# A debhelper build system class for building Python Distutils based # projects. It prefers out of source tree building. # # Copyright: © 2008 Joey Hess # © 2008-2009 Modestas Vainius # License: GPL-2+ package Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem::python_distutils; use strict; use warnings; use Cwd (); use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(error deprecated_functionality); use parent qw(Debian::Debhelper::Buildsystem); sub DESCRIPTION { "Python Distutils (setup.py) [DEPRECATED]" } sub DEFAULT_BUILD_DIRECTORY { my $this=shift; return $this->canonpath($this->get_sourcepath("build")); } sub new { my $class=shift; my $this=$class->SUPER::new(@_); # Out of source tree building is preferred. $this->prefer_out_of_source_building(@_); return $this; } sub check_auto_buildable { my $this=shift; return -e $this->get_sourcepath("setup.py") ? 1 : 0; } sub not_our_cfg { my $this=shift; my $ret; if (open(my $cfg, '<', $this->get_buildpath(".pydistutils.cfg"))) { $ret = not "# Created by dh_auto\n" eq <$cfg>; close $cfg; } return $ret; } sub create_cfg { my $this=shift; if (open(my $cfg, ">", $this->get_buildpath(".pydistutils.cfg"))) { print $cfg "# Created by dh_auto", "\n"; print $cfg "[build]\nbuild-base=", $this->get_build_rel2sourcedir(), "\n"; close $cfg; return 1; } return 0; } sub pre_building_step { my $this=shift; my $step=shift; deprecated_functionality('Please use the third-party "pybuild" build system instead of python-distutils', 12); return unless grep /$step/, qw(build install clean); if ($this->get_buildpath() ne $this->DEFAULT_BUILD_DIRECTORY()) { # --build-base can only be passed to the build command. However, # it is always read from the config file (really weird design). # Therefore create such a cfg config file. # See http://bugs.python.org/issue818201 # http://bugs.python.org/issue1011113 not $this->not_our_cfg() or error("cannot set custom build directory: .pydistutils.cfg is in use"); $this->mkdir_builddir(); $this->create_cfg() or error("cannot set custom build directory: unwritable .pydistutils.cfg"); # Distutils reads $HOME/.pydistutils.cfg $ENV{HOME} = Cwd::abs_path($this->get_buildpath()); } $this->SUPER::pre_building_step($step); } sub dbg_build_needed { my $this=shift; my $act=shift; # Return a list of python-dbg package which are listed # in the build-dependencies. This is kinda ugly, but building # dbg extensions without checking if they're supposed to be # built may result in various FTBFS if the package is not # built in a clean chroot. my @dbg; open (my $fd, '<', 'debian/control') || error("cannot read debian/control: $!\n"); foreach my $builddeps (join('', <$fd>) =~ /^Build-Depends[^:]*:.*\n(?:^[^\w\n].*\n)*/gmi) { while ($builddeps =~ /(python[^, ]*-dbg)/g) { push @dbg, $1; } } close($fd); return @dbg; } sub setup_py { my $this=shift; my $act=shift; # We need to run setup.py with the default python last # as distutils/setuptools modifies the shebang lines of scripts. # This ensures that #!/usr/bin/python is installed last and # not pythonX.Y # Take into account that the default Python must not be in # the requested Python versions. # Then, run setup.py with each available python, to build # extensions for each. my $python_default = `pyversions -d`; if ($? == -1) { error("failed to run pyversions") } my $ecode = $? >> 8; if ($ecode != 0) { error("pyversions -d failed [$ecode]") } $python_default =~ s/^\s+//; $python_default =~ s/\s+$//; my @python_requested = split ' ', `pyversions -r`; if ($? == -1) { error("failed to run pyversions") } $ecode = $? >> 8; if ($ecode != 0) { error("pyversions -r failed [$ecode]") } if (grep /^\Q$python_default\E/, @python_requested) { @python_requested = ( grep(!/^\Q$python_default\E/, @python_requested), "python", ); } my @python_dbg; my @dbg_build_needed = $this->dbg_build_needed(); foreach my $python (map { $_."-dbg" } @python_requested) { if (grep /^(python-all-dbg|\Q$python\E)/, @dbg_build_needed) { push @python_dbg, $python; } elsif (($python eq "python-dbg") and (grep /^\Q$python_default\E/, @dbg_build_needed)) { push @python_dbg, $python_default."-dbg"; } } foreach my $python (@python_dbg, @python_requested) { if (-x "/usr/bin/".$python) { # To allow backports of debhelper we don't pass # --install-layout=deb to 'setup.py install` for # those Python versions where the option is # ignored by distutils/setuptools. if ( $act eq "install" and not ( ($python =~ /^python(?:-dbg)?$/ and $python_default =~ /^python2\.[2345]$/) or $python =~ /^python2\.[2345](?:-dbg)?$/ )) { $this->doit_in_sourcedir($python, "setup.py", $act, @_, "--install-layout=deb"); } else { $this->doit_in_sourcedir($python, "setup.py", $act, @_); } } } } sub build { my $this=shift; $this->setup_py("build", "--force", @_); } sub install { my $this=shift; my $destdir=shift; $this->setup_py("install", "--force", "--root=$destdir", "--no-compile", "-O0", @_); } sub clean { my $this=shift; $this->setup_py("clean", "-a", @_); # Config file will remain if it was created by us if (!$this->not_our_cfg()) { unlink($this->get_buildpath(".pydistutils.cfg")); $this->rmdir_builddir(1); # only if empty } # The setup.py might import files, leading to python creating pyc # files. $this->doit_in_sourcedir('find', '.', '-name', '*.pyc', '-exec', 'rm', '{}', '+'); } 1