When adding a new member to the keyring-maint team there are various steps which need to be performed. * Signed email to DSA (admin@rt.debian.org, remember to add Debian RT in the subject). This should include the name + Debian username of the new team member and ask for the following: * User addition to keyring group (which will allow access to kaufmann) * Addition to "Keyring Maintainers" LDAP object to enable editing of fingerprint objects * User account on rt.debian.org with access to the 2 keyring queues * Addition to keyring-maint@debian.org email alias * Import new member's Debian key into debian-trustedkeys.gpg * Potential modification of dsa-misc/scripts/sync-keyring to include new member's fingerprint * Inform the NM Front Desk team with username, email address + fingerprint details so keyring/git_ops.py and keyring/housekeeping.py can be updated with the additional details * Inform FTP master of the new member + fingerprint so they can be added to DM-Admin / AdminFingerprints in dak.conf