require "vnd.dovecot.testsuite"; require "relational"; require "comparator-i;ascii-numeric"; test_set "message" text: To: From: Subject: Test Test. . ; test_mailbox_create "INBOX.VB"; test_mailbox_create "INBOX.backup"; test "Fileinto" { if not test_script_compile "actions/fileinto.sieve" { test_fail "script compile failed"; } if not test_script_run { test_fail "script run failed"; } if not test_result_action :count "eq" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" "3" { test_fail "wrong number of actions in result"; } if not test_result_action :index 1 "store" { test_fail "first action is not 'store'"; } if not test_result_action :index 2 "store" { test_fail "second action is not 'store'"; } if not test_result_action :index 3 "keep" { test_fail "third action is not 'keep'"; } if not test_result_execute { test_fail "result execute failed"; } } test "Redirect" { if not test_script_compile "actions/redirect.sieve" { test_fail "compile failed"; } if not test_script_run { test_fail "execute failed"; } if not test_result_action :count "eq" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" "4" { test_fail "wrong number of actions in result"; } if not test_result_action :index 1 "redirect" { test_fail "first action is not 'redirect'"; } if not test_result_action :index 2 "keep" { test_fail "second action is not 'keep'"; } if not test_result_action :index 3 "redirect" { test_fail "third action is not 'redirect'"; } if not test_result_action :index 4 "redirect" { test_fail "fourth action is not 'redirect'"; } if not test_result_execute { test_fail "result execute failed"; } }