path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..492f188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ * This file is part of PowerDNS or dnsdist.
+ * Copyright -- PowerDNS.COM B.V. and its contributors
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * In addition, for the avoidance of any doubt, permission is granted to
+ * link this program with OpenSSL and to (re)distribute the binaries
+ * produced as the result of such linking.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include "dnsdist.hh"
+#include "dnsdist-ecs.hh"
+#include "dnsdist-lua.hh"
+#include "dnsparser.hh"
+void setupLuaBindingsDNSQuestion(LuaContext& luaCtx)
+ /* DNSQuestion */
+ /* PowerDNS DNSQuestion compat */
+ luaCtx.registerMember<const ComboAddress (DNSQuestion::*)>("localaddr", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> const ComboAddress { return *dq.local; }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, const ComboAddress newLocal) { (void) newLocal; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<const DNSName (DNSQuestion::*)>("qname", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> const DNSName { return *dq.qname; }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, const DNSName newName) { (void) newName; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<uint16_t (DNSQuestion::*)>("qtype", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> uint16_t { return dq.qtype; }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, uint16_t newType) { (void) newType; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<uint16_t (DNSQuestion::*)>("qclass", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> uint16_t { return dq.qclass; }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, uint16_t newClass) { (void) newClass; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<int (DNSQuestion::*)>("rcode", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> int { return dq.getHeader()->rcode; }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, int newRCode) { dq.getHeader()->rcode = newRCode; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<const ComboAddress (DNSQuestion::*)>("remoteaddr", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> const ComboAddress { return *dq.remote; }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, const ComboAddress newRemote) { (void) newRemote; });
+ /* DNSDist DNSQuestion */
+ luaCtx.registerMember<dnsheader* (DNSQuestion::*)>("dh", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> dnsheader* { return const_cast<DNSQuestion&>(dq).getHeader(); }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, const dnsheader* dh) { *(dq.getHeader()) = *dh; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<uint16_t (DNSQuestion::*)>("len", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> uint16_t { return dq.getData().size(); }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, uint16_t newlen) { dq.getMutableData().resize(newlen); });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<uint8_t (DNSQuestion::*)>("opcode", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> uint8_t { return dq.getHeader()->opcode; }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, uint8_t newOpcode) { (void) newOpcode; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<bool (DNSQuestion::*)>("tcp", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> bool { return dq.overTCP(); }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, bool newTcp) { (void) newTcp; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<bool (DNSQuestion::*)>("skipCache", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> bool { return dq.skipCache; }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, bool newSkipCache) { dq.skipCache = newSkipCache; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<bool (DNSQuestion::*)>("useECS", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> bool { return dq.useECS; }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, bool useECS) { dq.useECS = useECS; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<bool (DNSQuestion::*)>("ecsOverride", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> bool { return dq.ecsOverride; }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, bool ecsOverride) { dq.ecsOverride = ecsOverride; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<uint16_t (DNSQuestion::*)>("ecsPrefixLength", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> uint16_t { return dq.ecsPrefixLength; }, [](DNSQuestion& dq, uint16_t newPrefixLength) { dq.ecsPrefixLength = newPrefixLength; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<boost::optional<uint32_t> (DNSQuestion::*)>("tempFailureTTL",
