Release history =============== Version 3.8 ----------- - A project name containing hyphens is now automatically translated to use underscores for the import name (:ghpull:`566`). - New option :option:`flit install --only-deps` to install the dependencies of the package, but not the package itself. - Add support for recursive globbing (``**``) in sdist includes and excludes (:ghpull:`550`). - Python's bytecode cache files (``__pycache__`` folders and ``.pyc`` files) are now always excluded from sdists (:ghpull:`581`). - Use tomllib in Python 3.11, rather than tomli (:ghpull:`573`, :ghpull:`604`). - Fix crash when unable to get a password from ``keyring`` (:ghpull:`567`). - Fix including modified files in sdist when using Mercurial (:ghpull:`541`). - Fix for some cases of determining whether a package supports Python 2 or not (:ghpull:`593`). - Fix parsing version number from code using multiple assignments (:ghpull:`474`). - Document how to use a PyPI token with :envvar:`FLIT_PASSWORD` (:ghpull:`602`). - Fix link to information about environment variables for pip (:ghpull:`576`). - Link to the docs for the latest stable version in package metadata (:ghpull:`589`). - Remove a mention of the ``toml`` package, which is no longer needed, from the :doc:`development` page (:ghpull:`601`). - The :doc:`bootstrap ` install script for ``flit_core`` accepts a new ``--install-root`` option. - Ensure the license file is included in packages on PyPI (:ghpull:`603`). Version 3.7.1 ------------- - Fix building packages which need execution to get the version number, and have a relative import in ```` (:ghpull:`531`). Version 3.7 ----------- - Support for :ref:`external data files ` such as man pages or Jupyter extension support files (:ghpull:`510`). - Project names are now lowercase in wheel filenames and ``.dist-info`` folder names, in line with the specifications (:ghpull:`498`). - Improved support for :doc:`bootstrapping ` a Python environment, e.g. for downstream packagers (:ghpull:`511`). ``flit_core.wheel`` is usable with ``python -m`` to create wheels before the `build `_ tool is available, and ``flit_core`` sdists also include a script to install itself from a wheel before `installer `_ is available. - Use newer importlib APIs, fixing some deprecation warnings (:ghpull:`499`). Version 3.6 ----------- - ``flit_core`` now bundles the `tomli `_ TOML parser library (version 1.2.3) to avoid a circular dependency between ``flit_core`` and ``tomli`` (:ghpull:`492`). This means ``flit_core`` now has no dependencies except Python itself, both at build time and at runtime, simplifying :doc:`bootstrapping `. Version 3.5.1 ------------- - Fix development installs with ``flit install --symlink`` and ``--pth-file``, which were broken in 3.5.0, especially for packages using a ``src`` folder (:ghpull:`472`). Version 3.5 ----------- - You can now use Flit to distribute a module or package inside a namespace package (as defined by :pep:`420`). To do this, specify the import name of the concrete, inner module you are packaging - e.g. ``name = ""`` - either in the ``[project]`` table, or under ``[tool.flit.module]`` if you want to use a different name on PyPI (:ghpull:`468`). - Flit no longer generates a ```` file in sdists (``.tar.gz`` packages) by default (:ghpull:`462`). Modern packaging tools don't need this. You can use the ``--setup-py`` flag to keep adding it for now, but this will probably be removed at some point in the future. - Fixed how ``flit init`` handles authors' names with non-ASCII characters (:ghpull:`460`). - When ``flit init`` generates a LICENSE file, the new ``pyproject.toml`` now references it (:ghpull:`467`). Version 3.4 ----------- - Python 3.6 or above is now required, both for ``flit`` and ``flit_core``. - Add a ``--setup-py`` option to ``flit build`` and ``flit publish``, and a warning when neither this nor ``--no-setup-py`` are specified (:ghpull:`431`). A future version will stop generating ```` files in sdists by default. - Add support for standardised editable installs - ``pip install -e`` - according to :pep:`660` (:ghpull:`400`). - Add a ``--pypirc`` option for ``flit publish`` to specify an alternative path to a ``.pypirc`` config file describing package indexes (:ghpull:`434`). - Fix installing dependencies specified in a ``[project]`` table (:ghpull:`433`). - Fix building wheels when ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`` (see :doc:`reproducible`) is set to a date before 1980 (:ghpull:`448`). - Switch to using the `tomli `_ TOML parser, in common with other packaging projects (:ghpull:`438`). This supports TOML version 1.0. - Add a document on :doc:`bootstrap` (:ghpull:`441`). Version 3.3 ----------- - ``PKG-INFO`` files in sdists are now generated the same way as ``METADATA`` in wheels, fixing some issues with sdists (:ghpull:`410`). - ``flit publish`` now sends SHA-256 hashes, fixing uploads to GitLab package repositories (:ghpull:`416`). - The ``[project]`` metadata table from :pep:`621` is