- Verify that copyright notices in source files are up-to-date. - Update COPYRIGHT_YEARS using contrib/release/gen-copyright-years.sh. Commit modifications if there are any. - Run contrib/release/do-release.sh. Use: - --minor to do a minor update: $maj.$min -> $maj.$(($min + 1)) - --major to do a major update: $maj.$min -> $(($maj + 1)).0 This: - adds a commit that updates the VERSION file, - creates a signed annotated release tag for that commit, and - pushes both the commit and the tag to the remote repository. - Run contrib/release/upload-release.sh. This creates and uploads two release tarballs. - Write draft release announcement. F.i. using template of https://sourceware.org/ml/gdb-announce/2019/msg00001.html. - Sent out draft release announcement to maintainers for review and further contributions. - Sent out release announcement. Sent to: - Maintainers - dwz@sourceware.org - dwarf-discuss@lists.dwarfstd.org - gcc@gcc.gnu.org - gdb@sourceware.org - lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org - Update web page ( https://sourceware.org/dwz/ ): - Add news item with hlink to release annoucement. - Add entry in release list.