+ [](const DNSQuestion& dq) -> boost::optional<uint32_t> {
+ return dq.tempFailureTTL;
+ },
+ [](DNSQuestion& dq, boost::optional<uint32_t> newValue) {
+ dq.tempFailureTTL = newValue;
+ }
+ );
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<bool(DNSQuestion::*)()const>("getDO", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) {
+ return getEDNSZ(dq) & EDNS_HEADER_FLAG_DO;
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::string(DNSQuestion::*)()const>("getContent", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) {
+ return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(dq.getData().data()), dq.getData().size());
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::map<uint16_t, EDNSOptionView>(DNSQuestion::*)()const>("getEDNSOptions", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) {
+ if (dq.ednsOptions == nullptr) {
+ parseEDNSOptions(dq);
+ }
+ return *dq.ednsOptions;
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::string(DNSQuestion::*)(void)const>("getTrailingData", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) {
+ return dq.getTrailingData();
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<bool(DNSQuestion::*)(std::string)>("setTrailingData", [](DNSQuestion& dq, const std::string& tail) {
+ return dq.setTrailingData(tail);
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::string(DNSQuestion::*)()const>("getServerNameIndication", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) {
+ return dq.sni;
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::string (DNSQuestion::*)()const>("getProtocol", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) {
+ return dq.getProtocol().toPrettyString();
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<void(DNSQuestion::*)(std::string)>("sendTrap", [](const DNSQuestion& dq, boost::optional<std::string> reason) {
+ if (g_snmpAgent && g_snmpTrapsEnabled) {
+ g_snmpAgent->sendDNSTrap(dq, reason ? *reason : "");
+ }
+#endif /* HAVE_NET_SNMP */
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<void(DNSQuestion::*)(std::string, std::string)>("setTag", [](DNSQuestion& dq, const std::string& strLabel, const std::string& strValue) {
+ dq.setTag(strLabel, strValue);
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<void(DNSQuestion::*)(vector<pair<string, string>>)>("setTagArray", [](DNSQuestion& dq, const vector<pair<string, string>>&tags) {
+ for (const auto& tag : tags) {
+ dq.setTag(tag.first, tag.second);
+ }
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<string(DNSQuestion::*)(std::string)const>("getTag", [](const DNSQuestion& dq, const std::string& strLabel) {
+ if (!dq.qTag) {
+ return string();
+ }
+ std::string strValue;
+ const auto it = dq.qTag->find(strLabel);
+ if (it == dq.qTag->cend()) {
+ return string();
+ }
+ return it->second;
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<QTag(DNSQuestion::*)(void)const>("getTagArray", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) {
+ if (!dq.qTag) {
+ QTag empty;
+ return empty;
+ }
+ return *dq.qTag;
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<void(DNSQuestion::*)(std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, std::string>>)>("setProxyProtocolValues", [](DNSQuestion& dq, const std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, std::string>>& values) {
+ if (!dq.proxyProtocolValues) {
+ dq.proxyProtocolValues = make_unique<std::vector<ProxyProtocolValue>>();
+ }
+ dq.proxyProtocolValues->clear();
+ dq.proxyProtocolValues->reserve(values.size());
+ for (const auto& value : values) {
+ dq.proxyProtocolValues->push_back({value.second, value.first});
+ }
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<void(DNSQuestion::*)(uint8_t, std::string)>("addProxyProtocolValue", [](DNSQuestion& dq, uint8_t type, std::string value) {
+ if (!dq.proxyProtocolValues) {
+ dq.proxyProtocolValues = make_unique<std::vector<ProxyProtocolValue>>();
+ }
+ dq.proxyProtocolValues->push_back({value, type});
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, std::string>>(DNSQuestion::*)()>("getProxyProtocolValues", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) {
+ if (!dq.proxyProtocolValues) {
+ return std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, std::string>>();
+ }
+ std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, std::string>> result;
