#!/bin/sh # This uses the latest available iOS SDK, which is recommended. # To select a specific SDK, run 'xcodebuild -showsdks' # to see the available SDKs and replace iphoneos with one of them. if [ "$GOARCH" == "arm64" ]; then SDK=iphoneos PLATFORM=ios CLANGARCH="arm64" else SDK=iphonesimulator PLATFORM=ios-simulator CLANGARCH="x86_64" fi SDK_PATH=`xcrun --sdk $SDK --show-sdk-path` export IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=5.1 # cmd/cgo doesn't support llvm-gcc-4.2, so we have to use clang. CLANG=`xcrun --sdk $SDK --find clang` exec "$CLANG" -arch $CLANGARCH -isysroot "$SDK_PATH" -m${PLATFORM}-version-min=10.0 "$@"