/* Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file */ #include "test-lib.h" #include "array.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "str.h" #include "str-sanitize.h" #include "istream.h" #include "ostream.h" #include "test-common.h" #include "smtp-reply-parser.h" #include struct smtp_reply_parse_valid_test { const char *input, *output; unsigned int status; bool ehlo; size_t max_size; struct { unsigned int x, y, z; } enhanced_code; const char *const *text_lines; }; /* Valid reply tests */ static const struct smtp_reply_parse_valid_test valid_reply_parse_tests[] = { { .input = "220\r\n", .output = "220 \r\n", .status = 220, .text_lines = (const char *[]){ "", NULL } },{ .input = "220 \r\n", .status = 220, .text_lines = (const char *[]){ "", NULL } },{ .input = "220 OK\r\n", .status = 220, .text_lines = (const char *[]){ "OK", NULL } },{ .input = "550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable\r\n", .status = 550, .text_lines = (const char *[]) { "Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable", NULL } },{ .input = "250-smtp.example.com Hello client.example.org []\r\n" "250-SIZE 52428800\r\n" "250-PIPELINING\r\n" "250-STARTTLS\r\n" "250 HELP\r\n", .ehlo = TRUE, .status = 250, .text_lines = (const char *[]) { "smtp.example.com Hello client.example.org []", "SIZE 52428800", "PIPELINING", "STARTTLS", "HELP", NULL } },{ .input = "250-smtp.example.com We got some nice '\x03' and '\x04'\r\n" "250 HELP\r\n", .output = "250-smtp.example.com We got some nice ' ' and ' '\r\n" "250 HELP\r\n", .ehlo = TRUE, .status = 250, .text_lines = (const char *[]) { "smtp.example.com We got some nice ' ' and ' '", "HELP", NULL } },{ .input = "250 smtp.example.com We got some nice '\x08'\r\n", .output = "250 smtp.example.com We got some nice ' '\r\n", .ehlo = TRUE, .status = 250, .text_lines = (const char *[]) { "smtp.example.com We got some nice ' '", NULL } },{ .input = "250 2.1.0 Originator ok\r\n", .status = 250, .enhanced_code = { 2, 1, 0 }, .text_lines = (const char *[]){ "Originator ok", NULL } },{ .input = "551-5.7.1 Forwarding to remote hosts disabled\r\n" "551 5.7.1 Select another host to act as your forwarder\r\n", .status = 551, .enhanced_code = { 5, 7, 1 }, .text_lines = (const char *[]) { "Forwarding to remote hosts disabled", "Select another host to act as your forwarder", NULL } } }; unsigned int valid_reply_parse_test_count = N_ELEMENTS(valid_reply_parse_tests); static void test_smtp_reply_parse_valid(void) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < valid_reply_parse_test_count; i++) T_BEGIN { struct istream *input; const struct smtp_reply_parse_valid_test *test; struct smtp_reply_parser *parser; struct smtp_reply *reply; const char *error; int ret; test = &valid_reply_parse_tests[i]; input = i_stream_create_from_data(test->input, strlen(test->input)); parser = smtp_reply_parser_init(input, test->max_size); i_stream_unref(&input); test_begin(t_strdup_printf("smtp reply valid [%d]", i)); if (test->ehlo) { while ((ret=smtp_reply_parse_ehlo (parser, &reply, &error)) > 0) { } } else { while ((ret=smtp_reply_parse_next (parser, test->enhanced_code.x > 0, &reply, &error)) > 0) { } } test_out_reason("parse success", ret == 0, error); if (ret == 0) { const char *output; string_t *encoded; /* verify last response only */ test_out(t_strdup_printf("reply->status = %d", test->status), reply->status == test->status); if (test->enhanced_code.x > 0) { test_out(t_strdup_printf("reply->enhanced_code = %d.%d.%d", test->enhanced_code.x, test->enhanced_code.y, test->enhanced_code.z), (reply->enhanced_code.x == test->enhanced_code.x && reply->enhanced_code.y == test->enhanced_code.y && reply->enhanced_code.z == test->enhanced_code.z)); } if (test->text_lines != NULL) { const char *const *line = test->text_lines; const char *const *reply_line = reply->text_lines; unsigned int index = 0; while (*line != NULL) { if (*reply_line == NULL) { test_out( t_strdup_printf("reply->text_lines[%d] = NULL", index), FALSE); break; } test_out(t_strdup_printf( "reply->text_lines[%d] = \"%s\"", index, *reply_line), strcmp(*line, *reply_line) == 0); line++; reply_line++; index++; } } else { test_out("reply->text_lines = NULL", reply->text_lines == NULL); } encoded = t_str_new(512); smtp_reply_write(encoded, reply); output = (test->output == NULL ? test->input : test->output); test_out("write() = input", strcmp(str_c(encoded), output) == 0); } test_end(); smtp_reply_parser_deinit(&parser); } T_END; } struct smtp_reply_parse_invalid_test { const char *reply; bool ehlo; size_t max_size; }; static const struct smtp_reply_parse_invalid_test invalid_reply_parse_tests[] = { { .reply = "22X OK\r\n" },{ .reply = "220OK\r\n" },{ .reply = "200-This is\r\n" "250 inconsistent.\r\n" },{ .reply = "400 This \r is wrong\r\n" },{ .reply = "500 This is \x03 worse\r\n" },{ .reply = "699 Obscure\r\n" },{ .reply = "100 Invalid\r\n" },{ .reply = "400 Interrupted\r" },{ .reply = "251 example.com We got '\x04'\r\n", .ehlo = TRUE },{ .reply = "250-example.com Hello\r\n" "250 We got some '\x08' for you\r\n", .ehlo = TRUE },{ .reply = "556-This is a very long reply\r\n" "556 that exceeds the very low limit.\r\n", .max_size = 50 } }; unsigned int invalid_reply_parse_test_count = N_ELEMENTS(invalid_reply_parse_tests); static void test_smtp_reply_parse_invalid(void) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < invalid_reply_parse_test_count; i++) T_BEGIN { const struct smtp_reply_parse_invalid_test *test; struct istream *input; struct smtp_reply_parser *parser; struct smtp_reply *reply; const char *reply_text, *error; int ret; test = &invalid_reply_parse_tests[i]; reply_text = test->reply; input = i_stream_create_from_data(reply_text, strlen(reply_text)); parser = smtp_reply_parser_init(input, test->max_size); i_stream_unref(&input); test_begin(t_strdup_printf("smtp reply invalid [%d]", i)); if (test->ehlo) while ((ret=smtp_reply_parse_ehlo(parser, &reply, &error)) > 0); else while ((ret=smtp_reply_parse_next(parser, FALSE, &reply, &error)) > 0); test_out_reason(t_strdup_printf("parse(\"%s\")", str_sanitize(reply_text, 80)), ret < 0, error); test_end(); smtp_reply_parser_deinit(&parser); } T_END; } int main(void) { static void (*test_functions[])(void) = { test_smtp_reply_parse_valid, test_smtp_reply_parse_invalid, NULL }; return test_run(test_functions); }