path: root/src/runtime/stubs.go
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diff --git a/src/runtime/stubs.go b/src/runtime/stubs.go
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+++ b/src/runtime/stubs.go
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+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package runtime
+import "unsafe"
+// Should be a built-in for unsafe.Pointer?
+func add(p unsafe.Pointer, x uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {
+ return unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + x)
+// getg returns the pointer to the current g.
+// The compiler rewrites calls to this function into instructions
+// that fetch the g directly (from TLS or from the dedicated register).
+func getg() *g
+// mcall switches from the g to the g0 stack and invokes fn(g),
+// where g is the goroutine that made the call.
+// mcall saves g's current PC/SP in g->sched so that it can be restored later.
+// It is up to fn to arrange for that later execution, typically by recording
+// g in a data structure, causing something to call ready(g) later.
+// mcall returns to the original goroutine g later, when g has been rescheduled.
+// fn must not return at all; typically it ends by calling schedule, to let the m
+// run other goroutines.
+// mcall can only be called from g stacks (not g0, not gsignal).
+// This must NOT be go:noescape: if fn is a stack-allocated closure,
+// fn puts g on a run queue, and g executes before fn returns, the
+// closure will be invalidated while it is still executing.
+func mcall(fn func(*g))
+// systemstack runs fn on a system stack.
+// If systemstack is called from the per-OS-thread (g0) stack, or
+// if systemstack is called from the signal handling (gsignal) stack,
+// systemstack calls fn directly and returns.
+// Otherwise, systemstack is being called from the limited stack
+// of an ordinary goroutine. In this case, systemstack switches
+// to the per-OS-thread stack, calls fn, and switches back.
+// It is common to use a func literal as the argument, in order
+// to share inputs and outputs with the code around the call
+// to system stack:
+// ... set up y ...
+// systemstack(func() {
+// x = bigcall(y)
+// })
+// ... use x ...
+func systemstack(fn func())
+var badsystemstackMsg = "fatal: systemstack called from unexpected goroutine"
+func badsystemstack() {
+ sp := stringStructOf(&badsystemstackMsg)
+ write(2, sp.str, int32(sp.len))
+// memclrNoHeapPointers clears n bytes starting at ptr.
+// Usually you should use typedmemclr. memclrNoHeapPointers should be
+// used only when the caller knows that *ptr contains no heap pointers
+// because either:
+// *ptr is initialized memory and its type is pointer-free, or
+// *ptr is uninitialized memory (e.g., memory that's being reused
+// for a new allocation) and hence contains only "junk".
+// memclrNoHeapPointers ensures that if ptr is pointer-aligned, and n
+// is a multiple of the pointer size, then any pointer-aligned,
+// pointer-sized portion is cleared atomically. Despite the function
+// name, this is necessary because this function is the underlying
+// implementation of typedmemclr and memclrHasPointers. See the doc of
+// memmove for more details.
+// The (CPU-specific) implementations of this function are in memclr_*.s.
+func memclrNoHeapPointers(ptr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr)
+//go:linkname reflect_memclrNoHeapPointers reflect.memclrNoHeapPointers
+func reflect_memclrNoHeapPointers(ptr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr) {
+ memclrNoHeapPointers(ptr, n)
+// memmove copies n bytes from "from" to "to".
+// memmove ensures that any pointer in "from" is written to "to" with
+// an indivisible write, so that racy reads cannot observe a
+// half-written pointer. This is necessary to prevent the garbage
+// collector from observing invalid pointers, and differs from memmove
+// in unmanaged languages. However, memmove is only required to do
+// this if "from" and "to" may contain pointers, which can only be the
+// case if "from", "to", and "n" are all be word-aligned.
+// Implementations are in memmove_*.s.
+func memmove(to, from unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr)
+//go:linkname reflect_memmove reflect.memmove
+func reflect_memmove(to, from unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr) {
+ memmove(to, from, n)
+// exported value for testing
+var hashLoad = float32(loadFactorNum) / float32(loadFactorDen)
+func fastrand() uint32 {
+ mp := getg().m
+ // Implement xorshift64+: 2 32-bit xorshift sequences added together.
