postgresql: # Install postgres and make sure it is running and starts on boot pkg: - installed # Only try to start service after DB has been initialized (will fail otherwise) service: - name: postgresql - running - enable: True postgres_set_interface: file.sed: - name: /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf - before: ^\#listen_addresses = 'localhost' - after: listen_addresses = '*' postgres_password_auth: # Add authentication from anywhere file.append: - name: /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf - text: - host radius radius md5 postgres_restart: # Restart postgres after changes to the config file (reload isn't enough) cmd.wait: - cwd: / - name: service postgresql restart - require: - pkg: postgresql - file: postgres_password_auth - file: postgres_set_interface - watch: - file: /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf - file: /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf # Copy DB schema file /salt/postgres/schema.sql: file.managed: - source: salt://postgres/schema.sql - makedirs: true # Copy DB setup script /salt/postgres/setup.sql: file.managed: - source: salt://postgres/setup.sql - makedirs: true # Create DB create_db: - cwd: / - name: createdb radius - user: postgres - unless: psql --list | grep radius # Create FreeRADIUS schema psql radius < /salt/postgres/schema.sql: - user: postgres - unless: "echo '\\dt public.*' | psql radius | grep radacct;" - require: - file: /salt/postgres/schema.sql # Setup DB access psql radius < /salt/postgres/setup.sql: - user: postgres - unless: "echo '\\du' | psql radius | grep radius" - require: - file: /salt/postgres/setup.sql