Pushing the changes to kaufmann.debian.org ========================================== 'mosca$' means the commands should be run on your own computer (it's gwolf's desktop name); of course, 'kaufmann$' means said steps are to be run from kaufmann. mosca$ make mosca$ make test This will complain about expired keys and other common mistakes. Double check its output - Sometimes weak subkeys are added, they will be reported here! mosca$ gpg --clearsign output/sha512sums.txt mosca$ mv output/sha512sums.txt.asc output/sha512sums.txt mosca$ scp scripts/update-keyrings kaufmann.debian.org: mosca$ scp -r output/ kaufmann.debian.org: mosca$ git push git@salsa.debian.org:debian-keyring/keyring.git master mosca$ ssh kaufmann kaufmann$ ./update-keyrings ./output