path: root/Documentation/technical/reftable.txt
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1098 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/reftable.txt b/Documentation/technical/reftable.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a67cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/technical/reftable.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1098 @@
+Problem statement
+Some repositories contain a lot of references (e.g. android at 866k,
+rails at 31k). The existing packed-refs format takes up a lot of space
+(e.g. 62M), and does not scale with additional references. Lookup of a
+single reference requires linearly scanning the file.
+Atomic pushes modifying multiple references require copying the entire
+packed-refs file, which can be a considerable amount of data moved
+(e.g. 62M in, 62M out) for even small transactions (2 refs modified).
+Repositories with many loose references occupy a large number of disk
+blocks from the local file system, as each reference is its own file
+storing 41 bytes (and another file for the corresponding reflog). This
+negatively affects the number of inodes available when a large number of
+repositories are stored on the same filesystem. Readers can be penalized
+due to the larger number of syscalls required to traverse and read the
+`$GIT_DIR/refs` directory.
+* Near constant time lookup for any single reference, even when the
+repository is cold and not in process or kernel cache.
+* Near constant time verification if an object name is referred to by at least
+one reference (for allow-tip-sha1-in-want).
+* Efficient enumeration of an entire namespace, such as `refs/tags/`.
+* Support atomic push with `O(size_of_update)` operations.
+* Combine reflog storage with ref storage for small transactions.
+* Separate reflog storage for base refs and historical logs.
+A reftable file is a portable binary file format customized for
+reference storage. References are sorted, enabling linear scans, binary
+search lookup, and range scans.
+Storage in the file is organized into variable sized blocks. Prefix
+compression is used within a single block to reduce disk space. Block
+size and alignment is tunable by the writer.
+Space used, packed-refs vs. reftable:
+|repository |packed-refs |reftable |% original |avg ref |avg obj
+|android |62.2 M |36.1 M |58.0% |33 bytes |5 bytes
+|rails |1.8 M |1.1 M |57.7% |29 bytes |4 bytes
+|git |78.7 K |48.1 K |61.0% |50 bytes |4 bytes
+|git (heads) |332 b |269 b |81.0% |33 bytes |0 bytes
+Scan (read 866k refs), by reference name lookup (single ref from 866k
+refs), and by SHA-1 lookup (refs with that SHA-1, from 866k refs):
+|format |cache |scan |by name |by SHA-1
+|packed-refs |cold |402 ms |409,660.1 usec |412,535.8 usec
+|packed-refs |hot | |6,844.6 usec |20,110.1 usec
+|reftable |cold |112 ms |33.9 usec |323.2 usec
+|reftable |hot | |20.2 usec |320.8 usec
+Space used for 149,932 log entries for 43,061 refs, reflog vs. reftable:
+|format |size |avg entry
+|$GIT_DIR/logs |173 M |1209 bytes
+|reftable |5 M |37 bytes
+References stored in a reftable are peeled, a record for an annotated
+(or signed) tag records both the tag object, and the object it refers
+to. This is analogous to storage in the packed-refs format.
+Reference name encoding
+Reference names are an uninterpreted sequence of bytes that must pass
+linkgit:git-check-ref-format[1] as a valid reference name.
+Key unicity
+Each entry must have a unique key; repeated keys are disallowed.
+Network byte order
+All multi-byte, fixed width fields are in network byte order.
+Varint encoding
+Varint encoding is identical to the ofs-delta encoding method used
+within pack files.
+Decoder works such as:
+val = buf[ptr] & 0x7f
+while (buf[ptr] & 0x80) {
+ ptr++
+ val = ((val + 1) << 7) | (buf[ptr] & 0x7f)
+Blocks are lexicographically ordered by their first reference.
+Directory/file conflicts
+The reftable format accepts both `refs/heads/foo` and
+`refs/heads/foo/bar` as distinct references.
+This property is useful for retaining log records in reftable, but may
+confuse versions of Git using `$GIT_DIR/refs` directory tree to maintain
+references. Users of reftable may choose to continue to reject `foo` and
+`foo/bar` type conflicts to prevent problems for peers.
