{ "format-version": "0.1.0", "tool": { "name": "systemkey-tool", "title": "GnuTLS system key tool", "description": "Program to handle system keys.\n", "detail": "Program that allows handling user keys as stored in the system in a uniform way.", "short-usage": "systemkey-tool [options]\nsystemkey-tool --help for usage instructions.\n" }, "sections": [ { "options": [ { "long-option": "debug", "short-option": "d", "description": "Enable debugging", "detail": "Specifies the debug level.", "argument-range": { "min": 0, "max": 9999 }, "argument-type": "number" }, { "long-option": "outfile", "description": "Output file", "argument-type": "string" }, { "long-option": "list", "description": "Lists all stored keys" }, { "long-option": "delete", "description": "Delete the key identified by the given URL", "argument-type": "string", "argument-name": "url" }, { "long-option": "outder", "description": "Use DER format for output keys", "detail": "The output will be in DER format.", "disable-prefix": "no-" } ] } ] }