop the script in the F<prerm>, "
+"and starts it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+"No detiene el script de init hasta que se complete la actualización del "
+"paquete. Es diferente del comportamiento predeterminado, que detiene el "
+"script mediante, F<prerm> y lo reinicia mediante F<postinst>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:109 dh_systemd_start:45
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful for daemons that should not have a possibly long downtime "
+"during upgrade. But you should make sure that the daemon will not get "
+"confused by the package being upgraded while it's running before using this "
+msgstr ""
+"Puede ser útil para los demonios que no deberían tener un probable largo "
+"tiempo de inactividad durante la actualización. Pero antes de utilizar esta "
+"opción debe comprobar que la actualización no confunde al demonio durante su "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:114 dh_systemd_start:50
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgid "B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:116 dh_systemd_start:52
+msgid ""
+"Undo a previous B<--restart-after-upgrade> (or the default of compat 10). "
+"If no other options are given, this will cause the service to be stopped in "
+"the F<prerm> script and started again in the F<postinst> script."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:121 dh_systemd_start:57
+msgid "B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:123
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop init script on upgrade. This has the side-effect of not "
+"restarting the service as a part of the upgrade."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:126
+msgid ""
+"If you want to restart the service with minimal downtime, please use B<--"
+"restart-after-upgrade> (default in compat 10 or later). If you want the "
+"service to be restarted but be stopped during the upgrade, then please use "
+"B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> (note the \"after-upgrade\")."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:131
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> alias is deprecated and will be "
+"removed in compat 12. This is to avoid confusion with the B<--no-restart-"
+"after-upgrade> option. The B<--no-stop-on-upgrade> variant was introduced "
+"in debhelper 10.2 (included in Debian stretch)."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:136 dh_systemd_start:61
+msgid "B<--no-start>"
+msgstr "B<--no-start>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:138
+msgid ""
+"Do not start the init script on install or upgrade, or stop it on removal. "
+"Only call B<update-rc.d>. Useful for rcS scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"No inicia el script de init en una instalación o actualización, o no lo "
+"detiene cuando se desinstale. Sólo invoca B<update-rc.d>. Útil para scripts "
+"de rcS."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:141 dh_systemd_enable:86
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--no-act>"
+msgid "B<--no-enable>"
+msgstr "B<--no-act>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:143
+msgid ""
+"Disable the init script on purge, but do not enable them on install. This "
+"implies a versioned dependency on B<< init-system-helpers (E<gt>= 1.51) >> "
+"as it is the first (functional) version that supports B<< update-rc.d "
+"E<lt>scriptE<gt> defaults-disabled >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:148
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are started. "
+"Please remember to also use B<--no-start> if the service should not be "
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:152
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-u>I<params> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>"
+msgid ""
+"Cannot be combined with B<-u>I<params>, B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>, or "
+"B<--> I<params>."
+msgstr "B<-u>I<parámetros> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<parámetros>"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:155
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--remove-d>"
+msgstr "B<-d>, B<--remove-d>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:157
+msgid ""
+"Remove trailing B<d> from the name of the package, and use the result for "
+"the filename the upstart job file is installed as in F<etc/init/> , and for "
+"the filename the init script is installed as in etc/init.d and the default "
+"file is installed as in F<etc/default/>. This may be useful for daemons with "
+"names ending in B<d>. (Note: this takes precedence over the B<--init-script> "
+"parameter described below.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Elimina la B<d> final del nombre del paquete, y utiliza el resultado para el "
+"nombre del fichero de tarea de upstart que se instalará en F<etc/init/>, y "
+"para el nombre de fichero del script de init que se instala en «etc/init."
+"d/», instalando el fichero de valores predeterminados en F<etc/default/>. "
+"Puede ser útil para demonios con nombres finalizados en B<d>. (Nota: Este "
+"parámetro tiene preferencia sobre B<--init-script>, descrito más abajo)."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:164
+msgid "B<-u>I<params> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<parámetros> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<parámetros>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:168
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Pass I<params> to L<update-rc.d(8)>. If not specified, B<defaults> will "
+#| "be passed to L<update-rc.d(8)>."
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to L<update-rc.d(8)>. If not specified, B<defaults> (or "
+"B<defaults-disabled> with B<--no-enable>) will be passed to L<update-rc."
+msgstr ""
+"Introduce los I<parámetros> a L<update-rc.d(8)>. Si no se especifica, se "
+"introduce B<defaults> a L<update-rc.d(8)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:172
+msgid "Cannot be combined with B<--no-enable>."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:176
+msgid ""
+"Install the init script (and default file) as well as upstart job file using "
+"the filename I<name> instead of the default filename, which is the package "
+"name. When this parameter is used, B<dh_installinit> looks for and installs "
+"files named F<debian/>, F<debian/> and "
+"F<debian/> instead of the usual F<debian/package.init>, "
+"F<debian/package.default> and F<debian/package.upstart>."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala el script de init (y el fichero de valores predeterminados) así como "
+"la tarea de upstart utilizando el nombre de fichero I<nombre> en vez del "
+"nombre predeterminado, que es el nombre del paquete. Cuando se utiliza este "
+"parámetro, B<dh_installinit> busca e instala ficheros que se llamen F<debian/"
+"paquete.nombre.init>, F<debian/paquete.nombre.default> y F<debian/paquete."
+"nombre.upstart>, en vez de los usuales F<debian/paquete.init>, F<debian/"
+"paquete.default> y F<debian/paquete.upstart>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:184
+msgid "B<--init-script=>I<scriptname>"
+msgstr "B<--init-script=>I<nombre-script>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:186
+msgid ""
+"Use I<scriptname> as the filename the init script is installed as in F<etc/"
+"init.d/> (and also use it as the filename for the defaults file, if it is "
+"installed). If you use this parameter, B<dh_installinit> will look to see if "
+"a file in the F<debian/> directory exists that looks like F<package."
+"scriptname> and if so will install it as the init script in preference to "
+"the files it normally installs."
+msgstr ""
+"Utiliza I<nombre-script> como nombre del script de init a instalar en F<etc/"
+"init.d/> (y también utiliza este nombre para el fichero de valores "
+"predeterminados, si se instala). Si utiliza este parámetro, "
+"B<dh_installinit> mirará si existe un fichero cuyo nombre se parezca a "
+"F<paquete.nombre-script> en el directorio F<debian/>, y si es así, lo "
+"instalará preferentemente como el script de init en lugar de los ficheros "
+"que instala habitualmente."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:193
+msgid ""
+"This parameter is deprecated, use the B<--name> parameter instead. This "
+"parameter is incompatible with the use of upstart jobs."
+msgstr ""
+"Este parámetro está obsoleto, utilice en su lugar el parámetro B<--name>. "
+"Este parámetro es incompatible con el uso de tareas de upstart."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:196
+msgid "B<--error-handler=>I<function>"
+msgstr "B<--error-handler=>I<función>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:198
+msgid ""
+"Call the named shell I<function> if running the init script fails. The "
+"function should be provided in the F<prerm> and F<postinst> scripts, before "
+"the B<#DEBHELPER#> token."
+msgstr ""
+"Invoca dicha I<función> de consola si falla la ejecución del script de init. "
+"La función se debe proporcionar en los scripts F<prerm> y F<postinst>, antes "
+"del comodín B<#DEBHELPER#>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:415
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dh_installsystemd(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:423
+msgid "Steve Langasek <>"
+msgstr "Steve Langasek <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:425
+msgid "Michael Stapelberg <>"
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:5
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "dh_installmime - install mime files into package build directories"
+msgid "dh_installinitramfs - install initramfs hooks and setup maintscripts"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmime - Instala ficheros mime en los directorios de construcción "
+"del paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:17
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgid "B<dh_installinitramfs> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:21
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installmime> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+#| "installing mime files into package build directories."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing Debian package provided initramfs hooks."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmime> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"ficheros mime en los directorios de construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:24
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+#| "needed to interface with the Debian B<menu> package. These commands are "
+#| "inserted into the maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgid ""
+"If B<dh_installinitramfs> installs or detects one or more initramfs hooks in "
+"the package, then it also automatically generates the noawait trigger "
+"B<update-initframfs> command needed to interface with the Debian initramfs "
+"system. This trigger is inserted into the packaging by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Además, genera automáticamente las órdenes de F<postinst> y F<postrm> "
+"necesarias para interactuar con el paquete del B<menú> de Debian. Estas "
+"órdenes se insertan en los scripts del desarrollador mediante "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinitramfs:34
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.init"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.initramfs-hook"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.init"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:36
+msgid ""
+"Assumed to be an initramfs hook that will be installed into F<< usr/share/"
+"initramfs-tools/hooks/I<package> >> in the package build directory. See "
+"B<HOOK SCRIPTS> in L<initramfs-tools(8)> for more information about "
+"initramfs hooks."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:49
+msgid ""
+"Do not add the B<update-initramfs> trigger even if it seems like the package "
+"might need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical reasons "
+"as B<dh_installinitramfs> would previously generate maintainer scripts that "
+"called B<update-initramfs -u>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:54
+msgid ""
+"Use this option, if you need to interface with the B<update-initramfs> "
+"system that is not satisfied by the noawait trigger (e.g. because you need "
+"the extra guarantees and head-aches of a await trigger)."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:62
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+#| "between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+#| "instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts."
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+"instances of the same text to be added to triggers file."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta orden no es idempotente. Debería invocar L<dh_prep(1)> entre cada "
+"invocación de esta orden. De otro modo, puede causar que los scripts del "
+"desarrollador contengan partes duplicadas."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:93
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-initramfs(8)> L<initramfs-tools(8)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:5
+msgid "dh_installlogcheck - install logcheck rulefiles into etc/logcheck/"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installlogcheck - Instala ficheros de reglas para logcheck en etc/"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:17
+msgid "B<dh_installlogcheck> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installlogcheck> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installlogcheck> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing logcheck rule files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installlogcheck> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"ficheros de reglas de logcheck"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.cracking"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.logcheck.cracking"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:30
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.logcheck.violations"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations.ignore"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.logcheck.violations.ignore"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.workstation"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.logcheck.ignore.workstation"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:36
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.paranoid"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.logcheck.ignore.paranoid"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:40
+msgid ""
+"Each of these files, if present, are installed into corresponding "
+"subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/> in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"Cada uno de estos ficheros, si están presentes, se instalarán en sus "
+"subdirectorios correspondientes en F<etc/logcheck/> en los directorios de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:51
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them into "
+"the corresponding subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/>, but use the specified "
+"name instead of that of the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Busca ficheros con el nombre F<debian/paquete.nombre.logcheck*> y los "
+"instala en los subdirectorios correspondientes de F<etc/logcheck>, pero "
+"utiliza el nombre definido en lugar del nombre del paquete."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installlogcheck:85
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"This program is a part of debhelper.\n"
+" \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa es parte de debhelper.\n"
+" \n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:89
+msgid "Jon Middleton <>"
+msgstr "Jon Middleton <>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:5
+msgid "dh_installlogrotate - install logrotate config files"
+msgstr "dh_installlogrotate - Instala ficheros de configuración de logrotate"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:17
+msgid "B<dh_installlogrotate> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installlogrotate> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<--name=>I<nombre>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installlogrotate> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing logrotate config files into F<etc/logrotate.d> in package build "
+"directories. Files named F<debian/package.logrotate> are installed."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installlogrotate> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"ficheros de configuración de logrotate en F<etc/logrotate.d> en los "
+"directorios de construcción del paquete. Se instalan los ficheros llamados "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:31
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/> and install them as "
+"F<etc/logrotate.d/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing "
+"them as the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Busca ficheros con el nombre F<debian/paquete.nombre.logrotate> y los "
+"instala como F<etc/logrotate.d/nombre>, en vez de utilizar los ficheros "
+"habituales e instalarlos con el nombre del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:5
+msgid "dh_installman - install man pages into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installman - Instala páginas de manual en los directorios de construcción "
+"del paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:18
+msgid "B<dh_installman> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<manpage> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [S<I<página-de-manual> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:22
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installmanpages> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+#| "automatically installing man pages into F<usr/share/man/> in package "
+#| "build directories."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> is a debhelper program that handles installing man pages "
+"into the correct locations in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"automáticamente las páginas de manual en F<usr/share/man/> en los "
+"directorios de construcción del paquete."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:25
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 and earlier, this program was primarily for when upstream's "
+"build system does not properly install them as a part of its install step "
+"(or it does not have an install step). In compat 11 and later, it also "
+"supports the default searchdir plus --sourcedir like dh_install(1) and has "
+"the advantage that it respects the nodoc build profile (unlike "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:32
+msgid ""
+"Even if you prefer to use L<dh_install(1)> for installing the manpages, "
+"B<dh_installman> can still be useful for converting the manpage encoding to "
+"UTF-8 and for converting F<.so> links (as described below). However, that "
+"part happens automatically without any explicit configuration."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:38
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installman> is a debhelper program that handles installing man pages "
+#| "into the correct locations in package build directories. You tell it what "
+#| "man pages go in your packages, and it figures out where to install them "
+#| "based on the section field in their B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line. If you have a "
+#| "properly formatted B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line, your man page will be installed "
+#| "into the right directory, with the right name (this includes proper "
+#| "handling of pages with a subsection, like B<3perl>, which are placed in "
+#| "F<man3>, and given an extension of F<.3perl>). If your B<.TH> or B<.Dt> "
+#| "line is incorrect or missing, the program may guess wrong based on the "
+#| "file extension."
+msgid ""
+"You tell B<dh_installman> what man pages go in your packages, and it figures "
+"out where to install them based on the section field in their B<.TH> or B<."
+"Dt> line. If you have a properly formatted B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line, your man "
+"page will be installed into the right directory, with the right name (this "
+"includes proper handling of pages with a subsection, like B<3perl>, which "
+"are placed in F<man3>, and given an extension of F<.3perl>). If your B<.TH> "
+"or B<.Dt> line is incorrect or missing, the program may guess wrong based on "
+"the file extension."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> es un programa de debhelper que instala páginas de manual "
+"en los lugares correctos de los directorios de construcción del paquete. "
+"Usted le indica qué páginas de manual se incluyen en los paquetes, y se "
+"encargará de averiguar dónde se deben instalar en base al campo de la "
+"sección de su línea B<.TH> o B<.Dt>. Si tiene una línea B<.TH> o B<.Dt> con "
+"un formato correcto, su página de manual se instalará en el lugar correcto, "
+"con el nombre correcto (esto incluye un manejo correcto de páginas con "
+"subsecciones, como F<3perl>, las cuales se colocan en F<man3>, y se les da "
+"la extensión F<.3perl>). Si su línea B<.TH> o B<.Dt> es incorrecta o no esté "
+"presente, probablemente lo averigüe mal basándose en la extensión."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:47
+msgid ""
+"It also supports translated man pages, by looking for extensions like F<."
+"ll.8> and F<.ll_LL.8>, or by use of the B<--language> switch."
+msgstr ""
+"También acepta páginas de manual traducidas, buscando extensiones como F<."
+"ll.8> y F<.ll_LL.8>, o mediante el uso de la opción «--language»."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:50
+msgid ""
+"If B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into the wrong section or "
+"with the wrong extension, this is because the man page has the wrong section "
+"listed in its B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line. Edit the man page and correct the "
+"section, and B<dh_installman> will follow suit. See L<man(7)> for details "
+"about the B<.TH> section, and L<mdoc(7)> for the B<.Dt> section. If "
+"B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into a directory like F</usr/"
+"share/man/pl/man1/>, that is because your program has a name like F<>, "
+"and B<dh_installman> assumes that means it is translated into Polish. Use "
+"B<--language=C> to avoid this."
+msgstr ""
+"Si parece que B<dh_installman> instala una página de manual en una sección "
+"incorrecta o con la extensión equivocada es porque la página de manual tiene "
+"una sección incorrecta en su línea B<.TH> o B<.Dt>. Edite la página de "
+"manual y corrija la sección, y B<dh_installman> hará lo correcto. Para más "
+"detalles acerca de la sección B<.TH>, consulte L<man(7)> y consulte "
+"L<mdoc(7)> para la sección B<.Dt>. Si parece que B<dh_installman> instala la "
+"página de manual en un directorio como F</usr/share/man/pl/man1/>, es porque "
+"su programa tiene un nombre como F<>, y B<dh_installman> asume que "
+"significa que está traducida al polaco. Para evitar esto, utilice B<--"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:60
+msgid ""
+"After the man page installation step, B<dh_installman> will check to see if "
+"any of the man pages in the temporary directories of any of the packages it "
+"is acting on contain F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to symlinks."
+msgstr ""
+"Después del paso de instalación de la página de manual, B<dh_installman> "
+"comprobará si alguna de las páginas de manual en los directorios temporales "
+"de cualquiera de los paquetes sobre los que está actuando contienen enlaces "
+"«.so». Si es así, los cambia por enlaces simbólicos."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:64
+msgid ""
+"Also, B<dh_installman> will use man to guess the character encoding of each "
+"manual page and convert it to UTF-8. If the guesswork fails for some reason, "
+"you can override it using an encoding declaration. See L<manconv(1)> for "
+msgstr ""
+"Así mismo, B<dh_installman> utilizará man para averiguar la codificación de "
+"caracteres de cada página de manual, y lo convertirá a UTF-8. Si no logra "
+"averiguarlo por alguna razón, puede anularlo utilizando una declaración de "
+"codificación. Para más detalles consulte L<manconv(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:77
+msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.manpages"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:79
+msgid "Lists man pages to be installed."
+msgstr "Lista las páginas de manual a instalar."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:95
+msgid "B<--language=>I<ll>"
+msgstr "B<--language=>I<ll>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:97
+msgid ""
+"Use this to specify that the man pages being acted on are written in the "
+"specified language."
+msgstr ""
+"Use esto para definir que el idioma que las páginas de manual sobre las que "
+"se actúa están escritas en el idioma especificado."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:110
+msgid "I<manpage> ..."
+msgstr "I<página-de-manual> ..."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:112
+msgid ""
+"Install these man pages into the first package acted on. (Or in all packages "
+"if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala estas páginas de manual en el primer paquete sobre el que actúe (o "
+"en todos si se define B<-A>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:119
+msgid "An example F<debian/manpages> file could look like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installman:121
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" doc/man/foo.1\n"
+" # Translations\n"
+" doc/man/foo.da.1\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # NB: The following line is considered a polish translation\n"
+" # of \"foo.1\" (and not a manpage written in perl called \"\")\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:133
+msgid ""
+"An older version of this program, L<dh_installmanpages(1)>, is still used by "
+"some packages, and so is still included in debhelper. It is, however, "
+"deprecated, due to its counterintuitive and inconsistent interface. Use this "
+"program instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Una versión anterior de este programa, L<dh_installmanpages(1)>, todavía es "
+"utilizado por algunos paquetes, y por eso se sigue incluyendo en debhelper. "
+"Sin embargo, su uso se desaconseja debido a que tiene un interfaz poco "
+"intuitiva e inconsistente. Use este programa en su lugar."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:5
+msgid "dh_installmanpages - old-style man page installer (deprecated)"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmanpages - Instalador de viejo estilo de páginas de manual "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:18
+msgid "B<dh_installmanpages> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [S<I<fichero> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"automatically installing man pages into F<usr/share/man/> in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"automáticamente las páginas de manual en F<usr/share/man/> en los "
+"directorios de construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:26
+msgid ""
+"This is a DWIM-style program, with an interface unlike the rest of "
+"debhelper. It is deprecated, and you are encouraged to use "
+"L<dh_installman(1)> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Este es un programa de estilo DWIM (N.T: Del inglés «Do what I mean», es "
+"decir, haz lo que quiero), con una interfaz diferente del resto de los "
+"programas de debhelper. Se desaprueba su uso, recomendamos el uso de "
+"L<dh_installman(1)> en su lugar."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:30
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> scans the current directory and all subdirectories for "
+"filenames that look like man pages. (Note that only real files are looked "
+"at; symlinks are ignored.) It uses L<file(1)> to verify that the files are "
+"in the correct format. Then, based on the files' extensions, it installs "
+"them into the correct man directory."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> analiza el directorio actual y sus subdirectorios en "
+"busca de nombres de fichero que parezcan aptos para páginas de manual. "
+"(Tenga en cuenta que sólo se miran ficheros reales, los enlaces simbólicos "
+"son ignorados). Utiliza L<file(1)> para verificar que los ficheros están en "
+"el formato correcto. Entonces, basándose en la extensión de los ficheros, "
+"los instala en los directorios correctos."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:36
+msgid ""
+"All filenames specified as parameters will be skipped by "
+"B<dh_installmanpages>. This is useful if by default it installs some man "
+"pages that you do not want to be installed."
+msgstr ""
+"Todos los ficheros especificados como parámetros serán omitidos por "
+"B<dh_installmanpages>. Esto es útil si por omisión instala alguna página de "
+"manual que no quiere instalar."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:40
+msgid ""
+"After the man page installation step, B<dh_installmanpages> will check to "
+"see if any of the man pages are F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to "
+msgstr ""
+"Después del paso de instalación de las páginas de manual, "
+"B<dh_installmanpages> comprobará si alguna de las páginas de manual "
+"contienen enlaces F<.so>. De ser así, los cambia por enlaces simbólicos."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:49
+msgid ""
+"Do not install these files as man pages, even if they look like valid man "
+msgstr ""
+"No instala estos ficheros como páginas de manual, incluso si parece que son "
+"páginas de manual válidas."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_installmanpages:54
+msgid "BUGS"
+msgstr "FALLOS"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:56
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> will install the man pages it finds into B<all> "
+"packages you tell it to act on, since it can't tell what package the man "
+"pages belong in. This is almost never what you really want (use B<-p> to "
+"work around this, or use the much better L<dh_installman(1)> program "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> instalará las páginas de manual que encuentre en "
+"B<todos> los paquetes sobre los que actúa, ya que no puede determinar a qué "
+"paquete pertenece cada página de manual. Esto casi nunca es lo que uno "
+"quiere (use B<-p> para evitar esto, o use el programa L<dh_installman(1)> en "
+"su lugar)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:61
+msgid "Files ending in F<.man> will be ignored."
+msgstr "Se ignorarán ficheros que terminen con F<.man>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:63
+msgid ""
+"Files specified as parameters that contain spaces in their filenames will "
+"not be processed properly."
+msgstr ""
+"Los ficheros especificados como parámetros que contengan espacios en sus "
+"nombres no se procesarán correctamente."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installmenu - install Debian menu files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmenu - Instala ficheros de menú de Debian en los directorios de "
+"construcción del paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:17
+msgid "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmenu> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files used by the Debian B<menu> package into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"b<dh_installmenu> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"ficheros utilizados por el paquete del B<menú> de Debian en los directorios "
+"de construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:24
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+"needed to interface with the Debian B<menu> package. These commands are "
+"inserted into the maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Además, genera automáticamente las órdenes de F<postinst> y F<postrm> "
+"necesarias para interactuar con el paquete del B<menú> de Debian. Estas "
+"órdenes se insertan en los scripts del desarrollador mediante "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmenu:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.menu"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.menu"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:34
+msgid ""
+"Debian menu files, installed into usr/share/menu/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory. See L<menufile(5)> for its format."
+msgstr ""
+"Los ficheros de menú de Debian se instalan en «usr/share/menu/I<paquete>» en "
+"el directorio de construcción del paquete. Consulte L<menufile(5)> para "
+"detalles acerca del formato."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmenu:37
+msgid "debian/I<package>.menu-method"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.menu-method"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:39
+msgid ""
+"Debian menu method files, installed into etc/menu-methods/I<package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Ficheros de método de menú de Debian, instalados en «etc/menu-methods/"
+"I<package>» en el directorio de construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:50
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr "No modifica los scripts F<postinst>/F<postrm>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:90
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:5
+msgid "dh_installmime - install mime files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmime - Instala ficheros mime en los directorios de construcción "
+"del paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:17
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgid "B<dh_installmime> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmime> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"mime files into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmime> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"ficheros mime en los directorios de construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmime:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.mime"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.mime"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into usr/lib/mime/packages/I<package> in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado en «/lib/mime/packages/I<paquete>» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmime:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.sharedmimeinfo"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.sharedmimeinfo"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:35
+msgid ""
+"Installed into /usr/share/mime/packages/I<package>.xml in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado en «/usr/share/mime/packages/I<package>.xml» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:5
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "dh_installmodules - register modules with modutils"
+msgid "dh_installmodules - register kernel modules"
+msgstr "dh_installmodules - Registra módulos con modutils"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>] [B<--"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"registering kernel modules."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> es un programa de debhelper responsable de registrar "
+"módulos del núcleo."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:25
+msgid ""
+"Kernel modules are searched for in the package build directory and if found, "
+"F<preinst>, F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands are automatically generated "
+"to run B<depmod> and register the modules when the package is installed. "
+"These commands are inserted into the maintainer scripts by "
+msgstr ""
+"Los módulos del núcleo se buscan en el directorio de construcción del "
+"paquete, y si se encuentran, se generan órdenes F<preinst>, F<postinst> y "
+"F<postrm> automáticamente para que ejecuten B<depmod> y registren los "
+"módulos al instalar el paquete. Estas órdenes se insertan en los scripts del "
+"desarrollador mediante L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmodules:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.modprobe"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.modprobe"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:37
+msgid ""
+"Installed to etc/modprobe.d/I<package>.conf in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado en «etc/modprobe.d/I<paquete>.conf» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:47
+msgid "Do not modify F<preinst>/F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr "No modifica los scripts F<preinst>/F<postinst>/F<postrm>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:51
+msgid ""
+"When this parameter is used, B<dh_installmodules> looks for and installs "
+"files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.modprobe instead of the usual debian/"
+msgstr ""
+"Cuando se usa este parámetro, B<dh_installmodules> busca e instala ficheros "
+"llamados «debian/I<nombre>.I<paquete>.modprobe» en vez del usual «debian/"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:5
+msgid "dh_installpam - install pam support files"
+msgstr "dh_installpam - Instala ficheros de compatibilidad de pam"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:17
+msgid "B<dh_installpam> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installpam> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<nombre>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installpam> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files used by PAM into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installpam> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"ficheros utilizados por PAM en los directorios de construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installpam:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.pam"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.pam"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:30
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Installed into etc/pam.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgid "Installed into usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado en «etc/pam.d/I<paquete>» en el directorio de construcción del "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:32
+msgid ""
+"Until compatibility level 14 this file was installed under etc/pam.d/"
+"I<package>. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:44
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Look for files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.pam and install them as "
+#| "etc/pam.d/I<name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+#| "using the package name."
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.pam and install them as usr/"
+"lib/pam.d/I<name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+"using the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Busca ficheros con el nombre «debian/I<nombre>.I<paquete>.pam» y los instala "
+"como «etc/pam.d/I<nombre>», en vez de utilizar los ficheros habituales e "
+"instalarlos con el nombre del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:5
+msgid "dh_installppp - install ppp ip-up and ip-down files"
+msgstr "dh_installppp - Instala los ficheros ip-up e ip-down de ppp"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:17
+msgid "B<dh_installppp> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installppp> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<--name=>I<nombre>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installppp> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"ppp ip-up and ip-down scripts into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installppp> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar los "
+"scripts «ip-up» e «ip-down» de ppp en los directorios de construcción del "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installppp:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.ppp.ip-up"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/ppp/ip-up.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se instala en «etc/ppp/ip-up.d/I<paquete>» en el directorio de construcción "
+"del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installppp:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.ppp.ip-down"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:34
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/ppp/ip-down.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se instala en «etc/ppp/ip-down.d/I<paquete>» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:44
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as "
+"F<etc/ppp/ip-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+"as the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Busca ficheros llamados F<debian/paquete.nombre.ppp.ip-*> y los instala como "
+"F<etc/ppp/ip-*/nombre>, en vez de utilizar los ficheros habituales e "
+"instalarlos con el nombre del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:5
+msgid "dh_installudev - install udev rules files"
+msgstr "dh_installinfo - Instala ficheros de reglas de udev"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installudev> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>] [B<--"
+"name=>I<nombre>] [B<--priority=>I<prioridad>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installudev> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"B<udev> rules files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installudev> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"ficheros de reglas de B<udev>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installudev:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.udev"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.udev"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:30
+msgid "Installed into F<lib/udev/rules.d/> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se instala en F<lib/udev/rules.d/> en el directorio de construcción del "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:40
+msgid ""
+"When this parameter is used, B<dh_installudev> looks for and installs files "
+"named debian/I<package>.I<name>.udev instead of the usual debian/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Cuando este parámetro se utiliza, B<dh_installudev> busca e instala ficheros "
+"nombrados «debian/I<nombre>.I<paquete>.udev», en lugar del habitual «debian/"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installudev:44
+msgid "B<--priority=>I<priority>"
+msgstr "B<--priority=>I<prioridad>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:46
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Sets the priority number of a F<site-start.d> file. Default is 50."
+msgid "Sets the priority the file. Default is 60."
+msgstr ""
+"Define el número de prioridad de un fichero F<site-start.d>. El número "
+"predeterminado es 50."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:5
+msgid "dh_installwm - register a window manager"
+msgstr "dh_installwm - Registra un gestor de ventanas"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+"[S<I<wm> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+"[S<I<gestor> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:21
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installwm> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+#| "the F<postinst> and F<prerm> commands that register a window manager with "
+#| "L<update-alternatives(8)>. The window manager's man page is also "
+#| "registered as a slave symlink (in v6 mode and up), if it is found in "
+#| "F<usr/share/man/man1/> in the package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+"the F<postinst> and F<prerm> commands that register a window manager with "
+"L<update-alternatives(8)>. The window manager's man page is also registered "
+"as a slave symlink (in v6 mode and up). It must be installed in F<usr/share/"
+"man/man1/> in the package build directory prior to calling B<dh_installwm>. "
+"In compat 9 and earlier, the manpage was optional."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> es un programa de debhelper responsable de generar las "
+"órdenes de F<postinst> y F<prerm> que registran un gestor de ventanas con "
+"L<update-alternatives(8)>. La página de manual del gestor de ventanas "
+"también se registra como un enlace simbólico esclavo (en el modo v6 y "
+"superior), si se encuentra en F<usr/share/man/man1/>, en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installwm:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.wm"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.wm"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:34
+msgid "List window manager programs to register."
+msgstr "Lista los programas del gestor de ventanas a registrar."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:47
+msgid ""
+"Set the priority of the window manager. Default is 20, which is too low for "
+"most window managers; see the Debian Policy document for instructions on "
+"calculating the correct value."
+msgstr ""
+"Define la prioridad del gestor de ventanas. El valor predeterminado es 20, "
+"demasiado bajo para la mayoría de gestores de ventanas; consulte el "
+"documento Normas de Debian para instrucciones acerca de cómo calcular el "
+"valor correcto."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:53
+msgid ""
+"Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts. Turns this command into a no-op."
+msgstr ""
+"No modifica los scripts F<postinst>/F<prerm>. Si se especifica esta orden, "
+"no hará nada."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:57
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Create any links specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+#| "acted on, not just the first."
+msgid ""
+"Modify scripts for window managers specified by command line parameters in "
+"ALL packages acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"Crea cualquier enlace especificado por los parámetros de la linea de órdenes "
+"en TODOS los paquetes sobre los que se actúa, no solamente en el primero."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installwm:60
+msgid "I<wm> ..."
+msgstr "I<gestor> ..."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:62
+msgid "Window manager programs to register."
+msgstr "Programas del gestor de ventanas a registrar."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:5
+msgid "dh_installxfonts - register X fonts"
+msgstr "dh_installxfonts - Registra tipos de letra para X"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:17
+msgid "B<dh_installxfonts> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installxfonts> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installxfonts> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"registering X fonts, so their corresponding F<fonts.dir>, F<fonts.alias>, "
+"and F<fonts.scale> be rebuilt properly at install time."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installxfonts> es un programa de debhelper responsable de registrar "
+"tipos de letra para X, de forma que los correspondientes F<fonts.dir>, "
+"F<fonts.alias>, y F<fonts.scale> se reconstruyan adecuadamente durante la "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:25
+msgid ""
+"Before calling this program, you should have installed any X fonts provided "
+"by your package into the appropriate location in the package build "
+"directory, and if you have F<fonts.alias> or F<fonts.scale> files, you "
+"should install them into the correct location under F<etc/X11/fonts> in your "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Antes de invocar este programa, debe tener instalados los tipos de letra "
+"para X proporcionados por el paquete en el lugar apropiado del directorio de "
+"construcción, y si tiene un fichero F<fonts.alias> o F<fonts.scale>, debería "
+"instalarlos en el lugar correcto bajo F<etc/X11/fonts> en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:31
+msgid ""
+"Your package should depend on B<xfonts-utils> so that the B<update-fonts-"
+">I<*> commands are available. (This program adds that dependency to B<${misc:"
+msgstr ""
+"Su paquete debe depender de B<xfonts-utils> para que las órdenes B<update-"
+"fonts->I<*> estén disponibles. (Este programa añade la dependencia a "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:35
+msgid ""
+"This program automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+"needed to register X fonts. These commands are inserted into the maintainer "
+"scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of "
+"how this works."
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa genera automáticamente las órdenes de F<postinst> y F<postrm> "
+"necesarias para registrar los tipos de letra para X. Estas órdenes se "
+"insertan en los scripts del desarrollador mediante B<dh_installdeb>. Para "
+"una explicación de su funcionamiento consulte L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:42
+msgid ""
+"See L<update-fonts-alias(8)>, L<update-fonts-scale(8)>, and L<update-fonts-"
+"dir(8)> for more information about X font installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Consulte L<update-fonts-alias(8)>, L<update-fonts-scale(8)>, y L<update-"
+"fonts-dir(8)> para más información acerca de la instalación de tipos de "
+"letra para X."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:45
+msgid ""
+"See Debian policy, section 11.8.5. for details about doing fonts the Debian "
+msgstr ""
+"Consulte las Normas de Debian, sección 11.8.5., para detalles acerca de "
+"manejar los tipos de letra al estilo de Debian."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:5
+msgid "dh_link - create symlinks in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_link - Crea enlace simbólicos en los directorios de construcción del "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<source "
+"destination> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<elemento>] "
+"[S<I<origen destino> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> is a debhelper program that creates symlinks in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> es un programa de debhelper que crea enlaces simbólicos en los "
+"directorios de construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:25
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_link> accepts a list of pairs of source and destination files. The "
+#| "source files are the already existing files that will be symlinked from. "
+#| "The destination files are the symlinks that will be created. There "
+#| "B<must> be an equal number of source and destination files specified."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> accepts a list of pairs of source and destination files. The "
+"source files are the already existing files that will be symlinked from "
+"(called B<target> by L<ln(1)>). The destination files are the symlinks that "
+"will be created (called B<link name> by L<ln(1)>). There B<must> be an equal "
+"number of source and destination files specified."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> acepta una lista de pares de ficheros origen y destino. Los "
+"ficheros origen son ficheros ya existentes, los cuales serán enlazados. Los "
+"ficheros destino son los enlaces simbólicos que serán creados. B<Debe> "
+"especificar un número igual de ficheros origen y destino."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:32
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Be sure you B<do> specify the full filename to both the source and "
+#| "destination files (unlike you would do if you were using something like "
+#| "L<ln(1)>)."
+msgid ""
+"Be sure you B<do> specify the absolute path to both the source and "
+"destination files (unlike you would do if you were using something like "
+"L<ln(1)>). Please note that the leading slash is optional."
+msgstr ""
+"Compruebe que B<ha> definido el nombre completo del fichero para ambos "
+"ficheros, origen y destino (distinto a lo que haría si estuviese utilizando "
+"algo como L<ln(1)>)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:36
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_link> will generate symlinks that comply with Debian policy - "
+#| "absolute when policy says they should be absolute, and relative links "
+#| "with as short a path as possible. It will also create any subdirectories "
+#| "it needs to to put the symlinks in."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> will generate symlinks that comply with Debian policy - absolute "
+"when policy says they should be absolute, and relative links with as short a "
+"path as possible. It will also create any subdirectories it needs to put the "
+"symlinks in."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> genera los enlaces simbólicos compatibles con las normas de "
+"Debian; absolutos cuando las normas dicen que deben serlo, y enlaces "
+"relativos con la ruta más corta posible. También creará cualquier directorio "
+"que sea necesario para ubicar los enlaces."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:41
+msgid "Any pre-existing destination files will be replaced with symlinks."
+msgstr ""
+"Todos los ficheros de destino preexistente se sustituirá con enlaces "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:43
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> also scans the package build tree for existing symlinks which do "
+"not conform to Debian policy, and corrects them (v4 or later)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> también examina el árbol de construcción del paquete en busca de "
+"enlaces simbólicos existentes que no cumplen con las normas de Debian, y los "
+"corrige (v4 y posterior)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_link:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.links"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.links"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:52
+msgid ""
+"Lists pairs of source and destination files to be symlinked. Each pair "
+"should be put on its own line, with the source and destination separated by "
+msgstr ""
+"Lista parejas de ficheros de origen y destino a enlazar. Cada pareja debería "
+"aparecer en una única línea, con el origen y el destino separados por un "
+"espacio en blanco."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:56
+msgid ""
+"In each pair the source file (called B<target> by L<ln(1)>) comes first and "
+"is followed by the destination file (called B<link name> by L<ln(1)>). Thus "
+"the pairs of source and destination files in each line are given in the same "
+"order as they would be given to L<ln(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:61
+msgid ""
+"In contrast to L<ln(1)>, source and destination paths must be absolute (the "
+"leading slash is optional)."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:75
+msgid ""
+"Create any links specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+"on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"Crea cualquier enlace especificado por los parámetros de la linea de órdenes "
+"en TODOS los paquetes sobre los que se actúa, no solamente en el primero."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:80
+msgid ""
+"Exclude symlinks that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"corrected to comply with Debian policy."
+msgstr ""
+"Omite la corrección, para cumplir las normas de Debian, de los enlaces "
+"simbólicos que contienen I<elemento> en cualquier parte de su nombre de "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_link:83
+msgid "I<source destination> ..."
+msgstr "I<origen destino > ..."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:85
+msgid ""
+"Create a file named I<destination> as a link to a file named I<source>. Do "
+"this in the package build directory of the first package acted on. (Or in "
+"all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Crea un fichero llamado I<destino> como un enlace a un fichero llamado "
+"I<origen>. Haga esto en el directorio de construcción de paquete del primer "
+"paquete sobre el que se actúa (o en todos los paquetes si define B<-A>)."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:93
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_link usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_link usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:95
+msgid "Make F<bar.1> be a symlink to F<foo.1>"
+msgstr "Hace de F<bar.1> un enlace simbólico a F<foo.1>"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:100
+msgid ""
+"Make F</usr/lib/foo/> be a link to F</var/lib/foo/>, and F<bar.1> be a "
+"symlink to the F<foo.1>"
+msgstr ""
+"Hace de F</usr/lib/foo/> un enlace a F</var/lib/foo/>, y de F<bar.1> un "
+"enlace simbólico a la página de manual F<foo.1>"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:103
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| " dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+#| " usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+" var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:106
+msgid "Same as above but as content for a debian/I<package>.links file."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_lintian - install lintian override files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_lintian - Instala ficheros «override» de lintian en los directorios de "
+"construcción del paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:17
+msgid "B<dh_lintian> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_lintian> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_lintian> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"override files used by lintian into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_lintian> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar ficheros "
+"«override» utilizados por lintian en los directorios de construcción del "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_lintian:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.lintian-overrides"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.lintian-overrides"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into usr/share/lintian/overrides/I<package> in the package build "
+"directory. This file is used to suppress erroneous lintian diagnostics."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado en «usr/share/lintian/overrides/I<paquete>» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete. Este fichero se utiliza para eliminar diagnósticos "
+"erróneos de lintian."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_lintian:34
+msgid "F<debian/source/lintian-overrides>"
+msgstr "F<debian/source/lintian-overrides>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:36
+msgid ""
+"These files are not installed, but will be scanned by lintian to provide "
+"overrides for the source package."
+msgstr ""
+"Estos ficheros no se instalan, pero lintian los analizará para proporcionar "
+"anulaciones («overrides») para el paquete fuente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:66
+msgid "L<lintian(1)>"
+msgstr "L<lintian(1)>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:70
+msgid "Steve Robbins <>"
+msgstr "Steve Robbins <>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:5
+msgid "dh_listpackages - list binary packages debhelper will act on"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_listpackages - Lista los paquetes binarios sobre los que actuará debhelper"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:17
+msgid "B<dh_listpackages> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_listpackages> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_listpackages> is a debhelper program that outputs a list of all binary "
+"packages debhelper commands will act on. If you pass it some options, it "
+"will change the list to match the packages other debhelper commands would "
+"act on if passed the same options."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_listpackages> es un programa de debhelper que devuelve una lista de "
+"todos los paquetes binarios sobre los que actuarán las órdenes de debhelper. "
+"Si se definen algunas opciones, éste cambiará la lista para coincidir con "
+"los paquetes sobre los que otras órdenes de debhelper actuarían si se "
+"definiesen las mismas opciones."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:26
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "These files are installed into the first binary package listed in debian/"
+#| "control."
+msgid "Packages are listed in the order they appear in F<debian/control>."
+msgstr ""
+"Estos ficheros se instalan en el primer paquete binario listado en «debian/"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_makeshlibs - automatically create shlibs file and call dpkg-gensymbols"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_makeshlibs - Crea automáticamente el fichero «shlibs» e invoca dpkg-"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-m>I<major>] [B<-"
+"V>I<[dependencies]>] [B<-n>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-m>I<mayor>] [B<-"
+"V>I<[dependencias]>] [B<-n>] [B<-X>I<elemento>] [S<B<--> I<parámetros>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> is a debhelper program that automatically scans for shared "
+"libraries, and generates a shlibs file for the libraries it finds."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> es un programa de debhelper que busca automáticamente "
+"bibliotecas compartidas, y genera un fichero de bibliotecas compartidas "
+"«shlibs» para las bibliotecas que encuentra."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:24
+msgid ""
+"It will also ensure that ldconfig is invoked during install and removal when "
+"it finds shared libraries. Since debhelper 9.20151004, this is done via a "
+"dpkg trigger. In older versions of debhelper, B<dh_makeshlibs> would "
+"generate a maintainer script for this purpose."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:29
+msgid ""
+"Since debhelper 12.3, B<dh_makeshlibs> will by default add an additional "
+"I<udeb> line for udebs in the shlibs file, when the udeb has the same name "
+"as the deb followed by a \"-udeb\" suffix (e.g. if the deb is called "
+"\"libfoo1\", then debhelper will auto-detect the udeb if it is named "
+"\"libfoo1-udeb\"). Please use the B<--add-udeb> and B<--no-add-udeb> options "
+"below when this auto-detection is insufficient."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:36
+msgid ""
+"If you previously used B<--add-udeb> and are considering to migrate to using "
+"the new auto-detection feature in 12.3, then please remember to test that "
+"the resulting F<DEBIAN/shlibs> files are as expected. There are some known "
+"corner cases, where the auto-detection is insufficient. These include when "
+"the udeb contains library files from multiple regular deb packages or when "
+"the packages do not follow the expected naming convention."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:48
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.links"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.shlibs"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.links"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:50
+msgid ""
+"Installs this file, if present, into the package as DEBIAN/shlibs. If "
+"omitted, debhelper will generate a shlibs file automatically if it detects "
+"any libraries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:54
+msgid ""
+"Note in compat levels 9 and earlier, this file was installed by "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> rather than B<dh_makeshlibs>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:57
+msgid "debian/I<package>.symbols"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.symbols"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:59
+msgid "debian/I<package>.symbols.I<arch>"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.symbols.I<arquitectura>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:61
+msgid ""
+"These symbols files, if present, are passed to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> to be "
+"processed and installed. Use the I<arch> specific names if you need to "
+"provide different symbols files for different architectures."
+msgstr ""
+"De existir, estos ficheros de símbolos se introducen a L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> "
+"para su procesado e instalación. Use el nombre específico de la "
+"I<arquitectura> si desea proporcionar diferentes ficheros de símbolos para "
+"diferentes arquitecturas."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:71
+msgid "B<-m>I<major>, B<--major=>I<major>"
+msgstr "B<-m>I<mayor>, B<--major=>I<mayor>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:73
+msgid ""
+"Instead of trying to guess the major number of the library with objdump, use "
+"the major number specified after the -m parameter. This is much less useful "
+"than it used to be, back in the bad old days when this program looked at "
+"library filenames rather than using objdump."
+msgstr ""
+"En lugar de intentar averiguar el número mayor de la biblioteca utilizando "
+"objdump, utiliza el número mayor especificado después del parámetro «-m. "
+"Esto es mucho menos útil de lo que era antiguamente cuando este programa "
+"buscaba los nombres de fichero de las bibliotecas en lugar de utilizar "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:78
+msgid "B<-V>, B<-V>I<dependencies>"
+msgstr "B<-V>, B<-V>I<dependencias>"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:80
+msgid "B<--version-info>, B<--version-info=>I<dependencies>"
+msgstr "B<--version-info>, B<--version-info=>I<dependencias>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:82
+msgid ""
+"If a shlibs file is generated by this program, this option controls what "
+"version will be used in the dependency relation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:85
+msgid ""
+"In compat 12 and later, B<dh_makeshlibs> defaults to B<-VUpstream-Version>. "
+"In compat 11 and earlier the default behaved like B<-VNone>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:88
+msgid "The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool can generate dependencies in three variants:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:92
+msgid "B<-VUpstream-Version>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:94
+msgid ""
+"The dependency will be \"I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= I<packageversion>B<)>\". "
+"Note that I<Upstream-Version> is case-sensitive and must be written exactly "
+"as shown here."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:98
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Beware of using B<-V> without any parameters; this is a conservative "
+#| "setting that always ensures that other packages' shared library "
+#| "dependencies are at least as tight as they need to be (unless your "
+#| "library is prone to changing ABI without updating the upstream version "
+#| "number), so that if the maintainer screws up then they won't break. The "
+#| "flip side is that packages might end up with dependencies that are too "
+#| "tight and so find it harder to be upgraded."
+msgid ""
+"This is a conservative setting that always ensures that other packages' "
+"shared library dependencies are at least as tight as they need to be (unless "
+"the library is prone to changing ABI without updating the upstream version "
+msgstr ""
+"Tenga cuidado al utilizar B<-V> sin ningún parámetro; ésta es una "
+"configuración conservadora que siempre asegura que las dependencias de "
+"bibliotecas compartidas de otros paquetes son al menos lo más pequeñas que "
+"necesitan ser (a menos que su biblioteca sea propensa a cambiar el ABI sin "
+"actualizar el número de versión del desarrollador principal), de modo que si "
+"el desarrollador las malogra éstas no se romperán. Por otro lado los "
+"paquetes podrían terminar con dependencias muy rigurosas que harían difícil "
+"su actualización."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:103
+msgid ""
+"The flip side is that packages might end up with dependencies that are too "
+"tight in some cases (note a symbols file can mitigate this issue). This is "
+"often of minor temporary inconvenience and usually a lot better than the "
+"fall out caused by forgetting to bump the dependency information."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:109
+msgid ""
+"This explicit form was added in debhelper/11.3. In previous versions, a B<-"
+"V> without any dependency information was used instead (and that form still "
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:113
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-V>"
+msgid "B<-VNone>"
+msgstr "B<-V>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:115
+msgid ""
+"The dependency will be \"I<packagename>\". Note that I<None> is case-"
+"sensitive and must be written exactly as shown here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:118
+msgid ""
+"This form is generally unsafe with the only exception being if upstream does "
+"not extend the ABI in any way. However, most upstreams improve their "
+"interfaces over time and packagers are recommended to use B<-VUpstream-"
+"Version> (or one of the other forms of B<-V>I<dependencies>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:123
+msgid ""
+"Alternatively, this may be sufficient if (and only if) the package uses "
+"symbol versioning (see L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>) and does I<not> build any udeb "
+"packages. Note that symbols are not supported for udeb packages, which "
+"solely relies on shlibs for dependency handling."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:128
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--dbg-package=>I<package>"
+msgid "B<-V>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<--dbg-package=>I<paquete>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:130
+msgid ""
+"In this case, the value passed to B<-V> will be used as a dependency "
+"relation. The I<package-relation> should generally be of the form \"I<some-"
+"package-name> B<(E<gt>>= I<some-package-version>B<)>\". Remember to include "
+"the package name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:135
+msgid ""
+"Note that debhelper will use the value I<as it is> with no sanity checking "
+"or modification. In I<rare special> cases, this is needed to generate a "
+"dependency on a different package than the one containing the library."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:142
+msgid ""
+"When choosing a value for this option, please keep mind that if the package "
+"provides a symbols file, then that this is generally preferred over the "
+"shlibs file for regular .deb packages. See L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> for more "
+"information on this topic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:149
+msgid ""
+"Do not add the \"ldconfig\" trigger even if it seems like the package might "
+"need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical reasons as "
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> would previously generate maintainer scripts that called "
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:156
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename or directory "
+"from being treated as shared libraries."
+msgstr ""
+"No trata como bibliotecas compartidas ficheros que contienen I<elemento> en "
+"cualquier lugar de su nombre."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:159
+msgid "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+msgstr "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:161
+msgid ""
+"Create an additional line for udebs in the shlibs file and use I<udeb> as "
+"the package name for udebs to depend on instead of the regular library "
+msgstr ""
+"Crea una línea adicional para paquetes udeb en el fichero «shlibs», y "
+"utiliza I<udeb> como el nombre del paquete sobre el que dependen paquetes "
+"udeb, en lugar del paquete de biblioteca habitual."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:164
+msgid ""
+"This option is only useful for special cases such as when debhelper cannot "
+"auto-detect package name of the udeb package, when the udeb will contain "
+"libraries from multiple deb packages, or when the udeb contains libraries "
+"B<not> present in the deb package."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:169
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+msgid "B<--no-add-udeb>"
+msgstr "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:171
+msgid ""
+"Do not add any udeb lines to the shlibs file. This can be used to disable "
+"the default auto-detection of udebs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:174
+msgid ""
+"This may be useful in case you do not want a shlibs file at all for the udeb "
+"because no package will depend on it. E.g. because adding a udeb package "
+"for the library was \"overkill\" and the library is embedded in a different "
+"udeb package."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:181
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>."
+msgstr "Introduce los I<parámetros> a L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:189
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -V>"
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -VNone>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -V>"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:191
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Assuming this is a package named F<libfoobar1>, generates a shlibs file that\n"
+"looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Asumiendo que este es un paquete llamado f<libfoobar1>, genera un fichero\n"
+"«shlibs» similar a esto:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1\n"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:195
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -V>"
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -VUpstream-Version>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -V>"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:197
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Assuming the current version of the package is 1.1-3, generates a shlibs\n"
+"file that looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.1)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Asumiendo que la versión actual del paquete es 1.1-3, genera un fichero\n"
+"«shlibs» similar a esto:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.1)\n"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:201
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -V 'libfoobar1 (E<gt>= 1.0)'>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -V 'libfoobar1 (E<gt>= 1.0)'>"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:203
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Generates a shlibs file that looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Genera un fichero «shlibs» similar a esto:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0)\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:5
+msgid "dh_md5sums - generate DEBIAN/md5sums file"
+msgstr "dh_md5sums - Genera el fichero DEBIAN/md5sums"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-x>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--include-"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-x>] [B<-X>I<elemento>] [B<--"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:22
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_md5sums> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating a "
+#| "F<DEBIAN/md5sums> file, which lists the md5sums of each file in the "
+#| "package. These files are used by the B<debsums> package."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating a "
+"F<DEBIAN/md5sums> file, which lists the md5sums of each file in the "
+"package. These files are used by B<dpkg --verify> or the L<debsums(1)> "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> es un programa de debhelper responsable de generar un fichero "
+"F<DEBIAN/md5sums>, el cual lista las sumas de control md5 de cada fichero en "
+"el paquete. Estos ficheros se utilizan por el paquete B<debsums>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:26
+msgid ""
+"All files in F<DEBIAN/> are omitted from the F<md5sums> file, as are all "
+"conffiles (unless you use the B<--include-conffiles> switch)."
+msgstr ""
+"Todos los ficheros en F<DEBIAN/> se omiten en el fichero F<md5sums>, puesto "
+"que todos son conffiles (a menos que se use el modificador B<--include-"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:29
+msgid "The md5sums file is installed with proper permissions and ownerships."
+msgstr ""
+"El fichero «md5sums» se instala con los permisos y propietarios adecuados."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_md5sums:35
+msgid "B<-x>, B<--include-conffiles>"
+msgstr "B<-x>, B<--include-conffiles>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:37
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Include conffiles in the md5sums list. Note that this information is "
+#| "redundant since it is included elsewhere in Debian packages."
+msgid ""
+"Include conffiles in the md5sums list. Note that this information is "
+"redundant since it is included in F</var/lib/dpkg/status> in Debian packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Incluye conffiles en la lista «md5sums». Note que esta información es "
+"redundante puesto que está incluida en otro lugar de los paquetes de Debian."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:42
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"listed in the md5sums file."
+msgstr ""
+"No lista en el fichero «md5sums» ficheros que contienen I<elemento> en "
+"cualquier lugar de su nombre."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:5
+msgid "dh_movefiles - move files out of debian/tmp into subpackages"
+msgstr "dh_movefiles - Mueve ficheros desde debian/tmp a subpaquetes"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:17
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [B<-"
+#| "X>I<item>] S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [B<-"
+"X>I<item>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [B<-"
+"X>I<elemento>] S<I<fichero> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for moving files "
+"out of F<debian/tmp> or some other directory and into other package build "
+"directories. This may be useful if your package has a F<Makefile> that "
+"installs everything into F<debian/tmp>, and you need to break that up into "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> es un programa de debhelper responsable de mover ficheros en "
+"F<debian/tmp> o algún otro directorio y ubicarlos dentro de otros "
+"directorios de construcción de paquete. Podría ser útil si su paquete tiene "
+"un F<Makefile> que instala todo en F<debian/tmp>, y necesita dividirlos en "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:26
+msgid ""
+"Note: B<dh_install> is a much better program, and you are recommended to use "
+"it instead of B<dh_movefiles>."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota: B<dh_install> es un programa mucho mejor, y recomendamos su uso en "
+"lugar de B<dh_movefiles>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_movefiles:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.files"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.files"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:35
+msgid ""
+"Lists the files to be moved into a package, separated by whitespace. The "
+"filenames listed should be relative to F<debian/tmp/>. You can also list "
+"directory names, and the whole directory will be moved."
+msgstr ""
+"Lista los ficheros a ser movidos a un paquete, separados por espacios en "
+"blanco. Los nombres de los ficheros listados deben ser relativos a F<debian/"
+"tmp/>. También puede listar nombres de directorios, y así se moverá todo el "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:47
+msgid ""
+"Instead of moving files out of F<debian/tmp> (the default), this option "
+"makes it move files out of some other directory. Since the entire contents "
+"of the sourcedir is moved, specifying something like B<--sourcedir=/> is "
+"very unsafe, so to prevent mistakes, the sourcedir must be a relative "
+"filename; it cannot begin with a `B</>'."
+msgstr ""
+"En lugar de mover ficheros de F<debian/tmp> (predeterminado), esta opción "
+"los mueve desde otro directorio. Puesto que se mueve el contenido del "
+"directorio origen, definir algo como B<--sourcedir=/> es muy inseguro, así "
+"que para impedir errores el directorio origen debe ser un nombre de fichero "
+"relativo; no puede empezar con un B</>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_movefiles:53
+msgid "B<-Xitem>, B<--exclude=item>"
+msgstr "B<-Xelemento>, B<--exclude=elemento>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:55
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain B<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+msgstr ""
+"No instala ficheros que contienen B<elemento> en cualquier parte de su "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:60
+msgid ""
+"Lists files to move. The filenames listed should be relative to F<debian/tmp/"
+">. You can also list directory names, and the whole directory will be moved. "
+"It is an error to list files here unless you use B<-p>, B<-i>, or B<-a> to "
+"tell B<dh_movefiles> which subpackage to put them in."
+msgstr ""
+"Lista los ficheros a mover. Los nombres de fichero listados deben ser "
+"relativos a F<debian/tmp/>. También puede listar nombres de directorio, y el "
+"directorio completo se moverá. Es un error listar ficheros aquí al menos que "
+"use B<-p>, B<-i>, o B<-a> para indicar a B<dh_movefiles> en qué subpaquete "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:69
+msgid ""
+"Note that files are always moved out of F<debian/tmp> by default (even if "
+"you have instructed debhelper to use a compatibility level higher than one, "
+"which does not otherwise use debian/tmp for anything at all). The idea "
+"behind this is that the package that is being built can be told to install "
+"into F<debian/tmp>, and then files can be moved by B<dh_movefiles> from that "
+"directory. Any files or directories that remain are ignored, and get deleted "
+"by B<dh_clean> later."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que los ficheros se mueven desde F<debian/tmp> por omisión (aún si "
+"indicó a debhelper que utilizase un nivel de compatibilidad superior a uno, "
+"con lo cual no utiliza F<debian/tmp> para nada). La idea detrás de esto es "
+"que el paquete que se está construyendo pueda ser instalado en F<debian/"
+"tmp>, y así B<dh_movefiles> pueda mover los ficheros desde ese directorio. "
+"Los ficheros o directorios que permanezcan son ignorados, y son eliminados "
+"posteriormente por B<dh_clean>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:5
+msgid "dh_perl - calculates Perl dependencies and cleans up after MakeMaker"
+msgstr "dh_perl - Calcula dependencias de Perl y limpia después de MakeMaker"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:20
+msgid "B<dh_perl> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-d>] [S<I<library dirs> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-d>] [S<I<directorios-"
+"biblioteca> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_perl> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating the "
+"B<${perl:Depends}> substitutions and adding them to substvars files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> es un programa de debhelper que se encarga de generar las "
+"sustituciones en B<${perl:Depends}> y añadirlas a los ficheros «substvars»."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:27
+msgid ""
+"The program will look at Perl scripts and modules in your package, and will "
+"use this information to generate a dependency on B<perl> or B<perlapi>. The "
+"dependency will be substituted into your package's F<control> file wherever "
+"you place the token B<${perl:Depends}>."
+msgstr ""
+"El programa buscará scripts y módulos de Perl en su paquete, y utilizará "
+"esta información para generar una dependencia sobre B<perl> o B<perlapi>. La "
+"dependencia será sustituida en el fichero F<control>de su paquete "
+"dondequiera que ubique el comodín B<${perl:Depends}>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:32
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_perl> also cleans up empty directories that MakeMaker can generate when "
+"installing Perl modules."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> también limpia los directorios vacíos que MakeMaker puede generar "
+"al instalar módulos de Perl."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:39
+msgid "B<-d>"
+msgstr "B<-d>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:41
+msgid ""
+"In some specific cases you may want to depend on B<perl-base> rather than "
+"the full B<perl> package. If so, you can pass the -d option to make "
+"B<dh_perl> generate a dependency on the correct base package. This is only "
+"necessary for some packages that are included in the base system."
+msgstr ""
+"En algunos casos específicos podría querer depender de B<perl-base> en lugar "
+"de todo el paquete de B<perl>. De ser así, puede especificar la opción B<-d> "
+"para que B<dh_perl> genere una dependencia correcta sobre el paquete básico. "
+"Sólo es necesario para algunos paquetes que están incluidos en el sistema "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:46
+msgid ""
+"Note that this flag may cause no dependency on B<perl-base> to be generated "
+"at all. B<perl-base> is Essential, so its dependency can be left out, unless "
+"a versioned dependency is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que este parámetro podría causar que no se genere ninguna dependencia "
+"sobre B<perl-base>. B<perl-base> es de tipo «Essential» (esencial), de modo "
+"que se puede obviar la dependencia sobre él, a menos que requiera una "
+"dependencia sobre una versión en particular."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:50
+msgid "B<-V>"
+msgstr "B<-V>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:52
+msgid ""
+"By default, scripts and architecture independent modules don't depend on any "
+"specific version of B<perl>. The B<-V> option causes the current version of "
+"the B<perl> (or B<perl-base> with B<-d>) package to be specified."
+msgstr ""
+"Por omisión, los scripts y módulos independientes de la arquitectura "
+"dependen de cualquier versión de B<perl>. La opción B<-V> hace que se defina "
+"la versión actual del paquete B<perl> (o B<perl-base> con B<-d>)."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:56
+msgid "I<library dirs>"
+msgstr "I<directorios-de-biblioteca>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:58
+msgid ""
+"If your package installs Perl modules in non-standard directories, you can "
+"make B<dh_perl> check those directories by passing their names on the "
+"command line. It will only check the F<vendorlib> and F<vendorarch> "
+"directories by default."
+msgstr ""
+"Si su paquete instala módulos de Perl en directorios que no sean estándar, "
+"puede hacer que B<dh_perl> compruebe estos directorios especificando sus "
+"nombres en la línea de órdenes. Por omisión, soló comprobará los directorios "
+"F<vendorlib> y F<vendorarch>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:67
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.8.3"
+msgstr "Normas de Debian, versión 3.8.3"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:69
+msgid "Perl policy, version 1.20"
+msgstr "Normas de Perl, versión 1.20"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:196
+msgid "Brendan O'Dea <>"
+msgstr "Brendan O'Dea <>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:5
+msgid "dh_prep - perform cleanups in preparation for building a binary package"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_prep - Realiza una limpieza para preparar la construcción de un paquete "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:17
+msgid "B<dh_prep> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_prep> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-X>I<elemento>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_prep> is a debhelper program that performs some file cleanups in "
+"preparation for building a binary package. (This is what B<dh_clean -k> used "
+"to do.) It removes the package build directories, F<debian/tmp>, and some "
+"temp files that are generated when building a binary package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_prep> es un programa de debhelper que realiza algunas limpiezas de "
+"ficheros para preparar la construcción de un paquete binario (esto lo solía "
+"hacer B<dh_clean -k>). Elimina los directorios de construcción del paquete, "
+"F<debian/tmp> y algunos ficheros temporales generados al construir un "
+"paquete binario."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:26
+msgid ""
+"It is typically run at the top of the B<binary-arch> and B<binary-indep> "
+"targets, or at the top of a target such as install that they depend on."
+msgstr ""
+"Habitualmente, se ejecuta al principio de los objetivos B<binary-arch> y "
+"B<binary-indep>, o al principio de un objetivo sobre el que dependan, como "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:35
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option "
+"multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"No borra los ficheros que contengan F<elemento> en cualquier parte del "
+"nombre, incluso si se habrían borrado en condiciones normales. Puede "
+"utilizar esta opción varias veces para crear una lista de ficheros a excluir."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:5
+msgid "dh_shlibdeps - calculate shared library dependencies"
+msgstr "dh_shlibdeps - Calcula dependencias sobre bibliotecas compartidas"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-L>I<package>] [B<-"
+"l>I<directory>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-L>I<paquete>] [B<-"
+"l>I<directorio>] [B<-X>I<elemento>] [S<B<--> I<parámetros>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> is a debhelper program that is responsible for calculating "
+"shared library dependencies for packages."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> es un programa de debhelper responsable de calcular las "
+"dependencias de los paquetes sobre bibliotecas compartidas."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:26
+msgid ""
+"This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> that calls it "
+"once for each package listed in the F<control> file, passing it a list of "
+"ELF executables and shared libraries it has found."
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa es una interfaz de L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>, al cual invoca una "
+"vez por cada paquete listado en el fichero F<control>, pasándole una lista "
+"de ejecutables ELF y bibliotecas compartidas que ha encontrado."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:36
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"passed to B<dpkg-shlibdeps>. This will make their dependencies be ignored. "
+"This may be useful in some situations, but use it with caution. This option "
+"may be used more than once to exclude more than one thing."
+msgstr ""
+"No introduce a B<dpkg-shlibdeps> los ficheros que contienen F<elemento> en "
+"cualquier lugar de su nombre. Esto hará que sus dependencias sean ignoradas. "
+"Puede ser útil en algunas situaciones, pero úselo con cuidado. Esta opción "
+"se puede utilizar más de una vez para excluir más de una cosa."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:43
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>."
+msgstr "Introduce los I<parámetros> a L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:45
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<parámetros>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<parámetros>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:47
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>. It is "
+"deprecated; use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta es otra manera de introducir I<parámetros> a L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>. Está "
+"obsoleta, use B<--> en su lugar."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:50
+msgid "B<-l>I<directory>[B<:>I<directory> ...]"
+msgstr "B<-l>I<directorio>[B<:>I<directorio> ...]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:52
+msgid ""
+"With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not "
+msgstr ""
+"Habitualmente, esta opción no es necesaria con las últimas versiones de "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:55
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Before B<dpkg-shlibdeps> is run, B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> will have added to it "
+#| "the specified directory (or directories -- separate with colons). With "
+#| "recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this is mostly only useful for "
+#| "packages that build multiple flavors of the same library, or other "
+#| "situations where the library is installed into a directory not on the "
+#| "regular library search path."
+msgid ""
+"It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-l> parameter), to look for private "
+"package libraries in the specified directory (or directories -- separate "
+"with colons). With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this is mostly only "
+"useful for packages that build multiple flavors of the same library, or "
+"other situations where the library is installed into a directory not on the "
+"regular library search path."
+msgstr ""
+"Antes de ejecutar B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> habrá añadido el "
+"directorio especificado (o directorios, separados por dos puntos). Con las "
+"recientes versiones de B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, es básicamente útil para paquetes "
+"con varias variantes de la misma biblioteca, o en situaciones cuando la "
+"biblioteca se instala en un directorio, y no en la ruta de búsqueda de "
+"bibliotecas habitual."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:63
+msgid "B<-L>I<package>, B<--libpackage=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-L>I<paquete>, B<--libpackage=>I<paquete>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:65
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not "
+#| "needed, unless your package builds multiple flavors of the same library."
+msgid ""
+"With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not "
+"needed, unless your package builds multiple flavors of the same library or "
+"is relying on F<debian/shlibs.local> for an internal library."
+msgstr ""
+"Habitualmente, esta opción no es necesaria con las últimas versiones de "
+"B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, a menos que su paquete construya diferentes variantes de "
+"la misma biblioteca."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:69
+msgid ""
+"It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-S> parameter) to look first in the "
+"package build directory for the specified package, when searching for "
+"libraries, symbol files, and shlibs files."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica a B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (a través del parámetro B<-S>) que primero busque "
+"en el directorio de construcción del paquete del paquete especificado cuando "
+"busque bibliotecas, ficheros «symbols» y «shlibs»."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:73
+msgid ""
+"If needed, this can be passed multiple times with different package names."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:80
+msgid ""
+"Suppose that your source package produces libfoo1, libfoo-dev, and libfoo-"
+"bin binary packages. libfoo-bin links against libfoo1, and should depend on "
+"it. In your rules file, first run B<dh_makeshlibs>, then B<dh_shlibdeps>:"
+msgstr ""
+"Suponga que su paquete fuente crea los paquetes binarios libfoo1, libfoo-dev "
+"y libfoo-bin. libfoo-bin se enlaza con libfoo1 y debería depender de éste. "
+"En su fichero «rules», primero debe ejecutar B<dh_makeshlibs>, luego "
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_shlibdeps:84
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:87
+msgid ""
+"This will have the effect of generating automatically a shlibs file for "
+"libfoo1, and using that file and the libfoo1 library in the F<debian/libfoo1/"
+"usr/lib> directory to calculate shared library dependency information."
+msgstr ""
+"Esto generará automáticamente un fichero «shlibs» para libfoo1, y utilizará "
+"este fichero y la biblioteca libfoo1 en el directorio F<debian/libfoo1/usr/"
+"lib> para calcular la información de dependencias sobre bibliotecas "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:92
+msgid ""
+"If a libbar1 package is also produced, that is an alternate build of libfoo, "
+"and is installed into F</usr/lib/bar/>, you can make libfoo-bin depend on "
+"libbar1 as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+"Si también se produce un paquete libbar1, una construcción alternativa de "
+"libfoo, y que se instala en F</usr/lib/bar/>, puede hacer que libfoo-bin "
+"dependa de libbar1 de la siguiente manera:"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_shlibdeps:96
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tdh_shlibdeps -Llibbar1 -l/usr/lib/bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tdh_shlibdeps -Llibcual1 -l/usr/lib/cual\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:206
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_strip - strip executables, shared libraries, and some static libraries"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_strip - Ejecuta strip sobre ejecutables, bibliotecas compartidas y "
+"algunas bibliotecas estáticas"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--dbg-"
+"package=>I<package>] [B<--keep-debug>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-X>I<elemento>] [B<--dbg-"
+"package=>I<paquete>] [B<--keep-debug>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:22
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_strip> is a debhelper program that is responsible for stripping "
+#| "executables, shared libraries, and static libraries that are not used for "
+#| "debugging."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> is a debhelper program that is responsible for stripping out "
+"debug symbols in executables, shared libraries, and static libraries that "
+"are not needed during execution."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> es un programa de debhelper responsable de eliminar los símbolos "
+"de los ejecutables, bibliotecas compartidas y estáticas que no se utilizan "
+"en la depuración."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:26
+msgid ""
+"This program examines your package build directories and works out what to "
+"strip on its own. It uses L<file(1)> and file permissions and filenames to "
+"figure out what files are shared libraries (F<*.so>), executable binaries, "
+"and static (F<lib*.a>) and debugging libraries (F<lib*_g.a>, F<debug/*.so>), "
+"and strips each as much as is possible. (Which is not at all for debugging "
+"libraries.) In general it seems to make very good guesses, and will do the "
+"right thing in almost all cases."
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa examina sus directorios de construcción del paquete y averigua "
+"qué debe eliminar. Utiliza L<file(1)> y permisos y nombres de ficheros para "
+"detectar qué ficheros son bibliotecas compartidas (F<*.so>), binarios "
+"ejecutables, bibliotecas estáticas (F<lib*.a>) y ficheros de depuración "
+"(F<lib*_g.a>, F<debug/*.so>), y elimina cuanto más sea posible. (No así todo "
+"para bibliotecas de depuración). En general parece hacer muy buenas "
+"suposiciones, y hará lo correcto en la mayoría de casos."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:34
+msgid ""
+"Since it is very hard to automatically guess if a file is a module, and hard "
+"to determine how to strip a module, B<dh_strip> does not currently deal with "
+"stripping binary modules such as F<.o> files."
+msgstr ""
+"Puesto que es muy difícil adivinar automáticamente si un fichero es un "
+"módulo, y determinar cómo eliminar un módulo, B<dh_strip> actualmente no "
+"trata de eliminar los símbolos de módulos binarios, como los ficheros F<.o>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:48
+msgid "B<--dbg-package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--dbg-package=>I<paquete>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:50 dh_strip:70
+msgid ""
+"B<This option is a now special purpose option that you normally do not "
+"need>. In most cases, there should be little reason to use this option for "
+"new source packages as debhelper automatically generates debug packages "
+"(\"dbgsym packages\"). B<If you have a manual --dbg-package> that you want "
+"to replace with an automatically generated debug symbol package, please see "
+"the B<--dbgsym-migration> option."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:58
+msgid ""
+"Causes B<dh_strip> to save debug symbols stripped from the packages it acts "
+"on as independent files in the package build directory of the specified "
+"debugging package."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opción indica a B<dh_strip> que guarde los símbolos de depuración, "
+"extraídos del paquete sobre el que se actúa, como ficheros independientes en "
+"el directorio de construcción del paquete del paquete de depuración "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:62
+msgid ""
+"For example, if your packages are libfoo and foo and you want to include a "
+"I<foo-dbg> package with debugging symbols, use B<dh_strip --dbg-"
+msgstr ""
+"Por ejemplo, si sus paquetes son libfoo y foo y quiere incluir un paquete "
+"I<foo-dbg> con símbolos de depuración, use B<dh_strip --dbg-package=>I<foo-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:65
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+"automatic-dbgsym> or B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:68
+msgid "B<-k>, B<--keep-debug>"
+msgstr "B<-k>, B<--keep-debug>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:78
+msgid ""
+"Debug symbols will be retained, but split into an independent file in F<usr/"
+"lib/debug/> in the package build directory. B<--dbg-package> is easier to "
+"use than this option, but this option is more flexible."
+msgstr ""
+"Se mantendrán los símbolos de depuración, pero separados en un fichero "
+"independiente en F<usr/lib/debug/> en el directorio de construcción del "
+"paquete. B<--dbg-package> es más fácil de utilizar que esta opción, pero "
+"esta opción es más flexible."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:82
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:85
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--dbg-package=>I<package>"
+msgid "B<--dbgsym-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<--dbg-package=>I<paquete>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:87
+msgid ""
+"This option is used to migrate from a manual \"-dbg\" package (created with "
+"B<--dbg-package>) to an automatic generated debug symbol package. This "
+"option should describe a valid B<Replaces>- and B<Breaks>-relation, which "
+"will be added to the debug symbol package to avoid file conflicts with the "
+"(now obsolete) -dbg package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:93
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+"keep-debug>, B<--dbg-package> or B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:96
+msgid "Examples:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_strip:98
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_strip:100
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-tools-dbg (<< 2.1-3~), libfoo2-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:102
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+msgid "B<--automatic-dbgsym>, B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>"
+msgstr "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:104
+msgid ""
+"Control whether B<dh_strip> should be creating debug symbol packages when "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:107
+msgid "The default is to create debug symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:109
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+msgid "B<--ddebs>, B<--no-ddebs>"
+msgstr "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+# type: =item
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:111
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+msgid "Historical name for B<--automatic-dbgsym> and B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+msgstr "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:113
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--dbg-package=>I<package>"
+msgid "B<--ddeb-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<--dbg-package=>I<paquete>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:115
+msgid "Historical name for B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:121
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+#| "nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+#| "\"Binaries\")."
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+"nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+"\"Binaries\"). This will also inhibit the automatic creation of debug "
+"symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la variable de entorno B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> contiene B<nostrip>, no se "
+"eliminará nada, conforme a las normas de Debian (sección 10.1 «Binarios»)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:126
+msgid ""
+"The automatic creation of debug symbol packages can also be prevented by "
+"adding B<noautodbgsym> to the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable. "
+"However, B<dh_strip> will still add debuglinks to ELF binaries when this "
+"flag is set. This is to ensure that the regular deb package will be "
+"identical with and without this flag (assuming it is otherwise \"bit-for-"
+"bit\" reproducible)."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:135
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.0.1"
+msgstr "Normas de Debian, versión 3.0.1"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:5
+msgid "dh_testdir - test directory before building Debian package"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_testdir - Comprueba el directorio antes de construir un paquete de Debian"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:17
+msgid "B<dh_testdir> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_testdir> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [S<I<fichero> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_testdir> tries to make sure that you are in the correct directory when "
+"building a Debian package. It makes sure that the file F<debian/control> "
+"exists, as well as any other files you specify. If not, it exits with an "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_testdir> trata de comprobar que se encuentre en el directorio adecuado "
+"cuando construya un paquete de Debian. Compruebe la existencia del fichero "
+"F<debian/control>, así como cualquier otro fichero que se especifique. En "
+"caso contrario finaliza con un error."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:32
+msgid "Test for the existence of these files too."
+msgstr "Comprueba también la existencia de estos ficheros."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:7
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "dh_testroot - ensure that a package is built as root"
+msgid ""
+"dh_testroot - ensure that a package is built with necessary level of root "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_testroot - Compruebe que el paquete se construye como usuario «root»"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:11
+msgid "B<dh_testroot> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_testroot> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:15
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_testroot> is used to determine if the target is being run with suffient "
+"access to root(-like) features."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:18
+msgid ""
+"The definition of sufficient access depends on whether the builder (the tool "
+"invoking the F<debian/rules> target) supports the I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"(R³) field. If the builder supports R³, then it will set the environment "
+"variable I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> and B<dh_testroot> will validate that "
+"the builder followed the minimum requirements for the given value of "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:25
+msgid ""
+"If the builder does not support I<Rules-Requires-Root>, then it will not set "
+"the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable. This will in turn make "
+"B<dh_testroot> (and the rest of debhelper) fall back to assuming that "
+"(fake)root is implied."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:30
+msgid ""
+"The following is a summary of how B<dh_testroot> behaves based on the "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable (leading and trailing "
+"whitespace in the variable is ignored)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:38
+msgid ""
+"If unset, or set to C<binary-targets>, then B<dh_testroot> asserts that it "
+"is run as root or under L<fakeroot(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:43
+msgid ""
+"If set to C<no>, then B<dh_testroot> returns successfully (without "
+"performing any additional checks)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:48
+msgid ""
+"If set to any other value than the above, then B<dh_testroot> asserts that "
+"it is either run as root (or under L<fakeroot(1)>) or the builder has "
+"provided the B<DEB_GAIN_ROOT_CMD> environment variable (e.g. via dpkg-"
+"buildpackage -r)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:55
+msgid ""
+"Please note that B<dh_testroot> does I<not> read the I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"field. Which implies that B<dh_testroot> may produce incorrect result if "
+"the builder lies in I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT>. On the flip side, it also "
+"enables things like testing for what will happen when "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> is set to a given value."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:7
+msgid "dh_usrlocal - migrate usr/local directories to maintainer scripts"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_usrlocal - Migra directorios «usr/local» a scripts del desarrollador"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:21
+msgid "B<dh_usrlocal> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_usrlocal> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:25
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_usrlocal> is a debhelper program that can be used for building packages "
+"that will provide a subdirectory in F</usr/local> when installed."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_usrlocal> es un programa de debhelper que permite construir paquetes "
+"que proveerán un subdirectorio en F</usr/local> al instalarse."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:28
+msgid ""
+"It finds subdirectories of F<usr/local> in the package build directory, and "
+"removes them, replacing them with maintainer script snippets (unless B<-n> "
+"is used) to create the directories at install time, and remove them when the "
+"package is removed, in a manner compliant with Debian policy. These snippets "
+"are inserted into the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of debhelper maintainer script "
+msgstr ""
+"Busca subdirectorios bajo F<usr/local> en el directorio de construcción del "
+"paquete, y los elimina, reemplazándolos con las partes de scripts del "
+"desarrollador (a menos que use B<-n>) para crear los directorios al "
+"instalar, y los elimina al desinstalar el paquete de forma que cumpla con "
+"las Normas de Debian. Estos scripts de desarrollador se instalan mediante "
+"B<dh_installdeb>. Para una explicación de los fragmentos de scripts de "
+"desarrollador de Debhelper consulte L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:36
+msgid ""
+"When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable is not "
+"(effectively) I<binary-targets>, the directories in F</usr/local> will be "
+"handled as if they were owned by root:root (see below)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:40
+msgid ""
+"When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable has an effective "
+"value of I<binary-targets>, the owners, groups and permissions will be "
+"preserved with the sole exception where the directory is owned by root:root."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:44
+msgid ""
+"If a directory is owned by root:root, then ownership will be determined at "
+"install time. The ownership and permission bits will either be root:root "
+"mode 0755 or root:staff mode 02775. The actual choice depends on whether "
+"the system has F</etc/staff-group-for-usr-local> (as documented in the "
+"Debian Policy Manual §9.1.2 since version 4.1.4)"
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:68
+msgid "Debian policy, version 2.2"
+msgstr "Normas de Debian, versión 2.2"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:144
+msgid "Andrew Stribblehill <>"
+msgstr "Andrew Stribblehill <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:5
+msgid "dh_systemd_enable - enable/disable systemd unit files"
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:18
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+#| "[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--no-enable>] [B<--"
+"name=>I<name>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-A>] [B<-"
+"X>I<elemento>] [S<I<fichero> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:22
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installudev> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+#| "installing B<udev> rules files."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> is a debhelper program that is responsible for enabling "
+"and disabling systemd unit files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installudev> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+"ficheros de reglas de B<udev>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:25
+msgid ""
+"In the simple case, it finds all unit files installed by a package (e.g. "
+"bacula-fd.service) and enables them. It is not necessary that the machine "
+"actually runs systemd during package installation time, enabling happens on "
+"all machines in order to be able to switch from sysvinit to systemd and back."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:30
+msgid ""
+"In the complex case, you can call B<dh_systemd_enable> and "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manually (by overwriting the debian/rules targets) and "
+"specify flags per unit file. An example is colord, which ships colord."
+"service, a dbus-activated service without an [Install] section. This service "
+"file cannot be enabled or disabled (a state called \"static\" by systemd) "
+"because it has no [Install] section. Therefore, running dh_systemd_enable "
+"does not make sense."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:37
+msgid ""
+"For only generating blocks for specific service files, you need to pass them "
+"as arguments, e.g. B<dh_systemd_enable quota.service> and "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable --name=quotarpc quotarpc.service>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:45
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.service, debian/I<package>@.service"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:47
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/I<package>.conf in the "
+#| "package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"service >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.service >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Si existe, se instala en «etc/init/I<paquete>.conf» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:52
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init.d/I<package> in the package "
+#| "build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in "
+"the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Si existe, se instala en «etc/init/I<paquete>» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:55
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.target, debian/I<package>"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.manpages"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:57
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/I<package>.conf in the "
+#| "package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"target >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package> >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Si existe, se instala en «etc/init/I<paquete>.conf» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:60
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.socket, debian/I<package>@.socket"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.manpages"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:62
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/I<package>.conf in the "
+#| "package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"socket >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.socket >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Si existe, se instala en «etc/init/I<paquete>.conf» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:65
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.menu"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.mount"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.menu"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:67
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/I<package>.conf in the "
+#| "package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.mount "
+">> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Si existe, se instala en «etc/init/I<paquete>.conf» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:70
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.path, debian/I<package>@.path"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.manpages"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:72
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/I<package>.conf in the "
+#| "package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.path "
+">> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.path >>) in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Si existe, se instala en «etc/init/I<paquete>.conf» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:75
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.timer, debian/I<package>@.timer"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.manpages"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:77
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/I<package>.conf in the "
+#| "package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.timer "
+">> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.timer >>) in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Si existe, se instala en «etc/init/I<paquete>.conf» en el directorio de "
+"construcción del paquete."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:88
+msgid "Disable the service(s) on purge, but do not enable them on install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:90
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are started. "
+"That is controlled by L<dh_systemd_start(1)> (using e.g. its B<--no-start> "
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:96
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Install the init script (and default file) as well as upstart job file "
+#| "using the filename I<name> instead of the default filename, which is the "
+#| "package name. When this parameter is used, B<dh_installinit> looks for "
+#| "and installs files named F<debian/>, F<debian/package."
+#| "name.default> and F<debian/> instead of the usual "
+#| "F<debian/package.init>, F<debian/package.default> and F<debian/package."
+#| "upstart>."
+msgid ""
+"Install the service file as I<name.service> instead of the default filename, "
+"which is the I<package.service>. When this parameter is used, "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> looks for and installs files named F<debian/package."
+"name.service> instead of the usual F<debian/package.service>."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala el script de init (y el fichero de valores predeterminados) así como "
+"la tarea de upstart utilizando el nombre de fichero I<nombre> en vez del "
+"nombre predeterminado, que es el nombre del paquete. Cuando se utiliza este "
+"parámetro, B<dh_installinit> busca e instala ficheros que se llamen F<debian/"
+"paquete.nombre.init>, F<debian/paquete.nombre.default> y F<debian/paquete."
+"nombre.upstart>, en vez de los usuales F<debian/paquete.init>, F<debian/"
+"paquete.default> y F<debian/paquete.upstart>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:105 dh_systemd_start:70
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+#| "between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+#| "instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts."
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it "
+"may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to maintainer "
+msgstr ""
+"Esta orden no es idempotente. Debería invocar L<dh_prep(1)> entre cada "
+"invocación de esta orden. De otro modo, puede causar que los scripts del "
+"desarrollador contengan partes duplicadas."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:110
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_systemd_enable> should be run before B<dh_installinit>. The "
+"default sequence in B<dh> does the right thing, this note is only relevant "
+"when you are calling B<dh_systemd_enable> manually."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:282
+msgid "L<dh_systemd_start(1)>, L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:286 dh_systemd_start:286
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:5
+msgid "dh_systemd_start - start/stop/restart systemd unit files"
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:19
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+#| "[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--restart-after-upgrade>] "
+"[B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<elemento>] "
+"[S<I<fichero> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:23
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_gconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+#| "GConf defaults files and registering GConf schemas."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> is a debhelper program that is responsible for starting/"
+"stopping or restarting systemd unit files in case no corresponding sysv init "
+"script is available."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_gconf> es un programa de debhelper responsable de la instalación de "
+"ficheros de valores predeterminados de GConf («defaults») y de registrar "
+"esquemas de GConf."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:27
+msgid ""
+"As with B<dh_installinit>, the unit file is stopped before upgrades and "
+"started afterwards (unless B<--restart-after-upgrade> is specified, in which "
+"case it will only be restarted after the upgrade). This logic is not used "
+"when there is a corresponding SysV init script because invoke-rc.d performs "
+"the stop/start/restart in that case."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_start:37
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgid "B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:39
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Do not stop the init script until after the package upgrade has been "
+#| "completed. This is different than the default behavior, which stops the "
+#| "script in the F<prerm>, and starts it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop the unit file until after the package upgrade has been "
+"completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10."
+msgstr ""
+"No detiene el script de init hasta que se complete la actualización del "
+"paquete. Es diferente del comportamiento predeterminado, que detiene el "
+"script mediante, F<prerm> y lo reinicia mediante F<postinst>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:42
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Do not stop the init script until after the package upgrade has been "
+#| "completed. This is different than the default behavior, which stops the "
+#| "script in the F<prerm>, and starts it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgid ""
+"In earlier compat levels the default was to stop the unit file in the "
+"F<prerm>, and start it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+"No detiene el script de init hasta que se complete la actualización del "
+"paquete. Es diferente del comportamiento predeterminado, que detiene el "
+"script mediante, F<prerm> y lo reinicia mediante F<postinst>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:59
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Do not stop init script on upgrade."
+msgid "Do not stop service on upgrade."
+msgstr "No detiene el script de init durante una actualización."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:63
+msgid ""
+"Do not start the unit file after upgrades and after initial installation "
+"(the latter is only relevant for services without a corresponding init "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:75
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_systemd_start> should be run after B<dh_installinit> so that "
+"it can detect corresponding SysV init scripts. The default sequence in B<dh> "
+"does the right thing, this note is only relevant when you are calling "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manually."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: strings-kept-translations.pod:7
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "This compatibility level is still open for development; use with caution."
+msgid "This compatibility level is open for beta testing; changes may occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Este nivel de compatibilidad aún está en desarrollo, utilícelo con "
+# type: textblock
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Set to B<1> to enable verbose mode. Debhelper will output every command "
+#~| "it runs that modifies files on the build system."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Set to B<1> to enable verbose mode. Debhelper will output every command "
+#~ "it runs. Also enables verbose build logs for some build systems like "
+#~ "autoconf."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Defina como B<1> para activar el modo explicativo. Debhelper mostrará "
+#~ "todas las órdenes utilizadas que modifiquen ficheros en el sistema en el "
+#~ "que se hace la construcción."
+# type: textblock
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/I<package>.conf in the "
+#~| "package build directory."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf "
+#~ "in the package build directory. (The tmpfiles.d mechanism is currently "
+#~ "only used by systemd.) Only used in compat levels 10 and below."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si existe, se instala en «etc/init/I<paquete>.conf» en el directorio de "
+#~ "construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/I<package>.conf in the "
+#~| "package build directory."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf "
+#~ "in the package build directory. (The tmpfiles.d mechanism is currently "
+#~ "only used by systemd.)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si existe, se instala en «etc/init/I<paquete>.conf» en el directorio de "
+#~ "construcción del paquete."
+# type: textblock
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "dh_gconf - install GConf defaults files and register schemas"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh_gconf - install GConf defaults files and register schemas (deprecated)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_gconf - Instala ficheros de valores predeterminados de GConf y "
+#~ "registra esquemas"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "B<dh_gconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--priority=>I<priority>]"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_gconf> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<--priority=>I<número>]"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_gconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+#~ "GConf defaults files and registering GConf schemas."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_gconf> es un programa de debhelper responsable de la instalación de "
+#~ "ficheros de valores predeterminados de GConf («defaults») y de registrar "
+#~ "esquemas de GConf."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An appropriate dependency on gconf2 will be generated in B<${misc:Depends}"
+#~ ">."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se generará una dependencia apropiada sobre gconf2 en B<${misc:Depends}>."
+#~ msgid "debian/I<package>.gconf-defaults"
+#~ msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.gconf-defaults"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Installed into F<usr/share/gconf/defaults/10_package> in the package "
+#~ "build directory, with I<package> replaced by the package name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se instala en F<usr/share/gconf/defaults/10_paquete> en el directorio de "
+#~ "construcción del paquete, reemplazando I<paquete> por el nombre del "
+#~ "paquete."
+#~ msgid "debian/I<package>.gconf-mandatory"
+#~ msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.gconf-mandatory"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Installed into F<usr/share/gconf/mandatory/10_package> in the package "
+#~ "build directory, with I<package> replaced by the package name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se instala en F<usr/share/gconf/mandatory/10_paquete> en el directorio de "
+#~ "construcción del paquete, reemplazando I<paquete> por el nombre del "
+#~ "paquete."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--priority> I<priority>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--priority> I<prioridad>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Use I<priority> (which should be a 2-digit number) as the defaults "
+#~ "priority instead of B<10>. Higher values than ten can be used by derived "
+#~ "distributions (B<20>), CDD distributions (B<50>), or site-specific "
+#~ "packages (B<90>)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Utiliza I<prioridad> (que debería ser un número de dos dígitos) como la "
+#~ "prioridad predeterminada, en lugar de 10. Otros pueden utilizar valores "
+#~ "superiores a B<10>, como las distribuciones derivadas (B<20>), "
+#~ "distribuciones de Debian personalizadas CDD (B<50>) y paquetes de sitios "
+#~ "web específicos (B<90>)."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Ross Burton <> Josselin Mouette <>"
+#~ msgstr "Ross Burton <> Josselin Mouette <>"
+# type: textblock
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "B<dh_clean> (or \"B<dh clean>\") should be the last debhelper command "
+#~| "run in the B<clean> target in F<debian/rules>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_clean> should be the last debhelper command run in the B<clean> "
+#~ "target in F<debian/rules>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_clean> (o B<dh clean>) debería ser la última orden de debhelper a "
+#~ "ejecutar en el objetivo B<clean> en F<debian/rules>."
+# type: textblock
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Automatically installed into usr/share/doc/I<package>/ in the package "
+#~| "build directory."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If there is an upstream F<changelog> file, it will be installed as F<usr/"
+#~ "share/doc/package/changelog> in the package build directory."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Automáticamente instalado en «usr/share/doc/I<package>/» en el directorio "
+#~ "de construcción del paquete."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--ignore=>I<file>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--ignore=>I<fichero>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Ignore the specified file. This can be used if F<debian/> contains a "
+#~ "debhelper config file that a debhelper command should not act on. Note "
+#~ "that F<debian/compat>, F<debian/control>, and F<debian/changelog> can't "
+#~ "be ignored, but then, there should never be a reason to ignore those "
+#~ "files."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ignora el fichero dado. Se puede utilizar si F<debian/> contiene un "
+#~ "fichero de configuración de debhelper sobre el que una orden de debhelper "
+#~ "no debería actuar. Tenga en cuenta que no puede ignorar F<debian/compat>, "
+#~ "F<debian/control> y F<debian/changelog>, aunque nunca debería existir una "
+#~ "razón para ignorar esos ficheros."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For example, if upstream ships a F<debian/init> that you don't want "
+#~ "B<dh_installinit> to install, use B<--ignore=debian/init>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Por ejemplo, si la fuente original distribuye un fichero F<debian/init> "
+#~ "que no desea que B<dh_installinit> instale, use B<--ignore=debian/init>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Anything in this variable will be prepended to the command line arguments "
+#~ "of all debhelper commands."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cualquier dato contenido en esta variable se añade a los argumentos de "
+#~ "línea de órdenes de todas las órdenes de debhelper."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_fixperms-arch:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#~ "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_fixperms-arch:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#~ "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Inside the scripts, the token B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell "
+#~| "script snippets generated by other debhelper commands."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For more information on what tokens Inside the scripts, the token "
+#~ "B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell script snippets generated by other "
+#~ "debhelper commands."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Dentro de los scripts, el comodín B<#DEBHELPER#> es reemplazado con "
+#~ "fragmentos de scripts de consola generados por otras órdenes de debhelper."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "The following options are deprecated. It's much better to use override "
+#~| "targets instead."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The following options are deprecated. It's much better to use override "
+#~ "targets instead. They are B<not> available in compat 10."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Las siguientes opciones están obsoletas. Se recomienda utilizar en su "
+#~ "lugar objetivos «override»."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--until> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--until> I<orden>"
+#~ msgid "Run commands in the sequence until and including I<cmd>, then stop."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ejecuta las órdenes en la secuencia hasta la I<orden>, incluido, y cierra."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--before> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--before> I<orden>"
+#~ msgid "Run commands in the sequence before I<cmd>, then stop."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ejecuta las órdenes en la secuencia anteriores a I<orden>, y cierra."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--after> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--after> I<orden>"
+#~ msgid "Run commands in the sequence that come after I<cmd>."
+#~ msgstr "Ejecuta las órdenes en la secuencia posteriores a I<orden>."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--remaining>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--remaining>"
+#~ msgid "Run all commands in the sequence that have yet to be run."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ejecuta todas las órdenes en la secuencia que aún no se han ejecutado."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In the above options, I<cmd> can be a full name of a debhelper command, "
+#~ "or a substring. It'll first search for a command in the sequence exactly "
+#~ "matching the name, to avoid any ambiguity. If there are multiple "
+#~ "substring matches, the last one in the sequence will be used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En las opciones anteriores, I<orden> puede ser el nombre completo de una "
+#~ "orden de debhelper, o una subcadena. Buscará en primer lugar una orden en "
+#~ "la secuencia que coincide totalmente con el nombre, para evitar cualquier "
+#~ "ambigüedad. Si hay muchas coincidencias con la subcadena se utilizará la "
+#~ "última en la secuencia."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "dh - debhelper command sequencer"
+#~ msgid "The debhelper maintainers."
+#~ msgstr "dh - Secuenciador de órdenes de debhelper"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@\n"
+#~ "\t\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@\n"
+#~ "\t\n"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " % echo #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " % echo #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Your package will also need a versioned build dependency on a version of "
+#~ "debhelper equal to (or greater than) the compatibility level your package "
+#~ "uses. So for compatibility level #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#, ensure debian/"
+#~ "control has:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El paquete también requiere como dependencia de construcción («build-"
+#~ "depend») una versión de debhelper igual o mayor que el nivel de "
+#~ "compatibilidad de debhelper que utiliza el paquete. Por ejemplo, para "
+#~ "utilizar el nivel de compatibilidad #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#, compruebe que "
+#~ "«debian/control» contiene lo siguiente:"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "This control file will be installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+#~ msgstr "Este fichero de control se instalan en el directorio F<DEBIAN>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In v3 compatibility mode and higher, all files in the F<etc/> directory "
+#~ "in a package will automatically be flagged as conffiles by this program, "
+#~ "so there is no need to list them manually here."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En el modo de compatibilidad v3 o superior, todos los ficheros en el "
+#~ "directorio F<etc/> del paquete se marcarán automáticamente como conffiles "
+#~ "por este programa, así que no hay necesidad de listarlos aquí manualmente."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The syntax of these files is intentionally kept very simple to make them "
+#~ "easy to read, understand, and modify. If you prefer power and complexity, "
+#~ "you can make the file executable, and write a program that outputs "
+#~ "whatever content is appropriate for a given situation. When you do so, "
+#~ "the output is not further processed to expand wildcards or strip comments."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La sintaxis de estos ficheros es intencionadamente sencilla para "
+#~ "facilitar la lectura, la comprensión y la modificación. Si prefiere "
+#~ "potencia y complejidad, puede dar al fichero permisos de ejecución, y "
+#~ "crear un programa que muestra un contenido adecuado para la situación "
+#~ "dada. Si lo hace, la salida no se proceso para expandir comodines o "
+#~ "eliminar comentarios."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<dir> ...>]"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-A>] "
+#~ "[S<I<directorio> ...>]"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "By default, the shlibs file generated by this program does not make "
+#~ "packages depend on any particular version of the package containing the "
+#~ "shared library. It may be necessary for you to add some version "
+#~ "dependency information to the shlibs file. If B<-V> is specified with no "
+#~ "dependency information, the current upstream version of the package is "
+#~ "plugged into a dependency that looks like \"I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= "
+#~ "I<packageversion>B<)>\". Note that in debhelper compatibility levels "
+#~ "before v4, the Debian part of the package version number is also "
+#~ "included. If B<-V> is specified with parameters, the parameters can be "
+#~ "used to specify the exact dependency information needed (be sure to "
+#~ "include the package name)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Por omisión, el fichero «shlibs» generado por este programa no hace que "
+#~ "los paquetes dependan de alguna versión particular del paquete que "
+#~ "contiene la biblioteca compartida. Podría ser necesario que añada alguna "
+#~ "información de dependencia de versión al fichero «shlibs». Si especifica "
+#~ "B<-V> sin información de dependencia, la versión actual del desarrollador "
+#~ "principal del paquete es conectada con una dependencia de la forma "
+#~ "I<nombre_de_paquete> B<(E<gt>>= I<versión_de_paquete>B<)>. Tenga en "
+#~ "cuenta que en los niveles de compatibilidad de debhelper anteriores a v4 "
+#~ "también se incluye la parte de Debian del número de versión del paquete. "
+#~ "Si especifica B<-V> con parámetros, los parámetros se pueden utilizar "
+#~ "para especificar la información de dependencia exacta requerida "
+#~ "(asegúrese de incluir el nombre del paquete)."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs>"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note for the first (or only) binary package listed in F<debian/control>, "
+#~ "debhelper will use F<debian/foo> when there's no F<debian/> "
+#~ "file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tenga en cuenta que si un paquete es el primero (o el único) paquete "
+#~ "binario listado en F<debian/control>, debhelper utiliza F<debian/tal> si "
+#~ "no existe un fichero F<debian/paquete.tal>."
+# type: textblock
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "If the directories found in the build tree have unusual owners, groups, "
+#~| "or permissions, then those values will be preserved in the directories "
+#~| "made by the F<postinst> script. However, as a special exception, if a "
+#~| "directory is owned by root.root, it will be treated as if it is owned by "
+#~| "root.staff and is mode 2775. This is useful, since that is the group and "
+#~| "mode policy recommends for directories in F</usr/local>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When I<Rules-Requires-Root> has an effective value of I<binary-targets>, "
+#~ "the owners, groups and permissions will be preserved with one exception. "
+#~ "If the directory is owned by root:root, then ownership will be reset to "
+#~ "root:staff and mode will be reset to 02775. This is useful, since that is "
+#~ "the group and mode policy recommends for directories in F</usr/local>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si los directorios encontrados en el árbol de construcción tienen "
+#~ "propietarios, grupos o permisos inusuales, estos valores serán "
+#~ "preservados en los directorios hechos por el script F<postinst>. Sin "
+#~ "embargo, como una excepción especial, si un directorio tiene como "
+#~ "propietario root.root, se tratará como si tuviese como dueño root.staff y "
+#~ "en modo 2775. Esto último es útil, puesto que esa es la norma recomendada "
+#~ "para el grupo y modo de los directorios en F</usr/local>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This option makes B<dh_install> keep track of the files it installs, and "
+#~ "then at the end, compare that list with the files in the source "
+#~ "directory. If any of the files (and symlinks) in the source directory "
+#~ "were not installed to somewhere, it will warn on stderr about that."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Esta opción hace que B<dh_install> registre los ficheros que instala y, "
+#~ "al final, compare esa lista con los ficheros en el directorio fuente. Si "
+#~ "alguno de los ficheros (o enlaces simbólicos) en el directorio fuente no "
+#~ "se instalaron en algún lugar, dará un aviso a través de la salida de "
+#~ "error estándar."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This may be useful if you have a large package and want to make sure that "
+#~ "you don't miss installing newly added files in new upstream releases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Puede ser útil si tiene un paquete grande y quiere comprobar que no "
+#~ "olvida instalar ningún fichero nuevo añadido en una nueva versión del "
+#~ "programa."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that files that are excluded from being moved via the B<-X> option "
+#~ "are not warned about."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tenga en cuenta de que no avisa de los ficheros excluidos mediante la "
+#~ "opción B<-X>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This option is like B<--list-missing>, except if a file was missed, it "
+#~ "will not only list the missing files, but also fail with a nonzero exit "
+#~ "code."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Esta opción es como B<--list-missing>, excepto que si olvida un fichero, "
+#~ "no sólo se listarán los ficheros olvidados, sino que además se devolverá "
+#~ "un código de salida distinto de cero."
+# type: verbatim
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| " % echo #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# > debian/compat\n"
+#~| "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " % echo beta-tester > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " % echo #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: verbatim
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| " Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+#~| "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9.20160815~)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "This is an example of a F<debian/> file:"
+#~ msgid "This can be used without a F<debian/compat> file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de un fichero F<debian/>:"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_testroot> simply checks to see if you are root. If not, it exits "
+#~ "with an error. Debian packages must be built as root, though you can use "
+#~ "L<fakeroot(1)>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_testroot> simplemente comprueba si el usuario es el usuario «root». "
+#~ "De no ser así, finaliza con un error. Los paquetes de Debian se deben "
+#~ "construir como el usuario «root», aunque puede utilizar L<fakeroot(1)>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Do not stop init script on upgrade."
+#~ msgstr "No detiene el script de init durante una actualización."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This used to be a smarter version of the B<-a> flag, but the B<-a> flag "
+#~ "is now equally smart."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Solía ser una versión más inteligente de la opción B<-a>, pero "
+#~ "actualmente la opción B<-a> es igual de inteligente."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If your package uses autotools and you want to freshen F<config.sub> and "
+#~ "F<config.guess> with newer versions from the B<autotools-dev> package at "
+#~ "build time, you can use some commands provided in B<autotools-dev> that "
+#~ "automate it, like this."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si su paquete utiliza Autotools y desea actualizar F<config.sub> y "
+#~ "F<config.guess> con nuevas versiones del paquete B<autotools-dev> en "
+#~ "tiempo de ejecución, puede utilizar algunas órdenes proporcionadas por "
+#~ "B<autotools-dev> que automatizan esta tarea, como puede ver a "
+#~ "continuación."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@ --with autotools_dev\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@ --with autotools_dev\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Code is added to the F<preinst> and F<postinst> to handle the upgrade "
+#~ "from the old B<udev> rules file location."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El código se añade a los scripts F<preinst> y F<postinst> para gestionar "
+#~ "la actualización desde la ubicación antigua de ficheros de reglas de udev."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Do not modify F<preinst>/F<postinst> scripts."
+#~ msgstr "No modifica los scripts F<preinst>/F<postinst>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that this option behaves significantly different in debhelper "
+#~ "compatibility levels 4 and below. Instead of specifying the name of a "
+#~ "debug package to put symbols in, it specifies a package (or packages) "
+#~ "which should have separated debug symbols, and the separated symbols are "
+#~ "placed in packages with B<-dbg> added to their name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tenga en cuenta que esta opción se comporta de forma significativamente "
+#~ "distinta en los niveles de compatibilidad de debhelper 4 o inferior. En "
+#~ "lugar de especificar el nombre de un paquete de depuración en el que "
+#~ "poner los símbolos, especifica un paquete (o paquetes) que deben tener "
+#~ "símbolos de depuración separados, y los símbolos separados se colocan en "
+#~ "paquetes añadiendo B<-dbg> al final de su nombre."
+#~ msgid "dh_desktop - deprecated no-op"
+#~ msgstr "dh_desktop - Orden obsoleta sin efecto"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "B<dh_desktop> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_desktop> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>]"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_desktop> was a debhelper program that registers F<.desktop> files. "
+#~ "However, it no longer does anything, and is now deprecated."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_desktop> es un programa de debhelper que registra ficheros F<."
+#~ "desktop>. Sin embargo, ya no hace nada y ha quedado obsoleto."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If a package ships F<desktop> files, they just need to be installed in "
+#~ "the correct location (F</usr/share/applications>) and they will be "
+#~ "registered by the appropriate tools for the corresponding desktop "
+#~ "environments."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si un paquete proporciona ficheros F<desktop>, sólo se tienen que "
+#~ "instalar en la ubicación correcta (F</usr/share/applications>), y se "
+#~ "registrarán mediante las herramientas apropiadas a cada entorno de "
+#~ "escritorio."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Ross Burton <>"
+#~ msgstr "Ross Burton <>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "dh_undocumented - undocumented.7 symlink program (deprecated no-op)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_undocumented - Programa de enlace simbólico a undocumented.7 (orden "
+#~ "obsoleta sin efecto)"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Do not run!"
+#~ msgstr "¡No lo ejecute!"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This program used to make symlinks to the F<undocumented.7> man page for "
+#~ "man pages not present in a package. Debian policy now frowns on use of "
+#~ "the F<undocumented.7> man page, and so this program does nothing, and "
+#~ "should not be used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Este programa se utilizaba para crear enlaces simbólicos a la página de "
+#~ "manual F<undocumented.7> para páginas de manual no presentes en un "
+#~ "paquete. Las normas de Debian ahora desaprueban el uso de la página de "
+#~ "manual F<undocumented.7>, y debido a ello este programa no hace nada y no "
+#~ "se debe utilizar."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It also adds a call to ldconfig in the F<postinst> and F<postrm> scripts "
+#~ "(in v3 mode and above only) to any packages in which it finds shared "
+#~ "libraries."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "También añade una invocación a ldconfig en los scripts F<postinst> y "
+#~ "F<postrm> (sólo en el modo v3 y superiores) de cualquier paquete en el "
+#~ "que encuentra bibliotecas compartidas."
+#~ msgid "dh_scrollkeeper - deprecated no-op"
+#~ msgstr "dh_scrollkeeper - Orden obsoleta sin efecto"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_scrollkeeper> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<I<directory>>]"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_scrollkeeper> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>] "
+#~ "[S<I<directorio>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_scrollkeeper> was a debhelper program that handled registering OMF "
+#~ "files for ScrollKeeper. However, it no longer does anything, and is now "
+#~ "deprecated."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bdh_scrollkeeper> era un programa de debhelper que manipulaba el registro "
+#~ "de ficheros OMF para ScrollKeeper. Por otra parte, ya no tiene efecto, y "
+#~ "ahora está obsoleto."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "dh_suidregister - suid registration program (deprecated)"
+#~ msgstr "dh_suidregister - Programa de registro suid (obsoleto)"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This program used to register suid and sgid files with "
+#~ "L<suidregister(1)>, but with the introduction of L<dpkg-statoverride(8)>, "
+#~ "registration of files in this way is unnecessary, and even harmful, so "
+#~ "this program is deprecated and should not be used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Este programa se utilizaba para registrar ficheros suid y sgid con "
+#~ "L<suidregister(1)>, pero con la introducción de L<dpkg-statoverrride(8)>, "
+#~ "el registro de ficheros de esta forma es innecesaria e incluso peligrosa, "
+#~ "por lo que este programa está obsoleto y no se debería utilizar."
+# type: =head1
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Converting a package that uses this program to use the new statoverride "
+#~ "mechanism is easy. Just remove the call to B<dh_suidregister> from "
+#~ "F<debian/rules>, and add a versioned conflicts into your F<control> file, "
+#~ "as follows:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El mecanismo para adaptar un paquete que utiliza este programa al nuevo "
+#~ "mecanismo statoverride es sencillo. Sólo elimine la invocación a "
+#~ "B<dh_suidregister> en F<debian/rules>, y añada un conflicto de versión en "
+#~ "su fichero de control, como sigue:"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " Conflicts: suidmanager (<< 0.50)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " Conflicts: suidmanager (<< 0.50)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The conflicts is only necessary if your package used to register things "
+#~ "with suidmanager; if it did not, you can just remove the call to this "
+#~ "program from your rules file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El conflicto solamente es necesario si su paquete registraba cosas con "
+#~ "suidmanager; en caso contrario, puede simplemente eliminar la invocación "
+#~ "a este programa de su fichero «rules»."
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+#~ " #DEBHELPER#\n"
+#~ " EOF\n"
+#~ " system ($temp) / 256 == 0\n"
+#~ " \tor die \"Problem with debhelper scripts: $!\";\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+#~ " #DEBHELPER#\n"
+#~ " EOF\n"
+#~ " system ($temp) / 256 == 0\n"
+#~ " \tor die \"Problema con los scripts de debhelper: $!\";\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Packages that support multiarch are detected, and a Pre-Dependency on "
+#~ "multiarch-support is set in ${misc:Pre-Depends} ; you should make sure to "
+#~ "put that token into an appropriate place in your debian/control file for "
+#~ "packages supporting multiarch."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se detectan los paquetes que permiten multiarquitectura, y se define una "
+#~ "predependencia sobre multiarch-support en ${misc:Pre-Depends}; debería "
+#~ "asegurar que inserta ese comodín en el lugar apropiado dentro del fichero "
+#~ "«debian/control» para aquellos paquetes que utilizan multiarquitectura."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Sets the priority string of the F<rules.d> symlink. Default is 60."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Define la cadena para la prioridad del enlace simbólico de F<rules.d>. El "
+#~ "valor predeterminado es 60."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh_python - calculates Python dependencies and adds postinst and prerm "
+#~ "Python scripts (deprecated)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_python - Calcula dependencias de Python y añade scripts de Python "
+#~ "postinst y prerm (obsoleto)"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_python> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<-V> I<version>] "
+#~ "[S<I<module dirs> ...>]"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_python> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>] [B<-V> I<versión>] "
+#~ "[S<I<directorios-módulos> ...>]"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note: This program is deprecated. You should use B<dh_python2> instead. "
+#~ "This program will do nothing if F<debian/pycompat> or a B<Python-Version> "
+#~ "F<control> file field exists."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nota: Este programa está obsoleto. Debería utilizar B<dh_python2> en su "
+#~ "lugar. Este programa no hará nada si F<debian/pycompat> existe, o si hay "
+#~ "un campo B<Python-Version> en el fichero F<control>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_python> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+#~ "the B<${python:Depends}> substitutions and adding them to substvars "
+#~ "files. It will also add a F<postinst> and a F<prerm> script if required."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_python> es un programa de debhelper que se encarga de generar las "
+#~ "sustituciones para B<${python:Depends}> y añadirlas a los ficheros de "
+#~ "sustitución de variables «substvars». También añadirá un script "
+#~ "F<postinst> y un F<prerm> de ser necesario."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The program will look at Python scripts and modules in your package, and "
+#~ "will use this information to generate a dependency on B<python>, with the "
+#~ "current major version, or on B<python>I<X>B<.>I<Y> if your scripts or "
+#~ "modules need a specific B<python> version. The dependency will be "
+#~ "substituted into your package's F<control> file wherever you place the "
+#~ "token B<${python:Depends}>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El programa buscará scripts y módulos de Python en su paquete, y "
+#~ "utilizará esta información para generar una dependencia sobre B<python>, "
+#~ "con la versión mayor actual, o sobre B<python>I<X>B<.>I<Y> si sus scripts "
+#~ "o módulos necesitan una versión específica de B<python>. La dependencia "
+#~ "será sustituida en el fichero F<control> de su paquete, dondequiera que "
+#~ "haya puesto el comodín B<${python:Depends}>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If some modules need to be byte-compiled at install time, appropriate "
+#~ "F<postinst> and F<prerm> scripts will be generated. If already byte-"
+#~ "compiled modules are found, they are removed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si algunos módulos necesitan ser compilados durante la instalación, se "
+#~ "generarán los scripts apropiados F<postinst> y F<prerm>. Si se encuentran "
+#~ "módulos ya compilados, serán eliminados."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you use this program, your package should build-depend on B<python>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si utiliza este programa, su paquete debería incluir B<python> entre las "
+#~ "dependencias de construcción."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "I<module dirs>"
+#~ msgstr "I<directorios-módulos>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If your package installs Python modules in non-standard directories, you "
+#~ "can make F<dh_python> check those directories by passing their names on "
+#~ "the command line. By default, it will check F</usr/lib/site-python>, F</"
+#~ "usr/lib/$PACKAGE>, F</usr/share/$PACKAGE>, F</usr/lib/games/$PACKAGE>, F</"
+#~ "usr/share/games/$PACKAGE> and F</usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si su paquete instala módulos de Python en directorios no estándar, puede "
+#~ "hacer que dh_python verifique estos directorios especificando sus nombres "
+#~ "en la línea de órdenes. Por omisión, verificará F</usr/lib/site-python>, "
+#~ "F</usr/lib/$PACKAGE>, F</usr/share/$PACKAGE>, F</usr/lib/games/$PACKAGE>, "
+#~ "F</usr/share/games/$PACKAGE> y F</usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note: only F</usr/lib/site-python>, F</usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages> "
+#~ "and the extra names on the command line are searched for binary (F<.so>) "
+#~ "modules."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nota: sólo se buscan módulos binarios (F<.so>) en F</usr/lib/site-"
+#~ "python>, F</usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages> y en los directorios "
+#~ "adicionales proporcionados mediante la línea de órdenes."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<-V> I<version>"
+#~ msgstr "B<-V> I<versión>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If the F<.py> files your package ships are meant to be used by a specific "
+#~ "B<python>I<X>B<.>I<Y> version, you can use this option to specify the "
+#~ "desired version, such as B<2.3>. Do not use if you ship modules in F</usr/"
+#~ "lib/site-python>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si los ficheros F<.py> que instala su paquete se deben utilizar con una "
+#~ "versión determinada B<python>I<X>B<.>I<Y>, puede utilizar esta opción "
+#~ "para especificar la versión deseada, por ejemplo B<2.3>. No lo use si "
+#~ "instala módulos en F</usr/lib/site-python>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Debian policy, version 3.5.7"
+#~ msgstr "Normas de Debian, versión 3.5.7"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Python policy, version 0.3.7"
+#~ msgstr "Normas de Python, versión 0.3.7"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Josselin Mouette <>"
+#~ msgstr "Josselin Mouette <>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "most ideas stolen from Brendan O'Dea <>"
+#~ msgstr "muchas de las ideas tomadas de Brendan O'Dea <>"
+#~ msgid "None yet.."
+#~ msgstr "Ninguno hasta ahora.."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A versioned Pre-Dependency on dpkg is needed to use L<dpkg-maintscript-"
+#~ "helper(1)>. An appropriate Pre-Dependency is set in ${misc:Pre-Depends} ; "
+#~ "you should make sure to put that token into an appropriate place in your "
+#~ "debian/control file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Necesita especificar una predependencia versionada sobre dpkg para "
+#~ "utilizar L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)>. Una predependencia adecuada se "
+#~ "define en ${misc:Pre-Depends}; debería asegurar que inserta ese comodín "
+#~ "en el lugar apropiado dentro del fichero «debian/control»."
+#~ msgid "debian/I<package>.modules"
+#~ msgstr "debian/I<paquete>.modules"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "These files were installed for use by modutils, but are now not used and "
+#~ "B<dh_installmodules> will warn if these files are present."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Estos ficheros se instalaron para su uso mediante modutils, pero ya están "
+#~ "en desuso, y B<dh_installmodules> emitirá un aviso si estos ficheros "
+#~ "están presentes."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If your package needs to register more than one document, you need "
+#~ "multiple doc-base files, and can name them like this."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si su paquete necesita registrar más de un documento, necesita múltiples "
+#~ "ficheros de doc-base, y puede nombrarlos de la siguiente manera."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh_installinit - install init scripts and/or upstart jobs into package "
+#~ "build directories"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_installinit - Instala tareas de upstart y/o scripts de init en los "
+#~ "directorios de construcción del paquete"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "B<dh_installmime> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_installmime> [S<I<opciones-de-debhelper>>] [B<-n>]"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+#~ "needed to interface with the debian B<mime-support> and B<shared-mime-"
+#~ "info> packages. These commands are inserted into the maintainer scripts "
+#~ "by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Además, genera automáticamente las órdenes de F<postinst> y F<postrm> "
+#~ "necesarias para interactuar con los paquetes de Debian B<mime-support> y "
+#~ "B<shared-mime-info>. Estas órdenes se insertan en los scripts del "
+#~ "desarrollador mediante L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_installinit> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+#~ "installing upstart job files or init scripts with associated defaults "
+#~ "files into package build directories, and in the former case providing "
+#~ "compatibility handling for non-upstart systems."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_installinit> es un programa de debhelper responsable de instalar "
+#~ "ficheros de tarea de upstart o scripts de init con ficheros de valores "
+#~ "predeterminados asociados en los directorios de construcción del paquete, "
+#~ "y en el primer caso, de proporcionar compatibilidad con diferentes "
+#~ "sistemas de upstart."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Otherwise, if this exists, it is installed into etc/init.d/I<package> in "
+#~ "the package build directory."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "De lo contrario, si esto existe, se instalará en «etc/init.d/I<paquete>» "
+#~ "en el directorio de construcción del paquete."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If no upstart job file is installed in the target directory when "
+#~ "B<dh_installinit --only-scripts> is called, this program will assume that "
+#~ "an init script is being installed and not provide the compatibility "
+#~ "symlinks or upstart dependencies."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si no se instala ninguna tarea de upstart en el directorio destino al "
+#~ "invocar B<dh_installinit --only-scripts>, el programa supondrá que se "
+#~ "está instalando un script de init, y no ofrecerá los enlaces simbólicos "
+#~ "de compatibilidad o dependencias de upstart."
+#~ msgid "The inverse of B<--with>, disables using the given addon."
+#~ msgstr "Lo contrario de B<--with>, desactiva la extensión dada."
+#~ msgid "Build depends"
+#~ msgstr "Dependencias de construcción"
+# type: =head1
+#~ msgid "EXAMPLE"
+#~ msgstr "EJEMPLO"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Suppose your package's upstream F<Makefile> installs a binary, a man "
+#~ "page, and a library into appropriate subdirectories of F<debian/tmp>. You "
+#~ "want to put the library into package libfoo, and the rest into package "
+#~ "foo. Your rules file will run \"B<dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp>\". "
+#~ "Make F<debian/foo.install> contain:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Suponga que el F<Makefile> del desarrollador original del paquete instala "
+#~ "un binario, una página de manual, y una biblioteca en los directorios "
+#~ "apropiados de F<debian/tmp>. Quiere poner la biblioteca en el paquete "
+#~ "libtal, y el resto en el paquete tal. Su fichero rules ejecutará "
+#~ "B<dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp>. Cree un fichero F<debian/tal."
+#~ "install> que contenga:"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " usr/bin\n"
+#~ " usr/share/man/man1\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " usr/bin\n"
+#~ " usr/share/man/man1\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "While F<debian/libfoo.install> contains:"
+#~ msgstr "Mientras que F<debian/libtal.install> debe contener:"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " usr/lib/libfoo*.so.*\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " usr/libtal*.so.*\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you want a libfoo-dev package too, F<debian/libfoo-dev.install> might "
+#~ "contain:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si además quiere un paquete libtal-dev, es posible que F<debian/libtal-"
+#~ "dev.install> contenga:"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " usr/include\n"
+#~ " usr/lib/libfoo*.so\n"
+#~ " usr/share/man/man3\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " usr/include\n"
+#~ " usr/lib/libtal*.so\n"
+#~ " usr/share/man/man3\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You can also put comments in these files; lines beginning with B<#> are "
+#~ "ignored."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "También puede insertar comentarios en estos ficheros; simplemente "
+#~ "comience las líneas con el símbolo B<#>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh allows defining custom build, build-arch, and build-indep targets in "
+#~ "debian/rules, without needing to manually define the other targets that "
+#~ "depend on them."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh permite definir objetivos personalizados build, build-arch, y build-"
+#~ "indep en «debian/rules», sin necesidad de definirlos manualmente los "
+#~ "otros objetivos que dependen de estos."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This is useful in some situations, for example, if you need to pass B<-p> "
+#~ "to all debhelper commands that will be run. One good way to set "
+#~ "B<DH_OPTIONS> is by using \"Target-specific Variable Values\" in your "
+#~ "F<debian/rules> file. See the make documentation for details on doing "
+#~ "this."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Esto es útil en algunas situaciones, por ejemplo, si necesita introducir "
+#~ "la opción B<-p> a todas las órdenes de debhelper que va a utilizar. Una "
+#~ "buena manera de dar un valor a B<DH_OPTIONS> es usando «Target-specific "
+#~ "Variable Valores» en su fichero F<debian/rules>. Consulte la "
+#~ "documentación de make para los detalles sobre cómo hacer esto."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To patch your package using quilt, you can tell B<dh> to use quilt's "
+#~ "B<dh>\n"
+#~ "sequence addons like this:\n"
+#~ "\t\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para parchear su paquete mediante quilt, puede indicar a B<dh> que\n"
+#~ "use las extensiones de secuencia de quilt para B<dh>, como puede ver:\n"
+#~ "\t\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@ --with quilt\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@ --with quilt\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Sometimes, you may need to make an override target only run commands when "
+#~ "a particular package is being built. This can be accomplished using "
+#~ "L<dh_listpackages(1)> to test what is being built. For example:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A veces, puede que desee hacer que un objetivo «override» ejecute las "
+#~ "órdenes sólo cuando se construya un paquete en particular. Para ello, use "
+#~ "L<dh_listpackages(1)> para comprobar qué paquete se está construyendo. "
+#~ "Por ejemplo:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#~ "\tifneq (,$(filter foo, $(shell dh_listpackages)))\n"
+#~ "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#~ "\tendif\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#~ "\tifneq (,$(filter foo, $(shell dh_listpackages)))\n"
+#~ "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#~ "\tendif\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Finally, remember that you are not limited to using override targets in "
+#~ "the rules file when using B<dh>. You can also explicitly define any of "
+#~ "the regular rules file targets when it makes sense to do so. A common "
+#~ "reason to do this is when your package needs different B<build-arch> and "
+#~ "B<build-indep> targets. For example, a package with a long document "
+#~ "build process can put it in B<build-indep>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Por último, recuerde que no está limitado al uso de objetivos «override» "
+#~ "en el fichero «rules» cuando use B<dh>. También puede definir de forma "
+#~ "explícita cualquiera de los objetivos normales del fichero «rules» cuando "
+#~ "sea oportuno. Una razón común es si su paquete necesita distintos "
+#~ "objetivos B<build-arch> y B<build-indep>. Por ejemplo, puede insertar un "
+#~ "paquete con un largo proceso de generación de documentación bajo B<build-"
+#~ "indep>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\tbuild-indep:\n"
+#~ "\t\t$(MAKE) docs\n"
+#~ "\tbuild-arch:\n"
+#~ "\t\t$(MAKE) bins\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\tbuild-indep:\n"
+#~ "\t\t$(MAKE) docs\n"
+#~ "\tbuild-arch:\n"
+#~ "\t\t$(MAKE) bins\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that in the example above, dh will arrange for \"debian/rules "
+#~ "build\" to call your build-indep and build-arch targets. You do no need "
+#~ "to explicitly define those dependencies in the rules file when using dh "
+#~ "with compatibility level v9. This example would be more complicated with "
+#~ "earlier compatibility levels."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tenga en cuenta que en el ejemplo anterior, dh hace que «debian/rules "
+#~ "build» invoque los objetivos build-indep y build-arch. No tiene que "
+#~ "definir de forma explícita aquelllas dependencias en el fichero «rules» "
+#~ "al utilizar dh con el nivel de compatibilidad v9. Este ejemplo sería más "
+#~ "complejo con los niveles de compatibilidad anteriores."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh> sets environment variables listed by B<dpkg-buildflags>, unless "
+#~ "they are already set. It supports DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt too."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh> define variable de entorno listadas por B<dpkg-buildflags>, a menos "
+#~ "que ya estén definidos. También admiten «DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS»."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh supports use of standard targets in debian/rules without needing to "
+#~ "manually define the dependencies between targets there."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh admite el uso de objetivos estándar en «debian/rules» sin necesidad de "
+#~ "definir manualmente las dependencias entre objetivos de ese fichero."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that in the example above, dh will arrange for \"debian/rules "
+#~ "build\" to call your build-indep and build-arch targets. You do no need "
+#~ "to explicitly define the dependencies in the rules file when using dh "
+#~ "with compatibility level v9. This example would be more complicated with "
+#~ "earlier compatibility levels."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tenga en cuenta que en el ejemplo anterior, dh hace que «debian/rules "
+#~ "build» invoque los objetivos build-indep y build-arch. No tiene que "
+#~ "definir de forma explícita las dependencias en el fichero «rules» al "
+#~ "utilizar dh con el nivel de compatibilidad v9. Este ejemplo sería más "
+#~ "complejo con los niveles de compatibilidad anteriores."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "All of the B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs sets environment variables "
+#~ "listed by B<dpkg-buildflags>, unless they are already set. They support "
+#~ "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt too."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Todos los programas de debhelper B<dh_auto_>I<*> definen variables de "
+#~ "entorno listados por B<dpkg-buildflags>, a menos que ya estén definidos. "
+#~ "También admiten «DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt»."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Some debhelper commands may make the generated package need to depend on "
+#~ "some other packages. For example, if you use L<dh_installdebconf(1)>, "
+#~ "your package will generally need to depend on debconf. Or if you use "
+#~ "L<dh_installxfonts(1)>, your package will generally need to depend on a "
+#~ "particular version of xutils. Keeping track of these miscellaneous "
+#~ "dependencies can be annoying since they are dependant on how debhelper "
+#~ "does things, so debhelper offers a way to automate it."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Es posible que algunas órdenes de debhelper hagan que los paquetes "
+#~ "generados dependan de otros paquetes. Por ejemplo, si usa "
+#~ "L<dh_installdebconf(1)>, el paquete generado dependerá de debconf. Si usa "
+#~ "L<dh_installxfonts(1)>, el paquete dependerá de una determinada versión "
+#~ "de xutils. Llevar la cuenta de todas estas dependencias puede ser tedioso "
+#~ "porque dependen de cómo debhelper haga las cosas, y por ello debhelper "
+#~ "ofrece una manera de automatizarlo."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<dh_auto_configure> does not include the source package name in --"
+#~ "libexecdir when using autoconf."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<dh_auto_configure> no incluye le nombre de paquete fuente en «--"
+#~ "libexecdir» al utilizar autoconf."
+# type: =head2
+#~ msgid "Other notes"
+#~ msgstr "Otras notas"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In general, if any debhelper program needs a directory to exist under "
+#~ "B<debian/>, it will create it. I haven't bothered to document this in all "
+#~ "the man pages, but for example, B<dh_installdeb> knows to make debian/"
+#~ "I<package>/DEBIAN/ before trying to put files there, B<dh_installmenu> "
+#~ "knows you need a debian/I<package>/usr/share/menu/ before installing the "
+#~ "menu files, etc."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En general, si algún programa de debhelper necesita que exista un "
+#~ "directorio bajo B<debian/>, lo creará. No me he preocupado por "
+#~ "documentarlo en todas las páginas de manual, pero por ejemplo, "
+#~ "B<dh_installdeb> sabe crear «debian/I<paquete>/DEBIAN/» antes de tratar "
+#~ "de poner ahí los ficheros, B<dh_installmenu> sabe que necesita «debian/"
+#~ "I<paquete>/usr/share/menu/» antes de instalar los ficheros del menú, etc."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If your package is a Python package, B<dh> will use B<dh_pysupport> by "
+#~ "default. This is how to use B<dh_pycentral> instead."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si su paquete es un paquete de Python, B<dh> usará B<dh_pysupport> de "
+#~ "forma predeterminada. A continuación puede ver como usar B<dh_pycentral> "
+#~ "en su lugar."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@ --with python-central\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@ --with python-central\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+#~ "the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+#~ "B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tenga en cuenta que no es igual que la opción B<--sourcedirectory> usada "
+#~ "por las órdenes B<dh_auto_>I<*>. Rara vez usará esta opción, ya que "
+#~ "B<dh_install> busca ficheros de forma automática en F<debian/tmp> con"
+# type: =head2
+#~ msgid "compatibility level 7 and above."
+#~ msgstr "el nivel 7 de compatibilidad o superior."
+# type: textblock
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By default, the shlibs file generated by this program does not make "
+#~| "packages depend on any particular version of the package containing the "
+#~| "shared library. It may be necessary for you to add some version "
+#~| "dependancy information to the shlibs file. If B<-V> is specified with no "
+#~| "dependency information, the current upstream version of the package is "
+#~| "plugged into a dependency that looks like \"I<packagename> B<(=E<gt>> "
+#~| "I<packageversion>B<)>\". Note that in debhelper compatibility levels "
+#~| "before v4, the Debian part of the package version number is also "
+#~| "included. If B<-V> is specified with parameters, the parameters can be "
+#~| "used to specify the exact dependency information needed (be sure to "
+#~| "include the package name)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "By default, the shlibs file generated by this program does not make "
+#~ "packages depend on any particular version of the package containing the "
+#~ "shared library. It may be necessary for you to add some version "
+#~ "dependancy information to the shlibs file. If B<-V> is specified with no "
+#~ "dependency information, the current upstream version of the package is "
+#~ "plugged into a dependency that looks like \"I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= "
+#~ "I<packageversion>B<)>\". Note that in debhelper compatibility levels "
+#~ "before v4, the Debian part of the package version number is also "
+#~ "included. If B<-V> is specified with parameters, the parameters can be "
+#~ "used to specify the exact dependency information needed (be sure to "
+#~ "include the package name)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Por omisión, el fichero «shlibs» generado por este programa no hace que "
+#~ "los paquetes dependan de alguna versión particular del paquete que "
+#~ "contiene la biblioteca compartida. Podría ser necesario que añada alguna "
+#~ "información de dependencia de versión al fichero «shlibs». Si especifica "
+#~ "B<-V> sin información de dependencia, la versión actual del desarrollador "
+#~ "principal del paquete es conectada con una dependencia de la forma "
+#~ "I<nombre_de_paquete> B<(E<gt>>= I<versión_de_paquete>B<)>. Tenga en "
+#~ "cuenta que en los niveles de compatibilidad de debhelper anteriores a v4 "
+#~ "también se incluye la parte de Debian del número de versión del paquete. "
+#~ "Si especifica B<-V> con parámetros, los parámetros se pueden usar para "
+#~ "especificar la información de dependencia exacta requerida (asegúrese de "
+#~ "incluir el nombre del paquete)."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note: This program is deprecated. You should use B<dh_pysupport> or "
+#~ "B<dh_pycentral> instead. This program will do nothing if F<debian/"
+#~ "pycompat> or a B<Python-Version> F<control> file field exists."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nota: Este programa está obsoleto. Debería usar B<dh_pysupport> o "
+#~ "B<dh_pycentral> en su lugar. Este programa no hará nada si F<debian/"
+#~ "pycompat> existe, o si hay un campo B<Python-Version> en el fichero "
+#~ "F<control>."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--sourcedir=dir>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--sourcedir=dir>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Do not modify postinst/prerm scripts."
+#~ msgstr "No modifica los scripts postinst/prerm."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Do not modify postinst/postrm/prerm scripts."
+#~ msgstr "No modifica los scripts postinst/postrm/prerm."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Do not modify postinst/postrm scripts."
+#~ msgstr "No modifica los scripts postinst/postrm."
diff --git a/man/po4a/po/fr.po b/man/po4a/po/fr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4402d36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/po4a/po/fr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,15625 @@
+# Translation of debhelper manpages to French
+# Valery Perrin <>, 2005, 2006, 2010, 2011.
+# David Prévot <>, 2012-2014.
+# Baptiste Jammet <>, 2015-2017, 2019.
+# Jean-Pierre Giraud <>, 2021.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: debhelper manpages\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-20 19:46+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-13 10:02+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jean-Pierre Giraud <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French <>\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:3 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:3
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:1 dh:3 dh_auto_build:3 dh_auto_clean:3
+#: dh_auto_configure:3 dh_auto_install:3 dh_auto_test:3 dh_bugfiles:3
+#: dh_builddeb:5 dh_clean:3 dh_compress:3 dh_dwz:3 dh_fixperms:3
+#: dh_gencontrol:3 dh_icons:3 dh_install:3 dh_installcatalogs:3
+#: dh_installchangelogs:3 dh_installcron:3 dh_installdeb:3 dh_installdebconf:3
+#: dh_installdirs:3 dh_installdocs:5 dh_installemacsen:3 dh_installexamples:5
+#: dh_installifupdown:3 dh_installinfo:3 dh_installinit:3 dh_installinitramfs:3
+#: dh_installlogcheck:3 dh_installlogrotate:3 dh_installman:3
+#: dh_installmanpages:3 dh_installmenu:3 dh_installmime:3 dh_installmodules:3
+#: dh_installpam:3 dh_installppp:3 dh_installudev:3 dh_installwm:3
+#: dh_installxfonts:3 dh_link:3 dh_lintian:3 dh_listpackages:3 dh_makeshlibs:3
+#: dh_md5sums:3 dh_movefiles:3 dh_perl:3 dh_prep:3 dh_shlibdeps:3 dh_strip:3
+#: dh_testdir:3 dh_testroot:5 dh_usrlocal:5 dh_systemd_enable:3
+#: dh_systemd_start:3
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr "NOM"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:5
+msgid "debhelper - the debhelper tool suite"
+msgstr "debhelper - Ensemble d'outils regroupés sous le nom de debhelper"
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:7 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:7
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:5 dh:22 dh_auto_build:16 dh_auto_clean:16
+#: dh_auto_configure:16 dh_auto_install:18 dh_auto_test:16 dh_bugfiles:15
+#: dh_builddeb:17 dh_clean:15 dh_compress:17 dh_dwz:16 dh_fixperms:16
+#: dh_gencontrol:16 dh_icons:16 dh_install:15 dh_installcatalogs:17
+#: dh_installchangelogs:16 dh_installcron:15 dh_installdeb:15
+#: dh_installdebconf:15 dh_installdirs:15 dh_installdocs:17
+#: dh_installemacsen:15 dh_installexamples:17 dh_installifupdown:15
+#: dh_installinfo:15 dh_installinit:16 dh_installinitramfs:15
+#: dh_installlogcheck:15 dh_installlogrotate:15 dh_installman:16
+#: dh_installmanpages:16 dh_installmenu:15 dh_installmime:15
+#: dh_installmodules:16 dh_installpam:15 dh_installppp:15 dh_installudev:15
+#: dh_installwm:15 dh_installxfonts:15 dh_link:16 dh_lintian:15
+#: dh_listpackages:15 dh_makeshlibs:15 dh_md5sums:16 dh_movefiles:15 dh_perl:18
+#: dh_prep:15 dh_shlibdeps:17 dh_strip:16 dh_testdir:15 dh_testroot:9
+#: dh_usrlocal:19 dh_systemd_enable:16 dh_systemd_start:17
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr "SYNOPSIS"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_>I<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-p>I<package>] [B<-"
+"N>I<package>] [B<-P>I<tmpdir>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_>I<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-p>I<paquet>] [B<-"
+"N>I<paquet>] [B<-P>I<tmpdir>]"
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:11 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:17 dh:26
+#: dh_auto_build:20 dh_auto_clean:20 dh_auto_configure:20 dh_auto_install:22
+#: dh_auto_test:20 dh_bugfiles:19 dh_builddeb:21 dh_clean:19 dh_compress:21
+#: dh_dwz:20 dh_fixperms:20 dh_gencontrol:20 dh_icons:20 dh_install:19
+#: dh_installcatalogs:21 dh_installchangelogs:20 dh_installcron:19
+#: dh_installdeb:19 dh_installdebconf:19 dh_installdirs:19 dh_installdocs:21
+#: dh_installemacsen:19 dh_installexamples:21 dh_installifupdown:19
+#: dh_installinfo:19 dh_installinit:20 dh_installinitramfs:19
+#: dh_installlogcheck:19 dh_installlogrotate:19 dh_installman:20
+#: dh_installmanpages:20 dh_installmenu:19 dh_installmime:19
+#: dh_installmodules:20 dh_installpam:19 dh_installppp:19 dh_installudev:19
+#: dh_installwm:19 dh_installxfonts:19 dh_link:20 dh_lintian:19
+#: dh_listpackages:19 dh_makeshlibs:19 dh_md5sums:20 dh_movefiles:19 dh_perl:22
+#: dh_prep:19 dh_shlibdeps:21 dh_strip:20 dh_testdir:19 dh_testroot:13
+#: dh_usrlocal:23 dh_systemd_enable:20 dh_systemd_start:21
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:13
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper is used to help you build a Debian package. The philosophy behind "
+"debhelper is to provide a collection of small, simple, and easily understood "
+"tools that are used in F<debian/rules> to automate various common aspects of "
+"building a package. This means less work for you, the packager. It also, to "
+"some degree means that these tools can be changed if Debian policy changes, "
+"and packages that use them will require only a rebuild to comply with the "
+"new policy."
+msgstr ""
+"Debhelper facilite la construction des paquets Debian. La philosophie qui "
+"sous-tend debhelper est de fournir une collection de petits outils simples "
+"et facilement compréhensibles qui seront exploités dans F<debian/rules> pour "
+"automatiser les tâches courantes liées à la construction des paquets, d'où "
+"un travail allégé pour le responsable. Dans une certaine mesure, cela "
+"signifie également que ces outils peuvent être adaptés aux modifications "
+"éventuelles de la Charte Debian. Les paquets qui utiliseront debhelper ne "
+"nécessiteront qu'une simple reconstruction pour être conformes aux nouvelles "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:21
+msgid ""
+"A typical F<debian/rules> file that uses debhelper will call several "
+"debhelper commands in sequence, or use L<dh(1)> to automate this process. "
+"Examples of rules files that use debhelper are in F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/"
+msgstr ""
+"Un fichier F<debian/rules> typique, exploitant debhelper, appellera "
+"séquentiellement plusieurs des commandes de debhelper ou bien utilisera "
+"L<dh(1)> pour automatiser ce processus. Des exemples de fichiers debian/"
+"rules qui exploitent debhelper se trouvent dans F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:25
+msgid ""
+"To create a new Debian package using debhelper, you can just copy one of the "
+"sample rules files and edit it by hand. Or you can try the B<dh-make> "
+"package, which contains a L<dh_make|dh_make(1)> command that partially "
+"automates the process. For a more gentle introduction, the B<maint-guide> "
+"Debian package contains a tutorial about making your first package using "
+msgstr ""
+"Pour créer un nouveau paquet Debian en utilisant debhelper, il suffit de "
+"copier un des fichiers d'exemple et de le modifier manuellement. Il est "
+"possible également d'essayer le paquet B<dh-make> qui contient une commande "
+"L<dh_make|dh_make(1)> automatisant partiellement le processus. Pour se "
+"familiariser avec ces concepts, le paquet Debian B<maint-guide> contient un "
+"cours sur la construction d'un premier paquet avec debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:31
+msgid ""
+"Except where the tool explicitly denotes otherwise, all of the debhelper "
+"tools assume that they run from the root directory of an unpacked source "
+"package. This is so they can locate find files like F<debian/control> when "
+msgstr ""
+"Sauf lorsque l'outil explicite le contraire, tous les outils debhelper sont "
+"prévus pour être exécutés dans le répertoire racine d'un paquet source "
+"désarchivé. Cela leur permet de trouver les fichiers F<debian/control>."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:36
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:38
+msgid ""
+"Here is the list of debhelper commands you can use. See their man pages for "
+"additional documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"Voici la liste des commandes de debhelper disponibles. Consulter leurs pages "
+"de manuel respectives pour obtenir des informations complémentaires."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:43
+msgid "#LIST#"
+msgstr "#LIST#"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:47
+msgid "Deprecated Commands"
+msgstr "Commandes obsolètes"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:49
+msgid "A few debhelper commands are deprecated and should not be used."
+msgstr ""
+"Quelques commandes de debhelper sont obsolètes et ne devraient plus être "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:53
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:57
+msgid "Other Commands"
+msgstr "Autres commandes"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"If a program's name starts with B<dh_>, and the program is not on the above "
+"lists, then it is not part of the debhelper package, but it should still "
+"work like the other programs described on this page."
+msgstr ""
+"Si le nom d'un programme commence par B<dh_> et qu'il n'est pas dans les "
+"listes ci-dessus, cela signifie qu'il ne fait pas partie de la suite "
+"debhelper. Cependant, il devrait tout de même fonctionner comme les autres "
+"programmes décrits dans cette page."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:63
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"Many debhelper commands make use of files in F<debian/> to control what they "
+"do. Besides the common F<debian/changelog> and F<debian/control>, which are "
+"in all packages, not just those using debhelper, some additional files can "
+"be used to configure the behavior of specific debhelper commands. These "
+"files are typically named debian/I<package>.foo (where I<package> of course, "
+"is replaced with the package that is being acted on)."
+msgstr ""
+"Beaucoup de commandes de debhelper utilisent des fichiers du répertoire "
+"F<debian/> pour piloter leur fonctionnement. Outre les fichiers F<debian/"
+"changelog> et F<debian/control>, qui se trouvent dans tous les paquets, et "
+"pas seulement dans ceux qui emploient debhelper, d'autres fichiers peuvent "
+"servir à configurer le comportement des commandes spécifiques de debhelper. "
+"Ces fichiers sont, en principe, nommés debian/I<paquet>.toto (où I<paquet> "
+"est, bien sûr, à remplacer par le nom du paquet concerné)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:72
+msgid ""
+"For example, B<dh_installdocs> uses files named F<debian/> to "
+"list the documentation files it will install. See the man pages of "
+"individual commands for details about the names and formats of the files "
+"they use. Generally, these files will list files to act on, one file per "
+"line. Some programs in debhelper use pairs of files and destinations or "
+"slightly more complicated formats."
+msgstr ""
+"Par exemple, B<dh_installdocs> utilise un fichier appelé F<debian/package."
+"docs> pour énumérer les fichiers de documentation qu'il installera. "
+"Consulter les pages de manuel des différentes commandes pour connaître le "
+"détail des noms et des formats des fichiers employés. D'une façon générale, "
+"ces fichiers de configuration énumèrent les fichiers sur lesquels devra "
+"porter l'action, à raison d'un fichier par ligne. Quelques programmes de "
+"debhelper emploient des paires fichier/destination voire des formats "
+"légèrement plus compliqués."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:79
+msgid ""
+"Note for the first (or only) binary package listed in F<debian/control>, "
+"debhelper will use F<debian/foo> when there's no F<debian/I<package>.foo> "
+"file. However, it is often a good idea to keep the F<I<package>.> prefix as "
+"it is more explicit. The primary exception to this are files that debhelper "
+"by default installs in every binary package when it does not have a package "
+"prefix (such as F<debian/copyright> or F<debian/changelog>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que pour le premier (ou unique) paquet binaire listé dans "
+"F<debian/control>, debhelper utilisera F<debian/toto> lorsqu'il n'y a aucun "
+"fichier F<debian/I<paquet>.toto>. Cependant, c'est une bonne idée de garder "
+"le préfixe F<I<paquet>.> car c'est plus explicite. Les principales "
+"exceptions sont les fichiers que debhelper installe par défaut dans chaque "
+"paquet binaire lorsqu'il ne trouve pas de préfixe (comme F<debian/copyright> "
+"ou F<debian/changelog>)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:87
+msgid ""
+"In some rare cases, you may want to have different versions of these files "
+"for different architectures or OSes. If files named debian/I<package>.foo."
+"I<ARCH> or debian/I<package>.foo.I<OS> exist, where I<ARCH> and I<OS> are "
+"the same as the output of \"B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH>\" / "
+"\"B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS>\", then they will be used in "
+"preference to other, more general files."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans quelques rares cas, il peut être utile d'exploiter différentes versions "
+"de ces fichiers pour des architectures ou des systèmes d'exploitation "
+"différents. S'il existe des fichiers appelés debian/I<paquet>.toto.I<ARCH> "
+"ou debian/I<paquet>.toto.I<OS>, dans lesquels I<ARCH> et I<OS> correspondent "
+"respectivement au résultat de « B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH> » ou de "
+"« B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS> », alors ils seront utilisés de "
+"préférence aux autres fichiers plus généraux."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:94
+msgid ""
+"Mostly, these config files are used to specify lists of various types of "
+"files. Documentation or example files to install, files to move, and so on. "
+"When appropriate, in cases like these, you can use standard shell wildcard "
+"characters (B<?> and B<*> and B<[>I<..>B<]> character classes) in the "
+"files. You can also put comments in these files; lines beginning with B<#> "
+"are ignored."
+msgstr ""
+"En général, ces fichiers de configuration sont employés pour indiquer des "
+"listes de divers types de fichiers : documentation, fichiers d'exemple à "
+"installer, fichiers à déplacer et ainsi de suite. Lorsque cela se justifie, "
+"dans des cas comme ceux-ci, il est possible d'employer, dans ces fichiers, "
+"les jokers (wildcard) standards de l'interpréteur de commandes (shell) (B<?> "
+"et B<*> et B<[>I<..>B<]>). Des commentaires peuvent être ajoutés dans ces "
+"fichiers : les lignes commençant par B<#> sont ignorées."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:101
+msgid ""
+"The syntax of these files is intentionally kept very simple to make them "
+"easy to read, understand, and modify."
+msgstr ""
+"La syntaxe de ces fichiers est volontairement simple, pour les rendre "
+"faciles à lire, à comprendre et à modifier."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:104
+msgid "Substitutions in debhelper config files"
+msgstr "Substitutions dans les fichiers de configuration de debhelper"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:106
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 13 and later, it is possible to use simple "
+"substitutions in debhelper config files for the following tools:"
+msgstr ""
+"À partir du niveau de compatibilité 13, il est possible d'utiliser des "
+"substitutions simples dans les fichiers de configuration de debhelper pour "
+"les outils suivants :"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:111 debhelper.pod:115 debhelper.pod:119 debhelper.pod:123
+#: debhelper.pod:127 debhelper.pod:131 debhelper.pod:135 debhelper.pod:139
+#: debhelper.pod:143 debhelper.pod:147 debhelper.pod:151 debhelper.pod:155
+#: debhelper.pod:159 debhelper.pod:247 debhelper.pod:252
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:113
+msgid "dh_clean"
+msgstr "dh_clean"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:117
+msgid "dh_install"
+msgstr "dh_install"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:121
+msgid "dh_installcatalogs"
+msgstr "dh_installcatalogs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:125
+msgid "dh_installdeb"
+msgstr "dh_installdeb"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:129
+msgid "dh_installdirs"
+msgstr "dh_installdirs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:133
+msgid "dh_installdocs"
+msgstr "dh_installdocs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:137
+msgid "dh_installexamples"
+msgstr "dh_installexamples"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:141
+msgid "dh_installinfo"
+msgstr "dh_installinfo"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:145
+msgid "dh_installman"
+msgstr "dh_installman"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:149
+msgid "dh_installwm"
+msgstr "dh_installwm"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:153
+msgid "dh_link"
+msgstr "dh_link"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:157
+msgid "dh_missing"
+msgstr "dh_missing"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:161
+msgid "dh_ucf"
+msgstr "dh_ucf"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:165
+msgid ""
+"All substitution variables are of the form I<${foo}> and the braces are "
+"mandatory. Variable names are case-sensitive and consist of alphanumerics "
+"(a-zA-Z0-9), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and colons (:). The first "
+"character must be an alphanumeric."
+msgstr ""
+"Toutes les variables de substitution sont de la forme I<${toto}> et les "
+"accolades sont obligatoires. Les noms de variable sont sensibles à la casse "
+"et sont constitués de caractères alphanumériques (a-zA-Z0-9), tirets (-), "
+"tirets bas (_) et deux points (:). Le premier caractère doit être "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:170
+msgid ""
+"If you need a literal dollar sign that cannot trigger a substitution, you "
+"can either use the B<${Dollar}> substitution or the sequence B<${}>."
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous avez besoin d'un dollar littéral qui ne déclenche pas une "
+"substitution, il est possible d'utiliser soit la substitution B<${Dollar}> "
+"soit la séquence B<${}>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:173
+msgid "The following expansions are available:"
+msgstr "Les développements suivants sont disponibles :"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:177
+msgid "B<DEB_HOST_*>, B<DEB_BUILD_*>, B<DEB_TARGET_*>"
+msgstr "B<DEB_HOST_*>, B<DEB_BUILD_*>, B<DEB_TARGET_*>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:179
+msgid ""
+"Expands to the relevant L<dpkg-architecture(1)> value (similar to I<dpkg-"
+"architecture -qVARIABLE_HERE>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Se développent à la valeur L<dpkg-architecture(1)> adéquate (comme I<dpkg-"
+"architecture -qVARIABLE_HERE>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:182
+msgid ""
+"When in doubt, the B<DEB_HOST_*> variant is the one that will work both for "
+"native and cross builds."
+msgstr ""
+"En cas de doute, la variante B<DEB_HOST_*> est celle qui fonctionnera à la "
+"fois pour les constructions natives et croisées"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:185
+msgid ""
+"For performance reasons, debhelper will attempt to resolve these names from "
+"the environment first before consulting L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. This is "
+"mostly mentioned for completeness as it will not matter for most cases."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour des raisons de performance, debhelper tentera de résoudre d'abord ces "
+"noms à partir de l'environnement avant de consulter L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. "
+"Celà est mentionné principalement dans un esprit de complétude, car cela n'a "
+"pas d'importance dans la plupart des cas."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:190
+msgid "B<Dollar>"
+msgstr "B<Dollar>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:192
+msgid ""
+"Expands to a single literal B<$>-symbol. This symbol will I<never> be "
+"considered part of a substitution variable. That is:"
+msgstr ""
+"Se développe en un symbole B<$> littéral unique. Ce symbole ne sera "
+"B<jamais> considéré comme faisant partie d'une variable de substitution. "
+"C'est-à-dire :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:195
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Triggers an error\n"
+" ${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+" # Expands to the literal value \"${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\"\n"
+" ${Dollar}{NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Déclenche une erreurr\n"
+" ${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+" # Se développe à la valeur littérale « ${NO_SUCH_TOKEN} »\n"
+" ${Dollar}{NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:200
+msgid ""
+"This variable equivalent to the sequence B<${}> and the two can be used "
+msgstr ""
+"Cette variante est l'équivalent de la séquence B<${}> et les deux sont "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:203
+msgid "B<Newline>, B<Space>, B<Tab>"
+msgstr "B<Newline>, B<Space>, B<Tab>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:205
+msgid "Expands to a single ASCII newline, space and tab respectively."
+msgstr ""
+"Se développent respectivement en un caractère ASCII saut de ligne, espace et "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:207
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful if you need to include a literal whitespace character (e."
+"g. space) where it would otherwise be stripped or used as a separator."
+msgstr ""
+"Cela peut être utile s'il est nécessaire d'inclure un caractère d'espacement "
+"littéral (par exemple une espace) là où il serait autrement dépouillé ou "
+"utilisé comme un séparateur."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:211
+msgid "B<< env:I<NAME> >>"
+msgstr "B<< env:I<NOM> >>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:213
+msgid ""
+"Expands to the environment variable I<NAME>. The environment variable must "
+"be set (but can be set to the empty string)."
+msgstr ""
+"Se développe en la variable d'environnement I<NOM>. La variable "
+"d'environnement doit être réglée (mais elle peut être réglée à une chaîne "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:218
+msgid ""
+"Note that all variables must expand to a defined value. As an example, if "
+"debhelper sees I<${env:FOO}>, then it will insist that the environment "
+"variable I<FOO> is set (it can be set to the empty string)."
+msgstr ""
+"Notez que toutes les variables doivent se développer à une valeur définie. "
+"Par exemple, si debhelper voit I<${env:TOTO}>, alors, il affirme que la "
+"variable d'environnement I<TOTO> est réglée (elle peut être réglée à une "
+"chaîne vide)."
+#. type: =head3
+#: debhelper.pod:222
+msgid "Substitution limits"
+msgstr "Contraintes des substitutions"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:224
+msgid ""
+"To avoid infinite loops and resource exhaustion, debhelper will stop with an "
+"error if the text contains many substitution variables (50) or they expand "
+"beyond a certain size (4096 characters or 3x length of the original input - "
+"whichever is bigger)."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour éviter des boucles infinies et un épuisement de ressources, debhelper "
+"s’arrêtera avec une erreur si le texte renferme de nombreuses variables de "
+"substitution (50) ou si elles se développent au-delà d'une certaine taille "
+"(4096 caractères ou trois fois la longueur de l'entrée originale – peu "
+"importe laquelle est la plus grande)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:229
+msgid "Executable debhelper config files"
+msgstr "Fichiers de configuration de l'exécutable debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:231
+msgid ""
+"If you need additional flexibility, many of the debhelper tools (e.g. "
+"L<dh_install(1)>) support executing a config file as a script."
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous avez besoin de plus de flexibilité, de nombreux outils de debhelper "
+"(par exemple L<dh_install(1)>) prennent en charge l'exécution d'un fichier "
+"de configuration comme un script."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:234
+msgid ""
+"To use this feature, simply mark the config file as executable (e.g. B<< "
+"chmod +x debian/I<package>.install >>) and the tool will attempt to execute "
+"it and use the output of the script. In many cases, you can use L<dh-"
+"exec(1)> as interpreter of the config file to retain most of the original "
+"syntax while getting the additional flexibility you need."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité, il suffit de marquer le fichier comme "
+"exécutable (B<<chmod +x debian/I<paquet>.install >>). L'outil essaiera de "
+"l'exécuter et utilisera la sortie du script. Le plus souvent, vous pouvez "
+"utiliser L<dh-exec(1)> comme interpréteur du fichier de configuration pour "
+"conserver la majorité de la syntaxe originale tout en gagnant en flexibilité."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:242
+msgid ""
+"When using executable debhelper config files, please be aware of the "
+msgstr ""
+"Lorsque vous utilisez des fichiers de configuration exécutables de "
+"debhelper, veuillez vous souvenir des choses suivantes :"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:249
+msgid ""
+"The executable config file B<must> exit with success (i.e. its return code "
+"should indicate success)."
+msgstr ""
+"Le fichier de configuration exécutable B<doit> se terminer avec succès (le "
+"code de retour doit l'indiquer)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:254
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 13+, the output will be subject to substitutions (see "
+"L</Substitutions in debhelper config files>) where the tool support these. "
+"Remember to be careful if your generator I<also> provides substitutions as "
+"this can cause unnecessary confusion."
+msgstr ""
+"À partir du niveau de compatibilité 13, la sortie sera sujette à des "
+"substitutions (voir L</Substitutions dans les fichiers de configuration de "
+"debhelper>) lorsque l'outil les prend en charge. N'oubliez d'être prudent si "
+"votre générateur fournit aussi des substitutions parce que cela peut "
+"provoquer des confusions inutiles."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:259
+msgid ""
+"Otherwise, the output will be used exactly as-is. Notably, debhelper will "
+"I<not> expand wildcards or strip comments or strip whitespace in the output."
+msgstr ""
+"Autrement, la sortie sera utilisée exactement telle quelle. En particulier, "
+"debhelper ne développera B<pas> les jokers, ni ne supprimera les "
+"commentaires ou les espaces de la sortie."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:265
+msgid ""
+"If you need the package to build on a file system where you cannot disable "
+"the executable bit, then you can use L<dh-exec(1)> and its B<strip-output> "
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous avez besoin de construire le paquet sur un système de fichiers où "
+"l'on ne peut pas désactiver le bit d'exécution, vous pouvez utiliser L<dh-"
+"exec(1)> et son script B<strip-output>."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:269
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:271
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by all debhelper programs."
+msgstr "Tous les programmes de debhelper acceptent les options suivantes."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:275
+msgid "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+msgstr "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:277
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Verbose mode: show all commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgid "Verbose mode: show commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Mode verbeux : affiche toutes les commandes qui modifient le répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:279
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Verbose mode: show all commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"Note that verbose mode may also output other \"internal\" commands that do "
+"not directly affect the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Mode verbeux : affiche toutes les commandes qui modifient le répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:282 dh:307
+msgid "B<--no-act>"
+msgstr "B<--no-act>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:284
+msgid ""
+"Do not really do anything. If used with -v, the result is that the command "
+"will output what it would have done."
+msgstr ""
+"Empêche la construction de s'effectuer réellement. Si cette option est "
+"utilisée avec B<-v>, le résultat sera l'affichage de ce que la commande "
+"aurait fait."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:287
+msgid "B<-a>, B<--arch>"
+msgstr "B<-a>, B<--arch>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:289
+msgid ""
+"Act on architecture dependent packages that should be built for the "
+"B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture."
+msgstr ""
+"Construit tous les paquets dépendants de l'architecture B<DEB_HOST_ARCH>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:292
+msgid "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+msgstr "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:294
+msgid "Act on all architecture independent packages."
+msgstr "Construit tous les paquets indépendants de l'architecture."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:296
+msgid "B<-p>I<package>, B<--package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-p>I<paquet>, B<--package=>I<paquet>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:298
+msgid ""
+"Act on the package named I<package>. This option may be specified multiple "
+"times to make debhelper operate on a given set of packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Construit le paquet nommé I<paquet>. Cette option peut être répétée afin de "
+"faire agir debhelper sur plusieurs paquets."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:301
+msgid "B<-s>, B<--same-arch>"
+msgstr "B<-s>, B<--same-arch>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:303
+msgid "Deprecated alias of B<-a>."
+msgstr "Alias obsolète pour B<-a>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:305 dh_install:80 dh_install:89
+msgid "This option is removed in compat 12."
+msgstr "Cette option est supprimée dans le niveau de compatibilité 12."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:307
+msgid "B<-N>I<package>, B<--no-package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-N>I<paquet>, B<--no-package=>I<paquet>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:309
+msgid ""
+"Do not act on the specified package even if an B<-a>, B<-i>, or B<-p> option "
+"lists the package as one that should be acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclut le paquet indiqué du processus de construction, même si l'option B<-"
+"a>, B<-i> ou B<-p> l'impliquait."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:312
+msgid "B<--remaining-packages>"
+msgstr "B<--remaining-packages>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:314
+msgid ""
+"Do not act on the packages which have already been acted on by this "
+"debhelper command earlier (i.e. if the command is present in the package "
+"debhelper log). For example, if you need to call the command with special "
+"options only for a couple of binary packages, pass this option to the last "
+"call of the command to process the rest of packages with default settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclut du processus de construction les paquets qui ont déjà été construits "
+"préalablement par cette commande debhelper (c'est-à-dire, si la commande est "
+"présente dans le journal de debhelper du paquet). Par exemple, si vous avez "
+"besoin d'invoquer la commande avec des options spéciales seulement pour "
+"certains paquets binaires, utilisez cette option lors de la dernière "
+"invocation de la commande pour construire le reste des paquets avec les "
+"options par défaut."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:320
+msgid "B<-P>I<tmpdir>, B<--tmpdir=>I<tmpdir>"
+msgstr "B<-P>I<tmpdir>, B<--tmpdir=>I<tmpdir>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:322
+msgid ""
+"Use I<tmpdir> for package build directory. The default is debian/I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+"Utilise le répertoire I<tmpdir> pour construire les paquets. Sinon, par "
+"défaut, le répertoire utilisé est debian/I<paquet>"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:324
+msgid "B<--mainpackage=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--mainpackage=>I<paquet>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:326
+msgid ""
+"This little-used option changes the package which debhelper considers the "
+"\"main package\", that is, the first one listed in F<debian/control>, and "
+"the one for which F<debian/foo> files can be used instead of the usual "
+"F<debian/> files."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option, peu utilisée, indique à debhelper le nom du « paquet "
+"principal » pour lequel les fichiers F<debian/toto> peuvent être utilisés à "
+"la place des fichiers habituels F<debian/paquet.toto>. Par défaut, debhelper "
+"considère que le « paquet principal » est le premier paquet énuméré dans le "
+"fichier F<debian/control>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:331
+msgid "B<-O=>I<option>|I<bundle>"
+msgstr "B<-O=>I<option>|I<ensemble>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:333
+msgid ""
+"This is used by L<dh(1)> when passing user-specified options to all the "
+"commands it runs. If the command supports the specified option or option "
+"bundle, it will take effect. If the command does not support the option (or "
+"any part of an option bundle), it will be ignored."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option est utilisée par L<dh(1)> pour passer une ou plusieurs options, "
+"indiquées par l'utilisateur, à toutes les commandes exécutées. Si la "
+"commande prend en charge l'option ou l'ensemble d'options, elle prendra "
+"effet. Si la commande n'accepte pas l'option (ou une partie de l'ensemble "
+"d'options), elle sera ignorée."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:340
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:342
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by some debhelper "
+"programs. See the man page of each program for a complete explanation of "
+"what each option does."
+msgstr ""
+"Certains programmes de debhelper acceptent les options ci-dessous. Consulter "
+"la page de manuel de chaque programme pour une explication complète du rôle "
+"de ces options."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:348
+msgid "B<-n>"
+msgstr "B<-n>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:350
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>, F<postrm>, etc. scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Ne pas modifier les scripts de maintenance du paquet (F<postinst>, "
+"F<postrm>, etc.)"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:352 dh_compress:56 dh_dwz:56 dh_installchangelogs:89
+#: dh_installdocs:109 dh_installexamples:84 dh_link:78 dh_makeshlibs:154
+#: dh_md5sums:40 dh_shlibdeps:34 dh_strip:42
+msgid "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<élément>, B<--exclude=>I<élément>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:354
+msgid ""
+"Exclude an item from processing. This option may be used multiple times, to "
+"exclude more than one thing. The I<item> is typically part of a filename, "
+"and any file containing the specified text will be excluded."
+msgstr ""
+"Permet d'exclure un élément du traitement. Cette option peut être employée "
+"plusieurs fois afin d'exclure plusieurs éléments. L'I<élément> est en "
+"général une partie du nom de fichier, et tous les fichiers contenant le "
+"texte indiqué seront exclus."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:358 dh_bugfiles:57 dh_compress:63 dh_installdirs:49
+#: dh_installdocs:104 dh_installexamples:52 dh_installinfo:45 dh_installman:90
+#: dh_installwm:55 dh_link:73
+msgid "B<-A>, B<--all>"
+msgstr "B<-A>, B<--all>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:360
+msgid ""
+"Makes files or other items that are specified on the command line take "
+"effect in ALL packages acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"Précise que les fichiers (ou autres éléments) indiqués dans la ligne de "
+"commande concernent B<tous> les paquets construits et pas seulement le "
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:365
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:367
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by all of the "
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs. These programs support a variety of "
+"build systems, and normally heuristically determine which to use, and how to "
+"use them. You can use these command line options to override the default "
+"behavior. Typically these are passed to L<dh(1)>, which then passes them to "
+"all the B<dh_auto_>I<*> programs."
+msgstr ""
+"Les programmes debhelper B<dh_auto_>I<*> comportent plusieurs processus de "
+"construction et déterminent, de manière heuristique, lequel utiliser et "
+"comment. Il peut être utile de modifier ce comportement par défaut. Tous ces "
+"programmes B<dh_auto_>I<*> acceptent les options suivantes, typiquement "
+"passées à L<dh(1)>, qui les passe ensuite à tous les programmes "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:376
+msgid "B<-S>I<buildsystem>, B<--buildsystem=>I<buildsystem>"
+msgstr ""
+"B<-S>I<processus de construction>, B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:378
+msgid ""
+"Force use of the specified I<buildsystem>, instead of trying to auto-select "
+"one which might be applicable for the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Oblige à utiliser le processus de construction indiqué au lieu de tenter de "
+"déterminer automatiquement celui qui pourrait être utilisable pour le paquet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:381
+msgid "Pass B<none> as I<buildsystem> to disable auto-selection."
+msgstr ""
+"Indique B<none> comme I<buildsystem> pour désactiver la sélection "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:383
+msgid ""
+"B<-D>I<directory>, B<--sourcedir=>I<directory>, B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"B<-D>I<répertoire>, B<--sourcedir=>I<répertoire>, B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:385
+msgid ""
+"Assume that the original package source tree is at the specified "
+"I<directory> rather than the top level directory of the Debian source "
+"package tree."
+msgstr ""
+"Considère que les sources du paquet sont situées dans le I<répertoire> "
+"indiqué plutôt qu'au plus haut niveau de l'arborescence du paquet source."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:389
+msgid ""
+"B<Warning>: The B<--sourcedir> variant matches a similar named option in "
+"B<dh_install> and B<dh_missing> (etc.) for historical reasons. While they "
+"have a similar name, they have very distinct purposes and in some cases it "
+"can cause errors when this variant is passed to B<dh> (when then passes it "
+"on to all tools)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Attention> : La variante B<--sourcedir> correspond à une option du même "
+"nom dans B<dh_install> et B<dh_missing>, etc., pour des raisons historiques. "
+"Alors qu'elles ont le même nom, elles ont des objectifs très différents et, "
+"dans certains cas, cela peut provoquer des erreurs quand cette variante est "
+"passée à B<dh> (quand ensuite il le passe à tous les outils)."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:395
+msgid ""
+"B<-B>[I<directory>], B<--builddir>[I<=directory>], B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"B<-B>[I<répertoire>], B<--builddir=>[I<répertoire>], B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:397
+msgid ""
+"Enable out of source building and use the specified I<directory> as the "
+"build directory. If I<directory> parameter is omitted, a default build "
+"directory will be chosen."
+msgstr ""
+"Permet de construire le paquet en dehors de la structure source en utilisant "
+"le I<répertoire> indiqué comme répertoire de construction. Si le paramètre "
+"I<répertoire> n'est pas indiqué, un répertoire de construction par défaut "
+"sera choisi."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:401
+msgid ""
+"If this option is not specified, building will be done in source by default "
+"unless the build system requires or prefers out of source tree building. In "
+"such a case, the default build directory will be used even if B<--"
+"builddirectory> is not specified."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette option n'est pas indiquée, la construction se fera dans "
+"l'arborescence source à moins que le processus exige ou préfère le faire en "
+"dehors de cette structure. Dans ce cas, le répertoire par défaut sera "
+"utilisé même si B<--builddirectory> n'est pas indiqué."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:406
+msgid ""
+"If the build system prefers out of source tree building but still allows in "
+"source building, the latter can be re-enabled by passing a build directory "
+"path that is the same as the source directory path."
+msgstr ""
+"Même si le système préfère utiliser, pour la construction, un répertoire "
+"situé en dehors de l'arborescence source, il autorise quand même la "
+"construction dans l'arborescence source. Pour cela, il suffit d'utiliser un "
+"chemin d'accès au répertoire de construction identique au chemin d'accès au "
+"répertoire source."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:410
+msgid "B<--parallel>, B<--no-parallel>"
+msgstr "B<--parallel>, B<--no-parallel>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:412
+msgid ""
+"Control whether parallel builds should be used if underlying build system "
+"supports them. The number of parallel jobs is controlled by the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable (L<Debian Policy, section 4.9.1>) "
+"at build time. It might also be subject to a build system specific limit."
+msgstr ""
+"Détermine si la construction parallèle doit être utilisée, si le système "
+"sous-jacent le permet. Le nombre de tâches parallèles est contrôlé, lors de "
+"la construction, par la variable d'environnement B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> "
+"(L<Charte Debian, section 4.9.1>). Ce nombre peut également être soumis aux "
+"limites spécifiques du système de construction."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:418
+msgid ""
+"If neither option is specified, debhelper currently defaults to B<--"
+"parallel> in compat 10 (or later) and B<--no-parallel> otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+"Si aucune de ces options n'est précisée, debhelper active la parallélisation "
+"par défaut (B<--parallel>) dans le niveau de compatibilité 10 (ou "
+"supérieur), et la désactive (B<--no-parallel>) dans les autres niveaux."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:421
+msgid ""
+"As an optimization, B<dh> will try to avoid passing these options to "
+"subprocesses, if they are unnecessary and the only options passed. Notably "
+"this happens when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> does not have a I<parallel> parameter "
+"(or its value is 1)."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour des raisons d'optimisation, B<dh> essaiera de ne pas passer ces options "
+"aux processus fils si elles ne sont pas nécessaires et qu'elles sont les "
+"seules options. Cela arrive en particulier lorsque B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> n'a "
+"pas de paramètre I<parallel> (ou si sa valeur est B<1>)."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:426
+msgid "B<--max-parallel=>I<maximum>"
+msgstr "B<--max-parallel=>I<maximum>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:428
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--parallel> and allows further limiting the number of "
+"jobs that can be used in a parallel build. If the package build is known to "
+"only work with certain levels of concurrency, you can set this to the "
+"maximum level that is known to work, or that you wish to support."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option implique B<--parallel> et permet de limiter le nombre de tâches "
+"qui pourront être lancées lors d'une compilation parallèle. Si la "
+"construction du paquet est connue pour ne fonctionner qu'avec un certain "
+"niveau de parallélisme, il est possible de le régler à la valeur maximale "
+"censée fonctionner, ou que vous souhaitez mettre en œuvre."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:433
+msgid ""
+"Notably, setting the maximum to 1 is effectively the same as using B<--no-"
+msgstr ""
+"En particulier, régler le maximum à B<1> équivaut à l'utilisation de B<--no-"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:436
+msgid "B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables>"
+msgstr "B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:438
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "By default, L<dh(1)> will compute several environment (e.g. by using "
+#| "L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>) and cache them to avoid having all B<dh_auto_*> "
+#| "tool recompute them."
+msgid ""
+"By default, L<dh(1)> will compute several environment variables (e.g. by "
+"using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>) and cache them to avoid having all B<dh_auto_*> "
+"tool recompute them."
+msgstr ""
+"Par défaut, L<dh(1)> calculera plusieurs environnements (par exemple en "
+"utilisant L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>) et les met en cache pour éviter que tous "
+"les outils B<dh_auto_*> les recalculent."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:442
+msgid ""
+"When passing this option, the concrete B<dh_auto_*> tool will ignore the "
+"cache from L<dh(1)> and retrigger a rebuild of these variables. This is "
+"useful in the very rare case where the package need to do multiple builds "
+"but with different B<...FLAGS> options. A concrete example would be needing "
+"to change the B<-O> parameter in B<CFLAGS> in the second build:"
+msgstr ""
+"Lorsque cette option est passée, l'outil réel B<dh_auto_*> ignorera le cache "
+"de L<dh(1)> et déclenchera une reconstruction de ces variables. Cela est "
+"utile dans le cas très rare où le paquet requiert de multiples constructions "
+"mais avec des options B<...FLAGS> différentes. Un exemple concret pourrait "
+"être la nécessité de modifier le paramètre B<-0> dans B<CFLAGS> dans la "
+"seconde construction."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:449
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:451
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" %:\n"
+" dh $@\n"
+msgstr ""
+" %:\n"
+" dh $@\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" dh_auto_configure -Bbuild-deb ...\n"
+" DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-Os dh_auto_configure \\\n"
+" --reload-all-buildenv-variables -Bbuild-udeb ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" dh_auto_configure -Bbuild-deb ...\n"
+" DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-Os dh_auto_configure \\\n"
+" --reload-all-buildenv-variables -Bbuild-udeb ...\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:459
+msgid ""
+"Without B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables> in the second call to "
+"L<dh_auto_configure(1)>, the change in B<DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND> would be "
+"ignored as L<dh_auto_configure(1)> would use the cached value of B<CFLAGS> "
+"set by L<dh(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Sans B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables> dans le second appel à "
+"L<dh_auto_configure(1)>, la modification dans B<DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND> "
+"pourrait être ignorée parce que L<dh_auto_configure(1)> pourrait utiliser la "
+"valeur mise en cache de B<CFLAGS> fixée par L<dh(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:464
+msgid ""
+"This option is only available with B<< debhelper (>= 12.7~) >> when the "
+"package uses compatibility level 9 or later."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option est seulement disponible avec B<< debhelper (>= 12.7~) >> quand "
+"le paquet utilise le niveau de compatibilité 9 ou supérieur."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:467 dh:299
+msgid "B<--list>, B<-l>"
+msgstr "B<--list>, B<-l>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:469
+msgid ""
+"List all build systems supported by debhelper on this system. The list "
+"includes both default and third party build systems (marked as such). Also "
+"shows which build system would be automatically selected, or which one is "
+"manually specified with the B<--buildsystem> option."
+msgstr ""
+"Liste tous les processus de construction pris en charge par le système. "
+"Cette liste inclut à la fois les processus par défaut et les processus tiers "
+"(marqués comme tels). Cette option montre également le processus de "
+"construction automatiquement sélectionné ou celui indiqué manuellement avec "
+"l'option B<--buildsystem>."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:476
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:478
+msgid ""
+"From time to time, major non-backwards-compatible changes need to be made to "
+"debhelper, to keep it clean and well-designed as needs change and its author "
+"gains more experience. To prevent such major changes from breaking existing "
+"packages, the concept of debhelper compatibility levels was introduced. You "
+"must tell debhelper which compatibility level it should use, and it modifies "
+"its behavior in various ways."
+msgstr ""
+"Parfois, des modifications majeures de debhelper doivent être faites et vont "
+"briser la compatibilité ascendante. Ces modifications sont nécessaires pour "
+"conserver à debhelper ses qualités de conception et d'écriture, car les "
+"besoins changent et le savoir-faire de l'auteur s'améliore. Pour éviter que "
+"de tels changements ne cassent les paquets existants, un concept de niveau "
+"de compatibilité debhelper a été introduit. On devra préciser à debhelper le "
+"niveau de compatibilité qu'il doit employer, ce qui modifiera son "
+"comportement de diverses manières."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:485
+msgid ""
+"In current debhelper, you can specify the compatibility level in F<debian/"
+"control> by adding a Build-Depends on the debhelper-compat package. For "
+"example, to use v#RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# mode, ensure F<debian/control> has:"
+msgstr ""
+"Dans la version actuelle de debhelper, vous pouvez spécifier le niveau de "
+"compatibilité à utiliser dans F<debian/control> en ajoutant une dépendance "
+"de construction (Build-Depends) sur le paquet debhelper-compat. Par exemple, "
+"pour exploiter la version #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#, assurez-vous d'indiquer dans "
+"F<debian/control> :"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:489
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:491
+msgid ""
+"This also serves as an appropriate versioned build dependency on a "
+"sufficient version of the debhelper package, so you do not need to specify a "
+"separate versioned build dependency on the debhelper package unless you need "
+"a specific point release of debhelper (such as for the introduction of a new "
+"feature or bugfix within a compatibility level)."
+msgstr ""
+"Cela sert aussi à avoir une dépendance de construction sur une version "
+"suffisante de debhelper. Ainsi il n'est pas nécessaire d'indiquer une "
+"dépendance de construction particulière sur debhelper, sauf si vous avez "
+"besoin d'une mise à jour spécifique (comme pour l'introduction d'une "
+"nouvelle fonctionnalité ou une correction de bogue à l'intérieur d'un niveau "
+"de compatibilité)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:497
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that debhelper does not provide debhelper-compat for experimental or "
+#| "beta compatibility levels; packages experimenting with those "
+#| "compatibility levels should use F<debian/compat> or B<DH_COMPAT>."
+msgid ""
+"Note that debhelper does not provide debhelper-compat for experimental or "
+"beta compatibility levels; packages experimenting with those compatibility "
+"levels should use F<debian/compat> (or, if only for selected commands, "
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que debhelper ne fournit pas debhelper-compat pour "
+"experimental ou pour les niveaux en version bêta. Les paquets qui souhaitent "
+"expérimenter avec cela devraient utiliser F<debian/compat> ou B<DH_COMPAT>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:501
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Prior versions of debhelper required specifying the compatibility level "
+#| "in the file F<debian/compat>, and current debhelper still supports this "
+#| "for backward compatibility, though a package may not specify a "
+#| "compatibility level via multiple methods at once. To use this method, "
+#| "F<debian/compat> should contain the compatibility level as a single "
+#| "number, and no other content. If you specify the compatibility level by "
+#| "this method, your package will also need a versioned build dependency on "
+#| "a version of the debhelper package equal to (or greater than) the "
+#| "compatibility level your package uses. So, if you specify compatibility "
+#| "level #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# in F<debian/compat>, ensure F<debian/control> "
+#| "has:"
+msgid ""
+"Prior versions of debhelper required specifying the compatibility level in "
+"the file F<debian/compat>, and current debhelper still supports this for "
+"backward compatibility. To use this method, the F<debian/compat> file should "
+"contain the compatibility level as a single number, and no other content. If "
+"you specify the compatibility level by this method, your package will also "
+"need a versioned build dependency on a version of the debhelper package "
+"equal to (or greater than) the compatibility level your package uses. So, if "
+"you specify compatibility level #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# in F<debian/compat>, "
+"ensure F<debian/control> has:"
+msgstr ""
+"Les versions précédentes de debhelper nécessitaient d'indiquer le niveau de "
+"compatibilité dans le fichier F<debian/compat>, et la version actuelle "
+"continue à le comprendre pour des raisons de compatibilité. Cependant, un "
+"paquet ne devrait pas spécifier son niveau de compatibilité par plusieurs "
+"méthodes à la fois. Pour utiliser cette méthode, F<debian/compat> doit "
+"contenir le niveau de compatibilité comme une valeur entière, et rien "
+"d'autre. Si vous indiquez le niveau de compatibilité ainsi, votre paquet "
+"aura besoin d'une dépendance de construction versionnée sur debhelper, égale "
+"(ou supérieure) au niveau de compatibilité utilisé. Ainsi, si vous indiquez "
+"le niveau #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# dans F<debian/compat>, assurez-vous que le "
+"fichier F<debian/control> contient :"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:511
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#~)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#~)\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:513
+msgid ""
+"Note that you must use either the build-dependency on debhelper-compat or "
+"the F<debian/compat> file. Whenever possible, the debhelper-compat build-"
+"dependency is recommended."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:517
+msgid ""
+"If needed be, the B<DH_COMPAT> environment variable can be used to override "
+"the compat level for a given command. The feature is mostly useful for "
+"either temporarily upgrading a few commands to a new compat level or keeping "
+"a few commands on a lower compat level. The feature is best used sparingly "
+"as it effectively introduces special-cases into the F<debian/rules> file "
+"that may be surprising to maintainers or reviewers (or, in the long term, to "
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:525
+msgid ""
+"Unless otherwise indicated, all debhelper documentation assumes that you are "
+"using the most recent compatibility level, and in most cases does not "
+"indicate if the behavior is different in an earlier compatibility level, so "
+"if you are not using the most recent compatibility level, you're advised to "
+"read below for notes about what is different in earlier compatibility levels."
+msgstr ""
+"Sauf indication contraire, toute la documentation de debhelper suppose "
+"l'utilisation du niveau de compatibilité le plus récent, et, dans la plupart "
+"des cas ne précise pas si le comportement est différent avec les niveaux de "
+"compatibilité antérieurs. De ce fait, si le niveau de compatibilité le plus "
+"récent n'est pas celui utilisé, il est fortement conseillé de lire les "
+"indications ci-dessous qui exposent les différences dans les niveaux de "
+"compatibilité antérieurs."
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:532
+msgid "Supported compatibility levels"
+msgstr "Niveaux de compatibilité pris en charge"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:534
+msgid ""
+"The list of supported compatibility levels and the related upgrade check "
+"list has moved to L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:537 dh_auto_test:48 dh_dwz:69 dh_installcatalogs:67
+#: dh_installdocs:202 dh_installemacsen:75 dh_installexamples:96
+#: dh_installinit:204 dh_installinitramfs:60 dh_installman:131
+#: dh_installmodules:57 dh_installudev:50 dh_installwm:66 dh_installxfonts:40
+#: dh_movefiles:67 dh_strip:119 dh_usrlocal:60 dh_systemd_enable:103
+#: dh_systemd_start:68
+msgid "NOTES"
+msgstr "REMARQUES"
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:539
+msgid "Multiple binary package support"
+msgstr "Prise en charge de plusieurs paquets binaires"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:541
+msgid ""
+"If your source package generates more than one binary package, debhelper "
+"programs will default to acting on all binary packages when run. If your "
+"source package happens to generate one architecture dependent package, and "
+"another architecture independent package, this is not the correct behavior, "
+"because you need to generate the architecture dependent packages in the "
+"binary-arch F<debian/rules> target, and the architecture independent "
+"packages in the binary-indep F<debian/rules> target."
+msgstr ""
+"Si le paquet source produit plus d'un paquet binaire, les programmes de "
+"debhelper construiront tous les paquets binaires. Si le paquet source doit "
+"construire un paquet dépendant de l'architecture et un paquet indépendant de "
+"l'architecture, ce comportement ne conviendra pas. En effet, il convient de "
+"construire les paquets dépendants de l'architecture dans « binary-arch » de "
+"F<debian/rules>, et les paquets indépendants de l'architecture dans « binary-"
+"indep »."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:549
+msgid ""
+"To facilitate this, as well as give you more control over which packages are "
+"acted on by debhelper programs, all debhelper programs accept the B<-a>, B<-"
+"i>, B<-p>, and B<-s> parameters. These parameters are cumulative. If none "
+"are given, debhelper programs default to acting on all packages listed in "
+"the control file, with the exceptions below."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour résoudre ce problème, et pour un meilleur contrôle sur la construction "
+"des paquets par debhelper, tous les programmes de debhelper acceptent les "
+"options B<-a>, B<-i>, B<-p> et B<-s>. Ces options sont cumulatives. Si "
+"aucune n'est précisée, les programmes de debhelper construisent tous les "
+"paquets énumérés dans le fichier de contrôle, avec les exceptions ci-dessous."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:555
+msgid ""
+"First, any package whose B<Architecture> field in B<debian/control> does not "
+"match the B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture will be excluded (L<Debian Policy, "
+"section 5.6.8>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Tout d'abord, chaque paquet dont le champ B<Architecture> de I<debian/"
+"control> ne contient pas l'architecture B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> sera exclu "
+"(L<Charte Debian, section 5.6.8>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:559
+msgid ""
+"Also, some additional packages may be excluded based on the contents of the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_PROFILES> environment variable and B<Build-Profiles> fields in "
+"binary package stanzas in B<debian/control>, according to the draft policy "
+"at L<>."
+msgstr ""
+"De plus, quelques autres paquets peuvent être exclus suivant le contenu de "
+"la variable d'environnement B<DEB_BUILD_PROFILES> et les champs B<Build-"
+"Profiles> des paragraphes I<debian/control> dans les paquets binaires, "
+"conformément au brouillon de la charte (voir L<"
+#. type: =head3
+#: debhelper.pod:564
+msgid "Interaction between package selections and Build-Profiles"
+msgstr "Interaction entre les sélections de paquets et les Build-Profiles"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:566
+msgid ""
+"Build-Profiles affect which packages are included in the package selections "
+"mechanisms in debhelper. Generally, the package selections are described "
+"from the assumption that all packages are enabled. This section describes "
+"how the selections react when a package is disabled due to the active Build-"
+"Profiles (or lack of active Build-Profiles)."
+msgstr ""
+"Les profils de construction (« Build-Profiles ») ont un effet sur le choix "
+"des paquets inclus dans les mécanismes de sélection de paquets de debhelper. "
+"Généralement, les sélections partent du principe que tous les paquets sont "
+"activés. Cette section décrit comment les sélections fonctionnent lorsqu'un "
+"paquet est désactivé par un profil de construction (ou par son absence)."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:574
+msgid "-a/--arch, -i/--indep OR no selection options (a raw \"dh_X\" call)"
+msgstr ""
+"B<-a>/B<--arch>, B<-i>/B<--indep> ou aucune option de sélection (un simple "
+"appel « dh_X »)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:576
+msgid ""
+"The package disabled by Build-Profiles is silently excluded from the "
+msgstr ""
+"Le paquet désactivé par le profil est silencieusement exclu de la sélection."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:579
+msgid ""
+"Note you will receive a warning if I<all> packages related to these "
+"selections are disabled. In that case, it generally does not make sense to "
+"do the build in the first place."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que vous recevrez un avertissement si I<tous> les paquets "
+"relatifs à cette sélection sont désactivés. Dans ce cas, il est généralement "
+"d'aucune utilité de construire."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:583
+msgid "-N I<package> / --no-package I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-N> I<paquet> / B<--no-package> I<paquet>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:585
+msgid "The option is accepted and effectively does nothing."
+msgstr "Cette option est acceptée et ne fait rien."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:587
+msgid "-p I<package> / --package I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-p> I<paquet> / B<--package> I<paquet>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:589
+msgid "The option is accepted, but debhelper will not act on the package."
+msgstr "Cette option est acceptée, mais debhelper n'agira pas sur le paquet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:593
+msgid ""
+"Note that it does not matter whether a package is enabled or disabled by "
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que cela n'a pas d'importance que le paquet soit activé ou "
+"désactivé par défaut."
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:596
+msgid "Automatic generation of Debian install scripts"
+msgstr "Génération automatique des scripts Debian d’installation"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:598
+msgid ""
+"Some debhelper commands will automatically generate parts of Debian "
+"maintainer scripts. If you want these automatically generated things "
+"included in your existing Debian maintainer scripts, then you need to add "
+"B<#DEBHELPER#> to your scripts, in the place the code should be added. "
+"B<#DEBHELPER#> will be replaced by any auto-generated code when you run "
+msgstr ""
+"Certaines commandes de debhelper produisent automatiquement des lignes de "
+"code de maintenance du paquet. Pour les inclure dans vos propres scripts de "
+"maintenance du paquet, il convient d'ajouter B<#DEBHELPER#> à l'endroit où "
+"les lignes de code générées devront être insérées. B<#DEBHELPER#> sera "
+"remplacé, par les lignes de code générées automatiquement, lors de "
+"l'exécution de B<dh_installdeb>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:605
+msgid ""
+"If a script does not exist at all and debhelper needs to add something to "
+"it, then debhelper will create the complete script."
+msgstr ""
+"Si un script de maintenance n'existe pas et que debhelper doit y inclure "
+"quelque chose, alors debhelper créera le script de maintenance complètement."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:608
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper commands that automatically generate code in this way let it "
+"be disabled by the -n parameter (see above)."
+msgstr ""
+"Toutes les commandes de debhelper qui produisent automatiquement des lignes "
+"de code de cette façon peuvent inhiber cette production grâce à l'option B<-"
+"n> (voir ci-dessus)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:611
+msgid ""
+"Note that the inserted code will be shell code, so you cannot directly use "
+"it in a Perl script. If you would like to embed it into a Perl script, here "
+"is one way to do that (note that I made sure that $1, $2, etc are set with "
+"the set command):"
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : Les lignes de code insérées seront écrites dans le langage de "
+"l'interpréteur de commandes (shell). De ce fait, il est impossible de les "
+"placer directement dans un script Perl. Pour les insérer dans un script "
+"Perl, voici une solution (s'assurer que $1, $2, etc., sont bien définis par "
+"la commande set) :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:616
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+" EOF\n"
+" if (system($temp)) {\n"
+" my $exit_code = ($? >> 8) & 0xff;\n"
+" my $signal = $? & 0x7f;\n"
+" if ($exit_code) {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script failed with error code: ${exit_code}\");\n"
+" } else {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script was killed by signal: ${signal}\");\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+msgstr ""
+" my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+" EOF\n"
+" if (system($temp)) {\n"
+" my $exit_code = ($? >> 8) & 0xff;\n"
+" my $signal = $? & 0x7f;\n"
+" if ($exit_code) {\n"
+" die(\"Le script debhelper a échoué avec le code d'erreur : ${exit_code}\");\n"
+" } else {\n"
+" die(\"Le script debhelper a été tué par le signal : ${signal}\");\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:629
+msgid "Automatic generation of miscellaneous dependencies."
+msgstr "Génération automatique des diverses dépendances."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:631
+msgid ""
+"Some debhelper commands may make the generated package need to depend on "
+"some other packages. For example, if you use L<dh_installdebconf(1)>, your "
+"package will generally need to depend on debconf. Or if you use "
+"L<dh_installxfonts(1)>, your package will generally need to depend on a "
+"particular version of xutils. Keeping track of these miscellaneous "
+"dependencies can be annoying since they are dependent on how debhelper does "
+"things, so debhelper offers a way to automate it."
+msgstr ""
+"Certaines commandes de debhelper peuvent nécessiter des dépendances entre le "
+"paquet construit et d'autres paquets. Par exemple, si "
+"L<dh_installdebconf(1)> est employé, le paquet devra dépendre de debconf. Si "
+"L<dh_installxfonts(1)> est employé, le paquet deviendra dépendant d'une "
+"version particulière de xutils. Maintenir ces dépendances induites peut être "
+"pénible puisqu'elles découlent de la façon dont debhelper travaille. C'est "
+"pourquoi debhelper offre une solution d'automatisation."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:639
+msgid ""
+"All commands of this type, besides documenting what dependencies may be "
+"needed on their man pages, will automatically generate a substvar called "
+"B<${misc:Depends}>. If you put that token into your F<debian/control> file, "
+"it will be expanded to the dependencies debhelper figures you need."
+msgstr ""
+"Toutes les commandes de ce type, outre qu'elles documentent, dans leur page "
+"de manuel, les dépendances qu'elle induisent, généreront automatiquement une "
+"variable de substitution nommée B<${misc:depends}>. Si cette variable est "
+"exploitée dans le dossier F<debian/control>, il sera automatiquement enrichi "
+"des dépendances induites par debhelper."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:644
+msgid ""
+"This is entirely independent of the standard B<${shlibs:Depends}> generated "
+"by L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>, and the B<${perl:Depends}> generated by "
+"L<dh_perl(1)>. You can choose not to use any of these, if debhelper's "
+"guesses don't match reality."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce processus est entièrement indépendant de B<${shlibs:Depends}> standard, "
+"produite par L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>, et de B<${perl:Depends}> produite par "
+"L<dh_perl(1)>. Il est également possible de choisir de ne pas les utiliser "
+"si les conjectures de debhelper ne correspondent pas à la réalité."
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:649
+msgid "Package build directories"
+msgstr "Répertoires de construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:651
+msgid ""
+"By default, all debhelper programs assume that the temporary directory used "
+"for assembling the tree of files in a package is debian/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Par défaut, tous les programmes de debhelper supposent que le répertoire "
+"temporaire utilisé pour construire l'arborescence des fichiers d'un paquet "
+"est debian/I<paquet>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:654
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes, you might want to use some other temporary directory. This is "
+"supported by the B<-P> flag. For example, \"B<dh_installdocs -Pdebian/"
+"tmp>\", will use B<debian/tmp> as the temporary directory. Note that if you "
+"use B<-P>, the debhelper programs can only be acting on a single package at "
+"a time. So if you have a package that builds many binary packages, you will "
+"need to also use the B<-p> flag to specify which binary package the "
+"debhelper program will act on."
+msgstr ""
+"Parfois, il peut être souhaitable d'utiliser un autre répertoire temporaire. "
+"C'est obtenu grâce à l'attribut B<-P>. Par exemple, B<dh_installdocs -"
+"Pdebian/tmp> utilisera B<debian/tmp> comme répertoire temporaire. Nota : "
+"L'usage de B<-P> implique que les programmes de debhelper ne construisent "
+"qu'un seul paquet à la fois. De ce fait, si le paquet source génère "
+"plusieurs paquets binaires, il faudra employer également le paramètre B<-p> "
+"pour préciser l'unique paquet binaire à construire."
+# type: =head2
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:662
+msgid "udebs"
+msgstr "udebs"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:664
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper includes support for udebs. To create a udeb with debhelper, add "
+"\"B<Package-Type: udeb>\" to the package's stanza in F<debian/control>. "
+"Debhelper will try to create udebs that comply with debian-installer policy, "
+"by making the generated package files end in F<.udeb>, not installing any "
+"documentation into a udeb, skipping over F<preinst>, F<postrm>, F<prerm>, "
+"and F<config> scripts, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"Debhelper prend en charge la construction des udebs. Pour créer un udeb avec "
+"debhelper, il faut ajouter « B<Package-Type: udeb> » aux lignes de paquet "
+"dans F<debian/control>. Debhelper essayera de construire des udebs, "
+"conformément aux règles de l'installateur Debian, en suffixant les fichiers "
+"de paquets générés avec F<.udeb>, en n'installant aucune documentation dans "
+"un udeb, en omettant les scripts F<preinst>, F<postrm>, F<prerm> et "
+"F<config>, etc."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:671
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:673
+msgid ""
+"This section describes some of the environment variables that influences the "
+"behaviour of debhelper or which debhelper interacts with."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette section décrit certaines des variables d'environnement qui influencent "
+"le comportement de debhelper ou avec lesquelles debhelper est en interaction."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:676
+msgid ""
+"It is important to note that these must be actual environment variables in "
+"order to affect the behaviour of debhelper (not simply F<Makefile> "
+"variables). To specify them properly in F<debian/rules>, be sure to "
+"\"B<export>\" them. For example, \"B<export DH_VERBOSE>\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Il est important de noter que celles-ci doivent être des variables "
+"existantes pour affecter le comportement de debhelper (pas simplement des "
+"variables de F<Makefile>). Pour les définir proprement dans le fichier "
+"F<debian/rules>, assurez-vous de les exporter (« B<export> »). Par exemple "
+"« B<export DH_VERBOSE> »."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:683
+msgid "B<DH_VERBOSE>"
+msgstr "B<DH_VERBOSE>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:685
+msgid ""
+"Set to a non-empty value to enable verbose mode. Please see the B<-v> / B<--"
+"verbose> option for details."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:688
+msgid "B<DH_QUIET>"
+msgstr "B<DH_QUIET>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:690
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Set to B<1> to enable quiet mode. Debhelper will not output commands "
+#| "calling the upstream build system nor will dh print which subcommands are "
+#| "called and depending on the upstream build system might make that more "
+#| "quiet, too. This makes it easier to spot important messages but makes "
+#| "the output quite useless as buildd log. Ignored if DH_VERBOSE is also "
+#| "set."
+msgid ""
+"Set to a non-empty value to enable quiet mode. Debhelper will not output "
+"commands calling the upstream build system nor will dh print which "
+"subcommands are called and depending on the upstream build system might make "
+"that more quiet, too. This makes it easier to spot important messages but "
+"makes the output quite useless as buildd log."
+msgstr ""
+"Mettre cette variable à B<1> valide le mode silencieux. Debhelper "
+"n'affichera aucune commande appelant le système de construction amont, et dh "
+"n'affichera aucune des sous-commandes appelées. En fonction du système de "
+"construction amont, cela pourra le rendre encore plus silencieux. Cela "
+"facilite la détection des messages importants, mais rend la sortie inutile "
+"en tant que journal de construction. Cette valeur est ignorée si "
+"B<DH_VERBOSE> est aussi positionnée."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:696
+msgid "Ignored if DH_VERBOSE is also set or B<-v> / B<--verbose> is passed."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:698
+msgid "B<DH_COMPAT>"
+msgstr "B<DH_COMPAT>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:700
+msgid ""
+"Temporarily specifies what compatibility level debhelper should run at, "
+"overriding any value specified via Build-Depends on debhelper-compat or via "
+"the F<debian/compat> file."
+msgstr ""
+"Indique temporairement le niveau de compatibilité avec lequel debhelper doit "
+"fonctionner. Cette valeur supplante toute valeur précisée par Build-Depends "
+"sur debhelper-compat ou dans F<debian/compat>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:704
+msgid "B<DH_NO_ACT>"
+msgstr "B<DH_NO_ACT>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:706
+msgid "Set to B<1> to enable no-act mode."