+File format
+A reftable file has the following high-level structure:
+first_block {
+ header
+ first_ref_block
+A log-only file omits the `ref_block`, `ref_index`, `obj_block` and
+`obj_index` sections, containing only the file header and log block:
+first_block {
+ header
+in a log-only file the first log block immediately follows the file
+header, without padding to block alignment.
+Block size
+The file's block size is arbitrarily determined by the writer, and does
+not have to be a power of 2. The block size must be larger than the
+longest reference name or log entry used in the repository, as
+references cannot span blocks.
+Powers of two that are friendly to the virtual memory system or
+filesystem (such as 4k or 8k) are recommended. Larger sizes (64k) can
+yield better compression, with a possible increased cost incurred by
+readers during access.
+The largest block size is `16777215` bytes (15.99 MiB).
+Block alignment
+Writers may choose to align blocks at multiples of the block size by
+including `padding` filled with NUL bytes at the end of a block to round
+out to the chosen alignment. When alignment is used, writers must
+specify the alignment with the file header's `block_size` field.
+Block alignment is not required by the file format. Unaligned files must
+set `block_size = 0` in the file header, and omit `padding`. Unaligned
+files with more than one ref block must include the link:#Ref-index[ref
+index] to support fast lookup. Readers must be able to read both aligned
+and non-aligned files.
+Very small files (e.g. a single ref block) may omit `padding` and the ref
+index to reduce total file size.
+Header (version 1)
+A 24-byte header appears at the beginning of the file:
+uint8( version_number = 1 )
+uint24( block_size )
+uint64( min_update_index )
+uint64( max_update_index )
+Aligned files must specify `block_size` to configure readers with the
+expected block alignment. Unaligned files must set `block_size = 0`.
+The `min_update_index` and `max_update_index` describe bounds for the
+`update_index` field of all log records in this file. When reftables are
+used in a stack for link:#Update-transactions[transactions], these
+fields can order the files such that the prior file's
+`max_update_index + 1` is the next file's `min_update_index`.
+Header (version 2)
+A 28-byte header appears at the beginning of the file:
+uint8( version_number = 2 )
+uint24( block_size )
+uint64( min_update_index )
+uint64( max_update_index )
+uint32( hash_id )
+The header is identical to `version_number=1`, with the 4-byte hash ID
+("sha1" for SHA1 and "s256" for SHA-256) append to the header.
+For maximum backward compatibility, it is recommended to use version 1 when
+writing SHA1 reftables.
+First ref block
+The first ref block shares the same block as the file header, and is 24
+bytes smaller than all other blocks in the file. The first block
+immediately begins after the file header, at position 24.
+If the first block is a log block (a log-only file), its block header
+begins immediately at position 24.
+Ref block format
+A ref block is written as:
+uint24( block_len )
+uint24( restart_offset )+
+uint16( restart_count )
+Blocks begin with `block_type = 'r'` and a 3-byte `block_len` which
+encodes the number of bytes in the block up to, but not including the
+optional `padding`. This is always less than or equal to the file's
+block size. In the first ref block, `block_len` includes 24 bytes for
+the file header.
+The 2-byte `restart_count` stores the number of entries in the
+`restart_offset` list, which must not be empty. Readers can use
+`restart_count` to binary search between restarts before starting a
+linear scan.
+Exactly `restart_count` 3-byte `restart_offset` values precedes the
+`restart_count`. Offsets are relative to the start of the block and
+refer to the first byte of any `ref_record` whose name has not been
+prefix compressed. Entries in the `restart_offset` list must be sorted,
+ascending. Readers can start linear scans from any of these records.
+A variable number of `ref_record` fill the middle of the block,
+describing reference names and values. The format is described below.
+As the first ref block shares the first file block with the file header,
+all `restart_offset` in the first block are relative to the start of the
+file (position 0), and include the file header. This forces the first
+`restart_offset` to be `28`.
