package Devscripts::MkOrigtargz; use strict; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use Devscripts::Compression qw/compression_guess_from_file compression_get_property/; use Devscripts::MkOrigtargz::Config; use Devscripts::Output; use Devscripts::Uscan::Output; use Devscripts::Utils; use Dpkg::Changelog::Debian; use Dpkg::Control::Hash; use Dpkg::IPC; use Dpkg::Version; use File::Copy; use File::Spec; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; use Moo; has config => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { Devscripts::MkOrigtargz::Config->new->parse; }, ); has exclude_globs => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { $_[0]->config->exclude_file }, ); has include_globs => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { $_[0]->config->include_file }, ); has status => (is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 }); has destfile_nice => (is => 'rw'); our $found_comp; sub do { my ($self) = @_; $self->parse_copyrights or $self->make_orig_targz; return $self->status; } sub make_orig_targz { my ($self) = @_; # Now we know what the final filename will be my $destfilebase = sprintf "%s_%s.%s.tar", $self->config->package, $self->config->version, $self->config->orig; my $destfiletar = sprintf "%s/%s", $self->config->directory, $destfilebase; my $destext = $self->config->compression eq 'default' ? 'default' : compression_get_property($self->config->compression, "file_ext"); my $destfile; # $upstream_tar is $upstream, unless the latter was a zip file. my $upstream_tar = $self->config->upstream; # Remember this for the final report my $zipfile_deleted = 0; # If the file is a zipfile, we need to create a tarfile from it. if ($self->config->upstream_type eq 'zip') { $destfile = $self->fix_dest_file($destfiletar); if ($self->config->signature) { $self->config->signature(4); # repack upstream file } my $tempdir = tempdir("uscanXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1); # Parent of the target directory should be under our control $tempdir .= '/repack'; my @cmd; if ($self->config->upstream_comp eq 'xpi') { @cmd = ('xpi-unpack', $upstream_tar, $tempdir); unless (ds_exec_no_fail(@cmd) >> 8 == 0) { ds_die("Repacking from xpi failed (could not xpi-unpack)\n"); return $self->status(1); } } else { unless (mkdir $tempdir) { ds_die("Unable to mkdir($tempdir): $!\n"); return $self->status(1); } @cmd = ('unzip', '-q'); push @cmd, split ' ', $self->config->unzipopt if defined $self->config->unzipopt; push @cmd, ('-d', $tempdir, $upstream_tar); unless (ds_exec_no_fail(@cmd) >> 8 == 0) { ds_die("Repacking from zip or jar failed (could not unzip)\n"); return $self->status(1); } } # Figure out the top-level contents of the tarball. # If we'd pass "." to tar we'd get the same contents, but the filenames # would start with ./, which is confusing later. # This should also be more reliable than, say, changing directories and # globbing. unless (opendir(TMPDIR, $tempdir)) { ds_die("Can't open $tempdir $!\n"); return $self->status(1); } my @files = grep { $_ ne "." && $_ ne ".." } readdir(TMPDIR); close TMPDIR; # tar it all up spawn( exec => [ 'tar', '--owner=root', '--group=root', '--mode=a+rX', '--create', '--file', "$destfiletar", '--directory', $tempdir, @files ], wait_child => 1 ); unless (-e "$destfiletar") { ds_die( "Repacking from zip or jar to tar.$destext failed (could not create tarball)\n" ); return $self->status(1); } eval { compress_archive($destfiletar, $destfile, $self->config->compression); }; if ($@) { ds_die($@); return $self->status(1); } # rename means the user did not want this file to exist afterwards if ($self->config->mode eq "rename") { unlink $upstream_tar; $zipfile_deleted++; } $self->config->mode('repack'); $upstream_tar = $destfile; } elsif (compression_guess_from_file($upstream_tar) =~ /^zstd?