# -*- text -*- # # main/mssql/process-radacct.sql -- Schema extensions for processing radacct entries # # $Id$ -- --------------------------------- -- - Per-user data usage over time - -- --------------------------------- -- -- An extension to the standard schema to hold per-user data usage statistics -- for arbitrary periods. -- -- The data_usage_by_period table is populated by periodically calling the -- fr_new_data_usage_period stored procedure. -- -- This table can be queried in various ways to produce reports of aggregate -- data use over time. For example, if the fr_new_data_usage_period SP is -- invoked one per day just after midnight, to produce usage data with daily -- granularity, then a reasonably accurate monthly bandwidth summary for a -- given user could be obtained with: -- -- SELECT -- FORMAT(period_start, 'yyyy-MMMM') AS month, -- SUM(acctinputoctets)/1000/1000/1000 AS GB_in, -- SUM(acctoutputoctets)/1000/1000/1000 AS GB_out -- FROM -- data_usage_by_period -- WHERE -- username='bob' AND -- period_end <> 0 -- GROUP BY -- FORMAT(period_start, 'yyyy-MMMM'); -- -- +----------------+----------+-----------+ -- | month | GB_in | GB_out | -- +----------------+----------+-----------+ -- | 2019-July | 5.782279 | 50.545664 | -- | 2019-August | 4.230543 | 48.523096 | -- | 2019-September | 4.847360 | 48.631835 | -- | 2019-October | 6.456763 | 51.686231 | -- | 2019-November | 6.362537 | 52.385710 | -- | 2019-December | 4.301524 | 50.762240 | -- | 2020-January | 5.436280 | 49.067775 | -- +----------------+----------+-----------+ -- CREATE TABLE data_usage_by_period ( username VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, period_start DATETIME NOT NULL, period_end DATETIME NOT NULL, acctinputoctets NUMERIC(19), acctoutputoctets NUMERIC(19), PRIMARY KEY (username, period_start) ); GO CREATE INDEX idx_data_usage_by_period_period_end ON data_usage_by_period(period_end); GO -- -- Stored procedure that when run with some arbitrary frequency, say -- once per day by cron, will process the recent radacct entries to extract -- time-windowed data containing acct{input,output}octets ("data usage") per -- username, per period. -- -- Each invocation will create new rows in the data_usage_by_period tables -- containing the data used by each user since the procedure was last invoked. -- The intervals do not need to be identical but care should be taken to -- ensure that the start/end of each period aligns well with any intended -- reporting intervals. -- -- It can be invoked by running: -- -- EXEC fr_new_data_usage_period; -- -- CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE fr_new_data_usage_period AS BEGIN DECLARE @v_start DATETIME; DECLARE @v_end DATETIME; SELECT @v_start = COALESCE(DATEADD(ss, 1, MAX(period_end)), CAST('1970-01-01' AS DATETIME)) FROM data_usage_by_period; SELECT @v_end = CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS DATETIME2(0)); BEGIN TRAN; -- -- Add the data usage for the sessions that were active in the current -- period to the table. Include all sessions that finished since the start -- of this period as well as those still ongoing. -- MERGE INTO data_usage_by_period d USING ( SELECT username, @v_start AS period_start, @v_end AS period_end, SUM(acctinputoctets) AS acctinputoctets, SUM(acctoutputoctets) AS acctoutputoctets FROM radacct WHERE acctstoptime > @v_start OR acctstoptime=0 GROUP BY username ) s ON ( d.username = s.username AND d.period_start = s.period_start ) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET acctinputoctets = d.acctinputoctets + s.acctinputoctets, acctoutputoctets = d.acctoutputoctets + s.acctoutputoctets, period_end = @v_end WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (username, period_start, period_end, acctinputoctets, acctoutputoctets) VALUES (s.username, s.period_start, s.period_end, s.acctinputoctets, s.acctoutputoctets); -- -- Create an open-ended "next period" for all ongoing sessions and carry a -- negative value of their data usage to avoid double-accounting when we -- process the next period. Their current data usage has already been -- allocated to the current and possibly previous periods. -- -- MSSQL doesn't allow a DATETIME to be NULL so we use "0" (1900-01-01) to -- indicate the open-ended interval. -- INSERT INTO data_usage_by_period (username, period_start, period_end, acctinputoctets, acctoutputoctets) SELECT * FROM ( SELECT username, DATEADD(ss,1,@v_end) AS period_start, 0 AS period_end, 0 - SUM(acctinputoctets) AS acctinputoctets, 0 - SUM(acctoutputoctets) AS acctoutputoctets FROM radacct WHERE acctstoptime=0 GROUP BY username ) s; COMMIT; END GO