+ref record
+A `ref_record` describes a single reference, storing both the name and
+its value(s). Records are formatted as:
+varint( prefix_length )
+varint( (suffix_length << 3) | value_type )
+varint( update_index_delta )
+The `prefix_length` field specifies how many leading bytes of the prior
+reference record's name should be copied to obtain this reference's
+name. This must be 0 for the first reference in any block, and also must
+be 0 for any `ref_record` whose offset is listed in the `restart_offset`
+table at the end of the block.
+Recovering a reference name from any `ref_record` is a simple concat:
+this_name = prior_name[0..prefix_length] + suffix
+The `suffix_length` value provides the number of bytes available in
+`suffix` to copy from `suffix` to complete the reference name.
+The `update_index` that last modified the reference can be obtained by
+adding `update_index_delta` to the `min_update_index` from the file
+header: `min_update_index + update_index_delta`.
+The `value` follows. Its format is determined by `value_type`, one of
+the following:
+* `0x0`: deletion; no value data (see transactions, below)
+* `0x1`: one object name; value of the ref
+* `0x2`: two object names; value of the ref, peeled target
+* `0x3`: symbolic reference: `varint( target_len ) target`
+Symbolic references use `0x3`, followed by the complete name of the
+reference target. No compression is applied to the target name.
+Types `0x4..0x7` are reserved for future use.
+Ref index
+The ref index stores the name of the last reference from every ref block
+in the file, enabling reduced disk seeks for lookups. Any reference can
+be found by searching the index, identifying the containing block, and
+searching within that block.
+The index may be organized into a multi-level index, where the 1st level
+index block points to additional ref index blocks (2nd level), which may
+in turn point to either additional index blocks (e.g. 3rd level) or ref
+blocks (leaf level). Disk reads required to access a ref go up with
+higher index levels. Multi-level indexes may be required to ensure no
+single index block exceeds the file format's max block size of
+`16777215` bytes (15.99 MiB). To achieve constant O(1) disk seeks for
+lookups the index must be a single level, which is permitted to exceed
+the file's configured block size, but not the format's max block size of
+15.99 MiB.
+If present, the ref index block(s) appears after the last ref block.
+If there are at least 4 ref blocks, a ref index block should be written
+to improve lookup times. Cold reads using the index require 2 disk reads
+(read index, read block), and binary searching < 4 blocks also requires
+<= 2 reads. Omitting the index block from smaller files saves space.
+If the file is unaligned and contains more than one ref block, the ref
+index must be written.
+Index block format:
+uint24( block_len )
+uint24( restart_offset )+
+uint16( restart_count )
+The index blocks begin with `block_type = 'i'` and a 3-byte `block_len`
+which encodes the number of bytes in the block, up to but not including
+the optional `padding`.
+The `restart_offset` and `restart_count` fields are identical in format,
+meaning and usage as in ref blocks.
+To reduce the number of reads required for random access in very large
+files the index block may be larger than other blocks. However, readers
+must hold the entire index in memory to benefit from this, so it's a
+time-space tradeoff in both file size and reader memory.
+Increasing the file's block size decreases the index size. Alternatively
+a multi-level index may be used, keeping index blocks within the file's
+block size, but increasing the number of blocks that need to be
+index record
+An index record describes the last entry in another block. Index records
+are written as:
+varint( prefix_length )
+varint( (suffix_length << 3) | 0 )
+varint( block_position )
+Index records use prefix compression exactly like `ref_record`.
+Index records store `block_position` after the suffix, specifying the
+absolute position in bytes (from the start of the file) of the block
+that ends with this reference. Readers can seek to `block_position` to
+begin reading the block header.
+Readers must examine the block header at `block_position` to determine
+if the next block is another level index block, or the leaf-level ref
+Reading the index
+Readers loading the ref index must first read the footer (below) to
+obtain `ref_index_position`. If not present, the position will be 0. The
+`ref_index_position` is for the 1st level root of the ref index.