+msgstr "Mettre cette variable à B<1> pour activer le mode simulation (no-act)."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:708
+msgid "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+msgstr "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:710
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper tools will parse command line arguments listed in this "
+"variable before any command option (as if they had been prepended to the "
+"command line arguments). Unfortunately, some third-party provided tools may "
+"not support this variable and will ignore these command line arguments."
+msgstr ""
+"Tous les outils de debhelper analyseront les arguments de la ligne de "
+"commande listés dans cette variable avant toute option de commande (comme "
+"s'ils avaient été ajoutés au début des arguments de la ligne de commande). "
+"Malheureusement, certains outils tiers peuvent ne pas prendre en compte "
+"cette variable et ignoreront ces arguments."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:715
+msgid ""
+"When using L<dh(1)>, it can be passed options that will be passed on to each "
+"debhelper command, which is generally better than using DH_OPTIONS."
+msgstr ""
+"En utilisant L<dh(1)>, des options peuvent être passées à chaque commande "
+"debhelper, ce qui est généralement mieux que d'utiliser B<DH_OPTIONS>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:718
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:720
+msgid ""
+"If set, this adds the value the variable is set to to the B<-X> options of "
+"all commands that support the B<-X> option. Moreover, B<dh_builddeb> will "
+"B<rm -rf> anything that matches the value in your package build tree."
+msgstr ""
+"Si cette variable possède une valeur, elle sera ajoutée à l'option B<-X> de "
+"toutes les commandes qui admettent cette option. De plus, B<dh_builddeb> "
+"fera un B<rm -rf> pour chaque chose correspondant à la valeur dans l'arbre "
+"de construction de paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:724
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful if you are doing a build from a CVS source tree, in which "
+"case setting B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> will prevent any CVS directories from "
+"sneaking into the package you build. Or, if a package has a source tarball "
+"that (unwisely) includes CVS directories, you might want to export "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> in F<debian/rules>, to make it take effect wherever "
+"your package is built."
+msgstr ""
+"Cela peut être utile pour construire un paquet à partir d'une arborescence "
+"CVS. Dans ce cas, le réglage de B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> empêchera les "
+"répertoires CVS d'interférer subrepticement dans le paquet en construction. "
+"Ou, si un paquet possède une source compressée, (maladroitement) présente "
+"dans un répertoire CVS, il peut être utile d'exporter "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> dans F<debian/rules>, pour que cette variable soit "
+"prise en compte quel que soit l'endroit où le paquet est construit."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:731
+msgid ""
+"Multiple things to exclude can be separated with colons, as in "
+msgstr ""
+"Des exclusions multiples peuvent être séparées avec des caractères deux "
+"points, comme dans F<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS:.svn>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:734
+msgstr "B<DH_EXTRA_ADDONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:736
+msgid ""
+"If set, this adds the specified dh addons to be run in the appropriate "
+"places in the sequence of commands. This is equivalent to specifying the "
+"addon to run with the --with flag in the debian/rules file. Any --without "
+"calls specifying an addon in this environment variable will not be run."
+msgstr ""
+"Les rajouts à B<dh> indiqués seront exécutés lors de la séquence de "
+"commandes. Cela équivaut à les indiquer avec le drapeau B<--with> dans le "
+"fichier F<debian/rules>. Les rajouts précédés de B<--without> ne seront pas "
+"exécutés, même s'ils sont indiqués dans cette variable d'environnement."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:741
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to be used by downstreams or specific local configurations "
+"that require a debhelper addon to be run during multiple builds without "
+"having to patch a large number of rules file. If at all possible, this "
+"should be avoided in favor of a --with flag in the rules file."
+msgstr ""
+"Cela est prévu pour être utilisé par les dérivées ou les configurations "
+"locales spécifiques qui ont besoin d'un rajout lors de plusieurs "
+"construction, sans avoir à modifier un grand nombre de fichier F<rules>. Il "
+"est préférable d'éviter cette méthode et d'utiliser plutôt les drapeaux B<--"
+"with> dans le fichier F<rules>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:746
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:748
+msgid ""
+"These variables can be used to control whether debhelper commands should use "
+"colors in their textual output. Can be set to \"always\", \"auto\" (the "
+"default), or \"never\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Ces variables peuvent être utilisées pour contrôler comment les commandes de "
+"debhelper peuvent utiliser la couleur dans leurs sorties textuelles. Les "
+"réglages peuvent être « always », « auto » (par défaut) ou « never »."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:752
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<DPKG_COLOR> also affects a number of dpkg related tools and "
+"debhelper uses it on the assumption that you want the same color setting for "
+"dpkg and debhelper. In the off-hand chance you want different color setting "
+"for debhelper, you can use B<DH_COLORS> instead or in addition to "
+msgstr ""
+"Notez que B<DPKG_COLOR> affecte aussi un certain nombre d'outils liés à dpkg "
+"et debhelper l'utilise en supposant que vous voulez les même réglages de "
+"couleur pour dpkg et debhelper. Au cas où vous voudriez un autre jeu de "
+"couleurs pour debhelper, vous pouvez utiliser B<DH_COLORS> à la place ou en "
+"plus de B<DPKG_COLORS>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:758
+msgid "B<NO_COLOR>"
+msgstr "B<NO_COLOR>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:760
+msgid ""
+"If no explicit request for color has been given (e.g. B<DH_COLORS> and "
+"B<DPKG_COLORS> are both unset), the presence of this environment variable "
+"cause the default color setting to be \"never\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Si aucune demande explicite de couleur n'a été passée (par exemple, ni "
+"B<DH_COLORS>, ni B<DPKG_COLORS> n'ont été configurées), la présence de cette "
+"variable d'environnement fera que le réglage des couleurs par défaut sera "
+"« never »."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:764
+msgid ""
+"The variable is defined according to L<>. In this "
+"project, the environment variables (such as B<DH_COLORS>) are considered an "
+"explicit request for color."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette variable est définie conformément à L<>. Dans ce "
+"projet, les variables d'environnement (comme B<DH_COLORS>) sont considérées "
+"comme une demande explicite de couleur."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:768
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:770
+msgid ""
+"By default (in any non-deprecated compat level), debhelper will "
+"automatically set these flags by using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>, when they are "
+"unset. If you need to change the default flags, please use the features "
+"from L<dpkg-buildflags(1)> to do this (e.g. "
+"DCUSTOM_MACRO=true>) rather than setting the concrete variable directly."
+msgstr ""
+"Par défaut (dans tout niveau de compatibilité non obsolète), debhelper "
+"réglera automatiquement ces paramètres en utilisant L<dpkg-buildflags(1)> "
+"quand ils ne sont pas définis. S'il est nécessaire de changer les paramètres "
+"par défaut, veuillez utiliser les fonctions de L<dpkg-buildflags(1)> pour le "
+"faire (par exemple, B<DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=all> ou "
+"B<DEB_CPPFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-DCUSTOM_MACRO=true>) au lieu de configurer "
+"directement les variables concrètes."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:777
+msgid "B<HOME>, B<XDG_*>"
+msgstr "B<HOME>, B<XDG_*>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:779
+msgid ""
+"In compat 13 and later, these environment variables are reset before "
+"invoking the upstream build system via the B<dh_auto_*> helpers. The "
+"variables B<HOME> (all B<dh_auto_*> helpers) and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> "
+"(B<dh_auto_test> only) will be set to a writable directory. All remaining "
+"variables and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> (except for during B<dh_auto_test>) will be "
+msgstr ""
+"À partir du niveau de compatibilité 13, ces variables d'environnement sont "
+"réinitialisées avant d'invoquer le système de construction amont à l'aide "
+"des outils B<dh_auto_*>. Les variables B<HOME> (pour tout outil "
+"B<dh_auto_*>) et B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> (pour B<dh_auto_test> seulement) seront "
+"réglées dans un répertoire accessible en écriture. Toutes les autres "
+"variables et B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> (sauf durant B<dh_auto_test>) seront vidées."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:785
+msgid ""
+"The B<HOME> directory will be created as an empty directory but it will be "
+"reused between calls to B<dh_auto_*>. Any content will persist until "
+"explicitly deleted or B<dh_clean>."
+msgstr ""
+"Le répertoire B<HOME> sera créé comme un répertoire vide mais il sera "
+"réutilisé entre les appels à B<dh_auto_*>. Tout son contenu restera jusqu'à "
+"ce qu'il soit explicitement supprimé ou jusqu'à l'exécution de B<dh_clean>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:789
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:791
+msgid ""
+"Please see L</Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> for this environment "
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez consulter L</Paramètres pris en charge dans DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> pour "
+"cet environnement."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:794
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this variable should I<not> be altered by package "
+"maintainers inside F<debian/rules> to change the behaviour of debhelper. "
+"Instead, where the package maintainer need these features, they should look "
+"disabling the relevant feature directly (e.g. by overriding the concrete "
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que cette variable ne devrait B<pas> être modifiée par les "
+"responsables de paquet dans F<debian/rules> pour changer le comportement de "
+"debhelper. Ils devraient plutôt rechercher à désactiver la fonction "
+"correspondante directement (par exemple en surchargeant les outils "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:799
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:801
+msgid ""
+"This is a dpkg specific environment variable (see e.g. L<dpkg-"
+"buildflags(1)>). The debhelper tool suite silently ignores it."
+msgstr ""
+"C'est une variable d'environnement spécifique à dpkg (voir par exemple "
+"L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>). La suite d'outils de debhelper l'ignore "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:804
+msgid ""
+"It is documented here because it has a similar name to B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>, "
+"which make some people mistakenly assume that debhelper will also react to "
+"this variable."
+msgstr ""
+"Cela est documenté ici parce qu'elle porte un nom identique à "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>, ce qui fait que certaines personnes pensent par erreur "
+"que debhelper réagit aussi à cette variable."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:810
+msgid "Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"
+msgstr "Paramètres pris en charge dans DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:812
+msgid ""
+"The debhelper tool suite reacts to the following flags in "
+msgstr ""
+"La suite d'outils de debhelper réagit aux paramètres suivants dans "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:816
+msgid "B<dherroron=obsolete-compat-levels>"
+msgstr "B<dherroron=obsolete-compat-levels>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:818
+msgid "I<This is a debhelper specific value.>"
+msgstr "I<C'est une valeur spécifique à debhelper.>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:820
+msgid ""
+"When B<dherroron> is present and set to B<obsolete-compat-levels>, then "
+"debhelper tools will promote deprecation warnings for usage of old soon to "
+"be removed compat levels into errors."
+msgstr ""
+"Quand B<dherroron> est présent et réglé à B<obsolete-compat-levels>, alors "
+"les outils de debhelper présenteront dans les erreurs des alertes sur "
+"l'utilisation des niveaux de compatibilité anciens sur le point d'être "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:824
+msgid ""
+"This is useful for automated checking for code relying on deprecated compat "
+"levels that is scheduled for removal."
+msgstr ""
+"C'est utile pour la vérification automatique de code se basant sur des "
+"niveaux de compatibilité dont la suppression est programmée."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:827
+msgid "This option is intended for testing purposes; not production builds."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option est destinée aux tests et non aux constructions pour la "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:829
+msgid "B<nostrip>"
+msgstr "B<nostrip>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:831 debhelper.pod:854 debhelper.pod:868
+msgid ""
+"I<This value will change the content of the debs being built. The .deb "
+"packages built when this is set is therefore not bit-for-bit reproducible "
+"with a regular build in the general case.>"
+msgstr ""
+"I<Cette valeur changera le contenu des paquets .deb en construction. Les "
+"paquets .deb construits avec ce réglage ne seront donc pas reproductibles "
+"bit à bit par rapport à une construction normale en cas général.>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:835
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper tools will skip actions and "
+"helpers that either remove, detach or deduplicate debugging symbols in ELF "
+msgstr ""
+"Cette valeur fera que les outils officiels de debhelper ignoreront les "
+"actions et les outils qui suppriment, détachent ou dédoublent les symboles "
+"de débogage dans les binaires ELF."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:839
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_dwz(1)> and L<dh_strip(1)>."
+msgstr "Cette valeur affecte L<dh_dwz(1)> et L<dh_strip(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:841
+msgid "B<nocheck>"
+msgstr "B<nocheck>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:843
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to skip runs of "
+"upstream test suites."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette valeur fera que les systèmes de construction officiels de debhelper "
+"ignoreront l'exécution des suites de tests de l'amont."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:846
+msgid ""
+"Package maintainers looking to avoid running the upstream tests should "
+"B<not> rely on this. Instead, they can add an empty override target to skip "
+msgstr ""
+"Les responsables de paquet cherchant à éviter l'exécution des tests de "
+"l'amont ne devraient B<pas> recourir à cela. Ils peuvent plutôt ajouter une "
+"cible de réécriture vide pour ignorer B<dh_auto_test>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:850
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_auto_test(1)>."
+msgstr "Cette valeur affecte L<dh_auto_test(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:852
+msgid "B<nodoc>"
+msgstr "B<nodoc>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:858
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause several debhelper tools to skip installation of "
+"documentation such as manpages or upstream provided documentation. "
+"Additionally, the tools will also ignore if declared documentation is "
+"\"missing\" on the assumption that the documentation has not been built."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette valeur fera que plusieurs outils de debhelper ignoreront "
+"l'installation de documentation comme les pages de manuel ou la "
+"documentation fournie par l'amont. En plus, les outils ne sauront pas si la "
+"documentation déclarée est « missing » en partant du principe que la "
+"documentation n'a pas été construite."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:863
+msgid ""
+"This value effects tools I<like> L<dh_installdocs(1)>, which I<knows> it is "
+"working with documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette valeur affecte des outils comme L<dh_installdocs(1)> qui B<sait> qu'il "
+"travaille sur la documentation."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:866
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<nostrip>"
+msgid "B<notrimdch>"
+msgstr "B<nostrip>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:872
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause L<dh_installchangelogs(1)> to act as if it had been "
+"passed the B<--no-trim> option, forcing it to forgo removing older entries "
+"from changelogs."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:876
+msgid "B<noautodbgsym>, B<noddebs>"
+msgstr "B<noautodbgsym>, B<noddebs>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:878
+msgid ""
+"I<The official name is noautodbgsym. The noddebs variant is accepted for "
+"historical reasons.>"
+msgstr ""
+"I<Le nom officiel est noautodbgsym. La variante noddebs est acceptée pour "
+"des raisons historiques.>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:881
+msgid ""
+"This value causes debhelper to skip the generation of automatically "
+"generated debug symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette valeur fait que debhelper ignore la création des paquets de symboles "
+"de débogage générés automatiquement."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:884
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_strip(1)>."
+msgstr "Cette valeur affecte L<dh_strip(1)>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:886
+msgid "B<parallel=N>"
+msgstr "B<parallel=N>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:888
+msgid ""
+"This value enables debhelper to use up to B<N> threads or processes (subject "
+"to parameters like B<--no-parallel> and B<--max-parallel=M>). Not all "
+"debhelper tools work with parallel tasks and may silently ignore the request."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette valeur à permet debhelper d'utiliser jusqu'à B<N> threads ou processus "
+"(soumis à des paramètres comme B<--no-parallel> et B<--max-parallel=M>). "
+"Tous les outils de debhelper ne fonctionnent pas avec des tâches parallèles "
+"et peuvent ignorer silencieusement la requête."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:893
+msgid ""
+"This value affects many debhelper tools. Most notably B<dh_auto_*>, which "
+"will attempt to run the underlying upstream build system with that number of "
+msgstr ""
+"Cette valeur affecte de nombreux outils de debhelper et en particulier "
+"B<dh_auto_*> qui tentera d'exécuter le système de construction amont sous-"
+"jacent avec ce nombre de thread."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:897
+msgid "B<terse>"
+msgstr "B<terse>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:899
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to configure "
+"upstream builds to be terse (i.e. reduce verbosity in their output). This "
+"is subject to the upstream and the debhelper build system supporting such "
+msgstr ""
+"Cette valeur fera que les systèmes de construction officiels de debhelper "
+"configurent les constructions de l'amont pour qu'elles soient laconiques "
+"(c'est-à-dire réduisent la verbosité de leurs sorties). Cela est subordonné "
+"à la prise en charge par les systèmes de construction de l'amont et de "
+"debhelper de ces fonctionnalités."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:904
+msgid ""
+"This value affects most B<dh_auto_*> tools directly. For commands provided "
+"by the debhelper package, it also causes the tools to act like the "
+"B<DH_QUIET> environment variable was non-empty."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:910
+msgid "Unknown flags are silently ignored."
+msgstr "Les paramètres inconnus sont ignorés silencieusement."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:912
+msgid ""
+"Note third-party debhelper-like tools or third-party provided build systems "
+"may or may not react to the above flags. This tends to depend on "
+"implementation details of the tool."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que les outils tiers dans le style de debhelper ou les "
+"systèmes de construction fournis par des tiers peuvent réagir ou non aux "
+"paramètres ci-dessus. Cela dépend généralement des détails d'implémentation "
+"des outils"
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:916 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:753
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:178 dh:872 dh_auto_build:53 dh_auto_clean:55
+#: dh_auto_configure:58 dh_auto_install:103 dh_auto_test:64 dh_bugfiles:133
+#: dh_builddeb:176 dh_clean:189 dh_compress:243 dh_dwz:163 dh_fixperms:164
+#: dh_gencontrol:208 dh_icons:75 dh_install:377 dh_installcatalogs:128
+#: dh_installchangelogs:365 dh_installcron:80 dh_installdeb:419
+#: dh_installdebconf:233 dh_installdirs:131 dh_installdocs:437
+#: dh_installemacsen:138 dh_installexamples:182 dh_installifupdown:72
+#: dh_installinfo:123 dh_installinit:413 dh_installinitramfs:91
+#: dh_installlogcheck:81 dh_installlogrotate:53 dh_installman:420
+#: dh_installmanpages:198 dh_installmenu:88 dh_installmime:63
+#: dh_installmodules:109 dh_installpam:71 dh_installppp:68 dh_installudev:102
+#: dh_installwm:130 dh_installxfonts:90 dh_link:166 dh_lintian:60
+#: dh_listpackages:34 dh_makeshlibs:456 dh_md5sums:118 dh_movefiles:161
+#: dh_perl:188 dh_prep:70 dh_shlibdeps:204 dh_strip:435 dh_testdir:62
+#: dh_testroot:93 dh_usrlocal:136 dh_systemd_enable:280 dh_systemd_start:280
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+msgstr "VOIR AUSSI"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:920
+msgid "L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:922
+msgid ""
+"List of supported compat levels and an upgrade checklist for each of them."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:924
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:926
+msgid "A set of example F<debian/rules> files that use debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+"Un ensemble d'exemples de fichiers F<debian/rules> qui utilisent debhelper."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:928
+msgid "L<>"
+msgstr "L<>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:930
+msgid "Debhelper web site."
+msgstr "Le site internet de debhelper."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:934 dh:878 dh_auto_build:59 dh_auto_clean:61
+#: dh_auto_configure:64 dh_auto_install:109 dh_auto_test:70 dh_bugfiles:141
+#: dh_builddeb:182 dh_clean:195 dh_compress:249 dh_dwz:169 dh_fixperms:170
+#: dh_gencontrol:214 dh_icons:81 dh_install:383 dh_installcatalogs:134
+#: dh_installchangelogs:371 dh_installcron:86 dh_installdeb:425
+#: dh_installdebconf:239 dh_installdirs:137 dh_installdocs:443
+#: dh_installemacsen:145 dh_installexamples:188 dh_installifupdown:78
+#: dh_installinfo:129 dh_installinitramfs:99 dh_installlogcheck:87
+#: dh_installlogrotate:59 dh_installman:426 dh_installmanpages:204
+#: dh_installmenu:96 dh_installmime:69 dh_installmodules:115 dh_installpam:77
+#: dh_installppp:74 dh_installudev:108 dh_installwm:136 dh_installxfonts:96
+#: dh_link:172 dh_lintian:68 dh_listpackages:40 dh_makeshlibs:462
+#: dh_md5sums:124 dh_movefiles:167 dh_perl:194 dh_prep:76 dh_shlibdeps:210
+#: dh_strip:441 dh_testdir:68 dh_testroot:99 dh_usrlocal:142
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr "AUTEUR"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:936 dh:880 dh_auto_build:61 dh_auto_clean:63
+#: dh_auto_configure:66 dh_auto_install:111 dh_auto_test:72 dh_builddeb:184
+#: dh_clean:197 dh_compress:251 dh_fixperms:172 dh_gencontrol:216
+#: dh_install:385 dh_installchangelogs:373 dh_installcron:88 dh_installdeb:427
+#: dh_installdebconf:241 dh_installdirs:139 dh_installdocs:445
+#: dh_installemacsen:147 dh_installexamples:190 dh_installifupdown:80
+#: dh_installinfo:131 dh_installinit:421 dh_installlogrotate:61
+#: dh_installman:428 dh_installmanpages:206 dh_installmenu:98 dh_installmime:71
+#: dh_installmodules:117 dh_installpam:79 dh_installppp:76 dh_installudev:110
+#: dh_installwm:138 dh_installxfonts:98 dh_link:174 dh_listpackages:42
+#: dh_makeshlibs:464 dh_md5sums:126 dh_movefiles:169 dh_prep:78
+#: dh_shlibdeps:212 dh_strip:443 dh_testdir:70 dh_testroot:101
+msgid "Joey Hess <>"
+msgstr "Joey Hess <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:5
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "debhelper-obsolete-compat - List of no longer supported compat levels"
+msgid ""
+"debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist - Upgrade checklist for supported "
+"debhelper compat levels"
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper-obsolete-compat - Liste les niveaux de compatibilité qui ne sont "
+"plus pris en charge"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"This document is an upgrade checklist of all the supported debhelper compat "
+"levels. It also lists all the support debhelper compat levels."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:12
+msgid ""
+"Information about how to declare the compat level is in L<debhelper(7)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:14
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If you are upgrading from an earlier compatibility level, please review "
+#| "L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+msgid ""
+"If you are upgrading from a (now) obsolete compat level, then please refer "
+"to L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous mettez à jour depuis un niveau de compatibilité antérieur, veuillez "
+"consulter L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:19
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This is the lowest supported compatibility level."
+msgid "Upgrade checklist for supported compatibility levels"
+msgstr "C'est le niveau de compatibilité le plus bas pris en charge."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:21
+msgid "These are the available compatibility levels:"
+msgstr "Les niveaux de compatibilité sont les suivants :"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:25
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "v5"
+msgid "v15"
+msgstr "v5"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:27
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:51 strings-kept-translations.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"This compatibility level is still open for development; use with caution."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce niveau de compatibilité est encore en développement ; à utiliser avec "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:29
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Changes from v4 are:"
+msgid "Changes from v14 are:"
+msgstr "Les changements par rapport à la version 4 sont :"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:33
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:57
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:63
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:68
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:74
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:90
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:95
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:103
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:120
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:128
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:136
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:145
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:151
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:161
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:169
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:175
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:189
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:200
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:214
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:225
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:241
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:251
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:255
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:260
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:265
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:272
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:278
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:286
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:292
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:296
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:301
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:306
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:315
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:331
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:340
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:356
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:364
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:369
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:391
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:397
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:409
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:417
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:423
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:428
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:433
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:438
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:446
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:456
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:466
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:473
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:485
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:490
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:518
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:535
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:540
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:546
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:552
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:557
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:563
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:572
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:582
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:588
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:611
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:618
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:624
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:630
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:636
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:656
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:661
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:668
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:673
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:678
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:686
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:692
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:697
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:702
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:717
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:721
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:729
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:734 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:29
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:36 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:40
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:44 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:57
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:62 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:68
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:74 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:89
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:93 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:98
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:102 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:114
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:119 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:124
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:129 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:143
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:148 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:152
+#: dh_testroot:36 dh_testroot:41 dh_testroot:46
+msgid "-"
+msgstr "-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:35
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_auto_install> tool no longer defaults to B<< --destdir=debian/"
+"I<package> >> for source packages only producing a single binary. If this "
+"behaviour is wanted, the package should explicitly activate the B<single-"
+"binary> dh addon (e.g., by adding B<dh-sequence-single-binary> to B<Build-"
+"Depends>) or pass B<--destdir> to B<dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:41
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:84
+msgid ""
+"The rationale for this change to avoid \"surprises\" when adding a second "
+"binary package later. Previously, debhelper would silently change behaviour "
+"often resulting in empty binary packages being uploaded to the archive by "
+"mistake. With the new behaviour, the B<single-binary> addon will detect the "
+"mismatch and warn the maintainer of what is about to happen."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:49
+msgid "v14"
+msgstr "v14"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:53
+msgid "Changes from v13 are:"
+msgstr "Les changements par rapport à la version 13 sont :"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:59
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON> and B<-"
+#| "DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON> to L<cmake(1)> to avoid some "
+#| "reproducibility issues."
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON> to "
+"L<cmake(1)> to avoid some reproducibility issues."
+msgstr ""
+"Le système de construction B<cmake> passe maintenant les options B<-"
+"pour éviter des problèmes de reproductibilité."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:65
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The tool B<dh_installsysusers> is now included in the default sequence."
+msgid ""
+"The tool B<dh_installsysusers> is now included in the default sequence. This "
+"helper tool will process systemd sysusers files."
+msgstr ""
+"L'outil B<dh_installsysusers> est maintenant inclus dans la séquence par "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:70
+msgid ""
+"Use of the B<dh_gconf> command in override and hook targets now causes an "
+"error. The B<dh_gconf> command has been a no-op for years and was removed "
+"in debhelper 13.4."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:76
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> sequencer will warn if the B<single-binary> addon is implicitly "
+"activated to warn maintainers of the pending compat 15 change in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:79
+msgid ""
+"Maintainers are urged to either explicitly activate the B<single-binary> "
+"addon to preserve the existing behaviour (e.g., by adding B<dh-sequence-"
+"single-binary> to Build-Depends), or explicitly passing B<--destdir> to "
+"B<dh_auto_install> if used and then passing B<--without single-binary> to "
+"B<dh> (the latter to silence the warning)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:92
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installalternatives> tool will now be run after B<dh_link> rather "
+"than after B<dh_installinitramfs> in the default B<dh> sequence."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:97
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installpam> tool will now install PAM configuration files under "
+"F<< /usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> >> instead of F<< /etc/pam.d/I<package> >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:100
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "In compatibility level 11, this file will trigger an error with a "
+#| "reminder about ensuring the proper removal of the upstart file in the "
+#| "previous package version. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" "
+#| "feature from L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous "
+#| "upstart files."
+msgid ""
+"Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from L<dh_installdeb(1)> "
+"to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans le niveau de compatibilité 11, ce fichier provoquera une erreur "
+"contenant un rappel pour correctement supprimer le fichier upstart de la "
+"version précédente du paquet. Veuillez utiliser la fonction « rm_conffile » "
+"de L<dh_installdeb(1)> pour vous assurer de la suppression correcte des "
+"fichiers upstart."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:105
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The B<meson+ninja> build system now uses B<meson test> instead of B<ninja "
+#| "test> when running the test suite. Any override of B<dh_auto_test> that "
+#| "passes extra parameters to upstream test runner should be reviewed as "
+#| "B<meson test> is not command line compatible with B<ninja test>."
+msgid ""
+"The B<meson+ninja> and B<cmake> build systems now use B<meson install> and "
+"B<cmake --install>, respectively, instead of B<ninja install> and B<make "
+"install> in the L<dh_auto_install(1)> call. Any override of "
+"B<dh_auto_install> that passes extra parameters to the upstream build system "
+"should be reviewed."
+msgstr ""
+"Le système de construction B<meson+ninja> utilise maintenant B<meson test> à "
+"la place de B<ninja test> pour la suite de tests. Chaque réécriture de "
+"B<dh_auto_test> qui passe des paramètres supplémentaires aux tests amont "
+"devrait être vérifiée, car B<meson test> n'est pas compatible avec B<ninja "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:112
+msgid "v13"
+msgstr "v13"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:114
+msgid "This is the recommended mode of operation."
+msgstr "C'est la version dont l'usage est recommandé."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:116
+msgid "Changes from v12 are:"
+msgstr "Les changements par rapport à la version 12 sont :"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:122
+msgid ""
+"The B<meson+ninja> build system now uses B<meson test> instead of B<ninja "
+"test> when running the test suite. Any override of B<dh_auto_test> that "
+"passes extra parameters to upstream test runner should be reviewed as "
+"B<meson test> is not command line compatible with B<ninja test>."
+msgstr ""
+"Le système de construction B<meson+ninja> utilise maintenant B<meson test> à "
+"la place de B<ninja test> pour la suite de tests. Chaque réécriture de "
+"B<dh_auto_test> qui passe des paramètres supplémentaires aux tests amont "
+"devrait être vérifiée, car B<meson test> n'est pas compatible avec B<ninja "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:130
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper like tools based on the official debhelper library (including "
+"B<dh> and the official B<dh_*> tools) no longer accepts abbreviated command "
+"parameters. At the same time, B<dh> now optimizes out calls to redundant "
+"B<dh_*> helpers even when passed long command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Tous les outils dans le style de debhelper basés sur la bibliothèque "
+"debhelper officielle (y compris B<dh> et les outils officiels B<dh_*>) "
+"n'acceptent plus les paramètres de commande abrégés. En même temps, B<dh> "
+"optimise maintenant les appels aux outils redondants B<dh_*> même quand ils "
+"passent de longues options de ligne de commande."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:138
+msgid ""
+"The ELF related debhelper tools (B<dh_dwz>, B<dh_strip>, B<dh_makeshlibs>, "
+"B<dh_shlibdeps>) are now only run for arch dependent packages by default (i."
+"e. they are excluded from B<*-indep> targets and are passed B<-a> by "
+"default). If you need them for B<*-indep> targets, you can add an explicit "
+"Build-Depends on B<dh-sequence-elf-tools>."
+msgstr ""
+"Les outils de debhelper liés à ELF (B<dh_dwz>, B<dh_strip>, "
+"B<dh_makeshlibs>, B<dh_shlibdeps>) sont désormais seulement exécutés pour "
+"les paquets dépendant de l'architecture par défaut (c'est-à-dire qu'ils sont "
+"exclus des cibles B<*-indep> et sont passés avec l'option B<-a> par défaut). "
+"Si vous avez besoin d'eux pour des cibles B<*-indep>, vous pouvez ajouter un "
+"Build-Depends explicite à B<dh-sequence-elf-tools>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:147
+msgid ""
+"The third-party B<gradle> build system (from B<gradle-debian-helper> "
+"package) now runs the upstream-provided test suite automatically. To "
+"suppress such behavior, override B<dh_auto_test>."
+msgstr ""
+"Le système de construction tiers B<gradle> (issu du paquet B<gradle-debian-"
+"helper>) exécute maintenant la suite de tests fournie par l'amont "
+"automatiquement. Pour supprimer ce type de comportement, surchargez "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:153
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installman> tool now aborts if it sees conflicting definitions of a "
+"manpage. This typically happens if the upstream build system is installing "
+"a compressed version and the package lists an uncompressed version of the "
+"manpage in F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >>. Often the easiest fix is to "
+"remove the manpage from F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >> (assuming both "
+"versions are identical)."
+msgstr ""
+"L'outil B<dh_installman> s'interrompt maintenant s'il voit des définitions "
+"contradictoires d'une page de manuel. Cela se produit habituellement si le "
+"système de construction amont installe une version compressée et que le "
+"paquet liste une version non compressée de la page de manuel dans F<< debian/"
+"I<paquet>.manpages >>. La correction la plus simple est de supprimer la page "
+"de manuel de F<< debian/I<paquet>.manpages >> (en considérant que les deux "
+"versions sont identiques)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:163
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_auto_*> helpers now reset the environment variables B<HOME> and "
+"common B<XDG_*> variable. Please see description of the environment "
+"variables in L</ENVIRONMENT> for how this is handled."
+msgstr ""
+"Les outils B<dh_auto_*> réinitialisent désormais les variables "
+"d'environnement B<HOME> et la variable commune B<XDG_*>. Veuillez consulter "
+"la description des variables d'environnement dans L</ENVIRONMENT> pour voir "
+"comment elles sont gérées."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:167
+msgid "I<This feature changed between debhelper 13 and debhelper 13.2.>"
+msgstr "I<Cette fonctionnalité a changé entre debhelper 13 et debhelper 13.2.>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:171
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will now error if an override or hook target for an "
+"obsolete command are present in F<debian/rules> (e.g. "
+msgstr ""
+"La commande B<dh> produira maintenant une erreur si une cible de réécriture "
+"ou d'accroche pour une commande obsolète est présente dans F<debian/rules> "
+"(par exemple, B<override_dh_systemd_enable:>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:177
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_missing> command will now default to B<--fail-missing>. This can "
+"be reverted to a non-fatal warning by explicitly passing B<--list-missing> "
+"like it was in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+"La commande B<dh_missing> aura l'option B<--fail-missing> par défaut. Il est "
+"possible de revenir à un avertissement non fatal en passant explicitement "
+"l'option B<--list-missing> comme dans le niveau de compatibilité 12."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:181
+msgid ""
+"If you do not want the warning either, please omit the call to "
+"B<dh_missing>. If you use the B<dh> command sequencer, then you can do this "
+"by inserting an empty override target in the F<debian/rules> file of the "
+"relevant package. As an example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous ne voulez pas non plus de l'avertissement, veuillez omettre l'appel "
+"à B<dh_missing>. Si l'automate de commandes B<dh> est utilisé, vous pouvez "
+"faire cela en insérant une cible de réécriture vide dans le fichier F<debian/"
+"rules> du paquet correspondant. Comme dans l’exemple :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:186
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Disable dh_missing\n"
+" override_dh_missing:\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Désactive dh_missing\n"
+" override_dh_missing:\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:191
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command sequencer now runs B<dh_installtmpfiles> in the default "
+"sequence. The B<dh_installtmpfiles> takes over handling of tmpfiles.d "
+"configuration files. Related functionality in B<dh_installsystemd> is now "
+msgstr ""
+"L'automate de commandes B<dh> exécute maintenant B<dh_installtmpfiles> dans "
+"la séquence par défaut. B<dh_installtmpfiles> se charge de la gestion des "
+"fichiers de configuration de I<tmpfiles.d>. La fonctionnalité apparentée "
+"dans B<dh_installsystemd> est désormais désactivée."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:196
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installtmpfiles> responds to F<< debian/I<package>.tmpfiles "
+">> where B<dh_installsystemd> used a name without the trailing \"s\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Notez que B<dh_installtmpfiles> répond à F<< debian/I<paquet>.tmpfiles >> là "
+"où B<dh_installsystemd> utilisait un nom sans le « s » final."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:202
+msgid ""
+"Many B<dh_*> tools now support limited variable expansion via the B<${foo}> "
+"syntax. In many cases, this can be used to reference paths that contain "
+"either spaces or L<dpkg-architecture(1)> values. While this can reduce the "
+"need for L<dh-exec(1)> in some cases, it is B<not> a replacement L<dh-"
+"exec(1)> in general. If you need filtering, renaming, etc., the package "
+"will still need L<dh-exec(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Beaucoup d'outils B<dh_*> prennent en charge un développement de variables "
+"limité au moyen de la syntaxe B<${toto}>. Dans de nombreux cas, cela peut "
+"être utilisé pour référencer des chemins qui contiennent soit des espaces, "
+"soit des valeurs L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. Bien que cela puisse réduire le "
+"besoin de L<dh-exec(1)> dans certains cas, ce B<n'est pas> une alternative à "
+"L<dh-exec(1)> en général. Si un filtrage, un renommage, etc. est nécessaire, "
+"le paquet aura encore besoin de L<dh-exec(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:209
+msgid ""
+"Please see L</Substitutions in debhelper config files> for syntax and "
+"available substitution variables. To B<dh_*> tool writers, substitution "
+"expansion occurs as a part of the B<filearray> and B<filedoublearray> "
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez consulter L<Substitutions dans les fichiers de configuration de "
+"debhelper> pour la syntaxe et les variables de substitution disponibles. "
+"Pour ceux qui écrivent des outils B<dh_*>, le développement de substitution "
+"intervient comme élément des fonctions B<filearray> et B<filedoublearray>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:216
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command sequencer will now skip all hook and override targets for "
+"B<dh_auto_test>, B<dh_dwz> and B<dh_strip> when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> lists "
+"the relevant B<nocheck> / B<nostrip> options."
+msgstr ""
+"L'automate de commandes B<dh> omettra toutes les cibles d'accroche et de "
+"substitution pour B<dh_auto_test>, B<dh_dwz> et B<dh_strip> quand "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> liste les options B<nocheck> ou B<nostrip> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:220
+msgid ""
+"Any package relying on these targets to always be run should instead move "
+"relevant logic out of those targets. E.g. non-test related packaging code "
+"from B<override_dh_auto_test> would have to be moved to "
+"B<execute_after_dh_auto_build> or B<execute_before_dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+"Tout paquet comptant sur ces cibles pour être toujours exécuté devrait "
+"plutôt déplacer la logique correspondante de ces cibles. Par exemple, le "
+"code d’empaquetage non lié aux tests provenant de B<override_dh_auto_test> "
+"devrait avoir été déplacé dans B<execute_after_dh_auto_build> ou "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:227
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-"
+"DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=ON> to L<cmake(1)> to speed up automatic "
+"installation process. If for some reason you need previous behavior, "
+"override the flag:"
+msgstr ""
+"Le système de construction B<cmake> passe désormais l'option B<-"
+"DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=ON> à L<cmake(1)> pour accélérer le "
+"processus d'installation automatique. Si pour une raison quelconque vous "
+"avez besoin de revenir au comportement antérieur, réécrivez le paramètre :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:231
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=OFF ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=OFF ...\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:235
+msgid "v12"
+msgstr "v12"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:237
+msgid "Changes from v11 are:"
+msgstr "Les changements par rapport à la version 11 sont :"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:243
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool now generates shlibs files with versioned "
+"dependency by default. This means that B<-VUpstream-Version> (a.k.a. B<-V>) "
+"is now the default."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> génère maintenant des fichiers shlibs avec des dépendances "
+"versionnées par défaut. Cela veut dire que B<-VUpstream-Version> (ou B<-V>) "
+"est maintenant le comportement par défaut."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:247
+msgid ""
+"If an unversioned dependency in the shlibs file is wanted, this can be "
+"obtained by passing B<-VNone> instead. However, please see "
+"L<dh_makeshlibs(1)> for the caveat of unversioned dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Si une dépendance non versionnée est requise, cela peut être obtenu en "
+"passant B<-VNone> à la place. Veuillez tout de même consulter "
+"L<dh_makeshlibs(1)> pour l'utilisation des dépendances non versionnées."
+# type: =item
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:253
+msgid ""
+"The B<-s> (B<--same-arch>) option is removed. Please use B<-a> (B<--arch>) "
+msgstr ""
+"L'option B<-s> (B<--same-arch>) est supprimée. Veuillez utiliser B<-a> (B<--"
+"arch>) à la place."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:257
+msgid ""
+"Invoking B<dh_clean -k> now causes an error instead of a deprecation warning."
+msgstr ""
+"Appeler B<dh_clean -k> provoque maintenant une erreur à la place de "
+"l'avertissement d'obsolescence."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:262
+msgid ""
+"The B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> option in B<dh_installinit> has been "
+"removed. Please use the new name B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>"
+msgstr ""
+"L'option B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> de B<dh_installinit> a été supprimée. "
+"Veuillez utiliser le nouveau nom B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:267
+msgid ""
+"There was a bug in the B<doit> (and similar) functions from L<Debian::"
+"Debhelper::Dh_Lib> that made them spawn a shell in one particular "
+"circumstance. This bug is now removed and will cause helpers that rely on "
+"the bug to fail with a \"command not found\"-error."
+msgstr ""
+"Il y avait un bogue dans les fonctions B<doit> (et équivalent) de L<Debian::"
+"Debhelper::Dh_Lib> qui créait un shell dans une circonstance particulière. "
+"Ce bogue est maintenant supprimé et provoquera une erreur de type « commande "
+"non trouvée » dans les outils qui l'utilisaient."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:274
+msgid ""
+"The B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> in B<dh_install> has been "
+"removed. Please use B<dh_missing> and its corresponding options, which can "
+"also see the files installed by other helpers."
+msgstr ""
+"Les options B<--list-missing> et B<--fail-missing> de B<dh_install> ont été "
+"supprimées. Veuillez utiliser B<dh_missing> et ses options correspondantes, "
+"qui peuvent aussi voir les fichiers installés par les autres outils."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:280
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installinit> helper no longer installs configuration for the "
+"upstart init system. Instead, it will abort the build if it finds an old "
+"upstart configuration file. The error is there to remind the package "
+"maintainer to ensure the proper removal of the conffiles shipped in previous "
+"versions of the package (if any)."
+msgstr ""
+"L'outil B<dh_installinit> n'installe plus de configuration pour upstart. À "
+"la place, il abandonnera la construction s'il trouve un ancien fichier de "
+"configuration upstart. Cela pour rappeler au mainteneur de s'assurer de "
+"correctement supprimer les anciens fichiers de configuration livrés dans les "
+"anciennes versions du paquet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:288
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do basic validation of some L<dpkg-"
+"maintscript-helper(1)> commands and will error out if the commands appear to "
+"be invalid."
+msgstr ""
+"L'outil B<dh_installdeb> valide basiquement quelques commandes L<dpkg-"
+"maintscript-helper(1)> et renvoie une erreur si la commande semble "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:294
+msgid "The B<dh_missing> tool will now default to B<--list-missing>."
+msgstr ""
+"Le comportement par défaut de B<dh_missing> est maintenant B<--list-missing>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:298
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool will now only pass libraries to L<dpkg-"
+"gensymbols(1)> if the ELF binary has a SONAME (containing \".so\")."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> passera maintenant les bibliothèques à L<dpkg-"
+"gensymbols(1)> si le binaire ELF a un SONAME (contenant « .so »)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:303
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_compress> tool no longer compresses examples (i.e. anything "
+"installed in F<</usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples>>.)"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_compress> ne compresse plus les exemples (c'est-à-dire tout ce qui est "
+"installé dans F<</usr/share/doc/I<paquet>/examples>>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:308
+msgid ""
+"The standard sequence in B<dh> now includes B<dh_dwz> and "
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> by default. This makes the B<dwz> and "
+"B<installinitramfs> sequences obsolete and they will now fail with an "
+"error. If you want to skip these commands, then please insert an empty "
+"override target for them in F<debian/rules> (e.g. I<override_dh_dwz:>)"
+msgstr ""
+"La séquence standard de B<dh> comprend maintenant B<dh_dwz> et "
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> par défaut. Cela rend les séquences B<dwz> et "
+"B<installinitramfs> obsolètes et elles échoueront avec une erreur. Si vous "
+"souhaitez sauter ces commandes, veuillez insérer des cibles de réécriture "
+"vides pour elles dans F<debian/rules> (par exemple I<override_dh_dwz:>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:317
+msgid ""
+"The build systems B<meson> and B<autoconf> no longer explicitly set the B<--"
+"libexecdir> variable and thus relies on the build system default - which "
+"should be B</usr/libexec> (per FHS 3.0, adopted in Debian Policy 4.1.5)."
+msgstr ""
+"Les systèmes de construction B<meson> et B<autoconf> ne positionnent plus "
+"explicitement la variable B<--libexecdir>, et s'appuient donc sur le système "
+"de construction par défaut – qui devrait être B</usr/libexec> (selon la "
+"FHS 3.0, adoptée dans la Charte Debian 4.1.5)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:322
+msgid ""
+"If a particular upstream package does not use the correct default, the "
+"parameter can often be passed manually via L<dh_auto_configure(1)>. E.g. "
+"via the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Si un paquet amont particulier n'utilise pas la bonne valeur par défaut, le "
+"paramètre peut souvent être passé manuellement avec L<dh_auto_configure(1)>. "
+"Par exemple :"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:326
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" \tdh_auto_configure -- --libexecdir=/usr/libexec\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" \tdh_auto_configure -- --libexecdir=/usr/libexec\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:329
+msgid "Note the B<--> before the B<--libexecdir> parameter."
+msgstr "Remarquez le B<--> avant le paramètre B<--libexecdir>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:333
+msgid "B<Retroactively removed in debhelper/13.5>:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:335
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The B<dh_installdeb> tool no longer installs the maintainer provided "
+#| "F<conffiles> file. The file has mostly been obsolete since compatibility "
+#| "level 3, where B<dh_installdeb> began to automatically compute the "
+#| "resulting F<conffiles> control file."
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool would no longer installs the maintainer provided "
+"F<conffiles> file as it was deemed unnecessary. However, the B<remove-on-"
+"upgrade> from dpkg/1.20 made the file relevant again and B<dh_installdeb> "
+"now installs it again in compat levels 12+."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> n'installe plus le fichier F<conffiles> fournit par le "
+"responsable. Ce fichier est obsolète depuis le niveau de compatibilité 3, "
+"lorsque B<dh_installdeb> a commencé à calculer automatiquement le "
+"F<conffiles> résultant du fichier control."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:342
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installsystemd> tool no longer relies on B<dh_installinit> for "
+"handling systemd services that have a sysvinit alternative. Both tools must "
+"now be used in such a case to ensure the service is properly started under "
+"both sysvinit and systemd."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installsystemd> ne s'appuie plus sur B<dh_installinit> pour s'occuper "
+"des services systemd qui ont une alternative pour sysvinit. Les deux outils "
+"doivent maintenant être utilisés dans ce cas pour s'assurer que le service "
+"est démarré correctement, à la fois avec systemd et sysvinit."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:347
+msgid ""
+"If you have an override for B<dh_installinit> (e.g. to call it with B<--no-"
+"start>) then you will probably need one for B<dh_installsystemd> as well now."
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous avez une réécriture pour B<dh_installinit> (par exemple pour "
+"l'appeler avec B<--no-start>), vous en aurez sûrement besoin d'une pour "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> aussi."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:351
+msgid ""
+"This change makes B<dh_installinit> inject a I<misc:Pre-Depends> for B<< "
+"init-system-helpers (>= 1.54~) >>. Please ensure that the package lists "
+"B<${misc:Pre-Depends}> in its B<Pre-Depends> field before upgrading to "
+"compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce changement amène B<dh_installinit> à injecter un champ I<misc:Pre-"
+"Depends> sur B<< init-system-helpers (>= 1.54~) >>. Veuillez vous assurer "
+"que le paquet utilise B<${misc:Pre-Depends}> dans son champ B<Pre-Depends> "
+"avant de mettre à niveau vers la compat 12."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:358
+msgid ""
+"The third-party B<dh_golang> tool (from B<dh-golang> package) now defaults "
+"on honoring B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES> variable for source installation in -dev "
+"packages and not only during the building process. Please set "
+"B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES_ALL> to false to revert to the previous behaviour. See "
+"B<Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::golang(3pm)> for details and examples."
+msgstr ""
+"L'outil tiers B<dh_golang> (du paquet B<dh-golang>) utilise maintenant la "
+"variable B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDE> pour l'installation des sources dans les "
+"paquets -dev, et plus uniquement lors de la construction. Veuillez "
+"positionner B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES_ALL> à faux pour obtenir le comportement "
+"précédent. Consultez B<Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::golang(3pm)> pour "
+"plus de détails et des exemples."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:366
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installsystemduser> is now included in the B<dh> standard sequence by "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installsystemduser> est maintenant inclus par défaut dans la séquence "
+"B<dh> standard."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:371
+msgid ""
+"The B<python-distutils> buildsystem is now removed. Please use the third-"
+"party build system B<pybuild> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Le système de construction B<python-distutils> est supprimé. Veuillez "
+"utiliser le système tiers B<pybuild> à la place."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:376
+msgid "v11"
+msgstr "v11"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:378
+msgid "This mode is discouraged."
+msgstr "Ce mode est déconseillé."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:380
+msgid ""
+"The compat 11 is discouraged for new packages as it suffers from feature "
+"interaction between L<dh_installinit> and L<dh_installsystemd> causing "
+"services to not run correctly in some cases. Please consider using "
+"compatibility mode 10 or 12 instead. More details about the issue are "
+"available in Debian#887904 and L<"
+msgstr ""
+"Le niveau de compatibilité 11 est déconseillé pour les nouveaux paquets "
+"parce qu'il souffre d'une interaction de fonctionnalités entre "
+"L<dh_installinit> et L<dh_installsystemd> faisant que les services ne "
+"fonctionnent pas correctement dans certains cas. Vous devriez envisager "
+"l'utilisation à la place des modes de compatibilité 10 ou 12. Plus de "
+"détails sur ce problème sont disponibles dans le bogue Debian n° 887904 et "
+"dans le message L<"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:387
+msgid "Changes from v10 are:"
+msgstr "Les changements par rapport à la version 10 sont :"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:393
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> no longer installs F<service> or F<tmpfile> files, nor "
+"generates maintainer scripts for those files. Please use the new "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> helper."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> n'installe plus de fichiers F<service> ou F<tmpfile>, ni "
+"ne crée de scripts de maintenance pour ces fichiers. Veuillez utiliser le "
+"nouvel assistant B<dh_installsystemd> à la place."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:399
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_systemd_enable> and B<dh_systemd_start> helpers have been replaced "
+"by the new B<dh_installsystemd> helper. For the same reason, the B<systemd> "
+"sequence for B<dh> has also been removed. If you need to disable the "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> helper tool, please use an empty override target."
+msgstr ""
+"Les outils B<dh_systemd_enable> et B<dh_systemd_start> ont été remplacés par "
+"un nouvel assistant B<dh_installsystemd>. Pour la même raison, la séquence "
+"B<systemd> de B<dh> a aussi été retirée. Si vous avez besoin de désactiver "
+"B<dh_installsystemd>, veuillez utiliser une cible de réécriture vide."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:405
+msgid ""
+"Please note that the B<dh_installsystemd> tool has a slightly different "
+"behaviour in some cases (e.g. when using the B<--name> parameter)."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que B<dh_installsystemd> a un comportement légèrement "
+"différent dans certains cas (par exemple lors de l'utilisation du paramètre "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:411
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> no longer creates debian/I<package> directories unless "
+"explicitly requested (or it has to create a subdirectory in it)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> ne crée plus les répertoires debian/I<paquet> sans qu'on "
+"le lui demande explicitement (ou il doit créer un sous-répertoire à "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:415
+msgid "The vast majority of all packages will be unaffected by this change."
+msgstr ""
+"La grande majorité des paquets ne seront pas affectés par ce changement."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:419
+msgid ""
+"The B<makefile> buildsystem now passes B<INSTALL=\"install --strip-"
+"program=true\"> to L<make(1)>. Derivative buildsystems (e.g. B<configure> "
+"or B<cmake>) are unaffected by this change."
+msgstr ""
+"Le système de construction B<makefile> passe maintenant les options "
+"B<INSTALL=\"install --strip-program=true\"> à L<make(1)>. Les systèmes "
+"dérivés (comme B<configure> ou B<cmake>) ne sont pas affectés par ce "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:425
+msgid ""
+"The B<autoconf> buildsystem now passes B<--runstatedir=/run> to F<./"
+msgstr ""
+"Le système de construction B<autoconf> passe maintenant l'option B<--"
+"runstatedir=/run> à F<./configure>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:430
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR=/run> to "
+msgstr ""
+"Le système de construction B<cmake> passe maintenant l'option B<-"
+"DCMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR=/run> à L<cmake(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:435
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> will now prefer detecting the language from the path name "
+"rather than the extension."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> préfère maintenant détecter le langage à partir du chemin "
+"plutôt que de l'extension."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:440
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> will now only create the destination directory it needs. "
+"Previously, it would create the package build directory for all packages. "
+"This will not affect packages that only build with debhelper commands, but "
+"it may expose bugs in commands not included in debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> crée maintenant uniquement le répertoire de destination "
+"nécessaire. Auparavant, le répertoire de construction de chaque paquet était "
+"créé. Cela n'affectera pas les paquets qui se construisent uniquement avec "
+"debhelper, mais pourrait faire apparaître des bogues dans les commandes qui "
+"ne sont pas incluses avec debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:448
+msgid ""
+"The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, and "
+"B<dh_installman> now error out if their config has a pattern that does not "
+"match anything or reference a path that does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+"Les outils B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo> et "
+"B<dh_installman> renvoient maintenant une erreur si leur configuration "
+"contient un motif qui ne correspond à rien ou qui référence un chemin qui "
+"n'existe pas."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:452
+msgid ""
+"Known exceptions include building with the B<nodoc> profile, where the above "
+"tools will silently permit failed matches where the patterns are used to "
+"specify documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"Les exceptions connues incluent la construction avec le profil B<nodoc>, où "
+"les outils ci-dessus permettront un échec silencieux de la correspondance "
+"lorsque le motif est utilisé pour spécifier la documentation."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:458
+msgid ""
+"The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, and "
+"B<dh_installman> now accept the parameter B<--sourcedir> with same meaning "
+"as B<dh_install>. Furthermore, they now also fall back to F<debian/tmp> like "
+msgstr ""
+"Les outils B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo> et "
+"B<dh_installman> acceptent maintenant le paramètre B<--sourcedir> avec la "
+"même signification que dans B<dh_install>. De plus, ils se rabattent sur "
+"F<debian/tmp> comme B<dh_install>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:463
+msgid ""
+"Migration note: A bug in debhelper 11 up to 11.1.5 made B<dh_installinfo> "
+"incorrectly ignore B<--sourcedir>."
+msgstr ""
+"Note de migration : un bogue dans debhelper 11 jusqu'à 11.1.5 faisait que "
+"B<dh_installinfo> ignorait B<--sourcedir> de manière incorrecte."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:468
+msgid ""
+"The B<perl-makemaker> and B<perl-build> build systems no longer pass B<-I.> "
+"to perl. Packages that still need this behaviour can emulate it by using "
+"the B<PERL5LIB> environment variable. E.g. by adding B<export PERL5LIB=.> "
+"in their debian/rules file (or similar)."
+msgstr ""
+"Les systèmes de construction B<perl-makemaker> et B<perl-build> ne passent "
+"plus l'option B<-I.> à Perl. Les paquets qui ont encore besoin de ce "
+"comportement peuvent l'émuler en utilisant la variable d'environnement "
+"B<PERL5LIB>. Par exemple en ajoutant B<export PERL5LIB=.> dans leur fichier "
+"F<debian/rules> (ou équivalent)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:475
+msgid ""
+"The B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable is no longer set by B<dh> or "
+"any of the B<dh_auto_*> tools. It was added as a temporary work around to "
+"avoid a lot of packages failing to build at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+"La variable d'environnement B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> n'est plus définie par "
+"B<dh>, ni aucun des outils B<dh_auto_*>. Cela avait été ajouté comme "
+"contournement temporaire, pour éviter les échecs de construction d’un grand "
+"nombre de paquets en même temps."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:480
+msgid ""
+"Note this item will eventually become obsolete as upstream intends to drop "
+"support for the B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable. When perl "
+"drops support for it, then this variable will be removed retroactively from "
+"existing compat levels as well."
+msgstr ""
+"De plus, cette fonction deviendra peut-être obsolète car l'amont a "
+"l'intention de retirer la prise en charge de la variable d'environnement "
+"B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC>. Lorsque ce sera le cas, cette variable sera aussi "
+"supprimée rétroactivement des niveaux de compatibilité existants."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:487
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> helper will now exit with an error if objdump returns a "
+"non-zero exit from analysing a given file."
+msgstr ""
+"L'assistant B<dh_makeshlibs> termine maintenant sur une erreur si objdump "
+"renvoie une valeur de sortie différente de zéro lors de l'analyse d'un "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:492
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdocs> and B<dh_installexamples> tools may now install "
+"I<most> of the documentation in a different path to comply with the "
+"recommendation from Debian policy §12.3 (since version 3.9.7)."
+msgstr ""
+"Les outils B<dh_installdocs> et B<dh_installexamples> pourraient maintenant "
+"installer I<la plupart> de la documentation dans un répertoire différent, "
+"pour satisfaire les recommandations de la Charte Debian §12.3 (depuis la "
+"version 3.9.7)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:496
+msgid ""
+"Note that if a given source package only contains a single binary package in "
+"F<debian/control> or none of the packages are I<-doc> packages, then this "
+"change is not relevant for that source package and you can skip to the next "
+msgstr ""
+"Si un paquet source contient un seul paquet binaire dans F<debian/control>, "
+"ou si aucun des paquets n'est un paquet I<-doc>, alors ce changement n'a pas "
+"d'effet pour ce paquet source, et vous pouvez aller au changement suivant."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:501
+msgid ""
+"By default, these tools will now attempt to determine a \"main package for "
+"the documentation\" (called a I<doc-main-package> from here on) for every I<-"
+"doc> package. If they find such a I<doc-main-package>, they will now "
+"install the documentation into the path F<< /usr/share/doc/I<doc-main-"
+"package> >> in the given doc package. I.e. the path can change but the "
+"documentation is still shipped in the I<-doc> package."
+msgstr ""
+"Par défaut, ces outils essaient maintenant de déterminer un « paquet "
+"principal pour la documentation » (que l'on appellera I<doc-main-package>) "
+"pour chaque paquet I<-doc>. S'ils trouvent un tel I<doc-main-package>, ils "
+"installeront la documentation sous F<< /usr/share/doc/I<doc-main-package> >> "
+"pour le paquet considéré. C'est-à-dire que le chemin peut changer, mais la "
+"documentation est toujours fournie par le paquet I<-doc>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:509
+msgid ""
+"The B<--doc-main-package> option can be used when the auto-detection is "
+"insufficient or to reset the path to its previous value if there is a reason "
+"to diverge from Debian policy recommendation."
+msgstr ""
+"L'option B<--doc-main-package> peut être utilisée si la détection "
+"automatique est insuffisante, ou pour réinitialiser le chemin à sa valeur "
+"précédente s'il y a une raison de diverger des recommandations de la "
+"Charte Debian."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:513
+msgid ""
+"Some documentation will not be affected by this change. These exceptions "
+"include the copyright file, changelog files, README.Debian, etc. These "
+"files will still be installed in the path F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package> >>."
+msgstr ""
+"Quelques documents ne sont pas affectés par ce changement. En particulier le "
+"fichier copyright, les fichiers changelog, README.Debian, etc. Ces fichiers "
+"seront toujours installés sous F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package> >>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:520
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_strip> and B<dh_shlibdeps> tools no longer uses filename patterns "
+"to determine which files to process. Instead, they open the file and look "
+"for an ELF header to determine if a given file is an shared object or an ELF "
+msgstr ""
+"Les outils B<dh_strip> et B<dh_shlibdeps> n'utilisent plus les motifs de "
+"noms de fichiers pour déterminer les fichiers à traiter. À la place, ils "
+"ouvrent le fichier et cherchent un en-tête ELF pour déterminer si ce fichier "
+"est un objet partagé ou un exécutable ELF."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:525
+msgid "This change may cause the tools to process more files than previously."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce changement peut forcer les outils à traiter plus de fichiers qu'avant."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:529
+msgid "v10"
+msgstr "v10"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:531
+msgid "Changes from v9 are:"
+msgstr "Les changements par rapport à la version 9 sont :"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:537
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> will no longer install a file named debian/I<package> as "
+"an init script."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> n'installe plus de fichier nommé debian/<paquet> comme "
+"script d'initialisation."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:542
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> will error out if it detects links created with --link-doc "
+"between packages of architecture \"all\" and non-\"all\" as it breaks "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> renverra une erreur s'il détecte des liens créés avec B<--"
+"link-doc> entre des paquets de l'architecture « all » et non-« all » car "
+"cela casse les binNMUs (envois de binaires par quelqu'un d'autre que le "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:548
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> no longer installs a maintainer-provided debian/I<package>."
+"shlibs file. This is now done by B<dh_makeshlibs> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> n'installe plus de fichier debian/<paquet>.shlibs fourni "
+"par le responsable du paquet. Cela est maintenant effectué par "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:554
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> refuses to create a broken package if no man page can be "
+"found (required to register for the x-window-manager alternative)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> refuse de créer un paquet cassé si aucune page de manuel ne "
+"peut être trouvée (requis pour l'inscription de l'alternative x-window-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:559
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper will default to B<--parallel> for all buildsystems that support "
+"parallel building. This can be disabled by using either B<--no-parallel> or "
+"passing B<--max-parallel> with a value of 1."
+msgstr ""
+"Debhelper active par défaut la parallélisation pour tous les systèmes de "
+"construction qui le gèrent. Cela peut être désactivé en utilisant l'option "
+"B<--no-parallel> ou en passant la valeur B<1> à l'option B<--max-parallel>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:565
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will not accept any of the deprecated \"manual sequence "
+"control\" parameters (B<--before>, B<--after>, etc.). Please use override "
+"targets instead."
+msgstr ""
+"La commande B<dh> n'acceptera aucun des paramètres obsolètes de « manual "
+"sequence control » (B<--before>, B<--after>, etc.). Veuillez utiliser les "
+"cibles de réécritures à la place."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:569
+msgid ""
+"B<Retroactively applied to earlier compat levels>: B<dh> no longer accepts "
+"any of these since debhelper/12.4."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Application rétroactive aux niveaux de compatibilité antérieurs> : B<dh> "
+"n'accepte plus aucun de ces paramètres depuis debhelper 12.4."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:574
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will no longer use log files to track which commands have "
+"been run. The B<dh> command I<still> keeps track of whether it already ran "
+"the \"build\" sequence and skip it if it did."
+msgstr ""
+"La commande B<dh> n'utilisera plus les fichiers journaux pour enregistrer "
+"quelles commandes ont été exécutées. La commande B<dh> se souvient "
+"I<toujours> si la séquence « build » a été effectuée et l'omet si c'est le "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:578
+msgid "The main effects of this are:"
+msgstr "Les principales conséquences de cela sont :"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:584
+msgid ""
+"With this, it is now easier to debug the I<install> or/and I<binary> "
+"sequences because they can now trivially be re-run (without having to do a "
+"full \"clean and rebuild\" cycle)"
+msgstr ""
+"Il est maintenant plus facile de déboguer les séquences I<install> et "
+"I<binary> parce qu'elles peuvent maintenant être facilement re-exécutées "
+"(sans avoir à refaire un cycle complet de « clean & rebuild »)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:590
+msgid ""
+"The main caveat is that B<dh_*> now only keeps track of what happened in a "
+"single override target. When all the calls to a given B<dh_cmd> command "
+"happens in the same override target everything will work as before."
+msgstr ""
+"La principale précaution est que B<dh_*> enregistre uniquement ce qui s'est "
+"passé dans une unique cible de réécriture. Lorsque tous les appels à une "
+"commande B<dh_cmd> donnée arrivent dans la même cible de réécriture, tout "
+"fonctionnera comme avant."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:595
+msgid "Example of where it can go wrong:"
+msgstr "Exemple de ce qui pourrait mal se passer :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:597
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" dh_foo -pmy-pkg\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_toto:\n"
+" dh_toto -pmon_paquet\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:600
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" dh_bar\n"
+" dh_foo --remaining\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_titi:\n"
+" dh_titi\n"
+" dh_toto --remaining\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:604
+msgid ""
+"In this case, the call to B<dh_foo --remaining> will I<also> include I<my-"
+"pkg>, since B<dh_foo -pmy-pkg> was run in a separate override target. This "
+"issue is not limited to B<--remaining>, but also includes B<-a>, B<-i>, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans ce cas, l'appel à B<dh_foo --remaining> inclura I<aussi> I<mon_paquet>, "
+"car B<dh_foo -pmon_paquet> a été exécuté dans une cible de réécriture "
+"différente. Ce problème n'est pas limité à B<--remaining> et concerne aussi "
+"B<-a>, B<-i>, etc."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:613
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> command now shell-escapes the lines in the "
+"F<maintscript> config file. This was the original intent but it did not "
+"work properly and packages have begun to rely on the incomplete shell "
+"escaping (e.g. quoting file names)."
+msgstr ""
+"À présent, la commande B<dh_installdeb> échappe les caractères du shell dans "
+"les lignes du fichier de config F<maintscript>. C'était l'intention "
+"originale mais cela n'a jamais fonctionné correctement et les paquets ont "
+"commencé à compter sur l'échappement incomplet (p. ex. en encadrant les noms "
+"de fichiers de guillemets)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:620
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installinit> command now defaults to B<--restart-after-upgrade>. "
+"For packages needing the previous behaviour, please use B<--no-restart-after-"
+msgstr ""
+"La commande B<dh_installinit> utilise maintenant B<--restart-after-upgrade> "
+"par défaut. Les paquets nécessitant le comportement précédent devraient "
+"utiliser l'option B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:626
+msgid ""
+"The B<autoreconf> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass B<--"
+"without autoreconf> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given package"
+msgstr ""
+"La séquence B<autoreconf> est maintenant activée par défaut. Veuillez passer "
+"l'option B<--without autoreconf> à B<dh> si cela n'est pas voulu pour "
+"certains paquets."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:632
+msgid ""
+"The B<systemd> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass B<--without "
+"systemd> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given package."
+msgstr ""
+"La séquence B<systemd> est maintenant activée par défaut. Veuillez passer "
+"l'option B<--without systemd> à B<dh> si cela n'est pas voulu pour certains "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:638
+msgid ""
+"B<Retroactively removed>: B<dh> no longer creates the package build "
+"directory when skipping running debhelper commands. This will not affect "
+"packages that only build with debhelper commands, but it may expose bugs in "
+"commands not included in debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Supprimé rétroactivement> : B<dh> ne crée plus le répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet lors de l'omission des commandes de debhelper en "
+"cours. Cela n'affectera pas les paquets qui se construisent uniquement avec "
+"debhelper, mais pourrait faire apparaître des bogues dans les commandes qui "
+"ne sont pas incluses avec debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:643
+msgid ""
+"This compatibility feature had a bug since its inception in "
+"debhelper/9.20130516 that made it fail to apply in compat 9 and earlier. As "
+"there has been no reports of issues caused by this bug in those ~5 years, "
+"this item have been removed rather than fixed."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette fonctionnalité de compatibilité avait un bogue depuis sa création dans "
+"debhelper/9.20130516, qui la faisait échouer en compat 9 et précédent. Comme "
+"il n'y a eu aucun rapport de problème causé par ce bogue en 5 ans, cela a "
+"été supprimé plutôt que corrigé."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:650
+msgid "v9"
+msgstr "v9"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:652
+msgid "Changes from v8 are:"
+msgstr "Les changements par rapport à la version 8 sont :"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:658
+msgid ""
+"Multiarch support. In particular, B<dh_auto_configure> passes multiarch "
+"directories to autoconf in --libdir and --libexecdir."
+msgstr ""
+"Prise en charge multiarchitecture. En particulier, B<dh_auto_configure> "
+"passe les répertoires multiarchitectures à B<autoconf> dans B<--libdir> et "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:663
+msgid ""
+"dh is aware of the usual dependencies between targets in debian/rules. So, "
+"\"dh binary\" will run any build, build-arch, build-indep, install, etc "
+"targets that exist in the rules file. There's no need to define an explicit "
+"binary target with explicit dependencies on the other targets."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> connaît les dépendances classiques entre les cibles de F<debian/"
+"rules>. Donc « B<dh binary> » exécutera toutes les cibles build, build-arch, "
+"build-indep, install, etc., présentes dans le fichier I<rules>. Il n'est pas "
+"nécessaire de définir une cible binary avec des dépendances explicites sur "
+"les autres cibles."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:670
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> compresses debugging symbol files to reduce the installed size "
+"of -dbg packages."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> compresse les fichiers de symboles de mise au point pour réduire "
+"la taille d'installation des paquets -dbg."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:675
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> does not include the source package name in --"
+"libexecdir when using autoconf."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> n'inclut pas le nom du paquet source dans B<--"
+"libexecdir> en utilisant B<autoconf>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:680
+msgid "B<dh> does not default to enabling --with=python-support"
+msgstr "B<dh> n'active pas B<--with=python-support> par défaut."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:682
+msgid ""
+"(Obsolete: As the B<dh_pysupport> tool was removed from Debian stretch. "
+"Since debhelper/10.3, B<dh> no longer enables this sequence add-on "
+"regardless of compat level)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Obsolète puisque l'outil B<dh_pysupport> a été retiré de Debian Stretch. "
+"Depuis debhelper 10.3, B<dh> n'active plus cette séquence quel que soit le "
+"niveau de compatibilité)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:688
+msgid ""
+"All of the B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs and B<dh> set environment "
+"variables listed by B<dpkg-buildflags>, unless they are already set."
+msgstr ""
+"Tous les programmes debhelper B<dh_auto_>I<*> et B<dh> configurent les "
+"variables d'environnement renvoyées par B<dpkg-buildflags>, sauf si elles "
+"sont déjà configurées."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:694
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> passes B<dpkg-buildflags> CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and LDFLAGS "
+"to perl F<Makefile.PL> and F<Build.PL>"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> passe les CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS et LDFLAGS de B<dpkg-"
+"buildflags> à F<Makefile.PL> et F<Build.PL> de Perl."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:699
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> puts separated debug symbols in a location based on their build-"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> place les symboles de mise au point séparés à un endroit en "
+"fonction de leur identifiant de construction (build-id)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:704
+msgid ""
+"Executable debhelper config files are run and their output used as the "
+msgstr ""
+"Les fichiers de configuration exécutables de debhelper sont exécutés et leur "
+"sortie est utilisée comme configuration."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:709
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:740
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:744 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:81
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:135 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:158
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:165 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:174
+msgid "This mode is deprecated."
+msgstr "Ce mode est déconseillé."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:711
+msgid "v8"
+msgstr "v8"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:713
+msgid "Changes from v7 are:"
+msgstr "Les changements par rapport à la version 7 sont :"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:719
+msgid ""
+"Commands will fail rather than warning when they are passed unknown options."
+msgstr ""
+"Les commandes échoueront plutôt que de produire une alerte lorsqu'elles "
+"recevront des options inconnues."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:723
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> will run B<dpkg-gensymbols> on all shared libraries that it "
+"generates shlibs files for. So B<-X> can be used to exclude libraries. "
+"Also, libraries in unusual locations that B<dpkg-gensymbols> would not have "
+"processed before will be passed to it, a behavior change that can cause some "
+"packages to fail to build."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> va exécuter le programme B<dpkg-gensymbols> sur toutes les "
+"bibliothèques partagées qu'il génère pour les fichiers shlibs. B<-X> peut "
+"alors être utilisé pour exclure certaines bibliothèques. En outre, les "
+"bibliothèques rangées à des emplacements inhabituels que B<pkg-gensymbols> "
+"n'aurait pas traitées avant qu'elles ne lui soient transmises, induisent un "
+"changement de comportement qui peut causer l'échec de la construction de "
+"certains paquets."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:731
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> requires the sequence to run be specified as the first parameter, and "
+"any switches come after it. Ie, use \"B<dh $@ --foo>\", not \"B<dh --foo "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> exige que la séquence à exécuter soit indiquée en tant que premier "
+"paramètre. Tous les commutateurs doivent venir après. C'est-à-dire qu'il "
+"faut écrire « B<dh $@ --toto> », et non « B<dh --toto $@> »"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:736
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> prefer to use Perl's B<Module::Build> in preference to "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_*> utilise préférentiellement B<Module::Build> de Perl au lieu de "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:742 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:21
+msgid "v7"
+msgstr "v7"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:746 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:23
+msgid "This is the lowest supported compatibility level."
+msgstr "C'est le niveau de compatibilité le plus bas pris en charge."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:748
+msgid ""
+"If you are upgrading from an earlier compatibility level, please review "
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous mettez à jour depuis un niveau de compatibilité antérieur, veuillez "
+"consulter L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:757
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgid "L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:759
+msgid ""
+"Upgrading from a (now) obsolete compatibility level? This document covers "
+"the upgrade checklist up to the earliest supported level."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:762 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:180
+#: dh:874 dh_auto_build:55 dh_auto_clean:57 dh_auto_configure:60
+#: dh_auto_install:105 dh_auto_test:66 dh_builddeb:178 dh_clean:191
+#: dh_compress:245 dh_dwz:165 dh_fixperms:166 dh_gencontrol:210 dh_install:379
+#: dh_installcatalogs:130 dh_installchangelogs:367 dh_installcron:82
+#: dh_installdeb:421 dh_installdebconf:235 dh_installdirs:133
+#: dh_installdocs:439 dh_installexamples:184 dh_installifupdown:74
+#: dh_installinfo:125 dh_installlogcheck:83 dh_installlogrotate:55
+#: dh_installman:422 dh_installmanpages:200 dh_installmime:65
+#: dh_installmodules:111 dh_installpam:73 dh_installppp:70 dh_installudev:104
+#: dh_installwm:132 dh_installxfonts:92 dh_link:168 dh_listpackages:36
+#: dh_makeshlibs:458 dh_md5sums:120 dh_movefiles:163 dh_perl:190 dh_prep:72
+#: dh_strip:437 dh_testdir:64 dh_testroot:95 dh_usrlocal:138
+#: dh_systemd_start:282
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:764
+msgid ""
+"General information about the debhelper framework. This document also covers "
+"how to declare your chosen debhelper compat level."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:769 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:182
+#: dh_installinit:419 dh_systemd_enable:284 dh_systemd_start:284
+msgid "AUTHORS"
+msgstr "AUTEURS"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:771 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:184
+#: dh_dwz:171 dh_installinitramfs:101
+msgid "Niels Thykier <>"
+msgstr "Niels Thykier <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:773 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:186
+msgid "Joey Hess"
+msgstr "Joey Hess"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:3
+msgid "debhelper-obsolete-compat - List of no longer supported compat levels"
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper-obsolete-compat - Liste les niveaux de compatibilité qui ne sont "
+"plus pris en charge"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:7
+msgid ""
+"This document contains the upgrade guidelines from all compat levels which "
+"are no longer supported. Accordingly it is mostly for historical purposes "
+"and to assist people upgrading from a non-supported compat level to a "
+"supported level."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce document contient les instructions de mise à jour depuis les niveaux de "
+"compatibilité qui ne sont plus pris en charge. Ainsi, il existe surtout pour "
+"des raisons historiques et pour ceux qui voudraient faire une mise à jour "
+"depuis un niveau de compatibilité qui n'est plus pris en charge."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:12
+msgid "For upgrades from supported compat levels, please see L<debhelper(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour les mises à jour depuis un niveau de compatibilité encore pris en "
+"charge, veuillez consulter L<debhelper(7)>."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:14
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:16
+msgid ""
+"The following is the list of now obsolete compat levels and their changes."
+msgstr ""
+"La liste suivante répertorie les niveaux de compatibilité qui ne sont plus "
+"pris en charge, ainsi que les changements de l'un à l'autre."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:25
+msgid "Changes from v6 are:"
+msgstr "Les changements par rapport à la version 6 sont :"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:31
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install>, will fall back to looking for files in F<debian/tmp> if it "
+"doesn't find them in the current directory (or wherever you tell it look "
+"using B<--sourcedir>). This allows B<dh_install> to interoperate with "
+"B<dh_auto_install>, which installs to F<debian/tmp>, without needing any "
+"special parameters."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> cherchera récursivement les fichiers dans F<debian/tmp> s'il "
+"ne les trouve pas dans le répertoire courant (ou dans le répertoire indiqué "
+"par B<--sourcedir>). Cela permet à B<dh_install> d'interopérer avec "
+"B<dh_auto_install> qui place les fichiers dans F<debian/tmp>, sans "
+"nécessiter de paramètres particuliers."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:38
+msgid "B<dh_clean> will read F<debian/clean> and delete files listed there."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> lit le répertoire F<debian/clean> et supprime les fichiers qui y "
+"sont mentionnés."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:42
+msgid "B<dh_clean> will delete toplevel F<*-stamp> files."
+msgstr "B<dh_clean> supprime les fichiers F<*-stamp>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:46
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> will guess at what file is the upstream changelog if "
+"none is specified."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> déterminera à quel fichier correspond le changelog "
+"amont si rien n'est indiqué."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:51
+msgid "v6"
+msgstr "v6"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:53
+msgid "Changes from v5 are:"
+msgstr "Les changements par rapport à la version 5 sont :"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"Commands that generate maintainer script fragments will order the fragments "
+"in reverse order for the F<prerm> and F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Les commandes qui génèrent des lignes de codes de maintenance les mettront "
+"dans l'ordre inverse dans les scripts F<prerm> et F<postrm>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:64
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> will install a slave manpage link for F<x-window-manager.1."
+"gz>, if it sees the man page in F<usr/share/man/man1> in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> installera un lien vers une page de manuel esclave pour F<x-"
+"window-manager.1.gz> s'il voit la page de manuel dans le répertoire F<usr/"
+"share/man/man1> du répertoire de construction du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:70
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> did not previously delete everything matching "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE>, if it was set to a list of things to exclude, such as "
+"B<CVS:.svn:.git>. Now it does."
+msgstr ""
+"Auparavant, B<dh_builddeb> ne supprimait pas les associations créées avec "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE> s'il était configuré sur une liste d'éléments tels que "
+"B<CVS:.svn:.git>. Maintenant il le fait."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:76
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> allows overwriting existing man pages in the package build "
+"directory. In previous compatibility levels it silently refuses to do this."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> permet d'écraser les pages de manuel existantes dans le "
+"répertoire de construction du paquet. Auparavant, il refusait en silence de "
+"le faire."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:83
+msgid "v5"
+msgstr "v5"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:85
+msgid "Changes from v4 are:"
+msgstr "Les changements par rapport à la version 4 sont :"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:91
+msgid "Comments are ignored in debhelper config files."
+msgstr ""
+"Les commentaires sont ignorés dans les fichiers de configuration de "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:95
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip --dbg-package> now specifies the name of a package to put "
+"debugging symbols in, not the packages to take the symbols from."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip --dbg-package> indique maintenant le nom du paquet qui doit "
+"recevoir les symboles de mise au point et non les paquets d'où proviennent "
+"ces symboles."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:100
+msgid "B<dh_installdocs> skips installing empty files."
+msgstr "B<dh_installdocs> saute l'installation des fichiers vides."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:104
+msgid "B<dh_install> errors out if wildcards expand to nothing."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> génère des erreurs si les jokers (wildcards) ne correspondent "
+"à rien."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:108
+msgid "v4"
+msgstr "v4"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:110
+msgid "Changes from v3 are:"
+msgstr "Les changements par rapport à la version 3 sont :"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:116
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs -V> will not include the Debian part of the version number "
+"in the generated dependency line in the shlibs file."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs -V> n'inclura pas la partie Debian du numéro de version dans "
+"la ligne de dépendance produite dans le fichier shlibs."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:121
+msgid ""
+"You are encouraged to put the new B<${misc:Depends}> into F<debian/control> "
+"to supplement the B<${shlibs:Depends}> field."
+msgstr ""
+"Il est fortement conseillé de mettre le nouveau B<${misc:Depends}> dans "
+"F<debian/control> pour compléter le champs B<${shlibs:Depends}>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:126
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> will make all files in F<bin/> directories and in F<etc/init."
+"d> executable."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> rendra exécutables tous les fichiers des répertoires F<bin/> "
+"et F<etc/init.d>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:131
+msgid "B<dh_link> will correct existing links to conform with policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> corrigera les liens existants pour les rendre conformes à la "
+"Charte Debian."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:137
+msgid "v3"
+msgstr "v3"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:139
+msgid "This mode works like v2, with the following additions:"
+msgstr "Ce mode fonctionne comme v2 mais avec les ajouts suivants :"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:145
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper config files support globbing via B<*> and B<?>, when appropriate. "
+"To turn this off and use those characters raw, just prefix with a backslash."
+msgstr ""
+"Les fichiers de configuration de debhelper acceptent les jokers B<*> et B<?> "
+"lorsque cela a un sens. Pour désactiver cette substitution et utiliser ces "
+"caractères tels quels, il suffit de les préfixer avec une barre contre-"
+"oblique (backslash)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:150
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> makes the F<postinst> and F<postrm> scripts call "
+msgstr ""
+"Les scripts de maintenance du paquet (F<postinst> et F<postrm>) feront appel "
+"à B<ldconfig> quand B<dh_makeshlibs> sera lancé."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:154
+msgid ""
+"Every file in F<etc/> is automatically flagged as a conffile by "
+msgstr ""
+"Chaque fichier de F<etc/> est automatiquement marqué par B<dh_installdeb> "
+"comme un fichier de configuration."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:160
+msgid "v2"
+msgstr "v2"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:162
+msgid ""
+"In this mode, debhelper will consistently use debian/I<package> as the "
+"package tree directory for every package that is built."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans ce mode, debhelper emploiera uniformément « debian/I<paquet> » comme "
+"répertoire de l'arborescence de chaque paquet construit."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:167
+msgid "v1"
+msgstr "v1"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:169
+msgid ""
+"This is the original debhelper compatibility level, and so it is the default "
+"one. In this mode, debhelper will use F<debian/tmp> as the package tree "
+"directory for the first binary package listed in the control file, while "
+"using debian/I<package> for all other packages listed in the F<control> file."
+msgstr ""
+"C'est le niveau initial de compatibilité de debhelper d'où son numéro 1. "
+"Dans ce mode, debhelper emploiera F<debian/tmp> comme répertoire de "
+"l'arborescence du premier paquet binaire énuméré dans le fichier F<control> "
+"et « debian/I<paquet> » pour tous les autres."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:5
+msgid "dh - debhelper command sequencer"
+msgstr "dh - Automate de commandes debhelper"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> I<sequence> [B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]] [B<--list>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> I<suite> [B<--with> I<rajout>[B<,>I<rajout> ...]] [B<--list>] "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:28
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> runs a sequence of debhelper commands. The supported I<sequence>s "
+"correspond to the targets of a F<debian/rules> file: B<build-arch>, B<build-"
+"indep>, B<build>, B<clean>, B<install-indep>, B<install-arch>, B<install>, "
+"B<binary-arch>, B<binary-indep>, and B<binary>."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> exécute une suite de commandes debhelper. Les I<suite>s acceptées "
+"correspondent aux blocs d'un fichier F<debian/rules> : B<build-arch>, "
+"B<build-indep>, B<build>, B<clean>, B<install-indep>, B<install-arch>, "
+"B<install>, B<binary-arch>, B<binary-indep> et B<binary>."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:33
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:35
+msgid ""
+"A F<debian/rules> file using B<dh> can override the command that is run at "
+"any step in a sequence, by defining an override target. It is also possible "
+"to inject a command before or after any step without affecting the step "
+msgstr ""
+"Un fichier F<debian/rules> utilisant B<dh> peut réécrire la commande "
+"exécutée à n'importe quelle étape d'une séquence, en définissant une cible "
+"de réécriture. Il est possible d'injecter une commande avant ou après une "
+"étape sans affecter l'étape elle-même."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:40
+msgid "Injecting commands before or after a step"
+msgstr "Injection de commandes avant ou après une étape"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:42
+msgid ""
+"I<Note>: This feature requires debhelper 12.8 or later plus the package must "
+"use compatibility mode 10 or later."
+msgstr ""
+"I<Note> : Cette fonctionnalité requiert debhelper 12.8 ou plus et le paquet "
+"doit utiliser le mode de compatibilité 10 ou plus."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:45
+msgid ""
+"To inject commands before I<dh_command>, add a target named "
+"B<execute_before_>I<dh_command> to the rules files. Similarly, if you want "
+"to inject commands after I<dh_command>, add the target "
+"B<execute_after_>I<dh_command>. Both targets can be used for the same "
+"I<dh_command> and also even if the command is overridden (as described in L</"
+"Overriding a command> below)."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour injecter des commandes avant I<dh_command>, ajoutez une cible nommée "
+"B<execute_before_>I<dh_command> aux fichiers de règles. De la même manière, "
+"si vous voulez injecter des commandes après I<dh_command>, ajoutez la cible "
+"B<execute_after_>I<dh_command>. Les deux cibles peuvent être utilisées pour "
+"la même I<dh_command>, et même si la commande est réécrite (comme décrit "
+"plus loin dans L</Réécriture d'une commande>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:52
+msgid ""
+"When these targets are defined, B<dh> will call the targets respectively "
+"before or after it would invoke I<dh_command> (or its override target)."
+msgstr ""
+"Quand ces cibles sont définies, B<dh> appellera les cibles respectivement "
+"avant ou après qu'il invoque I<dh_command> (ou sa cible réécrite)."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:55
+msgid "Overriding a command"
+msgstr "Réécriture d'une commande"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:57
+msgid ""
+"To override I<dh_command>, add a target named B<override_>I<dh_command> to "
+"the rules file. When it would normally run I<dh_command>, B<dh> will instead "
+"call that target. The override target can then run the command with "
+"additional options, or run entirely different commands instead. See examples "
+msgstr ""
+"Pour réécrire la commande I<dh_commande>, ajoutez une cible appelée "
+"B<override_>I<dh_commande> au fichier F<rules>. B<dh> exécutera ce bloc au "
+"lieu d'exécuter I<dh_commande>, comme il l'aurait fait sinon. La commande "
+"exécutée peut être la même commande avec des options supplémentaires ou une "
+"commande entièrement différente. Consultez les exemples ci-dessous."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:63
+msgid "Architecture dependent/independent override and hook targets"
+msgstr ""
+"Cibles de réécriture et d'accroche dépendantes ou indépendantes de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:65
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The override and hook targets can also be defined to run only when "
+#| "building architecture dependent or architecture independent packages. Use "
+#| "targets with names like B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch> and "
+#| "B<execute_after>I<dh_command>B<-indep>."
+msgid ""
+"The override and hook targets can also be defined to run only when building "
+"architecture dependent or architecture independent packages. Use targets "
+"with names like B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch> and "
+msgstr ""
+"Les cibles de réécriture et d'accroche peuvent aussi être définies pour "
+"n'être exécutées que lors de la construction de paquets dépendants ou "
+"indépendants de l'architecture. Utilisez des cibles avec des noms comme "
+"B<override_>I<dh_commande>B<-arch> et B<execute_after>I<dh_command>B<-indep>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:70
+msgid ""
+"This feature is available since debhelper 8.9.7 (for override targets) and "
+"12.8 (for hook targets)."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette fonctionnalité est disponible depuis debhelper 8.9.7 (pour les cibles "
+"de réécriture) et 12.8 pour les cibles d'accroche."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:73
+msgid "Completely empty targets"
+msgstr "Cibles complètement vides"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:75
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "As a special optimization, B<dh> will skip a target if it is completely "
+#| "empty. This is mostly useful for override targets, where the command "
+#| "will simply be skipped without the overhead of invoking a dummy target."
+msgid ""
+"As a special optimization, B<dh> will skip a target if it is completely "
+"empty and does not depend on any other target. This is mostly useful for "
+"override targets, where the command will simply be skipped without the "
+"overhead of invoking a dummy target."
+msgstr ""
+"Comme optimisation particulière, B<dh> ignorera une cible si elle est "
+"complètement vide. C'est surtout utile pour les cibles réécrites où la "
+"commande sera simplement ignorée sans la charge de l'invocation d'une cible "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:80
+msgid "Note that the target has to be completely empty for this to work:"
+msgstr ""
+"Notez que la cible doit être complètement vide pour que cela fonctionne :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:82
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Skip dh_bar - the good and optimized way\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_bar goes here\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Ignorer dh_toto – la bonne façon optimisée\n"
+" # Mettre ici une raison pour ignorer dh_toto\n"
+" override_dh_toto:\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:87
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Skip dh_foo - the slow way\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_foo goes here\n"
+" # (these comments causes a dummy target to be run)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Ignorer dh_titi – la façon lente\n"
+" override_dh_titi:\n"
+" # Mettre ici une raison pour ignorer dh_titi\n"
+" # (ces commentaires font qu'une cible factice est exécutée)\n"
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:92
+msgid "Verifying targets are picked up by dh"
+msgstr "La vérification des cibles est récupérée par B<dh>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:94
+msgid ""
+"As of debhelper 13.10, you can use L<dh_assistant(1)> to see which override "
+"and hook targets will be seen by B<dh>. Here is an example run of "
+"L<dh_assistant(1)> along with its output:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:98
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ dh_assistant detect-hook-targets\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"commands-not-in-path\": [\n"
+" \"dh_foo\"\n"
+" ],\n"
+" \"hook-targets\": [\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"command\": \"dh_strip_nondeterminism\",\n"
+" \"is-empty\": true,\n"
+" \"package-section-param\": null,\n"
+" \"target-name\": \"override_dh_strip_nondeterminism\"\n"
+" },\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"command\": \"dh_foo\",\n"
+" \"is-empty\": false,\n"
+" \"package-section-param\": \"-a\",\n"
+" \"target-name\": \"override_dh_foo-arch\"\n"
+" }\n"
+" ]\n"
+" }\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:119
+msgid ""
+"The B<commands-not-in-path> is useful for spotting mistakes in the hook "
+"target names. A non-empty value implies one of more hook targets are "
+"related to a command that is either not installed or no command with that "
+"name exists at all. It is generally worth double checking these."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:124
+msgid ""
+"Additionally, the B<is-empty> attribute for each hook target can be used for "
+"seeing whether a hook target triggers the L</Completely empty targets> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:127
+msgid ""
+"If you are interested in the other attributes, please read the "
+"L<dh_assistant(1)> for the details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head3
+#: dh:130
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Verifying targets are picked up by dh"
+msgid ""
+"Verifying targets are picked up by dh (when debhelper is older than 13.10)"
+msgstr "La vérification des cibles est récupérée par B<dh>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:134
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If you want to confirm that B<dh> has seen an override or a hook target, "
+#| "you can use the following command as an example:"
+msgid ""
+"On older versions of debhelper, you have to use B<dh> with B<--no-act>. You "
+"can use the following command as an example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous voulez confirmer que B<dh> a vu une cible de réécriture ou "
+"d'accroche, vous pouvez utiliser la commande suivante comme exemple :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:137
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ dh binary --no-act | grep dh_install | head -n5\n"
+" dh_installdirs\n"
+" dh_install\n"
+" debian/rules execute_after_dh_install\n"
+" dh_installdocs\n"
+" dh_installchangelogs\n"
+msgstr ""
+" $ dh binary --no-act | grep dh_install | head -n5\n"
+" dh_installdirs\n"
+" dh_install\n"
+" debian/rules execute_after_dh_install\n"
+" dh_installdocs\n"
+" dh_installchangelogs\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:144
+msgid ""
+"The B<debian/rules execute_after_dh_install> in the output, which signals "
+"that B<dh> registered a B<execute_after_dh_install> target and would run it "
+"directly after L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Le B<debian/rules execute_after_dh_install> dans la sortie signale que B<dh> "
+"a enregistré une cible B<execute_after_dh_install> et devrait l'exécuter "
+"immédiatement après L<dh_install(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:148
+msgid ""
+"Note that L</Completely empty targets> will be omitted in the listing "
+"above. This makes it a bit harder to spot as you are looking for the "
+"omission of a command name. But otherwise, the principle remains the same."
+msgstr ""
+"Notez que les L</Cibles complètement vides> seront omises dans la liste ci-"
+"dessus. Cela rend un peu plus difficile le repérage lors de la recherche de "
+"l'omission d'un nom de commande. Mais autrement, le principe reste le même."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:152
+msgid "Caveats with hook targets and makefile conditionals"
+msgstr "Mises en garde sur les cibles d'accroche et les conditions de makefile"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:154
+msgid ""
+"If you choose to wrap a hook target in makefile conditionals, please be "
+"aware that B<dh> computes all the hook targets a head of time and caches the "
+"result for that run. Furthermore, the conditionals will be invoked again "
+"when B<dh> calls the hook target later and will assume the answer did not "
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous choisissez d'envelopper une cible d'accroche dans des conditions de "
+"makefile, soyez conscient que B<dh> calcule toutes les cibles d'accroche à "
+"l'avance et met en cache le résultat pour cette exécution. En outre, les "
+"conditions seront de nouveau invoquées quand B<dh> appelle la cible "
+"d'accroche plus tard et supposera que la réponse n'a pas changé."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:160
+msgid ""
+"The parsing and caching I<often> happens before B<dh> knows whether it will "
+"build arch:any (-a) or/and arch:all (-i) packages, which can produce "
+"confusing results - especially when L<dh_listpackages(1)> is part of the "
+msgstr ""
+"L'analyse et la mise en cache se produit B<souvent> avant que B<dh> ne sache "
+"s'il va construire des paquets arch:any (-a) ou/et arch:all (-i) ce qui peut "
+"produire des résultats déconcertants – particulièrement si "
+"L<dh_listpackages(1)> fait partie des conditions."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:165
+msgid ""
+"Most of the problems can be avoided by making the hook target unconditional "
+"and then have the \"body\" be partially or completely conditional. As an "
+msgstr ""
+"La majorité des problèmes peut être évitée en rendant la cible d'accroche "
+"inconditionnelle et ensuite en mettant le « corps » partiellement ou "
+"complètement conditionnel. Par exemple :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:169
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. The hook target\n"
+" # is always considered. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional but dh_foo is definitely skipped.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, \"maybe run this\"\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # SIMPLE : ce qui arrive est bien défini. La cible d'accroche\n"
+" # est toujours prise en compte. La partie « maybe run this » est\n"
+" # conditionnelle mais dh_toto est définitivement oublié.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note : La condition est évaluée « deux fois » où elle influence\n"
+" # ce qui arrive. Une fois quand dh vérifie quelles cibles\n"
+" # d'accroche existent et une fois quand la cible d'accroche\n"
+" # override_dh_toto est exécutée. Si *une* fois, la sortie est\n"
+" # I<faux>, « maybe run this » est ignoré.\n"
+" override_dh_toto:\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:183
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # SIMPLE : cela est aussi bien défini. La cible d'accroche est\n"
+" # toujours exécutée et dh_titi est ignoré. La partie « may be\n"
+" # run this » est conditionnelle comme on pourrait s'y attendre.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note : La condition est encore évaluée plusieurs fois (dans\n"
+" # différent processus chaque fois). Néanmoins, seule l'évaluation\n"
+" # qui survient quand la cible d'accroche est exécutée influence ce\n"
+" # qui arrive.\n"
+" override_dh_titi:\n"
+" : # Commande factice pour toujours forcer l'exécution de la cible\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:198
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Here, either dh_baz is run normally OR \"maybe run this\" is run\n"
+" # instead.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # And it gets even more complicated to reason about if dh needs to\n"
+" # recurse into debian/rules because you have an \"explicit\"\n"
+" # standard target (e.g. a \"build-arch:\" target separate from \"%:\").\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz:\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # COMPLIQUÉ : Ce cas peut ne pas être trivial et présenter des\n"
+" # difficultés. À utiliser à vos risques et périls si dh_listpackages\n"
+" # est dans la condition.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Ici, soit dh_truc est exécuté normalement OU « maybe run this »\n"
+" # est exécuté à sa place.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Cela devient encore plus compliqué à résoudre si dh a besoin d'itérer\n"
+" # dans debian/rules parce qu'il y a une cible normale « explicite »\n"
+" # (par exemple une cible « build-arch: » séparée de « %: »).\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_truc:\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:212
+msgid ""
+"These recipes are also relevant for conditional dependency targets, which "
+"are often seen in a variant of the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Ces recettes sont aussi pertinentes pour des cibles de dépendance "
+"conditionnelles qui sont souvent illustrées par une variante de l'exemple "
+"suivant :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:215
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" COND_TASKS =\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" COND_TASKS += maybe-run-this\n"
+" endif\n"
+" ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" COND_TASKS =\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" COND_TASKS += maybe-run-this\n"
+" endif\n"
+" ...\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:221
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" maybe-run-this:\n"
+" ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" maybe-run-this:\n"
+" ...\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:224
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. Either the\n"
+" # $(COND_TASKS) are skipped or run.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # SIMPLE : ce qui arrive est bien défini. Soit les\n"
+" # $(COND_TASKS) sont ignorées soit elles sont exécutées.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note : La condition est évaluée « deux fois » où elle influence\n"
+" # ce qui arrive. Une fois quand dh vérifie quelles cibles\n"
+" # d'accroche existent et une fois quand la cible d'accroche\n"
+" # override_dh_toto est exécutée. Si *une* fois, la sortie est\n"
+" # # I<faux>, $(COND_TASKS) sont ignorées.\n"
+" override_dh_toto: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:235
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The $(COND_TASKS) bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # SIMPLE : ceci est aussi bien défini. La cible d'accroche est\n"
+" # toujours exécutée et dh_titi est ignoré. La partie $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" # est conditionnelle comme on pourrait s'y attendre.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note : La condition est encore évaluée plusieurs fois (dans\n"
+" # différent processus chaque fois). Néanmoins, seule l'évaluation\n"
+" # qui survient quand la cible d'accroche est exécutée influence ce\n"
+" # qui arrive.\n"
+" override_dh_titi: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" : # Commande factice pour toujours forcer l'exécution de la cible\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:246
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # COMPLIQUÉ : ce cas peut ne pas être trivial et présenter des\n"
+" # difficultés. À utiliser à vos risques et périls si dh_listpackages\n"
+" # est dans la condition.\n"
+" #\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_truc: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" endif\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:254
+msgid ""
+"When in doubt, pick the relevant B<SIMPLE> case in the examples above that "
+"match your need."
+msgstr ""
+"En cas de doute, choisissez le cas B<SIMPLE> qui correspond à vos besoins "
+"parmi les exemples ci-dessus."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:257 dh_auto_build:32 dh_auto_clean:33 dh_auto_configure:35
+#: dh_auto_install:52 dh_auto_test:34 dh_bugfiles:53 dh_builddeb:34 dh_clean:49
+#: dh_compress:52 dh_dwz:26 dh_fixperms:40 dh_gencontrol:38 dh_icons:33
+#: dh_install:69 dh_installcatalogs:56 dh_installchangelogs:77
+#: dh_installcron:45 dh_installdeb:107 dh_installdebconf:64 dh_installdirs:45
+#: dh_installdocs:100 dh_installemacsen:56 dh_installexamples:48
+#: dh_installifupdown:42 dh_installinfo:41 dh_installinit:77
+#: dh_installinitramfs:43 dh_installlogcheck:45 dh_installlogrotate:25
+#: dh_installman:86 dh_installmanpages:43 dh_installmenu:44
+#: dh_installmodules:41 dh_installpam:38 dh_installppp:38 dh_installudev:34
+#: dh_installwm:41 dh_link:69 dh_makeshlibs:67 dh_md5sums:31 dh_movefiles:41
+#: dh_perl:35 dh_prep:29 dh_shlibdeps:30 dh_strip:38 dh_testdir:26
+#: dh_usrlocal:50 dh_systemd_enable:82 dh_systemd_start:33
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr "OPTIONS"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:261
+msgid "B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]"
+msgstr "B<--with> I<rajout>[B<,>I<rajout> ...]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:263
+msgid ""
+"Add the debhelper commands specified by the given addon to appropriate "
+"places in the sequence of commands that is run. This option can be repeated "
+"more than once, or multiple addons can be listed, separated by commas. This "
+"is used when there is a third-party package that provides debhelper "
+"commands. See the F<PROGRAMMING> file for documentation about the sequence "
+"addon interface."
+msgstr ""
+"Ajoute les commandes debhelper indiquées par les rajouts au bon endroit dans "
+"la séquence exécutée. Cette option peut être présente plusieurs fois ou bien "
+"plusieurs rajouts peuvent être indiqués en les séparant par des virgules. "
+"Cela est utile lorsqu'un paquet tiers fournit des commandes debhelper. "
+"Consulter le fichier F<PROGRAMMING> pour obtenir des informations à propos "
+"de l'interface de ces rajouts."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:270
+msgid ""
+"A B<Build-Depends> relation on the package B<dh-sequence->I<addon> implies a "
+"B<--with> I<addon>. This avoids the need for an explicit B<--with> in "
+"F<debian/rules> that only duplicates what is already declared via the build "
+"dependencies in F<debian/control>. The relation can (since 12.5) be made "
+"optional via e.g. build-profiles. This enables you to easily disable an "
+"addon that is only useful with certain profiles (e.g. to facilitate "
+msgstr ""
+"Une relation B<Build-Depends> sur le paquet B<dh-sequence->I<rajout> "
+"implique B<--with> I<rajout>. Cela évite un B<--with> explicite dans "
+"F<debian/rules> qui dupliquerait ce qui est écrit dans les dépendances de "
+"construction dans F<debian/control>. La relation peut (depuis 12.5) être "
+"rendue optionnelle au moyen de build-profiles par exemple. Cela permet de "
+"désactiver facilement un rajout qui est utile uniquement avec certains "
+"profils (par exemple pour faciliter l'amorçage)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:279
+msgid ""
+"Since debhelper 12.5, addons can also be activated in B<indep>-only mode "
+"(via B<Build-Depends-Indep>) or B<arch>-only mode (via B<Build-Depends-"
+"Arch>). Such addons are only active in the particular sequence (e.g. "
+"B<binary-indep>) which simplifies dependency management for cross-builds."
+msgstr ""
+"Depuis debhelper 12.5, les I<rajout>s peuvent aussi être activés en mode "
+"« B<indep> seulement » (au moyen de B<Build-Depends-Indep>) ou en mode "
+"« B<arch> seulement » (au moyen de B<Build-Depends-Arch>). Ces rajouts sont "
+"seulement actifs dans la séquence particulière (par exemple B<binary-indep>) "
+"qui simplifie la gestion des dépendances pour les constructions croisées."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:285
+msgid ""
+"Please note that addons activated via B<Build-Depends-Indep> or B<Build-"
+"Depends-Arch> are subject to additional limitations to ensure the result is "
+"deterministic even when the addon is unavailable (e.g. during clean). This "
+"implies that some addons are incompatible with these restrictions and can "
+"only be used via B<Build-Depends> (or manually via F<debian/rules>). "
+"Currently, such addons can only add commands to sequences."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que les I<rajout>s activés avec B<Build-Depends-Indep> ou "
+"B<Build-Depends-Arch> sont soumis à des contraintes supplémentaires pour "
+"s'assurer que le résultat est déterministe même quand le rajout n'est pas "
+"disponible (par exemple pendant le nettoyage). Cela implique que certains "
+"rajouts sont incompatibles avec ces restrictions et ne peuvent être utilisés "
+"qu'avec B<Build-Depends> (ou manuellement avec F<debian/rules>). "
+"Actuellement, ces rajouts peuvent seulement ajouter des commandes à des "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:293
+msgid "B<--without> I<addon>"
+msgstr "B<--without> I<rajout>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:295
+msgid ""
+"The inverse of B<--with>, disables using the given addon. This option can be "
+"repeated more than once, or multiple addons to disable can be listed, "
+"separated by commas."
+msgstr ""
+"L'inverse de B<--with>, désactive le I<rajout> donné. Cette option peut être "
+"présente plusieurs fois ou bien plusieurs rajouts peuvent être indiqués en "
+"les séparant par des virgules."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:301
+msgid "List all available addons."
+msgstr "Liste tous les rajouts disponibles."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:303
+msgid ""
+"When called only with this option, B<dh> can be called from any directory (i."
+"e. it does not need access to files from a source package)."
+msgstr ""
+"Lorsqu'il est appelé uniquement avec cette option, B<dh> peut être invoqué "
+"depuis n'importe quel répertoire (c'est-à-dire qu'il ne nécessite l'accès à "
+"aucun fichier d'un paquet source)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:309
+msgid ""
+"Prints commands that would run for a given sequence, but does not run them."
+msgstr ""
+"Affiche les commandes qui seraient utilisées pour une séquence donnée, sans "
+"les exécuter."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:311
+msgid ""
+"Note that dh normally skips running commands that it knows will do nothing. "
+"With --no-act, the full list of commands in a sequence is printed."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez remarquer que B<dh> élimine les commandes en cours lorsqu'il sait "
+"qu'elles ne font rien. Avec l'option B<--no-act>, la liste complète des "
+"commandes dans une séquence est affichée."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:316
+msgid ""
+"Other options passed to B<dh> are passed on to each command it runs. This "
+"can be used to set an option like B<-v> or B<-X> or B<-N>, as well as for "
+"more specialised options."
+msgstr ""
+"Les autres options fournies à B<dh> sont passées en paramètre à chaque "
+"commande exécutée. Cela est utile tant pour les options comme B<-v>, B<-X> "
+"ou B<-N> que pour des options plus spécialisées."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:320 dh_install:332 dh_installdocs:191 dh_installman:117 dh_link:91
+#: dh_makeshlibs:185 dh_shlibdeps:78
+msgid "EXAMPLES"
+msgstr "EXEMPLES"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:322
+msgid ""
+"To see what commands are included in a sequence, without actually doing "
+msgstr ""
+"Pour voir quelles commandes sont présentes dans une séquence, sans rien "
+"faire :"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:325
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tdh binary-arch --no-act\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tdh binary-arch --no-act\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:327
+msgid ""
+"This is a very simple rules file, for packages where the default sequences "
+"of commands work with no additional options."
+msgstr ""
+"C'est un fichier F<rules> très simple, pour les paquets où les séquences de "
+"commandes par défaut fonctionnent sans aucune option particulière."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:330 dh:337 dh:351 dh:364 dh:375 dh:433 dh:444
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@\n"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:334
+msgid ""
+"Often you'll want to pass an option to a specific debhelper command. The "
+"easy way to do with is by adding an override target for that command."
+msgstr ""
+"Il est fréquent de vouloir passer une option à une commande debhelper. Le "
+"moyen le plus simple de le faire consiste à ajouter une cible pour "
+"surcharger la commande."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:341
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tdh_strip -Xfoo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tdh_strip -Xtoto\n"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:344
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-toto --disable-titi\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:347
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes the automated L<dh_auto_configure(1)> and L<dh_auto_build(1)> "
+"can't guess what to do for a strange package. Here's how to avoid running "
+"either and instead run your own commands."
+msgstr ""
+"Parfois les automatismes de L<dh_auto_configure(1)> et de "
+"L<dh_auto_build(1)> n'arrivent pas à deviner ce qu'il faut faire pour "
+"certains paquets tordus. Voici comment indiquer vos propres commandes plutôt "
+"que de laisser faire l'automatisme."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:355
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:358
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tmake universe-explode-in-delight\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tmake universe-explode-in-delight\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:361
+msgid ""
+"Another common case is wanting to do something manually before or after a "
+"particular debhelper command is run."
+msgstr ""
+"Un autre cas habituel consiste à vouloir faire quelque chose avant ou après "
+"l'exécution d'une certaine commande debhelper."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:368
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# L'exemple suppose debhelper/12.8 et compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/truc/usr/bin/truc\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:372
+msgid ""
+"If you are on an older debhelper or compatibility level, the above example "
+"would have to be written as."
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous avez une version de debhelper plus ancienne ou un niveau de "
+"compatibilité inférieur, l'exemple ci-dessus devrait être écrit de cette "
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:379
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Older debhelper versions or using compat 9 or lower.\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# Versions anciennes de debhelper ou avec un niveau\n"
+"\t# de compatibilité 9 ou moins.\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/truc/usr/bin/truc\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:384
+msgid ""
+"Python tools are not run by dh by default, due to the continual change in "
+"that area. Here is how to use B<dh_python2>."
+msgstr ""
+"Les outils Python ne sont pas exécutés par défaut par B<dh>, à cause des "
+"modifications incessantes dans ce domaine. Voici comment utiliser "
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:387
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --with python2\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --with python2\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:391
+msgid ""
+"Here is how to force use of Perl's B<Module::Build> build system, which can "
+"be necessary if debhelper wrongly detects that the package uses MakeMaker."
+msgstr ""
+"Voici comment forcer l'utilisation du processus de construction B<Module::"
+"Build>, propre à Perl, qui pourrait être indispensable si debhelper "
+"détectait, à tort, que le paquet utilise MakeMaker."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:395
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --buildsystem=perl_build\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh --buildsystem=perl_build $@\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:399
+msgid ""
+"Here is an example of overriding where the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands find the "
+"package's source, for a package where the source is located in a "
+msgstr ""
+"Voici un exemple de remplacement où les commandes B<dh_auto_>I<*> cherchent "
+"la source du paquet car elle est située dans un sous-répertoire."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:403
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --sourcedirectory=src\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --sourcedirectory=src\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:407
+msgid ""
+"And here is an example of how to tell the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands to build "
+"in a subdirectory, which will be removed on B<clean>."
+msgstr ""
+"Voici un exemple d'utilisation des commandes B<dh_auto_>I<*> pour réaliser "
+"la construction dans un sous-répertoire qui sera ensuite supprimé lors du "
+"B<clean> :"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:410
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --builddirectory=build\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --builddirectory=build\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:414
+msgid ""
+"If your package can be built in parallel, please either use compat 10 or "
+"pass B<--parallel> to dh. Then B<dpkg-buildpackage -j> will work."
+msgstr ""
+"Si le paquet peut être construit en parallèle, veuillez utiliser le niveau "
+"de compatibilité 10 ou passer l'option B<--parallel> à B<dh>. Dans ce cas "
+"B<dpkg-buildpackage -j> fonctionnera."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:417
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --parallel\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --parallel\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:421
+msgid ""
+"If your package cannot be built reliably while using multiple threads, "
+"please pass B<--no-parallel> to dh (or the relevant B<dh_auto_>I<*> command):"
+msgstr ""
+"Si votre paquet ne peut être construit de manière fiable en utilisant "
+"plusieurs processus légers, veuillez passer l'option B<--no-parallel> à dh "
+"(ou la commande adéquate B<dh_auto_>I<*>) :"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:426
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --no-parallel\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --no-parallel\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:430
+msgid ""
+"Here is a way to prevent B<dh> from running several commands that you don't "
+"want it to run, by defining empty override targets for each command."
+msgstr ""
+"Voici un moyen d'empêcher B<dh> d'exécuter plusieurs commandes, en "
+"définissant des blocs de substitution vides pour chaque commande que vous ne "
+"voulez pas lancer."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:437
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Commands not to run:\n"
+"\toverride_dh_auto_test override_dh_compress override_dh_fixperms:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# Commandes que l'on ne veut pas exécuter :\n"
+"\toverride_dh_auto_test override_dh_compress override_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:440
+msgid ""
+"A long build process for a separate documentation package can be separated "
+"out using architecture independent overrides. These will be skipped when "
+"running build-arch and binary-arch sequences."
+msgstr ""
+"Un long processus de construction pour un paquet de documentation à part "
+"peut être séparé en utilisant des réécritures pour les paquets indépendants "
+"de l'architecture. Elles seront ignorées lors de l'exécution des suites "
+"build-arch et binary-arch."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:448
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:451
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# No tests needed for docs\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# Aucun test nécessaire pour la documentation\n"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs install\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs install\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:457
+msgid ""
+"Adding to the example above, suppose you need to chmod a file, but only when "
+"building the architecture dependent package, as it's not present when "
+"building only documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"En plus de l'exemple précédent, il peut être nécessaire de modifier les "
+"droits d'un fichier, mais seulement lors de la construction du paquet "
+"dépendant de l'architecture, puisqu'il n'est pas présent lors de la "
+"construction de la documentation toute seule."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:461
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# L'exemple suppose debhelper/12.8 et compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/truc/usr/bin/truc\n"
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:465
+#, fuzzy
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:467
+msgid ""
+"The primary purpose of B<dh> addons is to provide easy integration with "
+"third-party provided features for debhelper. However, debhelper itself also "
+"provide a few sequences that can be useful in some cases. These are "
+"documented in this list:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:474
+msgid "build-stamp"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:476
+msgid ""
+"A special addon for controlling whether B<dh> (in compat 10 or later) will "
+"create stamp files to tell whether the build target has been run "
+"successfully. See L</INTERNALS> for more details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:480
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The previous behaviour can restored by using B<--with build-stamp>"
+msgid ""
+"This addon is active by default but can disabled by using B<dh $@ --without "
+msgstr ""
+"Le comportement précédent peut être retrouvé en utilisant B<--with build-"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:483
+msgid "dwz (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:485
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_dwz(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below. Obsolete in "
+"compat 12 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:488
+msgid "elf-tools"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:490
+msgid ""
+"This addon adds tools related to ELF files to the sequence such as "
+"L<dh_strip(1)> and L<dh_shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:493
+msgid ""
+"This addon is I<conditionally> active by default for architecture specific "
+"packages - that is, it is skipped for arch:all packages. In the special "
+"case where you need these tools to work on arch:all packages, you can use "
+"B<--with elf-tools> to activate it unconditionally."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:499
+msgid "installinitramfs (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:501
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_installinitramfs(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below. "
+"Obsolete in compat 12 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:504
+msgid "root-sequence (internal)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:506
+msgid "This is reserved for internal usage."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:508
+msgid "single-binary"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:510
+msgid ""
+"A special-purpose addon that makes debhelper run in \"single binary\" mode."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:512
+msgid ""
+"When active, it will pass B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to "
+"L<dh_auto_install(1)>. This makes every file \"installed\" by the upstream "
+"build system part of the (only) binary package by default without having to "
+"use other helpers such as L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:517
+msgid ""
+"The addon will refuse to activate when the source package lists 2 or more "
+"binary packages in F<debian/control> as a precaution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:520
+msgid ""
+"Before compat 15. this behaviour was the default when there was only a "
+"single binary package listed in F<debian/control>. In compat 15 and later, "
+"this addon must explicitly be activated for this feature to work."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:524
+msgid ""
+"The rationale for requiring this as an explicit choice is that if it is "
+"implicit then debhelper will silently change behaviour on adding a new "
+"binary package. This has caused many RC bugs when maintainers renamed a "
+"binary and added transitional packages with the intention of supporting "
+"seamless upgrades. The result would often be two empty binary packages that "
+"were uploaded to archive with users frustrated as their \"upgrade\" removed "
+"their programs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:532
+msgid "systemd (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:534
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_systemd_enable(1)> and L<dh_systemd_start(1)> to the sequence in "
+"compat level 10 or below. Obsolete in compat 11 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:539
+msgid "INTERNALS"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:541
+msgid ""
+"If you're curious about B<dh>'s internals, here's how it works under the "
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous êtes curieux de connaître le fonctionnement interne de B<dh>, voici "
+"ce qu'il y a sous le capot."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:543
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 (or later), B<dh> creates a stamp file F<debian/debhelper-build-"
+"stamp> after the build step(s) are complete to avoid re-running them. It is "
+"possible to avoid the stamp file by passing B<--without=build-stamp> to "
+"B<dh>. This makes \"no clean\" builds behave more like what some people "
+"expect at the expense of possibly running the build and test twice (the "
+"second time as root or under L<fakeroot(1)>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans les niveaux de compatibilité 10 (ou supérieurs), B<dh> crée un fichier "
+"F<debian/debhelper-build-stamp> après la construction pour ne pas la "
+"refaire. Il est possible d'éviter la création de ce fichier en passant "
+"l'argument B<--without=build-stamp> à B<dh>. Cela rend le comportement des "
+"construction « no clean » plus cohérent avec l'usage courant au détriment de "
+"possiblement effectuer la construction et le test deux fois (la seconde en "
+"tant que « root » ou avec L<fakeroot(1)>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:551
+msgid ""
+"Inside an override target, B<dh_*> commands will create a log file F<debian/"
+"package.debhelper.log> to keep track of which packages the command(s) have "
+"been run for. These log files are then removed once the override target is "
+msgstr ""
+"À l'intérieur d'une cible de réécriture, les commandes B<dh_*> écrivent dans "
+"un journal F<debian/paquet.debhelper.log> pour savoir quelle commande a été "
+"exécutée pour quel paquet. Ces fichiers journaux seront supprimés une fois "
+"la cible de réécriture terminée."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:556
+msgid ""
+"In compat 9 or earlier, each debhelper command will record when it's "
+"successfully run in F<debian/package.debhelper.log>. (Which B<dh_clean> "
+"deletes.) So B<dh> can tell which commands have already been run, for which "
+"packages, and skip running those commands again."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans les niveaux de compatibilité 9 et précédents, chaque commande "
+"debhelper, qui s'accomplit correctement, est journalisée dans F<debian/"
+"package.debhelper.log> (que B<dh_clean> supprimera). Ainsi B<dh> peut "
+"déterminer quelles commandes ont déjà été exécutées et pour quels paquets. "
+"De cette manière il pourra passer outre l'exécution de ces commandes "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:561
+msgid ""
+"Each time B<dh> is run (in compat 9 or earlier), it examines the log, and "
+"finds the last logged command that is in the specified sequence. It then "
+"continues with the next command in the sequence."
+msgstr ""
+"Chaque fois que B<dh> est exécuté (en v9 ou précédente), il examine le "
+"journal et recherche la dernière commande exécutée dans la séquence "
+"indiquée. Puis il exécute la commande suivante dans cette séquence."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:565
+msgid ""
+"A sequence can also run dependent targets in debian/rules. For example, the "
+"\"binary\" sequence runs the \"install\" target."
+msgstr ""
+"Une suite peut aussi exécuter des cibles dépendantes dans F<debian/rules>. "
+"Par exemple, la suite « binary » exécute la cible « install »."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:568
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> uses the B<DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS> environment variable to pass "
+"information through to debhelper commands that are run inside override "
+"targets. The contents (and indeed, existence) of this environment variable, "
+"as the name might suggest, is subject to change at any time."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> utilise la variable d'environnement B<DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS> pour "
+"transmettre des informations aux commandes debhelper exécutées au sein des "
+"blocs surchargés. Le contenu (et l'existence même) de cette variable "
+"d'environnement, comme son nom l'indique, est sujet à des modifications "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:573
+msgid ""
+"Commands in the B<build-indep>, B<install-indep> and B<binary-indep> "
+"sequences are passed the B<-i> option to ensure they only work on "
+"architecture independent packages, and commands in the B<build-arch>, "
+"B<install-arch> and B<binary-arch> sequences are passed the B<-a> option to "
+"ensure they only work on architecture dependent packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Les commandes des séquences B<build-indep>, B<install-indep> et B<binary-"
+"indep> sont appelées avec l'option B<-i> pour être certain qu'elles ne "
+"s'accompliront que sur des paquets indépendants de l'architecture. "
+"Symétriquement les commandes des séquences B<build-arch>, B<install-arch> et "
+"B<binary-arch> sont appelées avec l'option B<-a> pour être certain qu'elles "
+"ne s'accompliront que sur des paquets dépendants de l'architecture."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:876 dh_auto_build:57 dh_auto_clean:59 dh_auto_configure:62
+#: dh_auto_install:107 dh_auto_test:68 dh_bugfiles:139 dh_builddeb:180
+#: dh_clean:193 dh_compress:247 dh_dwz:167 dh_fixperms:168 dh_gencontrol:212
+#: dh_icons:79 dh_install:381 dh_installchangelogs:369 dh_installcron:84
+#: dh_installdeb:423 dh_installdebconf:237 dh_installdirs:135
+#: dh_installdocs:441 dh_installemacsen:143 dh_installexamples:186
+#: dh_installifupdown:76 dh_installinfo:127 dh_installinit:417
+#: dh_installinitramfs:97 dh_installlogrotate:57 dh_installman:424
+#: dh_installmanpages:202 dh_installmenu:94 dh_installmime:67
+#: dh_installmodules:113 dh_installpam:75 dh_installppp:72 dh_installudev:106
+#: dh_installwm:134 dh_installxfonts:94 dh_link:170 dh_lintian:64
+#: dh_listpackages:38 dh_makeshlibs:460 dh_md5sums:122 dh_movefiles:165
+#: dh_perl:192 dh_prep:74 dh_shlibdeps:208 dh_strip:439 dh_testdir:66
+#: dh_testroot:97 dh_usrlocal:140
+msgid "This program is a part of debhelper."
+msgstr "Ce programme fait partie de debhelper."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:5
+msgid "dh_auto_build - automatically builds a package"
+msgstr "dh_auto_build - Construire automatiquement un paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> [I<options_du_processus_de_construction>] "
+"[I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<--> I<paramètres>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically build a "
+"package. It does so by running the appropriate command for the build system "
+"it detects the package uses. For example, if a F<Makefile> is found, this is "
+"done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If "
+"there's a F<>, or F<Build.PL>, it is run to build the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> est un programme de la suite debhelper qui tente de "
+"construire automatiquement un paquet. Il le fait en lançant les commandes "
+"appropriées du processus de construction d'après le type du paquet. Par "
+"exemple, s'il trouve un fichier F<Makefile>, il construit le paquet avec "
+"B<make> (ou B<MAKE> si les variables d'environnement sont définies). S'il y "
+"a un fichier F<> ou F<Build.PL>, il les lance pour réaliser la "
+"construction du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:28
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, "
+"you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_build> at all, and just run the "
+"build process manually."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> fonctionne avec 90% des paquets environ. Si ça ne "
+"fonctionne pas, il suffit de sauter B<dh_auto_build> et d'exécuter le "
+"processus manuellement."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:34 dh_auto_clean:35 dh_auto_configure:37 dh_auto_install:54
+#: dh_auto_test:36
+msgid ""
+"See L<debhelper(7)/B<BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS>> for a list of common build "
+"system selection and control options."
+msgstr ""
+"Consulter B<OPTIONS DU PROCESSUS DE CONSTRUCTION> dans L<debhelper(7)> pour "
+"obtenir la liste des processus de construction courants et celle des options "
+"de contrôle."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_auto_build:39 dh_auto_clean:40 dh_auto_configure:42 dh_auto_install:65
+#: dh_auto_test:41 dh_builddeb:48 dh_dwz:62 dh_gencontrol:42
+#: dh_installdebconf:72 dh_installinit:166 dh_makeshlibs:179 dh_shlibdeps:41
+msgid "B<--> I<params>"
+msgstr "B<--> I<paramètres>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:41
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_build> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Transmet les I<paramètres> au programme exécuté après les paramètres que "
+"B<dh_auto_build> transmet normalement."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:5
+msgid "dh_auto_clean - automatically cleans up after a build"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_auto_clean - Faire le ménage automatiquement après une construction de "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> [I<options_du_processus_de_construction>] "
+"[I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<--> I<paramètres>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically clean up "
+"after a package build. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a "
+"F<Makefile> and it contains a B<distclean>, B<realclean>, or B<clean> "
+"target, then this is done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment "
+"variable is set). If there is a F<> or F<Build.PL>, it is run to "
+"clean the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> est un programme de la suite debhelper qui tente de faire "
+"le ménage après une construction de paquet. Il le fait en lançant les "
+"commandes appropriées du processus de construction d'après le type du "
+"paquet. Par exemple, s'il trouve un fichier F<Makefile> et qu'il contient "
+"une instruction B<distclean>, B<realclean>, B<clean>, il fait le ménage en "
+"exécutant B<make> (ou B<MAKE> si cette variable d'environnement est "
+"définie). S'il y a un fichier F<> ou F<Build.PL>, il les lance pour "
+"réaliser le ménage du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:29
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or "
+"tries to use the wrong clean target, you're encouraged to skip using "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> at all, and just run B<make clean> manually."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> fonctionne avec 90% des paquets environ. Si ça ne "
+"fonctionne pas ou que B<dh_auto_clean> tente d'utiliser une mauvaise "
+"instruction de nettoyage, il suffit de sauter B<dh_auto_clean> et de lancer "
+"manuellement B<make clean>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:42
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Transmet les I<paramètres> au programme exécuté après les paramètres que "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> transmet normalement."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:5
+msgid "dh_auto_configure - automatically configure a package prior to building"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_auto_configure - Configurer automatiquement un paquet préalablement à sa "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> [I<options_du_processus_de_construction>] "
+"[I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<--> I<paramètres>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically "
+"configure a package prior to building. It does so by running the appropriate "
+"command for the build system it detects the package uses. For example, it "
+"looks for and runs a F<./configure> script, F<Makefile.PL>, F<Build.PL>, or "
+"F<cmake>. A standard set of parameters is determined and passed to the "
+"program that is run. Some build systems, such as make, do not need a "
+"configure step; for these B<dh_auto_configure> will exit without doing "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> est un programme de la suite debhelper qui tente de "
+"configurer automatiquement un paquet préalablement à sa construction. Il le "
+"fait en lançant les commandes appropriées du processus de construction "
+"d'après le type du paquet. Par exemple, il cherche puis exécute un script "
+"F<./configure>, un fichier F<Makefile.PL>, F<Build.PL> ou F<cmake>. Un jeu "
+"de paramètres standards est déterminé et passé en argument au programme "
+"lancé. Certains processus de construction, tels que B<make>, n'ont pas "
+"besoin de configuration préalable. Dans ce cas B<dh_auto_configure> s'arrête "
+"sans rien faire."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:31
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, "
+"you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_configure> at all, and just run "
+"F<./configure> or its equivalent manually."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> fonctionne avec 90% des paquets environ. Si ça ne "
+"fonctionne pas, il suffit de sauter B<dh_auto_configure> et de lancer "
+"manuellement F<./configure> ou son équivalent."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:44
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_configure> usually passes. For example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Transmet les I<paramètres> au programme exécuté après les paramètres que "
+"B<dh_auto_configure> transmet normalement. Par exemple :"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_auto_configure:47
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --enable-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- --with-toto --enable-titi\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:5
+msgid "dh_auto_install - automatically runs make install or similar"
+msgstr "dh_auto_install - Lancer automatiquement make install ou équivalent"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:20
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> [I<options_du_processus_de_construction>] "
+"[I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<--> I<paramètres>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically "
+"install built files. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a "
+"F<Makefile> and it contains a B<install> target, then this is done by "
+"running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If there "
+"is a F<> or F<Build.PL>, it is used. Note that the Ant build system "
+"does not support installation, so B<dh_auto_install> will not install files "
+"built using Ant."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> est un programme de la suite debhelper qui tente "
+"d'installer automatiquement les fichiers construits. Il le fait en lançant "
+"les commandes appropriées du processus de construction d'après le type du "
+"paquet. Par exemple, s'il y a un F<Makefile> et qu'il contient un bloc "
+"B<install> il exécutera B<make> (ou B<MAKE> si les variables d'environnement "
+"sont définies). S'il y a un F<> ou un F<Build.PL>, il l'utilisera. "
+"Nota : le processus de construction B<Ant> ne comporte pas de processus "
+"d'installation. De ce fait b<dh_auto_install> n'installera pas les fichiers "
+"construits avec B<Ant>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:32
+msgid ""
+"In compat 15 or later, B<dh_auto_install> will use F<debian/tmp> as the "
+"default B<--destdir> and should be moved from there to the appropriate "
+"package build directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools. Though if "
+"the B<single-binary> addon for L<dh(1)> is activated, then it will pass an "
+"explicit B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to B<dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:38
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Unless B<--destdir> option is specified, the files are installed into "
+#| "debian/I<package>/ if there is only one binary package. In the multiple "
+#| "binary package case, the files are instead installed into F<debian/tmp/>, "
+#| "and should be moved from there to the appropriate package build directory "
+#| "using L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgid ""
+"For earlier compat levels then unless B<--destdir> option is specified, the "
+"files are installed into debian/I<package>/ if there is only one binary "
+"package. In the multiple binary package case, the files are instead "
+"installed into F<debian/tmp/>, and should be moved from there to the "
+"appropriate package build directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools."
+msgstr ""
+"À moins que l'option B<--destdir> soit indiquée, les fichiers sont installés "
+"dans debian/I<Paquet>/ s'il n'y a qu'un seul paquet binaire. Dans le cas de "
+"paquets binaires multiples, les fichiers seront installés dans F<debian/tmp> "
+"et pourront être déplacés vers le répertoire de construction approprié du "
+"paquet en utilisant L<dh_install(1)>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:44
+msgid ""
+"B<DESTDIR> is used to tell make where to install the files. If the Makefile "
+"was generated by MakeMaker from a F<Makefile.PL>, it will automatically set "
+"B<PREFIX=/usr> too, since such Makefiles need that."
+msgstr ""
+"B<DESTDIR> est utilisé pour indiquer à make où installer les fichiers. Si le "
+"Makefile a été produit par MakeMaker à partir d'un F<Makefile.PL>, cette "
+"variable sera automatiquement définie à B<PREFIX=/usr> car ces Makefile en "
+"ont besoin."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:48
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or "
+"tries to use the wrong install target, you're encouraged to skip using "
+"B<dh_auto_install> at all, and just run make install manually."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> fonctionne avec 90% des paquets environ. Si ça ne "
+"fonctionne pas ou si B<dh_auto_install> tente d'utiliser une mauvaise "
+"méthode d'installation, il suffit de sauter B<dh_auto_install> et de lancer "
+"manuellement B<make install>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_auto_install:59 dh_builddeb:38
+msgid "B<--destdir=>I<directory>"
+msgstr "B<--destdir=>I<répertoire>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:61
+msgid ""
+"Install files into the specified I<directory>. If this option is not "
+"specified, destination directory is determined automatically as described in "
+"the L</B<DESCRIPTION>> section."
+msgstr ""
+"Installe les fichiers dans le I<répertoire> indiqué. Si cette option est "
+"absente, le répertoire de destination est défini automatiquement, comme cela "
+"est décrit dans la section L</B<DESCRIPTION>>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:67
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_install> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Transmet les I<paramètres> au programme exécuté après les paramètres que "
+"B<dh_auto_install> transmet normalement."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:5
+msgid "dh_auto_test - automatically runs a package's test suites"
+msgstr "dh_auto_test - Exécuter automatiquement le jeu d'essai d'un paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> [I<options_du_processus_de_construction>] "
+"[I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<--> I<paramètres>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically run a "
+"package's test suite. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a Makefile "
+"and it contains a B<test> or B<check> target, then this is done by running "
+"B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If the test suite "
+"fails, the command will exit nonzero. If there's no test suite, it will exit "
+"zero without doing anything."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> est un programme de la suite debhelper qui tente d'exécuter "
+"automatiquement le jeu de tests d'un paquet. Il le fait en lançant les "
+"commandes appropriées du processus de construction d'après le type du "
+"paquet. Par exemple, s'il y a un Makefile et qu'il contient un bloc B<test> "
+"ou B<check>, il exécutera B<make> (ou B<MAKE> si cette variable "
+"d'environnement est définie). Si les tests produisent une erreur, la "
+"commande retourne une valeur non nulle. S'il n'y a pas de jeu de tests, la "
+"commande retourne zéro sans rien faire."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:30
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages with a test suite. If it "
+"doesn't work, you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_test> at all, and "
+"just run the test suite manually."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> fonctionne avec 90 % des paquets environ comportant un jeu "
+"de tests. Si ça ne fonctionne pas, il suffit de sauter B<dh_auto_test> et de "
+"lancer le jeu de tests manuellement."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:43
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_test> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Transmet les I<paramètres> au programme exécuté après les paramètres que "
+"B<dh_auto_test> transmet normalement."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:50
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nocheck>, no "
+"tests will be performed."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la variable d'environnement B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> contient B<nocheck>, "
+"aucun test ne sera exécuté."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_bugfiles - install bug reporting customization files into package build "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_bugfiles - Installer les fichiers de personnalisation de rapports de "
+"bogue dans les répertoires des paquets construits"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:17
+msgid "B<dh_bugfiles> [B<-A>] [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_bugfiles> [B<-A>] [I<options_de_debhelper>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_bugfiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing bug "
+"reporting customization files (bug scripts and/or bug control files and/or "
+"presubj files) into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_bugfiles> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des fichiers personnalisés de production de rapports de bogue "
+"(scripts de bogue et/ou fichiers de contrôle de bogue et/ou fichiers de "
+"préparation des rapports de bogue (presubj)), dans le répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_bugfiles:25 dh_clean:33 dh_compress:35 dh_install:40
+#: dh_installcatalogs:39 dh_installchangelogs:53 dh_installcron:24
+#: dh_installdeb:25 dh_installdebconf:37 dh_installdirs:28 dh_installdocs:40
+#: dh_installemacsen:30 dh_installexamples:31 dh_installifupdown:25
+#: dh_installinfo:28 dh_installinit:41 dh_installinitramfs:30
+#: dh_installlogcheck:24 dh_installman:73 dh_installmenu:28 dh_installmime:24
+#: dh_installmodules:31 dh_installpam:24 dh_installppp:24 dh_installudev:24
+#: dh_installwm:28 dh_link:46 dh_lintian:24 dh_makeshlibs:44 dh_movefiles:29
+#: dh_systemd_enable:41
+msgid "FILES"
+msgstr "FICHIERS"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:29
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-script"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.bug-script"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:31
+msgid ""
+"This is the script to be run by the bug reporting program for generating a "
+"bug report template. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package> in "
+"the package build directory if no other types of bug reporting customization "
+"files are going to be installed for the package in question. Otherwise, this "
+"file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/script>. Finally, the installed "
+"script is given execute permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"C'est le script à exécuter par le programme de rapports de bogue pour la "
+"production d'un rapport de bogue modèle. Ce fichier est installé sous F<usr/"
+"share/bug/paquet> dans le répertoire de construction du paquet si aucun "
+"autre type de fichiers de personnalisation des rapports de bogue n'est "
+"installé pour le paquet en question. Sinon, ce fichier est installé sous "
+"F<usr/share/bug/paquet/script>. Une fois le script installé, les "
+"autorisations d'exécution lui sont données."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-control"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.bug-control"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:40
+msgid ""
+"It is the bug control file containing some directions for the bug reporting "
+"tool. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/control> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"C'est le fichier de contrôle des bogues contenant certaines directives pour "
+"l'outil de génération des rapports de bogue. Ce fichier est installé sous "
+"F<usr/share/bug/paquet/control> dans le répertoire de construction du paquet."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-presubj"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.bug-presubj"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:46
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this file are displayed to the user by the bug reporting "
+"tool before allowing the user to write a bug report on the package to the "
+"Debian Bug Tracking System. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/"
+"package/presubj> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Le contenu de ce fichier est affiché à l'utilisateur par l'outil de rapport "
+"de bogue afin de lui permettre de rédiger un rapport de bogue contre le "
+"paquet dans le système de suivi des bogues Debian. Ce fichier est installé "
+"sous F<usr/share/bug/paquet/presubj> dans le répertoire de construction du "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:59
+msgid ""
+"Install F<debian/bug-*> files to ALL packages acted on when respective "
+"F<debian/package.bug-*> files do not exist. Normally, F<debian/bug-*> will "
+"be installed to the first package only."
+msgstr ""
+"Installe les fichiers F<debian/bug-*> dans B<tous> les paquets construits "
+"pour lesquels des fichiers F<debian/package.bug-*> propres n'existent pas. "
+"Sans cette option, F<debian/bug-*> sera installé pour le premier paquet "
+"construit seulement."
+# type: =item
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:135
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.developers.gz>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.developers.gz>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:137 dh_lintian:62
+msgid "L<debhelper(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(1)>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:143
+msgid "Modestas Vainius <>"
+msgstr "Modestas Vainius <>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:7
+msgid "dh_builddeb - build Debian binary packages"
+msgstr "dh_builddeb - Construire des paquets binaires Debian"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--destdir=>I<directory>] [B<--"
+"filename=>I<name>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<--destdir=>I<répertoire>] [B<--"
+"filename=>I<nom_de_fichier>] [B<--> I<paramètres>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> simply calls L<dpkg-deb(1)> to build a Debian package or "
+"packages. It will also build dbgsym packages when L<dh_strip(1)> and "
+"L<dh_gencontrol(1)> have prepared them."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> fait simplement appel à L<dpkg-deb(1)> pour construire un ou "
+"plusieurs paquets Debian. Il construira aussi des paquets dbgsym lorsque "
+"L<dh_strip(1)> et L<dh_gencontrol(1)> les auront préparés."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:27
+msgid ""
+"It supports building multiple binary packages in parallel, when enabled by "
+msgstr ""
+"Il permet de construire plusieurs paquets binaires en parallèle, si c'est "
+"activé par B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:30
+msgid ""
+"When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field is not (effectively) I<binary-"
+"targets>, B<dh_builddeb> will pass B<--root-owner-group> to L<dpkg-deb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Lorsque le champ I<Rules-Requires-Root> n'est pas I<binary-targets>, "
+"B<dh_builddeb> passera l'option B<--root-owner-group> à L<dpkg-deb(1)>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:40
+msgid ""
+"Use this if you want the generated F<.deb> files to be put in a directory "
+"other than the default of \"F<..>\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Permet de stocker les fichiers F<.deb> produits dans un répertoire autre que "
+"le répertoire par défaut « F<..> »."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_builddeb:43
+msgid "B<--filename=>I<name>"
+msgstr "B<--filename=>I<nom>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:45
+msgid ""
+"Use this if you want to force the generated .deb file to have a particular "
+"file name. Does not work well if more than one .deb is generated!"
+msgstr ""
+"Permet que le fichier .deb produit porte un nom particulier. Cet argument ne "
+"fonctionne pas correctement si plus d'un fichier .deb est produit !"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:50
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)> when it is used to build the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Fournit les I<paramètres> à L<dpkg-deb(1)> lors de la construction du paquet."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_builddeb:53
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u> I<paramètres>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:55
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)>. It is deprecated; "
+"use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Méthode obsolète pour fournir les I<paramètres> à L<dpkg-deb(1)>, préférer "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:5
+msgid "dh_clean - clean up package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_clean - Nettoyer les répertoires de construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_clean> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-d>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<path> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<-k>] [B<-d>] [B<-X>I<élément>] "
+"[S<I<chemin> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_clean> is a debhelper program that is responsible for cleaning up. It "
+"should be the last step of the B<clean> target and other debhelper commands "
+"generally assume that B<dh_clean> will clean up after them."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé du nettoyage. Il "
+"devrait être la dernière étape de la cible B<clean> et les autres commandes "
+"de debhelper présument que B<dh_clean> fera le nettoyage après elles. "
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_clean:25
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"It removes the package build directories, and removes some other files including\n"
+"F<debian/files>, and any detritus left behind by other debhelper commands. It\n"
+"also removes common files that should not appear in a Debian diff:\n"
+" #*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Il supprime les répertoires de construction, ainsi que d'autres fichiers y\n"
+"compris F<debian/files>. Il supprime aussi tous les résidus laissés par les\n"
+"autres commandes de debhelper, ainsi que les dossiers communs qui ne\n"
+"doivent pas apparaître dans un diff Debian :\n"
+"#*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:30
+msgid ""
+"It does not run \"make clean\" to clean up after the build process. Use "
+"L<dh_auto_clean(1)> to do things like that."
+msgstr ""
+"Il n'exécute pas un « make clean » pour faire le ménage après la "
+"construction du paquet. Il faut utiliser L<dh_auto_clean(1)> pour le faire."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:37
+msgid "F<debian/clean>"
+msgstr "F<debian/clean>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:39
+msgid "Can list other paths to be removed."
+msgstr "Permet d'indiquer d'autres chemins à supprimer."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:41
+msgid ""
+"Note that directories listed in this file B<must> end with a trailing "
+"slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que les répertoires indiqués dans ce fichier B<doivent> se "
+"terminer par un « slash ». Tout le contenu de ces répertoires sera supprimé."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:44 dh_install:59 dh_installcatalogs:51 dh_installdeb:102
+#: dh_installdirs:40 dh_installdocs:48 dh_installexamples:43 dh_installinfo:36
+#: dh_installman:81 dh_installwm:36 dh_link:64
+msgid ""
+"Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as documented in "
+msgstr ""
+"Les variables de substitution sont prises en charge dans les niveaux de "
+"compatibilité 13 et ultérieurs comme documenté dans L<debhelper(7)>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:53 dh_installchangelogs:81
+msgid "B<-k>, B<--keep>"
+msgstr "B<-k>, B<--keep>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:55
+msgid "This is deprecated, use L<dh_prep(1)> instead."
+msgstr "Ce paramètre est déconseillé. Utiliser L<dh_prep(1)> à la place."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:57
+msgid "The option is removed in compat 12."
+msgstr "L'option est supprimée dans le niveau de compatibilité 12."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:59
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--dirs-only>"
+msgstr "B<-d>, B<--dirs-only>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:61
+msgid ""
+"Only clean the package build directories, do not clean up any other files at "
+msgstr ""
+"Ne nettoie que les répertoires de construction du paquet. Ne supprime aucun "
+"autre fichier."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:64 dh_prep:33
+msgid "B<-X>I<item> B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<élément> B<--exclude=>I<élément>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:66
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option "
+"multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"Conserve les fichiers qui contiennent I<élément> n'importe où dans leur nom, "
+"même s'ils auraient dû être normalement supprimés. Cette option peut être "
+"employée plusieurs fois afin d'exclure de la suppression une liste "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:70
+msgid "I<path> ..."
+msgstr "I<chemin> ..."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:72
+msgid "Delete these I<path>s too."
+msgstr "Supprime également les I<chemin>s listés."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:74
+msgid ""
+"Note that directories passed as arguments B<must> end with a trailing "
+"slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que les répertoires passés comme arguments B<doivent> se "
+"terminer par un « slash ». Tout le contenu de ces répertoires sera supprimé."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_compress - compress files and fix symlinks in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_compress - Compresser les fichiers dans le répertoire de construction du "
+"paquet et modifier les liens symboliques en conséquence"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_compress> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<-A>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_compress> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<-X>I<élément>] [B<-A>] "
+"[S<I<fichier> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_compress> is a debhelper program that is responsible for compressing "
+"the files in package build directories, and makes sure that any symlinks "
+"that pointed to the files before they were compressed are updated to point "
+"to the new files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_compress> est un programme de la suite debhelper chargé de compresser "
+"les fichiers dans le répertoire de construction du paquet. Il est également "
+"chargé de s'assurer que tous les liens symboliques qui pointaient sur les "
+"fichiers avant leur compression sont actualisés pour pointer sur les "
+"fichiers compressés."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:28
+msgid ""
+"By default, B<dh_compress> compresses files that Debian policy mandates "
+"should be compressed, namely all files in F<usr/share/info>, F<usr/share/"
+"man>, files in F<usr/share/doc> that are larger than 4k in size, (except the "
+"F<copyright> file, F<.html> and other web files, image files, and files that "
+"appear to be already compressed based on their extensions), and all "
+"F<changelog> files. Plus PCF fonts underneath F<usr/share/fonts/X11/>"
+msgstr ""
+"Par défaut, B<dh_compress> compresse les fichiers que la Charte Debian "
+"indique comme devant être compressés. Cela concerne tous les fichiers de "
+"F<usr/share/info>, F<usr/share/man>, tous les fichiers F<changelog> ainsi "
+"que les polices PCF stockées dans F<usr/share/fonts/X11/>. Il compressera "
+"également les fichiers de F<usr/share/doc> qui font plus de 4 ko, à "
+"l'exception du fichier de F<copyright>, des fichiers suffixés par F<.html> "
+"et des autres fichiers web, des fichiers d'images et des fichiers qui "
+"paraissent, de par leur extension, avoir déjà été compressés."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_compress:39
+msgid "debian/I<package>.compress"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.compress"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:41
+msgid "These files are deprecated."
+msgstr "Ces fichiers sont obsolètes."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:43
+msgid ""
+"If this file exists, the default files are not compressed. Instead, the file "
+"is ran as a shell script, and all filenames that the shell script outputs "
+"will be compressed. The shell script will be run from inside the package "
+"build directory. Note though that using B<-X> is a much better idea in "
+"general; you should only use a F<debian/package.compress> file if you really "
+"need to."
+msgstr ""
+"Si ce fichier existe, les fichiers par défaut ne seront pas compressés et ce "
+"fichier sera exécuté comme un script par l'interpréteur de commandes "
+"(shell). Tous les fichiers dont les noms seront générés par ce script seront "
+"compressés. Ce script sera exécuté dans le répertoire de construction du "
+"paquet. Nota : L'utilisation de B<-X> est, généralement, une bien meilleure "
+"idée. Il ne faut utiliser un fichier F<debian/paquet.compress> que si c'est "
+"vraiment indispensable."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:58
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"compressed. For example, B<-X.tiff> will exclude TIFF files from "
+"compression. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of "
+"things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"Permet d'exclure de la compression les fichiers qui comportent F<élément> "
+"n'importe où dans leur nom. Par exemple, B<-X.tiff> exclura de la "
+"compression les fichiers d'extension .tiff. Cette option peut être employée "
+"plusieurs fois afin d'exclure une liste d'éléments."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:65
+msgid ""
+"Compress all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+"acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"Compresse tous les fichiers indiqués dans la ligne de commande et ce dans "
+"B<tous> les paquets construits."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_compress:68 dh_installdocs:184 dh_installexamples:89 dh_installinfo:60
+#: dh_installmanpages:47 dh_movefiles:58 dh_testdir:30
+msgid "I<file> ..."
+msgstr "I<fichier> ..."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:70
+msgid "Add these files to the list of files to compress."
+msgstr "Ajoute ces fichiers à la liste des fichiers à compresser."
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_compress:74 dh_perl:65 dh_strip:133 dh_usrlocal:66
+msgid "CONFORMS TO"
+msgstr "CONFORMITÉ"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:76
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.0"
+msgstr "Charte Debian, version 3.0"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:5
+msgid "dh_dwz - optimize DWARF debug information in ELF binaries via dwz"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_dwz - Optimiser l'information de débogage DWARF dans les binaires ELF "
+"grâce à dwz"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:18
+msgid "B<dh_dwz> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_dwz> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<paramètres>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_dwz> is a debhelper program that will optimize the (uncompressed) size "
+"of the DWARF debug information in ELF binaries. It does so by running "
+"L<dwz(1)> on all the ELF binaries in the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_dwz> est un programme de la suite debhelper qui optimise la taille (non "
+"compressée) des informations DWARF de débogage dans les binaires ELF. Cela "
+"est effectué en exécutant L<dwz(1)> sur tous les binaires ELF du paquet."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_dwz:30
+msgid "B<--dwz-multifile>, B<--no-dwz-multifile>"
+msgstr "B<--dwz-multifile>, B<--no-dwz-multifile>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:32
+msgid ""
+"Whether L<dwz(1)> should generate a I<multifile> from the ELF binaries in "
+"the same package. When enabled, if a package ships at least 2 ELF binaries, "
+"B<dh_dwz> will instruct L<dwz(1)> to generate a multifile for the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Détermine si L<dwz(1)> doit créer un objet I<multifile> à partir des "
+"binaires ELF d'un même paquet. Si oui, dans un paquet qui fournit au moins "
+"deux binaires ELF, B<dh_dwz> demandera à L<dwz(1)> de générer un objet "
+"I<multifile> pour le paquet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:37
+msgid ""
+"By default, B<dh_dwz> will attempt to create a multifile but will continue "
+"without if L<dwz(1)> does not create one (but succeeds anyway). This "
+"commonly happens when the debug files do not contain debug symbols (e.g. a "
+"missing -g to the compiler) or when the debug symbols are compressed (see "
+"Debian bug #931891). If B<--dwz-multifile> is passed, then B<dh_dwz> will "
+"abort with an error if L<dwz(1)> does not create a multifile."
+msgstr ""
+"Par défaut, B<dh_dwz> tentera de créer un objet I<multifile> mais continuera "
+"sans si L<dwz(1)> n'en crée pas un (mais se termine néanmoins avec succès). "
+"Cela arrive généralement quand les fichiers de débogage ne contiennent pas "
+"de symboles de débogage (par exemple, en absence de -g passé au compilateur) "
+"ou quand les symboles de débogage sont compressés (voir le bogue Debian "
+"n° 931891). Si B<--dwz-multifile> est passé, alors B<dh_dwz> s’interrompra "
+"avec une erreur si L<dwz(1)> ne crée pas un I<multifile>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:45
+msgid ""
+"Note this options may not work if a package contains more ELF binaries than "
+"can fit on a single command line. If this becomes a problem, please pass "
+"B<--no-dwz-multifile> to work around the issue."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option pourrait ne pas fonctionner si un paquet contient plus de "
+"binaires ELF que ne peut en contenir une seule ligne de commande. Si cela "
+"devenait un problème, utilisez B<--no-dwz-multifile> pour le contourner."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:49
+msgid ""
+"The generated multifile will be compressed with B<objcopy --compress-debug-"
+msgstr ""
+"Le I<multifile> créé sera compressé avec B<objcopy --compress-debug-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:52
+msgid ""
+"Note for B<udeb> packages: B<dh_dwz> will never generate multifiles for "
+"B<udeb> packages. It will still use B<dwz> to reduce the file size of debug "
+"files if it finds any."
+msgstr ""
+"Note pour les paquets B<udeb> : B<dh_dwz> ne générera jamais de I<multifile> "
+"pour les paquets B<udeb>. Il utilisera toutefois B<dwz> pour réduire la "
+"taille des fichiers de débogage s'il en trouve."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:58 dh_strip:44
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"stripped. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of "
+"things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclut du traitement les fichiers qui comportent I<élément> n'importe où "
+"dans leur nom. Il est possible d'utiliser cette option à plusieurs reprises "
+"pour établir une liste des éléments à exclure."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:64
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to L<dwz(1)> when it processes ELF binaries. This is mostly "
+"useful for setting memory related parameters (e.g. -l and -L)."
+msgstr ""
+"Passe les I<paramètres> à L<dwz(1)> lors du traitement des binaires ELF. "
+"Cela est surtout utile pour les paramètres liés à la mémoire (comme B<-l> et "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:71
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+"nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+msgstr ""
+"Si la variable d'environnement B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> contient B<nostrip>, "
+"rien ne sera dépouillé, conformément à la Charte Debian (section 10.1 "
+"« Binaries »)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:75
+msgid ""
+"While this tool technically does not remove debug information from binaries, "
+"it is still skipped when the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable "
+"contains B<nostrip>. This is because B<nostrip> is often used to optimize "
+"build times (e.g. for \"build and test\"-cycles) rather than optimizing for "
+msgstr ""
+"Bien que cet outil ne supprime pas les informations de débogage des "
+"binaires, il est quand même évité lorsque B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> contient "
+"B<nostrip>, car B<nostrip> est souvent utilisé pour optimiser la durée de "
+"construction (comme dans les cycles « build and test ») plutôt que pour "
+"optimiser la taille."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:5
+msgid "dh_fixperms - fix permissions of files in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_fixperms - Ajuster les droits sur les fichiers du répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:18
+msgid "B<dh_fixperms> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_fixperms> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-X>I<élément>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> is a debhelper program that is responsible for setting the "
+"permissions of files and directories in package build directories to a sane "
+"state -- a state that complies with Debian policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> est un programme de la suite debhelper chargé de configurer "
+"correctement (c'est-à-dire conformément à la Charte Debian) les droits sur "
+"les fichiers et les sous-répertoires du répertoire de construction du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:26
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> makes all files in F<usr/share/doc> in the package build "
+"directory (excluding files in the F<examples/> directory) be mode 644. It "
+"also changes the permissions of all man pages to mode 644. It removes group "
+"and other write permission from all files. It removes execute permissions "
+"from any libraries, headers, Perl modules, or desktop files that have it "
+"set. It makes all files in the standard F<bin> and F<sbin> directories, "
+"F<usr/games/> and F<etc/init.d> executable (since v4). Finally, it removes "
+"the setuid and setgid bits from all files in the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> règle à 644 les droits sur tous les fichiers de F<usr/share/"
+"doc> à l'exclusion de ceux contenus dans le répertoire F<examples/>. Il "
+"règle également à 644 les droits de toutes les pages de manuel. Il enlève "
+"l'autorisation d'écrire au groupe et aux autres utilisateurs sur tous les "
+"fichiers. Il retire le droit d'exécution sur toutes les bibliothèques, en-"
+"têtes (header), modules Perl ou fichiers desktop. Il rend exécutables tous "
+"les fichiers de F<bin/>, F<sbin/>, F</usr/games/> et F<etc/init.d> (à partir "
+"de la version 4 seulement). Pour finir il annule les bits setuid et setgid "
+"de tous les fichiers du paquet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:36
+msgid ""
+"When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field has the (effective) value of I<binary-"
+"targets>, B<dh_fixperms> will also reset the ownership of all paths to "
+msgstr ""
+"Lorsque le champ I<Rules-Requires-Root> a la valeur I<binary-targets>, "
+"B<dh_fixperms> réinitialisera aussi la propriété de tous les chemins à« root:"
+"root »."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_fixperms:44
+msgid "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude> I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<élément>, B<--exclude> I<élément>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:46
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from having "
+"their permissions changed. You may use this option multiple times to build "
+"up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"Permet d'exclure de la modification des droits les fichiers qui comportent "
+"I<élément> n'importe où dans leur nom. Cette option peut être employée "
+"plusieurs fois afin d'exclure une liste d'éléments."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:5
+msgid "dh_gencontrol - generate and install control file"
+msgstr "dh_gencontrol - Produire et installer le fichier de contrôle"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:18
+msgid "B<dh_gencontrol> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_gencontrol> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<--> I<paramètres>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_gencontrol> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+"control files, and installing them into the I<DEBIAN> directory with the "
+"proper permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_gencontrol> est un programme de la suite debhelper chargé de la "
+"production des fichiers de contrôle et de leur installation dans le "
+"répertoire I<DEBIAN> avec les droits appropriés."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:26
+msgid ""
+"This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>, which calls "
+"it once for each package being acted on (plus related dbgsym packages), and "
+"passes in some additional useful flags."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce programme est simplement une encapsulation de L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>. "
+"B<dh_gencontrol> l'invoque pour chacun des paquets construits (plus les "
+"paquets dbgsym concernés), et lui transmet quelques options utiles."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:30
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that if you use B<dh_gencontrol>, you must also use "
+"L<dh_builddeb(1)> to build the packages. Otherwise, your build may fail to "
+"build as B<dh_gencontrol> (via L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>) declares which "
+"packages are built. As debhelper automatically generates dbgsym packages, "
+"it some times adds additional packages, which will be built by "
+msgstr ""
+"B<Remarque> : si vous utilisez B<dh_gencontrol>, vous devez aussi utiliser "
+"L<dh_builddeb(1)> pour construire les paquets. Autrement, votre construction "
+"pourrait échouer car B<dh_gencontrol> (à l’aide de L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>) "
+"déclare quels paquets sont construits. Puisque debhelper génère "
+"automatiquement des paquets dbgsym, il ajoute quelques fois des paquets "
+"supplémentaires qui seront construits par L<dh_builddeb(1)>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:44
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>."
+msgstr "Fournit I<paramètres> à L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_gencontrol:46
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-gencontrol-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<paramètres>, B<--dpkg-gencontrol-params=>I<paramètres>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:48
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>. It is "
+"deprecated; use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Méthode obsolète pour fournir les I<paramètres> à L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>, "
+"préférer B<-->."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:5
+msgid "dh_icons - Update caches of Freedesktop icons"
+msgstr "dh_icons - Mettre à jour les caches des icônes Freedesktop"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:18
+msgid "B<dh_icons> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_icons> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-n>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_icons> is a debhelper program that updates caches of Freedesktop icons "
+"when needed, using the B<update-icon-caches> program provided by GTK+2.12. "
+"Currently this program does not handle installation of the files, though it "
+"may do so at a later date, so should be run after icons are installed in the "
+"package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_icons> est un programme de la suite debhelper qui met à jour les caches "
+"des icônes de Freedesktop si c'est nécessaire. Pour cela, il utilise le "
+"programme B<update-icons-caches> fourni par GTK+2.12. Actuellement ce "
+"programme ne gère pas l'installation des fichiers, mais il pourrait bien le "
+"faire un jour, et devrait donc être exécuté après l'installation des icônes "
+"dans les répertoires de construction du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:28
+msgid ""
+"It takes care of adding maintainer script fragments to call B<update-icon-"
+"caches> for icon directories. (This is not done for gnome and hicolor icons, "
+"as those are handled by triggers.) These commands are inserted into the "
+"maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Il s'occupe d'ajouter des lignes de code de maintenance pour appeler "
+"B<update-icon-caches> pour les répertoires d'icônes (ce n'est pas fait pour "
+"les icônes de GNOME et hicolor, car elles sont gérées par des actions "
+"différées ou « triggers »). Ces commandes sont insérées dans les scripts de "
+"maintenance par L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_icons:37 dh_installcatalogs:60 dh_installdebconf:68 dh_installemacsen:60
+#: dh_installinit:81 dh_installinitramfs:47 dh_installmenu:48
+#: dh_installmodules:45 dh_installwm:51 dh_makeshlibs:147 dh_usrlocal:54
+msgid "B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>"
+msgstr "B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:39
+msgid "Do not modify maintainer scripts."
+msgstr "Empêche la modification des scripts de maintenance."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:77
+msgid "L<debhelper>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:83
+msgid ""
+"Ross Burton <> Jordi Mallach <> Josselin "
+"Mouette <>"
+msgstr ""
+"Ross Burton <> Jordi Mallach <> Josselin "
+"Mouette <>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:5
+msgid "dh_install - install files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_install - Installer les fichiers dans le répertoire de construction du "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--autodest>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> [B<-X>I<élément>] [B<--autodest>] [B<--"
+"sourcedir=>I<répertoire>] [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [S<I<fichier|"
+"répertoire> ... I<répertoire_destination>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> is a debhelper program that handles installing files into "
+"package build directories. There are many B<dh_install>I<*> commands that "
+"handle installing specific types of files such as documentation, examples, "
+"man pages, and so on, and they should be used when possible as they often "
+"have extra intelligence for those particular tasks. B<dh_install>, then, is "
+"useful for installing everything else, for which no particular intelligence "
+"is needed. It is a replacement for the old B<dh_movefiles> command."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> est un programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des fichiers dans les répertoires de construction des "
+"paquets. Il existe plein de commandes B<dh_install>I<*> qui gèrent "
+"l'installation de types de fichier particuliers tels que les documentations, "
+"les exemples, les pages de manuel, et ainsi de suite. Ces commandes "
+"spécifiques doivent être employées autant que possible car elles présentent "
+"souvent un savoir-faire supplémentaire pour ces tâches particulières. "
+"B<dh_install>, en revanche, est utile pour installer tout le reste, c'est-à-"
+"dire tous les fichiers pour lesquels aucun savoir-faire particulier n'est "
+"nécessaire. Ce programme vient en remplacement de l'ancien programme "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:29
+msgid ""
+"This program may be used in one of two ways. If you just have a file or two "
+"that the upstream Makefile does not install for you, you can run "
+"B<dh_install> on them to move them into place. On the other hand, maybe you "
+"have a large package that builds multiple binary packages. You can use the "
+"upstream F<Makefile> to install it all into F<debian/tmp>, and then use "
+"B<dh_install> to copy directories and files from there into the proper "
+"package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce programme peut être utilisé de deux façons différentes. S'il n'y a qu'un "
+"ou deux fichiers que Makefile n'installe pas lui même, il suffit d'exécuter "
+"B<dh_install> en le configurant pour installer ces fichiers. Par contre, "
+"avec un paquet source qui construit plusieurs paquets binaires, il est "
+"préférable de demander à F<Makefile> de mettre tout dans F<debian/tmp> puis "
+"d'utiliser B<dh_install> pour déplacer les répertoires et les fichiers "
+"depuis cet emplacement temporaire vers les répertoires de construction "
+"appropriés de chaque paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:36
+msgid ""
+"From debhelper compatibility level 7 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+"looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current "
+"directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Depuis la version 7 de debhelper, B<dh_install> cherchera dans "
+"l'arborescence F<debian/tmp> pour trouver les fichiers s'il ne les trouve "
+"pas dans le répertoire courant (ou dans celui indiqué par l'utilisation de "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.install"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.install"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:46
+msgid ""
+"List the files to install into each package and the directory they should be "
+"installed to. The format is a set of lines, where each line lists a file or "
+"files to install, and at the end of the line tells the directory it should "
+"be installed in. The name of the files (or directories) to install should be "
+"given relative to the current directory, while the installation directory is "
+"given relative to the package build directory. You may use wildcards in the "
+"names of the files to install."
+msgstr ""
+"Énumère les fichiers à installer dans chaque paquet ainsi que le répertoire "
+"où ils doivent être installés. Ce fichier est formé d'une suite de lignes. "
+"Chaque ligne indique un ou plusieurs fichiers à installer et se termine par "
+"le répertoire où doit être faite l'installation. Le nom des fichiers (ou des "
+"répertoires) à installer doit être fourni avec un chemin relatif au "
+"répertoire courant, alors que le répertoire de destination est indiqué "
+"relativement au répertoire de construction du paquet. Il est possible "
+"d'employer des jokers (wildcard) dans les noms des fichiers à installer."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:54
+msgid ""
+"Note that if you list exactly one filename or wildcard-pattern on a line by "
+"itself, with no explicit destination, then B<dh_install> will automatically "
+"guess the destination to use, the same as if the --autodest option were used."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : Si le nom du fichier (ou le motif d'un ensemble de fichiers) est "
+"indiqué tout seul, sans que la destination ne soit précisée, alors "
+"B<dh_install> déterminera automatiquement la destination à utiliser, comme "
+"si l'option B<--autodest> avait été utilisée."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:62
+msgid "debian/not-installed"
+msgstr "debian/not-installed"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:64
+msgid ""
+"Used with the deprecated B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> options. "
+"Please refer to L<dh_missing(1)> for the documentation of this file."
+msgstr ""
+"Utilisé avec les options obsolètes B<--list-missing> et B<--fail-missing>. "
+"Consultez L<dh_missing(1)> pour la documentation de ce fichier."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:73
+msgid "B<--list-missing>"
+msgstr "B<--list-missing>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:75
+msgid ""
+"B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --list-missing> instead. If you use "
+"this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it "
+"has processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the "
+"documentation of this option."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Obsolète> : veuillez utiliser B<dh_missing --list-missing> à la place. Si "
+"vous utilisez cette option, B<dh_install> appellera B<dh_missing> avec cette "
+"option après le traitement de tous les fichiers. Consultez L<dh_missing(1)> "
+"pour la documentation de cette option."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:82
+msgid "B<--fail-missing>"
+msgstr "B<--fail-missing>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:84
+msgid ""
+"B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --fail-missing> instead. If you use "
+"this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it "
+"has processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the "
+"documentation of this option."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Obsolète> : veuillez utiliser B<dh_missing --fail-missing> à la place. Si "
+"vous utilisez cette option, B<dh_install> appellera B<dh_missing> avec cette "
+"option après le traitement de tous les fichiers. Consultez L<dh_missing(1)> "
+"pour la documentation de cette option."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:91 dh_installdirs:62 dh_installdocs:114 dh_installexamples:57
+#: dh_installinfo:50 dh_installman:100 dh_movefiles:45
+msgid "B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>"
+msgstr "B<--sourcedir=>I<répertoire>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:93
+msgid "Look in the specified directory for files to be installed."
+msgstr "Cherche dans le répertoire indiqué les fichiers à installer."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:95
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+"compatibility level 7 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : Cette option ne fait pas la même chose que B<--sourcedirectory> "
+"utilisée par B<dh_auto_>I<*>. Il est rare d'avoir besoin d'utiliser cette "
+"option puisque B<dh_install> cherche automatiquement les fichiers dans "
+"F<debian/tmp> depuis la version 7 de debhelper."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:100
+msgid "B<--autodest>"
+msgstr "B<--autodest>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:102
+msgid ""
+"Guess as the destination directory to install things to. If this is "
+"specified, you should not list destination directories in F<debian/package."
+"install> files or on the command line. Instead, B<dh_install> will guess as "
+msgstr ""
+"Avec ce paramètre, B<dh_install> détermine de lui-même le répertoire de "
+"destination des éléments installés. Si cette option est indiquée, il ne faut "
+"indiquer les répertoires de destination, ni dans les fichiers F<debian/"
+"paquet.install>, ni en ligne de commande. B<dh_install> détermine les "
+"répertoires de destination selon la règle suivante :"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:107
+msgid ""
+"Strip off F<debian/tmp> (or the sourcedir if one is given) from the front of "
+"the filename, if it is present, and install into the dirname of the "
+"filename. So if the filename is F<debian/tmp/usr/bin>, then that directory "
+"will be copied to F<debian/package/usr/>. If the filename is F<debian/tmp/"
+"etc/passwd>, it will be copied to F<debian/package/etc/>."
+msgstr ""
+"Il enlève F<debian/tmp> (ou le nom du répertoire source, s'il a été indiqué) "
+"du début du chemin du fichier, s'il est présent, et copie le fichier dans le "
+"répertoire de construction du paquet, sous l'arborescence indiquée pour le "
+"fichier source. Par exemple, si l'objet à installer est le répertoire "
+"F<debian/tmp/usr/bin>, alors il sera copié dans F<debian/paquet/usr/>. Si le "
+"fichier à installer est F<debian/tmp/etc/passwd>, il sera copié dans "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:113
+msgid "I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>"
+msgstr "I<fichier|répertoire> ... I<répertoire_destination>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:115
+msgid ""
+"Lists files (or directories) to install and where to install them to. The "
+"files will be installed into the first package F<dh_install> acts on."
+msgstr ""
+"Permet d'énumérer les fichiers (ou les répertoires) à installer ainsi que "
+"leur destination. Les fichiers indiqués seront installés dans le premier "
+"paquet traité par B<dh_install>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:334
+msgid "Here are some small examples of configuration files for dh_install."
+msgstr ""
+"Voici quelques courts exemples de fichiers de configuration pour dh_install."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:336
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install my-prog into usr/bin (as \"usr/bin/my-prog\")\n"
+" my-prog usr/bin\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Installation de mon-prog dans usr/bin (« usr/bin/mon-prog »)\n"
+" mon-prog usr/bin\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:339
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a plugins directory into usr/share/my-prog\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/plugins/\")\n"
+" plugins usr/share/my-prog\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Installation d'un répertoire de greffons dans usr/share/mon-prog\n"
+" # (sous « usr/share/mon-prog/plugins/ »\")\n"
+" plugins usr/share/mon-prog\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:343
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a file with spaces in into usr/share/my-prog/data\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/data/my datafile with spaces.txt\")\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" my${Space}datafile${Space}with${Space}spaces.txt usr/share/my-prog/data\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Installation d'un fichier avec des espaces dans usr/share/mon-prog/data\n"
+" # (sous « usr/share/my-prog/data/mon_fichier-de-données avec espaces.txt »)\n"
+" # SUPPOSE COMPAT 13 où les motifs de substitution sont disponibles\n"
+" my${Space}fichier${Space}with${Space}spaces.txt usr/share/mon-prog/data\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:348
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a library into the multi-arch lib directory\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" build/output/libfrop*.so.* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Installe une bibliothèque dans le répertoire\n"
+" # de bibliothèques multi-arch\n"
+" # SUPPOSE COMPAT 13 où les motifs de substitution sont disponibles\n"
+" build/output/libfrop*.so.* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}\n"
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_install:352
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:354
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> cannot rename files or directories, it can only install them "
+"with the names they already have into wherever you want in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> ne peut pas renommer les fichiers ou les répertoires, il peut "
+"seulement les implanter n'importe où dans l'arbre de construction du paquet "
+"mais avec les noms qu'ils possèdent déjà."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:358
+msgid ""
+"However, renaming can be achieved by using B<dh-exec> with compatibility "
+"level 9 or later. An example debian/I<package>.install file using B<dh-"
+"exec> could look like:"
+msgstr ""
+"En revanche, le renommage peut être effectué en utilisant B<dh_exec> avec le "
+"niveau de compatibilité 9 ou supérieur. Un exemple de fichier debian/"
+"<paquet>.install utilisant B<dh_exec> ressemblerait à :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:362
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" #!/usr/bin/dh-exec\n"
+" debian/default.conf => /etc/my-package/start.conf\n"
+msgstr ""
+" #!/usr/bin/dh-exec\n"
+" debian/default.conf => /etc/mon-paquet/start.conf\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:365
+msgid "Please remember the following three things:"
+msgstr "Veuillez vous souvenir de ces trois remarques :"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:369
+msgid ""
+"* The package must be using compatibility level 9 or later (see "
+msgstr ""
+"* Le paquet doit utiliser le niveau de compatibilité 9 ou supérieur (voir "
+"L<debhelper(7)>) ;"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:371
+msgid "* The package will need a build-dependency on dh-exec."
+msgstr "* Le paquet doit contenir une dépendance de construction sur dh_exec ;"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:373
+msgid "* The install file must be marked as executable."
+msgstr "* Le fichier install doit être marqué comme exécutable."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:5
+msgid "dh_installcatalogs - install and register SGML Catalogs"
+msgstr "dh_installcatalogs - Installer et inscrire les catalogues SGML"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:19
+msgid "B<dh_installcatalogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installcatalogs> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-n>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installcatalogs> is a debhelper program that installs and registers "
+"SGML catalogs. It complies with the Debian XML/SGML policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installcatalogs> est un programme de la suite debhelper chargé "
+"d'installer et d'inscrire les catalogues SGML conformément à la Charte XML/"
+"SGML de Debian."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:26
+msgid ""
+"Catalogs will be registered in a supercatalog, in F</etc/sgml/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Les catalogues seront inscrits dans le « supercatalogue » F</etc/sgml/"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:29
+msgid ""
+"This command automatically adds maintainer script snippets for registering "
+"and unregistering the catalogs and supercatalogs (unless B<-n> is used). "
+"These snippets are inserted into the maintainer scripts and the B<triggers> "
+"file by B<dh_installdeb>; see L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of "
+"Debhelper maintainer script snippets."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce programme ajoute automatiquement des lignes de code aux scripts de "
+"maintenance du paquet pour l'inscription et la radiation des catalogues et "
+"des supercatalogues (sauf si B<-n> est indiqué). Ces lignes de codes sont "
+"insérées dans les scripts de maintenance et dans le fichier I<triggers> par "
+"B<dh_installdeb>. Voir L<dh_installdeb(1)> pour obtenir des explications sur "
+"ces lignes de code ajoutées aux scripts de maintenance du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:36
+msgid ""
+"A dependency on B<sgml-base> will be added to B<${misc:Depends}>, so be sure "
+"your package uses that variable in F<debian/control>."
+msgstr ""
+"Une dépendance vers B<sgml-base> est ajoutée à B<${misc:Depends}>. De ce "
+"fait il faut s'assurer que le paquet utilise cette variable dans F<debian/"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcatalogs:43
+msgid "debian/I<package>.sgmlcatalogs"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.sgmlcatalogs"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:45
+msgid ""
+"Lists the catalogs to be installed per package. Each line in that file "
+"should be of the form C<I<source> I<dest>>, where I<source> indicates where "
+"the catalog resides in the source tree, and I<dest> indicates the "
+"destination location for the catalog under the package build area. I<dest> "
+"should start with F</usr/share/sgml/>."
+msgstr ""
+"Énumère les catalogues à installer par paquet. Chaque ligne de ce fichier "
+"doit être sous la forme C<I<source> I<destination>>, où I<source> indique "
+"l'emplacement du catalogue dans l'arborescence source et où I<destination> "
+"indique son emplacement de destination au sein de l'arborescence de "
+"construction du paquet binaire. I<destination> doit commencer par F</usr/"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:62
+msgid ""
+"Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts nor add an activation "
+msgstr ""
+"Ne modifie pas les scripts de maintenance F<postinst>, F<postrm>, F<prerm> "
+"ni ajoute de trigger d'activation."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:69 dh_installemacsen:77 dh_installinit:206
+#: dh_installmodules:59 dh_installudev:52 dh_installwm:68 dh_usrlocal:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+"instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : Ce programme n'est pas idempotent. Un L<dh_prep(1)> doit être réalisé "
+"entre chaque exécution de ce programme. Sinon, il risque d'y avoir plusieurs "
+"occurrences des mêmes lignes de code dans les scripts de maintenance du "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:132
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/sgml-base-doc/>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/sgml-base-doc/>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:136
+msgid "Adam Di Carlo <>"
+msgstr "Adam Di Carlo <>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installchangelogs - install changelogs into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installchangelogs - Installer les journaux de suivi des modifications "
+"(changelog) dans les répertoires de construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:18
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+#| "[I<upstream>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[B<--no-trim>] [I<upstream>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<élément>] "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing changelogs into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des journaux de suivi des modifications (changelog) dans le "
+"répertoire de construction du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:25
+msgid ""
+"An upstream F<changelog> file may be specified as an option. If none is "
+"specified, B<dh_installchangelogs> may look for files with names that seem "
+"likely to be changelogs as described in the next paragraphs."
+msgstr ""
+"Un journal amont des modifications (upstream F<changelog>) peut être indiqué "
+"en option. Si rien n'est indiqué, B<dh_installchangelogs> cherche des "
+"fichiers portant des noms susceptibles d'être des changelog tel que décrit "
+"dans les paragraphes suivants."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:29
+msgid ""
+"In non-native packages, B<dh_installchangelogs> will first look for "
+"changelog files installed by the upstream build system into F<< usr/share/"
+"doc/I<package> >> (of the package build directory) and rename the most "
+"likely candidate (if any) to F<< usr/share/doc/I<package>/changelog >>. "
+"Note that B<dh_installchangelogs> does I<not> look into any source directory "
+"(such as F<debian/tmp>). Otherwise, B<dh_installchangelogs> (at "
+"compatibility level 7 or any later) will look for changelog files in the "
+"source directory (e.g. the root or the F<docs> subdirectory). It will look "
+"for F<changelog>, F<changes> and F<history> optionally with common "
+"extensions (such as F<.txt>, F<.md> and F<.rst>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans les paquets non natifs, B<dh_installchangelogs> cherchera d'abord des "
+"changelogs installés dans le système de construction amont dans F<< usr/"
+"share/doc/I<paquet> >> (dans le répertoire de construction du paquet) et "
+"renommera le plus probable en F<< usr/share/doc/I<paquet>/changelog >>. "
+"Veuillez noter que B<dh_installchangelogs> ne cherche I<pas> dans le "
+"répertoire source (comme F<debian/tmp>). Autrement, B<dh_installchangelogs> "
+"(à partir de la version 7) cherchera des fichiers journaux dans le "
+"répertoire source (par exemple, la racine ou le sous-répertoire F<docs>). Il "
+"cherchera F<changelog>, F<changes> et F<history> facultativement avec leurs "
+"extensions courantes (telles que F<.txt>, F<.md> et F<.rst>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:41
+msgid ""
+"If a changelog file is specified and is an F<html> file (determined by file "
+"extension), it will be installed as F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog.html> "
+"instead. If the html changelog is converted to plain text, that variant can "
+"be specified as a second parameter. When no plain text variant is specified, "
+"a short F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog> is generated, pointing readers at "
+"the html changelog file."
+msgstr ""
+"Si un fichier changelog est un fichier F<HTML> (d'après son extension), il "
+"sera installé dans F<usr/share/doc/paquet/changelog.html> à la place. Si le "
+"changelog HTML est converti en texte simple, cette variante peut être "
+"définie comme un second paramètre. Lorsque aucune variante texte simple "
+"n'est spécifiée, un court F<usr/share/doc/paquet/changelog> est généré, "
+"dirigeant les lecteurs vers le changelog HTML."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:48
+msgid ""
+"The B<debchange>-style Debian changelogs are trimmed to include only entries "
+"more recent than the release date of I<oldstable>. No trimming will be "
+"performed if the B<--no-trim> option is passed or if the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<notrimdch>."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:57
+msgid "F<debian/changelog>"
+msgstr "F<debian/changelog>"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:59
+msgid "F<debian/NEWS>"
+msgstr "F<debian/NEWS>"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:61
+msgid "debian/I<package>.changelog"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.changelog"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:63
+msgid "debian/I<package>.NEWS"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.NEWS"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:65
+msgid ""
+"Automatically installed into usr/share/doc/I<package>/ in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Automatiquement installés sous usr/share/doc/I<paquet>/ dans le répertoire "
+"de construction du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:68
+msgid ""
+"Use the package specific name if I<package> needs a different F<NEWS> or "
+"F<changelog> file."
+msgstr ""
+"Utilisent le nom du paquet si I<paquet> nécessite un fichier F<NEWS> ou "
+"F<changelog> spécifique."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:71
+msgid ""
+"The F<changelog> file is installed with a name of changelog for native "
+"packages, and F<changelog.Debian> for non-native packages. The F<NEWS> file "
+"is always installed with a name of F<NEWS.Debian>."
+msgstr ""
+"Le fichier F<changelog> est installé avec le nom changelog pour les paquets "
+"natifs et F<changelog.Debian> pour les paquets non natifs. Le fichier "
+"F<NEWS> est toujours installé avec le nom F<NEWS.Debian>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:83
+msgid ""
+"Keep the original name of the upstream changelog. This will be accomplished "
+"by installing the upstream changelog as F<changelog>, and making a symlink "
+"from that to the original name of the F<changelog> file. This can be useful "
+"if the upstream changelog has an unusual name, or if other documentation in "
+"the package refers to the F<changelog> file."
+msgstr ""
+"Conserve le nom original du journal amont. Ce résultat est obtenu en "
+"installant le journal amont sous le nom F<changelog> et en créant un lien "
+"symbolique portant le nom d'origine et pointant sur le fichier F<changelog>. "
+"Cela peut être utile si le journal amont porte un nom inhabituel ou si "
+"d'autres éléments de documentation du paquet se réfèrent à ce fichier."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:91
+msgid ""
+"Exclude upstream F<changelog> files that contain I<item> anywhere in their "
+"filename from being installed."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclut du traitement les journaux amont qui comportent I<élément> n'importe "
+"où dans leur nom."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:94
+msgid "Note that directory name of the changelog is also part of the match."
+msgstr ""
+"Note : le nom de dossier du changelog fait aussi partie de la correspondance."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:96
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--no-start>"
+msgid "B<--no-trim>"
+msgstr "B<--no-start>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:98
+msgid ""
+"Install the full changelog, not its trimmed version that includes only "
+"recent entries."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:101
+msgid "I<upstream>"
+msgstr "I<journal-amont>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:103
+msgid "Install this file as the upstream changelog."
+msgstr ""
+"Installe ce fichier en tant que journal amont de suivi des modifications."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:5
+msgid "dh_installcron - install cron scripts into etc/cron.*"
+msgstr "dh_installcron - Installer les scripts cron dans etc/cron.*"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:17
+msgid "B<dh_installcron> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installcron> [B<options_de_debhelper>] [B<--name=>I<nom>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installcron> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"cron scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installcron> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des scripts de cron."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.daily"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.cron.daily"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:30
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.weekly"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.cron.weekly"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.monthly"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.cron.monthly"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:34
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.daily"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.yearly"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.cron.daily"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:36
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.hourly"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.cron.hourly"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.d"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.cron.d"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:40
+msgid ""
+"Installed into the appropriate F<etc/cron.*/> directory in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Installés dans le répertoire F<etc/cron.*/> approprié au sein du répertoire "
+"de construction du paquet."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:49 dh_installifupdown:46 dh_installinit:174
+#: dh_installlogcheck:49 dh_installlogrotate:29 dh_installmodules:49
+#: dh_installpam:42 dh_installppp:42 dh_installudev:38 dh_systemd_enable:94
+msgid "B<--name=>I<name>"
+msgstr "B<--name=>I<nom>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:51
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as F<etc/"
+"cron.*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them as the "
+"package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Recherche les fichiers appelés F<debian/paquet.nom.cron.*> et les installe "
+"sous F<etc/cron.*/nom>, au lieu d'utiliser les fichiers habituels et de les "
+"installer en leur donnant le nom du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:5
+msgid "dh_installdeb - install files into the DEBIAN directory"
+msgstr "dh_installdeb - Installer des fichiers dans le répertoire DEBIAN"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:17
+msgid "B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installdeb> [I<options_de_debhelper>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files into the F<DEBIAN> directories in package build directories with the "
+"correct permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des fichiers dans le répertoire F<DEBIAN> du répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet ainsi que du réglage correct des droits sur ces "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:29
+msgid "I<package>.postinst"
+msgstr "I<paquet>.postinst"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:31
+msgid "I<package>.preinst"
+msgstr "I<paquet>.preinst"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:33
+msgid "I<package>.postrm"
+msgstr "I<paquet>.postrm"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:35
+msgid "I<package>.prerm"
+msgstr "I<paquet>.prerm"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:37
+msgid "These maintainer scripts are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Ces scripts de maintenance sont installés dans le répertoire F<DEBIAN>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:39
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> will perform substitution of known tokens of the pattern "
+"B<#TOKEN#>. In generally, scripts will want to include the B<#DEBHELPER#> "
+"to benefit from the shell scripts generated by debhelper commands (including "
+"those from B<dh_installdeb> when it processes I<package>.maintscript files)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> réalisera la substitution des items connus du format "
+"B<#TOKEN#>. En général, les scripts voudront inclure l'item B<#DEBHELPER#> "
+"pour bénéficier des scripts de l'interpréteur de commandes générés par les "
+"commandes debhelper (y compris ceux de B<dh_installdeb> quand il traite les "
+"fichiers I<paquet>.maintscript)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:45
+msgid ""
+"The B<#DEBHELPER#> token should be placed on its own line as it is often "
+"replaced by a multi-line shell script."
+msgstr ""
+"L'item B<#DEBHELPER#> devrait être placé sur sa ligne propre parce qu'il est "
+"souvent remplacé par un script multiligne de l'interpréteur de commandes."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:48
+msgid "I<package>.triggers"
+msgstr "I<paquet>.triggers"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:50
+msgid "I<package>.shlibs"
+msgstr "I<paquet>.shlibs"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:52
+msgid "These control files are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+msgstr "Ces fichiers de contrôle sont installés dans le répertoire F<DEBIAN>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:54
+msgid ""
+"Note that I<package>.shlibs is only installed in compat level 9 and "
+"earlier. In compat 10, please use L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que I<paquet>.shlibs est uniquement installé si le niveau de "
+"compatibilité est 9 ou inférieur. En version 10, veuillez utiliser "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:57
+msgid "I<package>.conffiles"
+msgstr "I<paquet>.conffiles"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:59
+msgid ""
+"This file will be installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory. The provided file "
+"will be enriched by debhelper to include all the B<conffiles> auto-detected "
+"by debhelper (the maintainer should not list there as debhelper assumes it "
+"should handle that part)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:64
+msgid ""
+"This file is primarily useful for using \"special\" entries such as the B<< "
+"remove-on-upgrade >> feature from dpkg."
+msgstr ""
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:67
+msgid "I<package>.maintscript"
+msgstr "I<paquet>.maintscript"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:69
+msgid ""
+"Lines in this file correspond to L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)> commands and "
+"parameters. However, the \"maint-script-parameters\" should I<not> be "
+"included as debhelper will add those automatically."
+msgstr ""
+"Les lignes de ce fichier correspondent à des commandes et leurs paramètres "
+"de L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)>. « maint-script-parameters » ne devrait "
+"I<pas> être inclus car debhelper l'ajoutera automatiquement."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:73
+msgid "Example:"
+msgstr "Exemple :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:75
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Correct\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo -- \"$@\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Correct\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ toto\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ toto -- \"$@\"\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:80
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 or later, any shell metacharacters will be escaped, so "
+"arbitrary shell code cannot be inserted here. For example, a line such as "
+"C<mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/newconffile> will insert maintainer "
+"script snippets into all maintainer scripts sufficient to move that conffile."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans les niveaux de compatibilité 10 ou suivants, tous les métacaractères de "
+"l'interpréteur de commandes seront protégés, aussi du code arbitraire "
+"d'interpréteur de commandes ne peut pas être inséré ici. Par exemple, une "
+"ligne comme C<mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/newconffile> insérera des "
+"extraits du script de maintenance dans tous les scripts de maintenance, "
+"suffisant pour déplacer le fichier F<conffile>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:86
+msgid ""
+"It was also the intention to escape shell metacharacters in previous compat "
+"levels. However, it did not work properly and as such it was possible to "
+"embed arbitrary shell code in earlier compat levels."
+msgstr ""
+"L'intention était aussi d'échapper les métacaractères du shell dans les "
+"modes précédents. Cependant, cela ne fonctionnait pas correctement et il "
+"était possible d'embarquer du code shell arbitraire dans les modes "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:90
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do some basic validation of some of the "
+"commands listed in this file to catch common mistakes. The validation is "
+"enabled as a warning since compat 10 and as a hard error in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+"L'outil B<dh_installdeb> effectuera quelques validations basiques sur "
+"certaines commandes listées dans ce fichier pour éviter les erreurs "
+"habituelles. Cette validation renvoie un avertissement depuis la version 10, "
+"et une erreur en version 12."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:95
+msgid ""
+"Where possible, B<dh_installdeb> may choose to rewrite some or all of the "
+"entries into equivalent features supported in dpkg without relying on "
+"maintainer scripts at its sole discretion (examples include rewriting "
+"B<rm_conffile> into dpkg's B<remove-on-upgrade>). The minimum requirement "
+"for activating this feature is that debhelper runs in compat 10 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:111 dh_installdebconf:76
+msgid "B<-D>I<TOKEN=VALUE>, B<--define> I<TOKEN=VALUE>"
+msgstr "B<-D>I<ITEM=VALEUR>, B<--define> I<ITEM=VALEUR>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:113 dh_installdebconf:78
+msgid ""
+"Define tokens to be replaced inside the maintainer scripts when it is "
+"generated. Please note that the limitations described in L</Limitations in "
+"token names> also applies to tokens defined on the command line. Invalid "
+"token names will trigger an error."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit les items qui doivent être remplacés dans les scripts du responsable "
+"quand ils sont créés. Veuillez noter que les contraintes décrites dans L</"
+"Restrictions dans les noms d'item> s'appliquent aussi aux items définis en "
+"ligne de commande. Les noms d'item non valables déclencheront une erreur."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:118 dh_installdebconf:83
+msgid ""
+"In the simple case, this parameter will cause B<< #I<TOKEN># >> to be "
+"replaced by I<VALUE>. If I<VALUE> starts with a literal I<@>-sign, then "
+"I<VALUE> is expected to point to a file containing the actual value to "
+msgstr ""
+"Dans un cas simple, ce paramètre fera que B<< #I<ITEM># >> sera remplacé par "
+"I<VALEUR>. Si I<VALEUR> commence par un signe I<@> littéral, alors I<VALEUR> "
+"est censé pointer vers un fichier contenant la valeur réelle à insérer."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:123 dh_installdebconf:88
+msgid ""
+"An explicit declared token with this parameter will replace built-in tokens."
+msgstr ""
+"Un item déclaré de façon explicite avec ce paramètre remplacera les items "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:126 dh_installdebconf:91
+msgid "Test examples to aid with the understanding:"
+msgstr "Exemples de tests pour aider à mieux comprendre :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:128
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tcat >> debian/postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"valeur_complexe\" > un_fichier\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@un_fichier\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:135 dh_installdebconf:100
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#SIMPLE#> will expand to B<direct> and B<#FILEBASED#> "
+"will expand to B<Complex value>."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans cet exemple, B<#SIMPLE#> sera développé en B<direct> et B<#FILEBASED#> "
+"sera développé en B<valeur_complexe>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:138
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. This "
+"is useful when B<dh_installdeb> is acting on multiple packages that need "
+"different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the token "
+"name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgstr ""
+"Il est aussi possible de fixer des valeurs spécifiques à un paquet pour un "
+"item donné. Cela est utilisé quand B<dh_installdeb> agit sur plusieurs "
+"paquets qui ont besoin de valeurs distinctes pour le même item. Cela est "
+"obtenu en préfixant le nom de l'item par B<< pkg.I<nom-paquet>. >>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:143 dh_installdebconf:108
+msgid "This can be used as in the following example:"
+msgstr "Cela peut être utilisé comme dans l'exemple suivant :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:145
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdeb -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tcat >> debian/toto.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script pour #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/titi.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script pour #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/truc.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script pour #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdeb -ptoto -ptiti -ptruc --define TOKEN=default --define pkg.titi.TOKEN=valeur-unique-titi \\\n"
+" --define pkg.truc.TOKEN=valeur-unique-truc\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:160
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo."
+"postinst>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.postinst> and to B<unique-"
+"baz-value> in F<debian/baz.postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans cet exemple, B<#TOKEN#> sera développé en B<default> dans F<debian/toto."
+"postinst>, en B<valeur-unique-titi> dans F<debian/titi.postinst> et en "
+"B<valeur-unique-truc> dans F<debian/truc.postinst>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:164
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. E."
+"g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.postinst> and it "
+"will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgstr ""
+"Notez que les items de B<#pkg.*#> seront visibles dans tous les scripts "
+"actifs. Par exemple, il est possible de faire référence à B<#pkg.titi."
+"TOKEN#> dans F<debian/toto.postinst> et il sera remplacé par B<valeur-unique-"
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_installdeb:170 dh_installdebconf:135
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:172
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> will automatically replace the following tokens inside "
+"a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> remplacera automatiquement les items suivants dans un "
+"script fourni par le responsable (s'il n'est pas remplacé au moyen de B<-D> "
+"ou B<--define>) :"
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:177
+msgid "#DEBHELPER#"
+msgstr "#DEBHELPER#"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:179
+msgid ""
+"This token is by default replaced with generated shell snippets debhelper "
+"commands. This includes the snippets generated by B<dh_installdeb> from "
+"I<package>.maintscript file (if present)."
+msgstr ""
+"Cet item est par défaut remplacé par les lignes de code générées par les "
+"commandes de debhelper. Cela comprend les lignes de code générées par "
+"B<dh_installdeb> à partir du fichier I<paquet>.maintscript (s'il est "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:183 dh_installdebconf:142
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:185 dh_installdebconf:144
+msgid ""
+"These tokens are replaced with the respective variable from L<dpkg-"
+"architecture(1)>. In almost all cases, you will want use the B<< "
+"#DEB_HOST_I<NAME> >> variant in a script to ensure you get the right value "
+"when cross-building."
+msgstr ""
+"Ces items sont remplacés par leur variable respective venant de L<dpkg-"
+"architecture(1)>. Dans presque tous les cas, vous voudrez utiliser la "
+"variante B<< #DEB_HOST_I<NOM> >> dans un script pour vous assurer d'obtenir "
+"la valeur correcte lors d'une construction croisée."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:190 dh_installdebconf:149
+msgid ""
+"On a best effort, tokens of this pattern that do not match a variable in "
+"L<dpkg-architecture(1)> will be left as-is."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans un souci de qualité, les items avec ce motif qui ne correspondent pas à "
+"une variable de L<dpkg-architecture(1)> seront laissés tels quels."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:193 dh_installdebconf:152
+msgid "#ENV.I<NAME>#"
+msgstr "#ENV.I<NOM>#"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:195 dh_installdebconf:154
+msgid ""
+"These tokens of this form will be replaced with value of the corresponding "
+"environment variable. If the environment variable is unset, the token is "
+"replaced with the empty string."
+msgstr ""
+"Les items de cette forme seront remplacés par la valeur de la variable "
+"d'environnement correspondante. Si la variable d'environnement n'est pas "
+"définie, l'item est remplacé par une chaîne vide."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:200 dh_installdebconf:159
+msgid ""
+"Note that there are limits on which names can be used (see L</Limitations in "
+"token names>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Notez qu'il y a des restrictions sur les noms pouvant être utilisés voir L</"
+"Restrictions dans les noms d'item>)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:203 dh_installdebconf:162
+msgid "#PACKAGE#"
+msgstr "#PACKAGE#"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:205 dh_installdebconf:164
+msgid ""
+"This token is by default replaced by the package name, which will contain "
+"the concrete script."
+msgstr ""
+"Cet item est remplacé par défaut par le nom du paquet qui contiendra le "
+"script réel."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh_installdeb:210 dh_installdebconf:169
+msgid "Limitations in token names"
+msgstr "Restrictions dans les noms d'item"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:212 dh_installdebconf:171
+msgid ""
+"All tokens intended to be substituted must match the regex: #[A-Za-z0-9_.+]+#"
+msgstr ""
+"Tous les items destinés à être remplacés doivent correspondre à l'expression "
+"rationnelle : #[A-Za-z0-9_.+]+#"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:214
+msgid ""
+"Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the "
+"script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will "
+"cause B<dh_installdeb> to reject the command with an error in most cases."
+msgstr ""
+"Les items qui ne correspondent pas à cette expression rationnelle seront "
+"ignorés silencieusement s'ils sont présents dans un modèle de script. Les "
+"noms d'item non valables passés à B<-D> ou B<--define> feront que "
+"B<dh_installdeb> rejettera la commande avec une erreur dans la plupart des "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installdebconf - install files used by debconf in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdebconf - Installer les fichiers utilisés par debconf dans les "
+"répertoires de construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-n>] [B<--> I<paramètres>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing files used by debconf into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé "
+"d'installer les fichiers utilisés par debconf dans les répertoires de "
+"construction du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:24
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postrm> commands needed to interface "
+"with debconf. The commands are added to the maintainer scripts by "
+"B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how that "
+msgstr ""
+"Il génère également automatiquement les lignes de code du script de "
+"maintenance F<postrm> nécessaires à l'interfaçage avec debconf. Les "
+"commandes sont ajoutées aux scripts de maintenance par B<dh_installdeb>. "
+"Consulter L<dh_installdeb(1)> pour obtenir une explication sur le mécanisme "
+"d'insertion de lignes de code."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:29
+msgid ""
+"Note that if you use debconf, your package probably needs to depend on it "
+"(it will be added to B<${misc:Depends}> by this program)."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : Comme un paquet qui utilise debconf a probablement besoin d'en "
+"dépendre, ce programme ajoute cette dépendance à B<${misc:Depends}>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:32
+msgid ""
+"Note that for your config script to be called by B<dpkg>, your F<postinst> "
+"needs to source debconf's confmodule. B<dh_installdebconf> does not install "
+"this statement into the F<postinst> automatically as it is too hard to do it "
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : Étant donné que le script de configuration est invoqué par B<dpkg>, "
+"F<postinst> doit comporter le module de configuration (confmodule) de "
+"debconf. B<dh_installdebconf> n'implémente pas automatiquement ce traitement "
+"dans le script de maintenance F<postinst> car ce serait trop difficile à "
+"faire correctement."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:41
+msgid "debian/I<package>.config"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.config"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:43
+msgid ""
+"This is the debconf F<config> script, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN> "
+"directory in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"C'est le script F<config> de debconf. Il est installé dans le répertoire "
+"F<DEBIAN> du répertoire de construction du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:46
+msgid ""
+"Inside the script, the token B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell script "
+"snippets generated by other debhelper commands."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans le script, l'item B<#DEBHELPER#> est remplacé par les lignes de code "
+"générées par les autres commandes debhelper."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:49
+msgid "debian/I<package>.templates"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.templates"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:51
+msgid ""
+"This is the debconf F<templates> file, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN> "
+"directory in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"C'est le fichier F<templates> de debconf. Il est installé dans le répertoire "
+"F<DEBIAN> du répertoire de construction du paquet."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:54
+msgid "F<debian/po/>"
+msgstr "F<debian/po/>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:56
+msgid ""
+"If this directory is present, this program will automatically use "
+"L<po2debconf(1)> to generate merged templates files that include the "
+"translations from there."
+msgstr ""
+"Si ce répertoire existe, ce programme utilisera L<po2debconf(1)> pour "
+"produire un fichier multilingue de modèles."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:60
+msgid "For this to work, your package should build-depend on F<po-debconf>."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour que cela fonctionne, le paquet doit dépendre, pour sa construction "
+"(build-depend), de F<po-debconf>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:70
+msgid "Do not modify F<postrm> script."
+msgstr "Empêche la modification du script de maintenance F<postrm>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:74
+msgid "Pass the params to B<po2debconf>."
