#!/usr/bin/perl # Emulate autoconf behaviour and do some checks use strict; use warnings; my @OPTIONS=qw( ^--build=.*$ ^--prefix=/usr$ ^--includedir=\$\{prefix\}/include$ ^--mandir=\$\{prefix\}/share/man$ ^--infodir=\$\{prefix\}/share/info$ ^--sysconfdir=/etc$ ^--localstatedir=/var$ ^--libdir=\$\{prefix\}/lib/.*$ ^--disable-option-checking$ ^--disable-silent-rules$ ^--disable-maintainer-mode$ ^--disable-dependency-tracking$ ); # Not always passed (e.g. --libexecdir is skipped in compat 12) my @OPTIONAL_ARGUMENTS = qw( ^--libexecdir=\$\{prefix\}/lib/.*$ ); # Verify if all command line arguments were passed my @options = map { { regex => qr/$_/, str => $_, found => 0 } } @OPTIONS; push(@options, map { { regex => qr/$_/, str => $_, found => 1 } } @OPTIONAL_ARGUMENTS); my @extra_args; ARGV_LOOP: foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { foreach my $opt (@options) { if ($arg =~ $opt->{regex}) { $opt->{found} = 1; next ARGV_LOOP; } } # Extra / unrecognized argument push @extra_args, $arg; } my @notfound = grep { ! $_->{found} and $_ } @options; if (@notfound) { print STDERR "Error: the following default options were NOT passed\n"; print STDERR " ", $_->{str}, "\n" foreach (@notfound); exit 1; } # Create a simple Makefile open(MAKEFILE, ">", "Makefile"); print MAKEFILE < stamp_build # Tests if dh_auto_test executes 'check' target if 'test' does not exist check: \$(CONFIGURE) stamp_build \@echo VERBOSE=\$(VERBOSE) > stamp_test install: stamp_build \@echo DESTDIR=\$(DESTDIR) > stamp_install # Tests whether dh_auto_clean executes distclean but does not touch # this target clean: echo "This should not have been executed" >&2 && exit 1 distclean: \@rm -f stamp_* Makefile .PHONY: all check install clean distclean EOF close MAKEFILE; open(STAMP, ">", "stamp_configure"); print STAMP $_, "\n" foreach (@extra_args); close STAMP; exit 0;