# A debhelper build system class for handling Meson based projects. # # Copyright: © 2017 Michael Biebl # License: GPL-2+ package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::meson; use strict; use warnings; use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(compat dpkg_architecture_value is_cross_compiling doit warning error generated_file); use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem); sub DESCRIPTION { "Meson (meson.build)" } sub IS_GENERATOR_BUILD_SYSTEM { return 1; } sub SUPPORTED_TARGET_BUILD_SYSTEMS { return qw(ninja); } sub check_auto_buildable { my $this=shift; my ($step)=@_; return 0 unless -e $this->get_sourcepath("meson.build"); # Handle configure explicitly; inherit the rest return 1 if $step eq "configure"; my $ret = $this->get_targetbuildsystem->check_auto_buildable(@_); if ($ret == 0 and $this->check_auto_buildable_clean_oos_buildir(@_)) { # Assume that the package can be cleaned (i.e. the build directory can # be removed) as long as it is built out-of-source tree and can be # configured. $ret++; } return $ret; } sub new { my $class=shift; my $this=$class->SUPER::new(@_); $this->prefer_out_of_source_building(@_); return $this; } sub configure { my $this=shift; # Standard set of options for meson. my @opts = ( '--wrap-mode=nodownload', ); push @opts, "--buildtype=plain"; push @opts, "--prefix=/usr"; push @opts, "--sysconfdir=/etc"; push @opts, "--localstatedir=/var"; my $multiarch=dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH"); push @opts, "--libdir=lib/$multiarch"; push(@opts, "--libexecdir=lib/$multiarch") if compat(11); if (is_cross_compiling()) { # http://mesonbuild.com/Cross-compilation.html my $cross_file = $ENV{'DH_MESON_CROSS_FILE'}; if (not $cross_file) { my $debcrossgen = '/usr/share/meson/debcrossgen'; if (not -x $debcrossgen) { warning("Missing debcrossgen (${debcrossgen}) cannot generate a meson cross file and non was provided"); error("Cannot cross-compile: Please use meson (>= 0.42.1) or provide a cross file via DH_MESON_CROSS_FILE"); } my $filename = generated_file('_source', 'meson-cross-file.conf'); my %options = ( stdout => '/dev/null', update_env => { LC_ALL => 'C.UTF-8'}, ); doit(\%options, $debcrossgen, "-o${filename}"); $cross_file = $filename; } if ($cross_file !~ m{^/}) { # Make the file name absolute as meson will be called from the build dir. require Cwd; $cross_file =~ s{^\./}{}; $cross_file = Cwd::getcwd() . "/${cross_file}"; } push(@opts, '--cross-file', $cross_file); } $this->mkdir_builddir(); eval { my %options = ( update_env => { LC_ALL => 'C.UTF-8'}, ); $this->doit_in_builddir(\%options, "meson", "setup", $this->get_source_rel2builddir(), @opts, @_); }; if ($@) { if (-e $this->get_buildpath("meson-logs/meson-log.txt")) { $this->doit_in_builddir('tail', '-v', '-n', '+0', 'meson-logs/meson-log.txt'); } die $@; } } sub test { my $this = shift; my $target = $this->get_targetbuildsystem; eval { if (compat(12) or $target->NAME ne 'ninja') { $target->test(@_); } else { # In compat 13 with meson+ninja, we prefer using "meson test" # over "ninja test" my %options = ( update_env => { 'LC_ALL' => 'C.UTF-8', } ); if ($this->get_parallel() > 0) { $options{update_env}{MESON_TESTTHREADS} = $this->get_parallel(); } $this->doit_in_builddir(\%options, 'meson', 'test', @_); } }; if (my $err = $@) { if (-e $this->get_buildpath("meson-logs/testlog.txt")) { $this->doit_in_builddir('tail', '-v', '-n', '+0', 'meson-logs/testlog.txt'); } die $err; } return 1; } sub install { my ($this, $destdir, @args) = @_; my $target = $this->get_targetbuildsystem; if (compat(13) or $target->NAME ne 'ninja') { $target->install($destdir, @args); } else { # In compat 14 with meson+ninja, we prefer using "meson install" # over "ninja install" my %options = ( update_env => { 'LC_ALL' => 'C.UTF-8', } ); $this->doit_in_builddir(\%options, 'meson', 'install', '--destdir', $destdir, @args); } return 1; } 1