+msgstr "Passe les paramètres à B<po2debconf>."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdebconf:93
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\tcat >> debian/postinst <<EOF\n"
+#| "\t#SIMPLE#\n"
+#| "\t#FILEBASED#\n"
+#| "\tEOF\n"
+#| "\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+#| " dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/config <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tcat >> debian/postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"valeur_complexe\" > un_fichier\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@un_fichier\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:103
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. "
+#| "This is useful when B<dh_installdeb> is acting on multiple packages that "
+#| "need different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the "
+#| "token name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. This "
+"is useful when B<dh_installdebconf> is acting on multiple packages that need "
+"different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the token "
+"name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgstr ""
+"Il est aussi possible de fixer des valeurs spécifiques à un paquet pour un "
+"item donné. Cela est utilisé quand B<dh_installdeb> agit sur plusieurs "
+"paquets qui ont besoin de valeurs distinctes pour le même item. Cela est "
+"obtenu en préfixant le nom de l'item par B<< pkg.I<nom-paquet>. >>."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdebconf:110
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\tcat >> debian/foo.postinst <<EOF\n"
+#| "\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+#| "\t#TOKEN#\n"
+#| "\tEOF\n"
+#| "\tcat >> debian/bar.postinst <<EOF\n"
+#| "\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+#| "\t#TOKEN#\n"
+#| "\tEOF\n"
+#| "\tcat >> debian/baz.postinst <<EOF\n"
+#| "\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+#| "\t#TOKEN#\n"
+#| "\tEOF\n"
+#| " dh_installdeb -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+#| " --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdebconf -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tcat >> debian/toto.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script pour #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/titi.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script pour #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/truc.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script pour #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdeb -ptoto -ptiti -ptruc --define TOKEN=default --define pkg.titi.TOKEN=valeur-unique-titi \\\n"
+" --define pkg.truc.TOKEN=valeur-unique-truc\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:125
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo."
+#| "postinst>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.postinst> and to "
+#| "B<unique-baz-value> in F<debian/baz.postinst>."
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo."
+"config>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.config> and to B<unique-baz-"
+"value> in F<debian/baz.config>."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans cet exemple, B<#TOKEN#> sera développé en B<default> dans F<debian/toto."
+"postinst>, en B<valeur-unique-titi> dans F<debian/titi.postinst> et en "
+"B<valeur-unique-truc> dans F<debian/truc.postinst>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:129
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. "
+#| "E.g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.postinst> "
+#| "and it will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. E."
+"g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.config> and it "
+"will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgstr ""
+"Notez que les items de B<#pkg.*#> seront visibles dans tous les scripts "
+"actifs. Par exemple, il est possible de faire référence à B<#pkg.titi."
+"TOKEN#> dans F<debian/toto.postinst> et il sera remplacé par B<valeur-unique-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:137
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The B<dh_installdeb> will automatically replace the following tokens "
+#| "inside a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--"
+#| "define>):"
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdebconf> will automatically replace the following tokens "
+"inside a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> remplacera automatiquement les items suivants dans un "
+"script fourni par le responsable (s'il n'est pas remplacé au moyen de B<-D> "
+"ou B<--define>) :"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:173
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in "
+#| "the script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> "
+#| "will cause B<dh_installdeb> to reject the command with an error in most "
+#| "cases."
+msgid ""
+"Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the "
+"script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will "
+"cause B<dh_installdebconf> to reject the command with an error in most cases."
+msgstr ""
+"Les items qui ne correspondent pas à cette expression rationnelle seront "
+"ignorés silencieusement s'ils sont présents dans un modèle de script. Les "
+"noms d'item non valables passés à B<-D> ou B<--define> feront que "
+"B<dh_installdeb> rejettera la commande avec une erreur dans la plupart des "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:5
+msgid "dh_installdirs - create subdirectories in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdirs - Créer des sous-répertoires dans le répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[B<--create-in-sourcedir>] [S<I<dir> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<-A>] [B<--"
+"sourcedir=>I<répertoire>] [B<--create-in-sourcedir>] [S<I<répertoire> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for creating "
+"subdirectories in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de la "
+"création des sous-répertoires dans le répertoire de construction du paquet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:24
+msgid ""
+"Many packages can get away with omitting the call to B<dh_installdirs> "
+"completely. Notably, other B<dh_*> commands are expected to create "
+"directories as needed."
+msgstr ""
+"De nombreux paquets peuvent se construire en omettant complètement l'appel à "
+"B<dh_installdirs>. En particulier, les autres commandes B<dh_*> sont censées "
+"créer les répertoires voulus."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.dirs"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.dirs"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:34
+msgid "Lists directories to be created in I<package>."
+msgstr "Liste les répertoires à créer dans I<paquet>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:36
+msgid ""
+"Generally, there is no need to list directories created by the upstream "
+"build system or directories needed by other B<debhelper> commands."
+msgstr ""
+"Généralement, il n'est pas nécessaire de lister les répertoires créés par "
+"les systèmes de construction amont ou les répertoires nécessaires aux autres "
+"commandes de B<debhelper>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:51
+msgid ""
+"Create any directories specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+"acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"Crée l'ensemble des répertoires indiqués en ligne de commande dans B<tous> "
+"les paquets construits et pas seulement dans le premier."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:54
+msgid "B<--create-in-sourcedir>, B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>"
+msgstr "B<--create-in-sourcedir>, B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:56
+msgid ""
+"Whether to create the specified directories in the source directory (usually "
+"F<debian/tmp>) I<in addition to> in the package build directory (usually F<< "
+"debian/I<package> >>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Détermine s'il faut créer les répertoires indiqués dans le répertoire source "
+"(habituellement F<debian/tmp>) I<en plus> de le faire dans le répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet (F<< debian/I<paquet> >>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:60
+msgid "The default is B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>."
+msgstr "Le comportement par défaut est B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:64
+msgid ""
+"Consider I<dir> the source directory for the packages acted on instead of "
+"the default (which is usually F<debian/tmp>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Utiliser I<répertoire> comme le répertoire source des paquets, au lieu de la "
+"valeur par défaut (généralement F<debian/tmp>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:67
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this option is dependent on the B<--create-in-sourcedir> "
+"option (when B<--no-create-in-sourcedir> is in effect, this option does "
+"nothing in B<dh_installdirs>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que cette option est dépendante de l'option B<--create-in-"
+"sourcedir> (lorsque B<--no-create-in-sourcedir> est utilisé, cette option ne "
+"fait rien dans B<dh_installdirs>)."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:71
+msgid "I<dir> ..."
+msgstr "I<répertoire> ..."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:73
+msgid ""
+"Create these directories in the package build directory of the first package "
+"acted on. (Or in all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Crée les répertoires indiqués dans le répertoire de construction du premier "
+"paquet traité (ou de tous les paquets traités si B<-A> est indiqué)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:7
+msgid "dh_installdocs - install documentation into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdocs - Installer la documentation dans le répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<élément>] "
+"[S<I<fichier> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"documentation into F<usr/share/doc/package> in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation de la documentation dans le répertoire F<usr/share/doc/"
+"paquet> du répertoire de construction du paquet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:26
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 and earlier, L<dh_install(1)> may be a better tool for handling "
+"the upstream documentation, when upstream's own build system installs all "
+"the desired documentation correctly. In this case, B<dh_installdocs> is "
+"still useful for installing packaging related documentation (e.g. the "
+"F<debian/copyright> file)."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans les niveaux de compatibilité 10 et inférieurs, L<dh_install(1)> est "
+"mieux adapté à la gestion de la documentation si le système de construction "
+"amont installe la documentation voulue correctement. Dans ce cas, "
+"B<dh_installdocs> est toujours utile pour installer la documentation de "
+"l'empaquetage (par exemple le fichier F<debian/copyright>)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:31 dh_installexamples:27 dh_installinfo:24 dh_installman:69
+msgid ""
+"From debhelper compatibility level 11 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+"looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current "
+"directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Depuis la version 11 de debhelper, B<dh_install> cherchera dans "
+"l'arborescence F<debian/tmp> pour trouver les fichiers s'il ne les trouve "
+"pas dans le répertoire courant (ou dans celui indiqué par l'utilisation de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:35
+msgid ""
+"In compat 11 and later, B<dh_installdocs> offers many of the features that "
+"L<dh_install(1)> also has. Furthermore, B<dh_installdocs> also supports the "
+"B<nodoc> build profile to exclude documentation (regardless of compat level)."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans les niveaux de compatibilité 11 et au delà, B<dh_installdocs> offre la "
+"plupart des fonctionnalités de L<dh_install(1)>. De plus, B<dh_installdocs> "
+"prend aussi en charge le profil de construction B<nodoc> pour exclure la "
+"documentation (quel que soit le niveau de compatibilité)."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.docs"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.docs"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:46
+msgid "List documentation files to be installed into I<package>."
+msgstr "Liste les fichiers de documentation à installer dans I<paquet>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:51
+msgid "F<debian/copyright>"
+msgstr "F<debian/copyright>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:53
+msgid ""
+"The copyright file is installed into all packages, unless a more specific "
+"copyright file is available."
+msgstr ""
+"Le fichier de copyright est installé dans tous les paquets sauf si un "
+"fichier de copyright plus spécifique est disponible."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:56
+msgid "debian/I<package>.copyright"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.copyright"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:58
+msgid "debian/I<package>.README.Debian"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.README.Debian"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:60
+msgid "debian/I<package>.TODO"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.TODO"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:62
+msgid ""
+"Each of these files is automatically installed if present for a I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Chacun de ces fichiers est automatiquement installé s'il existe pour un "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:65
+msgid "F<debian/README.Debian>"
+msgstr "F<debian/README.Debian>"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:67
+msgid "F<debian/TODO>"
+msgstr "F<debian/TODO>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:69
+msgid ""
+"These files are installed into the first binary package listed in debian/"
+msgstr ""
+"Ces fichiers sont installés dans le premier paquet binaire listé dans "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:72
+msgid ""
+"Note that F<README.debian> files are also installed as F<README.Debian>, and "
+"F<TODO> files will be installed as F<TODO.Debian> in non-native packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : les fichiers F<README.debian> sont également installés en tant que "
+"F<README.Debian> et les fichiers F<TODO> seront installés en tant que F<TODO."
+"Debian> dans les paquets non natifs."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:75
+msgid "debian/I<package>.doc-base"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.doc-base"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:77
+msgid ""
+"Installed as doc-base control files. Note that the doc-id will be determined "
+"from the B<Document:> entry in the doc-base control file in question. In the "
+"event that multiple doc-base files in a single source package share the same "
+"doc-id, they will be installed to usr/share/doc-base/package instead of usr/"
+msgstr ""
+"Installés en tant que fichiers de contrôle doc-base. Remarque : "
+"l'identifiant de documentation (doc-id) sera défini d'après l'indication du "
+"champ B<Document:> du fichier de contrôle doc-base en question. Au cas où "
+"plusieurs fichiers doc-base d'un seul paquet source partagent le même "
+"identifiant de documentation, ils seront installés dans usr/share/doc-base/"
+"I<paquet> au lieu de usr/share/doc-base/I<doc-id>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:83
+msgid "debian/I<package>.doc-base.*"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.doc-base.*"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:85
+msgid ""
+"If your package needs to register more than one document, you need multiple "
+"doc-base files, and can name them like this. In the event that multiple doc-"
+"base files of this style in a single source package share the same doc-id, "
+"they will be installed to usr/share/doc-base/package-* instead of usr/share/"
+msgstr ""
+"Si le paquet doit enregistrer plus d'un document, plusieurs fichiers doc-"
+"base sont nécessaires, et peuvent être nommés comme cela. Au cas où "
+"plusieurs fichiers doc-base de ce genre dans un seul paquet source partagent "
+"le même identifiant de documentation, ils seront installés dans usr/share/"
+"doc-base/I<paquet-*> au lieu de usr/share/doc-base/I<doc-id>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:91
+msgid ""
+"Please be aware that this deduplication is currently done in memory only, so "
+"for now it requires B<dh_installdocs> to be called no more than once during "
+"the package build. Calling B<dh_installdocs -p>I<package> in combination "
+"with using F<debian/>I<package>F<.doc-base.*> files can lead to "
+"uninstallable packages. See L<> for details."
+msgstr ""
+"Soyez conscient que cette déduplication est uniquement réalisée en mémoire "
+"actuellement, ce qui fait que pour l'instant il ne faut pas que "
+"B<dh_installdocs> soit appelé plus d'une fois pendant la construction du "
+"paquet. L'appel de B<dh_installdocs -p>I<paquet> en combinaison avec "
+"l'utilisation de F<debian/>I<paquet>F<.doc-base.*> peut mener à des paquets "
+"non installables. Voir L<> pour plus de "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:106 dh_installinfo:47 dh_installman:92
+msgid ""
+"Install all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+msgstr ""
+"Installe l'ensemble des fichiers indiqués sur la ligne de commande dans "
+"B<tous> les paquets construits."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:111
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"installed. Note that this includes doc-base files."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclut les fichiers qui comportent I<élément>, n'importe où dans leur nom, "
+"de l'installation. Il est à noter que cela inclut les fichiers doc-base."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:116 dh_installexamples:59 dh_installinfo:52 dh_installman:102
+msgid ""
+"Look in the specified directory for files to be installed. This option "
+"requires compat 11 or later (it is silently ignored in compat 10 or earlier)."
+msgstr ""
+"Cherche dans le répertoire indiqué les fichiers à installer. Cette option "
+"nécessite le niveau de compatibilité 11 ou supérieur (et sera "
+"silencieusement ignorée en version 10 et avant)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:119 dh_installman:105
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installman> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+"compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : cette option ne fait pas la même chose que B<--sourcedirectory> "
+"utilisée par B<dh_auto_>I<*>. Il est rare d'avoir besoin d'utiliser cette "
+"option puisque B<dh_installman> cherche automatiquement les fichiers dans "
+"F<debian/tmp> depuis le niveau de compatibilité 11 de debhelper."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:124 dh_installexamples:67
+msgid "B<--doc-main-package=>I<main-package>"
+msgstr "B<--doc-main-package=>I<paquet-principal>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:126 dh_installexamples:69
+msgid ""
+"Set the main package for a documentation package. This is used to install "
+"the documentation of the documentation package in F<< /usr/share/doc/I<main-"
+"package> >> as recommended by the Debian policy manual 3.9.7 in §12.3."
+msgstr ""
+"Définit le paquet principal pour un paquet de documentation. Cela est "
+"utilisé pour installer la documentation du paquet de documentation dans F<< /"
+"usr/share/doc/I<paquet-principal> >> comme recommandé par la Charte "
+"Debian 3.9.7 au paragraphe 12.3."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:131 dh_installexamples:74
+msgid ""
+"In compat 11 (or later), this option is only useful if debhelper's auto-"
+"detection of the main package is wrong. The option can also be used to "
+"silence a warning from debhelper when the auto-detection fails but the "
+"default happens to be correct."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans les niveaux de compatibilité 11 ou suivants, cette option n'est utile "
+"que si l'auto-détection du paquet principal de debhelper est erronée. Cette "
+"option peut aussi être utilisée pour masquer un avertissement de debhelper "
+"lorsque l'auto-détection échoue mais que le comportement par défaut est "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:136
+msgid ""
+"This option cannot be used when B<dh_installdocs> is instructed to act on "
+"multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally need to "
+"combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option ne peut pas être utilisée lorsque B<dh_installdocs> doit agir "
+"sur plusieurs paquets. Si vous avez besoin de cette option, vous devrez "
+"généralement l'associer à B<-p> pour vous assurer de n'agir que sur un "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:141
+msgid ""
+"Please keep in mind that some documentation (the copyright file, README."
+"Debian, etc.) will be unaffected by this option."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez garder à l'esprit que certains documents (les fichiers copyright, "
+"README.Debian, etc.) ne seront pas affectés par cette option."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:144
+msgid "B<--link-doc=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--link-doc=>I<paquet>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:146
+msgid ""
+"Make the documentation directory of all packages acted on be a symlink to "
+"the documentation directory of I<package>. This has no effect when acting on "
+"I<package> itself, or if the documentation directory to be created already "
+"exists when B<dh_installdocs> is run. To comply with policy, I<package> must "
+"be a binary package that comes from the same source package."
+msgstr ""
+"Transforme le répertoire de documentation de chacun des paquets traités en "
+"lien symbolique vers le répertoire de documentation de I<paquet>. Cette "
+"option est sans effet pour la construction du I<paquet> lui-même ou si le "
+"répertoire de documentation à créer existe déjà lorsque B<dh_installdocs> "
+"est lancé. Pour être conforme à la charte, I<paquet> doit être un paquet "
+"binaire provenant du même paquet source."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:152
+msgid ""
+"debhelper will try to avoid installing files into linked documentation "
+"directories that would cause conflicts with the linked package. The B<-A> "
+"option will have no effect on packages with linked documentation "
+"directories, and F<copyright>, F<changelog>, F<README.Debian>, and F<TODO> "
+"files will not be installed."
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper essayera d'éviter l'installation de fichiers, dans les répertoires "
+"de la documentation liée, qui causerait des conflits avec le paquet lié. "
+"L'option B<-A> n'aura aucun effet sur les paquets avec des répertoires de "
+"documentation liés et les fichiers F<copyright>, F<changelog>, F<README."
+"Debian> et F<TODO> ne seront pas installés."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:158
+msgid ""
+"(An older method to accomplish the same thing, which is still supported, is "
+"to make the documentation directory of a package be a dangling symlink, "
+"before calling B<dh_installdocs>.)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Une autre méthode, pour réaliser la même chose, qui reste toujours "
+"possible, est de faire du répertoire de documentation un lien symbolique "
+"« en l'air » avant l'appel à B<dh_installdocs>.)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:162
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this option only applies to the documentation directory for "
+"the package itself. When the package ships documentation for another "
+"package (e.g. see B<--doc-main-package>), it will not use a symlink for the "
+"documentation of the other package."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que cette option ne s'applique qu'au répertoire de "
+"documentation du paquet lui-même. Lorsque le paquet fournit de la "
+"documentation pour un autre (voir par exemple B<--doc-main-package>), il "
+"n'utilisera pas de lien symbolique pour la documentation de l'autre paquet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:168
+msgid ""
+"B<CAVEAT 1>: If a previous version of the package was built without this "
+"option and is now built with it (or vice-versa), it requires a \"dir to "
+"symlink\" (or \"symlink to dir\") migration. Since debhelper has no "
+"knowledge of previous versions, you have to enable this migration itself."
+msgstr ""
+"B<AVERTISSEMENT 1> : si une version précédente du paquet était construite "
+"sans cette option et qu'elle est maintenant construite avec (ou vice-versa), "
+"une migration est nécessaire, « répertoire vers lien symbolique » (« dir to "
+"symlink ») ou « lien symbolique vers répertoire » (« symlink to dir »). "
+"Puisque debhelper n'a aucune connaissance des versions précédentes, vous "
+"devez activer cette migration vous-même."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:174
+msgid ""
+"This can be done by providing a \"debian/I<package>.maintscript\" file and "
+"using L<dh_installdeb(1)> to provide the relevant maintainer script snippets."
+msgstr ""
+"Cela peut être effectué en fournissant un fichier « debian/I<paquet>."
+"maintscript » et en utilisant L<dh_installdeb(1)> pour fournir les extraits "
+"des scripts de maintenance correspondants."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:178
+msgid ""
+"B<CAVEAT 2>: The use of B<--link-doc> should only be done when the packages "
+"have same \"architecture\" type. A link from an architecture independent "
+"package to an architecture dependent package (or vice versa) will not work. "
+"Since compat 10, debhelper will actively reject unsupported combinations."
+msgstr ""
+"B<AVERTISSEMENT 2> : B<--link-doc> ne doit être utilisé que lorsque les "
+"paquets ont la même « architecture ». Un lien depuis un paquet indépendant "
+"de l'architecture vers un paquet dépendant de l'architecture (ou vice-versa) "
+"ne fonctionnera pas. Depuis la version 10, debhelper rejette activement les "
+"combinaisons non prises en charge."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:186
+msgid ""
+"Install these files as documentation into the first package acted on. (Or in "
+"all packages if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"Installe les fichiers indiqués en tant que documentation du premier paquet "
+"traité (ou de tous les paquets traités si B<-A> est indiqué)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:193
+msgid "This is an example of a F<debian/> file:"
+msgstr "Voici un exemple de fichier F<debian/> :"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdocs:195
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" README\n"
+" TODO\n"
+" debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.pdf\n"
+" docs/manual-html/\n"
+msgstr ""
+" README\n"
+" TODO\n"
+" debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.pdf\n"
+" docs/manual-html/\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:204
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installdocs> will happily copy entire directory hierarchies "
+"if you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to install a "
+"directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : Heureusement, B<dh_installdocs> sait copier des hiérarchies entières "
+"de répertoire (comme un B<cp -a>). Si on lui demande d'installer un "
+"répertoire, il installera le contenu complet du répertoire."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:5
+msgid "dh_installemacsen - register an Emacs add on package"
+msgstr "dh_installemacsen - Inscrire un paquet additionnel Emacs"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing files used by the Debian B<emacsen-common> package into package "
+"build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation, dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, des fichiers "
+"utilisés par le paquet Debian B<emacsen-common>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:25
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<preinst> F<postinst> and F<prerm> "
+"commands needed to register a package as an Emacs add on package. The "
+"commands are added to the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how this works."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce programme va également, automatiquement, produire les lignes de code des "
+"scripts de maintenance F<preinst>, F<postinst> et F<prerm> nécessaires à "
+"l'inscription du paquet en tant que paquet additionnel d'Emacs. Les "
+"commandes sont ajoutées dans les scripts de maintenance par "
+"B<dh_installdeb>. Consulter L<dh_installdeb(1)> pour obtenir une explication "
+"sur ce fonctionnement."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-compat"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.emacsen-compat"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:36
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/compat/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet sous F<usr/lib/emacsen-"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:39
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-install"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.emacsen-install"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:41
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet sous F<usr/lib/emacsen-"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-remove"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.emacsen-remove"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:46
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet sous F<usr/lib/emacsen-"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:49
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-startup"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.emacsen-startup"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:51
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/emacs/site-start.d/50I<package>.el in the package build "
+"directory. Use B<--priority> to use a different priority than 50."
+msgstr ""
+"Installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet sous F<etc/emacs/site-"
+"start.d/50I<paquet>.el>. Utilise B<--priority> pour définir une priorité "
+"différente de B<50>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:62 dh_usrlocal:56
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Empêche la modification des scripts de maintenance du paquet F<postinst> et "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:64 dh_installwm:45
+msgid "B<--priority=>I<n>"
+msgstr "B<--priority=>I<n>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:66
+msgid "Sets the priority number of a F<site-start.d> file. Default is 50."
+msgstr ""
+"Fixe le numéro de priorité du fichier F<site-start.d>. La valeur par défaut "
+"est B<50>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:68
+msgid "B<--flavor=>I<foo>"
+msgstr "B<--flavor=>I<toto>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:70
+msgid ""
+"Sets the flavor a F<site-start.d> file will be installed in. Default is "
+"B<emacs>, alternatives include B<xemacs> and B<emacs20>."
+msgstr ""
+"Fixe la « saveur » dans laquelle le fichier F<site-start.d> sera installé. "
+"La valeur par défaut est B<emacs>. Les autres valeurs possibles sont "
+"B<xemacs> et B<emacs20>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:140
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L</usr/share/doc/emacsen-common/debian-emacs-policy.gz>"
+msgstr ""
+"L<debhelper(7)> L</usr/share/doc/emacsen-common/debian-emacs-policy.gz>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:7
+msgid ""
+"dh_installexamples - install example files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installexamples - Installer les fichiers d'exemples dans le répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<élément>] "
+"[S<I<fichier> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing examples into F<usr/share/doc/package/examples> in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des exemples, dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, "
+"sous F<usr/share/doc/package/examples>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installexamples:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.examples"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.examples"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:37
+msgid "Lists example files or directories to be installed."
+msgstr "Liste les fichiers ou les répertoires d'exemples à installer."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:39
+msgid ""
+"If upstream provides an F<examples> directory, you will often want to use "
+"B<examples/*> rather than B<examples> in this file. The latter would create "
+"F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples/examples >>, which is rarely what you "
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:54
+msgid ""
+"Install any files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+msgstr ""
+"Installe l'ensemble des fichiers indiqués sur la ligne de commande dans "
+"B<tous> les paquets construits."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installexamples> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in "
+"debhelper compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : cette option ne fait pas la même chose que B<--sourcedirectory> "
+"utilisée par B<dh_auto_>I<*>. Il est rare d'avoir besoin d'utiliser cette "
+"option puisque B<dh_installexamples> cherche automatiquement les fichiers "
+"dans F<debian/tmp> depuis la version 11 de debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:79
+msgid ""
+"This option cannot be used when B<dh_installexamples> is instructed to act "
+"on multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally need to "
+"combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option ne peut pas être utilisée lorsque B<dh_installexamples> doit "
+"agir sur plusieurs paquets. Si vous avez besoin de cette option, vous devrez "
+"généralement l'associer à B<-p> pour vous assurer de n'agir que sur un "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:86
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+msgstr ""
+"Exclut du traitement les fichiers qui comportent I<élément> n'importe où "
+"dans leur nom."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:91
+msgid ""
+"Install these files (or directories) as examples into the first package "
+"acted on. (Or into all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Installe ces fichiers (ou répertoires) en tant qu'exemples dans le premier "
+"paquet construit (ou dans tous les paquets si B<-A> est indiqué)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:98
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installexamples> will happily copy entire directory "
+"hierarchies if you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to "
+"install a directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : Heureusement, B<dh_installexamples> sait copier des hiérarchies "
+"entières de répertoire (comme un B<cp -a>). Si on lui demande d'installer un "
+"répertoire, il installera le contenu complet du répertoire."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:5
+msgid "dh_installifupdown - install if-up and if-down hooks"
+msgstr "dh_installifupdown - Installer les accroches (hooks) if-up et if-down"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:17
+msgid "B<dh_installifupdown> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installiffupifdown> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<--name=>I<nom>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installifupdown> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing F<if-up>, F<if-down>, F<if-pre-up>, and F<if-post-down> hook "
+"scripts into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installifupifdown> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des scripts d'accroches (hooks) F<if-up>, F<if-down>, F<if-"
+"pre-up> et f<if-post-down> dans le répertoire de construction du paquet."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:29
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.if-up"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:31
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.if-down"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-pre-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.if-pre-up"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-post-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.if-post-down"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:37
+msgid ""
+"These files are installed into etc/network/if-*.d/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Ces fichiers sont installés dans le répertoire de construction du paquet "
+"sous etc/network/if-*.d/I<paquet>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:48
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as F<etc/"
+"network/if-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them as "
+"the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Recherche les fichiers nommés F<debian/paquet.nom.if-*> et les installe sous "
+"F<etc/network/if-*/nom> au lieu d'utiliser les fichiers habituels et de les "
+"installer avec le nom du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:5
+msgid "dh_installinfo - install info files"
+msgstr "dh_installinfo - Installer les fichiers info"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:17
+msgid "B<dh_installinfo> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<fichier> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"info files into F<usr/share/info> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des fichiers info dans F<usr/share/info> dans le répertoire "
+"de construction du paquet."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinfo:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.info"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.info"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:34
+msgid "List info files to be installed."
+msgstr "Liste les fichiers info à installer."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:55
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installinfo> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in "
+"debhelper compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : Cette option ne fait pas la même chose que B<--sourcedirectory> "
+"utilisée par B<dh_auto_>I<*>. Il est rare d'avoir besoin d'utiliser cette "
+"option puisque B<dh_installinfo> cherche automatiquement les fichiers dans "
+"F<debian/tmp> depuis le niveau de compatibilité 11 de debhelper."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:62
+msgid ""
+"Install these info files into the first package acted on. (Or in all "
+"packages if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"Installe les fichiers info dans le premier paquet construit (ou dans tous "
+"les paquets si B<-A> est indiqué)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installinit - install service init files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installinit - Installer les fichiers de service « init » dans le "
+"répertoire de construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<-n>] [B<-"
+"R>] [B<-r>] [B<-d>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<--name=>I<nom>] [B<-n>] [B<-"
+"R>] [B<-r>] [B<-d>] [B<--> I<paramètres>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"init scripts with associated defaults files. In compatibility levels up to "
+"and including 10, B<dh_installinit> will also install some systemd related "
+"files provided by the debian packaging (see the L</FILES> section below). "
+"In compatibility levels up to and including 11, B<dh_installinit> will also "
+"handle upstart jobs provided in the debian packaging (see the L</FILES> for "
+"more information on this as well)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des scripts init avec les fichiers par défaut associés. "
+"Jusqu'au niveau de compatibilité 10, B<dh_installinit> s'occupait aussi de "
+"certains fichiers de systemd fournis par l'empaquetage Debian (consultez la "
+"section L</FICHIERS> ci-dessous). Jusqu'au niveau de compatibilité 11, "
+"B<dh_installinit> s'occupait aussi des fichiers de tâche upstart fournis par "
+"l'empaquetage Debian (voir aussi L</FICHIERS> pour plus d'informations)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:31
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> and F<prerm> "
+"commands needed to set up the symlinks in F</etc/rc*.d/> to start and stop "
+"the init scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"De plus, il produit automatiquement les lignes de code des scripts de "
+"maintenance F<postinst>, F<postrm> et F<prerm> nécessaires à la "
+"configuration des liens symboliques dans F</etc/rc*.d/> pour démarrer et "
+"arrêter des scripts d'initialisation."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:35
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 or earlier: If a package only ships a systemd service file and "
+"no sysvinit script is provided, you may want to exclude the call to "
+"dh_installinit for that package (e.g. via B<-N>). Otherwise, you may get "
+"warnings from lintian about init.d scripts not being included in the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans les niveaux de compatibilité 10 et avant : si un paquet fournit "
+"seulement un fichier de service systemd mais pas de script sysvinit, vous "
+"pouvez exclure l'appel à B<dh_installinit> pour ce paquet (par exemple avec "
+"B<-N>). Autrement vous recevrez des avertissements de lintian à propos de "
+"scripts init.d manquants."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:45
+msgid "debian/I<package>.init"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.init"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:47
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into etc/init.d/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"S'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, "
+"sous etc/init.d/I<paquet>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.default"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.default"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:52
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into etc/default/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"S'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, "
+"sous etc/default/I<paquet>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:55
+msgid "debian/I<package>.upstart"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.upstart"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:57
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 11, this file will trigger an error with a reminder "
+"about ensuring the proper removal of the upstart file in the previous "
+"package version. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous upstart files."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans le niveau de compatibilité 11, ce fichier provoquera une erreur "
+"contenant un rappel pour correctement supprimer le fichier upstart de la "
+"version précédente du paquet. Veuillez utiliser la fonction « rm_conffile » "
+"de L<dh_installdeb(1)> pour vous assurer de la suppression correcte des "
+"fichiers upstart."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:62
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 10, if this file exists, it is installed into etc/"
+"init/I<package>.conf in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans le niveau de compatibilité 10, si ce fichier existe, il est installé "
+"dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, sous etc/init/I<paquet>.conf."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:65
+msgid "debian/I<package>.service"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.service"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:67
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"service >> in the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and "
+msgstr ""
+"S'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, "
+"sous F<< lib/systemd/system/I<paquet>.service >>. Cela n'est utilisé que "
+"dans les niveaux de compatibilité 10 et inférieurs."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:70 dh_systemd_enable:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.tmpfile"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.tmpfile"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:72
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+#| "service >> in the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 "
+#| "and below."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in "
+"the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and below."
+msgstr ""
+"S'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, "
+"sous F<< lib/systemd/system/I<paquet>.service >>. Cela n'est utilisé que "
+"dans les niveaux de compatibilité 10 et inférieurs."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:83
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Empêche la modification des scripts de maintenance F<postinst>, F<postrm>, "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:85
+msgid "B<-o>, B<--only-scripts>"
+msgstr "B<-o>, B<--only-scripts>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:87
+msgid ""
+"Only modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts, do not actually install "
+"any init script, default files, upstart job or systemd service file. May be "
+"useful if the file is shipped and/or installed by upstream in a way that "
+"doesn't make it easy to let B<dh_installinit> find it."
+msgstr ""
+"Modifie seulement les scripts de F<postinst>, F<postrm> et F<prerm>. "
+"N'installe alors ni script init, ni fichier par défaut, ni tâche upstart, ni "
+"fichier de service systemd. Cela peut être utile si le fichier est inclus ou "
+"installé en amont d'une façon qui ne rend pas facile sa recherche par "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:92
+msgid ""
+"B<Caveat>: This will bypass all the regular checks and I<unconditionally> "
+"modify the scripts. You will almost certainly want to use this with B<-p> "
+"to limit, which packages are affected by the call. Example:"
+msgstr ""
+"B<Avertissement> : cela court-circuitera toutes les vérifications "
+"habituelles et modifiera les scripts B<sans conditions>. Vous voudrez "
+"certainement utiliser cela avec l'option B<-p> pour limiter les paquets "
+"affectés par l'appel. Par exemple :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installinit:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_installinit:\n"
+"\tdh_installinit -pfoo --only-scripts\n"
+"\tdh_installinit --remaining\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_installinit:\n"
+"\tdh_installinit -ptoto --only-scripts\n"
+"\tdh_installinit --remaining\n"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:101
+msgid "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:103
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop the init script until after the package upgrade has been "
+"completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10."
+msgstr ""
+"N'arrête pas le script init tant que la mise à niveau du paquet n'est pas "
+"terminée. C'est le comportement par défaut dans le niveau de "
+"compatibilité 10."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:106
+msgid ""
+"In early compat levels, the default was to stop the script in the F<prerm>, "
+"and starts it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans les niveaux de compatibilité précédents, le comportement par défaut "
+"arrêtait le script lors du F<prerm> et le redémarrait lors du F<postinst>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:109 dh_systemd_start:45
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful for daemons that should not have a possibly long downtime "
+"during upgrade. But you should make sure that the daemon will not get "
+"confused by the package being upgraded while it's running before using this "
+msgstr ""
+"Cela peut être utile pour les démons qui ne peuvent pas être arrêtés trop "
+"longtemps lors de la mise à jour. Mais, avant d'utiliser cette option, il "
+"faut s'assurer que ces démons ne seront pas perturbés par la mise à jour du "
+"paquet pendant leur fonctionnement."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:114 dh_systemd_start:50
+msgid "B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:116 dh_systemd_start:52
+msgid ""
+"Undo a previous B<--restart-after-upgrade> (or the default of compat 10). "
+"If no other options are given, this will cause the service to be stopped in "
+"the F<prerm> script and started again in the F<postinst> script."
+msgstr ""
+"Annule un précédent B<--restart-after-upgrade> (ou le défaut du niveau de "
+"compatibilité 10). Si aucune autre option n'est donnée, cela provoque "
+"l'arrêt du service dans le script F<prerm> et son redémarrage dans le script "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:121 dh_systemd_start:57
+msgid "B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:123
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop init script on upgrade. This has the side-effect of not "
+"restarting the service as a part of the upgrade."
+msgstr ""
+"N'arrête pas le script init lors de la mise à niveau. Cela a pour effet "
+"secondaire de ne pas redémarrer le service lors de la mise à niveau."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:126
+msgid ""
+"If you want to restart the service with minimal downtime, please use B<--"
+"restart-after-upgrade> (default in compat 10 or later). If you want the "
+"service to be restarted but be stopped during the upgrade, then please use "
+"B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> (note the \"after-upgrade\")."
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous désirez redémarrer le service en minimisant la durée d'interruption, "
+"utilisez B<--restart-after-upgrade> (par défaut dans les niveaux de "
+"compatibilité 10 et au delà). Si vous voulez que le service soit redémarré, "
+"mais à l'arrêt pendant la mise à niveau, utilisez plutôt B<--no-restart-"
+"after-upgrade> (notez le « after-upgrade »)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:131
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> alias is deprecated and will be "
+"removed in compat 12. This is to avoid confusion with the B<--no-restart-"
+"after-upgrade> option. The B<--no-stop-on-upgrade> variant was introduced "
+"in debhelper 10.2 (included in Debian stretch)."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez note que l'alias B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> est obsolète et sera "
+"supprimé dans le niveau de compatibilité 12, pour éviter de confondre avec "
+"l'option B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>. La variante B<--no-stop-on-upgrade> "
+"a été introduite dans la version 10.2 de debhelper (incluse dans "
+"Debian Stretch)."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:136 dh_systemd_start:61
+msgid "B<--no-start>"
+msgstr "B<--no-start>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:138
+msgid ""
+"Do not start the init script on install or upgrade, or stop it on removal. "
+"Only call B<update-rc.d>. Useful for rcS scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Empêche le lancement du script init lors de l'installation ou de la mise à "
+"jour, ainsi que l'arrêt lors de la suppression. Lance uniquement un B<update-"
+"rc.d>. Utile pour les scripts rcS."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:141 dh_systemd_enable:86
+msgid "B<--no-enable>"
+msgstr "B<--no-enable>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:143
+msgid ""
+"Disable the init script on purge, but do not enable them on install. This "
+"implies a versioned dependency on B<< init-system-helpers (E<gt>= 1.51) >> "
+"as it is the first (functional) version that supports B<< update-rc.d "
+"E<lt>scriptE<gt> defaults-disabled >>."
+msgstr ""
+"Désactive le script init lors de la purge, mais ne l'active pas à "
+"l'installation. Cette option implique une dépendance versionnée sur B<<init-"
+"system-helpers (E<gt>= 1.51) >> car c'est la première version "
+"(fonctionnelle) à prendre en charge B<< update-rc.d E<lt>scriptE<gt> "
+"defaults-disabled >>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:148
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are started. "
+"Please remember to also use B<--no-start> if the service should not be "
+msgstr ""
+"B<Nota> : cette option n'affecte pas le démarrage des services. Veuillez "
+"utiliser B<--no-start> si le service ne doit pas être démarré."
+# type: =item
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:152
+msgid ""
+"Cannot be combined with B<-u>I<params>, B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>, or "
+"B<--> I<params>."
+msgstr ""
+"Ne peut pas être combiné à B<-u>I<paramètres> B<--update-rcd-"
+"params=>I<paramètres> ou B<--> I<paramètres>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:155
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--remove-d>"
+msgstr "B<-d>, B<--remove-d>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:157
+msgid ""
+"Remove trailing B<d> from the name of the package, and use the result for "
+"the filename the upstart job file is installed as in F<etc/init/> , and for "
+"the filename the init script is installed as in etc/init.d and the default "
+"file is installed as in F<etc/default/>. This may be useful for daemons with "
+"names ending in B<d>. (Note: this takes precedence over the B<--init-script> "
+"parameter described below.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Enlève le B<d> situé à la fin du nom du paquet et utilise le résultat pour "
+"nommer le fichier de tâche upstart, installé dans F<etc/init>, et le script "
+"init, installé dans F<etc/init.d/>, ainsi que pour nommer le fichier "
+"default, installé dans F<etc/default/>. Cela peut être utile pour des démons "
+"dont le nom est terminé par B<d>. Nota : Ce paramètre a priorité sur B<--"
+"init-script> décrit ci-dessous."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:164
+msgid "B<-u>I<params> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<paramètres> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<paramètres>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:168
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to L<update-rc.d(8)>. If not specified, B<defaults> (or "
+"B<defaults-disabled> with B<--no-enable>) will be passed to L<update-rc."
+msgstr ""
+"Passe les I<paramètres> indiqués à L<update-rc.d(8)>. Si rien n'est indiqué, "
+"B<defaults> (ou B<defaults-disabled> avec B<--no-enable>) sera passé à "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:172
+msgid "Cannot be combined with B<--no-enable>."
+msgstr "Ne peut pas être combiné à B<--no-enable>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:176
+msgid ""
+"Install the init script (and default file) as well as upstart job file using "
+"the filename I<name> instead of the default filename, which is the package "
+"name. When this parameter is used, B<dh_installinit> looks for and installs "
+"files named F<debian/>, F<debian/> and "
+"F<debian/> instead of the usual F<debian/package.init>, "
+"F<debian/package.default> and F<debian/package.upstart>."
+msgstr ""
+"Installe le script init (et le fichier F<default>) ainsi que le fichier de "
+"tâche upstart en utilisant le I<nom> indiqué au lieu du nom du paquet. Quand "
+"ce paramètre est employé, B<dh_installinit> recherche et installe des "
+"fichiers appelés F<debian/paquet.nom.init>, F<debian/paquet.nom.default> et "
+"F<debian/paquet.nom.upstart>, au lieu des F<debian/paquet.init>, F<debian/"
+"paquet.default> et F<debian/paquet.upstart> habituels."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:184
+msgid "B<--init-script=>I<scriptname>"
+msgstr "B<--init-script=>I<nom-du-script>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:186
+msgid ""
+"Use I<scriptname> as the filename the init script is installed as in F<etc/"
+"init.d/> (and also use it as the filename for the defaults file, if it is "
+"installed). If you use this parameter, B<dh_installinit> will look to see if "
+"a file in the F<debian/> directory exists that looks like F<package."
+"scriptname> and if so will install it as the init script in preference to "
+"the files it normally installs."
+msgstr ""
+"Utilise I<nom-du-script> en tant que nom du script init dans F<etc/init.d/> "
+"et, si besoin est, comme nom du fichier « defaults ». Avec ce paramètre "
+"B<dh_installinit> cherche dans le répertoire F<debian/> un fichier du genre "
+"F<paquet.nom-du-script> et, s'il le trouve, l'installe en tant que script "
+"init à la place des fichiers qu'il installe habituellement."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:193
+msgid ""
+"This parameter is deprecated, use the B<--name> parameter instead. This "
+"parameter is incompatible with the use of upstart jobs."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce paramètre est déconseillé. Il vaut mieux utiliser B<--name>. Ce paramètre "
+"est incompatible avec l'utilisation des tâches upstart."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:196
+msgid "B<--error-handler=>I<function>"
+msgstr "B<--error-handler=>I<fonction>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:198
+msgid ""
+"Call the named shell I<function> if running the init script fails. The "
+"function should be provided in the F<prerm> and F<postinst> scripts, before "
+"the B<#DEBHELPER#> token."
+msgstr ""
+"Invoque la I<fonction> indiquée d'interpréteur de commandes dans le cas où "
+"le script init échouerait. La fonction doit être décrite dans les scripts de "
+"maintenance F<prerm> et F<postinst> avant l'apparition de B<#DEBHELPER#>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:415
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dh_installsystemd(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dh_installsystemd(1)>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:423
+msgid "Steve Langasek <>"
+msgstr "Steve Langasek <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:425
+msgid "Michael Stapelberg <>"
+msgstr "Michael Stapelberg <>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:5
+msgid "dh_installinitramfs - install initramfs hooks and setup maintscripts"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installinitramfs - Installer les accroches (hooks) pour initramfs et "
+"configurer les scripts de maintenance"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:17
+msgid "B<dh_installinitramfs> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installinitramfs> [B<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-n>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing Debian package provided initramfs hooks."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des accroches (hooks) pour initramfs fournies par le paquet "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:24
+msgid ""
+"If B<dh_installinitramfs> installs or detects one or more initramfs hooks in "
+"the package, then it also automatically generates the noawait trigger "
+"B<update-initframfs> command needed to interface with the Debian initramfs "
+"system. This trigger is inserted into the packaging by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Si B<dh_installinitramfs> installe ou détecte une ou plusieurs accroches "
+"pour initramfs dans le paquet, alors il produit aussi automatiquement la "
+"commande d'action différée « noawait » d'B<update-initframfs> nécessaire à "
+"l'interface avec le système initramfs de Debian. Cette action différée "
+"(« trigger ») est insérée dans l'empaquetage par L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinitramfs:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.initramfs-hook"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.initramfs-hook"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:36
+msgid ""
+"Assumed to be an initramfs hook that will be installed into F<< usr/share/"
+"initramfs-tools/hooks/I<package> >> in the package build directory. See "
+"B<HOOK SCRIPTS> in L<initramfs-tools(8)> for more information about "
+"initramfs hooks."
+msgstr ""
+"Considéré comme une accroche pour initramfs qui sera installée dans F<< usr/"
+"share/initramfs-tools/hooks/I<paquet> >> dans le répertoire de construction "
+"du paquet. Consultez B<HOOK SCRIPTS> dans L<initramfs-tools(8)> pour plus "
+"d'information à ce sujet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:49
+msgid ""
+"Do not add the B<update-initramfs> trigger even if it seems like the package "
+"might need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical reasons "
+"as B<dh_installinitramfs> would previously generate maintainer scripts that "
+"called B<update-initramfs -u>."
+msgstr ""
+"N'ajoutez pas l'action différée (« trigger ») B<update-initramfs> même s'il "
+"semble que le paquet en a besoin. L'option est nommée B<--no-scripts> pour "
+"des raisons historiques, car B<dh_installinitramfs> générait précédemment un "
+"script du responsable qui appelait B<update-initramfs -u>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:54
+msgid ""
+"Use this option, if you need to interface with the B<update-initramfs> "
+"system that is not satisfied by the noawait trigger (e.g. because you need "
+"the extra guarantees and head-aches of a await trigger)."
+msgstr ""
+"Utilisez cette option, si le besoin d'interface au système B<update-"
+"initramfs> n'est pas satisfait par l'action différée « noawait » (par "
+"exemple, parce que vous avez besoin des garanties supplémentaires et des "
+"problèmes d'une action différée « await »)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+"instances of the same text to be added to triggers file."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : Cette commande n'est pas idempotente. L<dh_prep(1)> doit être appelé "
+"entre chaque exécution de cette commande. Sinon, il risque d'y avoir "
+"plusieurs occurrences des mêmes lignes de code ajoutées au fichier "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:93
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-initramfs(8)> L<initramfs-tools(8)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-initramfs(8)> L<initramfs-tools(8)>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:5
+msgid "dh_installlogcheck - install logcheck rulefiles into etc/logcheck/"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installlogcheck - Installer les fichiers de règles de vérification des "
+"journaux (logcheck rulefiles) dans etc/logcheck/"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:17
+msgid "B<dh_installlogcheck> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installlogcheck> [S<B<options_de_debhelper>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installlogcheck> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing logcheck rule files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installlogcheck> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des fichiers de règles de vérification des journaux "
+"(logcheckrule files) "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.cracking"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.logcheck.cracking"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:30
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.logcheck.violations"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations.ignore"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.logcheck.violations.ignore"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.workstation"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.logcheck.ignore.workstation"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:36
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.paranoid"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.logcheck.ignore.paranoid"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:40
+msgid ""
+"Each of these files, if present, are installed into corresponding "
+"subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/> in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"S'ils existent, les fichiers suivants seront installés dans le sous-"
+"répertoire F<etc/logcheck/> du répertoire de construction du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:51
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them into "
+"the corresponding subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/>, but use the specified "
+"name instead of that of the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Recherche des fichiers nommés F<debian/paquet.nom.logcheck.*> et les "
+"installe dans les sous-répertoires correspondants de F<etc/logcheck/>, mais "
+"utilise le I<nom> indiqué au lieu de celui du I<paquet>."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installlogcheck:85
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"This program is a part of debhelper.\n"
+" \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ce programme fait partie de debhelper.\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:89
+msgid "Jon Middleton <>"
+msgstr "Jon Middleton <>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:5
+msgid "dh_installlogrotate - install logrotate config files"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installlogrotate - Installer les fichiers de configuration de la rotation "
+"des journaux (logrotate)"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:17
+msgid "B<dh_installlogrotate> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installlogrotate> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<--name=>I<nom>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installlogrotate> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing logrotate config files into F<etc/logrotate.d> in package build "
+"directories. Files named F<debian/package.logrotate> are installed."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installlogrotate> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des fichiers nommés F<debian/paquet.logrotate>, dans le "
+"répertoire de construction du paquet, sous F<etc/logrotate.d>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:31
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/> and install them as "
+"F<etc/logrotate.d/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing "
+"them as the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Recherche des fichiers nommés F<debian/I<paquet>.I<nom>.logrotate> et les "
+"installe sous F<etc/logrotate.d/I<nom>> au lieu d'utiliser les fichiers "
+"habituels et de les installer en les baptisant du nom du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:5
+msgid "dh_installman - install man pages into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installman - Installer les pages de manuel dans le répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:18
+msgid "B<dh_installman> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<manpage> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [S<I<page-de-manuel> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> is a debhelper program that handles installing man pages "
+"into the correct locations in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> est un programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation automatique des pages de manuel au bon endroit dans le "
+"répertoire de construction du paquet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:25
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 and earlier, this program was primarily for when upstream's "
+"build system does not properly install them as a part of its install step "
+"(or it does not have an install step). In compat 11 and later, it also "
+"supports the default searchdir plus --sourcedir like dh_install(1) and has "
+"the advantage that it respects the nodoc build profile (unlike "
+msgstr ""
+"Jusqu'au niveau de compatibilité 10, ce programme était utilisé "
+"principalement lorsque le système de construction amont ne les installait "
+"pas correctement lors de la phase d'installation (ou n'avait de phase "
+"d'installation). À partir du niveau de compatibilité 11, il prend aussi en "
+"charge le répertoire de recherche par défaut et en plus B<--sourcedir> comme "
+"dh_install(1) et a l'avantage de respecter le profil de construction "
+"B<nodoc> (contrairement à L<dh_install(1)>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:32
+msgid ""
+"Even if you prefer to use L<dh_install(1)> for installing the manpages, "
+"B<dh_installman> can still be useful for converting the manpage encoding to "
+"UTF-8 and for converting F<.so> links (as described below). However, that "
+"part happens automatically without any explicit configuration."
+msgstr ""
+"Même si vous préférez L<dh_install(1)> pour installer les pages de manuel, "
+"B<dh_installman> peut être utile pour convertir les pages en UTF-8 et les "
+"liens F<.so> (comme décrit plus bas). De plus, cela est effectué "
+"automatiquement sans configuration explicite."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:38
+msgid ""
+"You tell B<dh_installman> what man pages go in your packages, and it figures "
+"out where to install them based on the section field in their B<.TH> or B<."
+"Dt> line. If you have a properly formatted B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line, your man "
+"page will be installed into the right directory, with the right name (this "
+"includes proper handling of pages with a subsection, like B<3perl>, which "
+"are placed in F<man3>, and given an extension of F<.3perl>). If your B<.TH> "
+"or B<.Dt> line is incorrect or missing, the program may guess wrong based on "
+"the file extension."
+msgstr ""
+"À partir de la liste des pages de manuel à installer, B<dh_installman> "
+"examine la section indiquée à la ligne B<.TH> ou B<.Dt> de la page et en "
+"déduit la destination. Si la ligne B<.TH> ou B<.Dt> est correctement "
+"renseignée, les pages de manuel seront installées dans la bonne section avec "
+"le nom adéquat. Ce mécanisme fonctionne également pour les pages comportant "
+"des sous-sections, telles que B<3perl>, qui sera placée en F<man3> et "
+"portera l'extension F<.3perl>. Si la ligne B<.TH> ou B<.Dt> est erronée ou "
+"absente, le programme peut faire une mauvaise déduction, basée sur "
+"l'extension du fichier."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:47
+msgid ""
+"It also supports translated man pages, by looking for extensions like F<."
+"ll.8> and F<.ll_LL.8>, or by use of the B<--language> switch."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> gère également les traductions de pages de manuel soit en "
+"cherchant des extensions telles que F<.ll.8> et F<ll_LL.8>, soit en "
+"utilisant l'option B<--language>. (NdT : « ll » représente le code langue "
+"sur deux caractères et « LL » la variante locale sur deux caractères "
+"également. Par exemple : fr_BE pour le français de Belgique.)"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:50
+msgid ""
+"If B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into the wrong section or "
+"with the wrong extension, this is because the man page has the wrong section "
+"listed in its B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line. Edit the man page and correct the "
+"section, and B<dh_installman> will follow suit. See L<man(7)> for details "
+"about the B<.TH> section, and L<mdoc(7)> for the B<.Dt> section. If "
+"B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into a directory like F</usr/"
+"share/man/pl/man1/>, that is because your program has a name like F<>, "
+"and B<dh_installman> assumes that means it is translated into Polish. Use "
+"B<--language=C> to avoid this."
+msgstr ""
+"Si B<dh_installman> installe une page de manuel dans la mauvaise section ou "
+"avec une extension erronée, c'est parce que la page de manuel possède une "
+"section comportant une ligne B<.TH> ou B<.Dt> erronée. Il suffit d'éditer la "
+"page de manuel et de corriger la section pour que B<dh_installman> "
+"fonctionne correctement. Voir L<man(7)> pour les précisions sur la section "
+"B<.TH> et L<mdoc(7)> pour la section B<.Dt>. Si B<dh_installman> installe "
+"une page de manuel dans un répertoire tel que F</usr/share/man/pl/man1/> "
+"c'est parce que le programme possède un nom comme F<> et que "
+"B<dh_installman> pense que la page de manuel est traduite en polonais (pl). "
+"Il suffit d'utiliser B<--language=C> pour lever cette ambiguïté."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:60
+msgid ""
+"After the man page installation step, B<dh_installman> will check to see if "
+"any of the man pages in the temporary directories of any of the packages it "
+"is acting on contain F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to symlinks."
+msgstr ""
+"Après l'étape d'installation des pages de manuel, B<dh_installman> vérifie "
+"si des pages de manuel, contenues dans les répertoires temporaires des "
+"paquets traités, contiennent des liens F<.so>. Dans ce cas, il les "
+"transforme en liens symboliques."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:64
+msgid ""
+"Also, B<dh_installman> will use man to guess the character encoding of each "
+"manual page and convert it to UTF-8. If the guesswork fails for some reason, "
+"you can override it using an encoding declaration. See L<manconv(1)> for "
+msgstr ""
+"Également, B<dh_installman> va regarder le contenu de la page de manuel pour "
+"déterminer l'encodage des caractères de chaque page de manuel et de les "
+"convertir en UTF-8. Si, pour une raison quelconque, cette reconnaissance "
+"n'est pas correcte, vous pouvez forcer l'encodage en utilisant une "
+"déclaration d'encodage. Consulter L<manconv(1)> pour obtenir plus de détails."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:77
+msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.manpages"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:79
+msgid "Lists man pages to be installed."
+msgstr "Liste les pages de manuel à installer."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:95
+msgid "B<--language=>I<ll>"
+msgstr "B<--language=>I<ll>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:97
+msgid ""
+"Use this to specify that the man pages being acted on are written in the "
+"specified language."
+msgstr ""
+"Permet d'indiquer que les pages de manuel doivent être traitées comme étant "
+"écrites dans le langage indiqué par « ll »."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:110
+msgid "I<manpage> ..."
+msgstr "I<page-de-manuel> ..."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:112
+msgid ""
+"Install these man pages into the first package acted on. (Or in all packages "
+"if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"Installe les pages de manuel indiquées dans le premier paquet traité (ou "
+"dans tous les paquets traités si B<-A> est indiqué)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:119
+msgid "An example F<debian/manpages> file could look like this:"
+msgstr "Un fichier exemple de F<debian/manpages> ressemblerait à ceci :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installman:121
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" doc/man/foo.1\n"
+" # Translations\n"
+" doc/man/foo.da.1\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # NB: The following line is considered a polish translation\n"
+" # of \"foo.1\" (and not a manpage written in perl called \"\")\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" doc/man/toto.1\n"
+" # Traductions\n"
+" doc/man/toto.da.1\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # NB: La ligne suivante est considérée comme une traduction polonaise\n"
+" # de \"toto.1\" (pas une page de manuel écrite en Perl appelée\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # ...\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:133
+msgid ""
+"An older version of this program, L<dh_installmanpages(1)>, is still used by "
+"some packages, and so is still included in debhelper. It is, however, "
+"deprecated, due to its counterintuitive and inconsistent interface. Use this "
+"program instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Une ancienne version de ce programme, L<dh_installmanpages(1)>, est encore "
+"employée dans quelques paquets. Pour cette raison, l'ancienne version est "
+"encore incluse dans debhelper. Il est cependant déconseillé de l'employer en "
+"raison de son interface non intuitive et contradictoire. Il faut employer ce "
+"programme à la place."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:5
+msgid "dh_installmanpages - old-style man page installer (deprecated)"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmanpages - Ancien programme d'installation des pages de manuel "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:18
+msgid "B<dh_installmanpages> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmanpages> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [S<I<fichier> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"automatically installing man pages into F<usr/share/man/> in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> est l'ancien programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation automatique des pages de manuel dans le répertoire F<usr/"
+"share/man/> du répertoire de construction du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:26
+msgid ""
+"This is a DWIM-style program, with an interface unlike the rest of "
+"debhelper. It is deprecated, and you are encouraged to use "
+"L<dh_installman(1)> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"C'est un programme de style DWIM (« fais ce que je veux dire »), possédant "
+"une interface différente du reste de la suite debhelper. Son usage est "
+"déconseillé et il faut lui préférer L<dh_installman(1)>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:30
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> scans the current directory and all subdirectories for "
+"filenames that look like man pages. (Note that only real files are looked "
+"at; symlinks are ignored.) It uses L<file(1)> to verify that the files are "
+"in the correct format. Then, based on the files' extensions, it installs "
+"them into the correct man directory."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> explore le répertoire actuel et tous les sous-"
+"répertoires à la recherche de fichiers portant un nom ressemblant à ceux "
+"utilisés pour les pages de manuel. Nota : Seuls les vrais répertoires sont "
+"scrutés, les liens symboliques sont ignorés. B<dh_installmanpages> utilise "
+"L<file(1)> pour vérifier si les fichiers sont dans un format correct, puis "
+"se base sur l'extension du fichier pour l'installer dans le bon répertoire."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:36
+msgid ""
+"All filenames specified as parameters will be skipped by "
+"B<dh_installmanpages>. This is useful if by default it installs some man "
+"pages that you do not want to be installed."
+msgstr ""
+"Tous les fichiers indiqués sur la ligne de commande seront ignorés par "
+"B<dh_installmanpages>. C'est pratique si, par défaut, il installe des pages "
+"de manuel dont vous ne voulez pas."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:40
+msgid ""
+"After the man page installation step, B<dh_installmanpages> will check to "
+"see if any of the man pages are F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to "
+msgstr ""
+"Après l'étape d'installation des pages de manuel, B<dh_installmanpages> "
+"vérifie si des pages de manuel contiennent des liens F<.so>. Dans ce cas, il "
+"les transforme en liens symboliques."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:49
+msgid ""
+"Do not install these files as man pages, even if they look like valid man "
+msgstr ""
+"N'installe pas les fichiers indiqués même s'ils ressemblent à des pages de "
+# type: =head1
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_installmanpages:54
+msgid "BUGS"
+msgstr "BOGUES"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:56
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> will install the man pages it finds into B<all> "
+"packages you tell it to act on, since it can't tell what package the man "
+"pages belong in. This is almost never what you really want (use B<-p> to "
+"work around this, or use the much better L<dh_installman(1)> program "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> installe les pages de manuel qu'il trouve dans B<tous> "
+"les paquets traités puisqu'on ne peut pas préciser à quel paquet les pages "
+"de manuel appartiennent. Ce n'est presque jamais ce qui est désiré. (On peut "
+"employer B<-p> pour s'en sortir, mais il vaut mieux utiliser "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:61
+msgid "Files ending in F<.man> will be ignored."
+msgstr "Les fichiers finissant par L<.man> sont ignorés."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:63
+msgid ""
+"Files specified as parameters that contain spaces in their filenames will "
+"not be processed properly."
+msgstr ""
+"Les fichiers indiqués en paramètres sur la ligne de commande, qui "
+"contiennent des espaces dans leurs noms, ne seront pas traités correctement."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installmenu - install Debian menu files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmenu - Installer les fichiers du menu Debian dans le répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:17
+msgid "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmenu> [B<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-n>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmenu> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files used by the Debian B<menu> package into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmenu> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation, dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, des fichiers "
+"utilisés par le paquet B<menu> de Debian."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:24
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+"needed to interface with the Debian B<menu> package. These commands are "
+"inserted into the maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"De plus, il produit automatiquement les lignes de code des scripts de "
+"maintenance F<postinst> et F<postrm> nécessaires à l'interfaçage avec le "
+"paquet B<menu> de Debian. Ces commandes sont insérées dans les scripts de "
+"maintenance par L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmenu:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.menu"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.menu"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:34
+msgid ""
+"Debian menu files, installed into usr/share/menu/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory. See L<menufile(5)> for its format."
+msgstr ""
+"Fichiers de menu Debian, installé dans le répertoire de construction du "
+"paquet, sous usr/share/menu/paquet. Consulter L<menufile(5)> pour la "
+"description de son format."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmenu:37
+msgid "debian/I<package>.menu-method"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.menu-method"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:39
+msgid ""
+"Debian menu method files, installed into etc/menu-methods/I<package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Fichier de méthode de menu, installé dans le répertoire de construction du "
+"paquet, sous etc/menu-methods/I<paquet>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:50
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Empêche la modification des scripts de maintenance du paquet F<postinst> et "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:90
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:5
+msgid "dh_installmime - install mime files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmime - Installer les fichiers « mime » dans le répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:17
+msgid "B<dh_installmime> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmime> [I<options_de_debhelper>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmime> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"mime files into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmime> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des fichiers « mime » dans le répertoire de construction du "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmime:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.mime"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.mime"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into usr/lib/mime/packages/I<package> in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, sous usr/lib/mime/"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmime:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.sharedmimeinfo"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.sharedmimeinfo"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:35
+msgid ""
+"Installed into /usr/share/mime/packages/I<package>.xml in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, sous /usr/share/mime/"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:5
+msgid "dh_installmodules - register kernel modules"
+msgstr "dh_installmodules - Inscrire les modules du noyau"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<nom>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"registering kernel modules."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'inscription des modules du noyau."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:25
+msgid ""
+"Kernel modules are searched for in the package build directory and if found, "
+"F<preinst>, F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands are automatically generated "
+"to run B<depmod> and register the modules when the package is installed. "
+"These commands are inserted into the maintainer scripts by "
+msgstr ""
+"Des modules de noyau sont recherchés dans le répertoire de construction du "
+"paquet et, si trouvé(s), les commandes des scripts F<preinst>, F<postinst> "
+"et F<postrm> sont automatiquement produites afin d'exécuter B<depmod> et "
+"inscrire les modules lors de l'installation du paquet. Ces commandes sont "
+"insérées dans les scripts de maintenance par L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmodules:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.modprobe"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.modprobe"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:37
+msgid ""
+"Installed to etc/modprobe.d/I<package>.conf in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, sous etc/modprobe.d/"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:47
+msgid "Do not modify F<preinst>/F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Empêche la modification des scripts de maintenance du paquet F<preinst>, "
+"F<postinst> et F<postrm>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:51
+msgid ""
+"When this parameter is used, B<dh_installmodules> looks for and installs "
+"files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.modprobe instead of the usual debian/"
+msgstr ""
+"Quand ce paramètre est utilisé, B<dh_installmodules> cherche et installe les "
+"fichiers nommés debian/I<paquet>.I<nom>.modprobe au lieu des habituels "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:5
+msgid "dh_installpam - install pam support files"
+msgstr "dh_installpam - Installer les fichiers de support de PAM"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:17
+msgid "B<dh_installpam> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installpam> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<--name=>I<nom>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installpam> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files used by PAM into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installpam> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation, dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, des fichiers "
+"utilisés par PAM."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installpam:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.pam"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.pam"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:30
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Installed into etc/pam.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgid "Installed into usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, sous etc/pam.d/"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:32
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "In compatibility level 11, this file will trigger an error with a "
+#| "reminder about ensuring the proper removal of the upstart file in the "
+#| "previous package version. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" "
+#| "feature from L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous "
+#| "upstart files."
+msgid ""
+"Until compatibility level 14 this file was installed under etc/pam.d/"
+"I<package>. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans le niveau de compatibilité 11, ce fichier provoquera une erreur "
+"contenant un rappel pour correctement supprimer le fichier upstart de la "
+"version précédente du paquet. Veuillez utiliser la fonction « rm_conffile » "
+"de L<dh_installdeb(1)> pour vous assurer de la suppression correcte des "
+"fichiers upstart."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:44
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Look for files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.pam and install them as "
+#| "etc/pam.d/I<name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+#| "using the package name."
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.pam and install them as usr/"
+"lib/pam.d/I<name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+"using the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Recherche les fichiers nommés debian/I<paquet>.I<nom>.pam et les installe "
+"sous etc/pam.d/I<nom> au lieu d'utiliser les fichiers habituels et de les "
+"installer sous le nom du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:5
+msgid "dh_installppp - install ppp ip-up and ip-down files"
+msgstr "dh_installppp - Installer les fichiers ppp.ip-up et ppp.ip-down"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:17
+msgid "B<dh_installppp> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installppp> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<--name=>I<nom>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installppp> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"ppp ip-up and ip-down scripts into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installppp> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des scripts ppp.ip-up et ppp.ip-down dans le répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installppp:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.ppp.ip-up"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/ppp/ip-up.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, sous etc/ppp/ip-up.d/"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installppp:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.ppp.ip-down"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:34
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/ppp/ip-down.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, sous etc/ppp/ip-down."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:44
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as "
+"F<etc/ppp/ip-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+"as the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Recherche les fichiers nommés F<debian/paquet.nom.ppp.ip-*> et les installe "
+"sous F<etc/ppp/ip-*/nom> au lieu d'utiliser les fichiers habituels et de les "
+"installer sous le nom du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:5
+msgid "dh_installudev - install udev rules files"
+msgstr "dh_installudev - Installer les fichiers de règles udev"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installudev> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installudev> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<nom>] [B<--"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installudev> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"B<udev> rules files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installudev> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation des fichiers de règles B<udev>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installudev:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.udev"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.udev"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:30
+msgid "Installed into F<lib/udev/rules.d/> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, sous F<lib/udev/rules."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:40
+msgid ""
+"When this parameter is used, B<dh_installudev> looks for and installs files "
+"named debian/I<package>.I<name>.udev instead of the usual debian/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Quand ce paramètre est utilisé, B<dh_installudev> cherche et installe les "
+"fichiers nommés debian/I<paquet>.I<nom>.udev au lieu des habituels debian/"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installudev:44
+msgid "B<--priority=>I<priority>"
+msgstr "B<--priority=>I<priorité>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:46
+msgid "Sets the priority the file. Default is 60."
+msgstr "Fixe le numéro de priorité du fichier. La valeur par défaut est B<60>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:5
+msgid "dh_installwm - register a window manager"
+msgstr "dh_installwm - Inscrire un gestionnaire de fenêtres (window manager)"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+"[S<I<wm> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+"[S<I<gestionnaire_de_fenêtres> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+"the F<postinst> and F<prerm> commands that register a window manager with "
+"L<update-alternatives(8)>. The window manager's man page is also registered "
+"as a slave symlink (in v6 mode and up). It must be installed in F<usr/share/"
+"man/man1/> in the package build directory prior to calling B<dh_installwm>. "
+"In compat 9 and earlier, the manpage was optional."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de produire "
+"les lignes de code pour les fichiers de maintenance F<postinst> et F<prerm> "
+"permettant d'inscrire un gestionnaire de fenêtres avec L<update-"
+"alternatives(8)>. La page de manuel du gestionnaire de fenêtres (window "
+"manager) est également inscrite en tant que lien symbolique esclave (à "
+"partir de la version 6). Elle doit être installée sous F<usr/share/man/man1/"
+"> dans le répertoire de construction du paquet avant d'appeler "
+"B<dh_installwm>. Jusqu'à la version 9, la page de manuel était optionnelle."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installwm:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.wm"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.wm"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:34
+msgid "List window manager programs to register."
+msgstr "Énumère les gestionnaires de fenêtres à inscrire."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:47
+msgid ""
+"Set the priority of the window manager. Default is 20, which is too low for "
+"most window managers; see the Debian Policy document for instructions on "
+"calculating the correct value."
+msgstr ""
+"Fixe la priorité du gestionnaire de fenêtres. La valeur par défaut est de "
+"B<20>, ce qui est trop peu pour la plupart des gestionnaires de fenêtres. "
+"Voir la Charte Debian sur la méthode de détermination de la valeur adéquate."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:53
+msgid ""
+"Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts. Turns this command into a no-op."
+msgstr ""
+"Empêche la modification des scripts de maintenance F<postinst> et F<prerm>. "
+"Utiliser ce paramètre revient à ne rien faire."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:57
+msgid ""
+"Modify scripts for window managers specified by command line parameters in "
+"ALL packages acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"Modifie les scripts pour les gestionnaires de fenêtres indiqués en "
+"paramètres dans B<tous> les paquets et pas seulement dans le premier paquet "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installwm:60
+msgid "I<wm> ..."
+msgstr "I<gestionnaire_de_fenêtres> ..."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:62
+msgid "Window manager programs to register."
+msgstr "Gestionnaires de fenêtres à inscrire."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:5
+msgid "dh_installxfonts - register X fonts"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installxfonts - Inscrire les polices de caractères graphiques (X fonts)"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:17
+msgid "B<dh_installxfonts> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installxfonts> [I<options_de_debhelper>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installxfonts> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"registering X fonts, so their corresponding F<fonts.dir>, F<fonts.alias>, "
+"and F<fonts.scale> be rebuilt properly at install time."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installxfonts> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'inscription des polices de caractères graphiques ainsi que de la "
+"reconstruction convenable des fichiers F<fonts.dir>, F<fonts.alias> et "
+"F<fonts.scale> lors de l'installation."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:25
+msgid ""
+"Before calling this program, you should have installed any X fonts provided "
+"by your package into the appropriate location in the package build "
+"directory, and if you have F<fonts.alias> or F<fonts.scale> files, you "
+"should install them into the correct location under F<etc/X11/fonts> in your "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Avant d'exécuter ce programme, il est nécessaire d'avoir installé, dans "
+"l'emplacement adéquat du répertoire de construction du paquet, toutes les "
+"polices de caractères graphiques fournies par le paquet ainsi que les "
+"fichiers F<fonts.alias> et F<fonts.scale> dans F<etc/X11/fonts> s'ils sont "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:31
+msgid ""
+"Your package should depend on B<xfonts-utils> so that the B<update-fonts-"
+">I<*> commands are available. (This program adds that dependency to B<${misc:"
+msgstr ""
+"Le paquet doit dépendre de B<xfonts-utils> afin que la commande B<update-"
+"fonts->I<*> soit disponible. B<dh_installxfonts> ajoute cette dépendance à "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:35
+msgid ""
+"This program automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+"needed to register X fonts. These commands are inserted into the maintainer "
+"scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of "
+"how this works."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce programme produit automatiquement les lignes de code des scripts de "
+"maintenance F<postinst> et F<postrm> nécessaires à l'inscription des polices "
+"de caractères graphiques. Ces commandes sont insérées dans les scripts de "
+"maintenance par B<dh_installdeb>. Consulter L<dh_installdeb(1)> pour obtenir "
+"une explication sur le mécanisme d'insertion de lignes de code."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:42
+msgid ""
+"See L<update-fonts-alias(8)>, L<update-fonts-scale(8)>, and L<update-fonts-"
+"dir(8)> for more information about X font installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Voir L<update-fonts-alias(8)>, L<update-fonts-scale(8)>, et L<update-fonts-"
+"dir(8)> pour obtenir plus d'informations sur l'installation des polices de "
+"caractères graphiques."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:45
+msgid ""
+"See Debian policy, section 11.8.5. for details about doing fonts the Debian "
+msgstr ""
+"Consulter la Charte Debian, section 11.8.5, pour les détails sur la gestion "
+"des polices de caractères sous Debian."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:5
+msgid "dh_link - create symlinks in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_link - Créer les liens symboliques dans le répertoire de construction du "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<source "
+"destination> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<élément>] "
+"[S<I<source destination> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> is a debhelper program that creates symlinks in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de la création des "
+"liens symboliques dans le répertoire de construction du paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:25
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> accepts a list of pairs of source and destination files. The "
+"source files are the already existing files that will be symlinked from "
+"(called B<target> by L<ln(1)>). The destination files are the symlinks that "
+"will be created (called B<link name> by L<ln(1)>). There B<must> be an equal "
+"number of source and destination files specified."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> utilise des listes de couples « source destination ». Les sources "
+"sont les fichiers existants sur lesquels doivent pointer les liens "
+"symboliques (appelé B<cible> par L<ln(1)>), les destinations sont les noms "
+"des liens symboliques qui doivent être créés (appelés B<nom_du_lien> par "
+"L<ln(1)>). Il B<doit> y avoir un nombre identique de sources et de "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:32
+msgid ""
+"Be sure you B<do> specify the absolute path to both the source and "
+"destination files (unlike you would do if you were using something like "
+"L<ln(1)>). Please note that the leading slash is optional."
+msgstr ""
+"Il faut B<absolument> indiquer le chemin complet (absolu) des sources et des "
+"destinations, contrairement à l'usage habituel des commandes telles que "
+"L<ln(1)>. Veuillez noter que le premier « / » n'est pas obligatoire."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:36
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> will generate symlinks that comply with Debian policy - absolute "
+"when policy says they should be absolute, and relative links with as short a "
+"path as possible. It will also create any subdirectories it needs to put the "
+"symlinks in."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> produit des liens symboliques conformes à la Charte Debian : "
+"absolus lorsque la Charte indique qu'ils doivent l'être et relatifs, avec un "
+"chemin aussi court que possible, dans les autres cas. B<dh_link> crée "
+"également tous les sous-répertoires nécessaires à l'installation des liens "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:41
+msgid "Any pre-existing destination files will be replaced with symlinks."
+msgstr ""
+"Les fichiers de destination déjà existants seront remplacés par les liens "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:43
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> also scans the package build tree for existing symlinks which do "
+"not conform to Debian policy, and corrects them (v4 or later)."
+msgstr ""
+"De plus, B<dh_link> scrute le répertoire de construction du paquet pour "
+"trouver (et corriger à partir de la v4 seulement) les liens symboliques non "
+"conformes à la Charte Debian."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_link:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.links"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.links"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:52
+msgid ""
+"Lists pairs of source and destination files to be symlinked. Each pair "
+"should be put on its own line, with the source and destination separated by "
+msgstr ""
+"Énumère des paires de fichiers source et destination à lier par des liens "
+"symboliques. Chaque paire doit être placée sur une ligne, la source et la "
+"destination séparées par un blanc."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:56
+msgid ""
+"In each pair the source file (called B<target> by L<ln(1)>) comes first and "
+"is followed by the destination file (called B<link name> by L<ln(1)>). Thus "
+"the pairs of source and destination files in each line are given in the same "
+"order as they would be given to L<ln(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans chaque paire, le fichier source (appelé B<cible> par B<ln(1)>) vient en "
+"premier et est suivi par le fichier de destination (appelé B<nom_du_lien> "
+"par B<ln(1)>). Donc les paires de source et destination sur chaque ligne "
+"sont indiquées dans le même ordre que pour B<ln(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:61
+msgid ""
+"In contrast to L<ln(1)>, source and destination paths must be absolute (the "
+"leading slash is optional)."
+msgstr ""
+"Au contraire de L<ln(1)>, la source et la destination doivent être des "
+"chemins absolus (le premier « / » est optionnel)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:75
+msgid ""
+"Create any links specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+"on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"Crée les liens symboliques indiqués en paramètres dans B<tous> les paquets "
+"et pas seulement dans le premier paquet construit."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:80
+msgid ""
+"Exclude symlinks that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"corrected to comply with Debian policy."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclut les liens symboliques qui comportent I<élément>, n'importe où dans "
+"leur nom, alors qu'ils auraient dû être corrigés pour se conformer à la "
+"Charte Debian."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_link:83
+msgid "I<source destination> ..."
+msgstr "I<source destination> ..."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:85
+msgid ""
+"Create a file named I<destination> as a link to a file named I<source>. Do "
+"this in the package build directory of the first package acted on. (Or in "
+"all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Crée un lien symbolique nommé I<destination> pointant vers un fichier nommé "
+"I<source>. Ce lien est créé dans le répertoire de construction du premier "
+"paquet traité (ou de tous les paquets si B<-A> est indiqué)."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:93
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_link usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_link usr/share/man/man1/toto.1 usr/share/man/man1/titi.1\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:95
+msgid "Make F<bar.1> be a symlink to F<foo.1>"
+msgstr "Produira un lien F<titi.1> pointant vers F<toto.1>"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_link var/lib/toto usr/lib/toto \\\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/toto.1 usr/share/man/man1/titi.1\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:100
+msgid ""
+"Make F</usr/lib/foo/> be a link to F</var/lib/foo/>, and F<bar.1> be a "
+"symlink to the F<foo.1>"
+msgstr ""
+"Crée un lien F</usr/lib/toto> qui pointe vers le fichier F</var/lib/toto> et "
+"un lien symbolique F<titi.1> qui pointe vers la page de man F<toto.1>."
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:103
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" var/lib/toto usr/lib/toto\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/toto.1 usr/share/man/man1/titi.1\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:106
+msgid "Same as above but as content for a debian/I<package>.links file."
+msgstr ""
+"Comme précédemment, mais comme contenu d'un fichier debian/I<paquet>.links."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_lintian - install lintian override files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_lintian - Installer les fichiers « override » de lintian dans le "
+"répertoire de construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:17
+msgid "B<dh_lintian> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_lintian> [I<options_de_debhelper>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_lintian> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"override files used by lintian into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_lintian> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'installation, dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, des fichiers "
+"« override » utilisés par lintian."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_lintian:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.lintian-overrides"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.lintian-overrides"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into usr/share/lintian/overrides/I<package> in the package build "
+"directory. This file is used to suppress erroneous lintian diagnostics."
+msgstr ""
+"Installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, sous usr/share/"
+"lintian/overrides/I<paquet>. Ce fichier est utilisé pour supprimer les "
+"diagnostics erronés de lintian."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_lintian:34
+msgid "F<debian/source/lintian-overrides>"
+msgstr "F<debian/source/lintian-overrides>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:36
+msgid ""
+"These files are not installed, but will be scanned by lintian to provide "
+"overrides for the source package."
+msgstr ""
+"Ces fichiers ne sont pas installés, mais seront pris en compte par lintian "
+"pour induire des modifications de comportement (overrides) pour le paquet "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:66
+msgid "L<lintian(1)>"
+msgstr "L<lintian(1)>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:70
+msgid "Steve Robbins <>"
+msgstr "Steve Robbins <>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:5
+msgid "dh_listpackages - list binary packages debhelper will act on"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_listpackages - Énumérer les paquets binaires que debhelper va traiter"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:17
+msgid "B<dh_listpackages> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_listpackages> [I<options_de_debhelper>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_listpackages> is a debhelper program that outputs a list of all binary "
+"packages debhelper commands will act on. If you pass it some options, it "
+"will change the list to match the packages other debhelper commands would "
+"act on if passed the same options."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_listpackages> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de produire "
+"la liste de tous les paquets binaires que les commandes debhelper "
+"traiteront. Si ce programme reçoit des paramètres, il adapte cette liste "
+"afin de la rendre conforme à la liste des paquets qui seraient traités par "
+"les autres programmes debhelper s'ils recevaient ces mêmes paramètres."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:26
+msgid "Packages are listed in the order they appear in F<debian/control>."
+msgstr ""
+"Les paquets sont indiqués dans le même ordre que dans le fichier F<debian/"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_makeshlibs - automatically create shlibs file and call dpkg-gensymbols"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_makeshlibs - Créer automatiquement le fichier shlibs et exécuter dpkg-"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-m>I<major>] [B<-"
+"V>I<[dependencies]>] [B<-n>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-m>I<numéro-majeur>] [B<-"
+"V>I<[dépendances]>] [B<-n>] [B<-X>I<élément>] [B<--> I<paramètres>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> is a debhelper program that automatically scans for shared "
+"libraries, and generates a shlibs file for the libraries it finds."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> est le programme de la suite debhelper qui automatise la "
+"recherche des bibliothèques partagées et produit un fichier « shlibs » pour "
+"celles qu'il trouve."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:24
+msgid ""
+"It will also ensure that ldconfig is invoked during install and removal when "
+"it finds shared libraries. Since debhelper 9.20151004, this is done via a "
+"dpkg trigger. In older versions of debhelper, B<dh_makeshlibs> would "
+"generate a maintainer script for this purpose."
+msgstr ""
+"Il s'assure aussi que ldconfig est invoqué durant l'installation et la "
+"suppression lorsqu'il trouve des bibliothèques partagées. Depuis "
+"debhelper 9.20151004, cela est effectué par un trigger de dpkg. Dans les "
+"anciennes versions de debhelper, B<dh_makeshlibs> générait un script de "
+"maintenance pour cela."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:29
+msgid ""
+"Since debhelper 12.3, B<dh_makeshlibs> will by default add an additional "
+"I<udeb> line for udebs in the shlibs file, when the udeb has the same name "
+"as the deb followed by a \"-udeb\" suffix (e.g. if the deb is called "
+"\"libfoo1\", then debhelper will auto-detect the udeb if it is named "
+"\"libfoo1-udeb\"). Please use the B<--add-udeb> and B<--no-add-udeb> options "
+"below when this auto-detection is insufficient."
+msgstr ""
+"Depuis debhelper 12.3, B<dh_makeshlibs> ajoutera par défaut une ligne "
+"I<udeb> supplémentaire pour les udebs dans le fichier shlibs, quand l'udeb a "
+"le même nom que le fichier deb suivi par le suffixe « -udeb » (par exemple, "
+"si le fichier deb s'appelle « libtoto1 », alors debhelper détectera "
+"automatiquement l'udeb s'il s'appelle « libtoto1-udeb »). Veuillez utiliser "
+"les options B<--add-udeb> et B<--no-add-udeb> ci-dessous quand la détection "
+"automatique est insuffisante."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:36
+msgid ""
+"If you previously used B<--add-udeb> and are considering to migrate to using "
+"the new auto-detection feature in 12.3, then please remember to test that "
+"the resulting F<DEBIAN/shlibs> files are as expected. There are some known "
+"corner cases, where the auto-detection is insufficient. These include when "
+"the udeb contains library files from multiple regular deb packages or when "
+"the packages do not follow the expected naming convention."
+msgstr ""
+"Si auparavant vous utilisiez B<--add-udeb> et envisagez de migrer vers "
+"l'utilisation de la nouvelle fonctionnalité de détection automatique "
+"de 12.3, n'oubliez pas de vérifier que les fichiers F<DEBIAN/shlibs> "
+"résultants sont conformes aux prévisions. Il y a quelques cas particuliers "
+"connus où la détection automatique est insuffisante. Cela comprend les cas "
+"où l'udeb renferme des fichiers de bibliothèque issus de plusieurs paquets "
+"deb normaux ou quand les paquets ne suivent pas les conventions de nommage "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:48
+msgid "debian/I<package>.shlibs"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.shlibs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:50
+msgid ""
+"Installs this file, if present, into the package as DEBIAN/shlibs. If "
+"omitted, debhelper will generate a shlibs file automatically if it detects "
+"any libraries."
+msgstr ""
+"Si présent, installe ce fichier dans le paquet en tant que DEBIAN/shlibs. "
+"S'il est omis, debhelper génèrera automatiquement un fichier shlibs s'il "
+"détecte une bibliothèque."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:54
+msgid ""
+"Note in compat levels 9 and earlier, this file was installed by "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> rather than B<dh_makeshlibs>."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que, dans les niveaux de compatibilité 9 et précédents, ce "
+"fichier était installé par L<dh_installdeb(1)> plutôt que par "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:57
+msgid "debian/I<package>.symbols"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.symbols"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:59
+msgid "debian/I<package>.symbols.I<arch>"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.symbols.I<arch>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:61
+msgid ""
+"These symbols files, if present, are passed to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> to be "
+"processed and installed. Use the I<arch> specific names if you need to "
+"provide different symbols files for different architectures."
+msgstr ""
+"Ces fichiers de symboles, s'ils existent, sont transmis à L<dpkg-"
+"gensymbols(1)> pour être traités et installés. Préciser le nom de "
+"l'architecture avec I<arch> s'il est nécessaire de fournir des fichiers de "
+"symboles différents pour diverses architectures."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:71
+msgid "B<-m>I<major>, B<--major=>I<major>"
+msgstr "B<-m>I<numéro-majeur>, B<--major=>I<numéro-majeur>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:73
+msgid ""
+"Instead of trying to guess the major number of the library with objdump, use "
+"the major number specified after the -m parameter. This is much less useful "
+"than it used to be, back in the bad old days when this program looked at "
+"library filenames rather than using objdump."
+msgstr ""
+"Utilise le numéro majeur indiqué après le paramètre B<-m> afin de préciser "
+"le numéro majeur de version de la bibliothèque, au lieu d'essayer de le "
+"déterminer avec objdump. Ce paramètre est devenu beaucoup moins utile "
+"qu'autrefois où ce programme se basait sur les noms des fichiers de "
+"bibliothèque et non sur l'utilisation d'objdump."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:78
+msgid "B<-V>, B<-V>I<dependencies>"
+msgstr "B<-V>, B<-V>I<dépendances>"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:80
+msgid "B<--version-info>, B<--version-info=>I<dependencies>"
+msgstr "B<--version-info>, B<--version-info=>I<dépendances>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:82
+msgid ""
+"If a shlibs file is generated by this program, this option controls what "
+"version will be used in the dependency relation."
+msgstr ""
+"Si un fichier shlibs est créé par ce programme, cette option contrôle quelle "
+"version sera utilisée dans la relation de dépendance."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:85
+msgid ""
+"In compat 12 and later, B<dh_makeshlibs> defaults to B<-VUpstream-Version>. "
+"In compat 11 and earlier the default behaved like B<-VNone>."
+msgstr ""
+"Depuis la version 12, B<dh_makeshlibs> utilise B<-VUpstream-Version> par "
+"défaut. Jusqu'à la version 11, le comportement par défaut imitait B<-VNone>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:88
+msgid "The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool can generate dependencies in three variants:"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs> peut générer des dépendances de trois façons."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:92
+msgid "B<-VUpstream-Version>"
+msgstr "B<-VUpstream-Version>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:94
+msgid ""
+"The dependency will be \"I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= I<packageversion>B<)>\". "
+"Note that I<Upstream-Version> is case-sensitive and must be written exactly "
+"as shown here."
+msgstr ""
+"La dépendance sera de la forme « I<paquet> B<(E<gt>>= I<version>B<)> ». "
+"I<Upstream-Version> est sensible à la casse est doit être écrit exactement "
+"comme cela."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:98
+msgid ""
+"This is a conservative setting that always ensures that other packages' "
+"shared library dependencies are at least as tight as they need to be (unless "
+"the library is prone to changing ABI without updating the upstream version "
+msgstr ""
+"C'est une disposition conservatoire qui garantit que les dépendances des "
+"autres paquets envers la bibliothèque partagée sont aussi strictes qu'elles "
+"le doivent (à moins que la bibliothèque soit sujette à des changements d'ABI "
+"sans mise à jour des numéros de version amont)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:103
+msgid ""
+"The flip side is that packages might end up with dependencies that are too "
+"tight in some cases (note a symbols file can mitigate this issue). This is "
+"often of minor temporary inconvenience and usually a lot better than the "
+"fall out caused by forgetting to bump the dependency information."
+msgstr ""
+"Le revers de cela est que les paquets pourraient avoir des dépendances qui "
+"sont trop restreintes (mais un fichier de symboles peut atténuer le "
+"problème). Ce n'est souvent qu'un inconvénient mineur et temporaire, "
+"préférable à un échec dû à l'oubli de la mise à jour d'une information de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:109
+msgid ""
+"This explicit form was added in debhelper/11.3. In previous versions, a B<-"
+"V> without any dependency information was used instead (and that form still "
+msgstr ""
+"Ce format explicite a été ajouté à debhelper/11.3. Dans les versions "
+"précédentes, une option B<-V> sans aucune information de dépendance était "
+"utilisée (ce qui fonctionne toujours)."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:113
+msgid "B<-VNone>"
+msgstr "B<-VNone>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:115
+msgid ""
+"The dependency will be \"I<packagename>\". Note that I<None> is case-"
+"sensitive and must be written exactly as shown here."
+msgstr ""
+"La dépendance sera de la forme « I<paquet> ». I<None> est sensible à la "
+"casse est doit être écrit exactement comme cela."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:118
+msgid ""
+"This form is generally unsafe with the only exception being if upstream does "
+"not extend the ABI in any way. However, most upstreams improve their "
+"interfaces over time and packagers are recommended to use B<-VUpstream-"
+"Version> (or one of the other forms of B<-V>I<dependencies>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce format n'est pas sécurisé, sauf si l'amont ne modifie pas son ABI "
+"d'aucune façon. Cependant, la plupart des équipes amont améliorent leurs "
+"interfaces au cours du temps, et il est recommandé d'utiliser B<-VUpstream-"
+"Version> (ou l'une des autres formes de B<-V>I<dépendances>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:123
+msgid ""
+"Alternatively, this may be sufficient if (and only if) the package uses "
+"symbol versioning (see L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>) and does I<not> build any udeb "
+"packages. Note that symbols are not supported for udeb packages, which "
+"solely relies on shlibs for dependency handling."
+msgstr ""
+"Par ailleurs, cela pourrait être suffisant si (et seulement si) le paquet "
+"utilise le versionnement des symboles (voir L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>) et ne "
+"produit I<aucun> paquet udeb. Les symboles ne sont pas pris en charge pour "
+"les paquets udeb, qui ne s'appuient que sur shlibs pour la gestion des "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:128
+msgid "B<-V>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<-V>I<relation-paquet>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:130
+msgid ""
+"In this case, the value passed to B<-V> will be used as a dependency "
+"relation. The I<package-relation> should generally be of the form \"I<some-"
+"package-name> B<(E<gt>>= I<some-package-version>B<)>\". Remember to include "
+"the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans ce cas, la valeur donnée à B<-V> sera utilisée comme une relation de "
+"dépendance. I<relation-paquet> devrait être de la forme « I<paquet> "
+"B<(E<gt>>= I<version>B<)> ». N'oubliez pas d'inclure le nom de paquet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:135
+msgid ""
+"Note that debhelper will use the value I<as it is> with no sanity checking "
+"or modification. In I<rare special> cases, this is needed to generate a "
+"dependency on a different package than the one containing the library."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que debhelper utilisera la valeur I<telle quelle> sans "
+"vérification de propreté ni de modification. Dans de I<rares> cas, cela est "
+"nécessaire pour générer une dépendance sur un paquet différent que celui qui "
+"contient la bibliothèque."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:142
+msgid ""
+"When choosing a value for this option, please keep mind that if the package "
+"provides a symbols file, then that this is generally preferred over the "
+"shlibs file for regular .deb packages. See L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> for more "
+"information on this topic."
+msgstr ""
+"Au moment de choisir une valeur pour cette option, gardez à l'esprit que si "
+"le paquet fournit un fichier de symboles, ce dernier est souvent préféré au "
+"fichier shlibs pour les paquets .deb habituels. Consultez L<dpkg-"
+"shlibdeps(1)> pour plus d'informations sur ce sujet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:149
+msgid ""
+"Do not add the \"ldconfig\" trigger even if it seems like the package might "
+"need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical reasons as "
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> would previously generate maintainer scripts that called "
+msgstr ""
+"N'ajoutez pas l'action différée (« trigger ») même s'il semble que le paquet "
+"en a besoin. L'option est nommée B<--no-scripts> pour des raisons "
+"historiques car B<dh_makeshlibs> générait précédemment un script de "
+"maintenance qui appelait B<ldconfig>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:156
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename or directory "
+"from being treated as shared libraries."
+msgstr ""
+"Permet d'exclure du traitement des bibliothèques partagées les fichiers qui "
+"comportent I<élément> n'importe où dans leur nom. "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:159
+msgid "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+msgstr "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:161
+msgid ""
+"Create an additional line for udebs in the shlibs file and use I<udeb> as "
+"the package name for udebs to depend on instead of the regular library "
+msgstr ""
+"Ajoute une ligne supplémentaire, pour les udebs, dans le fichier shlibs et "
+"rend les udebs dépendants du paquet indiqué par I<udeb> plutôt que les "
+"rendre dépendants du paquet normal de la bibliothèque."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:164
+msgid ""
+"This option is only useful for special cases such as when debhelper cannot "
+"auto-detect package name of the udeb package, when the udeb will contain "
+"libraries from multiple deb packages, or when the udeb contains libraries "
+"B<not> present in the deb package."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option est seulement utile pour les cas spéciaux où debhelper ne peut "
+"pas détecter automatiquement le nom du paquet udeb, où le paquet udeb "
+"contient des bibliothèques issues de plusieurs paquets deb, ou encore quand "
+"le paquet udeb contient des bibliothèques B<absentes> du paquet deb."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:169
+msgid "B<--no-add-udeb>"
+msgstr "B<--no-add-udeb>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:171
+msgid ""
+"Do not add any udeb lines to the shlibs file. This can be used to disable "
+"the default auto-detection of udebs."
+msgstr ""
+"Pas d'ajout de ligne udeb dans le fichier shlibs. Cela peut être utilisé "
+"pour désactiver la détection automatique des paquets udeb."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:174
+msgid ""
+"This may be useful in case you do not want a shlibs file at all for the udeb "
+"because no package will depend on it. E.g. because adding a udeb package "
+"for the library was \"overkill\" and the library is embedded in a different "
+"udeb package."
+msgstr ""
+"Cela peut être utile au cas où vous ne voulez pas du tout de fichier shlibs "
+"pour le paquet udeb parce qu'aucun paquet n'en dépendra. Ce peut être, par "
+"exemple, parce que l'ajout d'un paquet udeb pour la bibliothèque était "
+"« exagéré » et que la bibliothèque est incorporée dans un paquet udeb "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:181
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>."
+msgstr "Fournit I<paramètres> à L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:189
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -VNone>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -VNone>"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:191
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Assuming this is a package named F<libfoobar1>, generates a shlibs file that\n"
+"looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1\n"
+msgstr ""
+"En admettant que le paquet s'appelle F<libtoto1>, cette commande produit\n"
+"un fichier shlibs tel que :\n"
+"libtoto 1 libtoto1\n"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:195
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -VUpstream-Version>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -VUpstream-Version>"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:197
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Assuming the current version of the package is 1.1-3, generates a shlibs\n"
+"file that looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.1)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"En admettant que la version actuelle du paquet soit 1.1-3, cette commande\n"
+"produit un fichier shlibs tel que :\n"
+" libtoto 1 libtoto1 (>= 1.1)\n"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:201
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -V 'libfoobar1 (E<gt>= 1.0)'>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -V `libtoto1 (E<gt>= 1.0)'>"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:203
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Generates a shlibs file that looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Produit un fichier shlibs tel que :\n"
+" libtoto 1 libtoto1 (>= 1.0)\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:5
+msgid "dh_md5sums - generate DEBIAN/md5sums file"
+msgstr "dh_md5sums - Créer le fichier DEBIAN/md5sums"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-x>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--include-"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-x>] [B<-X>I<élément>] [B<--"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating a "
+"F<DEBIAN/md5sums> file, which lists the md5sums of each file in the "
+"package. These files are used by B<dpkg --verify> or the L<debsums(1)> "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de produire un "
+"fichier F<DEBIAN/md5sums> indiquant la somme md5 de chacun des fichiers du "
+"paquet. Ces fichiers sont habituellement exploités par B<dpkg --verify> ou "
+"le programme L<debsums(1)>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:26
+msgid ""
+"All files in F<DEBIAN/> are omitted from the F<md5sums> file, as are all "
+"conffiles (unless you use the B<--include-conffiles> switch)."
+msgstr ""
+"Tous les fichiers du répertoire F<DEBIAN/> sont exclus du fichier "
+"F<md5sums>, de même que tous les fichiers de configuration (conffiles) sauf "
+"si B<--include-conffiles> est employé."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:29
+msgid "The md5sums file is installed with proper permissions and ownerships."
+msgstr ""
+"Le fichier md5sums est installé avec les droits et permissions adéquats."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_md5sums:35
+msgid "B<-x>, B<--include-conffiles>"
+msgstr "B<-x>, B<--include-conffiles>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:37
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Include conffiles in the md5sums list. Note that this information is "
+#| "redundant since it is included elsewhere in Debian packages."
+msgid ""
+"Include conffiles in the md5sums list. Note that this information is "
+"redundant since it is included in F</var/lib/dpkg/status> in Debian packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Inclut les fichiers de configuration (conffiles) dans la liste des sommes "
+"md5. Nota : Cette information est superflue puisqu'elle est incluse par "
+"ailleurs dans les paquets Debian."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:42
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"listed in the md5sums file."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclut les fichiers qui comportent I<élément>, n'importe où dans leur nom, "
+"de la liste des sommes md5."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:5
+msgid "dh_movefiles - move files out of debian/tmp into subpackages"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_movefiles - Déplacer des fichiers depuis debian/tmp dans des sous-paquets"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [B<-"
+"X>I<item>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<répertoire>] "
+"[B<-X>I<élément>] [S<I<fichier> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for moving files "
+"out of F<debian/tmp> or some other directory and into other package build "
+"directories. This may be useful if your package has a F<Makefile> that "
+"installs everything into F<debian/tmp>, and you need to break that up into "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé du déplacement "
+"des fichiers depuis F<debian/tmp> ou depuis un autre répertoire vers un "
+"autre répertoire de construction du paquet. Cela peut être utile si le "
+"paquet a un F<Makefile> qui implante tout dans F<debian/tmp> et qu'il est "
+"nécessaire d'éclater cela dans plusieurs sous-paquets."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:26
+msgid ""
+"Note: B<dh_install> is a much better program, and you are recommended to use "
+"it instead of B<dh_movefiles>."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : B<dh_install> est un bien meilleur programme. Il est recommandé de "
+"l'utiliser plutôt que B<dh_movefiles>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_movefiles:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.files"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.files"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:35
+msgid ""
+"Lists the files to be moved into a package, separated by whitespace. The "
+"filenames listed should be relative to F<debian/tmp/>. You can also list "
+"directory names, and the whole directory will be moved."
+msgstr ""
+"Énumère, en les séparant par un blanc (whitespace), les fichiers à déplacer "
+"dans un paquet. Les noms des fichiers doivent être relatifs à F<debian/tmp/"
+">. On peut aussi indiquer des noms de répertoire. Dans ce cas le répertoire "
+"complet sera déplacé."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:47
+msgid ""
+"Instead of moving files out of F<debian/tmp> (the default), this option "
+"makes it move files out of some other directory. Since the entire contents "
+"of the sourcedir is moved, specifying something like B<--sourcedir=/> is "
+"very unsafe, so to prevent mistakes, the sourcedir must be a relative "
+"filename; it cannot begin with a `B</>'."
+msgstr ""
+"Au lieu de déplacer les fichiers depuis F<debian/tmp> (comportement par "
+"défaut), cette option permet les déplacements à partir d'un autre "
+"répertoire. Puisque le contenu entier du répertoire source est déplacé, le "
+"fait d'indiquer quelque chose comme B<--sourcedir=/> serait très dangereux. "
+"Aussi, pour empêcher ces erreurs, le répertoire source doit être un nom de "
+"fichier relatif. Il ne peut donc pas commencer par « B</> »."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_movefiles:53
+msgid "B<-Xitem>, B<--exclude=item>"
+msgstr "B<-Xélément>, B<--exclude=élément>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:55
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain B<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+msgstr ""
+"Exclut du traitement les fichiers qui comportent I<élément> n'importe où "
+"dans leur nom."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:60
+msgid ""
+"Lists files to move. The filenames listed should be relative to F<debian/tmp/"
+">. You can also list directory names, and the whole directory will be moved. "
+"It is an error to list files here unless you use B<-p>, B<-i>, or B<-a> to "
+"tell B<dh_movefiles> which subpackage to put them in."
+msgstr ""
+"Énumère les fichiers à déplacer. Les noms de fichiers indiqués doivent être "
+"relatifs à F<debian/tmp/>. Il est également possible d'indiquer un nom de "
+"répertoire. Dans ce cas, le répertoire complet sera déplacé. C'est une "
+"erreur d'indiquer ici des noms de fichiers sauf avec les options B<-p>, B<-"
+"i> ou B<-a> pour indiquer à B<dh_movefiles> dans quel sous-paquet les mettre."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:69
+msgid ""
+"Note that files are always moved out of F<debian/tmp> by default (even if "
+"you have instructed debhelper to use a compatibility level higher than one, "
+"which does not otherwise use debian/tmp for anything at all). The idea "
+"behind this is that the package that is being built can be told to install "
+"into F<debian/tmp>, and then files can be moved by B<dh_movefiles> from that "
+"directory. Any files or directories that remain are ignored, and get deleted "
+"by B<dh_clean> later."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : Les fichiers sont, par défaut, toujours déplacés depuis F<debian/tmp> "
+"(même s'il a été demandé à debhelper d'utiliser un niveau de compatibilité "
+"supérieur à 1, ce qui induit que debian/tmp n'est utilisé pour rien "
+"d'autre). L'idée sous-jacente est que le paquet en construction peut "
+"s'installer dans F<debian/tmp>, et qu'alors les fichiers peuvent être "
+"déplacés par B<dh_movefiles> à partir de là. Tous les fichiers ou "
+"répertoires qui resteront seront ignorés et supprimés ultérieurement par "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:5
+msgid "dh_perl - calculates Perl dependencies and cleans up after MakeMaker"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_perl - Déterminer les dépendances Perl et fait le ménage après MakeMaker"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:20
+msgid "B<dh_perl> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-d>] [S<I<library dirs> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<-d>] [S<I<répertoires de "
+"bibliothèque> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_perl> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating the "
+"B<${perl:Depends}> substitutions and adding them to substvars files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de produire les "
+"substitutions B<${perl:Depends}> et de les ajouter aux fichiers des "
+"variables de substitution (substvars files)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:27
+msgid ""
+"The program will look at Perl scripts and modules in your package, and will "
+"use this information to generate a dependency on B<perl> or B<perlapi>. The "
+"dependency will be substituted into your package's F<control> file wherever "
+"you place the token B<${perl:Depends}>."
+msgstr ""
+"Le programme examine les scripts et les modules Perl du paquet, et exploite "
+"cette information pour produire une dépendance vers B<perl> ou B<perlapi>. "
+"La substitution a lieu dans le fichier F<control> du paquet, à l'emplacement "
+"où est indiqué B<${perl:Depends}>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:32
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_perl> also cleans up empty directories that MakeMaker can generate when "
+"installing Perl modules."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> supprime aussi les répertoires vides que MakeMaker a pu générer "
+"lors de l'installation des modules Perl."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:39
+msgid "B<-d>"
+msgstr "B<-d>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:41
+msgid ""
+"In some specific cases you may want to depend on B<perl-base> rather than "
+"the full B<perl> package. If so, you can pass the -d option to make "
+"B<dh_perl> generate a dependency on the correct base package. This is only "
+"necessary for some packages that are included in the base system."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans quelques cas spécifiques, il peut être souhaitable de créer la "
+"dépendance envers B<perl-base> plutôt qu'envers le paquet B<perl> complet. "
+"Dans ce cas, l'option B<-d> entraîne b<dh_perl> à produire une dépendance "
+"sur le bon paquet de base. Cela n'est nécessaire que pour quelques paquets "
+"inclus dans le système de base."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:46
+msgid ""
+"Note that this flag may cause no dependency on B<perl-base> to be generated "
+"at all. B<perl-base> is Essential, so its dependency can be left out, unless "
+"a versioned dependency is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : Cette option peut ne produire aucune dépendance sur B<perl-base>. Du "
+"fait que B<perl-base> fait partie des paquets « Essential », sa dépendance "
+"peut être omise, à moins qu'une dépendance de version soit nécessaire."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:50
+msgid "B<-V>"
+msgstr "B<-V>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:52
+msgid ""
+"By default, scripts and architecture independent modules don't depend on any "
+"specific version of B<perl>. The B<-V> option causes the current version of "
+"the B<perl> (or B<perl-base> with B<-d>) package to be specified."
+msgstr ""
+"Par défaut, les scripts et les modules indépendants de l'architecture ne "
+"dépendent pas d'une version spécifique de B<perl>. L'option B<-V> permet "
+"d'indiquer la version en cours du paquet B<perl> (ou B<perl-base> avec B<-"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:56
+msgid "I<library dirs>"
+msgstr "I<répertoires de bibliothèque>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:58
+msgid ""
+"If your package installs Perl modules in non-standard directories, you can "
+"make B<dh_perl> check those directories by passing their names on the "
+"command line. It will only check the F<vendorlib> and F<vendorarch> "
+"directories by default."
+msgstr ""
+"Si le paquet installe les modules Perl dans des répertoires non standards, "
+"il est possible de forcer B<dh_perl> à vérifier ces répertoires en passant "
+"leur nom en argument de la ligne de commande. Par défaut il vérifiera "
+"seulement les répertoires F<vendorlib> et F<vendorarch>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:67
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.8.3"
+msgstr "Charte Debian, version 3.8.3"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:69
+msgid "Perl policy, version 1.20"
+msgstr "Charte Perl, version 1.20"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:196
+msgid "Brendan O'Dea <>"
+msgstr "Brendan O'Dea <>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:5
+msgid "dh_prep - perform cleanups in preparation for building a binary package"
+msgstr "dh_prep - Faire le ménage en vue de construire un paquet Debian"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:17
+msgid "B<dh_prep> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_prep> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-X>I<élément>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_prep> is a debhelper program that performs some file cleanups in "
+"preparation for building a binary package. (This is what B<dh_clean -k> used "
+"to do.) It removes the package build directories, F<debian/tmp>, and some "
+"temp files that are generated when building a binary package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_prep> est un programme de la suite debhelper qui fait le ménage de "
+"certains fichiers en vue de la construction d'un paquet binaire. (C'est ce "
+"que fait B<dh_clean -k> d'habitude.) Il supprime le répertoire de "
+"construction du paquet, F<debian/tmp> et certains fichiers temporaires qui "
+"sont générés lors de la construction d'un paquet binaire."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:26
+msgid ""
+"It is typically run at the top of the B<binary-arch> and B<binary-indep> "
+"targets, or at the top of a target such as install that they depend on."
+msgstr ""
+"Il est généralement exécuté au sommet des cibles B<binary-arch> et B<binary-"
+"indep> ou au sommet d'une cible qui installe ce dont elle dépend."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:35
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option "
+"multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"Conserve les fichiers qui contiennent I<élément> n'importe où dans leur nom, "
+"même s'ils auraient dû être normalement supprimés. Cette option peut être "
+"employée plusieurs fois afin d'exclure de la suppression une liste "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:5
+msgid "dh_shlibdeps - calculate shared library dependencies"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_shlibdeps - Déterminer les dépendances envers les bibliothèques partagées"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-L>I<package>] [B<-"
+"l>I<directory>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-L>I<paquet>] [B<-"
+"l>I<répertoire>] [B<-X>I<élément>] [B<--> I<paramètres>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> is a debhelper program that is responsible for calculating "
+"shared library dependencies for packages."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de déterminer "
+"les dépendances des paquets envers les bibliothèques partagées."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:26
+msgid ""
+"This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> that calls it "
+"once for each package listed in the F<control> file, passing it a list of "
+"ELF executables and shared libraries it has found."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce programme est simplement une encapsulation de L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> qu'il "
+"invoque une fois pour chaque paquet énuméré dans le fichier F<control> en "
+"lui passant une liste des exécutables ELF et des bibliothèques partagées "
+"qu'il a trouvé."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:36
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"passed to B<dpkg-shlibdeps>. This will make their dependencies be ignored. "
+"This may be useful in some situations, but use it with caution. This option "
+"may be used more than once to exclude more than one thing."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclut de l'appel à B<dpkg-shlibdeps> les fichiers qui comportent F<élément> "
+"n'importe où dans leur nom. De ce fait leurs dépendances seront ignorées. "
+"Cela peut-être utile dans quelques cas mais est à utiliser avec précaution. "
+"Cette option peut être utilisée plusieurs fois afin d'exclure plusieurs "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:43
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>."
+msgstr "Passe I<paramètres> à L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:45
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<paramètres>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<paramètres>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:47
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>. It is "
+"deprecated; use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Méthode obsolète pour fournir les I<paramètres> à L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>, "
+"préférer B<-->."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:50
+msgid "B<-l>I<directory>[B<:>I<directory> ...]"
+msgstr "B<-l>I<répertoire>[B<:>I<répertoire> ...]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:52
+msgid ""
+"With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not "
+msgstr ""
+"Avec les versions récentes de B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, cette option n'est "
+"généralement plus nécessaire."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:55
+msgid ""
+"It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-l> parameter), to look for private "
+"package libraries in the specified directory (or directories -- separate "
+"with colons). With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this is mostly only "
+"useful for packages that build multiple flavors of the same library, or "
+"other situations where the library is installed into a directory not on the "
+"regular library search path."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option indique à B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (à l’aide de son paramètre B<-l>) "
+"de rechercher des bibliothèques privées du paquet dans le répertoire indiqué "
+"(ou les répertoires, séparés par des deux points). Avec les versions "
+"récentes de B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, c'est surtout utile pour construire des "
+"paquets comportant des « saveurs » multiples d'une même bibliothèque, ou "
+"d'autres situations où la bibliothèque est installée dans un répertoire qui "
+"n'est pas dans le chemin de recherche normal de la bibliothèque."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:63
+msgid "B<-L>I<package>, B<--libpackage=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-L>I<paquet>, B<--libpackage=>I<paquet>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:65
+msgid ""
+"With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not "
+"needed, unless your package builds multiple flavors of the same library or "
+"is relying on F<debian/shlibs.local> for an internal library."
+msgstr ""
+"Avec les récentes versions de B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, cette option n'est en "
+"principe pas utile, sauf pour construire des paquets comportant des "
+"« saveurs » multiples d'une même bibliothèque ou dépendant de F<debian/"
+"shlibs.local> pour une bibliothèque interne."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:69
+msgid ""
+"It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-S> parameter) to look first in the "
+"package build directory for the specified package, when searching for "
+"libraries, symbol files, and shlibs files."
+msgstr ""
+"Indique à B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (à l’aide de son paramètre B<-S>) de rechercher "
+"d'abord dans le répertoire de construction du paquet pour le paquet indiqué, "
+"lors de la recherche des bibliothèques, des fichiers de symboles et des "
+"fichiers shlibs."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:73
+msgid ""
+"If needed, this can be passed multiple times with different package names."
+msgstr ""
+"Si nécessaire, cette option peut être passée plusieurs fois avec différents "
+"noms de paquet."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:80
+msgid ""
+"Suppose that your source package produces libfoo1, libfoo-dev, and libfoo-"
+"bin binary packages. libfoo-bin links against libfoo1, and should depend on "
+"it. In your rules file, first run B<dh_makeshlibs>, then B<dh_shlibdeps>:"
+msgstr ""
+"Supposons que le paquet source produise les paquets binaires libtoto1, "
+"libtoto-dev et libtoto-bin. libtoto-bin utilise la bibliothèque libtoto1 et "
+"doit donc en dépendre. Dans le fichier F<rules>, il faut d'abord exécuter "
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> puis B<dh_shlibdeps> :"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_shlibdeps:84
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:87
+msgid ""
+"This will have the effect of generating automatically a shlibs file for "
+"libfoo1, and using that file and the libfoo1 library in the F<debian/libfoo1/"
+"usr/lib> directory to calculate shared library dependency information."
+msgstr ""
+"Cela aura pour effet de produire automatiquement un fichier shlibs pour "
+"libtoto1 et de l'utiliser, ainsi que la bibliothèque libtoto1, dans le "
+"répertoire F<debian/libtoto1/usr/lib> pour déterminer les dépendances envers "
+"la bibliothèque partagée."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:92
+msgid ""
+"If a libbar1 package is also produced, that is an alternate build of libfoo, "
+"and is installed into F</usr/lib/bar/>, you can make libfoo-bin depend on "
+"libbar1 as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+"Si un paquet libtiti1 est également produit, il produirait une autre "
+"construction de libtoto, et serait installé dans F</usr/lib/titi/>. On peut "
+"rendre libtoto-bin dépendant de libtiti1 de la façon suivante :"
+# type: verbatim
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_shlibdeps:96
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tdh_shlibdeps -Llibbar1 -l/usr/lib/bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tdh_shlibdeps -Llibtiti1 -l/usr/lib/titi\n"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:206
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_strip - strip executables, shared libraries, and some static libraries"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_strip - Dépouiller les exécutables, les bibliothèques partagées et "
+"certaines bibliothèques statiques"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--dbg-"
+"package=>I<package>] [B<--keep-debug>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<-X>I<élément>] [B<--dbg-"
+"package=paquet>] [B<--keep-debug>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> is a debhelper program that is responsible for stripping out "
+"debug symbols in executables, shared libraries, and static libraries that "
+"are not needed during execution."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de dépouiller de "
+"leurs symboles de débogage, qui ne sont pas nécessaires pendant l'exécution, "
+"les exécutables, les bibliothèques partagées et les bibliothèques statiques."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:26
+msgid ""
+"This program examines your package build directories and works out what to "
+"strip on its own. It uses L<file(1)> and file permissions and filenames to "
+"figure out what files are shared libraries (F<*.so>), executable binaries, "
+"and static (F<lib*.a>) and debugging libraries (F<lib*_g.a>, F<debug/*.so>), "
+"and strips each as much as is possible. (Which is not at all for debugging "
+"libraries.) In general it seems to make very good guesses, and will do the "
+"right thing in almost all cases."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce programme examine les répertoires de construction du paquet et détermine "
+"ce qui peut être dépouillé. Il s'appuie sur L<file(1)>, sur les permissions "
+"ainsi que sur les noms des fichiers pour deviner quels fichiers sont des "
+"bibliothèques partagées (F<*.so>), des binaires exécutables, des "
+"bibliothèques statiques (F<lib*.a>) ou des bibliothèques de mise au point "
+"(F<lib*_g.a>, F<debug/*.so>). Il dépouille chacun de ces éléments autant "
+"qu'il est possible (pas du tout pour des bibliothèques de mise au point). Il "
+"semble, généralement, faire de très bonnes conjectures et produit un "
+"résultat correct dans presque tous les cas."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:34
+msgid ""
+"Since it is very hard to automatically guess if a file is a module, and hard "
+"to determine how to strip a module, B<dh_strip> does not currently deal with "
+"stripping binary modules such as F<.o> files."
+msgstr ""
+"Comme il est très difficile de deviner automatiquement si un fichier est un "
+"module, et difficile de déterminer comment dépouiller un module, B<dh_strip> "
+"ne dépouille actuellement pas les modules binaires tels que des fichiers F<."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:48
+msgid "B<--dbg-package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--dbg-package=>I<paquet>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:50 dh_strip:70
+msgid ""
+"B<This option is a now special purpose option that you normally do not "
+"need>. In most cases, there should be little reason to use this option for "
+"new source packages as debhelper automatically generates debug packages "
+"(\"dbgsym packages\"). B<If you have a manual --dbg-package> that you want "
+"to replace with an automatically generated debug symbol package, please see "
+"the B<--dbgsym-migration> option."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Cette option est actuellement une option spéciale dont vous ne devriez pas "
+"avoir besoin>. Dans la plupart des cas, il devrait y avoir peu de raisons "
+"d'utiliser cette option pour les nouveaux paquets source, car debhelper "
+"génère automatiquement les paquets de débogage (« paquets dbgsym »). B<Si "
+"vous avez une option manuelle --dbg-package> que vous désirez remplacer par "
+"un paquet de symboles de débogage généré automatiquement, veuillez consulter "
+"l'option B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:58
+msgid ""
+"Causes B<dh_strip> to save debug symbols stripped from the packages it acts "
+"on as independent files in the package build directory of the specified "
+"debugging package."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option produit l'enregistrement, en tant que fichiers indépendants, "
+"des symboles dont ont été dépouillés les paquets traités. Ces fichiers sont "
+"enregistrés dans le répertoire de construction du paquet de mise au point "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:62
+msgid ""
+"For example, if your packages are libfoo and foo and you want to include a "
+"I<foo-dbg> package with debugging symbols, use B<dh_strip --dbg-"
+msgstr ""
+"Par exemple, si les paquets se nomment libtoto et toto et que l'on veut "
+"inclure un paquet I<toto-dbg> avec les symboles de mise au point, il faut "
+"utiliser B<dh_strip --dbg-package=toto-dbg>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:65
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+"automatic-dbgsym> or B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option implique B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> et ne peut B<pas> être "
+"utilisée avec B<--automatic-dbgsym> ou B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:68
+msgid "B<-k>, B<--keep-debug>"
+msgstr "B<-k>, B<--keep-debug>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:78
+msgid ""
+"Debug symbols will be retained, but split into an independent file in F<usr/"
+"lib/debug/> in the package build directory. B<--dbg-package> is easier to "
+"use than this option, but this option is more flexible."
+msgstr ""
+"Les symboles de mise au point seront conservés, mais séparés dans un fichier "
+"indépendant de F<usr/lib/debug/> dans le répertoire de construction du "
+"paquet. Il est plus facile d'employer B<--dbg-package> que cette option, "
+"mais cette dernière est plus souple."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:82
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option implique B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> et ne peut B<pas> être "
+"utilisée avec B<--ddebs>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:85
+msgid "B<--dbgsym-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<--dbgsym-migration=>I<relation-paquet>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:87
+msgid ""
+"This option is used to migrate from a manual \"-dbg\" package (created with "
+"B<--dbg-package>) to an automatic generated debug symbol package. This "
+"option should describe a valid B<Replaces>- and B<Breaks>-relation, which "
+"will be added to the debug symbol package to avoid file conflicts with the "
+"(now obsolete) -dbg package."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option est utilisée pour migrer d'un paquet « -dbg » créé manuellement "
+"avec B<--dbg-package> vers la création automatique du paquet de symboles de "
+"débogage. Cette option doit décrire une relation B<Replaces> et B<Breaks> "
+"valable, qui sera ajoutée au paquet de symboles de débogage pour éviter les "
+"conflits de fichiers avec le paquet (maintenant obsolète) -dbg."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:93
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+"keep-debug>, B<--dbg-package> or B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option implique B<--automatic-dbgsym> et ne peut B<pas> être utilisée "
+"avec B<--keep-debug>, B<--dbg-package> ni B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:96
+msgid "Examples:"
+msgstr "Exemples :"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_strip:98
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libtoto-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_strip:100
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-tools-dbg (<< 2.1-3~), libfoo2-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libtoto-tools-dbg (<< 2.1-3~), libtoto2-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:102
+msgid "B<--automatic-dbgsym>, B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>"
+msgstr "B<--automatic-dbgsym>, B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:104
+msgid ""
+"Control whether B<dh_strip> should be creating debug symbol packages when "
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option vérifie si B<dh_strip> doit créer des paquets de symboles de "
+"débogage lorsque cela est possible."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:107
+msgid "The default is to create debug symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Le comportement par défaut est de créer un paquet de symboles de débogage."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:109
+msgid "B<--ddebs>, B<--no-ddebs>"
+msgstr "B<--ddebs>, B<--no-ddebs>"
+# type: =item
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:111
+msgid "Historical name for B<--automatic-dbgsym> and B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+msgstr "Nom historique pour B<--automatic-dbgsym> et B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>"
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:113
+msgid "B<--ddeb-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<--ddeb-migration=>I<relation-paquet>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:115
+msgid "Historical name for B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+msgstr "Nom historique pour B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:121
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+"nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+"\"Binaries\"). This will also inhibit the automatic creation of debug "
+"symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la variable d'environnement B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> contient B<nostrip>, "
+"rien ne sera dépouillé, conformément à la Charte Debian (section 10.1 "
+"« Binaries »). Cela empêchera aussi la création automatique des paquets de "
+"symboles de débogage."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:126
+msgid ""
+"The automatic creation of debug symbol packages can also be prevented by "
+"adding B<noautodbgsym> to the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable. "
+"However, B<dh_strip> will still add debuglinks to ELF binaries when this "
+"flag is set. This is to ensure that the regular deb package will be "
+"identical with and without this flag (assuming it is otherwise \"bit-for-"
+"bit\" reproducible)."
+msgstr ""
+"La création automatique des paquets de symboles de débogage peut être "
+"empêchée en ajoutant B<noautodbgsym> à la variable d'environnement "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>. En revanche, B<dh_strip> ajoutera quand même les liens "
+"de débogage aux binaires ELF lorsque ce paramètre est défini, pour s'assurer "
+"que le paquet deb est identique avec ou sans (en considérant qu'il est par "
+"ailleurs reproductible bit à bit)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:135
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.0.1"
+msgstr "Charte Debian, version 3.0.1"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:5
+msgid "dh_testdir - test directory before building Debian package"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_testdir - Vérifier le répertoire avant de construire un paquet Debian"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:17
+msgid "B<dh_testdir> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_testdir> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [S<I<fichier> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_testdir> tries to make sure that you are in the correct directory when "
+"building a Debian package. It makes sure that the file F<debian/control> "
+"exists, as well as any other files you specify. If not, it exits with an "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_testdir> tente de s'assurer qu'il est exécuté depuis le bon répertoire "
+"pour construire un paquet. Il s'assure que le fichier F</debian/control> "
+"existe ainsi que tous les autres fichiers indiqués en paramètres de la ligne "
+"de commande. Dans le cas contraire il produit une erreur."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:32
+msgid "Test for the existence of these files too."
+msgstr "Teste également l'existence de ces fichiers."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:7
+msgid ""
+"dh_testroot - ensure that a package is built with necessary level of root "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_testroot - Vérifier que le paquet est construit avec les droits "
+"nécessaires du superutilisateur (root)"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:11
+msgid "B<dh_testroot> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_testroot> [I<options_de_debhelper>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:15
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_testroot> is used to determine if the target is being run with suffient "
+"access to root(-like) features."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_testroot> est utilisé pour déterminer si la cible est exécutée avec des "
+"accès suffisants aux fonctionnalités de root (ou fakeroot)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:18
+msgid ""
+"The definition of sufficient access depends on whether the builder (the tool "
+"invoking the F<debian/rules> target) supports the I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"(R³) field. If the builder supports R³, then it will set the environment "
+"variable I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> and B<dh_testroot> will validate that "
+"the builder followed the minimum requirements for the given value of "
+msgstr ""
+"La définition des accès suffisants dépend de comment le constructeur (celui "
+"qui appelle la cible F<debian/rules>) gère le champ I<Rules-Requires-"
+"Root> (R³). Si le constructeur prend en charge R³, il positionnera la "
+"variable d'environnement I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> et B<dh_testroot> "
+"validera que le constructeur suit les recommandations minimales pour la "
+"valeur donnée de I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:25
+msgid ""
+"If the builder does not support I<Rules-Requires-Root>, then it will not set "
+"the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable. This will in turn make "
+"B<dh_testroot> (and the rest of debhelper) fall back to assuming that "
+"(fake)root is implied."
+msgstr ""
+"Si le constructeur ne prend pas en charge I<Rules-Requires-Root>, il ne "
+"positionnera pas la variable d'environnement I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT>. "
+"Cela conduira B<dh_testroot> (et le reste de debhelper) à considérer que "
+"root (ou fakeroot) est impliqué."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:30
+msgid ""
+"The following is a summary of how B<dh_testroot> behaves based on the "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable (leading and trailing "
+"whitespace in the variable is ignored)."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce qui suit est un résumé du comportement de B<dh_testroot> en fonction de "
+"la variable d'environnement I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> (les espaces de début "
+"et de fin dans la variable sont ignorées)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:38
+msgid ""
+"If unset, or set to C<binary-targets>, then B<dh_testroot> asserts that it "
+"is run as root or under L<fakeroot(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la variable n'existe pas ou vaut C<binary-targets>, B<dh_testroot> "
+"suppose qu'il est exécuté en tant que superutilisateur ou dans "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:43
+msgid ""
+"If set to C<no>, then B<dh_testroot> returns successfully (without "
+"performing any additional checks)."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la variable vaut C<no>, B<dh_testroot> se terminera avec succès (sans "
+"effectuer d'autres vérifications)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:48
+msgid ""
+"If set to any other value than the above, then B<dh_testroot> asserts that "
+"it is either run as root (or under L<fakeroot(1)>) or the builder has "
+"provided the B<DEB_GAIN_ROOT_CMD> environment variable (e.g. via dpkg-"
+"buildpackage -r)."
+msgstr ""
+"Si la variable a une autre valeur que celles précédentes, B<dh_testroot> "
+"suppose qu'il est exécuté en tant que superutilisateur (ou dans "
+"L<fakeroot(1)>), ou que le constructeur a fourni la variable d'environnement "
+"B<DEB_GAIN_ROOT_CMD> (par exemple grâce à dpkg-buildpackage -r)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:55
+msgid ""
+"Please note that B<dh_testroot> does I<not> read the I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"field. Which implies that B<dh_testroot> may produce incorrect result if "
+"the builder lies in I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT>. On the flip side, it also "
+"enables things like testing for what will happen when "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> is set to a given value."
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez noter que B<dh_testroot> ne lit I<pas> le champ "
+"I<Rules_Requires_Root>. Cela implique que B<dh_testroot> pourrait produire "
+"des résultats incorrects si le constructeur ment à "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT>. D'un autre côté, cela permet aussi des choses "
+"comme le test de fonctionnement lorsque I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> est "
+"positionné à une certaine valeur."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:7
+msgid "dh_usrlocal - migrate usr/local directories to maintainer scripts"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_usrlocal - Migrer les répertoires usr/local dans les scripts de "
+"maintenance du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:21
+msgid "B<dh_usrlocal> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_usrlocal> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-n>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:25
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_usrlocal> is a debhelper program that can be used for building packages "
+"that will provide a subdirectory in F</usr/local> when installed."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_usrlocal> est le programme de la suite debhelper qui peut être utilisé "
+"pour la construction des paquets qui produisent un sous-répertoire dans F</"
+"usr/local> lors de leur installation."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:28
+msgid ""
+"It finds subdirectories of F<usr/local> in the package build directory, and "
+"removes them, replacing them with maintainer script snippets (unless B<-n> "
+"is used) to create the directories at install time, and remove them when the "
+"package is removed, in a manner compliant with Debian policy. These snippets "
+"are inserted into the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of debhelper maintainer script "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_usrlocal> recherche des sous-répertoires dans F<usr/local> du "
+"répertoire de construction du paquet et les supprime. Il remplace les "
+"répertoires supprimés par des lignes de code dans les scripts de maintenance "
+"du paquet (sauf si B<-n> est utilisé) afin de créer ces répertoires au "
+"moment de l'installation. Il génère également les lignes de code pour "
+"supprimer ces répertoires lorsque le paquet est enlevé, conformément à la "
+"Charte Debian. Ces lignes de codes sont ajoutées aux scripts de maintenance "
+"du paquet par B<dh_installdeb>. Voir L<dh_installdeb(1)> pour une "
+"explication sur l'ajout des lignes de code aux scripts de maintenance du "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:36
+msgid ""
+"When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable is not "
+"(effectively) I<binary-targets>, the directories in F</usr/local> will be "
+"handled as if they were owned by root:root (see below)."
+msgstr ""
+"Lorsque la variable d'environnement I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> n'est pas "
+"égale à I<binary-targets>, les répertoires dans F</usr/local> sont traités "
+"comme s'ils appartenaient à root:root (voir ci-dessous)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:40
+msgid ""
+"When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable has an effective "
+"value of I<binary-targets>, the owners, groups and permissions will be "
+"preserved with the sole exception where the directory is owned by root:root."
+msgstr ""
+"Lorsque la variable d'environnement I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> vaut C<binary-"
+"targets>, le propriétaire, les groupes et les permissions seront conservés, "
+"sauf si le répertoire appartient à root:root."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:44
+msgid ""
+"If a directory is owned by root:root, then ownership will be determined at "
+"install time. The ownership and permission bits will either be root:root "
+"mode 0755 or root:staff mode 02775. The actual choice depends on whether "
+"the system has F</etc/staff-group-for-usr-local> (as documented in the "
+"Debian Policy Manual §9.1.2 since version 4.1.4)"
+msgstr ""
+"Si un répertoire appartient à root:root, le propriétaire sera déterminé à "
+"l'installation. Le propriétaire et les permissions seront fixés à root:root "
+"en mode 0755, ou à root:staff en mode 02775. Le choix effectif dépend de la "
+"présence du fichier F</etc/staff-group-for-usr-local> (comme documenté dans "
+"la Charte Debian, §9.1.2, depuis la version 4.1.4)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:68
+msgid "Debian policy, version 2.2"
+msgstr "Charte Debian, version 2.2"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:144
+msgid "Andrew Stribblehill <>"
+msgstr "Andrew Stribblehill <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:5
+msgid "dh_systemd_enable - enable/disable systemd unit files"
+msgstr "dh_systemd_enable - Activer ou désactiver les fichiers unit de systemd"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--no-enable>] [B<--"
+"name=>I<name>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<--no-enable>] [B<--"
+"name=>I<nom>] [S<I<fichier_unit> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> is a debhelper program that is responsible for enabling "
+"and disabling systemd unit files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"l'activation et la désactivation des fichiers unit de systemd."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:25
+msgid ""
+"In the simple case, it finds all unit files installed by a package (e.g. "
+"bacula-fd.service) and enables them. It is not necessary that the machine "
+"actually runs systemd during package installation time, enabling happens on "
+"all machines in order to be able to switch from sysvinit to systemd and back."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans le cas le plus simple, il trouve tous les fichiers unit installés par "
+"un paquet (p. ex. bacula-fd.service) et les active. Il n'est pas nécessaire "
+"que la machine fasse fonctionner systemd pendant l'installation. "
+"L'activation est effectuée sur tous les systèmes pour permettre de basculer "
+"de sysvinit à systemd, et réciproquement."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:30
+msgid ""
+"In the complex case, you can call B<dh_systemd_enable> and "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manually (by overwriting the debian/rules targets) and "
+"specify flags per unit file. An example is colord, which ships colord."
+"service, a dbus-activated service without an [Install] section. This service "
+"file cannot be enabled or disabled (a state called \"static\" by systemd) "
+"because it has no [Install] section. Therefore, running dh_systemd_enable "
+"does not make sense."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans les cas plus compliqués, vous pouvez appeler B<dh_systemd_enable> et "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manuellement (en modifiant les cibles debian/rules) et "
+"spécifier les paramètres pour chaque fichier unit. Un exemple de cela est "
+"colord, qui fournit colord.service, un service activé par dbus sans section "
+"[Install], et qui ne peut donc pas être activé ou désactivé (un état appelé "
+"« static » par systemd). Pour cette raison, exécuter dh_systemd_enable est "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:37
+msgid ""
+"For only generating blocks for specific service files, you need to pass them "
+"as arguments, e.g. B<dh_systemd_enable quota.service> and "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable --name=quotarpc quotarpc.service>."
+msgstr ""
+"Si vous souhaitez uniquement générer les blocs de certains fichiers service, "
+"vous devez les passer comme arguments. Par exemple B<dh_systemd_enable quota."
+"service> et B<dh_systemd_enable --name=quotarpc quotarpc.service>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:45
+msgid "debian/I<package>.service, debian/I<package>@.service"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.service, debian/I<paquet>@.service"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:47
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+#| "service >>(or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.service >>) in the "
+#| "package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"service >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.service >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"S'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, "
+"sous F<< lib/systemd/system/I<paquet>.service >> (ou F<< usr/lib/systemd/"
+"system/I<paquet>@.service >>)."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:52
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init.d/I<package> in the package "
+#| "build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in "
+"the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"S'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, "
+"sous etc/init.d/I<paquet>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:55
+msgid "debian/I<package>.target, debian/I<package>"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.target, debian/I<paquet>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:57
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"target >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package> >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"S'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, "
+"sous F<< lib/systemd/system/I<paquet>.target >> (ou F<< usr/lib/systemd/"
+"system/I<paquet> >>)."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:60
+msgid "debian/I<package>.socket, debian/I<package>@.socket"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.socket, debian/I<paquet>@.socket"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:62
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"socket >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.socket >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"S'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, "
+"sous F<< lib/systemd/system/I<paquet>.socket >> (ou F<< usr/lib/systemd/"
+"system/I<paquet>@.socket >>)."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:65
+msgid "debian/I<package>.mount"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.mount"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:67
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.mount "
+">> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"S'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, "
+"sous F<< lib/systemd/system/I<paquet>.mount >>."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:70
+msgid "debian/I<package>.path, debian/I<package>@.path"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.path, debian/I<paquet>@.path"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:72
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.path "
+">> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.path >>) in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"S'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, "
+"sous F<< lib/systemd/system/I<paquet>.path >> (ou F<< usr/lib/systemd/system/"
+"I<paquet>@.path >>)."
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:75
+msgid "debian/I<package>.timer, debian/I<package>@.timer"
+msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.timer, debian/I<paquet>@.timer"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:77
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.timer "
+">> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.timer >>) in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"S'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, "
+"sous F<< lib/systemd/system/I<paquet>.timer >> (ou F<< usr/lib/systemd/"
+"system/I<paquet>@.timer >>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:88
+msgid "Disable the service(s) on purge, but do not enable them on install."
+msgstr ""
+"Désactiver le(s) service(s) lors de la purge, mais ne pas l'activer à "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:90
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are started. "
+"That is controlled by L<dh_systemd_start(1)> (using e.g. its B<--no-start> "
+msgstr ""
+"B<Nota> : cette option n'affecte pas le démarrage des services. Cela est "
+"contrôlé par L<dh_systemd_start(1)> (par exemple en utilisant l'option B<--"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:96
+msgid ""
+"Install the service file as I<name.service> instead of the default filename, "
+"which is the I<package.service>. When this parameter is used, "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> looks for and installs files named F<debian/package."
+"name.service> instead of the usual F<debian/package.service>."
+msgstr ""
+"Installe le fichier service en utilisant le I<nom.service> indiqué au lieu "
+"du nom I<paquet.service> par défaut. Quand ce paramètre est employé, "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> recherche et installe le fichier appelé F<debian/paquet."
+"nom.service> au lieu du F<debian/paquet.service> habituel."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:105 dh_systemd_start:70
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it "
+"may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to maintainer "
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : Ce programme n'est pas idempotent. Un L<dh_prep(1)> doit être réalisé "
+"entre chaque exécution de ce programme (avec les mêmes arguments). Sinon, il "
+"risque d'y avoir plusieurs occurrences des mêmes lignes de code dans les "
+"scripts de maintenance du paquet."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:110
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_systemd_enable> should be run before B<dh_installinit>. The "
+"default sequence in B<dh> does the right thing, this note is only relevant "
+"when you are calling B<dh_systemd_enable> manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : B<dh_systemd_enable> devrait être exécuté avant B<dh_installinit>. La "
+"séquence par défaut de B<dh> les exécute dans le bon ordre et cette remarque "
+"n'est valable que lorsque B<dh_systemd_enable> est appelé manuellement."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:282
+msgid "L<dh_systemd_start(1)>, L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgstr "L<dh_systemd_start(1)>, L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:286 dh_systemd_start:286
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:5
+msgid "dh_systemd_start - start/stop/restart systemd unit files"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_systemd_start - Démarrer/arrêter/redémarrer des fichiers unit de systemd"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--restart-after-upgrade>] "
+"[B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<--restart-after-"
+"upgrade>] [B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>] [S<I<fichier_unit> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> is a debhelper program that is responsible for starting/"
+"stopping or restarting systemd unit files in case no corresponding sysv init "
+"script is available."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> est un programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+"démarrer, arrêter ou redémarrer les fichiers unit de systemd dans le cas où "
+"aucun script d'init SysV n'est disponible."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:27
+msgid ""
+"As with B<dh_installinit>, the unit file is stopped before upgrades and "
+"started afterwards (unless B<--restart-after-upgrade> is specified, in which "
+"case it will only be restarted after the upgrade). This logic is not used "
+"when there is a corresponding SysV init script because invoke-rc.d performs "
+"the stop/start/restart in that case."
+msgstr ""
+"Comme avec B<dh_installinit>, le fichier unit est arrêté avant les mises à "
+"jour et redémarré ensuite (sauf si B<--restart-after-upgrade> est spécifié, "
+"dans ce cas il sera uniquement redémarré après la mise à jour). Cette "
+"logique n'est pas utilisée lorsqu'il y a un script init SysV correspondant "
+"parce que c'est invoke-rc.d qui effectue l'arrêt, le démarrage ou le "
+# type: =item
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_start:37
+msgid "B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:39
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop the unit file until after the package upgrade has been "
+"completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10."
+msgstr ""
+"N'arrête pas le fichier unit tant que la mise à niveau du paquet n'est pas "
+"terminée. C'est le comportement par défaut dans le niveau de "
+"compatibilité 10."
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:42
+msgid ""
+"In earlier compat levels the default was to stop the unit file in the "
+"F<prerm>, and start it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+"Dans les niveaux de compatibilité antérieurs, le comportement par défaut "
+"était d'arrêter le fichier unit dans le F<prerm> et de le redémarrer dans le "
+# type: textblock
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:59
+msgid "Do not stop service on upgrade."
+msgstr "N'arrête pas le service lors d'une mise à niveau."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:63
+msgid ""
+"Do not start the unit file after upgrades and after initial installation "
+"(the latter is only relevant for services without a corresponding init "
+msgstr ""
+"Ne démarre pas le fichier unit après les mises à niveau ni après "
+"l'installation initiale (le dernier cas n'est valable que pour les services "
+"n'ayant pas de script init correspondant)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:75
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_systemd_start> should be run after B<dh_installinit> so that "
+"it can detect corresponding SysV init scripts. The default sequence in B<dh> "
+"does the right thing, this note is only relevant when you are calling "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota : B<dh_systemd_start> devrait être exécuté après B<dh_installinit> pour "
+"pouvoir détecter les scripts init SysV correspondants. La séquence par "
+"défaut de B<dh> les exécute dans le bon ordre et cette remarque n'est "
+"valable que lorsque B<dh_systemd_start> est appelé manuellement."
+#. type: textblock
+#: strings-kept-translations.pod:7
+msgid "This compatibility level is open for beta testing; changes may occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Ce niveau de compatibilité est en phase de test ; des changements peuvent "
+"encore survenir."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Set to B<1> to enable verbose mode. Debhelper will output every command "
+#~ "it runs. Also enables verbose build logs for some build systems like "
+#~ "autoconf."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mettre cette variable à B<1> valide le mode verbeux. Debhelper affichera "
+#~ "chaque commande exécutée. Valide aussi les journaux de construction "
+#~ "bavards pour certains systèmes de construction comme autoconf."
+#~ msgid "This value affects most B<dh_auto_*> tools."
+#~ msgstr "Cette valeur affecte la plupart des outils de B<dh_auto_*>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf "
+#~ "in the package build directory. (The tmpfiles.d mechanism is currently "
+#~ "only used by systemd.) Only used in compat levels 10 and below."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "S'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du "
+#~ "paquet, sous usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<paquet>.conf (les mécanismes tmpfiles.d "
+#~ "ne sont pour l'instant utilisés que par systemd). Cela n'est utilisé que "
+#~ "dans les niveaux de compatibilité 10 et inférieurs."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf "
+#~ "in the package build directory. (The tmpfiles.d mechanism is currently "
+#~ "only used by systemd.)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "S'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du "
+#~ "paquet, sous usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<paquet>.conf (les mécanismes tmpfiles.d "
+#~ "ne sont pour l'instant utilisés que par systemd)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This can cause issues with running binaries directly from the build "
+#~ "directories as they might now require a manually set B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH>. "
+#~ "If you need to override this change, we recommend that you try to pass "
+#~ "the B<-DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=OFF> option first to see if that fixes the "
+#~ "problem (leaving B<CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN> at its new default). "
+#~ "This should undo the need for B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> and avoid the "
+#~ "reproducibility issues on Linux, where B<$ORIGIN> is supported by the "
+#~ "runtime linkers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cela peut provoquer des problèmes avec l'exécution de binaires "
+#~ "directement à partir des répertoires de construction parce qu'ils "
+#~ "pourraient maintenant requérir une configuration manuelle de "
+#~ "B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH>. S'il est nécessaire de réécrire cette modification, "
+#~ "il est recommandé d'essayer de passer d'abord l'option B<-"
+#~ "DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=OFF> pour voir si cela corrige le problème (laissant "
+#~ "B<CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN> à sa nouvelle valeur par défaut). Cela "
+#~ "devrait supprimer la nécessité de B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> et éviter les "
+#~ "problèmes de reproductibilité dans Linux où B<$ORIGIN> est pris en charge "
+#~ "par les créateurs de liens lors de l'exécution."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Historically, this file was needed to manually mark files files as "
+#~ "conffiles. However, it has become de facto obsolete since debhelper "
+#~ "automatically computed which files should be marked as conffiles."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Historiquement ce fichier était nécessaire pour marquer manuellement les "
+#~ "fichiers comme des conffiles. Cependant il est devenu obsolète de facto "
+#~ "depuis que debhelper détermine automatiquement quels fichiers doivent "
+#~ "être marqués comme conffiles."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In compatibility level up and including 11, this control file will be "
+#~ "installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory. In compatibility level 12 and "
+#~ "later, the file is silently ignored."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Jusqu'à la version 11, ce fichier de contrôle était installé dans le "
+#~ "dossier F<DEBIAN>. À partir de la version 12, ce fichier est ignoré en "
+#~ "silence."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh_gconf - install GConf defaults files and register schemas (deprecated)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_gconf - Installer les fichiers par défaut de GConf et inscrire les "
+#~ "schémas (obsolète)"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "B<dh_gconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--priority=>I<priority>]"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_gconf> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<--priority=>I<priorité>>]"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_gconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+#~ "GConf defaults files and registering GConf schemas."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_gconf> est un programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+#~ "l'installation des fichiers par défaut de GConf et de l'inscription des "
+#~ "schémas GConf."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An appropriate dependency on gconf2 will be generated in B<${misc:Depends}"
+#~ ">."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Une dépendance appropriée envers gconf2 sera inscrite dans B<${misc:"
+#~ "Depends}>."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "debian/I<package>.gconf-defaults"
+#~ msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.gconf-defaults"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Installed into F<usr/share/gconf/defaults/10_package> in the package "
+#~ "build directory, with I<package> replaced by the package name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Les fichiers seront installés dans le répertoire de construction du "
+#~ "paquet sous F<usr/share/gconf/defaults/10_paquet> où le mot I<paquet> "
+#~ "sera remplacé par le nom du paquet."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "debian/I<package>.gconf-mandatory"
+#~ msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.gconf-mandatory"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Installed into F<usr/share/gconf/mandatory/10_package> in the package "
+#~ "build directory, with I<package> replaced by the package name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Les fichiers seront installés dans le répertoire de construction du "
+#~ "paquet sous F<usr/share/gconf/mandatory/defaults/10_paquet> où le mot "
+#~ "I<paquet> sera remplacé par le nom du paquet."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--priority> I<priority>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--priority> I<priorité>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Use I<priority> (which should be a 2-digit number) as the defaults "
+#~ "priority instead of B<10>. Higher values than ten can be used by derived "
+#~ "distributions (B<20>), CDD distributions (B<50>), or site-specific "
+#~ "packages (B<90>)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Détermine la I<priorité> (sous forme d'un nombre à deux chiffres) en "
+#~ "remplacement de la priorité par défaut B<10>. Des valeurs plus élevées "
+#~ "peuvent être utilisées pour les distributions dérivées (B<20>), les "
+#~ "distributions CDD (B<50>), ou les paquets spécifiques à un site (B<90>)."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Ross Burton <> Josselin Mouette <>"
+#~ msgstr "Ross Burton <> Josselin Mouette <>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_clean> should be the last debhelper command run in the B<clean> "
+#~ "target in F<debian/rules>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_clean> doit être la dernière commande debhelper exécutée dans le "
+#~ "bloc B<clean> du fichier F<debian/rules>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If there is an upstream F<changelog> file, it will be installed as F<usr/"
+#~ "share/doc/package/changelog> in the package build directory."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "S'il y a un fichier F<changelog> amont, il sera installé dans F<usr/share/"
+#~ "doc/paquet/changelog> du répertoire de construction du paquet."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--ignore=>I<file>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--ignore=>I<fichier>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Ignore the specified file. This can be used if F<debian/> contains a "
+#~ "debhelper config file that a debhelper command should not act on. Note "
+#~ "that F<debian/compat>, F<debian/control>, and F<debian/changelog> can't "
+#~ "be ignored, but then, there should never be a reason to ignore those "
+#~ "files."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ignore le fichier indiqué. Cela peut être utilisé si F<debian/> contient "
+#~ "un fichier de configuration debhelper avec une commande qui ne doit pas "
+#~ "être prise en compte. Nota : F<debian/compat>, F<debian/control> et "
+#~ "F<debian/changelog> ne peuvent pas être ignorés, mais il n'existe aucune "
+#~ "raison valable de les ignorer."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For example, if upstream ships a F<debian/init> that you don't want "
+#~ "B<dh_installinit> to install, use B<--ignore=debian/init>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Par exemple, si vous récupérez en amont un fichier F<debian/init> que "
+#~ "vous ne voulez pas que B<dh_installinit> installe, utilisez B<--"
+#~ "ignore=debian/init>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Anything in this variable will be prepended to the command line arguments "
+#~ "of all debhelper commands."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tout ce qui est indiqué dans cette variable sera passé en argument à "
+#~ "toutes les commandes debhelper."
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_fixperms-arch:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#~ "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_fixperms-arch:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#~ "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/truc/usr/bin/truc\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Inside the scripts, the token B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell "
+#~| "script snippets generated by other debhelper commands."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For more information on what tokens Inside the scripts, the token "
+#~ "B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell script snippets generated by other "
+#~ "debhelper commands."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Dans les scripts, l'item B<#DEBHELPER#> est remplacé par les lignes de "
+#~ "code générées par les autres commandes debhelper."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The following options are deprecated. It's much better to use override "
+#~ "targets instead. They are B<not> available in compat 10."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Les options suivantes sont obsolètes. Il vaut mieux utiliser les cibles "
+#~ "de réécritures à la place. Elles ne sont B<pas> disponibles dans le "
+#~ "niveau de compatibilité 10."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--until> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--until> I<commande>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Run commands in the sequence until and including I<cmd>, then stop."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Exécute les commandes de la suite jusqu'à la I<commande> indiquée, "
+#~ "l'exécute puis s'arrête."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--before> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--before> I<commande>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Run commands in the sequence before I<cmd>, then stop."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Exécute les commandes de la suite situées avant la I<commande> indiquée "
+#~ "puis s'arrête."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--after> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--after> I<commande>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Run commands in the sequence that come after I<cmd>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Exécute les commandes de la suite situées après la I<commande> indiquée."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--remaining>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--remaining>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Run all commands in the sequence that have yet to be run."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Exécute toutes les commandes de la suite qui n'ont pas encore été "
+#~ "exécutées."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In the above options, I<cmd> can be a full name of a debhelper command, "
+#~ "or a substring. It'll first search for a command in the sequence exactly "
+#~ "matching the name, to avoid any ambiguity. If there are multiple "
+#~ "substring matches, the last one in the sequence will be used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Dans les options ci-dessus, I<commande> peut être soit le nom complet de "
+#~ "la commande debhelper, soit une sous-chaîne de ce nom. B<dh> cherchera "
+#~ "d'abord, dans la séquence, une commande portant le nom exact pour éviter "
+#~ "toute ambiguïté. Si plusieurs commandes correspondent à la sous-chaîne la "
+#~ "dernière de la séquence sera prise en compte."
+# type: textblock
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "dh - debhelper command sequencer"
+#~ msgid "The debhelper maintainers."
+#~ msgstr "dh - Automate de commandes debhelper"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@\n"
+#~ "\t\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@\n"
+#~ "\t\n"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " % echo #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " % echo #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Your package will also need a versioned build dependency on a version of "
+#~ "debhelper equal to (or greater than) the compatibility level your package "
+#~ "uses. So for compatibility level #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#, ensure debian/"
+#~ "control has:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Le paquet nécessitera aussi une version de debhelper dans les dépendances "
+#~ "de construction au moins égale au niveau de compatibilité utilisée pour "
+#~ "la construction du paquet. Ainsi, si le paquet emploie le "
+#~ "niveau #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# de compatibilité, F<debian/control> devra "
+#~ "contenir :"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "This control file will be installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+#~ msgstr "Ce fichier de contrôle sera installé dans le répertoire F<DEBIAN>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In v3 compatibility mode and higher, all files in the F<etc/> directory "
+#~ "in a package will automatically be flagged as conffiles by this program, "
+#~ "so there is no need to list them manually here."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "À partir du niveau de compatibilité v3, tous les fichiers du répertoire "
+#~ "F<etc/> du paquet construit sont automatiquement marqués en tant que "
+#~ "fichiers de configuration. De ce fait, il est inutile de les énumérer ici."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The B<dh_installdocs> and B<dh_installexamples> tools will now attempt to "
+#~ "guess the \"main package\" for a given documentation package (e.g. I<pkg-"
+#~ "doc> will have I<pkg> as main package if the latter exists). If a main "
+#~ "package is found, I<most> of the documentation will be installed into "
+#~ "F<< /usr/share/doc/I<main-pkg> >> by default as recommended by Debian "
+#~ "policy §12.3 since version 3.9.7. Notable exceptions include the "
+#~ "copyright file and changelog files."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Les outils B<dh_installdocs> et B<dh_installexamples> essaient maintenant "
+#~ "de deviner le « paquet principal » pour un paquet de documentation donné "
+#~ "(par exemple I<paquet-doc> aura I<paquet> comme paquet principal si ce "
+#~ "dernier existe). Si un paquet principal est trouvé, I<la plupart> de la "
+#~ "documentation sera installée par défaut dans F<< /usr/share/doc/I<paquet-"
+#~ "principal> >>, comme recommandé par la Charte Debian §12.3 depuis la "
+#~ "version 3.9.7. Les exceptions à cela incluent les fichiers F<copyright> "
+#~ "et F<changelog>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The syntax of these files is intentionally kept very simple to make them "
+#~ "easy to read, understand, and modify. If you prefer power and complexity, "
+#~ "you can make the file executable, and write a program that outputs "
+#~ "whatever content is appropriate for a given situation. When you do so, "
+#~ "the output is not further processed to expand wildcards or strip comments."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La syntaxe de ces fichiers est volontairement gardée très simple pour les "
+#~ "rendre faciles à lire, comprendre et modifier. Si vous préférez la "
+#~ "puissance et la complexité, vous pouvez rendre le fichier exécutable, et "
+#~ "écrire un programme qui affiche n'importe quel contenu approprié à la "
+#~ "situation. Dans ce cas, la sortie n'est plus traitée pour développer les "
+#~ "jokers (wildcards) ou supprimer les commentaires."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<dir> ...>]"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<-A>] "
+#~ "[S<I<répertoire> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "By default, the shlibs file generated by this program does not make "
+#~ "packages depend on any particular version of the package containing the "
+#~ "shared library. It may be necessary for you to add some version "
+#~ "dependency information to the shlibs file. If B<-V> is specified with no "
+#~ "dependency information, the current upstream version of the package is "
+#~ "plugged into a dependency that looks like \"I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= "
+#~ "I<packageversion>B<)>\". Note that in debhelper compatibility levels "
+#~ "before v4, the Debian part of the package version number is also "
+#~ "included. If B<-V> is specified with parameters, the parameters can be "
+#~ "used to specify the exact dependency information needed (be sure to "
+#~ "include the package name)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Par défaut, le fichier shlibs produit par ce programme ne rend pas les "
+#~ "paquets dépendants d'une version particulière du paquet contenant la "
+#~ "bibliothèque partagée. Il peut être utile d'ajouter une indication de "
+#~ "dépendance de version au fichier shlibs. Si B<-V> est indiqué sans "
+#~ "préciser de valeur, elle sera fixée comme étant égale à la version du "
+#~ "paquet amont actuel, de la manière suivante : "
+#~ "« I<nom_du_paquet> B<(E<gt>>= I<version_du_paquet>B<)> ». Nota : Dans les "
+#~ "niveaux de compatibilité inférieur à v4, la partie Debian du numéro de "
+#~ "version du paquet est incluse également. Si B<-V> est employé avec un "
+#~ "paramètre, celui-ci peut être utilisé pour indiquer la dépendance requise "
+#~ "exacte (inclure absolument le nom de paquet)."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs>"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_testroot> is used to determine if the package has access under at "
+#~ "least the level of root access that it declared it needed via the Rules-"
+#~ "Requires-Root (R³) field."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_testroot> est utilisé pour déterminer si le paquet a accès au "
+#~ "minimum au niveau déclaré dans le champ Rules-Requires-Root (R³)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The following is how B<dh_testroot> behaves based on the effective value "
+#~ "of the R³ field:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Voici comment B<dh_testroot> se comporte en fonction des valeurs du "
+#~ "champ R³ :"
+#~ msgid "\"binary-targets\""
+#~ msgstr "\"binary-targets\""
+#~ msgid "\"no\""
+#~ msgstr "\"no\""
+#~ msgid "B<dh_testroot> returns successfully."
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_testroot> se termine avec succès."
+#~ msgid "Any other value than the above"
+#~ msgstr "N'importe quelle autre valeur que ci-dessus"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For backwards compatibility, B<dh_testroot> will consider the absence of "
+#~ "the R³ field as if the R³ field was set to \"binary-targets\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Pour des raisons de compatibilité ascendante, B<dh_testroot> considère "
+#~ "l'absence de champ R³ comme étant un champ de valeur « binary-targets »."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note for the first (or only) binary package listed in F<debian/control>, "
+#~ "debhelper will use F<debian/foo> when there's no F<debian/> "
+#~ "file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nota : pour le premier (ou le seul) paquet binaire énuméré dans le "
+#~ "fichier F<debian/control>, debhelper exploitera F<debian/toto> quand "
+#~ "aucun fichier F<debian/paquet.toto> n'est présent."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field is not (effectively) I<binary-"
+#~ "targets>, the directories in F</usr/local> will have ownership root:staff "
+#~ "and the mode will be 02775. These values have been chosen to comply with "
+#~ "the recommendations of the Debian policy for directories in F</usr/local>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Lorsque le champ I<Rules-Requires-Root> n'est pas I<binary-targets>, les "
+#~ "répertoires dans F</usr/local> auront root:staff comme propriétaire, et "
+#~ "02755 comme permissions. Ces valeurs ont été choisies pour être conformes "
+#~ "à la Charte Debian."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When I<Rules-Requires-Root> has an effective value of I<binary-targets>, "
+#~ "the owners, groups and permissions will be preserved with one exception. "
+#~ "If the directory is owned by root:root, then ownership will be reset to "
+#~ "root:staff and mode will be reset to 02775. This is useful, since that is "
+#~ "the group and mode policy recommends for directories in F</usr/local>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Lorsque I<Rules-Requires-Root> a une valeur égale à I<binary-targets>, "
+#~ "les propriétaires, groupes et permissions seront préservées à une "
+#~ "exception. Si le répertoire appartient à root:root, alors la propriété "
+#~ "sera réinitialisée à root:staff avec des droits 02775. Cela est utile "
+#~ "depuis que ce sont les valeurs recommandées par la Charte Debian pour les "
+#~ "répertoires de F</usr/local>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<Caveat>: This option silently does nothing in cmake versions prior to "
+#~ "3.8. Please keep this in mind if your package is regularly backported to "
+#~ "a suite (e.g. stretch-backports) where cmake is older than 3.8."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<Avertissement> : dans les versions de cmake inférieures à 3.8, cette "
+#~ "option ne fait rien et ne prévient pas. Veuillez vous en souvenir si "
+#~ "votre paquet est régulièrement rétroporté dans une suite où la version de "
+#~ "cmake est inférieure à 3.8 (par exemple stretch-backport)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "List the files that are deliberately not installed in I<any> binary "
+#~ "package. Paths listed in this file are (I<only>) ignored by the check "
+#~ "done via B<--list-missing> (or B<--fail-missing>). However, it is B<not> "
+#~ "a method to exclude files from being installed. Please use B<--exclude> "
+#~ "for that."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Liste les fichiers qui ne sont installés par I<aucun> paquet binaire. Les "
+#~ "chemins listés dans ce fichier sont (I<uniquement>) ignorés par la "
+#~ "vérification avec B<--list-missing> (ou B<--fail-missing>). Quoi qu'il en "
+#~ "soit, ce n'est B<pas> une méthode pour exclure les fichiers de "
+#~ "l'installation. Veuillez utiliser B<--exclude> pour cela."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please keep in mind that dh_install will B<not> expand wildcards in this "
+#~ "file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Veuillez garder à l'esprit que dh_install ne développera B<pas> les "
+#~ "jokers dans ce fichier."
+#~ msgid "B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --list-missing> instead."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<Obsolète> : veuillez utiliser B<dh_missing --list-missing> à la place."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This option makes B<dh_install> keep track of the files it installs, and "
+#~ "then at the end, compare that list with the files in the source "
+#~ "directory. If any of the files (and symlinks) in the source directory "
+#~ "were not installed to somewhere, it will warn on stderr about that."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cette option impose à B<dh_install> de garder la trace des fichiers qu'il "
+#~ "installe et, à la fin, de comparer cette liste aux fichiers du répertoire "
+#~ "source. Si un des fichiers (ou des liens symboliques) du répertoire "
+#~ "source, n'était pas installé quelque part, il le signalerait par un "
+#~ "message sur stderr."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This may be useful if you have a large package and want to make sure that "
+#~ "you don't miss installing newly added files in new upstream releases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cette option peut être utile dans le cas d'un gros paquet pour lequel on "
+#~ "veut être certain de ne pas oublier l'installation d'un des nouveaux "
+#~ "fichiers récemment ajoutés dans la version."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that files that are excluded from being moved via the B<-X> option "
+#~ "are not warned about."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nota : Les fichiers qui sont exclus par l'option B<-X> n'entraînent aucun "
+#~ "message d'erreur."
+#~ msgid "B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --fail-missing> instead."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<Obsolète> : veuillez utiliser B<dh_missing --fail-missing> à la place."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This option is like B<--list-missing>, except if a file was missed, it "
+#~ "will not only list the missing files, but also fail with a nonzero exit "
+#~ "code."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cette option est similaire à B<--list-missing>, sauf que, si un fichier "
+#~ "est oublié, cela produira non seulement un message sur stderr mais "
+#~ "également un échec du programme avec une valeur de retour différente de "
+#~ "zéro."
+#~ msgid "Participating in the open beta testing of new compat levels"
+#~ msgstr "Participation au test des nouveaux modes de compatibilité"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It is possible to opt-in to the open beta testing of new compat levels. "
+#~ "This is done by setting the compat level to the string \"beta-tester\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il est possible de choisir les nouveaux modes de compatibilité en test "
+#~ "(« open beta ») en définissant le mode de compatibilité avec la chaîne "
+#~ "« beta-tester »."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Packages using this compat level will automatically be upgraded to the "
+#~ "highest compatibility level in open beta. In periods without any open "
+#~ "beta versions, the compat level will be the highest stable compatibility "
+#~ "level."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Les paquets utilisant ce mode de compatibilité seront automatiquement mis "
+#~ "à jour au mode « open beta » le plus élevé. Dans les périodes sans "
+#~ "version « open beta », le mode de compatibilité sera le mode stable le "
+#~ "plus élevé."
+#~ msgid "Please consider the following before opting in:"
+#~ msgstr "Veuillez vous souvenir de ces remarques avant de choisir :"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The automatic upgrade in compatibility level may cause the package (or a "
+#~ "feature in it) to stop functioning."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La mise à jour automatique du mode de compatibilité peut causer l'arrêt "
+#~ "du fonctionnement d'un paquet (ou d'une des fonctionnalités)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Compatibility levels in open beta are still subject to change. We will "
+#~ "try to keep the changes to a minimal once the beta starts. However, "
+#~ "there are no guarantees that the compat will not change during the beta."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "les modes de compatibilité en test « open beta » sont susceptibles de "
+#~ "changer. Nous essaierons de minimiser les changements une fois en « open "
+#~ "beta », mais il n'y a aucune garantie que le mode ne change pas durant "
+#~ "cette phase."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "We will notify you via before we start a "
+#~| "new open beta compat level. However, once the beta starts we expect "
+#~| "that you keep yourself up to date on changes to debhelper."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "We will notify you via or debian-"
+#~ " before we start a new open beta compat level. "
+#~ "However, once the beta starts we expect that you keep yourself up to date "
+#~ "on changes to debhelper for that compat level."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nous vous avertirons par la liste avant de "
+#~ "commencer un nouveau mode de compatibilité. Mais une fois la phase « open "
+#~ "beta » démarrée, vous devrez vous tenir informé des changements dans "
+#~ "debhelper."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "The \"beta-tester\" compatibility version in unstable and testing will "
+#~| "often be different than the one in stable-backports. Accordingly, it is "
+#~| "not recommended for packages being backported regularly."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The \"beta-tester\" compatibility version in unstable and testing will "
+#~ "often be different than the one in stable. Accordingly, it is not "
+#~ "recommended for packages being backported regularly. Alternatively, "
+#~ "please be sure to add explicit versioned Build-Depends on debhelper, so "
+#~ "you get exactly the compatibility version you expect."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Le mode de compatibilité « beta-tester » dans unstable et testing sera "
+#~ "souvent différent de celui dans stable-backports. En conséquence, il "
+#~ "n'est pas recommandé pour les paquets souvent rétroportés."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You can always opt-out of the beta by resetting the compatibility level "
+#~ "of your package to a stable version."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Vous pouvez toujours quitter le mode beta en réinitialisant le mode de "
+#~ "compatibilité de votre paquet à une version stable."
+#~ msgid "Should you still be interested in the open beta testing, please run:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si vous êtes toujours intéressé par le test « open beta », veuillez "
+#~ "exécuter la commande :"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " % echo beta-tester > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " % echo beta-tester > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid "You will also need to ensure that debian/control contains:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Vous devrez aussi vous assurer que votre fichier debian/control contient :"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9.20160815~)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9.20160815~)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To ensure that debhelper knows about the \"beta-tester\" compat level."
+#~ msgstr "Pour vous assurer que debhelper connaît le mode « beta-tester »."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "This can be used without a F<debian/compat> file."
+#~ msgstr "Ceci peut être utilisé sans fichier F<debian/compat>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_testroot> simply checks to see if you are root. If not, it exits "
+#~ "with an error. Debian packages must be built as root, though you can use "
+#~ "L<fakeroot(1)>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_testroot> se contente de contrôler si la construction du paquet est "
+#~ "lancée par le superutilisateur. Si ce n'est pas le cas, il retourne une "
+#~ "erreur. Les paquets Debian doivent être construits par le "
+#~ "superutilisateur, éventuellement en utilisant L<fakeroot(1)>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_installmenu> no longer installs F<menu> files. The F<menu-method> "
+#~ "files are still installed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_installmenu> n'installe plus de fichier de menu. Les fichiers F<menu-"
+#~ "method> sont toujours installés."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh> no longer creates a stamp (or log) file to record whether the build "
+#~ "already ran or not. This means that unless upstream's build system "
+#~ "correctly tracks this, the build will be run twice (once for the "
+#~ "\"build\" target and once for the \"binary\" target)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh> ne crée plus de fichier témoin (ou de journal) pour savoir si la "
+#~ "construction a déjà eu lieu. Cela signifie que, sauf si le système de "
+#~ "construction amont s'en occupe, celle-ci sera effectuée deux fois (une "
+#~ "première pour la cible « build », une seconde pour la cible « binary »)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "On the other hand, this means that rebuild without cleaning (e.g. B<dpkg-"
+#~ "buildpackage -nc>) will behave as most people would expect."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "D'un autre côté, cela signifie que la reconstruction sans nettoyage "
+#~ "(« clean », par exemple B<dpkg-buildpackage -nc>) se comportera comme "
+#~ "attendu."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In compat 11, this file is no longer installed the format has been "
+#~ "deprecated. Please migrate to a desktop file instead."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En compat 11, ce fichier n'est plus installé car le format a été rendu "
+#~ "obsolète. Veuillez migrer vers un fichier desktop à la place."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_installdocs> now installs user-supplied documentation (e.g. debian/"
+#~ "I<package>.docs) into F</usr/share/doc/mainpackage> rather than F</usr/"
+#~ "share/doc/package> by default as recommended by Debian Policy 3.9.7."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_installdocs> installe maintenant la documentation fournie pour "
+#~ "l'utilisateur (p. ex. debian/I<paquet>.docs) dans F</usr/share/doc/"
+#~ "paquet_principal> plutôt que dans F</usr/share/doc/paquet>, comme "
+#~ "recommandé par la charte Debian 3.9.7."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you need the old behaviour, it can be emulated by using the B<--"
+#~ "mainpackage> option."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si vous avez besoin de l'ancien comportement, il peut être simulé en "
+#~ "utilisant l'option B<--mainpackage>."
+#~ msgid "Please remember to check/update your doc-base files."
+#~ msgstr "Veuillez vérifier et mettre à jour vos fichiers doc-base."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In compat 11 (or later), these will be installed into F</usr/share/doc/"
+#~ "mainpackage>. Previously it would be F</usr/share/doc/package>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En compat 11 (ou supérieure), ils seront installés dans F</usr/share/doc/"
+#~ "paquet_principal>. Précédemment, c'était dans F</usr/share/doc/paquet>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Do not stop init script on upgrade."
+#~ msgstr "N'arrête pas le script init lors d'une mise à jour."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh_auto_test does not run the test suite when a package is being cross "
+#~ "compiled."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_auto_test> n'exécute pas le jeu de tests lorsqu'un paquet est "
+#~ "compilé de façon croisée (« cross-compile »)."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This used to be a smarter version of the B<-a> flag, but the B<-a> flag "
+#~ "is now equally smart."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cette option était plus intelligente que l'option B<-a>, mais l'option B<-"
+#~ "a> est maintenant tout aussi intelligente."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If your package uses autotools and you want to freshen F<config.sub> and "
+#~ "F<config.guess> with newer versions from the B<autotools-dev> package at "
+#~ "build time, you can use some commands provided in B<autotools-dev> that "
+#~ "automate it, like this."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si le paquet utilise « autotools » et que vous voulez rafraîchir les "
+#~ "F<config.sub> et les F<config.guess> avec des nouvelles versions issues "
+#~ "du paquet B<autotools-dev> lors de la compilation, il est possible "
+#~ "d'utiliser certaines commandes fournies dans B<autotools-dev> afin "
+#~ "d'automatiser cette tâche, comme ci-dessous :"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@ --with autotools_dev\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@ --with autotools_dev\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Code is added to the F<preinst> and F<postinst> to handle the upgrade "
+#~ "from the old B<udev> rules file location."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Des lignes de code sont ajoutées au fichiers de maintenance F<preinst> et "
+#~ "F<postinst> pour prendre en charge la mise à jour depuis l'ancien "
+#~ "emplacement des fichiers de règles B<udev>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Do not modify F<preinst>/F<postinst> scripts."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Empêche la modification des scripts de maintenance du paquet F<preinst> "
+#~ "et F<postinst>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that this option behaves significantly different in debhelper "
+#~ "compatibility levels 4 and below. Instead of specifying the name of a "
+#~ "debug package to put symbols in, it specifies a package (or packages) "
+#~ "which should have separated debug symbols, and the separated symbols are "
+#~ "placed in packages with B<-dbg> added to their name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nota : cette option se comporte de façon sensiblement différente dans les "
+#~ "niveaux de compatibilité 4 et inférieurs de debhelper. Au lieu d'indiquer "
+#~ "le nom d'un paquet de mise au point où placer les symboles (cas de la "
+#~ "v5), l'option indique (cas de la v4 et inférieure) le ou les paquets d'où "
+#~ "proviennent les symboles de mise au point. Les symboles sont alors placés "
+#~ "dans des paquets, suffixés par B<-dbg>."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "The creation of automatic \"ddebs\" can also be prevented by adding "
+#~| "B<noddebs> to the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The automatic creation of debug symbol packages can also be prevented by "
+#~ "adding B<noautodbgsym> to the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La création automatique des « ddebs » peut aussi être annulée en ajoutant "
+#~ "B<noddebs> à la variable d'environnement B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>."
+#~ msgid "dh_desktop - deprecated no-op"
+#~ msgstr "dh_desktop - Obsolète, ne pas l'utiliser"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "B<dh_desktop> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_desktop> [I<options_de_debhelper>]"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_desktop> was a debhelper program that registers F<.desktop> files. "
+#~ "However, it no longer does anything, and is now deprecated."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_desktop> était un programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+#~ "l'inscription des fichiers F<.desktop>. Toutefois, il n'est plus utilisé "
+#~ "et est maintenant obsolète."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If a package ships F<desktop> files, they just need to be installed in "
+#~ "the correct location (F</usr/share/applications>) and they will be "
+#~ "registered by the appropriate tools for the corresponding desktop "
+#~ "environments."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si un paquet comporte des fichiers F<desktop>, ils ont seulement besoin "
+#~ "d'être installés dans l'emplacement adéquat (F</usr/share/applications>) "
+#~ "et ils seront inscrits, par les outils appropriés, pour les "
+#~ "environnements de bureau correspondants."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Ross Burton <>"
+#~ msgstr "Ross Burton <>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "dh_undocumented - undocumented.7 symlink program (deprecated no-op)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_undocumented - Programme de création de liens symboliques vers "
+#~ "« undocumented.7 » (obsolète, ne pas l'utiliser)"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Do not run!"
+#~ msgstr "Ne pas l'utiliser !"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This program used to make symlinks to the F<undocumented.7> man page for "
+#~ "man pages not present in a package. Debian policy now frowns on use of "
+#~ "the F<undocumented.7> man page, and so this program does nothing, and "
+#~ "should not be used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ce programme est utilisé pour créer des liens symboliques vers la page de "
+#~ "manuel F<undocumented.7> lorsque la page de manuel du paquet n'existe "
+#~ "pas. La Charte Debian désapprouve l'utilisation de F<undocumented.7>. De "
+#~ "ce fait, ce programme ne fait rien et de doit pas être utilisé."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It also adds a call to ldconfig in the F<postinst> and F<postrm> scripts "
+#~ "(in v3 mode and above only) to any packages in which it finds shared "
+#~ "libraries."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ce programme ajoute également un appel à ldconfig dans les scripts de "
+#~ "maintenance F<postinst> et F<postrm> (en mode v3 et suivants seulement) "
+#~ "pour tous les paquets où des bibliothèques partagées ont été trouvées."
+#~ msgid "dh_scrollkeeper - deprecated no-op"
+#~ msgstr "dh_scrollkeeper - Obsolète, ne pas l'utiliser"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_scrollkeeper> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<I<directory>>]"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_scrollkeeper> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-n>] [I<répertoire>]"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_scrollkeeper> was a debhelper program that handled registering OMF "
+#~ "files for ScrollKeeper. However, it no longer does anything, and is now "
+#~ "deprecated."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_scrollkeeper> était le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de la "
+#~ "maintenance, par ScrollKeeper, des inscriptions des fichiers OMF. "
+#~ "Toutefois, comme il ne sert plus à rien, il est devenu obsolète."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "dh_suidregister - suid registration program (deprecated)"
+#~ msgstr "dh_suidregister - Programme d'inscription suid (obsolète)"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This program used to register suid and sgid files with "
+#~ "L<suidregister(1)>, but with the introduction of L<dpkg-statoverride(8)>, "
+#~ "registration of files in this way is unnecessary, and even harmful, so "
+#~ "this program is deprecated and should not be used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ce programme était utilisé pour l'inscription des fichiers suid et sgid "
+#~ "avec L<suidregister(1)> mais l'introduction de L<dpkg-statoverride(8)> a "
+#~ "rendu l'inscription de ces fichiers inutile et même néfaste. De ce fait, "
+#~ "ce programme est obsolète et ne doit pas être employé."
+# type: =head1
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Converting a package that uses this program to use the new statoverride "
+#~ "mechanism is easy. Just remove the call to B<dh_suidregister> from "
+#~ "F<debian/rules>, and add a versioned conflicts into your F<control> file, "
+#~ "as follows:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il est facile de convertir un paquet, qui utilise B<dh_suidregister>, au "
+#~ "nouveau mécanisme de statoverride. Il suffit de supprimer l'appel à "
+#~ "B<dh_suidregister> dans F<debian/rules> et d'ajouter une gestion des "
+#~ "conflits de versions dans le fichier F<control> de la façon suivante :"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " Conflicts: suidmanager (<< 0.50)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " Conflicts: suidmanager (<< 0.50)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The conflicts is only necessary if your package used to register things "
+#~ "with suidmanager; if it did not, you can just remove the call to this "
+#~ "program from your rules file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cette indication de conflits n'est nécessaire que si le paquet inscrivait "
+#~ "des éléments avec suidmanager. En dehors de ce cas, il suffit d'enlever "
+#~ "l'appel à B<dh_suidregister> du fichier « rules »."
+#~ msgid "comment"
+#~ msgstr "commentaire"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Once the Debian archive supports ddebs, debhelper will generate ddebs by "
+#~ "default. Until then, this option does nothing except to allow you to pre-"
+#~ "emptively disable ddebs if you know the generated ddebs will not work for "
+#~ "your package."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Lorsque l'archive Debian prendra en charge les ddebs, debhelper, génèrera "
+#~ "les ddebs par défaut. D'ici là, cette option ne fait rien, à part vous "
+#~ "permettre de désactiver les ddebs en prévention, si vous savez que les "
+#~ "ddebs générés ne fonctionneront pas pour votre paquet."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you want to test the ddebs feature, you can set the environment "
+#~ "variable I<DH_BUILD_DDEBS> to 1. Keep in mind that the Debian archive "
+#~ "does B<not> accept them yet. This variable is only a temporary safeguard "
+#~ "and will be removed once the archive is ready to accept ddebs."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si vous voulez essayer la fonctionnalité des ddebs, vous pouvez "
+#~ "positionner la variable d'environnement I<DH_BUILD_DDEBS> à B<1>. "
+#~ "Souvenez vous que l'archive Debian ne les accepte B<pas encore>. Cette "
+#~ "variable est seulement un garde-fou temporaire et sera supprimée une fois "
+#~ "l'archive prête."
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+#~ " #DEBHELPER#\n"
+#~ " EOF\n"
+#~ " system ($temp) / 256 == 0\n"
+#~ " \tor die \"Problem with debhelper scripts: $!\";\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+#~ " #DEBHELPER#\n"
+#~ " EOF\n"
+#~ " system ($temp) / 256 == 0\n"
+#~ " \tor die \"Problème avec le script de debhelper : $!\";\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Packages that support multiarch are detected, and a Pre-Dependency on "
+#~ "multiarch-support is set in ${misc:Pre-Depends} ; you should make sure to "
+#~ "put that token into an appropriate place in your debian/control file for "
+#~ "packages supporting multiarch."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Les paquets prenant en charge le multiarchitecture sont détectés et une "
+#~ "prédépendance sur B<multiarch-support> est placée dans B<${misc:Pre-"
+#~ "Depends}> ; il faut s'assurer que cet item a été placé au bon endroit "
+#~ "dans le fichier F<debian/control> pour les paquet prenant en charge le "
+#~ "multiarchitecture."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Sets the priority string of the F<rules.d> symlink. Default is 60."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fixe la priorité du lien symbolique des F<rules.d>. La valeur par défaut "
+#~ "est 60."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh_python - calculates Python dependencies and adds postinst and prerm "
+#~ "Python scripts (deprecated)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_python - Déterminer les dépendances Python et ajouter des scripts de "
+#~ "maintenance Python postinst et prerm (obsolète)"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_python> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<-V> I<version>] "
+#~ "[S<I<module dirs> ...>]"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_python> [S<I<options_de_debhelper>>] [B<-n>] [B<-V> I<version>] "
+#~ "[S<I<répertoires de module> ...>]"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note: This program is deprecated. You should use B<dh_python2> instead. "
+#~ "This program will do nothing if F<debian/pycompat> or a B<Python-Version> "
+#~ "F<control> file field exists."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Notez bien que ce programme est obsolète. Il faut utiliser B<dh_python2> "
+#~ "à la place. Ce programme ne fera rien si le champ F<debian/pycompat> ou "
+#~ "F<Python-Version> existe dans le fichier F<control>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_python> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+#~ "the B<${python:Depends}> substitutions and adding them to substvars "
+#~ "files. It will also add a F<postinst> and a F<prerm> script if required."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_python> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de produire "
+#~ "les substitutions B<${python:Depends}> et de les ajouter aux fichiers des "
+#~ "variables de substitution (substvars files). Il ajoutera également, si "
+#~ "nécessaire, les scripts de maintenance F<postinst> et F<prerm>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The program will look at Python scripts and modules in your package, and "
+#~ "will use this information to generate a dependency on B<python>, with the "
+#~ "current major version, or on B<python>I<X>B<.>I<Y> if your scripts or "
+#~ "modules need a specific B<python> version. The dependency will be "
+#~ "substituted into your package's F<control> file wherever you place the "
+#~ "token B<${python:Depends}>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Le programme examinera les scripts et les modules Python du paquet et "
+#~ "exploitera cette information pour produire une dépendance envers la "
+#~ "version majeure courante de B<python> ou envers B<pythonX.Y> si les "
+#~ "scripts ou les modules nécessitent une version particulière. La "
+#~ "substitution aura lieu dans le fichier F<control> du paquet, à "
+#~ "l'emplacement où est indiqué B<${python:Depends}>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If some modules need to be byte-compiled at install time, appropriate "
+#~ "F<postinst> and F<prerm> scripts will be generated. If already byte-"
+#~ "compiled modules are found, they are removed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si certains modules doivent être compilés (byte-compiled) lors de "
+#~ "l'installation, les scripts adéquats de maintenance du paquet, "
+#~ "F<postinst> et F<prerm>, seront produits. Si des modules déjà compilés "
+#~ "sont trouvés, ils sont supprimés."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you use this program, your package should build-depend on B<python>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si ce programme est utilisé, le paquet devrait dépendre de B<python> pour "
+#~ "sa construction (build-depend)."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "I<module dirs>"
+#~ msgstr "I<répertoires de module>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If your package installs Python modules in non-standard directories, you "
+#~ "can make F<dh_python> check those directories by passing their names on "
+#~ "the command line. By default, it will check F</usr/lib/site-python>, F</"
+#~ "usr/lib/$PACKAGE>, F</usr/share/$PACKAGE>, F</usr/lib/games/$PACKAGE>, F</"
+#~ "usr/share/games/$PACKAGE> and F</usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si le paquet installe les modules Python dans un répertoire non standard, "
+#~ "il est possible de forcer B<dh_python> à vérifier ces répertoires en "
+#~ "passant leur nom en argument de la ligne de commande. Par défaut il "
+#~ "vérifiera F</usr/lib/site-python>, F</usr/lib/$PACKAGE>, F</usr/share/"
+#~ "$PACKAGE>, F</usr/lib/games/$PACKAGE>, F</usr/share/games/$PACKAGE> et F</"
+#~ "usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note: only F</usr/lib/site-python>, F</usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages> "
+#~ "and the extra names on the command line are searched for binary (F<.so>) "
+#~ "modules."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nota : les modules binaires (F<.so>) ne seront cherchés que dans F</usr/"
+#~ "lib/site-python>, F</usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages> et dans les "
+#~ "répertoires passés en argument sur la ligne de commande."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<-V> I<version>"
+#~ msgstr "B<-V> I<version>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If the F<.py> files your package ships are meant to be used by a specific "
+#~ "B<python>I<X>B<.>I<Y> version, you can use this option to specify the "
+#~ "desired version, such as B<2.3>. Do not use if you ship modules in F</usr/"
+#~ "lib/site-python>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si le fichier F<.py> indique que le paquet est censé être exploité par "
+#~ "une version spécifique B<python>I<X>B<.>I<Y>>, il est possible d'employer "
+#~ "cette option pour indiquer la version désirée, telle que B<2.3>. Ne pas "
+#~ "utiliser cette option si les modules sont placés dans F</usr/lib/site-"
+#~ "python>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Debian policy, version 3.5.7"
+#~ msgstr "Charte Debian, version 3.5.7"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Python policy, version 0.3.7"
+#~ msgstr "Charte Python, version 0.3.7"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Josselin Mouette <>"
+#~ msgstr "Josselin Mouette <>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "most ideas stolen from Brendan O'Dea <>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La plupart des idées ont été volées à Brendan O'Dea <>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If there is an upstream F<changelog> file, it will be be installed as "
+#~ "F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog> in the package build directory. If the "
+#~ "changelog is a F<html> file (determined by file extension), it will be "
+#~ "installed as F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog.html> instead, and will be "
+#~ "converted to plain text with B<html2text> to generate F<usr/share/doc/"
+#~ "package/changelog>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "S'il y a un journal amont F<changelog>, alors il sera installé sous F<usr/"
+#~ "share/doc/paquet/changelog> dans le répertoire de construction du paquet. "
+#~ "Si le journal amont est un fichier F<html> (d'après son extension), il "
+#~ "sera installé sous F<usr/share/doc/paquet/changelog.html> puis converti "
+#~ "en « plain text » avec B<html2text> afin de produire le fichier F<usr/"
+#~ "share/doc/paquet/changelog>."
+#~ msgid "None yet.."
+#~ msgstr "Pas encore…"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A versioned Pre-Dependency on dpkg is needed to use L<dpkg-maintscript-"
+#~ "helper(1)>. An appropriate Pre-Dependency is set in ${misc:Pre-Depends} ; "
+#~ "you should make sure to put that token into an appropriate place in your "
+#~ "debian/control file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Une B<Pre-Dependency> adaptée à la version de B<dpkg> est nécessaire pour "
+#~ "utiliser L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)>. Une B<Pre-Dependency> appropriée "
+#~ "est placée dans B<${misc:Pre-Depends}> ; il faut s'assurer que cet item a "
+#~ "été placé au bon endroit dans le fichier F<debian/control>."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "debian/I<package>.modules"
+#~ msgstr "debian/I<paquet>.modules"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "These files were installed for use by modutils, but are now not used and "
+#~ "B<dh_installmodules> will warn if these files are present."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ces fichiers étaient installés pour être utilisés par modutils, mais ne "
+#~ "sont maintenant plus utilisés. B<dh_installmodules> produira un "
+#~ "avertissement si ces fichiers existent."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If your package needs to register more than one document, you need "
+#~ "multiple doc-base files, and can name them like this."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si le paquet nécessite l'inscription de plus d'un document, il faudra "
+#~ "utiliser plusieurs fichiers doc-base et les nommer de cette façon."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh_installinit - install init scripts and/or upstart jobs into package "
+#~ "build directories"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_installinit - Installer les scripts init ou les tâches upstart dans le "
+#~ "répertoire de construction du paquet"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "B<dh_installmime> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_installmime> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [B<-n>]"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+#~ "needed to interface with the debian B<mime-support> and B<shared-mime-"
+#~ "info> packages. These commands are inserted into the maintainer scripts "
+#~ "by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "De plus, il produit automatiquement les lignes de code des scripts de "
+#~ "maintenance F<postinst> et F<postrm> nécessaires à l'interfaçage avec les "
+#~ "paquets B<mime-support> de Debian et B<shared-mime-info>. Ces commandes "
+#~ "sont insérées dans les scripts de maintenance par L<dh_installdeb(1)>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_installinit> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+#~ "installing upstart job files or init scripts with associated defaults "
+#~ "files into package build directories, and in the former case providing "
+#~ "compatibility handling for non-upstart systems."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_installinit> est le programme de la suite debhelper chargé de "
+#~ "l'installation, dans le répertoire de construction du paquet, des tâches "
+#~ "upstart, des scripts init, ainsi que des fichiers default associés. Dans "
+#~ "le cas des tâches upstart, il fournit une prise en charge, compatible "
+#~ "avec les systèmes n'exécutant pas upstart."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Otherwise, if this exists, it is installed into etc/init.d/I<package> in "
+#~ "the package build directory."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sinon, s'il existe, il est installé dans le répertoire de construction du "
+#~ "paquet, sous etc/init.d/I<paquet>."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If no upstart job file is installed in the target directory when "
+#~ "B<dh_installinit --only-scripts> is called, this program will assume that "
+#~ "an init script is being installed and not provide the compatibility "
+#~ "symlinks or upstart dependencies."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si aucun fichier de tâche upstart n'est installé dans le répertoire cible "
+#~ "quand B<dh_installinit --only-scripts> est invoqué, ce programme "
+#~ "considère qu'un script init est en cours d'installation et ne fournit pas "
+#~ "les liens symboliques de compatibilité, ni de dépendances envers upstart."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "The inverse of B<--with>, disables using the given addon."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Le contraire de B<--with>. Désactive l'utilisation des rajouts indiqués."
+# type: =head1
+#~ msgid "EXAMPLE"
+#~ msgstr "EXEMPLE"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Suppose your package's upstream F<Makefile> installs a binary, a man "
+#~ "page, and a library into appropriate subdirectories of F<debian/tmp>. You "
+#~ "want to put the library into package libfoo, and the rest into package "
+#~ "foo. Your rules file will run \"B<dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp>\". "
+#~ "Make F<debian/foo.install> contain:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Par exemple : le F<Makefile> du paquet génère un fichier binaire, une "
+#~ "page de manuel et une bibliothèque dans le répertoire adéquat de F<debian/"
+#~ "tmp>. L'objectif est de mettre la bibliothèque dans le paquet binaire "
+#~ "libtoto et le reste dans le paquet binaire toto. Le fichier rules "
+#~ "exécutera « B<dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp> ». Dans ce cas, il faut "
+#~ "créer un fichier F<debian/toto.install> qui contienne :"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " usr/bin\n"
+#~ " usr/share/man/man1\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " usr/bin\n"
+#~ " usr/share/man/man1\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "While F<debian/libfoo.install> contains:"
+#~ msgstr "Tandis que F<debian/libtoto.install> devra contenir :"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " usr/lib/libfoo*.so.*\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " usr/lib/libtoto*.so.*\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you want a libfoo-dev package too, F<debian/libfoo-dev.install> might "
+#~ "contain:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "S'il faut aussi créer le paquet libtoto-dev alors le fichier F<debian/"
+#~ "libtoto-dev.install> devra contenir :"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " usr/include\n"
+#~ " usr/lib/libfoo*.so\n"
+#~ " usr/share/man/man3\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " usr/include\n"
+#~ " usr/lib/libfoo*.so\n"
+#~ " usr/share/man/man3\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You can also put comments in these files; lines beginning with B<#> are "
+#~ "ignored."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il est également possible de placer des commentaires dans ces fichiers. "
+#~ "Les lignes débutant par B<#> sont ignorées."
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_installdocs:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_installdocs README TODO\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_installdocs:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_installdocs README TODO\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This is useful in some situations, for example, if you need to pass B<-p> "
+#~ "to all debhelper commands that will be run. One good way to set "
+#~ "B<DH_OPTIONS> is by using \"Target-specific Variable Values\" in your "
+#~ "F<debian/rules> file. See the make documentation for details on doing "
+#~ "this."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ce comportement est utile dans quelques situations, par exemple, pour "
+#~ "passer B<-p> à toutes les commandes de debhelper qui seront exécutées. "
+#~ "Une bonne façon d'employer B<DH_OPTIONS> est d'utiliser des triplets "
+#~ "« Cible-spécifique Variable Valeurs » dans le fichier F<debian/rules>. "
+#~ "Consulter la documentation de make pour obtenir des précisions sur cette "
+#~ "méthode."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Sometimes, you may need to make an override target only run commands when "
+#~ "a particular package is being built. This can be accomplished using "
+#~ "L<dh_listpackages(1)> to test what is being built. For example:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Parfois, il peut être utile de substituer une commande seulement lors de "
+#~ "la construction d'un paquet particulier. Ceci est réalisable à l'aide de "
+#~ "L<dh_listpackages(1)> pour connaître le paquet en cours de construction. "
+#~ "Par exemple :"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#~ "\tifneq (,$(filter foo, $(shell dh_listpackages)))\n"
+#~ "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#~ "\tendif\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#~ "\tifneq (,$(filter toto, $(shell dh_listpackages)))\n"
+#~ "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/toto/usr/bin/toto\n"
+#~ "\tendif\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Finally, remember that you are not limited to using override targets in "
+#~| "the rules file when using B<dh>. You can also explicitly define any of "
+#~| "the regular rules file targets when it makes sense to do so. A common "
+#~| "reason to do this is if your package needs different B<build-arch> and "
+#~| "B<build-indep> targets. For example, a package with a long document "
+#~| "build process can put it in B<build-indep> to avoid build daemons "
+#~| "redundantly building the documentation."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Finally, remember that you are not limited to using override targets in "
+#~ "the rules file when using B<dh>. You can also explicitly define any of "
+#~ "the regular rules file targets when it makes sense to do so. A common "
+#~ "reason to do this is when your package needs different B<build-arch> and "
+#~ "B<build-indep> targets. For example, a package with a long document "
+#~ "build process can put it in B<build-indep>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Enfin, n'oubliez pas que vous n'êtes pas limité à la seule substitution "
+#~ "de blocs dans le fichier rules lors de l'utilisation de B<dh>. Vous "
+#~ "pouvez également redéfinir explicitement les blocs standard du fichier "
+#~ "rules lorsqu'il est logique de le faire. Une raison courante de cette "
+#~ "démarche se présente lorsque le paquet requiert des traitements "
+#~ "différents en B<build-arch> et en B<build-indep>. Par exemple, la "
+#~ "génération de la documentation volumineuse d'un paquet peut être placé en "
+#~ "B<build-indep> pour éviter que cette génération soit refaite pour chacune "
+#~ "des architectures."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "\tbuild: build-arch build-indep ;\n"
+#~| "\tbuild-indep:\n"
+#~| "\t\t$(MAKE) docs\n"
+#~| "\tbuild-arch:\n"
+#~| "\t\t$(MAKE) bins\n"
+#~| "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\tbuild-indep:\n"
+#~ "\t\t$(MAKE) docs\n"
+#~ "\tbuild-arch:\n"
+#~ "\t\t$(MAKE) bins\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\tbuild: build-arch build-indep ;\n"
+#~ "\tbuild-indep:\n"
+#~ "\t\t$(MAKE) docs\n"
+#~ "\tbuild-arch:\n"
+#~ "\t\t$(MAKE) bins\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To patch your package using quilt, you can tell B<dh> to use quilt's "
+#~ "B<dh>\n"
+#~ "sequence addons like this:\n"
+#~ "\t\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Pour patcher un paquet en utilisant « quilt », il faut demander à B<dh>\n"
+#~ "d'utiliser la séquence B<dh> propre à « quilt ». Voici comment faire :\n"
+#~ "\t\n"
+# type: verbatim
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@ --with quilt\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@ --with quilt\n"
+#~ "\n"
+# type: =head2
+#~ msgid "Other notes"
+#~ msgstr "Autres remarques"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In general, if any debhelper program needs a directory to exist under "
+#~ "B<debian/>, it will create it. I haven't bothered to document this in all "
+#~ "the man pages, but for example, B<dh_installdeb> knows to make debian/"
+#~ "I<package>/DEBIAN/ before trying to put files there, B<dh_installmenu> "
+#~ "knows you need a debian/I<package>/usr/share/menu/ before installing the "
+#~ "menu files, etc."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Généralement, si un programme de debhelper a besoin qu'un répertoire "
+#~ "existe dans B<debian/>, il le créera. Ce comportement n'est pas documenté "
+#~ "dans toutes les pages de manuel, mais, par exemple, le B<dh_installdeb> "
+#~ "sait qu'il doit créer le répertoire debian/I<paquet>/DEBIAN/ avant de "
+#~ "tenter de mettre des fichiers dedans. De même, B<dh_installmenu> sait "
+#~ "qu'il est nécessaire d'avoir un répertoire debian/I<paquet>/usr/share/"
+#~ "menu/ avant d'installer les fichiers menu, etc."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If your package is a Python package, B<dh> will use B<dh_pysupport> by "
+#~ "default. This is how to use B<dh_pycentral> instead."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si le paquet est un paquet Python, B<dh> utilisera B<dh_pysupport> par "
+#~ "défaut. Voici comment utiliser B<dh_pycentral> à la place :"
+# type: =head2
+#~ msgid "compatibility level 7 and above."
+#~ msgstr "Compatibilité avec le niveau 7 et suivants."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "B<--sourcedir=dir>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--sourcedir=répertoire>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Do not modify postinst/prerm scripts."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Empêche la modification des scripts de maintenance postinst et prerm."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Do not modify postinst/postrm/prerm scripts."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Empêche la modification des scripts de maintenance postinst, postrm et "
+#~ "prerm."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid "Do not modify postinst/postrm scripts."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Empêche la modification des scripts de maintenance postinst et postrm."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "V1"
+#~ msgstr "V1"
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "V2"
+#~ msgstr "V2"
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "V3"
+#~ msgstr "V3"
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "V4"
+#~ msgstr "V4"
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "V5"
+#~ msgstr "V5"
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "V6"
+#~ msgstr "V6"
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "V7"
+#~ msgstr "V7"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh_testversion - ensure that the correct version of debhelper is "
+#~ "installed (deprecated)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_testversion - vérifie que la bonne version de debhelper est installée "
+#~ "(obsolète)"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_testversion> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [I<operator>] [I<version>]"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_testversion> [I<options_de_debhelper>] [I<opérateur>] [I<version>]"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note: This program is deprecated. You should use build dependencies "
+#~ "instead."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nota : L'utilisation de ce programme est déconseillée. Il faut employer "
+#~ "les dépendances de construction (build dependencies) à la place."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh_testversion compares the version of debhelper against the version you "
+#~ "specify, and if the condition is not met, exits with an error message."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_testversion compare la version de debhelper avec la version spécifiée "
+#~ "et, si la condition n'est pas satisfaite, génère un message d'erreur."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You can use this in your debian/rules files if a new debhelper feature is "
+#~ "introduced, and your package requires that feature to build correctly. "
+#~ "Use debhelper's changelog to figure out the version you need."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il est possible d'utiliser ce programme dans le fichier debian/rules si "
+#~ "une nouvelle fonctionnalité de debhelper est introduite et que le paquet "
+#~ "nécessite cette fonctionnalité pour être correctement construit. "
+#~ "Consulter le changelog de debhelper pour déterminer la version nécessaire."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Be sure not to overuse dh_testversion. If debhelper version 9.5 "
+#~ "introduces a new dh_autofixbugs command, and your package uses it, then "
+#~ "if someone tries to build it with debhelper 1.0, the build will fail "
+#~ "anyway when dh_autofixbugs cannot be found, so there is no need for you "
+#~ "to use dh_testversion."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il faut prendre garde à ne pas abuser de dh_testversion. Si debhelper 9.5 "
+#~ "introduit une nouvelle commande dh_autofixbugs et que le paquet "
+#~ "l'utilise, alors si quelqu'un tente de construire le paquet avec "
+#~ "debhelper 1.0, la construction échouera puisque dh_autofixbugs ne pourra "
+#~ "pas être trouvé. De ce fait, il n'y a pas besoin d'utiliser "
+#~ "dh_testversion."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "I<operator>"
+#~ msgstr "I<opérateur>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Optional comparison operator used in comparing the versions. If not "
+#~ "specified, \">=\" is used. For descriptions of the comparison operators, "
+#~ "see dpkg --help."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Opérateur optionnel de comparaison utilisé dans la comparaison des "
+#~ "versions. S'il n'est pas indiqué, >= sera utilisé. Pour une description "
+#~ "des opérateurs de comparaison, consulter dpkg --help."
