# A debhelper build system class for handling simple Makefile based projects. # # Copyright: © 2008 Joey Hess # © 2008-2009 Modestas Vainius # License: GPL-2+ package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::makefile; use strict; use warnings; use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(dpkg_architecture_value escape_shell clean_jobserver_makeflags is_cross_compiling compat should_use_root gain_root_cmd error); use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem); my %DEB_DEFAULT_TOOLS = ( 'CC' => 'gcc', 'CXX' => 'g++', 'PKG_CONFIG' => 'pkg-config', ); # make makes things difficult by not providing a simple way to test # whether a Makefile target exists. Using -n and checking for a nonzero # exit status is not good enough, because even with -n, make will # run commands needed to eg, generate include files -- and those commands # could fail even though the target exists -- and we should let the target # run and propagate any failure. # # Using -n and checking for at least one line of output is better. # That will indicate make either wants to run one command, or # has output a "nothing to be done" message if the target exists but is a # noop. # # However, that heuristic is also not good enough, because a Makefile # could run code that outputs something, even though the -n is asking # it not to run anything. (Again, done for includes.) To detect this false # positive, there is unfortunately only one approach left: To # look for the error message printed by make when a target does not exist. # # This could break if make's output changes. It would only break a minority # of packages where this latter test is needed. The best way to avoid that # problem would be to fix make to have this simple and highly useful # missing feature. # # A final option would be to use -p and parse the output data base. # It's more practical for dh to use that method, since it operates on # only special debian/rules files, and not arbitrary Makefiles which # can be arbitrarily complicated, use implicit targets, and so on. sub exists_make_target { my $this=shift; my $target=shift; my @opts=("-s", "-n", "--no-print-directory"); my $buildpath = $this->get_buildpath(); unshift @opts, "-C", $buildpath if $buildpath ne "."; my $pid = open(MAKE, "-|"); defined($pid) || error("fork failed: $!"); if (! $pid) { open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); $ENV{LC_ALL}='C'; exec($this->{makecmd}, @opts, $target, @_); exit(1); } local $/=undef; my $output=; chomp $output; close MAKE; return defined $output && length $output && $output !~ /\*\*\* No rule to make target (`|')\Q$target\E'/; } sub do_make { my $this=shift; # Avoid possible warnings about unavailable jobserver, # and force make to start a new jobserver. clean_jobserver_makeflags(); # Note that this will override any -j settings in MAKEFLAGS. my $parallel = $this->get_parallel(); if ($parallel == 0 or $parallel > 1) { # We have to use the empty string for "unlimited" $parallel = '' if $parallel == 0; unshift(@_, "-j${parallel}"); } else { unshift(@_, '-j1'); } my @root_cmd; if (exists($this->{_run_make_as_root}) and $this->{_run_make_as_root}) { @root_cmd = gain_root_cmd(); } $this->doit_in_builddir(@root_cmd, $this->{makecmd}, @_); } sub make_first_existing_target { my $this=shift; my $targets=shift; foreach my $target (@$targets) { if ($this->exists_make_target($target, @_)) { $this->do_make($target, @_); return $target; } } return undef; } sub DESCRIPTION { "simple Makefile" } sub new { my $class=shift; my $this=$class->SUPER::new(@_); $this->{makecmd} = (exists $ENV{MAKE}) ? $ENV{MAKE} : "make"; return $this; } sub check_auto_buildable { my $this=shift; my ($step) = @_; if (-e $this->get_buildpath("Makefile") || -e $this->get_buildpath("makefile") || -e $this->get_buildpath("GNUmakefile")) { # This is always called in the source directory, but generally # Makefiles are created (or live) in the build directory. return 1; } elsif ($this->check_auto_buildable_clean_oos_buildir(@_) and $this->check_auto_buildable('configure')) { # Assume that the package can be cleaned (i.e. the build directory can # be removed) as long as it is built out-of-source tree and can be # configured. This is useful for derivative buildsystems which # generate Makefiles. return 1; } return 0; } sub _should_inject_cross_build_tools { my ($this) = @_; return ref($this) eq 'Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::makefile'; } sub build { my $this=shift; if (not $this->_is_targetbuildsystem and is_cross_compiling() and $this->_should_inject_cross_build_tools) { # Only inject build tools variables during cross-compile when # makefile is the explicit *main* build system. for my $var (sort(keys(%DEB_DEFAULT_TOOLS))) { my $tool = $DEB_DEFAULT_TOOLS{$var}; if ($ENV{$var}) { unshift @_, $var . "=" . $ENV{$var}; } else { unshift @_, $var . "=" . dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE") . "-" . $tool; } } } if (ref($this) eq 'Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::makefile' and not compat(10)) { unshift @_, "INSTALL=install --strip-program=true"; } $this->do_make(@_); } sub test { my $this=shift; $this->make_first_existing_target(['test', 'check'], @_); } sub install { my $this=shift; my $destdir=shift; if (ref($this) eq 'Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::makefile' and not compat(10)) { unshift @_, "INSTALL=install --strip-program=true"; } if ( -f $this->get_buildpath('libtool')) { $this->disable_parallel(); } if (should_use_root('debhelper/upstream-make-install') and $< != 0) { $this->{_run_make_as_root} = 1; } $this->make_first_existing_target(['install'], "DESTDIR=$destdir", "AM_UPDATE_INFO_DIR=no", @_); } sub clean { my $this=shift; if (!$this->rmdir_builddir()) { $this->make_first_existing_target(['distclean', 'realclean', 'clean'], @_); } } 1