#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw ###################################################################### # # Copyright (C) 2020 Network RADIUS # # $Id$ # ###################################################################### # # Helper script for generating the SQL commands to align the SQL IP pools in a # database with a given specification. # # The radippool table is updated is a way that preserves existing leases, # provided that the corresponding IP addresses still exist in their pool. # # This script typically receives the output of the generate_pool_addresses.pl # script, as follows: # # generate_pool_addresses.pl | align_sqlippools.pl # # For example: # # generate_pool_addresses.pl main_pool | \ # align_sqlippools.pl mariadb # # generate_pool_addresses.pl yaml pool_defs.yml existing_ips.txt | \ # align_sqlippools.pl postgresql # # For the latter example the existing_ips.txt file might be created as # follows: # # psql radius -qtAc 'SELECT framedipaddress FROM radippool' > existing_ips.txt # # Note: The generate_pool_addresses.pl script describes the input format # expected by this script (as well as the format of the pool_defs.yml and # existing_ips.txt files.) # # Output: # # The output of this script is the SQL command sequence for aligning the pools # with the definition provided, which you should review before running them # against your database. # use strict; use Template; my %template=load_templates(); if ($#ARGV != 0) { print STDERR <<'EOF'; Usage: generate_pool_addresses.pl ... | align_sqlippools.pl EOF exit 1; } my $dialect=$ARGV[0]; unless (defined $template{$dialect}) { print STDERR "Unknown dialect. Pick one of: "; print STDERR "$_ " foreach sort keys %template; print STDERR "\n"; exit 1; } my @ips=(); my $line = 0; while () { $line++; chomp; next if $_ =~ /^#/ || $_ =~ /^\s*$/; # The SQL works out what addresses to remove by itself next if $_ =~ /^-/; (my $action, my $pool_name, my $ip) = $_ =~ /^(.)\s+(.+)\s+([^\s]+)$/; unless (defined $ip) { warn "Unrecognised line $line: $_"; next; } push @ips, { poolname => $pool_name, ip => $ip }; } my $tt=Template->new(); $tt->process(\$template{$dialect}, {ips => \@ips, batchsize => 100}) || die $tt->error(); exit 0; # # SQL dialect templates # sub load_templates { my %template; # # MariaDB # $template{'mariadb'} = <<'END_mariadb'; -- Temporary table holds the provided IP pools DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS radippool_temp; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE radippool_temp ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, pool_name varchar(30) NOT NULL, framedipaddress varchar(15) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY pool_name_framedipaddress (pool_name,framedipaddress) ); -- Populate the temporary table [%- FOREACH m IN ips %] [%- "\n\nINSERT INTO radippool_temp (pool_name,framedipaddress) VALUES" IF loop.index % batchsize == 0 %] [%- IF (loop.index+1) % batchsize == 0 OR loop.last %] ('[% m.poolname %]','[% m.ip %]'); [%- ELSE %] ('[% m.poolname %]','[% m.ip %]'), [%- END %] [%- END %] START TRANSACTION; -- Delete old pools that have been removed DELETE r FROM radippool r LEFT JOIN radippool_temp t USING (pool_name,framedipaddress) WHERE t.id IS NULL; -- Add new pools that have been created INSERT INTO radippool (pool_name,framedipaddress) SELECT pool_name,framedipaddress FROM radippool_temp t WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM radippool r WHERE r.pool_name=t.pool_name AND r.framedipaddress=t.framedipaddress ); COMMIT; END_mariadb # # PostgreSQL # $template{'postgresql'} = <<'END_postgresql'; -- Temporary table holds the provided IP pools DROP TABLE IF EXISTS radippool_temp; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE radippool_temp ( pool_name varchar(64) NOT NULL, FramedIPAddress INET NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX radippool_temp_idx ON radippool_temp USING btree (pool_name,FramedIPAddress); -- Populate the temporary table [%- FOREACH m IN ips %] [%- "\n\nINSERT INTO radippool_temp (pool_name,framedipaddress) VALUES" IF loop.index % batchsize == 0 %] [%- IF (loop.index+1) % batchsize == 0 OR loop.last %] ('[% m.poolname %]','[% m.ip %]'); [%- ELSE %] ('[% m.poolname %]','[% m.ip %]'), [%- END %] [%- END %] START TRANSACTION; -- Delete old pools that have been removed DELETE FROM radippool r WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT FROM radippool_temp t WHERE t.pool_name = r.pool_name AND t.framedipaddress = r.framedipaddress ); -- Add new pools that have been created INSERT INTO radippool (pool_name,framedipaddress) SELECT pool_name,framedipaddress FROM radippool_temp t WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM radippool r WHERE r.pool_name=t.pool_name AND r.framedipaddress=t.framedipaddress ); COMMIT; END_postgresql # # Oracle # $template{'oracle'} = <<'END_oracle'; -- Temporary table holds the provided IP pools CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE radippool_temp ( pool_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, FramedIPAddress VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; CREATE INDEX radippool_temp_idx ON radippool_temp (pool_name,FramedIPAddress); -- Populate the temporary table [%- FOREACH m IN ips %] [%- "\nINSERT INTO radippool_temp (pool_name,framedipaddress) VALUES " %]('[% m.poolname %]','[% m.ip %]'); [%- END %] -- Delete old pools that have been removed DELETE FROM radippool WHERE (pool_name, framedipaddress) NOT IN (SELECT pool_name, framedipaddress FROM radippool_temp); -- Add new pools that have been created INSERT INTO radippool (pool_name,framedipaddress) SELECT pool_name,framedipaddress FROM radippool_temp t WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM radippool r WHERE r.pool_name=t.pool_name AND r.framedipaddress=t.framedipaddress ); COMMIT; END_oracle # # SQLite # $template{'sqlite'} = <<'END_sqlite'; -- Temporary table holds the provided IP pools DROP TABLE IF EXISTS radippool_temp; CREATE TABLE radippool_temp ( pool_name varchar(30) NOT NULL, framedipaddress varchar(15) NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX radippool_temp_idx ON radippool_temp (pool_name,FramedIPAddress); -- Populate the temporary table [%- FOREACH m IN ips %] [%- "\n\nINSERT INTO radippool_temp (pool_name,framedipaddress) VALUES" IF loop.index % batchsize == 0 %] [%- IF (loop.index+1) % batchsize == 0 OR loop.last %] ('[% m.poolname %]','[% m.ip %]'); [%- ELSE %] ('[% m.poolname %]','[% m.ip %]'), [%- END %] [%- END %] BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- Delete old pools that have been removed DELETE FROM radippool WHERE rowid IN ( SELECT r.rowid FROM radippool r LEFT JOIN radippool_temp t USING (pool_name,framedipaddress) WHERE t.rowid IS NULL); -- Add new pools that have been created INSERT INTO radippool (pool_name,framedipaddress) SELECT pool_name,framedipaddress FROM radippool_temp t WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM radippool r WHERE r.pool_name=t.pool_name AND r.framedipaddress=t.framedipaddress ); COMMIT; DROP TABLE radippool_temp; END_sqlite # # MS SQL # $template{'mssql'} = <<'END_mssql'; -- Temporary table holds the provided IP pools DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #radippool_temp; GO CREATE TABLE #radippool_temp ( id int identity(1, 1) NOT NULL, pool_name varchar(30) NOT NULL, framedipaddress varchar(15) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), ); GO CREATE INDEX pool_name_framedipaddress ON #radippool_temp(pool_name, framedipaddress); GO -- Populate the temporary table [%- FOREACH m IN ips %] [%- "\n\nINSERT INTO #radippool_temp (pool_name,framedipaddress) VALUES" IF loop.index % batchsize == 0 %] [%- IF (loop.index+1) % batchsize == 0 OR loop.last %] ('[% m.poolname %]','[% m.ip %]'); GO [%- ELSE %] ('[% m.poolname %]','[% m.ip %]'), [%- END %] [%- END %] BEGIN TRAN; -- Delete old pools that have been removed DELETE r FROM radippool r LEFT JOIN #radippool_temp t ON r.pool_name = t.pool_name AND r.framedipaddress = t.framedipaddress WHERE t.id IS NULL; -- Add new pools that have been created INSERT INTO radippool (pool_name,framedipaddress) SELECT pool_name,framedipaddress FROM #radippool_temp t WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM radippool r WHERE r.pool_name=t.pool_name AND r.framedipaddress=t.framedipaddress ); COMMIT TRAN; END_mssql return %template; }