+ // Shift triplet [17,7,16] was calculated as indicated in Marsaglia's
+ // Xorshift paper:
+ // This generator passes the SmallCrush suite, part of TestU01 framework:
+ //
+ s1, s0 := mp.fastrand[0], mp.fastrand[1]
+ s1 ^= s1 << 17
+ s1 = s1 ^ s0 ^ s1>>7 ^ s0>>16
+ mp.fastrand[0], mp.fastrand[1] = s0, s1
+ return s0 + s1
+func fastrandn(n uint32) uint32 {
+ // This is similar to fastrand() % n, but faster.
+ // See
+ return uint32(uint64(fastrand()) * uint64(n) >> 32)
+//go:linkname sync_fastrand sync.fastrand
+func sync_fastrand() uint32 { return fastrand() }
+//go:linkname net_fastrand net.fastrand
+func net_fastrand() uint32 { return fastrand() }
+//go:linkname os_fastrand os.fastrand
+func os_fastrand() uint32 { return fastrand() }
+// in internal/bytealg/equal_*.s
+func memequal(a, b unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) bool
+// noescape hides a pointer from escape analysis. noescape is
+// the identity function but escape analysis doesn't think the
+// output depends on the input. noescape is inlined and currently
+// compiles down to zero instructions.
+func noescape(p unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
+ x := uintptr(p)
+ return unsafe.Pointer(x ^ 0)
+// Not all cgocallback frames are actually cgocallback,
+// so not all have these arguments. Mark them uintptr so that the GC
+// does not misinterpret memory when the arguments are not present.
+// cgocallback is not called from Go, only from crosscall2.
+// This in turn calls cgocallbackg, which is where we'll find
+// pointer-declared arguments.
+func cgocallback(fn, frame, ctxt uintptr)
+func gogo(buf *gobuf)
+func gosave(buf *gobuf)
+func jmpdefer(fv *funcval, argp uintptr)
+func asminit()
+func setg(gg *g)
+func breakpoint()
+// reflectcall calls fn with a copy of the n argument bytes pointed at by arg.
+// After fn returns, reflectcall copies n-retoffset result bytes
+// back into arg+retoffset before returning. If copying result bytes back,
+// the caller should pass the argument frame type as argtype, so that
+// call can execute appropriate write barriers during the copy.
+// Package reflect always passes a frame type. In package runtime,
+// Windows callbacks are the only use of this that copies results
+// back, and those cannot have pointers in their results, so runtime
+// passes nil for the frame type.
+// Package reflect accesses this symbol through a linkname.
+func reflectcall(argtype *_type, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, argsize uint32, retoffset uint32)
+func procyield(cycles uint32)
+type neverCallThisFunction struct{}
+// goexit is the return stub at the top of every goroutine call stack.
+// Each goroutine stack is constructed as if goexit called the
+// goroutine's entry point function, so that when the entry point
+// function returns, it will return to goexit, which will call goexit1
+// to perform the actual exit.
+// This function must never be called directly. Call goexit1 instead.
+// gentraceback assumes that goexit terminates the stack. A direct
+// call on the stack will cause gentraceback to stop walking the stack
+// prematurely and if there is leftover state it may panic.
+func goexit(neverCallThisFunction)
+// publicationBarrier performs a store/store barrier (a "publication"
+// or "export" barrier). Some form of synchronization is required
+// between initializing an object and making that object accessible to
+// another processor. Without synchronization, the initialization
+// writes and the "publication" write may be reordered, allowing the
+// other processor to follow the pointer and observe an uninitialized
+// object. In general, higher-level synchronization should be used,
+// such as locking or an atomic pointer write. publicationBarrier is
+// for when those aren't an option, such as in the implementation of
+// the memory manager.