+ result.resize(dq.proxyProtocolValues->size());
+ for (const auto& value : *dq.proxyProtocolValues) {
+ result.push_back({ value.type, value.content });
+ }
+ return result;
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<void(DNSQuestion::*)(const boost::variant<std::vector<std::pair<int, ComboAddress>>, std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>>>& response)>("spoof", [](DNSQuestion& dq, const boost::variant<std::vector<std::pair<int, ComboAddress>>, std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>>>& response) {
+ if (response.type() == typeid(vector<pair<int, ComboAddress>>)) {
+ std::vector<ComboAddress> data;
+ auto responses = boost::get<vector<pair<int, ComboAddress>>>(response);
+ data.reserve(responses.size());
+ for (const auto& resp : responses) {
+ data.push_back(resp.second);
+ }
+ std::string result;
+ SpoofAction sa(data);
+ sa(&dq, &result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (response.type() == typeid(vector<pair<int, string>>)) {
+ std::vector<std::string> data;
+ auto responses = boost::get<vector<pair<int, string>>>(response);
+ data.reserve(responses.size());
+ for (const auto& resp : responses) {
+ data.push_back(resp.second);
+ }
+ std::string result;
+ SpoofAction sa(data);
+ sa(&dq, &result);
+ return;
+ }
+ });
+ /* LuaWrapper doesn't support inheritance */
+ luaCtx.registerMember<const ComboAddress (DNSResponse::*)>("localaddr", [](const DNSResponse& dq) -> const ComboAddress { return *dq.local; }, [](DNSResponse& dq, const ComboAddress newLocal) { (void) newLocal; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<const DNSName (DNSResponse::*)>("qname", [](const DNSResponse& dq) -> const DNSName { return *dq.qname; }, [](DNSResponse& dq, const DNSName newName) { (void) newName; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<uint16_t (DNSResponse::*)>("qtype", [](const DNSResponse& dq) -> uint16_t { return dq.qtype; }, [](DNSResponse& dq, uint16_t newType) { (void) newType; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<uint16_t (DNSResponse::*)>("qclass", [](const DNSResponse& dq) -> uint16_t { return dq.qclass; }, [](DNSResponse& dq, uint16_t newClass) { (void) newClass; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<int (DNSResponse::*)>("rcode", [](const DNSResponse& dq) -> int { return dq.getHeader()->rcode; }, [](DNSResponse& dq, int newRCode) { dq.getHeader()->rcode = newRCode; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<const ComboAddress (DNSResponse::*)>("remoteaddr", [](const DNSResponse& dq) -> const ComboAddress { return *dq.remote; }, [](DNSResponse& dq, const ComboAddress newRemote) { (void) newRemote; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<dnsheader* (DNSResponse::*)>("dh", [](const DNSResponse& dr) -> dnsheader* { return const_cast<DNSResponse&>(dr).getHeader(); }, [](DNSResponse& dr, const dnsheader* dh) { *(dr.getHeader()) = *dh; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<uint16_t (DNSResponse::*)>("len", [](const DNSResponse& dq) -> uint16_t { return dq.getData().size(); }, [](DNSResponse& dq, uint16_t newlen) { dq.getMutableData().resize(newlen); });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<uint8_t (DNSResponse::*)>("opcode", [](const DNSResponse& dq) -> uint8_t { return dq.getHeader()->opcode; }, [](DNSResponse& dq, uint8_t newOpcode) { (void) newOpcode; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<bool (DNSResponse::*)>("tcp", [](const DNSResponse& dq) -> bool { return dq.overTCP(); }, [](DNSResponse& dq, bool newTcp) { (void) newTcp; });
+ luaCtx.registerMember<bool (DNSResponse::*)>("skipCache", [](const DNSResponse& dq) -> bool { return dq.skipCache; }, [](DNSResponse& dq, bool newSkipCache) { dq.skipCache = newSkipCache; });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<void(DNSResponse::*)(std::function<uint32_t(uint8_t section, uint16_t qclass, uint16_t qtype, uint32_t ttl)> editFunc)>("editTTLs", [](DNSResponse& dr, std::function<uint32_t(uint8_t section, uint16_t qclass, uint16_t qtype, uint32_t ttl)> editFunc) {
+ editDNSPacketTTL(reinterpret_cast<char *>(dr.getMutableData().data()), dr.getData().size(), editFunc);
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<bool(DNSResponse::*)()const>("getDO", [](const DNSResponse& dq) {
+ return getEDNSZ(dq) & EDNS_HEADER_FLAG_DO;
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::string(DNSResponse::*)()const>("getContent", [](const DNSResponse& dq) {
+ return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(dq.getData().data()), dq.getData().size());
