/* Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file */ #include "lib.h" #include "llist.h" #include "array.h" #include "smtp-reply.h" #include "smtp-server-private.h" /* * Command registry */ void smtp_server_command_register(struct smtp_server *server, const char *name, smtp_server_cmd_start_func_t *func, enum smtp_server_command_flags flags) { struct smtp_server_command_reg cmd; i_zero(&cmd); cmd.name = name; cmd.func = func; cmd.flags = flags; array_push_back(&server->commands_reg, &cmd); server->commands_unsorted = TRUE; } static bool ATTR_NOWARN_UNUSED_RESULT smtp_server_command_do_unregister(struct smtp_server *server, const char *name) { const struct smtp_server_command_reg *cmd; unsigned int i, count; cmd = array_get(&server->commands_reg, &count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (strcasecmp(cmd[i].name, name) == 0) { array_delete(&server->commands_reg, i, 1); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void smtp_server_command_unregister(struct smtp_server *server, const char *name) { if (smtp_server_command_do_unregister(server, name)) return; i_panic("smtp-server: Trying to unregister unknown command '%s'", name); } void smtp_server_command_override(struct smtp_server *server, const char *name, smtp_server_cmd_start_func_t *func, enum smtp_server_command_flags flags) { smtp_server_command_do_unregister(server, name); smtp_server_command_register(server, name, func, flags); } static int smtp_server_command_cmp(const struct smtp_server_command_reg *c1, const struct smtp_server_command_reg *c2) { return strcasecmp(c1->name, c2->name); } static int smtp_server_command_bsearch(const char *name, const struct smtp_server_command_reg *cmd) { return strcasecmp(name, cmd->name); } static struct smtp_server_command_reg * smtp_server_command_find(struct smtp_server *server, const char *name) { if (server->commands_unsorted) { array_sort(&server->commands_reg, smtp_server_command_cmp); server->commands_unsorted = FALSE; } return array_bsearch(&server->commands_reg, name, smtp_server_command_bsearch); } void smtp_server_commands_init(struct smtp_server *server) { p_array_init(&server->commands_reg, server->pool, 16); switch (server->set.protocol) { case SMTP_PROTOCOL_SMTP: smtp_server_command_register( server, "EHLO", smtp_server_cmd_ehlo, SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PRETLS | SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PREAUTH); smtp_server_command_register( server, "HELO", smtp_server_cmd_helo, SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PREAUTH); break; case SMTP_PROTOCOL_LMTP: smtp_server_command_register( server, "LHLO", smtp_server_cmd_ehlo, SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PRETLS | SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PREAUTH); break; } smtp_server_command_register( server, "AUTH", smtp_server_cmd_auth, SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PREAUTH); smtp_server_command_register( server, "STARTTLS", smtp_server_cmd_starttls, SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PRETLS | SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PREAUTH); smtp_server_command_register( server, "MAIL", smtp_server_cmd_mail, 0); smtp_server_command_register(server, "RCPT", smtp_server_cmd_rcpt, 0); smtp_server_command_register(server, "DATA", smtp_server_cmd_data, 0); smtp_server_command_register(server, "BDAT", smtp_server_cmd_bdat, 0); smtp_server_command_register( server, "RSET", smtp_server_cmd_rset, SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PREAUTH); smtp_server_command_register(server, "VRFY", smtp_server_cmd_vrfy, 0); smtp_server_command_register( server, "NOOP", smtp_server_cmd_noop, SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PRETLS | SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PREAUTH); smtp_server_command_register( server, "QUIT", smtp_server_cmd_quit, SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PRETLS | SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PREAUTH); smtp_server_command_register( server, "XCLIENT", smtp_server_cmd_xclient, SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PREAUTH); } /* * */ static void smtp_server_command_update_event(struct smtp_server_command *cmd) { struct event *event = cmd->context.event; const char *label = (cmd->context.name == NULL ? "[unknown]" : t_str_ucase(cmd->context.name)); if (cmd->reg != NULL) event_add_str(event, "cmd_name", cmd->reg->name); else event_add_str(event, "cmd_name", "unknown"); event_add_str(event, "cmd_input_name", cmd->context.name); event_set_append_log_prefix(event, t_strdup_printf("command %s: ", label)); } static struct smtp_server_command * smtp_server_command_alloc(struct smtp_server_connection *conn) { struct smtp_server_command *cmd; pool_t pool; pool = pool_alloconly_create("smtp_server_command", 1024); cmd = p_new(pool, struct smtp_server_command, 1); cmd->context.pool = pool; cmd->context.cmd = cmd; cmd->context.event = event_create(conn->event); cmd->refcount = 1; cmd->context.conn = conn; cmd->context.server = conn->server; cmd->replies_expected = 1; DLLIST2_APPEND(&conn->command_queue_head, &conn->command_queue_tail, cmd); conn->command_queue_count++; return cmd; } struct smtp_server_command * smtp_server_command_new_invalid(struct smtp_server_connection *conn) { struct smtp_server_command *cmd; cmd = smtp_server_command_alloc(conn); smtp_server_command_update_event(cmd); e_debug(cmd->context.event, "Invalid command"); return cmd; } struct smtp_server_command * smtp_server_command_new(struct smtp_server_connection *conn, const char *name) { struct smtp_server *server = conn->server; struct smtp_server_command *cmd; cmd = smtp_server_command_alloc(conn); cmd->context.name = p_strdup(cmd->context.pool, name); cmd->reg = smtp_server_command_find(server, name); smtp_server_command_update_event(cmd); e_debug(cmd->context.event, "New command"); return cmd; } void smtp_server_command_execute(struct smtp_server_command *cmd, const char *params) { struct smtp_server_connection *conn = cmd->context.conn; event_add_str(cmd->context.event, "cmd_args", params); event_add_str(cmd->context.event, "cmd_human_args", params); struct event_passthrough *e = event_create_passthrough(cmd->context.event)-> set_name("smtp_server_command_started"); e_debug(e->event(), "Execute command"); if (cmd->reg == NULL) { /* RFC 5321, Section 4.2.4: Reply Code 502 Questions have been raised as to when reply code 502 (Command not implemented) SHOULD be returned in preference to other codes. 502 SHOULD be used when the command is actually recognized by the SMTP server, but not implemented. If the command is not recognized, code 500 SHOULD be returned. */ smtp_server_command_fail(cmd, 500, "5.5.1", "Unknown command"); } else if (!conn->ssl_secured && conn->set.tls_required && (cmd->reg->flags & SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PRETLS) == 0) { /* RFC 3207, Section 4: A SMTP server that is not publicly referenced may choose to require that the client perform a TLS negotiation before accepting any commands. In this case, the server SHOULD return the reply code: 530 Must issue a STARTTLS command first to every command other than NOOP, EHLO, STARTTLS, or QUIT. If the client and server are using the ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES ESMTP extension [RFC2034], the status code to be returned SHOULD be 5.7.0. */ smtp_server_command_fail(cmd, 530, "5.7.0", "TLS required."); } else if (!conn->authenticated && !conn->set.auth_optional && (cmd->reg->flags & SMTP_SERVER_CMD_FLAG_PREAUTH) == 0) { /* RFC 4954, Section 6: Status Codes 530 5.7.0 Authentication required This response SHOULD be returned by any command other than AUTH, EHLO, HELO, NOOP, RSET, or QUIT when server policy requires authentication in order to perform the requested action and authentication is not currently in force. */ smtp_server_command_fail(cmd, 530, "5.7.0", "Authentication