+# type: =item
+#~ msgid "I<version>"
+#~ msgstr "I<version>"
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Version number to compare against the current version of debhelper. If "
+#~ "not specified, dh_testversion does nothing."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Numéro de version à comparer avec la version courante de debhelper. S'il "
+#~ "n'est pas spécifié, dh_testversion ne fait rien."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It automatically generates the postinst and prerm fragments needed to "
+#~ "register and unregister the schemas in usr/share/gconf/schemas, using "
+#~ "gconf-schemas."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il produit automatiquement les lignes de code dans les scripts de "
+#~ "maintenance postinst et prerm nécessaires à l'inscription et à la "
+#~ "radiation des schémas dans usr/share/gconf/schemas. Cette fonction "
+#~ "utilise gconf-schemas."
+# type: textblock
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Installed into usr/share/gconf/defaults/10_package in the package build "
+#~ "directory, with \"I<package>\" replaced by the package name. Some "
+#~ "postinst and postrm fragments will be generated to run update-gconf-"
+#~ "defaults."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ce fichier sera installé dans le répertoire de construction du paquet "
+#~ "sous usr/share/gconf/defaults/10_paquet où le mot « paquet » sera "
+#~ "remplacé par le nom du paquet. Certaines parties des scripts de "
+#~ "maintenance postinst et postrm seront produites pour exécuter update-"
+#~ "gconf-defaults."
+# type: =head1
+#~ msgstr "NOM DES COMMANDES"
diff --git a/man/po4a/po/ja.po b/man/po4a/po/ja.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7d71ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/po4a/po/ja.po
@@ -0,0 +1,12616 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Debian JP Project <>
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the debhelper package.
+# Takahide Nojima <>, 2012.
+# Hideki Yamane <>, 2012-2014, 2016
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: debhelper 9.20141107\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-20 19:46+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-09-17 20:45+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Hideki Yamane <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Debian JP Project <>\n"
+"Language: Japanease\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Last-Reviewer: Hideki Yamane <>\n"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:3 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:3
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:1 dh:3 dh_auto_build:3 dh_auto_clean:3
+#: dh_auto_configure:3 dh_auto_install:3 dh_auto_test:3 dh_bugfiles:3
+#: dh_builddeb:5 dh_clean:3 dh_compress:3 dh_dwz:3 dh_fixperms:3
+#: dh_gencontrol:3 dh_icons:3 dh_install:3 dh_installcatalogs:3
+#: dh_installchangelogs:3 dh_installcron:3 dh_installdeb:3 dh_installdebconf:3
+#: dh_installdirs:3 dh_installdocs:5 dh_installemacsen:3 dh_installexamples:5
+#: dh_installifupdown:3 dh_installinfo:3 dh_installinit:3 dh_installinitramfs:3
+#: dh_installlogcheck:3 dh_installlogrotate:3 dh_installman:3
+#: dh_installmanpages:3 dh_installmenu:3 dh_installmime:3 dh_installmodules:3
+#: dh_installpam:3 dh_installppp:3 dh_installudev:3 dh_installwm:3
+#: dh_installxfonts:3 dh_link:3 dh_lintian:3 dh_listpackages:3 dh_makeshlibs:3
+#: dh_md5sums:3 dh_movefiles:3 dh_perl:3 dh_prep:3 dh_shlibdeps:3 dh_strip:3
+#: dh_testdir:3 dh_testroot:5 dh_usrlocal:5 dh_systemd_enable:3
+#: dh_systemd_start:3
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr "åå‰"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:5
+msgid "debhelper - the debhelper tool suite"
+msgstr "debhelper - debhelper 関連ツール群"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:7 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:7
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:5 dh:22 dh_auto_build:16 dh_auto_clean:16
+#: dh_auto_configure:16 dh_auto_install:18 dh_auto_test:16 dh_bugfiles:15
+#: dh_builddeb:17 dh_clean:15 dh_compress:17 dh_dwz:16 dh_fixperms:16
+#: dh_gencontrol:16 dh_icons:16 dh_install:15 dh_installcatalogs:17
+#: dh_installchangelogs:16 dh_installcron:15 dh_installdeb:15
+#: dh_installdebconf:15 dh_installdirs:15 dh_installdocs:17
+#: dh_installemacsen:15 dh_installexamples:17 dh_installifupdown:15
+#: dh_installinfo:15 dh_installinit:16 dh_installinitramfs:15
+#: dh_installlogcheck:15 dh_installlogrotate:15 dh_installman:16
+#: dh_installmanpages:16 dh_installmenu:15 dh_installmime:15
+#: dh_installmodules:16 dh_installpam:15 dh_installppp:15 dh_installudev:15
+#: dh_installwm:15 dh_installxfonts:15 dh_link:16 dh_lintian:15
+#: dh_listpackages:15 dh_makeshlibs:15 dh_md5sums:16 dh_movefiles:15 dh_perl:18
+#: dh_prep:15 dh_shlibdeps:17 dh_strip:16 dh_testdir:15 dh_testroot:9
+#: dh_usrlocal:19 dh_systemd_enable:16 dh_systemd_start:17
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr "書å¼"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_>I<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-p>I<package>] [B<-"
+"N>I<package>] [B<-P>I<tmpdir>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_>I<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-p>I<package>] [B<-"
+"N>I<package>] [B<-P>I<tmpdir>]"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:11 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:17 dh:26
+#: dh_auto_build:20 dh_auto_clean:20 dh_auto_configure:20 dh_auto_install:22
+#: dh_auto_test:20 dh_bugfiles:19 dh_builddeb:21 dh_clean:19 dh_compress:21
+#: dh_dwz:20 dh_fixperms:20 dh_gencontrol:20 dh_icons:20 dh_install:19
+#: dh_installcatalogs:21 dh_installchangelogs:20 dh_installcron:19
+#: dh_installdeb:19 dh_installdebconf:19 dh_installdirs:19 dh_installdocs:21
+#: dh_installemacsen:19 dh_installexamples:21 dh_installifupdown:19
+#: dh_installinfo:19 dh_installinit:20 dh_installinitramfs:19
+#: dh_installlogcheck:19 dh_installlogrotate:19 dh_installman:20
+#: dh_installmanpages:20 dh_installmenu:19 dh_installmime:19
+#: dh_installmodules:20 dh_installpam:19 dh_installppp:19 dh_installudev:19
+#: dh_installwm:19 dh_installxfonts:19 dh_link:20 dh_lintian:19
+#: dh_listpackages:19 dh_makeshlibs:19 dh_md5sums:20 dh_movefiles:19 dh_perl:22
+#: dh_prep:19 dh_shlibdeps:21 dh_strip:20 dh_testdir:19 dh_testroot:13
+#: dh_usrlocal:23 dh_systemd_enable:20 dh_systemd_start:21
+msgstr "説明"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:13
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper is used to help you build a Debian package. The philosophy behind "
+"debhelper is to provide a collection of small, simple, and easily understood "
+"tools that are used in F<debian/rules> to automate various common aspects of "
+"building a package. This means less work for you, the packager. It also, to "
+"some degree means that these tools can be changed if Debian policy changes, "
+"and packages that use them will require only a rebuild to comply with the "
+"new policy."
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper ã¯ã€Debian パッケージã®ãƒ“ルドを容易ã«ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã«ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"debhelper ã®æ ¹åº•ã«ã‚る考ãˆã¯ã€Œãƒ‘ッケージビルド時ã®å„種ã®å…±é€šçš„ãªä½œæ¥­ã‚’自動化"
+"ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã« F<debian/rules> ã§ç”¨ã„られã¦ã„ã‚‹ã€å°ã•ãå˜ç´”ã§ã€å®¹æ˜“ã«ç†è§£å¯èƒ½ãª"
+"負担を減らã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã•ã‚‰ã«ã€Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ãŒå¤‰ã‚ã£ãŸå ´åˆã«ã¯ã“ã®ãƒ„ール群を多少"
+"変更ã•ãˆã™ã‚Œã°ã€debhelper を使ã£ã¦ã„るパッケージãŒæ–°ã—ã„ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ã«é©åˆã™ã‚‹ã®"
+"ã«å¿…è¦ã«ãªã‚‹ã®ã¯ã€å†ãƒ“ルドã ã‘ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:21
+msgid ""
+"A typical F<debian/rules> file that uses debhelper will call several "
+"debhelper commands in sequence, or use L<dh(1)> to automate this process. "
+"Examples of rules files that use debhelper are in F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/"
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper を利用ã—ã¦ã„る典型的㪠F<debian/rules> ファイルã¯ã€è¤‡æ•°ã® "
+"debhelper コマンドを順番ã«å‘¼ã³å‡ºã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã‹ã€L<dh(1)> を使ã£ã¦ä¸€é€£ã®å‡¦ç†ã‚’自動"
+"化ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚debhelper を使ã£ãŸ rules ファイルã®ä¾‹ã¯ F</usr/share/doc/"
+"debhelper/examples/> ã«ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+# maint-guide -> maint-guide-ja
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:25
+msgid ""
+"To create a new Debian package using debhelper, you can just copy one of the "
+"sample rules files and edit it by hand. Or you can try the B<dh-make> "
+"package, which contains a L<dh_make|dh_make(1)> command that partially "
+"automates the process. For a more gentle introduction, the B<maint-guide> "
+"Debian package contains a tutorial about making your first package using "
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper を使ã£ã¦ Debian パッケージを作æˆã™ã‚‹ã«ã¯ã€ã‚µãƒ³ãƒ—ル㮠rules ファイル"
+"ã®ã©ã‚Œã‹ã‚’コピーã—ã¦æ‰‹ã§ä¿®æ­£ã™ã‚‹ã ã‘ã§ã™ã€‚ã‚ã‚‹ã„㯠B<dh-make> パッケージを利"
+"用ã—ã¦ã¿ã¦ãã ã•ã„。ã“ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«ã¯éƒ¨åˆ†çš„ã«ä½œæ¥­ã‚’自動化ã—ã¦ãれる "
+"L<dh_make|dh_make(1)> コマンドãŒå«ã¾ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚よりやã•ã—ã„案内ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã¯ã€"
+"B<maint-guide-ja> パッケージ㫠debhelper を使ã£ã¦åˆã‚ã¦ãƒ‘ッケージを作る人å‘ã‘"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:31
+msgid ""
+"Except where the tool explicitly denotes otherwise, all of the debhelper "
+"tools assume that they run from the root directory of an unpacked source "
+"package. This is so they can locate find files like F<debian/control> when "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:36
+msgstr "DEBHELPER コマンド"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:38
+msgid ""
+"Here is the list of debhelper commands you can use. See their man pages for "
+"additional documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"以下ãŒåˆ©ç”¨å¯èƒ½ãª debhelper コマンドã®ä¸€è¦§ã§ã™ã€‚詳細ã¯ã€å„コマンド付属㮠man "
+"ページをå‚ç…§ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:43
+msgid "#LIST#"
+msgstr "#LIST#"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:47
+msgid "Deprecated Commands"
+msgstr "廃止ã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ä¸€è¦§"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:49
+msgid "A few debhelper commands are deprecated and should not be used."
+msgstr "廃止ã•ã‚Œã¦ãŠã‚Šã€ä½¿ã†ã¹ãã§ãªã„ debhelper コマンド一覧"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:53
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:57
+msgid "Other Commands"
+msgstr "ä»–ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"If a program's name starts with B<dh_>, and the program is not on the above "
+"lists, then it is not part of the debhelper package, but it should still "
+"work like the other programs described on this page."
+msgstr ""
+"プログラムã®åå‰ãŒ B<dh_> ã§å§‹ã¾ã‚Šã€å…ˆã®ãƒªã‚¹ãƒˆã«ãªã„ã‚‚ã®ã¯ã€debhelper パッ"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:63
+msgstr "DEBHELPER 設定ファイル"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"Many debhelper commands make use of files in F<debian/> to control what they "
+"do. Besides the common F<debian/changelog> and F<debian/control>, which are "
+"in all packages, not just those using debhelper, some additional files can "
+"be used to configure the behavior of specific debhelper commands. These "
+"files are typically named debian/I<package>.foo (where I<package> of course, "
+"is replaced with the package that is being acted on)."
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã®å¤šãã¯ã€ã©ã®ã‚ˆã†ã«å‹•ä½œã™ã‚‹ã‹ã«ã¤ã„㦠F<debian/> ディレ"
+"クトリ以下ã«ã‚るファイルを用ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚共通㮠F<debian/changelog> ã‚„ F<debian/"
+"control> ã¯ã™ã¹ã¦ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«å­˜åœ¨ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ãŒã€ã“ã‚Œã«åŠ ãˆã¦ç‰¹å®šã® "
+"debhelper コマンドã®å‹•ä½œã‚’制御ã§ãる追加ファイルãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«"
+"ã¯ã€å¤§æŠµ debian/I<package>.foo ã¨ã„ã†ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«åã§ã™ (ã‚‚ã¡ã‚ã‚“ã€I<package> ã¯"
+"処ç†ã—よã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„るパッケージåã«å¤‰ãˆã¦ãã ã•ã„)。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:72
+msgid ""
+"For example, B<dh_installdocs> uses files named F<debian/> to "
+"list the documentation files it will install. See the man pages of "
+"individual commands for details about the names and formats of the files "
+"they use. Generally, these files will list files to act on, one file per "
+"line. Some programs in debhelper use pairs of files and destinations or "
+"slightly more complicated formats."
+msgstr ""
+"例ãˆã°ã€B<dh_installdocs> ã§ã¯ã€ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹ãƒ‰ã‚­ãƒ¥ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆã®ä¸€è¦§ã‚’å¾—ã‚‹ã®ã« "
+"F<debian/> ã¨ã„ã†åå‰ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’利用ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚å„コマンドãŒä½¿ã†ãƒ•ã‚¡"
+"イルã®åå‰ã¨ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ¼ãƒžãƒƒãƒˆã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã¯ã€è©³ç´°ã¯ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã® man ページをå‚ç…§ã—ã¦ãã "
+"ã™ã€‚ã„ãã¤ã‹ã® debhelper プログラムã§ã¯ã€ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¨å®›å…ˆã®çµ„ã¿åˆã‚ã›ã‚„ã€ã‚‚ã†"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:79
+msgid ""
+"Note for the first (or only) binary package listed in F<debian/control>, "
+"debhelper will use F<debian/foo> when there's no F<debian/I<package>.foo> "
+"file. However, it is often a good idea to keep the F<I<package>.> prefix as "
+"it is more explicit. The primary exception to this are files that debhelper "
+"by default installs in every binary package when it does not have a package "
+"prefix (such as F<debian/copyright> or F<debian/changelog>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:87
+msgid ""
+"In some rare cases, you may want to have different versions of these files "
+"for different architectures or OSes. If files named debian/I<package>.foo."
+"I<ARCH> or debian/I<package>.foo.I<OS> exist, where I<ARCH> and I<OS> are "
+"the same as the output of \"B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH>\" / "
+"\"B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS>\", then they will be used in "
+"preference to other, more general files."
+msgstr ""
+"稀ã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ãŒã€ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’ã€ç•°ãªã‚‹ã‚¢ãƒ¼ã‚­ãƒ†ã‚¯ãƒãƒ£ï¼ç•°ãªã‚‹ OS 用ã«ã"
+"ã‚Œãžã‚Œç”¨æ„ã—ãŸã„å ´åˆãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ファイルå㌠debian/I<package>.foo.I<ARCH> "
+"ã‚„ã€debian/I<package>.foo.I<OS> ã®ã‚‚ã®ãŒå­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€\"B<dpkg-architecture -"
+"qDEB_HOST_ARCH>\" / \"B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS>\" ã§ãã‚Œãžã‚ŒæŒ‡"
+"定ã—㟠I<ARCH> 㨠I<OS> ã‚’å«ã‚€ã‚‚ã®ãŒã€é€šå¸¸ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚ˆã‚Šã‚‚優先的ã«ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œã¾"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:94
+msgid ""
+"Mostly, these config files are used to specify lists of various types of "
+"files. Documentation or example files to install, files to move, and so on. "
+"When appropriate, in cases like these, you can use standard shell wildcard "
+"characters (B<?> and B<*> and B<[>I<..>B<]> character classes) in the "
+"files. You can also put comments in these files; lines beginning with B<#> "
+"are ignored."
+msgstr ""
+"多ãã®å ´åˆã€ã“れらã®è¨­å®šãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ã€ã„ã‚ã„ã‚ãªç¨®é¡žã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’列挙ã—ã¦æŒ‡å®šã™"
+"ã‚ã£ãŸã‚Šã€ç§»å‹•ã™ã¹ãファイルã ã£ãŸã‚Šç­‰ã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚シェルã®ãƒ¯ã‚¤ãƒ«ãƒ‰ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰æ–‡å­—"
+"列 (B<?>, B<*> åŠã³ B<[>I<..>B<]> 文字クラス) をファイルã«å«ã‚る事ãŒã§ãã€çŠ¶"
+"æ³æ¬¡ç¬¬ã§ã¯ã“ã¡ã‚‰ãŒæœ›ã¾ã—ã„事もã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€è¡Œé ­ãŒB <#> ã§å§‹ã¾ã‚‹è¡Œã¯ç„¡è¦–ã•"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:101
+msgid ""
+"The syntax of these files is intentionally kept very simple to make them "
+"easy to read, understand, and modify."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:104
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Comments are ignored in debhelper config files."
+msgid "Substitutions in debhelper config files"
+msgstr "debhelper 設定ファイルã§ã®ã‚³ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆã¯ç„¡è¦–ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:106
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 13 and later, it is possible to use simple "
+"substitutions in debhelper config files for the following tools:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:111 debhelper.pod:115 debhelper.pod:119 debhelper.pod:123
+#: debhelper.pod:127 debhelper.pod:131 debhelper.pod:135 debhelper.pod:139
+#: debhelper.pod:143 debhelper.pod:147 debhelper.pod:151 debhelper.pod:155
+#: debhelper.pod:159 debhelper.pod:247 debhelper.pod:252
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:113
+msgid "dh_clean"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:117
+msgid "dh_install"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:121
+msgid "dh_installcatalogs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:125
+msgid "dh_installdeb"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:129
+msgid "dh_installdirs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:133
+msgid "dh_installdocs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:137
+msgid "dh_installexamples"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:141
+msgid "dh_installinfo"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:145
+msgid "dh_installman"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:149
+msgid "dh_installwm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:153
+msgid "dh_link"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:157
+msgid "dh_missing"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:161
+msgid "dh_ucf"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:165
+msgid ""
+"All substitution variables are of the form I<${foo}> and the braces are "
+"mandatory. Variable names are case-sensitive and consist of alphanumerics "
+"(a-zA-Z0-9), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and colons (:). The first "
+"character must be an alphanumeric."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:170
+msgid ""
+"If you need a literal dollar sign that cannot trigger a substitution, you "
+"can either use the B<${Dollar}> substitution or the sequence B<${}>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:173
+msgid "The following expansions are available:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:177
+msgid "B<DEB_HOST_*>, B<DEB_BUILD_*>, B<DEB_TARGET_*>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:179
+msgid ""
+"Expands to the relevant L<dpkg-architecture(1)> value (similar to I<dpkg-"
+"architecture -qVARIABLE_HERE>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:182
+msgid ""
+"When in doubt, the B<DEB_HOST_*> variant is the one that will work both for "
+"native and cross builds."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:185
+msgid ""
+"For performance reasons, debhelper will attempt to resolve these names from "
+"the environment first before consulting L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. This is "
+"mostly mentioned for completeness as it will not matter for most cases."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:190
+msgid "B<Dollar>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:192
+msgid ""
+"Expands to a single literal B<$>-symbol. This symbol will I<never> be "
+"considered part of a substitution variable. That is:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:195
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Triggers an error\n"
+" ${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+" # Expands to the literal value \"${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\"\n"
+" ${Dollar}{NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:200
+msgid ""
+"This variable equivalent to the sequence B<${}> and the two can be used "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:203
+msgid "B<Newline>, B<Space>, B<Tab>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:205
+msgid "Expands to a single ASCII newline, space and tab respectively."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:207
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful if you need to include a literal whitespace character (e."
+"g. space) where it would otherwise be stripped or used as a separator."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:211
+msgid "B<< env:I<NAME> >>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:213
+msgid ""
+"Expands to the environment variable I<NAME>. The environment variable must "
+"be set (but can be set to the empty string)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:218
+msgid ""
+"Note that all variables must expand to a defined value. As an example, if "
+"debhelper sees I<${env:FOO}>, then it will insist that the environment "
+"variable I<FOO> is set (it can be set to the empty string)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head3
+#: debhelper.pod:222
+msgid "Substitution limits"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:224
+msgid ""
+"To avoid infinite loops and resource exhaustion, debhelper will stop with an "
+"error if the text contains many substitution variables (50) or they expand "
+"beyond a certain size (4096 characters or 3x length of the original input - "
+"whichever is bigger)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:229
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Comments are ignored in debhelper config files."
+msgid "Executable debhelper config files"
+msgstr "debhelper 設定ファイルã§ã®ã‚³ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆã¯ç„¡è¦–ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:231
+msgid ""
+"If you need additional flexibility, many of the debhelper tools (e.g. "
+"L<dh_install(1)>) support executing a config file as a script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:234
+msgid ""
+"To use this feature, simply mark the config file as executable (e.g. B<< "
+"chmod +x debian/I<package>.install >>) and the tool will attempt to execute "
+"it and use the output of the script. In many cases, you can use L<dh-"
+"exec(1)> as interpreter of the config file to retain most of the original "
+"syntax while getting the additional flexibility you need."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:242
+msgid ""
+"When using executable debhelper config files, please be aware of the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:249
+msgid ""
+"The executable config file B<must> exit with success (i.e. its return code "
+"should indicate success)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:254
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 13+, the output will be subject to substitutions (see "
+"L</Substitutions in debhelper config files>) where the tool support these. "
+"Remember to be careful if your generator I<also> provides substitutions as "
+"this can cause unnecessary confusion."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:259
+msgid ""
+"Otherwise, the output will be used exactly as-is. Notably, debhelper will "
+"I<not> expand wildcards or strip comments or strip whitespace in the output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:265
+msgid ""
+"If you need the package to build on a file system where you cannot disable "
+"the executable bit, then you can use L<dh-exec(1)> and its B<strip-output> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:269
+msgstr "DEBHELPER é–“ã§å…±æœ‰ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ªãƒ—ション"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:271
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by all debhelper programs."
+msgstr ""
+"以下ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯ã€å…¨ã¦ã® debhelper プログラムã§ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã•ã‚Œã¦"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:275
+msgid "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+msgstr "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:277
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Verbose mode: show all commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgid "Verbose mode: show commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:279
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Verbose mode: show all commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"Note that verbose mode may also output other \"internal\" commands that do "
+"not directly affect the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:282 dh:307
+msgid "B<--no-act>"
+msgstr "B<--no-act>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:284
+msgid ""
+"Do not really do anything. If used with -v, the result is that the command "
+"will output what it would have done."
+msgstr ""
+"実際ã®å‡¦ç†ã‚’è¡Œã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。-v オプションã¨ä½µç”¨ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ãŒã©ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªå‡¦ç†ã‚’"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:287
+msgid "B<-a>, B<--arch>"
+msgstr "B<-a>, B<--arch>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:289
+msgid ""
+"Act on architecture dependent packages that should be built for the "
+"B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture."
+msgstr ""
+"アーキテクãƒãƒ£ä¾å­˜ãƒ‘ッケージをã€B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> アーテキクãƒãƒ£å‘ã‘ã«ãƒ“ルドã™"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:292
+msgid "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+msgstr "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:294
+msgid "Act on all architecture independent packages."
+msgstr "å…¨ã¦ã®ã‚¢ãƒ¼ã‚­ãƒ†ã‚¯ãƒãƒ£éžä¾å­˜ãƒ‘ッケージã«å¯¾ã—ã¦å‡¦ç†ã‚’è¡Œã„ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:296
+msgid "B<-p>I<package>, B<--package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-p>I<package>, B<--package=>I<package>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:298
+msgid ""
+"Act on the package named I<package>. This option may be specified multiple "
+"times to make debhelper operate on a given set of packages."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package> ã§æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‘ッケージã«å¯¾ã—ã¦å‡¦ç†ã‚’è¡Œã„ã¾ã™ã€‚複数ã®ãƒ‘ッケージを "
+"debhelper ã«å‡¦ç†ã•ã›ã‚‹éš›ã«ã¯ã€ç¹°ã‚Šè¿”ã—列挙ã—ã¦æŒ‡å®šã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:301
+msgid "B<-s>, B<--same-arch>"
+msgstr "B<-s>, B<--same-arch>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:303
+msgid "Deprecated alias of B<-a>."
+msgstr "廃止ã•ã‚ŒãŸ B<-a> ã®ã‚¨ã‚¤ãƒªã‚¢ã‚¹ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:305 dh_install:80 dh_install:89
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The option is removed in compat 11."
+msgid "This option is removed in compat 12."
+msgstr "ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 11 ã§å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:307
+msgid "B<-N>I<package>, B<--no-package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-N>I<package>, B<--no-package=>I<package>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:309
+msgid ""
+"Do not act on the specified package even if an B<-a>, B<-i>, or B<-p> option "
+"lists the package as one that should be acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"B<-a>, B<-i>, B<-p> オプションã§å‡¦ç†ã™ã¹ãパッケージã¨ã—ã¦å¯¾è±¡ã¨ã—ã¦ã„ã¦ã‚‚ã€"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:312
+msgid "B<--remaining-packages>"
+msgstr "B<--remaining-packages>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:314
+msgid ""
+"Do not act on the packages which have already been acted on by this "
+"debhelper command earlier (i.e. if the command is present in the package "
+"debhelper log). For example, if you need to call the command with special "
+"options only for a couple of binary packages, pass this option to the last "
+"call of the command to process the rest of packages with default settings."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã® debhelper コマンドã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€ã™ã§ã«å‡¦ç†æ¸ˆã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã¯å‡¦ç†ã‚’ã—ãªã„"
+"よã†ã«ã—ã¾ã™ (ã¤ã¾ã‚Šã€debhelper ã®ãƒ­ã‚°ã«ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã®è¨˜éŒ²ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã‚‚ã®ã¯å‡¦ç†ã—ãª"
+"ã„)。例ãˆã°ã€ã„ãã¤ã‹ã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージã ã‘ã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ç‰¹åˆ¥ãªã‚ªãƒ—ション付ãã§ã‚³"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:320
+msgid "B<-P>I<tmpdir>, B<--tmpdir=>I<tmpdir>"
+msgstr "B<-P>I<tmpdir>, B<--tmpdir=>I<tmpdir>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:322
+msgid ""
+"Use I<tmpdir> for package build directory. The default is debian/I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+"I<tmpdir> をパッケージビルドディレクトリã¨ã—ã¦åˆ©ç”¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚デフォルトã§ã¯ "
+"debian/I<package> ディレクトリãŒä½¿ã‚ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:324
+msgid "B<--mainpackage=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--mainpackage=>I<package>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:326
+msgid ""
+"This little-used option changes the package which debhelper considers the "
+"\"main package\", that is, the first one listed in F<debian/control>, and "
+"the one for which F<debian/foo> files can be used instead of the usual "
+"F<debian/> files."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚ã¾ã‚Šä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªã„オプションã¯ã€debhelper コマンド㌠\"main package\" ã¨ã¿"
+"ãªã™ãƒ‘ッケージã€ã¤ã¾ã‚Šã€F<debian/control> ã®æœ€åˆã«è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‘ッケージを変更"
+"ã™ã‚‹ã‚‚ã®ã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€é€šå¸¸ã® F<debian/> ファイルã§ã¯ãªã "
+"F<debian/foo> ファイルãŒä½¿ã‚れるよã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:331
+msgid "B<-O=>I<option>|I<bundle>"
+msgstr "B<-O=>I<option>|I<bundle>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:333
+msgid ""
+"This is used by L<dh(1)> when passing user-specified options to all the "
+"commands it runs. If the command supports the specified option or option "
+"bundle, it will take effect. If the command does not support the option (or "
+"any part of an option bundle), it will be ignored."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€å®Ÿè¡Œã™ã‚‹ã™ã¹ã¦ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¸ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶ãƒ¼æŒ‡å®šã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションを渡ã™éš›ã« "
+"L<dh(1)> ãŒåˆ©ç”¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚コマンドãŒæŒ‡å®šã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションをサãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯"
+"内蔵ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã¯ã€ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯åŠ¹æžœã‚’発æ®ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚コマンドãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚ªãƒ—"
+"ションをサãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ãªã„å ´åˆ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€å†…蔵ã—ã¦ã„るオプションã«ãªã„å ´åˆ)ã€"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:340
+msgstr "DEBHELPER ã®å…±é€šã‚ªãƒ—ション"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:342
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by some debhelper "
+"programs. See the man page of each program for a complete explanation of "
+"what each option does."
+msgstr ""
+"以下ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚ªãƒ—ションãŒã€debhelper プログラムã®ã†ã¡è¤‡æ•°ã§ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã•"
+"man ページをå‚ç…§ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:348
+msgid "B<-n>"
+msgstr "B<-n>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:350
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>, F<postrm>, etc. scripts."
+msgstr "F<postinst>, F<postrm> ç­‰ã®ã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トã«å¤‰æ›´ã‚’加ãˆã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:352 dh_compress:56 dh_dwz:56 dh_installchangelogs:89
+#: dh_installdocs:109 dh_installexamples:84 dh_link:78 dh_makeshlibs:154
+#: dh_md5sums:40 dh_shlibdeps:34 dh_strip:42
+msgid "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:354
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Exclude an item from processing. This option may be used multiple times, "
+#| "to exclude more than one thing. The \\fIitem\\fR is typically part of a "
+#| "filename, and any file containing the specified text will be excluded."
+msgid ""
+"Exclude an item from processing. This option may be used multiple times, to "
+"exclude more than one thing. The I<item> is typically part of a filename, "
+"and any file containing the specified text will be excluded."
+msgstr ""
+"item を処ç†å¯¾è±¡ã‹ã‚‰é™¤å¤–ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚複数㮠item を除外ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã«ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションを複"
+"数指定ã—ã¦ä½¿ã†ã€‚ã“ã¨ãŒã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚通常ã€\\fIitem\\fR ã¯ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«åã®ä¸€éƒ¨ã§ã€æŒ‡å®š"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:358 dh_bugfiles:57 dh_compress:63 dh_installdirs:49
+#: dh_installdocs:104 dh_installexamples:52 dh_installinfo:45 dh_installman:90
+#: dh_installwm:55 dh_link:73
+msgid "B<-A>, B<--all>"
+msgstr "B<-A>, B<--all>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:360
+msgid ""
+"Makes files or other items that are specified on the command line take "
+"effect in ALL packages acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"コマンドラインã§æŒ‡å®šã—ãŸãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ä»–ã® item ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã€æœ€åˆã®ãƒ‘ッケー"
+"ジã ã‘ã§ãªã全パッケージã«å¯¾ã—ã¦å‡¦ç†ã‚’è¡Œã„ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:365
+msgstr "ビルドシステム用オプション"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:367
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by all of the "
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs. These programs support a variety of "
+"build systems, and normally heuristically determine which to use, and how to "
+"use them. You can use these command line options to override the default "
+"behavior. Typically these are passed to L<dh(1)>, which then passes them to "
+"all the B<dh_auto_>I<*> programs."
+msgstr ""
+"以下ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚ªãƒ—ションãŒã€ã™ã¹ã¦ã® B<dh_auto_>I<*> ã® debhelper プロ"
+"ムをサãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ãŠã‚Šã€é€šå¸¸ã®å ´åˆã¯æŽ¨å®šã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ã€ã©ã®ãƒ“ルドシステムãŒã©ã®ã‚ˆã†"
+"トã®å‹•ä½œã‚’ override ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒå¯èƒ½ã§ã™ã€‚大抵ã®å ´åˆã¯ã€ã“れらã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯ã¾"
+"ãš L<dh(1)> ã«æ¸¡ã•ã‚Œã€ãã‚Œã‹ã‚‰ã™ã¹ã¦ã® B<dh_auto_>I<*> プログラムã¸ã¨æ¸¡ã•ã‚Œã¾"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:376
+msgid "B<-S>I<buildsystem>, B<--buildsystem=>I<buildsystem>"
+msgstr "B<-S>I<buildsystem>, B<--buildsystem=>I<buildsystem>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:378
+msgid ""
+"Force use of the specified I<buildsystem>, instead of trying to auto-select "
+"one which might be applicable for the package."
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージã«åˆã‚ã›ã¦è‡ªå‹•çš„ã«é¸æŠžã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ“ルドシステムã§ã¯ãªãã€I<buildsystem> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:381
+msgid "Pass B<none> as I<buildsystem> to disable auto-selection."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:383
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-D>I<directory>, B<--sourcedirectory=>I<directory>"
+msgid ""
+"B<-D>I<directory>, B<--sourcedir=>I<directory>, B<--"
+msgstr "B<-D>I<directory>, B<--sourcedirectory=>I<directory>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:385
+msgid ""
+"Assume that the original package source tree is at the specified "
+"I<directory> rather than the top level directory of the Debian source "
+"package tree."
+msgstr ""
+"オリジナルã®ã‚½ãƒ¼ã‚¹ãƒ„リーãŒã€Debian ソースパッケージツリーã®æœ€ä¸Šä½ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆ"
+"リã§ã¯ãªãã€I<directory> ã§æŒ‡å®šã—ãŸå ´æ‰€ã«ã‚ã‚‹ã¨ä»®å®šã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:389
+msgid ""
+"B<Warning>: The B<--sourcedir> variant matches a similar named option in "
+"B<dh_install> and B<dh_missing> (etc.) for historical reasons. While they "
+"have a similar name, they have very distinct purposes and in some cases it "
+"can cause errors when this variant is passed to B<dh> (when then passes it "
+"on to all tools)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:395
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-B>[I<directory>], B<--builddirectory=>[I<directory>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<-B>[I<directory>], B<--builddir>[I<=directory>], B<--"
+msgstr "B<-B>[I<directory>], B<--builddirectory=>[I<directory>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:397
+msgid ""
+"Enable out of source building and use the specified I<directory> as the "
+"build directory. If I<directory> parameter is omitted, a default build "
+"directory will be chosen."
+msgstr ""
+"ソースã®ãƒ“ルドディレクトリ外ã«ã‚ã‚‹ã€æŒ‡å®šã—㟠I<directory> をビルドディレクト"
+"リã¨ã—ã¦ã‚½ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã®ãƒ“ルドを有効ã«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚I<directory> パラメータãŒçœç•¥ã•ã‚ŒãŸå ´åˆ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:401
+msgid ""
+"If this option is not specified, building will be done in source by default "
+"unless the build system requires or prefers out of source tree building. In "
+"such a case, the default build directory will be used even if B<--"
+"builddirectory> is not specified."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œãªã„å ´åˆã¯ã€ãƒ“ルドシステムãŒã‚½ãƒ¼ã‚¹ãƒ„リー外ã§ã®ãƒ“ルド"
+"スディレクトリ内部ã§ãƒ“ルドãŒè¡Œã‚ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ãã®å ´åˆã€B<--builddirectory> ãŒæŒ‡å®š"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:406
+msgid ""
+"If the build system prefers out of source tree building but still allows in "
+"source building, the latter can be re-enabled by passing a build directory "
+"path that is the same as the source directory path."
+msgstr ""
+"ビルドシステムãŒã€ã‚½ãƒ¼ã‚¹ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªä»¥å¤–ã®å ´æ‰€ã§ãƒ“ルドをé¸æŠžã—ã¦ã—ã¾ã†ã‘ã‚Œã©"
+"もソースディレクトリã§ã®ãƒ“ルドãŒå¯èƒ½ãªå ´åˆã«ã¯ã€ã‚½ãƒ¼ã‚¹ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã®ãƒ‘スã¨åŒ"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:410
+msgid "B<--parallel>, B<--no-parallel>"
+msgstr "B<--parallel>, B<--no-parallel>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:412
+msgid ""
+"Control whether parallel builds should be used if underlying build system "
+"supports them. The number of parallel jobs is controlled by the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable (L<Debian Policy, section 4.9.1>) "
+"at build time. It might also be subject to a build system specific limit."
+msgstr ""
+"ビルドシステムãŒã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã€ä¸¦åˆ—ビルドを有効ã«ã™ã‚‹ã‹ã©ã†ã‹ã‚’管ç†ã—"
+"ã¾ã™ã€‚ã©ã‚Œã ã‘ã®æ•°ã§ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ–を並列ã«ã™ã‚‹ã‹ã¯ã€ãƒ“ルドãŒè¡Œã‚れる際㫠"
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> 環境変数ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦æ±ºå®šã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ (L<Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ãƒžãƒ‹ãƒ¥ã‚¢"
+"ルã€4.9.1ç« >)。ビルドシステム固有ã®åˆ¶é™ã«å½±éŸ¿ã‚’å—ã‘ã‚‹å ´åˆã‚‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:418
+msgid ""
+"If neither option is specified, debhelper currently defaults to B<--"
+"parallel> in compat 10 (or later) and B<--no-parallel> otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+"ã©ã¡ã‚‰ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションも指定ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ãªã„å ´åˆã€debhelper ã¯ç¾åœ¨ã§ã¯äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« "
+"10 (以é™) ã®å ´åˆã¯ B<--parallel> をデフォルトã«ã€ãã†ã§ãªã„å ´åˆã¯ B<--no-"
+"parallel> ãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+# FIXME: typo: unnecessary
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:421
+msgid ""
+"As an optimization, B<dh> will try to avoid passing these options to "
+"subprocesses, if they are unnecessary and the only options passed. Notably "
+"this happens when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> does not have a I<parallel> parameter "
+"(or its value is 1)."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れらã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションãŒä¸è¦ã§ã‚ã‚‹å ´åˆã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã ã‘ãŒæ¸¡ã•ã‚ŒãŸå ´åˆ"
+"ã«ã¯ã€B<dh> ã¯ã“れらã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションをサブプロセスã«æ¸¡ã™ã®ã‚’最é©åŒ–ã®ãŸã‚é¿ã‘よã†"
+"ã¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚特ã«ã€ã“れ㯠B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> ㌠I<parallel> パラメーターをæŒãŸ"
+"ãªã„ (ã¾ãŸã¯ã“ã®å€¤ãŒ 1 ã§ã‚ã‚‹) å ´åˆã«èµ·ã“ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:426
+msgid "B<--max-parallel=>I<maximum>"
+msgstr "B<--max-parallel=>I<maximum>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:428
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--parallel> and allows further limiting the number of "
+"jobs that can be used in a parallel build. If the package build is known to "
+"only work with certain levels of concurrency, you can set this to the "
+"maximum level that is known to work, or that you wish to support."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ション㯠B<--parallel> ã¨ã¨ã‚‚ã«åˆ©ç”¨ã—ã€ä¸¦åˆ—ビルドã«ãŠã‘る並列数ã®ä¸Šé™"
+"ã‚ã‹ã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã€ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションを使ã£ã¦æœ€å¤§é™ã®ä¸¦åˆ—æ•°ã¾ãŸã¯åˆ©ç”¨ã—ãŸã„並列数"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:433
+msgid ""
+"Notably, setting the maximum to 1 is effectively the same as using B<--no-"
+msgstr ""
+"特ã«ã€æœ€å¤§å€¤ã‚’ 1 ã«è¨­å®šã™ã‚‹ã®ã¯ B<--no-parallel> を使ã†ã®ã¨åŒã˜åŠ¹æžœãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:436
+msgid "B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:438
+msgid ""
+"By default, L<dh(1)> will compute several environment variables (e.g. by "
+"using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>) and cache them to avoid having all B<dh_auto_*> "
+"tool recompute them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:442
+msgid ""
+"When passing this option, the concrete B<dh_auto_*> tool will ignore the "
+"cache from L<dh(1)> and retrigger a rebuild of these variables. This is "
+"useful in the very rare case where the package need to do multiple builds "
+"but with different B<...FLAGS> options. A concrete example would be needing "
+"to change the B<-O> parameter in B<CFLAGS> in the second build:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:449
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:451
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" %:\n"
+" dh $@\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" dh_auto_configure -Bbuild-deb ...\n"
+" DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-Os dh_auto_configure \\\n"
+" --reload-all-buildenv-variables -Bbuild-udeb ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:459
+msgid ""
+"Without B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables> in the second call to "
+"L<dh_auto_configure(1)>, the change in B<DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND> would be "
+"ignored as L<dh_auto_configure(1)> would use the cached value of B<CFLAGS> "
+"set by L<dh(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:464
+msgid ""
+"This option is only available with B<< debhelper (>= 12.7~) >> when the "
+"package uses compatibility level 9 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:467 dh:299
+msgid "B<--list>, B<-l>"
+msgstr "B<--list>, B<-l>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:469
+msgid ""
+"List all build systems supported by debhelper on this system. The list "
+"includes both default and third party build systems (marked as such). Also "
+"shows which build system would be automatically selected, or which one is "
+"manually specified with the B<--buildsystem> option."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚·ã‚¹ãƒ†ãƒ ä¸Šã§ã€debhelper ãŒã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„るビルドシステム一覧を表示ã—ã¾"
+"ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ä¸€è¦§ã«ã¯ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã®ãƒ“ルドシステムã€ãã—ã¦ã‚µãƒ¼ãƒ‰ãƒ‘ーティー製 (ã§ã‚ã‚‹"
+"ã¨æ˜Žè¨˜ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹) ビルドシステムã®åŒæ–¹ã‚’å«ã¿ã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€ã©ã‚ŒãŒè‡ªå‹•çš„ã«é¸æŠžã•"
+"ã‚ŒãŸã‹ã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯æ‰‹å‹•ã§ B<--buildsystem> オプションã«ã¦ä½•ãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚ŒãŸã®ã‹ã‚‚表"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:476
+msgstr "互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:478
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "From time to time, major non-backwards-compatible changes need to be made "
+#| "to debhelper, to keep it clean and well-designed as needs change and its "
+#| "author gains more experience. To prevent such major changes from breaking "
+#| "existing packages, the concept of debhelper compatibility levels was "
+#| "introduced. You must tell debhelper which compatibility level it should "
+#| "use, and it modifies its behavior in various ways. The compatibility "
+#| "level is specified in the F<debian/compat> file and the file must be "
+#| "present."
+msgid ""
+"From time to time, major non-backwards-compatible changes need to be made to "
+"debhelper, to keep it clean and well-designed as needs change and its author "
+"gains more experience. To prevent such major changes from breaking existing "
+"packages, the concept of debhelper compatibility levels was introduced. You "
+"must tell debhelper which compatibility level it should use, and it modifies "
+"its behavior in various ways."
+msgstr ""
+"時ãŒçµŒã¡ã€å¾Œæ–¹äº’æ›æ€§ã‚’å´©ã™ã‚ˆã†ãªå¤§ããªå¤‰æ›´ã‚’ debhelper ã«ã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã§ã¦ãã¾ã—"
+"ãŸã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€å¤‰åŒ–ã«å¯¾ã—㦠debhelper ã®æ§‹é€ ã‚’綺麗ã§ã†ã¾ã設計ã•ã‚ŒãŸã¾ã¾ã«ä¿ã¤å¿…"
+"è¦ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã¨ã€debhelper ã®ä½œè€…ãŒã‚ˆã‚ŠçµŒé¨“ã‚’å¾—ã¦ã‚ˆã‚Šæ·±ã考ãˆã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã£ãŸãŸ"
+"ã‚ã€äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã¨ã„ã†è€ƒãˆæ–¹ãŒå°Žå…¥ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸã€‚debhelper ã«ã©ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã‚’"
+"ル㯠F<debian/compat> ファイルã§æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã€ã“ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯å¿…é ˆã¨ãªã£ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:485
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Tell debhelper what compatibility level to use by writing a number to "
+#| "F<debian/compat>. For example, to use v#RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# mode:"
+msgid ""
+"In current debhelper, you can specify the compatibility level in F<debian/"
+"control> by adding a Build-Depends on the debhelper-compat package. For "
+"example, to use v#RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# mode, ensure F<debian/control> has:"
+msgstr ""
+"æ•°å­—ã‚’ F<debian/compat> ã«è¨˜è¿°ã—ã¦ã€debhelper ã«ã©ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã‚’使ã†ã‹ã‚’æ•™"
+"ãˆã¾ã™ã€‚例ãˆã°ã€v#RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# モードを使ã†ã«ã¯æ¬¡ã®æ§˜ã«ã—ã¾ã™:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:489
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| " Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:491
+msgid ""
+"This also serves as an appropriate versioned build dependency on a "
+"sufficient version of the debhelper package, so you do not need to specify a "
+"separate versioned build dependency on the debhelper package unless you need "
+"a specific point release of debhelper (such as for the introduction of a new "
+"feature or bugfix within a compatibility level)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:497
+msgid ""
+"Note that debhelper does not provide debhelper-compat for experimental or "
+"beta compatibility levels; packages experimenting with those compatibility "
+"levels should use F<debian/compat> (or, if only for selected commands, "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:501
+msgid ""
+"Prior versions of debhelper required specifying the compatibility level in "
+"the file F<debian/compat>, and current debhelper still supports this for "
+"backward compatibility. To use this method, the F<debian/compat> file should "
+"contain the compatibility level as a single number, and no other content. If "
+"you specify the compatibility level by this method, your package will also "
+"need a versioned build dependency on a version of the debhelper package "
+"equal to (or greater than) the compatibility level your package uses. So, if "
+"you specify compatibility level #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# in F<debian/compat>, "
+"ensure F<debian/control> has:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:511
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| " Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#~)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:513
+msgid ""
+"Note that you must use either the build-dependency on debhelper-compat or "
+"the F<debian/compat> file. Whenever possible, the debhelper-compat build-"
+"dependency is recommended."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:517
+msgid ""
+"If needed be, the B<DH_COMPAT> environment variable can be used to override "
+"the compat level for a given command. The feature is mostly useful for "
+"either temporarily upgrading a few commands to a new compat level or keeping "
+"a few commands on a lower compat level. The feature is best used sparingly "
+"as it effectively introduces special-cases into the F<debian/rules> file "
+"that may be surprising to maintainers or reviewers (or, in the long term, to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:525
+msgid ""
+"Unless otherwise indicated, all debhelper documentation assumes that you are "
+"using the most recent compatibility level, and in most cases does not "
+"indicate if the behavior is different in an earlier compatibility level, so "
+"if you are not using the most recent compatibility level, you're advised to "
+"read below for notes about what is different in earlier compatibility levels."
+msgstr ""
+"特ã«æŒ‡å®šãŒç„¡ã„å ´åˆã€debhelper ã®ãƒ‰ã‚­ãƒ¥ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆã¯æœ€æ–°ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã‚’利用ã—ã¦ã„"
+"る事をå‰æã¨ãŠã‚Šã€å¤šãã®å ´åˆã§ã¯ä»¥å‰ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã§ã¯ã©ã†å‹•ä½œãŒç•°ãªã‚‹ã‹ã«ã¤"
+"ã„ã¦ã¯è¨€åŠã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。最新ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã‚’使ã£ã¦ã„ãªã„å ´åˆã«ã¯ã€ãれ以å‰ã®"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:532
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This is the lowest supported compatibility level."
+msgid "Supported compatibility levels"
+msgstr "ã“ã‚Œã¯ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã•ã‚Œã¦ã„る最低é™ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:534
+msgid ""
+"The list of supported compatibility levels and the related upgrade check "
+"list has moved to L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:537 dh_auto_test:48 dh_dwz:69 dh_installcatalogs:67
+#: dh_installdocs:202 dh_installemacsen:75 dh_installexamples:96
+#: dh_installinit:204 dh_installinitramfs:60 dh_installman:131
+#: dh_installmodules:57 dh_installudev:50 dh_installwm:66 dh_installxfonts:40
+#: dh_movefiles:67 dh_strip:119 dh_usrlocal:60 dh_systemd_enable:103
+#: dh_systemd_start:68
+msgid "NOTES"
+msgstr "付記"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:539
+msgid "Multiple binary package support"
+msgstr "複数ã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージã®ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:541
+msgid ""
+"If your source package generates more than one binary package, debhelper "
+"programs will default to acting on all binary packages when run. If your "
+"source package happens to generate one architecture dependent package, and "
+"another architecture independent package, this is not the correct behavior, "
+"because you need to generate the architecture dependent packages in the "
+"binary-arch F<debian/rules> target, and the architecture independent "
+"packages in the binary-indep F<debian/rules> target."
+msgstr ""
+"ソースパッケージãŒè¤‡æ•°ã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージを生æˆã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã€ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã§ã¯ "
+"debhelper ã¯å®Ÿè¡Œæ™‚ã«ã™ã¹ã¦ã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージを生æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã‚½ãƒ¼ã‚¹"
+"rules> ã§ã¯ã€ã‚¢ãƒ¼ã‚­ãƒ†ã‚¯ãƒãƒ£ä¾å­˜ãƒ‘ッケージを生æˆã™ã‚‹ãªã‚‰ binary-arch ターゲッ"
+"indep ターゲットã§ç”Ÿæˆã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚る為ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:549
+msgid ""
+"To facilitate this, as well as give you more control over which packages are "
+"acted on by debhelper programs, all debhelper programs accept the B<-a>, B<-"
+"i>, B<-p>, and B<-s> parameters. These parameters are cumulative. If none "
+"are given, debhelper programs default to acting on all packages listed in "
+"the control file, with the exceptions below."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れを容易ã«ã™ã‚‹ç‚ºã€ã©ã®ãƒ‘ッケージ㌠debhelper プログラムã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦å‡¦ç†ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã‹"
+"をよりコントロールã™ã‚‹ã®ã¨åŒæ§˜ã€ã™ã¹ã¦ã® debhelper プログラム㯠B<-a>, B<-"
+"i>, B<-p>, B<-s> パラメータを解釈ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚ã“れらã®ãƒ‘ラメータã¯é‡è¤‡å¯èƒ½ã§ã™ã€‚"
+"何も指定ã—ãªã„å ´åˆã€debhelper プログラムã¯ã€ä»¥ä¸‹ã®ä¾‹å¤–を除ã„㦠control ファイ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:555
+msgid ""
+"First, any package whose B<Architecture> field in B<debian/control> does not "
+"match the B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture will be excluded (L<Debian Policy, "
+"section 5.6.8>)."
+msgstr ""
+"ã¾ãšã€B<debian/control> 中㮠B<Architecture> フィールド㌠B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> "
+"アーキテクãƒãƒ£ã«ä¸€è‡´ã—ãªã„å…¨ã¦ã®ãƒ‘ッケージãŒé™¤å¤–ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ (L<Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ "
+"5.6.8 章>)。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:559
+msgid ""
+"Also, some additional packages may be excluded based on the contents of the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_PROFILES> environment variable and B<Build-Profiles> fields in "
+"binary package stanzas in B<debian/control>, according to the draft policy "
+"at L<>."
+msgstr ""
+"ã¾ãŸã€L<> ã«ã‚るドラフトã®ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ã«"
+"よるã¨ã€B<DEB_BUILD_PROFILES> 環境変数㨠B<debian/control> 中ã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッ"
+"ケージ節㮠B<Build-Profiles> フィールドã®å†…容を元ã«è¿½åŠ ã§ãƒ‘ッケージãŒé™¤å¤–ã•ã‚Œ"
+#. type: =head3
+#: debhelper.pod:564
+msgid "Interaction between package selections and Build-Profiles"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:566
+msgid ""
+"Build-Profiles affect which packages are included in the package selections "
+"mechanisms in debhelper. Generally, the package selections are described "
+"from the assumption that all packages are enabled. This section describes "
+"how the selections react when a package is disabled due to the active Build-"
+"Profiles (or lack of active Build-Profiles)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:574
+msgid "-a/--arch, -i/--indep OR no selection options (a raw \"dh_X\" call)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:576
+msgid ""
+"The package disabled by Build-Profiles is silently excluded from the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:579
+msgid ""
+"Note you will receive a warning if I<all> packages related to these "
+"selections are disabled. In that case, it generally does not make sense to "
+"do the build in the first place."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:583
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-N>I<package>, B<--no-package=>I<package>"
+msgid "-N I<package> / --no-package I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-N>I<package>, B<--no-package=>I<package>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:585
+msgid "The option is accepted and effectively does nothing."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:587
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-p>I<package>, B<--package=>I<package>"
+msgid "-p I<package> / --package I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-p>I<package>, B<--package=>I<package>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:589
+msgid "The option is accepted, but debhelper will not act on the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:593
+msgid ""
+"Note that it does not matter whether a package is enabled or disabled by "
+msgstr ""
+# note: it should be "Debian maintainer scripts"?
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:596
+msgid "Automatic generation of Debian install scripts"
+msgstr "メンテナスクリプトã®è‡ªå‹•ç”Ÿæˆ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:598
+msgid ""
+"Some debhelper commands will automatically generate parts of Debian "
+"maintainer scripts. If you want these automatically generated things "
+"included in your existing Debian maintainer scripts, then you need to add "
+"B<#DEBHELPER#> to your scripts, in the place the code should be added. "
+"B<#DEBHELPER#> will be replaced by any auto-generated code when you run "
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper コマンドã«ã¯ã€Debian メンテナスクリプトã®ä¸€éƒ¨ã‚’自動的ã«ç”Ÿæˆã™ã‚‹ã‚‚ã®"
+"ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã—ã€æ—¢å­˜ã® Debian メンテナスクリプトã«è‡ªå‹•ç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚ŒãŸéƒ¨åˆ†ã‚’å«ã‚€"
+"よã†ã«ã—ãŸã‘ã‚Œã°ã€ã‚³ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã‚’追加ã—ãŸã„場所㫠B<#DEBHELPER#> ã¨è¿½è¨˜ã—ã¦ãã ã•"
+"ã„。B<#DEBHELPER#> 㯠B<dh_installdeb> ãŒå®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚Œã‚‹éš›ã«ã€è‡ªå‹•ç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚³ãƒ¼ãƒ‰"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:605
+msgid ""
+"If a script does not exist at all and debhelper needs to add something to "
+"it, then debhelper will create the complete script."
+msgstr ""
+"スクリプトãŒã¾ã£ãŸã存在ã—ãªã„㌠debhelper ãŒä½•ã‹ã‚’スクリプトã«è¿½åŠ ã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒ"
+"ã‚ã‚‹å ´åˆã€debhelper ã¯ã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トを一å¼ç”Ÿæˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:608
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper commands that automatically generate code in this way let it "
+"be disabled by the -n parameter (see above)."
+msgstr ""
+"-n パラメーターを指定ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€ã“ã®ã‚ˆã†ãª debhelper プログラムã«ã‚ˆã‚‹ã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—ト"
+"ã®è‡ªå‹•ç”Ÿæˆã‚’è¡Œã‚ãªã„よã†ã«ã§ãã¾ã™ (上記å‚ç…§)。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:611
+msgid ""
+"Note that the inserted code will be shell code, so you cannot directly use "
+"it in a Perl script. If you would like to embed it into a Perl script, here "
+"is one way to do that (note that I made sure that $1, $2, etc are set with "
+"the set command):"
+msgstr ""
+"挿入ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚³ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã¯ã‚·ã‚§ãƒ«ã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トãªã®ã§ã€Perl スクリプトã«ã¯ç›´æŽ¥åŸ‹ã‚è¾¼ã‚ãªã„"
+"事ã«æ³¨æ„ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。もã—何ã‹ã‚’ Perl スクリプトã«åŸ‹ã‚è¾¼ã¿ãŸã„å ´åˆã€ä»¥ä¸‹ã«ä¸€"
+"例を挙ã’ã¾ã™ ($1, $2 等㯠set コマンドã«ã‚ˆã‚Šè¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã‚‹äº‹ã«æ³¨æ„):"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:616
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+" EOF\n"
+" if (system($temp)) {\n"
+" my $exit_code = ($? >> 8) & 0xff;\n"
+" my $signal = $? & 0x7f;\n"
+" if ($exit_code) {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script failed with error code: ${exit_code}\");\n"
+" } else {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script was killed by signal: ${signal}\");\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+msgstr ""
+" my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+" EOF\n"
+" if (system($temp)) {\n"
+" my $exit_code = ($? >> 8) & 0xff;\n"
+" my $signal = $? & 0x7f;\n"
+" if ($exit_code) {\n"
+" die(\"debhelper スクリプトã¯å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚エラーコード: ${exit_code}\");\n"
+" } else {\n"
+" die(\"debhelper スクリプトã¯ä»¥ä¸‹ã®ã‚·ã‚°ãƒŠãƒ«ã§çµ‚了ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸ: ${signal}\");\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:629
+msgid "Automatic generation of miscellaneous dependencies."
+msgstr "様々ãªä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚ã®è‡ªå‹•ç”Ÿæˆ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:631
+msgid ""
+"Some debhelper commands may make the generated package need to depend on "
+"some other packages. For example, if you use L<dh_installdebconf(1)>, your "
+"package will generally need to depend on debconf. Or if you use "
+"L<dh_installxfonts(1)>, your package will generally need to depend on a "
+"particular version of xutils. Keeping track of these miscellaneous "
+"dependencies can be annoying since they are dependent on how debhelper does "
+"things, so debhelper offers a way to automate it."
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper ã¯ä»–ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«ä¾å­˜ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãªãƒ‘ッケージを作æˆã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾"
+"ã™ã€‚例ãˆã°ã€L<dh_installdebconf(1)> を使ã†ã¨ã€ãƒ“ルドã—ãŸãƒ‘ッケージ㯠debconf "
+"パッケージã«ã‚‚ä¾å­˜ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚ã‚‹ã„㯠L<dh_installxfonts(1)> を使ã†"
+"ã¨ã€ç‰¹å®šã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã® xutils ã«ä¾å­˜ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã“れらã®æ§˜ã€…ãªä¾å­˜é–¢"
+"係を追ã„ã‹ã‘ã‚‹ã®ã¯ã€debhelper ãŒã©ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªå‡¦ç†ã‚’è¡Œã†ã‹ã«ã‚ˆã‚‹ãŸã‚ã«é¢å€’ãªã“ã¨"
+"ã«ãªã‚ŠãŒã¡ã§ã™ã€‚ãã®ãŸã‚ã€debhelper 㯠自動的ã«ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚を解決ã™ã‚‹æ©Ÿèƒ½ã‚’æä¾›ã—"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:639
+msgid ""
+"All commands of this type, besides documenting what dependencies may be "
+"needed on their man pages, will automatically generate a substvar called "
+"B<${misc:Depends}>. If you put that token into your F<debian/control> file, "
+"it will be expanded to the dependencies debhelper figures you need."
+msgstr ""
+"ä»–ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«ä¾å­˜ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãªãƒ‘ッケージを生æˆã™ã‚‹ debhelper コマンドã¯ã€ä½•ã«"
+"ä¾å­˜ã™ã‚‹ã‹ã«ã¤ã„㦠man ページã«è¨˜è¼‰ã—ã¦ã‚ã‚‹ä»–ã«ã€B<${misc:Depends}> ã¨å‘¼ã°ã‚Œ"
+"る変数をã€è‡ªå‹•çš„ã«ç”Ÿæˆã—ãŸä¾å­˜æƒ…å ±ã¨ç½®ãæ›ãˆã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã— F<debian/control> ã«ã“"
+"ã®å¤‰æ•°ã‚’指定ã™ã‚Œã°ã€debhelper ã¯å¿…è¦ã¨ã™ã‚‹ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚を自動的ã«å±•é–‹ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãª"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:644
+msgid ""
+"This is entirely independent of the standard B<${shlibs:Depends}> generated "
+"by L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>, and the B<${perl:Depends}> generated by "
+"L<dh_perl(1)>. You can choose not to use any of these, if debhelper's "
+"guesses don't match reality."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®å¤‰æ•°ã¯ã€L<dh_makeshlibs(1)> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚ŒãŸæ¨™æº–ã® B<${shlibs:Depends}> "
+"変数ã¨ã¯ã¾ã£ãŸã関連をæŒã¡ã¾ã›ã‚“。ã¾ãŸã€L<dh_perl(1)> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚ŒãŸ "
+"B<${perl:Depends}> 変数もåŒæ§˜ã§ã™ã€‚debhelper コマンドã®æŽ¨æ¸¬ãŒå®ŸçŠ¶ã«åˆã‚ãªã„å ´"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:649
+msgid "Package build directories"
+msgstr "パッケージビルドディレクトリ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:651
+msgid ""
+"By default, all debhelper programs assume that the temporary directory used "
+"for assembling the tree of files in a package is debian/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"デフォルトã§ã¯ã€ã™ã¹ã¦ã® debhelper プログラムã¯ãƒ‘ッケージã«å«ã‚るファイル群を"
+"ã¾ã¨ã‚る一時ディレクトリã¨ã—㦠debian/I<package> ディレクトリを使用ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:654
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes, you might want to use some other temporary directory. This is "
+"supported by the B<-P> flag. For example, \"B<dh_installdocs -Pdebian/"
+"tmp>\", will use B<debian/tmp> as the temporary directory. Note that if you "
+"use B<-P>, the debhelper programs can only be acting on a single package at "
+"a time. So if you have a package that builds many binary packages, you will "
+"need to also use the B<-p> flag to specify which binary package the "
+"debhelper program will act on."
+msgstr ""
+"時折ã€åˆ¥ã®ä¸€æ™‚ディレクトリを利用ã—ãŸããªã‚‹å ´åˆãŒã‚ã‚‹ã§ã—ょã†ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã¯ã€B<-"
+"P> フラグを利用ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。例ãˆã°ã€\"B<dh_installdocs -Pdebian/tmp>\" ã§"
+"㯠B<debian/tmp> を一時ディレクトリã¨ã—ã¦åˆ©ç”¨ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚ãŸã ã—ã€B<-P> を使ã†"
+"ã¨ã€debhelper プログラムã¯ä¸€åº¦ã« 1 ã¤ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã®å‡¦ç†ã—ã‹ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“。ãã®"
+"為ã€è¤‡æ•°ã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージを生æˆã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãªå ´åˆã€ã©ã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージã«å¯¾"
+"ã—㦠debhelper ãŒä½œç”¨ã™ã‚‹ã‹ã‚’指定ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã« B<-p> フラグを併用ã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Š"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:662
+msgid "udebs"
+msgstr "udeb パッケージã«ã¤ã„ã¦"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:664
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper includes support for udebs. To create a udeb with debhelper, add "
+"\"B<Package-Type: udeb>\" to the package's stanza in F<debian/control>. "
+"Debhelper will try to create udebs that comply with debian-installer policy, "
+"by making the generated package files end in F<.udeb>, not installing any "
+"documentation into a udeb, skipping over F<preinst>, F<postrm>, F<prerm>, "
+"and F<config> scripts, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper 㯠udeb もサãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚debhelper 㧠udeb パッケージを作æˆã™"
+"ã‚‹ã«ã¯ã€\"B<Package-Type: udeb>\" ã‚’ F<debian/control> ã®ãƒ‘ッケージ定義ã«åŠ ãˆ"
+"ã¦ãã ã•ã„。debhelper 㯠udeb ファイルを debian-installer ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ã«ã‚ã‚ã›ã¦"
+"ビルドã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージã®æ‹¡å¼µå­ãŒ F<.udeb> ã¨ãªã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã§ã€ã„ã‹ãª"
+"るドキュメントやã€F<preinst>, F<postrm>, F<prerm>, F<config> スクリプト等もçœ"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:671
+msgstr "環境変数"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:673
+msgid ""
+"This section describes some of the environment variables that influences the "
+"behaviour of debhelper or which debhelper interacts with."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:676
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The following environment variables can influence the behavior of "
+#| "debhelper. It is important to note that these must be actual environment "
+#| "variables in order to function properly (not simply F<Makefile> "
+#| "variables). To specify them properly in F<debian/rules>, be sure to "
+#| "\"B<export>\" them. For example, \"B<export DH_VERBOSE>\"."
+msgid ""
+"It is important to note that these must be actual environment variables in "
+"order to affect the behaviour of debhelper (not simply F<Makefile> "
+"variables). To specify them properly in F<debian/rules>, be sure to "
+"\"B<export>\" them. For example, \"B<export DH_VERBOSE>\"."
+msgstr ""
+"以下ã®ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•°ã¯ debhelper ã®æŒ¯ã‚‹èˆžã„ã«å½±éŸ¿ã‚’与ãˆã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚æ­£ã—ã動作"
+"ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã«ã¯ã€(å˜ãªã‚‹ F<Makefile> 変数ã§ã¯ãªã) 実際ã®ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•°ã§ã‚ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚"
+"ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã«æ³¨æ„ã™ã‚‹ã®ãŒé‡è¦ã§ã™ã€‚ã“れらを正ã—ã F<debian/rules> ã§æŒ‡å®šã™ã‚‹ã«ã¯ã€"
+"å¿…ãš \"B<export>\" ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。例ãˆã° \"B<export DH_VERBOSE>\" ãªã©ã¨ã—ã¾"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:683
+msgid "B<DH_VERBOSE>"
+msgstr "B<DH_VERBOSE>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:685
+msgid ""
+"Set to a non-empty value to enable verbose mode. Please see the B<-v> / B<--"
+"verbose> option for details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:688
+msgid "B<DH_QUIET>"
+msgstr "B<DH_QUIET>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:690
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Set to B<1> to enable quiet mode. Debhelper will not output commands "
+#| "calling the upstream build system nor will dh print which subcommands are "
+#| "called and depending on the upstream build system might make that more "
+#| "quiet, too. This makes it easier to spot important messages but makes "
+#| "the output quite useless as buildd log. Ignored if DH_VERBOSE is also "
+#| "set."
+msgid ""
+"Set to a non-empty value to enable quiet mode. Debhelper will not output "
+"commands calling the upstream build system nor will dh print which "
+"subcommands are called and depending on the upstream build system might make "
+"that more quiet, too. This makes it easier to spot important messages but "
+"makes the output quite useless as buildd log."
+msgstr ""
+"quiet モードを有効ã«ã™ã‚‹ã«ã¯ B<1> を指定ã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„。debhelper㯠upstream ã®ãƒ“"
+"ルドシステムã®å‘¼ã³å‡ºã—コマンドやã€dh ãŒã©ã®ã‚µãƒ–コマンドãŒå‘¼ã³å‡ºã•ã‚ŒãŸã®ã‹ã‚‚出"
+"力ã—ãªããªã‚Šã€upstream ã®ãƒ“ルドシステムã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ã¯ã•ã‚‰ã«é™ã‹ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯"
+"é‡è¦ãªãƒ¡ãƒƒã‚»ãƒ¼ã‚¸ã«æ³¨ç›®ã™ã‚‹ã®ãŒç°¡å˜ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ãŒã€buildd ã®ãƒ­ã‚°ã¨ã—ã¦ã¯å‡ºåŠ›ã¯æ¥µ"
+"ã‚ã¦ä½¿ã„物ã«ãªã‚‰ãªããªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚DH_VERBOSE ãŒåŒæ™‚ã«ã‚»ãƒƒãƒˆã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ã¨ç„¡è¦–ã•ã‚Œã¾"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:696
+msgid "Ignored if DH_VERBOSE is also set or B<-v> / B<--verbose> is passed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:698
+msgid "B<DH_COMPAT>"
+msgstr "B<DH_COMPAT>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:700
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Temporarily specifies what compatibility level debhelper should run at, "
+#| "overriding any value in F<debian/compat>."
+msgid ""
+"Temporarily specifies what compatibility level debhelper should run at, "
+"overriding any value specified via Build-Depends on debhelper-compat or via "
+"the F<debian/compat> file."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•°ã¯ã€debhelper ã‚’ã©ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã§å®Ÿè¡Œã™ã‚‹ã‹ã‚’一時的ã«æŒ‡å®šã™ã‚‹ã‚‚"
+"ã®ã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã¡ã‚‰ã‚’指定ã™ã‚‹ã¨ F<debian/compat> ã®å€¤ã‚’上書ãã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:704
+msgid "B<DH_NO_ACT>"
+msgstr "B<DH_NO_ACT>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:706
+msgid "Set to B<1> to enable no-act mode."
+msgstr "B<1> ã«è¨­å®šã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€ä½•ã‚‚ã—ãªã„ (no-act) モードã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:708
+msgid "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+msgstr "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:710
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper tools will parse command line arguments listed in this "
+"variable before any command option (as if they had been prepended to the "
+"command line arguments). Unfortunately, some third-party provided tools may "
+"not support this variable and will ignore these command line arguments."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:715
+msgid ""
+"When using L<dh(1)>, it can be passed options that will be passed on to each "
+"debhelper command, which is generally better than using DH_OPTIONS."
+msgstr ""
+"L<dh(1)> を使ãˆã°ã€ç¶šã„ã¦å‘¼ã³å‡ºã•ã‚Œã‚‹ debhelper コマンドã«æŒ‡å®šã—ãŸã‚ªãƒ—ション"
+"を渡ã™ã“ã¨ãŒã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚大抵ã®å ´åˆã€ã“ã¡ã‚‰ã®æ–¹ãŒ DH_OPTIONS を使ã†ã‚ˆã‚Šã‚‚良ã„æ–¹"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:718
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:720
+msgid ""
+"If set, this adds the value the variable is set to to the B<-X> options of "
+"all commands that support the B<-X> option. Moreover, B<dh_builddeb> will "
+"B<rm -rf> anything that matches the value in your package build tree."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã¡ã‚‰ãŒè¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ã¨ã€B<-X> オプションをサãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã™ã‚‹ã™ã¹ã¦ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã«å¯¾"
+"ã—ã€B<-X> オプションã®å€¤ã¨ã—ã¦ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•°ã®å€¤ã‚’指定ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã•ã‚‰ã«ã€"
+"B<dh_builddeb> コマンドã¯ãƒ“ルドツリーã®å…ƒã§ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•°ã®å€¤ã«åŸºã¥ãパターンã«ãƒžãƒƒ"
+"ãƒã™ã‚‹ã‚‚ã®å…¨éƒ¨ã‚’ B<rm -rf> ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:724
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful if you are doing a build from a CVS source tree, in which "
+"case setting B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> will prevent any CVS directories from "
+"sneaking into the package you build. Or, if a package has a source tarball "
+"that (unwisely) includes CVS directories, you might want to export "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> in F<debian/rules>, to make it take effect wherever "
+"your package is built."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れ㯠CVS ソースツリーã‹ã‚‰ãƒ‘ッケージビルドをã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã«ä¾¿åˆ©ãªå ´åˆãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"例ãˆã°ã€B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> を指定ã™ã‚Œã°ã€CVS ディレクトリãŒãƒ“ルドã®éš›ã«"
+"検索ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã®ã‚’防ãã“ã¨ãŒã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€ã‚½ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã® tarball ã«ã™ã§ã« CVS "
+"ディレクトリ㌠(æ„šã‹ã«ã‚‚) å«ã¾ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã€F<debian/rules> 㧠"
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> 環境変数を export ã™ã‚Œã°ã€ã©ã“ã§ãƒ‘ッケージをビルドã—"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:731
+msgid ""
+"Multiple things to exclude can be separated with colons, as in "
+msgstr ""
+"除外ã—ãŸã„ã‚‚ã®ã‚’複数指定ã—ãŸã„å ´åˆã¯ã€B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS:.svn> ã®ã‚ˆã†ã«"
+"コロンã§åŒºåˆ‡ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:734
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+msgstr "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:736
+msgid ""
+"If set, this adds the specified dh addons to be run in the appropriate "
+"places in the sequence of commands. This is equivalent to specifying the "
+"addon to run with the --with flag in the debian/rules file. Any --without "
+"calls specifying an addon in this environment variable will not be run."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:741
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to be used by downstreams or specific local configurations "
+"that require a debhelper addon to be run during multiple builds without "
+"having to patch a large number of rules file. If at all possible, this "
+"should be avoided in favor of a --with flag in the rules file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:746
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:748
+msgid ""
+"These variables can be used to control whether debhelper commands should use "
+"colors in their textual output. Can be set to \"always\", \"auto\" (the "
+"default), or \"never\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:752
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<DPKG_COLOR> also affects a number of dpkg related tools and "
+"debhelper uses it on the assumption that you want the same color setting for "
+"dpkg and debhelper. In the off-hand chance you want different color setting "
+"for debhelper, you can use B<DH_COLORS> instead or in addition to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:758
+msgid "B<NO_COLOR>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:760
+msgid ""
+"If no explicit request for color has been given (e.g. B<DH_COLORS> and "
+"B<DPKG_COLORS> are both unset), the presence of this environment variable "
+"cause the default color setting to be \"never\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:764
+msgid ""
+"The variable is defined according to L<>. In this "
+"project, the environment variables (such as B<DH_COLORS>) are considered an "
+"explicit request for color."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:768
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:770
+msgid ""
+"By default (in any non-deprecated compat level), debhelper will "
+"automatically set these flags by using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>, when they are "
+"unset. If you need to change the default flags, please use the features "
+"from L<dpkg-buildflags(1)> to do this (e.g. "
+"DCUSTOM_MACRO=true>) rather than setting the concrete variable directly."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:777
+msgid "B<HOME>, B<XDG_*>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:779
+msgid ""
+"In compat 13 and later, these environment variables are reset before "
+"invoking the upstream build system via the B<dh_auto_*> helpers. The "
+"variables B<HOME> (all B<dh_auto_*> helpers) and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> "
+"(B<dh_auto_test> only) will be set to a writable directory. All remaining "
+"variables and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> (except for during B<dh_auto_test>) will be "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:785
+msgid ""
+"The B<HOME> directory will be created as an empty directory but it will be "
+"reused between calls to B<dh_auto_*>. Any content will persist until "
+"explicitly deleted or B<dh_clean>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:789
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+msgstr "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:791
+msgid ""
+"Please see L</Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> for this environment "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:794
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this variable should I<not> be altered by package "
+"maintainers inside F<debian/rules> to change the behaviour of debhelper. "
+"Instead, where the package maintainer need these features, they should look "
+"disabling the relevant feature directly (e.g. by overriding the concrete "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:799
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+msgstr "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:801
+msgid ""
+"This is a dpkg specific environment variable (see e.g. L<dpkg-"
+"buildflags(1)>). The debhelper tool suite silently ignores it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:804
+msgid ""
+"It is documented here because it has a similar name to B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>, "
+"which make some people mistakenly assume that debhelper will also react to "
+"this variable."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:810
+msgid "Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:812
+msgid ""
+"The debhelper tool suite reacts to the following flags in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:816
+msgid "B<dherroron=obsolete-compat-levels>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:818
+msgid "I<This is a debhelper specific value.>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:820
+msgid ""
+"When B<dherroron> is present and set to B<obsolete-compat-levels>, then "
+"debhelper tools will promote deprecation warnings for usage of old soon to "
+"be removed compat levels into errors."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:824
+msgid ""
+"This is useful for automated checking for code relying on deprecated compat "
+"levels that is scheduled for removal."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:827
+msgid "This option is intended for testing purposes; not production builds."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:829
+msgid "B<nostrip>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:831 debhelper.pod:854 debhelper.pod:868
+msgid ""
+"I<This value will change the content of the debs being built. The .deb "
+"packages built when this is set is therefore not bit-for-bit reproducible "
+"with a regular build in the general case.>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:835
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper tools will skip actions and "
+"helpers that either remove, detach or deduplicate debugging symbols in ELF "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:839
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_dwz(1)> and L<dh_strip(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:841
+msgid "B<nocheck>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:843
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to skip runs of "
+"upstream test suites."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:846
+msgid ""
+"Package maintainers looking to avoid running the upstream tests should "
+"B<not> rely on this. Instead, they can add an empty override target to skip "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:850
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_auto_test(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:852
+msgid "B<nodoc>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:858
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause several debhelper tools to skip installation of "
+"documentation such as manpages or upstream provided documentation. "
+"Additionally, the tools will also ignore if declared documentation is "
+"\"missing\" on the assumption that the documentation has not been built."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:863
+msgid ""
+"This value effects tools I<like> L<dh_installdocs(1)>, which I<knows> it is "
+"working with documentation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:866
+msgid "B<notrimdch>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:872
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause L<dh_installchangelogs(1)> to act as if it had been "
+"passed the B<--no-trim> option, forcing it to forgo removing older entries "
+"from changelogs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:876
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--ddebs>, B<--no-ddebs>"
+msgid "B<noautodbgsym>, B<noddebs>"
+msgstr "B<--ddebs>, B<--no-ddebs>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:878
+msgid ""
+"I<The official name is noautodbgsym. The noddebs variant is accepted for "
+"historical reasons.>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:881
+msgid ""
+"This value causes debhelper to skip the generation of automatically "
+"generated debug symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:884
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_strip(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:886
+msgid "B<parallel=N>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:888
+msgid ""
+"This value enables debhelper to use up to B<N> threads or processes (subject "
+"to parameters like B<--no-parallel> and B<--max-parallel=M>). Not all "
+"debhelper tools work with parallel tasks and may silently ignore the request."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:893
+msgid ""
+"This value affects many debhelper tools. Most notably B<dh_auto_*>, which "
+"will attempt to run the underlying upstream build system with that number of "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:897
+msgid "B<terse>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:899
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to configure "
+"upstream builds to be terse (i.e. reduce verbosity in their output). This "
+"is subject to the upstream and the debhelper build system supporting such "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:904
+msgid ""
+"This value affects most B<dh_auto_*> tools directly. For commands provided "
+"by the debhelper package, it also causes the tools to act like the "
+"B<DH_QUIET> environment variable was non-empty."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:910
+msgid "Unknown flags are silently ignored."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:912
+msgid ""
+"Note third-party debhelper-like tools or third-party provided build systems "
+"may or may not react to the above flags. This tends to depend on "
+"implementation details of the tool."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:916 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:753
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:178 dh:872 dh_auto_build:53 dh_auto_clean:55
+#: dh_auto_configure:58 dh_auto_install:103 dh_auto_test:64 dh_bugfiles:133
+#: dh_builddeb:176 dh_clean:189 dh_compress:243 dh_dwz:163 dh_fixperms:164
+#: dh_gencontrol:208 dh_icons:75 dh_install:377 dh_installcatalogs:128
+#: dh_installchangelogs:365 dh_installcron:80 dh_installdeb:419
+#: dh_installdebconf:233 dh_installdirs:131 dh_installdocs:437
+#: dh_installemacsen:138 dh_installexamples:182 dh_installifupdown:72
+#: dh_installinfo:123 dh_installinit:413 dh_installinitramfs:91
+#: dh_installlogcheck:81 dh_installlogrotate:53 dh_installman:420
+#: dh_installmanpages:198 dh_installmenu:88 dh_installmime:63
+#: dh_installmodules:109 dh_installpam:71 dh_installppp:68 dh_installudev:102
+#: dh_installwm:130 dh_installxfonts:90 dh_link:166 dh_lintian:60
+#: dh_listpackages:34 dh_makeshlibs:456 dh_md5sums:118 dh_movefiles:161
+#: dh_perl:188 dh_prep:70 dh_shlibdeps:204 dh_strip:435 dh_testdir:62
+#: dh_testroot:93 dh_usrlocal:136 dh_systemd_enable:280 dh_systemd_start:280
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+msgstr "å‚ç…§"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:920
+msgid "L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:922
+msgid ""
+"List of supported compat levels and an upgrade checklist for each of them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:924
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:926
+msgid "A set of example F<debian/rules> files that use debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper を使ã†ã¨ãã® F<debian/rules> ファイルã®ä¾‹ãŒæ ¼ç´ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:928
+msgid "L<>"
+msgstr "L<>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:930
+msgid "Debhelper web site."
+msgstr "Debhelper ã® Web サイトã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:934 dh:878 dh_auto_build:59 dh_auto_clean:61
+#: dh_auto_configure:64 dh_auto_install:109 dh_auto_test:70 dh_bugfiles:141
+#: dh_builddeb:182 dh_clean:195 dh_compress:249 dh_dwz:169 dh_fixperms:170
+#: dh_gencontrol:214 dh_icons:81 dh_install:383 dh_installcatalogs:134
+#: dh_installchangelogs:371 dh_installcron:86 dh_installdeb:425
+#: dh_installdebconf:239 dh_installdirs:137 dh_installdocs:443
+#: dh_installemacsen:145 dh_installexamples:188 dh_installifupdown:78
+#: dh_installinfo:129 dh_installinitramfs:99 dh_installlogcheck:87
+#: dh_installlogrotate:59 dh_installman:426 dh_installmanpages:204
+#: dh_installmenu:96 dh_installmime:69 dh_installmodules:115 dh_installpam:77
+#: dh_installppp:74 dh_installudev:108 dh_installwm:136 dh_installxfonts:96
+#: dh_link:172 dh_lintian:68 dh_listpackages:40 dh_makeshlibs:462
+#: dh_md5sums:124 dh_movefiles:167 dh_perl:194 dh_prep:76 dh_shlibdeps:210
+#: dh_strip:441 dh_testdir:68 dh_testroot:99 dh_usrlocal:142
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr "作者"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:936 dh:880 dh_auto_build:61 dh_auto_clean:63
+#: dh_auto_configure:66 dh_auto_install:111 dh_auto_test:72 dh_builddeb:184
+#: dh_clean:197 dh_compress:251 dh_fixperms:172 dh_gencontrol:216
+#: dh_install:385 dh_installchangelogs:373 dh_installcron:88 dh_installdeb:427
+#: dh_installdebconf:241 dh_installdirs:139 dh_installdocs:445
+#: dh_installemacsen:147 dh_installexamples:190 dh_installifupdown:80
+#: dh_installinfo:131 dh_installinit:421 dh_installlogrotate:61
+#: dh_installman:428 dh_installmanpages:206 dh_installmenu:98 dh_installmime:71
+#: dh_installmodules:117 dh_installpam:79 dh_installppp:76 dh_installudev:110
+#: dh_installwm:138 dh_installxfonts:98 dh_link:174 dh_listpackages:42
+#: dh_makeshlibs:464 dh_md5sums:126 dh_movefiles:169 dh_prep:78
+#: dh_shlibdeps:212 dh_strip:443 dh_testdir:70 dh_testroot:101
+msgid "Joey Hess <>"
+msgstr "Joey Hess <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:5
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "debhelper-obsolete-compat - List of no longer supported compat levels"
+msgid ""
+"debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist - Upgrade checklist for supported "
+"debhelper compat levels"
+msgstr "debhelper-obsolete-compat - サãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã•ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸäº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ä¸€è¦§"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"This document is an upgrade checklist of all the supported debhelper compat "
+"levels. It also lists all the support debhelper compat levels."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:12
+msgid ""
+"Information about how to declare the compat level is in L<debhelper(7)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:14
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If you are upgrading from an earlier compatibility level, please review "
+#| "L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+msgid ""
+"If you are upgrading from a (now) obsolete compat level, then please refer "
+"to L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れ以å‰ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã‹ã‚‰ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—グレードã—よã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã€L<debhelper-"
+"obsolete-compat(7)> を確èªã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:19
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This is the lowest supported compatibility level."
+msgid "Upgrade checklist for supported compatibility levels"
+msgstr "ã“ã‚Œã¯ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã•ã‚Œã¦ã„る最低é™ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:21
+msgid "These are the available compatibility levels:"
+msgstr "利用å¯èƒ½ãªäº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã¯ä»¥ä¸‹ã®é€šã‚Šã§ã™:"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:25
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "v5"
+msgid "v15"
+msgstr "v5"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:27
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:51 strings-kept-translations.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"This compatibility level is still open for development; use with caution."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã¯æœªã é–‹ç™ºä¸­ã®çŠ¶æ…‹ã§ã™ã€‚使ã†å ´åˆã¯æ³¨æ„ã—ã¦ä½¿ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:29
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Changes from v4 are:"
+msgid "Changes from v14 are:"
+msgstr "v4 ã‹ã‚‰ã®å¤‰æ›´ç‚¹:"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:33
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:57
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:63
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:68
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:74
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:90
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:95
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:103
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:120
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:128
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:136
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:145
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:151
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:161
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:169
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:175
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:189
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:200
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:214
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:225
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:241
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:251
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:255
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:260
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:265
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:272
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:278
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:286
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:292
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:296
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:301
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:306
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:315
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:331
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:340
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:356
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:364
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:369
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:391
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:397
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:409
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:417
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:423
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:428
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:433
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:438
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:446
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:456
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:466
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:473
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:485
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:490
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:518
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:535
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:540
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:546
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:552
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:557
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:563
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:572
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:582
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:588
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:611
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:618
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:624
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:630
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:636
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:656
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:661
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:668
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:673
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:678
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:686
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:692
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:697
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:702
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:717
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:721
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:729
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:734 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:29
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:36 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:40
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:44 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:57
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:62 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:68
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:74 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:89
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:93 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:98
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:102 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:114
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:119 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:124
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:129 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:143
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:148 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:152
+#: dh_testroot:36 dh_testroot:41 dh_testroot:46
+msgid "-"
+msgstr "-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:35
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_auto_install> tool no longer defaults to B<< --destdir=debian/"
+"I<package> >> for source packages only producing a single binary. If this "
+"behaviour is wanted, the package should explicitly activate the B<single-"
+"binary> dh addon (e.g., by adding B<dh-sequence-single-binary> to B<Build-"
+"Depends>) or pass B<--destdir> to B<dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:41
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:84
+msgid ""
+"The rationale for this change to avoid \"surprises\" when adding a second "
+"binary package later. Previously, debhelper would silently change behaviour "
+"often resulting in empty binary packages being uploaded to the archive by "
+"mistake. With the new behaviour, the B<single-binary> addon will detect the "
+"mismatch and warn the maintainer of what is about to happen."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:49
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "v1"
+msgid "v14"
+msgstr "v1"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:53
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Changes from v3 are:"
+msgid "Changes from v13 are:"
+msgstr "v3 ã‹ã‚‰ã®å¤‰æ›´ç‚¹:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON> to "
+"L<cmake(1)> to avoid some reproducibility issues."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"The tool B<dh_installsysusers> is now included in the default sequence. This "
+"helper tool will process systemd sysusers files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:70
+msgid ""
+"Use of the B<dh_gconf> command in override and hook targets now causes an "
+"error. The B<dh_gconf> command has been a no-op for years and was removed "
+"in debhelper 13.4."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:76
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> sequencer will warn if the B<single-binary> addon is implicitly "
+"activated to warn maintainers of the pending compat 15 change in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:79
+msgid ""
+"Maintainers are urged to either explicitly activate the B<single-binary> "
+"addon to preserve the existing behaviour (e.g., by adding B<dh-sequence-"
+"single-binary> to Build-Depends), or explicitly passing B<--destdir> to "
+"B<dh_auto_install> if used and then passing B<--without single-binary> to "
+"B<dh> (the latter to silence the warning)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:92
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installalternatives> tool will now be run after B<dh_link> rather "
+"than after B<dh_installinitramfs> in the default B<dh> sequence."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:97
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installpam> tool will now install PAM configuration files under "
+"F<< /usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> >> instead of F<< /etc/pam.d/I<package> >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:100
+msgid ""
+"Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from L<dh_installdeb(1)> "
+"to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:105
+msgid ""
+"The B<meson+ninja> and B<cmake> build systems now use B<meson install> and "
+"B<cmake --install>, respectively, instead of B<ninja install> and B<make "
+"install> in the L<dh_auto_install(1)> call. Any override of "
+"B<dh_auto_install> that passes extra parameters to the upstream build system "
+"should be reviewed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:112
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "v1"
+msgid "v13"
+msgstr "v1"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:114
+msgid "This is the recommended mode of operation."
+msgstr "ã“ã‚ŒãŒå‹•ä½œæŽ¨å¥¨ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Changes from v10 are:"
+msgid "Changes from v12 are:"
+msgstr "v10 ã‹ã‚‰ã®å¤‰æ›´ç‚¹:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:122
+msgid ""
+"The B<meson+ninja> build system now uses B<meson test> instead of B<ninja "
+"test> when running the test suite. Any override of B<dh_auto_test> that "
+"passes extra parameters to upstream test runner should be reviewed as "
+"B<meson test> is not command line compatible with B<ninja test>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:130
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper like tools based on the official debhelper library (including "
+"B<dh> and the official B<dh_*> tools) no longer accepts abbreviated command "
+"parameters. At the same time, B<dh> now optimizes out calls to redundant "
+"B<dh_*> helpers even when passed long command line options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:138
+msgid ""
+"The ELF related debhelper tools (B<dh_dwz>, B<dh_strip>, B<dh_makeshlibs>, "
+"B<dh_shlibdeps>) are now only run for arch dependent packages by default (i."
+"e. they are excluded from B<*-indep> targets and are passed B<-a> by "
+"default). If you need them for B<*-indep> targets, you can add an explicit "
+"Build-Depends on B<dh-sequence-elf-tools>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:147
+msgid ""
+"The third-party B<gradle> build system (from B<gradle-debian-helper> "
+"package) now runs the upstream-provided test suite automatically. To "
+"suppress such behavior, override B<dh_auto_test>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:153
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installman> tool now aborts if it sees conflicting definitions of a "
+"manpage. This typically happens if the upstream build system is installing "
+"a compressed version and the package lists an uncompressed version of the "
+"manpage in F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >>. Often the easiest fix is to "
+"remove the manpage from F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >> (assuming both "
+"versions are identical)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:163
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_auto_*> helpers now reset the environment variables B<HOME> and "
+"common B<XDG_*> variable. Please see description of the environment "
+"variables in L</ENVIRONMENT> for how this is handled."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:167
+msgid "I<This feature changed between debhelper 13 and debhelper 13.2.>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:171
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will now error if an override or hook target for an "
+"obsolete command are present in F<debian/rules> (e.g. "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:177
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_missing> command will now default to B<--fail-missing>. This can "
+"be reverted to a non-fatal warning by explicitly passing B<--list-missing> "
+"like it was in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:181
+msgid ""
+"If you do not want the warning either, please omit the call to "
+"B<dh_missing>. If you use the B<dh> command sequencer, then you can do this "
+"by inserting an empty override target in the F<debian/rules> file of the "
+"relevant package. As an example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:186
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Disable dh_missing\n"
+" override_dh_missing:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:191
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command sequencer now runs B<dh_installtmpfiles> in the default "
+"sequence. The B<dh_installtmpfiles> takes over handling of tmpfiles.d "
+"configuration files. Related functionality in B<dh_installsystemd> is now "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:196
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installtmpfiles> responds to F<< debian/I<package>.tmpfiles "
+">> where B<dh_installsystemd> used a name without the trailing \"s\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:202
+msgid ""
+"Many B<dh_*> tools now support limited variable expansion via the B<${foo}> "
+"syntax. In many cases, this can be used to reference paths that contain "
+"either spaces or L<dpkg-architecture(1)> values. While this can reduce the "
+"need for L<dh-exec(1)> in some cases, it is B<not> a replacement L<dh-"
+"exec(1)> in general. If you need filtering, renaming, etc., the package "
+"will still need L<dh-exec(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:209
+msgid ""
+"Please see L</Substitutions in debhelper config files> for syntax and "
+"available substitution variables. To B<dh_*> tool writers, substitution "
+"expansion occurs as a part of the B<filearray> and B<filedoublearray> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:216
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command sequencer will now skip all hook and override targets for "
+"B<dh_auto_test>, B<dh_dwz> and B<dh_strip> when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> lists "
+"the relevant B<nocheck> / B<nostrip> options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:220
+msgid ""
+"Any package relying on these targets to always be run should instead move "
+"relevant logic out of those targets. E.g. non-test related packaging code "
+"from B<override_dh_auto_test> would have to be moved to "
+"B<execute_after_dh_auto_build> or B<execute_before_dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:227
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-"
+"DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=ON> to L<cmake(1)> to speed up automatic "
+"installation process. If for some reason you need previous behavior, "
+"override the flag:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:231
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=OFF ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:235
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "v1"
+msgid "v12"
+msgstr "v1"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:237
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Changes from v10 are:"
+msgid "Changes from v11 are:"
+msgstr "v10 ã‹ã‚‰ã®å¤‰æ›´ç‚¹:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:243
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool now generates shlibs files with versioned "
+"dependency by default. This means that B<-VUpstream-Version> (a.k.a. B<-V>) "
+"is now the default."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:247
+msgid ""
+"If an unversioned dependency in the shlibs file is wanted, this can be "
+"obtained by passing B<-VNone> instead. However, please see "
+"L<dh_makeshlibs(1)> for the caveat of unversioned dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:253
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The B<-s> (B<--same-arch>) option is removed."
+msgid ""
+"The B<-s> (B<--same-arch>) option is removed. Please use B<-a> (B<--arch>) "
+msgstr "B<-s>, B<--same-arch> オプションã¯å‰Šé™¤ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸã€‚"
+# TRANS: 実際㮠warning ã«åˆã‚ã›ã¦ deprecate ã¨ã™ã‚‹
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:257
+msgid ""
+"Invoking B<dh_clean -k> now causes an error instead of a deprecation warning."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean -k> ã®èµ·å‹•ã¯ deprecate 警告ã§ã¯ãªãエラーを起ã“ã™ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:262
+msgid ""
+"The B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> option in B<dh_installinit> has been "
+"removed. Please use the new name B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:267
+msgid ""
+"There was a bug in the B<doit> (and similar) functions from L<Debian::"
+"Debhelper::Dh_Lib> that made them spawn a shell in one particular "
+"circumstance. This bug is now removed and will cause helpers that rely on "
+"the bug to fail with a \"command not found\"-error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:274
+msgid ""
+"The B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> in B<dh_install> has been "
+"removed. Please use B<dh_missing> and its corresponding options, which can "
+"also see the files installed by other helpers."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:280
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installinit> helper no longer installs configuration for the "
+"upstart init system. Instead, it will abort the build if it finds an old "
+"upstart configuration file. The error is there to remind the package "
+"maintainer to ensure the proper removal of the conffiles shipped in previous "
+"versions of the package (if any)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:288
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do basic validation of some L<dpkg-"
+"maintscript-helper(1)> commands and will error out if the commands appear to "
+"be invalid."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:294
+msgid "The B<dh_missing> tool will now default to B<--list-missing>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:298
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool will now only pass libraries to L<dpkg-"
+"gensymbols(1)> if the ELF binary has a SONAME (containing \".so\")."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:303
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_compress> tool no longer compresses examples (i.e. anything "
+"installed in F<</usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples>>.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:308
+msgid ""
+"The standard sequence in B<dh> now includes B<dh_dwz> and "
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> by default. This makes the B<dwz> and "
+"B<installinitramfs> sequences obsolete and they will now fail with an "
+"error. If you want to skip these commands, then please insert an empty "
+"override target for them in F<debian/rules> (e.g. I<override_dh_dwz:>)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:317
+msgid ""
+"The build systems B<meson> and B<autoconf> no longer explicitly set the B<--"
+"libexecdir> variable and thus relies on the build system default - which "
+"should be B</usr/libexec> (per FHS 3.0, adopted in Debian Policy 4.1.5)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:322
+msgid ""
+"If a particular upstream package does not use the correct default, the "
+"parameter can often be passed manually via L<dh_auto_configure(1)>. E.g. "
+"via the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:326
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\toverride_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+#| "\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" \tdh_auto_configure -- --libexecdir=/usr/libexec\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:329
+msgid "Note the B<--> before the B<--libexecdir> parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:333
+msgid "B<Retroactively removed in debhelper/13.5>:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:335
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool would no longer installs the maintainer provided "
+"F<conffiles> file as it was deemed unnecessary. However, the B<remove-on-"
+"upgrade> from dpkg/1.20 made the file relevant again and B<dh_installdeb> "
+"now installs it again in compat levels 12+."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:342
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installsystemd> tool no longer relies on B<dh_installinit> for "
+"handling systemd services that have a sysvinit alternative. Both tools must "
+"now be used in such a case to ensure the service is properly started under "
+"both sysvinit and systemd."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:347
+msgid ""
+"If you have an override for B<dh_installinit> (e.g. to call it with B<--no-"
+"start>) then you will probably need one for B<dh_installsystemd> as well now."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:351
+msgid ""
+"This change makes B<dh_installinit> inject a I<misc:Pre-Depends> for B<< "
+"init-system-helpers (>= 1.54~) >>. Please ensure that the package lists "
+"B<${misc:Pre-Depends}> in its B<Pre-Depends> field before upgrading to "
+"compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:358
+msgid ""
+"The third-party B<dh_golang> tool (from B<dh-golang> package) now defaults "
+"on honoring B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES> variable for source installation in -dev "
+"packages and not only during the building process. Please set "
+"B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES_ALL> to false to revert to the previous behaviour. See "
+"B<Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::golang(3pm)> for details and examples."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:366
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installsystemduser> is now included in the B<dh> standard sequence by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:371
+msgid ""
+"The B<python-distutils> buildsystem is now removed. Please use the third-"
+"party build system B<pybuild> instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:376
+msgid "v11"
+msgstr "v11"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:378
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This mode is deprecated."
+msgid "This mode is discouraged."
+msgstr "ã“ã®ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã¯å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:380
+msgid ""
+"The compat 11 is discouraged for new packages as it suffers from feature "
+"interaction between L<dh_installinit> and L<dh_installsystemd> causing "
+"services to not run correctly in some cases. Please consider using "
+"compatibility mode 10 or 12 instead. More details about the issue are "
+"available in Debian#887904 and L<"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:387
+msgid "Changes from v10 are:"
+msgstr "v10 ã‹ã‚‰ã®å¤‰æ›´ç‚¹:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:393
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installinit> no longer installs F<service> or F<tmpfile> files, nor "
+#| "generates maintainer scripts for those files. Use B<dh_systemd_enable> "
+#| "and B<dh_systemd_start> instead."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> no longer installs F<service> or F<tmpfile> files, nor "
+"generates maintainer scripts for those files. Please use the new "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> helper."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> 㯠F<service> ファイルや F<tmpfile> ファイルをインストール"
+"ã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚代ã‚ã‚Šã« B<dh_systemd_enable> ã‚„ B<dh_systemd_start> を使ã£ã¦ãã ã•"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:399
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_systemd_enable> and B<dh_systemd_start> helpers have been replaced "
+"by the new B<dh_installsystemd> helper. For the same reason, the B<systemd> "
+"sequence for B<dh> has also been removed. If you need to disable the "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> helper tool, please use an empty override target."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:405
+msgid ""
+"Please note that the B<dh_installsystemd> tool has a slightly different "
+"behaviour in some cases (e.g. when using the B<--name> parameter)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:411
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> no longer creates debian/I<package> directories unless "
+"explicitly requested (or it has to create a subdirectory in it)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:415
+msgid "The vast majority of all packages will be unaffected by this change."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:419
+msgid ""
+"The B<makefile> buildsystem now passes B<INSTALL=\"install --strip-"
+"program=true\"> to L<make(1)>. Derivative buildsystems (e.g. B<configure> "
+"or B<cmake>) are unaffected by this change."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:425
+msgid ""
+"The B<autoconf> buildsystem now passes B<--runstatedir=/run> to F<./"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:430
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR=/run> to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:435
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> will now prefer detecting the language from the path name "
+"rather than the extension."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:440
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh> no longer creates the package build directory when skipping running "
+#| "debhelper commands. This will not affect packages that only build with "
+#| "debhelper commands, but it may expose bugs in commands not included in "
+#| "debhelper."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> will now only create the destination directory it needs. "
+"Previously, it would create the package build directory for all packages. "
+"This will not affect packages that only build with debhelper commands, but "
+"it may expose bugs in commands not included in debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> ã¯ã€å®Ÿè¡Œã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ debhelper コマンドをスキップã—ãŸå ´åˆã«ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビル"
+"ドディレクトリを作æˆã—ãªããªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ã“れ㯠debhelper コマンドã®ã¿ã‚’使ã£ã¦ãƒ“"
+"ルドã•ã‚Œã¦ã„るパッケージã«ã¯å½±éŸ¿ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“ãŒã€debhelper ã«å«ã¾ã‚Œã¦ã„ãªã„コマン"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:448
+msgid ""
+"The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, and "
+"B<dh_installman> now error out if their config has a pattern that does not "
+"match anything or reference a path that does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:452
+msgid ""
+"Known exceptions include building with the B<nodoc> profile, where the above "
+"tools will silently permit failed matches where the patterns are used to "
+"specify documentation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:458
+msgid ""
+"The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, and "
+"B<dh_installman> now accept the parameter B<--sourcedir> with same meaning "
+"as B<dh_install>. Furthermore, they now also fall back to F<debian/tmp> like "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:463
+msgid ""
+"Migration note: A bug in debhelper 11 up to 11.1.5 made B<dh_installinfo> "
+"incorrectly ignore B<--sourcedir>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:468
+msgid ""
+"The B<perl-makemaker> and B<perl-build> build systems no longer pass B<-I.> "
+"to perl. Packages that still need this behaviour can emulate it by using "
+"the B<PERL5LIB> environment variable. E.g. by adding B<export PERL5LIB=.> "
+"in their debian/rules file (or similar)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:475
+msgid ""
+"The B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable is no longer set by B<dh> or "
+"any of the B<dh_auto_*> tools. It was added as a temporary work around to "
+"avoid a lot of packages failing to build at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:480
+msgid ""
+"Note this item will eventually become obsolete as upstream intends to drop "
+"support for the B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable. When perl "
+"drops support for it, then this variable will be removed retroactively from "
+"existing compat levels as well."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:487
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> helper will now exit with an error if objdump returns a "
+"non-zero exit from analysing a given file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:492
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdocs> and B<dh_installexamples> tools may now install "
+"I<most> of the documentation in a different path to comply with the "
+"recommendation from Debian policy §12.3 (since version 3.9.7)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:496
+msgid ""
+"Note that if a given source package only contains a single binary package in "
+"F<debian/control> or none of the packages are I<-doc> packages, then this "
+"change is not relevant for that source package and you can skip to the next "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:501
+msgid ""
+"By default, these tools will now attempt to determine a \"main package for "
+"the documentation\" (called a I<doc-main-package> from here on) for every I<-"
+"doc> package. If they find such a I<doc-main-package>, they will now "
+"install the documentation into the path F<< /usr/share/doc/I<doc-main-"
+"package> >> in the given doc package. I.e. the path can change but the "
+"documentation is still shipped in the I<-doc> package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:509
+msgid ""
+"The B<--doc-main-package> option can be used when the auto-detection is "
+"insufficient or to reset the path to its previous value if there is a reason "
+"to diverge from Debian policy recommendation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:513
+msgid ""
+"Some documentation will not be affected by this change. These exceptions "
+"include the copyright file, changelog files, README.Debian, etc. These "
+"files will still be installed in the path F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package> >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:520
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_strip> and B<dh_shlibdeps> tools no longer uses filename patterns "
+"to determine which files to process. Instead, they open the file and look "
+"for an ELF header to determine if a given file is an shared object or an ELF "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:525
+msgid "This change may cause the tools to process more files than previously."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:529
+msgid "v10"
+msgstr "v10"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:531
+msgid "Changes from v9 are:"
+msgstr "v9 ã‹ã‚‰ã®å¤‰æ›´ç‚¹:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:537
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> will no longer install a file named debian/I<package> as "
+"an init script."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> ã¯ã€init スクリプトã¨ã—㦠debian/I<package> ã¨ã„ã†åå‰ã§"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:542
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> will error out if it detects links created with --link-doc "
+"between packages of architecture \"all\" and non-\"all\" as it breaks "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> ã¯ã€ã‚¢ãƒ¼ã‚­ãƒ†ã‚¯ãƒãƒ£ \"all\" ã¨ éž \"all\" ã®ãƒ‘ッケージ間㧠"
+"--link-doc ã§ä½œã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ãŒ binNMU を壊ã™ã®ã‚’検知ã—ã¦ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼ã‚’åã出ã™ã‚ˆã†ã«"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:548
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> no longer installs a maintainer-provided debian/I<package>."
+"shlibs file. This is now done by B<dh_makeshlibs> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb>ã¯ã€ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠãŒæä¾›ã—㟠debian/I<package>.shlibs ファイルをイ"
+"ンストールã—ãªããªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ç¾åœ¨ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€B<dh_makeshlibs> ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã«è¡Œã‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:554
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> refuses to create a broken package if no man page can be "
+"found (required to register for the x-window-manager alternative)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> ã¯ã€man ページãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚‰ãªã„å ´åˆã«å£Šã‚ŒãŸãƒ‘ッケージを作æˆã™ã‚‹"
+"ã®ã‚’æ‹’å¦ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—㟠(x-window-manager ã® alternative 登録ã«å¿…è¦)。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:559
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper will default to B<--parallel> for all buildsystems that support "
+"parallel building. This can be disabled by using either B<--no-parallel> or "
+"passing B<--max-parallel> with a value of 1."
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper ã¯ã€ä¸¦åˆ—ビルドをサãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹å…¨ã¦ã®ãƒ“ルドシステムã§ã€ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆ"
+"㧠B<--parallel> を使用ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€B<--no-parallel> を使ã†ã‹ B<--max-"
+"parallel> 㸠1 ã®å€¤ã‚’渡ã™ã“ã¨ã§ç„¡åŠ¹ã«ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:565
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will not accept any of the deprecated \"manual sequence "
+"control\" parameters (B<--before>, B<--after>, etc.). Please use override "
+"targets instead."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> コマンドã¯ã€ä½¿ã‚ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸ \"手動シーケンスコントロール\" パラメー"
+"ター(B<--before>, B<--after> ãªã©)ã‚’å—ã‘付ã‘ãªããªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚代ã‚ã‚Šã« override "
+"ターゲットを使ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:569
+msgid ""
+"B<Retroactively applied to earlier compat levels>: B<dh> no longer accepts "
+"any of these since debhelper/12.4."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:574
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will no longer use log files to track which commands have "
+"been run. The B<dh> command I<still> keeps track of whether it already ran "
+"the \"build\" sequence and skip it if it did."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> コマンドã¯ã©ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ãŒå®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚ŒãŸã®ã‹ã‚’追跡ã™ã‚‹ã®ã«ãƒ­ã‚°ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’使ã‚"
+"ãªããªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚B<dh> コマンド㯠I<ä¾ç„¶ã¨ã—ã¦> 既㫠\"build\" シーケンスを実行"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:578
+msgid "The main effects of this are:"
+msgstr "ã“ã‚Œã®ä¸»ãªå½±éŸ¿:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:584
+msgid ""
+"With this, it is now easier to debug the I<install> or/and I<binary> "
+"sequences because they can now trivially be re-run (without having to do a "
+"full \"clean and rebuild\" cycle)"
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã‚Œã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€I<install> åŠã³ I<binary> シーケンスを (\"clean åŠã³ rebuild\" ã®"
+"サイクルを全ã¦å®Ÿæ–½ã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒç„¡ããªã‚Š) 気軽ã«å†å®Ÿè¡Œå¯èƒ½ã«ãªã£ãŸãŸã‚ã€ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°"
+# FIXME: 訳ã—ã¦ã‚‚ã‚ã‹ã‚‰ãªã„...
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:590
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The main caveat is that B<dh_*> now only keeps track of what happened in a "
+"single override target. When all the calls to a given B<dh_cmd> command "
+"happens in the same override target everything will work as before."
+msgstr ""
+"主ãªæ³¨æ„点ã¨ã—ã¦ã¯ã€B<dh_*> ã¯å˜ä¸€ã® override ターゲット内ã§ä½•ãŒèµ·ã“ã£ãŸã®ã‹"
+"ã ã‘を記録ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã£ãŸã“ã¨ã§ã™ã€‚指定ã•ã‚ŒãŸ B<dh_cmd> コマンドã¸ã®å…¨ã¦ã®å‘¼"
+"ã³å‡ºã—ãŒåŒä¸€ã® override ターゲット内ã§èµ·ããŸå ´åˆã¯ã€ä»¥å‰ã¨åŒæ§˜ã«å…¨ã¦ãŒå‹•ä½œã—"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:595
+msgid "Example of where it can go wrong:"
+msgstr "å‹•ã‹ãªããªã‚‹å¯èƒ½æ€§ãŒã‚る例:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:597
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" dh_foo -pmy-pkg\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" dh_foo -pmy-pkg\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:600
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" dh_bar\n"
+" dh_foo --remaining\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" dh_bar\n"
+" dh_foo --remaining\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:604
+msgid ""
+"In this case, the call to B<dh_foo --remaining> will I<also> include I<my-"
+"pkg>, since B<dh_foo -pmy-pkg> was run in a separate override target. This "
+"issue is not limited to B<--remaining>, but also includes B<-a>, B<-i>, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®å ´åˆã€B<dh_foo --remaining> ã®å‘¼ã³å‡ºã—ã¯ã€B<dh_foo -pmy-pkg> ãŒåˆ†ã‹ã‚Œã¦ã„"
+"ã‚‹ override ターゲット内ã«ã‚ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã€I<my-pkg> I<ã‚‚>å«ã¿ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å•é¡Œã¯ B<--"
+"remaining> ã«é™ã‚‰ãš B<-a>, B<-i> ãªã©ã‚‚å«ã¿ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:613
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> command now shell-escapes the lines in the "
+"F<maintscript> config file. This was the original intent but it did not "
+"work properly and packages have begun to rely on the incomplete shell "
+"escaping (e.g. quoting file names)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> コマンド㯠F<maintscript> 設定ファイル内ã®è¡Œã‚’シェルエスケー"
+"ãšã€ãƒ‘ッケージãŒä¸å®Œå…¨ãªã‚·ã‚§ãƒ«ã‚¨ã‚¹ã‚±ãƒ¼ãƒ— (例: ファイルåã®ã‚¯ã‚©ãƒ¼ãƒˆ) ã«ä¾å­˜ã™"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:620
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installinit> command now defaults to B<--restart-after-upgrade>. "
+"For packages needing the previous behaviour, please use B<--no-restart-after-"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> コマンドã¯æ¨™æº–㧠B<--restart-after-upgrade> を利用ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†"
+"ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚以å‰ã®å‹•ä½œãŒå¿…è¦ãªãƒ‘ッケージã«ã¯ B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> "
+"を利用ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:626
+msgid ""
+"The B<autoreconf> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass B<--"
+"without autoreconf> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given package"
+msgstr ""
+"B<autoreconf> シーケンスãŒæ¨™æº–ã§æœ‰åŠ¹ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚指定ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã§ã“ã®å‹•ä½œ"
+"を望ã¾ãªã„å ´åˆã¯ã€B<dh> ã« B<--without autoreconf> を指定ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:632
+msgid ""
+"The B<systemd> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass B<--without "
+"systemd> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<systemd> シーケンスãŒæ¨™æº–ã§æœ‰åŠ¹ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚指定ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã§ã“ã®å‹•ä½œã‚’望"
+"ã¾ãªã„å ´åˆã¯ã€B<dh> ã« B<--without systemd> を指定ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:638
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh> no longer creates the package build directory when skipping running "
+#| "debhelper commands. This will not affect packages that only build with "
+#| "debhelper commands, but it may expose bugs in commands not included in "
+#| "debhelper."
+msgid ""
+"B<Retroactively removed>: B<dh> no longer creates the package build "
+"directory when skipping running debhelper commands. This will not affect "
+"packages that only build with debhelper commands, but it may expose bugs in "
+"commands not included in debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> ã¯ã€å®Ÿè¡Œã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ debhelper コマンドをスキップã—ãŸå ´åˆã«ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビル"
+"ドディレクトリを作æˆã—ãªããªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ã“れ㯠debhelper コマンドã®ã¿ã‚’使ã£ã¦ãƒ“"
+"ルドã•ã‚Œã¦ã„るパッケージã«ã¯å½±éŸ¿ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“ãŒã€debhelper ã«å«ã¾ã‚Œã¦ã„ãªã„コマン"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:643
+msgid ""
+"This compatibility feature had a bug since its inception in "
+"debhelper/9.20130516 that made it fail to apply in compat 9 and earlier. As "
+"there has been no reports of issues caused by this bug in those ~5 years, "
+"this item have been removed rather than fixed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:650
+msgid "v9"
+msgstr "v9"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:652
+msgid "Changes from v8 are:"
+msgstr "v8 ã‹ã‚‰ã®å¤‰æ›´ç‚¹:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:658
+msgid ""
+"Multiarch support. In particular, B<dh_auto_configure> passes multiarch "
+"directories to autoconf in --libdir and --libexecdir."
+msgstr ""
+"multiarch をサãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚特㫠B<dh_auto_configure> 㯠autoconfコマンド㸠"
+"--libdir ã‚„ --libexecdir ã« multiarch 用途ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã‚’渡ã™ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã£ã¦ã„"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:663
+msgid ""
+"dh is aware of the usual dependencies between targets in debian/rules. So, "
+"\"dh binary\" will run any build, build-arch, build-indep, install, etc "
+"targets that exist in the rules file. There's no need to define an explicit "
+"binary target with explicit dependencies on the other targets."
+msgstr ""
+"dh コマンド㯠debian/rules ã«è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„るターゲット間ã®ä¸€èˆ¬çš„ãªä¾å­˜æ€§ã‚’考慮"
+"ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ãã®ãŸã‚ã€\"dh binary\" 㯠rules ファイルã«å­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚‹ build, build-"
+"arch, build-indep, install ç­‰ã®ã‚¿ãƒ¼ã‚²ãƒƒãƒˆã‚’実行ã—ã¦ã„ãã¾ã™ã€‚ã¤ã¾ã‚Šã€ä»–ã®ã‚¿ãƒ¼"
+"ゲットã«é–¢ã™ã‚‹ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚ã‚’ã„ã¡ã„ã¡ç´°ã‹ã明示ã—㟠binary ターゲットを用æ„ã™ã‚‹å¿…"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:670
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> compresses debugging symbol files to reduce the installed size "
+"of -dbg packages."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> ã¯ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’圧縮ã—ã€-dbg パッケージã®ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:675
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> does not include the source package name in --"
+"libexecdir when using autoconf."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> ã¯ã€autoconf を使ã£ãŸã¨ãã«ã€--libexecdir ã«ã‚½ãƒ¼ã‚¹ãƒ‘ッ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:680
+msgid "B<dh> does not default to enabling --with=python-support"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> 㯠--with=python-support オプションをã€ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã§ã¯ç„¡åŠ¹ã«ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãª"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:682
+msgid ""
+"(Obsolete: As the B<dh_pysupport> tool was removed from Debian stretch. "
+"Since debhelper/10.3, B<dh> no longer enables this sequence add-on "
+"regardless of compat level)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:688
+msgid ""
+"All of the B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs and B<dh> set environment "
+"variables listed by B<dpkg-buildflags>, unless they are already set."
+msgstr ""
+"ã™ã¹ã¦ã® B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper プログラム㨠B<dh> コマンドã¯ã€B<dpkg-"
+"buildflags> ã§æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã‚‹ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•°ã‚’設定ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã™ã§ã«è©²å½“ã™ã‚‹ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•°ãŒè¨­å®šã•"
+"ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã¯è¨­å®šã‚’è¡Œã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:694
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> passes B<dpkg-buildflags> CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and LDFLAGS "
+"to perl F<Makefile.PL> and F<Build.PL>"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> ã¯ã€B<dpkg-buildflags> ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦è¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã‚‹CFLAGSã€"
+"CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS パラメータを F<Makefile.PL> ã‚„ F<Build.PL> ã¸å¼•ã渡ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:699
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> puts separated debug symbols in a location based on their build-"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> 㯠build-id ã«åŸºã¥ã場所ã«ã€åˆ†é›¢ã—ãŸãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ã‚’é…ç½®ã—ã¾"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:704
+msgid ""
+"Executable debhelper config files are run and their output used as the "
+msgstr ""
+"実行å¯èƒ½æ¨©é™ã‚’付与ã—㟠debhelper 用ã®è¨­å®šãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ã€å®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚Œå‡ºåŠ›ãŒè¨­å®šã¨ã—ã¦"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:709
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:740
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:744 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:81
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:135 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:158
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:165 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:174
+msgid "This mode is deprecated."
+msgstr "ã“ã®ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã¯å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:711
+msgid "v8"
+msgstr "v8"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:713
+msgid "Changes from v7 are:"
+msgstr "v7 ã‹ã‚‰ã®å¤‰æ›´ç‚¹:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:719
+msgid ""
+"Commands will fail rather than warning when they are passed unknown options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:723
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> will run B<dpkg-gensymbols> on all shared libraries that it "
+"generates shlibs files for. So B<-X> can be used to exclude libraries. "
+"Also, libraries in unusual locations that B<dpkg-gensymbols> would not have "
+"processed before will be passed to it, a behavior change that can cause some "
+"packages to fail to build."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> ã¯ã€shlibs ファイルを作æˆã™ã‚‹ç‚ºã«ã€B<dpkg-gensymbols> ã‚’ã™ã¹"
+"ã¦ã®å…±æœ‰ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリã«å¯¾ã—ã¦å®Ÿè¡Œã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚B<-X> を指定ã™ã‚‹ã¨å®Ÿè¡Œã‚’"
+"除外ã™ã‚‹ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリを指定ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€é€šå¸¸ã§ã¯ãªã„場所ã«ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリãŒã‚る為 "
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> ã¸æ¸¡ã™å‰ã« B<dpkg-gensymbols> ãŒå‡¦ç†ã§ããªã„よã†ãªå ´åˆã€ãƒ‘ッ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:731
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> requires the sequence to run be specified as the first parameter, and "
+"any switches come after it. Ie, use \"B<dh $@ --foo>\", not \"B<dh --foo "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> ã¯æœ€åˆã®ãƒ‘ラメータã¨ã—ã¦ã€ä¸€é€£ã®å‡¦ç†ã®åå‰ã‚’指定ã—ã€ãã®æ¬¡ã«ã‚ªãƒ—ション"
+"を記載ã—ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚‰ãªããªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ã¤ã¾ã‚Šã€\"B<dh $@ --foo>\" ãŒæ­£ã—"
+"ãã€\"B<dh --foo $@>\" ã¯é–“é•ã„ã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:736
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> prefer to use Perl's B<Module::Build> in preference to "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> 㯠F<Makefile.PL> ファイルよりもã€Perl ã® B<Module::Build> モ"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:742 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:21
+msgid "v7"
+msgstr "v7"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:746 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:23
+msgid "This is the lowest supported compatibility level."
+msgstr "ã“ã‚Œã¯ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã•ã‚Œã¦ã„る最低é™ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:748
+msgid ""
+"If you are upgrading from an earlier compatibility level, please review "
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れ以å‰ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã‹ã‚‰ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—グレードã—よã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã€L<debhelper-"
+"obsolete-compat(7)> を確èªã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:757
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgid "L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:759
+msgid ""
+"Upgrading from a (now) obsolete compatibility level? This document covers "
+"the upgrade checklist up to the earliest supported level."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:762 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:180
+#: dh:874 dh_auto_build:55 dh_auto_clean:57 dh_auto_configure:60
+#: dh_auto_install:105 dh_auto_test:66 dh_builddeb:178 dh_clean:191
+#: dh_compress:245 dh_dwz:165 dh_fixperms:166 dh_gencontrol:210 dh_install:379
+#: dh_installcatalogs:130 dh_installchangelogs:367 dh_installcron:82
+#: dh_installdeb:421 dh_installdebconf:235 dh_installdirs:133
+#: dh_installdocs:439 dh_installexamples:184 dh_installifupdown:74
+#: dh_installinfo:125 dh_installlogcheck:83 dh_installlogrotate:55
+#: dh_installman:422 dh_installmanpages:200 dh_installmime:65
+#: dh_installmodules:111 dh_installpam:73 dh_installppp:70 dh_installudev:104
+#: dh_installwm:132 dh_installxfonts:92 dh_link:168 dh_listpackages:36
+#: dh_makeshlibs:458 dh_md5sums:120 dh_movefiles:163 dh_perl:190 dh_prep:72
+#: dh_strip:437 dh_testdir:64 dh_testroot:95 dh_usrlocal:138
+#: dh_systemd_start:282
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:764
+msgid ""
+"General information about the debhelper framework. This document also covers "
+"how to declare your chosen debhelper compat level."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:769 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:182
+#: dh_installinit:419 dh_systemd_enable:284 dh_systemd_start:284
+msgid "AUTHORS"
+msgstr "作者"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:771 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:184
+#: dh_dwz:171 dh_installinitramfs:101
+msgid "Niels Thykier <>"
+msgstr "Niels Thykier <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:773 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:186
+msgid "Joey Hess"
+msgstr "Joey Hess"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:3
+msgid "debhelper-obsolete-compat - List of no longer supported compat levels"
+msgstr "debhelper-obsolete-compat - サãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã•ã‚Œãªããªã£ãŸäº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ä¸€è¦§"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:7
+msgid ""
+"This document contains the upgrade guidelines from all compat levels which "
+"are no longer supported. Accordingly it is mostly for historical purposes "
+"and to assist people upgrading from a non-supported compat level to a "
+"supported level."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:12
+msgid "For upgrades from supported compat levels, please see L<debhelper(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+"L<debhelper(7)> ã‚’å‚ç…§ã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:14
+msgstr "互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã®æ›´æ–°ä¸€è¦§"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:16
+msgid ""
+"The following is the list of now obsolete compat levels and their changes."
+msgstr "以下ã¯éŽåŽ»ã®ã‚‚ã®ã¨ãªã£ãŸäº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã¨ãã®å¤‰æ›´ã®ä¸€è¦§ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:25
+msgid "Changes from v6 are:"
+msgstr "v6 ã‹ã‚‰ã®å¤‰æ›´ç‚¹:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:31
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install>, will fall back to looking for files in F<debian/tmp> if it "
+"doesn't find them in the current directory (or wherever you tell it look "
+"using B<--sourcedir>). This allows B<dh_install> to interoperate with "
+"B<dh_auto_install>, which installs to F<debian/tmp>, without needing any "
+"special parameters."
+msgstr ""
+"ã‚‚ã—ã€F<debian/tmp> 以下ã«ã‚るよã†ãªãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒã€ã‚«ãƒ¬ãƒ³ãƒˆãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã«ãªã„å ´"
+"åˆ (ã‚‚ã—ãã¯ã€B<--sourcedir> ã§æŒ‡å®šã—ãŸãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã«ãªã„å ´åˆ) ã€"
+"B<dh_install> 㯠F<debian/tmp> を探ã—ã«ã„ãよã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ã“ã®æŒ¯ã‚‹èˆžã„ã®å¤‰"
+"æ›´ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€B<dh_install> ã«ç‰¹ã«ä½•ã‹å¼•æ•°ã‚’指定ã—ãªãã¦ã‚‚ã€F<debian/tmp> ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³"
+"ストールã—よã†ã¨ã™ã‚‹ B<dh_auto_install> ã¨å”調ã—ã¦å‹•ä½œã§ãるよã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:38
+msgid "B<dh_clean> will read F<debian/clean> and delete files listed there."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> 㯠F<debian/clean> を読ã¿ã€ãã“ã«è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„るファイルを消ã™ã‚ˆã†"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:42
+msgid "B<dh_clean> will delete toplevel F<*-stamp> files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> ã¯ãƒ“ルドディレクトリã®æœ€ä¸Šä½ã®éšŽå±¤ã«ã‚ã‚‹ F<*-stamp> ファイルを消"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:46
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> will guess at what file is the upstream changelog if "
+"none is specified."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> ã¯ã€ä½•ã‚‚指定ã—ãªãã¦ã‚‚ã©ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒ upstream ã® "
+"changelog ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã‹ã‚’推定ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:51
+msgid "v6"
+msgstr "v6"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:53
+msgid "Changes from v5 are:"
+msgstr "v5 ã‹ã‚‰ã®å¤‰æ›´ç‚¹:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"Commands that generate maintainer script fragments will order the fragments "
+"in reverse order for the F<prerm> and F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"メンテナンス用スクリプトã®ä¸€éƒ¨ã‚’生æˆã™ã‚‹ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ã€F<prerm> 㨠F<postrm> ス"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:64
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> will install a slave manpage link for F<x-window-manager.1."
+"gz>, if it sees the man page in F<usr/share/man/man1> in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> 㯠F<x-window-manager.1.gz> ã¨ã„ㆠslave 㪠man ページã¸ãƒªãƒ³"
+"man/man1> ディレクトリ㫠man ページãŒã‚ã‚‹å ´åˆã«è¡Œã‚ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:70
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> did not previously delete everything matching "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE>, if it was set to a list of things to exclude, such as "
+"B<CVS:.svn:.git>. Now it does."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> ã¯ã€B<CVS:.svn:.git> ã®ã‚ˆã†ã«é™¤å¤–ã™ã‚‹å¯¾è±¡ã‚’ "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE> ã«æŒ‡å®šã—ã¦ã‚‚該当ã™ã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’削除ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“ã§ã—ãŸã€‚本"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:76
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> allows overwriting existing man pages in the package build "
+"directory. In previous compatibility levels it silently refuses to do this."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> ã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリã«ã™ã§ã«å­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚‹ man ページ"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:83
+msgid "v5"
+msgstr "v5"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:85
+msgid "Changes from v4 are:"
+msgstr "v4 ã‹ã‚‰ã®å¤‰æ›´ç‚¹:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:91
+msgid "Comments are ignored in debhelper config files."
+msgstr "debhelper 設定ファイルã§ã®ã‚³ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆã¯ç„¡è¦–ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:95
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip --dbg-package> now specifies the name of a package to put "
+"debugging symbols in, not the packages to take the symbols from."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip --dbg-package> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ç”¨ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ãƒ†ãƒ¼ãƒ–ルã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ãƒ‘ッケー"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:100
+msgid "B<dh_installdocs> skips installing empty files."
+msgstr "B<dh_installdocs> ã¯ç©ºãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã®ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’飛ã°ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:104
+msgid "B<dh_install> errors out if wildcards expand to nothing."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> ã¯ã€ãƒ¯ã‚¤ãƒ«ãƒ‰ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã«è©²å½“ã™ã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒç„¡ã„時ã¯ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼ã‚’出力ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:108
+msgid "v4"
+msgstr "v4"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:110
+msgid "Changes from v3 are:"
+msgstr "v3 ã‹ã‚‰ã®å¤‰æ›´ç‚¹:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:116
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs -V> will not include the Debian part of the version number "
+"in the generated dependency line in the shlibs file."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs -V> ã¯ã€shlibs ファイル内ã®ç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚ŒãŸä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚を示ã™è¡Œã®ãƒãƒ¼"
+"ジョン番å·ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã€debian リビジョンをå«ã‚ãªã„よã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:121
+msgid ""
+"You are encouraged to put the new B<${misc:Depends}> into F<debian/control> "
+"to supplement the B<${shlibs:Depends}> field."
+msgstr ""
+"F<debian/control> ã¸ã€B<${shlibs:Depends}> ã®ä»–ã« B<${misc:Depends}> ã‚’æ–°ãŸã«"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:126
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> will make all files in F<bin/> directories and in F<etc/init."
+"d> executable."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€F<bin/> ディレクトリåŠã³ F <etc/init.d> 以下ã«ã‚ã‚‹ã™ã¹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:131
+msgid "B<dh_link> will correct existing links to conform with policy."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:137
+msgid "v3"
+msgstr "v3"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:139
+msgid "This mode works like v2, with the following additions:"
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã¯ v2 ã®ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã¨åŒã˜å‹•ä½œã‚’ã—ã¾ã™ãŒã€ä»¥ä¸‹ã®è¿½åŠ æ©Ÿèƒ½ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:145
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper config files support globbing via B<*> and B<?>, when appropriate. "
+"To turn this off and use those characters raw, just prefix with a backslash."
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper ã®è¨­å®šãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ã€B<*> ã‚„ B<?> ã®ãƒ¯ã‚¤ãƒ«ãƒ‰ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã«ã‚ˆã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«å指定"
+"ã¨ã—ã¦æ‰±ã†ã«ã¯ã€ãƒãƒƒã‚¯ã‚¹ãƒ©ãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ã‚’文字ã®å‰ã«ç½®ã„ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:150
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> makes the F<postinst> and F<postrm> scripts call "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€F<postinst> ã‚„ F<postrm> スクリプト㌠B<ldconfig> ã‚’"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:154
+msgid ""
+"Every file in F<etc/> is automatically flagged as a conffile by "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> ã¯ã€F<etc/> 以下ã®ã™ã¹ã¦ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’自動的㫠conffile ã¨ã—ã¦"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:160
+msgid "v2"
+msgstr "v2"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:162
+msgid ""
+"In this mode, debhelper will consistently use debian/I<package> as the "
+"package tree directory for every package that is built."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã‚’指定ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€å¸¸ã« debian/I<package> を全パッケージã®ãƒ“ルドディレク"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:167
+msgid "v1"
+msgstr "v1"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:169
+msgid ""
+"This is the original debhelper compatibility level, and so it is the default "
+"one. In this mode, debhelper will use F<debian/tmp> as the package tree "
+"directory for the first binary package listed in the control file, while "
+"using debian/I<package> for all other packages listed in the F<control> file."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れ㯠debhelper ãŒå…ƒæ¥æŒã¤äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã§ã€ã“ã‚ŒãŒãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã§"
+"ã¯ã€debhelper ã¯F<debian/tmp> ã‚’ã€control ファイルã®æœ€åˆã«è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ãƒã‚¤"
+"I<package> ã‚’ F<control> 内ã«æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„る全パッケージã«å¯¾ã—ã¦é©ç”¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:5
+msgid "dh - debhelper command sequencer"
+msgstr "dh - debhelper コマンドシーケンサー"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> I<sequence> [B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]] [B<--list>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> I<sequence> [B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]] [B<--list>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper オプション>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:28
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> runs a sequence of debhelper commands. The supported I<sequence>s "
+"correspond to the targets of a F<debian/rules> file: B<build-arch>, B<build-"
+"indep>, B<build>, B<clean>, B<install-indep>, B<install-arch>, B<install>, "
+"B<binary-arch>, B<binary-indep>, and B<binary>."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> ã¯ä¸€é€£ã® debhelper コマンドを実行ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚F<debian/rules> ファイルã«è¨˜è¼‰"
+"ã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚¿ãƒ¼ã‚²ãƒƒãƒˆã«å¯¾å¿œã™ã‚‹ I<sequence>をサãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚サãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã™ã‚‹ã‚¿ãƒ¼ã‚²ãƒƒ"
+"ト: B<build-arch>, B<build-indep>, B<build>, B<clean>, B<install-indep>, "
+"B<install-arch>, B<install>, B<binary-arch>, B<binary-indep>, B<binary> ã§"
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:33
+#, fuzzy
+msgstr "override ターゲット"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:35
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "A F<debian/rules> file using B<dh> can override the command that is run "
+#| "at any step in a sequence, by defining an override target."
+msgid ""
+"A F<debian/rules> file using B<dh> can override the command that is run at "
+"any step in a sequence, by defining an override target. It is also possible "
+"to inject a command before or after any step without affecting the step "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> ãŒåˆ©ç”¨ã™ã‚‹ F<debian/rules> ã«ã¦ã€override ターゲットを指定ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã§ã€"
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:40
+msgid "Injecting commands before or after a step"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:42
+msgid ""
+"I<Note>: This feature requires debhelper 12.8 or later plus the package must "
+"use compatibility mode 10 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:45
+msgid ""
+"To inject commands before I<dh_command>, add a target named "
+"B<execute_before_>I<dh_command> to the rules files. Similarly, if you want "
+"to inject commands after I<dh_command>, add the target "
+"B<execute_after_>I<dh_command>. Both targets can be used for the same "
+"I<dh_command> and also even if the command is overridden (as described in L</"
+"Overriding a command> below)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:52
+msgid ""
+"When these targets are defined, B<dh> will call the targets respectively "
+"before or after it would invoke I<dh_command> (or its override target)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:55
+msgid "Overriding a command"
+msgstr ""
+# Build-Depend -> Build-Depends
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:57
+msgid ""
+"To override I<dh_command>, add a target named B<override_>I<dh_command> to "
+"the rules file. When it would normally run I<dh_command>, B<dh> will instead "
+"call that target. The override target can then run the command with "
+"additional options, or run entirely different commands instead. See examples "
+msgstr ""
+"ターゲット I<dh_command> を変更ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã«ã¯ã€B<override_>I<dh_command> ã¨ã„ã†"
+"ターゲットを rule ファイルã«è¨˜è¼‰ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã¡ã‚‰ãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ã¨ã€"
+"I<dh_command> ãŒå‹•ä½œã™ã‚‹ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã« B<override_>I<dh_command> ターゲットを呼ã³å‡º"
+"ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚override ターゲットã§ã¯ã€ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã«ã‚ªãƒ—ションを追加ã—ãŸã‚Šã€ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰å…¨"
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:63
+msgid "Architecture dependent/independent override and hook targets"
+msgstr ""
+# Build-Depend"s"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:65
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Override targets can also be defined to run only when building "
+#| "architecture dependent or architecture independent packages. Use targets "
+#| "with names like B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch> and "
+#| "B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-indep>. (Note that to use this feature, you "
+#| "should Build-Depend on debhelper 8.9.7 or above.)"
+msgid ""
+"The override and hook targets can also be defined to run only when building "
+"architecture dependent or architecture independent packages. Use targets "
+"with names like B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch> and "
+msgstr ""
+"ケージを作るã¨ãã®ã¿å‹•ä½œã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã« override ターゲットを定義ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚‚ã§ãã¾"
+"ã™ã€‚ãã®å ´åˆã€B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch> ã‚„ã€"
+"B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-indep> を使ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„ (ãªãŠã€ã“ã®æ©Ÿèƒ½ã‚’使ã†ã«"
+"ã¯ã€Build-Depends 行㧠debhelper ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ 8.9.7 以上を指定ã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:70
+msgid ""
+"This feature is available since debhelper 8.9.7 (for override targets) and "
+"12.8 (for hook targets)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:73
+msgid "Completely empty targets"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:75
+msgid ""
+"As a special optimization, B<dh> will skip a target if it is completely "
+"empty and does not depend on any other target. This is mostly useful for "
+"override targets, where the command will simply be skipped without the "
+"overhead of invoking a dummy target."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:80
+msgid "Note that the target has to be completely empty for this to work:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:82
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Skip dh_bar - the good and optimized way\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_bar goes here\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:87
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Skip dh_foo - the slow way\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_foo goes here\n"
+" # (these comments causes a dummy target to be run)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:92
+msgid "Verifying targets are picked up by dh"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:94
+msgid ""
+"As of debhelper 13.10, you can use L<dh_assistant(1)> to see which override "
+"and hook targets will be seen by B<dh>. Here is an example run of "
+"L<dh_assistant(1)> along with its output:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:98
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ dh_assistant detect-hook-targets\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"commands-not-in-path\": [\n"
+" \"dh_foo\"\n"
+" ],\n"
+" \"hook-targets\": [\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"command\": \"dh_strip_nondeterminism\",\n"
+" \"is-empty\": true,\n"
+" \"package-section-param\": null,\n"
+" \"target-name\": \"override_dh_strip_nondeterminism\"\n"
+" },\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"command\": \"dh_foo\",\n"
+" \"is-empty\": false,\n"
+" \"package-section-param\": \"-a\",\n"
+" \"target-name\": \"override_dh_foo-arch\"\n"
+" }\n"
+" ]\n"
+" }\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:119
+msgid ""
+"The B<commands-not-in-path> is useful for spotting mistakes in the hook "
+"target names. A non-empty value implies one of more hook targets are "
+"related to a command that is either not installed or no command with that "
+"name exists at all. It is generally worth double checking these."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:124
+msgid ""
+"Additionally, the B<is-empty> attribute for each hook target can be used for "
+"seeing whether a hook target triggers the L</Completely empty targets> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:127
+msgid ""
+"If you are interested in the other attributes, please read the "
+"L<dh_assistant(1)> for the details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head3
+#: dh:130
+msgid ""
+"Verifying targets are picked up by dh (when debhelper is older than 13.10)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:134
+msgid ""
+"On older versions of debhelper, you have to use B<dh> with B<--no-act>. You "
+"can use the following command as an example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:137
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ dh binary --no-act | grep dh_install | head -n5\n"
+" dh_installdirs\n"
+" dh_install\n"
+" debian/rules execute_after_dh_install\n"
+" dh_installdocs\n"
+" dh_installchangelogs\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:144
+msgid ""
+"The B<debian/rules execute_after_dh_install> in the output, which signals "
+"that B<dh> registered a B<execute_after_dh_install> target and would run it "
+"directly after L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:148
+msgid ""
+"Note that L</Completely empty targets> will be omitted in the listing "
+"above. This makes it a bit harder to spot as you are looking for the "
+"omission of a command name. But otherwise, the principle remains the same."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:152
+msgid "Caveats with hook targets and makefile conditionals"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:154
+msgid ""
+"If you choose to wrap a hook target in makefile conditionals, please be "
+"aware that B<dh> computes all the hook targets a head of time and caches the "
+"result for that run. Furthermore, the conditionals will be invoked again "
+"when B<dh> calls the hook target later and will assume the answer did not "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:160
+msgid ""
+"The parsing and caching I<often> happens before B<dh> knows whether it will "
+"build arch:any (-a) or/and arch:all (-i) packages, which can produce "
+"confusing results - especially when L<dh_listpackages(1)> is part of the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:165
+msgid ""
+"Most of the problems can be avoided by making the hook target unconditional "
+"and then have the \"body\" be partially or completely conditional. As an "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:169
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. The hook target\n"
+" # is always considered. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional but dh_foo is definitely skipped.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, \"maybe run this\"\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:183
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:198
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Here, either dh_baz is run normally OR \"maybe run this\" is run\n"
+" # instead.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # And it gets even more complicated to reason about if dh needs to\n"
+" # recurse into debian/rules because you have an \"explicit\"\n"
+" # standard target (e.g. a \"build-arch:\" target separate from \"%:\").\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz:\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:212
+msgid ""
+"These recipes are also relevant for conditional dependency targets, which "
+"are often seen in a variant of the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:215
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" COND_TASKS =\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" COND_TASKS += maybe-run-this\n"
+" endif\n"
+" ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:221
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" maybe-run-this:\n"
+" ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:224
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. Either the\n"
+" # $(COND_TASKS) are skipped or run.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:235
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The $(COND_TASKS) bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:246
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:254
+msgid ""
+"When in doubt, pick the relevant B<SIMPLE> case in the examples above that "
+"match your need."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:257 dh_auto_build:32 dh_auto_clean:33 dh_auto_configure:35
+#: dh_auto_install:52 dh_auto_test:34 dh_bugfiles:53 dh_builddeb:34 dh_clean:49
+#: dh_compress:52 dh_dwz:26 dh_fixperms:40 dh_gencontrol:38 dh_icons:33
+#: dh_install:69 dh_installcatalogs:56 dh_installchangelogs:77
+#: dh_installcron:45 dh_installdeb:107 dh_installdebconf:64 dh_installdirs:45
+#: dh_installdocs:100 dh_installemacsen:56 dh_installexamples:48
+#: dh_installifupdown:42 dh_installinfo:41 dh_installinit:77
+#: dh_installinitramfs:43 dh_installlogcheck:45 dh_installlogrotate:25
+#: dh_installman:86 dh_installmanpages:43 dh_installmenu:44
+#: dh_installmodules:41 dh_installpam:38 dh_installppp:38 dh_installudev:34
+#: dh_installwm:41 dh_link:69 dh_makeshlibs:67 dh_md5sums:31 dh_movefiles:41
+#: dh_perl:35 dh_prep:29 dh_shlibdeps:30 dh_strip:38 dh_testdir:26
+#: dh_usrlocal:50 dh_systemd_enable:82 dh_systemd_start:33
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr "オプション"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:261
+msgid "B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]"
+msgstr "B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:263
+msgid ""
+"Add the debhelper commands specified by the given addon to appropriate "
+"places in the sequence of commands that is run. This option can be repeated "
+"more than once, or multiple addons can be listed, separated by commas. This "
+"is used when there is a third-party package that provides debhelper "
+"commands. See the F<PROGRAMMING> file for documentation about the sequence "
+"addon interface."
+msgstr ""
+"一連ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ä¸­ã®é©åˆ‡ãªä½ç½®ã§å®Ÿè¡Œã™ã‚‹ã‚¢ãƒ‰ã‚ªãƒ³ã‚’ã€debhelper コマンドã¸æŒ‡å®šã—"
+"マ区切りã§åˆ—挙ã—ã¦æŒ‡å®šã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ション㯠debhelper コマンドをæä¾›ã™ã‚‹"
+"サードパーティ製パッケージã¨å…±ã«åˆ©ç”¨ã™ã‚‹æ™‚ã«ä½¿ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚F<PROGRAMMING> ファイル"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:270
+msgid ""
+"A B<Build-Depends> relation on the package B<dh-sequence->I<addon> implies a "
+"B<--with> I<addon>. This avoids the need for an explicit B<--with> in "
+"F<debian/rules> that only duplicates what is already declared via the build "
+"dependencies in F<debian/control>. The relation can (since 12.5) be made "
+"optional via e.g. build-profiles. This enables you to easily disable an "
+"addon that is only useful with certain profiles (e.g. to facilitate "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:279
+msgid ""
+"Since debhelper 12.5, addons can also be activated in B<indep>-only mode "
+"(via B<Build-Depends-Indep>) or B<arch>-only mode (via B<Build-Depends-"
+"Arch>). Such addons are only active in the particular sequence (e.g. "
+"B<binary-indep>) which simplifies dependency management for cross-builds."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:285
+msgid ""
+"Please note that addons activated via B<Build-Depends-Indep> or B<Build-"
+"Depends-Arch> are subject to additional limitations to ensure the result is "
+"deterministic even when the addon is unavailable (e.g. during clean). This "
+"implies that some addons are incompatible with these restrictions and can "
+"only be used via B<Build-Depends> (or manually via F<debian/rules>). "
+"Currently, such addons can only add commands to sequences."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:293
+msgid "B<--without> I<addon>"
+msgstr "B<--without> I<addon>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:295
+msgid ""
+"The inverse of B<--with>, disables using the given addon. This option can be "
+"repeated more than once, or multiple addons to disable can be listed, "
+"separated by commas."
+msgstr ""
+"B<--with> ã¨ã¯é€†ã«ã€æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚¢ãƒ‰ã‚ªãƒ³ã‚’無効ã«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯ç¹°ã‚Šè¿”"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:301
+msgid "List all available addons."
+msgstr "利用å¯èƒ½ãªã‚¢ãƒ‰ã‚ªãƒ³ä¸€è¦§ã‚’表示ã™ã‚‹ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:303
+msgid ""
+"When called only with this option, B<dh> can be called from any directory (i."
+"e. it does not need access to files from a source package)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:309
+msgid ""
+"Prints commands that would run for a given sequence, but does not run them."
+msgstr ""
+"指定ã•ã‚ŒãŸä¸€é€£ã®å‡¦ç†ã§ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚’表示ã—ã¾ã™ãŒã€è¡¨ç¤ºã ã‘ã—ã¦å®Ÿéš›ã«ã¯ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:311
+msgid ""
+"Note that dh normally skips running commands that it knows will do nothing. "
+"With --no-act, the full list of commands in a sequence is printed."
+msgstr ""
+"通常ã€dh ã¯ä½•ã‚‚実行ã—ãªã„ã§ã‚ã‚ã†ã¨ã‚ã‹ã£ã¦ã„る動作コマンドをスキップã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨"
+"ã«æ³¨æ„ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。--no-act を指定ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€ä¸€é€£ã®å‹•ä½œå†…ã§ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ä¸€è¦§ã‚’ã™ã¹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:316
+msgid ""
+"Other options passed to B<dh> are passed on to each command it runs. This "
+"can be used to set an option like B<-v> or B<-X> or B<-N>, as well as for "
+"more specialised options."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> ã«æ¸¡ã•ã‚ŒãŸä»–ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯ã€å®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚Œã‚‹å„コマンドã«ã‚‚渡ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œ"
+"ã¯ã€B<-v>, B<-X>, B<-N> ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªã‚ªãƒ—ションをセットã™ã‚‹ã®ã«åˆ©ç”¨ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾"
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:320 dh_install:332 dh_installdocs:191 dh_installman:117 dh_link:91
+#: dh_makeshlibs:185 dh_shlibdeps:78
+msgid "EXAMPLES"
+msgstr "使用例"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:322
+msgid ""
+"To see what commands are included in a sequence, without actually doing "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:325
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tdh binary-arch --no-act\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tdh binary-arch --no-act\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:327
+msgid ""
+"This is a very simple rules file, for packages where the default sequences "
+"of commands work with no additional options."
+msgstr ""
+"以下ã¯éžå¸¸ã«ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒ—ル㪠rules ファイルã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã“ã§ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージã«å¯¾ã—ã¦è¿½åŠ ã‚ªãƒ—"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:330 dh:337 dh:351 dh:364 dh:375 dh:433 dh:444
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:334
+msgid ""
+"Often you'll want to pass an option to a specific debhelper command. The "
+"easy way to do with is by adding an override target for that command."
+msgstr ""
+"特定㮠debhelper コマンドã¸ã‚ªãƒ—ションを渡ã—ãŸã„事ãŒã‚ˆãã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã“れを簡å˜ã«"
+"è¡Œã†æ–¹æ³•ã¯ã€ãã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¸ override を追加ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:341
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\toverride_dh_strip:\n"
+#| "\t\tdh_strip -Xfoo\n"
+#| "\t\n"
+msgid ""
+"\t\tdh_strip -Xfoo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tdh_strip -Xfoo\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:344
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:347
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes the automated L<dh_auto_configure(1)> and L<dh_auto_build(1)> "
+"can't guess what to do for a strange package. Here's how to avoid running "
+"either and instead run your own commands."
+msgstr ""
+"L<dh_auto_configure(1)> ã‚„ L<dh_auto_build(1)> ãŒå‡¦ç†ã‚’ã™ã‚‹éš›ã€ä½•ã‚’処ç†ã™ã‚Œã°"
+"L<dh_auto_configure(1)> ã‚„ L<dh_auto_build(1)> を実行ã›ãšã«ã€ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰"
+"を実行ã•ã›ã‚‹æ–¹æ³•ã‚’示ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ "
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:355
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:358
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tmake universe-explode-in-delight\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tmake universe-explode-in-delight\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:361
+msgid ""
+"Another common case is wanting to do something manually before or after a "
+"particular debhelper command is run."
+msgstr ""
+"別ã®ã‚ˆãã‚る例ã¨ã—ã¦ã€ç‰¹å®šã® debhelper コマンドãŒå®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚Œã‚‹å‰å¾Œã§æ‰‹å‹•ã§ä½•ã‹ã‚’"
+"ã—ãŸã„å ´åˆãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:368
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\toverride_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#| "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#| "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:372
+msgid ""
+"If you are on an older debhelper or compatibility level, the above example "
+"would have to be written as."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:379
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\toverride_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#| "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#| "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"\t# Older debhelper versions or using compat 9 or lower.\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:384
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Python tools are not run by dh by default, due to the continual change in "
+#| "that area. (Before compatibility level v9, dh does run B<dh_pysupport>.) "
+#| "Here is how to use B<dh_python2>."
+msgid ""
+"Python tools are not run by dh by default, due to the continual change in "
+"that area. Here is how to use B<dh_python2>."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®åˆ†é‡Žã®çŠ¶æ³ãŒå¸¸ã«å¤‰ã‚ã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã€ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã§ã¯ python 関連ツール 㯠dh "
+"ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦å®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“ (互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« v9 未満ã§ã‚ã‚Œã°ã€dh 㯠B<dh_pysupport> "
+"を実行ã—ã¾ã™)。ã“ã“ã§ã¯ã€B<dh_python2> ã‚’ã©ã®ã‚ˆã†ã«ã—ã¦ä½¿ã†ã‹ã‚’示ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:387
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --with python2\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --with python2\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:391
+msgid ""
+"Here is how to force use of Perl's B<Module::Build> build system, which can "
+"be necessary if debhelper wrongly detects that the package uses MakeMaker."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã¡ã‚‰ã¯ Perl ã«ã‚ˆã‚‹ B<Module::Build> ビルドシステムを強制的ã«ä½¿ã†æ–¹æ³•ã§ã™ã€‚"
+"ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€debhelper ãŒèª¤ã£ã¦ãƒ‘ッケージ㌠MakeMaker を使ã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã¨èªè­˜ã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã«"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:395
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --buildsystem=perl_build\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --buildsystem=perl_build\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:399
+msgid ""
+"Here is an example of overriding where the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands find the "
+"package's source, for a package where the source is located in a "
+msgstr ""
+"以下㫠B<dh_auto_>I<*> コマンドãŒã©ã“ã«ãƒ‘ッケージソースãŒã‚ã‚‹ã‹ã‚’変更ã™ã‚‹ä¾‹ã‚’"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:403
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --sourcedirectory=src\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --sourcedirectory=src\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:407
+msgid ""
+"And here is an example of how to tell the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands to build "
+"in a subdirectory, which will be removed on B<clean>."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> ã«ã‚µãƒ–ディレクトリã§ãƒ“ルドã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«æŒ‡å®šã™ã‚‹æ–¹æ³•ã‚’以下ã«ç¤ºã—"
+"ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã¡ã‚‰ã‚’指定ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€B<clean> 処ç†ã§ã“れらディレクトリãŒå–り除ã‹ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã†"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:410
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --builddirectory=build\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --builddirectory=build\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:414
+msgid ""
+"If your package can be built in parallel, please either use compat 10 or "
+"pass B<--parallel> to dh. Then B<dpkg-buildpackage -j> will work."
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージãŒä¸¦åˆ—ビルドå¯èƒ½ã§ã‚ã‚Œã°ã€äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 10 を使ã†ã‹ dh ã« B<--"
+"parallel> を指定ã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„。ã™ã‚‹ã¨ B<dpkg-buildpackage -j> ãŒæœ‰åŠ¹ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:417
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --parallel\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --parallel\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:421
+msgid ""
+"If your package cannot be built reliably while using multiple threads, "
+"please pass B<--no-parallel> to dh (or the relevant B<dh_auto_>I<*> command):"
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージãŒè¤‡æ•°ã‚¹ãƒ¬ãƒƒãƒ‰ã‚’使ã†ã¨å®‰å®šã—ã¦ãƒ“ルド出æ¥ãªã„å ´åˆã¯ã€dh (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯é–¢"
+"連ã™ã‚‹ B<dh_auto_>I<*> コマンド)ã« B<--no-parallel> を指定ã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„。"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:426
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --no-parallel\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --no-parallel\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:430
+msgid ""
+"Here is a way to prevent B<dh> from running several commands that you don't "
+"want it to run, by defining empty override targets for each command."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã“ã§ã¯ã€B<dh> ã«ã€å®Ÿè¡Œã—ã¦ã»ã—ããªã„コマンドを実行ã•ã›ãªã„よã†ã«ã™ã‚‹æ–¹æ³•ã‚’"
+"示ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ãã®å ´åˆã€ãれらã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã«å¯¾ã™ã‚‹ override ターゲットを空ã«ã™ã‚‹ã“"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:437
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Commands not to run:\n"
+"\toverride_dh_auto_test override_dh_compress override_dh_fixperms:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# 実行ã•ã›ãŸããªã„コマンド:\n"
+"\toverride_dh_auto_test override_dh_compress override_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:440
+msgid ""
+"A long build process for a separate documentation package can be separated "
+"out using architecture independent overrides. These will be skipped when "
+"running build-arch and binary-arch sequences."
+msgstr ""
+"ドキュメントパッケージを作æˆã™ã‚‹ã®ã«æ™‚é–“ãŒã‹ã‹ã‚‹å ´åˆãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã€"
+"アーキテクãƒãƒ£éžä¾å­˜ç”¨ã® override ターゲットを使ã£ã¦ãƒ“ルドを分離ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã§"
+"ãã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã†ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€build-arch ã‚„ binary-arch を実行ã™ã‚‹ã¨ãã€ãƒ‰ã‚­ãƒ¥ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆ"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:448
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:451
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# No tests needed for docs\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# doc ターゲット実行時ã¯ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆã¯ä¸è¦\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs install\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs install\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:457
+msgid ""
+"Adding to the example above, suppose you need to chmod a file, but only when "
+"building the architecture dependent package, as it's not present when "
+"building only documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"上ã®ä¾‹ã«åŠ ãˆã€ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã« chmod を実行ã—ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚‰ãªã„ãŒãã‚Œã¯ã‚¢ãƒ¼ã‚­ãƒ†ã‚¯ãƒãƒ£"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:461
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "\toverride_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#| "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#| "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:465
+#, fuzzy
+msgstr "DEBHELPER コマンド"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:467
+msgid ""
+"The primary purpose of B<dh> addons is to provide easy integration with "
+"third-party provided features for debhelper. However, debhelper itself also "
+"provide a few sequences that can be useful in some cases. These are "
+"documented in this list:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:474
+msgid "build-stamp"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:476
+msgid ""
+"A special addon for controlling whether B<dh> (in compat 10 or later) will "
+"create stamp files to tell whether the build target has been run "
+"successfully. See L</INTERNALS> for more details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:480
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The previous behaviour can restored by using B<--with build-stamp>"
+msgid ""
+"This addon is active by default but can disabled by using B<dh $@ --without "
+msgstr "B<--with build-stamp> を使ãˆã°ä»¥å‰ã®å‹•ä½œã«æˆ»ã™ã“ã¨ãŒå‡ºæ¥ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:483
+msgid "dwz (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:485
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_dwz(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below. Obsolete in "
+"compat 12 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:488
+msgid "elf-tools"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:490
+msgid ""
+"This addon adds tools related to ELF files to the sequence such as "
+"L<dh_strip(1)> and L<dh_shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:493
+msgid ""
+"This addon is I<conditionally> active by default for architecture specific "
+"packages - that is, it is skipped for arch:all packages. In the special "
+"case where you need these tools to work on arch:all packages, you can use "
+"B<--with elf-tools> to activate it unconditionally."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:499
+msgid "installinitramfs (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:501
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_installinitramfs(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below. "
+"Obsolete in compat 12 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:504
+msgid "root-sequence (internal)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:506
+msgid "This is reserved for internal usage."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:508
+msgid "single-binary"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:510
+msgid ""
+"A special-purpose addon that makes debhelper run in \"single binary\" mode."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:512
+msgid ""
+"When active, it will pass B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to "
+"L<dh_auto_install(1)>. This makes every file \"installed\" by the upstream "
+"build system part of the (only) binary package by default without having to "
+"use other helpers such as L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:517
+msgid ""
+"The addon will refuse to activate when the source package lists 2 or more "
+"binary packages in F<debian/control> as a precaution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:520
+msgid ""
+"Before compat 15. this behaviour was the default when there was only a "
+"single binary package listed in F<debian/control>. In compat 15 and later, "
+"this addon must explicitly be activated for this feature to work."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:524
+msgid ""
+"The rationale for requiring this as an explicit choice is that if it is "
+"implicit then debhelper will silently change behaviour on adding a new "
+"binary package. This has caused many RC bugs when maintainers renamed a "
+"binary and added transitional packages with the intention of supporting "
+"seamless upgrades. The result would often be two empty binary packages that "
+"were uploaded to archive with users frustrated as their \"upgrade\" removed "
+"their programs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:532
+msgid "systemd (obsolete)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:534
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_systemd_enable(1)> and L<dh_systemd_start(1)> to the sequence in "
+"compat level 10 or below. Obsolete in compat 11 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:539
+msgid "INTERNALS"
+msgstr "内部動作"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:541
+msgid ""
+"If you're curious about B<dh>'s internals, here's how it works under the "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> ã®å†…部動作ã«èˆˆå‘³ãŒã‚る人å‘ã‘ã«ã€ä»¥ä¸‹ã«å†…部ã§ã©ã®ã‚ˆã†ã«å‹•ä½œã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã®ã‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:543
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "In compat 10 (or later), B<dh> creates a stamp file F<debian/debhelper-"
+#| "build-stamp> after the build step(s) are complete to avoid re-running "
+#| "them. Inside an override target, B<dh_*> commands will create a log file "
+#| "F<debian/package.debhelper.log> to keep track of which packages the "
+#| "command(s) have been run for. These log files are then removed once the "
+#| "override target is complete."
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 (or later), B<dh> creates a stamp file F<debian/debhelper-build-"
+"stamp> after the build step(s) are complete to avoid re-running them. It is "
+"possible to avoid the stamp file by passing B<--without=build-stamp> to "
+"B<dh>. This makes \"no clean\" builds behave more like what some people "
+"expect at the expense of possibly running the build and test twice (the "
+"second time as root or under L<fakeroot(1)>)."
+msgstr ""
+"互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 10 (ã¨ãれ以é™) ã§ã¯ã€B<dh> ã¯ãƒ“ルド工程ã®å®Œäº†å¾Œã€å†å‹•ä½œã‚’é¿ã‘ã‚‹"
+"ãŸã‚ã«ã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒ³ãƒ—ファイル F<debian/debhelper-build-stamp> を作æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"override ターゲット内ã§ã¯ã€B<dh_*> コマンドã¯ã©ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ãŒ"
+"実行ã•ã‚ŒãŸã®ã‹è¨˜éŒ²ã‚’å–ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã«ãƒ­ã‚°ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ« F<debian/package.debhelper.log> ã‚’"
+"生æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“れらã®ãƒ­ã‚°ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ override ターゲットãŒå®Œäº†ã—ãŸéš›ã«å‰Šé™¤ã•ã‚Œ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:551
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "In compat 10 (or later), B<dh> creates a stamp file F<debian/debhelper-"
+#| "build-stamp> after the build step(s) are complete to avoid re-running "
+#| "them. Inside an override target, B<dh_*> commands will create a log file "
+#| "F<debian/package.debhelper.log> to keep track of which packages the "
+#| "command(s) have been run for. These log files are then removed once the "
+#| "override target is complete."
+msgid ""
+"Inside an override target, B<dh_*> commands will create a log file F<debian/"
+"package.debhelper.log> to keep track of which packages the command(s) have "
+"been run for. These log files are then removed once the override target is "
+msgstr ""
+"互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 10 (ã¨ãれ以é™) ã§ã¯ã€B<dh> ã¯ãƒ“ルド工程ã®å®Œäº†å¾Œã€å†å‹•ä½œã‚’é¿ã‘ã‚‹"
+"ãŸã‚ã«ã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒ³ãƒ—ファイル F<debian/debhelper-build-stamp> を作æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"override ターゲット内ã§ã¯ã€B<dh_*> コマンドã¯ã©ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ãŒ"
+"実行ã•ã‚ŒãŸã®ã‹è¨˜éŒ²ã‚’å–ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã«ãƒ­ã‚°ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ« F<debian/package.debhelper.log> ã‚’"
+"生æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“れらã®ãƒ­ã‚°ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ override ターゲットãŒå®Œäº†ã—ãŸéš›ã«å‰Šé™¤ã•ã‚Œ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:556
+msgid ""
+"In compat 9 or earlier, each debhelper command will record when it's "
+"successfully run in F<debian/package.debhelper.log>. (Which B<dh_clean> "
+"deletes.) So B<dh> can tell which commands have already been run, for which "
+"packages, and skip running those commands again."
+msgstr ""
+"互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 9 ã¨ãれ以å‰ã§ã¯ã€å„ debhelper コマンド㯠F<debian/package."
+"debhelper.log> ã«å®Ÿè¡ŒãŒã†ã¾ãè¡Œã£ãŸã‚‚ã®ã‚’記録ã—ã¾ã™ (ã“れ㯠B<dh_clean> ãŒæ¶ˆ"
+"去ã—ã¾ã™)。ã“ã‚Œã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€B<dh> ã¯æ—¢ã«ã©ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ãŒå®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚ŒãŸã‹ã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã©ã®"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:561
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Each time B<dh> is run (in compat 9 or earlier), it examines the log, and "
+#| "finds the last logged command that is in the specified sequence. It then "
+#| "continues with the next command in the sequence. The B<--until>, B<--"
+#| "before>, B<--after>, and B<--remaining> options can override this "
+#| "behavior (though they were removed in compat 10)."
+msgid ""
+"Each time B<dh> is run (in compat 9 or earlier), it examines the log, and "
+"finds the last logged command that is in the specified sequence. It then "
+"continues with the next command in the sequence."
+msgstr ""
+"(互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 9 ã¨ãれ以å‰ã§ã¯) B<dh> ãŒå‹•ä½œã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€ãƒ­ã‚°ã‚’検査ã—ã€æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚ŒãŸ"
+"ãã—ã¦ã€æ¬¡ã«å®Ÿè¡Œã™ã¹ãコマンドを実行ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ B<--until>, B<--before>, B<--"
+"after>, B<--remaining> オプションã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€ã“ã®æŒ¯ã‚‹èˆžã„を変更ã§ãã¾ã™ (ãŸã ã—ã€"
+"互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 10 ã§ã¯ã“れらã¯å‰Šé™¤ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™)。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:565
+msgid ""
+"A sequence can also run dependent targets in debian/rules. For example, the "
+"\"binary\" sequence runs the \"install\" target."
+msgstr ""
+"dh ã«å‡¦ç†ã®æµã‚Œã®åå‰ã‚’指定ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€debian/rules ã«è¨˜è¼‰ã—ãŸä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚ã«"
+"ã‚るターゲットも実行ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚例ãˆã°ã€\"binary\" ã¨ã„ã†å‡¦ç†ã®æµã‚Œã‚’指定ã™ã‚‹"
+"ã¨ã€\"install\" ターゲットも実行ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:568
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> uses the B<DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS> environment variable to pass "
+"information through to debhelper commands that are run inside override "
+"targets. The contents (and indeed, existence) of this environment variable, "
+"as the name might suggest, is subject to change at any time."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> ã¯ã€B<DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS> 環境変数をãƒã‚§ãƒƒã‚¯ã—ã€override ターゲットã®"
+"中ã§å®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚Œã‚‹ debhelper コマンドã«æƒ…報を渡ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•°ã«è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„"
+"る内容㯠(実際ã«ã¯ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•°ãŒå­˜åœ¨ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã¨) ã€ãã®ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•°ã®åå‰ãŒç¤ºå”†ã™ã‚‹ã¨"
+"ãŠã‚Šã€ã©ã®æ™‚点ã§ã‚‚ debhelper コマンドã®å‹•ä½œã«å½±éŸ¿ã‚’与ãˆã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:573
+msgid ""
+"Commands in the B<build-indep>, B<install-indep> and B<binary-indep> "
+"sequences are passed the B<-i> option to ensure they only work on "
+"architecture independent packages, and commands in the B<build-arch>, "
+"B<install-arch> and B<binary-arch> sequences are passed the B<-a> option to "
+"ensure they only work on architecture dependent packages."
+msgstr ""
+"B<build-indep>, B<install-indep>, B<binary-indep> ã®ä¸€é€£ã®å‡¦ç†ã«è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„"
+"るコマンドã«ã¯ã€ã‚¢ãƒ¼ã‚­ãƒ†ã‚¯ãƒãƒ£éžä¾å­˜ãƒ‘ッケージをビルドã™ã‚‹æ™‚ã«ã ã‘確実ã«ä½œç”¨"
+"ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã« B<-i> オプションを使ã£ã¦æƒ…å ±ãŒå¼•ã渡ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚B<build-arch>, "
+"B<install-arch>, B<binary-arch> ã®ä¸€é€£ã®å‡¦ç†ã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ã¯ã€B<-a> ã«ã¦å¼•ã渡ã•"
+"ã‚Œã€ã‚¢ãƒ¼ã‚­ãƒ†ã‚¯ãƒãƒ£ä¾å­˜ãƒ‘ッケージã«ã®ã¿ç¢ºå®Ÿã«ä½œç”¨ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«å‹•ä½œã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:876 dh_auto_build:57 dh_auto_clean:59 dh_auto_configure:62
+#: dh_auto_install:107 dh_auto_test:68 dh_bugfiles:139 dh_builddeb:180
+#: dh_clean:193 dh_compress:247 dh_dwz:167 dh_fixperms:168 dh_gencontrol:212
+#: dh_icons:79 dh_install:381 dh_installchangelogs:369 dh_installcron:84
+#: dh_installdeb:423 dh_installdebconf:237 dh_installdirs:135
+#: dh_installdocs:441 dh_installemacsen:143 dh_installexamples:186
+#: dh_installifupdown:76 dh_installinfo:127 dh_installinit:417
+#: dh_installinitramfs:97 dh_installlogrotate:57 dh_installman:424
+#: dh_installmanpages:202 dh_installmenu:94 dh_installmime:67
+#: dh_installmodules:113 dh_installpam:75 dh_installppp:72 dh_installudev:106
+#: dh_installwm:134 dh_installxfonts:94 dh_link:170 dh_lintian:64
+#: dh_listpackages:38 dh_makeshlibs:460 dh_md5sums:122 dh_movefiles:165
+#: dh_perl:192 dh_prep:74 dh_shlibdeps:208 dh_strip:439 dh_testdir:66
+#: dh_testroot:97 dh_usrlocal:140
+msgid "This program is a part of debhelper."
+msgstr "ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラム㯠debhelper ã®ä¸€éƒ¨ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:5
+msgid "dh_auto_build - automatically builds a package"
+msgstr "dh_auto_build - 自動的ã«ãƒ‘ッケージをビルドã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> [S<I<build system オプション>>] [S<I<debhelper オプション"
+">>] [S<B<--> I<パラメータ>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically build a "
+"package. It does so by running the appropriate command for the build system "
+"it detects the package uses. For example, if a F<Makefile> is found, this is "
+"done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If "
+"there's a F<>, or F<Build.PL>, it is run to build the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> ã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージを自動的ã«ãƒ“ルドã—よã†ã¨ã™ã‚‹ debhelper プログ"
+"マンドを実行ã—ã¦ãƒ“ルドを行ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚例ãˆã°ã‚‚ã— F<Makefile> ãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Œã°ã€"
+"B<make> を実行ã—ã¦å‡¦ç†ã‚’è¡Œã„ã¾ã™ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„㯠B<MAKE> 環境変数ãŒè¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´"
+"åˆã§ã™)。F<> ã¾ãŸã¯ F<Build.PL> ãŒå­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚Œã°ã€ã“れを実行ã—ã¦ãƒ‘ッケー"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:28
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, "
+"you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_build> at all, and just run the "
+"build process manually."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ç´„ 90% ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«ã¤ã„ã¦å‡¦ç†ãŒè¡Œãˆã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã—ã†"
+"ã¾ã動作ã—ãªã„よã†ãªãƒ‘ッケージã«é­é‡ã—ãŸå ´åˆã¯ã€B<dh_auto_build> を完全ã«çœç•¥"
+"ã—ã¦ã€ãƒ“ルド作業を手動ã§å®Ÿè¡Œã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:34 dh_auto_clean:35 dh_auto_configure:37 dh_auto_install:54
+#: dh_auto_test:36
+msgid ""
+"See L<debhelper(7)/B<BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS>> for a list of common build "
+"system selection and control options."
+msgstr ""
+"L<debhelper(7)/B<ビルドシステム用オプション>> ã«ã¯ã€ã‚ˆã使ã‚れるビルドシステ"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_auto_build:39 dh_auto_clean:40 dh_auto_configure:42 dh_auto_install:65
+#: dh_auto_test:41 dh_builddeb:48 dh_dwz:62 dh_gencontrol:42
+#: dh_installdebconf:72 dh_installinit:166 dh_makeshlibs:179 dh_shlibdeps:41
+msgid "B<--> I<params>"
+msgstr "B<--> I<params>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:41
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_build> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"I<params> ã‚’ B<dh_autobuild> ã«ã¦å®Ÿè¡Œã—よã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„るプログラムã¸æ¸¡ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“"
+"ã® B<--> ã®å¾Œã«æŒ‡å®šã—ãŸãƒ‘ラメータãŒæ¸¡ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:5
+msgid "dh_auto_clean - automatically cleans up after a build"
+msgstr "dh_auto_clean - ビルド後ã€è‡ªå‹•çš„ã«ãƒ“ルドディレクトリを消去ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> [S<I<build system オプション>>] [S<I<debhelper オプション"
+">>] [S<B<--> I<パラメータ>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically clean up "
+"after a package build. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a "
+"F<Makefile> and it contains a B<distclean>, B<realclean>, or B<clean> "
+"target, then this is done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment "
+"variable is set). If there is a F<> or F<Build.PL>, it is run to "
+"clean the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルド完了後ã«è‡ªå‹•çš„ã«ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã‚’消去ã—よã†ã¨"
+"ã™ã‚‹ debhelpr プログラムã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラムã¯ãƒ‘ッケージã®ãƒ“ルドã«å¿…è¦ãªãƒ“ル"
+"ã°ã€F<Makefile> ãŒå­˜åœ¨ã—ã€ã‹ã¤ã€ãã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã®ä¸­ã« B<distclean>, "
+"B<realclean>, B<clean> ターゲットãŒå­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã€B<make> を実行ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã«ã‚ˆã‚Š"
+"消去を行ã„ã¾ã™ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€B<MAKE> 環境変数ãŒè¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„る時もåŒæ§˜ã§ã™)。も"
+"ã— F<> ã‚„ F<Build.PL> ãŒå­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚‹ã®ã§ã‚ã‚Œã°ã€ã“れらを実行ã—ã¦ãƒ‘ッケー"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:29
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or "
+"tries to use the wrong clean target, you're encouraged to skip using "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> at all, and just run B<make clean> manually."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ç´„ 90 %ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«ã¦å‹•ä½œã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ä½œã‚‰ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã—ã€ã†ã¾"
+"ã動作ã—ãªã„よã†ãªãƒ‘ッケージã«é­é‡ã—ãŸå ´åˆã€é–“é•ã£ãŸ clean ターゲットを使ãŠã†"
+"ã¨ã—ã¦ã—ã¾ã†ã‚ˆã†ãªå ´åˆã€B<dh_auto_clean> ã‚’ã¾ã£ãŸã使ã‚ãšã«ã€æ‰‹å‹•ã§ "
+"B<makeclean> を実行ã™ã‚‹ã®ã‚’ãŠå‹§ã‚ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:42
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"I<params> を実行ã™ã‚‹ãƒ—ログラムã«æ¸¡ã™ã«ã¯ã€B<dh_auto_clean> ã«é€šå¸¸æŒ‡å®šã™ã‚‹ãƒ‘ラ"
+"メータã®å¾Œã«ã€I<params> を指定ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:5
+msgid "dh_auto_configure - automatically configure a package prior to building"
+msgstr "dh_auto_configure - パッケージビルドå‰ã«è‡ªå‹•çš„ã« configure ã‚’è¡Œã†"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> [S<I<build system オプション>>] [S<I<debhelper オプショ"
+"ン>>] [S<B<--> I<パラメータ>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically "
+"configure a package prior to building. It does so by running the appropriate "
+"command for the build system it detects the package uses. For example, it "
+"looks for and runs a F<./configure> script, F<Makefile.PL>, F<Build.PL>, or "
+"F<cmake>. A standard set of parameters is determined and passed to the "
+"program that is run. Some build systems, such as make, do not need a "
+"configure step; for these B<dh_auto_configure> will exit without doing "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージをビルドã™ã‚‹å‰ã«è‡ªå‹•çš„ã« configure を実行ã™"
+"ã‚‹ debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラムã¯ãƒ‘ッケージã®ãƒ“ルドã«å¿…è¦ãªãƒ“ルド"
+"F<./configure> スクリプトã€F<Makefile.PL>ã€F<Build.PL>ã€F<cmake> を探ã—ã¦å®Ÿè¡Œ"
+"ãªãŠã€make ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªãƒ“ルドシステムã®å ´åˆã€äº‹å‰ã« configure ã®å®Ÿè¡ŒãŒä¸è¦ãªå ´åˆ"
+"ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆ B<dh_auto_configure> ã¯ä½•ã‚‚ã›ãšã«çµ‚了ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:31
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, "
+"you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_configure> at all, and just run "
+"F<./configure> or its equivalent manually."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ 90% ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã§å‹•ä½œã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ä½œã‚‰ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã—ã€å‹•ä½œã—ãª"
+"ã„よã†ãªãƒ‘ッケージãŒã‚ã£ãŸå ´åˆã¯ã€B<dh_auto_configure> ã‚’å…¨ã使ã‚ãªã„よã†ã«ã—"
+"ã¦ã€ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã« F<./configure> ã‚„ã€åŒç­‰ã®å‹•ä½œã‚’è¡Œã†ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚’手動ã§å®Ÿè¡Œã—ã¦ãã "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:44
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_configure> usually passes. For example:"
+msgstr ""
+"I<params> を実行ã™ã‚‹ãƒ—ログラムã«æ¸¡ã™ã«ã¯ã€B<dh_auto_configure> ã«é€šå¸¸æŒ‡å®šã™ã‚‹"
+"パラメータã®å¾Œã«ã€B<--> ã‚’ã€æ¬¡ã« I<params> を指定ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。例:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_auto_configure:47
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --enable-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --enable-bar\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:5
+msgid "dh_auto_install - automatically runs make install or similar"
+msgstr "dh_auto_install - make install や類似コマンドを自動的ã«å®Ÿè¡Œã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:20
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> [S<I<build system オプション>>] [S<I<debhelper オプション"
+">>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically "
+"install built files. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a "
+"F<Makefile> and it contains a B<install> target, then this is done by "
+"running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If there "
+"is a F<> or F<Build.PL>, it is used. Note that the Ant build system "
+"does not support installation, so B<dh_auto_install> will not install files "
+"built using Ant."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> プログラムã¯ã€ãƒ“ルドã—ãŸãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’自動的ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã—よ"
+"ã†ã¨ã™ã‚‹ debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚パッケージãŒåˆ©ç”¨ã™ã‚‹ãƒ“ルドシステムを判定"
+"ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚例ãˆã°ã€F<Makefile> ãŒå­˜åœ¨ã—ã€ä¸­ã« B<install> ターゲットãŒå­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚‹å ´"
+"åˆ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€B<MAKE> 環境変数ãŒè¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆ)ã€B<make> を実行ã—ã¾ã™)。"
+"ã‚‚ã—ã€F<> ã‚„ F<Build.PL> ãŒå­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚Œã°ã€ã“ã¡ã‚‰ãŒåˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ãªãŠã€"
+"Ant ビルドシステムã¯ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’サãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。ãã®ãŸã‚ã€"
+"B<dh_auto_install> 㯠Ant を使ã£ã¦ãƒ“ルドã—ãŸãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã—ãªã„ã“ã¨"
+"ã«æ³¨æ„ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:32
+msgid ""
+"In compat 15 or later, B<dh_auto_install> will use F<debian/tmp> as the "
+"default B<--destdir> and should be moved from there to the appropriate "
+"package build directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools. Though if "
+"the B<single-binary> addon for L<dh(1)> is activated, then it will pass an "
+"explicit B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to B<dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:38
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Unless B<--destdir> option is specified, the files are installed into "
+#| "debian/I<package>/ if there is only one binary package. In the multiple "
+#| "binary package case, the files are instead installed into F<debian/tmp/>, "
+#| "and should be moved from there to the appropriate package build directory "
+#| "using L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgid ""
+"For earlier compat levels then unless B<--destdir> option is specified, the "
+"files are installed into debian/I<package>/ if there is only one binary "
+"package. In the multiple binary package case, the files are instead "
+"installed into F<debian/tmp/>, and should be moved from there to the "
+"appropriate package build directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools."
+msgstr ""
+"B<--destdir> オプションを指定ã›ãšå˜ä¸€ã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªã®ã¿ç”Ÿæˆã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã€ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ "
+"debian/I<package>/ 以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€B<--destdir> オプション"
+"を指定ã›ãšã«è¤‡æ•°ã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージを生æˆã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã¯ã€ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã« F<debian/tmp/"
+"> 以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã€ç”Ÿæˆã—ãŸãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ã€L<dh_install(1)> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:44
+msgid ""
+"B<DESTDIR> is used to tell make where to install the files. If the Makefile "
+"was generated by MakeMaker from a F<Makefile.PL>, it will automatically set "
+"B<PREFIX=/usr> too, since such Makefiles need that."
+msgstr ""
+"B<DESTDIR> ã¯ç”Ÿæˆã—ãŸãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’ã©ã“ã«ç½®ãã¹ãã‹ã‚’指定ã™ã‚‹æ™‚ã«åˆ©ç”¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚"
+"ã— Makefile㌠F<Makefile.PL> を使ã£ã¦ MakeMaker ã‹ã‚‰ç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚Œã‚‹å ´åˆã€ç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚Œ"
+"㟠Makefile ã®ç‚ºã«ã€ã•ã‚‰ã«è‡ªå‹•çš„ã« B<PREFIX=/usr> ãŒã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒª"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:48
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or "
+"tries to use the wrong install target, you're encouraged to skip using "
+"B<dh_auto_install> at all, and just run make install manually."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ã»ã¼ 90 %ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ã†ã¾ã動作ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«è¨­è¨ˆã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾"
+"ã™ã€‚ã†ã¾ãå‹•ã‹ãªã„å ´åˆã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€é–“é•ã£ãŸã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¿ãƒ¼ã‚²ãƒƒãƒˆã‚’使ã£ã¦ã—ã¾"
+"ã†ã‚ˆã†ãªå ´åˆã«ã¯ã€B<dh_auto_install> を完全ã«çœç•¥ã—㦠make install を手動ã§å®Ÿ"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_auto_install:59 dh_builddeb:38
+msgid "B<--destdir=>I<directory>"
+msgstr "B<--destdir=>I<directory>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:61
+msgid ""
+"Install files into the specified I<directory>. If this option is not "
+"specified, destination directory is determined automatically as described in "
+"the L</B<DESCRIPTION>> section."
+msgstr ""
+"指定ã—㟠I<directory> 以下ã«ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションを指"
+"定ã—ãªã„å ´åˆã€ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«å…ˆã¯ L</B<説明>> ç« ã§èª¬æ˜Žã™ã‚‹ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã«ãªã‚‹ã‚ˆã†"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:67
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_install> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"I<params> を実行ã™ã‚‹ãƒ—ログラムã«æ¸¡ã™ã«ã¯ã€B<dh_auto_install> ã«é€šå¸¸æŒ‡å®šã™ã‚‹ãƒ‘"
+"ラメータã®å¾Œã« I<param> を指定ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:5
+msgid "dh_auto_test - automatically runs a package's test suites"
+msgstr "dh_auto_test - パッケージã®ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆã‚¹ã‚¤ãƒ¼ãƒˆã‚’自動的ã«å®Ÿè¡Œã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> [S<I<build system オプション>>] [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically run a "
+"package's test suite. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a Makefile "
+"and it contains a B<test> or B<check> target, then this is done by running "
+"B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If the test suite "
+"fails, the command will exit nonzero. If there's no test suite, it will exit "
+"zero without doing anything."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> ã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージ付属ã®ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆã‚¹ã‚¤ãƒ¼ãƒˆã‚’自動的ã«å®Ÿè¡Œã—よã†ã¨ã™ã‚‹"
+"é©åˆ‡ãªã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚’実行ã™ã‚‹äº‹ã§ã“れを行ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚例ãˆã°ã€ã‚‚ã— Makefile ãŒå­˜åœ¨ã—ã€"
+"B<test> ã‚„ B<check> ターゲットãŒå­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚‹ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•° B<MAKE> ãŒè¨­å®šã•ã‚Œ"
+"ã¦ã„ã‚‹) å ´åˆã€B<make> を実行ã—ã¾ã™ ã‚‚ã—ã€ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆã‚¹ã‚¤ãƒ¼ãƒˆãŒå¤±æ•—ã«çµ‚ã‚ã£ãŸå ´åˆã€"
+"ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ OS ã¸ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã®ã‚¹ãƒ†ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã‚¹ã¨ã—ã¦ã€0 以外を返ã—ã¦çµ‚了ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"ã‚‚ã—ã€ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆç”¨ã®ã‚¿ãƒ¼ã‚²ãƒƒãƒˆãŒå…¨ã存在ã—ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ã€ä½•ã‚‚ã›ãš 0 ã‚’è¿”ã—ã¦çµ‚了ã—ã¾"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:30
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages with a test suite. If it "
+"doesn't work, you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_test> at all, and "
+"just run the test suite manually."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ã€ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆã‚¹ã‚¤ãƒ¼ãƒˆã‚’å«ã‚€ 90 %ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«å¯¾ã—ã¦å‹•ä½œã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ä½œ"
+"られã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã—ã†ã¾ã動作ã—ãªã„よã†ã§ã‚ã‚Œã°ã€B<dh_auto_test> を完全ã«çœç•¥"
+"ã—ã€ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆã‚¹ã‚¤ãƒ¼ãƒˆã‚’手動ã§å®Ÿè¡Œã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:43
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_test> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"I<params> を動作ã™ã‚‹ãƒ—ログラムã«æ¸¡ã—ãŸã‘ã‚Œã°ã€B<dh_auto_test> ã¸é€šå¸¸æŒ‡å®šã™ã‚‹"
+"パラメータã®å¾Œã« I<params> を指定ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:50
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nocheck>, no "
+"tests will be performed."
+msgstr ""
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> 環境変数㫠B<nocheck> ãŒå«ã¾ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚Œã°ã€ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆã¯å®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚Œ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_bugfiles - install bug reporting customization files into package build "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_bugfiles - カスタマイズã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒã‚°ãƒ¬ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆç”¨ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:17
+msgid "B<dh_bugfiles> [B<-A>] [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_bugfiles> [B<-A>] [S<I<debhelper オプション>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_bugfiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing bug "
+"reporting customization files (bug scripts and/or bug control files and/or "
+"presubj files) into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_bugfiles> ã¯ã€ãƒã‚°ãƒ¬ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã®ã‚«ã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒžã‚¤ã‚ºç”¨ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ« (ãƒã‚°ã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トã€ãƒã‚°"
+"コントロールファイルã€æŒ‡å®šæ¸ˆã¿ subject 用ファイル) をパッケージビルドディレク"
+"トリã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹ debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_bugfiles:25 dh_clean:33 dh_compress:35 dh_install:40
+#: dh_installcatalogs:39 dh_installchangelogs:53 dh_installcron:24
+#: dh_installdeb:25 dh_installdebconf:37 dh_installdirs:28 dh_installdocs:40
+#: dh_installemacsen:30 dh_installexamples:31 dh_installifupdown:25
+#: dh_installinfo:28 dh_installinit:41 dh_installinitramfs:30
+#: dh_installlogcheck:24 dh_installman:73 dh_installmenu:28 dh_installmime:24
+#: dh_installmodules:31 dh_installpam:24 dh_installppp:24 dh_installudev:24
+#: dh_installwm:28 dh_link:46 dh_lintian:24 dh_makeshlibs:44 dh_movefiles:29
+#: dh_systemd_enable:41
+msgid "FILES"
+msgstr "ファイル"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:29
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-script"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.bug-script"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:31
+msgid ""
+"This is the script to be run by the bug reporting program for generating a "
+"bug report template. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package> in "
+"the package build directory if no other types of bug reporting customization "
+"files are going to be installed for the package in question. Otherwise, this "
+"file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/script>. Finally, the installed "
+"script is given execute permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ã€ãƒã‚°ãƒ¬ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã®é››å½¢ã‚’生æˆã™ã‚‹ãƒã‚°å ±å‘Šç”¨ãƒ—ログラムã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦å®Ÿè¡Œ"
+"マイズ用ファイルãŒã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œãªã„å ´åˆã€ã“ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒãƒ‘ッケージビルド"
+"ディレクトリ以下㫠F<usr/share/bug/package> ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚カス"
+"タマイズ用ファイルãŒã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã‚‹å ´åˆã¯ã€ã“ã®ã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トファイル㯠F<usr/"
+"share/bug/package/script> ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ãã—ã¦ã€ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-control"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.bug-control"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:40
+msgid ""
+"It is the bug control file containing some directions for the bug reporting "
+"tool. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/control> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"package/control> ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-presubj"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.bug-presubj"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:46
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this file are displayed to the user by the bug reporting "
+"tool before allowing the user to write a bug report on the package to the "
+"Debian Bug Tracking System. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/"
+"package/presubj> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"ユーザ㫠Debian Bug Tracking System ã¸ãƒã‚°ãƒ¬ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã‚’記入ã•ã›ã‚‹å‰ã«ã€æœ¬ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤"
+"package/presubj> ã¨ã—ã¦ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:59
+msgid ""
+"Install F<debian/bug-*> files to ALL packages acted on when respective "
+"F<debian/package.bug-*> files do not exist. Normally, F<debian/bug-*> will "
+"be installed to the first package only."
+msgstr ""
+"F<debian/package.bug-*> ãŒå­˜åœ¨ã—ãªã„å ´åˆã€ãƒ“ルドã•ã‚Œã‚‹å…¨ãƒ‘ッケージ㫠"
+"F<debian/bug-*> ãŒã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚通常ãªã‚‰ã€F<debian/bug-*> 㯠"
+"F<debian/control> ã«è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ã€æœ€åˆã®ãƒ‘ッケージã¸ã®ã¿ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:135
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.developers.gz>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.developers.gz>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:137 dh_lintian:62
+msgid "L<debhelper(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:143
+msgid "Modestas Vainius <>"
+msgstr "Modestas Vainius <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:7
+msgid "dh_builddeb - build Debian binary packages"
+msgstr "dh_builddeb - Debianãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージã®ãƒ“ルドを行ã†"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:19
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_builddeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--destdir=>I<directory>] [B<--"
+#| "filename=>I<name>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--destdir=>I<directory>] [B<--"
+"filename=>I<name>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [B<--destdir=>I<ディレクトリ>] "
+"[B<--filename=>I<åå‰>] [S<B<--> I<パラメータ>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> simply calls L<dpkg-deb(1)> to build a Debian package or "
+"packages. It will also build dbgsym packages when L<dh_strip(1)> and "
+"L<dh_gencontrol(1)> have prepared them."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> ã¯ã€Debian パッケージもã—ãã¯ãƒ‘ッケージ群をビルドã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ "
+"L<dpkg-deb(1)> ã‚’å˜ã«å‘¼ã³ã ã™ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã§ã™ã€‚L<dh_strip(1)> 㨠"
+"L<dh_gencontrol(1)> ãŒæº–å‚™ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã«ã¯ dbgsym パッケージもビルドã—ã¾"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:27
+msgid ""
+"It supports building multiple binary packages in parallel, when enabled by "
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ã€DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS 環境変数ã«ä¸¦åˆ—実行ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションを設定ã™ã‚‹ã“"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:30
+msgid ""
+"When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field is not (effectively) I<binary-"
+"targets>, B<dh_builddeb> will pass B<--root-owner-group> to L<dpkg-deb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:40
+msgid ""
+"Use this if you want the generated F<.deb> files to be put in a directory "
+"other than the default of \"F<..>\"."
+msgstr ""
+"デフォルト㮠\"F<..>\" 以外ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã«ç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚ŒãŸ F<.deb> ファイル群を置"
+"ããŸã„å ´åˆã«æœ¬ã‚ªãƒ—ションを使ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_builddeb:43
+msgid "B<--filename=>I<name>"
+msgstr "B<--filename=>I<name>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:45
+msgid ""
+"Use this if you want to force the generated .deb file to have a particular "
+"file name. Does not work well if more than one .deb is generated!"
+msgstr ""
+"生æˆã™ã‚‹ .deb ファイルã«ç‰¹å®šã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«åを強制的ã«æŒ‡å®šã—ãŸã„å ´åˆã«ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—"
+"ションを利用ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。複数㮠.deb ファイルãŒç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚Œã‚‹å ´åˆã«ã¯ã†ã¾ã動作"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:50
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)> when it is used to build the package."
+msgstr "パッケージをビルドã™ã‚‹æ™‚ã«ã€I<params> ã‚’ L<dpkg-deb(1)> ã¸æ¸¡ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_builddeb:53
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<params>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:55
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)>. It is deprecated; "
+"use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れ㯠I<params> ã‚’ L<dpkg-deb(1)> ã¸æ¸¡ã™ç‚ºã®åˆ¥ã®æ‰‹æ®µã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚本オプション"
+"ã¯å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã« B<--> を使ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:5
+msgid "dh_clean - clean up package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_clean - パッケージビルドディレクトリを消去ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_clean> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-d>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<path> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [B<-k>] [B<-d>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<path> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_clean> is a debhelper program that is responsible for cleaning up. It "
+"should be the last step of the B<clean> target and other debhelper commands "
+"generally assume that B<dh_clean> will clean up after them."
+msgstr ""
+# FIXME: why-no-wrap?
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_clean:25
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_clean> is a debhelper program that is responsible for cleaning up after a\n"
+#| "package is built. It removes the package build directories, and removes some\n"
+#| "other files including F<debian/files>, and any detritus left behind by other\n"
+#| "debhelper commands. It also removes common files that should not appear in a\n"
+#| "Debian diff:\n"
+#| " #*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"It removes the package build directories, and removes some other files including\n"
+"F<debian/files>, and any detritus left behind by other debhelper commands. It\n"
+"also removes common files that should not appear in a Debian diff:\n"
+" #*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp\n"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean >ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルド後ã«æŽƒé™¤ã‚’ã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper コマンドã§ã™ã€‚\n"
+"ã“ã‚Œã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリやã€F<debian/files> ã‚’å«ã‚€ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã€\n"
+"ä»–ã® debhelper コマンドãŒæ®‹ã—ã¦ã—ã¾ã£ãŸã‚´ãƒŸãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’å–り除ãã¾ã™ã€‚\n"
+"以下ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªã€Debian diff ã«å«ã¾ã‚Œã¦ã¯ãªã‚‰ãªã„よã†ãªã‚ã‚Šãµã‚ŒãŸãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚‚\n"
+" #*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:30
+msgid ""
+"It does not run \"make clean\" to clean up after the build process. Use "
+"L<dh_auto_clean(1)> to do things like that."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ãƒ“ルドãŒå®Œäº†å¾Œã€æŽƒé™¤ã‚’ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã« \"make clean\" を実行ã—ã¾ã›"
+"ん。\"make clean\" を実行ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãªäº‹ãŒã—ãŸã‘ã‚Œã°ã€L<dh_auto_clean(1)> を利用"
+"ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:37
+msgid "F<debian/clean>"
+msgstr "F<debian/clean>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:39
+msgid "Can list other paths to be removed."
+msgstr "消去ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ãƒ‘スã®ä¸€è¦§ã‚’出力ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:41
+msgid ""
+"Note that directories listed in this file B<must> end with a trailing "
+"slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:44 dh_install:59 dh_installcatalogs:51 dh_installdeb:102
+#: dh_installdirs:40 dh_installdocs:48 dh_installexamples:43 dh_installinfo:36
+#: dh_installman:81 dh_installwm:36 dh_link:64
+msgid ""
+"Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as documented in "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:53 dh_installchangelogs:81
+msgid "B<-k>, B<--keep>"
+msgstr "B<-k>, B<--keep>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:55
+msgid "This is deprecated, use L<dh_prep(1)> instead."
+msgstr "ã“ã‚Œã¯å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚代ã‚ã‚Šã« L<dh_prep(1)> を利用ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:57
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The option is removed in compat 11."
+msgid "The option is removed in compat 12."
+msgstr "ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 11 ã§å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:59
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--dirs-only>"
+msgstr "B<-d>, B<--dirs-only>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:61
+msgid ""
+"Only clean the package build directories, do not clean up any other files at "
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージビルドディレクトリを削除ã™ã‚‹ã ã‘ã§ã€ä»–ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã«ã¯ä¸€åˆ‡æ‰‹ã‚’ã¤ã‘ã¾"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:64 dh_prep:33
+msgid "B<-X>I<item> B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<item> B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:66
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option "
+"multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"通常ã¯æ¶ˆã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã¯ãšã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã§ã‚ã£ã¦ã‚‚ã€I<item> をファイルåã®ä¸€éƒ¨ã¨ã—ã¦å«ã‚€"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:70
+msgid "I<path> ..."
+msgstr "I<path> ..."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:72
+msgid "Delete these I<path>s too."
+msgstr "ã“れら㮠I<path> も消去ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:74
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Note that directories passed as arguments B<must> end with a trailing "
+"slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well."
+msgstr ""
+"引数ã¨ã—ã¦æ¸¡ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã¯ã‚¹ãƒ©ãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ (/) 付ãã§çµ‚ã‚ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒB<å¿…é ˆ>ã§ã‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_compress - compress files and fix symlinks in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_compress - ビルドディレクトリã§ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«åœ§ç¸®ã¨ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã®ä¿®æ­£ã‚’è¡Œ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_compress> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<-A>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_compress> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [B<-X>I<項目>] [B<-A>] [S<I<ファ"
+"イル> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_compress> is a debhelper program that is responsible for compressing "
+"the files in package build directories, and makes sure that any symlinks "
+"that pointed to the files before they were compressed are updated to point "
+"to the new files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_compress> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリã«ã‚るファイルを圧縮ã™ã‚‹å½¹å‰²ã‚’æ‹…"
+"ㆠdebhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€åœ§ç¸®ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’シンボリックリンクãŒæŒ‡"
+"ã—示ã—ã¦ã„ãŸå ´åˆã€åœ§ç¸®å¾Œã‚‚æ­£ã—ã指ã™ã‚ˆã†ã«ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã‚’æ›´æ–°ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:28
+msgid ""
+"By default, B<dh_compress> compresses files that Debian policy mandates "
+"should be compressed, namely all files in F<usr/share/info>, F<usr/share/"
+"man>, files in F<usr/share/doc> that are larger than 4k in size, (except the "
+"F<copyright> file, F<.html> and other web files, image files, and files that "
+"appear to be already compressed based on their extensions), and all "
+"F<changelog> files. Plus PCF fonts underneath F<usr/share/fonts/X11/>"
+msgstr ""
+"デフォルトã§ã¯ã€B<dh_compress> 㯠Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ãƒžãƒ‹ãƒ¥ã‚¢ãƒ«ã®è¦å‰‡ã«å¾“ã„圧縮ã™"
+"ã¹ãã¨ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’圧縮ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã®åœ§ç¸®å¯¾è±¡ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã®ä¾‹ã¨ã—ã¦ã¯ã€"
+"F<usr/share/info>ã€F<usr/share/man> ã®ä»¥ä¸‹ã®å…¨ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã€F<usr/share/doc> 以下"
+"ã«ã‚ã‚‹ 4k ã‚’ 越ãˆã‚‹ã‚µã‚¤ã‚ºã®å…¨ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ« (但ã—ã€F<copyright>ã€F<.html> ファイ"
+"イルã¯å¯¾è±¡ã‹ã‚‰é™¤å¤–ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™) ã€å…¨ F<changelog> ファイルã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚加ãˆã¦ "
+"F<usr/share/fonts/X11/> 以下㮠PCF フォントファイルも圧縮対象ã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_compress:39
+msgid "debian/I<package>.compress"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.compress"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:41
+msgid "These files are deprecated."
+msgstr "ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:43
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If this file exists, the default files are not compressed. Instead, the file "
+"is ran as a shell script, and all filenames that the shell script outputs "
+"will be compressed. The shell script will be run from inside the package "
+"build directory. Note though that using B<-X> is a much better idea in "
+"general; you should only use a F<debian/package.compress> file if you really "
+"need to."
+msgstr ""
+"ã„ã®ã¯ã€é€šå¸¸ã®ç”¨é€”ã§ã¯ B<-X> ã®æ–¹ãŒé©ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã§ã™ã€‚ãã®ç‚ºã€F<debian/"
+"package.compress> を使ã„ãŸã„å ´åˆã¯ã€æœ¬å½“ã«å¿…è¦ãªæ™‚ã«é™ã‚‹ã¹ãã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:58
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"compressed. For example, B<-X.tiff> will exclude TIFF files from "
+"compression. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of "
+"things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"ファイルåã« F<item> ãŒå«ã¾ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨ã€ã“ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯åœ§ç¸®å¯¾è±¡ã‹ã‚‰é™¤å¤–ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ãŸ"
+"ã¨ãˆã°ã€B<-X.tiff> を指定ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€TIFF ファイルã¯åœ§ç¸®ã•ã‚Œãªããªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸé™¤"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:65
+msgid ""
+"Compress all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+"acted on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_compress:68 dh_installdocs:184 dh_installexamples:89 dh_installinfo:60
+#: dh_installmanpages:47 dh_movefiles:58 dh_testdir:30
+msgid "I<file> ..."
