.. _snmp-support: ************ SNMP Support ************ :abbr:`SNMP (Simple Network Managing Protocol)` is a widely implemented feature for collecting network information from router and/or host. FRR itself does not support SNMP agent (server daemon) functionality but is able to connect to a SNMP agent using the the AgentX protocol (:rfc:`2741`) and make the routing protocol MIBs available through it. Note that SNMP Support needs to be enabled at compile-time and loaded as module on daemon startup. Refer to :ref:`loadable-module-support` on the latter. If you do not start the daemons with snmp module support snmp will not work properly. .. _getting-and-installing-an-snmp-agent: Getting and installing an SNMP agent ==================================== The supported SNMP agent is AgentX. We recommend to use the latest version of `net-snmp` which was formerly known as `ucd-snmp`. It is free and open software and available at `http://www.net-snmp.org/ `_ and as binary package for most Linux distributions. .. _net-smtp-configuration: NET-SNMP configuration ====================== Routers with a heavy amount of routes (e.g. BGP full table) might experience problems with a hanging vtysh from time to time, 100% CPU on the snmpd or even crashes of the frr daemon(s) due to stalls within AgentX. Once snmp agents connects they start receiving a heavy amount of SNMP data (all the routes) which cannot be handled quick enough. It's recommended (by several vendors as well) to exclude these OID's unless you really need them, which can be achieved by amending the default view from SNMP :file:`/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf`: :: # This is the default view view all included .1 80 # Remove ipRouteTable from view view all excluded . # Remove ipNetToMediaTable from view view all excluded . # Remove ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress from view view all excluded . # Remove ipCidrRouteTable from view view all excluded . # Optionally protect SNMP private/secret values view all excluded . view all excluded . view all excluded . # Optionally allow SNMP public info (sysName, location, etc) view system included .iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.system .. _agentx-configuration: AgentX configuration ==================== .. program:: configure To enable AgentX protocol support, FRR must have been build with the :option:`--enable-snmp` or `--enable-snmp=agentx` option. Both the master SNMP agent (snmpd) and each of the FRR daemons must be configured. In :file:`/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf`, the ``master agentx`` directive should be added. In each of the FRR daemons, ``agentx`` command will enable AgentX support. :file:`/etc/snmp/zebra.conf`: :: # # example access restrictions setup # com2sec readonly default public group MyROGroup v1 readonly view all included .1 80 access MyROGroup "" any noauth exact all none none # # enable master agent for AgentX subagents # master agentx :file:`/etc/frr/ospfd.conf:` .. code-block:: frr ! ... the rest of ospfd.conf has been omitted for clarity ... ! agentx ! Upon successful connection, you should get something like this in the log of each FRR daemons: :: 2012/05/25 11:39:08 ZEBRA: snmp[info]: NET-SNMP version 5.4.3 AgentX subagent connected Then, you can use the following command to check everything works as expected: :: # snmpwalk -c public -v1 localhost . OSPF-MIB::ospfRouterId.0 = IpAddress: [...] The AgentX protocol can be transported over a Unix socket or using TCP or UDP. It usually defaults to a Unix socket and depends on how NetSNMP was built. If need to configure FRR to use another transport, you can configure it through :file:`/etc/snmp/frr.conf`: :: [snmpd] # Use a remote master agent agentXSocket tcp: Here is the syntax for using AgentX: .. clicmd:: agentx .. include:: snmptrap.rst