$/) { $self->config->force_repack(1); } # From now on, $upstream_tar is guaranteed to be a compressed tarball. It # is always a full (possibly relative) path, and distinct from $destfile. # Find out if we have to repack my $do_repack = 0; if ($self->config->repack) { my $comp = compression_guess_from_file($upstream_tar); unless ($comp) { ds_die("Cannot determine compression method of $upstream_tar"); return $self->status(1); } $do_repack = ( $comp eq 'tar' or ( $self->config->compression ne 'default' and $comp ne $self->config->compression) or ( $self->config->compression eq 'default' and $comp ne &Devscripts::MkOrigtargz::Config::default_compression)); } # Removing files my $deletecount = 0; my @to_delete; if (@{ $self->exclude_globs }) { my @files; my $files; spawn( exec => ['tar', '-t', '-a', '-f', $upstream_tar], to_string => \$files, wait_child => 1 ); @files = split /^/, $files; chomp @files; my %delete; # find out what to delete my @exclude_info; eval { @exclude_info = map { { glob => $_, used => 0, regex => glob_to_regex($_) } } @{ $self->exclude_globs }; }; if ($@) { ds_die($@); return $self->status(1); } for my $filename (sort @files) { my $last_match; for my $info (@exclude_info) { if ( $filename =~ m@^(?:[^/]*/)? # Possible leading directory, ignore it (?:$info->{regex}) # User pattern (?:/.*)?$ # Possible trailing / for a directory @x ) { if (!$last_match) { # if the current entry is a directory, check if it # matches any exclude-ignored glob my $ignore_this_exclude = 0; for my $ignore_exclude (@{ $self->include_globs }) { my $ignore_exclude_regex = glob_to_regex($ignore_exclude); if ($filename =~ $ignore_exclude_regex) { $ignore_this_exclude = 1; last; } if ( $filename =~ m,/$, && $ignore_exclude =~ $info->{regex}) { $ignore_this_exclude = 1; last; } } next if $ignore_this_exclude; $delete{$filename} = 1; } $last_match = $info; } } if (defined $last_match) { $last_match->{used} = 1; } } for my $info (@exclude_info) { if (!$info->{used}) { ds_warn "No files matched excluded pattern as the last matching glob: $info->{glob}\n"; } } # ensure files are mentioned before the directory they live in # (otherwise tar complains) @to_delete = sort { $b cmp $a } keys %delete; $deletecount = scalar(@to_delete); } if ($deletecount or $self->config->force_repack) { $destfilebase = sprintf "%s_%s%s.%s.tar", $self->config->package, $self->config->version, $self->config->repack_suffix, $self->config->orig; $destfiletar = sprintf "%s/%s", $self->config->directory, $destfilebase; $destfile = $self->fix_dest_file($destfiletar); # Zip -> tar process already created $destfile, so need to rename it if ($self->config->upstream_type eq 'zip') { move($upstream_tar, $destfile); $upstream_tar = $destfile; } } # Actually do the unpack, remove, pack cycle if ($do_repack || $deletecount || $self->config->force_repack) { $destfile ||= $self->fix_dest_file($destfiletar); if ($self->config->signature) { $self->config->signature(4); # repack upstream file } if ($self->config->upstream_comp) { eval { decompress_archive($upstream_tar, $destfiletar) }; if ($@) { ds_die($@); return $self->status(1); } } else { copy $upstream_tar, $destfiletar; } unlink $upstream_tar if $self->config->mode eq "rename"; # We have to use piping because --delete is broken otherwise, as # documented at # if (@to_delete) { # ARG_MAX: max number of bytes exec() can handle my $arg_max; spawn( exec => ['getconf', 'ARG_MAX'], to_string => \$arg_max, wait_child => 1 ); # Under Hurd `getconf` above returns "undefined". # It's apparently unlimited (?), so we just use a arbitrary number. if ($arg_max =~ /\D/) { $arg_max = 131072; } # Usually NAME_MAX=255, but here we use 128 to be on the safe side. $arg_max = int($arg_max / 128); # We use this lame splice on a totally arbitrary $arg_max because # counting how many bytes there are in @to_delete is too # inefficient. while (my @next_n = splice @to_delete, 0, $arg_max) { spawn( exec => ['tar', '--delete', @next_n], from_file => $destfiletar, to_file => $destfiletar . ".tmp", wait_child => 1 ) if scalar(@next_n) > 0; move($destfiletar . ".tmp", $destfiletar); } } eval { compress_archive($destfiletar, $destfile, $self->config->compression); }; if ($@) { ds_die $@; return $self->status(1); } # Symlink no longer makes sense $self->config->mode('repack'); $upstream_tar = $destfile; } else { $destfile = $self->fix_dest_file($destfiletar, compression_guess_from_file($upstream_tar), 1); } # Final step: symlink, copy or rename for tarball. my $same_name = abs_path($destfile) eq abs_path($self->config->upstream); unless ($same_name) { if ( $self->config->mode ne "repack" and $upstream_tar ne $self->config->upstream) { ds_die "Assertion failed"; return $self->status(1); } if ($self->config->mode eq "symlink") { my $rel = File::Spec->abs2rel($upstream_tar, $self->config->directory); symlink $rel, $destfile; } elsif ($self->config->mode eq "copy") { copy($upstream_tar, $destfile); } elsif ($self->config->mode eq "rename") { move($upstream_tar, $destfile); } } # Final step: symlink, copy or rename for signature file. my $destsigfile; if ($self->config->signature == 1) { $destsigfile = sprintf "%s.asc", $destfile; } elsif ($self->config->signature == 2) { $destsigfile = sprintf "%s.asc", $destfiletar; } elsif ($self->config->signature == 3) { # XXX FIXME XXX place holder $destsigfile = sprintf "%s.asc", $destfile; } else { # $self->config->signature == 0 or 4 $destsigfile = ""; } if ($self->config->signature == 1 or $self->config->signature == 2) { my $is_openpgp_ascii_armor = 0; my $fh_sig; unless (open($fh_sig, '<', $self->config->signature_file)) { ds_die "Cannot open $self->{config}->{signature_file}\n"; return $self->status(1); } while (<$fh_sig>) { if (m/^-----BEGIN PGP /) { $is_openpgp_ascii_armor = 1; last; } } close($fh_sig); if (not $is_openpgp_ascii_armor) { my @enarmor = `gpg --no-options --output - --enarmor $self->{config}->{signature_file} 2>&1`; unless ($? == 0) { ds_die "Failed to convert $self->{config}->{signature_file} to *.asc\n"; return $self->status(1); } unless (open(DESTSIG, '>', $destsigfile)) { ds_die "Failed to open $destsigfile for write $!\n"; return $self->status(1); } foreach my $line (@enarmor) { next if $line =~ m/^Version:/; next if $line =~ m/^Comment:/; $line =~ s/ARMORED FILE/SIGNATURE/; print DESTSIG $line; } unless (close(DESTSIG)) { ds_die "Cannot write signature file $self->{config}->{signature_file}\n"; return $self->status(1); } } else { if (abs_path($self->config->signature_file) ne abs_path($destsigfile)) { if ($self->config->mode eq "symlink") { my $rel = File::Spec->abs2rel( $self->config->signature_file, $self->config->directory ); symlink $rel, $destsigfile; } elsif ($self->config->mode eq "copy") { copy($self->config->signature_file, $destsigfile); } elsif ($self->config->mode eq "rename") { move($self->config->signature_file, $destsigfile); } else { ds_die 'Strange mode="' . $self->config->mode . "\"\n"; return $self->status(1); } } } } elsif ($self->config->signature == 3) { uscan_msg_raw "Skip adding upstream signature since upstream file has non-detached signature file."; } elsif ($self->config->signature == 4) { uscan_msg_raw "Skip adding upstream signature since upstream file is repacked."; } # Final check: Is the tarball usable # We are lazy and rely on Dpkg::IPC to report an error message # (spawn does not report back the error code). # We don't expect this to occur often anyways. my $ret = spawn( exec => ['tar', '--list', '--auto-compress', '--file', $destfile], wait_child => 1, to_file => '/dev/null' ); # Tell the user what we did my $upstream_nice = File::Spec->canonpath($self->config->upstream); my $destfile_nice = File::Spec->canonpath($destfile); $self->destfile_nice($destfile_nice); if ($same_name) { uscan_msg_raw "Leaving $destfile_nice where it is"; } else { if ( $self->config->upstream_type