+msgstr "I<file> ..."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:70
+msgid "Add these files to the list of files to compress."
+msgstr "ã“れらファイルを圧縮対象ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¨ã—ã¦è¿½åŠ ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_compress:74 dh_perl:65 dh_strip:133 dh_usrlocal:66
+msgid "CONFORMS TO"
+msgstr "確èªã™ã¹ã事"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:76
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.0"
+msgstr "Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ 3.0"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:5
+msgid "dh_dwz - optimize DWARF debug information in ELF binaries via dwz"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:18
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> "
+#| "I<params>>]"
+msgid "B<dh_dwz> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_dwz> is a debhelper program that will optimize the (uncompressed) size "
+"of the DWARF debug information in ELF binaries. It does so by running "
+"L<dwz(1)> on all the ELF binaries in the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_dwz:30
+msgid "B<--dwz-multifile>, B<--no-dwz-multifile>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:32
+msgid ""
+"Whether L<dwz(1)> should generate a I<multifile> from the ELF binaries in "
+"the same package. When enabled, if a package ships at least 2 ELF binaries, "
+"B<dh_dwz> will instruct L<dwz(1)> to generate a multifile for the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:37
+msgid ""
+"By default, B<dh_dwz> will attempt to create a multifile but will continue "
+"without if L<dwz(1)> does not create one (but succeeds anyway). This "
+"commonly happens when the debug files do not contain debug symbols (e.g. a "
+"missing -g to the compiler) or when the debug symbols are compressed (see "
+"Debian bug #931891). If B<--dwz-multifile> is passed, then B<dh_dwz> will "
+"abort with an error if L<dwz(1)> does not create a multifile."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:45
+msgid ""
+"Note this options may not work if a package contains more ELF binaries than "
+"can fit on a single command line. If this becomes a problem, please pass "
+"B<--no-dwz-multifile> to work around the issue."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:49
+msgid ""
+"The generated multifile will be compressed with B<objcopy --compress-debug-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:52
+msgid ""
+"Note for B<udeb> packages: B<dh_dwz> will never generate multifiles for "
+"B<udeb> packages. It will still use B<dwz> to reduce the file size of debug "
+"files if it finds any."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:58 dh_strip:44
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"stripped. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of "
+"things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"I<item> ã‚’åå‰ã«å«ã‚€ã‚ˆã†ãªãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’ã€ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°æƒ…報除去ã®å¯¾è±¡ã‹ã‚‰å¤–ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:64
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to L<dwz(1)> when it processes ELF binaries. This is mostly "
+"useful for setting memory related parameters (e.g. -l and -L)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:71
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+"nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+msgstr ""
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> 環境変数㫠B<nostrip> ãŒå«ã¾ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ã¨ã€Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ "
+"(10.1ç« \"Binaries\") ã«å¾“ã£ã¦ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ã‚’ã¾ã£ãŸãå–り除ã‹ãªããªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:75
+msgid ""
+"While this tool technically does not remove debug information from binaries, "
+"it is still skipped when the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable "
+"contains B<nostrip>. This is because B<nostrip> is often used to optimize "
+"build times (e.g. for \"build and test\"-cycles) rather than optimizing for "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:5
+msgid "dh_fixperms - fix permissions of files in package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_fixperms - パッケージビルドディレクトリ内ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«æ¨©é™ã‚’修正ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:18
+msgid "B<dh_fixperms> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_fixperms> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> is a debhelper program that is responsible for setting the "
+"permissions of files and directories in package build directories to a sane "
+"state -- a state that complies with Debian policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリé…下ã§ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¨ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã®æ¨©"
+"é™ã‚’設定ã™ã‚‹å½¹å‰²ã® debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€è¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã‚‹æ¨©é™ã¯æ­£ã—ã„ã‚‚"
+"ã®ã€ã¤ã¾ã‚Š Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ã«å¾“ã£ã¦è¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:26
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_fixperms> makes all files in F<usr/share/doc> in the package build "
+#| "directory (excluding files in the F<examples/> directory) be mode 644. It "
+#| "also changes the permissions of all man pages to mode 644. It makes all "
+#| "files be owned by root, and it removes group and other write permission "
+#| "from all files. It removes execute permissions from any libraries, "
+#| "headers, Perl modules, or desktop files that have it set. It makes all "
+#| "files in the standard F<bin> and F<sbin> directories, F<usr/games/> and "
+#| "F<etc/init.d> executable (since v4). Finally, it removes the setuid and "
+#| "setgid bits from all files in the package."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> makes all files in F<usr/share/doc> in the package build "
+"directory (excluding files in the F<examples/> directory) be mode 644. It "
+"also changes the permissions of all man pages to mode 644. It removes group "
+"and other write permission from all files. It removes execute permissions "
+"from any libraries, headers, Perl modules, or desktop files that have it "
+"set. It makes all files in the standard F<bin> and F<sbin> directories, "
+"F<usr/games/> and F<etc/init.d> executable (since v4). Finally, it removes "
+"the setuid and setgid bits from all files in the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下㮠F<usr/share/doc> ã«ã‚ã‚‹ã™"
+"ã¹ã¦ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ« (F<examples/> 以下ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯é™¤ãã¾ã™) ã®ãƒ‘ーミッションを "
+"644 ã«è¨­å®šã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€ã™ã¹ã¦ã® man ページã®ãƒ‘ーミッションも 644 ã«å¤‰æ›´ã—ã¾"
+"ã™ã€‚ã•ã‚‰ã«ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã®æ‰€æœ‰è€…ã‚’ root ã«è¨­å®šã—ã€å…¨ã¦ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‹ã‚‰ group "
+"ã‚„ others ã«å¯¾ã™ã‚‹æ›¸ãè¾¼ã¿æ¨©é™ã‚’除去ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリã€ãƒ˜ãƒƒãƒ€ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤"
+"ルã€Perl モジュールã€ãã—㦠desktop ファイルã«å®Ÿè¡Œæ¨©é™ãŒä»˜ä¸Žã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã«"
+"権é™ã‚’å–り除ãã¾ã™ã€‚F<bin>ã€F<sbin>ã€F<usr/games/>ã€F<etc/init.d> ディレクト"
+"リ以下ã«ã‚るファイルã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã¯å®Ÿè¡Œæ¨©é™ã‚’付与ã—ã¾ã™ (互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« v4 ã‹ã‚‰åˆ©ç”¨"
+"ã§ãã¾ã™)。最後ã«ã€ãƒ‘ッケージ内ã®å…¨ã¦ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã«å¯¾ã—㦠setuid 㨠setgid ビッ"
+"トãŒä»˜ä¸Žã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã¯ã“れらを無効ã«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:36
+msgid ""
+"When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field has the (effective) value of I<binary-"
+"targets>, B<dh_fixperms> will also reset the ownership of all paths to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_fixperms:44
+msgid "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude> I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude> I<item>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:46
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from having "
+"their permissions changed. You may use this option multiple times to build "
+"up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"パーミッションã®å¤‰æ›´å¯¾è±¡ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‹ã‚‰ã€I<item> をファイルåã®ä¸€éƒ¨ã«æŒã¤ã‚‚ã®"
+"を除外ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚除外対象を列挙ã—ãŸã„å ´åˆã¯ã€ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションを複数回指定ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:5
+msgid "dh_gencontrol - generate and install control file"
+msgstr "dh_gencontrol - control ファイルを生æˆã—ã€ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:18
+msgid "B<dh_gencontrol> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_gencontrol> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_gencontrol> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+"control files, and installing them into the I<DEBIAN> directory with the "
+"proper permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_gencontrol> 㯠I<DEBIAN> ディレクトリ以下㫠control ファイルを生æˆã—ã€é©"
+"切ãªæ¨©é™ã‚’æŒã¤ã‚ˆã†ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã‚’æŒã¤ debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:26
+msgid ""
+"This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>, which calls "
+"it once for each package being acted on (plus related dbgsym packages), and "
+"passes in some additional useful flags."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラムã¯å˜ã« L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)> ã®ãƒ©ãƒƒãƒ‘ーã§ã™ã€‚処ç†ã‚’è¡Œã†ã¹ããã‚Œ"
+"ãžã‚Œã®ãƒ‘ッケージ (関連ã™ã‚‹ dbgsym パッケージもå«ã‚€) ã«å¯¾ã— L<dpkg-"
+"gencontrol(1)> を都度呼ã³å‡ºã—ã€åŒæ™‚ã«ã„ãã¤ã‹ã®ä¾¿åˆ©ãªãƒ•ãƒ©ã‚°ã‚‚渡ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:30
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that if you use B<dh_gencontrol>, you must also use "
+"L<dh_builddeb(1)> to build the packages. Otherwise, your build may fail to "
+"build as B<dh_gencontrol> (via L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>) declares which "
+"packages are built. As debhelper automatically generates dbgsym packages, "
+"it some times adds additional packages, which will be built by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:44
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>."
+msgstr "I<params> ã‚’ L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)> ã¸æ¸¡ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_gencontrol:46
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-gencontrol-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-gencontrol-params=>I<params>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:48
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>. It is "
+"deprecated; use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€I<params> ã‚’ L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)> ã¸æ¸¡ã™åˆ¥ã®ã‚„ã‚Šæ–¹ã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ショ"
+"ンã¯å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚ŒãŸã®ã§ã€ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã«ã€€B<--> を使ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:5
+msgid "dh_icons - Update caches of Freedesktop icons"
+msgstr "dh_icons - Freedesktop è¦æ ¼ã®ã‚¢ã‚¤ã‚³ãƒ³ã‚­ãƒ£ãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ã‚’æ›´æ–°ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:18
+msgid "B<dh_icons> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_icons> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_icons> is a debhelper program that updates caches of Freedesktop icons "
+"when needed, using the B<update-icon-caches> program provided by GTK+2.12. "
+"Currently this program does not handle installation of the files, though it "
+"may do so at a later date, so should be run after icons are installed in the "
+"package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_icons> ã¯ã€GTK+2.12 ãŒæä¾›ã™ã‚‹ B<update-icon-caches> プログラムを使ã„ã€"
+"å¿…è¦ã«å¿œã˜ã¦ Freedesktop è¦æ ¼ã®ã‚¢ã‚¤ã‚³ãƒ³ã‚­ãƒ£ãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ã‚’æ›´æ–°ã™ã‚‹ debhelper プログ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:28
+msgid ""
+"It takes care of adding maintainer script fragments to call B<update-icon-"
+"caches> for icon directories. (This is not done for gnome and hicolor icons, "
+"as those are handled by triggers.) These commands are inserted into the "
+"maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"アイコンディレクトリã«å¯¾ã—㦠B<update-icon-caches> を呼ã³å‡ºã™ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—"
+"ト部分ã®è¿½åŠ ã‚’è¡Œã„ã¾ã™ (GNOME 㨠hicolor アイコンã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã¯è¡Œã‚ãšã€ã“れらã¯ãƒˆ"
+"リガーã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦å‡¦ç†ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™)。ã“れらã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ã€L<dh_installdeb(1)> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šãƒ¡"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_icons:37 dh_installcatalogs:60 dh_installdebconf:68 dh_installemacsen:60
+#: dh_installinit:81 dh_installinitramfs:47 dh_installmenu:48
+#: dh_installmodules:45 dh_installwm:51 dh_makeshlibs:147 dh_usrlocal:54
+msgid "B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>"
+msgstr "B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:39
+msgid "Do not modify maintainer scripts."
+msgstr "メンテナスクリプトã®å¤‰æ›´ã‚’è¡Œã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:77
+msgid "L<debhelper>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:83
+msgid ""
+"Ross Burton <> Jordi Mallach <> Josselin "
+"Mouette <>"
+msgstr ""
+"Ross Burton <> Jordi Mallach <> "
+"JosselinMouette <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:5
+msgid "dh_install - install files into package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_install - パッケージビルドディレクトリã«ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--autodest>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--autodest>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> is a debhelper program that handles installing files into "
+"package build directories. There are many B<dh_install>I<*> commands that "
+"handle installing specific types of files such as documentation, examples, "
+"man pages, and so on, and they should be used when possible as they often "
+"have extra intelligence for those particular tasks. B<dh_install>, then, is "
+"useful for installing everything else, for which no particular intelligence "
+"is needed. It is a replacement for the old B<dh_movefiles> command."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリã«ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã™ã‚‹ "
+"debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚ãªãŠã€æ²¢å±±ã® B<dh_install>I<*> コマンドã¯ã€æ–‡ç« ã‚„"
+"例ã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„㯠man ページ等ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã®ç¨®é¡žã«å¿œã˜ãŸã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’æ‹…ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã¡"
+"é™ã‚Šã€ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã™ã‚‹ã¨ãã«ã¯ã€B<dh_install>I<*> コマンド"
+"を使ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„。ãªãŠã€B<dh_install> ã¯ã€ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã«ã‚ã‚ã›ãŸç‰¹åˆ¥ãªå‡¦ç†ãŒä¸è¦"
+"ãªãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã™ã‚‹æ™‚ã«ä½¿ã†ã¨è‰¯ã„ã§ã—ょã†ã€‚B<dh_install> ã¯ã€ä»¥å‰å­˜"
+"在ã—㟠B<dh_movefiles> コマンドを置ãæ›ãˆã‚‹ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:29
+msgid ""
+"This program may be used in one of two ways. If you just have a file or two "
+"that the upstream Makefile does not install for you, you can run "
+"B<dh_install> on them to move them into place. On the other hand, maybe you "
+"have a large package that builds multiple binary packages. You can use the "
+"upstream F<Makefile> to install it all into F<debian/tmp>, and then use "
+"B<dh_install> to copy directories and files from there into the proper "
+"package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"ã¤ã„ã¦é–‹ç™ºå…ƒ (upstream) ã® Makefile ãŒã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’ã—よã†ã¨ã—ãªã„時ã€"
+"B<dh_install> を使ã£ã¦ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’目的ã®å ´æ‰€ã¸ç§»å‹•ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚ï¼’ã¤ç›®ã¨ã—"
+"ã‚‹å ´åˆã§ã‚ã‚Šã€é–‹ç™ºå…ƒ (upstream) ã® Makefile ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€F<debian/tmp> ã¸ä¸€æ—¦ã‚¤ãƒ³"
+"ストールã—ã¦ã‹ã‚‰ã€B<dh_install> を使ã£ã¦é©åˆ‡ãªãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリã¸"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:36
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "From debhelper compatibility level 7 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+#| "looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it doesn't find them in the "
+#| "current directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--"
+#| "sourcedir>)."
+msgid ""
+"From debhelper compatibility level 7 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+"looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current "
+"directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>)."
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 7 ã‹ã‚‰ã€ B<dh_install> ã¯ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’カレントディレク"
+"トリã§è¦‹ã¤ã‘られãªã‘れ㰠(ã‚ã‚‹ã„㯠B<--sourcedir> オプションを使ã£ã¦æŒ‡å®šã—ãŸ"
+"ディレクトリã®ä¸­ã‚’探ã—ã¦ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒè¦‹ã‘られãªã‘ã‚Œã°) ã€è‡ªå‹•çš„ã« F<debian/tmp> "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.install"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.install"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:46
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "List the files to install into each package and the directory they should "
+#| "be installed to. The format is a set of lines, where each line lists a "
+#| "file or files to install, and at the end of the line tells the directory "
+#| "it should be installed in. The name of the files (or directories) to "
+#| "install should be given relative to the current directory, while the "
+#| "installation directory is given relative to the package build directory. "
+#| "You may use wildcards in the names of the files to install (in v3 mode "
+#| "and above)."
+msgid ""
+"List the files to install into each package and the directory they should be "
+"installed to. The format is a set of lines, where each line lists a file or "
+"files to install, and at the end of the line tells the directory it should "
+"be installed in. The name of the files (or directories) to install should be "
+"given relative to the current directory, while the installation directory is "
+"given relative to the package build directory. You may use wildcards in the "
+"names of the files to install."
+msgstr ""
+"ルã®åå‰ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã®åå‰) ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã€ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã—ãŸã„å´ã¯ã‚«ãƒ¬ãƒ³"
+"トディレクトリã‹ã‚‰ã®ç›¸å¯¾ãƒ‘スã§ã€ã¾ãŸã€ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã‚‹å´ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã®å ´"
+"ストールã™ã‚‹å´ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«åã«ã¯ãƒ¯ã‚¤ãƒ«ãƒ‰ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã‚’使ã†äº‹ãŒã§ãã¾ã™ (ã“ã®æ©Ÿèƒ½ã¯äº’"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:54
+msgid ""
+"Note that if you list exactly one filename or wildcard-pattern on a line by "
+"itself, with no explicit destination, then B<dh_install> will automatically "
+"guess the destination to use, the same as if the --autodest option were used."
+msgstr ""
+"明示的ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«å…ˆã‚’記述ã›ãšã€ãŸã ï¼‘ã¤ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«åã‚‚ã—ãã¯ãƒ¯ã‚¤ãƒ«ãƒ‰ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰"
+"パターンを指定ã—ãŸè¡Œã‚’列挙ã—ãŸå ´åˆã¯ã€--autodest オプションãŒä½¿ã‚ã‚ŒãŸæ™‚åŒæ§˜"
+"ã« B<dh_install> ã¯è‡ªå‹•çš„ã«åˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«å…ˆã‚’推測ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:62
+msgid "debian/not-installed"
+msgstr "debian/not-installed"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:64
+msgid ""
+"Used with the deprecated B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> options. "
+"Please refer to L<dh_missing(1)> for the documentation of this file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:73
+msgid "B<--list-missing>"
+msgstr "B<--list-missing>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:75
+msgid ""
+"B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --list-missing> instead. If you use "
+"this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it "
+"has processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the "
+"documentation of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:82
+msgid "B<--fail-missing>"
+msgstr "B<--fail-missing>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:84
+msgid ""
+"B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --fail-missing> instead. If you use "
+"this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it "
+"has processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the "
+"documentation of this option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:91 dh_installdirs:62 dh_installdocs:114 dh_installexamples:57
+#: dh_installinfo:50 dh_installman:100 dh_movefiles:45
+msgid "B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>"
+msgstr "B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:93
+msgid "Look in the specified directory for files to be installed."
+msgstr "インストールã™ã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’指定ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªå†…ã§æŽ¢ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:95
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+"compatibility level 7 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯ã€B<dh_auto_>I<*> ã«ã‚るよã†ãª B<--sourcedirectory> ã¨ã¯ç•°ãª"
+"ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。ã¨ã„ã†ã®ã‚‚ B<dh_install> ã¯äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« v7 以上ã§ã¯è‡ªå‹•çš„ã« "
+"F<debian/tmp> ã¸ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’探ã—ã«è¡Œã為ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:100
+msgid "B<--autodest>"
+msgstr "B<--autodest>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:102
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Guess as the destination directory to install things to. If this is "
+"specified, you should not list destination directories in F<debian/package."
+"install> files or on the command line. Instead, B<dh_install> will guess as "
+msgstr ""
+"インストール先ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã‚’推定ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションを指定ã—ãŸå ´åˆã€"
+"F<debian/package.install> ファイルやã€ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ³ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«å…ˆã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬"
+"クトリを列挙ã—ã¦ã¯ã„ã‘ã¾ã›ã‚“。代ã‚ã‚Šã« B<dh_install> ã¯ä»¥ä¸‹ã®ãƒ«ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã«å¾“ã„イン"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:107
+msgid ""
+"Strip off F<debian/tmp> (or the sourcedir if one is given) from the front of "
+"the filename, if it is present, and install into the dirname of the "
+"filename. So if the filename is F<debian/tmp/usr/bin>, then that directory "
+"will be copied to F<debian/package/usr/>. If the filename is F<debian/tmp/"
+"etc/passwd>, it will be copied to F<debian/package/etc/>."
+msgstr ""
+"ã¾ãšã€ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«å…ƒã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«åã®å…ˆé ­ã‹ã‚‰ F<debian/tmp> ã®æ–‡å­—列 (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯æŒ‡"
+"定ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚Œã°ã‚½ãƒ¼ã‚¹ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªå) ã‚’å–り除ãã¾ã™ã€‚ファイルåãŒæ®‹ã£ã¦ã„ã‚Œ"
+"レクトリã¨ã—㦠F<debian/tmp/usr/bin> ãŒä¸Žãˆã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨ã€ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã®ã‚³ãƒ”ー先ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£"
+"レクトリ㯠F<debian/package/usr/> ã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ファイルå㌠F<debian/tmp/etc/"
+"passwd> ã§ã‚ã‚Œã°ã€F<debian/package/etc/> ã¸è¡Œã‚ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:113
+msgid "I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>"
+msgstr "I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:115
+msgid ""
+"Lists files (or directories) to install and where to install them to. The "
+"files will be installed into the first package F<dh_install> acts on."
+msgstr ""
+"インストールã™ã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ« (ã¾ãŸã¯ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒª) ã¨ã€ã©ã“ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹ã‹ã«"
+"ã¤ã„ã¦åˆ—挙ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ファイル㯠F<dh_install> ãŒå‡¦ç†ã™ã‚‹æœ€åˆã®ãƒ‘ッケージã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:334
+msgid "Here are some small examples of configuration files for dh_install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:336
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install my-prog into usr/bin (as \"usr/bin/my-prog\")\n"
+" my-prog usr/bin\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:339
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a plugins directory into usr/share/my-prog\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/plugins/\")\n"
+" plugins usr/share/my-prog\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:343
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a file with spaces in into usr/share/my-prog/data\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/data/my datafile with spaces.txt\")\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" my${Space}datafile${Space}with${Space}spaces.txt usr/share/my-prog/data\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:348
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a library into the multi-arch lib directory\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" build/output/libfrop*.so.* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_install:352
+msgstr "制é™äº‹é …"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:354
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> cannot rename files or directories, it can only install them "
+"with the names they already have into wherever you want in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> ã¯ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚„ディレクトリをリãƒãƒ¼ãƒ ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“。パッケージビルド"
+"ã“ã¨ã ã‘ãŒå¯èƒ½ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:358
+msgid ""
+"However, renaming can be achieved by using B<dh-exec> with compatibility "
+"level 9 or later. An example debian/I<package>.install file using B<dh-"
+"exec> could look like:"
+msgstr ""
+"ã§ã™ãŒã€ãƒªãƒãƒ¼ãƒ ã¯äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 9 以上㧠B<dh-exec> を使ã†ã“ã¨ã§å®Ÿç¾ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"B<dh-exec> を使ㆠdebian/I<package>.install ファイルã®ä¾‹ã¯ä»¥ä¸‹ã®ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:362
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" #!/usr/bin/dh-exec\n"
+" debian/default.conf => /etc/my-package/start.conf\n"
+msgstr ""
+" #!/usr/bin/dh-exec\n"
+" debian/default.conf => /etc/my-package/start.conf\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:365
+msgid "Please remember the following three things:"
+msgstr "以下㮠3 点ã«ç•™æ„ã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„:"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:369
+msgid ""
+"* The package must be using compatibility level 9 or later (see "
+msgstr ""
+"* パッケージã¯äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 9 以é™ã‚’使ã†å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ (L<debhelper(7)> å‚ç…§)"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:371
+msgid "* The package will need a build-dependency on dh-exec."
+msgstr "* パッケージ㯠dh-exec ã¸ã®ãƒ“ルドä¾å­˜ãŒå¿…è¦ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:373
+msgid "* The install file must be marked as executable."
+msgstr "* install ファイルã¯å®Ÿè¡Œå¯èƒ½ã«ãªã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:5
+msgid "dh_installcatalogs - install and register SGML Catalogs"
+msgstr "dh_installcatalogs - SGML カタログファイルをインストール・登録ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:19
+msgid "B<dh_installcatalogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installcatalogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installcatalogs> is a debhelper program that installs and registers "
+"SGML catalogs. It complies with the Debian XML/SGML policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installcatalogs> 㯠SGML カタログをインストールã—登録ã™ã‚‹ãƒ—ログラムã§"
+"ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å‹•ä½œã¯ Debian XML/SGML ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ã«æº–æ‹ ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:26
+msgid ""
+"Catalogs will be registered in a supercatalog, in F</etc/sgml/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"カタログ㯠F</etc/sgml/I<package>.cat> ã«ã‚る上ä½ã‚«ã‚¿ãƒ­ã‚°ã«ç™»éŒ²ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:29
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This command automatically adds maintainer script snippets for registering "
+"and unregistering the catalogs and supercatalogs (unless B<-n> is used). "
+"These snippets are inserted into the maintainer scripts and the B<triggers> "
+"file by B<dh_installdeb>; see L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of "
+"Debhelper maintainer script snippets."
+msgstr ""
+"ã®ã‚¹ãƒ‹ãƒšãƒƒãƒˆã‚’ (B<-n> を指定ã—ãªã‘ã‚Œã°) 自動的ã«ä»˜ã‘加ãˆã¾ã™ã€‚ã“れらã®ã‚¹ãƒ‹"
+"ペット㯠B<dh_installdeb> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トã¸æŒ¿å…¥ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚Debhelper "
+"メンテナスクリプトã®ã‚¹ãƒ‹ãƒšãƒƒãƒˆã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã¯ã€L<dh_installdeb(1)> ã‚’å‚ç…§ãã ã•"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:36
+msgid ""
+"A dependency on B<sgml-base> will be added to B<${misc:Depends}>, so be sure "
+"your package uses that variable in F<debian/control>."
+msgstr ""
+"B<sgml-base> ã¸ã®ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚ã«é–¢ã™ã‚‹æƒ…報㯠B<${misc:Depends}> ã¸è¿½åŠ ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã®ã§ã€"
+"F<debian/control> ã§å¿…ãšã“ã®å¤‰æ•°ã‚’使ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcatalogs:43
+msgid "debian/I<package>.sgmlcatalogs"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.sgmlcatalogs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:45
+msgid ""
+"Lists the catalogs to be installed per package. Each line in that file "
+"should be of the form C<I<source> I<dest>>, where I<source> indicates where "
+"the catalog resides in the source tree, and I<dest> indicates the "
+"destination location for the catalog under the package build area. I<dest> "
+"should start with F</usr/share/sgml/>."
+msgstr ""
+"ã®è¡ŒãŒ C<I<source> I<dest>> ã®å½¢å¼ã§æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã“ã§ã€"
+"I<source> ã¯ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«å…ƒã®ã‚«ã‚¿ãƒ­ã‚°ãŒã‚½ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã®ã©ã“ã«å…¥ã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã‹ã‚’示ã—ã€ã¾"
+"ãŸã€I<dest> ã«ã¯ãƒ“ルド領域以下ã®ã©ã“ã«ã‚«ã‚¿ãƒ­ã‚°ã‚’インストールã™ã¹ãã‹ã‚’示ã—ã¾"
+"ã™ã€‚I<dest> 㯠F</usr/share/sgml/> ã‹ã‚‰å§‹ã¾ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:62
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts nor add an activation "
+msgstr ""
+"F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> スクリプトを変更ã—ãŸã‚Šã€ã‚¢ã‚¯ãƒ†ã‚£ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚·ãƒ§ãƒ³ã®ãƒˆ"
+"リガーを追加ã—ãªã„ã§ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:69 dh_installemacsen:77 dh_installinit:206
+#: dh_installmodules:59 dh_installudev:52 dh_installwm:68 dh_usrlocal:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+"instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"数回呼ã³å‡ºã™éš›ã«ã¯å¿…ãšé–“ã« L<dh_prep(1)> を挿入ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。ã•ã‚‚ãªã„ã¨ã€ãƒ¡ãƒ³"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:132
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/sgml-base-doc/>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/sgml-base-doc/>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:136
+msgid "Adam Di Carlo <>"
+msgstr "Adam Di Carlo <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installchangelogs - install changelogs into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installchangelogs - ビルドディレクトリ㫠changelog をインストールã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:18
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+#| "[I<upstream>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[B<--no-trim>] [I<upstream>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing changelogs into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ㫠changelog をインス"
+"トールを担当ã™ã‚‹ debhelper コマンドã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:25
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "An upstream F<changelog> file may be specified as an option. If none is "
+#| "specified, it looks for files with names that seem likely to be "
+#| "changelogs. (In compatibility level 7 and above.)"
+msgid ""
+"An upstream F<changelog> file may be specified as an option. If none is "
+"specified, B<dh_installchangelogs> may look for files with names that seem "
+"likely to be changelogs as described in the next paragraphs."
+msgstr ""
+"開発元 (upstream) ã«å…¥ã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹ F<changelog> ファイルã¯ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¨ã—ã¦ã‚‚指定"
+"ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚何も指定ã—ãªã„å ´åˆã€changelog ã¨ãŠã¼ã—ãåå‰ã‚’æŒã¤ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’探ã—ã«"
+"è¡Œãã¾ã™ (ã“ã‚Œã¯äº’æ›ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« v7 以上ã§è¡Œã‚ã‚Œã¾ã™)。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:29
+msgid ""
+"In non-native packages, B<dh_installchangelogs> will first look for "
+"changelog files installed by the upstream build system into F<< usr/share/"
+"doc/I<package> >> (of the package build directory) and rename the most "
+"likely candidate (if any) to F<< usr/share/doc/I<package>/changelog >>. "
+"Note that B<dh_installchangelogs> does I<not> look into any source directory "
+"(such as F<debian/tmp>). Otherwise, B<dh_installchangelogs> (at "
+"compatibility level 7 or any later) will look for changelog files in the "
+"source directory (e.g. the root or the F<docs> subdirectory). It will look "
+"for F<changelog>, F<changes> and F<history> optionally with common "
+"extensions (such as F<.txt>, F<.md> and F<.rst>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:41
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If a changelog file is specified and is an F<html> file (determined by file "
+"extension), it will be installed as F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog.html> "
+"instead. If the html changelog is converted to plain text, that variant can "
+"be specified as a second parameter. When no plain text variant is specified, "
+"a short F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog> is generated, pointing readers at "
+"the html changelog file."
+msgstr ""
+"開発元 (upstream) ã® changelog ㌠F<html> ファイルã§ã‚ã‚‹å ´åˆ (ファイル拡張å­"
+"ã§åˆ¤æ–­ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™)ã€ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã« F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog.html> ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³"
+"ストールã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚html changelog ãŒå¹³æ–‡ãƒ†ã‚­ã‚¹ãƒˆã«å¤‰æ›ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨ã€äºœç¨®ã¯ï¼’番ã‚"
+"ã® upstream changelog ファイルã¨ã—ã¦æŒ‡å®šã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚平文ã§ã¯ãªã„"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:48
+msgid ""
+"The B<debchange>-style Debian changelogs are trimmed to include only entries "
+"more recent than the release date of I<oldstable>. No trimming will be "
+"performed if the B<--no-trim> option is passed or if the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<notrimdch>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:57
+msgid "F<debian/changelog>"
+msgstr "F<debian/changelog>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:59
+msgid "F<debian/NEWS>"
+msgstr "F<debian/NEWS>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:61
+msgid "debian/I<package>.changelog"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.changelog"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:63
+msgid "debian/I<package>.NEWS"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.NEWS"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:65
+msgid ""
+"Automatically installed into usr/share/doc/I<package>/ in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"I<package>/ é…下ã«è‡ªå‹•çš„ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:68
+msgid ""
+"Use the package specific name if I<package> needs a different F<NEWS> or "
+"F<changelog> file."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package> ãŒç•°ãªã‚‹ F<NEWS> ã‚„ F<changelog> ファイルåを使ã†å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚‹å ´åˆ"
+"ã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージ固有ã®åå‰ã‚’指定ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:71
+msgid ""
+"The F<changelog> file is installed with a name of changelog for native "
+"packages, and F<changelog.Debian> for non-native packages. The F<NEWS> file "
+"is always installed with a name of F<NEWS.Debian>."
+msgstr ""
+" F<changelog> ファイル㯠native パッケージå‘ã‘ã«ã¯ changelog ã®åå‰ã§ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹"
+"トールã•ã‚Œã€éž native パッケージå‘ã‘ã«ã¯ F<changelog.Debian> ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼"
+"ルã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚F<NEWS> ã¯å¿…ãš F<NEWS.Debian> ã®åå‰ã§ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:83
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Keep the original name of the upstream changelog. This will be accomplished "
+"by installing the upstream changelog as F<changelog>, and making a symlink "
+"from that to the original name of the F<changelog> file. This can be useful "
+"if the upstream changelog has an unusual name, or if other documentation in "
+"the package refers to the F<changelog> file."
+msgstr ""
+"開発元 (upstream) 付属㮠changelog ã®åå‰ã‚’ä¿æŒã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯é–‹ç™ºå…ƒ "
+"(upstream) 付属㮠changelog ã‚’F<changelog> ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã—ã€"
+"F<changelog> ファイルã®å…ƒã®åå‰ã§ãã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã«ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã‚’張りã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"ã“ã‚Œã¯é–‹ç™ºå…ƒ (upstream) ã® changelog ãŒé€šå¸¸ã§ã¯ãªã„åå‰ã®å ´åˆã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ãƒ‘ッ"
+"ケージã«å«ã¾ã‚Œã‚‹åˆ¥ã®ãƒ‰ã‚­ãƒ¥ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆãŒ F<changelog> ファイルをå‚ç…§ã—ã¦ã„る時ã«ä¾¿"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:91
+msgid ""
+"Exclude upstream F<changelog> files that contain I<item> anywhere in their "
+"filename from being installed."
+msgstr ""
+"I<item> をファイルåã«å«ã‚€é–‹ç™ºå…ƒ (upstream) ã® F<changelog> ファイルをインス"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:94
+msgid "Note that directory name of the changelog is also part of the match."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:96
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--no-start>"
+msgid "B<--no-trim>"
+msgstr "B<--no-start>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:98
+msgid ""
+"Install the full changelog, not its trimmed version that includes only "
+"recent entries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:101
+msgid "I<upstream>"
+msgstr "I<upstream>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:103
+msgid "Install this file as the upstream changelog."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’開発元 (upstream) ã® changelog ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:5
+msgid "dh_installcron - install cron scripts into etc/cron.*"
+msgstr "dh_installcron - cron スクリプトを etc/cron.* ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:17
+msgid "B<dh_installcron> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installcron> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installcron> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"cron scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installcron> 㯠cron スクリプトをインストールã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper プログ"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.daily"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.cron.daily"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:30
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.weekly"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.cron.weekly"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.monthly"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.cron.monthly"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:34
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.daily"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.yearly"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.cron.daily"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:36
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.hourly"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.cron.hourly"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.d"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.cron.d"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:40
+msgid ""
+"Installed into the appropriate F<etc/cron.*/> directory in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚ã‚‹é©åˆ‡ãª F<etc/cron.*/> ã«ãã‚Œãž"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:49 dh_installifupdown:46 dh_installinit:174
+#: dh_installlogcheck:49 dh_installlogrotate:29 dh_installmodules:49
+#: dh_installpam:42 dh_installppp:42 dh_installudev:38 dh_systemd_enable:94
+msgid "B<--name=>I<name>"
+msgstr "B<--name=>I<name>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:51
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as F<etc/"
+"cron.*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them as the "
+"package name."
+msgstr ""
+"F<debian/*> ã¨ã„ã†åå‰ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’探ã—㦠F<etc/cron.*/"
+"name> ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€é€šå¸¸ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’使ã‚ãšã€ã¾ãŸã€ãƒ‘ッ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:5
+msgid "dh_installdeb - install files into the DEBIAN directory"
+msgstr "dh_installdeb - DEBIAN ディレクトリã«ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:17
+msgid "B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files into the F<DEBIAN> directories in package build directories with the "
+"correct permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> ã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリã«ã‚ã‚‹ F<DEBIAN> ディレクト"
+"リ以下ã«ã€é©åˆ‡ãªæ¨©é™ã‚’æŒã£ãŸçŠ¶æ…‹ã§ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:29
+msgid "I<package>.postinst"
+msgstr "I<package>.postinst"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:31
+msgid "I<package>.preinst"
+msgstr "I<package>.preinst"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:33
+msgid "I<package>.postrm"
+msgstr "I<package>.postrm"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:35
+msgid "I<package>.prerm"
+msgstr "I<package>.prerm"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:37
+msgid "These maintainer scripts are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れらã®ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—ト㯠F<DEBIAN> ディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:39
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> will perform substitution of known tokens of the pattern "
+"B<#TOKEN#>. In generally, scripts will want to include the B<#DEBHELPER#> "
+"to benefit from the shell scripts generated by debhelper commands (including "
+"those from B<dh_installdeb> when it processes I<package>.maintscript files)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:45
+msgid ""
+"The B<#DEBHELPER#> token should be placed on its own line as it is often "
+"replaced by a multi-line shell script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:48
+msgid "I<package>.triggers"
+msgstr "I<package>.triggers"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:50
+msgid "I<package>.shlibs"
+msgstr "I<package>.shlibs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:52
+msgid "These control files are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ç¾¤ã¯ F<DEBIAN> ディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:54
+msgid ""
+"Note that I<package>.shlibs is only installed in compat level 9 and "
+"earlier. In compat 10, please use L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:57
+msgid "I<package>.conffiles"
+msgstr "I<package>.conffiles"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:59
+msgid ""
+"This file will be installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory. The provided file "
+"will be enriched by debhelper to include all the B<conffiles> auto-detected "
+"by debhelper (the maintainer should not list there as debhelper assumes it "
+"should handle that part)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:64
+msgid ""
+"This file is primarily useful for using \"special\" entries such as the B<< "
+"remove-on-upgrade >> feature from dpkg."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:67
+msgid "I<package>.maintscript"
+msgstr "I<package>.maintscript"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:69
+msgid ""
+"Lines in this file correspond to L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)> commands and "
+"parameters. However, the \"maint-script-parameters\" should I<not> be "
+"included as debhelper will add those automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:73
+msgid "Example:"
+msgstr "例:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:75
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Correct\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo -- \"$@\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # 正解\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo\n"
+" # ä¸æ­£è§£\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo -- \"$@\"\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:80
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 or later, any shell metacharacters will be escaped, so "
+"arbitrary shell code cannot be inserted here. For example, a line such as "
+"C<mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/newconffile> will insert maintainer "
+"script snippets into all maintainer scripts sufficient to move that conffile."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã«å…¥ã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹å„行㯠L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)> コマンドã¨ãƒ‘ラ"
+"シェルスクリプトをã“ã“ã«æŒ¿å…¥ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“。例ãˆã°ã€C<mv_conffile /etc/"
+"oldconffile /etc/newconffile> ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªè¡Œã¯ã€F</etc/oldconffile> ã‚’ã“ã®è¡Œã§ç¤º"
+"ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ F</etc/newconffile> ã¸ç§»å‹•ã§ãるよã†ã«ã€å…¨ã¦ã®ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トã«è¿½åŠ "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:86
+msgid ""
+"It was also the intention to escape shell metacharacters in previous compat "
+"levels. However, it did not work properly and as such it was possible to "
+"embed arbitrary shell code in earlier compat levels."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:90
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do some basic validation of some of the "
+"commands listed in this file to catch common mistakes. The validation is "
+"enabled as a warning since compat 10 and as a hard error in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:95
+msgid ""
+"Where possible, B<dh_installdeb> may choose to rewrite some or all of the "
+"entries into equivalent features supported in dpkg without relying on "
+"maintainer scripts at its sole discretion (examples include rewriting "
+"B<rm_conffile> into dpkg's B<remove-on-upgrade>). The minimum requirement "
+"for activating this feature is that debhelper runs in compat 10 or later."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:111 dh_installdebconf:76
+msgid "B<-D>I<TOKEN=VALUE>, B<--define> I<TOKEN=VALUE>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:113 dh_installdebconf:78
+msgid ""
+"Define tokens to be replaced inside the maintainer scripts when it is "
+"generated. Please note that the limitations described in L</Limitations in "
+"token names> also applies to tokens defined on the command line. Invalid "
+"token names will trigger an error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:118 dh_installdebconf:83
+msgid ""
+"In the simple case, this parameter will cause B<< #I<TOKEN># >> to be "
+"replaced by I<VALUE>. If I<VALUE> starts with a literal I<@>-sign, then "
+"I<VALUE> is expected to point to a file containing the actual value to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:123 dh_installdebconf:88
+msgid ""
+"An explicit declared token with this parameter will replace built-in tokens."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:126 dh_installdebconf:91
+msgid "Test examples to aid with the understanding:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:128
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:135 dh_installdebconf:100
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#SIMPLE#> will expand to B<direct> and B<#FILEBASED#> "
+"will expand to B<Complex value>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:138
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. This "
+"is useful when B<dh_installdeb> is acting on multiple packages that need "
+"different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the token "
+"name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:143 dh_installdebconf:108
+msgid "This can be used as in the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:145
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdeb -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:160
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo."
+"postinst>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.postinst> and to B<unique-"
+"baz-value> in F<debian/baz.postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:164
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. E."
+"g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.postinst> and it "
+"will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_installdeb:170 dh_installdebconf:135
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:172
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> will automatically replace the following tokens inside "
+"a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:177
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "#DEBHELPER#"
+msgstr "DEBHELPER コマンド"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:179
+msgid ""
+"This token is by default replaced with generated shell snippets debhelper "
+"commands. This includes the snippets generated by B<dh_installdeb> from "
+"I<package>.maintscript file (if present)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:183 dh_installdebconf:142
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:185 dh_installdebconf:144
+msgid ""
+"These tokens are replaced with the respective variable from L<dpkg-"
+"architecture(1)>. In almost all cases, you will want use the B<< "
+"#DEB_HOST_I<NAME> >> variant in a script to ensure you get the right value "
+"when cross-building."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:190 dh_installdebconf:149
+msgid ""
+"On a best effort, tokens of this pattern that do not match a variable in "
+"L<dpkg-architecture(1)> will be left as-is."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:193 dh_installdebconf:152
+msgid "#ENV.I<NAME>#"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:195 dh_installdebconf:154
+msgid ""
+"These tokens of this form will be replaced with value of the corresponding "
+"environment variable. If the environment variable is unset, the token is "
+"replaced with the empty string."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:200 dh_installdebconf:159
+msgid ""
+"Note that there are limits on which names can be used (see L</Limitations in "
+"token names>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:203 dh_installdebconf:162
+msgid "#PACKAGE#"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:205 dh_installdebconf:164
+msgid ""
+"This token is by default replaced by the package name, which will contain "
+"the concrete script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh_installdeb:210 dh_installdebconf:169
+msgid "Limitations in token names"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:212 dh_installdebconf:171
+msgid ""
+"All tokens intended to be substituted must match the regex: #[A-Za-z0-9_.+]+#"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:214
+msgid ""
+"Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the "
+"script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will "
+"cause B<dh_installdeb> to reject the command with an error in most cases."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installdebconf - install files used by debconf in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdebconf - ビルドディレクトリ㮠debconf ãŒä½¿ã†ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストール"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing files used by debconf into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> ã¯ã€debconf ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šä½¿ã‚れるファイルをパッケージビルドディ"
+"レクトリã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹å½¹å‰²ã‚’æŒã¤ debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:24
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postrm> commands needed to interface "
+"with debconf. The commands are added to the maintainer scripts by "
+"B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how that "
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ debconf ã«æ•´åˆã™ã‚‹ã®ã«å¿…è¦ãª F<postrm> ファイルを自動的ã«ç”Ÿæˆ"
+"ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ B<dh_installdeb> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トã¸è¿½åŠ ã•ã‚Œã¾"
+"ã™ã€‚ã“ã®è¿½åŠ ã«é–¢ã™ã‚‹å‹•ä½œã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã®èª¬æ˜Žã¯ã€L<dh_installdeb(1)> ã«ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:29
+msgid ""
+"Note that if you use debconf, your package probably needs to depend on it "
+"(it will be added to B<${misc:Depends}> by this program)."
+msgstr ""
+"debconf を使ã†ã¨ã€ãƒ‘ッケージ㯠debconf ã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ä¾å­˜ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã„ã†äº‹ã«æ³¨æ„ã—ã¦ãã "
+"ã•ã„ (本プログラムã«ã‚ˆã‚Š B<${misc:Depends}> ã¸ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚ã®è¿½åŠ ãŒè¡Œã‚ã‚Œã¾ã™)。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:32
+msgid ""
+"Note that for your config script to be called by B<dpkg>, your F<postinst> "
+"needs to source debconf's confmodule. B<dh_installdebconf> does not install "
+"this statement into the F<postinst> automatically as it is too hard to do it "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dpkg> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šè¨­å®šç”¨ã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トãŒå‘¼ã³å‡ºã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã“ã¨ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ãŒã€F<postinst> "
+"ファイルã«ã¯ debconf ã® confmodule ã‚’å«ã‚ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã«æ³¨æ„ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+"B<dh_installdebconf> ã¯ã“ã®ä½œæ¥­ã‚’ F<postinst> ã¸è‡ªå‹•çš„ã«æŒ¿å…¥ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“。ã¨ã„ã†"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:41
+msgid "debian/I<package>.config"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.config"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:43
+msgid ""
+"This is the debconf F<config> script, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN> "
+"directory in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã‚Œã¯debconfã® F<config> スクリプトã§ã™ã€‚パッケージビルドディレクトリ以下ã«"
+"ã‚ã‚‹ F<DEBIAN> ディレクトリã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:46
+msgid ""
+"Inside the script, the token B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell script "
+"snippets generated by other debhelper commands."
+msgstr ""
+"本スクリプト内ã«è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ B<#DEBHELPER#> ã¨ã„ã†æ–‡è¨€ã¯ä»–ã® debhelper コマ"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:49
+msgid "debian/I<package>.templates"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.templates"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:51
+msgid ""
+"This is the debconf F<templates> file, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN> "
+"directory in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れ㯠debconf ã® F<templates> ファイルã§ã™ã€‚パッケージビルドディレクトリ㮠"
+"F<DEBIAN> ディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:54
+msgid "F<debian/po/>"
+msgstr "F<debian/po/>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:56
+msgid ""
+"If this directory is present, this program will automatically use "
+"L<po2debconf(1)> to generate merged templates files that include the "
+"translations from there."
+msgstr ""
+"ã‚‚ã—ã“ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªãŒå­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚Œã°ã€ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラムã¯è‡ªå‹•çš„ã« L<po2debconf(1)> "
+"を呼ã³å‡ºã—ã€ã“ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªä»¥ä¸‹ã«ã‚る翻訳ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’å«ã‚€çµåˆã•ã‚ŒãŸ "
+"debconf テンプレートファイルを生æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:60
+msgid "For this to work, your package should build-depend on F<po-debconf>."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã‚ŒãŒå‹•ä½œã™ã‚‹ç‚ºã«ã¯ã€F<po-debconf> ã«é–¢ã™ã‚‹ãƒ“ルドä¾å­˜ã®æŒ‡å®šãŒãƒ‘ッケージã«å¿…"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:70
+msgid "Do not modify F<postrm> script."
+msgstr "F<postrm> ファイルã®å¤‰æ›´ã‚’è¡Œã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:74
+msgid "Pass the params to B<po2debconf>."
+msgstr "B<po2debconf> ã¸ãƒ‘ラメータを引ã渡ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdebconf:93
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/config <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:103
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. This "
+"is useful when B<dh_installdebconf> is acting on multiple packages that need "
+"different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the token "
+"name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdebconf:110
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdebconf -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:125
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo."
+"config>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.config> and to B<unique-baz-"
+"value> in F<debian/baz.config>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:129
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. E."
+"g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.config> and it "
+"will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:137
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdebconf> will automatically replace the following tokens "
+"inside a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:173
+msgid ""
+"Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the "
+"script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will "
+"cause B<dh_installdebconf> to reject the command with an error in most cases."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:5
+msgid "dh_installdirs - create subdirectories in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdirs - パッケージビルドディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚µãƒ–ディレクトリを作æˆã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:17
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [B<-"
+#| "X>I<item>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[B<--create-in-sourcedir>] [S<I<dir> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<ディレクトリ"
+">] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<ファイル> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for creating "
+"subdirectories in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚µãƒ–ディレクトリを作æˆ"
+"ã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã‚’æŒã¤ debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:24
+msgid ""
+"Many packages can get away with omitting the call to B<dh_installdirs> "
+"completely. Notably, other B<dh_*> commands are expected to create "
+"directories as needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.dirs"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.dirs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:34
+msgid "Lists directories to be created in I<package>."
+msgstr "I<package> 以下ã«ä½œã‚‹ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã‚’列挙ã—ã¾ã™"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:36
+msgid ""
+"Generally, there is no need to list directories created by the upstream "
+"build system or directories needed by other B<debhelper> commands."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:51
+msgid ""
+"Create any directories specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+"acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"コマンドラインパラメータã«æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã‚’作æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã€æœ€åˆ"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:54
+msgid "B<--create-in-sourcedir>, B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:56
+msgid ""
+"Whether to create the specified directories in the source directory (usually "
+"F<debian/tmp>) I<in addition to> in the package build directory (usually F<< "
+"debian/I<package> >>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:60
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The default is to create debug symbol packages."
+msgid "The default is B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>."
+msgstr "デフォルトã¯ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ãƒ‘ッケージを作æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:64
+msgid ""
+"Consider I<dir> the source directory for the packages acted on instead of "
+"the default (which is usually F<debian/tmp>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:67
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this option is dependent on the B<--create-in-sourcedir> "
+"option (when B<--no-create-in-sourcedir> is in effect, this option does "
+"nothing in B<dh_installdirs>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:71
+msgid "I<dir> ..."
+msgstr "I<dir> ..."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:73
+msgid ""
+"Create these directories in the package build directory of the first package "
+"acted on. (Or in all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"クトリを作æˆã—ã¾ã™ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€B<-A> ãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã‚Œã°ã€å…¨ãƒ‘ッケージã®ãƒ‘ッケージ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:7
+msgid "dh_installdocs - install documentation into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdocs - パッケージビルドディレクトリ以下ã«ãƒ‰ã‚­ãƒ¥ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆã‚’インストール"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"documentation into F<usr/share/doc/package> in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚ã‚‹ F<usr/share/doc/"
+"package> ディレクトリã¸ãƒ‰ã‚­ãƒ¥ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆã‚’インストールã™ã‚‹å½¹å‰²ã‚’æŒã¤ debhelper プ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:26
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 and earlier, L<dh_install(1)> may be a better tool for handling "
+"the upstream documentation, when upstream's own build system installs all "
+"the desired documentation correctly. In this case, B<dh_installdocs> is "
+"still useful for installing packaging related documentation (e.g. the "
+"F<debian/copyright> file)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:31 dh_installexamples:27 dh_installinfo:24 dh_installman:69
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "From debhelper compatibility level 7 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+#| "looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it doesn't find them in the "
+#| "current directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--"
+#| "sourcedir>)."
+msgid ""
+"From debhelper compatibility level 11 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+"looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current "
+"directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>)."
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 7 ã‹ã‚‰ã€ B<dh_install> ã¯ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’カレントディレク"
+"トリã§è¦‹ã¤ã‘られãªã‘れ㰠(ã‚ã‚‹ã„㯠B<--sourcedir> オプションを使ã£ã¦æŒ‡å®šã—ãŸ"
+"ディレクトリã®ä¸­ã‚’探ã—ã¦ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒè¦‹ã‘られãªã‘ã‚Œã°) ã€è‡ªå‹•çš„ã« F<debian/tmp> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:35
+msgid ""
+"In compat 11 and later, B<dh_installdocs> offers many of the features that "
+"L<dh_install(1)> also has. Furthermore, B<dh_installdocs> also supports the "
+"B<nodoc> build profile to exclude documentation (regardless of compat level)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.docs"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.docs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:46
+msgid "List documentation files to be installed into I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package> ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã¹ãドキュメントファイルã®ä¸€è¦§ã‚’列挙ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:51
+msgid "F<debian/copyright>"
+msgstr "F<debian/copyright>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:53
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The copyright file is installed into all packages, unless a more specific "
+"copyright file is available."
+msgstr ""
+"より特定㮠copyright ファイルãŒåˆ©ç”¨ã§ããªã„é™ã‚Šã€copyright ファイルã¯å…¨ã¦ã®"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:56
+msgid "debian/I<package>.copyright"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.copyright"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:58
+msgid "debian/I<package>.README.Debian"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.README.Debian"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:60
+msgid "debian/I<package>.TODO"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.TODO"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:62
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Each of these files is automatically installed if present for a I<package>."
+msgstr "I<package> ãŒã‚ã‚Œã°ã€ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯è‡ªå‹•çš„ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:65
+msgid "F<debian/README.Debian>"
+msgstr "F<debian/README.Debian>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:67
+msgid "F<debian/TODO>"
+msgstr "F<debian/TODO>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:69
+msgid ""
+"These files are installed into the first binary package listed in debian/"
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ debian/control ã«æœ€åˆã«è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージã¸"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:72
+msgid ""
+"Note that F<README.debian> files are also installed as F<README.Debian>, and "
+"F<TODO> files will be installed as F<TODO.Debian> in non-native packages."
+msgstr ""
+"éž native パッケージã®å…ƒã§ã¯ã€F<README.debian> ファイル㯠F<README.Debian> ã¨"
+"ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã€F<TODO> ファイル㯠F<TODO.Debian> ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:75
+msgid "debian/I<package>.doc-base"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.doc-base"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:77
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Installed as doc-base control files. Note that the doc-id will be determined "
+"from the B<Document:> entry in the doc-base control file in question. In the "
+"event that multiple doc-base files in a single source package share the same "
+"doc-id, they will be installed to usr/share/doc-base/package instead of usr/"
+msgstr ""
+"doc-base 制御ファイルã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ãªãŠã€doc-id 㯠doc-base 制"
+"御ファイル中㮠B<Document:> エントリã‹ã‚‰æ±ºå®šã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:83
+msgid "debian/I<package>.doc-base.*"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.doc-base.*"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:85
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If your package needs to register more than one document, you need multiple "
+"doc-base files, and can name them like this. In the event that multiple doc-"
+"base files of this style in a single source package share the same doc-id, "
+"they will be installed to usr/share/doc-base/package-* instead of usr/share/"
+msgstr ""
+"usr/share/doc-base/doc-id ã®ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã« usr/share/doc-base/package-* ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:91
+msgid ""
+"Please be aware that this deduplication is currently done in memory only, so "
+"for now it requires B<dh_installdocs> to be called no more than once during "
+"the package build. Calling B<dh_installdocs -p>I<package> in combination "
+"with using F<debian/>I<package>F<.doc-base.*> files can lead to "
+"uninstallable packages. See L<> for details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:106 dh_installinfo:47 dh_installman:92
+msgid ""
+"Install all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:111
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"installed. Note that this includes doc-base files."
+msgstr ""
+"インストール対象ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‹ã‚‰ã€I<item> をファイルåã«å«ã‚€ã‚‚ã®ã‚’除外ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"ã“ã‚Œã«ã¯ doc-base ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚‚å«ã‚€ç‚¹ã«æ³¨æ„ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:116 dh_installexamples:59 dh_installinfo:52 dh_installman:102
+msgid ""
+"Look in the specified directory for files to be installed. This option "
+"requires compat 11 or later (it is silently ignored in compat 10 or earlier)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:119 dh_installman:105
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+#| "the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+#| "B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+#| "compatibility level 7 and above."
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installman> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+"compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯ã€B<dh_auto_>I<*> ã«ã‚るよã†ãª B<--sourcedirectory> ã¨ã¯ç•°ãª"
+"ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。ã¨ã„ã†ã®ã‚‚ B<dh_install> ã¯äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« v7 以上ã§ã¯è‡ªå‹•çš„ã« "
+"F<debian/tmp> ã¸ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’探ã—ã«è¡Œã為ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:124 dh_installexamples:67
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--mainpackage=>I<package>"
+msgid "B<--doc-main-package=>I<main-package>"
+msgstr "B<--mainpackage=>I<package>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:126 dh_installexamples:69
+msgid ""
+"Set the main package for a documentation package. This is used to install "
+"the documentation of the documentation package in F<< /usr/share/doc/I<main-"
+"package> >> as recommended by the Debian policy manual 3.9.7 in §12.3."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:131 dh_installexamples:74
+msgid ""
+"In compat 11 (or later), this option is only useful if debhelper's auto-"
+"detection of the main package is wrong. The option can also be used to "
+"silence a warning from debhelper when the auto-detection fails but the "
+"default happens to be correct."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:136
+msgid ""
+"This option cannot be used when B<dh_installdocs> is instructed to act on "
+"multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally need to "
+"combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:141
+msgid ""
+"Please keep in mind that some documentation (the copyright file, README."
+"Debian, etc.) will be unaffected by this option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:144
+msgid "B<--link-doc=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--link-doc=>I<package>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:146
+msgid ""
+"Make the documentation directory of all packages acted on be a symlink to "
+"the documentation directory of I<package>. This has no effect when acting on "
+"I<package> itself, or if the documentation directory to be created already "
+"exists when B<dh_installdocs> is run. To comply with policy, I<package> must "
+"be a binary package that comes from the same source package."
+msgstr ""
+"処ç†å¯¾è±¡ã®å…¨ãƒ‘ッケージã®ãƒ‰ã‚­ãƒ¥ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒ¼ã‚·ãƒ§ãƒ³ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã‚’ã€I<package> ã®ãƒ‰"
+"ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å‹•ä½œã¯ I<package> ãã®ã‚‚ã®ã«ã¯è¡Œã‚ã‚Œãšã€ã¾ãŸã€B<dh_installdocs> ãŒå‹•"
+"作ã™ã‚‹æ™‚ã«æ—¢ã«å­˜åœ¨ã—ã¦ã„るディレクトリã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ã¯è¡Œã‚ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“。ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ã«æº–æ‹ "
+"ã™ã‚‹ç‚ºã€I<package> ã¯åŒã˜ã‚½ãƒ¼ã‚¹ãƒ‘ッケージã‹ã‚‰ãƒ“ルドã•ã‚Œã‚‹ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージã§"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:152
+msgid ""
+"debhelper will try to avoid installing files into linked documentation "
+"directories that would cause conflicts with the linked package. The B<-A> "
+"option will have no effect on packages with linked documentation "
+"directories, and F<copyright>, F<changelog>, F<README.Debian>, and F<TODO> "
+"files will not be installed."
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper ã¯ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストール時ã«ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯å…ˆã®ãƒ‘ッケージã¨ã®ç«¶"
+"トリã«ã¯ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã—ã¾ã›ã‚“。B<-A> オプションã¯ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯"
+"ã§ä½œæˆã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã«ã¯ä½œç”¨ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“。ã•ã‚‰ã«ã€ã“ã®å ´åˆã€F<copyright>, "
+"F<changelog>, F<README.Debian>, F<TODO> ファイルã¯ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"(An older method to accomplish the same thing, which is still supported, is "
+"to make the documentation directory of a package be a dangling symlink, "
+"before calling B<dh_installdocs>.)"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> ã‚’èµ·å‹•ã™ã‚‹å‰ã«ã€ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã®æŒ‡ã—示ã™å…ˆãŒå®Ÿéš›ã«ã¯å­˜"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:162
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this option only applies to the documentation directory for "
+"the package itself. When the package ships documentation for another "
+"package (e.g. see B<--doc-main-package>), it will not use a symlink for the "
+"documentation of the other package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:168
+msgid ""
+"B<CAVEAT 1>: If a previous version of the package was built without this "
+"option and is now built with it (or vice-versa), it requires a \"dir to "
+"symlink\" (or \"symlink to dir\") migration. Since debhelper has no "
+"knowledge of previous versions, you have to enable this migration itself."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:174
+msgid ""
+"This can be done by providing a \"debian/I<package>.maintscript\" file and "
+"using L<dh_installdeb(1)> to provide the relevant maintainer script snippets."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:178
+msgid ""
+"B<CAVEAT 2>: The use of B<--link-doc> should only be done when the packages "
+"have same \"architecture\" type. A link from an architecture independent "
+"package to an architecture dependent package (or vice versa) will not work. "
+"Since compat 10, debhelper will actively reject unsupported combinations."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:186
+msgid ""
+"Install these files as documentation into the first package acted on. (Or in "
+"all packages if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"ンストールã—ã¾ã™ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„㯠B<-A> ãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã¯ã€ãƒ“ルド予定ã®å…¨ã¦ã®"
+"パッケージã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã—ã¾ã™) "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:193
+msgid "This is an example of a F<debian/> file:"
+msgstr "以下㌠F<debian/> ファイルã®ä¾‹ã§ã™:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdocs:195
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" README\n"
+" TODO\n"
+" debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.pdf\n"
+" docs/manual-html/\n"
+msgstr ""
+" README\n"
+" TODO\n"
+" debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.pdf\n"
+" docs/manual-html/\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:204
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installdocs> will happily copy entire directory hierarchies "
+"if you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to install a "
+"directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> ã¯ã€B<cp -a> ã¨åŒã˜ã‚ˆã†ã«ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªå…¨ä½“ã®éšŽå±¤ã¾ã‚‹ã”ã¨ã‚³"
+"ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«æŒ‡å®šã™ã‚‹äº‹ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šè¡Œã„ã€ã“ã®å ´åˆã€ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã®ä¸­èº«å…¨éƒ¨ãŒã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:5
+msgid "dh_installemacsen - register an Emacs add on package"
+msgstr "dh_installemacsen - Emacsã®ã‚¢ãƒ‰ã‚ªãƒ³ãƒ‘ッケージを登録ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing files used by the Debian B<emacsen-common> package into package "
+"build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> ã¯ã€Debian B<emacsen-common> パッケージã«åˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡"
+"イルをパッケージビルドディレクトリã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper プログラ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:25
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<preinst> F<postinst> and F<prerm> "
+"commands needed to register a package as an Emacs add on package. The "
+"commands are added to the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how this works."
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージを Emacs アドオンパッケージã¨ã—ã¦ç™»éŒ²ã™ã‚‹ã®ã«å¿…è¦ãª F<postinst>, "
+"F<prerm>, F<prerm> を自動的ã«ç”Ÿæˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚B<dh_installdeb> ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ã€ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰"
+"ãŒãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トã«è¿½åŠ ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ã©ã®ã‚ˆã†ã«å‹•ä½œã™ã‚‹ã‹ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã¯ã€"
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> ã‚’å‚ç…§ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-compat"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.emacsen-compat"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:36
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/compat/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"package> ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:39
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-install"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.emacsen-install"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:41
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"package> ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-remove"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.emacsen-remove"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:46
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"package> ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:49
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-startup"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.emacsen-startup"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:51
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/emacs/site-start.d/50I<package>.el in the package build "
+"directory. Use B<--priority> to use a different priority than 50."
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージビルドディレクトリ㮠etc/emacs/site-start.d/50I<package>.el ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³"
+"ストールã—ã¾ã™ã€‚優先順ä½ã‚’ 50 以外を指定ã™ã‚‹ã«ã¯ B<--priority> を使ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:62 dh_usrlocal:56
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts."
+msgstr "F<postinst>/F<prerm> を変更ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:64 dh_installwm:45
+msgid "B<--priority=>I<n>"
+msgstr "B<--priority=>I<n>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:66
+msgid "Sets the priority number of a F<site-start.d> file. Default is 50."
+msgstr ""
+"F<site-start.d> ファイルã«é–¢ã—ã¦å„ªå…ˆé †ä½ã‚’指定ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚デフォルト㯠50 ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:68
+msgid "B<--flavor=>I<foo>"
+msgstr "B<--flavor=>I<foo>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:70
+msgid ""
+"Sets the flavor a F<site-start.d> file will be installed in. Default is "
+"B<emacs>, alternatives include B<xemacs> and B<emacs20>."
+msgstr ""
+"インストール予定㮠F<site-start.d> ファイルã®å½¢å¼ã‚’設定ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚デフォルト㯠"
+"B<emacs> ã§ã€ä»–ã« B<xemacs> 㨠B<emacs20> å½¢å¼ãŒå­˜åœ¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:140
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L</usr/share/doc/emacsen-common/debian-emacs-policy.gz>"
+msgstr ""
+"L<debhelper(7)> L</usr/share/doc/emacsen-common/debian-emacs-policy.gz>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:7
+msgid ""
+"dh_installexamples - install example files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installexamples - å‚考ファイルをビルドディレクトリã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing examples into F<usr/share/doc/package/examples> in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリã«ã‚ã‚‹ F<usr/share/doc/"
+"package/examples> ã¸å‚考ファイルをインストールã™ã‚‹å½¹å‰²ã® debhelper プログラム"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installexamples:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.examples"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.examples"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:37
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Lists example files or directories to be installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:39
+msgid ""
+"If upstream provides an F<examples> directory, you will often want to use "
+"B<examples/*> rather than B<examples> in this file. The latter would create "
+"F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples/examples >>, which is rarely what you "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:54
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Install any files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:62
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+#| "the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+#| "B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+#| "compatibility level 7 and above."
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installexamples> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in "
+"debhelper compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯ã€B<dh_auto_>I<*> ã«ã‚るよã†ãª B<--sourcedirectory> ã¨ã¯ç•°ãª"
+"ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。ã¨ã„ã†ã®ã‚‚ B<dh_install> ã¯äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« v7 以上ã§ã¯è‡ªå‹•çš„ã« "
+"F<debian/tmp> ã¸ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’探ã—ã«è¡Œã為ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:79
+msgid ""
+"This option cannot be used when B<dh_installexamples> is instructed to act "
+"on multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally need to "
+"combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:86
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+msgstr ""
+"I<item> をファイルåã®ä¸€éƒ¨ã¨ã—ã¦å«ã‚“ã§ã„るファイルをインストール候補ã‹ã‚‰é™¤å¤–"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:91
+msgid ""
+"Install these files (or directories) as examples into the first package "
+"acted on. (Or into all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"作業を行ã†æœ€åˆã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«ã€æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ« (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒª) を例"
+"を示ã™ç‰©ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã—ã¾ã™ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€B<-A>ãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚ŒãŸå ´åˆã¯ã€å…¨ã¦ã®"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:98
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installexamples> will happily copy entire directory "
+"hierarchies if you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to "
+"install a directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory."
+msgstr ""
+"特記ã™ã¹ã事ã¨ã—ã¦ã€ã‚‚ã—指定ã•ã‚Œã‚Œã° (B<cp -a> ã®ã‚ˆã†ã«) ã€ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªä»¥ä¸‹ã¾"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:5
+msgid "dh_installifupdown - install if-up and if-down hooks"
+msgstr "dh_installifupdown - if-up 㨠if-down フックをインストールã—ã¾ã™"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:17
+msgid "B<dh_installifupdown> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installifupdown> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installifupdown> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing F<if-up>, F<if-down>, F<if-pre-up>, and F<if-post-down> hook "
+"scripts into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installifupdown> 㯠F<if-up>, F<if-down>, F<if-pre-up>, F<if-post-down> "
+"フックをパッケージビルドディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹ç‚ºã® debhelper プロ"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:29
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.if-up"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:31
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.if-down"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-pre-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.if-pre-up"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-post-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.if-post-down"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:37
+msgid ""
+"These files are installed into etc/network/if-*.d/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package> 以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:48
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as F<etc/"
+"network/if-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them as "
+"the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"F<debian/*> ファイルを見ã¤ã‘出ã—ã€F<etc/network/if-*/name> ã¸"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:5
+msgid "dh_installinfo - install info files"
+msgstr "dh_installinfo - info ファイルをインストールã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:17
+msgid "B<dh_installinfo> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installinfo> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"info files into F<usr/share/info> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> ã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ内㮠F<usr/share/info> ディ"
+"レクトリ以下㫠info ファイルをインストールã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinfo:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.info"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.info"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:34
+msgid "List info files to be installed."
+msgstr "インストールã™ã¹ã info ファイルを列挙ã—ãŸã‚‚ã®ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:55
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+#| "the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+#| "B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+#| "compatibility level 7 and above."
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installinfo> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in "
+"debhelper compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯ã€B<dh_auto_>I<*> ã«ã‚るよã†ãª B<--sourcedirectory> ã¨ã¯ç•°ãª"
+"ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。ã¨ã„ã†ã®ã‚‚ B<dh_install> ã¯äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« v7 以上ã§ã¯è‡ªå‹•çš„ã« "
+"F<debian/tmp> ã¸ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’探ã—ã«è¡Œã為ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:62
+msgid ""
+"Install these info files into the first package acted on. (Or in all "
+"packages if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã¡ã‚‰ã«ã¦æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã‚‹ info ファイルをã€å‡¦ç†ã‚’è¡Œã†æœ€åˆã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼"
+"ルã—ã¾ã™ (B<-A> ãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚Œã°ã€å…¨ãƒ‘ッケージã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾"
+"ã™) "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installinit - install service init files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installinit - ビルドディレクトリ㫠service init ファイルをインストールã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<-n>] [B<-"
+"R>] [B<-r>] [B<-d>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<-n>] [B<-"
+"R>] [B<-r>] [B<-d>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:22
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"init scripts with associated defaults files. In compatibility levels up to "
+"and including 10, B<dh_installinit> will also install some systemd related "
+"files provided by the debian packaging (see the L</FILES> section below). "
+"In compatibility levels up to and including 11, B<dh_installinit> will also "
+"handle upstart jobs provided in the debian packaging (see the L</FILES> for "
+"more information on this as well)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installlint> ã¯ã€ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã§åˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ init スクリプトã¨ã€ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—スター"
+"ト用ã®ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ–ファイルをパッケージビルドディレクトリã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® "
+"debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:31
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> and F<prerm> "
+"commands needed to set up the symlinks in F</etc/rc*.d/> to start and stop "
+"the init scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ã€F</etc/rc*.d/> 以下ã«ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã‚’張りã€start 㨠stop "
+"手続ãã‚’æŒã¤ã‚ˆã†ãª init スクリプトをセットアップã™ã‚‹ã®ã«å¿…è¦ãª F<postinst>, "
+"F<postrm>, F<prerm> コマンドを自動的ã«ç”Ÿæˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:35
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 or earlier: If a package only ships a systemd service file and "
+"no sysvinit script is provided, you may want to exclude the call to "
+"dh_installinit for that package (e.g. via B<-N>). Otherwise, you may get "
+"warnings from lintian about init.d scripts not being included in the package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:45
+msgid "debian/I<package>.init"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.init"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:47
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into etc/init.d/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package> ディレクトリã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.default"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.default"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:52
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into etc/default/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package> ã¸ã“ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:55
+msgid "debian/I<package>.upstart"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.upstart"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:57
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 11, this file will trigger an error with a reminder "
+"about ensuring the proper removal of the upstart file in the previous "
+"package version. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous upstart files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:62
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init/I<package>.conf in the "
+#| "package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 10, if this file exists, it is installed into etc/"
+"init/I<package>.conf in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package>.conf ファイルã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:65
+msgid "debian/I<package>.service"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.service"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:67
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"service >> in the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and "
+msgstr ""
+"I<package>.conf ファイルã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:70 dh_systemd_enable:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.tmpfile"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.tmpfile"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:72
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in "
+"the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and below."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package>.conf ファイルã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:83
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts."
+msgstr "F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> スクリプトã¯å¤‰æ›´ã—ãªã„ã§ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:85
+msgid "B<-o>, B<--only-scripts>"
+msgstr "B<-o>, B<--only-scripts>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:87
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Only modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts, do not actually install "
+"any init script, default files, upstart job or systemd service file. May be "
+"useful if the file is shipped and/or installed by upstream in a way that "
+"doesn't make it easy to let B<dh_installinit> find it."
+msgstr ""
+"本オプションãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ã¨ã€å®Ÿéš›ã« init スクリプトã€ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã«ä½¿ã†ãƒ•ã‚¡"
+"イルã€upstart 用 job ファイルをインストールã›ãšã€F<postinst>/F<postrm>/"
+"F<prerm> スクリプトを変更ã™ã‚‹ã ã‘ã®å‹•ä½œã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã—ã€initスクリプトやã€"
+"upstart 用 job ファイルãŒã€B<dh_installinit> ã«ã¦å®¹æ˜“ã«è¦‹ã¤ã‘られãªã„よã†ãªã‚„"
+"ã‚Šæ–¹ã§ã€é–‹ç™ºå…ƒ (upstream) ã«å«ã¾ã‚Œã¦ã„ãŸã‚Šã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„るよ"
+"ã†ãªå ´åˆã«éƒ½åˆãŒè‰¯ã„ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:92
+msgid ""
+"B<Caveat>: This will bypass all the regular checks and I<unconditionally> "
+"modify the scripts. You will almost certainly want to use this with B<-p> "
+"to limit, which packages are affected by the call. Example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installinit:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_installinit:\n"
+"\tdh_installinit -pfoo --only-scripts\n"
+"\tdh_installinit --remaining\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_installinit:\n"
+"\tdh_installinit -pfoo --only-scripts\n"
+"\tdh_installinit --remaining\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:101
+msgid "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:103
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop the init script until after the package upgrade has been "
+"completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10."
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージã®ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—グレードãŒå®Œäº†ã™ã‚‹ã¾ã§ init スクリプト㮠stop 手続ãを呼ã³"
+"ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚通常ã¯ã€F<prerm> ã«ã¦ stop 手続ããŒå‘¼ã°ã‚Œã€F<postinst> ㌠start 手"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:106
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"In early compat levels, the default was to stop the script in the F<prerm>, "
+"and starts it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージã®ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—グレードãŒå®Œäº†ã™ã‚‹ã¾ã§ init スクリプト㮠stop 手続ãを呼ã³"
+"ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚通常ã¯ã€F<prerm> ã«ã¦ stop 手続ããŒå‘¼ã°ã‚Œã€F<postinst> ㌠start 手"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:109 dh_systemd_start:45
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful for daemons that should not have a possibly long downtime "
+"during upgrade. But you should make sure that the daemon will not get "
+"confused by the package being upgraded while it's running before using this "
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯ã€ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—グレード中ã«é•·ã動作ãŒåœæ­¢ã—ã¦ã¯ã„ã‘ãªã„よã†ãª "
+"daemon を扱ã†éš›ã«ä¾¿åˆ©ã§ã™ã€‚ã—ã‹ã—ãªãŒã‚‰ã€ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションを利用ã—㦠"
+"dh_installinit ãŒå‡¦ç†ã‚’ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹é–“ã®ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—グレード途中ã®ãƒ‘ッケージを daemon ãŒ"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:114 dh_systemd_start:50
+msgid "B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:116 dh_systemd_start:52
+msgid ""
+"Undo a previous B<--restart-after-upgrade> (or the default of compat 10). "
+"If no other options are given, this will cause the service to be stopped in "
+"the F<prerm> script and started again in the F<postinst> script."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:121 dh_systemd_start:57
+msgid "B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:123
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop init script on upgrade. This has the side-effect of not "
+"restarting the service as a part of the upgrade."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:126
+msgid ""
+"If you want to restart the service with minimal downtime, please use B<--"
+"restart-after-upgrade> (default in compat 10 or later). If you want the "
+"service to be restarted but be stopped during the upgrade, then please use "
+"B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> (note the \"after-upgrade\")."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:131
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> alias is deprecated and will be "
+"removed in compat 12. This is to avoid confusion with the B<--no-restart-"
+"after-upgrade> option. The B<--no-stop-on-upgrade> variant was introduced "
+"in debhelper 10.2 (included in Debian stretch)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:136 dh_systemd_start:61
+msgid "B<--no-start>"
+msgstr "B<--no-start>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:138
+msgid ""
+"Do not start the init script on install or upgrade, or stop it on removal. "
+"Only call B<update-rc.d>. Useful for rcS scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"インストール時ã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—グレード時㫠init スクリプトを start ã•ã›ã¾ã›"
+"ん。ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージを削除ã™ã‚‹æ™‚ã«ã‚‚ stop 手続ããŒå‘¼ã°ã‚Œãªããªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã"
+"ã®ä¸€æ–¹ã§ã€B<update-rc.d> ã®ã¿å‘¼ã³å‡ºã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚本オプション㯠rcS スクリプトを"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:141 dh_systemd_enable:86
+msgid "B<--no-enable>"
+msgstr "B<--no-enable>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:143
+msgid ""
+"Disable the init script on purge, but do not enable them on install. This "
+"implies a versioned dependency on B<< init-system-helpers (E<gt>= 1.51) >> "
+"as it is the first (functional) version that supports B<< update-rc.d "
+"E<lt>scriptE<gt> defaults-disabled >>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:148
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are started. "
+"Please remember to also use B<--no-start> if the service should not be "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:152
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-u>I<params> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>"
+msgid ""
+"Cannot be combined with B<-u>I<params>, B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>, or "
+"B<--> I<params>."
+msgstr "B<-u>I<params> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:155
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--remove-d>"
+msgstr "B<-d>, B<--remove-d>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:157
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Remove trailing B<d> from the name of the package, and use the result for "
+"the filename the upstart job file is installed as in F<etc/init/> , and for "
+"the filename the init script is installed as in etc/init.d and the default "
+"file is installed as in F<etc/default/>. This may be useful for daemons with "
+"names ending in B<d>. (Note: this takes precedence over the B<--init-script> "
+"parameter described below.)"
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージåã®æœ€å¾Œã® B<d> ã‚’å–り除ã„ãŸã‚‚ã®ã‚’F<etc/init/>以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™"
+"ã‚‹upstart 用 job ファイルã®åå‰ã¨ã—ã¦åˆ©ç”¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€etc/init.d 以下ã«"
+"> 以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚‚利用ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€åå‰ã®æœ€å¾ŒãŒ "
+"B<d> ã§çµ‚ã‚るよã†ãª daemon プログラムã«ä¾¿åˆ©ãªå ´åˆãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ (後ã«è¿°ã¹ã‚‹ B<--"
+"init-script> パラメータãŒä½œç”¨ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã‚Šå‰ã«å®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚Œã¾ã™)。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:164
+msgid "B<-u>I<params> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<params> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:168
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Pass I<params> to L<update-rc.d(8)>. If not specified, B<defaults> will "
+#| "be passed to L<update-rc.d(8)>."
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to L<update-rc.d(8)>. If not specified, B<defaults> (or "
+"B<defaults-disabled> with B<--no-enable>) will be passed to L<update-rc."
+msgstr ""
+"I<params> ã‚’ L<update-rc.d(8)> ã¸æ¸¡ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã—指定ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ã€"
+"B<defaults> パラメータ㌠L<update-rc.d(8)> ã¸æ¸¡ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:172
+msgid "Cannot be combined with B<--no-enable>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:176
+msgid ""
+"Install the init script (and default file) as well as upstart job file using "
+"the filename I<name> instead of the default filename, which is the package "
+"name. When this parameter is used, B<dh_installinit> looks for and installs "
+"files named F<debian/>, F<debian/> and "
+"F<debian/> instead of the usual F<debian/package.init>, "
+"F<debian/package.default> and F<debian/package.upstart>."
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージåã®ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã«ã€I<name> をファイルåã¨ã™ã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’ã€upstart 用 job "
+"ファイルやã€init スクリプト (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«) ã¨ã—ã¦åˆ©ç”¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"ã“ã®ãƒ‘ラメータãŒåˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨ã€B<dh_installinit> 㯠F<debian/"
+"upstart>ã€F<debian/>ã€F<debian/> を探"
+"ã—ã€ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’è¡Œã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã€é€šå¸¸ä½¿ã‚れる F<debian/package."
+"upstart>ã€F<debian/package.init>ã€F<debian/package.default> ã¯åˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã¾ã›"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:184
+msgid "B<--init-script=>I<scriptname>"
+msgstr "B<--init-script=>I<scriptname>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:186
+msgid ""
+"Use I<scriptname> as the filename the init script is installed as in F<etc/"
+"init.d/> (and also use it as the filename for the defaults file, if it is "
+"installed). If you use this parameter, B<dh_installinit> will look to see if "
+"a file in the F<debian/> directory exists that looks like F<package."
+"scriptname> and if so will install it as the init script in preference to "
+"the files it normally installs."
+msgstr ""
+"I<scriptname> ã‚’ F<etc/init.d/> 以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹ init スクリプトã®ãƒ•ã‚¡"
+"イルåã¨ã—ã¦åˆ©ç”¨ã—ã¾ã™ (デフォルトã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ãªã‚‰ã€ãã®æ™‚"
+"ã®åå‰ã¨ã—ã¦åˆ©ç”¨ã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã‚‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™) 。もã—ã“ã®ãƒ‘ラメータを利用ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€"
+"B<dh_installinit> 㯠F<debian/> ディレクトリ以下㫠F<package.scriptname> ã®ã‚ˆ"
+"優先ã—ã¦ã“ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªåå‰ã‚’æŒã¤ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’ init スクリプトã¨ã—ã¦æ‰±ã†ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:193
+msgid ""
+"This parameter is deprecated, use the B<--name> parameter instead. This "
+"parameter is incompatible with the use of upstart jobs."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ‘ラメータã¯å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚代ã‚ã‚Šã« B<--name> パラメータを利用ãã ã•"
+"ã„。ãªãŠã€B<--init-script=>I<scriptname> ã§ã¯ upstart 用 job ファイルを扱ã†ã‚ˆ"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:196
+msgid "B<--error-handler=>I<function>"
+msgstr "B<--error-handler=>I<function>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:198
+msgid ""
+"Call the named shell I<function> if running the init script fails. The "
+"function should be provided in the F<prerm> and F<postinst> scripts, before "
+"the B<#DEBHELPER#> token."
+msgstr ""
+"ã‚‚ã—initスクリプトã®å‹•ä½œãŒå¤±æ•—ã«çµ‚ã‚ã£ãŸæ™‚ã€ã‚·ã‚§ãƒ«é–¢æ•°ã® I<function> を呼ã³å‡º"
+"ã™ã‚ˆã†ã«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®é–¢æ•°ã¯ã€F<prerm> ã‚„ F<postinst> ã®ä¸­ã§å®šç¾©ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ãªã‘ã‚Œ"
+"ã°ãªã‚‰ãšã€ã¾ãŸã€B<#DEBHELPER#> å¥ãŒç¾ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã‚Šã‚‚å‰ã«å®šç¾©ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾"
+"ã™ã€‚ "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:415
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dh_installsystemd(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:423
+msgid "Steve Langasek <>"
+msgstr "Steve Langasek <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:425
+msgid "Michael Stapelberg <>"
+msgstr "Michael Stapelberg <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:5
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "dh_installinit - install service init files into package build directories"
+msgid "dh_installinitramfs - install initramfs hooks and setup maintscripts"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installinit - ビルドディレクトリ㫠service init ファイルをインストールã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:17
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgid "B<dh_installinitramfs> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:21
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installmime> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+#| "installing mime files into package build directories."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing Debian package provided initramfs hooks."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmime> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下㫠mime ファイル群をイン"
+"ストールã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:24
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+#| "needed to interface with the Debian B<menu> package. These commands are "
+#| "inserted into the maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgid ""
+"If B<dh_installinitramfs> installs or detects one or more initramfs hooks in "
+"the package, then it also automatically generates the noawait trigger "
+"B<update-initframfs> command needed to interface with the Debian initramfs "
+"system. This trigger is inserted into the packaging by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラムã¯ã€Debian B<menu> ã¨é€£æºã™ã‚‹ã®ã«å¿…è¦ãªå†…容をå«ã‚€ F<postinst> "
+"㨠F<postrm> コマンドを自動的ã«ç”Ÿæˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚生æˆã•ã‚ŒãŸ F<postinst> 㨠"
+"F<postrm> コマンド㯠L<dh_installdeb(1)> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トã¸çµ„ã¿è¾¼ã¾ã‚Œ"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinitramfs:34
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.init"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.initramfs-hook"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.init"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:36
+msgid ""
+"Assumed to be an initramfs hook that will be installed into F<< usr/share/"
+"initramfs-tools/hooks/I<package> >> in the package build directory. See "
+"B<HOOK SCRIPTS> in L<initramfs-tools(8)> for more information about "
+"initramfs hooks."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:49
+msgid ""
+"Do not add the B<update-initramfs> trigger even if it seems like the package "
+"might need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical reasons "
+"as B<dh_installinitramfs> would previously generate maintainer scripts that "
+"called B<update-initramfs -u>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:54
+msgid ""
+"Use this option, if you need to interface with the B<update-initramfs> "
+"system that is not satisfied by the noawait trigger (e.g. because you need "
+"the extra guarantees and head-aches of a await trigger)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:62
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+#| "between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+#| "instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts."
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+"instances of the same text to be added to triggers file."
+msgstr ""
+"数回呼ã³å‡ºã™éš›ã«ã¯å¿…ãšé–“ã« L<dh_prep(1)> を挿入ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。ã•ã‚‚ãªã„ã¨ã€ãƒ¡ãƒ³"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:93
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-initramfs(8)> L<initramfs-tools(8)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:5
+msgid "dh_installlogcheck - install logcheck rulefiles into etc/logcheck/"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installlogcheck - etc/logcheck/ 㫠logcheck 用ルールファイルをインストール"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:17
+msgid "B<dh_installlogcheck> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installlogcheck> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installlogcheck> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing logcheck rule files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installlogcheck> 㯠logcheck 用ã®ãƒ«ãƒ¼ãƒ«å®šç¾©ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã™ã‚‹å½¹"
+"目㮠debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.cracking"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.logcheck.cracking"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:30
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations.ignore"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations.ignore"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.workstation"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.workstation"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:36
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.paranoid"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.paranoid"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:40
+msgid ""
+"Each of these files, if present, are installed into corresponding "
+"subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/> in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒå­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ内㮠F<etc/"
+"logcheck/> サブディレクトリ以下ã«ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã«å¿œã˜ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:51
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them into "
+"the corresponding subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/>, but use the specified "
+"name instead of that of the package."
+msgstr ""
+"F<debian/*> ã®åå‰ã‚’æŒã¤ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’探ã—ã€ã“れらを F<etc/"
+"logcheck/> 以下ã®å„ファイルã«å¿œã˜ãŸå ´æ‰€ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®æ™‚ã€ãƒ‘ッケー"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installlogcheck:85
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"This program is a part of debhelper.\n"
+" \n"
+msgstr ""
+" \n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:89
+msgid "Jon Middleton <>"
+msgstr "Jon Middleton <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:5
+msgid "dh_installlogrotate - install logrotate config files"
+msgstr "dh_installlogrotate - logrotate用設定ファイルをインストールã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:17
+msgid "B<dh_installlogrotate> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installlogrotate> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installlogrotate> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing logrotate config files into F<etc/logrotate.d> in package build "
+"directories. Files named F<debian/package.logrotate> are installed."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installlogrotate> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ内ã«ã‚ã‚‹ F<etc/"
+"logrotate.d> 㸠logrotate 用設定ファイルをインストールã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper プ"
+"ログラムã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚F<debian/package.logrotate> ã¨ã„ã†åå‰ã‚’æŒã¤ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ç¾¤ãŒ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:31
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/> and install them as "
+"F<etc/logrotate.d/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing "
+"them as the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"F<debian/> ã¨ã„ã†åå‰ã‚’æŒã¤ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’探ã—ã€F<etc/"
+"logrotate.d/name> ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’è¡Œã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã€é€šå¸¸ä½¿ã†ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:5
+msgid "dh_installman - install man pages into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installman - パッケージビルドディレクトリ以下㫠man ページをインストールã™"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:18
+msgid "B<dh_installman> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<manpage> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installman> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<manpage> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:22
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installmanpages> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+#| "automatically installing man pages into F<usr/share/man/> in package "
+#| "build directories."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> is a debhelper program that handles installing man pages "
+"into the correct locations in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚ã‚‹ F<usr/share/"
+"man/> ディレクトリ㸠man ページを自動的ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper プ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:25
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 and earlier, this program was primarily for when upstream's "
+"build system does not properly install them as a part of its install step "
+"(or it does not have an install step). In compat 11 and later, it also "
+"supports the default searchdir plus --sourcedir like dh_install(1) and has "
+"the advantage that it respects the nodoc build profile (unlike "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:32
+msgid ""
+"Even if you prefer to use L<dh_install(1)> for installing the manpages, "
+"B<dh_installman> can still be useful for converting the manpage encoding to "
+"UTF-8 and for converting F<.so> links (as described below). However, that "
+"part happens automatically without any explicit configuration."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:38
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installman> is a debhelper program that handles installing man pages "
+#| "into the correct locations in package build directories. You tell it what "
+#| "man pages go in your packages, and it figures out where to install them "
+#| "based on the section field in their B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line. If you have a "
+#| "properly formatted B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line, your man page will be installed "
+#| "into the right directory, with the right name (this includes proper "
+#| "handling of pages with a subsection, like B<3perl>, which are placed in "
+#| "F<man3>, and given an extension of F<.3perl>). If your B<.TH> or B<.Dt> "
+#| "line is incorrect or missing, the program may guess wrong based on the "
+#| "file extension."
+msgid ""
+"You tell B<dh_installman> what man pages go in your packages, and it figures "
+"out where to install them based on the section field in their B<.TH> or B<."
+"Dt> line. If you have a properly formatted B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line, your man "
+"page will be installed into the right directory, with the right name (this "
+"includes proper handling of pages with a subsection, like B<3perl>, which "
+"are placed in F<man3>, and given an extension of F<.3perl>). If your B<.TH> "
+"or B<.Dt> line is incorrect or missing, the program may guess wrong based on "
+"the file extension."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> ã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ内ã®æ­£ã—ã„ä½ç½®ã« man ページ"
+"をインストールã™ã‚‹d ebhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚パッケージã«ã©ã‚“㪠man ページãŒ"
+"å…¥ã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã‹ã‚’指定ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€å„ man ページã«è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ B<.TH> ã‚„ B<.Dt> è¡Œã«"
+"ã‚る章番å·ã«åŸºã¥ã man ページをã©ã“ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚Œã°è‰¯ã„ã‹ã‚’見ã¤ã‘出ã—ã¾"
+"ã™ã€‚書å¼ã©ãŠã‚Šã®æ­£ã—ã„ B<.TH> ã‚„ B<.Dt> ãŒã‚ã‚Œã°ã€ãã® man ページã¯æ­£ã—ã„ディ"
+"レクトリã«ã€æ­£ã—ã„åå‰ã§ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ (ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€ä¾‹ãˆã° B<3perl>㧠ã‚ã‚Œ"
+"ã°ã€é©åˆ‡ãªã‚µãƒ–セクションã«å¯¾ã™ã‚‹ man ページã¨ã—ã¦æ‰±ã‚ã‚Œã€F<man3> 以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹"
+"トールã•ã‚Œã€F<.3perl> ã¨ã„ã†æ‹¡å¼µå­ãŒä¸Žãˆã‚‰ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨ã„ã†äº‹ã‚‚å«ã¿ã¾ã™)。もã—ã€B<."
+"TH> ã‚„ B<.Dt> ãŒé–“é•ã£ã¦ã„ãŸã‚Šã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ãªã‹ã£ãŸã‚Šã—ãŸå ´åˆã€ãƒ—ログラムã¯ã‚¤ãƒ³"
+"ストールã—よã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ man ページã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã®æ‹¡å¼µå­ã‹ã‚‰ã€é–“é•ã£ãŸåˆ¤æ–­ã‚’ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:47
+msgid ""
+"It also supports translated man pages, by looking for extensions like F<."
+"ll.8> and F<.ll_LL.8>, or by use of the B<--language> switch."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ç¿»è¨³ã•ã‚ŒãŸ man ページã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã‚‚ã€F<.ll.8> ã‚„ F<.ll_LL.8> ã®æ‹¡å¼µ"
+"å­ã«æŒã¤ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’探ã™äº‹ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€B<--language> を指定ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã«ã‚ˆã£"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:50
+msgid ""
+"If B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into the wrong section or "
+"with the wrong extension, this is because the man page has the wrong section "
+"listed in its B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line. Edit the man page and correct the "
+"section, and B<dh_installman> will follow suit. See L<man(7)> for details "
+"about the B<.TH> section, and L<mdoc(7)> for the B<.Dt> section. If "
+"B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into a directory like F</usr/"
+"share/man/pl/man1/>, that is because your program has a name like F<>, "
+"and B<dh_installman> assumes that means it is translated into Polish. Use "
+"B<--language=C> to avoid this."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> ãŒé–“é•ã£ãŸç« ç•ªå·ã‚„ã€é–“é•ã£ãŸæ‹¡å¼µå­ã‚’ã¤ã‘㦠man ページをイン"
+"ストールã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«è¦‹ãˆã‚‹ã¨ããŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€man ページãŒé–“é•ã£ãŸç« ç•ªå·ã‚’ "
+"B<.TH> ã‚„ B<.Dt> è¡Œã«åˆ—挙ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã®ãŒåŽŸå› ã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã€man ページを編集ã—"
+"ã¦ã€ç« ç•ªå·ã‚’æ­£ã—ãã™ã‚Œã°ã€B<dh_installman> ã¯æ„図ã©ãŠã‚Šã«å‹•ä½œã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾"
+"ã™ã€‚B<.TH> ç« ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã®è©³ç´°ã¯ L<man(7)> ã‚’å‚ç…§ãã ã•ã„。ã•ã‚‰ã«ã€B<.Dt> ç« ã«ã¤"
+"ã„ã¦ã¯ã€L<mdoc(7)> ã‚’å‚ç…§ãã ã•ã„。ã¾ãŸã€B<dh_installman> ㌠F</usr/share/"
+"man/pl/man1/> ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã¸ man ページをインストールã—ã¦ã—ã¾ã†å ´åˆãŒ"
+"ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージã«F <> ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªåå‰ã‚’æŒã¤ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒã‚ã‚Šã€"
+"B<dh_installman> ãŒã“れをãƒãƒ¼ãƒ©ãƒ³ãƒ‰èªžã¸ã®ç¿»è¨³æ¸ˆã¿ man ページã¨å‹˜é•ã„ã™ã‚‹æ™‚ã¨"
+"ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å‹•ä½œã‚’é¿ã‘ã‚‹ã«ã¯ã€B<--language=C> を利用ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:60
+msgid ""
+"After the man page installation step, B<dh_installman> will check to see if "
+"any of the man pages in the temporary directories of any of the packages it "
+"is acting on contain F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to symlinks."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> ã¯ã€man ページをインストールã—ãŸå¾Œã«ã€å‡¦ç†ã‚’è¡Œã£ãŸãƒ‘ッケージ"
+"内ã®ä¸€æ™‚ディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚ã‚‹å…¨ man ページを対象ã«ã€F<.so> リンクをå«ã‚€ã‹ã©"
+"ã†ã‹ã‚’確èªã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã—存在ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã§ã‚ã‚Œã°ã€ãã® man ページ本体をシンボリック"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:64
+msgid ""
+"Also, B<dh_installman> will use man to guess the character encoding of each "
+"manual page and convert it to UTF-8. If the guesswork fails for some reason, "
+"you can override it using an encoding declaration. See L<manconv(1)> for "
+msgstr ""
+"ã¾ãŸã€B<dh_installman> 㯠man コマンドを使ã£ã¦ã€man ページã®æ–‡å­—コードを推定"
+"ã—ã€UTF-8 ã«å¤‰æ›ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®æŽ¨å®šä½œæ¥­ã¯å¤±æ•—ã«çµ‚ã‚る事ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã®ã§ã€æ–‡å­—コード宣"
+"言文を使ã£ã¦æ¤œå‡ºã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã¹ã文字コードã®æƒ…報を上書ãã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚詳細ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã¯ "
+"L<manconv(1)> ã‚’å‚ç…§ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:77
+msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:79
+msgid "Lists man pages to be installed."
+msgstr "インストールã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã¹ã man ページを列挙ã—ãŸã‚‚ã®ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:95
+msgid "B<--language=>I<ll>"
+msgstr "B<--language=>I<ll>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:97
+msgid ""
+"Use this to specify that the man pages being acted on are written in the "
+"specified language."
+msgstr ""
+"処ç†äºˆå®šã® man ページãŒã©ã‚“ãªè¨€èªžã§è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ã‹ã‚’ã“ã¡ã‚‰ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションを使ã£"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:110
+msgid "I<manpage> ..."
+msgstr "I<manpage> ..."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:112
+msgid ""
+"Install these man pages into the first package acted on. (Or in all packages "
+"if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"最åˆã«å‡¦ç†ã™ã‚‹ãƒ‘ッケージã«ã“れら㮠man ページをインストールã—ã¾ã™ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€"
+"B<-A> ãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚ŒãŸå ´åˆã¯ã€å…¨ãƒ‘ッケージã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’è¡Œã„ã¾ã™) "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:119
+msgid "An example F<debian/manpages> file could look like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installman:121
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" doc/man/foo.1\n"
+" # Translations\n"
+" doc/man/foo.da.1\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # NB: The following line is considered a polish translation\n"
+" # of \"foo.1\" (and not a manpage written in perl called \"\")\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:133
+msgid ""
+"An older version of this program, L<dh_installmanpages(1)>, is still used by "
+"some packages, and so is still included in debhelper. It is, however, "
+"deprecated, due to its counterintuitive and inconsistent interface. Use this "
+"program instead."
+msgstr ""
+"本プログラムã®æ˜”ã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã®ãƒ—ログラムã§ã‚ã‚‹ L<dh_installmanpages(1)> を未"
+"ã ã«åˆ©ç”¨ã—ã¦ã„るパッケージãŒå­˜åœ¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€L<dh_installmanpages(1)> ã¯æœªã "
+"ã« debhelper ã«æ¢±åŒ…ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ã—ã‹ã—ãªãŒã‚‰ã€ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラムã¯ã€éžç›´æ„Ÿçš„ã§çµ±"
+"ログラムを使ã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:5
+msgid "dh_installmanpages - old-style man page installer (deprecated)"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmanpages - å¤ã„スタイル㮠man ページã®ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ç”¨ãƒ—ログラム (廃"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:18
+msgid "B<dh_installmanpages> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmanpages> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"automatically installing man pages into F<usr/share/man/> in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚ã‚‹ F<usr/share/"
+"man/> ディレクトリ㸠man ページを自動的ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper プ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:26
+msgid ""
+"This is a DWIM-style program, with an interface unlike the rest of "
+"debhelper. It is deprecated, and you are encouraged to use "
+"L<dh_installman(1)> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€ã„ã‚ゆる「良ãã«è¨ˆã‚‰ãˆ (DWIM)ã€ã‚¹ã‚¿ã‚¤ãƒ«ã®ãƒ—ログラムã§ã‚ã‚Šã€ä»–ã® "
+"debhelper ã¨ã¯ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¿ãƒ¼ãƒ•ã‚§ãƒ¼ã‚¹ä»•æ§˜ãŒç•°ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚本プログラムã¯å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹"
+"ã®ã§ã€ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã« L<dh_installman(1)> コマンドを使ã†ã‚ˆã†ã«ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:30
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> scans the current directory and all subdirectories for "
+"filenames that look like man pages. (Note that only real files are looked "
+"at; symlinks are ignored.) It uses L<file(1)> to verify that the files are "
+"in the correct format. Then, based on the files' extensions, it installs "
+"them into the correct man directory."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> 㯠man ページらã—ãåå‰ã‚’æŒã¤ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’ã€ã‚«ãƒ¬ãƒ³ãƒˆãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬"
+"クトリやã€ã‚«ãƒ¬ãƒ³ãƒˆãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªä»¥ä¸‹ã®å…¨ã¦ã®ã‚µãƒ–ディレクトリã§æŽ¢ã—回りã¾ã™ "
+"ã™)。本プログラムã¯ã€L<file(1)> コマンドを使ã£ã¦ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒæ­£ã—ã„フォーマット"
+"ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã‹ã‚’検証ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ãã®ç‚ºã€æ‹¡å¼µå­ã«ã—ãŸãŒã„ã€å‡¦ç†å¯¾è±¡ã® man ページを正ã—"
+"ã„ man ページ用ディレクトリã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:36
+msgid ""
+"All filenames specified as parameters will be skipped by "
+"B<dh_installmanpages>. This is useful if by default it installs some man "
+"pages that you do not want to be installed."
+msgstr ""
+"パラメータã¨ã—ã¦æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„るファイルã¯ã€å…¨ã¦ B<dh_installmanpages> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šç„¡"
+"視ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã§ã¯æ„図ã—ãªã„場所㫠man ページãŒã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•"
+"ã‚Œã¦ã—ã¾ã†å ´åˆã«ä¾¿åˆ©ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:40
+msgid ""
+"After the man page installation step, B<dh_installmanpages> will check to "
+"see if any of the man pages are F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to "
+msgstr ""
+"manページã®ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ãŒçµ‚ã‚ã£ãŸã‚ã¨ã€B<dh_installmanpages> ã¯å‡¦ç†å¯¾è±¡ã® "
+"man ページ㌠F<.so> リンクã®å¯¾è±¡ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã‹ã©ã†ã‹ã‚’調ã¹ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã—ãã†ã§ã‚ã‚Œã°ã€"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:49
+msgid ""
+"Do not install these files as man pages, even if they look like valid man "
+msgstr ""
+"有効㪠man ページã®ã‚ˆã†ã«ã¿ãˆã¦ã‚‚ã€ã“れらファイルを man ページã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹"
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_installmanpages:54
+msgid "BUGS"
+msgstr "ãƒã‚°"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:56
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> will install the man pages it finds into B<all> "
+"packages you tell it to act on, since it can't tell what package the man "
+"pages belong in. This is almost never what you really want (use B<-p> to "
+"work around this, or use the much better L<dh_installman(1)> program "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> ã¯ä½œæ¥­ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«æŒ‡å®šã—㟠B<全パッケージ> ã§ç™ºè¦‹ã—㟠"
+"man ページをã„ã£ãºã‚“ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã—ã¦ã—ã¾ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€ã©ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«ã©"
+"ã® man ページãŒå¯¾å¿œã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã‹ã«ã¤ã„ã¦æŒ‡å®šã™ã‚‹æ–¹æ³•ãŒãªã„為ã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å‹•ä½œã¯å¤šã"
+"ã®ã‚±ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã§å¿…ãšã—も望ã¾ã—ããªã„動作ã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ (B<-p> を指定ã™ã‚‹äº‹ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€æœ¬å•"
+"題を回é¿ã§ãã¾ã™ãŒã€ã‚‚ã£ã¨è‰¯ã„ã®ã¯ã€L<dh_installman(1)> を代ã‚ã‚Šã«ä½¿ã†äº‹ã§"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:61
+msgid "Files ending in F<.man> will be ignored."
+msgstr "F<.man> ã§ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«åãŒçµ‚ã‚ã£ã¦ã„るファイルã¯ç„¡è¦–ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:63
+msgid ""
+"Files specified as parameters that contain spaces in their filenames will "
+"not be processed properly."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installmenu - install Debian menu files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmenu - ビルドディレクトリ㸠Debian メニューファイルをインストールã™"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:17
+msgid "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmenu> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files used by the Debian B<menu> package into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmenu> 㯠Debian B<menu> パッケージを使ã£ã¦ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレ"
+"クトリ以下ã«ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:24
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+"needed to interface with the Debian B<menu> package. These commands are "
+"inserted into the maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラムã¯ã€Debian B<menu> ã¨é€£æºã™ã‚‹ã®ã«å¿…è¦ãªå†…容をå«ã‚€ F<postinst> "
+"㨠F<postrm> コマンドを自動的ã«ç”Ÿæˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚生æˆã•ã‚ŒãŸ F<postinst> 㨠"
+"F<postrm> コマンド㯠L<dh_installdeb(1)> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トã¸çµ„ã¿è¾¼ã¾ã‚Œ"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmenu:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.menu"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.menu"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:34
+msgid ""
+"Debian menu files, installed into usr/share/menu/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory. See L<menufile(5)> for its format."
+msgstr ""
+"menu/I<package> ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚フォーマットã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã¯ "
+"L<menufile(5)> ã‚’å‚ç…§ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmenu:37
+msgid "debian/I<package>.menu-method"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.menu-method"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:39
+msgid ""
+"Debian menu method files, installed into etc/menu-methods/I<package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Debian メニューメソッドファイルã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã¡ã‚‰ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下"
+"ã«ã‚ã‚‹ etc/menu-methods/I<package> ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:50
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr "F<postinst>/F<postrm> スクリプトを変更ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:90
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:5
+msgid "dh_installmime - install mime files into package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_installmime - mime ファイルをビルドディレクトリã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:17
+msgid "B<dh_installmime> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmime> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmime> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"mime files into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmime> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下㫠mime ファイル群をイン"
+"ストールã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmime:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.mime"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.mime"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into usr/lib/mime/packages/I<package> in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージビルドディレクトリ内㮠usr/lib/mime/packages/I<package> ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmime:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.sharedmimeinfo"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.sharedmimeinfo"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:35
+msgid ""
+"Installed into /usr/share/mime/packages/I<package>.xml in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージビルドディレクトリ内㮠/usr/share/mime/packages/I<package>.xml ã¸ã‚¤"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:5
+msgid "dh_installmodules - register kernel modules"
+msgstr "dh_installmodules - カーãƒãƒ«ãƒ¢ã‚¸ãƒ¥ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’登録ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"registering kernel modules."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> ã¯ã€ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒãƒ«ãƒ¢ã‚¸ãƒ¥ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’登録ã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper プログ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:25
+msgid ""
+"Kernel modules are searched for in the package build directory and if found, "
+"F<preinst>, F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands are automatically generated "
+"to run B<depmod> and register the modules when the package is installed. "
+"These commands are inserted into the maintainer scripts by "
+msgstr ""
+"F<preinst>, F<postinst>, F<postrm> コマンドãŒè‡ªå‹•çš„ã«ç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ã“れらコマ"
+"ンドã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージをインストールã™ã‚‹éš›ã«ã€B<depmod> を実行ã—ã€ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒãƒ«ãƒ¢"
+"ジュールを登録ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãªå†…容ã¨ãªã£ã¦ãŠã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã“れらã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トã¸æŒ¿å…¥ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmodules:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.modprobe"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.modprobe"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:37
+msgid ""
+"Installed to etc/modprobe.d/I<package>.conf in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package>.conf ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:47
+msgid "Do not modify F<preinst>/F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr "F<preinst>/F<postinst>/F<postrm> スクリプトを変更ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:51
+msgid ""
+"When this parameter is used, B<dh_installmodules> looks for and installs "
+"files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.modprobe instead of the usual debian/"
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ‘ラメータãŒåˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨ã€B<dh_installmodules> ã¯é€šå¸¸åˆ©ç”¨ã™ã‚‹ debian/"
+"I<package>.modprobe ファイルã®ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã« debian/I<package>.I<name>.modprobe "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:5
+msgid "dh_installpam - install pam support files"
+msgstr "dh_installpam - pam サãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:17
+msgid "B<dh_installpam> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installpam> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installpam> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files used by PAM into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installpam> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下㫠PAM ã§åˆ©ç”¨ã™ã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«"
+"をインストールã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installpam:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.pam"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.pam"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:30
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Installed into etc/pam.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgid "Installed into usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れらファイルã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ内㮠etc/pam.d/I<package> ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:32
+msgid ""
+"Until compatibility level 14 this file was installed under etc/pam.d/"
+"I<package>. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:44
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Look for files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.pam and install them as "
+#| "etc/pam.d/I<name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+#| "using the package name."
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.pam and install them as usr/"
+"lib/pam.d/I<name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+"using the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"debian/I<package>.I<name>.pam ã¨åã®ã¤ãファイルを探ã—ã€etc/pam.d/I<name> 以"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:5
+msgid "dh_installppp - install ppp ip-up and ip-down files"
+msgstr "dh_installppp - ppp 用㮠ip-up, ip-down ファイルをインストールã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:17
+msgid "B<dh_installppp> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installppp> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installppp> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"ppp ip-up and ip-down scripts into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installppp> 㯠ppp 用㮠ip-up, ip-down スクリプトをパッケージビルドディ"
+"レクトリ以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã‚’æŒã¤ debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installppp:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-up"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/ppp/ip-up.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package> ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installppp:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-down"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:34
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/ppp/ip-down.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package> ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:44
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as "
+"F<etc/ppp/ip-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+"as the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"F<debian/*> ã¨åå‰ã®ã¤ãファイルを探ã—ã€F<etc/ppp/ip-*/"
+"name> 以下ã«ã“れらをインストールã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã¡ã‚‰ãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨ã€é€šå¸¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:5
+msgid "dh_installudev - install udev rules files"
+msgstr "dh_installudev - udev 用ルールファイルをインストールã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installudev> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installudev> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installudev> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"B<udev> rules files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installudev> 㯠B<udev> 用ルールファイルをインストールã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã‚’æŒã¤ "
+"debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installudev:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.udev"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.udev"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:30
+msgid "Installed into F<lib/udev/rules.d/> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れらファイルã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ内㮠F<lib/udev/rules.d/> ã¸ã‚¤"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:40
+msgid ""
+"When this parameter is used, B<dh_installudev> looks for and installs files "
+"named debian/I<package>.I<name>.udev instead of the usual debian/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ‘ラメータを利用ã™ã‚‹æ™‚ã¯ã€B<dh_installudev> 㯠debian/I<package>.I<name>."
+"udev ã¨åå‰ã®ã‚るファイルを探ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚通常使ã‚れるã¯ãšã® "
+"debian/I<package>.udev ã¯ã“ã®ãƒ‘ラメータãŒåˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã¯åˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installudev:44
+msgid "B<--priority=>I<priority>"
+msgstr "B<--priority=>I<priority>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:46
+msgid "Sets the priority the file. Default is 60."
+msgstr "ファイルã®å„ªå…ˆé †ä½ã‚’指定ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚デフォルト㯠60 ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:5
+msgid "dh_installwm - register a window manager"
+msgstr "dh_installwm - ウィンドウマãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ£ã‚’登録ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+"[S<I<wm> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+"[S<I<wm> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:21
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installwm> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+#| "the F<postinst> and F<prerm> commands that register a window manager with "
+#| "L<update-alternatives(8)>. The window manager's man page is also "
+#| "registered as a slave symlink (in v6 mode and up), if it is found in "
+#| "F<usr/share/man/man1/> in the package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+"the F<postinst> and F<prerm> commands that register a window manager with "
+"L<update-alternatives(8)>. The window manager's man page is also registered "
+"as a slave symlink (in v6 mode and up). It must be installed in F<usr/share/"
+"man/man1/> in the package build directory prior to calling B<dh_installwm>. "
+"In compat 9 and earlier, the manpage was optional."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> ã¯ã€L<update-alternatives(8)> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã‚¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚¦ãƒžãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ£ã‚’ç™»"
+"録ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãª F<postinst> 㨠F<prerm> コマンドを生æˆã™ã‚‹å½¹å‰²ã® debhelper プロ"
+"グラムã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã—ã€ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã—よã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„るウインドウマãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ£ã® "
+"man ページãŒã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下㮠F<usr/share/man/man1/> ã«å­˜"
+"在ã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã€ã“ã® man ページã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒª"
+"ンクã§ç™»éŒ²ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ (互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« v6 以上)。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installwm:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.wm"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.wm"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:34
+msgid "List window manager programs to register."
+msgstr "登録ã™ã¹ãウインドウマãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ£ã‚’列挙ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:47
+msgid ""
+"Set the priority of the window manager. Default is 20, which is too low for "
+"most window managers; see the Debian Policy document for instructions on "
+"calculating the correct value."
+msgstr ""
+"ウインドウマãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ£ã®å„ªå…ˆé †ä½ã‚’設定ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚デフォルト㯠20 ã§ã€ã“ã¡ã‚‰ã¯ã»ã¨"
+"ã‚“ã©ã®ã‚¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚¦ãƒžãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ£ã«ã¯ä½Žã™ãŽã‚‹å„ªå…ˆé †ä½ã§ã™ã€‚æ­£ã—ã„値を算出ã™ã‚‹æ‰‹é †ã«"
+"ã¤ã„ã¦ã¯ã€Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ãƒžãƒ‹ãƒ¥ã‚¢ãƒ«ã‚’å‚ç…§ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:53
+msgid ""
+"Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts. Turns this command into a no-op."
+msgstr ""
+"F<postinst>/F<prerm> スクリプトを変更ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“。ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€ã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—ト"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:57
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Create any links specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+#| "acted on, not just the first."
+msgid ""
+"Modify scripts for window managers specified by command line parameters in "
+"ALL packages acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installwm:60
+msgid "I<wm> ..."
+msgstr "I<wm> ..."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:62
+msgid "Window manager programs to register."
+msgstr "登録ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚¦ãƒžãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ£ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:5
+msgid "dh_installxfonts - register X fonts"
+msgstr "dh_installxfonts - X 用フォント群ã®ç™»éŒ²ã‚’è¡Œã†"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:17
+msgid "B<dh_installxfonts> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installxfonts> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installxfonts> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"registering X fonts, so their corresponding F<fonts.dir>, F<fonts.alias>, "
+"and F<fonts.scale> be rebuilt properly at install time."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installxfonts> ã¯ã€X 用ã®ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ³ãƒˆã‚’登録ã—ã€ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ³ãƒˆã«é–¢ä¿‚ã™ã‚‹ F<fonts."
+"dir>, F<fonts.alias>, F<fonts.scale> ã‚’å†ãƒ“ルドã—ã¦æ­£ã—ã„内容ã«ãªã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ã—ã¾"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:25
+msgid ""
+"Before calling this program, you should have installed any X fonts provided "
+"by your package into the appropriate location in the package build "
+"directory, and if you have F<fonts.alias> or F<fonts.scale> files, you "
+"should install them into the correct location under F<etc/X11/fonts> in your "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラムを呼ã³å‡ºã™å‰ã«ã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ内ã®é©åˆ‡ãªå ´æ‰€ã«ã€"
+"ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下㮠F<etc/X11/fonts> 以下ã®æ­£"
+"ã—ã„場所㫠F<fonts.alias> ã‚„ F<fonts.scale> ファイルをインストールã—ã¦ãŠãå¿…"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:31
+msgid ""
+"Your package should depend on B<xfonts-utils> so that the B<update-fonts-"
+">I<*> commands are available. (This program adds that dependency to B<${misc:"
+msgstr ""
+"B<update-fonts->I<*> コマンドãŒåˆ©ç”¨å¯èƒ½ãªã‚ˆã†ã« B<xfonts-utils> ã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ã®ä¾"
+"存関係を記載ã—ã¦ãŠãå¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ (本プログラム㯠B<${misc:Depends}> ã¸ã“ã®"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:35
+msgid ""
+"This program automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+"needed to register X fonts. These commands are inserted into the maintainer "
+"scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of "
+"how this works."
+msgstr ""
+"本プログラム㯠X フォントを登録ã™ã‚‹ã®ã«å¿…è¦ãª F<postinst> 㨠F<postrm> コマン"
+"ドを機械的ã«ç”Ÿæˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚生æˆã•ã‚Œã‚‹ F<postinst> 㨠F<postrm> 㯠"
+"B<dh_installdeb> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トã«æŒ¿å…¥ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã¡ã‚‰ã®å‹•ä½œã«ã¤ã„"
+"ã¦ã¯ã€L<dh_installdeb(1)> ã‚’å‚ç…§ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:42
+msgid ""
+"See L<update-fonts-alias(8)>, L<update-fonts-scale(8)>, and L<update-fonts-"
+"dir(8)> for more information about X font installation."
+msgstr ""
+"X 用フォントã®ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã•ã‚‰ã«æƒ…å ±ãŒå¿…è¦ãªå ´åˆã¯ã€L<update-fonts-"
+"alias(8)>, L<update-fonts-scale(8)>, L<update-fonts-dir(8)> ã‚’å‚ç…§ã—ã¦ãã ã•"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:45
+msgid ""
+"See Debian policy, section 11.8.5. for details about doing fonts the Debian "
+msgstr ""
+"Debian æµã§ã®ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ³ãƒˆã®å–扱ã„詳細ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã¯ã€Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ãƒžãƒ‹ãƒ¥ã‚¢ãƒ«ã® "
+"11.8.5 ç« ã‚’å‚ç…§ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:5
+msgid "dh_link - create symlinks in package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_link - パッケージビルドディレクトリ内ã§ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã‚’作æˆã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<source "
+"destination> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<source "
+"destination> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> is a debhelper program that creates symlinks in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ内ã§ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã‚’作æˆã™ã‚‹ "
+"debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:25
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_link> accepts a list of pairs of source and destination files. The "
+#| "source files are the already existing files that will be symlinked from. "
+#| "The destination files are the symlinks that will be created. There "
+#| "B<must> be an equal number of source and destination files specified."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> accepts a list of pairs of source and destination files. The "
+"source files are the already existing files that will be symlinked from "
+"(called B<target> by L<ln(1)>). The destination files are the symlinks that "
+"will be created (called B<link name> by L<ln(1)>). There B<must> be an equal "
+"number of source and destination files specified."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> コマンドã¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã‚’張りãŸã„å…ƒã¨å…ˆã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«åをペアã«ã—ãŸã‚‚ã®ã®ä¸€è¦§"
+"リンクを張る元ã¨å…ˆã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«åã¯åŒã˜æ•°ã ã‘指定ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒB<å¿…é ˆ>ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:32
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Be sure you B<do> specify the full filename to both the source and "
+#| "destination files (unlike you would do if you were using something like "
+#| "L<ln(1)>)."
+msgid ""
+"Be sure you B<do> specify the absolute path to both the source and "
+"destination files (unlike you would do if you were using something like "
+"L<ln(1)>). Please note that the leading slash is optional."
+msgstr ""
+"リンク元ã¨å…ˆã®å®Œå…¨ãªãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«åを指定ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚’B<å¿…ãš>確ã‹ã‚ã¦ãã ã•ã„ "
+"(L<ln(1)> ã‹ä½•ã‹ã‚’使ã£ã¦ã„る時ã¨ã¯é•ã£ã¦å…¥å¿µã«èª¿ã¹ã¦ãã ã•ã„)。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:36
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> will generate symlinks that comply with Debian policy - absolute "
+"when policy says they should be absolute, and relative links with as short a "
+"path as possible. It will also create any subdirectories it needs to put the "
+"symlinks in."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> 㯠Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ã«æº–æ‹ ã—ãŸå½¢ã§ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã‚’生æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“"
+"ã‚Œã¯ã€Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ã§ã€çµ¶å¯¾ãƒ‘スã§æŒ‡å®šã™ã¹ãã‚‚ã®ã¯çµ¶å¯¾ãƒ‘スã§ã€ã¾ãŸã€ç›¸å¯¾ãƒ‘ス"
+"ã®å ´åˆã¯ã§ãã‚‹é™ã‚ŠçŸ­ã„パス指定をæŒã¤ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã‚’作æˆã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã«ãªã£ã¦"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:41
+msgid "Any pre-existing destination files will be replaced with symlinks."
+msgstr ""
+"ã‚‚ã—シンボリックリンクを作æˆã—よã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„る場所ã«åŒåã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒå­˜åœ¨ã—ãŸå ´"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:43
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> also scans the package build tree for existing symlinks which do "
+"not conform to Debian policy, and corrects them (v4 or later)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> ã¯ã€ã¾ãŸã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドツリー以下ã§ã€Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ãƒžãƒ‹ãƒ¥ã‚¢ãƒ«"
+"ã—ããªã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ä¿®æ­£ã—ã¾ã™ (互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« v4 以上)。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_link:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.links"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.links"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:52
+msgid ""
+"Lists pairs of source and destination files to be symlinked. Each pair "
+"should be put on its own line, with the source and destination separated by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:56
+msgid ""
+"In each pair the source file (called B<target> by L<ln(1)>) comes first and "
+"is followed by the destination file (called B<link name> by L<ln(1)>). Thus "
+"the pairs of source and destination files in each line are given in the same "
+"order as they would be given to L<ln(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:61
+msgid ""
+"In contrast to L<ln(1)>, source and destination paths must be absolute (the "
+"leading slash is optional)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:75
+msgid ""
+"Create any links specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+"on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:80
+msgid ""
+"Exclude symlinks that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"corrected to comply with Debian policy."
+msgstr ""
+"ファイルåã®ä¸€éƒ¨ã« I<item> ã‚’å«ã‚€ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã‚’ã€Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼æº–æ‹ ã®"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_link:83
+msgid "I<source destination> ..."
+msgstr "I<source destination> ..."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:85
+msgid ""
+"Create a file named I<destination> as a link to a file named I<source>. Do "
+"this in the package build directory of the first package acted on. (Or in "
+"all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"I<source> ã¨ã„ã†åå‰ã¸ã®ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¨ã—㦠I<destination> ã¨ã„ã†åå‰ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡"
+"æ“作を行ã„ã¾ã™ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€B<-A> ãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã¯å…¨ãƒ‘ッケージã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ä½œ"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:93
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_link usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_link usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:95
+msgid "Make F<bar.1> be a symlink to F<foo.1>"
+msgstr "F<foo.1> ã¸ã®ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã¨ã—㦠F<bar.1> を作æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:100
+msgid ""
+"Make F</usr/lib/foo/> be a link to F</var/lib/foo/>, and F<bar.1> be a "
+"symlink to the F<foo.1>"
+msgstr ""
+"F</var/lib/foo/> ã¸ã®ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã¨ã—㦠F</usr/lib/foo/> を作æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"ã¾ãŸã€F<foo.1> ã¸ã®ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã¨ã—ã¦ã€F<bar.1> を作æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:103
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| " dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+#| " usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+" var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:106
+msgid "Same as above but as content for a debian/I<package>.links file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_lintian - install lintian override files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_lintian - ビルドディレクトリ㫠lintian ã¸ã® override ファイルをインストー"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:17
+msgid "B<dh_lintian> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_lintian> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:21
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_lintian> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"override files used by lintian into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_lintian> ã¯ã€lintian ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦åˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ lintian 用ã®å†å®šç¾©ç”¨ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’ã€"
+"パッケージビルドディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper プログラム"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_lintian:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.lintian-overrides"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.lintian-overrides"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into usr/share/lintian/overrides/I<package> in the package build "
+"directory. This file is used to suppress erroneous lintian diagnostics."
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージビルドディレクトリ以下㮠usr/share/lintian/overrides/I<package> ã¸"
+"インストールを行ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ã€lintian ãŒèª¤ã£ãŸè¨ºæ–­ã‚’ã™ã‚‹ã®ã‚’防ã為"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_lintian:34
+msgid "F<debian/source/lintian-overrides>"
+msgstr "F<debian/source/lintian-overrides>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:36
+msgid ""
+"These files are not installed, but will be scanned by lintian to provide "
+"overrides for the source package."
+msgstr ""
+"る診断çµæžœã‚’å†å®šç¾©ã™ã‚‹ç‚ºã€lintian ã«ã¦æœ¬ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã®ä¸­èº«ãŒã‚¹ã‚­ãƒ£ãƒ³ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:66
+msgid "L<lintian(1)>"
+msgstr "L<lintian(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:70
+msgid "Steve Robbins <>"
+msgstr "Steve Robbins <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:5
+msgid "dh_listpackages - list binary packages debhelper will act on"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_listpackages - debhelper ãŒå‡¦ç†ã™ã‚‹ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージã®ä¸€è¦§ã‚’列挙ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:17
+msgid "B<dh_listpackages> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_listpackages> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_listpackages> is a debhelper program that outputs a list of all binary "
+"packages debhelper commands will act on. If you pass it some options, it "
+"will change the list to match the packages other debhelper commands would "
+"act on if passed the same options."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_listpackages> ã¯ã€debhelper ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šå‡¦ç†ã‚’è¡Œã†å¿…è¦ã®ã‚ã‚‹å…¨ã¦ã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッ"
+"ケージã®ä¸€è¦§ã‚’得る事ãŒå‡ºæ¥ã‚‹ debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラムã«ã€ã‚ã‚‹"
+"オプションを渡ã™ã¨ã€åŒã˜ã‚ªãƒ—ションを引ã渡ã•ã‚ŒãŸä»–ã® debhelper コマンドã¸å‡¦ç†"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:26
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "These files are installed into the first binary package listed in debian/"
+#| "control."
+msgid "Packages are listed in the order they appear in F<debian/control>."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ debian/control ã«æœ€åˆã«è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージã¸"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_makeshlibs - automatically create shlibs file and call dpkg-gensymbols"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_makeshlibs - 自動的㫠shlibs ファイルを作æˆã—ã€dpkg-gensymbols を呼ã³å‡ºã™"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-m>I<major>] [B<-"
+"V>I<[dependencies]>] [B<-n>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-m>I<major>] [B<-"
+"V>I<[dependencies]>] [B<-n>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> is a debhelper program that automatically scans for shared "
+"libraries, and generates a shlibs file for the libraries it finds."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> ã¯è‡ªå‹•çš„ã«å…±æœ‰ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリをスキャンã—ã€è¦‹ã¤ã‘ãŸãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリã«å¯¾"
+"ã™ã‚‹ shlibs ファイルを生æˆã™ã‚‹ debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:24
+msgid ""
+"It will also ensure that ldconfig is invoked during install and removal when "
+"it finds shared libraries. Since debhelper 9.20151004, this is done via a "
+"dpkg trigger. In older versions of debhelper, B<dh_makeshlibs> would "
+"generate a maintainer script for this purpose."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:29
+msgid ""
+"Since debhelper 12.3, B<dh_makeshlibs> will by default add an additional "
+"I<udeb> line for udebs in the shlibs file, when the udeb has the same name "
+"as the deb followed by a \"-udeb\" suffix (e.g. if the deb is called "
+"\"libfoo1\", then debhelper will auto-detect the udeb if it is named "
+"\"libfoo1-udeb\"). Please use the B<--add-udeb> and B<--no-add-udeb> options "
+"below when this auto-detection is insufficient."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:36
+msgid ""
+"If you previously used B<--add-udeb> and are considering to migrate to using "
+"the new auto-detection feature in 12.3, then please remember to test that "
+"the resulting F<DEBIAN/shlibs> files are as expected. There are some known "
+"corner cases, where the auto-detection is insufficient. These include when "
+"the udeb contains library files from multiple regular deb packages or when "
+"the packages do not follow the expected naming convention."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:48
+msgid "debian/I<package>.shlibs"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.shlibs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:50
+msgid ""
+"Installs this file, if present, into the package as DEBIAN/shlibs. If "
+"omitted, debhelper will generate a shlibs file automatically if it detects "
+"any libraries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:54
+msgid ""
+"Note in compat levels 9 and earlier, this file was installed by "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> rather than B<dh_makeshlibs>."
+msgstr ""
+"互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 9 以å‰ã§ã¯ã€ã“ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ B<dh_makeshlibs> ã§ã¯ãªã "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ç‚¹ã«æ³¨æ„ã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:57
+msgid "debian/I<package>.symbols"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.symbols"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:59
+msgid "debian/I<package>.symbols.I<arch>"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.symbols.I<arch>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:61
+msgid ""
+"These symbols files, if present, are passed to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> to be "
+"processed and installed. Use the I<arch> specific names if you need to "
+"provide different symbols files for different architectures."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“れらã®ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ã€ã‚‚ã—存在ã™ã‚Œã°ã€L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> ã¸æ¸¡ã•ã‚Œã€"
+"ルを利用ã™ã‚‹ã«ã¯ã€I<arch> を指定ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:71
+msgid "B<-m>I<major>, B<--major=>I<major>"
+msgstr "B<-m>I<major>, B<--major=>I<major>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:73
+msgid ""
+"Instead of trying to guess the major number of the library with objdump, use "
+"the major number specified after the -m parameter. This is much less useful "
+"than it used to be, back in the bad old days when this program looked at "
+"library filenames rather than using objdump."
+msgstr ""
+"objdump ã‚’ã¤ã‹ã£ã¦ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリã®ä¸»ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ç•ªå·ã‚’推定ã™ã‚‹ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã«ã€-m パラメー"
+"ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ç•ªå·ã‚’求ã‚ã‚‹ã®ã« objdump を使ã‚ãšã€ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«åã‹ã‚‰åˆ¤å®šã—"
+"ã¦ã„ãŸç‚ºã€ã“ã®ãƒ‘ラメータãŒä¾¿åˆ©ã ã£ãŸäº‹ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:78
+msgid "B<-V>, B<-V>I<dependencies>"
+msgstr "B<-V>, B<-V>I<dependencies>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:80
+msgid "B<--version-info>, B<--version-info=>I<dependencies>"
+msgstr "B<--version-info>, B<--version-info=>I<dependencies>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:82
+msgid ""
+"If a shlibs file is generated by this program, this option controls what "
+"version will be used in the dependency relation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:85
+msgid ""
+"In compat 12 and later, B<dh_makeshlibs> defaults to B<-VUpstream-Version>. "
+"In compat 11 and earlier the default behaved like B<-VNone>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:88
+msgid "The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool can generate dependencies in three variants:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:92
+msgid "B<-VUpstream-Version>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:94
+msgid ""
+"The dependency will be \"I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= I<packageversion>B<)>\". "
+"Note that I<Upstream-Version> is case-sensitive and must be written exactly "
+"as shown here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:98
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Beware of using B<-V> without any parameters; this is a conservative "
+#| "setting that always ensures that other packages' shared library "
+#| "dependencies are at least as tight as they need to be (unless your "
+#| "library is prone to changing ABI without updating the upstream version "
+#| "number), so that if the maintainer screws up then they won't break. The "
+#| "flip side is that packages might end up with dependencies that are too "
+#| "tight and so find it harder to be upgraded."
+msgid ""
+"This is a conservative setting that always ensures that other packages' "
+"shared library dependencies are at least as tight as they need to be (unless "
+"the library is prone to changing ABI without updating the upstream version "
+msgstr ""
+"B<-V> をパラメータ無ã—ã§æŒ‡å®šã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã®æ³¨æ„事項ã¯æ¬¡ã®é€šã‚Šã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã€ä¾å­˜"
+"ã„られるã¨ã„ã†ä»®å®šã«åŸºã¥ãä¿å®ˆçš„ãªè¨­å®šã§ã™ (ãªãŠãƒ“ルド対象ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«å«ã¾"
+"れるライブラリã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã€é–‹ç™ºå…ƒ (upstream) ã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ç•ªå·ãŒæ–°ã—ããªã‚‰ãªã„ã«"
+"ã‚‚é–¢ã‚らãšã€ã‚ãˆã¦ ABI を変更ã—ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚‰ãªã„å ´åˆã¯é™¤ãã¾ã™)。メンテナãŒã€"
+"ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚解決ãŒé›£ã—ã„為対応ãŒã§ããªã„よã†ãªå ´åˆã¯ã€ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚を破らã–ã‚‹ã‚’å¾—ãªã„"
+"å ´åˆã¯ã€ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚ã®å¤‰æ›´ã‚’ã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:103
+msgid ""
+"The flip side is that packages might end up with dependencies that are too "
+"tight in some cases (note a symbols file can mitigate this issue). This is "
+"often of minor temporary inconvenience and usually a lot better than the "
+"fall out caused by forgetting to bump the dependency information."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:109
+msgid ""
+"This explicit form was added in debhelper/11.3. In previous versions, a B<-"
+"V> without any dependency information was used instead (and that form still "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:113
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<-V>"
+msgid "B<-VNone>"
+msgstr "B<-V>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:115
+msgid ""
+"The dependency will be \"I<packagename>\". Note that I<None> is case-"
+"sensitive and must be written exactly as shown here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:118
+msgid ""
+"This form is generally unsafe with the only exception being if upstream does "
+"not extend the ABI in any way. However, most upstreams improve their "
+"interfaces over time and packagers are recommended to use B<-VUpstream-"
+"Version> (or one of the other forms of B<-V>I<dependencies>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:123
+msgid ""
+"Alternatively, this may be sufficient if (and only if) the package uses "
+"symbol versioning (see L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>) and does I<not> build any udeb "
+"packages. Note that symbols are not supported for udeb packages, which "
+"solely relies on shlibs for dependency handling."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:128
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--ddeb-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+msgid "B<-V>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<--ddeb-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:130
+msgid ""
+"In this case, the value passed to B<-V> will be used as a dependency "
+"relation. The I<package-relation> should generally be of the form \"I<some-"
+"package-name> B<(E<gt>>= I<some-package-version>B<)>\". Remember to include "
+"the package name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:135
+msgid ""
+"Note that debhelper will use the value I<as it is> with no sanity checking "
+"or modification. In I<rare special> cases, this is needed to generate a "
+"dependency on a different package than the one containing the library."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:142
+msgid ""
+"When choosing a value for this option, please keep mind that if the package "
+"provides a symbols file, then that this is generally preferred over the "
+"shlibs file for regular .deb packages. See L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> for more "
+"information on this topic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:149
+msgid ""
+"Do not add the \"ldconfig\" trigger even if it seems like the package might "
+"need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical reasons as "
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> would previously generate maintainer scripts that called "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:156
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename or directory "
+"from being treated as shared libraries."
+msgstr ""
+"I<item> ãŒå¯¾è±¡ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚„æ ¼ç´ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„るディレクトリã®åå‰ã«å«ã¾ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:159
+msgid "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+msgstr "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:161
+msgid ""
+"Create an additional line for udebs in the shlibs file and use I<udeb> as "
+"the package name for udebs to depend on instead of the regular library "
+msgstr ""
+"shlibs ファイル㫠udebs 用途ã®è¿½åŠ æƒ…報を作æˆã—ã€é€šå¸¸ã®ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリパッケージã®"
+"åå‰ã‚’使ã†ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã«ã€I<udeb> ã‚’ udebs ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã®åå‰ã¨ã—ã¦åˆ©ç”¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:164
+msgid ""
+"This option is only useful for special cases such as when debhelper cannot "
+"auto-detect package name of the udeb package, when the udeb will contain "
+"libraries from multiple deb packages, or when the udeb contains libraries "
+"B<not> present in the deb package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:169
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+msgid "B<--no-add-udeb>"
+msgstr "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:171
+msgid ""
+"Do not add any udeb lines to the shlibs file. This can be used to disable "
+"the default auto-detection of udebs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:174
+msgid ""
+"This may be useful in case you do not want a shlibs file at all for the udeb "
+"because no package will depend on it. E.g. because adding a udeb package "
+"for the library was \"overkill\" and the library is embedded in a different "
+"udeb package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:181
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>."
+msgstr "I<params> ã‚’ L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> ã¸å¼•ã渡ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:189
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -V>"
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -VNone>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -V>"
+# FIXME: why no-wrap?
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:191
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Assuming this is a package named F<libfoobar1>, generates a shlibs file that\n"
+"looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã®åå‰ã‚’ F<libfoobar1> ã¨ä»®å®šã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ä½œæˆ\n"
+"ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ shlibs ファイルã¯ä»¥ä¸‹ã®é€šã‚Šã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™: \n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:195
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -V>"
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -VUpstream-Version>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -V>"
+# FIXME: unnecessary \n?
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:197
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Assuming the current version of the package is 1.1-3, generates a shlibs\n"
+"file that looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.1)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ç¾åœ¨ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã‚’ 1.1-3 ã¨ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã§å¾—られる shlibs ファイルã¯ä»¥ä¸‹ã®é€šã‚Šã§ã™:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.1)\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:201
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -V 'libfoobar1 (E<gt>= 1.0)'>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -V 'libfoobar1 (E<gt>= 1.0)'>"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:203
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Generates a shlibs file that looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"以下ã®ã‚ˆã†ãª shlibs ファイルãŒç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚Œã¾ã™:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0)\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:5
+msgid "dh_md5sums - generate DEBIAN/md5sums file"
+msgstr "dh_md5sums - DEBIAN/md5sums ファイルを生æˆã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-x>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--include-"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [B<-x>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating a "
+"F<DEBIAN/md5sums> file, which lists the md5sums of each file in the "
+"package. These files are used by B<dpkg --verify> or the L<debsums(1)> "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> 㯠F<DEBIAN/md5sums> ファイルを生æˆã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã®ãƒ—ログラムã§ã™ã€‚ãª"
+"ãŠã€F<DEBIAN/md5sums> ファイルã¨ã¯ãƒ“ルド対象ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«ã‚るファイル㮠"
+"md5sum 値を列挙ã—ãŸã‚‚ã®ã§ã™ã€‚ã“れらファイル㯠B<dpkg --verify> ã¾ãŸã¯ "
+"B<debsums> プログラムã§åˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:26
+msgid ""
+"All files in F<DEBIAN/> are omitted from the F<md5sums> file, as are all "
+"conffiles (unless you use the B<--include-conffiles> switch)."
+msgstr ""
+"F<DEBIAN/> 以下ã«ã‚る全ファイルã¯ç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚Œã‚‹ F<md5sums> ファイルã‹ã‚‰ã¯é™¤å¤–ã•ã‚Œ"
+"ã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸåŒæ§˜ã«å…¨ã¦ã® conffile も除外ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ (B<--include-conffiles> を指定"
+"ã—ãŸå ´åˆã¯åˆ¥ã§ã™) 。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:29
+msgid "The md5sums file is installed with proper permissions and ownerships."
+msgstr "md5sums ファイルã¯é©åˆ‡ãªãƒ‘ーミッションã¨æ‰€æœ‰è€…ã§ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_md5sums:35
+msgid "B<-x>, B<--include-conffiles>"
+msgstr "B<-x>, B<--include-conffiles>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:37
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Include conffiles in the md5sums list. Note that this information is "
+#| "redundant since it is included elsewhere in Debian packages."
+msgid ""
+"Include conffiles in the md5sums list. Note that this information is "
+"redundant since it is included in F</var/lib/dpkg/status> in Debian packages."
+msgstr ""
+"md5sum 値をå–å¾—ã™ã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¨ã—㦠conffile ã‚’å«ã‚ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®æƒ…報㯠Debian パッ"
+"ケージã¨ã¯ç•°ãªã‚‹å ´æ‰€ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ç‚ºã€è£œåŠ©ç›®çš„ã®æƒ…å ±ã¨ã—ã¦æ‰±ã‚ã‚Œã¾ã™"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:42
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"listed in the md5sums file."
+msgstr ""
+"md5sums ファイルã«åˆ—挙ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„るファイル群ã‹ã‚‰ã€I<item> をファイルåã«æŒã¤"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:5
+msgid "dh_movefiles - move files out of debian/tmp into subpackages"
+msgstr "dh_movefiles - debian/tmp ã‹ã‚‰ã‚µãƒ–パッケージã¸ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’移動ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [B<-"
+"X>I<item>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<ディレクトリ"
+">] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<ファイル> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for moving files "
+"out of F<debian/tmp> or some other directory and into other package build "
+"directories. This may be useful if your package has a F<Makefile> that "
+"installs everything into F<debian/tmp>, and you need to break that up into "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> ã¯ã€F<debian/tmp> ディレクトリや他ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã‹ã‚‰ã€åˆ¥ã®"
+"パッケージビルドディレクトリã¸ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’移動ã™ã‚‹å½¹å‰²ã‚’æŒã¤ debhelper プログラ"
+"ムã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯ãƒ‘ッケージã—よã†ã¨ã™ã‚‹ã‚½ãƒ•ãƒˆã‚¦ã‚§ã‚¢ã«å«ã¾ã‚Œã‚‹ F<Makefile>フ ァイ"
+"ルã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã¹ã物㌠F<debian/tmp> ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¦ã—ã¾ã†ã‚ˆã†"
+"ãªå ´åˆã«ã€ã“れらを別々ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã«å¾Œã‹ã‚‰ä»•åˆ†ã‘ãŸã„よã†ãªå ´åˆã«ä¾¿åˆ©ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:26
+msgid ""
+"Note: B<dh_install> is a much better program, and you are recommended to use "
+"it instead of B<dh_movefiles>."
+msgstr ""
+"注æ„:B<dh_install> 㯠B<dh_movefiles> よりもã¯ã‚‹ã‹ã«è‰¯ã„プログラムãªã®ã§ã€"
+"B<dh_install> を利用ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚’推奨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_movefiles:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.files"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.files"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:35
+msgid ""
+"Lists the files to be moved into a package, separated by whitespace. The "
+"filenames listed should be relative to F<debian/tmp/>. You can also list "
+"directory names, and the whole directory will be moved."
+msgstr ""
+"å¿…ãš F<debian/tmp/> ã‹ã‚‰ã®ç›¸å¯¾ãƒ‘スã§æŒ‡å®šã—ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。ã¾ãŸã€ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯"
+"トリåを指定ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚‚ã§ãã€ãã®å ´åˆã¯ã€ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã‚’ãã®ã¾ã¾ç§»å‹•ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:47
+msgid ""
+"Instead of moving files out of F<debian/tmp> (the default), this option "
+"makes it move files out of some other directory. Since the entire contents "
+"of the sourcedir is moved, specifying something like B<--sourcedir=/> is "
+"very unsafe, so to prevent mistakes, the sourcedir must be a relative "
+"filename; it cannot begin with a `B</>'."
+msgstr ""
+"F<debian/tmp> (デフォルトã®ç§»å‹•å…ƒ) ã‹ã‚‰ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’移動ã™ã‚‹ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã«ã€åˆ¥ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬"
+"全ファイルを移動ã™ã‚‹ç‚ºã€B<--sourcedir=/> ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªæŒ‡å®šã¯ã€éžå¸¸ã«å±é™ºã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã†"
+"ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã¤ã¾ã‚Šã€'B</>' ã§å§‹ã¾ã‚‹ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªæŒ‡å®šã¯å‡ºæ¥ã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_movefiles:53
+msgid "B<-Xitem>, B<--exclude=item>"
+msgstr "B<-Xitem>, B<--exclude=item>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:55
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain B<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+msgstr ""
+"B<item> をファイルåã®ã©ã“ã‹ã«å«ã‚€ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«å€™è£œã‹ã‚‰é™¤å¤–ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:60
+msgid ""
+"Lists files to move. The filenames listed should be relative to F<debian/tmp/"
+">. You can also list directory names, and the whole directory will be moved. "
+"It is an error to list files here unless you use B<-p>, B<-i>, or B<-a> to "
+"tell B<dh_movefiles> which subpackage to put them in."
+msgstr ""
+"tmp/> ã‹ã‚‰ã®ç›¸å¯¾ãƒ‘スã§ã‚ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ディレクトリåを列挙ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚‚出"
+"æ¥ã€ãã®å ´åˆã¯ã€å„ディレクトリ全体を移動ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ãªãŠã€B<-p>ã€B<-i>ã€B<-a> ã‚’"
+"使ã£ã¦ B<dh_movefiles> ã«ã©ã®ã‚µãƒ–パッケージã«ç§»å‹•ã™ã¹ãã‹ã‚’指定ã—ã¦ã„ãªã„å ´åˆ"
+"エラーãŒå ±å‘Šã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:69
+msgid ""
+"Note that files are always moved out of F<debian/tmp> by default (even if "
+"you have instructed debhelper to use a compatibility level higher than one, "
+"which does not otherwise use debian/tmp for anything at all). The idea "
+"behind this is that the package that is being built can be told to install "
+"into F<debian/tmp>, and then files can be moved by B<dh_movefiles> from that "
+"directory. Any files or directories that remain are ignored, and get deleted "
+"by B<dh_clean> later."
+msgstr ""
+"デフォルト F<debian/tmp> ã‹ã‚‰ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’移動ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã„ã†äº‹ã«ãªã£ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ (ã‚‚ã— "
+"debhelper ãŒäº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« v1 以上ã§åˆ©ç”¨ã—ãŸã¨ã—ã¦ã‚‚ã€debian/tmp 以外ã¯åˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œ"
+"ã¾ã›ã‚“)。ã“ã®èƒŒæ™¯ã¨ã—ã¦ã€ãƒ“ルドã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‘ッケージ㯠F<debian/tmp> ã«ä¸€æ—¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹"
+"トールã—ã€å¾Œã§ B<dh_movefiles> コマンドã«ã‚ˆã‚Š F<debian/tmp> ã‹ã‚‰ç§»å‹•ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã„"
+"ã« B<dh_clean> ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦æ¶ˆåŽ»ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã“ã¨ã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:5
+msgid "dh_perl - calculates Perl dependencies and cleans up after MakeMaker"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_perl - Perlã¸ã®ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚を検討ã—ã€MakeMaker 実行後ã«ç”Ÿæˆã—ãŸã‚‚ã®ã‚’消去ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:20
+msgid "B<dh_perl> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-d>] [S<I<library dirs> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [B<-d>] [S<I<ライブラリディレクトリ"
+"> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_perl> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating the "
+"B<${perl:Depends}> substitutions and adding them to substvars files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> 㯠B<${perl:Depends}> ã®å†…容を生æˆã—ã€ã“ã®ä¾å­˜æƒ…報㫠substvars "
+"ファイルã®æƒ…報を付ã‘加ãˆã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:27
+msgid ""
+"The program will look at Perl scripts and modules in your package, and will "
+"use this information to generate a dependency on B<perl> or B<perlapi>. The "
+"dependency will be substituted into your package's F<control> file wherever "
+"you place the token B<${perl:Depends}>."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラムã¯ãƒ“ルド対象ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«ã‚ã‚‹ Perl スクリプトや Perl モジュー"
+"ルを検査ã—ã€B<perl> ã‚„ B<perlapi> ã®ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚を生æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚B<${perl:Depends}> "
+"å¥ã‚’ビルド対象ã®ãƒ‘ッケージ㮠F<control> ã«è¨˜è¿°ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€ç”Ÿæˆã—ãŸä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚ã®æƒ…å ±"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:32
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_perl> also cleans up empty directories that MakeMaker can generate when "
+"installing Perl modules."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> ã¯ã€ã•ã‚‰ã«ã€MakeMaker ㌠Perl モジュールをインストールã™ã‚‹éš›ã«ç”Ÿæˆ"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:39
+msgid "B<-d>"
+msgstr "B<-d>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:41
+msgid ""
+"In some specific cases you may want to depend on B<perl-base> rather than "
+"the full B<perl> package. If so, you can pass the -d option to make "
+"B<dh_perl> generate a dependency on the correct base package. This is only "
+"necessary for some packages that are included in the base system."
+msgstr ""
+"完全㪠B<perl> パッケージよりも B<perl-base> ã«ä¾å­˜ã—ãŸã„よã†ãªå ´åˆãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾"
+"ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã€-d オプションã«ã¦ B<dh_perl> ã«æ­£ã—ã„ベースパッケージã«å¯¾ã—ã¦ã®"
+"ä¾å­˜æƒ…報を生æˆã•ã›ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãªã‚ªãƒ—ションを渡ã™ç®ãŒã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã‚·ã‚¹ãƒ†ãƒ "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:46
+msgid ""
+"Note that this flag may cause no dependency on B<perl-base> to be generated "
+"at all. B<perl-base> is Essential, so its dependency can be left out, unless "
+"a versioned dependency is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"ãªãŠã€ã“ã®ãƒ•ãƒ©ã‚°ã‚’指定ã—ã¦ã‚‚ã€B<perl-base> 本体ã«é–¢ã™ã‚‹ä¾å­˜æƒ…å ±ã¯ã€å…¨ã生æˆã•"
+"ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“。ã¨ã„ã†ã®ã‚‚ã€B<perl-base> ã¯éžå¸¸ã«åŸºç¤Žçš„ãªãƒ‘ッケージãªã®ã§ã€B<perl-"
+"base> ã«é–¢ã™ã‚‹ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚ã¯é€šå¸¸ç‰¹ã«æŒ‡å®šã—ãªãã¦ã‚‚å•é¡ŒãŒç„¡ã„為ã§ã™ã€‚ãŸã ã€B<perl-"
+"base> ã®ç‰¹å®šã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã«ä¾å­˜ãŒç‰¹ã«å¿…è¦ãªå ´åˆã¯ãã®é™ã‚Šã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:50
+msgid "B<-V>"
+msgstr "B<-V>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:52
+msgid ""
+"By default, scripts and architecture independent modules don't depend on any "
+"specific version of B<perl>. The B<-V> option causes the current version of "
+"the B<perl> (or B<perl-base> with B<-d>) package to be specified."
+msgstr ""
+"ã¯ã€ç‰¹å®šã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã® B<perl> ã«ä¾å­˜ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãªä¾å­˜æƒ…å ±ã¯ç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“。B<-"
+"V>オプションを指定ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルド中ã«ä½¿ã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã® B<perl> "
+"パッケージ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€B<-d> を指定ã—ã¦ã„ã‚Œã°ã€ç¾åœ¨ã® B<perl-base> ã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§"
+"ン) ã‚’ã€ãƒ‘ッケージã®ä¾å­˜æƒ…å ±ã¨ã—ã¦è¨­å®šã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:56
+msgid "I<library dirs>"
+msgstr "I<library dirs>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:58
+msgid ""
+"If your package installs Perl modules in non-standard directories, you can "
+"make B<dh_perl> check those directories by passing their names on the "
+"command line. It will only check the F<vendorlib> and F<vendorarch> "
+"directories by default."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> ã«ã€ã“れらã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã‚’確èªã•ã›ã‚‹äº‹ãŒå‡ºæ¥ã¾ã™ã€‚デフォルトã§ã¯ã“"
+"ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ F<vendorlib> 㨠F<vendorarch> ディレクトリã®ã¿ã‚’確èªã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:67
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.8.3"
+msgstr "Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ 3.8.3"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:69
+msgid "Perl policy, version 1.20"
+msgstr "Perl ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ 1.20"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:196
+msgid "Brendan O'Dea <>"
+msgstr "Brendan O'Dea <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:5
+msgid "dh_prep - perform cleanups in preparation for building a binary package"
+msgstr "dh_prep - ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージビルドã®äº‹å‰æº–å‚™ã¨ã—ã¦è«¸ã€…ã®æ¶ˆåŽ»ã‚’è¡Œã†"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:17
+msgid "B<dh_prep> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_prep> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_prep> is a debhelper program that performs some file cleanups in "
+"preparation for building a binary package. (This is what B<dh_clean -k> used "
+"to do.) It removes the package build directories, F<debian/tmp>, and some "
+"temp files that are generated when building a binary package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_prep> ã¯ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケージビルドã®ä¸‹æº–備時ã¨ã—ã¦è«¸ã€…ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«æ¶ˆåŽ»ã‚’è¡Œ"
+"ㆠdebhelper プログラムã§ã™ (ã“れ㯠B<dh_clean -k> ãŒæ˜”è¡Œã£ã¦ã„ãŸä½œæ¥­ã¨ãªã‚Šã¾"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:26
+msgid ""
+"It is typically run at the top of the B<binary-arch> and B<binary-indep> "
+"targets, or at the top of a target such as install that they depend on."
+msgstr ""
+"本プログラムã¯é€šå¸¸ã€B<binary-arch> ã‚„ã€B<binary-indep> ターゲットã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:35
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option "
+"multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"削除対象ã®å€™è£œã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‹ã‚‰ã€F<item> をファイルåã«å«ã‚€ã‚ˆã†ãªãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’除外"
+"ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚通常ã¯æ¶ˆåŽ»ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãªãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã§ã‚ã£ã¦ã‚‚ã€ã“ã®å ´åˆã§ã¯é™¤å¤–ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:5
+msgid "dh_shlibdeps - calculate shared library dependencies"
+msgstr "dh_shlibdeps - 共有ライブラリã®ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚を計算ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-L>I<package>] [B<-"
+"l>I<directory>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [B<-L>I<パッケージ>] [B<-l>I<"
+"ディレクトリ>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<パラメータ>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> is a debhelper program that is responsible for calculating "
+"shared library dependencies for packages."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> ã¯ã€ãƒ“ルド中ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã«å«ã¾ã‚Œã‚‹å…±æœ‰ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリã®ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚ã‚’"
+"計算ã™ã‚‹å½¹ç›®ã® debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:26
+msgid ""
+"This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> that calls it "
+"once for each package listed in the F<control> file, passing it a list of "
+"ELF executables and shared libraries it has found."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラム㯠L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> ã®å˜ãªã‚‹ãƒ©ãƒƒãƒ‘ープログラムã§ã‚ã‚Šã€"
+"L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> ã‚’ F<control> ファイルã«åˆ—挙ã—ãŸãƒ‘ッケージå„々ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ï¼‘"
+"度呼ã³å‡ºã™ã‚ˆã†ãªå‹•ä½œã‚’ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€åŒæ™‚ã« L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> ã¸ã€å‹•ä½œä¸­è¦‹"
+"ã¤ã‘㟠ELF 実行ファイルやã€å…±æœ‰ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリã®ä¸€è¦§ã‚’引ã渡ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:36
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"passed to B<dpkg-shlibdeps>. This will make their dependencies be ignored. "
+"This may be useful in some situations, but use it with caution. This option "
+"may be used more than once to exclude more than one thing."
+msgstr ""
+"F<item> ã‚’åå‰ã«å«ã‚€ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’ã€B<dpkg-shlibdeps> ã¸æ¸¡ã•ãªã„よã†ã«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“"
+"ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯ç‰¹å®šã®çŠ¶æ³ä¸‹ã§ä¾¿åˆ©ãªå ´åˆãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ãŒã€æ°—ã‚’ã¤ã‘ã¦ä½¿ã£ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„。ã“ã®"
+"オプションを使ã£ã¦é™¤å¤–を複数指定ã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã¯ã€ç¹°ã‚Šè¿”ã—指定ã™ã‚‹äº‹ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šè¡Œã„ã¾"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:43
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>."
+msgstr "I<params> ã‚’ L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> ã¸æ¸¡ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:45
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<params>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:47
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>. It is "
+"deprecated; use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ション㯠I<params> ã‚’ L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> ã¸æ¸¡ã™åˆ¥ã®æ–¹æ³•ã¨ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"ã—ã‹ã—ãªãŒã‚‰ã€ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸã€‚代ã‚ã‚Šã« B<--> を利用ã—ã¦ãã ã•"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:50
+msgid "B<-l>I<directory>[B<:>I<directory> ...]"
+msgstr "B<-l>I<directory>[B<:>I<directory> ...]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:52
+msgid ""
+"With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not "
+msgstr ""
+"最近ã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã® B<dpkg-shlibdeps> ã§ã¯ã€ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯æ¦‚ã­ä¸è¦ã«ãªã£ã¦ã„"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:55
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-l> parameter), to look for private "
+"package libraries in the specified directory (or directories -- separate "
+"with colons). With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this is mostly only "
+"useful for packages that build multiple flavors of the same library, or "
+"other situations where the library is installed into a directory not on the "
+"regular library search path."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dpkg-shlibdeps> を実行ã™ã‚‹å‰ã«ã€B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> 環境変数ã«ã€æŒ‡å®šã™ã‚‹äºˆå®š"
+"ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒª (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€è¤‡æ•°æŒ‡å®šã™ã‚‹ãªã‚‰ã‚³ãƒ­ãƒ³ã§å„ディレクトリåを区切ã£"
+"ã¦) ãŒæŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚最近ã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã® B<dpkg-shlibdeps> ã§ã¯ã€ã„ãã¤ã‹ç•°ãªã‚‹"
+"設定ã§ãƒ“ルドã—ãŸãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリをæä¾›ã™ã‚‹ãƒ‘ッケージを用æ„ã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã€é€šå¸¸"
+"ã®ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリ探索パスã«ãªã„ディレクトリã¸ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリをインストールã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãªå ´"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:63
+msgid "B<-L>I<package>, B<--libpackage=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-L>I<package>, B<--libpackage=>I<package>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:65
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not "
+"needed, unless your package builds multiple flavors of the same library or "
+"is relying on F<debian/shlibs.local> for an internal library."
+msgstr ""
+"最近ã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã® B<dpkg-shlibdeps> ã§ã‚ã‚Œã°ã€ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯æ¦‚ã­ä¸è¦ã¨ãªã‚Š"
+"ã¾ã™ã€‚ãŸã ã—ã€è¤‡æ•°ã®è¨­å®šã§ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリをビルドã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãªãƒ‘ッケージã§ã¯ãã®é™ã‚Š"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:69
+msgid ""
+"It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-S> parameter) to look first in the "
+"package build directory for the specified package, when searching for "
+"libraries, symbol files, and shlibs files."
+msgstr ""
+"ライブラリã€ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã€shlibs ファイルを探索ã™ã‚‹éš›ã«ã€B<dpkg-"
+"shlibdeps> 㸠(B<-S> パラメータを使ã„) パッケージã®ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクト"
+"リ内ã«ã¦ã€æœ€åˆã«æŽ¢ã™å ´æ‰€ã‚’指定ã™ã‚‹ã‚‚ã®ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:73
+msgid ""
+"If needed, this can be passed multiple times with different package names."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:80
+msgid ""
+"Suppose that your source package produces libfoo1, libfoo-dev, and libfoo-"
+"bin binary packages. libfoo-bin links against libfoo1, and should depend on "
+"it. In your rules file, first run B<dh_makeshlibs>, then B<dh_shlibdeps>:"
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã“ã§ã€ãƒ“ルド中ã®ãƒ‘ッケージ㌠libfoo1ã€libfoo-devã€libfoo-bin ã®ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッ"
+"ケージを生æˆã™ã‚‹ã¨ä»®å®šã—ã¾ã™ã€‚libfoo-bin 㯠libfoo1 ã«ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã—ã¦ãŠã‚Šã€ã¤ã¾ã‚Š"
+"ã¯ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚ã«ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚‰ãªã„状態ã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã€ãƒ‘ッケージ㮠rules ファイルã¨"
+"ã—ã¦ã€æœ€åˆã« B<dh_makeshlibs> を呼ã³å‡ºã—ã€æ¬¡ã« B<dh_shlibdeps> を呼ã³å‡ºã™è¨˜è¿°"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_shlibdeps:84
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:87
+msgid ""
+"This will have the effect of generating automatically a shlibs file for "
+"libfoo1, and using that file and the libfoo1 library in the F<debian/libfoo1/"
+"usr/lib> directory to calculate shared library dependency information."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã¡ã‚‰ã®è¨˜è¿°ã‚’è¡Œã†ã¨ã€å…±æœ‰ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリã®ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚を検討ã™ã‚‹ç‚ºã«ã€libfoo1 ã«é–¢ã™"
+"ã‚‹ shlibs ファイルを自動的ã«ç”Ÿæˆã—ã€ç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚ŒãŸ shlibs ファイルåŠã³ F<debian/"
+"libfoo1/usr/lib> 以下㮠libfoo1 ライブラリを使ã†ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:92
+msgid ""
+"If a libbar1 package is also produced, that is an alternate build of libfoo, "
+"and is installed into F</usr/lib/bar/>, you can make libfoo-bin depend on "
+"libbar1 as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+"libbar1 パッケージを libfoo ã¨ã¯åˆ¥ã«ãƒ“ルドã—ã€F</usr/lib/bar/> ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«"
+"ã—ã¦ã‚ã‚‹ã¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã€libfoo-bin ã«ã¤ã„㦠libbar1 を以下ã®ã‚ˆã†ã«ã—ã¦ä¾"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_shlibdeps:96
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tdh_shlibdeps -Llibbar1 -l/usr/lib/bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tdh_shlibdeps -Llibbar1 -l/usr/lib/bar\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:206
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_strip - strip executables, shared libraries, and some static libraries"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_strip - 実行ファイルã€å…±æœ‰ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã€é™çš„ライブラリã®ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°æƒ…報を削る"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--dbg-"
+"package=>I<package>] [B<--keep-debug>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--dbg-package=>I<"
+"パッケージ>] [B<--keep-debug>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:22
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_strip> is a debhelper program that is responsible for stripping "
+#| "executables, shared libraries, and static libraries that are not used for "
+#| "debugging."
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> is a debhelper program that is responsible for stripping out "
+"debug symbols in executables, shared libraries, and static libraries that "
+"are not needed during execution."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> ã¯ã€ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ç›®çš„ã§åˆ©ç”¨ã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ã®ãªã„実行ファイルã€å…±æœ‰ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラ"
+"リã€é™çš„ライブラリã‹ã‚‰ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°æƒ…報をå–り除ã役目㮠debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:26
+msgid ""
+"This program examines your package build directories and works out what to "
+"strip on its own. It uses L<file(1)> and file permissions and filenames to "
+"figure out what files are shared libraries (F<*.so>), executable binaries, "
+"and static (F<lib*.a>) and debugging libraries (F<lib*_g.a>, F<debug/*.so>), "
+"and strips each as much as is possible. (Which is not at all for debugging "
+"libraries.) In general it seems to make very good guesses, and will do the "
+"right thing in almost all cases."
+msgstr ""
+"ãƒãƒƒã‚°æƒ…報をå–り除ãã¹ãã‹ã‚’見ã¤ã‘出ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚本プログラムã¯ã€L<file(1)> コマン"
+"ライブラリ (F<*.so>)ã€å®Ÿè¡Œå¯èƒ½ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªã€é™çš„ライブラリ (F<lib*.a>)ã€ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°"
+"用ライブラリ (F<lib*_g.a>, F<debug/*.so>) ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã‹ã‚’判断ã—ã€è©²å½“ã™ã‚‹å ´åˆã¯ã€"
+"デãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ã‚’ã§ãã‚‹é™ã‚Šå–り除ãã¾ã™ (デãƒãƒƒã‚°ç”¨ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ラリã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã¯å…¨ã"
+"何もã—ã¾ã›ã‚“)。多ãã®å ´åˆã§ã€æœ¬ãƒ—ログラムã¯éžå¸¸ã«è‰¯ã„推定を行ã„ã€æ­£ã—ãデãƒãƒƒ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:34
+msgid ""
+"Since it is very hard to automatically guess if a file is a module, and hard "
+"to determine how to strip a module, B<dh_strip> does not currently deal with "
+"stripping binary modules such as F<.o> files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> ã¯ã€F<.o> ã‚’æ‹¡å¼µå­ã«æŒã¤ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ¢ã‚¸ãƒ¥ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‹ã‚‰ãƒ‡"
+"ãƒãƒƒã‚°æƒ…å ±ã®é™¤åŽ»ã‚’è¡Œã†äº‹ã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã€æœªã ã‚µãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:48
+msgid "B<--dbg-package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--dbg-package=>I<package>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:50 dh_strip:70
+msgid ""
+"B<This option is a now special purpose option that you normally do not "
+"need>. In most cases, there should be little reason to use this option for "
+"new source packages as debhelper automatically generates debug packages "
+"(\"dbgsym packages\"). B<If you have a manual --dbg-package> that you want "
+"to replace with an automatically generated debug symbol package, please see "
+"the B<--dbgsym-migration> option."
+msgstr ""
+"ã‚“>。ã»ã¨ã‚“ã©ã®å ´åˆã€æ–°ã—ã„ソースパッケージã§ã¯ debhelper ãŒè‡ªå‹•çš„ã«ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°"
+"パッケージ (\"dbgsym パッケージ\") を生æˆã™ã‚‹ã®ã§ã€ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションを使ã†ç†ç”±ã¯"
+"å°‘ãªã„ã¯ãšã§ã™ã€‚B<手動ã§ä½œã‚‰ã‚ŒãŸ --dbg-package> を自動生æˆã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³"
+"ボルパッケージã§ç½®ãæ›ãˆãŸã„å ´åˆã¯ B<--dbgsym-migration> オプションをå‚ç…§ã—ã¦"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:58
+msgid ""
+"Causes B<dh_strip> to save debug symbols stripped from the packages it acts "
+"on as independent files in the package build directory of the specified "
+"debugging package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> を使ã£ã¦ãƒ‘ッケージã‹ã‚‰ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ã‚’å–ãã€æŒ‡å®šã®ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ç”¨"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:62
+msgid ""
+"For example, if your packages are libfoo and foo and you want to include a "
+"I<foo-dbg> package with debugging symbols, use B<dh_strip --dbg-"
+msgstr ""
+"例ãˆã°ã€ãƒ“ルド予定ã®ãƒ‘ッケージã¨ã—ã¦ã€libfooã€foo ãŒã‚ã‚Šã€I<foo-dbg> パッケー"
+"ジã«ã¯ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ã‚’å«ã‚ã¦ãŠããŸã„å ´åˆã€B<dh_strip--dbg-package=>I<foo-"
+"dbg> を実行ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:65
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+"automatic-dbgsym> or B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ション㯠B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> ã«ä¼´ã£ã¦ãŠã‚Šã€B<--automatic-"
+"dbgsym> ã‚„ B<--dbgsym-migration> ã¨åŒæ™‚ã«ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯I<ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“>。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:68
+msgid "B<-k>, B<--keep-debug>"
+msgstr "B<-k>, B<--keep-debug>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:78
+msgid ""
+"Debug symbols will be retained, but split into an independent file in F<usr/"
+"lib/debug/> in the package build directory. B<--dbg-package> is easier to "
+"use than this option, but this option is more flexible."
+msgstr ""
+"デãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ãŒå–り除ã‹ã‚Œã‚‹ä¸€æ–¹ã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚ã‚‹ "
+"F<usr/lib/debug/> ディレクトリã¸å–り除ã„ãŸãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ã‚’å–ã‚Šç½®ãã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"B<--dbg-package> オプションã®æ–¹ãŒæœ¬ã‚ªãƒ—ションよりも使ã†ã®ã¯æ˜“ã—ã„ã®ã§ã™ãŒã€æœ¬"
+"オプション㯠B<--dbg-package> オプションよりも柔軟ãªæŒ‡å®šãŒå¯èƒ½ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:82
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ション㯠B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> ã«ä¼´ã£ã¦ãŠã‚Šã€B<--automatic-"
+"dbgsym> ã¨åŒæ™‚ã«ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯I<ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“>。"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:85
+msgid "B<--dbgsym-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<--dbgsym-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:87
+msgid ""
+"This option is used to migrate from a manual \"-dbg\" package (created with "
+"B<--dbg-package>) to an automatic generated debug symbol package. This "
+"option should describe a valid B<Replaces>- and B<Breaks>-relation, which "
+"will be added to the debug symbol package to avoid file conflicts with the "
+"(now obsolete) -dbg package."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯ã€æ‰‹å‹• (B<--dbg-package>) ã§ä½œæˆã—㟠\"-dbg\" パッケージã‹ã‚‰"
+"ションã§ã¯ã€(ç¾åœ¨ã§ã¯å»ƒæ­¢ã¨ãªã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹) -dbg パッケージã¨ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒè¡çªã™ã‚‹ã®"
+"ã‚’é¿ã‘ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã«ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ãƒ‘ッケージã«è¿½åŠ ã•ã‚Œã‚‹æ­£ã—ã„ B<Replaces> åŠã³ "
+"B<Breaks> ã®ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚を記述ã™ã‚‹ç­ˆã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:93
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+"keep-debug>, B<--dbg-package> or B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ション㯠B<--automatic-dbgsym> ã«ä¼´ã£ã¦ãŠã‚Šã€B<--keep-debug>, B<--"
+"dbg-package>, B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> ã¨åŒæ™‚ã«ä½¿ã†ã“ã¨ã¯I<ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“>。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:96
+msgid "Examples:"
+msgstr "例:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_strip:98
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_strip:100
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-tools-dbg (<< 2.1-3~), libfoo2-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-tools-dbg (<< 2.1-3~), libfoo2-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:102
+msgid "B<--automatic-dbgsym>, B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>"
+msgstr "B<--automatic-dbgsym>, B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:104
+msgid ""
+"Control whether B<dh_strip> should be creating debug symbol packages when "
+msgstr ""
+"å¯èƒ½ãªéš›ã« B<dh_strip> ãŒãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ãƒ‘ッケージを作るã‹ã©ã†ã‹ã‚’コントロー"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:107
+msgid "The default is to create debug symbol packages."
+msgstr "デフォルトã¯ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ãƒ‘ッケージを作æˆã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:109
+msgid "B<--ddebs>, B<--no-ddebs>"
+msgstr "B<--ddebs>, B<--no-ddebs>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:111
+msgid "Historical name for B<--automatic-dbgsym> and B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+msgstr "B<--automatic-dbgsym> 㨠B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> ã®æ­´å²çš„ãªåå‰ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:113
+msgid "B<--ddeb-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<--ddeb-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:115
+msgid "Historical name for B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+msgstr "B<--dbgsym-migration> ã®æ­´å²çš„ãªåå‰ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:121
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+"nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+"\"Binaries\"). This will also inhibit the automatic creation of debug "
+"symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> 環境変数㫠B<nostrip> ãŒå«ã¾ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ã¨ã€Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ "
+"(10.1ç« \"Binaries\") ã«å¾“ã£ã¦ãƒ‡ãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ã‚’ã¾ã£ãŸãå–り除ã‹ãªããªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:126
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The automatic creation of debug symbol packages can also be prevented by "
+"adding B<noautodbgsym> to the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable. "
+"However, B<dh_strip> will still add debuglinks to ELF binaries when this "
+"flag is set. This is to ensure that the regular deb package will be "
+"identical with and without this flag (assuming it is otherwise \"bit-for-"
+"bit\" reproducible)."
+msgstr ""
+"デãƒãƒƒã‚°ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒ«ãƒ‘ッケージã®è‡ªå‹•ä½œæˆã¯ã€B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> 環境変数㫠"
+"B<noautodbgsym> を追加ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã§ã‚‚抑制ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚ã—ã‹ã—ã€B<dh_strip> ã¯ã“ã®ãƒ•"
+"ラグãŒè¨­å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã€ãã‚Œã§ã‚‚ELF ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªã¸ã® debuglink を追加ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"(「1 bit も変ã‚らãªã„ã€reproducible ビルドã§ã‚ã‚ã†ã¨ã„ã†ä»®å®šã«ã‚‚é–¢ã‚らãš)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:135
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.0.1"
+msgstr "Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ 3.0.1"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:5
+msgid "dh_testdir - test directory before building Debian package"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_testdir - Debian パッケージをビルドã™ã‚‹å‰ã«ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã®çŠ¶æ…‹ã‚’検証ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:17
+msgid "B<dh_testdir> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_testdir> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [S<I<ファイル> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_testdir> tries to make sure that you are in the correct directory when "
+"building a Debian package. It makes sure that the file F<debian/control> "
+"exists, as well as any other files you specify. If not, it exits with an "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_testdir> コマンドã¯ã€Debian パッケージをビルドã™ã‚‹éš›ã«ã€ã‚«ãƒ¬ãƒ³ãƒˆãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯"
+"トリãŒæ­£ã—ã„ディレクトリã«ã‚ã‚‹ã‹ã©ã†ã‹ã‚’確èªã—よã†ã¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€åŒæ§˜ã« "
+"F<debian/control> ファイルやã€æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ä»–ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒãã¡ã‚“ã¨å­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚‹ã‹"
+"ã©ã†ã‹ã‚‚確ã‹ã‚ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã—ã€ãã†ã§ãªã„å ´åˆã€æˆ»ã‚Šå€¤ã«ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼å€¤ã‚’指定ã—ã¦å‡¦ç†ã‚’終"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:32
+msgid "Test for the existence of these files too."
+msgstr "ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã®å­˜åœ¨ã‚‚ã‚ã‚ã›ã¦ç¢ºèªã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:7
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "dh_testroot - ensure that a package is built as root"
+msgid ""
+"dh_testroot - ensure that a package is built with necessary level of root "
+msgstr "dh_testroot - パッケージ㌠root 権é™ã®å…ƒã§ãƒ“ルドã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã‹ã‚’確èªã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:11
+msgid "B<dh_testroot> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_testroot> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:15
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_testroot> is used to determine if the target is being run with suffient "
+"access to root(-like) features."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:18
+msgid ""
+"The definition of sufficient access depends on whether the builder (the tool "
+"invoking the F<debian/rules> target) supports the I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"(R³) field. If the builder supports R³, then it will set the environment "
+"variable I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> and B<dh_testroot> will validate that "
+"the builder followed the minimum requirements for the given value of "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:25
+msgid ""
+"If the builder does not support I<Rules-Requires-Root>, then it will not set "
+"the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable. This will in turn make "
+"B<dh_testroot> (and the rest of debhelper) fall back to assuming that "
+"(fake)root is implied."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:30
+msgid ""
+"The following is a summary of how B<dh_testroot> behaves based on the "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable (leading and trailing "
+"whitespace in the variable is ignored)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:38
+msgid ""
+"If unset, or set to C<binary-targets>, then B<dh_testroot> asserts that it "
+"is run as root or under L<fakeroot(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:43
+msgid ""
+"If set to C<no>, then B<dh_testroot> returns successfully (without "
+"performing any additional checks)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:48
+msgid ""
+"If set to any other value than the above, then B<dh_testroot> asserts that "
+"it is either run as root (or under L<fakeroot(1)>) or the builder has "
+"provided the B<DEB_GAIN_ROOT_CMD> environment variable (e.g. via dpkg-"
+"buildpackage -r)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:55
+msgid ""
+"Please note that B<dh_testroot> does I<not> read the I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"field. Which implies that B<dh_testroot> may produce incorrect result if "
+"the builder lies in I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT>. On the flip side, it also "
+"enables things like testing for what will happen when "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> is set to a given value."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:7
+msgid "dh_usrlocal - migrate usr/local directories to maintainer scripts"
+msgstr "dh_usrlocal - usr/local ディレクトリをメンテナスクリプトã¸ç§»è¡Œã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:21
+msgid "B<dh_usrlocal> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_usrlocal> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:25
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_usrlocal> is a debhelper program that can be used for building packages "
+"that will provide a subdirectory in F</usr/local> when installed."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_usrlocal> コマンドã¯ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã®éš›ã« F</usr/local> 以下ã«ã‚µãƒ–ディレク"
+"トリを作æˆã™ã‚‹ãƒ‘ッケージをビルドã™ã‚‹æ™‚ã«ä½¿ãˆã‚‹ debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:28
+msgid ""
+"It finds subdirectories of F<usr/local> in the package build directory, and "
+"removes them, replacing them with maintainer script snippets (unless B<-n> "
+"is used) to create the directories at install time, and remove them when the "
+"package is removed, in a manner compliant with Debian policy. These snippets "
+"are inserted into the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of debhelper maintainer script "
+msgstr ""
+"ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリã«ã‚ã‚‹ F<usr/local> 以下ã®ã‚µãƒ–"
+"ディレクトリを走査・削除ã—ã€Debian policy ã®å†…容ã«æ²¿ã£ãŸå½¢ã§ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«æ™‚ã«"
+"n> ãŒä½¿ã‚ã‚Œã¦ãªã„é™ã‚Š) メンテナスクリプトã®ã‚¹ãƒ‹ãƒšãƒƒãƒˆã§ç½®æ›ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“れらã®ã‚¹"
+"ニペット㯠B<dh_installdeb> ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トã¸æŒ¿å…¥ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"debhelper ã®ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒ—トã®ã‚¹ãƒ‹ãƒšãƒƒãƒˆã«é–¢ã™ã‚‹èª¬æ˜Žã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã¯ã€"
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> ã‚’å‚ç…§ã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:36
+msgid ""
+"When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable is not "
+"(effectively) I<binary-targets>, the directories in F</usr/local> will be "
+"handled as if they were owned by root:root (see below)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:40
+msgid ""
+"When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable has an effective "
+"value of I<binary-targets>, the owners, groups and permissions will be "
+"preserved with the sole exception where the directory is owned by root:root."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:44
+msgid ""
+"If a directory is owned by root:root, then ownership will be determined at "
+"install time. The ownership and permission bits will either be root:root "
+"mode 0755 or root:staff mode 02775. The actual choice depends on whether "
+"the system has F</etc/staff-group-for-usr-local> (as documented in the "
+"Debian Policy Manual §9.1.2 since version 4.1.4)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:68
+msgid "Debian policy, version 2.2"
+msgstr "Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ 2.2"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:144
+msgid "Andrew Stribblehill <>"
+msgstr "Andrew Stribblehill <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:5
+msgid "dh_systemd_enable - enable/disable systemd unit files"
+msgstr "dh_systemd_enable - systemd unit ファイルを有効ï¼ç„¡åŠ¹ã«ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--no-enable>] [B<--"
+"name=>I<name>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [B<--no-enable>] [B<--"
+"name=>I<name>] [S<I<unit ファイル> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> is a debhelper program that is responsible for enabling "
+"and disabling systemd unit files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> 㯠systemd ユニットファイルã®æœ‰åŠ¹åŒ–・無効化を担当ã™ã‚‹ "
+"debhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:25
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"In the simple case, it finds all unit files installed by a package (e.g. "
+"bacula-fd.service) and enables them. It is not necessary that the machine "
+"actually runs systemd during package installation time, enabling happens on "
+"all machines in order to be able to switch from sysvinit to systemd and back."
+msgstr ""
+"シンプルãªå ´åˆã«ã¯ã€ãƒ‘ッケージã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚ŒãŸå…¨ã¦ã® unit ファイル "
+"(例: bacula-fd.service) を探ã—ã¦æœ‰åŠ¹ã«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚sysvinit ã‹ã‚‰ systemd ã¸ã‚¹ã‚¤ãƒƒ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:30
+msgid ""
+"In the complex case, you can call B<dh_systemd_enable> and "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manually (by overwriting the debian/rules targets) and "
+"specify flags per unit file. An example is colord, which ships colord."
+"service, a dbus-activated service without an [Install] section. This service "
+"file cannot be enabled or disabled (a state called \"static\" by systemd) "
+"because it has no [Install] section. Therefore, running dh_systemd_enable "
+"does not make sense."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:37
+msgid ""
+"For only generating blocks for specific service files, you need to pass them "
+"as arguments, e.g. B<dh_systemd_enable quota.service> and "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable --name=quotarpc quotarpc.service>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:45
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.service, debian/I<package>@.service"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:47
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"service >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.service >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package>.conf ファイルã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:52
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If this exists, it is installed into etc/init.d/I<package> in the package "
+#| "build directory."
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in "
+"the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package> ディレクトリã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:55
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.target, debian/I<package>"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:57
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"target >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package> >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package>.conf ファイルã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:60
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.socket, debian/I<package>@.socket"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:62
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"socket >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.socket >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package>.conf ファイルã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:65
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.menu"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.mount"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.menu"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:67
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.mount "
+">> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"I<package>.conf ファイルã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:70
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.path, debian/I<package>@.path"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:72
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.path "
+">> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.path >>) in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"I<package>.conf ファイルã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:75
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgid "debian/I<package>.timer, debian/I<package>@.timer"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:77
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.timer "
+">> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.timer >>) in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"I<package>.conf ファイルã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:88
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Disable the service(s) on purge, but do not enable them on install."
+msgstr ""
+"完全削除 (purge) ã®éš›ã«ã‚µãƒ¼ãƒ“スを無効ã«ã—ã¾ã™ãŒã€ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã§ã¯æœ‰åŠ¹ã«ã—ã¾ã›"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:90
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are started. "
+"That is controlled by L<dh_systemd_start(1)> (using e.g. its B<--no-start> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Install the service file as I<name.service> instead of the default filename, "
+"which is the I<package.service>. When this parameter is used, "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> looks for and installs files named F<debian/package."
+"name.service> instead of the usual F<debian/package.service>."
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージåã®ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã«ã€I<name> をファイルåã¨ã™ã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’ã€upstart 用 job "
+"ファイルやã€init スクリプト (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«) ã¨ã—ã¦åˆ©ç”¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+"ã“ã®ãƒ‘ラメータãŒåˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨ã€B<dh_installinit> 㯠F<debian/"
+"upstart>ã€F<debian/>ã€F<debian/> を探"
+"ã—ã€ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’è¡Œã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®å ´åˆã€é€šå¸¸ä½¿ã‚れる F<debian/package."
+"upstart>ã€F<debian/package.init>ã€F<debian/package.default> ã¯åˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã¾ã›"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:105 dh_systemd_start:70
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it "
+"may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to maintainer "
+msgstr ""
+"ã« L<dh_prep(1)> ã‚’ (åŒã˜å¼•æ•°ã‚’付ã‘ã¦) 挿入ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。ã•ã‚‚ãªã„ã¨ã€ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒ†ãƒŠ"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:110
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_systemd_enable> should be run before B<dh_installinit>. The "
+"default sequence in B<dh> does the right thing, this note is only relevant "
+"when you are calling B<dh_systemd_enable> manually."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:282
+msgid "L<dh_systemd_start(1)>, L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgstr "L<dh_systemd_start(1)>, L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:286 dh_systemd_start:286
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:5
+msgid "dh_systemd_start - start/stop/restart systemd unit files"
+msgstr "dh_systemd_start - systemd ユニットファイルを start/stop/restart ã™ã‚‹"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--restart-after-upgrade>] "
+"[B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> [S<I<debhelper オプション>>] [B<--restart-after-"
+"upgrade>] [B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>] [S<I<unit ファイル> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> is a debhelper program that is responsible for starting/"
+"stopping or restarting systemd unit files in case no corresponding sysv init "
+"script is available."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:27
+msgid ""
+"As with B<dh_installinit>, the unit file is stopped before upgrades and "
+"started afterwards (unless B<--restart-after-upgrade> is specified, in which "
+"case it will only be restarted after the upgrade). This logic is not used "
+"when there is a corresponding SysV init script because invoke-rc.d performs "
+"the stop/start/restart in that case."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_start:37
+msgid "B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:39
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop the unit file until after the package upgrade has been "
+"completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10."
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージã®ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—グレードãŒå®Œäº†ã™ã‚‹ã¾ã§ init スクリプト㮠stop 手続ãを呼ã³"
+"ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚通常ã¯ã€F<prerm> ã«ã¦ stop 手続ããŒå‘¼ã°ã‚Œã€F<postinst> ㌠start 手"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:42
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"In earlier compat levels the default was to stop the unit file in the "
+"F<prerm>, and start it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+"パッケージã®ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—グレードãŒå®Œäº†ã™ã‚‹ã¾ã§ init スクリプト㮠stop 手続ãを呼ã³"
+"ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚通常ã¯ã€F<prerm> ã«ã¦ stop 手続ããŒå‘¼ã°ã‚Œã€F<postinst> ㌠start 手"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:59
+msgid "Do not stop service on upgrade."
+msgstr "サービスをアップグレード中ã«åœæ­¢ã•ã›ã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:63
+msgid ""
+"Do not start the unit file after upgrades and after initial installation "
+"(the latter is only relevant for services without a corresponding init "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:75
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_systemd_start> should be run after B<dh_installinit> so that "
+"it can detect corresponding SysV init scripts. The default sequence in B<dh> "
+"does the right thing, this note is only relevant when you are calling "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manually."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: strings-kept-translations.pod:7
+msgid "This compatibility level is open for beta testing; changes may occur."
+msgstr "ã“ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã¯ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆä¸­ã§ã™ã€‚変更ãŒåŠ ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Set to B<1> to enable verbose mode. Debhelper will output every command "
+#~ "it runs. Also enables verbose build logs for some build systems like "
+#~ "autoconf."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<1> を指定ã™ã‚‹ã¨å†—長出力モードã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚debhelper ã¯å‹•ä½œã™ã‚‹å…¨ã¦ã®ã‚³ãƒž"
+#~ "ンドã«ã¤ã„ã¦å‡ºåŠ›ã‚’è¡Œã†ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã¾ãŸã€autoconf ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªãƒ“ルドシステ"
+#~ "ムã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã‚‚冗長出力ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ“ルドログを有効ã«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf "
+#~ "in the package build directory. (The tmpfiles.d mechanism is currently "
+#~ "only used by systemd.) Only used in compat levels 10 and below."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ã‚‚ã—本ファイルãŒå­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚Œã°ã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下㫠etc/init/"
+#~ "I<package>.conf ファイルã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf "
+#~ "in the package build directory. (The tmpfiles.d mechanism is currently "
+#~ "only used by systemd.)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ã‚‚ã—本ファイルãŒå­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚Œã°ã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディレクトリ以下㫠etc/init/"
+#~ "I<package>.conf ファイルã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "dh_gconf - install GConf defaults files and register schemas"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh_gconf - install GConf defaults files and register schemas (deprecated)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_gconf - GConf デフォルトファイルをインストールã—ã€ã‚¹ã‚­ãƒ¼ãƒžã«ç™»éŒ²ã™ã‚‹"
+#~ msgid "B<dh_gconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--priority=>I<priority>]"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_gconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--priority=>I<priority>]"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_gconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+#~ "GConf defaults files and registering GConf schemas."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_gconf> 㯠GConf 用デフォルトファイルをインストールã—ã€GConf スキーマ"
+#~ "ã«ç™»éŒ²ã™ã‚‹å½¹å‰²ã‚’担ㆠdebhelper プログラムã§ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An appropriate dependency on gconf2 will be generated in B<${misc:Depends}"
+#~ ">."
+#~ msgstr "gconf2 ã«é–¢ã™ã‚‹é©åˆ‡ãªä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚㌠B<${misc:Depends}> ã«ç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "debian/I<package>.gconf-defaults"
+#~ msgstr "debian/I<package>.gconf-defaults"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Installed into F<usr/share/gconf/defaults/10_package> in the package "
+#~ "build directory, with I<package> replaced by the package name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "パッケージビルドディレクトリã«ã‚ã‚‹ F<usr/share/gconf/defaults/10_package> "
+#~ "ã¸ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ãŒè¡Œã‚ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ãªãŠã€I<package> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージåã§ç½®ãæ›ãˆã‚‰ã‚Œ"
+#~ "ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "debian/I<package>.gconf-mandatory"
+#~ msgstr "debian/I<package>.gconf-mandatory"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Installed into F<usr/share/gconf/mandatory/10_package> in the package "
+#~ "build directory, with I<package> replaced by the package name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "パッケージビルドディレクトリã«ã‚ã‚‹ F<usr/share/gconf/"
+#~ "mandatory/10_package> ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ãªãŠã€I<package> ã¯ãƒ‘ッケー"
+#~ "ジåã§ç½®ãæ›ãˆã‚‰ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "B<--priority> I<priority>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--priority> I<priority>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Use I<priority> (which should be a 2-digit number) as the defaults "
+#~ "priority instead of B<10>. Higher values than ten can be used by derived "
+#~ "distributions (B<20>), CDD distributions (B<50>), or site-specific "
+#~ "packages (B<90>)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "I<priority> (ã“ã‚Œã¯2æ¡ã®æ•°å­—ã§ã‚ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™) をデフォルトã®å„ªå…ˆé †ä½ã§"
+#~ "ã‚ã‚‹ B<10> ã®ä»£ã‚ã‚Šã«åˆ©ç”¨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚用途ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ã¯ 10 より大ããªå€¤ã‚’利用ã™ã‚‹"
+#~ "ã“ã¨ãŒã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚例ãˆã°ã€æ´¾ç”Ÿãƒ‡ã‚£ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒªãƒ“ューションã®å ´åˆ (B<20>)ã€CDD ディ"
+#~ "ストリビューション (B<50>)ã€ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ã‚µã‚¤ãƒˆç‹¬è‡ªã®ãƒ‘ッケージ (B<90>) ã¨ãªã‚Š"
+#~ "ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "Ross Burton <> Josselin Mouette <>"
+#~ msgstr "Ross Burton <> Josselin Mouette <>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_clean> should be the last debhelper command run in the B<clean> "
+#~ "target in F<debian/rules>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_clean> 㯠F<debian/rules> ã® B<clean> ターゲットã§å®Ÿè¡Œã•ã‚Œã‚‹ä¸€ç•ªæœ€å¾Œ"
+#~ "ã® debhelper コマンドã§ã‚ã‚‹ã¹ãã§ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If there is an upstream F<changelog> file, it will be installed as F<usr/"
+#~ "share/doc/package/changelog> in the package build directory."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "開発元 (upstream) ã® F<changelog> ファイルãŒã‚ã‚‹å ´åˆã€ãƒ‘ッケージビルドディ"
+#~ "レクトリ中㫠F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog> ã¨ã—ã¦ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾"
+#~ "ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "B<--ignore=>I<file>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--ignore=>I<file>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Ignore the specified file. This can be used if F<debian/> contains a "
+#~ "debhelper config file that a debhelper command should not act on. Note "
+#~ "that F<debian/compat>, F<debian/control>, and F<debian/changelog> can't "
+#~ "be ignored, but then, there should never be a reason to ignore those "
+#~ "files."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "特定ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’無視ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚F<debian/> 以下ã«å®Ÿéš›ã«ã¯ debhelper コマンドãŒ"
+#~ "実行ã—ã¦ã¯å›°ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ãª debhelper 設定ファイルãŒã‚るよã†ãªæ™‚ã«åˆ©ç”¨ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ "ãŸã ã€F<debian/compat>, F<debian/control>, F<debian/changelog> ã¯ç„¡è¦–ã™ã‚‹"
+#~ "事ãŒã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“。ã“ã‚Œã¯å‹•ä½œã®éƒ½åˆä¸Šã€ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’無視ã™ã‚‹ã‚ã‘ã«ã¯ã„ã‹"
+#~ "ãªã„ã‹ã‚‰ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For example, if upstream ships a F<debian/init> that you don't want "
+#~ "B<dh_installinit> to install, use B<--ignore=debian/init>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "例ãˆã°ã€é–‹ç™ºå…ƒ (upstream) ㌠F<debian/init> ã‚’æä¾›ã—ã¦ã„る㌠"
+#~ "B<dh_installinit> ã§ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã—ã¦æ¬²ã—ãã¯ç„¡ã„å ´åˆã€B<--ignore=debian/"
+#~ "init> を使ã†ã“ã¨ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Anything in this variable will be prepended to the command line arguments "
+#~ "of all debhelper commands."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ã“ã®ç’°å¢ƒå¤‰æ•°ã«æŒ‡å®šã—ãŸã‚‚ã®ã¯ã€ã™ã¹ã¦ã® debhelper コマンドã®æœ«å°¾ã«æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œ"
+#~ "るよã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_fixperms-arch:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#~ "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_fixperms-arch:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#~ "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Inside the scripts, the token B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell "
+#~| "script snippets generated by other debhelper commands."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For more information on what tokens Inside the scripts, the token "
+#~ "B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell script snippets generated by other "
+#~ "debhelper commands."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "スクリプト中㮠B<#DEBHELPER#> ã®æ–‡è¨€ã¯ã€ä»–ã® debhelper コマンドãŒç”Ÿæˆã™ã‚‹"
+#~ "シェルスクリプトã®ã‚¹ãƒ‹ãƒšãƒƒãƒˆã§ç½®ãæ›ãˆã‚‰ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgstr "廃止ã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚ªãƒ—ション"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The following options are deprecated. It's much better to use override "
+#~ "targets instead. They are B<not> available in compat 10."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "以下ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯å»ƒæ­¢ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸã€‚代ã‚ã‚Šã« override ターゲットを使ã†äº‹ã‚’å¼·"
+#~ "ã推奨ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ« 10 ã§ã¯åˆ©ç”¨B<ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“>。"
+#~ msgid "B<--until> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--until> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgid "Run commands in the sequence until and including I<cmd>, then stop."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "処ç†ä¸­ã€I<cmd> ã§æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã«é­é‡ã™ã‚‹ã¾ã§å®Ÿè¡Œã—ã€æœ€å¾Œã« I<cmd> ã‚’"
+#~ "実行ã—ã¦åœæ­¢ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "B<--before> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--before> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgid "Run commands in the sequence before I<cmd>, then stop."
+#~ msgstr "I<cmd> ã§æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¾ã§å®Ÿè¡Œã—ã¦åœæ­¢ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "B<--after> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--after> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgid "Run commands in the sequence that come after I<cmd>."
+#~ msgstr "I<cmd> ã§æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã«ç¶šã„ã¦ä¸€é€£ã®ã‚³ãƒžãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚’実行ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "B<--remaining>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--remaining>"
+#~ msgid "Run all commands in the sequence that have yet to be run."
+#~ msgstr "一連ã®å‡¦ç†ã®ã†ã¡ã€æœªã å®Ÿè¡Œã—ã¦ã„ãªã„コマンドを実行ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In the above options, I<cmd> can be a full name of a debhelper command, "
+#~ "or a substring. It'll first search for a command in the sequence exactly "
+#~ "matching the name, to avoid any ambiguity. If there are multiple "
+#~ "substring matches, the last one in the sequence will be used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "以上ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã§ã¯ã€I<cmd> 㯠debhelper コマンドã®å®Œå…¨ãªåå‰ã‚’指定ã™ã‚‹"
+#~ "ã‹ã€ãã®ä¸€éƒ¨ã®åå‰ã‚’指定ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚ã„ã¾ã„ã•ã‚’排除ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã€æœ€åˆ"
+#~ "ã«å®Œå…¨ãªåå‰ã§æ¤œç´¢ãŒè¡Œã‚ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚åå‰ãŒåå‰ã®ä¸€éƒ¨ã§æŒ‡å®šã®å ´åˆã«ã€è¤‡æ•°ã®å€™è£œ"
+#~ "ãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ãŒã€ãã®å ´åˆã¯å‡¦ç†ã®ä¸€é€£ã®æµã‚Œã®ä¸­ã§ä¸€ç•ªæœ€å¾Œã«è¦‹ã¤"
+#~ "ã‹ã£ãŸã‚‚ã®ãŒåˆ©ç”¨ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "dh - debhelper command sequencer"
+#~ msgid "The debhelper maintainers."