+// There's no corresponding barrier for the read side because the read
+// side naturally has a data dependency order. All architectures that
+// Go supports or seems likely to ever support automatically enforce
+// data dependency ordering.
+func publicationBarrier()
+// getcallerpc returns the program counter (PC) of its caller's caller.
+// getcallersp returns the stack pointer (SP) of its caller's caller.
+// The implementation may be a compiler intrinsic; there is not
+// necessarily code implementing this on every platform.
+// For example:
+// func f(arg1, arg2, arg3 int) {
+// pc := getcallerpc()
+// sp := getcallersp()
+// }
+// These two lines find the PC and SP immediately following
+// the call to f (where f will return).
+// The call to getcallerpc and getcallersp must be done in the
+// frame being asked about.
+// The result of getcallersp is correct at the time of the return,
+// but it may be invalidated by any subsequent call to a function
+// that might relocate the stack in order to grow or shrink it.
+// A general rule is that the result of getcallersp should be used
+// immediately and can only be passed to nosplit functions.
+func getcallerpc() uintptr
+func getcallersp() uintptr // implemented as an intrinsic on all platforms
+// getclosureptr returns the pointer to the current closure.
+// getclosureptr can only be used in an assignment statement
+// at the entry of a function. Moreover, go:nosplit directive
+// must be specified at the declaration of caller function,
+// so that the function prolog does not clobber the closure register.
+// for example:
+// //go:nosplit
+// func f(arg1, arg2, arg3 int) {
+// dx := getclosureptr()
+// }
+// The compiler rewrites calls to this function into instructions that fetch the
+// pointer from a well-known register (DX on x86 architecture, etc.) directly.
+func getclosureptr() uintptr
+func asmcgocall(fn, arg unsafe.Pointer) int32
+func morestack()
+func morestack_noctxt()
+func rt0_go()
+// return0 is a stub used to return 0 from deferproc.
+// It is called at the very end of deferproc to signal
+// the calling Go function that it should not jump
+// to deferreturn.
+// in asm_*.s
+func return0()
+// in asm_*.s
+// not called directly; definitions here supply type information for traceback.
+func call16(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call32(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call64(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call128(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call256(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call512(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call1024(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call2048(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call4096(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call8192(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call16384(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call32768(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call65536(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call131072(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call262144(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call524288(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call1048576(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call2097152(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call4194304(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call8388608(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call16777216(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call33554432(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call67108864(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call134217728(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call268435456(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call536870912(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func call1073741824(typ, fn, arg unsafe.Pointer, n, retoffset uint32)
+func systemstack_switch()
+// alignUp rounds n up to a multiple of a. a must be a power of 2.
+func alignUp(n, a uintptr) uintptr {
+ return (n + a - 1) &^ (a - 1)
+// alignDown rounds n down to a multiple of a. a must be a power of 2.
+func alignDown(n, a uintptr) uintptr {
+ return n &^ (a - 1)
+// divRoundUp returns ceil(n / a).
+func divRoundUp(n, a uintptr) uintptr {
+ // a is generally a power of two. This will get inlined and
+ // the compiler will optimize the division.
+ return (n + a - 1) / a
+// checkASM reports whether assembly runtime checks have passed.
+func checkASM() bool
+func memequal_varlen(a, b unsafe.Pointer) bool
+// bool2int returns 0 if x is false or 1 if x is true.
+func bool2int(x bool) int {
+ // Avoid branches. In the SSA compiler, this compiles to
+ // exactly what you would want it to.
+ return int(uint8(*(*uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(&x))))
+// abort crashes the runtime in situations where even throw might not
+// work. In general it should do something a debugger will recognize
+// (e.g., an INT3 on x86). A crash in abort is recognized by the
+// signal handler, which will attempt to tear down the runtime
+// immediately.
+func abort()
+// Called from compiled code; declared for vet; do NOT call from Go.
+func gcWriteBarrier()
+func duffzero()
+func duffcopy()
+// Called from linker-generated .initarray; declared for go vet; do NOT call from Go.
+func addmoduledata()