+Obj block format
+Object blocks are optional. Writers may choose to omit object blocks,
+especially if readers will not use the object name to ref mapping.
+Object blocks use unique, abbreviated 2-31 byte object name keys, mapping to
+ref blocks containing references pointing to that object directly, or as
+the peeled value of an annotated tag. Like ref blocks, object blocks use
+the file's standard block size. The abbreviation length is available in
+the footer as `obj_id_len`.
+To save space in small files, object blocks may be omitted if the ref
+index is not present, as brute force search will only need to read a few
+ref blocks. When missing, readers should brute force a linear search of
+all references to lookup by object name.
+An object block is written as:
+uint24( block_len )
+uint24( restart_offset )+
+uint16( restart_count )
+Fields are identical to ref block. Binary search using the restart table
+works the same as in reference blocks.
+Because object names are abbreviated by writers to the shortest unique
+abbreviation within the reftable, obj key lengths have a variable length. Their
+length must be at least 2 bytes. Readers must compare only for common prefix
+match within an obj block or obj index.
+obj record
+An `obj_record` describes a single object abbreviation, and the blocks
+containing references using that unique abbreviation:
+varint( prefix_length )
+varint( (suffix_length << 3) | cnt_3 )
+varint( cnt_large )?
+varint( position_delta )*
+Like in reference blocks, abbreviations are prefix compressed within an
+obj block. On large reftables with many unique objects, higher block
+sizes (64k), and higher restart interval (128), a `prefix_length` of 2
+or 3 and `suffix_length` of 3 may be common in obj records (unique
+abbreviation of 5-6 raw bytes, 10-12 hex digits).
+Each record contains `position_count` number of positions for matching
+ref blocks. For 1-7 positions the count is stored in `cnt_3`. When
+`cnt_3 = 0` the actual count follows in a varint, `cnt_large`.
+The use of `cnt_3` bets most objects are pointed to by only a single
+reference, some may be pointed to by a couple of references, and very
+few (if any) are pointed to by more than 7 references.
+A special case exists when `cnt_3 = 0` and `cnt_large = 0`: there are no
+`position_delta`, but at least one reference starts with this
+abbreviation. A reader that needs exact reference names must scan all
+references to find which specific references have the desired object.
+Writers should use this format when the `position_delta` list would have
+overflowed the file's block size due to a high number of references
+pointing to the same object.
+The first `position_delta` is the position from the start of the file.
+Additional `position_delta` entries are sorted ascending and relative to
+the prior entry, e.g. a reader would perform:
+pos = position_delta[0]
+prior = pos
+for (j = 1; j < position_count; j++) {
+ pos = prior + position_delta[j]
+ prior = pos
+With a position in hand, a reader must linearly scan the ref block,
+starting from the first `ref_record`, testing each reference's object names
+(for `value_type = 0x1` or `0x2`) for full equality. Faster searching by
+object name within a single ref block is not supported by the reftable format.
+Smaller block sizes reduce the number of candidates this step must
+Obj index
+The obj index stores the abbreviation from the last entry for every obj
+block in the file, enabling reduced disk seeks for all lookups. It is
+formatted exactly the same as the ref index, but refers to obj blocks.
+The obj index should be present if obj blocks are present, as obj blocks
+should only be written in larger files.
+Readers loading the obj index must first read the footer (below) to
+obtain `obj_index_position`. If not present, the position will be 0.
+Log block format
+Unlike ref and obj blocks, log blocks are always unaligned.
+Log blocks are variable in size, and do not match the `block_size`
+specified in the file header or footer. Writers should choose an
+appropriate buffer size to prepare a log block for deflation, such as
+`2 * block_size`.
+A log block is written as:
+uint24( block_len )
+zlib_deflate {
+ log_record+
+ uint24( restart_offset )+
+ uint16( restart_count )
+Log blocks look similar to ref blocks, except `block_type = 'g'`.