+#~ msgstr "dh - debhelper コマンドシーケンサー"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@\n"
+#~ "\t\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@\n"
+#~ "\t\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " % echo #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " % echo #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Your package will also need a versioned build dependency on a version of "
+#~ "debhelper equal to (or greater than) the compatibility level your package "
+#~ "uses. So for compatibility level #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#, ensure debian/"
+#~ "control has:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "パッケージã¯ã€åˆ©ç”¨ã™ã‚‹äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã¨åŒã˜ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ãれ以上) ã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³"
+#~ "ã® debhelper プログラムをビルドä¾å­˜ã¨ã—ã¦è¨­å®šã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬"
+#~ "ベル #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# ã®å ´åˆã€debian/control ファイルãŒä»¥ä¸‹ã®æ§˜ã«ãªã£"
+#~ "ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚’確èªã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„:"
+#~ msgid "This control file will be installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ã“ã® control ファイル㯠F<DEBIAN> ディレクトリ以下ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In v3 compatibility mode and higher, all files in the F<etc/> directory "
+#~ "in a package will automatically be flagged as conffiles by this program, "
+#~ "so there is no need to list them manually here."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ãŒ v3 以上ã®å ´åˆã€ãƒ‘ッケージ内㮠F<etc/> 以下ã®å…¨ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯ã€"
+#~ "ã“ã®ãƒ—ログラムã«ã‚ˆã‚Š conffile ã¨ã—ã¦è‡ªå‹•çš„ã«ãƒ•ãƒ©ã‚°ãŒã¤ã‘らã¾ã™ã€‚ãã®ç‚ºã€ã„"
+#~ "ã¡ã„ã¡è‡ªåˆ†ã§åˆ—挙ã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The syntax of these files is intentionally kept very simple to make them "
+#~ "easy to read, understand, and modify. If you prefer power and complexity, "
+#~ "you can make the file executable, and write a program that outputs "
+#~ "whatever content is appropriate for a given situation. When you do so, "
+#~ "the output is not further processed to expand wildcards or strip comments."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ã“れらファイルã®æ–‡æ³•ã¯ã€èª­è§£ãƒ»ä¿®æ­£ã—ã‚„ã™ã„よã†ã€æ„図的ã«ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒ—ルã«ã—ã¦ã‚ã‚Š"
+#~ "ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã—ã€ã•ã‚‰ã«å¼·åŠ›ã§è¤‡é›‘ãªäº‹ã‚’ã—ãŸã‘ã‚Œã°ã€ã“れらã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã«å®Ÿè¡Œæ¨©é™ã‚’"
+#~ "付与ã—ã€çŠ¶æ³ã«ã‚ã£ãŸå‡ºåŠ›ã‚’ã™ã‚‹ãƒ—ログラムを作æˆã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。ãŸã ã—ã€ã“ã®å ´"
+#~ "åˆã®å‡ºåŠ›çµæžœã§ã¯ã€å¾Œã®å‡¦ç†ã§ãƒ¯ã‚¤ãƒ«ãƒ‰ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã¯å±•é–‹ã•ã‚Œãšã€ã‚³ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆã‚‚å–り除ã‹"
+#~ "ã‚Œãªã„事ã«æ°—ã‚’ã¤ã‘ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#~ msgid "B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<dir> ...>]"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<dir> ...>]"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "By default, the shlibs file generated by this program does not make "
+#~ "packages depend on any particular version of the package containing the "
+#~ "shared library. It may be necessary for you to add some version "
+#~ "dependency information to the shlibs file. If B<-V> is specified with no "
+#~ "dependency information, the current upstream version of the package is "
+#~ "plugged into a dependency that looks like \"I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= "
+#~ "I<packageversion>B<)>\". Note that in debhelper compatibility levels "
+#~ "before v4, the Debian part of the package version number is also "
+#~ "included. If B<-V> is specified with parameters, the parameters can be "
+#~ "used to specify the exact dependency information needed (be sure to "
+#~ "include the package name)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "デフォルトã§ã¯ã€æœ¬ãƒ—ログラムã«ã‚ˆã‚Šç”Ÿæˆã•ã‚Œã‚‹ shlibs ファイルã¯ã€å…±æœ‰ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–"
+#~ "ラリをå«ã‚€ãƒ‘ッケージã®ç‰¹å®šã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã«ä¾å­˜ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒç„¡ã„よã†ã«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“"
+#~ "ã‚Œã¯shlibsファイルã«ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã«é–¢ã™ã‚‹ä¾å­˜æƒ…報をパッケージ作æˆè€…ã«ã‚ˆã‚Šè¿½åŠ "
+#~ "ã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã¨ã„ã†äº‹ã§ã™ã€‚B<-V>ãŒä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚ã®æƒ…報無ã—ã§ç”¨ã„られるã¨ã€ã‚¢ãƒƒ"
+#~ "プストリームã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³æƒ…報㌠\"I<packagename> "
+#~ "B<(E<gt>>=I<packageversion>B<)>\" ã®å½¢å¼ã§ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚ã¸æŒ¿å…¥ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ "debhelper ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ãŒ v4 未満ã®å ´åˆã€ãƒ‘ッケージã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ç•ªå·ã®ã†"
+#~ "ã¡ Debian ã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã‚’示ã™éƒ¨åˆ†ã‚‚ã€ã“ã®ä¾å­˜é–¢ä¿‚ã®æƒ…å ±ã¨ã—ã¦å«ã¾ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ "B<-V> ãŒãƒ‘ラメータã¨å…±ã«æŒ‡å®šã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨ã€ã“ã®ãƒ‘ラメータã¯å¾Œã«å¿…è¦ã¨ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ (ã¾"
+#~ "ãŸã€ãƒ‘ッケージã®åå‰ã¨ã—ã¦ç¢ºå®Ÿã«å«ã¾ã‚Œã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«) 正確ãªãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ä¾å­˜æƒ…å ±ã¨"
+#~ "ã—ã¦æ‰±ã‚ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs>"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note for the first (or only) binary package listed in F<debian/control>, "
+#~ "debhelper will use F<debian/foo> when there's no F<debian/> "
+#~ "file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "F<debian/control> ã«è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„る最åˆã® (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯å”¯ä¸€ã®) ãƒã‚¤ãƒŠãƒªãƒ‘ッケー"
+#~ "ジã¯ã€debhelper 㯠F<debian/> ファイルãŒç„¡ã„å ´åˆã«ã¯ F<debian/"
+#~ "foo> ファイルを利用ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "If the directories found in the build tree have unusual owners, groups, "
+#~| "or permissions, then those values will be preserved in the directories "
+#~| "made by the F<postinst> script. However, as a special exception, if a "
+#~| "directory is owned by root.root, it will be treated as if it is owned by "
+#~| "root.staff and is mode 2775. This is useful, since that is the group and "
+#~| "mode policy recommends for directories in F</usr/local>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When I<Rules-Requires-Root> has an effective value of I<binary-targets>, "
+#~ "the owners, groups and permissions will be preserved with one exception. "
+#~ "If the directory is owned by root:root, then ownership will be reset to "
+#~ "root:staff and mode will be reset to 02775. This is useful, since that is "
+#~ "the group and mode policy recommends for directories in F</usr/local>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "パッケージビルドツリー以下ã«é€šå¸¸ã§ã¯ãªã„所有者ã€ã‚°ãƒ«ãƒ¼ãƒ—ã€ãƒ‘ーミッションを"
+#~ "æŒã¤ã‚µãƒ–ディレクトリãŒå­˜åœ¨ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€ã“れらã®æƒ…å ±ã¯ä¿å­˜ã•ã‚Œã€F<postinst> スク"
+#~ "リプトã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦å¾Œã§å映ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ã—ã‹ã—ãªãŒã‚‰ã€ç‰¹åˆ¥ãªä¾‹å¤–ã¨ã—ã¦ã€ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆ"
+#~ "リ㌠root.root ã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶ãƒ»ã‚°ãƒ«ãƒ¼ãƒ—ã¨ãªã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã€ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶ãƒ»ã‚°ãƒ«ãƒ¼ãƒ—㯠"
+#~ "root.staff ã§ã€ãƒ‘ーミッション㯠2775 ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã‚‚ã®ã¨ã—ã¦æ‰±ã‚ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚ã“れ㯠"
+#~ "F</usr/local> 以下ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã‚’扱ã†ã®ã«éƒ½åˆãŒè‰¯ã„為ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please keep in mind that dh_install will B<not> expand wildcards in this "
+#~ "file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_install ã¯ã€ã“ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«å†…ã§ãƒ¯ã‚¤ãƒ«ãƒ‰ã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã‚’B<展開ã—ãªã„>点ã«æ³¨æ„ã—ã¦ä¸‹"
+#~ "ã•ã„。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This option makes B<dh_install> keep track of the files it installs, and "
+#~ "then at the end, compare that list with the files in the source "
+#~ "directory. If any of the files (and symlinks) in the source directory "
+#~ "were not installed to somewhere, it will warn on stderr about that."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã«ã‚ˆã‚Šã€B<dh_install> ã¯ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ç¾¤ã‚’記録ã—ã€"
+#~ "ãã—ã¦æœ€å¾Œã«ã‚½ãƒ¼ã‚¹ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆãƒªã«ã‚るファイルã®ä¸€è¦§ã¨æ¯”較ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã—ã€ã‚½ãƒ¼"
+#~ "スファイル中ã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ« (ã‚‚ã—ãã¯ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒœãƒªãƒƒã‚¯ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯) ã§ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„"
+#~ "ãªã„ã‚‚ã®ãŒç™ºè¦‹ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã¨ã€è­¦å‘Šã‚’標準エラー出力ã«è¡¨ç¤ºã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This may be useful if you have a large package and want to make sure that "
+#~ "you don't miss installing newly added files in new upstream releases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ションã¯å¤§ããªãƒ‘ッケージをã¤ãã‚ã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„ãŸã‚Šã€é–‹ç™ºå…ƒ (upstream) "
+#~ "ã®æ–°ã—ã„リリースã«ã¦æ–°ãŸã«å¢—ãˆãŸãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’インストールã—忘れãªã„よã†ã«ã™ã‚‹"
+#~ "時ã«ä¾¿åˆ©ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that files that are excluded from being moved via the B<-X> option "
+#~ "are not warned about."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<-X> オプションã§é™¤å¤–ã—ãŸãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã¯è­¦å‘Šå¯¾è±¡ã‹ã‚‰é™¤å¤–ã•ã‚Œã‚‹äº‹ã«ã”注æ„ãã ã•"
+#~ "ã„。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This option is like B<--list-missing>, except if a file was missed, it "
+#~ "will not only list the missing files, but also fail with a nonzero exit "
+#~ "code."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ã“ã®ã‚ªãƒ—ション㯠B<--list-missing> ã¨åŒã˜ã‚ˆã†ãªã‚‚ã®ã§ã™ãŒã€ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ãŒã‚¤ãƒ³"
+#~ "ストールã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ãªã„ã‚‚ã®ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã®ã‚’発見ã™ã‚‹ã¨ã€ãã®ãƒ•ã‚¡ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’列挙ã—ã¦æ•™ãˆã¦"
+#~ "ãれるã ã‘ã§ãªãã€çµ‚了コードã¨ã—㦠0 以外を返ã—ã¦å‡¦ç†ã‚’失敗ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "Participating in the open beta testing of new compat levels"
+#~ msgstr "æ–°ã—ã„互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã®å…¬é–‹ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆã«å‚加ã™ã‚‹"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It is possible to opt-in to the open beta testing of new compat levels. "
+#~ "This is done by setting the compat level to the string \"beta-tester\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "æ–°ã—ã„互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã®å…¬é–‹ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆã«å‚加ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã¯ã€äº’æ›"
+#~ "性レベルを \"beta-tester\" ã¨ã„ã†æ–‡å­—ã«è¨­å®šã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã§å®Ÿæ–½ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Packages using this compat level will automatically be upgraded to the "
+#~ "highest compatibility level in open beta. In periods without any open "
+#~ "beta versions, the compat level will be the highest stable compatibility "
+#~ "level."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ã“ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã‚’使ã†ãƒ‘ッケージã¯ã€å…¬é–‹ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¿çŠ¶æ…‹ã«ã‚る最も高ã„互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™"
+#~ "ルã«è‡ªå‹•çš„ã«ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—グレードã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚公開ベータãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ãŒå­˜åœ¨ã—ãªã„期間ã§"
+#~ "ã¯ã€äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã¯æœ€ã‚‚高ã„安定版互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "Please consider the following before opting in:"
+#~ msgstr "å—ã‘入れå‰ã«ä»¥ä¸‹ã®äº‹æŸ„を検討ã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The automatic upgrade in compatibility level may cause the package (or a "
+#~ "feature in it) to stop functioning."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã®è‡ªå‹•ã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—グレードã¯ãƒ‘ッケージ (ã‚ã‚‹ã„ã¯ãƒ‘ッケージã®ä¸€éƒ¨æ©Ÿ"
+#~ "能) ãŒå‹•ä½œã—ãªããªã‚‹å¯èƒ½æ€§ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Compatibility levels in open beta are still subject to change. We will "
+#~ "try to keep the changes to a minimal once the beta starts. However, "
+#~ "there are no guarantees that the compat will not change during the beta."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "公開ベータ状態ã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã¯ã€ä¾ç„¶ã¨ã—ã¦å¤‰æ›´ã•ã‚Œã‚‹å¯èƒ½æ€§ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ベー"
+#~ "タ開始後ã¯å¤‰æ›´ã‚’最å°é™ã«ç•™ã‚るよã†ã«ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã§ã™ãŒã€ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¿æœŸé–“中ã«äº’æ›æ€§ãŒ"
+#~ "変ã‚らãªã„ã“ã¨ã®ä¿è¨¼ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "We will notify you via before we start a "
+#~| "new open beta compat level. However, once the beta starts we expect "
+#~| "that you keep yourself up to date on changes to debhelper."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "We will notify you via or debian-"
+#~ " before we start a new open beta compat level. "
+#~ "However, once the beta starts we expect that you keep yourself up to date "
+#~ "on changes to debhelper for that compat level."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã®æ–°ãŸãªå…¬é–‹ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¿ã‚’始ã‚ã‚‹å‰ã« "
+#~ "ã§é€šçŸ¥ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚ã§ã™ãŒã€ä¸€æ—¦ãƒ™ãƒ¼ã‚¿ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆãŒå§‹ã¾ã£ãŸã‚‰ã€debhelper ã®å¤‰æ›´ã¸è¿½éš"
+#~ "ã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒæœŸå¾…ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "The \"beta-tester\" compatibility version in unstable and testing will "
+#~| "often be different than the one in stable-backports. Accordingly, it is "
+#~| "not recommended for packages being backported regularly."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The \"beta-tester\" compatibility version in unstable and testing will "
+#~ "often be different than the one in stable. Accordingly, it is not "
+#~ "recommended for packages being backported regularly. Alternatively, "
+#~ "please be sure to add explicit versioned Build-Depends on debhelper, so "
+#~ "you get exactly the compatibility version you expect."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ä¸å®‰å®šç‰ˆåŠã³ãƒ†ã‚¹ãƒˆç‰ˆã«ã‚ã‚‹ \"beta-tester\" 互æ›æ€§ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã¯ã€ã—ã°ã—ã° "
+#~ "stable-backports ã®ã‚‚ã®ã¨ã¯ç•°ãªã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚従ã£ã¦ã€å®šæœŸçš„ã«ãƒãƒƒã‚¯ãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã™ã‚‹ã®"
+#~ "ã¯æŽ¨å¥¨ã•ã‚Œã¾ã›ã‚“。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You can always opt-out of the beta by resetting the compatibility level "
+#~ "of your package to a stable version."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "パッケージã®äº’æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã‚’安定版ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã«æˆ»ã›ã°ã€ã„ã¤ã§ã‚‚ベータを辞ã‚ã‚‹"
+#~ "ã“ã¨ãŒå¯èƒ½ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "Should you still be interested in the open beta testing, please run:"
+#~ msgstr "公開ベータテストã«èˆˆå‘³ãŒã¾ã ã‚ã‚‹å ´åˆã¯ã€ä»¥ä¸‹ã‚’実行ã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " % echo beta-tester > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " % echo beta-tester > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid "You will also need to ensure that debian/control contains:"
+#~ msgstr "debian/control ãŒä»¥ä¸‹ã‚’å«ã‚€ã“ã¨ã‚’確èªã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ã‚‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9.20160815~)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9.20160815~)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To ensure that debhelper knows about the \"beta-tester\" compat level."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "debhelper ㌠\"beta-tester\" 互æ›æ€§ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«ã‚’ç†è§£ã™ã‚‹ã®ã‚’ä¿è¨¼ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã§ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "This can be used without a F<debian/compat> file."
+#~ msgstr "ã“れ㯠F<debian/compat> ファイル無ã—ã§åˆ©ç”¨ã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_testroot> simply checks to see if you are root. If not, it exits "
+#~ "with an error. Debian packages must be built as root, though you can use "
+#~ "L<fakeroot(1)>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_testroot> ã¯å˜ã«ã€root 権é™ã§ãƒ‘ッケージをビルドã—よã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã‹ã©ã†"
+#~ "ã‹ã‚’確ã‹ã‚ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚‚ã— root 権é™ã‚’æŒã£ã¦ã„ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ã€æˆ»ã‚Šå€¤ã«ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼å€¤ã‚’指定ã—"
+#~ "ã¦å‡¦ç†ã‚’終ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚debian パッケージ㯠root 権é™ã§ãƒ“ルドã•ã‚Œãªã‘ã‚Œã°ã„ã‘"
+#~ "ã¾ã›ã‚“。も㗠root 権é™ã§ãƒ“ルドã§ããªã„ã®ã§ã‚ã‚Œã°ã€L<fakeroot(1)> を利用ã—"
+#~ "ã¦ãã ã•ã„。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_installmenu> no longer installs F<menu> files. The F<menu-method> "
+#~ "files are still installed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_installmenu> 㯠F<menu> ファイルをインストールã—ãªããªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ã¾ã  "
+#~ "F<menu-method> ファイルã¯ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_installdocs> now installs user-supplied documentation (e.g. debian/"
+#~ "I<package>.docs) into F</usr/share/doc/mainpackage> rather than F</usr/"
+#~ "share/doc/package> by default as recommended by Debian Policy 3.9.7."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_installdocs> ã¯ã€Debian ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼ 3.9.7 ã®å‹§ã‚ã«å¾“ã£ã¦ã€ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶ãƒ¼ãŒæä¾›"
+#~ "ã™ã‚‹ãƒ‰ã‚­ãƒ¥ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒˆã‚’ã€ãƒ‡ãƒ•ã‚©ãƒ«ãƒˆã§ã¯ F</usr/share/doc/package> ã§ã¯ãªã F</"
+#~ "usr/share/doc/mainpackage> ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ãªã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you need the old behaviour, it can be emulated by using the B<--"
+#~ "mainpackage> option."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "以å‰ã®æŒ¯ã‚‹èˆžã„ãŒå¿…è¦ãªå ´åˆã€B<--mainpackage> オプションを使ã£ã¦ã‚¨ãƒŸãƒ¥ãƒ¬ãƒ¼"
+#~ "ションã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒã§ãã¾ã™ã€‚"
+#~ msgid "Please remember to check/update your doc-base files."
+#~ msgstr "doc-base ファイルã®ç¢ºèªã¨æ›´æ–°ã‚’忘れãªã„ã§ä¸‹ã•ã„。"
+#~ msgid "Do not stop init script on upgrade."
+#~ msgstr "init スクリプトをアップグレード中ã«ã¯åœæ­¢ã•ã›ã¾ã›ã‚“。"
diff --git a/man/po4a/po/pt.po b/man/po4a/po/pt.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e80bddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/po4a/po/pt.po
@@ -0,0 +1,13918 @@
+# Translation of the debhelper documentation to European Portuguese.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 The debhelper's copyright holder.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the debhelper package.
+# Américo Monteiro <>, 2014 to 2022.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: debhelper 13.9.1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-20 19:46+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-05 22:19+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Américo Monteiro <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
+"Language: pt\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 20.12.0\n"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:3 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:3
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:1 dh:3 dh_auto_build:3 dh_auto_clean:3
+#: dh_auto_configure:3 dh_auto_install:3 dh_auto_test:3 dh_bugfiles:3
+#: dh_builddeb:5 dh_clean:3 dh_compress:3 dh_dwz:3 dh_fixperms:3
+#: dh_gencontrol:3 dh_icons:3 dh_install:3 dh_installcatalogs:3
+#: dh_installchangelogs:3 dh_installcron:3 dh_installdeb:3 dh_installdebconf:3
+#: dh_installdirs:3 dh_installdocs:5 dh_installemacsen:3 dh_installexamples:5
+#: dh_installifupdown:3 dh_installinfo:3 dh_installinit:3 dh_installinitramfs:3
+#: dh_installlogcheck:3 dh_installlogrotate:3 dh_installman:3
+#: dh_installmanpages:3 dh_installmenu:3 dh_installmime:3 dh_installmodules:3
+#: dh_installpam:3 dh_installppp:3 dh_installudev:3 dh_installwm:3
+#: dh_installxfonts:3 dh_link:3 dh_lintian:3 dh_listpackages:3 dh_makeshlibs:3
+#: dh_md5sums:3 dh_movefiles:3 dh_perl:3 dh_prep:3 dh_shlibdeps:3 dh_strip:3
+#: dh_testdir:3 dh_testroot:5 dh_usrlocal:5 dh_systemd_enable:3
+#: dh_systemd_start:3
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr "NOME"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:5
+msgid "debhelper - the debhelper tool suite"
+msgstr "debhelper - a suite de ferramentas debhelper"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:7 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:7
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:5 dh:22 dh_auto_build:16 dh_auto_clean:16
+#: dh_auto_configure:16 dh_auto_install:18 dh_auto_test:16 dh_bugfiles:15
+#: dh_builddeb:17 dh_clean:15 dh_compress:17 dh_dwz:16 dh_fixperms:16
+#: dh_gencontrol:16 dh_icons:16 dh_install:15 dh_installcatalogs:17
+#: dh_installchangelogs:16 dh_installcron:15 dh_installdeb:15
+#: dh_installdebconf:15 dh_installdirs:15 dh_installdocs:17
+#: dh_installemacsen:15 dh_installexamples:17 dh_installifupdown:15
+#: dh_installinfo:15 dh_installinit:16 dh_installinitramfs:15
+#: dh_installlogcheck:15 dh_installlogrotate:15 dh_installman:16
+#: dh_installmanpages:16 dh_installmenu:15 dh_installmime:15
+#: dh_installmodules:16 dh_installpam:15 dh_installppp:15 dh_installudev:15
+#: dh_installwm:15 dh_installxfonts:15 dh_link:16 dh_lintian:15
+#: dh_listpackages:15 dh_makeshlibs:15 dh_md5sums:16 dh_movefiles:15 dh_perl:18
+#: dh_prep:15 dh_shlibdeps:17 dh_strip:16 dh_testdir:15 dh_testroot:9
+#: dh_usrlocal:19 dh_systemd_enable:16 dh_systemd_start:17
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr "RESUMO"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_>I<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-p>I<package>] [B<-"
+"N>I<package>] [B<-P>I<tmpdir>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_>I<*> [B<-v>] [B<-a>] [B<-i>] [B<--no-act>] [B<-p>I<package>] [B<-"
+"N>I<package>] [B<-P>I<tmpdir>]"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:11 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:17 dh:26
+#: dh_auto_build:20 dh_auto_clean:20 dh_auto_configure:20 dh_auto_install:22
+#: dh_auto_test:20 dh_bugfiles:19 dh_builddeb:21 dh_clean:19 dh_compress:21
+#: dh_dwz:20 dh_fixperms:20 dh_gencontrol:20 dh_icons:20 dh_install:19
+#: dh_installcatalogs:21 dh_installchangelogs:20 dh_installcron:19
+#: dh_installdeb:19 dh_installdebconf:19 dh_installdirs:19 dh_installdocs:21
+#: dh_installemacsen:19 dh_installexamples:21 dh_installifupdown:19
+#: dh_installinfo:19 dh_installinit:20 dh_installinitramfs:19
+#: dh_installlogcheck:19 dh_installlogrotate:19 dh_installman:20
+#: dh_installmanpages:20 dh_installmenu:19 dh_installmime:19
+#: dh_installmodules:20 dh_installpam:19 dh_installppp:19 dh_installudev:19
+#: dh_installwm:19 dh_installxfonts:19 dh_link:20 dh_lintian:19
+#: dh_listpackages:19 dh_makeshlibs:19 dh_md5sums:20 dh_movefiles:19 dh_perl:22
+#: dh_prep:19 dh_shlibdeps:21 dh_strip:20 dh_testdir:19 dh_testroot:13
+#: dh_usrlocal:23 dh_systemd_enable:20 dh_systemd_start:21
+msgstr "DESCRIÇÃO"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:13
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper is used to help you build a Debian package. The philosophy behind "
+"debhelper is to provide a collection of small, simple, and easily understood "
+"tools that are used in F<debian/rules> to automate various common aspects of "
+"building a package. This means less work for you, the packager. It also, to "
+"some degree means that these tools can be changed if Debian policy changes, "
+"and packages that use them will require only a rebuild to comply with the "
+"new policy."
+msgstr ""
+"Debhelper é usado para ajudá-lo a compilar um pacote Debian. A filosofia por "
+"detrás de debhelper é disponibilizar uma colecção de ferramentas pequenas, "
+"simples e de fácil compreensão que são usadas em F<debian/rules> para "
+"automatizar vários aspectos comuns da compilação de um pacote. Isto "
+"significa menos trabalho para si, o empacotador. Também significa, até certo "
+"ponto, que estas ferramentas podem ser alteradas se a política de Debian "
+"alterar, e os pacotes que as usam irão precisar apenas de uma recompilação "
+"para ficarem em conformidade com a nova política."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:21
+msgid ""
+"A typical F<debian/rules> file that uses debhelper will call several "
+"debhelper commands in sequence, or use L<dh(1)> to automate this process. "
+"Examples of rules files that use debhelper are in F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/"
+msgstr ""
+"Um ficheiro F<debian/rules> típico que usa debhelper irá chamar vários "
+"comandos debhelper em sequência, ou usar L<dh(1)> para automatizar este "
+"processo. Em F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/> estão exemplos de "
+"ficheiros de regras que usam debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:25
+msgid ""
+"To create a new Debian package using debhelper, you can just copy one of the "
+"sample rules files and edit it by hand. Or you can try the B<dh-make> "
+"package, which contains a L<dh_make|dh_make(1)> command that partially "
+"automates the process. For a more gentle introduction, the B<maint-guide> "
+"Debian package contains a tutorial about making your first package using "
+msgstr ""
+"Para criar um novo pacote Debian usando o debhelper, você pode copiar um dos "
+"ficheiros de regras exemplo e editá-lo à mão. Ou pode tentar o pacote B<dh-"
+"make>, o qual contém um comando L<dh_make|dh_make(1)> que automatiza "
+"parcialmente o processo Para uma introdução mais gentil, o pacote Debian "
+"B<maint-guide> contém um tutorial acerca de como fazer o seu primeiro pacote "
+"usando o debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:31
+msgid ""
+"Except where the tool explicitly denotes otherwise, all of the debhelper "
+"tools assume that they run from the root directory of an unpacked source "
+"package. This is so they can locate find files like F<debian/control> when "
+msgstr ""
+"Excepto onde a ferramenta explicitamente denota, caso contrário, todas as "
+"ferramentas do debhelper assumem que são corridas a partir do directório "
+"raiz de um pacote fonte descompactado. Isto é feito para que possam "
+"localizar e encontrar ficheiros como F<debian/control> quando necessário."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:36
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:38
+msgid ""
+"Here is the list of debhelper commands you can use. See their man pages for "
+"additional documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"Aqui está a lista dos comandos debhelper que você pode usar. Veja os seus "
+"manuais para documentação adicional."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:43
+msgid "#LIST#"
+msgstr "#LISTA#"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:47
+msgid "Deprecated Commands"
+msgstr "Comandos Descontinuados"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:49
+msgid "A few debhelper commands are deprecated and should not be used."
+msgstr "Alguns comandos debhelper estão descontinuados e não devem ser usados."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:53
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:57
+msgid "Other Commands"
+msgstr "Outros comandos"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"If a program's name starts with B<dh_>, and the program is not on the above "
+"lists, then it is not part of the debhelper package, but it should still "
+"work like the other programs described on this page."
+msgstr ""
+"Se o nome dum programa começa com B<dh_>, e o programa não está nas listas "
+"em cima, então não faz parte do pacote debhelper, mas mesmo assim deverá "
+"funcionar como os outros programas descritos nesta página."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:63
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"Many debhelper commands make use of files in F<debian/> to control what they "
+"do. Besides the common F<debian/changelog> and F<debian/control>, which are "
+"in all packages, not just those using debhelper, some additional files can "
+"be used to configure the behavior of specific debhelper commands. These "
+"files are typically named debian/I<package>.foo (where I<package> of course, "
+"is replaced with the package that is being acted on)."
+msgstr ""
+"Muitos comandos do debhelper usam ficheiros em F<debian/> para controlar o "
+"que fazem. Para além dos comuns F<debian/changelog> e F<debian/control>, que "
+"estão em todos os pacotes, e não apenas aqueles que usam debhelper, alguns "
+"ficheiros adicionais podem ser usados para configurar o comportamento de "
+"comandos debhelper específicos. Estes ficheiros são chamados tipicamente "
+"debian/I<pacote>.foo (onde I<pacote> é claro, é substituído pelo nome do "
+"pacote no qual se está a actuar)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:72
+msgid ""
+"For example, B<dh_installdocs> uses files named F<debian/> to "
+"list the documentation files it will install. See the man pages of "
+"individual commands for details about the names and formats of the files "
+"they use. Generally, these files will list files to act on, one file per "
+"line. Some programs in debhelper use pairs of files and destinations or "
+"slightly more complicated formats."
+msgstr ""
+"Por exemplo, B<dh_installdocs> usa ficheiros chamados F<debian/> "
+"para listar os ficheiros de documentação que ira instalar. Veja os manuais "
+"individuais dos comandos para detalhes acerca dos nomes e formatos dos "
+"ficheiros que usam. Geralmente, estes ficheiros irão listar ficheiros onde "
+"se vai actuar, um ficheiro por linha. Alguns programas no debhelper usam "
+"pares de ficheiros e destinos ou formatos ligeiramente mais complicados."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:79
+msgid ""
+"Note for the first (or only) binary package listed in F<debian/control>, "
+"debhelper will use F<debian/foo> when there's no F<debian/I<package>.foo> "
+"file. However, it is often a good idea to keep the F<I<package>.> prefix as "
+"it is more explicit. The primary exception to this are files that debhelper "
+"by default installs in every binary package when it does not have a package "
+"prefix (such as F<debian/copyright> or F<debian/changelog>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota para o primeiro (ou único) pacote binário listado em F<debian/control>, "
+"o debhelper irá usar F<debian/foo> quando não existe nenhum ficheiro "
+"F<debian/I<package>.foo>. No entanto, é geralmente uma boa ideia manter o "
+"prefixo F<I<package>.> pois é mais explícito. A principal excepção a isto "
+"são ficheiro que o debhelper instala por predefinição em todos os pacotes "
+"binários quando não tem um prefixo de pacote (tal como F<debian/copyright> "
+"ou F<debian/changelog>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:87
+msgid ""
+"In some rare cases, you may want to have different versions of these files "
+"for different architectures or OSes. If files named debian/I<package>.foo."
+"I<ARCH> or debian/I<package>.foo.I<OS> exist, where I<ARCH> and I<OS> are "
+"the same as the output of \"B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH>\" / "
+"\"B<dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS>\", then they will be used in "
+"preference to other, more general files."
+msgstr ""
+"Em alguns casos raros, você pode querer ter versões diferentes destes "
+"ficheiros para arquitecturas ou sistemas operativos diferentes. Se existirem "
+"ficheiros chamados debian/I<pacote>.foo.I<ARCH> ou debian/I<pacote>.foo."
+"I<OS>, onde I<ARCH> e I<OS> são o mesmo que o resultado de \"B<dpkg-"
+"architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH>\" / \"B<dpkg-architecture -"
+"qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS>\", então eles irão ser usados em preferência de outros "
+"ficheiros mais gerais."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:94
+msgid ""
+"Mostly, these config files are used to specify lists of various types of "
+"files. Documentation or example files to install, files to move, and so on. "
+"When appropriate, in cases like these, you can use standard shell wildcard "
+"characters (B<?> and B<*> and B<[>I<..>B<]> character classes) in the "
+"files. You can also put comments in these files; lines beginning with B<#> "
+"are ignored."
+msgstr ""
+"Maioritariamente, estes ficheiros de configuração são usados para "
+"especificar listas de vários tipos de ficheiros. Documentação ou ficheiros "
+"exemplo para instalar, ficheiros para mover, e etc. Quando apropriado, em "
+"casos como estes, você pode usar caracteres \"wildcard\" de shell standard "
+"(classes de caracteres B<?> e B<*> e B<[>I<..>B<]>) nos ficheiros. Também "
+"pode meter comentários neste ficheiros; as linhas começadas com B<#> são "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:101
+msgid ""
+"The syntax of these files is intentionally kept very simple to make them "
+"easy to read, understand, and modify."
+msgstr ""
+"A sintaxe destes ficheiros é mantida intencionalmente muito simples para os "
+"tornar fáceis de ler, compreender e modificar."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:104
+msgid "Substitutions in debhelper config files"
+msgstr "Substituições em ficheiros de configuração do debhelper"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:106
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 13 and later, it is possible to use simple "
+"substitutions in debhelper config files for the following tools:"
+msgstr ""
+"Em nível de compatibilidade 13 e posterior, é possível usar substituições "
+"simples em ficheiros de configuração do debhelper para as seguintes "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:111 debhelper.pod:115 debhelper.pod:119 debhelper.pod:123
+#: debhelper.pod:127 debhelper.pod:131 debhelper.pod:135 debhelper.pod:139
+#: debhelper.pod:143 debhelper.pod:147 debhelper.pod:151 debhelper.pod:155
+#: debhelper.pod:159 debhelper.pod:247 debhelper.pod:252
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:113
+msgid "dh_clean"
+msgstr "dh_clean"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:117
+msgid "dh_install"
+msgstr "dh_install"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:121
+msgid "dh_installcatalogs"
+msgstr "dh_installcatalogs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:125
+msgid "dh_installdeb"
+msgstr "dh_installdeb"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:129
+msgid "dh_installdirs"
+msgstr "dh_installdirs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:133
+msgid "dh_installdocs"
+msgstr "dh_installdocs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:137
+msgid "dh_installexamples"
+msgstr "dh_installexamples"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:141
+msgid "dh_installinfo"
+msgstr "dh_installinfo"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:145
+msgid "dh_installman"
+msgstr "dh_installman"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:149
+msgid "dh_installwm"
+msgstr "dh_installwm"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:153
+msgid "dh_link"
+msgstr "dh_link"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:157
+msgid "dh_missing"
+msgstr "dh_missing"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:161
+msgid "dh_ucf"
+msgstr "dh_ucf"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:165
+msgid ""
+"All substitution variables are of the form I<${foo}> and the braces are "
+"mandatory. Variable names are case-sensitive and consist of alphanumerics "
+"(a-zA-Z0-9), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and colons (:). The first "
+"character must be an alphanumeric."
+msgstr ""
+"Todas as variáveis de substituição são do formato I<${foo}> e as chavetas "
+"são obrigatórias. Os nomes das variáveis são sensíveis a maiúscula/minúscula "
+"e consistem de alfanuméricos (a-zA-Z0-9), hífens (-), underscores (_), and "
+"dois pontos (:). O primeiro caractere tem de ser alfanumérico."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:170
+msgid ""
+"If you need a literal dollar sign that cannot trigger a substitution, you "
+"can either use the B<${Dollar}> substitution or the sequence B<${}>."
+msgstr ""
+"Se precisar de um sinal literal de dollar que não despolete uma "
+"substituição, você pode ou usar a substituição de B<${Dollar}> ou a "
+"sequência B<${}>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:173
+msgid "The following expansions are available:"
+msgstr "As seguintes expansões estão disponíveis:"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:177
+msgid "B<DEB_HOST_*>, B<DEB_BUILD_*>, B<DEB_TARGET_*>"
+msgstr "B<DEB_HOST_*>, B<DEB_BUILD_*>, B<DEB_TARGET_*>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:179
+msgid ""
+"Expands to the relevant L<dpkg-architecture(1)> value (similar to I<dpkg-"
+"architecture -qVARIABLE_HERE>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Expande para o valor L<dpkg-architecture(1)> relevante (semelhante a I<dpkg-"
+"architecture -qVARIABLE_HERE>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:182
+msgid ""
+"When in doubt, the B<DEB_HOST_*> variant is the one that will work both for "
+"native and cross builds."
+msgstr ""
+"Em caso de dúvida, a variante B<DEB_HOST_*> é aquela que irá trabalhar para "
+"ambas compilações nativas e cruzadas."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:185
+msgid ""
+"For performance reasons, debhelper will attempt to resolve these names from "
+"the environment first before consulting L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. This is "
+"mostly mentioned for completeness as it will not matter for most cases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por razões de performance, o debhelper irá tentar resolver esses nomes "
+"primeiro a partir do ambiente antes de consultar L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. "
+"Isto é muito mencionado para plenitude pois não irá ter importância na "
+"maioria dos casos."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:190
+msgid "B<Dollar>"
+msgstr "B<Dollar>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:192
+msgid ""
+"Expands to a single literal B<$>-symbol. This symbol will I<never> be "
+"considered part of a substitution variable. That is:"
+msgstr ""
+"Expande para um símbolo literal único B<$>-symbol. Este símbolo I<nunca> irá "
+"ser considerado parte de uma variável de substituição. Isso é:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:195
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Triggers an error\n"
+" ${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+" # Expands to the literal value \"${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\"\n"
+" ${Dollar}{NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Triggers an error\n"
+" ${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+" # Expands to the literal value \"${NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\"\n"
+" ${Dollar}{NO_SUCH_TOKEN}\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:200
+msgid ""
+"This variable equivalent to the sequence B<${}> and the two can be used "
+msgstr ""
+"Esta variável é equivalente à sequência B<${}> e as duas podem ser usadas "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:203
+msgid "B<Newline>, B<Space>, B<Tab>"
+msgstr "B<Newline>, B<Space>, B<Tab>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:205
+msgid "Expands to a single ASCII newline, space and tab respectively."
+msgstr "Expande para uma nova linha ASCII única, espaço e tab respetivamente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:207
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful if you need to include a literal whitespace character (e."
+"g. space) where it would otherwise be stripped or used as a separator."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto pode ser útil se precisar de incluir um caractere literal de \"espaço "
+"em branco\" (ex. espaço) onde caso contrário ele iria ser descartado ou "
+"usado como um separador."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:211
+msgid "B<< env:I<NAME> >>"
+msgstr "B<< env:I<NAME> >>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:213
+msgid ""
+"Expands to the environment variable I<NAME>. The environment variable must "
+"be set (but can be set to the empty string)."
+msgstr ""
+"Expande para a variável de ambiente I<NAME>. A variável de ambiente tem de "
+"estar definida (mas pode estar definida para uma string vazia)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:218
+msgid ""
+"Note that all variables must expand to a defined value. As an example, if "
+"debhelper sees I<${env:FOO}>, then it will insist that the environment "
+"variable I<FOO> is set (it can be set to the empty string)."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que todas as variáveis têm de expandir para um valor definido. Como "
+"exemplo, se o debhelper vir I<${env:FOO}>, então ele irá insistir que a "
+"variável de ambiente I<FOO> está definida (pode estar definida para uma "
+"string vazia)."
+#. type: =head3
+#: debhelper.pod:222
+msgid "Substitution limits"
+msgstr "Limites de substituição"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:224
+msgid ""
+"To avoid infinite loops and resource exhaustion, debhelper will stop with an "
+"error if the text contains many substitution variables (50) or they expand "
+"beyond a certain size (4096 characters or 3x length of the original input - "
+"whichever is bigger)."
+msgstr ""
+"Para evitar ciclos infinitos e exaustão de recursos, o debhelper irá parar "
+"com um erro se o texto conter muitas variáveis de substituição (50) ou se "
+"elas expandirem para lá de um determinado tamanho (4096 caracteres ou 3x o "
+"comprimento da entrada original - qual deles for maior)."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:229
+msgid "Executable debhelper config files"
+msgstr "Ficheiros de configuração do debhelper executáveis."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:231
+msgid ""
+"If you need additional flexibility, many of the debhelper tools (e.g. "
+"L<dh_install(1)>) support executing a config file as a script."
+msgstr ""
+"Se precisar de flexibilidade adicional, muitas das ferramentas debhelper "
+"(ex, L<dh_install(1)>) suportam executar um ficheiro de configuração como um "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:234
+msgid ""
+"To use this feature, simply mark the config file as executable (e.g. B<< "
+"chmod +x debian/I<package>.install >>) and the tool will attempt to execute "
+"it and use the output of the script. In many cases, you can use L<dh-"
+"exec(1)> as interpreter of the config file to retain most of the original "
+"syntax while getting the additional flexibility you need."
+msgstr ""
+"Para usar esta funcionalidade, simplesmente marque o ficheiro de "
+"configuração como executável (ex. B<< chmod +x debian/I<package>.install >>) "
+"e a ferramenta irá tentar executá-lo e usar o resultado do script. Em muitos "
+"casos, você pode usar L<dh-exec(1)> como interpretador do ficheiro de "
+"configuração para reter a maioria da sintaxe original enquanto obtém a "
+"flexibilidade adicional que precisa."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:242
+msgid ""
+"When using executable debhelper config files, please be aware of the "
+msgstr ""
+"Quando usar ficheiros de configuração executáveis do debhelper, por favor "
+"tenha em atenção o seguinte:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:249
+msgid ""
+"The executable config file B<must> exit with success (i.e. its return code "
+"should indicate success)."
+msgstr ""
+"O ficheiro de configuração executável B<must> termina com sucesso (isto é, o "
+"seu código de retorne deve indicar sucesso)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:254
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 13+, the output will be subject to substitutions (see "
+"L</Substitutions in debhelper config files>) where the tool support these. "
+"Remember to be careful if your generator I<also> provides substitutions as "
+"this can cause unnecessary confusion."
+msgstr ""
+"Em nível de compatibilidade 13+, o resultado será sujeito a substituições "
+"(veja L</Substituições em ficheiros de configuração do debhelper>) onde a "
+"ferramenta suportar estes. Lembre-se disto se o seu gerador I<também> "
+"disponibilizar substituições pois isto pode causar confusão desnecessária."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:259
+msgid ""
+"Otherwise, the output will be used exactly as-is. Notably, debhelper will "
+"I<not> expand wildcards or strip comments or strip whitespace in the output."
+msgstr ""
+"Caso contrário, o resultado de saída irá ser usado exatamente como está. De "
+"notar que o debhelper I<não> irá expandir wildcards, nem retirar comentários "
+"ou espaços em branco ao resultado de saída."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:265
+msgid ""
+"If you need the package to build on a file system where you cannot disable "
+"the executable bit, then you can use L<dh-exec(1)> and its B<strip-output> "
+msgstr ""
+"Se precisar que o pacote compile num sistema de ficheiros onde não pode "
+"desactivar o bit de executável, então você pode usar L<dh-exec(1)> o o seu "
+"script B<strip-output>."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:269
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:271
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by all debhelper programs."
+msgstr ""
+"As seguintes opções de linha de comandos são suportadas por todos os "
+"programas do debhelper."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:275
+msgid "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+msgstr "B<-v>, B<--verbose>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:277
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Verbose mode: show all commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgid "Verbose mode: show commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Modo detalhado: mostra todos os comandos que modificam o directório de "
+"compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:279
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Verbose mode: show all commands that modify the package build directory."
+msgid ""
+"Note that verbose mode may also output other \"internal\" commands that do "
+"not directly affect the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Modo detalhado: mostra todos os comandos que modificam o directório de "
+"compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:282 dh:307
+msgid "B<--no-act>"
+msgstr "B<--no-act>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:284
+msgid ""
+"Do not really do anything. If used with -v, the result is that the command "
+"will output what it would have done."
+msgstr ""
+"Não faz nada na realidade. Se usado com -v, o resultado é que o comando "
+"mostra o que iria fazer."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:287
+msgid "B<-a>, B<--arch>"
+msgstr "B<-a>, B<--arch>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:289
+msgid ""
+"Act on architecture dependent packages that should be built for the "
+"B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture."
+msgstr ""
+"Actua em pacotes dependentes da arquitectura que devem ser compilados para a "
+"arquitectura de compilação B<DEB_HOST_ARCH>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:292
+msgid "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+msgstr "B<-i>, B<--indep>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:294
+msgid "Act on all architecture independent packages."
+msgstr "Actua em todos os pacotes independentes da arquitectura."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:296
+msgid "B<-p>I<package>, B<--package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-p>I<pacote>, B<--package=>I<pacote>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:298
+msgid ""
+"Act on the package named I<package>. This option may be specified multiple "
+"times to make debhelper operate on a given set of packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Actua no pacote chamado I<pacote>. Esta opção pode ser especifica várias "
+"vezes para fazer o debhelper operar num determinado conjunto de pacotes."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:301
+msgid "B<-s>, B<--same-arch>"
+msgstr "B<-s>, B<--same-arch>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:303
+msgid "Deprecated alias of B<-a>."
+msgstr "Alias descontinuado de B<-a>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:305 dh_install:80 dh_install:89
+msgid "This option is removed in compat 12."
+msgstr "Esta opção foi removida no nível de compatibilidade 12."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:307
+msgid "B<-N>I<package>, B<--no-package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-N>I<pacote>, B<--no-package=>I<pacote>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:309
+msgid ""
+"Do not act on the specified package even if an B<-a>, B<-i>, or B<-p> option "
+"lists the package as one that should be acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"Não actua no pacote especificado mesmo se uma opção B<-a>, B<-i>, ou B<-p> "
+"listarem o pacote como um em que se deverá actuar."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:312
+msgid "B<--remaining-packages>"
+msgstr "B<--remaining-packages>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:314
+msgid ""
+"Do not act on the packages which have already been acted on by this "
+"debhelper command earlier (i.e. if the command is present in the package "
+"debhelper log). For example, if you need to call the command with special "
+"options only for a couple of binary packages, pass this option to the last "
+"call of the command to process the rest of packages with default settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Não actua nos pacotes que já foram actuados antes por este comando do "
+"debhelper (isto é, se o comando estiver presente no debhelper log do "
+"pacote). Por exemplo, se você precisar de chamar o comando com opções "
+"especiais apenas para um par de pacotes binários, passe esta opção para a "
+"última chamada do comando para processar o resto dos pacotes com as "
+"definições predefinidas."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:320
+msgid "B<-P>I<tmpdir>, B<--tmpdir=>I<tmpdir>"
+msgstr "B<-P>I<tmpdir>, B<--tmpdir=>I<tmpdir>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:322
+msgid ""
+"Use I<tmpdir> for package build directory. The default is debian/I<package>"
+msgstr ""
+"Usa I<tmpdir> para directório de compilação de pacotes. A predefinição é "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:324
+msgid "B<--mainpackage=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--mainpackage=>I<pacote>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:326
+msgid ""
+"This little-used option changes the package which debhelper considers the "
+"\"main package\", that is, the first one listed in F<debian/control>, and "
+"the one for which F<debian/foo> files can be used instead of the usual "
+"F<debian/> files."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opção pouco usada muda o pacote que o debhelper considera o \"pacote "
+"principal\", isto é, o primeiro listado em F<debian/control>, e aquele para "
+"o qual os ficheiros F<debian/foo> podem ser usados em vez dos ficheiros "
+"F<debian/> usuais."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:331
+msgid "B<-O=>I<option>|I<bundle>"
+msgstr "B<-O=>I<opção>|I<bundle>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:333
+msgid ""
+"This is used by L<dh(1)> when passing user-specified options to all the "
+"commands it runs. If the command supports the specified option or option "
+"bundle, it will take effect. If the command does not support the option (or "
+"any part of an option bundle), it will be ignored."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto é usado pelo L<dh(1)> quando se passa opções específicas do utilizador "
+"a todos os comandos que corre. Se o comando suportar a opção ou opções "
+"especificadas, irá fazer efeito. Se o comando não suportar a opção (ou "
+"alguma parte do conjunto de opções), será ignorado."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:340
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:342
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by some debhelper "
+"programs. See the man page of each program for a complete explanation of "
+"what each option does."
+msgstr ""
+"As seguintes opções de linha de comandos são suportadas por alguns programas "
+"do debhelper. Veja o manual de cada programa para uma explicação completa "
+"sobre o que cada opção faz."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:348
+msgid "B<-n>"
+msgstr "B<-n>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:350
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>, F<postrm>, etc. scripts."
+msgstr "Não modifique os scripts F<postinst>, F<postrm>, etc."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:352 dh_compress:56 dh_dwz:56 dh_installchangelogs:89
+#: dh_installdocs:109 dh_installexamples:84 dh_link:78 dh_makeshlibs:154
+#: dh_md5sums:40 dh_shlibdeps:34 dh_strip:42
+msgid "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:354
+msgid ""
+"Exclude an item from processing. This option may be used multiple times, to "
+"exclude more than one thing. The I<item> is typically part of a filename, "
+"and any file containing the specified text will be excluded."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui um item do processamento. Esta opção pode ser usada várias vezes, "
+"para excluir mais do que uma coisa. O I<item> é tipicamente parte de um nome "
+"de ficheiro, e qualquer ficheiro que contenha o texto especificado será "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:358 dh_bugfiles:57 dh_compress:63 dh_installdirs:49
+#: dh_installdocs:104 dh_installexamples:52 dh_installinfo:45 dh_installman:90
+#: dh_installwm:55 dh_link:73
+msgid "B<-A>, B<--all>"
+msgstr "B<-A>, B<--all>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:360
+msgid ""
+"Makes files or other items that are specified on the command line take "
+"effect in ALL packages acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"Faz com que ficheiros ou outros itens que são especificados na linha de "
+"comandos tenham efeito em TODOS os pacotes em que se actua, e não apenas o "
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:365
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:367
+msgid ""
+"The following command line options are supported by all of the "
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs. These programs support a variety of "
+"build systems, and normally heuristically determine which to use, and how to "
+"use them. You can use these command line options to override the default "
+"behavior. Typically these are passed to L<dh(1)>, which then passes them to "
+"all the B<dh_auto_>I<*> programs."
+msgstr ""
+"As seguintes opções de linha de comandos são suportadas por todos os "
+"comandos B<dh_auto_>I<*> do debhelper. Estes programas suportam uma "
+"variedade de sistemas de compilação, e normalmente determinam "
+"heuristicamente qual usar, e como os usar. Você pode usar estes opções de "
+"linha de comandos para sobrepor o comportamento predefinido. Tipicamente "
+"estas são passadas ao L<dh(1)>, o qual passa-as a todos os programas "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:376
+msgid "B<-S>I<buildsystem>, B<--buildsystem=>I<buildsystem>"
+msgstr "B<-S>I<buildsystem>, B<--buildsystem=>I<buildsystem>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:378
+msgid ""
+"Force use of the specified I<buildsystem>, instead of trying to auto-select "
+"one which might be applicable for the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Força a utilização do |<buildsystem> especificado, em vez de tentar auto-"
+"seleccionar um que pode ser aplicável para o pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:381
+msgid "Pass B<none> as I<buildsystem> to disable auto-selection."
+msgstr "Passa B<none> como I<buildsystem> para desactivar a auto-selecção."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:383
+msgid ""
+"B<-D>I<directory>, B<--sourcedir=>I<directory>, B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"B<-D>I<directory>, B<--sourcedir=>I<directory>, B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:385
+msgid ""
+"Assume that the original package source tree is at the specified "
+"I<directory> rather than the top level directory of the Debian source "
+"package tree."
+msgstr ""
+"Assume que a árvore fonte do pacote original está no I<directório> "
+"especificado em vez de estar no directório de nível de topo da árvore de "
+"pacotes fonte de Debian."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:389
+msgid ""
+"B<Warning>: The B<--sourcedir> variant matches a similar named option in "
+"B<dh_install> and B<dh_missing> (etc.) for historical reasons. While they "
+"have a similar name, they have very distinct purposes and in some cases it "
+"can cause errors when this variant is passed to B<dh> (when then passes it "
+"on to all tools)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Aviso>: A variante B<--sourcedir> corresponde a uma opção de nome "
+"semelhante em B<dh_install> e B<dh_missing> (etc.) por razões históricas. "
+"Apesar de terem nomes semelhantes, elas têm objectivos muito distintos e em "
+"alguns casos podem causar erros quando esta variante é passada ao B<dh> "
+"(quando então passada para todas as ferramentas)."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:395
+msgid ""
+"B<-B>[I<directory>], B<--builddir>[I<=directory>], B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"B<-B>[I<directory>], B<--builddir>[I<=directory>], B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:397
+msgid ""
+"Enable out of source building and use the specified I<directory> as the "
+"build directory. If I<directory> parameter is omitted, a default build "
+"directory will be chosen."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa a compilação da fonte e usa o I<directório> especificado como o "
+"directório de compilação. Se o parâmetro I<directório> for omitido, é "
+"escolhido o directório de compilação predefinido."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:401
+msgid ""
+"If this option is not specified, building will be done in source by default "
+"unless the build system requires or prefers out of source tree building. In "
+"such a case, the default build directory will be used even if B<--"
+"builddirectory> is not specified."
+msgstr ""
+"Se esta opção não for especificada, a compilação será feita por predefinição "
+"na fonte a menos que o sistema de compilação requeira ou prefira a "
+"compilação da árvore de fonte. Em tal caso, será usado o directório de "
+"compilação predefinido mesmo se B<--builddirectory> não seja especificado."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:406
+msgid ""
+"If the build system prefers out of source tree building but still allows in "
+"source building, the latter can be re-enabled by passing a build directory "
+"path that is the same as the source directory path."
+msgstr ""
+"Se o sistema de compilação preferir a compilação da árvore fonte mas ainda "
+"permitir a compilação da fonte, a última pode ser re-activada ao passar-lhe "
+"um caminho para um directório de compilação que é o mesmo que o caminho para "
+"o directório fonte."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:410
+msgid "B<--parallel>, B<--no-parallel>"
+msgstr "B<--parallel>, B<--no-parallel>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:412
+msgid ""
+"Control whether parallel builds should be used if underlying build system "
+"supports them. The number of parallel jobs is controlled by the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable (L<Debian Policy, section 4.9.1>) "
+"at build time. It might also be subject to a build system specific limit."
+msgstr ""
+"Controla se devem ser usadas compilações paralelas se o sistema de "
+"compilação o suportar. O número de trabalhos paralelos é controlado pela "
+"variável de ambiente B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> (L<Debian Policy, secção 4.9.1>) "
+"durante a compilação. Também pode servir como um limite específico do "
+"sistema de compilação."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:418
+msgid ""
+"If neither option is specified, debhelper currently defaults to B<--"
+"parallel> in compat 10 (or later) and B<--no-parallel> otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+"Se nenhuma destas opções for especificada, presentemente o debhelper usa por "
+"predefinição B<--parallel> em modo compatibilidade 10 (ou posterior) e B<--"
+"no-parallel> em caso contrário."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:421
+msgid ""
+"As an optimization, B<dh> will try to avoid passing these options to "
+"subprocesses, if they are unnecessary and the only options passed. Notably "
+"this happens when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> does not have a I<parallel> parameter "
+"(or its value is 1)."
+msgstr ""
+"Como uma optimização, o B<dh> irá tentar evitar passar estas opções aos sub-"
+"processos, se estas forem desnecessárias e as únicas opções a passar. De "
+"notar que isto acontece quando B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> não tem um parâmetro "
+"I<parallel> (ou o seu valor é 1)."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:426
+msgid "B<--max-parallel=>I<maximum>"
+msgstr "B<--max-parallel=>I<máximo>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:428
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--parallel> and allows further limiting the number of "
+"jobs that can be used in a parallel build. If the package build is known to "
+"only work with certain levels of concurrency, you can set this to the "
+"maximum level that is known to work, or that you wish to support."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opção implica B<--parallel> e permite mais limitação ao número de "
+"trabalhos que podem ser usados numa compilação paralela. Se a compilação do "
+"pacote é conhecida por apenas funcionar em certos níveis de concorrência, "
+"você pode definir isto para o nível máximo que é sabido funcionar, ou que "
+"deseje suportar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:433
+msgid ""
+"Notably, setting the maximum to 1 is effectively the same as using B<--no-"
+msgstr ""
+"De notar que, definir o máximo para 1 é efectivamente o mesmo que usar B<--"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:436
+msgid "B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables>"
+msgstr "B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:438
+msgid ""
+"By default, L<dh(1)> will compute several environment variables (e.g. by "
+"using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>) and cache them to avoid having all B<dh_auto_*> "
+"tool recompute them."
+msgstr ""
+"Por predefinição, o L<dh(1)> irá computar várias variáveis de ambiente (ex. "
+"ao usar L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>) e guarda-los em cache para evitar que todas "
+"as ferramentas B<dh_auto_*> os recompute."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:442
+msgid ""
+"When passing this option, the concrete B<dh_auto_*> tool will ignore the "
+"cache from L<dh(1)> and retrigger a rebuild of these variables. This is "
+"useful in the very rare case where the package need to do multiple builds "
+"but with different B<...FLAGS> options. A concrete example would be needing "
+"to change the B<-O> parameter in B<CFLAGS> in the second build:"
+msgstr ""
+"Quando se passa esta opção, a ferramenta B<dh_auto_*> concreta irá ignorar a "
+"cache de L<dh(1)> e re-despoletar uma recompilação destas variáveis. Isto é "
+"útil nos casos muito raros onde o pacote precisa de fazer múltiplas "
+"compilações mas com diferentes opções B<...FLAGS>. Um exemplo concreto seria "
+"precisar de alterar o parâmetro B<-O> em B<CFLAGS> na segunda compilação:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:449
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:451
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" %:\n"
+" dh $@\n"
+msgstr ""
+" %:\n"
+" dh $@\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" dh_auto_configure -Bbuild-deb ...\n"
+" DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-Os dh_auto_configure \\\n"
+" --reload-all-buildenv-variables -Bbuild-udeb ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" dh_auto_configure -Bbuild-deb ...\n"
+" DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-Os dh_auto_configure \\\n"
+" --reload-all-buildenv-variables -Bbuild-udeb ...\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:459
+msgid ""
+"Without B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables> in the second call to "
+"L<dh_auto_configure(1)>, the change in B<DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND> would be "
+"ignored as L<dh_auto_configure(1)> would use the cached value of B<CFLAGS> "
+"set by L<dh(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Sem B<--reload-all-buildenv-variables> na segunda chamada ao "
+"L<dh_auto_configure(1)>, a alteração em B<DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND> seria "
+"ignorada pois L<dh_auto_configure(1)> iria usar o valor em cache de <CFLAGS> "
+"definido por L<dh(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:464
+msgid ""
+"This option is only available with B<< debhelper (>= 12.7~) >> when the "
+"package uses compatibility level 9 or later."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opção está apenas disponível com B<< debhelper (>= 12.7~) >> quando o "
+"pacote usar nível de compatibilidade 9 ou posterior."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:467 dh:299
+msgid "B<--list>, B<-l>"
+msgstr "B<--list>, B<-l>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:469
+msgid ""
+"List all build systems supported by debhelper on this system. The list "
+"includes both default and third party build systems (marked as such). Also "
+"shows which build system would be automatically selected, or which one is "
+"manually specified with the B<--buildsystem> option."
+msgstr ""
+"Lista todos os sistemas de compilação suportados pelo debhelper neste "
+"sistema. A lista inclui ambos sistemas de compilação predefinidos e de "
+"terceiros (marcados como tal). Também mostra qual o sistema de compilação "
+"será seleccionado automaticamente, ou qual está especificado manualmente com "
+"a opção B<--buildsystem>."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:476
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:478
+msgid ""
+"From time to time, major non-backwards-compatible changes need to be made to "
+"debhelper, to keep it clean and well-designed as needs change and its author "
+"gains more experience. To prevent such major changes from breaking existing "
+"packages, the concept of debhelper compatibility levels was introduced. You "
+"must tell debhelper which compatibility level it should use, and it modifies "
+"its behavior in various ways."
+msgstr ""
+"De tempos a tempos, precisam de ser feitas grandes alterações no debhelper "
+"que não compatíveis com as versões anteriores, para o manter limpo e bem "
+"construído quando as necessidades alteram e o seu autor ganha mais "
+"experiência. Para prevenir que tais grandes alterações danifiquem os pacotes "
+"existentes, foi introduzido o conceito de níveis de compatibilidade no "
+"debhelper. Você deve dizer ao debhelper qual o nível de compatibilidade que "
+"ele deve usar, e ele modifica o seu comportamento de várias maneiras."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:485
+msgid ""
+"In current debhelper, you can specify the compatibility level in F<debian/"
+"control> by adding a Build-Depends on the debhelper-compat package. For "
+"example, to use v#RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# mode, ensure F<debian/control> has:"
+msgstr ""
+"No debhelper actual, você pode especificar o nível de compatibilidade em "
+"F<debian/control> ao adicionar um Build-Depends no pacote debhelper-compat. "
+"Por exemplo, para usar modo v#RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#, assegure que F<debian/"
+"control> tem:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:489
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#)\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:491
+msgid ""
+"This also serves as an appropriate versioned build dependency on a "
+"sufficient version of the debhelper package, so you do not need to specify a "
+"separate versioned build dependency on the debhelper package unless you need "
+"a specific point release of debhelper (such as for the introduction of a new "
+"feature or bugfix within a compatibility level)."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto também serve como uma dependência de compilação de versão apropriada "
+"numa versão suficiente do pacote debhelper, assim você não precisa de "
+"especificar uma dependência de compilação de versão separada no pacote "
+"debhelper a menos que precise de um lançamento pontual específico do "
+"debhelper (tal como para a introdução de uma nova funcionalidade ou "
+"correcção de bug dentro de um nível de compatibilidade)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:497
+msgid ""
+"Note that debhelper does not provide debhelper-compat for experimental or "
+"beta compatibility levels; packages experimenting with those compatibility "
+"levels should use F<debian/compat> (or, if only for selected commands, "
+msgstr ""
+"Note que o debhelper não fornece debhelper-compat para os níveis de "
+"compatibilidade experimental ou beta; os pacotes que experimentem com esses "
+"níveis de compatibilidade devem usar F<debian/compat> ou, se apenas para "
+"comandos selecionados, B<DH_COMPAT>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:501
+msgid ""
+"Prior versions of debhelper required specifying the compatibility level in "
+"the file F<debian/compat>, and current debhelper still supports this for "
+"backward compatibility. To use this method, the F<debian/compat> file should "
+"contain the compatibility level as a single number, and no other content. If "
+"you specify the compatibility level by this method, your package will also "
+"need a versioned build dependency on a version of the debhelper package "
+"equal to (or greater than) the compatibility level your package uses. So, if "
+"you specify compatibility level #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# in F<debian/compat>, "
+"ensure F<debian/control> has:"
+msgstr ""
+"As versões anteriores do debhelper requeriam o nível de compatibilidade "
+"especificado no ficheiro F<debian/compat>, e o debhelper actual ainda "
+"suporta isto para compatibilidade com as versões anteriores Para usar este "
+"método, o ficheiro F<debian/compat> deve conter o nível de compatibilidade "
+"como um número singular, e nenhum outro conteúdo. Se você especificar o "
+"nível de compatibilidade neste método, o seu pacote vai também precisar duma "
+"dependência de compilação baseada em versão de uma versão do pacote "
+"debhelper igual (ou superior) ao nível de compatibilidade que o seu pacote "
+"usa. Assim, se você especificar o nível de compatibilidade "
+"#RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# em F<debian/compat>, assegure-se que F<debian/control> "
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:511
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#~)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" Build-Depends: debhelper (>= #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#~)\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:513
+msgid ""
+"Note that you must use either the build-dependency on debhelper-compat or "
+"the F<debian/compat> file. Whenever possible, the debhelper-compat build-"
+"dependency is recommended."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que você usar ou build-dependency em debhelper-compat ou o ficheiro "
+"F<debian/compat>. Sempre que possível, é recomendado a build-dependency do "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:517
+msgid ""
+"If needed be, the B<DH_COMPAT> environment variable can be used to override "
+"the compat level for a given command. The feature is mostly useful for "
+"either temporarily upgrading a few commands to a new compat level or keeping "
+"a few commands on a lower compat level. The feature is best used sparingly "
+"as it effectively introduces special-cases into the F<debian/rules> file "
+"that may be surprising to maintainers or reviewers (or, in the long term, to "
+msgstr ""
+"Se necessário, a variável de ambiente B<DH_COMPAT> pode ser usada para "
+"sobrepor o nível de compatibilidade para um dado comando. Esta "
+"funcionalidade é maioritariamente útil seja para actualizar temporariamente "
+"alguns comandos para um novo nível de compatibilidade ou manter alguns "
+"comandos num nível de compatibilidade inferior. Esta funcionalidade é melhor "
+"ser usada com moderação pois introduz efectivamente casos-especiais no "
+"ficheiro F<debian/rules> que podem ser surpreendentes para maintainers ou "
+"revisores (ou, a longo prazo, para si)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:525
+msgid ""
+"Unless otherwise indicated, all debhelper documentation assumes that you are "
+"using the most recent compatibility level, and in most cases does not "
+"indicate if the behavior is different in an earlier compatibility level, so "
+"if you are not using the most recent compatibility level, you're advised to "
+"read below for notes about what is different in earlier compatibility levels."
+msgstr ""
+"A menos que seja indicado o contrário, toda a documentação do debhelper "
+"assume que você está a usar o nível de compatibilidade mais recente, e na "
+"maioria dos casos não indica se o comportamento é diferente num nível de "
+"compatibilidade anterior, portanto se não está a usar o nível de "
+"compatibilidade mais recente, você é aconselhado a procurar em baixo por "
+"notas acerca do que é diferente nos níveis de compatibilidade anteriores."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:532
+msgid "Supported compatibility levels"
+msgstr "Níveis de compatibilidade suportados"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:534
+msgid ""
+"The list of supported compatibility levels and the related upgrade check "
+"list has moved to L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+"A lista dos níveis de compatibilidade suportados e a lista de verificação de "
+"actualizações relacionadas foi movida para L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-"
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:537 dh_auto_test:48 dh_dwz:69 dh_installcatalogs:67
+#: dh_installdocs:202 dh_installemacsen:75 dh_installexamples:96
+#: dh_installinit:204 dh_installinitramfs:60 dh_installman:131
+#: dh_installmodules:57 dh_installudev:50 dh_installwm:66 dh_installxfonts:40
+#: dh_movefiles:67 dh_strip:119 dh_usrlocal:60 dh_systemd_enable:103
+#: dh_systemd_start:68
+msgid "NOTES"
+msgstr "NOTAS"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:539
+msgid "Multiple binary package support"
+msgstr "Suporte a pacotes de múltiplos binários"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:541
+msgid ""
+"If your source package generates more than one binary package, debhelper "
+"programs will default to acting on all binary packages when run. If your "
+"source package happens to generate one architecture dependent package, and "
+"another architecture independent package, this is not the correct behavior, "
+"because you need to generate the architecture dependent packages in the "
+"binary-arch F<debian/rules> target, and the architecture independent "
+"packages in the binary-indep F<debian/rules> target."
+msgstr ""
+"Se o seu pacote fonte gerar mais do que um pacote binário, os programas do "
+"debhelper, por predefinição, irão actuar em todos os pacotes binários quando "
+"correm. No caso do seu pacote fonte gerar um pacote dependente de "
+"arquitectura, e outro pacote independente da arquitectura, este não é o "
+"comportamento correcto, porque você precisa de gerar os pacotes dependentes "
+"de arquitectura no alvo F<debian/rules> binary-arch, e os pacotes "
+"independentes de arquitectura no alvo F<debian/rules> binary-indep."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:549
+msgid ""
+"To facilitate this, as well as give you more control over which packages are "
+"acted on by debhelper programs, all debhelper programs accept the B<-a>, B<-"
+"i>, B<-p>, and B<-s> parameters. These parameters are cumulative. If none "
+"are given, debhelper programs default to acting on all packages listed in "
+"the control file, with the exceptions below."
+msgstr ""
+"Para facilitar isto, e também para lhe dar mais controle sobre em quais "
+"pacotes os programas debhelper actuam, todos os programas debhelper aceitam "
+"os parâmetros B<-a>, B<-i>, B<-p>, e B<-s>. Estes parâmetros são "
+"cumulativos. Se nenhum for usado, os programas debhelper por predefinição "
+"actuam em todos os pacotes listados no ficheiro de controle, com as "
+"excepções em baixo."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:555
+msgid ""
+"First, any package whose B<Architecture> field in B<debian/control> does not "
+"match the B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> architecture will be excluded (L<Debian Policy, "
+"section 5.6.8>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Primeiro, qualquer pacote cujo campo B<Architecture> em B<debian/control> "
+"não corresponda à arquitectura B<DEB_HOST_ARCH> será excluído (L<Debian "
+"Policy, secção 5.6.8>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:559
+msgid ""
+"Also, some additional packages may be excluded based on the contents of the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_PROFILES> environment variable and B<Build-Profiles> fields in "
+"binary package stanzas in B<debian/control>, according to the draft policy "
+"at L<>."
+msgstr ""
+"Também, alguns pacotes adicionais podem ser excluídos com base no conteúdo "
+"da variável de ambiente B<DEB_BUILD_PROFILES> e nos campos B<Build-Profiles> "
+"nas estrofes de pacotes binários em B<debian/control>, de acordo com a "
+"política proposta em L<>."
+#. type: =head3
+#: debhelper.pod:564
+msgid "Interaction between package selections and Build-Profiles"
+msgstr "Interacção entre selecções de pacotes e Build-Profiles"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:566
+msgid ""
+"Build-Profiles affect which packages are included in the package selections "
+"mechanisms in debhelper. Generally, the package selections are described "
+"from the assumption that all packages are enabled. This section describes "
+"how the selections react when a package is disabled due to the active Build-"
+"Profiles (or lack of active Build-Profiles)."
+msgstr ""
+"Build-Profiles afectam quais pacotes são incluídos nos mecanismos de "
+"selecção de pacotes do debhelper. Geralmente, as selecções de pacotes são "
+"descritas a partir do pressuposto que todos os pacotes estão activados. Esta "
+"secção descreve como as selecções reagem quando um pacote é desactivado "
+"devido a Build-Profiles activos (ou a falta de Build-Profiles activos)."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:574
+msgid "-a/--arch, -i/--indep OR no selection options (a raw \"dh_X\" call)"
+msgstr ""
+"-a/--arch, -i/--indep OU nenhuma opção de selecção (uma chamada \"dh_X\" "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:576
+msgid ""
+"The package disabled by Build-Profiles is silently excluded from the "
+msgstr ""
+"O pacote desactivado por Build-Profiles é excluído em silêncio da selecção."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:579
+msgid ""
+"Note you will receive a warning if I<all> packages related to these "
+"selections are disabled. In that case, it generally does not make sense to "
+"do the build in the first place."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que vai receber um aviso se I<todos> os pacotes relacionados com estas "
+"selecções estiverem desactivados. Nesse caso, geralmente não faz nenhum "
+"sentido sequer fazer a compilação."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:583
+msgid "-N I<package> / --no-package I<package>"
+msgstr "-N I<package> / --no-package I<package>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:585
+msgid "The option is accepted and effectively does nothing."
+msgstr "A opção é aceite e efectivamente não faz nada."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:587
+msgid "-p I<package> / --package I<package>"
+msgstr "-p I<package> / --package I<package>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:589
+msgid "The option is accepted, but debhelper will not act on the package."
+msgstr "A opção é aceite, mas o debhelper não irá actuar no pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:593
+msgid ""
+"Note that it does not matter whether a package is enabled or disabled by "
+msgstr ""
+"Note que não importa se um pacote está activado ou desactivado por "
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:596
+msgid "Automatic generation of Debian install scripts"
+msgstr "Geração automática de scripts de instalação Debian"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:598
+msgid ""
+"Some debhelper commands will automatically generate parts of Debian "
+"maintainer scripts. If you want these automatically generated things "
+"included in your existing Debian maintainer scripts, then you need to add "
+"B<#DEBHELPER#> to your scripts, in the place the code should be added. "
+"B<#DEBHELPER#> will be replaced by any auto-generated code when you run "
+msgstr ""
+"Alguns comandos do debhelper irão gerar automaticamente partes de scripts de "
+"maintainer Debian. Se desejar que estas coisas geradas automaticamente sejam "
+"incluídas nos sues scripts de maintainer Debian existentes, então você "
+"precisa adicionar B<#DEBHELPER#> aos seus scripts, no local onde o código "
+"deverá ser adicionado. B<#DEBHELPER#> será substituído por qualquer código "
+"auto-gerado quando você correr o B<dh_installdeb>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:605
+msgid ""
+"If a script does not exist at all and debhelper needs to add something to "
+"it, then debhelper will create the complete script."
+msgstr ""
+"Se não existir nenhum script e o debhelper precisar de adicionar algo a ele, "
+"então o debhelper irá criar o script completo."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:608
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper commands that automatically generate code in this way let it "
+"be disabled by the -n parameter (see above)."
+msgstr ""
+"Todos os comandos debhelper que geram código automaticamente deste modo "
+"permitem que o seja desactivado pelo parâmetro -n (ver em cima)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:611
+msgid ""
+"Note that the inserted code will be shell code, so you cannot directly use "
+"it in a Perl script. If you would like to embed it into a Perl script, here "
+"is one way to do that (note that I made sure that $1, $2, etc are set with "
+"the set command):"
+msgstr ""
+"Note que o código inserido será código shell, portanto você não pode usá-lo "
+"directamente num script de Perl. Se desejar embebê-lo num script Perl, aqui "
+"está um modo de o fazer (note que Eu certifico-me que $1, $2, etc são "
+"definidos com o comando \"set\"):"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper.pod:616
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+" EOF\n"
+" if (system($temp)) {\n"
+" my $exit_code = ($? >> 8) & 0xff;\n"
+" my $signal = $? & 0x7f;\n"
+" if ($exit_code) {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script failed with error code: ${exit_code}\");\n"
+" } else {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script was killed by signal: ${signal}\");\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+msgstr ""
+" my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+" EOF\n"
+" if (system($temp)) {\n"
+" my $exit_code = ($? >> 8) & 0xff;\n"
+" my $signal = $? & 0x7f;\n"
+" if ($exit_code) {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script failed with error code: ${exit_code}\");\n"
+" } else {\n"
+" die(\"The debhelper script was killed by signal: ${signal}\");\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:629
+msgid "Automatic generation of miscellaneous dependencies."
+msgstr "Geração automática de dependências variadas."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:631
+msgid ""
+"Some debhelper commands may make the generated package need to depend on "
+"some other packages. For example, if you use L<dh_installdebconf(1)>, your "
+"package will generally need to depend on debconf. Or if you use "
+"L<dh_installxfonts(1)>, your package will generally need to depend on a "
+"particular version of xutils. Keeping track of these miscellaneous "
+"dependencies can be annoying since they are dependent on how debhelper does "
+"things, so debhelper offers a way to automate it."
+msgstr ""
+"Alguns programas debhelper podem fazer com que o pacote gerado precise de "
+"depender de alguns outros pacotes. Por exemplo, se você usar o "
+"L<dh_installdebconf(1)>, o seu pacote irá geralmente depender do debconf. Ou "
+"se você usar L<dh_installxfonts(1)>, o seu pacote irá geralmente depender de "
+"uma versão particular do xutils. Acompanhar estas dependências variadas pode "
+"ser aborrecido pois elas dependem de como o debhelper faz as coisas, então o "
+"debhelper oferece um modo de automatizar isto."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:639
+msgid ""
+"All commands of this type, besides documenting what dependencies may be "
+"needed on their man pages, will automatically generate a substvar called "
+"B<${misc:Depends}>. If you put that token into your F<debian/control> file, "
+"it will be expanded to the dependencies debhelper figures you need."
+msgstr ""
+"Todos os comandos deste tipo, além de documentar quais dependências podem "
+"ser necessárias nos seus manuais, irão gerar automaticamente um substvar "
+"chamado B<${misc:Depends}>. Se você colocar esse token no seu ficheiro "
+"F<debian/control>, será expandido às dependências que o debhelper descobre "
+"que você precisa."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:644
+msgid ""
+"This is entirely independent of the standard B<${shlibs:Depends}> generated "
+"by L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>, and the B<${perl:Depends}> generated by "
+"L<dh_perl(1)>. You can choose not to use any of these, if debhelper's "
+"guesses don't match reality."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto é inteiramente independente do standard B<${shlibs:Depends}> gerado "
+"pelo L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>, e do B<${perl:Depends}> gerado pelo L<dh_perl(1)>. "
+"Você pode escolher usar qualquer um destes, se as escolhas do debhelper não "
+"corresponderem à realidade."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:649
+msgid "Package build directories"
+msgstr "Directórios de compilação de pacotes"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:651
+msgid ""
+"By default, all debhelper programs assume that the temporary directory used "
+"for assembling the tree of files in a package is debian/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Por predefinição, todos os programas do debhelper assumem que o directório "
+"temporário usado para montar a árvore de ficheiros num pacote é debian/"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:654
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes, you might want to use some other temporary directory. This is "
+"supported by the B<-P> flag. For example, \"B<dh_installdocs -Pdebian/"
+"tmp>\", will use B<debian/tmp> as the temporary directory. Note that if you "
+"use B<-P>, the debhelper programs can only be acting on a single package at "
+"a time. So if you have a package that builds many binary packages, you will "
+"need to also use the B<-p> flag to specify which binary package the "
+"debhelper program will act on."
+msgstr ""
+"Por vezes, você pode querer usar outro directório temporário. Isto é "
+"suportado pela bandeira B<-P>, por exemplo, \"B<dh_installdocs -Pdebian/"
+"tmp>\", irá usar B<debian/tmp> como directório temporário. Note que se você "
+"usar B<-P>, os programas debhelper só podem actuar num pacote de cada vez. "
+"Por isso se tem um pacote que compila muitos pacotes binários, irá também "
+"precisar de usar a bandeira B<-p> para especificar em qual pacote binário o "
+"programa debhelper irá actuar."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:662
+msgid "udebs"
+msgstr "udebs"
+# FIXME : a udeb
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:664
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper includes support for udebs. To create a udeb with debhelper, add "
+"\"B<Package-Type: udeb>\" to the package's stanza in F<debian/control>. "
+"Debhelper will try to create udebs that comply with debian-installer policy, "
+"by making the generated package files end in F<.udeb>, not installing any "
+"documentation into a udeb, skipping over F<preinst>, F<postrm>, F<prerm>, "
+"and F<config> scripts, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"Debhelper inclui suporte para udebs. Para criar um udeb com o debhelper, "
+"adicione \"B<Package-Type: udeb>\" à estrofe do pacote em F<debian/control>. "
+"O Debhelper irá tentar criar udebs em conformidade com a política do "
+"instalador debian, ao finalizar os ficheiros de pacotes gerados com F<."
+"udeb>, não instalando nenhuma documentação num udeb, saltando os scripts "
+"F<preinst>, F<postrm>, F<prerm>, e F<config>, etc."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:671
+msgstr "AMBIENTE"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:673
+msgid ""
+"This section describes some of the environment variables that influences the "
+"behaviour of debhelper or which debhelper interacts with."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta secção descreve algumas das variáveis de ambiente que influenciam o "
+"comportamento do debhelper ou de quem o debhelper interage."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:676
+msgid ""
+"It is important to note that these must be actual environment variables in "
+"order to affect the behaviour of debhelper (not simply F<Makefile> "
+"variables). To specify them properly in F<debian/rules>, be sure to "
+"\"B<export>\" them. For example, \"B<export DH_VERBOSE>\"."
+msgstr ""
+"É importante notar que estas que estas têm de ser mesmo variáveis de "
+"ambiente de modo a afectarem o comportamento do debhelper (e não "
+"simplesmente variáveis do F<Makefile>). Para as especificar correctamente em "
+"F<debian/rules>, assegure-se de lhes fazer \"B<export>\". Por exemplo, "
+"\"B<export DH_VERBOSE>\""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:683
+msgid "B<DH_VERBOSE>"
+msgstr "B<DH_VERBOSE>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:685
+msgid ""
+"Set to a non-empty value to enable verbose mode. Please see the B<-v> / B<--"
+"verbose> option for details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:688
+msgid "B<DH_QUIET>"
+msgstr "B<DH_QUIET>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:690
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Set to B<1> to enable quiet mode. Debhelper will not output commands "
+#| "calling the upstream build system nor will dh print which subcommands are "
+#| "called and depending on the upstream build system might make that more "
+#| "quiet, too. This makes it easier to spot important messages but makes "
+#| "the output quite useless as buildd log. Ignored if DH_VERBOSE is also "
+#| "set."
+msgid ""
+"Set to a non-empty value to enable quiet mode. Debhelper will not output "
+"commands calling the upstream build system nor will dh print which "
+"subcommands are called and depending on the upstream build system might make "
+"that more quiet, too. This makes it easier to spot important messages but "
+"makes the output quite useless as buildd log."
+msgstr ""
+"Definir para B<1> para activar o modo silencioso. O Debhelper não irá "
+"escrever os comandos a chamar o sistema de compilação do autor nem o dh irá "
+"escrever quais sub-comandos são chamados e dependendo do sistema de "
+"compilação do autor, poderá também tornar isso mais silencioso. Isto "
+"facilita a identificação de mensagens importantes mas torna os resultados "
+"inúteis como relatório do buildd. É ignorado se DH_VERBOSE for também "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:696
+msgid "Ignored if DH_VERBOSE is also set or B<-v> / B<--verbose> is passed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:698
+msgid "B<DH_COMPAT>"
+msgstr "B<DH_COMPAT>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:700
+msgid ""
+"Temporarily specifies what compatibility level debhelper should run at, "
+"overriding any value specified via Build-Depends on debhelper-compat or via "
+"the F<debian/compat> file."
+msgstr ""
+"Especifica temporariamente em que nível de compatibilidade o debhelper deve "
+"correr, sobrepondo qualquer valor especificado via Build-Depend em debhelper-"
+"compat ou via ficheiro F<debian/compat>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:704
+msgid "B<DH_NO_ACT>"
+msgstr "B<DH_NO_ACT>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:706
+msgid "Set to B<1> to enable no-act mode."
+msgstr "Defina para B<1> para activar o modo no-act."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:708
+msgid "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+msgstr "B<DH_OPTIONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:710
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper tools will parse command line arguments listed in this "
+"variable before any command option (as if they had been prepended to the "
+"command line arguments). Unfortunately, some third-party provided tools may "
+"not support this variable and will ignore these command line arguments."
+msgstr ""
+"Todas as ferramentas debhelper irão processar os argumentos de linha de "
+"comandos listados nesta variável antes de qualquer opção de comando (como se "
+"eles fossem anexados aos argumentos de linha de comandos). Infelizmente, "
+"algumas ferramentas disponibilizadas por terceiros podem não suportar esta "
+"variável e irão ignorar estes argumentos de linha de comandos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:715
+msgid ""
+"When using L<dh(1)>, it can be passed options that will be passed on to each "
+"debhelper command, which is generally better than using DH_OPTIONS."
+msgstr ""
+"Quando se usa L<dh(1)>, podem-se passar opções que irão ser passadas a cada "
+"comando do debhelper, o que é geralmente melhor do que usar DH_OPTIONS."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:718
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:720
+msgid ""
+"If set, this adds the value the variable is set to to the B<-X> options of "
+"all commands that support the B<-X> option. Moreover, B<dh_builddeb> will "
+"B<rm -rf> anything that matches the value in your package build tree."
+msgstr ""
+"Se definido, isto adiciona o valor que está definido na variável às opções "
+"B<-X> de todos os comandos que suportam a opção B<-X>. Ainda mais, o "
+"B<dh_builddeb> irá fazer B<rm -rf> a tudo o que corresponda a esse valor na "
+"sua árvore de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:724
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful if you are doing a build from a CVS source tree, in which "
+"case setting B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> will prevent any CVS directories from "
+"sneaking into the package you build. Or, if a package has a source tarball "
+"that (unwisely) includes CVS directories, you might want to export "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> in F<debian/rules>, to make it take effect wherever "
+"your package is built."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto pode ser útil se você está a fazer uma compilação a partir de uma "
+"árvore fonte CVS, que no caso definindo B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> irá "
+"prevenir que quaisquer directórios CVS se esgueirem para o pacote que está a "
+"compilar. Ou, se um pacote tem um tarball de fonte que (não "
+"inteligentemente) inclui directórios CVS, você pode querer exportar "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE=CVS> em F<debian/rules>, para o fazer ter efeito onde o "
+"seu é compilado."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:731
+msgid ""
+"Multiple things to exclude can be separated with colons, as in "
+msgstr ""
+"Várias coisas a excluir podem ser separadas com \"dois pontos\", como em "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:734
+msgstr "B<DH_EXTRA_ADDONS>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:736
+msgid ""
+"If set, this adds the specified dh addons to be run in the appropriate "
+"places in the sequence of commands. This is equivalent to specifying the "
+"addon to run with the --with flag in the debian/rules file. Any --without "
+"calls specifying an addon in this environment variable will not be run."
+msgstr ""
+"Se definido, isto adiciona os addons especificados do dh para serem corridos "
+"nos lugares apropriados na sequência de comandos. Isto é equivalente a "
+"especificar o addon a correr coma bandeira --with no ficheiro debian/rules "
+"file. Qualquer chamada --without que especifique um addon nesta variável de "
+"ambiente não será executada."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:741
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to be used by downstreams or specific local configurations "
+"that require a debhelper addon to be run during multiple builds without "
+"having to patch a large number of rules file. If at all possible, this "
+"should be avoided in favor of a --with flag in the rules file."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto destina-se a ser usado por downstreams ou configurações locais "
+"especificas que requeiram a execução dum addon do debhelper durante "
+"múltiplas compilações sem terem que aplica patch a um grande número de "
+"ficheiros de regras. Se de todo possível, isto deve ser evitado em favor de "
+"uma bandeira --with no ficheiro rules."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:746
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:748
+msgid ""
+"These variables can be used to control whether debhelper commands should use "
+"colors in their textual output. Can be set to \"always\", \"auto\" (the "
+"default), or \"never\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Estas variáveis podem ser usadas para controlar se os comandos do debhelper "
+"devem usar cores nos resultados textuais. Podem ser definidas para "
+"\"always\", \"auto\" (a predefinição), ou \"never\"."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:752
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<DPKG_COLOR> also affects a number of dpkg related tools and "
+"debhelper uses it on the assumption that you want the same color setting for "
+"dpkg and debhelper. In the off-hand chance you want different color setting "
+"for debhelper, you can use B<DH_COLORS> instead or in addition to "
+msgstr ""
+"Note que B<DPKG_COLOR> também afecta um número de ferramentas relacionadas "
+"ao dpkg e o debhelper usa-o na suposição que você quer a mesma definição de "
+"cor para o dpkg e debhelper. Na hipótese de você querer definição de cor "
+"diferente para o debhelper, pode usar B<DH_COLORS> em vez disso ou em adição "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:758
+msgid "B<NO_COLOR>"
+msgstr "B<NO_COLOR>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:760
+msgid ""
+"If no explicit request for color has been given (e.g. B<DH_COLORS> and "
+"B<DPKG_COLORS> are both unset), the presence of this environment variable "
+"cause the default color setting to be \"never\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Se não for fornecido um pedido específico para cor (ex. B<DH_COLORS> e "
+"B<DPKG_COLORS> estão ambos não-definidos), a presença desta variável de "
+"ambiente faz com que a definição de cor predefinida seja \"never\"."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:764
+msgid ""
+"The variable is defined according to L<>. In this "
+"project, the environment variables (such as B<DH_COLORS>) are considered an "
+"explicit request for color."
+msgstr ""
+"A variável é definida de acordo com L<>. Neste "
+"projecto, as variáveis de ambiente (tais como B<DH_COLORS>) são consideradas "
+"um requisito explícito para cor."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:768
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:770
+msgid ""
+"By default (in any non-deprecated compat level), debhelper will "
+"automatically set these flags by using L<dpkg-buildflags(1)>, when they are "
+"unset. If you need to change the default flags, please use the features "
+"from L<dpkg-buildflags(1)> to do this (e.g. "
+"DCUSTOM_MACRO=true>) rather than setting the concrete variable directly."
+msgstr ""
+"Por predefinição (em qualquer nível de compatibilidade não-abandonado). o "
+"debhelper irá automaticamente definir estas flags ao usar L<dpkg-"
+"buildflags(1)>, quando não estiverem definidas. Se você precisar de "
+"modificar as flags predefinidas, por favor use as funcionalidades de L<dpkg-"
+"buildflags(1)> para o fazer (ex. B<DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=all> ou "
+"B<DEB_CPPFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-DCUSTOM_MACRO=true>) em vez de definir a "
+"variável concreta directamente."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:777
+msgid "B<HOME>, B<XDG_*>"
+msgstr "B<HOME>, B<XDG_*>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:779
+msgid ""
+"In compat 13 and later, these environment variables are reset before "
+"invoking the upstream build system via the B<dh_auto_*> helpers. The "
+"variables B<HOME> (all B<dh_auto_*> helpers) and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> "
+"(B<dh_auto_test> only) will be set to a writable directory. All remaining "
+"variables and B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> (except for during B<dh_auto_test>) will be "
+msgstr ""
+"Em compatibilidade 13 e posterior, estas variáveis de ambiente são "
+"reiniciadas antes de invocar o sistema de compilação do autor via ajudantes "
+"do B<dh_auto_*>. As variáveis B<HOME> (todos os ajudantes B<dh_auto_*>) e "
+"B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> (apenas B<dh_auto_test>) irão ser definidas para um "
+"directório gravável. Todas as restantes variáveis e B<XDG_RUNTIME_DIR> "
+"(excepto para durante B<dh_auto_test>) irão ser limpas."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:785
+msgid ""
+"The B<HOME> directory will be created as an empty directory but it will be "
+"reused between calls to B<dh_auto_*>. Any content will persist until "
+"explicitly deleted or B<dh_clean>."
+msgstr ""
+"O directório B<HOME> será criado como um directório vazio mas ele será "
+"reutilizado entre chamadas a B<dh_auto_*>. Qualquer conteúdo irá persistir "
+"até ser explicitamente apagado ou B<dh_clean>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:789
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:791
+msgid ""
+"Please see L</Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> for this environment "
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor veja L</Bandeiras suportadas em DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> para esta "
+"variável de ambiente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:794
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this variable should I<not> be altered by package "
+"maintainers inside F<debian/rules> to change the behaviour of debhelper. "
+"Instead, where the package maintainer need these features, they should look "
+"disabling the relevant feature directly (e.g. by overriding the concrete "
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor note que esta variável I<não> deve ser alterada por maintainers de "
+"pacote dentro de F<debian/rules> para mudar o comportamento do debhelper. Em "
+"vez disso, onde o maintainer do pacote precisar destas funcionalidades, eles "
+"devem procurar desactivar a funcionalidade relevante directamente (ex. ao "
+"sobrepor as ferramentas concretas)."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:799
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:801
+msgid ""
+"This is a dpkg specific environment variable (see e.g. L<dpkg-"
+"buildflags(1)>). The debhelper tool suite silently ignores it."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta é uma variável de ambiente especifica do dpkg (veja por ex. L<dpkg-"
+"buildflags(1)>). A suite de ferramentas do debhelper ignora-a em silêncio."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:804
+msgid ""
+"It is documented here because it has a similar name to B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>, "
+"which make some people mistakenly assume that debhelper will also react to "
+"this variable."
+msgstr ""
+"Está documentada aqui porque tem um nome semelhante a B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>, "
+"o que faz com que algumas pessoas assumam em erro que o debhelper também vai "
+"reagir a esta variável."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper.pod:810
+msgid "Supported flags in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"
+msgstr "Bandeiras suportadas em DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:812
+msgid ""
+"The debhelper tool suite reacts to the following flags in "
+msgstr ""
+"A suite de ferramentas debhelper reage às seguintes bandeiras em "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:816
+msgid "B<dherroron=obsolete-compat-levels>"
+msgstr "B<dherroron=obsolete-compat-levels>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:818
+msgid "I<This is a debhelper specific value.>"
+msgstr "I<Este é um valor específico do debhelper.>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:820
+msgid ""
+"When B<dherroron> is present and set to B<obsolete-compat-levels>, then "
+"debhelper tools will promote deprecation warnings for usage of old soon to "
+"be removed compat levels into errors."
+msgstr ""
+"Quando B<dherroron> está presente e definida para B<obsolete-compat-levels>, "
+"então as ferramentas debhelper irão promover para erros os avisos de "
+"descontinuidade de níveis de compatibilidade antigos e prestes a serem "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:824
+msgid ""
+"This is useful for automated checking for code relying on deprecated compat "
+"levels that is scheduled for removal."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto é útil para verificação automática de confiança de código em níveis de "
+"compatibilidade descontinuados que estão agendados para remoção."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:827
+msgid "This option is intended for testing purposes; not production builds."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opção destina-se a objectivos de teste; não compilações produtivas."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:829
+msgid "B<nostrip>"
+msgstr "B<nostrip>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:831 debhelper.pod:854 debhelper.pod:868
+msgid ""
+"I<This value will change the content of the debs being built. The .deb "
+"packages built when this is set is therefore not bit-for-bit reproducible "
+"with a regular build in the general case.>"
+msgstr ""
+"I<Este valor irá mudar o conteúdo dos debs a serem compilados. Os pacotes ."
+"deb compilados quando isto está definido são por isto não reproduzíveis bit-"
+"a-bit com uma compilação regular nas generalidade dos casos.>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:835
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper tools will skip actions and "
+"helpers that either remove, detach or deduplicate debugging symbols in ELF "
+msgstr ""
+"Este valor irá fazer com que as ferramentas oficiais debhelper saltem acções "
+"e ajudantes que ou removem, desanexam ou duplicam símbolos em binários ELF."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:839
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_dwz(1)> and L<dh_strip(1)>."
+msgstr "Este valor afecta L<dh_dwz(1)> e L<dh_strip(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:841
+msgid "B<nocheck>"
+msgstr "B<nocheck>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:843
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to skip runs of "
+"upstream test suites."
+msgstr ""
+"Este valor irá fazer com que os sistemas de compilação oficiais debhelper "
+"saltem execuções de suites de testes do autor original."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:846
+msgid ""
+"Package maintainers looking to avoid running the upstream tests should "
+"B<not> rely on this. Instead, they can add an empty override target to skip "
+msgstr ""
+"Os maintainers de pacotes que procurem evitar correr os testes do autor "
+"B<não> devem confiar nisto. Em vez disto, eles podem adicionar um alvo de "
+"sobreposição vazio para saltar o B<dh_auto_test>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:850
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_auto_test(1)>."
+msgstr "Este valor afecta L<dh_auto_test(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:852
+msgid "B<nodoc>"
+msgstr "B<nodoc>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:858
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause several debhelper tools to skip installation of "
+"documentation such as manpages or upstream provided documentation. "
+"Additionally, the tools will also ignore if declared documentation is "
+"\"missing\" on the assumption that the documentation has not been built."
+msgstr ""
+"Este valor irá fazer com que várias ferramentas debhelper saltem a "
+"instalação de documentação tal como os manuais ou documentação fornecida "
+"pelo autor original. Adicionalmente, as ferramentas irão também ignorar se a "
+"documentação declarada está \"em falta\" assumindo que a documentação não "
+"foi compilada."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:863
+msgid ""
+"This value effects tools I<like> L<dh_installdocs(1)>, which I<knows> it is "
+"working with documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"Este valor afecta ferramentas do I<tipo> L<dh_installdocs(1)>, que I<sabem> "
+"que estão a trabalhar com documentação."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:866
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<nostrip>"
+msgid "B<notrimdch>"
+msgstr "B<nostrip>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:872
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause L<dh_installchangelogs(1)> to act as if it had been "
+"passed the B<--no-trim> option, forcing it to forgo removing older entries "
+"from changelogs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:876
+msgid "B<noautodbgsym>, B<noddebs>"
+msgstr "B<noautodbgsym>, B<noddebs>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:878
+msgid ""
+"I<The official name is noautodbgsym. The noddebs variant is accepted for "
+"historical reasons.>"
+msgstr ""
+"I<O nome oficial é noautodbgsym. A variante noddebs é aceite por razões "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:881
+msgid ""
+"This value causes debhelper to skip the generation of automatically "
+"generated debug symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Este valor faz com que o debhelper salte a geração de pacotes de símbolos de "
+"depuração gerados automaticamente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:884
+msgid "This value affects L<dh_strip(1)>."
+msgstr "Este valor afecta L<dh_strip(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:886
+msgid "B<parallel=N>"
+msgstr "B<parallel=N>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:888
+msgid ""
+"This value enables debhelper to use up to B<N> threads or processes (subject "
+"to parameters like B<--no-parallel> and B<--max-parallel=M>). Not all "
+"debhelper tools work with parallel tasks and may silently ignore the request."
+msgstr ""
+"Este valor habilita o debhelper a usar até B<N> linhas de processos "
+"(sujeitos a parâmetros como B<--no-parallel> e B<--max-parallel=M>). Nem "
+"todas as ferramentas debhelper trabalham com tarefas paralelas e podem "
+"ignorar o pedido em silêncio."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:893
+msgid ""
+"This value affects many debhelper tools. Most notably B<dh_auto_*>, which "
+"will attempt to run the underlying upstream build system with that number of "
+msgstr ""
+"Este valor afecta muitas ferramentas debhelper. Mais notoriamente "
+"B<dh_auto_*>, a qual irá tentar correr o sistema de compilação subjacente do "
+"autor com esse número de linhas de execução."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:897
+msgid "B<terse>"
+msgstr "B<terse>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:899
+msgid ""
+"This value will cause the official debhelper build systems to configure "
+"upstream builds to be terse (i.e. reduce verbosity in their output). This "
+"is subject to the upstream and the debhelper build system supporting such "
+msgstr ""
+"Este valor irá fazer com que os sistemas de compilação oficiais debhelper "
+"configurem as compilações do autor para serem concisas (isto é, reduzir os "
+"detalhes dos seus resultados). Isto está sujeito a que os sistemas de "
+"compilação do autor e do debhelper suportem tais funcionalidades."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:904
+msgid ""
+"This value affects most B<dh_auto_*> tools directly. For commands provided "
+"by the debhelper package, it also causes the tools to act like the "
+"B<DH_QUIET> environment variable was non-empty."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:910
+msgid "Unknown flags are silently ignored."
+msgstr "Bandeiras desconhecidas são ignoradas em silêncio."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:912
+msgid ""
+"Note third-party debhelper-like tools or third-party provided build systems "
+"may or may not react to the above flags. This tends to depend on "
+"implementation details of the tool."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que ferramentas de terceiros estilo-debhelper ou sistemas de compilação "
+"fornecidos por terceiros podem não reagir às bandeiras em cima. Isto tende a "
+"depender dos detalhes de implementação da ferramenta."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:916 debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:753
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:178 dh:872 dh_auto_build:53 dh_auto_clean:55
+#: dh_auto_configure:58 dh_auto_install:103 dh_auto_test:64 dh_bugfiles:133
+#: dh_builddeb:176 dh_clean:189 dh_compress:243 dh_dwz:163 dh_fixperms:164
+#: dh_gencontrol:208 dh_icons:75 dh_install:377 dh_installcatalogs:128
+#: dh_installchangelogs:365 dh_installcron:80 dh_installdeb:419
+#: dh_installdebconf:233 dh_installdirs:131 dh_installdocs:437
+#: dh_installemacsen:138 dh_installexamples:182 dh_installifupdown:72
+#: dh_installinfo:123 dh_installinit:413 dh_installinitramfs:91
+#: dh_installlogcheck:81 dh_installlogrotate:53 dh_installman:420
+#: dh_installmanpages:198 dh_installmenu:88 dh_installmime:63
+#: dh_installmodules:109 dh_installpam:71 dh_installppp:68 dh_installudev:102
+#: dh_installwm:130 dh_installxfonts:90 dh_link:166 dh_lintian:60
+#: dh_listpackages:34 dh_makeshlibs:456 dh_md5sums:118 dh_movefiles:161
+#: dh_perl:188 dh_prep:70 dh_shlibdeps:204 dh_strip:435 dh_testdir:62
+#: dh_testroot:93 dh_usrlocal:136 dh_systemd_enable:280 dh_systemd_start:280
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+msgstr "VEJA TAMBÉM"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:920
+msgid "L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:922
+msgid ""
+"List of supported compat levels and an upgrade checklist for each of them."
+msgstr ""
+"Lista de níveis de compatibilidade suportados e uma lista de verificação de "
+"actualização para cada um deles."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:924
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:926
+msgid "A set of example F<debian/rules> files that use debhelper."
+msgstr "Um conjunto de ficheiros F<debian/rules> exemplo que usam debhelper."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper.pod:928
+msgid "L<>"
+msgstr "L<>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:930
+msgid "Debhelper web site."
+msgstr "Sítio web do debhelper."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper.pod:934 dh:878 dh_auto_build:59 dh_auto_clean:61
+#: dh_auto_configure:64 dh_auto_install:109 dh_auto_test:70 dh_bugfiles:141
+#: dh_builddeb:182 dh_clean:195 dh_compress:249 dh_dwz:169 dh_fixperms:170
+#: dh_gencontrol:214 dh_icons:81 dh_install:383 dh_installcatalogs:134
+#: dh_installchangelogs:371 dh_installcron:86 dh_installdeb:425
+#: dh_installdebconf:239 dh_installdirs:137 dh_installdocs:443
+#: dh_installemacsen:145 dh_installexamples:188 dh_installifupdown:78
+#: dh_installinfo:129 dh_installinitramfs:99 dh_installlogcheck:87
+#: dh_installlogrotate:59 dh_installman:426 dh_installmanpages:204
+#: dh_installmenu:96 dh_installmime:69 dh_installmodules:115 dh_installpam:77
+#: dh_installppp:74 dh_installudev:108 dh_installwm:136 dh_installxfonts:96
+#: dh_link:172 dh_lintian:68 dh_listpackages:40 dh_makeshlibs:462
+#: dh_md5sums:124 dh_movefiles:167 dh_perl:194 dh_prep:76 dh_shlibdeps:210
+#: dh_strip:441 dh_testdir:68 dh_testroot:99 dh_usrlocal:142
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr "AUTOR"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper.pod:936 dh:880 dh_auto_build:61 dh_auto_clean:63
+#: dh_auto_configure:66 dh_auto_install:111 dh_auto_test:72 dh_builddeb:184
+#: dh_clean:197 dh_compress:251 dh_fixperms:172 dh_gencontrol:216
+#: dh_install:385 dh_installchangelogs:373 dh_installcron:88 dh_installdeb:427
+#: dh_installdebconf:241 dh_installdirs:139 dh_installdocs:445
+#: dh_installemacsen:147 dh_installexamples:190 dh_installifupdown:80
+#: dh_installinfo:131 dh_installinit:421 dh_installlogrotate:61
+#: dh_installman:428 dh_installmanpages:206 dh_installmenu:98 dh_installmime:71
+#: dh_installmodules:117 dh_installpam:79 dh_installppp:76 dh_installudev:110
+#: dh_installwm:138 dh_installxfonts:98 dh_link:174 dh_listpackages:42
+#: dh_makeshlibs:464 dh_md5sums:126 dh_movefiles:169 dh_prep:78
+#: dh_shlibdeps:212 dh_strip:443 dh_testdir:70 dh_testroot:101
+msgid "Joey Hess <>"
+msgstr "Joey Hess <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:5
+msgid ""
+"debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist - Upgrade checklist for supported "
+"debhelper compat levels"
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist - Actualiza a lista de verificação para "
+"níveis de compatibilidade do debhelper suportados."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"This document is an upgrade checklist of all the supported debhelper compat "
+"levels. It also lists all the support debhelper compat levels."
+msgstr ""
+"Este documento é uma lista de verificação de actualização para todos os "
+"níveis de compatibilidade do debhelper suportados. Também lista todos os "
+"níveis de compatibilidade de debhelper suportados."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:12
+msgid ""
+"Information about how to declare the compat level is in L<debhelper(7)/"
+msgstr ""
+"Informação sobre como declarar os níveis de compatibilidade está em "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:14
+msgid ""
+"If you are upgrading from a (now) obsolete compat level, then please refer "
+"to L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Se você está a actualizar a partir de um nível de compatibilidade (agora) "
+"obsoleto, então por favor consulte L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+#. type: =head2
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:19
+msgid "Upgrade checklist for supported compatibility levels"
+msgstr ""
+"Actualizar lista de verificação para os níveis de compatibilidade suportados."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:21
+msgid "These are the available compatibility levels:"
+msgstr "Estes são os níveis de compatibilidade disponíveis:"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:25
+msgid "v15"
+msgstr "v15"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:27
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:51 strings-kept-translations.pod:9
+msgid ""
+"This compatibility level is still open for development; use with caution."
+msgstr ""
+"Este nível de compatibilidade ainda está aberto em desenvolvimento; use com "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:29
+msgid "Changes from v14 are:"
+msgstr "As alterações a partir de v14 são:"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:33
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:57
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:63
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:68
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:74
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:90
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:95
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:103
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:120
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:128
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:136
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:145
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:151
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:161
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:169
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:175
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:189
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:200
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:214
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:225
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:241
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:251
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:255
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:260
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:265
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:272
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:278
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:286
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:292
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:296
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:301
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:306
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:315
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:331
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:340
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:356
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:364
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:369
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:391
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:397
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:409
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:417
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:423
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:428
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:433
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:438
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:446
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:456
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:466
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:473
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:485
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:490
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:518
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:535
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:540
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:546
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:552
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:557
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:563
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:572
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:582
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:588
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:611
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:618
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:624
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:630
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:636
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:656
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:661
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:668
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:673
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:678
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:686
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:692
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:697
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:702
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:717
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:721
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:729
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:734 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:29
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:36 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:40
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:44 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:57
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:62 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:68
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:74 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:89
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:93 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:98
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:102 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:114
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:119 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:124
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:129 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:143
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:148 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:152
+#: dh_testroot:36 dh_testroot:41 dh_testroot:46
+msgid "-"
+msgstr "-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:35
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_auto_install> tool no longer defaults to B<< --destdir=debian/"
+"I<package> >> for source packages only producing a single binary. If this "
+"behaviour is wanted, the package should explicitly activate the B<single-"
+"binary> dh addon (e.g., by adding B<dh-sequence-single-binary> to B<Build-"
+"Depends>) or pass B<--destdir> to B<dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_auto_install> já não usa por predefinição B<< --"
+"destdir=debian/I<package> >> para pacotes fonte que apenas produzem um único "
+"binário. Se este comportamento é desejado, o pacote deve activar "
+"explicitamente o addon do dh B<single-binary> (ex. ao adicionar B<dh-"
+"sequence-single-binary> a B<Build-Depends>) ou passar B<--destdir> a "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:41
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:84
+msgid ""
+"The rationale for this change to avoid \"surprises\" when adding a second "
+"binary package later. Previously, debhelper would silently change behaviour "
+"often resulting in empty binary packages being uploaded to the archive by "
+"mistake. With the new behaviour, the B<single-binary> addon will detect the "
+"mismatch and warn the maintainer of what is about to happen."
+msgstr ""
+"A razão para esta alteração é evitar \"surpresas\" ao adicionar um segundo "
+"pacote binário mais tarde. Anteriormente, o debhelper iria em silêncio "
+"alterar o comportamento muitas vezes resultado em pacotes binários vazios a "
+"serem enviados para o arquivo por engano. Com o novo comportamento, o addon "
+"B<single-binary> irá detectar a discrepância e avisar o maintainer do que "
+"está prestes a acontecer."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:49
+msgid "v14"
+msgstr "v14"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:53
+msgid "Changes from v13 are:"
+msgstr "As alterações a partir de v13 são:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON> to "
+"L<cmake(1)> to avoid some reproducibility issues."
+msgstr ""
+"O sistema de compilação B<cmake> agora passa B<-"
+"DCMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN=ON> a L<cmake(1)> para evitar alguns problemas "
+"de reprodutibilidade."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:65
+msgid ""
+"The tool B<dh_installsysusers> is now included in the default sequence. This "
+"helper tool will process systemd sysusers files."
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_installsysusers> está agora incluída na sequência "
+"predefinida. Esta ferramenta de ajuda irá processar ficheiros sysusers do "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:70
+msgid ""
+"Use of the B<dh_gconf> command in override and hook targets now causes an "
+"error. The B<dh_gconf> command has been a no-op for years and was removed "
+"in debhelper 13.4."
+msgstr ""
+"Usar o comando B<dh_gconf> em alvos de sobreposição e hook agora causa um "
+"erro. O comando B<dh_gconf> foi um não-operativo durante anos e foi removido "
+"no debhelper 13.4."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:76
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> sequencer will warn if the B<single-binary> addon is implicitly "
+"activated to warn maintainers of the pending compat 15 change in "
+msgstr ""
+"O sequenciador B<dh> irá avisar se o addon B<single-binary> for activado "
+"implicitamente para avisar os maintainers da pendente alteração na "
+"compatibilidade 15 em B<dh_auto_install>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:79
+msgid ""
+"Maintainers are urged to either explicitly activate the B<single-binary> "
+"addon to preserve the existing behaviour (e.g., by adding B<dh-sequence-"
+"single-binary> to Build-Depends), or explicitly passing B<--destdir> to "
+"B<dh_auto_install> if used and then passing B<--without single-binary> to "
+"B<dh> (the latter to silence the warning)."
+msgstr ""
+"Maintainers são incentivados a ou activar explicitamente o addon B<single-"
+"binary> para preservar o comportamento existente (ex. ao adicionar <dh-"
+"sequence-single-binary> a Build-Depends), ou passar explicitamente B<--"
+"destdir> a B<dh_auto_install> se usado e depois passar B<--without single-"
+"binary> a B<dh> (a última para silenciar o aviso)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:92
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installalternatives> tool will now be run after B<dh_link> rather "
+"than after B<dh_installinitramfs> in the default B<dh> sequence."
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_installalternatives> irá agora correr após B<dh_link> em "
+"vez de após B<dh_installinitramfs> na sequência predefinida do B<dh>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:97
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installpam> tool will now install PAM configuration files under "
+"F<< /usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> >> instead of F<< /etc/pam.d/I<package> >>."
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_installpam> irá agora instalar ficheiros de configuração "
+"do PAM sob F<< /usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> >> em vez de F<< /etc/pam.d/"
+"I<package> >>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:100
+msgid ""
+"Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from L<dh_installdeb(1)> "
+"to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor considere usar a funcionalidade \"rm_conffile\" de "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> para assegurar a remoção apropriada dos ficheiros PAM "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:105
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The B<meson+ninja> build system now uses B<meson install> instead of "
+#| "B<ninja install> in the L<dh_auto_install(1)> call. Any override of "
+#| "B<dh_auto_install> that passes extra parameters to the upstream build "
+#| "system should be reviewed."
+msgid ""
+"The B<meson+ninja> and B<cmake> build systems now use B<meson install> and "
+"B<cmake --install>, respectively, instead of B<ninja install> and B<make "
+"install> in the L<dh_auto_install(1)> call. Any override of "
+"B<dh_auto_install> that passes extra parameters to the upstream build system "
+"should be reviewed."
+msgstr ""
+"O sistema de compilação B<meson+ninja> agora usa B<meson install> em vez de "
+"B<ninja install> na chamada a L<dh_auto_install(1)>. Qualquer sobreposição "
+"de B<dh_auto_install> que passe parâmetros extra ao sistema de compilação do "
+"autor deve ser revista."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:112
+msgid "v13"
+msgstr "v13"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:114
+msgid "This is the recommended mode of operation."
+msgstr "Este é o modo de operação recomendado."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:116
+msgid "Changes from v12 are:"
+msgstr "As alterações a partir de v12 são:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:122
+msgid ""
+"The B<meson+ninja> build system now uses B<meson test> instead of B<ninja "
+"test> when running the test suite. Any override of B<dh_auto_test> that "
+"passes extra parameters to upstream test runner should be reviewed as "
+"B<meson test> is not command line compatible with B<ninja test>."
+msgstr ""
+"O sistema de compilação B<meson+ninja> agora usa B<meson test> em vez de "
+"B<ninja test> quando corre a suite de testes. Qualquer sobreposição de "
+"B<dh_auto_test> que passe parâmetros extra ao testador original do autor "
+"deve ser revista, pois o B<meson test> não é compatível em linha de comandos "
+"com o B<ninja test>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:130
+msgid ""
+"All debhelper like tools based on the official debhelper library (including "
+"B<dh> and the official B<dh_*> tools) no longer accepts abbreviated command "
+"parameters. At the same time, B<dh> now optimizes out calls to redundant "
+"B<dh_*> helpers even when passed long command line options."
+msgstr ""
+"Todas as ferramentas tipo debhelper baseadas na biblioteca debhelper oficial "
+"(incluindo B<dh> e as ferramentas oficiais B<dh_*>) não aceitam mais "
+"parâmetros abreviados de comandos. Ao mesmo tempo, B<dh> agora optimiza as "
+"chamadas a ajudantes redundantes B<dh_*> mesmo quando passa opções longas da "
+"linha de comandos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:138
+msgid ""
+"The ELF related debhelper tools (B<dh_dwz>, B<dh_strip>, B<dh_makeshlibs>, "
+"B<dh_shlibdeps>) are now only run for arch dependent packages by default (i."
+"e. they are excluded from B<*-indep> targets and are passed B<-a> by "
+"default). If you need them for B<*-indep> targets, you can add an explicit "
+"Build-Depends on B<dh-sequence-elf-tools>."
+msgstr ""
+"As ferramentas debhelper relacionadas com ELF (B<dh_dwz>, B<dh_strip>, "
+"B<dh_makeshlibs>, B<dh_shlibdeps>) são agora apenas executadas para os "
+"pacotes dependentes de arquitectura por predefinição (isto é, estão "
+"excluídas de alvos B<*-indep> e são passadas B<-a> por predefinição). Se "
+"você precisar delas para alvos B<*-indep>, você pode adicionar um Build-"
+"Depends explícito em B<dh-sequence-elf-tools>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:147
+msgid ""
+"The third-party B<gradle> build system (from B<gradle-debian-helper> "
+"package) now runs the upstream-provided test suite automatically. To "
+"suppress such behavior, override B<dh_auto_test>."
+msgstr ""
+"O sistema de compilação de terceiros B<gradle> (do pacote B<gradle-debian-"
+"helper>) agora corre a suite de testes disponibilizada pelo autor "
+"automaticamente. Para suprimir tal comportamento, sobreponha B<dh_auto_test>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:153
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installman> tool now aborts if it sees conflicting definitions of a "
+"manpage. This typically happens if the upstream build system is installing "
+"a compressed version and the package lists an uncompressed version of the "
+"manpage in F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >>. Often the easiest fix is to "
+"remove the manpage from F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >> (assuming both "
+"versions are identical)."
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_installman> agora aborta se vir definições conflituosas de "
+"uma manpage. Isto tipicamente acontece se o sistema de compilação do autor "
+"está a instalar uma versão comprimida e o pacote lista uma versão "
+"descomprimida da manpage em F<< debian/I<package>.manpages >>. Muitas vezes "
+"a correção mais fácil é remover a manpage de F<< debian/I<package>.manpages "
+">> (assumindo que ambas as versões são idênticas)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:163
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_auto_*> helpers now reset the environment variables B<HOME> and "
+"common B<XDG_*> variable. Please see description of the environment "
+"variables in L</ENVIRONMENT> for how this is handled."
+msgstr ""
+"Os ajudantes de B<dh_auto_*> agora reiniciam as variáveis de ambiente "
+"B<HOME> e variável comum B<XDG_*>. Por favor veja a descrição das variáveis "
+"de ambiente em L</ENVIRONMENT> para como lidar com isto."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:167
+msgid "I<This feature changed between debhelper 13 and debhelper 13.2.>"
+msgstr "I<Esta funcionalidade mudou entre debhelper 13 e debhelper 13.2.>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:171
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will now error if an override or hook target for an "
+"obsolete command are present in F<debian/rules> (e.g. "
+msgstr ""
+"O comando B<dh> ir+a agora dar erro se estiver presente um alvo de "
+"sobreposição ou hook para um comando obsoleto em F<debian/rules> (ex."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:177
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_missing> command will now default to B<--fail-missing>. This can "
+"be reverted to a non-fatal warning by explicitly passing B<--list-missing> "
+"like it was in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+"O comando B<dh_missing> irá agora usar por predefinição B<--fail-missing>. "
+"Isto pode ser revertido para um aviso não fatal ao passar explicitamente B<--"
+"list-missing> como era na compatibilidade 12."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:181
+msgid ""
+"If you do not want the warning either, please omit the call to "
+"B<dh_missing>. If you use the B<dh> command sequencer, then you can do this "
+"by inserting an empty override target in the F<debian/rules> file of the "
+"relevant package. As an example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Se você também não quiser o aviso, por favor omita a chamada ao "
+"B<dh_missing>. Se você usar o sequenciador de comandos B<dh>, então pode "
+"fazer isto ao inserir um alvo de sobreposição vazio no ficheiro F<debian/"
+"rules> do pacote relevante. Como exemplo:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:186
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Disable dh_missing\n"
+" override_dh_missing:\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Disable dh_missing\n"
+" override_dh_missing:\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:191
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command sequencer now runs B<dh_installtmpfiles> in the default "
+"sequence. The B<dh_installtmpfiles> takes over handling of tmpfiles.d "
+"configuration files. Related functionality in B<dh_installsystemd> is now "
+msgstr ""
+"O sequenciador de comandos B<dh> agora corre B<dh_installtmpfiles> na "
+"sequência predefinida. O B<dh_installtmpfiles> assume o manusear dos "
+"ficheiros de configuração tmpfiles.d. A funcionalidade relacionada em "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> está agora desactivada."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:196
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installtmpfiles> responds to F<< debian/I<package>.tmpfiles "
+">> where B<dh_installsystemd> used a name without the trailing \"s\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que B<dh_installtmpfiles> responde a F<< debian/I<package>.tmpfiles >> "
+"onde B<dh_installsystemd> usou um nome sem o \"s\" final."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:202
+msgid ""
+"Many B<dh_*> tools now support limited variable expansion via the B<${foo}> "
+"syntax. In many cases, this can be used to reference paths that contain "
+"either spaces or L<dpkg-architecture(1)> values. While this can reduce the "
+"need for L<dh-exec(1)> in some cases, it is B<not> a replacement L<dh-"
+"exec(1)> in general. If you need filtering, renaming, etc., the package "
+"will still need L<dh-exec(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Muitas ferramentas B<dh_*> agora suportam expansão de variáveis limitada via "
+"sintaxe B<${foo}>. Em muitos casos, isto pode ser usado para referenciar "
+"caminhos que contêm ou espaços ou valores L<dpkg-architecture(1)>. Enquanto "
+"isto pode reduzir a necessidade de L<dh-exec(1)> em alguns casos, B<não> é "
+"um substituto de L<dh-exec(1)> em geral. Se você precisar de filtrar, "
+"renomear, etc... o pacote irá continuar a precisar de L<dh-exec(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:209
+msgid ""
+"Please see L</Substitutions in debhelper config files> for syntax and "
+"available substitution variables. To B<dh_*> tool writers, substitution "
+"expansion occurs as a part of the B<filearray> and B<filedoublearray> "
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor veja L<Substituições em ficheiros de configuração do debhelper> "
+"para sintaxe e variáveis de substituição disponíveis. Para os escritores da "
+"ferramenta B<dh_*>, a expansão de substituição ocorre como parte das "
+"funções B<filearray> e B<filedoublearray>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:216
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command sequencer will now skip all hook and override targets for "
+"B<dh_auto_test>, B<dh_dwz> and B<dh_strip> when B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> lists "
+"the relevant B<nocheck> / B<nostrip> options."
+msgstr ""
+"O sequenciador de comandos B<dh> irá agora saltar todos os alvos hook e de "
+"sobreposição para B<dh_auto_test>, B<dh_dwz> e B<dh_strip> quando "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> listar as opções B<nocheck> / B<nostrip> relevantes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:220
+msgid ""
+"Any package relying on these targets to always be run should instead move "
+"relevant logic out of those targets. E.g. non-test related packaging code "
+"from B<override_dh_auto_test> would have to be moved to "
+"B<execute_after_dh_auto_build> or B<execute_before_dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+"Qualquer pacote que se apoie nestes alvos para ser sempre corrido deve, em "
+"vez disto, mover a lógica relevante para fora destes alvos. Ex, código de "
+"empacotamento não relacionado com testes a partir de "
+"B<override_dh_auto_test> deverá ser movido para "
+"B<execute_after_dh_auto_build> ou B<execute_before_dh_auto_install>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:227
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-"
+"DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=ON> to L<cmake(1)> to speed up automatic "
+"installation process. If for some reason you need previous behavior, "
+"override the flag:"
+msgstr ""
+"O sistema de compilação B<cmake> agora passa B<-"
+"DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=ON> ao L<cmake(1)> para acelerar o "
+"processo de instalação automática. Se por alguma razão você precisar do "
+"comportamento anterior, sobreponha a flag:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:231
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=OFF ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=OFF ...\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:235
+msgid "v12"
+msgstr "v12"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:237
+msgid "Changes from v11 are:"
+msgstr "As alterações a partir de v11 são:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:243
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool now generates shlibs files with versioned "
+"dependency by default. This means that B<-VUpstream-Version> (a.k.a. B<-V>) "
+"is now the default."
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_makeshlibs> agora gera ficheiros shlibs com dependência de "
+"versão por predefinição. Isto significa que B<-VUpstream-Version> (a.k.a. B<-"
+"V>) é agora a predefinição."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:247
+msgid ""
+"If an unversioned dependency in the shlibs file is wanted, this can be "
+"obtained by passing B<-VNone> instead. However, please see "
+"L<dh_makeshlibs(1)> for the caveat of unversioned dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Se é pedida uma dependência sem versão no ficheiros shlibs, isto pode ser "
+"conseguido ao passar B<-VNone> em substituição. No entanto, por favor veja "
+"L<dh_makeshlibs(1)> para a problemática das dependências sem versão."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:253
+msgid ""
+"The B<-s> (B<--same-arch>) option is removed. Please use B<-a> (B<--arch>) "
+msgstr ""
+"A opção B<-s> (B<--same-arch>) foi removida. Por favor use B<-a> (B<--arch>) "
+"em vez desta."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:257
+msgid ""
+"Invoking B<dh_clean -k> now causes an error instead of a deprecation warning."
+msgstr ""
+"Invocar B<dh_clean -k> agora causa um erro em vez de um aviso de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:262
+msgid ""
+"The B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> option in B<dh_installinit> has been "
+"removed. Please use the new name B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>"
+msgstr ""
+"A opção B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> em B<dh_installinit> foi removida. Por "
+"favor use o novo nome B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:267
+msgid ""
+"There was a bug in the B<doit> (and similar) functions from L<Debian::"
+"Debhelper::Dh_Lib> that made them spawn a shell in one particular "
+"circumstance. This bug is now removed and will cause helpers that rely on "
+"the bug to fail with a \"command not found\"-error."
+msgstr ""
+"Existia um bug nas funções B<doit> (e similares) a partir de L<Debian::"
+"Debhelper::Dh_Lib> que fazia aparece uma linha de comandos numa "
+"circunstância particular. Este bug foi agora removido e irá fazer com que os "
+"ajudantes que contavam com esse bug falhem com um erro de \"comando não "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:274
+msgid ""
+"The B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> in B<dh_install> has been "
+"removed. Please use B<dh_missing> and its corresponding options, which can "
+"also see the files installed by other helpers."
+msgstr ""
+"O B<--list-missing> e B<--fail-missing> em B<dh_install> foram removidos. "
+"Por favor use B<dh_missing> e as suas opções correspondentes, o qual pode "
+"também ver os ficheiros instalados por outros ajudantes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:280
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installinit> helper no longer installs configuration for the "
+"upstart init system. Instead, it will abort the build if it finds an old "
+"upstart configuration file. The error is there to remind the package "
+"maintainer to ensure the proper removal of the conffiles shipped in previous "
+"versions of the package (if any)."
+msgstr ""
+"O ajudante B<dh_installinit> já não instala configuração para o sistema de "
+"init upstart. Em vez disso, irá abortar a compilação se encontrar um "
+"ficheiro de configuração upstart antigo. O erro está lá para lembrar ao "
+"maintainer do pacote para assegurar a remoção apropriada dos ficheiros de "
+"configuração empacotados em versões anteriores do pacote (caso existam)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:288
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do basic validation of some L<dpkg-"
+"maintscript-helper(1)> commands and will error out if the commands appear to "
+"be invalid."
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_installdeb> irá fazer validação básica de alguns comandos "
+"L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)> e irá terminar em erro se os comandos "
+"parecerem ser inválidos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:294
+msgid "The B<dh_missing> tool will now default to B<--list-missing>."
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_missing> irá agora usar por predefinição B<--list-missing>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:298
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool will now only pass libraries to L<dpkg-"
+"gensymbols(1)> if the ELF binary has a SONAME (containing \".so\")."
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_makeshlibs> irá agora apenas passar bibliotecas para "
+"L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> se o binário ELF tiver um SONAME (contendo \".so\")."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:303
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_compress> tool no longer compresses examples (i.e. anything "
+"installed in F<</usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples>>.)"
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_compress> não mais comprime exemplos (isto é, nada "
+"instalado em F<</usr/share/doc/I<pacote>/examples>>.)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:308
+msgid ""
+"The standard sequence in B<dh> now includes B<dh_dwz> and "
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> by default. This makes the B<dwz> and "
+"B<installinitramfs> sequences obsolete and they will now fail with an "
+"error. If you want to skip these commands, then please insert an empty "
+"override target for them in F<debian/rules> (e.g. I<override_dh_dwz:>)"
+msgstr ""
+"A sequência standard em B<dh> agora inclui B<dh_dwz> e "
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> por predefinição. Isto tornas as sequências B<dwz> e "
+"B<installinitramfs> obsoletas e elas agora irão falhar com um erro. Se "
+"desejar saltar estes comandos, por favor insira um alvo de sobreposição "
+"vazio para eles em F<debian/rules> (ex. I<override_dh_dwz:>)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:317
+msgid ""
+"The build systems B<meson> and B<autoconf> no longer explicitly set the B<--"
+"libexecdir> variable and thus relies on the build system default - which "
+"should be B</usr/libexec> (per FHS 3.0, adopted in Debian Policy 4.1.5)."
+msgstr ""
+"Os sistemas de compilação B<meson> e B<autoconf> não mais definem "
+"explicitamente a variável B<--libexecdir> e assim apoia-se na predefinição "
+"do sistema de compilação - O qual deve ser B</usr/libexec> (por FHS 3.0, "
+"adoptado em Debian Policy 4.1.5)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:322
+msgid ""
+"If a particular upstream package does not use the correct default, the "
+"parameter can often be passed manually via L<dh_auto_configure(1)>. E.g. "
+"via the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Se um determinado pacote original do autor não usar a predefinição correcta, "
+"o parâmetro pode muitas vezes ser passado manualmente via "
+"L<dh_auto_configure(1)>. Por exemplo via seguinte exemplo:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:326
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" \tdh_auto_configure -- --libexecdir=/usr/libexec\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_auto_configure:\n"
+" \tdh_auto_configure -- --libexecdir=/usr/libexec\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:329
+msgid "Note the B<--> before the B<--libexecdir> parameter."
+msgstr "Note o B<--> antes do parâmetro B<--libexecdir>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:333
+msgid "B<Retroactively removed in debhelper/13.5>:"
+msgstr "B<Retroativamente removido em debhelper/13.5>:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:335
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool would no longer installs the maintainer provided "
+"F<conffiles> file as it was deemed unnecessary. However, the B<remove-on-"
+"upgrade> from dpkg/1.20 made the file relevant again and B<dh_installdeb> "
+"now installs it again in compat levels 12+."
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_installdeb> não iria mais instalar o ficheiro F<conffiles> "
+"fornecido pelo responsável pois isso foi considerado desnecessário. No "
+"entanto, o B<remove-on-upgrade> do dpkg/1.20 tornou o ficheiro relevante de "
+"novo e B<dh_installdeb> agora instala-o nos níveis de compatibilidade 12+."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:342
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installsystemd> tool no longer relies on B<dh_installinit> for "
+"handling systemd services that have a sysvinit alternative. Both tools must "
+"now be used in such a case to ensure the service is properly started under "
+"both sysvinit and systemd."
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_installsystemd> não mais se apoia em B<dh_installinit> "
+"para lidar com os serviços do systemd que têm uma alternativa de sysvinit. "
+"ambas ferramentas devem agora ser usadas em tais casos para assegurar que o "
+"serviço é arrancado correctamente sob ambos sysvinit e systemd."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:347
+msgid ""
+"If you have an override for B<dh_installinit> (e.g. to call it with B<--no-"
+"start>) then you will probably need one for B<dh_installsystemd> as well now."
+msgstr ""
+"Se tiver uma sobreposição para B<dh_installinit> (ex. para chamá-lo com B<--"
+"no-start>) então irá provavelmente precisar agora também de um para "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:351
+msgid ""
+"This change makes B<dh_installinit> inject a I<misc:Pre-Depends> for B<< "
+"init-system-helpers (>= 1.54~) >>. Please ensure that the package lists "
+"B<${misc:Pre-Depends}> in its B<Pre-Depends> field before upgrading to "
+"compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta alteração faz B<dh_installinit> injectar um I<misc:Pre-Depends> para "
+"B<< init-system-helpers (>= 1.54~) >>. Por favor assegure que o pacote "
+"lista B<${misc:Pre-Depends}> no seu campo B<Pre-Depends> antes de actualizar "
+"para a compatibilidade 12."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:358
+msgid ""
+"The third-party B<dh_golang> tool (from B<dh-golang> package) now defaults "
+"on honoring B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES> variable for source installation in -dev "
+"packages and not only during the building process. Please set "
+"B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES_ALL> to false to revert to the previous behaviour. See "
+"B<Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::golang(3pm)> for details and examples."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta ferramenta de terceiros B<dh_golang> (do pacote B<dh-golang>) agora por "
+"predefinição honra a variável B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES> para instalação fonte em "
+"pacotes -dev e não apenas durante o processo de compilação. Por favor defina "
+"B<DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES_ALL> para falso para reverter para o comportamento "
+"anterior. Veja B<Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::golang(3pm)> para detalhes "
+"e exemplos"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:366
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installsystemduser> is now included in the B<dh> standard sequence by "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installsystemduser> é agora incluído na sequência standard do B<dh> por "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:371
+msgid ""
+"The B<python-distutils> buildsystem is now removed. Please use the third-"
+"party build system B<pybuild> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"O sistema de compilação B<python-distutils> foi agora removido. Por favor "
+"use o sistema de compilação de terceiros B<pybuild> em substituição."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:376
+msgid "v11"
+msgstr "v11"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:378
+msgid "This mode is discouraged."
+msgstr "Este modo está desencorajado."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:380
+msgid ""
+"The compat 11 is discouraged for new packages as it suffers from feature "
+"interaction between L<dh_installinit> and L<dh_installsystemd> causing "
+"services to not run correctly in some cases. Please consider using "
+"compatibility mode 10 or 12 instead. More details about the issue are "
+"available in Debian#887904 and L<"
+msgstr ""
+"A compatibilidade 11 é desencorajada para novos pacotes pois sofre de "
+"interação de características entre L<dh_installinit> e L<dh_installsystemd> "
+"o que causa com que os serviços não funcionem correctamente em alguns casos. "
+"Por favor considere usar modo de compatibilidade 10 ou 12 em vez deste. "
+"Mais detalhes sobre este problema estão disponíveis em Debian#887904 e "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:387
+msgid "Changes from v10 are:"
+msgstr "As alterações a partir de v10 são:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:393
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> no longer installs F<service> or F<tmpfile> files, nor "
+"generates maintainer scripts for those files. Please use the new "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> helper."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> já não instala ficheiros F<service> ou F<tmpfile>, nem "
+"gera scripts do maintainer para esses ficheiros, Por favor use o novo "
+"ajudante B<dh_installsystemd>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:399
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_systemd_enable> and B<dh_systemd_start> helpers have been replaced "
+"by the new B<dh_installsystemd> helper. For the same reason, the B<systemd> "
+"sequence for B<dh> has also been removed. If you need to disable the "
+"B<dh_installsystemd> helper tool, please use an empty override target."
+msgstr ""
+"Os ajudantes B<dh_systemd_enable>e B<dh_systemd_start> foram substituídos "
+"pelo novo ajudante B<dh_installsystemd>. Pela mesma razão, a sequência do "
+"B<systemd> para B<dh> foi também removida. Se você precisar de desactivar a "
+"ferramenta de ajuda B<dh_installsystemd>, por favor use um alvo de "
+"sobreposição vazio."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:405
+msgid ""
+"Please note that the B<dh_installsystemd> tool has a slightly different "
+"behaviour in some cases (e.g. when using the B<--name> parameter)."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor note que a ferramenta B<dh_installsystemd> tem um comportamento "
+"ligeiramente diferente em alguns casos (ex. quando se usa o parâmetro B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:411
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> no longer creates debian/I<package> directories unless "
+"explicitly requested (or it has to create a subdirectory in it)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> já não cria directórios debian/I<pacote> a menos que tal "
+"seja explicitamente pedido (ou se tiver de criar um sub-directório nele)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:415
+msgid "The vast majority of all packages will be unaffected by this change."
+msgstr "A grande maioria dos pacotes não serão afectados por esta alteração."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:419
+msgid ""
+"The B<makefile> buildsystem now passes B<INSTALL=\"install --strip-"
+"program=true\"> to L<make(1)>. Derivative buildsystems (e.g. B<configure> "
+"or B<cmake>) are unaffected by this change."
+msgstr ""
+"O sistema de compilação B<makefile> agora passa B<INSTALL=\"install --strip-"
+"program=true\"> para o L<make(1)>. Sistemas de compilação derivativos (ex. "
+"B<configure> ou B<cmake>) não são afectados por esta alteração."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:425
+msgid ""
+"The B<autoconf> buildsystem now passes B<--runstatedir=/run> to F<./"
+msgstr ""
+"O sistema de compilação B<autoconf> agora passa B<--runstatedir=/run> para "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:430
+msgid ""
+"The B<cmake> buildsystem now passes B<-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR=/run> to "
+msgstr ""
+"O sistema de compilação B<cmake> agora passa B<-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR=/"
+"run> para L<cmake(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:435
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> will now prefer detecting the language from the path name "
+"rather than the extension."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> irá agora preferir detectar a linguagem a partir do nome de "
+"caminho em vez de a extensão."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:440
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> will now only create the destination directory it needs. "
+"Previously, it would create the package build directory for all packages. "
+"This will not affect packages that only build with debhelper commands, but "
+"it may expose bugs in commands not included in debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> irá agora apenas criar o directório de destino que "
+"precisa. Anteriormente, iria criar o directório de compilação de pacote para "
+"todos os pacotes. Isto não vai afectar pacotes que apenas compilam com "
+"comandos debhelper, mas pode expor bugs em comandos não incluídos no "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:448
+msgid ""
+"The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, and "
+"B<dh_installman> now error out if their config has a pattern that does not "
+"match anything or reference a path that does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+"Os ajudantes B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, e "
+"B<dh_installman> agora dão erro se a sua configuração tiver um padrão que "
+"não coincida com nada ou faça referência a um caminho que não exista."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:452
+msgid ""
+"Known exceptions include building with the B<nodoc> profile, where the above "
+"tools will silently permit failed matches where the patterns are used to "
+"specify documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"Excepções conhecidas incluem compilar com o perfil B<nodoc>, onde as "
+"ferramentas de cima irão permitir em silêncio correspondências falhadas onde "
+"os padrões são usados para especificar documentação."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:458
+msgid ""
+"The helpers B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, and "
+"B<dh_installman> now accept the parameter B<--sourcedir> with same meaning "
+"as B<dh_install>. Furthermore, they now also fall back to F<debian/tmp> like "
+msgstr ""
+"Os ajudantes B<dh_installdocs>, B<dh_installexamples>, B<dh_installinfo>, e "
+"B<dh_installman> agora aceitam o parâmetro B<--sourcedir> com o mesmo "
+"significado que B<dh_install>. Mais ainda, eles agora também retornam (em "
+"fall back) a F<debian/tmp> como B<dh_install>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:463
+msgid ""
+"Migration note: A bug in debhelper 11 up to 11.1.5 made B<dh_installinfo> "
+"incorrectly ignore B<--sourcedir>."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota de migração: Um bug no debhelper 11 até ao 11.1.5 faz com que "
+"B<dh_installinfo> ignore incorrectamente B<--sourcedir>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:468
+msgid ""
+"The B<perl-makemaker> and B<perl-build> build systems no longer pass B<-I.> "
+"to perl. Packages that still need this behaviour can emulate it by using "
+"the B<PERL5LIB> environment variable. E.g. by adding B<export PERL5LIB=.> "
+"in their debian/rules file (or similar)."
+msgstr ""
+"Os sistemas de compilação B<perl-makemaker> e B<perl-build> já não passam B<-"
+"I.> ao perl. Os pacotes que ainda precisam deste comportamento podem emula-"
+"lo ao usar a variável de ambiente B<PERL5LIB>. Ex. ao adicionar B<export "
+"PERL5LIB=.> no seu ficheiro debian/rules (ou semelhante)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:475
+msgid ""
+"The B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable is no longer set by B<dh> or "
+"any of the B<dh_auto_*> tools. It was added as a temporary work around to "
+"avoid a lot of packages failing to build at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+"A variável de ambiente B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> já não é definida pelo B<dh> "
+"ou nenhuma das ferramentas B<dh_auto_*>. Ela foi adicionada como um meio de "
+"contorno temporário evitar muitos pacotes a falharem a compilação ao mesmo "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:480
+msgid ""
+"Note this item will eventually become obsolete as upstream intends to drop "
+"support for the B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC> environment variable. When perl "
+"drops support for it, then this variable will be removed retroactively from "
+"existing compat levels as well."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que este item irá eventualmente tornar-se obsoleto pois o auto pretende "
+"abandonar o suporte para a variável de ambiente B<PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC>. "
+"Quando o perl abandonar o para ala, então esta variável será também removida "
+"retroactivamente dos níveis de compatibilidade existentes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:487
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_makeshlibs> helper will now exit with an error if objdump returns a "
+"non-zero exit from analysing a given file."
+msgstr ""
+"O ajudante B<dh_makeshlibs> irá agora terminar em erro se objdump retornar "
+"uma saída não-zero a partir da análise de um determinado ficheiro."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:492
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdocs> and B<dh_installexamples> tools may now install "
+"I<most> of the documentation in a different path to comply with the "
+"recommendation from Debian policy §12.3 (since version 3.9.7)."
+msgstr ""
+"As ferramentas B<dh_installdocs> e B<dh_installexamples> podem agora "
+"instalar I<a maioria> da documentação num caminho diferente para cumprir com "
+"a recomendação da política Debian §12.3 (desde versão 3.9.7)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:496
+msgid ""
+"Note that if a given source package only contains a single binary package in "
+"F<debian/control> or none of the packages are I<-doc> packages, then this "
+"change is not relevant for that source package and you can skip to the next "
+msgstr ""
+"Note que um dado pacote fonte apenas contém um único pacote binário em "
+"F<debian/control> ou nenhum dos pacotes são pacotes I<-doc>, então esta "
+"alteração não é relevante para esse pacote fonte e você pode saltar a "
+"próxima alteração."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:501
+msgid ""
+"By default, these tools will now attempt to determine a \"main package for "
+"the documentation\" (called a I<doc-main-package> from here on) for every I<-"
+"doc> package. If they find such a I<doc-main-package>, they will now "
+"install the documentation into the path F<< /usr/share/doc/I<doc-main-"
+"package> >> in the given doc package. I.e. the path can change but the "
+"documentation is still shipped in the I<-doc> package."
+msgstr ""
+"Por predefinição, estas ferramentas irão agora tentar determinar um \"pacote "
+"principal para a documentação\" (chamado um I<doc-main-package> daqui em "
+"diante) para cada pacote I<-doc>. Se encontrarem o tal I<doc-main-package>, "
+"irão agora instalar a documentação em F<< /usr/share/doc/I<doc-main-package> "
+">> no pacote doc fornecido. Isto é, o caminho pode mudar mas a documentação "
+"será na mesma enviada no pacote I<-doc>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:509
+msgid ""
+"The B<--doc-main-package> option can be used when the auto-detection is "
+"insufficient or to reset the path to its previous value if there is a reason "
+"to diverge from Debian policy recommendation."
+msgstr ""
+"A opção B<--doc-main-package> pode ser usada quando a auto-detecção é "
+"insuficiente ou para reiniciar o caminho para o seu valor anterior se "
+"existir razão para divergir da recomendação da política Debian."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:513
+msgid ""
+"Some documentation will not be affected by this change. These exceptions "
+"include the copyright file, changelog files, README.Debian, etc. These "
+"files will still be installed in the path F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package> >>."
+msgstr ""
+"Alguma documentação não será afectada por esta alteração. Estas excepções "
+"incluem o ficheiro copyright, ficheiros changelog, README.Debian, etc. Estes "
+"ficheiros serão na mesma instalados no caminho F<< /usr/share/doc/I<pacote> "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:520
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_strip> and B<dh_shlibdeps> tools no longer uses filename patterns "
+"to determine which files to process. Instead, they open the file and look "
+"for an ELF header to determine if a given file is an shared object or an ELF "
+msgstr ""
+"As ferramentas B<dh_strip> e B<dh_shlibdeps> já não usam mais padrões de "
+"nomes de ficheiros para determinar quais ficheiros processar. Em vez disso, "
+"elas abrem o ficheiro e procuram um cabeçalho ELF para determinar se um dado "
+"ficheiro é um objecto partilhado ou um executável ELF."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:525
+msgid "This change may cause the tools to process more files than previously."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta alteração fazer com que as ferramentas processem mais ficheiros que "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:529
+msgid "v10"
+msgstr "v10"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:531
+msgid "Changes from v9 are:"
+msgstr "As alterações a partir de v9 são:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:537
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> will no longer install a file named debian/I<package> as "
+"an init script."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> não irá mais instalar um ficheiro chamado debian/I<pacote> "
+"como um script de iniciação (init)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:542
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> will error out if it detects links created with --link-doc "
+"between packages of architecture \"all\" and non-\"all\" as it breaks "
+msgstr ""
+"O B<dh_installdocs> irá dar erro se detectar links criados com --link-doc "
+"entre pacotes de arquitectura \"all\" e não-\"all\" porque isso faz quebrar "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:548
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> no longer installs a maintainer-provided debian/I<package>."
+"shlibs file. This is now done by B<dh_makeshlibs> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"O B<dh_installdeb> já não instala um ficheiro debian/I<pacote>.shlibs "
+"disponibilizado pelo maintainer. Em vez disso, isto agora é feito pelo "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:554
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> refuses to create a broken package if no man page can be "
+"found (required to register for the x-window-manager alternative)."
+msgstr ""
+"O B<dh_installwm> recusa-se a criar um pacote quebrado se não encontrar "
+"nenhuma página de manual (necessário para registo para a alternativa do x-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:559
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper will default to B<--parallel> for all buildsystems that support "
+"parallel building. This can be disabled by using either B<--no-parallel> or "
+"passing B<--max-parallel> with a value of 1."
+msgstr ""
+"Debhelper irá predefinir para B<--parallel> em todos os sistemas de "
+"compilação que suportam compilação paralela. Isto pode ser desactivado "
+"usando B<--no-parallel> ou passando B<--max-parallel> com o valor de 1."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:565
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will not accept any of the deprecated \"manual sequence "
+"control\" parameters (B<--before>, B<--after>, etc.). Please use override "
+"targets instead."
+msgstr ""
+"O comando B<dh> não irá aceitar nenhum dos parâmetros de \"controle de "
+"sequência manua\" descontinuados (B<--before>, B<--after>, etc.). Por favor "
+"utilize alvos de sobreposição em vez destes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:569
+msgid ""
+"B<Retroactively applied to earlier compat levels>: B<dh> no longer accepts "
+"any of these since debhelper/12.4."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Retroactively applied to earlier compat levels>: B<dh> já não aceita "
+"nenhum destes desde o debhelper/12.4."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:574
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh> command will no longer use log files to track which commands have "
+"been run. The B<dh> command I<still> keeps track of whether it already ran "
+"the \"build\" sequence and skip it if it did."
+msgstr ""
+"O comando B<dh> não irá mais usar ficheiros log para seguir quais comandos "
+"foram executados. O comando B<dh> I<ainda> mantêm o seguimento se já correu "
+"a sequência de \"compilação\" e salta-a se já o fez."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:578
+msgid "The main effects of this are:"
+msgstr "Os principais efeitos disto são:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:584
+msgid ""
+"With this, it is now easier to debug the I<install> or/and I<binary> "
+"sequences because they can now trivially be re-run (without having to do a "
+"full \"clean and rebuild\" cycle)"
+msgstr ""
+"Com isto, é agora mais fácil de depurar as sequências I<install> ou/e "
+"I<binary> porque agora podem ser trivialmente re-executadas (sem ter que "
+"fazer um ciclo de \"limpar e recompilar\" completo."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:590
+msgid ""
+"The main caveat is that B<dh_*> now only keeps track of what happened in a "
+"single override target. When all the calls to a given B<dh_cmd> command "
+"happens in the same override target everything will work as before."
+msgstr ""
+"O principal embargo é que B<dh_*> agora apenas mantêm acompanhamento do que "
+"aconteceu num alvo de sobreposição singular. Quanto todas as chamadas a um "
+"dado comando B<dh_cmd> acontecem no mesmo alvo de sobreposição tudo irá "
+"funcionar como dantes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:595
+msgid "Example of where it can go wrong:"
+msgstr "Exemplo de onde pode falhar:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:597
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" dh_foo -pmy-pkg\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" dh_foo -pmy-pkg\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:600
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" dh_bar\n"
+" dh_foo --remaining\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" dh_bar\n"
+" dh_foo --remaining\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:604
+msgid ""
+"In this case, the call to B<dh_foo --remaining> will I<also> include I<my-"
+"pkg>, since B<dh_foo -pmy-pkg> was run in a separate override target. This "
+"issue is not limited to B<--remaining>, but also includes B<-a>, B<-i>, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"Neste caso, a chamada a B<dh_foo --remaining> irá I<também> incluir I<my-"
+"pkg>, desde que B<dh_foo -pmy-pkg> tenha corrido num alvo de sobreposição "
+"separado. Este problema não está imitado a B<--remaining>, mas também inclui "
+"B<-a>, B<-i>, etc."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:613
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> command now shell-escapes the lines in the "
+"F<maintscript> config file. This was the original intent but it did not "
+"work properly and packages have begun to rely on the incomplete shell "
+"escaping (e.g. quoting file names)."
+msgstr ""
+"O comando B<dh_installdeb> agora faz \"escape de shell\" às linhas no "
+"ficheiro de configuração de F<maintscript>. Esta foi a intenção original mas "
+"não trabalhava correctamente e os pacotes começaram a confiar no \"escapar "
+"de shell\" incompleto (ex. ao mencionar nomes de ficheiros)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:620
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installinit> command now defaults to B<--restart-after-upgrade>. "
+"For packages needing the previous behaviour, please use B<--no-restart-after-"
+msgstr ""
+"O comando B<dh_installinit> agora usa por predefinição B<--restart-after-"
+"upgrade>. Para pacotes que precisam do comportamento anterior, por favor use "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:626
+msgid ""
+"The B<autoreconf> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass B<--"
+"without autoreconf> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given package"
+msgstr ""
+"A sequência B<autoreconf> é agora activada por predefinição. Por favor passe "
+"B<--without autoreconf> ao B<dh> se isto não for desejável para um "
+"determinado pacote"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:632
+msgid ""
+"The B<systemd> sequence is now enabled by default. Please pass B<--without "
+"systemd> to B<dh> if this is not desirable for a given package."
+msgstr ""
+"A sequência B<systemd> é agora activada por predefinição. Por favor passe "
+"B<--without systemd> ao B<dh> se isto não for desejável para um determinado "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:638
+msgid ""
+"B<Retroactively removed>: B<dh> no longer creates the package build "
+"directory when skipping running debhelper commands. This will not affect "
+"packages that only build with debhelper commands, but it may expose bugs in "
+"commands not included in debhelper."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Retroactively removed> B<dh> já não cria o directório de compilação do "
+"pacote quando salta a execução de comandos debhelper. Isto não vai afectar "
+"pacotes que apenas compilam com comandos debhelper, mas pode expor bugs em "
+"comandos não incluídos no debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:643
+msgid ""
+"This compatibility feature had a bug since its inception in "
+"debhelper/9.20130516 that made it fail to apply in compat 9 and earlier. As "
+"there has been no reports of issues caused by this bug in those ~5 years, "
+"this item have been removed rather than fixed."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta funcionalidade de compatibilidade tinha um bug desde a sua inserção no "
+"debhelper/9.20130516 que o fazia falhar ao aplicar em compatibilidade 9 e "
+"anteriores. Como não tem havido relatórios de problemas causados por este "
+"bug nesses -5 anos, este item foi removido em vez de corrigido."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:650
+msgid "v9"
+msgstr "v9"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:652
+msgid "Changes from v8 are:"
+msgstr "As alterações a partir de v8 são:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:658
+msgid ""
+"Multiarch support. In particular, B<dh_auto_configure> passes multiarch "
+"directories to autoconf in --libdir and --libexecdir."
+msgstr ""
+"Suporte a multi-arquitectura. Em particular, B<dh_auto_configure> passa "
+"directórios de multi-arquitectura ao autoconf em --libdir e --libexecdir."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:663
+msgid ""
+"dh is aware of the usual dependencies between targets in debian/rules. So, "
+"\"dh binary\" will run any build, build-arch, build-indep, install, etc "
+"targets that exist in the rules file. There's no need to define an explicit "
+"binary target with explicit dependencies on the other targets."
+msgstr ""
+"O dh tem conhecimento das dependências habituais entre alvos em debian/"
+"rules. Por isso, o \"dh binary\" irá correr quaisquer alvos de build, build-"
+"arch, build-indep, install, etc que existam no ficheiro de regras. Não há "
+"necessidade de definir um alvo binário explícito com dependências explícitas "
+"em outros alvos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:670
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> compresses debugging symbol files to reduce the installed size "
+"of -dbg packages."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> comprime ficheiros de símbolos de depuração para reduzir o "
+"tamanho instalado dos pacotes -dbg."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:675
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> does not include the source package name in --"
+"libexecdir when using autoconf."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> não inclui o nome do pacote fonte em --libexecdir "
+"quando usa autoconf."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:680
+msgid "B<dh> does not default to enabling --with=python-support"
+msgstr "B<dh> não tem por predefinição a activação de --with=python-support"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:682
+msgid ""
+"(Obsolete: As the B<dh_pysupport> tool was removed from Debian stretch. "
+"Since debhelper/10.3, B<dh> no longer enables this sequence add-on "
+"regardless of compat level)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Obsoleto: Pois a ferramenta B<dh_pysupport> foi removida a partir de Debian "
+"stretch. Desde o debhelper/10.3, B<dh> já não se activa esta sequência add-"
+"on independentemente do nível de compatibilidade)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:688
+msgid ""
+"All of the B<dh_auto_>I<*> debhelper programs and B<dh> set environment "
+"variables listed by B<dpkg-buildflags>, unless they are already set."
+msgstr ""
+"Todos os programas debhelper B<dh_auto_>I<*> e B<dh> definem variáveis de "
+"ambiente listadas por B<dpkg-buildflags>, a menos que elas estejam já "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:694
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> passes B<dpkg-buildflags> CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and LDFLAGS "
+"to perl F<Makefile.PL> and F<Build.PL>"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> passa as B<dpkg-buildflags> CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, e LDFLAGS "
+"para F<Makefile.PL> e F<Build.PL> de perl."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:699
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> puts separated debug symbols in a location based on their build-"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> põe símbolos de depuração separados numa localização baseada no "
+"seu build-id."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:704
+msgid ""
+"Executable debhelper config files are run and their output used as the "
+msgstr ""
+"Os ficheiros de configuração executáveis do debhelper são corridos e os seus "
+"resultados usados como configuração."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:709
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:740
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:744 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:81
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:135 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:158
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:165 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:174
+msgid "This mode is deprecated."
+msgstr "Este modo está descontinuado."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:711
+msgid "v8"
+msgstr "v8"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:713
+msgid "Changes from v7 are:"
+msgstr "As alterações a partir de v7 são:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:719
+msgid ""
+"Commands will fail rather than warning when they are passed unknown options."
+msgstr ""
+"Os comandos irão falhar em vez de emitirem avisos quando lhes são passadas "
+"opções desconhecidas."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:723
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> will run B<dpkg-gensymbols> on all shared libraries that it "
+"generates shlibs files for. So B<-X> can be used to exclude libraries. "
+"Also, libraries in unusual locations that B<dpkg-gensymbols> would not have "
+"processed before will be passed to it, a behavior change that can cause some "
+"packages to fail to build."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> irá correr B<dpkg-gensymbols> em todas as bibliotecas "
+"partilhadas para as quais gera ficheiros shlibs. Portanto o B<-X> pode ser "
+"usado para excluir bibliotecas. Também, as bibliotecas em localizações fora "
+"do habitual que o B<dpkg-gensymbols> não tenha processado antes serão "
+"passadas para ele, uma alteração no comportamento que pode causar que alguns "
+"pacotes falhem a compilar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:731
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> requires the sequence to run be specified as the first parameter, and "
+"any switches come after it. Ie, use \"B<dh $@ --foo>\", not \"B<dh --foo "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> requer que a sequência a correr seja especificada como o primeiro "
+"parâmetro, e quaisquer switches que venham depois dela. Isto é, use B<dh $@ "
+"--foo>\", e não \"B<dh --foo $@>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:736
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> prefer to use Perl's B<Module::Build> in preference to "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> prefere usar o B<Module::Build> do Perl em preferência de "
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:742 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:21
+msgid "v7"
+msgstr "v7"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:746 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:23
+msgid "This is the lowest supported compatibility level."
+msgstr "Este é o nível de compatibilidade mais baixo suportado."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:748
+msgid ""
+"If you are upgrading from an earlier compatibility level, please review "
+msgstr ""
+"Se você está a actualizar a partir de um nível de compatibilidade anterior, "
+"por favor reveja L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:757
+msgid "L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper-obsolete-compat(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:759
+msgid ""
+"Upgrading from a (now) obsolete compatibility level? This document covers "
+"the upgrade checklist up to the earliest supported level."
+msgstr ""
+"A actualizar a partir de um nível de compatibilidade (agora) obsoleto? Este "
+"documento a lista de verificação de actualização até ao nível suportado mais "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:762 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:180
+#: dh:874 dh_auto_build:55 dh_auto_clean:57 dh_auto_configure:60
+#: dh_auto_install:105 dh_auto_test:66 dh_builddeb:178 dh_clean:191
+#: dh_compress:245 dh_dwz:165 dh_fixperms:166 dh_gencontrol:210 dh_install:379
+#: dh_installcatalogs:130 dh_installchangelogs:367 dh_installcron:82
+#: dh_installdeb:421 dh_installdebconf:235 dh_installdirs:133
+#: dh_installdocs:439 dh_installexamples:184 dh_installifupdown:74
+#: dh_installinfo:125 dh_installlogcheck:83 dh_installlogrotate:55
+#: dh_installman:422 dh_installmanpages:200 dh_installmime:65
+#: dh_installmodules:111 dh_installpam:73 dh_installppp:70 dh_installudev:104
+#: dh_installwm:132 dh_installxfonts:92 dh_link:168 dh_listpackages:36
+#: dh_makeshlibs:458 dh_md5sums:120 dh_movefiles:163 dh_perl:190 dh_prep:72
+#: dh_strip:437 dh_testdir:64 dh_testroot:95 dh_usrlocal:138
+#: dh_systemd_start:282
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:764
+msgid ""
+"General information about the debhelper framework. This document also covers "
+"how to declare your chosen debhelper compat level."
+msgstr ""
+"Informação geral acerca da estrutura do debhelper. Este documento também "
+"cobre como declarar o seu nível de compatibilidade debhelper escolhido."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:769 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:182
+#: dh_installinit:419 dh_systemd_enable:284 dh_systemd_start:284
+msgid "AUTHORS"
+msgstr "AUTORES"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:771 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:184
+#: dh_dwz:171 dh_installinitramfs:101
+msgid "Niels Thykier <>"
+msgstr "Niels Thykier <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod:773 debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:186
+msgid "Joey Hess"
+msgstr "Joey Hess"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:3
+msgid "debhelper-obsolete-compat - List of no longer supported compat levels"
+msgstr ""
+"debhelper-obsolete-compat - Lista dos níveis de compatibilidade não mais "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:7
+msgid ""
+"This document contains the upgrade guidelines from all compat levels which "
+"are no longer supported. Accordingly it is mostly for historical purposes "
+"and to assist people upgrading from a non-supported compat level to a "
+"supported level."
+msgstr ""
+"Este documento contém o guião de actualização a partir de todos os níveis de "
+"compatibilidade que já não são suportados. Consequentemente é principalmente "
+"para objectivos históricos e para ajudar pessoas a actualizarem a partir de "
+"um nível de compatibilidade não suportado para um nível suportado."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:12
+msgid "For upgrades from supported compat levels, please see L<debhelper(7)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Para actualizações a partir de níveis de compatibilidade suportados, por "
+"favor veja L<debhelper(7)>."
+#. type: =head1
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:14
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:16
+msgid ""
+"The following is the list of now obsolete compat levels and their changes."
+msgstr ""
+"O seguinte é a lista dos níveis de compatibilidade agora obsoletos e as suas "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:25
+msgid "Changes from v6 are:"
+msgstr "As alterações a partir de v6 são:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:31
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install>, will fall back to looking for files in F<debian/tmp> if it "
+"doesn't find them in the current directory (or wherever you tell it look "
+"using B<--sourcedir>). This allows B<dh_install> to interoperate with "
+"B<dh_auto_install>, which installs to F<debian/tmp>, without needing any "
+"special parameters."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install>, irá regressar a procurar por ficheiros em F<debian/tmp> se "
+"não os encontrar no directório actual (ou onde você lhe disser para procurar "
+"usando B<--sourcedir>). Isto permite ao B<dh_install> inter-operar com o "
+"B<dh_auto_install>, o qual instala para F<debian/tmp>, sem precisar de "
+"nenhuns parâmetros especiais."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:38
+msgid "B<dh_clean> will read F<debian/clean> and delete files listed there."
+msgstr "B<dh_clean> irá ler F<debian/clean> e apagar os ficheiros listados lá."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:42
+msgid "B<dh_clean> will delete toplevel F<*-stamp> files."
+msgstr "B<dh_clean> irá apagar ficheiros F<*-stamp> do nível de topo."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:46
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> will guess at what file is the upstream changelog if "
+"none is specified."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> irá adivinhar qual ficheiro está no relatório de "
+"alterações da origem se nenhum for especificado."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:51
+msgid "v6"
+msgstr "v6"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:53
+msgid "Changes from v5 are:"
+msgstr "As alterações a partir de v5 são:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:59
+msgid ""
+"Commands that generate maintainer script fragments will order the fragments "
+"in reverse order for the F<prerm> and F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Os comandos que geram fragmentos de script de maintainer irão ordenar os "
+"fragmentos em ordem reversa para os scripts F<prerm> e F<postrm>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:64
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> will install a slave manpage link for F<x-window-manager.1."
+"gz>, if it sees the man page in F<usr/share/man/man1> in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> irá instalar uma ligação escrava de manual para F<x-window-"
+"manager.1.gz>, se vir o manual em F<usr/share/man/man1> no directório de "
+"compilação do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:70
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> did not previously delete everything matching "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE>, if it was set to a list of things to exclude, such as "
+"B<CVS:.svn:.git>. Now it does."
+msgstr ""
+"O B<dh_builddeb> anteriormente não apagava nada que correspondesse a "
+"B<DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE>, se estivesse definida uma lista de coisas a excluir, "
+"como B<CVS:.svn:.git>. Mas agora fá-lo."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:76
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> allows overwriting existing man pages in the package build "
+"directory. In previous compatibility levels it silently refuses to do this."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> permite a sobreposição de manuais existentes no directório "
+"de compilação do pacote. Nos níveis de compatibilidade anteriores recusava-"
+"se em silêncio a fazer isto."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:83
+msgid "v5"
+msgstr "v5"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:85
+msgid "Changes from v4 are:"
+msgstr "As alterações a partir de v4 são:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:91
+msgid "Comments are ignored in debhelper config files."
+msgstr "Comentários são ignorados nos ficheiros de configuração do debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:95
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip --dbg-package> now specifies the name of a package to put "
+"debugging symbols in, not the packages to take the symbols from."
+msgstr ""
+"Agora B<dh_strip --dbg-package> especifica o nome de um pacote onde colocar "
+"símbolos de depuração, e não os pacotes de onde tirar os símbolos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:100
+msgid "B<dh_installdocs> skips installing empty files."
+msgstr "B<dh_installdocs> evita a instalação de ficheiros vazios."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:104
+msgid "B<dh_install> errors out if wildcards expand to nothing."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> resulta em erro se as \"wildcards\" expandirem para nada."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:108
+msgid "v4"
+msgstr "v4"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:110
+msgid "Changes from v3 are:"
+msgstr "As alterações a partir de v3 são:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:116
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs -V> will not include the Debian part of the version number "
+"in the generated dependency line in the shlibs file."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs -V> não irá incluir a parte Debian do número de versão na "
+"linha de dependência gerada no ficheiro shlibs."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:121
+msgid ""
+"You are encouraged to put the new B<${misc:Depends}> into F<debian/control> "
+"to supplement the B<${shlibs:Depends}> field."
+msgstr ""
+"Você é encorajado a colocar o novo B<${misc:Depends}> em F<debian/control> "
+"para suplementar o campo B<${shlibs:Depends}>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:126
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> will make all files in F<bin/> directories and in F<etc/init."
+"d> executable."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> irá tornar em executáveis todos os ficheiros nos directórios "
+"F<bin/> e em F<etc/init.d>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:131
+msgid "B<dh_link> will correct existing links to conform with policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> irá corrigir os links existentes para ficarem em conformidade com "
+"a política."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:137
+msgid "v3"
+msgstr "v3"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:139
+msgid "This mode works like v2, with the following additions:"
+msgstr "Este modo funciona como v2, com as seguintes adições:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:145
+msgid ""
+"Debhelper config files support globbing via B<*> and B<?>, when appropriate. "
+"To turn this off and use those characters raw, just prefix with a backslash."
+msgstr ""
+"Os ficheiros de configuração do debhelper suportam englobamentos via B<*> e "
+"B<?>, onde apropriado. Para desligar isto e usar esses caracteres a cru, "
+"basta antecedê-los com uma barra invertida (backslash \"\")."
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:150
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> makes the F<postinst> and F<postrm> scripts call "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> faz com que os scripts F<postinst> e F<postrm> chamem "
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:154
+msgid ""
+"Every file in F<etc/> is automatically flagged as a conffile by "
+msgstr ""
+"Qualquer ficheiro em F<etc/> é marcado automaticamente como um conffile "
+"(ficheiro de configuração) pelo B<dh_installdeb>."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:160
+msgid "v2"
+msgstr "v2"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:162
+msgid ""
+"In this mode, debhelper will consistently use debian/I<package> as the "
+"package tree directory for every package that is built."
+msgstr ""
+"Neste modo, o debhelper irá consistentemente usar debian/I<pacote> como o "
+"directório da árvore do pacote para cada pacote que é compilado."
+#. type: =item
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:167
+msgid "v1"
+msgstr "v1"
+#. type: textblock
+#: debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod:169
+msgid ""
+"This is the original debhelper compatibility level, and so it is the default "
+"one. In this mode, debhelper will use F<debian/tmp> as the package tree "
+"directory for the first binary package listed in the control file, while "
+"using debian/I<package> for all other packages listed in the F<control> file."
+msgstr ""
+"Este é o nível de compatibilidade original do debhelper, e por isso é o "
+"predefinido. Neste modo, o debhelper irá usar F<debian/tmp> como o "
+"directório da árvore do pacote para o primeiro pacote binário listado no "
+"ficheiro de controle, enquanto usa debian/I<pacote> para todos os outros "
+"pacotes listados no ficheiro F<control>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:5
+msgid "dh - debhelper command sequencer"
+msgstr "dh - sequenciador de comandos do debhelper"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> I<sequence> [B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]] [B<--list>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> I<sequence> [B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]] [B<--list>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper opções>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:28
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> runs a sequence of debhelper commands. The supported I<sequence>s "
+"correspond to the targets of a F<debian/rules> file: B<build-arch>, B<build-"
+"indep>, B<build>, B<clean>, B<install-indep>, B<install-arch>, B<install>, "
+"B<binary-arch>, B<binary-indep>, and B<binary>."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> corre uma sequência de comandos do debhelper. As I<sequência>s "
+"suportadas correspondem aos alvos de um ficheiro F<debian/rules>: B<build-"
+"arch>, B<build-indep>, B<build>, B<clean>, B<install-indep>, B<install-"
+"arch>, B<install>, B<binary-arch>, B<binary-indep>, e B<binary>."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:33
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:35
+msgid ""
+"A F<debian/rules> file using B<dh> can override the command that is run at "
+"any step in a sequence, by defining an override target. It is also possible "
+"to inject a command before or after any step without affecting the step "
+msgstr ""
+"Um ficheiro F<debian/rules> que use B<dh> pode sobrepor o comando que é "
+"executado em qualquer passo numa sequência, ao se definir um alvo de "
+"sobreposição. É também possível injectar um comando antes ou depois de "
+"qualquer passo sem afectar o próprio passo."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:40
+msgid "Injecting commands before or after a step"
+msgstr "Injectando comandos antes e depois de um passo"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:42
+msgid ""
+"I<Note>: This feature requires debhelper 12.8 or later plus the package must "
+"use compatibility mode 10 or later."
+msgstr ""
+"I<Nota>: Esta funcionalidade requer debhelper 12.8 ou posterior e o pacote "
+"tem de usar modo de compatibilidade 10 ou posterior."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:45
+msgid ""
+"To inject commands before I<dh_command>, add a target named "
+"B<execute_before_>I<dh_command> to the rules files. Similarly, if you want "
+"to inject commands after I<dh_command>, add the target "
+"B<execute_after_>I<dh_command>. Both targets can be used for the same "
+"I<dh_command> and also even if the command is overridden (as described in L</"
+"Overriding a command> below)."
+msgstr ""
+"Para injectar comandos antes de I<dh_command>, adicione um alvo chamado "
+"B<execute_before_>I<dh_command> aos ficheiros rules. De modo semelhante, se "
+"precisar de injectar comandos após I<dh_command>, adicione o alvo "
+"B<execute_after_>I<dh_command>. Ambos alvos podem ser usados para o mesmo "
+"I<dh_command> e também mesmo que o comando seja sobreposto (como descrito em "
+"L</Sobrepor um comando> em baixo)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:52
+msgid ""
+"When these targets are defined, B<dh> will call the targets respectively "
+"before or after it would invoke I<dh_command> (or its override target)."
+msgstr ""
+"Quando estes alvos estão definidos, B<dh> irá chamar os alvos respetivamente "
+"antes ou depois de quando iria invocar I<dh_command> (ou os seus alvos de "
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:55
+msgid "Overriding a command"
+msgstr "Sobrepor um comando"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:57
+msgid ""
+"To override I<dh_command>, add a target named B<override_>I<dh_command> to "
+"the rules file. When it would normally run I<dh_command>, B<dh> will instead "
+"call that target. The override target can then run the command with "
+"additional options, or run entirely different commands instead. See examples "
+msgstr ""
+"Para sobrepor o I<dh_command>, adicione um alvo chamado "
+"B<override_>I<dh_command> ao ficheiro de regras. Em vez de correr "
+"normalmente I<dh_command>, o B<dh> irá chamar esse alvo. O alvo de "
+"sobreposição pode depois correr o comando com opções adicionais, ou em vez "
+"disso correr comandos completamente diferentes. Veja exemplos em baixo."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:63
+msgid "Architecture dependent/independent override and hook targets"
+msgstr "Alvos de sobreposição e hook dependentes/independentes da arquitectura"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:65
+msgid ""
+"The override and hook targets can also be defined to run only when building "
+"architecture dependent or architecture independent packages. Use targets "
+"with names like B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch> and "
+msgstr ""
+"Os alvos de sobreposição e hook também podem ser definidos para correr "
+"apenas quando se compila pacotes dependentes ou independentes da "
+"arquitectura. Use alvos com nomes como B<override_>I<dh_command>B<-arch> e "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:70
+msgid ""
+"This feature is available since debhelper 8.9.7 (for override targets) and "
+"12.8 (for hook targets)."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta funcionalidade está disponível desde debhelper 8.9.7 (para alvos de "
+"sobreposição) e 12.8 (para alvos hook)."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:73
+msgid "Completely empty targets"
+msgstr "Alvos completamente vazios"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:75
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "As a special optimization, B<dh> will skip a target if it is completely "
+#| "empty. This is mostly useful for override targets, where the command "
+#| "will simply be skipped without the overhead of invoking a dummy target."
+msgid ""
+"As a special optimization, B<dh> will skip a target if it is completely "
+"empty and does not depend on any other target. This is mostly useful for "
+"override targets, where the command will simply be skipped without the "
+"overhead of invoking a dummy target."
+msgstr ""
+"Como uma optimização especial, B<dh> irá saltar um alvo se este estiver "
+"completamente vazio. Isto é muito útil para alvos de sobreposição, onde o "
+"comando irá simplesmente ser saltado sem a sobrecarga de invocar um alvo "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:80
+msgid "Note that the target has to be completely empty for this to work:"
+msgstr "Note que o alvo tem de estar completamente vazio para isto funcionar:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:82
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Skip dh_bar - the good and optimized way\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_bar goes here\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Skip dh_bar - the good and optimized way\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_bar goes here\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:87
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Skip dh_foo - the slow way\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_foo goes here\n"
+" # (these comments causes a dummy target to be run)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Skip dh_foo - the slow way\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" # Some rationale for skipping dh_foo goes here\n"
+" # (these comments causes a dummy target to be run)\n"
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:92
+msgid "Verifying targets are picked up by dh"
+msgstr "Verificando se os alvos são apanhados pelo dh"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:94
+msgid ""
+"As of debhelper 13.10, you can use L<dh_assistant(1)> to see which override "
+"and hook targets will be seen by B<dh>. Here is an example run of "
+"L<dh_assistant(1)> along with its output:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:98
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ dh_assistant detect-hook-targets\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"commands-not-in-path\": [\n"
+" \"dh_foo\"\n"
+" ],\n"
+" \"hook-targets\": [\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"command\": \"dh_strip_nondeterminism\",\n"
+" \"is-empty\": true,\n"
+" \"package-section-param\": null,\n"
+" \"target-name\": \"override_dh_strip_nondeterminism\"\n"
+" },\n"
+" {\n"
+" \"command\": \"dh_foo\",\n"
+" \"is-empty\": false,\n"
+" \"package-section-param\": \"-a\",\n"
+" \"target-name\": \"override_dh_foo-arch\"\n"
+" }\n"
+" ]\n"
+" }\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:119
+msgid ""
+"The B<commands-not-in-path> is useful for spotting mistakes in the hook "
+"target names. A non-empty value implies one of more hook targets are "
+"related to a command that is either not installed or no command with that "
+"name exists at all. It is generally worth double checking these."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:124
+msgid ""
+"Additionally, the B<is-empty> attribute for each hook target can be used for "
+"seeing whether a hook target triggers the L</Completely empty targets> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:127
+msgid ""
+"If you are interested in the other attributes, please read the "
+"L<dh_assistant(1)> for the details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =head3
+#: dh:130
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Verifying targets are picked up by dh"
+msgid ""
+"Verifying targets are picked up by dh (when debhelper is older than 13.10)"
+msgstr "Verificando se os alvos são apanhados pelo dh"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:134
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If you want to confirm that B<dh> has seen an override or a hook target, "
+#| "you can use the following command as an example:"
+msgid ""
+"On older versions of debhelper, you have to use B<dh> with B<--no-act>. You "
+"can use the following command as an example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Se você desejar confirmar que o B<dh> viu um alvo de sobreposição ou hook, "
+"pode usar o seguinte comando como um exemplo:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:137
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ dh binary --no-act | grep dh_install | head -n5\n"
+" dh_installdirs\n"
+" dh_install\n"
+" debian/rules execute_after_dh_install\n"
+" dh_installdocs\n"
+" dh_installchangelogs\n"
+msgstr ""
+" $ dh binary --no-act | grep dh_install | head -n5\n"
+" dh_installdirs\n"
+" dh_install\n"
+" debian/rules execute_after_dh_install\n"
+" dh_installdocs\n"
+" dh_installchangelogs\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:144
+msgid ""
+"The B<debian/rules execute_after_dh_install> in the output, which signals "
+"that B<dh> registered a B<execute_after_dh_install> target and would run it "
+"directly after L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"O B<debian/rules execute_after_dh_install> no resultado, que assinala que "
+"B<dh> registou um alvo B<execute_after_dh_install> e o iria correr "
+"directamente após L<dh_install(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:148
+msgid ""
+"Note that L</Completely empty targets> will be omitted in the listing "
+"above. This makes it a bit harder to spot as you are looking for the "
+"omission of a command name. But otherwise, the principle remains the same."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que L</Alvos completamente vazios> irão ser omitidos na listagem em "
+"cima. Isto torna um pouco mais difícil detectar se você está a olhar para a "
+"omissão de um nome de comando. Mas caso contrário, o princípio continua o "
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh:152
+msgid "Caveats with hook targets and makefile conditionals"
+msgstr "Ressalvas com alvos hook e condicionais makefile"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:154
+msgid ""
+"If you choose to wrap a hook target in makefile conditionals, please be "
+"aware that B<dh> computes all the hook targets a head of time and caches the "
+"result for that run. Furthermore, the conditionals will be invoked again "
+"when B<dh> calls the hook target later and will assume the answer did not "
+msgstr ""
+"Se você escolher envolver um alvo hook em condicionais makefile, por favor "
+"tenha em mente que B<dh> computa todos os alvos hook em adiantado e guarda "
+"em cache o resultado para essa execução. Mais ainda, as condicionais serão "
+"invocadas novamente quando B<dh> chamar o alvo hook mais tarde e irá assumir "
+"que a resposta não mudou."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:160
+msgid ""
+"The parsing and caching I<often> happens before B<dh> knows whether it will "
+"build arch:any (-a) or/and arch:all (-i) packages, which can produce "
+"confusing results - especially when L<dh_listpackages(1)> is part of the "
+msgstr ""
+"A análise e cache ocorre I<muitas vezes> entes de B<dh> saber se vai "
+"compilar pacotes arch:any (-a) ou/e arch:all (-i), o que pode produzir "
+"resultados confusos - especialmente quando L<dh_listpackages(1)> é parte da "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:165
+msgid ""
+"Most of the problems can be avoided by making the hook target unconditional "
+"and then have the \"body\" be partially or completely conditional. As an "
+msgstr ""
+"A maioria dos problemas podem ser evitados ao tornar o alvo hook "
+"incondicional e depois ter o \"corpo\" a ser parcial ou completamente "
+"condicional. Com exemplo:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:169
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. The hook target\n"
+" # is always considered. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional but dh_foo is definitely skipped.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, \"maybe run this\"\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. The hook target\n"
+" # is always considered. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional but dh_foo is definitely skipped.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, \"maybe run this\"\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo:\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:183
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The \"maybe run this\" bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar:\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:198
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Here, either dh_baz is run normally OR \"maybe run this\" is run\n"
+" # instead.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # And it gets even more complicated to reason about if dh needs to\n"
+" # recurse into debian/rules because you have an \"explicit\"\n"
+" # standard target (e.g. a \"build-arch:\" target separate from \"%:\").\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz:\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Here, either dh_baz is run normally OR \"maybe run this\" is run\n"
+" # instead.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # And it gets even more complicated to reason about if dh needs to\n"
+" # recurse into debian/rules because you have an \"explicit\"\n"
+" # standard target (e.g. a \"build-arch:\" target separate from \"%:\").\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz:\n"
+" maybe run this\n"
+" endif\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:212
+msgid ""
+"These recipes are also relevant for conditional dependency targets, which "
+"are often seen in a variant of the following example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Estas receitas são também relevantes para alvos de dependência condicional, "
+"os quais são muitas vezes vistos numa variante do seguinte exemplo:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:215
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" COND_TASKS =\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" COND_TASKS += maybe-run-this\n"
+" endif\n"
+" ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" COND_TASKS =\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" COND_TASKS += maybe-run-this\n"
+" endif\n"
+" ...\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:221
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" maybe-run-this:\n"
+" ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" maybe-run-this:\n"
+" ...\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:224
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. Either the\n"
+" # $(COND_TASKS) are skipped or run.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # SIMPLE: It is well-defined what happens. Either the\n"
+" # $(COND_TASKS) are skipped or run.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is evaluated \"twice\" where its\n"
+" # influences what happens. Once when dh check which hook\n"
+" # targets exist and once when the override_dh_foo hook target\n"
+" # is run. If *either* times return false, $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" # is skipped.\n"
+" override_dh_foo: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:235
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The $(COND_TASKS) bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # SIMPLE: This is also well-defined. The hook target is always\n"
+" # run and dh_bar is skipped. The $(COND_TASKS) bit is\n"
+" # conditional as one might expect.\n"
+" #\n"
+" # Note: The conditional is still evaluated multiple times (in\n"
+" # different process each time). However, only the evaluation\n"
+" # that happens when the hook target is run influences what\n"
+" # happens.\n"
+" override_dh_bar: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" : # Dummy command to force the target to always be run\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:246
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" endif\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # COMPLICATED: This case can be non-trivial and have sharp edges.\n"
+" # Use at your own peril if dh_listpackages in the conditional.\n"
+" #\n"
+" ifneq (...)\n"
+" override_dh_baz: $(COND_TASKS)\n"
+" endif\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:254
+msgid ""
+"When in doubt, pick the relevant B<SIMPLE> case in the examples above that "
+"match your need."
+msgstr ""
+"Em caso de dúvida, escolha o caso B<SIMPLE> relevante nos exemplos em cima "
+"que corresponda à sua necessidade."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:257 dh_auto_build:32 dh_auto_clean:33 dh_auto_configure:35
+#: dh_auto_install:52 dh_auto_test:34 dh_bugfiles:53 dh_builddeb:34 dh_clean:49
+#: dh_compress:52 dh_dwz:26 dh_fixperms:40 dh_gencontrol:38 dh_icons:33
+#: dh_install:69 dh_installcatalogs:56 dh_installchangelogs:77
+#: dh_installcron:45 dh_installdeb:107 dh_installdebconf:64 dh_installdirs:45
+#: dh_installdocs:100 dh_installemacsen:56 dh_installexamples:48
+#: dh_installifupdown:42 dh_installinfo:41 dh_installinit:77
+#: dh_installinitramfs:43 dh_installlogcheck:45 dh_installlogrotate:25
+#: dh_installman:86 dh_installmanpages:43 dh_installmenu:44
+#: dh_installmodules:41 dh_installpam:38 dh_installppp:38 dh_installudev:34
+#: dh_installwm:41 dh_link:69 dh_makeshlibs:67 dh_md5sums:31 dh_movefiles:41
+#: dh_perl:35 dh_prep:29 dh_shlibdeps:30 dh_strip:38 dh_testdir:26
+#: dh_usrlocal:50 dh_systemd_enable:82 dh_systemd_start:33
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr "OPÇÕES"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:261
+msgid "B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]"
+msgstr "B<--with> I<addon>[B<,>I<addon> ...]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:263
+msgid ""
+"Add the debhelper commands specified by the given addon to appropriate "
+"places in the sequence of commands that is run. This option can be repeated "
+"more than once, or multiple addons can be listed, separated by commas. This "
+"is used when there is a third-party package that provides debhelper "
+"commands. See the F<PROGRAMMING> file for documentation about the sequence "
+"addon interface."
+msgstr ""
+"Adiciona os comandos debhelper especificados pelo addon indicado aos lugares "
+"apropriados na sequência de comandos que é executada. Esta opção pode ser "
+"repetida mais do que uma vez, ou pode-se listar múltiplos addons separados "
+"por vírgulas. Isto é usado quando existe um pacote de terceiros que "
+"disponibiliza comandos do debhelper. Veja o ficheiro F<PROGRAMMING> para "
+"documentação acerca da sequência de interface de addons."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:270
+msgid ""
+"A B<Build-Depends> relation on the package B<dh-sequence->I<addon> implies a "
+"B<--with> I<addon>. This avoids the need for an explicit B<--with> in "
+"F<debian/rules> that only duplicates what is already declared via the build "
+"dependencies in F<debian/control>. The relation can (since 12.5) be made "
+"optional via e.g. build-profiles. This enables you to easily disable an "
+"addon that is only useful with certain profiles (e.g. to facilitate "
+msgstr ""
+"Uma relação B<Build-Depends> no pacote B<dh-sequence->I<addon> implica um "
+"I<addon> B<--with>. Isto evita a necessidade de um B<--with> explícito em "
+"F<debian/rules> que apenas duplica o que já está declarado via dependências "
+"de compilação em F<debian/control>. A relação pode (desde 12.5) ser feita "
+"opcionalmente via por exemplo, build-profiles. Isto permite-lhe facilmente "
+"desativar um addon que é apenas útil com certos perfis (ex. para facilitar "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:279
+msgid ""
+"Since debhelper 12.5, addons can also be activated in B<indep>-only mode "
+"(via B<Build-Depends-Indep>) or B<arch>-only mode (via B<Build-Depends-"
+"Arch>). Such addons are only active in the particular sequence (e.g. "
+"B<binary-indep>) which simplifies dependency management for cross-builds."
+msgstr ""
+"Desde o debhelper 12.5, que addons podem ser também activados em modo "
+"B<indep>-only (via B<Build-Depends-Indep>) ou modo B<arch>-only (via B<Build-"
+"Depends-Arch>). Tais addons estão apenas activos na sequência particular "
+"(ex. B<binary-indep>) o qual simplifica a gestão de dependências para "
+"compilações cruzadas (cross-builds)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:285
+msgid ""
+"Please note that addons activated via B<Build-Depends-Indep> or B<Build-"
+"Depends-Arch> are subject to additional limitations to ensure the result is "
+"deterministic even when the addon is unavailable (e.g. during clean). This "
+"implies that some addons are incompatible with these restrictions and can "
+"only be used via B<Build-Depends> (or manually via F<debian/rules>). "
+"Currently, such addons can only add commands to sequences."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor note que os addons activados via B<Build-Depends-Indep> ou B<Build-"
+"Depends-Arch> estão sujeitos a limitações adicionais para assegurar que o "
+"resultado é determinista mesmo quando o addon está indisponível (ex. durante "
+"limpeza). Isto sugere que alguns addons são incompatíveis com essas "
+"restrições e só podem ser usadas via B<Build-Depends> (ou manualmente via "
+"F<debian/rules>). Actualmente, tais addons podem apenas adicionar comandos a "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:293
+msgid "B<--without> I<addon>"
+msgstr "B<--without> I<addon>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:295
+msgid ""
+"The inverse of B<--with>, disables using the given addon. This option can be "
+"repeated more than once, or multiple addons to disable can be listed, "
+"separated by commas."
+msgstr ""
+"O inverso de B<--with>, desactiva a utilização do addon indicado. Esta opção "
+"pode ser repetida mais do que uma vez, ou pode desactivar vários addons se "
+"os listar separados por vírgulas."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:301
+msgid "List all available addons."
+msgstr "Lista todos os addons disponíveis."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:303
+msgid ""
+"When called only with this option, B<dh> can be called from any directory (i."
+"e. it does not need access to files from a source package)."
+msgstr ""
+"Quando chamado apenas com esta opção, o B<dh> pode ser chamado a partir de "
+"qualquer directório (isto é, não precisa de acesso a ficheiros de um pacote "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:309
+msgid ""
+"Prints commands that would run for a given sequence, but does not run them."
+msgstr ""
+"Escreve comandos que iriam correr para uma determinada sequência, mas não os "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:311
+msgid ""
+"Note that dh normally skips running commands that it knows will do nothing. "
+"With --no-act, the full list of commands in a sequence is printed."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que o dh normalmente evita correr comandos que sabe que não fazem nada. "
+"Com --no-act, é escrito em sequência a lista completa dos comandos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:316
+msgid ""
+"Other options passed to B<dh> are passed on to each command it runs. This "
+"can be used to set an option like B<-v> or B<-X> or B<-N>, as well as for "
+"more specialised options."
+msgstr ""
+"Outras opções passadas a B<dh> são passadas a cada comando que ele corre. "
+"Isto pode ser usado para definir uma opção como B<-v> ou B<-X> ou B<-N>, "
+"assim como para opções mais especializadas."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:320 dh_install:332 dh_installdocs:191 dh_installman:117 dh_link:91
+#: dh_makeshlibs:185 dh_shlibdeps:78
+msgid "EXAMPLES"
+msgstr "EXEMPLOS"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:322
+msgid ""
+"To see what commands are included in a sequence, without actually doing "
+msgstr ""
+"Para ver quais comandos estão incluídos numa sequência, sem realmente fazer "
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:325
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tdh binary-arch --no-act\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tdh binary-arch --no-act\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:327
+msgid ""
+"This is a very simple rules file, for packages where the default sequences "
+"of commands work with no additional options."
+msgstr ""
+"Este é um ficheiro de regras muito simples, para pacotes onde as sequências "
+"de comandos predefinidas funcionam sem opções adicionais."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:330 dh:337 dh:351 dh:364 dh:375 dh:433 dh:444
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:334
+msgid ""
+"Often you'll want to pass an option to a specific debhelper command. The "
+"easy way to do with is by adding an override target for that command."
+msgstr ""
+"Muitas vezes você vai querer passar uma opção a um comando debhelper "
+"específico. A maneira mais fácil de o fazer é adicionar um alvo de "
+"sobreposição a esse comando."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:341
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tdh_strip -Xfoo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tdh_strip -Xfoo\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:344
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tdh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --disable-bar\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:347
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes the automated L<dh_auto_configure(1)> and L<dh_auto_build(1)> "
+"can't guess what to do for a strange package. Here's how to avoid running "
+"either and instead run your own commands."
+msgstr ""
+"Por vezes os automatismos L<dh_auto_configure(1)> e L<dh_auto_build(1)> não "
+"conseguem adivinhar que fazer com um pacote estranho. Aqui está como evitar "
+"correr outros comandos quaisquer e em vez disso correr os seus próprios "
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:355
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:358
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\tmake universe-explode-in-delight\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\tmake universe-explode-in-delight\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:361
+msgid ""
+"Another common case is wanting to do something manually before or after a "
+"particular debhelper command is run."
+msgstr ""
+"Outro caso comum é esperar fazer algo manualmente antes ou depois de um "
+"comando debhelper particular ser executado."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:368
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:372
+msgid ""
+"If you are on an older debhelper or compatibility level, the above example "
+"would have to be written as."
+msgstr ""
+"Se você está num debhelper ou nível de compatibilidade antigo, o exemplo de "
+"cima terá que ser escrito assim:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:379
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Older debhelper versions or using compat 9 or lower.\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# Older debhelper versions or using compat 9 or lower.\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:384
+msgid ""
+"Python tools are not run by dh by default, due to the continual change in "
+"that area. Here is how to use B<dh_python2>."
+msgstr ""
+"Por predefinição, as ferramentas Python não são acionadas, devido às "
+"alterações contínuas nessa área. Aqui está como usar o B<dh_python2>."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:387
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --with python2\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --with python2\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:391
+msgid ""
+"Here is how to force use of Perl's B<Module::Build> build system, which can "
+"be necessary if debhelper wrongly detects that the package uses MakeMaker."
+msgstr ""
+"Aqui está como forçar o uso do sistema de compilação B<Module::Build> do "
+"Perl, o qual pode ser necessário e o debhelper erradamente detectar que o "
+"pacote usa MakeMaker."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:395
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --buildsystem=perl_build\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --buildsystem=perl_build\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:399
+msgid ""
+"Here is an example of overriding where the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands find the "
+"package's source, for a package where the source is located in a "
+msgstr ""
+"Aqui está um exemplo de criar uma sobreposição ao local onde os comandos "
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> encontram a fonte do pacote, para um pacote cuja fonte está "
+"localizada num sub-directório."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:403
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --sourcedirectory=src\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --sourcedirectory=src\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:407
+msgid ""
+"And here is an example of how to tell the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands to build "
+"in a subdirectory, which will be removed on B<clean>."
+msgstr ""
+"E aqui está um exemplo de como dizer aos comandos B<dh_auto_>I<*> para "
+"compilarem num sub-directório, o qual será removido em B<clean>."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:410
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --builddirectory=build\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --builddirectory=build\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:414
+msgid ""
+"If your package can be built in parallel, please either use compat 10 or "
+"pass B<--parallel> to dh. Then B<dpkg-buildpackage -j> will work."
+msgstr ""
+"Se o seu pacote poder ser compilado em paralelo, por favor use "
+"compatibilidade 10 ou passe B<--parallel> ao dh. Assim o B<dpkg-buildpackage "
+"-j> irá funcionar."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:417
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --parallel\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --parallel\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:421
+msgid ""
+"If your package cannot be built reliably while using multiple threads, "
+"please pass B<--no-parallel> to dh (or the relevant B<dh_auto_>I<*> command):"
+msgstr ""
+"Se o seu pacote não pode ser compilado correctamente usando múltiplos "
+"processos, por favor passe B<--no-parallel> ao dh (ou ao comando "
+"B<dh_auto_>I<*> relevante):"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:426
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --no-parallel\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+"\t\tdh $@ --no-parallel\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:430
+msgid ""
+"Here is a way to prevent B<dh> from running several commands that you don't "
+"want it to run, by defining empty override targets for each command."
+msgstr ""
+"Aqui está um modo de prevenir que o B<dh> corra vários comandos que você não "
+"quer que corram, ao definir alvos de sobreposição vazios para cada comando."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:437
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Commands not to run:\n"
+"\toverride_dh_auto_test override_dh_compress override_dh_fixperms:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# Comandos a não correr:\n"
+"\toverride_dh_auto_test override_dh_compress override_dh_fixperms:\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:440
+msgid ""
+"A long build process for a separate documentation package can be separated "
+"out using architecture independent overrides. These will be skipped when "
+"running build-arch and binary-arch sequences."
+msgstr ""
+"Pode-se separar um processo de compilação longo para um pacote de "
+"documentação separado usando sobreposições independentes da arquitectura. "
+"Estes serão saltados quando se corre as sequências build-arch e binary-arch."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:448
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:451
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# No tests needed for docs\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# Nenhum teste necessário para documentação\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs install\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t\t$(MAKE) -C docs install\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:457
+msgid ""
+"Adding to the example above, suppose you need to chmod a file, but only when "
+"building the architecture dependent package, as it's not present when "
+"building only documentation."
+msgstr ""
+"Adicionando ao exemplo em cima, suponha que precisa de fazer chmod a um "
+"ficheiro, mas apenas quando compila o pacote dependente da arquitectura, "
+"pois ele não está presente quando compila apenas a documentação."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh:461
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\t# Example assumes debhelper/12.8 and compat 10+\n"
+"\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:465
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:467
+msgid ""
+"The primary purpose of B<dh> addons is to provide easy integration with "
+"third-party provided features for debhelper. However, debhelper itself also "
+"provide a few sequences that can be useful in some cases. These are "
+"documented in this list:"
+msgstr ""
+"O objetivo principal dos addons do B<dh> é fornecer integração fácil com "
+"funcionalidades fornecidas por terceiros para o debhelper. No entanto, o "
+"próprio debhelper também fornece algumas sequências que podem ser úteis em "
+"alguns casos. Estas estão documentadas nesta lista:"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:474
+msgid "build-stamp"
+msgstr "build-stamp"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:476
+msgid ""
+"A special addon for controlling whether B<dh> (in compat 10 or later) will "
+"create stamp files to tell whether the build target has been run "
+"successfully. See L</INTERNALS> for more details."
+msgstr ""
+"Um addon especial para controlar se B<dh> (em compatibilidade 10 ou "
+"posterior) irá criar ficheiros stamp para dizer se o alvo de compilação "
+"correu com sucesso. Veja L</INTERNOS> para mais detalhes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:480
+msgid ""
+"This addon is active by default but can disabled by using B<dh $@ --without "
+msgstr ""
+"Este addon está activo por predefinição mas pode ser desactivado ao usar "
+"B<dh $@ --without build-stamp>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:483
+msgid "dwz (obsolete)"
+msgstr "dwz (obsoleto)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:485
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_dwz(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below. Obsolete in "
+"compat 12 or later."
+msgstr ""
+"Adiciona L<dh_dwz(1)> à sequência em compatibilidade 11 ou inferior. "
+"Obsoleto compatibilidade 12 ou posterior."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:488
+msgid "elf-tools"
+msgstr "elf-tools"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:490
+msgid ""
+"This addon adds tools related to ELF files to the sequence such as "
+"L<dh_strip(1)> and L<dh_shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgstr ""
+"Este addon adiciona ferramentas relativas a ficheiros ELF à sequência tal "
+"como L<dh_strip(1)> e L<dh_shlibdeps(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:493
+msgid ""
+"This addon is I<conditionally> active by default for architecture specific "
+"packages - that is, it is skipped for arch:all packages. In the special "
+"case where you need these tools to work on arch:all packages, you can use "
+"B<--with elf-tools> to activate it unconditionally."
+msgstr ""
+"Este addon está activo I<condicionalmente> por predefinição para pacotes "
+"específicos de arquitectura - isto é, é saltado para pacotes arch:all. Num "
+"caso especial que você precise destas ferramentas a funcionar em pacotes "
+"arch:all, você pode usar B<--with elf-tools> para o activar "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:499
+msgid "installinitramfs (obsolete)"
+msgstr "installinitramfs (obsoleto)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:501
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_installinitramfs(1)> to the sequence in compat level 11 or below. "
+"Obsolete in compat 12 or later."
+msgstr ""
+"Adiciona L<dh_installinitramfs(1)> à sequência em compatibilidade 11 ou "
+"inferior. Obsoleto compatibilidade 12 ou posterior."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:504
+msgid "root-sequence (internal)"
+msgstr "root-sequence (interno)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:506
+msgid "This is reserved for internal usage."
+msgstr "Isto está reservado para uso interno."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:508
+msgid "single-binary"
+msgstr "single-binary"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:510
+msgid ""
+"A special-purpose addon that makes debhelper run in \"single binary\" mode."
+msgstr ""
+"Um addon de objetivo-especial que faz o debhelper em modo \"binário único\"."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:512
+msgid ""
+"When active, it will pass B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to "
+"L<dh_auto_install(1)>. This makes every file \"installed\" by the upstream "
+"build system part of the (only) binary package by default without having to "
+"use other helpers such as L<dh_install(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Quando activo, irá passar B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> ao "
+"L<dh_auto_install(1)>. Isto faz com que todos os ficheiros \"instalados\" "
+"pelo sistema de compilação do autor façam parte do (único) pacote binário "
+"por predefinição sem ter que se usar outros ajudantes como o "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:517
+msgid ""
+"The addon will refuse to activate when the source package lists 2 or more "
+"binary packages in F<debian/control> as a precaution."
+msgstr ""
+"Como precaução o addon irá recusar activar-se quando o pacote fonte listar 2 "
+"ou mais pacotes binários em F<debian/control>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:520
+msgid ""
+"Before compat 15. this behaviour was the default when there was only a "
+"single binary package listed in F<debian/control>. In compat 15 and later, "
+"this addon must explicitly be activated for this feature to work."
+msgstr ""
+"Antes da compatibilidade 15, este comportamento era o predefinido quando "
+"havia apenas um único pacote binário listado em F<debian/control>. Em "
+"compatibilidade 15 e posterior, este addon tem de ser activado "
+"explicitamente para que esta funcionalidade funcione."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:524
+msgid ""
+"The rationale for requiring this as an explicit choice is that if it is "
+"implicit then debhelper will silently change behaviour on adding a new "
+"binary package. This has caused many RC bugs when maintainers renamed a "
+"binary and added transitional packages with the intention of supporting "
+"seamless upgrades. The result would often be two empty binary packages that "
+"were uploaded to archive with users frustrated as their \"upgrade\" removed "
+"their programs."
+msgstr ""
+"A razão para se requerer isto como uma escolha explícita é que se fosse "
+"implícita então o debhelper iria mudar o comportamento em silêncio ao se "
+"adicionar um novo pacote binário. Isto causou muitos bugs RC quando os "
+"maintainers renomeavam um binário e adicionavam pacotes de transição com a "
+"intenção de suportar actualizações perfeitas. O resultado era muitas vezes "
+"dois pacotes binários vazios que eram enviados para o arquivo com os "
+"utilizadores frustrados pois a sua \"actualização\" removeu os seus "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh:532
+msgid "systemd (obsolete)"
+msgstr "systemd (obsoleto)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:534
+msgid ""
+"Adds L<dh_systemd_enable(1)> and L<dh_systemd_start(1)> to the sequence in "
+"compat level 10 or below. Obsolete in compat 11 or later."
+msgstr ""
+"Adiciona L<dh_systemd_enable(1)> e L<dh_systemd_start(1)> à sequência em "
+"nível de compatibilidade 10 ou inferior. Obsoleto em compatibilidade 11 ou "
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh:539
+msgid "INTERNALS"
+msgstr "INTERNOS"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:541
+msgid ""
+"If you're curious about B<dh>'s internals, here's how it works under the "
+msgstr ""
+"Se você está curioso sobre o funcionamento interno do B<dh>, aqui está como "
+"funciona por baixo da capota."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:543
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 (or later), B<dh> creates a stamp file F<debian/debhelper-build-"
+"stamp> after the build step(s) are complete to avoid re-running them. It is "
+"possible to avoid the stamp file by passing B<--without=build-stamp> to "
+"B<dh>. This makes \"no clean\" builds behave more like what some people "
+"expect at the expense of possibly running the build and test twice (the "
+"second time as root or under L<fakeroot(1)>)."
