path: root/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/range.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/range.go')
1 files changed, 628 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/range.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/range.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b4d765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/range.go
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package gc
+import (
+ "cmd/compile/internal/types"
+ "cmd/internal/sys"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+// range
+func typecheckrange(n *Node) {
+ // Typechecking order is important here:
+ // 0. first typecheck range expression (slice/map/chan),
+ // it is evaluated only once and so logically it is not part of the loop.
+ // 1. typecheck produced values,
+ // this part can declare new vars and so it must be typechecked before body,
+ // because body can contain a closure that captures the vars.
+ // 2. decldepth++ to denote loop body.
+ // 3. typecheck body.
+ // 4. decldepth--.
+ typecheckrangeExpr(n)
+ // second half of dance, the first half being typecheckrangeExpr
+ n.SetTypecheck(1)
+ ls := n.List.Slice()
+ for i1, n1 := range ls {
+ if n1.Typecheck() == 0 {
+ ls[i1] = typecheck(ls[i1], ctxExpr|ctxAssign)
+ }
+ }
+ decldepth++
+ typecheckslice(n.Nbody.Slice(), ctxStmt)
+ decldepth--
+func typecheckrangeExpr(n *Node) {
+ n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, ctxExpr)
+ t := n.Right.Type
+ if t == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ // delicate little dance. see typecheckas2
+ ls := n.List.Slice()
+ for i1, n1 := range ls {
+ if n1.Name == nil || n1.Name.Defn != n {
+ ls[i1] = typecheck(ls[i1], ctxExpr|ctxAssign)
+ }
+ }
+ if t.IsPtr() && t.Elem().IsArray() {
+ t = t.Elem()
+ }
+ n.Type = t
+ var t1, t2 *types.Type
+ toomany := false
+ switch t.Etype {
+ default:
+ yyerrorl(n.Pos, "cannot range over %L", n.Right)
+ return
+ t1 = types.Types[TINT]
+ t2 = t.Elem()
+ case TMAP:
+ t1 = t.Key()
+ t2 = t.Elem()
+ case TCHAN:
+ if !t.ChanDir().CanRecv() {
+ yyerrorl(n.Pos, "invalid operation: range %v (receive from send-only type %v)", n.Right, n.Right.Type)
+ return
+ }
+ t1 = t.Elem()
+ t2 = nil
+ if n.List.Len() == 2 {
+ toomany = true
+ }
+ case TSTRING:
+ t1 = types.Types[TINT]
+ t2 = types.Runetype
+ }
+ if n.List.Len() > 2 || toomany {
+ yyerrorl(n.Pos, "too many variables in range")
+ }
+ var v1, v2 *Node
+ if n.List.Len() != 0 {
+ v1 = n.List.First()
+ }
+ if n.List.Len() > 1 {
+ v2 = n.List.Second()
+ }
+ // this is not only an optimization but also a requirement in the spec.
+ // "if the second iteration variable is the blank identifier, the range
+ // clause is equivalent to the same clause with only the first variable
+ // present."
+ if v2.isBlank() {
+ if v1 != nil {
+ n.List.Set1(v1)
+ }
+ v2 = nil
+ }
+ if v1 != nil {
+ if v1.Name != nil && v1.Name.Defn == n {
+ v1.Type = t1
+ } else if v1.Type != nil {
+ if op, why := assignop(t1, v1.Type); op == OXXX {
+ yyerrorl(n.Pos, "cannot assign type %v to %L in range%s", t1, v1, why)
+ }
+ }
+ checkassign(n, v1)
+ }
+ if v2 != nil {
+ if v2.Name != nil && v2.Name.Defn == n {
+ v2.Type = t2
+ } else if v2.Type != nil {
+ if op, why := assignop(t2, v2.Type); op == OXXX {
+ yyerrorl(n.Pos, "cannot assign type %v to %L in range%s", t2, v2, why)
+ }
+ }
+ checkassign(n, v2)
+ }
+func cheapComputableIndex(width int64) bool {
+ switch thearch.LinkArch.Family {
+ // MIPS does not have R+R addressing
+ // Arm64 may lack ability to generate this code in our assembler,
+ // but the architecture supports it.