+The 4-byte block header is followed by the deflated block contents using
+zlib deflate. The `block_len` in the header is the inflated size
+(including 4-byte block header), and should be used by readers to
+preallocate the inflation output buffer. A log block's `block_len` may
+exceed the file's block size.
+Offsets within the log block (e.g. `restart_offset`) still include the
+4-byte header. Readers may prefer prefixing the inflation output buffer
+with the 4-byte header.
+Within the deflate container, a variable number of `log_record` describe
+reference changes. The log record format is described below. See ref
+block format (above) for a description of `restart_offset` and
+Because log blocks have no alignment or padding between blocks, readers
+must keep track of the bytes consumed by the inflater to know where the
+next log block begins.
+log record
+Log record keys are structured as:
+ref_name '\0' reverse_int64( update_index )
+where `update_index` is the unique transaction identifier. The
+`update_index` field must be unique within the scope of a `ref_name`.
+See the update transactions section below for further details.
+The `reverse_int64` function inverses the value so lexicographical
+ordering the network byte order encoding sorts the more recent records
+with higher `update_index` values first:
+reverse_int64(int64 t) {
+ return 0xffffffffffffffff - t;
+Log records have a similar starting structure to ref and index records,
+utilizing the same prefix compression scheme applied to the log record
+key described above.
+ varint( prefix_length )
+ varint( (suffix_length << 3) | log_type )
+ suffix
+ log_data {
+ old_id
+ new_id
+ varint( name_length ) name
+ varint( email_length ) email
+ varint( time_seconds )
+ sint16( tz_offset )
+ varint( message_length ) message
+ }?
+Log record entries use `log_type` to indicate what follows:
+* `0x0`: deletion; no log data.
+* `0x1`: standard git reflog data using `log_data` above.
+The `log_type = 0x0` is mostly useful for `git stash drop`, removing an
+entry from the reflog of `refs/stash` in a transaction file (below),
+without needing to rewrite larger files. Readers reading a stack of
+reflogs must treat this as a deletion.
+For `log_type = 0x1`, the `log_data` section follows
+linkgit:git-update-ref[1] logging and includes:
+* two object names (old id, new id)
+* varint string of committer's name
+* varint string of committer's email
+* varint time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1, 1970)
+* 2-byte timezone offset in minutes (signed)
+* varint string of message
+`tz_offset` is the absolute number of minutes from GMT the committer was
+at the time of the update. For example `GMT-0800` is encoded in reftable
+as `sint16(-480)` and `GMT+0230` is `sint16(150)`.
+The committer email does not contain `<` or `>`, it's the value normally
+found between the `<>` in a git commit object header.
+The `message_length` may be 0, in which case there was no message
+supplied for the update.
+Contrary to traditional reflog (which is a file), renames are encoded as
+a combination of ref deletion and ref creation. A deletion is a log
+record with a zero new_id, and a creation is a log record with a zero old_id.
+Reading the log
+Readers accessing the log must first read the footer (below) to
+determine the `log_position`. The first block of the log begins at
+`log_position` bytes since the start of the file. The `log_position` is
+not block aligned.
+Importing logs
+When importing from `$GIT_DIR/logs` writers should globally order all
+log records roughly by timestamp while preserving file order, and assign
+unique, increasing `update_index` values for each log line. Newer log
+records get higher `update_index` values.
+Although an import may write only a single reftable file, the reftable
+file must span many unique `update_index`, as each log line requires its
+own `update_index` to preserve semantics.
+Log index
+The log index stores the log key
+(`refname \0 reverse_int64(update_index)`) for the last log record of
+every log block in the file, supporting bounded-time lookup.
+A log index block must be written if 2 or more log blocks are written to
+the file. If present, the log index appears after the last log block.
+There is no padding used to align the log index to block alignment.
+Log index format is identical to ref index, except the keys are 9 bytes
+longer to include `'\0'` and the 8-byte `reverse_int64(update_index)`.
+Records use `block_position` to refer to the start of a log block.
+Reading the index
+Readers loading the log index must first read the footer (below) to
+obtain `log_index_position`. If not present, the position will be 0.