now fully supported and :ref:`documented `. Projects using this can now specify ``requires = ["flit_core >=3.2,<4"]`` in the ``[build-system]`` table. Version 3.2 ----------- - Experimental support for specifying metadata in a ``[project]`` table in ``pyproject.toml`` as specified by :pep:`621` (:ghpull:`393`). If you try using this, please specify ``requires = ["flit_core >=3.2.0,<3.3"]`` in the ``[build-system]`` table for now, in case it needs to change for the next release. - Fix writing METADATA file with multi-line information in certain fields such as ``Author`` (:ghpull:`402`). - Fix building wheel when a directory such as LICENSES appears in the project root directory (:ghpull:`401`). Version 3.1 ----------- - Update handling of names & version numbers in wheel filenames and ``.dist-info`` folders in line with changes in the specs (:ghpull:`395`). - Switch from the deprecated ``pytoml`` package to ``toml`` (:ghpull:`378`). - Fix specifying backend-path in ``pyproject.toml`` for flit-core (as a list instead of a string). Version 3.0 ----------- Breaking changes: - Projects must now provide Flit with information in ``pyproject.toml`` files, not the older ``flit.ini`` format (:ghpull:`338`). - ``flit_core`` once again requires Python 3 (>=3.4). Packages that support Python 2 can still be built by ``flit_core`` 2.x, but can't rely on new features (:ghpull:`342`). - The deprecated ``flit installfrom`` command was removed (:ghpull:`334`). You can use ``pip install git+`` instead. Features and fixes: - Fix building sdists from a git repository with non-ASCII characters in filenames (:ghpull:`346`). - Fix identifying the version number when the code contains a subscript assignment before ``__version__ =`` (:ghpull:`348`). - Script entry points can now use a class method (:ghpull:`359`). - Set suitable permission bits on metadata files in wheels (:ghpull:`256`). - Fixed line endings in the ``RECORD`` file when installing on Windows (:ghpull:`368`). - Support for recording the source of local installations, as in :pep:`610` (:ghpull:`335`). - ``flit init`` will check for a README in the root of the project and automatically set it as ``description-file`` (:ghpull:`337`). - Pygments is not required for checking reStructuredText READMEs (:ghpull:`357`). - Packages where the version number can be recognised without executing their code don't need their dependencies installed to build, which should make them build faster (:ghpull:`361`). - Ensure the installed ``RECORD`` file is predictably ordered (:ghpull:`366`). Version 2.3 ----------- - New projects created with :ref:`init_cmd` now declare that they require ``flit_core >=2,<4`` (:ghpull:`328`). Any projects using ``pyproject.toml`` (not ``flit.ini``) should be compatible with flit 3.x. - Fix selecting files from a git submodule to include in an sdist (:ghpull:`324`). - Fix checking classifiers when no writeable cache directory is available (:ghpull:`319`). - Better errors when trying to install to a mis-spelled or missing Python interpreter (:ghpull:`331`). - Fix specifying ``--repository`` before ``upload`` (:ghpull:`322`). Passing the option like this is deprecated, and you should now pass it after ``upload``. - Documentation improvements (:ghpull:`327`, :ghpull:`318`, :ghpull:`314`) Version 2.2 ----------- - Allow underscores in package names with Python 2 (:ghpull:`305`). - Add a ``--no-setup-py`` option to build sdists without a backwards-compatible ```` file (:ghpull:`311`). - Fix the generated ```` file for packages using a ``src/`` layout (:ghpull:`303`). - Fix detecting when more than one file matches the module name specified (:ghpull:`307`). - Fix installing to a venv on Windows with the ``--python`` option (:ghpull:`300`). - Don't echo the command in scripts installed with ``--symlink`` or ``--pth-file`` on Windows (:ghpull:`310`). - New ```` script to set up a development installation of Flit from the repository (:ghpull:`301`, :ghpull:`306`). Version 2.1 ----------- - Use compression when adding files to wheels. - Added the :envvar:`FLIT_INSTALL_PYTHON` environment variable (:ghpull:`295`), to configure flit to always install into a Python other than the one it's running on. - ``flit_core`` uses the ``intreehooks`` shim package to load its bootstrapping backend, until a released version of pip supports the standard ``backend-path`` mechanism. Version 2.0 ----------- Flit 2 is a major architecture change. The ``flit_core`` package now provides a :pep:`517` backend for building packages, while ``flit`` is a :doc:`command line interface ` extending that. The build backend works on Python 2, so tools like pip should be able to install packages built with flit from source on Python 2. The ``flit`` command requires Python 3.5 or above. You will need to change the build-system table in your ``pyproject.toml`` file to look like this: .. code-block:: toml [build-system] requires = ["flit_core >=2,<4"] build-backend = "flit_core.buildapi" Other changes include: - Support for storing your code under a ``src/`` folder (:ghpull:`260`). You don't need to change any configuration if you do this. - Options to control what files are included in an sdist - see :ref:`pyproject_toml_sdist` for the details. - Requirements can specify a URL 'direct reference', as an alternative to a version number, with the syntax defined in :pep:`440`: ``requests @``. - Fix the shebang of scripts installed with the ``--python`` option and the ``--symlink`` flag (:ghpull:`286`). - Installing with ``--deps develop`` now installs normal dependencies as well as development dependencies. - Author email is no longer required in the metadata table (:ghpull:`289`). - More error messages are now shown without a traceback (:ghpull:`254`) Version 1.3 ----------- - Fix for building sdists from a subdirectory in a Mercurial repository (:ghpull:`233`). - Fix for getting the docstring and version from modules defining their encoding (:ghpull:`239`). - Fix for installing packages with ``flit installfrom`` (:ghpull:`221`). - Packages with requirements no longer get a spurious ``Provides-Extra: .none`` metadata entry (:ghissue:`228`). - Better check of whether ``python-requires`` includes any Python 2 version (:ghpull:`232`). - Better check of home page URLs in ``flit init`` (:ghpull:`230`). - Better error message when the description file is not found (:ghpull:`234`). - Updated a help message to refer to ``pyproject.toml`` (:ghpull:`240`). - Improve tests of ``flit init`` (:ghpull:`229`). Version 1.2.1 ------------- - Fix for installing packages with ``flit install``. - Make ``requests_download`` an extra dependency, to avoid a circular build dependency. To use ``flit installfrom``, you can install with ``pip install flit[installfrom]``. Note that the ``installfrom`` subcommand is deprecated, as it will soon be possible to use pip to install Flit projects directly from a VCS URL. Version 1.2 ----------- - Fixes for packages specifying ``requires-extra``: sdists should now work, and environment markers can be used together with ``requires-extra``. - Fix running ``flit installfrom`` without a config file present in the working directory. - The error message for a missing or empty docstring tells you what file the docstring should be in. - Improvements to documentation on version selectors for requirements. Version 1.1 ----------- - Packages can now have 'extras', specified as ``requires-extra`` in the :doc:`pyproject.toml file `. These are additional dependencies for optional features. - The ``home-page`` metadata field is no longer required. - Additional project URLs are now validated. - ``flit -V`` is now equivalent to ``flit --version``. - Various improvements to documentation. Version 1.0 ----------- - The description file may now be written in reStructuredText, Markdown or plain text. The file extension should indicate which of these formats it is (``.rst``, ``.md`` or ``.txt``). Previously, only reStructuredText was officially supported. - Multiple links (e.g. documentation, bug tracker) can now be specified in a new :ref:`[tool.flit.metadata.urls] section ` of ``pyproject.toml``. - Dependencies are now correctly installed to the target Python when you use the ``--symlink`` or ``--pth-file`` options. - Dependencies are only installed to the Python where Flit is running if it fails to get the docstring and version number without them. - The commands deprecated in 0.13—``flit wheel``, ``flit sdist`` and ``flit register``—have been removed. Although version 1.0 sounds like a milestone, there's nothing that makes this release especially significant. It doesn't represent a step change in stability or completeness. Flit has been gradually maturing for some time, and I chose this point to end the series of 0.x version numbers. Version 0.13 ------------ - Better validation of several metadata fields (``dist-name``, ``requires``, ``requires-python``, ``home-page``), and of the version number. - New :envvar:`FLIT_ALLOW_INVALID` environment variable to ignore validation failures in case they go wrong. - The list of valid classifiers is now fetched from Warehouse (, rather than the older site. - Deprecated ``flit wheel`` and ``flit sdist`` subcommands: use :ref:`build_cmd`. - Deprecated ``flit register``: you can no longer register a package separately from uploading it. Version 0.12.3 -------------- - Fix building and installing packages with a ``-`` in the distribution name. - Fix numbering in README. Version 0.12.2 -------------- - New tool to convert ``flit.ini`` to ``pyproject.toml``:: python3 -m flit.tomlify - Use the PAX tar format for sdists, as specified by PEP 517. Version 0.12.1 -------------- - Restore dependency on ``zipfile36`` backport package. - Add some missing options to documentation of ``flit install`` subcommand. - Rearrange environment variables in the docs. Version 0.12 ------------ - Switch the config to ``pyproject.toml`` by default instead of ``flit.ini``, and implement the PEP 517 API. - A new option ``--pth-file`` allows for development installation on Windows (where ``--symlink`` usually won't work). - Normalise file permissions in the zip file, making builds more reproducible across different systems. - Sdists (.tar.gz packages) can now also be reproducibly built by setting :envvar:`SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`. - For most modules, Flit can now extract the version number and docstring without importing it. It will still fall back to importing where getting these from the AST fails. - ``flit build`` will build the wheel from the sdist, helping to ensure that files aren't left out of the sdist. - All list fields in the INI file now ignore blank lines (``requires``, ``dev-requires``, ``classifiers``). - Fix the path separator in the ``RECORD`` file of a wheel built on Windows. - Some minor fixes to building reproducible wheels. - If building a wheel fails, the temporary file created will be cleaned up. - Various improvements to docs and README. Version 0.11.4 -------------- - Explicitly open various files as UTF-8, rather than relying on locale encoding. - Link to docs from README. - Better test coverage, and a few minor fixes for problems revealed by tests. Version 0.11.3 -------------- - Fixed a bug causing failed uploads when the password is entered in the terminal. Version 0.11.2 -------------- - A couple of behaviour changes when uploading to warehouse. Version 0.11.1 -------------- - Fixed a bug when you use flit to build an sdist from a subdirectory inside a VCS checkout. The VCS is now correctly detected. - Fix the rst checker for newer versions of docutils, by upgrading the bundled copy of readme_renderer. Version 0.11 ------------ - Flit can now build sdists (tarballs) and upload them to PyPI, if your code is in a git or mercurial repository. There are new commands: - ``flit build`` builds both a wheel and an sdist. - ``flit publish`` builds and uploads a wheel and an sdist. - Smarter ways of getting the information needed for upload: - If you have the `keyring `_ package installed, flit can use it to store your password, rather than keeping it in plain text in ``~/.pypirc``. - If ``~/.pypirc`` does not already exist, and you are prompted for your username, flit will write it into that file. - You can provide the information as environment variables: :envvar:`FLIT_USERNAME`, :envvar:`FLIT_PASSWORD` and :envvar:`FLIT_INDEX_URL`. Use this to upload packages from a CI service, for instance. - Include 'LICENSE' or 'COPYING' files in wheels. - Fix for ``flit install --symlink`` inside a virtualenv. Version 0.10 ------------ - Downstream packagers can use the :envvar:`FLIT_NO_NETWORK` environment variable to stop flit downloading data from the network. Version 0.9 ----------- - ``flit install`` and ``flit installfrom`` now take an optional ``--python`` argument, with the path to the Python executable you want to install it for. Using this, you can install modules to Python 2. - Installing a module normally (without ``--symlink``) builds a wheel and uses pip to install it, which should work better in some corner cases. Version 0.8 ----------- - A new ``flit installfrom`` subcommand to install a project from a source archive, such as from Github. - :doc:`Reproducible builds ` - you can produce byte-for-byte identical wheels. - A warning for non-canonical version numbers according to `PEP 440 `__. - Fix for installing projects on Windows. - Better error message when module docstring is only whitespace. Version 0.7 ----------- - A new ``dev-requires`` field in the config file for development requirements, used when doing ``flit install``. - Added a ``--deps`` option for ``flit install`` to control which dependencies are installed. - Flit can now be invoked with ``python -m flit``. Version 0.6 ----------- - ``flit install`` now ensures requirements specified in ``flit.ini`` are installed, using pip. - If you specify a description file, flit now warns you if it's not valid reStructuredText (since invalid reStructuredText is treated as plain text on PyPI). - Improved the error message for mis-spelled keys in ``flit.ini``. Version 0.5 ----------- - A new ``flit init`` command to quickly define the essential basic metadata for a package. - Support for entry points. - A new ``flit register`` command to register a package without uploading it, for when you want to claim a name before you're ready to release. - Added a ``--repository`` option for specifying an alternative PyPI instance. - Added a ``--debug`` flag to show debug-level log messages. - Better error messages when the module docstring or ``__version__`` is missing. Version 0.4 ----------- - Users can now specify ``dist-name`` in the config file if they need to use different names on PyPI and for imports. - Classifiers are now checked against a locally cached list of valid classifiers. - Packages can be locally installed into environments for development. - Local installation now creates a PEP 376 ``.dist-info`` folder instead of ``.egg-info``.