+ case sys.PPC64, sys.S390X:
+ return width == 1
+ case sys.AMD64, sys.I386, sys.ARM64, sys.ARM:
+ switch width {
+ case 1, 2, 4, 8:
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+// walkrange transforms various forms of ORANGE into
+// simpler forms. The result must be assigned back to n.
+// Node n may also be modified in place, and may also be
+// the returned node.
+func walkrange(n *Node) *Node {
+ if isMapClear(n) {
+ m := n.Right
+ lno := setlineno(m)
+ n = mapClear(m)
+ lineno = lno
+ return n
+ }
+ // variable name conventions:
+ // ohv1, hv1, hv2: hidden (old) val 1, 2
+ // ha, hit: hidden aggregate, iterator
+ // hn, hp: hidden len, pointer
+ // hb: hidden bool
+ // a, v1, v2: not hidden aggregate, val 1, 2
+ t := n.Type
+ a := n.Right
+ lno := setlineno(a)
+ n.Right = nil
+ var v1, v2 *Node
+ l := n.List.Len()
+ if l > 0 {
+ v1 = n.List.First()
+ }
+ if l > 1 {
+ v2 = n.List.Second()
+ }
+ if v2.isBlank() {
+ v2 = nil
+ }
+ if v1.isBlank() && v2 == nil {
+ v1 = nil
+ }
+ if v1 == nil && v2 != nil {
+ Fatalf("walkrange: v2 != nil while v1 == nil")
+ }
+ // n.List has no meaning anymore, clear it
+ // to avoid erroneous processing by racewalk.
+ n.List.Set(nil)
+ var ifGuard *Node
+ translatedLoopOp := OFOR
+ var body []*Node
+ var init []*Node
+ switch t.Etype {
+ default:
+ Fatalf("walkrange")
+ if arrayClear(n, v1, v2, a) {
+ lineno = lno
+ return n
+ }
+ // order.stmt arranged for a copy of the array/slice variable if needed.
+ ha := a
+ hv1 := temp(types.Types[TINT])
+ hn := temp(types.Types[TINT])
+ init = append(init, nod(OAS, hv1, nil))
+ init = append(init, nod(OAS, hn, nod(OLEN, ha, nil)))
+ n.Left = nod(OLT, hv1, hn)
+ n.Right = nod(OAS, hv1, nod(OADD, hv1, nodintconst(1)))
+ // for range ha { body }
+ if v1 == nil {
+ break
+ }
+ // for v1 := range ha { body }
+ if v2 == nil {
+ body = []*Node{nod(OAS, v1, hv1)}
+ break
+ }
+ // for v1, v2 := range ha { body }
+ if cheapComputableIndex(n.Type.Elem().Width) {
+ // v1, v2 = hv1, ha[hv1]
+ tmp := nod(OINDEX, ha, hv1)
+ tmp.SetBounded(true)
+ // Use OAS2 to correctly handle assignments
+ // of the form "v1, a[v1] := range".
+ a := nod(OAS2, nil, nil)
+ a.List.Set2(v1, v2)
+ a.Rlist.Set2(hv1, tmp)
+ body = []*Node{a}
+ break
+ }
+ // TODO(austin): OFORUNTIL is a strange beast, but is
+ // necessary for expressing the control flow we need
+ // while also making "break" and "continue" work. It
+ // would be nice to just lower ORANGE during SSA, but
+ // racewalk needs to see many of the operations
+ // involved in ORANGE's implementation. If racewalk
+ // moves into SSA, consider moving ORANGE into SSA and
+ // eliminating OFORUNTIL.