+After the last block of the file, a file footer is written. It begins
+like the file header, but is extended with additional data.
+ uint64( ref_index_position )
+ uint64( (obj_position << 5) | obj_id_len )
+ uint64( obj_index_position )
+ uint64( log_position )
+ uint64( log_index_position )
+ uint32( CRC-32 of above )
+If a section is missing (e.g. ref index) the corresponding position
+field (e.g. `ref_index_position`) will be 0.
+* `obj_position`: byte position for the first obj block.
+* `obj_id_len`: number of bytes used to abbreviate object names in
+obj blocks.
+* `log_position`: byte position for the first log block.
+* `ref_index_position`: byte position for the start of the ref index.
+* `obj_index_position`: byte position for the start of the obj index.
+* `log_index_position`: byte position for the start of the log index.
+The size of the footer is 68 bytes for version 1, and 72 bytes for
+version 2.
+Reading the footer
+Readers must first read the file start to determine the version
+number. Then they seek to `file_length - FOOTER_LENGTH` to access the
+footer. A trusted external source (such as `stat(2)`) is necessary to
+obtain `file_length`. When reading the footer, readers must verify:
+* 4-byte magic is correct
+* 1-byte version number is recognized
+* 4-byte CRC-32 matches the other 64 bytes (including magic, and
+Once verified, the other fields of the footer can be accessed.
+Empty tables
+A reftable may be empty. In this case, the file starts with a header
+and is immediately followed by a footer.
+Binary search
+Binary search within a block is supported by the `restart_offset` fields
+at the end of the block. Readers can binary search through the restart
+table to locate between which two restart points the sought reference or
+key should appear.
+Each record identified by a `restart_offset` stores the complete key in
+the `suffix` field of the record, making the compare operation during
+binary search straightforward.
+Once a restart point lexicographically before the sought reference has
+been identified, readers can linearly scan through the following record
+entries to locate the sought record, terminating if the current record
+sorts after (and therefore the sought key is not present).
+Restart point selection
+Writers determine the restart points at file creation. The process is
+arbitrary, but every 16 or 64 records is recommended. Every 16 may be
+more suitable for smaller block sizes (4k or 8k), every 64 for larger
+block sizes (64k).
+More frequent restart points reduces prefix compression and increases
+space consumed by the restart table, both of which increase file size.
+Less frequent restart points makes prefix compression more effective,
+decreasing overall file size, with increased penalties for readers
+walking through more records after the binary search step.
+A maximum of `65535` restart points per block is supported.
+Lightweight refs dominate
+The reftable format assumes the vast majority of references are single
+object names valued with common prefixes, such as Gerrit Code Review's
+`refs/changes/` namespace, GitHub's `refs/pulls/` namespace, or many
+lightweight tags in the `refs/tags/` namespace.
+Annotated tags storing the peeled object cost an additional object name per
+Low overhead
+A reftable with very few references (e.g. git.git with 5 heads) is 269
+bytes for reftable, vs. 332 bytes for packed-refs. This supports
+reftable scaling down for transaction logs (below).
+Block size
+For a Gerrit Code Review type repository with many change refs, larger
+block sizes (64 KiB) and less frequent restart points (every 64) yield
+better compression due to more references within the block compressing
+against the prior reference.
+Larger block sizes reduce the index size, as the reftable will require
+fewer blocks to store the same number of references.
+Minimal disk seeks
+Assuming the index block has been loaded into memory, binary searching
+for any single reference requires exactly 1 disk seek to load the
+containing block.
+Scans and lookups dominate
+Scanning all references and lookup by name (or namespace such as
+`refs/heads/`) are the most common activities performed on repositories.
+Object names are stored directly with references to optimize this use case.
+Logs are infrequently read
+Logs are infrequently accessed, but can be large. Deflating log blocks
+saves disk space, with some increased penalty at read time.