+msgstr ""
+"No modo compatibilidade 10 (ou posterior), o B<dh> cria um ficheiro stamp "
+"<debian/debhelper-build-stamp> após os passo(s) de compilação estarem "
+"completos para evitar voltar a corrê-los. É possível evitar o ficheiro stamp "
+"ao passar B<--without=build-stamp> para B<dh>. Isto faz com que "
+"compilações \"não limpas\" se comportem mais como o que algumas pessoas "
+"esperam à custa de possivelmente correrem a compilação e testá-la duas vezes "
+"(a segunda vez como root ou sob L<fakeroot(1)>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:551
+msgid ""
+"Inside an override target, B<dh_*> commands will create a log file F<debian/"
+"package.debhelper.log> to keep track of which packages the command(s) have "
+"been run for. These log files are then removed once the override target is "
+msgstr ""
+"Dentro de um alvo de sobreposição, os comandos B<dh_*> irão criar um "
+"ficheiro de registo F<debian/package.debhelper.log> para manter "
+"acompanhamento de para quais pacotes os comando(s) têm corrido. Estes "
+"ficheiros log são depois removidos assim que o alvo de sobreposição estiver "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:556
+msgid ""
+"In compat 9 or earlier, each debhelper command will record when it's "
+"successfully run in F<debian/package.debhelper.log>. (Which B<dh_clean> "
+"deletes.) So B<dh> can tell which commands have already been run, for which "
+"packages, and skip running those commands again."
+msgstr ""
+"No modo de compatibilidade 9 e anteriores, cada comando do debhelper irá "
+"gravar em F<debian/pacote.debhelper.log> quando é corrido com sucesso. (O "
+"qual B<dh_clean> apaga.) Portanto o B<dh> consegue dizer quais comandos já "
+"foram corridos, para quais pacotes, e evita correr esses comandos de novo."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:561
+msgid ""
+"Each time B<dh> is run (in compat 9 or earlier), it examines the log, and "
+"finds the last logged command that is in the specified sequence. It then "
+"continues with the next command in the sequence."
+msgstr ""
+"De cada vez que B<dh> corre (no nível de compatibilidade 9 ou anterior), "
+"examina o relatório, e encontra o último comando registado que está na "
+"sequência especificada. Depois continua com o próximo comando da sequência."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:565
+msgid ""
+"A sequence can also run dependent targets in debian/rules. For example, the "
+"\"binary\" sequence runs the \"install\" target."
+msgstr ""
+"Uma sequência também pode correr alvos dependentes em debian/rules. Por "
+"exemplo, a sequência \"binary\" corre o alvo \"install\"."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:568
+msgid ""
+"B<dh> uses the B<DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS> environment variable to pass "
+"information through to debhelper commands that are run inside override "
+"targets. The contents (and indeed, existence) of this environment variable, "
+"as the name might suggest, is subject to change at any time."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh> usa a variável de ambiente B<DH_INTERNAL_OPTIONS> para passar "
+"informação através dos comandos debhelper que são corridos dentro de alvos "
+"de sobreposição. O conteúdo (e de facto a existência) desta variável de "
+"ambiente. como o nome sugere, está sujeito a alterações em qualquer altura."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:573
+msgid ""
+"Commands in the B<build-indep>, B<install-indep> and B<binary-indep> "
+"sequences are passed the B<-i> option to ensure they only work on "
+"architecture independent packages, and commands in the B<build-arch>, "
+"B<install-arch> and B<binary-arch> sequences are passed the B<-a> option to "
+"ensure they only work on architecture dependent packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Aos comandos nas sequências B<build-indep>, B<install-indep> e B<binary-"
+"indep> é passada a opção B<-i> para assegurar que eles apenas trabalham em "
+"pacotes independentes da arquitectura, e aos comandos nas sequências B<build-"
+"arch>, B<install-arch> e B<binary-arch> é passada a opção B<-a> para "
+"assegurar que eles apenas trabalham em pacotes dependentes da arquitectura."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh:876 dh_auto_build:57 dh_auto_clean:59 dh_auto_configure:62
+#: dh_auto_install:107 dh_auto_test:68 dh_bugfiles:139 dh_builddeb:180
+#: dh_clean:193 dh_compress:247 dh_dwz:167 dh_fixperms:168 dh_gencontrol:212
+#: dh_icons:79 dh_install:381 dh_installchangelogs:369 dh_installcron:84
+#: dh_installdeb:423 dh_installdebconf:237 dh_installdirs:135
+#: dh_installdocs:441 dh_installemacsen:143 dh_installexamples:186
+#: dh_installifupdown:76 dh_installinfo:127 dh_installinit:417
+#: dh_installinitramfs:97 dh_installlogrotate:57 dh_installman:424
+#: dh_installmanpages:202 dh_installmenu:94 dh_installmime:67
+#: dh_installmodules:113 dh_installpam:75 dh_installppp:72 dh_installudev:106
+#: dh_installwm:134 dh_installxfonts:94 dh_link:170 dh_lintian:64
+#: dh_listpackages:38 dh_makeshlibs:460 dh_md5sums:122 dh_movefiles:165
+#: dh_perl:192 dh_prep:74 dh_shlibdeps:208 dh_strip:439 dh_testdir:66
+#: dh_testroot:97 dh_usrlocal:140
+msgid "This program is a part of debhelper."
+msgstr "Este programa é parte do debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:5
+msgid "dh_auto_build - automatically builds a package"
+msgstr "dh_auto_build - compila automaticamente um pacote"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> [S<I<opções do sistema de compilação>>] [S<I<opções do "
+"debhelper>>] [S<B<--> I<parâmetros>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically build a "
+"package. It does so by running the appropriate command for the build system "
+"it detects the package uses. For example, if a F<Makefile> is found, this is "
+"done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If "
+"there's a F<>, or F<Build.PL>, it is run to build the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_build> é um programa debhelper que tenta compilar automaticamente "
+"um pacote. Fá-lo ao correr o comando apropriado para o sistema que "
+"compilação que detecta que o pacote usa. Por exemplo, se for encontrado um "
+"F<Makefile>, isto é feito ao correr B<make> (ou B<MAKE>, se a variável de "
+"ambiente estiver definida). Se existir um F<>, ou F<Build.PL>, o "
+"mesmo é executado para compilar o pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:28
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, "
+"you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_build> at all, and just run the "
+"build process manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto entende-se que deve funcionar com cerca de 90% dos pacotes. Se não "
+"funcionar, você é encorajado não usar mesmo o B<dh_auto_build>, e apenas "
+"executar o processo de compilação manualmente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:34 dh_auto_clean:35 dh_auto_configure:37 dh_auto_install:54
+#: dh_auto_test:36
+msgid ""
+"See L<debhelper(7)/B<BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS>> for a list of common build "
+"system selection and control options."
+msgstr ""
+"Veja L<debhelper(7)/B<BUILD SYSTEM OPTIONS>> para uma lista de selecção de "
+"sistemas de compilação comuns e opções de controle."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_auto_build:39 dh_auto_clean:40 dh_auto_configure:42 dh_auto_install:65
+#: dh_auto_test:41 dh_builddeb:48 dh_dwz:62 dh_gencontrol:42
+#: dh_installdebconf:72 dh_installinit:166 dh_makeshlibs:179 dh_shlibdeps:41
+msgid "B<--> I<params>"
+msgstr "B<--> I<params>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_build:41
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_build> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Passa I<params> para o programa que é executado, após os parâmetros que o "
+"B<dh_auto_build> normalmente passa."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:5
+msgid "dh_auto_clean - automatically cleans up after a build"
+msgstr "dh_auto_clean - limpa tudo automaticamente após uma compilação"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> [S<I<opções do sistema de compilação>>] [S<I<opções do "
+"debhelper>>] [S<B<--> I<parâmetros>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically clean up "
+"after a package build. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a "
+"F<Makefile> and it contains a B<distclean>, B<realclean>, or B<clean> "
+"target, then this is done by running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment "
+"variable is set). If there is a F<> or F<Build.PL>, it is run to "
+"clean the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_clean> é um programa debhelper que tenta fazer limpeza automática "
+"após a compilação de um pacote. Fá-lo ao correr o comando apropriado para o "
+"sistema que compilação que detecta que o pacote usa. Por exemplo, se existir "
+"um F<Makefile> e se conter um alvo B<distclean>, B<realclean>, ou B<clean>, "
+"então isto é feito ao correr B<make> (ou B<MAKE>, se a variável de ambiente "
+"estiver definida). Se existir um F<>, ou F<Build.PL>, o mesmo é "
+"executado para limpar o pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:29
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or "
+"tries to use the wrong clean target, you're encouraged to skip using "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> at all, and just run B<make clean> manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto entende-se que deve funcionar com cerca de 90% dos pacotes. Se não "
+"funcionar, ou tentar usar o alvo de limpeza errado, você é encorajado não "
+"usar mesmo o B<dh_auto_clean>, e correr o B<make clean> manualmente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_clean:42
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Passa I<params> para o programa que é executado, após os parâmetros que o "
+"B<dh_auto_clean> normalmente passa."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:5
+msgid "dh_auto_configure - automatically configure a package prior to building"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_auto_configure - configura um pacote automaticamente antes da compilação"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> [S<I<opções do sistema de compilação>>] [S<I<opções do "
+"debhelper>>] [S<B<--> I<parâmetros>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically "
+"configure a package prior to building. It does so by running the appropriate "
+"command for the build system it detects the package uses. For example, it "
+"looks for and runs a F<./configure> script, F<Makefile.PL>, F<Build.PL>, or "
+"F<cmake>. A standard set of parameters is determined and passed to the "
+"program that is run. Some build systems, such as make, do not need a "
+"configure step; for these B<dh_auto_configure> will exit without doing "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_configure> é um programa debhelper que tenta configurar "
+"automaticamente um pacote antes da compilação. Fá-lo ao correr o comando "
+"apropriado para o sistema que compilação que detecta que o pacote usa. Por "
+"exemplo, procura e executa um script F<./configure>, o F<Makefile.PL>, "
+"F<Build.PL>, ou o F<cmake>. É determinado um conjunto de parâmetros standard "
+"e passado ao programa que é executado. Alguns sistemas de compilação como o "
+"make, não precisam de um passo de configuração; para estes o "
+"B<dh_auto_configure> irá terminar sem ter feito nada."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:31
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, "
+"you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_configure> at all, and just run "
+"F<./configure> or its equivalent manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto entende-se que deve funcionar com cerca de 90% dos pacotes. Se não "
+"funcionar, você é encorajado a não usar B<dh_auto_configure>, e correr F<./"
+"configure> ou o seu equivalente manualmente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_configure:44
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_configure> usually passes. For example:"
+msgstr ""
+"Passa I<params> para o programa que é executado, após os parâmetros que o "
+"B<dh_auto_configure> normalmente passa. Por exemplo:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_auto_configure:47
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --enable-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_auto_configure -- --with-foo --enable-bar\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:5
+msgid "dh_auto_install - automatically runs make install or similar"
+msgstr "dh_auto_install - corre automaticamente \"make install\" ou semelhante"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:20
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> [S<I<opções do sistema de compilação>>] [S<I<opções do "
+"debhelper>>] [S<B<--> I<parâmetros>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically "
+"install built files. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a "
+"F<Makefile> and it contains a B<install> target, then this is done by "
+"running B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If there "
+"is a F<> or F<Build.PL>, it is used. Note that the Ant build system "
+"does not support installation, so B<dh_auto_install> will not install files "
+"built using Ant."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_install> é um programa debhelper que tenta instalar "
+"automaticamente ficheiros compilados. Fá-lo ao correr o comando apropriado "
+"para o sistema de compilação que detecta que o pacote usa. Por exemplo, se "
+"existir um F<Makefile> e este conter um alvo B<install>, então isto é feito "
+"ao correr B<make> (ou B<MAKE>, se a variável de ambiente estiver definida). "
+"Se existir um F<> ou F<Build.PL>, ele é usado. Note que o sistema de "
+"compilação Ant não suporta instalação, portanto o B<dh_auto_install> não irá "
+"instalar ficheiros compilados usando o Ant."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:32
+msgid ""
+"In compat 15 or later, B<dh_auto_install> will use F<debian/tmp> as the "
+"default B<--destdir> and should be moved from there to the appropriate "
+"package build directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools. Though if "
+"the B<single-binary> addon for L<dh(1)> is activated, then it will pass an "
+"explicit B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> to B<dh_auto_install>."
+msgstr ""
+"Em compatibilidade 15 ou posterior, B<dh_auto_install> irá usar F<debian/"
+"tmp> como B<--destdir> predefinida e deve ser movida de lá para o directório "
+"de compilação de pacote apropriado usando L<dh_install(1)> ou ferramentas "
+"semelhantes. Contudo, se o addon B<single-binary> para L<dh(1)> estiver "
+"activo, então irá passar um B<< --destdir=debian/I<package>/ >> explícito "
+"para B<dh_auto_install>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:38
+msgid ""
+"For earlier compat levels then unless B<--destdir> option is specified, the "
+"files are installed into debian/I<package>/ if there is only one binary "
+"package. In the multiple binary package case, the files are instead "
+"installed into F<debian/tmp/>, and should be moved from there to the "
+"appropriate package build directory using L<dh_install(1)> or similar tools."
+msgstr ""
+"Para níveis de compatibilidade anteriores então a menos que a opção B<--"
+"destdir> seja especificada, os ficheiros são instalados em debian/I<pacote>/ "
+"se existir apenas um pacote binário. No caso de pacote de múltiplos "
+"binários, em vez disso os ficheiros são instalados em F<debian/tmp/>, e "
+"deverão ser movidos daí para o directório apropriado de compilação de pacote "
+"usando o L<dh_install(1)> ou ferramentas semelhantes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:44
+msgid ""
+"B<DESTDIR> is used to tell make where to install the files. If the Makefile "
+"was generated by MakeMaker from a F<Makefile.PL>, it will automatically set "
+"B<PREFIX=/usr> too, since such Makefiles need that."
+msgstr ""
+"B<DESTDIR> é usado para dizer ao make onde instalar os ficheiros. Se o "
+"Makefile foi gerado pelo MakeMaker a partir de um F<Makefile.PL>, irá "
+"automaticamente definir B<PREFIX=/usr> também, pois tais Makefiles precisam "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:48
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages. If it doesn't work, or "
+"tries to use the wrong install target, you're encouraged to skip using "
+"B<dh_auto_install> at all, and just run make install manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto entende-se que deve funcionar com cerca de 90% dos pacotes. Se não "
+"funcionar, ou tente usar o alvo de instalação errado, você é encorajado a "
+"não usar o B<dh_auto_install>, e correr o make install manualmente."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_auto_install:59 dh_builddeb:38
+msgid "B<--destdir=>I<directory>"
+msgstr "B<--destdir=>I<directório>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:61
+msgid ""
+"Install files into the specified I<directory>. If this option is not "
+"specified, destination directory is determined automatically as described in "
+"the L</B<DESCRIPTION>> section."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala ficheiros no I<directório> especificado. Se esta opção não for "
+"especificada, o directório de destino é determinado automaticamente como "
+"descrito na secção L</B<DESCRIÇÃO>>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_install:67
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_install> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Passa I<params> para o programa que é executado, após os parâmetros que o "
+"B<dh_auto_install> normalmente passa."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:5
+msgid "dh_auto_test - automatically runs a package's test suites"
+msgstr "dh_auto_test - corre automaticamente os conjuntos de testes dum pacote"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> [S<I<build system options>>] [S<I<debhelper options>>] "
+"[S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> [S<I<opções do sistema de compilação>>] [S<I<opções do "
+"debhelper>>] [S<B<--> I<parâmetros>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> is a debhelper program that tries to automatically run a "
+"package's test suite. It does so by running the appropriate command for the "
+"build system it detects the package uses. For example, if there's a Makefile "
+"and it contains a B<test> or B<check> target, then this is done by running "
+"B<make> (or B<MAKE>, if the environment variable is set). If the test suite "
+"fails, the command will exit nonzero. If there's no test suite, it will exit "
+"zero without doing anything."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_auto_test> é um programa debhelper que tenta correr automaticamente uma "
+"suite de teste de um pacote. Fá-lo ao correr o comando apropriado para o "
+"sistema de compilação que detecta que o pacote usa. Por exemplo, Se existir "
+"um Makefile e conter um alvo B<test> ou B<check>, então é feito ao correr "
+"B<make> (ou B<MAKE>, se a variável de ambiente estiver definida). Se a suite "
+"de teste falhar, o comando irá terminar com não-zero. Se não existir uma "
+"suite de teste, irá terminar com zero sem fazer nada."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:30
+msgid ""
+"This is intended to work for about 90% of packages with a test suite. If it "
+"doesn't work, you're encouraged to skip using B<dh_auto_test> at all, and "
+"just run the test suite manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto entende-se que deve funcionar com cerca de 90% dos pacotes numa suite "
+"de teste. Se não funcionar, você é encorajado não usar o B<dh_auto_test>, e "
+"correr a suite de teste manualmente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:43
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to the program that is run, after the parameters that "
+"B<dh_auto_test> usually passes."
+msgstr ""
+"Passa I<params> para o programa que é executado, após os parâmetros que o "
+"B<dh_auto_test> normalmente passa."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_auto_test:50
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nocheck>, no "
+"tests will be performed."
+msgstr ""
+"Se a variável de ambiente B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> conter B<nocheck>, nenhum "
+"teste será executado."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_bugfiles - install bug reporting customization files into package build "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_bugfiles - instala ficheiros de personalização de relatório de bugs nos "
+"directórios de compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:17
+msgid "B<dh_bugfiles> [B<-A>] [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_bugfiles> [B<-A>] [S<I<debhelper opções>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_bugfiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing bug "
+"reporting customization files (bug scripts and/or bug control files and/or "
+"presubj files) into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_bugfiles> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"ficheiros de personalização de relatórios de bugs (scripts de bugs e/ou "
+"ficheiros de controle de bugs e/ou ficheiros presubj) nos directórios de "
+"compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_bugfiles:25 dh_clean:33 dh_compress:35 dh_install:40
+#: dh_installcatalogs:39 dh_installchangelogs:53 dh_installcron:24
+#: dh_installdeb:25 dh_installdebconf:37 dh_installdirs:28 dh_installdocs:40
+#: dh_installemacsen:30 dh_installexamples:31 dh_installifupdown:25
+#: dh_installinfo:28 dh_installinit:41 dh_installinitramfs:30
+#: dh_installlogcheck:24 dh_installman:73 dh_installmenu:28 dh_installmime:24
+#: dh_installmodules:31 dh_installpam:24 dh_installppp:24 dh_installudev:24
+#: dh_installwm:28 dh_link:46 dh_lintian:24 dh_makeshlibs:44 dh_movefiles:29
+#: dh_systemd_enable:41
+msgid "FILES"
+msgstr "FICHEIROS"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:29
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-script"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.bug-script"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:31
+msgid ""
+"This is the script to be run by the bug reporting program for generating a "
+"bug report template. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package> in "
+"the package build directory if no other types of bug reporting customization "
+"files are going to be installed for the package in question. Otherwise, this "
+"file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/script>. Finally, the installed "
+"script is given execute permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"Este é o script a ser corrido pelo programa de reportar bugs para gerar um "
+"modelo de relatório de bug. Este ficheiro é instalado como F<usr/share/bug/"
+"package> no directório de compilação do pacote se não existirem outros "
+"ficheiros de tipos personalizados de relatórios de bugs para serem "
+"instalados no pacote em questão. Caso contrário, este ficheiro é instalado "
+"como F<usr/share/bug/package/script>. Finalmente, ao script instalado é dada "
+"permissão de execução."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-control"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.bug-control"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:40
+msgid ""
+"It is the bug control file containing some directions for the bug reporting "
+"tool. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/package/control> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"É o ficheiro de controle de bug que contém algumas direcções para a "
+"ferramenta de reportar bugs. Este ficheiro é instalado como F<usr/share/bug/"
+"package/control> no directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_bugfiles:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.bug-presubj"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.bug-presubj"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:46
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this file are displayed to the user by the bug reporting "
+"tool before allowing the user to write a bug report on the package to the "
+"Debian Bug Tracking System. This file is installed as F<usr/share/bug/"
+"package/presubj> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"O conteúdo deste ficheiro é mostrado ao utilizador pela ferramenta de "
+"reportar bugs antes de permitir ao utilizador escrever um relatório de bug "
+"sobre o pacote no Bug Tracking System de Debian. Este ficheiro é instalado "
+"como F<usr/share/bug/package/presubj> no directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:59
+msgid ""
+"Install F<debian/bug-*> files to ALL packages acted on when respective "
+"F<debian/package.bug-*> files do not exist. Normally, F<debian/bug-*> will "
+"be installed to the first package only."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala ficheiros F<debian/bug-*> em TODOS os pacotes actuados quando os "
+"respectivos ficheiros F<debian/package.bug-*> não existem. Normalmente, "
+"F<debian/bug-*> será instalado apenas no primeiro pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:135
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.developers.gz>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.developers.gz>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:137 dh_lintian:62
+msgid "L<debhelper(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_bugfiles:143
+msgid "Modestas Vainius <>"
+msgstr "Modestas Vainius <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:7
+msgid "dh_builddeb - build Debian binary packages"
+msgstr "dh_builddeb - compila pacotes binários Debian"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--destdir=>I<directory>] [B<--"
+"filename=>I<name>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--destdir=>I<directory>] [B<--"
+"filename=>I<name>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> simply calls L<dpkg-deb(1)> to build a Debian package or "
+"packages. It will also build dbgsym packages when L<dh_strip(1)> and "
+"L<dh_gencontrol(1)> have prepared them."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_builddeb> chama simplesmente L<dpkg-deb(1)> para compilar um pacote ou "
+"vários pacotes Debian. Também compila pacotes dbgsym quando foram preparados "
+"por L<dh_strip(1)> e L<dh_gencontrol(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:27
+msgid ""
+"It supports building multiple binary packages in parallel, when enabled by "
+msgstr ""
+"Suporta a compilação de múltiplos pacotes binários em paralelo, quando "
+"activado por DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:30
+msgid ""
+"When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field is not (effectively) I<binary-"
+"targets>, B<dh_builddeb> will pass B<--root-owner-group> to L<dpkg-deb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Quando o campo I<Rules-Requires-Root> não for (efectivamente) I<binary-"
+"targets>, B<dh_builddeb> passará B<--root-owner-group> para L<dpkg-deb(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:40
+msgid ""
+"Use this if you want the generated F<.deb> files to be put in a directory "
+"other than the default of \"F<..>\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Use isto se deseja que os ficheiros F<.deb> gerados sejam colocados num "
+"directório diferente da predefinição \"F<..>\"."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_builddeb:43
+msgid "B<--filename=>I<name>"
+msgstr "B<--filename=>I<nome>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:45
+msgid ""
+"Use this if you want to force the generated .deb file to have a particular "
+"file name. Does not work well if more than one .deb is generated!"
+msgstr ""
+"Use isto se desejar forçar que o ficheiro .deb gerado tenha um nome de "
+"ficheiro particular. Não funciona bem se for gerado mais do que um .deb!"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:50
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)> when it is used to build the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Passa I<params> para L<dpkg-deb(1)> quando é usado para compilar o pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_builddeb:53
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<params>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_builddeb:55
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-deb(1)>. It is deprecated; "
+"use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Este é outro modo de passar I<params> para L<dpkg-deb(1)>. Está "
+"descontinuado; use B<--> em vez deste."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:5
+msgid "dh_clean - clean up package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_clean - limpa os directórios de compilação de pacotes"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_clean> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-d>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<path> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-d>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<path> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_clean> is a debhelper program that is responsible for cleaning up. It "
+"should be the last step of the B<clean> target and other debhelper commands "
+"generally assume that B<dh_clean> will clean up after them."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_clean> é um programa debhelper que é responsável pela limpeza. Ele deve "
+"estar no último passo do alvo B<clean> e o outros comandos debhelper "
+"geralmente assumem que B<dh_clean> irá limpar tudo depois deles."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_clean:25
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"It removes the package build directories, and removes some other files including\n"
+"F<debian/files>, and any detritus left behind by other debhelper commands. It\n"
+"also removes common files that should not appear in a Debian diff:\n"
+" #*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Remove os directórios de compilação do pacote, e remove mais alguns ficheiros incluindo\n"
+"F<debian/files>, e quaisquer detritos deixados por outros comandos debhelper. Também\n"
+"remove ficheiros comuns que não deveriam aparecer num diff de Debian:\n"
+" #*# *~ DEADJOE *.orig *.rej *.SUMS TAGS .deps/* *.P *-stamp\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:30
+msgid ""
+"It does not run \"make clean\" to clean up after the build process. Use "
+"L<dh_auto_clean(1)> to do things like that."
+msgstr ""
+"Não corre o \"make clean\" para limpara após o processo de compilação. Use "
+"L<dh_auto_clean(1)> para fazer as coisas dessa maneira."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:37
+msgid "F<debian/clean>"
+msgstr "F<debian/clean>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:39
+msgid "Can list other paths to be removed."
+msgstr "Pode listar outros caminhos para serem removidos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:41
+msgid ""
+"Note that directories listed in this file B<must> end with a trailing "
+"slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que os directórios listados neste ficheiro B<devem> terminar com uma "
+"barra final. Qualquer conteúdo nestes directórios será também removido."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:44 dh_install:59 dh_installcatalogs:51 dh_installdeb:102
+#: dh_installdirs:40 dh_installdocs:48 dh_installexamples:43 dh_installinfo:36
+#: dh_installman:81 dh_installwm:36 dh_link:64
+msgid ""
+"Supports substitution variables in compat 13 and later as documented in "
+msgstr ""
+"Suporta variáveis de substituição em compatibilidade 13 e posterior como "
+"documentado em L<debhelper(7)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:53 dh_installchangelogs:81
+msgid "B<-k>, B<--keep>"
+msgstr "B<-k>, B<--keep>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:55
+msgid "This is deprecated, use L<dh_prep(1)> instead."
+msgstr "Isto está descontinuado, use L<dh_prep(1)> em vez deste."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:57
+msgid "The option is removed in compat 12."
+msgstr "A opção foi removida no nível de compatibilidade 12."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:59
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--dirs-only>"
+msgstr "B<-d>, B<--dirs-only>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:61
+msgid ""
+"Only clean the package build directories, do not clean up any other files at "
+msgstr ""
+"Apenas limpa os directórios de compilação do pacote, não limpa mais nenhuns "
+"outros ficheiros."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:64 dh_prep:33
+msgid "B<-X>I<item> B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<item> B<--exclude=>I<item>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:66
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option "
+"multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui ficheiros que contenham I<item> em qualquer ponto do seu nome de "
+"ficheiro de serem apagados, mesmo se estes fossem normalmente apagados. Você "
+"pode usar esta opção várias vezes para construir uma lista de coisas a "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_clean:70
+msgid "I<path> ..."
+msgstr "I<path> ..."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:72
+msgid "Delete these I<path>s too."
+msgstr "Apaga estes I<caminho>s também."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_clean:74
+msgid ""
+"Note that directories passed as arguments B<must> end with a trailing "
+"slash. Any content in these directories will be removed as well."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que os directórios passados como argumentos B<devem> terminar com uma "
+"barra final. Qualquer conteúdo nestes directórios será também removido."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_compress - compress files and fix symlinks in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_compress - comprime ficheiro e corrige links simbólicos em directórios de "
+"compilação de pacotes"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_compress> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<-A>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_compress> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<-A>] "
+"[S<I<ficheiro> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_compress> is a debhelper program that is responsible for compressing "
+"the files in package build directories, and makes sure that any symlinks "
+"that pointed to the files before they were compressed are updated to point "
+"to the new files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_compress> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por comprimir os "
+"ficheiros nos directórios de compilação de pacotes, e certificar-se que "
+"todos os links simbólicos estavam apontados aos ficheiros antes de eles "
+"serem comprimidos são actualizados para apontar para os novos ficheiros."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:28
+msgid ""
+"By default, B<dh_compress> compresses files that Debian policy mandates "
+"should be compressed, namely all files in F<usr/share/info>, F<usr/share/"
+"man>, files in F<usr/share/doc> that are larger than 4k in size, (except the "
+"F<copyright> file, F<.html> and other web files, image files, and files that "
+"appear to be already compressed based on their extensions), and all "
+"F<changelog> files. Plus PCF fonts underneath F<usr/share/fonts/X11/>"
+msgstr ""
+"Por predefinição, o B<dh_compress> comprime ficheiros que a política Debian "
+"diz que deverão ser comprimidos, nomeadamente todos os ficheiros em F<usr/"
+"share/info>, F<usr/share/man>, ficheiros em F<usr/share/doc> que são maiores "
+"que 4k, (excepto o ficheiro F<copyright>, F<.html> e outros ficheiros web, "
+"ficheiros de imagens, e ficheiros que aparentam já estarem comprimidos com "
+"base nas suas extensões), e todos os ficheiros F<changelog>. Mais as fonts "
+"PCF à frente de F<usr/share/fonts/X11/>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_compress:39
+msgid "debian/I<package>.compress"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.compress"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:41
+msgid "These files are deprecated."
+msgstr "Estes ficheiros estão descontinuados."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:43
+msgid ""
+"If this file exists, the default files are not compressed. Instead, the file "
+"is ran as a shell script, and all filenames that the shell script outputs "
+"will be compressed. The shell script will be run from inside the package "
+"build directory. Note though that using B<-X> is a much better idea in "
+"general; you should only use a F<debian/package.compress> file if you really "
+"need to."
+msgstr ""
+"Se este ficheiro existir, os ficheiros predefinidos não são comprimidos. Em "
+"vez disso, o ficheiro é corrido como um script de shell, e todos os nomes de "
+"ficheiros que o script de shell lança serão comprimidos. O script shell será "
+"accionado a partir de dentro do directório de compilação do pacote. Note "
+"contudo que usar B<-X> é uma ideia muito melhor no geral; você deve usar um "
+"ficheiro F<debian/package.compress> apenas se realmente precisa de o fazer."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:58
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"compressed. For example, B<-X.tiff> will exclude TIFF files from "
+"compression. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of "
+"things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui ficheiros que contêm I<item> em qualquer ponto do seu nome de "
+"ficheiro, de serem comprimidos. Por exemplo, B<-X.tiff> irá excluir "
+"ficheiros TIFF da compressão. Você pode usar esta opção várias vezes para "
+"construir uma lista de coisas a excluir."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:65
+msgid ""
+"Compress all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+"acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"Comprime todos os ficheiros especificados por parâmetros de linha de "
+"comandos em TODOS os pacotes que actua."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_compress:68 dh_installdocs:184 dh_installexamples:89 dh_installinfo:60
+#: dh_installmanpages:47 dh_movefiles:58 dh_testdir:30
+msgid "I<file> ..."
+msgstr "I<ficheiro> ..."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:70
+msgid "Add these files to the list of files to compress."
+msgstr "Adiciona estes ficheiros à lista de ficheiros para comprimir."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_compress:74 dh_perl:65 dh_strip:133 dh_usrlocal:66
+msgid "CONFORMS TO"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_compress:76
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.0"
+msgstr "Debian policy, versão 3.0"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:5
+msgid "dh_dwz - optimize DWARF debug information in ELF binaries via dwz"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_dwz - optimiza informação de depuração DWARF em binários ELF via dwz"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:18
+msgid "B<dh_dwz> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_dwz> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<parâmetros>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_dwz> is a debhelper program that will optimize the (uncompressed) size "
+"of the DWARF debug information in ELF binaries. It does so by running "
+"L<dwz(1)> on all the ELF binaries in the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_dwz> é um programa de debhelper que irá optimizar o tamanho (não "
+"comprimido) da informação de depuração DWARF nos binários ELF. Fá-lo ao "
+"correr L<dwz(1)> em todos os binários ELF no pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_dwz:30
+msgid "B<--dwz-multifile>, B<--no-dwz-multifile>"
+msgstr "B<--dwz-multifile>, B<--no-dwz-multifile>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:32
+msgid ""
+"Whether L<dwz(1)> should generate a I<multifile> from the ELF binaries in "
+"the same package. When enabled, if a package ships at least 2 ELF binaries, "
+"B<dh_dwz> will instruct L<dwz(1)> to generate a multifile for the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Se L<dwz(1)> deve gerar um I<multifile> a partir de binários ELF no mesmo "
+"pacote. Quando activado, se um pacote conter pelo menos 2 binários ELF, "
+"B<dh_dwz> irá instruir L<dwz(1)> a gerar um multifile para o pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:37
+msgid ""
+"By default, B<dh_dwz> will attempt to create a multifile but will continue "
+"without if L<dwz(1)> does not create one (but succeeds anyway). This "
+"commonly happens when the debug files do not contain debug symbols (e.g. a "
+"missing -g to the compiler) or when the debug symbols are compressed (see "
+"Debian bug #931891). If B<--dwz-multifile> is passed, then B<dh_dwz> will "
+"abort with an error if L<dwz(1)> does not create a multifile."
+msgstr ""
+"Por predefinição, B<dh_dwz> irá tentar criar um multi-ficheiro mas irá "
+"continuar sem o fazer se L<dwz(1)> não criar um (mas mesmo assim acabar com "
+"sucesso). Isto é comum acontecer quando os ficheiros debug não contêm "
+"símbolos de depuração (ex. um -g em falta no compilador), ou quando os "
+"símbolos de depuração estão comprimidos (veja Debian bug #931891). Se B<--"
+"dwz-multifile> for passado, então B<dh_dwz> irá abortar com um erro se "
+"L<dwz(1)> não criar um multi-ficheiro."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:45
+msgid ""
+"Note this options may not work if a package contains more ELF binaries than "
+"can fit on a single command line. If this becomes a problem, please pass "
+"B<--no-dwz-multifile> to work around the issue."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que estas opções podem não funcionar se um pacote conter mais binários "
+"ELF que possam caber numa única linha de comandos. Se isto for um problema, "
+"por favor passe B<--no-dwz-multifile> para contornar este problema."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:49
+msgid ""
+"The generated multifile will be compressed with B<objcopy --compress-debug-"
+msgstr ""
+"O multifile gerado será comprimido com B<objcopy --compress-debug-sections>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:52
+msgid ""
+"Note for B<udeb> packages: B<dh_dwz> will never generate multifiles for "
+"B<udeb> packages. It will still use B<dwz> to reduce the file size of debug "
+"files if it finds any."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota para pacotes B<udeb>: B<dh_dwz> nunca irá gerar multi-ficheiros para "
+"pacotes B<udeb>. Irá continuar a usar B<dwz> para reduzir o tamanho de "
+"ficheiros debug se encontrar algum."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:58 dh_strip:44
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"stripped. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of "
+"things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui ficheiros que contenham I<item> em qualquer ponto do seu nome de "
+"serem despojados. Você pode usar esta opção várias vezes para construir uma "
+"lista de coisas a excluir."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:64
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to L<dwz(1)> when it processes ELF binaries. This is mostly "
+"useful for setting memory related parameters (e.g. -l and -L)."
+msgstr ""
+"Passa I<parâmetros> para L<dwz(1)> quando processa binários ELF. Isto é "
+"maioritariamente útil para definir parâmetros relacionados com memória (ex. -"
+"l e -L)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:71
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+"nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+msgstr ""
+"Se a variável de ambiente B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> conter B<nostrip>, nada será "
+"despojado, em conformidade com a política Debian (secção 10.1 \"Binários\")."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_dwz:75
+msgid ""
+"While this tool technically does not remove debug information from binaries, "
+"it is still skipped when the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable "
+"contains B<nostrip>. This is because B<nostrip> is often used to optimize "
+"build times (e.g. for \"build and test\"-cycles) rather than optimizing for "
+msgstr ""
+"Embora esta ferramenta tecnicamente não remover informação de depuração dos "
+"binários, é na mesma incluída quando a variável de ambiente "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> contém B<nostrip>. Isto é assim porque B<nostrip> é "
+"muito usado para optimizar tempos de compilação (ex. para -cycles de "
+"\"compilar e testar\") em vez de optimizar para tamanho."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:5
+msgid "dh_fixperms - fix permissions of files in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_fixperms - corrige permissões nos ficheiros em directórios de compilação "
+"de pacotes"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:18
+msgid "B<dh_fixperms> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_fixperms> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> is a debhelper program that is responsible for setting the "
+"permissions of files and directories in package build directories to a sane "
+"state -- a state that complies with Debian policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por definir as "
+"permissões dos ficheiros e directórios nos directórios de compilação de "
+"pacotes para um estado são -- um estado em conformidade com a política de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:26
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> makes all files in F<usr/share/doc> in the package build "
+"directory (excluding files in the F<examples/> directory) be mode 644. It "
+"also changes the permissions of all man pages to mode 644. It removes group "
+"and other write permission from all files. It removes execute permissions "
+"from any libraries, headers, Perl modules, or desktop files that have it "
+"set. It makes all files in the standard F<bin> and F<sbin> directories, "
+"F<usr/games/> and F<etc/init.d> executable (since v4). Finally, it removes "
+"the setuid and setgid bits from all files in the package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_fixperms> faz com que todos os ficheiros em F<usr/share/doc> no "
+"directório de compilação do pacote (excluindo os ficheiros no directório "
+"F<examples/>) fiquem em modo 644. Também muda as permissões de todos os "
+"manuais para 644. Remove o grupo e outras permissões de escrita de todos os "
+"ficheiros. Remove permissões de executável de todas as bibliotecas, "
+"cabeçalhos, módulos Perl, ou ficheiro desktop que as têm definidas. Faz "
+"todos os ficheiros nos directórios F<bin> e F<sbin> standard, F<usr/games/> "
+"e F<etc/init.d> executáveis (desde v4). Finalmente, remove os bits setuid e "
+"setgid de todos os ficheiros do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:36
+msgid ""
+"When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field has the (effective) value of I<binary-"
+"targets>, B<dh_fixperms> will also reset the ownership of all paths to "
+msgstr ""
+"Quando o campo I<Rules-Requires-Root> tem o valor (efectivo) de I<binary-"
+"targets>, B<dh_fixperms> irá também reiniciar o proprietário de todos os "
+"caminhos para \"root:root\"."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_fixperms:44
+msgid "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude> I<item>"
+msgstr "B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude> I<item>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_fixperms:46
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from having "
+"their permissions changed. You may use this option multiple times to build "
+"up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui ficheiros que contêm I<item> em qualquer ponto do seu nome de "
+"ficheiro, de terem as suas permissões alteradas. Você pode usar esta opção "
+"várias vezes para construir uma lista de coisas a excluir."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:5
+msgid "dh_gencontrol - generate and install control file"
+msgstr "dh_gencontrol - gera e instala ficheiro de controle"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:18
+msgid "B<dh_gencontrol> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_gencontrol> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_gencontrol> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+"control files, and installing them into the I<DEBIAN> directory with the "
+"proper permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_gencontrol> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por gerar "
+"ficheiros de controle, e instalá-los no directório I<DEBIAN> com as "
+"permissões apropriadas."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:26
+msgid ""
+"This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>, which calls "
+"it once for each package being acted on (plus related dbgsym packages), and "
+"passes in some additional useful flags."
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa é meramente um wrapper em volta de L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>, o "
+"qual o chama uma vez por cada pacote em que actua (mais os pacotes dbgsym "
+"relacionados), e passa para ele algumas bandeiras adicionais úteis."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:30
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that if you use B<dh_gencontrol>, you must also use "
+"L<dh_builddeb(1)> to build the packages. Otherwise, your build may fail to "
+"build as B<dh_gencontrol> (via L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>) declares which "
+"packages are built. As debhelper automatically generates dbgsym packages, "
+"it some times adds additional packages, which will be built by "
+msgstr ""
+"B<Note> que se você usar B<dh_gencontrol>, você também tem de usar "
+"L<dh_builddeb(1)> para compilar os pacotes. Caso contrário, a sua compilação "
+"pode falhar pois o B<dh_gencontrol> (via L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>) declara "
+"quais pacotes são compilados. Como o debhelper gera automaticamente pacotes "
+"dbgsym, por vezes adiciona pacotes adicionais, que serão compilados por "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:44
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>."
+msgstr "Passa I<params> para L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_gencontrol:46
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-gencontrol-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-gencontrol-params=>I<params>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_gencontrol:48
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>. It is "
+"deprecated; use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Este é outro modo de passar I<params> para L<dpkg-gencontrol(1)>. Está "
+"descontinuado, use B<--> em vez deste."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:5
+msgid "dh_icons - Update caches of Freedesktop icons"
+msgstr "dh_icons - Actualiza a cache de ícones de Freedesktop"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:18
+msgid "B<dh_icons> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_icons> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_icons> is a debhelper program that updates caches of Freedesktop icons "
+"when needed, using the B<update-icon-caches> program provided by GTK+2.12. "
+"Currently this program does not handle installation of the files, though it "
+"may do so at a later date, so should be run after icons are installed in the "
+"package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_icons> é um programa debhelper que actualiza caches de ícones "
+"Freedesktop quando necessário, usando o programa B<update-icon-caches> "
+"disponibilizado pelo GTK+2.12. Presentemente este programa não lida com a "
+"instalação dos ficheiros, apesar de o poder vir a fazer numa data posterior, "
+"por isso deve ser accionado após os ícones estarem instalados nos "
+"directórios de compilação dos pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:28
+msgid ""
+"It takes care of adding maintainer script fragments to call B<update-icon-"
+"caches> for icon directories. (This is not done for gnome and hicolor icons, "
+"as those are handled by triggers.) These commands are inserted into the "
+"maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Trata de adicionar fragmentos de script de maintainer para chamar B<update-"
+"icon-caches> para directórios de ícones. (Isto não é feito para ícones de "
+"gnome ou hicolor, pois esses são manuseados por triggers.) Estes comandos "
+"são inseridos nos scripts de maintainer pelo L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_icons:37 dh_installcatalogs:60 dh_installdebconf:68 dh_installemacsen:60
+#: dh_installinit:81 dh_installinitramfs:47 dh_installmenu:48
+#: dh_installmodules:45 dh_installwm:51 dh_makeshlibs:147 dh_usrlocal:54
+msgid "B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>"
+msgstr "B<-n>, B<--no-scripts>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:39
+msgid "Do not modify maintainer scripts."
+msgstr "Não modifique os scripts do maintainer."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:77
+msgid "L<debhelper>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_icons:83
+msgid ""
+"Ross Burton <> Jordi Mallach <> Josselin "
+"Mouette <>"
+msgstr ""
+"Ross Burton <> Jordi Mallach <> Josselin "
+"Mouette <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:5
+msgid "dh_install - install files into package build directories"
+msgstr "dh_install - instala ficheiros em directórios de compilação de pacotes"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--autodest>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--autodest>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<directório>] "
+"[S<I<opções do debhelper>>] [S<I<ficheiro|directório> ... I<directório de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> is a debhelper program that handles installing files into "
+"package build directories. There are many B<dh_install>I<*> commands that "
+"handle installing specific types of files such as documentation, examples, "
+"man pages, and so on, and they should be used when possible as they often "
+"have extra intelligence for those particular tasks. B<dh_install>, then, is "
+"useful for installing everything else, for which no particular intelligence "
+"is needed. It is a replacement for the old B<dh_movefiles> command."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> é um programa debhelper que lida com a instalação de ficheiros "
+"em directórios de compilação de pacotes. Existem muitos comandos "
+"B<dh_install>I<*> que lidam com a instalação de tipos de ficheiros "
+"específicos como documentação, exemplos, manuais, e por ai fora, e esses "
+"devem ser usados sempre que possível pois geralmente eles têm inteligência "
+"extra para essas tarefas particulares. Então, o B<dh_install> é útil para "
+"instalar tudo o resto, para qual não é necessária inteligência particular. É "
+"um substituto do antigo comando B<dh_movefiles>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:29
+msgid ""
+"This program may be used in one of two ways. If you just have a file or two "
+"that the upstream Makefile does not install for you, you can run "
+"B<dh_install> on them to move them into place. On the other hand, maybe you "
+"have a large package that builds multiple binary packages. You can use the "
+"upstream F<Makefile> to install it all into F<debian/tmp>, and then use "
+"B<dh_install> to copy directories and files from there into the proper "
+"package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa pode ser usado de uma ou duas maneiras. Se você tem apenas um "
+"ficheiro ou dois que o Makefile do autor não instala por si, pode correr o "
+"B<dh_install> neles para os mover para a localização. Por outro lado, talvez "
+"você tenha um pacote grande que compila vários pacotes binários. Você pode "
+"usar o Makefile do autor para os instalar todos em F<debian/tmp>, e depois "
+"usar o B<dh_install> para copiar directórios e ficheiros de lá para para os "
+"directórios apropriados de compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:36
+msgid ""
+"From debhelper compatibility level 7 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+"looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current "
+"directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Desde nível de compatibilidade 7 do debhelper em diante, o B<dh_install> irá "
+"procurar os ficheiros em F<debian/tmp>, se não os encontrar no directório "
+"actual (ou onde você o mandou procurar usando B<--sourcedir>)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.install"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.install"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:46
+msgid ""
+"List the files to install into each package and the directory they should be "
+"installed to. The format is a set of lines, where each line lists a file or "
+"files to install, and at the end of the line tells the directory it should "
+"be installed in. The name of the files (or directories) to install should be "
+"given relative to the current directory, while the installation directory is "
+"given relative to the package build directory. You may use wildcards in the "
+"names of the files to install."
+msgstr ""
+"Lista os ficheiros a instalar em cada pacote e o directório onde eles devem "
+"ser instalados. O formato é um conjunto de linhas, onde cada linha lista um "
+"ficheiro ou ficheiros a instalar, e no fim da linha diz o directório onde "
+"deverão ser instalados. O nome dos ficheiros (ou directórios) a instalar "
+"devem ser fornecidos relativamente ao directório actual, enquanto que o "
+"directório de instalação é fornecido relativamente ao directório de "
+"compilação do pacote. Você pode usar wildcards nos nomes dos ficheiros a "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:54
+msgid ""
+"Note that if you list exactly one filename or wildcard-pattern on a line by "
+"itself, with no explicit destination, then B<dh_install> will automatically "
+"guess the destination to use, the same as if the --autodest option were used."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que se você lista exactamente um nome de ficheiro ou um padrão de "
+"wildcard numa linha sozinho, sem um destino explícito, então o B<dh_install> "
+"irá adivinhar automaticamente o destino a usar, do mesmo modo em que se a "
+"opção --autodest fosse usada."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:62
+msgid "debian/not-installed"
+msgstr "debian/not-installed"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:64
+msgid ""
+"Used with the deprecated B<--list-missing> and B<--fail-missing> options. "
+"Please refer to L<dh_missing(1)> for the documentation of this file."
+msgstr ""
+"Usado com as opções B<--list-missing> e B<--fail-missing> descontinuadas. "
+"Por favor consulte L<dh_missing(1)> para a documentação deste ficheiro."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:73
+msgid "B<--list-missing>"
+msgstr "B<--list-missing>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:75
+msgid ""
+"B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --list-missing> instead. If you use "
+"this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it "
+"has processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the "
+"documentation of this option."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Descontinuado>: Por favor use B<dh_missing --list-missing> em vez deste. "
+"Se usar esta opção, o B<dh_install> irá chamar B<dh_missing> com essa opção "
+"após ter processado todos os ficheiros. Por favor veja L<dh_missing(1)> para "
+"a documentação sobre esta opção."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:82
+msgid "B<--fail-missing>"
+msgstr "B<--fail-missing>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:84
+msgid ""
+"B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --fail-missing> instead. If you use "
+"this option, B<dh_install> will call B<dh_missing> with that option after it "
+"has processed all the files. Please see L<dh_missing(1)> for the "
+"documentation of this option."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Descontinuado>: Por favor use B<dh_missing --fail-missing> em vez deste. "
+"Se usar esta opção, B<dh_install> irá chamar B<dh_missing> com essa opção "
+"após ter processado todos os ficheiros. Por favor veja L<dh_missing(1)> para "
+"a documentação sobre esta opção."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:91 dh_installdirs:62 dh_installdocs:114 dh_installexamples:57
+#: dh_installinfo:50 dh_installman:100 dh_movefiles:45
+msgid "B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>"
+msgstr "B<--sourcedir=>I<directório>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:93
+msgid "Look in the specified directory for files to be installed."
+msgstr "Procura no directório especificado por ficheiros a instalar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:95
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_install> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+"compatibility level 7 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que isto não é o mesmo que a opção B<--sourcedirectory> usada pelos "
+"comandos B<dh_auto_>I<*>. Você raramente vai precisar de usar esta opção, "
+"pois o B<dh_install> procura automaticamente por ficheiros em F<debian/tmp> "
+"no nível de compatibilidade 7 e superiores do debhelper."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:100
+msgid "B<--autodest>"
+msgstr "B<--autodest>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:102
+msgid ""
+"Guess as the destination directory to install things to. If this is "
+"specified, you should not list destination directories in F<debian/package."
+"install> files or on the command line. Instead, B<dh_install> will guess as "
+msgstr ""
+"Adivinha o directório de destino para onde instalar as coisas. Se isto for "
+"especificado, você não deve listar directórios de destino nos ficheiros "
+"F<debian/package.install> nem na linha de comandos. Em vez disso, o "
+"B<dh_install> irá adivinhar no método que se segue:"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:107
+msgid ""
+"Strip off F<debian/tmp> (or the sourcedir if one is given) from the front of "
+"the filename, if it is present, and install into the dirname of the "
+"filename. So if the filename is F<debian/tmp/usr/bin>, then that directory "
+"will be copied to F<debian/package/usr/>. If the filename is F<debian/tmp/"
+"etc/passwd>, it will be copied to F<debian/package/etc/>."
+msgstr ""
+"Despoja F<debian/tmp> (ou o sourcedir se for fornecido um) da frente do nome "
+"de ficheiro, se estiver presente, e instala-lo no nome de directório do nome "
+"de ficheiro. Então, se o nome de ficheiro for F<debian/tmp/usr/bin>, então "
+"esse directório será copiado para F<debian/package/usr/>. Se o nome de "
+"ficheiro for F<debian/tmp/etc/passwd>, será copiado para F<debian/package/"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:113
+msgid "I<file|dir> ... I<destdir>"
+msgstr "I<ficheiro|dir> ... I<destdir>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:115
+msgid ""
+"Lists files (or directories) to install and where to install them to. The "
+"files will be installed into the first package F<dh_install> acts on."
+msgstr ""
+"Lista ficheiros (ou directórios) a instalar e onde os instalar. Os "
+"ficheiros serão instalados no primeiro pacote em que o F<dh_install> actua."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:334
+msgid "Here are some small examples of configuration files for dh_install."
+msgstr ""
+"Aqui estão alguns pequenos exemplos de ficheiros de configuração para "
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:336
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install my-prog into usr/bin (as \"usr/bin/my-prog\")\n"
+" my-prog usr/bin\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Install my-prog into usr/bin (as \"usr/bin/my-prog\")\n"
+" my-prog usr/bin\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:339
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a plugins directory into usr/share/my-prog\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/plugins/\")\n"
+" plugins usr/share/my-prog\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Install a plugins directory into usr/share/my-prog\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/plugins/\")\n"
+" plugins usr/share/my-prog\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:343
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a file with spaces in into usr/share/my-prog/data\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/data/my datafile with spaces.txt\")\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" my${Space}datafile${Space}with${Space}spaces.txt usr/share/my-prog/data\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Install a file with spaces in into usr/share/my-prog/data\n"
+" # (as \"usr/share/my-prog/data/my datafile with spaces.txt\")\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" my${Space}datafile${Space}with${Space}spaces.txt usr/share/my-prog/data\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:348
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Install a library into the multi-arch lib directory\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" build/output/libfrop*.so.* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Install a library into the multi-arch lib directory\n"
+" # ASSUMES COMPAT 13, where substitution patterns are available\n"
+" build/output/libfrop*.so.* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}\n"
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_install:352
+msgstr "LIMITAÇÕES"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:354
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_install> cannot rename files or directories, it can only install them "
+"with the names they already have into wherever you want in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_install> não pode renomear ficheiros ou directórios, pode apenas "
+"instalá-los com os nomes que já têm para onde você os deseja na árvore de "
+"compilação do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:358
+msgid ""
+"However, renaming can be achieved by using B<dh-exec> with compatibility "
+"level 9 or later. An example debian/I<package>.install file using B<dh-"
+"exec> could look like:"
+msgstr ""
+"No entanto, o renomear pode ser conseguido ao usar o B<dh-exec> com "
+"compatibilidade 9 ou posterior. Um ficheiro exemplo debian/I<pacote>.install "
+"que usa o B<dh-exec> poderá ser parecer com:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_install:362
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" #!/usr/bin/dh-exec\n"
+" debian/default.conf => /etc/my-package/start.conf\n"
+msgstr ""
+" #!/usr/bin/dh-exec\n"
+" debian/default.conf => /etc/my-package/start.conf\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_install:365
+msgid "Please remember the following three things:"
+msgstr "Por favor lembre-se das três coisas seguintes:"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:369
+msgid ""
+"* The package must be using compatibility level 9 or later (see "
+msgstr ""
+"* O pacote tem se usar nível de compatibilidade 9 ou superior veja "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:371
+msgid "* The package will need a build-dependency on dh-exec."
+msgstr "* O pacote irá precisar de uma dependência de compilação em dh-exec."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_install:373
+msgid "* The install file must be marked as executable."
+msgstr "* O ficheiro install tem de ser marcado como executável."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:5
+msgid "dh_installcatalogs - install and register SGML Catalogs"
+msgstr "dh_installcatalogs - instala e regista Catálogos SGML"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:19
+msgid "B<dh_installcatalogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installcatalogs> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installcatalogs> is a debhelper program that installs and registers "
+"SGML catalogs. It complies with the Debian XML/SGML policy."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installcatalogs> é um programa debhelper que instala e regista "
+"catálogos SGML. Está em conformidade com a política XML/SGML de Debian."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:26
+msgid ""
+"Catalogs will be registered in a supercatalog, in F</etc/sgml/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Catálogos podem ser registados num super-catálogo, em F</etc/sgml/I<pacote>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:29
+msgid ""
+"This command automatically adds maintainer script snippets for registering "
+"and unregistering the catalogs and supercatalogs (unless B<-n> is used). "
+"These snippets are inserted into the maintainer scripts and the B<triggers> "
+"file by B<dh_installdeb>; see L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of "
+"Debhelper maintainer script snippets."
+msgstr ""
+"Este comando adiciona automaticamente fragmentos de script de maintainer "
+"para registar e remover o registo de catálogos e super-catálogos (a menos "
+"que B<-n> seja usado). Estes fragmentos são inseridos nos scripts de "
+"maintainer e o ficheiro B<triggers> pelo B<dh_installdeb>; veja "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> para uma explicação sobre fragmentos de script de "
+"maintainer do Debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:36
+msgid ""
+"A dependency on B<sgml-base> will be added to B<${misc:Depends}>, so be sure "
+"your package uses that variable in F<debian/control>."
+msgstr ""
+"Será adicionada uma dependência em B<sgml-base> a B<${misc:Depends}>, "
+"portanto certifique-se que o seu pacote usa essa variável em F<debian/"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcatalogs:43
+msgid "debian/I<package>.sgmlcatalogs"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.sgmlcatalogs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:45
+msgid ""
+"Lists the catalogs to be installed per package. Each line in that file "
+"should be of the form C<I<source> I<dest>>, where I<source> indicates where "
+"the catalog resides in the source tree, and I<dest> indicates the "
+"destination location for the catalog under the package build area. I<dest> "
+"should start with F</usr/share/sgml/>."
+msgstr ""
+"Lista os catálogos a serem instalados por pacote. Cada linha nesse ficheiro "
+"deve ser do formato C<I<fonte> I<destino>>, onde I<fonte> indica onde o "
+"catálogo reside na árvore fonte, e I<destino> indica a localização de "
+"destino para o catálogo sob a área de compilação do pacote. <destino> deverá "
+"começar com F</usr/share/sgml/>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:62
+msgid ""
+"Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts nor add an activation "
+msgstr ""
+"Não modifique os scripts F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> nem adicionem um "
+"trigger de activação."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:69 dh_installemacsen:77 dh_installinit:206
+#: dh_installmodules:59 dh_installudev:52 dh_installwm:68 dh_usrlocal:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+"instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que este comando não é idempotente. O L<dh_prep(1)> deve ser chamado "
+"entre invocações deste comando. Caso contrário, pode causar múltiplas "
+"instâncias do mesmo texto a ser adicionado aos scripts do maintainer."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:132
+msgid "F</usr/share/doc/sgml-base-doc/>"
+msgstr "F</usr/share/doc/sgml-base-doc/>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcatalogs:136
+msgid "Adam Di Carlo <>"
+msgstr "Adam Di Carlo <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installchangelogs - install changelogs into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installchangelogs - instala relatórios de alterações (changelogs) em "
+"directórios de compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:18
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+#| "[I<upstream>]"
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[B<--no-trim>] [I<upstream>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-k>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing changelogs into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por "
+"instalar relatórios de alterações (changelogs) nos directórios de compilação "
+"de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:25
+msgid ""
+"An upstream F<changelog> file may be specified as an option. If none is "
+"specified, B<dh_installchangelogs> may look for files with names that seem "
+"likely to be changelogs as described in the next paragraphs."
+msgstr ""
+"Pode ser especificado como uma opção um ficheiro F<changelog> do autor "
+"original (upstream) Se nenhum for especificado, B<dh_installchangelogs> pode "
+"procurar por ficheiros cujos nomes apontam provavelmente para relatórios de "
+"alterações como descrito nos próximos parágrafos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:29
+msgid ""
+"In non-native packages, B<dh_installchangelogs> will first look for "
+"changelog files installed by the upstream build system into F<< usr/share/"
+"doc/I<package> >> (of the package build directory) and rename the most "
+"likely candidate (if any) to F<< usr/share/doc/I<package>/changelog >>. "
+"Note that B<dh_installchangelogs> does I<not> look into any source directory "
+"(such as F<debian/tmp>). Otherwise, B<dh_installchangelogs> (at "
+"compatibility level 7 or any later) will look for changelog files in the "
+"source directory (e.g. the root or the F<docs> subdirectory). It will look "
+"for F<changelog>, F<changes> and F<history> optionally with common "
+"extensions (such as F<.txt>, F<.md> and F<.rst>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Em pacotes não-nativos, o B<dh_installchangelogs> irá primeiro procurar por "
+"ficheiros changelog instalados pelo sistema de compilação do autor em F<< "
+"usr/share/doc/I<package> >> (do directório de compilação do pacote) e "
+"renomear o melhor candidato (se existir algum) para F<< usr/share/doc/"
+"I<pacote>/changelog >>. Note que B<dh_installchangelogs> I<não> procura "
+"nenhum directório fonte (tal como F<debian/tmp>). Caso contrário, "
+"B<dh_installchangelogs> (no nível de compatibilidade 7 ou posterior) irá "
+"procurar por ficheiros changelog no directório fonte (ex. a raiz do sub-"
+"directório F<docs>). Irá procurar por F<changelog>, F<changes> e F<history> "
+"opcionalmente com extensões comuns (tais como F<.txt>, F<.md> e F<.rst>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:41
+msgid ""
+"If a changelog file is specified and is an F<html> file (determined by file "
+"extension), it will be installed as F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog.html> "
+"instead. If the html changelog is converted to plain text, that variant can "
+"be specified as a second parameter. When no plain text variant is specified, "
+"a short F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog> is generated, pointing readers at "
+"the html changelog file."
+msgstr ""
+"Se um ficheiro changelog for especificado e se for um ficheiro F<html> "
+"(determinado pela extensão do ficheiro), em vez disso será instalado como "
+"F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog.html>. Se o relatório html for convertido "
+"para texto simples, essa variante pode ser especificada como um segundo "
+"parâmetro. Quando nenhuma variante de texto simples é especificada, é gerado "
+"um curto F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog>, apontando os leitores para o "
+"ficheiro de relatório em html."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:48
+msgid ""
+"The B<debchange>-style Debian changelogs are trimmed to include only entries "
+"more recent than the release date of I<oldstable>. No trimming will be "
+"performed if the B<--no-trim> option is passed or if the "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<notrimdch>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:57
+msgid "F<debian/changelog>"
+msgstr "F<debian/changelog>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:59
+msgid "F<debian/NEWS>"
+msgstr "F<debian/NEWS>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:61
+msgid "debian/I<package>.changelog"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.changelog"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:63
+msgid "debian/I<package>.NEWS"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.NEWS"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:65
+msgid ""
+"Automatically installed into usr/share/doc/I<package>/ in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado automaticamente em usr/share/doc/I<pacote>/ no directório de "
+"compilação do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:68
+msgid ""
+"Use the package specific name if I<package> needs a different F<NEWS> or "
+"F<changelog> file."
+msgstr ""
+"Usa o nome específico do pacote se o I<pacote> precisar de um ficheiro "
+"F<NEWS> ou F<changelog> diferente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:71
+msgid ""
+"The F<changelog> file is installed with a name of changelog for native "
+"packages, and F<changelog.Debian> for non-native packages. The F<NEWS> file "
+"is always installed with a name of F<NEWS.Debian>."
+msgstr ""
+"O ficheiro F<changelog> é instalado com o nome changelog para os pacotes "
+"nativos, e F<changelog.Debian> para pacotes não-nativos. O ficheiro de "
+"F<NOTICIAS> é sempre instalado com o nome F<NEWS.Debian>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:83
+msgid ""
+"Keep the original name of the upstream changelog. This will be accomplished "
+"by installing the upstream changelog as F<changelog>, and making a symlink "
+"from that to the original name of the F<changelog> file. This can be useful "
+"if the upstream changelog has an unusual name, or if other documentation in "
+"the package refers to the F<changelog> file."
+msgstr ""
+"Mantêm o nome original do registo de alterações do autor. Isto será "
+"conseguido ao instalar o registo de alterações do autor como F<changelog>, e "
+"criando um link simbólico daí para o nome original do ficheiro F<changelog>. "
+"Isto pode ser útil se o registo de alterações do autor tiver um nome fora do "
+"usual, ou se outra documentação no pacote faça referência ao ficheiro "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:91
+msgid ""
+"Exclude upstream F<changelog> files that contain I<item> anywhere in their "
+"filename from being installed."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui ficheiros F<changelog> do autor que contenham I<item> em qualquer "
+"ponto do seu nome de ficheiro, de serem instalados."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:94
+msgid "Note that directory name of the changelog is also part of the match."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que o nome de directório do changelog é também parte correspondente."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:96
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "B<--no-start>"
+msgid "B<--no-trim>"
+msgstr "B<--no-start>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:98
+msgid ""
+"Install the full changelog, not its trimmed version that includes only "
+"recent entries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installchangelogs:101
+msgid "I<upstream>"
+msgstr "I<upstream>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installchangelogs:103
+msgid "Install this file as the upstream changelog."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala este ficheiro como o registo de alterações (changelog) da origem."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:5
+msgid "dh_installcron - install cron scripts into etc/cron.*"
+msgstr "dh_installcron - instala scripts do cron em etc/cron.*"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:17
+msgid "B<dh_installcron> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installcron> [S<B<debhelper opções>>] [B<--name=>I<nome>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installcron> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"cron scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installcron> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"scripts do cron."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.daily"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.cron.daily"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:30
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.weekly"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.cron.weekly"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.monthly"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.cron.monthly"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.yearly"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.cron.yearly"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:36
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.hourly"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.cron.hourly"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.cron.d"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.cron.d"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:40
+msgid ""
+"Installed into the appropriate F<etc/cron.*/> directory in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado no directório F<etc/cron.*/> apropriado no directório de "
+"compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installcron:49 dh_installifupdown:46 dh_installinit:174
+#: dh_installlogcheck:49 dh_installlogrotate:29 dh_installmodules:49
+#: dh_installpam:42 dh_installppp:42 dh_installudev:38 dh_systemd_enable:94
+msgid "B<--name=>I<name>"
+msgstr "B<--name=>I<nome>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installcron:51
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as F<etc/"
+"cron.*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them as the "
+"package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Procura ficheiros chamados F<debian/*> e instala-os como "
+"F<etc/cron.*/name>, em vez de usar os ficheiros habituais e instalá-los como "
+"o nome do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:5
+msgid "dh_installdeb - install files into the DEBIAN directory"
+msgstr "dh_installdeb - instala ficheiros no directório DEBIAN"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:17
+msgid "B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installdeb> [S<I<debhelper opções>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files into the F<DEBIAN> directories in package build directories with the "
+"correct permissions."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"ficheiros nos directórios F<DEBIAN> nos directórios de compilação de pacotes "
+"com as permissões correctas."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:29
+msgid "I<package>.postinst"
+msgstr "I<pacote>.postinst"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:31
+msgid "I<package>.preinst"
+msgstr "I<pacote>.preinst"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:33
+msgid "I<package>.postrm"
+msgstr "I<pacote>.postrm"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:35
+msgid "I<package>.prerm"
+msgstr "I<pacote>.prerm"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:37
+msgid "These maintainer scripts are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+msgstr "Estes scripts de maintainer são instalados no directório F<DEBIAN>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:39
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> will perform substitution of known tokens of the pattern "
+"B<#TOKEN#>. In generally, scripts will want to include the B<#DEBHELPER#> "
+"to benefit from the shell scripts generated by debhelper commands (including "
+"those from B<dh_installdeb> when it processes I<package>.maintscript files)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdeb> irá executar a substituição de tokens conhecidos do padrão "
+"B<#TOKEN#>. Em geral, os scripts irão querer incluir o B<#DEBHELPER#> para "
+"beneficiar dos scripts de shell gerados pelos comandos debhelper (incluindo "
+"commands (including aqueles de B<dh_installdeb> quando processa ficheiros "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:45
+msgid ""
+"The B<#DEBHELPER#> token should be placed on its own line as it is often "
+"replaced by a multi-line shell script."
+msgstr ""
+"O token B<#DEBHELPER#> deve ser colocado na sua linha própria pois é muitas "
+"vezes substituído por um script de shell de multi-linhas."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:48
+msgid "I<package>.triggers"
+msgstr "I<pacote>.triggers"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:50
+msgid "I<package>.shlibs"
+msgstr "I<pacote>.shlibs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:52
+msgid "These control files are installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+msgstr "Estes ficheiros de controle são instalados no directório F<DEBIAN>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:54
+msgid ""
+"Note that I<package>.shlibs is only installed in compat level 9 and "
+"earlier. In compat 10, please use L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que o I<pacote>.shlibs é apenas instalado em nível de compatibilidade 9 "
+"e anteriores. Em compatibilidade 10, use L<dh_makeshlibs(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:57
+msgid "I<package>.conffiles"
+msgstr "I<pacote>.conffiles"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:59
+msgid ""
+"This file will be installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory. The provided file "
+"will be enriched by debhelper to include all the B<conffiles> auto-detected "
+"by debhelper (the maintainer should not list there as debhelper assumes it "
+"should handle that part)."
+msgstr ""
+"este ficheiro será instalado no directório F<DEBIAN>. O ficheiro fornecido "
+"será enriquecido pelo debhelper para incluir todos os B<conffiles> auto-"
+"detetados pelo debhelper (o responsável deve estar listado lá pois o "
+"debhelper assume que deve lidar com essa parte.)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:64
+msgid ""
+"This file is primarily useful for using \"special\" entries such as the B<< "
+"remove-on-upgrade >> feature from dpkg."
+msgstr ""
+"Este ficheiro é principalmente útil para usar entradas \"especiais\" tais "
+"como a funcionalidade B<< remove-on-upgrade >> do dpkg."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:67
+msgid "I<package>.maintscript"
+msgstr "I<pacote>.maintscript"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:69
+msgid ""
+"Lines in this file correspond to L<dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)> commands and "
+"parameters. However, the \"maint-script-parameters\" should I<not> be "
+"included as debhelper will add those automatically."
+msgstr ""
+"As linhas neste ficheiro correspondem a comandos e parâmetros de L<dpkg-"
+"maintscript-helper(1)>. No entanto, os \"maint-script-parameters\" I<não> "
+"devem ser incluídos pois o debhelper irá adicionar esses automaticamente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:73
+msgid "Example:"
+msgstr "Exemplo:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:75
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Correct\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo -- \"$@\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # Correct\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo\n"
+" rm_conffile /etc/obsolete.conf 0.2~ foo -- \"$@\"\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:80
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 or later, any shell metacharacters will be escaped, so "
+"arbitrary shell code cannot be inserted here. For example, a line such as "
+"C<mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/newconffile> will insert maintainer "
+"script snippets into all maintainer scripts sufficient to move that conffile."
+msgstr ""
+"No nível de compatibilidade 10 ou posterior, quaisquer meta-caracteres de "
+"shell serão \"escapados\" então não se pode inserir aqui código arbitrário "
+"de shell. Por exemplo, uma linha como C<mv_conffile /etc/oldconffile /etc/"
+"newconffile> irá inserir fragmentos de script de maintainer em todos os "
+"scripts de maintainer suficientes para mover esse ficheiro de configuração."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:86
+msgid ""
+"It was also the intention to escape shell metacharacters in previous compat "
+"levels. However, it did not work properly and as such it was possible to "
+"embed arbitrary shell code in earlier compat levels."
+msgstr ""
+"Foi também intenção de fazer escape de shell a meta-caracteres nos níveis de "
+"compatibilidade anteriores. No entanto, não funcionava correctamente e como "
+"tal era possível embeber código de shell arbitrário nos níveis de "
+"compatibilidade anteriores."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:90
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> tool will do some basic validation of some of the "
+"commands listed in this file to catch common mistakes. The validation is "
+"enabled as a warning since compat 10 and as a hard error in compat 12."
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_installdeb> irá fazer alguma validação básica a alguns dos "
+"comandos listados neste ficheiro para apanhar enganos comuns. A validação é "
+"activada como um aviso desde compatibilidade 10 e como um erro a resolver na "
+"compatibilidade 12."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:95
+msgid ""
+"Where possible, B<dh_installdeb> may choose to rewrite some or all of the "
+"entries into equivalent features supported in dpkg without relying on "
+"maintainer scripts at its sole discretion (examples include rewriting "
+"B<rm_conffile> into dpkg's B<remove-on-upgrade>). The minimum requirement "
+"for activating this feature is that debhelper runs in compat 10 or later."
+msgstr ""
+"Onde possível, o B<dh_installdeb> pode escolher rescrever algumas ou todas "
+"as entradas em funcionalidades equivalentes suportadas no dpkg sem se apoiar "
+"nos scripts do maintainer scripts a seu exclusivo critério (exemplos "
+"incluem rescrever B<rm_conffile> em B<remove-on-upgrade> do dpkg). O "
+"requerimento mínimo para activar esta funcionalidade é que o debhelper "
+"corra em compatibilidade 10 ou posterior."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:111 dh_installdebconf:76
+msgid "B<-D>I<TOKEN=VALUE>, B<--define> I<TOKEN=VALUE>"
+msgstr "B<-D>I<TOKEN=VALUE>, B<--define> I<TOKEN=VALUE>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:113 dh_installdebconf:78
+msgid ""
+"Define tokens to be replaced inside the maintainer scripts when it is "
+"generated. Please note that the limitations described in L</Limitations in "
+"token names> also applies to tokens defined on the command line. Invalid "
+"token names will trigger an error."
+msgstr ""
+"Define tokens a serem substituídos dentro dos scripts do maintainer quando "
+"são gerados. Por favor note as limitações descritas em L</Limitações nos "
+"nomes dos tokens> também se aplicam a tokens definidos na linha de comandos. "
+"Nomes de tokens inválidos irão despoletar um erro."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:118 dh_installdebconf:83
+msgid ""
+"In the simple case, this parameter will cause B<< #I<TOKEN># >> to be "
+"replaced by I<VALUE>. If I<VALUE> starts with a literal I<@>-sign, then "
+"I<VALUE> is expected to point to a file containing the actual value to "
+msgstr ""
+"No caso simples, este parâmetro irá causar com que B<< #I<TOKEN># >> seja "
+"substituído por I<VALUE>. Se I<VALUE> começar com um I<@>-sign literal, "
+"então espera-se que I<VALUE> aponte para um ficheiro que contém o valor real "
+"a inserir."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:123 dh_installdebconf:88
+msgid ""
+"An explicit declared token with this parameter will replace built-in tokens."
+msgstr ""
+"Um token declarado explicitamente com este parâmetro irá substituir tokens "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:126 dh_installdebconf:91
+msgid "Test examples to aid with the understanding:"
+msgstr "Exemplos de testes para ajuda na compreensão:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:128
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tcat >> debian/postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:135 dh_installdebconf:100
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#SIMPLE#> will expand to B<direct> and B<#FILEBASED#> "
+"will expand to B<Complex value>."
+msgstr ""
+"Neste exemplo, B<#SIMPLE#> irá expandir para B<direct> e B<#FILEBASED#> irá "
+"expandir para B<Complex value>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:138
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. This "
+"is useful when B<dh_installdeb> is acting on multiple packages that need "
+"different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the token "
+"name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgstr ""
+"É também possível definir valores específicos-de-pacote para um dado token. "
+"Isto é útil quando B<dh_installdeb> está a actuar em múltiplos pacotes que "
+"precisam de valores diferentes para o mesmo token. Isto é feito ao prefixar "
+"o nome do token com B<< pkg.I<nome-do-pacote>. >>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:143 dh_installdebconf:108
+msgid "This can be used as in the following example:"
+msgstr "Isto pode ser usado como no exemplo seguinte:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdeb:145
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdeb -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.postinst <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdeb -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:160
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo."
+"postinst>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.postinst> and to B<unique-"
+"baz-value> in F<debian/baz.postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+"Neste exemplo, B<#TOKEN#> irá expandir para B<default> em F<debian/foo."
+"postinst>, para B<unique-bar-value> em F<debian/bar.postinst> e para "
+"B<unique-baz-value> em F<debian/baz.postinst>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:164
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. E."
+"g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.postinst> and it "
+"will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que os tokens B<#pkg.*#> irão ser visíveis em todos os scripts que "
+"actuem. Ex, você pode referir a B<> dentro de F<debian/foo."
+"postinst> e ele será substituído por B<unique-bar-value>."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_installdeb:170 dh_installdebconf:135
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:172
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdeb> will automatically replace the following tokens inside "
+"a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):"
+msgstr ""
+"O B<dh_installdeb> irá substituir automaticamente os seguintes tokens dentro "
+"de um script disponibilizado pelo maintainer (se não for substituído via B<-"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:177
+msgid "#DEBHELPER#"
+msgstr "#DEBHELPER#"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:179
+msgid ""
+"This token is by default replaced with generated shell snippets debhelper "
+"commands. This includes the snippets generated by B<dh_installdeb> from "
+"I<package>.maintscript file (if present)."
+msgstr ""
+"Este token é por predefinição substituído por excertos de shell de comandos "
+"debhelper gerados. Isto inclui os excertos gerados pelo B<dh_installdeb> a "
+"partir do ficheiro I<package>.maintscript (se presente)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:183 dh_installdebconf:142
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:185 dh_installdebconf:144
+msgid ""
+"These tokens are replaced with the respective variable from L<dpkg-"
+"architecture(1)>. In almost all cases, you will want use the B<< "
+"#DEB_HOST_I<NAME> >> variant in a script to ensure you get the right value "
+"when cross-building."
+msgstr ""
+"Estes tokens são substituídos pela variável respectiva a partir de L<dpkg-"
+"architecture(1)>. Em quase todos os casos, você vai querer usar a variante "
+"B<< #DEB_HOST_I<NAME> >> num script para assegurar que obtêm o valor "
+"correcto quando faz compilação cruzada."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:190 dh_installdebconf:149
+msgid ""
+"On a best effort, tokens of this pattern that do not match a variable in "
+"L<dpkg-architecture(1)> will be left as-is."
+msgstr ""
+"Na melhor das hipóteses, tokens deste padrão que não correspondam a uma "
+"variável em L<dpkg-architecture(1)> serão deixá-dos como estão."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:193 dh_installdebconf:152
+msgid "#ENV.I<NAME>#"
+msgstr "#ENV.I<NAME>#"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:195 dh_installdebconf:154
+msgid ""
+"These tokens of this form will be replaced with value of the corresponding "
+"environment variable. If the environment variable is unset, the token is "
+"replaced with the empty string."
+msgstr ""
+"Estes tokens deste formato serão substituídos pelo valor da variável de "
+"ambiente correspondente. Se a variável de ambiente não estiver definida, o "
+"token é substituído pela string vazia."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:200 dh_installdebconf:159
+msgid ""
+"Note that there are limits on which names can be used (see L</Limitations in "
+"token names>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que existem limites em quais nomes podem ser usados (veja L</Limitações "
+"nos nomes dos token>)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdeb:203 dh_installdebconf:162
+msgid "#PACKAGE#"
+msgstr "#PACKAGE#"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:205 dh_installdebconf:164
+msgid ""
+"This token is by default replaced by the package name, which will contain "
+"the concrete script."
+msgstr ""
+"Este token é por predefinição substituído pelo nome do pacote, o qual irá "
+"conter o script concreto."
+#. type: =head2
+#: dh_installdeb:210 dh_installdebconf:169
+msgid "Limitations in token names"
+msgstr "Limitações nos nomes dos token"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:212 dh_installdebconf:171
+msgid ""
+"All tokens intended to be substituted must match the regex: #[A-Za-z0-9_.+]+#"
+msgstr ""
+"Todos os tokens que se destinam a ser substituídos têm de corresponder ao "
+"regex: #[A-Za-z0-9_.+]+#"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdeb:214
+msgid ""
+"Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the "
+"script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will "
+"cause B<dh_installdeb> to reject the command with an error in most cases."
+msgstr ""
+"Tokens que não correspondam a esse regex serão ignorados em silêncio se "
+"encontrados no script modelo. Nomes de token inválidos passados a B<-D> ou "
+"B<--define> irão causar que o B<dh_installdeb> rejeite o comando com um erro "
+"na maioria dos casos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installdebconf - install files used by debconf in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdebconf - instala ficheiros usados pelo debconf nos directórios de "
+"compilação de pacotes"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-n>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing files used by debconf into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdebconf> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"ficheiros usados pelo debconf em directórios de compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:24
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postrm> commands needed to interface "
+"with debconf. The commands are added to the maintainer scripts by "
+"B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how that "
+msgstr ""
+"Também gera automaticamente os comandos F<postrm> necessários para a "
+"interface com o debconf. Os comandos são adicionados aos scripts do "
+"maintainer pelo B<dh_installdeb>. Veja L<dh_installdeb(1)> para uma "
+"explicação de como isso funciona."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:29
+msgid ""
+"Note that if you use debconf, your package probably needs to depend on it "
+"(it will be added to B<${misc:Depends}> by this program)."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que se você usar debconf, provavelmente o seu pacote precisa de "
+"depender disso (será adicionado a B<${misc:Depends}> por este programa)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:32
+msgid ""
+"Note that for your config script to be called by B<dpkg>, your F<postinst> "
+"needs to source debconf's confmodule. B<dh_installdebconf> does not install "
+"this statement into the F<postinst> automatically as it is too hard to do it "
+msgstr ""
+"Note que para o seu script de configuração ser chamado pelo <dpkg>, o seu "
+"F<postinst> precisa de partir do módulo de configuração do debconf, o "
+"B<dh_installdebconf> não instala esta declaração no F<postinst> "
+"automaticamente porque é muito difícil de o fazer correctamente."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:41
+msgid "debian/I<package>.config"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.config"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:43
+msgid ""
+"This is the debconf F<config> script, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN> "
+"directory in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Este é o script F<config> de debconf, e é instalado no directório F<DEBIAN> "
+"no directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:46
+msgid ""
+"Inside the script, the token B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell script "
+"snippets generated by other debhelper commands."
+msgstr ""
+"Dentro do script, o token B<#DEBHELPER#> é substituído por fragmentos de "
+"script shell gerados por outros comandos do debhelper."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:49
+msgid "debian/I<package>.templates"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.templates"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:51
+msgid ""
+"This is the debconf F<templates> file, and is installed into the F<DEBIAN> "
+"directory in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Este é o ficheiro F<templates> de debconf, e é instalado no directório "
+"F<DEBIAN> no directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdebconf:54
+msgid "F<debian/po/>"
+msgstr "F<debian/po/>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:56
+msgid ""
+"If this directory is present, this program will automatically use "
+"L<po2debconf(1)> to generate merged templates files that include the "
+"translations from there."
+msgstr ""
+"Se este directório estiver presente, este programa irá usar automaticamente "
+"o L<po2debconf(1)> para gerar ficheiros de modelos fundidos que incluem as "
+"traduções de lá."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:60
+msgid "For this to work, your package should build-depend on F<po-debconf>."
+msgstr ""
+"Para que isto funcione, o seu pacote deve compilar dependendo de F<po-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:70
+msgid "Do not modify F<postrm> script."
+msgstr "Não modifique o script F<postrm>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:74
+msgid "Pass the params to B<po2debconf>."
+msgstr "Passa os params para B<po2debconf>."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdebconf:93
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/config <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tcat >> debian/config <<EOF\n"
+"\techo -n \"Complex value\" > some-file\n"
+" dh_installdeb --define SIMPLE=direct --define FILEBASED=@some-file\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:103
+msgid ""
+"It is also possible to set package-specific values for a given token. This "
+"is useful when B<dh_installdebconf> is acting on multiple packages that need "
+"different values for the same token. This is done by prefixing the token "
+"name with B<< pkg.I<package-name>. >>."
+msgstr ""
+"É também possível definir valores específicos-de-pacote para um dado token. "
+"Isto é útil quando B<dh_installdebconf> está a actuar em múltiplos pacotes "
+"que precisam de valores diferentes para o mesmo token. Isto é feito ao "
+"prefixar o nome do token com B<< pkg.I<nome-do-pacote>. >>."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdebconf:110
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdebconf -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tcat >> debian/foo.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/bar.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+"\tcat >> debian/baz.config <<EOF\n"
+"\t# Script for #PACKAGE#\n"
+" dh_installdebconf -pfoo -pbar -pbaz --define TOKEN=default --define \\\n"
+" --define pkg.baz.TOKEN=unique-baz-value\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:125
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo."
+#| "config>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.v> and to B<unique-baz-"
+#| "value> in F<debian/baz.config>."
+msgid ""
+"In this example, B<#TOKEN#> will expand to B<default> in F<debian/foo."
+"config>, to B<unique-bar-value> in F<debian/bar.config> and to B<unique-baz-"
+"value> in F<debian/baz.config>."
+msgstr ""
+"Neste exemplo, B<#TOKEN#> irá expandir para B<default> em F<debian/foo."
+"config>, para B<unique-bar-value> em F<debian/bar.v> e para B<unique-baz-"
+"value> em F<debian/baz.config>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:129
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<#pkg.*#> tokens will be visible in all scripts acted on. E."
+"g. you can refer to B<> inside F<debian/foo.config> and it "
+"will be replaced by B<unique-bar-value>."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que os tokens B<#pkg.*#> irão ser visíveis em todos os scripts que "
+"actuem. Ex, você pode referir a B<> dentro de F<debian/foo."
+"config> e ele será substituído por B<unique-bar-value>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:137
+msgid ""
+"The B<dh_installdebconf> will automatically replace the following tokens "
+"inside a provided maintainer script (if not replaced via B<-D>/B<--define>):"
+msgstr ""
+"O B<dh_installdebconf> irá substituir automaticamente os seguintes tokens "
+"dentro de um script disponibilizado pelo maintainer (se não for substituído "
+"via B<-D>/B<--define>):"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdebconf:173
+msgid ""
+"Tokens that do not match that regex will be silently ignored if found in the "
+"script template. Invalid token names passed to B<-D> or B<--define> will "
+"cause B<dh_installdebconf> to reject the command with an error in most cases."
+msgstr ""
+"Tokens que não correspondam a esse regex serão ignorados em silêncio se "
+"encontrados no script modelo. Nomes de token inválidos passados a B<-D> ou "
+"B<--define> irão causar que o B<dh_installdebconf> rejeite o comando com um "
+"erro na maioria dos casos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:5
+msgid "dh_installdirs - create subdirectories in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdirs - cria sub-directórios nos directórios de compilação de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[B<--create-in-sourcedir>] [S<I<dir> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-A>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] "
+"[B<--create-in-sourcedir>] [S<I<dir> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for creating "
+"subdirectories in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdirs> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por criar sub-"
+"directórios nos directórios de compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:24
+msgid ""
+"Many packages can get away with omitting the call to B<dh_installdirs> "
+"completely. Notably, other B<dh_*> commands are expected to create "
+"directories as needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Muitos pacotes conseguem omitir completamente a chamada a B<dh_installdirs>. "
+"De notar, é de esperar que outros comandos B<dh_*> criem directórios quando "
+"é necessário."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.dirs"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.dirs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:34
+msgid "Lists directories to be created in I<package>."
+msgstr "Lista directórios a serem criados em I<pacote>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:36
+msgid ""
+"Generally, there is no need to list directories created by the upstream "
+"build system or directories needed by other B<debhelper> commands."
+msgstr ""
+"Geralmente, não há necessidade de listar os directórios criados pelo sistema "
+"de compilação do autor ou os directórios necessários por outros comandos "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:51
+msgid ""
+"Create any directories specified by command line parameters in ALL packages "
+"acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"Cria quaisquer directórios especificados por parâmetros de linha de comandos "
+"em TODOS os pacotes em que actua, e não apenas no primeiro."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:54
+msgid "B<--create-in-sourcedir>, B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>"
+msgstr "B<--create-in-sourcedir>, B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:56
+msgid ""
+"Whether to create the specified directories in the source directory (usually "
+"F<debian/tmp>) I<in addition to> in the package build directory (usually F<< "
+"debian/I<package> >>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Ou para criar os directórios especificados no directório fonte (geralmente "
+"F<debian/tmp>) I<em adição para> no directório de compilação do pacote "
+"(geralmente F<< debian/I<package> >>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:60
+msgid "The default is B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>."
+msgstr "A predefinição é B<--no-create-in-sourcedir>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:64
+msgid ""
+"Consider I<dir> the source directory for the packages acted on instead of "
+"the default (which is usually F<debian/tmp>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Considera I<dir> o directório fonte para os pacotes em actuação em vez da "
+"predefinição (que geralmente é F<debian/tmp>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:67
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this option is dependent on the B<--create-in-sourcedir> "
+"option (when B<--no-create-in-sourcedir> is in effect, this option does "
+"nothing in B<dh_installdirs>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor note que esta opção é dependente da opção B<--create-in-sourcedir> "
+"(quando B<--no-create-in-sourcedir> está em efeito, esta opção não faz nada "
+"em B<dh_installdirs>)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdirs:71
+msgid "I<dir> ..."
+msgstr "I<dir> ..."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdirs:73
+msgid ""
+"Create these directories in the package build directory of the first package "
+"acted on. (Or in all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Cria estes directórios no directório de compilação do pacote do primeiro "
+"pacote em que actua. (Ou em todos os pacotes se for especificado B<-A>.)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:7
+msgid "dh_installdocs - install documentation into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installdocs - instala documentação em directórios de compilação de pacotes"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<ficheiro> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"documentation into F<usr/share/doc/package> in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installdocs> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"documentação em F<usr/share/doc/package> nos directórios de compilação de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:26
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 and earlier, L<dh_install(1)> may be a better tool for handling "
+"the upstream documentation, when upstream's own build system installs all "
+"the desired documentation correctly. In this case, B<dh_installdocs> is "
+"still useful for installing packaging related documentation (e.g. the "
+"F<debian/copyright> file)."
+msgstr ""
+"Em compatibilidade 10 e anterior, L<dh_install(1)> pode ser a melhor "
+"ferramenta para lidar com a documentação do autor, quando o sistema de "
+"compilação próprio do autor instala toda a documentação desejada "
+"correctamente Neste caso, o B<dh_installdocs> ainda é útil para instalar "
+"documentação relacionada com o empacotamento (ex. o ficheiro F<debian/"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:31 dh_installexamples:27 dh_installinfo:24 dh_installman:69
+msgid ""
+"From debhelper compatibility level 11 on, B<dh_install> will fall back to "
+"looking in F<debian/tmp> for files, if it does not find them in the current "
+"directory (or wherever you've told it to look using B<--sourcedir>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Desde nível de compatibilidade 11 do debhelper em diante, o B<dh_install> "
+"irá procurar os ficheiros em F<debian/tmp>, se não os encontrar no "
+"directório actual (ou onde você o mandou procurar usando B<--sourcedir>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:35
+msgid ""
+"In compat 11 and later, B<dh_installdocs> offers many of the features that "
+"L<dh_install(1)> also has. Furthermore, B<dh_installdocs> also supports the "
+"B<nodoc> build profile to exclude documentation (regardless of compat level)."
+msgstr ""
+"Em compatibilidade 11 e posterior, B<dh_installdocs> oferece muitas das "
+"características que o L<dh_install(1)> também tem. Mais ainda, o "
+"B<dh_installdocs> também suporta o perfil de compilação B<nodoc> para "
+"excluir documentação (independentemente do nível de compatibilidade)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.docs"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.docs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:46
+msgid "List documentation files to be installed into I<package>."
+msgstr "Lista os ficheiros de documentação a serem instalados em I<pacote>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:51
+msgid "F<debian/copyright>"
+msgstr "F<debian/copyright>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:53
+msgid ""
+"The copyright file is installed into all packages, unless a more specific "
+"copyright file is available."
+msgstr ""
+"O ficheiro de copyright é instalado em todos os pacotes, a menos que esteja "
+"disponível um ficheiro de copyright mais específico."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:56
+msgid "debian/I<package>.copyright"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.copyright"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:58
+msgid "debian/I<package>.README.Debian"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.README.Debian"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:60
+msgid "debian/I<package>.TODO"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.TODO"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:62
+msgid ""
+"Each of these files is automatically installed if present for a I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Cada um destes ficheiros são instalados automaticamente se presentes para um "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:65
+msgid "F<debian/README.Debian>"
+msgstr "F<debian/README.Debian>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:67
+msgid "F<debian/TODO>"
+msgstr "F<debian/TODO>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:69
+msgid ""
+"These files are installed into the first binary package listed in debian/"
+msgstr ""
+"Estes ficheiros são instalados no primeiro pacote binário listado em debian/"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:72
+msgid ""
+"Note that F<README.debian> files are also installed as F<README.Debian>, and "
+"F<TODO> files will be installed as F<TODO.Debian> in non-native packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que os ficheiros F<README.debian> são também instalados como F<README."
+"Debian>, e os ficheiro F<TODO> serão instalados como F<TODO.Debian> em "
+"pacotes não nativos."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:75
+msgid "debian/I<package>.doc-base"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.doc-base"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:77
+msgid ""
+"Installed as doc-base control files. Note that the doc-id will be determined "
+"from the B<Document:> entry in the doc-base control file in question. In the "
+"event that multiple doc-base files in a single source package share the same "
+"doc-id, they will be installed to usr/share/doc-base/package instead of usr/"
+msgstr ""
+"instalado como ficheiros de controle doc-base. Note que o doc-id será "
+"determinado a partir da entrada B<Document:> no ficheiro de controle de doc-"
+"base em questão. Na eventualidade de múltiplos ficheiros doc-base num pacote "
+"fonte partilharem o mesmo doc-id, eles serão instalados em usr/share/doc-"
+"base/package em vez de usr/share/doc-base/doc-id."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:83
+msgid "debian/I<package>.doc-base.*"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.doc-base.*"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:85
+msgid ""
+"If your package needs to register more than one document, you need multiple "
+"doc-base files, and can name them like this. In the event that multiple doc-"
+"base files of this style in a single source package share the same doc-id, "
+"they will be installed to usr/share/doc-base/package-* instead of usr/share/"
+msgstr ""
+"Se o seu pacote precisa de registar mais do que um documento, você precisa "
+"de vários ficheiros baseados em doc, e pode-os nomear desta maneira. Na "
+"eventualidade de vários ficheiros baseados em doc deste estilo num único "
+"pacote fonte partilharem o mesmo doc-id, serão instalados em usr/share/doc-"
+"base/package-* em vez de usr/share/doc-base/doc-id."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:91
+msgid ""
+"Please be aware that this deduplication is currently done in memory only, so "
+"for now it requires B<dh_installdocs> to be called no more than once during "
+"the package build. Calling B<dh_installdocs -p>I<package> in combination "
+"with using F<debian/>I<package>F<.doc-base.*> files can lead to "
+"uninstallable packages. See L<> for details."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor tenha atenção que esta de-duplicação é actualmente feita apenas em "
+"memória, assim por agora requer o B<dh_installdocs> seja chamado não mais do "
+"que uma vez durante a compilação do pacote. Chamar B<dh_installdocs -"
+"p>I<package> em combinação com o uso de ficheiros F<debian/>I<package>F<.doc-"
+"base.*> pode levar a pacotes não instaláveis. Veja L<https://bugs.debian."
+"org/980903> para detalhes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:106 dh_installinfo:47 dh_installman:92
+msgid ""
+"Install all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+msgstr ""
+"Instala todos os ficheiros especificados pelos parâmetros de linha de "
+"comandos em TODOS os pacotes em que actua."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:111
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"installed. Note that this includes doc-base files."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui da instalação ficheiros que contenham I<item> em qualquer ponto do "
+"seu nome de ficheiro. Note que isto inclui ficheiros baseados em doc."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:116 dh_installexamples:59 dh_installinfo:52 dh_installman:102
+msgid ""
+"Look in the specified directory for files to be installed. This option "
+"requires compat 11 or later (it is silently ignored in compat 10 or earlier)."
+msgstr ""
+"Procura no directório especificado por ficheiros para serem instalados. Esta "
+"opção requer compatibilidade 11 ou posterior (é ignorada em silêncio na "
+"compatibilidade 10 ou anterior)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:119 dh_installman:105
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installman> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in debhelper "
+"compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que isto não é o mesmo que a opção B<--sourcedirectory> usada pelos "
+"comandos B<dh_auto_>I<*>. Você raramente vai precisar de usar esta opção, "
+"pois o B<dh_installman> procura automaticamente por ficheiros em F<debian/"
+"tmp> no nível de compatibilidade 11 e superiores do debhelper."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:124 dh_installexamples:67
+msgid "B<--doc-main-package=>I<main-package>"
+msgstr "B<--doc-main-package=>I<main-package>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:126 dh_installexamples:69
+msgid ""
+"Set the main package for a documentation package. This is used to install "
+"the documentation of the documentation package in F<< /usr/share/doc/I<main-"
+"package> >> as recommended by the Debian policy manual 3.9.7 in §12.3."
+msgstr ""
+"Define o pacote principal para pacote de documentação. Isto é usado para a "
+"documentação do pacote de documentação em F<< /usr/share/doc/I<main-package> "
+">> como recomendado pelo manual de políticas Debian 3.9.7 em §12.3."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:131 dh_installexamples:74
+msgid ""
+"In compat 11 (or later), this option is only useful if debhelper's auto-"
+"detection of the main package is wrong. The option can also be used to "
+"silence a warning from debhelper when the auto-detection fails but the "
+"default happens to be correct."
+msgstr ""
+"Em compatibilidade 11 (ou posterior), esta opção apenas é útil se a auto-"
+"detecção do debhelper do pacote principal está errada. A opção também pode "
+"ser usada para silenciar um aviso do debhelper quando a auto-detecção falha "
+"mas acontece a predefinição estar correcta."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:136
+msgid ""
+"This option cannot be used when B<dh_installdocs> is instructed to act on "
+"multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally need to "
+"combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opção não pode ser usada quando o B<dh_installdocs> é instruído a "
+"actuar em múltiplos pacotes. Se precisar desta opção, você irá geralmente "
+"precisar de combiná-la com B<-p> para assegurar exactamente que um pacote é "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:141
+msgid ""
+"Please keep in mind that some documentation (the copyright file, README."
+"Debian, etc.) will be unaffected by this option."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor tenha em mente que alguma documentação (o ficheiro de copyright, "
+"README.Debian, etc.) não serão afectados por esta opção."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installdocs:144
+msgid "B<--link-doc=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--link-doc=>I<pacote>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:146
+msgid ""
+"Make the documentation directory of all packages acted on be a symlink to "
+"the documentation directory of I<package>. This has no effect when acting on "
+"I<package> itself, or if the documentation directory to be created already "
+"exists when B<dh_installdocs> is run. To comply with policy, I<package> must "
+"be a binary package that comes from the same source package."
+msgstr ""
+"Faz com que o directório de documentação de todos os pacotes onde actua seja "
+"um link simbólico para o directório de documentação do I<pacote>. Isto não "
+"tem nenhum efeito quando se actual no próprio I<pacote>, ou se o directório "
+"de documentação a ser criado já existir quando o B<dh_installdocs> é "
+"executado. Para estar em conformidade com a política, o I<pacote> tem de ser "
+"um pacote binário que vem do mesmo pacote fonte."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:152
+msgid ""
+"debhelper will try to avoid installing files into linked documentation "
+"directories that would cause conflicts with the linked package. The B<-A> "
+"option will have no effect on packages with linked documentation "
+"directories, and F<copyright>, F<changelog>, F<README.Debian>, and F<TODO> "
+"files will not be installed."
+msgstr ""
+"O debhelper irá tentar evitar instalar ficheiros em directórios de "
+"documentação vinculados que poderão causar conflitos com o pacote vinculado. "
+"A opção B<-A> não terá nenhum efeito em pacotes com directórios de "
+"documentação vinculados, e os ficheiros F<copyright>, F<changelog>, F<README."
+"Debian>, e F<TODO> não serão instalados."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:158
+msgid ""
+"(An older method to accomplish the same thing, which is still supported, is "
+"to make the documentation directory of a package be a dangling symlink, "
+"before calling B<dh_installdocs>.)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Um outro método de consegui o mesmo, o qual ainda é suportado, é tornar o "
+"directório de documentação de um pacote num link simbólico pendente, antes "
+"de chamar o B<dh_installdocs>.)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:162
+msgid ""
+"Please note that this option only applies to the documentation directory for "
+"the package itself. When the package ships documentation for another "
+"package (e.g. see B<--doc-main-package>), it will not use a symlink for the "
+"documentation of the other package."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor note que esta opção apenas é aplicada ao directório de "
+"documentação para o próprio pacote. Quando o pacote embarca documentação "
+"para outro pacote (ex. veja B<--doc-main-package>), não irá usar um link "
+"simbólico para a documentação do outro pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:168
+msgid ""
+"B<CAVEAT 1>: If a previous version of the package was built without this "
+"option and is now built with it (or vice-versa), it requires a \"dir to "
+"symlink\" (or \"symlink to dir\") migration. Since debhelper has no "
+"knowledge of previous versions, you have to enable this migration itself."
+msgstr ""
+"B<CAVEAT 1>: Se uma versão anterior do pacote foi compilada sem esta opção e "
+"for agora compilada com ela (ou vice-versa), precisa de uma migração de dir "
+"para symlink\" (ou de \"symlink para dir\"). Como o debhelper não tem "
+"conhecimento das versões anteriores, você terá que ser o próprio a activar "
+"esta migração."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:174
+msgid ""
+"This can be done by providing a \"debian/I<package>.maintscript\" file and "
+"using L<dh_installdeb(1)> to provide the relevant maintainer script snippets."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto pode ser feito ao fornecer um ficheiro \"debian/I<pacote>.maintscript\" "
+"e usar o L<dh_installdeb(1)> para fornecer os fragmentos relevantes do "
+"script do maintainer."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:178
+msgid ""
+"B<CAVEAT 2>: The use of B<--link-doc> should only be done when the packages "
+"have same \"architecture\" type. A link from an architecture independent "
+"package to an architecture dependent package (or vice versa) will not work. "
+"Since compat 10, debhelper will actively reject unsupported combinations."
+msgstr ""
+"B<CAVEAT 2>: O uso de B<--link-doc> apenas deve ser feito quando os pacotes "
+"têm o mesmo tipo de \"arquitectura\". Um link de um pacote independente de "
+"uma arquitectura para um pacote depende de uma arquitectura (ou vice-versa) "
+"não irá funcionar. Desde compatibilidade 10, o debhelper irá rejeitar "
+"activamente combinações não suportadas."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:186
+msgid ""
+"Install these files as documentation into the first package acted on. (Or in "
+"all packages if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala estes ficheiros como documentação no primeiro pacote em que se "
+"actua. (Ou em todos os pacotes se for especificado B<-A>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:193
+msgid "This is an example of a F<debian/> file:"
+msgstr "Este é um exemplo de um ficheiro F<debian/>:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installdocs:195
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" README\n"
+" TODO\n"
+" debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.pdf\n"
+" docs/manual-html/\n"
+msgstr ""
+" README\n"
+" TODO\n"
+" debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.txt\n"
+" docs/manual.pdf\n"
+" docs/manual-html/\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installdocs:204
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installdocs> will happily copy entire directory hierarchies "
+"if you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to install a "
+"directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que B<dh_installdocs> irá alegremente copiar as hierarquias completas "
+"dos directórios se você lhe pedir (semelhante a B<cp -a>). Se lhe for pedido "
+"para instalar um directório, irá instalar o conteúdo completo desse "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:5
+msgid "dh_installemacsen - register an Emacs add on package"
+msgstr "dh_installemacsen - regista uma adição Emacs no pacote"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing files used by the Debian B<emacsen-common> package into package "
+"build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installemacsen> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"ficheiros usados pelo pacote Debian B<emacsen-common> em directórios de "
+"compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:25
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<preinst> F<postinst> and F<prerm> "
+"commands needed to register a package as an Emacs add on package. The "
+"commands are added to the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of how this works."
+msgstr ""
+"Também gera automaticamente os comandos F<preinst> F<postinst> e F<prerm> "
+"necessários para registar um pacote como uma adição Emacs no pacote. Os "
+"comandos são adicionados ao script do maintainer pelo B<dh_installdeb>. Veja "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> para uma explicação de como isto funciona."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-compat"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.emacsen-compat"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:36
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/compat/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado em F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/compat/package> no directório "
+"de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:39
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-install"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.emacsen-install"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:41
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado em F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/package> no "
+"directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:44
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-remove"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.emacsen-remove"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:46
+msgid ""
+"Installed into F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado em F<usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/package> no directório "
+"de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:49
+msgid "debian/I<package>.emacsen-startup"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.emacsen-startup"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:51
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/emacs/site-start.d/50I<package>.el in the package build "
+"directory. Use B<--priority> to use a different priority than 50."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado em etc/emacs/site-start.d/50I<pacote>.el no directório de "
+"compilação do pacote. Use B<--priority> para usar uma prioridade diferente "
+"de 50."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:62 dh_usrlocal:56
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts."
+msgstr "Não modifique os scripts F<postinst>/F<prerm>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:64 dh_installwm:45
+msgid "B<--priority=>I<n>"
+msgstr "B<--priority=>I<n>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:66
+msgid "Sets the priority number of a F<site-start.d> file. Default is 50."
+msgstr ""
+"Define o número de prioridade de um ficheiro F<site-start.d>. O valor "
+"predefinido é 50."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installemacsen:68
+msgid "B<--flavor=>I<foo>"
+msgstr "B<--flavor=>I<foo>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:70
+msgid ""
+"Sets the flavor a F<site-start.d> file will be installed in. Default is "
+"B<emacs>, alternatives include B<xemacs> and B<emacs20>."
+msgstr ""
+"Define qual variante de ficheiro F<site-start.d> será instalado. A "
+"predefinição é B<emacs>, as alternativas incluem B<xemacs> e B<emacs20>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installemacsen:140
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L</usr/share/doc/emacsen-common/debian-emacs-policy.gz>"
+msgstr ""
+"L<debhelper(7)> L</usr/share/doc/emacsen-common/debian-emacs-policy.gz>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:7
+msgid ""
+"dh_installexamples - install example files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installexamples - instala ficheiros exemplo em directórios de compilação "
+"de pacotes"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] "
+"[S<I<ficheiro> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing examples into F<usr/share/doc/package/examples> in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installexamples> é um programa debhelper responsável por instalar "
+"exemplos em F<usr/share/doc/package/examples> nos directórios de compilação "
+"de pacotes."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installexamples:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.examples"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.examples"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:37
+msgid "Lists example files or directories to be installed."
+msgstr "Lista ficheiros ou directórios exemplo para serem instalados."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:39
+msgid ""
+"If upstream provides an F<examples> directory, you will often want to use "
+"B<examples/*> rather than B<examples> in this file. The latter would create "
+"F<< /usr/share/doc/I<package>/examples/examples >>, which is rarely what you "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:54
+msgid ""
+"Install any files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+msgstr ""
+"Instala quaisquer ficheiros especificados pelos parâmetros de linha de "
+"comandos em TODOS os pacotes em que actua."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installexamples> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in "
+"debhelper compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que isto não é o mesmo que a opção B<--sourcedirectory> usada pelos "
+"comandos B<dh_auto_>I<*>. Você raramente vai precisar de usar esta opção, "
+"pois o B<dh_installexamples> procura automaticamente por ficheiros em "
+"F<debian/tmp> no nível de compatibilidade 11 e superiores do debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:79
+msgid ""
+"This option cannot be used when B<dh_installexamples> is instructed to act "
+"on multiple packages. If you need this option, you will generally need to "
+"combine it with B<-p> to ensure exactly one package is acted on."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opção não pode ser usada quando B<dh_installexamples> é instruído para "
+"actuar em múltiplos pacotes. Se precisar desta opção, você irá geralmente "
+"precisar de combiná-la com B<-p> para assegurar exactamente que um pacote é "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:86
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui de serem instalados ficheiros que tenham I<item> em qualquer ponto no "
+"seu nome de ficheiro."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:91
+msgid ""
+"Install these files (or directories) as examples into the first package "
+"acted on. (Or into all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Instala estes ficheiros (ou directórios) como exemplos no primeiro pacote em "
+"que actua. (Ou em todos os pacotes se for especificado B<-A>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installexamples:98
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_installexamples> will happily copy entire directory "
+"hierarchies if you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to "
+"install a directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que B<dh_installexamples> irá alegremente copiar as hierarquias de "
+"directórios inteiras se lho pedir (semelhante a B<cp -a>). Se lhe for pedido "
+"para instalar um directório, ele irá instalar o conteúdo completo do "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:5
+msgid "dh_installifupdown - install if-up and if-down hooks"
+msgstr "dh_installifupdown - instala os hooks if-up e if-down"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:17
+msgid "B<dh_installifupdown> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installifupdown> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<--name=>I<nome>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installifupdown> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing F<if-up>, F<if-down>, F<if-pre-up>, and F<if-post-down> hook "
+"scripts into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installifupdown> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"os scripts hook F<if-up>, F<if-down>, F<if-pre-up>, e F<if-post-down> em "
+"directórios de compilação de pacotes"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:29
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.if-up"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:31
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.if-down"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-pre-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.if-pre-up"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installifupdown:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.if-post-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.if-post-down"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:37
+msgid ""
+"These files are installed into etc/network/if-*.d/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"este ficheiros são instalados em etc/network/if-*.d/I<pacote> no directório "
+"de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installifupdown:48
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as F<etc/"
+"network/if-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them as "
+"the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Procura por ficheiros chamados F<debian/nome.pacote.if-*> e instala-os como "
+"F<etc/network/if-*/nome>, em vez de usar os ficheiros usuais e instala-los "
+"como o nome do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:5
+msgid "dh_installinfo - install info files"
+msgstr "dh_installinfo - instala ficheiros info"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:17
+msgid "B<dh_installinfo> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<ficheiro> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"info files into F<usr/share/info> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinfo> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"ficheiros info em F<usr/share/info> no directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinfo:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.info"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.info"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:34
+msgid "List info files to be installed."
+msgstr "Lista ficheiros info a serem instalados."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:55
+msgid ""
+"Note that this is not the same as the B<--sourcedirectory> option used by "
+"the B<dh_auto_>I<*> commands. You rarely need to use this option, since "
+"B<dh_installinfo> automatically looks for files in F<debian/tmp> in "
+"debhelper compatibility level 11 and above."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que isto não é o mesmo que a opção B<--sourcedirectory> usada pelos "
+"comandos B<dh_auto_>I<*>. Você raramente vai precisar de usar esta opção, "
+"pois o B<dh_installinfo> procura automaticamente por ficheiros em F<debian/"
+"tmp> no nível de compatibilidade 11 e superiores do debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinfo:62
+msgid ""
+"Install these info files into the first package acted on. (Or in all "
+"packages if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala estes ficheiros info no primeiro pacote em que actua. (Ou em todos "
+"os pacotes se for especificado B<-A>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installinit - install service init files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installinit - instala ficheiros de iniciação de serviços em directórios "
+"de compilação de pacotes"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<-n>] [B<-"
+"R>] [B<-r>] [B<-d>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<--name=>I<nome>] [B<-n>] [B<-"
+"R>] [B<-r>] [B<-d>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinit> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"init scripts with associated defaults files. In compatibility levels up to "
+"and including 10, B<dh_installinit> will also install some systemd related "
+"files provided by the debian packaging (see the L</FILES> section below). "
+"In compatibility levels up to and including 11, B<dh_installinit> will also "
+"handle upstart jobs provided in the debian packaging (see the L</FILES> for "
+"more information on this as well)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinit> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"scripts init com os ficheiros de predefinições associados. Em níveis de "
+"compatibilidade até, e incluindo, 10, B<dh_installinit> ira também instalar "
+"alguns ficheiros relacionados com o systemd fornecidos pelo empacotamento "
+"debian (veja a secção L</FICHEIROS> em baixo). Em níveis de compatibilidade "
+"até, e incluindo, 11, B<dh_installinit> irá também lidar com trabalhos de "
+"arranque fornecidos pelo empacotamento debian (veja L</FICHEIROS> para mais "
+"informação sobre isto também)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:31
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> and F<prerm> "
+"commands needed to set up the symlinks in F</etc/rc*.d/> to start and stop "
+"the init scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Também gera automaticamente os comandos F<postinst> e F<postrm> e F<prerm> "
+"necessários para definir os links simbólicos em F</etc/rc*.d/> para iniciar "
+"e parar os scripts init."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:35
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 or earlier: If a package only ships a systemd service file and "
+"no sysvinit script is provided, you may want to exclude the call to "
+"dh_installinit for that package (e.g. via B<-N>). Otherwise, you may get "
+"warnings from lintian about init.d scripts not being included in the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Em compatibilidade 10 ou anterior: Se um pacote apenas embarcar um ficheiro "
+"de serviço do systemd e não for disponibilizado nenhum script de sysvinit, "
+"você pode querer excluir a chamada ao dh_installinit para esse pacote (ex. "
+"via B<-N>). Caso contrário, você pode obter avisos do lintian acerca de "
+"scripts init.d a não serem incluídos no pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:45
+msgid "debian/I<package>.init"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.init"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:47
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into etc/init.d/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se isto existir, é instalado em etc/init.d/I<pacote> no directório de "
+"compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.default"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.default"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:52
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into etc/default/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se isto existir, é instalado em etc/default/I<pacote> no directório de "
+"compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:55
+msgid "debian/I<package>.upstart"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.upstart"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:57
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 11, this file will trigger an error with a reminder "
+"about ensuring the proper removal of the upstart file in the previous "
+"package version. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous upstart files."
+msgstr ""
+"Em nível de compatibilidade 11, este ficheiro irá disparar um erro com uma "
+"lembrança para assegurar a remoção apropriada do ficheiro upstart na versão "
+"anterior do pacote. Por favor consider usar a funcionalidade \"rm_conffile\" "
+"do L<dh_installdeb(1)> para assegurar a remoção apropriada de ficheiros "
+"upstart anteriores."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:62
+msgid ""
+"In compatibility level 10, if this file exists, it is installed into etc/"
+"init/I<package>.conf in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"No nível de compatibilidade 10, se este ficheiro existir, é instalado em etc/"
+"init/I<pacote>.conf no directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:65
+msgid "debian/I<package>.service"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.service"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:67
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"service >> in the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and "
+msgstr ""
+"Se isto existir, é instalado em F<< lib/systemd/system/I<pacote>.service >> "
+"no directório de compilação do pacote. Apenas usado nos níveis de "
+"compatibilidade 10 e inferiores."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:70 dh_systemd_enable:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.tmpfile"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.tmpfile"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:72
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in "
+"the package build directory. Only used in compat levels 10 and below."
+msgstr ""
+"Se isto existir, é instalado em usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<pacote>.conf no "
+"directório de compilação do pacote. Apenas usado nos níveis de "
+"compatibilidade 10 e inferiores."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:83
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts."
+msgstr "Não modifique os scripts F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:85
+msgid "B<-o>, B<--only-scripts>"
+msgstr "B<-o>, B<--only-scripts>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:87
+msgid ""
+"Only modify F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm> scripts, do not actually install "
+"any init script, default files, upstart job or systemd service file. May be "
+"useful if the file is shipped and/or installed by upstream in a way that "
+"doesn't make it easy to let B<dh_installinit> find it."
+msgstr ""
+"Apenas modifica os scripts F<postinst>/F<postrm>/F<prerm>, não instala na "
+"realidade nenhum script de init, ficheiros predefinidos, ficheiros de "
+"trabalho upstart ou serviço do systemd. Pode ser útil se o ficheiro é "
+"embarcado e/ou instalado pelo autor original num modo que não deixa ser "
+"fácil deixar o B<dh_installinit> encontrá-lo."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:92
+msgid ""
+"B<Caveat>: This will bypass all the regular checks and I<unconditionally> "
+"modify the scripts. You will almost certainly want to use this with B<-p> "
+"to limit, which packages are affected by the call. Example:"
+msgstr ""
+"B<Caveat>: Isto irá passar ao lado de todas as verificações regulares e "
+"modificar I<incondicionalmente> os scripts. Quase de certeza que você irá "
+"querer usar isto com B<-p> para limitar quais pacotes serão afectados pela "
+"chamada. Exemplo:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installinit:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" override_dh_installinit:\n"
+"\tdh_installinit -pfoo --only-scripts\n"
+"\tdh_installinit --remaining\n"
+msgstr ""
+" override_dh_installinit:\n"
+"\tdh_installinit -pfoo --only-scripts\n"
+"\tdh_installinit --remaining\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:101
+msgid "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<-R>, B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:103
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop the init script until after the package upgrade has been "
+"completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10."
+msgstr ""
+"Não para o script de iniciação até que a actualização do pacote estejam "
+"completa. Este é o comportamento predefinido no nível compatibilidade 10."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:106
+msgid ""
+"In early compat levels, the default was to stop the script in the F<prerm>, "
+"and starts it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+"Nos níveis de compatibilidade anteriores, a predefinição era parar o script "
+"em F<prerm>, e depois arrancá-lo de novo no F<postinst>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:109 dh_systemd_start:45
+msgid ""
+"This can be useful for daemons that should not have a possibly long downtime "
+"during upgrade. But you should make sure that the daemon will not get "
+"confused by the package being upgraded while it's running before using this "
+msgstr ""
+"Isto pode ser útil para daemons que não devem ter a possibilidade de ficar "
+"em baixo durante muito tempo durante a actualização. Mas você deve "
+"certificar-se que o daemon não vai ficar confuso por o pacote estar a ser "
+"actualizado enquanto ele está a correr antes de usar esta opção."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:114 dh_systemd_start:50
+msgid "B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:116 dh_systemd_start:52
+msgid ""
+"Undo a previous B<--restart-after-upgrade> (or the default of compat 10). "
+"If no other options are given, this will cause the service to be stopped in "
+"the F<prerm> script and started again in the F<postinst> script."
+msgstr ""
+"Desfaz um B<--restart-after-upgrade> prévio (ou a predefinição do nível de "
+"compatibilidade 10). Se não forem dadas mais opções, isto irá causar com que "
+"o serviço seja parado no script F<prerm> e arrancado de novo no script "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:121 dh_systemd_start:57
+msgid "B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<-r>, B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>, B<--no-restart-on-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:123
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop init script on upgrade. This has the side-effect of not "
+"restarting the service as a part of the upgrade."
+msgstr ""
+"Não para o script init na actualização. Isto tem o efeito secundário de não "
+"reiniciar o serviço como parte da actualização."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:126
+msgid ""
+"If you want to restart the service with minimal downtime, please use B<--"
+"restart-after-upgrade> (default in compat 10 or later). If you want the "
+"service to be restarted but be stopped during the upgrade, then please use "
+"B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> (note the \"after-upgrade\")."
+msgstr ""
+"Se desejar reiniciar o serviço com o tempo mínimo de desligado, por favor "
+"use B<--restart-after-upgrade> (predefinido em compatibilidade 10 ou "
+"posterior). Se desejar que o serviço seja reiniciado mas que fique parado "
+"durante a actualização, então por favor use B<--no-restart-after-upgrade> "
+"(repare no \"after-upgrade\")."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:131
+msgid ""
+"Note that the B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> alias is deprecated and will be "
+"removed in compat 12. This is to avoid confusion with the B<--no-restart-"
+"after-upgrade> option. The B<--no-stop-on-upgrade> variant was introduced "
+"in debhelper 10.2 (included in Debian stretch)."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que o alias B<--no-restart-on-upgrade> está descontinuado e será também "
+"removido em compatibilidade 12. Isto serve para evitar confusão com a opção "
+"B<--no-restart-after-upgrade>. A variante B<--no-stop-on-upgrade> foi "
+"introduzida no debhelper 10.2 (incluído em Debian stretch)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:136 dh_systemd_start:61
+msgid "B<--no-start>"
+msgstr "B<--no-start>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:138
+msgid ""
+"Do not start the init script on install or upgrade, or stop it on removal. "
+"Only call B<update-rc.d>. Useful for rcS scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"Não inicia o script de init durante a instalação ou actualização, ou não o "
+"para durante a remoção. Apenas chama B<update-rc.d>. Útil para scripts rcS."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:141 dh_systemd_enable:86
+msgid "B<--no-enable>"
+msgstr "B<--no-enable>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:143
+msgid ""
+"Disable the init script on purge, but do not enable them on install. This "
+"implies a versioned dependency on B<< init-system-helpers (E<gt>= 1.51) >> "
+"as it is the first (functional) version that supports B<< update-rc.d "
+"E<lt>scriptE<gt> defaults-disabled >>."
+msgstr ""
+"Desactiva o script de init na purga, mas não o activa na instalação. Isto "
+"implica uma dependência baseada na versão em B<< init-system-helpers (E<gt>= "
+"1.51) >> pois é a primeira versão funcional que suporta B<< update-rc.d "
+"E<lt>scriptE<gt> defaults-disabled >>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:148
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are started. "
+"Please remember to also use B<--no-start> if the service should not be "
+msgstr ""
+"B<Note> que esta opção não afecta se os serviços são arrancados. Por favor "
+"lembre-se de também usar B<--no-start> se o serviço não deverá ser arrancado."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:152
+msgid ""
+"Cannot be combined with B<-u>I<params>, B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>, or "
+"B<--> I<params>."
+msgstr ""
+"Não pode ser combinado com B<-u>I<params>, B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>, "
+"ou B<--> I<params>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:155
+msgid "B<-d>, B<--remove-d>"
+msgstr "B<-d>, B<--remove-d>"
+# FIXME s#F<etc/default/>.#F<etc/default/>.#
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:157
+msgid ""
+"Remove trailing B<d> from the name of the package, and use the result for "
+"the filename the upstart job file is installed as in F<etc/init/> , and for "
+"the filename the init script is installed as in etc/init.d and the default "
+"file is installed as in F<etc/default/>. This may be useful for daemons with "
+"names ending in B<d>. (Note: this takes precedence over the B<--init-script> "
+"parameter described below.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Remove o B<d> final do nome do pacote, e usa o resultado para o nome do "
+"ficheiro de trabalho upstart que é instalado em F<etc/init/> , e para o nome "
+"do ficheiro de script de iniciação que é instalado em etc/init.d e o "
+"ficheiro predefinido é instalado em F<etc/default/>. Isto pode ser útil para "
+"daemons com nomes que terminam em B<d>. (Note: isto toma precedência sobre o "
+"parâmetro B<--init-script> descrito em baixo)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:164
+msgid "B<-u>I<params> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<params> B<--update-rcd-params=>I<params>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:168
+msgid ""
+"Pass I<params> to L<update-rc.d(8)>. If not specified, B<defaults> (or "
+"B<defaults-disabled> with B<--no-enable>) will be passed to L<update-rc."
+msgstr ""
+"Passa I<parâmetros> para L<update-rc.d(8)>. Se não especificado, B<defaults> "
+"(ou B<defaults-disabled> com B<--no-enable>) será passado para L<update-rc."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:172
+msgid "Cannot be combined with B<--no-enable>."
+msgstr "Não pode ser combinado com B<--no-enable>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:176
+msgid ""
+"Install the init script (and default file) as well as upstart job file using "
+"the filename I<name> instead of the default filename, which is the package "
+"name. When this parameter is used, B<dh_installinit> looks for and installs "
+"files named F<debian/>, F<debian/> and "
+"F<debian/> instead of the usual F<debian/package.init>, "
+"F<debian/package.default> and F<debian/package.upstart>."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala o script de iniciação (e ficheiro predefinido) assim como o ficheiro "
+"de trabalho upstart usando no nome de ficheiro I<nome> em vez do nome "
+"predefinido, o qual é o nome do pacote. Quando este parâmetro é usado, o "
+"B<dh_installinit> procura e instala ficheiros chamados F<debian/"
+"init>, F<debian/> e F<debian/> em "
+"vez dos usuais F<debian/package.init>, F<debian/package.default> e F<debian/"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:184
+msgid "B<--init-script=>I<scriptname>"
+msgstr "B<--init-script=>I<nome-do-script>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:186
+msgid ""
+"Use I<scriptname> as the filename the init script is installed as in F<etc/"
+"init.d/> (and also use it as the filename for the defaults file, if it is "
+"installed). If you use this parameter, B<dh_installinit> will look to see if "
+"a file in the F<debian/> directory exists that looks like F<package."
+"scriptname> and if so will install it as the init script in preference to "
+"the files it normally installs."
+msgstr ""
+"Usa I<scriptname> para o nome do script de iniciação que é instalado em "
+"F<etc/init.d/> (e também o usa como nome de ficheiro para o ficheiro de "
+"predefinições, se for instalado). Se você usar este parâmetro, o "
+"B<dh_installinit> irá ver se existe um ficheiro no directório F<debian/> que "
+"seja parecido com F<package.scriptname> e se existir instala-o como script "
+"de iniciação em preferência dos ficheiros que normalmente instala."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:193
+msgid ""
+"This parameter is deprecated, use the B<--name> parameter instead. This "
+"parameter is incompatible with the use of upstart jobs."
+msgstr ""
+"Este parâmetro está descontinuado, use o parâmetro B<--name> em vez deste. "
+"Este parâmetro é incompatível com o uso de tarefas upstart."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinit:196
+msgid "B<--error-handler=>I<function>"
+msgstr "B<--error-handler=>I<função>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:198
+msgid ""
+"Call the named shell I<function> if running the init script fails. The "
+"function should be provided in the F<prerm> and F<postinst> scripts, before "
+"the B<#DEBHELPER#> token."
+msgstr ""
+"Chama a I<função> de shell chamada se a execução do script de iniciação "
+"falhar. A função deve ser disponibilizada nos scripts F<prerm> e "
+"F<postinst>, antes do token B<#DEBHELPER#>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:415
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dh_installsystemd(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dh_installsystemd(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:423
+msgid "Steve Langasek <>"
+msgstr "Steve Langasek <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinit:425
+msgid "Michael Stapelberg <>"
+msgstr "Michael Stapelberg <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:5
+msgid "dh_installinitramfs - install initramfs hooks and setup maintscripts"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installinitramfs - instala hooks de initramfs e scripts principais de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:17
+msgid "B<dh_installinitramfs> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installinitramfs> [S<B<opções do debhelper>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing Debian package provided initramfs hooks."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installinitramfs> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por "
+"instalar um pacote Debian que fornece hooks de initramfs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:24
+msgid ""
+"If B<dh_installinitramfs> installs or detects one or more initramfs hooks in "
+"the package, then it also automatically generates the noawait trigger "
+"B<update-initframfs> command needed to interface with the Debian initramfs "
+"system. This trigger is inserted into the packaging by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Se o B<dh_installinitramfs> instalar ou detectar um ou mais hooks de "
+"initramfs no pacote, então também gera automaticamente o comando B<update-"
+"initframfs> trigger noawait necessário para interagir com o sistema "
+"initramfs de Debian. Este trigger é inserido no empacotamento pelo "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installinitramfs:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.initramfs-hook"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.initramfs-hook"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:36
+msgid ""
+"Assumed to be an initramfs hook that will be installed into F<< usr/share/"
+"initramfs-tools/hooks/I<package> >> in the package build directory. See "
+"B<HOOK SCRIPTS> in L<initramfs-tools(8)> for more information about "
+"initramfs hooks."
+msgstr ""
+"Assumido ser um hook de initramfs que será instalado em F<< usr/share/"
+"initramfs-tools/hooks/I<package> >> no directório de compilação do pacote. "
+"Veja B<HOOK SCRIPTS> em L<initramfs-tools(8)> para mais informação acerca de "
+"hooks de initramfs."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:49
+msgid ""
+"Do not add the B<update-initramfs> trigger even if it seems like the package "
+"might need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical reasons "
+"as B<dh_installinitramfs> would previously generate maintainer scripts that "
+"called B<update-initramfs -u>."
+msgstr ""
+"Não adiciona o trigger B<update-initramfs> mesmo que parece que o pacote "
+"possa precisar dele. A opção é chamada B<--no-scripts> por razões históricas "
+"pois o B<dh_installinitramfs> antes gerava scripts do maintainer que "
+"chamavam B<update-initramfs -u>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:54
+msgid ""
+"Use this option, if you need to interface with the B<update-initramfs> "
+"system that is not satisfied by the noawait trigger (e.g. because you need "
+"the extra guarantees and head-aches of a await trigger)."
+msgstr ""
+"Use esta opção, se precisar de interagir com o sistema B<update-initramfs> "
+"que não é satisfeito pelo trigger noawait (ex. porque você precisa de extra "
+"garantias e de head-aches de um trigger await)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:62
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple "
+"instances of the same text to be added to triggers file."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que este comando não é idempotente. O L<dh_prep(1)> deve ser chamado "
+"entre invocações deste comando. Caso contrário, pode causar múltiplas "
+"instâncias do mesmo texto a ser adicionado ao ficheiro triggers."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installinitramfs:93
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-initramfs(8)> L<initramfs-tools(8)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-initramfs(8)> L<ferramentas-de-initramfs(8)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:5
+msgid "dh_installlogcheck - install logcheck rulefiles into etc/logcheck/"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installlogcheck - instala ficheiros de regras do logcheck em etc/logcheck/"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:17
+msgid "B<dh_installlogcheck> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installlogcheck> [S<I<debhelper opções>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installlogcheck> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing logcheck rule files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installlogcheck> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"ficheiros de regras de verificação de relatórios (logcheck)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.cracking"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.logcheck.cracking"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:30
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.logcheck.violations"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.violations.ignore"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.logcheck.violations.ignore"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:34
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.workstation"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.logcheck.ignore.workstation"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:36
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.logcheck.ignore.server"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installlogcheck:38
+msgid "debian/I<package>.logcheck.ignore.paranoid"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.logcheck.ignore.paranoid"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:40
+msgid ""
+"Each of these files, if present, are installed into corresponding "
+"subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/> in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"Cada um destes ficheiros, se presentes, são instalados nos sub-directórios "
+"correspondentes de F<etc/logcheck/> nos directórios de compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:51
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them into "
+"the corresponding subdirectories of F<etc/logcheck/>, but use the specified "
+"name instead of that of the package."
+msgstr ""
+"Procura ficheiros chamados F<debian/nome.pacote.logcheck.*> e instala-os nos "
+"sub-directórios correspondentes de F<etc/logcheck/>, mas usa o nome "
+"especificado em vez daquele do pacote."
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installlogcheck:85
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"This program is a part of debhelper.\n"
+" \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa faz parte do debhelper.\n"
+" \n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogcheck:89
+msgid "Jon Middleton <>"
+msgstr "Jon Middleton <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:5
+msgid "dh_installlogrotate - install logrotate config files"
+msgstr "dh_installlogrotate - instala ficheiros de configuração do logrotate"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:17
+msgid "B<dh_installlogrotate> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installlogrotate> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<--name=>I<nome>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installlogrotate> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"installing logrotate config files into F<etc/logrotate.d> in package build "
+"directories. Files named F<debian/package.logrotate> are installed."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installlogrotate> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por "
+"instalar ficheiros de configuração do logrotate em F<etc/logrotate.d> nos "
+"directórios de compilação de pacotes. São instalados os ficheiros chamados "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installlogrotate:31
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/> and install them as "
+"F<etc/logrotate.d/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing "
+"them as the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Procura ficheiros chamados F<debian/nome.pacote.logrotate> e instala-os como "
+"F<etc/logrotate.d/nome>, em vez de usar os ficheiros usuais e instalá-los "
+"como o nome do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:5
+msgid "dh_installman - install man pages into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installman - instala manuais (man pages) em directórios de compilação de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:18
+msgid "B<dh_installman> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<manpage> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installman> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [S<I<manpage> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installman> is a debhelper program that handles installing man pages "
+"into the correct locations in package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installman> é um programa debhelper que lida com a instalação de "
+"paginas de manual (man pages) nas localizações correctas nos directórios de "
+"compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:25
+msgid ""
+"In compat 10 and earlier, this program was primarily for when upstream's "
+"build system does not properly install them as a part of its install step "
+"(or it does not have an install step). In compat 11 and later, it also "
+"supports the default searchdir plus --sourcedir like dh_install(1) and has "
+"the advantage that it respects the nodoc build profile (unlike "
+msgstr ""
+"Em compatibilidade 10 e anteriores, este programa servia principalmente para "
+"quando o sistema de compilação do autor não os instalava apropriadamente "
+"como uma parte do seu passo de instalação (ou não possuía um passo de "
+"instalação). Em compatibilidade 11 e posterior, também suporta o predefinido "
+"searchdir plus --sourcedir como dh_install(1) e tem a vantagem de respeitar "
+"o perfil de compilação nodoc (ao contrário de dh_install(1))."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:32
+msgid ""
+"Even if you prefer to use L<dh_install(1)> for installing the manpages, "
+"B<dh_installman> can still be useful for converting the manpage encoding to "
+"UTF-8 and for converting F<.so> links (as described below). However, that "
+"part happens automatically without any explicit configuration."
+msgstr ""
+"Mesmo que prefira usar L<dh_install(1)> para instalar os manuais, o "
+"B<dh_installman> pode ainda ser útil para converter a codificação da pagina "
+"de manual para UTF-8 e para converter links F<.so> (como descrito abaixo). "
+"No entanto, essa parte acontece automaticamente sem nenhuma configuração "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:38
+msgid ""
+"You tell B<dh_installman> what man pages go in your packages, and it figures "
+"out where to install them based on the section field in their B<.TH> or B<."
+"Dt> line. If you have a properly formatted B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line, your man "
+"page will be installed into the right directory, with the right name (this "
+"includes proper handling of pages with a subsection, like B<3perl>, which "
+"are placed in F<man3>, and given an extension of F<.3perl>). If your B<.TH> "
+"or B<.Dt> line is incorrect or missing, the program may guess wrong based on "
+"the file extension."
+msgstr ""
+"Você diz ao B<dh_installman> quais manuais vão para os seus pacotes, e ele "
+"descobre onde os instalar com base no campo secção na sua linha B<.TH> ou B<."
+"Dt>. Se você tem uma linha B<.TH> ou B<.Dt> correctamente formatada, o seu "
+"manual será instalado no directório correcto, com o nome correcto (isto "
+"inclui o manuseamento apropriado de páginas com uma sub-secção, como "
+"B<3perl>, a qual é colocada em F<man3>, e é-lhe dada uma extensão "
+"F<.3perl>). Se a sua linha B<.TH> ou B<.Dt> está incorrecta ou em falta, o "
+"programa pode adivinhar errado com base na extensão do ficheiro."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:47
+msgid ""
+"It also supports translated man pages, by looking for extensions like F<."
+"ll.8> and F<.ll_LL.8>, or by use of the B<--language> switch."
+msgstr ""
+"Também suporta manuais traduzidos, ao procurar extensões como F<.ll.8> e F<."
+"ll_LL.8>, ou pelo uso do switch B<--language>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:50
+msgid ""
+"If B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into the wrong section or "
+"with the wrong extension, this is because the man page has the wrong section "
+"listed in its B<.TH> or B<.Dt> line. Edit the man page and correct the "
+"section, and B<dh_installman> will follow suit. See L<man(7)> for details "
+"about the B<.TH> section, and L<mdoc(7)> for the B<.Dt> section. If "
+"B<dh_installman> seems to install a man page into a directory like F</usr/"
+"share/man/pl/man1/>, that is because your program has a name like F<>, "
+"and B<dh_installman> assumes that means it is translated into Polish. Use "
+"B<--language=C> to avoid this."
+msgstr ""
+"Se o B<dh_installman> parecer instalar um manual numa secção errada ou com a "
+"extensão errada, é porque o manual tem a secção errada listada nas suas "
+"linhas B<.TH> or B<.Dt>. Edite o manual e corrija a secção, e o "
+"B<dh_installman> funcionará bem. Veja L<man(7)> para detalhes acerca da "
+"secção B<.TH>, e L<mdoc(7)> para a secção B<.Dt>. Se o B<dh_installman> "
+"parecer instalar um manual num directório como F</usr/share/man/pl/man1/>, é "
+"porque o seu programa tem um nome como F<>, e o B<dh_installman> "
+"assume que isso significa que está traduzido em Polaco. Use B<--language=C> "
+"para evitar isto."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:60
+msgid ""
+"After the man page installation step, B<dh_installman> will check to see if "
+"any of the man pages in the temporary directories of any of the packages it "
+"is acting on contain F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to symlinks."
+msgstr ""
+"Após o passo da instalação do manual, o B<dh_installman> irá verificar se "
+"algum dos manuais nos directórios temporários de todos os pacotes em que "
+"actua se contêm links F<.so>. Se sim, altera-os para links simbólicos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:64
+msgid ""
+"Also, B<dh_installman> will use man to guess the character encoding of each "
+"manual page and convert it to UTF-8. If the guesswork fails for some reason, "
+"you can override it using an encoding declaration. See L<manconv(1)> for "
+msgstr ""
+"O B<dh_installman> também irá usa o man para adivinhar a codificação de "
+"caracteres de cada manual e convertê-los para UTF-8. Se o trabalho de "
+"adivinhar falhar por alguma razão, você pode-o sobrepor usando uma "
+"declaração de codificação. Veja L<manconv(1)> para detalhes."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:77
+msgid "debian/I<package>.manpages"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.manpages"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:79
+msgid "Lists man pages to be installed."
+msgstr "Lista os manuais (man pages) a serem instalados."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:95
+msgid "B<--language=>I<ll>"
+msgstr "B<--language=>I<ll>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:97
+msgid ""
+"Use this to specify that the man pages being acted on are written in the "
+"specified language."
+msgstr ""
+"Use isto para especificar que os manuais onde se vai actuar estão escritos "
+"na linguagem especificada."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installman:110
+msgid "I<manpage> ..."
+msgstr "I<manpage> ..."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:112
+msgid ""
+"Install these man pages into the first package acted on. (Or in all packages "
+"if B<-A> is specified)."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala estes manuais no primeiro pacote onde se actua. (Ou em todos os "
+"pacotes caso for especificado B<-A>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:119
+msgid "An example F<debian/manpages> file could look like this:"
+msgstr "Um exemplo de ficheiro F<debian/manpages> poderá parecer como isto:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_installman:121
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" doc/man/foo.1\n"
+" # Translations\n"
+" doc/man/foo.da.1\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # NB: The following line is considered a polish translation\n"
+" # of \"foo.1\" (and not a manpage written in perl called \"\")\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # ...\n"
+msgstr ""
+" doc/man/foo.1\n"
+" # Translations\n"
+" doc/man/foo.da.1\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # NB: The following line is considered a polish translation\n"
+" # of \"foo.1\" (and not a manpage written in perl called \"\")\n"
+" doc/man/\n"
+" # ...\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installman:133
+msgid ""
+"An older version of this program, L<dh_installmanpages(1)>, is still used by "
+"some packages, and so is still included in debhelper. It is, however, "
+"deprecated, due to its counterintuitive and inconsistent interface. Use this "
+"program instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Uma versão mais antiga deste programa, o L<dh_installmanpages(1)>, é ainda "
+"usado por alguns pacotes, e por isso ainda é incluída no debhelper. No "
+"entanto, está descontinuada, devido à sua interface contra-intuitiva e "
+"inconsistente. Use antes este programa."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:5
+msgid "dh_installmanpages - old-style man page installer (deprecated)"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmanpages - instalador de manuais ao estilo antigo (descontinuado)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:18
+msgid "B<dh_installmanpages> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmanpages> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [S<I<ficheiro> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"automatically installing man pages into F<usr/share/man/> in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"automaticamente manuais (man pages) em F<usr/share/man/> nos directórios de "
+"compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:26
+msgid ""
+"This is a DWIM-style program, with an interface unlike the rest of "
+"debhelper. It is deprecated, and you are encouraged to use "
+"L<dh_installman(1)> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Este é um programa estilo DWIM, com uma interface diferente do resto do "
+"debhelper. Está descontinuado, em vez deste, você é encorajado a usar o "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:30
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> scans the current directory and all subdirectories for "
+"filenames that look like man pages. (Note that only real files are looked "
+"at; symlinks are ignored.) It uses L<file(1)> to verify that the files are "
+"in the correct format. Then, based on the files' extensions, it installs "
+"them into the correct man directory."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> examina o directório actual e todos os sub-directórios "
+"por nomes de ficheiros que se parecem com manuais. (Note que apenas são "
+"procurados ficheiros verdadeiros, os links simbólicos são ignorados). Usa o "
+"L<file(1)> para verificar se os ficheiros estão no formato correcto. Depois, "
+"baseando-se nas extensões dos ficheiros, instala-os no directório de manuais "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:36
+msgid ""
+"All filenames specified as parameters will be skipped by "
+"B<dh_installmanpages>. This is useful if by default it installs some man "
+"pages that you do not want to be installed."
+msgstr ""
+"Todos os nomes de ficheiros especificados como parâmetros serão evitados "
+"pelo B<dh_installmanpages>. Isto é útil se por predefinição instalar alguns "
+"manuais que você não deseja serem instalados."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:40
+msgid ""
+"After the man page installation step, B<dh_installmanpages> will check to "
+"see if any of the man pages are F<.so> links. If so, it changes them to "
+msgstr ""
+"Após o passe da instalação do manual, o B<dh_installmanpages> irá ver se "
+"alguns dos manuais são links F<.so>. Se forem, altera-os para links "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:49
+msgid ""
+"Do not install these files as man pages, even if they look like valid man "
+msgstr ""
+"Não instale estes ficheiros como manuais, mesmo que eles se pareçam com "
+"\"man pages\" válidas."
+#. type: =head1
+#: dh_installmanpages:54
+msgid "BUGS"
+msgstr "BUGS"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:56
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> will install the man pages it finds into B<all> "
+"packages you tell it to act on, since it can't tell what package the man "
+"pages belong in. This is almost never what you really want (use B<-p> to "
+"work around this, or use the much better L<dh_installman(1)> program "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmanpages> irá instalar os manuais que encontra em B<todos> os "
+"pacotes que lhe diga para actuar, pois ele não sabe a qual pacote os manuais "
+"pertencem. Quase sempre isto não é o que realmente você quer (use B<-p> para "
+"contornar isto, ou use o outro muito melhor programa L<dh_installman(1)> em "
+"vez deste)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:61
+msgid "Files ending in F<.man> will be ignored."
+msgstr "Os ficheiros que terminem em F<.man> serão ignorados."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmanpages:63
+msgid ""
+"Files specified as parameters that contain spaces in their filenames will "
+"not be processed properly."
+msgstr ""
+"Ficheiros especificados como parâmetros que contêm espaços nos seus nomes de "
+"ficheiros não serão processados de modo apropriado."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_installmenu - install Debian menu files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmenu - instala ficheiros de menu Debian em directórios de "
+"compilação de pacotes"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:17
+msgid "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmenu> [S<B<debhelper opções>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmenu> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files used by the Debian B<menu> package into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmenu> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"ficheiros usados pelo pacote B<menu> de Debian em directórios de compilação "
+"de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:24
+msgid ""
+"It also automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+"needed to interface with the Debian B<menu> package. These commands are "
+"inserted into the maintainer scripts by L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Também gera automaticamente os comandos F<postinst> e F<postrm> necessários "
+"para interagir com o pacote Debian B<menu>. Estes comandos são inseridos nos "
+"scripts do maintainer pelo L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmenu:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.menu"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.menu"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:34
+msgid ""
+"Debian menu files, installed into usr/share/menu/I<package> in the package "
+"build directory. See L<menufile(5)> for its format."
+msgstr ""
+"Ficheiros de menu Debian, instalados em usr/share/menu/I<pacote> no "
+"directório de compilação do pacote. Veja L<menufile(5)> para o seu formato."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmenu:37
+msgid "debian/I<package>.menu-method"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.menu-method"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:39
+msgid ""
+"Debian menu method files, installed into etc/menu-methods/I<package> in the "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Ficheiros do método de menu Debian, instalados em etc/menu-methods/I<pacote> "
+"no directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:50
+msgid "Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr "Não modifique os scripts F<postinst>/F<postrm>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmenu:90
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)> L<update-menus(1)> L<menufile(5)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:5
+msgid "dh_installmime - install mime files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_installmime - instala ficheiros mime em directórios de compilação de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:17
+msgid "B<dh_installmime> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installmime> [S<I<debhelper opções>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmime> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"mime files into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmime> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"ficheiros mime em directórios de compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmime:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.mime"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.mime"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into usr/lib/mime/packages/I<package> in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado para usr/lib/mime/packages/I<pacote> no directório de compilação "
+"do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmime:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.sharedmimeinfo"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.sharedmimeinfo"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmime:35
+msgid ""
+"Installed into /usr/share/mime/packages/I<package>.xml in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado para /usr/share/mime/packages/I<pacote>.xml no directório de "
+"compilação do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:5
+msgid "dh_installmodules - register kernel modules"
+msgstr "dh_installmodules - regista módulos de kernel"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<nome>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"registering kernel modules."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installmodules> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por registar "
+"módulos de kernel."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:25
+msgid ""
+"Kernel modules are searched for in the package build directory and if found, "
+"F<preinst>, F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands are automatically generated "
+"to run B<depmod> and register the modules when the package is installed. "
+"These commands are inserted into the maintainer scripts by "
+msgstr ""
+"São procurados módulos de kernel no directório de compilação do pacote, e se "
+"encontrados, os comandos F<preinst>, F<postinst> e F<postrm> são gerados "
+"automaticamente para correr o B<depmod> e registar os módulos quando o "
+"pacote é instalado. Estes comandos são inseridos nos scripts do maintainer "
+"pelo L<dh_installdeb(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installmodules:35
+msgid "debian/I<package>.modprobe"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.modprobe"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:37
+msgid ""
+"Installed to etc/modprobe.d/I<package>.conf in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado em etc/modprobe.d/I<pacote>.conf no directório de compilação do "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:47
+msgid "Do not modify F<preinst>/F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts."
+msgstr "Não modifique os scripts F<preinst>/F<postinst>/F<postrm>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installmodules:51
+msgid ""
+"When this parameter is used, B<dh_installmodules> looks for and installs "
+"files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.modprobe instead of the usual debian/"
+msgstr ""
+"Quando este parâmetro é usado, B<dh_installmodules> procura e instala "
+"ficheiros chamados debian/I<pacote>.I<nome>.modprobe em vez dos habituais "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:5
+msgid "dh_installpam - install pam support files"
+msgstr "dh_installpam - instala ficheiros de suporte ao pam"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:17
+msgid "B<dh_installpam> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installpam> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<--name=>I<nome>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installpam> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"files used by PAM into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installpam> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"ficheiros usados pelo PAM nos directórios de compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installpam:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.pam"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.pam"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:30
+msgid "Installed into usr/lib/pam.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado em usr/lib/pam.d/I<pacote> no directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:32
+msgid ""
+"Until compatibility level 14 this file was installed under etc/pam.d/"
+"I<package>. Please consider using the \"rm_conffile\" feature from "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> to ensure the proper removal of previous PAM files."
+msgstr ""
+"Ate ao nível de compatibilidade 14 este ficheiro era instalado sob etc/pam.d/"
+"I<pacote>. Por favor considere usar a funcionalidade \"rm_conffile\" do "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> para assegurar a remoção apropriada dos ficheiros PAM "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installpam:44
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named debian/I<package>.I<name>.pam and install them as usr/"
+"lib/pam.d/I<name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+"using the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Procura ficheiros chamados debian/I<pacote>.I<nome>.pam e instala-os como "
+"usr/lib/pam.d/I<nome>, em vez de usar os ficheiros habituais e de os "
+"instalar usando o nome do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:5
+msgid "dh_installppp - install ppp ip-up and ip-down files"
+msgstr "dh_installppp - instala os ficheiros ip-up e ip-down do ppp"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:17
+msgid "B<dh_installppp> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--name=>I<name>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installppp> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<--name=>I<nome>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installppp> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"ppp ip-up and ip-down scripts into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installppp> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar os "
+"scripts ip-up e ip-down do ppp nos directórios de compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installppp:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-up"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.ppp.ip-up"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/ppp/ip-up.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado em etc/ppp/ip-up.d/I<pacote> no directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installppp:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.ppp.ip-down"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.ppp.ip-down"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:34
+msgid ""
+"Installed into etc/ppp/ip-down.d/I<package> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado em etc/ppp/ip-down.d/I<pacote> no directório de compilação do "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installppp:44
+msgid ""
+"Look for files named F<debian/*> and install them as "
+"F<etc/ppp/ip-*/name>, instead of using the usual files and installing them "
+"as the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Procura ficheiros chamados F<debian/nome.pacote.ppp.ip-*> e instala-os como "
+"F<etc/ppp/ip-*/nome>, em vez de usar os ficheiros habituais e de os "
+"instalar como o nome do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:5
+msgid "dh_installudev - install udev rules files"
+msgstr "dh_installudev - instala ficheiros de regras do udev"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installudev> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<name>] [B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installudev> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-n>] [B<--name=>I<nome>] [B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installudev> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"B<udev> rules files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installudev> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"ficheiros de regras do B<udev>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installudev:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.udev"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.udev"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:30
+msgid "Installed into F<lib/udev/rules.d/> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado em F<lib/udev/rules.d/> no directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:40
+msgid ""
+"When this parameter is used, B<dh_installudev> looks for and installs files "
+"named debian/I<package>.I<name>.udev instead of the usual debian/I<package>."
+msgstr ""
+"Quando este parâmetro é usado, o B<dh_installudev> procura e instala "
+"ficheiros chamados debian/I<pacote>.I<nome>.udev em vez dos usuais debian/"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installudev:44
+msgid "B<--priority=>I<priority>"
+msgstr "B<--priority=>I<prioridade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installudev:46
+msgid "Sets the priority the file. Default is 60."
+msgstr "Define a prioridade do ficheiro. O valor predefinido é 60."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:5
+msgid "dh_installwm - register a window manager"
+msgstr "dh_installwm - regista um gestor de janelas"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+"[S<I<wm> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-n>] [B<--priority=>I<n>] "
+"[S<I<wm> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installwm> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating "
+"the F<postinst> and F<prerm> commands that register a window manager with "
+"L<update-alternatives(8)>. The window manager's man page is also registered "
+"as a slave symlink (in v6 mode and up). It must be installed in F<usr/share/"
+"man/man1/> in the package build directory prior to calling B<dh_installwm>. "
+"In compat 9 and earlier, the manpage was optional."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installwm> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por gerar os "
+"comandos F<postinst> e F<prerm> que registam um gestor de janelas com "
+"L<update-alternatives(8)>. O manual do gestor de janelas é também registado "
+"como um link simbólico escravo (em modo v6 e posterior). Tem de ser "
+"instalado em F<usr/share/man/man1/> no directório de compilação do pacote "
+"antes da chamada B<dh_installwm>. Em compatibilidade 9 e anterior, a página "
+"de manual era opcional."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installwm:32
+msgid "debian/I<package>.wm"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.wm"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:34
+msgid "List window manager programs to register."
+msgstr "Lista programas de gestão de janelas para registar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:47
+msgid ""
+"Set the priority of the window manager. Default is 20, which is too low for "
+"most window managers; see the Debian Policy document for instructions on "
+"calculating the correct value."
+msgstr ""
+"Define a prioridade do gestor de janelas. A predefinição é 20, o que é muito "
+"baixo para a maioria dos gestores de janelas; veja o documento Debian Policy "
+"para instruções sobre como calcular o valor correcto."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:53
+msgid ""
+"Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts. Turns this command into a no-op."
+msgstr ""
+"Não modifique os scripts F<postinst>/F<prerm>. Transforma este comando em "
+"não-operacional (no-op)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:57
+msgid ""
+"Modify scripts for window managers specified by command line parameters in "
+"ALL packages acted on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"Modifica scripts para gestores de janelas especificados por parâmetros de "
+"linha de comandos em TODOS os pacotes em que actua, e não apenas no primeiro."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_installwm:60
+msgid "I<wm> ..."
+msgstr "I<wm> ..."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installwm:62
+msgid "Window manager programs to register."
+msgstr "Programas de gestão de janelas para registar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:5
+msgid "dh_installxfonts - register X fonts"
+msgstr "dh_installxfonts - regista fonts X"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:17
+msgid "B<dh_installxfonts> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_installxfonts> [S<I<debhelper opções>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_installxfonts> is a debhelper program that is responsible for "
+"registering X fonts, so their corresponding F<fonts.dir>, F<fonts.alias>, "
+"and F<fonts.scale> be rebuilt properly at install time."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_installxfonts> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por registar "
+"tipos de letra (fonts) do X, para que os seus correspondentes F<fonts.dir>, "
+"F<fonts.alias>, e F<fonts.scale> sejam compilados correctamente durante a "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:25
+msgid ""
+"Before calling this program, you should have installed any X fonts provided "
+"by your package into the appropriate location in the package build "
+"directory, and if you have F<fonts.alias> or F<fonts.scale> files, you "
+"should install them into the correct location under F<etc/X11/fonts> in your "
+"package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Antes de chamar este programa, você deve ter instalado quaisquer fonts X "
+"disponibilizadas pelo seu pacote na localização apropriada no directório de "
+"compilação do pacote, e você tem ficheiros F<fonts.alias> ou F<fonts.scale>, "
+"você deve instalá-los na localização correcta sob F<etc/X11/fonts> no seu "
+"directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:31
+msgid ""
+"Your package should depend on B<xfonts-utils> so that the B<update-fonts-"
+">I<*> commands are available. (This program adds that dependency to B<${misc:"
+msgstr ""
+"O seu pacote deve depender de B<xfonts-utils> para que os comandos B<update-"
+"fonts->I<*> estejam disponíveis. (Este programa adiciona a dependência a "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:35
+msgid ""
+"This program automatically generates the F<postinst> and F<postrm> commands "
+"needed to register X fonts. These commands are inserted into the maintainer "
+"scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of "
+"how this works."
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa gera automaticamente os comandos F<postinst> e F<postrm> "
+"necessários para registar fonts do X. Estes comandos são inseridos nos "
+"scripts do maintainer pelo B<dh_installdeb>. Veja L<dh_installdeb(1)> para "
+"uma explicação sobre como isto funciona."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:42
+msgid ""
+"See L<update-fonts-alias(8)>, L<update-fonts-scale(8)>, and L<update-fonts-"
+"dir(8)> for more information about X font installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Veja L<update-fonts-alias(8)>, L<update-fonts-scale(8)>, e L<update-fonts-"
+"dir(8)> para mais informação acerca de instalação de fonts X."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_installxfonts:45
+msgid ""
+"See Debian policy, section 11.8.5. for details about doing fonts the Debian "
+msgstr ""
+"Veja Debian policy, secção 11.8.5. para detalhes acerca de fazer fonts à "
+"maneira de Debian."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:5
+msgid "dh_link - create symlinks in package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_link - cria links simbólicos em directórios de compilação de pacotes"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<source "
+"destination> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<fonte "
+"destino> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> is a debhelper program that creates symlinks in package build "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> é um programa debhelper que cria links simbólicos nos directórios "
+"de compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:25
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> accepts a list of pairs of source and destination files. The "
+"source files are the already existing files that will be symlinked from "
+"(called B<target> by L<ln(1)>). The destination files are the symlinks that "
+"will be created (called B<link name> by L<ln(1)>). There B<must> be an equal "
+"number of source and destination files specified."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> aceita uma lista de pares de ficheiros de fonte e destino. Os "
+"ficheiros fonte são os ficheiros já existentes de onde se vai criar os links "
+"simbólicos (chamados B<target> pelo L<ln(1)>). Os ficheiros de destino são "
+"os links simbólicos que irão ser criados (chamados B<link name> pelo "
+"L<ln(1)>). O número de ficheiros fonte e destino especificados B<tem> de ser "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:32
+msgid ""
+"Be sure you B<do> specify the absolute path to both the source and "
+"destination files (unlike you would do if you were using something like "
+"L<ln(1)>). Please note that the leading slash is optional."
+msgstr ""
+"Certifique-se que B<especifica> o caminho absoluto para ambos ficheiros de "
+"fonte e destino (ao contrário do que faria se estivesse a usar algo como "
+"L<ln(1)>). Por favor note que a barra de inicio é opcional."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:36
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> will generate symlinks that comply with Debian policy - absolute "
+"when policy says they should be absolute, and relative links with as short a "
+"path as possible. It will also create any subdirectories it needs to put the "
+"symlinks in."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> irá gerar links simbólicos em conformidade com a política Debian "
+"- absolutos quando a política diz que devem ser absolutos, e links relativos "
+"com o caminho mais curto possível. Também irá criar quaisquer sub-"
+"directórios que precise para pôr os links simbólicos lá dentro."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:41
+msgid "Any pre-existing destination files will be replaced with symlinks."
+msgstr ""
+"Quaisquer ficheiros de destino pré-existentes serão substituídos por links "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:43
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_link> also scans the package build tree for existing symlinks which do "
+"not conform to Debian policy, and corrects them (v4 or later)."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_link> também sonda a árvore de compilação do pacote por links "
+"simbólicos existentes que não estejam em conformidade com a política Debian, "
+"e corrige-os (v4 ou posterior)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_link:50
+msgid "debian/I<package>.links"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.links"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:52
+msgid ""
+"Lists pairs of source and destination files to be symlinked. Each pair "
+"should be put on its own line, with the source and destination separated by "
+msgstr ""
+"Lista pares de ficheiros de fonte e destino para serem ligados por link "
+"simbólico. Cada par deve ser colocado na sua linha própria, com a fonte e "
+"destino separados por um espaço em branco."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:56
+msgid ""
+"In each pair the source file (called B<target> by L<ln(1)>) comes first and "
+"is followed by the destination file (called B<link name> by L<ln(1)>). Thus "
+"the pairs of source and destination files in each line are given in the same "
+"order as they would be given to L<ln(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Em cada par o ficheiro fonte (chamado B<target> pelo L<ln(1)>) aparece "
+"primeiro e é seguido pelo ficheiro de destino (chamado B<link name> pelo "
+"L<ln(1)>). Assim os pares de fonte e destino em cada linha são fornecidos na "
+"mesma ordem como seriam fornecidos ao L<ln(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:61
+msgid ""
+"In contrast to L<ln(1)>, source and destination paths must be absolute (the "
+"leading slash is optional)."
+msgstr ""
+"Em contraste ao L<ln(1)>, os caminhos de fonte e destino têm de ser "
+"absolutos (a barra de inicio é opcional)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:75
+msgid ""
+"Create any links specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted "
+"on, not just the first."
+msgstr ""
+"Cria quaisquer links especificados por parâmetros de linha de comandos em "
+"TODOS os pacotes em que actua, e não apenas no primeiro."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:80
+msgid ""
+"Exclude symlinks that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"corrected to comply with Debian policy."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui links simbólicos que contêm I<item> em qualquer ponto do seu nome de "
+"serem corrigidos para ficarem em conformidade com a política Debian."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_link:83
+msgid "I<source destination> ..."
+msgstr "I<source destination> ..."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:85
+msgid ""
+"Create a file named I<destination> as a link to a file named I<source>. Do "
+"this in the package build directory of the first package acted on. (Or in "
+"all packages if B<-A> is specified.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Cria um ficheiro chamado I<destination> como um link para um ficheiro "
+"chamado I<source>. Faz isto no directório de compilação de pacote do "
+"primeiro pacote em que actua. (Ou em todos os pacotes se for especificado B<-"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:93
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_link usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_link usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:95
+msgid "Make F<bar.1> be a symlink to F<foo.1>"
+msgstr "Faz F<bar.1> ser um link simbólico para F<foo.1>"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_link var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo \\\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:100
+msgid ""
+"Make F</usr/lib/foo/> be a link to F</var/lib/foo/>, and F<bar.1> be a "
+"symlink to the F<foo.1>"
+msgstr ""
+"Faz F</usr/lib/foo/> ser um link para F</var/lib/foo/>, e F<bar.1> ser um "
+"link simbólico para F<foo.1>"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_link:103
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+" var/lib/foo usr/lib/foo\n"
+" usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 usr/share/man/man1/bar.1\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_link:106
+msgid "Same as above but as content for a debian/I<package>.links file."
+msgstr ""
+"O mesmo de cima mas como conteúdo para um ficheiro debian/I<package>.links."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_lintian - install lintian override files into package build directories"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_lintian - instala ficheiros de sobreposição do lintian nos directórios de "
+"compilação de pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:17
+msgid "B<dh_lintian> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_lintian> [S<I<debhelper opções>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_lintian> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+"override files used by lintian into package build directories."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_lintian> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+"ficheiros de sobreposição usados pelo lintian nos directórios de compilação "
+"de pacotes."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_lintian:28
+msgid "debian/I<package>.lintian-overrides"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.lintian-overrides"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:30
+msgid ""
+"Installed into usr/share/lintian/overrides/I<package> in the package build "
+"directory. This file is used to suppress erroneous lintian diagnostics."
+msgstr ""
+"Instalado em usr/share/lintian/overrides/I<pacote> no directório de "
+"compilação do pacote. Este ficheiro é usado para suprimir diagnósticos do "
+"lintian errados."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_lintian:34
+msgid "F<debian/source/lintian-overrides>"
+msgstr "F<debian/source/lintian-overrides>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:36
+msgid ""
+"These files are not installed, but will be scanned by lintian to provide "
+"overrides for the source package."
+msgstr ""
+"Estes ficheiros não serão instalados, mas serão sondados pelo lintian para "
+"disponibilizar sobreposições para o pacote fonte."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:66
+msgid "L<lintian(1)>"
+msgstr "L<lintian(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_lintian:70
+msgid "Steve Robbins <>"
+msgstr "Steve Robbins <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:5
+msgid "dh_listpackages - list binary packages debhelper will act on"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_listpackages - lista pacotes binários onde o debhelper não irá actuar"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:17
+msgid "B<dh_listpackages> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_listpackages> [S<I<debhelper opções>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_listpackages> is a debhelper program that outputs a list of all binary "
+"packages debhelper commands will act on. If you pass it some options, it "
+"will change the list to match the packages other debhelper commands would "
+"act on if passed the same options."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_listpackages> é um programa debhelper que gera uma lista de todos os "
+"pacotes binários onde os comandos do debhelper irão actuar. Se você lhe "
+"passar algumas opções, ele irá alterar a lista para corresponder aos pacotes "
+"em que os outros comandos debhelper irão actuar se lhes passar as mesmas "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_listpackages:26
+msgid "Packages are listed in the order they appear in F<debian/control>."
+msgstr "Pacotes são listados na ordem que aparecem em F<debian/control>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_makeshlibs - automatically create shlibs file and call dpkg-gensymbols"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_makeshlibs - cria automaticamente o ficheiro shlibs e chama dpkg-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-m>I<major>] [B<-"
+"V>I<[dependencies]>] [B<-n>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> [S<I<opções do debhelper>>] [B<-m>I<major>] [B<-"
+"V>I<[dependências]>] [B<-n>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<parâmetros>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> is a debhelper program that automatically scans for shared "
+"libraries, and generates a shlibs file for the libraries it finds."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> é um programa debhelper que sonda automaticamente por "
+"bibliotecas partilhadas, e gera um ficheiro shlibs para as bibliotecas que "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:24
+msgid ""
+"It will also ensure that ldconfig is invoked during install and removal when "
+"it finds shared libraries. Since debhelper 9.20151004, this is done via a "
+"dpkg trigger. In older versions of debhelper, B<dh_makeshlibs> would "
+"generate a maintainer script for this purpose."
+msgstr ""
+"Também assegura que o ldconfig é invocado durante a instalação e remoção "
+"quando encontra bibliotecas partilhadas. Desde o debhelper 9.20151004, isto "
+"é feito via um trigger do dpkg. Nas versões mais antigas do debhelper, "
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> seria geralmente um script de maintainer para este objetivo."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:29
+msgid ""
+"Since debhelper 12.3, B<dh_makeshlibs> will by default add an additional "
+"I<udeb> line for udebs in the shlibs file, when the udeb has the same name "
+"as the deb followed by a \"-udeb\" suffix (e.g. if the deb is called "
+"\"libfoo1\", then debhelper will auto-detect the udeb if it is named "
+"\"libfoo1-udeb\"). Please use the B<--add-udeb> and B<--no-add-udeb> options "
+"below when this auto-detection is insufficient."
+msgstr ""
+"Desde o debhelper 12.3, B<dh_makeshlibs> irá por predefinição adicionar uma "
+"linha I<udeb> adicional para udebs no ficheiro shlibs, quando o udeb tem o "
+"mesmo nome que o deb seguido por um sufixo \"-udeb\" (ex. se o deb for "
+"chamado \"libfoo1\", então o debhelper irá auto-detectar o udeb se ele for "
+"chamado \"libfoo1-udeb\"). Por favor use as opções B<--add-udeb> e B<--no-"
+"add-udeb> abaixo quando esta auto-detecção é insuficiente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:36
+msgid ""
+"If you previously used B<--add-udeb> and are considering to migrate to using "
+"the new auto-detection feature in 12.3, then please remember to test that "
+"the resulting F<DEBIAN/shlibs> files are as expected. There are some known "
+"corner cases, where the auto-detection is insufficient. These include when "
+"the udeb contains library files from multiple regular deb packages or when "
+"the packages do not follow the expected naming convention."
+msgstr ""
+"Se você usou anteriormente B<--add-udeb> e está a considerar migrar para a "
+"utilização da nova funcionalidade de auto-detecção em 12.3, então por favor "
+"lembre-se de testar que os ficheiros F<DEBIAN/shlibs> resultantes são os "
+"esperados. Existem alguns casos conhecidos, onde a auto-detecção é "
+"insuficiente. Estes incluem quando o udeb contem ficheiros biblioteca de "
+"múltiplos pacotes deb regulares ou quando os pacotes não seguem a convenção "
+"de nomes esperada."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:48
+msgid "debian/I<package>.shlibs"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.shlibs"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:50
+msgid ""
+"Installs this file, if present, into the package as DEBIAN/shlibs. If "
+"omitted, debhelper will generate a shlibs file automatically if it detects "
+"any libraries."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala este ficheiro, se presente, no pacote como DEBIAN/shlibs. Se "
+"omitido, o debhelper irá gerar um ficheiro shlibs automaticamente se "
+"detectar quaisquer bibliotecas."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:54
+msgid ""
+"Note in compat levels 9 and earlier, this file was installed by "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> rather than B<dh_makeshlibs>."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que em níveis de compatibilidade 9 e anteriores, este ficheiro era "
+"instalado pelo L<dh_installdeb(1)> em vez do B<dh_makeshlibs>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:57
+msgid "debian/I<package>.symbols"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.symbols"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:59
+msgid "debian/I<package>.symbols.I<arch>"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.symbols.I<arquitectura>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:61
+msgid ""
+"These symbols files, if present, are passed to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> to be "
+"processed and installed. Use the I<arch> specific names if you need to "
+"provide different symbols files for different architectures."
+msgstr ""
+"Estes ficheiros de símbolos, se presentes, são passados para L<dpkg-"
+"gensymbols(1)> para serem processados e instalados. Use os nomes específicos "
+"de I<arch> se precisar de disponibilizar ficheiros de símbolos diferentes "
+"para diferentes arquitecturas."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:71
+msgid "B<-m>I<major>, B<--major=>I<major>"
+msgstr "B<-m>I<major>, B<--major=>I<major>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:73
+msgid ""
+"Instead of trying to guess the major number of the library with objdump, use "
+"the major number specified after the -m parameter. This is much less useful "
+"than it used to be, back in the bad old days when this program looked at "
+"library filenames rather than using objdump."
+msgstr ""
+"Em vez de tentar adivinhar o maior número da biblioteca com o objdump, usa o "
+"maior número especificado após o parâmetro -m. Isto é muito menos útil do "
+"que costumava ser, de volta aos maus velhos tempos quando este programa "
+"olhava para os nomes de ficheiro das bibliotecas em vez de usar o objdump."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:78
+msgid "B<-V>, B<-V>I<dependencies>"
+msgstr "B<-V>, B<-V>I<dependências>"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:80
+msgid "B<--version-info>, B<--version-info=>I<dependencies>"
+msgstr "B<--version-info>, B<--version-info=>I<dependências>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:82
+msgid ""
+"If a shlibs file is generated by this program, this option controls what "
+"version will be used in the dependency relation."
+msgstr ""
+"Se um ficheiro shlibs for gerado por este programa, esta opção controla que "
+"versão será usada na relação de dependência."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:85
+msgid ""
+"In compat 12 and later, B<dh_makeshlibs> defaults to B<-VUpstream-Version>. "
+"In compat 11 and earlier the default behaved like B<-VNone>."
+msgstr ""
+"Em compatibilidade 12 e posterior, B<dh_makeshlibs> usa por predefinição B<-"
+"VUpstream-Version>. Em compatibilidade 11 e anterior o comportamento "
+"predefinido é como B<-VNone>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:88
+msgid "The B<dh_makeshlibs> tool can generate dependencies in three variants:"
+msgstr ""
+"A ferramenta B<dh_makeshlibs> pode gerar dependências em três variantes:"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:92
+msgid "B<-VUpstream-Version>"
+msgstr "B<-VUpstream-Version>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:94
+msgid ""
+"The dependency will be \"I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= I<packageversion>B<)>\". "
+"Note that I<Upstream-Version> is case-sensitive and must be written exactly "
+"as shown here."
+msgstr ""
+"A dependência será \"I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= I<packageversion>B<)>\". "
+"Note que I<Upstream-Version> é sensível a maiúsculas/minúsculas e tem de ser "
+"escrito exactamente como mostrado aqui."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:98
+msgid ""
+"This is a conservative setting that always ensures that other packages' "
+"shared library dependencies are at least as tight as they need to be (unless "
+"the library is prone to changing ABI without updating the upstream version "
+msgstr ""
+"Esta é uma definição conservativa que assegura sempre que as dependências de "
+"bibliotecas partilhadas dos pacotes mais antigos são pelo menos tão justas o "
+"quanto precisam de ser (a menos que a biblioteca seja inclinada a alterar a "
+"ABI sem actualizar o número de versão do autor)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:103
+msgid ""
+"The flip side is that packages might end up with dependencies that are too "
+"tight in some cases (note a symbols file can mitigate this issue). This is "
+"often of minor temporary inconvenience and usually a lot better than the "
+"fall out caused by forgetting to bump the dependency information."
+msgstr ""
+"O reverso da medalha é que os pacotes podem acabar com dependências muito "
+"apertadas em alguns casos (note que um ficheiro symbols pode mitigar esta "
+"situação). Isto é geralmente uma inconveniência menor temporária e "
+"normalmente muito melhor que a falha causada ao esquecer de inserir a "
+"informação de dependência."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:109
+msgid ""
+"This explicit form was added in debhelper/11.3. In previous versions, a B<-"
+"V> without any dependency information was used instead (and that form still "
+msgstr ""
+"Este formato explícito foi adicionado no debhelper/11.3. Nas versões "
+"anteriores, era usado em vez disto um B<-V> sem nenhuma informação de "
+"dependência (e esse formato ainda funciona)."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:113
+msgid "B<-VNone>"
+msgstr "B<-VNone>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:115
+msgid ""
+"The dependency will be \"I<packagename>\". Note that I<None> is case-"
+"sensitive and must be written exactly as shown here."
+msgstr ""
+"A dependência será \"I<packagename>\". Note que I<None> é sensível a "
+"maiúsculas/minúsculas e tem de ser escrito exactamente como mostrado aqui."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:118
+msgid ""
+"This form is generally unsafe with the only exception being if upstream does "
+"not extend the ABI in any way. However, most upstreams improve their "
+"interfaces over time and packagers are recommended to use B<-VUpstream-"
+"Version> (or one of the other forms of B<-V>I<dependencies>)."
+msgstr ""
+"Este formato é na generalidade não seguro sendo a única excepção se o autor "
+"original não estender a ABI de maneira nenhuma. No entanto, a maioria dos "
+"autores originais melhoram as suas interfaces com o passar do tempo e é "
+"recomendado que os pacotes usem B<-VUpstream-Version> (ou um dos outros "
+"formatos de B<-V>I<dependencies>)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:123
+msgid ""
+"Alternatively, this may be sufficient if (and only if) the package uses "
+"symbol versioning (see L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>) and does I<not> build any udeb "
+"packages. Note that symbols are not supported for udeb packages, which "
+"solely relies on shlibs for dependency handling."
+msgstr ""
+"Alternativamente, isto pode ser suficiente se (e apenas se) o pacote usar "
+"versão por símbolo (veja L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>) e I<não> compilar nenhum "
+"pacote udeb. Note que symbols não são suportados para pacotes udeb, os quais "
+"apenas se apoiam em shlibs para manuseamento das dependências."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:128
+msgid "B<-V>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<-V>I<package-relation>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:130
+msgid ""
+"In this case, the value passed to B<-V> will be used as a dependency "
+"relation. The I<package-relation> should generally be of the form \"I<some-"
+"package-name> B<(E<gt>>= I<some-package-version>B<)>\". Remember to include "
+"the package name."
+msgstr ""
+"Neste caso, o valor passado a B<-V> irá ser usado como uma relação de "
+"dependência. O I<package-relation> deve geralmente ser do formato \"I<algum-"
+"nome-pacote> B<(E<gt>>= I<alguma-versão-pacote>B<)>\". Lembre-se de incluir "
+"o nome do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:135
+msgid ""
+"Note that debhelper will use the value I<as it is> with no sanity checking "
+"or modification. In I<rare special> cases, this is needed to generate a "
+"dependency on a different package than the one containing the library."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que o debhelper irá usar o calor I<como está> sem verificações de "
+"sanidade ou modificação. Em casos I<raros e especiais>, isto é preciso para "
+"gerar uma dependência num pacote diferente daquele que contém a biblioteca."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:142
+msgid ""
+"When choosing a value for this option, please keep mind that if the package "
+"provides a symbols file, then that this is generally preferred over the "
+"shlibs file for regular .deb packages. See L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> for more "
+"information on this topic."
+msgstr ""
+"Quando escolher um valor para esta opção, por favor lembre-se que se o "
+"pacote fornecer um ficheiro symbols, então esse é geralmente preferido sobre "
+"o ficheiro shlibs para pacotes .deb regulares. Veja L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> "
+"para mais informação sobre este tópico."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:149
+msgid ""
+"Do not add the \"ldconfig\" trigger even if it seems like the package might "
+"need it. The option is called B<--no-scripts> for historical reasons as "
+"B<dh_makeshlibs> would previously generate maintainer scripts that called "
+msgstr ""
+"Não adiciona o trigger \"ldconfig\" mesmo que parece que o pacote possa "
+"precisar dele. A opção é chamada B<--no-scripts> por razões históricas pois "
+"o B<dh_makeshlibs> previamente gerava scripts do maintainer que chamavam "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:156
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename or directory "
+"from being treated as shared libraries."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui ficheiros que contenham I<item> em qualquer ponto do seu nome de "
+"ficheiro ou directório de serem tratados como bibliotecas partilhadas."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:159
+msgid "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+msgstr "B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:161
+msgid ""
+"Create an additional line for udebs in the shlibs file and use I<udeb> as "
+"the package name for udebs to depend on instead of the regular library "
+msgstr ""
+"Cria uma linha adicionar para udebs no ficheiro shlibs e usa I<udeb> como o "
+"nome do pacote para o udebs depender dele em vez do pacote da biblioteca "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:164
+msgid ""
+"This option is only useful for special cases such as when debhelper cannot "
+"auto-detect package name of the udeb package, when the udeb will contain "
+"libraries from multiple deb packages, or when the udeb contains libraries "
+"B<not> present in the deb package."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opção é apenas útil para casos especiais tais como quando o debhelper "
+"não consegue auto-detectar o nome de pacote para o pacote udeb, quando o "
+"udeb irá conter bibliotecas de múltiplos pacotes deb, ou quando o udeb "
+"contem bibliotecas B<não> presentes no pacote deb."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:169
+msgid "B<--no-add-udeb>"
+msgstr "B<--no-add-udeb>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:171
+msgid ""
+"Do not add any udeb lines to the shlibs file. This can be used to disable "
+"the default auto-detection of udebs."
+msgstr ""
+"Não adiciona nenhumas linhas udeb ao ficheiro shlibs. Isto pode ser usado "
+"para desactivar a auto-detecção predefinida do udebs."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:174
+msgid ""
+"This may be useful in case you do not want a shlibs file at all for the udeb "
+"because no package will depend on it. E.g. because adding a udeb package "
+"for the library was \"overkill\" and the library is embedded in a different "
+"udeb package."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto pode ser útil caso você não queira nenhum ficheiro shlibs para o udeb "
+"porque nenhum pacote irá depender dele. Ex. porque adicionar um pacote udeb "
+"para a biblioteca foi \"exagero\" e a biblioteca está embebida num pacote "
+"udeb diferente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_makeshlibs:181
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>."
+msgstr "Passa I<params> para L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:189
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -VNone>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -VNone>"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:191
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Assuming this is a package named F<libfoobar1>, generates a shlibs file that\n"
+"looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Assumindo que este é um pacote chamado F<libfoobar1>, gera um ficheiro\n"
+"shlibs que se parece com algo como isto:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:195
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -VUpstream-Version>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -VUpstream-Version>"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:197
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Assuming the current version of the package is 1.1-3, generates a shlibs\n"
+"file that looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.1)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Assumindo que a versão actual do pacote é 1.1-3, gera um ficheiro shlibs\n"
+"que se parece com algo como isto:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.1)\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_makeshlibs:201
+msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs -V 'libfoobar1 (E<gt>= 1.0)'>"
+msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs -V 'libfoobar1 (E<gt>= 1.0)'>"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_makeshlibs:203
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Generates a shlibs file that looks something like:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Gera um ficheiro shlibs que se parece com isto:\n"
+" libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0)\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:5
+msgid "dh_md5sums - generate DEBIAN/md5sums file"
+msgstr "dh_md5sums - gera o ficheiro DEBIAN/md5sums"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-x>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--include-"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> [S<I<opções do debhelper>>] [B<-x>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating a "
+"F<DEBIAN/md5sums> file, which lists the md5sums of each file in the "
+"package. These files are used by B<dpkg --verify> or the L<debsums(1)> "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_md5sums> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por gerar um "
+"ficheiro F<DEBIAN/md5sums> o qual lista os md5sums de cada ficheiro no "
+"pacote. Estes ficheiros são usados por B<dpkg --verify> ou pelo programa "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:26
+msgid ""
+"All files in F<DEBIAN/> are omitted from the F<md5sums> file, as are all "
+"conffiles (unless you use the B<--include-conffiles> switch)."
+msgstr ""
+"Todos os ficheiros em F<DEBIAN/> são omitidos do ficheiro F<md5sums>, pois "
+"eles são todos ficheiros de configuração (a menos que você use o switch B<--"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:29
+msgid "The md5sums file is installed with proper permissions and ownerships."
+msgstr "O ficheiro md5sums é instalado com o dono e permissões apropriadas."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_md5sums:35
+msgid "B<-x>, B<--include-conffiles>"
+msgstr "B<-x>, B<--include-conffiles>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:37
+msgid ""
+"Include conffiles in the md5sums list. Note that this information is "
+"redundant since it is included in F</var/lib/dpkg/status> in Debian packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Inclui ficheiros de configuração na lista de md5sums. Note que esta "
+"informação é redundante pois isso está incluído em F</var/lib/dpkg/status> "
+"nos pacotes Debian."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_md5sums:42
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"listed in the md5sums file."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui ficheiros que contêm I<item> em qualquer ponto do seu nome de "
+"ficheiro de serem listados no ficheiro md5sums."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:5
+msgid "dh_movefiles - move files out of debian/tmp into subpackages"
+msgstr "dh_movefiles - move ficheiros de debian/tmp para sub-pacotes"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:17
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [B<-"
+"X>I<item>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<--sourcedir=>I<dir>] [B<-"
+"X>I<item>] [S<I<ficheiro> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> is a debhelper program that is responsible for moving files "
+"out of F<debian/tmp> or some other directory and into other package build "
+"directories. This may be useful if your package has a F<Makefile> that "
+"installs everything into F<debian/tmp>, and you need to break that up into "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_movefiles> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por mover "
+"ficheiros de F<debian/tmp> ou de qualquer outro directório para directórios "
+"de compilação de pacotes. Isto pode ser útil se o seu pacote tem um "
+"F<Makefile> que instala tudo em F<debian/tmp>, e você precisa dividir isso "
+"em sub-pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:26
+msgid ""
+"Note: B<dh_install> is a much better program, and you are recommended to use "
+"it instead of B<dh_movefiles>."
+msgstr ""
+"Nota: B<dh_install> é um programa muito melhor, e é recomendado usá-lo em "
+"vez do B<dh_movefiles>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_movefiles:33
+msgid "debian/I<package>.files"
+msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.files"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:35
+msgid ""
+"Lists the files to be moved into a package, separated by whitespace. The "
+"filenames listed should be relative to F<debian/tmp/>. You can also list "
+"directory names, and the whole directory will be moved."
+msgstr ""
+"Lista os ficheiros a serem movidos para um pacote, separados por espaços em "
+"branco. Os nomes de ficheiros listados devem ser relativos a F<debian/tmp/>. "
+"Você também pode listar nomes de directórios, e será movido o directório "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:47
+msgid ""
+"Instead of moving files out of F<debian/tmp> (the default), this option "
+"makes it move files out of some other directory. Since the entire contents "
+"of the sourcedir is moved, specifying something like B<--sourcedir=/> is "
+"very unsafe, so to prevent mistakes, the sourcedir must be a relative "
+"filename; it cannot begin with a `B</>'."
+msgstr ""
+"Em vez de mover ficheiros de F<debian/tmp> (o predefinido), esta opção faz "
+"com que mova ficheiros de outro directório. Como todo o conteúdo de "
+"sourcedir é movido, especificar algo como B<--sourcedir=/> é muito inseguro, "
+"então para prevenir enganos, a sourcedir tem de ser um nome de ficheiro "
+"relativo; não pode começar com um `B</>'."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_movefiles:53
+msgid "B<-Xitem>, B<--exclude=item>"
+msgstr "B<-Xitem>, B<--exclude=item>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:55
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain B<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui de serem instalados ficheiros que tenham B<item> em qualquer ponto no "
+"seu nome de ficheiro."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:60
+msgid ""
+"Lists files to move. The filenames listed should be relative to F<debian/tmp/"
+">. You can also list directory names, and the whole directory will be moved. "
+"It is an error to list files here unless you use B<-p>, B<-i>, or B<-a> to "
+"tell B<dh_movefiles> which subpackage to put them in."
+msgstr ""
+"Lista ficheiros a mover. Os nomes de ficheiros listados devem ser relativos "
+"a F<debian/tmp/>. Você também pode listar nomes de directórios, e será "
+"movido o directório inteiro. É um erro listar ficheiros aqui a menos que "
+"você use B<-p>, B<-i>, ou B<-a> para dizer ao B<dh_movefiles> em qual sub-"
+"pacote os deve colocar."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_movefiles:69
+msgid ""
+"Note that files are always moved out of F<debian/tmp> by default (even if "
+"you have instructed debhelper to use a compatibility level higher than one, "
+"which does not otherwise use debian/tmp for anything at all). The idea "
+"behind this is that the package that is being built can be told to install "
+"into F<debian/tmp>, and then files can be moved by B<dh_movefiles> from that "
+"directory. Any files or directories that remain are ignored, and get deleted "
+"by B<dh_clean> later."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que os ficheiros são sempre movidos para fora de F<debian/tmp> por "
+"predefinição (mesmo que você tenha instruído o debhelper a usar um nível de "
+"compatibilidade mais alto que um, o que noutro caso não usa debian/tmp para "
+"nada). A ideia detrás disto é que pode-se dizer ao pacote que está a ser "
+"compilado para instalar em F<debian/tmp>, e depois os ficheiros podem ser "
+"movidos pelo B<dh_movefiles> desse directório. Quaisquer ficheiros ou "
+"directórios que permaneçam são ignorados, e são apagados mais tarde pelo "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:5
+msgid "dh_perl - calculates Perl dependencies and cleans up after MakeMaker"
+msgstr "dh_perl - calcula as dependências de Perl e limpa após MakeMaker"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:20
+msgid "B<dh_perl> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-d>] [S<I<library dirs> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> [S<I<opções do debhelper>>] [B<-d>] [S<I<directórios de "
+"bibliotecas> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:24
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_perl> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating the "
+"B<${perl:Depends}> substitutions and adding them to substvars files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por gerar as "
+"substituições B<${perl:Depends}> e adicioná-las aos ficheiros substvars."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:27
+msgid ""
+"The program will look at Perl scripts and modules in your package, and will "
+"use this information to generate a dependency on B<perl> or B<perlapi>. The "
+"dependency will be substituted into your package's F<control> file wherever "
+"you place the token B<${perl:Depends}>."
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa irá procurar scripts e módulos Perl no seu pacote, e irá usar "
+"esta informação para gerar uma dependência em B<perl> ou B<perlapi>. A "
+"dependência irá ser substituída no ficheiro F<control> do seu pacote onde "
+"você colocar o token B<${perl:Depends}>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:32
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_perl> also cleans up empty directories that MakeMaker can generate when "
+"installing Perl modules."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_perl> também limpa directórios vazios que o MakeMaker pode gerar quando "
+"instala módulos Perl."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:39
+msgid "B<-d>"
+msgstr "B<-d>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:41
+msgid ""
+"In some specific cases you may want to depend on B<perl-base> rather than "
+"the full B<perl> package. If so, you can pass the -d option to make "
+"B<dh_perl> generate a dependency on the correct base package. This is only "
+"necessary for some packages that are included in the base system."
+msgstr ""
+"Nalguns casos específicos você pode querer depender de B<perl-base> em vez "
+"do pacote B<perl> completo. Se sim, você pode passar a opção -d para fazer o "
+"B<dh_perl> gerar uma dependência no pacote base actual. Isto é apenas "
+"necessário para alguns pacotes que estão incluídos no sistema base."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:46
+msgid ""
+"Note that this flag may cause no dependency on B<perl-base> to be generated "
+"at all. B<perl-base> is Essential, so its dependency can be left out, unless "
+"a versioned dependency is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que esta bandeira pode fazer com que não seja gerada nenhuma "
+"dependência em B<perl-base> de todo. O B<perl-base> é Essencial, então a sua "
+"dependência pode ser deixada de fora, a menos que seja necessária uma "
+"dependência de determinada versão."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:50
+msgid "B<-V>"
+msgstr "B<-V>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:52
+msgid ""
+"By default, scripts and architecture independent modules don't depend on any "
+"specific version of B<perl>. The B<-V> option causes the current version of "
+"the B<perl> (or B<perl-base> with B<-d>) package to be specified."
+msgstr ""
+"Por predefinição, os scripts e módulos independentes da arquitectura não "
+"dependem de nenhuma versão específica de B<perl>. A opção B<-V> faz com que "
+"seja especificada a versão actual do pacote B<perl> (ou B<perl-base> com B<-"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_perl:56
+msgid "I<library dirs>"
+msgstr "I<directórios de bibliotecas>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:58
+msgid ""
+"If your package installs Perl modules in non-standard directories, you can "
+"make B<dh_perl> check those directories by passing their names on the "
+"command line. It will only check the F<vendorlib> and F<vendorarch> "
+"directories by default."
+msgstr ""
+"Se o seu pacote instalar módulos Perl em directórios não-standard, você pode "
+"fazer o B<dh_perl> verificar esses directórios ao passar os seus nomes na "
+"linha de comandos. Por predefinição, ele só irá verificar os directórios "
+"F<vendorlib> e F<vendorarch>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:67
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.8.3"
+msgstr "Debian policy, versão 3.8.3"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:69
+msgid "Perl policy, version 1.20"
+msgstr "Perl policy, versão 1.20"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_perl:196
+msgid "Brendan O'Dea <>"
+msgstr "Brendan O'Dea <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:5
+msgid "dh_prep - perform cleanups in preparation for building a binary package"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_prep - executa limpezas em preparação para a compilação de um pacote "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:17
+msgid "B<dh_prep> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_prep> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-X>I<item>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_prep> is a debhelper program that performs some file cleanups in "
+"preparation for building a binary package. (This is what B<dh_clean -k> used "
+"to do.) It removes the package build directories, F<debian/tmp>, and some "
+"temp files that are generated when building a binary package."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_prep> é um programa debhelper que executa algumas limpezas de ficheiros "
+"em preparação para compilar um pacote binário. (Isto é o que B<dh_clean -k> "
+"costumava fazer.) Remove os directórios de compilação do pacote, F<debian/"
+"tmp>, e alguns ficheiros temporários que são gerados quando se compila um "
+"pacote binário."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:26
+msgid ""
+"It is typically run at the top of the B<binary-arch> and B<binary-indep> "
+"targets, or at the top of a target such as install that they depend on."
+msgstr ""
+"Corre tipicamente no topo dos alvos B<binary-arch> e B<binary-indep>, ou no "
+"topo de um alvo tal que instala o que eles dependem de."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_prep:35
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"deleted, even if they would normally be deleted. You may use this option "
+"multiple times to build up a list of things to exclude."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui ficheiros que contenham F<item> em qualquer ponto do seu nome de "
+"ficheiro de serem apagados, mesmo se estes fossem normalmente apagados. Você "
+"pode usar esta opção várias vezes para construir uma lista de coisas a "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:5
+msgid "dh_shlibdeps - calculate shared library dependencies"
+msgstr "dh_shlibdeps - calcula dependências de bibliotecas partilhadas"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-L>I<package>] [B<-"
+"l>I<directory>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-L>I<pacote>] [B<-"
+"l>I<directório>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> is a debhelper program that is responsible for calculating "
+"shared library dependencies for packages."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_shlibdeps> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por calcular "
+"dependências de bibliotecas partilhadas para os pacotes."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:26
+msgid ""
+"This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> that calls it "
+"once for each package listed in the F<control> file, passing it a list of "
+"ELF executables and shared libraries it has found."
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa é meramente um wrapper em volta de L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> que o "
+"chama uma vez por cada pacote listado no ficheiro de F<control>, passando-"
+"lhe uma lista de executáveis ELF e bibliotecas partilhadas que encontrou."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:36
+msgid ""
+"Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being "
+"passed to B<dpkg-shlibdeps>. This will make their dependencies be ignored. "
+"This may be useful in some situations, but use it with caution. This option "
+"may be used more than once to exclude more than one thing."
+msgstr ""
+"Exclui ficheiros que contêm F<item> em qualquer ponto do seu nome de "
+"ficheiro de serem passados ao B<dpkg-shlibdeps>. Isto fará as suas "
+"dependências serem ignoradas. Isto pode ser útil em algumas situações, mas "
+"use com cuidado. Esta opção pode ser usada mais do que uma vez para se "
+"excluir mais do que uma coisa."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:43
+msgid "Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>."
+msgstr "Passa I<params> para L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:45
+msgid "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<params>"
+msgstr "B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<params>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:47
+msgid ""
+"This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>. It is "
+"deprecated; use B<--> instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta é outra maneira de passar I<params> para L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>. Está "
+"descontinuado, use B<--> em vez deste."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:50
+msgid "B<-l>I<directory>[B<:>I<directory> ...]"
+msgstr "B<-l>I<directório>[B<:>I<directório> ...]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:52
+msgid ""
+"With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not "
+msgstr ""
+"Com versões recentes do B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, esta opção geralmente não é "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:55
+msgid ""
+"It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-l> parameter), to look for private "
+"package libraries in the specified directory (or directories -- separate "
+"with colons). With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this is mostly only "
+"useful for packages that build multiple flavors of the same library, or "
+"other situations where the library is installed into a directory not on the "
+"regular library search path."
+msgstr ""
+"Diz ao B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via seu parâmetro B<-l>), para procurar "
+"bibliotecas em pacotes privados no directório especificado (ou directórios "
+"-- separados por dois pontos \":\"). Com versões recentes do B<dpkg-"
+"shlibdeps>, na maioria dos casos isto é apenas útil para pacotes que "
+"compilam múltiplos sabores da mesma biblioteca, ou noutras situações onde a "
+"biblioteca é instalada num directório que não fica caminho normal de busca "
+"de bibliotecas."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_shlibdeps:63
+msgid "B<-L>I<package>, B<--libpackage=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<-L>I<pacote>, B<--libpackage=>I<pacote>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:65
+msgid ""
+"With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not "
+"needed, unless your package builds multiple flavors of the same library or "
+"is relying on F<debian/shlibs.local> for an internal library."
+msgstr ""
+"Com versões recentes do B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, esta opção geralmente não é "
+"necessária, a menos que o seu pacote compile múltiplos \"sabores\" da mesma "
+"biblioteca ou confie em F<debian/shlibs.local> para uma biblioteca interna."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:69
+msgid ""
+"It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-S> parameter) to look first in the "
+"package build directory for the specified package, when searching for "
+"libraries, symbol files, and shlibs files."
+msgstr ""
+"Diz ao B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via seu parâmetro B<-S>), para procurar primeiro "
+"no directório de compilação do pacote para o pacote específico, quando "
+"procura por bibliotecas, ficheiros de símbolos, e ficheiros shlibs."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:73
+msgid ""
+"If needed, this can be passed multiple times with different package names."
+msgstr ""
+"Se necessário, isto pode ser passado várias vezes com diferentes nomes de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:80
+msgid ""
+"Suppose that your source package produces libfoo1, libfoo-dev, and libfoo-"
+"bin binary packages. libfoo-bin links against libfoo1, and should depend on "
+"it. In your rules file, first run B<dh_makeshlibs>, then B<dh_shlibdeps>:"
+msgstr ""
+"Supondo que o seu pacote fonte produz os pacotes binários libfoo1, libfoo-"
+"dev, e libfoo-bin. O libfoo-bin faz link contra libfoo1, e deve depender "
+"dele. No seu ficheiro de regras, primeiro corra B<dh_makeshlibs>, e depois "
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_shlibdeps:84
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:87
+msgid ""
+"This will have the effect of generating automatically a shlibs file for "
+"libfoo1, and using that file and the libfoo1 library in the F<debian/libfoo1/"
+"usr/lib> directory to calculate shared library dependency information."
+msgstr ""
+"Isto terá o efeito de gerar automaticamente um ficheiro shlibs para libfoo1, "
+"e usando esse ficheiro e a biblioteca libfoo1 no directório <debian/libfoo1/"
+"usr/lib> serve para calcular informação de dependência de biblioteca "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:92
+msgid ""
+"If a libbar1 package is also produced, that is an alternate build of libfoo, "
+"and is installed into F</usr/lib/bar/>, you can make libfoo-bin depend on "
+"libbar1 as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+"Se for também produzido um pacote libbar1, isso é uma compilação alternativa "
+"de libfoo, e é instalado em F</usr/lib/bar/>, você pode tornar libfoo-bin "
+"dependente de libbar1 como se segue:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_shlibdeps:96
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\tdh_shlibdeps -Llibbar1 -l/usr/lib/bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\tdh_shlibdeps -Llibbar1 -l/usr/lib/bar\n"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_shlibdeps:206
+msgid "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+msgstr "L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:5
+msgid ""
+"dh_strip - strip executables, shared libraries, and some static libraries"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_strip - despoja executáveis, bibliotecas partilhas, e algumas bibliotecas "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--dbg-"
+"package=>I<package>] [B<--keep-debug>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--dbg-"
+"package=>I<pacote>] [B<--keep-debug>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_strip> is a debhelper program that is responsible for stripping out "
+"debug symbols in executables, shared libraries, and static libraries that "
+"are not needed during execution."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_strip> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por retirar símbolos "
+"de depuração em executáveis, bibliotecas partilhadas, e bibliotecas "
+"estáticas que não são necessárias durante a execução."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:26
+msgid ""
+"This program examines your package build directories and works out what to "
+"strip on its own. It uses L<file(1)> and file permissions and filenames to "
+"figure out what files are shared libraries (F<*.so>), executable binaries, "
+"and static (F<lib*.a>) and debugging libraries (F<lib*_g.a>, F<debug/*.so>), "
+"and strips each as much as is possible. (Which is not at all for debugging "
+"libraries.) In general it seems to make very good guesses, and will do the "
+"right thing in almost all cases."
+msgstr ""
+"Este programa examina os seus directórios de compilação de pacotes e decide "
+"sozinho o que despojar. Usa o L<file(1)>, as permissões de ficheiros e os "
+"nomes dos ficheiros para descobrir quais ficheiros são bibliotecas "
+"partilhadas (F<*.so>), binários executáveis, e bibliotecas estáticas (F<lib*."
+"a>) e de depuração (F<lib*_g.a>, F<debug/*.so>), e despoja cada um o máximo "
+"possível. (O que não é de todo para bibliotecas de depuração.) Em geral "
+"parece acertar muito bem nos ficheiros, e fará o trabalha certo em quase "
+"todos os casos."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:34
+msgid ""
+"Since it is very hard to automatically guess if a file is a module, and hard "
+"to determine how to strip a module, B<dh_strip> does not currently deal with "
+"stripping binary modules such as F<.o> files."