+ // TODO(austin): OFORUNTIL inhibits bounds-check
+ // elimination on the index variable (see #20711).
+ // Enhance the prove pass to understand this.
+ ifGuard = nod(OIF, nil, nil)
+ ifGuard.Left = nod(OLT, hv1, hn)
+ translatedLoopOp = OFORUNTIL
+ hp := temp(types.NewPtr(n.Type.Elem()))
+ tmp := nod(OINDEX, ha, nodintconst(0))
+ tmp.SetBounded(true)
+ init = append(init, nod(OAS, hp, nod(OADDR, tmp, nil)))
+ // Use OAS2 to correctly handle assignments
+ // of the form "v1, a[v1] := range".
+ a := nod(OAS2, nil, nil)
+ a.List.Set2(v1, v2)
+ a.Rlist.Set2(hv1, nod(ODEREF, hp, nil))
+ body = append(body, a)
+ // Advance pointer as part of the late increment.
+ //
+ // This runs *after* the condition check, so we know
+ // advancing the pointer is safe and won't go past the
+ // end of the allocation.
+ a = nod(OAS, hp, addptr(hp, t.Elem().Width))
+ a = typecheck(a, ctxStmt)
+ n.List.Set1(a)
+ case TMAP:
+ // order.stmt allocated the iterator for us.
+ // we only use a once, so no copy needed.
+ ha := a
+ hit := prealloc[n]
+ th := hit.Type
+ n.Left = nil
+ keysym := th.Field(0).Sym // depends on layout of iterator struct. See reflect.go:hiter
+ elemsym := th.Field(1).Sym // ditto
+ fn := syslook("mapiterinit")
+ fn = substArgTypes(fn, t.Key(), t.Elem(), th)
+ init = append(init, mkcall1(fn, nil, nil, typename(t), ha, nod(OADDR, hit, nil)))
+ n.Left = nod(ONE, nodSym(ODOT, hit, keysym), nodnil())
+ fn = syslook("mapiternext")
+ fn = substArgTypes(fn, th)
+ n.Right = mkcall1(fn, nil, nil, nod(OADDR, hit, nil))
+ key := nodSym(ODOT, hit, keysym)
+ key = nod(ODEREF, key, nil)
+ if v1 == nil {
+ body = nil
+ } else if v2 == nil {
+ body = []*Node{nod(OAS, v1, key)}
+ } else {
+ elem := nodSym(ODOT, hit, elemsym)
+ elem = nod(ODEREF, elem, nil)
+ a := nod(OAS2, nil, nil)
+ a.List.Set2(v1, v2)
+ a.Rlist.Set2(key, elem)
+ body = []*Node{a}
+ }
+ case TCHAN:
+ // order.stmt arranged for a copy of the channel variable.
+ ha := a
+ n.Left = nil
+ hv1 := temp(t.Elem())
+ hv1.SetTypecheck(1)
+ if t.Elem().HasPointers() {
+ init = append(init, nod(OAS, hv1, nil))
+ }
+ hb := temp(types.Types[TBOOL])
+ n.Left = nod(ONE, hb, nodbool(false))
+ a := nod(OAS2RECV, nil, nil)
+ a.SetTypecheck(1)
+ a.List.Set2(hv1, hb)
+ a.Right = nod(ORECV, ha, nil)
+ n.Left.Ninit.Set1(a)
+ if v1 == nil {
+ body = nil
+ } else {
+ body = []*Node{nod(OAS, v1, hv1)}
+ }
+ // Zero hv1. This prevents hv1 from being the sole, inaccessible
+ // reference to an otherwise GC-able value during the next channel receive.
+ // See issue 15281.
+ body = append(body, nod(OAS, hv1, nil))
+ case TSTRING:
+ // Transform string range statements like "for v1, v2 = range a" into
+ //
+ // ha := a
+ // for hv1 := 0; hv1 < len(ha); {
+ // hv1t := hv1
+ // hv2 := rune(ha[hv1])
+ // if hv2 < utf8.RuneSelf {
+ // hv1++
+ // } else {
+ // hv2, hv1 = decoderune(ha, hv1)
+ // }
+ // v1, v2 = hv1t, hv2
+ // // original body
+ // }
+ // order.stmt arranged for a copy of the string variable.