eq 'zip' or $do_repack or $deletecount or $self->config->force_repack) { uscan_msg_raw "Successfully repacked $upstream_nice as $destfile_nice"; } elsif ($self->config->mode eq "symlink") { uscan_msg_raw "Successfully symlinked $upstream_nice to $destfile_nice"; } elsif ($self->config->mode eq "copy") { uscan_msg_raw "Successfully copied $upstream_nice to $destfile_nice"; } elsif ($self->config->mode eq "rename") { uscan_msg_raw "Successfully renamed $upstream_nice to $destfile_nice"; } else { ds_die 'Unknown mode ' . $self->config->mode; return $self->status(1); } } if ($deletecount) { uscan_msg_raw ", deleting ${deletecount} files from it"; } if ($zipfile_deleted) { uscan_msg_raw ", and removed the original file"; } print ".\n"; return 0; } sub decompress_archive { my ($from_file, $to_file) = @_; my $comp = compression_guess_from_file($from_file); unless ($comp) { die("Cannot determine compression method of $from_file"); } my $cmd = compression_get_property($comp, 'decomp_prog'); spawn( exec => $cmd, from_file => $from_file, to_file => $to_file, wait_child => 1 ); } sub compress_archive { my ($from_file, $to_file, $comp) = @_; my $cmd = compression_get_property($comp, 'comp_prog'); push(@{$cmd}, '-' . compression_get_property($comp, 'default_level')); spawn( exec => $cmd, from_file => $from_file, to_file => $to_file, wait_child => 1 ); unlink $from_file; } # Adapted from Text::Glob::glob_to_regex_string sub glob_to_regex { my ($glob) = @_; if ($glob =~ m@/$@) { ds_warn "Files-Excluded pattern ($glob) should not have a trailing /\n"; chop($glob); } if ($glob =~ m/(?<!\\)(?:\\{2})*\\(?![\\*?])/) { die "Invalid Files-Excluded pattern ($glob), \\ can only escape \\, *, or ? characters\n"; } my ($regex, $escaping); for my $c ($glob =~ m/(.)/gs) { if ( $c eq '.' || $c eq '(' || $c eq ')' || $c eq '|' || $c eq '+' || $c eq '^' || $c eq '$' || $c eq '@' || $c eq '%' || $c eq '{' || $c eq '}' || $c eq '[' || $c eq ']' || # Escape '#' since we're using /x in the pattern match $c eq '#' ) { $regex .= "\\$c"; } elsif ($c eq '*') { $regex .= $escaping ? "\\*" : ".*"; } elsif ($c eq '?') { $regex .= $escaping ? "\\?" : "."; } elsif ($c eq "\\") { if ($escaping) { $regex .= "\\\\"; $escaping = 0; } else { $escaping = 1; } next; } else { $regex .= $c; $escaping = 0; } $escaping = 0; } return $regex; } sub parse_copyrights { my ($self) = @_; for my $copyright_file (@{ $self->config->copyright_file }) { my $data = Dpkg::Control::Hash->new(); my $okformat = qr'https?://[.\d]+'; eval { $data->load($copyright_file); 1; } or do { undef $data; }; if (not -e $copyright_file) { ds_die "File $copyright_file not found."; return $self->status(1); } elsif ($data && defined $data->{format} && $data->{format} =~ m@^$okformat/?$@) { if ($data->{ $self->config->excludestanza }) { push( @{ $self->exclude_globs }, grep { $_ } split(/\s+/, $data->{ $self->config->excludestanza })); } if ($data->{ $self->config->includestanza }) { push( @{ $self->include_globs }, grep { $_ } split(/\s+/, $data->{ $self->config->includestanza })); } } else { if (open my $file, '<', $copyright_file) { while (my $line = <$file>) { if ($line =~ m/\b$self->{config}->{excludestanza}.*:/i) { ds_warn "The file $copyright_file mentions " . $self->config->excludestanza . ", but its " . "format is not recognized. Specify Format: " . " " . "in order to remove files from the tarball with mk-origtargz.\n"; last; } } close $file; } else { ds_die "Unable to read $copyright_file: $!\n"; return $self->status(1); } } } } sub fix_dest_file { my ($self, $destfiletar, $comp, $force) = @_; if ($self->config->compression eq 'default' or $force) { $self->config->compression($comp || &Devscripts::MkOrigtargz::Config::default_compression); } $comp = compression_get_property($self->config->compression, "file_ext"); $found_comp ||= $self->config->compression; return sprintf "%s.%s", $destfiletar, $comp; } 1;