required."); } else { struct smtp_server_command *tmp_cmd = cmd; i_assert(cmd->reg->func != NULL); smtp_server_command_ref(tmp_cmd); cmd->reg->func(&tmp_cmd->context, params); if (tmp_cmd->state == SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_NEW) tmp_cmd->state = SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_PROCESSING; if (!smtp_server_command_unref(&tmp_cmd)) cmd = NULL; } } void smtp_server_command_ref(struct smtp_server_command *cmd) { if (cmd->destroying) return; cmd->refcount++; } bool smtp_server_command_unref(struct smtp_server_command **_cmd) { struct smtp_server_command *cmd = *_cmd; struct smtp_server_connection *conn = cmd->context.conn; *_cmd = NULL; if (cmd->destroying) return FALSE; i_assert(cmd->refcount > 0); if (--cmd->refcount > 0) return TRUE; cmd->destroying = TRUE; if (cmd->state >= SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_FINISHED) { e_debug(cmd->context.event, "Destroy"); } else { struct event_passthrough *e = event_create_passthrough(cmd->context.event)-> set_name("smtp_server_command_finished"); e->add_int("status_code", 9000); e->add_str("enhanced_code", "9.0.0"); e->add_str("error", "Aborted"); e_debug(e->event(), "Destroy"); cmd->state = SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_ABORTED; DLLIST2_REMOVE(&conn->command_queue_head, &conn->command_queue_tail, cmd); conn->command_queue_count--; } /* Execute hooks */ if (!smtp_server_command_call_hooks( &cmd, SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_HOOK_DESTROY, TRUE)) i_unreached(); smtp_server_command_pipeline_unblock(&cmd->context); smtp_server_reply_free(cmd); event_unref(&cmd->context.event); pool_unref(&cmd->context.pool); return FALSE; } void smtp_server_command_abort(struct smtp_server_command **_cmd) { struct smtp_server_command *cmd = *_cmd; struct smtp_server_connection *conn = cmd->context.conn; /* Preemptively remove command from queue (references may still exist) */ if (cmd->state >= SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_FINISHED) { e_debug(cmd->context.event, "Abort"); } else { struct event_passthrough *e = event_create_passthrough(cmd->context.event)-> set_name("smtp_server_command_finished"); e->add_int("status_code", 9000); e->add_str("enhanced_code", "9.0.0"); e->add_str("error", "Aborted"); e_debug(e->event(), "Abort"); cmd->state = SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_ABORTED; DLLIST2_REMOVE(&conn->command_queue_head, &conn->command_queue_tail, cmd); conn->command_queue_count--; } smtp_server_reply_free(cmd); smtp_server_command_pipeline_unblock(&cmd->context); smtp_server_command_unref(_cmd); } #undef smtp_server_command_add_hook void smtp_server_command_add_hook(struct smtp_server_command *cmd, enum smtp_server_command_hook_type type, smtp_server_cmd_func_t func, void *context) { struct smtp_server_command_hook *hook; i_assert(func != NULL); hook = cmd->hooks_head; while (hook != NULL) { /* No double registrations */ i_assert(hook->type != type || hook->func != func); hook = hook->next; } hook = p_new(cmd->context.pool, struct smtp_server_command_hook, 1); hook->type = type; hook->func = func; hook->context = context; DLLIST2_APPEND(&cmd->hooks_head, &cmd->hooks_tail, hook); } #undef smtp_server_command_remove_hook void smtp_server_command_remove_hook(struct smtp_server_command *cmd, enum smtp_server_command_hook_type type, smtp_server_cmd_func_t *func) { struct smtp_server_command_hook *hook; bool found = FALSE; hook = cmd->hooks_head; while (hook != NULL) { struct smtp_server_command_hook *hook_next = hook->next; if (hook->type == type && hook->func == func) { DLLIST2_REMOVE(&cmd->hooks_head, &cmd->hooks_tail, hook); found = TRUE; break; } hook = hook_next; } i_assert(found); } bool smtp_server_command_call_hooks(struct smtp_server_command **_cmd, enum smtp_server_command_hook_type type, bool remove) { struct smtp_server_command *cmd = *_cmd; struct smtp_server_command_hook *hook; if (type != SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_HOOK_DESTROY) { if (cmd->state >= SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_FINISHED) return FALSE; smtp_server_command_ref(cmd); } hook = cmd->hooks_head; while (hook != NULL) { struct smtp_server_command_hook *hook_next = hook->next; if (hook->type == type) { if (remove) { DLLIST2_REMOVE(&cmd->hooks_head, &cmd->hooks_tail, hook); } hook->func(&cmd->context, hook->context); } hook = hook_next; } if (type != SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_HOOK_DESTROY) { if (!smtp_server_command_unref(&cmd)) { *_cmd = NULL; return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } void smtp_server_command_remove_hooks(struct smtp_server_command *cmd, enum smtp_server_command_hook_type type) { struct smtp_server_command_hook *hook; hook = cmd->hooks_head; while (hook != NULL) { struct smtp_server_command_hook *hook_next = hook->next; if (hook->type == type) { DLLIST2_REMOVE(&cmd->hooks_head, &cmd->hooks_tail, hook); } hook = hook_next; } } void smtp_server_command_set_reply_count(struct smtp_server_command *cmd, unsigned int count) { i_assert(count > 0); i_assert(!array_is_created(&cmd->replies)); cmd->replies_expected = count; } unsigned int smtp_server_command_get_reply_count(struct smtp_server_command *cmd) { i_assert(cmd->replies_expected > 0); return cmd->replies_expected; } bool smtp_server_command_next_to_reply(struct smtp_server_command **_cmd) { struct smtp_server_command *cmd = *_cmd; e_debug(cmd->context.event, "Next to reply"); if (!smtp_server_command_call_hooks( _cmd, SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_HOOK_NEXT, TRUE)) return FALSE; smtp_server_command_remove_hooks(cmd, SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_HOOK_NEXT); return TRUE; } void smtp_server_command_ready_to_reply(struct smtp_server_command *cmd) { cmd->state = SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_READY_TO_REPLY; e_debug(cmd->context.event, "Ready to reply"); smtp_server_connection_trigger_output(cmd->context.conn); } static bool smtp_server_command_replied(struct smtp_server_command **_cmd) { struct smtp_server_command *cmd = *_cmd; if (cmd->replies_submitted < cmd->replies_expected) { e_debug(cmd->context.event, "Replied (one)"); return smtp_server_command_call_hooks( _cmd, SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_HOOK_REPLIED_ONE, FALSE); } e_debug(cmd->context.event, "Replied"); return (smtp_server_command_call_hooks( _cmd, SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_HOOK_REPLIED_ONE, TRUE) && smtp_server_command_call_hooks( _cmd, SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_HOOK_REPLIED, TRUE)); } bool smtp_server_command_completed(struct smtp_server_command **_cmd) { struct smtp_server_command *cmd = *_cmd; if (cmd->replies_submitted < cmd->replies_expected) return TRUE; e_debug(cmd->context.event, "Completed"); if (cmd->pipeline_blocked) smtp_server_command_pipeline_unblock(&cmd->context); return smtp_server_command_call_hooks( _cmd, SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_HOOK_COMPLETED, TRUE); } static bool smtp_server_command_handle_reply(struct smtp_server_command *cmd) { struct smtp_server_connection *conn = cmd->context.conn; smtp_server_connection_ref(conn); if (!smtp_server_command_replied(&cmd)) return smtp_server_connection_unref(&conn); if (cmd->input_locked) smtp_server_command_input_unlock(&cmd->context); /* Submit reply */ switch (cmd->state) { case SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_NEW: case SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_PROCESSING: if (!smtp_server_command_is_complete(cmd)) { e_debug(cmd->context.event, "Not ready to reply"); cmd->state = SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_SUBMITTED_REPLY; break; } smtp_server_command_ready_to_reply(cmd); break; case SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_READY_TO_REPLY: case SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_ABORTED: break; default: i_unreached(); } return smtp_server_connection_unref(&conn); } void smtp_server_command_submit_reply(struct smtp_server_command *cmd) { struct smtp_server_connection *conn = cmd->context.conn; unsigned int i, submitted; bool is_bad = FALSE; i_assert(conn != NULL && array_is_created(&cmd->replies)); submitted = 0; for (i = 0; i < cmd->replies_expected; i++) { const struct smtp_server_reply *reply = array_idx(&cmd->replies, i); if (!reply->submitted) continue; submitted++; i_assert(reply->content != NULL); switch (reply->content->status) { case 500: case 501: case 503: is_bad = TRUE; break; } } i_assert(submitted == cmd->replies_submitted); /* Limit number of consecutive bad commands */ if (is_bad) conn->bad_counter++; else if (cmd->replies_submitted == cmd->replies_expected) conn->bad_counter = 0; if (!smtp_server_command_handle_reply(cmd)) return; if (conn != NULL && conn->bad_counter > conn->set.max_bad_commands) { smtp_server_connection_terminate(&conn, "4.7.0", "Too many invalid commands."); return; } } bool smtp_server_command_is_replied(struct smtp_server_command *cmd) { unsigned int i; if (!array_is_created(&cmd->replies)) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < cmd->replies_expected; i++) { const struct smtp_server_reply *reply = array_idx(&cmd->replies, i); if (!reply->submitted) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } bool smtp_server_command_reply_is_forwarded(struct smtp_server_command *cmd) { unsigned int i; if (!array_is_created(&cmd->replies)) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < cmd->replies_expected; i++) { const struct smtp_server_reply *reply = array_idx(&cmd->replies, i); if (!reply->submitted) return FALSE; if (reply->forwarded) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } struct smtp_server_reply * smtp_server_command_get_reply(struct smtp_server_command *cmd, unsigned int idx) { struct smtp_server_reply *reply; i_assert(idx < cmd->replies_expected); if (!array_is_created(&cmd->replies)) return NULL; reply = array_idx_get_space(&cmd->replies, idx); if (!reply->submitted) return NULL; return reply; } bool smtp_server_command_reply_status_equals(struct smtp_server_command *cmd, unsigned int status) { struct smtp_server_reply *reply; i_assert(cmd->replies_expected == 1); reply = smtp_server_command_get_reply(cmd, 0); return (reply->content != NULL && reply->content->status == status); } bool smtp_server_command_replied_success(struct smtp_server_command *cmd) { bool success = FALSE; unsigned int i; if (!array_is_created(&cmd->replies)) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < cmd->replies_expected; i++) { const struct smtp_server_reply *reply = array_idx(&cmd->replies, i); if (!reply->submitted) return FALSE; if (smtp_server_reply_is_success(reply)) success = TRUE; } return success; } static int smtp_server_command_send_more_replies(struct smtp_server_command *cmd) { unsigned int i; int ret = 1; smtp_server_command_ref(cmd); // FIXME: handle LMTP DATA command with enormous number of recipients; // i.e. don't keep filling output stream with replies indefinitely. for (i = 0; i < cmd->replies_expected; i++) { struct smtp_server_reply *reply; reply = array_idx_modifiable(&cmd->replies, i); if (!reply->submitted) { i_assert(!reply->sent); ret = 0; break; } if (smtp_server_reply_send(reply) < 0) { ret = -1; break; } } if (!smtp_server_command_unref(&cmd)) return -1; return ret; } bool smtp_server_command_send_replies(struct smtp_server_command *cmd) { int ret; if (!smtp_server_command_next_to_reply(&cmd)) return FALSE; if (cmd->state < SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_READY_TO_REPLY) return FALSE; i_assert(cmd->state == SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_READY_TO_REPLY && array_is_created(&cmd->replies)); if (!smtp_server_command_completed(&cmd)) return TRUE; /* Send command replies */ ret = smtp_server_command_send_more_replies(cmd); if (ret < 0) return FALSE; if (ret == 0) { cmd->state = SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_PROCESSING; return FALSE; } smtp_server_command_finished(cmd); return TRUE; } void smtp_server_command_finished(struct smtp_server_command *cmd) { struct smtp_server_connection *conn = cmd->context.conn; struct smtp_server_reply *reply; i_assert(cmd->state < SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_FINISHED); cmd->state = SMTP_SERVER_COMMAND_STATE_FINISHED; DLLIST2_REMOVE(&conn->command_queue_head, &conn->command_queue_tail, cmd); conn->command_queue_count--; conn->stats.reply_count++; i_assert(array_is_created(&cmd->replies)); reply = array_front_modifiable(&cmd->replies); i_assert(reply->content != NULL); struct event_passthrough *e = event_create_passthrough(cmd->context.event)-> set_name("smtp_server_command_finished"); smtp_server_reply_add_to_event(reply, e); e_debug(e->event(), "Finished"); if (reply->content->status == 221 || reply->content->status == 421) { i_assert(cmd->replies_expected == 1); if (reply->content->status == 421) { smtp_server_connection_close(&conn, t_strdup_printf( "Server closed the connection: %s", smtp_server_reply_get_one_line(reply))); } else if (conn->set.auth_optional || conn->authenticated) { smtp_server_connection_close(&conn, "Logged out"); } else { smtp_server_connection_close(&conn, "Aborted login by logging out"); } smtp_server_command_unref(&cmd); return; } if (cmd->input_locked) smtp_server_command_input_unlock(&cmd->context); if (cmd->pipeline_blocked) smtp_server_command_pipeline_unblock(&cmd->context); smtp_server_command_unref(&cmd); smtp_server_connection_trigger_output(conn); } void smtp_server_command_fail(struct smtp_server_command *cmd, unsigned int status, const char *enh_code, const char *fmt, ...) { unsigned int i; va_list args; i_assert(status / 100 > 2); va_start(args, fmt); if (cmd->replies_expected == 1) { smtp_server_reply_indexv(&cmd->context, 0, status, enh_code, fmt, args); } else for (i = 0; i < cmd->replies_expected; i++) { bool sent = FALSE; if (array_is_created(&cmd->replies)) { const struct smtp_server_reply *reply = array_idx(&cmd->replies, i); sent = reply->sent; } /* Send the same reply for all */ if (!sent) { va_list args_copy; VA_COPY(args_copy, args); smtp_server_reply_indexv(&cmd->context, i, status, enh_code, fmt, args_copy); va_end(args_copy); } } va_end(args); } void smtp_server_command_input_lock(struct smtp_server_cmd_ctx *cmd) { struct smtp_server_command *command = cmd->cmd; struct smtp_server_connection *conn = cmd->conn; command->input_locked = TRUE; smtp_server_connection_input_halt(conn); } void smtp_server_command_input_unlock(struct smtp_server_cmd_ctx *cmd) { struct smtp_server_command *command = cmd->cmd; struct smtp_server_connection *conn = cmd->conn; command->input_locked = FALSE; if (command->input_captured) { command->input_captured = FALSE; smtp_server_connection_input_halt(conn); } smtp_server_connection_input_resume(conn); } void smtp_server_command_input_capture( struct smtp_server_cmd_ctx *cmd, smtp_server_cmd_input_callback_t *callback) { struct smtp_server_command *command = cmd->cmd; struct smtp_server_connection *conn = cmd->conn; smtp_server_connection_input_capture(conn, *callback, cmd); command->input_locked = TRUE; command->input_captured = TRUE; } void smtp_server_command_pipeline_block(struct smtp_server_cmd_ctx *cmd) { struct smtp_server_command *command = cmd->cmd; struct smtp_server_connection *conn = cmd->conn; e_debug(cmd->event, "Pipeline blocked"); command->pipeline_blocked = TRUE; smtp_server_connection_input_lock(conn); } void smtp_server_command_pipeline_unblock(struct smtp_server_cmd_ctx *cmd) { struct smtp_server_command *command = cmd->cmd; struct smtp_server_connection *conn = cmd->conn; if (!command->pipeline_blocked) return; command->pipeline_blocked = FALSE; smtp_server_connection_input_unlock(conn); e_debug(cmd->event, "Pipeline unblocked"); }