+ ha := a
+ hv1 := temp(types.Types[TINT])
+ hv1t := temp(types.Types[TINT])
+ hv2 := temp(types.Runetype)
+ // hv1 := 0
+ init = append(init, nod(OAS, hv1, nil))
+ // hv1 < len(ha)
+ n.Left = nod(OLT, hv1, nod(OLEN, ha, nil))
+ if v1 != nil {
+ // hv1t = hv1
+ body = append(body, nod(OAS, hv1t, hv1))
+ }
+ // hv2 := rune(ha[hv1])
+ nind := nod(OINDEX, ha, hv1)
+ nind.SetBounded(true)
+ body = append(body, nod(OAS, hv2, conv(nind, types.Runetype)))
+ // if hv2 < utf8.RuneSelf
+ nif := nod(OIF, nil, nil)
+ nif.Left = nod(OLT, hv2, nodintconst(utf8.RuneSelf))
+ // hv1++
+ nif.Nbody.Set1(nod(OAS, hv1, nod(OADD, hv1, nodintconst(1))))
+ // } else {
+ eif := nod(OAS2, nil, nil)
+ nif.Rlist.Set1(eif)
+ // hv2, hv1 = decoderune(ha, hv1)
+ eif.List.Set2(hv2, hv1)
+ fn := syslook("decoderune")
+ eif.Rlist.Set1(mkcall1(fn, fn.Type.Results(), nil, ha, hv1))
+ body = append(body, nif)
+ if v1 != nil {
+ if v2 != nil {
+ // v1, v2 = hv1t, hv2
+ a := nod(OAS2, nil, nil)
+ a.List.Set2(v1, v2)
+ a.Rlist.Set2(hv1t, hv2)
+ body = append(body, a)
+ } else {
+ // v1 = hv1t
+ body = append(body, nod(OAS, v1, hv1t))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ n.Op = translatedLoopOp
+ typecheckslice(init, ctxStmt)
+ if ifGuard != nil {
+ ifGuard.Ninit.Append(init...)
+ ifGuard = typecheck(ifGuard, ctxStmt)
+ } else {
+ n.Ninit.Append(init...)
+ }
+ typecheckslice(n.Left.Ninit.Slice(), ctxStmt)
+ n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
+ n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
+ n.Right = typecheck(n.Right, ctxStmt)
+ typecheckslice(body, ctxStmt)
+ n.Nbody.Prepend(body...)
+ if ifGuard != nil {
+ ifGuard.Nbody.Set1(n)
+ n = ifGuard
+ }
+ n = walkstmt(n)
+ lineno = lno
+ return n
+// isMapClear checks if n is of the form:
+// for k := range m {
+// delete(m, k)
+// }
+// where == for keys of map m is reflexive.
+func isMapClear(n *Node) bool {
+ if Debug.N != 0 || instrumenting {
+ return false
+ }
+ if n.Op != ORANGE || n.Type.Etype != TMAP || n.List.Len() != 1 {
+ return false
+ }
+ k := n.List.First()
+ if k == nil || k.isBlank() {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Require k to be a new variable name.
+ if k.Name == nil || k.Name.Defn != n {
+ return false
+ }
+ if n.Nbody.Len() != 1 {
+ return false
+ }
+ stmt := n.Nbody.First() // only stmt in body
+ if stmt == nil || stmt.Op != ODELETE {
+ return false
+ }
+ m := n.Right
+ if !samesafeexpr(stmt.List.First(), m) || !samesafeexpr(stmt.List.Second(), k) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Keys where equality is not reflexive can not be deleted from maps.