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::map<uint16_t, EDNSOptionView>(DNSResponse::*)()const>("getEDNSOptions", [](const DNSResponse& dq) {
+ if (dq.ednsOptions == nullptr) {
+ parseEDNSOptions(dq);
+ }
+ return *dq.ednsOptions;
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::string(DNSResponse::*)(void)const>("getTrailingData", [](const DNSResponse& dq) {
+ return dq.getTrailingData();
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<bool(DNSResponse::*)(std::string)>("setTrailingData", [](DNSResponse& dq, const std::string& tail) {
+ return dq.setTrailingData(tail);
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<void(DNSResponse::*)(std::string, std::string)>("setTag", [](DNSResponse& dr, const std::string& strLabel, const std::string& strValue) {
+ dr.setTag(strLabel, strValue);
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<void(DNSResponse::*)(vector<pair<string, string>>)>("setTagArray", [](DNSResponse& dr, const vector<pair<string, string>>&tags) {
+ for (const auto& tag : tags) {
+ dr.setTag(tag.first, tag.second);
+ }
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<string(DNSResponse::*)(std::string)const>("getTag", [](const DNSResponse& dr, const std::string& strLabel) {
+ if (!dr.qTag) {
+ return string();
+ }
+ std::string strValue;
+ const auto it = dr.qTag->find(strLabel);
+ if (it == dr.qTag->cend()) {
+ return string();
+ }
+ return it->second;
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<QTag(DNSResponse::*)(void)const>("getTagArray", [](const DNSResponse& dr) {
+ if (!dr.qTag) {
+ QTag empty;
+ return empty;
+ }
+ return *dr.qTag;
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::string (DNSResponse::*)()const>("getProtocol", [](const DNSResponse& dr) {
+ return dr.getProtocol().toPrettyString();
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<void(DNSResponse::*)(std::string)>("sendTrap", [](const DNSResponse& dr, boost::optional<std::string> reason) {
+ if (g_snmpAgent && g_snmpTrapsEnabled) {
+ g_snmpAgent->sendDNSTrap(dr, reason ? *reason : "");
+ }
+#endif /* HAVE_NET_SNMP */
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::string(DNSQuestion::*)(void)const>("getHTTPPath", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) {
+ if (dq.du == nullptr) {
+ return std::string();
+ }
+ return dq.du->getHTTPPath();
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::string(DNSQuestion::*)(void)const>("getHTTPQueryString", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) {
+ if (dq.du == nullptr) {
+ return std::string();
+ }
+ return dq.du->getHTTPQueryString();
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::string(DNSQuestion::*)(void)const>("getHTTPHost", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) {
+ if (dq.du == nullptr) {
+ return std::string();
+ }
+ return dq.du->getHTTPHost();
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::string(DNSQuestion::*)(void)const>("getHTTPScheme", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) {
+ if (dq.du == nullptr) {
+ return std::string();
+ }
+ return dq.du->getHTTPScheme();
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>(DNSQuestion::*)(void)const>("getHTTPHeaders", [](const DNSQuestion& dq) {
+ if (dq.du == nullptr) {
+ return std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>();
+ }
+ return dq.du->getHTTPHeaders();
+ });
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<void(DNSQuestion::*)(uint16_t statusCode, const std::string& body, const boost::optional<std::string> contentType)>("setHTTPResponse", [](DNSQuestion& dq, uint16_t statusCode, const std::string& body, const boost::optional<std::string> contentType) {
+ if (dq.du == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ PacketBuffer vect(body.begin(), body.end());
+ dq.du->setHTTPResponse(statusCode, std::move(vect), contentType ? *contentType : "");
+ });
+#endif /* HAVE_DNS_OVER_HTTPS */
+ luaCtx.registerFunction<bool(DNSQuestion::*)(bool nxd, const std::string& zone, uint32_t ttl, const std::string& mname, const std::string& rname, uint32_t serial, uint32_t refresh, uint32_t retry, uint32_t expire, uint32_t minimum)>("setNegativeAndAdditionalSOA", [](DNSQuestion& dq, bool nxd, const std::string& zone, uint32_t ttl, const std::string& mname, const std::string& rname, uint32_t serial, uint32_t refresh, uint32_t retry, uint32_t expire, uint32_t minimum) {
+ return setNegativeAndAdditionalSOA(dq, nxd, DNSName(zone), ttl, DNSName(mname), DNSName(rname), serial, refresh, retry, expire, minimum);
+ });