+Logs are stored in an isolated section from refs, reducing the burden on
+reference readers that want to ignore logs. Further, historical logs can
+be isolated into log-only files.
+Logs are read backwards
+Logs are frequently accessed backwards (most recent N records for master
+to answer `master@{4}`), so log records are grouped by reference, and
+sorted descending by update index.
+Repository format
+Version 1
+A repository must set its `$GIT_DIR/config` to configure reftable:
+ repositoryformatversion = 1
+ refStorage = reftable
+A collection of reftable files are stored in the `$GIT_DIR/reftable/` directory.
+Their names should have a random element, such that each filename is globally
+unique; this helps avoid spurious failures on Windows, where open files cannot
+be removed or overwritten. It suggested to use
+`${min_update_index}-${max_update_index}-${random}.ref` as a naming convention.
+Log-only files use the `.log` extension, while ref-only and mixed ref
+and log files use `.ref`. extension.
+The stack ordering file is `$GIT_DIR/reftable/tables.list` and lists the
+current files, one per line, in order, from oldest (base) to newest
+(most recent):
+$ cat .git/reftable/tables.list
+Readers must read `$GIT_DIR/reftable/tables.list` to determine which
+files are relevant right now, and search through the stack in reverse
+order (last reftable is examined first).
+Reftable files not listed in `tables.list` may be new (and about to be
+added to the stack by the active writer), or ancient and ready to be
+Backward compatibility
+Older clients should continue to recognize the directory as a git
+repository so they don't look for an enclosing repository in parent
+directories. To this end, a reftable-enabled repository must contain the
+following dummy files
+* `.git/HEAD`, a regular file containing `ref: refs/heads/.invalid`.
+* `.git/refs/`, a directory
+* `.git/refs/heads`, a regular file
+Readers can obtain a consistent snapshot of the reference space by
+1. Open and read the `tables.list` file.
+2. Open each of the reftable files that it mentions.
+3. If any of the files is missing, goto 1.
+4. Read from the now-open files as long as necessary.
+Update transactions
+Although reftables are immutable, mutations are supported by writing a
+new reftable and atomically appending it to the stack:
+1. Acquire `tables.list.lock`.
+2. Read `tables.list` to determine current reftables.
+3. Select `update_index` to be most recent file's
+`max_update_index + 1`.
+4. Prepare temp reftable `tmp_XXXXXX`, including log entries.
+5. Rename `tmp_XXXXXX` to `${update_index}-${update_index}-${random}.ref`.
+6. Copy `tables.list` to `tables.list.lock`, appending file from (5).
+7. Rename `tables.list.lock` to `tables.list`.
+During step 4 the new file's `min_update_index` and `max_update_index`
+are both set to the `update_index` selected by step 3. All log records
+for the transaction use the same `update_index` in their keys. This
+enables later correlation of which references were updated by the same
+Because a single `tables.list.lock` file is used to manage locking, the
+repository is single-threaded for writers. Writers may have to busy-spin
+(with backoff) around creating `tables.list.lock`, for up to an
+acceptable wait period, aborting if the repository is too busy to
+mutate. Application servers wrapped around repositories (e.g. Gerrit
+Code Review) can layer their own lock/wait queue to improve fairness to
+Reference deletions
+Deletion of any reference can be explicitly stored by setting the `type`
+to `0x0` and omitting the `value` field of the `ref_record`. This serves
+as a tombstone, overriding any assertions about the existence of the
+reference from earlier files in the stack.
+A partial stack of reftables can be compacted by merging references
+using a straightforward merge join across reftables, selecting the most
+recent value for output, and omitting deleted references that do not
+appear in remaining, lower reftables.
+A compacted reftable should set its `min_update_index` to the smallest
+of the input files' `min_update_index`, and its `max_update_index`
+likewise to the largest input `max_update_index`.
+For sake of illustration, assume the stack currently consists of
+reftable files (from oldest to newest): A, B, C, and D. The compactor is
+going to compact B and C, leaving A and D alone.
+1. Obtain lock `tables.list.lock` and read the `tables.list` file.