+ if !isreflexive(m.Type.Key()) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+// mapClear constructs a call to runtime.mapclear for the map m.
+func mapClear(m *Node) *Node {
+ t := m.Type
+ // instantiate mapclear(typ *type, hmap map[any]any)
+ fn := syslook("mapclear")
+ fn = substArgTypes(fn, t.Key(), t.Elem())
+ n := mkcall1(fn, nil, nil, typename(t), m)
+ n = typecheck(n, ctxStmt)
+ n = walkstmt(n)
+ return n
+// Lower n into runtime·memclr if possible, for
+// fast zeroing of slices and arrays (issue 5373).
+// Look for instances of
+// for i := range a {
+// a[i] = zero
+// }
+// in which the evaluation of a is side-effect-free.
+// Parameters are as in walkrange: "for v1, v2 = range a".
+func arrayClear(n, v1, v2, a *Node) bool {
+ if Debug.N != 0 || instrumenting {
+ return false
+ }
+ if v1 == nil || v2 != nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if n.Nbody.Len() != 1 || n.Nbody.First() == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ stmt := n.Nbody.First() // only stmt in body
+ if stmt.Op != OAS || stmt.Left.Op != OINDEX {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !samesafeexpr(stmt.Left.Left, a) || !samesafeexpr(stmt.Left.Right, v1) {
+ return false
+ }
+ elemsize := n.Type.Elem().Width
+ if elemsize <= 0 || !isZero(stmt.Right) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Convert to
+ // if len(a) != 0 {
+ // hp = &a[0]
+ // hn = len(a)*sizeof(elem(a))
+ // memclr{NoHeap,Has}Pointers(hp, hn)
+ // i = len(a) - 1
+ // }
+ n.Op = OIF
+ n.Nbody.Set(nil)
+ n.Left = nod(ONE, nod(OLEN, a, nil), nodintconst(0))
+ // hp = &a[0]
+ hp := temp(types.Types[TUNSAFEPTR])
+ tmp := nod(OINDEX, a, nodintconst(0))
+ tmp.SetBounded(true)
+ tmp = nod(OADDR, tmp, nil)
+ tmp = convnop(tmp, types.Types[TUNSAFEPTR])
+ n.Nbody.Append(nod(OAS, hp, tmp))
+ // hn = len(a) * sizeof(elem(a))
+ hn := temp(types.Types[TUINTPTR])
+ tmp = nod(OLEN, a, nil)
+ tmp = nod(OMUL, tmp, nodintconst(elemsize))
+ tmp = conv(tmp, types.Types[TUINTPTR])
+ n.Nbody.Append(nod(OAS, hn, tmp))
+ var fn *Node
+ if a.Type.Elem().HasPointers() {
+ // memclrHasPointers(hp, hn)
+ Curfn.Func.setWBPos(stmt.Pos)
+ fn = mkcall("memclrHasPointers", nil, nil, hp, hn)
+ } else {
+ // memclrNoHeapPointers(hp, hn)
+ fn = mkcall("memclrNoHeapPointers", nil, nil, hp, hn)
+ }
+ n.Nbody.Append(fn)
+ // i = len(a) - 1
+ v1 = nod(OAS, v1, nod(OSUB, nod(OLEN, a, nil), nodintconst(1)))
+ n.Nbody.Append(v1)
+ n.Left = typecheck(n.Left, ctxExpr)
+ n.Left = defaultlit(n.Left, nil)
+ typecheckslice(n.Nbody.Slice(), ctxStmt)
+ n = walkstmt(n)
+ return true
+// addptr returns (*T)(uintptr(p) + n).
+func addptr(p *Node, n int64) *Node {
+ t := p.Type
+ p = nod(OCONVNOP, p, nil)
+ p.Type = types.Types[TUINTPTR]
+ p = nod(OADD, p, nodintconst(n))
+ p = nod(OCONVNOP, p, nil)
+ p.Type = t
+ return p