path: root/ext/yahttp/yahttp/router.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/yahttp/yahttp/router.cpp')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/yahttp/yahttp/router.cpp b/ext/yahttp/yahttp/router.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..489f8cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/yahttp/yahttp/router.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+/* @file
+ * @brief Concrete implementation of Router
+ */
+#include "yahttp.hpp"
+#include "router.hpp"
+namespace YaHTTP {
+ typedef funcptr::tuple<int,int> TDelim;
+ // router is defined here.
+ YaHTTP::Router Router::router;
+ void Router::map(const std::string& method, const std::string& url, THandlerFunction handler, const std::string& name) {
+ std::string method2 = method;
+ bool isopen=false;
+ // add into vector
+ for(std::string::const_iterator i = url.begin(); i != url.end(); i++) {
+ if (*i == '<' && isopen) throw Error("Invalid URL mask, cannot have < after <");
+ if (*i == '<') isopen = true;
+ if (*i == '>' && !isopen) throw Error("Invalid URL mask, cannot have > without < first");
+ if (*i == '>') isopen = false;
+ }
+ std::transform(method2.begin(), method2.end(), method2.begin(), ::toupper);
+ routes.push_back(funcptr::make_tuple(method2, url, handler, name));
+ };
+ bool Router::route(Request *req, THandlerFunction& handler) {
+ std::map<std::string, TDelim> params;
+ int pos1,pos2;
+ bool matched = false;
+ std::string rname;
+ // iterate routes
+ for(TRouteList::iterator i = routes.begin(); !matched && i != routes.end(); i++) {
+ int k1,k2,k3;
+ std::string pname;
+ std::string method, url;
+ funcptr::tie(method, url, handler, rname) = *i;
+ if (method.empty() == false && req->method != method) continue; // no match on method
+ // see if we can't match the url
+ params.clear();
+ // simple matcher func
+ for(k1=0, k2=0; k1 < static_cast<int>(url.size()) && k2 < static_cast<int>(req->url.path.size()); ) {
+ if (url[k1] == '<') {
+ pos1 = k2;
+ k3 = k1+1;
+ // start of parameter
+ while(k1 < static_cast<int>(url.size()) && url[k1] != '>') k1++;
+ pname = std::string(url.begin()+k3, url.begin()+k1);
+ // then we also look it on the url
+ if (pname[0]=='*') {
+ pname = pname.substr(1);
+ // this matches whatever comes after it, basically end of string
+ pos2 = req->url.path.size();
+ if (pname != "")
+ params[pname] = funcptr::tie(pos1,pos2);
+ k1 = url.size();
+ k2 = req->url.path.size();
+ break;
+ } else {
+ // match until url[k1]
+ while(k2 < static_cast<int>(req->url.path.size()) && req->url.path[k2] != url[k1+1]) k2++;
+ pos2 = k2;
+ params[pname] = funcptr::tie(pos1,pos2);
+ }
+ k2--;
+ }
+ else if (url[k1] != req->url.path[k2]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ k1++; k2++;
+ }
+ // ensure.
+ if (url[k1] != req->url.path[k2])
+ matched = false;
+ else
+ matched = true;
+ }
+ if (!matched) { return false; } // no route
+ req->parameters.clear();
+ for(std::map<std::string, TDelim>::iterator i = params.begin(); i != params.end(); i++) {
+ int p1,p2;
+ funcptr::tie(p1,p2) = i->second;
+ std::string value(req->url.path.begin() + p1, req->url.path.begin() + p2);
+ value = Utility::decodeURL(value);
+ req->parameters[i->first] = value;
+ }
+ req->routeName = rname;
+ return true;
+ };
+ void Router::printRoutes(std::ostream &os) {
+ for(TRouteList::iterator i = routes.begin(); i != routes.end(); i++) {
+#ifdef HAVE_CXX11
+ std::streamsize ss = os.width();
+ std::ios::fmtflags ff = os.setf(std::ios::left);
+ os.width(10);
+ os << std::get<0>(*i);
+ os.width(50);
+ os << std::get<1>(*i);
+ os.width(ss);
+ os.setf(ff);
+ os << " " << std::get<3>(*i);
+ os << std::endl;
+ os << i->get<0>() << " " << i->get<1>() << " " << i->get<3>() << std::endl;
+ }
+ };
+ std::pair<std::string,std::string> Router::urlFor(const std::string &name, const strstr_map_t& arguments) {
+ std::ostringstream path;
+ std::string mask,method,result;
+ int k1,k2,k3;
+ bool found = false;
+ for(TRouteList::iterator i = routes.begin(); !found && i != routes.end(); i++) {
+#ifdef HAVE_CXX11
+ if (std::get<3>(*i) == name) { mask = std::get<1>(*i); method = std::get<0>(*i); found = true; }
+ if (i->get<3>() == name) { mask = i->get<1>(); method = i->get<0>(); found = true; }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ throw Error("Route not found");
+ for(k1=0,k3=0;k1<static_cast<int>(mask.size());k1++) {
+ if (mask[k1] == '<') {
+ std::string pname;
+ strstr_map_t::const_iterator pptr;
+ k2=k1;
+ while(k1<static_cast<int>(mask.size()) && mask[k1]!='>') k1++;
+ path << mask.substr(k3,k2-k3);
+ if (mask[k2+1] == '*')
+ pname = std::string(mask.begin() + k2 + 2, mask.begin() + k1);
+ else
+ pname = std::string(mask.begin() + k2 + 1, mask.begin() + k1);
+ if ((pptr = arguments.find(pname)) != arguments.end())
+ path << Utility::encodeURL(pptr->second);
+ k3 = k1+1;
+ }
+ else if (mask[k1] == '*') {
+ // ready
+ k3++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ path << mask.substr(k3);
+ result = path.str();
+ return std::make_pair(method, result);
+ }