+2. Obtain locks `B.lock` and `C.lock`. Ownership of these locks
+prevents other processes from trying to compact these files.
+3. Release `tables.list.lock`.
+4. Compact `B` and `C` into a temp file
+5. Reacquire lock `tables.list.lock`.
+6. Verify that `B` and `C` are still in the stack, in that order. This
+should always be the case, assuming that other processes are adhering to
+the locking protocol.
+7. Rename `${min_update_index}-${max_update_index}_XXXXXX` to
+8. Write the new stack to `tables.list.lock`, replacing `B` and `C`
+with the file from (4).
+9. Rename `tables.list.lock` to `tables.list`.
+10. Delete `B` and `C`, perhaps after a short sleep to avoid forcing
+readers to backtrack.
+This strategy permits compactions to proceed independently of updates.
+Each reftable (compacted or not) is uniquely identified by its name, so
+open reftables can be cached by their name.
+On windows, and other systems that do not allow deleting or renaming to open
+files, compaction may succeed, but other readers may prevent obsolete tables
+from being deleted.
+On these platforms, the following strategy can be followed: on closing a
+reftable stack, reload `tables.list`, and delete any tables no longer mentioned
+in `tables.list`.
+Irregular program exit may still leave about unused files. In this case, a
+cleanup operation should proceed as follows:
+* take a lock `tables.list.lock` to prevent concurrent modifications
+* refresh the reftable stack, by reading `tables.list`
+* for each `*.ref` file, remove it if
+** it is not mentioned in `tables.list`, and
+** its max update_index is not beyond the max update_index of the stack
+Alternatives considered
+bzip packed-refs
+`bzip2` can significantly shrink a large packed-refs file (e.g. 62 MiB
+compresses to 23 MiB, 37%). However the bzip format does not support
+random access to a single reference. Readers must inflate and discard
+while performing a linear scan.
+Breaking packed-refs into chunks (individually compressing each chunk)
+would reduce the amount of data a reader must inflate, but still leaves
+the problem of indexing chunks to support readers efficiently locating
+the correct chunk.
+Given the compression achieved by reftable's encoding, it does not seem
+necessary to add the complexity of bzip/gzip/zlib.
+Michael Haggerty's alternate format
+Michael Haggerty proposed
+alternate] format to reftable on the Git mailing list. This format uses
+smaller chunks, without the restart table, and avoids block alignment
+with padding. Reflog entries immediately follow each ref, and are thus
+interleaved between refs.
+Performance testing indicates reftable is faster for lookups (51%
+faster, 11.2 usec vs. 5.4 usec), although reftable produces a slightly
+larger file (+ ~3.2%, 28.3M vs 29.2M):
+|format |size |seek cold |seek hot
+|mh-alt |28.3 M |23.4 usec |11.2 usec
+|reftable |29.2 M |19.9 usec |5.4 usec
+JGit Ketch RefTree
+[JGit Ketch]
+an encoding of references inside Git tree objects stored as part of the
+repository's object database.
+The RefTree format adds additional load on the object database storage
+layer (more loose objects, more objects in packs), and relies heavily on
+the packer's delta compression to save space. Namespaces which are flat
+(e.g. thousands of tags in refs/tags) initially create very large loose
+objects, and so RefTree does not address the problem of copying many
+references to modify a handful.
+Flat namespaces are not efficiently searchable in RefTree, as tree
+objects in canonical formatting cannot be binary searched. This fails
+the need to handle a large number of references in a single namespace,
+such as GitHub's `refs/pulls`, or a project with many tags.
+David Turner proposed
+LMDB], as LMDB is lightweight (64k of runtime code) and GPL-compatible
+A downside of LMDB is its reliance on a single C implementation. This
+makes embedding inside JGit (a popular reimplementation of Git)
+difficult, and hoisting onto virtual storage (for JGit DFS) virtually
+A common format that can be supported by all major Git implementations
+(git-core, JGit, libgit2) is strongly preferred.