+msgstr ""
+"Como é muito difícil perceber automaticamente se um ficheiro é um módulo, e "
+"difícil determinar como despojar um módulo, o B<dh_strip> presentemente não "
+"lida com o despojar de módulos binários como os ficheiros F<.o>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:48
+msgid "B<--dbg-package=>I<package>"
+msgstr "B<--dbg-package=>I<pacote>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:50 dh_strip:70
+msgid ""
+"B<This option is a now special purpose option that you normally do not "
+"need>. In most cases, there should be little reason to use this option for "
+"new source packages as debhelper automatically generates debug packages "
+"(\"dbgsym packages\"). B<If you have a manual --dbg-package> that you want "
+"to replace with an automatically generated debug symbol package, please see "
+"the B<--dbgsym-migration> option."
+msgstr ""
+"B<Esta opção é agora uma opção de objectivo especial que normalmente você "
+"não precisa>. Na maioria dos casos, deverá haver poucas razões para usar "
+"esta opção para novos pacotes fonte pois o debhelper gera automaticamente "
+"pacotes de depuração (pacotes \"dbgsym\"). B<Se você tem um --dbg-package "
+"manual> que deseja substituir por um pacote de símbolos de depuração gerado "
+"automaticamente, por favor veja a opção B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:58
+msgid ""
+"Causes B<dh_strip> to save debug symbols stripped from the packages it acts "
+"on as independent files in the package build directory of the specified "
+"debugging package."
+msgstr ""
+"Faz o B<dh_strip> salvar os símbolos de depuração despojados dos pacotes em "
+"que actua como ficheiros independentes no directório de compilação do pacote "
+"do pacote de depuração especificado."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:62
+msgid ""
+"For example, if your packages are libfoo and foo and you want to include a "
+"I<foo-dbg> package with debugging symbols, use B<dh_strip --dbg-"
+msgstr ""
+"Por exemplo, se os seus pacotes são libfoo e foo e você deseja incluir um "
+"pacote I<foo-dbg> com símbolos de depuração, use B<dh_strip --dbg-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:65
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+"automatic-dbgsym> or B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opção implica que B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> e I<não pode> ser usado com "
+"B<--automatic-dbgsym> ou B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:68
+msgid "B<-k>, B<--keep-debug>"
+msgstr "B<-k>, B<--keep-debug>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:78
+msgid ""
+"Debug symbols will be retained, but split into an independent file in F<usr/"
+"lib/debug/> in the package build directory. B<--dbg-package> is easier to "
+"use than this option, but this option is more flexible."
+msgstr ""
+"Os símbolos de depuração serão retidos, e separados para um ficheiro "
+"independente em F<usr/lib/debug/> no directório de compilação do pacote. B<--"
+"dbg-package> é mais fácil de usar que esta opção, mas esta opção é mais "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:82
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opção implica que B<--no-automatic-dbgsym> e I<cannot> seja usado com "
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:85
+msgid "B<--dbgsym-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<--dbgsym-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:87
+msgid ""
+"This option is used to migrate from a manual \"-dbg\" package (created with "
+"B<--dbg-package>) to an automatic generated debug symbol package. This "
+"option should describe a valid B<Replaces>- and B<Breaks>-relation, which "
+"will be added to the debug symbol package to avoid file conflicts with the "
+"(now obsolete) -dbg package."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opção é usada para migrar de um pacote \"-dbg\" manual (criado com B<--"
+"dbg-package>) para um pacote de símbolos de depuração gerado "
+"automaticamente. Esta opção deve descrever uma relação B<Replaces>- e "
+"B<Breaks> válida, a qual será adicionada ao pacote de símbolos de depuração "
+"para evitar conflitos de ficheiros com o pacote -dbg (agora obsoleto)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:93
+msgid ""
+"This option implies B<--automatic-dbgsym> and I<cannot> be used with B<--"
+"keep-debug>, B<--dbg-package> or B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opção implica que B<--automatic-dbgsym> e I<cannot> seja usado com B<--"
+"keep-debug>, B<--dbg-package> ou B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:96
+msgid "Examples:"
+msgstr "Exemplos:"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_strip:98
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+#. type: verbatim
+#: dh_strip:100
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-tools-dbg (<< 2.1-3~), libfoo2-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+msgstr ""
+" dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-tools-dbg (<< 2.1-3~), libfoo2-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'\n"
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:102
+msgid "B<--automatic-dbgsym>, B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>"
+msgstr "B<--automatic-dbgsym>, B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:104
+msgid ""
+"Control whether B<dh_strip> should be creating debug symbol packages when "
+msgstr ""
+"Controla se o B<dh_strip> deve criar pacotes de símbolos de depuração quando "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:107
+msgid "The default is to create debug symbol packages."
+msgstr "A predefinição é criar pacotes de símbolos de depuração."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:109
+msgid "B<--ddebs>, B<--no-ddebs>"
+msgstr "B<--ddebs>, B<--no-ddebs>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:111
+msgid "Historical name for B<--automatic-dbgsym> and B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+msgstr "Nome histórico para B<--automatic-dbgsym> e B<--no-automatic-dbgsym>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_strip:113
+msgid "B<--ddeb-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+msgstr "B<--ddeb-migration=>I<package-relation>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:115
+msgid "Historical name for B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+msgstr "Nome histórico para B<--dbgsym-migration>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:121
+msgid ""
+"If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, "
+"nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1 "
+"\"Binaries\"). This will also inhibit the automatic creation of debug "
+"symbol packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Se a variável de ambiente B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> conter B<nostrip>, nada será "
+"despojado, em conformidade com a política Debian (secção 10.1 \"Binários\"). "
+"Isto irá também inibir a criação automática de pacotes de símbolos de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:126
+msgid ""
+"The automatic creation of debug symbol packages can also be prevented by "
+"adding B<noautodbgsym> to the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable. "
+"However, B<dh_strip> will still add debuglinks to ELF binaries when this "
+"flag is set. This is to ensure that the regular deb package will be "
+"identical with and without this flag (assuming it is otherwise \"bit-for-"
+"bit\" reproducible)."
+msgstr ""
+"A criação automática de pacotes de símbolos de depuração também pode ser "
+"prevenida ao adicionar B<noautodbgsym> à variável de ambiente "
+"B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>. No entanto, B<dh_strip> irá na mesma adicionar "
+"debuglinks aos binários ELF quando a bandeira estiver definida. Isto não "
+"garante que o pacote deb regular irá ser idêntico com e sem esta bandeira "
+"(assumindo que é caso contrário reproduzível \"bit por bit\"."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_strip:135
+msgid "Debian policy, version 3.0.1"
+msgstr "Debian policy, versão 3.0.1"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:5
+msgid "dh_testdir - test directory before building Debian package"
+msgstr "dh_testdir - testa o directório antes de compilar o pacote Debian"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:17
+msgid "B<dh_testdir> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<file> ...>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_testdir> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [S<I<ficheiro> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:21
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_testdir> tries to make sure that you are in the correct directory when "
+"building a Debian package. It makes sure that the file F<debian/control> "
+"exists, as well as any other files you specify. If not, it exits with an "
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_testdir> tenta certificar que você está no directório correcto quando "
+"compila um pacote Debian. Ele certifica que o ficheiro F<debian/control> "
+"existe, assim como quaisquer outros ficheiros que você especificar. Se não, "
+"termina com um erro."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testdir:32
+msgid "Test for the existence of these files too."
+msgstr "Testa também a existência destes ficheiros."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:7
+msgid ""
+"dh_testroot - ensure that a package is built with necessary level of root "
+msgstr ""
+"dh_testroot - assegura que um pacote é compilado com o nível necessário de "
+"permissões de root."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:11
+msgid "B<dh_testroot> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_testroot> [S<I<debhelper opções>>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:15
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_testroot> is used to determine if the target is being run with suffient "
+"access to root(-like) features."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_testroot> é usado para determinar se um alvo está a ser corrido com "
+"acesso suficiente a funcionalidades de (tipo-)root."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:18
+msgid ""
+"The definition of sufficient access depends on whether the builder (the tool "
+"invoking the F<debian/rules> target) supports the I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"(R³) field. If the builder supports R³, then it will set the environment "
+"variable I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> and B<dh_testroot> will validate that "
+"the builder followed the minimum requirements for the given value of "
+msgstr ""
+"A definição de acesso suficiente depende em se o construtor (a ferramenta "
+"que invoca o alvo F<debian/rules>) suporta o campo I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"(R³). Se o construtor suportar R³, então irá regular a variável de ambiente "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> e B<dh_testroot> irá validar que o construtor "
+"seguiu os requerimentos mínimos para a valor fornecido de "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:25
+msgid ""
+"If the builder does not support I<Rules-Requires-Root>, then it will not set "
+"the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable. This will in turn make "
+"B<dh_testroot> (and the rest of debhelper) fall back to assuming that "
+"(fake)root is implied."
+msgstr ""
+"Se o construtor não suportar I<Rules-Requires-Root>, então não irá regular a "
+"variável de ambiente I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT>. Isto irá fazer com que "
+"B<dh_testroot> (e o resto do debhelper) recorra a assumir que é implicado "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:30
+msgid ""
+"The following is a summary of how B<dh_testroot> behaves based on the "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable (leading and trailing "
+"whitespace in the variable is ignored)."
+msgstr ""
+"O seguinte é um sumário de como B<dh_testroot> se comporta baseado na "
+"variável de ambiente I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> (os espaços em branco no "
+"inicio e no final na variável são ignorados)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:38
+msgid ""
+"If unset, or set to C<binary-targets>, then B<dh_testroot> asserts that it "
+"is run as root or under L<fakeroot(1)>."
+msgstr ""
+"Se não definido, ou definido para C<binary-targets>, então B<dh_testroot> "
+"deduz que é corrido como root ou sob L<fakeroot(1)>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:43
+msgid ""
+"If set to C<no>, then B<dh_testroot> returns successfully (without "
+"performing any additional checks)."
+msgstr ""
+"Se definido para C<no>, então B<dh_testroot> retorna com sucesso (sem "
+"executar nenhuma verificação adicional)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:48
+msgid ""
+"If set to any other value than the above, then B<dh_testroot> asserts that "
+"it is either run as root (or under L<fakeroot(1)>) or the builder has "
+"provided the B<DEB_GAIN_ROOT_CMD> environment variable (e.g. via dpkg-"
+"buildpackage -r)."
+msgstr ""
+"Se definido para qualquer outro valor que o de cima, então B<dh_testroot> "
+"declara que ou é corrido como root (ou sob L<fakeroot(1)>) ou o construtor "
+"disponibilizou a variável de ambiente B<DEB_GAIN_ROOT_CMD> (ex. via dpkg-"
+"buildpackage -r)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_testroot:55
+msgid ""
+"Please note that B<dh_testroot> does I<not> read the I<Rules-Requires-Root> "
+"field. Which implies that B<dh_testroot> may produce incorrect result if "
+"the builder lies in I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT>. On the flip side, it also "
+"enables things like testing for what will happen when "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> is set to a given value."
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor note que B<dh_testroot> I<não> lê o campo I<Rules-Requires-Root>. "
+"O que implica que B<dh_testroot> pode produzir resultados incorrectos se o "
+"construtor apoiar-se em I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT>. Por outro lado, também "
+"activa coisas como testar o que irá acontecer quando "
+"I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> está definida para um determinado valor."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:7
+msgid "dh_usrlocal - migrate usr/local directories to maintainer scripts"
+msgstr "dh_usrlocal - migra directórios usr/local para scripts de maintainer."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:21
+msgid "B<dh_usrlocal> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>]"
+msgstr "B<dh_usrlocal> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-n>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:25
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_usrlocal> is a debhelper program that can be used for building packages "
+"that will provide a subdirectory in F</usr/local> when installed."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_usrlocal> é um programa debhelper que pode ser usado para compilar "
+"pacotes que disponibilizam um sub-directório em F</usr/local> quando "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:28
+msgid ""
+"It finds subdirectories of F<usr/local> in the package build directory, and "
+"removes them, replacing them with maintainer script snippets (unless B<-n> "
+"is used) to create the directories at install time, and remove them when the "
+"package is removed, in a manner compliant with Debian policy. These snippets "
+"are inserted into the maintainer scripts by B<dh_installdeb>. See "
+"L<dh_installdeb(1)> for an explanation of debhelper maintainer script "
+msgstr ""
+"Encontra sub-directórios de F<usr/local> no directório de compilação do "
+"pacote, e remove-os, substituindo-os por fragmentos de script de maintainer "
+"(a menos que seja usado B<-n>) para criar os directórios durante a "
+"instalação, e removê-los quando o pacote é removido, num modo em "
+"conformidade com a política Debian. Estes fragmentos são inseridos nos "
+"scripts de maintainer pelo B<dh_installdeb>. Veja L<dh_installdeb(1)> para "
+"uma explicação sobre fragmentos de scripts de maintainer do debhelper."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:36
+msgid ""
+"When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable is not "
+"(effectively) I<binary-targets>, the directories in F</usr/local> will be "
+"handled as if they were owned by root:root (see below)."
+msgstr ""
+"Quando a variável de ambiente I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> não é "
+"(efectivamente) I<binary-targets>, os directórios em F</usr/local> serão "
+"lidados como se fossem da posse de root:root (veja em baixo)."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:40
+msgid ""
+"When the I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> environment variable has an effective "
+"value of I<binary-targets>, the owners, groups and permissions will be "
+"preserved with the sole exception where the directory is owned by root:root."
+msgstr ""
+"Quando a variável de ambiente I<DEB_RULES_REQUIRES_ROOT> tem um valor "
+"efectivo de I<binary-targets>, então donos, grupos e permissões serão "
+"preservados com a única excepção onde o directório é da posse de root:root."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:44
+msgid ""
+"If a directory is owned by root:root, then ownership will be determined at "
+"install time. The ownership and permission bits will either be root:root "
+"mode 0755 or root:staff mode 02775. The actual choice depends on whether "
+"the system has F</etc/staff-group-for-usr-local> (as documented in the "
+"Debian Policy Manual §9.1.2 since version 4.1.4)"
+msgstr ""
+"Se um directório é da posse de root:root, então o dono é determinado na "
+"altura da instalação. Os bits de posse e permissões irão ser ou root:root "
+"modo 0755 ou root:staff modo 02775. A escolha depende em se o sistema tem "
+"F</etc/staff-group-for-usr-local> (como documentado no Manual de Política "
+"Debian §9.1.2 desde a versão 4.1.4)"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:68
+msgid "Debian policy, version 2.2"
+msgstr "Debian policy, versão 2.2"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_usrlocal:144
+msgid "Andrew Stribblehill <>"
+msgstr "Andrew Stribblehill <>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:5
+msgid "dh_systemd_enable - enable/disable systemd unit files"
+msgstr "dh_systemd_enable - activa/desactiva ficheiros unit do systemd"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:18
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--no-enable>] [B<--"
+"name=>I<name>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--no-enable>] [B<--"
+"name=>I<name>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:22
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> is a debhelper program that is responsible for enabling "
+"and disabling systemd unit files."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_enable>é um programa debhelper que é responsável por activar e "
+"desactivar ficheiros unit do systemd."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:25
+msgid ""
+"In the simple case, it finds all unit files installed by a package (e.g. "
+"bacula-fd.service) and enables them. It is not necessary that the machine "
+"actually runs systemd during package installation time, enabling happens on "
+"all machines in order to be able to switch from sysvinit to systemd and back."
+msgstr ""
+"Num caso simples, encontra todos os ficheiros unit instados por um pacote "
+"(ex. bacula-fd.service) e activa-os. Não é necessário que a máquina esteja "
+"realmente a correr o systemd durante o tempo da instalação do pacote, a "
+"activação acontece em todas as máquinas de modo a ser possível mudar de "
+"sysvinit para systemd e vice-versa."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:30
+msgid ""
+"In the complex case, you can call B<dh_systemd_enable> and "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manually (by overwriting the debian/rules targets) and "
+"specify flags per unit file. An example is colord, which ships colord."
+"service, a dbus-activated service without an [Install] section. This service "
+"file cannot be enabled or disabled (a state called \"static\" by systemd) "
+"because it has no [Install] section. Therefore, running dh_systemd_enable "
+"does not make sense."
+msgstr ""
+"Num caso complexo, você pode chamar B<dh_systemd_enable> e "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manualmente (ao sobrescrever os alvos debian/rules) e "
+"especificar bandeiras por cada ficheiro unit. Um exemplo é colord, o qual "
+"contém o serviço colord, um serviço dbus-activated sem uma secção [Install]. "
+"Este ficheiro de serviço não pode ser activado ou desactivado (um estado "
+"chamado \"static\" pelo systemd) porque não tem nenhuma secção [Install]. "
+"Assim sendo, correr dh_systemd_enable não faz qualquer sentido."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:37
+msgid ""
+"For only generating blocks for specific service files, you need to pass them "
+"as arguments, e.g. B<dh_systemd_enable quota.service> and "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable --name=quotarpc quotarpc.service>."
+msgstr ""
+"Para apenas gerar blocos para ficheiros de serviço específicos, você precisa "
+"de passá-los como argumentos, exemplos B<dh_systemd_enable quota.service> e "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable --name=quotarpc quotarpc.service>."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:45
+msgid "debian/I<package>.service, debian/I<package>@.service"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.service, debian/I<package>@.service"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:47
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"service >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.service >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se isto existir, é instalado em F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.service >> "
+"(or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.service >>) no directório de "
+"compilação do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:52
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf in "
+"the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se isto existir, está instalado em usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<pacote>.conf no "
+"directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:55
+msgid "debian/I<package>.target, debian/I<package>"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.target, debian/I<package>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:57
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"target >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package> >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se isto existir, é instalado em F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.target >> "
+"(ou F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package> >>) no directório de "
+"compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:60
+msgid "debian/I<package>.socket, debian/I<package>@.socket"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.socket, debian/I<package>@.socket"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:62
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>."
+"socket >> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.socket >>) in the package "
+"build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se isto existir, é instalado em F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.socket >> "
+"(ou F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.socket >>) no directório de "
+"compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:65
+msgid "debian/I<package>.mount"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.mount"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:67
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.mount "
+">> in the package build directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Se isto existir, é instalado em F<< lib/systemd/system/I<pacote>.mount >> no "
+"directório de compilação do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:70
+msgid "debian/I<package>.path, debian/I<package>@.path"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.path, debian/I<package>@.path"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:72
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.path "
+">> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.path >>) in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Se isto existir, é instalado em F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.path >> "
+"(ou F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.path >>) no directório de compilação "
+"do pacote."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_enable:75
+msgid "debian/I<package>.timer, debian/I<package>@.timer"
+msgstr "debian/I<package>.timer, debian/I<package>@.timer"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:77
+msgid ""
+"If this exists, it is installed into F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.timer "
+">> (or F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.timer >>) in the package build "
+msgstr ""
+"Se isto existir, é instalado em F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>.timer >> "
+"(ou F<< lib/systemd/system/I<package>@.timer >>) no directório de compilação "
+"do pacote."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:88
+msgid "Disable the service(s) on purge, but do not enable them on install."
+msgstr "Desactiva serviço(s) durante a purga, mas não os activa na instalação."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:90
+msgid ""
+"B<Note> that this option does not affect whether the services are started. "
+"That is controlled by L<dh_systemd_start(1)> (using e.g. its B<--no-start> "
+msgstr ""
+"B<Note> que esta opção não afecta se os serviços são arrancados. Isso é "
+"controlado por L<dh_systemd_start(1)> (usando por exemplo a sua opção B<--no-"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:96
+msgid ""
+"Install the service file as I<name.service> instead of the default filename, "
+"which is the I<package.service>. When this parameter is used, "
+"B<dh_systemd_enable> looks for and installs files named F<debian/package."
+"name.service> instead of the usual F<debian/package.service>."
+msgstr ""
+"Instala o ficheiro de serviço como I<nome.serviço> em vez do nome de "
+"ficheiro predefinido, o qual é I<pacote.serviço> Quando este parâmetro é "
+"usado, o B<dh_systemd_enable> procura e instala ficheiros chamados F<debian/"
+"pacote.nome.serviço> em vez do habitual F<debian/pacote.serviço>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:105 dh_systemd_start:70
+msgid ""
+"Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called "
+"between invocations of this command (with the same arguments). Otherwise, it "
+"may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to maintainer "
+msgstr ""
+"Note que este comando não é idempotente. O L<dh_prep(1)> deve ser chamado "
+"entre invocações deste comando (com os mesmos argumentos). Caso contrário, "
+"pode causar múltiplas instâncias do mesmo texto a ser adicionado aos scripts "
+"do maintainer."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:110
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_systemd_enable> should be run before B<dh_installinit>. The "
+"default sequence in B<dh> does the right thing, this note is only relevant "
+"when you are calling B<dh_systemd_enable> manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que B<dh_systemd_enable> deve correr antes de B<dh_installinit>. A "
+"sequência predefinida em B<dh> faz o correcto, esta nota é apenas relevante "
+"quando você está a chamar B<dh_systemd_enable> manualmente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:282
+msgid "L<dh_systemd_start(1)>, L<debhelper(7)>"
+msgstr "L<dh_systemd_start(1)>, L<debhelper(7)>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_enable:286 dh_systemd_start:286
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:5
+msgid "dh_systemd_start - start/stop/restart systemd unit files"
+msgstr ""
+"dh_systemd_start - faz start/stop/restart aos ficheiros unit do systemd"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:19
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--restart-after-upgrade>] "
+"[B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--restart-after-upgrade>] "
+"[B<--no-stop-on-upgrade>] [S<I<unit file> ...>]"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:23
+msgid ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> is a debhelper program that is responsible for starting/"
+"stopping or restarting systemd unit files in case no corresponding sysv init "
+"script is available."
+msgstr ""
+"B<dh_systemd_start> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por arrancar/"
+"parar ou reiniciar ficheiros unit do systemd no caso de não estar disponível "
+"nenhum script sysv init correspondente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:27
+msgid ""
+"As with B<dh_installinit>, the unit file is stopped before upgrades and "
+"started afterwards (unless B<--restart-after-upgrade> is specified, in which "
+"case it will only be restarted after the upgrade). This logic is not used "
+"when there is a corresponding SysV init script because invoke-rc.d performs "
+"the stop/start/restart in that case."
+msgstr ""
+"Como com B<dh_installinit>, o ficheiro unit é parado antes das actualizações "
+"e arrancá-do depois (a menos que B<--restart-after-upgrade> seja "
+"especificado, onde neste caso será apenas reiniciado após a actualização). "
+"Esta lógica não é usada quando existe um script de iniciação de SysV "
+"correspondente porque invoke-rc.d executa o stop/start/restart nesse caso."
+#. type: =item
+#: dh_systemd_start:37
+msgid "B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+msgstr "B<--restart-after-upgrade>"
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:39
+msgid ""
+"Do not stop the unit file until after the package upgrade has been "
+"completed. This is the default behaviour in compat 10."
+msgstr ""
+"Não para o ficheiro unit até que a actualização do pacote esteja completa. "
+"Este é o comportamento predefinido no nível de compatibilidade 10."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:42
+msgid ""
+"In earlier compat levels the default was to stop the unit file in the "
+"F<prerm>, and start it again in the F<postinst>."
+msgstr ""
+"Nos níveis de compatibilidade anteriores a predefinição era parar o ficheiro "
+"unit no F<prerm>, e arranca-lo de novo no F<postinst>.t>."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:59
+msgid "Do not stop service on upgrade."
+msgstr "Não para o serviço durante uma actualização."
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:63
+msgid ""
+"Do not start the unit file after upgrades and after initial installation "
+"(the latter is only relevant for services without a corresponding init "
+msgstr ""
+"Não arranca o ficheiro unit após actualizações e após a instalação inicial "
+"(o seguinte é apenas relevante para serviços sem um script init "
+#. type: textblock
+#: dh_systemd_start:75
+msgid ""
+"Note that B<dh_systemd_start> should be run after B<dh_installinit> so that "
+"it can detect corresponding SysV init scripts. The default sequence in B<dh> "
+"does the right thing, this note is only relevant when you are calling "
+"B<dh_systemd_start> manually."
+msgstr ""
+"Note que B<dh_systemd_start> deve correr após B<dh_installinit> para que "
+"possa detectar scripts init do SysV correspondentes. A sequência predefinida "
+"em B<dh> faz o correcto, esta nota é apenas relevante quando você está a "
+"chamar B<dh_systemd_start> manualmente."
+#. type: textblock
+#: strings-kept-translations.pod:7
+msgid "This compatibility level is open for beta testing; changes may occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Este nível de compatibilidade está aberto para testes beta: podem ocorrer "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Set to B<1> to enable verbose mode. Debhelper will output every command "
+#~ "it runs. Also enables verbose build logs for some build systems like "
+#~ "autoconf."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Defina para B<1> para activar o modo detalhado. O debhelper irá mostrar "
+#~ "os resultados de cada comando que corre. Também activa relatórios de "
+#~ "compilação detalhados para alguns sistemas de compilação como o autoconf."
+#~ msgid "This value affects most B<dh_auto_*> tools."
+#~ msgstr "Este valor afecta a maioria das ferramentas B<dh_auto_*>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This can cause issues with running binaries directly from the build "
+#~ "directories as they might now require a manually set B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH>. "
+#~ "If you need to override this change, we recommend that you try to pass "
+#~ "the B<-DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=OFF> option first to see if that fixes the "
+#~ "problem (leaving B<CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN> at its new default). "
+#~ "This should undo the need for B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> and avoid the "
+#~ "reproducibility issues on Linux, where B<$ORIGIN> is supported by the "
+#~ "runtime linkers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Isto pode causar problemas com o correr binários directamente dos "
+#~ "directórios de compilação pois eles podem não requerer uma "
+#~ "B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> definida manualmente. Se você precisa de sobrepor esta "
+#~ "alteração, nós recomendamos que tente passar a opção B<-"
+#~ "DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=OFF> primeiro para ver se isso corrige o problema "
+#~ "(deixando B<CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN> na sua nova predefinição). Isto "
+#~ "deve desfazer a necessidade de B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> e evitar os problemas "
+#~ "de reprodutibilidade em Linux, onde B<$ORIGIN> é suportado pelos "
+#~ "vinculadores de tempo-de-execução."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The tool B<dh_installsysusers> is now included in the default sequence. "
+#~ "It will cause units to be automatically started on installation, "
+#~ "restarted on upgrade and stopped on removal for every systemd user "
+#~ "instance running on the system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A ferramenta B<dh_installsysusers> está agora incluída na sequência "
+#~ "predefinida. Irá fazer com que unidades sejam arrancadas automaticamente "
+#~ "na instalação, reiniciadas na actualização e paradas na remoção para cada "
+#~ "instância de utilizador de systemd a correr no sistema."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf "
+#~ "in the package build directory. (The tmpfiles.d mechanism is currently "
+#~ "only used by systemd.) Only used in compat levels 10 and below."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se isto existir, é instalado em usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<pacote>.conf no "
+#~ "directório de compilação do pacote. (Actualmente o mecanismo tmpfiles.d é "
+#~ "usado apenas pelo systemd.) Apenas usado nos níveis de compatibilidade 10 "
+#~ "e inferiores."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<package>.conf "
+#~ "in the package build directory. (The tmpfiles.d mechanism is currently "
+#~ "only used by systemd.)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se isto existir, é instalado em usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/I<pacote>.conf no "
+#~ "directório de compilação do pacote. (Actualmente o mecanismo tmpfiles.d é "
+#~ "usado apenas pelo systemd.)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Historically, this file was needed to manually mark files files as "
+#~ "conffiles. However, it has become de facto obsolete since debhelper "
+#~ "automatically computed which files should be marked as conffiles."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Historicamente, este ficheiro era preciso para marcar manualmente "
+#~ "ficheiros como ficheiros de configuração (conffiles). No entanto, tem-se "
+#~ "tornado de facto obsoleto desde que o debhelper passou a computar "
+#~ "automaticamente quais os ficheiros devem ser marcados como ficheiros de "
+#~ "configuração."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In compatibility level up and including 11, this control file will be "
+#~ "installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory. In compatibility level 12 and "
+#~ "later, the file is silently ignored."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Em nível de compatibilidade até e incluindo 11, este ficheiro de controle "
+#~ "será instalado no directório F<DEBIAN>. Em nível de compatibilidade 12 e "
+#~ "posterior, o ficheiro é ignorado em silêncio."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh_gconf - install GConf defaults files and register schemas (deprecated)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_gconf - instala ficheiros de predefinições GConf e regista schemas "
+#~ "(descontinuado)"
+#~ msgid "B<dh_gconf> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<--priority=>I<priority>]"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_gconf> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<--priority=>I<prioridade>]"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_gconf> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing "
+#~ "GConf defaults files and registering GConf schemas."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_gconf> é um programa debhelper que é responsável por instalar "
+#~ "ficheiros de predefinições de GConf e registar os esquemas GConf."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An appropriate dependency on gconf2 will be generated in B<${misc:Depends}"
+#~ ">."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Uma dependência apropriada em gconf2 será gerada em B<${misc:Depends}>."
+#~ msgid "debian/I<package>.gconf-defaults"
+#~ msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.gconf-defaults"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Installed into F<usr/share/gconf/defaults/10_package> in the package "
+#~ "build directory, with I<package> replaced by the package name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Instalado em F<usr/share/gconf/defaults/10_pacote> no directório de "
+#~ "compilação do pacote, com I<pacote> substituído pelo nome do pacote."
+#~ msgid "debian/I<package>.gconf-mandatory"
+#~ msgstr "debian/I<pacote>.gconf-mandatory"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Installed into F<usr/share/gconf/mandatory/10_package> in the package "
+#~ "build directory, with I<package> replaced by the package name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Instalado em F<usr/share/gconf/mandatory/10_pacote> no directório de "
+#~ "compilação do pacote, com I<pacote> substituído pelo nome do pacote."
+#~ msgid "B<--priority> I<priority>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--priority> I<prioridade>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Use I<priority> (which should be a 2-digit number) as the defaults "
+#~ "priority instead of B<10>. Higher values than ten can be used by derived "
+#~ "distributions (B<20>), CDD distributions (B<50>), or site-specific "
+#~ "packages (B<90>)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Usa I<prioridade> (que deve ser um número de dois dígitos) como a "
+#~ "prioridade predefinida em vez de B<10>. Valores mais altos que dez podem "
+#~ "ser usados por distribuições derivadas (B<20>), distribuições CDD "
+#~ "(B<50>), ou pacotes específicos de site (B<90>)."
+#~ msgid "Ross Burton <> Josselin Mouette <>"
+#~ msgstr "Ross Burton <> Josselin Mouette <>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_clean> should be the last debhelper command run in the B<clean> "
+#~ "target in F<debian/rules>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_clean> deve ser o último comando debhelper a correr na meta B<clean> "
+#~ "em F<debian/rules>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If there is an upstream F<changelog> file, it will be installed as F<usr/"
+#~ "share/doc/package/changelog> in the package build directory."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se existir um ficheiro F<changelog> do autor, este será instalado como "
+#~ "F<usr/share/doc/package/changelog> no directório de compilação do pacote."
+#~ msgid "B<--ignore=>I<file>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--ignore=>I<ficheiro>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Ignore the specified file. This can be used if F<debian/> contains a "
+#~ "debhelper config file that a debhelper command should not act on. Note "
+#~ "that F<debian/compat>, F<debian/control>, and F<debian/changelog> can't "
+#~ "be ignored, but then, there should never be a reason to ignore those "
+#~ "files."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ignora o ficheiro especificado. Isto pode ser usado se F<debian/> conter "
+#~ "um ficheiro de configuração de debhelper que um comando debhelper não "
+#~ "deve usar. Note que F<debian/compat>, F<debian/control>, e F<debian/"
+#~ "changelog> não podem ser ignorados, mas também, nunca deverá existir uma "
+#~ "razão para ignorar estes ficheiros."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For example, if upstream ships a F<debian/init> that you don't want "
+#~ "B<dh_installinit> to install, use B<--ignore=debian/init>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Por exemplo, se o autor do programa juntar um F<debian/init> que você não "
+#~ "quer que B<dh_installinit> instale, use B<--ignore=debian/init>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Anything in this variable will be prepended to the command line arguments "
+#~ "of all debhelper commands."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Qualquer coisa nesta variável será pre-confinada aos argumentos de linha "
+#~ "de comandos de todos os comandos do debhelper."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_fixperms-arch:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#~ "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\toverride_dh_fixperms-arch:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh_fixperms\n"
+#~ "\t\tchmod 4755 debian/foo/usr/bin/foo\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Inside the scripts, the token B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell "
+#~| "script snippets generated by other debhelper commands."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For more information on what tokens Inside the scripts, the token "
+#~ "B<#DEBHELPER#> is replaced with shell script snippets generated by other "
+#~ "debhelper commands."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Dentro dos scripts, o sinal B<#DEBHELPER#> é substituído por fragmentos "
+#~ "de script shell gerados por outros comandos do debhelper."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The following options are deprecated. It's much better to use override "
+#~ "targets instead. They are B<not> available in compat 10."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "As seguintes opções estão descontinuadas. É muito melhor usar as metas de "
+#~ "sobreposição em vez destes. Estas B<não> estão disponíveis no modo de "
+#~ "compatibilidade 10."
+#~ msgid "B<--until> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--until> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgid "Run commands in the sequence until and including I<cmd>, then stop."
+#~ msgstr "Corre comandos na sequência até e incluindo I<cmd>, depois pára."
+#~ msgid "B<--before> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--before> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgid "Run commands in the sequence before I<cmd>, then stop."
+#~ msgstr "Corre comandos na sequência antes de I<cmd>, depois pára."
+#~ msgid "B<--after> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--after> I<cmd>"
+#~ msgid "Run commands in the sequence that come after I<cmd>."
+#~ msgstr "Corre comandos na sequência que vêm depois de I<cmd>."
+#~ msgid "B<--remaining>"
+#~ msgstr "B<--remaining>"
+#~ msgid "Run all commands in the sequence that have yet to be run."
+#~ msgstr "Corre todos os comandos na sequência que ainda estão por correr."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In the above options, I<cmd> can be a full name of a debhelper command, "
+#~ "or a substring. It'll first search for a command in the sequence exactly "
+#~ "matching the name, to avoid any ambiguity. If there are multiple "
+#~ "substring matches, the last one in the sequence will be used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nas opções em cima, I<cmd> pode ser o nome completo de um comando "
+#~ "debhelper, ou uma substring. Irá primeiro procurar por um comando na "
+#~ "sequência que corresponda exactamente ao nome, para evitar qualquer "
+#~ "ambiguidade. Se existirem múltiplas correspondências de substring, será "
+#~ "usada a última da sequência."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "dh - debhelper command sequencer"
+#~ msgid "The debhelper maintainers."
+#~ msgstr "dh - sequenciador de comandos do debhelper"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@\n"
+#~ "\t\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@\n"
+#~ "\t\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " % echo #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " % echo #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT# > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Your package will also need a versioned build dependency on a version of "
+#~ "debhelper equal to (or greater than) the compatibility level your package "
+#~ "uses. So for compatibility level #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#, ensure debian/"
+#~ "control has:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "O seu pacote também vai precisar de uma dependência de compilação de "
+#~ "versão de uma versão do debhelper igual (ou maior que) ao nível de "
+#~ "compatibilidade que o seu pacote usa. Portanto para nível de "
+#~ "compatibilidade #RECOMMENDED_COMPAT#, certifique-se que debian/control "
+#~ "tem:"
+#~ msgid "This control file will be installed into the F<DEBIAN> directory."
+#~ msgstr "Este ficheiro de controle será instalado no directório F<DEBIAN>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In v3 compatibility mode and higher, all files in the F<etc/> directory "
+#~ "in a package will automatically be flagged as conffiles by this program, "
+#~ "so there is no need to list them manually here."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No modo de compatibilidade v3 ou mais alto, todos os ficheiros no "
+#~ "directório F<etc/> de um pacote serão automaticamente marcados como "
+#~ "ficheiros de configuração por este programa, por isso não é preciso listá-"
+#~ "los manualmente aqui."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The B<dh_installdocs> and B<dh_installexamples> tools will now attempt to "
+#~ "guess the \"main package\" for a given documentation package (e.g. I<pkg-"
+#~ "doc> will have I<pkg> as main package if the latter exists). If a main "
+#~ "package is found, I<most> of the documentation will be installed into "
+#~ "F<< /usr/share/doc/I<main-pkg> >> by default as recommended by Debian "
+#~ "policy §12.3 since version 3.9.7. Notable exceptions include the "
+#~ "copyright file and changelog files."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "As ferramentas B<dh_installdocs> e B<dh_installexamples> irão agora "
+#~ "tentar adivinha o \"pacote principal\" para um dado pacote de "
+#~ "documentação (ex. I<pkg-doc> irá ter I<pkg> como pacote principal se este "
+#~ "último existir). Se um pacote principal é encontrado, a I<maioria> da "
+#~ "documentação será instalada por predefinição em F<< /usr/share/doc/I<main-"
+#~ "pkg> >> como recomendado pela política Debian §12.3 desde a versão 3.9.7. "
+#~ "Excepções notáveis incluem o ficheiro de copyright e os ficheiros "
+#~ "changelog."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The syntax of these files is intentionally kept very simple to make them "
+#~ "easy to read, understand, and modify. If you prefer power and complexity, "
+#~ "you can make the file executable, and write a program that outputs "
+#~ "whatever content is appropriate for a given situation. When you do so, "
+#~ "the output is not further processed to expand wildcards or strip comments."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A sintaxe destes ficheiros é mantida propositadamente simples para os "
+#~ "tornar fáceis de ler, perceber, e modificar. Se você preferir o poder e a "
+#~ "complexidade, pode tornar o ficheiro executável, e escrever um programa "
+#~ "que gere um conteúdo apropriado para uma dada situação seja ela qual for. "
+#~ "Quando o fizer, o resultado já não é mais processado para expandir "
+#~ "wildcards ou despojar comentários."
+#~ msgid "B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<dir> ...>]"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_installdirs> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-A>] [S<I<dir> ...>]"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "By default, the shlibs file generated by this program does not make "
+#~ "packages depend on any particular version of the package containing the "
+#~ "shared library. It may be necessary for you to add some version "
+#~ "dependency information to the shlibs file. If B<-V> is specified with no "
+#~ "dependency information, the current upstream version of the package is "
+#~ "plugged into a dependency that looks like \"I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= "
+#~ "I<packageversion>B<)>\". Note that in debhelper compatibility levels "
+#~ "before v4, the Debian part of the package version number is also "
+#~ "included. If B<-V> is specified with parameters, the parameters can be "
+#~ "used to specify the exact dependency information needed (be sure to "
+#~ "include the package name)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Por predefinição, o ficheiro shlibs gerado por este programa não torna os "
+#~ "pacotes dependentes de nenhuma versão particular do pacote que contém a "
+#~ "biblioteca partilhada. Poderá ser necessário para si adicionar alguma "
+#~ "informação de dependência de versão ao ficheiro shlibs. Se B<-V> for "
+#~ "especificado sem nenhuma informação de dependência, a actual versão do "
+#~ "autor é ligada a uma dependência que se parece com \"I<nome-pacote> "
+#~ "B<(E<gt>>= I<versão-pacote>B<)>\". Note que nos níveis de compatibilidade "
+#~ "do debhelper anteriores a v4, também é incluída a parte Debian do número "
+#~ "de versão do pacote. Se B<-V> for especificado com parâmetros, os "
+#~ "parâmetros podem ser usados para especificar a informação de dependência "
+#~ "exacta necessária (certifique-se que inclui o nome do pacote)."
+#~ msgid "B<dh_makeshlibs>"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_makeshlibs>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_testroot> is used to determine if the package has access under at "
+#~ "least the level of root access that it declared it needed via the Rules-"
+#~ "Requires-Root (R³) field."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_testroot> é usado para determinar se o pacote tem acesso a pelo "
+#~ "menos ao nível de acesso de raiz que declarou que precisava via campo "
+#~ "Rules-Requires-Root (R³)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The following is how B<dh_testroot> behaves based on the effective value "
+#~ "of the R³ field:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "O seguinte é como o B<dh_testroot> se comporta com base no valor efectivo "
+#~ "do campo R³."
+#~ msgid "\"binary-targets\""
+#~ msgstr "\"binary-targets\""
+#~ msgid "\"no\""
+#~ msgstr "\"no\""
+#~ msgid "B<dh_testroot> returns successfully."
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_testroot> retorna com sucesso."
+#~ msgid "Any other value than the above"
+#~ msgstr "Qualquer outro valor que não seja o de cima"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For backwards compatibility, B<dh_testroot> will consider the absence of "
+#~ "the R³ field as if the R³ field was set to \"binary-targets\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para compatibilidade com versões anteriores. B<dh_testroot> irá "
+#~ "considerar a ausência do campo R³ como se o campo R³ estivesse definido "
+#~ "para \"binary-targets\"."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note for the first (or only) binary package listed in F<debian/control>, "
+#~ "debhelper will use F<debian/foo> when there's no F<debian/> "
+#~ "file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Note que para o primeiro (ou único) pacote binário listado em <debian/"
+#~ "control>, o debhelper irá usar F<debian/foo> quando não existe nenhum "
+#~ "ficheiro F<debian/>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When the I<Rules-Requires-Root> field is not (effectively) I<binary-"
+#~ "targets>, the directories in F</usr/local> will have ownership root:staff "
+#~ "and the mode will be 02775. These values have been chosen to comply with "
+#~ "the recommendations of the Debian policy for directories in F</usr/local>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Quando o campo I<Rules-Requires-Root> não é (efectivamente) I<binary-"
+#~ "targets>, os directórios em F</usr/local> serão da propriedade root:staff "
+#~ "e o modo será 02775. Estes valores foram escolhidos para respeitar a "
+#~ "recomendação da política Debian para os directórios em F</usr/local>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When I<Rules-Requires-Root> has an effective value of I<binary-targets>, "
+#~ "the owners, groups and permissions will be preserved with one exception. "
+#~ "If the directory is owned by root:root, then ownership will be reset to "
+#~ "root:staff and mode will be reset to 02775. This is useful, since that is "
+#~ "the group and mode policy recommends for directories in F</usr/local>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Quando I<Rules-Requires-Root> tem um valor efectivo de I<binary-targets>, "
+#~ "donos, grupo e permissões serão preservadas com uma excepção. Se o "
+#~ "directório for propriedade de root:root, então o dono será reiniciado "
+#~ "para root:staff e o modo será reiniciado para 02775. Isto é útil, pois é "
+#~ "o grupo e o modo que a política recomenda para os directórios em F</usr/"
+#~ "local>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<Caveat>: This option silently does nothing in cmake versions prior to "
+#~ "3.8. Please keep this in mind if your package is regularly backported to "
+#~ "a suite (e.g. stretch-backports) where cmake is older than 3.8."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<Caveat>: Esta opção não faz nada silenciosamente em versões do cmake "
+#~ "anteriores a 3.8. Por favor lembre-se disto se o seu pacote for portado "
+#~ "para trás para uma suite (ex. stretch-backports) onde o cmake é anterior "
+#~ "a 3.8."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "List the files that are deliberately not installed in I<any> binary "
+#~ "package. Paths listed in this file are (I<only>) ignored by the check "
+#~ "done via B<--list-missing> (or B<--fail-missing>). However, it is B<not> "
+#~ "a method to exclude files from being installed. Please use B<--exclude> "
+#~ "for that."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Lista os ficheiros que são deliberadamente não instalados em I<nenhum> "
+#~ "pacote binário. Os caminhos listados neste ficheiro são (I<apenas>) "
+#~ "ignorados pela verificação feita via B<--list-missing> (ou B<--fail-"
+#~ "missing>). No entanto, isto I<não> é um método para excluir ficheiros de "
+#~ "serem instalados. Por favor use B<--exclude> para isso."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please keep in mind that dh_install will B<not> expand wildcards in this "
+#~ "file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Por favor tenha em mente que o dh_install B<não> irá expandir as "
+#~ "wildcards neste ficheiro."
+#~ msgid "B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --list-missing> instead."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<Descontinuado>: Por favor use B<dh_missing --list-missing> em vez deste."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This option makes B<dh_install> keep track of the files it installs, and "
+#~ "then at the end, compare that list with the files in the source "
+#~ "directory. If any of the files (and symlinks) in the source directory "
+#~ "were not installed to somewhere, it will warn on stderr about that."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Esta opção faz o B<dh_install> manter um acompanhamento dos ficheiros que "
+#~ "instala, e depois no final, compara essa lista com os ficheiros no "
+#~ "directório fonte. Se algum dos ficheiros (e links simbólicos) no "
+#~ "directório fonte não foi instalado para algum sítio, ele vai avisar no "
+#~ "stderr acerca disso."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This may be useful if you have a large package and want to make sure that "
+#~ "you don't miss installing newly added files in new upstream releases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Isto pode ser útil se você tem um pacote grande e quer certificar-se que "
+#~ "não se esquece de instalar ficheiros adicionados recentemente em novos "
+#~ "lançamentos do autor original."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that files that are excluded from being moved via the B<-X> option "
+#~ "are not warned about."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Note que não há advertências sobre ficheiros que estão excluídos de serem "
+#~ "movidos via opção B<-X>."
+#~ msgid "B<Deprecated>: Please use B<dh_missing --fail-missing> instead."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<Descontinuado>: Por favor use B<dh_missing --fail-missing> em vez deste."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This option is like B<--list-missing>, except if a file was missed, it "
+#~ "will not only list the missing files, but also fail with a nonzero exit "
+#~ "code."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Esta opção é como B<--list-missing>, excepto se um ficheiro estiver em "
+#~ "falta, não irá apenas listar os ficheiros em falta, mas também vai falhar "
+#~ "com um código exit não-zero."
+#~ msgid "Participating in the open beta testing of new compat levels"
+#~ msgstr "Participar no teste beta aberto dos novos níveis de compatibilidade"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It is possible to opt-in to the open beta testing of new compat levels. "
+#~ "This is done by setting the compat level to the string \"beta-tester\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "É possível aderir aos testes beta abertos dos novos níveis de "
+#~ "compatibilidade. Isto é feito ao definir o nível de compatibilidade para "
+#~ "a string \"beta-tester\"."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Packages using this compat level will automatically be upgraded to the "
+#~ "highest compatibility level in open beta. In periods without any open "
+#~ "beta versions, the compat level will be the highest stable compatibility "
+#~ "level."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Os pacotes que usam este nível de compatibilidade serão automaticamente "
+#~ "actualizados para o nível mais alto de compatibilidade em beta aberto. Em "
+#~ "períodos sem nenhumas versões beta abertas, o nível de compatibilidade "
+#~ "será o nível de compatibilidade estável mais alto."
+#~ msgid "Please consider the following before opting in:"
+#~ msgstr "Por favor considere o seguinte antes de decidir como optar:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The automatic upgrade in compatibility level may cause the package (or a "
+#~ "feature in it) to stop functioning."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A actualização automática no nível de compatibilidade pode causar que o "
+#~ "pacote (ou alguma funcionalidade nele) deixe de funcionar."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Compatibility levels in open beta are still subject to change. We will "
+#~ "try to keep the changes to a minimal once the beta starts. However, "
+#~ "there are no guarantees that the compat will not change during the beta."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Os níveis de compatibilidade em beta aberto ainda estão sujeitos a "
+#~ "alterações. Nós vamos tentar manter as alterações num mínimo assim que o "
+#~ "beta arranque. No entanto, não existem garantias que a compatibilidade "
+#~ "não altere durante o beta."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "We will notify you via before we start a "
+#~| "new open beta compat level. However, once the beta starts we expect "
+#~| "that you keep yourself up to date on changes to debhelper."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "We will notify you via or debian-"
+#~ " before we start a new open beta compat level. "
+#~ "However, once the beta starts we expect that you keep yourself up to date "
+#~ "on changes to debhelper for that compat level."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nós iremos notificá-lo via antes de "
+#~ "começarmos um novo nível de compatibilidade beta aberto. No entanto, "
+#~ "assim que o beta arrancar esperamos que você se mantenha actualizado nas "
+#~ "alterações para o debhelper."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "The \"beta-tester\" compatibility version in unstable and testing will "
+#~| "often be different than the one in stable-backports. Accordingly, it is "
+#~| "not recommended for packages being backported regularly."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The \"beta-tester\" compatibility version in unstable and testing will "
+#~ "often be different than the one in stable. Accordingly, it is not "
+#~ "recommended for packages being backported regularly. Alternatively, "
+#~ "please be sure to add explicit versioned Build-Depends on debhelper, so "
+#~ "you get exactly the compatibility version you expect."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A versão de compatibilidade \"beta-tester\" em unstable e testing será "
+#~ "muitas vezes diferente daquela nos backports de stable. Assim, não é "
+#~ "recomendada para pacotes que sejam colocados em backport regularmente."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You can always opt-out of the beta by resetting the compatibility level "
+#~ "of your package to a stable version."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Você pode sempre deixar o beta ao repor o nível de compatibilidade do seu "
+#~ "pacote para uma versão estável."
+#~ msgid "Should you still be interested in the open beta testing, please run:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Caso esteja ainda interessado no teste beta aberto, por favor execute:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " % echo beta-tester > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " % echo beta-tester > debian/compat\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid "You will also need to ensure that debian/control contains:"
+#~ msgstr "Você também precisa assegurar que debian/control tem:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9.20160815~)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9.20160815~)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To ensure that debhelper knows about the \"beta-tester\" compat level."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para assegurar que o debhelper sabe acerca do nível de compatibilidade "
+#~ "\"beta-tester\"."
+#~ msgid "This can be used without a F<debian/compat> file."
+#~ msgstr "Este pode ser usado sem um ficheiro F<debian/compat>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_testroot> simply checks to see if you are root. If not, it exits "
+#~ "with an error. Debian packages must be built as root, though you can use "
+#~ "L<fakeroot(1)>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_testroot> simplesmente verifica se você é root. Se não é, termina "
+#~ "com um erro. Os pacotes Debian têm de ser compilados pelo root, embora "
+#~ "você possa usar o L<fakeroot(1)>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_installmenu> no longer installs F<menu> files. The F<menu-method> "
+#~ "files are still installed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_installmenu> já não instala ficheiros F<menu>. Os ficheiros F<menu-"
+#~ "method> continuam a ser instalados."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh> no longer creates a stamp (or log) file to record whether the build "
+#~ "already ran or not. This means that unless upstream's build system "
+#~ "correctly tracks this, the build will be run twice (once for the "
+#~ "\"build\" target and once for the \"binary\" target)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh> já não cria um ficheiro stamp (ou log) para gravar se a compilação "
+#~ "já correu ou não. Isto significa que a menos que o sistema de compilação "
+#~ "do autor (upstream) actual acompanhe isto, a compilação irá correr duas "
+#~ "vezes (uma vez para o alvo \"build\" e outra para o alvo \"binary\")."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "On the other hand, this means that rebuild without cleaning (e.g. B<dpkg-"
+#~ "buildpackage -nc>) will behave as most people would expect."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Por outro lado, isto significa que recompilar sem limpar (ex. B<dpkg-"
+#~ "buildpackage -nc>) irá ter o comportamento que a maioria das pessoas "
+#~ "iriam esperar."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In compat 11, this file is no longer installed the format has been "
+#~ "deprecated. Please migrate to a desktop file instead."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No nível compatibilidade 11, este ficheiro não é mais instalado e o "
+#~ "formato foi descontinuado. Por favor migre para um ficheiro desktop em "
+#~ "vez deste."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_installdocs> now installs user-supplied documentation (e.g. debian/"
+#~ "I<package>.docs) into F</usr/share/doc/mainpackage> rather than F</usr/"
+#~ "share/doc/package> by default as recommended by Debian Policy 3.9.7."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_installdocs> agora instala documentação fornecida por utilizador "
+#~ "(ex. debian/I<pacote>.docs) em F</usr/share/doc/mainpackage> em vez de F</"
+#~ "usr/share/doc/package> por predefinição como recomendado por Debian "
+#~ "Policy 3.9.7."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you need the old behaviour, it can be emulated by using the B<--"
+#~ "mainpackage> option."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se você precisar do comportamento antigo, este pode ser emulado ao usar a "
+#~ "opção B<--mainpackage>."
+#~ msgid "Please remember to check/update your doc-base files."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Por favor lembre-se de verificar/actualizar os seus ficheiros doc-base."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In compat 11 (or later), these will be installed into F</usr/share/doc/"
+#~ "mainpackage>. Previously it would be F</usr/share/doc/package>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No nível de compatibilidade 11 (ou posterior), estes serão instalados em "
+#~ "F</usr/share/doc/mainpackage>. Previamente seria F</usr/share/doc/"
+#~ "package>."
+#~ msgid "Do not stop init script on upgrade."
+#~ msgstr "Não pára o script de iniciação durante uma actualização."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "dh_auto_test does not run the test suite when a package is being cross "
+#~ "compiled."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_auto_test não corre a suite de teste quando um pacote é compilado em "
+#~ "cruzamento."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This used to be a smarter version of the B<-a> flag, but the B<-a> flag "
+#~ "is now equally smart."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Isto costumava ser uma versão mais inteligente da bandeira B<-a>, mas a "
+#~ "bandeira B<-a> é agora igualmente inteligente."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If your package uses autotools and you want to freshen F<config.sub> and "
+#~ "F<config.guess> with newer versions from the B<autotools-dev> package at "
+#~ "build time, you can use some commands provided in B<autotools-dev> that "
+#~ "automate it, like this."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se o seu pacote usa autotools e você quer refrescar os <config.sub> e "
+#~ "F<config.guess> com versões mais recentes a partir do pacote B<autotools-"
+#~ "dev> durante a compilação, você pode usar alguns comandos fornecidos pelo "
+#~ "B<autotools-dev> que o automatizam, como isto."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@ --with autotools_dev\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\t#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
+#~ "\t%:\n"
+#~ "\t\tdh $@ --with autotools_dev\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Code is added to the F<preinst> and F<postinst> to handle the upgrade "
+#~ "from the old B<udev> rules file location."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "É adicionado código a F<preinst> e a F<postinst> para lidar com a "
+#~ "actualização a partir da antiga localização do ficheiro de regras do "
+#~ "B<udev>."
+#~ msgid "Do not modify F<preinst>/F<postinst> scripts."
+#~ msgstr "Não modifique os scripts F<preinst>/F<postinst>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note that this option behaves significantly different in debhelper "
+#~ "compatibility levels 4 and below. Instead of specifying the name of a "
+#~ "debug package to put symbols in, it specifies a package (or packages) "
+#~ "which should have separated debug symbols, and the separated symbols are "
+#~ "placed in packages with B<-dbg> added to their name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Note que esta opção comporta-se de modo significativamente diferente nos "
+#~ "níveis 4 e inferiores de compatibilidade do debhelper. Em vez de "
+#~ "especificar o nome de um pacote de depuração para meter símbolos lá "
+#~ "dentro, especifica um pacote (ou pacotes) que devem ter os símbolos de "
+#~ "depuração separados, e os símbolos separados são colocados em pacotes com "
+#~ "B<-dbg> adicionado ao seu nome."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "The creation of automatic \"ddebs\" can also be prevented by adding "
+#~| "B<noddebs> to the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The automatic creation of debug symbol packages can also be prevented by "
+#~ "adding B<noautodbgsym> to the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A criação de \"ddebs\" automáticos também pode ser prevenida ao adicionar "
+#~ "B<noddebs> à variável de ambiente B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS>."
+#~ msgid "dh_desktop - deprecated no-op"
+#~ msgstr "dh_desktop - não-operacional descontinuado"
+#~ msgid "B<dh_desktop> [S<I<debhelper options>>]"
+#~ msgstr "B<dh_desktop> [S<I<debhelper opções>>]"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_desktop> was a debhelper program that registers F<.desktop> files. "
+#~ "However, it no longer does anything, and is now deprecated."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_desktop> era um programa debhelper que registava ficheiros F<."
+#~ "desktop>. No entanto, já não faz nada, e agora está descontinuado."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If a package ships F<desktop> files, they just need to be installed in "
+#~ "the correct location (F</usr/share/applications>) and they will be "
+#~ "registered by the appropriate tools for the corresponding desktop "
+#~ "environments."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se o pacote embarcar ficheiros F<desktop>, eles apenas precisam de ser "
+#~ "instalados na localização correcta (F</usr/share/applications>) e eles "
+#~ "serão registados pelas ferramentas apropriadas para os ambientes de "
+#~ "trabalho correspondentes."
+#~ msgid "Ross Burton <>"
+#~ msgstr "Ross Burton <>"
+#~ msgid "dh_undocumented - undocumented.7 symlink program (deprecated no-op)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "dh_undocumented - programa de links simbólicos undocumented.7 (não-"
+#~ "operativo descontinuado)"
+#~ msgid "Do not run!"
+#~ msgstr "Não correr!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This program used to make symlinks to the F<undocumented.7> man page for "
+#~ "man pages not present in a package. Debian policy now frowns on use of "
+#~ "the F<undocumented.7> man page, and so this program does nothing, and "
+#~ "should not be used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Este programa era usado para fazer links simbólicos para as páginas de "
+#~ "manual F<undocumented.7> para manuais não presentes no pacote. A política "
+#~ "Debian agora não vê com bons olhos o uso de manuais F<undocumented.7>, e "
+#~ "por isso este programa não faz nada, e não deve ser usado."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It also adds a call to ldconfig in the F<postinst> and F<postrm> scripts "
+#~ "(in v3 mode and above only) to any packages in which it finds shared "
+#~ "libraries."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Também adiciona uma chamada ao ldconfig nos scripts F<postinst> e "
+#~ "F<postrm> (apenas em modo v3 e superior) em quaisquer pacotes nos quais "
+#~ "encontra bibliotecas partilhadas."
+#~ msgid "dh_scrollkeeper - deprecated no-op"
+#~ msgstr "dh_scrollkeeper - não-operativo descontinuado"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_scrollkeeper> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [S<I<directory>>]"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_scrollkeeper> [S<I<debhelper opções>>] [B<-n>] [S<I<directório>>]"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_scrollkeeper> was a debhelper program that handled registering OMF "
+#~ "files for ScrollKeeper. However, it no longer does anything, and is now "
+#~ "deprecated."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "B<dh_scrollkeeper> era um programa debhelper que lidava com o registo de "
+#~ "ficheiros OMF para o ScrollKeeper. No entanto, já não faz nada, e agora "
+#~ "está descontinuado."
+#~ msgid "dh_suidregister - suid registration program (deprecated)"
+#~ msgstr "dh_suidregister - programa de registo de suid (descontinuado)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This program used to register suid and sgid files with "
+#~ "L<suidregister(1)>, but with the introduction of L<dpkg-statoverride(8)>, "
+#~ "registration of files in this way is unnecessary, and even harmful, so "
+#~ "this program is deprecated and should not be used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Este programa era usado para registar ficheiros suid e sgid com o "
+#~ "L<suidregister(1)>, mas com a introdução de L<dpkg-statoverride(8)>, o "
+#~ "registo de ficheiros desta maneira é desnecessário, e até nocivo, então "
+#~ "este programa está descontinuado e não deve ser usado."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Converting a package that uses this program to use the new statoverride "
+#~ "mechanism is easy. Just remove the call to B<dh_suidregister> from "
+#~ "F<debian/rules>, and add a versioned conflicts into your F<control> file, "
+#~ "as follows:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Converter um pacote que usa este programa para usar o novo mecanismo "
+#~ "statoverride é fácil. Basta remover a chamada ao B<dh_suidregister> de "
+#~ "F<debian/rules>, e adicionar um \"conflicts\" com versão no seu ficheiro "
+#~ "F<control>, como se segue:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " Conflicts: suidmanager (<< 0.50)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " Conflicts: suidmanager (<< 0.50)\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The conflicts is only necessary if your package used to register things "
+#~ "with suidmanager; if it did not, you can just remove the call to this "
+#~ "program from your rules file."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "O \"conflicts\" é apenas necessário se o seu pacote costumava registar as "
+#~ "coisas com o suidmanager; se não o fazia, você pode simplesmente remover "
+#~ "a chamada a este programa do seu ficheiro de regras."
+#~ msgid "comment"
+#~ msgstr "comment"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Once the Debian archive supports ddebs, debhelper will generate ddebs by "
+#~ "default. Until then, this option does nothing except to allow you to pre-"
+#~ "emptively disable ddebs if you know the generated ddebs will not work for "
+#~ "your package."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Assim que o arquivo Debian suportar ddebs, o debhelper irá gerar ddebs "
+#~ "por predefinição. Até lá, esta opção não faz nada excepto permitir-lhe "
+#~ "preventivamente desactivar os ddebs quando sabe que os ddebs gerados não "
+#~ "irá funcionar com o seu pacote."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you want to test the ddebs feature, you can set the environment "
+#~ "variable I<DH_BUILD_DDEBS> to 1. Keep in mind that the Debian archive "
+#~ "does B<not> accept them yet. This variable is only a temporary safeguard "
+#~ "and will be removed once the archive is ready to accept ddebs."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se desejar testar a funcionalidade ddebs, você pode definir a variável de "
+#~ "ambiente I<DH_BUILD_DDEBS> para 1. Lembre-se que o arquivo Debian ainda "
+#~ "B<não> os aceita. Esta variável é apenas uma segurança temporária e será "
+#~ "removida assim que o arquivo esteja pronto para aceitar ddebs."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "B<dh_makeshlibs> now invokes I<ldconfig -X> instead of just I<ldconfig> "
+#~ "in its generated maintainer scripts snippets. The new call will only "
+#~ "update the ld cache (instead of also updating symlinks)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "O B<dh_makeshlibs> agora invoca I<ldconfig -X> em vez de apenas fazer "
+#~ "I<ldconfig> nos fragmentos de script de mantenedor gerados. A nova "
+#~ "chamada irá apenas actualizar a cache ld (em vez de também actualizar os "
+#~ "symlinks)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+#~ " #DEBHELPER#\n"
+#~ " EOF\n"
+#~ " system ($temp) / 256 == 0\n"
+#~ " \tor die \"Problem with debhelper scripts: $!\";\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " my $temp=\"set -e\\nset -- @ARGV\\n\" . << 'EOF';\n"
+#~ " #DEBHELPER#\n"
+#~ " EOF\n"
+#~ " system ($temp) / 256 == 0\n"
+#~ " \tor die \"Problem with debhelper scripts: $!\";\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Control whether B<dh_strip> should be creating ddebs when possible. By "
+#~ "default, B<dh_strip> will attempt to build ddebs and this option is "
+#~ "primarily useful for disabling this."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Controla se B<dh_strip> deverá criar ddebs quando possível. Por "
+#~ "predefinição, B<dh_strip> irá tentar compilar ddebs e esta opção é útil "
+#~ "principalmente para desactivar isto."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Packages that support multiarch are detected, and a Pre-Dependency on "
+#~ "multiarch-support is set in ${misc:Pre-Depends} ; you should make sure to "
+#~ "put that token into an appropriate place in your debian/control file for "
+#~ "packages supporting multiarch."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Os pacotes que suportam multi-arquitectura são detectados, e é definida "
+#~ "uma Pré-Dependência em multiarch-support em ${misc:Pre-Depends} ; você "
+#~ "deve certificar-se de colocar esse testemunho num local apropriado no seu "
+#~ "ficheiro debian/control para os pacotes que suportam multi-arquitectura."
diff --git a/man/po4a/po4a.cfg b/man/po4a/po4a.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee52d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/po4a/po4a.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+[po4a_langs] fr es de pt ja
+[po4a_paths] man/po4a/po/debhelper.pot $lang:man/po4a/po/$lang.po
+[po4a_alias:pod] pod opt_fr:"-L ISO-8859-15 -A UTF-8"
+[po4a_alias:pod] pod opt_es:"-L UTF-8 -A ISO-8859-15"
+[po4a_alias:pod] pod opt_de:"-L ISO-8859-15 -A UTF-8"
+[po4a_alias:pod] pod opt_pt:"-L UTF-8 -A UTF-8"
+[po4a_alias:pod] pod opt_ja:"-L UTF-8 -A UTF-8"
+[type: pod] debhelper.pod $lang:man/$lang/debhelper.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod $lang:man/$lang/debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod $lang:man/$lang/debhelper-obsolete-compat.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh $lang:man/$lang/dh.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_auto_build $lang:man/$lang/dh_auto_build.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_auto_clean $lang:man/$lang/dh_auto_clean.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_auto_configure $lang:man/$lang/dh_auto_configure.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_auto_install $lang:man/$lang/dh_auto_install.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_auto_test $lang:man/$lang/dh_auto_test.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_bugfiles $lang:man/$lang/dh_bugfiles.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_builddeb $lang:man/$lang/dh_builddeb.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_clean $lang:man/$lang/dh_clean.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_compress $lang:man/$lang/dh_compress.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_dwz $lang:man/$lang/dh_dwz.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_fixperms $lang:man/$lang/dh_fixperms.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_gencontrol $lang:man/$lang/dh_gencontrol.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_icons $lang:man/$lang/dh_icons.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_install $lang:man/$lang/dh_install.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installcatalogs $lang:man/$lang/dh_installcatalogs.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installchangelogs $lang:man/$lang/dh_installchangelogs.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installcron $lang:man/$lang/dh_installcron.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installdeb $lang:man/$lang/dh_installdeb.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installdebconf $lang:man/$lang/dh_installdebconf.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installdirs $lang:man/$lang/dh_installdirs.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installdocs $lang:man/$lang/dh_installdocs.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installemacsen $lang:man/$lang/dh_installemacsen.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installexamples $lang:man/$lang/dh_installexamples.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installifupdown $lang:man/$lang/dh_installifupdown.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installinfo $lang:man/$lang/dh_installinfo.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installinit $lang:man/$lang/dh_installinit.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installinitramfs $lang:man/$lang/dh_installinitramfs.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installlogcheck $lang:man/$lang/dh_installlogcheck.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installlogrotate $lang:man/$lang/dh_installlogrotate.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installman $lang:man/$lang/dh_installman.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installmanpages $lang:man/$lang/dh_installmanpages.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installmenu $lang:man/$lang/dh_installmenu.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installmime $lang:man/$lang/dh_installmime.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installmodules $lang:man/$lang/dh_installmodules.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installpam $lang:man/$lang/dh_installpam.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installppp $lang:man/$lang/dh_installppp.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installudev $lang:man/$lang/dh_installudev.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installwm $lang:man/$lang/dh_installwm.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_installxfonts $lang:man/$lang/dh_installxfonts.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_link $lang:man/$lang/dh_link.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_lintian $lang:man/$lang/dh_lintian.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_listpackages $lang:man/$lang/dh_listpackages.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_makeshlibs $lang:man/$lang/dh_makeshlibs.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_md5sums $lang:man/$lang/dh_md5sums.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_movefiles $lang:man/$lang/dh_movefiles.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_perl $lang:man/$lang/dh_perl.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_prep $lang:man/$lang/dh_prep.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_shlibdeps $lang:man/$lang/dh_shlibdeps.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_strip $lang:man/$lang/dh_strip.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_testdir $lang:man/$lang/dh_testdir.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_testroot $lang:man/$lang/dh_testroot.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_usrlocal $lang:man/$lang/dh_usrlocal.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_systemd_enable $lang:man/$lang/dh_systemd_enable.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] dh_systemd_start $lang:man/$lang/dh_systemd_start.pod add_fr:man/po4a/ add_es:man/po4a/ add_de:man/po4a/ add_pt:man/po4a/
+[type: pod] strings-kept-translations.pod $lang:man/$lang/strings-kept-translations.pod
diff --git a/run b/run
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f5c89f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Run a debhelper command using files from this directory.
+# Run items from current directory by preference.
+export PATH
+# Ensure that builds are self-hosting, which means I have to use the .pm
+# files in this package, not any that may be on the system.
+export PERL5LIB=$(pwd)/lib
+# If any automatic script generation is done in building this package,
+# be sure to use the new templates from this package.
+export DH_DATAFILES=$(pwd)
+exec "$@"
diff --git a/strings-kept-translations.pod b/strings-kept-translations.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c6aab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/strings-kept-translations.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This document contains strings that has been previously translated
+# and will (almost certainly) re-occur later. They are kept here
+# to avoid needing to have them re-translated.
+This compatibility level is open for beta testing; changes may occur.
+This compatibility level is still open for development; use with caution.
diff --git a/t/Dh_Lib/00-use.t b/t/Dh_Lib/00-use.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dc8a966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/Dh_Lib/00-use.t
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd;
+use Test::More tests => 2;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+my $test_dir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
+# Packages that need to be able to (at least) load without requring
+# d/control or d/compat.
+use_ok('Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib', '!dirname');
diff --git a/t/Dh_Lib/control-parsing.t b/t/Dh_Lib/control-parsing.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0658256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/Dh_Lib/control-parsing.t
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+ my $dir = dirname(abs_path(__FILE__));
+ unshift(@INC, dirname($dir));
+ chdir($dir) or error("chdir($dir) failed: $!");
+use Test::DH;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+plan(tests => 10);
+is_deeply([getpackages()], [qw(foo-any foo-all)], 'packages list correct and in order');
+is_deeply([getpackages('both')], [qw(foo-any foo-all)], 'packages list correct and in order');
+is_deeply([getpackages('arch')], [qw(foo-any)], 'arch:linux-any');
+is_deeply([getpackages('indep')], [qw(foo-all)], 'arch:all');
+is(package_section('foo-any'), 'devel', 'binary section');
+is(package_section('foo-all'), 'misc', 'binary section (inherit from source)');
+is(package_declared_arch('foo-any'), 'linux-any', 'binary architecture (linux-any');
+is(package_declared_arch('foo-all'), 'all', 'binary architecture (all)');
+ok(! package_is_arch_all('foo-any'), 'foo-any is not arch:all');
+ok(package_is_arch_all('foo-all'), 'foo-all is arch:all');
diff --git a/t/Dh_Lib/debian/changelog b/t/Dh_Lib/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5850f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/Dh_Lib/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+foo (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release. (Closes: #XXXXXX)
+ -- Test <testing@nowhere> Mon, 11 Jul 2016 18:10:59 +0200
diff --git a/t/Dh_Lib/debian/control b/t/Dh_Lib/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1f0aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/Dh_Lib/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Comment before the source field
+Source: foo
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Test <testing@nowhere>
+Standards-Version: 3.9.8
+Package: foo-any
+Section: devel
+Architecture: linux-any
+Description: package foo-any
+ Package foo-any
+Package: foo-all
+Architecture: all
+Description: package foo-all
+ Package foo-all
diff --git a/t/Dh_Lib/path.t b/t/Dh_Lib/path.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e5f9061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/Dh_Lib/path.t
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+ my $dir = dirname(abs_path(__FILE__));
+ unshift(@INC, dirname($dir));
+ chdir($dir) or error("chdir($dir) failed: $!");
+use Test::DH;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+plan(tests => 3);
+ok(!is_empty_dir(__FILE__), "is_empty_dir(file) is false");
+ok(!is_empty_dir(dirname(__FILE__)), "is_empty_dir(non-empty) is false");
+my $tempdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
+ok(is_empty_dir($tempdir), "is_empty_dir(new-temp-dir) is true");
diff --git a/t/Test/ b/t/Test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d9e71f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/Test/
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+package Test::DH;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Cwd qw(getcwd realpath);
+use Errno qw(EEXIST);
+use Exporter qw(import);
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+our $ROOT_DIR;
+ my $res = realpath(__FILE__) or die('Cannot resolve ' . __FILE__ . ": $!");
+ $ROOT_DIR = dirname(dirname(dirname($res)));
+use lib "$ROOT_DIR/lib";
+# These should be done before Dh_lib is loaded.
+ $ENV{PATH} = "$ROOT_DIR:$ENV{PATH}" if $ENV{PATH} !~ m{\Q$ROOT_DIR\E/?:};
+ $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join(':', "${ROOT_DIR}/lib", (grep {defined} $ENV{PERL5LIB}))
+ if not $ENV{PERL5LIB} or $ENV{PERL5LIB} !~ m{\Q$ROOT_DIR\E(?:/lib)?/?:};
+ $ENV{DH_DATAFILES} = "${ROOT_DIR}/t/fixtures:${ROOT_DIR}";
+ # Nothing in the tests requires root.
+ # Disable colors for good measure
+ $ENV{DH_COLORS} = 'never';
+ $ENV{DPKG_COLORS} = 'never';
+ # Drop DEB_BUILD_PROFILES and DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS so they don't interfere
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+ each_compat_up_to_and_incl_subtest each_compat_subtest
+ each_compat_from_and_above_subtest run_dh_tool
+ create_empty_file readlines copy_file
+ error find_script non_deprecated_compat_levels
+ each_compat_from_x_to_and_incl_y_subtest
+my $START_DIR = getcwd();
+my $TEST_DIR;
+sub copy_file {
+ my ($src, $dest, $mode) = @_;
+ $mode //= 0644;
+ return Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::_install_file_to_path($mode, $src, $dest);
+sub run_dh_tool {
+ my (@cmd) = @_;
+ my $compat = $TEST_DH_COMPAT;
+ my $options = ref($cmd[0]) ? shift(@cmd) : {};
+ my $pid;
+ $pid = fork() // BAIL_OUT("fork failed: $!");
+ if (not $pid) {
+ $ENV{DH_COMPAT} = $compat;
+ if (defined(my $env = $options->{env})) {
+ for my $k (sort(keys(%{$env}))) {
+ if (defined($env->{$k})) {
+ $ENV{$k} = $env->{$k};
+ } else {
+ delete($ENV{$k});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($options->{quiet}) {
+ open(STDOUT, '>', '/dev/null') or error("Reopen stdout: $!");
+ open(STDERR, '>', '/dev/null') or error("Reopen stderr: $!");
+ } else {
+ # If run under prove/TAP, we don't want to confuse the test runner.
+ open(STDOUT, '>&', *STDERR) or error("Redirect stdout to stderr: $!");
+ }
+ exec(@cmd);
+ }
+ waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid or BAIL_OUT("waitpid($pid) failed: $!");
+ return 1 if not $?;
+ return 0;
+sub _prepare_test_root {
+ my $dir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
+ if (not mkdir("$dir/debian", 0777)) {
+ error("mkdir $dir/debian failed: $!")
+ if $! != EEXIST;
+ } else {
+ # auto seed it
+ my @files = qw(
+ debian/control
+ debian/compat
+ debian/changelog
+ );
+ for my $file (@files) {
+ copy_file($file, "${dir}/${file}");
+ }
+ my $test_dir = ($TEST_DIR //= dirname($0));
+ my $fixture_dir = $::TEST_DH_FIXTURE_DIR // '.';
+ my $actual_dir = "$test_dir/$fixture_dir";
+ for my $file (@::TEST_DH_EXTRA_TEMPLATE_FILES) {
+ if (index($file, '/') > -1) {
+ my $install_dir = dirname($file);
+ mkdirs($install_dir);
+ }
+ copy_file("${actual_dir}/${file}", "${dir}/${file}");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $dir;
+sub each_compat_from_x_to_and_incl_y_subtest($$&) {
+ my ($compat, $high_compat, $code) = @_;
+ my $lowest = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::MIN_COMPAT_LEVEL;
+ my $highest = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::MAX_COMPAT_LEVEL;
+ error("compat $compat is no longer support! Min compat $lowest")
+ if $compat < $lowest;
+ error("$high_compat is from the future! Max known is $highest")
+ if $high_compat > $highest;
+ subtest '' => sub {
+ # Keep $dir alive until the test is over
+ my $dir = _prepare_test_root;
+ chdir($dir) or error("chdir($dir): $!");
+ while ($compat <= $high_compat) {
+ local $TEST_DH_COMPAT = $compat;
+ $code->($compat);
+ ++$compat;
+ }
+ chdir($START_DIR) or error("chdir($START_DIR): $!");
+ };
+ return;
+sub each_compat_up_to_and_incl_subtest($&) {
+ unshift(@_, Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::MIN_COMPAT_LEVEL);
+ goto \&each_compat_from_x_to_and_incl_y_subtest;
+sub each_compat_from_and_above_subtest($&) {
+ splice(@_, 1, 0, Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::MAX_COMPAT_LEVEL);
+ goto \&each_compat_from_x_to_and_incl_y_subtest;
+sub each_compat_subtest(&) {
+ unshift(@_,
+ Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::MIN_COMPAT_LEVEL,
+ Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::MAX_COMPAT_LEVEL);
+ goto \&each_compat_from_x_to_and_incl_y_subtest;
+sub create_empty_file {
+ my ($file, $chmod) = @_;
+ open(my $fd, '>', $file) or die("open($file): $!\n");
+ close($fd) or die("close($file): $!\n");
+ if (defined($chmod)) {
+ chmod($chmod, $file)
+ or die(sprintf('chmod(%04o, %s): %s', $chmod, $file, $!));
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub readlines {
+ my ($h) = @_;
+ my @lines = <$h>;
+ close $h;
+ chop @lines;
+ return \@lines;
+# In *inst order (find_script will shuffle them around for *rm order)
+ 'debian/#PACKAGE#.#SCRIPT#.debhelper',
+ 'debian/.debhelper/generated/#PACKAGE#/#SCRIPT#.service',
+sub find_script {
+ my ($package, $script) = @_;
+ my @files;
+ for my $template (@SNIPPET_FILE_TEMPLATES) {
+ my $file = ($template =~ s/#PACKAGE#/$package/r);
+ $file =~ s/#SCRIPT#/$script/;
+ push(@files, $file) if -f $file;
+ }
+ if ($script eq 'postrm' or $script eq 'prerm') {
+ @files = reverse(@files);
+ }
+ return @files;
+sub non_deprecated_compat_levels() {
+ my $start = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::LOWEST_NON_DEPRECATED_COMPAT_LEVEL;
+ my $end = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::MAX_COMPAT_LEVEL;
+ return ($start..$end);
diff --git a/t/buildsystems/01-build-system-basic-api.t b/t/buildsystems/01-build-system-basic-api.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dfb26d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/buildsystems/01-build-system-basic-api.t
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 12;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem;
+my $BS_CLASS = 'Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem';
+# Bulk tests
+sub build_system_path_apis {
+ ### Test Buildsystem class API methods
+ is( $BS_CLASS->canonpath("path/to/the/./nowhere/../../somewhere"),
+ "path/to/somewhere", "canonpath no1" );
+ is( $BS_CLASS->canonpath("path/to/../forward/../../somewhere"),
+ "somewhere","canonpath no2" );
+ is( $BS_CLASS->canonpath("path/to/../../../somewhere"),
+ "../somewhere","canonpath no3" );
+ is( $BS_CLASS->canonpath("./"), ".", "canonpath no4" );
+ is( $BS_CLASS->canonpath("/absolute/path/./somewhere/../to/nowhere"),
+ "/absolute/path/to/nowhere", "canonpath no5" );
+ is( $BS_CLASS->_rel2rel("path/my/file", "path/my", "/tmp"),
+ "file", "_rel2rel no1" );
+ is( $BS_CLASS->_rel2rel("path/dir/file", "path/my", "/tmp"),
+ "../dir/file", "_rel2rel no2" );
+ is( $BS_CLASS->_rel2rel("file", "/root/path/my", "/root"),
+ "/root/file", "_rel2rel abs no3" );
+ is( $BS_CLASS->_rel2rel(".", ".", "/tmp"), ".", "_rel2rel no4" );
+ is( $BS_CLASS->_rel2rel("path", "path/", "/tmp"), ".", "_rel2rel no5" );
+ is( $BS_CLASS->_rel2rel("/absolute/path", "anybase", "/tmp"),
+ "/absolute/path", "_rel2rel abs no6");
+ is( $BS_CLASS->_rel2rel("relative/path", "/absolute/base", "/tmp"),
+ "/tmp/relative/path", "_rel2rel abs no7");
diff --git a/t/buildsystems/02-make-jobserver-makeflags.t b/t/buildsystems/02-make-jobserver-makeflags.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9469759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/buildsystems/02-make-jobserver-makeflags.t
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 9;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+# Test clean_jobserver_makeflags.
+test_clean_jobserver_makeflags('--jobserver-fds=103,104 -j',
+ undef,
+ 'unset makeflags');
+test_clean_jobserver_makeflags('-a --jobserver-fds=103,104 -j -b',
+ '-a -b',
+ 'clean makeflags');
+test_clean_jobserver_makeflags(' --jobserver-fds=1,2 -j ',
+ undef,
+ 'unset makeflags');
+test_clean_jobserver_makeflags('-a -j -b',
+ '-a -j -b',
+ 'clean makeflags does not remove -j');
+test_clean_jobserver_makeflags('-a --jobs -b',
+ '-a --jobs -b',
+ 'clean makeflags does not remove --jobs');
+ '-j6',
+ 'clean makeflags does not remove -j6');
+test_clean_jobserver_makeflags('-a -j6 --jobs=7',
+ '-a -j6 --jobs=7',
+ 'clean makeflags does not remove -j or --jobs');
+test_clean_jobserver_makeflags('-j6 --jobserver-fds=103,104 --jobs=8',
+ '-j6 --jobs=8',
+ 'jobserver options removed');
+test_clean_jobserver_makeflags('-j6 --jobserver-auth=103,104 --jobs=8',
+ '-j6 --jobs=8',
+ 'jobserver options removed');
+sub test_clean_jobserver_makeflags {
+ my ($orig, $expected, $test) = @_;
+ local $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} = $orig;
+ clean_jobserver_makeflags();
+ is($ENV{MAKEFLAGS}, $expected, $test);
diff --git a/t/buildsystems/03-bs-auto-buildable.t b/t/buildsystems/03-bs-auto-buildable.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..df4405b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/buildsystems/03-bs-auto-buildable.t
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 187;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems;
+my @STEPS = qw(configure build test install clean);
+### Test check_auto_buildable() of each buildsystem
+sub test_check_auto_buildable {
+ my ($bs, $config, $expected) = @_;
+ if (! ref $expected) {
+ my %all_steps;
+ $all_steps{$_} = $expected foreach (@STEPS);
+ $expected = \%all_steps;
+ }
+ for my $step (@STEPS) {
+ my $e = 0;
+ if (exists $expected->{$step}) {
+ $e = $expected->{$step};
+ } elsif (exists $expected->{default}) {
+ $e = $expected->{default};
+ }
+ is( $bs->check_auto_buildable($step), $e,
+ $bs->NAME() . "($config): check_auto_buildable($step) == $e" );
+ }
+sub test_autoselection {
+ my ($testname, $expected, %args) = @_;
+ for my $step (@STEPS) {
+ my $bs = load_buildsystem({'enable-thirdparty' => 0}, $step, @_);
+ my $e = $expected;
+ $e = $expected->{$step} if ref $expected;
+ if (defined $bs) {
+ is( $bs->NAME(), $e, "autoselection($testname): $step=".((defined $e)?$e:'undef') );
+ }
+ else {
+ is ( undef, $e, "autoselection($testname): $step=".((defined $e)?$e:'undef') );
+ }
+ &{$args{"code_$step"}}() if exists $args{"code_$step"};
+ }
+my $TEMP_DIR = tempdir('tmp.XXXXXXX', CLEANUP => 1);
+my $sourcedir = "${TEMP_DIR}/source";
+my $builddir = "${TEMP_DIR}/build";
+my %options = (
+ 'builddir' => $builddir,
+ 'sourcedir' => $sourcedir,
+make_path($sourcedir, $builddir);
+use Config;
+my $libpath = $ENV{AUTOPKGTEST_TMP} ? $Config{vendorlib} : "$Test::DH::ROOT_DIR/lib";
+my @bs = load_all_buildsystems([ $libpath ], %options);
+my %bs;
+my @names = map { $_->NAME() } @bs;
+ok(@Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems::BUILDSYSTEMS >= 1, "some build systems are built in" );
+is_deeply( \@names, \@Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems::BUILDSYSTEMS, "load_all_buildsystems() loads all built-in buildsystems" );
+# check_auto_buildable() fails with numeric 0
+for my $bs (@bs) {
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs, "fails with numeric 0", 0);
+ $bs{$bs->NAME()} = $bs;
+remove_tree($sourcedir, $builddir);
+make_path($sourcedir, $builddir);
+#### Bulk of test code ####
+sub run_auto_buildable_tests {
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/configure", 0755);
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{autoconf}, "configure", { configure => 1, clean => 1 });
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/configure");
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/CMakeLists.txt");
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{'cmake+makefile'}, "CMakeLists.txt", { configure => 1, clean => 1 });
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/CMakeLists.txt");
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/Makefile.PL");
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{perl_makemaker}, "Makefile.PL", { configure => 1 });
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/Makefile.PL");
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/");
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{'meson+ninja'}, "", { configure => 1, clean => 1 });
+ # Leave
+ create_empty_file("${builddir}/");
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{ninja}, "", { configure => 1, build => 1, clean => 1, install => 1, test => 1 });
+ # Leave
+ # Meson + ninja
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{'meson+ninja'}, "", { configure => 1, build => 1, clean => 1, install => 1, test => 1 });
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/", "${builddir}/");
+ # With Makefile
+ create_empty_file("$builddir/Makefile");
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{makefile}, "Makefile", 1);
+ # ... +autoconf
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/configure", 0755);
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{autoconf}, "configure+Makefile", { configure => 1, test => 1, build => 1, install => 1, clean => 1 });
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/configure");
+ # ... +cmake
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/CMakeLists.txt");
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{'cmake+makefile'}, "CMakeLists.txt+Makefile", 1);
+ create_empty_file("$builddir/CMakeCache.txt"); # strong evidence that cmake was run
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{'cmake+makefile'}, "CMakeCache.txt+Makefile", 2);
+ rm_files("${builddir}/Makefile", "${sourcedir}/CMakeLists.txt");
+ # Makefile.PL forces in-source
+ #(see note in check_auto_buildable() why always 1 here)
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/Makefile.PL");
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/Makefile");
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{perl_makemaker}, "Makefile.PL+Makefile", 1);
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/Makefile.PL", "${sourcedir}/Makefile");
+ # Perl Build.PL - handles always
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{perl_build}, "no Build.PL", 0);
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/Build.PL");
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{perl_build}, "Build.PL", { configure => 1 });
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/Build"); # forced in source
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{perl_build}, "Build.PL+Build", 1);
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/Build.PL", "${sourcedir}/Build");
+ # Python Distutils
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{python_distutils}, "no", 0);
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/");
+ test_check_auto_buildable($bs{python_distutils}, "", 1);
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/");
+sub run_autoselection_tests {
+ # Auto-select nothing when no supported build system can be found
+ # (see #557006).
+ test_autoselection("auto-selects nothing", undef, %options);
+ # Autoconf
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/configure", 0755);
+ create_empty_file("${builddir}/Makefile");
+ test_autoselection("autoconf",
+ { configure => "autoconf", build => "autoconf",
+ test => "autoconf", install => "autoconf",
+ clean => "autoconf"
+ }, %options);
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/configure", "${builddir}/Makefile");
+ # Perl Makemaker (build, test, clean fail with builddir set [not supported])
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/Makefile.PL");
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/Makefile");
+ test_autoselection("perl_makemaker", "perl_makemaker", %options);
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/Makefile.PL", "${sourcedir}/Makefile");
+ # Makefile
+ create_empty_file("$builddir/Makefile");
+ test_autoselection("makefile", "makefile", %options);
+ rm_files("$builddir/Makefile");
+ # Python Distutils
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/");
+ test_autoselection("python_distutils", "python_distutils", %options);
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/");
+ # Perl Build
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/Build.PL");
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/Build");
+ test_autoselection("perl_build", "perl_build", %options);
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/Build.PL", "${sourcedir}/Build");
+ # CMake
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/CMakeLists.txt");
+ test_autoselection("cmake without CMakeCache.txt",
+ { configure => "cmake+makefile", build => "makefile",
+ test => "makefile", install => "makefile",
+ clean => "makefile"
+ },
+ %options,
+ code_configure => sub {
+ create_empty_file("$builddir/Makefile");
+ });
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/CMakeLists.txt", "$builddir/Makefile");
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/CMakeLists.txt");
+ test_autoselection("cmake with CMakeCache.txt",
+ "cmake+makefile",
+ %options,
+ code_configure => sub {
+ create_empty_file("$builddir/Makefile");
+ create_empty_file("$builddir/CMakeCache.txt");
+ });
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/CMakeLists.txt", "$builddir/Makefile", "$builddir/CMakeCache.txt");
+ create_empty_file("${sourcedir}/CMakeLists.txt");
+ create_empty_file("$builddir/Makefile");
+ test_autoselection("cmake and existing Makefile", "makefile", %options);
+ rm_files("${sourcedir}/CMakeLists.txt", "$builddir/Makefile");
diff --git a/t/buildsystems/04-dh_auto_do_autoconf.t b/t/buildsystems/04-dh_auto_do_autoconf.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a1346e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/buildsystems/04-dh_auto_do_autoconf.t
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 31;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems;
+# Let the tests to be run from anywhere but currect directory
+# is expected to be the one where this test lives in.
+chdir File::Basename::dirname($0) or die "Unable to chdir to ".File::Basename::dirname($0);
+$Test::DH::TEST_DH_COMPAT = 10;
+# Build the autoconf test package
+sub dh_auto_do_autoconf {
+ my ($sourcedir, $builddir, %args) = @_;
+ my (@lines, @extra_args);
+ my $buildpath = $sourcedir;
+ my @dh_auto_args = ("-D", $sourcedir);
+ my $dh_auto_str = "-D $sourcedir";
+ if ($builddir) {
+ push @dh_auto_args, "-B", $builddir;
+ $dh_auto_str .= " -B $builddir";
+ $buildpath = $builddir;
+ }
+ my $do_dh_auto = sub {
+ my ($step) = @_;
+ my @extra_args;
+ my $extra_str = "";
+ if (exists $args{"${step}_args"}) {
+ push @extra_args, @{$args{"${step}_args"}};
+ $extra_str .= " $_" foreach (@extra_args);
+ }
+ ok(run_dh_tool({ 'quiet' => 1 }, "dh_auto_${step}", @dh_auto_args, '--', @extra_args),
+ "dh_auto_$step $dh_auto_str$extra_str");
+ return @extra_args;
+ };
+ @extra_args = &$do_dh_auto('configure');
+ ok ( -f "$buildpath/Makefile", "$buildpath/Makefile exists" );
+ @lines=();
+ if ( ok(open(FILE, '<', "$buildpath/stamp_configure"), "$buildpath/stamp_configure exists") ) {
+ @lines = @{readlines(\*FILE)};
+ close(FILE);
+ }
+ is_deeply( \@lines, \@extra_args, "$buildpath/stamp_configure contains extra args" );
+ &$do_dh_auto('build');
+ ok ( -f "$buildpath/stamp_build", "$buildpath/stamp_build exists" );
+ &$do_dh_auto('test');
+ @lines=();
+ if ( ok(open(FILE, '<', "$buildpath/stamp_test"), "$buildpath/stamp_test exists") ) {
+ @lines = @{readlines(\*FILE)};
+ close(FILE);
+ }
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [ "VERBOSE=1" ],
+ "$buildpath/stamp_test contains VERBOSE=1" );
+ &$do_dh_auto('install');
+ @lines=();
+ if ( ok(open(FILE, '<', "$buildpath/stamp_install"), "$buildpath/stamp_install exists") ) {
+ @lines = @{readlines(\*FILE)};
+ close(FILE);
+ }
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [ "DESTDIR=".Cwd::getcwd()."/debian/testpackage" ],
+ "$buildpath/stamp_install contains DESTDIR" );
+ &$do_dh_auto('clean');
+ if ($builddir) {
+ ok ( ! -e "$buildpath", "builddir $buildpath was removed" );
+ }
+ else {
+ ok ( ! -e "$buildpath/Makefile" && ! -e "$buildpath/stamp_configure", "Makefile and stamps gone" );
+ }
+ ok ( -x "$sourcedir/configure", "configure script renamins after clean" );
+dh_auto_do_autoconf('autoconf', 'bld/dir', configure_args => [ "--extra-autoconf-configure-arg" ]);
+ok ( ! -e 'bld', "bld got deleted too" );
diff --git a/t/buildsystems/05-load-build-system.t b/t/buildsystems/05-load-build-system.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..23aed9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/buildsystems/05-load-build-system.t
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd;
+use Test::More tests => 3;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem;
+my $DIR = dirname($0);
+my $SCRIPT = './'; # relative to $DIR
+my $BS_CWD = Cwd::realpath($DIR) or error("cannot resolve ${DIR}: $!");
+my $BS_CLASS = 'Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem';
+my $bs = $BS_CLASS->new();
+my $default_builddir = $bs->DEFAULT_BUILD_DIRECTORY();
+# NOTE: disabling parallel building explicitly (it might get automatically
+# enabled if run under dpkg-buildpackage -jX) to make output deterministic.
+is_deeply( try_load_bs(undef, 'configure', '--builddirectory=autoconf/bld dir', '--sourcedirectory',
+ 'autoconf', '--max-parallel=1'),
+ [ 'NAME=autoconf', 'builddir=autoconf/bld dir', "cwd=$BS_CWD", 'makecmd=make', 'parallel=1', 'sourcedir=autoconf' ],
+ "autoconf autoselection and sourcedir/builddir" );
+is_deeply( try_load_bs('autoconf', 'build', '-Sautoconf', '-D', 'autoconf', '--max-parallel=1'),
+ [ 'NAME=autoconf', 'builddir=undef', "cwd=$BS_CWD", 'makecmd=make', 'parallel=1', 'sourcedir=autoconf' ],
+ "forced autoconf and sourcedir" );
+is_deeply( try_load_bs('autoconf', 'build', '-B', '-Sautoconf', '--max-parallel=1'),
+ [ 'NAME=autoconf', "builddir=$default_builddir", "cwd=$BS_CWD", 'makecmd=make', 'parallel=1', 'sourcedir=.' ],
+ "forced autoconf and default build directory" );
+sub try_load_bs {
+ my ($system, $step, @params) = @_;
+ my @lines;
+ my $pid = open(my $fd, '-|') // die("fork: $!");
+ if (not $pid) {
+ chdir($DIR) or die("chdir($DIR): $!");
+ $ENV{'TEST_DH_SYSTEM'} = $system if defined($system);
+ $ENV{'TEST_DH_STEP'} = $step if defined($step);
+ exec($^X, $SCRIPT, @params);
+ }
+ @lines = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>;
+ close($fd); # Ignore error
+ return \@lines;
diff --git a/t/buildsystems/06-buildsystem-mkdir-rmdir.t b/t/buildsystems/06-buildsystem-mkdir-rmdir.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c13b253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/buildsystems/06-buildsystem-mkdir-rmdir.t
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use File::Path qw(make_path);
+use Test::DH;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem;
+chdir(dirname($0)) or die("chdir: $!");
+my $TEMP_DIR = tempdir('tmp.XXXXXXX', CLEANUP => 1);
+my $sourcedir = $TEMP_DIR;
+my $builddir = "${TEMP_DIR}/build";
+my $BS_CLASS = 'Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem';
+# Tests
+do_rmdir_builddir($sourcedir, $builddir);
+ok ( ! -e $builddir, "testing rmdir_builddir() 1: builddir parent '$builddir' deleted" );
+ok ( -d $sourcedir, "testing rmdir_builddir() 1: sourcedir '$sourcedir' remains" );
+$builddir = "$sourcedir/bld";
+do_rmdir_builddir($sourcedir, "$builddir/dir");
+ok ( ! -e $builddir, "testing rmdir_builddir() 2: builddir parent '$builddir' deleted" );
+ok ( -d $sourcedir, "testing rmdir_builddir() 2: sourcedir '$sourcedir' remains" );
+$builddir = "$sourcedir/bld";
+make_path($builddir, "$builddir/dir");
+do_rmdir_builddir($sourcedir, "$builddir/dir");
+ok ( ! -e "$builddir/dir", "testing rmdir_builddir() 3: builddir '$builddir/dir' not empty, but deleted" );
+ok ( -d $builddir, "testing rmdir_builddir() 3: builddir parent '$builddir' not empty, remains" );
+### Test Buildsystem::rmdir_builddir()
+sub do_rmdir_builddir {
+ my ($sourcedir, $builddir) = @_;
+ my $system;
+ $system = $BS_CLASS->new(builddir => $builddir, sourcedir => $sourcedir);
+ $system->mkdir_builddir();
+ $system->rmdir_builddir();
diff --git a/t/buildsystems/autoconf/configure b/t/buildsystems/autoconf/configure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5039783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/buildsystems/autoconf/configure
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Emulate autoconf behaviour and do some checks
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my @OPTIONS=qw(
+ ^--build=.*$
+ ^--prefix=/usr$
+ ^--includedir=\$\{prefix\}/include$
+ ^--mandir=\$\{prefix\}/share/man$
+ ^--infodir=\$\{prefix\}/share/info$
+ ^--sysconfdir=/etc$
+ ^--localstatedir=/var$
+ ^--libdir=\$\{prefix\}/lib/.*$
+ ^--disable-option-checking$
+ ^--disable-silent-rules$
+ ^--disable-maintainer-mode$
+ ^--disable-dependency-tracking$
+# Not always passed (e.g. --libexecdir is skipped in compat 12)
+ ^--libexecdir=\$\{prefix\}/lib/.*$
+# Verify if all command line arguments were passed
+my @options = map { { regex => qr/$_/,
+ str => $_,
+ found => 0 } } @OPTIONS;
+push(@options, map { { regex => qr/$_/,
+ str => $_,
+ found => 1 } } @OPTIONAL_ARGUMENTS);
+my @extra_args;
+ARGV_LOOP: foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
+ foreach my $opt (@options) {
+ if ($arg =~ $opt->{regex}) {
+ $opt->{found} = 1;
+ next ARGV_LOOP;
+ }
+ }
+ # Extra / unrecognized argument
+ push @extra_args, $arg;
+my @notfound = grep { ! $_->{found} and $_ } @options;
+if (@notfound) {
+ print STDERR "Error: the following default options were NOT passed\n";
+ print STDERR " ", $_->{str}, "\n" foreach (@notfound);
+ exit 1;
+# Create a simple Makefile
+open(MAKEFILE, ">", "Makefile");
+print MAKEFILE <<EOF;
+all: stamp_configure \$(CONFIGURE)
+ \@echo Package built > stamp_build
+# Tests if dh_auto_test executes 'check' target if 'test' does not exist
+check: \$(CONFIGURE) stamp_build
+ \@echo VERBOSE=\$(VERBOSE) > stamp_test
+install: stamp_build
+ \@echo DESTDIR=\$(DESTDIR) > stamp_install
+# Tests whether dh_auto_clean executes distclean but does not touch
+# this target
+ echo "This should not have been executed" >&2 && exit 1
+ \@rm -f stamp_* Makefile
+.PHONY: all check install clean distclean
+close MAKEFILE;
+open(STAMP, ">", "stamp_configure");
+print STAMP $_, "\n" foreach (@extra_args);
+close STAMP;
+exit 0;
diff --git a/t/buildsystems/buildsystem_tests.t b/t/buildsystems/buildsystem_tests.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eaa2380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/buildsystems/buildsystem_tests.t
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+use Test::More tests => 85;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IPC::Open2;
+use Cwd ();
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use File::Basename ();
+# Let the tests to be run from anywhere but currect directory
+# is expected to be the one where this test lives in.
+chdir File::Basename::dirname($0) or die "Unable to chdir to ".File::Basename::dirname($0);
+use_ok( 'Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib' );
+use_ok( 'Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem' );
+use_ok( 'Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems' );
+my $TOPDIR = $ENV{AUTOPKGTEST_TMP} ? '/usr/bin' : '../..';
+my @STEPS = qw(configure build test install clean);
+my $BS_CLASS = 'Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem';
+my ($bs);
+my ($tmp, @tmp, %tmp);
+my ($default_builddir);
+### Common subs ####
+sub readlines {
+ my $h=shift;
+ my @lines = <$h>;
+ close $h;
+ chop @lines;
+ return \@lines;
+sub process_stdout {
+ my ($cmdline, $stdin) = @_;
+ my ($reader, $writer);
+ my $pid = open2($reader, $writer, $cmdline) or die "Unable to exec $cmdline";
+ print $writer $stdin if $stdin;
+ close $writer;
+ waitpid($pid, 0);
+ $? = $? >> 8; # exit status
+ return readlines($reader);
+sub write_debian_rules {
+ my $contents=shift;
+ my $backup;
+ if (-f "debian/rules") {
+ (undef, $backup) = tempfile(DIR => ".", OPEN => 0);
+ rename "debian/rules", $backup;
+ }
+ # Write debian/rules if requested
+ if ($contents) {
+ open(my $f, ">", "debian/rules");
+ print $f $contents;;
+ close($f);
+ chmod 0755, "debian/rules";
+ }
+ return $backup;
+### Test Buildsystem class path API methods under different configurations
+sub test_buildsystem_paths_api {
+ my ($bs, $config, $expected)=@_;
+ my $api_is = sub {
+ my ($got, $name)=@_;
+ is( $got, $expected->{$name}, "paths API ($config): $name")
+ };
+ &$api_is( $bs->get_sourcedir(), 'get_sourcedir()' );
+ &$api_is( $bs->get_sourcepath("a/b"), 'get_sourcepath(a/b)' );
+ &$api_is( $bs->get_builddir(), 'get_builddir()' );
+ &$api_is( $bs->get_buildpath(), 'get_buildpath()' );
+ &$api_is( $bs->get_buildpath("a/b"), 'get_buildpath(a/b)' );
+ &$api_is( $bs->get_source_rel2builddir(), 'get_source_rel2builddir()' );
+ &$api_is( $bs->get_source_rel2builddir("a/b"), 'get_source_rel2builddir(a/b)' );
+ &$api_is( $bs->get_build_rel2sourcedir(), 'get_build_rel2sourcedir()' );
+ &$api_is( $bs->get_build_rel2sourcedir("a/b"), 'get_build_rel2sourcedir(a/b)' );
+# Defaults
+$bs = $BS_CLASS->new();
+$default_builddir = $bs->DEFAULT_BUILD_DIRECTORY();
+%tmp = (
+ "get_sourcedir()" => ".",
+ "get_sourcepath(a/b)" => "./a/b",
+ "get_builddir()" => undef,
+ "get_buildpath()" => ".",
+ "get_buildpath(a/b)" => "./a/b",
+ "get_source_rel2builddir()" => ".",
+ "get_source_rel2builddir(a/b)" => "./a/b",
+ "get_build_rel2sourcedir()" => ".",
+ "get_build_rel2sourcedir(a/b)" => "./a/b",
+test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "no builddir, no sourcedir", \%tmp);
+# builddir=bld/dir
+$bs = $BS_CLASS->new(builddir => "bld/dir");
+%tmp = (
+ "get_sourcedir()" => ".",
+ "get_sourcepath(a/b)" => "./a/b",
+ "get_builddir()" => "bld/dir",
+ "get_buildpath()" => "bld/dir",
+ "get_buildpath(a/b)" => "bld/dir/a/b",
+ "get_source_rel2builddir()" => "../..",
+ "get_source_rel2builddir(a/b)" => "../../a/b",
+ "get_build_rel2sourcedir()" => "bld/dir",
+ "get_build_rel2sourcedir(a/b)" => "bld/dir/a/b",
+test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "builddir=bld/dir, no sourcedir", \%tmp);
+# Default builddir, sourcedir=autoconf
+$bs = $BS_CLASS->new(builddir => undef, sourcedir => "autoconf");
+%tmp = (
+ "get_sourcedir()" => "autoconf",
+ "get_sourcepath(a/b)" => "autoconf/a/b",
+ "get_builddir()" => "$default_builddir",
+ "get_buildpath()" => "$default_builddir",
+ "get_buildpath(a/b)" => "$default_builddir/a/b",
+ "get_source_rel2builddir()" => "../autoconf",
+ "get_source_rel2builddir(a/b)" => "../autoconf/a/b",
+ "get_build_rel2sourcedir()" => "../$default_builddir",
+ "get_build_rel2sourcedir(a/b)" => "../$default_builddir/a/b",
+test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "default builddir, sourcedir=autoconf", \%tmp);
+# sourcedir=autoconf (builddir should be dropped)
+$bs = $BS_CLASS->new(builddir => "autoconf", sourcedir => "autoconf");
+%tmp = (
+ "get_sourcedir()" => "autoconf",
+ "get_sourcepath(a/b)" => "autoconf/a/b",
+ "get_builddir()" => undef,
+ "get_buildpath()" => "autoconf",
+ "get_buildpath(a/b)" => "autoconf/a/b",
+ "get_source_rel2builddir()" => ".",
+ "get_source_rel2builddir(a/b)" => "./a/b",
+ "get_build_rel2sourcedir()" => ".",
+ "get_build_rel2sourcedir(a/b)" => "./a/b",
+test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "no builddir, sourcedir=autoconf", \%tmp);
+# Prefer out of source tree building when
+# sourcedir=builddir=autoconf hence builddir should be dropped.
+$bs->prefer_out_of_source_building(builddir => "autoconf");
+test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "out of source preferred, sourcedir=builddir", \%tmp);
+# builddir=bld/dir, sourcedir=autoconf. Should be the same as sourcedir=autoconf.
+$bs = $BS_CLASS->new(builddir => "bld/dir", sourcedir => "autoconf");
+test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "in source enforced, sourcedir=autoconf", \%tmp);
+# builddir=../bld/dir (relative to the curdir)
+$bs = $BS_CLASS->new(builddir => "bld/dir/", sourcedir => "autoconf");
+%tmp = (
+ "get_sourcedir()" => "autoconf",
+ "get_sourcepath(a/b)" => "autoconf/a/b",
+ "get_builddir()" => "bld/dir",
+ "get_buildpath()" => "bld/dir",
+ "get_buildpath(a/b)" => "bld/dir/a/b",
+ "get_source_rel2builddir()" => "../../autoconf",
+ "get_source_rel2builddir(a/b)" => "../../autoconf/a/b",
+ "get_build_rel2sourcedir()" => "../bld/dir",
+ "get_build_rel2sourcedir(a/b)" => "../bld/dir/a/b",
+test_buildsystem_paths_api($bs, "builddir=../bld/dir, sourcedir=autoconf", \%tmp);
+#### Test parallel building and related options / routines
+# Test parallel building with makefile build system.
+sub do_parallel_mk {
+ my $dh_opts=shift || "";
+ my $make_opts=shift || "";
+ return process_stdout(
+ "LANG=C LC_ALL=C LC_MESSAGES=C $TOPDIR/dh_auto_build -Smakefile $dh_opts " .
+ "-- -s -f $make_opts 2>&1 >/dev/null", "");
+sub test_isnt_parallel {
+ my ($got, $desc) = @_;
+ my @makemsgs = grep /^make[\d\[\]]*:/, @$got;
+ if (@makemsgs) {
+ like( $makemsgs[0], qr/Error 10/, $desc );
+ }
+ else {
+ ok( scalar(@makemsgs) > 0, $desc );
+ }
+sub test_is_parallel {
+ my ($got, $desc) = @_;
+ is_deeply( $got, [] , $desc );
+ is( $?, 0, "(exit status=0) $desc");
+test_isnt_parallel( do_parallel_mk(),
+ "No parallel by default" );
+test_isnt_parallel( do_parallel_mk("parallel"),
+ "No parallel by default with --parallel" );
+test_isnt_parallel( do_parallel_mk("--max-parallel=5"),
+ "No parallel by default with --max-parallel=5" );
+ local $ENV{DH_COMPAT} = 9;
+ # compat 9 is not parallel by default
+ test_isnt_parallel( do_parallel_mk(),
+ "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=5 without parallel options [c9]" );
+# compat 10+ are parallel by default
+test_is_parallel( do_parallel_mk(),
+ "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=5 without parallel options [current compat]" );
+test_is_parallel( do_parallel_mk("--parallel"),
+ "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=5 with --parallel" );
+test_is_parallel( do_parallel_mk("--max-parallel=2"),
+ "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=5 with --max-parallel=2" );
+test_isnt_parallel( do_parallel_mk("--max-parallel=1"),
+ "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=5 with --max-parallel=1" );
+test_isnt_parallel( do_parallel_mk("--no-parallel"),
+ "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=5 with --no-parallel" );
+$ENV{MAKEFLAGS} = "--jobserver-fds=105,106 -j";
+test_isnt_parallel( do_parallel_mk(),
+ " (no parallel): no make warnings about unavailable jobserver" );
+test_is_parallel( do_parallel_mk("--parallel"),
+ "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=5: no make warnings about unavail parent jobserver" );
+$ENV{MAKEFLAGS} = "-j2";
+test_isnt_parallel( do_parallel_mk(),
+ "MAKEFLAGS=-j2: dh_auto_build ignores MAKEFLAGS" );
+test_isnt_parallel( do_parallel_mk("--max-parallel=1"),
+ "MAKEFLAGS=-j2 with --max-parallel=1: dh_auto_build enforces -j1" );
+# Test dh dpkg-buildpackage -jX detection
+sub do_rules_for_parallel {
+ my $cmdline=shift || "";
+ my $stdin=shift || "";
+ return process_stdout("LANG=C LC_ALL=C LC_MESSAGES=C PATH=$TOPDIR:\$PATH " .
+ "make -f - $cmdline 2>&1 >/dev/null", $stdin);
+doit("ln", "-sf", "", "Makefile");
+# Test if dh+override+$(MAKE) legacy punctuation hack work as before
+$ENV{MAKEFLAGS} = "-j5";
+$ENV{DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS} = "parallel=5";
+$tmp = write_debian_rules(<<'EOF');
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+ $(MAKE)
+ @dh_clean > /dev/null 2>&1
+ @+dh $@ --buildsystem=makefile --without autoreconf 2>/dev/null
+ @dh_clean > /dev/null 2>&1
+test_is_parallel( do_rules_for_parallel("build", "include debian/rules"),
+ "legacy punctuation hacks: +dh, override with \$(MAKE)" );
+unlink "debian/rules";
+if (defined $tmp) {
+ rename($tmp, "debian/rules");
+else {
+ unlink("debian/rules");
+# Clean up after parallel testing
+END {
+ system("rm", "-f", "Makefile");
+$ENV{MAKEFLAGS} = $tmp[0] if defined $tmp[0];
+$ENV{DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS} = $tmp[1] if defined $tmp[1];
+END {
+ system("$TOPDIR/dh_clean");
diff --git a/t/buildsystems/debian/changelog b/t/buildsystems/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f902d89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/buildsystems/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+testpackage (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release. (Closes: #XXXXXX)
+ -- Test <testing@nowhere> Tue, 09 Jun 2009 15:35:32 +0300
diff --git a/t/buildsystems/debian/control b/t/buildsystems/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c3134b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/buildsystems/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Source: testsrcpackage
+Section: devel
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Test <testing@nowhere>
+Standards-Version: 3.8.1
+Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12)
+Rules-Requires-Root: no
+Package: testpackage
+Architecture: all
+Description: short description
+ Long description
diff --git a/t/buildsystems/ b/t/buildsystems/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aeb5ea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/buildsystems/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems;
+my $system = $ENV{'TEST_DH_SYSTEM'};
+my $step = $ENV{'TEST_DH_STEP'};
+my $bs = load_buildsystem($system, $step);
+if (defined $bs) {
+ print 'NAME=', $bs->NAME(), "\n";
+ print $_, "=", (defined $bs->{$_}) ? $bs->{$_} : 'undef', "\n"
+ foreach (sort keys %$bs);
diff --git a/t/buildsystems/ b/t/buildsystems/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e0d201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/buildsystems/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ @rm -f "$(TMPFILE)"
+FIRST: rmtmpfile
+ @c=0; \
+ while [ $$c -le 5 ] && \
+ ([ ! -e "$(TMPFILE)" ] || [ "`cat "$(TMPFILE)"`" != "SECOND" ]); do \
+ c=$$(($$c+1)); \
+ sleep 0.1; \
+ done; \
+ rm -f "$(TMPFILE)"; \
+ if [ $$c -gt 5 ]; then exit 10; else exit 0; fi
+SECOND: rmtmpfile
+ @echo $@ > "$(TMPFILE)"
+.PHONY: all FIRST SECOND rmtmpfile
diff --git a/t/debhelper-compat/debian/control b/t/debhelper-compat/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f18f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/debhelper-compat/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Source: foo
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Build-Depends: BUILD_DEPENDS
+Maintainer: Test <testing@nowhere>
+Rules-Requires-Root: no
+Standards-Version: 3.9.8
+Package: foo
+Architecture: all
+Description: package foo
+ Package foo
diff --git a/t/debhelper-compat/syntax.t b/t/debhelper-compat/syntax.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7fe0307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/debhelper-compat/syntax.t
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+my $TEST_DIR = dirname(__FILE__);
+sub test_build_depends {
+ my ($level, $build_depends) = @_;
+ my $dir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
+ if (not mkdir("$dir/debian", 0777)) {
+ error("mkdir $dir/debian failed: $!");
+ }
+ open my $in, '<', "$TEST_DIR/debian/control" or
+ error("open $TEST_DIR/debian/control failed: $!");
+ open my $out, '>', "$dir/debian/control" or
+ error("open $dir/debian/control failed: $!");
+ while (<$in>) {
+ s/BUILD_DEPENDS/$build_depends/;
+ print $out $_ or
+ error("write to $dir/debian/control failed: $!");
+ }
+ close($out) or
+ error("close $dir/debian/control failed: $!");
+ close($in);
+ my $start_dir = Test::DH::getcwd();
+ chdir($dir) or error("chdir($dir): $!");
+ plan(tests => 5);
+ Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::resetpackages;
+ Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::resetcompat;
+ my @pkgs = getpackages;
+ ok(scalar @pkgs == 1);
+ ok($pkgs[0] eq 'foo');
+ ok(compat($level));
+ ok(compat($level + 1));
+ ok(!compat($level - 1));
+ chdir($start_dir) or
+ error("chdir($start_dir): $!");
+my @levels = non_deprecated_compat_levels;
+plan(tests => scalar @levels);
+for my $level (@levels) {
+ subtest "compat $level" => sub {
+ plan(tests => 7);
+ subtest 'only' => sub {
+ test_build_depends($level, "debhelper-compat (= $level)");
+ };
+ subtest 'first' => sub {
+ test_build_depends($level, "debhelper-compat (= $level), bar");
+ };
+ subtest 'second' => sub {
+ test_build_depends($level, "bar, debhelper-compat (= $level)");
+ };
+ subtest 'first-nl' => sub {
+ test_build_depends($level, "debhelper-compat (= $level),\n bar");
+ };
+ subtest 'second-nl' => sub {
+ test_build_depends($level, "bar,\n debhelper-compat (= $level)");
+ };
+ subtest 'nl-first' => sub {
+ test_build_depends($level, "\n debhelper-compat (= $level),\n bar");
+ };
+ subtest 'nl-second' => sub {
+ test_build_depends($level, "\n bar,\n debhelper-compat (= $level)");
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/t/dh-lib.t b/t/dh-lib.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6e6f3cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh-lib.t
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+package Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::Test;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(__FILE__);
+use Test::DH;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+plan(tests => 2);
+sub ok_autoscript_result {
+ ok(-f 'debian/testpackage.postinst.debhelper');
+ open(my $fd, '<', 'debian/testpackage.postinst.debhelper') or die("open test-poinst: $!");
+ my (@c) = <$fd>;
+ close($fd);
+ like(join('',@c), qr{update-rc\.d test-script test parms with"quote >/dev/null});
+each_compat_subtest {
+ ok(autoscript('testpackage', 'postinst', 'postinst-init',
+ 's/#SCRIPT#/test-script/g; s/#INITPARMS#/test parms with\\"quote/g'));
+ ok_autoscript_result;
+ ok(rm_files('debian/testpackage.postinst.debhelper'));
+ ok(autoscript('testpackage', 'postinst', 'postinst-init',
+ sub { s/\#SCRIPT\#/test-script/g; s/\#INITPARMS\#/test parms with"quote/g } ));
+ ok_autoscript_result;
+ ok(rm_files('debian/testpackage.postinst.debhelper'));
+ ok(autoscript('testpackage', 'postinst', 'postinst-init',
+ { 'SCRIPT' => 'test-script', 'INITPARMS' => 'test parms with"quote' } ));
+ ok_autoscript_result;
+ ok(rm_files('debian/testpackage.postinst.debhelper'));
+$ENV{'FOO'} = "test";
+my @SUBST_TEST_OK = (
+ ['unchanged', 'unchanged'],
+ ["unchanged\${\n}", "unchanged\${\n}"], # Newline is not an allowed part of ${}
+ ['raw dollar-sign ${}', 'raw dollar-sign $'],
+ ['${Dollar}${Space}${Dollar}', '$ $'],
+ ['Hello ${env:FOO}', 'Hello test'],
+ ['${Dollar}{Space}${}{Space}', '${Space}${Space}'], # We promise that ${Dollar}/${} never cause recursion
+ ['/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}', '/usr/lib/' . dpkg_architecture_value('DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH')],
+each_compat_subtest {
+ for my $test (@SUBST_TEST_OK) {
+ my ($input, $expected_output) = @{$test};
+ my $actual_output = Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib::_variable_substitution($input, 'test');
+ is($actual_output, $expected_output, qq{${input}" => "${actual_output}" (should be: "${expected_output})"});
+ }
diff --git a/t/dh-sequencer.t b/t/dh-sequencer.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f864386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh-sequencer.t
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Sequence;
+use Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil;
+# Shorten variants of the sequences.
+my @bd = (qw{
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_auto_configure
+ dh_auto_build
+ dh_auto_test
+my @i = (qw{
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_prep
+ dh_auto_install
+ dh_install
+ dh_missing
+my @ba = (
+ {
+ 'command' => 'dh_strip',
+ 'command-options' => [],
+ 'sequence-limitation' => SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY,
+ },
+ {
+ 'command' => 'dh_makeshlibs',
+ 'command-options' => [],
+ 'sequence-limitation' => SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY,
+ },
+ {
+ 'command' => 'dh_shlibdeps',
+ 'command-options' => [],
+ 'sequence-limitation' => SEQUENCE_TYPE_ARCH_ONLY,
+ }
+my @b=qw{
+ dh_installdeb
+ dh_gencontrol
+ dh_builddeb
+my @c=qw{
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_auto_clean
+ dh_clean
+my %sequences;
+sub _add_sequence {
+ my @args = @_;
+ my $seq = Debian::Debhelper::Sequence->new(@args);
+ my $name = $seq->name;
+ $sequences{$name} = $seq;
+ if ($seq->allowed_subsequences eq SEQUENCE_ARCH_INDEP_SUBSEQUENCES) {
+ my $subname = "${name}-${subseq}";
+ $sequences{$subname} = $seq;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+_add_sequence('build', SEQUENCE_ARCH_INDEP_SUBSEQUENCES, @bd);
+_add_sequence('install', SEQUENCE_ARCH_INDEP_SUBSEQUENCES, to_rules_target("build"), @i);
+_add_sequence('binary', SEQUENCE_ARCH_INDEP_SUBSEQUENCES, to_rules_target("install"), @ba, @b);
+_add_sequence('clean', SEQUENCE_NO_SUBSEQUENCES, @c);
+sub _cmd_names {
+ my (@input) = @_;
+ my @cmds;
+ for my $cmd (@input) {
+ if (ref($cmd) eq 'HASH') {
+ push(@cmds, $cmd->{'command'});
+ } else {
+ push(@cmds, $cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ return \@cmds;
+my %sequences_unpacked = (
+ 'build-indep' => _cmd_names(@bd),
+ 'build-arch' => _cmd_names(@bd),
+ 'build' => _cmd_names(@bd),
+ 'install-indep' => _cmd_names(@bd, @i),
+ 'install-arch' => _cmd_names(@bd, @i),
+ 'install' => _cmd_names(@bd, @i),
+ 'binary-indep' => _cmd_names(@bd, @i, @b),
+ 'binary-arch' => _cmd_names(@bd, @i, @ba, @b),
+ 'binary' => _cmd_names(@bd, @i, @ba, @b),
+ 'clean' => _cmd_names(@c),
+plan tests => 21 + 3 * scalar(keys(%sequences));
+# We will horse around with %EXPLICIT_TARGETS in this test; it should
+# definitely not attempt to read d/rules or the test will be break.
+$Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil::RULES_PARSED = 1;
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'build')],
+ [[], $sequences_unpacked{'build'}],
+ 'Inlined build sequence matches build-indep/build-arch');
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'install')],
+ [[], $sequences_unpacked{'install'}],
+ 'Inlined install sequence matches build-indep/build-arch + install commands');
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary-arch')],
+ [[], $sequences_unpacked{'binary-arch'}],
+ 'Inlined binary-arch sequence has all the commands');
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary-indep')],
+ [[], $sequences_unpacked{'binary-indep'}],
+ 'Inlined binary-indep sequence has all the commands except @bd');
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary')],
+ [[], $sequences_unpacked{'binary'}],
+ 'Inlined binary sequence has all the commands');
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary', 0, { 'build' => 1, 'build-arch' => 1, 'build-indep' => 1})],
+ [[], _cmd_names(@i, @ba, @b)],
+ 'Inlined binary sequence with build-* done has @i, @ba and @b');
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary', 0, { 'build-arch' => 1, 'build-indep' => 1})],
+ [[], _cmd_names(@i, @ba, @b)],
+ 'Inlined binary sequence with build-* done has @i, @ba and @b');
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary', 0, {}, 0)],
+ [[], _cmd_names(@bd, @i, @ba, @b)],
+ 'Inlined binary sequence and arch:all + arch:any is reduced to @bd, @i, @ba and @b');
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary', 0, {}, FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_ARCH_PACKAGES)],
+ [[], _cmd_names(@bd, @i, @b)],
+ 'Inlined binary sequence and not arch:any is reduced to @bd, @i and @b');
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary', 0, {}, FLAG_OPT_SOURCE_BUILDS_NO_INDEP_PACKAGES)],
+ [[], _cmd_names(@bd, @i, @ba, @b)],
+ 'Inlined binary sequence and not arch:all is reduced to @bd, @i, @ba and @b');
+ local $Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil::EXPLICIT_TARGETS{'build-arch'} = 1;
+ local $Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil::EXPLICIT_TARGETS{'build-indep'} = 1;
+ is_deeply(
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary', 0, { 'build-arch' => 1, 'build-indep' => 1})],
+ [[], _cmd_names(@i, @ba, @b)],
+ 'Inlined binary sequence with build-* done has @i, @ba and @b');
+ my $actual = [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary')];
+ # @i should be "-i"-only, @ba + @b should be both.
+ # Unfortunately, unpack_sequence cannot show that.
+ my $expected = [[to_rules_target('build-arch'), to_rules_target('build-indep')], _cmd_names(@i, @ba, @b)];
+ # Permit some fuzz on the order between build-arch and build-arch
+ if ($actual->[0][0] eq to_rules_target('build-indep')) {
+ $expected->[0][0] = to_rules_target('build-indep');
+ $expected->[0][1] = to_rules_target('build-arch');
+ }
+ is_deeply(
+ $actual,
+ $expected,
+ 'Inlined binary sequence with explicit build-* has explicit d/rules build-{arch,indep} + @i, @ba, @b');
+ is_deeply(
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary', 0, { 'build' => 1})],
+ [[], _cmd_names(@i, @ba, @b)],
+ 'Inlined binary sequence with explicit build-* but done build has only @i, @ba and @b');
+ local $Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil::EXPLICIT_TARGETS{'build-indep'} = 1;
+ is_deeply(
+ [ unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary', 0, { 'build-arch' => 1 }) ],
+ [ [to_rules_target('build-indep')], _cmd_names(@i, @ba, @b) ],
+ 'Inlined binary sequence with build-arch done and build-indep explicit has d/rules build-indep + @i, @ba and @b');
+ is_deeply(
+ [ unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary-arch', 0, { 'build-arch' => 1 }) ],
+ [ [], _cmd_names(@i, @ba, @b) ],
+ 'Inlined binary-arch sequence with build-arch done and build-indep explicit has @i, @ba and @b');
+ is_deeply(
+ [ unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary-indep', 0, { 'build-arch' => 1 }) ],
+ [ [to_rules_target('build-indep')], _cmd_names(@i, @b) ],
+ 'Inlined binary-indep sequence with build-arch done and build-indep explicit has d/rules build-indep + @i and @b');
+ local $Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil::EXPLICIT_TARGETS{'build'} = 1;
+ is_deeply(
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary')],
+ [[to_rules_target('build')], _cmd_names(@i, @ba, @b)],
+ 'Inlined binary sequence has all the commands but build target is opaque');
+ is_deeply(
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary', 0, { 'build' => 1, 'build-arch' => 1, 'build-indep' => 1})],
+ [[], _cmd_names(@i, @ba, @b)],
+ 'Inlined binary sequence has all the commands with build-* done and not build-target');
+ is_deeply(
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'build')],
+ [[], $sequences_unpacked{'build'}],
+ 'build sequence is inlineable');
+ # Compat <= 8 ignores explicit targets!
+ for my $seq_name (sort(keys(%sequences))) {
+ is_deeply(
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, $seq_name, 1)],
+ [[], $sequences_unpacked{$seq_name}],
+ "Compat <= 8 ignores explicit build target in sequence ${seq_name}");
+ }
+ local $Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil::EXPLICIT_TARGETS{'install-arch'} = 1;
+ is_deeply(
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary')],
+ # @bd_minimal, @bd and @i should be "-i"-only, @ba + @b should be both.
+ # Unfortunately, unpack_sequence cannot show that.
+ [[to_rules_target('install-arch')], _cmd_names(@bd, @i, @ba, @b)],
+ 'Inlined binary sequence has all the commands');
+ # Compat <= 8 ignores explicit targets!
+ for my $seq_name (sort(keys(%sequences))) {
+ is_deeply(
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, $seq_name, 1)],
+ [[], $sequences_unpacked{$seq_name}],
+ "Compat <= 8 ignores explicit install-arch target in sequence ${seq_name}");
+ }
+ local $Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil::EXPLICIT_TARGETS{'install-arch'} = 1;
+ local $Debian::Debhelper::SequencerUtil::EXPLICIT_TARGETS{'build'} = 1;
+ my $actual = [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, 'binary')];
+ # @i should be "-i"-only, @ba + @b should be both.
+ # Unfortunately, unpack_sequence cannot show that.
+ my $expected = [[to_rules_target('build'), to_rules_target('install-arch')], _cmd_names(@i, @ba, @b)];
+ # Permit some fuzz on the order between build and install-arch
+ if ($actual->[0][0] eq to_rules_target('install-arch')) {
+ $expected->[0][0] = to_rules_target('install-arch');
+ $expected->[0][1] = to_rules_target('build');
+ }
+ is_deeply(
+ $actual,
+ $expected,
+ 'Inlined binary sequence has all the commands');
+ # Compat <= 8 ignores explicit targets!
+ for my $seq_name (sort(keys(%sequences))) {
+ is_deeply(
+ [unpack_sequence(\%sequences, $seq_name, 1)],
+ [[], $sequences_unpacked{$seq_name}],
+ "Compat <= 8 ignores explicit build + install-arch targets in sequence ${seq_name}");
+ }
diff --git a/t/dh_compress.t b/t/dh_compress.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1eb6156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_compress.t
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(__FILE__);
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
+use Test::More;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+my $PREFIX = 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/doc/debhelper';
+plan tests => 2;
+each_compat_subtest {
+ # we are testing compressing doc txt files
+ # foo.txt is 2k and bar.txt is 5k
+ mk_test_dir();
+ # default operation, bar.txt becomes bar.txt.gz and foo.txt is
+ # unchanged
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_compress'));
+ is_deeply(
+ [map { s{${PREFIX}/}{}; $_ } sort glob "$PREFIX/*"],
+ [qw|bar.txt.gz foo.txt|],
+ '5k txt doc compressed, 2k txt doc not compressed'
+ );
+ mk_test_dir();
+ # now if I want to pass both on the command line to dh_compress,
+ # it should compress both
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_compress', '--',
+ 'usr/share/doc/debhelper/foo.txt',
+ 'usr/share/doc/debhelper/bar.txt'));
+ is_deeply(
+ [map { s{${PREFIX}/}{}; $_ } sort glob "$PREFIX/*"],
+ [qw|bar.txt.gz foo.txt.gz|],
+ 'both 5k and 2k txt docs compressed'
+ );
+ mk_test_dir();
+ # absolute paths should also work
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_compress', '--',
+ '/usr/share/doc/debhelper/foo.txt',
+ '/usr/share/doc/debhelper/bar.txt'));
+ is_deeply(
+ [map { s{${PREFIX}/}{}; $_ } sort glob "$PREFIX/*"],
+ [qw|bar.txt.gz foo.txt.gz|],
+ 'both 5k and 2k txt docs compressed by absolute path args'
+ );
+ rm_test_dir();
+ mk_test_dir();
+ is(system('cp', '-la', "${PREFIX}/bar.txt", "${PREFIX}/hardlink.txt"), 0,
+ 'create hardlink');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_compress'));
+ is_deeply(
+ [map { s{${PREFIX}/}{}; $_ } sort glob "$PREFIX/*"],
+ [qw|bar.txt.gz foo.txt hardlink.txt.gz|],
+ 'the 5k and its hardlink txt docs compressed'
+ );
+ # Verify that the hardlink is preserved.
+ my ($dev1, $inode1) = stat("${PREFIX}/bar.txt.gz") // error("stat ${PREFIX}/bar.txt.gz: $!");
+ my ($dev2, $inode2) = stat("${PREFIX}/hardlink.txt.gz") // error("stat ${PREFIX}/hardlink.txt.gz: $!");
+ is($dev1, $dev2, 'Still hardlinked');
+ is($inode1, $inode2, 'Still hardlinked');
+ rm_test_dir();
+each_compat_from_and_above_subtest(12, sub {
+ make_path("${PREFIX}/examples");
+ create_file_of_size("${PREFIX}/examples/", 5120);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_compress'));
+ ok(-f "${PREFIX}/examples/", "${PREFIX}/examples/ is not compressed");
+ ok(! -f "${PREFIX}/examples/", "${PREFIX}/examples/ is not compressed");
+sub create_file_of_size {
+ my ($filename, $size) = @_;
+ open(my $fh, '>', $filename) or error("open($filename) failed: $!");
+ print {$fh} 'X' x $size;
+ close($fh) or error("close($filename) failed: $!");
+sub mk_test_dir {
+ rm_test_dir();
+ make_path($PREFIX);
+ create_file_of_size("${PREFIX}/foo.txt", 2048);
+ create_file_of_size("${PREFIX}/bar.txt", 5120);
+sub rm_test_dir {
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper');
+ rm_files('debian/debhelper.debhelper.log');
diff --git a/t/dh_install/01-basics.t b/t/dh_install/01-basics.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b266196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_install/01-basics.t
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+plan(tests => 2);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ # regular specification of file not in debian/tmp
+ create_empty_file('dh_install');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_install', 'dh_install', 'usr/bin'));
+ ok(-e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/dh_install");
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp');
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ # specification of file in subdir, not in debian/tmp
+ make_path('bar/usr/bin');
+ create_empty_file('bar/usr/bin/foo');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_install', 'bar/usr/bin/foo'));
+ ok(-e "debian/debhelper/bar/usr/bin/foo");
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp');
diff --git a/t/dh_install/02-bugs-53XXXX.t b/t/dh_install/02-bugs-53XXXX.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1c42489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_install/02-bugs-53XXXX.t
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+plan(tests => 4);
+each_compat_from_and_above_subtest(7, sub {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ # #537140: debian/tmp is explcitly specified despite being searched by
+ # default in v7+
+ make_path('debian/tmp/usr/bin');
+ create_empty_file('debian/tmp/usr/bin/foo');
+ create_empty_file('debian/tmp/usr/bin/bar');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_install', 'debian/tmp/usr/bin/foo'));
+ ok(-e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/foo", "#537140 [${compat}]");
+ ok(! -e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/bar", "#537140 [${compat}]");
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp');
+each_compat_from_and_above_subtest(7, sub {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ # #534565: glob expands to dangling symlink -> should install the dangling link
+ make_path('debian/tmp/usr/bin');
+ make_symlink_raw_target('broken', 'debian/tmp/usr/bin/foo');
+ create_empty_file('debian/tmp/usr/bin/bar');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_install', 'usr/bin/*'));
+ ok(-l "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/foo", "#534565 [${compat}]");
+ ok(!-e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/foo", "#534565 [${compat}]");
+ ok(-e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/bar", "#534565 [${compat}]");
+ ok(!-l "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/bar", "#534565 [${compat}]");
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp');
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ # #537017: --sourcedir=debian/tmp/foo is used
+ make_path('debian/tmp/foo/usr/bin');
+ create_empty_file('debian/tmp/foo/usr/bin/foo');
+ create_empty_file('debian/tmp/foo/usr/bin/bar');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_install', '--sourcedir=debian/tmp/foo', 'usr/bin/bar'));
+ ok(-e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/bar", "#537017 [${compat}]");
+ ok(!-e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/foo", "#537017 [${compat}]");
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp');
+each_compat_from_and_above_subtest(7, sub {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ # #535367: installation of entire top-level directory from debian/tmp
+ make_path('debian/tmp/usr/bin');
+ create_empty_file('debian/tmp/usr/bin/foo');
+ create_empty_file('debian/tmp/usr/bin/bar');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_install', 'usr'));
+ ok(-e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/foo", "#535367 [${compat}]");
+ ok(-e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/bar", "#535367 [${compat}]");
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp');
diff --git a/t/dh_install/03-866570-dont-install-from-host.t b/t/dh_install/03-866570-dont-install-from-host.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..92345d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_install/03-866570-dont-install-from-host.t
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+plan(tests => 1);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ # #866570 - leading slashes must *not* pull things from the root FS.
+ make_path('bin');
+ create_empty_file('bin/grep-i-licious');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_install', '/bin/grep*'));
+ ok(-e "debian/debhelper/bin/grep-i-licious", "#866570 [${compat}]");
+ ok(!-e "debian/debhelper/bin/grep", "#866570 [${compat}]");
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp');
diff --git a/t/dh_install/04-sourcedir.t b/t/dh_install/04-sourcedir.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..83bd006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_install/04-sourcedir.t
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+plan(tests => 3);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ # redundant --sourcedir=debian/tmp in v7+
+ make_path('debian/tmp/usr/bin');
+ create_empty_file('debian/tmp/usr/bin/foo');
+ create_empty_file('debian/tmp/usr/bin/bar');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_install', '--sourcedir=debian/tmp', 'usr/bin/foo'));
+ ok(-e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/foo");
+ ok(! -e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/bar");
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp');
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ # #534565: fallback use of debian/tmp in v7+
+ make_path('debian/tmp/usr/bin');
+ create_empty_file('debian/tmp/usr/bin/foo');
+ create_empty_file('debian/tmp/usr/bin/bar');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_install', 'usr'));
+ ok(-e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/foo", "#534565 [${compat}]");
+ ok(-e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/bar", "#534565 [${compat}]");
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp');
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ # specification of file in source directory not in debian/tmp
+ make_path('bar/usr/bin');
+ create_empty_file('bar/usr/bin/foo');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_install', '--sourcedir=bar', 'usr/bin/foo'));
+ ok(-e "debian/debhelper/usr/bin/foo");
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp');
diff --git a/t/dh_installchangelogs/debian/control b/t/dh_installchangelogs/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f4238e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installchangelogs/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Source: foo
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Test <testing@nowhere>
+Standards-Version: 3.9.8
+Package: foo
+Architecture: all
+Description: package foo
+ Package foo
diff --git a/t/dh_installchangelogs/dh_installchangelogs.t b/t/dh_installchangelogs/dh_installchangelogs.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..989a552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installchangelogs/dh_installchangelogs.t
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX qw(locale_h);
+use Test::More;
+use Time::Piece;
+use Time::Seconds qw(ONE_MONTH ONE_YEAR);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use constant TEST_DIR => dirname($0);
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+# Force Time::Piece to generate dch-compliant timestamps (i.e. in English).
+setlocale(LC_ALL, "C.UTF-8");
+use constant CUTOFF_DATE_STR => "2019-07-06"; # oldstable = Debian 10 Buster
+use constant CUTOFF_DATE => Time::Piece->strptime(CUTOFF_DATE_STR, "%Y-%m-%d");
+use constant MIN_NUM_ENTRIES => 4;
+sub install_changelog {
+ my ($latest_offset_years, $num_years, $is_binnmu) = @_;
+ $is_binnmu //= 0;
+ my $entry_date_first = CUTOFF_DATE->add_years($latest_offset_years);
+ my $entry_date_stop = $entry_date_first->add_years(-$num_years);
+ my $changelog = "${\TEST_DIR}/debian/changelog";
+ open(my $fd, ">", $changelog) or error("open($changelog): $!");
+ if ($is_binnmu) {
+ my $nmu_date = $entry_date_first->add_months(-1);
+ my $nmu_entry = entry_text($nmu_date, 1);
+ print($fd $nmu_entry);
+ }
+ # Add one entry every three months ~= four per year.
+ my $entry_date = $entry_date_first;
+ while ($entry_date > $entry_date_stop) {
+ my $entry = entry_text($entry_date, 0);
+ print($fd $entry);
+ $entry_date = $entry_date->add_months(-3);
+ }
+ close($fd);
+sub entry_text {
+ my ($entry_date, $is_binnmu) = @_;
+ my $entry_date_str = $entry_date->strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %T %z");
+ my $ver = $entry_date->year . "." . $entry_date->mon . "-1";
+ my $binnmu_text = "";
+ if ($is_binnmu) {
+ $binnmu_text = " binary-only=yes";
+ $ver .= "+b1";
+ }
+ my $entry = "";
+ $entry .= "foo ($ver) unstable; urgency=low$binnmu_text\n\n";
+ $entry .= " * New release.\n\n";
+ $entry .= " -- Test <testing\@nowhere> $entry_date_str\n\n";
+ return $entry;
+sub changelog_lines_pkg {
+ return changelog_lines("debian/changelog");
+sub changelog_lines_installed {
+ return changelog_lines("debian/foo/usr/share/doc/foo/changelog.Debian");
+sub changelog_lines_binnmu {
+ return changelog_lines("debian/foo/usr/share/doc/foo/changelog.Debian.all");
+sub changelog_lines {
+ my ($changelog) = @_;
+ open(my $fd, $changelog) or error("open($changelog): $!");
+ my @lines = @{readlines($fd)};
+ @lines = grep(!/^$/, @lines);
+ return @lines;
+sub dates_in_lines {
+ my @lines = @_;
+ my @lines_dates = grep(/^ -- /, @lines);
+ @lines_dates = map { (my $l = $_) =~ s/^\s*--\s+.*?\s+<[^>]*>\s+[A-Za-z]+, +//; $l } @lines_dates;
+ @lines_dates = map { Time::Piece->strptime($_, "%d %b %Y %T %z") } @lines_dates;
+ return @lines_dates;
+plan(tests => 8);
+# Test changelog with only recent entries (< oldstable)
+my $years_after_cutoff = 2;
+my $years_of_changelog = 2;
+install_changelog($years_after_cutoff, $years_of_changelog);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my @lines_orig = changelog_lines_pkg();
+ ok(run_dh_tool("dh_installchangelogs"));
+ my @lines = changelog_lines_installed();
+ my @comments = grep(/^#/, @lines);
+ is(@lines, @lines_orig);
+ is(@comments, 0);
+# Test changelog with both recent and old entries
+$years_after_cutoff = 1;
+$years_of_changelog = 4;
+install_changelog($years_after_cutoff, $years_of_changelog);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my @lines_orig = changelog_lines_pkg();
+ ok(run_dh_tool("dh_installchangelogs"));
+ my @lines = changelog_lines_installed();
+ my @entries = dates_in_lines(@lines);
+ my @entries_old = grep { $_ < CUTOFF_DATE } @entries;
+ my @comments = grep(/^#/, @lines);
+ cmp_ok(@lines, "<", @lines_orig);
+ cmp_ok(@entries, ">", 1);
+ is(@entries_old, 0);
+ cmp_ok(@comments, ">=", 1);
+# Test changelog with only old entries
+$years_after_cutoff = -1;
+$years_of_changelog = 2;
+install_changelog($years_after_cutoff, $years_of_changelog);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my @lines_orig = changelog_lines_pkg();
+ ok(run_dh_tool("dh_installchangelogs"));
+ my @lines = changelog_lines_installed();
+ my @entries = dates_in_lines(@lines);
+ my @entries_old = grep { $_ < CUTOFF_DATE } @entries;
+ my @comments = grep(/^#/, @lines);
+ cmp_ok(@lines, "<", @lines_orig);
+ is(@entries, MIN_NUM_ENTRIES);
+ is(@entries_old, MIN_NUM_ENTRIES);
+ cmp_ok(@comments, ">=", 1);
+# Test changelog with only recent entries (< oldstable) + binNUM
+$years_after_cutoff = 2;
+$years_of_changelog = 2;
+install_changelog($years_after_cutoff, $years_of_changelog, 1);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my @lines_orig = changelog_lines_pkg();
+ my @entries_orig = dates_in_lines(@lines_orig);
+ ok(run_dh_tool("dh_installchangelogs"));
+ my @lines = changelog_lines_installed();
+ my @entries = dates_in_lines(@lines);
+ my @entries_nmu = dates_in_lines(changelog_lines_binnmu());
+ my @comments = grep(/^#/, @lines);
+ is(@entries, @entries_orig-1);
+ is($entries[0], $entries_orig[1]);
+ is(@comments, 0);
+ is(@entries_nmu, 1);
+# Test changelog with both recent and old entries + binNMU
+$years_after_cutoff = 1;
+$years_of_changelog = 4;
+install_changelog($years_after_cutoff, $years_of_changelog, 1);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my @lines_orig = changelog_lines_pkg();
+ my @entries_orig = dates_in_lines(@lines_orig);
+ ok(run_dh_tool("dh_installchangelogs"));
+ my @lines = changelog_lines_installed();
+ my @entries = dates_in_lines(@lines);
+ my @entries_old = grep { $_ < CUTOFF_DATE } @entries;
+ my @entries_nmu = dates_in_lines(changelog_lines_binnmu());
+ my @comments = grep(/^#/, @lines);
+ cmp_ok(@entries, "<", @entries_orig-1);
+ is($entries[0], $entries_orig[1]);
+ is(@entries_old, 0);
+ cmp_ok(@comments, ">=", 1);
+ is(@entries_nmu, 1);
+# Test changelog with only old entries + binNMU
+$years_after_cutoff = -1;
+$years_of_changelog = 2;
+install_changelog($years_after_cutoff, $years_of_changelog, 1);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my @lines_orig = changelog_lines_pkg();
+ my @entries_orig = dates_in_lines(@lines_orig);
+ ok(run_dh_tool("dh_installchangelogs"));
+ my @lines = changelog_lines_installed();
+ my @entries = dates_in_lines(@lines);
+ my @entries_old = grep { $_ < CUTOFF_DATE } @entries;
+ my @entries_nmu = dates_in_lines(changelog_lines_binnmu());
+ my @comments = grep(/^#/, @lines);
+ is(@entries, MIN_NUM_ENTRIES);
+ is($entries[0], $entries_orig[1]);
+ is(@entries_old, MIN_NUM_ENTRIES);
+ cmp_ok(@comments, ">=", 1);
+ is(@entries_nmu, 1);
+# Test changelog with both recent and old entries + --no-trim
+$years_after_cutoff = 1;
+$years_of_changelog = 4;
+install_changelog($years_after_cutoff, $years_of_changelog);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my @lines_orig = changelog_lines_pkg();
+ ok(run_dh_tool("dh_installchangelogs", "--no-trim"));
+ my @lines = changelog_lines_installed();
+ my @entries = dates_in_lines(@lines);
+ my @entries_old = grep { $_ < CUTOFF_DATE } @entries;
+ my @comments = grep(/^#/, @lines);
+ is(@lines, @lines_orig);
+ cmp_ok(@entries, ">", 1);
+ cmp_ok(@entries_old, ">", 1);
+ is(@comments, 0);
+# Test changelog with both recent and old entries + notrimdch
+$years_after_cutoff = 1;
+$years_of_changelog = 4;
+install_changelog($years_after_cutoff, $years_of_changelog);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my @lines_orig = changelog_lines_pkg();
+ $ENV{DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS} = "notrimdch";
+ ok(run_dh_tool("dh_installchangelogs"));
+ my @lines = changelog_lines_installed();
+ my @entries = dates_in_lines(@lines);
+ my @entries_old = grep { $_ < CUTOFF_DATE } @entries;
+ my @comments = grep(/^#/, @lines);
+ is(@lines, @lines_orig);
+ cmp_ok(@entries, ">", 1);
+ cmp_ok(@entries_old, ">", 1);
+ is(@comments, 0);
diff --git a/t/dh_installdocs/01-868204-ignore-broken-symlinks.t b/t/dh_installdocs/01-868204-ignore-broken-symlinks.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b9801d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installdocs/01-868204-ignore-broken-symlinks.t
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+plan(tests => 1);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ # #868204 - dh_installdocs did not replace dangling symlink
+ make_path('debian/debhelper/usr/share/doc/debhelper');
+ make_symlink_raw_target('../to/nowhere/bar',
+ 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/doc/debhelper/README.Debian');
+ create_empty_file('debian/README.Debian');
+ ok(-l 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/doc/debhelper/README.Debian');
+ ok(!-e 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/doc/debhelper/README.Debian');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installdocs'));
+ ok(!-l 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/doc/debhelper/README.Debian', "#868204 [${compat}]");
+ ok(-f 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/doc/debhelper/README.Debian', "#868204 [${compat}]");
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp');
diff --git a/t/dh_installdocs/debian/changelog b/t/dh_installdocs/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5850f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installdocs/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+foo (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release. (Closes: #XXXXXX)
+ -- Test <testing@nowhere> Mon, 11 Jul 2016 18:10:59 +0200
diff --git a/t/dh_installdocs/debian/control b/t/dh_installdocs/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e9a228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installdocs/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Source: foo
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Test <testing@nowhere>
+Rules-Requires-Root: no
+Standards-Version: 3.9.8
+Package: foo
+Architecture: all
+Description: package foo
+ Package foo
+Package: bar
+Architecture: all
+Description: package bar
+ Package bar
+Package: baz
+Architecture: all
+Description: package baz
+ Package baz
diff --git a/t/dh_installdocs/debian/copyright b/t/dh_installdocs/debian/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e6ffb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installdocs/debian/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Some test copyright file
diff --git a/t/dh_installdocs/debian/docfile b/t/dh_installdocs/debian/docfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2719eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installdocs/debian/docfile
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This file must not be empty, or dh_installdocs won't install it.
diff --git a/t/dh_installdocs/dh_installdocs.t b/t/dh_installdocs/dh_installdocs.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..64f1254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installdocs/dh_installdocs.t
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+ debian/docfile
+ debian/copyright
+plan(tests => 5);
+ 'env' => {
+ 'DEB_BUILD_PROFILES' => 'nodoc',
+ },
+my $doc = "debian/docfile";
+each_compat_subtest {
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installdocs', '-pbar', $doc));
+ ok(-e "debian/bar/usr/share/doc/bar/docfile");
+ remove_tree(qw(debian/foo debian/bar debian/baz));
+each_compat_subtest {
+ #regression in debhelper 9.20160702 (#830309)
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installdocs', '-pbaz', '--link-doc=foo', $doc));
+ ok(-l "debian/baz/usr/share/doc/baz");
+ ok(readlink("debian/baz/usr/share/doc/baz") eq 'foo');
+ ok(-e "debian/baz/usr/share/doc/foo/docfile");
+ remove_tree(qw(debian/foo debian/bar debian/baz));
+each_compat_subtest {
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installdocs', '-pfoo', '--link-doc=bar', $doc));
+ ok(-l "debian/foo/usr/share/doc/foo");
+ ok(readlink("debian/foo/usr/share/doc/foo") eq 'bar');
+ ok(-e "debian/foo/usr/share/doc/bar/docfile");
+ remove_tree(qw(debian/foo debian/bar debian/baz));
+# ... and with nodoc
+each_compat_subtest {
+ # docs are ignored, but copyright file is still there
+ ok(run_dh_tool($NODOC_PROFILE, 'dh_installdocs', $doc));
+ for my $pkg (qw(foo bar baz)) {
+ ok(! -e "debian/$pkg/usr/share/doc/$pkg/docfile");
+ ok(-e "debian/$pkg/usr/share/doc/$pkg/copyright");
+ }
+ remove_tree(qw(debian/foo debian/bar debian/baz));
+each_compat_subtest {
+ # docs are ignored, but symlinked doc dir is still there
+ ok(run_dh_tool($NODOC_PROFILE, 'dh_installdocs', '-pfoo', '--link-doc=bar', $doc));
+ ok(-l "debian/foo/usr/share/doc/foo");
+ ok(readlink("debian/foo/usr/share/doc/foo") eq 'bar');
+ ok(! -e "debian/foo/usr/share/doc/bar/docfile");
+ remove_tree(qw(debian/foo debian/bar debian/baz));
diff --git a/t/dh_installgsettings/debian/changelog b/t/dh_installgsettings/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5850f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installgsettings/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+foo (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release. (Closes: #XXXXXX)
+ -- Test <testing@nowhere> Mon, 11 Jul 2016 18:10:59 +0200
diff --git a/t/dh_installgsettings/debian/control b/t/dh_installgsettings/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3cb827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installgsettings/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Source: foo
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Test <testing@nowhere>
+Standards-Version: 3.9.8
+Package: has-settings
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}
+Description: package has-settings
+ This package has a GSettings schema.
+Package: no-settings
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}
+Description: package no-settings
+ This package doesn't have a GSettings schema.
diff --git a/t/dh_installgsettings/dh_installgsettings.t b/t/dh_installgsettings/dh_installgsettings.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fe76e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installgsettings/dh_installgsettings.t
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+use autodie;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+my $SCHEMAS = 'usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas';
+sub touch {
+ my $path = shift;
+ open(my $fh, '>>', $path);
+ close $fh;
+sub slurp {
+ my $path = shift;
+ local $/ = undef;
+ open(my $fh, '<', $path);
+ my $contents = <$fh>;
+ close $fh;
+ return $contents;
+each_compat_subtest {
+ make_path("debian/has-settings/$SCHEMAS");
+ touch("debian/has-settings/$SCHEMAS/com.example.HasSettings.xml");
+ make_path("debian/has-unimportant-settings/$SCHEMAS");
+ touch("debian/no-settings.substvars");
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installgsettings', '-phas-settings'), 'run for has-settings');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installgsettings', '-pno-settings'), 'run for no-settings');
+ remove_tree(qw(debian/has-settings debian/has-unimportant-settings));
+ like(slurp('debian/has-settings.substvars'),
+ qr{^misc:Depends=dconf-gsettings-backend \| gsettings-backend$}m,
+ 'has-settings should depend on a backend');
+ unlike(slurp('debian/no-settings.substvars'),
+ qr{^misc:Depends=dconf-gsettings-backend \| gsettings-backend$}m,
+ 'no-settings should not depend on a backend');
diff --git a/t/dh_installinit/debian/bar.other.init b/t/dh_installinit/debian/bar.other.init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea948c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installinit/debian/bar.other.init
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+cat << 'EOF'
+I am init script to be installed into package "bar" into /etc/init.d/other path.
+EOF \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/t/dh_installinit/debian/changelog b/t/dh_installinit/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5850f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installinit/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+foo (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release. (Closes: #XXXXXX)
+ -- Test <testing@nowhere> Mon, 11 Jul 2016 18:10:59 +0200
diff --git a/t/dh_installinit/debian/control b/t/dh_installinit/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48d4de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installinit/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Source: foo
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Test <testing@nowhere>
+Standards-Version: 3.9.8
+Package: foo
+Architecture: all
+Description: package foo
+ Package foo
+Package: bar
+Architecture: all
+Description: package bar
+ Package bar
+Package: baz
+Architecture: all
+Description: package baz
+ Package baz
diff --git a/t/dh_installinit/debian/foo.service b/t/dh_installinit/debian/foo.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa21636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installinit/debian/foo.service
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Description=A unit
diff --git a/t/dh_installinit/dh_installinit.t b/t/dh_installinit/dh_installinit.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7a7817c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installinit/dh_installinit.t
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+ debian/foo.service
+ debian/bar.other.init
+plan(tests => 2);
+each_compat_up_to_and_incl_subtest(10, sub {
+ make_path(qw(debian/foo debian/bar debian/baz));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installinit'));
+ ok(-e "debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service");
+ ok(find_script('foo', 'postinst'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+each_compat_from_and_above_subtest(11, sub {
+ make_path(qw(debian/foo debian/bar debian/baz));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installinit'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool({'quiet' => 1}, 'dh_installinit', '--name=other'));
+ ok(! -e "debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service");
+ ok(!find_script('foo', 'postinst'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ make_path(qw(debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/ debian/bar debian/baz));
+ copy_file('debian/foo.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installinit'));
+ ok(!find_script('foo', 'postinst'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
diff --git a/t/dh_installman/01-basics.t b/t/dh_installman/01-basics.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..141059a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installman/01-basics.t
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+sub has_man_db_tool {
+ my ($tool) = @_;
+ open(my $old_stderr, '>&', *STDERR) or error("dup(STDERR, tmp_fd): $!");
+ open(*STDERR, '>', '/dev/null') or error("re-open stderr as /dev/null: $!");
+ my $res = defined(`$tool --version`);
+ open(*STDERR, '>&', $old_stderr) or error("dup(tmp_fd, STDERR): $!");
+ close($old_stderr);
+ return $res;
+if (has_man_db_tool('man') || has_man_db_tool('man-recode')) {
+ plan(tests => 2);
+} else {
+ plan(skip_all => 'Test requires man or man-recode');
+ manpage-uncompressed.pod
+ manpage-compressed.pod
+ manpage-perl.pod
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ if (! -d 'generated-manpages') {
+ # Static data that can be reused. Generate only in the first test
+ make_path('generated-manpages');
+ for my $basename (qw(manpage-uncompressed manpage-compressed manpage-perl {
+ doit('pod2man', '--utf8', '-c', 'Debhelper', '-r', '1.0', "${basename}.pod",
+ "generated-manpages/${basename}.1");
+ }
+ doit('pod2man', '--utf8', '-c', 'Debhelper', '-r', '1.0', '-s', '3', 'manpage-perl.pod',
+ 'generated-manpages/manpage-perl.3perl');
+ doit('gzip', '-9n', 'generated-manpages/manpage-compressed.1');
+ }
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installman', 'generated-manpages/manpage-uncompressed.1',
+ 'generated-manpages/manpage-compressed.1.gz',
+ 'generated-manpages/manpage-perl.3perl',
+ 'generated-manpages/',
+ ''));
+ ok(-e 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man1/manpage-uncompressed.1');
+ ok(-e 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man1/manpage-compressed.1');
+ ok(-e 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man3/manpage-perl.3');
+ ok(-e 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man1/');
+ ok(! -e 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man9/');
+ ok(-l 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man3/');
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp', 'debian/.debhelper');
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ if (! -d 'generated-manpages') {
+ # Static data that can be reused. Generate only in the first test
+ make_path('generated-manpages');
+ for my $basename (qw(manpage-uncompressed manpage-compressed {
+ doit('pod2man', '--utf8', '-c', 'Debhelper', '-r', '1.0', "${basename}.pod",
+ "generated-manpages/${basename}.1");
+ }
+ doit('pod2man', '--utf8', '-c', 'Debhelper', '-r', '1.0', '-s', '3', 'manpage-perl.pod',
+ 'generated-manpages/manpage-perl.3perl');
+ doit('gzip', '-9n', 'generated-manpages/manpage-compressed.1');
+ }
+ mkdirs('debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man1');
+ mkdirs('debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man3');
+ copy_file('generated-manpages/manpage-uncompressed.1', 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man1/manpage-uncompressed.1');
+ copy_file('generated-manpages/manpage-compressed.1.gz', 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man1/manpage-compressed.1.gz');
+ copy_file('generated-manpages/manpage-perl.3perl', 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man3/manpage-perl.3perl');
+ copy_file('generated-manpages/', 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man1/');
+ copy_file('', 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man3/');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installman'));
+ ok(-e 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man1/manpage-uncompressed.1');
+ ok(-e 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man1/manpage-compressed.1');
+ ok(-e 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man3/manpage-perl.3perl');
+ ok(-e 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man1/');
+ ok(! -e 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man9/');
+ ok(-l 'debian/debhelper/usr/share/man/man3/');
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp', 'debian/.debhelper');
diff --git a/t/dh_installman/ b/t/dh_installman/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b68dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installman/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+=head1 NAME
+ - Something very exciting
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This tool does not exist but would be awesome.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Niels Thykier <>
diff --git a/t/dh_installman/ b/t/dh_installman/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07658f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installman/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ man1/manpage-uncompressed.1
diff --git a/t/dh_installman/manpage-compressed.pod b/t/dh_installman/manpage-compressed.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2c0596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installman/manpage-compressed.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+=head1 NAME
+manpage - Something very exciting
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This tool does not exist but would be awesome.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Niels Thykier <>
diff --git a/t/dh_installman/manpage-perl.pod b/t/dh_installman/manpage-perl.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b66d9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installman/manpage-perl.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+=head3 NAME
+manpage-uncompressed - Something very exciting
+=head3 SYNOPSIS
+This tool does not exist but would be awesome.
+=head3 SEE ALSO
+=head3 AUTHORS
+Niels Thykier <>
diff --git a/t/dh_installman/manpage-uncompressed.pod b/t/dh_installman/manpage-uncompressed.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c95037c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installman/manpage-uncompressed.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+=head1 NAME
+manpage-uncompressed - Something very exciting
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This tool does not exist but would be awesome.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Niels Thykier <>
diff --git a/t/dh_installpam/debian/changelog b/t/dh_installpam/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5850f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installpam/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+foo (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release. (Closes: #XXXXXX)
+ -- Test <testing@nowhere> Mon, 11 Jul 2016 18:10:59 +0200
diff --git a/t/dh_installpam/debian/control b/t/dh_installpam/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c266f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installpam/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Source: foo
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Test <>
+Standards-Version: 3.9.8
+Package: foo
+Architecture: all
+Description: package foo
+ Package foo
diff --git a/t/dh_installpam/debian/foo.pam b/t/dh_installpam/debian/foo.pam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fab1c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installpam/debian/foo.pam
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+@include common-auth
diff --git a/t/dh_installpam/dh_installpam.t b/t/dh_installpam/dh_installpam.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4e76799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installpam/dh_installpam.t
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+plan(tests => 2);
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+ debian/foo.pam
+each_compat_up_to_and_incl_subtest(13, sub {
+ make_path(qw(debian/foo));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installpam'));
+ ok(-f 'debian/foo/etc/pam.d/foo');
+ ok(! -f 'debian/foo/usr/lib/pam.d/foo');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+each_compat_from_and_above_subtest(14, sub {
+ make_path(qw(debian/foo));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installpam'));
+ ok(! -f 'debian/foo/etc/pam.d/foo');
+ ok(-f 'debian/foo/usr/lib/pam.d/foo');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/changelog b/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5850f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+foo (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release. (Closes: #XXXXXX)
+ -- Test <testing@nowhere> Mon, 11 Jul 2016 18:10:59 +0200
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/control b/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48d4de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Source: foo
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Test <testing@nowhere>
+Standards-Version: 3.9.8
+Package: foo
+Architecture: all
+Description: package foo
+ Package foo
+Package: bar
+Architecture: all
+Description: package bar
+ Package bar
+Package: baz
+Architecture: all
+Description: package baz
+ Package baz
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/foo.init b/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/foo.init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b77921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/foo.init
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+some script
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/foo.service b/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/foo.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b48a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/foo.service
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Description=A unit
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/foo2.service b/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/foo2.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42b9445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemd/debian/foo2.service
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Description=Another unit
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemd/dh_installsystemd.t b/t/dh_installsystemd/dh_installsystemd.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bbb4eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemd/dh_installsystemd.t
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+plan(tests => 4);
+sub write_file {
+ my ($path, $content) = @_;
+ my $dir = dirname($path);
+ mkdirs($dir);
+ open(my $fd, '>>', $path) or error("open($path) failed: $!");
+ print {$fd} $content . '\n';
+ close($fd) or error("close($path) failed: $!");
+sub unit_is_enabled {
+ my ($package, $unit, $num_enables) = @_;
+ my @output;
+ my $matches;
+ my @postinst_snippets = find_script($package, 'postinst');
+ @output=`cat @postinst_snippets` if @postinst_snippets;
+ # Match exactly one tab; the "dont-enable" script has an "enable"
+ # line for re-enabling the service if the admin had it enabled.
+ # But we do not want to include that in our count.
+ $matches = grep { m{^\tif deb-systemd-helper .* was-enabled .*'\Q$unit\E\.service'} } @output;
+ ok($matches == $num_enables) or diag("$unit appears to have been enabled $matches times (expected $num_enables)");
+sub unit_is_started {
+ my ($package, $unit, $num_starts, $num_stops) = @_;
+ my @output;
+ my $matches;
+ $num_stops = $num_stops // $num_starts;
+ my @postinst_snippets = find_script($package, 'postinst');
+ @output=`cat @postinst_snippets` if @postinst_snippets;
+ $matches = grep { m{deb-systemd-invoke \$_dh_action .*'\Q$unit\E.service'} } @output;
+ ok($matches == $num_starts) or diag("$unit appears to have been started $matches times (expected $num_starts)");
+ my @prerm_snippets = find_script($package, 'prerm');
+ @output=`cat @prerm_snippets` if @prerm_snippets;
+ $matches = grep { m{deb-systemd-invoke stop .*'\Q$unit\E.service'} } @output;
+ ok($matches == $num_stops) or diag("$unit appears to have been stopped $matches times (expected $num_stops)");
+# Test a simple source package defining a single binary package
+our $TEST_DH_FIXTURE_DIR = 'simple';
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+ debian/foo.service
+each_compat_subtest {
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd'));
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service');
+ ok(find_script('foo', 'postinst'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd', '--no-start'));
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service');
+ ok(find_script('foo', 'postinst'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 0, 0);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd', '--no-start', 'foo.service'));
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service');
+ ok(find_script('foo', 'postinst'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 0, 0);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+# Test a more complex source package defining three binary packages
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+ debian/foo.service
+ debian/foo2.service
+each_compat_subtest {
+ ok(run_dh_tool( 'dh_installsystemd'));
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service');
+ ok(find_script('foo', 'postinst'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 0);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 0);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo2.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo2.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd'));
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service');
+ ok(find_script('foo', 'postinst'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ # lib -> usr/lib (if we ever support that)
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo2.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo2.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd'));
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo2.service');
+ ok(find_script('foo', 'postinst'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ # lib -> usr/lib with both no-empty (if we ever suport that)
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo2.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo2.service');
+ copy_file('debian/foo2.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/bar.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd'));
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/bar.service');
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo2.service');
+ ok(find_script('foo', 'postinst'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo2.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo2.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd', '--no-start'));
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service');
+ ok(find_script('foo', 'postinst'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 0, 0);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 0, 0);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo2.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo2.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd', '-p', 'foo', '--no-start', 'foo.service'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd', '-p', 'foo', 'foo2.service'));
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service');
+ ok(find_script('foo', 'postinst'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 0, 0);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo2.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo2.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd', '-p', 'foo', '--no-enable', 'foo.service'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd', '-p', 'foo', 'foo2.service'));
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service');
+ ok(find_script('foo', 'postinst'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 0);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 1, 1);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd', '--no-restart-after-upgrade'));
+ my @foo_postinst = find_script('foo', 'postinst');
+ ok(@foo_postinst);
+ my $matches = @foo_postinst ? grep { m{deb-systemd-invoke start .*foo.service} } `cat @foo_postinst` : -1;
+ ok($matches == 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ # Quoting #764730
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo\x2dfuse.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo\x2dfuse', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo\x2dfuse', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ # --name flag #870768
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo2.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo2.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd', '--name=foo'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 0);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 0);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd', '--name=foo2'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/target.service');
+ make_symlink_raw_target('target.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/source.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ # Alias= realized by symlinks are not enabled in maintaner scripts
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'source', 0);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'target', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+each_compat_up_to_and_incl_subtest(11, sub {
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ make_path('debian/foo/etc/init.d/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/target.service');
+ make_symlink_raw_target('target.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/source.service');
+ write_file('debian/foo/etc/init.d/source', '# something');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ # Alias= realized by symlinks are not enabled in maintaner scripts
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'source', 0);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'target', 1);
+ # The presence of a sysvinit script for the alias unit inhibits start of both
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'source', 0);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'target', 0);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+each_compat_from_and_above_subtest(12, sub {
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ make_path('debian/foo/etc/init.d/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/target.service');
+ make_symlink_raw_target('target.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/source.service');
+ write_file('debian/foo/etc/init.d/source', '# something');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ # Alias= realized by symlinks are not enabled in maintaner scripts
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'source', 0);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'target', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'source', 0);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'target', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemd/dh_installsystemd_tmpfiles.t b/t/dh_installsystemd/dh_installsystemd_tmpfiles.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0fffe57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemd/dh_installsystemd_tmpfiles.t
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+ debian/foo.service
+ debian/foo.init
+plan(tests => 3);
+# Units are installed and enabled
+each_compat_from_x_to_and_incl_y_subtest(11, 12, sub {
+ make_path('debian/foo/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d');
+ create_empty_file('debian/foo/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/foo.conf');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installinit'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd'));
+ ok(-e "debian/foo/etc/init.d/foo");
+ ok(-e "debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service");
+ my @postinst = find_script('foo', 'postinst');
+ # We should have two snippets (one for the tmpfiles and one for the services).
+ is(scalar(@postinst), 2);
+ if (scalar(@postinst) == 2) {
+ open(my $fd, '<', $postinst[0]) or error("open($postinst[0]) failed: $!");
+ my $early_snippet = readlines($fd);
+ close($fd);
+ open($fd, '<', $postinst[1]) or error("open($postinst[1]) failed: $!");
+ my $late_snippet = readlines($fd);
+ close($fd);
+ ok(! grep { m/(?:invoke|update)-rc.d|deb-systemd-invoke/ } @{$early_snippet});
+ ok(grep { m/(?:invoke|update)-rc.d|deb-systemd-invoke/ } @{$late_snippet});
+ ok(grep { m/systemd-tmpfiles/ } @{$early_snippet});
+ ok(! grep { m/systemd-tmpfiles/ } @{$late_snippet});
+ }
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+each_compat_from_and_above_subtest(13, sub {
+ make_path('debian/foo/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d');
+ create_empty_file('debian/foo/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/foo.conf');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installinit'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemd'));
+ ok(-e "debian/foo/etc/init.d/foo");
+ ok(-e "debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service");
+ my @postinst = find_script('foo', 'postinst');
+ # We should have one snippet (one for the services).
+ is(scalar(@postinst), 1);
+ if (scalar(@postinst) == 1) {
+ open(my $fd, '<', $postinst[0]) or error("open($postinst[0]) failed: $!");
+ my $snippet = readlines($fd);
+ close($fd);
+ ok(grep { m/(?:invoke|update)-rc.d|deb-systemd-invoke/ } @{$snippet});
+ ok(! grep { m/systemd-tmpfiles/ } @{$snippet});
+ }
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+each_compat_from_and_above_subtest(13, sub {
+ make_path('debian/foo/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d');
+ create_empty_file('debian/foo/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/foo.conf');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installtmpfiles'));
+ # dh_installtmpfiles do not install services
+ ok(!-e "debian/foo/etc/init.d/foo");
+ ok(!-e "debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service");
+ my @postinst = find_script('foo', 'postinst');
+ # We should have too snippets (one for the tmpfiles and one for the services).
+ is(scalar(@postinst), 1);
+ if (scalar(@postinst) == 1) {
+ open(my $fd, '<', $postinst[0]) or error("open($postinst[0]) failed: $!");
+ my $snippet = readlines($fd);
+ close($fd);
+ ok(! grep { m/(?:invoke|update)-rc.d|deb-systemd-invoke/ } @{$snippet});
+ ok(grep { m/systemd-tmpfiles/ } @{$snippet});
+ }
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemd/dh_systemd.t b/t/dh_installsystemd/dh_systemd.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c3c9401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemd/dh_systemd.t
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+ debian/foo.service
+ debian/foo2.service
+plan(tests => 1);
+sub unit_is_enabled {
+ my ($package, $unit, $num_enables) = @_;
+ my @output;
+ my $matches;
+ @output=`cat debian/$package.postinst.debhelper`;
+ # Match exactly one tab; the "dont-enable" script has an "enable"
+ # line for re-enabling the service if the admin had it enabled.
+ # But we do not want to include that in our count.
+ $matches = grep { m{^\tif deb-systemd-helper .* was-enabled .*'\Q$unit\E\.service'} } @output;
+ ok($matches == $num_enables) or diag("$unit appears to have been enabled $matches times (expected $num_enables)");
+sub unit_is_started {
+ my ($package, $unit, $num_starts, $num_stops) = @_;
+ my @output;
+ my $matches;
+ $num_stops = $num_stops // $num_starts;
+ @output=`cat debian/$package.postinst.debhelper`;
+ $matches = grep { m{deb-systemd-invoke \$_dh_action .*'\Q$unit\E.service'} } @output;
+ ok($matches == $num_starts) or diag("$unit appears to have been started $matches times (expected $num_starts)");
+ @output=`cat debian/$package.prerm.debhelper`;
+ $matches = grep { m{deb-systemd-invoke stop .*'\Q$unit\E.service'} } @output;
+ ok($matches == $num_stops) or diag("$unit appears to have been stopped $matches times (expected $num_stops)");
+# Units are installed and enabled
+each_compat_from_x_to_and_incl_y_subtest(10, 10, sub {
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_enable'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_start'));
+ ok(-e "debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service");
+ ok(-e "debian/foo.postinst.debhelper");
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 0);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 0);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo2.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo2.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_enable'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_start'));
+ ok(-e "debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service");
+ ok(-e "debian/foo.postinst.debhelper");
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo2.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo2.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_enable'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_start', '--no-start'));
+ ok(-e "debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service");
+ ok(-e "debian/foo.postinst.debhelper");
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 0, 1); # present units are stopped on remove even if no start
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 0, 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo2.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo2.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_enable'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_start', '--no-start', 'debian/foo.service'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_start', '-p', 'foo', 'foo2.service'));
+ ok(-e "debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service");
+ ok(-e "debian/foo.postinst.debhelper");
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 0, 1);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo2.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo2.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_enable', '--no-enable', 'debian/foo.service'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_enable', '-p', 'foo', 'foo2.service'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_start'));
+ ok(-e "debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service");
+ ok(-e "debian/foo.postinst.debhelper");
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo', 0);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo', 1, 1);
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo2', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_start', '--no-restart-after-upgrade'));
+ my $matches = grep { m{deb-systemd-invoke start .*foo.service} } `cat debian/foo.postinst.debhelper`;
+ ok($matches == 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ # Quoting #764730
+ make_path('debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo.service', 'debian/foo/lib/systemd/system/foo\x2dfuse.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_enable'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_systemd_start'));
+ unit_is_enabled('foo', 'foo\x2dfuse', 1);
+ unit_is_started('foo', 'foo\x2dfuse', 1);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemd/simple/debian/changelog b/t/dh_installsystemd/simple/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b1a8fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemd/simple/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+foo (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release. (Closes: #XXXXXX)
+ -- Test <> Mon, 11 Jul 2016 18:10:59 +0200
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemd/simple/debian/control b/t/dh_installsystemd/simple/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f4238e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemd/simple/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Source: foo
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Test <testing@nowhere>
+Standards-Version: 3.9.8
+Package: foo
+Architecture: all
+Description: package foo
+ Package foo
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemd/simple/debian/foo.service b/t/dh_installsystemd/simple/debian/foo.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b48a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemd/simple/debian/foo.service
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Description=A unit
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemduser/debian/baz.user.service b/t/dh_installsystemduser/debian/baz.user.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3af041d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemduser/debian/baz.user.service
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Description=Baz User Unit
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemduser/debian/changelog b/t/dh_installsystemduser/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5850f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemduser/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+foo (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release. (Closes: #XXXXXX)
+ -- Test <testing@nowhere> Mon, 11 Jul 2016 18:10:59 +0200
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemduser/debian/control b/t/dh_installsystemduser/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adccbc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemduser/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Source: foo
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Test <>
+Standards-Version: 3.9.8
+Package: foo
+Architecture: all
+Description: package foo
+ Package foo
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemduser/debian/foo.user.service b/t/dh_installsystemduser/debian/foo.user.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ef597d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemduser/debian/foo.user.service
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Description=Foo User Unit
diff --git a/t/dh_installsystemduser/dh_installsystemduser.t b/t/dh_installsystemduser/dh_installsystemduser.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5171728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_installsystemduser/dh_installsystemduser.t
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Path qw(make_path);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+plan(tests => 1);
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+ debian/foo.user.service
+ debian/baz.user.service
+sub read_script {
+ my ($package, $name) = @_;
+ my @lines;
+ foreach my $script (find_script($package, $name)) {
+ open(my $fh, '<', $script) or die("open($script): $!");
+ push @lines, $_ for <$fh>;
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ return @lines;
+sub _unit_check_user_enabled {
+ my ($package, $unit, $enabled) = @_;
+ my $verb = $enabled ? "is" : "isnt";
+ my $matches;
+ my @postinst = read_script($package, 'postinst');
+ # Match exactly two tab character. The "dont-enable" script has
+ # an "enable" line for re-enabling the service if the admin had it
+ # enabled, but we do not want to include that in our count.
+ $matches = grep { m{^\t\tif deb-systemd-helper( --\w+)* --user was-enabled.*'\Q$unit'} } @postinst;
+ is($matches, $enabled, "$unit $verb enabled");
+sub _unit_check_user_started {
+ my ($package, $unit, $started) = @_;
+ my $verb = $started ? "is" : "isnt";
+ my $matches;
+ my @postinst = read_script($package, 'postinst');
+ # Match exactly two tab character. The "dont-enable" script has
+ # an "enable" line for re-enabling the service if the admin had it
+ # enabled, but we do not want to include that in our count.
+ $matches = grep { m{deb-systemd-invoke --user restart.*'\Q$unit'} } @postinst;
+ is($matches, $started, "$unit $verb started");
+ my @prerm = read_script($package, 'prerm');
+ $matches = grep { m{deb-systemd-invoke --user stop.*'\Q$unit'} } @prerm;
+ is($matches, $started, "$unit $verb stopped");
+sub is_enabled { _unit_check_user_enabled(@_, 1); }
+sub isnt_enabled { _unit_check_user_enabled(@_, 0); }
+sub is_started { _unit_check_user_started(@_, 1); }
+sub isnt_started { _unit_check_user_started(@_, 0); }
+each_compat_subtest {
+ my ($compat) = @_;
+ make_path('debian/foo/usr/lib/systemd/user/');
+ copy_file('debian/foo.user.service', 'debian/foo/usr/lib/systemd/user/bar.service');
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemduser'));
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/usr/lib/systemd/user/foo.service');
+ is_enabled('foo', 'foo.service');
+ is_enabled('foo', 'bar.service');
+ if ($compat > 13) {
+ is_started('foo', 'foo.service');
+ is_started('foo', 'bar.service');
+ } else {
+ isnt_started('foo', 'foo.service');
+ isnt_started('foo', 'bar.service');
+ }
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemduser'));
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/usr/lib/systemd/user/foo.service');
+ ok(! -e 'debian/foo/usr/lib/systemd/user/baz.service');
+ is_enabled('foo', 'foo.service');
+ isnt_enabled('foo', 'baz.service');
+ if ($compat > 13) {
+ is_started('foo', 'foo.service');
+ isnt_started('foo', 'baz.service');
+ } else {
+ isnt_started('foo', 'bar.service');
+ isnt_started('foo', 'baz.service');
+ }
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_installsystemduser', '--name', 'baz'));
+ ok(! -e 'debian/foo/usr/lib/systemd/user/foo.service');
+ ok(-e 'debian/foo/usr/lib/systemd/user/baz.service');
+ isnt_enabled('foo', 'foo.service');
+ is_enabled('foo', 'baz.service');
+ if ($compat > 13) {
+ isnt_started('foo', 'foo.service');
+ is_started('foo', 'baz.service');
+ } else {
+ isnt_started('foo', 'foo.service');
+ isnt_started('foo', 'baz.service');
+ }
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
diff --git a/t/dh_link/01-basic.t b/t/dh_link/01-basic.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..88c8e49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_link/01-basic.t
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+plan(tests => 1);
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+each_compat_subtest {
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper');
+ # It used to not make absolute links in this situation, and it should.
+ # #37774
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_link', 'etc/foo', 'usr/lib/bar'));
+ ok(readlink("debian/debhelper/usr/lib/bar"), "/etc/foo");
+ # let's make sure it makes simple relative links ok.
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_link', 'usr/bin/foo', 'usr/bin/bar'));
+ ok(readlink("debian/debhelper/usr/bin/bar"), "foo");
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_link', 'sbin/foo', 'sbin/bar'));
+ ok(readlink("debian/debhelper/sbin/bar"), "foo");
+ # ok, more complex relative links.
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_link', 'usr/lib/1', 'usr/bin/2'));
+ ok(readlink("debian/debhelper/usr/bin/2"),"../lib/1");
+ # Check conversion of relative symlink to different top-level directory
+ # into absolute symlink. (#244157)
+ system("mkdir -p debian/debhelper/usr/lib; mkdir -p debian/debhelper/lib; touch debian/debhelper/lib/; cd debian/debhelper/usr/lib; ln -sf ../../lib/");
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_link'));
+ ok(readlink("debian/debhelper/usr/lib/"), "/lib/");
+ # Link to self.
+ ok(run_dh_tool({ 'quiet' => 1 }, 'dh_link', 'usr/lib/foo', 'usr/lib/foo'));
+ ok(! -l "debian/debhelper/usr/lib/foo");
+ # Make sure the link conversion didn't change any of the
+ # previously made links.
+ ok(readlink("debian/debhelper/usr/lib/bar"), "/etc/foo");
+ ok(readlink("debian/debhelper/usr/bin/bar"), "foo");
+ ok(readlink("debian/debhelper/usr/bin/2"),"../lib/1");
diff --git a/t/dh_link/02-346405.t b/t/dh_link/02-346405.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..95053ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_link/02-346405.t
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+plan(tests => 1);
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+each_compat_subtest {
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper');
+ # Check links to the current directory and below, they used to be
+ # unnecessarily long (#346405).
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_link', 'usr/lib/geant4', 'usr/lib/geant4/a'));
+ ok(readlink("debian/debhelper/usr/lib/geant4/a"), ".");
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_link', 'usr/lib', 'usr/lib/geant4/b'));
+ ok(readlink("debian/debhelper/usr/lib/geant4/b"), "..");
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_link', 'usr', 'usr/lib/geant4/c'));
+ ok(readlink("debian/debhelper/usr/lib/geant4/c"), "../..");
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_link', '/', 'usr/lib/geant4/d'));
+ ok(readlink("debian/debhelper/usr/lib/geant4/d"), "/");
diff --git a/t/dh_link/03-894229.t b/t/dh_link/03-894229.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d42a392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_link/03-894229.t
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+plan(tests => 1);
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+use Test::DH;
+sub test_tricky {
+ my ($link_name, $denoted_dest, $expected_link_target) = @_;
+ my $tmpdir = 'debian/debhelper';
+ my $link_path = "${tmpdir}/${link_name}";
+ make_symlink($link_name, $denoted_dest, $tmpdir);
+ if (ok(-l $link_path, 'Link made in correct directory')) {
+ my $target = readlink($link_path);
+ is($target, $expected_link_target, 'Link points correctly')
+ or diag("Expected ${expected_link_target}, actual ${target}");
+ rm_files($link_path);
+ }
+ return;
+sub test_invalid {
+ my ($link_name, $denoted_dest) = @_;
+ eval {
+ make_symlink($link_name, $denoted_dest);
+ };
+ like($@, qr{^(?:\S*:(?: error:)?\s*)?Invalid destination/link name});
+each_compat_subtest {
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper/a/b/c');
+ mkdirs('debian/debhelper/a/b/c');
+ test_invalid('../../wow', 'a');
+ # This is a can be made valid but at the moment we do not support
+ # it.
+ test_invalid('a/b/../link21', 'a');
+ test_tricky('//a/b/link03', 'a/b/c', 'c');
+ test_tricky('./a/link18', 'a', '.');
+ test_tricky('a/./b/link19', 'a/b', '.');
diff --git a/t/dh_missing/01-no-missing.t b/t/dh_missing/01-no-missing.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e3cd311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_missing/01-no-missing.t
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+our $TEST_DH_FIXTURE_DIR = 'template';
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+ debian/foo.install
+ file-for-foo
+ Makefile
+plan(tests => 1);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ # Verify dh_missing does not fail when all files are installed.
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ is(system('make', 'install'), 0);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_install', '--sourcedir', 'debian/tmp'));
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_missing', '--fail-missing'), 'dh_missing failed');
diff --git a/t/dh_missing/02-fail-on-missing.t b/t/dh_missing/02-fail-on-missing.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e97b6eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_missing/02-fail-on-missing.t
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+our $TEST_DH_FIXTURE_DIR = 'template';
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+ debian/foo.install
+ file-for-foo
+ Makefile
+plan(tests => 1);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ # Verify dh_missing does fail when not all files are installed.
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ is(system('make', 'installmore'), 0);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_install', '--sourcedir', 'debian/tmp'));
+ ok(!run_dh_tool({ 'quiet' => 1 }, 'dh_missing', '--fail-missing'));
+ isnt($?, -1, 'dh_missing was executed');
+ ok(! ($? & 127), 'dh_missing did not die due to a signal');
+ my $exitcode = ($? >> 8);
+ is($exitcode, 255, 'dh_missing exited with exit code 255');
diff --git a/t/dh_missing/03-dh_install-redirection.t b/t/dh_missing/03-dh_install-redirection.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2235b08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_missing/03-dh_install-redirection.t
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+our $TEST_DH_FIXTURE_DIR = 'template';
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+ debian/foo.install
+ file-for-foo
+ Makefile
+plan(tests => 1);
+each_compat_up_to_and_incl_subtest(10, sub {
+ # Verify that dh_install -X --fail-missing is passed through to dh_missing (#863447)
+ # dh_install -Xfile makes file-for-foo not be installed. Then we shouldn't
+ # complain about it not being missing.
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ is(system('make', 'install'), 0);
+ ok(run_dh_tool({ 'quiet' => 1 }, 'dh_install', '--sourcedir', 'debian/tmp',
+ '-X', 'more', '--exclude', 'lots', '--fail-missing'));
diff --git a/t/dh_missing/04-not-installed-glob.t b/t/dh_missing/04-not-installed-glob.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b46eca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_missing/04-not-installed-glob.t
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+our $TEST_DH_FIXTURE_DIR = 'template';
+ debian/changelog
+ debian/control
+ debian/foo.install
+ file-for-foo
+ Makefile
+plan(tests => 1);
+each_compat_subtest {
+ rm_files('debian/not-installed');
+ open(my $fd, '>', 'debian/not-installed') or error("open(d/not-installed): $!");
+ # Non-glob match
+ print {$fd} "usr/bin/file-for-foo\n";
+ # Glob match (note that it must not match the above)
+ print {$fd} "usr/bin/file-for-foo-*\n";
+ # Non-matches (silently ignored)
+ print {$fd} "usr/bin/does-not-exist\n";
+ print {$fd} "usr/bin/does-not-exist-*\n";
+ close($fd) or error("close(d/not-installed: $!");
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_clean'));
+ is(system('make', 'installmore'), 0);
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_missing', '--fail-missing'));
diff --git a/t/dh_missing/template/Makefile b/t/dh_missing/template/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e33e1df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_missing/template/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ install -m 755 -d debian/tmp/usr/bin
+ install -m 644 file-for-foo debian/tmp/usr/bin/file-for-foo
+installmore: install
+ install -m 644 file-for-foo debian/tmp/usr/bin/file-for-foo-more
+ install -m 644 file-for-foo debian/tmp/usr/bin/file-for-foo-lots
diff --git a/t/dh_missing/template/debian/changelog b/t/dh_missing/template/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5850f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_missing/template/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+foo (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release. (Closes: #XXXXXX)
+ -- Test <testing@nowhere> Mon, 11 Jul 2016 18:10:59 +0200
diff --git a/t/dh_missing/template/debian/control b/t/dh_missing/template/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48d4de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_missing/template/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Source: foo
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Test <testing@nowhere>
+Standards-Version: 3.9.8
+Package: foo
+Architecture: all
+Description: package foo
+ Package foo
+Package: bar
+Architecture: all
+Description: package bar
+ Package bar
+Package: baz
+Architecture: all
+Description: package baz
+ Package baz
diff --git a/t/dh_missing/template/debian/foo.install b/t/dh_missing/template/debian/foo.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eddea57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_missing/template/debian/foo.install
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+usr/bin/*-for-foo \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/t/dh_missing/template/file-for-foo b/t/dh_missing/template/file-for-foo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8773f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_missing/template/file-for-foo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+file content \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/t/dh_usrlocal/01-basic.t b/t/dh_usrlocal/01-basic.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9b05516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/dh_usrlocal/01-basic.t
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+plan(tests => 1);
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+use Test::DH;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+sub extract_generated_lines {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my (@lines, $marker);
+ return if not -f $file;
+ open(my $fd, '<', $file) or error("open($file) failed: $!");
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ chomp($line);
+ if (defined($marker)) {
+ last if $line eq $marker;
+ push(@lines, $line);
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ m{\s*<<\s*(\S+)\s*$}) {
+ $marker = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ return @lines;
+sub perform_test {
+ my ($install_dirs, $expected_dirs_postinst, $expected_dirs_prerm) = @_;
+ my (@postinst, @prerm);
+ my @scripts = qw(
+ debian/debhelper.postinst.debhelper
+ debian/debhelper.prerm.debhelper
+ );
+ rm_files(@scripts);
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper');
+ mkdirs(map { "debian/debhelper/$_" } @{$install_dirs});
+ ok(run_dh_tool('dh_usrlocal'));
+ @postinst = extract_generated_lines("debian/debhelper.postinst.debhelper");
+ @prerm = extract_generated_lines("debian/debhelper.prerm.debhelper");
+ is_deeply(\@postinst,
+ [map { "$_ default" } @{$expected_dirs_postinst}],
+ "Correct postinst"
+ ) or do { diag("postinst: $_") for @postinst; };
+ is_deeply(\@prerm,
+ $expected_dirs_prerm,
+ "Correct prerm"
+ ) or do { diag("prerm: $_") for @prerm; };
+each_compat_subtest {
+ perform_test(
+ ['/usr/local/bar', '/usr/local/foo'],
+ ['/usr/local/bar', '/usr/local/foo'],
+ []
+ );
+ perform_test(
+ [
+ '/usr/local/foo/bar',
+ '/usr/local/foo/baz',
+ ],
+ [
+ '/usr/local/foo',
+ '/usr/local/foo/bar',
+ '/usr/local/foo/baz',
+ ],
+ [
+ '/usr/local/foo/bar',
+ '/usr/local/foo/baz',
+ ]
+ );
+ perform_test(
+ [qw(
+ /usr/local/a/a/a
+ /usr/local/a/a/b
+ /usr/local/a/b/a
+ /usr/local/a/b/b
+ /usr/local/b/a/a
+ /usr/local/b/a/b
+ /usr/local/b/b/a
+ /usr/local/b/b/b
+ )],
+ [qw(
+ /usr/local/a
+ /usr/local/a/a
+ /usr/local/a/a/a
+ /usr/local/a/a/b
+ /usr/local/a/b
+ /usr/local/a/b/a
+ /usr/local/a/b/b
+ /usr/local/b
+ /usr/local/b/a
+ /usr/local/b/a/a
+ /usr/local/b/a/b
+ /usr/local/b/b
+ /usr/local/b/b/a
+ /usr/local/b/b/b
+ )],
+ [qw(
+ /usr/local/a/a/a
+ /usr/local/a/a/b
+ /usr/local/a/a
+ /usr/local/a/b/a
+ /usr/local/a/b/b
+ /usr/local/a/b
+ /usr/local/b/a/a
+ /usr/local/b/a/b
+ /usr/local/b/a
+ /usr/local/b/b/a
+ /usr/local/b/b/b
+ /usr/local/b/b
+ )]
+ );
+ perform_test(
+ [
+ '/usr/local/foo/dir/somewhere',
+ '/usr/local/bar/another-dir/elsewhere',
+ '/usr/local/baz/foo+bar/thing',
+ ],
+ [
+ '/usr/local/bar',
+ '/usr/local/bar/another-dir',
+ '/usr/local/bar/another-dir/elsewhere',
+ '/usr/local/baz',
+ '/usr/local/baz/foo+bar',
+ '/usr/local/baz/foo+bar/thing',
+ '/usr/local/foo',
+ '/usr/local/foo/dir',
+ '/usr/local/foo/dir/somewhere',
+ ],
+ [
+ '/usr/local/bar/another-dir/elsewhere',
+ '/usr/local/bar/another-dir',
+ '/usr/local/baz/foo+bar/thing',
+ '/usr/local/baz/foo+bar',
+ '/usr/local/foo/dir/somewhere',
+ '/usr/local/foo/dir',
+ ]
+ );
diff --git a/t/maintscript.t b/t/maintscript.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cec4fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/maintscript.t
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(__FILE__);
+use Test::DH;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
+plan(tests => 2);
+each_compat_up_to_and_incl_subtest(10, sub {
+ my @scripts = qw{postinst preinst prerm postrm};
+ my $file = 'debian/maintscript';
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp');
+ rm_files(@scripts, $file);
+ open(my $fd, ">", $file) || die("open($file): $!");
+ print {$fd} <<EOF;
+rm_conffile /etc/1
+mv_conffile /etc/2 /etc/3 1.0-1
+ close($fd) or die("close($file): $!\n");
+ run_dh_tool('dh_installdeb');
+ for my $script (@scripts) {
+ my @output=`cat debian/debhelper.$script.debhelper`;
+ ok(grep { m{^dpkg-maintscript-helper rm_conffile /etc/1 -- "\$\@"$} } @output);
+ ok(grep { m{^dpkg-maintscript-helper mv_conffile /etc/2 /etc/3 1\.0-1 -- "\$\@"$} } @output);
+ }
+sub test_maintscript_syntax {
+ my ($contents) = @_;
+ my @scripts = map { ("debian/debhelper.${_}.debhelper", "debian/$_") } qw{postinst preinst prerm postrm};
+ my $file = 'debian/maintscript';
+ open(my $fd, ">", $file) or die("open($file): $!");
+ print {$fd} <<EOF;
+ close($fd) or die("close($file): $!\n");
+ my $res = run_dh_tool( { 'quiet' => 1 }, 'dh_installdeb');
+ remove_tree('debian/debhelper', 'debian/tmp', 'debian/.debhelper');
+ rm_files(@scripts);
+ return $res;
+# Negative tests
+each_compat_from_and_above_subtest(12, sub {
+ ok(!test_maintscript_syntax('rm_conffile foo 1.0~'), "rm_conffile absolute path check");
+ ok(!test_maintscript_syntax('rm_conffile /foo 1.0\~'), "rm_conffile version check");
+ ok(!test_maintscript_syntax('rm_conffile /foo 1.0~ some_pkg'), "rm_conffile package name check");
+ ok(!test_maintscript_syntax('rm_conffile /foo 1.0~ some-pkg --'), "rm_conffile separator check");
+ ok(!test_maintscript_syntax('mv_conffile foo /bar 1.0~'), "mv_conffile absolute (current) path check");
+ ok(!test_maintscript_syntax('mv_conffile /foo bar 1.0~'), "mv_conffile absolute (current) path check");
+ ok(!test_maintscript_syntax('mv_conffile /foo /bar 1.0\~'), "mv_conffile version check");
+ ok(!test_maintscript_syntax('mv_conffile /foo /bar 1.0~ some_pkg'), "mv_conffile package name check");
+ ok(!test_maintscript_syntax('mv_conffile /foo /bar 1.0~ some-pkg -- '), "mv_conffile separator check ");
diff --git a/t/override_target.t b/t/override_target.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..235f904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/override_target.t
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+plan(tests => 1);
+# This test is here to detect breakage in
+# dh's rules_explicit_target, which parses
+# slightly internal make output.
+system("mkdir -p t/tmp/debian");
+system("cp debian/control debian/compat debian/changelog t/tmp/debian");
+open (OUT, ">", "t/tmp/debian/rules") || die "$!";
+my $binpath = $ENV{AUTOPKGTEST_TMP} ? '/usr/bin' : '../..';
+print OUT <<EOF;
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+ PATH=../..:\$\$PATH PERL5LIB=../../lib $binpath/dh \$@ --without autoreconf
+override_dh_update_autotools_config override_dh_strip_nondeterminism:
+ echo "override called"
+close OUT;
+system("chmod +x t/tmp/debian/rules");
+my @output=`cd t/tmp && debian/rules build 2>&1`;
+ok(grep { m/override called/ } @output) or do {
+ diag($_) for @output;
+system("rm -rf t/tmp");
diff --git a/t/pod.t b/t/pod.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..444eed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/pod.t
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+eval { require Test::Pod; Test::Pod->import; };
+plan skip_all => 'Test::Pod required' if $@;
+all_pod_files_ok('debhelper.pod', grep { -x $_ } 'dh', glob 'dh_*');
diff --git a/t/size.t b/t/size.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e759a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/size.t
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# This may appear arbitrary, but DO NOT CHANGE IT.
+# Debhelper is supposed to consist of small, simple, easy to understand
+# programs. Programs growing in size and complexity without bounds is a
+# bug.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+my $binpath = $ENV{AUTOPKGTEST_TMP} ? '/usr/bin' : '.';
+my @progs=grep { -x $_ } glob("$binpath/dh_*");
+plan(tests => (@progs + @progs));
+foreach my $file (@progs) {
+ my $lines=0;
+ my $maxlength=0;
+ open(my $fd, '<', $file) || die "open($file): $!";
+ my $cutting=0;
+ while (<$fd>) {
+ $cutting=1 if /^=/;
+ $cutting=0 if /^=cut/;
+ next if $cutting || /^(?:=|\s*(?:\#.*|[}]\s*)?$)/;
+ $lines++;
+ $maxlength=length($_) if length($_) > $maxlength;
+ }
+ close($fd);
+ print "# $file has $lines lines, max length is $maxlength\n";
+ ok($lines < 200, $file);
+ ok($maxlength < 160, $file);
diff --git a/t/syntax/syntax-libs.t b/t/syntax/syntax-libs.t
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..fedf32e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/syntax/syntax-libs.t
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+syntax-progs.t \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/t/syntax/syntax-progs.t b/t/syntax/syntax-progs.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..93d00bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/syntax/syntax-progs.t
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
+# Need Test::More to set PERL5LIB
+use Test::DH;
+use Config;
+my $binpath = $ENV{AUTOPKGTEST_TMP} ? '/usr/bin' : '.';
+my $libpath = $ENV{AUTOPKGTEST_TMP} ? $Config{vendorlib} : 'lib';
+my @targets;
+if ($0 =~ m{syntax-progs\.t$}) {
+ @targets = grep { -x $_ } glob("$binpath/dh_*"), "$binpath/dh";
+} else {
+ @targets = (glob("$libpath/Debian/Debhelper/*.pm"), glob("$libpath/Debian/Debhelper/*/*.pm"));
+plan(tests => scalar(@targets));
+foreach my $file (@targets) {
+ is(system("perl -c $file >/dev/null 2>&1"), 0)
+ or diag("$file failed syntax check");