# -*- text -*-
#  $Id$

#  Time-based One-Time Passwords (TOTP)
#  Defined in RFC 6238, and used in Google Authenticator.
#  This module can only be used in the "authenticate" section.
#  The Base32-encoded secret should be placed into:
#	&control:TOTP-Secret
#  The TOTP password entered by the user should be placed into:
#	&request:TOTP-Password
#  The module will return "ok" if the passwords match, and "fail"
#  if the passwords do not match.
#  Note that this module will NOT interact with Google.  The module is
#  intended to be used where the local administrator knows the TOTP
#  secret key, and user has an authenticator app on their phone.
#  Note also that while you can use the Google "chart" APIs to
#  generate a QR code, doing this will give the secret to Google!
#  Administrators should instead install a tool such as "qrcode"
#	https://linux.die.net/man/1/qrencode
#  and then run that locally to get an image.
#  The module takes no configuration items.
totp {