env GO111MODULE=on env sumdb=$GOSUMDB env proxy=$GOPROXY env GOPROXY GONOPROXY GOSUMDB GONOSUMDB env dbname=localhost.localdev/sumdb # disagreeing with the sumdb produces security errors # (this also populates tiles on the sumdb server). cp go.mod.orig go.mod env GOSUMDB=$sumdb' '$proxy/sumdb-wrong ! go get -d rsc.io/quote stderr 'go get: rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2: verifying module: checksum mismatch' stderr 'downloaded: h1:3fEy' stderr 'localhost.localdev/sumdb: h1:wrong' stderr 'SECURITY ERROR\nThis download does NOT match the one reported by the checksum server.' ! go get -d rsc.io/sampler ! go get -d golang.org/x/text go mod edit -require rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2 ! go mod tidy stderr 'go: rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2: verifying go.mod: checksum mismatch' stderr 'SECURITY ERROR\n' rm go.sum # switching to truthful sumdb detects timeline inconsistency cp go.mod.orig go.mod env GOSUMDB=$sumdb ! go get -d rsc.io/fortune stderr 'SECURITY ERROR\ngo.sum database server misbehavior detected!' stderr 'proof of misbehavior:' # removing the cached wrong tree head and cached tiles clears the bad data rm $GOPATH/pkg/sumdb/$dbname/latest go clean -modcache go get -d rsc.io/fortune -- go.mod.orig -- module m